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chrisjb88 · 12 years ago
Word from @AlyssaGadson: If you want the change, be the change despite the odds Thanks for the encouragement!
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years ago
😀✌🕉☯️ #namascray #alyssapena #alyssagadson
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years ago
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Morning shape has me motivated! Going to the gym in a few to do arms. Cleaned the house this morning 😍😍😍😍 #houseisclean #morningshape #motivated #armsday #chestday #excited #alyssapena #alyssagadson
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years ago
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Giving myself permission to glow. 🤗🕉 #alyssapena #alyssagadson #embracingmyself #gratitude #truth #loveandlight
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years ago
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Right and wrong is irrelevant when you understand we each have our own way of doing things. There's so much diversity in humanity and how we decide to do things that trying to categorize right and wrong becomes irrelevant. There's dark and light and we all have that balance within us. Photo repost from @adrie616 #alyssapena #alyssagadson #balance #diversity #yinyang #embraceourdifferences
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years ago
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#alyssapena #alyssagadson #positivevibes
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years ago
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There should always be something you can learn and take with you to continuously help you grow. Part of your self growth is who you surround yourself with. Are those who you want to talk to having any conversations with you that you can take and learn and grow from? Take something from each encouunter you have throughout the day. There's always somethuing to learn, something to think about, something that somehow serves your highest good. And sometimes it's also good to be that person as well. Iron sharpens iron. The point is to help each other grow. 🕉🙏💚 Photo was posted by the beautiful soul herself @selfiesandsalads #weareone #growth #learn #expandyourmind #expandyourconsciousness #growtogether #iamastudent #studentoflife #feedyourmind #feedyoursoul #mindbodysoul #alyssapena #alyssagadson
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years ago
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#SelfLove #loveyourself #goddess #freespirit #freethinker #omnism #omnist #grateful #youniverse #alyssapena #alyssagadson #freesoul #multifaceted #staywildbefree #beyourself
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years ago
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Me today wrote a letter to the me 10 years ago. First things first, I am so sorry. I’m very sorry for being against you, for not loving you the way you needed to be loved, for putting you in situations that caused you harm, for not believing in you, for not securing your future right away, for trying to destroy and kill you. I know these things will affect you for a while. Second of all, you are going to go through so much more ahead. Yes there is more pain too. Know that these hard times now will turn into your BIGGEST blessings later. You are shielded and protected by God beyond your own understanding right now. I know your relationship with God is foggy right now from the lease of self loathe, but know that trusting God will be your biggest thing now and ahead. You and God will be best friends later as you go along. He adores you so much! So I want you to know that yes you will survive, you will thrive, and you will come out not smelling like the smoke that you burned through. Don’t doubt yourself. Love and respect yourself. I love you so much. PS: you’re going to be blessed with an angel in your path. The walk with her will not be what you pictured, but it’s perfectly designed for the strength of the both of you. Love you. #alyssapena #alyssagadson #healing #selfacceptance #loveyourself
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years ago
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#alyssagadson #alyssapena #workflow
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years ago
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An early one for #transformationtuesday ❤💪 There is no fast way. No secrets that people talk about. Simply good nutrition, staying active, mindset, self discipline, accountability, self control... and honestly your inner works is a big part as well. Your self talk is so important. How you feel about yourself. Very similarly to what I want for my mind and soul, which is to feed it, grow it, see how can I improve in a good way and continue to be a better me, I want it for myself physically as well. A way to show my body I love and accept it while improving in A healthier path. I was so caught up in improving my state of mind and now that I can add my physical health as well, definitely feels complete. #alyssapena #alyssagadson #mindbodysoul
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years ago
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I love seeing progress! So motivating!! Did 15 minutes of HIIT cardio on the treadmill at i incline 7. Then did a little of everything but focused a bit more on abs and legs and booty today. Compound movements are a game changer like i said before!! If you haven't tried it yet I recommend it!! #mindbodysoul #compoundmovements #girlswholift #fitlife #healthy #alyssapena #alyssagadson (at Planet Fitness)
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years ago
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Great workout today! Did about 2.5 hours total. First 15 minutes were cardio and then after that lifted weights and did abs, booty and legs. I left the gym with good energy and probably talked @daphleefitnurse ear off 😂 spending the rest of the day with my family ❤ Hope everyone's Sunday is relaxing and full of #positivevibes !!! #alyssapena #alyssagadson #goodvibrations #workout #girlswholift #fitness #fitmoms #legday #bootyday #mindbodysoul #health #loveyourself
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years ago
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Don't be hard on yourself. Just keep going! This applies all around in life. And Ha! Who am I to say anything?!?! I'm hard on myself and I over think things cause I tend to be a perfectionist lol. I'm always thinking and hoping I'm doing things the right way. In and out the gym!!! I'm learning as well to not be hard on myself, to take a deep breath and appreciate where I'm at, how far I've come and continue to stay consistently on the path and enjoy the ride! #loveyourself #dontbehardonyourself #consistencyiskey #progressnotperfection #youareenough #life #fitness #girlswholift #liftweights #mindbodysoul #balance #embraceyourjourney #alyssapena #alyssagadson
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years ago
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Definitely paid off to chill yesterday. Motivated me today to kill it again in the gym. I was more focused, did 30 minutes straight of fast cardio and then did legs and booty. Feels great. Hey it's part of the journey just like life. You have your phases and moments where it takes a dip. I get unmotivated at times but I keep going. That's why the most important part, the part that keeps you going even when you're not motivated, is consistency and commitment. Keep going! And enjoy it throughout the way! Don't restrict your self too much. Even your nutrition and rest is 80/20! 100% mindset!! #alyssagadson #alyssapena #mindbodysoul #motivation #consistencyiskey #80percentnutrition20percentfitness100percentminset #mindset #youcreateyourlife
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alyssassoul-blog · 7 years ago
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Had a beautiful time with my dad today. Honestly I was doubting it at first cause I wasn't sure if he was going to show up. The Time we spent together was needed, and I'm grateful for it. Beautiful, deep and meaningful conversations, confessions, and a lot we are #kindredspirits on. I appreciate him for who he is unconditionally, which also shows me on a deeper level that no matter what we as people may agree or disagree on, or whether we ourselves would make decisions like the other or not is irrelevant to the fact that we can still care for one another and accept one another for who we authentically are. There's very beautiful parts of my soul that I'm in love with that resemble my dad and now I'm grateful for him on a deeper level. I'm grateful for the beautiful time we spent and him. Thank you God/Universe for your full presence of love! 🕉❤🙏 #fatherdaughtertime #fatherdaughter #grateful #universe #lesson #blessing #loveandlight #alyssapena #alyssagadson
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