#also. i will b making a commissions post later
stinkybrowndogs · 3 months
U see i want to spend my time drawing stuff i simply cannot make money off of. Fan art. Or whatever. But alas i have gone into the business of Silly Little Items to buy with Disposable Income in an era where no one has disposable income. So dogs it is. I will draw more dogs.
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Hi Miss Raven! I was reading your opinions about Leona and wanted to ask you, do you think Leona would be a better king than Falena?
[Referencing this post!]
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Put simply, no--but not for the reasons you're probably thinking. Hey now, hold on! Put down your pitchforks and torches! Please at least hear what I have to say and consider it.
It's not that I think that Leona is incompetent or that I think Falena is sufficient as a king. It's that ruling (especially as a monarch that has a LOT of power and control) is very nuanced and to say that one person would be "better" than another is grossly glossing over all that goes into governance.
This post gets quite long, so I've placed all my thoughts under the cut. Again, I ask that you read the whole post before commenting.
First of all, the baseline we're comparing to is Falena so let's review what we know about him that's relevant to this discussion. Leona describes Falena as someone who has a "carefree attitude". Because of this, Leona worries that Falena will "run [their] kingdom into the ground." Now something I want to make clear: "[running their] kingdom into the ground" is very harsh wording used ONLY in EN. In JP, Leona is much more casual with his phrasing. He simply expresses that he is "worried about the country's future", not that he thinks Falena will ruin it:
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In the book 2 post-OB flashback sequence, Leona implies that his older brother can sing and nap but still be guaranteed the crown because of Falena being first-born. Falena is noted as holding a ceremony in honor of his son's birth; he had commissioned for a fountain to be built (even though water is a scarce resource in their land) and unveiled in their capital—an occasion which Leona skipped. He refers to the ceremony as a "self-indulgent party where you show off your son to the people." This characterizes Falena as a jovial and excessive person who doesn't think too deeply about policies. Another example of this comes from Leona's Birthday Boy vignettes, in which Falena sends his younger brother an expensive rug. "In the time he spends sending me gifts I don't even want, he could be sending rugs to neighboring lands and bolstering our foreign relations," Leona says. "Of course, the thought never even crosses his mind." One of the Sunset Savnna’s driving philosophies is “hakuna matata”, which, as Leona describes it, means, “don’t think too hard about things”. And indeed, if Falena is anything like how Leona says he is, then he is the walking embodiment of their country and their beliefs.
One major issue that is unique to their homeland is that of unification. The Sunset Savanna boasts many different kinds of beastmen, each with their own customs and cultures--and because of that, these beastmen tend to live in settlements of just their own kind and don't always get along or see eye-to-eye with others. For example, it is said that very few bird beastmen reside in the capital city and Ruggie has implied that hyenas are low in the social hierarchy. Kifaji, the grand chamberlain, confides that the acting king Falena has struggled with this unification. The Kingscholars' father has communicated that he would like for nothing more than Leona to lend his assistance to Falena for this endeavor. (Keep this in mind, as I will be touching upon this again later!)
What I think many people tend to overlook when it comes to Falena's rule is that he has not been in power for a long time. According to Tamashina Mina, Falena has only been running the country for "the last few years", which is NOT that long. Falena has not even had that much experience as the official head of state to begin with--and yeah, you could argue that he has been preparing his whole life to eventually become the ruler, training for it and actually doing it are very different beasts. No amount of tutoring will prepare you for having the weight of an entire nation suddenly on your shoulders. I would also argue that anyone that is new to a job won't do the best right away and that experience is the best teacher. Falena is likely still learning while on the job and trying to do his best while also juggling being a parent and husband, trying to reach across the aisle to his estranged younger brother, and looking after his ill father.
This leads me to another point: a lot of what we hear about Falena is coming from Leona's perspective, which is very biased (especially in the post-OB flashback, as this was when Leona was at his most bitter). We should be aware of this while taking in the information Leona is offering. I don't doubt that Leona's telling the truth about how his brother is carefree or the things his brother has done, but at the same time we need to realize that this is a limited view of Falena. It's not the whole picture of who he is. Leona tends to focus on his brother's shortcomings and downfalls--but thinking about it, what are Falena's strengths?
Well, one of them is definitely that Falena is friendly, kind-hearted, and honest. Even Leona confesses to this. However, he frames these traits in a negative way, stating that "[Falena] could just focus on the kingdom's affairs--you know, his JOB--but nooo, he's gotta be the caring big brother who's nice to everybody," and, of his honesty, "he just makes things harder for himself." Falena also seems to be positive and insightful--admirable qualities in a leader. When Leona speaks rudely to him, Falena tries to reassure his little brother: "You may never become king, but you are still wise. There is much you could do for this country." He even pursues Leona when he leaves, trying to get his little brother to see reason. Falena sees the potential in Leona and he wants Leona to realize that potential too. If you look at this another way, this personality can be a boon. It could make it easier for Falena to smooth over tensions and get other political figures to open up to him, similar to how Kalim’s empathy helps to uplift and support his dorm mates and how those dorm mates in return give him their loyalty.
Finally, we know that Falena is cognizant of the culture and the values of the Sunset Savanna and likely works in accordance with those. If we revisit Tamashina Mina, Leona talks at length about how some areas of the country are so underdeveloped that its people are still drinking rainwater or from wells. He laments the situation and says that if only they improved their infrastructure and mined the valuable ore their country has, the people would be able to live better lives. Leona here leans pro-industrialization. From the lack of industrialization we see in large parts of the country, we can assume that Falena does not have this same stance. Rather, Falena understands that the people of the Sunset Savanna cherish living in harmony with nature and want to honor their animal ancestors by living in this way. He KNOWS that their people would be against industrialization, and so he favors slower development (Sunrise City being one of these metropolises that developed under the rule of their father) and in ways which preserve nature. As Lilia puts it, “Developing is easy. You just throw money at it. But building a city like this, while still preserving nature? That’s the real challenge, I’d say.” (That was a very quick summary but if you're interested in reading more about this topic specifically, I'd recommend this post!)
Falena cares about tradition and upholding it, and there isn’t inherently an issue with that. He values where he comes from and the practices that come with that. That’s why Falena gets upset with Leona for not doing his duties and skipping out on important meetings. It’s not purely that Falena sees these acts as disrespectful (although let’s be clear, it is disrespectful), but it also comes with the sadness of knowing that his younger brother doesn’t see the value in the same things he does—yet he still understands that Leona has his own strengths that be brings to the table.
You can see how this could translate into his ruling style too, even if it is not explicitly stated in the game. Falena is someone who is easy to approach with your problems (let's assume that this is the case both for his own people and for diplomats of other countries). He is someone who cares about tending to everyone, which would make him popular with the public--but that means he may spread himself or their resources too thin. Falena is also for slower progress in order to respect the ways of their culture and their people's values. But the point is, Falena cares, and all Leona sees in that is a bleeding heart since it doesn't produce what Leona thinks are good results.
And speaking of Leona, it's about time we get to him. What are his qualifications in a situation where he was king? What would his ruling style be like, and who would it serve his country?
Firstly, it's worthwhile to compare Leona's thinking to Falena's. Unlike his older brother, Leona is proactive--he plans ahead and considers the political power in something as simple as gifting an item. Many of the ideas he proposes for bettering his country are things that Falena either never thought of (ie gifting the rug to another country instead of to him) or would refuse to implement out of principle (speedrunning mining operations). However, it's undeniable that Leona's methods would produce results. As he demonstrates to us with his shady tactics in books 2 and 3, it does not matter to Leona what he has to do in order to achieve what he desires. His eyes are set on the goal, not on how he gets there (though he will plan the steps out meticulously as well). He's willing to tear up the environment if it means enriching the Sunset Savanna's economy and providing clean, consistent drinking water for the citizens. It's ultimately gains, but it jeopardizes maintaining harmony with nature. This would earn him genuine ire from his people (and honestly, disliking someone for blatantly disregarding your beliefs is valid; it's not blindly being petty or hating Leona for being the "lowly second born"). But!! Leona as of book 7 says he is going to intern at a mining and energy lab in his home country. This implies that he is willing to learn about the field and may use that knowledge to enact sustainable change. This is a really good start to his development and growth into a wise leader.
The brothers' personalities are also not alike at all. Leona is... admittedly far more abrasive that Falena. I'm not saying that Leona would behave so rudely to politicians or on a global stage (please, the man has more tact than that), but he would carry himself very differently than Falena. Leona can be polite and speak fancily all he wants, but he still does not have that same approachable warmth to him. Something else we should consider is that... well, Leona doesn't like stuffy occasions or putting on airs, which would basically be expect of him as king. We don't know for sure how he would act if the circumstances ask that he be cordial and yet the man himself detests such a thing. He could play the part if needed, sure. But for how long before he becomes annoyed or tired of it? Leona can also be arrogant and demanding. Do you think he would skip/sleep through meetings with advisors he deems irrelevant or unproductive? (Recall how he skips ceremonies and traditions he deems unimportant or boring, like the celebration of Cheka’s birth and tries to cheat his way out of his responsibilities as Captain of the Sunset Warriors.) How do you think he'd act with people who oppose him? Would he defy traditions? He also disregards the “hakuna matata” mantra and cynically labels it “self-serving”. I could see how tensions could rise as a result. (Reminder that I'm not saying it's for CERTAIN that Leona would do these things, I'm just posing possibilities based on what I understand of his character and whether you believe Leona would act like this or not is up to you.) Leona is 10 years younger than Falena and has never formally served in a governmental position. This means that he, too, lacks the political experience to be king. Some would say that where Leona makes up for this is in life experiences. He has been downtrodden and defeated, mingled among the common folk, etc. This means Leona is better equipped to understand the plight of his people, they argue. And I can see where people are coming from--but personally, I think Leona still lacks what he needs to be a "better" ruler. Yes, Leona has lived "out there", but the fact remains that Falena still has 10 years on him. What's more is that Leona has not actually strayed that far from his privileged life. He's dorm leader (a position of power within NRC), attends an elite magic school, and constantly has Ruggie taking care of him. I don't think this really prepares him to rule a whole country.
That's a good segway into Leona and his leadership. As I've mentioned before, Falena is having trouble with enacting national policies to unite all beastmen. Leona does not appear to have the same issue, as even though there is a variety of beastmen within Savanaclaw, they all defer to Leona the same. Therefore, Leona, as king, could easily resolve this problem in the Sunset Savanna--so the theory goes. As for me, well... In my opinion, I do think it's a show of skill that Leona can get many different beastmen rallying under his flag but I don't think this generalizes to (again) the scale of an entire nation. Not only do we have to account for WAY more people, but also people of demographics that differ wildly from Savanaclaw. The mobs under Leona follow him, yes--but thinking about it, they're all VERY similar demographics-wise. They're roughly the same age, all male, all students, and have the same goals in mind (for book 2, it was to be noticed by talent scouts). I would bet that most of them are from middle class or upper-class incomes too. Now expand the scope to a country. Do you think Leona could appeal to young and old? Male and female? Rich and poor? People of all occupations? What about parents? There are so many other factors to account for, so I don't think it's fair to generalize Leona leading a dorm of maybe 85ish (this is just a guess; NRC has ~800 total students, 600 are on-campus and split across 7 dorms so this assumes equal splitting) to a diverse kingdom of thousands.
If Falena were to abdicate the throne to Leona right this second, no, I don't think Leona would be fit to be king. Leona's ideas seem "good" on a surface level, but that's ignoring the long-term impacts and his less-than-stellar personality quirks. He has a ton that he has to learn before he can comfortably govern. At the same time, Falena isn't exactly a perfect ruler either. He, too, lacks experience and can be short-sighted and naive in spite of his good intentions and willingness to hear everyone out.
In an AU where Leona was actually the crown prince (and thus never got talked down to or treated like the “lesser” second born), maybe things would be different. But then that creates the same issue with Falena (now the scorned younger prince) being the "Leona" of the AU.
Each Kingscholar brother has his own strengths and weaknesses, perspectives, and leadership styles. THIS DOES NOT MAKE ONE SUPERIOR OR "BETTER" THAN THE OTHER. Instead, they make up for one another's deficits or flaws, creating a more well-rounded and unified view. This is, perhaps, why both Falena and their father want Leona to step in and help with ruling the country. I think they all see the benefit that Leona could provide and that they value his thoughts.
The "best" situation for the Sunset Savanna, in my opinion, would be Leona and Falena working together to see the country's future through. It does not have to be in the capacity of king and advisor; titles do not matter here. What is most important is that Leona and Falena can meet on neutral grounds and agree to put their all into improving the Sunset Savanna.
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estherax · 1 year
Generating plasm and stacking matchboxes: how to build a better future through collective consciousness.
Alternatively - Steban and Ulixes were building Tatlin's Tower so I have to talk about the symbolism or I will explode!!
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While completing the communist vision quest you get an opportunity to build a model of "The Tower of History", depicted on the last page of "A Brief Look at Infra-Materialism": a leaning tower wrapped in a dramatic helix. The scale model you make is a mirror image of Tatlin's Tower - a design for a grand monumental building to the Third International: the government organization advocating for world communism.
The main idea of the monument was to produce a new type of structure, uniting a purely creative form with a utilitarian form. Meaning it would function as an office building while also serving as a symbol of cultural significance. And let me tell you, this bad boy can fit so much symbolism in it.
Tatlin was commissioned to develop a design in 1919, after the 1917 February Revolution - a parallel to Disco Elysium's Insulinde we're witnessing post-Antecentennial Revolution.
Tatlin's work was inspired by high revolutionary goals, which are evident in the visual direction of the tower as well, expressing the ideological strive for achieving something that has never been done before, overcoming the odds. The structure "oscillates like a steel snake, constrained and organized by the one general movement of all the parts, to raise itself above the earth. The form wants to overcome the material and the force of gravity..."
The tower has meaning packed even in the materials. For example, the glass structures (marked A, B, C on the architectural rendering) were meant to serve legislative, executive and informative initiatives while rotating around their axes at different speeds. The material signified the purity of initiatives, their liberation from material constraints and their ideal qualities.
But here's the best part. The spirals.
"The spiral is the movement of liberated humanity. The spiral is the ideal expression of liberation: with its base set in the earth, it flees from the ground and becomes a symbol of the suspension of all (...) earthy interests." They are "the most elastic and rapid lines which the world knows" that represent movement and aspiration, continuing the themes of progress and freedom, but they also refer to something else.
In the process of building the matchbox model Rhetoric points out: "It's almost exactly as Nilsen's sketch imagined, a physical manifestation of the dialectical spiral of history."
The shape of the tower is a representation of dialectical development of history, first visualized as a spiral by G. W. F. Hegel. He pictured transformational change as "both linear and circular in order to be short-term responsive, i.e. possibly negating itself, and long-term strategic, i.e. a process of development."
Hegel's dialectics would later be reinterpreted through the prism of materialism by Marx and Engels to create dialectical materialism - the basis for historical materialism.
"Still, this idea, as formulated by Marx and Engels on the basis of Hegels’ philosophy, is far more comprehensive and far richer in content than the current idea of evolution is. A development that repeats, as it were, stages that have already been passed, but repeats them in a different way, on a higher basis, (...) a development, so to speak, that proceeds in spirals, not in a straight line; a development by leaps, catastrophes, and revolutions; (...) the interdependence and the closest and indissoluble connection between all aspects of any phenomenon (history constantly revealing ever new aspects), a connection that provides a uniform, and universal process of motion, one that follows definite laws - these are some of the features of dialectics as a doctrine of development that is richer than the conventional one."
The tower embodies progress in materialist understanding of history while also indicating the connection to ideological plasm, a manifestation of "the proletariat's embrace of historical materialism", necessary to create a better future.
According to Nilsen, the proletariat of a revolutionary state can generate enough plasm to create extra-physical architecture that "disregards the laws of 'bourgeois physics' and instead relies on the revolutionary faith of the people for structural integrity."
This function of plasm implies that The Tower of History can be created only under revolutionary circumstances - without a sufficient amount of plasm even the matchbox model didn't stay up. The exact same sentiment is expressed about Tatlin's Tower: "We maintain that only the full power of the multimillion strong proletarian consciousness could bring into the world the idea of this monument and its forms. The monument must be realized by the muscles of this power, because we have an ideal, living and classical expression the pure and creative form of the international union of the workers of the whole world."
Nilsen called it "the highest expression of Communist principles, a society whose literal foundation is the faith of its people."
Tatlin's Tower was a symbol of faith in the revolutionary future, the global triumph of Marxist socialism. A monument "made of iron, glass and revolution."
It was never built in real life, and neither was The Tower of History in the world of Elysium.
But you can try to see if there's enough plasm between the three of you. And the matchbox tower stays up for a long moment, quivering with an improbable energy. You believe it can say up - and it does.
So you have to believe; whether it's for collective action or generating ideological plasm. Then, together, maybe you'll be able to build as much as 0.0002% of communism.
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Krittika: The Tarzan Complex & Survival Strategies
TW: murder, rape, genocide, euthanasia, death, violence, misogyny
This is part 2 of my ongoing Krittika series. This research was commissioned by the wonderful, angelic and patient, @rscelestia-blog . Being commissioned to do nakshatra research by you guys makes me feel like I'm a renaissance artist and you guys are my Medici family ✨🥺🫶💛 I'm so grateful for it.
For this post, I wanted to look into how this nakshatra often manifests in men. Whenever I talk about how naks manifest irl, I am talking about a tendency not a rule. Astrology is not a perfect science and it is very much possible that someone could have these placements and not behave this way. Also there are hundreds of different tendencies for each nak, since every astrologer is a mere human being with limited knowledge, what they derive from their studies is perhaps only a handful of such possibilities. Therefore every nakshatra has vast room for interpretation.
All that said, I have often thought that Krittika men were a bit unrefined and mannerless for a long time. I think this broadly applies to Solar men in general because they're a "guy's guy". However, this observation was further cemented by an ask that I received a long time ago where an anon pointed out how many actors who have played Tarzan or Tarzan like characters have Krittika nakshatra.
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I will be making a separate post about the 'feral child' trope and how its most acutely manifest in a different planetary type but for this post I want to focus on the 'uncivilized' nature of Krittika/Solar men.
I had mentioned in my previous Krittika post about how since Krittika nak follows Bharani where creation takes place, Krittika is about survival.
In fact, the theory of 'survival of the fittest' was put forward by another Solar man aka Charles Darwin, Uttarashadha Moon
The term was originally coined by Herbert Spencer, Ketu in Uttaraphalguni after reading Origin of the Species
 Alfred Russel Wallace, whose own theory about the mechanics of evolution was almost identical to Darwin's, had a Solar stellium (Mercury & Venus in Uttarashadha and Jupiter in Krittika)
In Nazi Germany, they appropriated Darwin's "survival of the fittest" to eradicate anybody who wasn't Aryan or 'fit'. One of the key proponents of the same was an officer named Alfred Rosenberg, Uttarashadha Sun who was hanged to death after the war. He helped advance involuntary euthanasia to eliminate mentally ill and disabled individuals.
Now, lets go into Tarzan.
Tarzan is from an aristocratic British family and after losing his parents, he is adopted by the leader of the ape tribe, among whom he is raised. He later experiences civilization, rejects it and returns to the wild.
Many actors who have played Tarzan have either Solar influence or Venusian influence. In the 2 dozen actors who have played this character, the majority are Venusian tbh but I'll explore that more on a separate post about Venusian men. I think its interesting how different aspects of this character fit these two planetary types.
Here are some men who have played Tarzan
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Johnny Weissmuller, Mercury and Venus in Krittika
He played Tarzan in 12 films and Jungle Jim in another dozen films and its TV adaptations as well.
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Bruce Bennett, Krittika Sun (unrelated but i find this pic so funny lmao)
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Tony Goldwyn- Krittika Sun and Venus (atmakaraka)
He voiced Tarzan in the 90s film
Tarzan has always been played by other Solar natives like:
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Wolf Larson- Uttaraphalguni Moon
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Alexander Skarsgaard- Uttaraphalguni Stellium
Now when we think of Tarzan, what do we most associate with him? He is a man who was raised in the jungle by apes since he was a baby, so he is "uncivilized" and by most standards "lacking manners", he is wild, messy, uncouth, improper and defies all kinds of social norms. We usually associate "mannerlessness" with belonging to perhaps a lower class in society but here is where Krittika and Solar men surprise us. They behave this way despite all that they have. They could be from immensely privileged backgrounds and still act like jungle freaks.
They lack social charisma, grace or "politeness". Tarzan is very independent because he was raised in the jungle where he had to learn how to fend for himself. Similarly, Solar individuals also tend to be very socially independent which means they're often not the best at interacting on a group level. In order to be sociable, you have to emotionally connect with others, Tarzan's early life is not something anybody else can connect to, even if he adopts a more "civilized" behaviour, he's still going to stand out because of how he's lived his life. Even if they're welcomed into and accepted by society, Solar individuals struggle to relate to and emotionally connect to them.
Sun naks are generally known for being a bit emotion-less but in Krittika this manifests in a very "each for himself/herself" mentality that ISNT self-serving. I would say Krittika natives are the least selfish and most service oriented of all the 3 Sun nakshatras. They know that its a dog eat dog world, so they almost have a tendency to be the one who does all the brunt work so that their loved ones can be spared of it?
I'll mention some examples of "mannerless" Krittika men now:
Howard Stern, Uttarashada Sun Krittika Rising
This guy straight up is so RUDE and crass and vulgar with ALL of his guests????
Here is him talking to Matthew McConaughey about his father dying and Matt is no better in this clip either but like wtf?? who talks like that???
Lowkey Solar individuals LOVE to gossip and start shit between people.
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Here is a compilation of him being creepy and disgusting to women on his show.
Dana Plato, the actress, committed suicide a day after appearing on his show in 1999. The humiliation she endured is said to have been her breaking point. Her son committed suicide on the 11th anniversary of her death.
When I tell you Solar men are emotionally abusive, either by being avoidant and ignoring you or by being condescending, patronising, openly mocking you and treating you like shit, BELIEVE ME.
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Jordan Peterson- Krittika Rising
I dont know if I need to explain why Jordan is a mannerless misogynistic asshole.
Here are some remarks made by Kate Manne, a feminist expert, who critiqued Jordan's work:
"There’s an interesting moment in the book where Peterson talks about resentment as a “revelatory” emotion that can mean one of two things. One, you feel it because you’re immature, in which case you just need to buck up. Two, you feel resentment because you really are being oppressed or taken advantage of somehow. Your resentment shows you that something needs to change or that you need to assert yourself in relation to other people.
But there is clearly a third possibility. People often feel resentful because they appear, based on historically entrenched social norms, to be getting a bad bargain, when what’s actually happening is that others are getting a somewhat fairer deal. When you’re accustomed to unjust privilege, equality feels like oppression, as the saying goes." (link to the whole article)
This is such a classic example of the way Solar individuals think. They don't really think in terms of privilege, justice, fairness etc??? They just think you can work hard enough to erase all the other socio-economic-political barriers that make things harder for others?? This is of course until they've had first hand experience of difficulties of this sort lmao but they are naturally not wired to think too much, they're very simple minded, like Tarzan, that's why Sun is the most Yang of energies. Its a very action-goal oriented line of thought. They are almost incapable of thinking in abstract or trying to see things within the context and subtext in which it has occurred.
This is also why they are often very academically gifted. Naturally intelligent people struggle the most in school because their brains are not wired to endure the structure and mechanical system of learning that our education system enforces. Intelligence by definition necessitates that the person possessing it is capable of thinking unconventionally and that means finding the school environment really limiting or restrictive bc schools fr be killing the joy of learning.
Solar individuals thrive within these systems because they seldom, if ever, question the system itself, they just learn their material and write the exam. They do not think "unconventionally" or beyond the binary in any way. They accept what they learn to be true and they are more focused on working within the system to climb its ranks. If this is the system we're in, they want to be THE BEST in it and they will master all of its rules to work with it to beat it??
This is why all Solar naks are at the very top of the caste hierarchy, Krittika is a Brahmin nak whereas Uttaraphalguni & Uttarashadha are both Kshatriya naks
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Solar individuals are lowkey one of the least empathetic types. I dont mean this to be harsh but they're not very emotionally intelligent and its really hard for them to read a room or intuitively pick up on how someone's feeling/what's on their mind. You reallyyyy need to spell things out for them. It does not come to them naturally to understand how others think or to put themselves in the shoes of others because for Solar individuals everything is kind of a competition and when its a battle of survival, you dont stop to think how your opponents are feeling? this is not to say that they're in "survival mode",, Solars are too unbothered to be in fight or flight 24/7, its just the Tarzan mindset tbh. If you're an animal in the jungle, the jungle is your home, you understand how it operates, how you must hunt or starve, you know what your odds are, you cant be here feeling too empathetic towards other creatures knowing full well that you have to hunt them down and eat them or otherwise starve yourself to death. Animals are comfortable, secure and chill in their habitat but they also understand the stakes so they're always survival minded? Because it truly is each for his/her own out there.
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Mark Wahlberg- Krittika Stellium (Mercury, Venus AK and Saturn)
Wahlberg is an A class asshole. In the 80s he assaulted two elderly Vietnamese men and a group of black children all the while hurling racist abuses at them.
Here is a clip from one of his movies:
I know its a film but this is for real how Solar men view the world. They see everything as a "conquest". (Tarzan mentality)
The simple minded Tarzan mentality is also why in the books and movies, Tarzan is unable to cope with civilization and returns to the jungle. The author said it's because Tarzan saw the world as too corrupt which is perhaps true but it's also because having lived in a jungle where the ruled are pretty simple and standard, being a member of society means adhering to many unspoken ruled and conventions. Solar individuals find it THE hardest to do so and when they're actual being true to themselves, they act like apes of the Howard Stern school.
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Salvador Dali, Krittika Stellium (Sun, Mercury & Mars)
To make matters worse, he was UBP Moon (the influence of multiple malefic planets makes one more prone to being an asshole) and I have extensively covered his wrongdoings in my post about Saturnian men
However, for now I want to focus on how Dali was a Nazi sympathizer,
He was also obsessed with Hitler in a perverse way and apparently had homoerotic fantasies of him lmao??
He was once quoted as saying:
"I often dreamed of Hitler as a woman. His flesh, which I had imagined whiter than white, ravished me… There was no reason for me to stop telling one and all that to me Hitler embodied the perfect image of the great masochist who would unleash a world war solely for the pleasure of losing and burying himself beneath the rubble of an empire; the gratuitous action par excellence that should indeed have warranted the admiration of the Surrealists."
He was a big old fascist who also supported the Spanish dictator Franco which made Picasso stop talking to him for the rest of his life.
In 1975, when General Franco executed many people, hundreds and thousands of fascists gathered in support of Franco, chanting his name and making fascists salutes. When the world condemned this appalling act, Dali praised Franco and called him the “greatest hero of Spain.”
George Orwell, a strong critic of the fascist rule in Spain, despised Dali and wrote —
“During the Spanish Civil War, he astutely avoids taking sides and makes a trip to Italy. He feels himself more and more drawn towards the aristocracy, frequents smart salons, finds himself wealthy patrons, and is photographed with the plump Vicomte de Noailles, whom he describes as his ‘Maecenas.’”
Salvador Dali was nicknamed ávida dollars (“eager for dollars”) by his former surrealist friends for selling his consciousness and idealism for money and fame.
Average Solar behaviour
When I talk about Tarzan mentality, I'm referring to how lions dont feel remorse at the thought of killing deers. Its not in their nature to feel remorse. The hierarchy of the eco system is such that lions are predators and its their job to hunt. They are by biological design, carnivores. Its a bit sickening to think of how like animals, who have no choice but to be brutal to survive, Solar individuals often have this ruthless ambition to do absolutely anything to get ahead in life. The world we live in, is a capitalist, patriarchal world and the people who thrive in it are ones who are willing to overlook or dont see the faults in the system at all.
The ones who sit at the very top of the pyramid did not get there by being compassionate angels. 3/4 Brahmin caste naks are "ugra" or violent nakshatras, Krittika is the exception, as it is a "mishra" nakshatra (mishra means "mixed"). The ones at the very top are the most brutal and fierce. There is no other way to get to the top in this world.
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Carrie Fisher, Krittika Moon
The singer James Blunt (Shatabhisha stellium) who was besties with Carrie, wrote in his memoir:
“I was closer to Carrie than almost anyone else in the world, except my wife. She told me which girlfriends weren’t suitable, was the first person I told when I met my wife, and we chose engagement rings for her together.
She also knew where every unmarked grave of mine lay and where every guilt stemmed from. She was complicit too. When I arrived home one morning with a love bite on my neck, and my girlfriend of the moment about to arrive, Carrie grabbed her 16-year-old daughter and gave her a love bite as well.
Then Carrie summoned me over, offering her own neck, and told me to give her a love bite. When the girlfriend arrived, we all had love bites.
There was also an issue with drugs. Carrie had long been open about her addiction, but at some point it was obvious enough to be of concern.
I stood many times at the foot of her bed at 3am listening to the laboured breathing of someone sounding close to death on heavy medication. Not long before she died, I asked her to be godmother to my son, telling her that I wanted her to take care of herself so that he might know her when he grew up.
Charlie, her best friend, confronted her more directly and told her she needed to quit drugs, but was ostracised by her as a result. I took a different approach and did them with her, pretending to myself that I would guide her to redemption one day – just not today.
The lies we tell ourselves are the ­hardest to forgive. As a result, her ­daughter Billie blames me in part for her death, and no longer speaks to me. They buried Carrie’s ashes in a giant ceramic Prozac pill. You can see a picture of it on the CD disc of my first album. There are only two of them in the world, and the other one is my most treasured possession.”
Krittika being a "mishra" or mixed nak means that its just as capable of being tender as it is of being destructive. There are only 2 mishra naks. The other one is Vishaka.
Carrie took James in before he had even made his debut and he lived with her and recorded the songs of his first album in her house. They had a long lasting friendship, all of this points to the kind, nurturing, almost maternal nature of Krittika but the other behaviour he mentioned, including the love bite giving lmao?? Krittika is a Solar nak and they wouldnt be who they are if they weren't competitive for no reason lol and ostracizing people who mean well??? Solarcore AF
I assure you trying to give advice to a Solar is pointless because like the Sun, they too are blinded by their own light, they see nothing, they comprehend nothing except their own projections. Plato's allegory of the cave was about Solars, I swear lmao. The truth can be very very obvious to absolutely everybody else but a Solar WILL NOT SEE IT
They embody this meme:
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They're very low on emotional intelligence tbh. You could tell a Solar that someone almost murdered you and they'd be like "oh he's not very nice, is he?" 😭😭😭 I think it's also part of their simple minded Tarzan thinking. They take everything at face value and are straightforward to a fault. They just don't know or understand how crooked people can be.
I have Krittika Moon friend who is dating a Hasta Moon man (Solar x Lunar couples 🤧) and he was disgusting to me IN FRONT OF HER and he's been nasty af to many other women we all know and she wasn't his girlfriend at the time. But even after she knew all of this, she went on to date him and now they've been together for over a year lmao 🤮🤢🤮
They do not see the faults with themselves or with people they love. They live in a bubble of delulu and completely believe that all that glitters IS GOLD. They can be soooo naive, its insane. Theyre naive girls in bad bitch packaging.
Solar individuals struggle more than any other type to understand that things are not always black and white and that real life is veryyy complicated because people are complicated. In the jungle, such abstractions do not exist, things are very black and white, you can easily arrive at solutions by thinking in a very binary way. Sun nakshatras are focused on survival and this mentality warps their mindset from perceiving things in a more complex and nuanced way.
I want to emphasize once more that survival mentality is NOT being in flight/fight mode,, its more so about operating from a place of maximum efficiency and cutting out all the unnecessary bullshit. But being in survival mode is not living. We are not animals and there is more to life than just...surviving.. and thriving..
Solar individuals are the type for whom every kind of experience is a status symbol of some sort. Be it being desired, succeeding at school/work, making x amount of money, they dgaf about "enjoying" things, they are absolutely not the "stop to smell the roses" type, they want to be like the people who they envy or look up to, they want all those markers of success. Ask them about their motivations and you'll seldom hear of an emotional one.
They're mostly driven by a need to do well in life just because. We live in a world where money is king, and where certain things are conventional indicators of success and even if they have absolutely no desire for a certain kind of house, or car or brand or relationship, they do not want to be perceived as someone who is incapable of having it???? so they work hard to get it?? They get it for show, basically.
There is a reason why the ONLY nak without a yoni consort is a Solar nakshatra (Uttarashada). The height of Solar energy is such that its truly each for his/her own, no partners whatsoever.
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Jack London, Uttarashadha Sun
He wrote books like a The Call of the Wild and numerous other adventure stories which are all about surviving in the wild by yourself lol
Its funny how literally the themes of certain naks and planetary influences are made manifest
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 Richard Gadd- Krittika Sun and Venus
He is the star and maker of Baby Reindeer, which, if you really think about it, is a survival story. You have got to ask yourself is someone subject you to brutal stalking of the kind Gadd was subject to, would you spend YEARS of your career performing and reliving it? There could be many reasons why he chose to do so and many have found it highly problematic how a man whose privacy was so brutally invaded for so long would do so little to properly hide the identities of the real people he's talking about (his stalker was found out by netizens and she's been receiving death threats etc).
I feel like it points to the nature of the Sun. They will have the last word always and even when they're losing, they'll drag you down with them. But beyond that, I feel like it points to the ambition and tenacity of Krittika and their sheer will power.
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Pitbull, Uttarashadha Sun, Krittika Moon & Rising
His life story is extremely Solar
The "American dream" tbh is a very Yang one and a very Solar one
He was born in USA to immigrant parents.His family has a history of fighting against the Castro regime in Cuba. When he was three, he could recite the works of Cuban national hero and poet José Martí in Spanish. He learned English by watching Sesame Street as a child. His father was largely absent from his childhood; his parents separated when he was young, and he was raised mostly by his mother, later stating: "my mom is my father and my mother." He briefly stayed with a foster family in Roswell, Georgia. His parents struggled with substance abuse; as a teenager, he was also involved with drug use and dealing, which eventually led to him getting kicked out of the family house.
Divorce, war, natural calamities, destruction of any kind is veryyy common for people born under Krittika, Ardra, Uttarashadha, Jyeshta, Ashlesha nakshatras.
Pitbull's parents were separated, they fled Cuba, he was kicked out and was literally left to fend for himself.
He said he chose his stage name of Pitbull because the dogs "bite to lock. The dog is too stupid to lose. And they're outlawed in Dade County. They're basically everything that I am. It's been a constant fight". Literally so Solarcoded??
I'll end this post here, I have more posts to come about Krittika and Solar naks so stay tuned. I hope this was insightful
I am sooooo sorry that I have been soooo slow with my uploads lately,, I just have a lot on my plate atm 😭😭😭I am going to try my best to be more consistent cause I want to finish this series asap as I have several other pending posts to make UGHH
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yumenoyousei · 1 month
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I asked for a commission of my DC OC Shay from @jnephrite and look at my girl!! 😭 She so pretty I can't even😭😭😭 Always loved @jnephrite art so seeing Shay in hers is a blessing 🙏🏾
And since the fic is almost halfway through posting, I thought, might as well introduce Shay properly!
Full name: Shay Michelle Frank (♀) Occupation: Graphic Designer / YouTuber Height: 5'9"  Birthday: September 16th  ���Virgo 🌙Aries ⬆Aquarius Proud African American/Haitian & Gothamite  Hobbies: Poetry, Arts, Rap/R&B music, help the Gotham North Community Center, Discover new artists (both musically and visual arts)
Shay was born and raised in Gotham, close to the infamous Crime Alley, by her maternal grandmother, Marie-Monique "Manmi Mo" Antoine, and with her 3 years older brother Zachary "Zee" Frank. Her mother died of childbirth (she had had complications with Zee which was why she was hospitalized when pregnant with Shay) so her whole family distrusted the American health system. This is why when her grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, they didn't go to the hospital and only went to the illegal clinic. (Also; money.) Her father is unknown. 
Ever since young, she went to the Gotham North Community Center, mostly run by the Black and Latinx communities of the Crime Alley neighbourhood. Her grandmother would teach the children about mostly Black literature but also all sorts of arts which is why Shay is such a creative person. That's also where she met Jason Todd for the first time when she was around 4-5.
Her brother very early on started to "run the streets" and started to hang out with bad crews, but always had his heart on his sleeves. He just couldn't find other ways to get money to make sure Shay had the right education/a chance away from crime.
Her grandma died when she was almost 17 and her brother died not even 4 weeks later (2 weeks after her 17th birthday) because of a dispute between gangs. (Allegedly) 
After her grandma and Zee died, she went to live in Metropolis with her second-degree cousin, Jennifer Antoine, until she graduated from university. Even when in Metropolis, she would go as much as she could back to Gotham to see her people/help the center.
She started a YouTube channel talking about Gotham's art and musical scene to change people's persepective of Gotham after too many people at Metropolis U "pitied" her for being a Gothamite. 
As soon as she was about to graduate, she applied to work at Wayne Entreprise back in Gotham. She got a job as a graphic designer and moved back to her city.
At the start of the fic, "Awakening in Gotham", she is 22 and has been working at WE for almost a year.
Read more about Shay (and her love story with Jason) on AO3! (Trying to update every week!)
Random notes about Shay:
As I wrote in the fic's notes, the first reason for creating Shay was: who the fuck would stay in Gotham that isn't a criminal and/or a vigilante??
So I created a black girl who loves her community and sees all it could be while being very conscious of what it is and its dangers. Then I went, hey! she'd be good with Jason while I was starting my Jason Todd Thirst so obv my fic turned into romance. lol
The name comes from Belgian rapper Shay, Montreal-based singer Shay Lia, and Haitian Montreal-based singer Shah Frank. As I was creating Shay I was obsessed with all three of them and the name Shay Frank wouldn't leave me.
Ngl, I gave a lot of me to Shay; like her Haitian roots and GAD but very quickly she went her own way and grew in this character I'm proud of. I'd like to say I also gave her my music taste but she is way more into hip-hop than me and she rejects most of my pop playlists (sadly).
Because Shay was based on me, all her entourage I created is based on people in my rl. lol
I also absolutely wanted her to be friends with Bernard because I absolutely love Bernard (and Bat SO who are civilians? Tim and Jason bonding over the fact their SO are the only civilians in the Batfam?! So many fun things to do!!)
Zee is also a character that I love, based on one of my favourite cousins, and I got lowkey mad at myself halfway through that he was dead. So I have an AU where he didn't die in my head lol 
I'd like to write a oneshot of it when I'm done with this fic.
Last fun fact about Shay that I wasn't able to put in fic yet: all the rogues annoy her (mostly because they cause mayhem that cancel events) but she madly respects Poison Ivy because of her convictions and: "is she wrong tho?" 
I have a lot of other small notes about Shay and the Shay-verse but I'll post the rest when the fic is completed!
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theofficialmoriarty · 6 months
Hi my name is William! I’m a puppet maker and a voice actor!
You’ll know me for my (remember unofficial) welcome home puppet work! But guess what? 👀 I make puppets too!!! You can commission me but we will get to that later!
Welcome home
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What you’ll know me for are my welcome home puppets! So here they are!!!
Frank frankly: completed! (Checkout the tag welcomeh Frank frankly puppet)
Eddie dear: in progress (checkout the tag welcomeh eddie dear puppet)
Wally darling: not started!
Julie joyful: not started!
Howdy pillar: not started!
The chair: not started!
Sally starlet: not started!
Poppy partridge: not started!
Barnaby b. Beagle: not started!
Miss beagle: not started!
Misc puppets
Puppets I hope to make some day are…
All dhmis puppets!
Caine from tadc!
To get a commission, message me on here or my discord! (TheOfficialMoriarty) I don’t have a bank I’m with at the moment so please donate the payment to my gofundme! Right here!
Ofc do not donate before the commission is accepted unless you just want to donate😅 (you don’t have to submit the payment right away, you just have to submit it before I ship the puppet out)
Commissions are anywhere from 50-600 dollars Plus shipping! Depending on the complexity of your design and materials needed! Though I say it averages at 200!!! Sorry it’s so expensive!!!! (I will not be making any full suit puppets so sorry 😢)
Feel free to ask for updates on your puppet at any moment 😁
The discord server!!!!
I have a discord server for all things puppetry! It features exclusive content you can’t find on my tumblr! Like some fanmade segments of the show (franks bugs Eddie’s crafts etc etc!) you can also request ship content if you donate 2 dollars to my gofundme! (I won’t be doing any ships with Wally so sorry!)
We will have art contests where you can win custom roles!!!! So have fun!!!!
My name is TheOfficialMoriarty on twitch!!!!
Thank you!!!!!!!
Youtube and TikTok!
That’s right! I post videos like fan made welcome home media!!!! I’ll also post videos on puppet making tips!!!!
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fandomrose · 5 months
Neuvillette - confession.
This was supposed to be a simple and cute confession scene following my previous neuvie fic. It's fluff and angst now.
You don't need to read the previous neuvie fic to get this one but there are references and more understanding of the reader and neuvies current relationship.
^--- here is the link. (I hope it works)
But yea like I said- angst and fluff. Heavy on the readers personal issues and Neuvillette's status. I won't spoil any more.
Anyway hope you enjoy. Love you 💙
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You'd gotten a letter on your most recent trip to Liyue through Chenyu Vale.  An urgent invitation to speak with Monsieur Neuvillette. You looked over the letter again wondering what urgent matter he could possibly want to speak to you about. 
You didn't usually leave Fontaine but you were in debt to a certain tea loving living wall of muscle, and had decided to take some commissions to make the most of the trip. He had liked the tea when Clorande and Neuvillette had gifted him some a while back. When you returned to Fontaine to gift the tea Wriothsley, ever the observant one, had noted the letter, paused for a few seconds, smirked and said, "you have nothing to worry about." Then shooed you on your way. Which was odd since he always asked to have tea for longer whenever you visited.
You make it back to the surface after delivering tea to Wriothsley and immediately to the Palais Mermonia. Neuvillette had become a good friend of yours over the past few months following the end of the Prophecy. The evening in his office, comforting him when he finally broke under the pressure after Furina left made you fast friends, creating a stronger bond than you'd ever expected to have with the Iudex. 
You begin to feel nervous as you approach the Palais Mermonia, feeling a sense of excitement and dread. You had begun to grow affectionate towards the Iudex, one of the reasons you'd taken extra commissions in Liyue was to get out of Fontaine to, 'set your head straight', as you'd put it. No way you could have a crush, of all things, on Neuvillette. 
He was the Iudex and you, a humble adventurer. And is he even interested in romance? Never had a discussion on the subject came up between you, and he was always so busy. You sigh and shake your head, getting ahead of yourself and assuming things would only make things worse. You decide to just keep your emotions bottled where they could never hurt you or, more importantly, him. Because that had always worked for you, yes, definitely.
Your steps slowed as you walked into the Palais, feeling nerves get the better of you. One moment from turning back and getting to more intense bottling, Sedene skipped over to you, halting your near escape. 
"Hello, Monsieur Neuvillette has been expecting you. Please, this way." Sedene began leading you to Monsieur Neuvillette's office, your shoulders involuntarily slumped in defeat, your plans of running away thwarted.
"How was your trip to Liyue, friend? I've never been but I hear the weather is lovely this time of year." 
"Ah it was a good trip, the weather is lovely and the commissions I took on were fairly simple, Chenyu Vale is quite peaceful. They also had lovely sweet tea cakes, I would have brought you some but I had no space in my pack."
"Ah it's no trouble at all, but please do bring some next time. I do love trying new cakes. Anyway here we are, Monsieur Neuvillettes office. See you later, friend."
Sedine gives the Melusine signature wave and shoos you into Neuvillettes office. Your heart beats oddly quickly and you tell it to stop.
You walk slowly into Neuvillette's office hoping he doesn't look up from his paperwork. Unfortunately for you as soon as the door closes behind you he perks his head up and smiles at you. You feel your heart shudder gleefully at the sight, and once again, you tell it to stop. 
"Hello, its good to see you. I trust you got my letter?" Neuvillette stands and walks to one of the sofas by his desk. "Come, sit. I'm thankfully done with work today so we can chat about your trip for a while. I ordered some lovely ice water from the clearest lake in Snezhnaya for us to partake in." He sits, and you knew you were too far gone when you noticed your eyes trailing after the way he crossed his leg over the other, then the way his hand patted the space next to him.
You swallow the thick saliva that had gathered in your mouth and hurry to sit next to him so you didn't appear as out of sorts as you were. If he noticed he didn't show it and you were grateful for that.
"You haven't spoken much yet. Are you feeling okay? I know I said this meeting was urgent but if you need to rest, by all means, it can wait."
Your mind was swirling so much you didn't even notice you hadn't said anything yet. You clear your throat in an attempt to focus.
"Ah well, I am tired but I can stay and chat for a while. Thank you for thinking of me, but I'll be okay."
"Hmm" He didn't seem convinced. "Well if you say so. But if you do, at any point, feel too tired to continue, do let me know. I wouldn't want to push my dear friend just because I'm happy to see them again." Neuvillette's voice was soft but firm at once, almost feeling like a command rather than a suggestion. 
Relief and hurt prick your heart at the word friend. You tell you heart to stop being annoying and confusing. "Thank you Neuvillette but I'm sure I'll be fine. I do want to catch up with you as well. It's been a while since we last spoke. Did I tell you I went to Chenyu Vale for a few commissions outside of Fontaine for the first time?"
"I believe you did mention it shortly before you left. Did I tell you that I visited around the time of lantern rite a few months ago? The weather there was lovely that time of year, cool but not cold and that water, crystal clear. Such beautiful scenery. Was it to your liking as well?"
"It was, it’s beautiful there. The grass feels so different to run through there. And the people are so much more relaxed than they are here. Even though I was doing commissions it felt like a holiday in some ways." You started to feel relieved that this was the direction the conversation was going in, like normal and normal was good. 
"That's wonderful, I'm glad you had a wonderful time and I hope, even if you were doing commissions, and favours for our dear friend Wriothsley He did tell me about the bet you lost-" Neuvillette chuckled and the sound rattled the frayed nerves of your heart. "I hope you got to have some rest. I did notice the um- uptick in the amount of commissions you've been taking-" Oh no. Was the only thought in your mind after that statement followed by an internal sigh of relief at his hext words as incorrect as his assumption is. 
"If you are in need of funds I am happy to assist as your friend."
"No no, it's not funds. I just wanted a little time away from Fontaine you know? It'd been a while so I thought I'd excuse my trip with some work, you know how it is." 
There was still a slight frown on his face at your words. "I do understand, but wasn't it you who said if we need a break we should take a break from work as well? Please, I know this is something we both need to work on but you shouldn't work if a break is needed." It was such a soft, friendly, scolding as expected from Neuvillette. It made you smile.
"I know, I know I just had some things on my mind that's all, I needed a distraction and even my holidays have never been 'relaxing' by other people's standards, I don't like just sitting around." 
"Even so, rest is important, as you yourself said to me."
"Don't worry Neuvillette, I took care of myself and did less commissions than I usually would have done."
"And another thing-" He took a breath and turned more in your direction giving you a goblet of water. "-you said something was on your mind. Is it anything I can help with, unless you've sorted it." He tilted his head a little with a very mild look of concern. He was becoming more expressive over time as small as it seemed the process was visible to see. 
Your feel your face heat and your heart beat quicker, your body responding to the source of the issue without your permission. "Ah- no, no I'm alright. I mean the issue isn't quite sorted but I'll be fine now." You nod in what you hope is a convincing manner. However, Neuvillette raises a disbelieving eyebrow. 
"I don't want to push but for some reason I don't believe you" Curse him for getting good at sarcasm. 
"It- well it's not really anything you can do for me- or anyone for that matter I just have to sort it for myself." You look down and away from him nervously. The conversation getting too close to your self-proclaimed 'forbidden topic' 
"Can you not at least confide in me?" His voice carried a small amount of hurt in it and you recalled the night he spilled his heart to you, a relative stranger at the time. Only having met a handful of times with no deeper conversations before then. Of course it was still vague and there are things about that night that still confuse you but he did open up. And now you are friends and won't do the same, you can see why he'd be upset. Not enough for it to rain... yet. 
"I-" You sigh, not really knowing what to do from here. Do you confess and potentially ruin an amazing friendship? Or lie and possibly do the same. "It's hard, Neuvillette. I'm not used to the situation I'm in."
He nods, understanding that at least. "But you understood my situation so I'm willing to understand yours." 
Ah of course, he's far too kind. It's hard to not feel touched by his care. Even if that's not quite what you wanted right now.
"... Neuvillette.." Another look at his face made you pause, your heart pounded and the longing in your chest almost caused it to hurt, especially at the look in his eyes. Concern and something else you hadn't seen before and before you could stop yourself the words flowed from your heart like a stream.
"I love you, that's what the problem is." 
You look down, your heart pounding and eyes closed not being able to face Neuvillette after the confession but not being able to leave either.
If you'd looked at him you would have seen his shocked face, flushed cheeks and ears, wide eyes and open mouth. No other time had he made such a strong expression. And to his ignorance the clouds had brightened but rain trickled from them in a growing amount. 
Time passes in agonising silence with neither moving. The sound of the rain echoing in your ears and making you doubt your very existence. As far as you were aware rain meant negative emotions and the steadily worsening storm made you think the worst. 
Tears of your own streamed down your cheeks as you couldn't take the silence. You abruptly stand from the seat ready to leave and hide away for a while. "I'm sorry." You croak just before a large hand holds your wrist.
"Don't" you freeze at his voice. It was commanding and almost desperate. "Don't go.. I just needed to process what you said."
"It's raining.." You respond 
"What about the rain? What does that tell you?" Mild confusion in his voice made you just as confused. You still couldn't face him with your response.
"You're upset aren't you. I've upset you because you aren't interested and you don't want to hurt me so-"
"No, good heavens no I'm not upset. The rain is just.. strong emotions not negative ones."
"What then, if you aren't upset?"
"I'm.. happy- I think"
You turn to his eyes wet with unshed tears. "You think?" You say back confused.
"I think-" He repeats looking deep in thought and concern for you. "It's hard to fully understand since happy doesn't cover it all. I feel deeply affectionate towards you in a way I haven't experienced and I certainly didn't expect to feel for a human. The uncertainty comes from that knowledge to- you are human with a human lifespan. As you know I am a dragon sovereign, with a much longer life span. Would you really be okay being with someone like me?" 
Your shoulders shake at the reminder. More reasons why you shouldn't be together. "I should be asking you that. Would you really be okay with the knowledge that I'll grow old and die in your arms." 
You feel the air grow heavy and hear the rain battering the windows and immediately feel guilty. The air is tense as the pause grows until it almost becomes unbearable.
"I will bear that pain if I can experience the joy of having you at my side." Neuvillette's voice cuts through your thoughts and renders you speechless. 
"Please, there is nothing I won't do to make your life happy and comfortable."
"T-hat's .. I'm.. I'm not worried about that I know you would but.. do you really care so much you'd be willing to endure losing me?"
"I do." His voice rang simple and clean. It felt like your soul shook at his words. The words of someone accepting wedding vows at a confession. 
He stepped closer, still mindful of keeping to boundaries. 
"I love you" another simple sentence filled with more emotion than you'd ever heard him muster before and you couldn't help but respond in kind, feeling as though you might break your own heart if you spoke with any dishonesty.
"I love you to Neuvillette."
A true, wide smile breaks on his face and your heart pounds at the sight. 
"I don't know if this is moving too fast-" He begins, looking uncharacteristically nervous. "But may I-" I sigh and the rain pounds harder for a moment.
You patiently wait for him to gather his wits. 
"May I kiss you?" He finally asks softly, bringing his face close to yours.
"You may Neuvillette." You whisper, wanting nothing more in that moment. 
As his lips meet yours tenderly your thoughts are no longer on your relationship's tragic end but the beautiful beginning.
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maximilliansblog · 10 months
How to build your first fursuit head for ~$100 USD (2023)
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What’s good furries? I’m sure a lot of you have a fursona and want to make your first fursuit. I recommend starting with a partial just in case you mess up or fall out of the hobby. It’s also less expensive!
This tutorial will only cover the head. I haven’t made any of the other stuff and I’m probably going to buy it online premade because I’m lazy.
1.) Have a reference sheet for your fursona.
If you are an artist, draw (the best you can) a reference sheet of your fursona from the front, side, and back. I made a little turnaround animation for mine, but this is not necessary.
Not an artist? Don’t want to draw? Commission someone to do it for you. I recommend Etsy, but you can find furry artists with open commissions all over the internet.
No money for commissions? You might be out of luck. Ask a friend or draw it the best you can. Alternatively, you can edit someone else’s fursona reference sheet to make it look like your fursona. Yeah, it’s stealing. Just don’t post it and act like it’s yours 👍
You can also go into the Roblox game, Catalogue Avatar Creator, and assemble something that looks kind of like your fursona. Take a screenshot of it from the front, side, and back, then go into a photo editor (I recommend IbisPaint or MediBang Paint, they are both free) and add in your special details.
I recommend not making your first fursuit super complicated or some kind of rare species. But you do you. It will just be really hard.
Also determine what style of fursuit you want. Toony? Kemono? Realistic? (I don’t recommend realistic for your first fursuit but you do you). This will be important later.
2.) Find Shit to Build It With
Once again, I recommend Etsy. You’ll need:
+ all the fur colors you need (try 2-3)
+ eye mesh
+ 3D printed mask
+ hot glue gun and hot glue sticks (dollar store)
+ needle and thread (dollar store or Walmart)
+ balaclava
+ styrofoam head
+ fabric scissors
+ extra foam pieces for ears or horns
Assemble all of that. It should be around $80-120 USD.
Your 3D printed mask is the most important thing. Another reason to get a relatively common species. Mine was a dragon. Remember the fursuit style you picked earlier? Search on etsy “3d printed [style] [species] furry mask” and you should be able to find one. You can also get pre-made foam heads. I don’t recommend trying to make your own head base, because A) it’s hard and B) those materials cost more money.
This shit will take a while to come in so don’t get too excited about it. My mask took like a month because it came from Germany.
3.) Mark the Color Spots on your Head Base
Basically just take a sharpie and outline the different color regions on your headbase. You can also use a pencil if you’re a pussy /j
4.) Uhhhh Eyeball That Fabric Pattern and Hot Glue the Pieces to Your Headbase
Some people use duct tape to make a pattern. That did not work for me! So I eyeballed it. Made some mistakes. That’s okay.
5.) Trim Down the Fur Length
Most people use clippers for this but I didn’t want to buy any and I didn’t know how to use them so I did it VERY CAREFULLY with scissors.
6.) Fill in the Cracks Between Your Hot Glue Seams With Loose Fur
Look at all this damn fur on the floor! If only there was something to do with it!
Put hot glue between the super visible seams where you hotglued different pieces of fabric next to each other, then pack in some of that loose fur. Cut it down if it’s too long. The seams will be less visible.
7.) Hot Glue the Eye Mesh Behind the Eye Holes
VERY CAREFULLY hot glue this so your character isn’t cross-eyed. You can try follow-me eyes but I didn’t do that with mine.
8.) Add Your Extra Details
You know like whiskers or plastic teeth or a tongue or anything else you want to put on there.
Now you’re done with the mask part.
9.) CAREFULLY Hot Glue Your Balaclava to the Inside of the Mask
The eye hole should be where your eye mesh is so that you can see out. Also make sure some of the balaclava is glued to the top of the mask.
10.) Weigh Down Your Styrofoam Head With a Heavy Rock
Or put it on a stand. Or hot glue it to the table. Whatever works.
11.) Put the Balaclava that you Glued to the Mask on the Styrofoam Head
Pretty simple. The reason we weighed down the styrofoam head is because the front of your mask will be heavy and make it fall over while you’re trying to work.
12.) ????? Put Fur On the Balaclava
You’ll also need to like add some fur connecting the sides of the mask to the balaclava. Hard to explain. You’ll probably figure it out?
13.) Trim that Fur and Put the Trimmings in the Seams Like Before
14.) Take it off of the Styrofoam Head
You may need to cut a slit in the back of the neck of your fursuit head. Not only will it help get the styrofoam head out, now your head can get in and out too!
15.) Put it on
Edit it if something is wrong. It might feel crooked but it’s probably not.
16.) Enjoy!
Hopefully this was helpful! This is how made mine.
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the-mandawhor1an · 4 months
6 months later...
TLDR: it's Zaddy's and my RP 'anniversary'; artworks; Wolke being emotional about her Tumblr experience; and a fluffy one shot/drabble at the end of the WAY TOO LONG POST
I've alluded to it before, I've commissioned some artwork of the two lovebirbs and they just so happened to get finished this week. Huge thanks to @kenobiwanx for making the two come alive 😭 I can NOT stop staring at them.
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Yes these are spoilers for upcoming events but I just 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@zaddymandalorian Überraschung!
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Back to the actual point *wipes tears off her face*
Let's set the scene...
My dearest Zaddy and I reconnected in November of 2023 as I had been on a work trip at that time and I needed someone to talk to. We'd been talking on and off for the last months, mostly smalltalk and sometimes me complaining about stuff. Worth mentioning is also that I sent her my Maia fanfic back in June. First person to read it besides myself. I've known Zaddy since spring of 2016 ish (which also means I've known her longer than my husband – fun fact) so I felt comfortable with her reading my extremely self-indulgent shit. Everyone needs friends like that ♥
We mused about the roleplays we lost to forum admins being ruthless in their inactive-thread-deletion efforts every 4 months. We had barely started a Witcher RP and I'm sure it would've been awesome if we had continued. We literally stopped 7 ish posts in so nothing had happened really. – Why was it inactive? Well I took a 14 month roleplay hiatus due to me being chronically fatigued. The joys of working a stressful job and being severly anemic. Oops.
I tested the waters and made an offhand comment about maybe giving in and asking her to plot something with me.
This is a very convincing re-enactment of what happened: (translated because we're German potaters)
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Well... and that's when the fun began
I, being a total Pedro fangirlie, asked if we wanted to just take the synopsis of my fic and run with that. She agreed, I was happy, she was happy.
So it's been 6 months.
I did not think I had it in me to be consistently posting daily for 6 months. We've laughed, we've cried, we've lost sleep over it. We've grinned into our phone screens like maniacs at work and luckily no one asked
And now, 260k words later, I'm still in love with the babies. In fact I'd say I love the little blorbs even more now. Maia has a face, she has outfits (multiple!) she has a family and a story (that's only about 1/3 written so whew we might make it to a million)
Of course I also love Zaddy very much (and I will keep lovebombing your ass, bitch 🖤💜)
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You know what, fuck it, I'm mentioning more people. Buckle up! Wolke spreads some love!
@immarocketman for being the first person on Tumblr that I kind of clicked with because we share a love for Pedro and the color purple 💜
@roughdaysandart for 1) allowing me insight in her creative process making a Fanfic comic and b) doodling Maia basically as soon as she made an appearance in text form 💜
The moots: @thefrogdalorian @djarins-cyare @djarins-wife @pedroswife69 for interacting with me, commenting on my posts and being real cute in general 💜
Everyone that ever interacted with me on here has been nothing but friendly, I feel extremely welcome over here. Everyone who liked/reblogged or commented on my posts, thank you so much. 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Now that the sappy whining is over, who wants to read something actually interesting?
In spirit of me being overbearingly loving, I've typed up a bit of fluff from the lovesick fools™ of Clan Mudhorn. Unbeta'd.
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It was early in the morning, the sun barely over the horizon and engulfing the room in warm orange light, when Din awoke, a soft and warm body nestled into his side. She let out the softest little hum when he buried his face in her hair, wrapping his arms around her to hold her close.
"Sleep," he purred into her hair, placing a kiss on her forehead when her face turned towards him. Again, with a quiet hum, she buried her face in the crook of his neck. "How am I supposed to sleep when my husband has his hands all over me?"
"I'm sorry," he apologized and gently stroked her hair. "Why are you awake anyway?" she asked, finally raising her head so her sleepy, green eyes looked into his. "Hey mesh'la," he greeted her with a smile, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. "I don't know. I guess the sun woke me up, it's too bright in here." He sighed. "I miss the hut on Nevarro, it was always dark in there." "Come on, it's not that bad here. We needed more space anyway."
She pulled away from him, rolling over so she was on her stomach, hugging the pillow underneath her to get a better look at her everything. "Is the sun too strong, my warrior king?" a grin crept onto her lips as her eyes blinked slowly. Clearly this was way too early for her liking. To be fair, last night went on for longer than anticipated. "Are the little troublemakers awake yet?" She raised her head and turned to face the door. For now it seemed peaceful and quiet in the adjacent rooms.
Knowing well she would rise from the bed to check if he didn't stop her, Din hoisted himself over her body, practically pressing her into the mattress with his body weight. "You're not getting up to check on the kids now, cyar'ika," he muttered, peppering kisses along her shoulder. A chuckle escaped her lips as she rotated her head so she could see him in her peripheral.
She was so glad the mattress was soft enough to just give in under the weight, forming a perfectly human-shaped dent to make way for her body. "Whatever you say, great Mand'alor." For just a second she could feel him grind his pelvis into her butt.
He kept on pressing kisses on her neck, her shoulders, slowly crawling down her spine, kissing every little scar he found on his descent. "You really have to stop saying it like that." "Like what?" "With the bedroom-voice." He stopped to crawl back up to her head and leaned forward, giving her the chance to look into his face. His eyes were darkened, one of his eyebrows twitching upward.
"You're insatiable," she laughed, shaking her head. He slowly lifted off of her, immediately wrapped both arms around her and pulled her onto his chest. "That's your fault, my love." His voice was warm and silky, the vibration in his chest making her shudder. "My fault?" "You're just too beautiful so I can't keep my eyes or my hands off of you for long." "Di'kut" "Gar di'kut, forever." "Forever is a long time," she said softly and ran her fingers through his hair.
"And I'll be happy to spend every minute with you. I love you so much" he took her hand in his and softly kissed her knuckles. She sighed and watched him kiss every finger, eyeing her intently. She was mesmerized by his eyes, almost hypnotized by the dark brown, with the orange light surrounding them it reminded her of embers, glowing and warm.
Forever was a long time and although it didn't feel like it, time was progressing, evident by the threads of silver that sparkled in his dark brown curls. And although she felt like she herself was showing signs of ageing, he always told her she was as beautiful as the day he met her. "I love you more, mesh'la," she replied and rested her hand on his cheek.
"You and the kids are everything to me. I would die for you," he mused, closing his eyes as her finger brushed over his beard toward his lips. Her movements halted and the dark brown eyes reopened, scanning her features for signs of her sudden stop. The small crease on her forehead was enough for him to know exactly what was troubling her.
"Look at me," he pleaded with her, cupping her cheek in one of his hands now. "I know that look on your face. I would doesn't mean I will. Stop thinking about it. I'm here and so are you." Her hand slowly retreated to rest atop of his, thumb brushing over his warm and tanned skin. "Thanks to you, I am. You've saved my life once, I hope you don't have to do it a second time." She smiled warmly and nestled her face further into his hand.
Din grumbled and pulled her face closer, peppering it with kisses wherever he could reach. "I've saved your life twice. But it doesn't matter, you've given me more than I could ever imagine. I have a family now. And the most amazing wife in the galaxy." "I love you." "Until the end of space and time."
Both flinched when they heard a noise outside the bedroom. Instantly both heads were turned to the door, listening for more noises. One of the kids must've woken up, maybe their voices were too loud.
"Any guesses?" Din asked his wife, once again burying his face in her hair. "My gut tells me it's your mini-version," she suapected, turning her head to kiss him gently. "Your gut? Or your Jedi magic?"
Din rose from the bed, stretching his muscles in the morning sun, stared at by his better half. "And you say I'm insatiable." A sly grin appeared on his lips as he put on a shirt, his shoulders and bicep stretching the fabric just enough to make her hum. "The faster you check on the troublemakers the sooner you can come back to bed. Hurry, I'm not done with you."
She didn't have to tell him twice.
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mesh'la - beautiful
cyar'ika - darling
di'kut - idiot
gar di'kut - your idiot
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subbmissivesuccubus · 3 months
Hi! I don't want to put pressure on you Or anything, but when will another part of the lumine harem come out? I just miss it a lot 😔
Great timing! i just posted the new chapter over on my Patreon! Surprise surprise, it's Mika's turn! If you'd like the early access, please consider checking out the link in my bio <3
If you'd like to satiate your Aelumi appetite, I just posted a story on my AO3 (also in bio)! Good ol incest smutty goodness.
Here's a sneak peek of the Mika chapter! (he is aged up and very much an adult in it.) Disclaimer : Mommy kink~
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“M-Mommy…” Mika whimpered, a noise she was getting all too familiar with, “I’m hungry…”
“Oh? Right now?” Lumine asked, blood rushing to her face as she looked around. There were a few people around but they could easily get walked in on, “Can you wait a bit? I promise I’ll feed you later, ok?”
“B-but I’m hungry now!” the man responded, an adorable pout on his lips, “I’ll be quick!”
“Mmph…” Lumine it her lower lip and looked behind her once more, sighing in frustration as she simply couldn’t deny her sweet baby boy.
“Oh- alright. But only a little bit, ok?”
“Yes! Thank you, Mommy~”
Continuing to glance behind her, Lumine quickly got to work. She only pulled down the left side of her dress, tugging it down just enough to get a tit out. With a grunt, she used her right hand to grab a hold of her heavy breast once her top was low enough before she pulled it out, her boob settling with a bounce- nipple instantly hardening in the crisp air.
Mika immediately leaned down and latched his lips onto her boob, groaning in content as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the wonderful sensation of his Mommy’s nipple in his mouth. He’d breastfed from her plenty of times at this point but every time he did it- it still made his heart beat like crazy and his dick twitch in his pants.
Snuggling his face into the fat of her breast, he started suckling, increasing and decreasing the pressure of his sucks as he eagerly waited for her milk. He didn’t have to wait long as within a few seconds, the first drops of his mother’s precious milk dripped onto his waiting tongue. He groaned against her, ears ringing from the sensation as he started to drink her sweetness, swirling his tongue around her perky nipple and teasing more milk out of her.
Lumine shivered, her attention still divided as she made sure to keep an eye out in case any of their teammates came this way. They were hidden by the tree, but it was only a matter of time before they wanted to move onto the next commission.
“J-Just a little bit more, okay- oof!” Lumine gasped as Mika suddenly gripped onto the fabrics around her right breast and tugged harshly, almost ripping it as he forcefully got her other tit to also be exposed. She huffed as he pulled off of her left nipple to instead attack the right, her bare chest now out for anyone to see. Running her fingers through his blonde hair, the colour reminding her so much of her own, she tugged on his tightly and pressed him in farther into her fat tits.
Mika hummed happily, increasing the force of his sucking which made Lumine’s whole body shiver. She slapped her other hand over her mouth to prevent herself from making any noise, grateful that Mika wasn’t sucking and slobbering over her the way he usually did when they were alone- people would definitely hear that.
She could feel her milk get drained from her breasts, Mika diligently gulping them down and not even separating from her skin even when he needed to breathe. He simply continued to drink, his face flushed a bright red, jaw aching as he drank and drank and drank, his adams apple bobbing with every gulp. Oh- this was heaven. 
“Ok baby- that’s enough.” Lumine said, whining when the man instead pulled away from her nipple onto to shove his face between her tits. She allowed him a few seconds of motorboating, knowing how much her Son loved the feeling of shaking his head between her delicious globes, the sensation soothing him. He shook his head vigorously, his hands pushing her tits tighter against his face to really smother him, the action causing a few shots of milk to escape her sucked-raw nipples.
“Alright- come on now.” Lumine said, a bit more sternly and that got him to move away. Panting like a dog in heat, his face a bright red and hair messy, Mika stuck his tongue out and licked up the last droplets of milk that was left on his Mommy’s skin.
“Mommy- I want- I want to taste your pussy.”
“Not now, Mika!”
“Please? Just a little lick? I promise!”
“I’ll only take a few seconds. I just want to taste your pussy, Mommy. Please?”
Again with those damn puppy eyes. Lumine sighed, frustrated with herself at how weak she was for Mikas pleas.
“Oh alright. But just a lick!”
“Just a lick!”
With her approval, Mika immediately got onto his knees, Lumine keeping an eye out behind her as she allowed the young man to do whatever he liked. He dug his hand underneath her skirt and grabbed onto her bloomers before whisking them down, her panties quickly following suit. Giggling in excitement, he went underneath her dress and came face to face with her beautiful, silky pussy. He groaned in content, closing his eyes before placing a sweet kiss against her cunt, his soft skin meeting his soft lips.
Not wanting to waste time, Mika quickly opened his mouth and stuffed his tongue between her pussy lips, eagerly lapping her up the best he could. His Mommy’s legs shook around him, telling him he was doing a good job as he took in the feeling and taste on his tongue. He loved her pussy so much- he could spend hours just eating her out.
But unfortunately, he only had a few seconds and just as he finished lapping up all of his Mommy’s slick, he felt her tap his head through her skirt and he obediently got out. He pulled her panties and bloomers up for her, securing them around her waist before helping her pat her skirt back down, just in time as the others started calling for them.
“Mommy…” Mika whined before they left to join the crew, his aching erection thankfully hidden underneath his baggy clothing, “I want to taste you more!”
“Later, Mika.”
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How do I hint at a plot twist without giving it away or confusing the reader? I'm writing a novel about a pair of twins who have the exact same life, and I'm planning to reveal that they are two different people midway through; I just don't know if I can pull it off effectively.
Hinting That One Character is Actually Twins
The key to hinting at a plot twist is to plant clues that are so irrelevant seeming on the surface, the reader will just barely notice them, but will remember them enough that later--once you've made the reveal--they can look back and think of those moments and see how they were hinting at this twist all along.
In a story where one character is actually two different people, and the plot twist is that reveal, it would be super helpful if you can have tertiary characters who cross paths with both and can confuse them. For example Random Character and Twin B go to the same church but don't know each other very well. Random Character "recognizes" Twin A (thinking they're Twin B who goes to their church) and says, "I hope to see you at next week's church fundraiser!" And Twin A smiles awkwardly and is meanwhile very confused on the inside, assuming (rightly) that Random Character has just mistaken them for someone else. Then, at some other point, Twin B might meet Different Random Character at a business luncheon, and Different Random Character says, "I think we met at the Blah Corp golf tournament a few years back," and Twin B says, "No, I don't think so. I've never been to a golf tournament." And Twin B thinks nothing of it--as would the reader--because it's not that uncommon for people to mistakenly think they've met someone before even when they haven't. You could also work in a few other subtle clues, like let's say there are a few notable outfits one twin has to wear... you could always make those outfits red. And then lets say the other twin's car is described, as well as a scene where they paint their house, and let's say the twin's car is blue and they paint their house blue, then maybe someone says, "You sure do like blue!" and they can say, "It's my favorite color!" An astute reader might wonder why their notable outfit colors were red instead of blue, but it wouldn't be enough to tip them off that it's a different character.
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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ok so.
noelle does not join the !%#$ squad, she still believes its a dream, berdly is morally conflicted about lying to his best friend about this
the susie crush stuff doesnt happen, but berdly is still put out of commission post mind control but does assist the same in the punch out bit
THE PARTY OF FOUR BATTLE SYSTEM!!!! is basically the same but now berdly is there (colour orange)
berdly is effectively an offensive spellcaster type (enemy debuffs (varying with opponent), party buffs (both of which last between 1 and 3 turns and dont stack), damage spells etc) the B-actions center around bragging (about himself OR his team), rambling about videogames and being a nerd. his boss kris assist action (think red buster and dual heal) would likely be something that buffs a random effect on the team by a TON (every time its used the prior buff goes away because balance) to call back to the smaller, specialized buffs and debuffs he typically gives, his spamton neo special B-action shrinks the soul to make it easier to dodge but disables the big shot
in snowgrave, instead of dying, he also gets manipulated into just going with it
SPAMTON NEO FIGHT!!! his general reaction is just confusion mixed with anger (because frankly he would see a bit too much he had in common with the sneaky salesman than he'd be comfortable with)
chapter one is largely the same but ralsei slips in that there is a fourth hero (this gets brushed off as kris and susie are a bit distracted dealing with king, jevil, darkworlds in general etc) (idk i didnt think that bit through (feel free to reply with your ideas for chapter 1 changes))
berdly has a surprisingly good grasp on everything due to how many videogames he plays but he does have to adjust to the fact that he shouldnt fight everyone. it is also due to this knowledge of gaming that he absolutely does not trust ralsei, because if berdly learned one thing from his years of rpgs its that if the happy-go-lucky goody-2-shoes character hides anything at all ever, they will be an enemy later (like chekhovs gun)
berdly is absolutely jealous of how rebellious susie gets to be as he feels trapped in the expectations set for him by the adults in his life
songs for berdly in this au:
disobedient - steven universe
saint bernard - lincoln
spaceship - art sorority
top of my school - katherine lynn-rose
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bibibbon · 9 months
Pacing in MHA (spoiler it sucks)
I know there have been a lot of posts about this and while I do very much agree with a lot of these posts I wanted to add my own two cents into this conversation and actually talk about the burning dumpster can that is the pacing of MHA.
Surprisingly and magically Iam supposed to believe that a quirkless boy gets a quirk and that quirk develops into 7 more quirks and he is now fighting in a war that has the greatest of evils that he is supposed to defeat all in the span of 1-2 years. Like I feel like it's genuinely just speed running the plot of all of this and it makes the series feel so rushed at times. However, there are times when Iam reading the manga and it feels like one fight is taking forever to finish so the MHA pacing is wack and all over the place.
This could and should be an easy fix but horikoshi should of given us more breather arc and actually include the academia aspect of MHA because let's be honest Iam not seeing it. The academia aspect would of made things a whole lot better for example we will get more knowledge about the characters, actually develop a found family bond in 1A (instead of it being non existent), develop characters and what they like or struggle at and a whole lot more like actually show us why UA is considered a good school. By including academia arcs in MHA you also sort out the rushed pacing of the story and give the audience and characters time to breathe and relax.
I have seen people say that first years shouldn't go to war and we shouldn't if had a war arc so early on. Yes, I agree with this but I think it would add more if class A and maybe even B would if still had to go to war but later in their hero school journey like early 3rd year or something like that. It would show the commissions corruption and at this point they're old enough to do more impact it would also help create the feelings that the villains are planning a big comeback and that the underworld wants to take over Japan again.
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By slowing down the pacing there would also be build up towards the war and a whole lot more world building could of been included which is something that MHA desperately needs. Also, slowing down pacing would benefit the story and allow to build/develop characters and their relationships a whole lot more a big example being shigaraki and Izuku's (non existent relationships) or heck even the parallels between toga and ochako.
Overall, the point stands MHA pacing sucks and feels so out of place.
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thatdogmagic · 6 months
So, there's some posting going around, and after being alerted to what exactly is being made public, it's pretty clear I can't go with my initial inclination which is 'leave this alone.'
First things first:
a) I'm not going to fight any accusations of having done something potentially racist. I'm a white person raised very white; when I was made aware that the default ways I was responding to things were reading very poorly in the context of a white person and a black person, I apologized. No matter how I feel about what's happening *currently*, I still am sorry about it. I really hadn't thought of how it would come off until I saw it in hindsight.
I can't say for sure what all is being referenced aside from that instance. I'm not going to be the best judge, for the reasons mentioned above. The best I can do is absorb, apologize, keep learning to be better, and continue to chip away at the boneheaded 40yo white person shit.
b) re: ableism, the sad irony of the screengrab posted is that I was having an autistic meltdown at the time (which, no, is not an excuse). Use of the r-slur, in reference to myself, is a very sure sign I'm in the middle of one, reaching for an impact word and choosing a really terrible one. Like the verbal equivalent of hitting yourself, giving voice to what are, yes, at root, ableist thoughts that live in my head about my own diagnosis. I can and do get very frustrated with my autism sometimes, especially when I 'fail' to learn fast enough to manage it (read: fail to prevent a meltdown).
I'm also genuinely sorry people had to see that, both people in the chat and now, everywhere. I did, yes, delete it because I hated it being there, and I didn't want especially that to be the footprint I left on the server, if it was ever repurposed/the channels weren't recycled (brief note on that later).
Anyway yeah it's something I really need to work on. And it's disheartening to see it cherrypicked when everyone there was aware of the context, but yea; if you see some really wild shit from screencaps, please keep in mind that a lot of it has already been extremely cherrypicked/context is going to be missing. If the whole conversation isn't present, ask to see it.
That's the heaviest stuff that needed addressing.
The accusations of character theft are another thing, because that involves Ependa, and a conversation I had personally with Jackal that was settled amicably a year ago. Or so I thought.
It's the one conversation I did think to save in its entirety, because I just-- had a feeling it might end up being in the cherrypicked pile, or removed from the record entirely. I didn't expect to have to need it this soon, but here we are.
So here it is, in its entirety:
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All of that is true, on my end. I was the one who told Ependa to go with a darker complexion on Lacey, and it really didn't quite occur to me at the time that it'd be much of an issue. It should have. The characters are distinct to me in a variety of ways, but as said in the screengrabs, it's a small pond. Past that, if there was more we could do to differentiate then it wasn't discussed with either of us, and we were both open to making further alterations as-needed.
This is not the first time this conversation has been had among werewolf creators, fwiw, or the first time we've had to chat amongst ourselves about potential crossover. I've had to have a similar talk with another artist I know and respect because there were a few too many similarities going on with a set of pieces I was already working on.
Ependa had to recently have that conversation with Trashasaurus (which I'm paraphrasing a Ependa's request), re: commissions that had requested a character that had taken a lot of visual inspiration from both Lin and Toska. She'd noticed Toska's traits and vibe and wasn't entirely comfortable with it, and upon learning they had been requested asked Trashasaurus not to take on those commissions anymore. Trashasaurus agreed and that seemed to be the end of it, save to drop some warning about the 'Lacey talk' which-- well. See above. That's it, in its entirety.
If Ependa wants to post the logs of her conversation, she can, but I'll leave that up to her.
So, that's the heart of the matter at the moment.
It's yet another fallout of yet another failed project by yet another group of artists. It's a tale as old as time, and I would've really loved to have not given it fuel, but the r-slur thing backed me into a corner and needed to be addressed. And if that was being addressed, then others things needed to be addressed, too.
The thing about character theft, though-- yeah, IDK. If there was a problem, there was a year to solve it, and the offer made to post publicly about the oops/acknowledge it right there in that moment was genuine. So far as anyone knew, this had all been settled, and any time it was brought up after there were a million assurances that it wasn't an issue.
Last: I deleted my presence on the server because I a) wasn't sure if it was going to be repurposed and wanted a lot of very personal conversations/old images removed if that happened, b) was frankly concerned about something like this happening; cherrypicked conversations getting tossed up online if things got any worse. I used undiscord, which deletes chronologically, because deleting everything is easier than finding specific conversations/image files.
Because the worst of the fights happened last, well. Yeah it's gonna look like I'm deleting the worst parts first.
I also wouldn't have willingly agreed to be on a server using third party logging software/deleted message retrieval plugins, either, had I known that was in play, but that's a 'live and learn' moment for me, unfortunately.
Anyway that's it, that's all. I can't tell anyone how to think or feel about any of this. I'll be here and will continue to post art, though, for those who still feel like sticking around.
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theflowerpaw · 7 months
opening gaza e-sim commissions!
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unlimited slots!
[the B&W bust is my friend @moonhibs's hc!theta<3 go check them out right now]
just send a receipt of your donation (must be dated 3/2 or later) to [email protected]:)
also here are two good posts w/resources to help fight the genocides going on:
https://www.tumblr.com/sulfurcosmos/732456971539775488/how-you-can-help-palestine?source=share (palestine-specific)
https://www.tumblr.com/rockabswing/732942688181174272/making-a-separate-thread-for-help-links-i-will?source=share (info abt palestine, sudan, congo, and uyghur muslims. make sure to check if donation sites are trustworthy before giving!)
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x-neurotoxin-x · 1 year
I'll take the bait. Can you give us some headcanons about Dabi's did?
Yaaay! Somebody took the bait!
Okay, so, like, my hcs around this can vary a lot depending on the concept I'm using in the fic or whatever but I've gone over briefly in other posts how Touya would meet criteria for dissociative identity disorder given he went through a huge amount of trauma and abuse throughout early childhood and continued suffering trauma after trauma with basically zero support system or healthy coping mechanisms well into adolescence and adulthood, on top of a separation from his identity and a lack of bodily autonomy.
Default headcanons are usually:
He's very separated from the majority of his system and usually isn't aware he's a system, having a lot of amenisa and black out switches.
"Touya" being an alter still very much in a child-like mental state maturity wise, holding a lot of his childhood trauma and unhealthy attachments to abusers or unsafe people like his Father.
"Dabi" being an alter that falls more under a protector role with some persecutory traits who developed mainly to help Touya survive on the street, tends to be critical towards Touya and is more untrusting and closed off emotionally.
Other than Dabi and Touya, most of his other alters don't have names, mostly due to him being very disconnected from his system as a whole and being dehumanized and/or dehumanizing himself
Having several other alters that serve other purposes, including alters that'll engage in self harm or purposely put him in dangerous situations, sexual protectors and trauma holders, persecutors that reenact abuse or normalize it, and gatekeepers that keep things hidden from certain alters.
He as a system struggles a lot with delusions and psychosis so tends to dismiss a lot of stuff pointing to him being a system by either denying or downplaying things as him being "crazy" or thinking of them as "ghosts or demons."
Now, if I incorporate other hcs into it - like the ones surrounding csa and religious abuse, or the hcs surrounding ujiko/afo shit with dehumanization and deeper medical and psychiatric abuse, then there's further ways I can take these headcanons.
(Tw: I touch in csa, sa, ramcoa and hc-did here so if those are triggering subjects for you read with caution)
A lot of times I think of him with Highly Complex DiD, and a programmed system due to organized and prolonged abuse.
This headcanon I usually tie to the Ujiko hcs, and that he already had DiD before that and Ujiko took advantage of it and programmed other alters into him through torture, dehumanization.
Alternatively, I have a few hcs about Touya being trafficked and exploited by his parents and the hero commission, and them using organized abuse to cause him to dissociate and form alters - whether to use him as a hero for the hero society and later abandoning him when he can't meet standards, or for exploitive, sexual reasons after he was no longer useful as a hero, like basically using him for that instead.
Some of these alters reinforce whatever was being forced into him, and justify and normalize what was done to him. Others block out certain information and keep the main system from knowing and remembering too much.
In that case, being polyfragmented and having a large alter count, splitting off regularly.
These alters making it ironically easier for him to survive on the street because those alters will front to either a) use a fight response and kill, b) a fawn response and get himself out of bad situations by basically doing whatever's asked of him, or c) using survival tactics that might be triggering for him like fighting, prostitution, etc in order to be able to get by without burdening the rest of the system or main hosts.
In this case, that's also why I hc he isn't aware he's a system, certain alters erase and block off that knowledge from him.
Again I haven't actually gotten into the system dabi hcs in fics like I'd like to, and honestly gotta explore it more in later fics if I can find interesting concepts to work it into (suggestions or prompt ideas would be highly appreciated btw 👀).
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