#also while we are on the subject why is everyone over 6 feet tall
qiu-yan · 3 months
from the MDZS wiki:
Jiang Cheng is described as exceptionally handsome in a sharp way. His eyebrows are thin, and his almond eyes possess a composed vigor, yet resemble two bolts of lightning when he has the intention to attack. His posture emits an air of arrogance and overconfidence.[1] He is ranked fifth on the list of best-looking young gentlemen in the cultivation world.[2]
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tate-lin · 1 year
15 Questions with Ly Minh
Thanks for the tag Cee! 🥰
Tagging @justahalfling @ihaventpickedausername @iced-ginger-tea @andromeda-grace @kaiyo @iriswords @yors-truly @words-after-midnight @islanded-in-a-stream-of-stars @sabels-small-sphere @leebrontide @pure-solomon @mattresses-and-macaroni @thepixiediaries @poetinprose @arowanaprincess @hd-literature @freedominique @mariahwritesstuff @ls-daydreams @mrbexwrites @wildswrites @thecrookedwriterspath and anyone else who wants to do it!
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[Not pictured are her numerous burn scars]
1) Are you named after anyone?
Heyy I'm Ly Thi Minh, and nope I'm not named after anyone. Honestly though, with how common my name is in Vietnam, I very well could be lmao
2) When was the last time you cried?
Well that escalated quickly.
3) Do you have kids?
I only just turned 15 so if I do have one, be sure to attend my funeral tomorrow!
(P.S. Bring plum blossoms or I'll rise out of my grave and eat you :))))
(P.P.S. Nom nom nom slurp slurp slurp)
4) Do you use sarcasm?
No ♥️ /s
5) What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their threat levels. Practically speaking, what else would you notice?
6) What's your eye colour?
Dark brown. There's not much variety in Southeast Asia, I'm afraid.
7) Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. Why would I want to deliberately make myself miserable?? Please, if I wanna scare myself, all I need to do is look in the mirror 😂
8) Any special talents?
I recently discovered that I'm freakishly good at dodging shit, so let's go with that.
9) Where were you born?
Vietnam, in New Hanoi! It was my childhood home and 75% of it got reduced to rubble :)
Now I live in Lorelei, United States. It kinda sucks but it's also kinda cool. You can say that I have a... Love-hate relationship towards it, I guess. I had to leave, obviously, of course I had to, but it's not exactly a crime to miss it, y'know??
10) What are your hobbies?
I used to do jigsaw puzzles. I even got into a Facebook group where we borrowed puzzles from a shared collection and Kalisha would help me frame up my pieces 'round the house. We haven't done that in a while though... The last one I did was a really cool piece of various Pokémon with a stained glass window effect. Kalisha bought it for my birthday and she even helped me put it together. I don't think puzzles are really her thing though haha
11) Have you any pets?
Má got a goldfish for me once and I named him Lucky. He died the next day though, so I guess he was actually Unlucky.
12) What sports do you play/have you played?
Barrier Ball! I don't know if you've heard of it but it's a popular game in America where there are goal posts on the ground, in the middle of the air, and high up in the sky. I know that there are other sports where you can use barriers to run around in the air but this is extra fun cause there are some volleyball elements too, like our setter-like midfielder. I actually wanted to do that, but I got forward instead. It's not bad though; it's kinda fun to 'disappear' and come out of nowhere with a shot. Like a sniper :)
Freaks out the opposing team every time haha
13) How tall are you?
5'5... I can't believe I think in feet and inches now; what have I become???
14) Favourite subject in school?
Math, I guess. Once you get into the rhythm, your brain kinda just switches off. It's actually really relaxing.
15) Dream job?
Uhhhhh I don't know. Does anyone really know what they wanna do at this age?
Besides Má, I guess, but that's cause she's crazy over ethreasts. Not everyone has such an obvious passion though, and especially not me :/
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elizabeth-karenina · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
I wasn’t tagged for this, but I saw it on a mutual’s blog and thought it would be fun to do. I haven’t done one of these in a while, so why not? 
1. Are you named after anyone? 
I was named after a great-grandmother as well as my paternal grandmother—Dorothy Elizabeth (my great-grandmother) and Jeannette (my grandmother). I adore my grandmother, so I’ve always been honored to share a name with her. I never knew my great-grandmother, who died tragically young, and I’ve always been a little sad that I never knew her. 
2. When was the last time you cried? 
About a week ago or so. Look, I cry all the time nowadays, so I can’t even accurately tell you. It’s not even a bad thing, mind you. I cry at cute things as well as sad things; at this point, if I’m feeling the emotion, I just let it take over! 
3. Do you have kids? 
I don’t. I wouldn’t mind having one or two, maybe three, someday with a committed partner. But I am definitely not having children for the sake of having them. If I’m going to be a mother, then I’m doing it because I’m ready. 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
It depends on the situation. I tend to only do so with my nearest and dearest, and in a humorous sense. I’m of the opinion that sarcasm has a time and place, because depending on the situation, sarcasm can be very rude. 
5. What sports do you play/have played? 
I used to play sports a lot when I was a kid. I used to play kickball and baseball with my cousins and my friends in my neighborhood all the time. And I played on a local soccer team with a bunch of school friends when I was 9. I even went to a basketball camp at my dad’s recreation center when I was 10. 
I didn’t keep up with any of this as I got older, mind you LMAO! I’m just not as athletic as other people. But I do love watching sporting events, especially the World Cup. 
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? 
Their faces, especially their eyes and their smiles. 
7. What's your eye color? 
Dark brown, like polished mahogany or melted chocolate. 
8. Scary movies or happy endings? 
Happy endings, for sure! As much as I love a good spooky story, I appreciate and care about happy endings more. 
9. Any special talents?
I can sing well enough, at least among my friends and my family. I tell stories really well; I do everyone’s voices and everything. I’m pretty good at cheering people up and knowing what to say in any given moment. I’m also pretty good at baking, especially cookies and cakes. 
10. Where were you born? 
In America, in Maryland to be exact. 
11. What are your hobbies?
I’ve gotten back into reading lately, which is wonderful, because I think reading is probably my favorite thing to do. Usually I like reading about history, but I’ve also decided to step out of that and try to read some book series this summer. I’ve been learning French on Duolingo for about 3 years now, and one day I’d like to learn Spanish, Russian, Greek, and Mandarin one day too. I like listening to music and podcasts on the weekends, and when I can plan it, I also like going to the movies and go shopping afterwards. 
12. Do you have pets? 
For about 13 years, I had a Latsah-Otsah/Maltese dog named Ringo. Unfortunately, he died last year and it was a hard thing to go through. I would love to have another pet, but I live with my family, so if we do decide to get one we’d ALL have to agree upon it. And right now, my family doesn’t feel like it’s ready for anything else, so SADLY I am petless. :(
13. How tall are you? 
I am five feet tall! I’m literally a hobbit. 
14. Favorite subject in school? 
English lit, world history, my Spanish classes, and my chorus class. 
15. Dream job? 
So many! I wished I had kept up with my music lessons, because I wish I could be in an orchestra or a choir. I used to want to be a radio DJ, too, but that dream fizzled out real quick lmao! 
Here’s who I would like to tag: @1980s-jean-ralphio, @miumiumacaron, @stcndupeight, @nellygwyn, @magalis, @roamwithahungryheart, @pocketwish, @octoberinflorence, @grand-duchessa, @midnightinjapan, @wifeofbath, @spicytchai90, @stray-kaz
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butwhyduh · 4 years
The Batmobile
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Jason todd x reader
Warning: angst, fluff, smut, it’s fucking in the fucking batmobile 🤷🏻‍♀️😏
It was a whole year ago that you found out about Jason being Red Hood. He had left a spare helmet in the back of his closet and you had pulled it on top of you when you grabbed a hoodie. After mentally freaking out, Jason had gotten you a bag of ice for the knot on your head.
It took a whole freaking year of knowing his secret and almost 2 years of dating for you to be invited to the Wayne Manor. Okay, actually Bruce had invited you within the first 6 months of dating. Jason was the one who wanted to keep you a secret.
You spent a good 2 hours looking through your entire closet to find something to wear. What the hell do you wear to dinner at a billionaire’s house? You relaxed a little when you saw Jason wearing plain jeans and a hoodie. Okay, yeah good. Casual was better. Not to mention that you were taking a motorcycle there.
You arrived in skinny jeans and a leather jacket that felt like a protection. You could act like a punk and most people won’t touch you. Especially when Jason had the scowl he was currently wearing. You followed his eyes to see the unmistakable form of Bruce Wayne in the drive.
Did Bruce specifically find children that resembled him? Much like Jason he was tall and muscular with dark hair and as you got closer you could see he also had blue eyes. He had a few wrinkles around his eyes and grey in his hair that seemed to add to his beauty rather than take it away. You’d never met a billionaire before.
“Hello,” Bruce said.
“Hello.” You shook his hand.
“I apologize for not having you over sooner but Jason seems to have wanted to keep you a secret,” he said with a tiny smile you almost missed.
“I wonder why,” Jason whispered sarcastically. Bruce ignored it. “Hello demon spawn,” he said and you gasped at the person you hadn’t seen before standing only a few feet from you.
“Damian Wayne,” he said with his hand out to you. You shook the young man’s hand and stated your name. He was only a inch or two within your height despite his youth and heavily resembled his father except for his deep olive skin tone and green eyes.
The door opened and a voice called out, “perhaps you should bring your party inside the manor. It will be snowing soon.” The polished English accent must have been Alfred.
Bruce moved to the side and you all walked in. Alfred had walked to the dinning room. The hallway had deep polished wood walls and was dimly lit by candles on candelabras. As you walked towards the room, a warm body grabbed your hand and you shrieked.
“Sorry! Sorry!” He said releasing your hand. You flushed, embarrassed. “I thought you saw me. I’m Dick.” He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
Jason grasped your hand and stepped towards Dick with a look of murder on his face. You put your hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay. It was an accident,” you said with a little awkward laugh. Jason relaxed a little.
Alfred stood in the doorway to the dinning room with a small smile. He gently cleared his throat and you all followed him in the dinning room. It was then that you truly took in the beauty of the house. You had been too nervous about meeting his family when walking in.
The room was breathtaking. A long mahogany table was lined with emerald tuffed chaired and heavy gold curtains over the windows. The wooden floor gleamed and you noticed that your feet were the only ones making any noise as you sat down.
“Hello master Jason. It’s nice to see you here again. And you must be y/n. I’m glad he finally brought you around,” Alfred said quietly, shaking your hand. “Excuse me, I must serve dinner.”
A lovely smelling soup was placed before you all and water and wine was served. You watched as everyone ate. Bruce ate casually while Dick animatedly told a story. Another brother, Tim, shook your hand across the table before eating and typing away on his phone. Jason stared at Damian while eating and the teen glared back. You put your hand on Jason’s knee and he seemed to relax a little.
“I need to speak you, Jason, about work after dinner,” Bruce said casually. All of Jason’s tension came back.
“Not today,” he said. “We can talk later.”
“Well it’s quite important WE business,” Bruce said and everyone at the table watched the two closely.
“Is that why we came over? For you to talk business?” Jason said. He almost had a grimace on his face.
“Of course not. We wanted to meet your girlfriend,” Dick interjected. Jason ignored him.
Bruce finally spoke. “He’s right. We can talk about it later. Tell us more about yourself, y/n.”
“Oh, uh...” you said quite put on the spot. “I’m a photographer.”
“You should have brought your camera. The courtyard can be very pretty in the evening,” Bruce said. “Do you work for a newspaper?”
“Of course she doesn’t,” Jason scoffed.
“I don’t. I mainly take portraits but I have been taking urban photos lately,” you said. “Like the effects of urban areas. I mean-“ you felt a loss of words to describe what you meant.
“She takes photos of the worst parts of Gotham to expose the poverty. That’s where we met. I don’t really let her go alone anymore,” he said with the smallest hint of a smile. “It’s pretty damn dangerous.”
“I’ve been fine,” you insisted and Jason thought back on the multiple shady characters he’s had to beat for you to get your shots without knowing what he was doing. “But I’m putting together a piece for South Gotham Gallery. A few more shots and it will be complete.”
“I’ve heard certain areas can be very dangerous,” Dick commented. “I would be very careful. Especially with a camera.”
“Yeah, like the East End,” Tim said.
“I grew up there,” you admitted with a laugh. “Stay away from Crime Alley and you’re probably okay. During the day.”
“It’s unwise to visit at all. Crime has risen 11 percent in the past 3 years,” Damian said. Alfred served a salad next.
“And unemployment by over 15 percent in the Bowery. That’s why I’m doing my piece. Poverty and crime is caused by wealth,” you said frankly before realizing that you just said that to a bunch of billionaires. Jason stifled a snicker.
“I suppose so,” Bruce said slowly. Jesus, you had just insulted your boyfriend’s adoptive father.
“Sorry,” you said quietly looking at your salad.
“It’s fine. It’s true,” Jason said with a shrug.
“So do you two live together,” Dick asked, changing the subject.
“You’re saying that crime is caused by wealth? Can you explain,” Damian said. Jason almost crushed the stem of his wine glass.
“I just mean, Gotham’s rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer and the ones with the money can control that,” you said delicately.
“So the rich can prevent poverty? All poverty?” Damian asked. And to the 13 year old’s credit, he just seemed to be curious. He could clearly feel the tension he was creating but didn’t actually care as he wanted answers.
“Paying people enough to live, healthcare for all, rehabilitation services that actually rehab, good education. All will help prevent crime and poverty. Many studies have shown this,” you said and you wanted to remain impartial but your voice betrayed your passion for the subject.
“We donate and run many foundations that support most of those things. Right father?” Damian asked. You sighed but kept silent. Throwing money doesn’t solve a problem.
Bruce cleared his throat. “Yes.”
“Drop it Damian,” Tim said. He roughly stabbed at his salad.
“I just want to know how she could possibly know what the rich do if she has always been poor.”
Jason crushed the stem at this point. “Shit,” you said quickly wrapping his bleeding hand in a handkerchief from the table. He looked close to exploding.
“Don’t forget that she’s not the only poor kid at the table. I grew up on the streets and moved here. Rich people are shit,” Jason said. He started standing and Damian watched him with a glint in his eyes. He was ready to fight too.
“Sit down, Jason,” Bruce commanded. “He’s just a curious boy.”
“Not surprising. He gets it from his old man. Disregard for anyone else,” Jason all but growled. Tonight was only the tip of the iceberg. You put a hand on his forearm. The last thing you wanted was a fight.
“You’re angry,” Bruce said quietly. He swallowed harshly. “Sit down.”
“I’m a grown man,” Jason said scoffing.
“Not acting like that,” Bruce said. Jason’s hands twitched towards his gun on his hip but he resisted the urge.
“Come on. Let’s get out of here. Alfred, food was great. Fuck you, Bruce,” Jason said grabbing your hand.
“Don’t leave,” Dick called as Jason pulled you down the hall. He didn’t go towards the front door but downstairs to a garage. There was probably 20 cars. Many of them were cars you had never seen in person.
“You wanna go for a drive?” He asked and you felt a thrill.
“One of these?” You asked.
“Nope,” Jason said pressing a code into a computer. A hidden garage door opened to expose a very conspicuous vehicle. The batmobile. You’d definitely never seen that car in real life.
“Seriously? Won’t he get mad?” You asked a little shocked.
“Fucking furious. We’re just going to get something to eat,” Jason said grabbing the key and unlocking it.
“Ugh... what the hell? Why not? Yeah,” you finally said. You knew the value of not missing a ride in the freaking batmobile. He grinned and opened the door for you. You climbed in and noticed a billion buttons. As Jason started the car, a string of lights pulsed on before the car showed multiple sensors. Jason pressed a few buttons before shifting the gear and driving out of the garage. The front gate automatically opened and he started putting on some speed once the car hit the road.
It felt like he was driving 50 when the speedometer was showing a cool 120. Your heart beat quickly in fear and excitement. Jason slowed down to 70 and grasped your hand. You could see tiny little cuts on his hand from the glass he crushed earlier.
“Is your hand okay?” You asked looking it over.
“It’s fine. Doesn’t hurt at all. Let’s get some food. I know a spot. But you’ll have to wear this,” he said pulling out a small black mask to cover your eyes. He took his own. “Can’t exactly drive the batmobile and show our face.”
The spot he knew was a tiny little taco truck strung with Christmas lights and a white board advertising “elotes con chile y limon.” It was on an empty corner lot in a not so great area of Gotham. It was extremely conspicuous as the pair of you got out of the car. Most people watched but as they thought they were watching freaking Batman order tacos, they didn’t say or do anything.
“Hello,” said the truck owner nervously. “Would you like something to eat? Elotes? Carnitas?”
“Yeah, 6 carnita tacos with cilantro and lime. A Mexican coke. 2 orders of sopapillas. What do you want?”
“That’s all for you?” You laughed always amazed at the amount he could eat. It made sense with all the energy he used but still. “Same but just 2 tacos and and a coke.”
Jason wrapped an arm around you waist and swayed slightly to the Mexican music playing in the truck. People started to get used to you both being there. Maybe Batman just wanted some tacos?
After receiving a plastic take out bag with foil wrapped tacos, a sign of good tacos, you both climbed back in the car. The masks were haphazardly tossed on the dash. Jason drove you both back the way you came and you wondered if you were going back to the manor when, no he was taking you to a quiet rest stop outside the city. You ate the tacos and sopapillas on the hood of the car. You watched as Jason added way to much spicy green chile sauce to his tacos.
“Want some?”
“I choose life but thank you,” you said. You giggled as he cleared his throat and gulped down his coke. But to his credit, he ate it. Maybe he just enjoyed pain? “Now what?” You asked watching the stars. They weren’t visible in the city.
Instead of answering, Jason pulled you close. Your back against his chest and he wrapped his arms around you. You held his hands and looked at the little scars that littered his skin. Always fighting. Jason bent to kiss your neck.
“Wanna be really bad,” he asked with audacity that you knew meant something interesting. You leaned into him more.
“What do you mean?” You purred. Dating a guy like Jason Todd, you weren’t exactly new to taking some risks.
“Let’s fuck. Right. Here,” he said and with every word he slowly spoke in a husky voice, he pushed his hips against you and you knew exactly what he wanted. You went to turn in his arms but he moved quicker and you were quickly bent over the car with a gasp. He pulled off his jacket and threw it on the hood. Little did you know but he was covering the camera.
Jason’s hand ran along your back and you shivered as your skin pressed against the hard metal. He kissed the back of your neck and kneaded the flesh on your hips and he ground his hard on against you. “Fuck you’re pretty. And letting fucking Bruce know what you think of the rich. That was hot as shit. I’ve been wanting to do this for months.”
“This was on your bucket list,” you asked grinding your hips back against him. “To bend me over the batmobile and fuck me?”
“Jesus,” he said before pulling down your jeans and panties in one push. You shivered at the cold air touched your ass. “Your fucking mouth, Princess. I love it.”
You weren’t cold for very long because after a few seconds of rustling with a belt and zipper, you felt Jason press against your ass. He rubbed his cock through your folds a few times before pulling away. You turned to whine only to see him rolling on a condom. He sunk into you without ceremony. His fingers roughly held your hips as he thrust into you.
You moaned and the echo reminded you that you were outside. Anyone could come up on the pair of you fucking on the goddamn Batmobile. It made you moan even louder. He rubbed his hand up and down your spine before sliding down to the front of your body to rub your clit. It didn’t take long for you to grip him tighter.
“Fuck, Princess, are you close?” He moaned in your ear. His thrusts were rough and deep and his fingers moved quickly over your clit.
“Yeah, oh shit, yeah,” you moaned. “Jay,” you whined when he readjusted his hand.
“I got you. Let go, Princess,” he purred in your ear. You reached a hand up and grabbed his hair. You pulled him close and moaned his name on repeat as you came. He grunted and a few more thrusts found his release. Jason pulled out and pulled up your pants with a pat on your ass and took care of his condom.
“We probably need to get the car back before Bruce come looking for it,” he said grabbing his jacket. Jason gave you a long sweet kiss before getting back in the car.
“Does he have a tracking device in it,” you asked with sudden realization.
“Yeah but all we did was get some tacos and stopped to eat them,” Jason said with a wink. “He won’t care too much. Plus he’ll only be mad at me anyways. Don’t worry about it, Princess.”
You held his hand all the way back to the front drive of Wayne Manor. As soon as you were in his car, his phone lit up and before he put it away, it was a message from Tim. “Clean it before you bring it back. I don’t even want to know what happened and Bruce is ofc mad.😩”
You laughed a little and Jason went from grinning to laughing out loud. “At least we didn’t fuck in the car,” you said. He laughed some more.
“Maybe next time, baby,” he said with a wink before speeding out of the drive.
“Oh god. I wouldn’t do Alfred like that.”
“I knew I liked you for some reason. Let’s get home. It’s cold as balls out here and I’d like to spend some time with my hot as shit girlfriend before the other shoe drops,” Jason said taking your hand again.
“That’s a fan-fucking-tastic idea.”
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wayward-dreamer · 4 years
Life’s Lessons - Part 9
Title: Life’s Lessons - A Lesson in Who to Trust
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x Female!Teacher!Reader (eventual)
Other Pairings: Female!Reader x OMC – Ethan (past, mentioned), Female!Reader x OMC – Mark
Other characters: OFC: Ashley (Mark’s sister), OMC: Stephen (Mark’s brother-in-law).
Word Count: 7,144 (notes in bold, texts, thoughts, song lyrics in italics). 
Part Summary: Thanksgiving time has Dean wondering whether Y/N is better of without him, as she tries to find the right words to broach the subject of her love life with Mark. However, she soon learns the kind of person he is and seeks comfort from the only person who she can truly trust. 
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Insecurities, Dean’s self-deprecation rears its ugly head, Self hate, Emotional Abuse, Mentions of Y/N’s ex, Fighting, Mark gets slapped, More angst, Tears, Comfort, Fluff, Dean being sweet (yes, that’s a warning)
Music: Jerome by Lizzo (playing on the radio while Y/N is driving home scene), Shallow by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper (not featured, but lyrics inserted for emphasis. Listen to it during the scene where Y/N and Dean are watching TV).
Life’s Lessons Spotify Playlist
A/N: Thank you to everyone who has been loving this series so far! All your comments and feedback are so appreciated! I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the journey as we move forward! Happy reading and enjoy! :)
Life’s Lessons Masterlist
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Y/N stood in front of the whiteboard, filled with the kids’ ideas and thoughts about the latest book they were covering in class, To Kill A Mockingbird. Given that it was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and they had a half-day and then Friday with no school, she tried to get as much work done with them as possible. She could see they were all itching to leave as soon as the bell rang, so she was really trying to keep their attention. When she looked down at her watch and saw that there was only about five minutes left, she sighed.
“Alright, guys. Why don’t we stop there,” she said, turning back to the class. “I know I’m about to lose you all to the bell soon, anyway.”
They all giggled as they finished writing notes one by one.
“So, before you go… remember to read the last few chapters before Monday” she said, flicking through the novel. “I want us to fill that board up again, okay?”
There were nods and several “yes, Miss Y/L/N”.
“Good” she smiled. “I hope you guys have great Thanksgivings’ and stuff yourselves with Turkey.”
They all laughed, and she joined them. The bell rang loudly, and the kids all sprung up at the same time.
“One at a time through the door, guys!” she shook her head, amused as she’d told them that so many times.
Once they had all left, Y/N packed up her work and shoved everything into her oversized handbag. She picked up her fawn coat and put it on over black sweater, brown checked skirt and brown knee-high heeled boots. She wrapped her scarf around her neck and picked up her bag, walking out of the room after turning the light off and shutting the door. As she walked down the school halls, her heeled boots echoing on the floors, she heard someone calling out to her.
“Y/N!” Charlie called out as she reached her.
“Hey” Y/N smiled. “Ready for the long weekend?”
Charlie sighed in relief. “So ready. I can’t wait to be at Jody’s tomorrow for dinner!”
“Is she a good cook?” Y/N asked, as they walked into the staff room to collect their boxes from lunch.
“She’s the best!” Charlie exclaimed, smiling. “Oh, damn. I haven’t even asked you what your plans are! If you don’t have any, come to Jody’s. She honestly wouldn’t mind one more.”
Y/N laughed, slightly as they picked up what they needed to in the staff room and then walked out. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m actually going to Mark’s sister’s for Thanksgiving. He asked me last week if I wanted to come with him and I said yes.”
“Oh. Okay” Charlie muttered, frowning.
Y/N knew something was up. “What?”
“It’s just… after everything that happened at your birthday, are you sure this is what you want?” Charlie asked, shrugging. “I don’t want to put doubts in your head-”
“You’re not” Y/N said, turning to her. “Truth is… I kind of already have them.”
She had been on edge since that night after her dinner, where Mark had insulted Dean but then also how their night ended. She knew they needed to talk.
“Have you thought more about what to say to him about… you know?” Charlie asked, her eyes widening at the suggestion.
Y/N sighed. “I have. I just have to be honest with him, tell him that he needs to see someone.”
Charlie nodded as they walked over to their cars. After goodbyes and wishes for Thanksgiving, Y/N headed home. As she drove, she thought her and Mark’s relationship. They had now been together for 6 weeks, and things were going… okay. However, they still hadn’t attempted to have sex again, settling for heavy make-out sessions. She knew they needed to talk about what happened that night at his apartment. She was hoping that after things finished up at his sister’s Thanksgiving dinner, he’d invite her over to his apartment again and they could try to see what they could do about it.
She was still a bit weary after what he had said to Dean, but Mark had been on his best behavior since then, and she hoped that he would never do that again. He could be a little arrogant sometimes, but she called him out on it, and he was good about keeping it in control. That didn’t mean she wasn’t worried he’d say something awful again. If that happened, she knew she had to do the right thing and end it. She was giving him another chance to prove himself, so hopefully he wouldn’t screw it up.
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Sam walked out of Dean’s house, carrying three chairs, stacked. He took the porch stairs slowly, as Dean did the same behind him, with his own stack of three chairs. They walked over to Sam’s car, putting them into the backseat, before he shut the door.
“You sure that’s all mom needs?” Dean asked.
Sam nodded, making sure the doors were secure. “Yeah, just the chairs. She’s got everything else under control, as always.”
“I don’t know how she does it” Dean shook his head, smiling. “Oh man, I can’t wait to eat!”
Sam scoffed a laugh, shaking his head at his elder brother. “Yeah, I bet you can’t.”
“Hey, no judging me on Thanksgiving, Sammy.” Dean gave him a pointed look, but he smiled slightly, as this was their brotherly banter once again.
Y/N fluffed her hair as she looked at herself in the mirror. She fixed the beige, red and green plaid scarf around her neck as she turned to check that her light grey sweater was properly tucked into the back of her emerald green pleated skirt. She reached under and made sure her nude thigh-high stockings were properly attached to the suspenders and garter belt. Slipping her feet into her nude high heels, she put on her fawn coat, picked up her bag and quickly left the house. She needed to get to Mark’s, and then he was driving them to his sister’s.
As she walked over to her car, she looked across the street and frowned. Dean was outside, talking to a tall man with shaggy brown hair, framed around his head and neck. She smiled as something occurred to her; Dean had said his brother was tall. That had to be Sam.
Dean’s eyes found Y/N’s house again and he suddenly saw that she was outside, standing next to her car. Their eyes met and he felt his heart hammer against his ribcage. He hadn’t seen her since the night of her birthday. She smiled tentatively, with a little wave.
“That’s her, right?” Sam asked, when he noticed Dean looking at her. He remembered her from that night at the bar.
“Y-Yeah, Y/N” Dean stammered, as he continued to look at her.
Sam looked at his brother, eying him suspiciously. He had seen that look on Dean’s face a few times before, including that night at the bar and he knew immediately what it meant. He would need the specifics now, after he left the bar and couldn’t actually meet this girl.
“Hey” Sam called out to her, quickly walking over.
“Sam, what’re you doing?” Dean hissed, trying to grab his jacket but missing. He quickly followed behind him, Sam’s long legs taking him across the street in just a few steps.
Y/N gulped nervously, as she saw the tall man approach her. “Hi.”
“I’m Dean’s brother, Sam” he said, as he offered his hand.
She took it, smiling immediately. “It’s great to finally meet you. Dean’s told me so much about you.”
Sam smiled back, before looking over at Dean teasingly. Dean glared at him, as he shook his head. “Really? I wish I could say the same.”
Y/N laughed a little awkwardly, as they pulled their hands away. “Anyway, it was good to finally put a face to the name, but I should really go.”
“Oh, of course” Sam said, as he stepped aside.
“I’m guessing you’re going over to Mark’s” Dean broke his silence as he turned to her. His expression was blank as he tried not to show what he was feeling. He knew Sam would ask him about it if he did.
“His sister’s” she specified. “They invited me.”
Dean nodded slowly but didn’t say anything. Sam looked between them, sensing something wasn’t right and quickly changing the mood.
“Well, Happy Thanksgiving, Y/N” he smiled at her.
“You too, Sam” she smiled as she looked at him, before looking back at Dean. “Happy Thanksgiving, Dean.”
“Happy Thanksgiving, Y/N” he said as he looked into her eyes.
Y/N looked away from him quickly, as she stepped up to her car and got in. The boys walked away from her yard and back to where they had been, as they watched her pull out of the driveway and drive down the street. Once she was out of the vicinity, Dean pushed Sam.
“Why the hell did you go over to her?” he asked, exasperated with his younger brother.
“I was just introducing myself to the mysterious woman across the street, that you failed to tell me about” Sam replied, as a smirk appeared on his face. “I can see why.”
Dean’s eyebrows furrowed as his jaw clenched. “What?”
Sam laughed. “Man, you’re so smitten, it’s hilarious you can’t see it.”
“You don’t what you’re talking about, Sammy” Dean growled, as he scrubbed his hand down his face and shook his head. He turned around and walked back into the house.
“Come on, Dean, I’m not an idiot” Sam said, following behind Dean. “I saw the looks between you two.”
“Sam” Dean groaned. “I’m not talking about this.”
As Dean looked at him, an almost pleading look to drop the subject, Sam realized what was going on.
“Oh wow” he whispered. “You’re falling in love with her.”
“You’re insane” Dean denied. It felt wrong coming out of his mouth, but he couldn’t acknowledge it. Not when he couldn’t do anything about it.
“No, I’m not” Sam said, clearly. He was quiet for a few moments before he walked closer to Dean. “Look, man. I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but something did. Clearly whatever is, it started a while ago, while you were still with Lisa.”
Dean glared at him. “How the fuck do you do that?”
Sam shook his head and ignored the question. “So… what’s going on?”
Dean looked at Sam and sighed, resigning himself to the fact that he had to tell his little brother. After he explained everything, Sam didn’t look angry about any of it, and smiled at Dean.
“If Y/N’s the one you want to be with… then Dean, you have to go for it. You gave Lisa three years, and it didn’t go anywhere. Maybe this is it this time” Sam said, smiling.
“God” Dean groaned, shaking his head. “Way to go all chick-flick on this, Sammy.”
“Dean, just listen to me, please” Sam begged. “That relationship… it was killing you. Y/N seems great-”
“I can’t, Sam” Dean said, cutting him off. “She’s with someone else.”
“Oh” Sam said, frowning.
“Yeah” Dean agreed.
Sam looked over at his brother, knowing that wasn’t the only thing he was thinking about.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked, knowingly.
Dean shook his head. Sam really needed to stop being a freaking mind reader. It was better to just say it and deal with it rather than have his brother pester him for the rest of the day.
“I just… she’s amazing” Dean said, leaning back against the back of the couch. “What is she gonna want with me?”
“Dean-” Sam started but Dean cut him off.
“I mean she’s younger than me, by like… 7 years. She’s so fucking smart, she’s absolutely beautiful, and she’s the nicest person I know. She’s been through some shit and she’s still a good person. So… what would she want with me?” Dean scoffed, as everything he was feeling came out.
Sam shook his head, seeing Dean’s self-hating attitude resurfacing. “Dean… you’re the best person I know. You’re hardworking, you care about people. I’m sure she sees that in you, from all the time you’ve spent together. You’ve been there for her, helped her settle into a new life here. Dean, you deserve to finally be happy. If it’s meant to be with Y/N, then it’ll happen. You just have to be patient. You have to stop thinking you don’t deserve happiness, Dean. Hell, you deserve it more than most people.”
Dean looked at Sam and just nodded, not saying anything else.
“So… I’ll see you soon” Sam said, knowing he should leave it there.
Dean was too much in his thoughts to notice that Sam had left. Everything he just said was all true. So then why couldn’t he see that in himself? He decided to get ready to go over to his parents’ and not think about it at that moment. He had a lot to think about, but he just wanted to enjoy Thanksgiving first.
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Y/N put a forkful of turkey and yams in her mouth, chewing slowly. She smiled at Mark’s sister, Ashley who sat across from her. Things were a little awkward, giving that she had never met them until now, but at least she and her husband, Stephen were nice people. They were really excited to meet her when she stepped through the door and had been really great hosts that made her feel welcome.
“So, how long have you been teaching, Y/N?” Ashley asked.
Y/N swallowed before answering. “Nearly 3 and a half years. 1 year of substituting and then 2 years in a full-time job, back home, and nearly half a year here. So, still pretty green but I really love it.”
“That’s amazing” Ashley said, smiling.
“Where’s home?” Stephen asked, taking a sip of his wine.
“Rhinebeck, New York” Y/N replied, simply.
“Wow” Stephen laughed. “That’s a big move. Why the change?”
Y/N smiled tentatively, not knowing how to answer the question. She hadn’t told Mark about Ethan yet, and she certainly didn’t want to do it over Thanksgiving dinner at his family’s house.
“I just needed a change” she told him. “Being in one place your whole life… it gets a little boring after a while. Plus, I saw this opportunity and had to take it.”
“Well, it’s a good thing you did” Mark smiled, leaning in to kiss her cheek.
She smiled at him before they went back to eating.
After dinner, Stephen gave Y/N a tour of the house as Mark helped Ashley with the dishes. They washed the big dishes, while they put the plates and cutlery in the dishwasher. As they cleared up, Mark turned to his sister with a smile.
“So… what do you think?” he asked. He wanted her opinion on her Y/N.
“She’s really nice; pretty” Ashley replied, nodding as she washed a platter.
“I feel a ‘but’ coming” Mark said, rolling his eyes.
“But” she started as she looked at him. “I think you need the full story on why she left home.”
“Why?” he asked, confused, as he wiped the platter once she handed it to him.
“Look, I’m sure she’s a great girl. I just think you need to know her reasons for leaving and see whether she’s been genuine or not” she replied, turning the tap off and turning to him.
“Why would she not be?” Mark said, glaring at his sister. He was a little angry that she would insinuate something about Y/N.
“I’m not saying she isn’t; I’m just saying that you need the full story. That’s it. Take it or leave it” she whispered as Y/N and Stephen came back into the room.
“Ashley, I love your house” Y/N smiled, as she gestured around her.
“Thank you” Ashley smiled in return. “Alright, dessert time.”
Meanwhile at the Winchester house, their dinner was far louder with a lot more people. John sat at one end of the table, with Mary at the other. Around the table was Dean next to Mary, Ellen next to him, Jo next to her. On the other side was Sam next to Mary, Eileen next to him, and Bobby next to her who was visiting them in Lawrence from South Dakota until after Christmas.
“So, who’s starting with what they’re thankful for?” Mary asked, smiling as everyone filled up their plates.
Everyone went around the table, saying what they were thankful as they all ate. There were normal answers of thankful for family and thankful for the chance to all be together.
When it was Dean’s turn, he was nervous. He wanted to tell them all something, something he was excited about and he wanted them to know.
“Dean?” Mary said, gesturing for him to speak.
“Um, well… I’m thankful for dad” Dean started, as he glanced over at his father. John looked at Dean, confused, as Dean went on. “I’m thankful that you trusted me with the garage when you left it to me to run because uh… I found a new building lot a few minutes outside of town. We’re expanding and turning that location into a restoration site for classics.”
The whole table erupted in cheers, as everyone congratulated Dean. Mary leaned over and kissed his cheek, hugging him tightly. Dean saw John get up from his seat and stood up, as John walked over. He put his hands on Dean’s shoulders, smiling at him.
“I’m so proud of you” he said.
“Thanks dad” Dean said, smiling in return. They embraced each other, John patting Dean’s back as they hugged.
As they pulled away, John looked like he had tears in his eyes. “Listen, let’s talk later. There’s something I want to say to you.”
“Okay” Dean nodded, slightly concerned about his dad.
“That’s awesome, man. Let me look over the contract for the building before you sign, see if everything’s legit” Sam said, smiling as he was happy for his brother.
“Yeah, for sure” Dean agreed.
“Anything you need from me, son, you got it” Bobby said, from across the table.
“Thanks, Bobby” Dean nodded.
Dean couldn’t remember the last time he had been this happy. Everyone shared that with him, as they were proud of the steps he had taken to get here. He loved what he did, and he was excited to build on it and make it something really incredible.
After eating, a few others helped Mary clear up and put away the food. Jo and Ellen were putting food in the fridge, as Dean walked in. As he walked past them at the kitchen bench, he reached into one of the Tupperware containers and took a slice of Turkey, munching on it.
“Hey!” Jo protested. “That was my share of the turkey.”
“It’s all one bird, Harvelle” he mumbled around the slice in his mouth.
“You suck, Winchester” she muttered, glaring at him.
He chuckled as Mary shook her head at him, rolling her eyes playfully as he started helping her with the dishes. Mary looked over at him as he stacked the dishwasher, his demeanor different all of sudden from being fine just a few seconds ago. She sensed something was off.
“Everything okay?” she asked.
Dean nodded, not looking at her. “Yeah. Everything’s good.”
Mary wiped her hands on a dish cloth, as she walked closer to him. “How come I don’t believe you?”
“Mom” Dean shook his head, not really sure if he was in the mood for his mom’s intuition. He couldn’t tell her about Y/N just yet.
“Look, whatever it is… when you’re ready to talk, I’m here. Like I always am” she reassured him, placing her hands on his cheeks.
“Thanks, mom” he said, quietly. She moved in and they hugged, tightly.
When they let go of each other, Dean saw his father wave him over.
Dean followed John down into the basement, which was more of a den for John now. He walked past his desk and over to a little bar cart he had, pouring a double of whiskey into two tumblers. He walked over to Dean and handed one over but didn’t drink it yet.
“What I’m about to say, it’s been a long time coming but I need you to know this” John said, looking down at his glass before he looked up at his son.
“What is it, dad?” Dean asked, his jaw clenched out of fear that something was wrong.
“I’m sorry, Dean. I’m sorry for putting everything on you when I left after that big fight with your mom. I apologized to her and she forgave me, even if I felt like I didn’t deserve it. I… I never apologized to you, though. I should have. You were 24, just starting at the garage in a more responsible role, but I left everything on your shoulders when I should’ve been there to help you” John said, shaking his head as his eyes glistened.
Dean nodded, understanding him completely. He had always understood why his dad left, and always thought he didn’t need an apology for it. When Y/N told him that it was an important part in moving on, he had agreed. And now here he was, receiving an apology organically, without having to say anything to prompt it. It was like she knew, and it was another reason Dean was grateful to her. If only he could tell his father how important she was to this moment finally happening.
“Dad, I get it. I understand why you left, and yeah sure I was angry when you did… but I got it. I still do. You leaving made me more responsible, and when you did properly hand the garage over to me a few years after that, I was ready for it because of what had happened. So… despite it being a hard time for all of us, it happened for a reason” Dean told him.
“And now you’re expanding the business” John smiled. “I’m so proud of you, Dean.”
“Thanks” Dean smirked.
They clinked their glasses together. As Dean took a sip, he saw his dad still looking at him.
“Now, I just want you to be happy with everything else in your life” John said, looking at him knowingly.
“Dad, I’m not telling you about Y/N” Dean shot him down.
“Oh come on” John laughed. Dean knew what to say to make his father drop the subject.
“Okay, let me put it this way. If mom found out that you knew about Y/N before she did, what would she do?” Dean asked, smirking.
John’s eyes widened. “Okay, you got me there.”
Dean laughed but didn’t say anything, as they both headed upstairs again.
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Mark opened the door to his apartment and let Y/N in as he closed the door. She took off her coat and hung it on the back of the stool, as she paced the apartment. Her mind had been reeling in the car on the drive back from his sister’s, and she knew she had to speak up about what she needed to, soon.
“Can I get you anything?” he asked, as he stood in the kitchen.
“No, I’m good” she replied, shaking her head.
“Are you okay?” he asked, knowing straight away that something was wrong. “You were really quiet in the car.”
She sighed, knowing this was it. She tried to smile but she couldn’t. “Mark, we need to talk.”
His face immediately morphed into a frown. “About what?”
“About this” she said, gesturing between them. “I think that we have to get some help, some advice on what to do.”
“Y/N, you’re not making any sense. Advice for what?” he asked, shaking his head in confusion, as he walked over to her.
“For what happened last time when tried to have sex” Y/N sighed, knowing she couldn’t be discreet anymore. “For the fact that you… um… arrived in about 10 seconds of getting started, give or take.”
“What?” Mark shook his head, still not understanding.
She was trying to put it as kindly as she could. She didn’t want to hurt him. “I think you should see someone and then we can try again. Maybe it’ll be better then.”
Mark scoffed a laugh as he stared at her. “What the fuck are you talking about? I-I… I don’t do that.”
Y/N frowned and sighed, as she walked over to him. “Mark, it’s okay. I’m not upset. I just want to see what we can do, and then get past this little hurdle.”
“Little hurdle?” Mark asked, his eyebrows raised. “The fact that you’re accusing me of having some kind of problem with my dick isn’t a little hurdle, Y/N.”
He was getting harsh and she needed to bring the situation down again.
“I’m not accusing you, Mark. I’m telling you the truth. You need to see that this is real and that it’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with finding out what’s wrong and us having a great sex life” she countered, trying to remain calm.
He laughed, bitterly and it made her feel sick. “So, now we have a bad sex life?”
“No, I’m saying we don’t have one at all. When you can’t keep it up one time and the next time you get off way too early and I don’t at all… there’s a problem” she replied, glaring at him.
“So, what… you didn’t cum?” he asked, his face morphing into a look of anger. He moved closer to her as he waited for an answer.
She stopped glaring at him as she shook her head. “No.”
“Then maybe you’re the problem” he snapped; his eyebrows furrowed.
“Excuse me?” She moved closer to him, as her eyes widened.
“Yeah, maybe you’re tired from opening your legs for some guy behind my back, that you can’t!” he yelled.
Y/N saw red as her hand lifted up and slapped him across his face, sending a resounding sound around the apartment. “You son of a bitch! I’m trying to help you and that’s what you have to say to me?!”
“I don’t need your help!” he yelled in her face, his eyes glowering as he shook her.
Y/N pushed him hard, his back hitting the wall behind him. He glared at her but made no attempt to move.
“Lose my number, you pathetic ass” she bit back. “I hope whoever comes after me is happy knowing you’re a selfish jerk who can’t see that he’s got a problem.”
Mark was frozen in his place, not being able to move. She quickly took that opportunity to pick up her coat and bag, marching across to the door. With one final glance at him, she opened the door of the apartment and stepped out, slamming it behind her.
Y/N raced down to her car, which was parked in one of the side streets. She got in and didn’t waste time, driving away from the curb quickly. As she drove home, her mind raced. How? How had she gotten herself into this mess again? First Ethan, now Mark. Was she some kind of bad luck attractor? Did she not deserve to have a decent man in her life? She had to thank a higher power that it wasn’t anything worse.
Flicking the radio on, she tried to drown out her anger. As the song changed to Lizzo’s Jerome, she couldn’t help but smile at how appropriate it was. She didn’t need Mark. She didn’t need a man who couldn’t grow up and recognize he had a problem. He was better off with someone else, someone who could handle his baggage.
However, as she felt her eyes welling up and hindering her vision, her mind was reverting back to what it was like when Ethan was in her life. It was telling her that she didn’t deserve to be with anyone. That she was destined to be alone.
She couldn’t wait to get home and let everything she was feeling out.
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Dean got out of the Impala, stretching out his limbs. He had truly stuffed himself with the delicious food his mother had made and now he was ready to kick back and relax on the couch, before heading to bed. He was going to go do a little work on the new house the next day, so he knew he needed to be up early.
As he walked to the porch stairs, he frowned when he heard screeching tires approaching. He watched as Y/N’s car pulled harshly into her driveway, the engine cutting out. She got out of the car and slammed the door, but jerked back as something got stuck.
“Fuck!” she yelled, not caring how loud she was considering she was clearly in distress.
Dean didn’t hesitate, rushing over to her. He saw her trying to pull the strap of her bag from where it was stuck in the door.
“Hey, hey, Y/N, it’s okay” he said, as he approached her and put his hand gently on her shoulder. He saw her face and wondered what the hell was going on. He had never seen her that angry before. She was breathing heavily, her expression angry but on the verge of tears. He took the keys from her hands and unjammed the door, taking her bag out before locking the car.
“Thanks” she whispered, not being able to speak louder.
“It’s okay, sweetheart” he said, softly. “Come on.”
He lightly took her hand, relaxing when she didn’t flinch, and guided her to her house.
When they stepped in, Dean helped Y/N over to the couch. He gently sat her down but grimaced as he watched her, her breaths becoming short and worrying.
“Y/N, look at me” he said, gently. When she did, he saw tears start to roll down her cheeks.
“Why…” she struggled to breath as she shook her head. “Why does this keep happening?” she asked, her voice breaking.
The damn broke as she began to sob. She hunched over but Dean held her close, wrapping his arms around her. She leaned her head on his shoulder, as Dean held her against his chest, his chin on top of her head.
“Y/N, sweetheart, it’s okay. I’m here” he told her, comforting her. “I got you.”
She gripped his jacket tightly, her body shaking against his. “I-I…”
“It’s all gonna be okay, I’m here, sweetheart. I’m here” he whispered in her ear.
Dean just held her and rubbed her back, soothingly. When Y/N’s breathing had returned mostly to normal and she was only letting out small whimpers, she lifted herself off him. She slowly opened her eyes, looking into his green eyes.
“I’m sorry” she choked out, wiping her face roughly. She rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed at herself, but he hoped she didn’t think that way anymore.
Dean shook his head, offering her a small smile. “Don’t ever be sorry, sweetheart.”
“I… I…” she said, shaking her head.
“Let me get you some water” Dean said, slowly unwrapping himself from her.
He went into the kitchen and found her glasses cabinet, taking one out and filling it with water. He walked back over and handed her the water, watching as she drank slowly.
She wiped her mouth on her sweater sleeve and put the glass on the coffee table.
“Did he… did he do something to you?” he asked, looking into her eyes.
Y/N shook her head and saw his jaw clench, his expression angry and sad. “It was my fault, I shouldn’t have upset him.”
Dean shook his head, gently taking her hand in his. “I’m sure it’s not, Y/N.”
She waited a few moments to calm down before she spoke. “He’s clearly got issues in the bedroom, but he can’t acknowledge that and decided to blame me for it instead.”
Dean could feel a raging fire within himself, but he kept calm for her. All he wanted to do was find Mark and kick his ass into oblivion, but he knew Y/N would never tell him where he lived for that very reason.
“I sure know how to pick them” she laughed, and they suddenly turned into quiet sobs as she launched herself into him, wrapping her arms around him as she buried her face in his neck. Dean held her close, never wanting to let her go. They weren’t sure how long they stayed that way.
She pulled away first, slowly and looked up into his eyes again. “Don’t leave me tonight” she said, quietly. “Please? I… I don’t want to be alone.”
“You’re not alone.” Dean leaned forward, pressing his forehead against hers. “I’ll never leave you.”
After a few more minutes of holding each other close, they pulled away from each other. Y/N’s sadness suddenly escalated into anger, her face forming into a glare as she stood up. She walked over to her little bar, picked up a tumbler and poured a decent amount of whiskey into it. She took a large sip, not even hissing as it burned her throat when it went down. Dean watched silently, worried about what she was feeling and going through.
“Y/N…” he started but she cut him off.
“Fuck him” she snapped. She turned around and faced Dean, scowl still prominent. “Fuck him for making me think that his problems in the bedroom were my fault. Fuck. Him.”
Dean didn’t say anything, knowing she needed to let it all out. He raised an eyebrow as he wondered what Mark’s problems were, but he figured he really didn’t need to know. He had a feeling he was thinking the right thing, though.
“I was trying to help him” she said, shaking her head with a bitter scoff. “What did I do to fall into something like this again?” she asked, her eyes glistening again. “He’s exactly like Ethan, and somehow… I couldn’t see it. I fell for it again.”
She shook her head as it dropped down, her eyes closed as she tried to hold back her tears. Dean walked up to her, lifted her chin up with his finger, gently, until their eyes met.
“You didn’t do anything, Y/N. It’s them who should know they’ve got a good thing when it’s right in front of them. You’re too good for them. Some guy is gonna come along someday and see that how lucky he is to have you” he said, staring into her eyes.
Y/N didn’t say anything as she continued to look into his eyes. He said some guy, but that’s not what she wanted. She wanted him.
She nodded, a small smile gracing her face. “Thank you, Dean. You’re… I feel like I’ll never be able to thank you enough. I owe you so much.”
He smirked, shaking his head. “You don’t owe me anything, sweetheart.”
Y/N smiled before she looked up at the clock. It wasn’t all that late, just 9pm, but she was exhausted. Her body felt drained and she really wanted to turn in early.
“I should get changed” she said, looking away from him. “Do you want to go home and get changed?” she asked him, as she took in his attire.
Dean shook his head, as he looked at himself and then up at her. “No, it’s okay. I’ll just uh… I’ll sleep like this.”
“You sure?” she asked, frowning.
“I’m sure, Y/N” he replied, with a small chuckle.
She smiled, softly with a slow nod. “Okay.”
Y/N excused herself to go get changed into her red and black plaid pyjamas and loose, black t-shirt. As she walked out, she laughed a little as she saw Dean standing in her living room, looking over her books, records and DVDs.
“Dean, you can make yourself comfortable” she said, as she sat down on the couch, her legs tucked under her. “I don’t mind.”
Dean walked over as he took his jacket off, hanging it over the back of the couch. He sat down on the other end of the couch, a large gap between them.
“I don’t bite, either” she laughed as she looked at him.
Dean gave her a nod as he moved a little closer. Y/N wasn’t satisfied with that, so she moved in rest of the way, her body incredibly close to his. She leaned her head on his shoulder, giving him the ability to smell her strawberry shampoo. She turned on the TV and flicked through the channels, trying to land on something.
“Tell me something good” she said, as she kept flicking through the channels.
“Something good?” he questioned, wondering what he could tell her. He smirked as it came to him. “Well… I’m still yet to sign the contract because I want Sammy to look over it, but… I found a building for the restoration site.”
She gasped, her face erupting into a huge smile. “Dean, that’s wonderful news!”
Dean was glad to see her happy after what occurred today. He laughed a little as his arms wrapped around her, when she threw herself into him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“I’m so happy for you” she said, quietly but he still heard her.
“Thanks, Y/N” he smirked, as they pulled away from each other.
She smiled at him but looked away back to the TV, to continue flicking through channels.
Dean smiled as he watched her. He never thought he’d have another person in his corner, other than his family. Lisa used to be happy for him when he’d do well, before things started to change for them. It was different with Y/N, though. She wasn’t just happy for him. She was genuinely excited and wanted to know about every aspect of his life and his work. He knew in that moment that he couldn’t let her go. He’d give her some time, considering she still had to sort out her situation with Mark, but after that… he was going to bite the bullet ask her out.
Tell me somethin’, girl
Are you happy in this modern world?
Or do you need more?
Is there somethin’ else you’re searchin’ for?
When Y/N finally settled on a channel playing re-runs of The Three Stooges, Dean looked at the screen with a big smirk on his face. She took that time to glance over at him from the corner of her eye. This man was unlike any she had ever encountered. He was different from the men she had dated in so many ways. He may have had a tough yet incredibly handsome exterior, but his generous, caring nature was what drew her towards him. She needed to give herself a little time to clear her head and her life of Mark, but then she was ready to pursue things with Dean. She had been ready for him for so long, but their timing had been all off. Now, there was nothing to come in between them.
Looking at him as he sat next to her, she knew she wanted him to always be right there, that close to her. She knew she was in love with him. How could she not be after he had done so much for her?
Tell me something, boy
Aren’t you tired tryin’ to fill that void?
Or do you need more?
Ain’t it hard keeping it so hardcore?
I’m falling
In all the good times I find myself
Longing for change
And in the bad times I fear myself
Later that night, Y/N stared up at the ceiling, unable to sleep. She picked up her phone from the nightstand and looked at the time. 11.30pm. She unlocked her phone and opened her messages, typing one out.
Dean stared up at the ceiling of Y/N’s living room, his hands behind his head. His mind was whirling with thoughts of her and everything that happened that night. How could anyone ever treat her the way they had? He swore to himself that if she ever gave him a chance, he’d spent every day making sure she knew how important she was to him. How much he cared about her. How much he loved her.
His eyes widened as the realization sunk in. He was in love with Y/N. It had hardly been enough time, but he guessed that didn’t matter. Not being able to be with her had only made his heart long for her more, and now here he was. In love with her. He needed to keep that one to myself for a while. The last thing he needed to do was scare her off.
His phone chimed and he picked it up from the coffee table, reading the message that popped up.
Y/N: Are you awake?
Dean smirked as he typed back.
Dean: Yep, just staring at the ceiling
Y/N: Can you come in here?
Dean smirk widened as he threw the blanket off himself and got up from the couch. He walked down the hallway, the wooden floorboards cold against his warm feet. He slowly pushed Y/N’s bedroom door open, smiling when he saw her sitting up against the headboard. She sat up on her knees, a nervous smile playing at her lips as he walked closer to the bed. She pushed the covers aside and held out her hand. He took it in his hand, slipping under the covers. He reached up and turned off the light, settling in next to her. Y/N moved closer, resting her head on his chest, her arm around his waist. Dean smiled as he wrapped his arm around her, bringing her in closer to him.
“Goodnight, Dean” she whispered, her lips pressing against his shirt-covered chest.
He leaned in and kissed her forehead, his lips lingering against her skin. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
Soon, they both drifted off to sleep, dreaming of their future together.
I’m off the deep end, watch as I dive in
I’ll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface, where they can’t hurt us
We’re far from the shallow now
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The next morning, Y/N woke up alone, but felt that the empty space next to her was still warm. She smiled slightly as she saw a note on the pillow. She smiled even wider when she read it, her heart soaring.
Mornin’ beautiful,
I didn’t have it in me to wake you up, but there’s some things I had to do this morning. I promise I’ll be back later, and we can hang out.
See ya tonight,
She couldn’t keep the smile off her face as she walked into the kitchen and started brewing the coffee.
Y/N couldn’t believe how much had changed for her overnight.
She was going to be cautious and make sure to take care of own mental state first, but she suddenly couldn’t wait to see what her future held when it came to Dean.
Tags: @flamencodiva @deanwanddamons @winchest09 @katehuntington @akshi8278 @hobby27 @michellethetvaddict @spngirl05 @kyjey @halesandy @440mxs-wife @stoneyggirl @deanswaywardgirl @wonder-cole @that-one-gay-girl @redbarn1995 @marianita195 @babypink224221 @deans-baby-momma @parinarain @thoughts-and-funnies @mandalou29 @castiels-a-winchester @ellewritesfix05 @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ @supraveng​ @roonyxx​ @supernatural-love14​ @vicmc624​ @prettyboyswow​ 
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hotsayce · 3 years
The Lake
NCT fanfic - 3.4k - Gender Neutral- A group of friends go to their nearby lake to hang out:)
Warnings: Drowning is mentioned but don't worry! No one actually drowns, the narrator just can't swim and is scared. Sex is also mentioned. Alcohol.
Author's Note: This is written in first person but the narrator is referred to as Y/N. Johnny and Ten aren't THAT important in the story, it's mostly the narrator and Mark.
It was almost time.
My friends and I were getting ready to go to the lake for a celebration.
Though the only thing worth celebrating was that Mark was finally graduating high school. He was the baby of our group. Ten and I were both 20, Johnny was 22 and Mark was just 18. We all started being friends in high school, I met Ten in dance class and Johnny in chorus my freshman year. We adopted Mark during my junior year though. We noticed some random kid sitting alone at lunch most every day. Nothing wrong with that, I myself sat alone sometimes during my freshman year. But this was different. Another group of kids began to sit with him, we thought he finally found his crowd. Until one week, Mark's little table was empty. We just assumed he was sick or something, until it lasted the whole week. We didn't have any classes with him and we had never spoken to him so there was no way to know what happened. The next Monday, Johnny just so happened to stop by the bathroom during lunch and saw poor Mark sitting on the (disgusting) bathroom floor, crying and eating alone. Then he brought him to sit with us. The rest is history.
Not really, I've never had a history class with any of them.
But that brings us to tonight, I am just about to open the door to leave my dorm room when my roommate asks, "Where are you going?"
Dangn't. I had been trying my best not to wake them up but I failed. Like always.
"Just out with some friends." I answer in the most calm way possible.
Adrian isn’t a snitch or anything, I just don’t want them knowing my business. We were never really that close.
"Okay," They roll back over in their bunkbed, facing the wall.
I almost slip out of the door when they ask, "What time will you be back?"
"Before 5."
They roll over again. "Okay, just be more quiet when you sneak back in please."
They must be referring to the time I came in at 6 A.M. and my morning alarm started blaring. I kept trying to push the off button but my screen was too cracked for me to press it. They'll never let me live that down.
I slip out of the door and am on my way to the bathroom. I don’t need to think of a plan to get out or anything, my Resident Advisor doesn’t care if we leave during the night. Ten wouldn't have such an easy time though, I hear the advisor at his dorm is more strict.
I finally step outside of my building only to notice that Ten beat me here.
"How'd you get past your RA?"
He laughs. "It's easy to reason with someone you've slept with."
"Gross." I shove him to the side. Not gross, quite cool actually. I was very jealous. Ten's RA was drop dead gorgeous and the amount of times I asked him if I could sleep over to see if they'd stop by his room is far too many to count.
We were on our way to Johnny's place to go chill at the lake behind his house. He went to the same college as Ten and I but he lived at home with his parents. I would too if they were as loaded as his family, not to mention they live pretty close to school. A walk was only 35 minutes away which never seemed like much if you walked with other people.
Walking to Johnny's was normally silent when I went by myself but that was never the case with Ten. He always had some cool college story to tell, we were both juniors but his experience seemed much more interesting that mine. Whether he was spilling gossip about the dance team or who he'd been flirting with during his most recent seminar, it was always something eventful.
"What college do you think Mark will choose?" Ten asks.
Woah. That's a much different direction from where he normally goes.
"Why such a somber question to start the night? (morning actually) I wanna know if anything new has happened between Veronica and Tamika?" I try changing the subject. Veronica and Tamika were two girls in his dance class who had supposedly been best friends since their freshman year. Everyone knew they liked each other but neither of them had ever asked the other out.
"Seriously Y/N. What if he doesn't come to our school?"
"Well," I normally try not to think about what would happen if Mark left the country for college. "Then we'll video chat with him every week and text him all the time and he'll come home each summer."
Ten doesn’t look at me but I know that this is eating him up.
It'd been eating all of us up. Johnny, Ten, and I had all gone to GC State for our own separate reasons and we were hoping Mark would too but he had his eyes set on an arts school in Vancouver. He was born in Canada so it would mean so much to him to move back there for college but he didn't want to leave his friends (us).
"I just don't want us to split up. We were gonna be his older college buddies." It was dark out but I could still see the frown on Ten's face.
I put my arm around his shoulder. "He still has about a month left, we don't know what he's going to pick. And whichever school he does choose, we'll support him."
Ten sighs. "I guess your right. We don't where he'll go yet but we have to be happy for him."
I nod my head and continue walking beside him.
"Oh and Ica-Ika is never gonna work out." 'Ica-Ika' was a cute ship name Ten and I made for Veronica and Tamika. "Imagine being a senior in college and still being too nervous to confess to your crush."
I raise my eyebrow at him. "You're one to talk."
"Look. I've got one more year. Quit rushing me."
I laugh at Ten. He's had a crush on Johnny since high school but has never told him. At this rate he never will.
We finally arrive at Johnny's house. He has that type of house that you have to drive down to since it's off by itself. The three story ones with the huge yards. The house where everybody wants to be and where all the parties were. Not to mention the lake in the back. I was surprised when I found out that Johnny was an only child. Why would their family need such a big house if there were just 3 of them? But it's not my place to judge what other people do with their hard earned money.
Johnny's car is the only one in the driveway so his parents aren't home. Ten and I don't bother walking through the front door, we walk straight to the back and find Mark sitting in a lawn chair and Johnny standing right beside him.
Johnny had always taken a liking to Mark ever since he found him in the bathroom. Not in the cliché high school relationship type of way though, Johnny was not a creepy senior guy on the varsity football team and Mark was not an innocent freshman girl who had 'developed' over the summer. They were 4 years apart but the way they act, you'd think they were the exact same age. Except they don't look the same age. Johnny was tall (a giant really) with long brown hair. Between his extroverted personality and his beefy arms, he had all the girls, guys, and honestly anyone with eyes after him. Mark was... not like Johnny. He was much smaller with short black hair and I'm sure people would be after him if he wasn't so darn oblivious to everyone who wants him. It's like he was waiting for someone special to come along and ask him out but who knows when that will happen?
"You're finally here!" Johnny turned at the sound of our footsteps and came up to hug us. He always gave great hugs.
"Now the party can start!" I say while Ten and Johnny hug for a second too long.
Mark gets up to hug us as well and we make our way to the lake, although he lingers to walk beside me instead of with Johnny and Ten.
"Have you decided which college you're going to yet?" I glare at Ten from my chair and Johnny does the same.
"You haven't even gotten him to drink yet and you're already asking him important questions? What am I teaching you Ten?" Johnny takes another swig of his own glass of wine. He's the only person who would bring fancy glasses and expensive wine to hang out at the lake with his friends at 3 A.M.
"I can't drink yet Johnny." Mark says.
Johnny winks at him. "Riiight."
I laugh as I drink from my own glass. "There's no rush in your decision Mark. We'll be happy with whatever you choose."
Everyone was silent as we all thought about what Mark's decision would be. Our guess was as good as his.
"C'mon guys no being sad at our celebration." Johnny jumps up from his seat. "To the lake!"
He begins walking to the lake, Ten close on his heels cheering. I get up from my seat to follow them but notice Mark still sulking in his chair. He must still be thinking about college. No doubt he has exams soon, he has this big decision to add on top of it all.
I walk over to Mark and grab his hand, motioning for him to walk with us.
When we get to the lake, the rest of the guys rid themselves of their shirts while Mark keeps his on. I opt to keep my shirt on as well, I don't plan on swimming today.
"You're not gonna swim?" Mark takes his shoes off, preparing to get in the water.
"No, not today." I sit down on the dock and stick my feet in the cool water.
Instead of getting in the water like Ten and Johnny, Mark sits down beside me. "I won't swim either then."
There's no use in telling him to go ahead and swim. He hates for any one of us to be left out so he'll stay with me no matter how much I protest.
The sadness in Mark's eyes from earlier disappears once he looks at the lake. His expression when he looks at the water makes it seem like he's never seen a lake like this before. He's always loved coming here. Johnny would sometimes pick him up after school when he had the time so they could just sit here at the lake and talk about anything. It was like his safe place. He wouldn't have the lake in Vancouver.
"Were you being serious earlier?" The reflection of the moon is still in his eyes but the sadness is back.
"Serious about what?" I say as I flick my feet in the water.
"When you guys said you'd support me. No matter what college I go to. You won't leave like-"
"No Mark," I stop him before he can even finish. "We won't leave you. It doesn't matter how far we are, we'll always be friends okay?"
He doesn't say anything but I know he understands. Ever since those kids ditched him in high school, he's had trust issues about people leaving him. There were so many people that tried to be friends with him but he always pushed them away because he thought they'd do the same. Sure he talks to some people at school, but his only real friends are all in college. I can't imagine how lonely that must feel.
I try to lighten the mood. "Hey Buddy," I say jokingly.
"Oh no, not buddy."
I place my arms around Mark's shoulders. "You know you're getting older and your life is changing..."
He then rips my arm from his shoulder laughing, "What is this?"
I grab his arm once again. "I'm just trying to tell you about college because you're a growing boy."
"Are you trying to give me the talk? Because I've had it before."
I turn and face him. "You've had sex before?!"
"What no! I meant the talk!"
I sigh out of relief. "Phew. Good. I couldn't believe you had never told me."
We both laugh until it gets quiet.
"You never told me whether you've had sex before."
He was not wrong. Johnny and Ten talked about their 'partners' all the time but I've never mentioned it because I've never been with anyone like that. I've always been waiting for the right time but it was really just me being cautious and refusing to have my first time in a cramped college dorm. No one (near my age) had caught my interest and, unfortunately, Johnny never volunteered so I've just been saving myself up I guess.
"That is correct." I don't know what Mark is getting at but I just keep letting him talk.
"Well do you thin-"
Before he can finish his sentence, I feel a splash of water hit me. Ten and Johnny float in the water in front of us with two big grins on their faces.
"Hey spoilsports, come swim with us." Johnny hits us with another splash and Mark jumps in to go play with them. Thank God. I was not about to let Mark down and tell him that I won't have sex with him during his last year of high school. There is nothing wrong with Mark except for how he is basically still a child and as (or even more) inexperienced as I am.
The guys stay near my area so I can still splash them from sitting down. Except it's mostly them cheating because whenever I throw water at them, they just duck under the surface whereas I have to stay up here and get wet.
By the time we're done, I'm soaking wet and Ten and Johnny have swam out again. Mark almost joins them but swims back to me.
"How come you aren't swimming with us?"
The word 'swim' is incorrect in this situation. He knows I can't swim. Normally, when we go to the lake, I lazy around in a floatie but I just don't feel like it right now.
"Mark, you know I can't swim."
"Well yeah," He flips his hair back and unintentionally sprays me with more water. "But we all can."
I'm sorry. I think he's failed to understand the concept of 'me not being able to swim = me drowning.'
Before I can inform him of that, Johnny and Ten come swimming towards us with a weird look in their eyes. When they get up on the dock, they shake their hair out as well, getting me wet again and then Johnny grabs Ten's hand and begins leading him back to the house.
"Where are you two going?" I question and they just giggle.
"Johnny wants to show me his room." Ten smiles up at the older and they're still walking away from us.
Mark calls out after them, "But we've all already seen his room!" They keep laughing, hand in hand, walking back to the house to do who knows what except we all know exactly what they're doing and I curse them in my head for setting up such a venereal tone in the air.
"What are they doing?" Mark looks up at me with the most oblivious look in his eyes.
Again, not gross. Very jealous.
I wish the moonlight and calm lake were not making the environment so romantic right now. Not to mention the text from Ten that says, 'Don't bother us. Go bang Mark :)'
Although that sounds very tempting, I will not be a senior in high school's, first time. Or let him be my first time.
"I can hold you if you're still afraid of swimming." Mark's quiet voice interrupts my thoughts.
"We were talking about swimming earlier. If you're okay with it, I can just hold you in the water. I won't let go."
I get another text from Ten. 'Don't see any banging yet :(' I look up to the window of Johnny's bedroom and see a silhouette of them standing there. Mark waves at them and I can't see that far but I can tell that they're smiling before they close the curtain.
I put my phone away and respond to Mark. "It's really okay. You don't have to do that."
He moves from leaning on the dock beside me to being right in front of me, laying his hands on my knees.
"I pinky promise you'll be safe. Please swim with me."
Once again, the reflection of the moon does me dirty, illuminating the sincerity in Mark's eyes. I can't say no. (I absolutely could but I won't)
I take a deep breath. "Okay." I don't bother removing my shirt since he didn't either. Mark places his hands lightly around my waist and begins pulling me down into the water.
"Don't drop me." I say. I've done this before but with Johnny and he's much bigger and stronger than Mark so I can't say that I'm not a little worried he won't be able to carry me.
Mark just smiles and pulls me down until I'm no longer on the dock.
My first instinct is to immediately flail because I believe I will sink all the way to the bottom of the lake but Mark's grip on me tightens, obviously noticing how my body tensed up when I got into the water.
"I got you." He doesn't let me go as promised and we stay close to the dock, my back against the wood.
"See. All safe."
Being in the water isn't as scary as I thought it would be. I'm glad Mark is here with me. And I'm glad that we didn't leave the dock, giving me the option to change my mind and climb back up if I want to.
"What are you thinking?" He asks.
I haven't spoken since I got in the water. Maybe it's the calmness of the lake itself or the fact that Mark is holding me, but I can't think of anything to say.
"Nothing really." I feel the urge to wrap my legs around Mark's waist but I fight against it.
"Well I'm thinking of us."
I smile, staring at the moon. "Yeah. I really enjoy hanging out at the lake with you guys every once in a while.
"No Y/N." I look over at him. "I mean us. This."
I shake my head. There's always been something between us but it was so minute that we never spoke of it. "There is no this Mark. You know that. We both know that."
"Do we really?"
The water around us seems so still. The only movement is from our too close together chests, rising and falling at the same time. My eyes drift to his lips and I can't help but wonder how they would feel against my own.
Mark notices me staring, closes his eyes, and leans in but right when our lips almost touch, I turn my head to the side. His lips graze my cheek which is better than nothing I suppose. As much as my heart wants to, I cannot kiss him and add on to the already long list of reasons he would rather stay here than go to Vancouver. A kiss would only hold him back even more and I know how much he wants to leave.
"I'm sorry Mark." I lean my head into the nook of his neck hoping he won't push me away after what I just did. I don't want this to be awkward but I tighten my grip on his shoulders, not wanting to rid myself of his touch just yet.
"I understand." I want him to pull my face back up and tell me all the thoughts he's had about us. I want him to try to kiss me again, and this time I may kiss him right back. But he doesn't. Instead, his hold on my waist never loosens or falters even though I know his arms and whole body must be tired from swimming for so long.
I hope what we have won't falter either.
Sometimes when Mark calls me and I hear everything he's been doing and everyone he's been talking to, I wish I would've kissed him back at the lake. The people in Vancouver sound really pretty. And he always sounds really happy. What would've changed if I did kiss him? Maybe he would have went to college here and then we could be a cute couple like Ten and Johnny. But there's no telling what would happen. I just know that I'll always have a best friend halfway across the world.
But hey, there's always summer break.
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ms-rampage · 3 years
Eden’s Gate: Aftermath Chapter 6 - The Man Who Sold The World
Warnings: Swearing, slight violence, some Kate and Wheaty cutensss, usage of drugs (Bliss)
Word count: 4.3k
Summary: In the penultimate chapter, Paige, Kate and Mandy finally meet face to face with Joseph Seed, but there will be bloodshed, and maybe a few sacrifices the family will have to make. 
Guest OCs: Just the usuals. 
Guest Characters: Archangel Raphael [Supernatural: mentioned], God/Chuck [mentioned], An Archangel? [read until the end]
Note: One more chapter!!! Then New Dawn begins.
Another few weeks have passed, October is here and that means Fall in Montana is beautiful. The fallen leaves, the crispy cool breezes, orange, red and yellow leaves. Fall colors.
Pumpkins, hot chocolate, sweater season, blood shed, violence, and crazy fucking Cultists. 
The Winchester-Smith compound has never looked more alive. The trees on the property with their orange, and yellow leaves.
The threatening words of graffiti on the gates of the compound. Sinner. The Father. The Power of Yes. 
John Seed’s followers tried to retaliate, and avenged his death, but the Winchester family is always 10 steps ahead of them.
7:00 am. A letter arrived at their front door for the 3 females of the Winchester family that morning. From the man whom they’ve been looking for, The Father Joseph Seed himself.
Telling them to go to his church at 5:30 that evening. He didn’t say for what, or why, but they weren’t gonna let this opportunity slip.
“It’s clearly a trap” Kenny tells his wife.
“What if it isn’t?” she asks.
“Why would Joseph send you a letter telling you to go to his church?!?” Nate asks, as he pours coffee in a cup.
“I don’t know, but we’re going” Kate says.
“You two are pregnant!!” Kenny exclaims, “You aren’t going”.
“Okay! Then who else is gonna take our place?” Paige asks.
“I’ll take your place, Mandy and one of the guys can go” he replies. 
“Joseph asked us, and us only to go. We aren’t risking you two going, and probably getting killed” Kate tells him.
“What if he kills you guys?!” Mark asks.
“Remember the letter he left us? When we killed his brothers? He said that we were forgiven for all the shit we’ve done” Paige informs them.
“He could be lying!” Mark adds in.
“Joseph is telling the truth” Mandy steps in. 
They all turn around to face her, “How do you know?!?” Kenny asks.
“I spent 6 months with him. I can tell if he’s lying or not. Writing or speaking I can tell” she says.
Paige looks down at the letter, “So what do we do?!?”.
Mandy takes a deep breath, “When 5:30 comes we leave for church. Whatever happens, happens. This is where it all ends”.
They all stare at her in anticipation.
“I just got the chills when you said that” Mark mutters.
“Yeah for real” Adrian says, looking at her like she just gave him life changing news.
A few hours later. 
10:00 am, everyone had just eaten breakfast, Paige is feeding Cristina 2nd her morning bottle.
Kate just threw up, morning sickness and she hates it. 
She called Wheaty, and they’re gonna hang that afternoon. Not telling him about the letter from Joseph to meet at his church.
Kenny, Mark, Nate, Cody, Marty, Adrian and a few others finished putting up one of the 2 houses. Rachel is having a panic attack, knowing that Joseph knows she’s living with the Winchesters. Mandy sitting in her room, blinded by her thoughts. Wondering why Joseph wants the 3 of them to go to his church.
What could he possibly want?. What is the meaning, or purpose of this?. Is he gonna kill them? Does he want to make peace with them?. Is he gonna surrender himself? What is he gonna do?.
Paige is sitting on the front porch swing, holding Cristina while “Fade to Black” by Metallica plays on her bluetooth speaker. Humming along with the song, with Cristina falling asleep in her arms.
2 hours have gone by, 12:00pm.
“Things not what they used to be. Missing one inside of me. Deathly loss l, this can't be real. I cannot stand this hell I feel. Emptiness is filling me. To the point of agony. Growing darkness taking dawn. I was me, but now he's gone.”
Kenny steps outside, and sees this. A huge smile grows on his face. He takes a seat next to Paige on the swing, putting his arm around her. She leans closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. He places a kiss on her head, rests his cheek on her head. 
Lightly swing back and forth on the swing. Little moments like this they love. They don’t need to go out to fancy restaurants every weekend, or a weekend get away for the both of them. 
Cristina falls asleep in her mothers arms, letting out soft nasal snores, making Kenny snickers at this.
“You know I still don’t like the plan” he tells her. 
“I know you don’t” she responds. They sit in silence for a moment.
“If you could guess what Joseph wants. What would you guess?” he asks.
She sighs, “I don’t know. Maybe make peace with us, or make some sort of treaty between everyone in Hope County”.
“Your mom seems to know a lot about Joseph. Like how he thinks, or what possibly goes through his head.” he tells her.
“Yeah, my mom is really good at reading people, even if she’s not trying to. It’s like a power she has. Growing up I couldn’t even lie to her, and I’m really good at lying, but she knew. She always knew. Kate takes a lot after her, they both try to see the good in people even if they don’t deserve it. I take after my dad, he didn’t trust anyone outside the family. Like if he was still alive, and all this shit that happened, like Rachel turning on the Project, he wouldn't trust her either. Even if she had a change of heart, he wouldn’t trust her at all”.
Kenny zones out as she’s talking, still being able to hear every word she says. He places his hand on her 9 in half weeks pregnant belly. 
“You think your dad would’ve liked me?” he asks, looking up at the sky.
Paige looks up at him, looking into his blue orbs and smiles “If he knew I trusted you, then he would’ve trusted you as well”.
He looks down at her, and kisses her forehead. 
Paige sighs, “My mom-” she says before getting cut off by a soft “mom” from the infant in her arms.
Her and Kenny look at each other wide eyed, then down at Cristina who is half asleep.
She picks her up, having her stand on her lap.
“Say that again” she tells the 11 month old in her hands, “Say mom”.
“Say mama” she tells her again, “Say mama”.
“Say dadda” he jumps in.
Paige glares at him, “This is my moment”.
“Say mama” she tells her again slowly.
“Mama” Cristina mutters her first word, very softly that it sounds like a mumble.
Paige gasps loudly, her eyes widened “She just- she. She said mama. She said her first word!!!”. She gets up from the swing, and goes inside the house.
“Mom!!!” she calls out as she goes inside.
Kate went on her date with Wheaty. She wanted to go hunting, but since she’s 7 in half weeks pregnant, they changed their date plans. They decided to go to the camping spot where they first met a few years back.
“It looks the same” she jokes.
“Camping spots usually never change” he replies. They sit near the water, on some boulders. 
“So how’s the pregnancy?” he asks.
She looks down at her belly, chuckling “I threw up this morning. I’m peeing a lot but my mom and sister said that's normal, other than that it’s going pretty good”. 
“Thought of any names?” he asks, putting his arm around her. 
She thinks about it for a brief moment, “If it’s a boy his name would be either Gabriel Joel Eddard, or Samuel Dean Rhaegar. For a girl Daenerys Arya Brienne, or Lyanna Pamela Cersei”.
“What is up with you and these Game of Thrones names?!” he laughs, kissing the side of her head. 
“They’re nice names!. It’ll give them character, plus Pamela isn’t a name from Game of Thrones, and neither is Samuel, Dean, Gabriel and Joel” she laughs. 
“Don’t be surprised if little Daenerys asks for a dragon, or 3 for her birthday, or an Iron Throne” he jokes. 
“And if she does I’ll be very happy about it, and I’ll get her a stuffed dragon. One of those giant plush ones that are like 5-6 feet tall”.
They talked, they laughed, they made out. They enjoyed their time together, holding her in his arms as they watched the lake. Watching the boats, and jet skies go by.
Even the subject of marriage and kids came up on their date. Even though they've started dating back in August but have known each other over 2 years. 
She starts reminiscing back when they first met. She still remembers that night very clearly. She still has the photos. 
"I still remember that day when we first met" she tells him.
A smile appears on his face, "Yeah me too". 
"I never had a crush on anyone until I met you" he tells her. She looks up at him. 
"Really?" she asks. He nods his head, she moves closer into his arms. Enjoying every single moment of it. 
Kate knows this might be the last time her and Wheaty ever hang out again. Their last date together, and they don’t know it.
Resting her head against his shoulder as they sit by the lake. His arms wrapped around her. 
"Also I wanted to give you this" he says, getting something out of his pants pocket. He pulls out a bracelet, similar to the ones he wears and puts it on her wrist. She smiles as he puts it on her, holding her hand in his. She looks up at him, and kisses him.
4:15 pm Kate is still on her date with Wheaty. Her sister and mother prepare themselves as they wait for her.
“Where is she?!” Paige asks, getting annoyed.
“We still have a whole hour” Mandy tells her, “She’ll be back. Soon hopefully”.
15 minutes later Kate pulls into the driveway. 
She enters the house, “It’s about time you show up” Paige tells her.
“Well sorry!” she responds sarcastically, “I had a date with Wheaty, and I wanted to see him before we’re killed!”.
“We’re not gonna get killed” Mandy steps in, “Because we’re not going”.
They all look over at her in confusion. Mandy was having 2nd thoughts about confronting Joseph, and she made the decision not to go to the church.
“What do you mean we’re not going?!?” Paige questions her, “You literally said a few seconds ago that we’re going. Implied it”.
“We’re not going. We’re not gonna give Joseph what he wants” she tells them. 
“Mom?!” Kate mutters in disbelief and confusion.
Paige scoffs, shaking her head “Mom, this is our only chance. To get rid of Joseph. Put an end to the Cult, and kill whoever is left”.  
Everyone, Paige, Kate, Kenny, Adrian, Martin, Cody, Mark, Nate, Barbara, Rachel, and everyone else in the house look at Mandy. About 30, plus, eyes staring back at her. 
“We’re not going” she tells them, “I don’t care what Joseph wants. We’re not going”.
Paige, scoffs at her mother, “Why?. Why the change of heart all of a sudden?!?”.
Mandy glares at her eldest child, and says “You wouldn’t understand”.
Kate stops her older sister from doing or saying anything else to their mom. 
She still plans to go and confront Joseph. All the damage, pain. suffering and bloodshed he had caused. It’ll all end that evening, nothing will stop Paige from ending The Father. 
5:20 rolls around, Kate and Mandy have no intentions of leaving for church. 
The youngest Winchester thinks they should go.
“Mom?” she asks.
“We’re not going Katella” she says, not looking up at her youngest daughter. 
Paige comes downstairs, and is immediately out the door, and goes to the Impala. 
“Paige?!?” Kate exclaims, going after her. Too late she’s already driving like a maniac off of the property. Leaving behind a cloud of dirt.
“Son of bitch!!” she mutters, “She’s going after Joseph”.
They grab the keys to the Monte Carlo, and drive after Paige who is probably already at the church.
Church of Eden’s Gate
Paige enters the compound, breaking down the front gate with the car. She stops the car, exits it. Pistol ready in her holster. A few peggies on the property staring at her. She ignores them, she’s there for Joseph. She’ll handle the hillbillies later.
“Joseph!!!” she shouts his name, echoing in the sky “Joseph!!!”. 
Approaching the church, the man himself Joseph Seed steps out. She stares at him intensely. He looks up at the sky, closes his eyes and says, “And the lamb broke the 5th seal, and I saw under the altar the souls of Martyrs. Slain because of the Word of God”.
Pointing to Paige, “You. You turned my sister. You poisoned her mind with your wretched words”.
She pulls her pistol out of its holster and aims at him, “I didn’t change her. She finally saw your monstrous ways. She changed on her own”.
“Lies” he hisses, “Your disgusting words against God, and his word”. 
She turns off the safety on her pistol, “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you right here. Right now”. Her voice filled with anger, and violent intentions. 
He walks around her, she follows his movements. Gun still aimed at him. 
“I told you. Your mother. I told you that we were living in a world on the brink. Where every slight. Every injustice. Where every choice reveals our sins”.
Paige narrows her eyes at him, her pistol still aimed at him, not lowering it once. 
“And where have those sins led us?, Where have those sins led you?”. 
The sound of tires screeching, breaks Paige’s concentration, she turns her head and sees her sister's car drive on the property.
Kate and Mandy get out. “Paige don’t!!!” Mandy exclaims, running towards her. 
She turns back to Joseph, and aims her gun at him again. 
“Paige what are you doing?!?!” Kate exclaims.
“What does it look like I’m doing??!” she replies sarcastically, “I’m ending it all”. 
Joseph stares at Mandy, “Paige, you can’t do this” she pleads.
“Uhh, sure I can” she replies back. Rolling her eyes. 
Mandy gets in between the gun and Joseph. “No, I mean you can’t kill him”.
Lowering her gun, glaring at her mother, “What are you talking about?!?”.
Before she could explain herself, Joseph speaks up. 
“Mandeline”, his voice so calm that it sends shivers up her spine. Giving her goosebumps. 
She closes her eyes, sadness and shame written all over her face. She turns to face him. Her eyes meeting his. He stares at her with so much intensity that you can almost feel the anger radiating off of him, and the fear radiating off of her. 
“You betrayed me, my family, my flock, and God. You dare to show yourself to me” he tells her, slowly approaching her. 
“Joseph, I’m sorry, but I had no choice. I couldn’t stand by and watch everything happen” she explains to him.
He points at her, “You turn my family into Martyrs. And I plan to do the same with yours”. He walks around them, and they see their friends Mary May, Nick Rye, Pastor Jerome, Grace Armstrong, Jess Black, Tracey Lader, Wheaty, and Tammy Barnes all under the influence of Bliss holding Kenny, Mark and Nate hostage. 
“Wheaty!!!!” Kate cries out, seeing her boyfriend drugged up with Bliss.
“Kenny?!?” Paige says under her breath, “How the fuck did you get to them!?!?!”. 
“Joseph let them go!!!!” Mandy yells.
He turns to her, and says, “Your friends, and family have been taken and torture, and it’s your fault. Countless people have been killed, and it is your fault. The world is on fire, and it’s your fault. Was it worth it?. Was it?”.
“You motherfucker” Paige mutters angrily, “Me killing you will fucking worth it, and I can promise you that”. 
The followers on the property gather behind the 3 Winchesters, blocking them from escaping. 
“Kenny what happened?!? Was it Rachel?!?” Paige asks.
“No!” he mutters. 
“The others are fine. They got us, Rachel took off when they showed up” Nate wheezes. 
“Paige?” Mandy mutters softly.
“Not now” she responds, “Joseph I swear you better-”
“Paige!” she yells, breaking her attention from him. 
“Mom!. Now's not the time” she tells her.
“You can’t kill him” she tells her almost in a whisper.
She looks at her, eyes furrow, “Yeah I can, he has our friends and family hostage!!”.
Mandy looks back at Joseph then back at Paige, “No I mean you can’t kill him”.
“What do you mean I can’t-” She stands in front of her once again, blocking the bullet from hitting Joseph.
“Raphael” she mutters, interrupting her. 
“Raphael?!?” Kate whispers, “The Archangel?!?”.
She nods her head, “Yes, I was told by Archangel Raphael that Joseph had to be protected, and I was the one to do it. That’s why you can’t kill him.”
Kate and Paige look at their mother in disbelief, and confusion.
“Because Chuck spoke to him” she whispers to them, “About the end. You can’t kill him because if you do everything, everyone will die. Cease to exist. The end of life as we know it”. They both glare at her with mixed emotions. 
“You knew this whole time?!?” Paige yells, “This whole time!!. If Joseph gets killed, hurt and harmed in any way. Chuck will drop a bomb on all of humanity?!?”.
“Why didn’t you tell us?!?!” Kate asks, betrayal in her voice.
“I couldn’t say anything. Raphael forbidden me from saying anything to anyone!!” she says.
Paige lowers her pistol, putting it back in her holster.
Shaking her head, “I can’t believe you. He could be playing him for all we know” she tells her.
“Let them go” she orders Joseph, pointing to Kenny, Mark and Nate. 
Joseph stares at her, “Are you deaf?!? I said let them go!!!” she orders him again.
Mandy holds her back, “Let me handle this”.
She turns to face Joseph, and pleads with him “Joseph please, let them go. We don’t want anymore bloodshed. Please let them go, and we’ll leave”.
“Wheaty too!” Kate shouts.
“You betrayed me. Betrayed God. I forgive you for what you’ve done to my family, but that I can’t forgive” he tells her, stepping close to her, “Your family will pay for what you have done”. 
The few followers grab Paige and Kate shoving them onto the ground, taking their guns and other weapons away.
“Don’t fucking touch me!!” Paige yells, struggling.
“Get off me!!” Kate shouts, fighting to be let go. 
“Joseph, it’s not their fault!!. It’s mine. Let them go, and you can deal with me” she pleads with him again.
He grabs her shoulders, “This is where it ends” he whispers to her. Tears stream down her face. 
“You peggie fuckers!!. Pieces of fucking shit!!” Paige mutters as a peggie pushes her face first into the ground. 
“Get the fuck off of her!!” Kenny yells at him.
Tears streaming down Mandy’s cheeks, if only she was honest with her family. If only she had told them the truth. All of this wouldn't have happened. Her family was gonna be killed because of her. Her own greed. 
“When are you gonna realize that every problem cannot be solved with a bullet?” he asks her. 
“It doesn’t have to end this way” she pleads with him. 
Two of his followers, grab her. Preventing her from stopping whatevers gonna happen. 
One of his Chosen has a sharp knife in hand. Almost like a miniature machete, holding it in front of her eldest child. 
“Really Joseph? You’re gonna kill two pregnant women!” Paige yells. Grabbing the Father’s attention.
He stops them, having Paige’s full attention. He looks at her with a questioning look on his face. 
“Yeah” she says, a smug look on her face “I’m pregnant. So is my sister. She’s carrying your little brother's kid. John”. 
He looks over at the youngest sister, and she nods her head. “It’s John’s kid, Joseph. You kill us, you kill your nephew/niece, but keep in mind we’ll never be family”. 
He looks up at the sky, backing away from them. His back to all of them. “Let them go” he says. They free the family of hunters, showing them all mercy. 
“Wheaty?!” Kate cries, trying to snap him out of it, “Wheaty please. It’s me, Kate”. 
She holds his face, cupping it, hoping to get him back into reality. All their friends drugged up, blind from reality. Paige grabs her arm, “Come on, we have to get out of here”. 
She resists, shaking her head “No, Wheaty please snap out of it. We have a child on the way” she cries. The Bliss has taken over his state of mind that he can’t comprehend anything.
Mark and Nate practically dragged Kate back into the car. Her, her mother and sister in the Impala, Kenny, Nate and Mark in the Monte Carlo. They all drive back to the compound.
Little did they know they’re not the only ones that have had an issue with Joseph, and the Cult. The new Deputy has had their fair share of issues with the Seed family, and their followers.
Liberating their outposts and destroying their properties. Making the Seed family look like a family of psychopaths they need to be locked up. 
When Faith took off, she went to her gate and met with the Deputy. They put up a fight against her and they ended up killing her. 
Faith. Rachel would’ve been the adopted sister to the two sisters. Rachel Winchester would’ve been her name. 
They all arrive back at the compound. Kate in tears, Paige in shock.
The others come out, and see all their friends alive. Their children and wifes stand at the front porch. 
“Holy shit!!” Cody says relieved, “You’re all alive!!”.
They all nod, “Yeah, yeah we are” Mandy mutters. 
“Is Joseph alive?!?” Adrian asks. They all nod in disappointment, “Yeah, the fucker is still alive” Kate mutters angrily. 
“Where’s Rachel?” Kate asks them. The others shrug, “We don’t know, she fled the property when the peggies arrived”. 
“So now what?!” Mark asks, shrugging. 
Paige shakes her head “I don’t know, we’re gonna have to-”. 
As she’s speaking, it’s almost like God himself was making a huge entrance. Lighting up the entire sky. 
A bright white light blinds them all, covering their faces from the burning brightness. 
When the bright light clears, a giant mushroom-like cloud in the distance fills the sky. 
“Oh my god!!” Nate mutters in horror, “Oh my god!!”. 
A huge storm flies at them, causing the entire ground to shake violently. Making them stumble, and fall. The trees, and land go up in flames within seconds. Animals running to seek shelter. The whole sky orange, everything is a fiery orange red. 
“Shit! he was right!” Martin screams in horror, “He was right!”.
“Damn it Chuck!” Paige mumbles angrily with a hint of fear in her voice. 
Realization hitting hard, “Wheaty?, I have to get Wheaty!!” Kate yells.  
She gets stopped by her mother and brother in law, “Kate no!!”. 
“I have to go back for him!!” she cries, trying to get to her car. 
Paige tries to hold her back, “It’s too late for him!!. You’ll die if you go back!. Kenny! Adrian! Get the cars underground. Everyone else get the children, pets and go down to the bunker”. They get the cars underground to the bunker garage. They get all their kids, pets, and all go down to the bunker. 
Everyone settles underground. Fear, anger. So much emotion in one room. The distance rumbles of explosions going off, making it sound like the king of all thunderstorms is happening right above their heads. Paige looks around the main room of the bunker to see if everyone made it down. She counts everyone that was on the property. 
Herself, her daughter, Kate, Kenneth, her mother, Barbara, Mark, his wife and 2 kids, Nate, his wife and 3 kids. Cody and his wife, Martin and his fiancee, Adrian and his wife. 
“He was right” Kate mutters, playing with her bracelet, “Joseph Seed was right, and we didn’t see it coming. God, the Collapse, this sort of thing is right up our alley, and we didn’t believe him!!”.
Paige sighs in disappointment, “It’s not that we didn’t believe him. He didn't believe us, which is not surprising. It’s that he claimed that he spoke with Chuck, and for all we know. He couldn’t been played by him”.
Kate is about to say something when a fluttering sound, and a loud thud a few rooms away throws her off. 
“Did you hear that?!?” she asks the others. The others stay back while her and Paige go to investigate it. Kate then sees a single golden, brown feather on the floor.
“Hey, look a feather” she says, pointing at it. Paige, who doesn’t see it, looks at her in confusion. 
“Where?!?” she asks, looking around for it. They get to the source of the sound, and see a man with his back to them, kneeling on the floor. 
Paige pulls out her pistol, and aims at the intruder. 
They both see the same man, but Kate sees a little more. Tattered up golden, brown angelic wings. They approach the man, and stand in front of him. He lifts his head to look up at them, and they see the wounded, beaten up Archangel. 
“Gabriel?!?” Kate mutters. 
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When the bombs fell
Not long after (The Angels fell)
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bonthebutchbait · 4 years
Not me deciding to write a Funtime Freddy x Reader 😳✌🏾
Here ya go, fellow funtime simps. Ill be posting it on wattpad and maybe ao3. My wattpad user is @rabidsimp
~~Without further ado, here is Chapter 1: Under New Ownership!!~~
"Mr. Afton, I'm so excited to be your first choice when you retired! I can't express how much this means to me!" Y/n said, proudly shaking Mr. William Afton's hand. He placed his hand over hers and shook her hand again.
"Don't mention it! Out of everyone who applied, you were most qualified. My partner had nothing but great things to say about you. I'm sure Henry is on his way to his beach house in Florida by now." He laughed, letting go of her hand.
Y/n gave a nice smile to him and looked around the bare office. There was nothing but a dark brown wooden desk with a black spinny chair behind it, facing the door. In front of it sat two plain chairs. Towards the door was a small table with a black Keruig coffee maker and a draw filled with k-cups, tea bags, sugar packets, straws, etc. On the walls were posters of the animatronics. Circus Baby and the Bidybabs, Ballora and the Minireenas, Funtime Foxy, and Funtime Freddy.
"Thank you. This really does mean a lot to me. I loved this place as a kid, and now, I'm running it. If I may ask, why are you retiring?" Y/n asked, focusing her attention back on Mr. Afton.
"To be honest, Y/n, I'm getting too old for all of this. I can't keep up with the new generation's shenanigans and whatnot. And now that I have a 20-something-year-old social butterfly running my most successful children's entertainment spot. I just know that this place will be in great, manicured, and shiny hands from now on." He joked. They both laughed.
"Well, you can count on that! So, we, I mean, I open up on Monday? Are there somethings I should have done before Monday or Sunday night?" Y/n asked, leaning against her desk.
"As a matter of fact, yes," Mr. Afton started, "You need to make sure the place is spotless. I’ve had the afternoon shift workers make sure that everyone's rooms are at least 90% clean. Meaning you will have to go in and just make everything shine, sparkle, and smell good. You may also want to do some minor maintenance on the animatronics such as making sure their intro dialogues are running smoothly, movements are in working order, and paint is kept. Nothing too bad. I, of course, will be behind the scenes for a few weeks doing some final stuff like legal mumbo jumbo, announcements to the crew, and more advanced robot work. Ooh and while I'm on this subject, you might want to hire a new assistant."
Y/n felt bombarded with all of these demands. Could she handle it? For sure, there was nothing she couldn't do. Although, an assistant did sound nice.
"Wow. That's a lot, heh." Y/n chuckled nervously. Mr. Afton patted her back for reassurance.
"Oh don't worry now, you are in good hands. I just know you can do it. And that reminds me." He said, pulling out a gift bag with tissue paper sticking out of it. 
Y/n took the bag and opened it up to reveal a desk plaque. It was black with gold lettering. It read "Miss. Y/N L/N, Owner" with a small logo of Circus Baby's head on it.
"A name plaque! Aww thank you so much, I love it!" She exclaimed. He nodded and started his way out, but stopped.
"Oh! I almost forgot!" Afton said before reaching into his pocket and getting a key. He tossed it to her and she caught it.
"You'll need these, new owner!" He said, smiling. "I’ll see you Monday morning, at 9 AM!"
She thanked him and he waved, leaving her to herself.
"Wow, an owner of a restaurant. Huh, who would've thunk it? Do you know what I need? A full-length mirror!" Y/n thought to herself lifting from the desk and walking out of her office. Afton was gone by now, so she decided to explore. She walked down the hall to the 'Staff Only' room and sat down at the computer. She pulled up Spotify and played some goofy jams. 'Wannabe' by The Spice Girls rang all through the pizzeria. She strutted out and danced to the kitchen. She looked around but saw nothing she wanted to eat. She boogied on out and sang very loudly.
She continued singing and made her way into Ballora Gallery. She peeked in and was greeted by the scent of lavender. She saw the large ballerina standing in the fourth position with the Minireenas standing in other various positions. Y/n didn't bother them so she went on dancing. She made her way into Funtime Auditorium, still twirling and singing quite loudly.
'It’s not like they would have anything against me singing and dancing. What are they gonna do? Tell me to stop? Pfft!'  She thought to herself as she stepped in. 
The room seemed to be shared by two performers, both of the Funtimes. One side of the room smelled of fresh, sweet strawberries and the other side smelled of birthday cake. She slowly stopped singing and walked to Funtime Freddy's side of the room. She stepped on the stage and started moving around him. She looked up and down at the polar bear. He had his eyes closed, in sleep mode but had a pink mic in his hand, ready to sing. She saw his purple and pink accents all over his body. She noticed that the white bear wasn't that much taller than her, maybe around 6 feet tall. On his right hand, a little blue bunny seemed to be waving still to the invisible crowd with his eyes closed.
 She started dancing and singing again. She got down from the stage and looked back to make sure there wasn’t anything she needed to do. She strutted out and danced to another song that played in the hall. Y/n decided not to go into the Circus Gallery tonight and just pack up and go. She made her way back down the hall to turn off the music. She walked into the room, hit pause, and put the computer on sleep mode. She walked out and started back into her office when she heard a little 'tap tap tap' on the floor not too far outside the door. She turned around to not see anyone or anything.
"Is someone there?" Y/n called out but received no answer. "Ballora? Baby? Foxy? No…?"
She rolled her eyes and got her purse and locked her office. Her purse felt heavier than usual but she brushed it off.
"Good night everyone!" Y/n called out, locking the front door and walking to her car.
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Midnight Hours
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Wolf!AU
Pairing: Sehun x Reader
Summary: For you, being a good witch was easier said than done. Something dark was lurking inside of you and the others knew it. When you’re forced to tag along with Soomi and help a local wolfpack face a coming evil, you’re sent on a path that breaks into a crossroads. While you struggle with your inner demons, could the wolf Sehun be the key to your ultimate fate?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I Final
Molia clapped enthusiastically, cheering for you loudly as you came back down to the ground.
“That was….” You shook your head, still in a state of shock but also out of breath from the amount of concentration you had just used. “That felt like flying.”
Air wasn’t supposed to be that strong - strong enough to hold you in the air - but the things Molia had taught you over the past few days… it seemed like nothing was impossible. This was a territory you never thought to explore before. Your own imagination had been limited to mere shape manipulation. Molia was showing you so much more. She showed you how to pull water out of the plants around you. She taught you how to concentrate fire in your hands, like gloves. She helped you find the life source of the plants, using it to heal your own minor scrapes and bruises that you earned in your practices without having to go the vigorous steps taught by Soomi. 
Guilt churned in your heart. You hadn’t thought about her since your first day with Molia. You disappeared without a word to her. She must have been worrying herself to death. You wondered if she was sleeping or eating properly. Her sensitive nature hadn’t been factored in when you took off through that window. You hadn’t thought about several things in that moment. 
“Was is it?” Molia asked, concerned. Your thoughts must have down casted your face, a one-eighty from the excitement only moments before. 
“I was just thinking about Soomi,” you confessed. “I left without telling her so she must be losing her mind right now.”
Instead of sympathy, Molia scoffed. “You shouldn’t focus on how she feels. I doubt you’ve ever been given the same courtesy.”
“Soomi has always looked after me!” you argued. Throughout your time here, Molia had thrown comments like that about the mothers and the coven. Mostly, you’d ignored them, knowing you’d thought the same things over your years with them. But with Soomi… you still felt protective over her. She was different from the others, different towards you. “She’s like my big sister.”
“Oh, yes,” Molia nodded, acid flicking off her tongue with each word, “I’m sure she’s always been the one next you when everyone else was against you. It’s just a ploy to make you compliant. Trust me. They did the same to me.”
“That’s all you’ve been saying this whole time!” You could feel your hands heating up, as they usually did whenever your emotions started teetering over the edge. For the most part you could control it, but the concerns of the mothers still echoed in your head, founded or not. 
How dare she judge Soomi without knowing her? All this witch ever did was give cryptic hints about her past, but when you asked for more details, she’d change the subject or act like the words had never left your mouth in the first place. You were thankful for what she’d taught you, but you needed to know more if you were going to stay. The constant riddles and guessing games were driving you insane.
But Molia didn’t fight back. She lowered her gaze, her voice no louder than the wind. “I’m trying to spare you the details of my story. It may not be the way you heard it, but it still is not a happy one.”
“But I want to understand you, Molia,” you pleaded. Inside, you were still fighting between the person in front of you and the thing that had haunted your visions. They didn’t go together. They didn’t feel like two sides of the same coin; they didn’t even feel like the same country’s currency. 
Yes, it was true that there was always fear in the unknown, but you couldn’t think of Molia – who was showing you parts of yourself that had been locked away for far too long – in a negative light. And yes, she was a vampire, but saying that all vampires were evil would make you no better than the ones who called you bad for your powers. Every group had both sides, so why should her kind be any different?
Visibly swallowing, Molia turned from you, looking out into the clearing with no real subject to focus on. Her eyes glossed over as her mind rewound to a time that most of the world had forgotten. 
“You think she’s your friend,” Molia whispered. It was almost quiet enough to hide the breaking in her voice. Almost. “But all she is doing is keeping you in line.”
You couldn’t believe that. You refused to. “No. Soomi’s not like that.”
Molia whipped her head, her eyes shining a murderous red. “How do you know? Can you read her thoughts? She’s been reporting your every move to the mothers since she was first assigned to watch over you. They did the same with me.” She closed her eyes and grimaced with a ghostly pain. “I thought I could trust Tatia. She’d been my best friend for as long as I could remember. But as we grew older… I don’t know what happened, really. One day, we were out in the fields, practicing our magic. She also had a strong connection with water so we tended to play near the river.”
As if she were projecting the images into your own mind, you saw her past happening before your eyes. The two innocent witches who knew each other so well. 
Their laughter chanted in your ears as they ran through the fields of tall grass, brushing against their arms and tickling their elbows. The water in the river was clear and flowed along at a gentle current. It was a scene that was so familiar, like a moment from a period movie. 
Splashing each other with the water, they giggled and ran around, careful not to trip over their long dresses as they played.
“That’s not fair!” the girl you didn’t recognize – who could only be Tatia – complained. Molia had sent an orb of water straight for her friend that was bigger than the former could manage. Her dark hair was soaked, clinging to her pretty face. 
“Little did I know that Tatia had harvested a jealousy,” Molia narrated. Just as her words broke through your mind, the scene shifted.
The sky darkened up above and the girls went from laughing in the sun to lying down in the dying grass, smiles absent from their faces. 
“Tatia never told me, but the other witches were fearful of my growing powers. And they’d asked her to start letting them know about what I was doing at all times. A wish she granted all too willingly.”
The field dissolved to a house made entirely of wood. Lighting was low, only the soft glow of candles gave you enough to see by. Molia was standing in front of a door that was partially cracked open. Through the open space, Tatia was leaning down to someone who could only be an elder, given their age and dress. She was whispering unintelligibly in the elder’s ear. A stern and decided expression was on the older woman’s face. When Tatia exited the room, she barely made eye contact with Molia before she hurried down the hall. 
“My closest friend in the world was no longer by my side. I was all alone. But not for long.”
Complete darkness took over the scene. The air grew cold. As the moon drifted out from behind the clouds, the mouth of a cave came into view. Two people stood close together, their body language giving off the feeling of a dance between predator and prey. 
“You shouldn’t be here.”
The man chuckled at Molia’s hiss. His eyes shined red in the night, giving away his true nature immediately. “But aren’t you the one who came to me?”
Molia turned her head downwards. “I had nowhere else to go. I don’t know what they’re planning, but I can feel them turning against me.”
The malicious nature of the vampire smoothed into one of sympathy. His shoulders dropped and he lifted Molia’s chin gently with his index finger so he could meet her eyes. “You do not owe them anything, sweet child. Come with me where they cannot touch you.”
Shaking her head, Molia pulled away. “I can’t. They’re my coven. Perhaps if I talked to them-”
“What good would that do? Do you truly think their jealousy will let them hear you?”
“I have to try.”
Screams erupted behind you and suddenly it was daylight again, in the town square. Two men held Molia captive with ropes tightly bound around her. 
“Mother, please!” Molia begged as she fell to her knees. The area was crowded with onlookers who kept their distance, children hiding behind their parents’ legs, but too curious to run away.
The elder from before stood a few feet in front of Molia, chanting as she read aloud from a book. A binding spell. The pleas that rang through the air fell on deaf ears.
Looking around desperately, Molia found the one person who had been her friend. “Tatia, help me! Please! Make them see reason! Make them stop! It was an accident! I swear!”
But she did no such thing. She didn’t even have the decency to walk away with a drop of remorse. She kept standing there, staring at Molia with a blank, unashamed expression. 
Then, the wind picked up. Lightning flashed from the sky that had been clear and blue just moments before. Several struck the thatched roofs of the houses surrounding the square, creating fires that quickly went out of control. The ropes that were wrapped around Molia burst into flames. Just before they could be burned, the men let go and jumped back. But they didn’t run away. 
Shivers ran over their bodies. Deep growls rumbled in their chests. Then the beasts burst forth. 
Strips of cloth that used to be shirts and pants flew through the air as the wolves landed on their paws. Over and over, they tried to get at Molia, who kept them at bay with her fists of fire. The witches, too, tried to close in around her, but lightning strikes stopped them each time they took a step. 
“This is exactly why the binding spell must take place!” the elder yelled over the wind. “It cannot be controlled!”
“I can control it!” Molia screamed back. 
The elder scanned the area as if pointing out the fires and mayhem that had been unleashed upon the village. People were screaming, running around to not get burned or to try and save what was left of their homes. 
Molia fell to her knees, her fire – both literally and figuratively – dying out. But still, a defiance shined in her eyes as she stared at the elder. “You will not have me,” she declared. Holding up her hand, she drew water out from the well nearby and willed it to freeze in the shape of a dagger. “But some day, I will have you.” 
Before she could be stopped, she plunged the dagger into her stomach. Water and blood mixed into the dirt as she fell down to her side. 
You leapt forward as the vision dissolved away. Only Molia’s grip on your hand kept you from falling face first into the grass. 
“Its okay,” Molia comforted you, rubbing her cold hand up and down your back. “They buried me, but I’d ingested the vampire’s blood beforehand. I awoke the next night and started my immortal life.”
“How?” you asked breathlessly. “How could they do that to you?”
“Power does that to people.” Helping you down to your knees that were shaking violently, Molia adjusted so she was crouching in front of you. “Witches are the worst for it. They want to be the most powerful in the coven, the most powerful of supernatural creatures, whether they voice it or not. If anyone comes along that threatens that power, then they’ll do whatever they can to eliminate them.”
Your entire body was shaking now over what you had seen. “Th-the binding spell-”
“They’ve threatened you with it, too, haven’t they?”
You nodded, unable to confirm it out loud. 
“It’s their favorite threat,” Molia spat. “But I will never let that happen to you. As long as you stay with me, they’ll never touch you.”
“But Soomi-”
“(y/n).” With a wave of her hand, Molia took water from the grass around you and pooled in her hands. Under her breath, she whispered an incantation that you’d heard before but never had tried yourself. Divination was never a strong suit of yours, despite the visions in your head. 
In the surface of the water, you watched as Soomi observed you from around corners, a cell phone up to her ear and her lips moving quickly. The downside to this type of spell: no sound to know what was being said. She didn’t look wicked or scheming, like Tatia had, but you could still understand what was happening. The scene shifted to a meeting of the mothers and Soomi. The topic was a heated one – and you knew that it was centered around you. And your seemingly one defender sat there quietly, not speaking up once on your behalf. 
The image rippled away and Molia let the water slip through her fingers, back to the dying grass below. 
“They don’t care about us,” Molia said softly. “Those who plot against their own sisters don’t deserve to call themselves witches. They don’t deserve the gifts that have been given to them.”
You felt numb. You felt abandoned all over again. It seemed that was the theme of your life: abandonment and betrayal. 
As a child, your parents had given you up to be raised by the mothers; an old tradition that had died out long ago. But your family clung to the old ways, even sending your male cousin off to live with human relatives despite the fact that he showed signs of being gifted. They didn’t care that a child needed their parents. They tossed you away to be someone else’s problem. And you hadn’t heard from them in years. 
Now there was this. Why did everyone you leaned on step away? You could feel your fists tightening, nails biting into your skin at the tension. What you didn’t see was the triumphant smirk on Molia’s lips.
“What are you planning on doing?” you asked, looking up. 
“There’s something that we can do,” she replied cryptically. “It’s only on the blood moon that we have this ability, from what I’ve been able to discover. But I need you to keep an open mind.”
Closing your eyes, you said through gritted teeth, “Just tell me, Molia.”
“What are humans made of?” Molia laughed. “Mostly, anyway?”
You frowned, thinking back to the one human anatomy class you had long ago. “Water?” Your answer hung in the air until the obvious came to you. Snatching your hands away, you backed away. “You want to control people?”
“Not forever!” She reached for you again, but you dodged her hands. “Only long enough to show them that they can’t keep us down. I want you to take back your life. You could be head of the coven. We could be the ones who make the rules for once. Think about it, (y/n). Think about the things we could do if we were the ones in charge. For example: all the covens are divided. No one is willing to unite them. But maybe we could. We could start with yours and then another. Soon, the witches could be one again. And no one would have to fear their own powers. No one would be suppressed or scared.”
“But what you’re suggesting is exactly that.” Enforcing peace with violence was nothing but hypocritical. And you didn’t want to live your life that way. 
“It’s only temporary,” she insisted. “How many countries had to insight war to bring peace to their lands? To unite different tribes under one banner?”
That… ugh. You hated how she could make the most insane ideas sound logical. But she was right, wasn’t she? If you could really stop the infighting and bring the witches together, why would anyone need to worry? And you could make sure that no one was abandoned like you were. The more you thought about it, the more sense it made. Only one thing stopped you from fully saying yes. “Would some people get hurt?”
Molia stood up and looked down at you with soft eyes. A surprise given their permanent state. But you’d grown used to seeing kindness from such an extreme color. “(y/n), I will not turn you into a murder.”
You let out a breath of relief. 
“Good. It’s settled then. Tonight, at the height of the blood moon, we’ll face your coven and start our mission with one of success.” Her glee suddenly gave way to a more serious expression. “However, there is still something that could stand in our way.”
Pushing yourself up to your feet, you brushed the grass and dirt from your pants. “What do you mean?”
“Several years ago, your coven helped save one of the wolves’ mates. I’m sure you’re aware?” Molia waited for you to nod before continuing. “Since then, the pack has vowed to protect the coven in dire situations, should they need it. I’m afraid the pack might position themselves between us and the others.”
“I can’t do it then,” you said. “I can’t fight Sehun.”
“You still haven’t let him go?”
You scoffed, throwing your hands up in the air. “I couldn't if I wanted to. The mate connection doesn’t just go away. It’s always there, even if I didn’t want it.”
Molia scowled. “Even if? Think about it. Do you really want to be tied to a person like that? To someone that wouldn’t listen to you? Who said that they would have preferred for you to be human like the rest?”
You wanted to argue. You wanted to say, again, that he was right about it not being Mina and that he probably saved Dana a lot of pain and heartache. But your own hurt was growing. You couldn’t explain why, only that the more you thought about it, the more your heart cried out in despair. Why did you have to live with this? Why weren’t you given a choice?
“He betrayed your trust, dismissed you. What kind of a mate is that?”
“What’s the point?” You kicked at the ground. “There’s only one spell that can severe the bond and both parties have to be willing.” If you were actually able to get to that point, you knew you would crumble. Perhaps you were holding on to that small piece of hope. That maybe if he didn't want to let go of the bond, then maybe he’d still want you, witchiness and all.  
For the past couple of days, he’d haunted your thoughts. At night when you tried to sleep, he was there, lying next you and running his fingers down your face. He asked you to come back to him, to try again. But then you’d blink and he’d disappear in an uncatchable smoke. 
Was it just wishful thinking? Or maybe a seed of doubt about what you were doing here with Molia?
But then the sun rose and using your powers occupied your mind. Molia kept you focused, distracted almost. But you also felt the happiest, most relaxed, and confident that you’d ever felt in your whole life. And you didn’t want to give it up. 
That all too familiar look flashed in Molia’s eyes. It happened every time she was about to divulge a secret she found particularly alluring. 
“What if I told you there was another way to break the bond?
You shook your head. “That’s impossible.”
“Not for a vampire.”
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Not Broken (Jaehyun Mafia prt 6)
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Not Broken Masterlist 
Jaehyun X Reader
Trigger Warning : Mentions of abuse. Forced drugging
I woke up to the feeling of an ice pack being held to my face. I instinctively tried to sit up, forgetting that I had been tied to a chair, only to realize that although I was still tied up, I was no longer sitting in a chair. My head hurt even more than it did when Taeil used my face as a welcome mat. I could barely remember anything after the first hit. The pain really took over all my senses.  
I looked around, having somehow forgotten that there was someone in the room sitting right beside me.
"If you're looking for *****, he apparently ****** with you in it," a voice explained.
I whipped my head toward the voice only to hurt myself in the process.
"Here," the person said as he put the ice pack on my neck.
It was the Chinese boy from earlier.
"What?" I asked, having not understood all of what he said earlier due to his thick accent.
"I said, he ***** the chair, if that is what you were *****," he repeated.
"I'm sorry, I don't understand your accent very well." 
The combination of having been beaten to a pulp, his thick accent, and not being a native Korean speaker, made it really difficult to decipher what the man was saying.
He let out a sigh as he pointed to a chair in the corner of the room. He then made a fist with one hand and lightly punched his other hand. After that, he made two fists, put them together then separated them in a breaking motion.
I looked at him like a deer in the headlights, still not quite understanding.
He slapped a hand to his face in frustration.
"I can't speak English, so unless you speak Chinese, ******, okay?"
After getting over some of the grogginess from having just woken up, things clicked.
"Oh! He broke the chair while he was hitting me?"
The man nodded.
"Wait. Who are you? Why are you helping me?"
"They call me Winwin and I'm not helping you. Last night Jaehyun ***** so Taeyong ordered me to do my best to ****** and keep you alive."
"Winwin?" I groaned, becoming more and more aware of the pain I was in.
"Why do they call you Winwin?" I asked.
"It's hard for Koreans to pronounce Chinese names, so instead of ******* learn Chinese, NCT requires the Chinese members to learn Korean."
He sounded almost bitter about it.
"Oh. I'm Y/N, Y/L/N."
"You mean to tell me that these jackasses are ***** to find out any information they can on who you are and you just told me willingly?" he asked expectantly.
"Umm... I guess?"
Winwin face palmed.
"Of course, they didn't ask you."
"So why didn't they put me in a new chair? There seems to be plenty down here." I asked, randomly changing the subject.
"Why do you keep asking such pointless questions? Why does it matter if they give you a new chair or not?" he barked.
"I'm sorry, I was just curious," I whimpered.
He let out another sigh.
"It's pointless to ***** when he might just end up breaking this one too. Not to mention that your body is in a serious condition. Lying down is probably best so that ****** and heal a bit."
Despite the random gaps in my understanding of what he was saying, I could understand the gist of what he was trying to communicate.
"I'm also the one who put you into the clothes you are currently wearing. Normally, I would apologize for having undressed you but it seemed like there wasn't much undressing to do."
I looked down at my body just noticing the worn-down blue sweater and baggy sweatpants I was now wearing. The clothes must have belonged to one of the taller members because they were much too large for me despite being considerably tall according to Korean standards.
I watched Winwin as he set the ice pack so that it was resting on my face where most of that damage was done. He then started scrambling through a first aid kit I hadn't noticed earlier.
He took out a syringe filled with a clear liquid and I started panicking.
"Don't worry, it's not going to hurt you. We use this whenever one of our *** undergoes a serious beating like you did. It's just going **** adrenaline rush so that you don't stop breathing ***** and lucky for you, you ****feel as much pain. The only **** is **** won't be able to sleep tonight. Normally you should sleep for these kinds of injuries but I'm worried you won't be able to wake up."
Despite my continued resistance, Winwin easily managed to stick the needle into my left arm. I swore I could feel my pupils dilate to the size of watermelons. The pain that was crippling my body was now replaced with the extreme urge to run around but sadly, despite feeling as though I could lift a truck, I still couldn't break free of the chains that kept me dormant.
Winwin just kept staring at me. It looked like he wanted to say something to me, to ask me a question, but he remained silent. After being lost in thought for a few moments, Winwin finally got up to leave. He made his way up the steps. Stopping for a brief moment at the top, he took one last look at my twitching body.
"Did he give her the necklace before he was murdered?" Winwin asked himself out loud, quietly enough so that only he could hear.
He opened the door and started to make his way back to the rest of NCT 127.  
"So, where's the boss? He called us here, didn't he?" Yuta asked as he picked at his teeth with a fork.
The members of NCT 127 were lounging around in their boss's kitchen, waiting for the man himself to arrive along with Taeyong. They had all been staying at the estate due to the abnormal circumstances surrounding the situation.
"Taeyong and Jaehyun are still discussing things in his studies. They should be here shortly," Taeil explained.
"Yeah, well, I bet they must have a lot to discuss after what happened last night," Doyoung scoffed.
"Doyoung, don't," Taeil warned.
"What happened last night?" Mark asked.
"Look, I don't know what happened exactly but after I left the basement that night, I decided to turn in for the night. Instead I got thirsty, so I came down here to get a glass of water," Doyoung started going over the events of the previous night.
"So, all of a sudden, I hear Taeyong yell, likely really yell so I figure that they started the interrogations. Next thing I know, Jaehyun yells 'Get off of me!' so I grab a knife from the drawer and run down there, only to see that Taeyong was trying to rip the boss off of the girl who was clearly passed out. I drop my knife and rush over to help Tae because obviously he must have had a good reason to be pulling him off the girl, right?"
Johnny, Yuta, Mark nodded while Taeil sighed.
"So, after we manage to get him away from the girl, who at this point wasn't even in the chair anymore because it was smashed up around her, Taeyong looks at me and is just like 'Leave, now.' So, I follow instructions and come back upstairs but I can still hear Jaehyun and Taeyong yelling at each other."
"Damn, dude," Mark said in disbelief.
"Yeah," Doyoung finished.
Everyone stared down at their feet.
"Taeil is that true?" Mark asked.
"It doesn't matter. We're just here to follow orders. No point in talking about the events that occurred last night, so let's stay focused," Taeil lectured.
"Wow. Even the boss-man can get emotional," Yuta commented leaning back in his chair.
"Yuta, it's his sister. Obviously, he's going to react.... atypically," Taeil shot Yuta a glare.  
"You know, if he isn't going to tell us everything that's going on then what's the point of us having to stay here?" Yuta continued. "I mean, I'm sure I'm not the only one here who is missing out on some action, since I'm sure the boss wouldn't approve of me inviting any girls to stay with me in one of his guest rooms."
Taeil sighed.
"That's the point of this meeting, Yuta," Taeil reported. "I have all the details here. We're just waiting for the boss."
Taeil lifted up a tan colored folder for all of the members to see.
Yuta tried to grab at the folder, only for his hand to be slapped away by Taeil.
"Ouch!" Yuta feigned offense as he held his slapped hand with the other.
After watching Taeil roll his eyes, Yuta turned in his swivel bar chair to face Johnny who was much quieter than usual, staring at his hands resting on the counter.
"What about you? What's wrong? Struggling with your newfound sexual identity?" Yuta taunted as he poked Johnny with the fork that he had been picking his teeth with.
"Dude!" Johnny slapped the fork away, sending it flying towards Doyoung, who gave no reaction when it hit his forehead, falling to his feet.
"Wow, man! The Madam must have left an impression on you!" Yuta continued.
"Shut up man! I'm serious," Johnny warned.
"Aww come on. No need to feel shy," Yuta taunted. "Look guys! He's in love!"
Johnny burst out of his chair and slammed his fist on the counter in front of Yuta.
"Are you sure you wanna keep talking? Because if I were you, I would shut the fuck up!" Johnny boomed.
Yuta surrendered lifting up his hands then made a zipping motion in front of his mouth.
Johnny sat back down; face reddened with anger.
"Well now that that's over," Taeil remarked as he turned towards Mark who was sitting on another counter eating a popsicle.
"Umm, Mark?"
"Yeah?" Mark looked over at Taeil.
"Do you maybe wanna throw that away since we're about to start the meeting?"
"But it's the last watermelon flavored one and I just opened it." Mark whined.
The frustration on Taeil's face became extremely apparent as he facepalmed.
Doyoung walked over to Mark, who looked at him in confusion. Doyoung then proceeded to slap the popsicle out of Mark's hand, causing it to land on the floor.
"Problem solved," Doyoung stated as he lazily examined his fingernails.
"That wasn't necessary Doyoung. Mark? Don't you dare continue eating that popsicle!" Taeil warned, which caused Mark who had picked up the floor popsicle to groan and throw it in a nearby trash can.
"How did I end up here?" Taeil mumbled under his breath.
"What was that?" Yuta asked, flashing an innocent looking smile.
"Well at least you got some sleep Jae, even though you basically drank until you passed out," Taeyong commented as he walked over to Jaehyun, who was sitting on the side of his bed, still wearing the suit from two nights ago.
"Here, take this," Taeyong handed Jaehyun a glass of water and an Advil.
Jaehyun groaned but accepted the pain killer, downing the water in one go.
"You went too far last night," Taeyong lectured the mafia leader. Despite their relationship often appearing to be strictly professional, Taeyong was actually Jaehyun's closest friend, which allowed for him to challenge the man without fear, something the others could only dream of.
Jaehyun remained silent, rubbing at his temples in a vain attempt to ease his hangover.
"Jae? Are you listening? You did some serious damage to that girl. I mean for all we know, she could have had no idea that she was aiding a murder."
"No idea?!" Jaehyun suddenly bellowed. "Anyone who voluntarily works with Lucas knows what they're getting into."
"But we don't know what happened yet. We don't know how big a role she played. For all we kno-"
"I don't care what role she played! All I know is that she helped kill Ji-eun, my fucking sister, Tae!" Jaehyun interrupted, throwing the water glass at the wall, causing it to shatter.
Taeyong just stared at his friend and boss.
"What?" the pink-haired man demanded.
Taeyong sat down on the bed next to Jaehyun, resting a hand on the younger's back.
"We all miss IU, Jae. She was kind, intelligent, and like an older sister to all of us but what happened isn't your fault. You can't keep blami-"
"You're right Tae. It isn't my fault." Jaehyun stood up from the bed and walked over to his desk.
Jaehyun turned the laptop towards Taeyong revealing basement security footage of Y/N and Winwin.
"It's hers and that fucking bastard's!" Jaehyun pushed the laptop off of his desk along with the various pens and knickknacks that had adorned the surface moments ago.
The room was silent until Jaehyun turned back toward his red-haired friend.
"I'm ready to proceed with the meeting."
"Jae, you don't have to force yourself. I can't present the-"
"No," Jaehyun asserted sternly.
"I have to be the one who fronts this mission. I need to be the one who... who..." Jaehyun's voice falters slightly.
"I understand, sir," Taeyong looked Jaehyun in the eyes and Jaehyun held his gaze for a long silence until Taeyong nodded and Jaehyun nodded back.
Although neither said anything, they both understood each other, a secret language that could only be understood by life-long friends.
<><><>Back to the Kitchen<><><>
"Oh my GOD. I'm so bored!" Yuta howled as the rest of his colleagues remained silent.
Yuta turned back to Johnny again and opened his mouth to speak.
"Don't," Johnny warned, not allowing Yuta the chance to speak.
"You didn't even know what I was-"
"I said don't," Johnny fumed.
Yuta swiveled back in his chair to face forward, but it isn't long before he became antsy again.
Yuta glances up at Doyoung who is glaring down at his phone.
A devious smirk finds its way onto Yuta's face as he reached to grab a fork from the drawer on the opposite side on the counter.
Yuta grabbed the base of the fork with one hands and started to bend it back with the other. He let go and launched the fork in Doyoung's direction. Doyoung jerked his head to the side, successfully dodging the fork while giving no attention to the person who launched it. The fork flew across the room and landed at the feet of Jaehyun, who had just entered the room with Taeyong.
Everyone in the room stood up.
Jaehyun just stared at the fork on the ground.
"I'm sorry, sir," Yuta whimpered.
Jaehyun picked up the fork and examined it.
Yuta was frozen. He normally wasn't this way with the mob boss but after hearing about the man's actions last night, he was more than wary.
Jaehyun looked up at Yuta and approached the man, fork in hand.
Everyone in the room watched the scene unfold, praying that nobody would have to treat Yuta for having a fork embedded in his jugular.
Jaehyun lifted the fork up to Yuta's face and sighed.
"I can't believe my best sniper can't even hit a man with a fucking fork." Jaehyun threw the fork into the sink behind Yuta. "Gather around the table, everyone."
Yuta let out the breath he was holding in and Taeyong gave him a pat on the back.
They all moved from the kitchen to the dining room table. They rarely ever had meetings in Jaehyun's home but the table was more than long enough to accommodate the large group.  
Jaehyun took his place, standing at the head of the table with Taeyong and Taeil on each of his sides.
"Okay, now that everyone is here-"
"Not everyone," Both Taeil and Yuta said simultaneously.
"I'm here," Winwin announced as he walked into the room.
Yuta pointed to an empty chair next to him but found himself disappointed when Winwin walked past it to sit by Doyoung.
"And where have you been?" Jaehyun demanded.
"I just finished attending to the hostage," Winwin responded coolly.
Jaehyun slammed his hands on the table, causing a small flinch from Mark.
"And why on Earth were you treating her?"
"Jae. Calm down. I'm the one who gave him the order. You know that we need her alive," Tae put a hand on his boss's shoulder.
"I left her alive," Jaehyun mumbled under his breath.
"Barely," Taeyong turned to Taeil.
"Did you bring everything?"
"Yes. It is all here," Taeil answered.
"Then let's proceed," Taeyong commanded as he made his way to the empty chair beside Yuta.
"Boss? " Taeyong lifted an arm towards Jaehyun, inviting him to start the meeting.
Jaehyun let out a small sigh.
"Okay so you all know from the meeting yesterday morning that this... woman has to do with the death of IU," Jaehyun explained showing very little of the extreme sadness he felt inside.
"It is very important that you all take this mission seriously. Taeil here has prepared and organized the evidence surrounding the mission so I will let him inform you of the details and give a refresher on what we already know. Taeil?" Jaehyun sat down allowing Taeil to present the contents of his folder.
Taeil opened the folder and started laying out photos on the table for his colleagues to see.
"The night of Ji-eun's, I mean IU's disappearance was on September 21, the same night as the King of Hearts Ball where we sealed and celebrated the peace treaty between NCT and Seventeen. The ball was supposed to be a peaceful event but we implemented the same level of security as our previous events. All insider members from both gangs were present including IU, who willingly left the ball that night due to some texts she received on her personal phone."
Taeil pointed to the pictures on the table.
"These are screenshots of the messages we were able to recover from that night. As you can see, she received several messages that night from a number that was not listed in her contacts. We tracked the number but unsurprisingly it belonged to a burner phone. The messages instructed IU to leave the ball through the underground escape route located in the library of this estate and to meet them a few blocks down near the local park. We still do not know what compelled her to go meet this person but based on the messages, we can infer that the sender was holding something against IU. The message informed IU that the person she would be meeting was a foreign woman with (Your hair length) (your hair color) and (your eye color) eyes, and about (your height) tall. After three nights of searching for IU, her body was delivered to the front of this very house. Her body was sealed in a box with a note attached. The body was greatly mutilated and she was only dressed in her underwear, but there was no evidence of sexual assault. That night, all of the cameras monitoring the estate had somehow been hacked, so we have no footage of the drop off. We still have no idea how we were hacked but everything has since been upgraded to prevent further hacking."
Taeil set down another photo.
"This is a copy of the note that was attached to the box," Taeil said as his lifted a second copy up to read out loud. He shot a glance at Jaehyun who nodded, motioning for him to go on.
"I had so much fun with your sister, Jae. Lucas."
Jaehyun's knuckles turned white as he hands became fists.
"We don't know the exact motivation for the kidnapping but it seemed like it was an attempt to create chaos and establish Wayv as a legitimate threat to NCT 127 after they betrayed us and formed their own mafia group."  
Taeil took a few more photos out of the folder and set them on top of the screenshots.
"These photo's come from the security footage at Kitchen Beat Bar from the night after the ball. Their security was minimal to say the least. The only camera was pointed directly at the bar and the entrance, so we were not able to see anything but them entering separately and leaving together. We knew from street rumors that Lucas frequented this bar so after finding the note, all our men started working on finding him but this is the last piece of evidence we had about his whereabouts until now. It almost seems as if he dropped off the face of the Earth but we know he is still alive since Wayv's still smuggling weapons and other goods into the country"
Everyone at the table stared at the photos.
"As you can see, the girl in the photos is the same girl who is currently being held in the basement. She matches the description of the girl in the messages perfectly but her current hair is shorter and she has gained weight, making it understandable that we didn't recognize her at the show. What cause our boss to recognize her was that she was wearing the same green emerald necklace that our boss had given IU the night of the ball."
"Why were we unable to find the girl when we first got these pictures?" Doyoung inquired.
"The bartender who was working that night said that he had never see her at Kitchen Beat before and it is extremely difficult to track foreigners in this country, especially since they don't tend to stay long," Taeil answered.
"We already know that she is a liar because she claimed she didn't know Lucas while these pictures say otherwise," Taeyong chimed in.  
"Thank you, Taeil. I can take it from here," Jaehyun voiced as he stood up from his chair and returned to the front of the table.
"Of course, sir," Taeil affirmed, sitting down.
"We know that she has a connection with Lucas. Now we have to find out what that connection is exactly and what role she played in IU's death. Then we'll find out how to get to Lucas but first we have to find out who she is and what her real name is," Jaehyun asserted.
"Y/N," Winwin murmured.
"I'm sorry. What?" Jaehyun stammered.
"Yeah, she told me her name earlier; it's Y/N." Winwin repeated.
"What?" Jaehyun asked again, baffled at the raven-haired man's comment.
"Yeah, she told us backstage before the show started," Yuta chimed in, looking at Taeil.
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," Taeil concurred.
"What if it's a fake name?" Jaehyun exclaimed.
"Here's her Instagram! I just looked up Y/N and it was the first one that popped up in my recommendations," Mark announced pointing to his phone.
Yuta took Mark's phone and examined it.
"Yep, that's her," He concluded, handing the phone to Jaehyun.
After briefly looking at the phone, Jaehyun sighed and brought his hands to his face in frustration.
"What are we paying our investigators for?" he asked himself.
"Anyway... Interrogation starts today so me and Taeyong will be-"
"Actually, Jaehyun," Taeyong started. "I wanted to talk to you about that first."
Jaehyun looked at Taeyong who slightly bent his head towards the other room.
"Fine. Please excuse me for a bit," Jaehyun said to the other members.
Both Taeyong and Jaehyun walked out of the room and into a nearby bedroom. Taeyong waited until Jaehyun closed the door before speaking.
"I don't think you should be involved in the interrogation,"
"What? What do you mean? Of course, I have to be involved."
"Jae, you almost killed her last night because you couldn't control your emotions."  
Jaehyun turned away from Taeyong to look out a nearby window.
"Jae. We all want to get Lucas. You can trust your team."
"What?" You could hear the pure shock in Taeyong's voice.
"I said fine," Jaehyun spoke up, knowing that Taeyong had already heard him.
"Oh. Okay then,"
"I won't participate in the interrogation but I have to be there," Jaehyun asserted.
"I won't get emotional. I'll just watch and leave the interrogation to our official interrogators but I have to be there. I need to be there." Although Jaehyun's voice was cold and unwavering, his eyes were filled with doubt.
Taeyong looked at his feet as he contemplated his boss's offer.
"Remember Taeyong, I'm not asking." Jaehyun turned back to Taeyong; his face returned to its intimidating state. "Either you agree or I lead the interrogation."
Taeyong held back a sigh and just nodded at his friend.
Jaehyun began to make his way out of the room before Taeyong stopped him with a gentle hand on his shoulder. Jaehyun stopped but didn't look at his right-hand man.
"Just....be careful, Jae. Take care of yourself."
Instead of responding, Jaehyun jerked his shoulder away from Taeyong's hand and continued towards the impromptu meeting room.
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
The Lost Ones Ch. 1
Chapter 1: Illegal Clones and Legal Crimes
Summary:  Anti liked joking around, he likes pulling pranks and bothering Dark now that he’s permanently moved into Egoton. But one day he decides to take the joke too far, and it gets about five times more unfunny. But when it’s all said and done, Dark had to admit . . . he is charming.
A/N: someone requested this little joke about Dark being short and so I threw it in here.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
~::~ Twenty Years Ago ~::~
It began as things tended to begin with Anti: jokes.
“Hey, Dark,” Anti had burst into Dark’s main office to bother him, again.
“Leave,” Dark told him, not looking up.
“What’dya get when yah combine you an’ Wilford?” Anti sounded like he was trying to keep himself from cackling madly.
“I don’t care,” Dark told him.
“A hot mess,” Anti joked. Usually when Dark didn’t respond he used about anything to try and get his attention.
“If you need a body disposed of, I’m not helping,” Dark warned.
“Yer just no fun,” Anti sulked.
“I’m busy,” Dark reminded. “It’s bad enough I have to put up with Wilford’s antics, I refuse to humor you as well.”
Anti then attempted to stab Dark and the ensuing fight got rid of some of Anti’s pent up energy. It also got the glitch thinking: what would Dark or Wil’s kid be like?
He imagined Dark’s kid would probably be a lot like Dark was, about ZERO fun, and in about six years when he saw Kay and Illinois for the first time he would learn he was right.
But Wil’s kid: that had to be an interesting kid. Wil was mad fun, a complete and utter lunatic, there was no way he couldn’t pass that down to a kid. And fortunately for Anti, Wil was a prolific nymphomaniac. He had to have some kid, somewhere. There was no way the Wilford that Anti knew hadn’t had sloshed, unprotected sex at least once in his life. Everyone in the crime world knew that while Dark and Wil were Ego’s big couple, Wil slept around.
After a month, Anti gave up looking for the brat, either Dark had tried to clean up Wil’s extra-relationship affairs before they could bear fruit, or the kid had been hidden from Dark.
Another couple of weeks passed and his brain came up with a stupid idea: why not clone the assholes? Cut out the middleman. It was probably their only way someone was even going to get an ankle biter out of Dark in the first place.
But, as it turned out, cloning someone was way harder than Anti thought it would be. He needed people to do the cloning, a safe place for them to work. And after Google joined Dark, Anti had to avoid his prying eye because that walking laptop told Dark everything.
The eggheads he’d threatened found had been excited about the process, but hesitantly optimistic about their chances. But either way they’d need a test and Anti shrugged his shoulders and knew he couldn’t get any of the conventional ways to make a kid from Dark at least without getting his head blown off for even suggesting it.
They needed a test and Wil was the easy option.
“So wait?” Wil was already wasted, the slur in his speech even more pronounced after enough margaritas and martinis to kill a normal man, the two were sitting in a private room at some bar, Anti figured the mad man probably wouldn’t remember this come morning. “You need m’ what?”
“Yer aura,” Anti was admittedly a bit buzzed himself, electricity literally arching off of him in some spots. “I mean the docs will prolly use whate’er but I just wanna see what yer aura does if we pick it apart.”
Will just shrugged, and either he didn’t care or was too drunk to care, but he set his arm on the table and whipped out the stiletto knife he usually hid in the garter on his right thigh and ran it down his arm until he randomly stopped. Wil picked something up and a whirling mass of pink and yellow came off.
The mad man held it out. “Here yah go.”
Anti hesitantly grabbed it, it felt like the consistency of cotton candy, but had almost a soapy, saccharine, bubble gum. And to Anti something about it felt twisted and fake.
But by this point Anti knew Wilford was incapable of keeping secrets when he was this sloshed. Wil had already slipped some pretty spicy secrets about what he and Dark did in the bedroom that had Anti demanding that he wanted literal brain bleach to get out of his mind.
So Anti took it and let Wil try his hand at drunken flirting, leaving to go back to his lab coats to see what they could do with it.
And to everyone’s surprise, the aura was reacting to stuff, almost like it was a living organism or a parasite that lived within Wil’s soul and it was very choosy about what it let them stick onto it. Despite the fact that it just sat there and did nothing.
It looked a bit like a slug after it had stopped moving, a pink and yellow swirling slug.
At this point Anti had honestly forgotten about cloning Dark, the glitch demon wanted to see their auras fighting. He wanted to watch Wil and Dark’s auras tear each other apart.
So it was time to get Dark’s aura, but Anti couldn’t just ask the Entity for it, no! He knew that there was no force on earth or Hell that would get Dark to willingly give Anti his aura for his death matches. So he’d have to take a chunk off by force.
It took a week of stalking Dark before he finally got his chance, and Anti was just about ready to fight Dark himself but as luck and fate would have it, Dark decided to got out hunting.
The Entity was stalking a couple gangsters when Anti decided to make his move. They were a local group Anti liked to pick on from time to time, so they were a tiny bit smarter than some of the other groups that had tried and died taking Dark on as if he was Deceit.
When Dark folded himself out of one of the alley shadows, one of the gangsters froze, watching Dark snap his own neck like the drama queen he was.
“Huh,” the braver of the three gangsters realized. “Yer shorter than me.”
Anti almost blew his cover trying to stifle his own laughter. Dark looked insulted and infuriated. “Excuse you‽”
“Sorry,” the guy was over six feet tall, but not more than half a foot taller than Dark or Anti. “I just figured “the Demon of Egoton” would be more demon-like, an’ bigger.”
Dark seemed to get angrier, and Anti was trying to stop himself from laughing so much that he almost missed his chance.
The Entity’s aura shot out and grabbed onto the gangster, one of his friends tried to shoot Dark but it was stopped by another part of Dark’s aura. It began to ruthlessly tear into the gangster and his friends. “I’m not too short to kill you!”
Anti lunged for Dark, managing to get his claws into Dark’s aura. The demon screamed out, in screeching pain. “I’ll be takin’ some ‘a that.”
“ANTI! I will tear you apart so thoroughly that no force in Hell can piece you back together again!” Dark was furious, the gangster that were lucky enough not to get struck by Dark’s rampaging aura were forgotten.
Anti raced off, running into the Void and trying to keep the writhing mass that was Dark’s aura away from the other demon. It was consciously trying to get back to Dark, or to kill Anti, the glitch demon wasn’t sure which and he didn’t particularly care at the moment. He was just trying to get away from Dark to keep him from taking his aura back.
Eventually Anti did get away, it was more luck that anything else. But when the coast was clear Anti returned to the scientists, covered in his own blackish, glitching, ichor blood and holding out the angry, hissing fragment of Dark’s aura.
“Is that thing hissing?” The lead scientist asked, her curly light brown hair barely tied out of the way. Anti had completely forgotten all their names at this point. He was pretty sure it was Beautiful or Bunny or some weird French name he couldn’t pronounce.
“Yeah,” Anti smiled, “let’s throw this bastard in with Wil’s and see if they kill each other.”
“Is that still alive after you disconnected that from him?” She was staring at it like it was a scientific marvel.
“Well yeah,” Anti gestured as he spoke, “Wilf’s just got a weird aura. Most ‘a our auras are like this caustic fooker’s.”
Quickly the scientist grabbed a container, the same type they put Wil’s in and Anti poked at Dark’s aura with his own, trying to get it especially angry.
“Okay, Bunny let’s get this show on the road,” Anti dusted off his hands.
“It’s Beauregard,” she corrected sharply, fixing her glasses as she held onto the container with one hand.
“Ahh, whatever,” Anti dismissed, smiling. “I wanna see that prick’s aura get shredded.”
Beauregard stopped as they entered another room, Anti moving through the wall. “Hold up, if we put them together are they going to just rip each other apart?”
Anti shrugged, “I mean, Dark’s an angry fooker an’ Wil’s aura is infectious, they gotta do somethin’ cool to each other.”
Beauregard and Anti’s conversation came to a halt when they heard some yelling in the next room. She ran ahead, yelling, “What is going on in here?”
“I don’t know,” one of the technicians looked panicked. He and another technician were trying to keep Wil’s aura in the container it was in, the aura was bubbling and foaming, making a weird noise, Dark’s one aura was letting out that high pitched echo that Dark was infamous for. It cause more than one person to look around wildly for the demon to suddenly appear. It almost seemed like the fragment of Dark’s aura was shaking. The entire container Dark’s aura was in almost fell out of Beauregard’s arms. The result was the two auras seeming to square up against each other as if they were going to fight.
Anti was almost cackling, rubbing his hands together, “Come on Bubbles, fook ‘im up. I got a fiver on yeh.”
Wilford’s aura lunged again and suddenly it was inside the same container as Dark’s. The ringing became more intense.
Beauregard jumped, letting out this surprised scream. Then the ringing stopped  when Wilford’s aura just parked itself next to Dark’s and they both calmed down. No one in the room moved, not wanting to set off either of their test subjects. Beauregard watched in awe as Dark’s aura changed from an inky grey to a mix of blue and red, the colors changing between the two but never mixing. It was more blue than red at the moment.
“Oh yeh sappy bastards,” Anti cursed, stomping over. “Come on, I wanted a cage match!”
“I thought we were cloning demons?” Beauregard asked him, most of her attention was on the little aura samples.
“Ehh, I’m already bored, tell me when they actually start doin’ somethin’ interesti’,” Anti dismissed, and then he left.
But when he was fully gone he stuck his head back in, “An’ by that I mean they set themselves on fire or start shootin’ acid.”
“Right, right, of course,” Beauregard agreed, holding up the container and smiling. Even if they failed, she was going to learn some amazing things about auras.
While Beauregard was planning, Anti had already gone back to Brighton to start terrorizing people again.
He was almost immediately found by Dark who demanded the shredded off piece of his aura back, he could grow it back on his own, of course, but didn’t like the idea of Anti having it.
So when Anti couldn’t produce the missing piece of Dark’s aura, the fight resulted in Anti being turned into pixels and Dark walking off with a broken arm and five broken ribs — not that Dark told anyone about the broken bones.
It took him a week to reform. By then he’d actually forgotten he’d gotten a team to do the actual cloning.
After months and months and months, they called him to say they’d “finally gotten a live one” and Anti couldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch Egoton burn.
After all, what could be more destructive than Wilford’s madness with Dark’s power?
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bxcksdoll · 5 years
Pairings: Steve Rogers x reader
Summary: Y/N risks her life on a mission and Steve is more than pissed about it.
Warnings: slightly dark!steve, angst, swearing
A/N: I just got this idea so I hope you guys like it! Also, I’m really near 500 followers so thank you all so much!!
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The ship was silent as the team made the long journey back to the Avengers Tower, after a mission. Silence and discomfort hung in the air as a mix of sorrow and relief was breathed between the group. No one would talk about the incident that occurred just a few minutes previous. The only interaction was Steve’s fixed, hard gaze on you.
The mission hadn’t gone to plan, to say the least. Many people were to be blamed for this. But Steve only blamed you. The faults of the other team members had put you into an awkward position - one in which you had to risk your life. No matter how hard you thought about the events the past, while sitting silently on the ship, you couldn’t think of another way you could have acted without getting injured...or worse.
You were extremely lucky, everyone knew that. However, no one wished to discuss what happened or what could have potentially happened if you made one wrong move. Still, you had been very risky but if you hadn’t the mission wouldn’t have been successful.
Steve didn’t care about the mission any longer. He only cared about your safety; you were his whole world and he couldn’t imagine what he would do if you were gone. However, instead of being grateful and relieved that you were alright, he chose to channel all his emotion into anger and annoyance of you taking such a risk in the first place.
For the whole journey back, you could feel Steve’s gaze burning into your skin. You felt encaged, trapped. The discomfort you felt was more than any you’d ever felt before; your mind was racing, knowing that you’d be getting more than just a lecture when you got back to the tower. The atmosphere on the ship made the journey feel twice as long as usual but, eventually, you arrived home.
“Y/N,” Tony called before you could leave the ship. “Can I have a little talk with you?” he asked, spinning in your direction, in his chair.
“Uh, yeah,” you quickly glanced at Steve, who still glared at you while exiting the ship. You took a deep breath and stepped towards Tony, playing with your hands, in front of you. “I can guess what you want to talk to me about,” you laughed, nervously.
Tony hummed, looking down at his feet. “Why did you put your life at risk back there?” he asked, meeting your eyes with a concerned expression. He almost looked disappointed, as though you’d let the team down.
“I...” you were lost for words. “It just needed to be done, I didn’t really do anything wrong. I was careful, I knew what I was capable of, and I succeeded. There’s nothing really more to it.”
Tony nodded, giving you a small smile. “We were all worried for you. I doubt any one else would have had the guts to risk what you did. I admire you for that, kid, but I’m also worried for the future. Your life is much more important than a mission like that. Please, Y/N, don’t do anything like that again, alright?”
Tony’s words touched you, he was never usually worried about you but now he showed you his anxieties and you were honoured that he cared so much about you. “Alright,” you smiled at him.
“Now, you’re dismissed,” he stood up and touched his fist to your chin, affectionately. “Good luck with talking to the capsical...he didn’t look too happy.”
“Oh, yeah, he definitely didn’t...” you mumbled, parting ways with Tony and making your way to your shared room with Steve. You longed to get out of your sticky, skintight clothes.
Entering the living space, no one caught your eye or smiled at you. This made you feel uneasy, as though you should feel guilty for what you’d done. But you came out of the mission without a scratch so you didn’t understand why everyone was so distant. Luckily, you caught the elevator and so didn’t have to stay long in the uncomfortable silence.
After the elevator doors shut, you heard voices again. It was clear the silence was solely because of you. You heart sank at the unwelcomed feeling you were experiencing, guessing that Steve would act the same. As the elevator rose, your stomach twisted tighter and tighter, not gladly anticipating seeing him. But you had no where else to be, you had to face him.
6...7...8...finally you reached the 7th floor. The floor which you dreaded. Leaving the eleavator, your feet trudged down the hall, trying to meet a slow pace to take more time before reaching your room. Eventually, you reached the apartment door and had no excuse but to open it. Slowly, you creaked the handle down and slid past the door, closing it silently.
“That was quick,” a deep voice scared you, from behind. You whipped round to be faced with the tall silhouette of the man you wished to be away from most, straight posture with his arms crossed firmly across his chest. He was facing the window, his back turned to you. You had forgotten about his outstanding super-soldier hearing. You had nothing to say back to him, your mind went blank. “What did Tony say to you?”
“Uhm...he just said to be more careful next time and not to take a risk like that again,” you reposnded, wandering, hesitantly, into the room.
“That’s all?” Steve whipped around. “He didn’t suspend you?”
You couldn’t help a frown crossing your face. “Suspend me? Of course not,” you answered, shaking your head. Steve groaned, massaging the bridge of his nose. “Why the hell would he suspend me?!” This time, you worked up some courage but you knew you were in for it.
“I think you mean why wouldn’t he? You were reckless and irresponsible, Y/N! You put yourself and others in danger, that’s why!” Steve yelled, stirring the anger inside of you.
“I was put in that position because of other people’s faults! If I didn’t take that risk, someone else could have been injured or worse. I did what I had to do but no one seems to acknowledge that,” you argued.
“Don’t act like you’re above the rest of us! Someone else would have been able to finish the mission without having to go through the danger you did.” His words hit you like daggers. It was clear to you that Steve was angry but that didn’t give him the excuse to treat you this way.
“God, Steve, you can’t even thank me?”
“Thank you?!” He stepped towards you and you, instinctively, stepped back. “You should be apologising to the whole team for being so reckless!”
“Now you’re just being unreasonable - I’m not apologising for taking a risk and succeeding. I saved the whole team and yet no one has thanked me yet!”
“You shouldn’t be expecting any thanks. You’re so self-centred, everyone has to like you, don’t they?” He seethed, stepping closer again. This time, you held your ground.
“Excuse me?” You narrowed your eyes. “You can talk, America’s golden boy!”
“Yeah, well a least people do like me! What, you thought risking your life would make your family pay attention to you? You thought they’d finally be proud of their failure-of-a-daughter?!” He yelled, his voice bouncing off the walls of the room. Silence enclosed you, once again. You were physically and emotionally unable to comprehend the words he just said. You stood still, tears threatening to fall from your astonished eyes. You tried to keep your face straight but Steve saw straight through you, he saw the damage he had done. “Y/N, I-” you shook your head, not wanting to hear another word.
Talking about your family was a sensitive subject, to say the least. They wanted no part of your life and you acted like you wanted no part in theirs. However, deep down you longed to be with them, you wished you could resolve the conflict between you but were to afraid to try. Only Steve knew about this, he was the only soul you had trusted with your deepest, darkest secret. And so him using it against you felt worse than torture, worse than any physical pain a person could inflict on you.
“Just go,” you murmured, not meeting his eyes. Steve’s stomach twisted, he couldn’t believe he said that. He reached out his hand to touch you but you brushed him off. “I said go!” You shouted, finally meeting his sorry eyes. They still had a hit of anger in them, refusing to fade away. Steve complied, making sure to slam the door after him. Leaving you to wollow in your own self-pity.
“You should have seen the look on her face, Buck. I really messed up...” Steve sighed. The super-soldier sat hunched over on the couch in Bucky’s part of the tower.
“I’m sure it wasn’t that bad, Steve. You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and go apologise to the girl,” Bucky suggested.
“I can’t, though, she probably hates me.” Steve lay back, staring at the ceiling.
“Well, by the sounds of things, I think she has more reason to believe you hate her,” Bucky chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
“I need to learn to comtrol my temper,” Steve sighed.
“That’s true,” Bucky chuckled some more. “Just tell her your sorry and that you love her. Maybe buy her chocolates or flowers, birds love that kinda thing!”
“You think that would work?” Steve asked, hopefully.
“Yeah, pal, I’m sure of it,” Bucky assured him. And with that, Steve left to buy you some apology gifts.
After gathering a bunch of random gifts for you, Steve arrived at your door. He was reluctant to knock, worried that you wouldn’t let him in. Finally, he worked up the courage to do so.
“I’m busy, come back later!” Your voice yelled from inside.
“Y/N, it’s me. I want to apolo-”
“Didn’t you hear me, Steve?! I’m busy!” Your voice interrupted him.
“I’d be thankful if you’d let me finish my sentence,” Steve tried to calm him growing temper, a slight growl sounding from his throat.
“Oh, now you’re thankful, huh?”
“Y/N, just open the door. I’m being the bigger person here and I’m apologising. I’ve even brought you some gifts,” Steve tried to control his temper.
“I don’t care what you’ve brought me. Leave me alone, Steve!” You felt exhausted, emotionally drained. You didn’t want Steve to see you this way. However, Steve just thought you were being stubborn and continued to push you.
“I’m going to count to 5. By then, you better open this door or else I’m breaking it down,” he warned, flaring his nostrils.
“Just take no for an answer, god dammit, Steve!” You yelled, anger surging through your room. “Just accept that I don’t want to see you!”
Your words hurt Steve but he wouldn’t let it show. “You know what? Fine by me. If you don’t wanna come out then you can starve in there! I’ll just go pay attention to a girl who actually deserves it!” With that, he stormed off, finally leaving you in peace.
Steve knew he’d gone too far, for a second time, but he didn’t care. This time, he didn’t care if he hurt you. He only thought of how you had hurt him; how you had nearly gotten yourself killed over something worthless. He no longer thought of anyone. Anyone except himself.
Tag list: @xmarveled - ask me if you want to be added to it
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durrzerker · 4 years
Taskmaster: The Line. Chapter 6: Wrecked
Standing in the safe room of Zemo's old Masters of Evil headquarters, Taskmaster stared down the barrel of a loaded pistol. Held in the hands of a nine-year-old girl with tears in her eyes, a gun had never been so threatening as it was now; not because of how he feared she might use it, but because he didn't know how far he was willing to go to stop her.
"Put the gun down, kid. I get yer pissed off -- but that's the last time to be holding one o'those."
"What? Afraid I dinnae remember how ta use it? Ya oughta have more faith, considerin' ya taught me." She snarled out those last three words like a slur, but what she was said was obviously true. Compensating for her small size and the weapon's kick, she was holding the pistol exactly right - wide stance, both hands in place, the sights aligned perfectly with her eyes - which were shockingly intense, black as beetle shells and just as hard.
"That so?" He replied coolly, trying not to let her see the anxiety that was coursing through him. If this theory was right - if these kids had the same photographic reflexes as Tony himself - then she'd be able to read his body language as easily as he read everyone else's; he couldn't lie to her or hide his feelings without doing so absolutely perfectly. "Yeah, I'll be honest...I don't even recognize you." Within every good deception was a hint of truth, so he started with that. It was important - because what he wanted to hide was that he overheard the whole conversation between Black Ant and Wolverine. "...What made you realize I don't remember you, then?"
Eyeing him suspiciously for a long moment, only lowering the pistol slightly, the girl took a deep breath. "That idiot partner o'yers dinnae when to shut up. Can't believe this. Been so angry at you...and ya dun ken what ye even did." Still, she didn't drop the gun entirely yet; there was more to this. "...I'm Cassandra. I was - am? - a student of yers. Before ya --"
Before she could finish, however, the entire building shook -- a massive crack splitting the air as the mercenary was nearly thrown off his feet.
For her part, Cassandra recovered remarkably well. Though she fell back against the wall of the armory hard, she didn't relinquish the pistol, planting one foot and grabbing the wall in a nimble move Taskmaster recognized as one of the Winter Soldier's. Either the Red Room had a lot to answer for, or she really had been taught by him. Neither possibility appealed to him, but the quake had more of his attention. "The hell was that?" Hastily grabbing a large syringe out of his first aid kit, he tapped it once and drove it into his arm. Inside was an experimental serum designed by Albino, Taskmaster's on-staff scientist who specialized in helping him close the gap between himself and the superhumans he often had to face. While he typically preferred to keep things purely skill-based, some jobs just demanded you bring out the heavy guns. These particular serums were created as an improvement of the Regenix that was meant to copy Wolverine's healing factor. While not nearly as fast as that, it was also a lot more stable than Regenix, which had a nasty habit of organ failure in its subject.
Already, the pain was starting to fade - it'd be a few hours before he was back to true fighting shape, though.
"Dinnae," Cassandra replied bluntly. "One o'yer many mistakes?"
"Har har. Let's go check on the others."
Leading the snappy little redhead out towards the living room of the mansion, Tony just barely ducked in time to avoid an enormous wrecking ball aimed directly for his face. "What the hell?"
Unsurprisingly, it was being held by a member of the Wrecking Crew themselves, who were currently in heated combat with Wolverine and Black Ant. "Tasky!" Eric shouted. "They're here for the kids! They're the ones who got hired to bring them back!"
"Hired by who?" Taskmaster snapped, lifting his shield just in time to intercept an oncoming crowbar from Wrecker. Even with the vibranium of his shield, he was nearly thrown off his feet, throwing his arm up high to dissipate some of the force. "Damn...zeroed in on me real fast, huh?"
"None of your business who hired us. All you gotta know is you're priority target, traitor! Eight figures on that ugly mask of yours!" Wrecker barked. Despite his great bulk, he was quick on his feet; no sooner had Taskmaster deflected that blow than another one rained down onto his head. Ducking to the side, pirouetting in a Captain America classic afterwards, Tony snarled and drew his sword, sweeping it across the man's back in a single stroke. It was only because he could feel the blade barely break the skin that he reacted in time to avoid the counter-swing from Wrecker's crowbar, anticipating it when he realized he wasn't really hurting the man. Damn tough idiots, he thought to himself.
Wolverine and Black Ant were similarly occupied. Demolisher, her enormous steel ball gleaming even in the dim light of the living room's chandelier, relentlessly swung after Black Ant, who shrank and dove between her legs before growing back to his normal size and kicking her in the back. "Hey! Why didn't you go after Wolverine? This could have been prime girl on girl action!"
"You're disgusting," Laura snarled, leaping over Piledriver as the blonde man attempted to crush her with a superhuman punch, she deftly swiped her claws across Bulldozer's face. His helmet, empowered much like the rest of the group by the Asgardian magic that gave them their powers, mostly absorbed the strike -- but the sparks that it created blinded him, causing him to crash into Piledriver in a running tackle. "They might be strong and tough, but the Wrecking Crew are morons to a man - or woman. As long as we don't let them surround us, we can hold them off!"
"We're already surrounded; they outnumber us," Black Ant complained, narrowly shrinking in time to avoid a thrown chair.
"No we're not," Taskmaster replied coolly. With his focus on Wrecker, he could easily avoid his attacks; while the man was strong and nearly indestructible, he had nowhere near the skill or agility to lay a hand on Tony as the skull-masked mercenary alternated between Spider-Man and Daredevil's moves, pirouetting and ducking as he slapped a button hidden on his belt under his cloak. "You boys are messing up my new -house-. I don't think the housekeeper's gonna care for that too much."
"The hell are you on about, Taskmaster?" Wolverine asked, but he didn't need to answer her; she found out herself a moment later.
Thirty thousand pounds of adamantium came CRASHING through the ceiling; called by the signal on Taskmaster's belt, the gargantuan robot landed with a ground-shaking quake. Twenty feet tall at full height, the otherwise dark-grey automaton was dressed in a giant-sized french maid costume, swinging a massive dusting brush hard enough to send Piledriver flying back and into the wall, unconscious.
"Cleaning time, you roid-raging D-listers!" Tony cheered.
"What the..." Laura trailed off, looking somewhere between exasperated and amused. Black Ant, for his part, nearly got his head taken off by a backhand from Demolisher because he had burst into laughter hard enough to nearly fall over. Still, despite the silly costume, no one could doubt TESS-one's effectiveness; pulling back from Taskmaster out of frustration that he couldn't hit him, Wrecker went after the robot instead. "Just a machine! WRECK IT!" He roared, hauling off with a swing that could knock Thor for a loop. The pure adamantium plating of Tess's armor didn't so much as dent, and before he could wipe the surprise off his face, Wrecker was spiked into the ground by an enormous overhand swat.
"Damn thing's indestructible!" Piledriver exclaimed. "We gotta fall back! Between this and Wolverine, we're outmatched!"
"And Black Ant!" Eric insisted, shouting with both hands cupped over his helmet as the Wrecking Crew started to retreat.
"Nope!" Demolisher called out before disappearing through the same hole she'd made in the wall of the mansion. Still trying to fend off a viciously angry Laura slicing and kicking at their heels, the rest of the group followed after her. "This ain't over!" Wrecker shouted. "You got no idea what world of shit you got yourself into stealing those brats, Taskmaster!"
Placing his hands on his thighs, exhaling from behind his mask, Tony considered that. "Kids are all okay?"
Laura nodded matter-of-factly. "Black Ant's gone to get them," she said, nodding to the other mercenary who was making his way towards the stairs. "I heard the Wrecking Crew approaching in time to get them all to a safe room on the second floor -- except Cassandra. I didn't want to interrupt you, and..." She trailed off, looking annoyed at nothing in particular.
For a moment, Taskmaster couldn't figure out why; then he suddenly laughed out loud. "Hah! You trusted ME to protect her! Admit it!"
"...Your dedication to this mission so far has been -acceptable-," she stubbornly conceded. "Why is your robot dressed like a maid? It's not a sex thing, is it? Please don't let it be a sex thing."
"Of course not. Tessie's too pure for all that. She's saving herself for marriage." Tony made his way over to the idling automaton, patting it on the side. "Aincha, girl?"
"Hilarious," came a new voice. "If you two are done discussing fetishization of Taskmaster's pet robot, you should know that you aren't out of danger yet." Wolverine and Taskmaster both immediately set themselves into defensive positions as a masked woman in a skintight blue costumed stepped silently through the hole in the wall, a hooded black coat with yellow trim adding a severity to her otherwise sleek look.
"Who the hell are you?" Tony snapped, lifting his sword warily.
"...I'm the new Spymaster," she replied coolly, placing a hand on her hip. As her coat shifted back a little, Taskmaster could see a futuristic-looking pistol on her belt; some kind of energy weapon. "The Hub sent me. I'm supposed to help you extract a bunch of kids? If that's true, we need to hurry."
"We've been hurrying all night," Wolverine assured her. "You, however, took your sweet time getting here. Are you sure we can trust her, Taskmaster? I can't get a read on her at all - her smell's blocked, voice modulated...even more than yours."
Tony considered that, but ultimately nodded. "If she's here from The Hub, she's trustworthy. Besides, there's no one that the three of us can't take down together if she -does- try some bullshit."
"Finally, I'm being included!" Eric interjected as he descended the steps, the children in tow. Cassandra had joined them some time during the battle, wisely seeking out her fellow Scions instead of trying to get involved.
"...Yeah!" Tony replied, opting not to tell him that he was referring to TESS-one.
"Hey, who's she?" Eric asked of the newcomer.
Hub's agent. Black Ant, this is Spymistress--"
"Spymaster," she quickly corrected.
"...Spymaster, which is confusing but hey, it's a brave new world. She's gonna see to our extraction. Wolverine's got a point. What took you so long?" Taskmaster couldn't help but nurse a feeling of familiarity, despite having definitely never met this new Spymaster in his life. He'd trained the last one, sure - but that guy had died years ago. "...And do I know you? Did I train ya?"
"In a sense," she replied. "Hub warned me your brain was a bit soft, though she put it nicer. Let it suffice that I know how to handle myself, and you're to blame." Her wry tone, with the help of her voice modulator, almost held a hint of sincere irritation at the question, but Tony didn't miss that little detail. Not entirely. "As for the delay, The Hub decided it would be pragmatic for me to investigate this matter to make use of how to successfully extract the children. I've been following the Wrecking Crew for hours; I've got a cloaked quinjet on the roof, but you need to know something first. I placed a tracker on Piledriver. They're going to leave Bagalia, try to get in contact with their employer. You have to intercept them."
Exchanging a look with Taskmaster, Laura was the first to ask, "...And do you know who their employer is?"
Lifting her phone, Spymaster turned it around and used a hidden device on the back to project a holographic image, tossing the chip she extracted from the phone on the ground. The image was impressively high-resolution; so much so that Tony could count the strands on the moustache of the face displayed.
"You gotta be kidding me," he growled, barely above a whisper.
"I'm deadly serious," Spymaster assured them all, looking between Taskmaster, Wolverine, and Black Ant. "These children are considered property of the United States government, and the Wrecking Crew was just the first wave. I managed to jam their comms, but if they manage to get too far out of the city, you're going to have hell brought down on your heads. Now get the kids ready and let's go. Clock's ticking."
She turned to the children, who warily ducked behind Black Ant with surprising speed. Her body language softened immediately, her professional demeanor disappearing even with her mask on.
Taskmaster didn't see it. He was still staring at the projected hologram of General Thunderbolt Ross.
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egotheplanet · 5 years
Stories Over Burgers (Happy Hogan and Morgan Stark)
Summary: for some reason I cant stop picturing Morgan as an outcast in school. Like Lilo from Lilo and Stitch. The line from the movie where Lilos talking to Nani and she says “they’re afraid of me” and Nani says “They just don’t know what to say.” BC HER PARENTS ALSO DIED. I mean, can’t you just imagine ? her dad was fucking iron man and she has so many stories she wants to share bc she loved her daddy 3,000 but a mean kid shows her Mysterios ‘evidence’ about tony being a bad guy. Happy ‘Protective Dad’ Hogan drives to pick her up after school only to see her in the courtyard fighting with one of the kids. I kind of changed the FFH mid credits scene to be a little more detailed about Tony’s part in Spider-Man’s inheritance of the tech. roll with it and be sad with me.
Warnings: spoilers to SM:FFH and Endgame
Word Count: 1.7k
Happy enviously scans the sidewalk where plenty of timely children sit waiting for their guardians to pick them up.
‘You’d think after 6 hours in a chair the kid would be brimming with pent up energy she could spend running to the car. Maybe I should get her a watch that beeps when it’s time to head to the car loop.’ He thought to himself.
Releasing a long slow exhale through his nose, he unbuckled his seat belt and stepped out of the car. He’s come to learn that if you ask politely, the administrative office will summon your student over the loud speakers.
‘What’s holding her up?’
His walk to the office came to slow down when he heard childish yells and taunts. He grumbled at the association the sound held in his mind. ‘Kids probably fighting in the courtyard over a pudding cup.’
As he continued towards the yard in question, the administrative office nestled at the end of it, he narrowed his eyes and listened closer. ‘That kind of sounds like... Morgan?’
His walking pace hastened into a speed walk as the classic ring of students watching a fight came into view.
Just as he suspected, a little girl consisting mostly of long brown hair could be seen and heard yelling and stomping in anguish. Definitely Morgan. The kids started chanting ‘fight’ and Happy knew it was about to get physical. He quickly jumped in to stop it all together. The sight of an adult/ authoritative figure made the bystanders scatter.
“Alright, now what’s goin on here? Break it up!”
His large adult hand wraps around Morgans minuscule arm gently yet firmly to pull her away. The girls purposefully avoid eye contact.
He lets a huff out of his chest in annoyance at the silence.
“You two had a lot to say a couple seconds ago, why so quiet now? What. Happened?” At this point the principal was standing by and taking in the scene quietly.
Morgan whispers, “She said he was a bad guy.”
Happys brows crease together in confusion as he bends down at the knee so he’s eye level with her, “Who was a bad guy?”
Her voice trembles and her hair, previously pinned back with pink clips which were now lost in the mess of grass beneath them, hides her teary eyes as she can only make a sound of frustration. Being young meant articulating the world with a fraction of functioning vocabulary. It was frustrating, Happy knew that. He and Pepper always took their time with Morgan. Especially after all she’s been through.
“Morgan? Who was a bad guy?” His voice is much softer now.
She continues to refuse to make eye contact.
He sighs and his eye level falls to his shoes upon realizing who was awarded the title ‘bad guy’.
Morgan ripped her arm out of his grasp and backed up about a foot. Her eyes stayed low. She needed a little space to think and breathe through it. Just like he taught her.
Her mother always said ‘You’ve got your fathers looks and brain. It’s fitting you get his temper to top it off.” It was never maliciously spoken. Only... melancholic.
Happy resumed standing and exchanged words with the principal.
It felt like an eternity to Morgan. Her tummy felt upset at the thought of getting into trouble. But it felt even more upset when the girl began to preach about someone she didn’t know.
“Morgan? Did you hear me?” He remained standing tall this time as he spoke to her. “Your principal said you have to stay home tomorrow.” He’s seen her enough to know when she’s about to explode with emotion. “You caused a scene and almost broke into a fight. Your mom is gonna discipline you accordingly. It’s gonna be fine.”
Morgan’s breathing slightly quickened and her throat felt tight. Her eyes were burning hot as she looked up at him and the oceans began pouring out of her tear ducts.
“I’m sorry, Happy.”
He believed her wholeheartedly.
“Let’s just... Let’s head home, okay?” He held his hand out. Open and inviting.
She graciously accepted.
They walked side by side all the way to the car.
Holding open the door, he felt both sad and proud as she buckled herself in.
“Two cheeseburgers, one without onions or pickles and the other with extra onions and pickles. One large fry, one small HI-C and one large Diet Coke. That’ll be all, thank you.”
She played with her hands as he ordered.
The backseat wasn’t very eventful when you lose your iPad for causing a ‘ruckus’ as her mother put it. Happy of course called Pepper as soon as they got into the car. The iPad was the only thing around at the moment that would suffice as a good punishment till they got home. Then she’d get a whole other talk and loss of privilege.
The smell of the car quickly turned from clean leather to hot French fries and ketchup as the bags came in through the window.
Happy put them in the empty passengers seat and rolled into a parking spot on the other side of the building. He turned the car off and passed back her order.
“Don’t forget to use a napkin this time.” He spoke after taking a chunk out of his burger. “Your last ketchup stain was a pain.”
Her lips perked up for the first time in a half hour. A long time for a child like Morgan not to smile.
“That rhymed, Happy!”
He felt a rush of relief pass through him. She wasn’t too upset to enjoy his Seuss-like antics.
“Yeah, I guess it did.” They looked at each other through the rear view window. After a considerable amount of time passed he spoke. “Do you want to talk about what happened?”
The rustling of her burger wrapper ceased.
Happy ate a few more bites, finishing the rest of his sandwich. He didn’t want to pry but he needed to make sure this wouldn’t happen again.
He didn’t care about her defending herself. It was the right thing to do. He cared about her feelings being hurt in a place she’s supposed to be happy and learning.
“Can you at least tell me how it started?”
The car was deathly silent for a few seconds straight. The air was loud, louder than they were. Just when he thought the entire subject was a lost cause, he heard a meek voice.
“My teacher was talking about rockets. The space ones.” She paused to recollect, glancing in the mirror and noticing him offer his full attention. “So I told him about daddy’s rockets. I told him how he used them to fly and save people.”
She had to pause between a few words to take audible breaths. It was a hard subject to cover.
“And then I had to go potty so he excused me and when I came back, my table buddies were talking.” She stopped for a couple seconds to take a sip of her juice. “They said their parents watch the news and that it said daddy was a bad guy. That he didn’t really save people and he tried to hurt them.” Her voice was soft and held a confused tone.
Happys heart sank as he tried to think up a way to steer her out of his information hole. He didn’t want her only memories of her father to be tarnished by the bored pieces of crazed writers and an insane super villain. He paused before speaking with a hopeful tone.
“Morgan, do you know how well I knew your dad?” She shook her head. “Well, I started as just a driver. Taking him from spot to spot.”
She perked up. “Like how you drive me to school?”
He smiled slightly. “That’s right. And then he promoted me to head of security.”
“He said you were forehead of secur-”
“See, he always got those words a little fumbled. Th-That wasn’t my title. The point is— Let’s get back on track— the point is: your dad trusted me.” He spoke quickly and jumbled while attempting to get the conversation back on course as she giggled out loud. “We weren’t just people who worked together. We were friends. Close friends. I knew a lot about your dad. I knew stuff about him before he did sometimes.” He thought back to the start of Tony and Peppers relationship. “So believe me when I say this.. are you listening?”
Sensing the change in pace at the end of his speech, she nodded, fully captivated by his words.
“Good, okay.” He locked eyes with her in the mirror. “Your dad loved you so much, kiddo. He loved you. He loved your mom too.” He took a moment to unbuckle his seatbelt and turn around so he could look at her formally. “He loved people. He protected you, your mom and everyone in the world until the very end.”
She was too young to grasp the levity of his words but he continued. She needed to hear this so her father could remain the hero he was in her little mind.
“He never once hurt anyone intentionally without the protection of everyone else he loved in mind. Your table buddies didn’t know him the way I did. So you can trust me and ignore them, okay? Your dad was a good man, not a bad guy. I would know.” She was quiet. Not the bad quiet but the thinking to herself quiet.
He chuckled softly at her graceful lack of words. His were definitely too much for an eight year old.
“You know what? I’m gonna tell you something.” He held a joking tone which was barely above a whisper.
“What?” She matched his tone with a small smile.
“Your dads rockets didn’t always work. Sometimes they knocked him onto his butt.” He smiled fondly at the memories as she laughed.
“That’s funny, Happy.” She munched on a French fry and sipped the rest of her juice. Her feet kicked and swayed the whole drive home. Her mood had significantly increased.
As Happy drove himself home later that night, he reflected on how much Tony gave to others. The muddy and wrong picture Mysterio painted of him wasn’t right and wasn’t fair.
It was then and there he decided that for every bad story Morgan heard about Tony that made her cry, he would tell her two more that would make her laugh. Happy meal included.
And boy, did he have enough stories to last a lifetime.
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mythicallore · 5 years
Encounter with Pale Humanoids
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Among the many strange encounters in the world of the paranormal, there are often those that serve to be particularly baffling. These are the cases that hover out beyond our ability to really classify them or put a name to them. Are they ghosts, mysterious animals, aliens, or what? No answers are clear in such accounts, and they lurk out there in the periphery of the fringe. Among these bizarre accounts are tales from all over of what appear to be some sort of thin, pale beings, often hunched over, crouching, and crawling, that have come to be collectively known as “Pale Crawlers,” and which are every bit as creepy as you might imagine.
Probably one of the most well-known cases of these odd entities is that of what have come to be called the Fresno Nightcrawlers. The first account of these truly bizarre and unidentifiable creatures surfaced in the 1990s, when a video came forward showing something very strange indeed lurking about in the area of Fresno, California. There was a family who were concerned about trespassers on their property, as their dogs had begun to bark out into the darkness nearly every night, and this prompted them to install a security camera outside by their garage, facing the front lawn.
That next morning after they set up the camera they were in for quite a shock, as there in the video was a pair of pale beings a few feet in height, with no discernible arms and two long, spindly, almost stilt-like legs that appear to bend backwards. Interestingly, there seems to be some sort of fabric flapping around the legs, drawing many comparisons to a pair of disembodied walking pants. In the footage the creatures smoothly and fluidly move across the front lawn and out of view, and that’s that. You can see the footage here.
The quality of the footage is sadly low, making it nearly impossible to discern any real details, but the general shape and their odd way of moving were creepy enough to have the family contact the police. Before long the media got a hold of the footage and the “Fresno Nightcrawlers” became a hot topic. Although thought by many to be a hoax, others say that this footage has captured something truly otherworldly, and the footage was subjected to a detailed analysis on the SyFy Channel show “Fact or Faked,” which showed that the footage seemed to be genuine, and they were unable to reproduce the same results by intentionally faking the video.
Following on the heels of this video was another, this time taken over in California’s Yosemite National Park in March of 2011. In this case surveillance cameras had been set up by park officials for the purpose of identifying some intruders who had been vandalizing an area of the park, and again they seemed to have caught on tape something anything but human. Again there is a pair of spindly white entities loping across the frame on a hillside, one seemingly much smaller that the other, and both with what appears to be some sort of webbing connected from the knees to the upper body. Although they appear to be very similar, it is unknown if the Fresno creatures and the ones from Yosemite are related or not, and there have been theories ranging from that this was all a hoax, to that they are Native spirits from lore, ghosts, or even aliens. No one really knows.
Something similar to these entities was sighted in January 2004, in a case documented by researcher Albert S. Rosales. The sighting allegedly happened in Manchester, Dearborn County, Indiana, when a young man was driving along a remote rural road in the area. As the witness rounded a bend, his headlights illuminated a tall, frail looking, pale being crouched over a puddle of water. As the witness passed the thing he looked back and could make out that it moved in a disjointed, odd manner, and had, according to him, “protruding joints that buckled out.”
As he watched the thing flickering in the red light cast by his tailights, the crouched, bone white creature purportedly stood to a height of an estimated 6 feet 7 inches tall and began to walk about in a “strange manner.” Interestingly, as he watched there was apparently another car that came along and seemed to swerve to avoid the thing before stopping. The witness would talk to the elderly couple in the car and they would confirm having seen the same thing, of which they said, “It was no human being, it was no man.” They were all so spooked that they decided to drive out of there in close procession together. Indiana has produced some other similarly odd reports as well. In one case from the winter of 2016, the witness was out feeding goats on a farm in Daviess County, Indiana, at around 8 PM, and when she finished she started walking back. The witness would say of what happened next:
After I had finished I began to walk back. I had crossed one field and was about halfway through the narrow path when I started to hear rustling in the underbrush. All I had with me was a little flashlight that only shined about 10ft in front of me. I was almost to the end of the path when I spotted something. It was on all fours with a bony frame, elongated limbs, and pale skin. While the first part of that description sounds pretty generic, it did seem to have a long and highly flexible neck. Not long after I noticed it it noticed me and bolted down the path. It ran, almost skuttling into the second field. This field had a small hill in the center, this thing fled and disappeared over one side. I ran as fast as I could around the other side of the small hill and zig-zagged back to my house where I quickly locked all of my doors. This thing was terrifying, but it seemed watchful more than anything, for now.
In another account from Indiana, documented in the National Cryptid Society database, we have a case from Michigan City, Indiana from 2012, in the middle of a lightning storm to add some atmosphere. The witness claims that she had been staying at the beach house of a friend by Lake Michigan and that there had been a lightning storm at the time. At around 2 AM some of them went outside to smoke and watch the lightning, and that was when they noticed the beam of a flashlight scanning the tall grass by the shore nearby as if searching for something. Thinking this to be a bit odd, the group of friends watched on and saw that the beam had captured an elongated, grayish humanoid looking creature stretched out on the beach, and the witness would say:
The light sweeps by something in the grass, then it shines back onto it. What was illuminated was very strange. It appeared to be a naked guy crawling around on the grass. Although, it had elongated arms and legs. It was moving kinda fast crunched over. It only lasted a few seconds, long enough for all of us to see it. Then, after the thing ran off, the flashlight shines directly at us. It stayed pointing at us until it went out after a few seconds. Creepy.
So, we’re all like WTF was that, we asked what each other saw. We all seen a weird stretched out naked guy. The only explainable thing it could have possibly been was a drunk gangly naked guy. But, I don’t think so because it looked abnormally stretched, the light pointed at us, and it freaked everyone out. It was something strange. I can’t say what the height of it was accurately, maybe around 7ft tall. My husband said it looked like something from a Marilyn Manson music video.I wanted to go down there. I wanted to see if we could find it. But, no one would go and they were creeped out and wanted to go back inside.
What on earth was the outlandish thing they saw? What was with that flashlight and why did it train itself on the observers of this surreal scene? Who knows? There have been a few sightings of something similar and equally baffling around the town of Effingham, in the state of Illinois. One case file of the National Cryptid Society is dated as 2010, and concerns a witness only known as “Jade.” The witness was allegedly out one night headed for the supposedly haunted Kasbar cemetery out in the deep woods outside of Effingham along with two friends. When they were out in the countryside, at around 1 AM in the morning, something very curious congealed out of the night, and the witness would say:
I see something with yellow glowing eyes off the side of the country road just past the ditch in the head lights. Too short to be a deer, but too big to be a possum or raccoon. As we get closer it gets clearer, and I realize what I’m looking at is skinny, hairless and grey, human like but definitely not human. Crazy as hell looking…thing. It was crouched down, It’s arms were incredibly long and looked like it could have been 7ft tall or bigger standing. I can feel myself get cold and my heart race and my hair stand on that back of my neck.
Complete shock and terror set in and i can’t make a sound, I’m just staring at it. By that time we are right in front of it, passing it and it just watches us drive by. It slinks into the dark. Then we all just start screaming. Literally freaking the hell out. I was convinced it was a demon for months but still doubted myself even seeing it. Thinking my mind was playing tricks on me. We didn’t even make it to the Kasbar that night, we went straight home. I couldn’t sleep that night.
The witness went on to become convinced that what she had seen was a “ghoul,” or an entity that lurks around feeding on the dead. She would say of this:
They feed on the freshly dead and normally stay close to cemeteries to be close to food. They have been known to show themselves to humans when trying to get close to them to eat in times where fresh deceased bodies are scarce. I went to images of them and could only find illustrations but they look exactly like what i saw that night. Everything i was reading was falling perfectly in place. Lined up perfectly with my experience. I couldn’t explain it away.
Also in the state of Illinois is a case from the town of Rossville, in 2010. The setting was at a cemetery and the time was just after sunset. The witness and a friend were walking down the main lane through the cemetery when something fairly weird scuttled out of the night. The witness would say:
Something came running from the gate and past us on our left. My friend had laughed and asked if I had heard that, and I stopped walking and responded that no, but I had seen it. As the thing had passed between headstones I caught a look. Looked like a pale, emaciated humanoid that was running on all fours. It had no hair at all that I could see, and I did not get a look at the face. It was moving far faster than any person running on hands/feet should have been able to. My friend and I just stayed frozen there and waited for another friend to come and get us because we were too scared to move. It continued to circle us, as we could hear it moving around. It never seemed threatening. If anything it seemed curious/scared of us. But who knows. I do know that it was not a coyote or a stray dog. I never saw the face but I did see the head; it did not have a muzzle. There was no tail, either. It definitely didn’t have fur; it had pale, almost bluish skin and I remember I could make out the ribs from where I was standing. Forgive me if this is a hot mess of a post; I was up all night researching this thing and when I did fall asleep I didn’t sleep well.
Other locations have had sightings as well, such as Ballard County, in Western Kentucky. As the witness was driving along the back roads on a gravel road one night at around 2 AM he says that he caught something in his headlights that startled him to the core. He would say:
I caught sight of something white and vaguely human crawling in the ditch. As we passed I hit the brakes thinking it was a person who needed help. “Are you crazy?! Don’t f***ing stop!” Blake screamed. I looked in the mirror and saw that it was standing up. Even though it was still in the ditch it was as tall as the stop sign next to it. It took a step towards us and I hit the gas. As we drove away I saw in the mirror that it dropped to all fours and was crawling after us. I didn’t start pulling away from it til I got up to about 40 mph. No matter how close I was to it I never got a good look at it. It was fuzzy like it was constantly out of focus. I’m not sure why but something about it makes me think of it as male. Maybe the height? When it crawled it moved like a lizard-hands and feet flat on the ground, elbows and knees up and out, body wiggling side to side. This happened when I was around 22. I’m 40 now and have never seen that thing again. I’ve taken many a midnight cruise along those narrow roads but I’ve never had the nerve to go near that particular farm road again. Call me a chicken…I’ll cluck happily.
Such accounts seem to lie beyond any easy classification. Are we dealing here with some sort of cryptid, ghosts, aliens, inter dimensional interlopers, or what? Or is it all just hoaxes and misinformation? These obviously seem to be far beyond normal reports of cryptids or ghostly phenomena, leaving us to merely ponder just what might be going on. Whatever the answers may be, these truly bizarre entities are not anything anyone would want to encounter slithering down a darkened road at night in the middle of nowhere, stumbling into your headlights.
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sirro85-blog · 6 years
Humans are Weird: Mental Health
Trigger Warning, probably.
Kizidan watched as the humans danced, the music was like nothing she had heard before it was pleasant but she had not joined in, it appeared you needed to know the steps and most of the dances had names. She watched as Major Kovac spun Captain Becca in his arms, her feet lifting off the floor, the dance ended with the couple close to her, Kovac kissed Becca and held her face between his hands, "ahh lass, you're my joy" he said softly before leading her from the floor. Diminutive when compared to most human's Kizidan felt especially small around the Major and his Captain the Major stood close to 2m tall and while the Captain was a head shorter she was still taller than most of her gender and a sizeable number of the male soldiers.
Kovac stroked Becca's neck and bent to kiss her before walking away, Becca watched him for a few moments and then turned to Kizidan and smiled, "enjoying it?"
"Very much, I've never seen a celidh before...I've never seen Kovac smile so much either."
Becca grinned, a disturbing trait of humans, "Don't let Kovac hear you call it a ceilidh, he'll give you a lecture, " she put on an accent similar to Kovac' "it's no a ceilidh, naebdys singin' it's a dance." She turned to look at him as he collected drinks, then she drained her own, "whatever it is, he is happier, it's a hard time of year for him it's nice to see him smiling."
"Why is the time of year difficult? To my knowledge you do not hibernate, nor are you seasonal breeders." Kizidan extended her crest in confusion.
"No, not the season...it's an anniversary of sorts, I probably shouldn't say but as it's the worst kept secret on board: Kovac lost a wife and son when he was younger, it was a transport accident, he was deployed his first ever posting, she was at home with the 6 month old and...Very sad, now he's...well he's never been a cheerful person but now...well he's in a serious job so I can't tell if he's permanently low level depressed or if he's just a proper grim bastard."
"Depressed...he's In a lower position? He's the highest ranking officer amongst your human unit, I don't understand."
"Oh god, look it's a mental health condition, or a mental ill-health condition, I'm not sober enough to explain ask me tomorrow Kids," Becca looked over to see Kovac approaching, "I'll get him to dance with you, he'll teach you the steps."
The following morning Kizidan found Becca exiting the gym, she was with Frank one of the older medics who gave Kizidan a nod and left for the medical wing.
"Morning Kids, how are you doing?"
"I'm well Captain, thank you for asking, I was hoping you could explain more of what you said last night, I did some reading on the subject of 'mental ill-health in humans' it seems a chemical imbalance in the brain can cause a variety of problems in humans, all of which would be terminal in Forell such as myself."
"I'll be honest Kids you've already explained about as much as I know," Becca replied, "I'm not sure I can be much help."
"No, I've spoken with the SMO and I have an understanding of the medical issues, I wanted you to build on idea of Kovac's health being caused by a single event. In what i read it is often a longer term cause."
"Fuck Kids, you're asking big questions here, look Kovac was an orphan and grew up inn the kind of poverty someone like me can't imagine, maybe he was always unhappy and that event tipped him over the edge, I don't know, I met him at the military academy and he was a grim bastard there but he was fucking sunshine compared to now," she sighed, "I don't really get it, if you want to learn more go for it but, in my experience the books don't match up with my own experiences."
"You are familiar with mental-ill-health?" Kizidan asked.
Becca shifted her feet, "i need some protein, let's get to scoff."
10 minutes later Becca was chewing some dried meat and Kizidan started her questioning again, "you implied you had first hand knowledge of mental ill health."
"Well, yeah, I mean the reason I'm a rank below the Major is I spent a year in bed wishing I was dead but too numb to do anything," Becca covered her face with her hands, "I met a guy, my perfect hero, we got pregnant, I nearly carried to term and in the final few weeks I had a problem the baby died and I had a still birth, I nearly died and when I was better my perfect hero was gone, left me to it." Her voice took on a monotone, detached quality, "I took it hard, it brought up a lot of rejection shit from my parents, 'why don't people want me, why do all men hurt me?' you're vulnerable to this stuff when your father is abusive and your mother blames you for it...Well we're down the rabbit hole now, I'd survived the stuff my father did to me, I'd put myself back together and made a life and that life had tried to kill me and I broke, I mean if I could have got out of bed I'd have ended it but even that was too much effort and besides I couldn't imagine putting others to the trouble of cleaning me away, I didn't think people would care but they'd have to dispose of the corpse and I wasn't worth that, eventually I felt a bit better and as days went past I managed to move and then exercise...now, it's still hurts but I'm 5 years healthy and provided I can maintain a healthy diet and exercise I seem to manage good mental health." Becca peeled a banana and broke it into pieces, she carefully spread almond butter onto thin slices of apple and sandwiched the banana between two apple slices, she popped this into her mouth, then started again on another.
"One shrink I saw told me I had ptsd another severe fugue state...something, but the first one diagnoses everyone with ptsd and the other guy is convinced that Kovac has anxiety and I've never seen the Major so much as look concerned let alone get anxious, guy's chill is legendary, personally I think I had severe depression, but I guess I was catatonic so who knows"
"Post Stress disorder, no, traumatic stress post, bloody hell, Post traumatic stress disorder, basically an event happens and you have issues resolving how you feel about it and that means it's hard to recall it without reliving it."
"It's a memory issue?"
"No, not really it's like you don't just remember it, you relive it, with all the terror and fear and the horror of the experience. I know Pants suffered with it, she saw some of her old unit go down in an ambush, she woke up screaming a few times when she first got to us, I know Wolf helped her a lot, I'm not sure how."
"It sounds as though your mental stability is a fragile thing." Kizidan observed.
"Well people are different, some poor bastards are born with problems, some develop issues for one reason or the other, trauma physical or otherwise can cause problems, they don't always cause these problems...Kovac has taken 6 rifle rounds to the chest, his body armour caught most but some got through, he lost a rib as a result, he's died on the table after a haemothorax, that was when he was shot another time. Yet he's still a combat soldier, he's remarkably sanguine about his injuries, we can all break we don't all break the same way or for the same reasons and we don't all mend the same way."
Kizidan gave a trill of disbelief, "You humans have this reputation of invincibility and invulnerability in the galaxy, yet you make yourselves sound so fragile."
"We are fragile, that's the problem we can break, horribly so but we are also durable so we survive the breaking and then, well then we have to learn how to survive with all our damage. That's our real strength, our ability to endure, to just keep going."
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