#am listening to love of my life. saw something that makes me want to chew leather.
capfalcon · 2 years
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whiskersz · 4 months
hi! I was curious if you could do a romantic hazbin hotel match up? <3
I go by she/they. im pansexual, im not too picky. I'm originally from Guatemala but was adopted to America! I have dark brown eyes with gold rimmed glasses with peircings; nose stud and septum. Im also a bit on the bigger side like mid size, im super insecure about it due to family problems making it worse. im getting bette with it though! I'm a Pisces and an infp. When first meeting me I'm normally shy and keep to myself and I've been told I look mean since of my resting face but trust I'm the silliest person you have ever met. when getting close; I love to joke around and I tend to be rude and "out of pocket " with my humor. (think of like smiling friends or oneyplays for reference) I love helping others if it be medically or just listening. speaking of medical; I'm almost done with schooling to get my EMT certification! I've always wanted to help someone every since I was a child. since I chose this field I am a real stickler for anatomy and physiology, with that being said I like to point out mistakes in movies which can get super annoying but it's something I love to do. another thing I love is the elder scrolls series! I love the real life inspo it's taken for the game universe, plus I love the medival vibe it has. I also love history such as artifacts from the past, historical texts, and medical practices back then. I'm a huge horror fan as well; scream, thanksgiving, SAW, Halloween, the omen. I love the classics! I also love crime cases too. I also love music,my favorites being malice mizer, gulu gulu, nirvana , ice nine kills, korn,slaughter to prevail and powerwolf! I like gothic type clothing but I normally dress in a baggy shirt and jeans so I feel out of place lol. I'm not the super touchy type (depends on the mood) because it gives me the ick. I'm more of acts of service and quality time type of lover.
I hope this is enough information! I love your writing < 3
Hi!! Thank you for appreciating my writing <3 You’ve got a lot of interests, you seem like a very interesting person!
With that said, I match you with a character that I didn’t think anyone would get matched with...
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I’m going to start from the bottom here and say that Lute is not very touchy either, so she appreciates having a partner who has similar tastes when it comes to love languages. Her primary language is quality time, if you’re spending time with Lute it means she considers you worthy and thinks your relationship is worth devoting effort on.
Her favorite way of spending time together is doing her own thing while you do yours and listening to music in the meantime. Maybe you’ll be studying and she’ll be stretching, or you’ll be researching historical facts while she’s preening her wings.
Speaking of preening, she will only trust you and herself to do it. She’s pretty shy when asking too, pretending not to care but you can clearly see her looking anywhere but in your eyes. She loves the feeling of your hands on her wings, and being taken care of for once.
Going back to your interests and what you two do together, she’s also not opposed to watching your favorite horror movies! I get the feeling that she’d be into those kind of things herself, and would also find crime cases interesting to follow. I can imagine you two making dinner or a simple snack and sitting on the cough together, watching a documentary on the latest crime case while chewing on your food as quietly as possible to hear every word.
Lute is not the type to get intimidated easily, especially if she doesn’t know someone personally, so your quieter and ‘mean-looking’ exterior never really bothered her in the first place. When you two get closer and you eventually reveal the sillier side of your personality, she’s going to reveal hers as well. She loves out of pocket humor and mean jokes, so much so that you joke around with each other this way so often that others will question whether you’re actually lovers or...don’t like each other that much after all.
She also really admires the dedication you put into studying for your certification and the field you’ve decided to deal with. She loves dedicated and diligent people. It’s also almost funny to her how she’s an Exorcist and you’ll be working in the medical field.
Lute finds you very attractive, that is a given with her being your loyal girlfriend. She really wants you to feel confident in how you look and for you to dress how you want without feeling out of place, so she’s going to remind you that she finds you good looking very often, in her own way of course. She might be a little on the meaner side when it comes to these things, but she means well; she’ll straight up tell you to wear something more interesting if she knows you were planning to dress in a more gothic style but settled on the usual baggy clothes. She’ll then remind you that you’re good looking for her and it shouldn’t really matter what your family or others think.
Overall, Lute is a very supportive – still, in her own way - and devoted partner. If you’ve got to the point of being in a relationship with her, nothing can really separate you two from that point on.  
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alex-rambles · 2 years
Novel AI is insane.
Let's look at the L x reader fanfic I wrote with it. It's rather fun. I helped the AI a bit, though.
"I assure you, this wasn't my original plan," L says in his scarily monotone voice. "But I simply cannot wait any longer."
He chews his thumb. "So, Y/N, let's assess your situation."
Y/N blinks at him for a second before she realizes he's talking to her. She swallows. "Uh…okay?"
L crosses the room and stands directly in front of her. "By the way, this room is soundproof, which is why you aren't gagged. But don't scream, it's terribly irksome."
Y/N pulls herself together and straightens her posture. Then she looks at L like he's a crazy person. "How did you get into my house? My mom was just here!"
L gives her an unimpressed look. "Did you not realize I have been watching you? Really, I thought you were a bit smarter than that."
"This isn't funny! You can't keep doing this! You're being really creepy!" Y/N stomps her foot as she speaks.
L smiles, and it's terrifying on him. "I'm 'creepy?'" He steps forward again. "I suppose that's fair. But remember you are tied to a chair..."
He reaches out and grabs her hair, then yanks so hard she cries out. Her head snaps back, and it's all Y/N can do to clutch the chair with her hands. The pain shoots up into her neck and makes her dizzy.
She licks her lips and tries not to cry. She takes a deep breath and clings to the chair. "What do you want from me?"
L chuckles softly. "You could say I want what every man wants: A good time." His eyes gleam. "Now tell me, how does one tie someone to a chair?"
"Pretend you're tying yourself down."
"Okay…" Y/N bites her lip and closes her eyes. When she opens them again, L has untied her and is standing behind her. Y/N turns around slowly, trying not to move too much.
L cups her cheek. "That's right, Y/N," he purrs. His voice seems to have an excited edge. "Relax."
Y/N's eyes go wide, and she whips her head away from L. "No, no, no, no, please, stop, I'm sorry, I'll do anything-"
"Yes, yes, of course, anything," L says in a soft voice, moving closer until their bodies touch. "I know you're scared, but there's nothing to be afraid of. I am going to make you feel alive again."
He whispers in her ear. "Because you're the first person I've ever loved, Y/N."
The words send shivers through Y/N. She doesn't trust herself to speak, so she just stares at L.
"I'm sorry for ripping you away from the world."
"How did you kidnap me?!" Y/N yells. She twists in his grip and tries to kick him. It's pathetic, but she's desperate.
"Hush now, Y/N." L holds her firmly against him. "I'll explain. I'm the world's greatest detective, so naturally I have access to sedatives."
His hand moves from her face to her throat, and a moment later Y/N feels like she's floating.
"You wouldn't have been able to escape me anyway. I was too clever for you."
His voice sounds distant in her ears. Y/N starts to drift off.
"Don't fall asleep yet," L says. "I haven't told you everything."
"Then don't choke me," Y/N replies dazedly.
"I'm not choking you," L responds gently. "I'm giving you a gift."
Y/N closes her eyes. A moment later, when she opens them again, he's speaking to her again. "Y/N, are you listening?"
She nods.
"Good. I am about to tell you the story of your life."
She stares up at him. "My life?"
L nods. "Yes, Y/N. That's exactly what I said."
Y/N swallows. "All right. Tell me."
L takes hold of her chin. "As I was saying, I am the world's greatest detective. Naturally, my primary job is to solve mysteries. And one day, while working on a particularly tricky case, I met a girl who intrigued me. I couldn't figure out why until I looked closer."
"And that girl is you, sweet Y/N." His tone is gentle.
Y/N nods again.
"To be honest, I didn't expect to see you again, but I couldn't help myself. One night I saw you walking through the streets, and I followed you. I watched you enter a theater and sit quietly in the dark. There was something about you...your perfect beauty, your intelligence, your confidence. I knew I had to find you again."
Tears fill the girl's eyes. "I knew I was being stalked! I hate you! Let me go!"
L laughs. God, he seems so much more alive than he was when you knew him. "Oh, cupcake, you're too late. I already found you." He kisses her forehead. "You don't need to fear me, Y/N. Not anymore." He puts his finger under her chin and lifts her head. He looks into her eyes. "Your life is mine now."
"Never will another man lay eyes on you. You are safe from every bad person, with me. You'll learn to love me."
Y/N shakes her head frantically. "I don't want you! I'm leaving! Please! Get me out of here!"
L sighs and lets her go. He walks over to the window, where he begins to untie her. "I see you're still feisty."
Y/N glares at him. "I hate you!"
"Oh, I know. But that's okay. It won't take long for you to love me too."
Y/N's jaw drops open. "Is that even possible?!"
He's sick. But she listens, waiting for his response.
L shakes his head. "It is always possible. I'm the world's greatest detective. I can make anything happen."
Y/N keeps her gaze locked on L as he finishes untying her. "Okay, well, I guess you're gonna have to prove it to me."
L smiles and sits down next to her.
What even is this? He's so ooc it hurts. Still, the grammar and plot was excellent for an AI.
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lokiprompts · 2 years
Second Date Update - Loki x GN Reader
Summary: I listened to a thousand of these radio 'second date updates' during my road trip this weekend. This is loosely based off the radio show, Brooke & Jeffrey in the morning. Freaking hilarious. Highly recommend.
Words: ~4k
Warnings: None, really.
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            You were desperate. Truly desperate.
            You had met this dream man while getting a cup of coffee at the public café’ located at the bottom floor of Stark Tower. It was the ‘meet cute’ moment of your Rom Com fantasies come to life. Your toxic trait of procrastination and running late for work, yet still having time to grab a cup of coffee led you, well crashed you, into a broad chest. The person you crashed into cursed in a language you didn’t understand as their coffee soaked their shirt and you.
            As soon as you got your senses back, all your eyes saw was the giant stain on the person’s shirt and your frazzled nature took over. Quickly, you grabbed some napkins from a nearby table and started to quickly wipe down their shirt, your guilt causing you to not even care about possibly crossing any boundaries with a stranger.
            The clearing of a throat caused you to stop your ministrations and you looked up to see the person you had bumped into. Your eyes locked on his blue ones and immediately you were enamored. He was beautiful. Dark, luscious locks cascaded around the tops of his broad shoulders. His facial features were sharp and regal. Oh, and he was tall. You barely reached his shoulders, and you couldn’t help but think about climbing him like the sexy tree he was. This was the most beautiful man, no person, you had ever, EVER laid eyes on. Something about him felt so familiar, yet you couldn’t place it.
            He stared down at you with a mixture of annoyance and curiosity but didn’t say anything. In that moment, you realized your hands were still resting on his chest, napkins bunched in your palms. You jerked your hand back and you swore, you saw his lips twitch in a slight frown.
            “I am so, so sorry for that. I am running late, and I wasn’t paying attention. Let me buy you another coffee and give you some money for your dry-cleaning bill. It’s the least I can do.” You chewed your lower lip anxiously. You didn’t want this little engagement to end.
            “Money for my shirt isn’t necessary, Darling. I would love to. take you up on your offer for more coffee, but if I recall, you said you were running late?” His voice deep, and smooth like honey. The endearment made your cheeks flush.
            “I figured I am already late. I doubt a few more minutes will make much of a difference.”
            He grinned, and you swore you thought your knees were going to give out, “Mischievous. I like it. Lead the way then, Darling.”  You nodded enthusiastically, and got in line, him following behind you. The light chuckle that rumbled in his chest made your heart flutter.
            As you stepped in line, you noticed that people parted like the Red Sea for this man. He must be important, you thought. Maybe a high-level person in the Stark Tower. Then, you realized, you didn’t even know his name.
            Turning to him while waiting in line, you offered him your hand, “I am Y/N, by the way. And you are?”
            Your eyes were bright, but his was filled with confusion. Maybe he was offended you didn’t know him? But that flicker of emotion only lasted for a second, before it was replaced with a soft, and tender smile.
            “Ian. My name is Ian.” He took your hand in his as if to shake it, but instead he twisted it slightly and placed the back of your hand against his soft lips. A flustered squeak escaped you and you felt him huff a laugh against your skin. Soon after, you were at the front of the line, and he placed his order in addition to yours. The staff looked stiff, intimidated, but he looked at you with such an innocent twinkle in his eyes that you did not think anything of it. It just affirmed more that he was likely a head honcho in the building that commands respect wherever he goes.
            After you paid, you handed him his coffee, still frowning at his stained shirt, “I still feel so awful about that.”
            He took the coffee from you, your fingers brushing during the exchange. It felt like lighting coursing through your veins, “I swear, it is nothing that can’t be fixed. But, if you truly wish to make it up to me, how about we meet again?”
            Your heart was thrumming in your chest. He wanted to see you again! You were practically beaming up at him as you excitedly asked for his number, saying you would text him to scheduling something. Again, he looked lost, but only for a split second before he smiled at you.
            “I am afraid I have a brand-new device and I don’t recall the number off the top of my head. Can I have your contact information instead?” At first, you felt a bit deflated. It just made you think that he was planning on ghosting you. But why would he even ask for your number then? Your heart was urging you to take a chance.
            Quickly, you went into your bag that you had slung over your shoulder and pulled out a pen. You reached for his hand and wrote your number down in the palm of his hand. His hand engulfed yours and it made your face hot.
            “There.”  You happily chirped, “I hope to hear from you soon.” The way he looked down at his palm as you walked away, told you that you would be hearing from him.
            But you didn’t.
At least not for a few days and you were starting to lose hope, thinking this gorgeous man would never follow up with you until you heard a ding on your phone. It was a text from an unknown number and as soon as you read it was from Ian, butterflies erupted in your stomach, and you were replying at lightning-fast speed. Dating games, be damned.
            You made plans with Ian to meet again at the coffee shop at Stark Towers. At first, you thought it was kind of odd, assuming he would want to take you somewhere else, like to dinner maybe, but his cheeky reasoning of ‘returning to the scene of the crime’ soothed your worries. You agreed to meet a few days later, exchanging short, but simple texts in-between, and before you knew it, it was date day.
            And to say it went amazing was an understatement. He was dressed sharp, in an all-black suit. Thankfully, you had dressed up a bit too, and so you didn’t feel like a complete fool. The way he smiled when he laid eyes on you, made you temporarily forget to breathe. He looked at you like you were his favorite thing in the world. It was intense, but it felt right.
            This time, he bought your coffee and a pastry for the both of you. Both of you sat down within the café and every once and awhile, you noticed all eyes were on you. Again, you assumed it was because of his incredibly good looks and his status within the Tower. Every once and awhile, you caught him making eye contact with one of the on lookers, but he always quickly rediverted his attention back to you. Conversation flowed easily between the two and you did find out that he worked in the tower, in a high-level position.
            “But that is confidential,” He grinned. It was believable, so you dropped it. You talked for hours, and you found you had more in common than any other date you ever had. Your love for books, your tendency for mischief, and an older sibling that drives you up the wall most days. There were a lot of sweet, small smiles and bubbled giggles. Every chance he got, Ian would gingerly touch you; either by holding your hand or tracing light trails on your skin with his fingertips. They left goosebumps in their wake, and you knew you wanted him to keep touching you.
            But you stomach had other ideas. It grumbled as the fact you hadn’t eaten anything substantial besides a pastry for several hours.
            Frowning, you said, “I am afraid, I must end our little date. I need to grab dinner, unless you would like to join me?” Your frown shifted into an expression of hopefulness, but he did not mirror it back to you.
            “I am sorry, Darling, but I have other duties I must attend to. Let me walk you out.” You were disappointed and confused. You thought the date was going well, why wouldn’t he want to spend more time with you? The games of your mind were spinning webs of doubt, but you wanted to believe him. lan walked you to the doors of the Tower but did not step outside. He reached for your hand, and you let him hold it. Awkwardly, you shifted back and forth, not sure how to end your date with your dream man. That was until he was pulling you close, his lips hovering over yours. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating, drawing you in.
            “May I?” He breathlessly asked you and you just nodded. In a flash, his mouth was on yours, but even though it started quickly, it was gentle and unhurried. It was a perfect first kiss to end a perfect first date.
            Or so you thought.
            After a shy, flushed farewell, you left the tower with promises to set up another date soon, but you never heard from Ian. You had reached out to him a few times, even facing your introverted nature to pick up the phone and call him. It went to his voicemail and like his texts, it went unanswered.
            So, that is how you found yourself on a national morning radio show, Brock and Gina in the morning, for their ‘Second Date Update’ segment. They get in touch with your date and, essentially, find out why you were ghosted. Their producers prepare you for the strong possibility that you will hear something you don’t want to, but those rare love stories that survive the call propelled you forward.
            You had just finished explaining your side of the date to the radio crew and of course, they were chiming in with their opinions.
            “He sounds so great,” Gina chirped on the line, always the optimist.
            “Maybe he is married. Did you see a ring? It’s weird he didn’t even leave the tower with you. It’s like he’s hiding you.” Alyson added. She wasn’t a lead to the show, but she was vital none the less.
            “Ohh, maybe he is an Avenger!!” Joe’s laugh rang through your phone, and you couldn’t help but laugh along with him. The whole crew was hilarious, but you found him the funniest. His laugh was contagious.
            “I doubt that highly,” You added. There was no way that an Avenger would be interested in you, an average person, but he didn’t resemble any of the team that you knew.
            “Maybe he’s new? Or he works for S.H.I.E.L.D? It would explain why he hasn’t responded to you. He’s on a mission.” Brock said. You mulled it over. It was a solid explanation since he was so secretive about what he did for a living in the Tower. You hoped it was that simple and not that your dream man was rejecting you.
            “We are going to take a quick break and then we are going to get Ian on the line and try and get you a second date!” Brock said, before placing you on hold. Music played for what felt like forever, until you were put on the line again. You were told to be quiet on the line until Brock introduced you. It was sneaky, being on the other line listening, but you had to know.
            They dialed Ian’s number, and it rang, and rang, until that familiar voice answered. “Hello?” Still smooth as honey.
            “Is this Ian?” Brock asked.
            There was a long, pause, enough to prompt a, “are you there?” from Brock.
            “Yes, this is Ian. Who is this? How did you get this number? This is a private line.” The irritation was radiating through the phone and for a moment, you felt bad about contacting him this way.
            “Well, I am Brock. I am part of a morning radio show called Brock and Gina in the morning. We are doing a segment called ‘The Second Date Update’. It helps people who were ghosted, get in touch with their date and find out why they aren’t calling them back.” After his explanation, the rest of the radio show team said their hellos on the phone.   
            “Ghosted?” Ian asked.
            “It’s when you go out with someone and then you stop responding to them, with no explanation.” Gina said.
            “That still doesn’t explain how you got my phone number,” Ian growled. This wasn’t turning out how you hoped, and the conversation just started.
            “Well, if anything that means that someone likes you. Likes you quite a bit. Does the name Y/N ring a bell?”
            There was another long pause before Ian finally answered, “Yes, it does.” His voice was monotone and gave you no leads to what he was thinking or feeling. It was unsettling, to say the least.
            “They had told us about how you met, your date, and they seem quite taken by you.” Gina said,
            “Yeah, they really like you, bro! And that accent! No wonder why they found you so charming.” Joe giggled through the phone and when you heard Loki chuckle as well, you let out a breath of relief you didn’t know you were holding in.
            “All this call means is that they really liked you and would like to see you again.”
            Ian sighed, “I don’t think that is possible.”
            “Why is that?” Brock asked.
            “It’s complicated.” Ian’s answer was simple, and his tone left no room for argument. But this was Brock and Gina in the morning. Of course, they were going to argue.
            “Well, let’s talk about your date first. Did you like them?” Gina said, desperately trying to keep Ian on the line.
            “Oh, of course.” Hearing Ian’s quick response gave you just a breath of hope, “They are beautiful. Breathtaking, really. Our date was incredible. It was the best few hours I have had in a very, very long time.” You were surprised he was so freely giving out this information when he was so hesitant in the beginning. Maybe he was feeling just as lost as you.
            “It sounds like you like them, just as much as they like you.” Joe added.
            Ian sighed, “I do, but it just wouldn’t work out. There are too many…. complications.”
            “Are you married?” Alyson butted in. Her bluntness always made you gasp, but it got the job done.
            Ian scoffed, and it made your lip twitch in a small smile, “No, of course not.”
            “Then what’s the deal, bro? They like you; you like them. Why aren’t you calling them back?”
            “I don’t think I should say.” You chewed your lip on the other line, desperate to hear an answer and fighting every impulse to jump into the conversation.
            “Well, whenever anyone calls into our show, they know they might hear things they don’t want to hear. They are prepared for that. They deserve to hear the truth.” Brock bargained.
            That seemed to resonate with Ian a bit as you heard him shift a bit on the phone, letting out a long sigh, “I am not who I said I am and I am afraid, there is no coming back from that lie.”
            “Well, let us help you. Who are you then? You would be surprised how much people are able to forgive with a little explanation.” Gina was always the voice of reason, and you loved her for it.
            “Are you an Avenger, bro?!” Joe excitedly asked and Ian groaned on the other line.
            “Sort of.” The shocked responses from the radio team were not surprising, and you had to cover your own mouth to keep your gasp from echoing into the phone.
            “So, is that why you weren’t really texting them back, or calling? Were you on missions and couldn’t reach out?” Alyson pried.
            “No, unfortunately not.” Ian laughed a bit, and it made your heart swell. You were quickly falling for that laugh, “I am not that well versed in the device. I had to beg Stark to even get me one.” Ah, so that is why he wanted your number. He didn’t even have one.
            Apparently, that sentence sent Brock into overdrive. “Wait, you didn’t have a phone? And you work for Tony Stark, like ‘thee’ Tony Stark.”
            “Hey, hey, now,” Gina interrupted, “Not everyone carries a cell phone and that is perfectly fine!”
            “But that doesn’t explain how weird it was that he brought them back to the Tower again for another date. Or why they wouldn’t leave.” Alyson said, stirring the pot.
            Joe laughed, “No, no, Y/N had explained that he wanted to bring it back to when they first met. It’s not like he’s trapped in the tower or something!”
            There was yet another, long and uncomfortable pause from Ian. The whole radio crew was silent before Brock bravely asked the question on everyone’s minds.
            “….Are you…are you trapped in the Tower, Ian?” You could hear a whispered, ‘oh my god’ from Alyson in the background. By now, you likely had carved a hole in the floor from all your pacing in your living room. Your hand ached from how tightly you clutched your cell phone.
            “It is not an ideal situation.”
            A chorus of gasps, oh my gods, and wow’s rang amongst the radio crew. There, in your living room, you stood still. Frozen in place. There were still so many unanswered questions. If he was ‘sort of’ an Avenger, why would he be trapped in the Tower? Soon, you heard Brock asking that very question over the phone line.
            “I never said I was an Avenger. I am…” Ian paused again, “I have an arrangement with them and unfortunately part of that arrangement means I cannot leave.”
            “So. you’re their prisoner.” Brock continued.
            “Like I said, it’s complicated.”
            Brock wasn’t going to let this go. This was viral level radio, so he pressed on, “Y/N deserves a straight answer. Stop speaking in riddles.”
            Ian sighed, “I know they do…. I…I just don’t know how to tell them.”
            This was the moment. You could practically hear Brock’s grin over the phone, “Well, what a better time than now? This is the part of the segment where I let you know that Y/N has been on the other line listening and they want to talk to you.”
            “What?!” Ian yelled on the phone. His deep voice yelling sent involuntary shivers down your spine.
            “Hi, Ian.” You shyly said, not sure what to say despite the frantic questions causing havoc in your mind.
            “He-hello, Darling,” Ian stammered, trying to convey a façade of calm and collectiveness, even though he just yelled just a few moments ago. It warmed your heart, hearing him still call you ‘Darling’ even though you tricked him.
            “I am sorry for contacting you this way, but you weren’t responding to me. I had such a great time with you, and I was so confused when you didn’t respond back to me. Ian…I…” You let out a long breath, not even sure how to continue, but he finished for you.
            “My name is not Ian.”
            “What?” You asked. All the gasps of all the radio show hosts were fading into the background, “What do you mean your name isn’t Ian?”
            “My name…” He sighed, seemingly trying to figure out what to say, “is Loki. Of Asgard.” He added his home realm attached his name, as if he wasn’t wildly famous. How did you not see it before? You weren’t in the U.S.A. during the Battle of New York, nor were you one for swallowing tragedy via the news. Your heart was too fragile for this cruel world, yet there were some things you did know. Some good things. Like how Loki was mind controlled during the Battle of New York. How he has since devoted his life to helping the Avengers. The fact that you didn’t know who he was caused embarrassment to flood you to your very soul.
            You were so lost in your thoughts that you hadn’t realized you were agonizing quiet, until Loki’s voice pulled you back to reality, “Darling, say something.”
            “Why did you lie to me, Loki?” Your voice was so small, and it broke his heart. You didn’t deserve this.
            “I admit, the whole ordeal was because I was being selfish. When you ran into me at the café, you treated me like everyone else. I wasn’t a war criminal. I wasn’t a prisoner. I was just a regular person and when you looked at me…Oh, Darling, when you looked at me, you took my breath away.  Then, when you didn’t recognize me, I couldn’t resist the opportunity for a fresh start. After our date, I didn’t know how to recover from that. I couldn’t tell you that I am…that I am a monster.” Loki choked out those last few words like they were poison.
            “You’re not a monster, Loki.” The radio crew stayed silent, and the heaviness hung in the air and traveled between the phone lines.
            “How can you know that? You barely know me.”
            His question was understandable, so you tried to explain the unexplainable, “I know, we don’t really know each other. But I just have a feeling about you, Loki. The conversations we had and the time we spent together has been the happiest I have been in a long time, too. I am just asking you to give it a chance.”
            There was a long silence and now you knew how Loki felt, waiting for you to respond to his spilled-out heart, “You still wish to see me?”
            You couldn’t help but smile wide. You hoped he could hear it through the phone. “Of course, I do.”
            “Even with knowing who I am? What I have done?” His tone told you that he didn’t believe it.
            “There’s nothing I would want more.”
            “So, with that,” Brock finally chimed in, his loud voice interrupting your sweet moment, “Ian, I mean Loki, I would love to offer you a second date with Y/N. We will pay for it!”
            Loki’s lighthearted laugh washed over you like a balm. Tears pricked at your eyes, you were so overwhelmed with happiness, “I am afraid, we still have the limitation of the Tower. I cannot leave as of yet.”
            “Well, we can get you takeout! What do you say? You have to say yes!” Brock asked.
            “Yes, yes, of course, yes!” Loki’s words were just as watery and emotional as yours, and you knew your second date couldn’t come soon enough.
Unicorns 🦄:
@theawkwardavenger @nonsensicalobsessions @purplekitten30 @lostgreekgod @roguemetalmaster13 @huntress-artemiss @midnights-ramblings @xorpsbane @ravenmaileyy @vbecker100 @lazulifoster @winterfrostsarmyy @ada17h @lokisprettygirl22 @theaudacitytowrite @lokis-little-love @themorningsunshine @strawberry-canyon @howdidurhammergrowchris @michelleleewise @80strashbag @roseeatta @asgardianprincess1050 @jaspearl31 @ozymdias
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liveyourlastbreath · 2 years
Neil Josten’s adventures in Exy as an (unwilling) Amputee (PT4)
Welcome to book two things are only getting worse from here. Also sorry about this taking so long, I'm not gonna pull an a03 level excuse, this series is just hard to write as I have to write it as I read the book and ya girl has bad adhd
Sunday morning, Neil wakes up to pain shooting up his missing leg. A strange sensation of throbbing and burning racing around in bones that had long since rotten down to dust
Seth’s death is a blissful distraction, something Neil clings onto to push the pain down
Wymack tries to get the team together that afternoon, which ends in a flat out brawl between Matt and Andrew
Neil knows better than to stand against Andrew, but when the blonde's knives are out and aimed at Matt's eyes he steps in, hands out to the both of them but not touching
"Neil, Neil, Neil," Andrew grind. "Surely you're not this dumb?" It hurt to stand but the idea of loosing Matt at the start of the season was enough to keep him steady.
"Andrew." He wasn't ordering him around, threatening him, Neil was simply asking him to stop. And Andrew listened.
By Wednesday the pains had subsided and he was able to deal with the upperclassmens confused glances with a clear mind
"Last I checked Andrew doesn't like you.""He doesnt." And Nicky butts in, "we needed someone to match Kevin don't worry about it" and then gets told off by coach
Pratice starts happening and then when Wymack gets the phone call the conversation is as follows: "Andrew Joseph Minyard, what the flying fuck have you done this time?" "It wasn't me it was the one legged striker!"
Blatent Harrasment, actually just bullying
Life goes on as normal, honestly the beginning of the Raven King is a bunch of exposition we already know
Allison shows up for the game Friday, the line gets switched up, and Neil highly doubts it’s gonna end well. Especially with Andrew going a full game without his meds.
Also in case you’re wondering, Neil brings both legs to his games. He always has his black slip on so changing the bottom half of his gear out is pretty easy. If he ever has to change the slip, he’ll do that in the stall. He doesn’t ever play on his day leg, the blade runner is a lot more comfortable and is better to run with on the court.
When Neil asks Kevin for advice against the Terrapins, Kevin’s response is. “I want you dead on your foot by the time the buzzer rings.” Just little changes like that happen a lot because everyone in this story is in fact a dickwipe
Herrera, Neil’s mark for that game, keeps making comments about him and his leg. At one point Herrera “accidently” slams his racket into Neil’s leg and it sends vibrations all the way up his stump. Then Neil is given permission to destroy him and does just that.
Ya know that cool move he does and nearly gets killed in the process? Yeah imagine that, but he slips his blade runner in there at just the right angle to send Herrera flying into the wall. He doesn’t get carded. Instead lights the goal up red and a triumphant smile breaks across his face.
At half time Kevin is chewing Neil out, ya know, “Injuries are not joke-“ “Oh my god really? *looks down at his leg* woah crazy, would have never guessed that one.”
Once again the story goes on, Neil feels joy for the first time, gets a phone again and flashes back to the beach party gone horribly wrong, same as the cannon series
Also can we just stop and talk about the phone scene in the locker rooms? It has to be one of my favorites, not gonna lie. It's just so them ya know? Like just the dialogue, the subtle "do we need to" before diving into their game again. AGH I love it soso much
"your parents are dead, you are not fine, and nothing is going to be okay. This is not news to you. But from now until May you are still Neil Josten and I am still the man who said he would keep you alive."
The USC game happens, and THEN DUN DUN DUNNN the Fall Banquet is here!!what!!a!!fun!!time!!
It's at moments like these Neil is thankful for his missing leg. Riko last saw him with two functioning appendages, and on top of the hair dye, contacts, and time apart, he could almost find hope in the fact Riko wouldn't recognize him
As the teams are sat across from each other, get talking, and this conversation happens:
Andrew: I'm Andrew. We haven't met yet."
Jean: For that I am grateful. The Foxes as a whole are an embarrassment to Class I Exy, but your existence is unforgivable. A goalkeeper who doesn't care if he is scored on has no right to touch a racquet. You and Josten both should stay on the sidelines like the publicity stunts you are."
Renee: That's a bit out of line, don't you think?
Raven 1: If someone like that replaced you in goal, you must be downright terrible. I can't wait to watch one of your matches. I think it will be entertaining. We would make a drinking game of it but we don't want to die of alcohol posioning.
Dan: Yeah, that'd be a shame
Renee: This is the first time our teams have met, do we have to start off so poorly?
Raven 1: Why not? You're poor at everything else you do. Even down to picking players like the cripple over there. Is it honestly fun to be so terrible?
Renee: I imagine we have more fun than you do, yes."
Jean: Fun is for children-(has a moment of crisis upon looking at renee) A this level it is supposed to be about skill, and your team is sadly lacking. From an unstable goalkeeper to a lame striker with a bum leg to a couple members with deadly drug addictions. You have no right to play with us.
Allison: Fucking excuse me?
Matt: No one wants you here, you can leave any time.
Raven 2: You took something that does not belong to you. You brought this year's humiliation on yourselves.
Dan: We didn't take anything, Kevin wants to be here.
AND THEN, Riko: Is that why the cripple is so quiet? Or did his vocal chords go missing too? He was very spirited the last time we met, or maybe that was just a show for the crowd? Hello, I am speaking to you. Are you really going to ignore me? Hey, deadweight, over here.
THE HOLY MOTHER WYMACK OF ALL LINES Riko: What a coward, just like his mother.
You know, I get it. Being raised as a superstar must be really really difficult for you. Always a commodity, never a human being, nor a single person in your family thinking you're worth a damn off the court—yeah, sounds rough. Kevin and I talk about your intricate and endless daddy issues all the time. I know it's not entirely your fault that you are mentally unbalanced and infected with these delusions of grandeur, and I know you're physically incapable of holding a decent conversation with anyone like every other normal human being can, but I don't think any of us should have to put up with this much of your bullshit. Seriously, is 'cripple' the only insult you know? Maybe next time be a bit more creative, it really shows what little vocabulary you have. Try looking it up in a dictionary maybe, hm? Find it right between the words 'jackass' and 'dickwipe'. But don't feel bad, there are a lot of people who didn't pass the bar exam and they still get somewhere in like, all be it through charity alone. Pity only gets you so many concessions, and you used yours up about six insults ago. So please, please, just shut the fuck up and leave us alone.
aND THHEN our little tin foil ball of a sass master is outed as the Butcher's Son to Kevin, Kevin's face doing all kinds of complex emotions as he examines Neil
Also I love the little things like Neil staring only at Andrew because he doesn't trust himself to look at anyone else
Neil's freaking out, ready to grab his blade runner and book it. But he doesn't really regret most of what he's said, because here's the thing
Every single person up until this point has gone out of their way to call him a 'cripple', to write him off as someone who can't do anything anymore just because he's lost his leg
Nobody, except for the Foxes, believes he's anything more than an amputee. Up until this point he has been torn to shreds because of something he had absolutely no control over. Yeah, okay, it was stupid to put himself in the limelight as someone on the run, but it had nothing to do with being an amputee.
Neil Josten may be an idiot, but going off on Riko was completely justified, something many of the foxes later agree on. And if the Foxes start snapping at anyone, reporter or another team, who singles Neil out for his leg, that's something they just don't talk about
Neil Josten is so much more than a lost leg. Anyone really is more than a lost limb or physical limitations. That's the whole point of this AU and the message I really want to get across.
To the people reading this who may be in the same situation as Neil, you are so, so much more than your physical limitation. This AU is for you, someone who may have been bullied or targeted just because you're "not like everyone else". I see you, and I believe in you.
SORRY AHEM—I just wanted to ramble there for a second because I felt like that was something that needed to be said
So YEAH, Neil doesn't regret what he said, and goes forth after dinner is done, the Foxes have a team bonding moment over protecting the two exy-holics and their blonde bodyguard
Neil gets dragged away to go get screamed at by a little baby bird
Neil: My name is Neil
Riko: Do not lie to me again. You will not enjoy the consequences. Imagine my surprise when the results came back. Your fingerprints, Kathy gave me your glass as a souvenir. All it took was a smile and a kiss. It seems she is growing up to be quite the cougar. Nathanial, explain a few things to me. One, Jean says Kevin did not know who you are. After seeing Kevin's reaction I am inclined to believe him. Perhaps I can understand, as I know how blind Kevin can be when it comes to Exy. I might even forgive him for sheltering you from me. But you must know who you are, so I am very, very curious to know what you think you are doing.
Neil: I'm just trying to get by. If I'd known our families were business partners I wouldn't have signed the contract.
Riko: You're lying
Neil: I am not. I don't want to cause any trouble for your family. I don't want you to cause any trouble for mine. I'm just here for a year and then I'm gone, I promise.
Riko: You don't want to cause any trouble for my family? You have already cost my family a sizable fortune and eight years of trouble.
Neil: How? The money I took was my father's.
Riko: If you think acting stupid will save you, you are sadly mistaken.
Neil: I'm not acting, my mother said it was my father's money. She never even told me about you. If I had known the money was your's—
Riko: Nothing your father owned was his! I refuse to believe she never told you. All that time running and you never asked why?
Neil: Have you met my father? I didn't have to ask.
Riko: You were not running from your father, Nathaniel, you were running from his master. Which brings me to my second question, what happened to your leg?
Neil: Take a wild fucking guess
Riko: (beat) You do realize why don't you?
Neil: Because he's insane?
Riko: You're an even bigger fool than I thought. Running from the master and the money he took, there could have been one thing that paid them off. You, Nathaniel, and yet he chose to take your leg. Your father cost my family a fortune and cut off any way of paying it back.
Neil's head is spinning by the time Matt shows up. He barely remembers the rest of the night, his mind too consumed by Riko's words and the implications of who his father really was.
He takes his leg off on the bus, digging his knuckles into the knotted flesh of his father's work, thinking. He had always known his father was a monster, and this just really put it into perspective.
A text shakes Neil out of his half-asleep state, hand still digging into his knee. A single text is on the screen, from Andrew.
"Shocking, just how many issues such a small body can have."
Neil glares at the back of the bus. "Could say the same thing about you." And that's the end of it
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bluiex · 1 year
I won't ever finish the Cult Au at this rate, damn word deleting my everything.
But I can share some Father Spore Cult AU things I was going to write.
Mumbo had been working for a few days now on the house fixing up and painting. Today was one of the days that Scar and Grian were both over helping him paint the kitchen. Going for more colorful in there with sunny yellow walls and soft sage green cabinets. They were mostly chatting, as Scar was asking about Mumbo while Grian listened.
"My dad and mom lived in the city all there lives, I was born and raised there. And we often went out to a country home to spend Holidays with the family." Mumbo told them as he worked on the fixtures. "My dad wasn't a wealthy man, despite how we looked. Where his brother went into business and carpentry, and other things, My dad opted to play trumpet for crowds. He made money enough to get by with our modest apartment." a faint smile on his face.
Mumbo tested the strength of the screws and laughed softly, "There are days I don't understand it, why he chose to live the life he did when he could have made a job at one of his brother's firms... making better money." he continued, then scoffed to himself. "I still think about it though."
A pause after that before Mumbo got up and smiled at Scar as he went over and helped Grian finished making tea. "But," he said, "he always smiled more than his brothers and family, never was a sad day for him, always a joke on his lips and a laugh."
Then Mumbo grinned, "Plus, everyone came to our cabin for all the holidays, after my grandparents gave it to him. Guess that says alot." he picked up a tea cup and then laughed lightly.
"Why am I tell you two all these things?" Mumbo shook his head as he gave Scar his cup.
Scar grinned at him as he sat with them at the table, "Because I asked." he said back simply with a laugh of his own. That he did, Scar started talking about some memories of his, and then asked Mumbo about his family.
"Well I know, but... why did I answer?" Mumbo made a face of confusion, he didn't know why he answered the others questions, or why he liked it when some of them made Grian cackle, or Scar to let out his window wiper wheeze.
He always did feel at ease around the two when they were here helping him fix up the place. They made him feel welcome and special, chatting away about meaningless topics and just enjoying their company. Mumbo hadn't felt like this in a long time.
"Can I ask you both something? It's a thing you told me once before, when showing me around." Mumbo looked at them as Grian sat beside him.
"Shoot!" Grian said in a chipper tone as he chewed on the cookies that Gem gave them.
Gazing at them curiously, Mumbo hummed, "Do you both really believe life is shaped by the yeses over the nos?" he asked them.
Scar had once said that to him, that life tend to revolve around what you say yes to over what you say no too. As the yeses matter more, and impact you more. Smiling faintly, Scar nodded along with Grian, "Oh we absolutely do." he said in a firm and happy tone.
Looking back at his cup Mumbo let out a soft laugh, "I haven't really said 'yes' to much in my life... my mom said I let opportunities pass me by." he admits, eyes cast to the soft amber liquid in the cup.
A hand touched his as he looked over at Grian's smile, "Well, you're not wasting this one at least... everyone here likes you, including us." he promised, which did make Mumbo smile.
That was reassuring, and he really did like this place too. Mumbo could see himself staying here for the long term.
I wanted to slowly build up Mumbo falling in love with them as the strange things happened each night. Until the night he was out too late and saw something he shouldn't have.
And in a way have Scarian slowly manipulating Mumbo to saying 'Yes' to joining their mushroom cult later.
Akajdjd Bouta beat up the program deleting your work
But this is so good! Ugh a slow burn of Mumbo falling for them? Getting him to say yes? And the way they interact in this small blurb is just *chefs kiss* I absolutely adore your dialog and pacing
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liebgottsjumpwings · 5 months
I got tagged in this by @xxluckystrike !! thank you!!
A band you don’t like that many others do: I never really got into any albums by the neighbourhood after 'wiped out!', I don't know why but they never really got my attention. I saw them live in 2016 and they were good though!
A childhood memory that you remember vividly: I remember when I was 5 with crippling undiagnosed and unregulated ADHD, I was sitting in class listening to the teacher reading us a story and I was chewing on the wooden beads on my necklace. I bit too hard and you could hear a loud ass crack and when the teacher asked me what I just bit, I said I bit my tooth and she got SO worried for a moment before I decided it would be a better idea to tell her the truth and confess I was chewing on my necklace... lol
Least favorite animal and why: Spiders, because I genuinely fear them lol.
Hot fandom take: I guess this doesn't count much for the hbo war side of tumblr, but WW2 tumblr in general. I feel very weird about people who make positive content about nazi characters... For example, I get that you like a certain actor and want to write fic about them... but does it have to be the nazi character they play in a piece of media? Why does fan fiction about hans landa exist? Why?
Do you were any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece: I have a few silver rings that I wear pretty much every day alongside a few rings fully made out of agate and carnelian. I also have a silver necklace that I can switch out the pendant for. I also have a short beaded necklace made out of tiny jasper stones that I wear a lot. That's it though, I am attached to those and also am pretty much allergic to anything that isn't sterling silver or natural stone.
A movie others liked but you didn’t: I didn't like Black Book too much.
Three things you love about yourself: My hair, I have naturally curly hair and I'm trying to grow it out right now, gonna get it cut into a shag style tomorrow! I also love my fashion sense, if you can call it that. I also enjoy that I can get a bit chaotic/erratic at times. Had to learn how to healthily do that though but with ADHD medication it's all good and fine.
A place you hope to visit in the future and why: Oh boy, there is a lot. Of which a few I will visit this year if all goes well! If I had to pick one that I don't have concrete plans for yet it would be Wales. There's a shit ton of megaliths there that I would like to see in real life.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why: Ed Westwick looks like he smells like too much department store perfume.
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future? I return to my job on Saturday! After studying abroad for half a year and then graduating. I really enjoy my job and I'm quite excited for that!
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in: I'm not really well versed into the shipping that goes on in the hbo war fandom, but I secretly don't see why people ship lipton and speirs... sorry!
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in? I used to be on kpop twitter from 2016 to 2018... yeah.
List three things you find beautiful about life: One: I can go on about this forever but the fact that we can physically connect with our ancestors by visiting the things they've left behind? Like megaliths, ancient structures? I legitimately tear up visiting ancient sites like that sometimes lol. Two: In that same sort of area, the fact that ancient life can be preserved in fossils??? I love fossils. Three: Humans helping other humans. I think there is something so beautiful about that. Hence why I choose social work as my profession I guess.
Any dreams for the future? I hope to visit the places I want to visit. I also one day hope to academically study history.
How are you really feeling today? Physically? Not so well because I have a lung infection that I pretty much need to sit out. An unhelpful side thing is that my skin feels really sore and sensitive which hurts. I'm also extremely exhausted. Mentally I'm doing pretty good though! Lots of small things to look forward to. I like it that way.
I'm tagging anyone who sees this because I do not interact a lot with others on here again yet but I want to! So consider yourself tagged :)
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candymonic · 1 year
I’ve been really struggling lately thinking about if I’m autistic or if the things I think are signs of autism are my social anxiety and/or adhd.
I need help. I don’t understand how to even look for more information that could help me. Ive read articles that somewhat make me think ‘oh maybe there’s merit in those idea’ but I just can’t find anything comprehensive in words that I can understand that also considers that I have other things that could be causing what I think is autism symptoms.
What if I’ve been masking so hard my entire life neither the people around me or myself noticed anything was wrong? I literally don’t remember most of my life so I don’t even have a reliable source on what I was feeling as a kid. I don’t think I would have talked about what I was feeling if I did feel something. But I don’t know if I did.
I’m very touch sensitive. I can’t wear certain fabrics. Touching something slimey makes me want to cry. I can’t clean up powder because the way it feels through the wet paper towel makes my skin crawl. I also hate wet paper towels. I need thick-ish drinks (chocolate milks) to swallow pills as in swallowing pills with water can make me physically recoil (but also I have a *microscopic* mouth so that could explain that one?). I’m extremely particular about food textures. I can’t eat Brussels sprouts, they make my throat constrict because they feel so bad in my mouth I don’t want to swallow them. That could just be my mom’s cooking being bland as hell though.
I’m sensitive to sound. I can’t be in loud places, it makes me anxious. A little distressed. I have misophonia. I can’t listen to people chewing or swallowing or breathing in my ear, it makes my skin crawl. Now misophonia could be an adhd thing but it’s so bad that I have to wear headphones (not earbuds or I would hear my own chewing, which isn’t *as* bad but still not great) *and* have music in the background when I eat dinner with people.
Sometimes when I’m overwhelmed and tired, I shut down. It becomes very hard to speak, not impossible but I have to charge up my voice in order to get anything out and it’s very mouse-ish. Quiet and meek and mumbly. I become extremely sensitive in this state, no one could touch me or i would want to cry, every sound is louder and makes me jump, even my taste is different. My emotions slow down to protect myself from feeling any more overwhelmed. I saw my brother for the first time in maybe a year when I was in this state and I couldn’t even be properly excited about it. I had to recharge, something that took at least an hour.
I need a lot of time to myself. I am hesitant to go out and do things with people because the only thing I usually do is be by myself (change in routine).
I obsess over things for months to years at a time. I try to learn everything I can about that thing. I love talking to people about what I know. I love learning about what other people know.
And it’s so fucking hard to find information on how this can show in adults because for some reason adhd and autism is talked about like only children have it.
Maybe I’ll feel different once I get into college, but it’d be useful to know this about myself, yknow?
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ginnsbaker · 3 months
hi there! can i just say i’m a big fan of your “if i bleed (you’ll be the last to know)” work!! i just want to take a long minute to gush about all the little details i hyperfixated on.
okok first i have!!! to talk about this title… my god… it.. hurts so good??? (assuming it was from cruel summer by taylor) i love this song so much and have read countless of fics with this same title but none hit the nail on the head quite like yours.. and now i’m listening to the song all over again and my thoughts are filled with how perfect this song and this fic fit together. before i realized you were quoting this song i had just imagined sometime late into spring but now i’m imagining summer and it somehow makes all the smaller moments more intimate to me…
second, i haven’t watched sorry for your loss yet… i’ve been meaning to!! …but i just really don’t do well with grief related shows even though i know it might help me to grow and move past it to learn and see how others cope… but anyway! i’ve gone into this blind pretty much, only knowing that yeah, leigh’s husband passes and there’s something she didn’t know… and i’m not a fan of cheaters and such but something about reading how… selfish.. these characters can be… flawed characters. it just makes it sweeter to read somehow. — especially that little part in part 6(?) where jules mentions how… difficult leigh can be at times since the whole thing.. like gahhhh my brain is like… gnawing and chewing on how… just real you make these characters!!! the emotions you portray through leigh as well!!! like…ahhh!!! i really don’t know what to say it just makes me tug on my hair in a good way… speechless is what you’ve made me! or! or!! oh my god!!! when the reader doesn’t want leigh to hurt any more than she already is and leigh just.. takes the pain and walks with it??? because she’s… stronger than this? because she’s bitter? feels like she has to get back at matt?? and ugh… idkidk really! (i got all that from the anger and the line “i can handle pain just fine.”) like… i’m just. i’m chewing on this like a piece of gum that i don’t wanna spit out. oh!!! and… when she’s mad at… the things that matter… the little things like. how intimate it is for matt to just be there… after that first date… also! i’m a hater!! i’m a lover of the haters (jules!!!) and a hater of the lovers!! meaning, danny!!! i love that you’ve made me hate his character. after seeing how selfish he really is with leigh and.. how much of a tough spot the reader is in…
ok this is getting too long, i apologize. i jus really loved the pacing of the story, the characterizations and everything else… i just love it a lot and i can’t stop thinking about it after every update… because of all the cliffhangers!! anyway. i hope you know your words are loved, author. thank you!!
(ps. my friend saw me typing these paragraphs out and called it a love letter… and this is exactly what it is. a love letter to you, dear author and to your lovely fic. thank you again for writing such a piece and i am absolutely sat waiting for the next part!!!)
Oh my gosh, reading your feedback got me all:
Tumblr media
first of all, i want to thank you for this long and adorable message. it's always such an overwhelming and it reminds me one of the reasons why i love writing so much. thank you thank you!
re:title- yes it's from Cruel Summer :)
re: watching Sorry for your loss - honestly, it's not required for you to have seen the show, just that you know the gist of it (Leigh being a young widow). Nothing really goes on--it just paints the process of grief in ordinary life. So you really don't have to see it. Besides, I don't even follow its timeline and relationships to a T.
re: your thoughts on the story- i find myself nodding along the stuff you picked out from the last 6 chapters. Also, I am a hater too (lol), I'm just not very vocal about the things I hate because one of lizzie's character once said: "You think it's cool to hate things. And it's not. It's boring. Talk about what you love and keep quiet about what you don't." But I'm a huge hater. I think we all secretly are. I think hating Danny is easy in this fic, but I keep trying to find something in him that's relatable, something that just doesn't make him an antagonist. I think it's fair to think that he's also being used by Leigh, being treated unfairly by Leigh. I don't think I really hate Danny here as much as you guys do. I have done awful things when I was younger out of the selfishness of satisfying my own desires. But I'll talk about that some other time and if anyone will ask :P
thank you for your love letter, it means so much and I'm going to keep this in my blog and tag it for what it is. I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the series :)
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taylor carbon footprint swift justin anti lgbtq church bieber
Listen, if you want to list the crimes and sins of celebrities we're gonna be here for a while.
Explaining this slowly to see if the reading comprehension kicks in:
1) Regarding of whatever a teenager turns to be later in their life, I believe that no artist deserves to be used and abused as a teen by the music industry. I'm not saying they are innocent, I'm saying that it makes me mad when people refuse to acknowledge those artists as humans. They are not gods above you or the worst of the Earth, they have bad and good things.
2) I am specifically talking when people hate on an artist for the sake of it, not 'cause they are fighting against a bigger problem. Most Bieber haters I've met don't give two shits about queer people, they just hated Bieber for being "too feminine" and basically being a teen pop artist. Most Taylor Swift haters I've met just hate her for being a woman. I won't go against someone criticizing their lifestyle or life choices that are honestly criminal, but that's not the case most on the time, in my own experience of course.
3) I was criticizing the medium that creates them, actually. On the personal level, every celebrity has something weird and twisted going on that we can't dive in because it'd be a lifetime of trying to figure out stuff, but in the big scale? What I meant is that I'll defend the teens taking the worst of humanity for trying to share their art while being teens.
I'm talking about the age countdown on Billie Eilish because people couldn't wait for her to be legal so they could say whatever.
I'm talking about Disney and other similar kid tv corporations chewing children and teens and then people acting as if those celebrities are crazy by themselves. Drugs, sexual abuse and assaults, mental health deterioration 'til the kids and teens are sucidial...
I'm talking how growing up I saw no consent from teen starts to be touched but they still were touched, sexually even, whenever the hosts of tv programs wanted. Grown men making raping jokes about young boys, Like being a pop star was the biggest crime.
And meanwhile, sometimes the only defense those celebrities had were the crazy fangirls. Not even just in pop, fuck, I remember when someone tried to make fun of Fall Out Boy 'cause teen girls seemed to love their music. Like it was an insult. Those stupid teen girls and their stupid celebrities.
4) I get where you're going and you should really say it, those celebrities are not angels nor innocent souls. BUT that was not the point of my post and I am the grown person to attack, buddy. So for a second take that head of yours and learn to separate an issue for another. Just saying.
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years
I wanted to send in a Stranger Things request, if that is okay with you. I’ll try to make this short enough, but let’s see where we end. My pronouns are she/her, I am bisexual, and 18+. My most defying traits are probably that I am a cat person, I am obsessed with learning new stuff about things I’ll never use (mythology, true crime, paranormal etc.), and I consider myself a huge nerd. I love walking through bookstores, I collect doctor Martens, lp’s, band shirts, fantasy books, and my closet only exists out of Happy Socks and Christmas socks. This is no joke. You literally cannot find a pair of black socks, even if you dusted off the abandoned corners. Big fan of holidays. There is no such thing as a subtle Christmas, or a subtle Halloween. We have to go all out for that one, boss.
I can be rather impatient, immature, and I tend to procrastinate and run away from responsibilities for as long as I can. I can’t sit quietly to save my life, so I always need to busy my hands. I draw, I paint, I sculpt, I do embroidery, but most of all; I consider myself a writer. I love writing as much as I love to read. I can rant about the things I love for hours, and will not know how to stop (ask me about Tolkien’s works, I dare you). I also cannot stand people chewing. I lose my mind when it’s something crunchy. I absolutely hate it and I can’t explain why.
A toxic trait is that I saw Queen live and I will never let anyone forget. I love going to concerts, and I thankfully have a music taste which allows me to go to concerts often. (Hardrock, classic rock, heavy metal, and - occasionally - death metal, but a very specific corner. Still no fan of the screaming)
From Stranger Things I Ship You With:
Robin Buckley
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Ship Dynamic:
The Chaotic Duo™
«Meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time and knowing it would be my favorite.»
I can and will elaborate but also you two just go inexplicably well together, everyone shut up.
First things first, while you give an outcast vibe, it's not punk outcast like Eddie, it's more of a "I'm kinda weird and unfit for society's standards for 'cool' so I don't exist for popular kids", which inevitably makes you gravitate towards Robin.
Only that the 'hey we got interests in common, we should bond to survive' turns into 'you're like my favorite person now'.
I kinda see you two being pretty much aloof towards each other at first because meh, forced proximity by standing in the same corner socially speaking but is a true bond worth the effort?
While you two got the same general vibe (and by that I mean would definitely befriend you both), you're not even close to being the same.
Robin 100% pulls a face when you tell her about your music taste. You make it your mission to get her to at least try every hard rock subgenre.
She obviously can't say no to you, so as a revenge, she makes you listen to every song of artists like The Bangles and Stevie Nicks.
It becomes a tradition to go and meet up under the bleachers to listen to each other's music tapes during lunch break. I'm not talking about sitting quietly and listening, I'm talking about turning on the dramatic antics and making a full ass spoken essay about what you think of the songs.
You two might or might not enjoy whatever the other brings in the mixtape, but nonetheless you'll tease the hell out of each other.
Enriching each other's music taste as lifestyle.
First time you kiss you're both listening to music and it's very romantic but also very awkward because ✨it's the eighties✨ and you're ✨two girls kissing under the bleachers✨.
Mind you, I don't think either of you would have come out to the other, so it just sort of happens and then it's panic time. You're good tho.
You two don't start dating straight away, Robin wants to go down the old-fashioned, romantic way and take you on a thousand thoughtful dates to make you swoon. Devoted simp queen.
You sketched Robin in class once and she didn't even know how to function after that. Now you draw her a lot when she's not looking because the way this lanky lesbian goes (⁠⊙⁠_⁠◎⁠) is priceless.
Bookstore dates with a lot of bickering because you go for our fantasy Lord and linguistics King J. R. R. Tolkien and she goes for fucking Anthony Olcott????
You two make fun of each other's taste CONSTANTLY but ultimately end up giving it a try and actually enjoying it.
Two energy cannonballs. In this house we don't do control, we only do chaos. You're a menace when you're outside. Be gay do crime etc.
Steve is like, Robin's #1 hypeman in this relationship. He actually pushes her to ask you to be her girlfriend.
Robin buys you weird socks. Once she made fun of your Christmas socks collection and then bought you a pair with that vibe. And then another. And another. And—
This woman hangs anything you create from the wall. Painting? Hung. Rough sketch? Hung. A piece of fabric you randomly embroidered? Hung.
She loves to read whatever you write and actively encourages you to publish it somewhere.
She writes too. Mostly poems. She won't EVER tell you tho because omg so embarrassing going full on Sappho for you.
You probably find the poems at some point because she's a messy queen and you constantly snoop around at her place.
Listening to true crime stories and going to the library to dig into a very specific topic randomly is something you two do constantly and it's just as endearing as it is worrying, because no one —and I mean NO ONE— who's mentally okay runs to the library on a weekend to investigate about sighted UFOs in the last five years just because.
Robin keeping your immaturity and procrastination in check with an iron fist, and you doing the same for her.
Matching costumes for the win.
Robin isn't super big on holidays but she goes out of the way for you.
You say you saw Queen live, I say the two of you saw it and will NEVER let ANYONE forget about it. So sexy of you.
You're that odd couple everyone ships.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
(the anon is me) Honestly, when I saw the discussion, I HAD TO JOIN sjsjsj so tyty
I get that- honestly, the only reason I got into kpop was because my cousin forced me at first because I was obsessed with Motionless In White and she wouldn't let me come over until I learned everything about BTS so I had to put that obsession on pause for BTS . So, I did and learned I actually did like their music so far! I mean, I'd prefer to have found them on my own but I mean, at least I get to say I was there from the "beginning" sjsjsj (not saying that being there since the beginning is more important or anything, it's just nice to find people surprised when I tell them.). but honestly, happy for you that you found your ults <33 and SAME, love them <33 I just got into Monsta X so please, anything you'd like to share, I'd love to hear???
LITERALLY WHAT I'M SAYING. Some people in fandoms become so toxic, even to others in the fandoms. How about the fans that believe you aren't fans unless you can remember every members birth-date, blood type, place of origin, etc. LIKE I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER MY OWNNNN. I get wanting to know about them because they're your idol or whatever your reason may be but you don't gotta hassle others about it, others aren't obligated to know such information and plus, some are multi stans, such as myself, and literally can't harbor ALL that knowledge. We are NOT spencer reid sjsjsj- NGL twitter stans scare me sometimes but some are absolutely lovely. But I still keep my distance like you do, better safe than sorry. But the tiktok edits are always something else LMAO the amount I've seen posting the funniest shit ever of the idols really make my day. (I will now send you some when I see them, if you're cool with that-) and I block people who do fanwar stuff. I just think everyone has their own taste and if you don't like anothers, you don't have to say anything, just leave it alone and block the person if it bothers you so much.
SOWJOIJSOIJ stahop you're literally so sweet, thank you <333 I barely meet any metalhead kpop stans T-T to be honest, when i see other metalhead pages, most of the time in their DNI is just Kpop stans and I'm literally making the ಠ_ಠ face cause dude, why so mad?
YOU'RE SO REAL FOR THAT sjsjsjs Honestly, I saw Hobi and was like, yes. HIM. and to see how far they've come WARMS my heart. But the enlistment always got me on my toes.
LMFAOO my bsf showed me chewing gum by nct dream and shine by pentagon and i was hooked.. but yes i definitely know what you mean!! ugh yes mx is so so so good i really recommend their series that they did called 'puppy days' (?) it's just them hanging out with puppies for the day and they literally have to nap halfway through the day bc they're so tired LMFAOO - it's so cute!! that's my favorite piece of mx media hehe
don't get me started on fans that gatekeep FROM OTHER FANS.. i'm really really bad at remembering dates so like kim mingyu my love!! i'm sorry but i don't have enough space in my brain to remember your birthday and my mom's birthday, and only my mom will be upset if i don't </3 you literally won't know </3 i always see their posts about it and silently wish them a happy birthday but like i do not always remember and that is okay!! ugh or people that scold you for not streaming mvs.. babe i have a big girl job and i go to big girl school i do not have time to stream an mv!! i am going to listen to the song if i like the song.
i think a big component of internet drama like that is age/maturity.. i'm not saying that every young person is immature and every older person is mature but like,, even just looking at my 15 year old self is so different in terms of maturity and i would have totally engaged in stupid pointless fanwars just to be right on the internet.. now i don't even fight with people on the internet for good reason lmfao i just block and scroll and it's SO BENEFICIAL to my life
not the dni... people get so creative with those omg i feel like mine is just generic lmfao - it astounds me to see some of them!! i don't necessarily think it's a bad thing, they're just curating their online experience like they're supposed to, but it is interesting to see everyone's preferences laid out in the open like that bc i'm not used to it
YES i love bias-at-first-sight <3 aw yeah i know that's coming up soon!! i wish you the best <3
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Hii! I saw your event so i decided to send in a request
I'm Female, she/her pronouns. Don't worry about accidentally spoiling me my sister already took that job 👍.
I'm 99% sure I'm part of coffe team but my favourites were strawberry and mint.
Istp 5w4 548. I'm ambivert, I'm very laid back and prefer to go with the flow of life but sometimes come off as ego-centric and domineering. I have to admit I’m a lazy person who prefers having a leisure more than anything else. I mostly spends my time as a stoic and a calm person and i might even come off as apathetic towards the world around me [even tho I’m not]. I’m usually perceived as being insensitive because i generally prefer to deal with emotions in my own head rather than openly [and somehow I'm still well liked?!] tbh I often think I’m above others, yet I am always willing to acknowledge that I’m a total piece of shit [very rarely tho] Sometimes i have fantasies and ideals that I want to start creating or becoming but i myself a reality check and let the dream fade away. I’m very innovative but still choose the practical route a lot. It’s easy for me to create goals and envision the end results but it’s ridiculously hard for me to remain committed to the process. I have a very big ego but one word alone is enough to destroy it. i Will never admit my wrong, unless internally. I'm playful around people i like [friends, family, classmates] and if I believe I'm right I'll passive agressivly fight you to prove my point [even if I'm wrong]. Like i said i have hard time committing to something i loose interest, motivation and get bored rather easily. If I'm stressed about something i bottle everything up and worry about it alone. Not because I don't want to burden other or anything simply because my pride and ego is getting in my way. I'm not really a jealous person and even if i get jealous i keep it to myself and try my best to hide it. I care about what others think of me [more like what others think of my parents] so towards strangers and people that know my parents I'm very polite.
Dislikes: Heat, when people unnecessary touch me especially during very hot weather, people making chewing or drinking noises, when people keep talking about the topic I'm not interested in, cat haters, sweet food, small talk [i find it boring and awkward]
Likes: listening to music, listening to true crimes, watching movies [mainly horror], watching analog horror, reading. my favourite colour is red and i absolutely love indie music and alternative rock. Some of my favourite artists are: Arctic monkeys, MARINA, cigarette after sex, the neighborhood, lana del Rey, mother mother and mitski but i also love listening to Queen, abba and Sting. Mythology especially greek and Egyptian, i also love Japanese urban legends, horror genre in general, psychology, cats, Spicy food, reading, watching childrens cartoons [especially SpongeBob]
Pick an amv and tell me which you most connected with:
1. AMV | Koe no Katachi - I'll Be Good - YouTube
Pick a clip that left the biggest impression on you:
2. Special A Kei & Jun Kissing - YouTube
Hi I just wanted to inform you that I finished your matchup here is the link to it: 2 Lines & A Circle : Matchup for tell me event! (tumblr.com)
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clownboy808 · 3 months
1:02 Am
Listing to live performance of normal love by xiu xiu.
The lyrics are so good.
I wanna make something good.
I feel like shit. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t eat real food.
I want to cry right now.
Not crying.
Chewing on my comforter like I do.
Tomorrows not going to feel great. My grammar class sucks ass. Marketing is boring and dumb. I just wish I could do creative writing classes. It’s the only one I like. But if they were all like that it probably wouldn’t be good. I have to cancel or reschedule my therapist appointment. I could do it now , I’ll do it now.
2:30 AM
Still not asleep. Can’t stop thinking about music I don’t make when I’m able to. Wasn’t most of today. Well that’s harsh I got sone stuff done. But not enough for me to feel accomplished. I don’t know if I ever have or do feel that way. Maybe the closest I get is just not thinking about feeling accomplished. I’m just not thinking. I wish I had a vice to fall back on in times like this. Should I just drop out and move back home. Focus on the music. That’s not a good idea probably. I really don’t want to move back to Charlotte. Well actually I really don’t want to move back home with my mom. I should text that girl back. She seems cool. I would like being roommates with her. I guess I should look for places. And apply to them? Fuck I don’t want to do this. I want some one to just do it for me. I want it to just be done. The thought of putting effort into things that won’t for sure work out fills he with suicidal rage. I don’t want to fucking do anything. Ever.
2:39 am
Going to browse tinder because fuck what the fuck else am I gonna do!? What the fuck else is deserving of my time. It’s definitely not sleep.
Fuck tinder. I don’t want any of these hoes! Hahaha. I would kneel down just to lay eyes on a pussy. Just to catch a glimpse. I’d let them spit on me. I’d let them punch me. Not into the stepping on balls and dick stuff. No not my thing at all. I guess I mean do like watching humiliation stuff but I don’t think that’s something I’d want to participate in. I think the humiliation is probably much more deep seated. Well be it’s probably much more pathetic. My hand hurts from typing.
2:51 Am
Responded to girl I messaged a week ago about horror movies. She finally responded , asking me what REC is? I of course waited five minutes to respond to someone who made me wait a week. But she’s hot as fuck so fuck it. I have no shame. Like In the song I’m working on says. Even though I think I’m not going to use that line . The song is probably not going to ever be finished if I’m being honest. Must keep at it though . Must finish something.
12:14 pm
Saw that they them again. Leave me alone, you whore! She wasn’t a whore. They weren’t a whore. I don’t know. About to sit bored in marketing again. I could read to entertain myself a bit. It’s so fucking dumb - that class. Literally for baby brained retards.
12:28 pm
The Spotify algorithm loves fievel is glauque I like them too but Jesus. Every daily mix is like a quarter them.
Listening to answer by Tyler the creator now.
3:55 pm
Shitting. “ I were you I start working 80 , 90 hours a week”. I want to write about a southern guy who’s done with his life that runs over a twink. His freedom from his life comes at the cost of some one else’s. That’s the theme. I want to blow away my fiction class. I want to make a Paul Thomas Anderson esc story.
Preparing myself to go to grocery store so I don’t just eat chocolate like yesterday.
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theinconveniencing · 2 years
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damn go crazy thank you so much abby. this got long so
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
cop out answer but 1. my mom and my sister but like truly I do not think I would be anywhere near the person I am today without them. and when I had nobody (often) I always had them god bless 2. pinterest. just everything about it. it inspired me to join tumblr. It shaped my humor. it taught me to cook. it kept me busy. it raised me more than my father. no joke. 3. I didn’t want to have another person answer but my oldest and dearest friend [readcted] she’s like a year and a half older than me and we grew up three houses down from one another and hung out all the time and I cannot recall a time in my life when I didn’t look up to her. she was always such an inspiration to be the most confident and real version of myself. I don’t see her as much anymore bc college but to this day when I’m worried I said something horrible I always ask myself “what would [redacted] think if she heard I said that?” And it’s not even like I’m putting her up on a pedestal she really is just one of the most amazing human beings I’ve ever met in my life
3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
HUSTLERS 2019 ocean’s 8 and the goonies 
what made you start your blog?
I was really into skam and pinterest wasn’t cutting it anymore so I started lurking then actually liking posts then reblogging then posting and. here we are.
what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
best part is all the people I’ve met and the friends I’ve made I love you all so sincerely sometimes it feels as if my heart could explode. worst is having to block twenty million tags and phrases to avoid t*ylor sw*ft and h*rry styles. and having to see the most abysmal takes known to man from my own MUTAULS no less. love y’all regardless it’s okay when you do it
what scares you the most and why?
well. first of all getting shots because holy shit keep needles out of my body. and a more philosophical answer is being a bad person without even realizing it
would you say you’re an emotional person?
oh my god yeah. I used to consider myself a logical person in like middle school and I look back at that and I’m like what the hell were you talking about. I make every decision with my heart and honestly like half the time I feel like my emotions are so big they could explode out of my body. lol.
do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
aliens yes absolutely. they’re out there and they’re so real. they are the teeniest tiniest bacteria ever and little green men and beings as big as the moon i truly to believe that. ghosts? no unless I get literally thrown across a room.
what do you do when you’re sad?
take a shower listening to my silly little music. never fails. also helps to put on a fancy dress. idk.
any pet peeves?
girl where do I even start. obviously slow walkers I’m a fast bitch. chewing with your mouth open. pronouncing frustrating as “fustrating” men speaking in philosophy class. people looking at my phone over my shoulder. people not using their sleeves to open doors (this one is actually ridiculous but you don’t know who touched that fucking door handle what is wrong with you). saying jokes I literally saw online and claiming them as your own who do you think you’re fooling. off pitch singing just do not fucking sing #chiorkid. coughing into your hand like I bet you went and touched a door handle afterwards huh. when people pull out their phone (without a reason) when you’re in the middle of talking to them like okay. condescension. I could go on but I’ll stop.
hopefully I didn’t take any and this took a lot of time so sorry but I had fun so thank you again!!!
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strwbrrybxn · 2 years
This is for me and you babes. 😉
Angst 3 with our boy Nanami Kento
Happy 200! 🎉🎊🥳
Nanami — "You're a mess." "I'm not a mess." "I can tell you've been crying." 862 words
jmor 😭 be prepared. you've brought out my angst loving heart, especially for nanami — because when does anything go his way in life?
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Nanami had been working a lot more than you both agreed on. He hated going into overtime, every night he was coming home later than usual. And with that came even more arguments. You and Kento never argued this much, and never over petty shit like dinner. He was increasingly irritable, the late nights taking a toll on not only his mental and physical health, but your emotional one as well. It didn't even feel like you were dating anymore. You've slept in the guest room far more than your own bed.
Tonight was different. From the minute your boyfriend walked through the door, you could tell something more was on his mind. It started when you walked up to him, arms stretched out, ready to loosen his tie and massage his shoulders - as you usually did - but this time, his words had your eyes prickling with tears.
“Can’t you be around me less when I first walk in the door?”
“Well, I’m sorry I wanted to make sure you were relaxed before you had dinner.”
“Did you even cook yet? Can’t you go do that?”
“What is your problem tonight? Satoru up your ass about something?”
“Why is that always your first assumption?”
“Because it’s always the problem, lately.”
“You’re always a problem lately.” 
You stared at him, mouth agape as you took a step back from him. His eyes widened behind his glasses. His mouth opened, probably to apologize, but you weren’t having any of it. You spun around, making sure the tears didn’t fall until you found your way into the guest bedroom.
You covered your mouth to muffle the sobs when you heard his footsteps and the bedroom door open. He said your name quietly, frowning when he noticed you weren’t in there. It was that moment when he realized how infrequently you slept in your shared room. It didn’t smell like you anymore. Half of your clothes weren’t even in the drawers, you having moved them into the spare room because he locked himself in your bedroom so frequently. He sat on the bed, arms wrapping around the pillow you used to sleep on and buried his face into it. The scent was faint. He heard the guest bedroom door open and your footsteps retreating down the hall. The pitter patter against the tiles indicated you were in the kitchen now. 
He hadn’t realized how quickly you slipped through his fingers; how quick to anger he was becoming. What was he becoming? Was it someone you were losing love for? Was he someone you didn’t want to be around, someone you didn't want around anymore? Fallen tears spilled onto the pillow in his arms. How had he let himself get this bad? How had he let this relationship fall apart as quickly as it was? He cried - sobbed - until nothing fell from his ducts.
With his eyes puffy and heart heavy against his ribcage, he changed into his gray sweatpants and his lounge tee, opening the bedroom door. He chewed on his lip, uncharacteristically nervous as he listened to the sound of stir fry on the stove. His fingers tugged at his blonde tufts as his feet brought him to the room you were standing in. You hadn’t noticed him yet, but he saw the irritation around your eyes and the exhaustion hovering around your frame. You were so tired and he used his canine to puncture his flesh to keep any more tears from spilling. 
"You're a mess." So lost in his thoughts, he was oblivious to you turning around. His eyes were unfocused, hazy. 
"I'm not a mess." I am a mess. 
"I can tell you've been crying." When did you finish cooking? You took a step closer to him, arms crossed over your chest and he wanted to reach forward and pull them away. 
“Perceptive, you are.” You didn’t smile like you usually would have at his little quips. He frowned. “Come here.”
“I’m fine where I am.”
“I’m not fine where you are,” he whispered, voice broken, exhausted. He was tired. “Please.” You took a step closer, his hand reached out. He gave you ample opportunity to push his fingers away. When you didn’t, he wrapped them loosely around your arm, tugging your arms from your chest and placing them around his waist. “I’m not fine at all.” He said once more, quietly, vulnerable. 
“I know.” Your ear pressed to his chest, the rhythmic beats of his heart steady. 
“I’m sorry…” You shook your head, finally tightening your hold on his middle. 
“People say things out of anger all the time. The best thing you could have done is this.” You squeezed him to emphasize your words.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re here, holding me. This is enough. This is how I know we’re going to be okay, and that’s all I ever want to know.”
“You won’t leave me?” How insecure; how pitiful.
“I told you when we moved in together - this is a forever type thing, and you only get those once in a lifetime. We’ll fight for the rest of our lives, I’m sure, but those fights won’t ever grow bigger than the love I have for you.”
Ally's 200 Followers Prompts Event
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