#also we had a picnic by the river which was lovely. it was actually a nice day unlike when we saw much ado lmao
SHOW WAS GREAT also i wore my wrinkle shirt and i dont usually wear shirts cut like that anymore but i love that shirt also for absolutely no reason i brought along both my copies of wrinkle just for emotional support maybe? Idk normal things to take on a trip out of the city
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theostrophywife · 1 year
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i can feel your heart beatin' with mine underneath the stars lookin' for a sign glowing in the dark 'til the sun shines started with a spark now we're on fire
author's note: you already know the drill. i am a hoe for mutual pining between two idiot best friends who are so obviously in love. this one actually gave me chest pains and you'll see why.
song inspiration: stargazing by the neighbourhood.
The City of Starlight lived up to its name as the stars glittered over the horizon. 
A cluster of constellations twinkled directly above the spot you had picked—a grassy knoll by the mouth of the Sidra River, which now lapped against the shore with its sapphire waves. It was by far your favorite place for stargazing because it was distant enough from the noise and excitement of Velaris, sandwiched between the colorful townhouses and the peaks of the misty mountains, allowing you the chance to fully appreciate the starkissed night. 
You placed a hand on your hip as your best friend climbed the hillside, his strides graceful and effortless, reaching the clearing without breaking a sweat, which was more than what you could say for yourself.
“You know, I’m perfectly capable of carrying a picnic basket up this hill.”
Azriel raised a brow, the Illyrian warrior utterly unconvinced by your statement. “I’m aware, but I also want to eat sometime before midnight and with the way you’re going, the food will spoil before we even get a chance to taste it.” 
You huffed in feigned offense and crossed your arms. “Not everyone has the privilege of being ridiculously tall. I mean, have you seen yourself? I get that you’re a brooding warrior and all, but anything above six feet is a little overkill, don’t you think?” 
The shadowsinger chuckled, his hazel eyes sparkling with amusement. “My height is perfectly normal. It’s not my fault that you’re practically bite sized.”
You frowned, sticking your tongue out at him. “Come a little closer and we’ll see who’s biting into who.”
“I’m shaking in my leathers.”
Azriel rolled his eyes fondly and shrugged the knapsack off his shoulders before tossing it over to you. The bag containing your favorite blanket and a pair of pillows had derailed your journey for at least ten minutes because your stubborn friend refused to let you carry anything. In the end, you had bullied Azriel into allowing you to lug your own sketchbook and coloured pencils up the damned hill. 
It was an admirable feat given that the shadowsinger was almost as unrelenting as you. Luckily, you could always rely on your secret weapon. A slight pout and puppy dog eyes and Azriel was practically putty in your hands. Needless to say, you weren’t above exploiting his soft spot for you to get what you wanted. 
Mostly because you loved the fact that he could never say no to you. 
"You're absolutely insufferable, shadowsinger."
“Big words for such a small female,” Azriel drawled as you arranged the blanket on the grass. “Careful with the wind, we wouldn’t want it to blow you away.”
You snorted in response, shooting a vulgar gesture over your shoulder. The shadowsinger snickered as you tossed the pillows onto the blanket, putting the finishing touches to your makeshift haven for the night. Azriel plopped onto the ground, stretching his long legs out on the gingham fabric. The moonlight hugged his winged figure, silver beams kissing his devastatingly handsome face.
For a second, you felt jealous of the moon.
While Azriel settled in, you started unpacking the picnic basket. Stored within was an abundance of cheese, fruits, meats, and crackers that you'd nicked from the House of Wind, along with fizzy seltzers that were spiked with wine. You fixed Azriel a plate and handed it over to him. He uncorked the seltzers and clinked his glass against yours with a wink. The two of you dug right in, stuffing yourselves full and getting slightly buzzed from the drinks. 
Azriel propped himself up on his elbows, his features contorted with intense concentration as he watched you toss a grape into the air. He tried to catch it with his mouth, but it hit his nose instead, making you burst out into uncontrollable laughter. The shadowsinger looked utterly confused for a split second before his eyes narrowed in your direction. His gaze darted to the hand you were currently hiding behind your back. 
“You’re cheating,” he said with a pout. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you replied innocently. Behind you, your hand glowed scarlet from the use of your magic. “Maybe you just have terrible aim.”
“Show me your hands, then.”
“No one likes a sore loser, Az.”
Your friend pounced on you, nearly knocking your drinks over as he dug his fingers into your side. You gasped for breath in between high pitched giggles and smacked Azriel’s arm as he mercilessly tickled you. Shadows curled around you like smoke as though they were summoned by the sound of your laughter. 
“You’re going to crush the cupcakes!” you exclaimed, wriggling away from the shadowsinger. 
His dark head perked up at that. If there was anything you knew about your friend, it was that he had an insatiable sweet tooth. You swatted his hand away and pulled out the cupcakes you’d been saving for dessert. 
Azriel eyed it warily. “It looks a little…deflated.”
You frowned, examining the less than fluffy cupcake. “Elain was teaching me how to make them, but then Lucien walked by shirtless and covered in sweat. They disappeared for a suspicious amount of time, so really I can’t be blamed if they turned out awful.”
Your friend chuckled and raised his cupcake to yours, clinking them together in a mock cheer. “Bottoms up, then.”
The second you bit into the cupcake, your face soured. Azriel wore a similar expression, grimacing at the taste. 
“It’s interesting.”
“It tastes like shit, Az.”
Azriel snorted, patting you on the head. “It’s alright. You tried your best, bug.”
You flicked his hand away with a glare. “You know I hate it when you call me that.”
“But it’s so fitting. You’re cute and small like a lady bug.” You rolled your eyes in response. “Would you prefer something else? Bee? Hornet? Wasp?” Azriel was barely containing his laughter at your obvious annoyance. 
“You’re a pain in the ass, Azriel.”
“Yeah but who else would eat your poison cupcakes and stargaze with you in the middle of the night?”
That earned him a small smile. Azriel winked and sprawled out on the blanket, his wings spreading across the comically small fabric. You sat cross legged, watching as your best friend gazed up at the stars. There was something magical about it. The way the silver beams of moonlight kissed his golden brown skin, the wind tousling his dark locks, the serene smile that spread across his lips. In his cozy striped sweater and sweats, Azriel was the perfect picture of peace. Even his shadows stilled, dripping like honey across his shoulders. 
The sight tugged at your heart. It was perfect. Azriel was perfect and you needed him to see himself exactly how you saw him now. 
You pulled out your sketchbook and coloured pencils at once, scribbling furiously. “Don’t move,” you said, trying your best to capture the moment. 
The shadowsinger obliged, but instead of watching the stars, he turned his attention over to you. The colors blended with your magic as the image before you came to life. You mixed the greens and browns and golds, but somehow they seemed lackluster compared to the glazed honey gaze staring back at you. 
Azriel watched as your magic sparked against the page. He knew how intense you could get when it came to your art, but he’d never seen you like this. After a few more minutes, you leaned back and scrutinized every inch of your canvas. You flicked your wrist and a small spark of scarlet magic spread through the page. Finally, you smiled in satisfaction. 
“It’s perfect,” you murmured. 
“Let's see this masterpiece of yours, then.”
You shook your head. "Not a chance," you said, clutching the drawing to your chest. "At least, not yet."
"So you're saying that there's a slight chance that you'll show it to me someday?" Azriel asked, brimming with curiosity. 
In the years he’d known you, the shadowsinger had only seen a handful of your art. Usually he wouldn’t push, but there was something about the way your eyes twinkled with emotion that made him want to prod. 
“Eventually,” you replied with a soft smile. “When the time is right.”
Azriel didn’t get the chance to ask what that meant before you stashed the drawing away and shuffled beside him. You laid down across his stomach, grinning as you playfully flicked his nose. 
“You’re supposed to be watching the stars, not me.”
“I can enjoy more than one beautiful view at a time.”
You flushed, inclining your head towards the skies so Azriel wouldn’t be able to see the effect of his words. For a while now, the two of you had been teetering that precarious line between just friends and something more. The chemistry between you was visible to everyone. Ever since Kallias had sent you to be his emissary, you and Azriel had grown closer and closer, to the point where your presence in the Night Court had turned into a permanent position.
The shadowsinger had gained your trust with his quiet wit and sharp sarcasm. Little by little, he chipped away at your icy demeanor. In due time, you were both attached at the hip. Besides Kallias and Viviane, he was the only one you'd opened up to about your time under the mountain. Cursed by Amarantha, you were trapped in that wretched place with your cousin, unable to stop the wicked female from wreaking havoc upon the Winter Court. Despite your tremendous power, you were helpless. You lost so many of your loved ones during that time and the guilt had been a heavy burden to bear even after Feyre's sacrifice that led to your freedom.
Azriel showed you that you didn't have to do it alone. Together, you learned how to heal from the ghosts of your past. You found refuge in the dark.
You found a friend.
Whatever it was between you and Azriel, it was something monumental. It wasn’t a fleeting crush or a silly notion of romance, but a magnetic force that had been drawing you together even before you met. 
It felt scary. Like jumping off a cliff and into the raging sea. Though you weren’t the type to balk from a challenge, even you had to admit that it was terrifying. But you knew that you had to take that leap of faith sometime. 
You gazed up at the shadowsinger and found him watching you. The smile that spread across your face was instinctive. “Thanks for coming out here with me, Az.”
“Anytime,” he murmured softly. Azriel weaved his fingers through your hair, curling strands around his knuckles. “I like watching the stars with you. It’s kind of nostalgic, really.”
“How so?” 
Golden eyes flickered down to you as his voice dropped to a raspy whisper. “When I was younger…when all I knew was darkness, I always dreamt of the stars.” 
Your heart ached for a young Azriel, trapped in the dungeons by his cruel father. The experience alone should’ve made him a hardened and bitter male, but your friend was anything but. Despite everything Azriel had endured, there was this resiliency to him that always amazed you. He had such a unique capacity for light and love. 
You intertwined your fingers in his, squeezing gently. He smiled faintly before continuing. “My shadows used to describe the constellations to me. The positioning of the stars, how the night sky looked.” As though they heard his confessions, shadows swarmed around the both of you. “They still do, sometimes.”
A shadow curled like smoke towards a bright star in the sky. "That one is my favorite."
You looked up to where Azriel was pointing and felt your chest tighten. Your voice was shaky as you took a breath. “There’s a legend in the Winter Court about that star. There was once a young goddess named Polaris who roamed Prythian, fated to be lost and alone until a light in the north guided her to the castle of a Fae Prince. He took her in and they fell deeply in love. Polaris married the young prince and together they ruled over our lands until the Daglan came. The prince died fighting against them. Polaris was so heartbroken that she asked the Mother to transform her into a star so she could always watch over the land where her beloved was buried.” 
Azriel listened with rapt attention as you gazed up at the horizon, to a single star shining above all the others. The same one he had pointed at. “Today, we call her the North Star. It’s said that her light is meant to guide you to your other half, just as that star in the sky once led her to her prince.”
The shadowsinger went still underneath you. As you looked up, you found him staring up at Polaris with a burning gaze. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as his eyes met yours. 
Azriel swallowed thickly as his scarred fingers traced the outline of your jaw. Then softly, so low that you had to strain to hear him, he said the words that cracked your heart open. “I think you’re my Polaris.”
Tears welled in your eyes, but before they could fall, before the opportunity escaped you, you conjured the drawing from earlier into Azriel’s hands. The shadowsinger looked down at the moving image of him sprawled out across the grassy knoll, his wings flared out beneath him like some dark prince, a soft smile fixed on his lips as he gazed up at the star shining brightly above him. 
The North Star. 
That’s what Azriel was—your north star. The beacon that led you straight home. The hope that you had held onto even in the darkest of times. Under the Mountain, you hadn't let yourself dream. You didn't think you'd ever get this chance, but somewhere deep down, you kept the story of Polaris and her Prince tucked away in your heart. 
And it had led you here. 
Underneath the light of the north star, in the city you now called home, in the arms of the male that had helped you restore and rebuild yourself after all that you lost. 
All that was left was to take that leap of faith. 
“You’re my north star, Azriel.” You said with a smile, silver lining your eyes. “You led me home.”
One of his shadows darted towards you, catching your tears as Azriel pulled you against him. He cradled your cheek in his hand, fingers trembling as he looked at you. Really looked at you, like he saw all of who you were and adored every part, even the jagged edges.
“Falling in love with my best friend,” he said with a slight smile. “That’s pretty cliche of us, isn’t it?”
Your laughter spilled into the quiet night, happy tears coating your cheeks. “Don’t ruin the moment, Az.”
The endearing grin on his face etched itself into the depths of your soul. “I wouldn’t dream of it, bug.”
As the north star twinkled above the City of Starlight, Azriel leaned in and kissed you for the first time.
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taglist: @viradeity @moony-thoughts @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets @demirunner @swansworth @heart-defendor @momlo @mali22 @roselensage @searchingford@nessianxgwynriel@azriels-angels@brekkershadowsinger@morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @mattte-black @marina468 @lillithathecathecat @highladyofillyria
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fruitymocha · 2 years
A Cottagecore Picnic with The Butlers Part 1: First Floor Edition
That time when the First Floor butlers took you on a cottagecore picnic
Featuring: Berrien Cliane, Bastien Kelly, Lono Fontaine (separate) x gn!Reader (you/your pronouns) (can be read as platonic, romantic, whatever you want)
Warnings: none :)
A/N: oh my goodness FINALLY, something Akuneko related! I had this idea for a while, but debated on whether I should actually use it for Akuneko or some other fandom, but I figured “this is a good topic to start with for them” so here we are. I was supposed to post this forever ago but lost motivation/passion for this for months. But now I’ve come back to the fandom with a fresh dedication (and also I have the game on my phone now, despite not knowing very much Japanese). But anyway, without further ado:
Let me restore your memory…
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Is he making the food and drinks for the picnic? Of course he is! He can’t have the Master doing work, silly!
Obviously, you’d feel a little guilty for not doing anything (or at least I would-) so maybe you secretly made madeleines and snuck them into the basket because you know he loves them
I’m 99.999% sure Berrien planned everything weeks in advance, from the menu to the location, maybe even the specific outfits to wear (though he probably consulted Flure for that last part)
Obviously, this means that Berrien has the perfect spot for the two of you as well as the time
He brought bug spray, sunscreen, lip balm, the works! Also, he brought an umbrella just in case it rains. Can’t have the Master getting soaked to the bone and getting sick, right?
I can see him choosing a lovely open space with green grass as the location, and you’re absolutely under a giant tree for the purpose of staying in the shade (bonus points if there’s a body of water close by, like a river or lake)
You’re going there maybe a little too early for lunch (you arrive at 11:30 sharp because punctuality), but you start eating at around noon so it’s fine
Oh, and like the title says, this is a cottagecore picnic. It’s not cottagecore if there are no flowers, so you get your favorite flowers because you’re the Master and you deserve flowers.
Also, that means your outfits are very light colored and give off that fresh spring vibe
And perhaps you did a thing behind Berrien’s back again and decided to wear something that matches his outfit’s colors, even though he’s technically lower in social standing, but you cannot be stopped (and matching outfits does seem like a proper thing to do when it’s just the two of you and you’re in public)
So besides the madeleines you made as an attempt to contribute, what are you having on that picnic?
For savory food, he’s got various types of finger sandwiches, he’s got a charcuterie board (you know, those assortments of cheese and cured meats, probably with crackers too) unless you’re vegetarian/vegan, a platter of some assorted fruit slices and berries, and the “main” thing is two baguette sandwiches (if you follow a diet just imagine what’s in it is okay for you to eat)
For the drink of choice, he obviously brought his own tea blends as well as some classic teas for you, because this is Berrien we’re talking about here
Are we sure this is a picnic and not just a tea party on the ground?
Anyways, now for the moment we’ve all been waiting for: dessert
Berrien packed some fruit tartlets, some with strawberries, some with blueberries, some with kiwi, and some were just mixed fruit
And then of course he’d notice the madeleines as he’s unpacking everything, which leads to you awkwardly explaining how you felt bad for not doing anything to help so you made them to try and contribute
Which leads to a mini spiel about your position and how you not doing anything while the butlers do everything is what’s supposed to happen
But he’ll let it slide this once since you went through all the trouble and you had him in mind when you made the madeleines
Let’s just pretend you’re decent at baking here, and say the madeleines were pretty good
Good times for all :)
Except the fact that there are leftovers, and then you two stare at each other like “we’re gonna have to bring all of this back to the manor…”
But it’s fine, you’ll just eat the leftovers for dinner (even if some obscure etiquette book says it’s weird for nobles to do that or something)
So you pack up the leftovers and just sit and chat for a while after
Maybe if you’re up for it you even take a little stroll in the park
But obviously with the town’s canonically negative sentiments towards you and the butlers, you really can’t stay too long, so soon enough you have to go back to the manor
It’s okay though, you had the time of your life and you’d definitely want to do something like this again
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Let’s be honest, it’s going to take a lot of convincing before he actually agrees for you to plan this cottagecore picnic
I mean really, he has the skills and attitude of a proper knight, of course your safety is top priority
But let’s say you use your brain and convince him by saying if he chooses a secluded spot and stays with you the whole time, it’s very unlikely you’ll be hurt
And if he brings up the Angel problem, just promise you’ll bring the book and tell him he’ll be coming along to protect you
In that case, he’ll say he’s coming with only for the sake of your safety, and it’s not exactly a lie, it’s just not the whole truth
To assume he’s not curious about this picnic of yours would be naïve. Of course he wants to see what kinds of food you bring (and maybe taste test a little)
So obviously you tried to make food behind his back but he caught you so he made you sit back down and tried his hand at it
It wasn’t too bad of an experience, actually, since he’s helped Lono in the kitchen before
There were no sweets made, but the menu was satisfying nonetheless
The location was atop a grassy hill where you could oversee the village nearby, and occasionally there were some clumps of weeds and wildflowers around.
You two got there at around 11:00 am, and planned to only be there for about an hour and a half
On the menu, there was meat stew (if you’re vegetarian/vegan, then it’s only for Bastien), crackers and hummus, multigrain bread, vegan herb quiche, and lemon tea
Being the Master you are though, you snuck behind his back and made yourself some apple hand pies
It’s still spring, so obviously you wanna wear something nice, and I think in this case Bastien will wear mid tone blues or greens
Meanwhile you’d probably wear whatever, since it never occurred to Bastien that you might want to coordinate outfits
There were no leftovers. None. I can guarantee it at least on Bastien’s end
He’ll never say it out loud, but he appreciated this quiet little picnic, and with some convincing, he may consider doing it again at some point
Needless to say, it was a success :)
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Absolutely on board
He immediately starts planning the menu, and of course since he makes the food, it’s guaranteed to be bomb af
Of course you also tried to help but you weren’t even able to sneak behind his back and make stuff this time
He’s real serious about not having you lift a finger
As long as you promise to bring the book just in case of angels, he’s all for it
He probably chose a more wooded area so as not to risk any passersby finding you two (for safety reasons obviously)
You two went out at noon and brought basics like sunscreen, bug spray, and extra water, setting up in a small clearing in the woods
At some point Lono probably picks some wildflowers and gives them to you, which is such a sweet gesture
Are your outfits matching? Not at first glance, but the color palette is similar enough that you could make the argument
For the food, Lono decided to get real serious about it and made French onion soup, veggie pot pie, a vegetable focaccia, wild garlic pasta, and a mixed berry galette
As for the drinks, he brought white tea and violet lemonade
Obviously you being you, you gotta compliment the chef
And naturally Lono is happy about it, even if he does say it’s just part of the job
Another case of leftovers but instead of letting it go to waste, Muu gets to try some of it
Of course you aren’t allowed the leftovers because health reasons (I hear that leftovers, especially ones you have to reheat, aren’t the best for you)
But anyway you had a great time out there and Lono would be glad to go again if he also didn’t have to worry about making more food than normal
A lovely ending to a lovely event with these First Floor Butlers
~memory restored~
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ultimateaclrecovery · 10 months
Japan Day 2!
Today was traveling to Kyoto and exploring temples in their northern mountain region
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We got to do a lot of hiking in gorgeous fall weather and I loved seeing all of the temples and shrines just fully mixed in with the woods around them.
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We got to through a famous maple tunnel on our way there and back and see gorgeous fall colors. The rural streets were also full of beautiful colors and we go to walk along side a pretty river. The river had eating spots in, and in the summer there’s way more including a restaurant that puts up long plans spanning the river so you have dinner above it like a bridge, in addition to the little picnic tables we saw still up.
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After we got back to Kyoto and our hotel we got drinks at a craft brewery and udon for dinner
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The craft brewery had no face from ghiblis spirited away as their tip jar and I loved it.
Travel diary
Day 2 11/11
Day 2 11/11
Train to Kyoto then mountains. The train we get on is the panoramic train with extra big windows to see all the pretty leaves. On the way there we pass thru the maple tunnel. It’s really pretty even if only some of the leaves have turned yet. I try but am mostly unsuccessful at taking good pictures of it.
We get to the end of the line and walk to the kibune temple. All the shrines in the woods and many many stairs. Anthony paid the temple entrance fee of. We take another trains and a cable car to rope way to the next temple.
At the top of the ropeway we can see over outskirts of Kyoto and the mountains in the distance. We go through a hike in the woods and see more good views. I talk my boyfriend into a selfie in the view. The trees are starting to change color and we enjoy how pretty it is. We walk probably a mile until we hit the entrance to eikan-todo the main temple on the mountain. The ticket gate is closed so we’ll have to find another. The temples are red and brightly painted and there’s a fair number of people around. It’s a weird balance at the temples between tourists and people actually come to use them. I want to get a good look at all of them but also want to be respectful to the people praying and not intrude or gawk at them. Most of the signage is in Japanese with only a couple critical designations in English. We have to look at the map like three times but finally find the entrance with a manned ticket agent to pay our tickets. I pay in cash for mine 1000 yen. We continue to explore the temple and try to find a soba restaurant for lunch that is supposedly up here. We can’t find it and settle for some mochi dumplings as a snack. It’s not very filling but we’ll get more snacks. This proves to be a mistake. After we explore this temple complex we start the hike back to the cable car where we will stop at another site eikan-saito on the way back.
eikan-saito is even more remote and very peaceful. The first building we come to has a beautiful rock garden where the pebbles have been raked in a beautiful pattern. As we continue on the path through the different temples we see a monk sweeping all the little leaves off of the rock path.
We decide to do the big loop through the temples which includes a path along the side of the road. It’s wild to me how many of the places you have to walk are just narrow shoulders along side narrow roads. At least all of the leaves are pretty. We then hike back up to the ropeway and cable car. Somehow in the course of coming down the rope way and cable car I loose my ICCOA card. I had put it in my pocket when I got out my cable car ticket and then it must’ve fallen out. I’m so confused because they were such tight leggings pockets and I’ve never had things fall out of them before. It’s annoying because I had like 2700 yen left and now I’ll have to get a new one and now the bus back ticket will be annoying, but luckily my bf has coins that he lends me for the fare.
The bus ride back is pretty miserable. I really should’ve insisted on more snacks and taken more ibuprofen before we left, but the bus only comes every 30 minutes so we had wanted to catch that one. The bus takes like an hour and a half and I’m cramping and hungry and nauseous the whole time and the bus is crowded we are standing like squished sardines the whole time. And I’m still annoyed at myself for loosing my ic card.
Eventually we make it to the station I want to get food at the first convience store we see but my by wants to go to one lower that will be less crowded and I almost start to cry. But then we go down there and I get a sandwich and pocky. I stray in on the pocky and immediately start to feel better. I get a new ic card putting 5000 yen on it (500 of which is a deposit). We retrieve our luggage and go to our hotel where we eat our sandwiches.
We then grab a drink at a nearby bar called gion that has an Instagram with singing birds. The bar is playing Christmas music already. I get a fun peach ale for 1200 yen. I also tip in the ghibli tip toy which is very fun. Mr no face has teeth which he shows off when his whole head opens up to eat your tip. On the way out a take a video of the singing birds.
We then head out for dinner and get udon. The place has no English and no one there speaks English but between google translate, pointing and my bfs limited Japanese we make through and get delicious udon with pork and green onions. We’re at the bar top so we can watch him cook and the green onions are so massive it’s pretty cool.
After dinner I want to go straight to bed but my boyfriend convinced me to walk around a bit and see the streets. I do love seeing all the narrow streets and all their different store fronts and lanterns about. It is very crowded but fun to way to see the city. And I’m still sound alseep by 9.
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aardvark-123 · 2 years
Gensokyo Festival day 11: Bogged Down
In this one, Aya's dream comes true, and there is also mud.
~Mokele, More Problems~
"I'm so excited I can hardly breathe! This is going to be the best day ever!" Aya was all smiles, the pompoms in her hair fluttering as she skipped along the path. "I'm finally going to see a real mokele-mbembe!"
"I had no idea you were so into them." Momiji was there too, jogging a little to keep with Aya. A red wooden cart rattled and squeaked along behind her, carrying a picnic basket and a chess set. "Do you actually know what a mokele-mbembe is, Aya?"
"They're dinosaurs from central Africa who lie across rivers! African youkai hardly ever come to Gensokyo," explained Aya, "so this is guaranteed to be the hot story of the month!"
"And if we just happen to unblock the Tsuitachi while you're taking your snaps, it'll be a lovely bonus!" smiled Takane, who was bringing up the rear with a spade on her shoulder.
The trio turned off the path and made their way down a shallow slope, kicking through bushes and weaving around small pine trees, until the dry river Tsuitachi lay before them. What had once been a rushing tributary flowing into Genbu Ravine was now a ditch lined with pebbles and grey-brown silt.
"Well, there's definitely a blockage somewhere," Momiji said worriedly.
Takane turned to Momiji and raised her eyebrows. "You don't say! Come on, let's find it, or indeed them."
The intrepid explorers set off along the river, following a narrow worn path between drying reeds and the woody hillside. After a few minutes they rounded a long meander and saw a large, dark shape lying across the river.
"That must be her!" gasped Aya. She ran eagerly down the gravel bank and splodged into the thick, silty mud that had once been a healthy river bed. She staggered along, giggling a little until she got her balance.
"It looks a bit muddy," observed Takane, hanging back while Aya daubed some grey streaks of silt on her cheeks.
"You don't say!" Momiji said, staring at her in fake astonishment. "I should probably leave the wagon up here."
Momiji let go of her cart, clambered down the bank and waded after Aya, leaving deep, narrow pockmarks where her geta sandals sank in the mud.
Takane heard a sudden squeak of spinning wheels. She observed silently as the wagon rolled down the bank, gathering enough speed to skid into the middle of the river and squelch to a halt, buried in silt up to its axles.
Takane cleared her throat. "Um, the cart just… Momiji? Your cart's decided it's time for a mud bath."
Momiji glanced over her shoulder and sighed angrily. "I swear that thing's got a mind of its own! But that's a problem for the Momiji about half an hour later, so come along."
Takane came along, fighting to lift her feet from the mud. It seemed to have a firm grip on her leather boots, but she quickly got the hang of it and trudged apace in the wake of her friends.
The dark shape turned out to be a long, fat, shiny diplodocus which lay right in the middle of the river, blocking the water completely. It was completely still, and as they squelched closer it became clear that the diplodocus was a gigantic sculpture, smudged by whichever skilful pair of hands had shaped it from silt and clay.
"Wow, this is… I've never seen anything like it!" breathed Takane.
"It's amazing! Look at the craftswomanship!" cooed Aya, snapping several pictures of the deluxe dinosaur-shaped mud pie. "It might not be a mokele-mbembe, but it's definitely cool."
"Oh, you like it?" said an unfamiliar voice.
Aya and Momiji both jumped. Takane tried to jump as well. They looked up in shock to see a tall woman lying comfortably on top of the diplodocus, her wavy black hair falling like a curtain down its back.
"Who are you?!" cried Aya.
"I'm Libombami," the woman declared, speaking with a Congolese accent. "I'm the mokele-mbembe I believe you were looking for."
Aya's face lit up. "You are?! Then this sculpture must be yours!"
Libombami lowered herself with a gentle splat. Her colourful green dress was remarkably clean for someone who'd been relaxing on a pile of mud. "This is my dam. The river here's perfect for damming because we're on clay, which is easy to mould when wet, yet also has the weight and staying power to hold back a torrent!"
"Cool!" said Aya.
"Why do you need a dam shaped like a sauropod to sleep on, though?" asked Momiji.
"Why do you need those red boxes on your heads?" Libombami asked with a playful smile.
Momiji scowled. "Well, because we're tengu! Tengu always wear tokins, and we're tengu, so we wear tokins. Do you mean to say…" Her eyes widened. "Do you mean sleeping on a dam is what a mokele-mbembe has to do because of her nature?"
"What my friend here means," Aya moved in front of Momiji and ignored the glare she got in return, "is do mokele-mbembes have to sleep on dams because it's natural? Like how we wear tokins and geta?"
"Kiss my bloomers, Aya!" huffed Momiji. "What I actually meant, which I conveyed in the actual words I actually said back then, was-"
"I got it!" Libombami laughed nervously. "Yes, my nature compels me to sleep on a sauropod-shaped dam made of mud at the centre of a river. Isn't it funny how things work!"
"Yes, it is funny," said Takane. She took a deep breath. "It's also funny how farming and cultural exchange between the kappa and the yamawaro was able to develop over thousands of years thanks to the Tsuitachi river, which is now just mud. We need this river to be operational, Libombami. With water flowing in it."
Libombami's smiled faded. "Oh, you want your river. I guess that's why you brought your, um…" Her gaze lingered on Takane's spade.
Takane nodded. "So do you think you could…?" She made a broad gesture away from the river.
Libombami shook her head. "I need to have a dam. If you don't like it, maybe you should…" She waved dismissively for the trio to go away.
Takane sighed, her lower lip poking out in disappointment. "Well, if you aren't going to change your mind, we might as well…" She caught Aya's eye and nodded.
"GET HER!" Aya pounced up at Libombami with her arms outstretched. She ploughed into the mokele-mbembe's stocky waist, shoving her at full force.
Libomabami let out a yelp as Aya's momentum bowled her off the dam. She splodged into the mud behind, flat on her back and groaning under a dazed tengu.
"For Youkai Mountain!" roared Momiji, flying over the dam with her shield and scimitar at the ready.
She saw Libombami stand up, wearing a murderous scowl and leaving a messy Libombami-shaped imprint in the silt, and lift Aya up by the scruff of the neck. Aya swung forwards and threw a blindingly fast kick at Libombami, who dropped her face-first in the muck.
Momiji giggled. "Don't worry, Aya, I'm coming! Takane, get in here!"
"Um, keep your hair on…" No matter how hard Takane pulled, the mud refused to let go of her feet. She let out an angry sigh. "Want to play rough, do you? Fine! Take this!"
Takane threw a spread of green bullets down at the mud. They exploded wherever they struck, showering Takane with thick droplets of silt and leaving deep, round craters. Her eyes aflame, Takane raised her spade above her head and got ready to beat the stuffing out of the mud.
Trembling in fear, the silty mud drew back from Takane's feet and piled up in a wide ring around her. Takane smiled sweetly and lowered her spade.
Now that there was nothing clinging to her boots, Takane was free to float up beside the dam. "How goes the war, ladies?" she asked. Aya and Momiji were standing with Libombami on the dam, looking muddy and confused.
"That's the thing," said Momiji. "Me and Aya were wondering-"
"Aya and I were wondering," Aya corrected her. "W-wait, DON'T-!"
Momiji shoved Aya off the dam. "Me and Aya were wondering," she continued, smiling when she heard the splat, "why there wasn't any water behind here. So we had a look upstream, and it turns out this isn't the Tsuitachi after all."
Takane smacked her forehead. "You're joking!"
"I am not! This is just a long, thin mudflat that snakes through the forest for some unknown reason," Momiji insisted. "The Tsuitachi river's about half a mile further east."
"I guess I didn't notice," Libombami piped up. "It did feel like a river…"
In a daze, Takane flew past them and peered over the dam, where Aya was sprawled out in the mud without a river in sight. Aya waved sheepishly up at her. Takane turned away.
"I don't get it," Takane said faintly. "The Tsuitachi DID dry up! Are we just back to square one?"
"More like we never left square one." Momiji shrugged. "But we'll find the blockage, Takane! We always do. Come on, let's get my wagon out of there. Aya, we're leaving!"
"You do that," said Libombami, watching them gather around their forlorn little cart. "I need to sculpt myself a proper dam in an actual river! Half a mile further east, you say?"
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rsfannan6 · 3 months
Ely, Cambridgeshire, U.K.
In the planning of our trip, we were looking for a couple of side trips from Cambridge.  One that caught our eye was the cathedral city and civil parish of Ely.  Only 15 miles north, it was a twenty minute train ride to this wonderful place.
Ely is built on a 23 mile island, surrounded by what is called The Fens, a marshy wetland.  Major rivers like the Great River Ouse feed into the Fens forming freshwater marshes within which peat was laid down.  In the eighteenth century, the Fens were drained and this peat created a rich and fertile soil ideal for farming.  As a result of this, Ely is no longer an island, but still is known as “The Isle of Ely”.
We decided to venture there on a Sunday, when they have their weekly market in Ely Market Square.  This has been going on since the 13th century.  The plan was to go to the market, stock up on picnic stuff, and have a lovely meal on the grounds next to the cathedral after which we would visit the cathedral itself.
The market was, to be truthful, underwhelming.  Most of the vendors were selling craft items, and there were just a few food stalls.  The bakery guy provided us with some bread and pastry goods, and the nearby supermarket filled out our lunch menu.  It was a gloriously sunny and cloudy day with just a little breeze, perfect for stuffing our faces on the lawn in the shadow of the enormous Cathedral.  We had fruits and cheese, pasties and sandwiches, cookies and cheesecake, all delicious.  A great start to a lovely day.
The actual name of the Ely Cathedral is The Anglican Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, but it is known as The Ship of the Fens, a name inspired by the distant view of its towers, which dominate the low lying wetlands.  Construction of the cathedral was begun in 1083 by William the Conqueror and finally opened in 1189 after 116 years of construction.  It collapsed in 1322 and was rebuilt, opening again in 1351.  Over the years, it has expanded many times.  Needless to say it is breathtaking.  
We ventured inside this marvelous structure exploring its cavernous interior with the help of the audio guide.  For history buffs like me, it was enchanting.  The story of St. Etheldreda, who founded the original monastery in 673, was fascinating.  This princess, daughter of the King of Anglia, married twice for political reasons, was evidently supremely devout and had a lifelong wish to be a nun.  She eventually was released from her marriage vows, spending the rest of her life as a nun in the service of the poor.  She died around 680 and, by her request was buried in a simple grave near the church.  Some 16 years later, her body was removed and placed in a stone coffin inside the church.  As the story goes, when they dug her up, her body was said to have been in the same condition as when it was buried, without decay.  This was seen to be a miracle, and eventually St. Etheldreda was canonized.  Her reputation as a saint grew and pilgrims started to visit the church at Ely seeking miracles and healing.  She became one of the most well-known and popular of the early English Saints with several churches across the country dedicated to her.  In 1539, the monastery was closed and her shrine destroyed, part of The Reformation.  She is still remembered on feast days commemorating her death and when her body was moved to the Abbey Church.
After exiting the church, we wandered across the grounds to see Oliver Cromwell’s House.  Cromwell was an English statesman, politician, and soldier, widely regarded as one of the most important figures in British history.  He was probably most famous for his advocacy of the execution of King Charles I, and the establishment of The Protectorate, and his rule as Lord Protector from 1653 to his death in 1658. His house is an interesting look at what life was like during this period, even for a man of moderate means.  It also tells you everything you ever wanted to know about the English Civil War.  Perhaps nit for everyone, but I loved it.
There was, of course, a small gift shop in the Cromwell house, and we ended up talking to the cashier/host/proprietor for a bit.  I noticed that there were a number of books about eels, so I asked her if eels had anything to do with the name Ely.  Well, duh, Bob.  It turns out that eels have everything to do with it.  Before the Fens were drained, eels thrived in this marshy area.  Every year, the eels would migrate to the Sargasso Sea in the Atlantic Ocean, and return to Ely.  Eel fishing was big business, with the town’s economy centered around it.  Eel were even a popular item of barter.  Although eels are no longer an everyday thing, each year Ely hosts an Eel Festival, with a parade and other activities.  So check your calendars, first week of May!
I heartily endorse a trip to Ely.
No much more to come….one more stop….I promise….
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nctinthehouse · 3 years
deja vu
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based on “deja vu” by Olivia Rodrigo
reader x ex!Jaehyun
genre: angst, fluff, ex lovers au? idk
wc: 3.1k
AN: I wrote this a while ago but I wasn’t planning on releasing or even write it in the first place however, I just fell in love with the lyrics and song when it came out and I could not pass on writing about it. I guess this is my interpretation of the song? Way too many thoughts at night time lol. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it 💕
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Do you get deja vu when she's with you?
Running is something you’ve always enjoyed. It’s relaxing, good for your health and helps you clear your mind. Even as a kid, you were always seen running around and giggling. It made you happy.
You’re currently out on a late evening run along the river. This particular area is your favorite place to go to, whether it's for a run, out for a walk or even on the way to work. You like to come here when you need a break from something. The river, the ambience; it made you calm. It’s a special place and means a lot to you. There’s even a cute small store a few minutes away that you discovered when you started coming to this area more often. It’s like a secret place, not a lot of people seem to know about it. Owned by a local lady, she’s so lovely and kind. Her face always lights up whenever you stop by. There’s a lot of memories around here.
It was a really nice day today; clear skies with a few clouds. The sun is starting to set, changing the colors of the sky and clouds with hints of pinks and blues. It kinda reminds you of cotton candy ice cream.
Hmm, you kinda want ice cream now.
You’ve been running for a while now so you decided to jog to the local convenience store and get some ice cream.
As you’re approaching the store, you immediately slow down before stopping completely. You spot someone coming out of the store.
It’s Jaehyun.
His arms around another girl.
You and Jaehyun make brief eye contact with each other. You realise that they’re now walking towards your direction. Snapping out of your thoughts, you lower your head a bit and start walking towards the store trying to avoid having any sort of contact with them. Luckily, you and Jaehyun just walked past each other without acknowledging each other.
But as they were walking towards your direction and walking past, you hear his girlfriend ask him
“Jae, that store is so cute! How did you find it?”
“Oh I was just in this area one day and stumbled upon it. Came here a lot ever since then”
“Well this will definitely be our place from now on, we should come here more often”
That was our place
I found it first
You think to yourself
Stopping again, you turn your head around and spot them smiling and laughing before walking in the store and greeted by the lovely lady there who gave you a huge smile and wave; also waving back at her.
As you’re looking around the store, you think back to the time when you first brought Jaehyun to this area...
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“how am i just finding out about this place??” Jaehyun says as you both are currently walking hand in hand along the river
“well now you know” you chuckle
You tell Jaehyun about how you discovered this area as well as the store up ahead when you took a detour on your way back home from class. One of your classes got cancelled which meant you were finished for the day, much earlier than usual. You didn't have anything planned for the rest of the day so you decided to take a different route back to your house.
It wasn't a very busy place which you grew to love. It was perfect for someone who needed a quieter place to think and relax, away from the crowded pavements and honking cars; a place where you could de-stress
“oh Jae, here's the store, come on!”
You quickly pull Jaehyun towards the store excitedly
As you guys go into the store, you spot the lovely owner. You let out a huge grin and wave as you go up to the counter where she is
“oh, Y/N!! so nice to see you again!”
“oh! and who’s this fine young gentleman?” the lady raises her eyebrows
“this is Jaehyun, my boyfriend” chuckling and gesturing your hand towards him
The lady puts her hands on her chest and looks at you guys adoringly
“oh you guys are such a cute couple! Y/N you want an ice cream?”
“yes please!” nodding your head
“Jae you have got to try the ice cream here! the strawberry flavor is a bonus”
“why am i not surprised that it's strawberry flavored” Jaehyun chuckles
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After browsing around, you go up to the counter where you’re once again greeted by the lovely lady
“hi sweetie! the usual today?”
You nod your head and chuckle “yeah, thanks”
Looking down at the counter, you look like you’re miles away. The lady notices and frowns a bit
“sweetie, you alright?”
You look up and give her a small smile
“yeah, i’m alright”
As you see your ice cream is ready, you take your card out of your pocket getting ready to pay. However, the lady gently pushes your hand away
“it’s on the house”
You look at her with wide eyes
“oh, no i-”
“i insist” giving you a smile and holding onto your hand
“thank you. i promise to pay you back next time!”
The lady waves her hand around
“oh sweetie don't worry about it! just think of it as a thank you for always dropping by my store”
“thank you again” letting out a small laugh
“take care of yourself ok? i’ll see you around”
“i will” giving the lady a smile and a wave bye before going out of the store
As you take a seat at a nearby picnic bench and start eating your ice cream, you see that Jaehyun and his girlfriend are still around. Your eyes can't help but wander towards them hanging around by a car. His car. The same car Jaehyun would drive you around in especially during night time. You see them playing around and her feeding him ice cream. You start to notice small things about her such as the clothes she's wearing; she kinda reminds you of herself. Looks like she’s wearing that jacket too. Just like I did.
Is it jealousy?
But more like pity.
So when you gonna tell her that we did that, too?
She thinks its special, but it's all reused
Moments later, you see them get into the car and drive away. All these thoughts suddenly start clouding your mind and you can't help but wonder
How fast did he move on?
Did he even move on in the first place?
You’re not just trying to replace me, right?
I wonder, how many more things we did together, you do with her too?
You began to reminisce on some of the things you and Jaehyun did when you were still together…
Do you get deja vu when she's with you?
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Remember when we used to go on road trips to Malibu?
Music, ice cream and Jaehyun.
Those were the 3 things you loved and needed the most whenever you went on road trips. Heck you could probably throw out the music and ice cream and just have Jaehyun as company only.
Those road trips were often unplanned. Sometimes you and Jaehyun would go without thinking about where you guys would specifically go or what you guys would do there.
There was a particular time which was the most special. It was the first road trip you and Jaehyun went on after you guys made it official. Actually, it was also the first date you guys went on as a couple.
You remember back in high school when Jaehyun would tell you about the times he and his family would go on road trips to Malibu during school breaks for some family bonding time. You hadn’t been to Malibu before so you were very excited when Jaehyun decided on taking you on a road trip there, especially as a first date since you guys had not been on one yet.
Jaehyun drove up to your house and honked his car, letting you know that he’s arrived to pick you up. You run downstairs and look through the curtains and see Jaehyun getting out of the car. You quickly grab your stuff and head out of your house.
You jog up to him, both of you embracing each other in a tight hug. As you let go, you spot the jacket he currently has on
“wow i love your jacket! is it new?”
“oh this? nah, i bought this a while ago from some vintage store”
“can i try it on? i love vintage stuff” your face lighting up
Jaehyun smirks a little as he takes off your jacket with you taking yours off too. He hands you his jacket and holds onto yours as you put his one on.
You let out a gasp
“thanks, this is mine now” you grin at Jaehyun widely before jumping into the passenger seat of his car
Jaehyun looks blankly at you briefly
“baby what am i gonna wear then?”
“you don’t need to though, it's not even that cold right now” you say as you place your arms on the edge of the car windows
“but what if it gets a bit chilly later on?”
“just wear mines” pointing to your jacket that he’s currently holding
“this? you think this would fit me?”
“what? you won’t know unless you try it on” shrugging your shoulders
Jaehyun reluctantly puts on your jacket. He struggles a bit with the sleeves but he manages to get it on. You start laughing as you see how small your jacket looks on him
“kinda suits you though” you laugh
“shut up” Jaehyun says jokingly as he whacks your arms
You fake a loud gasp as you place both of your hands on your chest, not breaking eye contact with him as he gets into the driver's seat
“Y/N you know i’m only joking” Jaehyun chuckles as you glare at him with a unimpressed face
You look away from him and roll your eyes
“baby come ooonnnn i’m sorry i was only jo-”
“just drive” you say with a monotone voice
Jaehyun looks at you for a moment, noticing you biting your lips. He realised sometime ago that it’s something that you usually do to stop yourself from smiling or break out into laughter.
He takes your hand in his and gives it several kisses. Seeing you breaking out a small smile, he smiles to himself before starting the car and driving.
When you finally got there, Jaehyun happily took you to some of his favorite places he loved to visit.  Hours went by quickly and you guys were hungry so Jaehyun decided to take you to a park and have a picnic. It was nice out too so why not.
You guys bought some food from a nearby cafe and set up a picnic spot that had a lovely view of the ocean. There was also a hiking trail in the area and you guys decided on doing that after some lunch.
After lunch, Jaehyun went and got both of you ice cream from an ice cream truck that was parked nearby
“you know what?” you say as you scoop out a another bite of the ice cream
“i think i’m gonna make it a goal to try as many different strawberry ice creams i can whenever i visit a new place”
“sounds good baby”
As you look out towards the ocean, Jaehyun takes the opportunity to give you a small kiss on the side of your lips which surprises you. You jump a bit and stare at him with wide eyes
“sorry, you just had a bit of ice cream there” Jaehyun smirks
You’re quiet for a few seconds before saying
“is it all gone…?”
Jaehyun leans in closer and closer; he rubs his nose against yours lightly
“almost” he whispers against your lips before locking in with yours
Your first kiss. Oh how sweet it was.
Do you get deja vu?
Remember when you used to come over to my house?
If you weren't hanging out at Jaehyun’s, he’s usually at yours.
You and Jaehyun would stay over at each other's house every weekend. You guys often had days where you just didn't want to do anything special. Just chilling at home such as eating, sleeping and enjoying each other's company. When Jaehyun is over at yours, one of the things you guys like to do is to sit on the couch and binge watch your favorite TV shows. Today is one of those days.
You guys are currently sitting next to each other, crossed legged on the couch at your house; a bowl of popcorn on your lap while the channel you’re currently watching is doing reruns of one of your favorite shows, Glee. This wasn't exactly one of Jaehyun’s favorite shows. He didn't hate it but he wasn't a huge fan of it like you were. He doesn't mind watching it over and over with you as long as he’s spending time with you.
Grabbing some popcorn pieces, you look at Jaehyun
“Jae open up”
Jaehyun looks confused but opens his mouth anyway
You throw a couple of popcorn pieces, trying to aim it in his mouth but failing; the popcorn always hitting his face. You try a few more times before Jaehyun lets out a complaint
“babe come on!! your aiming skills are awful”
“hey it’s not my fault your mouth ain’t big enough”
Letting out a shocked laugh, Jaehyun grabs some popcorn and throws it at you. You guys end up having a mini popcorn fight before stopping as you realise you got popcorn on the couch and the floor. You guys weren't bothered to do a lot of cleaning today.
A while later, your face lights up as one of your favorite songs on Glee has come on. You grab Jaehyun’s arm and start moving it around, you were too excited.
Moments later, you grab the remote and get up from the couch. You pretend the remote is your mic and you start singing along to the song, belting out some words slightly out of tune
Suddenly, you point the remote down towards Jaehyun, wanting him to sing the next bit. He hesitates for a second but joins in anyway, with you singing along
Jaehyun thinks you look ridiculous but looks at you in admiration; a huge smile on his face.
Still singing out of tune slightly, Jaehyun sits and watches you as you're dancing around. He shakes his head and throws his head back laughing. He wipes some of his tears away from laughing so much.
You whip your head towards him, slightly taken aback as Jaehyun suddenly gets up and takes the remote from you and starts belting out the lyrics
You let out a laugh as you both dance around singing the rest of the song out of tune but somehow in harmony.
Do you get deja vu?
Remember the first time you told me you loved me?
Being a music major, you spent a lot of time in a music room, especially in front of a piano. Growing up, you’ve always wanted to be a pianist. You remember the time when you were a kid and saw someone sitting in front of a piano playing a song at a train station. You looked at them with wide eyes and was so mesmerized by the upbeat melody. Letting go of your mum’s hand, you ran up to them and watched them play. You found out from the nice stranger that they were playing a song called “Uptown Girl’ by Billy Joel. It was at that moment you realized what you wanted to be when you grew up.
Ever since then, that tune has stuck with you. When you first got your very own piano, you spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to play it as well as listening to the song many times. Whenever you played it, it brought back all those memories. It meant a lot to you.
You were finished with lectures earlier than expected so you decided to head to the music room to work on a few things.
Whilst sat in front of the piano wanting to work on an upcoming assessment, your mind drifted elsewhere and you started playing Uptown Girl.
You were so focused on playing that you didn't hear Jaehyun coming into the room
“whatcha playing babe?”
You slightly jump at his voice before turning around
“what you doing here? i thought you were in class”
Jaehyun took off his backpack and sat next to you as you scooted to the side a bit to make space for him before he set his bag down beside the piano bench
“class got cancelled so i’m free the rest of the day woooo”
You chuckle at his response and nod
“soo… whatcha you playing babe?”
You told Jaehyun the story about how you came across the song and how your love for music came about when you were a kid.
You and Jaehyun met during high school and eventually bonded over music and grew closer throughout the years. Now here you both are, attending the same university as music majors.
“can you teach me?”
“i can try”
You played the song a few times so Jaehyun could listen to it and get the vibe of it before teaching him the basics then the harder bits.
“i think that's enough learning for now”
“okay” you giggle
Jaehyun asked if you could play him the whole song and you happily obliged. While you were playing, Jaehyun looked at you and was fascinated. You had a huge smile on your face and thought you were the most precious person ever. He wanted to love and protect you by all means.
You were about to go onto the next part when suddenly you hear
“i love you”
As soon as you hear those words, your hands come to a halt. You stare at your hands for a moment before looking at Jaehyun in shock, mouth slightly ajar
“i love you, Y/N”
Do you get deja vu?
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A different girl now, but there's nothing new
Shaking your thoughts away, you roll your eyes and scoff before getting up and throwing the now empty ice cream cup away. You decided to head home and enjoy the rest of your evening by watching reruns of Glee with some more strawberry ice cream.
I know you get deja vu.
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AN: Thanks for reading until the end! My longest fic I’ve written so far and I’m pretty happy with it. As always I’m happy to get any feedback on it and I really hope you enjoyed reading this. I’m currently working on another fic that’s based on a song I’ve been loving lately so I hope to get that one up sometime! Take care everyone 💜
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tender-rosiey · 4 years
☘︎︎ 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕒𝕥𝕖 ☘︎︎
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Dᴀᴢᴀɪ ᴏsᴀᴍᴜ:
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Stroll Outdoors 🏞
ఌ You know that river he jumped in when Atsushi found him?
ఌ That's it; you guys went for a walk near it and to the park.
ఌ Despite seeming too simple, it was actually really cute and enjoyable!
ఌ A lot of adorable stuff have happened in it an example of them is:
Dazai: Have you ever had a boyfriend?
Y/N: No
Dazai: *genuinely surprised* HOW?!
Y/N: *shrugs*
Dazai: *under his breath* but your are so beautiful and amazing
Y/N: what?
Dazai: chicken strips *panicking inside*
ఌ You guys also got ice cream and he did that cliche but gentlemanly move of wiping it from the corner of your lips with a handkerchief.
ఌ He walked you home and kissed your cheek as a goodbye.
"I hope you enjoyed our night, belladonna." said Dazai a soft smile gracing his lips.
ᴀᴛsᴜsʜɪ Nᴀᴋᴀᴊɪᴍᴀ:
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Face Painting 🧑‍🎨
ᴥ︎ As a little childish as it was it's was a really adorable and wholesome date.
ᴥ︎ You guys bought a face painting kit and sat on a roof of a house and painting each other's faces laughters and giggles filling the air.
ᴥ︎ You painted a little tiger on his cheek while he painted a butterfly on yours.
ᴥ︎ Here is a glimpse of what happened:
Y/N: Atsushi, why did you paint a butterfly?
He started blushing like crazy and said shyly
"It's cause you are as beautiful as one."
ᴥ︎ Gave you a piggy back ride home.
"It was so much fun! Thank you for accepting to date me!"
ᴋᴜɴɪᴋɪᴅᴀ ᴅᴏᴘᴘᴏ:
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Cooking classes 🍱
✍︎︎ Ah yes, cute and beneficial.
✍︎︎ If you both didn't end up messing up the place.
✍︎︎ You were baking a cake together and accidentally knocked over the bag of flour which fell on the both of you.
✍︎︎ He got a little frustrated thinking you hated this but immediately relaxed when he saw you laughing.
✍︎︎ You wiped each other's faces and cleaned the place together.
✍︎︎ When adding the a decoration to cake he did something very cute.
✍︎︎ He hugged you from behind and guided your hand to how you should spray the cream over the cake.
✍︎︎ Of course he drove you home and made sure you are safe.
"I hope we can do it again soon and I will make sure nothing goes wrong."
Tᴀɴɪᴢᴀᴋɪ ᴊᴜɴɪᴄʜɪʀᴏ:
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Picnic 🧺
☃︎ A lot of cute and simple dates we have here.
☃︎ Packed all your favorite snacks and food.
☃︎ You guys talked a lot and shared a lot of cute stories.
☃︎ You were teasing him most of the time leading to a very shy junichiro to appear.
☃︎ At the end of the night like the cutie pie he is, he walked you home and kissed your forehead and said
" Hopefully you liked it today as much as I did!" He said with a cute smile while holding your hand gently.
Rᴀɴᴘᴏ ᴇᴅᴏɢᴀᴡᴀ:
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Five Minutes Craft Trial 📱
☕︎︎ Now our great detective knew none of this shit will work out except two or three, so why did he choose this to be your first date?
☕︎︎ He wanted to explore and try things you.
☕︎︎ A lot of jokes were exchanged as well as sweet words making the atmosphere ,despite being a little silly, loving!
☕︎︎ He enjoyed the excited expression whenever you saw something in the video you were interested in and wanted to try.
☕︎︎ You guys ate a lot of candy (mainly him but who cares).
☕︎︎ He asked you if you wanted him to walk you home but you declined so he bid his farewell to you with a letter.
"It was so much trying these with you! I am really glad you accepted my confession but I mean who wouldn't? Seriously though thank you for giving me a chance. -Ranpo/ Your Wonderful Boyfriend”
ɴᴀᴋᴀʜᴀʀᴀ ᴄʜᴜᴜʏᴀ:
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Fancy Restaurant 🍾
➪ Just wow.
➪ He really went all out for this!
➪ Some might ask "Why is doing all of this?
➪ Well my friend you see, in this scenario you've known Chuuya since he joined the Sheep so he pretty much knows everything about you and vice versa.
➪ Anyways back to the date, so he chose a really fancy one and booked a private table on the roof.
➪ The light illuminating on the flowers decorating the room. A soft smile present on Chuuya's face as he was enjoying his meal with you.
➪ He got you a really cute necklace too!
➪ When all of this luxury comes to an end he drove you home and gave your hand a kiss.
"Hopefully this makes you see me in another light other than the apple with anger issues because I want you to see me as your lover."
ᴀᴋᴜᴛᴀɢᴀᴡᴀ ʀʏᴜᴜɴᴏsᴜᴋᴇ:
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Zoo 🦥
☾ You guys went around feeding animals (more like you did cause aku was busy glaring at whoever looked at you funny)
☾ It was really cute when you made him try and feed the ducks!
☾ He was so clueless about everything and how to act in a way to make them warm up to him
☾ Btw when he saw the tiger cage it reminded him of Atsushi so he went ╭∩╮(•_•)╭∩╮
☾ You hugged a lot too-
☾ Just pure wholesomeness 😔
☾ You ate together some sandwiches you made
☾ You fed him and vice versa
☾ When he walked you home he said
"I can say an idiot like you made my day somewhat pleasant today."
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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serafilms · 3 years
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song #1 – feelings by lauv (lyrics, song)
“I wanna do whatever you wanna do. If you wanted to, girl, we could cross that line.”
↳ PAIRING – zuko x reader
↳ GENRE – drabble; fluff; f2l
↳ WARNINGS – none
requested by anon – “Hello there, would you hate me if I ask for song request #1 for Zuko x reader? Thank you for writing such awesome pieces of art ☺️”
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You didn’t know what to do. Even your pleas to the gods for help had gone unanswered. You could picture the spirits just laughing at you now.
All you were left with was Katara and Toph for advice, and they weren’t exactly the best at it.
Katara was a hopeless romantic with no realistic approach to relationships (“Oh! Take him on an ostrich horse drawn carriage ride, with flower petals strewn along the path! And then take him to a lake under the stars with a candlelit picnic and kiss him!” “Katara, we’re literally camping in a cave right now.”).
And Toph had no experience with relationships whatsover, and had also made it very clear that she didn’t care (“Punch him in the gut and he’s yours.” “Um, Toph, I don’t think that’s how it works.” “Oh, then I don’t know, you figure it out.”).
“A TURTLE DUCK!” You heard Aang exclaim from the other side of camp. You turned and watched as Zuko clamped a hand over the young Avatar’s mouth and his face flushed red.
Zuko didn’t know what to do. Aang was a 12 year old boy who had a hopeless crush on a girl and couldn’t even do anything about it, and Sokka’s girlfriend was more man than him in their relationship. And neither of them gave him good advice. 
Sokka had insisted that he should play the hero and win you over with his “manly charms and badass fighting skills,” which was apparently how he’d won over Suki (though from Suki’s tellings of the story, he guessed it was the other way around). Aang, ever the animal lover, suggested that Zuko bring you an animal for a pet (“Because nothing represents love better than animals!”).
Somehow, Zuko didn’t think either of those would work on you. At least, they didn’t seem like the right ways to tell you how he felt. He knew how you felt about relationships. They scared you, and from past experiences of yourself and others, you had always concluded that love only resulted in broken endings. A big, suffocating gesture was not the way to tell you he loved you.
And yet despite all your preaching of love being a lie, sometimes it almost seemed as if you’d changed your mind about it. Zuko had no idea whether it was just his mind playing tricks on him, or actually the way it was, but he saw love in the small smiles you sent him when the gaang’s laughter started to die down, the way you slept closer to him on colder nights and helped him pack up camp in the morning. He felt it in the way your gaze fixed on him when he and Aang trained and the way you had hugged him after he’d helped to save your lives.
He wanted to change your mind about love. And sometimes it was easy to convince himself that he was.
His neck whipped around as he turned to face you. “Hey! Y/N! Uh, what’s up?”
Your smile was nervous, an expression that you hadn’t worn around him since he first joined the gaang.
“Um, nothing really. I just…” you took in a deep breath. “Can I talk to you about something?”
He nodded immediately, concern creeping into his stomach. “Of course! Is everything okay?”
“No, yeah, everything’s fine!” You shook your head reassuringly before muttering, “More or less.”
Zuko snuck a glance at you, before nodding his head in the direction of the river near where you’d been camping. “Shall we?”
A smile graced your face as you nodded and the two of you fell in step with each other.
You seated yourselves side by side on the grassy banks of the river, listening to the rushing water in silence.
“So–” “Um–”
Flustered, he gestured for you to speak first.
You took in a deep breath. “Okay, so, I’ve asked for a lot of help with this, but Toph and Katara are nothing but unhelpful, so I think I’m just going to wing this one.”
Zuko watched you as you fiddled with your fingers, eyes cast downwards.
“So we’ve known each other a while now, and I’d say we’re pretty good friends, and uh, I hope you think so too otherwise this is just totally embarrassing. But lately I’ve been feeling like maybe friends just isn’t what I want anymore? Oh god, I don’t even know how to say this. Like, there’s a line there and a part of me wants to cross it, but I don’t know if you do, and, oh my god.” 
You stopped to take a few more calming breaths when Zuko, who’d been examining you carefully, finally spoke up.
“I want to cross that line with you.” He took your stunned silence as an invitation to continue, looking down at the water below. “I know you’ve always said that love only knows broken ends, and feelings are too hard, but I want to change your mind if you’ll give me a chance to.”
Still, you said nothing and Zuko was afraid he’d misread your feelings, misread the situation until he glanced up and saw your smile as you whispered.
“Kiss me.”
Zuko had wanted to change your mind. And it seemed he had.
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anonsally · 2 years
Days 2-3 of Portland vacation
In which we eat yummy things and hike and see exciting birds!
On Day 2, Friend needed a day to recover her spoons, so Wife and I took the bus to Mt Tabor, a smallish park not too far from where we’re staying, and did a short but pleasant walk, with some steep inclines. We enjoyed the smells of the trees--I especially love the scent of Douglas fir, but we also got to smell some elderflowers. When we were ready to head home for lunch, we checked the transit app and saw that we had about 15 minutes before the next bus, so Wife sat and faffed around on her phone while I spent a few minutes birdwatching. I got a good look at a Northern Flicker, and also saw a smallish brown bird that may have been a fledgling calling for food, but I didn’t see the parent and couldn’t identify it. (I wasn’t close enough for Merlin’s sound app to identify it either.)
We took the bus home and ate. Wife wanted to go swimming in the afternoon [though in the end that didn’t work out], so I took the bus into town to visit Powell’s City of Books. I enjoyed browsing around but in the end only bought one book: a pretty Word Cloud Classics edition of Persuasion. I don’t entirely agree with the selection of quotes they included in the embossed cover design (how did they leave out “You pierce my soul” and “I am half agony, half hope”?!), but I still couldn’t resist it.
Then Wife and I met for dinner at a Latin American fusion restaurant/bar called Mestizo and drank cocktails with a delicious meal, including fried banana-flower tacos in tortillas made from 3 different colors of corn (white, yellow, and blue). 
In the evening, we watched Fire Island. That was enjoyable, and I thought they did a really good job of adapting the story of P&P to the new setting. 
Today, Friend picked us up around 11:20 or so and we went to buy doughnuts--first, to Mikiko for gluten-free mochi doughnuts, and then we tried to go to Coco but they had sold out of the raised doughnuts (and I don’t like cake doughnuts), so we went to Doe Doughnuts instead. I ate a sort of doughnut sandwich--a traditional (though actually vegan) “raised” doughnut sliced in half, with whipped cream and sliced peaches inside. It was exquisite. Though I’ve just realised that I have no idea what the whipped “cream” was made out of, since that was a vegan doughnut shop! 
Then we drove out of the city to the Columbia river gorge, where we took a 2.5-hour, 6-mile hike on the Historic Highway Trail in eastern Hood River County. It’s a paved path, so we saw some cyclists, but it wasn’t too busy. It was a spectacularly beautiful day. We ate our lunch before starting, and then hiked along the trail above the river. There were beautiful views, both on the drive there and once we were hiking, plus nice trees (including more Douglas firs), interesting rock formations, and some excellent birds! The first bird I spotted was a black-headed grosbeak, which is new to my life list. There were lots of robins and juncos, but we also saw 2 ospreys circling. And I heard a bird that Merlin sound app identified as an orange-crowned warbler. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to locate it visually, but the song was a long trill, descending at the end. @lies, should I report it? And finally, near the end of the hike I spotted a raptor at the top of a tree above a nest. I looked in the binoculars and discovered it was a bald eagle! and another one was soaring around the nest too, and then we saw another just as we were getting back to the parking lot. That was exciting (new to my eBird life list and possibly my life list at all), and even Wife (with her lack of patience for birdwatching) was thrilled to have seen them. I’m not sure if I should report the nest as it’s not 100% clear if it was in use. The other thing is, this was not primarily a birdwatching walk. Should I report the list as “Incidental”?
We rested for a little while at the shady picnic table where we’d parked and ate another doughnut (mine was a salted vanilla glazed raised doughnut. It was tasty, but I don’t understand the current vogue for salting one’s sweet treats.). refilled our bottles, and then drove back home by way of the grocery store.
From the freeway, I spotted a raptor sitting in a nest at the top of a tree, but of course I couldn’t identify it as we drove past. I also couldn’t tell if it was a parent incubating eggs or a nestling waiting to be fed.
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musicallibrarian93 · 3 years
Under the stars (Gwynriel Fanfic)
It’s Azriel’s birthday, and Gwyn plans a little something special for him. Warning - Very fluffy :)
One shot from my Fanfic ‘Interruptions’. Read it here on AO3 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30307776/chapters/74703369#workskin
Word count - 3.5k 
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It was going to be his birthday soon. And Gwyn wanted to do something special.
Last year it had all been so new, this thing between them. Nonetheless, she had gotten him a gift and gone to their family meal, which Nesta had insisted on throwing for him since it was the first time, she could celebrate with him. He’d graciously accepted even though it wasn’t the kind of thing he’d wanted and had spent the whole night close to Gwyn.
Last year it had been so new, but it had also been kind of a secret. They didn’t go out of their way to hide things and of course her sisters and Cassian knew but they weren’t at the ‘screaming it from rooftops stage’.
This year, Gwyn got Azriel all to herself. Months ago, she’d asked his brothers if she could have him for the night. They’d been reluctant and Cassian had mumbled something along the lines of ‘You get him every night already’. Rhys had finally relented and recognised that it was a special day for the couple.
Gwyn liked to think she knew Azriel well. That maybe she even knew him in a different way to how his brothers knew him, but birthday planning had not been her forte. The only person she’d ever been close enough to want to throw a birthday for had been her sister and they’d shared a birthday, so they’d always planned things together. She knew she wanted to do something lowkey, something for just the two of them but still special enough to mark the day. Cooking for him was also off the table unless she wanted to accept the bond tonight.
Gwyn knew in her heart that they were going to accept the bond one day. Tonight, just wasn’t the night.
Once she’d decided what she was going to do she started to set her plan in motion. It wouldn’t require too much work, but she wanted to make sure it was all perfect.
The morning of Azriel’s birthday, she’d woken in his bed like she had for the past few weeks and turned in his arms to face him. She’d woken before him, which was incredibly rare, but she took the opportunity to start peppering his face with gentle kisses. The shadows that had fallen asleep on top of them stirred and danced around the crown of his head as his eyes began to peel open.
“Happy Birthday.” she mumbled onto his lips. His eyes shot open.
“Can we just go back to sleep for the rest of the day and wake up when it’s not my birthday anymore?” He said sleepily,
“But then you won’t get to see what I have planned tonight…” She kissed him again, but he didn’t seem so enthusiastic about what she’d said, “What’s wrong?” she asked,
“Nothing, I’m sure whatever you’ve planned is lovely…”
“But…” she goaded him on,
“But nothing,” a lie.
She raised an eyebrow,
“Fine,” he said, “I’ve just never really enjoyed my birthday.”
“Well, I hope you enjoy today.”
“I will, so long as I get to spend it with you.” He started to kiss her back now. A small kiss to the tip of her nose, then her forehead, and finally her lips.
They stayed in that little bliss, wrapped in each other for a little while, until Azriel’s shadows pulled the curtains apart letting Gwyn know it was time to go.
“I have to get ready for the morning service.” She said placing a kiss to his head. She moved away but he held onto her hand,
“I’ll miss you.” He said, brushing his lips over the back of her hand,
“Don’t let Nesta hear you say things like that, she’d tease you endlessly.”
He only rolled his eyes in response.
Azriel wondered what might be in store for him tonight. He felt honoured to have someone care about his birthday at all, but he feared he would be subject to an evening of attention on him. He loved family dinners and their small gatherings but an event where everyone might be staring at him might be too much. However, throughout the day Azriel had become increasingly confused about what Gwyn had planned for his birthday.
At training he’d overheard Nesta pester his mate about what she’d been planning. That had confused him. If Nesta didn’t know, did that mean it was a surprise to everyone? Had Gwyn orchestrated a surprise party so secretive that even the guests hadn’t known it was happening? Or had she kept Nesta out of planning it based on the shambles of last year?
Azriel loved Nesta like a sister but his birthday last year had just been crazy. Nesta had planned a lavish party for him which had been lovely but the combination of Feyre being able to drink again and Cassian with the bottles of wine in the cupboards of the house of wind hadn’t made it a peaceful party. The pair had been causing chaos and around 11pm they were found about to jump from the balcony of the house of wind, their wings already spread wide. Rhys had caught Feyre just as she jumped, and Cassian had fallen on his face before he could take off.
Azriel imagined that keeping anyone out of the party planning would have been a good shout.
Apart from the little Happy Birthdays the Valkyries wished him and the bone crushing hug Cassian had given him before breakfast, everything else seemed to be pretty much normal. Training had been lovely; They’d let him pick the drills they did today, and he delighted in watching Gwyn annihilate everyone in hand-to-hand combat. Gwyn had joined him for a small lunch before going to work in the library and then he’d had the afternoon to himself. He’d decided to go flying and then spent the rest of his time in his bedroom, reading or letting his finger graze over a few notes on the piano that Gwyn had dragged in from another suite in the house.
Gwyn had been cryptic to say the least with the plans she’d made, all he knew was that something was happening tonight. She’d given him no time frame either just told him to be ready for when she finished work in the library.
He tried his hardest to be excited. And he was excited but being so unsure about what was going to happen set him on edge. He was almost sure Gwyn had even asked his shadows to not divulge any extra information as they were strangely quiet around him.
Azriel must admit though for all his nervousness of what might come he had enjoyed the quiet day he’d spent. Had enjoyed just spending some time to himself to read a play piano and the thought of seeing Gwyn soon had his heart erupting into butterflies.
He had fallen hard for her, which was fortunate and almost predictable given they were mates, but he was so grateful that she’d wanted to take this slow. It certainly wasn’t the conventional thing, but it seemed so right for them. To just take the time to be a couple and learn about each other.
Azriel knew in his heart that he was going to spend the rest of his life with her, if she’d let him. Until then he was happy to just be with her.
Around Seven O’clock a soft knock sounded on his bedroom door. It almost made him laugh because Gwyn had been sleeping in his room every night for the past few weeks, she’d even started keeping a few of her essentials in a little draw on, what was becoming, her side of the bed. Yet she still treated it like it was his room and she was just a passing guest.
Nonetheless, he walked to the door and saw his beautiful Gwyn standing on the other side.
“Are you ready?” She asked with a sweet smile,
“Well, considering I don’t know what’s going to happen, I didn’t know what to wear.” He glanced down at his outfit, which had been a pair of comfier trousers paired with a smart black sweater.
“It’s perfect.” She spoke. He looked down to see what she was wearing and was happy to see she’d dressed equally casually with a pair of leggings and a nice chunky cardigan.
Gwyn held up a blindfold, “May I?”. Oh, okay so definitely some kind of surprise party. Why else would she blindfold him? He only turned and ducked so she might be able to reach around his head and tie it over his eyes.
Azriel wasn’t frightened for two reasons. The first was that he was sure he could navigate Velaris in a blindfold and second was because he was with Gwyn. He doubted he would be so calm about someone else trying to blindfold him.
She brushed the back of her hand against his knuckles. They’re slight asking for permission to hold the others hand and he placed his hand in hers in an instant. He felt the shadows dance around him now, they were excited about what was to come.
She silently led him out of his rooms and through the corridor. He knew this house like the back of his hand. And she led him right onto the patio.
She tugged on the tie on the back of his head.
Once Gwyn had decided what she’d wanted to do it actually hadn’t taken that long to set up. But she’d left Azriel to his own devices today largely for his sake. She guessed that might be part of her surprise, giving him some space today, as well as asking the others to keep the day rather lowkey.
They would have family dinner tomorrow night at the river house, but she knew that on the actual day of his birthday it might be too much to handle.
It didn’t make her any less nervous about what she’d planned though. What if he secretly loved big parties? What if he was getting sick of her? He might at least want his brothers. But Gwyn pushed the thoughts down and prayed he would like it.
“Surprise.” She said pulling the blindfold away.
It was beautiful.
Stunning even.
Gwyn had set up the patio into a comfy lounging area with blankets sprawled over the floor, big plush cushions scattered around. A chain of fae orbs lightly glowed along the walls of the patio illuminating the area and a picnic basket sat in the middle of the blanketed floor space.
“It’s not much…”
“Gwyn,” he said stopping her, “Are we going to stargaze?”
“All night if you want to.”
He stood unmoving. Oh no. Maybe he didn’t like it, maybe she should have done more.
“I know it’s a little cheesy to stargaze in the night court, but we’ve never done it before, and I got dinner for us and me…”
He couldn’t stop himself from kissing her. What she’d done. This was perfect. Just to spend the evening alone with her. And the kiss told her as much. She felt every ounce of gratitude; Especially when she felt his rest his forehead against hers.
“Come this way.” She said through the haze of the kiss as she held his hand and led him to the blanket, in the centre of the floor.
“When did you do all of this?” he asked taking in the gorgeous area she’d created,
“Merril let me off work an hour early and it took all my stealth for you to not hear me lugging blankets through the house.”
“It looks like our little stealth lessons are paying off.” He said with nothing but pride in his eyes. Yes, it was worrying Gwyn had gotten past him, but it was delightful all the same.
“I did persuade your shadows to keep it a secret.”
“My own shadows.” He said feigning the look of betrayal.
Gwyn sat down first gesturing for Azriel to sit opposite her. He sat with grace on the floor and his wings spread to one side in order to be comfortable for him while they sat. In his next breath he inhaled the scent of the food that was sitting in the basket.
“I requested a special delivery from your favourite little cafe from along the sidra.”
“Bluebells!” He said with his eyes lighting up,
“Yes,” she smiled as she pointed into the basket, “I got some of those pastries you adore as well as some other little bites and maybe later there will be some lemon cake.”
“Gwyn…” he said tentatively, and she knew why he was hesitant,
“This isn’t me… accepting the bond. Although considering how your face lit up at the thought of Bluebells, it’s certainly given me some ideas.”
He cupped her cheek.
“I haven’t touched any of the food,” She continued, “I don’t quite know how it works or the rules, but I imagine if you help yourself, then I haven’t exactly offered it to you so…”
“It’s perfect,” He replied, “You’re perfect.” She smiled brightly before pressing a kiss to the palm of his hand,
“Eat, or it will get cold.”
Azriel never thought of himself as much of a foodie. He grew up with the idea that just bare scraps were a luxury but when he’d stumbled across Bluebells a few centuries ago it’d been the first time he understood the fascination behind good food. Gwyn had been the first person he’d told about it when he’d taken her round Velaris and he was happy that she’d liked the little macaroons as much as he did.
Their little picnic was beautiful, and Gwyn had gotten him all his favourite items. He’d loved sharing it with her and how her eyes had lit up when he’d fed her his favourite sandwich.
After they’d finished and were completley full Azriel fell back onto the blankets surrounded by the pillows, “I’m impressed by your keen observation skills, Berdara.”
“What do you mean?” She said as she curled into his side. His arms circling her waist as her hand rested over his heart,
“I mean, you got every single thing that I love. We’ve only been to bluebells a handful of times, yet you knew exactly what to get.”
“Well, I’m no Shadowsinger,” she said with a smile, “but I know how to keep my male happy.”
He pressed a kiss to her nose.
“This day has been perfect.”
“I was worried it wouldn’t be enough.”
“You’re joking?”
“Well, I know you don’t love big crowds, but I thought you might miss being around your family.”
“We have family dinner tomorrow; I’ll see them then.”
“In addition, to selfishly wanting you to myself, I don’t have Nesta’s natural aptitude to plan parties either.” She said with a smirk that had him huffing a laugh,
“Sometimes our greatest weaknesses turn out to be our greatest strengths.” He said placing a kiss on her forehead,
“The Nephelle Philosophy.” Gwyn smiled,
“How do- You know about Nephelle?”
This had Gwyn rising from her position and grabbing a little package that he’d completley glossed over. She handed him the present wrapped in brown paper. Azriel sitting once more. It was just a touch larger than the size of a book, but delicate beneath his fingers.
“Happy Birthday.” She said as he looked at it with confusion,
“This wasn’t my present?” He said gesturing to the outdoor patio area and the picnic basket. She shook her head.
“Open it.”
Azriel couldn’t breathe. This was too much.
“Is this…” he started
“Nephelle’s own diary entry of rescuing Miryam.” For now, Azriel held a framed piece of parchment that had words written in Nephelle’s own hand the account of that day.
“How did you know?”
“Feyre may have mentioned that you loved her story.”
“I- How did you get this?” Azriel could barely get the words out.
“I wrote to her,” Gwyn said, “I told her that my mate admired her story and she responded with this. Along with a beautiful letter in which she spoke of how you inspire others too.”
“I hope you like it.”
“Gwyn, this is perfect.” He smiled, silver lining his eyes, “You’re perfect.”
That had Gwyn crying too. She shuffled closer to him and his lips brushed against hers. Her hand resting on the back of his neck.
“I thought you could put it in your room, on top of the dresser maybe?” She said only a breath away from him,
“Our room,” He said suddenly, “Gwyn, will you move in with me?”
“To the house?”
“You don’t have to say Yes, or if you don’t like my room, we can find another one in the house that we like, but I would be honoured beyond reason to know I get to wake up next to you every day.”
She considered it for a second, “I guess it would make things easier,” Azriel hummed, “Nesta might like to live with another female,” she sighed, “And I sleep there every night already.”
“What do you say?” He asked again, his forehead meeting hers,
“Yes,” she whispered, “Yes. Yes. Of course!” She said getting louder. She peppered kisses all over his face before her lips connected with his once more.
It didn’t take long for their kiss to turn heated. Azriel’s hands trailing down her back before lowering her to the blankets and cushion on the floor. Their kiss was exploring and unhurried and driving Gwyn completley out of her mind. She wasn’t in control of her hands as they found there was to his hair that had slightly curled and pulled very gently. He moaned into her mouth and Gwyn forgot where she was only that it was her and Azriel. Her and Azriel forever. This was just the start.
“I love you so much.” She said, utterly breathless,
“I love you too.” He replied.
He lent in once more to kiss her again but stopped a breath away from her. She raised a brow, knowing the look in his eyes. His shadows were talking to him.
“Nesta and Cassian are coming.” He told her. And indeed, when Gwyn turned her head, she saw the mated couple walking onto the balcony with their own blankets and pillows bundled in their arms.
“I can see why you didn’t tell anyone your plans, Gwyn,” Nesta said with a smile, looking at the couple who had been caught in quite a comprising position,
“Hello, Nesta.” Gwyn said with a smile, while also raising her eyebrows as if trying to signal something to her sister,
“Happy Birthday, Az.” Nesta said with a bright smile,
“I tried to stop her.” Cassian said from behind his mate,
“Yeah, we were kind of…” Gwyn started, but didn’t know how to finish,
“You’re welcome to join us,” Azriel said, a bright smile on his face as he rolled off of Gwyn, she sat up to make room for his wings, “If that’s okay with you.” He said to Gwyn,
“It’s your birthday,” Gwyn said. And that was all Nesta needed to hear before setting up their own little blanket area on the patio. Cassian kept looking over trying to seem apologetic for the night they’d interrupted. Gwyn couldn’t hide she was slightly upset for him.
“It’s okay, my love.” Azriel whispered, sitting up, quiet enough that only she could hear,
“Yeah?” She breathed back,
“Well, I was immensely enjoying our evening so far,” he smiled, kissing her nose, “but, I guess we’ll just have to continue where we left off when we get back to our room.”
Those words alone had Gwyn forgetting the couple who had joined them as she took his face in her hands and kissed him like no one was there.
They were shortly interrupted by Nesta saying, “Get a room, you two.” But when Gwyn turned around, she saw the light dancing in Nesta and Cassian’s eyes, they were truly happy for them.
Gwyn still flipped them off.
Cassian let out a loud laugh at that. Surprised to see the priestess act so crudely, perhaps she’d spent too much time around them.
After that they settled into light conversation, Azriel pointing out constellations in the sky while Nesta nuzzled into Cassian’s side. It turned out to be quite lovely. Nesta and Cassian squirreled into the basket to find some of the left-over lemon cake, and Gwyn smiled when Nesta fed it to Cassian. So simple and casual but Gwyn was excited for the day she’d be able to do that with Azriel.
At some point she drifted off, the vibrations of Azriel’s low voice, singing her to sleep. But when she awoke the next morning she was in a large comfy bed. Her bed, she now realised. With her mate’s arms and wings wrapped around her.
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ask-feederjin · 3 years
Hi Jin! What are you favorite things to do with each of the boys separately and what's your favorite thing to do with everyone together?
Jin logged onto his Lavender Love-Handles from his desktop computer. Might as well have it running in the background as he gets back to some higher ups.
Oh, another comment! Jin clicks on the link.
“Hi Jin! What are you favorite things to do with each of the boys separately and what's your favorite thing to do with everyone together?”
That’s a fun one to think about, let’s see…
That’s a really great question!
When it comes to non-kink related activities, one thing we all have in common is our love of music and movies! It’s a great hobby to share now that we’ve decided on fattening them up, cause you don’t have to move around much to enjoy it. Jungkook is really the movie buff, so he tends to pick those out, but since we all have such different tastes in music we’ll have what we call a ‘jukebox night’. We all sit down together and take turns introducing each other to new music. It’s actually super relaxing and it’s one of our favorite things to do post-stuffing.
Individually… Hmmm, let’s see.
With Yoongi, he likes to do his own thing for the most part. He claims that he’s a lazy fatass, but he’s actually a total workaholic! I have to sometimes drag his ass out of his office for dinner cause he lost track of time. It’s a miracle he’s gained any weight at all with how often he would skip meals! Really, it’s only thanks to his completely sedentary lifestyle combined with constant snacking that he’s packed on any pounds.
Since he doesn’t come out of his office often, we like to spend time together while he works. We don’t talk a lot, but’s a comfortable quiet that we can just exist in. The younger boys can be pretty rambunctious sometimes, but with Yoongi there’s no expectations of doing things, you know? Sometimes he even asks for my advice on a track he's working on.
Kink wise, I like to make sure he’s always topped up on snacks. Yoongi doesn’t like feeling too full, at least not to the point of nausea, so we’ve decided to just make sure he’s never hungry and see how that goes. I will come into his studio while he’s engrossed with a project and feel his tummy. If I think it’s getting too soft, I'll feed him a few snacks while he works. It’s so cute how he absentmindedly takes them from my fingers, chewing slowly. I only leave once his belly his nice and tight again.
Namjoon and I enjoy going out together. There’s a park next to a nearby river that’s always beautiful this time of year, so we like to have picnics together there. Sometimes the other boy’s come too, but it can be a little too much of a walk for them now. Joonie is the only one who’s maintained the majority of his muscle mass so far (it used to be him and Jungkook, but Kookie is actively trying to lose mobility so he doesn’t like to leave the house much).
We talk about books we’ve read recently, our favorite cafes and watch the ducks toddle around.
I’ll tease him about how soon he’ll be the one waddling like that. It’s so funny seeing him try not to get flustered in public when I say those things.
When we feel a little friskier, we’ll go out with him dressed in his smallest clothes. The lower curve of his belly is always on display, sometime with a little of his butt crack if the pants slip down. He’s gained over thirty pounds of fat since we started and it seems like it’s only really gone to his waist, so no double chin yet :’(
Those are the days I’ll pack a massive lunch. He’s required to eat all of it while we’re out, and by the time we’re done he’s so stuffed his shirt often rides up over his belly entirely!
It’s so hot, as he gets fuller, seeing him slowly stop caring about strangers watching. He goes from embarrassedly tugging down his shirt and wiping his mouth to belching openly, belt buckle undone.
Jin had to take a short break from writing to slap his red cheeks. Oh man, this was so weird talking about these moments. The time he spends with his boy’s has always been very intimate, especially their kinkier interactions. Seeing it written down like this made Jin feel like an old man that just saw a slip of ankle from across the street.
Joonie usually needs help standing after one of those outings. We take a cab back home too, so no worries about him getting any cramps!
Hoseok is interesting. Before he started gaining, he was actually one of the most active people I knew! He would frequently attend dance lessons and even wanted to start his own studio at some point. He actually confessed to me once that although he does love dancing, a lot of his commitment to it was an attempt to suppress his desire to let himself go.
He still likes to dance, just not for hours every day like he used to. I’ve got two left feet myself, but Hobi never makes me feel bad about my abilities, or lack there of. We will turn on some of his favorite music and totally let loose. I used to be the only one that would get out of breath, but now it’s the both of us. He turns bright red when I mention this, haha! He totally likes it though, he’s one of the ones that gets off on teasing.
Lately, he’s really been enjoying dancing due to feeling his new fat jiggle. He’s gained the least out of all the boys, no thanks to his hobby, so there’s not a lot of pudge to feel.
He swears up and down that he can feel his upper arms and belly shake slightly though. I believe him. It’s only a matter of time anyway before it’ll be visible to others though, so we’re looking forward to that.
Jimin is a people pleaser. He likes being helpful, and what a sweetheart he is! I cook a lot for the boys, and now that their caloric intake has practically doubled, I have a lot of food to make!
Jimin enjoys playing sous chef for me. He’s a great assistant, grabbing the spices I need and chopping up the more tedious ingredients. We chat about our days while we cook. Jimin likes knowing that people are interested in and listening to what he’s saying, it’s his way of feeling acknowledged and appreciated.
He’ll try to sneak bites of food while I’m not looking, and most of the time I’ll let him. He’s also my little taste tester! So by the time food is ready to be served he’ll already have a half-full tummy.
So far he seems fine getting around the kitchen, although, with the way that he’s growing, I may have to do a little rearranging! Minnie’s getting pretty bottom-heavy, so I worry that his larger hips might bump into something and knock it over. We’ll need to remodel in the future anyway, so I can take care of that then.
Taehyung likes to be babied. He’s not our youngest (that would be Jungkook), but he sure acts like it most of the time. He’s very interested in fashion and loves to sit down with me to explain the newest trends and upcoming designers. Now that he’s a little pudgier (and often very stuffed), he can’t fit into some of the clothes that he buys so he uses me as a model. I try to make him laugh with funny poses and exaggerated runway walks which makes him all whiney. I see him trying to keep a straight face though!
Although we get most of his wardrobe online, one activity we like to do is go out to the mall and shop there. I like to dress up all the boy’s before we leave the house to accentuate their new bodies, so I make Tae wear button ups that don’t button all the way anymore, and slacks that visibly cut into his hips.
He lives for the embarrassment of looking fat and sloppy in public.
We’ll go to a store and have him pick out things to try on that are too small for him. He’ll go to the dressing room and call out quietly for help. I act like I don’t know what’s wrong, so he has to explain it to me, and I scold him for growing too fat. Oh man, he absolutely loves that.
Jin stopped writing briefly to remember that moment. When he had walked into the dressing room, his eyes were greeted with a titillating sight. Taehyung was sweating and red from embarrassment, the store’s black skinny jeans only pulled up to the boy’s upper thighs before having gotten stuck. The white button-up dress-shirt was completely unbuttoned, sleeves tight around his upper arms.
Oh, Jin teased him so much that day. About how soon he’ll be spilling out of his largest pair of sweatpants, how everyone sees how much of a little fatty he’s become. Even the store’s cashier made a couple lighthearted comments that went straight to Taehyung’s libido.
Jin shook his head. There was no way he could write that down! Going into full detail of the erotic event would be so TMI!
He should probably move on...
Jungkook and I like to watch movies together. He’s a massive Marvel fan, but up until we all started dating, I’d never seen a single one of them. He was soooo upset with me, haha! He sat me down and we started getting caught up. Once a month about, we cuddle up and watch a Marvel movie together. I think we’re on Infinity War right now. I’ve… definitely heard spoilers at this point, but that doesn’t detract from the experience at all. Jungkook is so fun to snuggle. He’s a little taller than me, so I like to sit on his lap and lean into his front while we watch. Sometimes when there’s a really exciting part, I can feel his heart race.
Of course, we have snacks too. Lots of popcorn and soda, hot dogs and soft pretzels. We buy bulk movie theater candy online, so we’ve got all his favorites. Jungkook usually starts eating by himself, but once the movie really gets going he slows down. I take over then so that he doesn’t have to split his attention.
Eventually I can feel his belly pressing further into me, hear it gurgle as it grows tighter and tighter. His breathing gets really heavy near the climax of the movies, and every few bites lets out the smallest moan. Jungkook loves getting stuffed past his limit, so we go all out.
Jin wonders if he should leave that part in. Would people find it too personal? Whatever, it’s not too weird. He’ll leave it as is.
I like to give him belly rubs while we wait for the end credit scenes. He lets out a little built up gas from all the carbonation which I tease him about. Sometimes he’s too stuffed to move so we pull out the couch a bit so he can just lie down and sleep right there.
So… yeah! I guess that answers your question. Sorry for the essay, I just love talking about them.
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richardlawson · 3 years
After a screening this afternoon, I stood on the busy sidewalk of 29th street and smoked my last cigarette of Cannes (having been home for almost a month). I decided to listen to a sad song while I walked back to the subway rather than finishing the latest comedy podcast droning its way into my ears from LA.
It was windy, but the air was still humid and close. The weather felt big, and the tall, tall buildings of almost midtown were enormous. (It is still so boggling to pop back into Manhattan!) I walked the short distance imagining myself at the cinemascope ending of a movie—what a poignant, subtle conclusion it would be, a person simply making their way to the subway after so much has happened.
It is difficult to grapple with what’s happened. Am I the only one finding that? I know that we must admit the important layers of this: we did not die, loved ones were okay, we kept working, held ourselves in the clench of our lives as so much cratered outside. Past that, though, it was tricky. It still is. More than that. Immediately post-vaccination, I felt the airy lift I was supposed to, the world not cracking open but gently re-revealing itself, a shining, outdoor Shangri La that had been hovering there, only hidden, all along.
That feeling lasted just a few weeks, though, as grim news lapped at the edges of the merriment. But it wasn’t really the news—concerning as it is—that sunk me back down. It was more the sudden weight of life, tossed into the pool and crashing down on me just as I was coming up for air. It was the realization that a year and a half—and quite likely longer—does actually change a life, that things will never go back to being the same. And the realization that I no longer really remember what that same was.
I remember parties, and a kind of cross-city ramble resembling the boozy digression of my 20s, but a bit more assured. I remember a rush, a haze, a feeling like I was living some grand existence without ever touching the ground, ever really connecting to any one thing. Of course, there were dull and dire days during all of that, but who would choose to remember those? No, in the abstraction of my mind there is just a sparkling blur, one I have found myself clumsily grasping for as real life has, allegedly, set back in.
I hope I am not alone in this feeling of mourning, this constant fear—a terror, really—that I am scrambling at something entirely irretrievable. Like I am trying to pick up an anecdote midway through, after a long and pregnant pause. Isn’t it so strange, and so sad, that so much is now definitively over, that we are on the other side of an undeniable piece of punctuation. There is no return, really. There is only carrying on, a new limp a part of the portraiture.
My sister and I took a trip in July, she meeting me in France after the Cannes film festival, and that almost felt like a before thing. Except it was charged with difference—masks and tests and all that necessary protocol, yes, but also an ineffable haunt, this little curl of a voice that whispered, “It’s not like it used to be.” I thought maybe it was France, that I’d somehow grown tired of it (spoiled me!), or it was just the weirdness of rumbling around on trains with my sister for the first time in so long, surrounded by people speaking a different language.
But it wasn’t that, not really. It was "not like it used to be" in a sharper, more persistent way, the pebble in my shoe that has me so startlingly aware of the lines and shapes and matrices of the world, all of a sudden. How could anyone, with death so persistent a topic for so long, not grow to see the frayed and finite threads binding us to everything? How are we supposed to enjoy anything fully again, when we’ve had such a regular reminder of its eventual end?
Luck, I’m aware of. Fortune, too. I know that some maudlin post about how out of step with reality I have been feeling is, well, out of step with reality. But there it is anyway, this nagging feeling like maybe we all died already, that what we're staggering through now is some after-effect, residual but fading. I find myself imagining a membrane that I might step through—back into the life I think I had, or into a future when all of this feels so peacefully settled.
A friend and I found a little tucked away space in a park by the river, a picnic table and an umbrella where we can post up to surreptitiously drink wine and watch the boats on the river. I love those fucking boats, the busy process they confirm, New York chugging along in its infinite capacity. You can see the planes from Newark, too, a view recently stolen from my building's roof by some hideous new condo building tinkering its way upwards to blot out the sky. There, in that park, the East River breezes whispering a calming song, I begin to feel re-clarified, certain again about my mind and my body and their place in—as Mary Oliver wrote—the family of things.
That feeling is fleeting, though. Then it's back into the plainness of life, the sensation that everything has flattened into some tiny fragment of what it once was. I have to trust—I hope you trust, too—that we'll get it all back. Or, rather, that a new and thorough thing will slowly bloom in the old thing's place, for those of us lucky enough to still be alive and, for all the wear of age, healthy enough.
A few years ago, I wrote a poem about a restaurant in Cannes, in which I wondered what it might be like to revisit it in the future. I found it again this year. It was still open, though I think it has a different name. And the little burbling fountain that stood next to its outdoor seating was silent and dry. So there it was, still plugging along, just a bit hobbled by circumstance, a little less pretty than it was in more ideal times.
I hope I get to wander by it again next year. I hope that the person glimpsing it then feels fuller, sturdier, more sure of the weight and consequence of his presence. That he knows he did not disappear into the couch, was not wholly lost to worry, did not irrevocably snap some tether that linked him to the great and troubled and bitterly missed past of his life.
The song I put on, walking to the subway in all that huge weather today, was this. I love its swell, its grandeur, its reminder that some stuff is not entirely reducible. It stays, small and determined and indelible as the new scar on my shin, from when I tripped on my suitcase, the night before I got back on a plane, cursing in the dark, forgetting how grateful I was to be feeling it at all.
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alecxaheart · 3 years
Sunshower | Lee Felix Oneshot
✎ Genre : Friends to Lovers AU, Idol AU, Fluff, Angst
✎ Pairings : Lee Felix X Reader
✎ Word Count : 2.5k words
✎ Synopsis : We all know that sunshines together with the rainfall makes a rainbow. And that is exactly like how you fell for the freckled sunshine.
✎ Warnings : Explicit Language
✎. . . Sudden change of plans for the title. :P Enjoy!
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In an early afternoon, Felix had to stop by for lunch at this wonderful bakery near the Hangang Park. Where they serve many delicacies such as bars, breads, desserts, cookies, muffins, and more. His personal favorite was their fudgy brownie bites, so favored that he's inspired to make one of his own.
As soon as he opened the door to the bakery, he felt the stress he had from practice a while ago were completely relieved. The bakery gave off a warm welcome when he stepped in. Contrasting to the cold breeze of autumn outside. The aroma of newly baked goods lingered around the room that it felt like Felix's being lured immediately to the cashier. It almost smelled like heaven, thought of Felix.
The moment that he got his desired lunch in his hands, he took a seat near the window. He savored each bite of the pastry, eyes rolling to the back of his head at it's deliciousness. Although a ring from his phone interrupted him from his feast.
" Oi Felix, " Chan greeted as soon as he answered his call. Felix first dabbed his mouth with the provided tissue before replying to Chan, " What's up? ".
While he's into the conversation with his friend, something – or rather someone on the streets captured his eyes. You were aimlessly running after a piece of paper caught in the wind. The breeze carrying locks of your silk hair. Your eyes reflecting the sun and eyebrows knitted as you continue to struggle. When the time that you've had it in your hold came, you accidentally slipped on the autumn leaves. Causing you to painfully land on your butt. A groan fell out of your lips as you rubbed your butt to ease the pain. All of the commotion that Felix saw from you made him break out a giggle, which left his friend confused on the other line.
" Ah yeah, yeah. Let's defo have a barbie this arvo. "
Felix thought that you were adorable.
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" (Y/N)? " Called out by the person on the other line as soon as you picked up the call. Your phone was pressed against your right ear while you continued searching for the remote underneath the pillows. It surely has been a while since the last time you interacted with your boyfriend, Park Jongsuk, and God knows how much you missed him. Just hearing his soothing voice at this moment sent butterflies into your stomach. His voice is enough for you to make your day better. " Yes, love? " You asked, smiling to yourself. Also noticing how his tone sounded more requesting. As much as you wanted to beam at him a ' good afternoon ' and ask how is he, you decided not to.
Once you've found the remote to your television, you turned the volume down so that your conversation with him wouldn't be interrupted. You've been just passing some time by watching Netflix for about a week now. Actually, not only for passing time but it is even for avoiding yourself to overthink your current situation - especially about your relationship status with Jongsuk.
" Could we.. " He first trailed off for a moment, contemplating if he should persist with the plan. " Could we meet up later? " That question alone made you joyful and excited, smiling from ear to ear. You give him your enthusiastic approval before ending your call by telling one another that you're both anticipating for your meet up. Turning off the television, you were off to your room to fix yourself. Afterall, this is your first meet up with him ever since the day you were parted by long distance — that's been like roughly 8 months. Him achieving his dreams as a model and actor, away from your home country, Australia. He did brought you with him though. The first months you shared the same apartment, every moment filled with happiness and love.
That is until everything drifted apart. It began with him moving to a dorm nearby and supported by his Entertainment. His weekend visits turned to none at all. Everything that became a habit with him vanished one by one. Leaving you only with memories. But it seems like today's the day you'll start to get everything back.
Oh how you are so oblivious to your bittersweet fate.
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Arriving to the said location, Hangang Park. It runs through thousands of miles and has many parks along the way. An environment friendly place for people to enjoy nature, sports, foods, entertainments, fountains, and more. You personally just adore how comforting it is to be there and to have a breath-taking sight of Han River, especially at night. Every locals and tourists savor their time to be here the same as you do. Although as of today, you couldn't help but notice that the park isn't as packed as it usually is.
You sat down on a nearby bench, waiting for Jongsuk to make an appearance. He did told you to come in the late afternoon and you did get there in time. Leaning onto the bench, you let out a sigh. Eyes finding itself staring at the sky covered with gray clouds. The cold wind crashing into your figure, making you shiver. You were sure that you checked today's weather forecast before leaving your household, told you that it'll just be a cloudy day.
Children's hearty laughs soon began turning to murmurs and whispers. The sound of silverware and plates clinking rang through your ears. It sounded like the family's starting to pack up and clean up their picnic space. " Come on, let's go! " Called out by a woman in her late 20's, assumming that she's the mother. You grew anxious when you noticed how everyone seemed to abandon you alone. Why is everybody departing out of the blue? You've just arrived.
" (Y/N), " You heard your own name being mentioned and it came from  behind you. Recognizing the owner of the cordial tone of his voice, you turned around to meet a pair of eyes wearing misty gray contact lenses. Seeing him washed away all of your worries. Your heart's about to instantly jump out of your chest due to the fact that it's filled with pure happiness. Unconsciously smiling brightly at him.
" Love! " Running towards him, you hugged his tall form securely. Mumbling the words, " I missed you. "
However, to your surprise, he never returned the hug. In fact, Jongsuk gently removed your arms around his waist. " (Y/N), I missed you too, " He started, crouching a little bit to face you better. " Although I have something to tell you. Something important, that's why I came. " Something's starting to creep into your guts. As if it's warning you that there's something off about today. He stated that but he never smiled back at you ever since he made an appearance. Plus, he always addresses you by your real name. Not your shared endearment which is strange.
You hummed in response, your smile slowly fading from your lips. " What is it? " Jongsuk saw how your eyes sparkled with hope. He knows that you're yearning for him to tell you that your gut feeling is wrong. Which made him more guilty for what he's about to do.
" (Y/N), let's.. " He hesitated, hating the fact that he has to see you in this state. However, he does know better for what's best for the both of you. " Let's end this here. " To be better off with someone else. Those words were enough to shatter your heart into million of pieces. Your face fully turning into a gloomy countenance with a hint of confusion. Your lips starting to quiver. For a second, you were frozen into place. You dislike how you couldn't control yourself right now.
" I'm sorry, we just didn't work out anymore. " He continued. Thoughts were flooded with denial, that this is happening at this very moment or you must've misheard everything. But no, Jongsuk's facial expression says it all.
" I understand, " Your voice sounded brittle, holding back the tears. Pity is one of the things that's written on his face. That's the least thing you wanted from anyone, to pity you. As if it's telling that you're incapable of overcoming the worst situations in life, that you're fragile and being belittled. And you clearly despise it. " I'll take my leave now. "
With that, you walked away from him. Your arms found itself wrapping around your own figure, trying your best to calm down. Your mixed emotions of fury and agony almost getting the best of you. Although each second that's passing is killing you. Heart aching, lips quivering, you were just in the worst state ever. And once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. Resulting you to run away aimlessly. To wherever your feet may take you.
One drop, two drops fell from the skies that made you slow down until you come to a total halt. You looked up to the sky, seeing it covered with dark clouds. A droplet landed on your cheek, a simple gesture from the heavens of wiping off your tears and you'd like to think of it that way. It wasn't long after the drizzle transitioned to a downpour. As if the heavens are crying and mourning with one of its beloved (you) at what tragedy it witnessed. Unfortunately, you haven't brought your umbrella with you due to the fact that you believed at the false weather forecast. So, you let yourself get drenched in the rain. Not giving any piece of shit about the aftermath. You're currently already exhausted and under the weather.
You closed your eyes, body shivering to the cold air being left out from under the showering water. For a few minutes, you stayed there. Not even minding any comments from the people passing by. That is until you didn't feel the rain landing on your body out of the blue. Strange that you could feel a warm presence to your right. However, you could still hear water coming in contact with the pavement.
When you've parted your eyelids, you were greeted by a black fabric instead of gray clouds. " G'day mate, " A familiar deep voice laced with Australian accent greeted. Glancing to your left, he beamed a sweet smile at you. It was as warm, bright and blinding as the sunshine that it could possibly change the whole weather. To be honest, he's the least man you expected to see today since you thought he's as busy as your ex-boyfriend was.
Lee Felix.
" You know you'll get ill with what you're doing and that's least thing I wanna know from my mate. So, that's defo a no no from me, " He pointed out, handing you his umbrella. You timidly accepted it anyway, hand brushing pass his warm ones. Eyes instantly staring at the wet pavement as soon as it's in your grasp. Sighing, Felix took his jacket off and placed it on top of your shoulders. He also handed you a handkerchief after that, receiving a small thank you from you. Then took the umbrella handle back into his grip.
" You know, your ex-boyfriend's a dick, " That being stated by Felix, you let out a belly laugh while drying your face. Seeing your face lit up also made him laugh with you. Ever since the beginning, you both just clicked when Jongsuk first introduced him to you. The time one of you spoke the first " Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! " call, you felt the connection between the two of you while harmonizing at " Oi, Oi, Oi! ". And honestly, he's better at handling long distance friendships than your ex-boyfriend was. He made sure that he gives time for your friendship despite of his busy schedule from being an Idol. Which is impressive because that's just friendship, what more if he's in a relationship?
" I'm sorry, it's just – That came out from you very unexpectedly. I never saw that coming but I like the change. " You chuckled, now walking down the streets with Felix.
" Well, it's still true though, " Felix began, taking out his favorite fudgy brownies he bought from Sunny's. " How could he be so impatient and ghosted you for straight 8 months? And love is known to be patient. He let himself get defeated just by distance. " He took a bite at the brownie, chewing it thoroughly before continuing. " I even heard rumors of him and this make-up artist from his drama recently. "
" What the fuck, " You cursed under your breath, the last part surprising you. Avoiding the chances of you overthinking, you shook your head then changed the topic. " So you're admitting that you've been spying on me, huh? "
" Hey, it's not my fault that I was at Sunny's because my stomach's craving again for those pastries when I witnessed it, " Felix defended, earning a hum as a response from you.
" Though, it felt like I was watching a K-drama, " He jokingly added which ended with you smacking him upside the head playfully.
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Reaching back home, you invited Felix for dinner and he gladly accepted the offer. As long as you agreed to his terms of conditions. Let him play League Of Legends on your PC and buffalo wings for dinner.
Coming out of the bathroom fully dressed and hair slightly damped, you saw Felix already busy playing on your PC. The headphones plugged into his ears. You're probably gonna kill him if you found out that he gave you a losing streak. Leaving the room, you went down to the kitchen. Preparing his desired meal. As you were doing so, you occasionally heard faint screams from upstairs which made you chuckle. It was quite odd how well Felix knows to immediately make your day better. Like as if nothing, no tragedy, ever happened earlier.
By the time you called Felix for dinner, he dashed down the flight of stairs and towards the dining area. His eyes sparkled and mouth almost drooling at the delicious sight plus taste of the meal. He didn't hesitate to dig in, taking one into his lips and you followed. While eating, Felix's eyes landed on a picture frame unintentionally, making him glare at it. " You should find someone better, " He suggested, his chocolate orbs meeting your own.
When you're always this close to him, you could see his charming points well. From his distinctive features to his gorgeous freckles. You still continued to believe that it was a constellation map drawn by the Gods so that people could never forget what the heavens looked like especially on cloudy days like today. It must've took a lot of patience, dedication and love to sculpt him. How blessed he is to be one of God's greatest masterpiece. Maybe, the heavens loves you so much that they sent him for you. Afterall, the heavens did show affection to you in a form of rainfall.
" Yeah, as if there's someone as better as you. " You murmured while continuing to feast onto the meal. However, Felix heard it clearly.
" Hmm.. " Felix pondered for a moment, chin resting on top of his hands. " Too bad there's only one of me. "
" Although this one does like you. "
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aer-in-wanderland · 4 years
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구미호뎐 | Tale of the Nine Tailed - Lee Dong Wook’s Early Christmas VLIVE 2020.12.23 TotNT Talk
In which Lee Dong Wook talks about the series finale, deleted scenes, behind the scenes, and what TotNT means to him. 
This Year as Lee Yeon [1:16:20~] 
The final ‘2′ is: ‘This Year as Lee Yeon.’ Yes, that’s right. Well, truly this year, after Wook Talk* wrapped, I lived as Lee Yeon for nearly the full year. As of this week, it's been.. What is it? Three weeks since Tale of the Nine Tailed wrapped, right? Still, to think three weeks have already passed… 
At first, after it ended, for about one or two weeks, I was continuously listless; after it finished airing. But filming actually wrapped a while before then, so for nearly about a month, over a month, I've felt a bit empty, yes. And heartsick... (sigh) So, this year I lived as Lee Yeon. I received a lot of love, yes. And got to experience many new things; there were a lot of enjoyable things, yes. 
Humans really are like that. We're forgetful creatures, aren't we? While we were filming, it was intense and exhausting. I would think, ‘Gosh, when are we ever going to finish? Seriously, when are we going to film all of this?’ But now that we've actually wrapped, now that a month and three weeks have already passed since we finished filming... (nods) Now that I'm able to calmly look back on things, ‘It was fun,’ ‘It was enjoyable,’ ‘We really had a great time of it. We really worked hard.’ These are the things that have stayed with me the most.  
[*Note: This is the nickname for Lee Dong Wook’s 2019 talk show.]
Lee Dong Wook’s Affection for TotNT [1:18:18~] 
[Reading the live chat] Do I have a lot of love for Tale of the Nine Tailed? 
Yes. Most likely, of everyone in the world, I probably have the most love for Tale of the Nine Tailed. Of course, the fans of our drama that loved it, and my fans that loved me, probably have a lot of love for it as well, but it's possible that I love TotNT even more than our director and writer, yes. (nods) 
(Sigh) Since there's so much that went on behind the scenes that I can't even begin to tell you about... (nods) 
There's... Lee Seung Hwan, among Lee Seung Hwan hyung's songs, among Lee Seung Hwan sunbae's songs, there's one called ‘Even if I Write A Poem with Tears’ (눈물로 시를 써도). In the lyrics there's a line that goes, ‘A letter torn up for having far too many circumstances [to convey] / Do you know the meaning of that?’ Right now, that's precisely how I feel. There are so many circumstances, and since they're not all things I'm able to tell you about.. (nods) Yes, well, in any case, I believe of everyone in the world, I have the most love for Tale of the Nine Tailed. 
Sense of Responsibility [1:19:51~]
Tale of the Nine Tailed is... to me it was one of the dramas in which I had a large burden, a lot of responsibility to bear; in which an immense amount rested on my shoulders. From the very beginning, the director, the writer, and I spent quite a lot of time preparing just the three of us. Mm...so, while I'm only saying this now, before we even began, from the very start, I began this project with the feeling that, whether the drama succeeded or failed, I would have to bear the full responsibility for that. (nods) It was a drama, and a character, that I felt that much responsibility, that much affection for. 
So, yeah, we spent seven months filming, and the broadcast, too, ended well.  
The Final Scene [1:21:10~]
There are an awful lot of questions about the final scene. ‘At the end, is he a gumiho or a human?’ 
Honestly, I hadn't thought that that was something to be that shocked about. ‘They'll just think of this as a bonus cut.’ ‘Whether he's become a gumiho, or he's human but his powers remained, Lee Yeon will continue to eliminate the demons (ak’gwi) of this world, and Ji Ah will be with him, encouraging him and lending him strength.’ I thought people would think of it as just that much of a bonus cut, but, ‘He's become human,’ ‘He's a gumiho,’ ‘He lied to Ji Ah,’ ‘He deceived everyone.’ There was so much talk going around. So, ‘Ah, this.. I may have been somewhat mistaken.’ I did think that, yes. 
But that wasn't necessarily a decision made solely by the writer and director. My opinion is reflected in that as well, so, well, since it's all over and done with at this point, rather than blaming or not blaming someone, I think it would be best if we all just laid it to rest, yes.  
Six Years Later [1:22:37~]
Rather, I thought the focus would be on the happy ending: ‘Lee Yeon returned. And so, he and Ji Ah became a happy family.’ (nods) And, there is a bit more to it than that, actually, yes.  
Originally, hmm... We don't know if we'll be able to do the commentary [for the director's cut Blu-ray] or not, but if it turns out we do, we'll talk about these sort of.. yes, we'll talk about these things, so..  
To tell you a little bit up front, originally, in the scene at the park where I meet Rang-ie, that boy who is like a reborn Rang-ie, that's six years later, according to the script. As to why we didn't add that '6 years later' in as a chyron... If we had, our environment would have needed to change completely. At the very least, the smartphones Lee Yeon and Ji Ah use; their car, like, the cars driving about on the roads, all these sorts of surrounding items; the house we live in - so, well, that would be a set, wouldn't it? - all those things would have had to have changed, but we didn't have the time needed to physically make those changes. And, honestly, none of us know what sort of smartphones we'll be using in six years, do we? What car models will be released six years from now, how people will dress and go about six years from now. So, in wanting to keep true to those details, we thought it might be fine to just leave it at, ‘some amount of time had passed,’ and go with that. But now, well, thinking about it now, if we'd just added in the chyron, I think maybe it might have been easier for you all to understand, yes. 
Daughter [1:24:33~] 
And, ah, there was really a lot [of talk] about that. That's...of course, we, since that scene itself was deleted it's only natural that you all wouldn't know, but, ‘Lee Yeon and Ji Ah have a daughter.’ 
So, well, there were these photos of this child actress going about [the internet], but.. she's not our daughter. (laughs) She's just.. As to what that deleted scene was, it was a scene in which Ji Ah and I happily enjoy a picnic, just the two of us, at the park. I’d made delicious kimbap... 
And then, the little girl just passes by.. So, to put it simply, that little girl was an extra. But then, somehow, that scene ended up being deleted, and with all the curiosity over the ending, that just snowballed until people started saying, ‘That little girl was our daughter,’ ‘They had a daughter, but they didn't show her to us,’ that sort of talk was all over. 
But, yes. (laughs) That's not the case. Well, for this, since there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding, I thought I might set the record straight for you just this once, yes. 
[Reading the live chat] Yes, she's not our daughter! (laughs) She's a child actress who, yes, just came briefly to act as an extra for us.  
Lee Yeon’s Thread Rings [1:26:08~]
Oh! The thread rings, yes. I said in my previous VLIVE that, yes, that the color of the thread rings was of no consequence. They’re just one of Lee Yeon’s accessories that I had come up with from the very beginning. But after I began wearing the couple ring I no longer wore them. Also, in episode 16, when I return from the River of Three Crossings as a human, at that time too I’m not wearing the thread rings. But...well, after the 6 year time jump that only I know about, I’m wearing them again. The thread rings.
So they were actually a mark just for me that symbolized my abilities. I regained my abilities, and so, at the end, in the bonus cut as well, I’m once again wearing those rings, as always. So that was what I was referring to when I said that. But at that time, the broadcast was still ongoing, so I wasn’t able to explain these sort of specifics; the meaning of the thread rings.  
But that’s something that nobody knows. I’m the only one who knows that. The director, the writer, nobody else will know that. Because it’s something that I came up with all on my own, a detail I made all on my own, so that’s probably something that nobody knows. It was something that only I knew, yes.
‘Missing’ Behind the Scenes Footage [1:27:43~]
Well, I'm aware that there are a lot of other things you're curious about too. Regarding Tale of the Nine Tailed. But, well, I can't just go into each and every one of them here.  
Ah, right! The.. ‘The kiss scene, the bed scene, why was there no BTS footage of that?’ I heard that people have been saying this, but.. (chuckles, sighs). Yes, there's a bit more to the story there as well. 
So the thing is... that was the production team being considerate of us. They were being considerate of me and Bo Ah-ssi. As to why, it's because, before being actors, we're people. Of course, as part of acting we act out those sort of scenes, but there are times when we feel self-conscious. If a camera that isn't ours, another camera like a BTS camera or a still camera is filming that, the people who are taking that footage, those photos, are a bit, yes. They're hesitating for our sake. ‘Ah, is it okay for me to film this right now? To capture this?’ ‘Is this not, in some way, inconsiderate towards them?’ ‘Am I interfering with the filming of this important scene?’ Well, from that line of reasoning, they were being considerate of us.   
But, also... It was something that I wanted. “I would like it if you didn't film the BTS for these sorts of scenes.” This goes for me as well, but also, the actress could feel even more self-conscious and uncomfortable, so. Well, it was that sort of thing, yes. It wasn’t as if we were filming some sort of x-rated scene with a lot of exposure or anything, but - I'm sure many of you are aware - when it comes to those sorts of specialized scenes, only the essential crew remain while everyone else goes outside, yes. They vacate the space. But, well, we also did that when we filmed these sorts of scenes. So you can just think of it in that context. Of course, I know that wasn’t what you meant when you said you were curious about the behind-the-scenes [for these scenes] but, (laughs) well, I'd I appreciate it if you understood, yes.
Behind the Scenes Story? [1:29:52~]
Tale of the Nine Tailed behind the scenes [stories]... There are so many. Yes. But, well, honestly, it's not as if each and every last one is coming to mind right now. My thoughts are all jumbled. 
Inviting Questions [1:30:35~] 
Since we're on the subject of Tale of the Nine Tailed, if you’ll send me some of the questions you had about TotNT, I'll take a look and answer a few. Using this time. That would be, yes, I think that would be best. 
Iconic Scenes [1:31:03~]
[Reading the live chat] Iconic Tale of the Nine Tailed scenes? 
Oh, I can't pick one. Iconic scenes, iconic lines, anecdotes that stuck with me, I can't pick these sorts of things. There were just so so many. Yes, so much happened. And well, yes, so many memories are coming to mind that I can't pick just one. (nods) That's a bit... I'd appreciate if you would understand.  
But I’ll say this: from beginning to end, there wasn't a single scene, a single cut, that wasn't precious to me. Truly. (nods) Yes. Because I gave my all to the creation of every scene; because I had to take responsibility for more than I ever have in any other drama, all of it is precious, and all of it has stayed with me.
The First Scene Filmed [1:32:00~]
[Reading the live chat] The first scene we filmed? 
The first scene we filmed was the one where, in episode 1, after exterminating Yeo Nui at the wedding hall, I'm sitting in the park and, yes. He's revealed later as Soo Oh. The scene in the park I filmed with that kid, that was the first scene we filmed.
(Sigh) But that day, there was a high wind warning. A high wind warning. The wind was blowing really hard, and even though it was mid-April, even wearing a long parka, it was cold. On top of that, our hair and clothes were being blown about, so even though it wasn't such a difficult scene, it took a long time to film. 
So, although it was our first day filming, we really had a hard time of it, and it took a long time, and, conversely, it helped me adjust quickly [to what filming TotNT would be like]. It was that sort of scene. (chuckles)
The Red Umbrella [1:32:59~]
[Reading the live chat] You want to own the umbrella? 
Ah, the umbrella. (chuckles) The umbrella. It's expensive. Yes. That's, but, as I mentioned previously, promotional items aren't something I can do anything about... 
Wirework [1:33:31~]
[Reading the live chat] Did the wires hurt? 
Ah, they hurt a bit at first. They hurt a bit at first but, later, after doing wirework for about seven months, I got used to them. (nods) Later on, doing wirework action was a bit fun. Well, that is, the people rigging the wires, our stunt team, must have had a hard time of it, but for me.. (laughs) I sort of enjoyed it later on. It was fun. I mean, moving about mid-air is something that, frankly, we can't normally do, isn't it? Flying about like this for a long period of time.. (nods) Later on it got really fun.  
Imoogi SFX Makeup [1:34:50~]
[Checks the live chat and laughs] Hahaha Was the Imoogi makeup a sticker? 
That's (laughter) that's really, really expensive special effects makeup. It takes an hour to do that (nods, laughs again). Yes, it's not a sticker. It's special effects makeup. Specialists in our country who are extremely good at special effects makeup came and took an hour each time to painstakingly apply that makeup.  
[Checking the live chat] The questions are going by so fast. Hold on a second.
The Scene in which LDW Cried the Most [1:35:46~]
[Reading the live chat] Ah, the scene in which I cried the most? 
Ah~ The scene in which I write a letter to Ji Ah. Mm....In that scene where I write a letter to Ji Ah......I really did cry a lot, yes. 
And.... A scene where I cried when I wasn’t originally supposed to was...that, when I leave a video message for Rang-ie. Originally, crying there wasn't in the script. But, without even meaning to, tears came. 
Ah, so, if you watch that scene again... The part where I go, ‘This message will explode in 10 seconds... I'm kidding. I just wanted to try saying that,’ and end the video, the camera draws back from me, like this. But I suddenly start crying, and sob. So this camera draws back, and stops. Originally it was supposed to zoom all the way out, but it stops, and goes back in a little bit, about this far. They used a camera rig to film it like this, but.. That’s how I remember it, yes. If you try watching that [scene] once more, you'll see. Yes. They were tears that hadn't originally been planned on.  
Lee Yeon’s ‘Profession’ [1:37:51~] 
[Reading the live chat] Haha After he's restored, will Lee Yeon really be a stay-at-home husband while living off rent money? 
(Nods) He probably will, yes. (chuckles, nods) Lee Yeon has so much money that I don't think he'd bother working. And, I think he would focus all of his strength on protecting Ji Ah.  
The Video Messages [1:38: 31~]
[Reading the live chat] In the final episode, in the scenes where Rang-ie and I cry while looking at each other’s video messages, were we really watching each other cry? 
Yes. Rang-ie [Kim Beom] and I both actually recorded those messages on our phones. We really recorded them, and we each filmed while watching the video the other had recorded. So we really did watch them, and we really did cry. (nods) 
Who Has More Money? [1:39:18~] 
[Reading the live chat] (chuckles) ‘I heard that Lee Rang has more money than Lee Yeon~?’ 
Ah, it seems this was something Rang-ie said. (nods) That could be. I think that’s entirely possible.  
[Note: This is a reference to something Kim Beom said in his Instagram LIVE]
End of TotNT Question Time [1:39:56~] 
[Reading the live chat] I'm looking for a question I might be able to answer...but...nothing is really jumping out at me. 
Hmmm Hmmm... Yes, well, it seems like I'll have to wrap up talking about Tale of the Nine Tailed here, yes. I had wanted to answer more of your questions but...yes. I'm not seeing the sort of question I might be able to answer for you. Well, in any case, thank you so, so much for loving Tale of the Nine Tailed, and for liking it so much even now. 
Drama Memorabilia [1:42:12~] 
[Reading the live chat] Oh! ‘Did you ever want to own any of the outfits you wore while filming a drama?’ 
Oh this one, yes. I can answer this one. While filming a drama, key items, things that are associated with me, like outfits, I have them. Yes. Ah... I think I have an item from just about every [project] at home, yes. So, come to think of it, hmm...from Goblin, you know, that grim reaper...uh...costume? From the fedora down to the shoes - the suit, shirt, shoes, fedora; I have all of them. Just as they were. The coat, yes. So I have my reaper costume kept nicely at home, just as it was. And when I was filming Life, the name tag I wore around my neck all the time, that, ‘Ye Jin Woo,’ yes, that, ‘Emergency Medical and Health Services, Ye Jin Woo’ name tag is also at home. It's hanging on the fridge. And that, when I filmed Partner some years ago, at that time, I had a nameplate that read, ‘Lawyer Lee Tae Jo.’ That nameplate is at home, too. So I always keep at least one prop, one item that's associated with me that contains memories.  
I also have my grim reaper [death] list at home, even now. That list is really something that no one else will have. Yes. I'm definitely the only person in the world who has one. (chuckles) No, it's just, this is just another anecdote but, right around when we were nearly done filming Goblin, the staff had kind of made a lot of those lists, so there were extras. And they kept asking me to sign them. (laughs) But, originally, you're not supposed to write your name on there, right? You only, you know, write the names of people who are going to pass on, so I was like, ‘Even though I know this..is not the real thing, is it really all right for me to, ah, sign this?’ (laughs) Later I was like, ‘No, no I can't sign this,’ and turned them away. There was that anecdote. (laughs) 
Oh, and that, that umbrella sheath that Yeon-ie wore everywhere. You know that umbrella sheath he wore like this? That's... I made that. I designed it. Should I have brought that today to show you? Well, later, if there's an opportunity. But even though I only ever wore the black one on screen, there was actually another one that was brown. So I had those made out of high-quality leather, very expensively, yes, two of them. Yes, it was my idea. It was an idea my styling team and I came up with. ‘Since he's always carrying that umbrella about, rather than carrying it in-hand, what if I tried wearing it over my shoulder?’ I thought. So we had them made, and when I mentioned it to the director he said, ‘Oh, that sounds interesting,’ ..yes. Naturally, I have those. Those too, as you'd expect, are in my possession. And... [Reading the chat] Yes, I designed them, yes. I paid for them myself.  
And, oh. The umbrella that you all wanted so much. That umbrella, and the sa'ingeom, yes. I have them both. (nods) Ah, I should have brought them today. How much you all must have wanted to see them. I didn't think of it, I'm sorry. That umbrella case, the brown one that never aired, the umbrella, and the sa'ingeom, I have all of them. Later, if there's an opportunity, it'd be nice if I could give you a good look at them. Yes, well, from small things like the name tag to my reaper costume, these sorts of things, yes. 
[Reading the live chat] You’re envious, aren't you? Yes (laughs) Yes, well, anyway.  
For anyone interested, you can find excerpts from Lee Dong Wook’s earlier TotNT VLIVE that I translated here, here, and here. 
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lostbbygorl · 3 years
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The breeze was cool. Just what Y/N L/N needed to clear her head after all the drama that had happened prior to this moment! Christa and Mr. Smith had split up, Mr. Ackerman confessed his love and desire to marry Y/N only to get rejected, and Y/N learned the truth about someone she greatly respected. Christa was in Ermich, on a much deserving holiday, whereas Y/N was in Utgard, the enemy base! But was he, Mr. Ackerman, really an enemy anymore? He had opened her eyes, and his motives may have caused damage, but Y/N would’ve done the same thing, right?
Y/N rested her head on the gazebo tree towering over her. She silently marveled at the beauty of Utgard river. The water was clear and glimmering under the sun’s golden rays. Small flowers of the brightest hues peeked from emerald bushes of fresh grass. On occasion, baby butterflies, amber and sapphire in color, would flutter by, sitting on the flowers. The smell of nature and strawberry jam had distracted Y/N from the fear of running into Mr. Ackerman for a good 1 hour. That’s right, strawberry jam!
“ Y/N, dear, you’ve hardly touched any of the food. You suggested we have a picnic. Are you devoid of an appetite?”, Y/N’s uncle, Mr. Theo Magath asked.
“ Oh no, I’ve eaten loads”
“ Have some more scones, you’ve gotten thinner since the last time we met, darling”, her aunt, Mrs. Lucy Magath joined.
Y/N quietly nibbled on a scone.
“ Y/N, is something troubling you?”, her aunt asked.
“ Not at all”, Y/N lied.
“ Don’t try that tosh with me, missy. I can see right through you. You’ve been terribly quiet this whole trip! I won’t pester you any further, but just know that your auntie is willing to listen to you, should you desire to seek me out, okay?”, her auntie soothed, to which she hummed as a response.
“ Say, Lucy, doesn’t Mr. Levi Ackerman live around here?”, Mr. Magath suddenly asked, getting Y/N’s attention.
“ He resides in Utgard castle, about 10 minutes walking distance from here, yes”, Mrs. Magath answered.
“ I hear there’s certain wings in Utgard castle that’s open for visitors. I also hear that the Ackermans have a magnificent lake absolutely brimming with salmon, and I’ve a good mind to see it”, Mr. Magath said. Y/N was uneasy. Anywhere but Utgard castle!
“ Please, can we not?”, she pleaded.
“ Why, dear? Is it because you know Mr. Ackerman? Is he a nasty man?”, her auntie implored.
“ No, it’s just that-”, she stuttered, shaking her head. He’s not so nasty, she thought.
“ It’s just that he’s so-”
“ So what?”, her uncle questioned.
“ He’s so rich”, Y/N said weakly. Her uncle and auntie frowned in confusion. What had gotten into their niece?
“ Now, Y/N. Don’t be a snob! Refusing to see Utgard castle or Mr. Ackerman because of his riches that he didn’t ask for”, Mr. Magath joked. His wife chuckled, but his niece still looked uneasy.
“ Oh, come on now, dear. I’m really eager to go! Besides, I bet a rich man like Mr. Ackerman has business in Ermich. He’s probably not home at the moment”, Mr. Magath argued. And so, the trio walked to Utgard castle. Mr. and Mrs. Magath gossiped on their way to the castle, but Y/N remained quiet, hoping with all her might that Mr. Ackerman wasn’t home.
Once she reached the castle though, a majority of Y/N’s worries vanished. The colossal building was white with dark blue painted towers. Some of the windows were made of stained glass. The trio walked towards the wing open for visitors. A short, plump, middle aged woman greeted them warmly. She had sparkling brown eyes, and white streaks in her auburn hair.
“ Welcome, visitors, to Utgard castle. I’m your host, Martha Somserset”, she beamed.
“ Utgard castle has been the home of the Ackerman family for many generations. Currently, it’s the residence of Mr. Levi Ackerman and his younger sister, Ms. Isabel Ackerman”.
The maid cheerfully guided them through the castle, showing them all the most popular sites. To say that the interior was beautiful would be a gross understatement! Red velvet curtains hung above the large windows, and the marble floors gleamed under the light of a massive crystal chandelier. Ceramic vases boasted expensive flowers, and every wall held an impressive oil painting. The paintings were of previous members of the Ackerman family. Y/N chuckled to herself, noticing that all of Levi’s ancestors had the same serious expression as he did, all except one. Only one painting had a smiling subject. The painting was of a slim, elegant, raven haired woman. Her aura was warm, and she strikingly resembled Levi.
“ Ah, admiring the late Mrs. Ackerman, are we”, Martha smiled. Y/N nodded.
“ This is Mrs. Kuchel Ackerman. She was Levi’s mother, and a breath of fresh air indeed”, Martha said fondly. Y/N found herself smiling too! Who would've thought a man like Levi had such an amiable mother?
“ Mrs. Ackerman was very close with her son. Levi was absolutely shattered when she passed. He hasn’t been the same since”, Martha explained.
“ Levi takes after his father more, but he has his mother’s golden heart. I assisted Mrs. Ackerman with Levi’s delivery, same with Isabel”, she continued.
“ Levi is a perfect gentleman. Never once has he mistreated a servant. He’s so independent, always cleaning up after himself no matter how much I tell him to leave his dirty work to me”, Martha chuckled. Y/N was absolutely shocked! Was Martha talking about a different Levi? She knew that Levi wasn’t as bad as she made him out to be, but was he really this good?
“ Anyways, enough of my blabbering! Let me show you people the statue room”, Martha interrupted Y/N’s thoughts. The young girl felt butterflies erupt in her stomach! The same sense of affection and giddiness she felt back when she read his letter returned- this time with much more force!
The statue room was a sight to see indeed! Incredibly realistic sculptures made of Parian marble filled the room. All the statues were of members of the Ackerman family, and some of them were hundreds of years old. But the statue that caught Y/N’s eyes the most was a life sized one of Levi.
“ This one is of Mr. Levi Ackerman. Isn’t he handsome?"Martha gushed.
“ Yes, I suppose he is”, Y/n replied with a fond gaze and rosy blush.
The more she wandered the castle and heard Martha’s praises of Levi, the more her affection for him grew. At one point, Y/N got lost in the castle as she had wandered off on her own. Y/N was trying to find her way back to the group when all of a sudden, beautiful piano notes started playing, stupefying her and luring her to its direction. The music was a soft, soothing melody so well played, Y/N had goosebumps. As if in a trance, Y/N walked towards its source, stopping in front of a large wooden door that was open just a crack. She peeked through the crack, noticing slender, fair fingers press on the keys of the piano. She peeked further, now seeing a full figure. The pianist was a girl with fiery red hair tied in a ponytail. She had amber eyes, and was about Sasha’s age. Her gown was a lacy ivory one. Suddenly she stopped playing and got up from her seat.
“ Levi!”, she squeaked in delight, jumping at the man, startling him.
Levi twirled her around- and smiled! Y/N had never seen him do that before! She didn’t even know he was capable of it!
“ Hello, Isabel”, he patted her back affectionately.
“ Yes, hello, brother. But first tell me who that girl is peeking at us from outside the door”, Isabel demanded. Y/N widened her eyes as she made contact with Levi. Without much thought, she sprinted to the exit of the castle. I’m not ready to see him yet, she chanted in her head as she ran. She panted outside the castle, totally out of breath. To her dismay, she heard footsteps catch up with her, and then stop behind her.
“ Ms. L/N. It’s a pleasure to see you again”, came Levi’s voice.
“ Um, yes, hello, Mr. Ackerman”, Y/N replied awkwardly.
“ Sir, please don’t be offended by my presence outside the piano room. I had no idea you and your sister would be there and Ms. Martha said this place was open for visitors-”, she began frantically.
“ I’m not bothered by it at all, ma’am”, Levi cut her off.
“ I’m just glad to see you here. And yes, some parts of the castle are open for visitors. I hope Utgard castle impressed you”, he said.
“ Oh, yes! You have a lovely home. Actually, I came with my uncle and auntie. They’ll be out in a minute”, she explained.
“ Levi, who’s this? Are you alright?”Isabel's voice interrupted them. She walked up to the duo.
“ Yes, Isabel. Isabel, meet Ms. Y/N L/N”, Levi introduced. Isabel’s eyes started twinkling, and she pleasantly shook hands with Y/N.
“ Ms. L/N, it’s so wonderful to finally meet you”, Isabel said.
“ Levi has told me so many good things about you. My, you’re just as beautiful as he had described to me”, she giggled cheekily. Both Levi and Y/N started blushing.
“ He said you’re the smartest and most interesting lady he’s ever been acquainted with. He also says you play the piano better than anyone else he knows”, she continued smirking.
“ Isabel, shut up”, Levi hissed in her ear, causing her smirk to intensify.
“ Oh my! I had no idea Mr. Levi enjoyed my terrible playing so deeply. He was joking, Ms. Isabel”, Y/N laughed, hiding her nervousness.
“ My brother doesn’t joke about such things. I insist you play with me this evening”, Isabel returned
“ Y/N, there you are!”, Mr. Magath exclaimed, running towards her.
“ We were looking all over for you”
“ Sorry, uncle, I was lost. Uncle, meet Mr. Ackerman”
“ Nice to meet you sir, please call me Levi”, Levi bowed. Y/N had never seen him this polite before. She expected him to curtly nod and be on his way. Isabel curtseyed and introduced herself before talking with Mrs. Magath.
“ A fine home you have indeed, Levi. I just saw your lake. Me and my wife are most impressed by it”, Mr. Magath complimented.
“ I’m glad you enjoyed your trip here. The lakes have recently been filled with grown salmon. Can I persuade you to go fishing with me later this afternoon?”Levi requested. Mr. Magath enthusiastically nodded.
“ Splendid. I’m inviting your whole family to Utgard castle for lunch and tea. Isabel and Y/N can play the piano, and you and I can fish with Mrs. Magath”, he said.
“ Oh, you boys go fish by yourselves. I’ll be with Ms. Martha”, Mrs. Magath said.
“ See you at 1:30 PM. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some business to see. Lovely chatting with you all”, Levi bowed again, lingering on Y/N before walking back to the castle, his arms linked with Isabel’s. Y/N couldn’t stop grinning even after he left. He sure had changed for the better! And this time around, Y/N didn’t force herself to see only his flaws. She was beginning to return Levi’s feelings! Levi had taken every criticism Y/N had made to heart. He vowed to improve himself. And so, even though he was awfully nervous and not used to such spontaneity at all, he made conversation with complete strangers and invited them to his home. Anything to see Y/N. Anything to spend time with her. Anything to win her over.
The afternoon wasn’t awkward at all, much to Levi and Y/N’s surprise. Levi and Mr. Magath were getting along famously, and Mrs. Magath was laughing with Ms. Martha. Isabel reminded Y/N of her younger sisters at home- and of herself! She was a bright, cheeky young girl with a fondness for music. Soon, the duo talked to each other as if they were old friends!
That night, Y/N went to bed with a smile on her face.
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