#also you know dwight is the only one able to distract him when he is focused on something :')
ferociiumarchive · 3 months
dwight fairfield « @leadxxr » made an offering; [ MOVIE ]: while watching a movie together (and possibly being so distracted by the film that they don't realize what they're doing) the sender settles back into the receiver's lap.
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He knew the movie like the back of his hands, he could quote it words for words, and yet, that didn't stop him from being completely taken by it. However despite the way he was ever so focused on the tv screen in front of them, the fingers of one of Danny's hands were idly playing with Dwight's hair, just combing through it. He didn't even move when the other got up to grab a snack from the table, his hand simply held in mid air waiting for his lover to come back.
Except, his fingers never got to bury into Dwight's hair again, given how, much to Danny's surprise, he watched the other settle into his lap instead of the previously occupied spot next to him. That was enough to pull Danny's focus away from the movie and towards the man now comfortably on his lap. Danny's arms so easily coming to wrap around Dwight's frame, pulling him just that much closer, as if the man was afraid the other'd realize what he just did and try to sneak away from him. He nuzzled his nose right behind his ear.
" Well, hello there, love. Fancy seeing you here. " Whispered words, a low chuckle slipping past his mouth then before he leaned to press a kiss against his clothed shoulder.
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queenvidal · 2 years
The Queen For A King
Negan x Reader (Rick's Daughter)
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Chapter 2: Be My Guest
Chapter Summary: Carl will kill Negan for what he's done to you. Your brother is already at The Sanctuary, all he needs to do is pull the trigger.
Wordcount: 4336
Era: Season 7
- Part 4 of the The One And Only Series -
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Chapter Index:
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3
Masterlist /Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
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Negan's convoy has been driving for a long while now. It’s dead silent in the cargo hold aside from the occasional clicking of bottles when hitting a bump on the road. Carl is still clinging to the rifle in his hand, adrenaline still running through his system. It can’t take much longer for them to reach the Saviors base, the two men driving already talked about it.
What’s he going to do once there? Carl still has no idea. Shot Negan of course, but he didn’t think of much more. He won’t be able to go home, that much he knew when he decided to kill Negan. His big sister will be heart-broken, a thought he absolutely hates, but in his mind it’s still better than having her suffer through whatever Negan was and is still putting her through. 
Groaning can be heard outside and the truck is slowing down. Carl peeks up from one of the crates, trying to see what's going on. They are passing a gate that is surrounded by tied up walkers, they must have reached their destination. After a few more moments the convoy finally stops. Carl’s heart is about to jump out of his chest.
All of the saviors exit their vehicles, doors can be heard shut and more and more voices fill the area. Negan's voice catches the boys attention immediately. He's giving orders but before Carl can decide whether to stay put or jump and surprise them, one of the saviors climbs into the cargo hold. He reaches for a crate full of cans when his eyes meet Carls. “What the fuc-”
Carl opens fire immediately, killing the savior and running towards the edge of the hold. More saviors are standing around the truck, looking up at the young boy in surprise. Carl quickly scans the era but is unable to find the man he’s looking for.
“I only want Negan!” Carl yells at the gathering crowd. “He hurt my sister! No one else needs to die!”
Time seems to stop. Everyone is looking at Carl, no one moving a muscle. The whole place is quiet until a familiar tune makes Carl turn his head. Negan is strutting towards the truck with a big grin on his face, angering Carl even more. He is not scared? Carl takes aim at him, but that doesn’t seem to bother Negan in slightes, his smile only grows.
“Damn, kid.” the head of the Saviors says, walking in between his men, making it impossible for Carl to aim properly. “You are adorable. Did you pick that gun ‘cause it looks cool? You totally did, right?” The boss comes to stop right behind one of his men, using him as a meatshild. “Kid, I ain't gonna lie, you scare the shit outta me.”
While being distracted, one of the saviors takes the chance to tackle Carl down but the boy reacts quickly, shooting the man down. The others jump into action also. Dwight, who was ordered to unload the trucks, grabs Carl's feet, tearing him off the truck. Once on the ground, Dwight disarms him, landing a hard blow on Carl’ chest to immobilize him before taking the rifle and aiming at the boy’s heart. Carl looks up at him with wide open eyes, raising his hands to his head, surrendering. 
“Dwight, back off.” Negan orders, slowly walking up to the two of them. “Is that any way to treat our new guest?” Carl’s staring up at Negan, his chest heaving from rapid breaths. The boy is scared out of his mind. With a smile Negan’s reaching out his hand. “Come on, kid. I'll show you around.”
But Carl doesn’t move. While still fighting for his breath, he keeps staring at Negan. “You know, you do the same damn stink-eye as your dad.” Negan tells him, slowly getting annoyed. “Except yours is only half as good ‘cause, well, you’re missing an eye.”
Carl starts to glare at him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of eliciting a reaction from him.
Negan's smile is slowly fading. “Really, kid?” He asks, the teasing tone in his voice gone. “You really not gonna take my hand? ‘Cause you’re lucky to even still have a hand. A circumstance we can easily change, don’t you think?”
After one final glare, Carl eventually casts his eyes away to the ground, giving in. He reaches out to take Negan's hand, who helps him up onto his feet.
“Ah, smart kid.” Negan chuckles, before turning around to his men. “Dwighty-boy, why don’t you go to the kitchen and do a little prep?” Dwight only nods before disappearing behind the trucks. “New plan, boys”, Negan addresses the remaining men “Let’s burn the dead, unload the trucks after and then restock two of ‘em for later.”
The Saviors get moving and Negan turns back to Carl. “Damn, I got a feeling this is gonna be a long day, kid. I won’t have time to screw any of my wives today.” The comment paired with the shit-eating grin on Negan’s face makes Carl’s blood boil. And just like his father the boy is unable to keep his true emotions from reflecting on his face, amusing Negan to no end. He nods towards the entrance of the building behind them. “Come on.”
Negan takes the lead, but Carl doesn’t move, instead he asks. “What are you gonna do with me?”
The man stops in his tracks, taking a long breath before turning around to face the boy again. After an annoyed sigh, he considers Carl for a moment. Eventually Negan tells him, “Number one, do not shader my image of you. You're a badass, you’re not scared of shit. Don’t be scared of me, it’s a disappointment. Number two-” Negan takes a few steps closer, standing right in front of Carl's face. “You really want me to ruin the surprise?” Carl doesn’t answer, now really pissing Negan off. “Screw you kid.” Negan puts his hand on Carl's shoulder, pushing him forward to get him moving. "Seriously, screw you.”
The both of them go inside the building. Carl takes the chance to look around. The Saviors base seems to be an old factory. From the short glimpse he could get on the truck this place must be huge.
The both of them take a small flight of stairs before stopping in front of two big metal doors. Negan opens one of them and nods at Carl to move inside. He does so a bit hesitant, his eyes not leaving the man. Once the big metal doors close behind them, Negan whispers to Carl. “Check that out.” Before moving on to a balustrade. 
Carl follows carefully, looking down at the level below them. It indeed is a huge place. People are swarming around. They don’t look like the Saviors, none of them carry any weapons or are wearing protective gear. Are they off duty? If so, Negan’s army is even bigger than Rick and the others have ever assumed. 
When a woman spots Negan leaning against the metal, she quickly hushes the people around her and goes down on her knees. Immediately the whole room, busting with noise, goes silent and everyone follows suit, kneeling down. 
Carl can’t help but to frown at that. What are they doing?
Negan casts a quick smile at Carl before talking to his people. “The Saviors have gone out into the world, fought the dead and came back with some really good stuff. Some of that stuff can be yours, if you work hard and-” He pauses to give Carl a quick side eye, “Play by the rules. Today, everybody gets fresh vegetables at dinner, no points needed.” 
Smiles all over the place, some clapping and some thank yous here and there. Carl watches the scene in complete disbelief. Negan turns his back to the people. “You see that?” He asks, grinning slightly. “Respect. Cool, huh? They’re still on their knees.” Negan turns his head, yelling over his shoulder “As you were!”
And the people go on about their day. Carl is unable to look away. What the hell is this place?
Only when Negan calls him, does Carl react and get moving. 
“Alright, kid.” Negan sighs as he leads them through the factory. “I have some business to attend to before we get to your little surprise.” Carl doesn’t like the sound of that. If Negan wants to kill him, why won’t he just finally get it over with? “Since you’re my guest I figure I’ll just drag you along till we get to you.” 
After climbing five more flights of stairs, they’ve reached their destination. This floor looks different from the others, Carl takes a look around while still following Negan. There are plants in every corner, some nice decor here and there, chairs and tables. And a lot of guards. 
“Nice up here, huh?” Negan asks, not looking at Carl. “You might recognize some stuff, some was yours before we got it.” Carl ignores Negan’s teasing, which makes him turn his head. “Oh, come one, kid. Brighten up a little. The best thing about this floor is right around the corner.” 
Carl keeps following Negan and both enter a new room through big wooden doors. Carl is taken aback. The room is full of what must have been crazy expensive furniture back in the day. His eye lands on the five women huddled around each other.
“Ladies,” Negan announces his presents. All heads turn towards them and the women quickly move to different sections of the room. “Don’t mind the kid.” They must be Negan's wives. Carl doesn’t know how to feel about this. The atmosphere in the room is strange. None of them seems to be happy to see them. Their reaction is nothing like he knows from his parents or Y/N with her boyfriend.
“I know.” Negan smiles at the boy, “Hot, huh? They all look like they're doing the books at an auto shop. You wanna look at their titties?” Carl looks at Negan with wide open eyes. “Hey, I won’t mind, they won't mind. Knock yourself out, kid.”
Negan turns his attention to one of the women. “Can I talk to you for a minute, dear wife?”
A woman with auburn hair looks up at him, she pats the blonde next to her on the shoulder with a small smile before standing up. Negan leads her to the bar, leaving Carl standing in the middle of the room. 
To say he feels uncomfortable would be an understatement. While Negan talks to the woman, Carl looks at the other women. They all seem irritated, all but one. The blonde woman sitting alone on a sofa looks like she’s about to cry at any moment. She doesn’t look up from her hands, nervously fidgeting with the jewelry around her fingers. Carl feels sorry for her, something horrible must have happened to put her in such distress.
“Hold that for me, kid.” Negan says, approaching Carl and placing a beer bottle in his hands. “Help yourself, if you want to.” He turns his attention to the woman on the sofa, leaving Carl’s side again.
“Amber, baby,” Negan calls her when sitting down onto the coffee table right in front of her. The woman is shaking like a leaf, not meeting Negnas eyes. “You know I don’t wanna anybody in here who doesn’t wanna be in here, right?”
The woman nods slightly, still looking at her hands. A quiet “Mh-hm.” leaves her lips.
“Mh-hm,” Negan repeats in an almost mocking tone. “So, if you wanna go back to Mark and your mum you can.” He frowns at her. “But what can’t you do?”
The woman takes a deep breath. “Ch… cheat on you-”
“That is-” Negan is only inches away from her face, glaring at her. "Exactly right! You can’t cheat on me.” Amber’s eyes move from Negans back to her hands. Tears start to well in her eyes. Negan doesn’t seem to care. He leans back a little and tells her, “There’s plenty of other gals who would love to take your place and there’s a few job offerings I can think of.”
Negan lets that sink in for a moment, before leaning into her personal space again. “So, Amber, tell me. You wanna go back to Mark and your mum?” There is no response, visibly angering Negan. “Hell, I’ll even put y'all on the same job.”
“No!” Amber’s pleading with him. “No, please. I want to be here. I’ll stay, please. I- I am sorry.”
Negan carefully cups her chin with his hand. “You do know what that means, right?” Amber only starts shaking again, a silent tear falling on her cheek. “You do know what that means, right?”
“I do.” She sobs, “I am so sorry. I love you, Negan.”
“Oh, of course you do, darlin’.” Negan tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I don’t know why you’re crying. It’s all gonna work out easy for you.” After a short glance at Carl, Negan gives Amber a quick kiss on her forehead before standing up again. He can see the kid is troubled about all of this. Good. 
Carl watches Negan making his way back to the woman at the bar he talked to earlier. That’s what Darly and his father were talking about late at night, when they thought the others were sleeping. He’s overheard quite the view conversations. That Negan forces women to be with him, although he never could picture what they’ve meant. Now he does. Negan is using loved ones against them. Is he doing the same thing to his sister? Most likely, she’d do everything for them.
When Negan is kissing the woman at the bar, nausea is hitting Carl like a wave. Why does he have to do all of this? He has five wives, why can’t he leave Y/N alone?
Dwight appears next to him, stopping right at the door. 
When Negan’s done, he throws a dirty smile at Dwight before making his way over to them. “Dwighty, whatcha got for me?”
Dwight’s holding a tray full of bread and fresh fruits and vegetables. Negan takes a toothpick and picks up a piece of what seems to be a strawberry. “Carl,” he says, “You gonna take the tray for me?” The boy quickly places the beer he's been still holding onto a table to take the tray from Dwight. “D, fire up the furnace. We’ll be there in a few. Time for a little déjà vu, huh?” Negan nods at Carl, signaling him to get moving. “Ladies.” The boss takes a last glance at his wives before leaving again.
Negan takes the lead again with Carl following behind. The tray in Carl’s hands is shaking. He is so upset about what he's just seen. Negan frowns at him. “Man, calm down, kid. I can’t hit the olive with the way you’re sha-
“What is Y/N to you?” Carl bursts out loud. “Just another trophy?”
This makes Negan stop walking, his mimic changing grim. “Watch your tongue, small boy. Your sister is my queen and if I had it my way, she'd be sitting on a fucking throne right next to me but since she loves you fuckers so much and declines my offers to come to The Sanctuary, I have get my rocks off somewhere else.”
“You’re absolutely disgusting.” Carl glares at him, unable to hold himself back any longer. “These women don’t love you, no one ever will-”
“Do not make me put this toothpick through the only eye you have.” 
Negan’s towering over Carl and he is dead serious about his threat. Carl endures the glare for a moment longer, before casting his eye down again. 
“From now on you’ll only speak when spoken to. Are we clear?” Carl wonders if he's struck a nerve there. Negan seems to be beyond pissed. “Are we cl-”
“Yes.” Carl finally answers.
After one final warning glare, Negan turns around again. “Good. Come on, I wanna show you something.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“If I find him, I’ll kill him,” you whisper angrily to yourself. You’ve been searching for Carl the whole morning , asking everyone in your path if they've seen him, only to always get the same answer: no.
When you see Olivia at the pantry, you yell over the street, “Liv, have you seen my brother?”
The other woman turns around, shaking her head. “No, I am sorry.” 
You can’t help but to groan in annoyance. “Fuck.” Where the hell can he be? This is not normal for Carl, he always informs somebody about his whereabouts.
“Oh, Y/N?” Oliva calls, “We still have to go through Michonne’s findings from yesterday. We’ve stored them in the severs for now. Are you free this afternoon?”
“Sure thing.” You tell her, already moving on to go back up the street, hoping to find the boy may be at the gardens, “Come see me later.” 
When you cross the street to reach the gardens, you hear your name being called. You turn around to find Spencer running towards you. Perfect, just what you needed right now. “Hey, Y/N!” You slow down, waiting for him to catch up on you. Once at your side, he smiles at you. “You look pretty today.”
"Thanks, Spencer.” You force yourself to smile at him. Compliments from him always have a weird taste to them.
His own smile grows a bit, “I mean, you do look pretty everyday, just-”
“Spencer.” You interrupt his rambling, already annoyed. “What do you want?”
Spencer's smile suddenly vanishes. His eyes wander around, making sure no one is eavesdropping. “I gotta talk with you. ‘Bout Rick.”
You frown at him, already not liking where this is going. “What about him?”
He lets out a sigh before quietly stating. “You know, he’s gonna get us all killed, right? If he already thought about attacking Negan again, there is nothing we can say or do to stop him from doing that. You know that.”
You do and you hate to agree with him on that one. “And what do you want from me?”
Spencer takes a step closer to you, whispering. “I want you to work with me. I think together we would be better leaders than your father.” What now? You just stare at him, lost for words. “You’re obviously willing to make sacrifices for our survival and I am good with people. I think-”
“You don’t think and that’s the problem.” You hiss, aggravated by his talk. 
“Hey, I know you don’t want to hear this, okay?” Spencer’s holding up his hands, trying to calm you down again. “But you, out of everyone, know best that his decisions are rarely the best ones. You’ve lost your previous home because of him and now we all could be losing Alexandria, if we don’t do something about it.”
You take a deep breath, trying to keep your anger in check. “You’ve never lived outside these walls since the dead started walking. What the hell makes you believe you could make better decisions than him? You don’t know shit-”
“That's why I need you.” He states, “I might be lacking the knowledge of the world outside, but you have plenty of experience. We’d complement each other.”
“Spencer, I am this close to expl-”
“Y/N. come on.” He sighs. “Be honest, do you think the way he’s handling the situation with the Saviors is how things are supposed to go?” You bite your cheeks. Spencer does have a point. “You know, my mum was a good leader and I as her son would be that, too.” You just shake your head in disbelief, this man is delusional. “I know, Rick teached you a lot of skills as well and you are smart and dedicated. I mean, your arrangement with Negan shows that you are willing to do what it takes to survive.” 
That's it! You storm towards him, stopping right in front of his face. “You don’t know shit about me and Negan, nor my father. Now listen carefully.” You stare him down, anger making your hands tremble. “My father got us through four fucking hard years outside of Alexandira. We wouldn’t be alive today if not for him. He made mistakes on our way and people died, yes, but never ever will I or you be able to replace him as a leader.” 
“Y/N, please. I’m just saying-”
“If I hear you plotting against him one more time, exile will be my least concern.” 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Negan opens up another door, waving Carl inside. The boy walks into what seems to be Negan's private quarters. Just like every other room on this floor, this one, too, is furnished with expensive stuff with decor and clutter everywhere. But Carl doesn't pay much attention to it, he is still trying to process what has just happened. Nausea is still making his stomach churn. Negan just melted someone's face with an iron. It was so awful to watch and he’s sure he won’t forget the smell anytime soon.
“Sit.” Negan points at one of the armchairs. Carl silently does as he’s been told to, while Negan sits down on the sofa across from him, folding his hands. “Well, let's get started."
“Started on what?”
“Hm, work it out.” Negan shrugs with his shoulders. “You’re smart, kid. In fact, I’m gonna tell you how smart you are in case you don’t already know. You see, I’d expect kids your age to be mopin’ around, not doing shit except crying about missing the prom. But you?” Negan points at Carl for a second. “You go out on a mission. You find me, you kill two of my men and you’re smart enough to know that I won’t let that slide.”
Carl starts to get nervous. What’s he going to do with him? Melt his face, too? Shot him, get Lucille?
Negan chuckles suddenly. “Oh, man. I can’t. It’s like talking to a birthday present. You gotta take that crap off your face. I wanna see what grandma got me.”
His bandages? Absolutely not. Carl shakes his head. “No-”
“Two men!” Negan yells. “Punishment. You really wanna piss me off?”
Afraid of Negan’s threats, Carl obeys eventually. He takes off his hat, before removing the bandages around his head. When he’s removed them all, he looks up at Negan again.
“Jesus Christ,” Negan chuckles. “That shit’s nasty! I can see your fucking socket.” He leans forward to take it all in. “Damn, kid. How did that happen?”
“Why do you care?”
“For shits and giggles.” Negan mocks. “Now tell me.” Carl’s fidgeting with the bandages in his hand, unwilling to tell what happened. “Speak up, kid.”
Carl's gaze wanders to the floor again. “Someone wanted to shoot my father but got distracted and hit me instead.”
Negan’s eyebrows rise up at that. “Really?” Carl nods in conformation. “Damn.” Negan leans back into the cushions of the sofa. “Your dad really has a knack for pissing people off. Really sucks that he’s dragging his kids into the mess all the time.”
“Can… Can I wrap it up again?” Carl asks carefully.
“Oh, you absolutely cannot.” Negan dismisses his question.
“Why the hell not?”
Negan has to smile at Carl’s anger. “Look at this badass. You can’t because I am not done with you. I like looking at your disgusting bad ass, rad ass eye, so it’s staying out.” Carl is visibly upset and holding himself back. “What? You got something to say?”
They boy thinks about saying something and eventually he asks. “Why haven't you killed me, or my Dad, Daryl, Y/N?”
“Hm,” Negan rests his feet on the coffee table, “Your dad, as annoying as he is, gets shit for me, so there is that. Daryl will make a good soldier for me, we were close to breaking him before we brought him back to Alexandria. Y/N, well, she is the only useful person in your damned community. She was quite disobedient in the beginning , true, but I think we’ve figured that out.”
Carl narrows his eye at that but keeps his mouth shut.
“You on the other hand? Well, we shall see.” Negan removes his feet from the table, moving to rest his arms on his knees. “It’s more productive to break you, more fun, too. You’re a smart kid, Carl. You know I can’t let you go, so…”
Carl keeps playing with the bandages, not meeting Negan's eyes.
“Should I kill you? Or iron your face? Maybe chop off an arm? Tell me, Carl. What do you think?”
Carl throws his bandages to the side, standing up and sneering at the man in front of him, “I think you should jump out of the window and save me the trouble of killing you.”
Negan lets out a whistle “Now there is the kid that impressed the shit out of me.”
With a narrowed eye, Carl tells him. “You won’t tell me what you’ll be doing to be because you won’t do anything to me.”
Negan huffs a laugh, “And why’s that?”
“Because Y/N would kill you.” That statement wipes the smile from Negan’s face. “She’d find you and she’d kill you if you’d kill any of us. That's why we're still alive. If you knew us, if you knew anything you would kill us but you can’t.”
“Wow.” Negan looks at Carl in awe. “Huh. Maybe your right. Maybe I can't." After a short moment, the boss stands up himself, moving past the boy to pick up Lucille from his desk. “Let’s go for a ride, kid."
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Chapter Index:
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3
Masterlist /Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
Taglist: @starry-night-20 / @joceymoo / @srhxpci / @ladykxxx08 / @sunneeflower / @frombloodandflesh / @lanamiller / @fanfic-n-tabulous
186 notes · View notes
orcaofmyheart99 · 1 year
Falling for You
also on ao3
Starts right after Jim moves to Stamford, Gay Witch Hunt.
Jim had moved to Stamford. After his kiss with Pam he had to move. The thought of kissing her but never being able to again was driving him made. Jim had to move away. He had lost all appetite and the will to live. 
After moving to Stamford, Jim felt out of place. It was a very different environment and it wasn’t the same without Pam. However, Jim was slowly getting the hang of the new office. There were no distractions since Michael and Dwight didn’t work there. Although there was still one employee who annoyed Jim a lot. This employee was named Andy and he only called Jim, Big Tuna.
There was a good-looking woman who also worked at the new office. Her name was Karen  Filippelli. She was completely different from Pam, but Jim still thought that she was pretty.
Pam P.O.V.
After Jim and I kissed at Casino Night, he left for Stamford. I didn’t even get to say goodbye. I don’t know what I would have said to him though. A week later I called off the wedding to Roy finally realizing that I was not in love with Jim and was simply settling. I miss Jim a lot, but I know it's for the best that he left. Maybe in another lifetime we will be together. 
Jim P.O.V. 
I kissed Pam on Casino Night. I will never forget it. After I confessed my love, she turned me down. I knew I had to leave. I like Stamford well enough. It's weird being with people who are “normal”. I miss my old coworkers. Including Dwight which is weird. 
Karen P.O.V.
I don’t know how well Jim is fitting in here. He keeps looking at the camera like he is talking to someone. It's weird. He is kind of cute though but also kind of a kiss ass. 
Some time passes...Pam has already gone on her date, and Diwali has already happened.
It was the night of Diwali. Andy, Karen, and Jim were working late.
Karen P.O.V.
Andy keeps singing. Oh My God!!!! So annoying. Now Jim has joined him. Yikes. Both of them are drunk. Finally, we are almost done. Andy decided to stay here, but Jim was going to ride his bike home. But he is too drunk. I decided to give him a ride home.
Pam P.O.V.
Diwali was pretty fun. Besides Michael proposing which was pretty awkward and terrible. I texted Jim about it and how I wish he was here...But he didn’t respond. The night ended with Michael trying to kiss me and me having to give him a ride to his house. 
The office just heard a rumor about downsizing. Jim and Karen are dating
Pam P.O.V.
Michael just let it slip that the Scranton branch might be closing forever, and we all might be out of jobs or get transferred. It is kind of a blessing in disguise. I could take some time off and work on my art.
Jim P.O.V.
A rumor is going around that the Scranton branch might be closing and some people might be transferred. 
Karen P.O.V.
The Scranton branch might be closing. I can tell Jim is stressed. We started dating after I gave him a ride home that one night so I can tell when he is stressed. 
Pam P.O.V.
Michael and Dwight just left to go and try to convince corporate that we shouldn’t be shut down. Everyone here is really tense because we really don’t know what will happen.
Jim P.O.V.
Well, Josh just took an offer from another company and now it looks like our branch will be downsized. Jan said that I have a position at Scranton if I want it. I really don’t want to go back there, even though I am now with Karen. 
Karen P.O.V.
It looks like Stamford will be downsized. I am not sure if I will have a job there. If I do I don’t know if I will take it. Jim and I have been dating almost a month and it is going well. I feel like I might follow him to Scranton. 
Pam P.O.V.
It turns out that Stamford is being downsized and not us. We don’t know who will be transferred here.
Stamford is closed and some of the employees have transferred. 
Pam P.O.V.
Today the Stamford people will be coming. Jim is one of them. I am looking forward to seeing him again and meeting the new people.
Jim P.O.V.
I am looking forward to seeing my old coworkers but I am afraid that it will be awkward with Pam.
Michael has shown the video.
Karen P.O.V.
I am not sure about this place. Everyone is nice enough but the boss is totally out of line. 
Fast forward. Karen has found out about Jim still having feelings for Pam.
Karen P.O.V.
I just found out that my boyfriend still has feelings for this other girl. What the hell. Why didn’t he tell me?!
Karen and Pam Talking
Karen “Pam. can I ask you something?” 
Pam “Sure.”
Karen: “Jim told me about your little kiss, do you still have feelings for him still?”
Pam: “What? No. No. You are with Jim. I am not. No, I don’t have feelings for him anymore.”
Pam P.O.V.
I just lied to Karen. I still have feelings towards Jim in some way.
Karen P.O.V.
I feel like Pam lied to me.
Fast forward. Roy has attacked Jim.
Pam P.O.V.
Roy came into the office this afternoon. He tried to punch Jim and shoved Karen to the ground by accident. 
Karen P.O.V.
Holy crap. That was terrifying. Some guy who I guess is Pam’s ex came in and attacked Jim. Thank God Dwight was there.
Pam: “Jim I am so so sorry about Roy. I never thought about what he would do.”
Jim: “It’s fine. Although I don’t know why you wouldn’t expect Roy to do something like this.”
Pam: “Well this time it's definitely over.”
Jim: “I wouldn't bet on that…”
Pam goes up to Karen later
Pam “Karen I am really sorry about what happened.”
Karen “Really? You told your ex that you kissed Jim a week before your wedding. If I was him I would be angry too. I mean who kisses someone else a week before their wedding? And why did you lie to me about still liking Jim? I mean wow Pam.”
Pam: “I am sorry, Karen. I still did like Jim but those feelings have gone away. Anyways he  doesn’t like me anymore.”
Karen: “I would like to talk about this further. Do you want to meet for drinks?”
Pam: “Sure, I guess.”
Pam P.O.V.
I am meeting Karen for drinks. She wants to talk about what happened today. I guess it's a good thing to talk it out. 
Karen P.O.V.
I feel like I need to talk to Pam. I feel like she is going to ruin my relationship with Jim. 
Pam and Karen meet at poor Richards
Karen: “Hey what's your drink?”
Pam: “I like a bud light please.”
Karen: “A beer drinker huh?”
Pam: “Well Roy didn’t have very refined taste so that's what we mostly had in the house.”
Karen: “well I can appreciate a good beer.”
Pam: “So what do you want to talk about?”
Karen: “well, I just feel like I need to be honest with you. I feel like you might ruin my relationship with Jim. Jim didn’t tell me about liking you or kissing you. You claim that you don’t like him anymore, but I don’t really trust that.”
Pam: “I am sorry that I might ruin your relationship. But I really don’t have feelings for him anymore. I respect your relationship and I would never ruin it.”
Karen: “Ok, thanks for saying that.”
Pam looks down at her drink
Pam: “I can see why Jim likes you. You go after what you want.”
Karen: “well I am driven.”
Pam: “I wish I could be like that. I was with Roy so long I kind of lost my identity. I always let people walk over me. I wish I had a strong personality like you.”
Karen: “Well it takes time to develop it. You will, trust me. You just have to take risks. I took a risk moving here.”
Pam and Karen continued drinking. Pam began to get silly and went up on stage and sang karaoke. Karen began to laugh. Pam returned to her seat, Karen was smiling.
Karen: “See that took courage.”
Pam: “Well the alcohol helped. I haven’t hung out with someone in a really long time. I am glad we could talk this out.”
Karen: “Me too. See you tomorrow?”
Pam: “See ya.”
Karen P.O.V.
It was pretty fun talking to Pam. I am glad we straighten things out.
Pam P.O.V.
I feel relieved that Karen and I could clear things up. 
A week later Pam and Karen went out again. They were both drinking and laughing.
Karen: “I can see why Jim liked you. You are funny once you are out of your shell.”
Pam: “And I can see why Jim likes you. You are pretty and outgoing. And entertaining.”
Pam suddenly falls off the stool.
Karen: “Oh my God Pam. You are really really drunk.” Karen laughs “You need to get home. I’ll drive you.”
Pam: “Finneee, but I am having fun.” 
Karen helps Pam into her car and drives Pam home. Pam is still really tipsy but Pam is able to help her into the house. 
Pam P.O.V.
I have a really bad headache. I remember going out drinking with Karen but not much more after that. Karen is knocking at my door.
Karen P.O.V.
It was fun hanging out with Pam again. We are beginning to become friends
Karen: “Hey Pam, open the door. Your car needs to be picked up before it is towed.”
Pam answers the door looking like Hell. “Oh hey Karen...My car...oh yeah. Let me change. You can come in.”
Pam is dressed and ready in 10 minutes still looking bad. 
Karen and Pam drive to Poor Richards. Pam gets into her car.
Pam: “Hey Karen, you can come over and hang out if you want. I'm not doing anything today, and I know Saturdays are Jim’s poker games.”
Karen: “Sure sounds like fun.”
Pam and Karen drive back to Pam’s house.
Pam gets back into her pajamas. It is raining, so Pam and Karen decide to watch movies.
Pam: “So which movie do you want to watch? I got a lot of Disney movies.”
Karen: “Well, I always enjoy Frozen, the first one.”
Pam: “Me too!”
Karen and Pam start to watch Frozen. They both sit on Pam’s couch. Pam is starting to feel a little better. Pam went into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate. 
Karen “OOOhhh yum hot chocolate and with marshmallows and whipped cream? How did you know?”
Pam: “Just a hunch.” pam giggled.
Pam and Karen continued watching Frozen and drinking their hot chocolate. 
Pam “Karen, would you like a fuzzy blanket? We can share this one if you want.”
Karen “Sure, I was getting kind of cold.”
Pam and Karen scoot closer to each other in order to share the blanket. 
Karen P.O.V.
Pam is kind of cute. I don’t know why I am thinking this. Things with Jim have been kind of weird. I feel like he kind of used me. I have been having fun hanging out with Pam. She is pretty funny and sweet.
Pam P.O.V.
Karen has been looking at me weirdly lately. Well, I have been looking at her a lot too. I have never really appreciated a woman's beauty but Karen is breathtaking. Anyone could see it. 
Karen scoots closer to Pam. Pam slides closer as well.
Pam suddenly leans in and puts her head on Karen's shoulder. Karen smiles and wraps her arm around Pam. Karen thought she was in love with Jim, but it turns out she had been falling for Pam all along and had finally given in. 
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nursc · 9 months
christmas is a time of joy. a season brimming with celebrations, cheesy family celebrations she swears she’ll never do again, only to fall into the same routine the next year, feeling the holiday wouldn’t be complete without it. it’s a time for building gingerbread houses, overindulging until her fingers turn sticky. without fail, it is her favorite time of the year — come november, blue eyes gain a permanent twinkle, her already bright features sparkling as she plots and plans.
gifts for her friends. warm, cozy meals that’ll remind people of home. she sets aside a day for baking, calling her mom over subspace as they sing the same old songs, and make the perfect christmas cookies.
it is also a time for breaking the rules. people gossip during shifts. they exchange gifts on the bridge, and hang mistletoe on the doors, despite number one sending several reminders that the latter is not appropriate in a work enviourment.
so far, she's been caught seven times under it.
six of those with dwight.
( out of respect, and a healthy amount of fear, christine kissed una's cheek )
but with dwight... she's been more adventurous. indulging in what she doesn't allow herself to think about during the rest of the year, crowding him against the wall, nipping at his chin playfully as she teases him about him plotting this, kissing him like she has all the time in the world.
the seventh time happened after their shift. the determined ensign who has been able to evade security section's detective skills so far put up a garland by the door, the red plant cheekily smiling from on top of it. it's been taunting her since she walked in. each time someone walks through the door, it drew her eye, which then immediately skirted towards dwight, drawn to him like a magnet as she imagined them kissing in the middle of sickbay.
kissing him in sickbay has been a... recurring dream of hers.
padd in hand, she took a final lap around the room, small smile forming upon her features when she finds him between the other doctors. handsome, distractingly handsome. the white lights which don’t flatter anyone highlight the strands of light blonde on top of his head, the dimple which forms on his cheek when he laughs; and there is that smile. she understands the description of angels when he smiles, so blazingly beautiful you have to look away.
and look away she did.
pleased that everything was in order, she set the padd down, grabbed a file she wanted to look over after dinner to distract him from unwanted thoughts, and waved goodbye to m'benga before she did something she might regret. like wait for him to leave to start as well, so she could catch him under the mistletoe ( as she did tuesday at the bar ). or grab him by the arm so they'd leave together ( thursday, gym ).
only... she might not have been the one paying attention. when she gets to the door, she feels another's presence behind her, and she doesn't need to turn to see who it is. christine recognized his presence, she'd know him blind, the way he smelled after a shift, his breath against her neck. she knew dwight as well as she knew herself, which is why she knows this is not an accident.
none of those six times were an accident.
they are playing a game with no victors or losers. they only keep things at the same tortuous level.
❛⠀ if i didn't know any better,⠀ ❜⠀ she says, when the doors close behind them, thankful the corridor is empty and they have a modicum of privacy,⠀ ❛⠀ i'd say you planned this, mr. enys.⠀ ❜⠀ murmur is playful, teasing. a breath of spring in their winter-obsessed starship. she turns and looks at him, eyes peaking between her lashes, daring a step closer to him.⠀ ❛⠀ you know, i've been blaming the andorian ensign this entire time in my head, but i'm starting to think you are the mastermind behind all of this.⠀ ❜
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smile grows, cheeks full. she wants to eat him up. she wants to kiss him every day, not just when they have an excuse.⠀ ❛⠀ you can tell me.⠀ ❜
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Good afternoon, I’m back on my bullshit. Here’s a DBD insert to knock off the ol’ cobwebs. I’ll probably be trying to write more nowadays, for other fandoms I’m into, just to practice writing more regularly.
Down Time
Your scrambled off your hands and knees as you spotted a locker behind you. Cursing to yourself you do your best not to squeak the hinges as the heartbeat ringing in your ears got louder.
“This motherfucker gets faster and faster every time I see him,” you think to yourself as you see the Hillbilly and his crooked gait shamble by. Steadying your breath you ease out of the locker and start heading back to the generator you were working on. At least, you think so? You all have been running this whole match it seems, it’s getting hard to tell. Jane and Kate and their nerves of steel finishing a generator as Dwight and you zoom by with the Hillbilly hot on your heels.
Giving up, you found another generator, thankful for the action happening…elsewhere. For the time being. As much as you’d think having a killer hunt you down would keep you focused, you’ve been drifting in the brief moments of downtime. The thirty seconds of silence working on a generator without your fingers shaking, or the hurried footsteps of a survivor trying to do just that, survive. In your downtime however,
the look on Dwights face this trial has kept you distracted. It’s been hard trying to put a finger on what’s changed exactly. Coming into the entity’s domain after many had been established had you hitting the ground running, but you got the hang of it soon enough. And soon, you and Dwight had fallen into quite the pair, using some tricks Bill taught you two to make yourselves quite the escape artists. But Bill, as well as everyone else, spoke of Dwight as a meek, skittish guy that you didn’t seem to know. And weren’t sure existed. Well, not anymore at least. All you knew was the man with the the begrudging determination, the blood and dirt in his teeth as he pulled you off of countless hooks telling you the doors open, get out of here, his strong hands wrapping bandage after bandage over your wounds, the steady cadence of his run behind you as you….
“Oh fuck!” You exclaimed, feeling the metal slip in your hands and catching it right before it exploded. “Don’t fucking scare me like that!” You hissed, wanting to hit him, if you weren’t so close to finishing this generator. Dwight gave you a small smile as he settled in on the other side of you to help. “Usually you hear me way before you see me, you feeling alright?”
“Yeah, just a little distracted is all.” You say with a small chuckle. You both proceed to fall into the easy silence you usually do as you work together. A comfortable but nervous space, especially right now as you’re praying he doesn’t have the ability to read minds. But it did kind of work like osmosis, being able to know which direction to head towards without communicating, healing each other without asking, etc. Although you do catch a glance from him, as if he’s searching your face for something as the air horn lets you all know it’s time to leave. You both stand and look towards the distance. “Doors this way, I think he’s still chasing Kate, you ready?” He asked, putting a hand on your shoulder as he nodded in the direction. You nodded, fingers grazing his before both of you started off in a jog towards the doors. The usual adrenaline fills you as you all start your exit maneuvers, but also something else. Jane gets downed, you distract as Dwight and Kate try to get her up, no time, body block a hit for the last of her healing, a collective sprint towards the gate. Even in the throes of fighting for your collective lives you can’t help but notice the veins in his forearms as he pulls his fellow teammates along. His almost, aggressiveness as he shouts, curses at the killer, encouragement for the survivors. You take a hammer to the back as you fall into the ether of the gate, a hand grabbing you to ensure you make it out right as darkness consumes you.
You awake some time later at the fire, hard to tell nowadays, unharmed physically but still exhausted from the trial. Stirring as you hear his voice from across the fire, “Good morning, Sunshine.” You smile as you rub your eyes and focus on him. You’re a little surprised to see that you’re the only ones around the fire. “Jane and Kate are in a trial, everyone else is asleep or with Claudette looking for, uh, whatever herbs she’s looking for lately.”
“Sure.” You reply, searching to see if Bill left any of his smokes around. Nicotine buzzes didn’t exist within the Entity, but the thought was usually enough. After a few minutes however, you felt a hand at yours, and looked at him. That same searching look, this time followed with, “You should answer my question, for real sometime.” Taking a seat next to him, you forced yourself to look back, split between wanting to comfort him and wanting to hide in the nearest shack.
“We usually have a better. Rapport I guess. During the trials. N-not that you’ve been doing bad!” He says, shaking his hands in defense. “I just worry about you sometimes. And I … wanted to ask. Figured it’d be better than waiting.”
You exhale the breath you didn’t know you were holding, and some of the stress you were holding as well. “I’m fine Dwight. Really. I’ve just been, daydreaming a little bit, lately.” You retract your hand from his and twiddle your fingers to dissipate some of the tension. “I just … it’s dumb. I know there’s not a lot to hope for here but it’s nice to, kind of wonder what other stuff would be like, with people, you know? And it passes the time and I, it’s not worth mentioning so I’m not …”
As you stumble over your non-answer, Dwight was taken aback by your indecision and nervousness. It was almost funny, if he hadn’t thought about if this is what people heard when they asked him questions. But he never felt more certain in a decision than in this moment, it wasn’t a bet he was willing to lose to himself. He wouldn’t let you, his one bit of solace in this place, slip through his fingers. Your breath caught in your throat as you felt his hand cup your jaw, ever so gently, and kiss you. First gently, tentatively. Then with more certainty. You put a hand on his chest as he cradled your face with both hands, like he hadn’t felt anything so real, so tangible in his life.
You broke as you heard the rustling in the trees of the group returning, out of breath and warm in the face. When’s the last time you were this hot? Everything’s been so cold? Chest heaving slightly, you were eventually broken apart, Claudette asking you to help craft some tinctures for health kits and David asking Dwight to come look at a weird shack in the woods. You take a last look at Dwight, forcing your high beam smile down to a normal, not weird at all grin and waving a small goodbye. He gave a small wave back and started in a small run to catch up with David, fighting a smile but unable to fight the absolute bounce in his step as he started away.
You didn’t hear Claudette as she tried to tell you the locations of the pustulas, and you certainly didn’t hear the footsteps behind you as you felt a hand turn you around and the kiss at your lips. And surely didn’t hear Claudettes gasp, or David’s yell in the distance. What you did hear, as Dwight pulled back just a little, lips only an inch away, say “I forgot to tell you, I’ll see you later.”
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k1ng-for-a-day · 4 years
Hello!!! I was wondering if you have any fluffy relationship headcanons for Danny Johnson (Ghostface), plz? Thank you.
Also (F/S) means favorite survivor!
A fluff relationship with Danny.... hmm... I’ll feature survivor since I think that would be fun.
🩸💔When you first encountered Ghostface, you were scared to say the least. From what you heard from your other team members he is known for being very, very stealthy, and will do anything to catch his prey. Nevertheless you had to put on a straight face before entering this hell hole.
🩸💔As you almost complete your Gen, you heard a very strange noise. It was like wind blowing against a bush, but everything was still. Nothing was out of the ordinary; so it seemed. You decided to check the area around you in order to remain ‘stable’. Though you were absolutely terrified of this killer, looking around shouldn’t be a bad idea... right? It would definitely eliminate the chances of sudden death, (and possibly relief your stress), but is it truly worth it?
🩸💔Upon further inspection there was absolutely nothing. Everything was fine, except that your generator was lower than last time. Wait... how is it lower? There was no one around from what you could tell, so how did this even happen? Maybe it was because of hex ruin, but you even checked if that was the case before doing the Gen. it must mean one thing; he’s here. He must be staring at you right now.
🩸💔With this realization in your head, you decided to hide somewhere near that area. What you wanted to do is wait until he lost interest to do it again. Your other teammates had already completed a Gen, but strangely enough none of them were getting hurt. It was immensely strange, unusual, and very intriguing. You decided to go back to your generator, and finally complete it. Two gens were finally completed, but no killer; Or so you thought.
🩸💔Suddenly, there came a noise in the distance. You jumped a bit, and slowly walked away from it. The more you walk away, the louder it got. You ran to the other direction, but it was still getting louder. You kept looking behind you, searching around the area, hiding in lockers, and hell you even screamed a bit, but there was no Ghostface. Nothing at all. At this point you were... confused to say the least. You decided to see if your teammates were doing alright, and your eyes beamed opened. Everyone of them were on a hook besides you. Somehow you were alive throughout this torment, while the others were being chased. It was strange how he kept you alive to begin with.
🩸💔You decided to unhook your teammates, heal them, and attempt to get some gens done before Ghostface would catch up to you. You checked if your teammates were alright, and they seemed to be fine- ‘wait... what is that heart beat? Aren’t I working with someone?’ You thought for a quick minute, and turned around slowly. There was nothing. You check the opposite side of the Gen, and there he was. Ghostface was staring right at you, probably smirking underneath his mask. You screamed.
🩸💔You quickly got off the Gen, and sprinted as fast as you could! You stared behind you, noting how close he was, and attempted to loop him as much as possible! You tried to distract him as much as you can, while noting how well the others were doing, but you were becoming weak! Your legs were becoming tired, and you were running out of breath. For a good 10 minutes you and Ghostface were at each other’s necks! Until you vaulted.
🩸💔At that single vault he picked you up gently. He put you on his shoulders and carried you to presumably a hook. You attempted to wiggle your way out, trying to find a branch or something to help you escape, but to no avail. You were helpless. There was nothing you could do. Fortunately, a teammate of yours were able to shine a flashlight at the killer, causing him to drop you instantly! You quickly ran away from him again, and he stared back at you with a possible frustrated glint.
🩸💔After a while you checked to see how many gens were done and there was one more to be completed. Strangely enough two people had died already, and one of them was about to be hooked. Sadly you were on the opposite side of the map, which made it difficult to save him. It was his last hook anyway. Now it was up to you to live through this nightmare, but why did it have to be you? How were you going to live through this? Questions like these spiraled around your brain for a moment, but you had to do something. You needed to escape quickly before he comes...
🩸💔You slowly removed yourself off the Gen you were working on, and attempted to find the hatch. Unfortunately enough the figure you implored not to see was right there standing on the hatch. He stared at you with a teasing glint, and was about to close it. You quivered, slowly approaching him, and tearing up. You didn’t know what to do at all. Everything you did for this team was for nothing. You put your fucking life into it while the others were doing nothing. But was it even worth it? Was all that hard work worth the punishment? What were you even living for? It certainly wasn’t for Ghostface, nor was it for yourself. You might as well give yourself to him and let him take it.
🩸💔Oddly enough he didn’t kill you. Instead he slashed you to the ground, picked you up, and spun around. It was really strange, but you didn’t mind. It was kinda fun to spin around until you were a bit dizzy.
🩸💔After that fun little moment of his, he finally spoke to you, “I finally caught you! You’re all mine!” He giggled childishly, and you kinda laughed along with him. Mainly you were a bit terrified of being slaughtered, but that wasn’t his intentions currently. He was just happy.
🩸💔”You looked so terrified dear! I kinda feel pity. But don’t worry, I’ll give it to you. You can have the hatch.” He said in a cheerful tone, and took a quick photo of you. It was weird how he quickly pulled it out just for you, but you didn’t mind. You quickly went through the hatch, but would regret it later on.
🩸💔Once you returned to the lobby, you decided to talk to your fellow survivors. Your friend group consisted of Claudette, Steve, Feng, Dwight, Felix, and (F/S). When you told them about what happened, they were all immensely shocked. They even thought you were joking. Usually Ghostface is such a terrifying killer, and him just sparing you like that? Unbelievable. However, one of your friends did believe you, and that was (F/S). They were completely convinced about it, and tried to even convince the others. The only one that was somewhat naive to believe this was Claudette, however Dwight convinced her that this HAD to be false. Steve and Felix were quiet, (and probably overthinking), and Feng was rolling your eyes at you.
🩸💔Later on Claudette, (F/S), and Dwight decided to join a match with you, however it wasn’t that fun. You didn’t see Ghostface and there was an insane Michael Myers after you. How great....
🩸💔In the end, you lost the match. It was really, really awful. When you told Felix and Feng about it, they felt empathy towards you. Hell Feng tried to teach you some new tricks, and Felix decided to give you a flashlight for your effort. He also tried to teach you one of his perks, however that didn’t go so well...
🩸💔You decided to go into another match with Felix, Steve, and Feng in order to find Ghostface. Again you were set with another killer; the pig. She was somewhat annoying, however you got used to it after a while. Her patterns were somewhat repetitive, and overall the match became simple.
🩸💔This repetitive joining matches, being disappointed, and ending up ranting to your teammates kept repeating on and on. It was getting annoying. And finally there was one last match. This had to be the luckiest one.
🩸💔The people with you were Felix, Dwight, and (F/S). Strangely enough (F/S) seemed more nervous than usual. They had some sort of warm blush on them, while the other two were simply talking calmly. You notice their blush and went up to them, trying to see what was going on with them. They stared at you and smiled. You asked, “are you ok? You scared?” but they didn’t say anything. They just smiled and chuckled a bit. Was there something on you? Then they replied, “Y-yeah I’m fine. It’s just somethings on my mi-“ suddenly the match was about to load. You could feel a cold shiver down your spine, and that sudden cliffhanger made you subtly intrigued.
🩸💔Luckily someone must’ve put in shroud of union because you were with (F/S). They slowly went up to you with that cute blushing face of theirs and spoke, “Hey S/O... I wanted to tell you this for a while, and it’s really hard to say this but,” they paused for a bit, “I like you a lot.”
🩸💔You blushed at that sudden confession. Where did this even come from?! How long did they have these feelings for?! Nevertheless you decided to stay quiet, practically stunned, and shook your head.
🩸💔You finally spoke, “well I...um...” you said nervously, but then you heard a slight vault. No, not a slight vault; a rush. The killer was near.
🩸💔”We have to get out of here now!” (F/S screamed, and you two quickly ran. Suddenly you saw Felix and Dwight making out completing a generator and you look behind you. There he was; Ghostface in his full form.
🩸💔As (F/S) ran for there life instead of protecting you, you stared back at Ghostface and decided to loop him for a bit. It lasted for about five minutes until you tripped on something. And he caught you right then and there.
🩸💔”Who was that person you were with? I heard what you two were doing....” he spoke in a very furious tone. It was strange since you only saw him once.
🩸💔”S-stalker,” you said accidentally, “why does it matter? They’re just my friend anyway.” He stared at you again, putting his knife against your throat and chuckling deviantly.
🩸💔”It’s so unfortunate that you’re my obsession, and that I could kill you right here right now,” he warned, “but your lucky I’m nice for today. I’ll let you go if you decline that dumbass love interest of yours.” Within his speech, you could sense a heap of fear lurking on your throat. You didn’t know what to do but oblige.
🩸💔As you tried to find (F/S), you spotted Felix opening a chest. Classic Felix, never change. You went up to him and asked if he saw (F/S) and he replied with a somewhat joyful response, “Actually yeah I did. They’re with Dwight right now working on a generator... I hope...”
🩸💔”Thank you Felix.” You bowed and left to find (F/S). Suddenly you heard talking from both of them, which was... strange. You slowly eavesdropped on them only to find (F/S) and Dwight having some sort of... fun...
🩸💔”(F/S) what the hell?! I thought you liked me!” You screamed out, and they stared at you guiltily. “Well, you didn’t say yes or no so...”
🩸💔”That’s no fucking excuse for your actions. You know what? No. I’m not accepting your confession. Hell Dwight, I thought you were better than this!” You yelled and quickly ran out of the area.
🩸💔Felix saw you running, and so did your biggest enemy...
🩸💔As you ran away, you could hear someone approaching you, but you were afraid of who it was. You took a peak and saw none other than Ghostface. Felix was about to approach you, but saw him in front of you. He was shaking from a distance.
🩸💔”So, you must’ve said no Hmm..? Good child. You deserve a treat.” The masked figure flirted. “Y’know, I think I want (F/S) to be camped. Hell, even moriied.” You told him straight to his face. He seem to smile under the mask and nod along. Hell he was even clapping. “Good good! I’m so glad! I’ll deliver your request in no time-“ you stared at him and spoke, “before you do, what’s your name?”
🩸💔”M-my name?” He asked, and looked around for any survivors. Felix was hiding behind a bush. Luckily Ghostface was smarter than to say his first name. “My name is Danny. Nice to meet you...”
🩸💔You replied, “S/O. Nice to meet you as well.”
🩸💔Felix then slowly walked out of his hiding place, and decided to keep quiet about what he heard. Once Danny was gone, he went up to you.
🩸💔”S-so how was (F/S) and Dwight..?” He asked. “Oh,” you spoke, “they were having some type of “fun” without us.”
🩸💔Felix raised his eyebrow and spoke again, “What do you mean by fun..?”
🩸💔”Well, (F/S) confessed to me, and then Dwight and them did things...”
🩸💔”That is such a bitchy move. I-I’m so sorry.”
🩸💔”Don’t worry. I’ll get my revenge, and maybe you can help my little technician.” You winked and told him the plan.
🩸💔Once you and Felix found the perfect Gen, you lure Dwight and (F/S) to it. As you were doing the generator, Felix ‘accidentally’ messed up, and you two went out of the area. You waited till Ghostface approached them with his stalking abilities and strike! They were both down within seconds!
🩸💔He then hooked them both, slashing them with his weapon one more time for good measure. Throughout the rest of the game, you and Felix completed other generators while the other two slowly died.... Or they disconnected.
🩸💔Back at the lobby, Dwight and (F/S) were mad at both of you. They also told Claudette, Steve, and Feng about the situation. Feng and Claudette sided with you two since they either felt bad, (or thought it was pretty intriguing). Steve, on the other hand, decided to side with Dwight and (F/S). Since then you never really talked with them too much.
🩸💔Ever since then, you tried to join matches to find Danny and chat with him for a bit. Sometimes Felix would join in with you and chat with him too, but he wouldn’t bother you two that much.
🩸💔When you talked to Danny, you started to learn more about him. He was actually really cool and loved to photograph things. His photography was AMAZING, and his overall aesthetic was spectacular. Additionally his writing was also very interesting. He mainly wrote in cursive, but without it was still very impressive.
🩸💔Sometimes, when the entity was resting or in a match, he would bring you to his old “shack”, and show you the articles he wrote. They were all beautifully hand crafted, and yet this seemed something like a story. It was like a fairy tale come to life, but this was a more murderous story. It was... thrilling. Besides that he seemed to show you more at any chance he could get. He should you photographs, articles, stories, scripts, and practically anything he could find that had his signature. Some of them, however, weren’t shown to you for whatever reason. Nevertheless you were patient enough to wait it out until one day...
🩸💔”Hey... Danny,” you spoke, “why won’t you show me some of your articles? Some of them even had this Jed Olsen person on i-“
🩸💔”I-it’s nothing! Absolutely nothing! It’s just a-an interesting name for a guy I know! Yeah! YEAH!” He chuckled nervously, with his obvious lie.
🩸💔You glared at him slightly, and he sighed. “Fine. Jed Olsen is my actual name. Some of the articles actually had my real name on them, and I didn’t want to tell you since I’m afraid you’d snitch. Since I kind of though you were a bitch.”
🩸💔”Whatever Jed,” you spoke, “why couldn’t you just trust me before? Like a week ago or something?”
🩸💔He paused for a bit, but finally explained, “Well I was afraid that you’d tell the other survivors since most of them are like that. Like I could tell Steve that Michael Myers is a man child, and he would tell the whole entire army of you. And then we’d get humiliated, shattered, and be live stock!” He posed dramatically, and you simply laughed at him,
🩸💔”Oh my god Danny- s-stop!” You cried.
🩸💔He giggled shortly after, with a slight smile underneath his mask. “I’m guessing you’re also craving something... else...?” He winked with a hint of flirting.
🩸💔”And what would that be?” You asked flirtatiously, somewhat replying.
🩸💔He chuckled chaotically calm, “you want to see what’s underneath the mask don’t you?”
🩸💔”Sure. If you’re in the mood.”
🩸💔Slowly he took off his mask, and revealed who he truly was. He shook his head a bit, and stared up at you with his dark, hazel eyes. His hair was this dark brown, he was overall a bit of tan. Just a slight hint,
🩸💔”Not what you expected huh?” He giggled. His voice was a bit more higher than what you were use to. It was somewhat cute actually.
🩸💔”Actually I kind of thought you would look like this. But not like... a twink per say.” You chuckled a bit, and Danny simply blushed in response.
🩸💔”S-shut up!” He exclaimed cutely.
🩸💔”Then,” you smirked, “make me, Jed Olsen.”
🩸💔”Bet.” He then slowly approached you, somewhat menacingly, and kissed you on the lips. His lips were soft, but tough in its own way. His kisses were a slight bit skinny, but overall enjoyable. He slowly hold you as you two kissed. His touch was mesmerizing; soft, and rough. He was so warm, cuddly, and just immensely cute! You scored big this time around!
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tuffdwightwest · 3 years
Hi, I noticed that one of your posts said that you wanted drabble ideas? I've got a couple, but I'll give you 1 rn, I don't wanna overwhelm you in case you're busy with other things. In celebration of the new dead by daylight Greek mythology skins; What about dwight meeting a Gorgon-inspired killer, with a soft spot for cute Dwights?😉
//Yeah I can do that! I was also really tempted to continue the final scene but alas. This be tumblr and you know... xD thanks for the prompt you can suggest more if you want. I don't mind.
Dwight hated when he started off trials without his glasses. It was rare but it still happened more then he cared to admit. It made it ten times harder for himself and generally he did not survive. Regardless he tried to do his best.
He wasn't completely blind, but everything was mostly shapes. As he was walking to try to find a generator he started to hear the ever present heartbeat that warned him of danger. Attempting to hide he tried to glance around but noticed what seemed to be another survivor struggling.
With no hesitation he ran towards them. "Are you okay? We need to hurry I think the killers close." He said. Stumbling into the other survivor and reaching out towards them. They felt scaly when he touched them, a weird feeling but perhaps it was a new killer.
The heartbeat was overwhelming at this point and looking up to see the survivor he found himself squinting in confusion. Her face seemed almost serpentine and she had the greenest eyes he had ever seen. "You have beautiful eyes." He said without thinking. Shaking his head though he managed to look away. He felt slower then usual though, sluggish like he could hardly move.
"They are pretty usseful." The voice finally responded. She had a strange accent that just made Dwight awkwardly chuckle as he brought his hand up, nervously chewing on his nail.
Kind of a weird response but he let it slide. "What's your name?" He questioned. Slowly starting to get movement back.
"Ceccillia." They responded.
"Dwight get away! I'll distract it!" David's voice suddenly yelled from close by. Dwight immediately tensed. "Oh god I can't see it. Just run and hide Cecillia." Dwight explained turning and stumbling away. He was thankful David was in this trial at least.
A new survivor, blind Dwight, didn't bode well for their chances but David was an expert on fighting with the killers. So perhaps they still had a chance. He hoped he saw Cecillia and protected her though. Dying for the first time was always the worst. Managing to find a generator, experience had him working even being blindish. Generators just second nature for him.
He heard the sound of David going down and grew worried. He would have to let others get the rescue. Was too dangerous for himself. He would be most useful here. "Turn around." Cecilla suddenly said behind him.
Dwight jumped having not heard her approach. Doing as he was told though he immediately met her emerald green eyes. And once again he felt slower, like he was being frozen solid. "It keepss demanding to kill you." Cecilla said. Causing Dwight's eyes to widen.
Oh god she was the killer. He couldn't move couldn't even bite his lip as she drew closer. The feel of something wrapping around him. Constricting him scaring him even more. "But likess you. Cute. Want to keepss as pet. Lovesss my pet." She purred.
Dwight shivered slightly at her words, forcing himself to look away from her eyes. A small gasp escaping as clawed fingers still wet with blood reached down. Tilting his face back up so he was forced to look at her. "Cute." She repeated while Dwight felt her loosen her body.
"Must kill otherss." She said.
"No..." Dwight managed to whimper. A kiss on his cheek was his only response as he heard the distinct sound of her slithering away. Slowly he started to get feeling in his limbs back. Till he was able to walk around again.
He immediately hopped back on the generator. Completing it before stumbling away. Why did he have to forget his glasses? Hearing the sound of someone being taken down again he headed towards it. He needed to help. By the time he finally made it to the hook though the heartbeat was already gone.
She seemed to be able to move quickly. "Here I got you." He said reaching up before having to put more effort then he expected as he lifted the much heavier man off the hook. The hook breaking as who he now recognized as Jeff landed.
"No glasses?" Jeff grunted out. Dwight nodded.
"Broke last trial, Entity always takes longer to fix them." He admitted. Shivering when he remembered how exactly they broke. Oni was brutal when he wanted to be.
Trying his best to patch up Jeff. Finally the other seemed fine enough. "Here theres a generator over here." Jeff said gently helping lead Dwight as they both made it to a generator. The sounds of another survivor being targeted could be heard but it was best for them to stick with their generator goal.
"What is she?" Dwight questioned as they got to work.
"Some snake woman. The more you look at her the slower you become. I almost became completely still as I stared at her." Jeff explained.
Dwight nodded, "Yeah, guess we need to avoid looking at her." He mused.
"Think she can also block your senses a little. Not sight but hmm... you know when Cannibal downs you and you have that ringing slow sensation?" Dwight nods. "I think she can do that." He explained. Dwight nodded again, it was good to discuss this. Knowing how to beat your enemy made it easier later.
Gen completed Jeff immediately reached out to help Dwight. Which he was thankful for. The person going down though drew their attention. Followed by the sound of a female scream being thrown on the hook. Different then the one that was just down. "Sounded like Feng. Bet she stayed on the generator and was grabbed. She always does that." Jeff sighed. Dwight felt him pat his back and looked up at Jeff's blurry face. Seeing his scared but comforting smile.
"Gonna do my best. You stay hidden okay?" Jeff ordered. Dwight just frowned as Jeff turned to race away. He hoped that Jeff could help. But reluctantly again started stumbling around trying to find the next generator. Trying to just focus on this he bit his lip as he worked. David screaming again followed by the loud boom made him flinch.
Focus. He reminded himself. David would be back at the fire once this was all over. A second boom though drew his attention. He couldn't tell who that one was Feng or Jeff. He honestly had no idea what was happening. Looking back at the gen and calculating how much more they needed he shook his head. They wouldn't be able to do it just the two of them.
Deciding he was done hiding he pulled away from the generator in search of his friends. No sooner was he walking when he stepped over the hatch. The change of elevation almost making him trip before he managed to catch himself. "Ooo whatss that?" Cecilla suddenly questioned in front of him.
Dwight jumped before looking up before away quickly remembering what Jeff said. "Nothing." He responded quietly.
"Mm liar." She responded back.
He frowned but didn't respond as she drew dangerously close. "Big man sshould be dead sssoon. Left him there."
She explained. Dwight winced. Bleeding out, it was a terrible way to go. He hated when it happened to him.
"What are you waiting for then?" Dwight questioned nervously. He hated it when killers singled him out.
"Look at me." She demanded but Dwight just shook his head. "Pleassse?" She asked softly.
That got his attention and without thinking he looked over at her. Meeting her green eyes and immediately feeling the freezing effect. He was close enough that he could see her mocking smile. "Cute." She purred. Once more sliding her body over his. Holding him close before nuzzling into his neck.
Dwight tensed and went to pull away but couldn't, feeling helpless as she actually moved his head resting it against her neck and her rather large breast. Even frozen his face reddened in embarrassment. "Come pet. We'll look after you." She purred. A hissing sound intensifying as she pulled away from the hatch. Just at the sound of it clicking open. Dwight helplessly watching as it disappeared from sight.
//Honestly might post this on my AO3 and continue the scene. We'll see
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unholyplumpprincess · 4 years
Call Me! Xoxo
Commission for @realityinspace with their OC Alex with the new killer of Ghostface!
(Older content)
Relationship: Alex(OC)/The Ghostface
Fandom: Dead By Daylight
Warnings: NSFT/R18, Blood, threat of wound fucking, violence, typical horror themes of dbd, bondage, marking with bruises and cutting, name calling/degradation.
Words: 3.1k
There was a new killer entering the realm and all of them knew it. Once another survivor joined their fray, they were all sure of it. Yet, for multiple trials, it was the same ole’ same ole’. Killers who they’d all fought against were still there, and yet no new one.
So, the survivors all branched together and assumed that perhaps, maybe, there wouldn’t BE a new killer.  
No one trained for anyone who might be new, nobody thought up new strategies for a new ability or weaponry. Devising plans against the current reign of terror from the original ones they fought against would do just fine.
Claudette and Laurie weren’t so sure. Alex had taken to listening to whatever Claudette had to say- he was sure she was the smartest person there. When she said it was a no-go to drop your guard, he believed her. And Laurie, well, Laurie had been struggling all her life against fighting one particular killer. If anyone had battle-ridden eyes, it was her.  
And if she agreed to not drop your guard, Alex knew damn well not to do it.
~Rest under the cut~
After his run in with the Trapper and the infamous Michael Myers, Alex had gotten a little reputation around camp. He didn’t get hooked because he spread his legs- and honestly, a few of them said he was smart for it. It provided distraction not only for them to escape and get out, it meant the killer was distracted and the Entity would become displeased with them.
It also meant, to Alex, that they saw him as useful. An asset to the team rather than just going out and whoring himself. Who knew getting laid could have such perks?
David joked, asked how good a lay Alex was that killers were willing to take punishments for a piece of him. Claudette had worried, said that maybe another time a killer wouldn’t think twice before ending him right where he stood. Dwight, well, Dwight just wouldn’t make eye contact with him. Alex’s bad.
His survivor’s spirit still stood strong, it wasn’t Alex’s fault that changing the game was just in his nature. So, what if he just had to bend over and take it like a good boy to get out alive and well, it worked, didn’t it?
At least.
It had thus far.
The current match should have been easy. Crotus Penn Asylum was one of the familiar places to them, despite it being rather open. The thick fog and thick brush of grass made it easier to hide- especially with all the trees.
A tricky map for those who were new, but who entered the match with him were rather veterans at this point. Himself, Laurie, Dwight, and Quentin. Quentin was still one of the more anxious people, but he got the job done. As long as it wasn’t a certain killer that had his sights set on Quentin in particular that round.
There was no humming or children singing, so that ruled out two of them. No traps set around, no chainsaw revving- there was nothing.
It was eerily quiet.
Alex was working on a generator alone at the time. Carefully making sure that every wire went to where it was supposed to. It seemed like this match would be a breeze when he hears a nearby generator go off, lighting up the area in front of him.  
That should have been a hint that this was going too smoothly, that he was being watched. Waiting for his gaze to go from the generator to an area in front of him.
Of course, that’s when he feels a gloved hand yank him off the generator swiftly and tug him onto a broad shoulder.
Alex’s eyes widen, not familiar with the pitch black...cloak? This guy was wearing. Nor was he someone he recognized- he didn’t even HEAR this guy come up behind him! Was it The Shape? No, too lithe to be Michael—someone new?!
“What the fuck?!” Is the perfectly intelligent thing that comes out of his mouth from shock. Immediately starting to wiggle and squirm, kicking at this guy’s chest and beating on his back. He can feel himself getting looser, watching the world shift from left to right and he’s almost there. Can feel himself slipping and-
A scream pierces through the air, one he doesn’t recognize as himself but can feel how hoarse his throat is. His eyes are huge, looking down in disbelief to a hook through his shoulder. He...He got hooked.
And then, Alex’s eyes shift to the killer in front of him and he understands why.
The new guy- the words ‘The Ghostface’ echo through his head and he knows the Entity has given this killer a name. A new champion.
He lets out a whimper in pain, reaching for the hook just as the killer tilts his head. As if amused, the Ghostface even lets out a laugh. “Wow, you were almost TOO easy to get. Man, you really let me down, kid. Thought you were a bit of a legend.”
The speaking part startled Alex enough- but being taunted? That just makes him kick out, watching the killer jerk back a step and just laugh at him as Alex groans in pain.
A sneer settles on his face as the asshole just turns around and skips off- LITERALLY skipping off! Like this was such a fun game!
Perhaps to a killer it was, to Alex, this was someone taking his pride. He feels himself growl in his chest once Ghostface is out of his sight, his spirit strong and coursing through him. He swears he sees red in anger, swinging his legs back, then forth, then one more time and managing to lift himself off the hook enough to swing to the floor. An aching tear in his shoulder and leaking blood onto his shirt and staining the white color.
He’s never been so mad in his life. Stalking the stalker as he follows where he notices the grass has been shifted, soon leading him into the actual building of the asylum.
Steam practically is pouring from him in rage, able to ignore the pain stinging his shoulder when he sees the black cloaked form seem to take note he’s no longer on the hook. Looking outside the window where Alex SHOULD have been.
He seizes the opportunity and does something never heard of.
He tackles that son of a bitch.
Running gets him enough ‘oomph’ to knock the bastard over. Hearing the clanking of a knife clatter to the floor nearby as he slams the Ghostface into the ground. That earns Alex a yelp, followed by the larger of the two to roll to try and get on top of Alex. Successfully rolling over until Alex could outstretch his fingers and snatch the shining blade, using his powerful thighs to slam the killer back to the floor and straddle his waist.
The blade in his hand is held to the throat of the Ghostface, his other shoulder screaming from pain from the wound and dripping blood down onto the killer’s nice black cloak.
“Yeah, how do you like that, huh? Not so fucking tough now.” Alex snarls down at him, pressing the sharp blade against the flesh he can see peering out from underneath the mask. He almost relishes the way the killer underneath him shudders- almost.
His mistake is letting his nature get the better of him. Because he notices just how hard this asshole was under him.
Upon sensing his shock, Ghostface bucks his hips and knocks Alex off balance. Giving him enough time to roll them over, pluck his knife from his grasp, and slam an arm into Alex’s chest to effectively pin him. Holding the knife to the corner of Alex’s lips who can practically hear the killer above him grinning.
“I like that very much. Very. Very much. Taking down a legend AND making him my bitch? Sounds just fine to me- ah, ah, ah, don’t make that face. Heard you were a great lay, like spreading your legs, huh?” His voice shouldn’t be that attractive, muffled even behind a mask. And Alex should not- should NOT be getting hard because of how he’s speaking to him. Like he was a child getting scolded for all the wrong reasons.
Man, his sexual tastes really did get fucked up the more time he spends in this realm.
Alex holds his tongue but keeps up the face. Furrowed brows and a near snarl on his face. But, he lies there. Legs open on instinct to allow Ghostface to sit between them. An arm belonging to the killer crossed over his chest and too much weight on top of him. Yet, the threat of a knife at the corner of his mouth keeps him from barking back at him.
That’s how Alex ends up tied up. Rope he didn’t see on the Ghostface being brandished. He’s humiliatingly on his knees, having kicked and hissed and put up a fuss as his lower clothing was removed. Leaving him in just his bloodied shirt and a sneer on his face.
The rope ties his arms behind his back, bound tight enough he can’t jerk from them. Tied down to his calves and ankles with an inter-looping rope and forcing his legs apart. Sat up on his knees and trying to fight back his arousal.
He sure makes the faces, sneering and huffing, jerking his head away when a gloved hand trails along his jawline and the killer calls him a ‘pretty boy’.
Alex hates when his cock jumps at the praise. Hardened and reddened at the head, shiny with pre-cum.
He hates it even more when he hears the groan of approval above him and a boot being pressed underneath his cock. Nudging at his balls and sliding the smooth boot up the length of his cock. Pre-cum collected on the leather and making it shinier than before.
There’s a pause, a shuffle, and Alex lifts his gaze up. Peering underneath his lashes as he watches the Ghostface move his cloak off to the side and fish his own hardened dick from his pants. The only hint of skin Alex would see. Tanned, flushed at the head to show just how affected he was by all of this. The foreskin allowing a peek of a generously pink, bulbous head that makes his mouth water.
He’s a decent length too, six or seven inches with a thickness about him that makes Alex’s toes curl. If this killer got off on him being bratty, so he would be if it got him a good lay. Already bondage was a good start.
Alex huffs, almost a snort when the thick cock is taken in a gloved hand. Slapping the heat of it against his cheek and leaving a sliver of pre-cum sticking to his cheekbone and connecting him to the Ghostface’s cock.
“Got a mouth on you, kid. Bet you could put it to better use, don’t you think?” Ghostface grumbles nice and low, moving his cock to rub against Alex’s lips that stay shut. Teeth clenched even if he wants to flick his tongue out, show him what he could really do.
What? Old habits died hard. You’d have a hard time too if such a pretty dick was against your mouth!
“Aww, come on baby, don’t be like that. Be nice and open up.” His voice turns to almost a sing song, and yet Alex still refuses. Even as the tempting head is revealed with a small stroke by Ghostface to his own cock. Smearing the pre-cum across Alex’s lips and making them shiny like they had lipgloss.
“Go fuck yourself- even better, suck MY dick.” Alex snarks back, turning his head to the side to make sure Ghostface couldn’t just shove his cock in his mouth mid-sentence. He feels kinda tough, puffing out his chest and feeling rather good of his grumble.
Except, well, he’s going to give up on the third try before Ghostface makes a low noise in his throat like he’s disappointed. “Ohh, well. Figured you would have preferred your mouth but...You leave me no choice.” He says, all whilst sounding like he’s disappointed with a sigh included.
Confused, Alex goes to ask what he means before his shirt is torn open further. Fingers teasing around the rim of his wound. The tear is decent from the hook, and his eyes only widen bigger when the figure in front of him moves somewhere behind him and he can feel his cock slide across the wound. The salty sting of pre-cum edging on the wound.
Oh no- no he WOULDN’T-
“Wait, wait, no don’t-” Alex whimpers out in reply, his body jerking and his head trying to whip over his shoulder to see what’s about to happen. But a handful of his hair is grabbed, forcing his head forward and down. The threat is clear.
“Aww, pretty boy ain’t so tough now, is he? ...Tell ya what, you scream for me- open that pretty mouth wide and moan and moan like the whore you are. And this-” Ghostface pauses to use two fingers to spread open the wound as if another hole to fuck as he puts emphasis to his next words. “Forbidden little hole won’t be fucked. Sound like a deal?”
Alex finds himself soon enough pushed onto his bad soon after that. Lubed up fingers from his spit fucking him open with two gloved fingers. Scissoring him open as another gloved hand strokes his cock expertly. From root to tip, twisting his wrist and squeezing the head juuuust right and making Alex’s eyes about cross.
He tries to press his ankles to the floor, fuck up into the rhythm, but Ghostface is cruel. Squeezing at his cock until he yelps and relents, falling to the floor.
Alex keeps up his end of the bargain, crying out, nails scrambling at the floor under his back. On the lower floor of this building in one of the open rooms full of windows, his voice carries. And all he can hope for at this point is that everyone takes the hint, avoiding going into the building and avoiding looking into the windows.
He’s sure he looks pretty. Bruises line up his arms where Ghostface had thrown him back down onto his back with rough hands. His lips are red from biting at them and wet from his own drool. His eyes glassy, half lidded as his face is flushed, body just as flushed and cock straining with every touch. Every whine and moan is timed juuuust right. It could have driven anyone insane.
A third finger joins the other two and he sobs out as they’re quirked upwards. Rubbing and pressing right at the spot and Alex can feel pre-cum pooling from him. Just a little more-
Of course he doesn’t get it. Forgetting his promise and having broken down to whimpers.
“Told ya to be loud.” Ghostface coos. But before Alex can beg for forgiveness, a little black ribbon is brandished from his pocket. Tying perfectly around the base of his cock and straining blood flow. A makeshift cock ring.
Alex about cries. Tears spilling over his pretty red cheeks and his hips humping up into the air. Sensitive and wanting.
That’s when he really gets it. A thick cock replacing gloved fingers. A hand around his throat, another at his hip and forcing him onto Ghostface’s dick again and again. He’s loud then as Ghostface laughs, snarling out. “That’s it baby, cry for me. Let them know who you belong to.”
Alex wails. Head thrown back in anguish and practically screaming out as hips slam into his ass again and again. Too rough, it makes him sore quickly but oh by god- or whoever is listening does he love it.
“Please! Please please- oh God let me cum- oh PLEASE, please I’ll do anything fuck please just- hhh!” Alex’s voice trails off into a low whine when a leather clad finger slides up the underside of his dick, causing the purpling flesh to throb weakly.
“Say you’re my little slut.” Ghostface murmurs back.
“What-” Alex starts weakly, shaking his head but quickly whimpers when the hand moves from his cock. Hips stilling inside of him even if Ghostface’s dick is throbbing inside of him .Fucking bastard was willing to edge himself just to hear it.
“I’m your little slut.” He starts in a murmur, shuddering weakly.
Alex whimpers in reply, humiliated and weak. Squeezing around the thickness inside of him and receiving a harsh thrust in reply.
That does the trick.
“I’m your little slut!” He wails back, head thrown back as Ghostface picks up speed again. Bruising his hips with his grip, forcing Alex into the floor as his thrusting gets more and more desperate as Alex keeps wailing the words he wants to hear.
The ribbon is removed and Alex doesn’t even need to hear the command for him to cum. He’s off. Blurry eyed, broken, drooling, crying, squirming and kicking as best as he could in his bound position as he’s filled in reply. Cum drooling inside of his hole that squeezes and squeezes for more even as there’s nothing left to give.
He’s left numb, panting on the floor as Ghostface moves off him. Alex vaguely hears the click of a camera, the flash blinding him further but he can’t care.
The loud hum of the last generator goes off, followed by the gates beeping to signal it’s time to go. To escape.
Alex hardly feels the rope being cut off him. Hardly even feels being rolled onto his side.
“Damn, you were a good lay.” He hears chuckled above him. A boot nudging at his side but he only hums in reply. Broken and willing.
Alex only winces and feels something when he can feel a knife in his skin on his thigh and hip area. The blade slices easily enough, feeling warm, sticky blood leaking from whatever new wound is being made. It feels like letters, but he can hardly tell.
The walk of shame was something he was familiar with. Being laid out near the door in due time- but he isn’t even given the ability to put back on his clothes. Left in his bloody shirt stained with cum and sweat as Quentin meets him at the door, having waited for him. Good boy, Alex thinks, his eyes sleepy and thighs shaking.
Quentin’s cheeks flush and he offers his jacket to cover Alex with.
All four survive.
And later, later Alex is able to see in the broken mirror of the cabin’s shower rooms what wound was left on him.
In a sore, scabbing over wound, written into him in bright pinks and reds of his own flesh is: ‘Call me! Xoxo’ with a heart at the end.
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dweetwise · 4 years
The entity decides to celebrate with more than some minigame of a hat and a medkit or flashlight. Ace goes to try and get anything from a chest finds some booze to take back to the campfire. He really is the luckiest man. (Also just like Ace trying to trade his life for some booze to not be put on the hook is a lil funny)
[i will take any excuse to write more ace! happy 4th anniversary to dbd <3]
Characters: Ace, Hillbilly | Mentioned: Meg, Jane, Bill, Steve, Kate, Tapp, Quentin, Nea, Claudette, Dwight, Feng, Laurie, Jake, Ash | Ships: None
Celebration (crack)
When the familiar toll of a bell echoes through the trial to signal the hatch closing and start of endgame, Ace sighs in defeat. The Hillbilly had been a huge tryhard the entire game, tunneling Meg and Jane to death for daring to pick up the Entity’s crowns, while Bill had ended up slugged more times than he remembered trying to protect the women. The killer eventually camped the downed body of the veteran until he bled out, trying to bait Ace out to save him to secure the 4k. During the whole clusterfuck of the match, Ace had only managed to get two gens done and thus, the hatch hadn’t spawned until Bill bled out on the ground.
And wouldn’t you know it, not even ten seconds after Bill’s prone aura collapsed and faded, the killer had found the damn hatch and closed it. To add insult to injury, the exits that powered were placed along the same wall, the killer having no issues patrolling them both while sprinting with his chainsaw.
It definitely looked like luck was not on Ace’s side today, so he makes his way down to the basement, hopes of finding a key low but at least wanting to delay his inevitable doom. While rummaging through the chest, his hand closes over a cylindrical object. Eh, a flashlight wasn’t ideal, but maybe it was one of the new cool ones, and he could get in a blind on the killer and see some confetti pop up in one last hurrah before taking a chainsaw to the face.
He removes the item from the chest and does a double take. It’s definitely not a flashlight; it’s a bottle. Of booze. He smiles in pure glee: thank you, Entity!
There’s only one problem. He needs to get out of the trial alive if he wants to take it back to the campfire. He frowns; normally, he wouldn’t be above drinking himself stupid in the the basement, but the end game timer is steadily ticking down and he wouldn’t even be able to feel a buzz before getting impaled by an Entity claw. There’s only one option: he needs to bribe the killer. He takes a swig of the unknown liquid — rum, he recognizes — and hopes that this will work.
Ace strolls up to the killer’s patrol route, not even bothering to try to hide. When the killer spots him and starts revving his chainsaw, Ace extends the bottle. “I want to parley,” he demands, and okay, apparently the rum inspired him to become a pirate.
The Hillbilly lowers his chainsaw and approaches him. Hey, at least Ace hasn’t been sawed in half... yet.
“Look, I really wanna bring this back to the campfire,” Ace says, shaking the bottle in his hand. “What do I have to do?”
Please don’t say blowjob please don’t say blowjob —
The killer lets his hammer fall to the ground and reaches behind himself, unstrapping something from his belt — a jug? Ace watches in confusion as the killer uncorks the item, and he nearly gags as a sharp smell of alcohol fills the air. Okay, that’s got to be some very potent, very poorly made moonshine. The Hillbilly holds out the pitcher to him and fuck, he’s offering it to Ace. Ace swallows the building panic and steels himself, hoping he won’t go blind from tasting the swill — but the killer merely clinks the item against Ace’s bottle. Ace gets the hint, hurrying to unscrew the bottle, offering a hesitant “Happy anniversary?” as he lifts the bottle in a toast before the two men take a big swig of their respective beverages.
The killer seems satisfied with his efforts and nods toward one of the exits, picking up his hammer and taking off.
Ace is a little tipsy when he stumbles back to camp, not having been able to resist sipping the alcohol on his way. He half-expects to get a lecture from Bill for screwing up the trial, so before anyone has a chance to get on his case, he holds up the bottle in triumph and exclaims “I come bearing gifts!”.
Later, when they’re all feeling a slight buzz from the liquor, Ace looks around the camp and smiles happily at the other survivor’s antics. Tapp is lecturing a dopey Quentin about underage drinking, to which the teen just grins and flips him off. Claudette is giggling uncontrollably at a pun an uncharacteristically lighthearted Bill cracks. Some of the girls and Dwight are playing spin the bottle, Meg and Nea relentlessly teasing Dwight with questions like “Marry, fuck, kill”. Feng is coming up with a battle plan to loot more booze from trials, trying to recruit an unimpressed Laurie. Even Jake has mellowed out a bit, joining Ash and a few others in a poker game. 
Kate and Steve approach Ace, with the latter stumbling slightly, collapsing into Ace’s shoulder. Steve mumbles something about being a lightweight while Ace tries to help the teen back on his feet, but Kate distracts him by grabbing Ace’s head and giving him a drunk, sloppy smooch on the cheek. “You’re so precious for sharin’ with us all,” the girl drawls with an even thicker southern accent than usual.
When he finally manages to send the two on their way, Steve leaning on Kate for support, Ace looks up at the fake stars in the fake sky above the campfire, offering a silent thank you to the Entity for giving them a small break from the monotony of the fog.
i’m trying my best to start writing shorter stories so i can get more requests done ;w;
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tumblinglringlring · 4 years
Small Things
Writing a Dwalin x reader fic that no asked for? It's more likely than you think! 
Rating: G 
Relationships: Dwalin/reader 
Tags: Post-Erebor, Fluff, I’d tag this Au Everyone lives/nobody dies but no one died at the end of the third movie sooooooo
 After the Battle of Five Armies, the realization that the reader will never go back home to earth hits them hard. Finding you crying, Dwalin comes over to comfort you. 
Inspired by that one scene from the office between Dwight and Pam where he finds her crying and attempts to comfort her.
When you first arrived in middle earth, right outside Bilbo Baggin’s hobbit hole and right during the dwarven company’s meeting, you had been shocked and surprised at the turn of events in your life.  One minute you’d been smelling the flowers you’d just grown in your window box and had just been stung by a bee and the next you’d been on the floor gasping.  When you’d black out you’d awoken to the faces of Gandalf and Thorin and Company looking down on you.  Who knew you were allergic to bees?
Gandalf had practically dragged you on the quest and while Thorin was hesitant at first, you had proven yourself useful in your knowledge of his future and that of his quest. Thankfully you had taken the time to see the Hobbit movies back on your world.  To protect this knowledge, Thorin had assigned Fili and Kili to look after you and Dwalin to teach you fighting basics.  While you got along well with the two princes, the gruff dwarf seemed only to begrudgingly stand your presence.  At least at first.  It seemed he had warmed up to you infinitesimally during the trip as he was always keeping an eye out for you.  He’d nearly knocked out Kili when he took one of his pranks too far and had caused you to cry. He was also the first to you after a fight, ensuring you weren’t injured, but always had some piercing criticism about your lack of skill or sense of preservation.
Admittedly your fighting skills were horrendous.  You had not been athletic back home and that didn’t seem to change in middle earth.  However your knowledge proved useful during the battle of five armies.  With enough warning, the dwarven, elven and men war staticians were able to use your information to rout the Orc and Gundabad army.  And ensure none of the line of Durin perished.  But that had been months ago.  Now that it was apparent the elves or Gandalf had no way of returning you back home, the extent of what you lost back home had started to hit you.
Everything was gone.  Your family, your friends.  Your job.  Your apartment that you had scrimped and saved for, filled with little items you had collected during your life that made a home a home.  But it was more than that.  There were no malls.  No movie theaters.  None of your favorite books and movies were here.  Heck even the types of music were different and you doubted you’d hear anything resembling a pop or rock song ever again.  
What ended up doing you in was a cookie of all things.  When you’d spied the chocolate chunks in it, you’d nearly squealed in joy at the idea of a chocolate chip cookie.  Taking it to your favorite indoor park (surprise it was the only one inside Erebor), you sat amongst the fruit bearing trees and had taken a bite.
But it wasn’t the same.  The chocolate was different, not like the nestle chips you’d had growing up, and you realized that you’d never again taste something as simple as a chocolate chip cookie from home ever again.  As you munched on it, tears began streaming down your face and soon your body was wracked with sobs, that you desperately tried to hold in lest you’d cause a scene.  To the few dwarrow who had approached you offering assistance, you’d only held out your cookie and cried about the chocolate or something or other.  Perturbed, they left you alone.  And perhaps that was better, no one needed to see you ugly crying over a cookie of all things.
Hearing the sound of heavy footsteps behind you, you braced yourself to try and deflect another well meaning offer of help.
“Who did this to you,” the familiar gruff voice of Dwalin said.  However you couldn’t answer him.  He’d only look down on you.  Shaking your head, you tried to stifle your sobs causing your whole body to shake with the effort.  However soon a fur jacket was placed around you and you looked up to see Dwalin standing to your right, staring right at you.  Knowing your face must look a mess, you quickly looked away and tried to wipe your tears with your sleeve.
“What did he do,” he grumbled as he dug for something in his pockets.
“What? No -it’s-it’s nothing,” you sniffed, blinking up at him only to see him handing you a spare rag.  Taking it, you loudly blew your nose before offering it back, Dwalin only pushing it back into your hands.  “Thanks.”
Eyeing you a moment, he sat down beside you causing you to furrow your brows.  Why is he staying here?  His distraction was enough to quiet your sobs and soon you were only sniffing.
“You don’t have to stay,” you said in a small voice.  You were sure he had much better things to do than sit next to a sniveling girl.
“I know,” he sighed, “I don’t mind.”  Feeling him place a tentative arm around you, you relaxed under his touch.
However this unexpected kind gesture touched you and you began crying in earnest as he rubbed circles on your back.  Placing the half eaten cookie on your knee, you held your face in your hands as he pulled you closer towards him trying to sooth you. You felt him pick up the cookie a moment and thought you heard utter a quiet “oh.” before replacing the cookie back on your knee.
“I’ve heard a woman’s monthlies can be quite trying,” he began - giving you pause - “But if ye’d like I can take you to Oin.”
Then it clicked. And you couldn’t help but laugh, in fact you were doubled over in laughter and every time you quieted down a bit, you saw the look of surprise and confusion he gave you and it started another fit.
“You stupid, ignorant dwarrow,” you laughed, wiping the tears from your eyes, “It’s not that.”
“Bloody hell woman,” he grumbled, “Then who did this t’ye?”
“It’s nothing,” you sniffed, feeling another surge of sadness threaten to spill more tears from your eyes, “Please it’ll seem silly to you.”
 “Tell me who did this, and I’ll take care of it for ye,” he urged, turning to you to wipe a stray tear from your cheek, “It cannot be silly t’cause ye such pain.”
“It’s not a who,” you said, shifting nervously in your seat, “It’s more of a what.”
“A what?”
“It’s a what that bothers me,” you murmured, eyes watering, “It’s a lot of whats.”
“Woman ye aren’t makin’ sense,” he sighed, exasperated, “Out with it.  The sooner ye tell me, the sooner I’ll take care o’it.”
“It this,” you held out the cookie to him, not able to meet his eye, but you could just tell he had raised an eyebrow at your explanation.  “It doesn’t taste the same.”
“I’m gonna need more to go on, lass.”  Taking a deep breath you started to tell him.  How the chocolate was different from back home, how you’ll never get to taste it ever again.  How you’ll miss everything and nothing was the same.  Dwalin nodded as he listened to you and not once did he make you think he wasn’t taking your mourning and sadness seriously.  
“And what worse,” you sniffed, “There’s no one else in the whole world who will know what those things were like and remember and commiserate with.”
Taking a bite of the cookie, you noticed you felt a little better now that you had told someone.  Lighter almost.  
“Lass I may not be able t’understand what ye lost, but I’d be honored if ye’d tell me more - when yer ready o’course,” he added, his ears pinking slightly.
“Oh Dwalin, I don’t want to bore you with it,” you said, breaking what was left of the cookie in half and offering him a piece, “But thank you, though.  I feel better.”
“Glad t’be of service,” he smiled softly before taking the piece and popping it into his mouth, “Now why don’t I walk ye back home and ye can tell me all about this favorite book o’yers.”
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ziracona · 4 years
Hi! I just realised I havn't popped in in awhile. Do you have any headcanons u feel like sharing about the newer survivors?? (I love them all, they're so cool but I think imma have to say cheryl is my bby gurl. she's tired. let her rest.) also. i am. going insane. from a toothache :) - Sleepy
Hey! Hope your tooth pain clears up! I’m so sorry—that’s one of the worst. : /
Hmmm, I do, but I’m trying to think of ones I haven’t said in asks before. 😬 Unfortunately my memory of fictional characters is great, and my memory of what I said in asks is shitty. :’-]
I don’t know the newer survivors—except Nancy and Steve—as well as I do the older ones, because I’ve never written them, and I haven’t played Silent Hill. I like Zarina, Yui, and Cheryl a lot though. Poor fkn Cheryl can join Quentin in the “Please God, just one good day?” Existence. Rip to them both. 😭
Poor kid gets out of hell once, and ya throw her back in. :’-]
Let’s see—headcanon I am fairly sure I haven’t already shared. I think Yui and Min would get along really well, and Jane and Zarina would too.
Yui hates the serial killers especially, from her own personal experience, and goes to bat hard against them every time.
Ash flirts with everyone to a point it’s even more than Ace does, and for a while it becomes a competition between them to see who can flirt more and better than the other (not in a shitty way—everybody knows they have the competition going on and it’s more a ‘I can act better than you’ than a ‘I can win more hearts’ one.) Ace is declared the winner in class, Ash the winner in sheer quantity he’s able to churn out, and they agree to call it a semi-draw. It’s actually a really fun week for everyone, because they’re all constantly being complemented and flirted with in a way they know is performative and seeks 0 real actions from them in return, so essentially they are just showererd with ‘drunk girl in a bar bathroom’ levels of praise for seven days.
Felix and Nancy are the only two with significant others waiting back home, and they bond over talking about their wife/boyfriend and sharing stories and having someone around who understands that specific brand of pain and can encourage them that they’ll make it back home.
Tapp is a dad, so he gives Felix a lot of advice on stuff since he was an expecting father. Not so much “do this” advice, since his relationship with his family didn’t go so well, and he feels like he’s in absolutely no position to teach—more like “It’s okay. Women have been giving birth for thousands of years. She’s gonna make it just fine even if you’re not home yet, and you’ll get back to them. And I’m gonna teach you some of the tricks so you’ll be ready when you do. You can even surprise her by already knowing how to change a diaper and warm a formula bottle. I’ll show you how to do it,” and talking him through some of the stuff he would have been able to learn from infant care books. It’s sweet, but Tapp almost dies when Jane says its “Very heartwarming” and teases him, so they cut him some slack. Felix is really appreciative. Laurie has taken care of a ton of kids, and gives him some advice too, and so does Nancy, who had two younger siblings.
Steve is a disaster who suffers from “I like you and you are a girl, so *pigeon meme* Is this falling in love?” syndrome. Gets shot down hard by Laurie, who is ridiculously pissed at him for bringing it up during a trial when their lives are on the line, but after he gets over being super awkward around her, and she reaches out to be like, ‘Look, dumbass, why did you even like me?’ And he’s like ‘...because you’re, uh, really cool? A-and pretty? And...’ and eventually she’s like ‘Buddy, you don’t even really know me. You’re just lonely. You’re not in love with me, you just want to be, because you want to be in love with somebody, and that’s not gonna cut it, for me, or anyone. Be in love with a person—not with the concept of being in love. And for that to happen, you have to know them first.” And since Steve is good af self-improvement, he realizes she’s got a real point, and tries to find his worth outside of needing a girlfriend, and becomes both a lot happier, and one of Laurie’s closer friends. (Side note—this extends probably only to my initial Steve ideas. I had the idea batted around that in that universe, Stranger Things /is/ an existing show, but it’s based on a mix of urban legend and history from the 80s, and Nancy and Steve are the version from the actual 80s, and I think in that pitch Steve is dating Barb, who is still alive, and already worked through this specific issue, because many things happened differently for wild comedic ‘But in the show’ effect, becuase both them repeatedly going “WELL REALITY WAS A LITTLE DIFFERENT” when like, monster hunting shit from the show won’t work on the Demogorgan, and *Spit take* “THEY HAD ME HIT ON ROBIN?” “Ewwww” “YEAH ewww! She’s basically my lesbian little sister! We’ve been best friends since grade school! What the fuck :’-]” make for amazing joke potential. )
Cheryl starts having nightmares where she sees things from the Entity’s eyes she was never meant to see, and finding out dangerous amounts of information this way. The Entity decides at some point this is too big a threat, but because it’s proud, it doesn’t want to just kill her, as that would be admitting a human is a threat, so it starts having killers gun for her mercilessly to try to get her to give up, and the poor girl is in agony.
Zarina documents stuff form the realm constantly, and has a careful scrapbook collection of all notes and paraphernalia from past survivors. She also keeps conspiracy pages tacked together trying to figure out who they were becuase they deserve at least the justice of people somehow knowing how they died and what they went through. Laurie is a big help with this, and so is Claudette, who has been keeping stuff for a long time.
Yui is very no-nonsense, and protective. She gives off strong big sister vibes. She especially also loves board games/puzzles/other games like Shogi or Go and such, and Dwight and Adam create game pieces for her to play Go with when she mentions how much she used to like that kind of thing, and Yui is incredibly touched, and makes several other ones for people to play with too, and it becomes a very enjoyed pastime between trials. It’s engaging and competitive, but much more relaxed and low energy than sports or training or going for a run, so it’s a great alternative. Meg gets super into making puzzles, and all the artists do too, and take turns painting pictures on boards, cutting them into puzzle pieces with extreme painstakingly slow care, and then doing puzzles together. Jake is invaluable in the actual cutting pieces out area, but actually enjoys to do it.
Felix knows a lot more than anyone else about the Entity when he’s taken, so he spends a bunch of time with the research team trying to recall whatever he can from his childhood and sharing any information he has, then just stays on it because he wants to. He’s desperate to meet Benedict Baker someday himself, becuase that man seems to get around, and he really wants to know what happend to his father.
Everyone becomes protective as fuck of Cheryl when the Entity starts targeting her, and someone—I think Kate and or Meg—probably both together—as a one-off joke call themselves her knights at some point, becuase they’re running such dedicated protection detail, but it becomes a whole thing, and several more start to do it. They’ll like ‘fist clasped arm across chest at attention, quick bow’ when they see her, and it’s goofy as fuck, but it helps a lot making Cheryl’s reality more bearable. Plus, it’s really sweet. Nea gets in on this and comes back one day with a little daisy chain she made cause she was bored, sees Cheryl, it clicks, runs over and offers it as a ‘favor’. Zarina sees and comes back later that day from a trial and kneels and presents Cheryl with a rescued toolbox with a brand new part. This becomes increasingly common and extravagant, and Cheryl /cannot/ deal, but it’s like, genius, becuase it takes exactly this level of surreal goofy friend bullshit to distract from the hell she is living. She ends up just regularly having someone come back from a trial or trip to the woods, salute with an arm across their chest, bow, and present her with anything from a pinecone or pretty rock, to flowers or a medkit, to a salt statue or key, to a painting or hand made bracelet, to a makeshift weapon or a pillow. Everyone always tries to outdo each other, so the gifts tend to be extravagant. Zarina considers herself Cheryl’s righthand woman/personal knight by chocie, because she wanted a cause to fight for and has found one she truly loves, and she makes Cheryl her favorite gift so far, coming up to her at the end of a long day, after a very bad trial where Cheryl was mercilessly and slowly killed by the Pig, kneeling, and offering a thick shard of stained glass from the chapel, made sturdy and held in place with a few chunks of soldered and wrapped iron along the blade and down the grip, forming a razor sharp and reinforced stained glass knife.
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sundimus · 3 years
Request for Awp! 23. Whispering “I love you” between kisses. + 34. “I know, love, I know.” / Katie /// Time in the Entity’s realm passes by slowly. Or, rather, it doesn’t seem to pass at all. Everyone here is essentially in limbo, a never-ending hellish purgatory that repeats and repeats and repeats. No one knows how long they’ve been here - years pass without any changes to a person’s physical appearance here. Everyone and everything stays the same, other than the Entity’s need to celebrate the holidays occasionally, and the new survivors and killers who get dragged here as well. Death is not an escape, yet no one ever dies. In Laurie’s opinion, things could be worse.
If anything, things have gotten better since she first entered the fog. Having been here longer than most, she’s grown close to her fellow survivors. Back in Haddonfield she never had as many friends as she does now. She was too introverted and shy - Annie and Linda were the ones who came to her first after all - and she was content with her life as a babysitter who never partied but got good grades. But after the horrifying events of the last Halloween she spent with ignorant innocence, a fire had lit inside of her that refuses to let her die, even in a place where death is the only constant. But no one truly dies here. It’s just a rinse and repeat cycle of violence and dimming - but never diminishing - hope. Seeing new people come to the campfire gives her a bittersweet feeling still. Sadness that they have now met the same fate as her and will never leave, but slight happiness at the small change of pace. It becomes insignificant once everyone gets used to the newcomer and they come yet another rusted cog in the Entity’s machine, but at the moment everyone appreciates the distraction while they can. Plus, a new survivor comes with a new killer, and she finds that the more killers who come the less and less chance she has of facing her brother in a trial. There’s also the less chance that she has to enter a trial herself in general, which is always good in and of itself. She would much rather stay at the campfire with her companions. Even so, she still worries about her friends who do enter a trial. The latest ones who got dragged by the mist had been Quentin, Kate, Claudette, and Jake. She’s not as close with Claudette and Jake as she is with Quentin and Kate, but she hopes that all of them come back to the campfire having survived the trial. That would be the best case scenario, everyone escaping, but it’s a lot more rare than she’d care to admit. Kate had taken a med-kit with her when she left. Laurie hopes that’s enough. “Thinking about Kate again, huh?” She snaps her head up to see Zarina, who smiles back and plops down ungraciously next to her. “Ah, my knees,” she groans. “I gotta stretch more.” “I’m sure you’re fine,” Laurie says, turning her attention back to the campfire. To her left she can see Feng sprawled across the laps of her girlfriends Meg and Nea. She smiles softly as she watches Nea mess with Feng’s hands teasingly as Meg politely talks to them about something. Probably about Claudette. Those two by themselves have had the longest lasting relationship here - though Dwight and Jake’s could easily rival it. She hears Zarina start to hum a familiar tune next to her, and she gives her a side-eyed look that has no bite to it. “Really? Huntress’ lullaby? Out of all the songs you know, you pick that one?” “Hey, she was the last killer I went against! Her song has a habit of getting stuck in your head, you know.” Laurie thinks about all the times she’s caught herself singing the song when she was busy doing a generator or patching someone’s wounds and finds herself reluctantly agreeing. “I know, I know. But Kate’s songs are better.” Zarina nudges her. “Are you sure you aren’t being biased just because you love her?” Laurie tries to ignore the blush creeping on her face. “I’m not! Everyone would agree that she’s the best singer and songwriter here.” “You’re not wrong about that, though Nea would probably disagree with you about the singing part. Kate is also the only professional singer here. Maybe the Entity treated us by giving us a survivor who knows how to sing - and who even brought a guitar along here. Life can get so dreary without music.” Laurie lowers her voice. “Even Nea knows she can’t sing - she only does it to bother us.” Zarina stifles a laugh. “Don’t let her hear you say that. She wouldn’t hesitate to push Feng off of her just to fight someone.” “Feng would probably join her.” “Ah, love,” Zarina sighs. Laurie notices how her eyes glanced at Élodie when saying it, but she doesn’t comment on it. She’s not the type to push herself into other people’s business. Zarina turns back to her and offers another smile, this one reassuring. “Try not to worry about Kate too much, okay? She’ll be back before you know it. And who knows, maybe she’ll want to sing for us after she gets a nap in.” Laurie looks down again, still feeling worry in her chest but she lets out a breath. “Alright. Kate probably wouldn’t want me to be too worried anyway.” “I’m sure she’d appreciate the thought. Though, she’d probably appreciate anything you do, since she likes you. A lot.” “I sure hope she does otherwise this whole “dating” thing we’re doing is going to be very awkward.” Zarina laughs and pats her back, letting the conversation die naturally. The trial should be ending soon. It’s been going on for quite some time, and Laurie’s thoughts wander back to Kate, just like they seem to always do lately. She doesn’t know how or when they got so close. She remembers Kate walking to the campfire the same day that the Clown started showing up, and Kate had been everything back then that she still is today. Kind, outgoing, thoughtful, optimistic... traits that Laurie shares but not to the same extent. Where she is the glimmer of light before night that gives dawn its name, Kate is the entire sun engulfing the sky in all her glory. She gives hope, and hope brings life, and life is everything. Laurie doesn’t know how she manages to stay so positive, but she’s grateful for it. The Entity feeds on hope. Those who fall into despair are never seen again. People like Kate who keep everyone’s spirits up are literal lifesavers more so than pleasant company. Laurie tries not to think about it too much. She scratches the palm of her hand and puts all of her attention into the flames dancing a few feet in front of her. -.x.-.x.-.x.- “ - and then Claudette picked me up off the ground and we both sprinted to the exit. It’s been a while since I’ve felt adrenaline pump through my body like that.” Kate tells her story with a wave of her hand but no exaggeration to her words. She’s in a particularly good mood - common for those who have successfully escaped a trial. Even more so for those who managed to escape being hooked once. She grins slightly and answers a question Laurie didn’t have the chance to ask. “Quentin and Jake didn’t make it. Jake sort of sacrificed himself to save Claudette, and poor Quentin ended up getting yanked off a generator twice.” Twice? “He’s not getting enough sleep again.” “Yeah, but I think it’s because he’s been a bit preoccupied with something. Rumor has it that he has a crush on someone.” Laurie blinks. “Quentin does? With who?” Kate shrugs. “No one knows for sure. That’s what it’s a rumor. Either way, today was an unlucky day for him. I’m just glad he’s resting right now like he deserves.” “I hope he sleeps long enough before his next trial. It’s dangerous to get distracted in the middle of one.” Kate smirks and scoots closer to her. “You mean like the time you blew a gen when I kissed you on the cheek?” Laurie smiles at the memory. The killer had found them, of course, but it was worth it hearing Kate’s loud giggle at what must’ve been a look of shock on her face. “I couldn’t been so mad at you for that, you know.” Kate pokes her cheek. “But you weren’t!” “No. No, I wasn’t.” “Because...” Kate prompts, moving her finger to wrap an arm around her girlfriend’s shoulder instead. Laurie stares at her in turn, not completely taking the bait but not rejecting it either. “Because I’m cute, and you could never be mad at me?” Kate finishes for her, tone smug and sweet at the same time. Laurie almost wants to disagree out of spite, but huffs a laugh instead, choosing to indulge her. “Okay, fine. Because you’re cute.” Kate smiles widely, leaning forward and kissing her as reward. Laurie responds in kind, wrapping her arms around her back to hold her in place. She sighs silently, happily, leaning into the touch. She feels grateful that, despite the constant pain and deaths and hurt she has to endure in this place, she’ll still able to have moments of reprieve like this. Tenderness, and comfort, and affection. Love. As she’s always thought - it could be worse. But it isn’t, and if there’s anything to feel joy about anymore, it’s this. Sitting here by a tent, a bunch of camaraderie and laughter in the background, and kissing her girlfriend, her songbird, without needing to worry about anything else. At least for a little bit. If she had to be honest, she never thought she’d heal enough to love another girl. She had loved Annie with her entire soul, and her death was nothing short of tragic and traumatic - taken by the hands of her brother. She didn’t want to love another person, not when he was still alive: a threat to everyone she cares about. He had taken everything from her, and would do so over and over again until he finally took her life. She didn’t want to potentially subject anyone else to Michael’s wrath. But the Entity’s realm is different. Kate is different. Everything is different. Laurie had grown close to her, and her love had blossomed naturally. Unexpected, surprising, a little scary, but she welcomed it. She had nothing left to lose here, and Michael could never truly take the lives of those she loves anymore, and that gives her a strange sense of peace that she hadn’t felt in years. It was relieving and freeing, and kissing Kate felt like an embodiment of those two emotions she never knew had been suppressed from her. “I love you,” she whispers against her lips like a sad prayer. She kisses her again, mumbling her words even more. “I love you.” Annie would be happy for her. She knows this. She’s breathing it. “I know, love,” Kate responds. Her voice is hushed and serious, her fingers ghosting the back of her neck. “I know.” Laurie melts into the fog.
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highdwightofmylife · 5 years
HHHHH YES OF COURSE OHMY GOD!!! I had to write a ficlet for it, I had to. Thank you thank you thank you foR GOOD CONTENT I LOVE YOU!!!
also the reader can be any gender it doesn’t matter
Dwight Fairfield x Killer!Reader | Red String Soulmate AU
[Under the cut because it’s longer than I intended]
The string wobbled tauntingly in front of you. Like a cat, you tried to pounce on it. Crimson thread wafted delicately across the dirt, narrowly missing your hands. It always seemed to be yanked just out of reach, your fingers barely grazing the ghostly cord. 
It had never been so active, and it had never bothered you this much. The thread usually lay dormant and dead on the soil, never indicating that there was anything truly attached to it. You believed it too; you were a killer. Why would you have a soulmate? Why did you deserve one? The string never moved. It never insisted that the person on the other side was even existent. 
Your first few trials in the realm of The Entity had gone off without a hitch. You had your duties now, and you did them without hesitation. But there was no enjoyment. It was a means to an end. A task you were being forced to complete. It was your job now. The survivors that had the unfortunate luck of crossing your path had not been lucky. Perhaps this round would be different, as the red string around your finger was proving to be quite the distraction. You had to know why it was being yanked! 
For several minutes, it had your attention. It had started with a light tug at the beginning of the trial, but had slowly developed. What had once been a gentle pull was now a violent jerk, and you refused to stay in the dark about the matter. You had to know. You had to. 
You furiously shoved bushels of corn out of your face, your eyes on the thread with a predatory focus as it twitched across the dirt. The mysterious force was not pulling you in a straight line; you had weaved through the cornfield in a plethora of directions, doubling back over and over again. You didn’t understand. There had to be a reason for this. Glowing crimson scratch marks were etched into the soil, but you paid them no mind. Whoever the survivor in the area was, they could wait. You’d let them play their games and complete a generator or two, as long as you could figure out what was pulling at your string. 
There was a thud and a squeak a few paces in front of you. Your thread pulled taut and you felt yourself be yanked through the corn. Boots slid on the dirt and your knees crashed down into the farmland. Your hands hit the dirt, your knife embedding itself into the ground.
Shuffling. Whimpers. 
Your eyes snapped up. You were not alone here. It had to be one of the survivors, crawling pathetically around the corn, blindly feeling his way around. You stared. He didn’t seem to know you were here, but you knew he felt your presence. You knew that he’d be able to hear your terror radius. He cast worried looks over his shoulder and in every direction – including directly at you, and didn’t seem to see. 
There was a string tied around the pinky finger of his right hand. It coiled around itself across the dirt, and when your eyes dared follow it, you found that it connected to yours. Your heart stopped. Had… Had he been… The one pulling it? Was… Was your soulmate alive? Real? 
A glint amongst the corn caught your attention. A line of bloody thread swept over a pair of glasses, cracked in the left lens. Where they…? Confused, you gently picked them up and looked back up to the man. 
He was close to you. Only a pace or two away, absolutely terrified as he dragged himself through the dirt on his knees. Ragged breaths escaped him, accompanied by fearful whimpers as he desperately searched for his glasses – the glasses that you had in your hands. He crawled slightly closer, and seemed to hesitate.
He must have noticed you. The man paused, breath hitching as he watched your knees. You stayed deathly still as he began to drag his gaze upwards, sweeping up your body and landing on your face.
His eyes were brown. A thick shade of mahogany that glinted with honey when the light hit them. They were unfocused, staring at you through a hazy fog, but he could see you. 
“H…Hello?” He whimpered. You could see him shaking. His eyes flickered nervously to the side, and he began to slowly withdraw. As if he was attempting to escape from a wild bear. “I-If you’re a survivor, p-please tell me.”
You looked at the glasses. You looked back at him. Your duty was to kill this man. The rusty hooks that were erected on the farmland were begging you to hang him upon them like a crude decoration. Your hands ached to grab your knife again and you heard the whispers of The Entity in the back of your head. You had a job to do. 
But you couldn’t. 
“I… I have your glasses,” you spoke hesitantly. The anxious survivor paused his escape attempts. You could almost see the cogs in his brain turning, likely trying to figure out who you were. “Here, put your hands out.”
His hazy, blind eyes tried to look at you. He squinted, furrowing his brows and biting his lip. It took him a few moments, but he finally seemed to get the courage to act. The man sat back on his knees and shakily held out his hands. He was holding his face back, almost like a child waiting to see what an older sibling was putting into their hands as a ‘surprise’. Like a spider, or something worse. 
You quietly shuffled forwards on your knees, and the noise made him shut his eyes in panic. He winced, squeaking in fear, but he did not lower his hands. They shook and wavered in the air, but he was brave enough to keep them up. You understood that this really must be terrifying for him. He didn’t know who you were. He was likely hearing the violent thrum of your terror radius on repeat. He could see you properly. 
Slowly, so as not to startle him, you pressed the glasses into his grip. He flinched and froze regardless, but seemed to realise what he was touching pretty quickly. His fingers coiled around the plastic arms of his eye-wear, and you felt a spark as his skin lightly brushed against your fingertips. He jolted at the feeling, pulling his hands back with his glasses safely in his grip.
He timidly brought them to his face and began to slide them over his ears. You watched with interest, waiting for him to realise that you were supposedly here to harm him. His dark eyes blinked a few times behind the lenses, his gaze shifting from the dirt to the corn to the knife in the ground to your knees.
And then to your hand, which was lying uselessly on your lap. You watched him do a double take, looking towards his own fingers and then back to yours. He’d seen the thread. 
His head snapped up to meet your eyes again, but this time, he saw you. The man didn’t say anything, but you could see the terror on his lips. The unspoken questions that died before he’d even had the courage to say them. He glanced down at the knife. And then to the string. And then back to you. 
The poor boy was heaving again. Panicked breaths rattled around inside his lungs as he stared, waiting for you to act. You didn’t know what to do. You had a duty. But… But the more you looked at him; the more you stared into the depths of those dark eyes, you couldn’t. 
“You’re safe,” you told him, though you knew he had no reason to truly believe you. “I’m not going to hurt you.” 
“Y-You’re…” His voice quivered, “y-you’re not?” Brown eyes shifted to your thread-bound finger, but managed to find your gaze again. You shook your head. The Entity was whispering angrily in the back of your thoughts, but you tuned it out. You knew you’d be punished for this, but you didn’t care. Not currently, anyway. 
You tried to smile for him. His breath caught in his throat. This all seemed absolutely ridiculous. You were supposed to be out there, inflicting pain upon the survivors. But here you were. Kneeling on the dirt in front of an anxious man who had been rendered useless by merely losing a pair of glasses. Here you were. Smiling like an idiot. 
The thread on your finger didn’t seem so taunting when you looked at it. The colour had softened, and no longer screamed crimson into your vision. A pale, rosy hue. Before you’d even realised what you were doing, you held your little finger out to him. His eyes shifted nervously to watch you. 
After a few, quiet moments of uncertainty, the man rose to meet your grip. His finger, bound by the soft thread, shakily curled around yours. He dared meet your eyes again. You saw a twitch of a smile on the corner of his lips. You saw the spark of something in his eyes. You felt like you’d gained something.
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life-of-ice · 5 years
Apparently I'm an even bigger sucker for AJR then even I thought I was. Ya boi wrote down my interpretation of the stories of as many AJR songs as I could get a hold of.
(Not gonna lie, some of these made me cry.)
AJR Analysis : Living Room
Overture- Is good songs smushed together
Infinity- This is kind of one of the only love songs they will ever write. In this he is kind of asking if it was all in his head and that she was kind of perfect to him and all his troubles fell away when she was there and it's just a really sweet song.
I’m Ready- This is when they are really confident and happy, and excited for their first album to come out. They also want to make other people happy
My Calling- He is finding his calling, which is represented by ‘ I'm sailing the clouds”, and he's pretty confident it is his calling as said by teh “It might be my calling”.I think the “A heartbreak and hundred red balloons, now i'm off the floor” means he found his calling when he broke up with his significant other, and finding his purpose made him happy, or euphoric. He kinda thinks that he's going to put himself into this completely, and there's no going back, so he’ll let you know when he succeeds.
Thirsty- This is a silly party song about drunk people being really intense and excited.
Pitchfork Kids- This is literally one of the most intense song in the album and it is so hard to analyze in the beginning. He’s saying if he should spend time running for his life and that the “Pitchfork kids” are coming for him, orlike peer pressure and popular kids and people and if he gets away he’ll still be singing his. 
Livin’ on Love- This is about a guy who has a crush on someone, and that someone makes the first move. He explains he likes to take it slow, and he doesn't want this relationship to end, and looks like it'll be smooth sailing from there.
Big White Bed- He's thinking about his future with someone he lives. He would imagine living with his significant other for the rest of his life.
The World is A Marble Heart- He feels betrayed that his ex left him because of promises his ex made him when they first started dating. He's just kinda bitter.
The Green and the Town-The Giants they refer to are adults. They know they're  growing up, and they hope they can keep their youthful tendencies. He wants to be able to come back home someday, and relive his younger days.
Big Idea- They are really confident after a big success. And while they might be a small fry in the world of music, they are taking what they can get. They feel like you can do anything you put your mind to. But for now they are going to celebrate.
Growing Old on Bleecker Street- He's kind of saying it's kind of pointless to dream alone and that he is going to take his and wait for someone for him to make him happy. And that time may wash away his memories but him and the person in the song and him will still cry together. This song is really hard to put into words but i think the music and the lyrics are really beautiful. The music really complements the words too. It's a beautiful ending to a beautiful album.
AJR Analysis : The Click - Deluxe( https://youtu.be/PZz1Gxdb_tA )
Overture- Unfortunately, this is just a very well put together mashup of the other songs.
The Good Part- He's not sure he's made it yet and he doesn't know what or where it is but still really wants to be there but he doesn't want to go through all of the hard parts in the middle and, this is just stealing the name but, just wants to skip to the good part.
Weak- He wants to be stronger and resist those who want to get him in trouble, despite how he knows that trouble he gets himself into is fun for him. He keeps refusing, his past keeps interfering as though he had an addiction in the past.” One hit” almost certainly refers to that.
Sober Up- He doesn't want to be left behind by the few people he wants to trust but they keep losing touch and his new friends are kinda bad (reference to drama) and i think this kind of touches on the three of their relationship as brothers that dont hate each other.
Drama- He is outgrowing his friends, and notices that they aren't exactly the best influence on him. His so called friends have overblown problems that really aren't necessary, and they are pretty as shown in the “Recently, he said that she said some shret that you wouldn't believe.”
Turning Out- He realizes he has really high expectations for a relationship, needs to reevaluate how he would like a relationship. He also needs to work on his maturity. He realizes he needs to know how to make a friendship before he does anything else.
No Grass Today- He refers to smoking when he talks about “grass”. It seems like he used to smoke, but stopped after he started performing. He doesn'to anymore, but is cool if you smoke because he understands that it has a kind of euphoria. He replaced his addiction with music, because it feels the same to him. As it is, his whole attitude is  you do you, I'll do me.
Three Thirty- He wants to get his work out to the public, but no one has yet to accept his work. He knows he needs more attention, and he wonders whether if he would get the success he wants by becoming more mainstream, like Ed Sheeran. He also wonders whether he can get success before he gives up.
Call My Dad- Something bad happened to him when he went to a party and hung out with a girl. He wants to be comforted and go home,which is why he wants to call his dad, as his dad represents home and safety to him.
I'm Not Famous- He's not famous and he embraces it. He embraces it because his problems are kinda embarrassing, and he doesn't really want to show everyone and lose all privacy in his life.
Netflix Trip- It goes through his life and some of his most influential moments in his life that this show had gotten him through. Also the show is the office, with Dwight, Michael, and Jim and head of sales. I also fit with times of when the seasons originally came out. It also talks about the show being over and he’s going through netflix looking for a new show to help him get through the times that are harder for him to get through himself.
Bud like You- Two really good friends being like why are people taking everything so seriously. And also like why is everything so expensive
Come Hang Out- He is always leaving himself out on gatherings with friends and people because he wants to keep working on his musical career. In the bridge he says “should i go for more clicks this year, or should i follow the click in my ear.” I think that's one of the more powerful lines in this song, because he's saying that he is comparing his popularity on the internet to the “click” or clique that keeps asking him to drop it for once and hang out.
Burn the House down- He used to be innocent and foolish wondering about how he looked and walked and now he isn't as innocent and now he wonders if he should keep his songs innocent even though he isn’t and everyone is now deceiving and stoof and he wonders if he should expose them with strangers on Twitter of bite his tongue. Lets just say he chooses to expose the crap outta them.
Role Models- He's saying that people are famous for all of the wrong reasons. I think this song really connects to their later song in neotheater, beats, because i think he is kind of worrying about losing all the best parts of himself and become what some of the more famous people are.
Normal- The background music sounds like a playground, which I think represents his childhood. He doesn't feel normal as people think it's weird he's spending time by himself. He wants to give up and stop trying since people think he's so weird. “My friends have all new friends” means that he doesn't want to be left behind, and he made something to make him popular, and that makes him sad.
Pretender- I honestly love the acoustic version. This song is, i think, sort of about the sang like if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you. He is basically saying that he has problems and insecurities but he hides them to be like everyone and he thinks hes right about the fact that he has to be exactly like everyone else. Also it makes an amazing mash up with next up forever.
Ajr Analysis: Neotheather (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvfyCBJfPPRukUpv-xRE6EWuHZeAosLJ) 
Next Up Forever- The perspective is very nervous, and people are encouraging him to get better and better. He is both hopeful for his success, and scared of it.
Birthday Party- This is the perspective of an innocent person. He describes all of the world's problems, like “ I bet my ignorance is always Bliss, except ignoring pigment in our skin, I bet my countries nice to immigrants”. He is throwing shade at our problems with racism and ignoring the other problems we have, like global warming and discrimination of the minority.  
100 Bad Days- This is from the perspective of someone who is trying to ignore his problems, and brush it off for tomorrow as his way of coping. Like for example, when his girlfriend breaks up with him.
Don't Throw Out my Legos- The perspective is from a person graduating from perhaps high school, and is moving out. He doesn't want to leave his childhood behind him completely.
Break My Face- He's like Eff you, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about anyone but yourself, because you're kinda a jerk. If you only care about my looks, you have a lot more than me to fix.
Turning Out Pt.ii- He was a sad lonely person, and clung to the first person who would accept him. He realizes that that's what he did, and doesn't to want to burden her with himself anymore. He also realizes his decision might hurt her, and knows he needs to mature.
The Entertainment's here- He wants to distract himself from his reality so he doesn't have to think about his existence, like when he says “But I don't want to to think about my purpose on Earth” He is feeling numb as he has done the same thing over and over again. We think the school bell sound in the chorus is supposed to represent that as the school system is so rigid and uniform, but also rather boring.
Karma- A person is with a psychologist and is asking why he is so depressed as shown by his words of Doc or Doctor. The perspective feels like he has done everything he would to get better, but nothing is working, so it's a vicious cycle of being depressed, then getting depressed because he is depressed
Beats- The past line influences this a lot, but I think it's kind of like is he willing to throw away his dignity and creativity for the popular and expensive things that more popular writers and musicians say and make people think is popular. I think
Wow, I'm not Crazy- It's sort of touching on the fact of being the same in society but also being different. I think it sounds like he's convincing himself he's not crazy it's sort of just a social construct.
Dear Winter- I feel like this is a really nice and wholesome song compared to the rest of the songs. I feel like he is saying he is already proud and happy with Winter even though he hasn't even met their mother yet. I think it's a song where they is saying what he may not be able to say to them when they're older and won't listen to him. And he still has a lot to learn about being a good person and everything but he will still be proud and want to hang out with them. He wants to try really hard to be a good parent. #cool parent😋
Finale(Can't wait to see what you do next)- The perspective is like “ you have really high expectations, and I don't feel like I or anyone else can live up to them. So i'm going to do whatever I want because I don't feel like I have to deal with your expectations anymore. It's also like, I tried really dang hard, and there haven't been any results, as from the “You went hard, and you did fine."
No Album name yet
BANG!!- This songs begins with reminiscing about being a little kid who is allowed to fool around and be silly. He than has to "grow up" and is trying to pretend to adult, by doing adulty things like buying quinoa or other things ings like that."I'm way too young to lie here forever I'm way too old to try, so whatever Come hang, let's go out with a bang "those lines are talking about being at that weird age where you're definitely not feeling comfortable as an adult, or you're just really lost, you don't have to be at a certain age. He just goes fuck it, I'm learning to adult along the way, I'm sorta not succeeding, but that's ok.
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ourhappylies · 5 years
Meeting You (Jim Halpert) 🌻
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It wasn’t the worst day at the office. It wasn’t. Well. Maybe it was, but that’s not what Jim chose to focus on in the moment, focusing on one menial task at a time. Coffee grounds in the filter, his favourite mug rinsed and sat on the counter, and start. He turned out, leaning back against the counter, his arms on either side of him, fingers curled around the lip of the counter so hard his knuckles were white. He wanted to be in charge of new hires, Michael was sure to approve anyone who looked like Jan in the slightest. You walked through the door then, and Jim’s eyebrows raised as he took in your appearance. It was pouring outside and you most certainly wouldn’t have brought an umbrella, the news said there was almost a less than zero percent chance of rain.
But there you were. Soaked from the rain, practically dripping water wherever you stood, a fantastic first impression, you were sure. You made eye contact with the brunet in the break room, and he offered a small smile and a friendly wave that you were barely able to return. He watched you walk into Michael’s office, and he sighed. He should have been in charge of the new hires, he would have hired you instantly, the one thing they needed was someone who didn’t look like Jan, the one thing they needed was someone who wouldn’t deal with the dumb antics, someone like Angela, but.. Less aggressive. He wasn’t actually sure how well that description fit you, but he also wasn’t too concerned. It wasn’t like he was going to get the chance to find out. He heard the ancient coffee pot start up finally, the water slowly seeping through the filter. His head nodded down, his eyes closed. He hadn’t slept well in days now, up worrying about how Michael was going to treat the hires and what bad reputation he was sure he was going to have to repair on the next sales pitch he had to make.
As soon as the dripping from the coffee pot ceased he grabbed it, not paying attention to the opening of the break room door besides to offer out a hand for the mug he was sure whoever came in came to fill. You stood, unsure of what to do, Michael behind you talking to a redhead exasperatedly, the redhead you would later find out was Meredith, as you stepped forward, resting your hand in the taller man’s. His brows knitted as he turned, his eyes widening once more again at the sight of you. He stood for a moment, your hand in one of his, the coffee pot in the other, his fingers coming to rest on the glass of it for just a moment before they recoiled, dropping the pot on the ground, spilling coffee and glass over the entirety of his lower extremities, and he stood still for a moment, trying not to curse out loud before stepping forward past you, or, attempting to, until he heard an all too uneasy crunch of glass underneath his foot. That, however, more than the scalding coffee, warranted a curse.
“God fucking-” he started, lifting his foot to see the underside of it, grimacing at the pain radiating from it. “I’m sure I’m making a great impression.” he joked, forcing a laugh that in turn elicited a quiet laugh from you.
“I think you’re doing better that Mr. Scott.” you said softly, and Jim was sure he would have fallen in love with you and your voice right then, if you hadn’t have made him laugh with your name for Michael. 
“You know you can call him Michael, right? Everyone does, he’s only a superior by technicality and mistake.” he joked, “Oh, I’d shake your hand but..” he gestured to his foot he was holding, covered now with a sock soaked with blood. He hauled himself up on the counter, sighing. “I think I have a first aid kit in my desk drawer, if you don’t mind going to get it?” he asked, but what were you going to do, say no, to the first person who seemed to care at all, who you were and what you were doing? Absolutely not. So you asked around for his desk. Him being the man who still hadn’t introduced himself to you, so you asked vaguely for a tall man’s desk, the one in the break room that was shaped sort of like Gumby, and when the blonde you’d later learn was Angela turned to look at who it was, she rolled her eyes as Jim gave her a tight lipped smile and a half-hearted wave, but nonetheless, she directed you to his desk. You went through his drawers until you found the red and white kit, the one with the bad embroidering that said “Jim”, that you were almost sure Jim himself had done despite the fact you didn’t know much more about him than the fact he touched hot glass and was easily distracted by anyone he even relatively considered attractive.
When you walked in, Jim looked relieved, almost as if he didn’t expect you to go and get the kit, and he blushed at the sight of the bag, where his name was in golden letters. He had in fact, done it himself, and he hadn’t exactly gotten much better since then. He went home and wouldn’t practice, but would embroider anything at work given the chance. If it meant putting effort into anything other than a sales pitch, Jim was completely and wholly in. But if anything that only made the man in front of you, who you now knew as Jim, all the more charming.
You were as surprised as he was to be willing to help him get the glass out of his foot and get him into a makeshift bandage, but he appreciated it nonetheless. What he didn’t quite appreciate was Michael interrupting the peace and quiet with his antics.
“Oh, I see you met Jim, (y/n)! He’s a real looker isn’t he? Well he’s married,” he said, seriously, “Just kidding! Who would want to marry a spaghetti noodle? Don’t get too attached to the new hire, I might need to find them a partner that doesn’t look like stretched out gum.” he teased, laughing at his own joke. 
Michael was quickly distracted by Dwight yelling for him, and Jim laughed nervously when he left. “I’m sorry. He’s always like that..” Jim started to apologize, blushing profusely. “So. Tell me. Did I make enough of a good impression to get your number, newbie?” he asked, a hopeful half smile as he tilted his head towards you in anticipation of an answer.
“Absolutely not,” you teased, and upon seeing his face fall, you laughed, quickly correcting yourself. “I’m kidding. Yes. As long as I get a real name in your contacts and not just newbie.”
“Well does ‘Office Sweetheart’ work?” he teased, handing over his phone, where you gladly entered your number, under the guise of friends and co-workers and nothing more, although to essentially anyone who had seen the casual flirting and the way Jim’s eyes lit up over coffee the next morning when you came in, it was obvious it was to develop into more than that. At least Michael gave you the desk next to Jim’s.
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ohnohetaliasues · 5 years
Stones to Abbigale {Ch.2}
I actively want to die.
This book is making me suffer.
It’s terrible and I hate it.
Okay, here’s chapter two.
Also, I’m going to start new paragraphs whenever someone speaks because I find reading it without that formatting insufferable.
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The following morning Mr. Hanson approached me in the hall before class started.
Wait, who is this again? The history teacher?
I actually forgot he existed.
"We're supposed to talk," he said in his usual stern voice.
I responded, "I know, but what about?"
He began gesturing with his hands as he often did, I guess it was a habit he developed to trick people into believing he was saying something interesting.
Or he just talks with his hands.
Like me.
"You know you're a smart kid, but you keep showing up late to my classes and it's becoming a problem" he said.
Surprised he showed genuine interest; I replied with a smirk, "I'll do better in the future."
He continued "Alright, well, I also wanted to ask you about a TA opportunity."
I replied, "You don't have a teacher's assistant?"
I’ve never heard of a high school student becoming a TA, but maybe it’s just not a thing at my high school.
I watched a bead of sweat fall down his balding forehead as he responded.
"The last TA moved, and yeah, you're not always on time, but you get your work done honestly and efficiently."
I asked, "Ok Mr. Hanson, next semester?"
He authoritatively replied "No, you can just take an elective class credit and I'll let your current teacher know you'll be working with me from here on."
I crave death.
I immediately thought of the possibility of losing art class and rejected the idea.
"My only elective is art class right now and I don't want to give that up" I said.
He took a step back looking offended and lost his temper, in a disgruntled tone he said "Art? Art class is a joke James! Tell me one person you know who is making a living painting pictures!"
There are many famous painters alive today who are rich.
Jeff Koons, Gerhard Richter. The list goes on.
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All the students nearby in the hall stopped and looked towards the shouting. I looked at Mr. Hanson unaffected, reminding him I would not give it up. I wasn't about to sacrifice the one class I had with Abbi for alone time with a sweaty, anger-prone history teacher.
Why do adults in this book act like petty children?
Mr. Hanson looked at everyone stopped in the hall and screamed "Oh ha ha, everyone look at Mr. Hanson he's such a goof, move along kids!"
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Everyone just looked at him as he turned back to me, maintaining his clearly frustrated posture. He then waddled into his classroom to begin class.
My eyes are glazing over.
I reluctantly entered with the remaining students to sit at my desk, which was conveniently placed within broomstick range from Mr. Hanson's desk.
‘Broomstick range’ is now a system of measurement, apparently.
After enduring another useless history lesson revolving around my home state of Washington it was finally time for art class.
What a surprise, that’s also Onion’s home state.
I walked as fast as I could without looking too awkward, in my normal fashion, only to find Abbi wasn't even in the room. I sat down in my new seat and waited, only to see everyone but her fill the room.
Die mad about it.
Mrs. Stanley closed the door to our class trailer and instructed us to begin dismembering the possessions we brought from home. I began cutting the bear with a scalpel Mrs. Stanley provided me
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Just no.
Is your art teacher insane?
but my muscles seemed to work on their own as I found myself consumed with Abbi again, her overwhelming presence on the edge of every thought fragment in my mind. Just a short while into class I found myself looking down at my bear, now cut into 6 pieces. I felt like I was in a science lab dissecting an actual animal, the most noticeable difference being that the cotton stuffing didn't look like or stink of old flesh and death like real animals did.
I don’t know whether to cry, scream, or laugh about this.
Later that day during lunch, due to my mom not being able to afford buying me a cell phone, I used a payphone to call Abbi but got no answer. I didn't feel like eating so the rest of lunch I just sat on a bench outside staring at people interacting with each other. I made a major effort to distract myself knowing that focusing on what could be was mostly a waste considering I was so powerless to influence any change at that point. Even just watching the bushes move around in the wind made more sense to me than letting worry consume me.
More of this pretentious bullshit.
Later that night after I had just finished my shower I placed the one cordless phone we had in my house next to my bed on my windowsill. I would have dialed her but I didn't want to call more than once a day for fear of wearing out my welcome.
Good idea.
That night, a few different calls came in but they were always for my sister Lisa. Her receiving a barrage of phone calls from random guys was nothing new to anyone in the house.
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The normal conversation you could expect to hear Lisa take part in, with excessive projection in her voice, would most always revolve around how stupid she thought other girls at school were and how she hates basically everything about Lakewood High.
I mean, who doesn’t hate high school? It kind of sucks.
I didn't want to know what she was talking about, ever,
Even if you just said what she was talking about.
but my TV volume couldn't compete with her voice. It was like she thought she was so important, everyone around her just had to hear everything she had to say no matter how trivial the topic. After a couple hours she finally stopped running her mouth so I turned off my TV and with it my room faded to darkness. I welcomed the silence like a warm blanket on a cold night.
I hate that simile.
I woke up the next morning to see the phone sitting there just like my stupid alarm clock, useless and unbearably annoying to look at. I expected it to sound off at some point but like the clock it failed to deliver.
If the alarm clock is broken, get a new one or throw that one away, or maybe fix it. There are many ways to fix your problem.
It was raining outside; clouds filled the sky in normal Lakewood fashion. I wasn't going to skate to school this time out of fear it would rust my skates and hinder my ability to skate fast if even at all.
If you briefly skate in the rain, it won’t do anything to your skates. That’s just how that works.
Instead I decided to ride the bus, pretending for only moments I really had a choice.
As I climbed up the bus steps, Davis rang out "Hallelujah, James is here to save everyone from the evil clouds!"
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I genuinely smiled for the first time that morning thanks to him. As usual I sat next to the window seat that Davis courteously always offered me.
This book just has a way of making me want to die.
The beginning of history class was the same old story. As usual I barely paid attention. I just thought about Abbi and hoped she was ok.
Okay, the way this is written makes it seem like James only has history class and then art and that’s it and then school is over. That seems to be it.
And that bothers me.
Interrupting my thoughts of Abbi came a very rude outburst by Jason. It was odd to hear his voice, as I wasn't supposed to see him till art class. He stood outside our closed class door waving his hands in hopes of disrupting us.
Is he just standing there screaming outside the classroom door? That’s fucking stupid. There is no logical or comedic reason for him to do that.
It was clearly for no real reason more meaningful than a toddler would have in invok- ing chaos around their immediate environment. Some people just want to get an emotional reaction to their behavior so they can feel a sense of power or control.
So he cuts class to scream outside a classroom door?
Have fun in detention, dipshit.
Jason began banging on the door so Mr. Hanson walked over and opened the door and asked "Why aren't you in your class?"
Jason responded saying, "Got kicked out, what's up?"
Okay, so because of that bullshit, I believe Mr. Hanson should have the option to fucking destroy you.
"Go stand outside your class till it's over" Mr. Hanson commanded, Jason rebelliously replied, "Don't tell me what to do fatty."
Okay, so I’m mad about how Onion connected these two pieces of dialogue when he shouldn’t have, but I’m also mad at this fucking 3rd grade insult.
To a teacher.
I could see Mr. Hanson was about to lose it, so I interrupted. "No one wants you here Jason."
Rude but yes, James is right. Fuck right off.
Mr. Hanson looked back at me with a look of surprise. He seemed shock I would say anything on his behalf. Jason became extremely silent, now refusing to look anywhere but at me.
That’s... Alarming imagery.
His glare was intense but it seemed so forced, like he wasn't really offended but didn't want to look weak in front of everyone else.
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I cannot imagine that in a way that invokes tension.
Mr. Hanson then closed the door inches away from Jason's nose but that didn't stop him from staring intensely through the vertical window slot in the door.
This literally sounds like a scene from The Office. It sounds like somethig Dwight Schrute would do.
He remained so still and consistent in his stare, it was almost as if he had become a red-faced almost cartoonish portrait hanging on the door.
Literally sounds like Dwight. I’m laughing my ass off.
As class came closer to an end Jason was no longer staring at me and wasn't even visible from my perspective. Knowing Jason had something left to prove, many of the students naturally assumed he was somewhere within the immediate vicinity. I could tell most everyone was concerned as they kept looking back at me, wondering what I was going to do about the clearly unstable and enraged jock that no doubt was still lurking just outside our door.
I can’t-
Is he a caricature? Of a fucking stereotypical jock?
Every kid in there knew I couldn't just hide out in the class. I was sure this was some kind of victory for Mr. Hanson. He knew I wouldn't have this immediate problem had I accepted his offer to TA for him.
It’s petty and stupid not to stop a potential fight between students because you’re mad at one of the students. Why is this asshole acting like a child?
Because Onion regularly acts like a child.
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My decisions led me to this; I built a doorway to certain destruction and I knew if I was going to be brave, I had to walk through it.
I don’t care.
Get the shit beat out of you.
You’re annoying.
I didn't have time to deal with hesitating once class was over, seeing Abbi was my real priority. I walked out with the class just like I normally did only this time Jason was following close behind, as I'm sure most everyone assumed he would. I was about to leave the main building to head over to the art trailer only to feel a hand grab my shoulder. The hand slipped as I pulled away, nails scraping along my skin to clamp on my shirt. I was then yanked swiftly back from the main hall door. It began.
I’ve written fight scenes before. This has no buildup like a fight scene should have.
I yanked my shirt aggressively out of his hand and clutched my now scratched up shoulder. I was now facing Jason who immediately lunged at me and threw me into the already half-broken hall door just behind me.
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What door? Where is this fight taking place? in front of the school? Where is the main hall?
I’m very confused.
I bounced back from the impact and pushed Jason in the center of his chest to distance him from me so I could continue walking away. Without hesitation he used my response to justify further violence and began throwing punches. I was knocked to the ground within seconds and he began trying to pull off my backpack resulting in me being briefly dragged across the floor like a helpless child.
This... This is very very hard to picture as an actual series of events.
This is not how fight scenes work or how they should be written.
I was now a couple yards away from the door I was trying to leave through.
Oh, so this is inside. I pictured it outside because I wasn’t told that wasn’t where it was.
I twisted away to return to a standing position while simultaneously snatching my backpack back so hard that it flew out my hands and smacked the door behind me, leaving a huge crack in the glass. I could hear glass falling off the door behind me.
I cannot picture this happening it’s so strangely written.
People began to gather around us, and like a chemical reaction they began screaming just as they did before. Much of what was happening was a blur, but I remember they would scream every time Jason hit me throughout the irrefutably one-way fight. It quickly got to the point where I didn't even feel the punches, I could only hear them laughing and yelling as Jason swung again and again.
Has Onion only ever seen shitty high school movies? Because nobody acts like this.
I kept falling over and over but every time I would return to stand only to fail at defending myself from further blows. I didn't block a single hit; I didn't even throw one punch at him.
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As my nose began to bleed one of the boys my sister was friends with, Matthew, grabbed me and pulled me out of the fight. He was twice my size but was also on Jason's football team so naturally he did nothing to help me win.
Bro he saved you from being punched repeatedly.
The only thing he offered me was an end to the beating I was suffering.
And that’s fine. Because Matthew is stopping the fight instead of continuing it. Which is the good thing to do.
Shortly after the fight ended I found myself sitting on a mattress in the nurses' office, not allowed to leave, not allowed to do anything but think about what happened.
I’d maybe take him to the hospital.
Despite everything in my head feeling scrambled and disorganized, there was Abbi, waiting in the same place, just as she sat in the back of class. She radiated warmly in the back of my mind.
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As lunch approached Principal Leeman came into the room I was staying in at the nurses' office and asked me how I was feeling.
Why on earth did the principal come and check on him?
That’s bizarre.
I responded "Well, my tooth is chipped, my chin hurts, my face is bruised and I just got humiliated in front of my peers."
And you know your tooth is chipped without actually checking.
Mr. Leeman said, "I've gotten multiple statements saying you pushed him. What's your response?"
James was literally attacked. It was not his fault. I will admit that, even if I hate him.
I replied "I pushed him back after he pushed me first. All I did was push him back once and then he did this to my face." I made a circular motion around my face showing how one-sided the fight way.
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That bit of dialogue and the following description didn’t make any fucking sense.
Principal Leeman said in a commanding voice "Well he's suspended for 10 days," he paused and I felt relief assuming the Principal was on my side, but then he continued, "You will be suspended for 2 days."
The bitch didn’t fight back, but sure okay.
I was surprised they would suspend someone for just pushing back when they are pushed. What was I supposed to do? Just ignore being assaulted?
Valid point.
If school is meant to teach us how to survive in the real world, and in the real world you are legally allowed to defend yourself, how could they justify this punishment?
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Never mind, shut the fuck up.
Principal Leeman informed me I could finish up the day and not return for the following two days.
I would assume James needs to go home or to the dentist due to his chipped tooth.
"You should be at least grateful for that, Jason was escorted off school grounds entirely," he said.
Principal Leeman stared at me sitting there, helpless and about to break down.
"Ok then, see you again in a few days" he said and quickly walked out.
All I could focus on feeling in that moment was the tacky ice pack on my face and a sinking feeling of worthlessness. It's not something I like to admit but the truth is I cried seconds after Principal Leeman left the room.
I mean, I would too.
The type of cry you suppress but your eyes still get become red, your body trembles & painfully hot tears still fall. It was the type of sadness that made a person ache to their core but you do your best to hold on, to not lose yourself to your emotions like you would so carelessly do as a child.
 I have read descriptions of trying not to cry before, and this feels like a strange hollow replica of the things I read. I’ve written someone trying not to cry before.
While this does evoke some emotion, it’s very on the surface and not deep enough to make me feel anything heavy.
And it isn’t childish to cry, it’s human, so shut the fuck up, Onion.
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I sat in the room alone till I could collect myself. Shortly after I gathered my stuff and proceeded to finishing my classes for the day.
There needs to be a comma after ‘shortly after’ or this reads like an incomplete sentence.
I also asked a couple of my teachers about any work I would miss so I could keep up while I was suspended but didn't have the motivation to stop by every single class before leaving the school entirely.
Have fun with the surprise homework you’ll have.
As I was about to get on the bus home I looked over to see Abbi again in the parking lot with her boyfriend Seth. They were standing by his car. This time they were not showing affection, in fact she seemed like she wasn't even willing to look at him despite him clearly and aggressively speaking to her.
Oh wonderful.
Don’t get me wrong, abuse is terrible and I hope from the bottom of my heart that if any of you are victims of abuse that you get the help you need, but this.
This seems cliché.
Without a second's thought I shifted away from the bus and began walking over to Abbi to see if she was ok. The more I could hear Seth's tone as I approached the more worried I became.
Okay, that’s a rational thing to do.
Seth reacted to me like a guard dog in a ghetto-fenced yard once he realized I was headed towards him.
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That’s a little extreme.
He puffed out his shoulders and glared at me in attempts to look intimidating.
How does someone puff out their shoulders? Explain that to me.
Abbi remained upset, it seemed like she was emotionally unable to look any- where but the ground.
Do you mean physically? You can’t use your emotions to move your body. That’s just not a thing that exists. Sorry, Onion.
Now within a fair speaking range, I tried to sound optimistic for the sake of Abbi's emotional state, "Hey Abbi, were you at art class today?"
In.* In art class, I think you mean.
I asked.
Her boyfriend stepped in front of her to block my view and said, "Are you the kid that called her the other night?"
I responded, "Yeah, we're..."
"Just ignore him James" Abbi said mumbled loudly behind Seth.
Seth looked back as if an arrow had just been plunged into his chest.
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So... He looked like he’d been shot?
Excuse me, the fuck?
Abbi then walked around him looking only at me and said, "Will you walk me..." but paused when she saw my face.
Abbi's facial expression changed quickly to shock as she asked in an alarmed tone "...what happened?"
Her boyfriend busted out laughing, "Oh, you didn't see this idiot get wrecked by Jason? He didn't even fight back. I would've had that jock prick choking in his own blood in seconds but you just took a beating like a..."
It’s like this guy looked at the viewer and said ‘I’m an asshole and you’re not supposed to like me.’
Abbi interrupted screaming, "Shut up Seth! You sadistic freak!"
Seth's grin turned into a scowl. He rapidly stepped towards her so I blocked his path by stepping in front of him. Seth looked more mortified than I had ever seen a person get. In such a short time knowing him I could see he had a number of mental and emotional issues, more so than I understood.
You just know this?
Again, why is James written like this? In a way that seems like he has psychic powers?
Seth didn't even try to get past me to Abbi; he let his voice reach her with his screams "You have no respect! After what I've done for you?"
Abbi replied, "I'm sick of this Seth, I want nothing to do with you."
Her voice cracked as Seth screamed once more. "If you're ending this again! I..."
He didn't know what to say, but in his eyes I could see a deep intense hatred. When I looked in most people's eyes I saw all kinds of things but in him there was only anger and pain. His hands were shaking furiously, his breathing noticeably irregular, he was losing it.
This is like a lizard person trying to describe how an angry person looks. It doesn’t make sense and it is mechanical.
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Abbi still refused to look at Seth as he threw his tantrum. He yelled "Fine! Be with a guy who can't even protect himself! Idiot!"
Fine, be with someone who clearly isn’t abusive who you’ve talked to twice.
Seth got into his car as Abbi tightly grabbed my arm; her eyes remained closed like she was scared, hiding in a shell. She jumped at the sound of Seth slamming his car door.
Recklessly, Seth floored the gas pedal and his car lurched forward, barely missing Abbi and me as he pulled out of the parking lot.
I can’t even.
Abbi stood silently by with her eyes still closed. I didn't know how to act in a situation like this.
Trying not to make things worse I just said, "I will walk you home, to answer your question."
Abbi opened her eyes but remained silent. She nodded.
I am running out of gifs to express how annoyed I am.
We had been walking for a while, every step making us feel like we were slightly further from our problems.
She finally spoke, "So I was in Art Class and I saw your cut up bear."
I responded, "Yeah? Creepy right? Maybe it was a FUBAR idea." She laughed a little.
I forgot that he cut up the bear yesterday and not the same day this is taking place because Onion sucks ass at transitions and I actually forgot that there was a transition because it was forgettable.
"Yeah, I guess we're both kind of weird, I was all game for it." I softly laughed as I began to feel raindrops hitting my arms and neck.
"I hear running is just as bad as walking in the rain" I said.
"You get just as wet?" She replied.
"Yeah, something like that. It's like the harder you try to fix some problems, the worse they get."
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I made a face similar to this gif in response to this nonsense.
I impulsively asked to confirm what I had earlier seen
"So your... Seth... is..."
She interrupted "Hopefully soon completely out of my life."
My curiosity overtook me, I asked, "What happened?"
She frowned and said, "Other than what happened in the parking lot?"
I responded "Well, I mean, I donno, don't say anything you don't want to."
She stared at her feet as we continued to walk. I noticed her makeup was running. Shortly after she noticed too and began to rush us getting home.
Walking faster she said, "I'm sorry, I really don't want you to see me like this."
She continued to rush slightly ahead of me, I stopped walking and said "Hey!"
She slowed down and stopped still facing away from me.
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We stood in the rain for only a few seconds before she asked, "Do you think makeup really helps anyone?"
I replied still looking at her back, "I think it helps us forget what we don't want to remember, it let's us pretend we're a little more perfect than we really are."
She laughed sadly and said, "That's one way to put it."
I smiled and replied "Makeup is just makeup, and skin is just skin. It is what it is."
I’d rather knock myself unconscious than read this waxing poetic pretentious bullshit.
You aren’t Walt Whitman, Onion boy. Shut up.
Abbi looked up at the rain for a moment and then down at the ground again. She then turned around with her rain-soaked face revealing what she was hiding under her makeup. Standing before her in the rain, looking at the results of what she had suffered, it broke my heart. Abbi wasn't worried about her makeup running for the reason I thought, she was just afraid of what I would think when I saw the bruises on her face, some just like mine.
You being beat up by someone isn’t as bad as the prolonged abuse Abbi has apparently been suffering.
So shut your fucking mouth you whiny bitch.
"Do you see them?" she asked with a quiver in her voice.
Without restraint I responded with the first thing that came to my mind, "I see beautiful girl, who I very much enjoy walking with in the rain."
Despite her face being covered in falling drops of water, I could clearly see tears fall from her eyes.
Okay. You’ve spoken to her twice now.
While this is slightly sweet, both of these characters have given me no reason to like them or grow attached to them, so I really don’t care about this interaction.
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Her head fell forward as she began to shake, her tears falling almost in sync with the rain.
Just... Okay.
I walked up to her and put my arm around her side and walked with her the rest of the way home.
As we got to her doorstep I said "I'm just seven letters away, call if you need anything ok?"
She smiled and nodded.
"See you tomorrow?" she asked.
I replied, "I got suspended for two days".
She looked offended "Woooow! Punishing the guy who got beat up, classy!"
She looks offended? Why? James didn’t offend her.
Also, it bothers me so fucking much that Onion puts the dialogue bits after the ‘she said’ part of the sentence. That is not how you write. At all.
Fuck you.
I responded, "Yeah... well, I pushed him back."
She replied "Clearly not hard enough."
I laughed sadly looking down as she unexpectedly wrapped her arms around me.
Despite it being so cold out and her being soaked, it was the warmest hug I had ever received. I hugged her back, said goodbye and walked home with a huge smile on my face, bruises and all.
Hallelujah. Fuck both of you.
Okay, so there are many things wrong with this.
The formatting is absolutely fucked and the characters are actually so deeply bland and flavorless that I cannot bring myself to like them at all.
Also, it romanticizes abuse.
Which is disgusting.
Okay, I’m gonna get on chapter three because I apparently love suffering.
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