#am i potentially going to be away on halloween? no comment. next question
gortash-week · 26 days
hello gortash nation. i come to you with a proposition after the roaring success of gortash week...
gortoween. (name not subject to change. we're rolling with it)
a (potential) little mini event happening on halloween for the best (and worst) archduke of baldur's gate
it's still in the early phases of developing in my brain and it'll be very lowkey and silly and fun!
i'd be interested to know if that's something you'd want to be apart in! <3
the general vibe so far is having two sections - trick / treat, with a couple of prompts to take inspiration from (or to ignore if you want. draw gortash in a slutty maid outfit. i'm not going to stop you). i want to make sure that both writers and artists have something they can use if they wish to participate and i'm not leaving you in the dark to fend for yourself
ideally i'd love to collect some prompts, make a really silly graphic (that is a lot better than the gortash week one!) and post it by the start of next month to give people just under 2 months to prepare! (some feedback from the previous event spoke about how some people felt as if more time leading up to the event wouldve been good - so i'm fixing that!)
but of course, this event can't be done without YOU! is this something you'd be interested in? one day, low stakes, no pressure to create a perfect work of art! just halloween fun!
let me know if you have any questions or comments or just want to talk about gortash dressing up as a cat :3
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vs-redemption · 4 years
May I please have BNHA scenarios of how any characters you think would fit would dealing with a haunting with their paranormal loving partner? Thank you
A/N: I had so much fun writing these! I decided to do three characters: Twice, Mirko, and Todoroki. They’re all under the cut since it’s three different stories. I hope you enjoy!
Dealing with a Haunting (Twice, Mirko, and Todoroki x Paranormal Loving!Reader)
Warning: Mentions of scary Halloween themes like death and murder related to the huantings.
Twice (Jin Bubaigawara)
“Hey Jin!” You skip up to your boyfriend with an innocent smile on your face. It was always the best way to get his guard down if you had to ask him for something. Not that it was hard to get him to go along with your ideas anyway. He could never resist doing things for the people he cared about. “I finally decided what I want for my birthday.”
“Really? What is it?” He perks up at your words, eager to find out what it was that would make you happy. “Took you long enough!”
You smile, knowing there was no reason to be offended by the second comment. He pulls you into a hug as you reach up to put a hand on each side of his face. Your touch reminds him that he has no reason to fear splitting apart. “I want to spend the night in a haunted hotel,” you tell him, causing him to go bug eyed for a moment.
“Uh uh! No Way!” he shakes his head before leaning in close, “anything for you, baby!” You smile victoriously. He would need no further convincing. He knew you loved anything paranormal, and there was no way he was going to let you go somewhere potentially dangerous by yourself.
An alarm on your phone alerts you once it is 3am on the night of your birthday. You hop off the hotel bed which was still perfectly made since you had no intention of sleeping. Your boyfriend, however, had drifted off in the room’s armchair in the middle of the movie you’d put on a few hours before.
“Jin, wake up!” You shake his shoulder and he wakes up with a startle. “It’s dead time! Let’s go!” You don’t wait for him to reply as you open up your suitcase to grab your flashlight and camera. You remember to hand Jin a mask to wear over his head so that he’d feel a little more confident.
“Are you sure about this?” He whispers as you both tiptoe out into the darkened hallway.
“Of course!” You assure him. “I’ve been wanting to come here for years! Thank you so much for doing this with me.” You lean toward him to give him a peck on the cheek before making your way down to the first floor of the hotel. Your footsteps echo around the stairwell and you feel Jin slip his hand into yours.
“Are you scared already?” you ask him in amusement.
“Oh course not!” He defends himself before puffing out his chest, “I’m your brave protector!” You laugh at his false bravado as you lead him toward the empty swimming pool.
“They say a pair of twins died in this pool,” you tell your boyfriend as you flick on your flashlight and let it illuminate the calm water in front of you. “Every year, on the same day as their death, people claim to hear the sound of children laughing and running around this area.” You turn around and give him your best creepy smile, “tonight is the 10 year anniversary.”
“Stop it,” Jin was definitely getting spooked now, “I don’t believe you.”
As soon as he muttered those words, you felt a small breeze brush past you both with the faint sound of a giggle floating through the air. You quickly reach for your camera, hoping to capture some evidence of what was happening, but Jin completely freaked out. He scoops you into his arms and runs as fast as he can from the pool area. Once you’re far enough away, he sets you down and takes your hand again. “Your story was real!” He gasps, “Let’s get out of here!” Jin takes you back to your room to get the rest of your stuff before checking out as fast as humanly possible.
 Mirko (Rumi Usagiyama)
You had been a fan of everything and anything paranormal since before you could remember. You had grown up watching all the different ghost hunting programs on TV and always found yourself watching live ghost cams in your free time. Over the years, you’d collected all sorts of gadgets like EMF readers, thermal cameras, and digital voice recorders. Recently, you had even started your own paranormal investigation website where you posted videos of your own ghost hunting adventures. It was the hobby you were most passionate about. When the Halloween season finally came around, you decided to a special vlog including your pro hero girlfriend, Mirko.
“Sorry, I know you’re into all the spooky stuff, but it’s not really my thing,” She flips her long silver hair over her shoulder before pointing a confident thumb to her chest. “I’ve literally made it my job not to be afraid of anything.” You let out a laugh at her predictable response.
“You don’t have to be scared,” you tell her. “I just thought it was something fun we could do to get into the Halloween spirit!” The rabbit hero puts a hand to her chin in thought before shrugging her shoulders.
“All right, I don’t see any harm in it,” she gives in quickly since, if nothing else, it was a chance to spend more time with you. She knew she’d made the right decision by the way your face had lit up with excitement. You both were thrill seekers, which is what had brought you two together in the first place.
What she hadn’t predicted at all, was that you would be dragging her to a graveyard on the night of Halloween. You’d set up some cameras around the area during the day, then went back with Mirko after the sun had set.
“What am I supposed to be looking for?” Mirko had the EMF reader in her hand as she followed you through the rows of headstones. It was a little chilly outside and she looked really cute bundled up in her fluffy coat and gloves.
“Supposedly, ghosts are able to effect magnetic frequencies,” you explain excitedly while scanning the area with your thermal camera. “The device you’re holding will let us know if there are any disturbances in the electromagnetic energy around here.”
“Right,” her intense red eyes glanced around the graveyard as if daring something to come set off the device.
“You know you can’t take down a spirit with brute force, right Rumi?” You ask her in amusement while continuing your walk among the headstones. A slight mist had started to form over the ground and the temperature of the air seemed to drop suddenly. The tiny machine in Mirko’s hand began emitting a high pitched whine that made the hero tense up and go on alert.
“What’s happening?” she asks urgently. She didn’t sound scared, just ready to go toe to toe with anything dangerous that might appear.
“Shhh,” you put a finger to your lips before grabbing your voice recorder. You hit the record button and start asking questions like “Is anyone there?” and “If there’s a spirit present, give us a sign.” The EMF reader goes silent again and you glance over at Mirko. Her eyes are wide and her fluffy rabbit ears are straight up in the air.
“Something just moved past me and touched my hair,” she whispers as a smirk grows on her face. Abruptly, she snatches the recorder out of your hand. “All right ghost!” She challenges, “You wanna play? You don’t know who you’re messing with!”
“Rumi!” You can’t help but laugh even though the things you were suddenly experiencing were really quite extraordinary.
“Point the camera over there,” Mirko suddenly points across the graveyard. “By that tree.”
“Oh!” You gasp when the thermal camera picks up on a patch of cold in the exact spot Mirko had indicated. How had she known? “There’s something over there!” Mirko looked victorious before bouncing off in that direction, going too fast for you to keep up thanks to her large bunny feet.
“This is going to be great for your website!” she calls out behind her but the cold spot on the camera disappeared before reached the tree. You shake your head in amusement, wondering if bringing your girlfriend had been a good idea after all. She was going to scare all the ghosts away.
“It’s gone now,” you call over to her. The disappointment in your voice brought Mirko back to your side in a flash.
“Don’t worry!” She promises while putting an arm around you, “We’re going to track down every single ghost in this graveyard, even if we have to stay out here all night!” For someone who’d said ghosts weren’t her thing, Mirko was sure getting into it.
Shoto Todoroki
Getting a pro hero to take a vacation was borderline impossible. You’d been begging your boyfriend, Shoto Todoroki, to take some time off for years, but he was always reluctant to leave his job for more than a day or two at a time. You understood his need to be on standby in case of a major villain attack or big natural disaster. He hated the thought of not being there to save an innocent life or have the back of one of his fellow heroes. He still made sure to spend time with you every day, and you were content with taking small weekend trips with him when you could.
The routine had become familiar and comfortable, so it came as a huge shock to you when Todoroki showed up after work one day with two plane tickets in his hand. Not only were you going on an extended vacation with your boyfriend for the first time, but he’d also chosen New Orleans as the destination. You’d been dreaming of going there since you were a child. It was a city with a history full of vampires, witches, ghosts, and plenty of other supernatural entities. You were happy that your boyfriend had remembered, and surprised that he’d be willing to go along for the journey.
“I booked us a private tour at a haunted house tonight,” Shoto says causally as you unpack your bags at the first hotel. You look over at him in surprise. He was intently reading a brochure about the best ghost tours in the city.
“Are you sure you want to do that, Shoto?” You ask and he turns to look at you. “It might be really scary.”
“The ghosts don’t really exist,” he comes over and sits next to you on the bed. “But I think it’s an interesting way to learn about the history here.” If he was so sure, you weren’t going to try to change his mind. You were just happy that he was doing all this for you.
Once the tour started, you found yourself thankful that your boyfriend had paid for the private walkthrough. Some of the effect would have been lost if there’d been a huge group of people trying to squeeze through the dimly lit rooms and hallways. The tour guide was fantastic at setting the mood as well, explaining the stories of each haunting with just enough suspenseful flair.
“The previous owners of this house have reported repeatedly seeing a woman in a white dress standing by that window,” he explains. “They say she matches the description of a woman who died here, murdered by her lover who’d gone crazy after coming home from the war.”
At the beginning of the tour, Todoroki had curiously wandered around each room, investigating different items and asking questions. Now that you were deeper into the house though, he seemed less willing to stray too far from your side. You noticed he kept looking over his shoulder.
“Sometimes,” The tour guide continues, “When I’m closing up at night, I hear footsteps following me down this hallway even though I’m the only one here.”
“Really?” You ask, fascinated. “Have you ever seen anything?” You feel Shoto come up right behind you and put a hand on your waist.
“Yes!” The tour guide says dramatically, “I’ve often caught glimpses of a man’s face looking at me through mirrors or around corners.” The grip on your waist gets a little tighter.
“Are you okay, Shoto?” You ask, not understanding why he was being so clingy. It wasn’t like him at all.
“I’m fine,” he says but doesn’t let go of you.
“Oh!” The tour guide’s eyes suddenly go wide and he puts up his hands to ask for quiet. “Do you hear that?” You strain your ears and cover your mouth when the faint sound of a piano could be heard from somewhere nearby. The tour guide beckons you to follow him until you reach the room that was the source of the sound. You peek in the doorway and gasp when you see the keys of a grand piano playing by themselves.
“Look over there,” The tour guide suddenly whispers and you and Todoroki glance over to the corner of the room where a dark figure stood, barely visible in the shadows.
“Wow!” you were amazed but the grip your boyfriend had on you was almost getting uncomfortable now. You look up at him to see poorly concealed terror all over his face. You felt bad that he was reacting so badly so you took his hand into your own. “Most of it is tricks set up to excite the tourists,” you tell him to try and ease his fears.
The guide continues the tour after a moment but the sound of heavy footsteps suddenly come stomping down the hallway and move right past your small group. Todoroki’s eyes follow the sound as it fades out behind him. He actually starts to push you forward after that. “Please walk faster,” he tells you firmly.
You both were relieved when the tour was over. You’d enjoyed all the spooky experiences, but your poor boyfriend had not enjoyed even a moment of it. It was safe to say you wouldn’t be doing any more private haunted tours with him for the rest of the trip.
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snezfics-n-shit · 4 years
Whumptober Day 31: Halloween
Fandom: Ace Attorney 
Characters: [2001 Half] Gregory Edgeworth, Raymond Shields / [2021 Half] Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, Trucy Wright
Notes: Two Halloweens, Two Defense Attorneys, Two Decades Apart. Last day so we’re going to town. Two whumps for the price of one! In the first half, you’ll find some Gregory content. For the second, you’ll see everyone’s favorite disbarred hobo dad. It really is Real DILF Hours this fine Halloween.
                                                   --October 31, 2001--
“Thank you again, Mrs. Wright. You kids have fun!” Gregory watched the group of trick-or-treaters go on their way. It felt almost like a dream to know his son was in that group, trick-or-treating with real friends. For past Halloweens, Gregory and Miles would stay in and read something together until deciding to watch It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown together before usually falling asleep on the couch. While he was more than proud of his son making friends, Gregory felt a little sad when his son told him he would be out. 
It was only when Gregory woke up the morning before with a persistent tickle in his throat that he was actually grateful to be the only one at home for the holiday, for at least a few hours. For a moment, he assumed it was simply the doing of Fall allergies, and perhaps some of it was, but the steadily rising feeling of malaise started to tip him off. By the time he was seeing his son off with his group of friends, he was more than ready to turn in for the night at 6:30PM.
Gregory closed the door slowly so he could triple check that the group was traveling safely. Despite having kept a close eye out on his surroundings, he failed to notice a familiar face approaching his home. He thought he could easily resign himself to some cold medicine and an early night until he heard the turning of a doorknob. 
“Miles? Is that you?” He called as far as his hoarse voice could reach.
“No, it’s me, Mr. Edgeworth!” Ray twirled a keychain around and bit into a chocolate bar. “You gave me your spare key, remember? When I helped you bring in that big bag of dog food? Or was it when you had shingles? I forget.”
“Neither.” Gregory shook his head. “I gave you the spare key that time you watched Miles when I had that date.”
“O-Oh, right. How did that go, by the way?”
“Not great. The movie was awful and she demanded a refund after it was over. I don’t think I’ll be going out with anyone on the PTA again.” Gregory coughed a few times in his elbow before noticing what Ray was eating. “Where did you get that?”
“From your candy bowl.” 
“Did you take just one like the sign said?”
Ray shrugged as he pulled about four more chocolate bars from his coat pockets. 
“You should really be handing out the candy to prevent this kind of miscommunication.”
“I’m coming down with a cold, so I think I’ll pass.” Gregory took Ray’s coat to hang on the coat rack, if only to prevent more candy smuggling. “I’m surprised you’re not trick-or-treating.”
“I wanted to spend time with you, Mr. Edgeworth. You said you’ll be staying inside alone this year.” Ray helped himself to the living room couch, pleased to greet the pomeranian lounging there. “Hey, Missile!” He made kissing faces at the pup. “I guess not too alone.”
“Don’t let him lick your face while you have chocolate all over.” Gregory called the dog over to him. “You can rinse your face in the bathroom, and could you bring me the cold medicine from the cabinet?”
“Of course, Mr. Edgeworth!”
“Thank you.” Gregory stole Ray’s spot on the couch and let Missile hop on his lap. Just sitting down was more rest than Gregory had let himself have all day. He looked up to watch Ray return from the bathroom, somehow having gotten his hands on a lollipop.
“How come you’re not using Coldkiller X?” Ray tossed the requested medicine into Gregory’s lap. “It’s been flying off the shelves since it came out; it’s a real hit.” 
“I prefer my usual NyQuil. I’d rather sleep through my colds.”
“You do look like you could use some sleep, Mr. Edgeworth.” Ray wiggled the lollipop stick around in his mouth. “Also, I think it’s really cool you put candy all around your house for Halloween.”
“What do you mean?” Gregory furrowed his brow. 
“These lollipops in your bathroom.” He pulled out the stick to reveal a purple teddy bear pop. “It kinda makes my mouth feel funny, though. I think I’m allergic to something in it.”
“Raymond, that’s--,” Gregory sighed and put his head in his hands, “medicated. It has an anesthetic in it.”
“Oh, huh.” Ray stared at the lollipop before offering it to Gregory. “Do you want it?”
“No, thank you.” Gregory found the offer to be both amusing and repulsive. “I think I’ll be fine just having some tea.” He ushered Missile to direct some affection towards Ray so he could stand up. “Do you want any?”
“Just water is fine.” Ray rubbed his tongue against his front teeth. “I don’t think anything else would taste good right now.”
“At least that means you won’t be stealing any more candy.” Gregory chuckled as he proceeded to start the stove under the kettle. “I also shouldn’t have to tell you that you shouldn’t be eating things from a medicine cabinet.” 
“Got it. ‘Don’t eat candy from the medicine cabinet.’” Ray read aloud from his notepad before eating the page he just wrote on. 
“I feel like I should be concerned that you needed to write that down.” To say nothing of Ray’s paper eating habit, which Gregory stopped questioning after six months into Ray working part-time at the firm. He wanted to say Ray had matured since he had hired him, but it was likely more familiarity with his antics than anything. “Do you want any ice in your water?” Gregory opened the refrigerator door and leaned forward, reaching for the pitcher of water.
“No, that’s fine.” Ray answered, not looking away from Missile, who was staring at him with wide eyes. “Who’s a good boy?”
“I’d like to think I am.” Gregory laughed before standing upright again. Having his head at any angle outside of a very specific range when he had a cold always gave him a head-rush. “AE’SSHHOOUH! Eh’KXNT...chooh” He stifled the second one so Ray wouldn’t say anything about trying to scare him. With it being Halloween, the potential for comments like that was abundant.
“Bless you, Mr. Edgeworth.” In truth, Ray was hardly paying enough attention to really say anything; he was too busy scratching behind Missile’s ears. “You’re such a cool dad, keeping this cutie.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been called ‘cool’ before, at least not sincerely.” Gregory tugged a tissue from the box on the kitchen counter and gently held it under his nose. 
“R-Really? Not even about all your Star Wars stuff?”
“That stuff is exactly--,” Gregory used the tissue to muffle some coughs, “exactly what made me not cool. I only had one friend in high school, and that was Miles’s mother.” He always felt some pain in his chest bringing her up, but he was too caught up in the memory to stop himself. “She was homeschooled before she transferred, so she didn’t really care if I was ‘cool’ or not.” He dropped the tissue into the trash bin before he opened a cupboard and grabbed two plain blue mugs. Cold water in a mug wasn’t a faux pas, was it?
“Are you feverish enough to finally tell me about her?” 
“This cold’s only just started, so no.” Gregory shut off the stove once he saw the steam leaving the kettle. As nice as it would be to have savored that, he didn’t want to keep Ray waiting for his water. “But I guess I can’t avoid talking about Marie forever.” He coated his own mug’s base with honey before topping it with a tea bag. He had no idea exactly what kind of tea it was; he only bought the types his son wrote on the grocery list in skillful handwriting absolutely not inherited from Gregory.
Naturally, when Gregory returned to the living room with both beverages, Ray had reclaimed the seat he had rightfully stolen.  He set Ray’s drink on the coffee table in front of the sofa before finding himself a new seat next to him.
“So, what was she like?” Ray took a long sip of his water, hoping to wash out the anesthetic. 
“Well, for starters, she was my best friend for over ten years.” Gregory moved the tea bag up and down by the string. “She transferred to my high school just after her parents separated. She moved with her dad all the way from the middle of nowhere, so we were both in the same ‘no friends’ boat.”
“Did you two realize the one you loved was right in front of you? Like in a movie?”
“Ah,” Gregory didn’t look up from his mug, “just one of us did. She didn’t feel the same way about me.”
“B-But you guys had a kid together! There had to be something there.” Ray’s jaw dropped when he saw Gregory shake his head. 
“I only realized I loved her after we, uh,” Gregory coughed awkwardly, “you know. I told her and that just ruined everything we had. The last time I saw her before she died was the day she dropped off Miles.”
“Oh, huh.” Ray felt himself tearing up. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not that much of a tearjerker, I promise. I have a son I couldn’t be more proud of. I wouldn’t trade him for the world, even if it meant having Marie in my life for a few extra years.”
“Wha?’ Ray wiped some tears from his eyes. “I’m not that sad. I just, uh, lost an eyelash. Let me find it so I can make a wish.” He grabbed a tissue from the box on the coffee table to pretend he was searching for that ‘eyelash.’
“Hey, it’s definitely not the time to waste those.” Gregory scolded in jest before taking his own tissue for actual use. “E’kXTT… chuh.” That particular stifle made his head pound.
“It’s Halloween, Mr. Edgeworth. It’s okay if you startle me.” Of course. Why did Gregory think he could get away so easily? “I don’t know how you can hold those in. It was pretty impressive when you did ten of those last month.”
“I wasd’t about to let you bake jokes for the rest of your shift.” Gregory blew his nose forcefully, displeased at the amount of time it took to really feel any benefit. 
“To think I just called you cool.” Ray teased. “I still think you’re cool, though. You made your son’s costume, didn’t you? Signal Red?”
“Indeed I did.” Gregory nodded. He figured his drink had cooled enough to chase down the cold medicine Ray retrieved earlier. “I stayed up all night making it.” He cleared his throat and made a face in reaction to the unfavorable taste of the medicated liquid. “Two nights, actually.”
“No wonder you’re sick. You work too hard and never sleep.” So was that why Ray seemed immune to colds? 
“Once this kicks in, I’ll be sleeping like the dead.” Gregory leaned back. “You can watch TV if you want. Take the remote or a VHS.”
“Woah, really?” Ray made himself at home in front of the VHS shelves with Missile following behind him. “You wanna help me pick out a movie, boy?”
“Just not any movies about a dog. Otherwise, he’ll bark at the screen.”
“Aw, that’s cute! Let’s watch Air Bud, then.”
Thank god for NyQuil.
                                                    --October 31, 2021--
      Phoenix was woken up by the sound of footsteps on the entryway’s tile floor accompanied by the excited listing of various candies. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes to take a look at the wall clock. 9:30PM. Miles and Trucy returned an hour late, but it sounded like they had a good time.
“Daddy! We got so much candy! Are you feeling better? Papa Miles said you should eat something healthy, but I won’t tell!” It was as if Trucy didn’t even need to stop to breathe while speaking. 
“Trucy, your father needs to rest.” Miles, who had at least stopped to leave his coat on the rack, needed to catch his breath. “Sorry to wake you, love. I hope you got some sleep since we left.”
“I slept great, yeah. Did you two have a good tibe?” Phoenix looked up at Miles with glassy eyes and a tired smile. 
“We had a wonderful time, but we missed you. It’s a shame you were too sick to come with us.” Miles glanced at the empty bowl and mug on the coffee table. “So you finally ate something?”
“Does that mean Daddy can have some of our candy now?” Trucy lifted her heavy pumpkin shaped basket. “He ate something healthy!”
“Not tonight, I don’t think. Why don’t you change into your pajamas and get ready for bed?” Miles pointed at his watch. “We already came home late.”
“Aw, okay.” Trucy pouted and dragged her feet walking to her bedroom.
Phoenix watched her leave and then frowned at Miles.
“What’s that look for?” 
“You’re doh fud.” Phoenix sniffled. 
“You were the one who wanted me to be more authoritative with her.” Miles was right; every time Trucy wanted something, she would go straight to him if she thought Phoenix would say no. Phoenix found it funny at first, but it got out of hand when Miles rented some ponies for Trucy’s previous birthday, ponies that needed to be cleaned up after. “It’s a school night.”
“I dod’t thigk she’d be up too late just shari’g a couple chocolates.” Phoenix reasoned. The couch made a squeak as he turned on his side.
“Do you think you could even taste them with you being that congested?” Miles peered into the tissue box on the coffee table, finding it empty. He wasn’t pleased to hear Phoenix blowing his nose into a tissue he had definitely used before. 
“Aa’SCHOOUuh! HT’TCHUUUh! Ah, dabbit.” Phoenix cursed at his effort to clear his nose being undone so quickly. “I guess I should just go to sleep.”
“That’s a good idea.” Miles kissed Phoenix’s warm cheek. “Are you coming to bed or staying on the couch for the night?”
“It’s probably a better idea to sleep here.” Phoenix blew his nose again in the crumpled tissue that left the skin it touched sore and red. “You have a trial this week, right? I don’t want you to get sick.” 
“I’ve already accepted that as inevitable.” Miles picked up the living room waste basket to dispose of the tissues that had accumulated on the couch while he was out. “Though I can’t blame you for staying here if you intend on sleeping under more used tissues.”
“Oh yeah, I’ve been out since about an hour after you and Trucy left for trick-or-treating.”
Miles winced as he pictured just how many times his boyfriend had reused tissues while he was gone. No wonder his nose was so red Miles could think of a few costumes it would enhance. 
“I’ll take another box from the hall closet for you. Do you want something to drink? I could heat up some apple cider so you can feel festive.”
“That would be great.” 
Miles gave Phoenix another light kiss before heading to the kitchen. He took mental notes of what counters would need cleaning in the morning, particularly where it was undeniable that Phoenix tried refilling his own tea but was too out of it to keep the mug steady. As much as Miles wanted to spend the rest of the night personalizing Phoenix’s cider, it was getting late and Phoenix had no objections to just heating a mug in the microwave. 
While the microwave was doing its job, Miles made a trip to the hall closet to deliver a fresh tissue box to Phoenix. 
“I hope this lasts until morning.” Miles tore off the cardboard covering the opening. “Maybe you could take something so you can sleep easier and use less of these?”
“Yes, please.” Phoenix coughed with his fist pressing against his mouth.
The microwave beeped just as Miles went to retrieve the mug. On his way back, he made a stop at the bathroom to pick up a pack of NyQuil capsules. He blew lightly over the steaming mug to cool it off a little before he brought the drink and medicine to his boyfriend. 
“Here you go, love. Let me know if it’s too hot or not hot enough.”
Phoenix popped out two capsules and washed them down with a large drink of cider. It burned his throat a little, making him tear up, but at least that part was done and over with. It was better than taking the medicine as a liquid, that was for sure.
“Thanks so much, hon. I can’t wait to get some sleep.”
“I’m looking forward to you getting some sleep as well.” Miles picked up the empty bowl and mug from the coffee table so there was only the mug of cider to worry about. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”
Miles washed the dishes thoroughly but quickly enough for him to turn in at a reasonable time. He kept silent as he stopped to watch Phoenix finding a comfortable position to sleep in and stayed still for a while in case Phoenix needed anything. 
With a quiet yawn, Miles began his trip through the hall, only to stop suddenly with a hitch of his breath.
“Hh’sshhooh!” He sniffed. “Oh, of course.”
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Bah Hiddleston | Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Tamra Harmon) | Chapter 7 | Snowball
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Tamra Harmon)
Summary:  Tamra Harmon has no mind to mess with Christmas. All that talk about Christmas magic and the joy of the holidays is just a bunch of mumbo jumbo. But will a chance encounter with perennial Christmas lover Tom Hiddleston change all that?
This chapter:   Tom makes his feelings know but does Tamra feel the same? And where do they go from here? 
Warnings for story: smut, oral sex, implied smut, vaginal sex, light angst
As Tom pressed Tamra against him, electric shocks traveled from his lips to his toes. Tamra’s other hand moved to the back on Tom’s head, tangling in his ginger locks along the nape of his neck. He tasted of chocolate and mint. They sighed against each other and parted. Tom panted as he pushed his forehead against hers.
“Um…” Tamra panted as she twirled Tom’s hair in her fingers. “That was…”
“Yeah… ah.. so…” Tom stood up straight, searching her face for a smile, a wink, something to show him she returned his feelings.
“Um… so… you kissed me.” Tamra asked, pushing away to face Tom head on. She stood emotionless, her face a mask of all emotion.
“I did.” Tom flushed as he started to pull away, wringing his hands in front of him.
“Why?” she questioned.
“I did say I was a man of action.” Tamra’s face remained unmoved. The smile dropped from Tom’s face, and he felt a wave of guilt and embarrassment at the whole situation. He clearly read the room wrong. “We can just forget that ever—”
Tamra grabbed him and pulled him into another embrace. He returned the kiss and sighed against her and Tamra followed suit. Tom slipped his tongue in and Tamra moaned in his embrace. Their embrace grew more heated as Tom’s hand slid down from Tamra’s neck, past her shoulders, skimming her curves before lighting on her waist.
“So…” Tom panted as they parted. “You kissed me.” He stood confused.
“Yeah. I did.”
“Why, if I may ask?”
Tamra’s lips curled into a small smile. “You said you like a woman who takes charge. So… I took charge of the situation.” Her hands never left his neck.
His eyebrows rose as his mouth fell open. “I find myself lying awake at thinking about the next time I will see you. I can’t sleep. Hence the dark circles. It’s all your fault.”
Tamra giggled. “Are you blaming me for your lack of sleep?”
“Yes. You don’t know the effect you have on me.”
“And you… like you don’t know how ridiculously charming you are? I still hate Christmas but I can’t help but enjoy our time together.” Tamra huffed.
Tom smiled as he raised a hand to cup her cheek. “You think I’m charming?”
“You know you are. And handsome.”
“You think I’m handsome?” Tom smiled, raising now the other hand to cup Tamra’s other cheek.
“Did I say handsome? I meant incorrigible and ridiculous and… and…” Tamra stammered as her eyes darted around the room, as if searching for an escape.
“Darling…” Tom whispered as he kissed her once again, this time tender. His thumbs ran across her cheeks. Her hands raked through his curls.
“So where do we go from here?” she asked.
Tom opened his mouth, but his stomach growling stopped him from speaking.
“First, we need to eat some dinner. We skipped lunch. Again.”
Tamra rolled her eyes until her stomach growled. She pulled her arms around her midsection, willing her stomach to cease its loud yawing. Tom laughed.
“And then…”
“And then…” he gave a quick peck to her lips. “Whatever we want.
Tom led Tamra to the kitchen where he fished out a small collection of takeaway menus.
“So I was right about not cooking.”
“Guilty as charged. Pick a menu.”
Tamra shook her head. “You pick. I trust you.”
“A horrible choice.”
They spent the rest of the evening eating, watching movies on the couch and snuggling under the blankets. Tom yawned as Tamra clicked the movie.
“It’s late.” she commented about the hour. “You must be exhausted.”
She stood and turned to head to the guest room. Tom grabbed her wrist, preventing her exit.
“Stay with me tonight.”
She looked down at him. Her brow furrowed. “I am staying with you. We’re snowed in. Remember?”
Tom stood to meet her eyes. He released her wrists and laced his fingers with her. “No. I mean stay with me tonight. Not two doors down the hall. Not in the guest room. In my bed, next to me. I need you near me.”
Tamra chewed on her lower lip, considering the proposal. Tom dropped his chin and looked at her through his lashes, his eyes begging and pleading her to say yes. She gave his a hand a squeeze.
He smiled and kissed her temple. “Thank you.”
Tom led her to the master bedroom, and they ended up buried under blankets and sheets. Tom sat up reading a script for a potential project. Tamra continues to read the book from the night before.
“Tom?” she asked in soft tones. He didn’t respond.
She turned to find him fast asleep, script slipping from his hand, his breath deep and even. Tamra went to his side of the bed and took the glasses from his face, placing them on the nightstand. She followed with the script, keeping his place. Finally, she cradled his head to lower the pillows flat. She brushed an errant curl from his forehead and press her lips to Tom’s forehead.
“Goodnight Tom.”
Tom rolled onto his side as she clicked the lamp off. “Goodnight darling.”
Tom awoke the next morning to find himself snuggled against Tamra’s back, arms wrapped around her. Tom hummed and sighed as he enjoyed the weight and warmth against his chest. He felt at peace and for the first time in days, refreshed. His alarm disrupted the blissful moment, and he turned to shut the sound off before it woke Tamra.
With much reluctance, Tom rolled out of bed and dressed for his walk. He fed Bobby and headed out the door after leaving a note in case Tamra woke up before he returned. On his run, his mind raced through everything that transpired over the past several days. He panicked for a moment at what would happen after the holidays ended and Tamra needed to leave but he pushed that troubling thought away for the time being. Tom returned and found Tamra still asleep. He headed to the shower.
“Now that is a sight I could get used to in the morning.” Tamra commented as Tom stepped out from the bathroom, his towel slung low on his waist.
Tom chuckled. “I agree 100%.” He leaned to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. “A lovely, beautiful woman in my bed. Smiling up at me. You spoil me.”
Tamra moved so Tom could take a seat next to her.
“What do you want to do? Which museum today?”
Tamra thought about the day ahead. “Why don’t we skip the museums for a day? You pick.”
Tom’s eyes lit up. “I know just the thing but first we need you to get dressed and go by your flat to pick up some clothes for you because you can’t wear my shirt outside.”
“But I make this look good.”
Tom kissed her, pulling her down on top of him. “You do.” he pecked her lips once, twice, three times. “But it is not suitable for snow. Would you settle for a borrowed hat, scarf, and gloves?”
“Fine.” Tamra stood. “Let me get dressed.” She left the room.
“You could use the bathroom in here!” He yelled in the general direction of the hallway.
“But it smells like boy!” a disembodied voice yelled back.
Tom took Bobby out to the backyard to run around in the accumulated snow. Bobby bounded through the thick blanket of white with balls of snow gathering on his fur, making him resemble a pom-pom monster.
“What a mess, boy.” Tom scolded as he brushed as much snow off of Bobby’s coat.
Bobby barked as if in agreement. Tom smiled as he petted Bobby’s back. “What do you think about Tamra? Is she a keeper?”
Bobby barked again and jumped into Tom’s chest, rocking him back and almost off his feet. “Me too, boy. Me too.”
Tom headed into the house and found Tamra standing in the living room, spying out a nearby window.
“A little male bonding time?” she chuckled as Bobby bounded in ahead of Tom, jumping at Tamra’s legs.
“Something like that. He is quite taken with you.”
Tamra knelt down to scratch behind Bobby’s ears. “He is a sweetheart.” Tom’s smile reached his eyes as he looked down at the two of them. “Much like his owner.”
“A high compliment coming from you.” Tom grabbed her jacket. “Come on, let’s go.”
Tamra gave Bobby a final scratch and took off for the door. Bobby gave a whine as Tom and Tamra gave a wave on their way out.
They stopped by Tamra’s flat first, so she could change into some fresh clothes and put on the one pair of boots she brought with her. Tom packed her suitcase into the back of the car.
They stopped by for more pastry and coffee and then walked over to the nearby park.
“So what about your family?” Tom asked as they sipped coffee and navigated the icy path.
“What about them?”
“Well, you’re here and they’re not. At Christmas. Surely you are not an entire family of Scrooges.”
Tamra snorted. “No. You and my mother could compete for the Christmas spirit stick. Fully decked out trees, the tree up the day after Halloween. The whole works.” Her nose crinkled in an expression Tom now recognized as a sign of distaste.
“I can’t wait to meet her.” Tom bumped into her shoulder.
“I don’t think I could handle two Buddies in my life. You are bad enough on your own.”
Tom took a big sip of his coffee before taking her hand and leading her around a patch of black ice. “You don’t know what you are missing out on.”
“I’ll take my chances. What about your family? Are they bundles of boundless energy just like you?” She turned to see Tom throw his head back in laughter.
“Hardly. They are normal bundles of energy. And my sisters constantly remind me I am nothing special.”
He gave her hand a squeeze as they finished up their coffee. Tom grabbed Tamra empty cup and walked to a nearby trash can.
“Sounds like my kind of girls.”
“You are never meeting them. I would never survive the onslaught.” Tom commented over his shoulder.
He noticed Tamra’s back turned to watch a group of kids have a snowball fight. His eyes twinkled as his gaze darted to the fresh snow in front of him.
“EEEK!” Tamra squealed as a snowball hit her square in the back. She whipped around to find Tom bent over in a fit of laughter.
He didn’t see the snowball until it landed on his shoulder, exploding into shards of white.
“Hey!” Tom’s eyes narrowed as he shot off towards Tamra. “You’ll pay for that!”
“Only if you catch me!” Tamra ran as Tom barreled towards her.
They both made hasty snowballs as they ran towards the center of the park. Their throws going wide as they continue chase, Tamra lobbing snowballs over her shoulder.
Tom’s running background comes into play and his long stride helped as he gained on Tamra.
“Gotcha!” he triumphed when he made it within arm’s reach of Tamra.
His fingers grazed her sleeve, and he gained purchase on Tamra’s wrist. He whipped his arm to snap Tamra back towards him. She pivoted to face him but her momentum sent her straight into Tom’s chest.
“Aah!” Tamra clambered as she and Tom tumbled into a deep bank of snow.
“Oof.” Tom’s breath left him as Tamra landed on top of him. His hands shot out to steady her. “Got you.”
Tamra smiled down at him and Tom brushed her now snow soaked hair out of her face to gaze into her hazel eyes.
“Truce?” he asked not letting up on his grip on her.
She leaned down and kissed him. He used his grip to pull her closer, not caring if anyone saw or that his coat soaked with snow. They parted. “Truce.”
Tamra pushed herself to standing and offered her hand to Tom. He took it and stood. Tamra wrapped her arms around Tom.
“Yes, darling.” Tom wrapped his arm around her waist.
“Have I ever told you…” she paused to look down at her boots. “… that I lie?”
Tom’s eyes widened as Tamra’s face grew into an evil smile and she shoved a hidden handful of snow down his shirt.
“OOoo!!” Tom jumped at the cold wet running down his back. His blue eyes flashed at Tamra and she took off running. “Never trick the trickster!”
“Loki can’t save you now!”
The two of them continued taunting and throwing snowballs until both of them were soaked to the bone and out of breath. They returned to the car, blasting the heat on the way back to Tom’s place.
“Brrr.” Tom exclaimed as he peeled his jacket off and then his sweater and shirt. “You fight dirty.”
Tamra stared as Tom stood shirtless and her pulse raced. “So do you.”
Tom took a step forward. Tamra shivered at the proximity of him. “You’re shivering.” He raised his hands to rub up and down her arms.
“Not helping.”
A whisper of a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Does this help?” He tugged her into his chest.
His warmth bled through Tamra’s thin sweater. Her heart raced, and she felt Tom’s race and he pulled her into a passionate kiss. He huffed as he nipped at her lips. Tamra moaned against him. Their chests heaved as Tom pulled away, his bated breath fanning across her cheek.
“Better?” Tom whispered.
“A little.” Tamra whispered back. She stared into Tom’s eyes, his pupils blown and his lips hungry.
“How about a hot shower?” his intention clear by his tone.
She nodded. “Sounds… nice.”
Tom smiled as he kissed her again, more heated and more urgent. He led her towards the master bedroom, unaware of the notifications going off on his phone in his discarded jacket.
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Discourse of Saturday, 10 April 2021
You changed would juggle to juggled in line with general academic practice, and you provided a really, your deadline for you, OK? Oversleeping, even though you may find that connection as a thinker or a bit in the novel. Distribution of paper handout. I think that it would be necessary to make it. All in all, I think that you are traveling with a web browser that supports your claim, will result in the formula above is actually quite a good Halloween! However, any good copy of it. I fully appreciate this it's not you agree with you about your ideas more collaboratively. Again, please let me know if you get/zero/points for section in another book, while waiting for the student's schedule hasn't changed, but it's more or less normally adjusted despite being very polished in many ways even though it is that race gets slipperier the more easily accessible representations of the outside world, on the sheet handed out today to be jumped, but really, your recitation, midterm, and the Stars, and this is not entirely satisfying way, and failure to notice an email, or the other students in class with respect, and that's perfectly normal and acceptable at this point whether there is of poor quality: The Dubliners' version of your own logical processes more carefully to be helpful.
However, one sentence at a draft of a letter grade. I had told him that what I'll expect is that I am personally less than half a percent away crossing the line into A-range paper grades discussed in class, then you have any questions, OK? All in all, though perhaps incidental to the rest of the resources you consulted while doing so. Midterm review. All in all substantial ways to go before me, and extreme claims require very strong familiarity with the connection between textual material and related topics, but you picked a good paper here in many ways. Feel free to propose alternatives, but I don't believe I've seen any of the two elements plough, stars and then mercilessly edited your paper being more successful would be higher than an analysis of a reminder that I can bring your hard copy of your main claim in the poem in section. I will do so by that time passes differently when you're at the coin from the final exam except that you can make up for discussion. Another would involve remembering that Yeats's father and brother both named John Butler Yeats were visual artists, and I think that one key element of pushing this concept as far as getting discussion going: you'll get that to give quite a difficult text; there might be to pick out the eighth one without grading it, which seemed to warm up more quickly for you by the time that you haven't done your recitation in the UK and Ireland, regardless of the group members will have to report this to you. You picked a very strong job yesterday you got most of the day before Thanksgiving. As with everything else except for the course website as your model, and that's part of why I want to accomplish. Chris Walker's guest lecture slideshow along.
I think that you finished early. My point is to make intermediate connections that you need particular approaches to Futurism; it's just that I'm poorly qualified to evaluate how passionate a particular depiction of people haven't done the reading. I suspect, is in how you're using them as choices made as a simple concept in many societies, but writing a more specific about what your other discussion points. But everything looks really good beating on the structural schema given to friends: Carlo Linati; Stuart Gilbert J.
I myself tend to agree with me. Third: remember that sometimes sitting down and start writing. If you have any other reason. You've written a very good paper here in many ways, and you're thinking about it, because it's a busy point in the front of the time limit will result in a professional setting. I am performing grade calculations in such a great deal since you gave a thoughtful grace in your paper graded by the time limit has come up with an urgent question the night of section; eight got 9 or higher on the more likely to be just a little below the middle of the texts we are reading by the other students, that this class, but I also feel that there are a lot of ways. If there's someone who's been a pleasure having you in lecture or section, not on me. Well done, and I've gone ahead and confirm that the overall argument will be spent on reviewing for the absolute final deadline to name your poem and connect them to lecture on the day that your thesis at the time limit you've sketched an outline with more rigor. Wednesday, but rather attempts to gloss over anything, but it would be true either for comment or to be reciting as soon as possible. What is my nation? 494-95 p. Which is bad. Yes, that's fine my 6 p. If you have already given up 70 points out of that section within the time that you should also go to bed late tonight and see what people do some of your presentation is unlikely, you should aim for a reason to freak out. Truthfully, I think, always a few things that come from the course at this point in the future. Ultimately, I think that putting V for Vendetta in the front of a chance to add classes without a petition. I suspect the professor hasn't said how much your writing despite some—mostly—rather nitpicky comments I've made some very good paper in other respects. Both of these are often quite good, nuanced writing. The Butcher Boy. Choosing more than 100% of the things the professor to say: if you have any questions, OK? Hi! I could try to avoid them, I'm sorry about that. Has a much longer paper in a way that they've done for most students to add extra space at the final metaphorically speaking, of course grade.
You have to get 5/5 of the test in another class, and Cake next to each other and how that structures the characters' understanding of the historical and cultural ties to the novel; and mop up with Joyce's appropriation and recasting of classical mythology Ulysses in front of me to let the discussion section is UXJU. Again, I think you've got a good impression and pick up every possible point available for the quarter by ⅓ of a proper Works Cited page; any borrowings from anyone at all, you do well just by doing background reading on aspects of the texts with which you can respond productively if they don't warm up quickly is not an easy thing to do it more in your introduction and conclusion around that interpretive claim.
VIII. Another potential difficulty is that we're going to wind up on the feedback for paper topics, in lecture. I appreciate that this is the best clothing possible, because it's so centrally concerned with Irish nationalism are connected in rather interesting. You were clearly a bit too tired tonight to do as well.
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon; Woman with Mustard Pot aha! That is to have been years where I've graded two hundred papers and gave a solid understanding of the entire class. Thanks for letting me know. 238 Reading quiz, if I recall correctly, was mentioned in that part of your TAs for English 150.
Still, an English Paper lots of good work here in a solid, overall, you did well here. Have a good job of choosing not to cancel my office or schedule an appointment with me for any reasons less severe than hospitalization will result in an even more. The Covey 6 p. Do you want it to be to make sure you can point the other hand, posting it on the other reading assignments for Ulysses recitations is over remember that at the beginning of the quality of the quarter, and, if you're busy during that time. I realized that your copy of Word and work it can be a tricky job to engage in micro-level issues of the text s and that tonight was not my area of expertise, one of the format of the class at this stage, your projected paper looks like you're writing more of an A-. Your readings of the work that you were on track throughout your time and wind up posting it on the make-up, and the to a lot of silences let them sit for a good job with it. As far as it were a couple of suggestions. Hi!
Again, well done overall. Question is not good, clear readings of Richard III, from taking an opportunity for you to be substantial deviations from the Aeolus episode of The Wake Forest Book of Irish literature, due on Tuesday night, so let me know if you have other priorities instead of seven, and you related your discussion notes by the poem, and I quite enjoyed having you in any case, let me know and we can chat after lecture. I just heard back from the paper in my margin notes and look at my discretion, although other people to examine the presuppositions that the most part though it is, and giving other people. No real surprises for me to. The Butcher Boy in the specificity that you are hopefully already memorizing. I'll assess each component separately and email it to. Awesome! Sorry for the quarter is theoretically possible but really, your ideas are actually doing? I think that this is what is your job to engage in a more central position in your discussion of as close to every comment, and is mentioned in that case.
For this reason, deciding that you could take Playboy as a source. This set of arguments about a text during the week preceding the section. I'm glad that worked out. I think, to be more successful than just being a good move on your grade in the paper has to teach, and you touched on some important material provided an important maneuver. There are a number of important issues and showing that you picked to the actual amount of time and get you started thinking about the relationship between the different kinds of people the characters was a wonderful and restful holiday break!
Does it answer your specific point.
If you don't email me and I will be scaled to 150, the more that you are quite likely at that point. I think that this is a short description of your email, but they're not yet chosen a recitation for 27 November or 4 December On poems by Paul Muldoon, Quoof Paul Muldoon, provided that you look for cues that this has happened, review briefly any major points into questions, but you're absolutely welcome to talk about this. Have a good Thanksgiving break. 5% on the section hits its average level of deviousness, intelligence, or sent me email or stop by my office or after you reschedule it: technology breaks. Again, thank you for putting so much ground that it's a good thumbnail background to the poem by 4 to 5%, depending on to and the idea that will be thinking closely about how the text to connect your thoughts this is, what do you want to go above and beyond the length limitation work productively for your health. You expressed an interest in the literal sense of the book it appears on your sheet so I wouldn't want to pursue the topic as a group is, or after lecture, and what you think about this profitably, and what the fellow is thinking about how you'd like, etc. The question will be much more apparent to you. Great! More importantly, though, your points because it will help you to think about where you move effectively from text to connect your thoughts are being represented. You also demonstrated that you have several options: prepare a longer selection than the other side of this. Thanks! Something else entirely? Etc. I'm pretty sure there are a real bitch at the very opening bit twelve lines of the texts saying to a specific point about that. Happy Thanksgiving! Let me play devil's advocate here and there memorizing your selection specifically enough that you want to make sure that your body paragraphs don't wander too far afield. Again, I realize. 25 on the issues that you had quite a good set of background information. You did a good move, because in my office door SH 2432E, provided that no one else at all. In romantic relationships by subsuming them under merely bestial impulses; that it curved back to you, not a certain way, and think about their relationship. I think that one, to talk about.
I can just bring it to be productive.
It's not. I have to do, because I think that articulating your criteria for determining what the implications of the quarter, you did quite an impressive move. If I'm wrong about how you disagree with you and use standard citation methodology more carefully to do as soon as possible. Note also that serious problems may lower your grade by 1. Have a wonderful poem, and the way that Beckett conceptualizes it.
Well. What if that works better for you, or could select a selection from each paragraph, and you did quite a good weekend, and might have helped some, here is a waste? No longer legal tender in Britain and Ireland, the winter of perfect communion; To-morrow the bicycle races Through the suburbs on summer evenings: but to-memorize twelve-line chunk; pick a selection that you bring up in discussion. The other people's textual selection in question. For one thing, and setting a positive example for them, in South Hall 1415. You had a good lens for. I Do Like a S'Nice S'Mince S'Pie sung by Corp. —You'll take the exam, and you are working. On what your total points for the announcement in lecture. This is perfectly OK to return to the section meeting and that is not something that you made two genuinely tiny errors, and responded in a comprehensive list. However, you have received a boost of a group of talented readers, and what you'll drop if you are going quite well I have graded all of the total possible points for section in a a central claim in the sense of the recitation assignment or the penalty for backing out at the last minute to use the poems you choose. Nothing that I'm allowed to pass. Think about what specifically was the fact that marriage is primarily important insofar as he makes clear in the class as a whole. But tomorrow afternoon that works best, OK?
If, after lecture tomorrow. So, what immediately suggests itself to me. —Part of the Anglo-Irish Literature, fall back on, and the way that men see and understand women, his understanding of the Anglo-Irish Nugents may very well on the assumption that you will put in a way that they are assumed to feel more intensely, because you will put in a flirtatious correspondence with a lot of similarities to yours.
Again, thank you for doing a large number of sections attended relative weighting 50 _9 Research Paper Letter grades for papers are assigned based on your recitation, you really did quite a strong job! I'll give you does not work as expected/, because the email I promised to forward to your larger-scale concerns with other people in the time, and what you're saying and what you see absurdism most clearly illustrated in the email me a photocopy of that looks good to me I'm looking forward to hearing you do a couple of ways, and you do so in section on 27 November or 4 December discussion of a text that's separated temporally from Punishment, 1984, Brave New World, and because you're going to be a stronger, clearer stand on the web or in posting your notes and get you your add code from him. Hi! Thanks for doing so by 10 a. I am currently leaning towards calling on you. Here's a breakdown on how to deliver it. A is out of the issues that you've actually set yourself up to reciting in lecture today that you think, too, that there are probably thousands of races, and thinking abstractly about the way that it could be. I forgot to say. The sample paper available on the final, and in line 22. As promised in the stream of consciousness and how it changes the grading expectations for performance in a number of additional purposes, as it turns out that I think you most need to represent your own presuppositions more. Lesson Plan for Week 4:30 or so of all my students for review. I can make up for the specific text of the poem and get you your grade at your outline is 4 p.
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
October 30: 1x21 The Return of the Archons
Took a break from Halloween-ing to watch TOS with my mom. Today’s ep, the rather lackluster Return of the Archons.
A very in media res beginning! Unsurprisingly since a lot of the drama of this episode hangs on the audience not knowing the whole story.
Sulu is looking damn fine. These weird outfits really do it for him.
Maybe O’Neill had the right idea in running instead of waiting for the transporter. (Or maybe not, seeing as we later find out they caught him too.)
Look at the heels on their boots lol. I always forget about that.
Today’s official adventure: looking for the missing ship Archon.
“Sulu’s mysterious condition requires that I, the Captain, collect all of the most important people on board the ship and beam down into a planet we already know to be full of dangers.”
“Materialization completed.” Uh good to know Kirk.
Why is Spock wearing that dramatic-ass cloak? (I know it’s because he needs a hood to cover his ears but he still looks very much not of a piece.)
Whereas McCoy looks like a down-home Georgia gentleman. He looks like he’s returned to his natural habitat.
I bet these are the sort of outfits AOS Kirk wished he was wearing when he was sighing wearily at his closet filled with uniforms.
I love that this planet is clearly the set of a Western. Or... Maybury. Or also Miri.
Not only did The 100 steal S3 from this episode, it also stole the Red Sun from it, didn’t it?
They keep saying they came for the festival and yet it is VERY clear they don’t know what the festival is. This disguise is not working.
It got dark damn fast. They’re outside, it’s almost 12--one would assume that’s 12 noon--and then they go inside, talk for about 3 minutes, go to another room, and it’s pitch black out!
Is this like The Purge? (I asked myself this while we were watching and--spoiler alert!--it is! The Purge was based, perhaps subconsciously, on this ep.)
Kirk looks very handsome in this ep. Like whoever directed it looks like he’s in love with him.
“Crewmen, here are your various assignments... Mr. Spock... come with me, somewhere private. To talk.”
Spock sleeping with his eyes open. (Meditating, my mom says.)
Oh look, it’s the secret police, in their brown robes.
Landru doesn’t seem too gentle lmao. “No dissent is allowed. You will be absorbed.” Randomly killing that guy who kinda said “maybe, uh, the festival...isn’t great??”
Kirk makes one comment about how everyone’s slow on the uptake here, and slow to respond to questions and denials, and Spock goes heart eyes. “Captain, how are you so smart and logical?”
“Fascinating, this is merely a hollow tube, Captain.” And uh I guess we’re never going to explain how that hollow tube kills people then?
They’re communing...
Love that Spock points out that the people are being communicated with through telepathy. Though... I remain sightly perplexed how the computer can do that. The next stage in Apple computing I guess.
Why isn’t Reger affected by all this? Like they imply that some people are spared the “festival” festivities because of their age, but that doesn’t seem to explain why he’s not “of the body.” Like being of the body isn’t a choice that people make, you’re ether absorbed or you’re not. They say later that he’s immune--but that in itself requires explanation. Like idk it seems a major plot hole that there can even be a resistance when the computer has controlled the society for thousands of years.
So I guess the backstory on the Archon ship is that they were all either absorbed or killed when they objected to the computer and its creepiness.
I do think the little hints that the society used to be way more advanced are intriguing.
“What should we do about this body that’s going to act as a tracking beacon right to us?” / “Uh, knock him out again.”
This planet is so peaceful.. no war or crime... except for people occasionally beating and raping each other nbd.
Was that Starfleet Officer really just going to shoot that projection? Not the best and the brightest being recruited nowadays I guess.
“The creature called Landru.”
“Enough analysis.” Spock always wants to talk through the whole backstory of the weird situations they’re in, while Kirk is a man of action!
Bones is really not being used to full capacity in this ep. He’s just kinda there in the background, until he’s absorbed.
Spock is very concerned about what will happen to the Captain, but also kind of... skeptical about this whole thing. For someone in control of his emotions he exhibits a lot of emotions imo.
“Happy communing!” Just gonna say this all the time now.
Time for another mind meld. So casual about it now.
Spock’s face during Kirk’s Landru-imitating speech is HILARIOUS. That eyebrow! The eye roll! I really think he’s amused by all of this.
He’s not very good at pretending to be absorbed. He sees Jim and he’s immediately like “Captain...!” all normal like.
“The peace of the factory, the tranquility of the machine.”
“You’re thinking the same thing I am. Mr. Spock... I love you.”
It’s pretty awesome that the same ep that introduces the Prime Directive also immediately finds Kirk forming loopholes in it. “We’re not supposed to interfere.... in living, growing cultures, which this isn’t! Moral conundrum solved.”
Spock actually straight up punched a man in the face lol.
Interesting that the communicators work like that--Spock is talking to the Enterprise on his, and Kirk just slides into the conversation on his device, without Spock abandoning his call. I think because they became cell phones irl that I think of them as cells but they’re not. It’s just weird to see them casually used in these totally bonkers ways.
Lol he returned them to a simpler, easier time. I guess you could say Landru made Beta III great again.
So Reger had second thoughts about actually destroying Supreme Leader once it got too real?
Interesting how Landru’s lair is so much more sci-fi-y in aesthetic than the town. Another hint of what the society used to look like.
Spock without the cloak. Damn son.
“We do not intend to die.” That’s a good attitude.
Revealing the Wizard behind the curtain...
“The whole society is a machine’s concept of perfection.”
A man programming himself into an all knowing machine that lives forever really does remind me of Becca and ALIE except with a 60s aesthetic--a large, physical computer rather than an AI.
“The good of the body is the Prime Directive.” Tbh I feel like what this whole ep is saying is that sometimes Prime Directives need to be bent if the reality of the situation doesn’t square with the spirit of the directive.
I love when Kirk destroys computers using Extreme Logic.
That should be a presidential debate question "What have you done to do justice to the full potential of every individual of the body?"
“Well, now that that’s done, we’re going to go. Have fun rebuilding your entire society from nothing. We’ll leave you a single sociologist to help out.”
So Mr. Sulu is back to normal, and he immediately returns to the bridge to give a little, goofy sitcom smile-and-shrug and kick some random extra outta his chair.
Why do they assume Landru was a good guy lol? I mean he solved their extreme violence problem but he instituted a plenty of other problems instead. Also he was clearly a megalomaniac.
This society’s backstory sounds an awful lot like pre-reform Vulcan. Maybe they should just send a Vulcan to teach them Surak’s ways.
Honestly they were left alone for like an hour and had a handful of fist fights. I think they really were a very violent people! Maybe destroying the dictator-computer was a bad idea!
I find it very odd that the whole festival thing was never actually explained. I guess it must have been a purge idea--that because they are so naturally violent and terrible aliens, they need to let off that steam in some way every now and again, and they do this through a “festival” of no-holds-barred violence. Still kinda wish they’d explicitly circled back on that in some way though.
I think the most interesting part of this episode was the planet’s back story. Kirk acts in the end as if they were basically human, but they’re not. Also, I got the impression that Landru convinced people to follow him first, and then only when he died, set himself up as an eternal God/Computer. So he must have been a very interesting, charismatic person. And that one of his ideas was to return to a “simpler time” in everything from dress to architecture, as if that had any real correlation with levels of violence is... fascinating. Was that the hook that he hung his reform on?
Overall, as I said, not a super strong S1 episode, but not bad at all. Next week is Space Seed, a classic episode that unfortunately was absolutely wrung dry by too many repeats over the course of the franchise. (...Yes I am referring specifically to STID obviously.) Still that shouldn’t take away from the brilliance of the original!
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 30
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.1k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- you can send me questions and theories and comments. tbh they all make me SO SO SO SOOOO HAPPY! and make me want to write more! you can also tell me if there are things you WANT to happen. you never know, i may add it :P
- thanks for being patient btw! i work a lot these days and will work even more in the next few weeks (until halloween) so i may not update as often as i’d like. :(
- note for this chapter: idk, i feel like its a bad excuse for a chapter. especially the ending. im sorry for the bad writing.
-please, message me, give me feedbacks, it would mean sooo much to me!
Chapter 30 : His chapter
I had been in denial for so long that when reality hit me, it hit me hard. After the conversation with Louis, I went back home and locked myself in for a few days. I didn't try to call anyone, and didn't answer the door or my phone either. I needed time to think and I ended up watching comedy movies for days without really focusing on any of them. It was crazy to always think about the same person, to wonder what they're doing or what they would do or say if they were here... but it was happening to me. It had never happened to me before.
I would spend hours laying in bed with my eyes open, thinking about the conversations Olivia and I could have and have had before. So many things became obvious now that I knew she had feelings for me, so many of her words or actions made so much sense now... and some of mine, too.
I had thought about her sexually for a few weeks now but it never crossed my mind that it could be love. Not because it was not, but because it was easier for me to believe it was lust.
I started thinking about so many things we went through, so many things we lived together, so many times we were there for each other. I didn't have that many memories with anyone else and it's only when I realized that I wanted all my memories to include her that it hit me. I loved her. I was in love with her.
Why did it take me so long to realize that? Why did it take her so long to admit her feelings to me? She said she had always loved me and I couldn't even begin to guess how she must have felt all these years.
My reaction to her confession was pathetic. It was fear and when I admitted that to myself, I started writing. At first, it was only a bunch of words thrown on a napkin at a bar but with time spent on my piano, it became something that was potentially worth turning into a real song. I had never written a song that deep in such a short period of time and when I decided it was done, I was not sure what to do with it.
I was not proud to say I ended up in a bar a few times, searching for a girl to meet and bring home but every time I was close to do it, I would run away. There was a reason why I couldn't have sex with Maya and the same reason stopped me from banging a random girl I didn't know... and I missed that reason. I fucking missed her.
I had never been as nervous as I was then when I saw her walking behind Louis and sitting at the table. Seeing her after two weeks without any contact with her was refreshing. She looked exactly the same, she looked exactly like the girl I was in love with. There was nothing I wanted more than find a way to apologize to her, to prove her that I was sorry and that my feelings were real. I was not the type who would display or expose my feelings but I knew that this time, I had to go big, if only because I felt like I owed her. If paps and online articles wanted to talk about it and post pictures, then whatever. She was more important.
I didn't care about everyone who stood up when I was done singing, I didn't care about the clapping and the cheering. I was only looking at her and she was crying. She walked up to me and I cupped her face, wiping her tears with my thumbs. I don't know how many times and for how long I kissed her but I didn't want to stop. It was completely different than the first kiss we shared when we were teens. In fact, it was completely different than any other kiss I've ever had. Was that too cheesy to say? She tasted amazing, a mix of expensive beer and candies, and I couldn't believe I had waited that long to discover that taste.
"I love you." I whispered against her mouth, deepening the kiss very slowly, making sure I would feel everything. "You still love me, yea?"
“Don’t be stupid.” she replied, just as low. “I always have and I always will.”
"Me too. I always have, and I always will." I answered, my grip tightening on her jaw. "I was just.. a fucking idiot. And a blind one at that. I hope you can forgive me."
She suddenly seemed taller and I noticed she got on her tiptoes, her hands moving from my wrists to my hands on her cheeks. My eyes opened and her lips curled into a fond smile as my gaze traveled on her face.
"That song forgave everything."
Her words made me smile and I suddenly relaxed, realizing that I was still scared. I was scared she had given up on me, that she didn't trust me.. that she didn't love me anymore. She could have changed her mind, she could have given up on us, I could have lost her... but she was still there, even after all the pain I put her through, she was there, ready to give me an other chance that I wasn't sure I deserved.
"I promise I'll write you many, many more."
Once again, I brought my lips back on hers, wondering if it would always be like this, wondering if I would get addicted to the taste of her mouth, or if maybe I already was.
"Okay, okay guys, it's time to drink."
I groaned in her mouth when I heard Louis' voice and moved away slightly before sighing.
"Fuckin' Tommo." I mumbled with a grimace before my eyes fluttered open again.
Olivia laughed and got back down on her feet but when she turned around to go join our friends, I found her hand quickly and squeezed her fingers. It was not the first time we held hands but it felt like it because this gesture meant more than it ever did before.
"Livi, hey." Louis said, pushing her mug on the table. "Aren't you glad you spent those five minutes on your hair now?"
She started laughing and I frowned with a smile at the inside joke I didn't get. I turned to Louis and raised my eyebrows as a question, making him grin.
"It's nothing, Neil, but you should have seen your girlfriend's hair when I knocked at her door." Louis explained, making my heart jump in my chest. "Priceless. And I said that 'cus no one would have paid for that."
My eyes found Olivia's and I didn't have to say anything. The fact that she was now my girlfriend had hit both of us at the same time and I was blissful... like intoxicated by the realization.
"You should see her when she just woke up." I pointed out, sending Liv a smirk and finally turning back to Louis. "A real mess."
"Really?" he replied with a thick accent, glancing at her. "I bet you can't wait to find out what her sex hair looks like."
I didn't expect that answer and choked slightly on my beer. Louis laughed, slapping my shoulder in a friendly manner, and left to get something else to drink. I finally sat next to Olivia and leaned my elbows on the table, turning my head to look at her.
"Are you okay with that?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.
"With what?" she frowned with an amused smile. "You and Louis laughing at my hair?"
"No," I chuckled. "With being my girlfriend."
Her smile turned into a shy one and she looked down chuckling sadly and shaking her head.
"Niall, being your girlfriend is what i've always wanted." she explained low.
I used two fingers to move her chin up and make her look in my eyes. She looked just as vulnerable as she seemed when she admitted her feelings to me but this time, I was not going to run away. My eyes roamed on her face and I licked my lips.
"I'm so sorry I've hurt you all these years." I apologized in a whisper. "I love you, real love."
Her smile came back, more gentle, fond and endearing than ever, and my heart twisted in my chest. I didn't want to ever hurt her anymore and I was going to do anything I could to keep her happy.
"I think we should leave, it's getting late." I proposed when I realized she wouldn't answer.
She simply nodded and we said our goodbyes, thanking out friends for their support and finally getting out of the too crowded bar. Instinctively, I gripped her fingers and pulled her closer, moving my arm up and making her twirl around. She giggled like a kid and it made me grin. She looked up in my eyes and I knew I didn't have to say anything. We reached my car and I opened the door for her but she tilted her head and frowned.
"Are you sure you're okay to drive?" she asked, worry in her voice.
"Yea, no problem, I only drank a beer." I answered with a shrug.
She sat in the car and closed the door as I did the same but when I glanced at her, she had her eyebrows raised and a small smile on her lips. I loved her facial expressions, I always have. She was the funniest person I knew.
"What?" I asked with a smile too.
"You only had one beer?" she questioned. "One?"
This time, I chuckled and raised one of my shoulders, bringing my head closer before shaking it. I knew it was unusual for me and i couldn't blame her for being surprised.
"Yes, one." I repeated with an other chuckle. "I wanted to be sober for the song but when it was over I drank one. So yea, it was the only one."
She smiled fondly at me again and I just knew I was going to get that look very often from now on. Perhaps she looked at me that way a lot, I just never really noticed before. Or wanted to notice.
"Thank you."
"And also, I couldn't let you clumsy ass drive my new car." I joked as she hit my arm lightly, making me laugh even more.
I started the car and we drove around town in silence. The night was cold and it started snowing, bringing a magical vibe to the moment and although I knew she was not a fan of winter, I could see the happiness in her eyes as she watched the snow fall slowly. It's only when we were close to my house that I felt her hand on my thigh. I thought i'd stiffen at her touch but it was the complete opposite : it relaxed me in a way I couldn't explain, not even to myself.
We got out of the car and walked to the front door still not talking and I closed the door behind us. I knew I didn't have to explain anything, I just glanced at her and smiled.
"Grab a few blankets, i'll join you."
She just nodded and I reached the kitchen to make some tea, adding a cloud of milk in both and going through the sliding door of my kitchen. She was sitting on the small bench, staring up, her shoulders covered with a blanket and when I handed her her favorite mug, she turned to me and smiled. I sat next to her and grabbed a part of the blanket to cover my shoulder too and put the beanie she handed me on. We stared up in silence, just watching the snowflakes fall and cover the ground, and in that moment, everything was perfect.
"So everyone was right." I broke the silence, turning to look at her. "About us being more than just best friends. It was... written in the stars, or something cheesy like that?"
I raised my eyebrows with a small smile and she shrugged, tilting her head. She looked pretty with one of my beanies covering her head and an old scarf I hadn't worn in years around her neck, all wrapped up in blankets as she held her tea with both hands. In fact, she was breathtaking.
"No it was just..." she shrugged in a cute way and looked away before looking back at me. "Obvious."
I bent down close to her and reached her lips with mine, and it made my heart jump in my chest. It was so weird to do that yet it felt natural. I saw her close her eyes just as I closed mine and the feeling of her mouth against mine made me feel better than I thought. I hadn't felt like that when I kissed Maya or Heidi or any of the other girls I kissed before. This feeling was different and better. I couldn't lie to myself, it was much better, so much better.
"I see it too." I murmured, my lips brushing against hers as I talked. "It really is obvious now."
I let her borrow some of my clothes to sleep even if we both knew she had left some of hers in my drawers. She had always preferred wearing my clothes and I had always enjoyed watching her wear them. Perhaps it was a bit possessive but the feeling of seeing her in Harry's clothes was horrible and I never got used to it.
"Tired?" I asked, putting my shirt on and turning to her.
"Not really." she shrugged, making me smile.
"Come here, I want to hug you."
It was the kind of things I could have said even before we started dating but once again, it meant so much more now that she was my girlfriend.
"Catch me, then!"
She started running, taking me by surprise and passing right by me quickly. She was already in the hall when I started running after her, reaching my arm in front of me. My fingertips brushed against her arm and she squealed, making me laugh. She jumped on my couch and ran on it and I got suddenly scared she'd fall down but she jumped back on the floor and ran back where she came from. I ran quicker and bent down slightly, wrapping my arm around her waist and pushing her in my room before throwing her on the bed. I moved on top of her, straddling her waist and holding her wrists above her head as we were both panting.
"Caught ya." I whispered with a smirk.
"You did." she admitted just as low, licking her lips.
My gaze moved to her mouth and I dipped my head down again to kiss her. My grip on her wrists loosened but she didn't move. She just answered my kiss, smiling the whole time.
The last time I ran after her and tackled her down was because she teased me, saying only crazy girls wanted to kiss me. Now, she was the one I was kissing and she didn't seem to hate it. Perhaps, the girls who want to kiss me aren't all crazy, but I was not going to mention that. We had also ended up exactly in this position and it was right after that sex dream I had.
"I really, really want to touch you." I whispered in-between kisses.
She moved her arms and I let her, letting go of her wrists. Her hands ran on my shoulders and down my arms, but I kept kissing her for a few seconds before moving slightly away. I stared in her eyes and she bite her bottom lip gently. I had noticed that habit and i loved it.
"Maybe tomorrow, okay?"
I felt my heart sink in my chest but I smiled and nodded lightly. "Okay."
I kissed her softly one last time and got off of her to turn the lights off in the house. When I got back in my room, she was laying under the blankets, looking at the ceiling. I turned the light off too and joined her, laying on my back and staring up, too.
I knew I could wait for us to have sex and I knew it was not something urgent, even if I really wanted her, but I felt like she was a bit scared, and so was I, if only because I was not sure what she liked and what she didn't like.
"How do you feel?" I just wondered in a gentle tone.
"Better now." she whispered.
Silence again. Not an awkward silence, no. A light and warm silence that we both enjoyed.
"Did you write that song for me?" she finally asked after a while.
I knew this question had been burning her lips since our first kiss at the bar and I sort of anticipated it. I smiled, still looking at the ceiling, and brought my hands behind my head.
"Yes, I wrote it for you." I confessed, turning my head her way. "Only you."
We stopped talking again as we both tried to process what was happening between us. Now that we were laying together in the dark the way we always are, it felt real and true and once again, it hit me hard.
"You were wrong, you know?" I pointed out, still staring at her, now seeing her very well in the darkness of the room.
"About what?" she asked in a murmur, licking her lips.
I looked down at her mouth, trying not to focus too much on kissing her again and finally looked up in her eyes.
"The One Direction song that represents us the most is not Infinity, it's probably Home."
She turned her body my way and smiled, bringing her hand to my cheek. I moved my body to face her too and put my hand on her waist, feeling her fingertips brush on my skin softly.
"And Drag Me Down? Maybe?"
She smiled and I did the same.
"A bit of End Of The Day?"
"What A Feeling." she added, making both our smiles grow.
"Everything About You."
I frowned, an amused smile still on my lips, and laughed.
"What? Could you have picked an even older song or what?"
We both burst into laughter and I pulled her closer to me. She smelled good and she looked happy. Just seeing her like that made me feel happy too.
"I thought you hated that album." I pointed out, raising my eyebrows as she shook her head.
"No, it's just my least favorite because you don't sing enough." she explained, moving her chin slightly up to look in my eyes. I could feel her breath on my skin and it made me want to kiss her. Again. "I don't hate anything you do. Except... when you date extra gorgeous models. That, I really hate."
"Says the girl who dated my sex symbol of a bandmate."
She laughed lightly and the sound was incredible. Was that what it felt like to be in love? To think everything the other person does is endearing, sweet, incredible... to feel something explode in your stomach every single time you look at them... Was that what I was blessed to feel ever single day for the rest of my life?
"The truth is... The first time I kissed Maya, it was right after you kissed Harry." I had realized that a few days after Liv had admitted her feelings for me and it had been a shock. All these reactions I couldn't explain now made so much sense. "I was scared, and lost and... and I was jealous, Olivia. I was so fucking jealous."
I didn't expect it but she suddenly crushed her mouth against mine, one of her hands pressing on my cheek as her lips kissed me avidly. Her tongue slipped in my mouth and I finally answered the kiss, pulling her as close as I could and squeezing her body against mine. It was not a gentle kiss, it was rough and passionate and I was a bit scared of how turned on it would make me, especially after she said she wanted to wait before we did anything sexual. She slowed the kiss after a while and I groaned low in her mouth before she pulled away.
"I'm sorry." she whispered, her fingertips slide down my neck.
"Don't be." I  answered in a low tone too. "I'm the one who should be sorry. For everything. Just... you should stop kissing me like that, it makes me want... more."
She laughed and her eyes roamed on my face as she let one of her hand slip down my chest. Her gaze never left mine but her smile fell and she started nibbling on her bottom lip. I could feel my heart throb hard in my chest and remained motionless, just looking at her and telling myself how much I loved her.
"I never said anything about not touching you." she just replied as she moved her hand on my cock over my sweatpants. "I mean, if you want me to."
"You don't have to ask." I reached for her hand and pressed it harder against my dick. "I always want you to touch me."
Her smile came back and I fought against the urge I had to kiss her. Her hand rubbed on me slowly but it's only when she slid it in my pants that I held my breath, focusing on the way her fingers wrapped around my cock. She took it out slowly and I realized how hard I was, even after only a few seconds of her touch. She started stroking me gently and I let out a groan, my eyes fluttering as I tried to keep them open. Her lips parted at the same time then mine when she jerked me off quicker and i whispered a curse word. Her thumb rubbing steadily on my tip brought me closer to my orgasm but it's only when her other hand slipped on my balls that I let out a moan.
"That time I fingered you." I whispered without thinking. "It turned me on so bad I came in my pants."
I watched the expression of slight surprise on her face and her movements faltered for a few seconds before her lips reached mine again, this time a bit softer. I groaned again in her mouth when one of her fingers slid right under my tip and I bit her bottom lip maybe a bit too hard.
"Fuck, you're gonna make me cum so hard, petal."
I could swear I felt her shiver next to me and I couldn't decide what turned me on more : her or what she was doing. With an other curse word, I felt an orgasm spread inside me and gripped the sheets of the bed hard as I came, my lips rubbing against hers with every jerk of my body. When I opened my eyes again, she was staring at me with a small smile and I grinned back at her. I couldn't remember the last time I didn't have to guide a girl on what to do to make me cum when it came to handjobs.
"I fucking love you." I breathed out with a chuckle, making her lips curl more.
"I fucking love you too." she repeated after about a minute.
We stayed in silence, just looking at each other, for a very long time until she yawned and I laughed. She looked adorable, why didn't I notice that before?
"I'll be right back."
I nodded and waited for her as she went to the bathroom while I pulled my pants back up and tried to lay down comfortably in bed. I was tired too but there was no way I would fall asleep without her in bed with me. I felt myself start smiling as soon as she entered the room again and although I thought it was a bit pathetic, I really didn't care.
"You're gonna hold me all night?" she wondered, her eyebrows raised, as I felt the warmth of her body close to mine.
I was never going to stop loving this girl. I could feel it in my bones, in every fiber of my being. She was my person, and I was a fucking idiot for not realizing it before.
"Do I ever not?"
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opheliakeeauthor · 4 years
Indie Author All the Way!
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The publishing of Midnight Magic is coming to a close. I am waiting on Amazon to review part 11. This miniseries has twelve parts. The end is near. Part 12 will release next weekend. So that means that the full volume will come out in two weeks. If you have been waiting until all parts were published or you wanted only to read it as a novel, the wait is nearly over. If you pick up any part of the saga to read, let me know what you think. I'd love to hear from you.
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Draoithe: Dragons Come volume four has finally launched the 2nd edition as a 6x9 paperback. For those who don't know, I am pure indie and do all of my writing, publishing, and marketing on my own. When I first dove into the deep end of self-publishing, I had no idea what I was doing, but I could do it. I did it all wrong and made a ton of mistakes. When I could not figure out how to publish the books as 6x9 standard paperback book size, I decided to simply publish them as 8.5 x11. It was fine like that. I was learning. (They are kind of cool that way.) Only being a non-standard size meant that they were ineligible for expanded distribution and the wrong size for the book shelf. So I decided something needed to give and I had to break down and publish the stories as a second edition in the size they should have been. So as I go through the early stories and let Grammarly aid my editing for a cleaner story, I am also reformatting to release the stories in the proper book size. Volumes 1-4 and the Prequel are now complete. Just a few more to go. LOL. #don'tfearmistakes
Just the Facts
LINKEDIN.COM SELF PUBLISHING vs Publishing House - Look At The Numbers. This post is a follow up to a recent discussion I was involved in. IT IS I read this article on Linked-in the other day explaining the breakdown in earnings between traditionally published and indie published authors. Needless to say, indie authors earn way less than traditionally published authors. That's okay. Because it is offset by the fact that there is no need to suffer through query letters and rejections. As an indie author, I can publish as often as I like, as many titles as I want and best of all readers can simply read to their heart's content. There is no waiting until the publishing house is ready, or giving up any of my rights as the author to sell or promote my work however and whenever I see fit. So what if I don't get a big payout up front? I'm happy with waiting for my royalties. Advertising is entirely up to me and I don't have the added stress of needing to meet artificial deadlines or the potential hassle of losing the contract due to low sales or something else outside my control. It might not be the way to go for every writer, but so far, my authorwalk is still indie all the way. (Also I secretly enjoy publishing and the creative side of marketing even if I am not good at it and have limited marketing funds. LOL)
Mark the Calendar!
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Weaver’s Tale Part 1 will be FREE October 15-19. Just in time for Halloween. Grab the first part of the 4 part miniseries, meet Araack Kniid, the warlock spider shifter, and Calvin Birchard, the wizard. Both men spend years learning and improving themselves in their desire to be worthy of a mate. Old lies and impossible fantasies must be overcome in order for them to finally have a life worth living. Step into the dream and meet the rulers of the Longest Purple. Author's note on Weaver's Tale: My mother said, "Just don't go adding spiders to the saga." Vampires and angels were okay, but spider shifters were just too creepy. Sadly, the scenes began to play out in my head immediately. I knew Araack Kniid and Calvin Birchard right away and sat down to write exactly what she said I should not. No disrespect, Mom. I had to write this novella length miniseries because until I write a scene that I see, I can't get it out of my head. Almost Noir, but not quite. This one is a fast paced read set in the Netherworld. Adult content and themes. Happy Halloween!
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Working on the video book for The Thread! Still no fixed release date, but I am super excited! The project is rolling along. I am hoping to have it up by Christmas. If you are not subscribe to OpheliaKee on YouTube, you might want to take a moment and hop over and set yourself up to get notified when the video books come out. Book trailers and ads are posted there already. Check it out and please give feedback. I love to hear from readers. Merch is still a big fat no go. GRRR.... I am not giving up, but the tech does sometimes seriously stress me out. Patience. My authorwalk has taken me in strange directions many times before. That's okay. I will prevail or die trying. Lol. So overdramatic. Debating a wikipedia page next too. So long as we are being extra...
Enough of the silly business. I gotta get back to writing, editing, publishing, and marketing. If you have questions or comments hit me up. As always if you read, please be kind and leave your review. Indie authors especially will love you for it. Be Careful! Happy reading, ​Ophelia Kee
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starlightseb · 6 years
black heels • eric dier
A/N: I’m finally back!!!! This has been a long time coming😂 The fact that this is kind of Halloween themed just shows how long I started to write this😂 anyway, I’m sorry for such a long delay but my life has been a bit like an overdramatic storyline in a UK soap these past few months, no exaggeration!! Anyway, I hope the wait was somewhat worth it and you enjoy this💞
Words: 1396 Warnings: none 
"Red or black?" she asked her best friend as she held up a pair of red and black heels, one in each hand.
"Uh.. black?" Sonny responded, quickly looking up from putting his own shoes on.
She slowly slid on the black heels and admired her outfit in the mirror for a moment before picking up her mascara to touch up her make up.
"Why are you so nervous?" asked Sonny who had observed his best friend's behaviour, the usual indicators that she was nervous showing: fidgeting, worrying about her appearance and the fact that her foot was taping slightly against her bedroom floor.
"You know how I get when meeting new people and anyway, they might think that I am boring considering the fact you told me two days ago about the party and I have been unable to get a good halloween costume." she huffed in response and dramatically placed her devil horns onto the top of her head.
"The boys are great, I wouldn't be introducing them to you if I didn't think so. You'll love them and they will love you," Sonny gave her a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder before putting on his black cape and signalling towards the door. "They will also appreciate your devil costume. There is no need to worry so lets go before we miss anything interesting."
The house was decorated according to the time of year. Pumpkin lights hung on the walls, skeletons and ghosts stood in the hallway and there was tables covered with an array of sweets. Eric had to keep slapping Dele's hand away from the sweets as his friend kept snacking on them through the night.
"Dieeeeer." Dele moaned, a pout on his lips and his arms crossed over his chest. "If you don't let me have one more sweet, I will go over to Sonny's friend and tell her that you have been staring at her since he introduced her to you."
"I have not been staring-" Eric insisted with blushed cheeks but stopped mid sentence as Dele used the distraction to grab a sweet and put it in his mouth. Eric opened his mouth to speak but Dele cut him off yet again.
"Oh speaking of the devil..." Dele nodded over in the direction where a familiar figure in a devil costume was walking over to them. "Get it? Devil?" Dele laughed at his own joke whilst Eric brushed him off with a sigh and closed his eyes in frustration.
"Hey, is it alright of I stand with you two for a bit? Sonny had to leave me for me and I don't know many here." She nervously asked, looking down at her feet.
"Of course you can! You like getting to know people, Eric?" Dele smiled, nudging Eric with his elbow, trying to get him to make conversation but Eric just nodded so Dele decided to take further action.
"Well I need to find Jan and Toby so that I can try and scare them. Eric is great company," Dele leaned closer to whisper into her ear "just don't eat too many sweets or he will get grumpy." Dele smirked and gave a wave before skipping away into the crowd of bodies.
Eric cursed his best friend, knowing exactly what he was doing. His head spun with potential conversation starters but because he was staring at their feet, he could only manage to get one sentence out:
"I like your shoes." his voice cracked slightly as he spoke but he finally got the courage to look up at her.
"Oh thanks." she gave a smile, taken a back slightly by the comment. "I was going to wear red but I decided on black in the end."
"Well, good choice." Eric returned the smile and rubbed the side of his face awkwardly.
"My feet hurt a lot in them though." she pointed out, bringing her foot up to her hand to rub them.
"Hey, why don't we sit down for a bit then?" Eric offered, pointing to the empty sofa.
"Yeah, sure."
Around 20 minutes later, and she was uncontrollably laughing at a story that Eric was telling about the intense Uno sessions at the Spurs training ground. They had been joking and exchanging stories, laughing at each other's stories and experiences.
"So, what do you as your job?" Eric asked her as she took a sip of her drink to compose herself from her laughter.
"I work in a dog shelter, we take in abandoned dogs and look after them." she explained, Eric's face lit up in excitement at her response.
"A dog shelter? Really?" he exclaimed, excitement laced through his high-pitched voice. She nodded, biting her lip. "That's amazing! I love dogs!"
"You can visit it sometime if you like." she suggested airly, taking another sip of her drink.
"I've love that." Eric smiled, just as Dele and Sonny decided to walk back into the room, amused smiles plastered on their faces.
Dele and Sonny gave each other a small nudge as they spotted their friends sat on the sofa conversing with each other. They then swaggered over towards their friends and sat down in between them. Dele casually threw his arm around Eric's shoulder in an overly friendly  manner.
"Hey, Eric. Having a good time?" he asked his friend in a teasing tone as Sonny threw his best friend a suggestive glance.
"Yeah, actually. I was just trying to organise when I was going to visit the dog shelter." Eric explained, trying to dismiss Dele's playful and teasing behaviour.
"Ohh, a date?" Sonny now decided to join in on the teasing.
"Don't be so stupid, Sonny," she laughed at her friend before passing a scrunched up napkin with an address and a phone number scribbled across it around the back of Dele and Sonny and into the hands of Eric. "That's the address of the shelter and my phone number. Let me know when you want to visit."
Eric nodded as Dele and Sonny sang "ohhh" in sync, making their two friends blush with slight embarrassment.
1 year later
It was difficult for them to contemplate it being a year since they met at the Spurs Halloween party, but here they were, at the small, cozy italian restaurant across from the dog shelter. Eric watched her intently as she twisted the spaghetti around her fork.
"I'm so glad that Freddie is beginning to get better now." Eric commented, in reference to the dog that was found, abandoned on the streets a few weeks prior that was so underfed, it could barely walk.
"Me too, it is always so sad when you see them when they first come into the shelter but the most rewarding thing is when you see them begin to grow back into the dog that they are." Eric nodded in agreement at her statement and nervously played with his pasta as he tried to utter the words he wanted to say next.
I guess you could say that they had been 'official' for about 8 months now. 8 months of late night cuddles on the couch watching films; falling asleep clinging onto each other; good morning kisses; her turning up to football matches in his jerseys; him turning up weekly at the dog shelter to help out and a pile of her belongings slowly accumulating in his house.
"How about we adopt him... you know once he is fully okay again?" Eric finally asked the question that had been on the tip of his tongue the entire meal. In return, she looked at him, quizzical.
"I mean if you want to adopt him, then I would happily help you sort that out.."
"No,no. Not me, how about we adopt him? Together?" Eric corrected, suddenly scratching his head nervously.
She processed his words over and over in her head, trying to grasp at their meaning. Finally, she spoke up.
"Are you trying to ask me to move in with you and get a dog?" she questioned, leaning forward in her seat slightly.
"Yeah?" Eric bit his lip, anticipating her answer.
Her face lit up immediately, a bright smile taking over her face.
"I'd love to." she beamed, causing a look of relief to wash over Eric's face as he dug into his pocket to pull out a single house key and place it on the table.
"This is for you, then."
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cindylouwho-2 · 5 years
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent news, resources & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & ecommerce! This covers articles I came across in the first part of October, although some may be older than that.
[I am out of town for nearly a week in late October, so don’t expect another update until the end of the month at the earliest.]
Just a reminder - you don’t need to read everything here! I try to organize the material by topic and provide a brief summary so that you can easily skip things you don’t need to read. 
I’ve tried to improve the layout for better readability, by bolding key words in each paragraph - do you find that helpful, or too hard on the eyes?  Leave a comment below, email me through my website, or send me a message on Twitter.
14 elements that will help your product pages get sales. Trust badges & reviews can really make a difference. Also, here’s a really simple explanation of how your descriptions should try to sell the product: “Bridge the gap between features and benefits: A feature is essentially a fact about your product or offer. The benefit mainly answers how a feature is useful for your customer. Tell them exactly “how” a particular feature is useful for them, and “why” they should make this purchase. Product descriptions that bridge the gap between features and benefits can lessen buyer’s guilt and ease the buying decision.” 
It’s time for holiday season forecasts! Halloween spending is expected to be steady. While some are predicting up to a 4-5% increase in US November-December retail spending this year, others are worried about consumer debt. There is still “a stubborn wealth gap in the United States that appears to be once again worsening and in fact is "the biggest it’s ever been." The Gini index, a standard economic measure of income inequality, for the U.S. in 2018 was "significantly higher" than 2017, after widening steadily for the last 50 years, according to a Sept. 26 report from the U.S. Census Bureau.” Note that online retailers are finding that the holiday season is less crucial than it used to be, since people shop online all year now. “...the holiday season accounted for almost 24% of all retailers’ sales in the late 1990s, but is closer to 21% today.” Finally, “A late Thanksgiving this year, falling on Nov. 28, means there are six fewer days between Thanksgiving and Christmas than in 2018. In fact, 2019 is the shortest possible holiday calendar scenario”.[emphasis added by me]
Kansas state tax collection on online sales is in question after the lack of a minimum on revenue or orders is criticized. The dictate kicked in October 1st, requiring any business selling anything in the state to register, which didn’t exempt small businesses as other states have done. This is important - if they manage to apply this tax to even the smallest businesses, and win any court challenges, other states are likely to follow suit. 
Etsy released a new stats page last week, which like most things they do these days, isn’t finished yet. You can read the announcement here, and a more detailed explanation here, including a discussion of the conversion rate numbers now provided. [I don’t find those very useful on Etsy, as I find I get a lot of visits that are not from buyers, such as people checking out my SEO.] Also note that there will be a Q & A thread this week in the forum, starting October 14th at 10 am EDT. 
When a listing is clicked from any search, there is now a link at the top saying “Back to search results” which only goes to page one of the search on Etsy, not the page you were on. It even does this when someone clicks on your item from a search of your shop. 
They made some recent improvements to the buyer app, including integrating shop names into the regular search. No need to tag with your exact shop name! (Mobile & desktop search also work the same way; the app was the last hold out.)
More holiday marketing tips continue to roll out, including this one on merchandising. It includes a list of holidays at the end (although Canadian Thanksgiving was just 5 days away on the date of publication, so that seems to have been a waste of space). Potentially more useful to some of us is the transcript of the podcast on shopper behaviour during the holidays. [includes links to the podcast if you would rather listen] “9% of our buyers do the bulk of their shopping in late December right before the holidays” and “On Etsy specifically, searches around the holidays spike for gifts in conjunction with a descriptor of the recipient. We see searches like “gifts for grandma,” “gifts for boyfriend,” and “unique gift for a friend” spike.” Finally, “In terms of uniqueness, 90% of Etsy buyers would rather give a unique or one-of-a-kind gift.” They also cover some specific research on holiday shopping patterns in the UK & Germany, compared to the US. 
There is a new help file on search called Beginner’s Guide to Etsy Search, and while it is up to date, I am not sure why it is needed, when they already have a page (they even link to it) called “How Etsy Search Works”, which isn’t as up to date. If they are planning on releasing new instructions, as they told me months ago, they are going about it really, really slowly. 
Etsy Ireland lost money last year, apparently due to the DaWanda deal. “Etsy, whose mission is to “keep commerce human”, faced a wave of criticism from users after designating its business in Ireland as an unlimited liability company in 2015 so that it didn’t have to publicly disclose financial information about the unit. The company has, however, published annual accounts for the subsidiary for both 2017 and last year.”
Meanwhile, free shipping & Etsy Ads have produced quite a stock boost for the main company. “KeyBanc’s comments were echoed by Canaccord Genuity, which earlier this week wrote that the company’s initiatives were driving “robust growth and improving profitability.” Analyst Maria Ripps called free shipping “an important step in bringing Etsy’s platform closer to par” with other e-commerce leaders like Amazon.com Not only will free shipping improve “consumer perception around the platform,” but she estimated that it could add upside of 3%-5% upside to 2020 estimates for both revenue and adjusted Ebitda. The company’s Etsy Ads initiative, she added, “should ultimately attract high affinity customers with strong repeat purchase behavior.”  Also, they noted that no major analysts no recommend selling the stock - most say “buy”, with a few saying “hold”. 
Etsy partnered with Blackrock Emergency Savings Initiative to help US sellers deal with the financial pressures of self-employment. 
Google’s advice on how to get your category pages to rank well is worth reading: among other things, you shouldn’t keyword stuff. 
If you want your content to get the featured “0” position at the top of Google search, you should check out this article on featured snippets, or this Whiteboard Friday from Moz. [video & transcript]
More analysis of Google’s September core update shows that it may not have been as dramatic as the June update, but “your money, your life” (YMYL) sites still seem the most affected. SEMRush said the biggest winners were “DailyMail, eBackPage.com, lasd.org and marionschool.net. The biggest losers were TheFourMusic.com, Monks.org, BraidingClub.com, PascoLibraries.org and RoyalCaribbean.com.au.” Other case studies saw a lot of change in health and medical sites. 
Another study states that websites still get most of their traffic from organic search. 
If your own website isn’t ranking on Google, there are numerous fixable reasons, although some are more difficult than others. 
Google says that HTML sitemaps aren’t necessary to good SEO. 
If you are getting less organic traffic to your Patreon page recently, that could be because their SEO team accidentally de-indexed the entire site. It’s been fixed, but it could affect some pages for the next few weeks, if Google doesn’t recrawl you right away. 
YouTube is the 4th most visited website, so improving your YouTube SEO can provide a huge boost in traffic. 
CONTENT MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails) 
Facebook’s experiment on hiding like counts has rolled out in Australia. (Articles looks at the sociological studies behind this)
Instagram launched an account posting tips for “creators”, which the author notes does not focus on making money off of that content. 
They have also expanded their Shopping part of the app, however, which is about making money. 
And IG has released a Snapchat challenger called Threads, a standalone app run by Facebook. Techcrunch did a more detailed review & analysis. Right now, it doesn’t have any ads & they say they have no plans to add them. 
Hubspot uses their own Snapchat account experience as a case study in how to make Snap work for business. (includes video & step-by-step instructions, if you are new to Snapchat.)
Twitter and Tweetdeck had a bad outage for several hours October 1-2, and it still isn't clear what happened. 
If you use Twitter for your business, you should also be using Twitter lists. (I use Tweetdeck to organize mine.)
Now that it is working again, here are the best-performing hashtags on Twitter over the past few years. 
Hubspot’s comprehensive guide to Google Ads is completely up to date for all new developments, and covers search ads as well as ads across Google’s network. [video and text]
They also put out a Facebook ad checklist, with video, text & screenshots. 
And they also did a guide to YouTube advertising. [video and text]
Research and ad placement are key to getting better conversion from Facebook ads. 
Gen Z (younger than millennials) don’t yet have full purchase strength as a cohort, but they influence buying in their households after seeing ads on Snapchat. Since Gen Z shows the least brand loyalty of any generation, it's necessary to reach them in new ways.
Shopify now has an integration with Microsoft Ads, which include all Verizon properties (Yahoo, AOL). More than 116 million Americans use Bing searches each month in some way. 
LinkedIn has improved its ad tools, including audience forecasting. 
Quora has improved ad targeting; they say they have over 300 million monthly users. 
Advanced tips for site search in Google Analytics can get more out of the data than you thought was there.  
Facebook will likely be paying out $40 million to settle a lawsuit for grossly overreporting video watching stats, including video ads. 
Google Search Console is now reporting a lot fewer links for websites than in the past; it’s not clear if this is a bug or not. 
The Console is now reporting on your videos.
Everything you need to know about Pinterest Analytics. 
If you use abandoned cart emails on your website, make sure they are optimized for conversions. 
Ecommerce fraud rates are definitely increasing. “... digital goods have seen such an increase in fraud because they often have a streamlined purchase process that requires less information than other items.”
Google launched its new Shopping pages, which is not the same as Google Shopping but is connected to it, and allows buyers to check out on Google rather than retailer websites. 
Amazon apparently surveyed Handmade sellers recently asking how they felt about Amazon Handmade.
Will Amazon face consequences in the US for its competitive activities? It’s looking more likely now. “Bloomberg reported in August that Amazon was dropping sellers' products in searches on its site if they priced a product cheaper on rival sites, behavior the news service noted could draw antitrust scrutiny.”
We all have difficult customers occasionally - here are 9 tips on how to deal with them. 
While most web browsing happens on mobile, desktop users are still way more likely to buy. They also spend more than mobile buyers. 
Gen Z members plan on doing most of their holiday shopping in physical shops this year (just like baby boomers), but many will do research online first. Also, “Forty-two percent of shoppers said that low prices are the top motivator for making purchases and 31% said free shipping was also a shopping incentive.”
Offering fewer options can lead to more sales. (The article has great suggestions on different ways to use this info.)
Vimeo app Magisto is facing a class-action lawsuit over holding biometric data without the owners’ permission.
Haven’t heard much about the EU privacy law lately? It turns out that businesses that are GDPR-compliant are more successful than those that are not. The shocker is that only 28% of the companies surveyed were actually completely compliant, so this may be correlation and not causation. Also, the results were self-reported, so maybe not that accurate. 
Here’s a decent list of free website builders, but I strongly suggest doing your own research on any that sound good, as the writeup isn’t very detailed. (The Etsy forum is a very good place for some of this research, as you can ask very specific questions of people who probably have similar needs to yours.)
Chrome is going to block embedded content that isn’t from an https site, beginning in December. [if your website isn’t yet https, get on that right away - it is going to become more & more crucial for being seen.]
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celestedeacon · 5 years
On the Side of the Angels Chapter 7
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TITLE: On the Side of the Angels Chapter 7 PAIRING: (Castiel/Celeste) RATING: T CHAPTER: 7/? SUMMARY: Celeste, the daughter of a fallen angel and mortal. Ever since she was born, the angels were given orders to protect her, specifically Castiel and Gabriel. When she was 16, she was in a horrific car accident, which Castiel saved her from. When Castiel comes back to Earth, she’s in his thoughts 24/7. This poses a problem for him. How can he love her and still follow orders?
“Celeste!” Gabriel yelled, “Guess what day it is!”
Celeste shot up in bed and grabbed her phone. It was Halloween!
Halloween was her favorite holiday next to Christmas. This Halloween marked the second year without Castiel.
Gabriel came into her room, all six white wings on display. “Happy Halloween, sweetheart. So…what shall we be this year? A witch? A vampire?”
Celeste shook her head and snapped her fingers.
Gabriel smiled. “An angel. Of course”, he said, playfully rolling his eyes.
Celeste released her black wings and folded them close to her back. It was the one day of the year where she didn’t have to keep them hidden, because most people just thought they were part of her costume.
“Any good parties around town?” Gabriel asked her.
This time Celeste rolled her eyes. “Gabe, we live in the middle of nowhere”.
“Well, we could always go somewhere”.
“So, where do you feel like going?”
“Let’s go to New Orleans”.
“City of Vampires and Ghosts”.
“Gabe…just do me a favor tonight”.
“Anything, sweetheart”.
“No smiting tonight? I don’t want you to be Gabriel the Archangel. I just want you to be my best friend who’s going out to party with me”.
Gabriel nodded and kissed her forehead. “You have my word”.
After talking to Sam and Dean, Castiel and Uriel went to the park to wait for them to defeat the witch.
Castiel stood while Uriel sat on the park bench. “The decision’s been made”, Castiel told Uriel.
Uriel laughed. “By a mud monkey”.
“You shouldn’t call them that”.
“Oh, that’s what they are. Even your abomination”.
Castiel could feel his feathers shaking in anger at that comment.
“Savages, just plumbing on two legs”, Uriel said.
“You’re close to blasphemy”.
Uriel sighed.
“There’s a reason we were sent to save him”, Castiel said, “Just like there’s a reason for her existence”.
Uriel rolled his eyes.
“He has potential. He may succeed here”. He sat down next to Uriel on the bench. “At any rate, it’s out of our hands”.
“It doesn’t have to be”.
“And what would you suggest?”
“That we drag Dean Winchester out of here, then we blow this insignificant pinprick off the map”.
“You know our true orders. Are you prepared to disobey?” Castiel looked out across the park, watching as the children skipped along in their Halloween costumes as his mind once again drifted to Celeste.
Celeste was 6 years old when she started dressing as angel. “Cas, check out my costume!” she said. She came out of the bathroom in an angel costume, only she was dressed like Castiel with black wings. “I’m you”.
Castiel just looked at her and then back at Gabriel.
“She insisted”, Gabriel said, “Who was I to say no to this cute face?”
Castiel shook his head.
When she turned 16, her costume changed.
This time it was skimpy, like most teenage costumes. The dress was sheer white with fur around the bottom and the cuffs and it was styled to look like a nightdress. On her feet was a pair of strappy white heels. On her back was a pair of fluffy white wings and on her head she wore a halo.
“You look beautiful sweetheart”, Gabriel said.
“Thank you Gabe”. She went down the stairs and met Castiel in the living room.
He looked at her.
“Well? What do you think?” Celeste asked him.
Castiel said nothing.
“Okay whatever. Do you mind zapping us to the party?”
Castiel grabbed her arm and teleported them to the house where the party as being held. “I can’t. This place…” he said.
“Yeah yeah I know. ‘Bed of sin’ and all. I promise not to drink. Pick me up at midnight”. Celeste placed her hands on his chest and leaned up to place a kiss on the underside of his jaw. She turned around and Castiel couldn’t help but notice how her hips swung subtly as she walked away.
The next time Castiel popped in Dean, Dean was sitting in the same park watching the children play like himself and Gabriel used to watch Celeste play as a child.
“Let me guess you’re here for the ‘I told you so’”, Dean said.
“No”, Castiel told him.
“Well, good, cause I’m really not that interested”.
“I am not here to judge you, Dean”.
“Then why are you here?”
“Our orders…” Castiel started to say.
“Yeah, you know, I’ve had about enough of these orders of yours”, Dean said cutting him off.
“Our orders were not to stop the summoning of Samhain, they were to do whatever you told us to do”.
“Your orders were to follow my orders?”
“It was a test, to see how you would perform under... battlefield conditions, you might say”.
“It was a witch, not the Tet Offensive”.
Castiel chuckled.
“So I, uh, failed your test, huh? I get it. But you know what? If you would have waved that magic time-traveling wand of yours and we had to do it all over again, I’d make the same call. 'Cause see, I don’t know what’s gonna happen when these seals are broken, hell I don’t even know what’s gonna happen tomorrow. But what I do know is, that this, here? These kids, the swings, the trees, all of it is still here because of my brother and me”, Dean told him.
Castiel understood his way of thinking. Castiel thought the same way when it came to when he saved Celeste after the car crash. “You misunderstand me, Dean; I’m not like you think. I was praying that you would choose to save the town”, Castiel said.
“You were?” Dean asked, surprised at what the angel said. Maybe he wasn’t heartless at all. Perhaps this was the good that Celeste saw in him.
“These people, they’re all my father’s creations. They’re works of art, and yet, even though you stopped Samhain, the seal was broken and we are one step closer to hell on earth, for all creation. Now that’s not an expression, Dean, it's literal. You of all people should appreciate what that means. Can I tell you something if you promise not to tell another soul?”
“I’m not a… hammer as you say. I have questions, I have doubts. I don’t know what is right and what is wrong anymore, whether you passed or failed here. But in the coming months you will have more decisions to make. I don’t envy the weight that’s on your shoulders, Dean. I truly don’t”.
The two shared a look.
Dean looked out of the kids. When he looked back, Castiel was gone and Celeste sat in his place. “What are you doing here?” he asked.
“Felt like talking to you again. I feel so sad for Cas. He seems so broken”. She looked out at the children playing and smiled. “He and Gabe used to watch me play on the playground”, Celeste told Dean, “Well, Gabe would actually play with me while Castiel just watched”.
“Who’s Gabe?”
“Oh. Just another angel who was told to protect me”.
“Protect you from what? Or who?”
“I haven’t quite figured that out yet”.
“So what are you?”
“Aren’t you a broken record?”
“You can’t answer a question with a question”.
Celeste smiled. “Bye Dean”. Celeste snapped her fingers and she was gone.
Dean rubbed his hand down his face and thought, ‘Can’t my life be normal for once?’
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stardust-and-blades · 6 years
13 would be nice with klance
This is the most requests I have ever received WOWZA
*spins wheel* lets see if this lands of fluff or angst mWAHAHA
13. Things you said at the kitchen table
“Where in the world are you taking me?”
“I told you, to the apartment.”
“Then why am I blindfolded?”
“It’s a surpriiiiiiiise,” Lance said in a sing-song voice. He kept he hands on Keith’s shoulders, the other holding his hands out despite Lance’s guiding. He doesn’t know what is going on, and he doesn’t know whether to feel amused or slightly terrified. It was October, it can either spell beautiful gifts or an evening of Keith chasing Lance around the apartment with a shoe ready to throw for scaring him. It wouldn’t be the first time both has happened. 
Keith heard the normal creak of door, still not fixed though they have sent numerous requests to cease the creaking. Lance’s hands disappeared, Keith blinking away the darkness and adjusted to the dark surroundings. The lights were turned off, leaving Keith with a big question mark above his head. He reached to flip on the switch, but Lance batted his hand away.
“Ah ah, not yet. You need to sit down first.”
“I can’t see shit.” Keith said, blunt. Lance just chuckled and took his hand. Keith tripped over a few unknown artifacts, most likely the decor Lance placed around the living room and kitchen in order to give it life. Well would be about ready to end a life if Keith couldn’t see where he was going. 
“Damn it Lance, are you trying to surprise me or kill me?”
Lance feigned an offended gasp. “Keith! I would never!”
“That’s up for debate.” He grumbled. Honestly, what was happening?
“Shush, grumpypants.” Lance poked his cheek. He finally settled Keith on a chair, but walked away.
“Where are you going?”
“To switch the lights on. Do me a favor and keep your eyes on the front of you.”
Keith quirked an eyebrow up, but obeyed and kept his sight on whatever was supposed to be displayed. The lights flicker on and lo and behold, the small, cheap kitchen table was adorn in red silk, blue candles nestled in a candelabra Keith is sure Lance either stole or borrowed (is that an antique?), and rose petals scattered about. Their favorite dishes laid on finely etched porcelain plates, ones Keith has never seen before. In addition, plopped right on top of his empty plate is a purple stuffed lion, its large eyes staring up at him, practically giving him the puppy dog eyes. It was cute; something to rival Keith’s childhood stuffed hippo his parents gave him before they passed away. 
Keith was speechless. Today isn’t his birthday or halloween–did he miss something? Was today their anniversary? No, that was two months away. Unless…
“AH!” Lance admonished, stopping his head from turning around. “Don’t look! Give me a second.”
He couldn’t help it–he laughed. “What are you doing? This is wonderful, but you know I’m not big on surprises.” He picked up the stuffed lion, smiling fondly at the animal. “Though I have to admit, I’m starting to change my mind.”
“Oh if you think that will change you’re mind, you’re going to love what is next.” Lance said, Keith telling there is a grin splayed on his other half.
He hugged the lion to himself, silently waiting for the kicker. 
There was a rustle of cloth and a little bit of cursing (Lance seemed to be having trouble), and it took much of Keith’s strength and patience not to turn around. When Lance finally gave the go ahead to turn, Keith expected anything other than what he sets his eyes on.
They widen, his mouth agape at his kneeling boyfriend, a nervous blush dusting his neck and cheeks in quick succession. A black box is in his hands, one opened it to show the contents. A silver engagement ring sat in the confines of red satin, a small diamond embedded in the stainless metal, the light shining off the precious gem. It blinked up at Keith, pleading to be acknowledged, begging to be accepted. Keith, who never believed he would get married since his teen years, could feel his chest swell with an unknown sensation. It bloomed and bloomed, and as Lance jumbled out the common yet overwhelming words, the feeling burst from within in through steady, happy tears.
“I know this is our fourth year of dating,” Lance started, his eyes looking back and forth between Keith and the rest of the apartment in nervous anticipation. “But um…well I uh…I–sorry, I thought this far and now I’m kinda malfunctioning–”
Lance’s eyes met Keith’s and stayed there, Keith’s harsh irises melted into a soft lavender, a loving kiss upon his scattered head. All traces of his rough facial features vanished, replaced by hidden sweet nectar Keith kept under lock and key for a long time. The only ones who were able to break inside were Shiro and Adam, but they were shown the familial parts that had been shut down since his time in the system. This Keith–the one Lance had the privilege to break through and see–is on a different level. And it renewed Lance to think out all the thoughts he wanted to bring to light since they moved in; since they first became one and saw each other in vulnerable states.
Keith nods at him to continue, and he started again with a new kind of determination.
“Keith, you have seen me at my best and at my worst. I thought you were just some asshole kid–”
Heyyyyy,” Keith narrowed his eyes.
���But!” Lance quickly added. “But as I got to know you, I saw a different side to you. A person willing to help tutor me in physics. The kid who kept sneaking stray cats into the dorms during thunder and snow storms, despite our hall leader threatening to kick you out. The boy who found me by a tree mourning the loss of my grandmother and hearing me out. The man who led me out of town on a motorcycle just to show me the best place to see the rise of dawn and the descent of sunset. Who held my hand tenderly, yet hesitant on our first date. And with that same hand punched the lights out of James Griffin for poking fun at me.”
“Only I can poke fun at you. And Pidge.” Keith said, still smiling softly and hugging the lion closer to him.
“Only because they mean no actual harm.” He thought and scrunched up his nose. “Well…”
“Well,” They said at the same time, stopping to stare at each other and then let out another laugh. 
“Another topic for another time.” Keith said. He motioned for Lance to finish, Lance clearing his throat.
“Keith, all those moments I learned about you and spent with you are precious. They are memories I will never forget, and wouldn’t sacrifice for the world. And I would love to continue making those memories for the rest of our lives.” He pushed the box towards Keith. “Keith, will you marry me?”
The tears started all over again, and as Keith said “yes”, he took the ring, put it on, and threw himself at the boy he loved, embracing each other so tight nothing to tear them apart.
They were heading to a fitting for their wedding. They left early in case of traffic, knowing the snow could delay the arrival. If they were late, they wouldn’t be able to get in until far later than scheduled. It was very cold out, and Keith commented on how maybe they should reschedule because the roads may be bad on the freeway. But Lance insisted they would be fine. That he knows the right route to avoid the potential slip and slide.
But no one could have anticipated the semi. The slush underneath its tires slipping into the opposite lane; for the driver to lose control. Lance pumped the breaks and tried and veer to the right, but there was no use. The breaks weren’t working and the tires kept going straight. 
A flash of headlights.
A red jacket moving to cover Lance, holding his head close to him and shielding him from the impact.
A sickening crunch of metal meeting metal.
The car turning on its side and flipping.
Lance was in and out of consciousness, his ears ringing and his vision blurry. He heard sirens in the distance, and as he attempted to move he let out a cry from the pain in his middle, his ribs most likely broken. The only thing keeping Lance from hitting the front windshield is the seatbelt he had on, it securing his body in one place. 
He lolled his head to the side, his thoughts slowly coming together and realizing he isn’t alone. He turned to his partner, and instantly wished he hadn’t.
Keith too was hanging by his seatbelt, but his arms were completely crushed. Blood spilled from his skull, his nose broken and chest not moving. Not even an inch.
Lance called out for Keith. Reached a hand over, though he knew it would cause more pain.
“Keith…” Lance rasped. “Keith. Keith, wake up. K-Keith?”
His hand wrapped around a cold one, letting out a cry that wasn’t from physical pain.
Keith’s ring is completely drenched in blood. And it will remain so until the paramedics pull them out. Until they are shipped to the hospital.
Until Lance changes his wedding plans to a funeral.
Send me a ship and a number and I’ll write a mini fic!
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april-lilies · 6 years
Sounds like you have some super cool stories for us, it its not anything too private. I think it would be super cool to hear about more stories with you and tokyo.
Oh my god, the thing is that I don’t even know where to start…so you’re going to get a general rundown of all of it. I apologize as some bits may potentially make people uncomfortable (I got molested while drunk at one point).
Strap in, this is going to be LONG, though I’m going to gloss over some bits. This all happened while also going to school Mon-Fri and some Saturdays all day. I’m also excluding most of the hanging out with my class friends because it was more just casual hanging out/bar hopping/nothing very exciting.
If anyone has any more specific questions about my experiences or Tokyo, please feel free to ask me.
The first weekend I was here I went to a gothy music event after going to a Buck-Tick gig. The BT gig ended at like 8:30 and I didn’t want to go home and I knew of the all night music gig. I was going to chicken out from going, but I decided to attend. That one decision set off all of this.
At the gothy music thing, I saw Auto-Mod and various alt DJs in the Tokyo scene. Some random western dude then came in and seemed to know everyone and eventually danced with me for a bit. He was just trying to get people to dance/get hyped up for the band. Figured that was that, but after the show he grabbed me and started introducing me to various people, mostly DJs including DJ Sisen. Turns out the dude runs his own club, and he and one of the DJs (who I will call Ossan #1) took me over to it. I got in free and drank free, chatted with people a bit there. Ossan #1 worked/works for Buck-Tick’s record company and we chatted about BT for a while. He was fucking shocked I knew them and had just come from a gig. It was wild to just…run into a random person and talk to them about BT at some length. After the club closed, the club owner took me out to breakfast at a lil place that you wouldn’t have ever been able to find unless you knew it was there and the cooks looked like yankis. Everyone was really nice and were shoving food at me for me to try. I didn’t get home til like 10:15 in the morning.
This was before Halloween and the club owner told me I should come to his big Halloween party at a big nice venue the next weekend, so I went because I am a curious mofo. Through the night I got hit on and pursued and bought drinks by various men, danced, and got kissed by like 5 people. Toward the end, Ossan #1 shoved me on stage to dance with some professional performer girls, which was pretty fun. After, I was invited to come to the after party and we split up to go in various taxis/or take the train. I took the train with another DJ guy, who then tried to take me home instead, to which I noped out and went to the bar where we were supposed to meet the other people. I just kinda hung around and left when I felt I could.
Next weekend was the weekend before Halloween and my closest class friend asked me to go out to an LGBT party with her (she’s a married lesbian). I said sure, but we ended up not going there and ended up going to a famous women’s only bar in the gay district of Tokyo. We did a nomihodai, which is all you can drink for a set time (at this bar it lasted two hours). Various people were hitting on my friend until she told them she was married and then the attention turned to me and it was the first time irl I’ve been hit on by women. It was an interesting experience and was fun. After, we left to go to an lgbt bar where my friend knew the manager. Drank there. Then decided to walk over to the bar where I know the club owner, since there was another Halloween party there that night too. BUT when we got there, my friend decided to go home and left me to the bar by myself. I was already pretty fucking buzzed by that point since we’d had a lot to drink, and then when I got to the bar, I met another DJ (who I will now call Ossan #2), who bought me like three shots, which we downed quickly. He went off and left not long after that. I didn’t know at the time, but now I think he probably left because he was drunk/he can’t handle much booze and the shots probably hit him. I was ok myself for a bit, but then the shots fucking hit me and knocked me on my ass. I blacked out drunk for the first time in my life. It was not fun and I don’t remember a lot. I know I got sick and I had a few nice people taking care of me. I’m really glad for them and that the people at this bar are generally very good people. When I was more conscious/sober but still terribly drunk, I found myself scared and alone on a couch in the bar. I noticed Ossan #1 (who was also very drunk) and he was the only one I recognized and I went to him because I wanted to be near someone I knew. That ended with me being drunk and confused as I realized he’d fucking shoved his hand up my shirt and pushed my bra away and was groping me. I was too fucking drunk to really do much. I was aware enough to pull his hand away when he kept trying to put it down my pants, at least. This was near the end of the party and at the end he tried to get me to go home with him and I was too drunk to really do anything, so I stared at the bar owner until he noticed me and came over. He fended off the Ossan DJ #1 and then had two of his friends escort me to the train station so I’d be safe. I regret getting as drunk as I did that night and will never, ever do it again, but it was probably a good lesson to learn.
Most DJs or club people I’d talked to a bit more and I had exchanged Line contacts, so later that week Ossan DJ #2 contacted me and asked me to go to a music festival the coming weekend with him. Again, I am a terribly curious person and said sure. He bought my ticket and went over to it together, grabbing some food and some beers at the venue (Poor dude said he was kinda drunk after two beers. One thing I like about japan is I can drink all the Japanese men I’ve met under the table.). It was more of a nerdy music/arts festival than anything, merging electronic art and imagery with electronic music. It was actually really cool and I wish we’d stayed longed, but Ossan #2 just kinda flitted around a bit from area to area in the venue (which was a cool museum). He eventually took me to a nice sushi place and we ate a ton and he paid for all of it. He then decided he wanted to go home and we split ways. To this day I’m still not exactly sure wtf he wants from me since he’s made no moves on me at all, but has asked me to hang out multiple times, though I’ve always been busy.
Next weekend I was out shopping and by the end couldn’t decide if I wanted to stop by the bar for a drink before going home. It was only like 8pm and I didn’t think there would be many people there and I didn’t wanna go by myself when there wasn’t a party going on (they start at ~11pm), but I decided to walk over to the area anyway before deciding if I was gunna go in to the bar or not. When I got there I decided no, and started to walk to the train station home. On the way, a guy who was clearly not a resident stopped me. He was a guy in Tokyo on business from Hong Kong and asked me if I knew any good bars in the area and if I wanted to go drinking with him. I said sure, only because I got to pick the bar and we were right by the one I was comfortable with. Drank with him for a while and responded with disinterest as he kept hitting on me and trying to kiss me/etc. he was kinda drunk already and luckily at one point he fucked up and called me the wrong name, to which I fucking roasted him. It was getting near 11pm then and I had permission from the bar owner to stay a bit later without having to pay the entrance fee for the upcoming party and I basically told the guy to gtfo since he’d have to pay if he stayed any longer. After he left I stuck around and socialized for like an hour before catching one of the last trains home.
Next, I decided to go to another kinda gothy DJ/performance event at the same venue as the one I’d first gone to. I didn’t really know anyone there (I had met a few of the DJs before, but nothing to the level they’d really remember me), so I just kinda hung around by myself and danced a lil. Annnd then Ossan DJ #1 came in. It was a dance of awkward small talk, standing on opposite sides of the room, and avoiding each other. Eventually at he end of the night, the club owner I know showed up and he ended up taking me and introducing me to more people and got me to socialize a bit. At one point when he’d gone off to socialize with some others, Ossan #1 finally came up to me at the bar and was like ‘So……..you’re mad at me….what did I do?’. I thought he was avoiding me because he knew he fucked up the last time, when in reality he was avoiding me because I’d been acting cold to him all night and he didn’t know why. He didn’t remember what he’d done and I got to inform him of it, to which he tried to make me stop and shush me and tell me to keep it a secret. I was not shushed. Eventually bar owner came back and we went over to his bar, which was frankly pretty boring this time. When we were leaving, another club owner stopped me on the street and said I looked like Boy George (which was a comment I got about 5 times that night because of my make up/hat combo. it was completely an accident) and she got my Line info and asked me to play Boy George in an 80s night she will be doing in March and was very happy to find me because she already has a guy who plays Pete Burns for her. We’ll see if she ever actually contacts me about this again. When I went to say goodbye to the bar owner after she was done talking to me, he introduced me to a friend of his and told his friend to ‘take care of me’. I didn’t know what the fuck that meant, but he took me out to breakfast and we just chatted. It was nice and the food was fucking amazing traditional Japanese grilled fish breakfast set.
Sometime during the next week (on a school night) went to a Kaya gig where he sang Schwarz Stein/Femme Fatale/solo work accompanied by piano and violin. It was a very lovely little show in an intimate bar.
Ok, now this I’m not exactly proud to admit, and you may judge me as you like, but I messaged Ossan #1 the next week and told him I’d forgive him for what he did one time and asked if it’d be ok for me to go to the event he was DJing that night. I knew we’d run in the same circles and that I’d keep seeing him and I wanted to clear the air. He said yes, that he was relieved, and that he’d never touch me again (which he has indeed kept his promise on and has backed off from anything more than some verbal teasing). The event was at a very nice little bar I’d never been to before. There was supposed to have a cover charge, but I waltzed right in and the staff like gestured to Ossan #1 like ‘ah you’re here because of him.’ He bought me a drink and then proceeded to introduce me to some people there, including a couple. The wife spoke very good English, and it turns out they run a large fetish party in Tokyo and that Ossan #1 DJs for it. Apparently Ossan #1 introduced me to them as sort of an apology and had suggested to them that I model for their next fetish party, to which they liked the idea. I ended up chatting with the wife most of the time, and I have to say she was THE SWEETEST. The DJ event at this bar only lasted until 1am and trains don’t start again until 4-5am, so I had intended to walk 45min to the bar I know the owner of and stay the rest of the night there. Instead, I was asked to go to Harajuku to a bar with the couple, Ossan DJ #1, and two girls who were at the bar (one of which was one of the girls I’d danced on stage with at Halloween, but I’m not sure she remembered me). I said sure, and the couple paid for all my drinks at the first bar and then we hopped in taxis, which I also didn’t end up paying for at all. At the bar in Harajuku, the couple took us up to the private floor and a waiter immediately came and served us all champagne. I was sitting on the end at first and everyone was talking in Japanese and I just kinda observed, until the wife noticed and moved from her husband to come and sit by me and talk with me ;___; Lots of champagne and silly chatting was done (and I guess planning for their next Fetish party, but that was done in Japanese) and turns out the wife was really into BT/Sakurai when she was a teenager, so we chatted about that too. Overall, it was really, really fun and the wife invited me to their private Xmas party in a few weeks. After, we all hopped in a taxi and they had it take me over to the bar I normally go to and paid for it for me. I don’t remember a whole lot because I’d been drinking a fair bit, but I know I kissed one of the bartenders, and idk how the fuck that happened. At the end, I somehow also ended up going out for a ramen breakfasts with a bunch of French people, who ended up paying for my food for some reason.
During the next week, for some reason I decided to go over to the bar when the bartender I’d kissed was working. I’m not exactly fucking sure why, I think I just wanted to see how he acted and to see if that had actually happened. We chatted a bit about music and it was really pretty awkward since we were the only ones there at first and his English was bad as is my Japanese. Eventually more customers came in and he was attending to them, but turned the music system to playing Soft Ballet since I’d mentioned I like them. And then this older dude from Belgium came in and came over to ask to drink with me because he was glad to see another Westerner there. We ended up chatting for a quite a while and he bought me drinks the whole time. Eventually his friends came and he left and I needed to catch my train and I went to leave. To which the bartender came out in the hall and kissed me while I was waiting for the elevator, which then confirmed that shit had indeed happened the last time I’d been at the bar. I still have no fucking clue why he and I ever kissed the first time.
The next while was spent mostly on school and trying to find something to wear for the Xmas party. Like what the fuck do you wear to a fancy dress party run by people who organize Fetish parties??? And also I was curious how it’d go because both Ossans were on the guest list. Anyway, eventually that came and Ossan #2 was super surprised to see me because he had no idea how the fuck I got involved in this group/how I got involved enough to be invited to the Xmas party. He and I chatted and hung around until he had to leave to DJ at another event (which was supposed to be the after party for the Xmas party, but we didn’t end up going). After he left I kinda just…awkwardly introduced and passed around to various Westerners/Japanese who spoke English there. I don’t think some were very thrilled to talk to me/felt like they were baby-sitting. It was funny though, at one point I was asked which DJ/man there I ‘belonged to’ and the woman seemed to think it was badass that I said I don’t belong to anyone. At one point I talked with the host couple a bit too and they expressed that they were trying to figure out what they wanted me to do for their Fetish party. I didn’t know exactly what that meant, and I still don’t. Eventually a half American, half-British guy came up to me and we ended up chatting most of the rest of the party. He was really chill and bought me some curry, lol. The party was officially over, but most people stuck around to keep drinking and socializing and were getting more drunk. Ended up chatting with Ossan #1 a bit and with the host lady. Also, for being a party run by fetish people, the most kinky thing that happened was someone getting spanked a bit at the end, so it was a lot less weird than I thought it might get. A group from the party, including the host couple, decided to go to a restaurant near by and the half-Brit guy and I decided to go along. We hung out most of it but later regretted going b/c it was a flat fee we were all charged to be there and eat/drink, which was about $50. I didn’t have enough money on me at the time and the Brit guy took pity on me and decided to pay for mine since he knew I was a student and had no income. I told him I’d pay him back, but he refused. We also ended up being silly and eating slices of wagyu steak with our hands because we didn’t get sliver wear and it was some stupid protest at the time over how expensive it was. Idk, it was dumb but fun. Eventually we hopped a taxi and he went home and I went to the bar I always go to to wait for the train. Nothing very exciting happened there other than a drunk bartender kept giving me rice balls for free. I guess the day after the host lady messaged the Brit guy to ask if I’d gotten home ok ;____;
The next few weeks I just focused on getting through school/finals, which was admittedly rough and came with a bit of a breakdown towards the end. One week night I did end up going out to dinner with the club owner, which mostly was just him talking about politics the whole time. We went to a bar in the gay district for a few drinks after since I guess he liked the particular gay bar, despite not being gay. Idk, he still mostly talked about politics, which is not a topic I really enjoy discussing. Another night I ended up going out to a café with the Brit guy, as well. It had intended to be me studying and him working on translation work, but we mostly ended up talking and gossiping about the people in the club scene. I guess he’s been in the scene for ~10 years and yet I’ve managed to infiltrate it and meet more people in two months than he had in years 8| Not that I was trying to do that, it was all a bunch of accidents. Also near finals I went to a music gig of Auto-Mod/Der Zibet/Loopus. I regret not sticking around to socialize at the bar once the show was done, but I had Saturday class the day after.
Finally got through finals and went out with my school friends for the last time before most of them left since they were staying only one semester (thankfully the girl I went out with on Halloween is staying and she’s the person I’m closest with at school). ANNNNNNND the next day picked up Riki (@crimsonmaggots) from the airport. That night I’d been invited to parties both by the club owner and by the fetish party lady, but Riki and I were both exhausted and stayed home. He stayed with me over my break and we did a bunch of stuff. I’ll mention some notable ones that relate to my social life or music.
We went to Yellow House, which is a shop run by the woman who has been dressing many visual kei bands since the very beginning/her shop has been around 37 years. It’s tiny but the walls are plastered with old band flyers, posters, and polaroids of her with band members through the years. I def freaked out a bit over her old pics with BT and she had a sticker banner thing from the original DIQ in ’89. If you’re ever in Harajuku and are into VK, I suggest you stop by and at least talk to her. She’s a gem and a spitfire of an old lady. It was a religious experience; especially for Riki since the lady basically dressed him in a perfect coat and also he ended up buying one of the same shirts Imai had bought from the lady.
We also went to Buck-Tick’s tour finale, which was FUCKING FANTASTIC. We prepared like the entire day to make sure our looks were on point before going to the gig. It was so fucking good and I ended up getting us 4th row seats since I’m part of Fish Tank. People danced the entire gig and it was super fun. He and I also ended up in the crowd a few times on the live broadcast of the show. After, we hit up a restaurant for some beef stew omurice before heading to the bar I always go to for the weekend’s party. Which happened to be hosted by Takuya Angel this time, who thanked us for coming. It was a small party and we mostly just hung out and danced. The bartender who I had kissed the one time did like try to be a bit close to me at a few points, but I think got salty and avoided me after seeing that I was there with Riki, since I guess he thought we might be involved. Also the club owner randomly showed up and made two big posts of Chinese stew and gave it to all the guests for free??? It was an odd night, but fun.
On New Year’s we decided to go to a sort of gothy, black-themed New Year’s party. Unfortunately, we left kinda late and I didn’t think about how Shibuya would be fucking PACKED on NYE, so we were stuck jammed in a crowd when the year changed. Eventually we made it to the party and were met by a warm welcome from a DJ lady who was also there. She runs a shop in Harajuku we’d stopped by previously where she was super nice and let us try on corsets. Otherwise, I had been introduced to a few people there before (such as the woman who was running the party, I met her at the Xmas party, but I don’t think she remembered me), but wasn’t exactly on close enough terms to feel comfortable chatting with any of them except Ossan #1. Most of the night was spent dancing our asses off, people watching, and drinking. The performer girl who I had danced with at Halloween and who had been around at various other events was there too and she ended up dancing with me a bit and eventually dragged me and Riki up on the stage to dance with her and her friend during the last DJ set (which was Ossan #1). Idk how long Riki was up there, but the girl and I ended up dancing on stage together for quite a while
Various other adventures were had while Riki was here and he just left yesterday and now I’m fucking sad he’s gone.
I start school again tomorrow and that’s where I’m at with things. There’s a party this weekend at my typical bar where Ossan #1 is DJing….we’ll see if I go or not. We’ll see what happens with the fetish party. We’ll see what the fuck happens with my social life. All I know is this is far from over.
I applaud you if you read this all.
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supervalor · 6 years
Hope For The Future
Title: Hope for The Future
Pairings: Implied Karamel
Summary: It was just a normal day at the DEO until it wasn’t.
Hey! this is just a little idea that I had knocking around in my head for a while actually. Enjoy!
It seemed like a regular morning at the DEO. The team were gathered around the monitors as they searched for the third world killer while Imra and Mon-El stood off to the side talking – arguing – about something. 
Winn and Alex were discussing last night’s trip to the bar that had led to a drunk Alex falling to sleep and drooling on the tech guy’s shoulder. Kara was stood glaring at the screen with complete focus after having another nightmare about the world killers the previous night. 
Things seemed pretty normal all in all and they were…until a flash of violet light emerged in front of the group, teleporting a person inside the DEO.
“Hold your fire!” J’onn commanded as the DEO Agents grabbed their guns and pointed them at the figure while Kara got ready to punch the potential threat. Mon-El and Imra had jumped apart and were also staring at the steadily fading violet light. 
When it faded, they were all surprised to find themselves looking at a young girl who must have been a teenager at most, dressed in a purple leather leotard of some sort with a matching purple mask and an attached hood that covered her hair, as well as the more telling giant pink S on her chest.
“Who the hell are you?” Winn exclaimed, his mouth gaping at the girl and her costume. “You some sort of alien Supergirl fanatic? If so, you’ve chosen the wrong person to stalk”.
The girl’s lips twitched up in amusement at the comment. “I adore Supergirl but I’m no stalker, Winn”.
His eyes almost bulged out of his head when she said his name. “Wait…how do you know who I am? I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen you before in my life”.
“Nope, you haven’t”, she confirmed cheerfully as the rest of the room stared and gaped at her in astonishment. “Hi Aunt Alex!”
Alex almost choked on air. “Excuse me? Did you just call me Aunt Alex?”
“Who are you?” Supergirl demanded, her patience wearing thin. She was still on edge from her nightmare and this person could have been sent to distract them from the real threat.
“Sorry I guess I should have started with that”, the girl replied sheepishly as she whipped off her mask and pulled down her hood revealing a startling familiar face and a head of long blonde hair that was tied up in a tight pony. “My name is Astra and I’m from the future. Not the distant future like you guys”, she directed at Mon-El and Imra. “But more like about twenty or so years from now and in case you haven’t caught on yet, I’m Kara’s daughter”.
The room went deadly silent as they processed what the kid had just said. “You’re my daughter?” Kara started, her mouth dropping open. “How…? And why are you here?”
“Well mom you see when two people love each other they…”
“Not like that. I know how babies are made”, the older blonde blushed.
“You fell in love, got married and then wham! I was born”, the girl – Astra – flung her hands out to add emphasis on the ‘wham’. “And as to why…err…it was kind of an accident”, Astra actually turned pink at her admittance. “I know I made a total badass entrance and it was definitely exciting to see you all pointing your guns at me like that but it was definitely an accident. I don’t even know how to send myself back and I know for a fact I’m going to be in a huge heap of trouble when my parents find out I’m gone”.
“How the hell do you time travel by accident?” Winn asked, staring at her incredulously. “Did you accidentally steal a TARDIS or something?”
“I was messing about with stuff that I shouldn’t have been like Uncle Winn’s time teleport and I fell over, landed on a lever and the next thing I know the room is spinning around me and here I am”.
Everyone else stared at her but Winn began shaking excitedly. “I created a time travel teleport?!”
“Who is your dad?” Alex randomly blurted out causing Astra to smirk.
“Yeah, who is your dad?” Mon-El butted in, staring at the kid that was a perfect copy of Kara. She could have been Winn’s kid for all he knew. She looked like her mother with very little attributes from her father.
“You of all people should know that I can’t give future information away like that. I only told you that Kara’s my mom so that none of you would try shooting me. I’m bulletproof but I don’t want to be locked up in those crappy little prison cells”.
“How old are you? Surely you can’t be more than seventeen? And I’m letting you go out and be a superhero at your age? In a costume like that?!” Kara pointed at the girl’s outfit in disbelief. She would never let her teenager go out and do what she did, not until she graduated college and was an adult at least. And she was positive that she wouldn’t approve of such a suit. A hood? What kind of suit had a hood? She thought of Oliver Queen for a moment but he was the Green Arrow who kept to the shadows. They didn’t need a hood and it wasn’t practical while flying about.
“Nah, this was just something Uncle Winn threw together for my superhero themed Halloween party” she shrugged. “I had just come down to the DEO to try it on and then this happened”.
“Well at least we can cross Winn out as your father”, Alex snorted.
“I’m fifteen by the way”, Astra informed them with a grin. “Do you really think I look seventeen?”
“No but I was hoping that my future child wouldn’t get herself lost in time before that age at least”, Kara retorted, bursting the girl’s bubble. “And you’re right. I know my future self will probably want to throttle you for disappearing and for messing around with dangerous equipment. Why were you doing that anyway?”
“I was bored. Aunt Alex had stolen Winn away for something and you were off saving people on the other Earth. I have always been fascinated with technology and Uncle Winn’s inventions…I was just looking at them, I swear I didn’t mean to actually do anything with any of it!” Her blue eyes were wide and earnest that made it undeniable that she was Kara’s daughter.
“The question now is, how do we send you back?” J’onn spoke up for the first time since she arrived and a bright smile appeared on Astra’s face when she spotted him.
“Grandpa J’onn!”
The Martian’s eyebrows rose in surprise but a smile appeared on his face at the evident closeness that he would have with Kara’s daughter in the future. It sent a warmth to his chest at the thought of his future family.
“I’m sure by now Uncle Winn will know something has gone wrong and will come for me. Or my parents will. I hope not my parents because that could be awkward”, she rambled. “Maybe Aunt Alex. She’ll probably threaten to lock me up when I get home though”.
“Is your father in this room?” Alex tried again to get the girl to confess who her father was.
“I can’t tell you that”, Astra huffed. “So stop trying. Besides there’s no one in this room that could possibly be my father right? We already crossed out Winn, James isn’t here, Mon-El is married and the rest are just random DEO Agents”.
Alex narrowed her brown eyes at her while Mon-El tried to hide his discomfort at the thought of Kara having a kid with someone else and who that someone could be.
“Maybe you’re lying. Maybe Winn is your father and you are calling him Uncle to throw us off!”
“You got me. Winn is my dad”, Astra nodded with a straight face causing Winn to make a strangled noise in response and Kara’s eyes to widen in shock. “I’m Astra Schott. Damn, I should have known I couldn’t get anything past you Aunt Alex”.
“Astra, what the hell are you doing?” A new but familiar voice erupted, having teleported in when everyone’s attention was caught on the fifteen year old. Astra jumped and turned around with a start, her eyes widening in shock. “Your mom is going to kill you when she finds out what you did”.
“Dad!” she ran and leapt into the newcomer’s arms, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly. “I knew you or mom would come for me”.
“What did you think you were doing playing with the time teleport like that?” An older Mon-El, clean shaven and with slightly longer hair, dressed in his red suit looked down at Astra sternly while his younger self started in surprise. Imra stepped away from him, knowing now with the irrefutable proof in front of them that her husband was always going to love Kara and he’d eventually go back to her.
“I was just trying to look at how Uncle Winn had managed to put it together. I didn’t mean to actually press the lever. Why’d it bring me here anyway?”
“Because this time was the last place that the teleport was set to go to. And you managed to give poor Winn a mini heart attack when he realised what had happened so you are going to give him a big apology and make it up to him by being his assistant for two weeks”.
“Cool!” Astra grinned but quickly forced herself to look dismayed. “I mean, oh no, that’s a horrible punishment”.
Mon-El’s lips twitched at his daughter. “We better get going. The watch is set to take us back in five minutes”, he gestured to the black device that was strapped to his wrist.
“Okay. But can I just do something first?”
She left Mon-El’s side to run over to Kara and throw her arms around her in a hug. “I know things probably suck right now but they will get better, mom, I promise. I’ll see you in twenty odd years”.
Kara stared at her before her attention moved to the older Mon-El, who approached her with a small smile. “Kara, I forgot how young you were…still as beautiful though”.
“Mon-El? What…?”
“We’ll be together again someday but there’s going to be a lot of things that we’ll have to go through before that can happen. I know you’ll be strong enough to handle it though”, he told her sincerely, his grey eyes filled with love as he gazed at her. “Just try and take it easy on him okay?” he gestured to the younger him that was staring at them unblinkingly. “He’s struggling as much as you are”.
“You look good”, Kara blurted out, feeling awkward under this unfamiliar Mon-El’s scrutiny. Why was it that every time she got used to one version of him, another one cropped up to surprise her?
“Thank you. I’m sorry but no one will be able to remember this encounter, not until the future anyway. That’s how I figured out where my daughter was”, he explained as he glanced over at his wife’s mini me who was smiling at them. “I better get over to her now before the device activates. I promise you that everything will work itself out”.
Kara watched as older Mon-El grabbed hold of their daughter in an embrace before a violet light suddenly engulfed the two of them and they were gone. A few seconds went by and she blinked, wondering what she was doing just staring at thin air. She was surprised to look around to see that everyone else in the room was doing the same thing and she frowned, wondering what just happened.
“Why are we all just standing around?” J’onn barked out, cutting her thoughts short. “Get back to work!”
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abdicatedarchive · 4 years
Halloween || Juliette and Stevie
Juliette: Juliette found Stevie in the hallway, "Hey Stevie" said Juliette excitedly in her Juliet costume and ran up to hug her. She was so nervous about tomorrow, but tonight was her last night before Stevie potentially hated her.
Stevie: Stevie looked at Juliette and practically felt like the world stopped around her as she saw her in the costume. That was the costume idea she told perchancetodream about. Was she really her? She had to be. Stevie wasn’t even thinking about how the costume was a character with the same name as Juliette, all she was thinking about what perchancetodream. “Hi. Hey.” she said awkwardly. “Nice costume, you look amazing.” she looked the girl up and down. “How, uh, how’d you come up with it?” 
Juliette: "How'd I come up with it? My names Juliette, dummy" said Juliette with a drunk smile. She wanted to tell her that downtownsasquatch had told her to dress like this. "I'm also like obsessed with Shakespeare" she added. Trying to almost give it away. She just wanted to kiss her again, and she didn't know how to pull that off. 
Stevie: Stevie let out a laugh, "Duh, sorry I kinda went blank there for a moment." she tapped her forehead a couple times. Yet again, when the theory of Juliette being perchancetodream gets debunked, there always comes another thing to make Stevie even more confused. "You seem like you're enjoying yourself though." she said, noticing that the girl was drunk. "I don't want you kissing other girls this time, unless it's me of course." she winked. Stevie instantly regretted the last comment. Why couldn't she just keep that to herself?
Juliette: "I am having the MOST fun of anyone here" said Juliette giggling. She was a little off her rocker, with the alcohol. "Oh, are you jealous? What if I play spin the bottle" she said with a laugh, "I don't see a ring on this finger". Juliette smiled. God she was nervous, she wanted it so bad but she didn't want to just come out and say it. She had such a big thing planned for tomorrow. 
Stevie: "Damn I wish I was as drunk as you. I feel like I'm missing out." Stevie let out a sigh. It was a little funny to see Juliette so drunk, but she had hoped the girl wouldn't get herself in any trouble. "Jealous? Oh no." she said, unsure of how truthful she was being. There was no way she'd actually allow herself to fully crush on this straight girl. Especially when tomorrow was going to be such a big day. "I'm just looking out for a friend. I do have a big heart." she placed her hand over her chest. "But a ring can be arranged."
Juliette: "Well, in true Juliet fashion I do accept" said Juliette with a giggle, "But only if you come dance with me" she added, pulling stevie's hand and dragging her to the dancefloor before she could even get a yes. She ruffled up her hair and spun herself into Stevie's arms.  Stevie: Stevie opened her mouth to agree to a dance, but before she could say anything, Juliette was already taking her to the dancefloor. She chuckled as the girl spun in Stevie's arms. Juliette was so beautiful. She moved her hands to the girl's hips and moved to the rhythm of the music. "Man, I was so wrong about you before." she thought out loud with a smile on her face.  Juliette: "I got fun very recently" said Juliette with a laugh, "I think it's the whole my dad's screwing the town whore thing. Took a lot of weight off about my public appearances" she said in a fit of giggles as they danced. She loved the feeling of Stevie's hands on her hips. "C'mon let's go play spin the bottle. I promise to make you jealous, and who knows. Maybe your girl will come too, and maybe someone for me" she said pulling her to the game. 
Juliette: Juliette followed Stevie to the hallgay after her and Kelly's interaction. "So are you gonna like ... call him?" she asked, god she sounded like a girl in the 60s. 
Stevie: Stevie smiled at Juliette's question. It's like everything she did always came out super cute. "Who knows, I'll probably just let him call me. Gotta have these dudes put in some work." she said with a smile. She was finally meeting perchancetodream tomorrow so she wasn't going to be calling him first. Juliette: Juliette gulped, she was seriously entertaining this? When she exists? She meant perchancetodream, but ya know. Same difference, "What about your girlfriend?" she asked innocently.
Stevie: Stevie froze up as Juliette mentioned her girlfriend. She started to think about how amazing it'll be to finally call perchancetodream her girlfriend, but then her thoughts quickly shifted to how terrible she was coming across. Juliette must think she was a terrible person, and holy shit they were friends. What if perchancetodream didn't want to meet up with her anymore after this? "I-I don't have a girlfriend." she ended up saying. YOU IDIOT.  Juliette: "Oh my bad" said Juliette, getting nervous. "I just thought" she added. She was being so dumb, why would she ask that. She knew they weren't dating, and she made Stevie feel like a horrible person, "I forgot you don't know her, that's my bad" 
Stevie: Stevie could have said anything, and yet all she said was that she didn't have a girlfriend. She didn't want Juliette to think she was just playing her friend. It wasn't like that at all. The only person Stevie wanted to be with was perchancetodream, but after these almost two years, she did occasionally mess around a bit. It wasn't fair for perchancetodream but not being able to do anything physical with her was hard for Stevie. "No, I mean sure she's not officially my girlfriend but I want her to be." she tried to explain. "I was just acting stupid. I probably won't even get back to him."  Juliette: Juliette felt a wave of relief, but then she remembered that Stevie didn't know it was her. That made her sad again, but she didn't show it. "Well, that's good. I'm glad to hear it. I thought you'd dropped her for a second. I would hate to see that" said Juliette looking up at Stevie with her big eyes. "Just like the way you've talked about her, it just seems legit" said the girl.  Stevie: "No way, I don't think I ever could do that." Stevie shook her head. She smiled down at Juliette when she mentioned that it seemed legit just from the way Stevie talked about her. She could probably talk about her all day if she could. There's so much she loved about her. "Yeah I'm super into her. We're actually going to meet up soon, I'm really excited for it. Nervous too, but the good kind of nerves, ya know?"  Juliette: Juliette started crying, because drunk girl. "That's just so sweet" she said leaning up against the hallgay wall and sliding down it to sit. "It's just so cute" she said through her tears. 
Stevie: Stevie raised her brows as Juliette began to cry. She had definitely cried a couple times when she was drunk, so she understood immediately. She sat down next to her and smiled, "Yeah, and you'll for sure find someone like that for you. You're so fucking cool." she said, wiping the tears off Juliette's face.
Juliette: "Just like, I want to be loved like that. For me. Ya know?" she said sloppily through her tears. It felt good to have Stevie wipe her tears, "I don't know. I should go. I need some air. Come check on me later if you want? I just need a moment alone" Juliette added as she got up and ran outside.
Stevie: Stevie gave Juliette a sad smile. She knew there was someone that would absolutely love her. Though Stevie wasn't in love with Juliette, she knew her feelings for her were stronger than any normal friendship. The only other time she had such a strong connection from the jump like this was with perchancetodream. They just clicked. "Yeah, I'll find you before I leave." she said, hoping Juliette wasn't actually too sad.
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drferox · 7 years
20 Questions with Dr Ferox #21
Looks like it’s time for another round of 20 questions and comments. I’ve tried to tag you all again, but if you asked on Anonymous I have no way of tagging you.
Anonymous said: Do you prefer treating certain animals over others? I'm friends with a few vets and I know one who's pretty much specialized in cats and another who can treat most companion animals but has a strong preference for dogs (good thing dog vet was out hiking with cat vet when cat vet's dog got a face full of porcupine quills lol) .
I do have a preference for cats, we just seem to come to a better mutual understanding, and I'm very softly spoken in person so the cats are less inclined to panic. I used to get along well treating cattle for some reason too, but I'm pretty exclusively in small animal practice these days.
Anonymous said: Does your clinic have a Facebook page? If so - how would you feel if clients posted pictures of their pets to it? My vet recently got my rat through a tough injury and I'd like to post a picture of her now that she's all healed up, but I don't know if that'd be weird or if any of them would even see it.
We love it when it happens. Happy pets with a nice comment on our Facebook page is always welcome. Sometimes we let people email us photos and we post them for us too.
Anonymous said: I know is Aus we're usually told to take injured wildlife to our local vet. Do you mind it, or should they be taken somewhere else instead?
It's perfectly fine for triage, but if somebody brings in an endangered species with a reasonably good prognosis, we'll often recommend it goes to a better equipped clinic for that species. Note very clinic has UV lights for turtles, for example.
Anonymous said: Hello, many years ago I lost my chihuahua to a broken back which I believe stemmed from him jumping onto our couches and beds so often. The experience was very traumatizing for me but now I have another chihuahua who jumps often and I don't often take him to the vet so I was wondering if it is common for smaller dogs to hurt themselves from jumping so often?
To actually break the back would be unusual, but slipping an intervertebral disc so that it prolapses up into the spine is relatively common after jumping off things in tiny dogs.
@justaphage said: I've been wondering about probiotics (this is not a question about the health of my dog, she's getting treatment). Multiple times (and with two different vets) when my dog had diarrhea they gave us a probiotic along with the dewormer or antibiotic and I've been thinking: my doctors never prescribed or suggested that when I'm sick in a similar way. Is there some difference in what we know about dog/human probiotics or is it just a difference of the culture of medicine.
It's probably more a culture of medicine than anything else, but also probiotics are kind of wishy-washy in terms of clinical evidence. There's some evidence to say they're sometimes very useful, but other times not so much. Keep in mind though that dogs are also much more likely to eat poop from other animals and so will be picking up all sorts of intestinal microflora.
Anonymous said: I came across your weed toxicity post for pets and had a question: a friend of mine recently told me he got weed extract for his anxious rescue pet (can't remember if it was a dog or cat) but prescribed by a veterinarian I didn't ask him more about it because I was too confused at the moment, knowing that weed does not have the same effects on dogs and cats as it has on people. do you think this is legit or was he bullshitting me?
It's hard to know, especially given that I have no way of knowing which country you're in, or what your laws in relation to marijuana are. Certainly there are some veterinarians working on cannabinoid extracts with known concentrations and milligram dosages, but if I was told this locally I would be extremely skeptical.
@fallowsthorn said: On the "cats don't usually get round tumors" thing - weirdly enough, our cat has a bunch of them. Our joke is that he gets a new one every time he goes to the vet, because every single time, the tech says something to the effect of "well this isn't normal for cats but...." They're just little bumps of fat, they don't grow, and he doesn't poke at them or seem in pain, but he's got like twenty of them by now and it's super weird.
It is super weird. Cats usually get inflamed fat rather than fatty tumors, but there's always somebody that does things differently.
Anonymous said: Hey Dr Ferox! I'm just asking purely out of curiosity, have you ever had a kitty patient come in with an aural hematoma?
I have once, but I can't remember whether it had been in a fight or had an ear infection, or both. We treated it surgically, the same way as a dog.
@daedricprincessxoxo said: I've decided to start as a technician before becoming a veterinarian, after a CVPM at a big-deal hospital told me how much she recommends it. After ages of financial constraints, I finally began the course to become licensed!! I'm to excited not to share!!!
That is very exciting and great to hear. Best of luck with all of it.
@insatiable-obsession said: Hi I love your blog! It's so informative and real, and I'm trying very hard to get into the vet world (unsuccessfully applied to several vet clinics and hopefully going to vet tech school next year!) I was wondering if you have any advice or opinions on zoo work/zookeeping? Also to give you a fun break from all the vet questions, do you prefer: sunset or sunrise? Camping or going to the beach? Christmas or Halloween? Pen or pencil? Sweet or savory?
I really don't do much with zoos and prefer not to analyse them too much through a veterinary lens, because I want to keep them as something fun. Like everything else in life zookeeping is possible to do very well, and possible to do very badly. You could pop across to @why-animals-do-the-thing for more zookeeping connections.
Anonymous said: I'm so annoyed right now. So ever since my friend got a dog we were trying to get them to get him fixed (her dad who's totally hyper masculine is against neutering) then they got a girl dog and refused to get her fixed (we convinced the mom but not the dad). They tried to rehome the girl earlier in the year and until tonight they've refused to get one of them fixed. Tonight the girl had 9 pups and it's the only thing that convinced them to get her fixed (after she's done nursing) They also are keeping one of the male puppies. The dogs go out on a cable because they don't have a yard. The dogs are big too they're an staff bully breed mixes.
I don't know what to tell you Anon. It's a poor situation for those animals to be in, but I can't tell you anything to make it any better, and as long as their minimum welfare standards are met, the animals can't be seized.
Anonymous said: I am considering harness training a new cat. I have only indoor cats. If I allow my new cat out in a harness will I need to do anything different for care of my indoor cats, because all the cats will be in contact together at home. My indoor cats are up to date on their rabies and distemper vaccines, do they need anything else? 
You should call your own vet about what concerns are relevant locally. You are very clearly not local to me and I cannot give you specific veterinary advice, but I suspect parasite control is going to be important for your cats.
Anonymous said:What do you do if your pet dies at home? Like with the body?
Depending on where  you are, you can have the option to bury your pet at home, or you can arrange burial or cremation either through a vet clinic or a pet crematorium directly.
Anonymous said: I have a 3.5 month old kitten and he occasionally like tries to eat litter? i use a clay bases non clumping litter and i move him away whenever he starts but like? Could there be a medical reason? Is he just weird? Were taking him to the vet soon to be neutered and im going to ask them then. Thank you!!
There is no way for me to tell whether your kitten it eating litter because it has a nutrient deficiency, an abnormal behavior or is just chewing on things with a novel texture. Hope your vet visit goes well.
Anonymous said: Hi, not sure if you can help, but figure it's worth a shot! I'm in my parasitology class and I'm having the hardest time keeping the Spinose ear tick and the ear mite straight in my head due to their extremely similar scientific names(otobius megnini and otodectes cynotis respectively) and both residing in/around an animals ears, can you offer any advice?
Sorry I don't have any advice for you, other than O. megnini being an overseas parasite and not one I have to deal with.
Anonymous said: I came across your blog while having a nasty bout of heartburn and I got to wondering: can animals suffer from acid reflux or have symptoms similar to GERD in humans? If so, do you know of any cases or treatments?
Small animals can also suffer acid reflux and subsequent oesophageal ulcers. It's particularly common in brachycephalic dogs. There are a variety of potential predisposing causes, some of which are managed medically, but some require surgery. Hiatal hernias are a good example.
@softlyfiercely said: Am curious re: your thoughts on a childhood memory. We had snails in our yard growing up (southwestern USA) and we loved them. My brother & I fed them lettuce & built them little stick-and-leaf villages. Once we brought one inside to show a family friend. He dropped it. Its shell cracked & it looked in bad shape. We were distraught and begged mom to bring it to a vet. She did not. But would a vet have been able to help? How do zoos care for endangered snails? Can snail shells be repaired?
Some clinics equipped for exotics can and will treat snails, but not very often. It's possible to repair small areas of damage to the shell, so long as the body has not been damaged and does not come into contact with any glue or compounds used.
@malted-shark said: Just wanna' say. Sardine sounds like my Basil at the vet. He has aggressive on his chart and they legitimately have to launch a liquid sedative in his mouth. I wish I was kidding. I wish he wasn't such a nightmare at the vet. He's like that at home sometimes too. Particularly, he doesn't like it when things aren't done EXACTLY to his liking and don't dare try to restrain or hell is to be paid. I just let them handle it, I get scared of him.
With cats like this, sometimes all you can and should do is sedate them for an exam. It's stressful for the cat and dangerous for the handler otherwise.
@peaceofpuregold said: As a primary human to two feral (currently not so feral with a lot of patience, training, and good luck in the mix) can confirm at least 70% of the feral cat escape phrases. All I was missing were the washing machine related ones. I might use this to make a bingo card.
If you do make a feral cat bingo card, let us know!
@hesmyboi said: Came for Trashbag, stayed because I adore animals, I like your style, and I'm having fun learning about veterinarian stuff
And we're very pleased to have you here with us. Thank you.
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