#alternators madison wi
clausenauto · 10 months
Are you wondering what is the lifespan of a car starter? Ask your auto mechanic for advice on how to maintain alternators.
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roxygen22 · 5 months
Still Here (Chapter 11)
Summary: Madison starts school, you find a job, and your family finds a new normal until Timothée calls you with bad news. You and Madison help him through his loss.
C/W: Death, funeral of a parent/grandparent
Catch up on previous chapters here.
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Time flew by after that night as you and your family (including Timothée) found your new normal. Madison started school again and quickly acclimated to her new surroundings. She joined gardening and ukulele clubs and thrived socially and academically.
You stumbled upon a part-time job at the library as a grant writer. You visited frequently to get out of the house and use the wi-fi for job hunting (AKA away from your mother reading over your shoulder). One day, you spotted a flyer on their bulletin board and inquired. They needed help finding funding for more youth and adult programs, and you needed a job and enjoyed writing. It was also flexible enough that you could be available for Madison's school functions. Win-win.
In your excitement, you rushed over to Timothée's place. He stepped out of his workshop at the sound of wheels crunching the gravel. A broad grin painted his face when he saw you get out of the car.
"Hey, baby!" he called as he walked up to you. "This is an unusual time for a visit. Not that I'm complaining, of course." He gave you a quick peck of a kiss.
You set your hands on his shoulders. "Remember that night we were fighting about me leaving for school, and I said I have a lot to offer the world and can't do that from here?"
Timothée paled as his smile dropped, unsure what you were about to say next. "Yeah...?"
"I still have a lot to offer the world, but I finally figured out I can do that from here. For here." You clasped your hands and clapped as you jumped up and down slightly. "I got a job at the library as a grant writer!"
It took a brief moment for Timothée to catch up to what you were saying before he joined you in your excitement. "That's fantastic, babe!" He wrapped you in a nearly crushing hug and spun you around. You beamed up at him when he set you back down.
"It's wonderful to see you so happy," he added as he looked down into your eyes.
"I am happy. The happiest I have been in nearly a decade."
Things were looking up as you got into the groove of your new job. You and Timothée fell into a rhythm of alternating family dinners with your respective parents and date nights for just the two of you. He was also very intentional about making time to hang out with Madison. Once they discovered their shared love of bowling after he introduced her to the sport, it became their "thing" every Tuesday evening, along with dinner at the diner...
...until the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.
It was odd for Timothée to call or text you during the work day. He was very respectful of giving you space to concentrate on your writing and didn't want to be a distraction. You answered immediately, knowing it must be important.
"Hey, Timmy, what's up?"
You heard him sniffle on the other end of the line. "My dad, he-" He couldn't finish before he was overtaken by sobs, but you knew what we has trying to say. You gasped slightly.
"Timmy, where are you?"
"Stay put. I will be right there." You packed up your things and told your boss you were leaving. You sped to the Chalamet's and went to Timothée's house first. It was dark inside, but that didn't prevent you from banging on the locked door. You were met with silence. Next, you ran over to his dad's house. Thankfully the door was unlocked, allowing you to quietly enter. You found Timothée in the living room curled up in his dad's favorite armchair. You sat on your knees in front of him and buried your fingers in his dark curls.
"Oh, Timmy..."
He looked at you, but his eyes were blank. His voice sounded so tiny as he explained, "Dad was tired, so he went to take a nap when I went out to the workshop. Not abnormal these days. But when I came back to check on him..." He interrupted himself by trying to clear the lump in his throat.
You looked up toward the bedrooms. "Is he..."
Timothée shook his head. "No, uh, he's not here. I called 9-1-1, just in case, but he was gone. The funeral home where he had already made arrangements picked him up. [Y/N], he looked so...peaceful. I hadn't seem him not in pain in years. H-he got his w-wish to die at home in his sleep." His face contorted as he was riddled with sobs once more. You pulled his head to your chest and rubbed soothing circles on his back. Once he calmed back down to an all but catatonic state, you laid his head back down on the armrest and stepped away to call your mother to ask her to pick up Madison from school.
"You should go get Madison," he stated plainly when you returned.
"My mom can go pick her up. I am not leaving you here alone, love."
"Alone," he repeated with a slightly terrified and downcast look.
"Hey now," you responded in a soothing tone as you sank back down to your knees. "Even in the moments when you may be physically by yourself, you are not alone, Timothée Hal Chalamet." You made sure his eyes connected with yours before you continued. "You're stuck with me, remember? You have people who love you and will help you through this." You kissed his forehead before he pushed himself upright into a seated position.
"Thank you," Timothée replied solemnly, almost too quietly for you to even hear.
"I can either stay here tonight, or you can come to our place. Mom already offered."
He nodded, contemplating the options. "I don't want to be here right now, but I'm also not quite ready to leave yet, either."
"I understand. Take your time." You stood and squeezed his shoulder as you walked by to the kitchen. Doing the dishes and taking out the trash seemed like a helpful way to keep yourself occupied while he mentally prepared for next steps. After a while, he joined you in the kitchen. He hugged you from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder as you dried the last of the plates.
"Thank you for dropping everything for me."
You leaned your ahead away from his slightly so you could turn your neck to look at him. "It was an easy decision. You needed me. I am here."
"Dad likes...liked...you a lot, you know." You turned your body all the way around to look at Timothée, though you struggled to hide your tears. "And he was absolutely besotted with Madison. Thank you for all the times you brought her over here for dinner. He enjoyed spending time with both of you. I think...I think he even thought of her as a grandchild by the end." You gave him a warm half-smile and nodded in agreement. "Can we go see her now? It's Tuesday."
You looked at your watch. "She should be home now." You walked with Timothée to his house so he could grab some clothes. He usually wanted to take his truck when the two of you went anywhere, but he relented to letting you drive your car this time.
As expected, your mother was already back from the school. She met the two of you on the porch and embraced Timothée. "I'm so sorry, dear."
"Thank you, Mrs. [L/N]." He heard the screen door shut and looked up to see Madison standing by the porch swing, rubbing one arm with the opposite hand nervously. His face softened as he knelt down and held a hand out to her. Madison stepped forward and took it into her own.
"Hey, kiddo. I'm sorry that we can't go out like normal tonight."
"It's okay," the girl practically whispered. "Nana told me what happened." Her face crumpled as she started to cry. You stepped forward instinctually to comfort your daughter, but instead, she threw her arms around Timothée's neck. He quickly wrapped his arms around her in return. He looked up at you with fat tears welling in the corners of his eyes as he was overcome by a mix of emotions.
You placed a hand over your mouth to hold back your own surge of sobs at the display between your two loves. Your mother stepped to your side and draped her arm around your shoulders. Madison had not yet had to face the pain of losing a grandparent, and while he wasn't one by blood, she had grown close to Mr. Chalamet. This was a hurt you could not shield her from.
Madison pulled away, wiping her nose on her sleeve. "I'm sorry. I got your shoulder wet."
Timothée's lip trembled. "Never apologize for tears, okay?" He cupped her small cheek in his hand and wiped a fresh tear away with his thumb. He pulled her in for another hug, this time for his own comfort.
The funeral was held a few days later. Timothée walked into your living room in his black suit. Under other circumstances, you would have commented on how handsome he looked. Instead, you stood and straightened his tie. He grabbed your hand and pressed it against his chest.
"Please sit with me when we get there," he said softly. "Both of you."
You nodded. "I will, but I will give Madison a choice. This is the first funeral she has ever attended. Let me go talk to her."
You found her sitting outside on the porch swing in her black dress. "Hey, sweetheart. You doing okay?" you asked as you sat beside her. She just nodded. "Timothée asked us to sit with him at the funeral. He is going to sit on the front row, which is usually where immediate family sits. I want to give you a choice. There are going to be a lot of big emotions in the room."
"I want to be with Timothée. He needs us," she stated like it was the obvious - and only - option.
You kissed her forehead and pulled her to you. "My sweet girl. So selfless. If at any point you get too overwhelmed, you can go find Nana and Pawpaw. Okay?"
It was a beautiful celebration of life. The townspeople showed up en masse to pay their respects at both the funeral home and graveside service. Madison was a trooper and stayed by Timothée's side the entire time until everyone else had left the cemetery.
You pulled Madison aside and started toward the truck to give Timothée a moment of privacy before the casket was lowered. She followed you hesitantly but lost her will to comply when she heard him start crying. She spun and ran back to him, gingerly slipping her hand into his as they both faced the casket. He looked down, first at their clasped hands and then at Madison's face.
"I didn't want you to be alone."
Tears spilled out of Timothée's eyes as he smiled. "Thanks, kiddo." He dipped down and picked her up for a hug. She clung to him like a baby koala. He stood like that for a moment, staring at his father's coffin over his almost-daughter's shoulder, silently thanking him for showing him how to be a good dad.
Chapter 12
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Justice Dept. subpoenas Ariz., Mich., Wis. officials for Trump communications
Special counsel Jack Smith has sent grand-jury subpoenas to local officials in Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin — three states that were central to former president Donald Trump’s failed plan to stay in power following the 2020 election — seeking any and all communications with Trump, his campaign and a long list of aides and allies.
The requests for records arrived in Dane County, Wis.; Maricopa County, Ariz.; and Wayne County, Mich., late last week, and in Milwaukee on Monday, officials said. They are among the first known subpoenas issued since Smith was named last month by Attorney General Merrick Garland to oversee the Jan. 6 Capitol attack case as well as the criminal probe of Trump’s possible mishandling of classified documents at his Florida home.
The subpoenas, at least three of which are dated Nov. 22, indicates that the Justice Department is extending its examination of the circumstances leading up to the Capitol attack to include local election officials and their potential interactions with the former president and his representatives. The virtually identical requests to Arizona and Wisconsin name Trump individually, in addition to employees, agents and attorneys for his campaign. Details of the Michigan subpoena, confirmed by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, were not immediately available.
“I’m happy to participate in this process,” said George Christenson, the Milwaukee clerk, who confirmed the subpoena in a telephone interview Tuesday and provided a copy to The Washington Post.
The subpoena asks for communication with Trump and his campaign, including several key allies.
Christenson said he is not aware of any communications with his office that have not already been made public. But he speculated that federal investigators are hunting for new details about the Trump campaign’s efforts to convene illegitimate electors in key battleground states that Joe Biden narrowly won.
Dane County Clerk Scott McDonell confirmed receiving a similar subpoena.
“I am not aware of any significant communications that have not already been made public,” said McDonell, whose county encompasses Madison, the state capital.
Fields Moseley, a spokesman for Maricopa County, said, “We have received a subpoena and will comply.”
Officials in Wayne County — home of Detroit — did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment.
The Justice Department’s Mar-a-Lago criminal investigation began this spring, after months of disagreement between Trump and the National Archives and Records Administration over boxes of documents that followed Trump from the White House to Mar-a-Lago, his Florida residence and private club.
Court papers say more than 300 documents marked classified were eventually recovered from Trump’s home, more than 100 of them taken during an Aug. 8 FBI search of the property. Some contained extremely sensitive government secrets.
The longer-running Jan. 6 case, meanwhile, has moved beyond the pool of people who directly took part in the bloody riot at the U.S. Capitol. For months, prosecutors have been scrutinizing the fundraising, organizing, and apocalyptic rhetoric that preceded that violent assault on the seat of government. The inquiry has also looked at failed efforts to authorize alternate slates of electors so Trump could be named the winner of the 2020 election.
Previous subpoenas, in Arizona and other battleground states targeted by Trump, have been issued to key Republican players seen as allies in his pressure campaign to reverse the results of the 2020 election. Maricopa County, the sprawling Arizona jurisdiction that is home to Phoenix and more than half the state’s voters, was among several localities on the receiving end of that pressure.
The Arizona subpoena was addressed to Maricopa County’s elections department, while the Wisconsin versions were addressed to the Milwaukee and Dane clerks. All seek communications from June 1, 2020, through Jan. 20, 2021.
The requested communications include those with Trump’s campaign manager, Bill Stepien, and other advisers, such as Boris Epshteyn. Attorneys identified include Trump campaign lawyers, such as Justin Clark and Matthew Morgan, as well as those serving in other capacities, such as John Eastman, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell and Cleta Mitchell.
Those three subpoenas, while issued by Smith, were also signed by Assistant U.S. Attorney Matt Burke.
Trump and key allies sought to avert his narrow loss in six battleground states through a lengthy pressure campaign. In Maricopa County, the pressure focused heavily on urging the GOP-controlled governing board to not certify the results.
Then-Supervisor Steve Chucri, a Republican, has said he met with Giuliani at the state Capitol in mid-to-late November 2020. In December, Giuliani tried to reach Republican supervisors Bill Gates, Jack Sellers and Clint Hickman by phone. Days later, Trump himself twice tried to speak to Hickman, then chair of the governing board.
The calls came on Dec. 31, 2020, as Hickman was at dinner with his wife and friends and again on Jan. 3, 2021, the same day The Post broke news of Trump’s conversation with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Trump had urged the Georgia election director to “find” enough votes to reverse his loss there.
Hickman, who had been told by Arizona Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward to expect outreach by Trump, let both calls go to voice mail. “Hello, sir. This is the White House operator I was calling to let you know that the President’s available to take your call if you’re free,” one voice mail said. “If you could please give us a call back, sir, that’d be great. You have a good evening.”
After the county board ultimately certified the election results, making them formal, Trump and his allies sought to discredit them by favoring what would become a months-long inspection of ballots and voting equipment ordered by the GOP-led state Senate. That haphazard review in 2021 affirmed Trump’s loss.
Some of the figures named in the subpoena were either involved in, or encouraged, that review.
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caseyneill · 1 month
TOURDATES! Many more added soon... SEPT 21 - NASHVILLE, TN @ Brown's Diner for Fluff & Gravy Records' official afterparty. Music starts at 4pm and Casey plays solo at 8pm OCT 16th - SEATTLE, WA at Royal Room (On Sale here!) w/ Hanz Araki OCT 27th - PORTLAND, OR at SHOWDOWN (Pickathon Presents) tickets on sale 'time zero land' release party DUO shows with VICTOR KRUMMENACHER (of Camper Van Beethoven) NOV 1st - RACINE, WA at McAulliffe's Info here NOV 2nd - MADISON, WI at Kiki's House of Righteous Music (email [email protected] for tickets) NOV 3rd - CHICAGO, IL at Flippyville House Concerts Info and tickets + UK/EU TOUR late Nov/Dec.. more dates added soon Nov 24 - HEBDEN BRIDGE, UK at TRADES CLUB Nov 29 - SUFFOLK, UK at Maverick Ranch Dec 3 -AMSTERDAM, NL at Mulligans Dec 7 - HOORN, NK at Swaf
NEW PRESS Glide Magazine 'Interview' - link Vents Magazine Interview - link Americana Highways - 'time zero land' review Alternate Root - 'time zero land' review
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wausaupilot · 2 months
Wisconsin high school survey shows that students continue to struggle with mental health
The survey has been administered to Wisconsin public high school students every two years since 1993.
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Nearly 6 out of 10 high school students in Wisconsin reported having at least one mental health challenge over the past year, based on results of the state’s survey of students released Tuesday. The 2023 survey was completed by 1,882 students in 42 public, charter, and alternative high schools in Wisconsin. It was compiled by the state Department of Public…
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guerilla-marketing · 3 months
Wild Posting Agencies in Wisconsin
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The Innovative Rise of Wild Posting Agencies in Wisconsin
In an era dominated by digital marketing and social media ads, a resurgence of traditional advertising methods is making waves, especially in urban landscapes. One such method, wild posting, is gaining significant traction, particularly in Wisconsin. Wild posting agencies in Wisconsin are blending creativity and strategy to create eye-catching, impactful advertising campaigns that resonate with urban audiences. This article explores the dynamics of wild posting, the services offered by these agencies, and their growing influence in the Wisconsin advertising scene.
Understanding Wild Posting
Wild posting, also known as flyposting, involves placing posters on various public surfaces such as walls, fences, and construction sites. This guerrilla marketing technique, rooted in street art, offers a raw and authentic way to engage with the public. The tactile nature of wild posting contrasts sharply with the often ephemeral digital ads, making it a memorable and immersive advertising strategy.
Why Wild Posting Stands Out
In a world saturated with digital content, wild posting provides a refreshing alternative. It brings a physical, tangible element to advertising, creating an immediate visual impact in high-traffic areas. This method is particularly effective for brands seeking to break through the digital noise and make a lasting impression on their target audience.
The Role of Wild Posting Agencies in Wisconsin
Wild posting agencies in Wisconsin are at the forefront of this advertising renaissance. They offer a comprehensive suite of services, from creative design to strategic placement, ensuring that each campaign is executed flawlessly and reaches its full potential.
Key Services Offered by Wild Posting Agencies
Creative Design
Agencies work closely with clients to develop visually compelling posters that capture the essence of the brand. This involves graphic design, typography, and crafting a narrative that resonates with the target audience.
Strategic Placement
The success of a wild posting campaign largely depends on where the posters are placed. Agencies conduct thorough research to identify high-traffic areas such as urban centers, college campuses, music venues, and cultural hotspots to maximize visibility and engagement.
Legal Compliance
Navigating local laws and regulations is crucial for wild posting campaigns. Agencies handle the legal aspects, securing necessary permissions and ensuring compliance to avoid fines or legal issues.
Execution and Maintenance
Applying posters and maintaining their condition throughout the campaign requires precision. Agencies manage the logistics of poster placement and monitor them to ensure they remain intact and effective.
Prominent Wild Posting Agencies in Wisconsin
1. Cream City Posters
Located in Milwaukee, Cream City Posters is renowned for its innovative approach and artistic designs. They have a diverse portfolio that includes collaborations with local businesses, cultural events, and national brands. Their ability to combine creativity with strategic placement makes them a leading agency in the region.
2. Badger Paste
Based in Madison, Badger Paste blends the spirit of street art with strategic marketing. They provide a full range of services, from creative design to location scouting, ensuring each campaign stands out. Their bold visuals and compelling messages have made them a favorite among local businesses and events.
3. Urban Canvas WI
Situated in Green Bay, Urban Canvas WI excels in creating visually striking wild posting campaigns. They collaborate with local artists to produce unique posters and focus on high-visibility locations to maximize campaign effectiveness. Their dedication to artistic excellence and strategic placement has earned them a strong reputation.
The Impact of Wild Posting Campaigns
Wild posting campaigns offer several advantages that make them particularly effective in urban environments:
1. Enhanced Visibility
By placing posters in high-traffic areas, wild posting campaigns significantly increase brand visibility. This method ensures that a large number of people see the advertisement, leading to greater brand awareness and recognition.
2. Engagement and Interaction
The unconventional nature of wild posting often captures curiosity and sparks conversations. People are more likely to stop, notice, and even share photos on social media, amplifying the campaign’s reach.
3. Cultural Resonance
Wild posting is often associated with cultural movements and grassroots activism. Brands that use this method can position themselves as culturally relevant and aligned with the interests and values of their target audience.
4. Cost-Effectiveness
Compared to traditional advertising methods, wild posting is relatively cost-effective. It allows brands to create a significant visual impact without the high costs associated with digital or broadcast advertising.
Challenges and Considerations
Despite its benefits, wild posting comes with certain challenges:
1. Weather Conditions
Outdoor posters are exposed to the elements, which can affect their durability. Agencies must consider weather conditions and choose durable materials to ensure the longevity of their posters.
2. Vandalism and Removal
Posters in public spaces are vulnerable to vandalism or removal. Agencies need to monitor the condition of the posters and replace them as necessary to maintain the campaign’s effectiveness.
3. Legal Issues
Adhering to local regulations and obtaining the necessary permissions can be complex. Agencies must ensure they comply with all legal requirements to avoid fines or other legal complications.
The Future of Wild Posting in Wisconsin
As advertising continues to evolve, wild posting remains a potent tool for brands seeking to make a distinctive impact. Its tactile, visual nature and grassroots appeal make it particularly effective for engaging urban audiences. In Wisconsin, wild posting agencies are leveraging this technique to create memorable and impactful campaigns that resonate with the local populace.
Wild posting agencies in Wisconsin are redefining the advertising landscape with their creative, bold, and unconventional approach. By combining the art of street posters with strategic marketing, these agencies help brands connect with audiences in a meaningful and memorable way. Whether you’re a local business looking to increase visibility or a national brand aiming to make a statement, wild posting offers a powerful medium to achieve your marketing goals.
Embrace the potential of wild posting and let the streets of Wisconsin become the canvas for your next great advertising campaign.
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mayslawofficep · 3 months
DUI Attorney in Madison: Your Best Defense at Mays Law
Facing DUI charges can be an overwhelming and stressful experience. At Mays Law, we understand the complexities and nuances of DUI cases in Madison and are committed to providing top-tier legal defense to our clients. Our dedicated team of DUI attorneys in Madison possesses the expertise and local knowledge necessary to navigate the legal system effectively and protect your rights.
When charged with a DUI, the consequences can be severe, ranging from license suspension and hefty fines to potential jail time. The impact on your personal and professional life can be significant, making it crucial to have an experienced DUI attorney in Madison by your side. Our attorneys at Mays Law meticulously analyze every detail of your case, from the circumstances surrounding your arrest to the procedures followed by law enforcement. This thorough approach allows us to identify any potential weaknesses in the prosecution's case and develop a robust defense strategy tailored to your situation.
Understanding the local DUI laws and maintaining strong relationships within the Madison legal community are essential components of our practice. Our DUI attorneys leverage these relationships and our comprehensive legal knowledge to negotiate favorable outcomes for our clients, whether through reduced charges, alternative sentencing options, or outright case dismissals.
At Mays Law, client communication is a priority. We ensure that you are fully informed about the progress of your case and understand the legal options available to you. If you are facing DUI charges in Madison, trust the experienced attorneys at Mays Law to provide the dedicated and knowledgeable defense you need. Contact us today for a consultation and take the first step toward protecting your future. For more information, visit us at https://www.mayslaw.net/dui-lawyers-in-brookfield-wi/ 
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mayslaw12 · 7 months
DUI Lawyer: Defending Your Rights and Freedom
A DUI charge can feel like the ground is shifting beneath you. At Mays Law, we understand the fear and uncertainty you face. That’s why we offer dedicated DUI defense, standing by your side throughout the process. If the police recently arrested you for drunk driving, you are likely to be worried about going to jail, paying a hefty fine, and losing your driver’s license. Mays Law Office, LLC, knows how important your future is. When you partner with our firm, you will work exclusively with our DUI lawyer every step of the way. We are dedicated to obtaining your case's best outcome and investing the time and resources to achieve that result. Our extensive track record of success has earned us the trust and respect of our colleagues and clients. Madison Magazine named attorney Stephen Mays one of Madison’s Top Lawyers in drunk driving, an award voted on by his legal peers. He has also been named to the Wisconsin Super Lawyers list for DWI/DUI attorneys, an honor only the top 2 percent of attorneys in the state receive.
Experience Matters: Our team possesses extensive experience in DUI law, familiar with local courts, procedures, and potential defenses. We meticulously analyze your case, identifying weaknesses in the prosecution’s evidence and building a strong defense strategy tailored to your situation.
Protecting Your License: Losing your license can have crippling consequences. We fight to minimize license suspension or revocation, exploring alternatives like restricted driving permits or diversion programs whenever possible.
More Than Just a Charge: We delve deeper, understanding the underlying factors that may have contributed to the incident. This allows us to advocate for solutions and support systems that address the root of the problem.
Clear Communication: Navigating the legal system can be confusing. We prioritize clear communication, keeping you informed at every step and explaining complex legal concepts in plain language. You’ll never be left in the dark.
Free Consultation: Facing a DUI is daunting, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Contact Mays Law today for a free consultation. We’ll assess your case, answer your questions, and empower you to make informed decisions about your future. For more information, visit us at https://www.mayslaw.net/dwi-dui-lawyer-in-madison-wi/
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daggerzine · 7 months
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San Fermin- Arms (Better Company Records)
San Fermin- Arms (Better Company Records)
Ellis Ludwig-Leone’s band San Fermin is back with their fifth album. Nine songs filled with heartbreak from not one, but two breakups Ellis experienced. The emotions truly rise up on this album through the music and the lyrics sung by alternating vocalists Allen Tate and Claire Wellin. The first track, “Weird Environment,” has a rockin’ guitar melody resembling New Order in parts. Allen sings the most toe-tapping song on the album filled with those heartfelt lyrics I mentioned. “Burned my life down to the ground. Emptied out the Hungry Ghost. Wrote a sad song to get it out. If it helped, I didn’t notice.” The song builds to a punch later with driving instrumentation. Here’s the video:
  Next up, “Didn’t Want You To,” Claire steps in to sing with a subtle twang, “I’ll find my way; Out of this place soon; If you didn’t want me, I didn’t want you to.” A beauty of a song complete with added horns. You can watch the video here: 
Track 3, “Can't Unsee It,” brings Allen back on vocals with a gorgeous song that kind of reminds me of Lord Huron or The National for some reason. Love the horns on this one as well. Next is the title track, “Arms,” a bouncy piano ballad where Allen’s vocals shine here. A beautiful guitar solo adds to its lyrics. “Oh, I’m falling for you so madly; As soon as I leave, I just want to come back; And I know this is going to end badly; Cuz it feels like you are the one thing that I have; And who am I to hold you when you have arms for the whole world?”  Here’s the video:
  Track 5, “Makes Me Want You,” Claire takes over with multiple layers of her vocal tracks. Along with gorgeous piano and trumpet, this “makes me want (the song) more.” Claire is also lead vocals on the next track, “My Love Is A Loneliness.” The third single off of the album is one you’re sure to sing along with in no time. I know I have. More multiple-layered vocals that will move any listener to tears. Powerful imagery also in the lyrics: “If everyone leaves and everyone dies; It’s just a question of when; If everyone cheats and everyone lies; Rather it me than them; If the worst should happen; And it will, and will again; I will still be standing; With loneliness, my friend; To start again.” The video can be seen here:
 Next up, “Useful Lies,” is a beautiful, soft acoustic guitar melody sung by Allen. And then wait for it, here come the strings, the harmonies, and the horns that make this song truly soar! Track 8, “Wasting on Me,” Allen and Claire’s harmonies really blend here on this more upbeat song. The beauty of the boy/girl vocals really makes this one stand out. “Never meant to lead you down a road of sadness. But we’ve arrived where there’s nothing to be done. Could pretend there was a moment when we lost it. But we were running different races from the gun.” The album ends with “You Owe Me.” It’s back to Claire on lead vocals with a soft, sad piano-driven melody. In comes the brass that really helps capture the mood. Emotional heartbreak here with, “And I had to get my stuff out of your parents’ place. Your father wouldn’t even meet me in my eye.” The album was recorded at Better Company Studios in Brooklyn by none other than Allen Tate, the male vocalist. A national tour begins in the middle of March(see below). The last time I saw San Fermin was ten years ago at FRZN FEST in Madison. You don’t want to miss this album performed live; I know I won’t. ERIC EGGLESON
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(photo credit Alex S K Brown)
Tour Dates:
3/15: Utrecht, NDL - Birds of Paradise Festival
3/21-22: Boise, ID - Treefort Music Fest
3/23: Salt Lake City, UT - The State Room
3/24: Denver, CO - Globe Hall
3/26: St. Paul, MN - Turf Club
3/27: Chicago, IL - Lincoln Hall
3/28: Madison, WI - High Noon Saloon
3/30: Nashville, TN - The Blue Room
3/31: Columbus, OH - The Basement
4/2: Washington, DC - Atlantis
4/3: Philadelphia, PA - Underground Arts
4/4: Boston, MA - The Sinclair
4/5: New York, NY - Racket
4/30: San Diego, CA - Casbah
5/1: Los Angeles, CA - Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever
5/3: Pioneertown, CA - Pappy + Harriet’s
5/4: San Francisco, CA - Independent
5/7: Portland, OR - Doug Fir Lounge
5/9: Vancouver, BC - Biltmore Cabaret
5/10: Seattle, WA - Madame Lou’s
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edwincannan · 11 months
Effective Back Pain Treatment in Madison, WI
QC Kinetix presents a wide range of Back Pain Treatment solutions in Madison, WI. Their alternatives to surgery provide restorative treatments for chronic pain and sports injuries, and their Madison patients are raving about their results.
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vananhlam · 1 year
Dating in Madison, Wisconsin (WI): site Guide for 2019
Contemplating dating in Madison, Wisconsin? Within this pleasantly eclectic city, known for the pure beauty and small-town feel (despite actually becoming a huge town), it’s no surprise that over 568,000 phone call this place house. From university area ambiance on many outside tasks, your alternatives on things you can do is in fact unlimited. Riddled with remarkable music venues, special…
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clausenauto · 2 years
Wondering what causes a car starter to go bad?  Ask your mechanic for advice on how to maintain car starters and alternators.
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rpnewspaperblog · 2 years
Dane County finds home for mental health crisis center
MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) – Dane County plans to convert the old Huber Jail Facility into the Mental Health Crisis Triage and Restoration Center in an effort to reduce incarceration rates. Dane County Executive Joe Parisi and Sheriff Kalvin Barrett tout this project as an alternative place where people experiencing mental health issues can go instead of jail or prison. The pair explained that the…
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Wisconsin’s conservative-controlled Supreme Court ruled Friday that absentee ballot drop boxes may be placed only in election offices and that no one other than the voter can return a ballot in person, dealing a critical defeat to Democrats in the battleground state.
The court did not address the question of whether anyone other than the voter can return his or her own ballot by mail. Election officials and others had argued that drop boxes are a secure and convenient way for voters to return ballots.
The decision sets absentee ballot rules for the Aug. 9 primary and the fall election; Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson and Democratic Gov. Tony Evers are seeking reelection in key races.
The court’s 4-3 ruling also has critical implications in the 2024 presidential race, in which Wisconsin will again be among a handful of battleground states. President Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in 2020 by just under 21,000 votes, four years after Trump narrowly won the state by a similar margin.
The popularity of absentee voting exploded during the pandemic in 2020, with more than 40% of all voters casting mail ballots, a record high. At least 500 drop boxes were set up in more than 430 communities for the election that year, including more than a dozen each in Madison and Milwaukee — the state’s two most heavily Democratic cities.
After Trump lost the state, he and Republicans alleged that drop boxes facilitated cheating, even though they offered no evidence. Democrats, elections officials and some Republicans argued the boxes are secure.
The conservative law firm Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty sued in 2021. The state Supreme Court in February barred the use of drop boxes outside election clerk offices in the April election for local offices, such as mayor, city council and school board seats. The court ruled Friday on the question of whether to allow secure ballot boxes in places such as libraries and grocery stores.
State law is silent on drop boxes. The court said the absence of a prohibition in state law does not mean that drop boxes are legal.
“Nothing in the statutory language detailing the procedures by which absentee ballots may be cast mentions drop boxes or anything like them,” Justice Rebecca Bradley wrote for the majority.
The court said absentee ballots can be returned only to the clerk’s office or a designated alternative site but that site cannot be an unstaffed drop box. The bipartisan Wisconsin Elections Commission had told local election officials the boxes can be placed at multiple locations and that ballots can be returned by people other than the voter, but put that on hold pending the Supreme Court’s ruling.
Rick Esenberg, president of the conservative law firm that brought the case, said the ruling “provides substantial clarity on the legal status of absentee ballot drop boxes and ballot harvesting.” He said it also makes clear that state law, not guidance from the Elections Commission, is the final word on how elections are run.
Concerns about the safety of drop boxes expressed by the majority “is downright dangerous to our democracy” Justice Ann Walsh Bradley wrote in dissent.
“But concerns about drop boxes alone don’t fuel the fires questioning election integrity,” she wrote. “Rather, the kindling is primarily provided by voter suppression efforts and the constant drumbeat of unsubstantiated rhetoric in opinions like this one, not actual voter fraud.”
Republicans who control the Wisconsin Legislature have also tried to enact laws limiting the use of absentee ballots, but Evers has vetoed them.
Republicans have made similar moves since Trump’s defeat to tighten access to ballots in other battleground states. The restrictions especially target voting methods that have been rising in popularity, erecting hurdles to mail balloting and early voting that saw explosive growth during the pandemic.
Bradley was joined in the majority by fellow conservative Justices Patience Roggensack, Brian Hagedorn and Chief Justice Annette Ziegler. In addition to Ann Walsh Bradley, Justices Rebecca Dallet and Jill Karofsky dissented.
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wausaupilot · 10 months
Report says Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers used alternate email under name of Hall of Fame pitcher
Wisconsin Right Now reported that it asked for all communications to and from “[email protected]” from 2018 to September 2023. The governor's office rejected the request as being too broad.
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has been using an alternative state email account under the name of a late Hall of Fame baseball player as a security measure, his spokesperson said Monday. Evers, a Democrat, used a taxpayer-funded email account with the name “[email protected]” to discuss public business with top-level Cabinet appointees and others, the conservative…
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clonerightsagenda · 3 years
This is sort of a spiritual sequel to my 'TMA according to someone with archives experience' post: Wisconsin things I thought were interesting, or at least funny, given Jacobi's from there. Brought to you by someone who's not technically from Wisconsin, but my family is and I used to go up there all the time.
Wisconsin is the dairy state, and cheese is a big deal. Two of my ancestors were cheesemakers. The cheese I tend to associate with Wisconsin is cheese curds, and if you've only had them deep fried, you're missing out. They're supposed to squeak. (I would not classify the squeak as a hostile assault to the senses, though.)
I live in the central US, and my family and coworkers from WI are horrified by how people drive here when it snows. I can only imagine how horrified someone from WI would be by how Floridians must drive in rare winter weather events.
My relatives range from having really thick Great Lakes accents to no accent at all. It tends to depend on class and region. Coming from Milwaukee, Jacobi may very well have had one and lost it after going to college on the east coast. (You might expect him and Kepler to have similar variations of the regional vowel shift, but instead Zach Libresco showed up talking Like That.)
When we’re on the topic of speech, people in Wisconsin may call drinking fountains bubblers and say "stop and go lights" for traffic lights/stop lights. Tbf, they do tell you to stop and to go.
There are a lot of Catholics in Wisconsin - 25% of the state population. This means it’s not hard to find a good Friday fish fry, but it could be isolating if you’re Jewish, which I know a lot of people hc him as.
Drinking your way through a bad anniversary isn't that surprising. Wisconsin ranked second in the nation for binge drinking. Drinks of choice tend to be beer and brandy.
The Dick Bong R.I. Bong Air Force Base in the Milwaukee area was never finished in our world (you can still go to the Bong recreation area), but in an alternate history, who's to say? And if it did exist, chances are Jacobi's Milwaukee-based Air Force dad might've worked there. (As you can imagine, the Bong Recreation Area sign gets stolen a lot.)
Since he's from Milwaukee, not Madison, and didn't go to UW-Madison, he may never have had fudge bottom pie. However I'm mentioning it anyway because it's good and more people should know about it.
There are a lot of ducks in Wisconsin. Some of my relatives raise ducks. People go duck hunting. Milwaukee is on a lake (and if you're imagining a regular lake, please know the "great" in Great Lakes is not for show. Lake Michigan is huge) and lakes have ducks. Good luck with that one.
Wisconsin has a longstanding grudge against Illinois and Chicago in particular. (Full disclosure: I've been to Chicago and thought it was great. I just find petty regional rivalries really funny, especially when it's so one-sided.) This is mostly because of tourists - wealthy Chicagoans have a reputation for buying up lakeside land for vacation homes and misusing state parks. They're also known for driving poorly. In their defense, I imagine the habits you develop driving in a busy city like Chicago are not the same instincts you'd prioritize driving on a Wisconsin interstate, but it's earned them the nickname FIBS (Fucking Illinois Bastards). This grudge, like most regional drama, is immortalized in sports: Packers vs Bears is one of the NFL's longest running rivalries, and the Brewers vs Cubs is a longstanding MLB rivalry. Why do I bring this up? Because Kepler's from Chicago.
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