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virginiablu · 7 years ago
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"Improve your Surroundings. Your surroundings play a big part in your success or failure". Quoted by @iamashcash 💙 #alwaysbeconfident #improveyoursurroundings #tuesdayinspiration
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davelourdes · 7 years ago
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You can tell everything about a person by the way they respond to not getting their own way. Notice how people change when their requests are met with a "no". Emotionally intelligent people have the ability to cop rejection on the chin. Fragile people need to create and perpetuate drama as a strategy to get their way. Reasonable people will listen. Unreasonable people can only hear their own logic. A mature person will keep the conversation contained. An immature person will enlist others to badger you (whilst turning them against you). THE LESSON: remove dummy splitters from your circle. #StopSooking #SuckItUp #AcceptTheUmpiresDecision #DramaQueen #KeepEvolving #UnleashYourPotential #BeANiceHuman #AlwaysBeConfident #KnowYourself #GrowYourself #Leadership #Networking #EventProfs #CorporateEvents #Transformation #ConferenceSpeaker #Coaching #DaveLourdes #EvolvingHumanPotential #Confidence #TeamBuilding #Culture #ConferenceSpeaking #Quote #QuotesToLiveBy (at Harbour Town Melbourne)
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lolaglika · 8 years ago
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#alwaysbeconfident 😸😸
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mzsilent562 · 9 years ago
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Merry Christmas from this beauty #me #sexy #gorgeous #cutie #alwaysbeconfident #celebrating #christmaseve
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imstr0ngerthanuthink · 10 years ago
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Cuz I feel drop dead gorgeous today! ❤️ #makeuponpoint #redlips #fiercered #whitegirlinstagrams #alwaysbeconfident
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tyreesemodel · 11 years ago
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Confidence Is Preparation! If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground. #AlwaysBeConfident
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davelourdes · 8 years ago
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➡ EXCUSES STOP PROGRESS ⬅ Rationalising, blaming, excuses and denial are dream killers. If you want to change your circumstances, get f#cking real with yourself. YOU are stopping YOU. Your willingness to get uncomfortable and stay uncomfortable is the only thing standing between where you are, and where you really want be. So if you want to get pissed off with anyone for your current position, buy a mirror. #StopYourBullshit #GetReal #BeOnAMission #TimeIsRunningOut #KeepEvolving #UnleashYourPotential #BeANiceHuman #AlwaysBeConfident #KnowYourself #GrowYourself #Leadership #Networking #EventProfs #CorporateEvents #Transformation #ConferenceSpeaker #Coaching #DaveLourdes #EvolvingHumanPotential #Confidence #TeamBuilding #Culture #ConferenceSpeaking #Quote #QuotesToLiveBy
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davelourdes · 8 years ago
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➡ INTEREST = INCLUSION ⬅ 🔥 Do you ever feel left out? 🔥 Do you ever get pissed off because you're not included? 🔥 Do you ever see people doing stuff on social media and think to yourself, "why didn't they ask me?" 🔥 Do hear about people getting together and say to yourself, "Thanks for the invite!" If you want to be part of it, start getting interested. Here's a small list of the dumb things people do that result in them slowly being excluded, and eventually dumped: 💡 Giving one word responses 💡 Ignoring compliments 💡 Pretending you don't know someone else's good news (which you saw when you stalked their social media pages) 💡 Intentionally NOT congratulating someone 💡 Gushing over people in writing instead of calling or seeing them Feeling insecure about relationships and getting hung up on where you come in the pecking order has nothing to do with age. What I mean is, it's not something you grow out of. By the way, I'm not making fun of people who feel like this, I actually feel sorry for them because feeling isolated is a horrible experience. Being included is a privilege not a right. There are no free passes and no one is entitled. Being included has nothing to do with how long you've known someone, whether you're old school buddies, how many years you've worked together, how many times you've travelled with someone or even because you're family. Being included has EVERYTHING to do with how interested you are in another person's world AND how you demonstrate your interest. Your level of INCLUSION is a direct correlation to the level of INTEREST you SHOW, and how it's RECEIVED. You can know someone for a few months and feel more bonded to them, than someone you've known for years, purely because you feel they care. #GetInterestedInOthers #ItsNotAllAboutYou #BeOnAMission #MakeAnImpact #KeepEvolving #UnleashYourPotential #BeANiceHuman #AlwaysBeConfident #KnowYourself #GrowYourself #Leadership #Networking #EventProfs #CorporateEvents #Transformation #ConferenceSpeaker #Coaching #DaveLourdes #EvolvingHumanPotential #Confidence #TeamBuilding #Culture #ConferenceSpeaking #Quote #QuotesToLiveBy
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davelourdes · 8 years ago
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➡ ARE YOU TOO INVESTED? ⬅ Anytime your more invested in someone else's success more than they are, it's always a bad trade. Even if you can see them destroying themselves, you just have to leave them alone until they reach the POINT OF ENOUGH. If people are not willing to participate in their own rescue, neither should you. #PointOfEnough #WalkAway #ParticipateInYourOwnRescue #BeOnAMission #MakeAnImpact #KeepEvolving #UnleashYourPotential #BeANiceHuman #AlwaysBeConfident #KnowYourself #GrowYourself #Leadership #Networking #EventProfs #CorporateEvents #Transformation #ConferenceSpeaker #Coaching #DaveLourdes #EvolvingHumanPotential #Confidence #TeamBuilding #Culture #ConferenceSpeaking #Quote #QuotesToLiveBy
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davelourdes · 8 years ago
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➡ DO YOU GIVE OR TAKE ENERGY? ⬅ Every interaction is an opportunity to add energy to another person and strengthen the relationship. Be conscious of the way you speak, the way you write and the way you show up. When you're being a smart arse, sarcastic, overtly loud, cutting people off, aggressive, cocky, a know it all, backstabbing, a stick in the mud, bragging, name dropping, one upping, boring, racist, chauvinistic, misogynistic, elitist or just being an old fashioned dickhead, it puts people off. These behaviours are like a repellent to authentic connection. So be your best energetic self because nobody likes hanging out with the grim reaper. #GiveEnergy #Energy #HaveTheGuts #BeOnAMission #MakeAnImpact #KeepEvolving #UnleashYourPotential #BeANiceHuman #AlwaysBeConfident #KnowYourself #GrowYourself #Leadership #Networking #EventProfs #CorporateEvents #Transformation #ConferenceSpeaker #Coaching #DaveLourdes #EvolvingHumanPotential #Confidence #TeamBuilding #Culture #ConferenceSpeaking #Quote #QuotesToLiveBy
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