#alycia vrettou
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Salvation + found family
Team Asteroid Prevention
#salvation#salvation cbs#salvation tv#salvation show#salvation series#salvation tv show#salvation tv series#darius tanz#santiago cabrera#liam cole#charlie rowe#alycia vrettou#melia kreiling#cbs#cbs shows#samson#samson asteroid#asteroid
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Darius (alias Dr. Raul Aguirre) having a drink -Part XXV-
#darius tanz#santiago cabrera#salvation#cbs salvation#salvation cbs#salvation season 2#salvation 2x08#dr. raul aguirre#raul aguirre#president tanz#liam cole#charlie rowe#alycia vrettou#melia kreiling#pisco#darius having a drink
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"Emotional attachments are all we have. Everything else… is nonsense."
#cbs salvation#salvation cbs#darius tanz#alycia vrettou#santiago cabrera#melia kreiling#salvation tv#salvationcbs#salvation season 2
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Whumptober day 14
Prompt: Torture
Fandom: Salvation
Title: Obstinate
A/N: October is long past, but I never did finish all of the Whumptober prompts. Life got busy and crappy and I was barely keeping up with the work I had to do, so something had to go and completing the prompts was the thing that went. I had the ideas laid out, but I never did get the chance to write them. They’re finished now, though, and ready to go. So here’s some very late Whumptober prompt fills.
“You’re blowing this out of proportion, Darius,” Liam says. “It’s nothing big that we’re asking. Just a little time. A short break.”
“A short break? Do you realize how much it takes to run this company? If I take a break, then this company will go haywire. I haven’t taken a vacation in years, Liam.” Darius paces around the Treehouse main room, rubbing his hand over his eyes.
“All the more reason that you need to take a break. Think of the last six months, Darius. You’ve been tortured twice, shot, in a coma. And you’re still not fully over the last bout of torture.”
“I’m fine,” he says tersely.
“How’s the headache?”
Darius growls lightly and turns away from Liam. He has work to do on implementing the newly tested nanotech and many new customers around the world thanks to the work he and his company did in attempting to save the planet. Many of the Re/Syst scientists have gone home but some have stuck around to work on projects, further boosting his company’s credibility.
“You need to take a break, Darius. If you don’t, you’re going to collapse.”
“I’m perfectly fine, Liam. Now, get back to work.”
Liam sighs, deciding to give in. He meant what he said several months ago in the forest when they thought Russia nukes were going to wipe out their hopes of stopping the asteroid, that working for Darius hadn’t always been a pleasure. The man is stubborn and Liam knows that he won’t get him to budge. Instead, he’ll just have to keep an eye on him and enlist Alycia and TESS as well in case the man wanders out of his sight.
Looking after Darius for the day until his body forces him to take the break they’ve asked him to take proves more difficult than Liam thought. The man seems intent on escaping him today. Still, with the help of Alycia and TESS, he’s able to find out how Darius is doing. He knows that the headache grows worse during the day, with Darius squinting and wincing at the light, turning down the lighting in the rooms he enters. He also knows that Darius has had several more attacks as they’ve been calling the sharp waves of noise that hit his ears and make him clasp his head in pain. He’s in pain and has refused all of the food offered to him, sipping on water only. In short, Darius is set for a collapse and Liam just hopes that someone is there to catch him when his body says it’s had enough.
When that collapse does come, it’s night and it’s TESS who informs him. They’d had dinner an hour ago when they finally managed to convince Darius to sit for long enough to attempt to eat. Pale and shaky, he picked at his food but Liam and Alycia didn’t push him to eat, in part because he did eat a little. But they also know that part of is refusal is nausea from the constant headache.
Rushing out of his room, Liam runs into Alycia on the way to the Treehouse. It was little over a half hour ago when the two of them gave up the ship, leaving Darius to his work with the knowledge that TESS was looking after him and would alert them, as she did.
Entering the Treehouse, the two easily spot Darius next to his drafting board, collapsed on the floor and rush to his side.
“Darius,” Liam asks hoping for a response. He’s not surprised when he doesn’t get one, however.
“He feels warm,” Alycia says. “And he’s a bit flushed.”
“Very likely. He’s pushed himself too hard. TESS, what happened before he passed out?”
“He was in pain. His blood pressure and heart rate increased and then he collapsed,” TESS says.
“Sounds like he had a really bad attack,” Liam says. Darius groans then, shifting and wincing. He pales before throwing up, giving Liam and Alycia little warning to get him more upright so he doesn’t choke on his vomit. Most of what he brings up is bile, but the remnants of the little bit of dinner come up too. When he’s done, he collapses back into their arms with little awareness of where he is.
“Darius,” Alycia says.
Darius moans but doesn’t speak.
“Let’s get him to his bedroom,” Liam says. “We can get his temperature and let him rest while we decide what to do.”
“Alright. Let’s get up, Darius,” Alycia says.
“Wha’?” Darius’ voice is quiet and pained.
“Up, Darius. We need to get you up on your feet so you can go rest in bed,” Liam says.
“No, it’s time to rest and for more than the few days we’d asked you to.”
“No, you’re not,” Liam says. “You’ve passed out and just threw up, Darius. When are you going to admit that you need to take a break?”
“No, Liam. Maybe he’s right,” Alycia says.
“What are you doing?” Liam gives her a confused look. She shakes her head as she continues talking to Darius.
“Let’s make a deal, Darius,” she says. “If you can get to your feet and stand on your own for more than three minutes, then we’ll let you go. If not, then you listen to us and let your body rest until you’re healthy again. Okay?”
“D… deal,” Darius says.
“Alright then. Let’s see. You’ve got three chances to get to your feet.”
Darius nods and takes a breath before shifting to try to get his feet under him. It’s painstakingly long for Liam and Alycia as they watch him try. Just as he manages to get on his hands and knees, he’s hit with another attack that makes his arms bend and he gasps loudly.
“That’s one,” Alycia says. The second and third attempt go little better as Darius isn’t even able to get anywhere near standing. After the third try, he falls to the side, giving Liam little time to catch him.
“Well, I think that settles it,” Alycia says, exasperation clear. Darius moans.
“Let’s get him to bed,” Liam says. Getting him on his feet is tricky, especially as Darius tries to help but his limbs are weak and tend to bend unexpectantly more than help to hold his weight. It means that once they get him standing, Alycia and Liam support him on either side, doing their best to ignore the cries of pain. Once in his bedroom, they set him down on the bed and help him to lay back. While Liam works on getting his shoes off, Alycia grabs the thermometer and sticks it in Darius’ mouth. The man doesn’t react to their ministrations other than wincing at the pain caused by moving.
“He’s got a fever. Not bad enough to cause alarm,” Alycia says.
“At least there’s that,” Liam says. He sits on the bed next to Darius. “Darius, how’re you feeling?”
“Hurts.” Darius’ voice is weak.
“What hurts,” Alycia asks.
“Head. Hurts.”
“Anything else? Other than your head hurting,” Liam asks.
“Sick, hot.”
“Maybe we need to call the doctor.”
“Sick like a cold or sick like nauseous,” Alycia asks.
“Nau…” Darius begins but it cut off when he starts coughing which quickly turns to throw up. Liam gets him to a sitting position while Alycia grabs a trash can to stick under his chin. After this last bout of vomiting, he has nothing more in his stomach, leaving him with the dry heave. When he’s finished, he groans loudly and Liam helps him to lay back down. Alycia takes the trash can to the bathroom and comes back with a wet washcloth to clean his face. It’s then that she notices Darius hasn’t opened his eyes.
“Darius, is the light painful,” Alycia asks. He nods slightly, wincing. “TESS, turn down the lights to ten percent over the bed and thirty by the door.”
“A migraine,” Liam says with sudden realization. The doctor had warned them of migraines being a possibility if he didn’t give his body a chance to heal.
“Yeah. I’m going to see what we have to give him.” As Alycia goes into the bathroom in search of medicine, ibuprofen at the very least, Liam turns to take care of Darius.
“You feel like throwing up anymore,” he asks quietly.
“Don’t think so.” Darius’ voice is raspy and low as he lays there, eyes firmly shut, trying to put aside the constant ache in his head and churning in his stomach. He tries taking a deep breath, breathing carefully through his nose, but the nausea still goes on. Liam sees Darius’ struggle with his stomach, how he seems to be a constant shade of green and goes to the bathroom where Alycia’s looking through the vanity for any kind of painkiller.
“Maybe we should call his doctor,” Liam says. “He can barely keep from throwing up.”
“I called her. She said she’s still out of town.”
“And he won’t accept another doctor.” Liam leans against the door frame.
“No, but she did send in a prescription for some painkillers and anti-nausea medication. The pharmacy’s filling them now.”
“So, what’re you looking for?”
“They can’t deliver the prescriptions, so Harris is going to bring them by later. It’ll be quicker than if one of us goes out. So, I’m hoping to find something, but the man seems averse to any type of medication.” With the world still coming to terms with nearly coming to an end and negotiations over the not-an-asteroid, Harris has spent more time at work lately than at home with long meetings and extra paperwork.
“He has bad reactions to most painkillers. There’s a few he can take, but a lot of the others give him problems.”
“How?” Alycia gives him a puzzled look. She’s known the eccentric inventor for longer and still didn’t know about that detail.
“The man’s a trouble magnet. I learned about that painkiller thing after he was waterboarded by the government.”
“Yeah. He likes to forget about it though,” Liam says.
“Typical Darius. Well, I found a nearly expired bottle of ibuprofen. Can he take that?”
“Yeah, but I don’t know that it’s going to do him any good, especially if he can’t keep the pills down.”
“Let’s try some ginger ale. If he brings it back up, we’ll just leave him be until Harris comes.”
While Alycia goes to the kitchen, Liam grabs a washcloth, soaking it in cool water and wringing it as dry as he can. Back out in the bedroom, Darius has shifted onto his side, curled up and is breathing heavily. Liam folds the washcloth up enough to be able to stick it on Darius’ neck. His mom always used a cold washcloth when he’d get head aches from staying up too long working on a new project. Darius starts at the touch of the cloth but doesn’t say anything.
Once Alycia’s back with the soda, Liam’s let Darius know of their plans. She sticks a straw in the can and gently taps Darius to draw his attention.
“Just a little sip at first. Let’s see if you can keep it down,” Alycia says.
Darius mumbles an okay and takes a small sip of the drink. The reaction is almost immediate. He sits up quickly as the coughing turns to vomiting and the dry heaves. Liam steadies and supports him while Alycia holds the bucket under his mouth. Nothing more than the little bit of soda and some bile comes up.
When Darius is done, he sags back into Liam, who gently lays him back down. With a low moan, Darius turns onto his side. Alycia rinses the bucket out in the bathroom while Liam replaces the cool, wet towel on Darius’ neck.
“I’ve texted Harris that we need to get her ASAP,” Alycia says when Liam joins her in the bathroom. “He’s in too much pain to keep on with this for much longer.”
“He doesn’t have anything else in here that would help?”
“Expired medications. The doctor said not to use them.”
“So he’s stuck.”
“Yeah. We’ll just keep the room dark and quiet and hope that Harris gets here soon.”
Liam nods, glancing back into the bedroom where he sees Darius trying to push himself out of bed.
“Darius, no,” he calls out, ignoring the need to be quiet. He and Alycia rush back into the room, pushing Darius back down on the bed as gently as they can.
“You need to lay back down,” Alycia says.
“… have to wor’,” Darius says, pushing back on them weakly. His voice equally lacks strength as he seems to be running more on autopilot than any active choices.
“You have a migraine. You can’t work.”
“No. No. Projects and people waiting.” Even though they’ve pushed him back on the bed, he’s not given up. He tries pushing up against them but lacks the strength. His limbs shake with the effort of trying to keep going.
“That’s all going to have to wait. You’ve been working yourself too hard lately. Your body’s said enough’s enough.”
“No time for that.”
“If me or Alycia had a migraine, what would you have us do,” Liam asks.
“Not the same,” Darius says.
“Yes, it is. You’d have us rest, wouldn’t you.”
“You’d have us rest because if we didn’t, we’d just make ourselves sicker,” Alycia says. “If you don’t rest now, you’re going to get sicker and that probably will mean the hospital.” She doesn’t like using the hospital as a threat, but she knows how much he dislikes it.
“Harris will be bringing some medication later to help you rest.”
“Harris is here with that medication,” Harris says, surprising the trio. He’s quickly at Darius’ bedside, a disproving look on his face. “Are you giving these two problems, Darius?”
“My work,” Darius says, voice drifting as he protests.
“Yeah, your work. Now, I’m sure this exhaustion that’s given you a migraine has been building over the last few days at least only you’ve ignored it, even as these two urged you to take a break because your work is so much more important than yourself, right?”
“I had to.”
“No, you didn’t. You wanted to. Now, you’re going to take this medication that I canceled the last of my meetings to go pick up and you’re going to get some rest so you can be back up on your feet in a few days causing us new worries. Okay?”
“Okay.” Darius licks his lips, swallowing heavily.
“Hey, you need the bucket again,” Liam asks.
“No,” Darius says, though there’s a questioning in the weak voice.
“I think I’ll go grab it just in case.”
“Let’s start with the nausea medication,” Harris says. “The note from the doctor via the pharmacist says to take it a half hour before the painkiller to help the painkiller to stay down.” Harris sorts through the bottles, finding the right one and getting the dosage for Darius to take. Liam comes back with the bucket in one hand and a glass of water in the other. Working together, they get Darius up just enough so that he can take the medication before settling him back down.
“Thanks for coming so quickly,” Liam says to Harris as they and Alycia stand just outside the bedroom, hoping to give Darius some solitude from their talking.
“Yeah, we didn’t expect you for another couple hours,” Alycia says.
“Well, I know Darius and I knew if he got himself so exhausted that he had a migraine, he was going to be difficult to deal with. And that he wouldn’t listen to the doctor who told him to let his body rest or this would happen. And that he’d need that medication quickly. Exhaustion is something that he’s familiar with and it takes a toll on his body,” Harris says. He also knew that as much as Darius respects Liam and Alycia, neither of them has the history with him to stop him in his tracks. In his automated mode that comes from deep exhaustion, Darius stops either when his body refuses to move anymore or when someone, usually Harris, can force him to put a stop to it. Harris has had to do it before, far too often when they were younger and worked the same project as young men. Darius would know his voice instinctively and listen to Harris’ reason.
“He’ll get better,” Harris says, seeing their worry. “Given everything that’s happened to him in the last seven months means he won’t bounce back as quickly as usual, but Darius is used to this happening. Give him a week and he’ll be back to annoying all of us.”
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Liam and Alycia talking about Darius
#darius tanz#salvation#cbs salvation#salvation cbs#salvation season 2#salvation 2x05#daddy issues#hero#villain#liam cole#charlie rowe#alycia vrettou#melia kreiling
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Darius finds out that Alycia is involved in the whole damn mess
#darius tanz#santiago cabrera#salvation#cbs salvation#salvation cbs#tanz tuesday#salvation season 2#salvation 2x04#liam cole#charlie rowe#alycia vrettou
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Liam and Alycia talking about Darius
#darius tanz#salvation#cbs salvation#salvation cbs#salvation season 2#liam cole#charlie rowe#alycia vrettou#melia kreiling#salvation 2x12
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Get Ready... for hugs
#salvation cbs#s02e13#s02e13 Get Ready#harris edwards#dylan edwards#grace barrows#zoe barrows#jillian hayes#liam cole#alycia vrettou#darius tanz#cbs salvation#salvation tv#salvationcbs#hugs#salvation 2×13#salvation season 2
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Liam and Alycia talking about Darius 😂
#darius tanz#salvation#cbs salvation#salvation cbs#salvation season 2#salvation 2x05#liam cole#charlie rowe#alycia vrettou#melia kreiling#bastard
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Darius has no time to recover. Damn the man needs a break!
#darius tanz#santiago cabrera#jennifer finnigan#grace barrows#grace x darius#gracius#liam cole#charlie rowe#alycia vrettou#melia kreiling#salvation#salvation cbs#cbs salvation#salvation season 2#salvation 2x13#whump#aftermath of torture#aftermath of coma
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Darius the thief
#darius tanz#santiago cabrera#tanz tuesday#salvation cbs#cbs salvation#salvation#salvation1x06#salvation2x10#darius the thief#president tanz#alycia vrettou#liam cole#nicholas tanz#melia kreiling#john noble#uncle nick#darius is insane#charlie rowe
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I can watch this scene a million times and I will never stop cryin'
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Who they thought he is and their process of realization who he really is (Liam Edition)
#darius tanz#liam cole#grace barrows#alycia vrettou#santiago cabrera#charlie rowe#jennifer finnigan#melia kreiling#salvation cbs#salvation#cbs salvation#grace x darius#gracius
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Whumptober day 31
Prompt: Showdown
Fandom: Salvation
Title: Keeping Watch
A/N: For this one, I’m going back to the fantasy AU I’ve created for Salvation. It’s not a happy one either. There are references to torture and PTSD. I do have some more whumptober stories coming. Because October was such a crazy month for me, I was able to write a part of every story, but I didn’t always get it finished. So, there’ll be some more coming from me in the next week or so as i finish out the month.
“I’m not going to argue with you about this, Darius,” Liam says. “You have to actually go to bed tonight. You don’t need to stay up to keep watch. Harris has checked out this area. It’s safe.”
Darius sits in his usual chair in the main room beside the fire which they’ve kept going because Darius has already had a few fevers in the past couple of months as he’s been healing. A couple of them were severe enough that they feared losing him. The Darius that came out of the torture and illnesses is a stranger to Liam and Alycia. He’s paranoid and angry and almost frail. They can’t help but walk on eggshells around him lest they set off another attack. What he sees they’re not sure, but he’s not there that much they know. They suspect that he sees his attackers, his captors, and his torturers. For three months they had him at their mercy, betrayed by the people he helped.
“Have to stay here,” Darius says lowly. Nightfall brings out the worst of his mood shifts and incoherency. “Someone has to keep watch.”
“I will then. Let me take over.”
“No, no. Couldn’t. Can’t.”
“Then I’ll sit here with you. You shouldn’t have to stay up on your own.” Liam sits down in front and slightly to the side of Darius with his back facing the fire. They sit in silence for a while. Liam hears Darius’ breathing hitch when he shifts and the occasional stifled groan. The broken ribs are still healing and the whip wounds, though mostly healed, have left him with stiff, painful scars. Darius often couldn’t reach out with his arms to grab anything from tools to cups to food. They have to help him with much of the daily activities. He tries some things on his own, his stubbornness still there, and though he may be able to do it, he pays for it later with pain and stiffness that sends him to bed in misery.
Darius startles when someone knocks on the door. But it’s not just a few knocks; it’s several, in a pattern. They’ve developed a series of knocks to help Darius. The people barged in when Liam and Alycia were gone, pulling Darius from his bed. Sleepy and confused, Darius couldn’t put up any kind of resistance. The knocks were a suggestion from Hugh. The older knight had been part of the rescue force Harris put together. Though they weren’t citizens of Eckhart, Grace, Harris, and Hugh still cared deeply for them and had managed to put together a mission to hide their rescue of Darius. It was dangerous and nearly failed a few times, but they did finally get him and once their shock of his treatment wore off, they took him from his captors.
“That’s Alycia,” Liam says. He gets up to let her in.
“Liam,” Darius hisses.
“It’s fine. It’s Alycia and she wouldn’t knock like that if someone was with her.” He opens the door and lets her come in out of the chilly night air.
“How’s everything going,” she asks, shaking the snow off of her cloak. Their new home has taken them further north where it snows two-thirds of the year it seems. She and Liam take turns going out for work. No one in the nearby village has met Darius, but they know of him, of a strange man who never ventures out, shrieks away from strangers, and never sleeps. Still, their situation and the villagers’ pity has allowed them better work and work schedules.
“Same,” Liam says. “Always the same as usual.”
“Ah, yes the usual nightly routine. Well, have you two had dinner?”
“We sat down to eat but it didn’t go as well as planned.” Liam had tried to help Darius, who was stiff and couldn’t bring the spoon from the bowl to his mouth more than a few times without pain overwhelming him. Frustrated, Darius had upended his dinner and gone back to his chair. Liam tried to eat but left his bowl half full and went to clean up the mess Darius made.
“Well, how about a pastry,” Alycia asks, carefully pulling a cloth with something inside from her bag.
“How’d you get pastry? Tell me you didn’t spend what little we have on pastry, Alycia.”
“Of course not. The baker had some left over. I think he’s got a bit of a soft spot for Darius. No, I didn’t tell him anything, but you know the whole village is talking about him. George is one of the few who’s truly concerned, not pitying him. He thought some apple turnovers might help bring some brightness. I thought they might be easier to eat. There’s one for each of us.”
“We can always try. But even if he can eat it, he may not want to.”
“Let’s try anyway. Hey Darius.” Alycia sets her bag on the table and pulls out one of the pastries from the cloth. They’re not huge, but they take up the space of her palm. George is a fantastic baker. She’s brought home some of his bread before and heard about his other baked goods.
“Alycia. You’re back.” Darius glances up at her quickly before returning his gaze to the doorway. “Did you lock the door?”
“Yes, of course.” Harris himself had installed a couple locks, stronger than what was there. They wouldn’t truly prevent a determined intruder, but they seemed to ease Darius’ mind some. “And I brought you something. George, a baker in the village, had some extra pastries. He thought we might like them.” She pulls off a piece of the one in her hand within Darius’ eyesight. What food he’d gotten while held captive and tortured had occasionally been poisoned. Darius realized quickly but had to eat or face more torture and the humiliation of being force fed. Food that Liam and Alycia prepared he trusts because he trusts them but anything coming from outsiders is suspect. They’ve taken in some food from caring families in the village but after a particularly bad episode, they didn’t try to feed it to Darius, eating it for themselves and giving him what they prepared.
“It’s really good. Liam, you should try a piece,” Alycia says. They’ve done this with some of the bread and it’s worked to convince Darius that it’s safe to eat. Liam tears off a piece and makes the same comment as Alycia after eating it.
“You should try it, Darius. It’s the best thing we’ve had since those scones a few years ago,” Liam says.
“No, no. Have to stand watch,” Darius says.
“But you can still watch and eat,” Alycia says.
“Can’t be distracted. I have to keep watching.” Darius winces as he moves to keep a line of sight on the door.
“We’ll keep watch while you eat, okay?”
“You trust us, don’t you,” Liam asks.
“Always. Of course.” Darius nods his head.
“And wouldn’t two people watching be more secure than just one,” Alycia adds.
“You’ll keep watch?”
“Our eyes won’t leave the door. Just try to eat this, okay?” She holds out the turnover which looks just as appetizing even with two pieces missing.
“I don’t know.”
“You’re hungry, aren’t you,” Liam says. He avoids talking about dinner because he doesn’t want to upset Darius.
“And even if you’re not, this turnover is worth feeling full,” Alycia says. Darius is very thin after his captivity and has yet to make any real progress in regaining the weight. If he’ll eat the turnover, then she’ll work on ways to get him more so he’ll get healthy again.
“Just a bite, Darius.”
“Yes, just a bite.” She waits until he holds out his unsteady hands. A few of his fingers are crooked, having started healing while he was still a prisoner. She sets the turnover in his hands, waiting until he seems ready to hold it on his own before she pulls her hands away. This new Darius is unsure and doesn’t have full control over his limbs. More than once cups and utensils have simply slipped out of his hands that suddenly refuse to grip and he’s collapsed or stumbled when he knees give way. They don’t know if the old steadiness will ever return but they’ll be happy to have Darius happy and healthy.
Darius is slow to bring the turnover to his mouth to take a bite. Liam and Alycia keep watch on the door while also watching him. They’re good now at dividing their attention and have developed a sort of sixth sense when it comes to looking after Darius. He winces and gasps as the movement of his arms pulls on the scars. If they can ever get him more mobile then Harris and Hugh have shown them exercises to help with the scars. Darius could regain some of his former mobility in regards to that.
His first bite is small and he chews slowly. He does that now and they can’t figure out exactly why. Perhaps when he’s ready he’ll tell them.
“How is it, Darius,” Alycia asks, careful not to look at him.
“Okay,” he answers plainly, but takes another bite that might be just a little bigger but Alycia was trying hard not to look. The pastry flakes nicely as he eats, making it easier on his mouth. The poisons gave him mouth sores that have left his mouth aching and recur at random times. He’s also missing a few teeth but nothing immediately noticeable.
Liam taps her side. She glances at him to see him pointing down at Darius, who is slowly, but determinedly eating the turnover. He’s made a mess with the flakes and thick, spiced sauce the apples were in, but to see him willingly eat something makes her resolve to not only leave her turnover for him but to find a way to get more.
When he’s done, he’s quiet for a while. Liam and Alycia stay where they are, though they do sit down to get more comfortable.
“Thank you, Alycia,” Darius says finally.
“I’m glad that you enjoyed it,” she says.
There’s silence again for a while then Alycia brings up the topic of bed.
“No, no. I have to stay here to watch,” Darius says, the guard that he’d let down while eating the turnover is back up and in full force. He won’t let anyone in.
“This isn’t going to work, Alycia,” Liam says. “I was having this debate with him before you came home.”
“He can’t keep sitting up here. He barely gets any sleep when he does and it’s just going to make him sick again.”
“I know.” Liam pauses for a moment, then lights up. “I have an idea. Darius, you good to keep watch for a few minutes?”
“Of course,” Darius says.
“Alycia, come with me. I have an idea for how all of us can get some good rest tonight.” He doesn’t wait to see if she comes, walking back into their room where there are two small beds. “Let’s get these out into the main room. They’ll be easier than his bed.”
“Your solution is that we sleep out there?”
“Yeah, you have a better idea?”
“No, no. I just wish you’d thought of it sooner.” She picks up the side of the bed opposite Liam.
“Lack of sleep will do things to you,” Liam answers with a smile. Darius is slightly irritated by the arrival of the beds, but once they’re out of his line of sight, he calms. They put the two beds with their headboards against the wall, next to the fire, so that they can easily keep watch on the door. Then, they grab the blankets from Darius’ bed and pillow, bringing them out to the beds in the main room. With the two beds together, they have just shy of the width of Darius’ bed.
“Alright, Darius, here’s the deal,” Liam begins. “We’re all going to sleep in this bed together. Each of us will take a two-hour watch and you can take the first. If someone doesn’t wake one of the others up for their shift, then they have to skip a watch shift. Does that sound like it’ll work?”
“I’m not sure. Have to keep watch,” Darius says. He eyes the bed but not for long.
“And someone will, but you have to rest or you won’t be good for keeping watch,” Alycia says, feeling terrible about playing into his anxieties.
“Someone might come in.”
“Yes, if one of us isn’t rested enough for our watch, then someone could come in and we wouldn’t know about it, but this will make sure that we’re all rested so that doesn’t happen.”
“That could work. That could work.”
“How about we try it for the night,” Liam says. “If it doesn’t work, we’ll figure something else out.”
“Okay. I’ll stay here,” Darius says. “You two go to bed.”
“No, you have to be in bed, too. We have to keep watch on each other and we can do that best in bed here.” Truthfully, Liam hopes that Darius’ body would react quickly to the warm bedding and comfort of the bed, forcing him to give in to sleep. But that doesn’t mean he’ll let them go unwatched. He knows that Darius would be furious if he let that happen. Liam hasn’t planned on actually going to sleep during Darius’ watch.
“Come on, Darius. Let’s get into bed and see how this’ll work,” Alycia says. There’s a little more prodding from them before Darius finally gives in and climbs into bed. He takes an outside spot and sits up straight. Alycia turns down some of the lights and joins Darius and Liam in bed. As expected, Darius is tense but he’s in bed which is something that doesn’t happen willingly, especially at night.
Darius doesn’t fall asleep during his watch shift, though Liam is sure that he’s close. The man is quite stubborn. Nevertheless, it works. Darius keeps to the rules and wakes Liam up after two hours. Though he does try to sleep, it’s difficult to relax enough and when he does fall asleep, his dreams become nightmares that they carefully pull him out of until he’s once more awake.
It’ll take time, Harris and Hugh said. They have experience with this sort of thing, but whenever Liam and Alycia asked if he’d be their old Darius, the two knights grew silent. It’ll take time. On nights like this, it’ll take time was poor comfort. They’d be exhausted and on edge tomorrow and Darius would probably be worse in paranoia and temper but they had gotten him to eat and get into bed. Two small battles had been won in the fight for Darius and those would have to get them through the next days.
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Whumptober day 30
Prompt: Caregiver
Fandom: Salvation
Title: Waiting
They’ve toyed with calling Grace or Harris. Neither of them has much energy, being just a couple days post fever and still recovering from the flu and it’s clear that Darius is sick. He’s pale and coughing so hard he vomits. They haven’t seen him really eat anything in a day and Alycia knows she saw Darius stumble. They’re not sure if he’s managed to catch their flu or if he’s sick from something else. They also don’t know how long this has been going on. Their days of fever from the flu are a mystery with a tendency to blend together. Grace and Harris are an option, but they can’t agree on it because the three haven’t yet patched their fractured friendship and the relationship that was blossoming between Grace and Darius is all but shattered. Calling on them was problematic as well because Zoey is quite pregnant and the last thing they want to do is spread the flu to her. That was part of the reason Darius had quarantined the three of them to the Treehouse. Their only visitor had been a doctor when Darius was concerned about their high fevers that wouldn’t break and the continual vomiting.
They’d managed to avoid hospitalization though and were now recovering with a lingering cough and exhaustion. Getting off their respective couches to go check on Darius, who’d very reluctantly gone to nap in his own bed for the first time in days, was challenging.
“One of us needs to check on him, Liam,” Alycia says.
“TESS?” Liam looks up at the ceiling.
“Darius is still sleeping though his breathing and temperature are elevated,” TESS answers.
“We need to actually get up, Liam,” Alycia says, irritation clear.
“I don’t see you making a move.”
“I had a higher fever.”
“Mine lasted longer,” Liam says.
“Yours didn’t start until I got sick and already had a fever because I was working to make up for you getting sick.”
“I had it the day Darius confined me here. That’s why he did.”
“It was nothing then because you didn’t feel hot to me.”
“Wha’ is… goin’ on,… you two?” Darius’ voice is raspy as he leans against the doorway of his bedroom looking on the two, his arms clutched tightly around him as though he can stay warm this way. He can’t hide his coughs anymore, hunched over as he tries to compensate for the soreness of his ribs.
“We’re fine,” Alycia says. “It’s you who’s not.”
“Me?” Darius coughs harshly, the dry cough developing a slight but clear wheeze. “I’m fine.”
“Do you hear yourself, Darius,” Liam asks. He swings his feet off the couch but finds himself getting lightheaded at the sudden change in position. Darius is right there to help steady him. “I’m fine,” Liam mutters.
“Yeah, right.”
“Do you really not hear yourself?”
“It’s just a cough. With everything… I’ve been through,… the cough is expected.” Darius had been through a lot in the last year and the harsh six months of pushing himself, dealing with the stress of presidency, and being tortured twice had left his immune system weak and he got colds quicker and easier, finding it difficult to shake them without more than his customary sleep.
“A cough? Do you realize that you haven’t kept much down over the last day you’re coughing so much? And I can feel the heat coming off of you.”
“It’s just a cold, you two.”
“We thought the pneumonia and ear infections were just colds, too,” Alycia says. “You need to let us take care of you.”
“You two are just getting over the flu yourselves. I don’t think you’re ready to look after me.”
“It’s us, the hospital, or Grace and Harris.”
“It’s just a little cold. I’ve been sleeping and that will help.”
“Darius, you need…” Liam begins.
“No, Liam. Darius is right,” Alycia says, giving Liam a stern look. “He’s doing what he needs to do. This is just a small cold. I’m sure he’ll be over it before we know it.”
“Alycia, you can’t be serious.”
“Of course she is. Now, is there anything the two of you need?”
“No, just go back to bed, Darius,” Liam says.
“I think we could both do with some juice and maybe a snack, Darius. Nothing involved. Toast or crackers will be fine,” Alycia says.
“Toast and juice it is then.” Darius is quick to disappear into the kitchen.
“What’re you thinking,” Liam hisses.
“Darius doesn’t give in easily. He won’t simply admit to this being more than just a cold until his body forces him. I learned that when I worked with him years ago. You haven’t?”
“No, I have. I’d just hoped we wouldn’t have to this time. How many times can he take getting so sick in a year?”
“He’ll be fine.” She’s not sure that she truly believes that, but she wants to. He has to be okay.
“Alright. I have juice here for the two of you and toast with just butter. If you can keep that down, we’ll move to less bland food.” Darius hands then each a plate with a slice of toast and sets their cups on the coffee table in between them. They thank him and watch as he coughs and walks back to his drafting table. He’s not spent a lot of time there the past ten days, but he has given those plans a lot of consideration.
They eat their toast, talking, and covertly watching Darius. Though the older man tries to focus on work, he’s interrupted by the illness he refuses to acknowledge and they can see that he’s getting worse. The coughing fits have only grown worse and they can hear him breathing when he’s not coughing.
“You okay, Darius,” Liam asks when Darius sits down with a heavy sigh and a muffled gasp.
“Yeah.” Darius’ voice is heavy. “Just… just going to get a drink.” Darius starts slowly walking to the kitchen.
“Why don’t you take a nap, Darius?”
“I’m fine, Liam.”
This routine continues for the rest of the afternoon with Darius forcing himself to keep going despite getting worse. Liam doubts their methods but Alycia reminds him that there’s no other way, though she begins to get concerned too when Darius trips walking over from the desk to check on them. He quickly shakes off their concerns and goes back to work. Dinner is chicken and rice soup which tastes better than anything they’ve eaten in the last week. Darius manages a few half spoonfuls before pushing the bowl aside with a careful swallow.
“Darius,” Alycia asks. Darius doesn’t answer as he keeps swallowing carefully and taking shallow breaths. One hand is on the table and the other on his stomach.
“You okay, Darius,” Liam asks. Seconds later Darius bolts from the table, making a dash for the bathroom where they hear him vomit with harsh hacks and a groan.
“I think that answers our question,” Alycia says as she and Liam get up to go look after Darius. Their lethargy from the day disappears as concern takes over, especially when they see Darius weakly leaning against the toilet, head hanging as he tries to regain his breath, coughing intermittently. Liam goes right to his side to ease him off the toilet and onto him. Liam sits back against the shower door as Darius leans against him. Alycia gets a washcloth wet and fills a cup with water. She hands the cup to Liam, letting him coax Darius into rinsing his mouth with the water. The first time, Darius coughs harshly as he’s rinsing his mouth and the water sprays over them but the second time works.
“O…kay…. Fine,” Darius says between breaths.
“What?” Alycia kneels in front of him to wash his face.
“You two win.”
“This wasn’t a contest, Darius. This was us waiting for you to admit that you were sick.”
“I’m just tired of it.”
“I’m sure but right now you have to face that you are sick, probably with the flu and you need to rest.”
“Maybe if you get some good rest it won’t get any worse,” Liam suggests.
“Doubt… it. Stupid… ass… asteroid.”
Liam and Alycia can’t hold back their laughter at Darius’ uncharacteristic word choice. Darius’ own laughter devolves into coughing, which quickly sobers the other two as they worry about the harshness of the cough.
“Let’s get him into something more comfortable and then into bed,” Liam says.
“And probably some ibuprofen and fluids,” Alycia says.
“Do you think he needs a doctor?”
“I’m still… here,” Darius says.
“Yes, but let us look after you like you looked after us.”
Darius looks ready to retort but stops himself. He does feel quite terrible, has for much of the day, and at the moment he doesn’t want to keep up the charade anymore.
“Okay.” He nods. They’re careful in their movements, from getting him to his feet to getting him changed and in bed. Despite giving in to their care, he feels guilty for them having to look after him again. Since coming out of the coma, it seems that’s what they’ve been doing.
“Stop it,” Alycia says quietly. Liam has gone into the kitchen to get some juice for Darius and find the thermometer. They know that Darius has a fever but they want to know how high.
“What?” Darius turns his head to look at her. The bed is more comfortable than it should be.
“You’re worrying again. Nothing that’s happened in the last few months is your fault. Think about if it was one of us. Would you be upset with us for getting sick repeatedly?”
“No, but…”
“But nothing. You didn’t ask to be tortured, twice. You didn’t ask to be president. You didn’t ask for the stresses and worries of the last several months. This is just your body responding to all that you put it through. It’ll pass and we don’t mind helping you while you work your way through it.”
“I am trying.”
“I know. It’s our training and it takes a lot of time to break. But, for now, just let us help you and don’t think about what dear old Nick would say.”
“Finally found the thermometer,” Liam says, walking back into the room with a glass of juice in the other hand. Darius has yet to replace the thermometer with something quicker, so it takes a moment for the digital readout to show up. “101.9. How do you feel otherwise?”
“Truthfully, please, Darius. We just want to help.”
“Fine.” Darius is clearly irritated exasperation fills his voice. “I’m cold, achy, and hot.”
“How about your breathing and nausea?”
“Still nauseous and breathing hurts.”
“You do sound a little wheezy,” Liam says. “You up for a nebulizer treatment to try to take care of that?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“Not really, but we can use the mask if you’d like.”
“I think I can manage to hold the pipe just fine.” Quicker than Darius would like, they have the machine set up and he’s sitting up, resting his back against the backboard holding the nebulizer pipe in his mouth. He’s not fond of using the machine and it only makes his guilty thoughts return as he wonders how long this is going to go on for. He wonders if this is his life now. He doesn’t deny that he’s been seeing signs of the Huntington’s flaring up but he’s dealing with them. He’s known they would be coming. This, however, to be constantly sick would be too much to cope with.
“It won’t last, Darius,” Alycia says, sitting down on the bed next to him where there’s just enough room that she won’t fall off.
“And even if it did, we’d still be here,” Liam adds as he sits on the opposite side.
“Are you sure?”
“Keep that in your mouth,” Alycia scolds lightly when Darius removes the pipe to speak. “And yes. Absolutely.”
“You’re stuck with us,” Liam says. “Now, sit back and rest. We all have some recovering to do so we can start playing around with the nanotech again.”
“Yes, we need to see what we can do with it and how to make it more economical.”
As they go back and forth talking about what they need to get done, Darius finds himself happily settling into his position between them. It’s warm and comforting to be bracketed by his family, these two young people who are brilliant and kind and want to be here with him, working with him and helping him. He doesn’t understand why Nick was so against this, taught him that emotional connections were dangerous. With the right people, they’ve only served him well and he can’t imagine his life right now without Liam and Alycia.
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