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solo6677 · 1 year ago
A Little Tired of Life
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There is a popular song out right now that starts "Do you ever get tired of life" then it goes "you are not really happy but you don't want to die". Well that is my life. Who am I? I am Richard Johnson. I am a 48 year-old married man. I am 6 '2 with brown graying hair, brown eyes and an athletic build. 
I have been married to my wife Victoria for the last 20 years. Together we have raised an 18-year-old daughter. Her name is Amanda. I work in an office building downtown as an accountant. I have three good friends and a so-so friend (you know the type). 
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Back to my life, my marriage doesn't feel like a marriage, I feel more like we're roommates. I enjoyed my life with my wife until our 1st was born 18 years ago. It's not that I don't love my daughter It's just that my wife hasn't been intimate with me. We haven't had any sex for 18 years and as a date night goes yeah you can forget that.
We don't even sleep in the same bedroom. When my wife and I first started to date I made a promise to her that I would not cheat on her. However, this is increasingly becoming more difficult as I have not had a life, sex, or any intimacy for many years. I am not sure how much more I can take.
Monday night I came home from work. I had a lousy day but I brought home with me 2 tickets to a new musical opening up downtown. I wanted to surprise my wife so I bought flowers and a good bottle of wine, her favorite, to tell her about the show. I thought since we haven't been out in a while this would be a fun time for both of us.
When I made it home, she was sitting on the couch watching one of her reality shows that I can't stand. I walked up to her and asked her to pause her show. She didn't even look up at me and said no. I looked down at her and told her I had a surprise for her, again she said no. At this I became enraged.
I threw the flowers on the floor and stormed off to my room. I called my friend Robert the so-so friend from before. I knew he was a fan of musicals so I asked him if he wouldn't want to go and he immediately said yes. I then told him we would talk about plans for later.
I then went back into the living room to my wife and told her that Robert and I were going to the show. She looked at me and said quite meanly, "Whatever" then she asked what night it was for? I told her it was going to be on Wednesday night. That was 2 nights from now.
She smiled and said she already had plans with Amanda. I asked her what they were doing and she just had a sly smile on her face and said “girl things”. I then went to open the wine for her and I. We made small talk and then after a few glasses we both went to bed.
On Wednesday I met Robert for drinks before the show and we talked about our lives. I told him about the way things are and how unhappy I was. Then that aforementioned song about being a little tired of life came on the jukebox. I then looked Robert in the eyes and told him that is me to a tee. I then told him I wish I could just disappear. Robert's eyes lit up. He had an idea. He then told me about Evie's Emporium.
That it was a shop in the mall. It has all kinds of transformative items. lt probably had what I needed to disappear. He then told me about AdoniX. He said with this I would transform into an alpha male and I could just disappear. I thought that may be my answer and I thanked him. I paid for his drinks even though Robert was rich. He didn't like to spend money and we went to the show.
After the show I arrived home to an empty house. I grabbed a beer, sat down and watched all the sports highlights for the night. I looked around at the empty house and thought to myself, could I really give this up? After a few more beers and I said fuck yeah. The next day after work I went to the mall to check out Evie's Emporium.
I was astounded by how many products were in this one store. They had clothes, accessories, makeup shoes, and even skin bodysuits. I walked around bewildered until a customer service rep came up to help me. Her name was Mara. She asked me what I needed and I told her that I was looking for AdoniX. She smiled and walked me over to the vials potion section.
As we went by the shoe department I could see another associate Bruna explaining how high heels could be a very transformative experience for a very attractive female customer. As we went to the potions section, I saw another associate Erica talking to another attractive female customer about how great the big black dildos feel. Then I continued to follow Mara some more. We then passed the manager's office and emblazoned with big gold letters was the name Q. Evie Hyde.
The Q made me curious so I asked . She laughed and said it meant Queen. I thought maybe it was a joke and went on with her to go find the AdoniX. When we arrived, Mara picked up the bottle. She told me that it was their last bottle and that it was permanent.
I told her that it didn't matter to me. Then I said that I planned on disappearing and not coming back. I asked her how much and she told me the price. It was a little more than I thought it would be but it was the last one so I purchased it and then left to go home.
When I got home, I took my purchase to my bedroom. I kept thinking where the best place to hide it would be. The fact that my wife and daughter never go into my bedroom I decided to hide it in my sock drawer. I then went to the living room to watch some TV. About an hour later my wife and daughter came home laughing.
I asked where they were as they had been out all night. My wife gave me the same answer she normally did: “girl stuff”. I tried to do some small talk with my wife and my daughter but just got frustrated and went to my bedroom to be by myself.
The next morning at breakfast I was informed that my wife and daughter were going to visit her mother for the weekend. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to use AdoniX and go on with my new life. As this was now Friday morning it gave me time to plan out my new life too. I went to get ready for work when I saw Amanda coming out of my room. I asked her what she was doing and she said she had to use my bathroom because hers was not working correctly.
I just nodded okay and then I heard Victoria getting off the phone. "Okay we will be packed soon and we'll leave in about an hour, see you soon love you." She then told me that it was her mother and their plans had changed and they were leaving within the hour. I was overjoyed by the news. This meant I could put my plan into motion a lot quicker. After they were packed, they got in their car. I said my goodbyes and they went to her mother's.
The minute the car was out of the driveway I got on the phone and I called off of work. I went and showered and dressed then I went to the bank. I closed up my account and took out a small loan, I'm going to be a new man so how would they find me to pay anyway. I went to my lawyer and changed my will leaving everything I had to Robert. Finally, I went home to take my AdoniX.
I got home and locked the door then ran into my bedroom. I pulled the vial from my sock drawer and read the instructions on the back. It said to take off all jewelry and clothes as the transformation could make your body bigger. So I followed suit. I took off all my clothes until I was fully nude.
Next it said that it may be disorientating at first so not to be standing. I made my way over to the bed and I sat down so that way I would not fall over. Finally, it said that this vial of AdoniX is permanent and cannot be reversed. After reading that final warning I smiled and drank down the whole vial.
The taste was similar to strawberries and cream. At first, I felt nothing and then my whole body felt like it was on fire. I was profusely sweating and my heart was beating out of my chest. I looked at the bottle again for warnings and side effects. That was when the label fell off to reveal not AdoniX but an Elixir instead!
I started to read over the Elixir and I found out it was permanent and I wasn't going to be an alpha male, I was going to be a female. No sooner had I read the back but I started to feel much pain. My body shrunk from my 6'2 frame to a 5'7 frame. My hands got really dainty and my fingernails started to grow. My legs and feet got smaller and more feminine. My body hair all over dissolved to leave me just the hair on my head. My brownish gray hair started to spill out down my head and changed to a dark brown. My hips widened and then the pain became so unbearable I passed out.
When I awoke it was already night time. I could see the Moonlight beaming through my window. I went to sit up when I noticed my body felt different. As I sat up, I saw big titties. I felt them and a chill went through my body. I got out of bed and walked over to my mirror and stood in shock. The vision before me was absolutely gorgeous.
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The woman I saw had dark brown hair and had real deep brown eyes. I touched my hair to realize I was her. My tits were big and my pussy was bare. I reached two fingers down to feel myself. It felt really wet and I jumped on my bed to give myself my first female orgasm. I then took a steamy shower, not able to keep my hands off myself.
After the third or was it the fourth orgasm I went to my daughter's bedroom to look for some clothes. I was able to find a set of underwear a black bra and panties that fit me.In her closet I was then able to find a black dress that fit me but snug in my chest. I then went to my wife's room, looked in her closet and found a pair of black stiletto heels. I put on my new heels and went to start my new life.
I grabbed all I wanted from my house. I called an Uber, got in and left. My next stop would be at a hotel for the night before I found a more permanent place to live. Well in the Uber I started to feel horny and very playful. I made sure the driver kept his eyes on me as I flashed my tits and masturbated most loudly. He drove off the road a couple times.
When we reached the hotel, I asked him in a breathless voice how much I owed him for the ride? He was quite pale and told me it was on the house and he thanked me for being his best customer. I smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. I gave him a kiss on the lips and told him I had to give him something. He blushed and told me that it was his pleasure and then he drove off.
I grabbed my suitcases off the ground and I went into the hotel. Inside I went to make a reservation and a very pretty young redhead was at the counter. I read her name tag and it said her name was Sarah. She was younger, probably in her early twenties. She had freckles on her face and very pretty eyes.
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I asked her about a room and she unfortunately said they did not have any vacancies. I told her I had cash but she said unfortunately nothing is available. I went to turn away and then she called me back. She told me that I looked desperate and in need so I could have her room for the night. She asked me how much I could pay and I lied and told her $200. She accepted the $200 and handed me her room key and then blushed. I could see that she was interested in me.
So I asked if she was going to be spending the night with me in her room. She blushed again and said she has a couch she can sleep on. I then walked behind the counter to surprise her and kissed her full on the lips. I felt her nipples stiffen as I pulled her in for a quick hug. I also felt my pussy get wetter after she started to kiss me back. Smiling I asked her when she got off for the night and blushing she smiled back and said in about 15 minutes. I then made sure to tell her that I will see her in her room after her shift and I kissed her again. Walking away she asked my name and I said Rachel.
I took the elevator up to the fifth floor and I found the room. I opened the room to see a young woman's room as I figured Sarah had to be probably 21 or 22. I looked into a full length mirror in the room and got a better view of it myself. My body was the body of a late 20 something year-old year-old. My hair was dark brown and on my shoulders. My brown eyes were almost hypnotic. I went to undress when I heard the door open. It was Sarah.
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She looked at me and walked over without a word and started to kiss me again. As we kissed my hand started to get bold and I touched Sarah's tits. They weren't as big as mine but they were enough. She started to moan and then she grabbed my dress and started to take it off me. I then grabbed her uniform and unbuttoned it to see her tits in a pretty flowered bra.
As I took her clothes off, I admired how firm her body was. I then threw her on the bed and finished undressing her. I laid her on her back and then started to suck on her toes. I then started working my way up her legs. When I got to her pussy, I noticed the way her hair was shaved. She had it in a heart shape. I started to kiss up her tummy and then each nipple.
I then started to kiss her lips again as I kissed her, I put two fingers in her soaking wet pussy. She started to squirm and moan then I went down on her and started to suck on her clit. She moaned even more as I then took my tongue and licked her to her first orgasm of the night. She then told me to lay down.
As I did she started to kiss me all over then she took her tongue and started to lick my pussy. I couldn't believe how good this felt. She then stuck her tongue inside of me and I exploded into my first real female orgasm. After we both orgasmed again Sarah pulled out a dildo from a drawer and fucked me with it all night.
After we were done Sarah smiled and told me that I was the first lesbian experience she ever had. Matter of fact I was the first female she was ever attracted to. I smiled and said she was my first lesbian experience also and by far better than I ever imagined. We laid in each other's arms until morning's first light.
In the morning she made breakfast for us and tried to return the $200 I gave her. I refused to take it back as she let me rent the room. She kissed me again and said that I could stay as long as I like. I thanked her and told her that I was going out to buy some clothes but I would take her up on her offer.
After that I got dressed and went back to the local mall. When I got there, I had all my credit cards and cash. I went from store to store and purchased everything I would need from clothes to underwear, to shoes, and even makeup. I was about to leave the mall when I again saw Evie's Emporium. I stopped in to look at the clothes and the accessories there.
I saw Mara this time she was helping a very handsome male customer. I also saw Erica helping an older woman with clothing this time. I was looking at collars when I was approached by another woman. She told me her name was Evie and that she was the owner of the Emporium. I asked what they did here at the store and she told me that she loves to bring out ones inner bitch and make dreams come true.
I then went and thanked her and told her what a life-changing experience this store has been. I then purchased a few more items including a couple collars, some more permanent elixirs and even something called SimpX. You never know when you might need something I thought. I then left the store and walked around for a little while.
I then went back to the hotel to wait for Sarah to get off of work. I had bought some groceries and decided to make her a wonderful dinner. As soon as I arrived at the hotel, I could see Sarah behind the counter helping someone with their reservation. I just smiled at her and went back to our room. When I got back to the room, I pulled some items out of my bag, put my clothes and shoes away and then took a long sensual bath touching myself the entire time thinking of Sarah.
After my bath I started to make dinner. I made pasta and pulled out some red wine that I bought. When Sarah finally came in, I watched her eyes bulge out. I was sitting on the couch in a brand-new pair of blue lingerie and sitting on the table next to me was our dinner. She started to head over to the bedroom when I stopped her. I told her to come on and eat first and then we can play. Sarah blushed and then sat down.
As we ate, we talked about each other's day. I told her how I went to the mall and made a bunch of purchases. I then told her that I was looking for a new place to live and maybe even a job. I asked her if she liked what she was doing. She looked at me and said she hated her job but this is the only job she knew. Then I told her I came up with an idea: what if she didn't have to work, what if neither of us had to work? She looked at me very inquisitive and said what do you mean? I then pulled out a bottle of Elixir.
This bottle will change your life like it did for me. I was a nobody going nowhere, then I took this bottle and I became a goddess. How would you like that to happen for you? Sarah smiled and asked me how so I handed her a bottle of elixir and I told her to drink it. Sarah, with no question asked, drank it down and then she began to change.
Her hair grew out and got darker almost like a blood red, her body grew out to make her almost the same age as I am. Her eyes became more vibrant and looked incredible. I then went back into my bag and grabbed a magic collar.
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This collar said evil bestie on it. I asked her if she wanted to wear it if she wanted to be my evil bestie, Sarah grabbed it and threw it on her own neck and I knew we were meant to be. She also asked me to call her Delilah from now on. That night we took turns using the strap on i bought and fucked each other all night long. Right before we fell asleep I looked into Delilah's eyes and knew that she was the one that I truly loved.
The next day it was time to put my plan into action. Delilah and I left early from the hotel on her day off. We went to visit my friend Robert. Robert was a millionaire who lived in a giant mansion with many servants. When we got to his place I knocked on the door and his Butler answered. I told him I wanted to see Robert that I'm a friend of a friend and I gave him Richard's name. Robert immediately came to the door and let us in.
I pulled Robert into his living room and talked to him and told him that myself and Sarah wanted to show him the time of his life. So, Robert then let us into his bedroom where we all undressed and had three-way sex. While Robert was resting, I decided to put my plan into action. I took out a vial of SimpX and poured it down his throat.
The change was almost immediate; he had gone from a 6-foot man to a very feminized 5'2 sissy. His hair had grown longer, gone from a sandy brown to a very dark brown.
He was still naked from our sexual adventure so I could see his cock shrink till it's just a little cockle. When he woke up, I put a magic collar around his neck that said slave and locked his cockle in a cage. He immediately addressed me as mistress and asked what he could do to service me. I pulled out more of the magic collars and told him to call in his servants one at a time as they will soon be mine. Robert agreed and I proceeded to turn his Butler into a female slave. And then all the maids into my slaves also.
Almost a month later since we moved in with Robert. Delilah  and I have not been happier. We have sex every night in front of Robert while he has his cock caged. I keep thinking maybe to use the elixir on Robert but not yet. I happened to be resting outside by the pool when I saw a very familiar face show up next to me.
I saw my ex-wife Victoria and my daughter Amanda. They came to see Robert. It appears that my ex-wife and my daughter had used elixir from what the sissy Robert told us and were using their elixir bodies to fuck him for money behind my back.
I started to talk to Victoria and asked her if she was married. She laughed and said no, my husband disappeared almost a month ago. Then she started to laugh. He was such an idiot, she said.  I asked her what she meant by that and she told me that she had Robert tell him about AdoniX. So she knew her husband would be interested in buying it since she hasn't been interested in him in years.
I laughed too, yeah what an idiot I said then what? She told me that she then had my daughter sneak into the bedroom and change the vials from AdoniX to a permanent Elixir. She could only imagine what her husband looks like now. We laughed about it a little bit more and then I asked her if she would like to see a new room in the house.
She said yes and she followed me. I introduced Amanda to Delilah then pulled her aside and told her my plan. I had Delilah show Amanda her bedroom. When Victoria and I reached my bedroom I pushed her down on the bed and knocked her out. When she awoke she asked me why I did what I did . I just looked her in the eyes and told her “Thank you, you stuck up bitch!”
“I love my new life now”, she then had a look of fear in her eyes that made my pussy very wet. I will never forget the look in her eyes when she realized it was me. I said” I love being an evil bitch. I get to fuck a woman I love and now I get my revenge on you. You worthless cunt.”
She tried to get up to hit me but then realized that I had tied her to the bed. I then went to my closet and got out the slave collar. I threw it around her neck. I kissed her once more on the lips and told her I want a divorce. I then had an evil smile and said welcome to slavery bitch. Meanwhile in Delilah‘s room she did the same thing to Amanda.
Less than a year later Delilah and I got married. I love the way that she treats my ex-wife and my daughter. She treats them like the worthless slaves they are. That was something about her that absolutely turned me on.
I gave them both my ex-wife and daughter permanent Elixir and used two more collars on both of them, the slut collar and also the bimbo collar. They both work at the local strip club making money to bring home to me.
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Robert, I decided to turn him into Roberta. I gave him elixir but again used the slave and slut collar on him or her. She actually is now my personal maid. Also my three friends I alluded to earlier, are enjoying their new lives and couldn't be happier! I love my life now and just to think at one point in time I was a little tired of life.
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Also my three friends I alluded to earlier, are enjoying their new lives and couldn't be happier! I love my life now and just to think at one point in time I was a little tired of life.
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If it wasn't for Evie , Erica, Mara, all the other writers who bring out the best in transformations this wouldn't have been written.
Thank you all
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reality-detective · 1 year ago
UK HAS A PROBLEM: Excess deaths are up a staggering 22% among 1 to 14-year-olds. The magic elixir? 🤔
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evergreenperi · 6 months ago
Elixsune Miku 🌟
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jeizet · 1 year ago
AW Little @elixermv --OH
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little meme I did a while ago
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midasmagusart · 7 months ago
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Updated ref for a super old oc of mine 💚🩷💜
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dawneetay · 1 year ago
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experimenting with Ibispaint's new animation feature! ft. Elixer Starlight, the one and only!
my original sketch
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dustph03nix · 2 years ago
Erm, fixating hard on Redacted SMP, might become a personality for a week idk
Also I am more active on my Twitter, which is linked here: https://twitter.com/_dust_phoenix_
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idiotv2 · 2 years ago
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Some more character designs.
Shadow Elixer looks similar but distinctly different to actual Elixer. Similar but very wrong..
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deytra · 2 years ago
hey tumblr take five has a podcast btw
our second episode just came out where we ranted about what superheroes we would be it was so cool you should listen 😋
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ladytamayolover · 9 months ago
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works ✮N/A
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wensdaiambrose · 1 year ago
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Bottle garden.
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saturninemysticthreads · 1 year ago
Your opinion matters! Share your thoughts below.
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evergreenperi · 1 year ago
🌙 Under the light of the full moon may your sins be cleansed 🌙
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🌙 Trust in the all seeing, all knowing eye 👁
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jeizet · 1 year ago
Redacted flower suits/dresses!!
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I asked the members which was their favorite flower and the ones who replied got some flower clothes!
Deytra's favorite flowers is the blue orchid but I wanted to draw her with a cornflower dress because of the meme jsjsjs
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dawneetay · 1 year ago
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unfinished elixer pixelart
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magefelixir · 3 months ago
only stephen sondheim could write a lyric like “smells like piss. looks like piss. this is piss. piss with ink” and “i don’t want no ink piss!!” and have me eat it up every time and praise him as a lyrical genius
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