#although because I can't leave it alone apparently lol
alicepao13 · 2 years
Craziest interaction that has happened on this hellsite is that I just got blocked for replying “Sure”.
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jeoncasino · 2 months
⋆ †₊ 0.1
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Tired of life and all it had to bring for you, things take a turn when you find out two of your friends start to take a liking to you. With newfound emotions and a whole lot of drama, what happens when they start competing for your love?
Pairings: JJK x fem! reader [x KNJ]
Genre: college au, love triangle, friends to lovers, fluff, angst, slow burn, eventual smut.
Tags: rich! jjk, law student! jjk, dark hair! jjk, sweet! jjk, jealous! jjk, needy! jjk, obsessed! jjk, but also dom! jjk, slightly toxic! jjk, english major! knj, boy bsf! knj, co-worker! knj, husband material! knj, brown hair! knj, sweet! knj, jealous! knj, sad knj:(, pet names, everything’s so complicated and everyone’s in denial, jk's love language is physical touch and acts of service, jk has mommy issues so he's too attached to oc, joonie is so sweet i feel bad for him, gguk will try everything in his power to make oc his, ggukkie lowkey hates joonie lol, this is an actual slow burn yay!
Warnings: mentions of drug use.
⋆ †₊ Series Masterlist
Minors do not interact.
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Smoke surrounds you. For a moment, the noises and lights from the party, once a chaotic blend, seperate distinctly. Each sound creates its own frequency, each beam of light cutting through the haze in sharp lines. Everything around you slows down, the moment captivating you in a trance that would otherwise not been achieved without smoking a certain plant.
Elaine, your best friend, who was sitting to your left, seems to be talking to you. You can't quite grasp what she's saying, but she leaves shortly afterward, leaving you alone in the beautiful backyard of this otherwise dirty frat house. You really were avoiding going inside—the floors were sticky, and it smells funky. Honestly, you didn’t even want to be there. Frat parties aren’t your thing. But Elaine, in apparent need of de-stressing (though later confessing she just wanted to see her latest infatuation, Zia), had dragged you out on a Thursday night. You thought about getting mad and leaving, but she’s your best friend—and every guy here looks like they’d spike her drink—so you stayed. Plus, she bought you a blunt, so it evened out.
As you gazed at the dark-glowing canvas of the night sky, you felt a presence beside you. Skeptically, you glanced to your right, only to find a man staring at you. You jumped.
“Oh my god?” you gasp, eyes wide, hand over your heart.
The guy laughs, clearly amused by your reacton. Trying to figure him out, you took a look at him. He wore a loose white shirt and baggy jeans. Dark hair framed his face. Two rings pierced the right side of his mouth, his right arm covered in tattoos. Honestly, you felt intimidated—frat parties drew all kinds of people, you know? But when you finally met his eyes, the softness of his gaze made him seem far more approachable then you originally thought.
“Will you quit staring?” He teased.
Your cheeks burned. “Oh please, I’m on drugs,” you muttered, looking away, “Don’t flatter yourself.”
“Oh, I know. Thought I’d join you on your trip.”
Confused, and extremely thirsty, you asked, “Who are you?”
“Seriously?” He replied, somewhat annoyed. “Jeon Jeongguk. We share a class—U.S History with Mrs. Webster,” He paused, anticipating an answer. He met silence. “No?”
You sighed. “Look, I’m sorry, but I’m too high to remember anyone from that class.” Thinking it over, you added, “Seriously, though, I don’t think I’ve ever talked to you.”
And that’s because you hadn’t. Jeongguk, though quite popular, found himself completely partner-less tonight. He didn’t like being alone, so when he spotted you, high and alone, he thought he’d try his usual trick with you—pretending he knew you from somewhere. It usually worked.
Not today though. At your response, he was utterly offended. Did you seriously not know who the Jeon Jeongguk was? Even he recognized you—the sharing a class part not being a lie—so it made no sense. Although, he didn’t know your name either, so maybe you did know him, just not his name, and the drugs are clouding him from your memory.
Yeah, he thought, it’s definitely the drugs. “Did you know marijuana causes memory issues?”
You snorted. “Just say you’re offended.”
He shrugged. “What’s got you all alone out here?”
“My horny friend, I guess.” You turn to face him. “You?”
“I was taught to never leave a pretty girl like you alone,”
“Okay, Mr. Charming, please be serious.”
He laughed. “My friends ditched me too.”
“Hm,” You didn’t know what else to say. Usually, you were good at small talk, but you were literally in cloud nine and too thirsty to properly think. “Do you mind getting me some water? I’ve got cotton mouth and don’t want to go inside.”
“It smells wierd doesn’t it?” He scrunched his nose as he replied. You nodded. “I’ll be right back.”
Many chit-chat’s and half a bottle of wine later—Jeongguk found it somewhere in the frat—you both bid goodbye with teary eyes and warm embraces, somehow convinced you’d never see each other again after this party. Both of you not letting go, Elaine and his friends have to literally pry you guys apart, causing everyone to fall comically like dominoes.
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Attempting to open your eyes you rubbed them, immediately closing them as the morning sun assaults your vision. What even happened yesterday? Your head pounded, nausea swirled in your gut. You felt horrible. Trying to go back to sleep, you turned in your bed, feeling the dreaded build-up of saliva once you layed on your side. Uh-oh.
You rushed to your bathroom just in time.
“Elaine?” you half-yelled, wiping your mouth with your hand muffling your voice.
No response. You stumble out of your room and head for the kitchen. There, your find an already-ready best friend cooking god-knows-what.
Looking up at you, she said, “Good morning, Mrs. Jeon,” her tone dripping with mockery.
“What? Mrs. Jeon?” Confused, you try to piece together last night’s events, but it’s no use. Panicking, you exclaimed, “Oh my God, Elaine, what happened yesterday?!”
She looked at you unimpressed. “Oh, nothing much. Just that you and Jeongguk were all over each other yesterday!”
“Jeon who?” You asked.
“Be so serious right now,” She couldn’t believe you. “Y/n, he’s like, super well-known around campus. Rich as hell and a jerk.” She added, “Cheated on Jayla, rejected me when you bet me to hit on him for five dollars.” Elaine huffed with her arms crossed.
Recalling how hilarious that day was, you laughed so hard your headache worsened tenfold. “I might die if I keep laughing,” you stuttered, gripping the kitchen counter for dear life. “Is that why you don’t like him?”
“This isn’t funny! You guys made fools of yourselves last night. I genuinely thought he laced your drink.”
Drink. The word triggers flashes of last night—Jeongguk approaching you, him bringing you water, a bottle of wine somehow appearing in your hands. Blood drained from your face as you remembered how you parted ways—throwing yourself into his arms, him not letting go, literally shedding tears as Elaine dragged you out of the frat’s backyard.
You’ll make sure to never drink again after this.
“Elaine, did I really—”
“Yes, Y/n, you did! Do you know how embarrassing that was? Don’t even get me started on the reputation you just gained yourself.”
“What are you talking about?”
“All his closest friends were there,” she said, serving her plate with freshly cooked eggs. “They thought you guys fucked or something.”
“Did you really?” The question almost offended you.
“Stop! God, no, obviously not,” you shuddered. “Just because we hugged?”
“No, because Jeon fucks everything he touches,” she replies matter-of-factly. “He also got a little possessive, he wouldn’t let go.”
“Of me?”
“Yeah, we all fell to the ground because y’all wouldn’t budge. My biceps are sore, no joke.”
You slumped against the counter, hiding your face in disbelief. “Wait so, now people think I’m easy?”
“Yes. Now let’s just hope the rumor didn’t spread outside the frats,” she said, walking out of the kitchen with her plate full of eggs. “People were watching, you know? I almost left you there with that whore. Anyway, you better get ready—your first class starts in 20.”
You sprint to your room.
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“Thanks for saving me a spot.”
Namjoon lifted his backpack from the seat next to him as you slid into it, placing your own bag on the floor.
“No worries, buns,” he said, noticing your wet hair immediately. “Were you in a rush this morning?”
“Tell me about it,” you muttered, rubbing your temples.
“Did you have a night shift yesterday? I don’t recall scheduling you late this week.”
“No, it’s just that Elaine dragged me to this party and I—” You stopped yourself. Were you really going to expose your half-secret to Joonie out in the open? Nuh-uh. “I’m just so hungover. Let’s talk later. Focus on class.”
Although curious as to what happened last night that got you this flustered, Namjoon chose to not push the subject, both of you focusing now on whatever the professor was droning about.
You liked that he always walked you to class. Obviously if his class was far or if he got busy he wouldn’t, but for the most part he did. You found it chivalrous, a trait that most men nowadays lacked. That’s why you liked Namjoon—he was friendly but polite, not shy to ask about your personal life but never stepping any boundaries. Not to mention his other great qualities, like how intelligent or hard working he is. You both had gotten originally close through Yeyo’s café—he trained and guided you along the harsh path of being a first-time barista—and having worked most shifts together, you became each other’s favorite co-worker, mingling whenever and hanging outside of work at times. At these occasional dates, the both of you learnt you shared similar struggles, like not having anyone support you financially or having complicated relationships with your families. All these things made relating to him easier. He never failed to make you laugh or help you see the good in the bad, and for him you were grateful.
Now you’re here—two months later, at the same university—him walking you to class while you complained about the workload your professor just assigned.
“I mean is he kidding? Not everyone has free time like him. I’ve got work!”
“I think his wife’s divorcing him or something,”
You gasp. “Wait, really?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled at your reaction. “You know the professor’s assistant?”
“Oh, the one who wants you?” you teased with a grin, wiggling your eyebrows playfully.
Namjoon elbowed you gently. “Stop it,” he muttered. You laughed at his flustered expression.
“Anyway,” he continued, eager to change the subject, “the other day, I stayed after class to ask her for some extra points, but she got off track and started telling me all sorts of things about him.”
“Like what?” you asked, leaning into him with interest.
“Why do you sound excited?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Don’t act like you don’t indulge in professor drama,” you retorted, crossing your arms.
Namjoon chuckled. “You’re cute when you’re mad.”
“I’m not mad,” you shot back, avoiding his gaze.
“Then why won’t you look at me?” he teased.
“Okay, fine! Just tell me what she said, please,” you pouted, grabbing onto his arm, feeling the firmness of his muscles. You knew that whenever you did this, he’d give in—like that one time at the fair when you’d been so thirsty you begged for a water bottle that cost him twenty bucks.
He sighed, giving in as expected. “Well, according to her, his wife wanted a Chanel bag, but the professor wouldn’t buy it for her. Then, she thought he was having an affair, so she looked through his things, but she found out he lied about how much money he’d inherited, so now she’s filing for divorce.”
“Gosh, I almost feel bad for him,” you said, the corners of your mouth lifting. “Almost.”
“Meanie,” Namjoon grinned and squeezed your nose.
“Hey! Stop, you’re—” About to punch him for ruining your makeup, he darted away as fast as he could.
“I’ll kill that motherfucker,” you muttered, opening the door of your next class.
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“And I was like, are you dumb?” Elaine exclaimed through the phone.
After your last class, you decided you’d stop by the nurse’s office to get something that would soothe your headache, when you recieved a call from your best friend. Though spontaneous calls weren’t surprising, what she had just informed you was.
Apparently, she met up earlier with Zia, who had the audacity to ask her if she found it embarrassing to have a friend who had slept with Jeongguk. And obviously, her being the bestest, most protective friend ever, denied the rumors going around the frats in attempt of clearing your name.
As you walked out of the nurse’s office and into the bustling campus, she continued, “And I swear, in that moment, I was about to punch her. I mean, I always knew Zia was a little dense, but this? Ugh, it’s infuriating! I don’t even know why we fucked anymore.” She sighed heavily.
You found a bench under a large oak tree and sat down, needing to process everything. You’d been too busy with classes to think much about the previous night’s events, but now, with the day’s tasks behind you, the anxiety started creeping back in.
“Did you guys actually fuck yesterday?” you asked, leaning back against the bench.
“No, we had literally just fucked at the sorority, when she started asking dumb ass questions,” Elaine huffed. “I think I’m never finding love.”
“Don’t say that, E,” you replied, rubbing your temples. “You’ll figure it out, don’t worry.”
Elaine’s voice softened. “How are you holding up, though? I’m sorry for everything. I can’t help but feel responsible,” she added, and you could practically see her pouting on the other end of the line.
You took a deep breath. “Honestly, I was too busy this morning to even care, but now that I have time to think, I kind of just want to hide from everyone.”
“I’m sorry. I love you, okay? Don’t forget that.”
“I love you more.”
“Well I got to go, I’ll see you back at the apartment.”
Listening to the ring which notified the call was over, you finally had some time to process everything. Trying to find where you went wrong, the most controversial thing that happened all night was the fact that you were hanging out with… Jeongyeo? Or was it Jeongyu? Uh, you’ll make sure to ask Elaine later. Anyways, you saw no harm from having an innocent chat with him. All you did was drink with a rich frat college guy— and basically cry to each other but that was too embarrassing to even think about—so your ever crumbling reputation made no sense. You guys didn’t fuck, most certainly didn’t kiss, and by now the guy should’ve cleared the rumors, so why were they making such a fuss over it?
It was all so childish. Yet, despite your attempts to rationalize it, your stomach churned, your hands grew clammy, and your mind raced with anxiety. Every passerby seemed to stare at you with judgmental eyes.
You sighed deeply. This felt like high school all over again. You had to pull yourself together. If these people wanted to make a fuss over nothing and use you as their entertainment, then so be it. You had bigger things to worry about—like paying your bills or pursuing a career. So, with that, you decided to push the drama to the back of your head and refocus on what really mattered, finally finding peace once again in your mind.
And at peace you were.
At least that was the case until you got back home, because as soon as you walked into the apartment, Elaine rushed over, breaking the news to you. “Y/n, you won’t believe this. That miserable old landlord is raising our rent!”
You blinked, trying to process the new discovery. “What? Why?”
“I don’t know,” Elaine threw her hands up in frustration. “I begged him to exclude us from the raise, but he wouldn’t budge. He said it’s either pay up or move out.”
Trying your hardest not to kill him right now, you paused. What were you going to do now?
Trying to keep an optimistic outlook, you replied, “Look, I know it’ll be hard, but we can do this. Let’s just take extra shifts at work and start looking for an affordable place to stay at.”
She wasn’t sure about your proposition. You both worked long hours as is, not to mention how time consuming and disrupting it was for school.
“Y/n, we barely get to sleep some days,” Elaine said so lowly it was almost a whisper. Finding the situation impossible, she added, “I’m dropping out.”
You scoffed, “Are you crazy? You’re not doing that,”
“What else is there to do Y/n?” She frowned.
Lips pursed, you racked your brain trying to come up with a solution. Dropping out was not an option, and if keeping your education meant being homeless, then so be it. You both had a car, so maybe you guys could sleep there until you found a new place. And if you had to shower, you could probably just ask Namjoon if-
“Oh my god! Namjoon!” You yelled as you reached for your phone.
“What? Y/n what are you doing?”
Dialing Namjoon’s number, you replied with a smile on your face, “Pack your stuff, we’re crashing Joonies place.”
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Author: pls this took me long enough to post and im not sure i even like it lmfoaoaoa. nobody told me how hard and time consuming this was. anyways yall if it sucks LMK ! i’ll make sure to burn this post down if it sucks ass. shout out to anyone who finished reading the first chapter of this series ! omm ilysm. i’ll also try to comment the people who wanted to be added to my taglist, hopefully it works. bye !
This is a work of fiction. The scenes, characters and events depicted are purely fictional and not intended to represent real-life procedures or individuals. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Do not use this story as your own.
@jeoncasino 2024 ©
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could write a James Hook x Reader. She’s Hans’ daughter but her relationship with him is complicated. Since he couldn’t become king he wants the reader to marry a prince so she can be a queen in the future. She tells him no prince would ever fall for her bc she’s a VK to get him to stop pressuring her. But the truth is she doesn’t even want to marry a prince bc she likes James.
Although she’s Hans’ daughter she’s friends with Bridget and Ella bc she’s nothing like her father personality wise and doesn’t want to be ever. Which is why James became intrigued with her and flirts. She’s always standing up for Bridget.
Anyway at the end Hans somehow finds out what’s going on between reader and James. Later at night he confronts the reader about it stating that she will marry a prince. But she finally stands up for herself. You can decide what he says but then he leaves and she breaks down but James comforts her bc he heard everything. You can decide the rest.
Sorry this is long thank you in advance!
oooo okay okay I can try! ; just so yk I only do gn / they/them readers but I usually keep gender pretty ambiguous lol ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; also this gives pink pony club and I need someone to agree cause I feel crazy for thinking it ??? ; update on that I listened to ppc and it's now heavily influenced on that last part
JAMES HOOK ; complicated
summary ; a vk who acts like an ak catches his attention, fascinating him
warnings ; language, use of gorgeous but in a gn way who cares about societal norms
word count ; 1.5k
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"That boy, uh... Prince Charming, at your school, why not marry him?"
"Oh my fucking Christ, Dad" You groan. "One, I'm a VK, two, he doesn't like me, nor do I like him, three, stop with this conversation"
"What about that Snow White girl?"
You grumble, stomping away to your room to get away from your self projecting father. Every day for the past God-knows-how-long he'd keep bringing up you marrying into a royal family. Just because he lost a girl by being a douchebag apparently meant he had to project his insecurities on you.
You weren't like him at all, nor did you ever want to be. He was a complete asshat from what he's told you, thinking he was always in the right. You were a VK gone soft, or a VK with morals and a good heart, whatever floats your boat.
Your best friends Bridget and Ella were AK's who'd welcomed you into the good side with open arms. They were quiet and sort of shy, too scared to stand up for themselves. But that's why they had you, because being born as a villain kid meant you could be mean, you could use your voice to get what you wanted, or at least try.
"Go away, Hook. Leave her alone." you call, walking up on James and Maleficent picking on Bridget and her bright pink flower themed cake.
"Or what?" He questions, leaning away from Bridget, turning to you as you stand in front of her. "Gonna walk the plank for me?"
You roll your eyes. "Are you looking for a fight? What do you guys get out of doing this?"
He shrugs deviously. "Entertainment, darling."
"Go away," you order, "Unless you really wanna put your Captain title at risk." You turn around, pulling Bridget away from the duo.
"Confident, are you?" He laughs. "Wait and see, gorgeous," he turns around, pulling his partner along.
Maleficent hisses, watching as you and Bridget walk away.
"What's with you and that fake VK?" she asks him.
James shrugs.
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"Well, hello again, darling"
"Don't you ever go away?"
"You've got a mouth for an Auradon Kid, don't you?" He chuckles. "Wait... you're not an Auradon Kid. You're a VK."
You roll your eyes. "Just cause I was conceived by a villain doesn't mean I am a villain"
He sighs. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."
You turn around, seeing him still standing over you. Can't a person get five minutes alone in the library?
"What do you want?"
He shrugs. "Wanted to ask why you've joined the good side. You're always defending those girls. It's weird"
"How is having morals weird?" you ask. "Genuinley. Sit"
He glances around with furrowed brows before joining you, taking a seat beside you. He sits sideways to face you, resting his hooked hand on the table.
"What makes you think harassing people is fun?"
He shrugs. "It's funny, entertaining."
"Sadly, I can't control your actions." you speak with a light sigh, turning back to your book.
"Why do you defend them?" He asks rather swiftly.
"Because they're my friends?" you reply.
He tilts his head. "You're fascinating"
You groan. "I'm a normal, not evil person"
"And I'm not?"
"No, you're a bitch"
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"Hello, love"
"Piss off"
"You should be nicer to me. After all..."
"Close your damn mouth. There is nothing going on between us"
Bridget and Ella, wide-eyed, turn to you.
You exhale through your nose, slowly closing your eyes to find yourself and to not freak out. You look at them, a kind smile on your face.
"There is nothing going on between us" you repeat.
"I'd beg to differ..." James mumbles while Morgie giggles.
You turn to the girls. "Go to class, I'll be there in a minute"
They nod, walking to the classroom just down the hall.
You cross your arms, waiting for James to speak. Morgie stands beside him before he's shoo'd away, making the conversation private.
James smiles, pulling a sandwich bag out of his coat. Inside rests three slightly crumbled cookies that he'd made just for you. He holds them out to you, a cautious and slightly concerned look on his face.
"Sorry your dad's been... y'know"
You shrug, accepting the sweet treats. "It's fine, just pisses me off. Thank you, though"
"Anytime, darling"
"You need to stop with that. Someone's gonna catch on that there is actually something going on between us"
"Eh, I'm alright with that"
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"See you later, pirate boy"
"Hook you later, love"
You press a chaste kiss to his lips before running up the front steps of your house, opening the door with a small smile on your lips. You close the door behind you, watching through the window as your little love interest walks away.
You walk into the living room, saying hello to your father, backpack slung over your shoulder. "I'm home"
"How was your day?" He asks, flipping the TV to another channel.
Your ears painfully vibrate due to the sound of your father sharpening a knife in his lap. God, he couldn't pick a better time?
"Fine," you wince. "I'll be in my room. I have homework"
You quickly walk away before he can speak anymore, knowing leftover dinner was in the fridge for you to access. Having homework wasn't a lie, but you were definitely lying about doing it.
As darkness fell, and after you'd dropped multiple hours cleaning your room, you opened up your window, allowing the fresh, cool air into the stuffy warm room. You lean against the window sill, awaiting your dumb love, the breeze brushing against your face.
You knew this was wrong, all of it. You'd been having wicked dreams of leaving Auradon, hearing new, distant lands calling your name. You'd never make your father proud. He'll see his baby and scream, 'God, what have you done?' as you wave goodbye on a ship with James, dressed to explore the world.
You had dreams, he had expectations.
You imagined a wide open sea, James Hook at your side, the salty air against your face. It was a daydream, one that could be accomplished. You imagine a whole world to explore, all the things you'd never seen, you'd be able to experience. From waterfalls to exotic animals, you wanted to see it all, you wanted to see all the sunsets and cultural differences. You wanted it all.
You watch as Hook climbs up the tree in your front yard, then use your little zipline connected to the roof to enter your room through the window. You grab his hand, pulling him into the refreshed bedroom you called home.
He rests his hands around your waist, his signature smirky-smile upon his face. "I missed you oh-so dearly"
You scoff. "It's been like, five hours"
He pulls you closer, smashing your lips together like this was some romantic romance movie where the two main characters had to leave each other in the end. He shoves you to the bed, allowing you to sit on the mattress as he stands over you, his hook lightly tracing your jawline, his hand resting on the nape of your neck.
Your door flings open, the two of you jumping in fear, eyes glued to the room's entrance. James quickly scrambles out the window, leaving you alone to deal with your father.
"Are you kidding me, Y/n?! First you're kissing a boy outside, then you're sneaking him into my house! For the last time, you'll be marrying into royalty, not sneaking around with some pirate wannabe!" Your father shouts. "I'll be boarding up your window from now on and I'll be taking this damn door away too."
"Just because you have a soft ego and are a narcissistic piece of shit doesn't mean you can force your insecurities on to me!" You yell. "My love life has nothing to do with you at all. I'm not going to be some teenage newlywed so you can ruin a whole kingdom's worth of lives through me. I am not you and I will never be you!"
He's too stunned to speak, surprised that you've talked back, the words leaving your lips like you had them ready to use. You stare into his soul, heavily breathing, fists clenched as you stand in front of him.
You rush to the window as he leaves, slamming the door behind him, not sure how to approach the situation. You slide out the open window, holding back tears.
James quickly wraps you in a hug, allowing you to crumble in his arms.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" He whispers, holding onto you tightly.
"It's fine" You shake your head with a grumble. "Fuck"
His hand rubs your shoulder.
You sit in silence with him for a few minutes, carefully listening as your father stomps around the house.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, love. Do you need somewhere else to stay?-"
"I'm fine" You reply. "I'll be fine"
He's silent for a moment. "I don't feel comfortable leaving you here"
"He won't hurt me. He's a wimp with an ego." You shrug.
He nods. "Yeah, that's true"
You quickly look up at him, a random thought in your brain. "Have you ever seen a flamingo before? In real life?"
"I've conquered the seven seas, babe. Of course I have"
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rustys-lodge · 11 months
hi love, can i request a Shelby sister fic where she’s kind of like sandie (last night in soho) where she dreams of making it big as a showgirl and she meets a man who promises her the world kind of like a pimp. she gets caught up in that showgirl life and her brothers do everything to stop her and she like loses it basically the plot of last night in Soho pretty much (re writing it cause i keep checking!)
Warnings : physical violence, prostitution, blood, murder, basically all the stuff that goes on in the movie.
A/N : i wrote half of this in class lol, i wish i could have posted it when you sent the request again but i had lots of homework. Anyways, i hope i didn't dissapoint. ❤❣
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"Close your eyes."
You can't. they're going to be looking back.
"Y/n, close your eyes!"
You can't.
"I said, close your fuckin' eyes."
"I fucking can't." You hurl the words out of your mouth like a rabid dog's bark.
You can't close your eyes. All you see is their faces. The faces of the men that used your silence for their own selfish pleasures. You couldn't close your eyes because all you could see was their slashed faces, more specifically, the blood gushing out, their irises wide, your own disgusting reflection firing in their terrified eyes and those tears that never seemed to dry.
A few days ago, you were at your last straw, you were fighting that urge, that last one, the one that needed to go the most.
You hurried up the stairs, the soles of your feet stinging with every step you took. your hand took ahold of the handle, enhancing your balance and so, propelling you forward,helping you gain a few more crucial seconds, you hurried to the room, shutting the door closed just in time for him to get to you. You locked the door and pressed your back against it.
A loud bang vibrated the door you were leaning against. Startled, your heart thudded every time his fist collided with the wood.
Another bang sounded...And another one.... relentless and eager to get you to die. Your body shook to your core and you squeezed your eyes tight, the blue and the red lighting of the bistro still seeping through your shut eyelids.
You needed an escape. You needed to-
"Open this fucking door, you whore. You know you did this to yourself, now open this fucking door."
You needed to kill him. That's it.
You marched to the bed, tucking your hand under the pillow to retrieve the knife you so long hid under there. Your little protector. Your fingers tightly squeezed the handle and you walked back to the door, your hand eagerly pushing the handle down.
That's it. I'm doing it. I'm killing him.
As the door frame swung open, your agent, Jack, stood at the door, only his silhouette was apparent, his head was cocked to the side, he stared at you. Although his eyes were shadowed by his propelled brow ridge, you knew that he was staring. because you knew him. And you held the knife even closer to you. And you would've used it, if he hadn't barked at your face.
"You know you deserve it, slut."
You froze at the comment, not that it's the first time you heard it, it's the shock that comes with it every time, the sudden realization of your current situation, where you'd gotten and where you w-
A sudden ache etched from your jaw when Jack's palm violently made contact with it, snapping you out of your thoughts and sending you backwards, with a sudden rush of adrenaline.
You were more than ready to fight. but you needed not to die first.
You shifted away as Jack stormed over to you, bending down swiftly take ahold of your footbut your good reflexes were even faster, you kicked him backwards, hard. Hard enough to have him staggering.
"Stop it, slut." Jack's hand swung again, grabbing your ankle, hindering you from kicking again.
"Leave. Me. Alone." Your hand scrambled around for the knife that fell from your hand earlier but you got interrupted when jack's body suddenly jolted forward, crashing over your own body, squeezing the air in your lungs shut.
"I got him."
A voice that sounded like a divine presence spoke and you recognized it right away, hoarse and angry. You just couldn't bel-believ-believe....Or brea-breathe..
As the man's doubled weight got lifted off of you, you drew the deepest breath in, still unable to process or comprehend what had just happened.
"It's okay, sweetheart, we're here now."
Your eyes followed the voice, and figures of the Shelby brothers seemed to stand by the door, like angels guarding god's little creatures. One of them, Tommy, who reached his hand out for you. But still frozen, you didn't take it.
"It's okay, honey, he's gone." As you were unresponsive, He scooped you up from the ground you laid on.
"It's okay, honey, he's gone."
From the corner of your blurred eyes, you saw Jack's cadaver being kicked and spat on. You'd smile. But your jaw was too numb.
"It's ok-"
"it's okay, Sweetheart."
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, and you turn the other way, facing away from him.
A very frustrated sigh leaves his lips. He's still calm, though. "I told you i won't let anything like this ever happen to you again, sweetheart. I'm here now."
A second later the bed frame roars and Tommy is hugging you from the back;
For a very quick second you're about to startle, but Tommy proceeds by softly whispering into your ear first, "It's okay. It's just me." His arm envelops your chest, sending the warmth of his body vibrating into yours.
"I see them too. They may not be the same people but i see them too. Im here.".
Hello, yall, i will be changing accounts soon. I'm going to start writing on the other one, if yall have any requests, please go on that one. ❤️❤️❤️🥀🥀🥀
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hyperfixingfr · 5 months
(I can't believe I have to make another post about this because I wanna let this stupid shit go but grown adults are sending me bullshit about things I apparently still haven't cleared up so HERE YOU FUCKING GO, STOP SENDING THREATS NOW, THANKS!)
Admittedly still bugs me how some of you claim I blew it out of proportion lol. The fandom is very well known to have been uncomfortable or even feel triggered by the proposed concept (not saying what it is because I really don't wanna talk about it further, it's over now!) so to say I, someone who tried to just keep the conversation restricted to their comments and 100% would've just been okay if they removed the post knowing how it came off to the fandom, blew it out of proportion... Eugh. I get it, it's not technically illegal (albeit does mirror real life crimes.) But I think me making a post addressing it for the majority of the fandom who would feel extremely uncomfortable seeing it if they found it in the tags themselves isn't "blowing it out of proportion". The pairing *bordered* extremely immoral things. And regardless of what you think of consent ages and what-not, I'm sure it should be obvious why I'd want to warn the majority of a fandom who is known to be uncomfortable or triggered with this concept about the concept being proposed in the tags. The fact that the only thing making it "moral" is the fact that they were aged up should understandably make MANY people feel extremely uncomfortable. And the fact that someone would want to alert the fandom to protect anyone who may be reminded of real life cases so they can block the user shouldn't be seen as something blown out of proportion. I don't wanna engage with the person or anyone in support of this pairing but the fact you guys believe I wanted anything done to them for their concept is weird as fuck. I want to keep this fandom, known to feel reasonable discomfort with the pairing, away from the content that would make them feel horrible.
The word "pedophilic", whether you believe it or not, would go with the pairing if it weren't for that single "aged up" thing. And that's what got a lot of people feeling extremely uncomfortable. Hence my usage of the word (to describe the pairing - not the PERSON WHO POSTED IT, for those of you who're illiterate and claim I called them that.)
I don't even wanna be saying this but there's grown ass adults still sending me nasty stuff in their defense. I guess that's what I get for DARING to say anything about an account with more popularity than me. I genuinely don't give a fuck about what they (person who posted it) do from here. I don't want to invade on them and you guys should rightfully have the same ideas about me, but holy shit... Grown ass ADULTS. ARE SENDING ME INSULTS AND THREATS. Calm the fuck down. I did not stab them with a knife. I made a post letting the fandom know (known for discomfort with a pairing) that the pairing was supported by them. And if they wanted to block them, they could. That's it. I do not want you guys to fuck around in their space saying a load of bullshit like you're doing with me, although it seems people on my side aren't giving them that treatment judging by their posts... Which is good, but it says a lot how their side is really loving to send little kids weird ass messages like "I know where you live" lol. I assume they don't support these messages being sent to me, but... Still. It says a lot. Leave me alone. And those who don't support them, leave THEM alone if you haven't already. I made the post for you to block them if the pairing made you uncomfortable, not send them anything nasty.
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heinzpilsner · 6 months
Okaaay, I'm still alive, and this is the almost-last part of my 'Overanalyzing beach Maiko' series. Hooray.
(Ugh, this "little psychological exercise" transformed into some kind of gigantic fire-breathing monster eventually. Good news is that soon I can move on to analyzing something much more pleasant. ... Probably.)
Anyway, let's finish this beast, shall we?
In the last part, great detective Azula found out that the culprit responsible for the imaginary flagrant oppression of Mai's self-expression was Mai's mother, and now it's time for Mai to react.
Mai: "You want me to express myself? Leave me alone!!"
Well, that was... a little bit too overdramatic.
I suspect the writer's implied message here was something like: "Look, if Mai reacted like this to Azula's words, it means that what Azula said is bound to be truth!"
But while possible thoughts in the writer's head are as good as all others, let me be a judge of what I see with my own eyes.
And apart from Mai's forced yelling (as if she expresses her real annoyance, but in an exaggerated way which doesn't come natural to her) and her desire to close the topic... I have no idea what it was about. The exact reasons behind her reaction could be numerous.
Maybe she just got fed up with all this "you can't express yourself" bullshit. I mean, when you express yourself all the time, but everyone around for some reason keeps saying you don't, it really can become pretty vexing, lol.
Zuko: "I like it when you express yourself."
Here we go again. I must to admit though, given Zuko's psychological cluelesness, in the light of the bullshit information he just received it was a nice gesture of support*.
But... Is it actually truth?
(*Quite an egocentrical one nonetheless. I wonder what in Mai's behavior made Zuko think she'll appreciate any of his opinions at this point. I guess he took Mai's story as a food for "she behaves like she doesn't care about me just because of her childhood trauma" rationalization, and this encouraged him.)
What exactly Zuko likes about Mai's "self-expression", anyway? Is forced out-of-character yelling his kink or something?
(... In russian dub they actually translated his line as "I like you like this much more!", lol. It made it so much worse.)
Either he's being very hopeful and patient in his "she can change" delusions, or his tastes turned out to be quite peculiar.
But okay, it's not my place to judge.
Mai: "Don't touch me! I'm still mad at you."
Okay, now her anger looks more natural. Congratulations, Zuko. Although you don't seem so happy about her self-expression this time.
Zuko: "My life hasn't been that easy either, Mai." Mai: "Whatever!"
Directed by Robert B. Weide
Mai: "That doesn't excuse the way you've been acting."
Weeell... technically, it's truth (depending on how you define "excuse" and which actions and life events we are talking about exactly), but...
Firstly - you don't need to excuse person's behavior to try and understand the reasons behind it. And secondly...
How would you know it, Mai?
Last time Zuko tried to talk with you about his life you just yawned at him and told him to stop worrying.
And just now, you denied him a chance to explain himself and shut him down again (right after he listened to your sob story and expressed readiness to support you about your imaginary childhood trauma, by the way).
Of course, Mai didn't ask for Zuko's support in the first place. And I'm not gonna say that his behavior in this scene was perfect, because it clearly wasn't.
Mai doesn't owe Zuko understanding, or anything, really. She isn't obligated to care about what happened to him or to be more considerate about his life tragedy. And yes, people say all sorts of stupid things when they are angry.
But... ugh. Do I really need to spell it out?
Good news is what while Mai is definitely an unlikable self-centred brat, she's still not a heartless monster.
Apparently, it just sincerely didn't occur to her without a direct reminder that when your father deliberately burns half of your face off and banishes you out of the country with an impossible mission, the state of your psyche may be a little bit imperfect after your return home.
Well, that's just one of those things what egocentrism does even to smart people, I guess.
Anyway, when Mai was finally forced to listen about what happened between Zuko and Ozai from his own mouth, she couldn't just close her eyes and dismiss it like she did previously.
(By the way, I wonder if Zuko would ever mention it if not for Ty Lee "skin" blunder. ... And now I wonder whether it really was a blunder or a deliberate manipulation. /paranoid noises/)
Congratulations, boy - your life story is so disturbing it managed to burst even angry Mai's egocentrical bubble. A truly remarkable accomplishment, if you ask me.
But I guess it's never too late to open your eyes and notice other people's pain. Even if for a little while. Even if it's just one specific person you're physically attracted to.
Mai: "Who are you angry at, Zuko?"
Yep, she finally got interested!
Something definitely shifted in her head.
(This whole scene is so overdramatic it makes me cringe though. I wonder if there is a ghost of an Ember Island's actor on the beach as well. They are friends with the ghost of the amateur psychoanalyst, actually. The actor pretends to be different people, and the psychoanalyst dissects all their imaginary childhood traumas, and they have a great fun together in their beach after-life. Aww.)
Zuko: "I'm angry at myself! Because I'm confused. Because I'm not sure I know the difference between right and wrong anymore." Mai: "I know one thing I care about. I care about you".
Well guys, remember: if your girlfriend just broke up with you because of your unexplainable anger problems, just yell at some fire, say "I'm angry at myself and I can't tell what is right and what is wrong", and it immediately brings her back to you!
(Okay, maybe you'll also have to remind her that you're a victim of child abuse for it to work)
Seriously though, I can't say now what Mai's change of attitude doesn't make any sense (like I did previously). In between "Mai acts like she doesn't care" and "Mai acts like she cares" situations there was a noticeable factor - Zuko talking about his scar and his relationship with Ozai. I guess all he said after this didn't really make much difference for Mai - her empathy already woke up from its coma and said to her what this boy needs some care.
So, Mai declares she still wants Zuko despite everything, and they are back to shoving tongues into each other's mouths. Hooray?..
The only problem is... All the other problems what are still here, goddamit!
Perhaps Zuko will try and stop to lash out at other people in the near future (especially physically), but his anger problems are not gonna cure themselves magically just because the source of his anger is more clear to him now.
(Also, the massive complex of problems connected to Zuko's jealousy behavior was simply forgotten as if it meant nothing.
The fact that his general personality settings - such as locus of control and feeling of personal boundaries, for starters, - really could use some improvement was totally ignored as well.)
He is still in the middle of the inner crisis, and he's not going to discuss it with this 'new caring version of Mai' in more details (until she suddenly finds herself alone with his "by the way, I betrayed my country" break-up letter).
What Zuko learned about Mai's "childhood trauma" can help him to become more tolerant to her natural temperament, but since he's delusional about the true situation (in my opinion) and tends to use it as food for rationalization, it can have some problematic consequences.
And while brief awakening of Mai's empathy towards Zuko was an important improvement, her general egocentrism and lack of interests in life are not gonna be cured just by the "power of love". There's clearly some serious personal growth for her to do, and this beach psychoanalysis session did nothing to give her a clue of how to approach it efficiently.
Well, this all doesn't matter, apparently, because now Mai cares about Zuko enough to try and save him from being boiled alive on her eyes in the later episodes.
(Still not enough to deny herself a pleasure of purposefully taking his break-up letter with her on their meeting in prison to throw it on his head)
And I guess this is the result of their beach interactions.
Yay, power of love!
I guess it's over. There are still a couple of things to add in the epilogue post though.
Honestly, by the end of this series I just feel exhausted. Maiko is a very problematic ship, especially for an endgame, but this was obvious without any dissection.
There were a couple of discoveries I find quite curious, but for such a big complex material it wasn't nearly enough. And I feel like my psychological competence clearly could use some improvement.
Anyway, thanks for your attention. I hope my messy analysis gave at least a little bit of food for your own toughts.
As usual, I ignore all my notifications.
P.S.: In the end, when I think about it... Perhaps I don't like Mai because I actually see in her an exaggerated reflection of my own problems. What a twist. Perhaps I should try and be less judgemental about her in the future?
... Naaah. Where is a fun in it?
R.I.P., all the victims of Crocus City Hall attack. It actually happened in my neighborhood. Feels weird.
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phoenix-positivity · 8 months
February 16 2024
I was about to type here that I am having lunch in this triggering place without a single fear and feeling utterly relaxed. Which was entirely true. I felt so at peace and calm. As soon as I typed out the date above in this post.. my abuser appeared, ha! What are the odds. (Quite high to be fair, which is why this location is triggering and I do exposure at it) I have chosen to sit differently today to challenge myself for more exposure which means I am facing the direction he is about to be seated. This will be interesting.
I am nervous and shaking. Breathing faster. I'm going to face this moment head on though. I will attempt to sit here until I approach a more relaxed state of mind. I must say I am afraid to look up now since I am looking down at my phone to type this. I am quite terrified to make eye contact with him.
I just looked up and he has chosen to sit with his back facing me. This is a nice development. Does this indicate he is also afraid to be confronted with me staring at him? Does he not want me to see him? He did choose a seat near me though. Perhaps he wants to be close yet stealthily. I could see him approach the building because I have a window seat and in my peripheral vision I noticed he stopped to look at me before entering the building. I wonder if he was deciding whether or not to still have lunch here.
I am starting to slowly shake less. I really don't want him to see me shaking. I want to appear completely unaffected by his presence. Like he means nothing to me at all. As if I have forgotten him and don't even know who he is. As if I would have to say: 'excuse me, I don't know who you are? Have we met before?' I want him to feel insignificant in my life.
To be honest it is quite weird to be seated in a lunch room in close proximity to a person who has attempted to completely destroy your life. I did EMDR about this person yesterday. How strange that they can just be seated there. It's almost laughable. Monsters really just walk among us don't they. I just noticed my shirt has an angry dog on it who is holding a knife in its mouth, haha. It shows not to mess with me I guess.
I take joy from the fact he is seated alone. He might be thinking the same in reverse. If only he could see me sitting here with a friend. Although being seated here alone shows my bravery and strength. I am glad he is not sitting there with another potential victim. I don't trust him to treat anyone right.
I take small glimpses at him sometimes but I am avoiding looking up from my phone. It scares me to think of him looking around into my eyes. His eyes scare me a lot I think. Having eye contact also means acknowledging each others presence. Right now I can just pretend to not be aware he is even here. I like to keep pretending. I also feel pretty much physically unable to make my head face his direction. This must just be the fear. I am breathing more calm and shaking even less. Yet I feel frozen to keep looking down at my phone. I want to challenge myself and look his direction but it's hard. It brings a lot of fear.
I looked. I'm proud of myself. It was scary so my heartbeat went up again. I like how this is real time live blogging my exposure. I just feel it would be very interesting for me to read back in the future.
It is also my goal to calm down enough to feel at peace right now. Even with him in close proximity. I want my body to know that his presence is not dangerous in this public setting. He can't hurt me because there is too many people around.
My fear is still pretty high. I'm not shaking as much though. I wonder if I can make myself look again. I did. Apparently in this meantime he has put on a beanie, lol. I wonder if he is as distressed as me. I'd almost want to stare at him and observe him. I have the upper hand in terms of being able to observe him from behind. Him turning around is too frightening of a prospect though.
I might just leave. I don't want to get a parking ticket, lol. I'll have to walk right past him to get to the exit. I hope I don't drop my plate with nerves, hahaha. Fear is for sure rising at the thought of passing him by but he can't do shit. He is just a pathetic guy. Sitting at a lunch table. He can't hurt me now. I must believe in this.
Let's go
part 2, written same day once home
I was able to leave the place feeling pretty strong. He followed me out which is weird cause he also did that last time. I wonder if it's truly coincidence or if he waited for it (I'm very much thinking the latter, but who knows). I didn't feel afraid of it though because I felt he was weak. I took a diversion which made it so I was behind him instead and then went to my car. He didn't follow me there so all was good.
Part of me wonders if he enjoys being able to sit in my proximity and have a look at me. Especially considering his previous stalking behaviour. I am curious whether he thinks I notice him or not. I don't care if he enjoys it tbh. I am just using these opportunities to realize he isn't dangerous in public settings and I can freely do as I please without him harassing me.
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Hi Em, I was wondering if you can help me figure out my mbti please. First of all I want to say I'm glad you're still around here bc I left for a couple of years and now can barely find active typology blogs. A few years ago I was very chaotic and unhealthy and you told me to come back to typology when I had more life experiences and my brain was fully developed so now that i'm 25 years old I'm back. I think i'm an NFP but i'd like you to confirm that or suggest another type please. (1/7)
One of my biggest struggles during my adult years has been career wise. Right now I'm a new grad nurse and i chose this career because it was supposed to give stability plus i was told it was one of those careers that were going to keep growing in demand. But it burned me out too much and i hated every second of it. I only stayed in it because it aligned with my values of helping people for a living. Now i'm thinking of going into debt to study a second career that is not so stable but i'm passionate about (psychology) bc i have something to fall back on financially anyways. I have other options like going into business, law, linguistics, and i can't make up my mind. All the feedback i've gotten from others is that i'm not much of a practical person. I thought i was just having some sort of midlife crisis but apparently is not normal. I think this suggests lower Te? (2/7)
Another thing that to me suggests low te is during my college years I struggled a lot with discipline and organization. It took me a lot of effort to take up my gpa, had to follow a lot of studyblr tips lol and strict rules to achieve that. I think I have Fi because my values are very important to me, to the point that I disrupt the environment, I'm the talk about abortion in family dinners ruinning the mood kind of person. And although I love people I struggle with being inauthentic and pretending to like someone when I don't (3/7)
I'm very much of a textbook introvert, shy and get drained when spending a whole day with a group of people and need too much alone time. But also in relationships i've struggled with being codependent and it sounds contradictory but i can't bear to be without them more than a week, I enjoy speaking out about my ideas and even in my "alone time" I contact internet friends to talk about the things that interest me (4/7)
The function that I struggle relating to is Ne due to lack of creativity and brainstorming abilities. I know Ne is more than that but I think I use it more in an unhealthy way? Like daydreaming to escape from my problems, being unable to stick to only one life path like the career example I gave above, feeling stressed after too many years of routine and wanting to leave everything behind. Oh but when my boss asks me to come up with creative ways to talk about STDS with my patients, i can't really come up with anything. I enjoy abstract conversations (about philosophy and spirituality / esoteric stuff mostly) and get bored in normal day to day conversations with my peers. But in my job i prefer something that is practical and doesn't require much brainstorming (5/7)
I think I have lower Si because I struggle a lot with letting go of the past ways of doing things, very catastrophic thinking of "I tried this before and it didn't work so it's not going to work now". Also trouble forgetting people, way more than normal. I like routines and I get stressed when my environment changes too much. But i'm not exactly a structured person, I'm up to last minute plans (6/7)
Finally I don't think I have Se just because I'm very disconnected from my environment in a extreme way, i'm the type of person that falls a lot due to not noticing obstacles in the way, not noticing when the shower is steaming hot until many minutes later when my skin is burning, etc. And Ni thinking is very linear for me, I feel like I very much have a monkey brain and can't stick to only one idea. Can you please help me? I hope this was not too long thank you! (7/7)
So I must admit, this is still pretty chaotic and it feels like it focuses largely on weaknesses, rather than strengths, which still makes you difficult to type. While I am (still) not a mental health professional, my first thought is whether you've ever been tested for ADHD or similar just because you talk about wanting a stable, practical, uncreative job and enjoying routines, but also being forgetful, unaware of your surroundings, and not being pragmatic as a person. While it's entirely reasonable for a high Ne user to want stability in what they do, healthy high Ne would likely gravitate towards a stable job with some degree of brainstorming involved. Jobs like nursing, in fact, are often good for perceivers because it involves a lot of variety and spontaneity while still being a dependable career - though naturally not all perceivers would be happy as nurses.
I do think feeling seems reasonable, as does high Fi, but I am actually stuck on Se vs. Ne since either way it would be unhealthy. It almost sounds a little like an Fi-Ni loop to me - your feelings informing your idea of what your life should be without strong external input, an aimless desire for spontaneity but difficulty engaging with it mentally. But I would also at least take a hard look at ADHD, depending on how intensely your life is impacted.
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oodlyenough · 2 years
anyway here's some power of the doctor thoughts from someone who phased in and out of thirteen's era very casually and only saw like a cumulative 10 episodes of it, maybe
honestly i enjoyed it more-or-less/more than i expected, lol, maybe because i had no particular expectations riding on it i just wanted to see what would happen. i don't think it was the tightest or most coherent script but no showrunner's finale ever has been LMAO so... it is what it is.
the master's entire plan seemed overly convoluted and i don't entirely follow why we had half the plot elements we had, but i'm also always willing to accept the master doing fuckshit for reasons that don't really go beyond wanting to ruin the doctor's day and get their attention. so like. sure. i can roll w that lmfao. the daleks and cyberman stuff seemed totally superfluous too but... whatever idc
dhawan's master isn't my fave master but he's enjoyable to watch, imo. the most bonkers one of the 3 modern i think? which considering the competition is a high bar, lol.
i think a bigger crit, for me, of 13-era master is more on jodie's end, where i don't get as much conflict and whatnot from her, which in turn makes it a less interesting dynamic than the other modern master+doctor combos. the push-pull mutual obsession is what makes them fun! i don't believe 13 would cradle his body sobbing and begging him to regenerate after he tortured her for a year, so really, what's the point
it was nice seeing ace and tegan. i think i maybe once saw a serial with each but it was so long ago, so i won't pretend any kind of authority in terms of how they were written. but i liked having them around lol
i think it was a bit of an odd choice to have dhawan 'take over' the doctor's body or ...whatever... in jodie's very last episode. it would've been a better showcase for jodie whittaker, and accomplished the same basic plan, if somehow HE regenerated into HER, and jodie got to play both the doctor and the master. ah well, because...
i really liked the old doctor cameos! I was not spoiled for it at all and i thought it was very sweet, especially giving five+tegan and seven+ace their moments together.i'm sure the actors appreciated a chance to be together too. just nice :) and i love my man eight lmao... king
also the mishmash outfit of all the past doctor outfits was cute
i thought the "tag you're it" line was a cute ending line! (although it would've been better if she regenerated into ncuti ...lol. i'm sure it was written and acted long before they settled on the 60th plans so i guess it can't be helped.)
the big downside to me was: yaz and thasmin
thasmin isn't a ship i'm invested in personally but i did start watching again after they canonized yaz's feelings in EOTD because i was like oh, how far will the show go with this? and the answer is apparently "nowhere". LOTSD felt totally unresolved and then we just never brought it up again. i can live without a kiss or a happily ever after, but when you've spent nearly a year patting yourselves on the back for a queer doctor/companion relationship, only to not do the barest minimum to address it, that's fucked up. why canonize your accidental-by-admission subtext if you're not going to DO ANYTHING? sorry to the shippers who really got jerked around by this show for no reason.
and then, even setting aside that irritation, the most egregious thing of all...
yaz's exit. just absolutely flabbergasted they did yaz/mandip so dirty that they didn't even TRY to come up with and articulate a reason for her to leave. ludicrous!!! she spends her whole time swallowing her feelings for the doctor's comfort and that extends all the way to leaving because the doctor kicked her out with nary a hug? what the fuck? one of the longest running companions ever and this is the sendoff she gets, kicked out because the doctor decides, sans explanation, she "needs to be alone" to regenerate despite having regenerated with many companions prior? lmao... yaz sweetie i'm so sorry. she doesn't even get to give the speech to the companion support group. my god. martha jones you need to call her up immediately
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choclateteez · 2 years
🥊💥4* Town Conflicts pt. 2!💥🥊
Im so sorry yall!! University has been KICKING MY ASS.
I just finished exams and everything, this years been a colossal mess (nearly died lol) BUT i couldn't forget about this so i managed to finish this up before the end of the year! 
I promise I have more in the tank, please bear with me and tysm for your patience!!😭😭🙏🏾
🧡Aaron Z🧡
With others
Z is a pretty peaceful guy in general
He doesn't like confrontation, doesn't like to get violent
As quiet as he can be, he doesnt let some things slide
If someone throws a comment here or there, he can ignore it easily
But dont test his patience
Hes a huge advocate for a little something called personal space
He cant stand it when strangers or people he's not comfortable with are inside his bubble
If you pester him, harass him, or stay too close to him for too long, he will not hesitate to push back
He would never start a fight, but he sure can end it
I mean, have you SEEN this dude? 
6’3, lean, muscular, you're pretty much asking for an L
He’s a one hit wonder. One punch and youre gone (Jesse knows this all too well…he tried waking him up once…)
“I began to pass out…and then my head hit the wall, bam!”
With 4*town
He's pretty chill with 4*town out of the rest of them
The only thing he could really complain about was when the gangs energy was way too high for him to be comfortable with
Don't get him wrong, Z loves a good time. But when things are getting a bit too hyper, and the others try to rope him into the chaos, it's a bit too overwhelming
And that ended up with them "accidentally" leaving him out of stuff because they thought he was a downer. Especially when 4*town had just started
He was already a bit lonelier than the rest, as his popularity took a slower time to gain than the rest. This didn't help his insecurities in the slightest
Not only did it hurt the hell out of his feelings, it caused him to be more closed up towards the rest
Aaron T was surprisingly the one who noticed the negative impacts it was making on him, and he felt incredibly bad
He tried the "helping without confronting" tactic, a lot of which included him asking Z if he wanted to help him with his latest prank
Although reluctant, Z slowly started feeling a bit more appreciated
Even when he was the butt of the prank, T made him feel like he wasn't so invisible as he sometimes felt
Soon, even the other guys started asking if he'd help them do revenge pranks, started inviting them more often
And of course, gave him a well deserved apology
Turns out, he got a lot of it wrong. Apparently everybody thought he didn't like them because of his constant nonchalant expressions??
All this because they made assumptions about his feelings only from his face?
"...i'm surrounded by idiots." "WE'RE SO SORRY😭😭"
💙Aaron T💙
With others
He loves a good tussle
If you give him a reason to, he'll be delighted 
T wont fight for small reasons, obviously, but he is the perfect definition of "fuck around and find out"
Just don't do anything creepy or rude, and you stay on his good side
His biggest ick/pet peeve are creeps and stalkers, unnecessary paparazzi
Notice the unnecessary. He's not shy around cameras, and if his lovely fans want some content, who is he to deny them?😌
However, if there's hidden paparazzi, or people who follow him or his friends around, he can't stand it
He finds it gross and extremely disrespectful
And it makes him unbelievably uncomfortable. He hates having to feel as if there's always someone watching or taking pictures of him when all he wants is a damn coffee 
With 4*town
T admits that he can be a bit of a handful sometimes
But jeez, sometimes the gang needs to accept the fact that he prefers to interact and actually do things with other people
Being an extrovert is hard y'all
Especially when all of a sudden every single person in your group needs alone time
And he understands that. He'll respect their wishes every single time without fail. He'd throw in a whine or two, but he understands their needs.
But they never seem to understand his..
When he needed company, all of a sudden everyone thought he was being too much, or being clingy
He has the urge to shake their shoulders and tell them that he wasn't asking them to plan a party with him, he just wanted to go get some damn groceries with some company
Was that too much to ask?
He thanks the Lord that Tae Young was there for him a lot of the time
He seemed to be the only one willing to be with him all the time
Tae Young noticed this pretty quick and all it took was one convo with the rest of them, and boom
For Z, it was like sticking his toe in the water when it came to hanging out with T, and then he found out just how fun his company was
And as stoic as Z is, T found himself latching onto him more frequently. 
As for Jesse, he ended up being the brunt of T's pranks a lot, but he finds it endearing in a way.
Robaire found T absolutely hilarious, and has grown to treasure him more and more every day
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I can actually see that, and if you wanted to take it a step further, based on hair color you could probably make the argument that he's related to Irida, a Clan leader. She's the only one in the game other than him with yellow hair, iirc, bc Palina's is more reddish, and everyone else I can think of with light hair has either grey or blue. I can't remember any random npcs with it (though the clan folks do wear their hoods up so who knows). Not siblings, obviously, but first cousins perhaps. Which I think would lend itself well to him thinking he's the rightful champion of arceus, if he came from at least one parent who was fairly high up on the food chain. In any case, any resemblance to Cogita he has would be due to imitation, and the reason she puts up with him is because she's been a hermit for decades and is starved for company, even if she finds him kind of insufferable.
In an au where he is Cogita's kid, I think he'd certainly suspect, unless he's never looked at his reflection lol. No but honestly, I assume at least someone would have told him something about his mom, even if they didn't say who or where she was, and when they met he had enough pieces to guess. A lot of his issues with the clans could then be from the angle of him knowing they're wrong, so their fighting is literally pointless, and if he really wanted to leap to conclusions he could even go the "my mom's only out here all alone because she has to be a guardian of this mythical knowledge, which she wouldn't have to be guarding at all if they didn't insist on fighting" route. And then possibly something something that's why she didn't want to keep me. And the reason he thinks he's the rightful champion is, well, who else would be fit other than someone who has a whole family line of people who worshiped arceus specifically and by name, as she tells the player hers has.
So the funniest answer would be that all the wardens just straight up live in whatever den their noble holes up in, other than Iscan because he can't, which is why we see his tent and no one else's. I think expansion of Solaceon would make sense, although it'd probably be pretty contentious given that it's a sacred site. Unless it's done after the Diamond Clan is mostly gone, since if we assume pla is around the same time period as the Darkest Day/Kalos war then they'd probably still safely be called "ruins" by the time modern Sinnoh rolls around. I mean, sinking into the mountain is the only way Snowpoint Temple would make sense, right? Maybe Regigigas did it for some reason.
Oh shit, I kind of love the idea that the alpha gallade is her partner! Ralts are easy enough to get in both the mirelands and the icelands, small, psychic, and him being a fighting type would be good against all the ice types around. They're also apparently normally pretty short, only about 5'3", and are humanoid so he could ride with her. It'd make a lot of sense. That would really suck though, to have your partner get frenzied like that. Do you think the other wardens/leaders were worried how she'd handle it if Braviary became frenzied as well? Although that'd still leave the question of where she got the three she battles with currently. I feel like she'd probably have more than just gallade and Braviary, at least after gallade became frenzied, but... hm. Okay, what if, normally she has gallade to come with her at all times and rhyperior she has as a tank for when she's out walking or at home, since that's her highest level pokemon, but after gallade got frenzied she trained up the electivire she got as a pre-evelution in the icelands, and she was loaned the magmortor from, idk Ingo maybe since they're in the distortion bubbles there. Having a pokemon that's really, really good with hypnosis and is small enough to hitch a ride on her would be smart too, though, you're right. Maybe she got the chingling specifically to replace her ralts once it evolved.
How would that work for wardens who don't have a partner, like Lian? Unless they're loaned one for the trial, like if he borrowed one of Irida's or Gaeric's. That'd certainly make sense. What are your headcanons about that though?
Lmao, you're right, I didn't even notice how much that had shifted off topic
Sabi just rolls up one day to hang out, because Adaman told her Irida approved it, but none of the adults realized she wasn't a kid they knew for a couple of hours because their brains just instantly cataloged her as Pearl.
That's fair, and it's also probably easier to know how to react to someone when they have an official role you're familiar with. Ingo's weird and mysterious enough that it could be awkward for people as insular as them to interact with him, until he was made warden, and then suddenly they have template to go off of. Plus, as you said, wardens are kind of expected to be at least a little eccentric, so in that way he's not weird and different, just warden-typical weird. Lol, in the anthro au their biggest gripe isn't that he's weird, since I don't think he'd stay overly long in the icelands (or at least not out and about), but that he creeps them out.
oh now THAT'S interesting. one thing i found, when i was going around making notes on all the minor clan npcs for future naming reference, is that one of the older pearl clan people will comment that irida "never had playmates" aside from glaceon. and yeah, most other light-haired people in the clan have a light red/brown color, like palina and lian. i don't know if it indicates that his parents were important, considering clan leadership doesn't seem to be hereditary, but more than anything it adds an interesting angle to irdia's past, if one of her family members had a tryst with a diamond clan member during a time when that was even more heavily discouraged. if the clan knows about it, it would also put even more pressure on her to follow her clan's traditions and wishes, so she isn't accused of following in their footsteps. (hell, you could even make them half-siblings if you wanted, with irida being fully pearl.)
cogita's whole Deal is something that i kind of. frequently rewrite in my own stuff bc 1) i forgot most of it while i was writing oop and came up with my own ideas that i like better and 2) a bunch of it seems like it's there for no other reason than to make things overcomplicated and kind of uncomfortable. BUT. in any case what's obviously true is she's the keeper of knowledge that has been left to her to preserve and is doing exactly fuck all with it. she also implies that arceus-or-someone told her she had to help the next champion when they came, and that's the only reason she like. participates. i forgot what my point was
LMAO palina just living on firespit island i guess. as for solaceon, i mean, it is a sacred site, but i think it's also one built by humans to preserve the words of sinnoh, so in that sense i don't know that there'd be much of a problem with expanding it, as long as it was done to further its original purpose, and they could do it without damaging the original room. i could see regigigas sinking snowpoint... alternately, gigas is so heavy that it sunk naturally over time due to bearing that massive weight in the bottom level.
yeah, it is actually a pretty fun idea! gallade has a pretty good movespread and is a good counter against a lot of icelands mons, like you said. the only real danger would be... zoroark, which it would struggle to hit effectively at all, so maybe that's another reason she got rhydon and/or something with hypnosis. an alternative is that gallade isn't actually frenzied in snowpoint, but is just game-mechanically frenzied to represent that it's been ordered to try and stop you as a trial. because i feel like someone would have tried to help sabi unfrenzy her partner before now, if it was actually rampaging around in the temple being a danger to everyone.
i think it isn't required that wardens have a partner, just fairly common because part of the job is keeping an eye on the pokemon of a region and being able to handle yourself in a fight if it comes to that. so those without a partner would just be expected to evade/sneak by, or use their own devices to distract/incapacitate the pokemon. ...or, maybe most wardens go through the temple with their noble, and the only reason you don't is because you don't actually have one. hmm.
yeah lol, she blends in so well that the minder for the day didn't even notice the diamond clan clothing until the did a headcount and realized they had somehow acquired an extra kid
yeah, that's also true! once he's a warden they have sort of an idea where they stand in relation to him. whereas before they had no idea what relative social position they were in and it made things Weird. and yeah, creepy and also dying slowly. stop doing both of those please.
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nomaamnotru · 2 years
Circa 2019 late August
I got black out drunk and tried to jill myself and apparently you never showed. Thats been proven by you and them. Some how I too know I didn't see you. More telling, you admit you didn't see me... didn't find me. You had the balls to say I wasn't home..
If I knew anything I knew where I started drinking. I was drinking till the end so if I knew anything I knew where I was staying...landing...burrowing...dying...there.
I had no plans past Amanda's house 4610 Monaco. I deiecded there, I started it there, and there were no plans after that. That I am although shallow i am 100%. I know I didnt leave. Dark hunor aside, my plans ended there. So why on earth are you here now?
Seriously? How on earth did I let you touch me again?
My peace has finally been the fact I'm grateful I didn't sleep eith you again. When you would have and probably wanted to. I'm so glad I didnt.
Why on earth are you here now? Lol after all that... you tried to say i wasnt home? The house I wanted to apparently die in. I remember quitting. Nothing like it a total void euphoric goodbye I wish I could talk about that more.
I wanted to tell people I was finally gonna be happy. An I did it at 4610 Monaco ln. An my dude you never showed and I don't care why. An that is also why I take the burden, because I wanted to share it. Because I did. Only I was so fucking drunk they had to tell me about my shamefully hemise even though I remember agreeing to go there ibdint remember being there or... i don't know it was bad I was alone. This year 2022 you told me you'd gotten probably one of many voice-mail. You replayed it I guess. Can't believe you didn't show me. I think you are such a bitxh honestly
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takecareluv · 2 years
(2/2) May I please request Vinnie dating someone super shy and as introverted as him and when they're at parties he gets a bit clingy and protective (because he understands how invasive and overwhelming they can get) (and he also might use it as a bit of a reason to not have to talk a lot and be in everyone's insta story lol). Please and thank you
a.n. hi anon! i hope you like it! this is definitely me when it comes to parties so i really channeled my inner introvert writing this haha! also i love protective & clingy vinnie, he is so 🥺🥺. anyway love ya, enjoy <3
i got you baby || vinnie hacker x reader
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after having been traveling abroad for the last several weeks, you and vinnie finally returned to sunny california. although you would miss paris dearly, and quite frankly wished you never had to say goodbye to the beautiful city, you were thrilled to be back in the comfort of your own home, your own room, and most importantly your bed. 
since a young age you were extremely introverted, and that did not change even with your presence on the internet that involved a lot of socializing and large events. so following multiple weeks in europe of doing just that, along with the extensive travel day you just experienced, you found yourself drained to say the least. you knew you were in desperate need of some alone time that would help to refuel your dying social battery. 
you had been so content cuddled up in your bed with hera and a mountain of pillows before vinnie walked into the room looking just as exhausted with the phone to his ear, and bursted your quiet little bubble. you couldn’t see who was on the other line, but you could tell from your boyfriend’s face that he was none too happy. 
“can't we do this another night?” you heard him question, “we just got back man.”
after a minute of the whoever was on the other end rambling away, vinnie finally agreed to whatever they were asking. “fine we’ll be there.” who’s we? you thought to yourself, because you didn’t plan on leaving this bed for the next week.
“okay.. yeah... alright bye.” he ended the call letting out a loud groan before falling next to you on the bed. 
“what's wrong, bub? who was that?” you asked, reaching out to run your hand through his hair in attempt to soothe him. 
“thomas. he said they're throwing a little get together for us tonight since we’re back and everyone misses us. i tried to get him to switch it to another day because i know you need some rest but he wouldn’t budge. apparently everything is already set in place.” 
you began to grow nervous at his words. you knew from past experiences that there was nothing little about a hype house “get together”. when you and vinnie were still living in the house, you often found yourself hiding away in your shared bedroom until the party quieted down. 
you were never big on partying in the first place, and with how crazy hype house, influencer parties typically got, they became your biggest nightmare. you wouldn’t mind it as much if it wasn’t for the cameras constantly being shoved in your face and the invasive questions being asked about your relationship with vinnie from other content creators, some of whom you’ve never even met, desperate for some clickbait. 
all you wanted to do at these parties was enjoy some down time with vinnie, talk to a couple real friends, and maybe even have a couple drinks if you were feeling it, nothing to overboard. but soon after moving to l.a. you realized that’s not what these parties were about. just like everything else in this city, it was all about content. in the back of your mind you knew this get together wasn’t about your and vinnie’s return, they just needed any old excuse to throw a party. and you, of course, had to be dragged into it. 
“i'm sorry, baby. i know this is the last you want to do tonight. but we can just go for a little bit, say hi, and then sneak out. i'm sure no one will even notice we’re gone. and then we can come back here and cuddle for the rest of the night. mkay, my love?” vinnie said, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
you only nodded in response, cuddling further into his chest trying to calm the anxious feeling growing inside of you. 
time seemed to go by rapidly that day, and before you knew it you had to start getting ready for the party you did not want to attend. with that being said, you only put on a faint bit of makeup, not even bothering to do anything with your hair once you got out of the shower, and put on an outfit that was more comfy than cute. not having the energy for anything more. i mean who were you trying to impress anyway? the only person who mattered was standing right next to you, and quite frankly he didn’t care if you wore a garbage bag tonight, he would think you looked as beautiful as ever. 
on the short ride over to the hype house, vinnie grabbed your hand, intertwining them and placing kisses to the back of it at every stop once he noticed how fidgety you were starting to get. soon enough you were pulling into the long driveway full of sports cars in every direction. when the car came to a complete stop vinnie got out first, jogging to the other side to open the door for you. once you were out, he swiftly interlaced your fingers once more and gave you a brief kiss. “i got you, baby. i'm not leaving your side tonight, okay? anytime you want to leave, you just let me know and we’ll be out that door.” he said with reassurance. 
you smiled at how caring he was over you, especially knowing he hated these parties just as much as you did. but he never let you see his nervousness. “thank you, vin. i guess let's go try to have some fun,” you laughed. 
the minute you walked into the house, you immediately became overwhelmed. everyone turned to face you, excited for the internet’s favorite couple’s arrival. “y/n! vinnie! you made it!” and just like that multiple people were rushing over to you both, asking questions about your recent trip and how your relationship was going, not without their phones and cameras ready to film for their instagram stories or next vlog.  
you were quick to squeeze vinnie’s hand, your anxiety heightening more and more with each moment that passed. he instantly knew what that meant and pulled you away from the growing crowd around you. “sorry guys, we’re just gonna go grab some drinks. we’ll be back.” he said with a smile. 
once you both made it to a more secluded area of the house, he turned to you. “sucks we don’t have my room to hide in right now.” he joked, which made you giggle. he was happy to see that smile back on your face, even just for a minute. “are you okay, sweetheart? i know that was kind of overwhelming.”
“i’m fine,” you tried to reassure, but did not sound so convincing. “really i am. as long as i have you by my side, i'm good. i promise.”
“well that's good to hear because i am not leaving you at all. you're gonna be sick of me by the end of the night.” he replied, pulling you in for a kiss. 
“i could never get sick of you, my love.”
for the rest of the night, you took your usual position as a wallflower with vinnie clinging to your side, constantly checking to make sure you were okay. some people might have found it annoying, but you thought it was sweetest thing. it actually made you adore him more than you already did, if that was even possible. 
anytime someone would attempt to walk over to you two, he would promptly pull you in for a kiss so the person would get the memo not to bother you. after the first few times, you finally caught on to what he was doing. “vin, it’s okay. i can talk to people. you don't have to protect me from everyone.” 
“i know but i don't want to talk to them either.” 
this made you laugh. “you ready to head out, baby?”
“mhm. let’s go” he said while grabbing your hand to lead you out of the noisy and overcrowded house, sending anyone who bumped into you dirty looks.  
as soon as you arrived home, you made your way back into your room, crashing into the bed. 
vinnie walked in behind you. “take off your shirt, baby.” 
“what?” you responded, caught off guard by his blunt request. 
“no,” he realized what he said, “not in that way. i just mean i could tell you were tense the entire time at the party and i wanted to give you a massage so you can relax.” he babbled. 
“you really are the best boyfriend ever. thank you for protecting me tonight and always.” 
“that's what i’m here for. i love you, sweet girl. now c’mon, lay on your stomach.”
you giggled, “ yes sir.”
“don’t start something you can’t finish, baby girl.” 
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crplpunkklavier · 2 years
do you have any advice for writing klavier? your characterization of him is so strong and interesting and I have an idea for a fic I want to write but I can't quite figure out his like.. voice? if that makes sense?
putting everything under a cut because i wrote like 1.6k LOL
thank you, first of all!! im happy you like the way i write him :] and i had some trouble getting into his voice at first too! i think its because hes Not Like Other Prosecutors, within the feeling of the games, since he is immediately in your corner with no downsides and almost consistently nice to you.
one important thing about his characterization/voice i think is that "almost," though. approximately once per trial, klavier says something balls to the wall insane, rude, and tactless.
transcript from turnabout corner:
Klavier: ...How ironic that you would kill the one man capable of helping you. You're almost as careless as he was! ...Ah ha ha ha. Wocky: …… Apollo: …… Klavier: Well, now that the place is hopping… Let's get this gig started!
turnabout serenade:
Ema: You... You jerk! Just what was I in here for? Comic relief!? Trucy: Yeah! Apologize! Klavier: Ah ha ha. Oh, sorry!
turnabout succession:
Brushel: Actually, I did notice something when I visited the studio. I'd heard of poison that "takes its sweet time", see! Klavier: ...But not what I've been saying for the last few minutes, apparently.
those are just some favorites off the top of my head. my point is that it's important to not get caught up in the nice guy thing klavier has going on. i actually think he veers more toward "kind but not nice"! he absolutely is a good guy, he's there with you to find the truth and he will weather any storm his fucked up social circle brings him if that means finding the right killer, but he is also very frequently kind of a bitch.
his speaking voice specifically gave me grief at first. writing miles and phoenix into scenes together is easier, because phoenix talks like a normal guy who was born in the 90s, while miles is a lot more posh (although miles is also plenty rude, but that's a rant for another time). klavier is a prosecutor, famous, and evidently rich, but he doesn't necessarily sound like that. a lot of his Cool Rock Star Lingo however sounds stilted, too. he's kind of suspended between two worlds and doesn't seem to neatly fit into either of them. i don't think that's a problem that needs solving when writing him though! i think in essence klavier attempts to bring the cool, chill vibe of rock'n'roll into the seriousness of law to loosen things up, and he also brings the pedantic perfectionism of law into music to shape it to his will.
the german gimmick is part of that too, for me. this isn't supported by canon since we never see him off work there, but i just like to headcanon that his go-to german phrases (ie herr/fräulein, achtung, etc) are very much part of a deliberately constructed persona. if he isnt on a stage (and a courtroom counts as one) he has no need for those, so i leave them out. since i personally still write him as a native german speaker, occasionally he'll still slip into real german or struggle with translations for things, but all those little pleasantries he throws around for show fall away when it's just him alone.
back to his character, i know we all lament how little screentime he got and how the writers seem to have forgotten about him. and so maybe this was entirely by accident, but just from the way he is presented in aa4, i think klavier presents a very rich character with a lot of seeming contradictions, which of course just serves to make him more complex. here's some facts i just think say a lot about him.
his shoes look like biker boots, so he's wearing proper footwear to ride his literal harley davidson, but he is also wearing the suit he wears to court.
the glimpse we catch of his music sounds like classic hard rock to me, with his and daryan's looks supporting a glam rock edge to it. he says he likes poetry, which makes sense given the fact that he writes lyrics (this is also something the brothers have in common, so it's likely that they grew up with it).
when romein letouse's body goes missing and they have to go look for it, klavier says that he is having fun.
lamiroir's music is nothing like his own, yet klavier clearly appreciates her to the point where he felt it was an honor to perform with her.
when his trial against phoenix comes closer and closer to the point of no return, klavier repeatedly tries to give him an out. i guess this could be construed instead as him baiting phoenix into presenting the diary page, but i dont really know about that. klavier was cheeky with him and kept talking about the old versus the young, but that still implies a knowledge of just who phoenix wright is, who he was up against, and what phoenix stood for. klavier, assuming that phoenix knew that the evidence was forged, told him that he does not have to present it, that now is the time to give up and back out, and then he would have let him get away with it. it's only when the page was actually in the open that he fully succumbed to the belief that phoenix wright was crooked beyond repair, and that he had to be removed from the courts.
he personally comes to the wright anything agency the morning after the turnabout serenade concert, to give apollo the news that machi requests him as his counsel. why did he do this?? phoenix could have been there. klavier didn't have to deliver this message himself. he apologizes for how that evening went, while also fearlessly standing in the lion's den of the guy whose life he (ARGUABLY.) ruined
i think one of the most important things for writing klavier is that whatever facet of his life youre writing, he is feeling everything very deeply. he fits right into the artist trope for that. only his art goes further than music, and extends into law.
whatever klavier gavin does, he wants to do it perfectly, and he makes it his very personal responsibility if that doesn't work out. he took it upon himself to register daryan as a witness before apollo could request it. when apollo starts accusing kristoph in succession, he says he wants concrete proof, or he is "off this case." why would he stay on the case with concrete proof? that's his brother. he doesn't have to prosecute his brother. if being "off the case" is an option, then he can and should walk, but he doesn't. klavier sticks things out until the very, very bitter end, because he feels that no one else can, and that makes it his responsibility. and he does not run away from responsibility.
and he's genuine. that's one point i feel like people tend to forget when writing him. the whole rock star thing and the shiny smile can lead you into thinking that everything he does is an act, but i don't think it is. klavier cares very deeply and he shows you this openly. he doesn't fully break down while he's at work, but that only means that he is an adult with a good grasp on his self-control.
which brings me to one more point, and that is the fact that he was a professional at age 17. and not just in law, but also in music. i'm sure we've all heard music industry horror stories, now imagine you're 17 years old and deep in there through over-night fame. klavier was then already a lawyer, already had his band together, stood tall with his degree and his creativity and knew exactly where he wanted to go. but he was fucking seventeen. somewhere out there, klavier grew up really, really fast.
he evidently knows a lot about music, he is fully in charge of that concert, he writes his own songs, he potentially even mixes it himself instead of having staff to do that. he is an extremely good investigator and prosecutor, figuring out cases before anyone else does and then playing his cards so meticulously correct that he essentially puts work into his own loss. once he realizes that apollo's clients are innocent, klavier has to figure out moves to convince the entire court that he's wrong, all while keeping up appearances, and he manages.
klavier is extremely good at everything he does, because he has to be. because he was seventeen.
and after all that.... bro....... i think it's important to let him be happy.
i put him through a lot in exorcism. canon already puts him through a lot, and then i put him through more. i think he's complex and tragic, but he can't be only that. he plays air guitar in court! there's a still of his concert in canon where he passionately dips his microphone stand like they're dancing. he loves what he does!!! hes having fun!
he clearly has hobbies and interests and it's important to give them space between all the angst. doesn't he even say something about it being time to bury the teenage angst in the past? i think klavier actively wants to be good. he's had a turbulent life with fabulous ups and devastating downs, but he deliberately wants to come out okay.
and i think he puts in the work. because it's what he does.
so you're writing a young adult who has been a young adult for a little too long, who faces hardships with grim determination because he knows that he's strong enough to come out on top, and who makes morbid jokes and laughs about them while everybody else stares on in horror. hope this.... helps :')
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
Walking Away
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Honestly, I kinda hate this lol might delete later
Part two because I’m a sucker
My whole life I’d been plagued with always having the strength to walk away. It got annoying as I got older. Especially living on an island with Kooks. There were many times I’d wished I’d sucker punched someone instead of walking away. How I’d wished I’d taken the step and kissed someone first. The truth was, I wasn’t strong. I was a coward.
It’s late. Too late to be at a Kook party. I only left the house for this stupid party because my sister made me. We were eleven months apart but I felt much older than I was. Especially having to babysit my sister constantly. She would drink too much and I made sure she stayed safe then took her home so no one else could. That's what I was currently doing. Watching her drink from across the room while she flirted with every Kook that gave her attention.
"Hi." I jump as I turn to face JJ Maybank, the blonde klepto with too much charm for his own good but never backed down from a fight. We'd gone to school together our whole lives and this is the first time he's talked to me in a social setting.
"Hi." I say flatly, turning my attention back to my dumb sister.
"I'm JJ." He says and I roll my eyes. What a prick. "Do you want a drink?" He asks.
"I'm the DD, so no. And I know who you are. We've spent the last 12 years going to the same school." I bite out and his eyes narrow in confusion, like this is the first time he's noticed me. That makes me feel real good.
"Sorry, I didn't recognize you." JJ gives a nervous laugh. So maybe I've started wearing makeup and styling my hair differently. I thought I still looked like myself but apparently not.
"That's comforting." I mumble and he cocks his head at me with a smirk.
"Are you always this approachable?" JJ asks.
"I try but it's apparently not working." My eyes lock with his blue ones, his jaw clenching as he stares back at me.
"Why come to a party if you're not going to enjoy yourself?" JJ questions. Why couldn't he just leave me alone?
"Because someone has to babysit my sister." I snap. His gaze follows mine and we both watch my sister soaking up all the male attention she wants. He opens his mouth but I cut him off.
"We don't have to do this. I'm not a fan of small talk and I have no interest in being another notch on the Maybank belt." I turn away from him as his face darkens in anger.
Good. Maybe he'll leave me alone.
"I didn't come over here to try and get in your pants. Although, maybe I should have. Maybe I could remove the stick from your ass." I gasp as he turns and walks away.
Asshole. Even though he's right. I wasn't a pleasant person but it kept me safe. It kept my sister safe.
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Later that night, I get my sister home only to find out she'd lost her phone at the party. Once she's tucked into bed with a trash can next to her, I go back to find it. There's less people here than before and I assume it's because everyone is probably hooking up in whatever corner they could find.
I find my sister's phone by the pool, passing by a screen door when I see movement out of the corner of my eye. I stop and glance over to see some girl on her stomach on a couch, her body jerking with each hard thrust from behind. I can't breathe as I watch JJ fuck this girl. She throws her head back as she moans, his hand coming around to grip her throat as her body bows. I wish I could hear them. Not just see them.
I was frozen as I watched them, heat like I'd never experienced before went straight to my clit. I rubbed my thighs together, trying to ease some of the throbbing pain. He shoves her head back down on the couch, pushing one of her legs off the side of the cushion for a better angle. I could see him disappearing inside her. Over and over again. He wipes his hair from his eyes then locks eyes on me. I gasp as his eyes stay on mine while he continues to fuck her. JJ leans down, licking up her spine as he keeps watching me, his hips brutally slapping against her ass.
JJ whispers something to her and I see her hand dip between her legs. Her body shakes, her head thrown back as she orgasms. A moment later he follows, his face pinched up in pleasure has me ready to cum on the spot. Why was that so hot? I didn't realize I liked to watch people until this very moment. I feel his eyes rake over me before she leans back and kisses him on the mouth. He cups her throat as he kisses her, a knowing smirk on his lips as he does. When he pulls out I take that as my cue to leave, immediately running to the pool gate and booking it to my car.
I jumped in, turning the AC on full blast to try and cure the fever that riddled my body. I was wound so tight I could almost finger myself right then and there. It hurt. My pussy actually hurt from being so turned on. I look up just in time to see the girl leaving the house and walking to her car, a satisfied smirk on her face before she drives off. I jump when my passenger door opens and JJ plops down in the seat, dressed with flushed cheeks. My throat was suddenly so dry.
"Get out." I blurt but he leans back in the seat, just watching me.
"Did you like the show?" He asks and I feel my cheeks burning,
"I-I.." I don't even know what to say. All I want is to curl up into a hole and die. This was so embarrassing. I felt like such a creep.
"It's okay. I don't mind. I kinda liked having an audience." JJ shrugs.
"What do you want?" I finally ask, wishing he'd just fuck off so I could go home and relieve this tension.
"I want to watch. It's my turn." He turns in his seat so he's facing me, looking at my clenched thighs.
"You're out of your fucking mind. Someone could see." I snap and he glances out the windshield.
"It's three in the morning. No one will see. You know you want to. I bet you're soaking your shorts right now." His words send a pulse to my clit. He was right. I wanted to so bad. I couldn't describe how I was feeling. Embarrassed? Humiliated?
"You watched me. I get to watch you. Maybe getting yourself off will put you in a better mood." JJ slumps in the seat, spreading his legs and showing off the bulge between his legs. How was he hard? Didn't he just get off?
"You don't have to take your shorts off or show me anything. I just want to watch your face while you cum." I still have no words. My heart was racing and even with the AC on, I felt like I was sweating.
"Just picture what I was just doing. What you watched me do." JJ's voice seems lower, thick with desire. I closed my eyes, popping the button on my shorts then lowering the zipper.
There's suddenly a tapping on my window and my blood runs cold as I turn, finding Shoupe with a very unamused expression. I roll the window down, at a loss for words. I was going to go to jail!
"Why are you guys hanging out around here?" Shoupe demands. I don't realize that JJ has scooted closer until his breath hits my cheek.
"She's giving me a ride home, sheriff. Nothing illegal here." JJ says casually. He had one of those personalities that just made you want to believe whatever he said. Do whatever he wanted.
"Uh huh, well go. It's late." Shoupe jerks his head, signaling us to leave and I roll the window up as I put the car in gear. The mood was gone and my embarrassment was back. I knew where JJ lived since I had to pass his house to get to mine. I used to always see him and John B walking or riding their dirt bikes before we all got our licenses. I pull up outside his house, killing the engine so the headlights didn't shine into the house and wait for him to get out.
"You're taking me back to get my truck tomorrow." JJ says and I shoot him an angry look.
"You got into my car. I didn't make you leave your truck." I snap and he smirks, leaning across the console with his lip tucked between his teeth. His eyes lock on my shorts where they are still open, my black lace panties showing. I quickly fix my shorts and his eyes meet mine and I lean against my door to escape his burning gaze.
"I know but I need another excuse to get you alone again. I will see you cum. I can't wait." JJ gives me one more look over before climbing out and going inside without another word. I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding. My skin was buzzing again. When did JJ Maybank get to me this bad?
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I wake up to the terrible buzzing of my phone, scrambling across my bed to get it off my nightstand. I answer without looking to see who it was, knowing it's probably important at this hour.
"What?" I grumble.
"Y/N, I'm at Topper's. Can you come get me?" My sister says with a giggle and I roll my eyes.
"You snuck out?" I hiss, jumping from bed in my sleep shirt and shorts in search of my sandals.
"Don't give me shit. Just come get me or I'll walk." She threatens, hanging up on me without another word. Jesus Christ. Sisters. Why did I get stuck with the one that was the biggest pain in the ass?
I sneak out of the house and quickly make the twenty minute drive to Figure Eight. There's so many cars that I have to park several houses down and walk to Topper's house. The party has ventured outside and down the dock, people dancing and drinking everywhere as I make my way around back. I catch several guys looking at me and I glare back, not sure what the hell their problem is until I cross my arms, realizing I forgot a damn bra. I'd been in such a hurry to leave that I didn't put a bra on or change out of my very short sleep shorts. Jesus, half my ass was hanging out. I snatch up someone's hoodie and yank it on, embarrassed that it's actually much longer than my shorts. I wonder about the party in search of my sister when I finally spot her, smiling up at JJ. Something I can only describe as rage takes over and I march over, yanking her away from him.
"What the fuck?" She shrieks, yanking her arm away from me. Her eyes take in my appearance and they narrow in disgust. "Who's hoodie is that? Why are you dressed like that?" She demands but I ignore her, wanting to slap the amused look off JJ's face.
"Let's go!" I hiss but she yanks her arm free again with a scowl.
"I can't find my keys and I'm not leaving my car here." She scoffs, crossing her arms.
"Jesus Christ, don't set your shit down at a party!" I shout as the music is turned up obnoxiously loud.
"I'll help look!" JJ yells back and my sister beams like a kid on Christmas. I roll my eyes, stomping off in search of her stupid keys. I end up searching the entire first floor, growing angrier and angrier as I think about JJ hooking up with my sister somewhere. I go upstairs, looking for her rather than the keys. I pass a door that's half open and moans meet my ears and sending heat all over my body. Oh, god. Please don't be them.
I glance in, seeing John B and Sarah fucking on the bed. She was riding the hell out of him. She smiled as he praised her and told her how much he loved her while cupping her breasts. I pushed away from the door, ducking inside the bathroom across the hall but I could still hear them. I leave the lights off as I splash cold water on my face, trying to cool my body off. Why was I like this? The door quickly opens and closes and I squeal as JJ presses against my back. I whimper, feeling him press into my back. Was he always hard? What the fuck.
His hand find my hips, holding my gaze in the mirror as his hand dips under the too big hoodie and caresses me over my thin shorts. I grip the counter as fireworks go off in my body, making my toes curl.
"Look at you. You need it." JJ says, taking my earlobe between his teeth as he rubs my clit. Sarah was growing louder and I was growing wetter. "Let me touch you. Let me make it better. I promise you'll love it." JJ begs against my ear and I find myself nodding. Just make it stop hurting. "Take this off. I don't want to see you in another man's clothes." He stops for only a second, long enough to yank the hoodie off and drop it on the floor. His eyes roam down my entire body, caressing the skin of my stomach where my shirt had rode up before slipping down the front of my shorts. I couldn't hardly breathe as his fingers circled my clit and my body slumped against his as I panted.
"Don't hold back. I want to see it. I want to hear it." JJ kisses my neck and I whimper again, his fingers working so good. They slip lower just as I start to think I need more and they curl inside me. My arm flies up, gripping the back of his neck as his palm presses against my clit while his fingers jerk inside me.
"Yes. That's it. Cum for me. You're so fucking wet." I arch my back, crying out as Sarah does. My body trembles, an obscene wet sound coming from between my thighs as he works me through my high. His heavy breathing hit my ear and I locked eyes with him in the mirror, whimpering as I pictured him fucking that girl on the couch again. Only the girl was me. I came again as his hand gripped my nipple roughly through my shirt. I pushed away from him, leaning over the counter as I fought to catch my breath. I felt his hands slide up the curves of my ass before I looked up and saw him bring his wet fingers to his mouth, sucking them clean. Why was that so hot? I pushed my ass against him, silently asking for something I never thought I would. I needed more. JJ smiled before glancing down at my offering with a shake of his head, pressing his erection against me through his shorts.
"Baby, you're not ready for this just yet." JJ taunts, pressing against me again before slipping from the bathroom and leaving me alone, dying for more.
I quickly cleaned myself up, pulled on the random guy's hoodie, then went in search of my sister. After frantically looking for her and checking the whole house twice, I checked my phone to see a text from her. She found her keys and drove home. I let out a frustrated scream and stormed outside, letting the door slam behind me as I quickly made my way back over to my car. I stop abruptly when I see someone sitting in the truck parked behind me. It takes me a split second to realize who it is. He's leaned back in the seat, one arm clutching the headrest of the seat next to him, eyes closed and breathing heavily. He almost looks like he's sleeping. His lips part, brows pinched together as he lets out a long breath then I see a head pop up out of his lap. I spin around and drop down into my car.
Twice. That's twice I've caught him messing around with someone. I just watched him get a fucking blowjob in his truck. I bury my face in my hands as I try to cool my cheeks, forcing the blush to go away. I just wanted to go home. Why did I have to be such a good sister? I jump when I hear a door slam and I watch in my passenger mirror as the girl walks off in the opposite direction. I look in my rear view mirror to see that the truck is empty. Where did JJ go? My drivers door opens and I squeal as he leans down with a smirk, looking too amused for someone who just got head.
"Miss me?" JJ teases. I shove him in the chest but he doesn't close my door.
"You're impossible." I breathe.
"I told you I'd get you alone again. I knew you wouldn't leave your sister hanging." JJ says and I gawk at him. He planned this. "I hid her keys until you showed up." He shrugs like it's no big deal and I fight the urge to hit him like a maniac.
"Are you jealous?" He asks, smiling like a fool. What the fuck was his problem?
"Of what!?" I yell. JJ leans in, his breath hitting my ear as his lips graze my neck. His body has me caged in, unable to escape as his mouth sends goosebumps all over my body.
"The girl getting to suck me off after I turned you down." JJ growls, suddenly fisting the hoodie as he kisses my neck. "I told you I didn't want to see you in other guys' clothes." JJ snarls, biting my shoulder through the hoodie. I cry out and he suddenly rips it off me, tossing it in the yard. This fucking guy. I cross my arms over my breasts but it's too late. He saw how hard my nipples were.
"What is wrong with you? You had your chance and you turned me down. You think you're God's gift to women or something. News flash, I don't want your community dick!" JJ leans in, practically on top of me as he forces my legs apart and shoves his hand down my shorts, forcing two thick fingers inside me. I cry out, my back arching off the seat as he fills me.
"You want it. You'd agree to anything when I have you like this so don't lie to me. Maybe I just want you to mess with you. Maybe I don't even want to fuck you. I just want to drive you crazy with need then leave you hanging because it's fun. Because I like seeing you angry and suffering. Beg me and I'll give it to you right now in the back of this car. I'll make you wake up the whole neighborhood. Go on, beg me." JJ curls his fingers and I have no choice but to spread my legs, desperate for more. But I wouldn't beg him. Absolutely not. I clench my teeth together, turning away from him as he digs his knee into my seat against my hip while he fingers me.
"It's always you bratty, stuck-up girls that turn to putty in my fucking hands as soon as I'm inside you. You're not special. You're not better than me. You just need to be put in your place. Give up control once in your life." Tears spring to my eyes as his words hit home and I push his hand away, finally able to breathe as he steps back and slams the door in my face.
Maybe he was right. Maybe the only reason I was able to walk away so well was because it meant I was in control. I slammed my head back against the headrest, my thighs squeezed together as I tried to force away the ache in my body. I needed a release and I wouldn't get it from JJ Maybank. I would not let him control my body like that. I would get it from someone else.
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littleoddwriter · 2 years
Dr. Otto Octavius/Dr. Octopus x GenderNeutral!Reader | N/SFW Headcanons
Hi there!
So, I just misunderstood somebody's request (I mixed up characters, damn the double names and my 3am brain, lol). But now that I've already written them, I'm uploading these HCs anyway! Hope y'all enjoy. <3
Also, yeah, I spent way too much time thinking about his actuators with this because they're his figurative children, hhh, and it made me question everything. But again, I just wrote this between 2 and 3 am, so—
notes; Bottom!Gender Neutral!Reader (no specifications for their genitalia); Kissing; Marking Up; Biting; Foreplay; Fingering, Oral- and Penetrative Sex; Aftercare.
He's very physically affectionate, always has been. He loves to keep his hand on the small of your back or lower, depending on whether or not you're alone, it may be a small gesture but it means a lot to him. 
Otto is kissing you breathless at any given time. He captures your lips in searing, passionate kisses whenever it's just you two. He pecks your lips, cheeks and forehead whenever you're in company or just because he feels like it. 
Absolutely lives for leaving marks on you. He sucks bruises into your neck, your chest, your stomach and your inner thighs. Sometimes he'll bite you, but only if you're asking for it, he is not particularly fond of it otherwise (although he can't deny that his heart skips a beat whenever he sees the bite marks on you a day after they happened, because that's the imprint of his teeth). 
For a while in the beginning of your relationship, he actually doesn't have sex with you because of his actuators. It makes him uncomfortable to know that they are never off and that they see him as a father, and they definitely do not want to witness him having sex with anybody. 
So that's something he was very reluctant about, until it got very heated between the two of you one day and suddenly it was just quiet inside his head. His actuators actively decided to go into what he started calling sleeping mode. They don't ever sleep. There are always noises and voices inside his head, no matter what. Unless they know he needs privacy, apparently. 
He's still not entirely sure about going any further with you, but when it stays quiet and his actuators haven't moved an inch for five whole minutes, he becomes more inclined to not care anymore. Ever since, that issue has become nonexistent. 
Otto is very much into foreplay and opening you up for him properly. He wants this to be as pleasurable as possible for you. And so he spends a long time just kissing and sucking a path down your body to your most sensitive area, where he takes his time to let his fingers and mouth do all the work, until you're getting impatient for him to fuck you, or you're coming. 
When he does fuck you, he's gentle, always making sure you're feeling good, and he's kissing and marking you up as he does. 
If you ask him to go faster and harder, he's happy to comply and make the bed shake and have you scream his name, while he's thrusting into you deeply and roughly.
Afterwards he takes great care of you, though, to make sure you're in as little discomfort/pain as possible and that you're truly taken care of and having your needs met.
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