#am i procrastinating? DEFINITELY
stephaniedola · 7 months
FUCK im late anyway also for file my beloved: alone bound ;) hate skin
I LOVE U i knew youd give me the good good
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
oooh this is a good one.... SHAPEFILE grew up in a lab surrounded by scientists constantly observing him, and although he doesnt remember much about it, he definitely has an ingrained sense of feeling weird on his own. i think he probably finds being alone and undistracted very perturbing. if hes alone, hes probably doing GIS stuff and/or homework.
otherwise i feel like they fill their life with various odd characters to amuse them and keep them from feeling lonely. not that they'd admit that, and not that it would show based on how they treat people
really, when FILEs alone i feel like FILE just goes full autism mode. stim city. maybe those untapped traumas memories from FILEs childhood start to seep in... who knows
bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
FILE was pretty much kept imprisoned for the first 13 years of his life, which, again, he does not remember but still has lingering emotional scars from. as for what happened, he has no way of knowing, but hes fairly certain it was bad. part of why he doesn't think too deeply about his issues and hates being alone with his thoughts is because of the weird triggers and fetishes he has that he can't place the origin of. its just NULL data. he does have scars, all over his body, but he was told they were all part of the process of creating him. frankenstein lookin ass.
they only got out by waking up age 13 (so they're told) with no memories, being told who they were (supposed to be?) and being assigned an adoptive family.
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
the funnier and less twisted answer to this question is open source software. they fight constantly with Quin, the local naturalist dyke, who insists that Esri software (again, FILE believes they were literally created to shill this stuff) sucks and that proprietary software shouldnt exist. also, they hatefuck
as for the real answer, it's FILEs second thesis advisor (dont worry about what happened to the first one) Dr. Tan, who has taken an unfortunate liking to FILE, with whom FILE has a deeply questionable relationship FILE has very weird feelings about. FILE knows their dynamic is abusive but FILE feels like FILE brings it upon FILEself by being, on some level, into it.
when Tan's around in public, FILE gets very closed off and defensive, trying to put distance between them. in private, the facade fades quickly and FILE finds themself feeling painfully reliant on the affection and affirmation from the person they hate the most
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
ahhhh yes, the kicker to everything above. SHAPEFILE is so uncomfortable in their own skin it hurts. as has been the theme of these answers, they are in no way prepared to face the reality inside themself. what might that reality be? i think FILE's nightmare scenario would be to find out there was another path for him all along. that he doesnt need to be a machine to be a man, that he doesnt need to be a man to be a machine
thats part of why FILE hates Tan so much. tan acknowledges this potential, but also takes advantage of it. this all contributes to FILEs weird feelings about the already weird situation
accepting that they can be someone other than the person [ERROR: Data type 'person' not specified] ??? they were prescribed to be is the one thing they need the most to self-actualize, but SHAPEFILE is so far removed from the self. SHAPEFILE is just points, lines, and polygons. SHAPEFILE is just space.
but if he acknowledges it, he acknowledges that there's nothing special about him.
Geoffrey Isaiah Shapiro is just taking up space.
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otaku553 · 10 months
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Quite frankly still obsessed with the three of them
A little procrastination doodle
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halfbit · 1 year
ok the last post was infodump friendly. this one is NOT.
i expect you to explain your/something about your magic system as badly as possible. i want to be confused. i want to lack context.
i'll start:
big wyrm gives off radiation that is also magic. ohhh no gas.
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singsofecho · 4 months
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Quick redraw of an old Truth or Drink meme from a few years ago.
off-screen: what is something you think people should know about clones?
CC-3636, CDR Wolffe: We're people, we've got feelings, we're not just expendable meat droids.
CC-1010, CDR Fox: If you stab a clone it counts as property damage and you will be fined.
Wolffe: *biting his lip with an expression of deep concern*
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wannaeatramyeon · 9 months
Lookism x Reader: Happy Holidays!
G/N. Soft fluff. (All my blorbos - Gun Park, Goo Kim, Ryuhei Kuroda, Jake Kim, Vin Jin, Samuel Seo)
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Gun Park - Hat
For the man that could buy pretty much anything, you opted to go for homemade. A personal touch.
Issue is, your personal touch is pretty shitty and shoddy. Gun still accepts the hat with a straight face and heartfelt thanks even as you tell him he doesn't have to wear it.
Why wouldn't I, he thinks. You have spent your time and effort making this for him and he appreciates it. Even if it isn't quite his... taste.
"What is that on your head?" Goo exclaims, torn between bursting into laughter and abject horror at the crimson bobble hat Gun is sporting. Ends of his hair poking out, and the colour highlighting the red of his windswept cheeks and nose.
"Fuck off."
"I think it's cute," Crystal grins as Goo whirls around and screeches.
"Cute?! Gun Park? Have you lost your mind?"
"Like you can say anything with those ridiculous mittens."
"My mittens are not ridiculous!"
Ignoring Crystal and Goo devolving into slinging insults at each other, Kouji glances at Gun and chuckles, opens his mouth to tease-
And is intercepted by a look from Gun, and a warning. "Shut it if you want to live."
Kouji's mouth slams shut.
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Goo -  Mittens
"Tasteless," Gun sneers, and Goo kicks his ass for it.
"Tasteless," Kouji sighs, and Goo throws his laptop out the window.
"Tasteless," Crystal laments, and Goo- well. Goo can't exactly do anything. That's his boss's daughter, and nepotism is kinda a thing.
So he snarls, nostrils flaring and calls her tasteless too.
"I. LOVE. THESE!" You screech, high and shrill when you yank the mittens out of the box.
Tasteless huh, Goo thinks smugly as you cover him in kisses, No surprise it's everyone else that has no taste.
Birds of a feather truly flock together where you and Goo are concerned. Birds of a feather will also be able to keep their hands warm with their couples mittens too.
A conjoined monstrous thing, that allows you two to keep holding hands through the bitter Seoul winter. Keeping your fingers intertwined and an objectively OTT display of PDA. That you had to be touching, can't even bear to keep your hands to yourself for a moment, that you would need such an accessory.
Goo thought it was perfect when he laid eyes on it, if the way you two are always attached at the hip is any indication.
You clearly think so too, when Goo unwraps his own gift-
-Delighted and cackling, pulling out the same duplicate mittens.
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Ryuhei Kuroda - Card
"Y/N!" Ryuhei calls you from down the hallway, waving enthusiastically before striding over.
"Here," he grins, handing over a card, "Happy Holidays. Hope you like it!"
The card sits on your desk. It's somewhere between cringe and cheesy, and utterly charming.
On the front is a (badly) hand drawn picture of you and Ryuhei, signed with his signature in the corner. Inside, a couple lines of explicit filth accompanied with sickeningly sweet declarations and too many hearts and kisses to count.
You blame it on the festive period. That's the reason you're feeling so soppy and sentimental, why every time you look at the crappy drawing you can't help but smile.
Ryuhei blinks, eyebrows shooting up to his hairline, "You kept it?"
"Yeah," you peer at the card in your periphery, "I like it."
"You like it? Really?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
You hear Ryuhei mumbling something about how someone (no prizes for guessing who) would always just dump them in the trash without opening.
"...And they weren't even lewd," he sighs, then perks up, any gloominess dissipating and eyes practically sparkling, "But that's all in the past."
Absolutely delighted, Ryuhei leans over your desk, practically lying across it, and punctuates each word with a kiss, "You!” MWAH “Like!” MWAH “It!” MWAH
"Yeah," you smile fondly at your idiot, cupping his face, "I like you too."
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Jake Kim - Gifts
Jake shrugs off his jacket and loosens his tie. It's been a long day. Actually, it's just been a long goddamn year.
He runs his fingers through his hair, ready to jump in the shower and straight to bed when-
Gift bags and presents cover his coffee table and a 'DO NOT OPEN! IT'S NOT FOR YOU!' sign catches his eye.
Huh. That is undoubtedly your scrawl, but if they're not gifts for him then...? He fires off a quick text.
Jake: hey, did you leave some presents at mine?
Y/N: yeah!
Y/N: i did some shopping and grabbed some stuff for your big deal boys
Y/N: and lua ofc
Jake, jaw dropping open at your thoughtfulness: really?
Y/N: yep. sinu and yeonhui too btw.
Jake: are you serious??
Y/N: yeah.. is that not ok?
He’s rendered speechless. And that you might even think that you have overstepped or any such nonsense is ridiculous.
Jake: wow
Jake: it’s more than ok
Jake: you didn’t have to
Jake: i appreciate it.thank you
Y/N: 😁 its just some small bits and pieces. i didn't think you would have time
Y/N: i left some food for you in the fridge too 🥰
His breath hitches and stomach grumbles, your message reminding his body he hasn't had anything since this morning.
Jake starts to type-
I can't believe-
You're the best-
I'm so lucky-
You're too good to-
I don't know what I would do without-
None of them feel right.
In the end he settles for something far simpler.
He dials your number, hears the question in your voice when you pick up.
And pours everything into three words, "I love you."
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Vin Jin - Cheonliang
Vin opts for casual and nonchalant, pretends it's something that he thought of rather than something that he has wondered about for the last few weeks.
(Used Mary as a soundboard and she had thought it was a good idea, and if Mary thinks it's a good idea then it definitely is.)
It was a passing thought, at first. A small seed planted and grown until all Vin can think about is how nice the holidays would be with you, how cool it would be to show you where he grew up.
He can't ever escape the awful memories there that still haunt him, but... maybe he can create new memories too.
With you.)
"If you're not doing anything for the holiday break," Vin keeps his eyes on his phone, scrolling now and then to keep up appearances, "Want to come visit Cheonliang with me?"
The question is casual. Easygoing. Breezy. His voice doesn't crack at the end. He's not holding his breath waiting for your reply. He doesn't desperately wish you would say yes, and hasn’t already planned the days with you in advance.
"Yeah," Vin forces himself to shrug, "Might be nice."
"I would love to!"
Vin takes a peek in your direction, double checks he didn't just hallucinate your agreement or that you're joking.
He didn't, and you're not. All he sees is excitement painted over your face and a wide smile. You know how much this means.
He wraps his arm around your shoulder, a weight lifted from his own. Equally anxious and thrilled to show you every part of himself.
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Samuel Seo - Gift
"This would look good on you," Samuel shows you a piece of fine jewellery on his phone. It's exquisite. A bit too much for everyday wear (of course Samuel would pick this out, he himself is a bit too much), though it really is stunning.
You tell him it's beautiful.
He pauses, studies your face, then clicks the screen off. Back to square one. "You don't love it."
It's not accusatory, just a statement. But he feels like he needs to get this right. Your first holiday together and you deserve the world. He wants to get you something, really spoil you, to show how much you mean to him.
You take in Samuel's face and can't help but giggle. Him trying to remain unaffected except for a small, telling pout.
"I would love it if you got it for me," You shuffle over until you're sitting in his lap, "But I don't need it."
He wraps you in his arms, adjusting until you're both comfortable, "What do you need?"
"Nothing," Grinning, "I don't need anything else."
"Fine, then what do you want?"
Your cheesy response earns an eye roll and a reluctant huff of laughter, "You got me. What else do you want?"
"Nothing," you repeat, leaning in and lifting his glasses off. "You're enough."
You pepper his face with kisses until Samuel melts into a puddle; all thoughts of proving his love with price tags and money completely forgotten.
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lalospollos · 1 year
tough decision
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scruncheduppaper · 1 year
tf2 shitposting again
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monsoon-of-art · 1 year
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more alien doodles
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 3 months
The way I have not written a single word for like a month it feels like I have been busier in the last two weeks than I have been in the last four years of my life and will continue to be busy for the next two weeks I got one day between a four day family trip and a sib visit gotta sew a monkey during the trip and if monkie kid drops in that time I will simply combust
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scootersscooter · 4 months
So like... Do we think that Chase took any AP Classes at Mission Creek High? And if so, do we think that the College Board invalidated his scores after it was revealed he was bionic?
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childotkw · 8 months
Any tips on how to write a dissertation? I’m in my final year of uni & cannot stop procrastinating 😢
Oh god, I've never had to write one before and it's been a hot minute since I was in university 😅
For procrastination though? Yeah, I can provide some tips on how I try and combat it.
Begin saying "no" aloud when you catch yourself procrastinating
I find this starts slowly changing what type of tasks I drift towards and helps me break out of the headspace. Saying it aloud also makes it stick better for me. Makes it more official so my little gremlin brain actually listens.
Pace yourself
Break the work down into smaller (much much smaller) segments so they don't seem as daunting. Rather than looking at it as a chapter, or a page, or a paragraph, go right down to a sentence. Finish one sentence, then another, then another. Sentence by sentence, you'll find yourself chipping through the project a lot faster because you're focussing on individual trees without getting disheartened by the size of the forest.
Have breaks
Don't burn yourself out by trying to power through everything. Build breaks into your timeline and try and stick to them.
Have a reward / punishment system
This sometimes works for me. Depending on what you, psychologically, respond better to, implement a system to reward or punish yourself whenever you successfully avoid procrastinating / when you don't succeed. I respond better to rewards, so I give myself a little treat when I avoid procrastinating and complete the work I'm doing. You might respond better to a punishment - e.g., "I won't watch this episode of my show because I procrastinated for x hours", "I won't read this fanfiction of the rest of the week because I didn't finish xyz of my project", things like that.
I will say to be especially careful with the punishment side of things. It can be a slippery slope because this is a kind of conditioning and you should be aware of how it might backfire before attempting anything of the sought.
Set realistic timeframes
What I mean by this is set yourself a goal of "for the next ten minutes, I will only work on x" and then commit to it. If you work to a specific cadence (i.e., I often do 20-5-20, 20 minutes working, 5 min break, 20 mins works). This can be a great way to keep yourself on track.
Accept that it doesn't need to be perfect
This go through a drafting phase. Your first go through doesn't need to be perfection. Once you push through that mentality, you'll have an easier time getting your initial draft done. Then you can go through and edit.
--- -- --- -- --- -- ---
Hope these help!
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sofiarostova · 11 months
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how are you supposed to want to love me anymore?
samia - pink balloon
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altruistic-meme · 3 months
me, breaking out my laptop: i am going to write smut. it is going to pwp. i will get through this!!
also me, the moment i start writing: *pouring out feelings and angst and emotions and going nowhere near the planned smut*
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spectators. ya know. spectating.
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bestmcrsongpolls · 8 months
How this will work
On my other blog I asked you guys what your favourite mcr song is. This was sort of a preliminary round. Originally it was just going to be those ones, but then i realized how many were left out, so the mentioned ones get a slight advantage.
Each poll will run for a week and the brackets are set up bellow. They're grouped by album for the time being and if you don’t see a specific song that’s because it was brought up in the post and will be brought into the brackets later. However this has the potential to become very complicated later on, but I will get that when I get to it
Polls go live around 7:00am pst and I implore you to listen to them before you vote. MCR has a lot of underrated/ forgotten songs
Round one
Round two
Round three
Round four
Round five
Round six
Round seven
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peccaberry · 11 months
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I am once again creating Volorei propaganda and everyone is so surprised I bet
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