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stevealtierbooks · 9 months ago
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Catch me this Sunday at the Oxford Exchange in Downtown Tampa, for the annual Children's Book Fair June 2nd 11 am to 4 pm. I look forward to seeing you!
#bookbuzz #ChildrensBooks #authorlife #Stevealtier #kidlit
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tomoeegawa · 1 year ago
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A divine magical girl who has the ability of telepathically hearing and feeling the pain of mistreated magical girls who are in immense pain/suffering. She is Delta's younger sibling.
She wishes to end the suffering of the mistreated, and has a fear of ending the live of one herself.
Just created this OC overnight a few days ago when I couldn't sleep, Meet Altier
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cyanbyte · 3 months ago
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this is somewhat old but i gotta contribute to the glitch techs community

. phil my beloved btw. big deadpan bossman
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urfavisananimegirl · 2 months ago
Phil Altiere from glitch techs
That man is the best anime girl o7
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Phil Altiere (Glitch Techs) is an Anime Girl!
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askglitchtechs · 2 years ago
AW YEA FIRST ASK IM IN BABY so mights as well do one related to the month to all tachs what brand of lgbtqa+ Are all of you? (Like is someone bi or pan?)
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bugboyart · 2 years ago
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small doodles of phil my babygirl
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disarmluna · 1 year ago
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soap4brain · 11 months ago
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stevealtierbooks · 1 day ago
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Join Maria DeVivo and Steve Altier as they appear at the Southwest Florida Reading Festival. Don’t miss the chance to meet these talented authors from 4 Horsemen Publications, get your books signed, and dive into their incredible stories. This is a free event you won’t want to miss! See you Saturday!
#mariadevivo #Stevealtier #writerlife #BookLovers #lovetoread
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mutant-distraction · 26 days ago
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Kevin Altiere, photographer
Cloud formation
Sunset Beach. Treasure Island, Florida
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adamsmasher · 10 months ago
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Can we talk about this ginger dilf from the Nickelodeon show "Glitch Techs"? White women on podcasts talk about how they wanna fuck the dog dad from Bluey but all my gay ass is thinking about is getting railed by Phil Altiere Glitch Techs
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fear-and-lothering · 1 month ago
Question for other peoples rooks (Reblog with responses would love to read about others rooks) How do you think *your* rook's cooking is? How often are they in the cooking location or are they forbidden from the kitchen? If they do cook what foods do they usually make (putting mine under the cut)
Altier Mecar - Nothing fancy learned to cook spending a lot of time at home, as was sheltered from going out much, so mom's kitchen helper who can reach all the high shelves. Lots of comfort foods/cheesy foods. When he transitioned/working out more to get comfortable in his body lots of meaty/high protein things. So cooks that out of habit In the regular rotation, and neve likes having the comfort food. He does try to learn from Bellara to make some of Davrin's nostalgic foods too Oswin Thorne - Got pulled into rotation, and most of his food is 'what i can kill and cook, rations, and gruel. (He also willingly eats harding's food 'it sure tastes more then I can say about gruel) 'He doesn't cook unless it's last resort, but does make some good roast boar out in the field' Nyxie De Riva - 'you mix a *minor* poison into food once, because you're using stuff you brought from house De Riva and *no one* lets you cook again'. "Also ignore the time I tried to use veilfire to make rotisserie chicken' "I think lighting is a valid form of heating, you all are just behind the curve, emmrich has skeletons help cook!!! Magic is a tool' Removed from the kitchen forever Jackdaw Ingellvar - They cook alright! Mostly vegetarian dishes (He's mainly pescatarian personally so will eat fish). The main issue is they tend to cook thinks with an 'acquired taste' Or things from *very old* cook books they've found (see jello salad type foods or things with insect meal)
Kinda a 'eh we'll *try* but Lucanis please have a backup , very hit and miss some's a crowd fave others 'well i tried'
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thestalkerbunny · 6 months ago
I'm loving the manga subgenre where its a generic RPG setting, but the author focuses on day-to-day stuff. Dungeon Meshi being the most famous example.
I personally love it as well. Witch Hat Altier has the same vibe. Like.....I'm fascinated with how the mechanisms of magical invention WORKS in this world. And the walking wheel chairs.
And Brush Buddies.
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Yeahhhhh....Brush Buddy....
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paula-of-christ · 6 months ago
I’d like to submit a prayer request. I am a new convert and my wife was raised in the church but never confirmed. We’re both very broken people. We’ve been having trouble in our marriage and are both afraid. This evening I asked her to start attending mass with me and join the RCIA program with me. I told her that with our Lord’s help, love, mercy, and guidance we can grow together to have the marriage we’re called to have. She told me that she doesn’t think she can do that because she’s not in that kind of place with God and religion. I told her that we all start somewhere and that God can make us whole together. If you could, please pray for her that she hears God’s words and feels His love and mercy. Please pray for me to have patience, compassion, guidance, understanding, and love. Please pray for our marriage. Thank you ❀
She can go through RCIA without committing to getting confirmed or formally joining the Church! It's very normal for people to go through it several times before formally converting, and at the very least, she can just go and say it is to support you.
May I also recommend a quite good book that I read in preparation for marriage? My husband read about half of it as well, and its mainly for already married couples, but it helped us a lot with going into marriage with an understanding of what biblical/Catholic marriage is. It's called "God's Plan For Your Marriage" by Fr. Altier. It is quite well written and a very simple book to read. Very highly recommend for all soon-to-be and newly married couples, or couples new to Catholicism!
I will be sure to pray for you <3
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leparfumdesreves · 23 days ago
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"Il y a, je trouve, des petits instants de Vie qui ressemblent Ă©trangement Ă  de vĂ©ritables petits PoĂšmes en prose forts de leur immĂ©diatetĂ© heureuse, de leur tonalitĂ© enveloppante et de l’Aristocrate ÉlĂ©gance de leur gestuelle.
Je pense notamment Ă  l’ampleur d’un geste de jetĂ© d’Étole sur l’épaule dĂ©nudĂ©e d’une Femme pudique, au mouvement altier propre Ă  l’homme de goĂ»t qui se pare de la prestance de son burnous ou encore Ă  cet instinct dĂ©licat et dĂ©licieux de soulĂšvement froncĂ© d’un caftan brodĂ© lors d’une descente ou d’une montĂ©e d’escalier.
La vie est faite de ces petits riens, de ces infimes dĂ©tails insoupçonnables pour les uns, incommensurables pour les autres Ă  mĂȘme d’accorder la primeur au fugitif, Ă  l’apparemment inutile mais profondĂ©ment chargĂ© de potentialitĂ© d’embarquement immĂ©diat, de possibilitĂ© de dĂ©collage ou de probabilitĂ© de lĂ©vitation salvatrice..."
Francine Ohayon
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bbaked-beans · 7 months ago
Altier - Gentle_giant_ye
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Aeria - @amisplacedalphabet
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Loe and Chelsea + Mina and Daichi - @apple8ees
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Blaire + Mellifluous - @mero7t
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aaaaaa - @delta-runer
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Skye Sherwood - @froggie2feet
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Starborne - Spades_ofAce
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Allegiance - @the-bitter-ocean
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