#alternative universe: supernatural
jibberjibbsart · 2 months
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Supernatural “Power Hour” Part 10
Something strange this way comes…
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aunnokokyuu · 1 year
what if YOU were a poor little animation studio who kept straightifying the very homosexual moments between a tiger and a malnourished victorian child in order to make the anime more appealing to the general public. but THE MANGAKA HIMSELF said NO here’s a scene where said malnourished victorian child sensually bites the tiger’s neck while he’s transformed as a vampire and U HAVE TO ANIMATE IT THIS TIME BCS ITS IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT!!! now bones if you straightify that scene like you did to akutagawa telling atsushi to run you fool then you can trust that i’ll find you more than you trust in god
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ghost-facess · 2 months
inspired by @bitchface24-7 's post,
as I'm a "the boys" fan, I love Jensen's look in the show and now I've been introduced to supernatural I can't stop thinking about older man!dean and late teen!/young adult! sammy together
also dean having that hot american soldier boy voice cause I looove it
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they go together so well mmmmmm
I just know he'd fuck sam so good
• last year of highschool sam who meets dean at a motel some friday nights where dean is just a romantic and then it devolves into hot, dirty sex
• OH OH sam egging him on - “you really fuck like an old man.” and dean fucking that brattiness out of him. “what was that bitch?” dean spits and grips sam's shaggy hair, not caring if it really hurt and speeds up his thrusts, sam focusing on heavy balls slapping against him, which turns him on even further.
• maybe dean letting go of his grasp in sam's hair and then just as sam rests his head down, he's suprised by dean wrapping his thick hand around sam's throat. squeezing and dean bends down, “now you listen to me, you whore.....”
• dean pays for the stay and asks to treat him to a fancy meal next weekend with which sam happily accepts.
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Sometimes I think about Dean meeting AU Cas, a hunter in his own world, and how that would go
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But I think we know how it would go, Dean would immediately set phasers to fuck
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UPDATE: For those looking for a fic with this concept, @alana-alana-alana just recommended
Those Who Favor Fire
dothraki_shieldmaiden, FriendofCarlotta
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celestiall0tus · 7 months
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! But particularity @Misted-Glass as I bring a (hopefully) present surprise as it was I, your @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers secret valentine.
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perfica · 7 days
Me, squinting off into the distance, wondering what the hell these two are up to
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kodalily · 9 days
Designed a new Trollsona completely based and surrounded by @spooky-pop 's newest Trollsona, Solstice. Eclipse (my Trollsona) is designed to be Solstice's BFF.
Some info on Eclipse:
She's born of the stars
She can levitate and has telekinesis
Her eyes glow white whenever she uses her abilities
The stars on her body are only visible at night. They change location on her body depending on where she's at in correlation to the stars that are visible in the sky
She ended up on Earth because she was drawn to Solstice's aura
*more lore to be developed as Spooky and I build on it 😊
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comickinnie-96 · 1 year
Misha: Oh no I misspoke. I should clarify.
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kater-tot66 · 1 month
Someone made a post that I'm now unable to find that was talking about what would happen if Jensen/Jared/Misha met their characters in one of the alternate dimensions/universes and the concept has been rattling around my brain for a bit now and I had a silly thought.
So Misha and Jensen both support Destiel.
And they are actors, and could easily pretend to be Cas and Dean.
And Misha, being the mischievous man we all know in love, would TOTALLY devise a plan to get Dean and Cas to confess for each other. He also could probably get Jensen to join in.
They essentially parent trap Destiel, only gayer. Misha dresses up as Cas and confesses to Dean, and Jensen does the same to Cas, and then they both BOOK IT, leading the real Cas and the real Dean to each other without them realizing they were impersonating them. They lock them in the room and they finally fucking confess their undying love for each other, thinking that the other one already has.
These losers just need someone to take the first move, why not let their actors do it for them? Someone with more time and dedication and talent should fic this and tag me when you do so I can read it because I'm going back to school soon and I have no talent for actually writing fanfic.
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zelkiff · 2 months
au! fic where cas owns a bar, dean is a new regular that is causing all sorts of trouble so cas hates his ass you picking up what i’m putting down ;)
but dean eventually becomes extremely protective of the bar and, more importantly, cas.
to the point where he practically starts body guarding the place from anyone who tries to rough up cas or the bar and then one thing leads to another and dot dot dot!
(also they’re cowboys at least dean is, because literally why shouldn’t they be)
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Destiel Prompt #50-something
The Magician vs the Real Thing
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The question will be why is Castiel the real thing. Multiple possibilities:
1. Angel of the Lord
2. Witch
3. Psychic/Natural ability
4. From an alternative universe my where he has been implanted with a device that allows him to do his trick.
5. Superhero (Alien from another world where everyone can do this on his planet or could be just the elite)
6. Military experiment results
7. From the future, eugenically created/altered
8. Artifact/Artefact that gives him this ability to perform his illusions/tricks
If you write any of the prompts, please tag me so I can read the story! I would love to see what you creative minds think up! ❤️❤️❤️
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lilbitdepressed27 · 8 months
Tara Carpenter/ Fem!Reader Supernatural AU
Summary: Heavily inspired by Supernatural also kinda a soulmate AU
Warnings: mentions of death, angst kinda
WC: 5.5k
Authors note: Did someone ask for Supernatural AU? No. Are y'all getting one? Yes. Is it good? That's up to y'all to decide. Hope you guys enjoy and sorry for any mistakes.
"Somebody help me!"
Her dark brown eyes looked around, her body suspended in the air. Hearing what seemed to be thunder rumbling and cries of pain. Her wrist chained up along with her ankles spread out. Hooks going through her shoulders and other parts of her body. The unbearable pain. Her eyes filled with tears, the fear coursing through her body in waves. Remembering where she was. And why.
It was dark, she was tired but she couldn't rest. The intermittent screaming prevented her from that. She wasn't sure how much time passed but it felt like she had been here for years now. The pain she felt was agony. Although she wouldn't change what she did. She did this to save her sister. Her big sister.
But she remembered being held down by the force of that demon. Jill was going to kill Sam. She'd be dead by that time Jill would go through her plan. She remembered seeing the flash of white before she took that last breath. It had been the last thing she remembered before waking up in hell. Hearing the constant screams had been enough to drive anyone crazy.
One minute she was in hell and the next she was gasping for air. She felt so disoriented. Not knowing what was happening or where she was. She couldn't see anything and she couldn't stand.
"Help!" Her voice coming out raw, dry and scratchy. She felt around in her pockets to find a lighter. She switched it and realized that she had been in a, wooden coffin?
Feeling the bright sun beaming down on her as she gasped for air. She kept digging herself out of the grave she had been in. Resting on her back once she was fully out of the ground. Trying to catch her breath. Feeling like she needed her inhaler but she knew she didn't have it with her. She need to calm herself down. But for some odd reason, she felt like she wasn't alone. Like someone or something was with her. The odd thing, she didn't feel scared. The presence made her feel, safe?
She stood once her breathing was back to normal. Taking in the fallen trees around her. There was no way she had just walked out of hell. Someone had pulled her out. And from what she was seeing, who ever had taken her out had to be way too strong to do something like this.
"What the fuck."
Her mind racing at potential threat of what Sam could have done. The danger Sam could now be in.
Tara had walked for what felt like ever. It was until she arrived to a small gas station. There had been no one. The place completely abandoned of any life. She had downed full water bottles, she had never felt so thirsty. Stopping at the sink to look at herself, a small sense of hesitation hitting her when she gripped the bottom of her shirt before revealing her stomach. Her breath hitching when her stomach and torso showed no signs of scars.
She remembered the pain, her screams as she was being clawed by those hell hounds. There was no traces of her ever going through such pain. She couldn't wrap her head around what was happening. She continued to check herself for any sign of something. Wincing when her fingers connected to something on her shoulder. Lifting the sleeve of the shirt, eyes widening at the burned handprint on her shoulder.
Getting lost in her thoughts trying to figure what demon could do something like this. What demon could be this powerful to drag her out of hell. The more she thought of the question, the greater the fear of what Sam could have done grew.
As she was gathering supplies, there was distant ring growing closer. She did not question it at first, figuring it was the random ring in the ear people get. It wasn't until the static of the tv was turned on, along with the radio. The ringing only growing closer and louder. She moved with a new found energy, trying to cover the windows with salt.
But as the ringing grew closer and louder, she had no choice but to stop and cover her ears. Screaming in pain, feeling like her ear drums were going to burst. The faint noise of the windows bursting and then everything going quiet. She stood up, looking out the broken windows confused. The ringing in her ears continued. She needed to call Sam.
"We're sorry, the number you are trying to reach has been disconnected."
She stood in the phone booth, picking up more of the quarters. Trying another number she knew by memory.
"Who is this?"
"It's me."
"Who's me?"
"It's me Tara."
"This isn't funny. Call again and I'll kill you."
She knew calling Gale was a long shot. But Sam wasn't answering. She needed to find a way to Gale's house. Right now she hopped that Gale wouldn't freak out.
Getting to Gale had been easy. Fighting her off and trying to convince her that she was back and very much not a demon. From drinking holy water to cutting herself with a silver knife.
"Yea It's me Gale, I swear." Feeling her eyes mist with unshed tears. Gale had been the closest thing she had to a mother. Even when they butted heads Tara had so much respect and love for Gale. She had remembered how devastated and angry Gale had been when she found out about her deal. The deal she made to save Sam.
To feel the arms of someone she saw as a mother wrapped around her in a tight hug had her almost burst into tears.
"God Tara. How the hell are you even alive?" Gale hugged the shorter girl in a deathly tight grip. The anguish she felt had been nothing compared to how she found Sam that day. To see Tara in such a state had her almost making a deal. "Tara, you were dead, your chest had caved in and your insides were basically scrambled. Not to mention you've been buried for four months. Even if you did some how slip out of hell and back into your body-"
"I know, I should look like Taylor did in that look what you made me do video." Tara moved to sit in a chair at the table. Gale moving to sit in front of her. "Where is Sam anyway? I've tried calling her phone."
"I don't know, after we buried you she kinda dropped from the map. I haven't been able to reach or find her."
"What? Gale you guys were supposed to look out for each other."
"I tried Tara. But these past months have been hard. After we buried you, Sam wanted to be left alone. I tried reaching her but she didn't want to be reached." The days after the burial Sam had, changed. Gale had tried to keep it together. But losing Tara had left a hole in their little dysfunctional family.
"I'm assuming Sam didn't want me salted and burned."
"Yea, she said you'd need your body for when she found a way to bring you back."
Tara looked at the older woman. The first thing that came to her mind, what she got was, 'what the hell did Sam do?' She had done the same when that asshole had stabbed Sam and killed her. It was the whole reason why she was taken to hell in the first place. She couldn't imagine what Sam had felt to be held up by Jill as she became the dogs chew toy. To feel helpless as she died a slow painful death.
But if she was here, alive and breathing. That means Sam had succeeded in making a deal. A deal that will have Sam facing the same fate she did, and she couldn't have that.
You had been tasked a simple job. To bring back the young Carpenter sister. It had been easy. Pulling her out was the easy part. To actually interact with the girl had been a lot harder. You had tried when she was at the gas station. And then in the motel room. You had underestimated your powers and felt awful. There wasn't a good moment to make your presence known since then.
Another part of your task was to also keep an eye on the older sister. You had personally thought what she was doing was better than what hunters usually do. Samantha had taken her own powers and used them for good. Being able to save the victim from the possession of a demon. You had seen the out come of what old hunters had been doing. Their own type of way of getting rid of the demons. It always ended with the victims death. But with Samantha it had been different. Even though she had demon blood coursing through her veins. You saw the good she was trying to do.
Samantha was different. What she stood for opened so many doors, for her kind. And there was more, it was change in the war that was to come.
Change, was something your boss had been afraid of.
You had felt the tension between the Carpenter sisters the moment you had returned to them. You had missed out on their heart felt reunion. Although you had felt the love they had for each other even from a far. After updating your superior you had been returned, now it was your chance to make your presence known. The opportunity showed it self when the Tara Carpenter and Gale Weathers tried to summon you.
"Are you sure you casted the spell right?"
You heard the young hunter say. It was then you pushed the doors to farm open. The lights flickered from above, some bursting from the amount of energy coursing through them. You had not been surprised when the two hunters were quick to shoot at you. The salt bullets did nothing, the silver bullets that the young Carpenter shot at you, nor the silver knife Weathers stabbed you with.
You did not want to harm anyone, but you had to speak to the younger woman. With a touch to the older woman's forehead, she was redeemed unconscious. You looked back at the hunter, you were quick to disarm her of her gun. Putting the weapon down on the side table.
"Please, I do not wish to cause any harm." You held up your hands. Knowing this was a sign of mercy. The skeptical look the girl did not go unnoticed.
"Who the hell are you?"
"I am the one who raised you from perdition."
Your wings were big, long, white. Something that you were proud of. The shocked and in awe look took over took her facial features. The hunter stood speechless, her eyes never leaving your wings. You had never interacted with a human after death. After you died you had been given small tasks, preventing things or helping other angels in big tasks. Being an angels was something you never could have imagined. You could only remember so much from your past life.
With everything going on, you had proven to your superior you were up for this task. Even though you sometimes didn't agree with what they did or how they handled things. You still did your own duty. Helping people was something you loved to do. Even when you were alive. Now that you could remember.
"You're an Angel? There's no such thing."
"Miss.Carpenter you have slayed demons, warlocks, witches, monsters and more. But angels you deny they are real, even when one is standing in front of you. Why?" The flickering in farm had stopped, you had stopped the flickering. Standing at a distance from the shorter girl, hopefully showing her you meant no harm.
"If you're an angel and there is a god, where the hell have you been? Cause down here hasn't really been sunshine and rainbows." The anger she know felt was growing. Even though the angel was, cute, she couldn't help but to remember all the innocent lives they've lost throughout the years. Or all the shit she had to go through. Or how she lost her dad at such a young age. Or how she had to grow up hunting evil monsters. Or how she also lost her mother. Or how she had gone to hell.
All these years, evil had always been present. Never a day without incident evil showed its ugly face. But good? God? Angels? Any signs of their being a Heaven.
"I am sorry, I do not have the answers you are looking for, I was ordered to save you and make contact with you." You had asked yourself the same question. It hadn't been long you had been human and praying for a way you could be saved. But you had been killed. Tortured and killed. Your prayers had gone unanswered. But now here you were, an angel.
"Make contact? That was you at the fill up joint and motel?" Tara still couldn't believe it, or she wouldn't believe it. There was a big part of her that wanted to believe in something good. But how could she, after everything that's happened to her. How?
"I am sorry, it was my first time contacting a human since, well since I, perished."
"You're not, possessing someone?"
"No, this is my body. Now I am sure you have questions. Please, I am here to help you and your sister. May I sit?" With nod coming from her you pulled the chair that was pushed to the side and sat down. You knew, the hunter was still being cautious.
Tara looked at you. She wished she could read minds. But she couldn't. What she could do was study you. The way you looked around. Your eyes. They held an innocence that she couldn't explain. There was something about you that had her believing she could trust you. Part of her, wanted to believe that you were the one to save her, that you were an angel. But if anything life as a hunter has taught her was never trust a supernatural being. And unfortunately you were one.
"Why save me?" The question had been on her mind ever since she got out. She knew that what ever had taken her out had been strong enough to scare everyone. Demons and hunters. Even the little demon her sister was seeing had been scared. That was still something she couldn't get used to. A good demon? She knew better, but Sam trusted him.
"Orders from my lord, you are the key into stopping this war Ms.Carpenter."
"War? What war? If you're talking about the devils gates. We closed them." Tara looked at the angel, her eyes kept on going to the wings. Then your eyes. The odd feeling of warmth and familiarity was starting to grow the longer she looked at you. The feeling of seeing you from somewhere was strong. But she couldn't place your face anywhere.
"Greed, Envy, Wrath, Gluttony, Lust, Pride. Do you know what those are?" You named off, you waited patiently for her to response.
"Of course I do. It's the six deadly sins. Whats that gotta do with anything?" Tara spoke her defensive stance never faltering.
"Everything. Those demons were able to escape hell when the gates opened. Along with other dangerous powerful demons. And every single one of them is trying to break the 66 seals, to free Lucifer from hell." You repeated what you had been told plenty of times. You had tried to stop the demons from opening any seals. You knew you were strong enough. But you had not been ordered to. Which you couldn't understand why.
"What?! Lucifer? Like the actual devil?" Her defense was completely gone now. When she had been down there, she had only heard of Lucifer. Never seeing him or hearing him. But everyone down there had been talking about him. the stories she heard. It was enough for her to not want to meet the guy.
"Yes, so far sixteen seals have been opened-What?! What the hell have you guys been doing? Aren't you powerful, strong enough to stop them? Why the hell are you coming to me?"
"I do as am told. I have not received any orders on stopping any seals from being opened. I was told that you were the one to stop the war from happening. It was why I was ordered to save you." That had still not sat well with you. She was right. Why haven't you been ordered. Though, your superior, Wayne had not ordered you to.
A scoff left her lips, "Me? And please tell me how am I mere mortal supposed to stop the freaking apocalypse from happening?"
"You will learn. I'm here to help you in any way that I can."
"What do you mean?" Your fellow angle sister asked. Anika had stayed by your side since you had woken up. She had become more than just a best friend. A sister. Someone you knew you could trust.
"They are not telling us everything. Wayne has been acting, strange. He says and does things that are, strange. Have you heard of any news from our lord?" You had been trying to get in contact with another angel, Dewey. He had helped train you. He was also a well respected angel. He was one of the five angels, that had actually met the lord. But you had not been able to reach him.
After your meeting with Tara. You had promised to stay in contact. With a nod of understanding from her, you left. You had gone straight to Anika. Telling her about your encounter with the one that will save the human race from extinction.
"You can't be questioning them like that Y/n it's dangerous. You know what happened to the last angel that started asking questions. Just please be careful. Stop asking questions. I can't lose you to."
You looked into your sisters eyes. Seeing the grief of what she lost. Who she lost.
Tara had been left, awestruck? Even after she explained everything to Gale and Sam. She couldn't stop thinking about the angel. There was no reason for her to doubt it. She saw the wings. The beautiful white wings. Going as far as to heal the hand mark that was on her shoulder. The warmth coming from you had been, heart warming? Like a missing piece that she mad been missing in her puzzle.
They had done everything they knew on how to kill anything supernatural but the angel had stayed standing. Something she's never seen before. She couldn't deny it. There was something in her, a pull of sorts. Something she couldn't explain. She didn't voice that to Sam just yet.
Like expected Sam and Gale couldn't believe it. She had told them everything the angel had told her.
"An angel?"
"Are you sure Tara?"
"Well it would explain why the demons are scared. You heard Richie no demon could be strong enough to take me out. Shit she even healed the mark she left on my shoulder. I've hunted demons and supernatural shit far longer than you have Sam and I've never seen one do that." She sat down on one of the chairs in the room looking at Sam and Gale.
"Plus there's something about her, something familiar. Like I've seen her before but I can't remember where." It had been bothering her since she had seen the angel.
"Well what's her name?"
Damn. How could she forget to ask for the angels name.
"You forgot to ask for the angels name?" Gale looked at the younger girl in disbelief and bit of humor.
"Shut up. I was pretty occupied processing that angels, heaven. God, are real."
"Well you said she would stay in contact. Right? How do you contact her?" Sam had been looking in every book that had to do with "heaven". But she had came up empty. Not even the Bible was helping.
"Uh I don't know. I don't know even know her name. How am I-Hello."
At the sound of the sudden voice it had all three hunters alarmed and ready to fight. Turning around at the sound of the voice to see a tall y/hc haired woman standing there rocking a bit on her heals. Offering a smile and a small wave.
Tara couldn't help but to think the action was adorable. Shaking her head slightly at the thought.
"Wow." The two other hunters said simultaneously. The wide eyed eyes as they kept their gaze never leaving the wings of the angel.
"Samantha Carpenter. Gale Weathers. Nice to meet you."
The two hunters stood there, their jaws dropped.
"Uh are they alright?" You know directed your gaze to the shorter hunter. She rolled her eyes at the two older woman. Slapping both of them upside the head.
"Yea they're fine. Just never seen an angel before." Tara looked back at the angel. Her eyes connecting with your soft y/ec ones. That feeling returned. The feeling of familiarity, that pull in her heart.
"So what's your name. You said you were once human do you remember anything from your life when you were alive? How did you die? Did you become an angel right away? How's heaven? Did you meet god? Are you-Gale! That's enough." Tara couldn't tell if the look you had on your face was one of discomfort or sadness.
"It's okay Ms.Carpe-Tara is just fine." The sound of her last name coming out of your mouth made her feel something she wasn't sure if she liked.
"Tara." You offered her a small smile. "It's okay. I'm here to answer any questions you must have." You directed your attention back to the older woman. "To answer your questions, I don't remember most of my past life. Just that I was killed. My journey as an angel did start after my death. And no. I haven't met god."
Killed? You were killed? She had more questions about that. Who would have dared someone like you. Yes she didn't know you, but something was telling her she did know you. Who would dare hurt, let alone kill you.
"Now. I'm here to give you some information on the six deadly sins. I'm here to offer my services." You took out your book from your coat. You had taken notes. From spying on the deadly sins. "May I sit?" You asked, remembering all the drills and rules that Wayne drilled into your head.
"Yea of course." Tara sat next to you, Sam to your left and Gale right in front of you. You placed the book on the small table.
"Okay, they held down at the bar ten miles from here. It's only them, but they have taken humans as their bodies. They are known for being vicious and cruel. But like any other demon. Their weaknesses are the usual."
"Why are we the ones to do this again. How is Tara supposed to stop the apocalypse from happening?" Sam asked as she looked down at the note book. The hand writing was neat but what bothered her was the way the angel was acting. You were obviously holding back.
"I'm not sure. I was not informed of how she was supposed to, just that she was destin to." You wished you knew more. But you couldn't keep asking, searching for the answers that were going unanswered to your questions. But you'd end up like Anika's lover. No one knew what happened to Mindy.
But as you looked into the brown eyes, the familiarity was there. Like you knew her. You couldn't let anything happen to her. If keeping her safe meant putting yourself in danger. It was a risk you were willing to make.
"But I will find out. I will be with you every step of the wa-Now Y/n. You know you shouldn't tell lies."
You felt yourself tense at the voice. Standing up and facing Wayne.
"Now this is the girl to save human kind. A little small don't you think."
"Wayne she's stronger-Ha. Y/n you will speak when spoken to. You know the rules." You felt your scars burning as you looked down. Feeling your wings tucking in further into your body.
"Who the hell are you?"
"You dare speak to me like that child. I'm an angel of the lord. You will show me respect. Y/n may have been the one to pull you out of hell but know this, I can send you right back."
He was lying. You knew as much. There was a reason you were the only one to be able to pull Tara out. Anika told you as much. She had heard elder angels talking. He couldn't do anything to Tara, not without killing the one who took her out of hell.
"Look here dipshit. We don't answer to you. From the looks of it. You need us more than we need you." Tara argued her harden gaze never wavering. She hated how he spoke to you. How you went from being open and smiling to almost curling into your self. Your wings weren't free either. They were tense.
"Humans. Such fools. You'll be the end of your precious humanity. Y/n let's go." He now faced you. You failed to meet his gaze.
"Y/n stays." She had remembered what you said. How she was "in charge of her guardian" which happened to be you. At the sight of your eyes widen as you looked at her. Your gaze then going to the older angel. She saw the anger. But he was gone without a word.
You were in so much trouble.
"Are you in trouble? If you go back, will you be...punished?" She was afraid to ask. Part of her didn't want to know the answer. The way you were when that man showed up, it was something she didn't like to see.
"Do you want the truth?" You were in her car. Your wings tucked away in a vest. It was uncomfortable but it would have to do.
"Most likely. Heaven isn't as, peaceful as you'd assume. Especially now. Things are more tense. Angels are being trained harder than ever and elder angels want no failures." You looked back at the bar. The plan was simple but dangerous. Lead the demons back to the trap house and exorcise them.
"I'm sorry-It's not your fault. I'm used to it now." You spoke softly. Your heaven experience had its ups and downs. Unfortunately there was usually only downs.
The car got quiet. Before Tara spoke again. "Do you really not remember anything from when you were alive?" It was a question she had been wanting to ask. The name Y/n. It held such a special place in her heart. In her memory. Her Y/n. She had met people with the same name. But no one could compare to her Y/n.
"There are some moments I get this weird feeling of deja vu. Moments were I start to remember something before the feeling is gone. I just remember how died. And that's it."
"Can I ask how you died? You don't have to answer that if you're not comfortable."
"Uh I was trapped in a room for a long time. I think I was kidnapped. They beat me. Tortured me in every way imaginable. I remember feeling so much pain. Before it was gone and then I felt nothing. You asked me when we first met. Where was god? That was a question I asked myself so many times in that room. It's a question I still haven't found an answer to."
Tara couldn't stop the nagging feeling of familiarity. Why did she feel this way for you. Why did you have to go through such pain. She wanted nothing more than find the people who did that to you and make them suffer. Suffer a worse death. A long painful death.
"I—It's time." The interruption could have not been at a worse time. Tara looked forward to see Sam and Gale high tailing it out of the bar. She started her own car and drove fast to the trap house.
You could hope the plan would work.
"Oh a little angel. How sweet. I'll be the one to kill you. Take your head to Lucifer myself-" Tara moved to shove the holy water down the demons throat. Saying the familiar Latin words. Watching as the demon chocked on the water before being sent back to hell.
She watched as you did your own little thing. Completely oblivious to the threat that had been behind you. Watching as you took down Lust and sent her back to hell effortlessly.
"Thank you Tara. I knew you were behind Pride." You smiled in thanks at the shorter girl. The plan had been successful. Sending all six demons back to hell.
Tara couldn't help her own little smile showing at the sight of your smile. You had such a beautiful smile. "Eh gotta watch my guardian's back, don't I." She teased. Only admitting to herself that she liked seeing you blush.
"Well that's one seal we stopped."
"Yes great work, i will have to research on where the other seals are located. Please be safe, I will be in contact." Before you could leave. A warm hand took a hold of yours. The sudden shock had you startled. It was obvious it had also startled Tara.
"You be careful as well. Come back to me, us when you can or feel in danger okay?" She felt her own cheeks get warm at her slip up. She couldn't help herself. There was something about you that just brought it out.
"I will. I'll see you soon."
And like that you were gone.
"I did some research on Y/n. I couldn't get her face out of my mind."Sam said as she sat down in front of Tara.
"You to? I swear I've seen her before."
"You have, remember when you were like six? And there was that little boy who kept on bullying you?" Sam had spent almost a week researching the name Y/n. But the more she searched. She had found the answers she was looking for.
"Yea and a girl protected me she-No! There's no way. That can't be the Y/n I used to got to school with. My Y/n she's okay. She's fine. She was going to be-Tara. Y/n Y/Ln was kidnapped at the age of eighteen. She was found dead a year later." Sam's own eyes filled with tears at the sight of the distraught look on her sister's face. She knew how in love Tara was with Y/n. Before she left Tara and their mom for college, she had seen how in love Tara had been. Remembering the phone call when Tara had called her crying saying that she wasn't going to be able to see Y/n again due to the family business.
"No. She was supposed to be safe Sam. She was supposed to live her life. Mom promised me she would be safe." The sobs that escaped her lips were not preventable. The reality that you had died without her knowing had her guilt building. You had been dead for the past six years and she didn't even know.
She had just assumed that you were out in the world living your life helping people like you had wanted to.
Now that she knew who you were. She was dying to see you again. The past two weeks had gone by slow. Too slow. The need to see you grew with every passing day. She needed to see you. But you had been quiet since that day in the trap house. She has tried to call you. (Calling out your name was apparently how she did it.) But you had not appeared like before.
"Are you Tara Carpenter?"
Tara snapped her head at the sudden voice. Seeing an angel but not the one she was hoping for. This angel was shorter. Probably a few inches taller than herself. Hair at a shoulder length. "Who's asking?"
"My name is Anika. I am an angel of the lord. I'm here to ask for your help."
"My help? Help with what?"
"Y/n is missing. She always stays in contact with me. But the past week she has gone silent. I worry that my sister may be in trouble." Anika had tried just about everything to find you. But it was like you had disappeared from the face of the earth. It was like what happened to her soulmate all over again.
"What?! Why wait a fucking week to tell me?!" The worry and that pull in her heart grew. You were missing. And she didn't know, again.
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ghcstao3 · 1 year
john gets stranded in what is essentially the middle of nowhere on a road trip because of his car breaking down out of the blue and a torrential downpour that had not come up once on the forecasts he made sure to check a million times over before leaving for his voyage.
it’s strange, the place he finds himself in. he hasn’t seen another car in ages, surrounded by thick forests and no civilization, save for an old general store he remembers passing just before his car called it quits. the rain and dark skies appeared out of nowhere, almost like he’d entered some bubble isolated from the rest of the region.
in any case, in all his panicked stupidity and the hope that he’d maybe be able to get help sooner, john decides to trudge back the kilometre or so to the shop.
dim yellow lights glow in the midst of all the rain, and he’s mercifully greeted by a fading open sign just as he approaches the door. he pushes in without a second thought, eager to escape the downfall.
inside is about everything he’d expect; essentials, canned foods, toiletry, snacks. hardly anything special, though soap is immediately filled with a pleasant warmth that melts away the shiver that would have otherwise set into his bones.
he doesn’t browse. only moves toward the empty counter and prays someone will show up eventually.
not that he’d hate waiting around in the store. it’s far better than his car, in any case.
but just as john takes a step forward, a throat clears behind him.
“‘bit wet out there, is it?”
the deepness of the voice reverberates through john, startling. comforting. he whirls around to face the owner of said voice, and all he sees is tall, broad, dark as his eyes climb to meet irises the warm colour of black coffee.
“a bit,” john agrees, albeit slowly. he realizes he had never heard footsteps, let alone saw anyone else in the store just seconds before. he’s not sure what compels him, but he adds, “my car broke down.”
the man inclines his head toward john, his eyes almost analytical, considering something about john that has nothing to do with his current predicament. it’s hard to judge what he’s thinking, with the mask obscuring the lower half of his face.
“unfortunate,” the man says. “you’ll have to wait out the storm for help.”
john’s heart sinks. he still had so much travel left ahead of him—and who knew how much longer this weather would last?
disappointment must be clear on his face, as the man’s furrowed brows soften into a polite sort of pity before he lets out a quiet sigh and silently directs soap toward the counter.
“wait here,” he instructs.
the man disappears into another room, returning very shortly with a styrofoam cup of coffee and a set of clothing of which he unceremoniously drops on the counter.
“better you’re in dry clothes while you wait,” he explains. “bathroom is just in the back. i have a call to make.”
john nods, swallows. “thank you,” he says, hesitantly reaching for the clothes, “i really appreciate it.”
the man huffs. he stares at john a few moments too long, john almost feeling itchy under his gaze—though, somehow, in a good way.
“my name’s simon, if you need me,” he grunts.
john nods again, offering a polite smile before turning to head to the bathroom. he pauses after only a few steps and turns back to say something, but the words die on his tongue as he sees simon has all but vanished.
john bites his tongue, shaking his head before he continues on his way.
the patter of rain is still heavy outside, nearly matching the squelch and squeak of wet shoes on the tile. the bathroom isn’t difficult to locate, and john finds it easy to admit to himself that he’s more than grateful to not be in clothes that cling to his skin.
though maybe had his mind not been so preoccupied with a dark gaze and full baritone, john might have noticed that the products lining the few shelves were not in fact all normal. perhaps he would have noticed jars of herbs and bones, bottles sealed with wax and labelled as spells. maybe he’d have seen the array of things considered otherworldly.
but he doesn’t. instead, john returns to the counter and the cup of coffee; to simon once he returns and a shadow that doesn’t quite follow his movements as it should.
maybe having his car stop working didn’t have to be such a bad thing, for the time being.
(part two)
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julesthequirky · 5 months
Hunted: Chapter Two
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All my work is purely aimed at those 18+ so minors kindly, DNI.
Summary: Drinking with a handsome man at the bar wasn’t all that bad. Until it was. Now, you’re trapped with a man you don’t know, in a place you don’t know, where noone can hear you scream. You’re starting to think that this was his plan all along. He mentions a brother, and you hope and pray that if you make it out, that you don’t meet him.
Warnings: Non-Con (Rape), Explicit Graphic Violence, Super dark fic, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Graphic Description, Non-Consensual Touching, Object Insertion, Object Penetration, Forced Non-Consensual Orgasm, Forced Blow Jobs, Kidnapping, Psychological Torture, Physical Torture, Physical Abuse, Manipulation, Asphysxiation, PTSD, Murder, Serial Killer Dean Winchester, Serial Killer Sam Winchester.
A/N: Please. For the love of God, if any of the above triggers you. Do NOT read. You are responsible for your own mental health and the wellbeing of yourself.
A/N 2: Each chapter will involve one or more triggers from the above list.
A/N 3: Please note that the warning list is not an exhausted list, and if something turns up not on the list, I will do my best to add it to the warnings.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Female!Reader, OC Nicole.
W/C: 1,386
“C’mon, wakey wakey. Eggs and bakey.”
Coming to consciousness, you groaned, your head throbbing, and the nausea rolled in your stomach. Semiconscious, mouth dry, you swallowed, and it felt like razor blades had lodged their way into your throat. You squeezed your eyes shut, gritting your teeth from the pain. You went to lick your lips, mind too sludgy to understand why your lips were stuck together.
You had to pick up some more garbage bags. And you had to text Mom back about that thing that seemed important but could wait. Whatever it was, it had slipped your mind. The urge to pee was forming.
Last night came back to you in vague flashes. A bar. Shots. The handsome stranger. Drinking with him. In his truck – whispers, kisses and sweet touches. And then nothing. Your mind drew a complete blank.
“C’mon, darlin’.” His drawl cut through the brain fog, and your senses came rushing back.
The urge to pee strengthened.
The cold floor seared you right through, chilling your bones. Snapping your eyes open, suddenly aware that something wasn’t quite right. Your muscles screamed to be released, hands tied behind your back, ankles stuck together, essentially hog-tied. All you needed was the damn apple in your mouth. Your skin pulled on the tape covering your mouth. You jerked to your side and gasped, eyes widening.
“There she is.” He crooned, his fingers trailing through your hair, tracing your face like a lover would.
Your pulse raced, heart hammering as your chest heaved, stealing breaths one right after the other.
The stranger from last night smiled, but this time, it made your blood run cold, and the at bay panic rose a little more. He laid his hand on your hyperventilating chest. You whimpered. Tears pricked your eyes, and you desperately blinked them away.
“My, your heart’s going hell for leather.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, dragging breaths in and out. You really needed to pee now. The pressure your bladder produced had your thighs clenching together.
From your side, the world was lopsided. It was dark, with a bulb flickering overhead. Four walls, bare. No windows—
A hand gripped your face, pulling your focus away from your surroundings to him.
“Remember me?”
You nodded.
How could you forget a face like his? Especially those damn green eyes. They were seared into your brain.
The cold cement flooring seeped into your legs, and you shivered.
That caught his attention. He turned from your face to your legs, a smirk working its way across his lips.
“Damn, I remember watching you walk in. You looked so confident. So ready,” he trailed a finger along your thigh. “I remember thinkin’ that will change. Every minute the clock ticked past, I could see you deflating.”
You tried shucking away from his touch. It didn’t work. It had you on your front, flopping like a fish.
His hand clamped around your leg, fingernails digging into the flesh.
“I swooped in, saving your desperate ass. And you fell, hook, line, and sinker. Y’see, Y/N…your date was never gunna show because it was me all along.”
He fished a hand into his back pocket and brought out his phone. It took him only a moment to bring his screen to your attention.
Chad Wells never existed. You realise that now, staring at the man’s profile on his phone screen.
Tears stung the backs of your eyes, and you pressed your forehead to the cold floor. It had been a scam. A ruse to cover up his true motives.
Was he going to kill you?
Your bladder pained you, reminding you that your basic needs were being squandered. You bet that he didn’t give a damn whether or not you had to relieve yourself.
At least if you peed yourself after being mauled by a bear, the bear would leave you the Hell alone.
Then, in a quick movement, he ripped the tape from your mouth.
“I need to pee. I need to pee.” You begged.
Your lips felt sticky from the residue on the tape.
He looked behind him to a lone bucket in one corner. Your eyes followed his—he couldn’t be serious? But your bladder ached to be released. You nodded, babbled okay, yes, sure. He stood up and kicked the bucket closer to you. It scraped against the concrete floor, stopping beside you.
“I don’t want no funny business.” He said as he untied your hands but left your ankles alone.
Again, you nodded. He turned around, and you fumbled with the button on your jean skirt. You yanked them down and sat on the bucket, hissing as the cold rim bit your skin. You cringed when the sound of running liquid on a tin can filled the space, but the release on your bladder was relieving.
“God, you piss like a racehorse.”
You curled your body inward, acutely aware of how loud the stream was. Every second felt excruciating as it passed.
“You done?”
Nodding, you finished up, buttoned, and the man wasted no time. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and dragged you to the door, feet sliding across the concrete. You screamed, hands flying up to punch and smack at him to get off.
“No! Please! Please, oh, God!”
He flung open the door and dragged you along a corridor. Your screams bounced off the tiles, echoing down the hall.
He shook you like a ragdoll. “Will you shut up!”
You did as he said, whimpering, lip trembling, crying silently, wishing you had never gone out last night.
He stopped by a door. Mud brown. A strange type of star adorned the top quarter of the door, and you managed to catch the number before he turned the brass knob of the door. 21.
A walled grate ran across the room. Two cage doors split the room. One was open, padlock resting unlocked. He shoved you in.
Unable to step forward to catch yourself, you fell, hands slapping the ground, your forehead barely missing the floor. The palms of your hands stung, and your wrists hurt like Hell from taking the pressure of the fall.
Another walled grate split your…cell with another. Peering in the other side, you saw a curtain of dirty, unkempt blonde hair. A small face appeared from behind the hair. And you just knew you’d seen that face before.
The cage slammed shut. The panic rose to your throat. You turned, shuffling yourself to the cage door, fingers gripping between the iron squares. The padlock clicked shut. You looked up at him.
He smiled. Cruel and twisted. He knelt, fingers gripping the metal cage from the other side.
“Look atchu, doll. All caged up, like an animal. Beautiful and scared,” He laughed softly, shaking his head. “I bet there’s still hope somewhere tucked inside. Your roommate soon learnt, aint that right, Nicole?”
He bashed the other cage door, the metal rattling. The small curled up figure jerked, startled, and came closer.
The name was familiar.
An abstract memory of a missing persons flier in your local grocery store, pinned to the wall with Nicole’s bright smiling face, sprung to your mind. She’d been missing for two weeks. Her face was splashed everywhere, accumulating with the other missing girls’ fliers, her parents and friends desperate to have her back.
They were all from the state of Kansas.
The Kansas Killer.
Now, your face would accompany the many victims he’d taken the lives of.
You swallowed thickly. The thought of your body never being found had your blood running cold. Because the police hadn’t found a single body yet.
Nicole was a husk of herself. Her hair hung in front of her face, and she avoided looking anywhere. She shook at being in his attention. He crooked his finger, gesturing for her to come closer. She cowered.
“C’mon, Nicole, show Y/N that it’s pointless to hope. Make ol’ Dean proud.”
Dean. The Kansas Killer’s name was Dean.
Looking at Nicole, she was doing a great job at pitting despair in your belly. She’d been here for two weeks. Is that what he did? Kept them alive. Only to ‘play’ with them. Whatever that was, you didn’t wanna know, but something in your head said you’d be encountering that pretty soon.
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melle-otterwise · 6 months
Art for Heartland Flyer (Destiel Pinefest 2024)
I had the immense pleasure to illustrate @one-more-offbeat-anthem's wonderful fic for the @deancaspinefest 2024!!
You can read her wonderful fic here 💚💙
And below are the two illustrations I did:
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take-it-on-the-run · 6 months
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Dean Winchester, Reaper!Reader
Dean Winchester didn't want to know what life was going to be like without his brother, and he didn't intend to learn
Word Count: 2.5k
Tags: Suicide attempt, angst, major character death, minor injury, typical cannon violence, angst with a happy ending
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reaper!Reader
Read it on AO3!
A/N: Simon & Garfunkel title. This has been stewing in my drafts since August, so I'm very happy I was able to finally finish it! This is set around season 5 (Dean is 30 and Sam is 26). PLEASE heed the warnings, and please don't read further if this story will make you uncomfortable. Unbeta'd and every single mistake is mine :)
Dean Winchester Masterlist | Supernatural Masterlist | Main Page Masterlist
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Rain clung to a man as he peered over the rails of a bridge he couldn’t name. It was big enough to have a name, he was sure of that, but not big enough for people to be driving by at three in the morning.
His hands wrapped around the steel beams meant to keep cars from tipping over into the rushing waters below. They were cold to the touch, but he didn’t feel that. He could barely place one foot in front of the other, let alone feel anything besides the hollowed-out hole in his chest.
His car was parked just off the side of the road less than half a mile away, keys still in the ignition, lights blaring onto the tree trunks that ran on for as far as the eye could see. There was no one for miles, the only souls accompanying him in those moments being those of the rodents scattering into crooks and crannies to hide from the rain.
A heavy weight shifted in his pocket, nudging against his thigh, reminding him why he was standing alone in the rain. He couldn’t comprehend that in the morning, people would come looking for him, that he would be missed; that he would be mourned. He only knew the pain that was engulfing his very being, pushing him closer and closer to life’s edge.
He wanted to compare it to Hell, but he knew that in Hell he’d at least pay for what he’d done in the form of flames and pure, unimaginable agony, like he’d experienced all those years ago. Here, he could only wallow in the fact that he was alive, and the only person he’d give his life for wasn’t.
The first time he tried to pitch himself over the rails, his foot slipped and his head collided with the metal. Blood trickled down his forehead as he remained on the ground. Any other time, he’d be able to climb anything, anywhere; but now all he could hear was the sound of the river below calling for him.
Join me. It said, beckoning him to his feet once again.
Though he couldn’t see me, I was there watching him as he tried to will himself to take his own life. Standing a mere ten feet from him, leaning on the opposing set of rails, I watched as he clambered upright. In complete honesty, I didn’t know if he’d do it or not. I did, however, know that he wasn’t meant to be there. He was meant to pass in a horrible accident three weeks before at his own hands, leaving his brother the only survivor. His name was in my book, and I was meant to take him to the great hereafter, only to find him standing over his brother’s body.
The man didn’t know it, but his brother was there too, watching him on that bridge. He tried to get his brother to hear his pleas, but he couldn’t, so he turned to me.
He begged me and begged me to not let his brother take his life. This had happened many times since I started my life’s work, people trying to offer me their souls in place of a loved one’s, but my duties remained as they were. I’m a pathway to the afterlife. No more, no less. Never once had I prevented someone from dying, never once had someone slipped between my fingers, and never once had I stuck myself in Earthly affairs.
I leaned into the rails silently, letting the rain fall onto my bare skin. I could imagine how cold it was for him, shivering and bleeding as his world seemed to crumble.
His brother clung to my side, clawing and tearing at my skin as he wailed for me to let his brother live, that his soul should be enough for me to have.
I turned to him and looked into his widened eyes, and all I could do was wonder. Wonder why such a young man was content in his own death, and why he didn’t want his brother to die as he did.
“You Winchesters and your family bond. You know Samuel, there aren’t many people out there who aren’t pissed at the person who killed them.” I said as I acknowledged the youngest Winchester for the first time since he started our conversation.
“He didn’t-” Sam looked to his older brother, still oblivious to my presence, “-my death wasn’t his fault. You got your soul, now you can report back to your big boss and just leave Dean alone, please.”
I turned to him, ready to tell him that my kind didn’t deal in souls, but was interrupted when the click of a handgun made Sam and I turn our heads.
“Are you my reaper?” He asked, matter-of-factually, poorly aiming his pistol in my general direction. I took a step toward him, the rain beginning to fall more violently.
“We both know you’re smart enough than to try and use that on me, Dean,” I said, ignoring his question as I took more steps toward him.
“Answer-” Dean readjusted his slipping grip on the gun, eyes wearily trained at me. “-answer me.”
“I was your reaper, yes,” I answered, closing the distance between us, cool metal pressed against my chest.
His eyes were green and sunken; packed with tears, veins, and blood. His pupils darted around my face expectantly, begging me to do something, make his pain simply go away.
I felt a heavy pang in my chest, that hooked onto my heart and sunk to my feet.
I reached up to his face, gently cupping as I skimmed my fingers over untrimmed facial hair. He flinched as my hand made contact, probably expecting to get ripped from his body.
“Don’t be afraid, Dean. He’s safe.” I said gently. His eyes closed, and he leaned into my palm as he let out a heavy breath.
“He isn’t angry at you. You know, he practically begged me to come stop you.” I smiled, smoothing over the gash on his forehead. The deep cut disappeared as my fingers skimmed over it, offering him some relief.
“It’s not fair-” Dean choked out, coughing as the weather around us began to take its toll on his body. “-Sammy, he’s got a whole life ahead of him. College, a big lawyer job, a normal life. All I’ve got is hunting, and waiting to run into someone sharp enough to finally get me.”
His teeth chattered in his mouth, and the metal against my chest disappeared as he let his arms drop to his sides.
“Big talk coming from someone who’s barely thirty,” I said, watching as Dean pulled away from my hands, and returned to leaning on the rails.
“It’s the-” Dean starts.
“-the life, yes. So I’ve heard from a great number of hunters.” I finished his thought as I joined him on the rails. “Why is it that all of you think your lifespans are so short? Hunters back in, I don’t know,” I wave my hand as I’m trying to come up with the words, “the seventeen hundreds still lived longer than a lot your folk do nowadays.”
He creased his eyebrows, his eyes flickering over my face.
“All I’m saying,” I take a long look at the sun starting to crawl its way over the horizon, “is that ‘the life’ doesn’t have to be your life, Dean. I can’t believe I’m even saying this, but you don’t have to die in some horrific fight that finally puts you down. Hunters have died of old age, you know.”
He looked at me, the freckles on his face more visible now that the rain was calming down, “but Sammy… he deserved his happy ending more than I ever will. He got out. Got a full-ride scholarship to freakin’ Stanford. Had a girl. I didn’t even have the guts to tell him how proud I was. I’d stand outside his dorm room for hours, trying to figure out a way to come see him without Dad, or without him hating me. I shouldn’t have dragged him back into this, and now he’s dead. In my place.”
“It’s the natural order of things, Dean. If not him, then you, and if not you, then some other person had to die that day.”
“But it didn’t have to be Sam. I would’ve gone just the same way as he did, but at least he’d have something dragging him forward, to move on.” He looked at me again with those tired eyes, letting out a sharp breath as his hands clung to the railing again, leaning his torso off halfway.
“Dean,” I said cautiously, watching his knuckles turn white as his heart quickened and eyes shut, “Dean.”
His feet were moving fast, and in one swift moment, he was off the bridge. His body flung over almost effortlessly and catapulted him down to the rocky waters below.
I turned away, expecting him to appear next to me in a moment, but his voice rose through the air instead.
I looked over the railing, only to see Sam was holding his forearms, holding him from his forearms before he could drop.
I turned to the younger Winchester brother, who was solely focused on trying to save his brother’s life, his spectral hands losing their grip the longer he held on.
“Dean, hold on, please. Please, man, just hold on. Don’t give up on me.”
Dean’s head snapped up, looking straight at his brother.
“Sammy?” Dean choked out, his legs starting to kick frantically as if he were trying to walk on air.
“Help me, help me get him up. Please.” Sam turned to me, struggling to hold onto his brother.
I blinked and I was beside him, yanking up on an almost-limp Dean, and throwing him onto the road of the bridge.
Dean lay on the ground, his chest rising and falling with each labored breath. Sam knelt beside him, his eyes filled with remorse.
“I didn’t want to give up on you, Sammy,” Dean whispered, his voice barely audible over the gentle rustle of the damp morning breeze.
Sam’s heart clenched at the sound of his brother’s voice, filled with a mixture of pain and regret. “I know, Dean,” he replied, his voice choked with emotion. “It’s not your fault. You never gave up on me. You took all of dad’s crap, and I mean all of it. The yelling. The hunting. The abuse.”
Dean looked at his brother before he went still, not saying a word as he clutched his chest with pale blue hands. His breaths grew shallower, his body beginning to tremble from the exertion and the cold rain that drenched him throughout the night. Sam glanced around frantically, feeling helpless in the face of his brother’s suffering.
“He needs help. Help him,” Sam said, his voice urgent as he looked up at me, desperation clear in his eyes.
I nodded, my heart heavy with the weight of the situation. “I’ll do what I can,” I replied, my voice solemn. “But I can’t interfere with the natural order of things.”
Sam’s shoulders sagged in defeat, but he refused to give up. “There has to be something you can do,” he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. “Please, just help him.”
I hesitated, the pull that the Winchester seemed to have with the universe was something even Death couldn’t withstand; but who was I to interfere? As I looked down at Dean, lying battered and broken on the ground, I could hear the cracking of his ribs drowning out my thoughts.
With a heavy sigh, I knelt beside Sam and Dean, moving Dean’s hands away from his chest with little force. “I’ll do what I can,” I said, my voice softer.
I laid my hands on Dean’s chest, warmth spread through his body, chasing away the chill of the rain and easing his pain. His breaths grew steadier, his trembling subsiding as color started returning to his hands.
Sam looked on in awe, tears welling in his eyes as he watched his brother’s condition improve before his very eyes. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice filled with gratitude.
I nodded, a small smile touching my lips. “Take care of him,” Sam said, his voice barely above a whisper, and I nodded. “He’s gotta lot of fight left in him, and someone has to keep him up and running.”
I chuckled, moving to the side of Sam as I waited for him to pull away from Dean. The two of them sat there in perfect silence, staring into the blankness in front of them. I could barely hear Dean’s breath through the wind that curved between the air around us.
“I have to go, Dean,” Sam said, turning to face them as they both sat on the edge of the empty road.
“I can’t do this without you Sammy, I don’t want to,” Dean said, catching stray tears with the back of his hand. He took his brother into a firm hug; it was as if he was holding him to Earth, and to life itself.
“I love you so much,” Sam said as he rested his head on Dean’s shoulder, Dean taking in a shuddered breath. Sam slowly pulled away from him, and stood beside me, trying his best to smile, “bye, Dean.”
Dean looked up at his brother, nose red and raw from the tears that coated his face, hiccuping as he failed to drown his emotions with a weak smile, not saying a word. He scooted away from the road, sitting himself up against the rails as he watched me and Sam walk down the bridge, and out of view.
I can’t say that I forgot that day, especially when I was called again for Dean. He lay on a hospital bed, his once dirty blonde hair replaced with silver tufts, complemented by wrinkles brought on from years of stories to tell, and different kinds of scars in new places.
He looked just as he did that day on the bridge when he came to stand by me, watching the woman beside him, hair just as gray as his, holding onto his hand. An anti-possession tattoo peaked out from under her long sleeve as she reached over to plant a kiss on his forehead, watching as his heart monitor ran flat. After a few moments of silence, nurses came into the room, looking over Dean’s body as the woman shuffled out of the room and walked through Dean and me with a shudder.
“Hello, Dean,” I said, smiling gently, preparing to lead him out of the room when there was a laugh from behind us. Two hands were placed firmly around Dean before I could realize who it was.
“You ready? We’ve got a lot to catch up on, you know.” Sam said as he pulled away from his brother, the both of them smiling like I’d never seen before.
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