#although what’s really the difference between 23 and 24
serotinals · 2 years
my birthday is in approximately 2 weeks 🥸 the passage of time sure is relentless huh?? 🤠
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accio-victuuri · 9 months
(candy vault) : alexander mcqueen shoes, nike off white and yibo’s missing mole 🤍
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this fandom has lots of candies in the past years and there are ones that fall through the cracks or things that i simply wanna talk about. also for the benefit of new turtles who probably missed it & a good trip down memory lane for those who’ve been here for a while. i made other posts similar to this before and i haven’t done a good old mini compilation so here ya go. ^^
2/23/2021 WYB was in Beijing, participating in the recording of CCTV’s Lantern Festival program in the evening. The actual broadcast was 2/26/2021.
In the materials initially sent out by YBO, for the photos, you couldn’t see AM shoes. Maybe the shoot was better off focusing on his face, which I totally agree, but it was like they didn’t want to focus on it that much. We only saw the shoes when they released the BTS video where it would be tricky to crop it out.
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During the actual performance he changed into a more comfortable looking Jimmy Choo shoes. He was wearing AM outfit so it made sense that the shoes should match too. This should’t really be a big deal or even a CPN, only because changing shoes is sort of normal at events like this. Maybe he was more comfortable with the Jimmy Choo, although the choreography for this performance is not that complicated like his other routines. The way I remember it, WYB usually sticks to the shoes he has on.
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The CPN alarm bells started going off tho when ZZ flew from Beijing to Shanghai wearing the same style McQueen shoes. He had shooting back in 2/24 and there were some talk that he was more than a half hour late as planned on set. So going by our collective galaxy brain, they could have spent some time together during late 2/23 and some time on 2/24 which is after the CCTV shoot. WYB probably lent the shoe to him or he just got it from their shared closet lol. This is why ZZ was sort of late, because he was with WYB. The pattern of ZZ being later than usual on set when he is with WYB is something that still happens this year. I’m not implying that he is slacking off when he is with WYB but more of just adjusting his schedule so he can accommodate the love of his life. they both deserve that in between their busy schedules.
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maybe this is why YBO didn’t want to highlight that on the materials they released 2/26 ; because they knew where the shoe went 😂😂😂
While we’re in the subject of shoes, let’s take it further back with their matching nike off white in 2018. It’s one CPN that is often given as an example but I haven’t discussed on here.
AAAAAHHHHH! I miss the days when they could still wear Nike shoes. Oh well….
Looking through the airport pictures of ZZ before joining the CQL group from 2016 to 2018, there are no pair of Nikes that could often be seen in pictures of him. There are 2 back in 2017. Before CQL, ZZ had quite a variety of shoes, including a few pairs from Adidas. Like WYB, it is obvious that he likes to buy Nike co-branded products, likes to grab the latest models, and even buys more for collection.
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Now let’s focus first on the shoes, it’s a collab of Nike air vapormax X off white. There are two shoes of the same style but in different colors. The black model will be available at 3/30/2018 and the white will be available at 4/18/2018. We know that at the time, WYB will surely have what’s new when it comes to NIKE. It’s either it will be sent to him cause he has a relationship with the brand or he will buy it himself. He is known to always wear the latest designs released. He is also a collector, so he most likely bought the black and white version.
WYB wore the white version on 4/28 and ZZ wore the black model on 5/8 based on photos.
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As for ZZ, he was recording an episode for a show and he also used this shoe for the rehearsal. It is the same show where he had to dance and the choreography was taught by WYB. We’ve seen this in the BTS and ZZ talked about it himself.
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WYB was seen again with the pair during PD101 on 5/10. It’s funny cause this is the same day where XZ was filmed candidly behind the scenes and he said he hasn’t seen LWJ all day.
These two. Honestly. They only formally “met” and then started shoot 4/16 and it hasn’t even been a month but they already have a couple shoe and ZZ was out there emoting about missing LWJ/WYB? It’s a common discussion that leads to alternative timelines like DT or 2017 or it could just be that it’s one of those rare instance where you connect with someone so quickly.
I have 3 possible explanations:
1. It’s totally unrelated. They bought their pairs separately since they like the style and collab.
2. WYB gave the shoe to XZ. I am a fan of both of them giving gifts to each other. And if you are someone who believed XZ gave him a lego set even before they started filming as a gesture of goodwill then this should make more sense to you. Also WYB is known to give gifts and that includes shoes ( for example SDC 3, he gave out multiple pairs ). This reasoning is not necessarily a CPN of them being boyfriends, but more of being close enough to give each other gifts. and not just the usual one you would give to a colleague cause if WYB only has the white and XZ has the black, it’s a couple shoe. WYB low key hinting at the prospect if them being a pair and XZ accepting it.
3. They bought it together, as you would when you’re with a friend and are scrolling through shopping apps together. I think there are fake rumors of that, the two, in between takes scroll through their phones and buy each other stuff or same style clothes. Again, it doesn’t necessarily mean boyfriend behavior, but more of being close enough to do that.
A clue for that is WYB was seen with the black pair during CQL filming around early 6/2018. You can clown that he is wearing ZZ’s shoes or he did buy the 2 kinds for his own and ZZ got the black only.
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Lastly is the stolen mole!!!!! ♥️
Since cpfs are obsessing over WYB’s very visible mole from the Bazaar shoot.
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It’s one of my favorite fake and it basically says, The reason why WYB cares so much about ZZ’s mole under the lip, is because WYB also had one like this when he was little. The elders in the family said it’s something good and it means he will have a happy life. However the mole disappeared. Or i guess in his case it’s not as prominent and has faded instead.
While filming, GG has scenes where he didn’t have make up or it gets taken off because of the heat. WYB looks at him closely and points out his lip mole, saying that he had something like that before but it disappeared. GG then added that his mom told him that his mole appeared only after a while when he was young.
That’s when WYB said GG stole his mole. When it disappeared, the mole transferred to GG 😂😂😂
Maybe this is why WYB is so fixated with his mole that he even includes it in his drawing of XZ/WWX.
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itsgrimeytime · 8 months
Magnolia in May (Part Thirty) || Rick Grimes (TWD) x Greene!f!reader Regency AU
Parts 1-20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29...
Taglist: @loliakeoghan23 @curlycarley @queenie32 @mgparker @misatmosfear
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker
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Inspiration (in honor of Speak Now Taylor's Version): Enchanted by Taylor Swift.
Summary: Your town was small, not the smallest you knew, but anyone of high fortune was the gossip of the week. Predictably, Richard Grimes was a thing of whispers -rumors of a search for marriage among the grassy hills. You weren't one to buy into town gossip, but something about him... just seemed a little too intriguing.
TW: steamy againnnnnn (sorry) (just some good old-fashioned making out).
[[A/N: Just found this gif.... the lord's work. Oh my god. Y'all this might be about kissing again :)))), kinda sorta. Thanks for reading !!! ]]
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The day of your proposal was a quite busy one, you'll admit. Not that you had a lot to do, but getting a portrait painted was no light work, you were to sit still for hours -the painter posed you rather eloquently, but still you were drawn to such aches and pains.
That is to say, you hadn't been properly alone with Mr. Grimes since the proposal. Your duties were far unfulfilled then, and then, the planning had started, and although you saw him frequently, it wasn't alone.
And Headmistress was nearly on your last nerve-
So, that brought you to your current predicament -a day of planning and Mr. Grimes had noticed such tensions and took you to walk through the hallways. You'd taken to asking about the rooms, what was in them, what they were for, if people were in there often-
"Mr. Grimes," you questioned, clearing your throat and pointing to the door on the left, "-what of that one?"
If he knew of your intentions, he didn't say anything.
"An old office," he hummed, "-only people who see it are those who clean it in the morning."
"Do they clean it any other time?"
"Because of lack of use, no," he answered you, looking at you a little puzzled -apparently he didn't know of such intentions after all.
"Well," you spoke with a little bit of a false chipper -only noticeable to those who didn't know you, "-I'd love to see it."
"Why?" he laughed, confused, "-it's just an old office, darlin'. Nothin' to see."
"I'd just love a personal tour," you teetered, still smiling but something in your eyes was far different than politeness -you wished to kiss him after all.
"Why?" he repeated, turning to completely face you.
"Must you always ask why?" you remarked, pulling him into your side and approaching the door with uttermost haste.
The doorknob was the kind that creaked when you opened it, truly showing the amount it was used. If you didn't believe him, you surely would have now.
It was floor-to-ceiling bookcases on every wall, and unlike Mr. Grimes's office, it had no windows, only books. If you were there to truly look at the room, you would've enjoyed brushing your fingers over the books, guessing what wood the desk was, and perching upon the couch.
But you weren't there for such things.
"May I ask why now?" He questioned once again, the door swinging shut behind him -you made sure of it, "-Do you find it worth such a tour, Ms. Greene?"
"It is-" you hummed, fingers brushed up on the couch -you were about a step away from him now, "-rather beautiful, I do wonder why you don't use it."
"The window allows me to see the children," he answered quickly, before pushing to more urgent matters, "-Now, may I ask what the purpose of stopping in here was? I have plenty of beautiful rooms for you to see, Ms-"
You merely turned to him, grabbed his face with your hands, and kissed him. Lips pushed together without a smidgen of hesitation, he simply followed your lead and the frustration of it all before melted on your shoulders. Until, it didn't.
He pulled back, grinning, laughing really, "You are quite cute, Ms. Greene."
It was spoken between the press of your lips, so it was rather annunciated by each word -you kissed him through such laughter, not without your own smile. ("You. Are. Quite. Cute. Ms. Green.")
You pulled back upon his words, watching him for a moment -his wide grin, he was rather cocky today, "Is it too much for a lady to just want a kiss?"
"No," he spoke, bringing a finger under your chin, "-Not at all, sweetheart, I just find it delightful you wish to kiss me so often."
"Often?" You hummed, "-I haven't kissed you in days, and you proposed to me! How is that fair?"
"It isn't," he hummed pressing one barely there to your lips, "-but such kissin' is new to me."
"How?" You questioned, genuinely, the man was so handsome, you had to avoid such urges nearly every second -especially when he remained so sweet to you.
"With, With Lori," he echoed, backing away from your lips for a moment, you nearly pulled him back-, "-we kissed for show, really. Especially later in the marriage."
"Well, you were unhappy, were you not?"
"Not originally," he posed, "-I supposed she just never really... liked it."
"Quite a loss," you remarked, without any extra thought -on instinct, if you will.
Mr. Grimes laughed, loud and boisterous, and you flushed a deep crimson at your lack of grace, "I am curious, however. What do you like about it, Ms. Greene?"
You sighed, flushing even further crimson at the implications of such a question, "Must you truly ask?"
"I must," he hummed, fingers wrapped around one of your wrists, and you felt something in your stomach twist. It was so embarrassing-
"I..." you huffed, "-It relaxes me. I... When I'm frustrated, it's so easy to forget about when I'm..."
"Kissin' me?"
You placed your hands over your eyes, the tips of your ears were certainly flushed now, and you couldn't bear to look at him. God, you certainly hated him at the moment.
He pulled your hands away from your face, a gentle pull of his hands -skin on a glove. Always so calm, so collected, "Is that all?"
Your hands now wrapped in his, you squeezed your eyes shut -still unable to look at him, "I like... I like feeling close to you. And- And I love you and... kissing helps me tell you that. Such as holding your arm, or your hand, or smiling at you, it's just... it's more special."
"Darlin'," he hummed, light and airy -you could tell he was smiling, "-look at me, will you?"
You peeked your eyes open, and were met with his own -he was quite close to whisper to you, a breath away really. Something in your face grew darker, especially with the soft gentle sort of way he was looking at you. You wished to hide again without a doubt.
"I am to be your husband," he hummed, fingers gently cradling your chin, "-it's important for me to know such things. I do wish to keep you happy after all."
You laughed.
"So, I imagine this, today, is from what?" He questioned, curiously, "The proposal? The planning?"
"Yes," you deflated, "-Headmistress is a force to be reckoned with, and I am simply exhausted from her. You must understand how just your presence helps but your..."
You fell rather quiet, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear -shyly.
"I understand, darlin'," he whispered, looming in closer to your face, "-you need a kiss, kisses, to feel better."
"Yes," you confirmed, quietly.
"What kind of husband would I be, if I don't make you feel better?"
"What kind, indeed," you hummed -offhanded, distracted.
He laughed at that, a breath away from your mouth, but you let him guide you this time. You would be patient, and gentle, like a lady was supposed to be. Perhaps, it would be more appealing to do so.
And then his lips pressed to yours and such thoughts flew out the window.
You didn't hesitate to coax out his tongue, pushing on his jaw -just as you did before. You learned how to do such a thing, you knew what his reactions were like-
He pushed you forward just a little in response, hands dipped to your shoulders, and your back pressed against the desk -a sort of cool sensation through your dress, you didn't truly mind.
Your hands settled on his shirt, his vest, pulling it forward as close as you could physically be. Closer, actually, you wished him closer.
His tongue was the first to go forward, swirling around your mouth with a slow, sort of tepid pace. He was always so careful with you, it was rather sweet. You, however, were the first to meet your tongue with his -the touch made something shoot to your toes-
He pulled back a moment, breathless and not too far, "This helpin'?"
You hummed against his lips, hands reaching out and suddenly, you decided to coat through his hair -fingers brushing through his scalp. He let out a little noise at such contact and part of you craved to hear it more, but you couldn't now.
You couldn't make him look a mess, despite how badly you wished to.
He pushed forward even further and you hissed -the desk pushed into your back, you imagined leaving a mark.
Mr. Grimes immediately pulled back, eyes darting all over your face, "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"
"No, no," you swallowed, hands now tenderly placed on his chest -you could feel his heart pounding, "-just the desk."
"Oh," he breathed out, relieved, "-here."
And then, as if it was as easy as breathing, he picked you up and sat you on the desk -hands on your waist for a mere second.
Your head swirled.
"You alright?" He questioned, turning to meet your eyes.
"You-" you swallowed, face a breath away from his, "-You picked me up as though I was as light as a feather."
"You are," he reasoned, leaning forward as he placed his hands through your arms and onto the desk, "-Is that what you're stuck on?"
"Well, I..." you started again, eyes darting to his lips -he was so close, "-I just believe that I very much liked it."
"Oh," he laughed, pressing a few gentle kisses to your lips -laughter breaking through the seal, "-well, that's certainly good to know."
"Certainly," you relented, pulling him down for a proper kiss.
The next few days were quite busy, planning and courting and watching your sisters and listening to Headmistress, but every once in a while, he'd pull you into that old room. Kiss you once, maybe twice, and pull you back out -it made your mind a pleasant buzz instead of a stressed one.
He kissed you nearly once everyday, and you were getting quite used to it; once you spoke how important it was to you, he nearly didn't stop.
In quiet moments of courting, he kissed you. In the privacy of his garden, he kissed you. In between planning with Headmistress, he kissed you -possibly a dozen times then. Until your heart was a flutter and the worries melted away, you weren't counting. You'd never be counting, ever, you decided.
It led to one of the most fruitful weeks of your life -you happily navigating everything your life pushed at you with a smile and even getting your foot in the door with planning. Including conversing with a dress designer about one of her ideas, which you were onto a meeting with her now -sat neatly in a room within the estate with Headmistress by your side, chattering away.
Well, just before it, actually.
You weren't sure how he'd done it exactly, but Mr. Grimes had snuck you into the old room mere minutes before the woman was to be meeting you -an excuse of a walk very much settled the Headmistress.
(You weren't sure she cared what the two of you were doing, as long as you stayed engaged to him.)
"Mr. Grimes-" you hissed, as he pulled you into the room -hand intertwined with yours.
The shut of the door was the next sound you heard, as Mr. Grimes turned to you with a rather twinkly sort of smile -clear on what exactly he had taken you here for. Not that you needed any clarification.
"Mr. Grimes," you started, standing starkly where you were, "-we cannot do this now, I have a pressing matter in minutes-"
"We lost track of time on a tour," he hummed out, stepping closer to you -you naturally, on instinct, leaned into him just as well.
You smiled, despite yourself -hands finding themselves within the back of his hair, combing through, "You're rather needy now, you know that?"
"Needy," he laughed, "-I do it for you, darlin'."
"Oh, no, no, no," you echoed with a laugh, he still pressing slow gentle kisses to your mouth, "-this is a shared problem now, Mr. Grimes."
"Rick," he corrected, landing a more powerful kiss on your lips -your fingers twisted into his hair.
"Rick," you repeated, just a breath away from his face, eyes dipping low to his lips-
"Wait, no," you stepped back, hands placed neatly on his chest, "-you must admit it."
"Admit what?" He breathed, ranging closer again.
"Admit you enjoy it just as much as I do," you held firm, despite his hands placed rather eloquently on your waist -it made your head swirl.
"I do," he spoke, rather frankly, "-I very much enjoy it."
You were startled and rather silent, before weighing in -teasing, "Well, what do you like about it?"
"What do I-" He kissed you again, all gentle force -slow and timid, "-like about it?"
"Yes," you exhaled, only slightly breathless, "-I'd like to know."
He laughed again, blue eyes shining a certain type of way, "Would you?"
"Very much so," you clarified, twirling one of his curls between your fingers.
"Hmm," he hummed, fingers cradling your face with a bubbling sort of affection, "-Does that it pleases you count?"
"If it's why you like it," you confirmed -eyes dipping to his lips, it was your weakness you swore.
"I like it for plenty of reasons," he smiled, eyes dipping to your own lips, "-the feelin', I feel sometimes that your lips bring me back to Earth. Like I was lost, but upon findin' yours I'm found."
"You mean that?"
"I belong with you," he breathed out, hands rubbing along your cheeks, "-I feel such a thing after every breath, but when I kiss you-"
You fidgetted, eyes flickering along his face.
"-I feel like everything is in place. Like I've found where I am to be."
"Rick-" you sighed, something building up your throat -mist in your eyes.
Mr. Grimes immediately began wiping at your eyes with a sense of easy patience, as if he would wait on anything for you, "My darlin'."
"My Mr. Grimes," you exhaled, biting back tears -you were so happy, "-you're going to kill me with all this one day, you know?"
"Hope not," he whispered, inches from your face, "-I shall tell you every day, so your heart remembers."
"With the kisses?" You questioned -doe-eyed, eyes fluttering over his face.
"With the kisses," he laughed, pulling you in for just one more. Or maybe two. Or maybe three-
You supposed Headmistress could wait.
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topazshadowwolf · 5 months
GoopTales: Part 23, Date Night
*passes over this part, which is covered in FuzzyNight glitter.* :3
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23(you are here)/34
AO3: Ch 1 (1-4), Ch 2 (4-8), Ch 3 (9-12), Ch 4 (13-16) Ch 5 (17-19), Ch 6 (20-23), Ch 7 (24-27), Ch 8 (28-31), Ch 9 (32-34)
Killer walked up to Mr. Night as he finished giving medication to the three-legged cat. Killer giggled as the kitty hissed and spat at Mr. Night before walking over to Killer and purring. “you should be nicer,” Killer scolded while petting the kitty. “mr. night is only doing that because you need the medicine.” Tri, the kitty, did not like the scolding but accepted it from Killer with a questioning ‘murr.’
“Killer, should you not be with the others?” Nightmare asked as he put the bottle of medicine away.
“i told lyra that i needed to tell you something important. i told her about how one of the chickens laid two eggs and how cool that was and how you should know,” Killer explained.
“Well, now I know,” Mr. Night replied as he picked up Killer with a tendril. The tendril moved Killer closer to Mr. Night, and Killer stretched his arms out to the goopy skeleton. As gently as his dad would, the dark skeleton took Killer into his arms, and Killer snuggled against him.
“but that wasn’t what i really wanted to say to you,” Killer continued, “that was just the excuse i used to ask you something very, very important.”
“Oh, I see, very crafty of you,” Nightmare mused as he walked out of the cat feeding room.
“uh huh!” Killer puffed himself up, looking rather pleased with himself after that praise. “me and the others-”
“The others and I,” Nightmare gently corrected.
“the others and i decided we wanna thank ms. lyra for helping you and being so nice to us. none of us know what having a mommy is like, and i think, if i had a mom, she is what i’d want that mommy to be like,” Killer explained.
Mr. Night paused and looked at the floor in silence for a moment. He then looked up as if looking at someone on the ceiling while muttering, “Give me strength.” Then, after that, Mr. Night looked at Killer. “That… sounds very nice, you wanting to thank her for helping.”
“and being like a mommy!” Killer announced happily.
“Ah… yes, how could I forget that part,” Mr. Night mumbled.
“you’re silly, mr. night!” Killer giggled.
“Between the two of us, I do believe you are the silliest,” Mr. Night said while poking Killer’s cheekbone. That made Killer giggle and squirm in the arm Mr. Night was holding him in. “Now that has been clarified, what were you four thinking of doing?”
“oh! we wanna have a picnic, with flowers, and, and, and games! oh, and pie! and we want her to just relax and play with us and… and… give hugs, and we wanna make her cards,” Killer said the last parts quietly.
“Hmmm, except for the relaxing part, does she not do most of that already?” Nightmare asked.
“yeah, but she’s the one who does eeeeeeeeeverythiiiiiing for that. we wanna do it so she can have a day off, but we’re too small to do all of it and were wondering if you could help,” Killer said, finishing his reason for coming to Mr. Night.
“I suppose that will work. And what day were you four thinking of doing this?” Mr. Night asked.
“mother’s day!” 
Oh, indeed…
Nightmare worried that such a celebration on Mother’s Day would drudge up bad memories for the guardian. It would also encourage his feelings of having a new family. Just as he felt that pang of longing when Killer first announced Lyra was like a mother to him. But that is beside the point. The focus was on Lyra, and he was about to convince the boys to choose a different day. But he then considered it a chance for her to make new memories. Albeit… with four hooligans that Lyra would not want to be the mother of. 
Although, if that were true, she was showing the opposite.
She was always eager to care for the boys and their pets. It was sweet watching them interact with each other. Every morning was so soul-warming as he watched them happily greet her for the day. Even Dust was starting to warm to her and was not always clinging to Nightmare. They all excitedly go to her after she returns from tending to her duties as a guardian, begging her to tell them how things were outside their home. 
She truly was being motherly to them.
So, if she is filling the role, he might as well help the boys celebrate her on a day meant for beings like her.
He helped them, one-on-one, during moments when she was busy or away to make their cards and start preparation for Mother’s Day. For the most part, there was no evidence for her to suspect something was going on. But, on the rare occasion, the Guardian of Balance would notice something. “Killer, how did you get this glitter all over your hands?” “Cross? Where are you going with that stack of blankets?” “Horror, is that flour on your shirt?” “Dust? Oh, there you are… Please do not wander off without telling me.”
Nightmare should have known he could not have hidden everything from a momster. Still, he luckily was around to save the boys from interrogation each time. “Ah, we were considering an art project, but he quickly reminded me how that stuff gets all over everything. I guess I failed to wash all the glitter off.” “Ah! Thank you for getting those for me, Cross. These were used last for the nest during the boys' movie night and should be washed.” “I do believe that is my fault. He was nearby when I spilled that flour while looking in the cupboard.” “Ah, sorry, Lyra, I am equally to blame. He followed me to my office after I got my drink. I should have sent him back. But… well…”
That last one resulted in some light-hearted teasing from her at how soft he was with the boys. It was embarrassing, but he would admit it was true.
It took careful planning on the days leading up to Mother’s Day. The tendency for immortals to lose track of time helped him, as Lyra was not carefully watching a calendar like Nightmare was with the boys. Finally, the night before arrived. The boys assigned him one task: make sure she sleeps so she is rested for tomorrow and in place for a surprise breakfast in bed. 
Nightmare let her get the boys ready for bed, which will be her last bit of work before relaxation begins. While she was away, he cleaned up the toys and mess in the entertainment room and set out some candles while turning off the lights.
While he was not an avid movie watcher, he did enjoy the few he has watched. Especially if he read the book first. Sure, the movies were often different, but as long as they held to the spirit of the book, he honestly didn’t mind that much. Nightmare might grumble a little when scenes he enjoyed in the book did not show up or were not portrayed accurately enough to his liking. But, in the end, he acknowledged it was a movie and had limits to how much and what it could show.
The mind will always be the greatest movie theater.
All that aside. Shortly after starting their… relationship, Lyra and Nightmare formed a sort of “book club.” It was mostly them taking turns reading aloud a book together. He discovered that one they particularly enjoyed for its wit and humor had been made into a movie. They had picked the book since it was set in a “fantasy” setting in the time period he preferred, and it was a romance. It is not precisely Nightmare’s favorite genre, but this was enjoyable with the action and parts of revenge, war, and trickery. With the boys in bed and it being the night before celebrating Mother’s Day, well… might as well have a date night. Once the movie is done, he will have Lyra go to bed.
“NightStar?” he heard her say, and he looked over at her. 
She looked around the room and smiled while placing her hands on her hips. “I thought you said you had a lot of work to do,” she said.
“I did,” He chuckled as he lit the last candle. “It was a lot of work setting this room up for something other than child care.”
“I was going to help you with all that paperwork you claimed to have from the latest alliance,” she argued. “Will this momentary distraction mean we will have more work during the next few days?”
“I may have exaggerated how much I had to do in order to secretly plan tonight,” And tomorrow, but she didn’t need to know that part yet. Instead, he walked over to her and held out his hand. “M’lady, if you would join me?”
“How could I say no?” She asked while extending her hand and letting him take it.
Which he did. While taking her hand, he bowed to her slightly and lightly placed his teeth on the back of her hand, against the white fur, in a skeletal kiss. He then looked up at her with a grin as he saw the hint of pink appearing on her face where her fur was the thinnest, such as around her nose. However, he could feel the warmth on his own face, telling him he was blushing as well—not that he cared at the moment.
With that, he stood straight and guided her to the sofa. “Sit, and re-,” he started. The sound of flatulence filled the room as she sat, and both were startled by it. The silence that shock caused was broken when Nightmare sighed, and Lyra burst into hysterical laughter as she fished the whoopee cushion out from under herself. “I would ask you not to laugh since that would only encourage them, but they are not here to witness. I must have missed that one while cleaning up.”
“Indeed,” She wheezed as she tossed it onto the stand beside her. But she continued snickering, and Nightmare could not help but find that… endearing in a way.
“You truly found that so funny? Typical Toriel behavior. You may act mature, but deep down, you enjoy childish things,” He teased.
“Oh hush, you old fuddy-duddy,” Lyra taunted with a grin.
Nightmare mock gasped, placing his hand over where his soul was and acting offended, “Me, old?”
“Honestly, Nightmare. That is the part that offended you the most?” Lyra teased.
“Naturally! The notion that I am old when we are both immortals is insulting,” He said while turning his head to look away to feign indignation.
“Well, if you act the part,” She chuckled.
“Fine, then. If I am old, I will act as the grandparent and spoil the four with sweets and whatever they wish. Then, once they are a rowdy and unmanageable lot, I will pack them back over to you to tend,” he replied with a grin.
It was Lyra’s turn to mock gasp, though hers was in faux fear, “How devious! I take it back. You are still youthful! But a fuddy-duddy all the same.”
“I suppose that will do,” he said, rolling his eyelight. He then smiled at her, turning their focus back to the matter at hand. “Though, I think that banter will be a good segway for the movie we will be watching tonight.”
“Oh?” She tilted her head.
“Romance and humor… though this also has sword fighting, drama, and action,” he said while putting the movie in the DVD player. He won't claim to be great at using the player and TV, but he was proficient enough to complete the task.
They sat together, holding hands, as they watched the movie about Princess Buttercup and her true love, Wesley.
It was nice… especially when the movie ended and she gave him a kiss on the cheekbone. He then followed up with a kiss on her nose, which then turned into a true kiss… one that he hoped she enjoyed as much as he did. 
This was still all so awkward and new to him. Yet, feeling her lips on his teeth, their magic meeting with the physical contact, and the love they shared for each other being accepted and reciprocated was almost intoxicating to him. The fact that she seemed happy enough to keep this kiss going told him that she was enjoying it enough not to stop anytime soon. However, the sad fact of life is that all good things must eventually come to an end. If the boys were going to wake her up with a surprise breakfast in bed, then she needed to be in bed and sleeping.
“Lyra,” He said, finally pulling away, “as much as I am enjoying this. One of us should sleep while we have a chance. I will tend to everything else tonight and in the morning. It is your turn to rest.”
“Is it? I thought it was your turn,” She said with a frown.
Nightmare shook his head, “No, I rested last. Remember, we both had a chance to sleep last week, and I was the last one to sleep. So, you need to go to bed, rest, and get ready for another busy day tomorrow.”
“Hmmm…,” She hummed as she coaxed one of his tendrils to curl around her hand and arm as she often does. “That may be true, but I am not sure I am tired yet. Or done being around you.”
“Ah, yes,” He felt flustered by that. He wasn’t truly done being around her and would love to wake up cuddled with her again. But, he reminded himself he had his standards to hold to. Rules of propriety that may be ignored by some, but keep him in a moral code that made him who he was and not like the other cruel Nightmares off in their own multiverses. It might not seem that important of a rule. Though breaking one purposefully, as that one time was an accident brought on by mutual exhaustion, will invite the idea of breaking others. 
“Well, as true as that may be, you should take this chance while you have it,” He said as he turned his attention to the TV. 
The menu screen for the movie was playing on repeat in the background; during the kissing, he blocked the noise out. Now that he could turn his mind to other things, he had to admit the repeated short song was starting to become annoying. When the screen turned black, it darkened the room further, though that never bothered him. Nightmare can see easily in the dar-
Nightmare clapped his hands over his mouth as he struggled to hold back the sound wanting to emit from his mouth. A sensation he had not fully felt in centuries nearly forced him to laugh. In shock, he looked at Lyra, who looked back at him with equal shock and slyness. The tendril that felt the tickling sensation was no longer being tickled but still squirmed in a failed attempt to flee her. But no luck; she was not about to let the limb go.
He watched as she turned her attention back to the tentacle. Her fingers started moving over the limb in an oddly delicate yet aggressive way. Lyra leaned closer as Nightmare again struggled to hold back laughter, “My, my, what is this? The King of Negativity is ticklish after all?”
He wanted to deny it, but he didn’t dare utter a sound for fear he would burst into laughter. A snort did escape, but he held strong. No, he would not give in to this.
“I warned you, did I not?” She said with a mischievous grin on her face.
And yes, she did warn him about testing her theory that he was ticklish, but that was about four months ago. It had slipped his mind completely.
“You are so quiet, not even a retort?” She teased. “But not a laugh, either.”
Behind him, the remaining tendrils curled tightly as if trying to hide from her tickling fingers. He needed to will them to act, to push her away. It was a struggle, as his main focus was on trying not to burst into laughter. Still, he started to get them to respond, but they could not reach her to push before she pounced.
Those deft fingers moved to each side of his body, aiming for the tender area under the arm. Nightmare made the most undignified of sounds as Lyra continued this childish assault on areas he long since thought were no longer ticklish. With that, he could no longer hold it back any longer. Laughter, unlike any laughter that has burst from him in centuries, poured forth. He struggled, mid-gasps for air, to beg her for mercy.
What shame he would feel… if this wasn’t her. Indeed, if he were to display such vulnerability and weakness, it might as well be to one who has been doing the same towards him. Spending every day together caused him to shed his wall of defensive pride when around her. Still, his tendrils finally obeyed and spared him as they worked together to push her away.
“And here I thought you said you were not ticklish,” Lyra taunted with a giggle as Nightmare leaned back against the sofa arm, catching his breath.
“To be fair,” Nightmare wheezed, “No one has dared to test that theory since I was a child.”
“I suppose that is true,” Lyra replied. “But now, you look more tired than I do. Perhaps you should be the one to sleep?”
He shot her a glare and then sat up. “Winded from that ridiculous display of frivolity you coaxed out of me, sure. Tired? No. It is your turn. Do not make me carry you off to bed like I do the boys.”
“Would you tuck me in?” She teased.
“You are an adult who has tucked in more beings than I ever have. I think you can manage,” He taunted in return.
“Not even a goodnight kiss, then?” Lyra said with a “sad” pout.
“You have already had a ‘goodnight kiss,’ multiple even,” He replied.
“Oh, have I?” She said while looking off at nothing as one does to recall a memory. “I am not sure I remember.”
Of course, she remembers. He sure hopes she did. Still, if she was going to play that game, he would give her a kiss she would not likely forget anytime soon. He leaned forward and drew her attention back to him as his hands moved to her face. Fingers moved through her soft fur and touched the skin beneath. Nightmare called on his magic, his love, and his emotions for her while he kissed her as if he were trying to smother her in affection. She gasped, shocked by this display from him, but then hummed contentedly back at him as she returned a kiss.
It now was a contest of wills to see who could pour out more love and affection for the other in this single display—one he was determined not to lose. Digging down deep, he pulled on his past emotions, converting them to magical energy that she could interpret but shared through a kiss. 
How they once were enemies, and at that time, he truly did despise her and how she interfered with his plans. And yet, even then, there was admiration for her doggedness to stop him and protect those weak mortals he had, at that time, no respect for. How his anger for her only increased when she seemed to disappear. When it was then Dream who was upsetting the balance. Then, the shock of how she stood up for him… Aided him and the boys, which sparked something in him. It was not love at that time, and it was more than admiration. It was the growing seed of an alliance. As time went on, he took that feeling and formed a bud of friendship. That bud grew and blossomed as they worked together for peace, and as she showed the same kindness to his boys he showed them. He… liked seeing her show off her motherly side to them. When most hate his boys and find him revolting, she showed nothing but kindness and friendship. And oh, how that confused him.
Nightmare had tried to push her away for her own good. But just as before, when they were enemies, she was too stubborn to leave. She shared her love for him with him, and he relented to that confirmation that he was not alone in those feelings. And now, here they were. This time together, tending the boys, drawing them closer and closer, deeper and deeper into love. And he was devoted to her. If he were her “NightStar,” guiding her on the ocean of life as the stars guided the sailors, then he would do his best to keep her safe and direct her back here, to her home.
And with that, she surrendered, pulling away and gasping. Hints of blush were now visible through her fur over her whole face. He won, and he grinned while watching her catch her breath. Sitting back, he let a little smugness change his grin. His tendrils flipped contentedly from side to side as a display of playful superiority. “Now who is looking tired, hmm?”
“You say that with such confidence, but your face is covered in that lovely teal blush,” She teased back. “But I give… my sweet Night… we will need to discuss this kiss another time, as… I think you,” She looked at him for a moment, and he started to frown, tilting his head. “We will discuss this ‘goodnight kiss’ another time. For now, I will go to bed. Good night, my love.”
“Good night, Lyra.”
And with that, she stood and left.
Discuss the kiss? What was there to discuss about it? Granted, it was their history displayed to her in his view through magic shared in a kiss, but… that is all there is to it. They both lived through that. Did they really need to talk about it?
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arteastica · 1 year
early in the morning, especially when it rains, and a little before noon. (6)
erwin x fem!reader
chapters: (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (19) | (20) | (21) | (22) | (23) | (24) | (25) | (26) | (27) | (28) | (29)
summary: I basically took Isayama’s work, forced it into a romance story, and made Erwin the love interest. Commander meets cadet and they fall in love (not instantly though)
notes: very berry canonverse (but some events were modified to fit my narrative), wasn’t intended to be this long, but it all is in the details right?
content warnings: smut where it fits (or where I make it fit. Also, reader is NOT underage, so likewise, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, please.) slow burn (I really mean it. I’m not olympic diving into any form of smut for the first chapters.) no angst. I dislike angst. I would never. I could never. (Although angst can be somewhat subjective so take it with a grain of salt?)
wc: 2.3k
Hindsight always makes it simple to distinguish between what should’ve been done and what shouldn’t. But nobody is able to predict the end result. Not even someone like Erwin Smith. You thought as you poured boiling water into a porcelain cup. The lives of hundreds of his soldiers or the lives of thousands within the walls. The commander had made his choice.
He had, but you were sure it didn’t make it any easier. After all, he had led hundreds of his men to their deaths. Not only in last week’s expedition, but also in the ones that came before, and the ones that were yet to come. It was, most certainly, something one never got used to.
You walked the empty halls. The sound of porcelain on metal, the only disturbance in the quiet castle at that time of the night. It was way past working hours, and despite the absolute stillness, you were certain nobody was asleep. Everyone who made it back, really didn’t come back. At least not as the person they were before. It was as if an unretrievable part of themselves was still out there, beyond the walls, waiting to be collected.
And you were no different. But you were trying to learn to live without it. During the day, you tried to keep busy with work, and at night, you tried to do the same by writing, but every time you sat down, nothing came out. It was like trying to turn on a very tight faucet, frustrating and exhausting. So you usually ended up tossing and turning in bed until your eyelids got heavy enough. But on some nights, not even that seemed to work. And this was one of those.
You glanced behind your back before going up the stairs, and found the comfort you were looking for when you were able to confirm that the only one following you was your shadow.
Who was inside the female titan? Whoever that was, they managed to escape. Not only that, but someone who’s working with such person is among us.
You picked up the pace and turned around a corner, most of your tensions dissipating when you saw light seeping through the gaps of the door.
He suspects that. The commander had a reason not to trust anyone. He knows that someone in the Survey Corps can’t be trusted. That’s the reason why only the survivors from 5 years ago were informed of the plan. He must have assumed the enemy infiltrated when the wall fell back then.
You used your right shoulder to push the door open. And just like you had predicted, you found him at his desk, working under the candle light. He didn’t even notice you were there.
Besides the dark circles under his eyes and the two-day-old stubble now covering his jaw, there was something different in him. But it wasn’t new, something told you it had always been there. But you were noticing it just now.
Before the expedition, you only knew the caring leader, the one who encouraged his subordinates to share their ideas, reassured them when they made a mistake, or smiled when they brought him tea. After the expedition, you met the other. The one who ordered them to stay behind and fight, to give up on their dreams and dedicate their hearts. The calculating leader who decides what lives are sacrificed and which ones are preserved.
You stood still for a moment, watching him. Even though his right hand seemed busy, his eyes didn’t. They were unfocused and seemed to be lost some place far away, probably beyond the walls.
It must have taken him so much to become the leader that he is. So many others trying to become an inch of the man that he is, yet no one doing what he does. Not a single one of those silver spoon leaders from Mitras, not a single one of them willing or capable to make the decision he had.
They weren’t like him. They ordered around from the safety of their castles. But they weren’t there to face the consequences when they came knocking at their door. But Erwin Smith, he never expected more of his soldiers than he gave of himself. And he expected the world from his soldiers. He took so much from them but what he gave in return was hard to put into words.
So no, they weren’t like him. They weren’t capable of going through the things he and his people had. And you were one of his people now. After all, it was thanks to him that you were there now, placing a tray on the corner of his desk.
The sound made him look up and when he saw you, he tried to hold a smile, but it was so weak it expired pretty soon. And in that exact moment a hornet must have come flying in and stung you right in the center of your chest.
“You didn’t have to. You should be getting some rest.”
“My wounds have already healed.” You smiled softly. His eyes were vacant, and his usually impeccable bolo tie, loosely done. And you resisted the urge to ask him how much sleep he had been getting lately, if any at all. “Commander, I’ll take care of that tomorrow.” You pointed at the expedition reports in his hands “I’ll finish them and send them to the capital by noon.”
“It’s okay. This is somewhat of a routine for me after expeditions. It helps you notice things you didn’t before.”
It had been unsettling enough for you to record the casualties and write letters to the relatives of the deceased. Writing about the injured had been even more disturbing, maybe because you knew that they would be left to deal with the permanent scars for the rest of their lives, both emotionally and physically. If the gruesome details of their condition still haunted you, you couldn’t imagine what it must be doing to those soldiers, or to the man who was in charge of them. You were certain that for him, those reports were downright traumatizing.
“Resting also helps. This will help you sleep better.” You promised before placing a warm cup beside his papers.
“Thank you.” He said, bringing it to his lips “It’s wonderful.” He took another sip, and a slight smile formed on your lips. If only that could help him close his eyes and escape this nightmare of a world for a moment. Even if it was just until the morning. “I’ll just work a little more.”
You nodded, feeling a little defeated. “If there is anything I can help you with, please let me know.”
“It’s okay. You may go.” He attempted another smile before turning his attention back to the papers.
You started heading for the door, but the sting in your chest kept hurting. Hurting, burning and begging you to tell him.
To tell him that you understood why he did what he did.
“Commander, back then-”
And that you were aware of the crushing burden he was carrying as a result.
“you did everything you could.”
And how much it meant for you, what he did for you.
“You are the reason I-”
You remembered how it had felt to be held by him. The warmth of his embrace and the comfort of his body. And something about that memory made your heart fall out of rhythm.
“What I mean is, you made your decision and regardless of whatever happened, Eren is still here today. We didn’t lose him. I could tell you were prepared to abandon everything.”
“Yes. But so was the enemy.” He said, his stare getting lost somewhere in the opposite side of the room.
In the days that followed, the dining hall slowly started to recover its characteristic liveliness, although the disharmonious and usually ale-induced singing wasn’t back yet; people had started conversing and laughing in the corridors again; and the hallways had stopped looking so empty and eerie at night, something you were particularly grateful about.
The tossing and turning had also become less and less frequent, and you had been able to get back into writing. Not only diary entries, but also letters home. Your mom wanted to know if there was any chance she would get to see you before the winter holidays, and Hitch, if there were any attractive men in the Scouts. Of course her exact wording had been a little different: Well-proportioned, beddable gentleman who is both an eye-candy and a sex-god.
The commander and his eyes had begun to recover their expressiveness, every passing day he was able to hold his smile for a little longer, his light stubble was now gone, and so were the dark circles under his eyes, although it had taken them a full two weeks to disappear completely. You knew this because you had been counting. Not in the literal sense, but mentions of him during your late night writing sessions had become more and more frequent. Until one day, you had no choice but to acknowledge a certain tendency you had developed.
A tendency to look in his direction at every opportunity you got. And by opportunity, you meant every time you could steal a glance without him noticing. And you were aware that without context, that would even sound inappropriate. But it was not. ‘There are reasons.’ You had told your diary.
There was a reason you had started bringing him dinner every time you found his seat at the dining hall empty. There was a reason you had started adding honey and a lemon slice to his tea when brewing it, and placing warm butter biscuits on the side. There was a reason you had started bringing up your weird obsession with Stohess figs every time his expression seemed to get a little too vacant for your liking. And, of course, there was also a reason you had started coming up with pretexts to stay in his office way after your shift ended.
Before, you looked at him to confirm you were doing your job properly, now you just wanted to confirm he was doing okay. And did it all risk looking a little more personal than work-related? In all honesty, maybe it did. Because it actually was personal. After all, he was a person, not only your boss. And it was thanks to that person that you were still alive.
“The government officials are waiting for you in the meeting room, sir.” You informed him that morning.
“Okay. Better not make them wait any longer if we are hoping to secure those funds.” He grabbed some papers along with his black notebook and headed for the door. But when you saw it, you shook your head lightly. There was something he still seemed to be struggling with after the expedition.
“Commander” You called out just as he was about to open the door.
“Your tie.” He blinked at you, his eyes clearly asking you to elaborate further. “It’s just- your- let me.” It was when you saw your fingers fiddling with the green oval in the collar of his shirt that you realized how compromising of a position you had put yourself in. And you also realized how much you liked his perfume. You liked it a lot actually.
“It was a little tilted to the side.” You explained, your eyes now looking up to find his.
“Thank you.” He said softly while staring back into your eyes, and you wondered if his voice had always sounded that deep.
You wished you had an explanation as to why you didn’t step away once you were done fixing his tie, or a justification for your sudden inability to look away.
“I’ve been wanting to-” When you started talking, his eyes drifted to your lips for a brief second, and suddenly it became too hard to express your thoughts. “I’ve been wanting to tell you-”
Shameful. Both, the way you suddenly forgot how to speak and the way your heart started racing.
“Yes?” You would have found his patience encouraging if he hadn’t spoken in such a low, husky voice, if his eyes weren’t all those colors, and if he didn’t smell that good.
“Thank you” Sometime in between all the things happening inside your head, your voice had turned into a whisper, “for helping me” and apparently, you had lost your ability to string words together “back then.”
“I told you I wasn’t losing my assistant to a titan.” He said, the corners of his mouth slightly curving upwards. And you wished his lips weren’t so distracting. And that they weren’t that close. You realized you had never seen them from such proximity.
“Commander, we shouldn’t…” Your chest rose and fell in clumsy attempts to manage what little air was available in the room, oxygen all of a sudden becoming the most precious resource in the world. “…We shouldn’t make them wait.”
“We shouldn’t, indeed.” He said, eyes still boring into yours. “That would be inappropriate.”
“Very inappropriate.” You managed to say before forcing yourself to look away and head for the door, mostly because you desperately needed to breathe, and not so much because you cared about the men in the other room.
next chapter
taglist: @elnyrae @angelaevangelion @depitaangeline @ynackerman9499 @afatalheat
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wyked-ao3 · 2 months
🫶🏼 favourite character poll 🫶🏼
Tagged by @thecomfywriter here sorry I didn't get a notification until your updated post.
Rules: list all your main ocs and give brief descriptions of them. then, create a poll with their names and allow your followers to vote on who their favourite character is.
Main characters for the next few books of the pirate's cursed god series
Name: Oisìn Mallory
He is the captain of a Tarak fleet cargo vessel, who has some really shity luck. He joined the fleet involuntarily at age 16 upon his father's death. He is also five foot tall and not happy about it.
Line: “I would appreciate the help but what is the cost?” Oisìn asked, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.
Name: Daimhín Heorot
Age: 25
he has been pirate king since he was sixteen although most pirates thought he was older. He was picked by the goddess Nimue for the roll upon his father's death.
Line: “Need some aid?” He saw the hesitation in the wide forest green eyes that had been haunting his dreams recently.
Name: Galen ?(Last name undecided)
Age: 33-37 (it depends on a plot point in book two)
he is Daimhín's right hand and second in command. Pretended to be captain of the ship until Daimhín could pass for old enough to not raise suspicion or danger. (It's goddess picked what are ya gonna do lodge a complaint?)
Line 1 : “yer father was often just as memorized by the sea.” Galen said as he walked up the steps leading to the helm.
Line 2: Galen stood and said “what are ye planing?”
Name: Jade Tarak
Age: 23
3rd born prince of Tarak. He is different from his family.
Line 1: Jade calmly paused, “I had an idea. Why not use the unfortunate crew who drew your ire to fetch the item?”
Line 2: Stepping to the side of the throne stiffly. “I live to serve the crown.” Jade replied emotionless.
Name: Braith Blank
Age: 23
An assassin who was left for dead by those she considered family rescued by Pirate Queen Eris of the xylem sea. Who will join our crew eventually.
No lines yet as she's the mc in book three and intro will be in book two
Name: Morana Blank (Blank is the last name given to freed slaves or Those born without a last name like in Braiths case it is a blank slate of sorts)
age: 24
Shaman on the ship Death's Redemption. She is effective with poisons and the magic of the goddess blessed. She has a chaotic sense of humor
Line 1: Morana walked up to them. “I shall send a warning to the other goddess blessed on the isle.”
Name: Adoh Stone
age: appearance 47 actual age unknown
He is Half fire fae and the blacksmith of Death's Redemption. He is also a guiding figure to the crew.
line: Adoh said “I saw the way ye were lookin’ at him after he stepped in-between you and that sword .” Turning to face him.
Np tags @fortunatetragedy @gioiaalbanoart @the-golden-comet @clevah-girlboss @paeliae-occasionally @jev-urisk @mundanemoongirl @nczaversnick @thatuselesshuman @sableglass @mauannacreates @evilwriter-originals @kaylinalexanderbooks @the-letterbox-archives +open tag
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5-7-9 · 15 days
Okay so- Fairytail actually showed a few other designs of celestial spirits when they partied at the celestial spirit world. UNOFFICIALLY NAMED BUT SOME OTHER SPIRITS ARE SHOWN TO EXIST AND ACKNOWLEDGED BY CANON!!! Seeing as the Celestial Spirit King states 88 constellations, I’ll try only basing the amount to basically 88 spirits since it’s canonized. Although i think unofficial constellations would also still exist, I’m not 100% certain. (Also, I’m not sure whether or not to count the Celestial Spirit King as a constellation since idk what he’s based after, what the heck is he supposed to be??? He doesn’t count unless i know his constellation. CEPHUS IS THAT YOU?!!? But then if so he’s missing the queen Cassiopeia and princess Andromeda. So i guess not?)
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Counting down all 12 zodiacs! Plus Ophiuchus! 🔑 That makes 75 down to go already!
Crux, Horologium, Lyra, Plue aka Nikora aka Canis Minor, Caelum, Pyxis, Polaris aka Ursa Minor, and Deneb aka Cygnus makes for 8 silver key🗝️ spirits! 67 left! Or more like 21 spirits shown!
I should note that the website I’m using apparently states there’s 42 animals, 14 humans, 2 chimeras (cross/mix between multiple creatures), 28 objects, and 2 nature. Now, Fairytail took the liberties of mixing up the forms and they can technically all shapeshift, which explains why Aquarius is a mermaid (half human half fish), why Aries and Leo and Cancer Scorpio and Deneb are all anthropomorphic human-like with animal features, while Capricorn and Taurus are leaning towards their animal counterpart with human-ish-ness, Pisces have both animal and human-like forms, Gemini are… something, Ophiuchus is actually supposed to be a dude holding a snake(?), and Pyxis is part compass and part penguin (i actually like that one because the north pole). Therefore! These creatures can be anything!!!!! Edit: my website is inaccurate because a SEA GOAT IS A GOAT AND A FISH COMBINED and for some reason isn’t counted as a chimera 🤦🏻 close enough
I’m also assuming there’s multiple types of silver key spirits because they’re 1: not rare because what makes the golden keys so different is that there are only 1 of each, thereby implying there’s multiple silver keys of each. 2: There’s multiple Canis Minor dogs.
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Okay back to this. Starting from right to left: (not including Lyra because i already counted her before).
The crown is either the Southern Crown or the Northern Crown👑. I think it’s the North because of its shape, aka Corona Borealis. 22☑️
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That blue-ish creature without ears- I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to have ears 👂🏻 but the word covered it up and so the animators didn’t translate that onto animation either. But there isn’t any animal constellations besides bear🐻 that could look like that creature… but if Ursa Minor aka Polaris is that giant pink robotic mecha machine… then how would this be Ursa Major which is the only other bear constellation? My only guess is that there’s multiple Ursa Minors, and this is one of the forms it can take. Because Ursa Major should be bigger than Ursa Minor, right?
That white bird with human head hair… it looks more like a swan 🦢 but that’s technically taken up by Deneb (who I’d add has black feathers). I assume this is another one of those silver key quirks where there are technically more than one, so this counts as another Deneb but with regular white feathers and more animalistic features. Or it’s the Crane, which sorta looks similar but it’s beak isn’t dark… hm…
The purple dolphin! 🐬 yes! Now that is new! Delphinus the star is a Porpoise which is a species related to dolphins i think!!! 23☑️
That wolf!!! Is a wolf!!!! 🐺 LUPUS!!!!! 😭 24☑️
The triangle🔼📐 is obviously Triangulum. But there’s another Triangle called Triangulum Australe. Idk which is which but they both sound the same to me 🤷🏻 (idk astrology). 25☑️
The chameleon🦎 is realllllll 🥲 Chamaeleon is barely a difference in the name 😂 but yay!!! He would be really cool as a secret spy operative that turns invisible! 26☑️
THAT CREATURE AT THE END LOOKS LIKE A KANGAROO🦘 BUT THERE IS NO KANGAROO. Might be the 🦊fox? But the lower mouth isn’t white… then again the colour is the animator’s job. 27☑️
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I’m not really paying attention to the 88 constellations that aren’t animals so idk if there’s a turtle🐢 related non animal stars but Keya has a turtle star (although there’s 2 in panel). This might count regarding in the 88 or kinda counts as an outlier! 28✔️
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Those two large fishes don’t look like Pisces?
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But don’t worry! There’s 5 more fish🐟🐠🐡 stars apparently! 😅 the Volcans the Flying Fish, Piscis Austrinis the Southern Fish, Hydrus the Water Snake, Hydra the Sea Serpent, Dorado the Swordfish. Definitely not Hydra or Hydrus or Dorado. The Volcans is just one fish, but going along again with the multiple silver keys theory, then I think it’s the Volcans. 29☑️
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Bottom left there’s another bear, but also a Giraffe🦒 blowing a star⭐️ shaped humoungus horn🎺. Camelopardalis 30☑️ there’s 2 people playing the piano but idk who/what that could be, probably 2 Lyras since they’re musically inclined. I’ll have to check back with the human stars later.
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Edit because I just noticed it (the anime makes clearer): THAT’S DEFFO ONE OF THE WATER SNAKES HYDRUS ISN’T IT?!!??!!!?!! 🐍 31☑️
Plus there’s a circle face standing guy. Could be Reticulum the telescope net (google says it looks circular). Or the microscope or telescope! Idk. I won’t count it, too far fetched.
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There were two food courts so this is the right table. On the left side of this food table: Another goose looking creature. There’s a humanoid with cat/dog/pointy looking ears on their head but idk what that could be. On the right side: two identical humanoids. A… banana with arms and feet??? 🍌 I HAVE NO CLUE 💀 maybe the air pump but that would be a terrible design 😭
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This is the food table on the right. From the left side of this table to the right: animal (fox?), humanoid with horns, humanoid in a bikini, idk a pig???, a square🔲⏹️ face, animal (fox but shorter ears?), animal (lizard?), humanoid with antennas and wings, humanoid(?), a black cat(??), another goose/swan, a wolf/fox.
Square face could be Norma the Carpenter’s square. Or the way it’s standing could be the stand thingy that holds up paintings- Pictor the Easel 32☑️
Idk about the humanoid ones so I’m skipping them 😀 random NPC unnamed stars
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Another wolf/dog🦮🐕‍🦺 (the jaw is shorter) which is probably Canis Major 33☑️ but LOOK!!! The BIRD!!! It could be Columba the Dove or Aquila the Eagle. Neither one has a tuff of hair but i assume it’s like that goose/swan with human head hair 😀 an aesthetic choice… but the beak!!! It’s curved like an Eagle🦅 34☑️
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These ones are a doozy but I think I got it. From right to left: Another fish🐟 but it walks! flying and pisces the two are taken so this must be Piscis Austrinis the Southern Fish! 35☑️. If you look carefully, the text is covering up another dog. Since there is another dog constellation that doesn’t need to be big, I’ll claim this one as Canes Venatici the hunting dogs (although there should be 2 I’m claiming it anyways!!!). 36☑️.
These next two are the tricky ones because they’re objects but idk which ones. I know there’s a part of a ship stars which sound confusing enough, so I think these could be it. Actually nevermind, it kinda looks like a boring but weird looking cup🏆 Crater(?), or that vessel since that’s also a large cup Ara the Alter? It does look like a cup because to top part is rounded? Edit: it has a handle!
The left one could be the boat’s hilt🚢 or Stern of Argonauts’ ship aka Puppis. I’m more confidant on this one. That little guy really looks like the edge of a ship. Idk why it looks like it’s hiding inside that thingy tho it’s cute. 37☑️
Guy all the way to the left is some sort of goose chicken but humanoid like Sagittarius with a human face but fake animal head 😃 OH HECK NAWWEW NOOOOO NOT THE MAJESTIC BIRD NOOOOOOO 😭 The head has these tuffs that could only leave… Pavo the Peacock/Peafowl 🦚 HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO THE MOST COOLEST BIRDS EVER 😖 I REFUSE THIS CANON DESIGN EVEN IF IT CANONIZED ANOTHER CELESTIAL SPIRIT 😠 38☑️
The thingy on the top is why I choose the North crown from before. Because this crown is smaller, just like the Southern Crown👑 Corona Australis.
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…WAIT IT HAS A HANDLE LIKE A CUP ☕️ 🤦🏻 THAT’s THE CUP ISN’T IT 😱 Crater the Cup. 39☑️
The anime didn’t exactly translate it properly, in fact it seemed to combine 3 panels into one. The panels of the Nikora with Happy and Carla alongside the celestial spirits we’ve never seen before. It leaves out the hiding ship edge looking thingy and fish (probably because a fish next to Happy doesn’t bode well 😅) and changed the colour of the Peacock to pink for some reason. This scene was moves very annoyingly in a way that I’d have to take multiple pictures to get all the details of just one each spirit 😠 grrrrrr
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So yeah that’s the dog again but it looks even smaller in the anime than it did in the manga. But that thingy that I said before looked like a cup? It actually looks more clearly like Forax the Furnace! There a random skinnier top part like a chimney and the bottom part is bigger where you cook! I think. Now that I’m looking back at the manga, there’s clearly meant to be a handle on the bottom part of the left side. So this is most certainly Forax! The anime makes him look too fleshy than mechanical tho… 40☑️ and his telescope🔭 doesn’t look alive but Telescopium is a constellation too 👀 (I won’t count it for now…)
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Another bird!!! This white one is probably the actual Columba the Dove🕊️ this time. 41☑️
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The grey one… I assumed it was another dolphin or seal🦭, but it could be a bird too? I really wanted to show that thingy’s hat tho. Look! It has hearts 💕 and a tiny crown👑 on it! 🥹 very cute! But it’s hands don’t have wings like the bird next to it, so I think it is another dolphin Porpoise Delphinus. Last picture to analyze.
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Idk why the (it’s obviously a bunny) rabbit🐇🐰 is in a bunny costume, but yay!!! Bunny in a bunny costume!! How counter productive. Lepus the Hare. 42☑️
See! You see both dogs in seperate panels! So, technically, i win with the hunting dogs 😌😏 hehe… Another goose/swan but this one’s cuter because it has a little crown and no weird human head hair or human face alongside fake(?) animal head!!! Actually 🧐 the under wings🪽are shaded/black like a *gasp*😱 A CRANE!!!! The beak still isn’t correct BUT STILL. THIS IS MY MOMENT!!! Grus the Crane!!! 43☑️
😃 WHAT IS THAT RECTANGLE RULER📏 WITH ARMS??!!!!!?? Aw mannnnnn idk guys 😭 this one might be Norma the Carpenter’s square although it’s a rectangle. Only because it’s a ruler tool looking thingy :( idk…
There was also when Scorpio cheated on Aquarius with a bunch of humanoid spirits, but I checked and it was from a filler that also got alluded to during an extended version of Lucy and Yukino’s battle under the Grad Magic Games. Not canon! 👏👏👏 Plus google says Scorpios are mainly loyal and passionate. Scorpio’s porbably the least likely to cheat. Also i guess the humanoid spirit girls could be unnamed stars too, or whatever, but still, it’s filler!
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So discounting the canon known keys, there’s about 22 unnamed possible keys >:)
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bear-do-well · 23 days
Listening to BiB is like:
*song starts playing*
"oh this is a really good one!"
Autism, also called autism spectrum disorder[a] (ASD) or autism spectrum condition (ASC),[11] is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by symptoms of deficient reciprocal social communication and the presence of restricted, repetitive, and inflexible patterns of behavior that are impairing in multiple contexts and excessive or atypical to be developmentally and socioculturally inappropriate.[12][13] Other common signs include difficulty with social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, along with perseverative interests, stereotypic body movements, rigid routines, and hyper- or hypo-reactivity to sensory input. Autism is clinically regarded as a spectrum disorder, meaning that it can manifest very differently in each person. For example, some are nonspeaking, while others have proficient spoken language. Because of this, there is wide variation in the support needs of people across the autism spectrum.
Psychiatry has traditionally classified autism as a mental disorder, but the autism rights movement (and an increasing number of researchers) see autistic people as part of humanity's natural neurodiversity.[14][15] From this point of view, autistic people may also be diagnosed with a disability of some sort, but that disability may be rooted in the systemic structures of a society rather than in the person;[16] thus, proponents argue that autistic people should be accommodated rather than cured.[17] The neurodiversity perspective has led to significant controversy among those who are autistic and advocates, practitioners, and charities.[18][19]
There are many theories about the causes of autism; it is highly heritable and mainly genetic, but many genes are involved, and environmental factors may also be relevant.[20] The syndrome frequently co-occurs with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, epilepsy and intellectual disability, and research indicates that autistic people have significantly higher rates of LGBTQ+ identities and feelings than the general population.[21][22][23] Disagreements persist about what should be included as part of the diagnosis, whether there are meaningful subtypes or stages of autism,[24] and the significance of autism-associated traits in the wider population.[25][26] The combination of broader criteria, increased awareness, and the potential increase of actual prevalence, has led to considerably increased estimates of autism prevalence since the 1990s.[27][28] The World Health Organization estimates about 1 in 100 children had autism between 2012 and 2021, as that was the average estimate in studies during that period, with a trend of increasing prevalence over time.[b][9][10] Boys are also significantly far more frequently diagnosed than girls.[29] The increasing prevalence has reinforced the myth perpetuated by anti-vaccine activists that autism is caused by vaccines.[30]
There is no cure for autism. Although early intervention services based on applied behavior analysis (ABA) can help children gain self-care, normative social, and language skills,[31][32][33][34] independent living is unlikely with more severe forms of the condition. Some in the autism rights movement consider ABA therapy unethical and unhelpful due to a perception that it emphasizes normalization instead of acceptance and its potential for causing harms.[35][36][37] ABA's prioritization of compliance and behavioral modification over a person's needs can lead to harmful consequences, including prompt dependency, loss of intrinsic motivation, and even psychological trauma. Curtailing self-soothing behaviors is potentially classifiable as a form of abuse.[38] Speech and occupational therapy, as well as augmentative and alternative modes of communication, are effective adjunctive therapies. Pharmacological treatments may also be useful; the atypical antipsychotics risperidone and aripiprazole are empirically validated for alleviating comorbid irritability, though they tend to be associated with sedation and weight gain.[39]
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bestbonnist · 10 months
YAS! My not-so-subtle hint was a SUCCESS!
For Character Ask Game: -
Fushi (duh): Q2, 3, 5, 6 (I know you answered this in Discord before, but! Maybe others will like to hear about it?), 7, 8, 11 (HAHAHA I KID, I KID), 19, 23 (I ask because I lowkey think yall have a whole treasure trove of manga panels in your local storage, and you're our manga provider and a temporary translator. You've gotta had a fav!), 24
Lefthand Nokker: Q1, 9, 12, 14, 18, 19, 24
The Beholder: Q1, 2, 3, 10, 18, 19
I hope it ain't too much. Nah who am I kidding, this is a lot. But hey, it's
the Non-Human-in Origin Trio!
Favorite canon thing about this character?
That they lie all the goddamn time. The expectation for a protagonist like Fushi, who has this sympathetic, innocent quality, is that they're an honest person. But Fushi loves lying to themselves and everyone around them. Fushi doesn't necessarily need to be truthful to be a good person, although they do need to be truthful to have good relationships. I think that's very interesting.
Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Maybe the fact that their usual body is considered good looking. How is that relevant + who cares.
What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Slipping Through My Fingers by ABBA. I don't know why! It just reminds me so much of Fushi in the present era and their relationship with March.
What's something you have in common with this character?
I can relate to their feeling of isolation from everyone else, particularly how they don't think of things in the same way as other people. Seeing Fushi have the same experience as me is reassuring.
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
When people give them bubble tea. It's nice! They deserve a little treat.
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Ship them with Kahaku. I'm well aware that I'm throwing stones from a glass house considering I also ship them with Kahaku (kind of), but. It's like people are incapable of liking the ship without turning Fushi into an entirely different person. That is not the same guy.
How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
That's really tough. Maybe their relationship with Bon? Because of the role Bon played in the Renryrr arc, his relationship with Fushi is a lot colder/more professional than their relationships with their other friends. Even in the present era, they're still more comfortable going to Bon for advice than going to anyone else. I actually really like that, I just wish the change was acknowledged by either of them. Because it connects so well to the theme of the present era about letting go of the past, and making a move towards peace: Fushi and Bon's relationship is a remnant of high stakes of the Renryrr arc. Should they change it, or does it work fine the way it is?
Favorite picture of this character?
I do have a treasure trove of Fushi panels. My computer is lousy with screenshots I've taken and forgot about. I think my favorite is from volume 14's inside cover.
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Look at their expression! Look at the color contrast between Fushi and the Beholder enveloping them! I love it when we get Fushi's whole body, because then we can see their posture. They slouch a lot :)
What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Yato from Noragami. You've read Noragami, right? He was created to fulfill the wishes of his father figure, he's an immortal god, and he's tasked with destroying creatures that prey on humanity's weaknesses. In Noragami, there's also the possibility that Yato's living friends could have their memories of him severed, or they could lose those memories of him after they die. It's the reverse of Fushi's situation, but there's still stuff going on with memories so I say it counts.
Left Hand
Why do you like or dislike this character?
I like it, because it serves as such an excellent foil for Fushi. When Fushi's trying to reach a peaceful solution with the knockers in the present era, the left hand is there to try and drag it back down. It hates Fushi so much, it cares more about Fushi suffering than the knockers' entire reason for existence. To most of the knockers, these two things are indistinguishable, but the left hand wants Fushi to destroy the knockers instead of cooperate with them because that means Fushi will lose.
Could you be roommates with this character?
No... well, I could. The left hand would probably be a great roommate until it killed me in my sleep and replaced me with a knocker.
What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Not really sure if this counts as a headcanon, it's more like a theory. I think the left hand will get an actual name by the end of the manga.
Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Not sure what it's called but I like the idea of the left hand wearing a lot of jewelry and mismatched layers of clothing. Because the two characters it's closest to, Fushi and Mizuha, are both collectors of very different types of things. Mizuha collects medals and trophies and trinkets that are bright and shiny. Fushi collects things that most people wouldn't find any value in, like mud balls. So I think the left hand would be a type of collector too. And I would like seeing that reflected in their outfits somehow. I mean, Mizuha has a home to display her stuff in, but the only place the left hand has is whatever body its in. So wearing a bunch of its stuff might be a way of making that body feel like home. But that's all just speculation.
How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
With Yuuki. That's the only relationship the left hand has with anyone in canon that's even remotely good.
How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
With Mizuha. It's not dislike, per say, it's more like they were together for so long but we have no idea how they interacted with each other. What they thought of each other. To Mizuha, maybe the left hand was only a tool, but what about what she was to the left hand? I find it hard to believe that the left hand didn't care about her at all when it's got the same Kahaku issues as Fushi. And we saw how that turned out.
What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
The only one I can think of is Orokappi from After God. They both take on a human form in order to infiltrate human society, and then start to resemble a human on the inside as well. He even makes the same pose as the left hand when it traps Fushi underneath it (which it does twice during their fight) when he's trying to kill his friend. Orokappi is a little less... sophisticated than the left hand, but he's no less of a complex and interesting character.
The Beholder
Why do you like or dislike this character?
I'm kinda neutral towards him honestly. I've defended him to people who don't like him very much, but he didn't get enough development for a character of his importance.
Favorite canon thing about this character?
I like how he just disappears when he loses an argument. It's really petty. In the time when he just seemed like an omniscient, uncaring god, it made him feel more human.
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Least favorite canon thing about this character?
I guess I expected him to play a bigger role in the present era, so it was disappointing when he didn't. He was still there quite a bit though, despite his insistence that he didn't want to be involved. I think I would have liked to see how and why he decided to save Tonari and everyone else at school, instead of just "well, I've been human for a while now, so I guess it's having an affect on me," which is what we got. That's a big turning point for Satoru. It's the first time he's actually intervened in anything instead of acting as an observer. But it feels like he went from point A to point B with nothing in between.
Could you be best friends with this character?
I tend to stick to people I find entertaining for whatever reason, and he's definitely entertaining. Maybe that would eventually become a close friendship. But probably not.
How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
... Sumika? It's sweet how Satoru can just be a normal kid with her, even before he loses his memories.
How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
I think the closest to "don't like" would be his relationship with Fushi. I have sympathy for him but he's a terrible father figure.
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immortaltale · 1 month
now my mind is quite uneducated about the world of tactics so you can 100% feel free to disregard what i am about to say. also a forewarning that because i am yaoibrained this will bleed into the analysis somehow. but anyway... i think from what i've seen and heard so far i feel like slot's preferred playstyle is stylistically and tactically more similar to pep than to klopp.
based on what slot has said and how liverpool set up in preseason, he seems to value building up from the back, short and quick passes that aren't as risky, and ball retention/possession with perhaps less scattered intensity but more focused direction. imo these are pretty much all things you would typically associate with pep's philosophy as well. also it's no coincidence that slot has said his favorite team to watch is man city.
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(image taken from datamb. notice the "similar data" at the bottom row as well)
so why would liverpool bring in a coach with a style similar to pep when the whole point was for slot to be a smooth transition from klopp? well of course they have their similarities as well, i think namely high turnovers and quickly winning the ball back after a loss of possession. but honestly i think the main thing to point out is that the pep of 23/24 and the klopp of 23/24 really... weren't so different after all?
people tend to present the whole klopp vs. pep era as a clash of two completely different ideologies. and while yes this is correct on certain levels, the way managers set up can and often does change over the years, as they adapt to changes in their rivals, the league, and the state of football as a whole. in germany as well as their first few years in england, the difference between pep's and klopp's philosophies was very obvious. but the way pep's teams play now is not the same as they did ten years ago, nor did klopp remain completely stagnant from dortmund through to liverpool. that is to say, they changed over the years. and their styles became more and more similar to each other's.
take it from everyone else, not just me! also, pep has stated multiple times that he sometimes tries to learn and take things from other teams, notably liverpool.
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anyway, my point with all this is... although it seems on the surface like slotball™️ is similar to pep's style, pep himself has been influenced by klopp so much over the past years (and vice versa) that honestly to all of us, it doesn't feel like that big a deal.
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dayz-ina-daze · 4 months
hey op your post about aita phone bill. i apologise if this is forward, please understand i am reaching out out of concern and not to upset you or be disrespectful at all. 🙏
your descriptions about your parents worry me as it sounds like they are engaging in abusive behaviour. i have chronic migraine and my parent did the same actions as your parent (dependent on them, feeling 'in debt' to parent for all the help they gave me ("i pay for all this, and i'm sick too"), guilted for spending maybe $30 on myself, etc) and it was only as i got older (23, 24) that i realised there was abuse.
but i also acknowledge our illnesses are different and that you are in a situation where you cannot yet be on your own and so have to 'make do'. please continue talking with your therapist because they may help come up with strategies to deal with some of the abuse-like behaviour that seems to be happening. once you have your chair, i strongly suggest you continue saving in case of emergency (in case you have to rush to move out or similar), i really hope things improve for you.
there are 'work from home' jobs online that you can do from a laptop/computer such as data entry or transcripting where you wont need to stand. if you havent already, i also suggest reaching out to others with pots who could provide help, tips, advice, and support and understanding of what you are going through. there are tumblr users with pots who trained their dog to alert them before an episode (so they dont faint/sit down before the episode), maybe there is a pots crowd fund to help you get your chair? is there somewhere we could donate to help you??
remember: do not let them guilt you into thinking you are broken or costing them 'their time, money, effort, life' etc... they are parents, they should be rising above that. it is not your fault illnesses cost money to treat, that disability is not often considered by others in the world - it is NOT your fault you are unwell 💖
I’m aware that I’m being abused… I’ve come to terms with it. It’s hard even accepting that, of course, because I love my parents, and most days they’re wonderful people… But I’ve had to learn that even if they’re good people, they aren’t good parents in the slightest, and I have to differentiate between the two. Perhaps even that isn’t true, but it’s just what I tell myself in the hopes that someday they’ll see all the damage they’ve done and feel remorse and regret.
Also as a byproduct of how I was raised, I physically can’t accept “handouts” — even if I know it’s for my own betterment. I want to work for what I earn, so I can never be accused of being lazy or a leech like my parents so often imply. My parents have a dog that’s already trained to be something of a diabetic alert dog, although unofficially, and he often alerts to me at times as well, though for different reasons related to my POTS (I’m hypoglycemic as well, plus fistfuls of other diagnoses). I’m still saving up, though what I have isn’t much. I have some support in place, and I’ve been trying to integrate myself into more POTS support systems (I lost almost an entire year of my life just to recovering from when it initially hit me, so I admit I’m a bit slow to the uptake), I’m reaching out to doctors and therapists and anyone who can help…
For now I just. Have to wait.
If you’re able to offer me even a penny, I’ve got KoFi and other money apps to that regard, and in return, I’m happy to provide sketches or full on art pieces of whatever you’d like!! Though I understand if some are hesitant to take those routes. My friends are coaxing me to the idea of starting a GoFundMe, but it feels like a “cheap” way out, and that I’m not able to pay back such kindness, so I’m hesitant. Like I said: I want to work for what I get, in any way I can.
And truly, thank you for this… It’s nice to hear I’m not crazy for thinking the way I’m treated is wrong. This didn’t upset me, but it surely made me cry just knowing that some strangers on the internet are so kind. Thank you, sincerely. <3
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lords-of-mayhem · 4 months
nr. 4, 17, 18, 23, 24, 28, 33, 36, 50 for Euronymous x Dead ♥️
Sorry, I got a bit carried away, you can skip some if it's too much!
You're totally fine!
Asks about your OTP
4-What do physical trait do they love the most about each other?
For Øystein, he really likes Pelle's hair. For Pelle, he likes his eyes best. Although, they both love each other's smile/laugh.
17-What do they have in common?
They both obviously enjoy the same types of music and will bond over that, especially making up little song segments and just playing them together. Øystein also really enjoys being out in nature too, he just tends to want to do different things. Their personalities are also a bit similar, both have shorter social batteries. Although, Øystein is definitely better at putting up with social situations he doesn't want to be in. They also both get restless and enjoy going for late-night drives together.
18-What is their sex life like?
Sporadic is a good word for it. They don't have sex particularly regularly, just when they both feel like it. This sometimes adds to the fun of it because Øystein likes being surprised. Although, it's not always good. There are a lot of things that happen between them that can make the experience bad, a big one is arguing during. Unfortunately, they're both prone to fighting with the other and it can ruin the mood. (Although, it sometimes makes the mood better.)
23-Is there top/dom and bottom/sub energy?
Yes and no. There's definitely times when the top falls into the more dominant role, but they switch so often. There are times where the bottom doms, times where the top does, times where neither of them dom, times where neither of them top, etc. Their sex life is pretty inconsistent that way.
24-Are there any kinks or fetishes they share or don’t?
They both enjoy sex outside, although the weather has to be decent for Øystein to want to do that. Most of the nonshared kinks come from Øystein not wanting to do them. He doesn't want sex to include weapons or being outside in bad weather, he's iffy on blood, he doesn't particularly like letting Pelle finish inside when Pelle tops, etc. Pelle doesn't really care, they're not things he needs.
28-Are they jealous/possessive of each other?
There's not generally a reason for them to get jealous or possessive. Øystein doesn't like when people act overly familiar with Pelle, getting too close or acting like they know him too well. He wouldn't call it "jealousy" or "possessiveness" (it is), though. Pelle just flat-out doesn't see it necessary to get jealous or possessive. He knows who Øystein is with and it's no one except him.
33-Who is the big spoon and why?
They don't cuddle very often. If they want to be close like that, they usually just lay in Øystein's bed together. They both can be the big spoon if they do cuddle, although Øystein will complain about Pelle being the big spoon for a little bit before settling into it. (He likes it deep down, but he'd never say so.)
36-What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.)
I wouldn't say either are big on randomly kissing the other. When Pelle does, he enjoys kissing Øystein's forehead/hair. (It helps that Øystein is not fond of this practice.) Øystein usually goes for the lips or the throat. Pelle will kiss anywhere, although he does have a tendency to bite, so Øystein stays on guard.
50-Who would protect who in a dangerous situation?
Both would. There's the obvious ones that Øystein does, making sure Pelle doesn't freeze to death or bleed out. But Pelle would also protect Øystein the best he could in a dangerous situation, although it hasn't come up for them yet.
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christ-l0ver · 2 years
Hi, I’m having a really hard time with finding a romantic partner. Im 26 years old and I have been single for a couple of years now. Sometimes I go on dates but It’s just not matching. Praying and reading the Bible more has helped a lot but sometimes the waves of feeling lonely in a romantic way is difficult and it just feels hopeless sometimes. I want what God wants for me and if that means, me just being an nice aunt, that’s what it is. Maybe I have a different purpose? I don’t know how people go about finding Gods plan for you.. Do you maybe have some insight? Xx love your blog btw
Hey friend,
Sorry for the super late response.
First off I want to say, I understand how annoying it can be and just difficult in general it is. Although God is sovereign, it is okay to acknowledge that singleness isn't always fun for everyone. Some people enjoy being single, while others struggle through it - and both of those are okay. The key in it all is to truly trust in God's goodness through it all.
We were created to be beings that hold relationships/companionship. Firstly, with God Himself (which is why part of the work Christ did on the cross was bring reconciliation between us and God), and secondly with other people.
I do know there are some people that are called to be single and celibate for life. Paul, for example, said in 1 Corinthians that he was single and some people that lose a spouse would find it much more beneficial to remain single too - unless they cannot exercise self-control (verses from 1 Corinthians 7 paraphrased). So, even Paul acknowledges that some people should not seek to stay single.
The truth is I don't believe we can somehow find out God's plan for every single tiny part of our lives. We do know His core goal though: to bring glory to His name (Colossians 1:16; 1 Cor. 10:31; 1 Chronicles 16:24; Ephesians 3:21; Isaiah 42:8; etc) and to sanctify us throughout our entire lives on earth (1 Thessalonians 5:23).
The best advice I can give you is to surround yourself with people that will support you during this season. Not people that will make you feel like there is something wrong for not being in a relationship nor people that will shame you for wanting to have a husband in the future. You are not alone, friend. I will be praying that, if it is God's will, He will guide the person - He has ordained to love you and be your teammate - to enter your life.
Praying for God's best for you!
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zalrb · 1 year
Red White and Royal Blue Review
I'm sorry but as the president's son, wouldn't you know not to get drunk at an official engagement like this?
Is that cake about to get ruined because it feels like the cake is about to get ruined. I didn't see the trailer.
2. Yes, it was ruined. I feel like I should be drunk for this.
3. I DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT MY REPUTATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. I was like what’s going on with Uma Thurman but I realize she’s trying to do an accent. I do not think it’s working.
5. This ... looks weird to me
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It almost looks like photoshop, idk.
6. I’ve only been watching this for ten minutes but .. why can’t I remember his name, whatever president son dude, I think he’s the weakest link. The dialogue isn’t as snappy as it thinks it is although I did chuckle at the “you’ll act like the sun shines out of his ass and you have a vitamin D deficiency” but Zahra sells the quick “snappy” wit with more ease than he does. He isn’t comfortable with it.
7. Equerry dude is hotter than both of them.
8. Alex. His name is Alex.
9. Honestly, out of the two of them, Alex is acting like the bigger jackass.
10. Yeah, Alex kinda irritates me.
11. He flirts better with Miguel. Those eyes?
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like I know we’re not at the flirty part with Henry yet but I can already tell we’re not going to get the same energy.
12. I don’t think you understand the laugh that came out of my mouth when I saw this
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because it’s basically like they each got their own Black Best Friend and I know this is supposed to be like DIVERSITY.
13. “Omg people would kill to come to my NYE party” so far, this is a pretty basic party, sir.
14. So Henry is supposed to be uptight and posh and Alex is supposed to be more carefree, the drunk partier dude, but the thing is, the actor doesn’t come across carefree, he feels like he’s trying to be carefree so he actually makes me feel more uptight than Henry because I’m like, you’re not letting loose but you’re supposed to be the loose one.
16. LMAOOOOOOOOO. Honestly, I don’t know if them choosing Get Low as the song they’re supposed to see each other across the dance floor and look at each other longingly is brilliant or terrible.
17. Aww Henry wanted a NYE kiss. Sad face.
18. Henry, I just feel like you could do better than Alex?
20. Well at least they’re not Malec when they kiss.
21. He’s reminiscent of a a young Al Pacino -- I’m actually thinking of Al Pacino in Scarface but they did darken his skin for Scarface, which is you know.
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22. “He grabbed my hair in a way that made me understand the difference between rugby and football” this line is wasted on these two. Jesus, give it to people with chemistry.
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he deserves a better scene partner.
24. I can’t believe I’m not even an hour in.
25. Alex, do some work!
26. Oh, this banter is terrible. People are comparing this to Merthur?
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27. Wait, but I want to know which other famous boys he’s shagged.
28. This is probably the most I’ve cared about them so far
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29. And he's blinking rapidly to show he's nervous but it should be in the body language, Alex is kind of just standing there. It should be nervous and exciting and intimate and thrilling, it's just ... kind of happening. Like the dude who plays Henry, his back must be TIRED from carrying all of this.
30. Ah yes,
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it's giving
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but way less intimate.
31. OK. So. I was going to add a screenshot but I was afraid tumblr would block it if I did so when they're making love, Alex -- who I almost called whatshiface -- says "I can't believe how wrong I was about you" and here's my thing with dialogue during sex scenes and I feel really bad for comparing these two movies because no one deserves this but it reminds me of when anons were like please watch some clips of the um, what's that movie series based on Harry Styles fanfiction -- After -- WE ARE GOING TO PAUSE TO BRING ATTENTION TO THE PROCESS I WENT THROUGH TO GET THE NAME OF THESE FUCKING MOVIES:
I typed in movie based on harry styles fanfiction and then Google was like Anne Hathaway and I was like what no, there's another movie based on One Direction fanfiction?? HOW MANY ARE THERE? then I was like wasn't Jughead in the movie? but then I forgot his real name so I had to be like Riverdale cast and it was like Cole Sprouse and I was like RIGHT! then looked up his fucking filmography and it wasn't there and I was like I swear I saw a clip with him in it and then I was like RIGHT, he is a twin so then I Googled his brother's name then I got Dylan Sprouse and then I looked up HIS filmography and got the name of the movie JUST FOR THIS BRIEF MENTION IN THIS STUPID POST and I was like, but anons can't search the masterlist??????????
anyway there's that scene where they're having sex in her office or something and like in the middle of them having sex he's like "SAY I'M THE ONLY ONE" or something and it just made me laugh because his voice is unaltered, he just delivered the line like they were having a regular conversation and that's what happens here, Alex just says this line and it takes me out of the moment because I'm like you're not being breathy or moaning or something as you talk, you're just talking like normal? THEN DON'T SPEAK.
32. But what does Alex do? Is he in school? Is he ... what does he do? I know he wrote a memo that nobody read and will probably end up being a huge meaningful contribution down the line but he's talking about wishing he could help more and I'm like what's your job? Like you can still help people in whatever job you're doing, like are YOU going to hospitals and talking to dying children? Like what's happening here?
33. And he's going on and on about making his dad proud and being someone who can do something but you're the guy who got drunk at a wedding and made a 75,000 pound cake fall. I...
34. Ah he's a law student. Volunteer at a free law clinic then, jesus christ.
35. OK their together texts are infinitely worse. "I CAN'T HAVE SMUT FILLING MY INBOX".
36. I mean, Miguel is a journalist, Alex, I...
37. So I'm guessing Miguel will break the Alex/Henry story. Because duh.
39. "Dad, what is this music? It's so not the vibe" I'm sorry but I find Alex insufferable.
40. Oh so Henry DOES read nonwhite authors, jfc.
41. Ohhhhhhh whatshisface, Alex, is having the IT ALL MAKES SENSE moment, which MUST happen when the love interest is singing, HENRY IS HIS FOREVER BOO. And then of course, princes can't be gay so even though Henry feels the same way, I'm sure he'll be all I TOLD YOU NOT TO FALL IN LOVE WITH ME.
42. This movie seems like there'll be a rain kiss in it.
43. "Yeah, he's tougher than he looks." You guys were drinking tequila shots, doing karaoke and playing volleyball, not chopping wood for your only source of heat during winter in the Appalachians. Relax.
44. "You can understand my life a little more" which is cool but what about HIS life, Alex? I don't know I just find him extremely self-centered.
46. Aww, he's in the pool with his hand over his heart. I needed a better couple for this.
47. And here we go with the downturn before the uptick.
48. He's trying so hard to be melancholy and this is what we get?
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A furrowed brow?
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I mean are you? What is this, Stefan about Caroline? Please be serious.
50. Well, there's rain. But they're not kissing.
51. "I flew across an ocean" which would be more impressive if you weren't the president's son, Alex.
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You didn't actually storm the castle, though. Who are you now, Damon?
53. This should be way more frenzied than it is. He should be yelling, out of his mind, and Henry should be doing exactly what he's doing now.
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Well that's because he's amazingly self-centred.
55. ON. HIS. BACK.
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56. Stephen Fry being in this is kind of perfect though. I just wish the movie was better.
57. OK well that's over.
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fireflyhwufanficwriter · 11 months
My thoughts on Dr. Stone’s S03E15 (“Battle in Three Dimensions”)
(Safe to read for anime-only folks.)
My thoughts after watching Season Three, Episode Fifteen:
01. Mozu probably doesn't get to do a lot of new things very often, so I'm imagining that that must have been fun for him to pretend to be a mysterious warrior to his colleagues XD
02. Today's episode's title is "Battle in Three Dimensions!" :D
03. Ibara and Kirisame look so skeptical in the face of Oarashi's retelling of what happened, hahaha! And I like how they tilted themselves so they wouldn't be covered up by Oarashi's speech bubble!
04. Gen was really on-point with his advice about who Mozu should go for!
05. Wouldn't Kirisame notice that Mozu is wearing an earring very similar to Kohaku's?
06. Kirisame's panicked voice in Senku's planning sounds so cute!
07. It would be a shame if we get the petrification weapon, only to be absolutely stomped by Mozu a second later...
08. It... certainly IS a sick weapon, Chrome :(
09. You know what I like about the collection of gun parts? The little screw thingy near the upper right part of the frame. We could have gone without that detail, but Boichi and anime animators are so dedicated to detail that they included such a small thing as well!
10. Yeah... all the modern-era people would know this weapon, and be extremely wary of it...
11. What's that brown thing between Chrome's neck and arms?
12. Okay, they're going to use something called mercury fulminate. They're going to combine nitric acid, mercury, and alcohol... and make "it" into a detonator...
13. None of the modern-era folks look happy about what they have to use... :(
14. Hmm, so it's been "about three years" since Senku parted ways with Taiju and Yuzuriha that time...
15. Even Senku isn't happy about having to use a gun, even though he's trying to show others the bright side... How must he feel, having to bring guns into the pure world that Byakuya left behind? :(
16. I love how everybody respects the solemnity of the moment, and how Ukyo is still sticking to his core principles, regardless of what's to come!
17. "Somebody whose loved one is killed bears that grudge forever. We take even the enemy for ourselves. To do that, we avoid killing. That's only rational."
18. Ryusui's such a good friend! And... he's SO greedy that he even desires their enemies, hahaha!
19. ...And this is a bit like that time with the cameras. Somebody was talking from their heart, and then Senku says something about the item and the way he says it is so different from the earlier mood XD
20. Now it's Taiju's turn to be so familiar with how Senku is, just like earlier in this cour where it was Senku who knew how Taiju usually operates!
21. This is exactly like what happened to Minami... now it's Yo who has his work tool, despite Chrome's clear objections! Although it's true that he's probably the one most qualified to wield it, with Ukyo being second on that list...
22. Amaryllis sure... can use her skills on command!
23. Shooting glass bottles is such a waste of resources in their situation, though...
24. Senku's the only one who looks like he has a bit of optimism about Yo's skills XD
25. I think the main art for Yo's shooting was better in the manga, partly because we had time to stop and enjoy it, but I really like the clarity that the anime gives us about the details of the gun!
26. Yo actually shot a venomous snake, and got a compliment from Senku... but he was actually going for the bottles! You REALLY need to practice, Yo! XD
27. Okay, we need hoods, the drone, guns, and wires to defeat the Medusa
28. It's nice how they showed how the kingdom of science is getting food... through Amaryllis' thievery from a village's storage hut! And Suika trying on one of the hoods and being cozy reminds me of her enjoying how soft their first batch of cloth was! Hoods... complete!
29. Even Amaryllis knows that declaring she would elope with the loudest drum player is SUCH a stretch... but it worked anyway! Yo got a hang of learning how to use that stone age gun pretty quickly! Guns... complete!
30. Wow, their lab is much taller than I thought it was XD
31. Magma, Nikki, and Kinro from the power team have been revived... and Kinro's VERY first instinct was to search for Ginro! :'( He's such a good brother!
32. Good misdirect with that teardrop falling into the water... but we ALL know that came from Kinro :( But Amaryllis and Senku told him that thanks to Kohaku, Ginro is still alive! :)
33. That was a pretty obvious shine in Senku's eyes while he was talking about the danger the lead spearman would be in... he's not saying so, but he's genuinely worried for Kinro!
34. ...I don't understand why Taiju thought why he and Magma needed to practice tugging a rope XD But I guess it was just to lead into the new carbon wire they were making! Wires... complete!
35. Chrome was all fired up about utilizing the gyroscopic effect, and Senku played along... until he didn't. He is SUCH a troll, haha!
36. A wirewound variable resistor... it's nice of them to give us the terminology!
37. "You'd need to be good at steering and at reading the wind. Who's..."
38. Of course this is up to you and your pro-gamer skills, Ryusui! That bit of information from a while back really paid off! Drone... complete!
39. Yo and Ryusui are enjoying their new goodies, but Magma looks interested in that gun...
40. "The cliff of the howling seas" is a pretty awesome name for a place!
41. We have Gen, Chrome, Ukyo, Senku, Yuzuriha, and Amaryllis as our fake spearmen, and Kinro as our real spearman!
42. Hey, is that warrior behind and to the right of Oarashi... okay? His eyes... he looks dead inside -_- He's just totally over it...
43. Who decided to make Suika a spearman? XD Maybe she's also doubling as a possible messenger or reconnaissance officer?
44. First Kinro earlier, then Ibara now... these zoom in shots are... weird... :O
45. Ukyo and Chrome reassuring Suika... aww, so sweet! :)
46. This is so weird. When I read the manga, I probably imagined a clear, sunny day, not a super foggy morning. But this does make sense considering their need to hide, so maybe the time of day was mentioned in the manga and I just forgot.
47. Soyuz is probably there to be back-up defense for Ryusui and Yo, who will need to be completely focused on their own tasks...
48. Amaryllis, Yuzuriha, Suika, Chrome, Kinro, Ukyo, and Senku... and their hidden allies all around... against the most powerful warriors of the petrification kingdom! :O
49. Ah, there's the sunlight I imagined!
50. "I'll handle this. Indeed, it isn't for a silly deal this time. It's for a true battle. For myself. With this golden, sun-colored spear prepared for me by the Kingdom of Science... I will protect us!"
51. Arrgh, Kinro's strong, inspiring resolve is awesome! :D He's not the only warrior in their current group, because Ukyo is there with them, but Kinro IS the only spear user, and a lot of the responsibility for the success of their part of the plan rests on his shoulders. This is very much like that scene in the Grand Bout, when he knew he couldn't lose because he was fighting for his friends! :) We believe in you, Kinro! :D The title of the next episode is "Total War," which is... wow! That's very... very clear! :O
https :// fireflyhwufanficwriter . tumblr . com / MyDrStoneEpisodeMangaThoughts
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exqviis · 1 year
hello hello! my name’s isa   ( 23, she/her )   and i’m here to a) ask forgiveness for posting this so DISGUSTINGLY late and b) introduce you to amara chaichana who is a new-ish muse that’s kind of a mixture between rachel green, julien calloway, and song jia, and has been lingering in my mind for the past couple of months. i’m really excited to meet and write with all of you - so if you’re interested in plotting please don’t hesitate to click the lil heart button, or just slide straight into my dms! my discord is also available upon request, if that’s your preferred way of communication!
look who’s joining the infinite tour! only AMARA CHAICHANA, who is the STYLIST of KWON SOMI (MICHELLE). i’ve heard whispers that the 24 year old is pretty AMBITIOUS but lowkey DEMANDING. also, doesn’t she remind you of NICHA YONTARARAK (MINNIE)?
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i always start my intros with links for BIO / STATS / PLOTS / PINTEREST – though i should say that the biography is still unfinished ( coming …. soon-ish? ) and the pinterest board is also under construction ;-; i should also mention that i’m ASTRONOMICALLY bad at writing intros and this will probably be all over the place – please bear with me
amara grew up in los angeles CA as the only child of a famous model and an acclaimed movie director – so upper class and very privileged ( read: spoiled ) and lucky enough to grow up incredibly loved and cared for
very much involved in the hollywood scene from a young age, accompanying her parents to many of the events they attended and walking her first red carpet at the age of seven. none of it bothered her at all – not the bright light of the camera flashes, nor the cacophony of shutter sounds, and least of all – the attention. she loved it – reveled in it, even. so it came to no one’s surprise when amara finally dipped her toes in the nepo scene at the ripe old age of fifteen. the long days spent on movie sets as a child bled into her teenage years, though now she was the one standing in front of the camera, instead of lurking in the background
okay so maybe it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows like she thought. maybe the media was a lot more ruthless now that she was older and maybe her friend group cared more about her connections than her. so what? it totally didn’t play a part in her packing her bags and exchanging hollywood’s glitz and glamour for new york’s skyscrapers – not at all
( to be fair it was only the cherry on top – in reality, she’d been planning the move for quite a while and this only gave her the final push to go ahead with it )
got into parsons on her own merit, enrolling into their fashion design program and graduating as one of the top students in her generation. gathered as many internships and courses under her belt as possible and then moved again – this time to seoul SK, where, for the first time ever, people didn’t really care about who she was or who she knew
she’d been interning at vogue korea for about a year when one of the editors recommended her for one of the stylist positions on the tour – and who was she to say no to the prospect of doing what she loves while travelling the world?
okay now for some personal info
→ although she’s been away from la for quite a while, social relationships and the image she presents to others are still just as important to her and something she’s very careful about. she’s gotten quite good at talking a lot about herself without actually saying anything substantial. she has tried to be more open with herself and others, but almost subconsciously slips back into this mindset as she’s not really used to anything different
→ unfortunately this also kinda means she does a bit of a ‘push and pull’ or ‘hot and cold’ with a lot of people where she wants their attention and wants them around, but pushes them away when she feels like they’ve gotten too close
→ she still cares about other people! very easy to be around, always ready to chat about anything and everything and help out in any way she can. likes to make people feel special and important – just as long as, you know, you don’t ask any personal questions
→ flattery may not work on everyone, but it does on her – though she hates to admit it. amara’s easy to sway, you just gotta put in a lil effort and know the right words
→ very detailed, very dedicated, very determined. also incredibly competitive – not to the point where she’d actively sabotage someone else for her benefit but she definitely tries to stay a couple of steps ahead when it comes to the things she wants
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