#am i dyslexic
theravequeen · 22 days
My favorite part of the Wings of Fire fandom is that we can never spell Pyrrhia right. I probably just spelled it wrong right now!
It's such a short word but SO hard to remember the correct spelling of 😭
It probably doesn't help that I can't "sound it out" to spell it because IDK HOW TO PRONOUNCE IT EITHER LMAO
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whatevenislifeatp · 4 months
life ig idk
sometimes the only thing i want to do is lay on the floor for hours but also im a fuckign human with thoughts and responsibilities so droppping into the void isn't an option??????? idek dude existing is a curse
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modmad · 26 days
hey so I had a dream last night where at one point I was in a school, and the kids were reading and several of them were reading braille, but I knew for a fact that one of them was fully sighted. so I asked the teacher why she was reading braille (asides from it being cool thank you Jake from Adventure Time) and they said it was because she was dyslexic.
and then i wake up. and I'm like... would that work? my best friend from highschool is dyslexic and I sent her a text right away so i'm waiting on her getting back to me on that but what the fuck
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fairandfatalasfair · 4 days
I've seen a few fics where Charles is dyslexic, and while I'm not wedded to it, I do kind of like that headcanon.
In which case, I do think that Edwin has noticed on some subconscious level that if he describes his books to Charles by shape, colour, and location, rather than just title, that Charles is more likely to hand him the right book.
But I do not think that Edwin is likely to be consciously aware that Charles is dyslexic, or indeed of what dyslexia is, nor do I think Charles knows. I think if you asked Edwin he would say that Charles is brilliant and therefor is refusing to learn to read Aramaic out of pure stubbornness, and if you asked Charles he would say he's just not great with reading and that's what he has Edwin for.
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lohress · 5 months
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A short LawLight comic. Living my cringe middle school era Death Note yaoi revival in 2024...
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its-a-me-mango · 2 months
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Hi @tiredsmashbros I said I'd draw our characters together at some point so!!! Hello!!!! :3 Lalalalala based it off your AF attack for me because I still love it so much, anyway peace and love on planet earth <3
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doctorwhommm · 1 month
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countrycide is truly one of the episodes of all time
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weekly-eons · 3 months
hi! I love your little guys, they're so cute! I hate to be That Person, especially bc you are probably tired and deserve a break, but I believe the pangender eevee turned out as a pansexual eevee? it is still great, just not gender... you probably heard this already, sorry D:
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I may or may not have read it wrong-
Thank you for letting me know!
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limonnitsa · 5 months
Seb's falling & Omi's having fun
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guess who's an idiot sandwich that read it wrong and realized only now faints
Prompt: Ominis looking flushed as Sebastian touches or holds him by the hips/ waist
Thanks @trappezoider and @waywardprintmaker for organizing this event! 🌸
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theoldkyokodied · 2 years
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(American Psycho Business Card Scene Voice) Let’s see Herbert West’s Top Surgery Scars
DISCLAIMER: Before you decide to watch Re-Animator, make sure to check for content warnings, there is a scene that a lot of  people choose to skip!
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sistersofsilver · 4 months
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a lot of heras boon names depress me a bit but this has got to be top three. it's called bridal glow and it degrades over time...
zeus when i get my hands on you i swear to GOD-
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joleneghoul · 1 year
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It's not just phalloplasty! Its phalloplasty..IN SPACE!
Happy pride, have fun and be who you gotta be!
(both Guy and Ted are trans)
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Humming a tune (writing)
Evelyn notices the farmers both seem to sometimes hum to themselves SO she decides to approach the male farmer and ask what tune he's humming in order to get to know him better.
Word count: 1,378 words (so medium I guess)
Characters: Evelyn and Mask Farmer.
Vibe: nice and wholesome moments :) I'm not really experienced in writing but I'll do my best to make it coherent, enjoy! :D and with pictures!
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A lovely spring and sunny day welcomed the valley. Evelyn tends to the town square flowers, putting care and attention to each one.
It's the town's flowers after all. The people in the valley need to be represented properly!
It was nice to be out in the center of the town square on days like this. It allowed her to greet anyone who went through, give them a big warm smile, and catch up about what was happening that day. It was also nice to be able to bathe in the sun's warmth and reminisce on the past and how the valley had changed over the years. In came the male farmer with focused eyes, dedicated to a goal in his mind, ignoring everything around him. She could tell he was passing even with her bad vision by the sound of his fast and heavy footsteps, always in a rush. Both the farmers often cross here in the mornings, although Evelyn really only saw the sister out. Both would look at the bulletin board outside of Pierre's shop, check the calendars, and go on with their daily routine but only she would talk to Evelyn and the other townspeople. "Perhaps he's shy," Evelyn thought seeing him walk to the Help Wanted board. He greeted her once when they both first arrived in Pelican Town and he hasn't talked to her since then...or anyone besides for transactional reasons it seemed. Evelyn's face grew sad at the thought. The poor boy was ignored by everyone or treated as an anomaly to be feared and avoided. It didn't seem to bother the farmer but her heart could not let it be. "The flowers can be tended later, it was about time someone bothered to try and have a nice conversation with him" Evelyn thought. She began to walk towards the farmer who was still reading the Help Wanted note and noticed he was humming something. Thinking about it now, the farmers both tend to hum a tune to themselves. It's almost never the same song and seems to change throughout the seasons. "Excuse me, dear" she asked beside the farmer "May I ask what tune you are humming?"
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The Farmer jolts in shock and turns towards her. "Oh I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to startle you." Evelyn says apologetically "I was just curious about the songs you hum to yourself, they sound very nice, was it a band back in the city?" He was really expecting anyone to talk to him today so Evelyn's Interruption took him back a bit. He also had a lot to do but her soft genuine smile guilt tripped him to take the time to answer her. "The song doesn't exist." The farmer stated bluntly "Oh"
Not the answer Evelyn was expecting. She had sworn she heard both the farmers hum the same tune.
Very curious she continued "So did you come up with the tune?" "No" the Farmer responds "I hear them In my head." Evelyn's confused expression let him know it made no sense to her but he couldn't really find another way to explain it besides being direct and honest. Maybe he should have lied, he thought. His sister did all the time to explain weird things like this but her genuine curiosity stopped him from lying to her face. Could he really lie to sweet little granny Evelyn? Evelyn saw the farmer's face slightly turn from her in shame. She didn't really understand the answer but she didn't want him to feel ashamed of his response so she softly said "It's ok. I don't need to understand it, do you like the songs? The farmer nods.
"Oh, that's nice to hear, I assume the song changes through the season? do you hear it all the time?" "Yeah..." he responds. She could tell the Farmer was starting to get uncomfortable with her questions so she tried to ease his nerves. "You know...your grandpa used to do the same thing too" The farmer looks at her in surprise "It's true!" she exclaims Evelyn begins to walk to the town flowers gesturing for the farmer to follow. The farmer does so.
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"When he used to run the farm, he would whistle songs to himself while he worked" Evelyn reminisced. "Your grandpa used to say he would hear the valley singing to him, he would call it a superpower! Not many of us understood what he meant but by the sounds of it, I guess it was passed down to you"
The farmer smiles and chuckles at the idea. Their Grandpa did used to whistle a lot on the farm. It was only a faint memory since both he and his sister were so young when they used to visit. In a sense, the valley was singing to them.
"If it's not too much, could you hum a bit of the song you hear?" she asked The farmer paused for a second. He looked slightly at the sky and listened. He did his best to match the tune but it was difficult when there was more than one instrument to hum in his head.
Evelyn listened internally and cheered for the farmer once he had stopped. She could tell he was embarrassed by it but genuinely flattered. "You have a very lovely voice dear, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, oh!-" she interrupted herself. "I heard there was a band in town, maybe you should join, I think you would make a lovely addition!" He knew she was talking about Sam's band but he hadn't really talked to the guy... or anyone in that band. Sometimes he saw Abigail up in the mountains or Sebastian taking a smoke break but never really paid them any attention. He never needed to. Evelyn begins to tend to the flowers as she speaks. "You don't need to if you don't want to. I can tell you don't like to talk much, I don't want to pressure you."
She pauses.
"but I can tell you like to listen" The farmer had never really thought about it that way before... but when you don't say much, the only other choice is to listen to the world around you. "I know not many of us can understand you and I've noticed others treat you differently because of that" Evelyn gently places her hands on top of the farmer's hand. "-but I don't want you to feel like you're not part of the town. You will always be welcomed here...no matter how odd you are"
The farmer softly smiled to Evelyn. "Well," Evelyn exclaimed. "I don't want to hold your day up much longer but If you ever want to talk more about your grandpa or just to hear an old lady ramble about the past, I'm always here for you" The farmer is quiet for a second, taking in her words. "Thank you." He says. "Ohhh, no need to thank me, I haven't done anything, sweetie" She replied but the farmer quickly responded. "You did." Evelyn curiously looked at him confused. "You talked to me."
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Evelin's heart was touched beyond words as the farmer leaned down to hug her. She squeezed as hard as her weak arms would allow and stayed there for as long as he needed. But the farmer quickly got up, smiled, and began to walk to the mines. They waved each other goodbye and moved on with their days. The warm moment being over just like that. As the farmer walked up the mountain he began to think. It was only a small moment. It had never really bothered him that the town viewed him as a cryptid. He often reveled in being odd, weird, and feared. He didn't have much of an interest in getting to know anyone. But Granny Evelyn had warmed his heart. Maybe he didn't need to be so cold to everyone. Maybe he should stop by and chat before heading to the mines. It's not like the caves are going anywhere. Maybe... ...he'll stop by and get some cookies :)
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
what do you think about the charters (Nico, Percy and others) using mobility aids? (Especially after all the wars, fights, and other general injures they've probably got over the years)
I may be biased as someone who uses mobility aids, but I definitely think more demigods should have mobility aids in general. Nico in particular definitely could use it with how often he collapses and with how he generally exhibits some symptoms of low blood pressure at the very least if not POTS or EDS. I'm particularly biased to drawing him with my own crutches, lol (they have knee rests!!!!).
Also I always love seeing Grover with crutches. He was introduced as having a muscular disease - i know that's implied to be just cause he's actually a satyr, but also he's the only satyr to be described as "walking like every step hurt." So give him crutches!!!! He needs them!!!
I dont have any particularly strong opinions for other characters, except maybe usually giving Leo a prosthetic leg so he can thematically match his dad and sometimes crutches alongside that, and my friends and I have talked about Jason using a rollator before, particularly in Jason Lives!AUs. But regardless I always love discussing comorbidity between various other conditions and disabilities with ADHD and dyslexia and a not insignificant number of those comorbidities may require mobility aids. Functionally demigods are kind of more like intensive athletes with magic healthcare, and very few are on the level of like Nico where they've been through the wringer so much that it has lasting effects on them - actually very few in general seem to get a lot of physical damage that doesn't get healed quickly (i think in part cause most campers don't actually go on quests). mostly just psychological damage - so i don't think every demigod would need mobility aids, but like statistically there should probably be more just given the comorbidity stuff to begin with. Everybody who's come back from the dead should probably have more going on with them though imo.
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tigerr-cherry · 7 months
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A cotl Au I pulled out of my ass lol
I have already like 3 wips started for this thing
! Ramble ¡
Over the Millenniums, the heavy weight of the red crown has taken its toll on the lamb, causing them to relive the years. They've dissappear from the cult and has left everyone behind . Narinder has taken over running the cult, but it's basically useless without the red crown.
Narinder can't take the risk of leaving the compound to hunt the Lamb for the red crown with The Lamb constantly on the move as they descend into madness. makes it even more difficult to pinpoint their location.
Luckily, a rumor of a demon causing mischief near the cult's ground has reached Narinder, which is probably the best news he's gotten in 78 years. Demons are excellent trackers .
Basically, Narinder & Shiloh make a deal. They go on serious/ not serious bros trip 2 look for the lamb . Find lamb. Narilamb happens. Narinder gives Shiloh the red crown so they can do the resurrection thing. Shiloh is so confused & is like, "I just wanted my ex lover back from the dead . I don't want y'alls cult, ,,," to which Narinder says "yeah whatever I'm gonna be busy with husband's healing journey. Keep the place warm for me till we get back. Peace." Then they go live in a cabin in the woods while Shiloh is stressing w/ the red crown
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butchdykekondraki · 9 months
hi *gives you a handful of fruits🍓🍎🍒🍉🍑🍊🥭🍍🍋🍈🍏🍐🥝🫐🍇🍅*
what th🍓🍎 fuc🍒k am🍉🍑i su🍊p🥭po🍍sed🍋 to🍈 d🍏o w🥝it🫐h the🍇se🍅
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