#also whats funny abt watching it with my brother is that he has no idea abt tuunbaq and watched in increasing increduality at the idea that
hey could you do some headcanons plus a little drabble about being bonten!haitani brothers little sister who's in her 3rd year of high-school??
mayhe she drops by to bonten headquarters sometimes when no one is at home and itd be so funny if she was also a raging feminist and talking back to her brothers (and maybe even the other members) if they make any sketchy comments (probably abt the prostitutes in bonten)
Aw Heck yeah I'll do this!
BUT!!! Please keep in mind that I never really watched tokyo revengers, so please bear with me. Anyways I'll try my best!!!
The feminine Haitani Feminist
Scenario: You are Rika Haitani, the youngest sister of the Haitani, already in your third and hopeflully last year of high-school. Since you know of your two elder brothers daily activities, you visit them at their meeting with Bonten to scold them for not eating with you.
To say that you were angry was an understatement.
You were fuming at the sight of the dusty and dirty apartment you asked your brothers to clean up before leaving for school, but they never listened. Now, as you were heating up the soup you cooked the day prior to eat with your brothers, you called Ran.
"Hello, my sweet sister-" "Do you have any idea how fucking angry I am right now?! I told you guys to clean our home and you and Rindou just up and left!"
"Okay Rika, let's talk about that a little later-" "No, I'm coming over. I know that you two didn't eat shit the moment I left the house."
And after hanging up on him saying something mid-sentence, you turned off the stove and put the soup in metall containers and locking them securely.
It took you a while to get there but you could already make out the many familiar faces of the girls and women working there, and you greeted them all with a smile, but in your head you frowned.
They were doing a dirty job for even dirtier men.
As you knocked on one of the doors you frequented where your brothers were often in meetings, you opened the door after a silent "come in".
And as you were holding the two containers, you saw your two brothers, your frown deepening and Ran giving you uneasy smiles. Rindou frowned right back at you before looking back and forth between you and his older brother. "Rika, what brings you here?", the middle sibling asked dumbfounded, making you look at him.
It seemed like you didn't even aknowledge the other members' existence, because Mikey was looking at the scene unfolding him with a poker face and even though he might have gotten more depressed over the years, he didn't loose his love for drama, even if it was sibling bickering. It was something he couldn't have anymore. So he always watched with slight fondness and longing instead of interfering.
Haruchiyo Sanzu, Mikey's right hand man as he always dreamt, was looking at you with bewilderment, you interrupted his "king", after all. But seeing the man next to him look at you with something like...fondness? on his face, so Sanzu didn't dare to say anything, fearing that he'd get an angry Mikey like the time he beat up and shaved some Mikey-haters' hairs for Mikey's birthday.
"First off, I told you guys to clean up the apartment before I left for school, and second, you BOTH promised me that you'd eat lunch with me, so why didn't you guys hold your promise?!"
Kakucho was also looking at you, but with slight annoyance. 'Why was this little girl here again? And she just has to be the younger sister of the Haitani brothers, of all people'... Still, he was watching his mouth around Mikey.
"We're sorry Rika, we really didn't want to make you feel forgotten, it's just that-" "You guys were so busy talking about 'Bonten stuff' that you even forget to eat? Tell me, when was the last time you two ate something today?", you unterrupted, looking at your two elder brothers expectingly.
While the two brothers were looking in front of them in shame and you sighing in dissapointment while opening the still hot containers, Takeomi Akashi opened his mouth and letting his inferiority complex speak. "Jeez, letting yourself get belittled by your little sister sure is humiliating, huh? Why don't you tell her to shut her trap so that we can keep going with the meeting, Mikey?", his voice asked, smirking at you smugly while he stroked his ugly beard.
But, you were smiling. "Shutting my trap you say? And who are you to tell me that? Huh?", you asked, your voice bittersweet and your smile too forced. Mikey had a ghost of a smile on his lips, making Sanzu flinch and look at you in amazement.
The pink haired man didn't understand what you did to bring a smile to Mikey's lips, but he sure as hell wouldn't omplain about your sudden visits anymore.
Rindou and Ran were fuming in the meantime. "What did you just say?!", Ran asked, already standing up and Rindou was about to put on some gloves when you snickered and took one container.
"I'm just sayin', she just nags you guys around and brings you food, she might as well become a prostitute like the other women here."
Annndddd, that was the last straw.
As you walked over to him with the containers while staring at him menacingly, takeomi felt slight unease. Why was he feeling so nervous? Were you about to give him something to eat? But there is no spoon-
"AARHRGHRGRH SHIT, Fuck, You FUCKING BITCH!", he screamed as you flung the soup at him, giving him second degree burns, but your glare was ice cold.
There was a long moment off silence, when ignoring the tall man's cry of pain. Sanzu and Kakucho were glad they didn't open their mouths, and Kokonoi was looking at you with wonder in his eyes. Takeomi was at least a whole foot taller and at least ten times stronger than you, and still you had the guts to pour soup on him. You were a brave woman.
Mikey giggled and Sanzu wanted to call the ambulance upon hearing his leader laugh like a child. sanzu also might have gotten scared by your actions, unconsciously touching the scars on the corners of his mouth. Ran laughed his ass off and gasped for air while Rindou stared with an open mouth.
Meanwhile, you were putting the now empty container on the table the men were seated around at, and stepped closer to the guy who was now holding his face. "You know, I don't really like it when people talk about women like that. And do you wanna hear the fucking truth? There wouldn't be no prositutes if no man asked for it. And looking at you, talking about how I could become a prostitute -like the other women here- really makes my blood boil, y'know? Also, aren't you embarrassed for telling that a high-schooler? Let alone the younger sister of your collegues?"
Takeomi had trouble identifying you through the thick liquid threatening to also burn his eyes but when he opened on eye, he was met with a scary grimace of yours with your fist right next to it and in the next moment, he was out cold.
You sighed out before looking at Mikey and bowing in apology. "I'm sorry, Sano Manjiro, for my rude behaviour. I will take my leave now." "Stay. I hadn't had that much fun since I could last remember, Haitani. Please, make yourself comfortable."
And at that, you sat yourself down on Takeomi's stool and he got dragged away by some nameless underlings. Your brothers were giving you and their boss uneasy glances, not sure whether they should do or say something too. The other three conscious men, Kakucho, Kokonoi and Sanzu, were holding respective space from you, also swearing to not step too close to the women working in this facility.
"I'm craving Taiyaki...can someone order food?", Mikey chirped, making you giggle while you took out your phone. "Sure thing! And you two will eat too!", making your elder brothers nod eagerly.
Ran and Rindou didn't know that you could knock somebody like Takeomi out with a single punch, let alone fight.
They'd have to convince whoever was responsible for hiring women for their sinful needs should have a talk with them.
HEY HEY HEY!!! I hope that was what you were looking for... I tried to make the characters fit their personalities as well but also not too long, because then it'd would have to be a longer story, and yeah. I also wanted Mikey to have a laugh in a while, poor baby. It was actually fun looking up the Bonten characters to be honest!
I hope I'll get more requests like these!
Read you in the next post!!!
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newtdrawz · 1 year
Outsider HC's but they're mainly about Ponyboy,, cuz he is my fav,,
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Most of these are just Pony interacting with the gang and his brothers 😭 are they gonna be OOC? Probably. Do I care? No. Am I right abt all of these? Yes. (No.)
ALSO alot of them are post-main story/mention Dally and Johnny's death a lot cuz I am unable to let my favs be happy 🫶 (! None of these are ships btw,, they're all platonic and stuff lol)
Ponyboy & Johnny
Johnny and Pony regularly have conversations quietly around the gang, most of the time they have a whole conversation with just a couple looks and jerks of their head. They both seem to get what they're saying while the rest of the gang is completely lost on what they're saying/talking about.
Pony is the only one who calls Johnny, J as a nickname.
"We're not scared because monsters don't live here." Was a sentence said many, many time in the abandoned church.
Pony and Johnny can lie pretty well, but when they have to lie together they suck.
Ponyboy & Dally (ft. Johnny)
After Johnny and Dally died Pony stopped drawing and reading or writing for awhile. He picked it up again and his sketchbook is full of doodles and sketches of Johnny and Dally.
Dally has a soft spot for only Johnny and Pony. It takes a lot for him to get soft with the rest of the gang. He's still mean and tough but more just teasing with Johnny and Pony.
Before the fire Pony would read out loud all the time while Johnny would just sit and listen, sometimes Dally would listen too but interrupt with questions and criticizing the characters. Now that they're both gone, Pony will sometimes read out loud on his own, pretending that both Johnny and Dally are there listening.
Dally is very supportive of Ponys hobby in art. He's usually the one who catches him sketching or painting and just watches until Pony is either finished or notices he's being watched. Dally always nods in greeting and says "keep it up, kid." Or "nice job, kid." But Dally will brag to his other buddies that aren't the gang about how talented the kid is. ("Nah man, the kid draws from memory. He drew this one picture of his big brother, yeah the big big one, looked exactly like him. Like a photograph almost. Kids real talented.")
Ponyboy & Steve
Steve says he can't stand Pony and is mean to him, but Steve is very high on the list of people who care about Pony. He's the most frantic (mostly angry) one next to Soda when Pony got jumped. He secretly cares about him a whole lot, like he's his own brother.
Steve will give Pony rides to places or offer rides time to time. (He only does it if Pony's gone awhile without annoying him lol)
Steve (and Soda, but surprisingly it was Steve's idea) took Pony to his first drag race. He definitely should have not been there.
Ponyboy & Two-bit
Two-bit and Steve started sitting in and listening to Pony read, they're not Johnny and Dally but Pony appreciates it nonetheless.
Two-bit was actually so obsessed with toddler Ponyboy, he always insisted on bringing him with the gang and letting him in on games, he always wanted a little brother. He loved how easy Pony was to entertain and make laugh.
Two-bit was the only one who didn't think twice about Pony and Soda's names.
Two-bit sometimes steals art supplies for Pony.
Ponyboy & Sodapop
When Pony would visit the DX Soda would walk him through fixing a car and even let him help out on small stuff. Even Steve would help too.
He'll leave notes everywhere for Pony and Darry and sometimes the gang. They're either dumb jokes or funny little drawings.
Soda gets very excited when Pony asks him anything abt cars, he'll talk for hours abt them.
Soda was so obsessed with Pony when he was born, all he wanted to do was hold him and hang out with him. He would brag to Darry that he's not the only big brother now lol.
Ponyboy & Darry (I'm so obsessed with their dynamic & their growth)
"Dang it Ponyboy you're giving me gray hairs at 20!" Is a regular sentence said at the Curtis residence.
Darry always tells the other guys to be careful with Pony when they're rough housing. Pony thinks it's cuz he doesn't want them to break anything in the house, Darry just doesn't want Pony to get hurt.
Toddler Pony would follow Darry and Soda/the gang everywhere but mainly Darry. If Darry was doing homework in his room then boom Pony would be in there quietly playing or sleeping on Darry's bed.
Darry regularly cuts Soda, Pony and his own hair. They don't have the privilege of going somewhere to do it so Darry just does it and he does surprisingly well. It's a whole day activity.
The night after Dally and Johnny died Pony had trouble sleeping, even though soda was there. The first person he went to for comfort was Darry. Darry was in the kitchen cleaning, trying to distract himself when Pony walked in. Darry held him in his arms the rest of the night.
On the first father's day without their parents Pony makes a card with a drawing of him and Darry on it and leaves it on the kitchen table for him because he's embarrassed. Darry keeps it forever. (He did get very emotional over it but not infront of anybody. When he got home he hugged Pony, smiled and walked away. Those actions spoke a thousand words between the two and Pony knew he said thanks.)
That's all 🥹 (for now 😦)
I will be doing more of these 🙏 I wanna try to do individual characters cuz ik some here didn't have a lot as well as ALL of these being pony centric and I love them all lol
OH ALSO feel free to add on to these (or ask me about them) or add your own HC's cuz I love outsider headcanons ❤️
Also can you tell I love when Dally and Steve are nice to pony lol? Love it. Love the idea that Steve actually cares abt him and shows it sometimes or Dally caring just as much abt him. THEY ARE ALL A HUGE FAMILY YOUR HONOR 🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️ I'm also so obsessed with Darry and Pony,,, they are so,,, complicated sibling relationships get me everytime
Are some of these good? Probably not. Do they make sense timeline and story wise? No and idc. Am I so normal about them? Yes. Most of these are based of fanfic versions of them anyways so yeah
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dgaftilwedie · 10 months
OKAY SO??? THE FACT THAT THEY LITERALLY SET UP THE FIRST EPISODE LIKE IT WAS GONNA BE JUST LIKE THE COMICS N THEN SCOTT "DIED"????? literally had me questioning fucking EVERYTHING i was watching that episode with the most quizzical look on my face?? also the fucking funeral scene was hysterical bc the way rammy n knives were abt to have a verbal face-off n envy's bitchass shows up n steals the whole show?? i have such a love-hate relationship with her.............
also lucas lee is fucking adorable and i love him :33 rammy becoming friends with roxie n making up with her after everything was something i really needed to see. cuz like for as much as i loved the movie n the comics, i feel like they could've done their relationship so much better. like seeing ramona take responsibility for hurting roxie made me so happy and im so glad they got a redemption arc.
ROXIE IS LITERALLY ME BTW??? her whole interaction with ramona n kim at the end kf the episodr was so silly N THE LEG LOCK HELLO????? also the way she walked off singing the HAMSTER DANXE SONG I LOCE HER
the toddlace thing was also so unexpected but holy shit?? i loved it. bi todd has been my fav headcanon for YEARSSSS and seeing jt happen right in front of my eyes?? WATCHING THAT EPISODE WAS SUCH A TRIP THO I CAN'T STOP QUOTING WALLACE'S "LINES? TRAILER?" BITS BC THEY'RE SO FUNNY
uhmmmmm what elseeeee OH YEAH young neil is a fucking goof n i love him, i really like that gideon (gordon ig 🙄) became like this not evil guy who just lived with julie n kicked it with lucas. the old scott stuff kinds fricked with me but i think it's cool that he became chill with the twins
LMFAOAO THAT SCENE AT THE END WHERE SCOTT'S TRTING TK FIGJRE OIT WHY HE CAN'T KISS RAMONA N HE TRIES TO FIGHT THE TWINS AND THEY'RE LIKE "our robot says we become bros in the future, so we have no intention of fighting you. see ya bro ;)" WAS SO SILLY
obligatory matt mention i love him he's so dumb i love that he took over gideon's entire empire only to turn around and change his mind :3 glad he got his broadway moment....... silly pirate headass
knives n stephen becoming the best brother/sister duo ever was so dope bc like. knives had someone to look up to n make music with n they had a lot of chemistry both personality wise n musically wise
my only critique is that i wanted more lisa ;^; i know she probably would've been out of place but it would've been cool if kim mentioned her to ramona and ramona interviewed her just like she did with her exes yknow :P she was one of my fav characters in the comics n she wasn't in the movie AT ALL so i was hoping she would've appeared in the anime, but alas 😞😞 i also kinda wanted to see where kim's love life went...... i know she's not the focus but she had undeniable chemistry with knives and that moment with roxie... i love that she's totally very queer and open to the idea of experimenting with girls n i wish that would've been expanded upon like how todd n wallace had their moment :33
other than that, i LOVED the anime. i love how we got baited into thinking it was just like the comics and i love what was done with it :3 it was such a goofy show and a lot of it was so jaw-droppingly surprising that i couldn't believe it, but it also had some really sweet, serious, n heart-warming moments which is something i really appreciate in a show :33 it's hard to keep watching something for so long but i binged the show in one day xD i'd give it a solid 9/10 (deducting points just for the sake of what i think was missing and how i don't recommend it for like "beginner" fans)
oki rant concluded!!!!!!! ^___^ there's so much more i wanna say but this is already sooooooo long as it is xD
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Okay so i have NEVER (and i mean NEVER) watched TUA, but my wonderful and amazing friend @aroacebooknerd is a huge fan and quite genuinely 99.9% of what they’ve posted recently has been reblogs of people who are angry about the S4 ending and the character assassination of Five
so here’s basically what I know about season four (and TUA in general):
TUA fans: Oh boy! I can’t wait for the season 4 finale, we’re finally gonna get closure! I’m hoping all the characters will finally be happy and something with marigolds will happen! TUA director (i think): uhm actually no we’re going to give this practically cannon aroace character a love interest and make him a homewrecker! That’s what you guys wanted right? TUA fans: *unintelligible screeching and angry noises*
So heres what i know:
Marigolds?? Those are important for the ending for some reason
a man named Klaus who sets off my gaydar and smth abt him being a stripper? (He’s like my queen Dan wildes, pop off king)
Five (I I still don’t know why he’s named after a number?) is somehow like 75 but also 18
This woman named..uh I forget, but her actors name is Rita I think and apparently she’s like 34 and agreed to cheat on her loving husband (who’s five’s brother) with five. this is so potent with the stench of pedophilia. this is so not okay. you can’t just be like “oh but he’s 18 so he’s legal so it’s okay!” Like NO SIR THATS NOT OKAY
apparently they waited for fives actor to be like 18 before they forced him to kiss Rita or wtv??? like…that is illegal sir? or if it’s not it should be?? Wtf??
I saw a picture of the kiss that happened between them and I started genuinely BURSTING OUT LAUGHING. and not in the “haha that’s hilarious!” Way but in the “HAHA OMFG THIS IS SO NOT FUNNY AND STUPID” way. Like. that kiss looked so uncomfortable. you can TELL that five’s actor is uncomfortable. wtf guys.
the trans guys voice got deeper!! that’s so good for him!! we love seeing representation of trans people and their journeys through transitioning (or not if they don’t choose to, but the emotional journey they partake in)!!
we’re sad abt a woman named Sloan for some reason
S1 Allison and Luther (I have no idea who they are) was uncomfortable
one of the main guys has like a kill count of the entire population of the fucking planet. Apparently his powers are like..out of control and he killed everyone?? …how….i have so many questions and i know that none will be answered
theres like five main characters and they are all apparently siblings. So i guess SOMEONE was getting dicked down good
theres a guy that’s a ghost..i think his power was like Painful As Fuck™️
I think there was a kraken involved at some point?
It’s giving found-family aftg vibes but also not ( nothing could ever compare to my beloved aftg)
i tHink they’re all like assassins?
There’s something about their being normal versions of them, and then Sparrow versions on them? What?
something about a mannequin and how Five really likes said mannequin
fives character was assassinated bc he would always choose his family over himself and that’s not what he did in the finale
they all end up dying in the end, no closure is given, everyone is angry, Obama has packed up his stuff and is NOT there
Yea, thats pretty much all I know
Which is..not much
I am still VERY confused the more i look at this list
Feel free to reblog this or whatever to just rage about the season 4 finale bc from what I understand it was SHIT
I was considering watching the show before but like..do i even want to at this point?
I don’t wanna fall in love with the show knowing that THIS SHIT is gonna happen
I deeply empathize with all the TUA fans. I feel so bad for y’all 😭
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 8 months
Link Click Musical content 120
(it's been a busy time, so let's do a summary)
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Because of Chinese New Year holidays, the musical is currently on a break 🐲🌟 There were just a few last performances and now they're resting 🙏 However, some extra content came out, so let's go through it (all video links in replies as always :*)!
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LC Musical got media coverage on CCTV (Chinese Central Television - main national tv station in China). It was a short material promoting the play and the theatre, you can actually watch it on Encore Musicals' weibo and bilibili. The stageplay has gained popularity since the premiere and more people are visiting Shanghai to see it. So this news piece is basically a big shout out and a recommendation 🌟
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Another video on Encore Musicals bilibili (and 1st pic at the top of my post) is from when the whole musical crew was drawing red envelopes 🧧 (I didn't know this tradition, so I added the wiki for you too^). Basically Zhang Jiahao and Wang Minhui drew the best gifts and were happy about it ^^
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I already posted abt Wang Minhui's vlog with rehearsal scenes, but thanks to @chocolatexiaoshi 💝 explanations and translations from @/Elaraqwq and @/bhd322418 on twt 💙, I can tell you about some fun details about it ^^
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⬆ So yea, here Cai Qi really says: "Coincidentally, I'm single too. If you want, I'll be your first boyfriend."
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⬆ here Cai Qi starts singing CXS's main plot song "Words can't convey the love", then it cuts to Wang Minhui singing the rest (best thing is, we'll get to see that song performed by Shu Rongbo and Wu Yihan on Feb 10th livestream).
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⬆ then he talks about the books they have in sunroom shelves. He points out how the books are all about how to become wealthy and sucessful, with titles like: 'It's performance that counts', 'Project Management Practices', 'Conscientiousness trumps competence', 'Corporate Strategy and Risk Management'. Like, the book he's holding in 2nd pic is written by Jack Ma Jun, 4th wealthiest person in China, you get the vibe... It's such a funny touch and shows attention to details by the crew designing the set ❤ I love the idea of our broke indebted boys having a library of economy coaching books ><'
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⬆ (okay... okay, you got this Niebo) Then this part. Wang Minhui is singing a song from another musical (白夜追凶 roughly translated as 'Chasing the murderers day and night') in which they played as twins. Minhui played the older brother who was an experienced policeman.
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In order to solve the case, Minhui's character tried to rewrite the psychology of the perpetrator, that's what this song is about. Like he was just imagining the interrogation. So Cai Qi is reenacting what Minhui is singing. It is not the actual choreography to that song 💀
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Okay, that's all I had to share about the vlog, thank you Mr Wang Minhui 🧎‍♂️
From minor news, Encore Musicals announced they'll be auditioning for LC Musical cast. It's probably connected to how it's a long-term stage and they'll need more actors. According to choco-xiaoshi, musicals like this can go on for a year or longer, depending on how well the tickets sell. And for now LC stage is selling well 🌟
They also posted the performace schedule for March, with special events marked. And yes, Shu Rongbo and Wu Yihan have birthdays on the same day, March 10th and will be performing then 😌
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Also Liao Jingyuan and Cai Lu posted these pictures:
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To finish this post off, have this Rock, Paper, Scissors sequence between Bai Zhuoming and Wu Yihan. It's not recent, but I like it and wanted to post all the pics together but always reached photo limit before I could ><
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it's missing Wu Yihan hours fr
Okie, hope you had fun ^^ remember to make use of a masterlist~
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robby-bobby-tommy · 1 year
As it is obvious from my blog, I adore TFP. It is the first Transformers show I've watched (I remember watching tf content before, yet i can't remember which it was). Yet as always, I have some criticism even to my most beloved things and now I want to talk about one of these. And the name to him is Dreadwing.
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Dreadwing is particularly interesting cuz he seems like one sane person in the whole Nemesis, who is undeniably loyal to the cause. Something that even Megatron isn't anymore. Dreadwing is a great example of what the decepticon should be. Fierce, strong, yet smart, noble, loyal and respectful to his own team. And this is an interesting since we've never seen this before, cuz everyone else on Nemesis strayed from this path and just using this cause as a way of manipulation. And still Dreadwing was most loyal to Megatron, with the only thing standing between him and total obedience is his love for his late brother (Skyquake, hun, sorry, but I literally forgot abt you the moment you died).
And this is a great start, but all this potential was, at least for me, wasted.
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Firstly. His position which he came in the show. He was presented to us as a) a threat; b) Wheeljack's enemy/rival. And that's when my first problem starts here. Let's look at the statistics.
Optimus prime — Megatron
Ratchet — KO (or Shockwave)
Bumblebee — KO
Bulkhead — Breakdown
Arcee — Arachnid
Smokescreen — KO (why does he have a beef with every child in the group?)
Ultra Magnus — Predaking
And then Wheeljack is like — ?????
And yeah, I am upset abt lack of Wheeljack in TFP, but it's relevant to my Dreadwing rant, since all the others I've mentioned has met at least once/twice and had some resolution to their rivalry (even though not the good one), but cowboy loose cannon and a flying samurai never even mention each other after their episode. It is cuz Wheeljack really likes to disappear from the plot for Primus knows how long, while this Seeker stays through all the season 2 until my greatest disappointment came.
Secondly, Dreadwing's death is the dumbest scrap I've seen and looks like a very rude way to get rid of character. I still have no idea of why Megan chose Starscream over someone who's loyal to you to the point of disobeying to save ur tailpipe! And don't start the 'but DW disobeyed him', WING BOY WAS PROMOTED FOR IT.
Furthermore, from the moment I saw him even if I thought DW was to die, I considered it would happen in a battle with Wheeljack. It would be so interesting to see a death match between two guys, madly loyal to their friends/family/team. But nahh, Jackie never tries to go after winged edgelord ever again and never even ask if he's up to rematch.
(Also, funny how Dreadwing is so mad at SS for bringing Skyquake back to life as a zombie, but not at Bee and OP for literally killing him..... Priorities, huh.. Just another scrap u to Starscream for no reason.)
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amazingmsme · 9 months
imagine if you will:
The younger lib have always made fun of their oldest brother, wiggly, for advertising himself as a 'tickling doll'. But now there are dolls of ALL the lib, meaning their likely to all get some tickles on their belly-wells too (thanks to the brand Wiggly's unintentionally given them)
Each brother has a different reaction to the new sensations: Pokey starts sputtering, trying his damndest to keep in any embarassing sounds attempting to belt out of his mouth. Blinky looks around for who could be tickliing him, but when he sees nobody, he realizes some human's playing with him. Tinky IMMEDIATELY bursting out into goofy giggles, visibly confused on whats happening to him, but also kiiinda just letting it happen. And lil baby bro Nibbly, puts his hands over his face to cover the giant dopey smile starting to form.
So heres the fun bit, ALL the younger lords are giggling like crazy and saying they regret following Wiggly's 'doll idea', and Wiggly is just watching with pure enjoymwnt, teasing them all to his cold green hearts content.
Until he feels that familiar touch once again.
Now all 5 brothers are losing their shit, laughing at not only the tickly sensations, but also at each other; mocking each others laughs, teasing abt tickle spots, funny reactions, the whole shabang.
Now its practically a 'family tradition' that whenever one of them starts giggling uncontrollably (from specifically their corresponding doll) the whole gang gets to tease him about it.
(And bonus points if Webby gets to tease her silly ticklish brothers while she's completely untouched)
Seriously all the other libs mock Wiggly SOOOO much for the Tickle Me Wiggly & he is just so fed up about it! Just keeps insisting he was following a strict business model that Uncle Wiley aka Wilbur Cross assured him would work. Cute fluffy doll that’s squishable & fun for kids! The only other doll he could think of that caused riots was tickle me elmo & Wiggly was being a bit of a bitch so Wilbur was like “I have the PERFECT doll for you my fluffy friend!” & basically convinced him. So to his credit, he didn’t come up with the idea on his own but like hell the other lords believe him😂 he gets so huffy trying to convince them it wasn’t his idea & it’s like “the lady doth protest too much”
He’s so done with their teasing & he offers to help them all get their own physical vessels so they can invade earth together & they’re like ok, surely this won’t backfire
Cut to Wiggly grabbing Wiley by the collar of his jean jacket shaking him & demanding he help him get payback on his brothers. He agrees of course, but he would’ve anyway even without the manhandling. Geez Wiggly calm tf down!
But he shows them their dolls & they’re all pretty happy with how they look. Tinky & Nibbly want to keep one for themselves because they’re honestly proud of how cute they are! But for the most part they’re all oblivious to his ulterior motives of revenge
Uncle Wiley Toys™ markets all the dolls as Tickle Me Wiggly’s brothers from Drowsy Town, & they’re just as cuddly & ticklish as their bro! & they have their own voice boxes with their own laughs & lil quips to encourage kids to poke & squeeze their tums
Your description of their reactions are so spot on!! Pokey tries so hard to keep his laughter in because he likes to come off as serious & all high & mighty & someone as great of an actor as he is should be able to hold in his laughter!
& I LOVE how Blinky is looking all around for the culprit & being so confused how they could hide from him but then he gets tickled & it feels like they should be right in front of him! So he closes his eye(s?) & is able to look through the dolls & manages to pinpoint which one it is & see what tf is going on. & he sees this lil girl cradling the doll & tickling it & yeah it tickles like hell & is embarrassing but the sight is so sweet an endearing that he can’t help but watch
Tinky has to try to hide how much fun he’s actually having but all his bros can see right through it. Any time he can feel the ghostly tingles spreading across his body he falls to his knees in a fit of giggles! Just rolls around on the ground cackling at the top of his lungs! He kicks the air & smacks a hand in the floor but he does nothing to even try to lessen the feeling. Shameless lee right here
Nibbly has more fun with it than he’s willing to admit. He’s very giggly & knows he’s smiling like a fucking idiot so he’s biting his lip & burying his face in his hands while snickering & giggling up a storm! He blushes as pink as his hair, which he uses to wrap around his face to hide further. & because he’s got such a big mouth he obviously has a loud laugh!
& Webby is so smug & teasy about it & even gets her own dolls to tease her bros whenever she’s not around to do it in person
The lib are honestly such cute silly lees & after they’ve got a taste of what Wiggly’s been putting up with, they start to back off on the teasing, but only because he’s been teasing them back now that they have their own dolls. I’m just so obsessed with this idea & I need everyone to look at it
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jessidogg · 2 months
Hey, how are you doing? I hope you enjoy camp so far!
Im curious, if you know TTBO and TrollsTopia series,
Then, what’s your opinion on those series?
Which series do you like best and why?
How do you feel about the episode Creek Week, that Creek comes out of nowhere and suddenly was forgiven like nothing happened, just because he said “sorry”?
(I’m pretty sure it’s not actually an apology, he just want to be back in Pop Village, like really?)
If there’s going to have 3rd series after TBT, whay do you think what would happen? I hope Broppy in next series!
(If you never watched those series, my apologies 😅)
If there’s going to have next Trolls Holiday Mini Movie like other two, what do you think it will be about with Poppy, Branch, their siblings and everyone? What it would be about?
I would think Branch would have hard time finding the perfect gifts for his brothers but he didn’t realize that he was the perfect best gift they even asked even if they may have abandoned him and hurt him years ago, they love him since the day he hatched.
If there’s going to have Trolls 4, what do you think will going to be about? What about Viva and Poppy’s mother?
Thank you! Camp has been great, and I have been doing well, thanks so much for checking in💕
I actually have watched the series!
I like TTBGO the best bc it includes Branch way more and actually embraces his personality more, where in Trollstopia he was barely in it and was way more cheerful in it, which is fine BUT I NEED MY SARCASTIC BOIII the animation is also weird in Trollstopia, and HOW IS THERE MORE BROPPY IN TTBGO THAN IN TROLLSTOPIA WHEN THEY ARE ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO BE DATING???? So yah, those are my reasons❤
Creek Week is actually one of my favorite shows on the series. The way they forgive him is actually a great example (I hate to say that-) and the drama between him and Branch is rlly what I wanted when the series came out, it's wonderful. It also expands on how much Branch rlly does care for his friends and how sweet he is IT'S SO CUTEEEE. The way Creek pops out of nowhere is insane, but it's so trolls, and it's actually pretty funny. Not sure if it's an actual apology or not, but I don't get upset over it bc the series is good at showing that Branch had def taken the place of Creek in the trolls' lives.
Idk abt a new series! That would be soooo cool! I heard So glad Aaron doesn't support Broppy somehow, so Broppy may not happen, but who knows? I really hope it happens tho!
A new holiday short might be all of them trying to make their first holiday together be perfect or something like that. I'm sure Broppy will be in it, but I feel it will mainly be centered around family especially, which I do love also. Your idea is awesome!
Opf, a fourth movie is also almost impossible to guess. It's been said they have so many ideas already, so who knows? It would be cool if they mentioned her mom, but I doubt it would be one of the main plots after having so much family in the third one.
Omigosh, good questions, I loved them! Have a great rest of your day! You're amazing!! Hearts!❤
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steveharrington · 2 years
have you ever like. ranked the general ST cast on how well you think they'd do in a reality competition show (either being in competition with other ST characters or as the sole competitor from that group). bc like the only show i watch in that kind of category is drag race but the whole, like, realm of it fascinates me immensely and it's melting with my ST hyperfocus in my brain (also not 2 be biased but i feel like steve could win any reality competition show like even drag race or at Least be mr fan favorite. i know it in my heart actually)
anon ..... you have no idea the gift youve given me by asking this question. this is all i have ever wanted to post about for the past several months. lets get into it here is the official How Well They Would Do On Reality TV Ranking (with additional commentary abt which shows they would excel at and who they are similar to)
steve <3 listen this is NOT just me being biased i genuinely think steve has the perfect skill sets for several reality competition series. most of these games require a combination of social prowess and athleticism, both of which steve has! i think he would slay mtv's the challenge like (crediting em here) his feeder show would've been a love island/party down south/are you the one type series where he was just pretty and flirty and got drunk all the time but then he comes onto the challenge and just Crushes it because he's got the balance of good natured and bitchy that people enjoy and find entertaining + he's got endurance for DAYS and he would think of strategies for challenges that no one else would typically see a la jordan wiseley winning a tug of war just by pretending to almost fall and then letting go of the rope. i also think steve would be good at shows like big brother and the amazing race, and he'd be a fan favorite because he'd give good DRs <3
lucas! for a lot of the same reasons as steve, and i also think lucas would be one of those players who's very loyal to their alliance and absolutely refuses to back-stab which could cost him a win for a few seasons until having one glory lap where he just crushes it competition-wise and his past record of being a good teammate helps him avoid eliminations. sorry im like only thinking abt this in terms of the challenge. i also think lucas would be really good at the amazing race! i think on both shows whenever he gets to do a stunt like sky dive or bungee jump or whatever hes always like :D because hes just happy to be there. he'd be on the level of leroy garrett or sarah rice
nancy and im shocking myself a bit by putting her this high up but think about it. nancy would do what needs to be done. she would betray her alliances to get herself ahead in the game, but she'd be careful and do it sparingly only when the time is Exactly right. i think she'd be the real leader of an alliance, but she also knows that being a leader = having a target on your back, so she lets someone else on the team be like the Speaker while she does the strategizing. and then when the time is right, she's ruthless about throwing someone in. big brother would be nancy's game to win, and she'd be like a less unhinged vanessa russo or a slightly more unhinged nicole franzel
argyle would do very well i think just solely based on his social game. people would keep him around specifically because he's funny and brings enjoyment to the filming schedule kinda like my baby kyle christie from the challenge. i think argyle's best shot would be big brother for sure, and even if he didn't win (i dont really foresee him being the best at comps, esp season memory bc his ass would not study) he would be america's favorite player for sure
max would be good at the challenge because i think max would be good At Challenges, however i do fear that she would struggle with the political game. this kinda eliminates her from big brother, where you Have to be fake, but on the challenge she could've thrived during the 2013-2017 seasons like dirty thirty, vendettas, etc where you were allowed to openly hate people and pray on their downfall. not that max would have beef with everyone, bc i do think she'd be generally well liked, but there's always some evil male on every season that she would simply Hate and potentially destroy her own game in the pursuit of getting him out. but even then, she might count that as a win <3 she'd go down in the hall of fame of famous reality tv girlies who hate their male partners like amanda garcia and ashley mitchell
robin.....alright listen. robin would get paranoid on big brother and she would be considered a layup on the challenge (sob) because she's not very coordinated and she'd get frazzled under timed pressure. BUT hear me out if robin had a partner who encouraged her and motivated her, i think she could really start to slay. she would be very clever when it comes to subtle game moves, i think, like she would be good at picking who to put in a tribunal with her based on the social standings of the game. i think she could have a really good season under the right circumstances and shock everyone like big t on the challenge double agents. and she'd be good at one or two very random very specific challenges that require some super obscure skill
dustin would do alright for himself on big brother because he would nail a lot of the puzzle/memory comps and play that lovable nerd role. howeverrrr i think dustin would be a bit...naive :( i think he wouldn’t foresee his alliance members betraying him and he would take it Very hard and play with his emotions most of the time. he would probably get backdoored on big brother despite having a really good comp win record just from being a genius like michael bruner or ian terry
now we're getting into ppl who i don't think would slay unfortunately.......el :( she is too trusting im so sorry like everyone would LOVE her but she would volunteer to go up as a pawn in big brother and her alliance would be like “okay better her than me!” and she’d get eliminated :( but she would give such good DRs and get a huge fan fav edit
will.....idk man will would not want to be on reality tv idk how he'd find himself in this situation to be honest.....he'd be well-liked but he'd be a floater 110% because he doesn't really care about the urgency of starting a good political game early on. his main goal would just be to fly under the radar, and that only works for so long
mike would be a huge bitch to people and they would target his ass so quickly im SORRY but its true. like at least mike would try, and i think he'd pull off one great tv moment by doing something unprecedented and unhinged like targeting the biggest player week 1, but his timing would be off and it would backfire so immensely. also he would get medically dq'd from the challenge im so sorry. he'd do a pole wrestle or balls in against someone bigger and just disintegrate
eddie would be too weird and off-putting. sorry. eddie would roll up at the big brother house and be like Im Here To Send A Message That Reality TV Is Vapid And Our Culture Is Crumbling From A Lack Of Real Art and people would be like boooooooooo and vote him in. he'd also refuse to work with physical threats because he'd be like tch meathead jock idiots >:( and then they'd fold him in half during a hall brawl IM SORRY ITS THE TRUTH
jonathan would not go on a reality show. he would be like cody nickson in the sense that he'd hate being there, he'd hate everyone in the house, and he would refuse to be animated and exagerrated in the DR like production would tell him to. i do think this could make him a sleeper hit among viewers because people kinda like when someone is visibly Over the game and doesn't hide that, but yeah he would not make it far. he would probably quit.
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vivaladicamillo · 1 year
I saw your posts asking for ideas and I was thinking what If you wrote something about you being Bams younger sister and filing cky coz April doesn’t want you to get hurt and you have like secret relationship with Dico or Ryan
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thank u so much for the suggestion!!! im gonna do it for dico this time bc one, theres no fanfics of this silly dude and two, i havent written abt dico in SOOOO long. this ones for the dico lovers out there love yall, a dying breed🫡
WARNINGS: dangerous stuff, fluff, bran being bran yk
being bams younger sister has its ups and downs
bam as a brother is A NIGHTMARE
hes just such a dick
making fun of u, annoying u and being the “younger brother” type character bc hes just like that
u were 2 years older than him
so when u started kinda liking his life long friend, “dico”
it was kinda awkward bc u yk, hes ur brothers best friend
one night, u were just chilling at the house alone
ape and phil went out, bam was probably out skating somewhere and jess had band practice so having a empty house all to urself?? hell yea!
as u sit on ur couch, just watching some stupid ass movie thats on someone knocks at ur door
when u answer it, its Brandon dicamillo himself (dico)
“hey, uh is bam around?” he asks looking kinda nervous
“nah, i thought he was put filming with u, but its 9:00 he should be back soon.”
“ah ok, ill just wait in my car till he gets here then, thanks.” he smiles at u
“come on bran dont be a stranger! i’m m just watching a movie just wait inside till he gets back.”
you held the door open for him and he walks in and plops down on ur couch
in your spot.
“asshole what the fuck thats my spot”
“didnt see ur name on it.” he says smirking “also what kinda horse shit are u watching? let me show u some real funny shit.”
dico then proceeds to put on an old western movie
“what the fuck dicamillo??”
“what??! this shit is so funny watch this.” he says pointing to the tv as some guy dressed as a cowboy gets shot on screen
the acting was terrible yes, but the way dico was hysterical laughing at it kinda made u smile
his laugh, his interests, just his goofy personality made ur heart flutter
u didn’t realize that u had been staring into this mans whole soul for ten mins until he turns to u and smiles
“may i help u?” he says kinda chuckling
“oh, uh sorry..” u say blushing and kinda turning away
the silence that took place after could have killed u right then and there
until he turns to u
“hey uh.. ive been actually meaning to talk to u about something…” he says, that nervousness kinda coming back from before
u nod ur head as he starts to confess to u
“listen, i know ur my best friends older sister and this is kinda weird but… ever since i met u, i thought u were so cool! i wouldnt have expected u to like masters of the universe and filming bits as much as do…”
“yea, i can see how u couldnt have seen that coming bc of my brothers”
“yea, but anyways, ive always kinda…been into u, im super sorry if this is weird i didnt mean to make it like that i just think..”
u smile, did fucking brandon dicamillo just confess his love for u ??
he turns to u
“i feel the same way, ive always had i just didnt wanna make things awkward if u didnt.” u smiled at him and scooted closer to him on the couch
“really?!?” he said in shock
“mhm, i like you… like A LOT”
u move in closer and you two end up making out on ur couch
after that day u both agreed to date without anyone knowing
yea it was suspicious when u two wouldnt be able to film or hang out at the same time on the same day but the guys kinda brushed it off
u two went of secret little dates
dico would surprise u ALL the time with cute date spots
random cat cafes, parks, family ran restaurants, he just found little cute places in westchester to take u to, and u LOVED IT
when bam realized u obviously were seeing someone bc u were WAYYY to happy, u decided to snoop
going through u room he ended up finding one of dicos shirts hidden under ur bed
thats when bam decides to confront u about it……
might make some type of part two to this but it depends if yall want it or not, hope u enjoyed! also please keep sending in requests i love them sm !! yall are so creative i love it sm
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detectivebambam · 6 months
I'm bored and I wanted to bother u so here I am again
💙 do you have any siblings?
🚗 can you drive?
✈️ favorite place you’ve traveled?
🎤 have you been to a concert
💜 describe yourself in five words or less!
🌚 a show you’d tell people to stay away from
🌝 a show you would recommend to anyone
❄️ full fics, imagines or head canons (abt Aaron minyard because I'm that same anon that decided to bother u abt Aaron because I love him too much. Hmm shall I bother u abt him again in the future?? Also I js wanna hear some of ur imagines abt him or more hcs if u have any, orrrr hcs or imagines with twinyards bonding because I love tragic and angsty siblings)
🍀 what is your comfort show/series and why is it your comfort show? How has it helped you?
🪻what is the toughest thing you had to go through, but can say you’ve successfully overcome?
oh hells yes
I have an older brother (Bam Bam 😋)
Probably Alaska 💕
I have been to a Twenty One Pilots concert and it was AMAZING
loyal, stubborn, maternal
Dahmer. absolutely insensitive
Schitt's Creek oml it's so funny
Heyy welcome back!!!!
Aaron definitely has chronic nosebleeds from his history with drugs
The twins have no idea where to start with each other. They're both distant in their own ways, Aaron particularly doesn't want to know about the specifics of Andrew's trauma, and Andrew won't let Aaron talk about his mom. (Andrew was far too young for Aaron to be able to listen without crying - he hates crying, and Andrew doesn't want to hear anything good about that woman)
i can't think of anything else rn 😔 but pls come back i will always talk about your boy with you
comfort (?) show is Dance Moms, because
it was my best friend's favorite show and it helps me feel close to her (she passed away in 6th grade)
Abby reminds me of my coach so it's kind of fun to watch and be like "oh hey I've been there"
toughest thing I've gone through is losing my best friend in 6th grade, overcoming that and trusting it not to happen again, and then losing my little sister in '22. there are days where it's extremely hard, and a part of me is always going to blame myself for what happened to them, but I pray to them often and I'm working to learn how to bond with people again.
sory for the trauma dump lol but technically you asked for it
btw i loveeeee being bothered so pls ask me stuff ‼️
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reading log #5 starting w nonspoiler talk
Cell of Empireo [ endings ]
i liked the writing a lot!!!!! every character was super interesting
haruki (atou) , shinano n reiji (isoi) have a funnie group dynamic but haruki's interactions w everyone else are also great. my fav character outside the trio is aiba rn
the monsters themselves didn't really scare me that much personally (other than pochi?) but the horror aspect was still really strong n it put me on edge
for people who like character driven reading-heavy horror stories w religious themes i def recommend trying/watching this game, maybe it can help you with learning japanese too lol
a lot of coe fans are finding me on twitter now smile ^_^
/// spoilers for coe start from this point on——————————
arrival point s
god when i saw the arrival point s ending were reiji dies i thought it was the true end n i got sofucking distraught you have no idea. thank god for the actual happy ending it was so cute. it really hit me when haruki said he knew shinano for less then a week it's straight up the "i've only had x for 5 minutes" meme
origin beta's boss form design went OFF like DAMNN
sanemitsu/minoru is really interesting. obvi his situation w haruki isn't good n at the same time i Get him n i like that he tried to treat hatsutori like a human being; i can't wait to see the dlc n find out more abt him. also the way reiji loves him so much is ouououugh... father n son.................
utsugi is scary to me like imagine that a guy becomes so devoted to you that he won't stop hailing you as a savior n he commits war crimes in a science facility n kills ppl n rips off your lower half n keeps you locked up in a secret room wtffffffffff. pretty gay too hashtag messy qu**r representa-
enomoto also freaked me out ngl. esp when she started acting like That right after her exposition
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arrival point a
I FUCKING KNEW KANOU WOULD SHOW UP AGAIN but he didn't in s route so i was like huh so he's just dead??? well he still is though, n it seems my theory from the prev log was technically both wrong n correct (i thought he'd be super powerful or another origin - that was the wrong part)
speaking of incorrect theories -- in the scene where atou blacks out n wonders out of the safe room n karen finds him, i got really scared thinking that he ended up killing her dad riku n aiba who were in that room (he didn't lol)
i also thought that atou's bio brother reiji n our reiji were the same person at first so i was flabbergasted
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(for anyone reading this part w out knowing anything, they just have the same name. the brown haired reiji was saved n adopted by the biological father (sanemitsu) of the black haired reiji after the latter died. which is why haruki atou n reiji isoi consider each other brothers so if you see ship art of them anywhere RUN AWAYYYY)
arrival point b (suicide mention warning)
kanou shooting himself in this route made me go "ooooooh that's why i've seen fanart of him getting his head blasted open ok"
good lord the twist ending w yanagi holy shit
arrival point c
KAREN :( i honestly wasn't expecting her to die in any of these routes so seeing her punt kurachi out of the way n get sliced was *JAWDROP JAWDROP JAWDROP*
the route goes to hell after that like damn. made me fear how depressing/messed up points d n e were. riku :((( yanagi :(((
atou w da brown hair shiiiiiii
arrival point d
wasn't actually has bad as point c.... is what i said before the ending w karen
arrival point e
aiba-only route babeyyyyyy lets go aiba love aiba *is in pain*
n finally a clip (no sound)
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I've sent you some prompts before and i was the one who sent in the Andrew Garfield with Vanessa Hudgens!
I'm not so much into being tickled, i usually don't like being tickled! But, Andrew garfield is my favorite person in the world! I love him beyond words! If i ever got to meet him, i would just want a hug. No picture, no video, just a hug. But, here lately I've been wondering what it would be like to be tickled by him Its kinda confusing as I've never really thought about it! I loved everything you said abt my previous idea from him and Vanessa, so i was wondering if you had any ideas about him as a tickler in general? Not Peter 3, but Andrew Garfield! This was very flustering to type lol! I've never out right spoke about it, but im glad i did!
Oo! A good one to puzzle over :D Thank you for trusting me this Anon ❤️ now let's see . . .
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Truth be told, I don't think Andrew would be too far off from Peter 3 :) Any of the interviews or clips I've watched of him, he just gives off goofy caring older brother vibes ❤️
I mean just look at him! ❤️
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(I can't find the one of him dancing during the awards show interview, but that one screams it too ❤️)
All around, he's just a sweetheart :) Plus he's probably learned a few tricks from his older brother (Benjamin I believe) that he would love to try on someone else 😁
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He seems like the type that if you were to antagonize him, he'd chuckle as he wrapped an arm around you and yanked you into his lap to get at your worst spot until you apologize.
But he also seems like the type to cuddle up close if you'd had a bad day and give you light tickles to get you smiling again.
Don't think you're exempt from the hug behind where he lays his head on you and acts all sweet while you're working on something . . . Then he purposefully squeezes your sides or scratches in a spot he knows will get you giggling.
Not much of a tickler chaser unless you've antagonized him to a certain point, but he will run if you try to retaliate from his attacks.
Also, whispers and nuzzles from that beard?? It's too funny to him to watch you slink down or squirm to get away.
At the end of the day, if you ask him why he does it, he'll give a genuine reply of "I want to see you smile."
Granted, these are just my ideas and may not reflect the actual Andrew Garfeild, but it's nice to imagine ❤️ If anyone has one to add, let me know ❤️
Have a great day Anon!
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checkers-dance · 1 year
hello oomf... i have returned here, sadly... because i had a really weird dream last night, and kihyun was in it. i actually have been dreaming a lot about mx lately? this is like the third dream they're in this week jfnvjfvn. but this one is especially bizarre??? and also it had MLP IN IT???? and i actually can't remember a majority of it, most of this is just going to be me trying my best to put the plot together, which was a little bit hard. but anyway here's what i think happened.
so apparently in this dream i had a brother and one day he went missing?? and i was like "why aren't we searching for my brother..." but no one wanted to talk about it and i was like, really disturbed by it. i think a lot of the dream revolved around me trying to navigate this issue, and i think i had a sister (not my real life sister, some made up character) and i was trying to convice her to run away with me so we could search for our brother, but she was hesitant. so here's where kihyun comes in, for some reason he was in my house??? like, he was just vibing??? and it wasn't weird??? and i have no idea if in the dream i actually knew who he was, but i remember thinking "he's not related to me, so maybe he can give us an outside perspective." so me and my sister dragged the poor guy into a room and we like traumadumped to him, we gave him the whole backstory, and we asked for his opinion. i don't remember what he said, but the gist of it was that he thought it was a good idea to go look for him since no one else seemed to want to. kihyun leaves, and now my sister is convince to run away with me. but this is where the mlp comes in. the dream changes and now it was the same story but acted out by mlp characters??? so instead of me, it was rarity, and instead of my sister it was maud (one of pinkie pie's sisters). and yes they were related. but the plot ends with them climbing down the house from a window and then running away together to find their brother (who might have become a sister at this point in the dream? unsure).
really incoherent dream, but here's my theory for why it happened. first of all, like i said i've just been dreaming a lot abt mx lately, idk why my brain chose kihyun of all people, but the mx part of the story is honestly the least strange part njfnvjfv. the interesting thing is really the rest of it, and i THINK i know why my brain conjured up such a weird plot. so a couple of days ago, i was watching this video summarizing an old mlp creepypasta that was very popular back in the day, and i became really interested in it. a lot goes on in that story, but the part that matters is that pinkie pie has this sister literally called minkie pie and their parents hate her so much that they LOCK HER UP IN THEIR DUNGEON. it's so silly, and i've been thinking so much about pinkie's long lost emo sister, i was literally thinking about it right before i fell asleep. so i think that's why the plot involved the whole long lost sibling thing, and i think that's also why it suddenly became mlp in the end, and ALSO why my brain chose maud as a character specifically (she is pinkie's canonical emo sister after all).
BUT ANYWAY THAT WAS THE DREAM + THE THEORY. not very mx related, but still one for the history books. SORRY THAT THIS ASK CAME OUT SO LONG... IT WAS A LOT.
HELP GJSKFKSKFKSKF we should keep a score of which mx members appear in ur dreams bc I think this is the first time kihyun is there. Anyway I think it would be rlly funny if ur long lost brother from the dream was changkyun bc I'm p sure u had another dream at some point where u dreamed changkyun was ur brother. So I think I've connected the dots here. Also the mlp creepypasta itself sounds v changkyun-core 😭😭 (changkyun is minkie pie and jooheon is pinkie pie). Maybe I should have a tag for ur dreams so we can keep track
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byunbaekhyunie · 2 months
When you finish the season, I wanna know what you thought of all the boxes imagery/metaphors😊
[ed.] so uhmm this is quite long and convoluted, sorry abt that also ?? major spoilers just in case any1 has doubts
so I finished watching episode 10 and then I read your question. and honestly, I didn’t get it. for a second I thought you were talking abt some cinematography that went over my head and then it hit me and I was like ooohhh the cardboard boxes. and as a lover of themes and motifs, I was a bit disappointed because I hadn’t realized that that was the motif of this season. but then I sat on it some more and I thought abt it, and the more I did it started to make more and more sense to me
of course this is my interpretation, I mean they really picked the most ubiquitous object to use as a metaphor this season, so like yea. you could make almost anything fit the idea of those boxes but to me, well the motifs in each season are sort of little allegories that pertain to Carmy and the development of his character, and the funny thing abt the boxes for me like I said was that I didn’t put the pieces together at first I mean yea when Syd and then Carm are in the bins trying to crush them I was like haha non negotiable number whatever tf but it only clicked after, when I read your ask and so like I tried thinking abt how many times they show them [the boxes] throughout the season and, compared to the pasta in season 1 but especially the fridge-guy bit in season 2, it’s definitely not as present right
so at first I thought well maybe they wanted to be more subtle after season 2 where it’s borderline on the nose how much they call back to the fridge guy bit almost every episode, so yea maybe they don’t wanna spoon feed the audience anymore but there’s also this break in continuity in season 3 like so far, except for the Christmas episode in season 2, storytelling has been pretty linear but in season 3 well your start off with the flashback episode but then the story breaks off into … not subplots but like everyone else’s personal journey ? like Marcus, then Tina, then Syd and Nat and Richie and it feels a lot more disjointed but actually to me, it illustrates how every other character is evolving and growing on their own and Carmen is . kind of at a standstill this season
right after finishing the show my first thought was damn this season kinda left me dissatisfied and as it macerated in my brain I realized it’s because there’s no resolution for Carmen this season, it’s really not abt him in a way but like on purpose. like it’s the way that he can’t execute anything that he wants to do, which the Faks do a wonderful job at explaining when they go see Claire, and it’s endemic of his behavior throughout the whole show, when he tells Sydney that he doesn’t want to be hard to keep up with but really doesn’t do anything to fix it, when he tries to call Claire in the walk-in but doesn’t, how anticlimactic his confrontation with chef David is, like there is no resolution for his character this season. at all. none. zero. he almost takes a more secondary role and it’s the same with the boxes (to come back to your actual question lol) they’re not as much as a running thread as the motifs in previous seasons were and they never get resolved like you don’t see a shot of all the boxes neatly broken down in the dumpster at the end of season 3 but it’s foreshadowing all the same
also also one of the moments that made the strongest impression on me this season is when Carm is at the al anon meeting and this guy offscreen is talking abt how he can not just. forgive his mother for being an addict even tho she got clean and apologized and. you think abt Carmen’s relationship with his brother and then with his mom and again it’s that idea that he’s stuck. he’s stuck unable to forgive. he’s stuck in the mud because of all these issues he has, he can’t let go and move on, he hides behind his food, he clings onto the restaurant instead of addressing things head-on and mending the relationships in his life, he’s like fundamentally broken inside and his non negotiables, and particularly the cardboard boxes that were picked as the visual representation of that, amount to that, the fact that he has guidelines that he can’t follow, he knows what to do but he can’t do it
if we wanna go really deep into interpretation, it’s like every box that is being broken down symbolizes how he has to dismantle his own ego in a way, and also how the facade is … kinda crumbling down, like this idea that he’s a genius chef that’s so good at what he does and knows exactly what he’s doing, and that’s why by the end of the show he’s not where he should be or where you want him to be. he’s back where we left him at the end of season 2. he’s all alone in the streets while all his friends are together partying, like he was alone in the fridge and the world kept moving right along outside. of course those two moments have different implications in their context but I think it’s interesting, when you put them side by side
not sure if I got my point across honestly everything is still very fresh in my brain so it’s a bit hard to have a clear overall view but I’m already thinking I’m gonna rewatch because there’s also the recurring theme of dreams with like Donna’s conception dream and whatever Cicero says abt having a bulldog tattooed on his cock was it ??? I mean dreams (and nightmares) are very symbolic in this show so I’m already wondering if there’s not some more stuff that I missed
anyway thank u so much for the ask, answering this was really fun !!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
LMAOO Karasu really is THAT man can’t have him in the plot or he’ll solve everyone’s problems just like that (and I’ll get sidetracked by him over Otoya LMFAO)
I lowk love that duality of how he’s so rough and almost edgy but he’s literally looking out for people (and doing their laundry LMAOO) That moment between him and Nagi after the Ubers Manshine match >>>> Barou pushing and trying to reawaken Nagi in his own way I love it (bring back BarouNagi rivalry!!)
Energy matcher Isagi so real LMAO i definitely think he doesn’t get categorized as red flag as often as others since he has some pretty clear moments of him being a lot more chill LOL the mischaracterization in the fandom runs rampant though HAHA
OOO sad to say I have not watched aot yet but I love some good world building…also wait expanding on part of the world not developed much in the series >>>>>> that sounds so interesting kinda almost like filling the holes in some lore!! I LOVR selfish y/n omg (very excited to continue following along with hollyhock too!!)
LMAOOOO time for a good reread sesh o7
And FR like what happened to just chilling and letting people exist as they please? It’s like people forget they don’t live in an echo chamber
I’ll never get over epinagi Karasu like oh em gee maybe it’s also because it’s monthly so there’s more time to put in the quality (opposed to some of the funny looking tiny panels of him LMAO)
One can only hope but I do agree…maybe someday in another filler ep where we have tabieitaken together we’ll see a spread….manifesting….
LMAO ego the lesser evil Shidous hot pink highlights truly are something…
-Karasu anon
BOTH SO TRUE like karasu analyzes people for fun he’s clocking otoya IMMEDIATELY LMAOAO and omg i was working on hollyhock a bit earlier and karasu finally showed up and i started tweaking because i need him…it’s so hard writing for his bff when he’s right there 😭 the only consolation is that he and y/n’s relationship in hollyhock is at least super relevant to the story though it’s not romantic. he’s based on hideyoshi to the extent that y/n is based on nobunaga (so not a TON but def to a certain extent) and like. ugh i can’t spoil so i’ll just leave it at they are soooo important (to me and to the plot in general).
I AGREE he seems so intimidating but he’s really kinda soft on the inside 🙂‍↕️ he and nagi have such sibling energy HAHAHA like barou is the older brother nagi never knew he needed and i love that for them
i do feel like isagi tends to be considered more of a green flag for the most part!! but yeah mischaracterization and popular fandoms go hand in hand nowadays 😓 not claiming to be the supreme authority on characterization or anything but idk 😫 it is what it is ig!!
that’s my fav way to write canon fics!! i like filling in holes in stories even if they’re not necessarily PLOT holes — just things mentioned in passing that i can expand on in my own way. i’ve done it a few times w aot and also w jjk!! i think it’s why coming up w a bllk longfic idea took me a while…the scope of the “world” is relatively limited so it’s hard to expand on it in a natural way. plus i only write female main characters and ah. well. canon bllk is not exactly an inviting atmosphere for women as we know 😫
yeahhh there’s def a lot of factors i think that have led to the shift in the way fandoms have operated but honestly i’ve decided to just mind my own business and live/let live. my post abt nagireo somehow ended up in the nagireo tag though??? idk someone commented saying they found it on there i PANICKED 😭 they were rlly nice abt it though just letting me know in case people got pressed HAHAHA i went back and tagged it as anti nagireo just in case 😰 don’t need the opps coming after me 💔 i actually think it’s one of if not the ONLY post in the anti nagireo tag that’s actually somewhat critical of them so i do fear that it’s truly a bit of a unique take LMAOAO we are in it together though ✊🏻
i’m hoping and praying they get one in epinagi!! like another top six spread but less focused on rin and shidou…obv it would have nagi in it but atp that may be our best option 🙏🏻 and the epinagi art style is so good it honestly might be a win
shidou is such a silly character to me HAHA he’s so easy to make fun of and so crazily violent and weird but also lowkey chill?? i have no clue what to make of him 😫 but yeah the hot pink hair is truly smth…honestly good for him though like #selfexpression
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