#this dadsona is literally me with mustache
littlesihrena · 6 months
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I played Dream Daddy and I simply NEEDED to draw the final image that has me (dad version) and my dear daughter, Amanda
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ddaddsprompts · 7 years
How would dads react to a delicate dadsona? slender, light on their feet and light in general, and bruises easily? (The image popped into my head and I like to think the dads' protective instincts would go through the roof)
🎣Brian : “Woah, watch it. Don’t want you splitting your head open,” Brian’s voice makes you jump, and you nearly topple over from atop the ladder. “Don’t sneak up on me like that,” you huff as you look at him over your shoulder. A lightbulb is clutched in your hand and Brian seems ready to catch you at any moment. “Let me change it. You’re going to fall and hurt yourself,” he insists. You shake your head defiantly and point the lightbulb at him “I’m a grown 40 something year old man. If I can’t change a lightbulb, what does that make me?” You turn back to the socket attached to the ceiling, gingerly unscrewing the bulb. Brian says nothing and watches you nervously. It’s as if you can feel his concern radiating off of him, and even though it’s really sweet of him to worry for you, you wish he let you do more than you were capable of sometimes. “There we go,” you murmur when you’re done. Brian’s hands are firmly clasped to your waist before you can say anything else and he’s lifted you off the ladder. Your feet soon meet with the floor, a small pout coming to your lips.
🏋Craig : “Slowly, slowly. Make sure you’re breathing right. In your nose, out through your mouth. Back straight! Knees not over your toes,” Craig’s voice urges you on as you do squat after squat. “I’m not going to break my back just by doing 25 squats, Craig!” you finally cry out, thighs shaking already. “Just to be careful,” he nods and checks out your figure. There are other gym-goers staring at you two. A bulky, muscular man making sure that a small and too skinny male was doing his squats properly certainly brings amusement to some people. You roll your eyes as you take a 10 second break, stretching out your legs and you plopping onto the floor. “Don’t sit down! Up! Your heart rate is going to slow down too rapidly,” Craig literally drags you up with his hands under your pits. “Hey!” you struggle a little in his arms, embarrassed. “Jeez, Craig. Go do your bench presses or whatever you healthy people do. I’ll be fine,” you insists as you wriggle out of his hands. He gives you a wary look, seeming to consider it for a moment “Nah. I’ll do them after. Go on, next set!”
🐶Damien :“Darling, you mustn’t push yourself! Come on, hand me that and I’ll do it myself,” Damien insists and you give him your “uh, what?” look. “Damien. I’m just rearranging the library books. My section, not yours,” his cheeks turn a bright pink when he mentions that it’s your section of the library, clearly startled by your mention of his “private collection”. “Still! Those books could fall onto you. Let me help,” he hears nothing of your excuses and bustles past you. Damien grabs the books from your hands, putting them on a table nearby and ignoring your protests. He’s tall enough to reach the 5th shelf, but the 6th requires a ladder. Damien turns to you but you’re already up on the movable ladder with a stack of books balanced precariously in your arms. “(Y/N)!” he shrieks as you carefully descend. “Don’t ever do that again! One day you’re going to fall and break your neck,” Damien scolds and takes the books away hurriedly, though still kisses your cheek gently. “Now let me do it, while you can read a book and have a nice cup of the new lemongrass tea I just bought,” his tone is firm and you know there’s no way you’re going to be able to reason with him.
📚Hugo :The tip of your tongue sticks out of your mouth as you measure out Duchess’s food, shaking the pellets into her bowl. The dog herself is sitting patiently at your feet with her tail wagging. “There you go sweetheart,” you put the bowl down. Duchess is soon devouring her meal, crunching and slobbering everywhere. You watch her with a small smile and indulge her in some scratches along the crown of her head. Before you know it, you’re on the ground with Duchess licking your face excitedly. Even the smell of dog food on her breath isn’t revolting enough for you to push her off, she’s far too precious. “Duchess! Off, now!” she turns her head at Hugo’s stern voice. Her fail visibly droops, but she clambers off you. Hugo is already pulling you up by your arm and thrusting you to the sink for you to wash your face. “How many times have I told you not to roughhouse with Duchess? One day you’re going to end up with a concussion or something,” he sighs, tired. “Sorry,” you apologise meekly and kiss his cheek. Hugo’s lips meet yours for a brief moment, his mustache tickling your nose as he pulls away. “Just… avoid it,” he murmurs.
💒Joseph :“Christ!” the moment the word flies out of his lips, you whip your head around and lock eyes with Joseph. “What happened to the banner- Ah!” his own widens at the sight of the cloth that is stretched across the stage. His face turns a little pale and you clamber down the ladder, jogging over to him. “Ernest,” you only need one word to explain. Joseph sighs and his shoulders visibly sagged. “Again, huh?” you nod. He squeezes his eyelids shut for a moment before walking briskly to the ladder, you not far behind. “Here, let me do it,” you try to intercept him but Joseph is already scaling it. One side of the banner soon droops and nearly touches the floor. The youth minister hops off the ladder, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “I’ll do whatever I can, sweetheart. Don’t want to take any chances of you getting hurt- Hey!” you grab the ladder midsentence and somehow manage to run with it in your hands. “Catch me if you can!” you tease.
☕Mat :“How about hanging up the lights?“ “No.” “Carrying the equipment to the kitchen?” “Nope.” “Setting out the furniture?” “Nah.” You try to reason with Mat to let you help out with the renovations of the Coffee Spoon, but so far all you’ve been met with is utter disapproval. “Mat, I’m not some kind of 3 year old child that can’t carry shit,” you throw your hands up into the air and grumble. He turns in the other direction, ticking off a checklist. “I know,” is his simple answer. “Then why won’t you let me help? Can’t I at least arrange flowers?” he shakes his head. “You’re going to accidentally drop the vase and cut yourself, or the thorns on the flowers might do that. also you’re allergic to pollen,” Mat points out as he makes his rounds. “It’s for the best,” he said and you huff, crossing your arms in front of your chest. “This is so fucking annoying…” you murmur and Mat points his pen in your direction. “Now now, no profanities my coffee shop.” You stick out your tongue at him, rolling your eyes at the same time.
🔪Robert : “No matter how many times you beg me to, I am not letting you run through the graveyard with me,“ Robert shakes his head and you whine childishly. “But! It’s! So! Much! Fun!” pouting, you grab his arm before giving it a few good tugs. “It’s too dark, and if we’re getting chased by some cryptid I can’t have you falling down in the midst of it all. And you’re going to get so hurt,” he glares at you. “You could always carry me,” you suggest but still don’t take your hand away as he snorts. “While we’re banging, maybe. Running through a graveyard? Not as much, kid. These dad knees won’t do the job,” a small smile still creeps onto his lips. Robert leans in for a kiss and you oblige, albeit your mood a little ruined. “Then you’re just going to leave me at home?” you mumble. “Sorry.” he whispers against your lips when he pulls away briefly, before pressing himself against you once more.
- mod rae
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mimurus · 7 years
Welp... I played Dream Daddy through. :D Of course I chose Robert, duh. ♥
Gotta say, I agree very much with the “not recommended”-reviews on Steam about this game. 
I mean... The game is very short. For a game that costs $15, I was expecting it to last longer than 3 hours. Not to mention most of the game you really just wanna fast-forward it, as it gets boring af on some points.
Also the character-creation at the beginning where you build your dadsona isn’t very creative. The options are very slim (e.g. you can’t have a beard without mustache, you can only choose one piercing instead like all of them etc), and my dadsona ended up looking like a young teenager rather than old dad. 
I liked the art on the characters, but the backgrounds were...horrible. The backgrounds looked like someone just doodled them in 20 mins and went “this’ll do”. 
Also I kinda didn’t like how...interacting with your daughter had nothing to do with the plot. I mean, there’s no wrong answers to your daughter, it literally doesn’t matter what you say or do to her, in the end it’s always the same. I was kinda hoping there’d be bad things coming up if you chose “wrong” way to answer to her etc.
And the DATES. Hoooooo boy. Three dates, and that’s it? I mean.. it’s like... there’s no depth. I was going for two dates, and then suddenly on a 3rd date we kiss?? It’s like... I didn’t feel like my characters were connecting or getting any closer, in the end of the 3rd date I still felt like they were only just getting to know each other. It all just feels so rushed.
I mean, I played Dramatical Murder; all the characters, all the good and bad endings. And damn that game was fucking amazing and long, and in the end when you end up being a couple with someone, it actually felt like it. It actually felt like the characters have really bonded and gotten to know each other.
Dream Daddy? Not so much. It literally goes from “heh you’re my friend” to “let’s kiss and fuck” in three awfully short dates. 
AND. I chose Robert because he’s so darn adorable. But in the end, did I get him? All my three dates got the rank “S”, which is the best, but still in the end he just says we gotta stay as friends for now, as he isn’t ready for anything serious yet. Like.... WHAT? Wasn’t this game’s purpose to DATE and ROMANCE other dads? I thought we’d become a couple but nope. Just friends for now I guess. Then the credits roll and that’s it. That’s literally it. Wanna play again and choose a different dad? No thanks. 
If there’s something really positive about this game, it’s the queer atmosphere. Like, there’s literally maybe one straight guy in this game?? Even Robert’s daughter says something among the lines “me and my girlfriend”. THAT is the very thing I love about this game.
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littlesihrena · 3 months
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My dream daddy dadsona!! quase joguei do telhado quando perdi o desenho a primeira vez, mas valeu a pena refazer ❤️
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