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njloves · 6 years ago
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. . {START} . . However you are.. . . Where ever you are.. . . You are here. . . You can’t go back.. . . So breathe into every mistake.. . . Breathe into very chance taken.. . . Because it brought you to this moment.. . . And this IS the moment.. . . Where you can start.. . . In exactly the right time.. . . In exactly the right place.. . . Exactly where you are. . . . . . . #start #trust #trusttheprocess #begin #beginner #alwaysabeginner #lifelonglearning #leapoffaith #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #artist #art #artistlife #editorialillustration #beginagain #zerotoone #buildit #doneisbetterthanperfect #gettoit #align #flow #manifest #spiritualbusiness #bekindtoyourself #bekindtoyourjourney #human #life #monday #mondaymotivation #authentic https://www.instagram.com/p/BphPAO1hrh7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v6czabk80303
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yogimdnet · 6 years ago
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If you need a quick tip, be sure to check out the “Mindful Minute”. This week, I share the main message I took away from my interview with Jim Bennitt on meditation. #meditation #yogimd #jimbennitt #yoga #alwaysabeginner #tejasyoga #mindfulhealthforthewisewoman https://mindful-health-for-the-wise-woman.simplecast.com/episodes/389748c5 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0i3GxqFTmN/?igshid=xkomqpaxsjax
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beatabernina · 7 years ago
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Yesterday I joined #todayatapple Quick Start: Portrait session at @apple @thegrovela because you can always learn something. And learn something I did. . The charming @vonniedee2 offered to pose for us and I took him up on it. I’m quite happy with the result! Of course it was #ShotOniPhone . Processed with #iphone7 native camera app and #snapseed @snapseed.shots . #alwaysabeginner #openyourmind #learnsomethingeveryday #mindsetiseverything #applestore #keepmovingforward #mydayinLA #nothingisordinary #agoodthing #agoodday (at Apple The Grove)
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goodkarmastudio · 7 years ago
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Half-price Yoga Fundamentals Tomorrow, Tues 12/12 3:45pm! This is an all levels class GUARANTEED to strengthen your practice & make you sweat mentally & physically!   1. This class will start out with a "workshop" feel. Meaning we will break down individual poses to find their correct alignment, energetic feel, & the benefits they offer. Here is your chance to ask the teacher, "Am I doing this right?"   2. We will then incorporate them into a sequence where we can ride the breath through a more dynamic flow with confidence & stability. A true yoga practice involves Awareness & Purpose; yet, holds a sense of Effort & Ease.   This class will provide you AWARENESS, awareness of YOUR individual body and it's wants & needs. Your strengths & weaknesses. Effort, to correctly align your body within the pose, and a sense of ease to sustain it. PURPOSE, a strong practice is full of confidence in what you are doing. You will never need, nor want, to look further then your dristi (focus point) for guidance. With your new found tools and solid foundation, you will only need to look within. #yoga #yogafundamentals #yogapractice #foundationiskey #alwaysabeginner #trysomethingnew #yogaposes #goodkarmastudio #albanyny #518 #518yoga (at Good Karma Studio)
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99lulu66-blog · 6 years ago
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My Xmas pressie to myself arrived today, yay! Full of sumptuous paintings and exquisite drawings. Just the inspiration I needed right now. Thank you ❤��� . . . . #inspiration #learningartist #artadmirer #learnfromthemasters #lovetolearn #alwaysabeginner #abstractlandscape #abstractart #abstractartists #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #abstractimpressionism #expressivelandscape #artgallery http://bit.ly/2VhSGS7
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yogimdnet · 6 years ago
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Guess who's on the podcast this Monday! Don't forget to tune in, share, tell a friend about this episode on #meditation. #ilearnedsomething #tejasyoga #alwaysabeginner #mindfulhealthforthewisewoman #yogimd https://www.instagram.com/p/B0bZfQklRDI/?igshid=1x0z4qqo2rvuq
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goodkarmastudio · 7 years ago
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#AerialYoga #TeacherTraining weekend is overrrr woohoo 🙌👏🎉 I am so proud & fortunate to have watched these 7 ladies grow exponentially over a mere weekend!! Ladies, you're going to be AMAZING aerial yoga teachers, each with your individuality and uniqueness added to each class. Thank you for bringing an open mind to this training and putting your trust in me🙏 The swing & you as the teacher, are here to gain their trust. As you move forward, keep looking back…be the first time you were ever in an inversion, a hip hang, a flip, ect...what did YOU feel? What did YOU need from the class, from the teacher, from the swing? How do YOU feel in the swing now? What has it taught you, & how can you use that to teach your students. We become yoga teachers, or embark on this aerial training, to share a love for something that has impacted or changed us. Remember, it's not what you can do that makes you a good Yogi or teacher. It's what you feel along the way and bring into your classes that makes you an inspiring Yogi and teacher. Bring YOU to your classes! "Much Practice Brings Process" Hari Aum Tat Sat I wish you Patience & Trust as you continue your aerial yoga journey. Trust that the universe is guiding and protecting you. Trust your intuition, trust yourself💕 Love and gratitude to each of you individually and as a group, 🙏💗, jess #lovewhatyoudo #sharewhatyoulove #aerialyogateacher 🙃 #alwaysabeginner #yogateacher #yogateachertraining #goodkarmastudio #albanyny #518 (at Good Karma Studio)
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aprilczareen · 10 years ago
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In yoga, I feel like I have so many things to work on and learn. I always feel like a beginner. Sometimes, I get disheartened but mostly, I get challenged. As I get challenged, I feel compelled to improve and go further. To achieve the goals I set, I try to read as much as I can, listen to my teachers for tips and learn as much with every experience in class and in self-practice, whether being in the pose gloriously or falling off of it unceremoniously. Now, normally, I wouldn't go to an inversions class because they can get intimidating. But I know what I need to "work" on, and I'm taking the baby steps to get there. Yes, baby steps. #AlwaysABeginner #AlwaysAStudent #yoga Inversions workshop with Phillip Askew and Ivy Kaminer at Yoga+ Makati. Class pic grabbed from @yogaplusph (at Yoga+, Makati)
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mikesherbakov · 10 years ago
Friday afternoon fun! Too bad the video stops just before my double backflip dismount :) #alwaysabeginner #handstand #bayclubhappy (at Bay Club Carmel Valley)
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kittee83 · 11 years ago
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I will never get used to mascara :/ #makeup #mascara #basic #alwaysabeginner #happy #loveyourself
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snipersnapper · 11 years ago
Ye olde #Wittner #metronome :) #classic #music #learningtool #hypnotizing. another one of those #mechanical wonders to me :) #thethingstheythinkofbefore #analog #analogdog ...it comes out of hiding when the piano-learning bug bites me. never became good at it though :D #alwaysabeginner #practicepanene #ishouldhavemindedmyparents better.
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