#alternative universs
phoeebsbuffay · 2 years
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Imagine Darth Vader finds out you are alive. He keeps track of what you've been up to in these years he became the Sith Lord. You are led to believe he was long dead... Until something happens.
Warnings: a lot of drama, angst... Contains smut, not recommended for minors.
Warnings 2: alternative universe where we have no Ahsoka Tano and Padmé Amidala. Here, Y/N is a character whose plot mixes them both; unburnt Vader.
Warnings 3: Anakin never killed the younglings in any of my stories even as Vader.
Warnings 4: fluffy endings.
Recommendation:"Broken" (Seether ft. Amy Lee); “Pictures of You” by “The Cure”.
Once again, darkness flows uncontrollably. It gravitates towards its victim, ready to attack its heart by surrounding it and suffocating it as its poison dismisses any sight of light.
From the darkest waters, a man arises. From the flames of Mustafar, the one great Jedi has become the very thing he swore to destroy.
Darth Vader is hungry not only for the power to him denied when he was a general Jedi whose reputation once earned admiration from all, but for independence as well. To be set free of the chains of the misled Order he’d been so loyal to after countless years of losses, he is abandoned by all those he loved.
Except by one person.
One single woman escapes his resentment and anger. This woman is Y/L Y/LN. You. Of average height, y/c hair, soft y/c skin and eyes dark as coal, you and him met right after you were under the guidance of General Skywalker. You were not of an age to be a Padawan anymore, you were eighteen, in fact, about to become a Knight Jedi.
Skywalker back then resisted this idea mostly because he thought he did not need a Padawan whatsoever. But after an initial clash between the two of you, there came something. You started getting along.
He got harder on you, despite being very impressed by your skills. You always awoke the best of him. He’d never seen a Jedi as you: powerful, yes, but centered and altruist. Your patience and sharp wit surprised even Obi-Wan Kenobi. However, it was your recklessness and stubbornness that attracted Skywalker.
As diplomatic as you were, sometimes working under disguise to protect a Senator of Planet Y/C, you had your own issues with authority. Not often you did what others told you not to.
In spite of that, two years later Anakin was proud of you: you successfully became a Knight Jedi. He insisted that it was not too soon until you became a Jedi Master. Yet, it turned out to be a very difficult period of your lives. It was when you and Anakin began to seeing each other with romantic eyes.
That was precisely when everything started going wrong. You two had just gotten secretly married when someone set you a trap. The Council expelled you of the Order without a proper investigation of the case. Anakin could not believe the injustice he saw it was done to you. Though he eventually managed to prove your innocence, clearing you of all accusations, the damage was done. Thus was that you refused to go back to the Order.
Despite these circumstances, you carried on. You had a normal life to live together with your husband until the day Anakin went to a mission to spy the Chancellor only to never go back to your arms. It was when the Order 66 forced you to go separate ways.
To you, Anakin Skywalker was dead. And to him, you as well. Until this day… when Darth Vader meditates and only through the Force he discovers your whereabouts.
“By the Maker”, he chokes when he is led to you. “Y/L, you are alive!”
Your POV
It’s been two years, but your conscience does not cease to torment you. The specter of what could have been comes in the form of sweet nightmares that frequently has awaken you in salty tears.
The day the Order 66 had been carried out you discovered you were pregnant. You wanted to tell Anakin yourself: this was a moment where you both prepared for it. You had found an unofficial new job as a keeper of the peace to the Senator of Naboo, something you’ve chosen to do because Obi-Wan insisted and Anakin promised he needed a few more years before both of you left Coruscant.
That was the plan. But that same day, happiness clouded your judgement. You didn’t realize what was going on until Obi-Wan had sent you a trooper of his trust to inform something wrong happened to Anakin. You had to be prepared for what was to come, he was about to suggest you to go elsewhere.
“What good does it do to dwell in what was done?”, you mumble to yourself as you keep walking towards the market.
But memories remain crystal clear in the back of your mind. When the clone turned suddenly against you, trying to kill you in the process… When the circumstances escalated to a tragedy upon which you lost your dear child. And your husband.
Alone in this world, you now wage your own wars. At first, you are isolated—you don’t want to know about Jedis and Siths anymore, you’ve lost too much for either side. You don’t feel right with Anakin’s gone, you are too broken to live up at any resistance out there against the Empire.
You come to the underworld. There are times you sense someone is watching you. You turn, suspicious, but there is no one there. However, the sensation does not leave you.
You eventually cross the path of rebellious sisters whose ship you helped building. One of them, named Seara, is intrigued by your melancholic, closed behavior.
“We don’t even know your name.”
“Why would you like to know my name? I am just passing by.”
“No attachments, eh? I thought we could be friends.”
You feel as if you ghost yourself when you respond:
“We are not friends.”
Yet, eventually war out there comes for you. The moment you all are captured by a ship of pirates is the one you realize you cannot let Seara and her sister die because you simply have no other use for this world.
But it’s right here that your former Jedi self ignites a spark that would bring to you the attention of a very dangerous pair of yellow eyes.
Darth Vader’s POV.
His frustration is fed when he is forced to acknowledge he’d been made a fool. Not only once as a child, or often as a Jedi, but even now as the apprentice to Palpatine. What has changed? An unposed question that holds a very bitter answer.
As he stares into the emptiness ahead of him, Lord Vader begins to contemplate instead how to get to you. Once the destruction of the Order meant to get his revenge for all the harm that has been done to you, to amend their wrongs and their injustices. However, this was not the sole point of his anger, of how he pursuit darkness as a solution for his problems.
By doubling his power, Lord Vader thought of you and you alone. He wanted to be the one to give you the life you deserved, comfortable and filled with proper luxuries—even though neither of you were excessively materialists. Nonetheless, what is this now but an illusion that is dissipating right before his eyes?
Seeing your suffering—the one that resulted from his doings—does not appease his angst. It only further bleeds his heart with guilt, breaking his spirit more than he cares to admit.
The only way now is to get his vengeance done. Vader realizes it has never been fully complete. Palpatine must die. A reasonable and yet bittersweet thought. Only then, he is coming for you, his precious love. The Jedi who left, the Jedi who never fell. His angel who remained pure before his eyes.
However, he must see you one more time. The temptation is too great to ignore.
What are you doing, Y/N? If only you knew…
It takes some time before he is led to a scene in which Vader promptly recognizes it as being part of the planet Y/C. You are under heavy rain, a grey hood omitting your features. You stare into the ocean, ignoring the presence of storm troopers who are still under the obeisance of the Order 66.
Vader fears for you. He instantly reconnects with you, trying to send some warnings about it. He sees you are startled by how tense your shoulders are. But you take his silent warning and when you turn, you are surrounded by five clones.
Vader feels an angst washing over his body, flowing over his hands, closing his fists as he tries to hold back a scream. In this very moment, though, the moment is gone. He cannot know what happens to you and to worse the current situation, Palpatine is looking for his pupile.
“I sense a weakness in you, Lord Vader”, his calm voice gives the other nerves. “What am I detecting here?”
“There is nothing to detect, my lord.” Vader goes in one knee, ignoring the look Palpatine casts him.
“I should better hope that you are not cultivating any animosity towards me, Lord Vader, unless death is what you aim to taste.”
There is little need for the demonstrations of anger for almost promptly Darth Vader submits to his Master.
For now, though.
For now.
Your POV.
As you embark into this strange adventure with the rebellious sisters, trouble is inevitable. Soon, Seara finds out who you truly are.
“A Jedi!”, she exclaims, perplexed.
“You are a Jedi”, her older sister echoes the observation.
You are too impatient dealing with your enemies to explain your current state.
“Just go to the other side. Don’t be reckless, Seara!”, when seeing you are ignored and the other one tries to help, you let a cry out: “No! GET OUT OF HERE!”
You levitate them and throw them at the ship that awaits your leave. It’s the one you find at your disposal—or some sort of it, anyway.
“Just go!”
You turn, trying not to bear in mind the day where remaining troops found you and when they were about to blaster against you, you swear you could hear Anakin’s husky voice warning you about their presence.
Would you dare to nurture hope? Would you dare to give ears to the truth that has been resounding in your heart at the silent sound of drums? Would you?
Oh for fuck’s sake. You know there is nothing left for me, Y/N…
You dismiss this new hope, rather concentrating in the days Anakin was your Master and when he got hard on you.
“Remember the new blows I taught you, Y/N”, he cried out to you. “Rise and resist!”
You would drop every single time. At every shot, you thought you’d get beaten. But you’d prove him wrong. You were not weak.
“Go on, lass!”
And eventually you did. You not only brought a small smile to his lips, but you surprised Obi-Wan Kenobi. You knocked every opponent down, you surpassed almost every one in your trainings
As you look at the countless enemies that stand right before you, a thought occurs you.
Why should I fear them?
What happens next comes in slow motion. Your cape embraces the cold wind that comes from outside. You can hear the protests of the sisters you are now protecting, thanks to the powers you’ve doubled recently, when you managed to levitate the heavy ship and send it away.
Your eyes never leave your enemies. You remember seeing every moment of your life running right before your eyes. Specially where Anakin is concerned.
‘Remembering you standing quiet in the rain, as I ran to your heart to be near. And we kissed as the sky fell in…’
His caressing, his eyes staring down into yours, the sweet promises that came out of his mouth, the taste of his tongue in a synchronized rhythm with yours… How he held you near, how you heard his heart beating.
Or how he warmed your body in tempest nights, when he soothed your fears concerning thunders, when he peppered your skin with soft kisses.
“I love you”, you often said when he laid next to your side, staring into those blue eyes with the same intensity that hid behind yours. “There is nothing in the world that I ever want more than to be with you.”
“You are the stars of my universe, Y/N”, he whispered back, finding peace in your arms. “I love you. I will always gravitate to you, I will always find you.”
As memory turns into dust and salty tears are swallowed, stuck in your throat, you are brought back to nowadays. The troops step aside and an Inquisitor comes, laughing manically, posing himself a threat with a woman by his side.
“We know who you are”, you are told, hands resting in your sabers. “Almost a Senator, almost a Jedi. It’s what you are. An almost who is now about to become nothing.”
“Yet you treat me like a Jedi”, you answer softly, disdain rolling in your tongue, another inheritance of your husband. “Should I presume you fear me enough to attempt to disqualify me? I am not forgetting the wrongs you’ve done to the one I love.”
Another laughter.
“Did no one tell you that vengeance and anger are not the Jedi way?”
You finally hold your sabers in your hands, eyes narrowed at your opponents.
And a sly smirk twitches in the corner of your lips when you respond them:
“Well, I am no Jedi, you sons of a bitch.”
Thus it is the battle finally begins.
Darth Vader’s POV.
His eyes stare down into the lifeless corpse of Palpatine. Despise marks Anakin’s yellow eyes as he leaves it there, to public display under the shocked stare of thousands of troops and those who served the Empire loyally.
They all follow their Sith Lord with an astonished gaze stamped in their faces. What are they supposed to do now? A silent, unspoken question that is to meet, however, an even terrible end. Their reward for their evil services is dying under the forces not of Vader, who mysteriously escapes, but those of rebels who sought an opportunity and promptly took it.
Disguised under this vine hood, Vader’s mind and heart are far from the fall of the Empire he helped to build. As he concentrates, he comes to find you in a very violent battle.
Though he is proud of how you fight—(I taught you well, Y/nickname)—he is concerned in the same measure. How on earth will you alone defeat two of the most dangerous inquisitors? Not that he underestimates you, but as Vader is shown the fire spreading around the place you are fighting your war, his concern only grows.
“Fuck, Y/N. Fuck, don’t fight them off! Run away!” He tries to yell at you through the Force.
Though a disturbance is felt, all he can see is the tears that blurry your y/c eyes. Nonetheless, you don’t quake in fear. You are fierce, proud, every inch a Jedi trained and shaped to be one by your Master—the same one you married to.
But you resist. You scream, you give the best of yourself, many of the clones drop dead. But the Inquisitors are harder than you expected them to be.
Eventually though, exhaustion comes at you. Unfortunately, it comes in the wrong time. Right before Vader’s eyes, an explosion occurs.
His yells could easily echo throughout the dark silence of a nearly phantasmagoric galaxy as he pilots away to wherever you are. For he knows he will find you.
As he does.
Your POV.
You believe you are dead. After a long time spent fighting for others’s wars, you are free. You released yourself after being for so long chained to people pleasing here and there, always tirelessly fighting to do the right. Despite the efforts, all you have received from others—except from your husband—was rudeness and unthankfulness.
However, where is peace? Why is there pain in your body, why does it hurt to breathe? You think you hear someone calling your name.
“Kill me”, you hear yourself gasp. “Please. Put an end to this misery.”
You are surprisingly being held into somebody’s arms. The smell of the scent is familiar to you. No. It cannot be.
“Y/N, my darling… I am here.”
The voice is so familiar that you need not much to acknowledge it. You start crying.
“I must be dead then so we are reunited. Oh, Anakin! I was not waiting for you. I’m so sorry I failed you”, you try to speak amidst the pain that inflicts you.
He is so distressed that you cannot tell what really is going on. You cling into him, sensing somehow in your heart there is a different Anakin that is rocking you in his arms.
But he is still my Anakin, nevertheless. My Anakin.
This is the last thought you have before diving into unconsciousness.
Darth Vader’s POV.
He watches as you recover. Both of you are now found in a far away galaxy, somewhere where a new beginning is possible. You wake up in a comfortable bed, dressing a nightgown. A droid looks after you, though Anakin ensures not to leave your side.
“You don’t need to apologize or justify the path you’ve taken”, you tell him for the hundredth time as he apologizes to you. The once proud Jedi and even prouder Sith Lord is humbled before the woman he loves.
Vader is baffled by how well you took the new informations. For fear of losing you, he might’ve omitted some details, though he knows you know what he did not tell you.
But you stay. You cling into his arms, feeling safe. Vader watches you mesmerized.
“How can you…?” He cannot even ask.
You raise your eyes to meet his. Darth Vader is pleased to see some color is now painting your cheeks. You’ve been paled and your recovery took some months. Nonetheless, he’d been there for you: consoling your nightmares, tending your wounds and those unseen scars that left you a deep mark.
“There is good in you, Ani. I know there is”, you stroke his cheek, leaning to peck his lips. Your eyes instantly blurry at the proximity. “I still cannot believe you are here.”
“I’m here, darling. I will not leave you ever again. I… I didn’t know…” He chokes a sob, trying to look strong for you.
“Shhh, it’s fine. It’s all right. Come here.” You pull him against your arms and there he stays, his face buried in your neck. “We will get through this together, it’s what you always told me. I love you, Ani.”
His fears are easily soothed by you. The proximity of your bodies helps remembering how close you used to be—in every possible meaning—before the bloody war and the Emperor meddled and ruined your lives.
Yet, as Lord Vader comes to find out, even in darkness it is possible to let there be light. Little by little, he comes to terms with who he is—something you’ve always done, in fact. When now looking into your face, he is amazed by it.
You never expected him to change his nature, you did not yell at him, calling him names for what he’d done. All you two did was talk about what was done and why it was done, never judging the other for it.
“I love you, angel”, he says rather possessively, holding you close.
Playing with your hair and gently resting his hand on your shoulder, you turn at him when sensing the subtle change of his voice. You side smirk at him, feeling the same feeling.
As you rest your hand in his chest, you peck his lips, bitting his bottom lip.
“I love you too, Ani. I’ve missed you”, your voice comes in a whisper as you move your free hand to dive in his curls.
There is only a brief instant of silence hanging in between you. No more pain, no more nightmares at long last. It’s just you two. No more Jedis or Siths, but a husband with his wife.
It wakes the spark that for a very long time had been drowned in both of you. And he is surprised when your hand slips from his chest to his pants.
“Y/N”, he gasps softly. “What… Fuck.”
You smirk against his lips, enjoying the feeling of having his manhood getting hard under your delicate fingers, moving it up and down—slowly at first before increasing the rhythm just the way he enjoys it.
“I missed this”, you moan softly as he kisses you. “I missed us.”
And just like that, the dark beast comes out again. He kisses your neck, leaving all the gentleness behind when Anakin, formerly Lord Vader, bites it, hungry for your touch.
“Oh”, and you enjoy it, not only the feeling you have upon his manhood, but how he is completely dominating in bed.
“My sweet heart”, he growls under his breath as he starts to push your nightgown over your head, moving his body over yours. “Fuck. I…. Shit. No, no. It’s not about me tonight. Let me reward you for your good will towards me darling. Let me make you see stars.”
A shiver runs in your body the moment he says it, pinning your hands above your head all the whilst you feel him so damn close to your feminine parts, which almost makes you whimper.
Specially when he removes his shirt.
“Fuck”, you curse, feeling wet in between your legs.
Anakin smirks down at you before your cursing. He gently parts your legs, teasing you as he first removes your panties before moving his hands to your waist, arms and gently cupping your cheeks.
“Look what I made you into”, he chuckles. “Corrupting you, aren’t I?”
His thumb plays with your full lips and you take the opportunity to bite it and lick it as well. Anakin groans, hardening in the process.
“Oh by the Maker.”
“Yes?” You feign innocence when he looks at you. “Do you remember when you taught me so many ways to please my Master?”
His hands slip to your throat, wrapping them around it, but never doing anything that goes beyond the limits both of you once settled. His eyes stare down your nipples: he loves watching them getting hard under his touch. He in fact loves how easily you react to him.
“How naughty of you, Y/N”, he leans his body forward as he starts to touch your chest, hands playing with your breasts. “Have you been longing for me, wife?”
Anakin smirks pleased when seeing you blush.
“Y-Yes”, you moan in desperation, overall when he uses one of his hands to tease your womanhood. “Oh my… Anakin!”
As you interlock gazes, you feel as if you’d been brought back to heaven and the Lord Vader you know is the dark angel that’s made it reach to you.
Your POV.
You have missed riding him. Oh yes, you have. Every naughtiness there has been in you comes back with no shame. Anakin can tell the same as you move your hips slowly, taking his cock rightly so, as if he needs to remember you own him. As he owns you. As each owns the other.
“Oh Maker”, you throw your head back as his touch in your womanhood, as every grasp against your body sets your soul alight. “Oh my… You electrify me, love!”
“I’ve never been so alive as when I’m with you”, you lean downwards again to kiss his lips hungrily, famine for him, for his soul and flesh.
Anakin now flips positions and he is dominating you once more, leaving tons of bruises in your body, subjugating you to his will. His moves are harder now, matching your screams.
“Shit”, he curses when sensing his climax.
“Give me your seed”, you beg him, which makes him smirk.
Because for some reason he knows and so do you. That this night is not any night. And just like that he complies to your wishes.
Bathed in salt, your bodies are too tangled in each other to make any distinction. Anakin nuzzles against your neck, kissing you softly as he locks his hand against yours.
You rest against his chest, clinging onto him, never again experiencing this kind of bliss.
“Thank you, love”, you capture his whisper just as you start to fall asleep.
You turn your head to meet his eyes. One is painted with the old shade of blue so familiar to you, whilst the other remains yellow.
“What for, sweetheart?”, you ask him.
As he puts a loose lock behind your ear, you can tell he is thrilled.
“For this. For your forgiveness and your love. For…”
“Shh”, you interrupt him. Turning on your elbows, you smile at him as you wipe away his tears. “I will always love you, Anakin Skywalker. And you will be the father of my children. I’ve always known this. Always. We are a family, remember?”
“Yes”, he whispers softly. “Yes we are.”
That night the two of you fall asleep under the certainty something better awaits in a near future…
Ten years later.
“Daaaaad! Luke got your… Oh, you didn’t tell me we had visitors”, Leia blushes. “Hello there, grandpa Ben!”
Anakin and you have been discussing your new steps as Senator of Coruscant when your daughter steps abruptly in the living room.
“I am too old to remind you it’s uncle Ben”, Obi-Wan chuckles, shaking his head.
“I can see your grey hair though, Master”, you joke back.
“Besides”, Anakin adds cheerfully, “didn’t I tell you that you were the closest thing to a father? But you have to wait for me because it apparently Luke has been up to another mischief.”
You sigh heavily as you pour some tea and surrender to your daughter’s pleas about eating chocolate cookie.
In the meantime, though, Anakin’s eyes go wide when he sees Luke took his younger brother, Ben, to a trip without his knowledge. He would have laughed if he didn’t know how fast Luke likes to pilot.
Y/N often says he got it after me…
Swallowing a laughter, Anakin scowls:
“LUKE AND BEN SKYWALKER! Did you go pilot without asking my permission again?”
The two boys exchange guilty glances. Anakin would be delighted to how cute they are had he not been concerned about parenting—or you’d scold him for that, accused of being too permissive with your sons.
“Leia is such a gossiper!”, Ben complains.
“Don’t say that about your sister. Come now, inside. Tell your mother what you did.”
“But dad!”, Luke pouts. “Why?"
"You know very well why, Luke Skywalker."
As he steps inside and finds Leia following you everywhere you go--and you are pregnant again, so Leia is always talking about having a sister because it's unfair how Luke has a brother to make him company.
"I see the boys get something from their father", Obi-Wan remarks in between chuckles.
You join him in laughters.
"Oh you have no idea how much!"
"But I got after my mother!", Leia protests proudly so.
"Of course you do", says Obi-Wan, watching as you beam and kiss her head. "Well time rushes. I hope to see you both on Monday. There are lots to be done! And kids, behave!"
You lean into Anakin's embrace as you two watch the children saying goodbye from their "grandpa" Ben. It's only then you chuckle and say:
"You think I wouldnt notice that you and your brother were up to no good again, Luke Skywalker? So much like your father."
"And it's time to homework now if I aint mistaken", says Anakin, unable to hold back his laughters before their complaints. "Go on. No candy before it's all done. Love, you can do what you have to do. I'm looking after them tonignt."
You beam as you kiss him in his lips, earning some "eeeew" from the children. But this family is everything you wanted. Everything you and Anakin deserved. And this is only growing...
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thefangirlfever · 5 months
Me cooking my next one-shot for ya'll:
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Yes there will be spice 🌶🤭 Stay tuned, new post on Saturday 🌻
(Meme found on Pinterest)
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Whumptober 2022 Day 14!
Summary: Written for Whumptober 2022 Day 14. Set in my Httyd Zombie AU. As he grows up in a world after the Red Death Outbreak, Hiccup learns the hard way that a growing body eventually comes with its advantages.
Warning: Minor character death, Violence
Rating: Mature
Characters: Hiccup, Ruffnut, Tuffnut
Pairing: /
Words: 2 106
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: DIE A HERO OR LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO BECOME A VILLAIN, Desperate measures, "I'll be right behind you."
Whumpee: Hiccup
Author’s Notes: Saw this prompt, immediately thought of this idea, and couldn't be more excited to write it. But I got sick last week and then ended up gone for most of the weekend, so I got no writing done for days. But I finally got it done and here it is!
Constructive criticism is appreciated.
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@janeb984 @bixiebeet @spengnitzed @theselfshippingwitch @inevitablemoment @slimerspengler @professorlehnsherr-almashy @amalthea9
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@bixiebeet @spengnitzed @professorlehnsherr-almashy @theselfshippingwitch @slimerspengler @janeb984 @inevitablemoment @amalthea9
Within a few years, Columbia Pictures decided there was money in an Animated Series based on the supernatural comedy Ghostbusters (1984) and the further adventures of its four paranormal investigators. Columbia partnered with DIC Entertainment to make it happen.
The problem was that there was already a Filmation cartoon in development called Ghostbusters, a sequel to the 1975 live-action series The Ghost Busters about a pair of noir-style detectives (and their gorilla) who battle supernatural forces. Filmation's Ghostbusters was a flop, the victim of mistiming: kids were upset that these guys weren't the 'real' Ghostbusters. In response, DiC launched The Real Ghostbusters, to distinguish it from the Filmation property (and to imply that the Filmation Ghostbusters were phonies). 
The cartoon focuses on the day-to-day busting that the movie relegated to a montage in the manner of a Police Procedural; there is no over-arching villain or hint of larger forces at work, although some of the ghosts come back for a second try. Not all the ghosts and other supernatural entities are evil: On occasion, the heroes "bust" the ghosts simply by helping them complete their Unfinished Business, while others enlist the Ghostbusters' help or actually want to be busted, as the Ghostbusters' containment unit approximates 'resting in peace' enough to satisfy them.
While the different character designs made to avoid paying the rights for the actor's likenesses extablished that this was an alternate universse, there were some elements that still made it feel like a direct cohesive continuation to the movie (in episodes like Citizen Ghost which follows the team rebuilding the Firehouse right after the battle against Gozer, and Take Two, wich follows the team watching the premiere of the 1984 live action movie like they watch a biopic about the opening of their business), and the success of the show helped boost the selling of a lot of merchandise, which extablishes a franchise, which in turn made Columbia and Sony interested in making the sequel to the 1984 live action movie.
Three episodes of The Real Ghostbusters in particular have plot beats that may or may not have served as inspiration for 1989's Ghostbusters II.
And these are:
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In Ghost Busted, when the number of ghosts across the city drops considerably, the Ghostbusters realize that they will soon be broke! But after they prevent a robbery from taking place, they reinvent themselves as... the Crime Busters!
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The theme of what the Ghostbusters do when their business drops off is coincidentally dealt with in the beginning of Ghostbusters II as well: in the Ghost Busted, the team forms a new business to catch criminals in the streets, reinventing their equipment in the proccess, while in Ghostbusters II, they spent five years in separate career paths before returning to hunting ghosts.
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In Beneath These Streets, after New York appears to suffer an earthquake, the ever-enthusiastic Ray heads off into the sewers by himself to find out more. There, he learns that ghosts are gathering for a massive attack on the city, starting by taking away the ooze that lubricates the pillar keeping Manhattan afloat!
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The episodes has some parallels to Ghostbusters II in a brightly colored goo bubbling up from the sewer and a Ghostbuster (Ray Stantz) hanging from a rope over a pit. 
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In Hard Knight's Day, when Peter takes his date to the Cloisters in New York, warrior spirits spew forth from the tapestries with only one thing on their mind: taking Peter's date back into the tapestries with them, where she will remain forever. Although entirely a coincidence, this episode shares several plot elements with Ghostbusters II:
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A date gone wrong
A recently unveiled painting
The main villain comes from a painting
Magic anchors the villain to a painting
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Peter's love interest is taken captive
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The Ghostbusters rappel into a museum
The Proton Streams initially fail against the villain
A victim is placed before a painting
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⭒✦☾ wait.... um. sorry if so many questions are annoying, but what's alternia? i'm kind of confused about that too. ☽✦⭒
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Alternia iss an Alternate Universse Grumblr RP sset on the planet of the ssame name, which iss essssentially a grimdark verssion of Beforuss where being culled meanss being murdered.
There'ss a LOT of lore about it and it'ss fassccinating! Becausse a ssocciety built around ssensselessss killing asskss a lot of quesstionss.
If you're going to read up on the lore I'd recommend you sstart with the Demon King'ss Arrival arc and read on from there.
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onlyforpjm · 1 year
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The Weekend Massacre
WRITTEN BY jimlingss 
Words: 19.7k
Genres: 90% Angst, 10% Action?, Serial Killer!AU
Summary: Receiving an invitation to a party, Jimin finds himself in a room of serial killers and a game to see who can gain the most notoriety.
Warning: vomiting, toxic relationship, murder, gore, homeless abuse, mentions of sexual abuse, cults, mutilation etc. I don’t condone the actions of my characters.
❧onlyforpjm’s feedback: BOY OH BOY, when i tell you this was a story soooooooooo different from what i usually read but it is SO GOODD, i am so used to sappy couple happy ending stories and honestly this was a refreshing break from my usual readings 
A Kiss of Poison
WRITTEN BY jimlingss
Words: 29.2k
Genres: Angst, A Pinch of Fluff, But Still Mostly Angst
Summary: You are the princess of the kingdom, ready to marry the prince/your childhood friend, Jeon Jungkook. But when you visit the forest one last time, an unsightly witch curses you. Now you wait for your prince’s rescue—but someone else might just beat him to the punch instead.
Or alternatively….
In fairytales, the prince saves the princess from the evil witch. No one ever expects the princess and the witch to be the same person.
Warnings: gruesome and horrifying details, curses, lots of sad times, details of deformations, blood.
❧onlyforpjm’s feedback: wow, all i can say is wow because this is not your typical fairytail story and i love it, y/n being slightly evil? SIGN ME UP and if you couldnt tell i adore jimlingss writings
The Iron Ring
WRITTEN BY sailoryooons
pairing: fae prince! Jimin x human! female reader
summary: After finding a mysterious ring while cleaning out your late grandmother’s attic, you receive the unlikeliest of visitors: a fae prince who claims you have something that belongs to him. Discovering the fairytales your grandmother told you are true is the least of your problems when you’re taken to a world dangerous and unfamiliar.
words: 92,681
❧onlyforpjm’s feedback: oh my lord, i literally stayed up to finish this. its such a satisfying slow burn, and jimin in this story ommmmmggggggg i wish i could brain wash myself and re read this over and over, also the plot??!?!?!? so creative sailoryoons is so talented
emerald fire
WRITTEN BY mygnolia
summary: flames in your raging fire don’t burn out as fast as you think they do, and you don’t expect your relationship with someone like park jimin to ignite as fast as it does.
pairing: park jimin x reader (fem)
genre: enemies/rivals to lovers, mostly fluff
au: top students, hogwarts/hp/wizarding community
words: 19k
warning: cursing! explicit language! misunderstandings, low insults they don’t really mean, minor injury to side character, family emergencies
❧onlyforpjm’s feedback: my absolute favorite writing of all time. i absolutely knew nothing about the harry potter universse before reading this but NOW? baby im hooked, jimin is so sweet and so kind i wanna cryyyy. also i am most definitely a slytherin ;)
Lovely Demons (M)
WRITTEN BY kpopfanfictrash
pairing: Jimin / Reader (female)
genre:  Fantasy / Enemies to Lovers / Princes of Hell!AU / Witch!AU
words: 41,774
warnings: 18+ for sexual content. Fingering, dirty talk, oral (female), condom-less sex (with mention of other protection), breast play.
Graphic injuries occur to main characters throughout the story. There are action/fight scenes.
Summary:   As penance for a crime committed long, long ago, the Witch Council banished you to the feared Tholoss forest. Your sentence was one hundred thousand days of solitude – or death, whichever came first. Your only hope of salvation comes from the demon names routinely sent your way; creatures who escape the inner circles of Hell and pose a threat to the mortal realms. For each demon you kill, days are removed from your sentence. For years you’ve existed, biding your time, until one morning you receive a name which throws your entire world into chaos: the name of Park Jimin, High Prince of Hell himself.
❧onlyforpjm’s feedback: i lost sleep over this writing and IT WAS WORTH IT, this specific story revived my love for reading ffs and who doesn’t love an enemies to lovers??
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A Piece of the Moonlight
WRITTEN BY jimlingss
 Words: 22.1k
Genre: Angst, tad of Fluff, Historical, Mulan!Au
Summary: For your loved ones, the people who are waiting at home, the people who have died - you will fight. And sometimes to fight means to sacrifice: who you really are and the person you really love.
Warnings for underlying misogynistic themes, blood, war and death.
❧onlyforpjm’s feedback: sigh all i can do is sigh,  heartbreaking, and the end
 :(((((((((( atleast we had some closure 10/10
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sokumotanaka · 1 year
This toy guy is the next straw hat in an alternate universs
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northerngoshawk · 2 years
4, 16, 19, and 22 for the wip ask game!
because I forgot to ask for a snippet for the wip ask game:🌹
lol no worries, i'mma do it all in this ask for convenience 😌 thanks for the ask, choco!
for this game, i will be talking about my only active wip: my forbidden lovers au for kataang!
4. What percentage of your WIP do you think you have done so far?
uhhhh if we were to go by section, little over 1/3. i have 4 out of 12 sections completely written with one being written out right now and the rest mostly summary notes. but in terms of word count, right now my doc reads 10k, and i haven't even written out the majority of these sections. projected word count is 20k minimum, so i have to split this into at least two chapters.
these sections are turning out to be really, really, really long 🥲
16. What are you most excited about with finishing this WIP?
actually finishing it
but i'm also really really really excited to share this fic with the world. i have yet to see a fic that has this exact premise, and while i wish i wasn't the one to write it, it doesn't really matter in the end, so long as this fic exists, yanno?
also finishing all the kataang scenes, because i missed writing for them 🥺
19. What is a favorite line of dialogue so far?
ah, good question! needless to say, i don't really want to reveal the context for fear of spoiling all the goodness, but i will share this little snippet 😌
“But…” She swallowed thickly, suddenly finding it very hard to breathe, and looked down at the ground. “There is something that he needs to apologize for.”
trust me, once you see the context this line is in, you'll understand why 🤣😌
22. What is a spoiler you can give us for something incredibly insignificant in your WIP?
so since this wip is going to be so long, my supposed "spoiler" should be pretty obvious. but whatever lol
so the "spoiler" here is that Aang and Katara get together at the end of the fic, aka NO DEATH and NO SADNESS at the end. but again, not a big surprise. the focus on the fic is less going to be about that and more about how they get together, especially in lieu of this alternate universe's societal pressures on Aang and Katara. okay, that sounds a lot deeper than it actually is, but the point is, the focus will be on the journey, not the endgame 😌
(oh also this is a childhoodfriends!kataang fic which plays a part in the worldbuilding of this universse)
and since you asked for it, i will give not just one snippet, but a few paragraphs' worth 😌 (slightly modified to prevent spoilers)
After a pause, Katara cleared her throat. “How’d you figure?”
She had meant for her words to come out scathing, accusatory, but all that left her was a half-hearted, weary question. She could no longer bring herself to care enough to be angry. And maybe, just maybe, a part of her was curious on how Sokka came to that conclusion.
Sokka dragged his eyes up to Katara. “He was the only one who could make you smile,” he said. His mouth twisted down and his eyes shadowed with the vestiges of grief. “Ever since…”
Katara swallowed, her throat suddenly tight.
The stone pendant hung heavy from her neck.
After a moment of silence, Sokka seemed to gather enough of himself to continue, “And even now, you’re not happy. Not really.” Sokka looked back up to Katara, his expression unusually somber. “You haven’t been happy since they took him away.”
Katara couldn’t help but bristle at the implication in his words, even as a small part of her heart twinged at his words. She opened her mouth to retort, but the look on Sokka’s face halted her. Maybe it was the tiredness in his eyes, the bags underneath them. Maybe it was the raggedness of his expression.
Maybe it was the way he looked so much like their father—old, weary, sad.
“Katara, I want you to be honest with yourself.” Sokka’s eyes bored into her soul. “When was the last time you were happy? Truly happy?”
i'm super excited to share this wip with the world, and i hope you guys will enjoy when it comes out!!
WIP ask game
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kikidi · 3 years
The latest installment in the Late Nights in Ravka series is up. Enjoy, loves! Chapters: ½
Fandom: The Grisha Trilogy - Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov, Nikolai Lantsov/Alina Starkov
Characters: The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova, Alina Starkov, Nikolai Lantsov
Additional Tags: Darklina endgame, minor nikolina, way more nikolina than I meant to write but I promise this is darklina endgame, Smut, Porn with Feelings, Porn With Plot, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Royalty, modern ravka, Voyeurism
Series: Part 3 of Late nights in Ravka
Summary: Takes place after the events of Late night at the hotel. The birthday of the Duke of Keramzin has arrived and Alina, his adopted daughter, has made it home from university to celebrate with him. An engagement is set to be announced officially to the world before the night is over. At least, that is the plan. But things don’t always go as planned. Especially when a special guest is invited and will be spending the night. A choice will have to be made. Will Alina choose her duty or her heart? Or… Will the choice be made for her in the end?
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artsy-hobbitses · 2 years
So the pic is alternate timeline piece or main timeline meets alternate timeline?
There’s is a Time Travel saga crossed over with a Functionist!Timeline saga (when the originally intended Time Travel goes wrong for a small crew of Autobots as the tech is very much in its infancy mid-war) in TTB! So yes, this is a thing that occured, with Prowl heading into the alternate stream to rescue the stranded crew while Jazz stayed behind to keep everyone else back at the Main Universs safe as at this time, OP is out of commission for a bit.
It gets wild for him for a bit because this Functionist!Timeline Jazz is acquainted with Functionist!Timeline Prowl, who is his murderous Javert of sorts, so he initially doesn’t take well to Main!Universe Prowl AT ALL.
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askroahmmythril · 7 years
Would you play a classic styled MMX game? Like, megaman classic, but has the music and bosses from mmx? And the villian would still be wily Ps. this would all be in a alternate universs.
If it had the controls of the Classic series (i.e., the slide instead of the dash and such), and kept the angsty story stuff to a minimum, maybe, but it would probably be pretty weird, haha.
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professorlizzard · 7 years
My headcanon is that darkest dungeon is set in alternative universs france because french names and crimson court is very french court stylep And houndmaster is a gendairme it is said ingame But could be au canada or au louisiana
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