#always bringing up Muh Fandom
timogsilangan · 4 months
ppl posting abt kosa and specifically bringing up fanfics and fanart as a major target is so fucking cringe like is that really ur priority rn. not the targeting of vulnerable ppls freedom online
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badboyfriends · 3 years
I haven't been in the hermitcraft fandom for very long, but I do generally enjoy reading through a lot of the fics that exist. More recently, I've been going into ship fics, since I know many of the creators are okay with it, but I do have to ask if you know of any who aren't okay with it, besides Impulse?
I can’t say I’ve exactly been in the fandom all that long, either! I mean, compared to the average fan.
I actively talk with a circle of other Hermitshippers and from my understanding, and current memory (which isn’t saying much) there’s no receipts of others expressing discomfort. There are claims others are, but no one in any of the circles i talk to, or posts I see, give and credit to streams or statements to this
The iffy ones that people SAY have expressed discomfort, but no one’s brought or found receipts or public posts about it- Xisuma, False, and Tango. But again those are alleged, and unsourced. I still tiptoe around them mostly for talking about ships in public, just in case.
It may be a bad attitude to have but generally i wouldn’t usually take those sorta rumors at face value? I mean, even when there are people who explicitly say they’re okay with shipping, there’s still people condemning it and saying how it must make them so uncomfortable etc etc. If a creator says flat out, somewhere that it will always be public to find and explict or even suggesting discomfort, then it’s done. but when it’s rumors about “oh they made a disgusted face in a seven month old twitch vod that’s deleted and unarchived actually” then at that point it’s nothing but speculation.
 The Hermits really surprise you with this kinda stuff. I mean,  one of the ones that explicitly defended shippers is married and another is a father
The other ones that are explicitly VERY ok with shipping, joke and talk about it, or previously have roleplayed dating and explicitly play characters in their videos-
Doc. Says he’s never heard a single Hermit say anything against shipping and it’s not something they actively talk about, and it’s something he himself doesn’t mind.
Ren. So very flirty with a LOT of innuendos during his streams. says stuff like “have muh puppies!!” and the like
Joe. A sorta surprising one, but he’s the one that talks about it the most. he jokes about shipping and talks about it a lot. He teases and jokes with Cleo about it tons, too. Teasing her and trying to give food to the shippers, basically. I’m pretty sure he also said something in regards to shipping that he’s fine and that he knows shipping’s “what got [the hermits] real popular with the tumblr folks”
Grian. The man was in SO MANY roleplays, including one in which he dated someone non-binary, and was suggested to be dating his male best friend, as well.
These are just what i can think of off the top of my head, at almost 5am. Other ones that have expressed acceptance of other “questionable”, very fanon content would be
Iskall. Said his minecraft character is non-binary, which helps express a difference between them and him as the creator
Cleo. read the Hermitcraft fandom’s BIGGEST most popular fanfic, which defined a lotta elements in fanon lore. She tells off Joe for feeding the shippers, but doesn’t explicitly say anything against the action of it from the fans. Just from Joe bringing it up to mess with them
Just what I can think of! like i said. 5am. oops.
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ficsforeren · 3 years
I already loved you and your writing now but now I’m 100x more in love knowing you ship erehisu ♥️ I’m not a diehard eremika hater, but it’s always felt like a brother-sister relationship to me so the ship just feels ... wrong.
Also what are your thoughts on AoT no Requiem? Sorry if you’ve answered that already
Tumblr media
about AOTNR? dude. dude. oh my god. we don't deserve them, honestly. they're fucking brilliant. i mean it. like i read a lot of aot theories before it ended and personally i thought ANR was amazing as a theory (and it would've made eren 912480912840912 times hotter cause ya know, DILF lol i mean because he'd truly achieve his goal and bring freedom to the next generation, taking the children out of the forest like what sasha's dad said) and the fact that these wonderful people decided to develop that theory even further and gave accurate interpretation and explanation that tied up everything together? wow, i'm-- honestly, i'm speechless. their art is beautiful, i can feel how much love and passion they poured into this fanfic. they even had their own soundtracks. my god, we're so blessed to have these talented people in the fandom.
dude, they made my boy eren POWERFUL again, but not only that, he's also more human??? eren has feelings, he's not just some chad doing genocide for fun. you can see his pain and grief and the sacrifices he made along the way and i just can't wait to see my baby crying everyday for the rest of his life for executing the rumbling.
they made all those erehisu panels meaningful. they had a baby out of love (excuse me I'M GONNA CRY)
they made FLOCH (MUH KINGGGG)'s character even GREATER. like honestly, i didn't think they would make floch asked "you couldn't even sacrifice armin for erwin, why would I trust that you have the guts to do the rumbling?" and that's just wow. it made SO MUCH SENSE.
the eremin scenes? they both had good arguments that made you feel conflicted, wondering which side to choose! i just can't wait to see how they're gonna develop mikasa's character and the rest. i saw how she threw her scarf away from the crumbs they've given us and just WOW I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE HER BACK IN ACTION! I WANT TROST!MIKASA BACK! GIVE ME TROST MIKASA!!!
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crowsent · 3 years
the man hasnt even started the stream yet and his chat is spammin “technolate” truly the best and most supportive fans
i have to make my own fences like a loser
“tommy is this your credit card? let me read the numbers aloud tommy”
“they keep dying on my thorns”
then fucking remove your armour mr technoblade??????????? you have the option to remove your armour
i know you have trust issues and that the last time you removed your armour tommy tried to kill you but like
you can remove your armour, find someplace else for your zombie villagers to be in, and then put the armour back on
you have options mr blade
you can make unenchanted armour for the purposes of moving your damn zomvillagers out the way if you really dont wanna be armourless
you have the materials
you have the opportunities
fucking seize them
mr blade: “my sleep schedule is terrible”
my dumb ass, waking up at 10pm on a monday after falling asleep on a 6am the same monday, after not sleeping for 2 days on sunday and saturday: “damn right your sleep schedule is terrible”
i have good self-awareness
mr blade: “im not stalling”
proceeds to stall:
• “happy new year! i forgot that happened”
• reads donations
• begins to try and cure his zombie villagers
• makes fun of skeppys “clickbait” title (it is clickbait by the way. the video is not structured like an actual manhunt vid. totally not a technosimp but techno was a fantastic hunter in the skeppy v techno manhunt. yep. techno was v fair about the entire thing go watch it if you havent hes great and skeppy was also there /lh)
• talks about chess
• talks about the Gifted Child™ Syndrome without ever saying the words Gifted Child™ Syndrome
(hes a fucking athena kid. im fucking TELLING YALL HES AN ATHENA KID and if i have to fucking write a goddamn academically cited paper to prove it with actual fucking receipts i goddamn will)
• even when tommy came on stream, techno immediately proceeded to discuss the Kings Fianchetto opening
• “i dont know what kind of science textbooks youve been reading, but youve spent too much money on them. those are trash. those are TRASH”
exactly mr blade. exactly. see? athena kid. hes smart. he went to college. he knows the score. mmmhmmm. yup. checks out mr. blade
• types “You’re talking sounds” -tommyinnit (genius)
• into the mc chat
• “Tommy, you’re talking words, but the only universal language: is sounds”
Techno fucking lists out languages that do not have sounds like: sign language, written language, braille
and then fucking thomathy “tommyinnit” minecraft hits us with “and russian”
and for a good few minutes, mr blade and associate tommyinnit talk about crimes and the fbi and using it to farm views. big brain moved here today
(and then tommys alexa turned blue when he said fbi and then they both freaked out it was great)
new york-ian
mr blade and tommyinnit just IMMEDIATELY trying to pander to new yorkers once they realise the population size. they out here fucking complimenting the statue of liberty (even tho its in new jersey), the empire state building, the bronx, queens, fucking SPIDERMAN
if they arent brothers
why they have this energy
prime to tommyinnit
sub to technoblade
my heart
i love these two terrorists so much
(for legal reasons, i am obligated to say that they are video game terrorists please and thank you)
tommy, about music he wanna sing: its from nintendo
mr blade: nintendo copyrights EVERYTHING tommy they got like SUPER COPYRIGHT
tommy: well, technoblade, every last one of my videos uses nintendo music
mr blade: DUDE YOURE GOING TO DIE. nintendo will KILL you
“new york is not canon in the dream smp universe”
mr technoblade over here just fucking ruining every new yorkers day huh
yall hear that? new york is non canon
you want cock to join the revolution
tommy out here trying to be intimidating but hes stuttering, knocking himself off of things...
its great
its great
i love their dynamic
im spawning the wither, somebody get me my sword
techno “one-liner” blade ladies and gentlemen
techno using the wither to vandalise lmanberg is very poggers of him
amazing mr blade
tommy is such a delight in this stream
“i dont know this man”
“why would you bring this near me im WEAK im FRAIL im LIKE AN OLD LADY”
thank you mr innit
if i had gotten this stream live yall bet your asses i would be chanting “blood for the blood god” with chat
chat is feral
chat is amazing
thank you chat for being the chaotic fucking bastards yall always are
“lookit muh muscles. BITCH”
i love him
so last stream, techno and tommy waterboarded a hostage who died by a spider immediately after he was released
THIS stream, techno and tommy waterboard an orphan fox until he cries
good times
fundy drowned
i just remembered
these two fuckers legit said “what if i waterboard my nephew to the point where he drowns”
i find it really funny that techno is the one fanon portrays to be this remorseless out of control entity when the entire time during the fundy waterboard torture, techno is the one holding tommy back and saying that hes going to far
and last time, techno is the one chiding philza when philza just casually murders and slaughters his way around the map
techno has more of a moral compass than fandom gives him credit for
where is my "techno is actually the moral compass of the sbi” fanfic
the only dirt we have on dream is his dirt shack amiright? eyyyy hes homeless
so funny
“useless, annoying, loud, british. you know. the worst combination” techno says
then he fucking makes tommy weapons, gives tommy the helmet, makes tommy weapons and tools and armour...
“i will not rest until that entire country has been completely obliterated for what it did to me and phil, tommy”
mr blade please
tommy what the fuck
what the fuck
what wait tahgjkjxbglsjbnouafsfv
“you could actually be, dare i say it, a friend” TECHNO
“technoblade ill join you”
“this bodes poorly for the eventual sbi meetup”
shut up
shut the fuck up
i cant handle this
i can handle the dream sapnap meetup conspiracy
but i CANNOT handle the sbi meetup conspiracy
techno please shut up
i cant
dont do me dirty like this man
you know how tommy keeps saying that hes weak and shit but like
he fought in wars
he has fucking armour, weapons, potions, gapples
he can hold his own in a fight
do you think tommy keeps calling himself weak bc DREAM calls him weak? like. his self-confidence and belief in his abilities is just eroded by dream so tommy thinks hes weak even if he isnt?
“we have sand at home”
at home
at home
techno literally out here singlehandedly giving me serotonin
beak on
bless you
one of us
one of us
one of us
one of us
one of us
one of us
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darkhymns-fic · 4 years
The Cutest Maid for Me
After suffering a humiliating fishing defeat, Estelle needed some cheering up. And Joshua only knew one way he could do that, no matter that it was a little embarrassing... 
Fandom: Trails in the Sky/Sora no Kiseki Characters/Pairing: Estelle Bright/Joshua Bright Rating: G Mirror Link: AO3 Notes: Written for @taco-night-frenzy​ who I love dearly. It was her birthday yesterday! So here’s a gift of Trails! (Estelle is very fun).
The road to mastery was never easy. It was full of hardship, doubts and sometimes even pain. But Estelle had known her share of all of that – and she would achieve all she could despite whatever setbacks would come her way.
She threw out her fishing line with an expert flick, grinning in satisfaction when the hook made a soft plunk! as it bobbed onto the lake’s surface. “Ha! Beat that, Lloyd!”
The man standing next to Estelle on the dock, an expert fisherman that she had run into more times than she could count, rubbed his chin. His bushy moustache caught the sun's rays, burnishing it with a deep azure. “Hmm…impressive. You have a good wrist there. Nice arc on the line, and the bait is reaching deep enough into the water but not too much.”
“Heh,” Estelle huffed out with a smirk, one hand on her hip as she held the fishing pole in the other. She was already a master after all. The Fisherman’s Guild had recognized her talents long ago! But it seemed that one of their members wanted to put her to the test still.
Valleria Lake was no stranger to Estelle or to Lloyd. It was here where they had met each other long ago, back when Estelle had been a much lower-rank Bracer, and when Lloyd was just another regular fisherman. The Kingfisher Inn had been on the way for her and Joshua’s travels, and they had decided to rent out a room there, happy with some of the memories it brought them, as well as their much needed rest from so much traveling across Zemuria.
It seemed to be fate that she and Lloyd would meet again here at this very same place.
“Flattery isn’t going to save you.” With a turn to the fisherman, Estelle Bright, B rank Bracer and Legendary Angler, tried to give the man some hope. “But it has been a while since I seriously fished. Currently out doing my Bracer duty and all. Takes up my time a lot.”
Lloyd nodded, taking in her words with the utmost solemnity. “I apologize for interrupting you with this Angler’s Duel. It brings me back to when you were only a rookie… To see how far you’ve come!”
Estelle was not only the best at being a Bracer and being a fisher, but also at humbleness. She was humble as hell! Estelle started to laugh good-naturedly, to show off more of that humble nature of hers! “I’ve grown up! And I’ve learned plenty along the way!”
The last time she and Lloyd had dueled, she had been more hesitant, a bit greener around the gills as it were. (That was a fishing pun! She knew these things now because she was a fisher). But after all her experiences and finally finding Joshua, Estelle was confident, and of course much stronger. As proof, she was already feeling a nibble on her line! But she restrained from going ahead and reeling it in just yet. With that same smirk, she let the catch slip away, the ripples of its escape dancing across the water’s surface.
Lloyd was understandably confused. “Why didn’t you go and catch it? You had it!”
“It was just a small-fry. I’m here to get bigger game.” Estelle turned back to Lloyd with her most humble grin. “And I wanted to give you a head-start! Now you should show me what you’ve learned over this last year!”
Estelle may have also felt a bit competitive lately. Joshua would rarely fish with her as it was, even now! Maybe Lloyd would give her a challenge that she’d been lacking!
On their last duel, Lloyd had been fired up as they competed, but he had also floundered (another pun!), missing multiple catches in a row, allowing Estelle to claim sweet victory. But even if he had improved, she knew she could be better.
Lloyd stared hard at the lake, still rubbing his chin, his moustache absolutely brimming with energy. It was amazing how little the fisherman had changed at all for the past year. He even wore the exact same clothes! She recognized that green jacket, his leather belt, those brown pants…were those even the same shoes?
“Fair warning, Estelle. While you’ve been busy…I’ve been honing my own skills!” And there it was, that fiery look in the man’s eyes, that drive to fish to the max! At first, Estelle thought these fisher guys were a little weird, but she understood completely now.
“Then show me what you got!” she goaded on with a laugh. No matter that she let her line sink a bit into the water, that her form was more relaxed. She had this!
“Gladly!” That was when Lloyd went to his side of the pier, walked over to the fishing rack with multiple rods placed alongside each other…
…and pulled out two of them. Both of them crafted to perfection, their wood carefully polished, and their lures as bright as any scrumptious bait that the fish would be hungering for.
“My double fishing technique is going to leave you out to dry!” Lloyd stated proudly. “You’ll have to catch up to me now!”
Estelle blinked, her humble grin completely wiped from her face. “Wait…wait, two? You can have two? Isn’t that against the rules?” The Fisherman’s Guild had rules, didn’t it?
“This is an advanced technique proposed by Mister Fisher himself!” Lloyd waggled his thick mustache in pride, then whipped out both rods towards the giant lake. “Hiyaaaa!”
Estelle had not been prepared for this at all. She floundered (no!!) with her own fishing pole, just able to grab at it before it fell into the water. She then turned to Lloyd with a grimace. “I’ve been away from the Guild for over a year! I didn’t get any news about using double fishing rods!” Was Lloyd trying to trick her? It would make sense, as it would be the only way to beat her…
Lloyd faced the lake with that same fire in his eyes, one fishing rod in each hand. Already the lines were pulling on both! So fast!
“Better not just stand there gawking now!” Lloyd said. “Or I’ll be winning this duel in style!”
“How can you fish with two fishing rods!? How are you even going to reel them in? It makes no sense!” It would be like if Estelle used two staffs instead of one! Their weight would hinder her and would make it harder to do her moves! Sure, Joshua used two swords to fight but swords were different and he was always weird about stuff like that anyway…
Lloyd though, seemed to have no trouble with his catch. With another triumphant shout, he stepped back on the pier, and pulled on both rods with a flourish. The water, from where the lures were descended into, burst upwards in a glorious array of colors. The sun caught the droplets, fell onto Lloyd’s hair and moustache, all as the fishing lines curled around him, as if they were a part of him...
From both hooks hung two wiggling basses. Lloyd stood tall. “Now see if you can beat that! I gave it my all, and now got my all twice-over!”
Estelle blinked. “Muh? But those are just- argh! Never mind! You’re on, buster!” She took her fishing rod in both hands, gripping it as she would with her staff, and readied herself for her next move.
She wasn’t going to lose!
It was only an hour later before the door to Joshua’s and Estelle’s room in the Kingfisher Inn opened so forlornly that Joshua had barely noticed it at first. Except well, that wasn’t entirely true. Trained to be a hyperaware killing machine, he noticed it right away actually. It was just…it had opened so pathetically he didn’t even feel he had to be on his guard.
And going by the soft footsteps, Joshua had already known who it was.
“Is everything alright, Estelle?” he asked. Seated at a small table next to the window, he closed the book he had been reading. The fascinating history between the exotic fruit traders of the Calvard Republic and the Erbonian Empire would have to wait. “I was getting worried.”
Estelle’s position was so slouched, she might as well have been dragging her head across the floor. As it was though, it was mostly her twin ponytails, probably catching every piece of dirt and lint on the way. “Joshua…”
He got up, now overly concerned. Eyes hard, he knelt before Estelle, grasping her shoulders. “Did you get hurt?” Was it the agents of Ouroboros? Or had Estelle found Renne but couldn’t get her back? “Tell me what happened.”
She collapsed to the floor, knees tucked underneath her. It seemed that all of her previous zest for life had completely left her. How could someone extinguish her light so easily? “…Joshua…”
He gripped her shoulders tighter. “Estelle…please tell me.”
She finally raised her eyes to him, on the verge of tears. “I…I lost!”
“Lost what? Did you…?” So she must have found Renne then. Estelle would feel so guilty at losing her already-
“The Angler’s Duel! I lost!” Estelle’s once broken voice was then tinged with disbelief, a pout in her tone that Joshua could recognize anywhere.
“…You lost a duel?” Joshua questioned, then sighed. The fire in his amber eyes cooled instantly. “Is this just about fishing?”
“It’s not just that!” Estelle than stood up, leaving his hold. “I didn’t just lose a fishing duel! I lost my reputation!” With a frustrated groan, she sat on the bed, muttering under her breath. “Stupid…two rods…not even fair…”
Joshua got up from the floor as well. At least it hadn’t been anything too serious. “You’ll get over it. Why don’t you have something to eat at least?”
“I’m not even hungry!” Estelle whined, obviously lying but Joshua would let her ride that anger out until her stomach started growling at any moment. “I just wanna sleep and forget it all…Leave me to wallow in my shame…” With another sigh, Estelle let herself fall backwards onto the bed to finally sleep away her defeat at the hands of Lloyd, already feeling drowsy while halfway to the pillow…
“Estelle, watch out!”
“Owww!!” Estelle sat up instantly, clutching the back of her head in pain. The metal rim of the bed’s headboard had a nice big dent from where her skull had collided into it at full speed. “Why was that even there?!”
“We’ve been sleeping in this bed for the past few nights, you should already know by now…” Joshua sat next to her, massaging the back of her head with his hands. “There, there…”
“Waaa…what if my skull is broken?”
“It’s not broken.” Joshua gave her head a gentle pat. “You’ve got the thickest skull in all of Zemuria.”
“…You’re not that great at comforting, you know.”
“I know.”
As Joshua rubbed that forming bump on Estelle’s head (wouldn’t be the first time either), he could feel Estelle beginning to wind down from earlier. “Since when do you want to skip out on dinner? Come on, we can get you something from the downstairs kitchen.”
And for a moment, Estelle looked as if she would listen. It would be nice just to eat together, especially after all of their hard traveling throughout the continent, searching for any traces of Renne where they could. This familiar inn by Valleria Lake was supposed to be their moment of rest, and he was going to make sure Estelle got that.
She gazed up at him, that bump on her head almost like a halo with the way it framed her…It was really that big. Maybe Joshua needed to get Estelle to a doctor…
“Hey, Joshua…You know what would make me happy?” Estelle said, interrupting his thoughts. Her eyes were as bright as the sun, the same sun that had shone through his seemingly everlasting darkness.
He knew exactly what she was asking for then.
Joshua lowered his eyelids halfway, distant and empty of all meaning. His hands slid from her head, hanging now from his sides. “No.”
“Come onnn!” Estelle placed her fists underneath her chin, as excited as a kid who just caught a gigantic, wriggling, completely disgusting beetle in her bare hands. “It’ll be great!”
“I can’t keep doing this for you every time you get sad, Estelle.”
“But I’m injured! Look!” She ducked her head, showcasing more of that bump that poked through her hair. “Looook!!”
“I’m looking! Now please stop!” Joshua lost his cool demeanor. With Estelle, he could barely keep it up for very long. “…Do I really have to do this for you?”
“But you like it too, Joshua!”
He sighed in long-suffering defeat. Joshua knew when to pick his battles, and with Estelle, there was just no winning. Not when she looked at him like that. “Fine. Give me a minute then.”
“Yay!” Estelle reached out to hug him, her pain of past losses (and actual pain) already leaving her so quickly. “You’re the best!”
“I’m only wearing it for a little while! I don’t want anyone seeing it…” With that proclamation, Joshua went to the window and pulled the curtains closed. The sun outside was shut out, with no more view of the grand lake.
“You don’t need to be embarrassed, Joshua! It looks good on you!”
Joshua could control every action of his body – even down to the very core temperature. But not when it came to Estelle. He was weak to everything she threw at him; from puppy dog eyes to the multiple bugs she had literally thrown at his face. He could already feel his face burning a bright red. “Estelle, come on…”
She was grinning, already looking very excited, and he couldn’t let her down. Not after everything she did for him.
“…Don’t take pictures this time,” Joshua said before he went to an extra room in the back, quickly pulling out a dark garment from one of their packs. “I mean it.”
“Oh fiiine,” Estelle said, but she was still smiling just before he turned away to change.
She really had him wrapped around her finger, didn’t she?
Even though only a few minutes passed, Estelle easily got impatient. Even more so now with the throbbing on her head. That bump really hurt! These beds were clearly a safety hazard. The Kingfisher Inn needed to get their standards up for sure! But she would fulfill her Bracer duties later on. Right now, she only wanted one thing!
“Joshua!” Estelle yelled. She had gone to seat herself at the table, pushing whatever book was on there more to the side, more away from her. (She had looked through it earlier and saw no pictures, so it wasn’t that important anyway).
“Hold on!” She heard Joshua call from the back. “This isn’t the easiest thing to put on…”
“I can help!” she said ecstatically. “Want me to help?”
But Joshua didn’t keep her waiting long. Finally the door to the back room opened. Estelle was practically vibrating on her seat, her twin ponytails nearly perked up the same way animal ears tended to do…
“Uh, are…you sure you’re alright?” Joshua asked. He pressed down on the front of the maid’s dress, looking shy as he did so. The material was pitch black, decorated with white frills alongside its sleeves and the hem, which was outfitted with a white apron on the front. He looked exactly like how he did back at Grancel Castle when they had to be in disguise, only lacking the long-haired wig he had worn last time. But it didn’t detract from his presentation at all. “That bump on your head looks like it’s getting bigger.”
Estelle waved away any health concerns. “Psh, I’m fine! I’m better than ever!” She was too busy looking over at Joshua in his maid’s uniform, complete with the white cap. “I just need my maid to serve me my food!”
Joshua closed his eyes, and in his arms brought up a picnic basket that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. “Of course…Lady Estelle…”
“Hehe, yeah!” She pumped her fist in the air. This was great!
“But seriously, I’m not even sure how you were able to keep these maid outfits at all.” He looked down again at what he wore, down to the prim stockings and shining shoes with the heels just a tad too high for him. “These are supposed to only belong to Grancel Castle.”
“It’s a secret technique!” Estelle said with a wink, careful to not let slip the fact that the simple act of asking the other maids for spare clothes had been the solution. But she was too busy staring hard at pretty Joshua and the food he carried just for her! When he dared to walk closer to her, she then tugged on the hem Joshua’s dress, pulling him nearer. “C’mere!”
“Estelle, stop! I’m gonna trip!” Joshua complained, still struggling with the stockings he had put on. But despite being expertly trained ever since at a young age, he apparently could not sidestep quick enough to avoid landing right in Estelle’s lap, picnic basket bouncing over his knees.
“Hehe, got you just where I want ya!” she said gleefully. “Remember to feed me!”
“Well, can you at least hold still?” Despite his complaints, his voice had been soft, and his actions even more demure. He reached into the picnic basket he still held onto…and pulled out a big steak and cheese sandwich that honestly didn’t look to be fit for human consumption.
“You even got me my favorite!” Estelle purred, squeezing Joshua to her chest. “Thank you, thank you!”
“It’s kinda hard to feed you when you’re holding onto me tight…” Joshua was able to free himself from her arms, then held up the big sandwich to her, trying to not let any of the condiments fall out of its loose hold. “Uh, dig in?”
Something about this meant something much more to Estelle than just satisfying her hunger (although that was a big plus).
When they had been in small town, seeming so long ago, Estelle had felt so content seated next to Joshua on the bench, eating the freshly-prepared sandwiches they had gotten earlier from the market. She hadn’t realized the extent of her feelings then, even as she caught the soft catch of the light reflected in Joshua’s eyes, memories caught in amber. Because Joshua knew and remembered so much, more than she had been able to. Unlike her, he had always known.
She had got to be so up-close to him as she force-fed him their food, something about that moment engraving itself into her very heart. She wanted it to stay locked their forever.
Joshua still had those same eyes, though accompanied by a gentle blush on his cheeks. He looked away, towards the floorboards that connected to the far-right wall of their room. “Why are you staring so much, Estelle?”
Even his voice could always take away her breath so easily, but she was able to stay upright, to stay in control (even if her head still felt a little woozy), all while carrying the boy she loved in her lap. “Because I want to! Do you not like it?”
“I mean if you’re thinking weird things about me, then maybe.”
That only served to tickle Estelle, swinging her legs all excitedly as she continued to hold Joshua. “Not that weird! Maybe a little!” And before he could question it, Estelle could no longer resist. She took a huge chomp right out of the sandwich Joshua held out to her, leaning forward enough to catch the look of utter surprise on his face. It was even cuter when he was in the maid outfit!
“Ow! Estelle, you just bit my fingers!”
“Mmph? Somphy!” Estelle apologized through a muffled mouth. The sandwich was still good though!
“It’s…fine…” Joshua sighed again, but he hadn’t shifted from her lap. He continued holding the sandwich, closing his eyes, trying his best to stay peaceful. “I’m getting used to it.”
“I didn’t bite that hard this time!” Estelle said after swallowing her food. “Give me another! And don’t we have some cookies in there too?”
The time passed peacefully, for Estelle at least. After already scarfing down the sandwich and only biting at Joshua’s fingers two more times, they both started to share some chocolate chip cookies. Estelle felt like she was flying high in an airship, eating scrumptious cookies right out of Joshua’s hand. And she was more careful with her teeth this time!
After a while, Joshua looked to be at more ease, but every so often, he’d stare at Estelle, looking ready to speak but then pressing his lips together firmly. After about the fifth time, she had to ask him about that.
“What’s wrong, Joshua?” she said, spilling crumbs from her mouth. “Is the dress too tight?”
“It…Well, kinda.” He shook his head, all while brushing aside the crumbs to keep Estelle from making a mess. “Just, you haven’t really ever explained why you keep wanting me to wear this.”
“Hm, why not though? It’s fun!” Estelle’s face glowed with pride. “Is it because I can’t match with you? Maybe next time I can buy a pair!”
“It’s not that… And, you didn’t really answer my question.” Here, Joshua acted a bit more serious, or as serious as he could, still perched on Estelle’s lap. “Can you please tell me?”
It made Estelle think for a moment, even as she continued to chew on her cookie. It did give her a moment to think on it, and after a while, a soft smile broke through.
“I just think it’s nice…Because, well, maybe you haven’t noticed, but usually you’re the one that gets me all flustered instead.” Estelle’s cheeks brightened at the mention of it, remembering all those times when Joshua would nearly leave her speechless, turning all her thoughts into mush. “I’m so weak when I’m with you…like, in a good way, but still..”
She reached to take one of his hands with her, raising up her gaze to meet his eyes. “And now look at you! You’re like putty in my hands! Or my lap, I guess. And I like that. I like that I know that I can affect you the same way. It makes me feel even closer to you.”
Joshua was quiet as she spoke, still sitting quite easily on her lap, hands clasped together neatly as Estelle held on. He was really pulling off this look well. “Estelle…”
The wolfish grin she sported should have warned him then. She leaned in for a quick kiss on his cheek. “There!”
Stammering, blushing, and all around red in the face, Joshua was the complete opposite of his usual calm self. “E-Estelle!”
“What? You do that to me plenty!” To demonstrate further, Estelle leaned in to kiss Joshua’s other cheek, tapping her Stregas on the floor as she did so. “See?”
“I’m…not used to this…” he admitted. “And without the wig, I just look stupid. I really don’t understand how you like this.”
Estelle tilted her head, then shrugged. “I dunno. I just do! You look cute!” She poked at his sides then. “And so shy too!”
“Y-you know I’m ticklish there!”
“Yeah, exactly!” And she kept going, kept tickling to Joshua’s protests before she started to slow down slightly. “But maybe…stop spinning around so much, you know…”
“Ehe…” With her goofy grin, Estelle leaned in once more, looking like she was about to kiss him on the lips right then and there. Not that they haven’t already. Joshua had even been the one to take her first kiss too. But now it seemed like she would do the same almost…
Of course Estelle ended up falling backwards on the floor, bringing Joshua down with her.
His reflexes came in time to get him moving, to get to his feet and grab Estelle before she would hit her head against the floor. “Hey! What’s wrong?” he asked, genuine worry in his voice, his dark locks frayed about his head as he looked at her with concern.
“…I may or may not have a concussion,” Estelle said with a lazy wink. “Hehe…”
“Estelle, that’s not funny! We need to get you to a doctor. There should be one in town.” Joshua went to carry her up in his arms with a groan. As he cradled her head, carefully keeping it level, he looked at with her with maid-like disapproval. “You’re so troublesome sometimes…”
“I’m not troublesome…I’m Estelle!” She shook her head, her smile just a bit lop-sided. “Maybe it’s you that needs a doctor instead…”
“Alright, sure. Come along, Miss Troublesome.” Joshua headed straight for the door to their room, reaching to unlock it. “Try not to fall asleep, okay?”
“Hey…you’re still wearing the maid’s dress, you know?” she pointed out, even as the room was definitely getting all spinny now. “Thought you didn’t want people to see…”
“We shouldn’t waste any time. You need to get checked up.” But she saw that blush on his cheeks, even as he tried to play himself off as the cool Joshua Bright that she knew since childhood. “And it’s not so bad anyway…can move pretty freely in this.”
Estelle could feel the smile on her face. Maybe it was too wide and manic if she went from Joshua’s worried expression, but it didn’t matter. She laid her head against his shoulder, knowing that no matter what, he would always be there for her.
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soularia · 4 years
I left the shitpost side of twitter where I usually hang out and wandered over to FFVII twitter.  I saw hilarious stuff, memes, fanarts...and cancer.  Because of the way twitter is, can't avoid it.  There’s fighting and salt in between every few tweet (minor spoilers for newcomers ahead).
1. According to some, Cloud's reaction when Tifa asked him about Aerith, was him trying to change the subject which is a confirmation of Cloud’s undying love for Aerith.  
Really Queen?  Cloud only met Aerith just hours ago (not decades) and Tifa’s hasn’t met Aerith at this point.  Tifa’s on a mission for AVALANCHE, she wants to know if Aerith can be trusted and she’s curious about the girl who put herself in harm’s way to help Cloud rescue a stranger.
2. “whenever cloud has emotional moments of confusion the reactions between aerith and tifa and completely different
tifa always keeps her distance, but aerith takes his hands and isn’t afraid of him, she asks him if he’s okay and tells him to keep it together, unlike tifa who is too confused or too scared to do either”
Tifa isn’t afraid of him, she’s afraid for him.  She was the one who found Cloud, she's aware that there's something wrong with him and doesn’t know how to bring it up without causing him to relapse.  She was the one who nursed him back to health.  I hope they show this in the remake.
3. Tifa forced Cloud into the promise
She didn’t need to ask Cloud to promise because that was part of his motivation. Young Tifa strikes me as a bit of a daydreamer and because she likes Cloud she probably has a fantasy where she’s the damsel in distress and he's the hero who saves her.  That’s the closest Tifa comes to telling Cloud that she likes him.
Tifa: promise me when you’re a SOLDIER, you’ll come and save me when I’m in trouble Cloud: 🤨 huh? Tifa: 😳 THATSWHATHEROESDOTHEYSAVEPEOPLE.  PLEASE? onlyonce.
In the Remake, when Cloud reminds her that he promised to help her,  she tells him that’s not what she had in mind back then.
4. The train graveyard bodyguard comment in the Japanese version:  Aerith says  いるから (irukara) which means “mine” in English and is literally claiming Cloud as hers.  Because Japanese language is sooo subtle and implicit.  Muh translations and stuffs.
Cloud is an object to be claimed apparently and someone’s going to have to explain this to me because I’m not fluent and idk how “here” means “mine” ... there’s something I’m missing here.  I'm pretty syre Aerith said “It’ll be alright, we’ve got a bodyguard here/with us” and that changes the context of the scene.  Using Japanese language and “translations” is a redundant tactic in this day and age.
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This is why I once disliked Aerith, I hope she doesn’t get ruined for me this time around.  I’m used to it, the Dragon Age fandom ruined Elves for me to the point where I really hate them now 😭
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nekoladyproductions · 5 years
Ramble on guns and cons and fandom
With all of these shootings, it's only a matter of time until it happens at a convention. It already happens in places where we should feel safe, like schools and businesses. It won't be long until some fuck like one of Foxler's ilk or Ryan Hill comes and shoots people, the latter being the culprit for the MFF gas attack and the former being the leader of a fandom Nazi movement (irony at it's finest--he's a gay furry.)
Anime, sports, sci-fi, furry, whatever it may be--something will happen, people are going to die. The worst part is? Completely preventable. After the Sandy Hook and Las Vegas shootings, however, I don't think change will ever come. There will always be the guy thumping his chest about "muh guhns, control don't work reeee" but they will never listen. They made up their minds already, and no amount of evidence contradicting their points will ever change that. It's best we ignore them--they're in the minority anyway.
A few years ago there was already an in-community triple homicide, but that's just keeping in mind of my own culture. Think about how big the comic cons are, anime conventions, sports games, for God's sake, there was a deadly assault on an e-sports event in Florida that happened last year! Don't think it won't happen again!
No matter what people say, fandoms are politically charged because humans are politically charged with few exceptions. Our whole lives are dictated by politics, and what we like usually is an indicator of such. There is always a fandom war going on, an argument, a disagreement--and everyone knows what kinds of people these spaces attract. Vile, belligerent people. Remember zamii0, SU fans? Because a sketch she made wasn't bodily accurate? Or Zuke, because of a ship they wrote for the show? Remember the razor blade sweets, because a fan artist drew an Undertale ship that the sender didn't agree with? Remember the threats and stalking with Voltron staff over a fucking noncanon ship? Don't even get me started on bronies, FNaF and HS fans and the shit they've sent to their creators. There are a lot of disturbed individuals who latch themselves onto an idea and who will lash out violently when they feel like they've been slighted in some way. This is almost always triggered by a disagreement on one of three levels; within context of the fandom, within context of the creator, or with political motivations. All of it? Petty bullshit, but petty bullshit that people die over or feel like they /are/ going to die.
What I guess what I'm trying to say is, when there is a tragedy at one of these events that is supposed to bring like-minded people together, don't be surprised. We were granted vanilla change that did jack-diddly squat that the Republicans still hated, and the only good thing the Trump administration has done for the common good is ban bumpstocks. There will be another shooting like the tournament. There will be more death. Hell, it may even be worse than Las Vegas, considering the wide yet enclosed space of convention centers and hotels. Don't expect the media to show much sympathy either. We are still freaks to them, we are still geeks and losers and "the other", and this applies to all fandoms not just mine. The victims will be seen as nothing more than weirdos in a grave and the perpetrator will be labeled and shown as a direct representation of your interest and the people around you, the group as a whole. People will die and no dignity will be shown by anyone outside of their own. Remember the triple-homicide? Every single video's comment section about the matter was filled to the brim of people celebrating the deaths of a husband and wife and their friend due to their fandom. Celebrating!
Be prepared for when it happens, and be prepared for disappointment. Washington will be underwater by the seas of climate change before they would even dare think about the safety of their citizens over NRA money.
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maneaterwithtail · 6 years
One of my first submissions
however..Korrasami ship war stuff.
Not a fan myself but….I want to encourage more submissions and at the least this is showing lots of effort and points of reference to wide fandom discussion and their feelings.
korrasami was aforced ship there was no actual build up for it korrasami shippers like to use the car scene or blush ( when korra blushes at compliments she blushed at bolins compliment ) and there was actual evidence and chemistry for makorra in contrast to korrasami. in b3 and b4 there was actual chemistry  and we got to see mako talk about korra the person while asami talked about korra the avatar. or how we actually got  the camera zoom in and music swell at mako and korras hugh to highlight importance kXa shippers bring up asami bbeing with korra at b3 ending claiming that we would see it if asami was a man but in reality no we wouldnt. (not to mention while she smiled with her dad , the air babies and bolin suggestion of pen pals she didnt smile at them) heck the break up scene in b2 finale even hinted at them still having feelings and getting back together with the I will always love you line. not to mention that both korra and mako over came the flaws which led to their breakup  which wasnt due to a lack of compatabiltiy but due to certain flaws like  korra expecting an echo chamber from mako basically mako being so afraid of conflict that he disappoints everyone his tendency to avoid conflict  and I am sickened by the demonization of mako claiming that it was just that he ends single for he made a couple mistakes in the relationship department in book 1 and they claim he was a creators pet or gary stu. which is bs makorra was handled well (people like to claim it was only a couple wekks when it was months there was a noticeable change of seasons
TV creators’ job isn’t to just do whatever their audience wants, though.
What the fans want isn’t always what’s best for the show. Remember this train wreck:
Korrasami was an extremely popular pairing during the show’s first season. They took advantage of this and made it canon with no real build up and just pasted it onto the very end of the show.
“. All the “subtext” they said they saw clearly existed only in their delusions, as proven by the aforementioned facts. And like Appabend said, the subtext was so subtle it might have well not just existed. The “evidence” all just seemed like what platonic friends would have done. There was not even a single concrete moment that you could find that crossed over the romantic line and tied all the other moments together, an aspect all well-written subtle romances have. The circumstances show that the fans simply wanted to ship them because they were two girls, and it didn’t have anything to do with their characters. I dislike the idea of pandering/giving the satisfaction and vindication to these fans who ship for such superficial/shallow reasons. They had no basis for their reasoning other than “but muh lesbian pairing” and just got lucky in the end because MD and BK were the type of people who liked to pander to their audience and virtue-signal about how progressive they were, emphasized by how much they milked it afterwards in that tumblr post and everything else they’ve done about it since. In the end, my friend changed her mind and completely disowned the ship and fandom because she realized that it was all just pandering (which surprised me because I didn’t ask her to do that). I also hate how pretentious and over-the-top it was at the end with all of the background visuals and making it the very last thing you remember of the series even though it was focused on mostly other things. PS Sorry for the long comment, I type a lot:)    …. In this case, the slash shippers would be using a straw man because we don’t have a problem with the same-sex relationship itself. It was how it was executed in terms of writing quality and context within the story. They’re not asking for same treatment, they’re asking for special treatment and we know that because the creators admitted their intent on doing it because it was a same-sex relationship to please their fans, are clearly glorifying it, shoving it into our faces, and virtue-signaling about how progressive they are. It’s 100% being politicized. They wouldn’t do any of those things if it was just a straight relationship. Heck, Korra ended up with Mako after S1 and you can see the clear difference between that and KA on how that was treated by creators and fans alike. In terms of hints, I stated that the hints themselves were too subtle to prove they were intentional, and one of the ways people can tell if it’s going romance is that there is usually at least be a early single moment in which it clearly goes over the romantic line to tie it all together, like smiling and blushing while looking away or getting embarrassed by being pointed out how close you are to that person, etc. And if they were bi, they would have shown it in general, not just with each other. “ http://wuuthradical.tumblr.com/post/163111623958/autistic-2-d-wuuthradical-buffallura
I am personally annoyed at how bryke try to act like korra and asami were friends since b1 when
their friendship started at b3. which is something that they brought up in b3 commentary ( and check out other fantastic-nonsense posts because they made alot ofposts criticizing korrasami and support of makorra
Now personally I think Korrasami is one of those mixed blessings.  Yeah kids show went there but its as sudden and shallow as existing hetero relationships.  I DO think the build up was there but its unsatisfying because, like any anime, its not there much post confession and its more teases.
This is especially, for me, because I REALLY didn’t like the character of Asami or get everyone’s deal with her. She seemed to exist to be Best Girl and… that it. My biggest disappointment was the closing of her arc with the death of her father and then, surprise, another love plot.  
Overall though I can’t devote much dislike for the relationship as a whole so much as a connected but not causative (Gabrielle and Janet did have some decent chemistry and there were possibilities) phenomenon of “the men suck so GO Muh Lesbians” which so underlies my experience with the idea I can understand OTHERS attributing the change as “pandering” 
However, ultimately, I’m just over it.  For some its meaningful even if not all that.  And considering into Fangbone AND Sailor Moon when I know there is more challenging or at least advanced if not better fare?  I should just accept it.
I am not anti- Korrasami so much as against anti-Mako (and Makorra) and really its a simpler but more nested problem as I think people latched onto Asami as one of the characters who… lets say retained her potential untainted for many fans.  But for me she was more of a waste than Mako ended up for me by the time he became a cop and not just Edward Cullen if he was from a K-drama.  S2 fixed him so much for me but thats also when the hatchet was put into play and then S3 started and…it hurt how I could see they were handling the ex-boyfriend (and way WAY WAY buttering up this Suddenly Sisterhood of Korra and Asami
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“ as a whole she’s missing something. She isn’t ‘moe’ but she reminds me of the sketching and depth of such a style of character. A collection of traits to interest [the audience] as to full person even as she is interesting but feels thin. “
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Oh muh gosh...It’s been awhile
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It has really been a long time since I have posted on my account... I assure you that I have always been here, mainly looking on my feed every once and awhile as well as checking to see some messages/request’s I’ve gotten, but I have not gotten to posting quite yet.
The thing is, the past two or so years have been pretty crazy; I’ve changed and adapted to certain things-- so is life.
BUT I AM HERE NOT TO TELL YOU: I’m basically back in business.
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Now I’m here to explain that I am not going to dive head first into all the request’s quite yet. First I’m just gonna get my old juices flowing and then filter through all of the lovely people’s request’s.
I must apologize for being away so long, often without explanation, while many of you wait patiently for a request. But I promise I will get to them.
Life is comprised of up’s and down’s, and now I hope to be here to bring at least someone out there an UP for a day or a moment, through our ubiquitous love of fandoms and imagination.
In the meantime, I hope you can forgive my absence. Life got weird and all that, but I am back! And I am back to very wonderful followers!
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Late to the party: My opinion on “Fandom Pains” The Loud House
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Another Friday, another new episode of the Loud House, man when am I gonna get that review of “Left in the dark/Get the message” done? Anyway sorry for this being a bit late, I wanted the review out on Sunday, but things got rather busy on my end, with my sister coming back from college for the weekend. Not that it’s a bad thing, Mario Kart 8 is always a fun time, even if I lost big time. Enough talking about that though, “Fandom Pains” is what I’m talking about today and when I first read what the episode was going to be about, I didn’t know what to make of it, I thought they might address the elephant in the room....you know the fandom, not directly, but maybe a subtle jab at it, but nope it didn’t really go there. Which is good cause I doubt this show would ever do an episode regarding the fandom whether it’s one side or the other, the writers are probably looking at the fandom and just saying “nope,” and just leaving us alone. Well not really, what I mean is I doubt they’ll tackle the subject of Lewd house, maybe they could do something regarding toxic fandoms and maybe make a reference to their own, but I highly doubt it. So what did “Fandom Pains” do anyway? Did it address something in the fandom, or was it just another episode with our favorite goth? Let’s look into it.
Fandom Pains
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Ok so the episode starts off with a shot of the house with lighting striking in the background. We then get this shot of Lucy sitting with Edwin, and I gotta say, this is so cute, I dunno why, I guess it’s how Lucy is smiling it’s not really that often we see her smile and seeing this on the first shot I just thought “awww.” I’m weird sorry, but it’s adorable in my opinion, anyway she’s sitting with Edwin getting ready to watch her favorite show, which goddamn I’m gonna hate how many times I type it out, cause it’s a mouthful. The show is call “The Vampires of Melancholia,” Actually scratch the last part about saying it’s a mouthful the last part is a bitch to spell right, what the heck is Melancholia?...OK I just looked it up and here’s what Google says it is:
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God this brings me back when I was a Phineas and Ferb fan, I loved whenever they used a word or reference something I didn’t get, so I just looked it up and *whistles* learn something new everyday. Thanks to the internet, that phrase is truer every day. Sorry getting a bit sidetracked *ahem* Lucy’s smiling with Edwin when suddenly jump scare!
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Geez Lucy, are you just letting the others steal your jump scares now? Come on, take back your only joke and show your sisters who scares who better, but yep instead of a night with her and Edwin. Leni and Lori decided to break it up, so why are they there? They’re here to watch “VOM” which is Lucy’s show, the title is just shorten to an abbreviation similar to how people here abbreviate “The Loud House” as “TLH,”  Or how the Star fandom uses “SVTFOE” for Star. I’m guessing Lori and Leni can’t be bothered to say the name, I can’t blame them. Lucy tries to question why they’re suddenly interested in her show when they suddenly scream, their eyes now focused on the screen as it’s revealed a new actor has appeared. For the sake of convenience I’m calling him Tristan, I know they do say his real name, but even in the credits for this episode, he’s still referred as Tristan so yeah. Leni and Lori fangirl over this actor that’s playing a new character introduced into the show, hopefully I’m using Fangirl right, if not I was going to say “Swoon,” but Google says they faint and watching this episode again, they don’t faint once, so I’m saying Fangirl. Sorry, I promise if it offends someone, I’ll change it to something else, not right away, maybe next review.
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we then see Edwin, not the bust the real Edwin.
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Can you tell the difference? For real though I wanna ask a question, do you think Lucy made the bust herself, or the show is that popular they sell Edwin busts, my guess is the first one, mainly because if we all remember “Making the case,” Lincoln kisses Edwin, and you clearly see his lips pop off, so I’m guessing she loves the show so much she bought a cheap bust and decorated it to look like Edwin. The question is how did the bust look like before it became Edwin? who was the bust suppose to look like? the world may never know. Ok gotta pick this up a bit before I end up ranting too much on this summary, so Tristan is Edwin’s great great great great grand nephew, that’s here to stay at Edwin’s Castle for a while. This pretty much makes me question is this show a comedy, drama, what? Like what’s the reason of having Tristan here? To get another demographic to watch this show just because of him? I mean it works for Lori and Leni, but seriously it’s just....bizarre...Cue the Jojo music!
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Sorry if this is going a bit off subject, I’ll get back to the review, so as we can see Edwin’s not really looking forward to this, while Lucy can agree with Edwin, as she’s on his side and I am on their side, cause...I’m a bit like Edwin. I say this mainly cause Tristan’s that kind of character, you know the “Lol” cool character that’s clearly trying to appeal to the kids or I guess you can say the demographic that’s going to watch this show, which is funny cause I’m not even in the target demographic for “The Loud House,” yet I still end up watching it, but I can’t complain too much about Tristan otherwise I shouldn’t be watching this show if I get annoyed with these types of characters, yet Leni and Lori don’t annoy me too much when they do it, I mean granted they don’t do it all the time also they’re teens they’re suppose to be like that, and I don’t get annoyed because Leni’s a cinnamon bun that you can never hate and Lori’s....I dunno I don’t really hate her, sure her character isn’t that great, but unlike some people that dislikes her, I like her enough, (at least enough over Lynn) to not get annoyed by that type of talk she does like “Totes,” or “literally,” even though she says it way too much, “I can’t even,” also is up there, but I don’t hate her, she’s the typical teen, can’t really change her, nor do I want her changed, let her be Lori. So *ahem* back to the review, we can see Lucy’s clearly not happy, after the credits roll she talks to Edwin about doing something about the situation, even though it clearly seems like Leni and Lori had fun. We cut to the next Friday and we see Lori and Leni talking about “VoM” Leni even talks about hearing rumors on social media about.....god this is literally me whenever I’m on here waiting for info on new episodes of the Loud House. *ahem* Lucy goes into the kitchen and tells Lori and Leni now that they’re “VoM heads” god I’m surprised she didn’t cringe saying that. You know they should’ve had Luan in this scene, actually I meant to bring this up earlier, no one else in the family except Lucy, Leni and Lori are in this episode, not even Lincoln which is a shame, but I’m ok if that’s the case for this episode, “Net Gains” not so much, an episode with Lynn? Yeah..no, an episode with Lucy? Sign me up. Anyway Luan should’ve been here, she could’ve said, “VoM heads? don’t you mean “VoMpires?” ha ha ha Get it?” Sorry, Lucy tells Lori and Leni that they have to do pre-show rituals to get into vampire mode, another thing I’m surprised she didn’t cringe at saying, we get a montage of the so called “rituals.” One of them involves Lucy making them look like Vampires, which I like the callback to “Tricked” with Lori getting her vampire teeth
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Wait Lucy didn’t get scared of that? Then what’s with the jump scare from earlier? Anyway the other rituals involve Lucy making Leni and Lori hang upside down, which backfires when they spot some of their missing things under the couch. One ritual where they have to sit in coffins to watch the show only for them to use throw pillows for back support and Lori suggesting they use one of the coffin’s lid as a way to hold their snacks and drinks. Desperate Lucy then decides a last minute ritual which involves them drinking blood, however they manage to get pass this, how? Lori makes Beet smoothies...which I wonder how that taste like? Amazingly enough I’m surprised Lori comes up with the idea, not Leni, I’m guessing they’re taking turns coming up with the best idea for the situation. So after not getting her way, Lucy, with Leni and Lori sit down to watch the new episode of “VoM,” We get a glimpse on how Edwin is dealing with his new house guest...not so well 
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We watch as he’s writing to his..wife? Girlfriend? It’s never established so I’m guessing wife or Roommate cause he can’t afford the rent on the castle all by himself. He hears something going on downstairs and goes to check on it only to see his Great...I’m just gonna go with Great Grand Nephew, I can’t be bothered putting four Greats on a character that’s not so great himself, he sees his great grand Nephew turning his Castle into a Gym, well whoever Leni follows on social media was right, after a really really...can I ask, do kids call hats “lids” now? ok after a conversation that makes me feel old, Lori and Leni head upstairs leaving Lucy with Edwin, she talks to him and decides to hatch a new scheme to get her show back causing her to break out her evil laugh which...
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to be honest If I could make GIFs I would do it for this part, cause it’s kinda cute, it’s not an over the top laugh, it’s just Lucy going like “Muh ha ha ha ha,” but I dunno the way the voice actress delivers it, it’s just adorable. We cut to the school with Lucy talking to the “Young Morticians Club” Or “YMC” if we’re doing the abbreviation thing, they’re only one letter short of a song, and hey!
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Haiku, that’s awesome but um...what’s with the guy in the lab coat, doesn’t he look a bit older then them? Maybe he’s a teacher or just the adult in charge? or just a reference to Nosferatu, I dunno, so Lucy asks the club for a favor, setting forth her plan to get Tristan booted off the show, they all go door to door...asking for signatures, they get 45 signatures and...15 pieces of candy..wait haven’t I seen this before...
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*laughs* OK, now the question is which came first the comic or the episode? I love this, like the moment I heard Lucy asking for someone’s signature to remove the actor from the show, I thought, “are they gonna say do that joke where they get Halloween candy,” God that was great, they even say “Goth Perks.” Oh and they also send protest letters to the studio via Fang and other bats, hope they made it back ok, I mean it’s gotta be a long trip from Royal Woods to wherever they film “VoM,” I’m guessing California since most TV shows are filmed there so that’s gotta be a long trip, anyway it’s the next Friday and Lucy’s waiting to see if her plan worked when Leni and Lori arrive and
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I don’t know how to respond, I’m not sure if this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen or the cringiest but all I’ll say is, I knew they were gonna make a twilight reference one day, fuck I was waiting for it too, but yeah they made team Tristan shirts, and also Team Edwin shirts for Lucy and Edwin, which Leni puts on Edwin, which is really adorable in my opinion.
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They watch the episode as it plays out with Tristan and Edwin sitting down and eating. Now there’s a line I wanna address, Tristan asks Edwin for some garlic for his fries, which Edwin questions cause of course he’s a vampire, like has Tristan ever seen cartoons or something, you should have the basic understanding of vampire cliches, anyway the line I’m referring to is Tristan saying this “guess that’s a neg, Hey! how about we burn off these carbs with a post meal workout.” I think someone should’ve said, “ok I think we should have him say Negative instead of Neg,” either that or they actually caught that the first three letters of the word “Negative” sounds like he’s trying to say another word that’s not ok to say. The reason I say this is because it sounds like they cut to that “Hey!” really fast at least I think so, who knows someone could’ve just been messing around with audio or the line was meant to be delivered that way, as a joke, although, he should’ve just said “negative,” It’s not that hard to say the full word, anyway instead of the workout, Edwin suggest they should walk around the cliffs of Melancholia, which they do. You probably know where this is going, Yeah Tristan falls off a cliff, causing Lori and Leni to run away crying, poor Leni...and Lori. Yeah Lucy’s plans work and in the next scene we see her scratching out the next Friday on the Calendar and
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Hey April doesn’t have 35 days, I should know my birthday is on this month at least they got it on the right day...for this year, huh? I’m guessing they’re using the 2018 calendar cause my birthday’s on a Saturday this year... So Lucy crosses out the 34th day....hey I think they did address the Loud House fandom, they crossed out the 34th day, meaning no rule 34! Or they just have 35 days in April, which would explain why they age so slowly, they’ve been the same ages for 3 seasons now, actually who knows, maybe I’m ranting again, I’ll stop. *ahem* Lucy finally got what she wanted but at what cost, well by now you can see that the events that happen in “VoM” mirrors what’s happening in the episode, so at this point Edwin gives a big speech about how Tristan may have been a fool, a character clearly there to boost ratings, and annoying as all hell with his lingo and fucking...sorry, but he meant well, he just wanted to hang out with his family, which Lucy realizes is exactly what Lori and Leni wanted when they were hanging out watching the show with her, this makes Lucy
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Oh fuck you, don’t make me cry now, I can’t handle seeing Lucy cry, even if I can’t see her eyes, I know she’s hurting, damn it Edwin give her a hug!! And before anyone asks, I’m talking about the bust, so after that revelation Lucy tries finding Lori and Leni, only to find they’re not in their room, with that Lucy assumes they simply gave up and moved on, but it turns out they were out, she didn’t even try looking around for them, but whatever Lucy then asks her big sisters if they wanna watch the show, with a line that surprised me a bit she says she just wants to hang out with them which, you wouldn’t think Lucy would wanna hang out with Leni or Lori, even as sister’s they have little in common it’s a bit surprising but also, really nice, I like it, so what do Lori and Leni say?
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Well Lori says of course, and talks about how they did start watching the show because of Tristan but stayed because it was so much fun watching it with Lucy, in fact they were out getting snacks for tonight’s episode, so the episode ends on a happy note, and as for “VoM,” well
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Surprise! Yep Edwin’s Wife/Maybe Roommate Griselda brought Tristan back now as a vampire, so Lucy’s plan didn’t work, which I kinda guessed it wouldn’t work, since they don’t film these things live they write them ahead of time, heck even for The Loud House, this episode was probably written a year and a half ago, so yeah, between that time I’m sure they got a lot of messages about “L is for Love,” and threatening the writers to kick Sam off the show and make Luna straight... sorry, sometimes this fandom can be really dumb.......So Tristan is back and he’s now a vampire, on that note I wanna make one more comment, so you guys probably noticed the credits that are near Tristan, you know how they do that “Da Da DAAA!” music at the end of the episode, well the first thing that pops up is Tristan and...the creator’s name...DA DA DA!! Really I tried playing it back time and time to see if I can get just a frame of Tristan, but nope, his name comes up as soon as Tristan does.
My Opinions/Final Thoughts
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First I wanna apologize for the review kinda going off the rails, but that’s kinda how I am, I just bring up one thing and I end up ranting for minutes about that thing or start talking about another thing and go from there, I’m a weird person. Second, sorry about all the “Aww” or that’s adorable stuff, I know this show isn’t the cutest show in the world, but whenever a cheesy moment or just a scene that I think is a little bit adorable happens, I can’t help it, if I think it’s cute I just wanna say it, I’m a sucker for adorable moments or I’m just a big sap, and lastly, I promise I’ll try not to use so much pictures, this episode was kinda difficult to summarize and god I used too much pictures, I guess apart of it was I knew what I wanted to say for the beginning and the end, but the middle part is a bit of a drag, and that’s my fault sorry, so apologies aside my final thoughts?
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It’s a great Lucy episode, now when it comes to episodes, I’ll usually say whether it’s a Lynn episode, Lucy, Lana, based on how much the episode focuses on one character, the special case is season one where Lincoln was used a lot in most episodes so it’s more like it’s a blank/Lincoln episode, like “Toads and Tiaras,” being a Lana/Lincoln episode, or “For bros about to rock,” being a Luna/Lincoln episode, I guess you can call this a Lucy/Leni/Lori episode, but it can be confusing you know? So I just call them based on who’s the main focus, even if Lincoln’s part of the story, although yeah the two episodes I used as examples really are more blank/Lincoln episodes, this one is clearly more focused on Lucy. But even then if we compare it to the other Lucy episodes I still like this one a lot, I know there’s some problems such as the new Character which as I stated before, I don’t like him, but like Lori, I don’t end up hating him, but I’m glad he’s not a regular, I’m more happy with Lori thank you. Second yeah it’s a bit cliche we got where the episode was gonna with this, like every episode, but it’s kinda funny since it seemed like some wondered whether the episode was gonna address the fandom in any way, I guess you can say yes, but it’s really a no, since as I said, they can’t address one side, and even addressing the other wouldn’t be a good idea. So instead the lesson is more about accepting people into a fandom even if they start out liking it for one thing, as long as they stuck around it’s ok, which I guess is there way of saying, Shut up about “L is for Love” Sam’s gonna be a regular, get used to it, or I guess it could be the case for any episode where they introduce a new character, still waiting to see the new girl’s face by the way. We only saw her hair in “White Hare” and nothing else, is she not going to be Lincoln’s new love interest? if so, then ok. But honestly as I’ve stated I didn’t watch “The Loud House,” when it premiered I watched it after seeing a clip of the show, and I stuck around it, have the fans welcomed me with open arms, nah, but most fandoms don’t do that, you’re just a part of something bigger, like that computer game let’s players played a lot in like 2014 maybe 2015. You know that game where you’re a circle eating up smaller circles trying to see if you can become the biggest circle in the entire server, you know....Agar something, that’s pretty much what it’s like, you might feel small at first, but when you find that group of friends who love the show as much as you, well the show becomes a lot funner to watch, as more and more little circles get eaten up, although it can be ruined by a bigger circle that eats you up, but luckily this show hasn’t been ruined for me....yet. Or the message can be it’s not a bad thing to hang out with family even if it’s watching a show, it’s fun hanging out with them every once in a while, either way, I like the episode. So can I recommend this episode, I mean yeah, the plot is simple and the message is there, it’s clear, but it gave us an adorable episode with characters you wouldn’t think would hang out, but I’m kinda glad they decided to use Leni, Lori and Lucy for this one, and I hope we get more episodes like this, maybe an episode with Luna and Lisa? Lori and Luna? Leni and Lana? Luan and Lynn...oh no, no one should be stuck with Lynn for an episode, trust me Lincoln would back me up on this, but yeah I would wanna see something like that although I’d like more episodes with Lincoln, it’s been a while since we’ve had one of those, feels a bit weird, well I guess “White Hare,” but something more you know? Anyway that’s my opinion on “Fandom Pains,” hope you guys enjoyed it, sorry about me going a bit off subject, I know I’ve done these reviews for 7 episodes now, 6 if you don’t include the pilot, but I’m still trying to adjust how I review these things, hopefully you guys still liked it, and if you have any questions shoot me an ask, I’d like to hear your thoughts on “Fandom Pains.” Thanks for reading and I hope you guys have a great day
(Note: so I’m gonna leave this at the end to kinda explain some things, this review was meant to come out Last Sunday, but as I mention, my sister was here so couldn’t do it for the weekend, Monday rolled around, and well I was rather busy this week, I was finally able to start around Wednesday, but with all the pictures, some of them not loading at all, so yeah this review was a struggle, not just writing for, but just getting the pictures to load, ugh, as I said I’ll lighten up on them, but still, also with the “Negative” line I was talking about, I wasn’t bringing it up as “Oh the writers sneaked in something bad,” Nah I doubt they’ll do that, unless it’s Luna then they’ll try their damnedest to sneak in a curse word for her, but cut it before she can say it, which I love, but I doubt they were doing it on purpose, but if you hear that line, it’s like...there, like it’s a bit awkward, but I mean dinner with a vampire is always awkward, anyway I wasn’t implying anything bad, I just brought it up, cause it was one of those moments where you think, why? anyway sorry, thanks again for reading)
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crusherthedoctor · 7 years
I see you don't like PMMM. Even if I adore the show, I understand its not everyone's cup of tea. But what I really hate is the whole "dark story = better writing" mentality the fandom seems to have. A story doesn't need to have lots of edge to be good. Just because its a dark story doesn't mean its automatically better. Dark stories CAN have shit writing.
The people who have tried to sway me about Madoka always make a point of bringing up it’s level of darkness and how shocking and awesome it supposedly is.
That’s very telling of where the majority of the show’s “hype” is.
If the biggest source of praise you can give me about a show/game/etc is how dark it is, and how the characters are always suffering 24/7… that puts me off immediately. I’m not impressed by media like that. Don’t care if it’s “realistic”. Don’t care if it’s meant to play up “muh emotions :’(” If I see something as vapid sympathy bait, I’m not going to care about it.
Of course, in the case of Madoka, there’s the extra addition of how I don’t think the story and characters are that competently handled to begin with regardless, partly due to how the protagonists are supposed to be tragic, and yet they all end up being complete fucking idiots who never learn a single lesson, and rarely achieve anything meaningful.
Invincible heroes may be boring, but failure heroes aren’t easy to root for either.
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calangkoh · 7 years
alphonse elric post-cos headcanons
based on my “teenage alphonse elric would be an absolute nightmare” post except it’s not as funny anymore now it’s just sad
al actually does have a lot of angst going on so let’s talk about that before we talk about how it manifests in his teenage behaviors: first off, general ptsd. now that his memories are back and he has a body and like, a brain to torment him, he’s gonna be having nightmares and flashbacks and anxiety and paranoia and days/moments where he’s feeling so overwhelmed where all he can do is sit in terrified silence. his survivors guilt from the end of the series returns and then multiplies, because he shouldve died but ed brought him back and now he and his brother are together and somewhat happy and it doesn’t seem fair. he also was the cause of the destruction in central, which definitely killed a buncha people. he has so so so much survivors guilt and has a hard time appreciating anything because it always comes with guilt. hes also resentful to ed for making his sacrifice at the end of the series mean nothing. like ed couldve had his limbs back and be happy in amestris but no ed had to play sacrificial ping pong and bring al back and make things ten times more complicated and make al have to live with all the guilt he feels
again before we get into what a nightmare al is i wanna talk about what an angel he is first (because to me it makes sense to talk about the good first and let you leave with the bad lmao). and it has to do with ed’s struggles. al knows his brother and knows how to calm him and take care of him and knows his patterns. at first al is frustrated with himself because ed has changed a bit and he has to readapt to this. at first he feels like he doesnt know his brother anymore, but he catches on pretty fast. Al is an angel because he still takes great care of ed, and knows how to tend to his needs. He can tell when ed is having a bad day, when he’s on the verge of a panic attack, when he’s anxious, and just in general knows all his ptsd markers and how to care for them. als teenage behaviors are also his way of defending ed from how messed up he is. he doesnt want ed to know hes struggling because he knows ed will blame himself. honestly as codependent as the elric brothers are, they have poor communication because they always want ot protect the other, but it never works because they know each other too well and can see right through each other. but they never talk about it. They just act on it. both of them are the most self-blaming people on the planet and it just snowballs because they’re aware the other is self-blaming, which they self-blame for, etc etc etc.
now onto teenage behaviors. so all this angst is what’s motivating it. and obviously, he misses home, too. and hes thrown into this totally different world and he doesnt know what to do with himself. i mean, ed has a resume now from working with alfons’s team, but he’s not gonna keep working for nazis so he’s gonna go get a research career at a university and be successful and probably even be a professor (this idea makes me extremely happy tbh). meanwhile al is like wth do i do with my life? some more relatable teen angst of “what is my purpose in this sucky world.” ed tries to include al in his work but al just is too distracted and depressed to be interested.
so what does al do? he snaps at ed a lot. Post cos ed has learned sensitivity and warmth (like in cos i really got that sense from him that he learned more social skill and grace) and he literally big brothers al all. the. time. and it comes from him caring for al’s mental health (like he knows what al is going through to a tee but he just doesnt know how to communicate verbally with him about it). he’ll bring work home with him and try and get al in on it and al will snap at ed ti leave him alone. ed will offer to take al to work and al will get pissed because why cant he just mind his own business and stop treating him like a kid? ed will offer to do things with al, he’ll do little things to try and make al happy and damn al is terrifying. i mean i have a personal story here: my older sister smothers me a lot and senior year of high school (she was living at home after graduating college) and im sitting in my room and she comes in without knocking, and in the sweetest voice is like “look at this shirt i had that you can wear to school!” and in the most demonic voice possible i just say “get out of my room” and she justs squeaks out “okay” and leaves looking terrified. Like THAT is ed and al. Ed will do something totally unexpectedly thoughtful to try and help al and al will just be a total shit leaving ed with nothing to do but run away for his life because nothing is scarier than a moody, teenage alphonse elric.
So yeah at first al just stays at home alone, wondering, “high school? or factory job?” And just isolating himself from the scary outside world that he doesnt recognize.
When ed takes him out al is so quiet. Ed talks pretty excitedly about his day, trying everything to help his brother out (because god he was just as miserable when he came to this world and the only reason ed is genuinely doing well now and is actually pretty happy despite his mental illnesses is because al is with him now. And ed just wants to freaking save al from this pain but it just...isnt working. he knows its not that he isnt enough; he knows al would rather be with ed here than in amestris without him but god he still cant help how muh self loathing he feels that he cant help his brother like hes able to help him) and al just zones out and plays with his food or sips his tea or looks at the sidewalk. its not that he doesnt care about his brothers day or that he resents him for being happy, its that he just does not have the energy to be present. and then that is snowballing because he feels like a sucky brother and then he feels like hes self-pitying too much and then its just this endless cycle
So al goes to high school because ed thinks the mental stimulation and learning about this worlds culture and science would be better than throwing him into a factory job. thing is, people who stayed in school past 14 in this time period tended to have money. And while ed makes money, he only makes enough to put al in high school and then provide the bare minimum after. and al cares about his appearance and about what others think about him. its just his personality. and even though hes a brilliant kid who picks up on what hes learning really quick, he still doesnt know much about this world and its current events and honestly amestris is so much more modern so al is confused about certain restrictions and stuff like that. so in school al is this poor, socially awkward, but super-good-at-school teachers pet and dude he is so so bullied and has no friends. remember he also has the mind of a 17-18 year old and so definitely appears to be an old soul among his actual 13-14 year old peers. so hes extremely outcasted. but now he also has a temper and he gets into fist fights.
now you’d think al would pummel these kids, right? Well no. you see when al gets into these fist fights, it kinda triggers memories of being in the armor and he becomes clumsy and out of touch with his body and sometimes forgets how to even move. some fights are better than others and the bullies are pretty shocked this kid has any skill at all, but al never wins against this entire group of kids
so yeah al comes home beat up and ed gets majorly pissed but now that theyre in this…normal life, having your big brother come into the rescue is not awesome. And ed doesnt get that because, well, when your bro is being beat up isnt the right thing to do to beat up the guy thats putting his life in danger? like these are eds survival/protective instincts from years of adventure and danger, so al telling him not to do anything is like...what? he doesnt understand. and al is getting super defensive about the whole thing. “Its none of your business” “leave me alone you’re not in charge of me” etc etc. and in a rational moment, al calmly explains that ed doing anything about it will make it worse. and now ed feels even more helpless and we all know that that is the worst thing ed can feel
and al is just such a nightmare now because hes getting in physical fights and sneaking out and losing his temper and snapping at people and being grumpy and rude. i can write a whole other list of headcanons for alter wrath both exacerbating his behavior but also helping his mental health (like him being friends with alter wrath/rudi as the fandom has named him really makes a “things get worse before getting better” situation
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
The Troll Flees!
“Calling the poorly written and only example of civil rights groups in the show ‘terrorists’ simply for not being total pacifists and not because they were poorly written and calling anyone who thinks they were poorly written ‘terrorists’ isn’t racist, but making a joke about me saying racist things isn’t. uwu“
Holy shit, I don’t know what I did to make you this mad at me that you resort to spouting ad hominems that would make a 12-year-old cringe, but like since you’re asking for receipts that aren’t literally what you just said.
Ah yes and I remember you saying
“I’m a pathetic little shit that can’t argue worth a crap, my dick is the size of an atom, it is illegal for me or anyone remotely sharing a genepool. I can’t spell my own name without the assistance of my mommy and daddy and I compensate by trolling everyone on the internet and spreading annoyance and mild disgust because I hate myself deep down inside and I laugh at this because I laugh at my self like the worthless piece of shit I am.” (Lie used to illistrate a point which is coming up next)
Of course I’m lying and this never happened seeing as this is our only conversation together so i must be a complete moron for thinking this would prove anything or anger anyone (This is what I am saying about you since you have the IQ of a caterpillar apparently).
@sssn-neptune-vasilias @bluepulserjaime @rwby-rants-and-theories@rwbycriticism Care to share any other reciepts receipts showing KoBby’s other racist statements? He’s asking for them so nicely. ;^)
Ah yes, call for help little troll. We all know you’re making a fool of yourself trying to act like you stand anything of a chance against me in a fair argument. 
While we’re at it, how about I bring up the fact that SSSN there directly said taht unless you do exactly as he says and put LGBT representation in shows or else he’ll harass you and bully you?
Or how about RWBY rants blocked me for daring to think that RWBY isn’t the worst written thing in the world when My Immortal, Twilight and Prayer Warriors still exist?
Or how about when RWBYcriticism tried to act like I ahrrassing him when he openly invited me to reblog him directly?
Or how about when Blusepulserjamie there called my friend a coon for not think Jaune is evil?
I can take all you, I’m willing for a boss rush.
“I posted four sentences so that mean’s I’m not mad.”
“You’re treating me like a joke so I can act as childish as I want”
You will shove words down my throat to seem intellectually superior, but me not taking “STOP CRITICIZING MUH SHOW!!!!!!” seriously is “not having an attention span?” Eat shit, Green KoBlin.
I made four sentences. Four. That is taking too long huh? So you have teh attention span of a fruit fly. Explains why you can’t understand good writing or conceive of an argument besides “me right.”
Oh and you call me out on a taking a joke seriously…then immediately take a joke seriously. And the said part is, I knew you were trolling me so I just snarked right back. So all you did was shoot yourself in your unused genitals aiming for my head right in front of you.
So uh, how’s that fact manipulation going? Terrible I bet since you tried to misinform me on my own words.
“ How about you read that response again, except imagine Kirito from SAO Abrigded is saying it. “
Hey, uh quick question… Are you 12? Only children would think this was a clever come back.
Apparently you are because a 12 year old would say that, not realizing that I was informing you i was being snarky. Kirito From SAO Abridged was the snarkiest character I could think of. Only a 12 year old would think that was a comeback.
“ In fact, considering the fact that I was able to make a response actually addressing what you said instead of being a whiny little troll, I was doing a better job.”
“ And don’t try whining about this later: All i’m doing is treating you as you wanted. As a troll. “
And that is contradictory...how? I never said I was acting like a troll, all I said was that I was treating you as one. My method of dealing with trolls is to stuff them until they gargle to death on their own bile. Apparently that worked.
Yes, Pogs for KoBlins, making a textwall in response to a “vile cyberbully troll” is the best course of action and isn’t the exact thing they want.
Oh so you identify as such. Because I never called you that before and quotes means you are taking that from a source and this thread is the only source you have on me relating to you. That or you’re trying to aggrivate me in which case: HA!
“ Oh so calling you out on you treating your subjective opinion as absolute, undeniable fact despite it going against the general and critical consensus “
You know, for someone who whines about how autistic people deserve better representation more than LGBT+ people, you sure love to say terms like “brain dead.”
Nice self portrait, really captures your psychological defense. Now if only it were made out of shit, it’d be identical.
Yeah, all I said in THAT post was that LGBT people have it better than I do and I don’t complain so nice try there.
“ You fail arguing.”
at* :^)
At isn’t a sentence.
“ (nevermind said fictional group is considered terrorists by members of the same race) “
Ah yes… People of the same race… Of the fictional group… of the fictional world… That was written… And could have been written differently… Because they’re fictional.
Okay then, not good enough. The KKK is considered terrorists and bullies and horrible people even by other white people. The Black Panthers at their lowest are basically disowned by black people and, moving away from race, my LGBT friends hate RWDE arguing for LGBT characters more than I do;
“No, you see, I was actually INTENTIONALLY acting like the ass I’ve always been because I was actually the REAL troll. The textwall I made? It’s actually bait to fool you into thinking I was feeding you. Because it’s only not serious when it suits my needs. Doesn’t that troggle your bloggles????”
SO sad that the only points you can actually argue against are the oens in your five celled brain and even then you suck at it.
And what do I have to do? Label what I say as sarcasm? Tried that, you people ignored it.
Holy shit, you really do think you’re this Sherlock Holmes of the fandom and RWDE’s this group of Moriarties, don’t you?
Well you’re not. You’re simply a roach to us that simply won’t die. If simply criticizing Miles senpai is oppressing him to you, then you do you, but in reality you’re just as much of an obsessed, bottomfeeding maggot as Digital Homicide was, and god knows how much their tantrum helped them.
One day, you’ll realize this, and you’ll learn that I am the Jim Motherfucking Sterling son in this argument.
And in that day, you will thank god for me.
Then why did you delete the original post? Why run away if you’re Jim Sterling? Why censor and manipulate and lie and cheat and act just like Digital homicide?
Welp, because you are just like them. And this post will forever exist as your shame.
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17 We open with friendly neighborhood dumbass Akko studying studiously, sitting on a bench in a sunny grassy field which she ignores in favor of a massive stack of books like the bookworm Lottie only sort of is, while redhead side witch bitches about dropping out of school because she's just too cool. An... interesting entrance into the episode, to be sure.
Redhead turns herself into a dashing boys' school student. ..... Did the spell make her grow bollocks
"even though no one's asking you?" is a pretty weird way to ask someone about their dream. I don't think anyone asked redhead to become a broomdancer, or robots girl to become robots, or... anyone to do anything they just wanted to do. and again, she has already accomplished what she says she wants to do- the yeti, in the next episode robert girl, the fairy strike... this show does not know what it has done or what it's doing.
... Wait, are they really here to just fucking steal the grail from the school? why? I've already forgotten why they wanted it, and why petty theft by a couple of randos is so easily accepted as a method of getting it back. Are there no witch authorities who might have wanted in on this? Later redhead says it "belongs" to the guys' school as a way to deflect explaining how it works... shrugg
Have I mentioned yet that I like the supporting trio more than the main three? I could probably write a whole fucking essay on that. All three of them are straight-up archetypes... but that alone is enough to make them at least basically functional as characters. Because that's *why* archetypes end up as archetypes- it's a grouping of character tropes and traits that hits a chord with people. And that's why "cunning normal" was such a fucking retarded concept, Kiznaiverrrrrrr-
It's kinda weird she stays disguised even after getting caught... I guess this is actually consistent; it's been shown before you need to use another spell to transform back, meaning unlike most settings ontological inertia actually applies. but then later on the transformation seems to start slowly undoing itself for no reason anyway. How does this work? magic router?? why'd akko even take that?... whatever
we finally get some violence against witches (threatened but never put though because of course not), which doesn't explain anything but at least characterizes the guys as your entirely typical medieval-styled witch not-likers. The fact that this is what passes for an improvement in this fuckshow of a shitshow is just fucking sad. there are some actually tense and brutal scenes in there, some nice visual shots, like akko getting thrown on the table tied up and the distant side-shot of the guy getting hit by the armor... that aren't killed by wackyness! Amazding! ... Though it still doesn't quite work, probably because the show is still clearly too light-hearted to, say, actually use the torture devices. But them being pulled out isn't a wacky gag either aside from a bit of the reaction. what tone is this?
"y u no use ur magic on me??" "because there's no reception here dumbass the fuck do you think this works like"
Yet another interesting unaddressed plot point- magic was what got them into this mess and turned blong guy into an armored monster, and while a witch was the one who stopped it little to no magic was used in doing so, she basically just needed to smack him hard enough. It seems like the takeaway from this is that witches are perfectly fine people, but magic still needs to fucking die. hmm
by the way what happened to the wordfinding plot this episode
So clearly this was Croi boi testing her angery magicks, but I have to wonder... *why* is anger magic the strongest sort? I mean, it can basically only be arbitrary, but how convenient that her evil energy-having plan can't just go off by spreading feelings of sunshine and happiness.
18 "trained to catch every gost in 12 days, but the goal is one gost in one year"... This is literally, exactly, what Lottie says. What? Literally one minute in and like 20 seconds of dialogue and already this shit makes not a single lick of fucking sense.
akko trips and fucks things up again okay we fucking get i- why was that enpugh to breakm the fucking robort? akko's own body must be the most destructive object know to mankind.
We return to the generic wackey-qwackey humorisms the show had mostly shed in the last couple episodes, and it feels more forced than ever before. After all these thng I can't actually believe Akko's still this shit... and apparently the show itself doesn't either, since as soon as Akko finds something she can actually do it entirely stops. Once she starts working as a convincer/go-between/gopher, not a single thing gets broken. In other words, Trigger just abandoned her character development to churn out and force out more mediocre obligate humor. But at least it was only for, like, half of the episode.
on the other hand once she gets her shit back together the cards get brought back. That was always a kind of interesting little thing, that Akko knew some things even other witches didn't because of the fandom-ing that brought her to the school where she was otherwise so far behind everyone else. I mean, that just raises the question of why the other witches apparently never saw these cards and I feel like I asked exactly this many an episode ago so let's just move the fuck on again
isn't the ship from the OVA? it looks like the shiny rod... and like the same old vaguely eva-lagann looking shit. I forget what it was from Gainax that looked like that, but definitely it was something.
"I already know I won't be as good as Constance"... Man, when Akko's good, she's fucking good. She really isn't trampling over someone else with the conviction that she's always right about everything, she's just so excited she wants to draw a fucking robort. And then Candace loves it and is inspired to make it actually work. it's fucking cute man
gosts viral on social media Normies can't see gosts, but presumably Akko can. How is this actually determined? Rather, the deeper problem is that the line between witches and normies was never defined. There's some implication that it's hereditary, since everyone aside from Akko comes from a "witching family", but the very existence of Akko belies that. So if anyone can train to become a witch, how much training do you do before you become witchy enough to see gost? Actually, should people with latent potential be able to see gost? If Akko is bad at becoming a witch, logically there should be some people who would be better at it relative to her. Shouldn't there be some people in the crowd who can see gost as is? Also, do any males exist with any amount of witch potential, who could see ghosts on their own? If they had never called attention to it by doing the "gost can't see normie" thing, there'd be nothing to really question- you could assume witching is a skill like any other that people could aquire, that's often handed down through families like any other job or career, and that some people are just kind of terrible at. Buuuuut they had to get in this lame "muh on muh cell phone at tuh evuuuunnnt" joke and didn't think it through. Good work, Trigger, keep it up
how is many crow? how many gost We're shown each cube succing up at least one gost each, then multiple cubes forming one crow, but then there's a whole fucking lotta fucking crows. How many gosts were there? How many were left after the large amount that were already taken out? There's just an unmeasured infinite supply of gost somewhere offscreen to conveniently move in as needed. Trigger didn't think this through. And then a super-giant mega-crow shows up which must have used up even more gost. Great
and then the robort- OKAY TRIGGER WE GET IT YOU WUZ GAINAX ONCE CALM THE FUCK DOWN this is just so boring. YEAH, A FUCKING ROBOT, WE GET IT TRIGGER, YOU FUCKS HAVE FUCKING ISSUES. GAINAX-SENPAI WILL NEVER FUCKING NOTICE YOU, GET OVER IT. ... reactions from the peanut gallery are on point tho. akko even credits constantinople for her part in making this possible. she's a good kid. so good. too pure for this fucking show - the robort runs out of energy- WHY DID YOU NOT BRING A ROUTER YOU FUCKNAUTS THERE WAS ONE IN THE IMMEDIATELY PRECEEDING EPISODE WHY - it's a drill. it's a fucking drill. ........ i want to cry acid.
team cubes it blastign off againnnnnnfuck this gay earth
aww man akko doesn't even want to be thanked but compton gives her a training broom anyway. it's beautiful.
19 an old tradition and a new power... croix-was-write is written into the very fabric of reality in this show. good and then mom-diana fucking dies. LOL BYE BITCH.
why would you have the head-appointing ceremony randomly every few years rather than, like, when you need to appoint a new family head? it would even affect the exact same urgency, just have events come to a head so she needs to be pulled out of school and become family head now. why are they electing a baby teen as family head anyway? what age are these kids, anyway? akko looks like ten sometimes.
the second diana says "muh respekt for convention!!" you know she's gonna be treated as full of shit. it's over something we've never heard of and had no reason to assume, anyway. i don't even know "you know about the words?" you've blabbed them to everyone including the rival school that wants to execute you all, so why are you surprised?
.... Andrew is one of the best fucking characters in this shitshow of a show. The amount of fucks he's come to not give... Just invite the witch girl your father knows and hates to ride in your car squished up between him and yourself. And dad-man just can't fucking do anything about it. Holy shit lol and lol these british people sure fucking love soccer. boy i sure bet this isn't hammed-in foreshadowing for some fucking bullshit that's going to happen in the last episodes!!!! i'd fucking bet my lyfe on it !!!!!!
what fuck is diantha wearing We get another one of those nice moments that makes me hate the rest of the show. Akko, being energetic and people-oriented as always but somewhat more constrained due to the awkward and unfamiliar situation, tries to go for the teddy bear as an attempt to start some conversation with Diana... Diana yells at her not to touch it, and she actually does not touch it. Now go back and watch the robot episode again. HMMMMMMmmmmm Except it wasn't about the bear, it was about the box of Chariot cards, because of course Diantha actually likes Chariot, bet no one ever saw that twist comingHEY WAIT A MINUTE, didn't one of the earlier episodes hinge on Akko knowing something Diantha didn't because of the cards?? It can't be because Akko was the only one to autistically memorize them all, because Diantha is smurt character and should have remembered it at least somewhat just from reading it normally. kindness from diana, when the rest of the family and household is by akko's own statement even worse.
old lady yells at akko while unfitting music plays
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