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Foto: Divulgação/ Epagri Os pecuaristas de Santa Catarina contam com um apoio extra para investir na produção de pastagens. O Governo do Estado, por meio da Secretaria da Agricultura, da Pesca e do Desenvolvimento Rural, investe R$ 7,2 milhĂ”es no fornecimento do kit forrageira, formado por mais de 80 produtos para a produção de leite e carne Ă base de pasto. A expectativa Ă© atender trĂȘs mil agricultores em todo o estado. "O kit forrageira jĂĄ pode ser acessado pelos produtores rurais que querem melhorar a produção de pastagem em Santa Catarina. Essa Ă© uma linha importante para incentivar a pecuĂĄria catarinense e nĂłs estamos otimistas com o resultado este ano", destaca o secretĂĄrio de Estado da Agricultura, Altair Silva. O kit faz parte do Programa Terra-Boa. "Esta Ă© uma grande oportunidade para os produtores rurais de Santa Catarina. Ă um incentivo do Governo para produzirmos alimentos de alta qualidade para nossos bovinos, com redução do uso da silagem e, consequentemente, redução de custos", afirma o secretĂĄrio adjunto Ricardo Miotto. Como acessar o kit forrageira O kit custa atĂ© R$ 6 mil, que podem ser pagos em trĂȘs parcelas anuais e sem juros. Caso o pagamento seja feito em parcela Ășnica, o agricultor receberĂĄ um desconto de 30% sobre o valor da segunda parcela e de 60% sobre o valor da terceira parcela. SĂŁo beneficiĂĄrios do Programa produtores rurais que se enquadram nos critĂ©rios do Pronaf. SerĂĄ permitida tambĂ©m a participação de agricultores com propriedades maiores do que quatro mĂłdulos fiscais, desde que promovam o melhoramento de pastagem. Os agricultores catarinenses interessados devem procurar os escritĂłrios municipais da Epagri. Hora de semear as pastagens De acordo com o coordenador do projeto de PecuĂĄria na extensĂŁo rural da Epagri, Carlos Mader, o Kit Forrageira vem sendo usado prioritariamente para melhorar ou instalar sistemas de cerca elĂ©trica e fornecer ĂĄgua e sombra para os animais nos piquetes. No caso das pastagens, o Kit Ă© usado para aquisição de sementes de inverno, especialmente azevĂ©ns, trevos e tambĂ©m aveia em algumas regiĂ”es. âEstamos no momento de implantar as pastagens de inverno. Se o produtor acessar o Kit Forrageira entre o fim de março e o inĂcio de abril e fizer a semeadura nessa Ă©poca, jĂĄ terĂĄ pastagem disponĂvel para alimentar os animais em maioâ, recomenda. O azevĂ©m SCS 316 CR Altovale, lançado pela Epagri em parceria com a Cooperativa Regional AgropecuĂĄria Vale do ItajaĂ (Cravil), Ă© um cultivar de pastagem que tambĂ©m pode ser usado neste momento. Suas principais caracterĂsticas sĂŁo: precocidade ao primeiro pastejo, produtividade, ciclo intermediĂĄrio e rapidez de rebrote. AlĂ©m de ser tolerante a estiagens e geadas. InformaçÔes adicionais para imprensa: Ana Ceron Assessoria de Imprensa Secretaria de Estado da Agricultura, da Pesca e do Desenvolvimento Rural E-mail: [email protected] Fone: (48) 3664-4417/ 98843-4996 Site: www.agricultura.sc.gov.br
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Heavy rain leads to flooding and landslides in brazil! #alagamentos #enchentes #santacatarina #chuva #tempo #lluviafuerte #enchente #sc #alerta #news #noticia #fy #altovale #valedoitajai chuva #rio https://youtu.be/kPftoVSpYV4
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#poesia#escritos#poemas#frases#propio#autoriapropia#contenidooriginal#fotografia#fotografiadigital#ediciondigital#ediciondefotos#fotodigital#digitalphoto#digitalphotography#digitalcamera#digitalphotoediting#escritospropios#frasespropias#altovalle#rionegro#fiskemenuco#generalroca#aggustinnicolas#ghostie#agggustin#alto valle#rio negro#poema#fiske menuco#digital photography
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DespuĂ©s de hacer la base en la computadora con bajo y bateria, toco la guitarra y canto para ver como queda el tema completo armado, esto q escucha es un tema propio llamado "silencio y verdad" espero q les guste #rock #music #electricguitar #altovalle #neuquĂ©n #patagonia #argentina #mĂșsica #guitarra #song #singer #new (en NeuquĂ©n, Argentina)
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â«ïžCamĂ©lias â«ïž . . e From Instagram
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#tbt de muito aprendizado, energia e cura! Assim foi o Evento Virando chaves, abrindo portas. 6 mulheres poderosĂssimas, muito conteĂșdo de vida e evolução e a certeza de que em breve, nos encontraremos para mais uma edição. Rio do Sul realmente sabe contemplar a riqueza que Ă© ser regional com muita qualidade. Eu, eternamente agradeço pela generosidade e tanta informação. Mais ainda, por fazer o que eu mais amor e Ă© minha missĂŁo desta vida: falar aos â€ïž. #virandochavesabrindoportas #evento #altovale #consciencia #mulher #espiritualidade #prosperidade (em Rio do Sul - S/C) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW_hDC0vycR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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âïžâš âą âą âą âą âą #instamakeup #fashion #hair #cabelo #maquiagens #makes #maccosmetics #instagood #makeupartist #cosmeticos #altovale #makeuplover #noiva #marykay #penteados #maquillaje #beautiful #universomakeup #eyebrows #tutorialmakeup #riodosul #hudabeauty #santacatarina https://www.instagram.com/p/CC9VXnFjSd5/?igshid=1qzou5v0zjo8f
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#Saveiro #G5 #Altovale (em Rio do Sul) https://www.instagram.com/p/B49_y7MAxqd/?igshid=1xs6kd0mjrr50
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Ciudad de Neuquén. #leloir #street #streetstyle #building #cluster #city #patagonia #architecture #argentina #tower #sky #sunnyday #skyline #ciudaddeneuquen #neuquen #urban #view #international #capital #altovalle #style
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Foto: Divulgação/ Epagri Cuidar bem da pastagem, praticando o manejo correto, Ă© como manter o prato do rebanho sempre cheio. A Epagri incentiva em Santa Catarina a produção de leite e carne Ă base de pasto para ampliar a produtividade e reduzir os custos, que crescem Ă medida em que o produtor depende mais de ração, silagem e feno. E Ă© para isso que os pecuaristas catarinenses podem contar com o Kit Forrageira, que jĂĄ estĂĄ liberado para acesso em 2021. O Kit Forrageira integra o Programa Terra Boa, da Secretaria de Estado da Agricultura, da Pesca e do Desenvolvimento Rural (SAR). âEle Ă© formado por mais de 80 produtos que podem ser acessados a partir de um projeto tĂ©cnico da propriedade elaborado pela Epagriâ explica Hoilson Fogolari, coordenador estadual de PolĂticas PĂșblicas na Empresa. O kit permite ao agricultor adquirir, com apoio do Governo de Santa Catarina, sementes de forrageiras e insumos para piqueteamento da ĂĄrea e fornecimento de sombra e ĂĄgua para os animais. Em 2020, a Secretaria da Agricultura apoiou a aquisição de 1.799 kits forrageira. Para este ano, estĂŁo previstos 3 mil kits dentro do Programa Terra Boa, que totaliza investimentos de 56,5 milhĂ”es para uma sĂ©rie de programas de apoio Ă agricultura catarinense. Como acessar o kit forrageira Por meio do Kit Forrageira, os agricultores podem acessar atĂ© R$6 mil divididos em trĂȘs cotas de R$ 2 mil cada. O pagamento pode ser feito em trĂȘs parcelas anuais, sem juros (30 de maio de 2022, de 2023 e de 2024). Se optar por antecipar todo o pagamento para a primeira parcela, o agricultor recebe desconto de 30% sobre o valor da segunda parcela e de 60% sobre o valor da terceira parcela. SĂŁo beneficiĂĄrios do programa produtores rurais que se enquadrem nos critĂ©rios do Pronaf â exceto em relação Ă ĂĄrea de terra, que poderĂĄ ser maior do que quatro mĂłdulos fiscais, desde que promovam na propriedade o melhoramento de pastagem e nĂŁo possuam dĂ©bitos junto aos programas da SAR e de suas empresas vinculadas. Os produtores interessados em acessar o Terra Boa devem procurar a Epagri de seu municĂpio, que, alĂ©m de auxiliar no projeto e na documentação, presta assistĂȘncia tĂ©cnica para melhor aplicação dos recursos. Clique aqui para encontrar a Epagri do seu municĂpio. Hora de semear as pastagens De acordo com Carlos Mader, coordenador do projeto de PecuĂĄria na extensĂŁo rural da Epagri, o Kit Forrageira vem sendo usado prioritariamente para melhorar ou instalar sistemas de cerca elĂ©trica e fornecer ĂĄgua e sombra para os animais nos piquetes. âA segunda prioridade Ă© investir em adubação para melhorar a fertilidade do solo e a terceira Ă© a melhoria das pastagensâ, destaca. No caso das pastagens, ele diz que o kit normalmente Ă© usado para aquisição de sementes de inverno, especialmente azevĂ©ns, trevos e tambĂ©m aveia em algumas regiĂ”es. âEstamos no momento de implantar as pastagens de inverno. Se o produtor acessar o Kit Forrageira entre o fim de março e o inĂcio de abril e fizer a semeadura nessa Ă©poca, jĂĄ terĂĄ pastagem disponĂvel para alimentar para os animais em maioâ, recomenda. Mader lembra que a Epagri lançou no ano passado, em parceria com a Cooperativa Regional AgropecuĂĄria Vale do ItajaĂ (Cravil), um cultivar de pastagem muito eficiente para ser usado neste momento. O azevĂ©m SCS 316 CR Altovale se destaca por oferecer precocidade ao primeiro pastejo, produtividade, ciclo intermediĂĄrio e rapidez de rebrote. TambĂ©m Ă© tolerante a estiagens e geadas. O AzevĂ©m SCS 316 Altovale Ă© uma boa escolha para semear nesta Ă©poca Sobressemeadura contra o vazio forrageiro A sobressemeadura consiste em plantar pastagens anuais de inverno sobre a pastagem perene de verĂŁo ou o campo nativo. Com essa medida, a produção das forrageiras de inverno preenche o vazio criado pelas espĂ©cies de verĂŁo. As plantas usadas na sobressemeadura geralmente sĂŁo gramĂneas anuais de inverno (aveias e azevĂ©ns) e leguminosas de inverno (trevos, ervilhacas, cornichĂŁo e alfafa). Estudos da Epagri indicam que a sobressemeadura permite incrementar entre 23% e 30% a produção das pastagens ao longo do ano.
Com mais forragem disponĂvel, o produtor gasta menos com outros alimentos, o rebanho produz mais leite e carne e a rentabilidade da propriedade sobe. Mais informaçÔes para a imprensa: Gisele Dias Assessoria de imprensa Epagri Fone: (48) 3665-5147 / 99989-2992 E-mail: [email protected] Site: www.epagri.sc.gov.br
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........ Garra, Coraje, Valor, CĂłdigos......... cuantas definiciones que identifican una sola pasiĂłn #GoPumas đ..................:..::::: #Rugby #rugbyworldcup2019 #rugby4life #Argentina #Jaguares #LosPumitas #Urba #Uruch #Ucdr #Urc #Uer #Urf #Ujrugby #Urls #Unionrugbymdp #Urne #Urumi #Uroba #Ursl #Usr #Usr #Urtf #Urt #Ura #Andina #AltoValle https://www.instagram.com/p/B5irI8tFVFz/?igshid=1qeomdv1174br
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BLitBC - Respect
Technically this isnât Bright Lights related, but the whole crew is here so Iâm counting it. A while back, I wrote this thing for Kiss Week, and it was promptly demanded that a sequel be written. I said, âYEAH!â and then promptly did not do that.
Then yesterday I was listening to @urdnotgruntâs Silk playlist and got sappy inspired and spent the last two days furiously banging this out. Hereâs to all of my Altovale crew, and to my favorite genasi bard! <3
2300 words.
âItâs because of my posters that people showed up,â said Fizz, puffing out her chest with as much absolute authority as she could conjure at three feet high.
She was pressed between Daisy and Sarai in the cornermost seat of the cornermost table of the Tipping Cup, her chair directed towards the small stage on which a long, slender figure was casually tuning up. Silk had arrived a full hour before they had, and spent exactly all of that time schmoozing with the locals. Casimir had, in no uncertain terms, refused to do the same.
âI think your yelling called more people in than your posters,â said Sarai, tracing an absent claw over the rim of her glass. Her eyes were lidded, pointedly uninterested, but she stole flinty glares at the genasi whenever she thought no one was looking.
âYelling is part of the process, obviously. Thatâs why Daisy was so good at it.â
The girl looked up, her brow furrowed. âA bunch of people ran away when I yelled at them.â
âOnly at first!â
Sarai opened her mouth to interject and stopped halfway through a word, her eyes flicking up towards the rooms overhead. Fizz wheeled around just in time to see Casimir descending the stairs, lute case slung over his shoulder, his eyes fixed ahead with the steely confidence he had brandished like a weapon for the last several hours. He wove through the maze of tables towards them, but his eyes watched Silkâs graceful pacing across the stage.
âHave they started?â he asked, the minute he was within earshot. Sarai shook her head.
âJust tuning up,â she said. Her ears flicked, then swiveled forward. âCas, are you okay -â
âFine,â said Casimir, without taking his eyes off of the stage. âYou have an extra chair?â
âOh! I do!â Fizz leapt from her seat and disappeared behind a small stack of kegs in the corner, returning moments later dragging a lacquered chair behind her. It was made of a bright, polished wood, somehow untouched by drink or greasy fingers, and its sloping back was carved with an array of roots and vines all curled together in one elegant tangle.
âIt took a bit of doing,â she said through the grit of her teeth, âbut I found one without arms like you asked! TookâŠ.actually, it took a lot of doing. Whew!â She gave the chair one last shove into Casimirâs reach, then sagged against the tabletop, panting. Casimir finally turned his gaze from the stage to her, over to the chair, and then back once more for good measure.
âYou didnât get this at the tavern,â he said finally. Fizz made a big show of shrugging.
âYou said find a chair without arms. I did! Who cares if maybe that fancy inn up the road is short a place for one more fancy ass? They can afford to get another one. Now go, go!â
She shoved at Casimirâs thigh, reaching for her magic and calling a silent prayer to Olidammara as she did so - from his humble servant, as a blessing and a guidance to this bard, this friend, his kin, who -
The growl instantly scattered her magic like water over cobblestones. She winced, then slowly rolled a sheepish grin up to where Casimir was scowling down at her.
âI, uh, thought itâd help?â she said with a little shrug. Casimirâs glare sharpened for the briefest of seconds; then he sighed, and sagged, and let a hand drop onto the crown of her head.
âIt would,â he said, ruffling her hair until she swatted him away. âBut I donât need it. Iâm going to win this fair and square, and youâre not going to get involved, okay?â
âBut -â
âOh, fine.â She clambered back up onto her seat and folded her arms over her chest with a dramatic huff. âBut Iâm still gonna cheer for you. You canât stop me from way over there!â
âDonât be so sure,â Casimir muttered, but there was the edge of a smile in his voice as he hooked his fingers into the back of the chair and hoisted it off of the ground. Sarai stood as he moved towards the stage, taking one side of the chair and pulling him quickly out of earshot.
âWhatâd you do?â Daisy whispered from behind a hand as Fizz watched them mutter furiously to one another.
âI just tried to give him a little boost, thatâs all! And you see how he reacted?â She dragged her tankard into her lap and took a comically deep draw. âI swear, I get no respect, Daisy. No respect at all.â
Daisy shrugged, and took a smaller sip of her own illicit tankard. âMaybe itâs because you keep cheating at things.â
âWhy, I would never - â
âGuys. Hush.â Saraiâs voice appeared suddenly at the edge of the table, where she was sinking slowly back into her seat. Fizz could still see a few rigid lines of tension in her shoulders, but they seemed the usual sort; her ears, which had been ticking since they had walked into the little tavern, had finally relaxed down against her head. âTheyâre going to start.â
Sure enough, Casimir had already made his way up to the stage, his heavy chair dragged and hoisted up behind him. He settled it on the opposite side from where Silk was making small talk with the tavern owner and began tuning up without a word. Fizz saw Silk glance over and frown, just slightly, before returning to their own work. She tucked a giggle behind her hands.
Their preparations were a short affair, and before long, the tavernâs attention had shifted to the halting strains of music coming from the stage. Silk stepped forward as the rabble quieted to a murmur, and dropped into a deep bow.
âGood patrons of the Tipping Cup,â they announced as they righted themself, âit is my pleasure to welcome you to this...somewhat overbooked performance.â
They stole a quick glance towards the table as they said it. Fizz waved.
âNevertheless, we hope you enjoy this dazzling display of skill and wit that is the work of the best bard in town!â
They bowed once more, then stepped back to the scattered and very confused applause of the patrons as they glanced between both figures on stage. From her seat, Fizz saw Silk lean just slightly towards Casimir, and mutter something that looked vaguely like, âAnd may they win,â under their breath. Casimir just smirked, and propped his lute higher in his lap.
Barely a second later, the room burst into music. It swelled from Silkâs violin as they dragged a few deep notes out of the strings, and then launched into a swaying ballroom tune that Fizzâs half-trained ear could tell sounded more impressive than it actually was. She knew the sort well enough - bland and uninteresting, picked for extensive night-long performances where the audience would be too busy to know any better. A simple fare that said that Silk considered this battle a veritable cakewalk. Fizz sucked in a breath and tried not to grin. Underestimating Casimir, and relegating him to some boring background cadence, would go just about as well as trying to nailing pudding to a tree.
Not a minute after the thought crossed her mind, Silkâs violin lick came to an end, and the sound vanished under Casimirâs lute suddenly humming to life. He struck one hard note to snatch the crowdâs attention, then began a run up and down a crescendo of melodies so clean and crisp that Fizz just barely stopped herself from leaping onto her chair. The swaying ballroom tune instantly became a flourishing theater score, complete with a maddening fingerwork that Fizz lost track of almost immediately. She watched as Silk cocked their head, and smiled very slightly into their bowing.
It went back and forth that way for several minutes, each allowing the other the stage for a few bars before deftly ripping it out from under them. The audience didnât stir; every speck of attention had been torn from drinks and conversations and half finished arguments to the battle raging on before them, and even the most pickled of the Tipping Cupâs patrons didnât seem to have the courage to chance interrupting.
All except for Daisy.
Fizz realized it halfway through Silkâs fifth conquering, as they cut Casimir off with a bright flourish of their bow. The little girl was leaned forward at the edge of her seat, watching but focused more on where her feet were tapping out the rhythm against the legs of her chair. She looked deeply conflicted, in the way that only children could; brow furrowed, lip thrust out, tiny hands gripping the edge of the seat like she would fly off of it. Frowning, Fizz leaned forward too.
âYou, uh, alright there, Daisy?â
âI wanna dance,â came the immediate reply. Daisyâs eyes did not move from her feet. Fizz raised an eyebrow.
âYou wanna dance?â she asked slowly. âNow?â
Fizz opened her mouth to reply, just as an idea flung itself, fully formed, right in front of her eyes. She snapped her jaw shut with an audible click then leapt off of her chair, snatching Daisyâs hand.
âThat sounds like a fantastic idea.â
Daisy needed no more prompting than that. She sprang from her chair like a cat on the hunt, and together, they both made a beeline for the sparsely furnished area right in front of the stage. Behind them, Fizz heard Saraiâs chair scrape back against the floor, and heard her hiss both of their names. She giggled and kept running.
By the time they made it to the clearing, Casimir had taken over again with his own rigorous tune. Fizz could see sweat starting to bead on the top of his forehead as he leaned down across the top of his lute, blissfully ignorant to the chaos that had stampeded in front of him. And it was chaos: Daisyâs few dancing âlessonsâ had sunk maybe an inch deep into her consciousness, and whatever Silk and Casimir had conjured in her had reached all the way down to her orcish center. She stomped her feet and swung herself from side to side, keeping rhythm as she punctuated each measure with another thrust of her tiny hands. Fizz did her best to follow, and made up for the lacking education with her usual brand of pure, unbridled enthusiasm.
Within moments, they had the roomâs attention.
Heads turned away from the stage as she and Daisy stomped circles around the makeshift dance floor, and a low rumble of conversation and laughter began to creep up from the crowd around them. Fizz grinned and spun gracelessly towards the stage, just as Silkâs eyes flickered down to meet hers. Their brow furrowed, and they considered her for a long moment, still sawing deftly away at their tempo-keeping. Then she saw a smile touch the corner of their lips.
âDancing, eh?â they called over the din. When she nodded, they nodded too, and then stepped back to where Casimir had strummed out the last of a series of punishing runs. He looked up with a weary smirk, just in time to catch Silkâs wink before they burst into a wild festival jig.
This time, there was no teasing simplicity to the tune, no dazzling flourishes to already difficult rhythm; this time, the songâs melody was clear and bright and unmuddled, and the crowdâs tense silence vanished in a sudden swell of cheering and laughter. Tankards and fists began banging out the tempo on the tables, and Fizz heard the telltale scrape of chairs as couples stepped out onto the dance floor around them. She snatched Daisy and tugged her aside to make room, giggling wildly.
After a moment, the heavy strum of a lute swam out of the noise, mingled with - not fighting - the bounce of the violin. Fizz stole a glance over her shoulder and found Casimir watching her, his expression somewhere between exasperation and stern fondness. She flashed him a grin and a thumbs up, then grabbed Daisyâs hands and swung her into the twirling frenzy of the dance floor.
Finally, after a few repeats of the circling chorus, the tune faded out into two high, sustained notes, and the tavern shuddered with the raucous cheering of the crowd. Copper and silver coins began in a steady rain over the stage, and Fizz dragged Daisy away to cover as Silk and Casimir stepped back and took deep, grateful bows
âIncredible!â she said, clapping wildly when they finally wandered over. âAmazing! An unbelievable, show-stopping performance! Oh, and I guess you guys were pretty good too.â
Casimir flung his sweat-soaked coat over her head, snorting when she scrambled to get out from under it.
âWe were very good,â said Silk as Fizz pretended to gag. âSome might even say, the best.â
They nudged Casimir, who rolled his eyes.
âAt least one of us was, yeah.â
âI thank you for noticing,â Silk replied, with a deep bow and a very undignified display of their tongue. Fizz clapped a hand over her mouth and giggled.
âIn any case,â they continued, as Casimir rolled his eyes again, âwe put on a pretty good show, you and I. Next time we meet, I wouldnât entirely despise a rematch. You know, for your sake.â
They put out a hand, grinning. Casimir eyed it over, keeping his arms folded pointedly against his chest. Then he sighed, and reached out to take it.
âRematch for your sake sounds alright,â he said. His eyes darted sideways to where Fizz watched, wide-eyed, hands clasped together under her chin. âMaybe next time, without her.â
âNo respect!â
#my writing#oc crap#d&d#d&d shenanigans#other people's ocs#the fizz tag#bright lights in the big city#i mean not really but y'know#have i mentioned lately that I love these characters?#i love these characters sm
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Nuevas ideas para rockear, un poco de lo q vengo grabando y armando desde hace unos dĂas, espero q vea la luz del sol en algĂșn momento, aguante el rock ĂĄrabe carajo jaja ojala les guste #rock #musica #music #neuquen #confluencia #altovalle #altovalle rock #guitar #guitarra #guitarraelectrica # grabaciĂłn #rec #malacepa (en NeuquĂ©n, Argentina)
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En Londres, una especialista en EconomĂa y Finanzas levanta en el podio el premio a la mejor ginebra del mundo, producida en la Patagonia Argentina. Te cuento la historia de @TateMoretti , la creadora del #gin argentino mĂĄs premiado, en mi #entrevista de Gallaretas. @ginadrygin@noctuaarg @patagoniandistillery#gin #gintonic #neuquen #patagonia #argentina #yocomo #cocteleria #mixologia #destileria #distilling #gingina #gindeflores #brindis #flores #powergirl #drinks #drinkgin #drinkgintonic #ginphotography #gin #drinksphotography #flowers #drinkstime #drink #friendsday #dĂadelamigo #foodstiling #foodphotography #forografiadeproducto #altovalle #FlaviaTomaello
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Pelas pautas da vida... #sc #santacatarina #fotojornalismo #santa #aurora #rural #campo #altovale #photojournalism
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#saveiro #altovale (em Centro de Eventos Hermann Purnhagen) https://www.instagram.com/p/B49-38lAqDP/?igshid=1ph72fxtlonlp
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