#always glad to see her on my dash or in my box (':
scrumptiousstuffs · 3 months
Wandee Goodday Episode 8
In which we have many confessions (both wanted and unwanted), further (mis)communications and the sweetest proposal scene in BL land.
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First thing, YeiCher owned this episode. These 2 just complement each other superbly. I’m sure we will see some conflict down the road with Yei hiding the debt of their boxing gym from Cher, but for now, I’m basking in joy with the fact we have YeiCher being formally engaged in a timely fashion to commerate with the Thai senate officially passing the bill to allow marriage equality in real life!
As for our YakDee…I’m a bit confused. Look, I am thrilled they made up quickly - Yak giving back that ugly necklace (it’s not to my aesthetic taste but I am definitely glad it made it back to Dee’s neck!), Dee informing Yak he no longer has any feelings for Dr Terrible plus Yak sweetly informing Dee “this hottest and most dashing boxer is yours.”
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So…WHY ARE THEY STILL IN A FAKE BF relationship?? I initially thought I might have misunderstood the whole thing. However, when Dee asked Yak to accompany him to the hospital anniversary ball - Yak said “again?” And Dee saying otherwise he would accept Dr Terrible invitation to the ball.
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And what made it clear these 2 adorkable idiots have yet to re-define their relationship properly is the conversation between Dee and his wise grandmother - she sensibly asked whether YakDee is still just FWB? And Dee said there is a dateline to their relationship? Maybe someone who is cleverer than me can explain this? - is it cause Dee is angling for the scholarship and thought he would have to leave Yak anyway??
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Cause why will you cook for him, dry his hair, massage his aching legs in front of the whole gym, learn how to slow dance, take him to a fancy costume place and pick up a matching grooms outfit if you are both not in love with each other???
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Despite my confusion about their relationship status, I did love the whole ballroom scene - from Yak dashing in last minute in time to ask for his prince for the dance, YakDee slow dancing and Yak finally confessing in words that he is in love with Dee. Does that mean they will finally be real boyfriends next episode? (Although from the preview, they are STILL NOT together as real boyfriends?)
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Dr Terrible remains shameless and desperate. If I’m not mistaken, Dee rejected him 3 times in this episode alone - when he indirectly decline Terrible’s invitation to the ball by expressing he will be bringing his significant other, saying no when Terrible said he will dance with Dee because of Yak non-presence at the ball. And when that did not deter Terrible (he tried to kiss Dee! 😤), Dee bluntly say he has outgrown Terrible and only regards him as an older brother. However, Terrible has yet to learn his lesson - he left his date (Dr Khwan you deserves better) to again try his luck with Dee. So, I’m glad it seems Dr Khawn left him after Yak timely arrival to save his prince from the evil clutch of Terrible.
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As for Taemrak, I do feel bad for her. It’s clear now she does have some feelings for Yak. I think pre-Dee, Taemrak might have taken for granted of Yak’s friendship and affection for her. He was always there for her with his easy banter. But with Dee around, Yak no longer txt/msg/meet up with her beyond school. Nevertheless, I’m glad she still trust Yak to come for her aid (although I must say, what a plot twist - didn’t think Ohm will be so nasty. And Yak, couldn’t you have told Dee why you had to leave him suddenly before the ball??) Like I say, (mis)communication seems to be the theme of this episode.
Overall, I like the episode. I was hoping for more of Dr Kao though, but YeiCher sweet scenes made up for Dr Kao’s absence. And 2 big thumbs up 👍 from me for their ongoing PSA re: HPV vaccine! ❤️
Bring on episode 9!
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petriichvrs · 5 months
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FOUR YEARS  OF  NOXTMS  /  six  characters  !
ft. @viiktorious ( my absolute favorite take on viktor, in the sense that no one else could ever really compare. i think you write him so well when it would be so easy for him to be very oversimplified, and one of the most pleasant surprises of this year - at least so far - has been you bringing him back to the dash ! ), @hoggleswart ( i don't know how well documented my 'sarah shahi deserves to be used more in the rpc' movement is here in nox, but i have been leading that charge for so many years and i was already so invested in roshana before you ticked all my favorite boxes in a character. i love ocs connected to existing canons in ways other than siblings or children, and i'm always a sucker for someone achingly sad ! ), @hcldmybroom ( not unlike the above, i have been wanting ambika to become the next big thing for so long that i, again, was always predisposed to loving a character using her ! there is so much - so far - untapped potential for drama with minette that makes me gleeful, and i really, really enjoy what i have seen of them so far ! ), @chacswins ( this guy is always gonna hurt my heart, and i'm always gonna be way more into that than i should be</3 you and sam are neck to neck in my personal 'most anticipated returns' list, and i'm so happy to be able to play around with you in all the angsty ways i've grown to love playing around with you in over the years of friendship and development we've had ! i'm so fond of damien in a way i think doesn't get expressed enough, and so grateful that his existence has provided me with 1. a whole character, in luca and 2. so many new layers for other characters ! ), @tosteelisms ( cara macdonald, my beloved, i am so glad that someone has finally given you a chance to thrive when you have so deserved it for so long ! she's one of my most adored creations, here, and i am so glad that i was able to entrust her into such capable hands ! you came into nox swinging, and i have loved seeing her form ! ), @acritudos ( last, but not at all least. theo nott was talked about at such length for so long that it would have been so easy for him to lose momentum but. of course. that was never going to happen in your hands. he is everything i've always dreamed of and more in terms of all the various dynamics i always wanted - with pansy, with the slytherin gang as a whole, with astoria, with ginny. with everyone, really ! - and of course it would be you that would give me those goods. how on earth could i expect any differently ! as always, i feel very lucky to write with you and develop such complex connections with you, and i hope that never changes<3 ) !
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itspdameronthings · 25 days
Benny The Rookie Cop Ch4
Summary: Has been awhile since my last post. Had soo many ideas for this one! At long last its done! This chapter has some drama, Benny being a big baby. Finally ! the mystery women in Sant's room!
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Santi's POV: 
That voice. Sounded familiar to me,but for the life of me I couldn't place it! Turned around to see her! Can't it be?! Thought.. oh fuck! Am I dreaming? Lilly? After all of these years? Here!? Taking a step forward,” Sure you can. What are you doing here?” Sat down to tell me why she is in rehab. Same reason why I'm here. Not saying too much about it. Heard my voice earlier this evening when she first arrived. Seeing her reminds me of our childhood. Going off on our own,and looking after Gracie while ma was working. After highschool we lost touch. Till we met up again at basic training. Then we parted again. She went to the med core. Then things went to shit after endless relationships ended badly. Okay, we have something to share in that department. Took her hand,” We will lick this together. Hopefully this time we can overcome this addiction. Gracie would love to see you when I tell her “ When she heard me mention Gracie made her tear up. Always wondered what happened to her. Told her about being married to Benny. Also her being a nurse. Hearing that made her tear up again. We chatted till both of us fell asleep. Forgot about the rule about no patients in the room after a certain hour. Helped her to her room. Till I heard her whispering,” Just like old times Tang.” 
Yeah like old times. Times when we walked home from a party because my truck ran out of gas. Oh those highschool days. Followed by that time during basic when we got kp duty because of a prank gone wrong. Sorry Redfly! Took her hand,” Get some rest now lily pills. Another day in rehab land. Especially with Dr. Relationship wrecker.” Lilly looked at me all confused,” Why is that who’s” Whispers the answer in her ear as I walked towards my room. Not till I see another familiar face . Fish’s wife, Redfly 's ex,” What are you doing on this floor? Thought you were in labor and delivery?” Molly practically slugs me on the shoulder. While rolling her eyes,” I'm on my rehab rotation you jackass! Did your sister tell you anything? Oh right her mind is on her husband right now. Poor guy being shot in the ass.” Rubbing my shoulder as I opened my room door,” Yeah , that smarts . Wanna say congrats to your marriage. Glad you are happy. I mean it. Both of you need some happiness. Also wanna ..” Molly knew what I was gonna say. Took her a while to process the information about Tom. Glad the trust fund has helped to continue with her nursing school. Want to work not to live off the trust all that much. Saved portion of it for the girls’ education. Frankie finally got his pilot license,and now flies for the fire department. Proud of you man. Molly leans against the doorframe telling me that she has faith in me. Also she has my back on the doctor issue. Since she is gonna be helping her. More importantly to give her two cents. Love her spunk! 
Gracie’s POV: 
Forgot how much sleep one loses in the hospital Nurses come in to check on his vitals and such. Now they know about his lower back tattoo! Beautiful rose bud. His way to have me near him. So sweet! Have one same location, boxing glove. Which he loves so much. My thoughts were dashed when Benny moaned for me. Poor baby boy having a bad dream. Calmed him down by touching him ever so gently and slowly. Followed by me singing softly to him. He opened his eyes ever so slowly,” Hmm … such a sweet little voice ya have. Perfect thang to hear right now. Wished …” Kisses him slowly,” I know baby. Wished we were in our bed. Hopefully that will happen. Hope I can convince the docs for me to tend to you rather than someone else. Can't have that.” 
No he doesn't want that. Have another nurse to take care of him. Lay next to him facing him while touching his face ever so gently till a nurse from the ER comes in to tell me that I'm needed! Hello! My shift is over! 
Benny's POV:
Nurse’s work is never done! Poor rose bud. Tired rose bud. Heard her out in the hallway,but quietly telling a nurse that she needs to be with me! In her tired state won't be a good idea! Darn tooting it isn't! You tell her darlin. Hate the fact I can't  lay on my ass. Not complainin . Okay! I am! Ass fucking hurts. Need more meds! See, my iv bag looks like a prune! Heard Gracie mumbling as she pressed the call button. Good girl! Give me more of that stuff. Sound of the same nurse comes in with an IV bag. Closed my eyes since the light was bright as fuck! Hurry the fuck up! Turn that light off! Moments later the room is dark again. Moonlight shines through the window. God she looks beautiful. Kiss her soft lips,” Rest my wife. Gonna need some strength to give the ER a what for,and see if I'll be sprung out of this joint. “ 
Morning finally comes. Oh fucking great! 7am my doc ,and a few med students are at attention as he checks my ass wound. Sayin it has healed up pretty good. Yeah yeah! Get to the part when I can get out of here already sheech! Heard him sayin that I'll be gettin out of here sometime this morning! Finally! Seeing my wife smile. Till two familiar voices fills the room! Frankie and Will! Gracie closes the door as she and the doctor,and students chit chat out in the hall. 
Both of them try not to tease me all too much about my wound. That's fine! I'm a big boy! Can take it! Will begins to ease my pain by tellin funny, childhood stories till Gracie comes in,” Looks like I'm gonna be someone's private nurse, handsome husband of mine.” Hell fucking yeah baby! 
Note: I'll be doing a mini chapter. I know y'all wanna know what happens when Benny gets home. As for the next chapter? Flashforward few weeks when Benny picks Santi up from rehab. Spend time together. Meanwhile Gracie is in danger all because of Lucy's stupidity.
@dameronscopilot @rhoorl @romanarose @musings-of-a-rose @crookedbreadtimemachine
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tallymonster · 9 months
This last episode of The Gilded Age made me cry AGAIN. this show is perfection and I am so here for what's coming next. Spoilers under cut cuz I have mutuals who arent caught up to the most recent episode. I'm not talking about EVERYTHING tho cuz I only remember the big parts tbh.
HOLY SHIT okay so first off, Peggy and the reporter guy whose name I always forget KISSED last episode!!!!
So glad Marian was like GIRL HE'S MARRIED TF?!
Also the whole thing with the school closing, like I cannot believe they would just close it because it's a school for black kids wtf 1880's New York!! You're supposed to be more progressive, but yeah stark reminder of the times we're in during the show.
The whole thing with Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Winterton being all petty with each other now that Winterton has some pull with the old guard who are leaving the Academy for the Met??? 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌. HERE. FOR. IT. love the bargaining to get the center box. Like Winterton, girl, this is BERTHA RUSSELL.
oh and speaking of hbic Mrs. Russell, the Duke is coming to the Met omfg her whole world just ended right there!! The look on her face when Larry and Gladys were like " Hey, were off to the party, see ya!"
That fucking party too!!!! Omfg Dash, I cannot with you!!!!! To like invite everyone that you know to this solarium thing which, baller move btw I would love to have my own solarium in a garden like living the dream
Okay, so this party is popping off too like all the DRAMA
Gladys is getting hit on by ANOTHER bachelor, and Larry comes to the rescue like a protective older brother, we stan.
Oscar and Maud are hella cute together, like I know he's gay and kind of a fortune chaser, and I have a feeling she's got something going on with her...like idk there's just some slightly red tinged flags with her background...I guess we'll see...BUT they kissed too!!!!!! And it was so hot!!!! Like daaamn Oscar!!! I didn't know you could kiss a lady like that!!
So Dashiel puts the party together for the dedication of the solarium, but then as he's making a speech about it, he brings up Marian!!!
And then he starts going on this rant about moving back to NY to have his daughter grow up where he did and he didn't expect to fall in love
Y'all the look on Marian's FACE!!??? it was the same look I had too tbh
Omg and Aunt Ada and Forte were both like UH UH YOU DO NOT WANNA SAY YES WE CAN TELL!!!!
Like everyone was hella shocked and YALL THE SCREAM I SCREAMED WHEN THEY SHOWED LARRY'S FACE!!!! this poor man just got dumped by his boss/milfy widow just to come back to NY and see the other girl he liked get engaged. Big fat L for Larry.
Cut to Jack, he sent in for a patent for that clock piece he invented, and he gets denied because he's not part of a clockmakers guild or whatever.
Fucking Armstrong over here has to shit in his Cheerios and just talk mad shit like I cannot wait for her to say the wrong thing in front of Agnes. like you're on thin ice already because of all the racist shit you did and said to Peggy, Armstrong like what is your game plan???
So Mr. Russell goes to one of the union dudes houses. Like it's the same guy who came to his house but again, I forget their names
They talk for a min and it looks like Russell is having a small change of heart when he sees the man's family. The oldest son who doesn't look more than like 17 tells Russell that he's working in the mill too, to support his family.
Russell leaves and is greeted by a mob of people who work in the mills. Like they brought their families too so you see women with babies in their arms.
Rest of the episode is going back and forth between the smaller plots. Like Bannister and one of the other servants whose name I also forget seeing Church come back to the Russell home drunk, which ended up being that it was the 30th anniversary of the death of Church's wife who died so he got drunk.
Same small plot thing, Mrs. Astor, Mrs. Van Rhijn, and Mr. McAllister all come together to plot how to save the Academy since Winterton is taking a bunch of people and taking them to the Met.
Okay, now for the worst cry I had.
Forte and Ada come to visit Agnes after their honeymoon to Niagara Falls.He had been having some back pain and he went to some doctors
At first it was just like oh here's some pain meds to take care of it, let's go do some tests though.
Well....he goes to another specialist and he tells Forte that he has something more serious.
Cut to Marian coming to visit, she's thinking it's about her engagement to Dash, so she starts to talk about it with Ada
Ada was like "I didn't call for you?"
Forte comes out and says "I did. I need to talk to the both of you." And makes Ada and Marian sit.
Scene cuts to Marian rushing into the Van Rhijn house, Agnes, Oscar, and cousin Aurora are all there.
We find out that Uncle Forte as Marian calls him, has cancer. It's the kind that starts in the back and begins to spread. So it sounds like he has some sort of bone cancer?
Agnes immediately rushed over to Ada
Scene change and we go to Ada and Forte in his bed, she's cuddling him and telling him that they'll get through it. She starts to tear up which makes him cry.
The doorbell rings, and Ada goes downstairs
She sees Agnes there and she runs into her sister's arms.
The sobbing that Cynthia Nixon did here absolutely destroyed me.
Agnes saying to Ada, "I'm here. You've not to worry." Just reminded me of my brother doing that with me when our mom died and it broke me.
Agnes tried to get Ada and Forte to come to the Van Rhijn home but they said no
Props to Ada and Forte. Death with dignity will always be my stance and I think that's what is going to be implied here.
Mad props also go to Mr. Russell for not shooting the strikers. I think he's starting to have a change of heart with the robber baron tendencies.
All in all, GOOD EPISODE. MADE ME CRY. I LOVED IT. can't wait to see how the opening night will go lololol specially cuz Winterton doesn't know about Mr. Russell basically blackmailing the dude from the Met!! Ohohohohhooooo
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monochromatictoad · 4 months
🔥 about the main CV and LoS games (gameplay or characters) :>
Main CV
I've never played a mainline game, so I'll just talk about the characters, lol.
Sara. Darling Sara. She deserved so much better, and I'm still upset that they never went further with her possessing the VK. Although, I'm kinda glad, because she might've become the Tutorial NPC. She has a beautiful theme, and the music box cover of the Vampire Killer in LoS1 is just as pretty.
Death and Dracula have such a strange, yet probably healthiest, relationship that either of them could be part of. Dracula is especially a good villain. A part of me wants to be sympathetic towards him, but he is such a bastard, that every time he opens his mouth that sympathy dashes away. I love him at his least redeemable. However, I feel painfully neutral towards Walter and Shaft, and any of the other Sorrow villains. Except Celia, I feel like there is a lot of potential in her.
Once I play some of the mainline games, these opinions might change, but so far I'm loving what I see. I do think the early voice acting is kinda goofy, but I wouldn't change that for the world. Also, the humor. I do like the running gags and hijinks in the series, it makes the world feel lively. Also, the mangas? The artwork? There's a reason it's one of the most influential games in the industry.
The atmosphere is darker and heavier than in the mainline. However, that's not to say it's trying to be edgy, it's just trying to do its own take on the tale. It does have its own sense of humor, and plenty of references to the older games that make sense with the story, ex. Burning Agreus' familiar to get a roast!
The characters. The characters in LoS are phenomenal, despite there not being many of them. While Felicia was a late game arrival, I adore what little I can find about her. The bosses are really well designed, and the boss battles are really good.
Where do I even begin on the Belmonts? The twist that Belmonts and Dracul are from the same family? I love it. I never saw it coming, until I accidentally spoiled it for myself. The emotions that these characters show are also amazing. Gabriel/Dracul and Trevorcard both have parts of onscreen sobbing. And not the pretty crying, I mean the mental breakdown crying. But the tiredness that Dracul expresses in LoS2, even Robert Carlyle even said was purposeful. He wanted to make Gabriel exhausted of living, and it shows so well in LoS2.
In saying that, there are plenty of problems, especially in LoS1. While the battles are good, there are a few that I had issues with. Malphas and the Gravedigger. The eggs that Malphas shoots at you, I always had issues with throwing back at her. The Gravedigger summons enemies that possess corpses in coffins when you try to get close to him, and then it's a qte while you're avoiding getting hit by him. It's kind of a mess, but I do appreciate him being difficult because he's a late game battle. I also mentioned this earlier, but it needs repeating. LoS2 focuses too much on the first Acolyte, and not enough on the other two.
But my biggest thing is a specific enemy in LoS1. The Headless Burrower. They are the SotN Medusa heads of LoS. They are zombies, that throw their heads and then the bodies burrow underground. The heads float around and are a pain to fight. At certain parts they can't be hurt, and then the heads are hard to lock on to, much less hit with the VK. Luckily, you only have one required fight with them, and then you have an optional fight with them.
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quirkthieves · 6 months
Viv I need you to know that every time I see you on the dash or in my notifs or in my dms or literally ANYWHERE my day gets a million times brighter, I love reading your writing and your hcs regardless of which muse/chara you're talking about and honestly going back and forth with you about kemoji has made me love this series x10 times more than I initially did. I'm also SOOO very grateful to you for helping me find the new ch translations whenever they drop & it warms my heart to see your passion for Romanian culture and the way you've made Mioara into SUCH a compelling chara that she's practically tied to my Mihai. like you genuinely couldn't tear her out of my hands if you tried. ANYWAY ILYSM AND I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON!! xoxoxo
CHRISSSSSSSSS you have no idea how much this means to me... ;^;/ .... i dont have the words for it and i dont have my emotes on this computer but rest assured im doing some WUAHGHGH shit
it's been so fun going back and forth with you on things too!!!! ive definitely come to like mihai so much more as a character and its been fun exploring dynamics that never could happen in the series and i love hearing your headcanons and im being 100% serious when i say i absolute love how unabashed you are with writing your muses. i feel like theres a struggle myself and a lot of other writers have when it comes to writing characters like mihai or mikito where we wanna sand off some of the rougher edges but there's so much more life and voice when someone (you) can keep them true to form because thats the appeal of characters like that in the first place!!!
AND IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MIOARA..... <3 i always get a little worried that when i write characters like her that i may slip into "weird weeby territory" but genuinely i love writing her and drawing him and reading deep dives and articles and journals and everything else that ive been led to on the journey!!! the decision to make him romanian actually came about as the result of an existing passion for learning about the culture because of an exhibit my job hosted of contemporary works from the cluj-napoca school and the information document i put together for it since i have another romanian friend that i knew would be really excited for it and i wanted to make her proud 💪💪💪 almost a year later and now im working on learning the language and trying my best to do right by such a rich and interesting history & culture
LOLLL okay that got corny sorry i didnt mean to get on a soap box there but it just makes me really happy to hear that if nothing else my effort is shining through <3 ok ily chris im gonna stop typing before i make myself look goofy on here
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queen-of-the-boos · 6 months
*The little ghost wanders the halls, holding gently in her hands a familiar white blossom and some sort of note. She passes through various walls and partitions in search of the event's most gracious host... And at last, she finds the lovely Queen in a moment away from all the bustle.*
"Um... Your Majesty...?"
*Mona wasn't really sure how to address her, but hoped a classic formality would do. When the Queen turned her attention to the timid spirit, Mona held the flower and the note a little closer.*
"...H-Hello... I know I wasn't really, um...around much. But it was nice to see some people...it felt so quiet lately. And you're a really nice host...and..."
*She perked up a little as she caught herself getting off-track.*
"Oh! Um... I-I found this. It was on the ground, by the front door. And it came with this note... It's strange, I can't really explain it, but it...feels like someone else wrote it for you, maybe...? So I felt like I should give it to you..."
*Suddenly the little ghost thrust out the anonymous gift towards the Queen with both hands. Despite how shy she felt around all these new people (and about talking to the Queen herself), she still smiled very softly.*
"W-Well...and, I know what you said about these flowers. You give them to someone you care about... And, well, I also wanted to say thank you for being so nice and having this party. It made things feel a little friendlier, I think."
*The note is strangely cold, and is dusted with white, blue and lavender sparkles. Queenie can see a ghost of a message written on it, and oddly it is enclosed in...parentheses?*
(Hi Queenie c: Sorry I wasn't very active for this. I have been in this weird mashup of "busy with life" and "not busy, but recovering from being busy" for a very long time now and frankly I am. exhausted kdjfg. but I like seeing you do stuff like this, it's always nice to see selfship/OC positivity and everyone having fun with it.)
(I don't mean to make this sound sad hdjfg but events/writing like this kind of reminds me of when I had tons more free time and really indulged a lot more in stuff every day, so when I see it on my dash nowadays it's like a little burst of free serotonin asdjgdhf. We don't interact on a super close level but you are indeed a very lovely friend and I just wanted to say that I am glad to see whenever you're having fun~)
(also I wanted to draw at least part of this, but I have like. negative 3 energy so I hope writing will do dkfjg 💜)
The Queen was busy cleaning up the lovely Treacherous Mansion from the events of the ball when she heard a timid voice call out to her. She brightened up immediately when she saw it was Mona.
"Oh! Hello, dear. Did you enjoy the ball..?"
She smiled fondly as Mona went on, simply happy to hear that she brightened up Evershade Valley just a bit. It could get quite lonely here...
"Its no problem at all! I'm just glad you seemed to enjoy yourself. Sorry about your luck on the party board- Oh?"
What's this? A Banshee Blossom? For her? She gently took the flower from her friend's hand and held it close.
"You're giving this to me? Are you quiet sure? Thank you so much!"
The queen took the chilly note and read over it, reading some part aloud. She felt her heart warm as she took the words to heart. It really made her smile!
(YOU'RE WELCOME CICI AAAAAAA It's ok that you couldn't draw a lot! You did way more than me and I also feel you on the no energy department GOSH. I just wanted everyone to have fun with a lil event yknow cause I miss those...
You're always welcome to interact with me whenever you want! My ask box and dms are always open here or otherwise 💕)
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Favorite mutuals you love seeing on your dash? :DDDD
Dawwww sheeeeeesh. I thought of a lot of people, actually. (And sorry to everyone else who I might have forgotten to mention on here. You’re all very wonderful but there’s too many bruv. I’m sorry. 😭🙏🏽)
First of all, I love seeing my wife, Lhester (lhester), on my dash because she always reblogs so many things that make me laugh, and I have to reblog them. ❤️(And some unhinged things, but I won’t go into specifics LMAO). Li-Li (iwasneverth3re), because she always posting some HOT ASS GUN FANART. 🔥 Like thank you for the eyegasm, my fellow Gun simp/wife. 🖤 Sunny (x-xsunlightx-x) and Day (lalaland123456), because every time they post they always be arguing with each other over the most weirdest things through their Ask box (like Sunny bringing in a new lab rat and Day being hit on by many people 💀) and it makes me LMAOOOO every time. 💕 Hyusolk (hyusolk) and Jann (bigdealno5), because they’re both very cute whenever they interact with each other. 😭💜 (I enjoy seeing Hyusolk creating beautiful artwork as if they came from a movie and seeing Jann’s creative and aesthetic posts of different Lookism characters 🙌🏽). Adrien (spaceyflowers) because their tags on their reblogs are SO FUNNY LMAOOO. I crack up whenever I see Adrien’s reblogs. Also, their WONDERFUL WRITING. 💙 I follow their writing blog (spaceyflowerswriting) and let me tell you… I love how they’re very detailed and accurate when it comes to writing as Lookism characters. They never miss when it comes to their POVs, and I respect that. 🤝🏽 Sam (slimesam), because I love seeing her artwork. Ever since that beautiful fanart for Rendezvous, I always look forward to what drawing she had completed every week. 💚 Now she’s my manager, so she keeps me in check with her reblogs. 😅 (sorry Sam for my behavior recently LOL) I also appreciate her for being a huge fan of my story as well. A true avid fan 🙏🏽✨ Ria (qawcamiz), because I enjoy reading her writing too! 💗 Very descriptive and I became a fan of her writing ever since she sent that little story thing of Gun x (Y/N)… 😳 And I always look forward to her updates. June (gintokilindo), because I love their headcannons so much. They’re such a creative writer as well, and I love the fun topics that they write about for each character. Very accurate as well! 💝 Rina (lokislytherin), because oh my god. Her writing is SO ARTICULATE AND DETAILED!! Like, she’s so smart. I love reading her mini analyses on characters, headcannons, and reblogs of various writing-related posts. 💓 Gin (fan-of-chaos) because she’s always so supportive and positive when it comes to re-blogging from different posts. She shares a lot of funny and pretty Lookism posts/artwork 🧡 ALSO I LOVED HER “Trip to the Mountains” HEADCANNONS, ESP THE GUN AND GOO ONE. That one got me 💀💀💀 Micha (leekeira/Misaki), because she’s my fav dongsaeng 😊🤍 I am a fond of her new sketches and her cute fanfics, and she has grown a lot in her blog. It’s like watching a little sister grow up in front of you. 🥲💞 Mrs. Kang (dgragoon) because I admire how open she is with talking to people and her reblog threads are always funny to read, including her updates. Cracks me up every time 😭💛 And recently, skullsmashr and Ruth (moonok3). Like… holy shit. I’ve never talked to ANYONE SO UNHINGED IN MY LIFE. Ever since I saw her own chapter reviews, I’m like “This bitch really got the same sense of humor as me.” ✨ BUT ALSO SHE’S A DEMON LMFAAAOOOO (jk love ya sister even tho you a bad influence on me 💖) And Ruth! Recently, she posted for the first time of a sketch of Gun x (Y/N) and her drawing was so pretty!! It gave me butterflies. 🦋 And the reblogs she posts got me feeling dead inside because it’s mostly me, her, and Skullsmashr being IDIOTS. 💀💀💀💀But she’s too kind, and I appreciate her being a fan of my story since Day 1 and I’m glad that I get to finally talk to her more on here! 🤎 (if you see this Ruth, remember the hotline, ok? 👀)
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aliceaktorka · 2 years
Layton Secret Santa 2022
Hello! Here's my gift for the @layton-secretsanta 2022! My giftee was @puzzle-004! I thought it'd be fun and cute to write a little conversation between Lucy and Ernest! Story info Characters: Lucy, Ernest Ships: None Genre: Slice-of-life Hope you enjoy!
Lucy walked along London’s streets, watching as snowflakes danced through the air. She’d always found winter a beautiful season, albeit rather cold. The city was tucked underneath a white fluffy blanket. Walking through it created a satisfying crunching sound. She could see her breath in puffs of air. As a kid, she’d dash across her snow covered yard, arms outstretched like wings while breathing out air. She would giggle in delight as the snow crunched under her boots with every large stomp she made. When her mother asked what she was doing, she’d turn her head, a big bright grin on her face and proclaim, “I’m a winter dragon!” Then, she’d return to her imaginary world again.
Lucy shook her head to herself, a fond smile on her face as she recalled the memory. 
It didn’t take long before she arrived at her destination, a small brick building with green trim, a golden circular sign hanging above it. She approached the door and knocked three times. A few seconds later, a young, green haired man opened the door, a confused look on his face. “Miss Baker?” he asked. “I’m so sorry but the agency is closed right now.”
“Hello Ernest!” Lucy chirped. “No, I don’t need any help from the agency. Kat and I were t’ meet up here and catch up wi’ each other.”
Ernest’s eyes widened in recognition. “Oh! That’s right! She did mention you’d be stopping by. Sorry, it seems I’d forgotten.” A nervous laugh escaped him, and he rubbed the back of his head. “Miss Layton has stepped out, but I’m sure she’ll be back shortly.” He stepped back, holding the door open for Lucy. “It must be cold outside. Please, do come in and warm yourself up.”
“Aye! Ta very much.” Lucy said with a nod. She stomped the snow from her shoes, dusted off her coat and cap, then entered the agency.
“Eh-up! I see you’ve been decorating!” Lucy observed, taking in her surroundings. Christmas garland hung on the fireplace, and three stockings awaited gifts. Each had a name embroidered into them, indicating whom they belonged to. “Awww!” Lucy chirped. “There’s even one for Sherl!” “Miss Layton made those, and she insisted he get one too. He's part of the agency after all.” Ernest mused with a small smile. Lucy spun around on her heels as she got a full look at the interior. “It all looks so festive!” “Thank you!” Ernest replied, nodding his head. Then, he hesitated. His shoulders slumped with shame. “Though, I’m afraid I’m not quite finished. I…do apologize.” Lucy blinked. “Eh? Oh! No no! You did nowt wrong!” She said. “This were supposed to be a fun casual meeting between friends before we settle in for the holidays. Anything else is a bonus.”
A sigh of relief escaped from Ernest. “Oh, well, I’m glad to hear it then.” He opened another box of decorations. “I should still get back to it.” “Whatever for?” “I don’t like leaving it incomplete. Besides, small tasks can be enjoyable. I find them relaxing.” Lucy hummed in thought. “Aye, I can see your point.” Then, her ears wiggled and she pointed out in excitement. “By ‘eck! I’ve got it!”
“Huh? Got what?” Realizing what she just did, Lucy moved her arm back, a sheepish smile on her face. “Oh! Whoops! Force of habit from t’ Mystery Room.” Clearing her throat, she amended, “I mean, I think I know what we could do while we wait for Kat t’ return.”
“And what’s that?” Ernest inquired, glancing at Lucy in puzzlement. “We decorate together! It can be our little surprise for her t’ see the agency all dressed up!” “That’s awfully kind for you to offer Miss Baker, but you mustn’t feel obligated. I can handle it.”
Lucy shook her head, her brow furrowed in determination. “I insist! Besides, two heads are better than one as t’ saying goes, aye? Plus, it’ll be nice t’ do summat more laid back than solving murder mysteries. Not that I’m complaining! I love my job! But it’s good t’ take a break, you know?” Ernest paused for a moment, but nodded with a laugh. “Yes, that’s true.” He grinned. “Let’s do it then.”
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anotherwvba · 1 year
An Origin Story pt. 8
Niki leaned against the ropes of the boxing ring, her eyes twinkling as she chatted with Mika and Skye, who stood at ringside. "You two seem super eager to spar with Glass Joe. What's the deal?"
"Are you kidding? It's a chance to step into the ring with a WVBA fighter and see how we measure up," Mika exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.
Skye nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and I know people like to poke fun at him for his 0-20 record, but let's be real. An 0-20 record in the WVBA probably means most people wouldn't last a single round with him."
Niki's face broke into a warm smile. "I'm glad to hear you say that. Joe is a tough guy with a heart of gold. Most people just don't get it."
Just then, the gym door swung open, and Cutie Hondo burst in, her boxing gloves dangling from her hand. "Niki, you in here?" she shouted, her eyes scanning the room before landing on Niki.
"Get over here, Cutie!" Niki called back, waving her over. "I want you to meet some new faces."
Cutie jogged over to the ring, her eyes meeting Niki's as she reached up for a fist bump. "Hey, girl! What's cookin'?"
"These are the newbies, Mika and Skye," Niki introduced, gesturing toward the two girls.
Cutie extended her hand, shaking theirs in turn. "Nice to meet you both. I'm Cutie Hondo."
Mika's eyes widened. "Wow, the first-ever winner of a women's match in the WVBA. That's so cool!"
Skye chimed in, "Seriously, you're like a legend already."
Cutie chuckled as she began to put on her gloves. "Well, I don't know about 'legend,' but it's nice to meet you both."
Niki feigned a pout. "Gee, Cutie shows up, and suddenly I'm chopped liver."
Cutie laughed. "Oh, come on, you'll always be my sessatakuma."
Mika looked at Niki, her eyes twinkling. "Don't worry, you're a star to us."
Skye added, "Absolutely, you both are."
Niki grinned. "So, Cutie, you ready to spar today?"
Cutie smirked, pulling on her gloves. "Oh, I'm ready. You gonna try not to get TKO'd this time?"
Niki chuckled. "Oh, it's on. Just don't cry when I land a few good ones."
Before the banter could escalate, Glass Joe returned, his face lighting up when he saw Cutie. 
"Ah, bonjour, Cutie! Always a pleasure."
Cutie nodded. "Hey, Joe. What's the word?"
Glass Joe turned his attention to Mika and Skye. "I couldn't find Hoy, but I spoke with Monsieur Jay. Since I’m working on defense, just light sparring, he said it's fine."
Mika's face lit up. "Really? That's awesome!"
Skye was practically bouncing. "Oh man, this is gonna be epic!"
Glass Joe smiled. "Can you get your gear and be back in 20 minutes?"
Skye was already halfway to the door. "You bet!" she called over her shoulder.
Mika grinned. "Absolutely, see you in a bit!" She then dashed off after Skye.
Glass Joe watched them go, then turned back to Niki and Cutie. "Those two have a lot of energy, non?"
Niki nodded. "Yeah, they're super excited to be here. It's awesome."
Cutie agreed. "Definitely. The more passionate the fighters, the more challenging the circuit."
Glass Joe nodded. "Oui, I couldn't agree more. Passion is the fuel that drives us all. Well, I should get ready for the spar."
"Good luck, Joe. Show them what you're made of," Cutie encouraged.
"Merci, I intend to," Glass Joe replied, heading toward one of the vacant rings.
Niki looked at Cutie. "Ready to go?"
Cutie tapped her gloves together. "Ready to lose?"
Niki smiled and started bouncing on her toes. “Oh sessatakuma, I learned a lot fighting you. Let me show you.”
Cutie grinned warmly and climbed into the ring with Niki, beginning to loosen up her muscles. Both women felt the electric charge of potential in the air, not just for their upcoming sparring session, but for the future of the Women’s Circuit.
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lilolilyr · 1 year
glad to see you back on my dash ❤️ for the ff writer asks: 7, 8, 9?
Hi! It's nice to be back :D I didn't have a lot of time for fandomy things lately, and then when I wanted to log in again tumblr wouldn't let me! But it's all good now xD
What’s a troupe you love to write?
Anything hurt/comfort! I'm not sure whether there's any specific trope I write a lot?
A trope that I think about a lot but haven't really written yet because it's always such an AU longfic potential is characters especially kids getting lost in the multiverse (so, getting stuck in different universes than their own, or their homeworld just disappearing leaving them the sole survivor), @toboldlynerd and @katieswain123 would know about that bc I've spammed you guys about my ideas in different fandoms xD
What’s your favorite line(s) or scene(s) that you have written?
Omg no idea xD I don't remember stuff I write for very long
Just from my last couple fics, I like this paragraph of a Callian (Lie to Me) fanfic:
'Cal and Gillian have never been single at the same time. And a part of Gillian has always believed that that was the real reason why they have never made a go of it. It had been a guilty thought, hastily pushed away while she had still been with her husband, but sometimes she couldn't help thinking: if I was free, and he was free, we'd not stay that way for long. '
Bc I think it fits their relationship (or lack thereof) vry well :)
What kind of document do you use to you write? Microsoft Word? Google Docs? Straight in the AO3 text box?
Usually on my phone in a telegram messenger chat with just myself in it, I write '#wip' '#nobackup' 'wip: [fictext]', when I post it I delete the '#wip' message, when I backup sth to my laptop/hard drive I delete the '#nobackup' message, and I can easily search it all
When I'm on my laptop I write in Word
Sometimes when I want to finish sth (either really short fics I write in one go eg drabbles, or half finished fics I just want to get done), I write directly in an Ao3 draft knowing I have to finish within the month or it'll auto delete xD (yes I could just copy it before that happens but still, the deadline pressure makes me write more)
Thanks for the questions :)
Ask me
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eadanga · 1 year
Crazy in Love
Tumblr media
Mia walks down the halls checking her patients are stable. She smiles as she sets her clipboard down and let’s out a sigh of relief I think I’m gonna head home and enjoy a nice hot bath She felt a pair arms around her she smiles as she feels the muscular chest against her
“Hi beautiful”
Mia turns around and faces Bryce “Hi what are you doing here I thought you left”
“I was waiting for you to finish up now that I’ve got you alone”
“And what are you planning to do with me?”
Bryce chuckles then smirks “Well I was hoping I can take you out then take you home and make you come all night long” His hand goes under her skirt and between her legs she let’s out a soft moan “Doesn’t that sound fun?”
“Mmm yes but can we have dinner at my place?”
Bryce smirks “Oh I see you want to head straight to the fun part”
Mia giggles “But food first I’m starved”
Bryce chuckles “Of course but let me make it”
“Ooooh I can’t wait to taste this culinary specialty of yours”
“You’ll love it”
They had back to Mia’s place and Mia tries to enter the kitchen but Byrce holds up a hand “Stop right there dinner’s on me”
“But I want to help”
“Nope you sit down and relax you’ve been working all day it’s time to relax” Mia laughs and sits down as Bryce comes over to remove her shoes and keeps her feet on a pillow “There we are complete relaxation”
“Thank you Bryce you sure you don’t want me to”
“Ah ah ah nope you sit there and I’ll make dinner you rest up”
Mia smiles as he rolls up his sleeves and continues to make dinner after an hour he comes back into the living room and reaches with his hand “Shall we?”
Mia grins and takes his hand and heads to the kitchen where she sees a steak dinner and lit candles “Bryce…”
“Yes?” He kisses her on the cheek “Like it?”
“I love it”
“I’m glad now sit down and let’s have dinner”
Mia sits down as Bryce sits next to her he grins “You look amazing”
“So do you you’re being super romantic right now”
“It’s my job to spoil my beautiful girlfriend is it not”
Mia blushes “Yes it is you love spoiling me”
“As you should be but I did have other reasons”
“I knew it”
Bryce laughs as he takes her hand “Mia you know I love you”
“I love you too Bryce”
“I don’t want to wake up without you beside me”
“Are you asking me to move in?”
Bryce grins “Yeah I am but not as my girlfriend”
Mia looks confused “What do you mean Bryce I hope you’re not”
“No no no this is not me breaking up with you” He pushes his chair away from the table and gets down one knee pulling out a ring box from behind his back “I want you to move in as my wife please Mia say that you’ll marry me”
Mia smiles widely “Yes Bryce I will”
Bryce slips the ring on her finger then kisses her deeply “I love you so much”
“I love you too”
Bryce quickly stands “Now that dinners all finished let’s go”
“Where are we going? Aren’t we gonna celebrate our engagement?” She gives him a flirty smile “I was thinking in the bedroom”
Bryce groans as he grabs both her hands “Baby stop tempting me or we’re gonna miss flight”
“What flight?”
“We’re going to Vegas to get married”
“We are? But Bryce I’ve always dreamed about a wedding standing in front of my friends and family and what would our parents say?”
Bryce smiles “I told you I want to move in with my wife right and I already cleared this with them when we come back I’ll make sure you’ll have the wedding of your dreams”
Mia grins “Ok but I need to pack real quickly I can’t go to Vegas naked!” Bryce laughs as she dashes into her bedroom then comes back with a suitcase “What about your stuff?”
“Already in my car” He pulls the door open “Now come on babe our Uber is waiting for us”
Mia laughs “I can’t believe we’re doing this we must be crazy”
“Crazy in love baby now let’s go!”
Tags: @mfackenthal @indiacater @the-soot-sprite
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corner-stories · 2 years
pitbulls and gyms
Mia Dearden. Rose Wilson.
Heavy Bags. Gazing. Puppers.
888 words.
After a mildly exhausting search around Titans Compound, Rose Wilson finally found the one she was looking for. Upon entering the gymnasium, she took a few steps into the space and soon the telltale sign of the team’s designated archer. 
Viscount Theodore of Dearden — i.e Mia’s sixty-pound pitbull mix, lazed in the corner of the room like a big blob. The giant baby lounged on the floor with all the grace of a potato, contributing jack all to society but looking rather cute while he did it. While Teddy’s chest was muscular and his jaws were large, his beady eyes and tendency to whimper at the slightest inconvenience guaranteed that he could never hurt a fly. 
The only pitbull stereotype that Teddy truly lived up to was the fact that he looked absolutely dashing in the knit sweater he often sported. Apparently, he would weep in despair if he got the slightest bit cold.  
Rose eyed the dog and gave him a polite nod. Teddy shifted his gaze to her without moving his head, then went back to lying on the floor like a giant muscular rug. 
Rose then looked to the Archer in the room.
Mia Dearden stood in her own corner of the gym, sporting a pair of boxing gloves on her hands and a weighted vest over her torso. With all her might she thrust her fists into a heavy bag, moving them with enough speed and grace to very much live up to her name. She was light and springy on her feet, her right jab was quick and her left hook was deadly. Every time the glove made contact, a satisfying smacking noise would resonate throughout the space.
There was no sign of aggression as she hit the bag — rather, a sense of calculation, of coldness, an indication that every strike was planned to the dot, from the way she turned her hips for power to the way she sunk her fist into the leather. Perhaps that in itself was a hair more terrifying than pure rage. 
Unfortunately, Rose wasn’t here to admire Mia’s training regimine. 
“Yo, Speedy!” she yelled over the shitty pop music playing in the gym. “Your car’s blocking my bike, can you move it?” 
Mia stopped hitting the bag and looked to her teammate. Her face was drenched in sweat, causing strands of blonde to stick to her pretty face. In contrast to Rose’s annoyance, Mia seemed amused.
“Always good to see you, Ravager,” Mia smirked. With her teeth she undid the velcro fasteners of the gloves and pulled them off. “And of course.”
Mia dropped her gloves to the corner of the room, giving her hands a quick shake. “You caught me at the right time,” she noted, undoing the straps on her vest. 
As perturbed as Rose was with the situation — i.e standing in the midst of the gym clad in her biker jacket because someone was too lazy to park her ‘81 Camaro properly — she couldn’t help but eye Mia once the vest hit the ground.
Mia was well-muscled and lean, even for someone as vertically challenged as her. Her shoulders and back in particular were impressively toned, a clear side effect after years of archery. Perhaps Mia’s habit of chugging egg whites and eating steamed chicken breasts had paid off.
Had Rose not been preoccupied with a rather vexing predicament, she would have been impressed. She would have even laughed at the Archer’s ‘sun’s out, guns out’ crop top. Perhaps under different circumstances she would even deem Mia desirable, but not desirable enough to tempt her. 
As Mia grabbed a towel to wipe off her face, she noticed the way her teammate was looking at her, reacting with more surprise than anything else. 
“Whatcha’ lookin’ at, Ravager?” asked Mia.
Rose was quick to scoff. “Nothing,” she remarked dryly, crossing her arms. With an air of indifference she looked her teammate up and down one more time. “You spend too much time on your abs, not enough on your triceps.”
Mia was amused as she took a swig of water from her bottle. “Glad you noticed.”
As if on cue, Viscount Theodore of Dearden hopped up onto his stubby legs. After giving himself a customary shake, he began wagging his tail as he walked up to Rose, getting onto his back legs and pressing his paws against her pants. He smiled like the adorable blob he was, a sight that not even Rose could resist.
With a gentle grin she patted the little Viscount’s head. “Hi, Puppy.”
Teddy wagged his tail so hard that his rear end began to shake. 
With a towel draped around her neck Mia walked over. She snapped her fingers at her dog, a gesture that immediately caused the canine to prod over to his master and sit by her side. Even as he beamed with his mouth open and tongue sticking out, he was as loyal as any pup came. 
“Come, Viscount Theodore,” said Mia, affecting her voice with mocking poshness. She led her dog and teammate out of the gym. “We’ve got a vehicle to move.” 
Rose stuffed her hands into the pockets of her jacket. “Do you always have to treat your dog like some duke lord guy?” 
Mia turned back to flash a playful smirk. “Always.” 
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beingatoaster · 2 years
In order: P, Y, P, F, P, P
*squints* I think I see what you're doing here.... TBH this was a little delayed just because when I think of a random AU I tend to throw it onto Tumblr immediately, so I had to wait until new ones occurred to me. XD;;
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
Eula and Jean, role reversal. Not their backstories or families, but their positions in the Knights--possibly this AU is kicked off by some Lawrences conspiring with Eroch and Eula catching wind of it, and so she goes to Varka about the time he’s looking for someone to assign the investigation, and he sees it as a way to demonstrate her loyalty to Mondstadt. So she successfully roots out Eroch and his supporters and becomes Master of Knights, while Jean takes the captaincy of the Reconnaissance Company when it goes empty because someone has to do it, and then Varka assigns Eula as Acting Grand Master when he leaves. And while the Eroch investigation shored up Eula’s bona fides within the Knights, she’s still facing a lot of the resistance from Mondstadt’s civilian populace--that’s what’s interesting to me about this--and so the pressure the Fatui are exerting about the Knights not handling Dvalin at the start of the game is turned up so much higher.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Right now, probably the big ones are The Locked Tomb (glad folks are having fun! this one is especially fascinating to follow from the outside, so to speak, because I was a megafan of the author's Homestuck fanfic) and various Dimension 20 games? The Witcher was another big one for a while. And there's one person on my dash who's keeping me updated on the What We Do In The Shadows TV show entirely via gifsets.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
Inspired by spoilers for Ballads and Brews: Andrius adopts Rosaria along with Razor, so she’s even more his brother. XD I’m thinking the bandits who took her from her village stumble into Wolvendom and run afoul of the wolves, and so Andrius ends up with two feral children at once. TBH given Rosaria’s existing Vision story, if the bandits run into the wolves when she’s very young she can easily just share Razor’s--the pack dies trying to save both of them from an Abyss mage, she still loses a quasi-parental figure in whichever were the parent wolves--or if they run into them much later, her bandit not-really-father dies defending her from the wolves.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
If primarily roleplaying OCs counts as being in a fandom, probably Dragonriders of Pern, which I've been RPing in since, uh... I first got Internet access in 1999, and I found the first RP forums probably a year after that.... Otherwise, if we're talking purely about reading/writing fic, probably Avatar: The Last Airbender, which I first read fic for shortly after it came out back in 2005, and last read fic for just last week.
No, wait, going by those standards, I was reading Star Trek novels as far back as 1995 at least, since I remember boxing some up for that move, and I was reading a Star Trek fic yesterday. XD Star Trek wins!
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
The AU, and I’m not sure if this is Ei/Sara, or Ei/Yae and Sara/Makoto, where Makoto doesn’t die. Which could go a lot of interesting ways for a lot of different characters and points of focus, but as the first sentence suggests, I am thinking about it from a Sara POV. As one of the Shogun’s foremost generals she is very aware that her Shogun seems to have two modes of being with differing behavior to fit each, and she is embarrassingly attracted to the Shogun in one of those modes, while not quite sure why the other mode does nothing for her (or why, in the other mode, she keeps getting subtle nudges encouraging her interest). Yae meanwhile is inevitably in the background laughing her ass off and sowing additional chaos.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
...The one where Lisa doesn’t give up on her research and academic drive, just on the Academiya itself, and ends up acquiring a rich patron willing to provide her with a workspace, assistants, and funding, so long as these lines of research bear certain fruit. Which is to say, Lisa as Ningguang’s secret weapon, because I just persistently love the idea of those two in the same room.
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Christmas Time pt. 12
We did it, you guys! Tomorrow is Christmas! I'm really happy that you spend this time with me and the gang. Today we finish 12 days before Christmas with Secret Santa!
Charlie: Are you ready?
There were roars of agreement from Angel and Niffty, thumbs up from Husk and calm nods from Vaggie and Alastor. Charlie herself beamed with joy, finally getting to exchange gifts with her friends. Other demon royalty weren't interested in this and she only got the chance to give presents to her parents but it lasted till her teen years. Then she met Vaggie and started celebrating Christmas again. Not as fancy but she didn't complain. It was the people that made the holidays, not gifts. Now, she could make more people happy and spread holiday cheer!
Charlie: If you guys don't mind, can I be the first to give my present?
Alastor: What if I want to be first? *Asked resting his head on his hand*
Charlie: Well, okay...?
Alastor: *Scoffs* I'm merely messing with you. Go ahead.
Charlie: Umm, okay?
She looked back at Alastor once more, searching for honesty in his expression. He just waved his hand as in *go ahead*. Nobody else seemed to mind and Charlie sighed, calming her excitement down.
Charlie: So, the person I got was... Niffty!
Charlie dashed to Niffty with a huge gift bag in her hand who was still processing everything. Charlie hugged Niffty and gave the bag to her.
Charlie: C'mon, open it!
Niffy nodded eagerly and looked inside, not even knowing what she could possibly get. The first thing on which her eyes fell of was a big red plush popping from the bag. She took it first to investigate. It was a huge red panda plushy, half sized to Niffty. She couldn't help but squeal out of excitement. It was so cute!
Niffty: Thank you so much! It's adorable!
Charlie: *Giggles* I'm glad you liked it! Look what else is there.
Niffty: There's more?
She reached deeper into the bag, pulling a winter themed food container. She opened it and found gingerbread cookies. Some were decorated with Christmas tree, some with snowflakes and some made into resemblance of Hazbin residents. She took one who looked similar to her in admiration.
Angel: Wait, is it me or are these made similar to us?
Charlie: Yep! Some of them are. I made them myself!
Angel: *Laughs* You better got my shape right.
Charlie: I tried my best! There should be one more thing there, Niffty!
Niffty carefully put the container on the table while plushy was occupying chair next to her. She took a photo album which had handwritten "Merry Christmas" on it. Niffty opened it and felt like she was going to cry out of happiness. It had different photos of her friends with Charlie's handwritten messages here and there. To no surprise, there was only Alastor missing who hated photos but Charlie still drew a deer or radio in some pages.
Niffty: Thank you so much! I don't think that I have ever gotten so many presents!
Charlie: You're welcome!
They both engaged in a hug which was bit tricky due to height difference but they managed. Niffty felt beyond happy to get such presents from the princess herself. Sometimes Niffty couldn't believe that she actually knows Charlie personally. Benefits of being in dept to overlord? Hardly so.
When the hug ended and Charlie walked back to her sitting place, Niffty pulled two medium sized boxes wrapped in Christmas paper, tied with ribbon from her side. She stood up on her chair to be more visible.
Niffty: Alright, I got.. Husk!
She ran to him, while Husk thanked the universe that his Santa wasn't Angel or Alastor. Niffty handed Husk the two boxes, jumping happily.
Niffty: I really hope you like these!
Husk felt a thug on his heartstrings. Seeing someone be this joyous and wanting to gift something wonderful to him was quite a rare occurrence. He never was gifted anything just for the holidays, it was always as a way to gain him over or instead of money. Husk felt a tear forming but he shaken his head and thankfully took the gift.
Husk: Thanks.
He carefully untied the ribbon and accidentally saw Alastor piercingly looking at him. Alastor's expression was mocking, indicating that he saw through Husk's random head shake. Husk decided to ignore him and took the lid from the first box. There laid a brand new top hat, in the colour of dark grey with silver ribbon around it.
Niffty: I thought that you would like a new hat for a chance of pace.
Husk delicately took the hat out for closer inspection. It looked really good and well-made. He took his usual top hat and changed it with a new one. He looked at Niffty with half a smile.
Husk: Well, how do I look?
Angel: Good enough to get me on a date!
Husk looked at Angel annoyed while others snickered.
Niffty: It fits you! Now, open the other one!
Husk: Alright, alright, slow down.
He took the second box. Again, very carefully, Husk opened it. Inside he found beautifully packaged bottle of "Sunset Rum". He could already feel the delicious taste of it. He also noticed a small package at the bottom. Husk took it and upon looking closely he understood what it was, making him smile even more. It was a set of playing cards. Not ordinary! They were quite fancy-with gold outlines and silverish backgrounds.
Niffty: Maybe with a new set of cards you could win more?
Alastor: Ha! Good luck with that!
Husk ignored Alastor's comment and did the unthinkable - willingly hugged a person in years. He put down the cards and bear hugged Niffty. Now Husk let that tear slid.
Husk: *Whispers* Thank you, Niffty.
Niffty: *Whispers back* You're welcome, Husk. I also cleaned the bar yesterday for you.
Husk: *Chuckles* And I wondered how did it get spotless. I really appreciate it.
Niffty: Only the best for friends, right?
Husk: Right.
They let go of the embrace. Well, mostly Husk because Niffty wasn't able to hug him back properly because of his tight hug. She walked back to her seat while Husk took his presents from the top of the table.
Husk: I guess it's my turn. I got... Angel...
Angel: Hey! Where is your enthusiasm, pal?
Husk walked to Angel and compared to Niffty his step was dreadful. He handed Angel a bottle wrapped in Christmas paper and two small boxes.
Angel: Wow, you hate me that much or what?
Husk: What the hell? Why?
Angel: A bottle? Really? You took from here, huh?
Husk: No! I bought it.
Angel: *Continues to tease* Let's say that. And only two boxes? Am I worth that little to you?
Husk: Can you imagine how hard it is to think of a present to someone like you?
Angel: No.
Husk: Without being overly dirty?
Angel: Yeah, that would be harder.
Husk: Plus, these weren't that cheap, you know.
Angel: I'll be the judge of that.
Angel decided to check the bottle first. He unwrapped the paper and saw a white medium bottle of Vermouth. He recalled that they didn't have it here in hotel, so Husk was telling the truth about buying it.
Angel: How did you guess I like this?
Husk: *Shrugs* You don't seem to enjoy heavy drinks that much, plus you're Italian.
Angel nodded approvingly, putting the bottle aside.
While that was happening, Charlie noticed a small paper laying beside her right hand. "Not again", she thought, silently reading it while everyone looked interested in what Husk gifted Angel. "Well, who do you think it will be?" was written there. In usual fashion, the paper evaporated into thin air. Charlie turned to look at Alastor who shrugged and proceeded to look at Angel. Charlie did the same but she failed to notice a cracking smirk on Alastor's "interested" facade.
Next Angel chose to open the littlest box. Inside he found a white bow tie with pink stripes. He couldn't help himself but to open the last box which was bit larger. Inside he found long gloves in exactly the same design.
Angel: *Interested* Where did you find these?
Husk: I didn't. They're custom made.
Charlie: *Surprised* You know how to sew?
Husk: No! One guy owned me a favour.
Angel: I! Love! It!
Angel couldn't believe that someone would do this for him. He had gotten presents before but they were out of gratitude in his business. Maybe Charlie's Secret Santa idea wasn't so corny. He excitedly stood and stepped closer to Husk.
Angel: Give me a hug, big guy!
Husk: Slow down!
But Husk himself was too slow. He was hugged by Angel in similar manner that he hugged Niffty. Husk succumbed to his fate and lightly hugged Angel, as much as he could make it. Angel let him short after, feeling that Husk wasn't a hugger. As much as Angel wanted to try his new accessories out, there was presents to give out. He took a Christmas gift bag from behind of his chair and announced.
Angel: The lovely person who I got was... Vaggie!
He casually walked over to her while everyone debated how many dirty stuff there could be. Especially Vaggie.
Angel: Here ya go! Merry Christmas!
Vaggie: *Suspiciously asked* Can I open this? Is it appropriate?
Angel: Duh, who do you think I am?
Vaggie: Yourself?
Angel: Touche.
Vaggie slowly looked inside the gift bag. She didn't notice anything too bad right out of the bat. Two boxes and it looked like some sort of candy. She decided to go with the candy first. Vaggie pulled it out and it was a large chocolate bar with nut mix from her favourite brand. She looked at Angel surprised.
Vaggie: You remembered my favourite chocolate?
Angel: Of course!
Vaggie: Well, thank you!
Angel: Don't thank me just yet.
His tone suggested Vaggie that there is something not so appropriate there, so she decided to open the boxes in the bag. She looked in the first one and there was a really fancy knife. She excitedly took it out to look better at it in the light. It had intriquently detailed rose design on it's handle while the blade was black.
Angel: I thought that you could refreshen your knife collection with this bad boy.
Vaggie: That is actually a good gift. Thank you.
Angel: Ah, ah, ah! What did I say?
Vaggie glanced at him mistrustfully. This one she decided to open extra carefully. Inside the box she found a brand note with name, it read "Vibrator Necklace". Vaggie immediately looked at Angel with anger and embarrassment in her eyes.
Vaggie: What the fuck is wrong with you?!
Angel: Hey, you'll thank me after using that. Believe me, it does wonders.
Charlie: *Tried to peak in the back* What is it?
Vaggie: *Pulls the bag away from her* A reason for me to try out that knife!
Angel: Wow, girl, calm down! I bought it with pure intentions.
Vaggie: Yeah, right!
Alastor: *Murmurs to himself* Wish I had something to eat while watching this show.
Charlie: Alright, guys! Calm down! Both of you!
Vaggie: *Breathes in and out* Alright. Thank you for your gifts, Angel, but now please go away or I might use the knife.
Angel: Won't I get a hug?
Vaggie: *Glares with the look that could kill*
Angel: Alright, just checking.
Angel went back to his seat while Vaggie drank a cup of water to calm herself down. She sighs and takes out small gift bag and a medium sized box.
Vaggie: Okay, so I'll cut to the chase. I got Alastor.
Alator: Oh? How delightful!
Vaggie moved to Alastor who wasn't sitting that far from her, right to the right of Charlie. She gave him the presents which Alastor took with great interest in his eyes.
Vaggie: I did not really know what you like, so I had to improvise.
Alastor: Well, let us see how you did.
Alastor decided to open the bag first. Inside he found a can of an expensive brand of coffee and a pack of dried venison strips. He raised an eyebrow out of surprise that Vaggie noticed his food preferences. Then he moved on to the box.
Inside it, Alastor found a true replica of 1920's small radio. If he was surprised before, now you could triple it! He didn't expect to see these outside of his room or radio station.
Alastor: Well, my dear, we can conclude that you succeeded. These are great!
Vaggie: But you haven't seen it fully.
Alastor: Oh?
Vaggie turned the radio on and it played a jazz song that Alastor recognized was from his teenage years. She turned the dial to another station and it played the blues which were popular right before his death.
Vaggie: Try it yourself.
Intrigued, Alastor turned the dial to various stations. They all played songs from his time period, none of that nowadays junk music.
Vaggie: Charlie helped me made it. We know your feelings and opinions about music, so we made a radio that plays only your type of songs.
Alastor looked at them both. Vaggie was standing calmly, while Charlie smiled at him. He looked back to the radio.
Alastor: I like it! This is the best Christmas gift I got since my mother passed away! Thank you!
He smiled sincerely to them and both girls could see the difference between his regular smile and this one. Vaggie nodded answering with her own soft smile and returned to her seat. Alastor turned the radio for the time being and chuckled.
Alastor: Well, now I feel bad. Good one, Charlie.
Charlie: Huh?
Alastor looked at her and with a snap he teleported his presents to her. There were three boxes - large, medium and small stacked on top of each other in red wrapping paper.
Alastor: I got you.
Charlie: So you weren't lying that day?
Alastor: I'm afraid I wasn't, dear.
Charlie: And all this time you were making fun of me?
Alastor: A bit, I'll admit.
Charlie: *Shakes her head* You bastard.
Alastor: Guilty as charged. But maybe those could count as an apology?
Charlie: We'll see.
She carefully opened the first box. Inside there was a box of her favourite tea.
Charlie: *Smirks* Good start.
She then proceed to open medium box. There was a work calendar for the next year. The book was in black and white with nice lining inside. There was a matching pen to.
Alastor: I thought that you needed a new one.
Charlie: I did! Thanks, Al!
She tried to guess what could be in the biggest box but Charlie didn't expect this. There was a vinyl record of David Bowie's "Aladdin Sane" album. She gasped and started jumping happily.
Charlie: Holy shit! How did you know that I love Bowie?
Alastor: Well, I don't really know who he is but you listen to him a lot and I asked Vaggie one time who was it. She said Bowie and I decided to get you this young man's finest album. At least, that's what the guy in the music store said was his best one.
Charlie: I love it! Thank you so much!
Charlie stood up and opened her arms.
Charlie: Permission to hug you?
Alastor though for a moment and stood up.
Alastor: Well, it's Christmas, so, go ahead.
Charlie quickly hugged him around his torso, Alastor even got taken back few steps. He returned the hug very lightly. After few seconds he patted Charlie's back and let go, Charlie did the same.
Charlie: You are forgiven. But I'll remember this!
Alastor: I believe that.
Charlie: Now, how about a Christmas photo?
Everyone gathered round the hotel's main Christmas tree while Charlie used her magic to set up a camera. She even made Alastor be in the photo, threatening to only play Christmas songs everyday. Well, holiday spirit helped too. They took multiple pictures but Alastor was only in one of them because nobody made him promise to be in all of them.
After that, Charlie clapped twice and the whole table became filled with everyone's favourite Christmas dishes. The feast was held with laughs, talks and music.
Thank you for reading these 12 Christmas days! I hope you had as much fun reading as I had writing. Merry Christmas!
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kexing · 2 years
Hiii. I’ve never sent you an ask but I thought I should now. Tbh I don’t remember when I started following you BUT you’re always such a breath of fresh air on my dash and more than half the time we’re not obsessed over the same shows BUT THATS OK. Anyway what prompted me to come to your ask box is that I’m absolutely delighted that you also listen to Taylor Swift. 💛 Also I love all your edits whether they’re photo sets or gif sets. I just really like your vibe and your attitude ✨ —Moon
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HIIIIIIIII DEAR!!!! thank you so much for stopping by, you’re always welcome here 🥺🥺🥺
i’m really glad you enjoy seeing me around!! i usually feel like i’m annoying everyone akdkskd glad that’s not always they case! 🤣
aaaaa i do!! been listening to taylor for the past 13 years of my life. probably my longest relationship ever akdkskkd and got me through so much. i’m glad you listen to her as well!! we got one more thing in common 🥰🥰🥰
thank you so much for enjoying my edits!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭 i make everything with a loooot of love, every single bit, full of love akdjskkdks
thank you for all the lovely words!!! i’m loving your vibe as well!! we’re best friends now, i decided ❤️💙
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