#also. once you start wearing obnoxious shirts. there's really no going back.
sualne · 9 months
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a "what if" self portrait that took me out
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euniexenoblade · 9 days
"I'm not a girl!" - a transfem forcefem story
Hi hi hi hi, note that the premise of this is essentially an egg being cracked by an older woman, so there's a lot of he/him and "boy" useage. But stick with it please, I assure you the end is worth getting to :) also don't be mean about any weird grammar I literally wrote this in a couple of hours for free. Be nice.
The boy stood there against the wall holding a red solo cup, looking down at the floor, overwhelmed from alcohol and loud booming music of the party. He had watched his drunken roommate drive off with a date – his ride home was gone. He didn't know any of these people, his roommate insisted he come to this party to meet new people, and now he was all alone. Panic and anxiety swarmed his thoughts. He was drunk, he'd never been drunk before. He was fairly far from home, could he walk home like this? He doesn't know any of these people, would any help him if he asked for a ride home? He doesn't ask, though, he just stands against the wall, looking down at the floor, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone there, trying his best not to panic.
A moment of bravery, the boy looks up from the floor to scan the party to see if there was anyone that looked like they'd be approachable. To his dismay it all looked like drunken college kids talking, dancing, being obnoxious, people he felt too scared to talk to. His eyes flow from one side of the room to the other, noting nothing interesting. That is, until he sees a tall woman standing with a group of girls. Long legs under a short skirt being the first thing to catch his attention, but before long he noticed her wearing a band tee that was so tight it was straining against her chest, causing him to stare at her chest from afar. For a brief moment, he is distracted from his anxiety with drunken horniness. That is until he finally notices, she's staring back at him.
The boy freaks out. He doesn't want to offend anyone, especially drunken party goers. He decides it's finally time to head for the door across the room, but as soon as he moves towards it, he collides with some other drunken guy. His drink spills all down his clothes, the other guy getting none of the splash back. They apologize to each other, and the guy walks away leaving the boy alone in the party again. He looks down at what was once his favorite shirt, now potentially stained and ruined. He's angry he let his roommate talk him into this, he just looked like a dork and felt more out of place than he usually did.
“Are you going to clean up or are you just going to be a mess for everyone to see?” a voice whispers in his ear from behind.
He jumps around and finds the lady he had been staring at so intently greeting him with a smile. “Um, I, uh,-”
The woman grabs him by the wrist, “Bathroom's this way, silly.” She drags him to the hallway and opens a door, pushing him in before coming in herself and locking the door. He stands there in the middle of the bathroom, staring at this woman in shock, unsure of what to say. She looks at him blankly, “What are you doing? Take your shirt off so we can try to save it.”
He gets nervous again, “I...uh...I don't really like being shirtless.”
The woman scoffs, “Such a child. You were about to cry in the middle of a party when you noticed your shirt was stained, take the damn thing off.”
Nerves or not, it's hard to say no when an older woman tells you to do something. "I wasn't going to cry," he mumbles as he pulls his shirt off. Before he can do anything with it, she snatches it from him, fills the sink with water, pulls a small cleaner bottle out from the bag she had been carrying under her arm, and starts working it into the shirt. “I know the guy that lives here. He's always throwing these stupid parties to feel cooler than he is. There's never anything interesting happening at these parties. Just drunken college losers.” He sits down on the side of the tub, letting the random woman do the work he didn't really know how to do. “That is, until I saw some pathetic perv about to cry in the middle of one.”
“Hey!” He yells without thinking, “I am not a perv!”
“Oh? Then why were you staring at my tits?”
“I, uh, um, I don't think that's, uh very pervy. I mean, Isn't it kind of normal?”
She turns around, a big smirk on her face. “Aw, someone's embarrassed about her perviness.”
He notices the pronoun she used, but decides to ignore it. “So, uh, can I have my shirt back? I don't feel well and I want to go home.”
“Sorry sweetie, it needs to go through the wash and dry. You can just go like that. This is basically a frat boy party, no one's gonna think a shirtless guy is weird.”
He considers it. “I'd rather not, even if my shirt is wet.”
She stares at him as if he said something incredibly stupid. “Ok, fine.” She grabs the bottom of her shirt with both hands and somehow pulls it free from her body, her breasts only concealed by a black lacy bra. She tosses the shirt at him, “There you go, a fresh shirt to go home in.”
“I c-can't wear this, it's a g-girl's shirt. They'll make fun of me...”
“Huh? Nothing about it is inherently girly. It's a concert shirt. And these dorks are so drunk they won't notice a thing.”
“I. Uh.” He's overheating. Overwhelmed again from the alcohol, the booming music, and a situation with a girl he's never been in before. But, above all else he's struggling with the realization that he's fully erect at the idea of wearing her clothes. “I. I. I can't. If peo-if people see-”
“Oh I see, wearing girl clothes turns you on, huh?”
His whole face turns red. Embarrassed is an understatement. He doesn't know how to respond. He's frozen.
“Aw, how cute. Strip.”
“I said strip. Take your pants and underwear off now.”
“You're going to do what I tell you or I'm going to push you back into the hallway shirtless, and you can navigate what ever feelings that makes you feel.”
The boy's confused. That's not really a punishment. Anyone not wanting this situation would easily accept that. Even with being uncomfortable shirtless around people, he could deal with it to get out of a weird situation with a woman like this. But, despite that, he found himself standing up straight, unbuttoning his jeans, and pulling them and his boxers down. His body on full display for her, his cock fully erect, which he tries to hide with his hands as his face getting incredibly red again.
“Good girl.”
“I'm not a girl!” he yells back.
“Not yet, maybe.” She reaches up her skirt, and loops her fingers around the ends of her panties and slowly pulls them down. He watches her, confused and excited, and for a split second he can see from under the skirt that she has a dick. The boy looks away, pretending not to have seen.
“Aw, adorable. I'll make a girl out of you for sure.”
“I'm not a girl!”
She sticks her hand out, her black lacy panties hanging from one finger.
“Put them on.” She says.
“WH-WHAT?? NO, I can't, absolutely not!”
Her demeanor doesn't change. She just keeps looking at him with an intense stare. “Put them on, now. I will not repeat myself again.”
Once again, it's an easy situation to walk away from. He doesn't have to listen. He can grab his clothes and go. As she said, everyone's drunk, no one will likely noticed he came out of the bathroom naked. But, as before, he does as he's told. He takes the panties from her hand, and slowly slides them up his legs, his fully erect cock making the most noticeable bulge.
“Now you won't be so concerned about wearing my shirt, will you?” He doesn't reply. He's standing there in this woman's panties, feeling emasculated.
“How are you getting home?” the woman finally asks.
“I, uh, I guess I was going to walk.”
“Oh sweetheart, not in this state you aren't. I'll drive you.” Once again, he doesn't argue, he's already so embarrassed and overwhelmed he just avoids making eye contact and nods. "Now put on your clothes.”
He pulls his jeans on over the panties and puts her shirt on, noticing that it fits him remarkably well. “She was definitely wearing this to show off her boobs” he thinks to himself. Once he's dressed, she grabs his boxers and wraps the wet, cleaned shirt in them and places them in her bag. She unlocks the door and once again, grabs him by the wrist and pulls him with her. He doesn't resist, his will is beaten down too much, and a ride home sounds ideal. Just as she said, none of the drunk people even notice that he's wearing her shirt, all they notice is that she's topless now. “Haha yeah I spilled a drink!” she says, which is enough to make these people nod and ignore her. No one even notices him, or the fact he's wearing her panties. A fact that's getting his cock even harder.
The woman pulls him outside and guides him until they finally reach her car. She only finally let's go of him so he can get in the passenger seat, making him feel like a little kid with the way he's being lead around. He's finally free to just sit down, something he's longed for all night, he collapses into the seat, finding such comfort in her car. She gets in the driver's seat. “So, where do you live.” He mumbles the address to her, so drunk and so comfortable that he's having a hard time staying awake. She plugs the address into her phone and seems ready to go. She turns on the car, loud music comes on as she does, overwhelming the boy again. The car doesn't move. He doesn't care though, he's barely still awake. The comfortable seats feel like a new home for him to melt into. And, as he's starting to drift away to his dreamland, he jolts awake, she's rubbing his cock through his jeans.
“Aw, my sweet girl, you got so excited wearing my cute panties through that crowd of people didn't you.”
“St-stop, w-what if someone sees?!”
“Then they'll see me playing with a pervy girl.”
“I'M NOT A GI-” he couldn't finish, instead erupting into a moan as her hand went beneath his jeans and stroked him through the lacy panties. The softness of the panties felt so good on him.
“That's a good girl, quiet down and let me reward you.”
Once again, he was red. He couldn't argue with her, she knew exactly what to say to shut his brain down. She's stroking at a decent pace, he can see people going in and out of the house, but none seem to turn their gaze to the car. And even if they did look, he didn't care anymore. He was so very close to popping. He needed this. He needed to cum right here, right now. But, then the feeling stopped. He looked at her pulling her hand back, “No please I really want to cum”
She ignores him and as he tries to ask again she pushes her fingers into his mouth. “Clean my fingers, and maybe you'll earn the right to cum.” This time he wasn't embarrassed, he was frustrated. Horribly frustrated. He needed to cum and now instead he was sucking his own precum off of this woman's fingers. But, he accepted it. He wanted to cum, and she promised he might get to. So he was willing to do as he was told.
“Good girl.” He doesn't argue this time. He knew she would just embarrass him again if he tried. Plus he wanted to cum. His silence brings a bigger smirk to her face. “Now let's get you home.”
The drive home was uneventful. She was taking her time making sure she didn't get into an accident. Eventually they arrived at his apartment complex, and he lead her to the apartment itself. He unlocked the door and walked him, she followed him in. The living room was dark, but he could tell his roommate hadn't come home yet. “Take me to your room.” And he does as told.
His room isn't very interesting. No posters or anything, not much furniture, just the bed, a dresser and a tv with some video games spread around. He could tell she was disappointed by what she found, but she didn't say anything about it. He tried to think of what to say, but he didn't know what the next move was.
“Strip down to your panties.”
But, clearly the older woman here knew what the next move was. He did as told, he took her shirt off, he took his jeans off, and he stood there in the middle of his bedroom in this woman's panties, made wet by his precum. She walks over and runs one hand through the hair on the side of his head, and with her other grabs his ass, and then starts to kiss and bite him along the neck, slowly moving up his neck. Each kiss followed by a sharp bite, each one making him grow all the more restless. He lets out soft moans, surprising himself that he can sound that way.
“Such a good girl~” she whispers.
“I'm not a girl.” The boy moans.
“Oh? You're embarrassed to show your chest to a bunch of drunken men like a girl, you've got your panties incredibly wet like a girl, and right now you're moaning like a girl.”
He blushes. “N-none of those things make someone a girl.”
The woman slips her hand under the panties, grabbing his bare ass as she responds, “That's true. But doesn't it sound more fun to be a girl? What do you have to lose by embracing this part of yourself? Why not try something new?” He moans as she starts to bite him again. He has no retort. Just desire. His cock throbbing, yet tears forming in his eyes. “Please make me uh....please make me your girl.” the girl finally says.
A big smile forms on the woman's face. “Of course, sweetie.” She pushes the girl backwards onto the bed. The woman looks down on her with such a big smile as the the girl adjusts herself so she'll be more comfortable on the bed, but all her movement stops as the woman gets on top of her. The woman starts by kissing her upper chest, slowly working her way to her nipples. The girl grabs her sheets and squeezes her hands into fists as the woman sucks and bites, making her moan from pleasures she never knew she could feel. The woman takes her time, sucking and biting, eventually kissing her way to the other nipple and repeating the process. Slow, biting, sucking, kissing, pleasure.
The woman starts to move on, kissing slowly down her chest, slowly down her stomach, slowly down her crotch. The woman starts to pull the panties down, just enough for her cock to pop out, and the woman takes it into her hand and puts the head into her mouth. The girl moans at the feeling of the warm mouth on her cock. With her hand, the woman starts to jerk the girl off, while lightly sucking on her and her move her mouth back and forth. The girl's eyes roll into the back of her head and she moans the biggest moan of the night. She's never felt such ecstasy before. It's intense. So intense. She needs it. She needs to finish. She needs to cum now. “Please, please, please” she moans. “I want to cum please.” She can feel it close. She knows it's soon.
And the woman pulls the girl out of her mouth. The girl is once again frustrated, “no, p-please, don't stop please...”
“Do you think you've been a good girl tonight? Why should I let you cum?”
“Please please please I'm sorry I'll be your good girl please let me cum.” She's desperate. She'll do anything. She has never felt this good before, she doesn't want it to end like this. “Please I'll do anything you want please, I'll be a good girl for you I swear.”
The woman smiles again. She pulls off her bra, revealing her giant tits for the girl to see. She pulls the girl head into her chest, face between her tits. “How do you like the tits you were so obsessed with?” The girl doesn't know what to say. They're lovely, but the pressure in her is too intense, “please, please, please” she cries while her eyes start to form tears.
The woman let's her go and stands up next to the bed. “I don't want to hear you beg. I want you to earn your right to cum. Put your mouth to good use.” The girl never considered she might be expected to do something back. This is all so new to her, she was just riding along with what the woman did. But, she didn't feel resistant to it, she just wasn't sure what to do. Sitting on her knees, the girl was easily crotch height with the woman now. The girl slowly lifted the woman's skirt, revealing the woman's semi erect cock. The smell of the woman's sweat and cock flooded the girl's senses. And she loves it. It made her even hornier. She takes the woman into her mouth, trying to copy what the woman has done before.
The woman puts both her hands on the top of her head, “Don't overthink it, just relax.” The girl listens and tries to slow down and relax, and then the woman thrusts, her cock hitting the back of the girl's throat. She pulls back and thrusts again. The girl understands now and tries to relax, but this is completely new. But that doesn't stop her from being a good girl. “Oh babygirl, your throat is just like a fleshlight, it feels like you're made for my cock.” The girl barely hears the words, she just lets the woman have her way. The seconds become minutes, the minutes drift by as the girl loses all sense of time. She is not a boy tonight, she is this woman's toy.
The woman eventually stops thrusting, exhausted she pulls her cock from the girl's mouth. The girl can see strings of saliva and precum connecting them still. “Lay down.” the woman commands. Having learned her place, the girl does as told, laying her head on her pillow, preparing for what's to come. “You've been such a good girl, I think it's time I helped you cum.” Excitement wells up in the girl. She's waited all night for this.
The woman crawls onto the bed and stands on her knees, pushing herself between the girl's legs. She puts her cock on the girl's cock, and thrusts. The girl lets out a loud moan. And again, the woman thrusts. And, again. And again until she's developed a rhythm. The girl realizes she can see the woman's face like this. She can see her face strain and hear her moan with each thrust. This turns the girl on even more. The woman notices the girl staring, and slows her rhythm as she pushes herself forward to shove her tongue into the girl's mouth. The girl doesn't know what to do and just let's her do it. The pleasure is slower, but the pleasure is there. The woman lifts her head back up, resuming her previous posture and previous rhythm, causing the girl to let out long, deep moans. The pressure is coming back, the intensity in her cock is building, “I'm g-going to c-cum” she moans out.
“Mmm, cum for me sweet girl,” the woman replies. Finally with the permission, the girl finally feels herself explode. Her cum shooting out of her and covering them both. The girl breathes heavy, nearly in tears, “th-thank you thank you.” The girl can't tell if the woman replied, her senses fade, the world around her fades, and she melts into the bed, deep into sleep.
The sounds of chirping birds wake the girl up. She's in bed, covered in cum, in a girl's lacy panties. The woman she met at the party before is putting her top on when she notices the girl woke up. “Oh hi sweetheart, I need to go, stuff to do. You should go back to sleep if you don't need to get up early.”
The girl shakes her head, she has no where to be. “But..I don't want you to go...”
“Awww,” she coos at the girl, “but I have to my sweet girl.” The woman picks up her bag and pulls a pen out of it. She looks around the room for something to write on, finally deciding to just write it on the girl's arm. “This is my number. Text me sometime.” The girl nods, excited. The party worked, she got a friend!
She escorts the woman to the living room, but before the woman leaves, she reaches into her bag again and pulls out two pill bottles and puts them in the girl's hand. "Take two of these a day.”
“What do they do?” The girl asks.
The woman motions at her body, “they do this. It'll make you the girl you've wanted to be.”
“I'm not a girl.” It was automatic. She didn't even intend to say it.
“Ok, ok, girl adjacent. You can be whatever you want, but take those pills and it'll do it for you. I have extras so I might as well give them to you.”
The woman opens the door and as she exits the apartment, she turns around, “Also, you're going to clean those panties and give them back. It's a matching set, damn it, I can't just lose them” The girl, realizing finally that she's still covered in cum and in panties, goes red and finally closes the door in a panic.
The girl goes to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water before going back to her room. She stares at the pill bottles given to her. She opens the one bottle and takes a small blue pill out. She stares at it, trying to figure out what to do with it.
“I'm not a girl.” she says to herself, just before washing the blue pill down her throat.
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apomaro-mellow · 9 months
Read on AO3
Written for @slavicviking for the @steddieholidayexchange !
When Steve Harrington had graduated, Eddie thought he’d be pretty much done with him. Not that they had a lot of face time before. He just thought, in the true fashion of guys that peak in high school, he’d fade into the town, get married young, show his face at the 20 year reunion. Maybe he’d catch glimpses of him around Hawkins, but not for very long. Eddie was planning on hightailing it out of here the moment the diploma was in his hands. So what if it would take another year?
The positive was supposed to be that he was NOT going to see Steve’s face in the hallways. It was a great misfortune to see him walking up from the football field with some kid. Eddie had just finished a deal by the picnic tables. Why Harrington was hanging with what looked like a freshie, he didn’t know.
Eddie would’ve known if he had a brother. So who was the kid? Curiosity got the better of him and he trailed a good distance behind them. He was a little surprised when Steve took him through the cafeteria’s kitchen doors, which had a broken lock. It was the school’s worst kept secret, but he never imagined The Hair sneaking into school during summer vacation. 
So what could he do but follow? 
What he saw as he crept behind them was Steve Harrington giving what must be a future freshman a tour of the school.
“Here’s the cafeteria. Honestly the food’s not bad. Their creamed spinach isn’t the best, but really who’s is?”
Steve led the kid with the curly hair out of the cafeteria and into the greater part of the school. “Here’s all the lockers. No you don’t get to choose one, but once you get assigned you can always switch with someone who’s got better real estate.”
“Does the location of my locker really matter?”, the kid asked, nose scrunching up.
“Do you want one right next to the bathroom?”
“....Boy or girls?”
Steve smiled. “Good. You’re learning.”
Eddie shadowed them for the whole tour, which ended up being about twenty minutes. Harrington was really showing this kid everything. And yet was giving him the most skewed tunnel vision of high school. Great, just what he needed his third time around as a senior. A mini-Steve. Steve was telling him which teachers would let him get away with coming in late, the best spot to sit in the classroom, what teams it was worth going for.
“Steve, it’s like you don’t even know me. Have you ever seen me dribble a ball?”
“I’m just saying that it’s a fresh start. You could be someone new”, Steve reasoned.
“Did you become someone new in high school?”
Eddie thought back to the proto-Harrington he knew in middle school. The answer was clearly no. He’d been on the baseball team back then and was pretty much just as self absorbed as he would’ve been in high school. Steve gave a non-answer about how everyone had different experiences and pushed the kid on. Eddie decided he’d heard enough. Enough to know this kid was under Steve’s wing, but clearly they had different interests.
So come the first day of school, Eddie wore his Hellfire Club shirt loud and proud. The air was still warm, which meant he did so without his jacket. That just allowed the emblem to show even more. He’d told the other members to also wear theirs. Normally Eddie waited about a week, scoping out the freshies before figuring out who he’d approach to join. But he’d already had his sights set on at least one boy.
Imagine his delight and surprise when said boy had two others hanging around. Eddie was hanging outside the school, his cronies surrounding him as they caught up from what happened over summer. The trio was loud. Very obnoxiously arguing over something. Freshmen tended to be more self-conscious, wanting to keep their heads down at first. Eddie noted the Weird Al shirt one of them had. These boys were the opposite of timid. Perfect Hellfire material.
Eddie waited until lunch to make his move though. Give them a bit of time to get acclimated and at least half a day to see where everyone stood. But when Eddie did get to them, he was glad to see both excitement and relief in their eyes. They were looking for somewhere to belong. And he could give it to them.
Screw any influence Steve Harrington had on them. Which was why Eddie made careful measures not to even mention his name. The guy had graduated. His reign was over. Actually, it had kind of ended back in 84 but who was keeping record? Dustin, Mike, and Lucas were great additions to the club. They had a passion for the game and a never-back-down attitude. Honestly, it was so great, that Eddie almost forgot that these kids knew Steve.
That is until sports tryouts started.
“You can’t honestly be thinking out trying for a team”, Mike said, practically slamming his lunch tray onto the table as he sat down.
“I’m not just thinking. I’m already training”, Lucas replied.
“Ugh”, Mike retched. “Don’t get me started on that. You spend more time with your dad than us now.”
“His dad’s not the one teaching him”, Dustin said. “Steve keeps bailing on driving me places because he’s coaching Lucas.”
Mike had a look of utter betrayal and was definitely about to say something in response when Jeff cut him off.
“You’ve got Steve teaching you? As in Steve Harrington?”
“Yeah”, Lucas answered, much to the jeers of the rest of the table.
“Gentlemen, gentlemen”, Eddie said, holding his hands up in a calming gesture. “We must not bar Lucas from his own choices. And as for Steve, well, let’s just be glad young Sinclair didn’t go to him for academic assistance.”
The others laughed at that and the subject was quickly changed to something else. The rest of them didn’t really want to talk about any of the sports teams, lest that get Eddie really going and off on one of his rants. Sometimes it was nice to have just a stress free lunch.
“He said that?!”, Steve shouted indignantly as he dribbled the ball around on the court. He and Lucas were at a public court. Lucas was getting some practice in with his dad, but whenever he was busy, Steve stepped in.
“He’s not your biggest fan”, Lucas said with a shrug.
“Yeah, well he’s no prize either. Don’t let him get in your head. There’s nothing wrong with the sports programs.”
“But they’re right about there being cliques. If I get on the team, can I even be friends with Dustin and Mike anymore if they’re gonna be in Hellfire?”
“You should go for whatever you want. High school only happens once.” Steve dribbled the ball a few times before giving a bounce pass over to Lucas. “Alright, show me your handling.”
Lucas followed Steve’s advice. He officially joined up with Eddie’s club. He loved DnD and he enjoyed playing with his friends. But walking around with a Hellfire shirt didn’t do good things for their reputations at school. The others took it in stride, but Lucas was tired of being called names and girls looking at him weird.
So as soon as the sign-ups for try outs was out, Lucas put his name down. He didn’t really announce it but he didn’t hide it either the first time the guys wanted to do something and he was busy. The reception was not so good.
“You actually wanna be on the basketball team?”, Mike was incredulous.
Eddie was leaning against the lockers, arms crossed. “I get the feeling someone put this idea in your head. Was it Harrington?”
“He didn’t put any idea in my head he just..encouraged me”, Lucas confessed. “He said I should go for what I want. You only get one life.”
“One life indeed”, Eddie nodded.
“And you wanna use it shooting hoops with Jason and his cronies?”, Jeff asked.
“They’re probably not all that bad. Steve wasn’t”, Lucas defended.
The opinions were mixed on that. Dustin, Lucas, and Mike knew what Steve had done that they couldn’t tell others. He had stood between them and certain death more than once. But they couldn’t tell Hellfire that.
“You guys don’t know what Harrington was like”, Eddie said.
“Are you saying Steve bullied you?”, Mike asked with a raised brow.
“Bullied? Pfft, no. Harrington and I barely crossed paths. I just know his type. I know what he’s about. And he and I couldn’t be anymore different.”
At first it was just a conflicting of ideals. Whatever Steve told them about high school, Eddie told them the opposite. And there was no telling one what the other said.
“Harrington’s an idiot.”
“Munson’s a loser.”
It made talking to either of them hard. Most of their days involved hanging with Eddie and when they saw Steve it was all they wanted to talk about. Sort of difficult to talk about Eddie without talking about Eddie, but they managed for now. 
Well, at least they did until the party got super deep into Hellfire. The campaigns were really involved, to the point of needing rides home from Steve when they ran too late. It resulted in quite a bit of petty glaring across the parking lot. Mike and Lucas had resigned themselves to the status quo remaining, but Dustin wasn’t satisfied with that.
It took quite a bit of doing, but what else brought people together more than a missing child? Dustin didn’t actually go missing. He simply concocted a plan with his friends to make it seem like he did and only to Eddie and Steve. He wasn’t crazy enough to get the whole town looking for him. Steve wasn’t crazy about Eddie tagging along for the search but the priority was finding Dustin.
“Why do you need that to find Dustin?”, Eddie asked, reaching a hand out to touch the nails in the bat, just to see it they were real.
“Don’t ask”, Steve bit out as they entered the woods.
Dustin thought getting them to work together would ease the tension, and it did. But only after bickering like children for a little while longer. Steve didn’t like how Eddie was undermining everything he’d been saying about high school. Eddie didn’t like how Steve had been trying to lead his sheep in the wrong direction.
“Yeah well before they were your sheep they were my-”
“....They were your…”, Eddie urged him to continue.
“You and Nancy must’ve been pretty tight when you dated to get so close to her brother and his friends.”
“Me and those guys bonded outside of Nancy.”
“Is there a story there?”, Eddie asked.
“Yeah-” Steve froze when he thought he heard a sound before continuing. The sun was still high in the sky, so they didn’t have much to fear just yet. It didn’t hurt to be cautious though. “I just…I guess I just know how high school can be for kids like that. I wanted to make it easy for them.”
Eddie shook his head. “Doesn’t matter what kind of cheat codes you give ‘em. There’s always gonna be someone who makes it harder than it needs to be.”
Steve thought about thanking Eddie for giving them a place right away, but didn’t. Eddie thought of saying how Steve seemed to have changed, but didn’t. When they finally found Dustin, they laid into him hard, especially because he wouldn’t stop smiling despite his lie being revealed. All Dustin cared about was the fact they weren’t arguing with each other.
Mission accomplished.
Mission accomplished a little too well.
Now instead of having two friends who hated each other’s guts, Dustin had two friends who reveled in being shitty older brothers to him. Any time Steve picked them up from Hellfire (which he did with a suspicious amount of willingness now) he and Eddie traded notes on whatever it was that Dustin did that week. It was like a Henderson Briefing and the main objective was to either embarrass him or annoy him, sometimes both.
“I regret ever forging this friendship”, Dustin said.
“I think it’s the best thing you’ve ever done”, Lucas beamed.
Mike was grinning too. “It’s definitely the funniest.”
It got to the point where sometimes Steve and Eddie would hang out on their own. And wasn’t that just bizarre? What did they even do together?? The answer was mostly smoking, drinking, and shootin’ the shit. Even though Steve wasn’t able to tell Eddie any of the grimier details of the past couple of years, he was still able to tell plenty. And Eddie had no NDAs to speak of. 
They were sitting out by Steve’s pool one day in March, the weather just starting to warm up to be able to relax there without freezing. Spring would officially come soon and with it, maybe a day or two where they could actually take a dip.
“I’m telling you, the lunch ladies changed the formula. Something’s different about the meatloaf”, Eddie said, fully reclined in a pool chair.
”You’re implying that they actually cook that stuff in the school.”
“I’ve seen the vats of mystery meat stew, Steve. But some of the food is made on-site. And the meatloaf is one of them.”
Steve smiled up at the clear sky. They talked like this, high or not. Just the most inane things that he never wanted to end. What did he care about the food at a school he no longer attended? He cared when Eddie was the one talking about it.
“So you’re done with the loaf then?”
“I don’t even think it’s the same meat anymore”, Eddie said. “Or maybe they changed the seasoning…?”
Steve continued gazing up at the sky as Eddie mused on that. Suddenly a drop of water hit his head. Then another, then a third. He wiped his face and looked to Eddie, who was also blinking through drops. Wordlessly, they got up from their seats and went under the porch awning as the rain began falling in earnest.
“How is it raining? The sun is still out”, Steve said, reaching a hand out just to be sure it was still rain.
Eddie snorted. “Never seen a sunshower, Harrington?”
“No”, he answered honestly.
“Don’t sweat it. I’ve still gotta knock ball lightning off my strange weather checklist.”
“It’s just weird seeing it rain with no clouds”, Steve said.
Eddie watched the droplets fall in the sunlight. It was like liquid gold falling from the sky. He watched Steve’s face, no hard lines or sarcasm, just awe at seeing something new and wonderful.
“You know, some folks back where I’m from have a name for this.”
“You mean something other than ‘sunshower’?”, Steve tore his eyes from the rain to look at him.
“They say the devil’s kissing his wife”, Eddie stuck his tongue out. “Give you any ideas?”
He had been a hundred percent teasing. Eddie had just been talking. Flapping his gums. Doing his usual friendly flirtation style. He had no plan in place for when Steve actually kissed him. But when it happened, there was only one choice: to kiss him back. The rain provided some pretty romantic ambience in his opinion.
“So are you the devil in question?”, Steve asked when he pulled back.
“Only if that makes you my sweet, lovely little wife”, Eddie teased and then made kissing noises.
“Fuck off, Munson”, Steve laughed.
Feeling like they were on the edge of something, Eddie took the plunge and kissed him again instead of cracking wise. Steve softened so beautifully that Eddie wished he could go to the past and kick himself in the pants. He probably could’ve been doing this months ago.
“You know we absolutely can’t tell Dustin about this?”, Steve said against his lips.
“It’s none of his business anyway.” Eddie didn’t feel the need to mention that no one could know. He just put his hands on Steve’s hips and for once was thankful for the privacy the backyard gave them.
Weeks later, during the spring break from his darkest nightmares and the stroll through actual hell, Eddie would have an epiphany.
“That’s why you have that bat!”
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bouncybongfairy · 1 year
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Opposites Attract
Rodrick Heffley x Fem Reader
Summary: One Friday after school, you are trying to practice for an important audition coming up. As you start, you suddenly hear an obnoxiously loud drumming coming from next door. After arguing back and forth for a while, it becomes clear that neither of you is budging. You desperately need this rehearsal time and ask him what it will take to get the peace and quiet you need. He tells you he'll stop if you let him take you on a date tomorrow to the Drive-In tomorrow night.
Word Count: 2k+
You were sitting in the last period, trying to get some homework done. It was Friday and you could tell everyone was itching for the weekend to start. Once you noticed that you only had 5 minutes until the bell rang, you started packing your bag up. Unlike most students, you had to stay after school and rehearse for your 1st chair violin position on Monday. You grabbed a tissue and cleaned your glasses, watching the clock as time dragged by. Once the bell rang, you stayed seated until most of your peers exited. You would just be waiting as kinds shoved their way through the small opening. After the doorway was less crowded you made your way to the E-wing where the music room was located. You were close with your orchestra teacher and she would let you stay after class in order to get a little practice in. It was nice to have the entire room to yourself, you took your violin out of the case and started tuning. After you had rosined your bow, you started practicing when you heard an off-rhythm drumming. At first, you were trying to ignore it, unfortunately, you would find yourself focusing on the drumming while counting rests. Eventually, you couldn’t take it so you packed your violin up and tried to find where the music was coming from. 
You went into the theater and saw someone banging away at a drum set that was placed in the middle of the stage. You immediately recognized the drummer as Rodrick Heffley. He had certainly made a reputation for himself this year, getting caught spray painting the side of the school; doing donuts in the parking lot, and of course, you knew he smoked. He was sweating and his shaggy hair was sticking to his forehead. His eyebrows were furrowed because of how much he was exerting himself. He was really lanky but his arms were toned, mostly likely due to how much he plays. He was wearing an Arctic Monkeys t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black skinny jeans. His backpack, which was covered in buttons and pins, was sitting next to the drum kit. He reached down to pull a water bottle and took a drink. His head was tilted up and a couple of water droplets were running down his throat. You walked passed the aisle of seats and approached him, when he noticed you he immediately paused. 
“I’m really trying to practice and I can barely hear myself think over your banging,” you said crossing your arms. 
“Well, what do you want me to do about that? I’m trying to practice too, you know,” he said. 
“I have an audition this Monday and I really need to be 100% focused during this practice,” you explained. 
“I have a gig next Friday and also need some quiet time,” he said. 
“If I give you 10 bucks will you please let me practice?” you proposed.
“Actually I have a better idea, what if we went out tomorrow night? We can go see the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie at the Drive-In,” he said. 
“Really? Do you even know my name?” you huffed. 
“Y/N. I would ask you if you know mine but I’m pretty sure you do,” he said, smirking at you.
“Well then, can I give you my number?” you asked. 
“Sure can,” he said. You climbed up on stage and grabbed a pen out of your jacket pocket. You grabbed his hand and wrote your number on his hand. 
He thanked you and then you quickly made your way back to the music room. You continued on with practicing but were now preoccupied with thinking about what you just agreed to. Not having much experience with dating, you felt a little nervous. Rodrick seemed so confident with talking to girls, that was part of the reason you liked him. You just didn’t want to come off as naive or clueless. Eventually, you come to the conclusion that you can no longer focus on the music and have your mom come to pick you up. The entire car ride and even once you got home you couldn’t get your mind off him. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t find him attractive. He just had that bad-boy vibrato that only certain guys have. Not to mention you two completely and utterly fit the trope of the sweet girl with the bad boy stereotype. Most of your friends, especially the ones that you took orchestra with, always talked down on metal or angsty music. You, on the other hand, felt differently. Music that isn’t your taste isn’t bad music and most people your age couldn’t seem to grasp that. All your friends saw him as a grimy skater boy but what was wrong with that? You even asked them why they would be ashamed to be like the guys their famous idols pretend to be. Getting tired of the anxiety thinking about tomorrow was causing you to wash up and head to bed. 
The next day you start getting ready around 6:30 pm. You were sitting on the floor of your bedroom, in front of a mirror that was propped against the wall. Separating your hair into layers you slowly began flat ironing. You had gotten a text from Rodrick that said he was going to pick you up around 8. Although you still had some anxiety, you were really excited. This was going to be your first date and the fact that it was with someone you were so attracted to made it that much. It took you 10 minutes to get your left lash to stick but you were finally done with your make-up. You changed into a jean skirt, a black v-neck, and a white sweater. By the time you were fully done, he texted you that he was on the way. You practically jumped out of your skin when you read it. You felt like your blood was running hot and cold at the same time. Your mom gave you 20 dollars and a kiss on the cheek before she left. When you walked outside your house, the first thing you noticed was his van. It also smelt like his cologne but not in an overwhelming way. You knew he had a band but you didn’t realize it was named Loaded Diper. Practically skipping down the driveway you climb into the front seat. The first thing you noticed was the A.C. being on blast, you were also surprised by how clean everything was. 
“Hey,” you greeted him. 
“Hi, you look really pretty,” he said, which made you blush. 
“Thanks, so are you excited to see the new TMNT movie? I heard it got really good reviews,” you said. 
“For sure, I’ve been looking forward to it for a while,” he said. 
You drove in comfortable silence up until you got to the Drive-In. You offered to pay but he ignored you and your pleas. Once he found a spot in the back, the two of you made your way to the snack bar. It was a vintage 60’s theme which you thought was cool. There were records hung on the call, all the booths were cherry red and the floor had a checkered pattern. As you waited in line, Rodrick put his arms around your shoulder which made your stomach flip. You were surprised by how much he ordered. Seriously, you hoped he wasn’t expecting help. You helped him carry everything back: nachos, popcorn, fresh chocolate chip cookies, two slurpees, and two hotdogs. When he parked, he turned the van around so that the back doors were facing the screen. He opened the doors and you were actually surprised by how much effort he put into it. There was a thick layer of blankets stacked on the floor of the van. Several pillows lined up against the driver and passenger seats. A small battery-powered lantern was hung from the center of the ceiling. There were stickers all over the interior of the car which made you smile. It looked so cute and cozy. You slipped your shoes off and climbed into the back with him. You were nervous, to the point where your teeth were chattering a little. The trailers that played before the movie were still running; he had already eaten half his nachos. 
“Where do you put all that?” you joked. 
“We’ll never know,” he said. 
“Are you nervous?” he asked, pointing to your legs that were shaking a bit. 
“A little, I’ve never been on a date before,” you admitted, taking a sip from your Slurpee. 
“Since we’re sharing secrets, you’re the first girl that actually said yes when I asked. Even then you only did it to rehearse,” he said, wiping his mouth with a napkin. 
“After I gave you my number, I only practiced for like 15 minutes because it was all I could think about,” you said. 
“Really?” he asked, genuinely surprised.
“What is so unbelievable?” you asked. 
“I don’t know, I guess I just didn’t think I was your type,” he confessed. 
“That’s fair, we don’t necessarily run with the same crowd. I have to admit though, usually all the guys I’m around are scared to get a bit of dirt under their fingernails. It’s not like I seek trouble but I really like you, your style, taste in music, and demeanor you know?” you said. 
He was blushing really hard, looking down so that his hair covered his eyes. You could still see his smirk though, it made you feel giddy knowing you had this effect on him. He pulled a pen out of his pocket, at first you questioned whether he should be smoking when he had to drive home. He reassured you that he had a high tolerance and that the effects would wear off by the time the movie ended. You were really nervous, especially because you’d never smoked before. He took a couple of hits to show you how to properly inhale. He also reassured you that if you didn’t want to or didn’t want him to smoke then it was okay. This warmed your heart, knowing that he didn’t want you to feel pressured. You grabbed his hand, feeling too insecure to hold it yourself. You took a big hit and then coughed it out, the smoke burning your throat. He laughed as you took a huge drink of your Slurpee to help the stinging sensation. After taking one or two more hits, you could feel it kicking in. You couldn’t stop giggling which was amusing to Rodrick.
“Now I understand how you can eat all this food,” you said while taking a big bite of a hotdog. 
“Your eyes are so red,” he laughed. 
“Really?” you asked, grabbing your phone and looking at your appearance. 
“Can we take a selfie together?” you asked, he nodded his head yes. 
You scooted closer to him and took a selfie with your back camera with flash. When you showed Rodrick he was impressed with how well they came out. After that, he started talking to you about what his plans were for his band. You were surprised with how far ahead he had thought into the future; you know, about what type of label he wanted to be signed to and merch that he wanted to design. You told him about how you wanted to make movie scores and he thought it was really cool. It was now completely dark and the movie was starting. You covered your legs with the blanket and turned to face Rodrick. He had just taken a hit and blew the small hit into your face. You playfully inhaled which made him laugh, you then kissed his cheek. He turns and smiles at you before giving you a quick peck on the lips. After you cuddle up to him, resting your head on his shoulder, and start enjoying the movie. o
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 10 months
Nu carnival boys as omegas and how they deal with their heat
Warnings: ABO, suggestive material with Olivine, drug use with Edmond and Rei
He needs a big nest. It's easier to take him back home because he already has an entire room set up for this. His heats are unfortunately long but as long as he has his nest it's okay. You will have to bring him anything he may need when he's in there because no force can get him out. Cuddle with him or not he's okay. He knows you love him because he's surrounded by your scent and those he cares about. He's not clingy or distant, he just wants to get through this without leaving his fluffy little room. He was extremely scared to let you into his nest the first time, but when he did finally let you in you realized that it was already covered with your shirts and jackets. He feels guilty about stealing your scented clothing but he is not giving it back. Not that you mind.
The king has been suppling him with suppressors so he can do his job and not have to deal with his heat. Unfortunately being on suppressors for years is not healthy for someone. He was so scared when his suppressors didn't work because his body built a tolerance and he went through a full heat cycle for the first time. He becomes super sensitive during this time so he doesn't want any physical contact. He gets sensory overload easily but sit near him and he'll use you as a grounding force. Just let him touch you at his own pace so he doesn't get overwhelmed. He gets really timid and skittish during his heat, and he hates how it makes him feel. He appreciates how understanding you are during these times, but was scared at first because he didn't know how you would react.
It's hard to smell when his heat is coming because he's always covered in incense. However when it hits, it hits hard. He doesn't want to worry anyone so he ignores his heat until he's in so much pain he collapses. Unfortunately there are plenty of people who want to take advantage of him so you need to be the first to find him if he does. He wants to bathe in your scent, so give him your shirt to wear and he's happy. He will ask you to help the church since he can't do his duties like this. Help the church to make him stop worrying but spend time with him too. Once he's in his nest he's not leaving until his cycle finishes. He loves your presence and when he's like this you can convince him to do pretty much anything, he kind of stops thinking. That makes it easy for you to just tell him to relax and let you take care of him.
He smells so strong when his heat finally hits, and it smells so good! His scent is very musky and the pine sap undertones is the only hint of sweetness. He smells like an alpha even when he's in heat. His heats are not frequent and they don't last long, only about 2 days every few months. He used to just wander into the woods and come back after a few days preferring to handle it alone, but now that he has you (as the wonderful loving alpha you are) he loves snuggling up with you through his heat. His heat never bothered him much and it was really only his scent that gave him away. He loves having you with him though. He may get a little possessive during this time but he's mostly normal. If he wanted to he could just go about his life as normal, but he'd rather spend the time with you. He doesn't use a nest so you'll just be hanging out in his cabin mostly. He also becomes a little more open to PDA like hand holding.
He is slightly more obnoxious than usual right before it starts, wanting to push you away because he hates not feeling in control. When he finally enters his heat he's a big pile of mush. He's also a lot more honest than he'd like. Gifts and other things make him really happy and he'll tell you just how much he loves you pampering him. Just don't bring it up after his heat is over because he'll deny it to the end. He also has no scent, so besides the personality shift you can't tell when he's in or out of his cycle. Technically he does have a floral scent, but it's so faint that unless you are right on top of him you can't even tell it's there. Sometimes when he's not in his heat he'll be a little mean in hopes that you'll bring him a present.
He recognizes the warning signs really early on and gets actually pretty excited about it. He loves curling up in the nest that you lovingly filled with soft and cute things for him. Somehow he became more cuddly than normal. His heat isn't that bad, it's just uncomfortable for him if you're not around. His scent turns super sweet like candy and is really strong. He doesn't really need the nest because his heat doesn't cause him too much discomfort, but there's no way he's missing out on an opportunity to be surrounded by you and other cute things.
He wants to be on top of you the entire time he's in heat, and I mean the entire time. You aren't allowed to even move without him whimpering like he's in pain. Not that you were going to leave but sometimes you just need to adjust. The easiest way to leave the nest (if you absolutely have to) is to pick him up and carry him with you. He'll have his face buried in your neck or chest the whole time. He isn't actually in any pain physically, but he gets extremely distressed if he can't feel you with him.
Anger. He tries to fight his heat and it just hurts him more. You are going to have to fight to get him into a nest, but once you do he is not leaving and neither are you. He's a strong independent boy that doesn't need an alpha! …But as long as you're here he might as well scent you. He wants to provide for you so if you smell his heat coming early you should encourage him to go hunting that way you won't have to, and he can feel like he is still taking care of you during his heat.
Stubborn idiot pushes through the pain of his heat. He doesn't have a very strong heat scent but that's because he wears a rare incense to mask it. He will go about his day as normal, fighting, training, being a good ruler, but he collapses into his nest the moment the sun sets. He doesn't like a big nest but he does want you by his side. Your scent helps relieve some of the pain that's built up during the day. If you try to pamper him with gifts he will probably get mad. He doesn't like being spoiled when he's in heat, but after he'll be fine with it. He can be nippy during this time but if he gets really aggressive he will apologize afterwards. You need to keep an eye on him during the day when he leaves to do his duties. There is no convincing him to stay inside during this time but you do your best to take care of him without interfering.
Oh he despises his heat. He is almost always sick when his heat hits, and it's entirely his own fault. He hates his heat cycle so much that he makes different drugs or blockers or suppressors to try and stop it. For someone who doesn't show much emotion normally he gets incredibly fired up around his heat. He does not want anybody anywhere near him during this time, despite needing the help. He hates that physical contact makes him feel good and that he finds your scent relaxing. He tries so hard to push you away but sometimes you just need to force him into a blanket so he doesn't make himself sicker. He is also going to be mad at you for a few days because it worked.
It would be so cruel if he never experienced a heat cycle until he came to this world. Unfortunately for him that's what I'm going with. You smelled his heat coming only hours before it hit him. No one realized he was going to be an omega so no one had a nest prepared for him. If he's joined up with the clan members one of them could lend their nest. If not he spends the entire time acting as a weighted blanket, laying directly on top of you to take in your scent and warmth. This is the first time his head has felt fuzzy like this and it does scare him at first, but you're so patient and caring as you help him through his heat. You make him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I know it's hard but please keep yourself covered when he's in heat. He gets more cuddly and it's adorable, but he also gets a lot more bitey. The first time you were with him during a heat he almost drank you dry. He thinks your scent is calming and delicious. Give him lots of scented shirts and you'll be okay. He does like cuddling with you but you just have to be mindful of how close you are to his mouth. You have to be careful when you're getting in or out of his nest because all the fabrics that fill it are incredibly expensive, and if you tear a single piece he is going to make you pay.
Honestly he's so clingy and needy in general that it's hard to tell when he's actually in heat, or faking for attention because he knows you'll spoil him. Not that you don't spoil him anyway but he absolutely loves when all of your attention is on him during his heat. He becomes a little more greedy during his heat. His scent doesn't become stronger but it does become thicker. Like his scent lingers more and it feels like it sticks to you. You don't mind wearing his scent, and he loves when you smell like him and when he smells like you.
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redroses07 · 2 months
The Rock Show // Finn Wolfhard
Finn Wolfhard x Fem!Reader
WC: 2k
Based on/lyrics from 'The Rock Show' By Blink-182
Warnings: Swearing, Kissing
Summary: Finn falls in love with a girl at one of his shows, but does she feel the same?
A/N: I know I said I'd post this last night but I didn't have time to make my last few edits. Anyways, It's out now! This is also based on one of my favorite songs (I'll link it below) so it was super fun to write! This is the first time I've written for Finn in a while so I hope y'all like it! -Claire ♡
You stand outside the concert venue with your friend. Her boyfriend was the drummer for some band that was playing tonight, and she was intent on you coming along.
“Maybe you’ll meet a cute guy.” She teased, an obnoxious smirk on her face.
“Yeah, right.” you rolled your eyes, elbowing her playfully.
It was a small indoor venue, yet the line was still wrapped around the building. Luckily your friend’s boyfriend could get you special access through the back door.
When you saw the flight of stairs leading up to the stage door, you immediately regretted the heels you were wearing.
You followed closely behind your friend, unsure of where to go.
“Y/N hurry up!” Your friend called to you from the top of the stairs. You thought about how much you envied her comfy tennis shoes.
She held up the pass her boyfriend had given her, opening the door with ease.
The inside was stuffy, and even though the show hadn’t started, you could still hear the sound of the crowd cheering.
ultraviolet lights littered the ceiling, giving the area a purple glow. You could see the curtains pulled over the stage, blocking the crowd's view.
You were careful to watch for the cords strewn across the floor, connecting electric guitars and other equipment.
As soon as your friend saw her boyfriend sitting at his drum set she ran up to him excitedly, leaving you standing awkwardly backstage. You didn’t mind her going to see him of course, but you didn’t technically know anyone else back there and were worried about being thrown out.
“Hey, are you playing tonight? I’ve never seen you here before.” A voice pulled you away from your thoughts.
You turned your head to see a tall boy with messy dark hair. He had a guitar slung over his shoulder, and a mic attached to his shirt, so he clearly was playing tonight.
He was cute.
“Oh, um, no-“ You stumbled over your words, forgetting how to speak for a moment.
“I’m here with her.” You managed to say, pointing at your friend.
The boy smiled kindly, once he saw who you were pointing to.
“Third wheeling I see?”
You scuffed your heels against the floor nervously.
“Yeah, she made me come. I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to be doing now though. And clearly I look out of place too.” You said half jokingly.
The boy wore a look of surprise, which changed into embarrassment.
“Oh no, no that’s not why I started talking to you, I actually just thought you were pretty.” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
You felt your face get hot, and you found yourself unable to look him in the eye.
“Thank you.” You said, fidgeting with your fingers.
“Shit, sorry if that was too forward, what’s your name?”
You giggled, finding the courage to make eye contact again.
“Y/N. What’s yours?”
“Finn. Nice to meet you Y/N.”
You blushed, standing in awkward silence.
"What time do you go on?" You asked.
You wanted to make sure you didn't miss him playing.
"Around 11."
Maybe you would have to stay longer than you anticipated. Although, now you had something to look forward to, so maybe it wouldn't be half bad.
"I'll be there," you smiled.
Finn ran his hand through his hair, curls flopping over his face. He was quick to brush them away, keeping his eyes glued to you the whole time.
The background noise heightened, and you heard someone yell for all the players, no matter what time their sets started, to hurry up.
"Shit, I've gotta go...but you have good seats tonight right?" Finn asked.
"Yeah, right up front." Having a connection to one of the players did have its perks.
"Okay! Hold on a second!" Finn ran out of the room leaving you standing around awkwardly for a second time.
You peered through the door he ran through, eagerly waiting for him to come back. That is, if he was coming back at all. You were thoroughly confused and decided to lean back against the wall while you waited. Maybe you'd blend in better that way.
Finn came flying back around the corner, the guitar that was strapped around him swaying slightly.
"I couldn't find any paper, so is it okay if I write on your arm?" He held up a black sharpie, one of the big ones you'd use to write on posters with.
"Uh sure?" At this point you wondered if turning away was a better option, but nonetheless, you let him take your arm.
You watched as Finn frantically scribbled a few letters and numbers down on your arm. When he lets your arm go, you squinted at the messy black writing.
"That's the venue I'm playing at tomorrow. If you like what you see tonight, come tomorrow and I'll take you out afterwards."
You looked at your arm and smiled at the gesture.
"You know you could've just written it in my phone right?" You laughed.
"This is way cooler." Finn replied with a toothy grin.
"I really have to go now." He began to walk backwards towards the stage.
"Hopefully I'll be seeing you soon." Finn shot two finger guns at you before turning around and rushing off.
You were left alone once more, but you no longer felt awkward. You were too preoccupied with the butterflies in your stomach.
"Come on let's go- what's that?" Your friend asked, a suspicious smirk appeared on her face.
"I'll explain later."
You rolled your eyes playfully and grabbed her hand, dragging her towards the hoard of people.
You surfed through the crowd, finally reaching the front of the pit below the stage. You were close enough to where you could reach up and touch the stage if you wanted.
You stayed in the same spot for most of the show, and time passed rather quickly. The music was enjoyable, but you had to admit that you were waiting for Finn to show up.
Finally, when the lights filled the room, signaling that another set was beginning, you saw him. He was standing center stage, guitar in one hand, microphone in the other.
You don't know how, but he managed to spot you among-st all the people. He winked in your direction, and you could feel your face light up.
Finn's singing voice definitely kept you interested, more than you had been all night. And if you weren't already convinced to go out with him, his guitar skills sealed the deal.
At the end of the night your friend called a cab, your feet hurt far too much to walk back to your apartment. During the ride you rambled to her about the cute boy you had met backstage, and how glad you were that you let her drag you along.
She argued that this gave her best friend bragging rights for at least a week. You scoffed, but agreed.
The minute you got home, you changed your clothes and crashed in your bed; already excited for the date you would surely be going on the next day.
From the moment you woke up, you were riddled with excitement. The show wasn't until late but you started getting ready around mid-day.
When the time finally came, you could feel the nerves coursing through your veins. But they were good nerves, as good as nerves could be of course.
You arrived at the venue alone, not the safest option but you were careful. You made your way up front about fifteen minutes before the show started so you didn't have to push through as many people.
The place was more like a club considering most of the attendees were standing and there were hardly any seats, save for the few in the back.
In what seemed like no time at all, the show began.
Finn was center stage yet again, and you could see him scanning the room. You hoped he was looking for you.
He had yet to spot you before starting the first song, which was an upbeat ballad. You bobbed your head along to the beat of the music, relaxing into the environment.
Finn's voice was like honey, each word flowing off of his lips beautifully.
Once the song was over, he approached the microphone.
"Thank you all for coming out here tonight." He scanned the room once more, but this time he did see you. His face lit up, just as it had the night before.
"This next song is a cover, and it reminds me a lot of someone I just recently met." His deep brown eyes never left yours.
He began to sing, a wide smile on his face as he did.
"I fell in love with a girl at the rock show, she said "what?" and I told her that I didn't know."
You smiled at the lyrics, surprised by how much you felt for this boy you had known no more than a day.
You let yourself float closer to the stage, still keeping your eyes on Finn. He was clearly focused on his guitar, playing through the riff before starting to sing again.
Finn noticed you standing below the stage and began to navigate towards you.
"And if I ever got another chance, I'd still ask her to dance. Because she kept me waiting."
He leaned down, knees hitting the floor. He continued to sing, doing everything he could to inch closer to you while he did.
You reached up, grabbing hold of his hand and pulling him down further. Half of his body was hanging off of the stage, yet he still continued to sing.
"With the girl at the rock show..." His singing voice became breathy and strained.
The song ended and Finn pulled you up on stage with him. You could feel your heart beating with anticipation. Just like that, he pulled you into a messy kiss. The crowd erupted into applause, cheers, and even a few whistles could be heard. It was too brief for you to really enjoy the kiss, but it was perfect nonetheless.
When you broke apart, Finn leaned into you and whispered in your ear.
"Go wait backstage, I'll see you in a bit."
You smiled at him, and made the bold decision to kiss him on the cheek. The crowd cheered once more, and you took that as your queue to exit.
You sure would never forget tonight.
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joohanisms · 1 year
hi lizzie! i already know you by your main, i wanted to ask you some oneshots/thoughts about sex with jealous jiseok?
MY MAIN ?@?@@? was it from the obnoxious amount of likes i leave on every single work on the xdh tags LMAO thank you so much for the request <33 hope you like it
jealous jiseok thoughts 💭💫
cw: jealousy obv, oral (fem receiving), possessive tones, unprotected sex (on birth control. don't be dumb), cum play slightly wc: 1,1k
minors dni
jiseok doesn't strike me to be the type to get jealous easily But! once he does... oh no
let's say you're out somewhere, like a party. and he's going about the looks people shoot you the usual way: smirking back at people, all smug, as if he's saying "this is Mine <3 look at me having someone you'll never have"
he did not expect your own friend to hit on you though
they were always a little touchy, and jiseok's not usually bothered (hell, he's not even in a place to be bothered. his friends are hanging off his shoulders half the time – if it doesn't bother you, it shouldn't bother him)
but tonight they were too affectionate
it started with them casually touching you while you talked, then they started playing with your fingers and fixing your hair and now jiseok's threat radar is beeping
when they lean in to talk into your ear, he draws the line. he's intervening
he gets closer and hears the "come on, leave with me. he doesn't have to know" in the air
oh no. oh nononono
he's PISSED. not only are they flirting with you in front of him, they're also blatantly asking you to cheat?
you can barely begin to indignantly refuse as he wraps his arm around your shoulders, ignores the so called friend and goes "hey, babe." before he presses a kiss that lasts a second too long to your lips
"do you want to go home? i think we'd have a better time there than here," pointedly looks at the person in front of you and pulls you closer, "plus i really want to find out what's the surprise you said you have for me back home."
there's no surprise. he's only making a point. you don't think you're even wearing matching underwear
he didn't even wait for your friend to say anything – as soon as you open your mouth to agree, he's whisking you away (he Does look back to see their face though)
when you're finally met with the fresh night air outside the building, jiseok pulls his phone out to call you both a cab and starts his angry rant
"are they out of their mind? doing that when i'm a few feet away? trying to get you to fuck them when they know damn well you're taken! we're not seeing that asshole ever again, they should feel lucky i didn't punch their teeth right off, if i was the slightest bit crazier i would've–"
"jiseokie," a hand to his cheek, "are you jealous?"
he looks up from his phone to find your playful gaze. he huffed, "of course i am! who do they think they are–" he's cut off by a searing kiss to his lips.
"it's kind of hot."
the way you were looking at him... hell he could fuck you right then and there and even hope your stupid friend catches you. unfortunately, the cab is here and the poor driver shouldn't be subjected to seeing that
the second you arrive at your apartment, he's holding your face with both his hands and kissing you downright filthily in your little entrance hall
you need to take your shoes off though... that's not a problem at all – you hear his chunky sneakers be tossed to the ground while he keeps kissing you the best he can, and you only separate as he crouches down to unlace your boots for you
you can barely appreciate the view of your boyfriend at your feet before your boots are off and he's on you again
his lips attach to your neck, sucking and nipping on the flesh while his hands sneak under your shirt
he has half a mind to bend you over the couch and fuck you stupid until your moans are engraved on the couch, but he ultimately decides on pulling you into your bedroom
before you even get to the bed, you're shirtless, jiseok's hands fumbling with the clasps of your bra while you work on his jeans
you don't get very far before your knees hit the bed and you're falling backwards
your hair fawning around your face, your cheeks flushed, your lips kiss-bitten, your bra half-off, your eyes nearly desperate... jiseok is so glad he's the only one who gets to see you like this
(and if it's up to him he'll be the only one to see you like this for the rest of time <3)
but for now he'll just push your skirt up and pull your underwear down <3
and eats you out sooooo good like legs over his shoulders his fingers spreading you
after you cum, you try to repay the favor but he grabs your hands and goes "wanna cum inside you, baby, please"
and who are you to deny him !! it's not common to have him cum in you even though you're on birth control... my guy likes the visual of his cum on your skin
and so in a second his pants and underwear are off, your legs are around his hips and he's ruining your neck again while he guides his cock to your entrance
he pushes in bit by bit, and only when he bottoms out he detaches from your neck and grins, pressing the pads of his fingers into what you assume are the hickeys he left
"you're mine", he softly says, looking into your eyes, before he starts thrusting into you
it gets really fast and rough really quick
you can't help but moan a little too loudly, the way his hips are slamming into your thighs feels divine. and when he presses his thumb to your clit...... you're seeing stars wtf
he's kissing you desperately, in a mix of panting and actually kissing you properly. your arms wind around his neck, needing him closer while you feel a familiar wave of pleasure starting to come over you
what really does it for you is his little rushed whisper of "mine, mine, mine, you're only mine right baby? mine to fuck you like this, mine to ruin, mine"
he keeps mumbling possessives and filth while he fucks you through your high
"'m yours, ji– only yours," you manage to say through the fog in your brain, and you feel his release fill your cunt
when he finally stops grinding into you, prolonging his orgasm as much as he could, he'll pull out slowly so he can watch his cum drip out of your hole
scoops a little bit of it with his fingers and smears it on your cheek, kissing you deeply afterwards
"my baby," he whispers between kisses, "only mine."
when both of you have finally caught your breaths, jiseok gets up to fetch a towel to wipe you down
when he comes back, he cleans you thoroughly - except the cum smeared on your cheek
"you forgot something." you point to your sticky cheek.
he grins devilishly, straddling you. "that's for you to wear, babe. so everyone knows you're mine."
bonus: when you're cuddling later, ready to sleep, you remember something: "... so what was the surprise i had for you back here?"
"shut up and go to sleep."
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slocumjoe · 1 year
how would companions be at the beach? who gets sunburnt for a week? who tries drowning who?
Companions have a Beach Episode
Cait; is kicking ass and taking names at volley ball. Any who step up to the net are swiftly executed, either by shame of their devastation, or Cait spiking too hard and beaning them in the head. Being a ginger, this girlie is 2x vulnerable to sunburn. Doesn't put on sunscreen, thinks its dumb. Regrets this immensely. But before her skin starts peeling off of her like an onion, and in between claiming victims, she's throwing back fun beach cocktails. Doesn't drink water. On a hot, sunny day. When she's exerting herself. Also comes to regret this. This could have gone much worse if she didn't gorge herself at the BBQ. She wears baggy swim shorts and a loose tank top.
Codsworth; Hangs out at a gazebo with a makeshift kitchen/bar area. He's not risking sand getting in delicate places, absolutely not. No, Codsy stays nice and cozy, and makes those aforementioned cocktails, as well as other cold drinks and food. When he isn't serving something or cooking, indulges in some sort of activity, like a puzzle book, a normal novel, something like that. He enjoys the energy of the beach, the sand and sun and surf, but practically...he just really wants to take a broom to it, y'know? Just...just to see if he could...but that's rude to nature. So, it's best he keep to a more manageable area. One that doesn't give him cleaning itches.
Curie; Sets up a beach towel under an umbrella, and relaxes with a good book and iced drink. Despite not going out in the sun, puts on sunscreen to set an example. Periodically chases people down with a bottle if they've yet to apply it. You are not allowed to get skin cancer on her watch. When she isn't hunting Cait for sport, Curie is simply enjoying the beachy soundscape, warmth, and general chill vibes. Will get up and check on everyone, make sure they're drinking water, et cetera. Half of her time is spent relaxing, the other half Mama Hen-ing. These people lack self-preservation instincts and it kind of drives her crazy. Wears a pastel blue two-piece with ruffles.
Danse; is in his element. Warm weather, fishing, grilling, bright-colored, gaudy-patterned shirts. This is his happy place. Gets a cooler of beer, a pole, and sits by the shore, soaking up sun like a cat. Lives out his ideal life as an old beach bum and for once, has a good day. This is Danse at his peak. He shows up in knee-length khaki shorts, socks and sandals, and a borderline-neon floral button up. Anything he catches, he grills over at Codsworth's gazebo. Spends his day fishing, bbqing, and drinking, and shocks everyone with the fact that, yes, Danse is capable of basic joy and relaxation. Just...very sparingly.
Deacon; Redhead. Unlike Cait, knows the divine agony that is a bad sunburn, and lathers himself in sunscreen. Wears a speedo, crocs, and an obnoxious sunscreen streak on his nose. Participates in volley ball, wrist is sprained by a hard serve from the Red Menace herself. Afterwards, lets Piper and later, MacCready, use him as a sculpture base. Seeing as his day was spent underneath piles of sand, didn't do much. Had a lot of drinks, though, courtesy of Piper engineering a long curly straw for him. Has to be dug out for BBQ against his will, wanted to spend the rest of his life as a mermaid. When he emerges, is caked in sand and looks like a golumn. All that sunscreen turned against him. For the next week, greets people with "Hi, I have so much sand in my ass, how ya doin'?"
Gage; Tends to dislike casual, hang-out activities on principle. Whereas Danse doesn't like them due to his social anxiety and gets nervous around people. Gage doesn't like them because he doesn't like people period. The beach is one such activity, with the added bonus of causing him physical pain. Due to his half-blindness, prolonged exposure to brightness really strains the one eye, so he sticks to Codsworth's gazebo for shade. The ocean is basically a giant disco ball and that shit triggers migraines for him. Spends the day observing the others and chainsmoking. Keeps tally of Cait's various volley ball crimes. Plays catch with Dogmeat until the pooch collapses from exhaustion. Generally does what Gage is always doing—keeping tabs and making notes. Also, mooching off free food.
Hancock; the thing about Hancock, is that it's difficult to keep him in order. You're rarely going to see him in a group, doing group pre-ordained stuff. He sticks around the others for maybe ten minutes before he wanders off to see whatever he can find. Comes back a while later with his pockets full of rocks, shells, even bones. Codsworth empties a bucket for him to put his treasure in, and Hancock's back out on the hunt. Spends his day beachcombing. Brings back stuff for MerDeacon, gets a big clump of kelp for the hair, and seashells for modesty. Hancock just paces up and the down the beach, pondering shit, collecting shit. Basically this image;
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MacCready; didn’t intend on sculpting a mermaid onto Deacon, but God presented him an opportunity. MacCready has based his entire life on taking opportunities given to him. Has so many fruity drinks as he crafts his masterpiece. Whereas Piper is more interested in forming the excavation site around the corpse of this behemoth sea monster, MacCready's more interested in giving the Deac very crude and childish features, such as breasts in the image of Deacon himself. But wait, aren't mermaids seals? Seals have multiple nipples, right? Guess we have to make more Deacon tits! This descent into madness might have something to do with the copious pina coladas he put away. Getting beaned in the head by Cait also probably didn't help. Wears gym shorts and a tank top.
Nick; Curie had the right idea. Only, Nick improves on it by moving his spot much, much farther down the beach. Takes a radio, wine coolers, and various books that he goes through over the day. Reads shlock romance pulp fiction, because he felt it more thematically appropriate to the beach. Has a few towels down for cushy-ness, being an old man. Needs his back supported. He wears shorts and a long, thin-material cardigan, almost like a robe. Wouldn't look out of place telling an officer he most definitely didn't kill his husband. Nick appears later at lunch/dinner/dinch, but until then, he's sequestering himself under an umbrella and he's having a moment of peace. Considered participating in whatever the others were doing at one point. Decided against it when he saw whatever the hell was happening with Deacon.
Piper; was almost a victim of Cait, dipped when a volley ball went past her head and it sounded like an actual bullet. Wisely moved out of the firing zone and began construction of a sandcastle. She blinked, and there was Deacon, and six nipple-Deacons. Doesn’t know how it happened. Didn't question it. Turned her castle into the excavation site of a prehistoric sea creature, washed ashore and buried beneath the sand. It pays to be adaptable like that. Piper spends a good chunk of the day pissing, as she's the type to need so much water when its hot out. She doesn't start slinging back fun cocktails until its lunch/dinner/dinch. Then, it's a cocktail for every hotdog, burger, serving of fish...and Piper can put away bbq. Wears a red halter one-piece.
Preston; is the only one to consistently survive Cait's bloodbath, so he keeps her busy, so as to let the others escape her rubbery death blows. Basically just plays ball with her until she gets tired, same as Gage with Dogmeat. Preston takes some breaks, and drinks water, but its a matter of attrition. Its an endurance test. He passes by the skin of his teeth. The game ends once Cait is lured away by bbq and alcohol. At that point, Preston is better considered a husk than a man. Drops an ice pack on the ground and lays face-down on it, and takes a nap like that.
X6-88; shows up in his usual black trench coat and not a single bead of sweat forms. Haunts the gazebo for sugary drinks and treats. Everyone tries to ignore him because they get second-hand heat stroke just looking at him. He's loathe to get near the water and loathe to get sand in his clothing. Becoming the Phantom of the George Foreman Grill was the only outcome for him. Backseat sous chef, constantly questioning Danse and Codsworth's methods or choices. Codsworth politely takes the criticism, and ignores it. Danse just chucks candy into the bushes to lure him away.
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theflannelwizard · 1 year
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PLEASE. gimme your scout thoughts NAOOOWW GIMME GIMME GIMMEE
THIS IS THE BEST ASK ANYONE HAS EVER SENT ME. Buckle up cause I have a LOT of Scout thoughts. Some of these are supported by canon and some of them are just random ass headcanons but fuck it we ball. Under a read more cause it is gonna get long.
The more he brags about something, the more insecure he is about it. To me he reads as deeply in need of validation and when he's out here flexing and talking about how hot he is it's largely in hopes that someone will agree for once.
That said I don't think the ego is entirely an act. He does think he's hot shit. He just ALSO really really really needs to hear someone else say it cause he's starved for affection.
Not to be a scoutpauling enjoyer on main but I think he calls her all the time for no reason. Calls her to tell her a joke he thought of or to brag about whatever he's just done or to awkwardly ask how she's doing and then say "yeah, me too" no matter how she responds. And she's usually too busy to really engage him but she wouldn't pick up if she didn't want him calling. And she does usually pick up.
Middle school dropout. I do buy into him being dyslexic but I also think he just isn't very educated. It was more important to get a damn job. His family is huge, his mom is single, and I am no longer certain whether I'm joking when I say Spy didn't pay child support.
I think he calls Medic 'Ma' sometimes and it started 100% as a joke, like when teenagers call their teacher 'Mom' on purpose, but now it's just Something He Does.
Sometimes I see people write him and Soldier as not getting along and I totally get where that's coming from but it's not my truth. To me they are best friends who chase each other around the base with BB guns and make campfire food and root beer floats together and get too hyped for the 4th of July (Soldier likes the America of it all, Scout likes the candy and fireworks, they both like American marching band music) and like. They have fun together. They egg each other on.
Blinks in photos. Every. Single. Time.
He claims he’s good at cleaning but he is not. If you ask him to wash dishes he will rinse them, if you ask him to sweep or mop he will not do anymore than makes the place Look clean at surface level, etc etc. He’s the same way with cleaning himself. He counts rain as a shower and swimming pools as baths.
The exception to that rule is his ma and Miss Pauling, he cleans up pretty nice for them. They're also the only people he'll wear a suit for.
If he knew Spy was his dad he would be mad about it. He would not call him Dad. He would probably try to use it for comedy but not because he actually thinks it's funny, just cause he uses humor to cope. And uhhh he would go from "that guy's a prick" to "that guy ruined my life and I am never speaking to him again." sorry for not thinking he would forgive and forget right away but he deserves to be angry at least at first.
Speaking of. I think the scoutpauling and spydad dynamic is so funny. Imagine you're the spy and you abandoned your son as a toddler and then not only does said son end up back in your life as your obnoxious ass coworker but he's dating your boss. And he complains to your boss about how hard his life was growing up fatherless. And your boss knows you're the deadbeat dad her boyfriend got fucked over by. I would be SWEATING.
This man LOVES comic books but he skips over big chunks of text and words that take too long to sound out. When that happens he just infers from the pictures what’s going on. Secretly he really wants someone to read his comic books aloud to him and do silly voices and help him get better at spelling/phonics but he would NEVER ask. He’s not a little kid anymore, he doesn’t need to be treated like one.
I think sometimes he flat out refuses to take his shirt off for anything and when this happens it is always because he’s been bleeding so heavily from his chest, back, or side that his shirt dried into the scab and now it would hurt like hell if he tore it off. However this is also the only time that anyone actually encourages him to take his shirt off because nobody cares about his abs and shoulders but they do care a little about making sure he doesn’t get super infected and die.
Swears he isn’t scared of escalators but that’s a lie, he thinks he’s gonna trip and get shredded.
Not licensed to drive but knows how. His driving is insane off roads, people die if they get in a car with him off roads, but when he's on a road he actually drives very well cause he knows he can't afford to get pulled over. A cop sees him speeding and suddenly he's being taken in for countless charges of murder and possession of illegal firearms and who knows what else.
And of course, he hates the Mets and the Yankees <3
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thefabulousfab-3 · 2 years
2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 27, 28, 31, 33, 36, 44, 45, 48, 49, 51, 57, 60? For Benvi? And you obviously don't have to do all of these!😅
Oh I’m answering all of them 😘
2. What would they do if the other woke up in a manic state after a nightmare?
This happens a lot to Devi and Ben always pulls her into a bear hug and reassures her that everything is all right. Then he makes her a cup of tea, which she drinks while he strokes her hair and they listen to classical music (with harp) or watch a home video of her dad. The few times this happened to Ben (stress of college and starting his internship). She calms him down with soft words and playing nature sounds. Then she makes him a cup of tea and rubs his back while he drinks it.
3. Do they wear each other’s clothes? (Sweatshirt, bandanna, necklace, ect)
Devi steals Ben’s sweatshirts constantly, she also wears his t-shirts all the time. Ben likes to wear one of her scrunchies around his wrist.
4. Which one is more protective? Who needs to be protected?
Devi is definitely more protective, she has angrily yelled at Ben’s parents more than once. Devi however needs to be protected from smaller things, Ben has to keep a tight grip on her hand so she doesn’t walk into traffic accidentally.
5. Describe their cozy night in?
They order take out, wear pajamas, and cuddle under a fluffy blanket; In their fort they built. They either play games or watch a movie.
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
They take time off to help take care of each other. Devi gets really worried when Ben gets sick so she forces him to go to the doctor (even if it’s just a cold)
9. What are their thoughts on having children?
I think they want them, Ben definitely wants them a little bit more than Devi but both of them are on the same page about having them. They want 2!
15. Do they always say I love you before leaving?
Yes! Always!
16. Can they stay up all night just talking?
Yes! They do this constantly, so they’ve had to implement a rule of only doing this on weekends.
18. How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind?
Very likely!! They would have 2 cats!
19. How do they feel about PDA?
They are the absolute worst when it comes to PDA, they are always touching each other and kissing.
22. What reminds each of their partner?
This is going to be corny, just a warning.
What reminds Devi of Ben:
The blue of the sky
The smell of new books
Anyone wearing a bright/ obnoxious colored shirt.
What reminds Ben of Devi:
The smell of the earth after it rains
People playing music
Sun rays breaking through clouds
27. Who is the light weight that needs to be taken care of after a party?
Devi, she thinks she can drink a lot and always tries to participate in drinking games but ends up losing due to how quickly she gets drunk. It doesn’t help that her favorite drinks are sugary cocktails with a very high alcohol content.
28. What are their thoughts on pet names? Do they have any for each other?
They like them even thought they (meaning Devi) like to pretend they don’t.
Of course! We all know that David is definitely a pet name for Devi at this point. Ben also calls her Babe, which she always rolls her eyes about but secretly loves. Devi calls Ben any number of ridiculous pet names she made up trying to get one to stick. She does call him, “sweetheart” a lot just because it bugs him. For awhile she tried out Benny boy, but he begged her to stop after she called him it during sex (I’m sorry for this one, jk I’m not). She mainly sticks to calling him obnoxious (which in a way is a pet name) or just simple ones like, “honey, babe, dear (she loves to say this one in a ridiculous accent).”
31. Can they sit side by side without touching? Or are they handsy?
They are very handsy, however they have to keep it in check when they are around Devi’s family, which results in them planning footsie under the table.
33. Who’s the better cook?
Ben, only because Devi has very little patience for cooking. She does however enjoy baking which Ben says takes way more patience then cooking. They argue about this constantly.
36. Who’s more likely to fire up the stove at 2 am because the other on woke up hungry?
Ben, he makes sure to keep the kitchen stocked with snack and easy late night meal ingredients.
44. Who would dance in the kitchen while making dinner? Would the other watch or join them?
Devi, which is part of what makes her a bad cook. She starts listening to music and dancing, and forgets what she is doing.
Ben watches her at first then sneaks up behind her to “waltz” through the kitchen with her. The dancing always ends with them kissing up against the counters, then dinner gets abandoned and they end up ordering take out later.
45. Can they fall asleep without each other?
Yeah, but they have a hard time. Especially Devi, she likes to know that Ben is next to her when she sleeps.
48. Who’s the better driver?
Devi, Ben drives like an old lady.
49. Does either one of them have a hard time being away from each other?
Yes, they both hate to be away from each other for more than a day and try to avoid it at all costs.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Ben will grab Devi’s hand and squeeze it. Devi will kiss his forehead, or lay her head on his shoulder and kiss it.
57. Whose the serious one when it comes to grocery shopping and who tosses things in the cart?
Ben is very serious and wants to stick to the list, while Devi is a major impulse buyer and convinces him to try all the weird soda flavors.
60. Who pulls the other closer when they are sleeping?
Devi is constantly pulling Ben closer to her. They start out on their sides and ends with Devi full on kola hugging Ben.
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13, 19, 30, 31, 38, 46?
For hellcheer
13. Who's the bigger tease?
honestly like. Chrissy. and i don't think she necessarily means to be a tease at first. she's just bashful and shy and let's be real - Eddie would bend over backwards to make her happy (and get her off) so try as he might, he can never hold out for that long. but once Chrissy gets a taste of just how fun it is to tease Eddie... she'd be incorrigible.
19. How do they feel about PDA?
oh PLEASE there is no way Eddie wouldn't be all over Chrissy all the goddamn time no matter where they are. i think he'd be respectful about it (like mostly hand-holding, cheek kisses, the occasional peck on the lips or like draping himself over her shoulders) but still fairly obnoxious - and Chrissy blushes so hard but she loves it.
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
Eddie's first choice for Chrissy is literally nothing at all (but that gets quickly vetoed with an Eddie! that leaves both of them laughing hysterically). his second choice is probably something close to her cheer skirt and undoubtedly one of his own shirts (his Hellfire Club one) with the promise that she's not gonna be wearing it for long if he gets his way.
Chrissy might try and clean him up a little, but ultimately she likes the way Eddie dresses so she picks her favorite of his shirts for him to wear - though she probably does try and get him to wear slightly tighter jeans bc lbr the man has a nice ass. also she ties his hair back with her favorite green scrunchie.
31. Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.)
oh they definitely have to be touching at least a little at all times. even if they're sitting across from each other, you just know they're playing footsie or holding hands over the table.
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla?
lmfao you are really just going for my throat here and i love it!
i mean, it sort of depends on how ~experienced~ they both are - and i do love the idea that Eddie's a total virgin and Chrissy has minimal experience with Jason (most if not all of it bad). so with that in mind, i would say they both learn a lot when they get together and quickly discover that they have some kinks that align and some that don't, but i would say (within reason) they're both pretty open to trying new things! (it's all about TRUST!!!)
46. Would they get frisky at the movies by themselves?
listen i wanna say yes bc i do think Eddie would have a hard time keeping his hands to himself, but out of respect for the people who work at the movies i think Chrissy would be very against it. she might be up for some making out in the back row and maybe let him cop a feel, but his hands stay over the clothes at all times. (save the good stuff for afterwards in the back of your van, mr. munson.)
OTP asks
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monocytogenes · 2 years
AND PRANA: 10, 13, 38!!
(this is for the OTP asks and yes imma indulge you with your OTP)
10. Describe their first date.
Lol, I feel like this is one of those ships where they wind up in a lot of situations that look like dates, but it's really them talking about work stuff at a spaceport cantina or whatever so it doesn't really count.
I can picture Lana organizing something kind of archetypically romantic once they're both like 'I guess this is a Thing now', e.g. inviting him to a fine restaurant in some part of Imperial space where he's not going to get scrutinized. This of course entails her going like 'Pravin you need to wear a proper suit and not have your shirt half open' so he winds up in something like this, and then she shows up in a sexy cocktail dress. And yeah, they have this moment where she's like 'wow he cleans up really nicely' and he's like literally just realizing he's only ever seen her in robes and armor and is all 'oh fuck, tits.' And yeah, they order dinner and cocktails, he entertains her with some of his 'crazy shit that happened in the field' stories where he has to redact everybody's names, she talks about her life and they bond over both being the kids of rich businesspeople, and they knock back enough cocktails that she dares to grab him and make out with him after they leave. (I get some 'I'm an introvert who's kind of awkward about romance because I have intense feelings but don't want to come on too strong' vibes from her. Which is fine by Pravin because while he likes her as a person, she is still Sith, and he's treading a liiiittttle more carefully than he might otherwise.)
13. Who’s the bigger tease?
Honestly, I see the teasing being kind of mutual, lol. Pravin definitely starts out being the obnoxiously seductive one because he's Like That, but once Lana gets more confident in the relationship she dishes it right back to him. She can sense his emotions, so she pretty quickly figures out what works on him, haha. (Also, I have this hilarious headcanon that they try for a while to keep their banter and come-hither looks on the down low so Theron doesn't realize what's up, but it's really not discreet at all. At some point he's all 'oh for fuck's sake get a room' and Lana's kind of mortified, lol.)
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who’s more vanilla?
This is a FASCINATING question, actually, and let me tell you why (under the cut because I'm going to talk details)--
Pravin, in spite of the inadvisable amount of sex he's out having, isn't really kinky at all. This is largely because while he's tried several kinky activities, it's all performance to him, and acting is basically what he does as a profession. He doesn't want to have to plan; he wants his actions and reactions to be as chill and natural as possible, even if his partners don't necessarily know his real identity.
While this wasn't really a factor before the events of his class story, he also came out of that whole thing with some very particular hangups about being restrained, feeling like he can't breathe or see, and the like. For instance, being manhandled in the throes of passion is okay, but do not tie him down; he's either going to emotionally dissociate or have an anxiety attack.
Lana, on the other hand, I see as sexually adventurous (which isn't that unusual among Sith.) I feel like she's had some but not a lot of sexual experience, and her first encounter with Pravin ends up being really nice because he's very communicative and, well, fucking great at pleasing a woman. She comes out of it all like 'oh man, there's a whole world of things I could try with this guy' and knowing how slutty he is, I imagine she winds up a little surprised when he does respond with some hard no's, lol.
From a kink perspective I imagine she's a dominant-leaning switch; while Pravin doesn't really occupy that framework, I think he's usually the giving partner in his encounters on account of his experience and rather enjoys when one of them takes initiative and he can occupy a more receptive role. And yeah, he'll indulge her desires to get a little rough with him or inflict a bit of pain on her if she's feeling that, so long as she also gets him off the way he wants.
(Another funny headcanon: they've had a few mishaps here and there. Lana totally tried to throw some degrading dirty talk at him on a whim once and he started losing his shit laughing and completely ruined the mood. There also was totally an incident where she got so into topping that she started pinning him down with the Force and he freaked out, wrenched an arm free and struck her--cue an abrupt stop and profuse apologies from both parties.)
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jupitermelichios · 3 years
So I’ve been playing a lot of skyrim lately, because it’s video game comfort food, and I decided it was time for my Redguard Dovahkiin to settle down. (Actually I specifically just wanted to be able to adopt some of the random orphans you meet because I felt guilty about them, but you need to be married before you can do that so that there’s someone at home to take care of the kids while you’re off galivanting).
So I travelled around a bit, chatting up likely looking npcs until I found one I both liked and didn’t feel guilty about marrying (I feel bad if I marry one of the warrior adventurer types, making them be a stay at home mum) and settled on an obnoxiously cheerful argonian called Shavee because her life was frankly shit, and I thought she’d probably be good with kids.
So off I go to Riften to the Temple of Mara to arrange the wedding. I book it in for the next day, realise I didn’t bring anything nice to wear, and spend the night before the wedding robbing every house in the city in the search for something to wear. Eventually decide everyone in Riften has terrible fashion sense and break down everything I stole into raw materials and use them to craft myself an outfit and some jewellery that i’m pretty happy with. I even carefully pick out my fanciest looking sword to wear.
(don’t know why I bothered, frankly, shavee turned up wearing a shirt covered in suspicious stains and weilding a pickaxe, it’s like she doesn’t even care about this marriage)
(also for comedy purposes, bear in mind I play with survival mods that mean my character needs to eat and sleep to live, and I literally spent the entire ingame night on this and forgot to eat and drink anything either and then just downed four bowls of wolf stew right before entering the temple so I didn’t starve during the ceremony. also I discovered during the wedding that I am dying of rockjoint, which I contracted from sleeping in a pile of hay on the floor of a skeever infested cave, so even being six foot tall and jacked can’t make up for the fact that I am exhausted, running a fever, and probably covered in wolf which I spilled because my joints are slowly atrophying, and even the fanciest clothes in the world aren’t going to cover that up)
so I enter the temple, and my finance is there, and Lydia my housecarl, and some random NPCs the game thinks are my friends because I did fetch quests for them
One of the random NPCs is Lisbet. Atfter I did her fetch quest, I then did another quest in which I discovered Lisbet is secretly a cannibal and part of a demonic cult that worships the daedric prince of decay by kidnapping priests, sacrificing them, and then eating their corpses. Raw. I think the raw meat is the sticking point for me here honestly.
I ultimately decided not to sacrifice the random priest to a daedric prince in exchange for one magic ring and all the raw human I could eat, because frankly, that doesn’t sound like much of a deal to me. I was expecting there to be some kind of dialogue choice where I could nope out at the last minute, but it turns out there isn’t one, so after they drugged the priest and tied him to the altar, I just got out my sword and started swinging.
I killed most of the cult (including the town butcher, because I had brought meat from him before and was extremely pissed off that he might have been secretly feeding me humans) but a couple of them got away, which I figured was fine because they weren’t trying to kill me.
Except it turns out, if any of them escape, then every time you see them in the future there’s a random chance that they’ll fly into a violent rage and try and murder you.
Lisbet is at my wedding. Lisbet decides that clearly me marrying this random argonian woman with two lines of dialogue is the happiest day of my life, and she cannot allow me that happiness, when I’ve taken so much from her.
So she tries to kill me. Only she can’t, because I’m stuck in a pre-rendered wedding animation, and also she’s sitting next to Lydia, my faithful retainer and owner of a really big axe.
It also turns out that Lisbet is essential, meaning she can be knocked unconcious but not actually killed because she’s needed for some quest or other. And the minute she wakes up from unconciousness, she tries to kill me again, so Lydia knocks her unconcious again, and I’m stuck, I can’t move, because I’m supposed to be in the wedding animation.
Except Shavee has, not unreasonably, see all this and decided that she doesn’t like me enough to risk getting murdered, and has done a runner, leaving me at the altar, but more importantly, leaving me trapped in a broken pre-rendered animation, so all I can do is stand there at the altar, staring at the space where my fiance was supposed to be, listening to the sounds of Lydia trying and failing to beat a cannibal to death behind me.
Okay, I think, clearly this wedding isn’t going to happen, I’m going to go for the registry office option and complete the wedding using the dev commands. I do this. The priest gives me a wedding ring, and I can finally move again. I chase after Shavee, who has an impressive turn of speed on her, and eventually catch up right by the city gates. I try to talk to her.
Apparently using the console has completed the wedding for me, but not for her, because she still only has the same 2 lines of dialogue she usually has.
Clearly this is working, I can’t leave my kids with someone who can only say 2 things and doesn’t even know she’s their mum, that’s irresponsible.
I try loading from inside the temple. I get the same problem.
Eventually I figure out that I need to use the dev controls to disable Lisbet’s entire existence in the universe.
Shavee and me get married. As the priest reads the vows, I stare at Shavee and wonder why she couldn’t even be bothered to put on a clean shirt. I wonder what kind of mother she’ll be.
Once the ceremony is over, and I’m happily married to the dirty green lizard of my dreams, and we’ve agreed that until I can make her recognise my extremely nice modded house exists I will share her single bed in the unheated flophouse in Windhelm she calls home, I re-enable Lisbet, because I’m worried I’ll forget if I leave it too long.
Fun fact about skyrim, it loads in quite a lot of npcs and objects by dropping them from the sky. I have no idea why this is the case, but it’s objectively the funniest way to load in objects.
I re-enable Lisbet. She falls from the sky, clips through the roof of the temple, and lands in the pew beside Lydia, stands up, draws a knife, and is immedately beaten unconcious.
I no longer care, because Shavee now has all the exciting new spouse-only romantic dialogue options like “Could you cook something for me” and “have you made any money lately”, and I know she’ll be a great mother.
I limp to the door of the temple, while around me the guests not involved in the Lydia-Lisbet murder cycle scream and duck for cover.
I open the door to the temple, immediately collapse and ragdoll down the steps, which is how I discover I am dying of rockjoint.
I limp to the orphanage down the street, adopt two kids, and then finally remember that I’m carrying garlic bread, which as we all know, cures all known illnesses.
When I emerge back into the street, full of the joys of motherhood and garlic bread, I find the town in disaray. Lydia is chasing Lisbet through the streets with an axe and a dragon is circling overhead, burning npcs to death. People are running for shelter, screaming, while the guards try to take down an entire dragon using only the worst bows and arrows in the game.
I decide that as a parent, I have to think of my own safety first and leave them to it.
I head out of the city, intent on returning home and figuring out why Shavee refuses to move in with me. A man hanging around the stables challenges me to a boxing match. For want of anything better to do, I agree.
Halfway through the fight he dodges at the wrong moment and I punch one of his horses in the head.
Two guards attack me while I desperately try to surrender. My kids will miss me, but I’m prepared to go to jail for my horse crimes, I’m an honest citizen. Also my horse crimes seem somewhat less important than the dragon.
The guards refuse to accept my surrender. I am stabbed to death. As I collapse in front of the indifferent horse, Lisbet exits the city, followed by Lydia. The last thing I see before I die is Lydia swinging her axe at Lisbet’s face.
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ladylannisterxo · 2 years
Bad Things With You
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Pairings; Billy Hargrove x fem!Reader
Words; 4.8k
Warnings; S M U T (18+ only), hand jobs, thigh riding, fingering, spanking, squirting, dirty talk, unprotected sex, gratuitous use of italics (you can pry italics out of my cold. dead. hands.)
Summary; You catch the eye of Hawkins resident asshole, Billy Hargrove, one night at a party. With summer coming to a close and college right around the corner, is it really a mistake to become another one of his conquests?
A/N; Yet another fic I posted on another blog back in 2019 but deleted. It was posted here as well for a time until I got rid of it lol but it's back and ready to stay!
{ masterlist }
You hadn’t seen him since graduation. You honestly thought he had left this town in a cloud of dust as he sped off back to sunny California. But no. He’s still here. He’s standing across the room, swarmed by a flock of girls, all desperately wanting one last good lay before college in the fall. And then, of course, there’s also the small-minded lackeys that followed him around in high school. They don’t say much in terms of conversation, only laugh and cheer obnoxiously loud at whatever spews out of his mouth and maybe one or two of them eye one of the girls, hoping she’ll turn her attention away from him and onto them. But they won’t. They never do.
He’s basically the same as you remember him. Sure, the summer sun has treated him nicely and he’s tanner and that hair of his has much more volume. Perm, perhaps? You scrunch your nose as you take it in and you find yourself admitting that you liked it more before whatever it was he did to it. Aside from that, he’s the same. He has a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other and that all too familiar smirk has made a permanent home on his face. He laughs loudly and makes crude comments and each time he chugs more of his beer, it’s as if gravity decides to say fuck you and what you would deem as half dribbles down his chin, along the column of his neck, before dripping down the expanse of his bare torso because naturally, no shirt. The temperature did reach a high of ninety-seven earlier in the day so maybe that’s why but, then again, he also didn’t wear a shirt to Tina’s Halloween Bash and that was in October. Is it really any surprise that he’s full of himself?
You pull your eyes away from the gaggle of idiots and search the room for your partner in crime. The one who said, let’s go to this party, it’ll be fun! and then ditched you thirty minutes in. That honestly should have been your cue to leave but you were nothing if not a good friend, and you knew Steve needed one. The original plan was to just not go to the party but that was before Steve’s current girlfriend, Vicki Sanchez—gross—decided to up and end their relationship for no reason other than the fact that she was bored. Cunt. Steve then proceeded to beg and plead for you to go to this stupid party and you reluctantly agreed. You had strolled in together, not a care in the world, and then his eyes fell upon the she-devil herself who was already wrapped around Eric Walker and all the wind was knocked right out of him. Again, what a fucking cunt. That was the last you had seen of Steve. He had excused himself rather quickly, saying he needed a minute, and that was when you started drinking.
Now that you think about it, the party makes little sense. Tina had labeled it as a Graduation Bash and that would have made sense, had she thrown this party two months ago when everyone graduated; now, it was just sad. Your eyes flit around the room, taking in everyone from your senior class and you realize this isn’t a celebratory bash but more of a one last hurrah before real life takes its toll. You know you will never see some of these people again as they will trot off to college and never look back and then there are the others who already look dead on the inside as they know that once summer comes to a close, they’ll be forced to either work for their parents or a dead end job because they fucked around in high school and have no chance of escape from the clutches of this town. Tragic.
You down the rest of your drink and toss the empty red solo cup unceremoniously onto the counter. You glance out toward the backyard where Steve disappeared to earlier in the night and you spot him talking to Darla. You’re instantly intrigued because Darla is definitely not Steve’s type; she’s a shy, mousy little thing that spent more time with her head down and nose in a book than anything else. But he’s laughing, leaning down to say something to her, and she’s blushing like mad, toying with the ends of her hair, and it brings an immediate smile to your face. This is what he needs, not someone to make him feel cool, but someone to make him happy and while you don’t know much about little Darla, you do know she’s an absolute sweetheart, and that makes your heart swell.
You turn your attention back to the party and immediately catch his eye. His arm is casually draped around the shoulder of another girl and she’s chattering away at him but he’s not paying any attention to her; his attention is focused solely on you. And it makes you squirm. You’ve never been the subject of his lingering gaze; in fact, you’ve barely ever spoken to him. He swipes his tongue along his bottom lip and then whispers something into the girl’s ear. He drops his arm from her shoulder and she is visibly distraught over this new turn of events but again, he doesn’t fucking care because all he’s looking at is you and oh shit, he’s walking over here.
His proximity is close, too close, and you can smell the alcohol and cigarette smoke wafting off of him. He trails his eyes down your body, lingering slightly on your chest and then on the sliver of skin that exposed itself when your shirt rode up. He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and leans in a bit closer, his mouth right by your ear, and you involuntarily shiver when his breath fans out across your skin.
“How come we’ve never spoken before?”
You shrug lightly, turning towards him, and your eyes settle on his lips first before flitting up to meet his eyes. He’s mere centimeters away from you; so close, you could easily close the gap. Your breath hitches and a smirk pulls at his lips. You want to smack it right off his face but even with it firmly plastered there, you can’t deny it—he really is a beautiful man. He may be an asshole but you’re not blind.
“I don’t know,” you say, “I’m always at these parties. As are you.”
“You come alone?”
“No, wait, I know. You came with Harrington. He ditched you no sooner than you both showed up, leaving you alone, while he now,” he pauses, looking around the room, “talks to that little thing out there.”
You follow his gaze out towards the backyard where Darla and Steve are still caught up in conversation. They’ve moved closer since you last checked in on them, none the wiser to the fact that Billy Hargrove had been hunting you like prey all night.
You flick your eyes back to his. “You’ve been watching me.”
“I have,” he admits, “and I’m surprised that Harrington chose her over you.”
You snort a laugh. “Steve and I are only friends and her name is Darla. She’s sweet.”
“Yeah, well, Darla is an innocent little virgin and completely not his type.”
“Why? Because she’s more your type?”
He smiles brightly at you, his tongue swiping along his teeth. You smirk at him and he’s suddenly closer than he was moments ago. His breath fans across your face and his nose is barely brushing against yours. You should pull back, you should most definitely pull back but the thrill is so inviting and you haven’t felt a shot of adrenaline this powerful since you and Steve teamed up against a pack of demodogs last year. It’s the chase, the fun little game of cat and mouse, that spurs you forward. You’re all too glad that you didn’t leave when you wanted to.
“I personally prefer women with a little more experience,” he whispers, “but I have taken a virgin a time or two.”
“Oh,” you breathe, “and I’m sure you treated them with absolute respect.”
“I handle with care,” he teases and a burst of warmth shoots straight to your core. Oh fuck. “Are you a virgin, princess?”
“Something tells me you already know the answer to that.”
“I had a feeling you weren’t,” he says, slowly wetting his lips again. “Do you want to get out of here?”
If you weren’t so caught up in the moment, you would have erupted in a fit of giggles over the shocked look that instantly took over his face. Billy Hargrove thinks he’s so smooth and admittedly, he is but, where’s the fun in this game if you don’t get to tease him a little bit too?
“Why leave when there are plenty of empty rooms upstairs?”
His eyes darken at your words but a smile, once again, pulls at his lips. You know this could easily be misconstrued as a mistake, one that could label you as another notch in his belt or give Steve a reason to rake you over the coals for it but in this moment, you don’t care. His smile is shockingly pure and it’s been awhile since you’ve been desired in such a way so really, what’s one night? And, if the rumors are true, you know for certain that you will not leave this party unsatisfied.
“I’ll follow you, princess.”
You grab his hand and he laces his fingers with yours. You lead him up the stairs, occasionally glancing back to see if he’s completely regretting his decision, but his eyes are entirely focused on you and the want that lingers in his irises has you bursting with excitement. You find an empty room near the top of the stairs and pull him into it, shutting and locking the door.
You stare awkwardly at each other for a brief moment and then his mouth is on yours and it’s hot and wet and needy. It’s all tongue and teeth and then he’s trailing sloppy kisses down your neck, sucking fervently on your exposed collarbone. You moan softly, never thinking that Billy Hargrove’s mouth would feel so good on your skin but fuck, you were so wrong. You rake your nails down his chest and swiftly unbuckle his belt. Undoing the button and zipper of his tight as hell jeans, you delve your hand into his pants and grasp onto his hardening cock.
“Fuck,” he hisses in your ear, “you don’t waste any time.”
“Neither do you.”
He chuckles, moving his lips to your jaw before capturing your lips with his again. You stroke his cock languidly, relishing in the grunts he emits into the kiss. He breaks away, breathing deeply, and resting his forehead against yours as you swipe your thumb across the slit, slathering the precum pooling there across his length.
He watches transfixed as you glide your hand across him and in a split second decision, he presses his thigh firmly between your legs and the denim of his jeans rubbing deliciously against the lace of your panties under your skirt has your brain going fuzzy and you toss your head back, lightly smacking against the door.
“Careful,” he whispers, “that feel good, princess?”
You nod weakly, biting down sharply on your bottom lip as you roll your hips against him. His hands find your hips and he starts guiding you back and forth across him, pressing harder against you. Your grip on his cock tightens and he groans at the feeling.
“Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” you mewl, “please, Billy, please fuck me.”
He smirks as he pulls your hand off his length and removes his thigh from between your legs. You whimper at the loss of contact but he pulls your skirt down your legs and all but rips your shirt off over your head, leaving you in nothing but your lace bra and panties.
“So pretty,” he mumbles, pecking your lips again. “Go get comfortable, princess.”
You pad lightly over to the bed, dropping down onto your back, and spreading your legs wide for him. You trail your fingers down your stomach and slip them beneath the waistband of your panties, pressing gingerly against your clit. He watches with hooded eyes as he tears his leather jacket off and tosses it to the floor before toeing his boots off and sliding his jeans down his toned legs. Commando. Not even surprising. You bite your lip in anticipation as he saunters over to you and places himself between your open thighs.
His fingers ghost up your legs and you giggle softly at the sensation. He breaths a laugh as his trademark smirk falls upon his lips and then he’s wrapping his hands around your thighs and pulling you down the bed closer to him. You yelp in surprise but then his fingers are pulling your panties to the side and he’s sliding them through your slick folds; up to tease your clit and back down to prod at your entrance. A breathy moan falls from your lips and he leans over you, catching himself on his arm by your head. His lips ghost against yours and you pull him in for a deep kiss when he plunges two of his fingers deeply inside you.
He moves them in and out at a rather slow pace, scissoring lightly to stretch you out, preparing you for what’s to come. Your kiss has turned languid and sloppy and he moves from your lips, to your jaw, down to your neck to continue sucking at the spot on your collarbone. You know for certain that a tell all mark will be bruising your skin by morning.
He hovers over you once more and you rest your hands on his chest as your eyes search his. His fingers are continuing their torturously slow pace and you wonder, briefly, if this is some kind of joke. You had heard the rumors. Billy fucked fast and hard but this wasn’t like that, not at all. He gazes down at you, watching the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe deeply with each thrust of his fingers; how your mouth falls open when he grazes against that sweet spot.
“Do you want me?” He asks and you nod. “Are you ready for me?”
You open your mouth to respond but find the words catch in your throat. You so desperately want to say, yes, fuck me hard but you don’t. Not because you don’t want to but because you find yourself admiring the man hovering above you. You can tell he senses your hesitation and his fingers still their ministrations inside you and he slowly pulls them out, resting that hand on your hip. He’s not looking at you in frustration, but there’s a calmness to his features, an understanding that sometimes, people change their minds. You search his eyes again and before you can stop yourself, your hand raises up to brush a curl out of his eyes. His eyes flutter shut at the contact and he looks so vulnerable, a far cry from the Billy you have come to know over the past few months. He grips your hand in his, pulling it away from his face, and resting it back on the bed, away from him.
“I need you to say something, princess.”
You nod again and he arches one of his perfectly sculpted eyebrows and you realize, he wants words. He needs you to say it, he needs to hear it. Who knew Billy Hargrove could be more of a gentleman than these other assholes?
“Yes,” you breathe, “I want it.”
He presses one more kiss to your lips, soft and light, and then he’s pulling back and adjusting himself on his knees. He grabs one of your legs and hoists your ankle over his shoulder and you watch as he strokes his cock before lining up at your entrance. You feel the brush of his cock against you and you let out a soft whimper. He looks up at you and holds your gaze, one last final reassurance, and you nod again. I want it. He bites down on his lip and then he’s pushing inside you, inch by aching inch, and a long and loud moan falls from your lips. Once he’s fully sheathed inside you, he stills, gauging your reaction; the rapid rise and fall of your chest or the way you breathe through the burning stretch. You roll your hips tentatively against him and it pushes him deeper, a soft groan tumbling from the both of you.
“I’m good,” you whisper, “you can move.”
No sooner than he pulls out, he’s slamming back into you, and setting a brutal pace. His hips snap against your own and this is exactly what you were expecting. He has a tight grip on the leg that is thrown over his shoulder and he’s using the other to push your other thigh down, spreading you wider to take him harder, faster, deeper. Your fingers are fisted in the sheets and you’ve thrown your head back as he pulls scream after scream from your chapped lips.
“Shit, yes,” you mewl, “right there, don’t stop!”
He bites down on the leg by his mouth and the sensation has you moaning even louder, much to your surprise. His other hand slides underneath your knee as he leans forward, pushing both of your legs up further, practically bending you in half. His cock pummels your dripping cunt at an unrelenting speed and oh fuck, he’s so deep. 
“You like that, don’t you?” He grunts. “That feel good?”
The only answer you can provide is another loud moan as his cock slams against that sweet spot and you can feel the coil in your stomach begin to tighten. He rolls his hips against you, pushing himself deeper and deeper and every single thrust has your toes curling and your back slowly arching off the bed because fuck, fuck, fuck, it’s coming, it’s coming, it’s coming!
“Fuck, yes, Billy!” You scream. “Yes, yes, yes, oh my GOD!”
And then you’re cumming, fast and hard, and it runs you down like a freight train at full speed. You involuntarily begin to shake as it rips through you and you don’t register when he slips his cock from you and plunges three fingers into your orgasming cunt and brutally finger fucks you through your high. You feel like you’re floating, your vision has gone white, and the only feeling you have is the way his fingers feel pulling more and more and more from you.
It’s not until you’ve practically gone limp against the bed that he pulls his fingers from you and grants you a slap to your inner thigh. You jump lightly at the sensation but you’re a bit too drained to care. Your eyes are shut and you can feel him moving up your body, caressing the skin of your hips, up to your breasts, before his mouth is right by your ear.
“You made such a mess, princess,” he coos, “what a filthy little thing you are.”
“Hmm?” You wonder and then you open your eyes, looking down at where he was, and the comforter of the bed is completely soaked. Oh shit. “I- I’ve never done that before.”
“You’re welcome,” he teases. Cocky bastard.
You grunt non-committedly and he rolls to laying next to you, one arm behind his head, as he subtly strokes his still hardened cock. Oh.
“Did you cum yet?”
He doesn’t sound angry; it’s the complete opposite, he sounds satisfied. Or as satisfied as you can sound without actually cumming yourself. You turn your head to him and he’s staring up at the ceiling, seemingly lost in thought, and for the first time, you wonder immensely what is going on inside that head of his.
“How do you want me?”
He closes his eyes and exhales slowly through his nose. “Princess, I think you’ve had enough.”
It’s like whiplash with this guy! You can’t pin him down. One minute, he’s looking at you as if you’ve hung the fucking moon or some shit and the next, he’s cocky and arrogant and an absolute asshole, so much to where you want to pull your clothes back on and go the hell home. Fuck him! Who cares if he gets to cum?! Admittedly, you do. You surprisingly care a lot. Not because he was able to pull an orgasm from you that you never thought you’d experience in your life—although it is a pretty good reason—it’s more because he’s been kind, aside from his asshole comments thrown in here and there.
“I’m a big girl,” you muse, “I can take it.”
“I can take it. How do you want me?”
He glances over at you, his eyes roaming down your body, and then he’s flipping you onto your stomach. He moves behind you and grips you sharply by your hips and pulls you to your knees. You go to push yourself up onto your hands, but he presses a firm hand onto your back, keeping your head effectively shoved down into the blankets. Okay.
He wastes no time in assessing rather or not you’re ready before he’s thrusting into you in one fluid motion. He immediately sets another brutal pace, hips snapping against yours while his fingers dig into the flesh of your hips. The mark on your collarbone won’t be the only mark he leaves on you, it seems. Slow and easy must not be a term in his sexual repertoire but you don’t care in the slightest because that familiar tightness is already forming in your stomach and fuck, he’s gonna make me cum again.
He brings a hand down sharply on your ass and the stinging sensation feels incredible. His grunts have turned animalistic and it spurs you forward, moan after wanton moan rushes past your lips. You’re an absolute mess beneath him, taking his cock unbelievably deep, as he rips scream after scream from you and you’re certain everyone in the goddamn house knows exactly what he’s doing to you.
“Fuck, princess, are you gonna cum again?”
You can’t formulate a response, it’s as if you’ve forgotten how. You nod your head vigorously into the blankets, fingers twisting tightly into the bed sheets.
He barks a laugh, smacking your ass again for good measure. “Cock’s that good, isn’t it, princess?”
You want to throw an insult back at him but one, you can’t think of anything other than the way his cock hits your sweet spot over and over and over again and two, he’s right. His cock is that good, pummeling your cunt with such intensity, you can feel tears brimming your lashes.
Your toes begin to curl at the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body and his grip on your hips tighten as he holds you firmly in place while he thrusts his cock harder and faster, eliciting every cry and scream he can pull from you.
“Come on, princess, cum for me,” he grits out, “give me one more.”
You screw your eyes shut as you clench tightly around him. He groans at the tightness and he snakes a hand down between your legs and rubs fierce and fast circles against your clit, his speed in tandem with his own rapid thrusts. An animalistic whine tears through your throat and then you’re spasming in his hold. He works you through your high, never slowing his pace, and as soon as you go limp beneath him again, he flips you onto your back, spreads your legs, and strokes his cock until he’s spilling across your stomach. You’re mesmerized by his orgasmic features; the way he throws his head back and the way his mouth opens in a silent moan as he fists his own cock, milking every single drop of his seed onto you.
He drops down beside you with a sigh and you both breathe deeply for a few minutes. It surprises you that it’s not awkward yet. You can recount many times you’ve done something similar to this and as soon as it was over, you both put your clothes back on and left. You reach over to the nightstand by the bed and grab the box of tissues so properly placed there and begin wiping yourself down. When you’re done, you toss the dirty tissues back onto the nightstand, promising you’ll toss them on the way out.
“So, how was that?” He asks breathlessly.
“I’ve already stroked your cock tonight,” you tease, “I’m not stroking your ego too.”
He laughs, a solid, genuine laugh. Putting both of his hands behind his head, he watches you curiously as you lay back down beside him and start to close your eyes. You can feel sleep overtaking you. You know you should get up and leave, find Steve and leave, but you can’t fight the overwhelming need to sleep for only a few minutes.
“I won’t be here when you wake up,” he whispers suddenly.
You snort a tired laugh. “And they say romance is dead.”
“I’m serious, princess.”
“I know. I know how this works. This,” you mumble, motioning a hand between the two of you, “is just one night. I knew that going into this. It’s fine, Billy.”
He’s silent for a moment and you think that’s the end of the conversation. You roll onto your side, facing him, and let sleep overtake you.
“You’re not like other girls, are you, princess?”
You don’t respond, knowing whatever you say won’t change the outcome of this evening.
When you do finally awake, which is surprisingly only thirty minutes later, you find that he was true to his word—Billy is gone—and aside from the still damp comforter and the discarded tissues on the nightstand, there isn’t really a sign that anything ever transpired in this room.
You don’t feel bad, that’s not the emotion you’re feeling. You’re not sad either, you knew he wouldn’t be here. So what are you feeling? Did you really think your tight pussy was suddenly going to reel him in and tame the beast within? No. You’re content, to say the least, the aching feeling between your legs reminds you that something did occur between the two of you and the marks on your body will be a reminder for days to come.
A smile is resting on your face as you pull your clothes back on. You toss the dirty tissues into the wastebasket by the door and just as you’re about to leave, you notice a small note. He left a note? You hesitantly grab the slip of paper and unfold it.
Had fun, it says at the top and you roll your eyes but you find yourself smiling even more. Perhaps we can do it again sometime? You raise your eyebrows in surprise because you definitely thought this would be a one and done, possibly never seeing him again as you were heading off to college in about a month’s time. Your eyes scan the two lines over and over before you notice it, scrawled at the very bottom, his phone number.
He’s leaving the option up to you. You know he could have any woman he wanted, including every single Hawkins mom if he really wanted to, so why does he want to see you again? Was it that eventful? Memorable? But then you remember the vulnerability you saw briefly before he took you and gave you the best sex of your life. He didn’t have this conversation with you before he left nor did he mention that he might want to possibly do it again. He put it in a note. This meant, or so you’re thinking, that if you didn’t call him, maybe it was because you didn’t find the note or maybe you just weren’t interested and either way, it would mean nothing to him and he could go the rest of his life not caring because, to Billy Hargrove, it will forever be easier to never know the real reason than it would be to actually broach the conversation and face rejection.
You smile softly, folding the slip of paper and tucking it into the pocket of your skirt. You cast a glance over the room, taking it all in, before you slip out and leave the night behind. You made up your mind as soon as you saw his number at the bottom of the note; you would call him. Just not tonight. Not even tomorrow. You’d give it a few days because where’s the fun in this game if you don’t get to tease him a little bit too?
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multiland · 3 years
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summary: You’re really trying to be a good employee, but Lee Minho, who has noticed your lingering stares, would rather have you being good for him instead.
pairing: Lee Know x female reader
genre: smut
warnings: dirty talking, dom minho, semi-public sex, fingering, choking, blowjob, cum eating, tons of teasing, unprotected sex (wrap it up).
word count: 3.4K
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Everyone has a guilty pleasure in life. Some in the chocolate bars, or that song you’re embarrassed to admit you listen to. To you, that’s Minho. He’s in a superior position than you, which makes him nothing but your boss. He’s known to be very diligent with his job, but he’s also nothing but an obnoxious tease when it comes to women.
That isn’t surprising considering how attractive he is physically, and to that, you could also add the intellect, discipline, and why not? the elegance.
Every single woman that has been around him has tried to hit on him. It doesn’t matter if it’s a client, a secretary, an associate... He has the same effect on all of them, in higher or lower positions, he’s just that charming. His cockiness and stern face often attracts the attention, especially because he knows how much people like him. He would flirt casually if he happens to like one of the victims, but just as fast as he flirts, he pretends like nothing ever happened.
And of course, you’re not an exception to that.
Here’s the thing. You’ve been struggling since the very first day because of him, always looking exquisite and untouchable with his half unbuttoned dressing shirts and big elegant suit jackets. His collarbone and part of his chest are always exposed, with chain necklaces hanging from his honey colored neck. You always try your best to do your tasks correctly, but it’s been a while since Minho started noticing your stares whenever he’s around. Your mouth half agape and mind drifting away to God knows where, he finds amusement in you being long gone enough not to notice that he has caught you with your eyes on him more than once.
He has such an effect on you, that despite the lack of sleep, you manage to look the best that you can each morning.
This day in particular, you arrive earlier at the office. You feel sleepy and the three cups of coffee you have already drank don’t seem to be of help.
Minho arrived shortly after you, and you thought you could avoid him for at least a couple of hours until the boss arrived, but instead of that, he apparently decided that your desk was going to be his first stop.
“Hey.” He says, snapping his fingers in front of you and pulling you out of your trance. Clearing your throat and feeling the blush covering your cheeks, you try to pretend like nothing happened, failing terribly. “The boss said he needs this paperwork for tomorrow morning.” He adds, pointing to a pile of papers now placed in front of you.
You blink a couple of times before you nod.
Paperwork again? What an exhausting motherfucking task. It makes your head ache in anticipation just to know you’ll have to be glued to your desk for the rest of the evening. Like, seriously? You’re not being paid enough to spend so much time sitting on a fucking chair and dealing with those numbers that seem to be endless. And on the other hand, why does he have to tell you that? Like, your boss could’ve called you and you would have been in his office in a minute. But no, he had chosen to send Minho, and what the fuck is he wearing? What’s with those perfectly styled chocolate strands of hair? What’s with those pink lips that he keeps wetting with that demonic tongue? As if you haven’t been having a shitty day already, he appears out of nowhere looking like the perfect definition of handmade by the gods. What a fucking prick, always behind your back checking on whatever the fuck you do, with his hands in his pockets and his strong cologne filling your nose, and that stupid, defined chest of his that-
“Are you even listening to me?” He asks again, cocking a brow with his arms folded over his chest. You mentally slap yourself, how can you be this stupid? You were getting lost in him, again.
“Yes, I’m sorry.” You apologize. “I’m just a little tired, that’s all. I’ll get the work done in time.” You quickly say, gathering folders and papers before standing up to go and get some copies. Minho doesn’t move an inch, but you can feel his piercing gaze following your moves.
“Hm. Yes, you better.” He agrees, as his lips curl upwards in a smirk you don’t get to see. “You sure you’re fine? You look tense.”
You look back at him from over your shoulder, forcing a smile as your heart thumps inside your chest. “Yes, don’t worry. I’ll let you know if I need something.” You roll your eyes afterwards, he’s having fun with the mess he’s creating.
With that, you’re quick to turn on your heels, walk around your desk and past him, leaving the office with him nodding the moment you glance at him one last time.
As you as you get on the elevator, you let out a sigh of relief. Seriously, what’s wrong with you and that throbbing feeling between your legs whenever he’s around? You better put your shit together before you mess up your work.
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That’s how a few hours went by. Luckily, Minho stopped walking around you long time ago and you were able to focus properly. You already have half of your tasks done the moment you find yourself starving. Standing up from your desk, you decide to take a break and grab something to eat now that the rest of the employees have left the cafeteria, which means a bit of quietness and time to be on your own for a little bit. Walking through the hallways, your mind is still filled with numbers, equations and statistics you wish could forget, stressing you out and you could say that even making you dizzy. Deep in your own thoughts, you’re about to enter the cafeteria, but before you can process what’s happening, a hand grabs you by the wrist and drags you into one of the empty conference rooms.
With a yelp, your back collides with the wooden door now closed behind you. Strong, veniny hands gripping on your waist and a strong chest pressed flush against yours. You know that scent, you know that chest, that skin, it’s him, and you confirm it as soon as you look up to be met with his amused, yet dark expression.
“Minho, what the f-”
“I didn’t allow you to speak, did I?” He barks, interrupting you. A smirk plastered on his face as soon as you obey and close your mouth. You feel intimidated by the beauty of the face that’s inches away from yours. Your breath hitching in your throat at the same time you feel your heartbeats ringing in your ears. What the hell is happening?
He moves his right hand painfully slowly to graze his thumb on your cheek, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear in the process. He’s being cocky, he knows perfectly well what he’s doing, and you don’t know yet if you hate it, or love it.
“I’ve been noticing your struggles recently.” He purrs, voice breathy and a few octaves lower. “Seems like I’ve been giving you a hard time lately, hm?” He asks rhetorically, the pads of his fingers running down your jaw and neck. You gulp.
“I– I don’t know wh–”
He gives you a warning look and you get the hint, shutting the fuck up, because obviously, he holds that power over you.
“You know… You’re really pretty, kind of my type if I dared to say.” He speaks again, sending shivers down your spine. “If you want me to fuck you that badly, you just could’ve asked.” He continues, still with that smirk on his lips as his hand goes south. It touches the burning skin of your thigh, meeting the hem of your skirt as his fingers play with it. You tense under his hand, and he watches all of your reactions, loving them. “This is such a tight skirt. You shouldn’t be showing off this amount of skin so carelessly, don’t you think?” Then his hand moves up quickly and cups your clothed core, fingers pressing on your middle with two of his digits, making you gasp. “I won’t complain, though, it makes everything easier. I would never refuse to this pretty little thing you have here.”
You take a deep breath through your nostrils, teeth sinking on the soft flesh of your lower lip as you struggle to mantain eye contact with his dark, lustful orbs. Fuck. He’s so hot. Your mind is spinning just by his dirty words.
He drags his fingers deliciously up and down, the wetness making the fabric almost stick between your folds as he, once again, cocks a brow while looking at you.
“Soaking. What a delicious little slut you are. I’ve barely touched you, baby, how are you supposed to handle my dick if you can’t bear with my fingers?”
Minho licks his lips, moving his hand to slide it under your panties and running his middle finger between your damped folds, making you moan and throw your head back. He hums and let’s out a dark chuckle, he’s really enjoying teasing you.
He teases your entrance with his finger, making you grab on his wrist and squirm under his touch. He finally pushes his digit in, curling it upwards and pumping it in and out of you with ease. He leans in and nibbles on your lower lip, pulling on it and ghosting his mouth over your cheek, trailing kisses down your jaw and your neck, hot tongue running over your soft flesh.
A particular thrust of his finger makes you choke a desperate moan. Your arousal takes over you and you decide to tangle your fingers in his hair, pulling on the roots and bringing his face up to clash your lips with his in a hot, sloppy kiss.
Minho continues working his fingers in you, adding another digit as you hum in his lips, tongues meeting feverishly, heads tilting and deepening the kiss. He engulfs your mouth and makes you weak in the knees, the taste of his chapstick becoming intoxicating and the traces of mint on his tongue, addictive.
You find confidence with him being distracted by the kiss, so you move your hand to gently but firmly squeeze his hard dick over his pants. Minho grunts at the pressure, unconsciously bucking his hips against your hand. You apply a bit more of pressure, dragging your hand up and down to give him a taste of his own medicine.
He pulls back from the kiss, panting, lips red and swollen as he stares at you with a dark gaze. He moves his hand away from your core, lifting his fingers and showing you the way they’re coated with your juices. The illuminance of the lights in the hallway let you see the way they glisten as he moves them, the salacious sound of squelching seeming louder than it actually is. Minho keeps looking at you and brings his fingers to his lips, licking them clean and slow without breaking eye contact. You still try to catch your breath the moment he let’s out a breathy, almost inaudible chuckle, bringing his hands to his belt, starting to unbuckle it.
“Testing your luck today, I see. Let’s find out if you’re this daring when I’m balls deep inside of you.”
Unzipping his pants and pulling them down to his ankles along with his boxers, his cock going free, slapping his lower stomach. Thick and juicy, angry red tip leaking pre-cum that just happens to make your mouth water. You look down at it and bite your lip before you lock eyes with him again. He wastes no time before he places both of his hands on your shoulders and pushes you down on your knees in front of him. His hand wraps around his shaft at the base, pumping it a few times as his free hand takes a hold on your chin, squeezing your cheeks.
“Open up.” He demands, and you comply.
Parting your lips, he’s quick to start rubbing the head of his cock against your tongue, meeting the insides of your cheeks as the feeling makes his own teeth to bite on his lower lip. He lifts your hair up in a ponytail with his hands and just stands in front of you with the most demonic stare you had ever seen.
“Suck it.”
That’s when you put your tongue to work, swirling it around his shaft and hollowing your cheeks at the head. Minho groans, pushing himself further down your throat as he starts thrusting his hips against your mouth. You bob your head, trying your best to breathe through your nose to stop yourself from gagging too much, drool running down your chin and tears brimming in the corners of your eyes.
“Fuck, that’s it, baby. Such a warm and pretty mouth around my cock.” He grunts, pulling back briefly to let you breathe. You wrap your own hands around him and start toying with his balls, licking the underside of his dick and all the way from the base to the head before you wrap your lips around it all over again. Minho throws his head back when you let him take control of the situation, fucking your throat good and mercilessly. “Such a good slut for me, taking me so well with that little mouth. So p–pretty, aren’t you?” You hum around him, eyes glued to his blissful face. The sounds he makes and the way he looks are so pornographic that only force you to press your legs together, needing some kind of friction. You can’t help but gag around him while you keep pumping whatever part of him that can’t get into your mouth, which almost sends him straight to his peek as a moan escapes from his sinful mouth.
He pulls back before he’s able to reach his climax. His chest heaving in long pants as he helps you up by your elbows. His mouth finds yours once again, kissing you desperately as he drags you to the table behind the both of you. He lays you down on your back against the wooden surface without breaking the kiss, hands moving to almost rip your dressing shirt open and cup your clothed breasts with his hands, squeezing and gaining a moan from you.
He moves his lips to kiss on your neck, hands roaming down to find the zipper of your skirt to pull it down with your panties. Your hands clumsily push his suit jacket off his shoulders and start unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. He pulls back and gets rid of it, standing in all his naked glory in front of your hungry eyes. His toned abs go in perfect sync with the thickness of his thighs. His body is a masterpiece and you are willing to worship every inch of it.
A thin layer of sweat runs down his temples, he brushes his hair back from his forehead and smirks at you, cheeks flushed and lips swollen. You swear you could cum by just the way he looks.
“What do you want, princess?” He asks, spreading your legs and standing right in between them. “Would you rather cum from my fingers?” He asks, running a single digit between your soaked folds. “Maybe my tongue?” He continues, leaning down to leave a single drag of his tongue all over your slit that makes you mewl in desperation. He hums in satisfaction, licking his lips. “Or my dick, maybe?” He asks again, grabbing his shaft and rubbing the head of his dick between your labia. Staring at your vulnerable, desperate state, he waits for your answer.
You pant in arousal, flushed cheeks and nails gripping on the edge of the table. You moan loudly until he takes a hold of your face, forcing you to look at him.
"Use your words, angel."
“Your dick, please. I want your dick!” You whine, clawing your nails on his forearms. “Please fill me up with your dick and fuck me until I lose consciousness. I need you. I need you so much, Minho.”
He smirks satisfied with your response. He leans in to kiss you again, aligning himself with your entrance.
“As you please.” He mutters against your lips before he finally eases himself in you.
You let out a moan at the delicious stretch he offers you. Staying still for a couple of seconds to let you get adjusted to his size, his fingers are already placed on your hips and your thighs around him. He leaves a few more kisses on your clammy neck, and then starts moving his hips.
“Shit.” He curses under his breath, nails digging on the skin of your hips as he thrusts smoothly. “So tight, fuck. You feel so good.” He groans, quickening his pace.
You become a moaning mess, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and nails running down the skin of his back. Eyes rolling back, you buck your hips to meet his thrusts. Minho moans, moving his hand up to wrap it around your throat, applying the enough amount of pressure to make you lightheaded.
“M–Minho, fuck!” You cry out, he squeezes your throat a bit tighter, and you feel the wetness dripping between your connected bodies.
“That’s right, kitten. God, you're so fucking hot, losing your mind by having my dick pounding into you. Say my name. Repeat it so you won’t ever forget who’s f–fucking you this good.”
You tangle your fingers in his locks again, making him groan in both pain and pleasure. You feel the coil in your stomach forming, but it’s long gone the moment he pulls out of you.
You open your eyes and frown, confused. Minho doesn’t say anything, he just grabs your waist and flips you around. Your feet meet the ground, but he pushes you forwards until your cheek is pressed against the table.
He pushes his dick back into you, his thrusts becoming something near animalistic. His hands get a harsh hold of your butt cheeks, the sound of skin slapping filling the previously quiet room and turns it into a sinful place. You press yourself against his hips and he grabs your hair to pull your head back. You start clenching around him, desperate moans emitting from his mouth at the tightness.
“Fuck Minho, I’m close!” You moan. His hand moves to find your clit and starts rubbing on it fervently, your back arches and you bite your lip trying your best to stop yourself from screaming. Your walls keep spasming, and you feel his dick twitching in response.
“Cum around my cock babe, let it go.” He mutters, the pet name making you clench again. "F–fuck. So good. This pussy was made for me."
And that’s all it took for you to finally find your climax. You choke out a moan, legs shaking and about to give up. Luckily, Minho holds you and doesn’t let you fall. When you collapse on top of the table, he pulls back and pumps his dick a few times before he lets out a throaty groan, spurts of cum falling on your lower back.
Both panting and trying to catch your breaths. His forehead is resting against your shoulder until he’s able to stand up straight and look for some tissues in the bathroom. You get up from the table the moment he’s back, gently cleaning all of the mess he has made of you.
He puts his clothes back on and helps you do the same, knowing that you’re way too weak to do it on your own. When you’re fully dressed, you think he’s about to just leave and pretend like nothing ever happened, but he doesn’t.
Instead, he tucks his hands in his pockets and looks at you with a gentle smile. There seems to be no traces of the previous looks he had given you. He’s glowing, his eyes are sparkly, and that makes your heart race.
“So...” He says.
You smile, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“So...” You repeat. “I better go, I think. The boss is going to kill me. I need to finish that ridiculous amount of paperwork.”
You start to make your way to the door, but he stops you when he grabs your arm. You turn your head and he scratches the back of his neck. He looks nervous, something uncommon in him.
“I’ll help you finish it and tell him you were helping me out with some stuff... With one condition.”
You roll your eyes and turn around to fully face him, folding your arms over your chest.
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.”
Minho quickly shakes his head, stopping you again when you’re about to leave.
“That’s not it.”
“Then what?”
“I’ll tell him that if you... Go on a date with me.”
You frown, waiting for him to tell you that he’s joking. Someone like him wouldn’t want to date you, right?
However, he seems to be serious and waiting for your answer.
You smile at his hopeful eyes, your heart swelling and stomach flipping. He looks so sweet and different from his usual bratiness.
You’ve liked him since forever, so you just nod.
And the brightest smile appears on his face.
You nod again.
“Yes, you idiot.”
He steps forward and cups your face in his hand, pressing his lips on yours in a tender, unexpectedly sweet kiss.
“Then it’s all settled up.” He says when he pulls back, forehead against yours. “You’re mine now, kitten.”
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deceitfuldevil · 3 years
Truth Serum
Pietro Maximoff X Reader
Summary: While working with Tony and Bruce in the lab you accidentally drink some very experimental truth serum, leading to some unwanted confessions with your coworkers.
Warnings: use of y/n, swearing, lots of dialogue, barely proofread, etc.
Word Count: 1.7K
You were busy working with Tony and Bruce in the lab and jokingly Tony placed his latest concoction next to your drink but you didn’t realize until it was too late and you drank Bruce’s experimental truth serum.
“Jesus Tony can you turn down that obnoxious music? I’m so sick of that stupid 70s rock music you’re always playing.”
Tony stopped what he was doing are looked over at you in shock.
“L/n, what the hell are you talking about? You told me you loved my music.”
“Well I lied, I lie to you a lot actually.” You looked up eyes blown wide with dear as you covered your mouth after saying that.
“I did NOT mean to say that.”
“Y/n… did you just take a sip of that beaker Tony so stupidly placed right next to your drink?” Bruce asked pinching the small space in between his eyebrows
You looked down as remorse filled your gut, noticing a small dribble of blue liquid slowly falling down the side of the beaker you obviously just took a drink from. Your eyes life to meet Bruce’s as you slowly nodded a small yes.
“Well, no thanks to Tony now we get to find out if my very experimental truth serum actually works.”
“TRUTH SERUM?!” You shouted, the last thing you wanted was for your team to have unrestricted access to your secrets.
“No thanks to me? Are you kidding Banner? This might be the most fun we have with Y/n all year!” Tony said with a cheeky grin
Your groaned and let your head fall onto the desk you were sitting at. “How long will this last?” You asked muffled
“Best case scenario for you? It could wear off within the next 30 minutes. Worst case scenario? You could be highly responsive and overly truthful for the two days.”
Tony broke out with a loud cackle as he got up from his desk and exited the lab “Good luck kid!”
“And theres no antidote?” You pleaded
“Sorry, but we were barely in the trial phases of creating this and we don’t try to make an antidote unless we know for sure that it works.”
“So how the hell am I supposed to deal with this in the meantime?”
“My best advice? Lock yourself away in your quarters for the next day or so to avoid saying anything unsavory to the rest of the team. Because I don’t have a doubt in my mind Tony left to go and tell the whole team about your little predicament.”
But before you could reply Sam, Rhodey, and Bucky all came running into the lab practically running over each other.
“Okay, I’ve wanted wanted to know. How do you feel really about Redwing?” Sam asked pushing Rhodey and Bucky aside.
“I think you should find a girlfriend so you stop obsessing over a high tech piece of metal.” You said with an unholy amount of sass, already sick of this treatment. Bucky burst out laughing but you sent a pissed off glare his way.
“Don’t think you’re safe either beefcake. You’re 106 years old and still can’t take a joke, not to mention that you’re forgetful as fuck. I mean who the hell just forgets that they have a vibrium arm? I’m not even going to get started on that staring problem you have that you think is so intimidating.” You snapped, shutting everyone in the room up. Before leaving you locked eyes with Rhodey.
“Oh hi Ego Machine! Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you. I mean who could when you tell that story of how you dropped a tank at the generals feet every single party? I mean, BOOM were you looking to be interesting?”
After shutting every one in that room down you stormed out and locked yourself in your room. You really could tell if you had taken truth serum or just a liquid curse. You never left your room for the rest of the night, not wanting to risk dinner with the team. But you woke up around 5:30 in the morning to. Very strong feeling of hunger, and prayed no one else would be up this early as you snaked down into the kitchen. You walked past Wanda sleeping quietly on the couch as Vision floated peacefully in the corner.
“Creepy motherfucker…” you whispered as you stepped into the kitchen
“What was that you said about my husband?” Wanda said, suddenly on the other side of the counter looking at you with a tilted head. You jumped almost spilling your cereal
“Jesus Christ Wanda! A warning!” You said clutching your head with one hand and the cereal box with the other. But she only looked at you and smiled mischievously
“You can ask anything you want but you’re not allowed to be upset by the answer” you stated plaining, pouring some milk into your bowl.
“Are you talking about the truth serum you took yesterday?” Wanda asked, tilting her head at you.
“Yeah, it might not wear off for another 24 hours. Everyones been dying to find how I ‘really’ feel about them since Tony ran his big mouth and told everyone about this stupid serum I drank.”
“You do remember I can read minds, right? I always know when someone’s telling the truth or lying, I just don’t always call them on it.”
“Right.” You said quietly as you stuffed your face with cereal so you could go back to your quarters as soon as possible.
You sat alone in your room unbothered for the next few hours, until you heard a rock at your door.
“Don’t come in! Go away!” You shouted turning the page of your book assuming whoever was on the other side of your door would kindly fuck off. But as a tall man with a mop of silver hair entered your room you sighed dramatically and threw your book at him, missing spectacularly.
“I could’ve sworn I said to NOT come in.” you said as you crossed your arms over your chest, looking at the ever so muscular man making his way over to your bed.
“And when’s the last time I took orders from you?” Pietro said with a smile.
“You never take orders from anyone, I’m surprised you haven’t been kicked off the team yet honestly.” You spat, bitter that he wasn’t respecting your wishes to be left alone. A pit of nerves also started to grow in your stomach the closer he came to you knowing how you really felt about him, and that if he asked there’d be nothing stopping you from telling him the truth.
“Ah, you wound me dragâ.” Pietro says as he mockingly clasps his hands over his heart as if you’d shot him. You just rolled your eyes in response.
“The team tells me you’ve become somewhat of a bitch since yesterday, is that true?” He asked, sitting down at the foot of your bed.
“I’m not a bitch, Tony just tricked me into drinking some of Banner’s experimental truth serum. But you already knew that didn’t you? Either way, spoiler alert. The stupid serum works and probably won’t wear off for another 12 hours. Besides, I’m only a bitch to the team members I don’t like.” Your eyes widened realizing what you just admitted to Pietro
“I suppose that’s true, Wanda did tell me you weren’t too bad when she ran into you this morning.” Pietro said scooting up next to you in bed, normally you’d tell him to fuck off before he got too close so he would know how much you loved being in his arms but when he asked
“Is this okay?” As he stretched his arms over your shoulders pulling you into his chest
“Yeah, I love it when you hold me. Or just touch me in general, always makes me feel like I’m on cloud nine.” The confession just spilled right out of your mouth, causing you to once again to clasp a hand over your lips to prevent you from saying anything else.
Pietro looked down at you with a shocked eyes but a smug smile, deciding to push his luck he asked “Then why do you always push me away and tell me to fuck off anytime I hug you?”
“Becwagh wi dwomt vhmnf to nmfh…” you said, keeping your hand over your mouth to muffle your answer. Pietro shook his head light at you as he took your hand off your lips and held it, gently caressing your knuckles with his thumb
“What was that darling?” He said as he cobalt blue eyes poured into yours. It’s like he already knew how you felt but just needed to hear you say it to confirm his suspicions. Months of pinning after you, and now here was his chance. He had no other choice but to act on it. You swallowed the last bit of pride and fear held in your chest and said
“Because I don’t want you to know how I really feel about you.” The last of your walls came crashing down as you smiled gently at the handsome man before you, he gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as his faced inched closer to yours.
“And how do you feel about me dragosté?”
“Like you’re the only person in the world I could ever fall in love with.” That was all Pietro needed to push aside his ego hearing how you really felt about him as he leaned down and closed the gap in between the two of you pressing his soft lips to yours. Moving gently with you as his lips slotted perfectly over yours, you breathe in his musky scent as you ran your hand across his chest pulling him closer to you. Sadly it wasn’t long before you both ran out of air and had to pull away
“So how do you feel now?” Pietro asked with a cheeky grin plastered on his lovestruck face
“Like I could kiss your stupid face all day.” You said grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him back in for a much more heated kiss.
The rest of your afternoon and week into the evening was spent in Pietros arms sharing soft kisses and fleeting touches. Although admittedly he was sad when the truth serum wore off and he couldn’t ask you any and everything under the sun about how you felt about him.
But you’d end up showing him how you felt in other ways later on ;)
Ahhh here’s my 4th post that will be published while I’m away at camp! Found this little bit in my notes as well and just fleshed it out enough to post! Hope this was enjoyable!
Much Love,
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