abnormaldemigod · 1 year
Do I have an attachment??? (help)
Hi guys!!! I'm AbnormalDemigod!!!
A little about me...
Hi, I'm a 16-year-old girl in Alberta Canada. I love cats, Harry Potter, and true crime. I'm an introvert and want to be a fantasy writer later in life.
So, this is my VERY FIRST post and the reason I logged into Tumblr was to connect with people I'll probably never meet and to share my thoughts and stuff.
Anyway...I'm into paranormal ghost-hunting stuff, (if stuff like that makes you uncomfortable, pls don't read this, I don't want to offend anyone. ) Okay so...things have been happening. I first discovered paranormal stuff about two years ago, I thought it was really cool and it definitely wasn't something I had ever been exposed to before. The first time I really thought anything was strange was only a few months ago. I was asleep, it was early morning and I was kind of floating in and out of sleep. I could feel this weight on the side of my bed, almost like someone was sitting there and there was also this strong feminine presence. It wasn't threatening or anything like that, it was just there, almost like it was waiting for something. I don't know how long this went on, but eventually, I heard my mum coming down the hall to wake me up. Just like that the presence was gone but I was kind of annoyed because I'd wanted to sleep peacefully before my mum woke me up: like somewhere in my subconscious I'd registered that there was another person in the room with me. It wasn't until later in the day that I realized how weird that was and I freaked.
I talked to both my siblings and asked them if they'd been watching me sleep for some reason and they both said no. I knew it hadn't been my mum because she'd come into my room almost eminently after the presence left and it wasn't my dad because, as I said, this was a very feminine presence. After thinking it through I reasoned it was either a figment of my imagination or a ghost of some kind. I was hesitant about that theory though. Our house is new, we're the first people to own it and we live in a really quiet neighborhood. I couldn't come up with a logical explanation for a haunting. But when I was little, five or six, we lived in a different house. It was older, maybe fifty years and I have some very vivid, very weird memories of it. When I went to sleep at night, I'd hear these voices. Most of the time they were whispering but sometimes I'd hear my name. I didn't think much of it being only a little kid at the time.
I'd also have these nightmares, like really horrible ones. I was only a little kid and I'd never watched a scary movie in my life. The most vivid, the one I can actually recall a decent amount of memories from happened twice. Both times were identical and part of me knew that it was happening twice but I couldn't alter the dream. In the dream, I was in the basement of our house. It was unfinished with bare concrete walls and a dirty floor with a few lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. More of a prison than a basement really. I was down there with my older brother, (I don't have an older brother so I don't know where my dream self got one from,) and we were playing together. Then, all of a sudden rats started appearing. Like, thousands of them. They came out of the walls, the ceiling, the floor. I screamed as they started biting my feet and my older brother lifted me up to keep me away from them but they started crawling up his legs and biting him too. We were running in circles yelling and more rats just kept on coming. That's all I can remember.
The second dream that really scared me, and the only time I couldn't wake myself up from a dream was about a year later. It was a dark room and there was a huge black cat with green eyes staring at me. It must have been about five feet tall. As a little kid, I often had dreams about cats growing to huge sizes and attacking me. A lot of the time I couldn't even scream. As the black cat came towards me I tried to run away. I knew I was asleep and I wanted to wake up but I couldn't. I remember it feeling like clawing my way through thick black fabric that was suffocating me.
We moved out of that house when I was seven and onto a small acreage. The dreams stopped and I mostly forgot about them. It's only in the last few months that I've started to wonder if there's a paranormal attachment hanging around from that house. After that presence on the edge of my bed not much else happened. Not until we went on a family holiday to a heritage town not far from my grandparent's place. The town consists of old refurbished buildings left over from the start of the 21st century. It was a mining town and after the gold rush ended it turned into a ghost town. Anyway, I and my sister were looking through some of the surviving houses. She was slightly ahead of me and entered first. I had just stepped through the doorway when she looked at me and said, "The door handle was just rattling,"
I couldn't believe it. I'd never had a paranormal phenomenon this clear before. Now, I'm not a very empathetic person. I can't sense what people are feeling very well which makes me a bit socially awkward. But my sister is really attuned to stuff like that. I asked her if she felt anything in the house. Was there a sad or happy feeling? Did she get chills? She wasn't sure, and to be honest she's not really comfortable with that kind of stuff so I didn't want to push her. Still, she did tell me that she couldn't help but think of the people who used to live here. How they're all dead now. She also told me was all she could think about was a little girl playing on the carpet in the living room. She had brown hair and eyes and looked a lot like a woman in a painting in the house. Again, my sister is uncomfortable with this sort of thing but I think its possible for her to be a medium. What do you guy's think?
Throughout the rest of the trip, I couldn't get the door handle out of my head. I couldn't believe that I had been that close to something otherworldly. There were a few times when I'd feel something close by, a sort of presence behind me. I'd also get chills down one side of my body which was really weird. The holiday ended and life continued. About a week after we got back our oven broke. That wasn't an object of concern, it was old and we called an appliance store in the nearest city to us, it's about 45 min away. But they don't service people more than 30 min away so we had to find someone else. We found someone who would come out and on the day he was meant to come to our house to look at the oven, he didn't show up. No phone call, no email, nothing. A few days later we find out he's in the hospital. Well, that was weird but stuff like that happens. About a week later a friend tells us that her uncle fixes appliances in a small town near us. We call him. A meeting is scheduled. It's going to be fine. On the day he is meant to arrive....we get a call telling us that he's in the hospital with blood poisoning. That's two people coming to help us who ended up in the hospital within a month. Is that just really bad luck or is this some sort of negative energy?
Either way, I'm fairly certain that something going on and it's scary. I don't want to bring it up with my parents because they don't believe in this sort of thing.
Anyway, that all I've got for now!!!
See yall later!!!✌️✌️✌️
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bootlegramdomneess · 10 months
Thinking about Sydney's thoughtful Chaos and how Carmy is comfortable with chaotic chaos and how Sydney may be consciously or subconsciously fusing their two personality traits together on the menu?
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Writing HELP please....
Long story short this time.
Guys I seriously need some word #Help!!!
So #editing the first few chapters via spell check.
So I'm describing a word I've sworn I've known Like a Great many times over. It means a very flirty person. Or rather, a "person who leads others on" by flirtatious means kinda not meaning it and are cruel but not cruel like vicious).
This is not the spelling "Vixousous" pronounced "Vic. CO. Sush (cious?)"#AmICrazy
I swear this was. A common-ish word. More if you want to sound fancy. And it wasn't vivacious or vicious, which means stunning or wicked (pretty much in simple terms) and obviously isn't what I'm looking for. I swear I used to hear this word all the time.
Please help me if you know the word I'm looking for and spelling
The sentence (yeah, I know it's long) that it goes to is:
"Although the hearkening boy wouldn’t speak it, the pitter of his heart begged, like a thousand bolts, holding back his trophied chagrin. Choking back the akin pressing gag that to his grinding disgust equally pilfered the vampy vixoucious [(made up version if the word I'm looking for)] intrepidly sly fox. Their hearts weeping, begging for the woman’s vibrato harkened wellbeing to hold strong and admit despite their woes, should any pained distresses take her as their plunder and consume."
(... ;) ;P LOL... Don't ask me the context of the excerpt past this (for now). It would break the illusion. I'll be giving snippets in the future. But I spent too much time on this search. I did realize the character going through spell check I thought this was for Ironically wasn't the one I thought it was, as I have a very "vampy" female character in this early character as well as male. The male character I realized a bit ago was the one I was referring to in this particular sentence. And not the very flirty but kinda flirty just to spitefully be vain in all-female character that briefly is seen in the same scene. Considering the context of that, I did manage to find a different y
Word I could use.
But I still spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME. T re yjng to figure out this stupid word on the internet and always having Vicious or Vivacious come up. Which neither were the terms U was looking for. But it's more a combination if them in a sense, although vivacious doesn't fit as tightly into it. I spent to much time that I wanted to come here and a few other sites just to ask. Cause I'm freaking annoyed.
I did consider leaving it j. The text for alter but may take it out. But I know I'll likely use this term if I can find the one I can looking for [I admit and hey, raise your hands if you're just as horrible as me when it comes to looking up useful stuff and apparently not typing the write things in to find what you need???)
Any who....
Yeah I just wabt to figure it out after all the time spent on figuring it out and just I dunno.
SOMEREASON I'm getti g that whoem Mandela effect vibes here.🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 (not hat I believe in it, just thought it was a. Funny reference and jke that made sense here and way to describe my personal feelings on it).
Although, the hearkening boy wouldn’t speak it, the pitter of his heart begged, like a thousand bolts, holding back his trophied chagrin. Choking back the akin pressing gag that to his grinding disgust equally pilfered the vampy intrepidly sly fox. Their hearts weeping, begging for the woman’s vibrato harkened wellbeing to hold strong and admit despite their woes, should any pained distresses take her as their plunder and consume.
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cupcraft · 1 year
wait this reminds me of a horror game ranboo played or amicrazy
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tinymcfae · 3 years
Hey my witchy friends ( and non witchy) I have a question. Every full moon, and I'm talking every. Full. Moon. And the day before it, I cannot sleep. I even took sleeping pills which knocked me out for maybe 2 hours. Woke up at 3 am wide awake. Does anyone else experience this or am I just crazy? It is currently 8 in the morning and I feel like I've had 2 cups of coffee. I'm usually dead asleep right now.
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its-cold-inside · 3 years
Me: So if I hurt myself will you go away?
Depression: Bitch, It doesn't work that way...
Me: For fuck sake! How come we've lived together for so many years and still can't get along?
Depression: Omg, you are so stupid...
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melcreekart · 3 years
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Pandemic moods Lockdown feelings So cold inside... so "crazy" outside (O afuera is too much)
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atropa45 · 4 years
Confusing Shït post about ages=?
2005 kids... This is a question for you! I am constantly forgetting how old I am... Physically, I am 15. Mentally, I am 20. Emotionally, I am both a tired 4 year old and Aizawa Shouta from MHA. So, when I talk with people, I act like I was born in 2000. And intellectually, I know that I’m 15, born in 2005. Anyone else, or just me?
The worst part is when I forget my actual age, and just use my friends ages as reference. They are all adults!!! And having grown up as the ‘mature’ one in the family, I was treated as the oldest, despite my brother being 2 years older. I grew up being treated as 3 years older than I actually was. The other day, my friend and I were talking about Wattpad, and I calculated having started reading at 13. I said I started reading in 2013, when I was 8. That was an interesting problem to explain. And all my friends forget that I am 15, so they offer to let me come with on their midnight high runs to the McDonalds in the subdivision. Can anyone relate?!
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scarletkate1881 · 4 years
Am I Crazy?
Am I the only female that gets so annoyed by movies and TV shows for making such a big deal out of female bad-asses? Like the Batwoman TV show, or the “girl power” scene from Avengers: Endgame. It just makes me roll my eyes so much how writers/creators are trying so hard to make it seem ultra non-sexist. 
I really don’t know how to describe it, but it annoys me just how gimmicky it feels. Does this make me a feminist? Sexist against my own gender? Or am I making sense to someone? 
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seriedade-oculta · 4 years
Eu ouço a loucura como se ela estivesse do outro lado de uma parede; e posso vê-la, como se esta parede fosse transparente como um véu.
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yaunaz · 4 years
So Ik I’ve been gone for some time, but I’m in the middle of watching S2 of Legacies (which is 1000x better than the first) and I know I’m thinking way too deep about this and way too early BUT I have a strong feeling that in like S4 (if it makes it that far) The writers will sneak Sebastian in as Hope’s love interest. There are few reason why I suspect this.
1) Hope met, got to know, and fell in love with Landon all in the first season, we all know the first loves are not the permanent loves when it comes to the Vampire Diaries Legacy. (Hint Elena and Stephan and literally ever other “first” couple)
2) Maybe this one is a stretch but Landon somewhat reminds me of Stephan, not personality wise, but there’s an air there and it’s really giving me that vibe. Sebastian reminds me of a way more compassionate Damon. And I hate comparisons but I’m only making them because each character is individual and different than the original ones. My comparison is a good sign dw.
3) There’s that irritable tension between Hope and Sebastian that Ik will turn into mild friendship and maybe even confidante, to sexual tension that will slowly develop over time and we’ll gush over their insane romantic connection.....ring a bell?
Now, the show did okay the first season, but I’m not going to lie, if they want to keep the original fans hooked, we are gonna need to see some SERIOUS tension and later fireworks between two unpredictable yet predictable characters at some point. Don’t get me wrong, we don’t want an identical Delena Relationship, but we do want a relationship that takes the cake of the show and you need immense fireworks to do so. With Hope being the lead and already having several love interests, this won’t be hard BUT the reason why I suspect it won’t be anyone of the love interests she has already, is because the writers love a good twist. Also, Sebastian is HOT HOT HOT. Landon isn’t bad but.... 😗
The reason why I say S4 is because we still have to allow time to get past whatever drama they put in between Lizzie/Sebastian and Landon/Hope. We also need that mild build up confidante relationship between Hope and Sebastian. I don’t know if Hope will free her vampire side in this season but I have a feeling that when she does, besides Alaric, Sebastian is gonna be one of the people she’ll have to go to. Sebastian did a very good job at helping MG. Maybe that’s where that confidante relationship will come in, kinda like a Stephan/Caroline vibe. Anyways, I hope this pans out because I can see them together and I think they’d be a key couple to focus on as the story line progresses and we journey through with these teens, into adult hood.
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So eh, does anyone want a Queen B fanfic spinoff thingy where everyone is like 30 and Poppy has a child? Because let me tell you, that's kinda the shit I wanna see lmao. Or perhaps I just like soft Poppy.
Better yet, Poppy adopted a child and the child is now a teen she loves very much. Also idek their ages lmfao.
Oh, and Poppy wouldn't be such a stick-in-her-ass bitch.
Yeah, this was just an idea that popped in my head since Friday and it won't l e a v e.
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i-wont-drown · 4 years
i want to scream
i know being bipolar isn’t an easy thing to live with for any person. what i don’t understand is why it feels like majority of the time your down and you have to fight for a good day. its like every single day i feel like i could cry at any moment but i could also scream at any moment. i’m always stressing myself out for no reason and i always have to tell myself that the whole world isn’t against me and that i’m not a burden. more then any person i know even the insecure ones. i just hate feeling like i’m crazy or like i’m the only person that feels this way. if there was a cure for it i don’t even know if i would want it which makes me feel even crazier
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I like someone that will never like me back. At least I don’t think they will. My mind wanders and makes me think like they like me or will like me. The odds of that are slim, but are they? He seems to talk to me or make me pick on him more than anyone else. Does that mean anything or am I just imagining it.
Most likely I’m imagining it. But am I? I really like him; but it went away but then came back like a vengeance. I like him......I really like him.
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oliviosocosmos-blog · 5 years
Time travel
Ok, so what if time travel is possible and we do it all the time. BUT, what if our physical form/selves cant travel thru time, but mentally or subconsciously we can. And that's what memories, flashbacks, or visions are. And it gets better. What if PTSD and other mental issues that deal with remembering the past are because when your non-physical form went back into that time, a part of it got stuck there. Or even while it was happening, your brain recognized that theres is something significant/traumatizing about that specific moment your experiencing and you leave a piece of yourself there, and that piece keeps calling to the rest of you, and you keep remembering everything.
And it makes sense too because people with PTSD remember everything so vividly, every detail, smells, everything. Soooooo....... yeah theres that.
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Ohh the palm tree picture from February was a massive clue for the release! It was posted February 24 and the album release date is August 23...7 months from each others! We are in the TS7 era!! Taylor tell me I’m not crazy! @taylorswift @taylornation
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