#am i... becoming an alpha clothes girl
bastardtrait · 2 months
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too lazy to look for more poses rn but i finally put a pop bitch in the new simandy braids
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christinesficrecs · 9 months
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I had a request for newer fics, so here you go! Also, some other recent fics were posted here.
They’re all together ooky, the Hale family… (Snap, Snap) by DropsOfAddiction | 12.4K | Explicit
Derek realises that he’s probably squashing Stiles a little bit, right at the same moment that Stiles apparently realises that he’s still holding onto Derek’s face.
They both definitely acknowledge Derek’s nakedness at the same exact time, judging by the alarmed look on Stiles’ face.
“So, you have no clothes on,” Stiles removes his hands and holds them above his head in surrender, cheeks a muddy red.
“In my defence, I was covered in fur less than two minutes ago,” Derek rolls his eyes and he pushes himself up and off him, hands covering his junk for Stiles’ sake.
“You’re still kind of furry now…” Stiles sits up, blinking rapidly, clearly just as weirded out as Derek. “Oh my god, pretend I didn’t say that. I’m not looking or anything.”
Derek smirks, because that… that was a lie and he cocks an eyebrow at him.
as dear as a brother by endversed | 10.3K | Explicit
“You are not allowed to sleep with him,” Scott says.
“You’re not the boss of me,” Stiles scoffs.
Stiles and Scott become best friends at college. Derek is Scott's hot older brother.
Take Me Away From Here by Hedwig221b | 33.5K | Explicit
Derek Hale looked terrifying. With his broad frame and muscles, with his wild black hair and thick beard, with his eyes the color of blood and fangs of a killer. Despite his kindness and his apparent attraction to Stiles, he was still a stranger, a predator, a wolf.
The thing is, Stiles would deal, but others might not. People found Lord Hale horrid, monstrous and unapproachable.
If Stiles stood behind him, no one would touch him.
He’d be safe with the wolf. If not from him, then definitely from everyone else. And that was enough.
Messily Ever After by KaliopeShipsIt | 20.3K
When Stiles and his blue slushie have a literal and quite splashy run-in with an adorable five-year old flower girl and her panicking daddy in the middle of the mall, the last thing he expects is to get a date to a stranger's wedding out of it.
Let alone, a boyfriend and a kid.
His Accidental Touch by Hidden_Orchard | 12.8K | Explicit
It happened accidentally, the first time. All the many and varied times afterwards, Stiles would hold his hands up and admit full responsibility for. But that first time – pure chance.
Derek needs a cuddle. Stiles - generous man that he is - would never deny Derek something he needs.
An Alpha's Misunderstandings by Dexterous_Sinistrous | 48.5K | Mature
And Derek was there, as if it was a simple twist of fate.
There were so many ways Stiles wanted to forgive Derek, but then he came to his senses.
He wouldn’t risk Charlotte’s safety for that hope–never again. ~*~ Stiles and Derek are parted by war and misunderstandings, only to find each other again.
Red, Red, Red by loserchildhotpants | 9.4K | Explicit
“Just… it’s weird, I’ve been - uh. You ever, like, dream of something? Something you’ve never seen before, but then you see it out in the world?”
everywhere, everything (every day) by nerdy-stilinski (Captain_Ameriyeah), S3anchaidh | 14.3K
Derek’s never been the best at making decisions. That’s how he keeps waking up with Stiles in his arms, but never under the right circumstances.
Or: Derek agrees to a pack vacation and instantly regrets it.
Matchmaking in Fandom by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) | 13K
It wasn’t like it was a secret that the showrunners made terrible decisions when it came to their own show, so why he’d had actual faith in them not fucking the movie up, he had no idea. Really, it was his own fault.
He hadn’t even set the bar high for the movie! The bar was so incredibly low, like mid-shin height, and they somehow managed to get it subterranean. That was talent. A bad talent, but still a talent.
if i'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that i am? by EvanesDust | 13K
When Derek’s kids write out their Christmas lists, they insist he writes one too. Not long after it's deposited in Santa's mailbox, he's reunited with the man of his dreams.
Derek can't help but fall for him again. It's really too bad Stiles is so obviously taken.
...or the one where Derek’s a grump who makes assumptions about his pregnant omega neighbor.
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scarletwidowsbaby · 1 year
Lover's Quarrel
Summary: A simple few happenstances lead you to two very special women.
Pairings: Omega!Fem!R x Alphas!WandaNat
Genre: Angst, sprinkles of WandaNat fluff.
Warnings: ABO dynamics but no smut. Reader seems a bit depressed.
A/N: This is my first attempt at ABO so pls be nice :)
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*credit to owners*
You still struggled to be normal around the brightness of the day. Normally, you’d be holed up in an ex-HYDRA safehouse and hide away from the sun before you would do what you needed, but you were running low on supplies and needed them, now. 
What am I talking about? Oh, sorry, you’re still new here.
You, Y/N Stellaluna Romana, grew up in HYDRA. You don’t remember much of your parents, except for the fact that they sold you for protection. You jumped between what you now know to be HYDRA and the Red Room, but the female-dominated organisation had a much better teaching style for aggressive female omegas. 
Whilst HYDRA was always there as a threat, the Red Room forced your body into labour if you misbehaved. Growl out at an instructor? Stand on your head in the corner for a time limit set by the victimised instructor. Refuse to make a kill? Your dinner is sacrificed to them, but is laced with cyanide, making you fearful of every meal that touches your lips. 
Bite an instructor? You will be beaten black and blue until you pass out, for which some girls wake up and don’t remember who they are.
But enough of that - you were free. You got out. Now, you were just trying to get through every day without your status in the world being revealed. You took your suppressants daily, which you were on your way to get more of, kept your head up and acted confident, which were all the behaviours of an Alpha.
You should know, since you studied them.
But for now, you relaxed slightly, having taken your second last suppressant this morning and now waiting in line for your coffee. It was a truly beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky, whilst the wind kept it cool enough for a light jacket.
Speaking of, you were going to have to get new clothes soon. Your daily ‘uniform’ was becoming bland with a simple pair of jeans, a graphic shirt, sneaker and a cap. You paid the seven dollars for your coffee before making your way out of the cafe, down to the mall, and in search of some better clothes.
You strolled through some normal big chain stores like Myer, Cotton On and H&M, and even though nothing caught your attention, that was exactly what you needed. You grabbed three pairs of jeans and four tops, just like the ones you had on, as well as a jacket, a hoodie and some extra socks. 
After paying in cash you found your way towards a shoe shop two stores down, but there were some people standing outside of them, like bouncers. You casually moved to the side like you were checking your phone, but you carefully brushed your hair away from your ear as you listened to a new couple coming in.
“Sir, Ma’am, we need to check your status, please.”
“We’re both Alphas.”
You watched them show some form of ID, probably their drivers licences, which contain both sexes of female/male and Alpha/Beta/Omega. They were then let in, and you saw this with almost all of the other shoe shops.
*Dumb laws.* You grumbled, pulling out your umpteenth fake ID as you made your way to the shop.
“Status, please.” The bouncer asked and you handed the Alpha ID over.
He let you in, but hesitated and you gave him a trained Alpha stare, to which he let you in quickly for. You found two pairs of shoes, almost exactly the same, and quickly made your way back home. 
Once you returned, you quickly dumped your bags and checked outside - almost sunset. Your supplier was going to meet you soon and you had to be there on time. He knew you were an Omega and was a strangely kind Beta, feeling sympathetic for how you acted like an Alpha but couldn’t deny your half-yearly heat and your drops.
You threw on the new set of clothes, knowing that meeting with old clothes led to the possibility of your scent releasing. They were comfy, but they felt new, like how the hoodie’s fluff wasn’t built over time, but stock-standard.
As soon as the sky changed, you eyed the figure coming out of the shadows to your left, his lips curled into a gentle smile.
“Y/N! It’s been a while.” He shook your hand, which led to you handing over half of the money.
“So, you got it, Vladi?” You asked as you walked with him to the truck.
“Oh yeah. I have some strong stuff too if you’ve run out, by the way.” 
You shrugged. “Normal order.” 
“One of everything, coming riiiight up.” He grinned, rummaging through the boxes to find yours. 
You were patient and handed him the other half of the payment before he began to drive away, your whole body tense until you locked your apartment door behind you. You tipped the last suppressant into the new box before hiding it behind the sink drain pipe, keeping the other ones hidden within your belongings. Inspections were random sometimes and you needed to be prepared when hiding your illegal suppressants.
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The next day was even more boring since you had nothing to do; no suppressants to collect, no clothes to buy. It was just another day, spinning on the big dumb rock. 
Or so you thought.
You decided to treat yourself and go to the top of the roof for the evening, watching the stars whilst eating your takeaway noodles. It was peaceful and it was the only time you could truly let your guard down, even if that meant no scenting because of your suppressants. 
You leaned back in the sunchair and observed the different constellations, connecting the dots much more easily than the average person. Pegasus was angled slightly down, with Perseus to the left and Capricornus to the right. Hercules was just in front of it, whilst Ursa Major and Minor sat next to each other.
But then you heard the sound of tinkling metal from behind you, as well as the scrapes of it digging into the rooftop. You waited patiently as the almost silent footsteps came closer to you before you stood up and kicked the sunchair back, the mess of blonde hair in a white suit wincing at the hit to her stomach.
“Ow!” She growled, and you could smell the Beta in her.
“Who the hell are you?” You growled back, extending a set of claws.
“Look, I just want to talk. What do you know about the dealing of suppressants around here?” She asked calmly, a thick Ukrainian accent matching it.
One you almost acknowledged. “Those are illegal.” You commented like an Alpha.
She nodded. “Indeed.”
She backed away from you but not without your eyes catching a small vial of red, another grappling hook attaching to the rooftop before a noirette with bright blue eyes came into your vision.
“Yelena! What the hell?!” 
The name only confirmed your suspicions.
“Kate, not now!” She hissed at her, a smirk coming onto your face.
“Lover’s quarrel?” You jeered.
They both gave you a glare and you put your hands up. “I’ll leave if it helps.”
Kate sighed and faced you. “Has anybody moved in here recently? Like, four months?”
You shook your head in a stone-faced lie. “Not that I’ve heard of.” 
Yelena looked you up and down before she pocketed the red vial, to which you watch them leave you alone and head back down their grappling lines. You calmly made your way back to your apartment before you looked at the time - 1:30am.
“Man, work’s gonna be a bitch.” You grumbled, collapsing as soon as your head hit the pillow on the ground.
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And it truly was, yet you were only a quarter of your way through it. 
Bartending was a profession most Omegas went into, serving drinks, doing dishes, serving food; it all helped calm down a bit of the biology. Your bar manager, Sophie, was a Beta, which helped mute out the smell an Omega could possibly give off when under stressful conditions. And your restaurant manager, Danny, was a married Alpha who often had dinner with his wife Alura and kids, Raquelle and Jason.
It was a slow start to the night at the bar section, which allowed Sophie to leave you alone and help the kitchen staff with delivering orders to tables. You were what she liked to call a ‘spicy Omega’, which she saw as an Omega who could stand their ground.
At least she didn’t know about your other Alpha-resistance training.
But then you recognised two heads at the front of a group of people, a very recognisable group - the Avengers. You mentally caved and regretted ever having a conversation with the blonde and noirette as they came over to you.
“Nice to see you again.” Yelena commented.
“Not so sure I can say the same.” You smirked.
“What can I get for you?”
“A table-”
“For ten, booked under Stark.” The one and only billionaire interrupted Yelena and you lightly scowled at the only Omega celebrity you knew.
“Your table is over there, but let the lady speak next time.” 
He nodded before guiding the group over with Captain America's hand in his own, your eyes noticing a child and a teenager which led you to grab some crayons and colouring pages for Sophie as she passed by. You didn’t try to listen to their conversation, instead focusing on keeping the glasses and trays stocked and clean. 
Sophie soon came over to you about three minutes later with a large order of drinks. A few cocktails, one for each woman you assumed, whilst a couple of beers would be for the men and the lemonade and apple juice were for the kids.
You also noticed that the little girl was watching you from the end of the booth, propped up on her knees to watch you mix drinks. Now that you had an audience, you were prepared to amaze her.
Flipping the drinks and shakers around, you mixed the drinks up and watched her smile grow as you threw in a few extra flips here and there, gathering a crowd of attention now. You finally laid out the four cocktails and expertly poured straight across, receiving a cheer from the people sitting nearby as well as a loud squeal from the little girl.
You then decided to make your way over to the table, all of the drinks weighted neatly on your tray before you started to hand them out. You were right on all of your guesses, smiling at the little girl when she showed you her messily coloured picture of a scene in Bambi, whilst the teenager was still busy with his Lord of the Rings picture.
“Would you like me to frame it?” You offered her, a couple of surprised chuffs coming from the adults.
“Yes please!” She begged and you took the picture, making your way back to your station before pulling out a picture frame. 
You carefully slid the picture in, making sure it wasn’t dirty, before clasping the frame together and hanging it on your wall. You then took over a couple more menus since you saw them struggling, and put your hands in your pocket to reach your ordering device.
“Alright, is anybody ready to order?” You asked and they all gave each other confirming looks. 
“Would you like to put names on the order or just keep it under Tony Stark?” 
Some raised eyebrows came your way and they decided to do separate names, but only after checking with you that it was okay. You took down their orders and slowly ‘learned’ their names, even if you already knew some of them.
“I-I’m Morgan, and can I have some pizza please?” She asked you sweetly, putting her hands together.
You smiled at her. “Of course. What kind of pizza would you like?”
“Cheese and-and ham! And the yellow fruity triangles!” She exclaimed.
“Hawaiian, please.” Tony clarified, to which you winked at Morgan.
“I was hoping to have the kitchen staff confused so I could make it myself.” 
A few more chuckles came from the group until you took the last two orders from 'Wanda' and 'Natasha', but you noticed how their eyes lingered on you for a touch too long. 
And then you made the mistake of taking note of their scents.
Six of the eight adults were Alphas. Shit, shit, shit.
You gave them a curt nod and tried to not scurry back to the kitchen, needing to take a break even if you were scheduled for one later. Once you were in the back room, you scrambled for your small bag of belongings and saw the extra strong suppressants Vladi had given you.
You chucked one down and took some deep breaths. An Alpha or two you could handle, but six? Might as well shoot you with a tranq dart.
You quickly made your way out when you were done and asked Sophie to manage that table from now until they finished, getting an alarmed look from her but you explained that you were fine, just overwhelmed. 
“I just had a talk with them, sweets. They won’t be doing any more scenting, okay?” Her lovely Southern accent calmed you and you nodded, letting her kiss your forehead before she moved to the back again.
By now there was a steady stream of customers at the bar and you were handling it well, speeding through margaritas and cocktails whilst scotches and vodkas were a simple pour-n-go. However, you did almost have a heart attack when Wanda and Natasha were the last in the line.
“Hey, can we get two more of those cocktails? Just for us.” Natasha asked calmly and you nodded, beginning to make them at a slightly slower pace.
“Morgan likes you, you know.” Wanda added, bringing out a small smirk from you.
“Does she now? Well, you can tell her that her picture isn’t coming down any time soon.” You pointed at it.
They both chuckled. “So we were wondering…”
*Don’t say my name, don’t say my name.* You muttered in your head, but their eyes inevitably flitted down to your nametag.
“Y/N… could we see you outside of this establishment at some point?” Wanda questioned curiously.
“We could just get coffee if you want?” 
You gulped down the Omega in you and shrugged. “What days? I’ve got a busy schedule.” 
“Any time.” Natasha replied.
You looked at the two of them. They were Alphas, you were an Omega, the possibility was there. But were you mates? Did all three of you share marks? Yours were placed just underneath your neck, a perfect hiding spot when coupled with a jacket, hoodie, bartending shirt or even a low ponytail. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t remember my schedule off of the top of my head. Calendar and all.” You chuckled sheepishly, handing over their drinks.
“We can give you our numbers if that’s more helpful?” They both asked at the same time, pulling out their phones.
You were suddenly called to your station and had to abandon the girls, but they were determined. There was something about you, something wrong, yet so right. Dinner came and went, dessert came and went, and as the bill landed in front of them, they made their move. 
You opened the bill to sort the receipt, ignoring the two pairs of eyes on you as they tidied up, and saw a message written on the back. ‘Y/N - hope to see you soon! W&N xx’ 
You hid your blush well but felt a presence behind you, a familiar yet towering one at that. “Hi, Danny.”
“Hi, Y/N. Are you feeling okay? They were giving you some very weird looks.” He commented, watching the group leave quietly.
“I’m okay.” You murmured, but he knew you.
“Go home, Y/N. Take the night off, I’ll still pay you.” 
“Danny, that’s not fair-”
“You made us more than enough profit tonight. Go home.” He put a hand on your shoulder and you sighed.
“If you say so.” You shrugged, grabbing your bag and heading out the back door. 
Yet, those voices were still there. Wanda, Natasha, Yelena, Kate, Tony - you could decipher them all. Some were different and you couldn’t match them without a face, but you steadily followed behind them as you walked home.
You eventually crossed the street, your apartment a few turns away from the Avengers Tower, which drew the attention of Wanda and Natasha. They told the group they’d meet up in the Tower and they followed after you, just making sure you got home safe.
But a group of men were wolf-whistling you, and they watched them crowd around you.
“What’s a pretty little thing like you doing out at this time all alone?”
“She’s not alone.” Natasha growled, the group jumping at the sight of the two Avengers before a man stepped forward.
“Oh yeah? What, is she your little bitch? Keep her on a lead next time, or she’ll be ours.” He grabbed you roughly and pulled you into him, something which you did not like.
You pushed him out, grabbed his right wrist and flipped him over, pinning his arm back in an excruciating hold that had him whining like a pup. “Submit.” You growled, trying to sound as Alpha as possible.
He tapped three times quickly and bared his neck, making your ego inflate at your acting abilities. You looked at Natasha and Wanda for a few more seconds, trying to decipher their objectives, before turning 180 and heading into the building.
Wanda’s eyes glowed as the men turned to them. “Try it, let’s see how you feel being thrown fifty feet into the air before dying on impact.” 
They scattered like prey and it almost enticed them to chase, but they waited until you were inside of the elevator before going back to the Tower.
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The next afternoon, having slept away the morning, you sent a generic text to the two Avengers saying hi. They then sent back dozens, asking to meet for lunch or afternoon tea by the shore. You sighed, knowing they wouldn’t budge until you said yes, so you obliged and agreed to meet at 4. 
Now, you were making your way down there, a casual stroll in your step as you came into the sunshine in your simple jeans, top and hoodie. No cap this time as it was shaded, and you smelled the two Alphas at the restaurant before you came to the front door.
“Status, please.” The bouncer asked.
*What the fuck?* You grumbled in your mind, handing over your Beta ID since you saw it on his.
He held it to your face and you took off the hoodie, revealing your ponytailed hair and the rest of your body. He handed it back to you before you walked over to the girls, reining in your scent.
The conversation was light, learning about each other and how they met. You were surprised to hear they were on opposite sides twice, but now that the Sokovia Accords were scrapped, they were okay. 
“How about you, Y/N? Got a partner?” Wanda asked and you shook your head.
“Still looking. Haven’t really had time to look, though.” You shrugged, sipping on your hot chocolate.
“Are you gay or straight or…?” Natasha questioned.
“I like women. Not really good at the labels.” You replied nonchalantly.
“Fair enough.” 
The chatter went on mindlessly for a bit longer and if it wasn’t for your training, you weren’t sure you could have kept it up for so long. The questions were so mundane, so dull compared to your ever busy life. 
But then again, you should really knock on wood when you say something like that. Or an explosion will go off underneath the waterfront.
The ground shook beneath you and people ran for safety, whilst Natasha and Wanda recognised the group of people as HYDRA agents. Wanda’s magic protected some civilians whilst Natasha’s trusty guns fired upon some, a trigger in one’s hand that set off another explosion.
“Y/N, get inside!” Natasha commanded but you ignored the Alpha, moving to help some other restaurant goers. 
“Y/N!” Wanda barked, but watched you help up a lady and her son.
“Go! Get inside!” You yelled, but the ground shook again, almost like the bomb was underneath you. 
You stumbled and almost gained your footing, but the rushing crowd tripped you until you landed face first. It earned you a graze along your cheek, a few scrapes on your arms and elbows, but that was the problem.
Now, there was blood. And blood was not something a suppressant could do anything about.
You looked up and saw the bouncer fall over, his eyes going to you in shock. “Omega?” 
Your face turned ghostly at the status, scrambling to get to your feet. You spun around to see Natasha and Wanda looking for you, but when Wanda saw the state you were in, you knew it was too late.
‘Omega?’ She mouthed to you.
You sprinted faster than you’d ever sprinted in your life. Fear had truly grasped your heart, not letting go until you were in the safety of your apartment. You locked the door before barricading it, doing the same to the window in the bedroom and bathroom. 
Your breathing was still heavy as you slid down the wall of the bathroom, trying to regain your senses as you cleaned yourself up. You had to admit, it was more of a struggle when your surroundings were spinning and you had two Y/N’s to look at in the mirror.
You slowly bandaged yourself up before looking for another apartment, your time here up as not one, not two, but three people had just found out about your status. You scrambled to pack your things, only taking away the barricade when you were completely ready.
But the sight of two Alphas was enough to make your knees wobble.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, Y/N.” Natasha caught you, her touch warm to your skin.
“Holy shit, you’re jacked.” 
You rolled your eyes at that well-known fact for ex-Widows and ex-HYDRAs. They guided you to the bed and helped you sit down, your eyes unable to stay open for very long as pain rang through your head.
“Y/N, you might have a concussion.” Wanda explained, raising her hand up to your head before you grabbed it.
“Don’t touch my head.” You growled. 
She backed off, confusing you. Alphas were supposed to be demanding. Why wasn’t she demanding? Natasha came to try next, but soon there were two of her and two Wandas, sending your Omega core into a state of confusion.
“How did we not smell it before?” Natasha’s voice sounded far away as you stood, but four hands tried to keep you down.
“Get off me!” You growled, pushing them away with the same force of an Alpha.
“This doesn’t make sense…” 
You collapsed as Natasha failed to finish her sentence. Or maybe your ears just didn’t wanna listen. Either way, you welcomed the familiar darkness.
A/N: Part 2.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hello my love, I have a prompt for you. A a/b/o prompt. Nat and Wanda are Alphas while R is an omega
So essentially, Nat, Wanda, and R are in hiding because there was a threat on R's life and Nat and Wanda were tasked with protecting them. The three of them are living in a little cabin in the middle of the woods in Russia. There are no neighbors, no one for miles so you can scream and do whatever and no one would hear you. Nat and Wanda, being the Alphas they are, are very protective of R. And as the weeks go by they start to become territorial of R because her heat is about to start. As the days start to number to R's heat, R starts to become bratty. Testing the Alpha's resilience, their self-control. R would deliberately start to walk around in almost no clothes, making suggestive comments, senting, rubbing up against them, being sassy and bratty. One day both Nat and Wanda snap. R made a bratty little comment (something with "make me then") and Nat slams R into the door and growls something along the lines of "I'm your alpha, your mine to use and I'm going to put you in your place." Nat and Wanda end up dragging R to her bed and fuck her. Wanda uses R's mouth, Nat would switch between cunt and ass. Both would take turns using R's holes over and over again until R is a submissive, brain-dead slut. Biting, scratching, bondage, humiliation, you name it. In the end, R ends up taking Nat's knot in her cunt and Wanda's in her ass (which can be changed if you don't like it) But they fuck for hours and breed R like the whore she is. Telling her they are going to fuck a baby into her, fill her so full of cum that she looks like she's pregnant and it leaks down her thighs.
Obviously, you can add more love, and make it spicier and smuttier. Let your imagination run wild darling
Needy thing 18+
*Authors note~ and here's my first attempt omegaverse for Wandanat and it honestly took so long to get right😭*
Trigger warnings~ omega universe alpha wandanat omega r g!p Wandanat degrading blow job double penetration knot  biting and scratching kinks early heat breeding kink threesome nursing Alpha wanda omega r
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
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Life with your Alphas was truly nothing short of a chaotic perfect bliss. Being avengers always kept things creative. But having to hide away from time to time because of a direct threat on your life could get hard sometimes. This time you ended up at a safe house in Russia, Fury enlisting your two alphas to go with you as an extra form of protection. You were completely alone with them which you thought would've been rather enjoyable until you realised they wouldn't touch you at all.
For the first weeks you didn't seem to mind too much, still healing from your own injuries, but as your heat crept closer you were noticing your need for them, and clearly they were noticing your on coming heat due to how protective they are of you. Normally it was manageable and comforting but when you were in heat it could be slightly overwhelming but still something you loved none the less.
You were trying everything to get their attention, flirting with them, sending out your pheromone's and letting touch's linger longer than normal. Nothing worked not even with your the recent attempt to Wanda of  "am I a painting?" To which she simply shrugged in your direction, "because I want you to pin me to a wall." She couldn't help but giggle slightly once you'd walked away feeling slight defeated. If you couldn't crack Wanda then you had absolutely no chance of getting Natasha to crave.
As the days approached your heat, you could feel yourself becoming more desperate for their attention, not even nesting was able to quell that need. Flirting with both women didn't work, so you decided to take another approach. Normally the girls wouldn't be able to resist you showing a bit more skin than you normally do, in fact it would cause them to be all over you, scenting you to show you're theirs. Their pretty little omega. But here and now as you strolled around in a short bed top that hardly covered the bottom of your ass and some simple lace panties, you were disappointed to receive not one reaction, not even a blink at you. It hurt.
"Can you go put some warmer clothes on dekta? You'll catch your death" Natasha tried, partly because she didn't want you becoming sick and partly because she won't control herself much longer. It should be a crime to look that damn delicious. "Make me" you grumbled, not even sparing a look at your alpha, you were hurting, why didn't they want you?  "What did you just say dekta?" She repeated herself clearly giving you a chance to rectify yourself. "Why don't you make me?" Instantly you were regretting your actions because all actions have consequences.
Oh and the consequences were so delicious. "Wands, tell her to put some clothes on before she ends up really stuck" Nat shouted to your other Alpha who tried to get you to redress, but instead you were already on the hill so why not die on it too? You took the bed top off, immediately feeling the chill nipping at your newly exposed skin. Wanda stood gasping like a fish, you'd never disobey her like that normally? Something had to be wrong. But the growl was all the red headed Russian. "I'm your alpha and you are ours to use, and we going to have to put you back in your place little 'mega." Before dragging you to the bedroom with the other woman following closely behind not wanting to miss a chance to play with you. Truthfully herself and Nat had been trying to starve off this and when your heat started you would've have one hell of a night, but now you'd blown that, she knew there was no way of cooling Natasha down and when she heard your whimper, she wasn't sure she wanted to.
"Mommy" you whimpered as Natasha marked up your neck, "dekta you deserve this, you've been teasing us this whole time, be a good girl for mommy and daddy and maybe we will fill you up with our pups, won't we Nat?" Your head spinning from the pleasure and her words, "oh yes we will, gonna look so beautiful with your breasts all full of milk and your stomach all round with our pups. Why did we we wait so long wands?" Your mind reeling, was this the plan all along, yet both women sporting straining cocks and pumping their pheromones all around the room which effectively triggered off your heat a few days earlier than it was meant to arrive.
You whined as the heat hit you hard. "No no not yet" you whimpered squirming from Natasha's hold craving your nest. You knew you'd been bratty, which meant a punishment, and that was something right now that seemed to overwhelming to take right now. Both your alphas seemed rather confused until it clicked. "Oh love, it's okay, what do you need дорогой?"(darling) she knew you were scared, startling your heat like that would be a crazy hormone adjustment for you so if you needed your nest then that's where you would stay. "Mommy need you" you whined nuzzling into Nats pillow, "mm daddy?"
That's all the needed to join you and allowed you the time to breathe. "I'm sorry I'm a brat" you whispered, "just wanted your attention." At least you had the dignity to look down in remorse, however it would get you no where and all three of you knew it. "Please don't edge me" you whispered into Wanda's neck. "Dekta, we aren't cruel my love, we want to help you. You know you will never get a punishment while in your heat" Natasha reassured with a hand trailing up and down your side. "Help me? Please my alphas I really need you to." You pleaded to your lovers.
With Wanda stealing your lips in a passionate kiss, Natasha decided to make some room before helping Wanda undress you all. There you had their two cocks both straining for your attention, your heat. Wands was slightly shorter and less girth than your Russian lover but that wasn't an issue for any of you really. "Mommy? Please" you whined causing Wanda to silently communicate with one another. "Open up dekta, you need to get mommy's cock nice and wet so it will slide right into your cunt later" she murmured rubbing the bulbous mushroom shaped head against  your lips, "we all know how you need to have mommy in your mouth to feel good, a true cock whore for us arent you love?" But you didn't even get a chance to answer before Wanda took advantage of your open mouth to ram her dick into your tight throat.
"God I've missed your throat baby, your always so tight for mommy, go on baby choke on my dick like a good whore" Wanda praised you while you noticed Nat leaving the nest to secure what was known as your second pussy. "Wands, dekta stop" Nat demanded and with a whine of protest she pulled out of your throat, "such pretty tears." Natasha really was being left out and it was so unfair to do such a thing to her, so naturally she nestled the flashlight into between two pillows just off centre so she could suck on your sensitive breasts while Nat used your poor aching cunt.
The angle was awkward but none the less effective, Wanda begging for Nat to let her join in while Natasha was praising you for having such a tight cunt that was just made her. She couldnt stop moaning about how beautiful you'd look properly bred, so much cum it's just pouring out of your abused hole. Then you'd be round with the start of your family, pups to bind you all as one. Truly there was nothing that could make Natasha more animalistic than that. "Please please daddy please wanna cum please" you whined as tears still flooded your cheeks. But instead of giving you what you want, she slipped from your slick core in order to make herself last longer. "Wands, come on моя любовь (my love) it's time."
Your alphas didn't give you long to ponder on what it was time for, you felt Nat enter your fluttering hole again and moaned in pleasure at the feeling of her splitting your inner walls apart, "daddy fuck feels good please god I wanna cum." A small chuckle came from the other woman, "open wide dekta, mommy is gonna make you take her cock too" she murmured kissing your head before shifting into the position that would allow them to both penetrate you at the same time. "Mommy no please can't! Daddy! Oh fuck fuck please please please just let me cum please" you screamed, it's a good job there was no one for miles and miles to hear it.
"Ahh dekta, it's okay, almost done okay? You're gonna take both our cum okay? We wanna make sure your properly full. Gotta make sure you get pregnant okay?" The movements begging more out of sync you could they were close now, alongside the knot forming at the bases of their cocks. "Wands fuck, luck at the dumb slut, so desperate for cock her cunt is greedily sucking us in, god dekta you're perfect. Such a perfect pussy for us. Wans wanna cum in her cunt, cum with me. Fill out little whore to the brim" Nat was yelling at this point as you just withering below them unable to do anything but take their brutal actions and pace. Feeling Natasha's knot slip inside your walls caused you to cum around their dicks so hard wanda's cock was forced out by the pressure alone, meaning her cum made a mess of your pretty nest. You didn't care tho, Natasha spilling her hot load into your fertile cunt and fucking it up towards your cervix was enough of a distraction.
"Tasha" Wanda whined knowing the two of them were stuck from now on for a little while, but considering as the other alpha Wanda took the more feminine role, it meant in her omegas heat she often needed help to relive the milk that is triggered there. "Oh hun, come settle down on the bed, I'll move our 'mega when I can, try see if she'll suckly while I clean" Natasha could only try to understand how sore Wanda got as it was something she'd never experienced but it did give her a slither of jealousy knowing only she had that bond with you.
Once the not deflated Nat roused your satisfied self and gently moved you over to Wanda, where she whispered a few words of encouragement and ran her hands through your hair. At first the taste was strange but the more you suckled on her breast the better and sweeter it became. So much so when you drank her right breast dry you realised an angry whine until Wanda guided you to the other, basking in the relief you provide when doing this. Before Nat even returned from cleaning you were out, occasionally suckling on her pert nipple. "Dekta?" The red head whispered to the other  relaxed woman, and only received a hmm of acknowledgment. "Do you think, she is okay with her heat being earlier?" Wanda sighed really, she didn't hold the answer but they'd find out in a couple of hours time when they'd awaken to you grinding your ass onto Natasha's hard on while sleepily groping Wanda. You were definitely more than okay, in fact you begged them to take you over and over again, to breed you like the true cum slut that you are.
Word count ~ 2367
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solo6677 · 7 months
A Little Tired of Life
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There is a popular song out right now that starts "Do you ever get tired of life" then it goes "you are not really happy but you don't want to die". Well that is my life. Who am I? I am Richard Johnson. I am a 48 year-old married man. I am 6 '2 with brown graying hair, brown eyes and an athletic build. 
I have been married to my wife Victoria for the last 20 years. Together we have raised an 18-year-old daughter. Her name is Amanda. I work in an office building downtown as an accountant. I have three good friends and a so-so friend (you know the type). 
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Back to my life, my marriage doesn't feel like a marriage, I feel more like we're roommates. I enjoyed my life with my wife until our 1st was born 18 years ago. It's not that I don't love my daughter It's just that my wife hasn't been intimate with me. We haven't had any sex for 18 years and as a date night goes yeah you can forget that.
We don't even sleep in the same bedroom. When my wife and I first started to date I made a promise to her that I would not cheat on her. However, this is increasingly becoming more difficult as I have not had a life, sex, or any intimacy for many years. I am not sure how much more I can take.
Monday night I came home from work. I had a lousy day but I brought home with me 2 tickets to a new musical opening up downtown. I wanted to surprise my wife so I bought flowers and a good bottle of wine, her favorite, to tell her about the show. I thought since we haven't been out in a while this would be a fun time for both of us.
When I made it home, she was sitting on the couch watching one of her reality shows that I can't stand. I walked up to her and asked her to pause her show. She didn't even look up at me and said no. I looked down at her and told her I had a surprise for her, again she said no. At this I became enraged.
I threw the flowers on the floor and stormed off to my room. I called my friend Robert the so-so friend from before. I knew he was a fan of musicals so I asked him if he wouldn't want to go and he immediately said yes. I then told him we would talk about plans for later.
I then went back into the living room to my wife and told her that Robert and I were going to the show. She looked at me and said quite meanly, "Whatever" then she asked what night it was for? I told her it was going to be on Wednesday night. That was 2 nights from now.
She smiled and said she already had plans with Amanda. I asked her what they were doing and she just had a sly smile on her face and said “girl things”. I then went to open the wine for her and I. We made small talk and then after a few glasses we both went to bed.
On Wednesday I met Robert for drinks before the show and we talked about our lives. I told him about the way things are and how unhappy I was. Then that aforementioned song about being a little tired of life came on the jukebox. I then looked Robert in the eyes and told him that is me to a tee. I then told him I wish I could just disappear. Robert's eyes lit up. He had an idea. He then told me about Evie's Emporium.
That it was a shop in the mall. It has all kinds of transformative items. lt probably had what I needed to disappear. He then told me about AdoniX. He said with this I would transform into an alpha male and I could just disappear. I thought that may be my answer and I thanked him. I paid for his drinks even though Robert was rich. He didn't like to spend money and we went to the show.
After the show I arrived home to an empty house. I grabbed a beer, sat down and watched all the sports highlights for the night. I looked around at the empty house and thought to myself, could I really give this up? After a few more beers and I said fuck yeah. The next day after work I went to the mall to check out Evie's Emporium.
I was astounded by how many products were in this one store. They had clothes, accessories, makeup shoes, and even skin bodysuits. I walked around bewildered until a customer service rep came up to help me. Her name was Mara. She asked me what I needed and I told her that I was looking for AdoniX. She smiled and walked me over to the vials potion section.
As we went by the shoe department I could see another associate Bruna explaining how high heels could be a very transformative experience for a very attractive female customer. As we went to the potions section, I saw another associate Erica talking to another attractive female customer about how great the big black dildos feel. Then I continued to follow Mara some more. We then passed the manager's office and emblazoned with big gold letters was the name Q. Evie Hyde.
The Q made me curious so I asked . She laughed and said it meant Queen. I thought maybe it was a joke and went on with her to go find the AdoniX. When we arrived, Mara picked up the bottle. She told me that it was their last bottle and that it was permanent.
I told her that it didn't matter to me. Then I said that I planned on disappearing and not coming back. I asked her how much and she told me the price. It was a little more than I thought it would be but it was the last one so I purchased it and then left to go home.
When I got home, I took my purchase to my bedroom. I kept thinking where the best place to hide it would be. The fact that my wife and daughter never go into my bedroom I decided to hide it in my sock drawer. I then went to the living room to watch some TV. About an hour later my wife and daughter came home laughing.
I asked where they were as they had been out all night. My wife gave me the same answer she normally did: “girl stuff”. I tried to do some small talk with my wife and my daughter but just got frustrated and went to my bedroom to be by myself.
The next morning at breakfast I was informed that my wife and daughter were going to visit her mother for the weekend. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to use AdoniX and go on with my new life. As this was now Friday morning it gave me time to plan out my new life too. I went to get ready for work when I saw Amanda coming out of my room. I asked her what she was doing and she said she had to use my bathroom because hers was not working correctly.
I just nodded okay and then I heard Victoria getting off the phone. "Okay we will be packed soon and we'll leave in about an hour, see you soon love you." She then told me that it was her mother and their plans had changed and they were leaving within the hour. I was overjoyed by the news. This meant I could put my plan into motion a lot quicker. After they were packed, they got in their car. I said my goodbyes and they went to her mother's.
The minute the car was out of the driveway I got on the phone and I called off of work. I went and showered and dressed then I went to the bank. I closed up my account and took out a small loan, I'm going to be a new man so how would they find me to pay anyway. I went to my lawyer and changed my will leaving everything I had to Robert. Finally, I went home to take my AdoniX.
I got home and locked the door then ran into my bedroom. I pulled the vial from my sock drawer and read the instructions on the back. It said to take off all jewelry and clothes as the transformation could make your body bigger. So I followed suit. I took off all my clothes until I was fully nude.
Next it said that it may be disorientating at first so not to be standing. I made my way over to the bed and I sat down so that way I would not fall over. Finally, it said that this vial of AdoniX is permanent and cannot be reversed. After reading that final warning I smiled and drank down the whole vial.
The taste was similar to strawberries and cream. At first, I felt nothing and then my whole body felt like it was on fire. I was profusely sweating and my heart was beating out of my chest. I looked at the bottle again for warnings and side effects. That was when the label fell off to reveal not AdoniX but an Elixir instead!
I started to read over the Elixir and I found out it was permanent and I wasn't going to be an alpha male, I was going to be a female. No sooner had I read the back but I started to feel much pain. My body shrunk from my 6'2 frame to a 5'7 frame. My hands got really dainty and my fingernails started to grow. My legs and feet got smaller and more feminine. My body hair all over dissolved to leave me just the hair on my head. My brownish gray hair started to spill out down my head and changed to a dark brown. My hips widened and then the pain became so unbearable I passed out.
When I awoke it was already night time. I could see the Moonlight beaming through my window. I went to sit up when I noticed my body felt different. As I sat up, I saw big titties. I felt them and a chill went through my body. I got out of bed and walked over to my mirror and stood in shock. The vision before me was absolutely gorgeous.
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The woman I saw had dark brown hair and had real deep brown eyes. I touched my hair to realize I was her. My tits were big and my pussy was bare. I reached two fingers down to feel myself. It felt really wet and I jumped on my bed to give myself my first female orgasm. I then took a steamy shower, not able to keep my hands off myself.
After the third or was it the fourth orgasm I went to my daughter's bedroom to look for some clothes. I was able to find a set of underwear a black bra and panties that fit me.In her closet I was then able to find a black dress that fit me but snug in my chest. I then went to my wife's room, looked in her closet and found a pair of black stiletto heels. I put on my new heels and went to start my new life.
I grabbed all I wanted from my house. I called an Uber, got in and left. My next stop would be at a hotel for the night before I found a more permanent place to live. Well in the Uber I started to feel horny and very playful. I made sure the driver kept his eyes on me as I flashed my tits and masturbated most loudly. He drove off the road a couple times.
When we reached the hotel, I asked him in a breathless voice how much I owed him for the ride? He was quite pale and told me it was on the house and he thanked me for being his best customer. I smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. I gave him a kiss on the lips and told him I had to give him something. He blushed and told me that it was his pleasure and then he drove off.
I grabbed my suitcases off the ground and I went into the hotel. Inside I went to make a reservation and a very pretty young redhead was at the counter. I read her name tag and it said her name was Sarah. She was younger, probably in her early twenties. She had freckles on her face and very pretty eyes.
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I asked her about a room and she unfortunately said they did not have any vacancies. I told her I had cash but she said unfortunately nothing is available. I went to turn away and then she called me back. She told me that I looked desperate and in need so I could have her room for the night. She asked me how much I could pay and I lied and told her $200. She accepted the $200 and handed me her room key and then blushed. I could see that she was interested in me.
So I asked if she was going to be spending the night with me in her room. She blushed again and said she has a couch she can sleep on. I then walked behind the counter to surprise her and kissed her full on the lips. I felt her nipples stiffen as I pulled her in for a quick hug. I also felt my pussy get wetter after she started to kiss me back. Smiling I asked her when she got off for the night and blushing she smiled back and said in about 15 minutes. I then made sure to tell her that I will see her in her room after her shift and I kissed her again. Walking away she asked my name and I said Rachel.
I took the elevator up to the fifth floor and I found the room. I opened the room to see a young woman's room as I figured Sarah had to be probably 21 or 22. I looked into a full length mirror in the room and got a better view of it myself. My body was the body of a late 20 something year-old year-old. My hair was dark brown and on my shoulders. My brown eyes were almost hypnotic. I went to undress when I heard the door open. It was Sarah.
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She looked at me and walked over without a word and started to kiss me again. As we kissed my hand started to get bold and I touched Sarah's tits. They weren't as big as mine but they were enough. She started to moan and then she grabbed my dress and started to take it off me. I then grabbed her uniform and unbuttoned it to see her tits in a pretty flowered bra.
As I took her clothes off, I admired how firm her body was. I then threw her on the bed and finished undressing her. I laid her on her back and then started to suck on her toes. I then started working my way up her legs. When I got to her pussy, I noticed the way her hair was shaved. She had it in a heart shape. I started to kiss up her tummy and then each nipple.
I then started to kiss her lips again as I kissed her, I put two fingers in her soaking wet pussy. She started to squirm and moan then I went down on her and started to suck on her clit. She moaned even more as I then took my tongue and licked her to her first orgasm of the night. She then told me to lay down.
As I did she started to kiss me all over then she took her tongue and started to lick my pussy. I couldn't believe how good this felt. She then stuck her tongue inside of me and I exploded into my first real female orgasm. After we both orgasmed again Sarah pulled out a dildo from a drawer and fucked me with it all night.
After we were done Sarah smiled and told me that I was the first lesbian experience she ever had. Matter of fact I was the first female she was ever attracted to. I smiled and said she was my first lesbian experience also and by far better than I ever imagined. We laid in each other's arms until morning's first light.
In the morning she made breakfast for us and tried to return the $200 I gave her. I refused to take it back as she let me rent the room. She kissed me again and said that I could stay as long as I like. I thanked her and told her that I was going out to buy some clothes but I would take her up on her offer.
After that I got dressed and went back to the local mall. When I got there, I had all my credit cards and cash. I went from store to store and purchased everything I would need from clothes to underwear, to shoes, and even makeup. I was about to leave the mall when I again saw Evie's Emporium. I stopped in to look at the clothes and the accessories there.
I saw Mara this time she was helping a very handsome male customer. I also saw Erica helping an older woman with clothing this time. I was looking at collars when I was approached by another woman. She told me her name was Evie and that she was the owner of the Emporium. I asked what they did here at the store and she told me that she loves to bring out ones inner bitch and make dreams come true.
I then went and thanked her and told her what a life-changing experience this store has been. I then purchased a few more items including a couple collars, some more permanent elixirs and even something called SimpX. You never know when you might need something I thought. I then left the store and walked around for a little while.
I then went back to the hotel to wait for Sarah to get off of work. I had bought some groceries and decided to make her a wonderful dinner. As soon as I arrived at the hotel, I could see Sarah behind the counter helping someone with their reservation. I just smiled at her and went back to our room. When I got back to the room, I pulled some items out of my bag, put my clothes and shoes away and then took a long sensual bath touching myself the entire time thinking of Sarah.
After my bath I started to make dinner. I made pasta and pulled out some red wine that I bought. When Sarah finally came in, I watched her eyes bulge out. I was sitting on the couch in a brand-new pair of blue lingerie and sitting on the table next to me was our dinner. She started to head over to the bedroom when I stopped her. I told her to come on and eat first and then we can play. Sarah blushed and then sat down.
As we ate, we talked about each other's day. I told her how I went to the mall and made a bunch of purchases. I then told her that I was looking for a new place to live and maybe even a job. I asked her if she liked what she was doing. She looked at me and said she hated her job but this is the only job she knew. Then I told her I came up with an idea: what if she didn't have to work, what if neither of us had to work? She looked at me very inquisitive and said what do you mean? I then pulled out a bottle of Elixir.
This bottle will change your life like it did for me. I was a nobody going nowhere, then I took this bottle and I became a goddess. How would you like that to happen for you? Sarah smiled and asked me how so I handed her a bottle of elixir and I told her to drink it. Sarah, with no question asked, drank it down and then she began to change.
Her hair grew out and got darker almost like a blood red, her body grew out to make her almost the same age as I am. Her eyes became more vibrant and looked incredible. I then went back into my bag and grabbed a magic collar.
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This collar said evil bestie on it. I asked her if she wanted to wear it if she wanted to be my evil bestie, Sarah grabbed it and threw it on her own neck and I knew we were meant to be. She also asked me to call her Delilah from now on. That night we took turns using the strap on i bought and fucked each other all night long. Right before we fell asleep I looked into Delilah's eyes and knew that she was the one that I truly loved.
The next day it was time to put my plan into action. Delilah and I left early from the hotel on her day off. We went to visit my friend Robert. Robert was a millionaire who lived in a giant mansion with many servants. When we got to his place I knocked on the door and his Butler answered. I told him I wanted to see Robert that I'm a friend of a friend and I gave him Richard's name. Robert immediately came to the door and let us in.
I pulled Robert into his living room and talked to him and told him that myself and Sarah wanted to show him the time of his life. So, Robert then let us into his bedroom where we all undressed and had three-way sex. While Robert was resting, I decided to put my plan into action. I took out a vial of SimpX and poured it down his throat.
The change was almost immediate; he had gone from a 6-foot man to a very feminized 5'2 sissy. His hair had grown longer, gone from a sandy brown to a very dark brown.
He was still naked from our sexual adventure so I could see his cock shrink till it's just a little cockle. When he woke up, I put a magic collar around his neck that said slave and locked his cockle in a cage. He immediately addressed me as mistress and asked what he could do to service me. I pulled out more of the magic collars and told him to call in his servants one at a time as they will soon be mine. Robert agreed and I proceeded to turn his Butler into a female slave. And then all the maids into my slaves also.
Almost a month later since we moved in with Robert. Delilah  and I have not been happier. We have sex every night in front of Robert while he has his cock caged. I keep thinking maybe to use the elixir on Robert but not yet. I happened to be resting outside by the pool when I saw a very familiar face show up next to me.
I saw my ex-wife Victoria and my daughter Amanda. They came to see Robert. It appears that my ex-wife and my daughter had used elixir from what the sissy Robert told us and were using their elixir bodies to fuck him for money behind my back.
I started to talk to Victoria and asked her if she was married. She laughed and said no, my husband disappeared almost a month ago. Then she started to laugh. He was such an idiot, she said.  I asked her what she meant by that and she told me that she had Robert tell him about AdoniX. So she knew her husband would be interested in buying it since she hasn't been interested in him in years.
I laughed too, yeah what an idiot I said then what? She told me that she then had my daughter sneak into the bedroom and change the vials from AdoniX to a permanent Elixir. She could only imagine what her husband looks like now. We laughed about it a little bit more and then I asked her if she would like to see a new room in the house.
She said yes and she followed me. I introduced Amanda to Delilah then pulled her aside and told her my plan. I had Delilah show Amanda her bedroom. When Victoria and I reached my bedroom I pushed her down on the bed and knocked her out. When she awoke she asked me why I did what I did . I just looked her in the eyes and told her “Thank you, you stuck up bitch!”
“I love my new life now”, she then had a look of fear in her eyes that made my pussy very wet. I will never forget the look in her eyes when she realized it was me. I said” I love being an evil bitch. I get to fuck a woman I love and now I get my revenge on you. You worthless cunt.”
She tried to get up to hit me but then realized that I had tied her to the bed. I then went to my closet and got out the slave collar. I threw it around her neck. I kissed her once more on the lips and told her I want a divorce. I then had an evil smile and said welcome to slavery bitch. Meanwhile in Delilah‘s room she did the same thing to Amanda.
Less than a year later Delilah and I got married. I love the way that she treats my ex-wife and my daughter. She treats them like the worthless slaves they are. That was something about her that absolutely turned me on.
I gave them both my ex-wife and daughter permanent Elixir and used two more collars on both of them, the slut collar and also the bimbo collar. They both work at the local strip club making money to bring home to me.
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Robert, I decided to turn him into Roberta. I gave him elixir but again used the slave and slut collar on him or her. She actually is now my personal maid. Also my three friends I alluded to earlier, are enjoying their new lives and couldn't be happier! I love my life now and just to think at one point in time I was a little tired of life.
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Also my three friends I alluded to earlier, are enjoying their new lives and couldn't be happier! I love my life now and just to think at one point in time I was a little tired of life.
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If it wasn't for Evie , Erica, Mara, all the other writers who bring out the best in transformations this wouldn't have been written.
Thank you all
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wizzdot · 2 months
The Patron Saint of One Way Trips
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Description: another slow burn chapter. I did warn y’all. Don’t think Y/N /Laika can quite grasp that she isn’t a monster. She might realise eventually!! Progress with Soap and Gaz - think they might have a soft spot for her already!!
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Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
I eventually recover from Soap's - well - whatever the hell that was.
"Thirty minutes till we load the car and go to the Heli. Let's not keep Kate waiting" the Captain rumbles from the kitchen. I must have put him in a bad mood..
"I have nothing to pack.. should I just" - "you can help me pack, the room is a mess. Need to leave it clean and ready to be used in emergencies again" Gaz interrupts. I nod and follow him back upstairs. I seem to be doing this a lot. Just following Gaz around like a stray mutt. God, they must find me so annoying.
Gaz strides into the large room to the right hand side of the upper landing. I stop at the door. The strong scent of Alpha phermones almost knocks me back a step. I'm not usually overly bothered by scents however I put it down to the fact I've been in the facility for so long, the guards were probably taking blockers anyway. That's what I settle on to explain my new found ability.. if you can even call it that. It's because I've not been exposed to any scents.
"Just come in, we don't do the traditional 'permission to enter the nest' bullshit. We ain't exactly a traditional pack as it is" Gaz says, motioning me further into the Alpha's nest. I try not to look at the worn clothes scattered around the room. It looks so.. lived in. There are reading glasses on the bedside table. I wonder who wears reading glasses..? Two books stacked, one bookmarked, the other dog eared. I bet the dogeared one is Soap's. There is a journal on the floor with a pen resting in the central valley between pages. There is a beautiful drawing on one page, the next page is filled with messy disorganised writing which is, in a strange backwards sense, very pretty. Intruder! Intruder! Get out of their space! You don't belong here! My brain starts to shout at me.
"C'mere" Gaz stops my inner thoughts from running rampage. I obediently move towards Gaz and await instruction. Obedient little mutt, indeed. SHUT UP! I wish I could turn my brain off for a few minutes. Or longer..
"We can start with my stuff. Just check labels for names.. Are you warm enough? You'll probably want a hoodie for the ride home, right?" - "Oh uhm, are you sure you want me rooting through your belongings...?" - "You're not rooting through anything, you're helping, I asked, didn't I?" he reassures "ok, yeah.. ok.. sorry.." - "here, that's my bag" he places his bag on the large bed. The bed they all share. The pack bed.. You shouldn't be in here... QUIET! My damned brain and its self sabotaging tendencies.
I start by collecting the things that Gaz has piled in a seperate stack of all of his things. Fold, place in the bag. Fold, place in the bag, Fold, place in the bag.. it becomes quite relaxing. I enjoy the scent of his clothes wafting past my nose as I fold them. I shouldn't be enjoying it, should I.. Snap out of it.. They are literally taking me to be interrigated later today, why am I acting as if I'm welcome? Stop it, stupid girl!
I make it to the end of the pile and he claps his hands together once as the last piece of clothing gets zipped inside the bag. "Done and dusted! Here, I kept this out for you to wear on the ride back to base." He presents a navy hoodie, a Union flag on the upper sleeve, 'Sgt. K Garrick' embroidered over the chest, below a larger fonted 'SAS - TF141'. I take it from his hold. "Thank you..." I say softly. He smiles brightly at me as I pull it over my head. I must look ridiculous wearing all these clothes that are far too big for me..
*Gaz's POV*
She pulls my hoodie over her head. YES! Mission accomplished.. She will be warm *and* be covered in my scent. I shouldn't care but seeing her in my clothes again wakes something up in me. Like when she wore my jacket.. and how Johnny must have felt when she walked down this morning in his clothes. I knew he'd enjoy the sight.. led her down the stairs trying to wipe the smirk from my fuckin' face. I could see how effected Cap was from the showergel scent too. That fuckin' tobacco smell drives him mad. Could tell it caught him off guard when she turned the corner dressed in his pack Alpha's clothes and scented up to high heavens.
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Gaz is looking me up and down, I shrink under his gaze, embarrassed. He definetly thinks I look ridiculous. "C'mon, love, downstairs.. looks like we are ready to. You got your hanky bandana thing?" He asks. I pat my pocket for the shape of it, before nodding, confirming that I haven't lost it. "Good, let's go then. The others will only be five minutes".
I trail after him towards the front door of the house. He holds his hand out, stopping me in my tracks. "You wait here, I'll go and check the perimeter and bring the car round to the door. You'll be alright waiting, won't you?" God he thinks I'm useless, such a burden. The floor is suddenly all too interesting. "I'll be ok" I confirm. He nods and pats my arm before turning and leaving through the door. I get a brief blast of cold air. I'm thankful that I'm no longer in my cell - the snow fell heavily last night. I'm thankful for the hoodie Gaz had let me borrow.
I flinch when two big hands suddenly grab my shoulders from behind. "What's the matter, lass? Planning your escape?" - "No - no Ky-Gaz went to get the car... I was told to stay.." - "Awkt, I'm sure he didnae mean stand and stare at the door. C'mere, come sit with me" - "I..I -"
Soap practically herds me to the sofa and directs me, by my shoulders, to sit. He sits right next to me. "Nice hoodie, you smell like one of us, eh?" he inhales, obnoxiosly loudly and groans. I resist the need to roll my eyes at his light-hearted joking, still not quite ready to leave the sad, anxious corner of the depths of my brain but the fact I was even considering must be progress though, right. It just upsets me, that every single time I feel like I could feel a tiny better, I am reminded that I don't belong here - or anywhere for that matter - and that I am following along with these deadly Alphas, like a stupid mouse right into a trap. It was inevitable.
"Where've you gone.. hey! Laika..?" I feel him tapping on my knee, trying to snap me out of it. Looking at him, with watery eyes, he practically engulfs me. "What's the matter? Tell me.." he pleads, with the softest voice I'd heard from him, right next to my ear. I just sniffle into his chest, still frozen, not reciprocating his embrace , instead, finding warmth and seclusion in his arms. I finally feel like I have some privacy, which is strange, isn't it?
"Whatever it is, it willnae go away if you bottle it up, lass. Tell me, we might be able to help.." - I lean away from him, wiping my face messily with the too-long sleeves of my - I mean Gaz's - hoodie. "I just - I am going to be interrogated.. and I've done so much, so many lives.. so much blood on my hands, all my doing.. I deserve whatever I get, but - but - I'm scared.."
"Lass, this isn't how it's going to happen. We just want to find out more about you. You've been drugged right? You've been forced into submission.. like a puppet on a string. Laswell - she's understanding of circumstances. Hell - L.T's got a few skeletons in his closet - pardon the pun" he laughs. "S'not funny" I whisper, "Look, we dinnae even know what you are going to present as when the drugs leave your system, it's illegal to alter presentations and designations without consent, so you've already got that on your side" he tries to reassure me. "I'm probably Beta.. my parents.. they were Beta's".
"The Cap said you were in there for, what, six years? fuckin' hell. So .. you're twenty six-ish then? That's awful late to be undesignated, lass. Those bastards." he rants on, I just sit quietly and listen. "What other tests and bullshit did you have done to you?" - "lost track, it'll be on my file somewhere. They recorded everything.. They changed it up when I did'nt cooperate to a satisfactory level.." - "what the fuck does that mean?" he scoffs, angrily "well, there was one mission, where I was sent to kill two cartel members.. they were a bonded pair..." my voice breaks and my eyes start to water again. "C'mon lass, you're doing so well telling me all about it.. keep going for me" he rubs my knee reassuringly.
I continue "They were a bonded pair.. I-I had lost my drugs that I was ordered to take three times a day to keep me complient. They must have been fading from my system, because I started to-to question the information I had been given. My own conciousness sort of kept fading in and out at that point. It's sort of blurry.. I- I had the shot lined up on the leader - an Alpha - and just as I was about to pull the trigger.." I stop suddenly and turn away.
"Shhh, lass, shhhh, it's ok.." - C'mon, tell him - "the trigger, a kid pulled my leg.. he needed help, he'd been caught in the fire and was all hurt and scared.. I don't know why.. I shouldn't have done it.. it was stupid of me.. I shouldn't have.." I wipe my tears again, reliving the trauma. My heart hurt. "Shouldn't have what, Lass, what did you do to the wee boy?" he asks, I swear I can hear suspicion or tentative anger in his voice.
"I got him killed. Walked him straight to his execution. Delivered him to his death.." I weep.
"whoa, whoa - what d'ya mean? You've lost me, lass. Slow down, take deep breaths, aye?"
"I - I took him and hid him under my elbow, I lined up the shot again, trying to keep the boy quiet.. but he was scared. He was so scared.. Something got in the way of the shot.. it was - was one of the guards from the facility. They'd come to finish the job, probably thought I was dead because I was late returning or something like that, but when I saw him in my scope I took the shot.."
"Good lass, you were fighting the drugs! You clever girl!" - "no- no not clever.. I tried to run back to the spot they said they'd pick me up from.. I don't know why but my brain wasn't - wasn't completely cleared from the drugs. I don't know why I thought they'd be pleased. Pleased that I'd saved the kid. All they cared about was the success of the mission. The cartel leader. And his mate, a male omega. I think he was killed.. because they were never apart but when I had my shot, it was just the Alpha.. I think - I think he saw me, when I took the shot at the guard, I swear he caught my eye as I ran.."
"Did you make it back to where you were supposed to meet?"
"Yeah, they shot the boy. Right between the eyes. It was like slowmotion. I don't remember what happened, but I woke up attached to machines and my brain went back into the controlled state again.. they developed a new drug that lasted longer, so it didn't risk running out on missions.."
"Bastards.. fucking BASTARDS" Soap rages. I look at my lap, shaking and weeping. "Pieces of shit, I'll fucking kill the lot of them slowly and" - "Johnny, that's enough!" he is interupted by a gruff voive.
I look up from my, lap my eyes widening. I obviously didn't notice the arrival of the rest of the pack. The Captain was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed and a reserved anger soured his face and crinkled his brow. Slightly behind him was Gaz. How hadn't I noticed Gaz come back from outside..? Then behind both of them, I see the masked Ghost, sitting on the bottom of the stairs, his elbows resting on his knees, while he cracked his knuckles.
I had just signed my death sentence. They'd heard everything. How I killed the boy.. Fuck.
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spooky-bunnys · 5 months
"Hello, I am urgently in need of a part with the plate number 7 FOR, which belongs to Draken's brother. I am eagerly waiting for the seventh chapter of the book. Please post it as soon as possible. Additionally, I hope that you don't rush yourself and take your time. Remember to keep yourself hydrated."
Title: Draken's Brother FINAL
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Pairing: Baji Keisuke x Draken's Brother
Warnings: FLUFF!
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It took almost a full week to settle everything down. Toman with some help of a few others were able to defeat the Bleeding Sirens. So that meant (Name) was no longer in danger of them. Although from what Takemichi has heard, (Name) was in for a huge ear full when he got back to the brothel. Speaking of the brothel, they just finished celebrating (Name)'s engagement/marking with Baji.
Although Takemichi wishes they could've marked under different circumstances. He's still glad for his friends. Takemichi js just glad everything is back to normal. Well as normal as things can be at the new Toman meetings that is.
"Can you stop trying to eat my brothers face?!" "He's my Omega isn't he?!" Takemichi sweat-dropped at the fighting Alpha's. He looked around for (Name) seeing him talking with the girls. They had been extremely worried about when they found out what went down. Even the original Black Dragon members have been following him around.
Talking about how (Name) is prone to danger. Which Takemichi now fully believes. Especially considering whats happened the past month. Though (Name) still attracts multiple Alpha's even as a marked Omega. Takemichi isn't too surprised about that. Now that he truly knows (Name) he can definitely see what attracts them.
But Takemichi is more then happy with his own Omega. Takemichi watches Hinata and (Name) excitedly talk about something. Emma was chatting with Yazuha and Senju about something which had them laughing. Takemichi smiled at the scene. This is what he wants the future to be. Everyone happy and together.
Hinata looks over and waves at him, making him return the wave with a wide grin. (Name) turned to wave only to notice the argument behind him. Making the Omega groan and quickly make his way over to stop the arguing before it turns physical. Takemichi watches (Name) stand between them and say something that has the two sigh and shake hands. Making the Omega grin widely.
Senju, who is apparently (Name) absolute best friend, came over and stole (Name). Making the two Alpha's yell and chase after her. Takemichi laughed at the scene before he felt a shoulder bump his. "Well partner, how's this for the future?" Takemichi smiled widely. "The future should be looking good!" Chifuyu chuckled and shook his head.
"If anything goes wrong and you have to come back. Remember I'm here for you partner." Takemichi nodded with a determined look. "Thanks Chifuyu. Hopefully the future is fixed now." The two nod at each other. Takemichi waved bye to everyone before leaving the meeting.
When Takemichi opened his eyes. He was expecting to be in either his apartment or the DVD store. Not the bathroom of a Wedding Hall. He'd been so excited thinking he was finally marrying Hinata, but apparently its the Baji's Wedding.
It's apparently been the talk of almost all of Japan. (Name) had become a famous Novelist. Baji had opened up a pet store with Chifuyu and Kazatora and business is booming from what he's been hearing. Mitsuya became a fashion designer like he always wanted. Hakkai was a model and mostly modeled Mitsuya's clothes.
Yazuha his sister was Hakkai's manager. Draken had opened up a Bike shop alongside Inui. Emma was married to Draken and they already had pups running around. The Kawata twins own their own Ramen restaurant which apparently (Name) writes at a lot.
Takemichi's line of thought was distributed when he felt his hand get pulled slightly. He turned and saw Hinata holding a pup that looked just like her. Takemichi's heart stopped. Had he done it? "H-Hina?" Hinata's smile brightened. "You're finally back! You came on a good day too! Come on Mikey's waiting for you."
Hinata dragged him to a relaxed looking Mikey who was laughing at an annoyed looking Draken. Upon seeing the scene Takemichi couldn't help by tear up. He'd finally done it. They got their happy ending. Mikey smiled and jumped up. "Mitchy will agree with me! Hey Takemitchy, who should walk (Name) down the isle? I thought Ken-chin and I could, but he was to be stubborn and says I can't help walk him down the isle!"
Mikey pouted and pointed at Draken who groaned and rubbed his eyes. "Mikey I've already told you! (Name) wanted you to do the flowers with the pups!" Mikey froze for a moment before smiling widely. "Why didn't you say so earlier?!" Mikey grabbed the pup from Hinata and ran away laughing. Hinata chuckled and hugged Takemichi's arm.
"Sorry about him Mitchy. Its been a stressful day. (Name) is so nervous he accidentally locked himself out the bathroom and apparently Senju broke it down." Takemichi could only grimace at the image. "Is everything okay?" Draken nodded. "Yeah everything is great. The future is perfect. Mikey's a professional bike racer. The only danger he is, is to the bikes Inui and I have to fix constantly."
Takemichi chuckled and chatted with the other members. Time flew by and it was finally time for the vows. (Name) looked so gorgeous in his dress suit. Apparently Mitsuya made him a part suit part dress for his wedding. It was beautiful. Baji had cried when (Name) came down the isle. It made everyone laugh.
This was everything Takemichi could've asked for. Everyone was together and so happy. He watched as (Name) and Baji kissed and everyone stood up cheering. Baji threw (Name) over his shoulder and quickly ran down the isle making some people laugh. Others like Draken, Mitsuya, and Senju quickly ran after the two. Yelling at Baji to be careful with (Name).
During the vows (Name) had announced he was pregnant. Which made Draken almost tackle the other Alpha. Luckily Emma was able to keep her husband from traumatizing the younger pups. But Takemichi couldn't ask for a better future. This was everything he wanted and more. Takemichi wrapped an arm around Hinata's waist and sighed happily. This is the perfect future.
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misseviehyde · 6 months
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"OMG - dude, our bully has turned me into a perfect physical copy of your hot girlfriend Jenna. Why the fuck would he do that to me? I'm your best-friend and he does this to me?
He must be up to something evil. That asshole is so manipulative and evil. He loves to play games.
He's been trying to get Jenna to sleep with him for months but she loves you too much. We can both see that she has real chemistry with Aaron and she's come so close to fucking him, but her love and loyalty to you is the only thing stopping her.
Now he's used the magic remote to copy her exactly onto me. I have her tits, her long blonde hair... even her sexy tan. Oooh shit, that's not all I have. This thing has copied her personality and desires onto me - they're starting to catch up with me. I can feel my mind changing.
Dude, I feel so fucking pretty and spoiled. My skin feels like buttermilk and my body is so tiny and perfect. Ooooh, I feel like totally feminine and girly. Jenna's personality fits like soooo nicely over my own.
I can even feel an echo of her love for you growing in my heart. Oh my God, I fucking love you. I love you so damn much.
Oh shit, here comes Aaron. Don't worry baby, I won't let that asshole hurt you.
What the fuck do you want you bastard? Why have you turned me into Jenna?
You're going to make him enjoy being a cuckold so that he'll encourage the real Jenna to fuck you? No... that's evil, and it won't work. Jenna loves him and so do I.
What do you mean you're gonna corrupt me so I love you instead and I become an evil whore? Nooooo, don't ugghhh point that remote at me... ahhhh fuck what are you doing?
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Ugggh dude, you have to get out of here... he's melting my brain... making me uuuuuhhhhhh slutty and mean. I... I... I'm trying to fight it, but it feels so good. I can feel Jenna's love for you being, uuuugghhh twisted and corrupted into something wicked.
Ohhhh fuck, yessss, I like boys. Nnnn nooo I like MEN. Alpha Men. N...nooo that isn't right is it? Mmmmh, it feels kinda right though.
Ohhhh no he's making me bad and I can't ughhhh fight it. Twisting my sexuality and my mind. He's making me into evil-Jenna and I like it.
Mmmmh, yessss... only big cock will satisfy me. Only bullies make me WET. I'm a bully too? I am? Oh yeah, of course I am. I love being better than other girls. Yessss, I'm a fucking BITCH. I fucking dominate other girls. I dress like a fucking bitch, I AM a BITCH!
Hahah, ohhhh fuck this feels good. To have this smoking hot body... tight and smooth, feminine and powerful. To know men lust and desire after me. No one can understand why I'm dating such a pathetic loser for a boyfriend. Even I can't unders...
I... oh yeah of course. I date you because you're pathetic and weak. You're SO in love with me and think I'm an angel. I use you to get what I want. You pay for my clothes and my makeup. You give me lifts and cook me dinner. You even do my homework for me. But the truth is I fucking h... hate you.
Ugggh, noooo that isn't mmmmmh right, I lll..lllov... NO. NO, I can't fight it. It feels too good when I say it. I... I HATE you. I fucking hate what a weak pathetic loser you are, but it makes me wet to date you and enslave you and fuck other men. Better men.
Men like Aaron. Yeah, that's right. I like his big fat cock and his bullying attitude. He turns me on... he makes me wanna be a slut for him.
And you like it too don't you loser? You know I'm not the real Jenna, but this is how she really feels. Deep down inside she despises you and uses you to get what she wants. But really she wants to fuck other boys and you want her too.
The thought of being a cuck excites you doesn't it? Of kneeling between my legs and licking Aaron's cum out of my tight pussy. You wanna watch him fuck me. You wanna see me fucking scream and cum all over his cock.
He can pound me in ways you never could. You can only last a few seconds inside me, he can go for hours. HAHA ohhhh fuck yes, it makes me so horny to be evil to you. I love what a bitch I am.
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Now then loser are you ready to watch Aaron put his strong hands all over my tight body. He's gonna bend me over, pull my panties to one side and slide that big dick into my tight little pussy.
I'm gonna fucking ride him for hours, pumping my pussy up and down on his cock. I'm gonna suck his balls and swallow his cock deep down my pretty throat. I'm gonna make you watch as he fucks me doggy, then lets me ride cowgirl. Every position, every possible type of sex - he's gonna show you how much better he is than you.
When he's done and I'm dripping with his cum, you'll never forget how hot I look - how happy and satisfied. When you see the real Jenna you'll not be able to stop thinking about her covered in Aaron's spunk. You'll do anything to help her become like me. You want to see the evil-Jenna take control.
This is the beginning of your addiction. Now get ready loser - because it's time for Jenna to get railed.
I can't wait for you to become a big cuck as I take this big cock...
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jassy-kpop · 5 months
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Predatory Gaze
Warnings⚠️: Werewolf Chan x Bunny Reader, Marking ,Knotting , Mating, piv, Readers POV, Biting, Rut, Rough sex, Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it) , Hair pulling, After care.
POV: 1st person
It was like time froze, my heart was beating fast as I stared directly into that gaze. A gaze that speaks of lust and want, never have I ever been more scared yet turned on. I felt like prey, I mean, I am prey, but it just feels.... different. His gaze is making my skin crawl and wetness fill my panties. I knew who this was, I knew that gaze was too well, it's not the first time i felt his gaze on me. Christopher Bang , nefarious alpha of the woods. He takes what he wants, when he wants it, even if he has to get it by force.
"Well, well, well...look who we have here— a bunny girl, tell me , why are you here, you know you have no business being here." Bang chan said in growls ,it caused me to shiver, but it wasn't in fear, more like excitement, it's not the first time this happened, I know he's in a rut....but to be honest I just want to bother the living hell out of him.
"You know why I'm here, I like annoying the fuck out of you. You should know that by now Christopher" I looked at him from head to toe, my heart's beating fast from adrenaline, I know what price I'd have to pay for using his biological name, but it's worth seeing that scowl on his face.
"You know I don't like it when you use my name like that, you know how it makes me feel." Chan growled, it sent a shiver down my spine and I also felt myself becoming wet, but I wasn't gonna back down, even if his eyes are trained on me, with lust flowing through them, I'll stand my ground against that predatory gaze.
"So? What are you gonna do about it Christopher?" I challenge him.
" You know exactly what I'll do, and you know that I'll fucking ravage you, unless.....that's what you want." He said in a honeyed voice, he knew exactly how to push my buttons, and I loved it.
"Maybe," I said back, looking straight into his eyes, " maybe that is what i want" I teased back, and before I knew it I was being pinned to the ground and my clothes were being ripped off me.
"I'll fucking ruin you bunny girl, I hope you're fucking ready" the eagerness in his eyes were very noticeable and I couldn't help but feel just as excited.
"Yea? Fucking ruin me Chris" I moaned when his kissed me , our tongues battling for dominance, he won, and I couldn't help but whimper when he pulled away. I watched as he started to undress, I felt my mind go blank with each sliver of skin he revealed, and when he removed his boxers I couldn't help but stare in aw at his cock, it was long, thick, vainy, slightly curved and glittering with precum.
"like what you see, Bunny?" Chan teased while slotting himself in between my legs, " I wanted to prep you but, I can't fucking wait anymore, is this okay with you ?" He said lowly while gathering my slick on his cock.
I nodded, and awaited his entry.
"Words baby, I need words." he said, already breathless from the friction being created by him rubbing himself against me.
"I-I'm fine with it," I whispered back while already weaving my hands into his hair.
I moaned when he started to push his tip into me, and it wasn't long until he bottomed out, he let me adjust to his size before thrusting, his thrusts were rough but with each thrust his cock hits my g-spot .
"F-Fuck! Chan!" I moaned in pleasure, my fingers digging into his scalp, causing him to whimper.
"Fuck yes! Moan my name baby" he growled while increasing his speed, the sound of skin clapping filling the air around us.
I started to pull and tug at his hair, and my back arched " Mmhh, fuck, Chan, Channie" my eyes rolled back in pleasure as the pit in my stomach started to tighten.
"God you're so tight, mm fuck" Chand voice started to heighten in pitch as the pleasure was straining his voice .
Chan leaned down and started to leave hickies on me. His thrust now becoming more animalistic as we neared our orgasms.
"G-gonna cum, please, pleeeasse— ahhh" I whined, it felt like he was jackhammering my pussy and I was loving it"
Chan groaned at my begging, "Fuck yes , cum for me, Bunny — fuck!"
I tightened around him as he slotted his knot deep into my core, his warmth filling my insides.
"Mm fuck," we moaned in unison as soon as chan collapsed onto me.
We focused on trying to catch our breath and once Chans knot deflated enough for him to pull out he laid on his back and pulled me on top of him for cuddles.
"That was amazing." I sighed breathlessly.
"Yeah it was," he noticed that I was finna get up so he held me tighter " let's stay like this for awhile and the after this we can shower together and get something to eat. How about that?"
"I'd love that, Chan."
@felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna @changbunnies @therhythmafterthesummer @seo--changbin @skzms
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chroniclesofbts · 8 months
Break my Walls P.6
Genre: A/B/O, Poly BTS and Reader
Warnings: angst, omegaspace, eventual smut, slow burn, angst, fluff, polyamorous relationship, sexual themes, implied sexual interactions, name calling, abandonment.
If you’re not 18+ please, do not interact.
As always, my works do not represent BTS in any way, this is purely a work of fiction.
Part 5
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Waking up in Jimin's nest was strange, the scents surrounding me made my head fuzzy. I don't remember falling asleep, the last memory I have was of Jimin having me close my eyes to fully scent me. I guess having the weight of Jimin, the wonderful scents, and the soft nest lulled me into a deep sleep. I look around the nest, seeing that I am alone. My chest hurts when I realize, baffling me. I need to find a clock to see the time, I can't be stuck in this room all day. I stand slowly, and leave the nest carefully so I don't mess anything up. When I leave the room, everything in the pack house is quiet. I walk down the stairs to the kitchen, entering the room and seeing the omegas preparing dinner. Every omega turns to me, startled I begin to try and explain myself, only to be cut off by the Packs Beta.
"Omega, I need you to get dressed in your outside clothes to help me grab groceries for the dinner tonight. We weren't expecting as many guests tonight as we have" He barked, sending me on my way.
Once I am fully dressed I go back down to the kitchen and see the beta standing there with two other alpha's. He hands me a list and complains about needing to drive to the next town over just for their butcher, how it's cheaper there. When the car comes to a stop, the streets are empty and it is getting dark.
"I thought we needed groceries for dinner?" I ask the beta.
"You stupid girl, did you really think the Kim pack cared about you?" The alpha started, my heart begins to plummet. Cold sweats break out across my body, they knew what I had done, the Kim pack lied.
"We enlisted the help of the pack to test if you were really a good omega, see if you deserved to stay in our pack. Unfortunately, you failed, you foolish girl. So, this is where we leave you. You don't have a pack, you don't have a home, you have nothing. Where's your pseudo pack now, the ones who let you play house, the ones who used you. Nowhere. Just like you. Didn't even say goodbye, did they? Poor omega." My vision becomes blurry, my world crumbling as the alphas pull me from the car and throw me to the ground. I curl into a ball as they drive off, willing this to all be a nightmare I will wake from.
I don't know how long I sat there, all I know was it was freezing and I could see my breath. I hear footsteps approaching, I tense, expecting the worst. Suddenly, I feel a fabric placed around my shoulders, two pairs of legs coming in front of me. One of them crouching down, a female.
"Are you lost? Where is your pack, omega?" She spoke softly, keeping her distance.
"N-n-no pack" I stuttered, from the cold and the pain of being shunned from my pack.
"Then, would you like to come with us? We have a fire on and dinner started, I am sure you can find something to help with while you stay" the male voice spoke gently. I nod, anything to get out of the weather.
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That was 3 years ago, since then I have become a permanent resident in the tiny town I was dropped off in. The Moon Pack accepted that I didn't want to become a member of their pack and allowed me to stay at a house close to their pack house. I work in their kitchen and get paid for it, which took a lot of explaining on why it was important. I've learned everything about pack life, omegas, alphas, and even betas. The Moon Pack has shown me what it means to be an omega and how wrong my pack was.
"Y/N! We are hosting the Lunar Ceremony this year!" Chan said, running in with excitement. The Lunar Ceremony is a way for packs to mingle and meet potential packs. I haven't ever gone to one, pretty content with being a lone wolf.
"Why, where?" I question, continuing to prep the desserts for after dinner, my favorite thing to do.
"In the woods, the clearing by the water. We offered to this year, so we can help our young members find a pack." He replied, stealing some of the fruit filling for the pies.
"Hey!" I swat at his hand, "Well just let me know when it is so I can lock my doors" I say.
"Why don't you want a pack? Not all of them are like them, you know. I have the list of the ones invited, none of them believe in the archaic ways like them. We personally know all of them, if it helps" He spoke.
"I'll think about it, after cooking for it, I doubt I will have the energy." The ceremony hits on the first Full Moon of winter. It's full of dancing, mingling, good food, and courting.
"That's this weekend!" I realize, looking at the calendar, "Why are we just finding out?"
"Well, the Pack Alpha and Omega have known for a little while, the rest of us have just found out in the meeting" He responded, helping me put the pies in the oven. "Plus, haven't you seen all of the meals being prepped in advance the past three weeks? That what it's for, you've even made desserts in advance!"
"I thought that was for the ruts coming up, your pack has a high influx of them as of recently. You know with all of the mates being found" I explain.
"Well, you have a lot more to make, so good luck" He yells over his shoulder as he leaves the kitchen.
I let out a deep breath, preparing myself for the work I now know is coming. Finishing cleaning the kitchen, I double check the timer on my phone and set out to find the Pack Omega. I might as well get started now.
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Setting down the last of the food in the clearing, I wave goodbye to the Pack Omega and head back towards my house. The ceremony starts in just a few hours and I want to be inside when the packs start to arrive. I nod at the pack members I pass on my way back, noting the unmated and packless members wear white. I see Chan entering the woods, wearing white.
"Hoping to find your pack this year?" I question
"Going to hide?" He responds, receiving a glare from me.
"Why can't you come for just an hour, meet some people? Alpha Jisoo said you can claim to be mated and in her pack, just come and experience it." He begged.
"I don't own any red, sorry" I lie, avoiding his eyes.
“You’re in luck because I have an extra gown that’s just your size” Alpha Jisoo says, coming into the woods behind Chan.
“I’ll think about it” I say, continuing back to my house.
“I left it on your porch!” Alpha Jisoo yelled.
“Of course” I muttered, thinking of all the things that could go wrong if I decided to go tonight.
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stardancerluv · 5 months
When the Predator Becomes the Prey
Part Two of ?
Summary: We find out more about Adam & meet Terrance.
Notes/Warning 18+, Domineering behavior, Sexist behavior, Not a healthy relationship, squint breeding!kink
❤️, reblogs, comments & feedback welcome!
He debated how long he should wait and contacting Terrance. He knew he’d fall in line. He’d change his clothes. Better fit the at bar, Terrance dwells at.
His keys clinked and jangled as he took them from his pocket. Barely had he closed and locked the door, he heard you calling for him.
“It’s me.”
He came down the hall to the living room. The sight of you curled up on the sofa, with a copy of What to Expect When Expecting, actually warmed him somewhat.
“So you’re actually reading it?”
You nodded. “I want to be a good mother.”
He came around and plopped down on the sofa, a sigh came from his lips. Taking off his glasses, he squeezed his eyes shut.
“You had better be.” He mumbled.
“You took the job.” You stated. There was no question lingering in your tone.”
“Yup.” Swallowing, he exhaled through his nose.
“You’ve done many jobs. You’re a pro.”
He slid you a look.
Your open, earnest face made him feel something. It made his stomach lurch.
“You move through these men like a shark, they are all the prey. You are the alpha hunter, alpha predator.” You corrected yourself.
He chuckled. “Thanks for the pep talk sweet cheeks.”
“No, you listen its true.” You pressed your lips together. “I’ll never forget the night, I thought I was just a passing fancy for you.”
He crossed his arms. “I’m interested. What night was that.”
If he was honest with himself, your candid honesty almost made him sever his ties with you. You always cut through his bullshit, but you are soft and cute so he stuck around.
“It wasn’t our best moment. It was when I found out about your name.”
“That night.”
He took his glasses off, squinting as he looked through them before putting them back on.
“Was a lifetime ago now.”
He leaned against the counter and slowly sipped at his whiskey.
“Nick!” A shrill voice called his name, his real fucking name. Anger began to coil and knot in his stomach. Inwardly, he groaned as he turned his back to the bar.
“Nick! Didn’t you see me?” A hand tugged on his arm.
He gave a sidelong glance. “Yes.”
“No warm welcome? We could have some fun.”
“Not interested. Go and find some other warm bed.”
“You’re really an asshole Nick. You know that?”
“Yup.” He chuckled and took another sip of his whiskey.
He smirked as he drained the last of it.
“Phew! I am finally here, damn uber.” Your light voice, shifted his mood.
He turned, a smile splashed across his face.
“Should have flashed him, might have driven faster.” He chuckled as you smacked his arm. “Ok, stop this squawking and let me get a feel of you. You are looking good tonight.”
A few steps later and soon you were against him. He held you close. Something, he never imagined enjoying on a regular basis.
“Can I ask you something?” You whispered close to his ear.
He pulled back and shrugged. “Sure.”
“Why did she call you Nick?”
He made a face, eyeing the crowd. Reaching out, he pulled you to him loving the squeak that came from you.
“Long story, don’t feel like sharing but its my name. My real name.”
You pulled pack just enough to give him a playful look. “Oh, so you are a Nick or a Nicky. I…”
His anger beat hard in his stomach. Women always caused problems.
“You call me that in the fucking club or the bar;” His words sliced through yours. “You will regret it.”
Your playfulness dropped, your bottom lip began to tremble. “I, I won’t.”
“That’s my good girl.”
He pulled you to him again, now he was gentle. He even pressed a soft kissed your temple. “Cheer up sweet cheeks.” He added in an equally soft tone, though an edge still remained. “This is serious.”
“Ok, I understand.” You said softly, he felt you tremble.
He patted the back of your head. “Good. I just don’t want you or I ending up with bullets in our heads over it.”
“Ok, ok. I promise.” You whispered.
Pulling back, he gave you his most winning smile. “Come on, cutes let’s get you one of those fancy pink drinks and put a smile back on your pretty face.”
He pulled on a sweater.
“So you get to pick someone on the crew?”
He nodded. He ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah. And the sooner I ask him, the greater the chance he says yes.”
“You said he liked you.”
“Yeah. It’s like having your guard dog behave.” Hr paused. “One day he could just snap at you.”
“Oh.” You pressed your lips together.
“Or he continues to be a ‘good boy’ and he does his tricks on command.”
“So you can trust him?”
“I don’t trust anyone.”
You rose your eyebrows.
He pulled you close, he rubbed your side. “You’re different. I knocked you up. You’re mine.”
“I had better be.”
He gave you an easy smile. “Now, why don’t you order some take out.” Your eyes lit up. “Save some for me. And I’ll be back, one step closer to this job giving us the new start we deserve.”
You nodded. “Are you leaning one way or to another for what I order.”
“Nah, I trust my pretty girl.” He kissed the top of your head.
He headed toward the door. Donning his jacket, he wrapped his fingers around his keys.
He left his leather jacket in car, before he hit the sidewalk and made his way into the pub. He may be a proud French Canadian but Terrance loved Irish pubs. And O’Mallory’s was the best in town.
Sliding in, he smiled. He knew it. He already spotted him in a corner, cue stick in one hand and a lopsided smile splashed on his face. A perky little blonde was looking all doe-eyed up at him. He knew how to charm them. He did it with the massive expanse of his body and that lopsided smile. They always fell for it. He strode over through the wafts of Irish whiskey.
Terrance looked over as he approached, the smile dropped.
“Hey chief, did you wanna like play a game of pool and meet Erin here?” He glanced down at the girl and winked.
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “We gotta talk.” He gave a curt, forced smile to Erin. “Go and keep your cute little head occupied while the men talk.”
She looked confused.
“It’s ok, doll. We can play after. Wait for me by the bar.”
“Ok.” She was all smiles again and bounced away.
Seeing one of the booths. “There.” He pointed to one.
Taking, his glasses off for a moment he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He hoped Terrance wasn’t too far into the drinks.
Terrance almost couldn’t squeeze into the booth, he watched with a raised eyebrow. But then Terrance fit and slid to be directly in front of him.
He giggled. “Did you like that Adam? I called you Chief.” Another giggle came from him.
“It was fine. Now focus, we have to talk.”
“Oh! Ok. I am serious.” His face became more composed.
“I got a job for the two of us. If you’re game.”
A huge smile splashed on Terrance’s face. “You.” He pointed at him. “You want me to join you for a job.” The table shook as he made a kind of happy movement, he assumed.
“I do. But its a rough job. Not nice.”
“They never are.” His brows knit together.
He had to give the giant of a man credit, he was right there.
“But with you, it will make it better.” He smiled again.
“This is gonna be a group effort. We can’t let the others know that we know each other.”
“Why?” Confusion washed over the man’s face.
He shrugged. “It’s just that kind of job.”
“Oh, ok. Since it will be a rough job. Will it be a good pay day?”
He nodded. “Very good. Even more reason for them to not know that we know each other.”
“Ok, chief I can do that.”
“I’m serious.”
“I am too. I don’t know you.” He almost looked sad, as he leaned in close. “So what’s the job?”
“Babysitting some twelve year old. Will last twenty - four hours tops, and we get roughly eight million a piece.” He told him in a low tone.
His face completely dropped. “Babysit, chief?”
“Kidnap.” He whispered.
“I thought so.”
He could literally see a light bulb above the man’s head.
“Then why do you need me?”
“To carry her from point a to point b.”
“I won’t have to get mean will I?”
He shook his head. “Nah, this will be a super easy job. That’s why I want you.”
A smiled dispelled the sadness. “Thank you, chief.”
“Sure. I need the money. But I won’t hurt the girl.”
“You won’t have to.”
“Good.” He looked pleased. “When?”
“Two weeks. The crew has to be put together and get the materials I will let you know when its all ready.”
“Ok, good. Because I want to get to know Erin a little better.” He looked over his shoulder with a smile.
“Focus. This is serious. Are you really game?”
Terrance looked back at him and nodded. “Yes, chief.”
“Good. I’ll be in touch.”
Inwardly, it annoyed him that he needed him. But it was better then having some psycho who happens to have muscle that could lose his shit and make the job go sour.
“You can go back to Erin now.”
“Thanks chief.” He smiled, and once the table shook as he excitedly left the booth.
He snuck back into the apartment. He couldn’t stop from smiling as he saw that you lit candles and placed the take out in a nice matter. But he wondered where you were.
Taking a walk to the bedroom, his ears perked up when he heard soft singing. He stopped at the door way and peered into the bedroom. There you were, in a damn sexy dress. It still looked great on you.
It made your small bump prominent, that was his. He did that you. He smirked broadly. That was fucking why he needed that fucking eight million.
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male-body-swap-lover · 11 months
Smoking Ages You
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Kappa Delta Pi was the it place on campus, and I was the king. Michael Webber, Mikey as my friends called me. There I am in the center of our group photo. We were an inseparable group of bros. Porter, Kent, Oliver, Damian, and me. Kings of the campus is what people called us. Could you blame us. We were hot, ripped, and rich, and boy did we love our cigars. Lungs be damned. There was nothing like the deep, rich scent of a perfectly aged cigar.
If there was one thing the girls on campus did not like, it was our unique love of cigars. Many girls actively avoided us. Yes, we never suffered for women, but we never got the cream of the crop. Until one night we managed to score dates with five of the hottest girls from Alpha Salem Theta. After dinner, we were sitting in the senior smoking room of our frat. Five boys with their cigars, whisky, and girls.
“Boys, could you please stop smoking. It’s disgusting,” said Porter’s date, Amber.
“Don’t you know how bad it is for you,” said Damian’s date, Chelsea.
“Boys will be boys. Stupid and idiotic till it’s too late,” said my date, the head of Alpha Salem Theta, Samantha.
“Oh, come on babe. Smoking is sexy. We are hot and you know you love it,” I said.
“I’m not your babe. Come on girls. Let’s leave these little boys,” said Samantha.
The five girls got up to leave and started walking towards the door.
My brothers and I pleaded with them to stay, but they wouldn’t budge.
“Fine! Be that way you stupid bitches. We can have any girls we want,” I said.
Samantha slowly turned around. “What did you just call us?” She was furious.
I started to stammer and then Samantha said “Girls, I thought we would let them go tonight, but since they want to be cruel, it’s time they get what’s coming their way. Boys, SIT!” she commanded.
Suddenly five chairs made their way to the center of the room and we were forced to sit down. We couldn’t move. We just kept puffing away at our cigars.
“What’s going on! Why can’t we move?” said Kent.
“Boys, we at Alpha Salem Theta practice the witchcraft of our sisters of yore that used to reside in Salem. We hate to see people throw away their lives on ridiculous things, such as cigars. You are all hot. You are smart, at least I presume you are, but you are all addicted to cigars. It is embarrassing. You act like a bunch of middle-aged men who have let themselves go. So, if that is how you want to act, why don’t you become just that.”
The girls started chanting some weird incantations. We were unable to decipher what they were saying. The wind started whipping and the room turned a vibrant red color. As it crescendo’d, it suddenly stopped.
“Ha, it didn’t work” I said.
“Just wait,” said Samantha.
Suddenly Porter started moaning. A rumbling came from his stomach and it started pushing out. His hair turned white and his hairline receded. A bushy beard grew on his face. Everywhere on his body, he gained fat. Wrinkles appeared everywhere and he aged right before his eyes. He looked like he could be 60. He had to weigh at least 300 pounds. His clothes burst at the seams and then they reformed. His blue button down resized to fit his body, his ripped jeans turned into khaki shorts and a belt wove through the loops as his shirt tucked in. All the while he puffed away on his cigar, attempting to scream, but unable to.
We all started panicking, but we couldn’t move and we continued to puff away at our cigars.
Kent was next. His stomach pushed out even faster, but didn’t grow as large as Porter’s. It almost seemed like he shrunk in height. All of his hair turned white as he aged up and a trimmed beard appeared. His white button down turned into a blue polo and his jeans expanded along with his waistline as a belt appeared. He was the mirror image of his dad.
Oliver aged the worst. He looked horrible. His hair was a mess and his beard looked like something George Lucas would sport, but way worse. His jeans turned into dad jean shorts that barely fit his much-expanded waistline. He looked like an old fart that was most comfortable in his recliner. A pair of old man glasses appeared on his face. Tears were streaming down his face, but all he could do was puff.
Damian was so proud of his hair. No more. His hair receded the most, leaving him with just a ring of hair. His face hardened with age as his beard grew in. His button down turned into a white tank top tucked into his jeans as his beer belly hung over his belt. He looked like trailer trash. He went from modeling for A&F to modeling for Medicare. His flabby arms were revolting.
“And finally, for the finale, the great Mikey Webber gets taken down a peg, or five, Samantha said.
It felt like I was going to throw up. My stomach rumbled so badly. Then it started growing, and growing, and growing. All the buttons popped off my shirt. My pant seams ripped. All of my hair fell off my head. I could see it on the floor around me. I was crying. I felt myself gain a second and a third chin. I had to be fatter then all my brothers. A blue button down formed over my body, and the ugliest pair of khaki shorts appeared on my body. I looked like Tony Soprano, but 10 times worse. Finally, it stopped, but it was too late. I was a man far past his prime. A tub of lard.
All of the girls laughed. “Good luck boys, with your new lives. Too bad no one is going to know who you are. Bye!” All of the girls left. We all slowly stood up and felt our new ages. Back pain and arthritis.
“My hair. It’s gone. I’m old. We are all old. How are we going to get girls now,” said Damian.
“That’s not our biggest problem. We need to find a way to switch back,” said Oliver.
Suddenly, Henry, the Junior class president walked in and started yelling. “Who the hell are you. Get the fuck out of here before I call the police. Creepy old men.”
We tried explaining who we were, but to no avail. Eventually we gave up and trudged downstairs and out of the frat without any of our belongings. We walked till we found an empty front porch. I sat down, trying to come to terms with what happened. We looked at our ID’s and it still showed our old lives, meaning that no one would ever believe us when we explained who we were.
“What the fuck are we going to do. We look like people’s dads. No one is going to believe who we are,” said Porter.
“Shut up. Just let me think. We will just have to convince the girls to change us back. Just let me finish my cigar,” I said. We all stayed on that porch, smoking our cigars, trying to figure out how we were going to get out of this mess. Little did we know, we were stuck like this forever, and our problems had only just begun.
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delta-pavonis · 1 year
July Kinkfest Days 7, 8, 9, and 10
The Sandman (human A/B/O AU) || Dreamling (Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling) || Rated E || 3294 words
Prompts: Blood Kink | Omega in Heat | “What have you been up to without me?” | Piercings and Tattoos | Desperate Sex | “I’m going to take care of you.” | Denial | Roleplay | "Careful darling. You're this close to being pinned against the wall until you beg forgiveness." | Double Penetration | Phone Sex/Sexting | “Be a good boy/girl for me now.” 
Warnings (in addition to the prompts above): Mafia Boss Alpha Hob, Gun Moll Omega Dream, they have always been humans, impact play, sex toys, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, shibari (mentioned), they are very very in love
Author's Notes: Four days, NINE PROMPTS. Buckle up, folks, this goes right into the smut and it doesn't stop. Little glimpses of background for these two thrown in there.
"Christ, just look at you. So wet and open for me… I wasn't gone but an afternoon, love. What have you been up to without me?" Hob trails his fingers through the sloppy mess that is his lover's ass, his fluttering hole crying in its need to be filled. "Oh, darling." Hob sighs and circles his thumb around the rim while palming one ass cheek. Then he drops his fingers between quivering thighs only to find folds that are impossibly more slick. "All this? For me?"
Dream moans something filthy, claws at the bed sheets and gets his knees under himself enough to sweet fucking Christ present his holes to Hob. "Please. I need…"
Hob pets his lover's lower back, soothing across the rear fetlocks of the enormous white horse coat of arms tattooed from the nape of his neck to the very first indent of the crease of his ass. Per chevron inverted sable and azure, a rampant horse argent the heraldry terminology floats across his mind as he shucks his clothes off. The entire device is shiny with sweat that gleams in the low light of their bedroom.  
"I got you. I am going to take care of you, don't worry." He gets the last of what he is wearing off and then heads to the drawers and grabs some supplies, which is when he realizes what is missing. “Oh, my Dream. Little pet. You used the teal one? Were you really that desperate for me?” When he turns back to the bed he can see it, wedged halfway beneath a pillow near Dream’s stretched out, grasping hands: the blue-green dildo that they had made from a mold of Hob’s erect cock, for Dream to have while he was away on business and couldn't risk bringing an omega, even his own omega, along. It has no knot though. That is for Hob and Hob alone. 
“Get up for a mo, pet. I need your help.” He instructs, dropping the items in his hands onto the foot of the bed. Hob stands there, knees pressed to the side of the tall mattress, as his gorgeous Dream complies. He strokes his cock lazily, admiring how Dream has to work so hard just to concentrate on this during the ramp up into his heat. Hob honestly did not mean to leave his sweet Dream in his time of need – he truly thought that he had at least another twenty-four hours before it got this bad. If managing cleaning up after the Corinthian hadn't taken up so much of his damned time he would have been here for when Dream… Fuck, Hob would put a contract out on the little shit again if he could. As it was he made a mental note to up the reward.
Finally, Dream is on his knees before him, facing him, waiting. His slim omega’s cock bounces a little with each panting breath, the ring hanging from his frenum piercing glinting in the moonlight streaming through their penthouse windows. Dream has put in work to gather himself together enough to be present for Hob right now – his instincts are no doubt pushing him towards incoherence. Even the ruby hanging from his one earring trembles. Hob cups his face in both hands and gives in to the temptation to kiss his love, who whimpers in pleased surprise. He maps Dream’s mouth slowly, until the need for air becomes more than a buzzing annoyance. “What was that for?” Dream’s voice is so low and sultry Hob feels it as much as hears it.
“I am endeavoring to make it up to you that I was gone when this started.” He strokes flushed cheekbones with his thumbs and watches as inky black eyelashes flutter like raven’s wings. “You know I wouldn’t leave you during a time like this on purpose, not without it being an intentional scene, right?” They have plenty of kinks, but that kind of denial is not generally one of them – abandonment isn’t the kind of pain Hob likes his omega to be in.
Dream’s blue eyes catch the moonlight like gemstones as they widen in surprise. “Of course, my love. I didn’t think any different.” 
“Good.” Hob runs his hands through Dream’s wild black hair and the lithe man leans into it, purring all the while. “That’s good. Well, since we are in this situation a little suddenly, lets make sure I can assist you properly.” He reaches down into the small pile on the bed and pulls out the two-inch wide strip of silicone and hands it to Dream. “Nice and tight now, darling. Need to be able to fuck you through at least four orgasms to bank this heat for you, you know that.”
His perfect pet hums in pleasure as he takes the silicone, wraps it around the base of Hob’s cock, and pulls it tight. “Tighter?” 
Hob's breath comes out in a shudder. “One more notch. Need it to keep my knot down until you are ready for it and you’ve already gotten me quite worked up tonight.” The pain of the wide cock ring preventing his knot from swelling will be its own sweet searing ecstasy as the evening progresses. 
The smirk that Dream levels at him is pure sin, even with lust giving a haziness to his eyes, as he pulls the cock ring tighter and secures the band. “Oh, have I?” Dream’s fingers find their way into Hob’s chest hair, combing through it while he turns those ridiculous bedroom eyes back up to Hob. He can see the subtle dusting of shadow on Dream’s lids from here, combining with the black liner to make him look like some Hollywood starlet all in black-and-white.
“Oh, have I?” Hob mocks, voice high-pitched and lilting. He grabs Dream’s waist and heaves, throwing him back onto the bed. “You know damn well what you’re doing.” He crawls up on top of his giggling lover. “I know I keep a clever omega.”
And he knows that his lover is a greedy, vain creature, so it is not shocking that he preens and arches prettily with the praise. “Well this clever omega is tragically empty and would like his alpha to get to fucking him until he can’t remember his name.”
“So demanding.” Hob grins and nuzzles under Dream’s jaw so he can mouth and nip along that gorgeous swan neck. “You are lucky I like your smart mouth.” He rocks his hips down to press their erections together, stopping any response Dream might have had as his long legs part immediately. Dream’s whine as he grabs at Hob’s shoulders is delicious – Hob can taste it on those plush peony lips as he repositions himself and sinks into the welcoming heat of his omega’s cunt.
The first round doesn’t last long for Dream, he is too worked up and Hob knows his body too well. He snaps his hips in hard, fast thrusts and twists his hand on Dream's cock just so and then he is letting out a sweet little shriek as he comes all over his own chest. 
“That take the edge off, darling?” Hob reaches backwards for the towel and does a quick clean-up while Dream just nods in reply. “Alright, be a good pet for me now and turn over, get that ass back up in the air.” Dream complies so easily it takes Hob’s breath away and he curls around his lover to kiss between his shoulder blades. When he speaks his lips caress the ears of the white horse on his lover’s back. “Be as loud as pleases you, my Dream. Peel the paint off the walls with your screams. I know you can. I want to hear you.”
Hob feels more than hears the chuckle given that Dream’s face is buried in the sheets. He reaches up for the discarded teal dildo and brings it back with him to kneel behind the curve of that lovely little ass. Dream is still absurdly open and wet, so Hob just lines the head of the shaft of silicone up and shoves it into Dream’s ass to the flared base in one go.
Dream’s entire body goes taut as he wails, “Yes!” And then Hob puts the tip of his actual cock back at the entrance to Dream’s cunt and the omega sobs. “Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease…”
“Well, since you ask so nicely.” Hob thrusts into the wet heat where he just was and it is like a different world. At this angle he reaches deeper, hits a spot in Dream's body that makes his moans hitch every time he drives in. And all along the way he can feel the dildo deep in Dream's ass, a solid mass that presses along the top of his dick, providing a different kind of stroking than the muscles clenching around him. 
He takes it slow, rolling his hips and talking filth into the safety of their bedroom. "Look at how easy you take two cocks. My god, you were fucking made for it, weren't you? Have you always been this greedy? Or is it just for me?" An incoherent string of consonants is Dream's only answer and it sends a shock of arousal down Hob's spine. His cock twitches, trying to leak fluid, but it can't. 
"I know pet, I know. You are still burning up, inside and out. How about another for me?" Hob gathers some of the copious amounts of slick streaming down Dream's thighs and then puts his hand back on Dream's prick. He strokes in time with his thrusting, being careful around the frenum ring, while he uses the thumb of his other hand to push the dildo in a little on each instroke. Each of Hob’s pulls back drags the dildo out a little with it, so he presses it in again as he rolls into Dream's cunt.
Hob revels in it, lets the steady rhythm build his own pleasure until his prick is throbbing with it not too long later. His knot tries to swell and presses against the wide ring of silicone and it causes a bright flash of pain to rocket up his spine. Hob groans with it, thrusts deeper, so Dream starts rocking with him, trying to keep the same angle.
Dream's next orgasm is longer and louder than the last and he makes a mess of the sheets. But Hob doesn't stop, just keeps thrusting through it all, torturing both Dream and himself into overstimulation. The omega wobbles beneath him and then collapses onto the bed, his body lax with pleasure as Hob keeps fucking him through the post-orgasm sensitivity, strong and steady until Dream’s voice is climbing in volume and pitch again. When Hob slips his thumb into Dream's ass alongside the dildo his sweet omega comes again, rutting into the mattress, voice cracking on a sob like glass under a hammer.
Hob hoists Dream's hips up to get a couple of pillows under him – he needs the angle even if his lover can’t hold it himself. As the dildo comes out it makes a lovely wet squelching noise, almost as arousing as his Dream's groan of "Noooo."
"Shhh, pet. Just need to tighten you up again. You fucked yourself so damned loose before I got home…" Hob grabs for the last three items on the bed. "Your cunt is never going to be able to hold the egg if you can't clench tight." He drops the dildo and grabs the leather paddle, a strip of thick leather about as big as Hob's hand with a wooden handle. Hob scoots back on the bed, giving him enough space to generate the velocity he needs in a single swing. "Ready, love?"
"Hnnnnnngh yes." Even Dream's voice is coming out lust-hazy now. Perfect.
Hob doesn't ease into it, just goes immediately for his usual impact strength, right on the curve of Dream's left asscheek. The leather's snappy slapping sound reverberates in the room along with Dream's ecstatic gasp. He hits the other side, watching as Dream's whole body tenses, jerks forward, then relaxes; Dream lets out a blissful sigh.
With one hand Hob pulls on the right cheek, just enough that he can see the wet hole fluttering. He watches, enraptured, as everything clenches with the next impact. And the next. And the next. Heaven above, even in this his omega is beautiful. 
Hob concentrates on hitting only one side first and then pauses to check his work. Dream is panting and trembling and moaning, his cunt leaking all over the pillows beneath him. When Hob sticks a finger into said cunt to see how the muscles have tensed he does so roughly, with all the gentleness one might use when stuffing a cornish hen with herbs and aromatics. Dream hisses, but then tries to push back, still desperate to be filled. "Pleasemorepleasemoreplease!"
The begging makes Hob's cock want to leak in sympathy, but it can only twitch in its bonds. It is starting to be more constantly painful the more aroused Hob gets, the longer he is denied release, and the adrenaline fuels him onward.
"Not until you tighten up for me, darling." Hob scolds. "Still too easy to get two fingers in you now, see?" He drives said fingers into Dream's ass with only passing resistance and Dream moans, the sound coming from deep in his chest, resonant and worshipful.
Hob pulls his fingers out and switches sides, holding the reddened asscheek back now, making Dream gasp and writhe. Then he is smacking the other side of Dream’s ass with equal force. After the first two, Dream is arching backwards towards Hob. "Harder, please! Give me all of you!" 
Oh. So that's how this is going to go. Hob adjusts his grip on the paddle's handle, takes a deep breath, and strikes Dream with all of his strength. 
The sound of leather hitting skin is almost deafening and his omega's sweet moans have turned into pleasured sobbing. On the next one Hob is watching as both Dream's cunt and ass clench so tightly fluid dribbles out from them. Gorgeous, just gorgeous. 
One more hit at maximum strength, just so Hob can see that deep body reaction again, and then Hob is praising Dream, "That's it dove. Almost done. So good for me." He knees Dream's thighs apart, pries his cheeks open as much as he can with one hand, and then uses just a flick of his wrist to smack the leather onto the little strip of flesh between Dream's vaginal opening and his asshole. He screams and Hob does it again, just a touch harder. The scream this time snaps at the end, a tree branch struck by lightning. "One more, baby." 
On the third hit Dream shrieks "Please fuck me! PleeeaaAAAAA-eh-eh-eeees!"
Ah, there it is. That’s the sound Hob fell in love with. He heard it across the room at a private party, that euphoric howl of an appeal to be filled, and had been drawn to it like a vulture to a carcass. The attendees at the party all knew who Hob was and they parted silently as he stalked forward. He found the ethereal source of that sound strung up in a complicated shibari scene, his ass being teased with a soft flogger. Miles and miles of milk white skin, not a scar nor a tattoo nor a piercing in sight, just dried blood smeared over his back from recent cuts and distilled omega perfection begging Hob for his attention.
He walked around to the omega’s head, crouched down in front of him to meet his eyes on the same level. The omega’s blue eyes were fogged shower glass, unseeing even while pointed at him. Hob snapped three times directly in front of the other man’s nose and, with a gasp, the pretty thing focused on him with bright, clear intention. “Wha-?” 
His voice was so much lower than Hob expected that it made him shiver. “Hello, gorgeous. Heard you begging to be fucked… any chance I can take you up on that offer?”
Hob couldn’t resist then and he can't resist now, his alpha desire for this omega bullying forward, and it takes a minute to remember his plan. He throws the paddle aside and flips Dream over, hefting one leg onto his hip. 
Dream is gasping, cock still hard and bobbing, dripping its mess all over. The impact play worked well, because it actually takes a little effort to pop the egg into Dream's cunt, but once Hob does and slips the little remote into his palm, it only takes turning the vibrator on to low and Hob's teeth gently tugging on the ring in Dream's frenum piercing to have him screaming into another orgasm. Hob gets around to catch this one in his mouth, sucking on the tip of his omega's elegant prick until Dream is sobbing again. 
When Hob moves above Dream, the omega growls, eyes almost completely black in their dilation, still burning with the increasing heat, and attempts to climb onto Hob, arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist. 
Hob’s movements have become a little frantic now, he burns to be inside his Dream. So he coats his cock in the copious amounts of lubrication his omega’s body is providing, grabs bony hips, and fucks hard into the tight heat of his lover’s ass; he gets immediately drunk on Dream’s screams of encouragement.
Oh fuck, yeah, this is what Hob needs. He has pulled four orgasms out of his wildfire of an omega and now it is his turn. His cock is throbbing in its confines, impossibly hard, and he fucks with all his might into Dream and turns up the vibrations higher and higher and higher. He can feel the vibrator clear as day now, like there aren't walls of flesh between his cock and where it is nestled inside Dream. Even better, he’s found an angle where each thrust in rams the egg up into the underside of all that nerve-dense tissue behind Dream’s dick and his sweet whore omega is screaming himself hoarse with it.
On the next pull out Hob unclasps his cock ring and lets it fall beneath them, pulling his dick all the way out and getting Dream’s legs over his shoulders so he can bend his pretty little thing to his will. “Gonna knot your ass, darling.” He rumbles a warning and before Dream can respond Hob is fucking down into his omega, folding him in half so that he can nip at those pink lips, cracked and dry from all his howling. 
It only takes three thrusts and Hob’s knot is swelling along with his pleasure, both reaching a crescendo. On the fourth he is almost too wide at the base to get in and out. And then with the fifth drive in he is locked in place, his climax descending upon him violently as he roars into Dream’s jaw. 
Once he can hear more than the blood rushing in his ears, Hob realizes that his sweet Dream is begging again, voice rough and ragged, “Touch me, please please, let me come, please Hob.” 
“Christ on the cross, again, my love?” Hob pants, chuckling. But when Dream keeps pleading with him, he acquiesces, wraps his hand around his omega’s prick and brings him to one last orgasm without drawing it out or any fanfare.
It takes a little maneuvering, but Hob gets them lying curled on their sides, the omega’s cock finally soft and Hob buried into his lover for the next short while. Dream pulls Hob’s arm around his waist and interlaces their fingers. “Welcome home, love.” Dream coos.
Hob laughs into his lover’s hair and can only agree.
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suckerforlovesblog · 1 year
A perfect match?
A perfect match? - Masterlist
Everything was different when you opened your eyes. Everything was different once again. Without knowing where you were, you sat up, rubbed your tired eyes and took a look around you. A pair of bright green eyes starred back at you through the dark. Hearing a deep rumbling voice saying that everything is fine now , you felt a shiver run down your spine and everything turned. The darkness welcomed you back once again…
Series warning: ABO Dynamics, Smut, Unprotected PIV , Scenting, Knotting, Language, age gap, Claiming, Breeding Kink
Chapter 2: Where Am I?
Summary: Y/N describes the situation in the care facility leading up to her “choosing ceremony”
Chapter warning: Angst, ABO Dynamics
Word count: 0.9k
~ taglist: @niiight-dreamerrrr ~
You woke up disoriented and in a strange place, everything smelled different and it was cold, really cold. A shiver immediately ran down your spin caused by the discomfort as well. As soon as your eyes adjusted to the dark you looked around and took in the room around you.
The walls were plain, made from cement. You were laying on a very hard and uncomfortable bed, right across from you was a toilet and that was it. Discovering that your right foot was chained to the metal bedpost when you stood up, you sat back down and put your face in your hands. A silent cry left your lips.
Ever since your first heat you knew this moment was inevitable. You had talked about it with your parents, your brother and thought about it enough. But you never thought it would come so soon and that you didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to your parents. You are sure that you would never see any of your family members again. Your parents were traitors and will either serve the rest of their life in prison or be killed. After a young Omega presented for the first time the state their Alpha was born in automatically became their owner. But only up until an Alpha came to claim the young Omega and then the Omega would automatically become their possession. With your parents leaving the country and you being born somewhere else you technically still belonged to the state of Texas. Not coming back after your first heat your parents knew that the Law Enforcement Agencies would be searching for you everywhere and that you were living on borrowed time. You felt responsible for your parents fate…
Your thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and the light was turned on. You held a hand up to your eyes and then looked at the people that entered the room. There was a tall Alpha man in a white coat, a Doctor and two Beta women who seemed to be nurses. The man smiled at you and introduced himself, afterwards explaining the protocol and what he would be examining. You just looked at him silently, your mind drifting back to your parents every now and then but still following the Doctors orders. He let you take off all your clothes, examined your mating gland, as well as your vagina and your hymen to note that you were still a virgin and unclaimed. You felt extremely exposed, like a lost child searching for their mother.
After the doctor was done with your appointment, as the nurses called it, he gave you a shot never explaining what for. You came to find out it’s a GPS tracker.
The nurses gave you a mid length white dress to wear and then undid the chain on your foot. You were told to braid your hair in pigtails and then taken to a room.
Said room had two bunk beds, two dressers and a table with four chairs on one wall. At the end of the room there was a window. Outside you saw a lot of trees, so you assumed you were taken into a forest. The nurses said your roommates would come very soon and left you afterwards.
Shortly after two girls entered the room. A tall girl with red straight hair, a foxy face and a lot of freckles, her name was Fate was the first one to enter. She was followed by a shorter girl with darker skin, brown eyes and very curly hair. Her name was Presley.
The three of you sat down and started talking how you got there. Presley and Fate enjoyed your story a lot and were really excited to hear about all the stories you could tell and the place you have been to. Fate had been in a care facility for Omegas ever since she was 7 years old and Presley was born into a big clan but her mother then gave her to the facility because she didn’t want her to live in the Harem. You soon came to learn that their former two roommates were taken away to a “choosing ceremony” and then claimed and taken away.
Presley, Fate and you grew really close over the next year and did everything together. Cooking, exercising, learning, attending classes. You learned about cooking and baking which you enjoyed a lot, as well as housekeeping, child care and basic finances - anything that could be useful to your Alpha.
Nearing your 18th birthday the nurse’s and doctor’s appointments became more frequent and you had a class to prep you for your choosing ceremony. Upon first entering they gave you immune suppressants so that you wouldn’t get another heat until your Alpha was ready for you. The nurse made you get a hair cut: Your long (Y/H/C) was cut until above shoulder length with some nice waves which framed your face very well and you didn’t regret it too much.
Presley then went through her first choosing ceremony but came back afterwards to tell you all about it. The same happened to Fate and she was chosen and didn’t come back. You really hope that she got a nice, good looking Alpha that will treat her well. The same happened to Fate and only you were left until you were picked for your first “choosing ceremony”…
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chimcess · 2 years
Birdie Shoppe || pjm (V)
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Smut, Word Count: 7.1k Synopsis: Within the four realms of Lustra lay the Bangtan forest home to the Foxglove pack of the north and known as the “land of magic.” It is also home to the Birdie, a powerful witch from a cursed bloodline who is one of the sacred guardians of the forest. Y/N is the 123rd Birdie, a young girl who was given her position too early and asked by the goddess herself to fulfil a task none had ever done before- become the Grand Witch of the Foxglove pack. Now a woman, Y/N is revered as the most loved and powerful Birdie of all time, but hiding under the surface is a woman who has to battle between her duty and her heart. Chapter Warnings: Long-hair Jimin (yes, this is a warning), Cursing, Violence, Mentions of blood, Descriptions of blood, Descriptions of gore, Main Character Badly Injured, Did I say long-hair Jimin? (think The Witcher), the feels, ANGST, this is probably the most angst we’ve gotten, fluff, just Jimin being a cinnamon roll (partially edited) A/N: Not me updating within a month. I’ve been writing a ton lately, so I was able to pump this out. Hope you enjoy~
 prev. | Masterlist | next
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My heart ached at the sight of Kim Taehyung. It had been little more than a day since he had been chosen and already his life was spiraling out of control. The pack did not accept him as their leader and Sol, while clear in her desires for him, had been barred from seeing him until everything had been sorted out. Namjoon had challenged him and his authority just before four in the morning which led him to my door step.
He looked worse for wear. His unruly hair tangled into matts that would take hours to brush out. Chief Ahn had taken out much of his frustration on the young boy and now Taehyung’s once lovely skin had bruises, welts, and cuts all over it. One look at him and I did not hesitate to allow him sanctuary. It was the least I could do for the man who saved me from heartbreak.
“I’ve got your face,” I mumbled, reaching back into another jar of salve. I had used two on his face and neck alone. “Take off your clothes. I need to make sure nothing is infected.”
Taehyung nodded, still crying. The moment I let him inside he had unleashed all of his emotions and was having a very difficult time getting himself under control. I did not mind. I felt pity for the alpha.
I was not surprised to find his body in just as bad of shape as the rest of him. I took great care not to stare for too long. I was not uncomfortable with his nakedness, but I was still aware that he was a man. Grip harsh, I started with his stomach. I let out a large, frustrated breath through my nose.
“I can’t believe this,” I grunted. “Why would you allow them to do this to you?”
Taehyung hissed in pain as I pressed too hard on a tender spot.
“I did not want to fight,” He replied.
I laughed humorlessly. “So they get to do as they please with you then?”
He did not know what to say.
“If you ever want to be taken seriously-” I opened up another jar of salve and began rubbing it into his chest, “-this will never happen again.”
Taehyung bit his lip and furrowed his eyebrows. He seemed upset by what I had said. He was such a naive boy. I felt my eyes watering with anger. If Kim Namjoon were here right now, I would kill him myself. How dare he allow anybody to do this to a child and feed into it by challenging him? I would be sure he knows just how unhappy I am with him.
“I do not want to rule with violence,” Taehyung said. “I don’t like fighting or shouting. It’s… uncivilized.”
I hummed. While I agreed I would not entertain the idea. Taehyung needs to fight if he wants to be seen. It is the only way to garner respect unless he wants to be compared to the others for the rest of his life. Chief Ahn would never allow that. Again, my anger spiked. That man…
“And yet you can come to my doorstep at the crack of dawn like some kicked puppy?” I spat. “Are you truly that pathetic?”
Taehyung whimpered and I almost felt bad. Harshness was necessary in these circumstances and I wanted him to become fired up. Instead, it only served to back him further into a corner. Taking a deep breath, I willed myself to calm down.
“Alpha,” I said.
“Taehyung,” He corrected weakly.
I sighed. 
“I apologize for my rudeness. I’m sure you’ve gotten enough of a beating for one night and I don’t intend to add to that.”
He laughed without humor. It was scary how much my temper flared at the sight of him. All I wanted to do was march down to the village and give every single one of them a piece of my mind. A certain fair haired man came to mind, and I saw red. How could he allow this to ever happen?
“However,” I continued, “You’re Sol’s mate. She needs you to be strong right now. Think about her.”
For the first time tonight, I saw something light up in his eyes. I knew it was torture for the both of them to be away from one another. Sol was probably raging a storm back in Foxglove and I knew she expected the same from her alpha. She would be dreaded to know where he was instead. Taehyung seemed to have picked up on that idea as well.
“I have been!” He snarled. “It’s the only reason I didn’t want to fight back! The chief is her father and she wouldn’t forgive me for that.”
I bit my tongue. As much as I wanted to throw him out for yelling at me, I was glad to see some spark in him. It made sense why he would allow Chief Ahn to get away with just about anything. The pack would kill him if he had laid a hand on the old man. However, the rest of the wolves should have been given no mercy. Again, I thought of Jimin and seethed.
I wiped my hands on my nightgown and stood. Taehyung was covered from head to toe in the salve, and already the marks were going away. It would take more than that to heal his bruised ribs. So, I went to the kitchen and looked around for a healing potion. I did not feel like making one at this hour.
“Why did you come here?” I asked, gently.
Taehyung sighed. “Because I knew you would help me.”
Again, my pity returned. While my blood boiled, my heart hurt for the alpha as well. I could imagine him hurt and abandoned, nowhere to turn to, and not being able to trust the local doctor. I found an old potion in the back of a cupboard.
“You can sleep here tonight,” I offered, handing him the potion. “Any wolf idiotic enough to poke at me is a dead man.”
Taehyung seemed at ease with this. Downing the potion, he curled up on the couch and closed his eyes.
“Thank you, Birdie,” He grinned.
I did not reply. Instead, I used my magic to bring him a few blankets and struck up the fireplace. He was weak and may not be able to regulate his body temperature as easily. It got cold in the living room at night. Seemingly satisfied with his place on my small, uncomfortable couch, Taehyung fell asleep within seconds. 
I had never seen anything like it in all my life. Stifling my laughs, I began blowing out the candles around my house, and put away all the used tubs of salve. I would need to make more soon. Exhausted and still recovering from the ceremony, I drug myself back to bed. Shiloh was waiting for me when I arrived.
“How many times do I have to tell you to take your bedrest seriously?” The barn owl nagged.
I groaned and rolled into my bed. It was warm and soft. Shiloh flapped to her nest.
“It was Taehyung,” I argued.
“I don’t care if it was Lilith herself, you better stay your-”
“Shiloh,” I warned, “Shut up.”
The bird grumbled to herself, but I was too far gone to pay attention.
I awoke to loud pounding on my front door. I could hear voices outside, none of them sounding too happy, but all I caught was the name of a pack alpha. Angry and still sore, I used magic to lift myself out of bed and threw on my robe. I saw Taehyung curled up in a ball in front of the sofa. He did not notice me until I was standing in front of the door. 
Shiloh was shouting at me to get back in bed, to let the wolves handle their own business, but I ignored her. When they decide to take their anger to my doorstep I have every right to give them a piece of my mind. Squaring my shoulders, I took a deep breath before forcing my arms forward.
My front door flew off its hinges and into whoever was standing behind it. Namjoon was unfazed by this and slapped the thick wood out of his way. I could see the shock in his eyes but I was not finished with my assault. I began to sing, a whirlwind of objects floating around the room. Namjoon backed away but this only pissed me off more. Shiloh shouted as a large, hot, blue flame sprouted from the palm of my hand and flew at the wolf.
“How dare you?” I shouted, everything dropped once my singing stopped. “Who the hell do you think you are?”
Hoseok and Jimin stood on either side of their brother. I knew I would regret attacking them eventually, possibly the moment they left, but I would not let myself falter. No one was going to come here and intimidate me. I don’t give a damn who they are attempting to fight with. 
“Birdie-” Hoseok pled.
Ignoring him, I kept my gaze perfectly trained on Namjoon. He stared at the large, ashen spot at his feet as I stared at him. My face burned with anger and I felt another surge of magic rush through my body. A dull ache began to form in my back and I knew I was bleeding again. I had used too much magic and my body was having a hard time healing. 
“Who do you think you are to challenge him, Namjoon?” I roared, eyes burning. “Sol chose him. The Goddess chose him! Do you think you know better than Lilith now?”
Namjoon swallowed thickly before finally looking at me.
“Of course not. I-”
“You listen to me,” I sneered. “If you ever get the gull to come bang on my door again, I swear to you, I will not show you the same mercy.”
Namjoon scoffed, “Mercy? You had better watch your tone, little girl. Especially with a limp like that.”
I opened my mouth to speak, but a voice from behind me beat me to it. 
“Don’t speak to her like that,” Taehyung said.
Namjoon seemed to darken. I felt my muscles clench as I readied myself to defend the boy. No one was going to hurt him. I promised to protect the Luna with my life, Sol was my good friend, and I refused to let harm come to her mate. I was as good as dead if I had. 
“There you are,” Namjoon taunted. “Been looking everywhere for you, infans.”
Taehyung growled. I steadied my racing heart. I would have to protect him inside. Namjoon would have the advantage of leaving, and I was vulnerable to the sun’s rays if he decided to extort that. Still, I positioned my hands defensively.
Suddenly, Shiloh flew out of the house and screeched loudly. Everything happened quickly. First, Shiloh was barreling towards Namjoon and then a wolf was standing in his place. I knew it was an accident. Taehyung was only trying to protect me, however, his massive frame surged me forward. I was in the sun before I could save myself, and soon my face slammed into my front steps and the sun beamed on my back.
My skin burned immediately and I could not help the tortured screams that flew out of my mouth. Unfocused eyes trained on Shiloh saw her turn towards me before a large, russet wolf shoved her out of the way with his nose. I felt many hands on me and I was dragged back inside.
My body trembled as I screamed. Every inch of my skin was on fire and I closed my eyes only to see white. It felt like someone was tearing me apart. All around me I heard screaming and shouting.
“What the fuck do we do?” Hoseok shouted.
“I don’t know,” It sounded like Taehyung was crying.
My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I could not think straight. The pain was numbing. Opening my eyes again, I saw my ceiling and raised one of my shaking hands. Black feathers had pierced through the skin and I cried out once more.
“Get away from her!” Someone screamed but I could not make out who.
“Is she alright?” 
I knew something was happening a few feet away but all I could focus on was the fire in my body. I knew this would subside eventually on its own, but I had something that could help. I just needed to gather the strength to get it. I opened my mouth to speak but could only scream.
“It burns,” I managed to grunt, convulsing.
I could feel hands on me but I could not get my eyes to focus. Sleep would be impossible now and I knew my body was in the worst shape it had ever been. Between the ceremony, the small amount of magic I used, and the sun I would be out of service for an entire week at this rate. Possibly even more.
“Move,” I heard Shiloh’s voice through the rest of the nonsense going on around me.
Looking through my lashes, instead of an owl there was a beautiful woman before me. Her fiery hair glistened in the sun and looked like it was underwater. Her skin had a dim glow to it and sparkled brightly. She looked like diamonds and I reached out to touch her. The spirit had tears in her eyes, the water shining brilliantly, before she caressed my hand.
“Sanitatem,” She whispered, fingers grazing my arm.
Instantly, I felt the relief I had been begging for wash over me. Sighing in relief, I closed my eyes and curled closely to Shiloh. I felt her fingers running through my hair and felt extremely tired.
“I’m going to put you to bed,” She whispered. “Where you belong.”
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When I woke, I could smell food cooking. I was in my bed, my memory faded and hard to recall, but I knew Shiloh had been in her true form. Rubbing my eyes, I thought about Taehyung and my mood darkened. I could not remember the alphas leaving. My body screamed in protest as I sat up but I pushed forward. No one was going to harm him- not while I still had air in my lungs.
Upon entering the kitchen, I had to grasp my door frame for support. The stove was lit, I could smell the applewood, and one of my large pots was on top of it. The rest of the room was clean. Far cleaner than I ever left it. Someone had mopped and swept by hand. I could smell the lemons they used on the wood. Taking a large breath, I began taking a step forward.
“You should be in bed.”
I jumped up. Whipping my head around, Jimin was sitting in my recliner across the room. Taehyung was staring at me from in front of the fireplace. Neither Hoseok nor Namjoon were there. I could not feel or smell my familiar’s presence either.
“Where’s Shiloh?” I demanded, stumbling forward and grabbing on my island. 
Taehyung stood up and came toward me quickly. 
“Please, don’t push yourself, Birdie,” He said softly.
The alpha led me to my loveseat and helped me to sit down. Jimin sat beside me and covered me with one of my spare blankets. He must have went digging around while I was asleep. Sparing a glance at my hands, all of the feathers were replaced by nasty scars. They were pale white already, like they had been there for years, but I felt sad looking at them. I could only imagine what the rest of my body looked like. Almost sensing my mood, Jimin placed his hand over mine. I looked at him.
“She stepped out for a while,” He finally replied.
I had been angry with him, I remember vividly I thought of our next conversation, but being in front of him now it had all but vanished. There was no way Park Jimin would ever be fine with what had happened. Nor would Hoseok or Namjoon. Even thinking of him I found myself more sad than anything. I could only imagine how he had felt after everything had happened. I did not think anyone could have prepared for that amount of shock. However, gazing at Taehyung, most of my sympathy stopped there. Namjoon was still trying to kill someone else over his own lack of faith. His own ego was blinding him. I just hoped he could see that before he destroyed his own life. Sol would never forgive him and neither would I. 
“Is everyone alright?” I asked.
Jimin hummed, “Everyone but you. Namjoon and I got into a fight before he left but he’ll be fine.”
I scowled at Jimin. “I don’t like the idea of you fighting.”
He grinned, “Don’t worry, amica. I won.”
“Doesn’t change my feelings.” I grumbled and looked at Taehyung.
He seemed confused. While most of his face was perfectly schooled, his eyes told a different story. As they bounced back and forth between Jimin and I, I could see confusion turn into something… other. Almost, acceptance. Strange, I thought. I did not think about it too much. My affection for Jimin was likely apparent, and stronger, than that of the other alphas. The boy was probably trying to get used to it. Then he winked at me and I looked away,
Was it possible that he had caught onto my feelings? Had I sized him up too quickly? I knew he was mischievous and care free, but I also knew he was very aware of others. When he had spoken so passionately about being what a good ruler was, I had gotten that impression as well as his own naivety. However, my troubles were quickly dismissed as I looked into Jimin’s eyes. It was impossible to stress when he was around.
“Do you mind if I stay with you both for a few days?” He asked.
My eyebrows shot up. 
“What for?” I replied.
Jimin hesitated before responding. “I found the letter that your friend sent you in your coat pocket. Your familiar asked me if I would stay.”
Confused, I frowned. What on Earth was he talking about? Racking my brain, I found myself at a loss before the lightbulb went off. 
“Wendy!” I exclaimed. 
Going to stand, Jimin gently grabbed my arm. He looked bashful and unsure of himself. I was just like the last time he had been here, only it felt different. He almost looked… afraid to tell me what he had read. My breath quickening, I pulled my arm out of his grasp.
“What did it say?” I asked, wearily. 
When I got no response, I lifted myself up and ignored the two men. I hobbled to my coat rack. However, strong arms wrapped around me before I made it a foot away from the sofa. 
“Taehyung,” I threatened. “Put me down. Now.”
“Sit,” He pleaded and walked me back over to the living space.
Frustrated and anxious, I turned my head and bit the side of his arm. The wolf yelped before letting go of my wait. I stumbled, wobbled over, before landing on my ass. 
“This is ridiculous,” I complained, slowly lifting myself up. I ignored Taehyung’s outstretched hands. “You come to my home, go through my things, and then not allow me to read my own letter? She’s my friend! If it’s important I ought to know.”
Jimin sighed, frustrated. I refused to back down and continued to stand up. Taehyung had given me some space, which I appreciated, but was close enough to catch me if I fell down again. The older alpha and I had a stare off.
Finally, after a few minutes of silence, Jimin spoke, “If you had more patience, I could have given it to you. It’s in my pocket.”
“If you,” I countered, limping back to the sofa, “had just said that instead of looking at me like an idiot then I couldn’t have gotten up.”
The alpha glared at me but said nothing more. Snatching the paper from his hands, I made myself comfortable in my spot. Taehyung came closer, a weary look on his face. An apology was in order but I fought with my own pride to give it. He picked me up without consent and so I bit him. End of discussion. Still, the need to tell him I was sorry was strong.
I’m happy to hear you are feeling better. However, I’m sure by the time this reaches you the Luna’s ceremony would have taken place and you’ll be back in bed again. I’ve always marveled at how powerful you are and yet so fragile. My mother thinks it was the way the Gods meant for it to be. You’d be far too much if you had all of your abilities and the same willpower as any other witch. In other words, goodluck and I hope you have a fast recovery.
In other news, my sister has decided to marry Seojun. I am very happy for her and I know Irene will make a good wife. It did, however, make me think of you and I. Will there ever be someone for us? Will you ever get the chance to find them even if they were out there? It’s incredibly mean for the Gods to put you under such horrible conditions. At least you are able to leave in a way Aldara never was. I do hope I can learn of your name before you pass on. I’ve known you for far too long and we’re too close for me not to. Please tell me you will.
Birdie, would you hate me if I told you I was considering staying here? My time in Northorn has opened my world to many possibilities. Then I think of you, Yoongi, and Seokjin and the thought repulses me. Oh, I love him. I love Seokjin. I want him to be with me and yet… my eyes still wander. Is that wrong? I know you understand me more than anyone else. Have you ever thought about telling him how you feel or is it too scary? Because I’m scared, Birdie. I’ve hurt him too much.
I should stay here, right? Spare both him and Yoongi the heart ache. Goddess knows I’ve put too much of a strain on their relationship already. From what I hear, they’re already back to being friends since I’ve kept away. Yes, I think I will stay here.
Please help me. Do something for me. I’m confused and unsure of myself. Irene says I’m overthinking everything, but I know you will be more honest. Sending you all of my heart- at least what is left of it.
Your dearest friend,
Rereading the letter over again, I felt my heart sink. Shiloh must have decided to go and see her after finding out. I mentally thanked her and immediately went to fetch a pen and paper. Neither wolf tried to stop me.
It made sense now why Jimin would hesitate to talk with me about the letter. He had never, as far as I know, met Wendy. It must have been confusing to read through. I remembered her line about me understanding her and my stomach sank. That must have been a strange thing to read about, too. I cursed under my breath before I began to write.
Wendy, my darling,
I am fine. There is a lot happening in Bangtan at the moment, most of which I hardly understand, and it has taken its toll on me. Between the ceremony and now I haven’t one moment of peace. I do hope you can help me relax once you return. I know you will. 
Forget about those two fools and remember why you have stayed here all this time: your mother, the sisterhood, your coven, and the forest. Whoelse can tame a magindara like you? No one. Who can purify the sea and sing with the shore like you? No one. Do not let petty, childish things stop you from enjoying your life. You will always have me and I will forever be there. I’m happy for Irene! Her engagement is splendid news and I wish I could be there with her. 
However, Lilith has chosen a different path for me just as she has chosen one for you. I am frightened, Wendy. Everyday I am scared of what it will bring, but I do not let that stop me from enjoying the sunshine. I love the flowers, the trees, and the winds that ripple through them. Aldara used to tell me, “Fear reminds us that we’re alive, and without it many would surely be dead.” So, don’t kill yourself off just yet, darling. Keep swimming and come home. Talk to Jin and he will understand. Yoongi has no ill will toward either one of you. Let go of your fantasies and stay rooted in the reality of your heart.
You were meant to be with the most stubborn, loud, obnoxious, lovely, kind-hearted man in all of Lustra. You and I both know that, and have known that, for a long time. So go for it. Even if I am afraid, you do not have to be. See you soon.
Missing you greatly,
Birdie (I’ll tell you someday. I promise.)
My body was beginning to loosen and the pain was becoming bearable. Satisfied with my response, I waved it in the air to make it dry faster as I rummaged through my drawers for an envelope. I could only hope I could muster the strength to send it off. If Shiloh were hare, she would have went off herself or asked one of the boys, but I was on my own now. Alone and in desperate need to get this damn letter to Wendy. Shuffling to my ceremonial bag laying by the front door, I sifted through it until I found my Meteor Powder. 
I knew I was taking a risk with this sort of thing, but I had to be willing to risk it if it meant I could change Wendy’s mind. I was already hours behind. Without a second more to lose, I gathered up a piece of parchment and a pen to begin drawing. Remembering Wendy’s face was simple enough, years of drawing and perfecting using the powder making it almost easy to do, but I still felt uneasy. My heart would not rest until I received word back or the sea witch showed up at my door.
Praying that I got every soft feature right, I contemplated adding color but quickly dismissed the idea. It would not really make any difference and I was not sure if her hair was dark or light anymore. Wendy often went through fazes with that sort of thing. Laying the paper on the floor, I said her name for good measure, and threw the powder on top of it. Less than a second later, the paper was gone and I sighed. 
“Hope she got it,” I mumbled to myself.
It was Taehyung who broke my trance.
“That was so cool!” He exclaimed.
I chuckled, “Not as cool as my own magic, but it’ll have to do. I can hardly feel anything in my body.”
Walking back to the couch, I curled up beside Jimin. He looked worried again and I realized I had messed up. Admitting that I was weak and tired would only make him drag me back to bed. Readily myself for another spat, I squared my shoulders and looked at him.
“She seemed upset,” He said instead. “I had not realized your friends were involved in that way.”
I hid my surprise well. It did make sense for Jimin to worry about others, I had just never imagined he would take my friend’s hardships so seriously. Grinning, I nodded.
“It’s been a thing since we were children. Don’t worry too much, she will come back and they will be together.”
“Why aren’t they now?” It was Taehung who asked.
“Because,” I sighed, “they’re both far too stubborn.”
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Taehyung was a nice company to have around. He took good care of his things, cleaned up after himself, and was useful. I had stopped sending supplies to Foxglove, something that neither Taehyung or Jimin agreed with, but it did not change my mind. They did not deserve my help if this is what they were going to do with it. No one had come to collect anything either, so I assumed they were boycotting my services indefinitely. 
Wendy had written to me the following morning confirming she was coming back. She had even written to Seokjin. While I did not know what she had said I could take a few guesses. It was only a matter of time before Seokjin told me all about it. He was the worst at keeping secrets. 
Taking a deep breath, I opened my eyes and stared at my altar. My magic had come back a few days ago and I had been allowing it to rest. Today was the first time I had performed a ritual spell in days. Looking over my shoulder, I smiled gently at Jimin napping on my sofa.
He had not left since he arrived. While we had not spoken much since that night, he was doing his best to help Taehyung make a plan to win over the town. While I thought it was foolish to think he could do such a thing without a fight, I believed in them enough to support it. Jimin was a loved person and having him on Taehyung’s side greatly increased his odds. I knew the pack was feeling his absence.
“What’s a cah-dee-jo?” Taehyung asked, obnoxiously loud.
“A cadejo-” I corrected, rolling my eyes, “-are spirits that help worthy travelers find their way.”
Taehyung raised an eyebrow. “And if they’re not worthy?”
“They’ll eat them,” I replied easily.
The alpha had been interested in my books after finding something I had written about the magindara when I was a kid. He was going through them so quickly, I was having to go to the cellar to get new material for him. As naive as he was, Kim Taehyung was a bright young man with a vivid imagination. He always asked questions, never settled for one answer, and listened carefully. 
“Why?” He asked.
“Why not?”
He said nothing after that and went back to reading. I had started growing fonder of the man and hoped he was able to go back home. When he spoke of his siblings his eyes lit up and it broke my heart. His parents must be worried sick. 
Having spent most of my morning sitting, I decided to make lunch. I was expecting Shiloh to be back later today. Wendy said my familiar had gotten to her inn just before she sent off her letter, so I knew the owl was safe. Thinking about her I grew emotional. Exposing her spirit form was extremely dangerous, a risk I would never have asked her to take, and she had done it regardless. 
Going to my kitchen window, I whistled loudly and began pulling out a pot and pan. Tomato soup sounded lovely and I could always make a quick loaf of bread. A few minutes later, Delinah was at my window. Looking up from the onion I was dicing, I grinning at the deer.
“Morning, Dee,” I greeted.
She bowed her head. “Glad to see you moving around. You gave us all a fright.”
I hummed, scooping the onions and throwing them into the pot along with three whole heads of garlic, some fresh herbs, and oil. In the corner of my eye I saw Jimin beginning to stir on the sofa. 
“I’m good as new,” I joked, using a spell to light my stove. “Would you mind fetching some tomatoes from Seokjin’s garden? I’d ask Shiloh but she’s out of the forest for the time being.”
“Where’d she head off to?” Delinah asked, pulling the cloth tote I kept on the windowsill into her mouth.
“Northorn,” I replied.
“Northorn? What’s so important in that miserable place?”
I laughed, placing my knife down to help my friend get the tote around her neck. Delinah nuzzled my hands. Giving her a quick pat on the head, I promised her carrots when she got back.
“And to answer your question,” I walked back to the counter. “Wendy is attempting to run away so she’s bringing her back.”
She laughed, “Oh, that Wendy. You never know what you’re going to get with that one.”
“But we love her.”
Jimin was up and walking around right after Delinah left. Taehyung was still head-first in my magical beasts book. I took over my try of onions and garlic and let them begin roasting over the open flame of the stove. The tomatoes would not take long to char. I could hear the two men talking quietly but decided to play them no mind. It was hard to have privacy in this house as it was.
Delinah was back quickly and I sent her off with a bundle of carrots. After roasting the tomatoes, I used my pestle and mortar to blend everything together. Working in small batches, I took my time to be sure everything was smooth before throwing it into the pot I had taken out. 
“Birdie,” Taehyung called out. “Can I get your opinion on something?”
I nodded, “Ask away.”
“I want to write a letter to Namjoon but I’m not sure how he’d take that.”
I paused for a moment to think. While it might be a wise idea to test the waters with a note of some kind, I was also not foolish enough to think he would be able to deliver something to the village at this time. People were looking for him and to show his face might lead to more speculation. However, he had to do something before the elders made a decision as to what to do with him. Namjoon had officially challenged him and only revoking that, which would terminate the fight, would be his best option. I had full faith in Taehyung’s ability to defend himself if he truly wanted, but his personality would make it hard for him to commit to a brawl. Namjoon would win just from his determination alone. 
“I don’t think that would help much,” I admitted. “Everyone is committed to seeing you fight at this point, and your runaway stunt has them more on guard. I would seriously begin considering a fight, Taehyung. It’s your only option right now.”
I heard his sigh of defeat and felt saddened. I empathize with the alpha’s situation. I knew it would be a hard thing for him to do. In my younger years, Aldara enjoyed teaching me defensive magic but I could never strike her back. It was not until that night I truly saw what I could be capable of if left to my own devices. I shuddered at the thought. I would not wish that on anybody- especially Kim Taehyung. Mixing the soup, I spoke.
“I’m sorry it has to be this way.”
“Me too,” He replied.
The three of us ate our lunch in silence. Jimin had been more quiet than usual and I knew his brain was on overdrive. He had also been away from his family, his pack, and his home for three days without an end in sight. I knew how hard the silence could be and even then I had been quieter. Still, it must be hard on him. It was a wolf’s nature to be with his family. 
Taehyung did not ask anything after that. The rest of the day, he sat on the floor near the fireplace and read book after book while Jimin looked out of the windows. They never went outside. I managed to do a few chores, practiced some new spells, and wrote in my grimoire, but nothing else had sparked an interest in me. The tension in the house was suffocating. It was not until Shiloh returned at sunset that the house stirred.
In a whirlwind, the barn owl flew through my bedroom window, her loud voice bouncing off the walls. Carelessly I threw my pen down onto my grimoire. Black ink smeared into the pages ruining all of my hard work, but I did not care. She was back and I could breathe a bit easier then. I knew Shiloh would have an answer. She always knew what to do.
“Between those wolves and you witches,” She complained, “I’ll never, ever catch a break.”
“Oh, Shiloh,” I cooed, opening my arms to her.
My familiar raced into my waiting embrace and let herself be babied. I pet her head and smoothed her feathers down gently. The owl leaned into my touches with joy. I could not remember the last time I had smiled so widely since she had gone.
“You’re so strong and mighty, little one. I missed you dearly.”
She laughed, “I’m so happy to see you up and walking around.”
“Where’s Wendy?” I asked, letting her go.
Shiloh flew into the kitchen and I followed behind her. She must be exhausted after the long journey. She pecked at the bread from lunch and made note of the wolves in the living room.
“She’ll be back after her sister’s wedding.”
“Oh, wonderful!” I clapped my hands together in delight. 
“Another pain in my ass,” She mumbled.
And I laughed, and laughed, and laughed.
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It was always an adjustment when you first transform, I found. Even after all this time I was slightly disoriented after the whole ordeal. The first night Taehyung had been here, he had almost broken my bedroom door down trying to see if I was alright. If Jimin had not reassured him, I was sure he would have been traumatized by the scene. It was the fourth night now, and Taehyung slept peacefully through my screams. Shiloh had gone to bed extra early. Jimin was the only person still awake when I flew through the kitchen window.
He was still dressed in the same clothes he had been wearing for days. I hand washed everything twice, but he insisted on keeping them. I had made clothes for Taehyung and was a bit upset at Jimin’s rejection. However, I never brought it up again. I simply washed them and used magic to get them dry. 
Tonight, however, he had taken off the long cape he usually wore. His socks and shoes were also somewhere else, and I noticed his belt was also missing. He wore his hair down, the silver strands sitting at his waist, and I saw a simple headband keeping his bangs out of his eyes. He was sitting at the kitchen island staring at whatever he had been writing. I decided to go to him.
“Hello,” He offered, a smile that did not meet his eyes thrown my way.
He looked tired, more so than usual, and worn. Taehyung snored loudly on the floor and rolled over. Jimin did not bat an eyelash and continued looking at the papers. I hopped closer and twisted my head to look at them. The alpha did not try to stop me.
They turn into paste if you mash them. By hand, they keep their nectar, and the flavor is much better.
When they’re whole you need to wait much longer for the flavor to seep through.
No, but it is one that is very dear to me.
I realized it was the paper I had used when I had visited him a few weeks ago. I felt myself growing emotional. He had kept it… something so inconsequential and yet he had kept it. Apparently, he even walked around with it. My heart grew fonder with every encounter we shared, and I found I could not breathe properly.
“It brings me comfort,” Jimin whispered. “Knowing that you’re out there.”
Turning to look at him, I found him crying. The moonlight illuminated his delicate face and the tears that ran down his cheeks. For the first time since I have known Jimin, I felt sure of myself. Drawing near, I gently flapped my wings and landed in his lap. Clicking, I rubbed my face on his stomach and allowed the warmth within me to shine. He had kept it. 
Jimin grabbed me and held me tightly as he wept. What his sorrows were for, I was not sure, but I had to guess it was something to do with this situation. Whatever the case may be, I melted into his touch. He was always so open with me like this. I wished he would hold me tightly as a woman, too. I knew I was beginning to grow greedy but did not care anymore. He had kept that stupid piece of parchment and I was completely done attempting to care about customs. I loved him more than anything else.
“I don’t know what to do,” He whimpered. “I couldn’t live with either of them dying.”
And as mad as I was at Namjoon, as badly as I wanted to throw him against a wall and scream in his face for being such a pig-headed nitwit, I could not say I wanted him dead. We were friends after all. Even after our spat the other morning I could call him that freely. I knew something had to give sooner or later. It killed me to see Jimin torn up.
The alpha only allowed himself two minutes to cry. After that, he apologized to me profusely before gently setting me back down on the island. Wiping his face aggressively, he excused himself before leaving the cottage entirely. I wanted to go after him but thought he might need the space and time to think. Looking down at the paper at my feet, I felt something shift inside of me.
So what if a letter is offensive? They beat Taehyung to a bloody pulp, exiled him, and made his friend think he needed to challenge him in order to keep the pack in order. If a simple letter would be the thing to set them off then I would happily be the bad guy. Knowing that I was more than likely making an awful choice, that the chances of someone else getting their hands on Namjoon’s letter were high, I still had to try. I would never see Jimin cry like that again. My mind made up, I gathered up some paper and an ink jar and began to write.
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Taglist: @greezenini​ @adventures-in-bookland​ @kthstrawberryshortcake-main​ @zae007live @jimin-neverout @nikkiordonez12​ @canarystwin​​
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© chimcess, 2023. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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mpreg-nouveau · 6 months
Turn of the century omegaverse thoughts
Cause I'm a huge fucking history nerd and I was thinking about, what would omegaverse look like at different points in history/how would it effect history, and given the motif of this blog I thought I'd share some from 1900s-1910s.
Note, this is not me romanticising these concepts, just thinking about potential plotlines or ideas that COULD result from omegaverse being part of this point in the human time line, both good, bad, and just weird:
–omega sufferage movement along side women's sufferage
–the overlap between women’s rights movement and the issues of A/B/O hierarchies creating a lot of fuss and questions during the time, especially with news print and communication getting more and more wide spread.
–ex, it being considered ok for an alpha female to dress in men's clothing and do work as the primary breadwinner when her husband or wife is an omega, but what happens when she is with an alpha male who is socially EXPECTED to be the primary bread winner at the time? Is the woman supposed to quit her job and become a house wife upon marriage? She certainly doesn't think so and neither does her husband.
–i feel like the American hierarchy at the time is alpha male>alpha female=beta male>beta female=omega male=omega female.
–omegas using labor unions to fight for equal treatment and pay in new industrial settings.
--factories are hesitant to hire them because fearing their workers will go on heat regularly and slow down production. People having to hide that they are omegas to get work as a result. This was the time period where you could get fired for a work place injury after all.
–people coming to the States for the first time with different cultural expectations for the a/b/o dynamics and getting some culture shock from American life, whether american standards are stricter, less strict, or entirely flipped from their home perspectives.
–along with with the Gibson girl there's also the Gibson boy representing the dainty stereotype of omegas. 
–the new middle class and upper middle class suddenly being targeted by mass production industrial giants advertising new, useless creature comforts to build extravagant and gorgeous nests and dens
–patent medicines that are utterly worthless but advertise to act as heat suppressants, rut control, and to make your scent more appealing to others
–in order to pander to ideals of modernization and “civility” american upper crusts comparing their a/b/o status to various dog breeds instead of wolves. There's essentially a horoscope of sorts they've come up with to align themselves with specific dog breeds and the stereotypes there off.
– ex: “my father was an alpha bulldog type, and my mother a beta beagle designation, and because I was born on the 3rd Sunday in August as an omega, I am a jack Russell terrier designation.
–people keep harassing Arthur Conan Doyle for Watson and Sherlock’s canonic designation. This is what causes the poor man to lose it and start believing in fairies. 
–omega heat cars on trains for single individuals to hang out in and avoid perverts. Its meant as a kind gesture but instead just ends up playing into puritan culture surrounding omega bodies. 
–as electricity is being installed in more and more homes there's an irrational worry that the electrical circuits in the walls will mess with the cycles of heat and rut among some. 
–its completely unfounded but causes people to resist the switch anyways
–meanwhile there IS evidence that gas based light fixtures DO have negative effects on the body but everyone grew up with them “and I turned out ok so it must be fine”
–advent of widespread vaccines and better standards of sanitation means that entire litters of pups are surviving childhood now
–families that worried to name pups after they were born, as back in their home land it was rare for more than one per litter to survive, suddenly are having miracle litters. Every single pup is ending up getting spoiled by these families who expected the worst.
–new ridiculous electric inventions come out catering to beautification and a/b/o fertility care. One is a body massage device that supposedly increases the chances of having a healthy and fruitful pregnancy….it's essentially a hand held belly rub machine. 
– most of the US was still rural and isolated from the cities at this time. Few had ventured 20 miles from their home town. Rural parents worrying about their omega children marrying people from the city…because of a genuine yet misguided fear of their kids getting so overwhelmed by all the new scents  in the city that they will immediately have a seizure and die. 
–during the turn of the century it was already fairly common for kids to wear gender neutral, play safe clothing like gowns all the way up to 8 years old, so gender neutral clothing being common until a kid presents for the first time.
–classes getting divided into alphas, omegas, and betas in some puritanical schools in order to “protect the children” as the new US mandatory  public school system is getting hammered out
–packs becoming a looser term for more wide social circles rather than relatives or clans due to migration of people both into the nation and throughout. 
–Ex: woman forming packs based on sharing supplies in a new city with each other, or packs surrounding shared interest in activities like sewing or books
–the Boston Red Sox declare themselves a pack one day.
–I feel like a lot of politicians pretend to be alphas for status
–teddy Roosevelt secretly being an omega but nobody realizes this cause he's constantly covered in wood ash and various funk from his game hunting and overtly manly activities. Everyone just assumes he's an alpha between that and his personality.
(Edit: clarification on the last one, this is a joke about how the guy had horrible asthma and other chronic health issues especially while young, which for most people at the time would mean a very short life span, but no one knew because the dude compensated with so much exercise and other extreme health stuff you could do at the time you could not tell. Dude even took a bullet to the chest midway through a speech and then finished said speech. Dude basically made himself a stereotype of an "alpha male")
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