#am i even tagging things right on tumblr?
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thetepes · 2 days ago
Let's get one thing clear, you have no idea what my opinions on addiction in general are.
I am talking specifically about someone who is an admitted child abuser who seeks out child and animal abuse content for pornographic use and has been escalating in just how open they are about it and the material they are looking for.
My tough love approach is reserved for this abuser and abusers of children and animals like them. This isn't about theory.
I live with addiction inside and out. I've lost people to addiction. I've dealt with it, my family has dealt with it, my friends have dealt with it, and I have shown nothing, but patience and support to them because in my community there is no support from any governmental body that we have access to because Roma don't get that privilege. You don't get to take that from me because you decided to make assumptions about me and my person. You don't get to take my years of not just dealing with it, but the years I spent studying the psychology of it to better help me, my family, and my community. The words I used are the same words my therapist used for me when I was getting addiction treatment and treatment for dealing with family who have addiction. It's outdated, yes, but sometimes you really do have to put yourself first and realize you can't be the person to save them.
You could have taken the time to look at what I was actually talking about and why I'm so severe about it, but you didn't. It was one click away and everything about them is tagged. You didn't look because it doesn't matter to you. You cared about getting to be right and getting to be that person in the reblogs that educates some woefully uninformed person on Tumblr dot com.
I am not a native English speaker, I used the word that I knew people would understand. That is the best I can do. The people I need to reach out to and get to understand that this person can not and will not stop this behavior and will not click automatically to the words compulsive sexual behavior disorder and I would have to sit here and explain what that is and then I'd get accused of diagnosing someone and the entire point of my commentary would be completely lost, like it is to you even though I know about the addiction model and I know about CSBD and I know they're still arguing over whether or not addiction plays into it. It's also wrong to diagnose someone like that, isn't it? Isn't that also harmful? Or does that not matter here?
Sometimes to communicate effectively with one another we don't use the specifically correct word, especially when nonnative speakers are in play, we use the best words even if they're a tad general that we have and now you've come in, policed the language, spoken down to us, spoken over us and admitted you're trying to drive a wedge between us - two POC trying to get eyes on an active predator who has already harmed children with a platform and connections. I used the words I knew, I gave the advice I have been taught. I'm sorry that isn't good enough for you.
Your response is bad faith because you came in and made assumptions about me and my person without so much as considering there was a reason I was being so severe and now I have to sit here and watch you parade like a peacock and get reblogs with the most inane mind numbing takes in the tags while my actual message and the damage this person is doing goes completely ignored and I am once again spoken over because I didn't choose just the right words to soothe your semantic ego enough to let me speak.
So you got to be right, I guess. Congratulations. This isn't a debate.
Addiction is a disease that destroys the body and mind. They need mental health support from a professional. It is not my or your place to treat them with gentle hands when they demand we enable them.
The only thing you can do for people suffering from addiction realistically as a layman is take care of yourself and encourage the person to get help.
Enabling them makes it worse and that's what these people want. They don't want help, they want enablers.
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apollabarnes · 22 hours ago
that was us part three
quick author's note: originally i wrote this series to coincide only with abby's appearances, so i didn't try and cover the time between abby leaving los angeles and coming back during the train derailment — however, since i've continued writing this series i've realized that what i orginally wrote had a lot of backstory that only existed in my head, but that was very much flavouring the rest of the story. i didn't write the tommy and abby interactions at the hospital as the first time they'd talked since he moved to harbor but all of that backstory stayed off the page. this is part of me trying to correct that, and i'm editing parts one and two to cover more of it. also, i know the hospital is originally part three, but this is sneaking in between chapter two and three (i'll update it on ao3 when i'm at my actual computer and not sneaking onto tumblr during work hours)
a tag for @leashybebes who asked to be tagged if i wrote any more of this!
abby's mom dies and she falls apart. she barely makes it through the funeral, buck holds her together while she's sorting through all of her mom's things and it's just. suffocating. her mom's passport is the last straw — how many things did she put off, thinking there would be more time before she got her diagnosis? how many things has abby put off? she loves being a dispatcher. she loves la. buck is the best thing that's happened to her in close to a decade. there were so many things she was planning to do before she tore her rotator cuff. then it was rehab, trying swimming again, quitting again — pushing off all things she'd thought about doing since she was a kid. tommy had helped with that, given her somewhere safe to recover while she licked her wounds, and still she'd put things off. put them aside and shoved them down and promised herself later, later, later. it's later and she still hasn't done even one of the things she wanted to do when she was younger.
she's going to start with her mom's old travel itinerary. abby packs a bag, buys an airline ticket, tells buck she's leaving. the thought of trying to sublet her apartment or sell it is just too much to deal with right now, so she offers him the apartment because he hates living with his roommates and she's certainly not going to be using it. she tries to be as gentle as she can. abby was stuck for a really long time and buck's the one that got her unstuck. it's a gift she's a hundred percent certain he has no idea he gave her, and she doesn't have the words to thank him for it, so she's gentle instead. buck deserves gentle. he deserves better than her, but she doesn't say that either. he wouldn't take it as the compliment she means it as.
it's a cliché to say that she can feel her heart break when he drops her off at the airport, but clichés become clichés because they're things that are true and universal.
abby sits in the airport lounge and waits for her flight to be called. she very quickly gets bored and pulls out her phone, staring at it. if she texts buck now she'll just turn around, let herself get stuck again. she'd like it, too. she wants to try. she can't stay. she scrolls through her phone contacts, stops on tommy's name. snaps a photo of her drink and the departures screen behind her.
guess who's going to europe?
since when do you text?
apparently phone calls are for fossils.
he didn't actually call you a fossil, did he?
no, of course not, but he's a texter. so. i am too now, i guess.
europe, huh? and a guinness to get you started. so you're headed to ireland.
how'd you guess?
your mom mentioned it a few times. really loved a good brogue and pierce brosnan.
she did, didn't she?
yeah. i'm really sorry, abby. about your mom and the fact i couldn't make it.
thanks. any recommendations for when i'm over there?
i'm more of a desert guy, hang on. i've got an idea.
what is this, a group chat? wait, abby texts?
why is everyone surprised that i text?
sal, abby's looking for places to visit in europe.
hey, sal.
head to italy. stop. eat. come home.
sal, jesus. i was hoping you'd be a little more useful.
well, no, he's got a point tommy, i do love pasta.
jesus, fine, stop — gina says hi, by the way. abby, i've been informed by your ex you're going to ireland first.
someone's got to keep you on track, sal.
you've already got the gift of gab since you're on the phone all day, so you can probably skip the blarney stone. there's the giant's causeway. and all the travel magazines try to rank the castles, but they're all neat.
didn't realise you'd spent so much time in europe, sal.
well, gina's the expert (and dictating some of this to me) but hey. she took me over for our honeymoon and we hit the highlights.
we're both very impressed, sal. how long are you going to be in europe, abby?
i don't know. until i get
is the baby hotshot coming with?
i hate it when you two call him that.
we could have used his name if you'd ever given it to us.
and have you track him down at work and crack jokes? i don't think so. abby stares at her phone for a long moment before texting again. no, he's not coming. we broke up.
he broke up with you after your mom died?
forget cracking jokes, we'll track him down at work and break his leg.
thank you for the offer, i think? but i was the one that broke up with him.
was the sex that bad?
because i'm going to europe and i don't know when i'm coming back?
gross, sal. abby, if this kid was really into you, he would have waited.
don't listen to tommy, abby, he's still half-hung up on this girl that dumped him ten years ago.
abby gets a solo text almost immediately from tommy, promising to dunk sal's head in the nearest toilet the next time they're in the same place. she laughs to herself, startling when the announcement for her flight comes crackling out of the overhead speakers.
that's my cue, gents. sal, just because you and gina wish tommy would move in doesn't mean you have to project that feeling onto us.
he's just so much better at folding laundry than sal ever is - gina
i'm not running away, we got a call. but i'm really embarrassed to know all three of you.
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sugardreamshk · 7 months ago
Nightmare NariLamb Comic
Here's all the pages of my Nightmare comic! Be warned there's CoTL spoilers as well as abuse, blood and gore!
If you're having troubles reading the text on the pages you can check out this google doc which has all the text typed out and some extra notes.
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The End
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buttercupshands · 5 months ago
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I started drawing this next day after I finished Act 6
13 or so days and it's finished!
Main things are traditional and Loop's body was edited digitally after
Unedited it looks like this
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I've been torn on how to do Loop's body for the entirety of lining, also
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A bit sad the main lines are visible only as a wip, most of this thing is literally just a ton of sharp lines
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I think it's also my first day of drawing, Loop is just a sketch here (feat. my leg)
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I even finished the beans before it so they were a moral support, because if you let me things like this take a year
#fanart#my art#isat#isat fanart#in stars and time#isat loop#loop#traditional art#artists on tumblr#Phew#So anyway this was my way of figuring out my thoughts after finishing the game#I didn't even actually finish it with credits playing at that moment#This type of art is my therapy#And in a way literally how my personality works from big figures to small details of thinking about anything#It's really calming!#I won't tag paper figures but they're here#Like special guests#In any case the funniest thing was showing this to my English teacher and she was like 'wow this looks stressed' or something#Like she immediately looked at the lines and after I showed her my old Flowey drawing like this she was like#'oh it makes sense! This one looks calm but this one is clearly you not feeling good'#Because I was kinda#Like sitting there in the semi-park and feeling sick since morning before I started drawing this and slowly I got better#I already talked about this on my first 'big' isat thing - I needed to think a bit#And not think at the same time just literally letting myself sort stuff out#Like. I fell asleep at 6 am that day and woke up at 10 4 hours of sleep after playing full Act 5 and two hats stuff IS STRESSFUL#SUPER STRESSFUL! Like I felt like I was playing for 4 hours while sleeping#Anyway by the time I finished it aka today I'm feeling way better and I'm literally talking a walk right now#Touching grass as we speak#Anyway phew!#Now to that animatic that's plaguing my mind to draw it nowww
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justarandomidiot1 · 3 months ago
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i want to think that when Pearl gets older she's embarrassed by how she would ship people she knew when she was a kid and how she was basically trying to force them together (slight projection on my part)
full look at my take of a future Pearl design here!!
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remythologise · 6 days ago
the absolute agony of being hyperfixated on a video game where you can't read post-canon fic or search a damn thing on fandom tags before going through like 100 hours of it because of spoilers.
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ellasgarden1 · 25 days ago
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oc stuff
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majoris · 16 days ago
hi hello im just gonna complain in the tags so don't worry about that hope you're having a nice time a good day cozy soft day to you my friend ✹
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hermitcraftx · 5 months ago
just got a dm abt one of my posts and y'all please don't try and show the hermits (or any minecraft youtuber or content creator for that matter) my posts, i'm uncomfortable with it and don't want any of my posts shown to a cc. if they stumble upon it naturally that's unfortunate but i can live with it since i do maintag a lot (something i REALLY need to stop doing tbh i already know i need to make a tagging system just for my blog that wont clog results) but going out of ur way to show a cc is entirely different and something i am not comfortable with.
no hate to the person at all but even if i wasn't a little silly and weird with it sometimes i wouldn't be comfortable with it, i want my blog to be a purely fandom only space with none of the creators involved <3 please respect this
#which is imo how a fandom space should be#i'm old fashioned and it breaks the fandom etiquette rules i stand by#i ship and stuff and absolutely NO cc needs to be subjected to that please and thank you even if it's a non-ship post#not saying hermits and others cant hang out and interact if they wish hell no but like....#if you as any person with a following willingly go into a fandom space you have to expect to see some things you find weird#doesn't even necessarily mean ship just stuff the cc finds weird :v idk im not phrasing this right but like#the rule with shipping around any sort of media has been to keep it away and not show the creators anything !!! and thats fallen out#of practice the past few years with ppl getting more and more comfortable demanding boundaries and personal info from creators#which isn't right imo bc its like you're trying to see how much you can get away with. u want a guide on how to interact and social skills#which is... huh??? just be polite and keep anything weird away from them like what we were doing#some folks nowadays need “permission” to ship stuff even from SHOWS and shit with no real people and its like wow... huh....#u need it to be canon?? u need everything told to u by the show?? wheres the imagination. the spirit.#the making of everything so far removed from what it once was#like that guy that played nick from heartstopper that had to be outed to play a gay guy. like#idk im so sick of the boundary fandom ppl in mcyt 'what if they saw and made it uncomfortable!! im going to show them!!!!'#you are making them MUCH more uncomfortable than i am by GOING INTO THEIR FACE AND DEMANDING THEY LOOK AT IT!!#AND DEMANDING BOUNDARIES N SHIT... CRAZY.... idk the hermits especially its weird to me bc clearly they understand fandom etiquette#and the dynamic im talking about. most of them understand that by going into fandom spaces they will see things they dont like#which is why a lot of them only like fanart and answer questions asked by fans. even on tumblr !!! where the weird ppl are!!!#they also all seem to understand they are playing characters (citing joel cleo and grian as examples) for their audiences#which is. smth the audience itself doesnt understand most of the time anymore. oh my god they all died in real life in hermitcraft season 8#idk hermitblr used to be a lot more okay with hermitshipping n then a bunch of ppl from other fandoms moved in and its all more negative#and makes me sad. idk...#i never meant for this blog to gain almost 500 followers i just wanted to make silly little ship posts and now im scared to#bc ive gotten hate and its.... bwugh.... tempted to remake blogs and make one thats very clearly just for me and a few weirdos#whatever i went off on a tangent in the tags as usual just pls dont show creators my posts even non-ship ones for this reason#jamies bad posts#talking in tags#serious posts#<- ig??? idk
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xxreddemoxx · 1 year ago
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SOME TOBY OLD DRAWINGS‌‌ i haven't been drawing lately so yea,,,, i wanted to post my silly drawings already, soooo here u go
I want to redraw the first one so bad omg i will do it eventually 😭
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rebecca2008 · 6 months ago
Is this how this app is used???
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ghosts-and-blue-sweaters · 7 months ago
I was going to say “I’m good!!” but then I realized. that would not be exactly truthful ajsgajsgkagsjsg
As far as my actual Life goes, things have been pretty wonderful!! I got to see my irl friends recently—it’d been months since I’d last seen them 😭 it was SO NICE being able to actually talk to them in-person again!! One of them gave me a necklace that matches the one I gave him for his birthday several months ago and LET ME TELL YOU. MY HEART BURSTED. IT WAS SUCH A SWEET KIND CARING THING FOR HIM TO DO AND I’M STILL NOT OVER IT AAAAAAAAAAAAA
I’m also in the midst of Job Applications!! Which is fun but also mildly terrifying lol. Dear goodness I am so ready to Do something with my life I have been so dreadfully bored & dull these last few months. Unemployment’s reign of terror shall soon be at its end (hopefully) âœŠđŸ’„đŸ’„
However, despite the Really good things, mentally I have not been feeling the best :( Especially this past week or so. My head’s been loud in all the bad ways, and it’s made life feel very overwhelming (even though I know logically that everything is alright).
Sighhh. So that’s been
 life, I suppose! Good things happening around me, not-so-good things happening inside me 😅
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bell-swamp-fitzjames · 2 months ago
Me: oh i suddenly have a lot of free time, i can be productive & get silly
also me: vaguely stares into space not doing much of anything besides think about the terror bc it's been one of those weeks (months)
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tanicus-caesareth · 10 months ago
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guarana drama, damage control
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fortes-fortuna-iogurtum · 1 year ago
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allgirlsareprincesses · 1 year ago
The kindest thing you can do on Tumblr is tag your negativity.
I genuinely think it's fine to talk about the fandom stuff you just can't stand, but giving people a heads up and a chance to filter it out is great.
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