#also wth is his hat
aideshou · 1 year
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trying to figure out if tablo wore a skirt to the NYC ‘23 show? 
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
I love, love, LOVE your speedrun comic, expecially the parts with Ace losing his mind and ASL reuniting. I am VERY curious as to how, exactly, this gremlin crew of half-feral children managed to negotiate an alliance with Whitebeard. My bet is Luffy just went “rearranges reality until it’s more to his liking and everybody is left wobbling dazedly”. Also, the Whitebeard Pirates thinking “this explains SO MUCH about Ace”.
hahah you got the “everybody is left wobbling dazedly” part right XD. here’s my answer to ur curious musings!!!
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An alliance implies equal footing, and to have equal footing with the greatest pirate alive is not something to scoff at. So good job Whitebeard for scoring an ETERNAL friendship with the pirate king 👍!!!!
Time travel/Speedrun AU masterlist
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sleeplesssmoll · 9 months
Can you imagine everyone in the suitcase getting together to prepare the Foundation Kids’ first Christmas 🥹🥹🥹
The gift exchanging and the cuteness would be the most wholesome thing! Little Santa hats for all! Honestly this became a long list of HCs and not all of them are related to Christmas. It'll be Crew member and Vertin interactions because it'd be a lot to do it both ways for every single character. My ears are open for anyone who wants to share their HCs!
Regulus (actually Apple) gives a Vertin a set of high quality paint brushes. She also gives her also a weird rotund plushy with this face
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This is the real one Regulus picked but she and Apple work as a pair. She says it's face reminded her of Vertin. Vertin will keep this new friend among her growing collection of oddities from her crew members. She keeps everything they give her, even if it's just a pretty marble.
Joshua gives her a DIY woodworking book and then brings up his bookshelf being broken (hidden agenda!) At first the others are like "wth?" but Vertin seems to love it. You know the little game pieces we see throughout the game to represent the characters? Vertin makes something similar with her new skill and they use them when developing strategies. Jessica and Sonetto like to help her paint them. Druvis gives her tips (since she's a wandmaker she has more experience). Also, Vertin does fix his shelf eventually and made a few adjustments so it won't break again.
I see Vertin as the type who can figure out those God awful assembly instructions with 70 different letters and numbers labeling everything. For tech stuff, Regulus and Joshua have them covered. They try not to ask X if they can help it because despite being a genuis he always adds an unnecessary feature. No I don't need my camera have a "brew coffee" function!
None of the "fix-it" people above can put together a proper meal though.
Madam Z is invited but couldn't make it (Constantine at it again). She sends Vertin a very elegant coat with a water proof enchantment to keep her both warm and dry. She she noticed Vertin's grown a bit taller and she'll most likely need a new coat.
Tooth Fairy also couldn't make it (helping Madam Z so she can get leave the office sooner and they can celebrate with wine). She sends Vertin a jar of candies and a finely crafted pocket knife. Why a pocket knife? No one knows for sure. Despite no one getting it at first, whenever they have a package they can't open, a freshly picked fruit from the garden, etc. they ask Vertin if she has her knife. Of course she does. She's Suitcase Dad lol. Tooth Fairy was predicting the future.
Sotheby will give her candies that are actually healing potions! It's one of her newest creations! They're more convenient than carrying potion bottles. There are a few...side effects but nothing too major. Vertin is extremely grateful for this and carries a few in her pocket at all times in case someone gets hurt. This usually ends up being herself (in combat) or Sotheby tripping and scraping her knees, palm, etc. She'll hesitate to take the candy herself (because what if someone else needs it later?), even when she's barely standing but heaven forbid one of her people gets a boo-boo or a bruise. It's frustrating as it is endearing.
Sonetto gives her a tin of her favorite brand of tea and a thermal blanket. Vertin's the type of person with a cooler body temperature. In winter, her hands are freezing! This worries Pupnetto even though the Foundation trains them to endure cold temperatures. However, most of the other members end up snuggling in the heated blanket, including Sonetto herself (she is slowly unlearning the Foundation's way of suffering pointlessly) but she will share it with Vertin when she does. Vertin doesn’t mind. Honestly, Sonetto is hot blooded (the opposite of her) so having her nearby makes it warmer anyway.
And Sonetto's always at her side. She doesn't worry about the cold.
Druvis gives Vertin a wand with her arcanum built into it. It's shaped like a pistol, similar to Schneider's but it's nonlethal. The "bullets" are infused with the slime from Druvis's thorns and can hinder enemy movements (inflict petrify status). This way she can "protect" Vertin even if they're apart. With more eyes on the Suitcase than ever, she believes Vertin needs to take extra precautions. Vertin takes very good care of the gun (though she's never had to use it in real combat yet) and when they do co-op missions with other departments it garners a lot of attention from the soldiers.
Druvis is not accepting requests at this time.
Blonney gives her an ugly Christmas sweater but her gag gift backfires when Vertin looks cute. Stupid yes, but cute. Also the fabric is very soft and Vertin seems very cozy inside.
Later, Blonney gives her the real gift. She was too shy to give it to her in front of the others but there's a hand written card thanking her everything she's done for her and Jessica. There's money in the card of course. Jen also gives her a little short story she wrote. Not a horror one, but a sweet one about a curious kitten going on misadventures and making friends. Vertin can immediately tell its based on the shenanigans she gets into with her crew members. Blonney doesn't stick around long (blushing too hard) but Vertin is moved by this. The crew members are represented by their Udimos!
Jessica gives Vertin a doll (think chibi) she made that looks like the Timekeeper and it has removable accessories. For Christmas, the chibi Vertin is wearing a Santa suit. Sometimes the doll goes missing from her shelf if she's gone for more than a day (work relates reasons). 98% of the time it's with Sonetto who crumbles like a guilty puppy if Vertin asks about its whereabouts. The separation anxiety is real. Vertin recognizes this and eventually says it looks happier in Sonetto's room. She asks Sonetto to please take good care of her (the doll). Vertin also makes more effort to "call" home or send a message with arcanum tech after this event.
She's not used to having people wait for her at home, but one day in the near future she will be.
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stayinggoldforpony · 2 months
hiiii!!!! love ur posts, ur hcs specifically always eat. i was wondering if u had any hcs for family game night w/ the gang??? ty!!!!
they're probably playing monopoly and after every game night they all yell they're never playing it again (they play it every week)
they fight about who's banker and then finally they all scream "FINE DARRY YOU DO IT" because he's the only trust worthy one
Could also someone making Johnny do it
Darry was probably sitting on the couch minding his own business 😭 he's there to keep the peace
Steve and Two-bit probably start wrestling for some reason
Steve takes it SO seriously, like he is LOCKED IN
Two-bit is robbing the bank FOR SURE
If Johnny was banker everyone would start yelling and Johnny would be like "uhm please don't rob the bank?"
bro is stressing
Dally yells at everyone to shut up and yanks the money back from two-bit
NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT PART!!! what pieces are they using??
steve: car
darry: shoe
soda: dog
twobit: thimble because he thinks it funny
dally: canon
johnny: hat
ponyboy: would wanna use the shoe but cant because of darry so instead he chooses ship or wheel barrel
if you know me you know I gotta include some papercut
oh if curly comes over??? he wants to use the ship. but he sees soda reaching for the dog?? he picks the dog.
and soda starts being like wth but pony just tells soda to let curly use it because curlys excuse would be "I use the dog at home :3"
(he doesn't. pony knows this because pony has gone to the shepard house and played monopoly with angela, tim, and curly. but pony doesn't wanna call curly out on lying because he knows soda would always use that as another excuse to why curly is horrible and they should break up)
ponyboy loves snakes and ladders because because it reminds him of his childhood (they used to play it a lot trust)
he doesn't care for the game much itself though
I feel like Pony is the type to get genuinely upset when people start cheating and not taking the game seriously
like he probably leaves the games sometimes because things get too hectic
and everyone thinks he's just being a sore loser and its like "actually no i just wanted to play the game"
this would probably mainly happen because he'd wanna play a specific game that no one else likes but soda makes them because pony's turn to pick
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Found an Self-Insert Cyberpunk fanfic.
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Except it's not the usual type. It's the type where it's told entirely from the perspective of people other than the SI, which makes it more interesting.
Problem 1: Current events.
Almost all the references people make are ones you'd expect from someone today, like Batman or other pieces of pop culture.
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Cyberpunk 2077 often references fictional in-universe media. Like the dead rock star stuck in V's head. In a world where everything and everyone is disposable and temporary, why would people usually reference 80 year old media?
At one point, a character explicitly compares another character's clothing to Danny DeVito in Matilda.
Okay, the CP timeline divergences mainly started in the 90s. So it's possible that the movie was still made, but it's still odd. Especially when the same characters don't recognize that the story's lead is heavily based on Walter White. Shaved head and everything.
Except he's using his chemistry potential for good, not evil.
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And it's not just media. It's also Current Year memes, like V describing certain people as a "corpo bros who watched too much American Psycho", or himself as a "disaster bisexual".
Oh look, a segue.
Problem 2: Rainbow connection.
The story puts a lot of emphasis on LGBT characters.
There's Judy Alvarez, obviously. But also, V's in with Meredith Stout is Stout's explicitly non-binary ex who, you guessed it, is they/them.
Adds nothing to the story. The SI provides that info, and Meredith tries to trip V up, but he sees through it.
Since Meredith is a Militech Corpo, and V is an Arasaka ex-Corpo (who still isn't over it), why doesn't V…just use that connection, somehow? Militech and Arasaka are rivals. There could be some friction there. Or V could sympathize with how Stout would do anything to keep her job.
Why are non-binary characters always just they/them? Why not he/she/they? He/She? Xi/xir? or Lunagender? Or using regular He or She interchangably while IDing as enby? Why is it always the basic, simple, "normal" version? Got a Rochester's Wife situation going on?*
Also, in fanfics, things like this often suggest even more awkward left-wing political insertions, down the line.
Problem 3: even more awkward left-wing political insertions.
Well, just one.
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Panam Palmer just didn't fit. This wasn't rare in Night City. Lots of people who didn't fit in, were awkward, had no social groups, didn't choose to be loners. She expected to be alone in the city and no one cared. But it was personal hate. Her skin color, nomad markings, speech, just being a woman. The list went on and every day there was some new jerk who needed to find out, because they messed around.
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Panam is canonically native American, according to the devs, but she looks like a random white biker lady wth a tan. Wouldn't be the first white-passing Native woman I've seen.
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Also, she lives and works around Night City. Which is extremely diverse.
Judy Alvarez and Jackie (both Hispanic) were both POV characters, and race wasn't really mentioned. You'd think ex-Arasaka V or someone would mention Arasaka's racism, but nope. River Ward was a viewpoint character, and he's much more visibly non-white, down to his necklace and dreamcatcher (if romanced).
He only brings it up in the fic when Misty asks him if he ever had his fortune told. Apparently his granny did a "spirit walk" when him and his sister were born.**
I've seen playthroughs of the game, and I don't remember sexism really being a thing. Why would skin color matter much when anyone can change that and other ethnic features at will?
Why did race only come up as a significant thing now?
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I'd expect Panam to get the most stick for being a Nomad, not brown, or a woman. Especially in a city where any woman could sprout mantis blades and go Cyberpsycho at the drop of a hat.
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This feels…reductive. Like the writer wanted to give Panam challeges to overcome so she could be a Tough Woman™, and just…piled too much on, like a Chicago hot dog.
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I would've gone with something more subtle. "Her back itches without her Nomad tribe behind her, and she's uncomfortable in a city instead of a desert, or a road. Even the echoes sound wrong."
So, yeah, this was the last straw.
Also, I checked the writer's profile, and, very stereotypically, she's from Portland.
*Also, you might recall that there was a nontroversy over an soda ad in the game featuring a lady with, ahem, a rather substantial bulge. Based on an actual trans woman. Somehow, portraying a (possible) trans woman in the same sexually objectified way as ads featuring non-trans people is transphobic.
I never worked out that logic.
My best guess is that some people were uncomfy with it, and it's about a trans person, so it's must be *phobic somehow.
Wouldn't it be ironic if the ad was just Photoshop in universe? Or the in-universe model was a non-trans woman who strapped on the junk just for the ad?
(Though depending on who you ask, that still counts as being a trans woman, somehow.)
**Come to think, that kind of feels like it's stereotyping. I can't find evidence Pomo Native Americans do spirit walks, but maybe my Google-fu is just weak.
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sunthyme · 8 months
Let's go!! Part five, baby! I'm literally having so much fun with these omg. Y'all are so sweet every time, istg I'll cry. If y'all draw my ocs, I WILL cry ong. Also, be warned, this post will have a LOT of characters lol. Welcome to...
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This dorm is so unfairly pretty, wth... Also, despite having 4 freshmen, there is only one second year 😭😭😭. Enjoy!~
First up, our queen in all her glory,
💅Vil Schoenheit💅
(she/he/they) Genderfluid (leaning towards fem mostly) - Panromantic Demisexual
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Not me simping for my own design with this one oml.
- I've seen quite a few people headcanon Vil as Desi and I agree. I also view her as technically genderfluid but she normally presents very fem and is on occasion like, "Hm, masculine pronouns today."
- I was going to keep the blonde and make her have some root colour showing but it wasn't looking right. To be honest, she's slaying with the darker hair though.
- Made his eyes a deeper, purple-y blue and their earrings were a gift from Rook as they match her eyes almost perfectly.
- Totally a mother hen, keep in mind I literally have hardly seen her yet but I /think/ that's canon lol?
- Fashion nerd and could list the eras of different fashion trends and famous designers off the top of their head.
- Not a fan of physical activity, just does it to be in fit shape. She actually really likes to read nonfiction and love art history as well.
- Met Rook as first years and they bonded immediately. Probably the first person that Vil really clicked with.
Speaking of...
🏹Rook Hunt🏹
(he/they/she/etc. Doesn't really care lol) Unlabelled Gender - Pansexual
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Quick comment: Why does he look so fcuking weird w/out his hat in-game??? I have his ceremonial robes card and if he didn't already scare me, he definitely does now. I think my version looks a little less weird. Anyways, side tangent over.
- I kept his fuck-ass bob, it's simply too iconic, though I gave it a bit more volume and shape. You can decide if he's a natural blonde or not lol.
- I headcanon him to be Chinese and French, and he grew up bilingual. Has a hell of and accent and when he gets upset, they just swap to either Chinese or French, it's a fifty-fifty depending on the day.
- They're not super visible but the bow and arrow earrings were a gift from Vil to celebrate Rook winning an archery competition. I think it was pretty early in their friendship but that's when Rook registered her feelings for Vil.
- For as open as Rook is about finding others attractive, it gets nervous to directly compliment Vil to her face. This is more obvious with saying "I love you," which he doesn't mind tossing out to most people, it's just really personal toward Vil so they avoid saying it lol.
- Most of the compliments that Rook gives Vil are things Vil is already aware of so Rook doesn't chance bringing up all the things they love about Vil. (Can you tell I love them?)
Enough about RookVil. Time for my boy!!
🍎Epel Felmier🍎
(he/him) Transmasc - Gay
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*Breaks out the southern accent* Y'all thought the others thus far have been long, hoo boy... Y'all are in for a real treat.
- Firstly, my boy is transmasc. I feel like that's pretty widely accepted 'round these parts but I figured I should shout it out anyways.
- I made him mixed, Scandinavian? and Japanese and gave him some brown eyes to boot. Kept his face real dainty but gave him broader shoulders and a farmer's tan 'cause y'all know he's working at his parent's farm every summer.
- He's styled in like, the southern goth aesthetic and I added some green to his hair 'cause the 'poison' part of 'poisoned apple' wasn't coming across enough. By the way, his grandma dyes her hair in solidarity with him. She's cool. Be like Epel's grandma.
- When he first arrived at NRC, he only had his lobes pierced, then he saw Jade's piercings and was like "I want that,". Jade directed him to Cater, who gave him all his other piercings (not at the same time lmao). Everytime he got a new one, Vil would have a minor heart attack lol.
- I think he'd also actually really like cute things, one of the reasons he lets Vil doll him up for so long, but hates bringing it up 'cause people call him 'girly' or 'feminine' for it. This is another underlying factor for my Jack/Epel dynamic but I'll save that for later.
- Speaking of Savanaclaw, I think he has plans to transfer at the beginning of sophomore year. Also, because he hangs around Jack so much, they kinda consider him a part of the pack. In particular, Epel also really looks up to Leona and approached him in Spelldrive Club about transferring. Leona agreed and took notice of Epel's admiration and if he puts a little more effort into practise afterwards, that's no one's business. (I think he's be like, "Goddammit, these kids keep looking up to me... I should at least give them something worth looking up to." Only the MC would know, and probably Ruggie would notice just having know Leona.) Also, Epel saw Leona's chaps and immediately wanted a pair. Leona took him out to get some and when they got back, Vil was horrified lmao.
I love Epel/Savanaclaw dynamic sm omg but onto my ocs... (Also, I really hope y'all read that with a southern accent, I think it's hilarious lol)
💋Calendula Dame💋
Third Year - (she/her) - Sapphic Aromantic
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- She's twisted from Mother Gothel, who, can I just say, SLAYED in her movie ong. Though Disney really needs work on their representation, specifically the fact that her character is very Jewish-coded (I don't think she's canonically Jewish but please correct me if I'm wrong) but is portrayed in an anti-Semitic way, feeding into negative stereotypes. I'm not the most knowledgeable person to speak on this issue and I know it's been throughly discussed by others so please feel free to research it. I did have a friend who is Jewish help me make her character and I hope I did her justice!
- I made her Jewish, specifically Ashkenazi and conservative. I'm not quite sure yet how this would translate into Twisted Wonderland but we'll see.
- She's all about makeup products and she and Vil compare skincare routines in a sort of friendly competition.
- Another fun nod is she loves gardening. Namely flowers but occasionally crops and herbs. She's got her own little plot in the greenhouse and she and Epel discuss gardening tips together.
- She's also a nail artist and quite skilled at that. She has a small 'business' and is especially booked around school events.
Now for one some of y'all have wanted to see for a bit...
🦚Tupac Huamani🦚
Second Year - (he/him) Transmasc - Pan-Demiromantic
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The one man I've made this whole time lmaooo.
- Tupac is my Yzma twist! His name is Incan, ironically meaning 'royal', as I figured out The Emperor's New Groove is inspired by Incan culture!
- He's the most flamboyant twink to ever walk the earth and I love him for that. That being said, he and Rocío are my token 'heteros'. They've been friends since first year and get along extremely well. He's got book smarts but literally no common sense. She has no common sense either and so they j st get into silly shenanigans together. I love them sm my little sillies.
- He's more into dramatic makeup and loves to do Rocío's because she's not into makeup and doesn't really know how to do it lol. He's also made her get a nice skincare routine which she follows diligently as she likes routines.
- Probably a part of the Boardgame Club, though I'm not sure how well he does. He probably just enjoys hanging out with the people and the banter rather than the games themselves, though I think he'd be very good at chess and other strategy games.
Up next is...
🐈‍⬛Chaisee Noi🐈‍⬛
First Year - (he/she/it) Genderfluid - Asexual Aromantic
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- The first of a set of twins twisted from the Siamese twins in Lady and the Tramp (I think that's what they're in, it's been a hot sec lol). I made them mixed, Black and Thai as Siamese cats originate from Thailand.
- Onto Chaisee specifically, I think he's the 'black cat' personality out of the two of them. She's on the more reserved side and is more blunt and to the point than his sibling is. Also autistic and has particular issues with loud noise and food textures. Not a fan of physical contact and hates being touched without permission.
- He like to fluxuate between masc and fem styles a lot (with the fem pictured here) and enjoys suits for formal wear.
- While it's into fashion, he likes to be more of a rough sketch and designer than actually doing the sewing. Her designs are quite avant-garde and lean into lots of floral patterns.
- She and Nasira work together to come up with different floral arrangements, both for Chaisee's designs and for Nasira's dorm.
For the other twin...
🐈Churai Noi🐈
First Year - (they/them) Nonbinary - Pansexual
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- Churai is the 'tabby' cat energy one. They're very affectionate and full of energy. They love to help out others and are constantly doing things with other people.
- A hands-on person, Churai loves sewing and is a part of the sewing club. They tend to be the primary person to work on their sibling's designs because of the level of detail needed.
- ADHD and has to be doing something at all times. Because of this, they have a TON of hobbies, ranging from scrap-booking to fishing to reading about random topics. Gets along incredibly well with Kalim and they love hanging out with him. Also a very touchy person, loves hugs and cuddles!
- Their style is more on the feminine side and they love making cute dresses to wear. Definitely takes a lot of inspiration from the gyaru and harujuku fashion scenes.
⚡Corentin Benoit⚡
First Year - (she/her) - Asexual Aromantic
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Last of my Pomefiore characters and second of the triplets, Corentin Benoit!
- The technical oldest of the triplets and she holds that over their heads. She's was both happy and not to be in a different dorm than her younger siblings.
- Looks up to Hestia a lot and wants to be like her when she grows up (as if Hestia know what she's doing but yk).
- She's particularly interested in the poison aspect of Pomefiore and is keen to eventually become housewarden. As such, she's asked for Vil's help to learn as much as she can about making them.
I don't have a lot for her yet but god, this has taken so fcuking long to write omg. I hope y'all liked it! Ignihyde is next!~
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leonsleftbicep · 4 months
SLEEPY MAY!!! Day: 11-12
@moonchild-in-blue you are going to think these are adorable
Day 11: vessel reading a book/story out loud while the other three are all cuddled up against him mehehehe :3
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Vessel is reading ACOTAR because it looks like it would. IV is doodling how he thinks Feyre looks like as II watches.
Day 12: Oh! someone's birthday!!!! that's fun!!! party hats yeaaa
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as i said II’s a Gemini in my mind and while trying to look up their zodiacs to find out who would work well for today i found out the time period for gemini’s is may 21st to june 21st. so its II’s birthday now.
they are proud of their old man and his back problems lol
also i love how Vessel looks in this and i dont know why, its so pretty like wth
rambling below
also sorry that it took me forever to get to these, life has been busy as it usually is. this is the first time i have ever actually stuck with a art challenge this long. i have 4 left and i spaced them all out so i have a day to rest before the next prompt and im very happy that it worked out this way!!
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wain-fleets · 1 year
i feel so bad for norm.
he loses one of his friends, who gets replaced by jake. jake comes in, brand new, and DOESNT ACT RIGHT AT ALL BUT HE GOES OUT AND GETS IN THE POSITION THAT NORM SHOULD BE IN LIKE?? this shit unfair. when they're sitting at the table in the first movie talkin about jake, and norms sittin there all sad because it should be him?? like nobody sees his contributions and his work. poor baby wth. i love jake, but cmon... cmon...
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also his hat detail is so cute he's such a nerd
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bigmack2go · 6 months
I got live‘sies so its time to appreciate‘sies some brackrond‘sies detailies
Not rly bc but i live how it looks like were zooming up, and then back down the lodge before and after santafee prologue
Why tf is crutchie su confused when he wakes up
Jack proceeds to sleep with one of just drawings wtf
He waves his hand infront of crutchie like „ur eyes closed yet??“
Al playing and leaning on the rail ahhhh ahshwksmdnxlxl (in case u didnt know: i love albert)
Race laughing and slapping specs
Everyone just deads in their tracks and teams up when Albert gives his coment that went to far
Finch scratching his head is so real
The slap on his chest like „not now honey“ 😭swejfcizp
Ike and mike arent in the same thibgy thing. For fucks sake thank god cuz its been bothering me for a while how they only get mentioned in the same context. I hate it when they do that. Wait nvm that looked like mush but it actually was mike.
Naw sniper can be so adorable
Did i mention i fucking love jojo
Smalls snd finch sharing a room ™️
Crutchie is so done w jacks bullshit
Albert posing infront of the „mirror“ is so me tbh
Ive mever seen anyone struggle this mutch to out on a hat as blink. All those tbh thats smt that could be me prolly
Specs babe what r u doing on the floor
Race shaking his jaket is so overdramatic and its perfect
Mush and henry are a duo I didn’t know I needed.
Why is mush acting like hes in a circus lmfao
Tommy struggling with the pants is everything
Elmer just took his cap off, put it in his pocket, and the magicaly made it apear in his other hand???
Who is tommy saluting at
Naw specs is like a big brother to livesies blink and it breaks my heart in the best way possible
Albert jumps in the middle like when i slide through the kitchen on my socks lmfao
Tbh sniper just wanted to move too
Sky. What was your thought process when you looked at darcy‘s ass instead of Katherine‘s even tho you knew this was gonna be in the proshot?
Finch is such a mood istg
Snipe honey ily but you are being a little creepy
I demant to know what jojo is doing
Ok smalls just sitting there dangling their feet is everything
Kath awkward queen
Darcy going „alright“ like „okay thats enough, im done— your dONE“
Specs. Going down backwards are leathers. This are stairs. Please watch where you’re goibg
Istg romeo and jack r the only ones eyeing kathering wtf is thos?
Ok so elmer actually looked at kath but he honestly just looks angry
Tommy boy save me, youre the only normal person here!
Race wtf is your deal??
How is blink STILL bot done?!
Jacks just talking to the air
Every single one of finches facial expressions. Like i can’t even count them all.
Hes so done lmfao
Mush? Wtf? Stop? Please?
You wanna share with the class tommy? We wanna laugh too
Buttons just watches like he just gave up like,,, ah whatever you do you
Mush is becoming a poledancer??
Race slapping buttons on the cheek like a grandma💀💀💀
We all agree that albert is that one friend where the whole friendgroup thinks he’s the token straight friends but hes everything but that, its just that he doesn’t talk about it a lot. And there’s that one friend (i wonder who/j) that knows fron experienced how thats just so fucking wrong
Elmer is like „😒😒😒—oh shit thats my cue- IM HAPPY“
So i got aprox two seconds into it and now in tired so see u lmfao
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just-a-carrot · 5 months
I played T2A2G and OC before this so um. Guess which route I did lmao. SPEAKING OF ROUTES, GENZOU GENZOU GEZNOU GEZNOU GEZNOU OMG GENZOU. I RELATE TO THIS MAN IN WAYS I DID NOT KNOW I COULD RELATE TO A CHARACTER. LIKE WTH?? HE HAS SUCH A TRANSPARENT CLOSET LOL. And also speaking of Genzou I do have a few questions related to him
-Is Genzou fully blind? I don't think he is bc of his cane but I heard it's different in some countries so idk
-We learn Genzou is (supposedly) taking antidepressants in Arc 2. Is he clinically depressed? (According to the Visual Noval Database he is anyways but idk)
-Did Genzou's friends ever like assume that he was gay?? Or like did he tell anyone?? Or did he try his best to hide it lmao
-Did anyone think/know that Gen had a crush on Iggy??
I love Genzou sm if you couldn't tell already /p
ARC 3 CONFUSED ME SM LOL. I thought that I had accidently switched routes (even though I hadn't even made my LI choice, I ofc didn't know this atm though) from Genzou to Orlam and I was fr so confused like waht. Also like I feel so bad for Orlam wth </3.
-Some of my favorite liens in the game were the homicidal gardener lines (both referring to Iggs and Gen), when Gen was arguing with Jerry, When Genzou was telling iggs during the Arc 5 Kiddie Cruise scene that it shoudn't be a choice like I WAS GONNA CHOOSE DONT JUMP JS TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS LOL
-I also relate a lot to Iggy in some forms
-I took a total of 260 screenshots of this game (as of now heheh)
KDFJLADFA this message is so chaotic, i love it
first off, i'm really happy you like the game (and genzou) weep. thank you so much for all the kind words 😭💕 i'm also always super intrigued to see where/how ppl came into the game, so hearing you played T2A2G and OC first is very interesting to me lakdjfkdjfa
regarding your questions:
yes he is; i do think he sees a bit of light/shadow (which is different to an answer i gave some time ago, but i've been thinking about it since) but that's about it; it's a result of traumatic optic neuropathy
yes he is; he's been on meds and seeing a therapist for a while
i cannot answer this question LOL 🤣 i also don't know. i guess the only answer is that he has no choice
mmm... he never outright told anyone in the friend group. tbh he doesn't outright tell many people, mostly as he's just a bit of a private person in that regard and keeps to himself outside of attempting dating apps every now and then. i would not say he actively attempted to hide it though aside from around iggy. as for other people assuming i think it was something many of them did kinda realize but never said anything also
similar here, i think some of them kinda knew. i think gidget knew, even if they kinda ignored it, because it prompted their jealousy on a few occasions. i think orlam had a bit of a guess but it wasn't really confirmed until later
LOL about the routes. indeed, if you don't realize that actually all the "routes" are mandatory parts of the story until the finale then it can be confusing if you thought you were going for a specific char early on or something 🤣 it's not like the games where you can pick your route and then the rest of the game is that route
hahaha yeah i wouldn't say there's a "canon" ending. for one, i feel like that would kinda defeat the point of having different possibilities to begin with. why make other choices if there's only ever one canon ending? i want people to be able to choose however they want the story to end. i mostly connected the neutral ending to OC as a sort of self-indulgent gift to myself, because i thought it would be very sweet if iggy would still have a chance to find companionship with one of his friends later on even if he chose to focus on himself first. like that it just keeps it open. i also just thought it'd be a fun easter egg to give ppl more incentive to at least try the neutral route as i figure most ppl would not choose that route as it's kinda short compared to the others and doesn't give as much closure to the other chars
sob thank you for this lovely message!! it was really fun answering your questions hahaha and i'm really glad you liked the game so much!! it means a lot!! 💕
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laalaaisqueen · 3 months
Laa-Laa + Tinky Winky Survivor AU
I have no idea if its the final product but my Laa-Laa + Tinky Winky survivor AU is kinda also a swap AU. Basically Dipsy kills Po at the beach and then Laa-Laa runs back to the dome because wtf Dipsy you just killed a 13 year old. And when she gets there, Dipsy is trying to kill Tinky. But she just grabs his dipstick and chucks him across the room BECAUSE wth DIPSY you idiot. But she gonna learn real quick Dipsy cannot be reasoned with. So they flee from their weird acting friend. Laa-Laa doesn't know how to tell Tinky that Dipsy killed Po.
While Laa-Laa escaped unscathed, Tinky's right eye is a bit damaged because Dipsy was trying to scratch it out.
Tinky is much in shock that he doesn't yell at Guardian when he shows up, but Laa-Laa of course does and like in the single one, she snatches the hat off his head.
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whorekneecentral · 2 years
I stopped everything I was doing to tell you this but Mick and Daniel taking you and the rest of the wags and F1 grid out to a mechanical bull place and challenges you all to ride the bull and Pierre (anyone really but I felt like it best fit him) whispers in you ear while grasping your waist says you should have no problem riding the bull because of the way your ride his cock
this threw me for a loop cause I'm like why is reader going with Daniel if she's hooking up with Pierre lmaooo anyways figured it out - reader is Daniel's sister and Mick's best friend.
It was Thursday night, media day had been a pain in the ass. Mick was outside the McLaren garage, waiting for you and your brother, Daniel. You three along wth a few other drivers and their girlfriends were going to a local bar for some food and drinks before practice tomorrow.
Pierre was passing by with Charles and Charlotte, he smiles at you as you come out to meet Mick.
The drive there wasn't long, neither of the boys letting you drive and booting you to the backseat. When you got there, everyone settled in and was spread out across the bar. Pierre and Daniel were playing pool and Mick and Charles were play darts.
You were sat next to Charlotte, the two of you watching a girl on the mechanical bull.
"I'd probably break a bone if I tried that," she laughs, and you shrug. "Doesn't look that complicated."
"I'd like to see you try," she giggles when your brother and Pierre rejoin you two at the table. "What are you trying?" Daniel asks, his arm over the back of your chair.
"I'm gonna ride the bull," you tell him, getting up and taking the cow boy hat off his head.
Charlotte follows you, leaning on the railing of the ring as you get on the bull. Pierre watching as you get on from his spot at the table. One hand on the rope and the other on the hat as the bull turned on.
It swung you back and forth before it started spinning. Pierre could hear your laughter, his heart tugging at the sound. He also noticed the way your thighs squeezed on the sides, holding yourself in place or the way your tits bounced in your top. He swears he can feel his cock twitch in his pants, making him shift in his seat.
Charlotte was there to cheer you on, hugging you when you got off. "I can't believed you stayed on!" She says, linking her arm with yours.
"Give it a go," you tell her, the two of you walking over to the table. "I think I'll stick to riding Charles," she whispers to you and you laugh at her vulger comment.
"I'm gonna get a beer, anyone want anything?" You ask, setting the hat back on your brother's head. "Same for me, kiddo." He tells you, Pierre gets up, "I'll come with you."
You walk off, leaning on the counter when Pierre walks over and stands beside you. "You looked good up there," he tells you and you look over at him, confused.
"What ?"
"You looked good on the bull.. probably be good on top of my cock hm?
"Pierre!" You laugh, smacking his arm. "You can't say that here."
"Okay, so come back to my room tonight."
"Fine, if you shut up."
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cannibalisticcorpse · 2 years
jayroy sfw all ten
ship ask game
Dating headcanon
they actually started their relationship by going out to eat together and going on solo missions (together) and just all around going on dates. they didn't notice until they bring a 3rd person and the 3rd person is like "hey why the fuck did you invite me on your date?" and theyre like "wth are u talking abt this is a bro thing. gtfo out of here" and they're both like "sheesh, can you believe that guy?" and independently theyre like "yeah. these have been dates."
Dinner headcanon
if roy cooks, jason tries to pretend he likes it even tho it sucks. if jason cooks roy [REDACTED]'s him that night. they do like takeout tho.
Arguments headcanon
OH BOY CAN THESE TWO ARGUE. they bicker over every. little. thing. death threats get pulled out at the drop of a hat. literally. "jason i swear to fucking god pick my hat up or im shoving this arrow-" very quickly things turn to full blown fist fights. but oh man the angry... kissing... is good. they also make up in super stupid romantic ways. its cute.
Playful/silly headcanon
one halloween lian dressed up as red hood... :] (she's also dressed up as batman before... only roy thought it was funny)
Night in headcanon
jason's drinking whiskey and roy's tending to plants, working on projects, and they're jumping between bouts of complete silence and excited chatter and solemnly sharing thoughts. just anything to be together and not think about the past. laying around together, watching TV in the dark. sitting so close you'd call it cuddling if they didn't look so... y'know
Night out headcanon
going on patrol. either as a team or roy decides to go out and hm... what's this? he feels like someones just behind his shoulder. weird. or maybe jason decides he's going to do something really fucking dangerous and for some reason he knows it's okay that his grapple hook didn't catch. or maybe they're taking a walk to the corner store down the street and carrying as many boxes of donuts and hotdogs as they can. laughing and trying to trip each other up as they make their way back home.
Kissing headcanon
first kiss for jason: when he was 14 and big brother dick's friend saw this kid got a skinned knee and kissed it so he'd stop crying
first kiss for roy: when their airship's battery died mid-flight and and they plummeted to the ground. jason threw roy to safety and while the smoke was still clearing roy dragged jason out of the wreck, and... well it was impossible to not find his glassy eyes the most beautiful thing in the entire world, or the way he cupped roy's face and chuckled
roy likes kisses more than jason, but jason still likes kisses. roy kisses everywhere. jason's mouth, his neck, his shoulders, his legs. etc. jason kisses roy's mouth whenever he wants- usually deeply- but in private he's more affectionate.
Sleeping headcanon
jason little spoon, roy big spoon. roy snores sometimes. jason is a very light sleeper. roy has insomnia/depression so some nights he just holds jason for 6 hours, and some nights he clutches jason tight for 10. typically roy falls asleep first though.
How friends/family of the couple react
dick is sooooo mad. what the hell do you mean roy likes jason. what the hell do you mean they're friends. what the hell do you mean-
bruce. isnt. happy. but hey, it's none of his business and it's not like he can do anything about it.
dinah thinks roy can do muuuch better, but hey that 20-something is pretty hot, so high-five i guess
ollie is much the same as bruce, but is vocally supportive. he loves a dude who has strong morals and stands up for them- even if... they are... y'know.
mia was so sure that roy and this asshole werent gonna last but then they did and now she had to get used to it. c'mon roy.
lian loves it. omg TWO DADS? fuck yes.
kyle wishes they'd fight and argue with him more, but hey.
Heartbreak headcanon
they're the type to go on a last minute solo mission and leave a note like "leaving" so the other knows they werent kidnapped, but the other finds it and just breaks down like "no... you asshole, you could have at least broken up with me to my fucking face."
they break up every tuesday and get back together every thursday. and sometimes on weekends too.
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mera-k1 · 5 months
When I saw Kuko's full visual on his card I remembered Ichiro with the "Prince outfit" that was simple(but handsome anyway) and then I joked to my friends: Look, from the same creators of Prince Ichiro from Shopee, now we have the "Detective" Kuko from Aliexpress ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Also, it's the 4th time he wears these kinda clothes with different acessories and now he has a fisherman hat and is playin' the Swordman vs Indiana Jones щ(゜ロ゜щ) WTH is this event? Please devs give Kuko new clothes, I can't stand the same outfit in different color palettes anymore
no cause literally.. put him in something else for once devs 😔
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strawberrynova · 1 year
seeing you experience the wonders of bamd camp ifor thr first time js sofucking funny to me. like dude we once found the entire schools stash of those fukin sauce packets? and people were just eating them. a friend of a friend tipped his hat to me and a bunch of sauce fell to the ground. theres a guy who illegally sells monster for 5$ and people buy it even though the closest store is 2min away and they sell it for $2.50. theres section politics. theres seating wars. upu can even win a can of spam.
wth............ i support the grind for the monsters tbh u gotta make money somehow. also section politics so based. high brass the worst one(my sibling is high brass)
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hi there, happy one year (wth i thought you were on tmblr for like 30 years??) anniversary! ✨ i'd also like to participate in your event, even tho im late like always so if it's too late then just ignore lol but if not then im choosing blue lock
- tickling my left leg is a very bad idea. any other part of my body is fine, but left leg specifically is too sensitive and tickling literally hurts wtf
- recently went to a convention but woke up too late so had to be finishing my bootleg hobo shuji cosplay on the way so i was drawing his tats in the tram (might have stayed on for another two or three days oops but luckily gloves are a thing)
- for 20 years of my life i thought that depeche mode was a german band bc 'they sounded like that'
- am a proud plant daddy of almost 40 plant babies, they obviously all have names and nametags in their pots bc it's cute
hope that's enough and happy anniversary once again! 🥳🥳
you know my secret??? it HAS been 30 years, I was on tumblr as a glimmer in my mother's eye in fact.
Meguru Bachira no bouts about it. look at him. Plant dad (would buy hats for your plants). Crazy supportive (100% would abandon his cosplay to assist you), VERY silly and soft. Canonically too precious for this world, he's just perfect for you. Be silly and clueless (affectionate -looking at depeche mode <german accent>). i just need you two to be cute for the press, adorable "it" couple vibes to the fuckign end.
Tumblr media
comment another fandom, any that im not in and i'll dd that match brugh you're a moot claim your perk sksksks
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