#also watching Shadow win ALL THE TIME is boring
0rb0t · 8 months
"ugh why is Shadow so SOFT in Sonic Prime? I MISS WHEN HE WAS RUTHLESS, LIKE IN HIS GAME"
I have some News for you, but, Shadow being ruthless and a huge bully isn't actually his character. It's his character when he perceives everyone to be a threat, sure, OR when he's hellbent on revenge-- but when he's not, he's an introverted hero who does whatever he can to protect home. He cares about his friends, he just struggles at showing it. It being the first Sonic game you played doesn't make it the true characterization.
Also imagine thinking his depiction in Sonic Prime is soft... He's still quick to throw punches and start fights in it. He's just not a "FRIENDSHIP IS PATHETIC" guy anymore.
I've seen some people complain that his character is just Knuckles in Shadow clothing, and i'm just like. first off, incorrect. 2nd off, yeah, a lot of characters are actually similar to each other, and not entirely unique. Blaze the Cat and Shadow the Hedgehog were VERY similar in 06, and that was fine.
edit: Watching Shadow NEVER lose is really really boring really fast. I like seeing him get tired, I like seeing him not the center. I like to see him struggle! It's a kid's show, you can feel closer to your heroes when you see them struggle, too.
Sonic Prime was rated TV-Y7. Meanwhile, Shadow the Hedgehog 2005 was rated E10+
So yeah, of COURSE he's not going to be as intense as he was in his game that had profanity, guns and violence with death. 8/
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matsunoluvr · 1 month
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୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ when the love and deepspace boys get jealous
warnings: pouty men, jealous xavier is a warning in itself, sorry if i mischaracterise…. and i also have favourites LOLL
characters: sylus, zayne, rafayel, xavier
link to master list here!
author notes: all i can think of is pouty rafayel and jealous xavier my brain is a melted goop of lnds brainrot… also sorry for not posting in a while i was on holiday!!
also quick reminder that i have requests open but 1. i’ll get to them slowly and 2. please read my pinned post about rules!
more under the cut ~
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out of the four men i think sylus is the least jealous - now let me elaborate that possessiveness and jealousy (in my eyes) are very different
if you talk to another man, sylus both trusts you and has enough faith in himself to know that no matter what the dude does, sylus is yours and you’re his
he trusts you 100%, without a shadow of a doubt. and this translates through his lack of jealousy when you spend time with other people
however, if the man even attempts to lay a finger on you, his tone becomes too sweet or his hand inches a bit too close and you’re getting uncomfortable?
you bet your ass sylus is interfering.
immediately shifts his body to create distance between you and the other party
he flashes a dangerous look at the other man, evol glowing dangerously as it whispers a small warning into the other’s ear
“Stay away and you get to stay alive.”
he seriously doesn't fuck around when it comes to your comfort and safety, and if he feels that another man is compromising it or pushing the boundaries it really ticks him off
when does sylus get jealous?
mostly when you start to spend less time with him and more time with others
it’s not as if as soon as you spend time with someone else he gets jealous, but if it causes you to start to ignore him/spend less time with him he gets jealous
when he gets jealous, he doesn’t hide it at all
sylus isn’t one to keep his feelings from you, so when you see his displeasured frown you know immediately something is up
he doesn’t get angry or petty when jealous, he just makes it clear that he’s not happy with the division of attention
when you ask him what’s up, he gives you the answer plain and simple
“Getting bored of me already? How come you’re spending more time with […] than me, I’m jealous.”
his voice is slow and clearly unimpressed, crossing his arms as he looks you up and down.
luckily for you, he’s not hard to win over
spend time with him, even if it’s not active such as going out to restaurants or to one of his formal events
the two of you sitting in comfortable silence, him reading a magazine and you looking through moments, that’s more than enough for him
he’s not opposed to displays of physical affection either, cuddling or kisses to his face - anything that tells him “you’re mine/i’m yours” will satisfy him
just make sure not to spend TOO much time with the other person, otherwise sylus might seriously hunt them down
he’d never make you jealous on purpose, he had no interest in other women/men at all and respects you way too much to pull petty moves like that
when sylus accidentally makes you jealous, he’ll definitely pamper you, spoil you with gifts and spend time with you
wanted to get the new limited edition plushie? he’ll stay in the arcade with you until you get all of them. wanted a new game on steam? he’s bought both the game, all the dlcs and any in game passes and currency.
Somewhere at some point during the day he'll simply come clean about it, after all he's a straight forward man and he trusts you.
"I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to make you jealous. Forgive me, please?"
tldr; sylus is a love sick loser that knows you’re equally in love with him as he is with you
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here goes the award to the most composed LI - zayne gets jealous alright, not nearly as much as the coming two but he still gets jealous
it's not that he doesn't trust you, but watching you smile so brightly to the café employee or get a little too friendly with another doctor sets him on edge
if you're talking to male friends/giving them friendly hugs zayne's completely fine with it, he's happy to see you surrounded by people who care for you and for you to be happy too
at first it's hard to tell when zayne gets jealous, he has a poker face that would put lady gaga to shame
however, after a while you discover the few subtleties that give away his disgruntled state
for example, if you're talking a bit too excitedly or friendly to the barista - especially one you'd both met just today - there'd be a little crease in his forehead, his mouthwould be a fraction more downturned and his eyes a bit narrower as if he was squinting
or if you talk to him about a male colleague when you two were supposed to be out on a date, he'd definitely be jealous... however the only give away would be the faintest purse of his lips and twitch of his eyebrow
if you ask him if he's jealous he's going to deny it, he usually doesn't lie but when it comes to vulnerable emotions such as jealousy i feel he'd have difficulties expressing them
"Jealous? I'm not jealous, don't worry about me."
but then the right side of his mouth is twitching a little and if you focus hard enough he gives the impression of a kicked puppy, a very subtle hint of 'give me attention'
if you manage to learn the art of 'zayne expression reading' and finally notice that he's not 'lactose-intolerant-and-having-stomach-issues-causing-him-to-look-like-that' but in fact jealous, here's a few ways to heal your zayne!!
zayne specialists recommend a good dosage of subtle affections - e.g. bringing up one of his interests or reminiscing upon something you two did in the past, basically indicating to him 'hey, i still love you most in the world!'
he's a perceptive man and will pick up on what you're doing relatively quick, and his little grumpy face will relax back into the unconscious, soft smile he adopts when in your presence
if he accidentally makes you jealous, he makes sure you know more than anyone else in the world that he's yours and yours only.
reciprocates the small gestures such as holding your hand in public or introducing you to his colleagues
"Good afternoon to you too. I believe you haven't met [Y/N] before?"
and then he'll adjust his hand placement, sliding from patting your shoulder to gentle resting on the small of your back, a little intimate gesture that screams "I'm their partner."
makes sure by the end of the day he's got the message across, and at one point brings it up (even though you've basically forgotten what he did to make you jealous anyways)
"I didn't mean to upset you, [Y/N]. I love you only, no one else could replace you, I promise."
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okay, yeah, we made it to jealous, pouty, bratty man territory
there’s an evident gap between zayne level jealousy and rafayel level jealousy
don’t get me wrong, rafayel would do anything you asked of him - partially because of his whole lumerian bond and also because he’s utterly whipped for you
does he love you? that’s a stupid question to ask oh course he does… but does he truly trust you?
i’d like to think that rafayel (if he was dating you in this situation) is absolutely devoted to you and trusts you wholeheartedly, but in reality rafayel has deep engraved fears and uncertainties
he has a fear of being forgotten about, and likely (as a consequence of being forgotten multiple times) - the idea of being abandoned or replaced sends physical chills down his spine
so honestly, rafayel’s jealousy stems from the unwavering fear of being left alone, lost and forgotten again…
the pain of being forgotten, it’s not something he’s willing to go through any more, causing it to be difficult to fully reassure him that you’re his.
on a more lighter, more playful level, rafayel’s jealousy would probably lay with animals - specifically cats and sea creatures
one day he finds that instead of lazing about with him indoors, that you were outside napping with a cat on your lap
if he wasn’t so afraid of the cat concerned for your quality and length of sleep he would’ve had a go at the cat as it smirked triumphantly at him, licking its paws as it rolls around in your lap.
when complaining later on he would be his usual, petulant self, pouting and crossing his arms, tilting his chin up etc
“I guess you prefer those furry monsters over a fishie like me, why don’t you just leave me for one?”
to fix this petty brattiness is simple!
simply devote all your attention and affections to rafayel, as in when you two are alone and spending time together you can just pat his head or trace his beauty marks
he’ll be pouting the whole time, but after a few pats he’ll get embarrassed and his ears will go red as he says something like “I’m not a cat…” yet he still lets you pet him lol
rafayel especially likes it when you gently stroke at the roots of his hair, leaning into your touch a little every time you thread deeper into his hair
however, if you spend too much time with another man rather than rafayel, it’s a whole different type of jealousy/insecurity
he’s quiet, too quiet, and withdrawn
the situation was deeply confusing the first time around
it’s as if you ordered the wrong rafayel, what happened to his usual bratty and playful personality? this wasn’t like all the other times.
unlike his childish display of jealousy when you were with the cat, this time he had a schooled expression, blank, a facade
his expression was eerie, you’d never seen him like this, so… emotionless seeming
rafayel, really, was emotionally detaching from the relationship - he still loves you oh my god he adores you so much he’d sacrifice everything he had for you, but the idea of you preferring that other person over him?
it sends him into panic, and all he (believed he) could do was numb himself, anticipate the leave or him getting forgotten
(am i projecting too much here… avoidant attachment rafayel believer and lover 😞🙏)
if he withdrew from the relationship first, maybe it would hurt less being left again
of course you weren’t intending to leave him, so how do you fix this?
well, as unhealthy as this may seem, spending less time with the new person and more time with rafayel really would be the only way i could think of making him feel better
saying things such as “Rafayel I would never leave you.” can only provide him with short-term reassurance, after all how many times have you said that before and then still proceeded to leave him?
instead, caress him gently, give him time to feel safe in the relationship again. late night calls where you two fall asleep together or hold him in your arms as you two both sleep at night
this avoidant attachment style will, however, probably go when you two start dating, since in dating you rafayel has probably decided to let you into his heart and whole heartedly trusts you now :)
if rafayel accidentally makes you jealous, depending on the severity (again) here’s what he’d do
if it was a simple thing (such as spending too much time with the shakes idk something more tame) he’d definitely tease you
“Awwh cutie? Getting jealous of the sharks? Don’t worry, I prefer you over them any day.”
he’ll have this smug ass grin that pisses you off, as much as it makes you love him too
rafayel will give you more hugs and gifts than usual for a while after, claiming it’s ‘nothing’ and that you’re ’hallucinating things’ when you ask what he’s doing
really he’s apologising, but you don’t need to know that
if he made you really jealous/upset he’ll make is extremely clear to you that he belongs to you, his heart and will is yours
will become more clingy and affectionate with you (not that he does it on purpose infact he’s only showing his true desires more), forever. like, you get jealous? don’t worry, literally for the rest of your life you’ll know that rafayel is head-over-heels for you.
tldr: he needs a hug :( also i ended up writing way more than intended but im a rafayel lover, writer and if he has no stans left im dead
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here he is, the most jealous and arguably possessive man in lnd.
xavier tries to hide it, but everyone knows that he’s yours, without a shadow of a doubt
we all saw what happened with jeremiah, don’t make me pull out the receipts LOL. like jeremiah was just happy to finally see the girl xavier was lining over for centuries and xavier was already losing his shit 😭
literally anyone talking to you too affectionately will tick him off, but xavier’s too sly to make it obvious
you’re talking to a doctor (cough zayne) ? xavier brings up some sort of old medicine they don’t or asks about their speciality so you stop talking to them
talking to a protocore specialist? he’ll all of a sudden be holding a textbook worthy protocore, worth the poor persons whole shop
a florist? he’s pointing at every flower and naming them, both common and scientific name.
“Oh [Y/N], look at that flower. I believe it’s called a Lonicera periclymenum?”
*turns to face the clearly shocked and flustered florist with a polite smile*
“Well, maybe you know it as a honeysuckle, is that correct?”
after living for so long he’s learnt many things, and boy does he use it to his advantage
when xavier gets jealous, he doesn’t expect anything from you, no no, this man is a service boyfriend if i’ve ever seen one, he was MADE to please you
rather than thinking “oh you don’t like me anymore i’m so upset“ he thinks “i need to serve and show you i’m yours.”
do you like sweet things? he’s buying you chocolates of all kinds, if that’s not your jam he’s got pastries, or candy, or fresh fruit, maybe everything in a little gift box
prefer savoury foods? he’ll cook you a meal that he knows you like (even if you don’t trust the food) he’ll practice making it until you like it
if you talk about another person when you’re one on one with him, he’ll do little things to get your attention, maybe bite your finger softly or tuck hair behind your ear, little fleeting touches and such
cheeky little grins and conversational diversions such as 'Oh? What about you, how did you do in the exam?' or 'What were you buying in the supermarket?' - more ways of saying "i'm yours, don't forget"
but if you wanted to reassure xavier, physical affections such as cuddling and kisses can win him over
nap with him for a few nights (really he forgave you the first night, he just pretended to be grumpy with you for a while longer for more naps) and he’ll be satisfied (for now)
“Come cuddle with me starlight, I’ve still not forgiven you.”
(he’s lying, he forgave you like a week ago)
likes it when you play with his hair when you two cuddle - now this makes me want to write abt how the men cuddle lol
if he accidentally makes you jealous it’d probably be when the two of you are on a mission and he flirts with another woman to easily progress through a mission
the two of you are in the hotel room and you’re sulking in the bed, turning away from him and clearly displeased
xavier knows you’re jealous, and can only huff out an amused breath - he doesn’t like that you’re feeling bad but he’s happy that you’re jealous… means you like him as much as he likes you!
he gently walks over to the bed, shifting onto the duvet beside you and reaches out to touch your shoulder - making sure you’re okay with him touching you
if you let him, he’ll lie down next to you and slowly wrap his arms around you, spooning you from behind as he slowly kisses the top of your head
slipping your shirt down to just below your shoulder, he gives the skin of your back gentle kisses as he apologises
“I’m sorry, it was for the mission. I’ve only ever loved you, so please don’t be angry.”
and then he nuzzled into your back until you finally cave in, twisting around and hugging him back.
he’ll be seriously apologetic about it though, and in the future avoid such intimate forms of gathering information even *if* you told him it was okay
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AN; i got way too carried away with rafayel ANYWAYS hope you enjoy and now i want to write smaller hcs on how the men cuddle lolol
also this isn’t proofread no beta we die like caleb ig
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gatorbites-imagines · 9 months
may I request Scott McCall x male reader smut where Scott a bottom I have not found a fic where scott is a bottom anywhere and I love to see more support for this fandom pls
Scott McCall x male reader
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Scott has always had a special part in my heart ever since I watched Teen Wolf years ago. You are so right about the lack of bottom Scott content, so I hope this helps scratch that itch a little bit.
Reader is a kanima-wolf combo, like Jackson, cuz I love the kanima plot. did someone say tailplay? cuz theres tailplay.
I had a lot of fun writing this ngl, hope you guys enjoy.
Scotts claws dug deep groves into the floor, a high-pitched whine leaving him as the powerful flexible muscle of your tail curled around his middle, dragging him closer to where you were crouched near the shadowed corner of the room.
The day had been spent high strung on your part, as Scott had seemed to make it his mission to tease you. From sultry looks as he bit his lip, or the way he would push his scent at you specifically to leave you agitated. He seemed to take it as a win when he caught your tongue flicking out between your lips, tasting the air as your leftover reptilian instincts demanded of you.
You had been a kanima when you were bitten, around the same time as Jackson. It stemmed from similar issues to Jackson, something deep and emotional that left you feeling like you weren’t in control of yourself. You had to live up to very high expectations set by your parents, who were very strict about everything you did, also making it impossible for you to accept your sexuality at the time.
But with the help of the pack, you came to accept yourself, and like Jackson, you turned into something more of a hybrid, a mixture of a kanima and a werewolf. Unlike Jackson, you always fell more back onto your reptilian urges than the wolf urges, which was why you were now hissing softly as your slitted eyes bore into the naked back of your lover as you dragged him towards you.
With a flick of your tongue, you could taste the strong arousal in the bedroom, Scott’s bedroom, the faint scent of precum reaching your heightened senses. With a rumbled hiss, you wrench down the pajama pants Scott had been wearing, striking your lightly scaled hand across his naked ass. “You’re so dirty Scott, you were waiting for me, huh?” you hiss, squinting up at him as he looks at you over his shoulder, a slight squint to his eyes that told you that your guess had been correct.
Your tail released his middle as he laid out flat across the floor, lifting his hips just enough for you to pull his pants all the way down and off without tearing them. A whimper left him as your claws ran across his thick thighs, groping the muscle underneath with an appreciative hiss. “So needy” you mumble, digging your thumbs into the dimples of his back, making him keen breathlessly.
Your pupils shrank into slits as you watched how his muscles tensed, his back arching so beautifully as Scott shuffled his knees apart, trying to fit your torso between them as you scraped your sharp teeth across his lower back. The threat of your venom had only ever served to arouse him further, the possibility of being completely paralyzed sending a bolt of thrill and lust through your lover’s entire body.
It was something you had only experimented with once or twice, when you both had felt a little more in control of your more beastly half. But as of now, your tail lashed out, knocking something random off a shelf in the background. Scotts softly glowing eyes met yours as he looked back at you again, audibly gulping and whining softly, almost beckoning you to touch him more.
Spreading his cheeks apart, your tongue started to roll out of your mouth, ready to slither inside him to spread him open the way you knew he loved the most, until you saw the familiar shiny sheen across his pucker. “Did you prep yourself Scott?” you asked with a slight lisp, your longer than humanly possible tongue still hanging out of your mouth.
Instead of answering, Scott simply blushed and buried his head into his folded arms, his knees shuffling to allow him to lift his hips farther, giving you all the answer you needed. Instead of teasing him further, you crawled up his body, letting your torso drag across his back until your chest was pressed against his back, chin hooked on his shoulder.
Your tail coiled around one of his thighs, far up enough that part of your warm scales brushed around his pouch, making him twitch and moan, eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of smooth scales against his skin. “You’ve always been such a freak Scott, never imagined you’d be so turned on by scales” you snicker, tone teasing but also thick with want, half hissed as your tongue felt too long for your mouth.
“Maybe I should just fuck you with my tail instead, what do you say?” you murmur into his ear, the tip of your tail just barely pressing against his slick pucker, making Scotts hips flex as his jaw drops in a soundless moan. You knew it was a fantasy of his, you bet hed even let him fuck him when you were still just a kanima, ruled by a master and mind not your own.
You had seen his search history, you knew the kind of stuff he was into, and if that just so happened to always involve a lot of stuff that was similar to your anatomy? Who would have to know but you, Scott, and God.
The tip of your tail just barely pressed inside, your tongue reptilian tongue pressing against his pulse point as Scott moaned, head falling to the side to give you as much access to his throat as possible. It was an extremely submissive pose for a true alpha like Scott, but it always served to make you feel a deep feral rush, to somehow get someone like Scott under you and writhing.
But before your tail could breach the loosened ring of his hole, you pulled it back, doing your best to ignore the whined out “no, no, please” from Scott. Instead, you reached down and undid your belt, quickly releasing your hard length and letting it rest between the globes of his ass, rolling your hips against his to let him feel it.
“Next time, my cute little alpha” you tease, your sharp teeth scraping hard enough against his shoulder to make blood bead up at the bites, but they quickly healed over, only giving you a slight taste. “Please, please, please” Scott whimpered, sounding almost near tears. Its seems you hadn’t been the only one worked up all day, as Scott almost outright panted for your touch, your cock, your tail, anything.
You swore you could see him drooling as you finally press inside him, his hips shoving back against yours hard enough, that if you weren’t holding him still, he would have impaled himself onto your dick almost immediately. A slight warning hiss-growl left you, as if warning him to stay still. A rumble left him in response, his inner alpha seemingly feeling disrespected by your display, even as Scott arched and moaned for more.
Scott was only given a moment to adjust, just how he liked it, before you started moving your hips. A clawed slightly scaled hand was placed between his shoulder blades, shoving his face harder against the floor as your hips struck against his own, his noises rising in volume and neediness.
Scotts claws ached as they dug into the floor, his fangs flashing as his jaw dropped, open mouthed gasps and moans leaving him as the noises were punched out of him, tongue almost hanging out as drool ran down his chin.
As you struck his prostate, he almost wailed, but before that noise could leave him, the tip of your tail was shoved between his teeth, pressing down against his tongue, and tickling the back of Scotts throat, only making his eyes roll back as he groaned.
Your noises were akin to chuffing as your hips slammed against his, claws digging into Scotts back and hip hard enough to draw blood as venom filled drool dripping from your mouth and down into the divot of his spine. Scott gagged as your tail shoved deeper into his mouth, part of it pushing down his throat as he moaned and sucked on it like it was your cock, spit and drool running down his chin and creating a puddle under him.
There was no way for him to beg with words for you to go faster, but Scott was able to wrench one of his hands from the floor, reaching back to hold onto your hip, urging you to go faster, deeper, harder. So, with a deep hissed growl, you did, striking his sensitive prostate with the precision of an expert, making him keen around the scaley meat of your tail.
You weren’t even sure when Scott came, his cock squirting across the floor in thick white spurts, his eyes rolling back as the euphoria crashed through his body and making him tighten around you. But you were too consumed by your own pleasure, hisses and growls leaving you as you kept pounding into him, taking great pleasure in the wet slick noise of your hips meeting his ass, and how it left him moaning and crying out for more.
When you finally reached your end, you crushed your hips against his, your sharp teeth digging into his shoulder as you came, cumming deep inside him in the way you knew he loved as it made him feel so full of you. Your tail withdrew from his mouth with a wet sputter, strings of drool hanging from the deep green scaled to his pink wet mouth, a noise so high pitched you barely heard it as he came a second time.
Purring filled the room as you held Scott, grinding lazily into him as you milked your mutual orgasms as much as possible, before Scott finally slumped, completely limp and panting. You would think you had injected him with your venom with how limp he went, but in reality, it was just the post orgasm bliss.
With a soft kiss pressed against the already healing bite, you carefully pull you and get Scott to his feet, shuffling him into the bathroom to get him cleaned up, maybe even give him a nice warm shower so you two can be washed up. After getting him dressed in a new part of pajama pants, you tuck him into bed, expertly cleaning up the mess of blood, drool, and other bodily fluids left on the floor. You’ll have to find a way to fix the groves you guys left in the floor, but that was for later.
When all was said and done, you could finally allow yourself to crawl into bed with Scott, the scales on your skin receding for the most part, claws and sharp teeth disappearing to where they came from, and your eyes returning to your usual ones. The only thing that stayed was your tail, which curled around Scott in a loving embrace as you pulled him close to your chest.
Scott let out a soft huff, snuffling closer to your neck before he went limp once more, almost laying completely on top of you, basking in your presence and scent as he felt safe enough to be completely vulnerable, sleep quickly rushing up on him. You didn’t feel tired, so like usual, you laid back and held Scott as he snored softly, one hand rubbing up and down his back as you scrolled your phone with the other. His body heat always left you feeling sluggish afterwards, some kind of reptile reaction, but it made you feel safer to watch over him as he slept, so that it what you did, until Scott was ready to wake up again.
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victoria-daydreams · 4 months
The Winner Takes It All||Challengers
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AN: So, I finally I got to see Challengers yesterday and boy do I have thoughts that may or may not be weaved into the story, things still might be ooc or wrong. Also, I'm warning y'all now, I know absolutely nothing about tennis/college and partook in half ass research on how the sport functions.
Based this fic off the most gut wrenching ABBA song because it fits so well with the story. I hope you all enjoy this mini series, don't know if I did it justice from translating this from my head onto Tumblr, but we move. And hopefully there aren't any spelling or grammar errors, but if there are, we die like men.
A playlist for this series is coming soon!
Word Count: 3.5k
Trigger Warnings: mentions of colorism and racism
Taglist: @seriousaliysa @hopless-y @malscorner @miximora @urfavesim @mmmunson @jackierose902109 @youngestxhearts @blkdivinefeminine @kailkailz @lottiematthewsceo @lonnie2390147 @begoniaespresso @everydayimagineer @pnkstalli @softimgyu @amethystwonders11 @hazbinh0e @ysuftmikey
I tried to tag everyone who commented, but tumblr is being weird so I don't know if you'll get the notification.
Part One: Sugar & Spice
With her arms folded across her chest, Gianna's eyes were glued to the TV screen in front of her as two male sports analysts began to discuss their pick for match of the day.
"Oh man, this right here was my favorite today!" one analyst stated excitedly.
"For sure! It was the match to watch as the tennis world bore witness to the next up-and-coming tennis star," the other commentator agreed.
The camera cut away from the men and to the highlights of the mixed doubles championship match.
"Out the gate Gianna Langdon, ranked number five in girls singles, set the the tone for the day with a powerful ace to start the match,"
A clip of the opening minute of the match is put on the screen with Gianna throwing the ball high in the air for the first, and perfectly executed serve, followed by her pumping her fist in triumph with a grin.
"From there, she and her partner, Max Sullivan, kept their opponents, Roy Christians and Marie Riviera on the back foot for what seemed like the entire match,"
Gianna studied the way she nimbly moved around on the grass court, her swift volleys, sharp serves, and effortless backhands left no room for doubt that she was a force to be reckoned with.
"Play of the match goes to none other than Gianna Langdon, with this volley to put the nail in the coffin of this championship," the analyst reported, as the final moments of the match popped up on the screen.
With a powerful strike, the tennis ball was slammed back over the net by Roy onto Gianna's side of the court. Roy's hit lifted the ball high into the air forcing Gianna to reposition herself and backpedal to the spot to return it. Leaping up, Gianna smashed the ball down with force, out of reach from both Marie and Roy, the game winning hit. The clip replayed, but only this time in slow motion, so viewers at home could properly admire the athleticism on display. ESPN then did a jump cut of Gianna and Max both dropping their rackets simultaneously before rushing towards each other to embrace. Max even lifted up her a bit, twirling them around as they celebrated their victory.
The camera panned back to the two commentators who were wrapping up their coverage of the tournament.
"Honestly, Gianna Langdon just dominates the tennis field for her age group whether it's single or doubles," the commentator complimented, gathering his papers up in his hands and tapping it against the desk.
Gianna's lips lifted at the praise, its rare she gets her flowers as a tennis player.
"She's a force to be reckoned with, no doubt about that. If she keeps playing like she is now, she can easily break into the top three, but she's no Tashi Duncan," the other commentator corrected.
At this, her smile instantly fell off her face. Since freshman year of high school, Gianna has forever lived under the inescapable shadow of the phenomenal, powerhouse that is Tashi Duncan. Because Tashi wasn't just some athlete, she was the athlete. The next Serena Williams, as some people taken to calling her. Gianna might as well been chopped liver.
The girls have been thick as thieves since Gianna moved to the same school as Tashi and was paired up by their coach to be doubles partners. The duo were unstoppable on the court, as Gianna was a tennis prodigy in her own right, but often was relegated to just being known as Tashi Duncan's partner. A repeated slight which didn't go unnoticed by her two strongest supporters, her parents. They made it their mission to drill Gianna with an unshakable sense of self confidence in not only her skills with a tennis racket, but also her appearance.
"Don't you ever let the media or naysayers play in your face about your talents, Gianna," her father's words echoing in her head. "You already know, you have to work twice as hard to get half the recognition compared to others," he went on.
Gianna recalled the exact day, he gave her this speech. She was probably fifteen and won a match against some Eastern European girl, it was an upset, and boy did everyone make it a point to tell her so. It ranged from backhanded compliments to outright slurs lobbed at her.
"Oh, so when Tashi pulverizes her opponent on the court who's ranked higher than her it's admirable, but when I do it's a problem!" she complained.
"Competing against Tashi, you need to be prepared that narratives are going to be formed and pushed from factors beyond your control," her father warned. "She's lighter, you're darker. She's thin, you have curves. You're both confident, but only one of you is going to be labeled as arrogant," he listed.
"It's a shame we didn't get to see Duncan and Langdon compete together in girls doubles this year," the analyst said, snapping Gianna out her thoughts.
"Agreed, the best girl duo in juniors we've seen in years,"
Images of Gianna and Tashi materialized on the screen, some were from the last two Junior US Open Championships; both of the, proudly beaming and holding their trophies high above their heads and kissing each other's cheek. But, the one picture that stood out the most to Gianna was their cover on Tennis. Both of them had their arms folded and their game faces on with the headline emblazoned below them.
“Sugar & Spice”
Rounding the corner of the hallway, the doors where Tashi's party was being held outside came into Gianna's view. Music and the low murmur of voices floated out of the room, bouncing off the walls as she drew closer. From the corner of Gianna's eyes, she caught her reflection in the hallway mirror promoting her to stop. A pair of eyes, identical to color of rich, molasses stared back at her. Carefully, Gianna studied herself in the mirror from every angle. The healthy glow of her golden, deep brown skin made the light dusting of freckles decorating her upper cheeks and nose more prominent.
"She's no Tashi Duncan,"
It only took those four, little words to dampen Gianna's cheery demeanor and leave her brooding since the afternoon.
Lips pursed, she shook her head slightly, "No, no, no," she whispered to herself. "You're still a champion, Gianna. Fuck that ESPN analyst," she said lowly, smoothing out the pale yellow halter dress she wore.
Letting a lopsided grin grow on her lips, Gianna moved away from the mirror and entered into the ballroom where the party was in full swing. She weaved her way through the crowd to find Tashi, but found herself stopping repeatedly to smile and shake hands as people crowded round her to congratulate her on her match. Gianna couldn't help but feel smug. For once, people were basking in her presence and enjoying the chance to meet a future tennis star in person. It boosted Gianna's ego—a pure, bone-deep satisfaction that something in the air was beginning to shift.
She was starting to be seen as a standout player, not just an extension to Tashi.
Thanking her last well wisher, Gianna's eyes met Tashi's who was a few feet from where she stood. A flicker of recognition flittered across her face and she smiled a tiny smile. Tashi was not alone though, two boys were standing in front her and seemed to be having a very lively conversation.
"What's this I see?" Gianna wondered aloud, brushing past one of the boys. "I'm gone for a minute and you're already making new friends without me," she joked, dropping into the empty chair next to Tashi.
Across from her, both boys were slack jawed and unable to tear their eyes away Gianna. Pride simmered in her chest, Gianna already knew that she was beautiful, but it was nice to be reminded of that fact every now and then. Especially, when there's two boys ogling at her looks and treating her like a divine being.
"You boys gonna stop staring and introduce yourselves, or what?" Gianna questioned, her words flavored with a lulling Louisiana drawl and the boys snapped from their stupor.
"Let me, these two seem to be malfunctioning," Tashi cut in, with a smirk.
"They keep on drooling any longer, they'll catch flies," Gianna quipped, her nude colored lips curling upwards.
Tashi motioned to the dark haired boy with sharp features, "This is Patrick Zweig," she introduced, as Gianna's eyes met Patrick's gray ones, holding her stare and grinning widely. Confidence that bordered on cockiness practically radiated off him. "And this is Art Donaldson," Tashi continued, gesturing to the boy next to Patrick.
Art only allowed himself a small, shy, smile when her eyes shifted over to him. Unabashedly, Gianna let her eyes roam over Art's features. Those blond curls, those blue eyes.
God, they're both gorgeous.
Tashi placed her hand on Gianna's knee, "Patrick and Art, this is my best friend—" she started.
"Gianna Langdon," Patrick and Art interjected simultaneously, causing a Cheshire grin to form on Gianna's lips.
"Well, well, my fan club only continues to grow this tournament," Gianna joked, playing with the curly ends of her pick and drop braids.
"Deservedly so, you were absolutely amazing this tournament," Art complimented, a breathy chuckle leaving him.
"That play when you landed a split after playing a return," Patrick mentioned, beaming at her. "And you still got the point, fucking incredible!" he praised, shaking his head.
She smiled, "Oh, so you two have been avidly watching my matches then?" Gianna questioned, playfulness in her voice while slightly leaning forward in her seat.
"Ashamedly, not initially," Art admitted, and Gianna quirked brow. "But after your storybook comeback in Round 4, we knew there was no way we couldn’t stop watching you," he added quickly.
"Singles or doubles," Patrick chimed in.
"Did you by chance watch any of our matches, Gianna?" Art asked timidly, staring at her with hopeful eyes.
She smirked, "Singles or doubles?" Gianna asked back, smoothly echoing Patrick's words.
"Either," Patrick responded, his eyes drinking her in.
They both seemed mesmerized. Leaning in closer, as if they were going to learn her with their close proximity. Gianna hummed thoughtfully, leaning back in her chair and raising a finger to her chin to mull over the question. She glanced over to Tashi, who was already watching her with an amused expression. Embarrassingly, Gianna kind of forgot her best friend was literally sitting next to her, she had become too engrossed in her conversation with the newcomers.
"No, can't say that I have," Gianna answered finally, with a shrug.
Art deflated, his face falling as the tips of his ears went fiery red, while Patrick's shoulders sagged a little.
"O-Oh," Art breathed.
There was a silence. Gianna looked off to her side again to see a ghost of a grin threatening to appear on Tashi's face. When the two girls' eyes connected with each other, they burst out laughing at the same time. Both boys looked at each other wordlessly, both speechless by this.
"Gia's just fucking with you two," Tashi explained, in between laughter.
Relief couldn't have been written across their faces more clearly.
"Yeah, I actually watched your championship match while I was in the recovery room," Gianna informed, her giggles subsiding. "Your between the legs shot was very inspired, Patrick," she remarked, with a smile.
At this, Patrick puffed out his chest a bit.
"You know, they're playing against each other tomorrow in the boys singles championship match," Tashi mentioned, her eyes bouncing between the boys.
"Are they now?" Gianna responded, an intrigued smirk gracing her face while crossing one leg over the other.
"We are!" Art blurted out, almost too eagerly.
"You both should come and watch," Patrick suggested.
Gianna cocked her head to the side, "Hmm, maybe," she answered, having a little fun toying with them.
Tashi rose from her chair, reaching her hand out for Gianna's.
"Come on, my dad is waving me over to come take pictures," Tashi informed.
"This is a group activity?" Gianna questioned, her brows furrowing.
"No, but the demand for Gianna Langdon is ever growing," she reminded, her eyes filled with mirth.
"It sure is," Gianna agreed, taking her hand as her friend helped her to her feet. Gianna looked over to Patrick and Art. "Well, ciao. It was nice meeting y'all," Gianna said, waving goodbye as Tashi led her away.
"Goodbye?" Patrick jokingly scoffed. "We'll be here all night!" he called out after her.
True to their word, Patrick and Art were in the same spot where Gianna and Tashi had left them earlier and they were more than willing to continue hanging out with the girls. Which is how the group of four found themselves on the beach, slowly treading along the sand, the dark blue sky and millions of stars above them. Naturally, Tashi had found herself in the middle of the group with Patrick flanking on her left and Art on her right.
Gianna was next to Art and as they walked, their arms would accidentally brush against each other every now and then. Both of them exchanging shy smiles at the fleeting contact that sent butterflies fluttering in Gianna's stomach. She secretly relished the contact from Art, he radiated warmth similar to that of a dryer-warm blanket; a nice contrast to the cool sand between her toes.
"You know earlier, Tashi asked us who was fire and who was ice," Patrick spoke, looking over to Gianna. "I figured I should return the favor, between the two of you, who's sugar and who's spice?" he asked, his eyes bouncing from Tashi to her.
"Tashi, is definitely 'spice'," Gianna answered, and Tashi rolled her eyes with a smile. "She's more fiery than me and has a more aggressive play style than I do," she explained.
"Making you 'sugar', of course," Art reasoned, the two staring at one another. "You are the perfect mix of deadly grace and effortless balance on the court," he described, going in an almost dreamlike trance.
"Why, thank you Art," Gianna said, bumping her arm into his.
"If Tashi is 'spice' and your 'sugar', why does the media switch it around?" Patrick wondered.
"Preconceived notions, methinks," Gianna replied, simply shrugging her shoulders.
They wandered along until they settled on a spot to hang out at. Art and Patrick both sat in deck chairs while Tashi and Gianna perched themselves on a large rock. Conversation flowed between all them on a myriad of topics ranging from college, life in general, and of course tennis.
"So Gianna," Patrick began, a small curious and mischievous glint in his eyes. "Your doubles partner Bryce—"
"It's Max," Gianna corrected flatly, with a laugh.
He smirked, "I was in the ballpark," Patrick argued, throwing his hands up. "Anyways, you and Max, you two a thing?" he asked curiously, before taking a drag of his cigarette.
"Eww, no!" Tashi exclaimed, her nose twisting in disgust. "You think Gia has such low standards?" she asked back, clearly offended on Gianna's behalf.
"Tashi, come on, Max is not that bad of a person," Gianna stated, lifting her hand up to tell her to calm down.
"Honestly, I don't know how she does it," Tashi went on. "It's a miracle she can still walk after carrying Max through this entire tournament," she sneered.
"Look, Max is not someone who I would consider as an ideal mixed doubles partner," Gianna conceded, her gaze meeting everyone's. "He's mediocre actually," she said bluntly, making Patrick and Art both snicker. "However, Max as an individual and not as an athlete, he's a wonderful guy," she said, with a slight shrug. "Us dating has never once crossed my mind," she finished, waving her hand dismissively.
"So it sounds like you'll be in need of a new partner soon," Patrick hinted, a hunger in his stare.
"Hmm, I guess I will," Gianna agreed, letting a coy smile grow on her lips. "You know anybody?" she asked, tilting her head a little.
"I can think of two people off the top of my head," Art responded, taking a drag of his own cigarette and blowing it out slowly.
"Oh, is that so? And who just—" Gianna started.
Suddenly, Gianna's phone began noisily vibrating in her lap, putting an end to the playful between the boys and Gianna. She picked up her phone and flipped it open before exhaling heavily, it was her dad texting her.
"Shit, fun's over guys," Gianna announced, with another sigh. "My dad wants me back in my room," she explained, unfolding her legs.
"Your won a championship today, and you're father won't let you stay up late to celebrate?" Patrick asked in disbelief, leaning forward in his chair.
"Obviously, you don't know my father if you think a single championship win is going to get him to loosen his reins on his regimented schedule for me," Gianna stated, grabbing her sandals and letting them dangle from her fingers.
"You're about to be off to Stanford, it's insane your dad is giving you a curfew," Art chimed in.
"Well, I'm not at Stanford yet," Gianna pointed out. "And also..." she trailed off, turning to Tashi who had a knowing look on her face. "His roof, his rules," they both said in unison, after hearing those words countlessly over the years.
Finally standing up from the rock, the boys followed suit. Both of their gazes traveled the length of Gianna yet again, as if they needed to commit her to memory.
"I can walk you back to the ferry and to your hotel," Art offered kindly.
"We both could," Patrick volunteered.
"As much as I am flattered that both of you want to walk me back, I can manage just fine," Gianna assured. "Plus, we're all going to be playing an unwanted game of 21 questions if my dad sees two, random white boys walking me to my room," she remarked, with a chuckle.
Tashi pushed herself up onto her feet, "I'll come with you, Gia,"
"No, no stay, Tashi," Gianna encouraged. "Don't end the fun on my account," she insisted. "Another time will come about for all of us to hang out again, right?" she questioned.
A toothy grin broke out on Patrick's face, "There's gonna be another time?" he asked
"I don't see why not," she answered, mirroring his expression. "The three of us are going to be at Stanford together, and I'm sure you come visit from time to time. It all works out so well!" Gianna said excitedly.
Art opened his mouth to speak, but the shrill ringing of Gianna's phone silenced him. Looking down at the phone, she grimaced slightly.
"Shit, I really have to go, my dad is calling now," Gianna stressed.
"Then get going," Tashi prompted, playfully swatting her bottom.
A surprised whoop escaped Gianna's lips before morphing into a giggle as she began to half-walk, half-jog away from the group. She spun around to face them, continuing to walk backwards.
"This was really fun y'all, we should do this again, yeah?" she yelled.
"I look forward to it!" Art yelled back.
"Me too!" Patrick shouted.
Laughing, Gianna spun around and jogged away, all too aware of the three pair of eyes boring into her back.
Propped up against the hotel bed headboard, Gianna was tucked underneath the blankets with a well-worn copy of Baking with Julia in her hands. If tennis was her first love, then baking was her second. There was nothing more relaxing than to Gianna than being able to slow down and just allowing herself to focus on precision, without any of the heightened stakes that came with tennis. Not to mention, beating eggs or whisking a cake were great ways to rid herself of any frustration she may be feeling.
A series of rhythmic knocks on her door pulled Gianna from her musings. She didn't even have to ask who it was, she could tell by the pattern of the familiar knock.
"Just use the card I gave you, Tashi," Gianna called, her voice just loud enough for her to hear.
There's a quiet click of the door unlocking before the door opened a crack and Tashi's head popped into her room, a shit eating grin on her face.
"Hurry up and get in here, before my dad sees!" Gianna ordered, with a laugh.
Closing the door behind her, Tashi pranced over to Gianna and sat beside her on the floor on the edge of her bed.
"Tell me everything! What happened after I left?" Gianna asked, a smile of her own on her face.
"They invited me to come up to their room,"
"And you went?"
"I did," Tashi answered, a smirk on her lips.
Gianna landed a playful hit on Tashi's arm, "No fucking way!" she whispered, her eyes wide. "You hooked up with both of them?"
"I didn't sleep with them," Tashi corrected. "We only made out, and then they made out," she added, smirking proudly.
Gianna raised an eyebrow, "They made out? Patrick and Art?" she questioned.
"Yep," Tashi grinned.
"On their own or did they have some help?" Gianna asked, arching a brow.
Wordlessly, Tashi plucked Gianna's book from her hands and she straddled her, resting each leg on either side of Gianna.
"They did most of the heavy lifting, I just gave them the push they needed," Tashi explained, looping her arms around her friend's neck.
"Now, I'm a little jealous. I missed out on all the fun," Gianna complained, sticking out her lower lip in a mock pout.
"Gia babe, don't worry, I did not forget about you," Tashi reassured, as Gianna hands came to rest on Tashi's thighs. "Remember their match tomorrow?" she reminded.
"Winner gets my number…." Tashi trailed off, removing her right arm from around Gianna's neck. "And yours," she finished, lightly tapping the tip of her nose.
A slow smile spread across Gianna's lips as Tashi's words sunk in. She knew exactly what her friend was up to, especially if it meant Tashi could watch some "real fuckin' tennis".
"Tashi Duncan, the girl that you are," Gianna praised, letting out a chuckle.
Leaning forward, Gianna planted a soft kiss on Tashi's lips. It was only meant to be a quick peck, but as Gianna went to pull away, Tashi held her face, keeping their lips connected.
Tashi withdrew herself from Gianna, "Tomorrow is gonna be so fucking good," she grinned, her eyes twinkling at the thought. "And guess what is the best part about all of this, Gia?" she questioned, their forehead resting against each others.
"We already have them wrapped our fingers, without even trying," Tashi answered, sending the girls into a fit of giggles.
Part II: Maneaters
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applcrumbl · 10 months
I see the way you look at her.
Pairings: Peeta Mellark X Reader Warnings: Y/N uses she/her pronouns, talk of cheating, talk of murder and death.  Author’s Note: Y/N is kind of a dick in this but that’s so slay purr for her
Summary: Peeta returns to District 12 after the 74th Annual Hunger Games to a girlfriend who wants nothing to do with him. 
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The air in District 12 was thick with tension as the Reaping day unfolded, casting a shadow over the usually quiet town. The nervous energy in the square was palpable, each child from from age 12 to 18 lined up as though they were being put to death by firing squad. In a strange way, they were. Dressed in their finest garments, the kind that they would be proud to have on television, yet praying that their names were never called.
Y/N’s name was in the bowl 20 times this year. 15 as tesserae, for the grain and oil her family so dearly needed to survive, and the rest for the age she’d turned earlier that year. There were boys with twice as many in the other bowl. Her neighbour, Gale, at 18 years old, had his name in 42.
Yet, with only 5 slips of paper, Peeta Mellark was called. His eyes bore into hers as tears threatened to fall. She watched him hug Effie Trinket, clad in her Capitol Extravagance. Katniss Everdeen, the girl she’d played with since youth, stood with him.
Truthfully, she’d moved on from the shock that her lover was going to die quite quickly. He certainly was more likeable than the rest of the tributes, But there was not enough money in the entirety of District 12 to provide the sponsorships he would need to stay alive. Peeta was strong in build, but would never be able to hurt someone, let alone to the point of murder.
She sat with a group of girls in the square, watching Caesar Flickerman on the large screen.
"Well, there is this one girl. I’ve had a crush on her ever since I can remember.” Peeta says, “But I’m pretty sure she didn’t know I was alive until the reaping." 
Furrowed brow, she listened intently to his words. Who else would he be talking about, if not his own girlfriend? If not herself.
“She have another fellow?" asks Caesar.
“I don’t know, but a lot of boys like her," says Peeta.
Alice Walker, one of the girls who sat with Y/N, turns to look. “Thought you an’ him were going steady?”
“We are.” She replies—confusion as to why he was talking about her as though she were someone else.
She turns back to face the screen. Eyes trained on Peeta, looking the same as ever - only cleaner and in nicer clothes. He still wore the silver ring she’d bargained for at the market. His 15th birthday gift - She had put her name in the reaping another time to afford it.
“So, here’s what you do. You win, you go home. She can’t turn you down then, eh?"
“I don’t think it’s going to work out. Winning...won’t help in my case," says Peeta.
“Why ever not?" says Caesar, mystified.
"Because...because...she came here with me.”
From the moment of Peeta’s admission, she secretly hoped that he’d die in the games. As much as she wanted him to come back alive so that she could kill him herself, she also wanted nothing more than to see him suffer.
Everything she’d done for him. Everything she’d been put through for him. All for him to be in love with Katniss Everdeen. She stopped watching the games after that.
That didn’t mean she didn’t hear all about District 12’s star-crossed lovers and how they won the Hunger Games by means of their love. She stayed far away from the train station, and its once-dull platform, now adorned with makeshift decorations crafted from whatever materials the citizens could salvage. She stayed far away from his family’s bakery, and his shiny new home in Victor’s Village. She stayed far away from any place where the boy could find her. But, that did not mean that he did not try.
Katniss once spoke to her in the woods, explaining that it was all a rouse for the Capitol. Y/N only believed it because Gale had told her the same thing before. Katniss pleaded with her to speak to Peeta and allow him to explain. If not for her own sake, then for his. “I can’t even look at him Y/N. But he shouldn’t be alone right now”
She wondered how a victor of The Hunger Games could be so desperate for company. 
It took a lot of her pride to walk to Victor’s Village that night. The air was crisp, and the stars overhead seemed to bear witness to the storm of emotions raging within her. Unable to quell the turmoil in her heart, she found herself standing outside Peeta’s home.
It was the first time that she’d seen him. A glimpse through the front window into the warmly lit kitchen. He was baking again, decorating a cake, much like he would have been before the games. Except now, he was thinner, his eyes more sunken, hands shaking as they pressed fruit into icing. 
Taking a deep breath, she approached the door. Knocking gently, the sound echoed through the quiet night.
"Y/N," Peeta said, his voice soft with a hint of regret. "I didn't expect you."
She met his gaze, searching for answers. "We should talk."
He nodded, stepping aside to let her in. The air inside was thick with the scent of freshly baked bread, a familiar comfort that felt oddly out of place given the current circumstances.
They settled in the living room. The fire roared, illuminating the large room in an orange glow. The walls of the ground floor were taller than the height of her entire house. And one of the multiple sofa suites was bigger than the bed her brother slept on. There was more luxury in a singular room than in any 5 buildings in the seam. 
She sat, conscious of the room she was taking up. It felt like she would be whipped for even being near. Peeta sat more comfortably, the silence stretching between them like a fragile thread. The girl took a deep breath, ”How are you?”
“Where have you been?” Peeta interrupts, “I’ve been looking for you since I returned.”
“Can you blame me?”
Peeta hesitates a moment. “No.” He admits, hands wringing together, “It was for show, Y/N. For the cameras and the Capitol.”
A curt nod. Her expression remained stoic as she processed Peeta's words. The room felt heavy with unspoken tension, the crackling fire doing little to dispel the cold atmosphere that had settled between them.
"For show," she repeated, her voice flat. "So, all of it—the love, the sacrifice, the pain—it was all just a performance?"
Peeta looked pained, his eyes desperately searching for understanding in hers. "Yes, entirely. Katniss and I, we played along to survive. It was the only way."
“It was not the only way.”
“I never wanted it to be like this.”
“You could’ve fought. You could have-”
“I couldn’t kill her. And I couldn’t watch her die.” Peeta interrupts.
A bitter laugh escaped her lips. “But you could lead the careers right to her.” She deadpans, “And you did do that, by the way”
His shoulders slumped, guilt written across his face. "I never wanted it to be like this. I wanted us both to make it out alive. But they wanted a love story, and we had to give it to them."
“You don't get it, Peeta. You don't get what it's like to watch the person you love be in love with someone else, pretend or not.” Y/N shook her head, her anger simmering beneath the surface. "It was so embarrassing to hear about your 'epic love story' broadcast to the entire nation. Have people question me every single day about what happened between us.”
Peeta scoffs, standing up from his seat and pacing to the far corner of the living room. His hand rubbing his face, he forces out a laugh at her words.
“You had some uncomfortable questions forced your way, Y/N” He starts, “I was reaped for The Hunger Games. They are not the same.”
The room falls silent, save for the roar of the fire and the gentle hum of the lights.
“I did what I did, not to stay alive.”Peeta admits, “I couldn’t care less if I died in there, My family wouldn’t either-”
“That’s not true.”
“It is. But that’s not my point.” He breathes, “I needed to stay alive so that I could come back to you.”
Y/N remained seated, her eyes fixed on Peeta as he spoke. He turned to face her, his eyes pleading for understanding. "I needed to survive, not for the Capitol, not for the cameras, but for us. I wanted to come back to District 12, to you.”
She couldn't deny the sincerity in his voice, but the wounds ran deep. Having spent the latter half of the last 5 months hating his guts, she couldn’t forgive him easily. Hearing that he’d done it for her only made her feelings more scrambled.
 "Love is more than a performance, Peeta. It's more than a show for the Capitol.”
He took a step closer, his expression filled with regret. "I thought we had a better chance of making it out together than I ever would have alone.”
“But now you’re in it for life. After your victory tour, do you seriously just expect that you’ll be able to just ‘break up’? People who have suffered together like the pair of you have, don’t just call it quits.”
“We’ll figure it out, I just need time.”
Y/N leans back in her chair, eyes still trained on the broken boy before her. She tears them away to try and stop the tears that threaten to fall. “I saw the way you looked at her.” She admits. “I understand that you went through a lot together, but- But, you never looked at me like that.”
Peeta's eyes, full of remorse, met hers. He reached out, as if to touch her hand, but hesitated, fingers hovering in the air.
"I never meant to hurt you," he whispered, his voice filled with regret. "But in that arena, survival seemed like the only option. It was never about choosing her over you."
He lowered his hand. "I know I messed up. I can't change the past, but I want to make things right, Y/N. I want a chance to prove that I can be the person you need."
She shook her head, a mixture of frustration and sadness in her eyes. “I think you need time to figure it out by yourself, Peeta”
"Give me time," he pleaded. "But give me time to figure it out with you.”
The room hung heavy with silence, the fire that danced in the hearth was slowly dying. It was the kind of silence that spoke volumes, as Y/N distanced herself from him, each footstep on the plush carpet seemed to amplify the quiet. 
“I should go,” she says.
“Please don’t.” He begs. 
Y/N hesitated, her hand resting on the doorknob. She wanted to turn around, to look into Peeta's eyes and find a glimmer of the person she had once loved. Yet, the fear of more disappointment held her back.
"I need time, Peeta," she finally replied, her voice barely above a whisper. The words hung in the air, “We both need time. Alone.”
Peeta remained silent, watching her silhouette against the doorway, his expression a portrait of heartache. He wanted to reach out, to bridge the gap, but he didn’t.
“If you love someone, let them go.” He whispers, allowing her to open the door and walk down the snow-covered stairs. The hinges closed with a soft thud, and Peeta was left alone.
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rinkkuma · 1 year
ft. isagi yoichi, rin itoshi, & nagi seishiro
tags. a bit of cussing, gn!reader, all fluff ! / author's note. hihihiihihii this is my first time ever writing so yeah :3 hope you enjoy ! <3 somewhat proofread? i will also probably be doing a part 2, so look out for that soon !
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an absolute gentleman!! to opening doors for you, (even if it means sprinting to the door) pulling out chairs for you, making sure you're on the inside of the sidewalk, he will do anything. will treat you like royalty!!
insists you make a playlist for him to listen to and deadass listens to it while literally doing anything. while he trains, studies, or even just taking a walk, he just loves having small things that remind him of you to keep him sane throughout the day.
better yet, recommend a song to him and he'll be listening to it on repeat for the rest of the week.
takes polaroids of you and him on every one of your dates and puts them in his phone case and changes them after every date.
buys you two matching outfits, jewelry, etc. takes a million pictures when do you do, and posts them on all of his socials!! changes his phone wallpaper every day because of how many photos he has of you two matching (and because he's indecisive)
lets you gossip to him about drama at school, and lowkey gets invested and asks you to update him every week. (you can't just leaving him hanging after you just told him the juiciest drama ever!!)
100% takes you on boba/cafe dates, a weekly thing honestly! nothing sounds better to rin than spending the afternoon chatting with you while eating some delicious food.
while he's out shopping and sees something he thinks you'll like, in the cart immediately. most of the time he's just making a quick stop at the store to buy stuff for himself, but always ends up with him buying a bunch of things for you instead. (which he does not regret)
secretly an artist. sketches you when he misses you or when he's bored. (all of these sketches are strategically drawn in a notebook that he claims to be for school so that you would never look at it) you do end up accidentally seeing the drawings one day and loved them but he was absolutely flustered and hid them so fast.
sends ‘good morning’ and ‘goodnight’ texts to you, and starts small conversation after to check up on you especially if he's busy for the day.
since he is an avid horror movie and game enjoyer, late nights are spent watching and/or playing various horror games with rin. he likes seeing your scared/surprised face because of how cute you look, and probably dies in the game because he started staring at you.
notices small, not noticeable habits that you have and thinks they're pretty cute!
randomly calls you in the middle of the night to beg you to play video games with him. (he actually just wants to hear your voice, but he'll never admit it) if you're ever playing a 1v1 game, he always takes it easy on you so you can win.
if you have plushies on your bed, he will absolutely beat the shit out of them when you're not looking. like what do you mean they get to cuddle with you every night instead of him! purposely accidentally kicks all of them off your bed at night.
you woke up one night just to see his 6'3 ass standing over you (he just went to the bathroom and was just about to get back into bed) and you absolutely shit yourself thinking it was a random scary ass shadow figure.
gets you a matching cactus! (for context: nagi has a pet cactus named choki, shown in his spin off manga) if you forget to water it and whatnot, doesn't mind using some extra energy to take care of it for you!
you guys argue with random kids on roblox, sometimes even catching nagi doing it for fun in his free time. (it's a hobby for him atp)
begs you to pull all-nighters with him since he wasn't able to spend a lot of time with you during the day. (mostly because he accidentally fell asleep, but that's beside the point!) you end up giving in, and you guys spend the night talking about random things that come to your minds, playing video games, and watching the most random youtube videos that come up on his recommendations. (one night you guys binge watched mr. beast for a good 4 hours)
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gwynsazriel · 2 years
“How can I possibly be his mate?” Mates were equals—matched, at least in some ways.”
- Feyre in ACOMAF when she found out she was rhysand’s mate
SJM has implied many times that mates are supposed to be equals or matched in a way or atleast share similar qualities
“Not consort, not wife. Feyre is High Lady of the Night Court.” My equal in every way;”
Rhysand and Feyre are High lord and lady of the night court, equal and matched in that way
“You plan on leading an army, Nes?”
“Not an army.” She glanced sidelong at him. “But perhaps a small unit of females.”
She was dead serious. “The priestesses?”
“I don’t know if they’d join, but … There are others out there, I’m sure, who might. I’m immortal now, or as close to it as possible. I have nothing but time to plan far into the future.”
Cassian is the general of the night court, leading the night court’s army
Nesta leading the growing valkyrie unit, becoming a general for the valkyries
Both leaders
(I can imagine Cassian leading the illyrians into battle and nesta beside him leading the valkyries for the first time into battle too in future books especially since sjm has been hinting towards it:
“Nesta sometimes wondered if they would ever see battle.” )
“Carynthian, the ones who scale the summit and are considered elite warriors. Touching the stone atop Ramiel is to win the Rite. Only a dozen warriors in the past five centuries have reached the mountain.”
Azriel being one of the 12 carynthians in the past five centuries
Gwyn being the first non illyrian carynthian
“Four fucking days,” Cassian hissed from where he and Azriel monitored the castle. “We’ve been sitting on our asses for four fucking days.”
Azriel sharpened Truth-Teller. The black blade absorbed the dim sunlight trickling through the forest canopy above. “It seems you’ve forgotten how much of spying is waiting for the right moment. People don’t engage in their evil deeds when it’s convenient to you.”
Cassian rolled his eyes. “I stopped spying because it bored me to death. I don’t know how you put up with this all the time.”
“It suits me.” Azriel didn’t halt his sharpening, though shadows gathered around his feet.
“She smiled crookedly at Nesta. “I kept to the trees the first two nights, watching the beasts, and I spotted that horrible male and his companions this morning. Saw they’d found my nightgown and displayed it, and I knew they were hunting for you. I thought I’d take them out before they could find you.”
Azriel is the spymaster of the night court and he says spying is all about patience and waiting for the right moment, and the fact it suits him
Gwyn patiently waiting 2 days observing the beasts, waiting for the perfect moment to attack
Both having spy-like traits
(i can see them partnering up to go on espionage missions in their book)
(also not going to mention the fact they’re very competitive!!)
In short, mates are supposed to share similar qualities, and be matched in one way or another
and SJM has definitely made it clear enough the matches
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thatanimewriter · 2 months
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➳ request: How would Coco and team JNPR react to their mega intimidating and stronger then strong Male S/O, saving Velvet from Cardin's bullying, by comin' out the wood works, and just punching the absolute SOUL outta Cardin like bro's on his knees, holdin' his stomach, eyes wide, struggling to breath and all that, meanwhile the rest of his team are just trying to jump S/O but are failing MISERABLY, like it's watching 3 4-year olds tryin' to jump prime Mike Tyson, and for reference on what S/O looks like, look up Fredrick Jason the boxer manwha in images, pls and thank you :)
➳ character/s: jaune arc, nora valkyrie, pyrrha nikos, lie ren
➳ warnings: mentions of bullying, violence, swearing, mentions of thirsty people (pyrrha)
➳ notes: i don't write for coco, but i can do jnpr :))
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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cheering you from the sidelines because he has tried standing up to cardin before and it went horribly
is probably mildly embarrassed that he's tiny compared to you, but is very much happy that cardin is ALSO tiny compared to you
got slightly worried when the rest of cardin's team tried to gang up on you
but you just waved jaune away with a lil flirty wink and dealt with the issue very chill
jaune was very hot and bothered after cause he couldn't lie, it was kinda attractive-
but afterwards he's so asking you for training sessions so he can get buff like you
he probably recorded the altercation on his scroll just for later entertainment
it was already put on the internet very soon after, if not livestreamed by someone else in the crowd
she would've joined you if it weren't for ren letting you handle it by yourself
he wants her to preserve some level of her reputation and let you uphold your own as you basically hold cardin away from you with a hand to his forehead
you're clearly not invested in this fight, cause you look very bored this whole time
but you'll let her hit them with her hammer at least once, followed by a hair ruffle and a "that's my girl"
is very proud of you because if you didn't do anything about the bullies, then she would've
laughed her little ass off when the rest of the gang tried to jump you and you didn't have any difficulty
she took a selfie of you guys and the bullies on the floor n you're just smiling with a peace sign
still her favourite photo to this day and she talks about it all the time
very much concerned for how often you might be getting into fights with cardin
but also not that mad because even though she probably doesn't wanna get involved, she'll let you have your fun
you're both such a power couple now because BOTH of you have fought cardin's whole team 1v4 and won
will stand back and watch you as if she doesn't want you to be fighting bullies in the courtyard
but she's proud on the inside and will treat you for dinner later when you win
not super happy that randos on the internet are kinda thirsty for you though
but maybe she'll jump in next time if there is one just so people can back off
and also because she thinks it's probably super cathartic-
also doesn't join in, but he won't make any moves to stop you from doing what you gotta do
he's been watching cardin be a bully for a while and is happy with the karma he's getting from you
very much annoyed by the rest of the team trying to get the upper hand, because he's trained with you and failed to do so-
a rare smile on his face when you beat them all to a pulp and will make you pancakes in the morning
special treat for delivering some well-deserved justice for the students
generally discourages you from engaging in petty school fights though, because he'd rather you save your energy
and not use it on useless people who will end up in the dumps on their own anyway
but if it's warranted, then he'll support you from the shadows :))
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
Wouldn't it be cool if he had a follow-up performance in the City of Lanterns? Maybe they did go through with the talent show and, just to increase the chances of winning, they split into two different teams. The monkey family do theatre and Noodle Gang do the concert. It's after the fact that they realize it's a fake Ring!
I imagine that Wukong's stage fright is still a huge factor, but with Macaque there, he can manage it better. It's easy for Wukong to forget he's being watched by thousands of people when he has his mate and cubs there and it actually helps the two reaffirm their love
Oh thats so tasty!!
The gang agrees that submitting as two separate acts gives them a better chance of winning. Pigsy and the rest of the Noodle Gang will do a musical performance, while the monkeys perform "The Hero and the Warrior".
Wukong tries his best to calm down, only to peek around the curtains and sees the sheer crowd.
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This Monkey King's stage fright is activated hard.
Macaque takes Wukong's hand into his and suggests;
Macaque: "Look, Me and MK can tell this story with our eyes closed. The twins (ours and Vixen's) are helping with the props. All we need to do is be the silent actors." Wukong: "You know I can't be infront of an auidence like that!" Macaque: "Then don't look at the audience. You just need to look at me." Wukong: (*unconvinced nervous grumble*) Macaque, thinking: "Remember the first night we danced together during the Journey?" Wukong: "You mean when we met Tieshan and Bull at the Flaming Mountains? Of course I do... I was still mad at you for leaving me." Macaque, reminiscing: "The music playing. The campfire roaring. And you looked so beautiful, I just had to ask you; Can I please have this dance?" (*does the bowing motion*) Wukong, blushing lightly: "I said yes mostly because Bajie was teasing me about "attracting bad boys"... it was the first time I had danced in a long time." Macaque: "I know. You stood on my foot so hard it broke a few toes." Wukong, chuckling: "Where are you going with all this?" Macaque, presses forehead to Wukong's: "When MK is up there telling our story - I want you and I to dance. Think of that night on the Flaming Mountains and keep your eyes on only us. When the Little Heaven appears, Yuebei will be in our arms and we'll act a little clumsy at first." Wukong, realising: "Xiaotian's naming ceremony! We tried dancing the same way, but he was clinging so tight we had to find a way to include him!" Macaque: "Yup." Wukong: "You remember so much of it all..." Macaque: "How couldn't I? It's our story. I could tell it a million times and never be bored." Wukong & Macaque: (*sappy married couple kissing noises*) MK: "Mom? Dad? We actually need to go on, remember? Annnd they aren't listening to me. I'll just send the others on first then." Rumble & Savage: (*covering each others eyes and giggling*)
When the actual "The Hero & the Warrior" begins, MK is taking centre stage as the narrator. Rumble, Savage, Luzhen, and Jin and Yin (+Bo the accountant) are in charge of changing the props and moving the shadows around. Wukong and Macaque are dancing as almost pure-dark silhouettes of one another - the King successfully distracted from his stage fright. Yuebei appears in an unexpected beam of jewel-like light (lazer eyes help) as The Little Piece of Heaven that rocks the Hero and Warrior's world. The final line ends with the lights turning on (something accidental via Jin & Yin) revealing the two monkeys cuddling/smooching each other with their baby girl between them.
The play receives raucous applause.
It gets second place to Pigsy's singing still. Macaque and Wukong aint even mad. The cubs were a little mad tho since they put so much effort into it.
Then it turns out that the grand prize of "the Ring of Light" meant... a trophy shaped-like the Ring. Not the actual ring.
Like a certain earlier misleading grand prize...
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MK's fangs are still chipped from that incident. MK also bites the fake Ring just to be sure.
Luckily, a certain lotus demon refused to participate in the talent show (claiming he was feeling ill from the cold weather), and found the actual Ring of Samadhi above the hotel they were staying in.
Nezha, holding the Ring: "Lotus. Lanterns. Light. Lotus Lantern equals Ring of Light." The gang: "Ohhh..." Nezha: "Did you guys honestly think the city would just give away a major artifact and source of energy to some talent show winners?" The Gang: (*all looking very sheepish*)
Bonus: I imagine that the revised play has some musical elements to it. For some reason I can't get "When the Sun Loves the Moon" out of my head as the music inspo.
Ty so much such good ideas!
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maddys-nerd-blog · 7 months
Maddy’s Favorite TMNT Films Ranked!
It’s my birthday!!! I’m officially 25, which makes me shudder cuz I’m in my quarter life crisis now. REGARDLESS! Since it’s the day of my birth I thought it right to do something special!!
And that’s rank ALL the TMNT movies from my least favorite to my all-time faves!
I’m honored you all enjoyed my silly episode ranking, it was tons of fun to do and I loved writing it!! Chatting about these turtles has been nothing but fun and brings me tons of comfort, so I’m happy to do one of these again! I just pray my opinions aren’t too controversial 🤣🤣
Ten movies, all about four teenage mutant ninja turtles. One nerd to review these. This’ll be fun!!
Let’s kick some shell! 💜💜💜
Some criteria!
These are just my thoughts on the films! I’m not the end all, be all of what movie is THE BEST or THE WORST. If you like a movie that may have ranked lower, that’s awesome!! Let’s all share our opinions on them and have a fun time!
Straight to DVD films are included in this lineup!
The live concerts and We Wish You a Turtles Christmas are not allowed cuz those are fever dreams 🤣
I’ll be doing a classic ranking system from the bottom all the way to the top!
SPOILERS BEWARE! … AGAIN 🤣🤣 and some slight swearing, I may have gotten excited while writing this 🤣🤣🤣
Let’s begin!
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10: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 ( 1993 )
My Score: 2 out of 10.
This movie is a fever dream and I can’t be convinced otherwise 🤣
I mean, can you blame me? This was made in a last ditch effort to get Turtlemania back in the mainstream just as it began to die down… and this was a BAD way to win fans back.
From the terrible comedy to the worst TMNT villain in the franchise to grace the silver screen in the form of Walker. Don’t even get me started on the god awful turtle costumes this time around because… dear lord, they’re nightmare fuel. If I saw these guys in an alley I’d run for the hills! They’re downright grotesque to look at! All the characters are either whiny, boring, or unlikable. I have nothing but respect to the voice actors of Leonardo and Michelangelo for sticking it through all three of the classic movies, despite the terrible script they had to work with in this installment. I also feel awful for Elias Koteas, who got the short end of the hockey stick— see what I did there? I’ll see myself out 😂— after ALL the grief Karen’s made him deal with after the first movie, getting booted from the sequel as a result of their nagging, only to be brought back to this mess. And what was with the ancestor-but-maybe-not-but-wait-he-might-be guy that Koteas was also playing??? His character made ZERO sense!
And that Splinter puppet???? THAT THING IS UGLY.
I would never watch this one again unless it was for memes. “What did you expect, maybe the Addams family?!”
No, but I expected a better script than this BS.
9: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows ( 2016 )
My Score: 3.4 out of 10
This may be a tighter script and a slightly more coherent plot, but DAMN, I can’t bare to watch this one for more than ten minutes on a good day.
First of all, Leonardo in this one is downright terrible and a bad leader. I’m STUNNED he never gets reprimanded by his Sensei for his nasty treatment of his brothers— telling Donnie to LIE TO HIS FAMILY ABOUT THE OOZE????? That’s out of character! Belittling Raph with that whole ‘There’s only one vote that counts’ line???? And putting the blame on him and Mikey for the police station fiasco?! He comes off as a bully!!
The plot is somewhat stronger than the first but it’s just taking elements from the Marvel movies, such as the hole in the sky like The Avengers. Shoving needless fan service in our faces as if to say ‘SEE??? WE LEARNED FROM THE FIRST ONE, WE HEARD YOU, THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED RIGHT?! LOOK! THERE’S A FROZEN NEUTRINO ON KRANG’S SHIP!’ Sorry, but this ain’t the Sonic movie, it isn’t going to work unless you actually respect the material you’re adapting! Like with the Sonic movie! They fixed Sonic’s look because of fan demand, and they actually respected their advise! Here though? It’s like they’re just throwing it in our faces just to spite us. It’s not coming from a place of love. Casey Jones in this film is a joke— what a waste to this iconic character to turn him from a badass vigilante into a whining baby vying for April’s affection. Bebop and Rocksteady are annoying as hell. Stockman sucks. Karai is a nothing sandwich. Shredder barely does ANYTHING. And Krang??? EW. Just… ew.
But for all my ranting this far, I do have some positives from this one— April actually gets to have a playful personality which is fun! Once again the turtles are the highlight. Their designs this time around are great!! Less accessories but it allows for more room to show the guys’ fighting abilities and the accessories they do have is there as an added bonus, not to clutter their look! I feel like this was Donnie and Raph’s movie more than anything! The amount of attention they get in this film alone shows that there were writers who loved these guys and treated them with respect! That scene where Donnie single-handedly TOOK CONTROL OF A CRASHING AIRPLANE USING HIS BO AS THE STEERING?! THAT WAS SICK!!! And Raph once again is an absolute BEAST in battle! The motion capture artists are phenomenal as the titular man characters, they all had great chemistry together! I just feel awful that they had to be treated so badly behind the scenes…
It’s not a great movie, and even with the few redeeming factors it still makes me irritated.
8: Turtles Forever ( 2009 )
My Score: 3.5 out of 10
Remember what I said about us not getting a proper crossover until Ciro Nieli adapted the 1987 turtles into the show?
Yeeeeeah. This one was NOT it. And this was supposed to be the 25th anniversary movie???
For some reason, ALL the ‘03 turtles are so bitter and mean to the 87 counterparts. They’re putting them down at every instance where combat or character bonding is involved, which is ridiculous. ‘03 Donnie WOULD NEVER be so nonchalant about meeting another version of himself— and why does he constantly put down ‘87 Donatello for his inventions??? They should be hyping each other up and talking techno babble! Why is Splinter the only likable person in the whole movie?! Why did they change April and Casey’s designs to look like random anime characters?! ( NOTE: I know they changed them to match the 2007 film at the time, I’m just being funny )
I already can’t stand the ‘03 version of Shredder but DAMN, they’re making him out to be the most amazing version of him out there. It’s like the writers behind this movie are ragging ‘87 Shredder— WHY DID THEY MAKE HIM A HAPLESS IDIOT?! They gave ‘87 Shredder so much disrespect! In the original cartoon, while he could be used for laughs, he was also taken seriously and seen as a very real threat. He was no slouch whatsoever either, he easily took the turtles out in one episode in season two! The only ones who actually stayed ‘in character’ were Bebop and Rocksteady! It’s like this movie is tearing down what made the OG series fun and iconic to build the ‘03 turtles up to be THE greatest team. I just wanted these two teams to be working together and learning from one another in their own ways! Like, imagine a scene where ‘87 Raphael teaches ‘03 Raph to rip the fourth wall! Or ‘03 Mike and ‘87 Mikey showing each other their own nunchuck tricks! You know? ACTUAL BONDING????
And yes, the OG voice actors were swapped cuz of union disputes by 4Kids. The only one that sounds kind of like his original voice was the guy playing ‘87 Raph. Otherwise? They all sound pretty bad. It actually made me cringe the first time I got around to hearing them, I did NOT get used to them.
I understand there’s an extended cut out there that addresses some of the issues that were cut for time, but unfortunately we don’t have that version to go off of, so I’m left with this.
All I have to say is, THANK YOU CIRO NIELI!!!
7: TMNT ( 2007 )
My Score: 6 out of 10
No this was not intentional 🤣🤣🤣
We’re nearing the halfway point and we’ve reached the TMNT movie I saw as a kid! Fun fact, this movie came out after my birthday and I BEGGED my dad to take me to see it. So as a birthday treat he took me and my brother to see it opening day! Not only was this my introduction to the turtles, but it made eight year old me curious about the series!
Is it as good as I remember?
Well… no, but it’s not bad!
I’ll admit, the plot is kinda slapdash and nonsensical. Like… I know, I know, this is a franchise about teenage turtles who learn ninjutsu and fight a man dressed like a cheese grater. But even for me this story is out there. Why do the Stone Generals have no personality or defining traits other than the weapons they use? Why is Winters so generic? The concept of an immortal general searching for thousands of years for the lost monsters to atone for his terrible mistakes is cool, just not for this franchise if that makes sense. Also this movie doesn’t seem to wanna give Donnie or Mikey any agency; they’re mainly in the background doing comedic stuff or off on the wayside with nothing to do whilst Leo and Raph are pushed into the spotlight. For a story centered around bringing a fractured family back together we don’t get to see how Mikey or Donnie have been handling Leo’s absence during his time spent in Costa Rica.
Yet through this muddy plot we have some of the most iconic/ memorable moments in this franchise! Raph being the Nightwatcher— which is coming back in the comics soon!, Donnie’s tech support meme, THE LEO VS RAPH FIGHT ON THE ROOFTOPS WHICH STILL LOOKS FREAKIN AMAZING TO THIS DAY???? Seriously, Imagi Studios had such an incredible future ahead of them, it’s a shame they went bankrupt! Some of my favorite actions moments in this movie are towards the end where the family is in Winters’ compound and we’re treated to a one-take camera pan of them brawling through a slew of Foot ninja!
And the voice cast here is great!!! Nolan North as Raph??? James Arnold Taylor as Leo?! CHRIS EVANS AS CASEY?! AND MOTHER FING MAKO, AKA UNCLE IROH HIMSELF AS SPLINTER?! It’s a great ensemble!!! Everyone here clearly gave it their all, they should all be praised for this!!
You can tell there was a ton of attention to detail put into this one, and that the people behind it had tons of fun animating it. We could have had a really cool film series on our hands had the studio not fallen under. Otherwise, I still enjoy watching this purely for nostalgia purposes!
6: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Secret of the Ooze ( 1991 )
My Score: 6.9 out of 10
For a movie made right after the first to cash in on the Turtlemania high, I gotta say, this one’s really fun!
It’s not without flaws though; Karen’s gotta ruin the fun once again and the tone was dragged WAAAAAAY down to take away the darker themes from the previous film cuz they thought children couldn’t handle any action that was too violent. Karen’s also took Mikey’s nunchucks away and got rid of Casey. The story is goofier and doesn’t allow for any space for these characters to breathe or emote past being lighthearted and funny. April isn’t as down to earth since Judith Hoag was replaced, Casey Jones is sorely missed in this story, Tokka and Razar are just dumb, bumbling monsters made to replace Bebop and Rocksteady. Professor Perry is obviously supposed to be Stockman, and the Shredder doesn’t truly engage with the turtles until the end of the movie. The Super Shredder was just a missed opportunity! The turtles don’t get to use their weapons at all except for Donnie cuz he uses a giant stick.
The positives outweigh all of that though! As always the turtles are fun and lovable, the new voice for Donnie is awesome, we get some great comedy spliced throughout the film, the Go Ninja dance sequence is so memorable that to this day people are still bringing it up! And I’d be remiss if I didn’t bring up the introduction to Keno, played by Ernie Ryes Jr., the stunt double of Donatello in the first film!! Keno is a GREAT addition to this cast! I adored his quips and the action stunts he pulls off are thrilling! I honestly think he’d be an awesome character to keep bringing back in new projects! COUGH MUTANT MATHEM SHOW COUGH. I wish he was in more stuff cuz he really is a fun addition to the roster! I even had the opportunity to meet Ernie Ryes Jr. this last summer with a friend of mine, and he was SO nice and SO chill! He was so excited to meet fans who were talking about TMNT, and when I told him how much the franchise meant to me, he gave me a hug and took a pic with me!!! He was such a great guy!!!
I can always go back to this one and smile throughout the movie! Also, GO NINJA GO NINJA GO—
ONTO THE TOP FIVE!! From here on out these are the movies I can rewatch over and over and never grow tired of viewing them!! So let’s get this party started!!
5: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 2014 ) ⭐️
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My Score: 7.8 out of 10
Say what you will, but I love the first movie more than the sequel 🤣
I love this movie, it’s a ton of fun and the action is truly a spectacle! I feel like I had more fun with this first movie than it’s sequel because, firstly, the plot is quick and engaging. Sure, there are some issues, but I can forgive it because…
This movie IS JUST FUN.
I know this is gonna be a controversial opinion but I really like the first movie over the sequel! I really liked April! I’m of the opinion that Megan Fox can be a decent actress if she’s given the right script, and in this movie, despite the fact she might not have the most compelling arc, she’s still a good interpretation of the spunky reporter we all love! Will Arnet is also pretty funny as Vern! I still think Sacks should have been Stockman instead of Shredder. Making that swap has no integral change to the plot and it would have made more sense. Like… why not keep the mad scientist character as the already established mad scientist? The origin change inspired by the IDW comics may be jarring but I didn’t mind it! It’s just a different iteration of their upbringing but it still remains true to the turtles themselves!
The motion capture technology for the turtles is jaw dropping. I mean it. It feels like Megan Fox is making direct eye contact with these giant mutants, they’re interacting with the scene and characters, when they engage people in combat you FEEL those blows and believe they’re actually beating the snot out of these thugs.
But by far, the turtles are the biggest highlight of this movie. They’re tons of fun to watch and their banter and chemistry is great!
Do they have tons of needless accessories? Yeah
Do they look cluttered? Yeah
But does that take from their personality? NO
Donnie IS A CINNAROLL AND MUST BE CHERISHED. I feel his own techy gadgets and gear adds to his introverted personality! He’s such a lovable dork and I really liked him in this one! Jeremy Howard is a perfect fit to voice/ act for him, nobody can convince me otherwise. PLUS THAT ONE MOMENT WHERE HE SMASHES HIS BO INTO A FOOT GOON’S KNEECAP????
Raph IS A FREAKIN BEAST! GOD-DAYUM, this turtle is easily the strongest incarnation of the hothead to date! Tossing shipping containers like it’s nothing, casually breaking through steel fans to create a blockade against the Foot! I might be in the minority but Alan Richardson is THE first voice I think of when I’m told to say which Raph I prefer!
Mikey is still a bit iffy for me cuz of the weird innuendo jokes, but I can see why people like him! I still think him flying around on a hoverboard skateboard is dope as hell though. And Leo is likable in this one!! He’s actually a responsible older brother who’s devoted to his family and not a selfish jerk keeping secrets from his brothers 🤣🤣😂
Plus, the emotional parts of this one hit harder than the sequel for me, especially on my first viewing. The Splinter Vs Shredder fight is intense and really REALLY well choreographed, very inventive and exciting with all the stunts Splinter pulls off. The moment where Leo and Mikey both scream for their father, the blink and you miss it line of Leo calling Splinter ‘dad’— which was improvised by Leo’s motion capture actor— and the gut-wrenching aftermath of the battle where they’re led away in chains believing their father is dead… that may have gotten me misty eyed.
The snow chase? Badass.
The climax? Pretty damn good.
That elevator scene that was entirely off script and improvised by the motion capture actors? BEST SCENE IN THE ENTIRE FILM.
Is this the best? No, but it didn’t have to be! I love this one! And I can happily say it’s the most fun I’ve had with the Bayverse turtles 🤣
4: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 1990 ) ⭐️
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My Score: 8.9 out of 10
This is, without question, one of the most stunning displays of practical effects and costume work in any film made at this time. Henson’s Creature Workshop truly outdid themselves in this feature with their work on the turtles.
The turtles look like living, breathing creatures. They actually look as though they’re real! There a small flaws, yes, but I can look past it because the amount of detail and effort that went into these things is incredible!! The stunt actors brought the action to a whole new level in those suits! You can tell every ounce of passion was put into this, and everyone had so much faith in seeing that these turtles lifelike! Brian Tochi, Josh Pais, Corey Feldman and Robbie Rist were perfectly cast as the four mutant turtles!!!
Judith Hoag plays a phenomenal April! Fun, spunky, witty and clever! I met her last summer too and she was truly wonderful!! Such a kind woman who listened to my story and connected with me!
Whoever hired Elias Koteas as Casey needs an eternal raise. He looks like he popped out of the comic and came to life. He was perfect!!
Shredder gives me chills he’s so intimidating.
When this movie came out everyone went bonkers with Turtlemania fever. The critics slept on this one because this was Eastman and Laird’s comics brought to reality. Steve Barron of Take on Me fame delivered on presenting the dark and gritty nature of the turtle’s lives and how brutal the Foot truly is.
I gotta highlight that score for this film because John DuPrez??? You’re a GENIUS.
My only issue is Danny. He was just obnoxious and selfish the whole way through until the climax. Like… hope you have a couple thousand dollars left to give April instead of the 20 you stole, kid, YOU GOT HER HOUSE BURNED DOWN.
I don’t know what else to say other than this is the epitome of a true 90’s classic.
3: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie ( 2022 ) 🥉
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My Score: 9 out of 10
Holy. Shit.
Before I got into the fandom I found this movie through the trailer and Black Nerd Comedy’s discussion about it. On a day I was bored I turned this on.
I had ZERO clue this movie looked as visually pleasing as it did. I adore this film and the animation behind it. It’s so clean, so slick, the pacing is just right, the action alone made the hair on my arms stand up! I love watching the animatics and storyboards behind the action scenes of this film just to study it and marvel at how freakin talented these artists and animators are!!!!
The voice cast knocked it out of the ballpark! Ben Schwartz in particular deserves massive praise for his performance as Leo, such a dynamic range of emotion to balance out the ‘comedy guy’ to ground him in this serious situation. Plus, Sora from Kingdom Hearts is in this as Casey Jr! 🤣🤣 his character arc having to change from the carefree prankster to the leader who had to step up and save his family is a thrilling plot point we see unfold!
I loved the characters!! I loved the score!!! I loved how this film wasn’t afraid to be genuinely SCARY with the Krang.
The angst???? The whump???? THE CLIMACTIC SHOWDOWN???? CHEFS KISS!!
I can’t help but gush over this movie of because this is top notch quality!!! I have nothing to say, this one is OP!
2: Batman Vs The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 2019 ) 🥈
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My Score: 9.8 out of 10
Literally one of the best crossover films of all time. I adore this Hellboy art style for the film, I adore the opening intro where it’s all German-deco-Impressionism/ noir influenced and it’s all dark and covered in shadow minus the blips of color to symbolize the characters.
I adore the handling of the martial arts versus the brutal, grounded combat style of Batman! I love how the animators literally used the backgrounds to their advantage and made them pieces for the characters to use as weapons!
I adore how the turtles have such natural banter and chemistry with one another! I love how Batgirl and Donnie bond!!! I adore how everyone plays off of each other! The dialogue is fun and full of charm! I loved watching Batman and Shredder going completely off the rails on each other!
I love Donnie!!
I love Mikey!!
I love Batgirl!!
I love the subtle reference to Pink Floyd!!!
My only complaint? The Batman villains are underutilized, their mutant designs are bland as hell and Joker and Harley suck. But I’ve always hated those two so that’s not an issue with the film itself.
That pizza party at the end MAKES this for me. I got the comics this was adapted from, those are SOOOOO GOOD!
Nothing but high praise here. All my heart goes to this one. And this used to be my champion, until this movie blew it out of the water…
1: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem ( 2023 ) 👑
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My Score: 12 out of 10
This. THIS is the quintessential TMNT film experience.
Call me biased. Call me boring. Call me basic, but THIS MOVIE SAVED ME THIS PAST SUMMER.
The teaser came out the week of my birthday last year. I couldn’t stop smiling when we got that first taste of what the animation was going to be like. It was like a feast for the eyes!
I trained myself not to watch ANYTHING past that first trailer. I had to ignore leaks and spoilers for MONTHS, I even ignored the posters of the characters themselves because I wanted to be genuinely surprised by who was in the movie. It was like I was prepping for Endgame all over again. I got the figures to prepare for the movie, I bought early fan screening tickets in advance, I took my best friend with me to share the moment cuz there was no way I was NOT gonna have my bestie there too. I even custom tie dyed a shirt with Leo and Donnie’s colors and decked myself out in TMNT gear the day of the premier. I went into that movie bouncing in my seat.
And I left that movie smiling with joy and laughing and crying. And then I proceeded to see it THREE MORE TIMES IN THEATERS. That’s an honor only reserved for the movies that have moved me enough to cry.
The plot is simple but the twists and turns they take leaves you surprised and on the edge! The soundtracks are STELLAR, both the score and the music they used. There are plenty of Easter eggs to find on a rewatch. The jokes ALWAYS LAND! I love these weird cringy turtles and their memes 🤣🤣
The turtles are precious babies that must be protected! Leo is awkward but lovable. Donnie is a Cinnaroll. Raph is hilarious and probably needs a stress toy to calm his anger. Mikey is a joy to watch and he’s relatable! April is fun as hell, MUTANT MAYHEM SPLINTER IS A GREAT DAD AND IN MY TOP THREE BEST RAT DADS LIST. Superfly is HELLA scary, the iconic mutants they included are fun, MONDO GECKO MY BABY BOY LOOK AT HIM GO!
This voice cast is going to become iconic. Everyone from Ice Cube to Jackie Chan to Paul Rudd to the very first actual teen cast of the titular characters!!! Nicolas Cantu, Micah Abbey, Brady Noon and Shamon Brown Jr delivered excellent performances and brought these guys to life!
THIS ANIMATION IS SO UNIQUE AND COOL!!! It looks like EVERY medium was explored and used— everything from 3D to sketchy hand drawn, erratic wild outlining to claymation?! DUDE THIS IS LITERALLY SPIDERVERSE BUT FOR TMNT!!!
It was all I wanted. It was everything I wanted it to be and then some. After the shit I had to go through in 2023, it felt like a giant breath of fresh air to enjoy something I was so excited for, if only just for an hour and a half. I went straight home and showed my older sister, who was recovering at home at the time during one of her treatments, all the merch I got from the fan event and rattling off about the movie. She laughed and said ‘I’m glad you had a great time!’
Not gonna lie, I was apprehensive when I heard Seth Rogan was the one helming this project cuz his track record of movies hasn’t been the most… friendly to sit through. But, with this? I tip my hat to him! He delivered for the fans, big time.
I loved this film. It’s my favorite TMNT movie of all time. I’m totally stoked for the new series coming out this summer. All I have left to say?
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TADA~! And that’s it! This took me a week to finish but I’m proud of it!! 😁 I had so much fun making this list!!!
What would you rank these movies? I’d love to know and hear your thoughts on them!! 😁
Thanks for reading!! Have a great day! 💜💜💜💜
@queen-with-the-quill @tending-the-hearth @mermmarie @lameboobah @tmnt-tychou @indieyuugure @wasted-and-ready @figuringitoutasigoalong @angelicdavinci @zandiiangelspit @jadethest0ne @turtle-babe83
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courfee · 1 year
if you ask nicely
@jegulus-microfic | august 27 - shade | wc 1.2k | implied nsfw after the ending
this is just james trying to flirt and getting flustered instead
Now the thing is – James is great at flirting. He’s great at appearing confident and cocky and making the people around him blush with genuine compliments and well-placed flirtations. What he is not great at, he recently had to learn, is being flirted with.
“You’re standing in my sun,” Regulus huffs, looking up at him from where he is sitting with his back against a tree, book in hand.
“I know,” James replies with an easy grin.
Regulus glares at him. “Would it hurt you to live one single day without going out of your way to annoy me?”
James pretends to think, moving his head from one side to the other. “I don’t know,” he hums finally. “I’m not willing to find out the answer though. Just in case. Don’t want to risk getting hurt, you know?” Really, he just likes getting Regulus’ attention. And annoying him simply is the easiest way to do that.
“If you want to be a nuisance please at least do so sitting down.”
“Why?” James asks, making no move to comply. “Don’t you like this gorgeous me-shaped shadow around you?”
James pouts. “I’m only trying to help you out here. You should probably spend more time in the shade with your pale skin. Wouldn’t want your pretty face to get burned.”
“I’m fine,” Regulus retorts, completely bypassing James’ compliment. He had worked so hard on the conversational build-up to make it come naturally, and Regulus just ignores it... “I like the sun.”
“You know, people keep telling me I’m like the sun, so I think me standing here is a win-win for you.”
“You’re not,” Regulus disagrees and James is already opening his mouth to express his hurt at that comment when Regulus continues. “As opposed to the sun, I actually really enjoy looking at you.”
James shuts his mouth again, his cheeks heating up ever so slightly. He tries again, but with those few simple words Regulus has perfectly managed to wipe any witty counterremarks from his mind.
“Now, if you could please move...”
Defeated in his attempt at flirting he sighs. To this day, however, James is undefeated in his attempts at being annoying, and he’s not planning on changing that now. He sits down next to Regulus with his back to the sun so he can look at the other boy, shuffling close enough that their legs touch. Regulus turns back to his book and resumes reading.
For a while James is satisfied enough just watching Regulus. For all his talk earlier, he really does like looking at Regulus doused in sunlight. There’s a silver shine to his dark hair and the freckles across his nose stand out more prominently. He’s absolutely beautiful. He’s also absolutely ignoring James once again, and that will simply not do.
James starts by repeatedly poking Regulus’ knee. At first this only earns him a glare over the edge of the book. But when James returns that glare with a blinding smile and continues, Regulus reaches over to swat his hand away.
James sighs dramatically and falls backwards onto the grass, spreading his arms out around him. He busies himself with cloud watching for a good minute before getting bored again, so he decides the next best step to getting Regulus’ attention is picking daisies and placing them one by one along Regulus’ leg.
“James,” Regulus says with a sigh, but he doesn’t even look up from his book.
“Regulus,” James replies, and when Regulus doesn’t react to that either, he adds on, “What are you reading?”
Regulus lifts his book a little higher so James can read the title off the cover, which is not the reply he had been hoping for.
James groans in frustration, throwing his hands up in the air. This at least seems to gain Regulus’ attention, as he glances over at him. With a desirous glint that doesn’t escape James’ notice he lets his eyes travel across James’ arms down to the sliver of skin beneath the hem of his shirt that got lifted in the process.
Even though it only lasts a moment, Regulus turning back to his book almost instantly, James smirks and decides it is time to be more of a menace. If this is what gets Regulus’ attention he can work with it. He grabs the back of his shirt and in one swift motion pulls it over his head, tossing it aside. He stretches, more than necessary, and at the pull in the muscles of his back lets out another groan.
Unfortunately, Regulus’ determination to keep his attention off of James is apparently higher than James had expected, but it’s still no match for his own determination to counteract that. One by one James picks up the daisies from Regulus’ legs and starts twisting them into a thin flower crown. Once he’s done he reaches over and places it gingerly on top Regulus’ head. “Beautiful,” he assesses the picture before him.
“I’m sure you are,” Regulus replies without missing a beat despite still only looking at his book.
“Are you?” James asks critically. “You’re not even looking at me. I might have very well lost all my beauty in the last couple minutes.”
Regulus looks up in annoyance, but that annoyance quickly dissipates when he realises James is sitting very much shirtless in front of him. With a loud snap he shuts his book in frustration. “Fucking stop distracting me, I’m trying to read.”
“Oh, so you think I’m distracting?” James says, wiggling his eyebrows at Regulus and flexing his abs, just because he can and also because apparently it’s distracting. He likes being distracting. A lot.
“Oh, fuck you,” Regulus huffs, but there’s a pink tint to his cheeks so the words lose some of their bite.
“Sure,” James says, conspiratorially leaning forward with a mischievous grin, “If you ask nicely.”
Regulus glares at him defiantly for several seconds, before dropping his gaze. A beat later he is looking up at James again, his eyes half lidded, gazing up at him through his long dark lashes. “Please, James, will you fuck me?” he asks sweetly.
James chokes. His face is burning red and he’s coughing and blinking away tears as he splutters, “What?”
“I nicely asked you to please fuck me,” Regulus repeats, as if James hasn’t perfectly heard him the first time. As if James isn’t currently close to death because of it.
“You can’t just say that,” James says once he’s remembered how to breathe normally again. “This is not what’s supposed to happen. You’re the one that’s supposed to be flustered. This isn’t– What the fuck, Reg, you’re not supposed to actually ask?”
“And yet I did,” Regulus says, a smirk hiding rather visibly in the corners of his lips, “And you have yet to reply. Or do you want to take back your promise?”
James doesn’t have to think about his answer this time, which is a blessing, because all the blood needed to restart his brain is currently on its way to a different part of his body. ��No,” he says, “I don’t.”
The smile Regulus gives him before getting up and pulling James to his feet alongside him is enough to nearly bring him back down to his knees.
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birb-boyo · 1 year
River Episode
I got bored so I wrote something goofy. I really can’t say anything else
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Ok, so maybe he didn’t mean for it to end up like this. But, by the goddesses, was this entertaining.
The Captain ran slowly in the water with Sky sitting on his shoulders. He ran towards the Rancher, with a blushing Old Man on his shoulders.
Warriors and Sky yelled a battle cry as they advanced slowly in the river. The Rancher matched their volume with his own battle cry, but Time matched their volume with a laugh instead. After all, he felt so out of place, it was compelling to him.
Even if he did scream at the top of his lungs when his descendent did lift him off of the ground without a warning.
When Warriors got him close enough, Sky waved his arms and kicked his feet, aiming to hit the Hero of Time with the water of his flailing arms. He was half-successful. But he was also half-failing.
Time was consumed by giggles. He was sure the Skyloftian didn’t know what he was doing. But, watching him flail as if a bird learning how to fly was very…suiting for the Loftwing rider.
Time met Sky with equal energy. Maybe even a little more. His giggles turned into a battle cry of his own as his limbs flew aimlessly.
The other five heroes cheered as the oldest of the nine did what the Rancher and Captain called “chicken fighting”
Time had the advantage. Not only could he kick his feet without wobbling,(thanks to Twilight’s strength) but his limbs were longer than the Skyloftian’s. Time knew that, but so did Sky.
“I got 50 on the Old Man!” The Smithy shouted from a few feet away.
“Like hell! Sky’s winning this!” Legend shouted back.
I suddenly rush of cold befell the heroes before two more cries joined the others. Then came a splash like no other. It knocked Time off of Twilight and Sky off of Warriors.
“EAT SHIT!” The known voice of the Champion was heard as the river finally settled as the other seven heroes breached the surface once more. There was a giant block of ice sitting on top of the water.
The Sailor responded first. “WHAT THE FUCK!” No one was expecting the Captain to “language” him this time.
The Champion and the Traveler’s laughed in response. “Winning! That’s what the fuck!” Hyrule tried to contain his giggles. Wild, however, did not.
Time couldn’t help but laugh when he resurfaced. The element of surprise was always a great strategy in battle. Battle and water games. They did win though, he couldn’t fight that fact.
Warriors shook his hair and splattered water in everyone’s face. “That is cheating!”
“It’s only cheating if you lose!” Wild shot back. Hyrule nodded with the Champion still on his shoulders.
Twilight stayed underwater the longest. Though, no one but Time noticed until it was too late.
Hyrule yelped as he felt something wrap around his legs under the water. “Wha- AH!” Hyrule’s legs were both pushed back and he instantly lost his balance. He let go of Wild. Wild fell off of Hyrule’s shoulders and was now submerged into the water. Hyrule followed a second after.
Wild coughed as he breached the water. He looked around frantically, a frown on his face. “Who-“
“Me.” Wild slowly turned around. Only inches away, stood a very pissed Rancher. Twilight scowled when he was pissed. Why is he smirking…?
“WAIT-“ Wild was too late. Twilight took him by his waist and suplexed Wild while he screamed.
“Don’t kill the boy!” Time barely shouted. Twilight made eye contact with Time, then submerged himself once more. Time could see the dark shadow traveling under the water. It was safe to say, after that display and the fact that the Rancher could very well pick him up, Time was terrified.
Time started slowly running through the water. He couldn’t swim. Only by the grace of Farore, was he tall enough to stand in this river.
Time felt something prick at his ankle and promptly squeaked. But then Twilight reemerged. Time stopped stomping away.
“Listen, I’m a little tired. This break was delightful and all but-“ Twilight wrapped his arms around Time’s waist. He saw his life flash before his eyes. “Please…?”
It was safe to say, his descendant had no mercy. Wild, Time, Warriors, Wind. Then Sky joined in. He got Hyrule, a flailing Legend, Four, then Time. Then Twilight and Sky decided to suplex Time over and over again. That was…delightful. He was beginning to think that it would never end. But it did.
Wild exited the river after he got his revenge on Twilight in the form of baiting his sword away from his with Magnesis. He got to making dinner. He made rice balls with meat wrapped around them.
They were savory, just as all of the Champions' food. Time may have had a wife at home who could cook some fine food, but Wild might’ve been working his way up to his favorite cook. Malon would never know that.
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I hate that out of nowhere, a bunch of people are calling Kakashi a fraud. Saying that "he never lived up to his hype" or "he copied more than 1000 jutsus and only used 3" or "he never had a w", It's something I don't understand, because they never told us that he was the strongest, and also the fact that he always faced the most powerful even without having large amounts of chakra and a kekkei genkai. It's stupid to think that he's being slandered for facing Itachi, Pain, etc. and not winning, as if it were a shame, when they are the strongest and even so Kakashi gave them a fight and made them sweat.
I also hate that all this comes up because they always compare him with Gojo (that is, the strongest in his manga) and the fans don't know how to defend without hating Kakashi for no reason.
Sorry for bothering you with this😔😔
Never had a W? Did they watch him whoop Zabuza and almost kill him until Haku showed up to take the hit? Did they miss that he was fighting Kakuzu without using the Mangekyo sharingan at all? Did they just not watch any of the war arc where he was constantly kicking ass and leading a whole devision???
Gojo is (from what i inderstand) an all powerful character who legit could not be beat and had to be written out by having him sealed away
Kakashi is an incredibly powerful shinobi known for his versatility in skill and intelligence but never painted as ‘unbeatable’ which i think is cool. He’s an exceptional shinobi but he cannot win them all and that’s awesome. It allows other’s to shine without Kakashi being stomped on (like Konohamaru is in Boruto). Even when Kakashi does lose it’s against impossible odds (pein is legit stated as a god like character where as Kakashi is not, and Pein STILL felt threatened enough to have two pein’s fighting Kakashi at once)
With Itachi there’s only one fight itachi won and that was the first one when Kakashi came in unprepared because he didn’t know shit about the sharingan and Itachi (rightfully) used his MS to put Kakashi under a genjutsu that no one except Sasuke could eacape. Like, that alone tells you how much of a threat Kakashi was to Itachi. Itachi put Kurenai (a genjutsu specialist) under regular genjutsu. He whipped out his MS and exhausted himself to take Kakashi out right away instead of risking an actual battle.
Their second ‘fight’ (stated this way since Itachi was not really there and there was no winner on either side) Kakashi tricked Itachi into putting a shadow clone into a genjutsu using his MS (it was the exact same genjutsu but Kakashi was preppared this time and tricked Itachi).
Kakashi is also a character who talks about teamwork a lot and he doesn’t just talk about it, he lived it. He fights with his students. He fights with his friends. He does not take everything onto his shoulders and fight alone like naruto and Sasuke. He is also very aware of his skill level, telling Naruto he needs the back up against itachi but also being the dude who predicts ‘certain death for the 50 nobodies’ in Kakashi retsuden when Nanara asks him how a fight with the sixth hokage vs fifty shinobi would end (and he was right. They didn’t die but he demolished 50 shinobi without breaking a sweat)
Anyone talking like this about kakashi 1) is probably someone who only likes over powered characters which i personally find boring af cuz there’s no risk 2) is just lying. Kakashi win’s all the time and is a little shit in a fight and that’s the best thing about him. He’s not the strongest but he is strong and with his strength comes a certain level of arrogance when he knows he’s going to win.
Man faced Hidan with nothing but a Kunai and wasn’t even really sweating. Kakuzu was more of a threat but again, not enough of a threat for Kakashi to even use the MS
As for the ‘never used 1000 jutsu’s’ like… how is that the characters fault? Kishi decided to always have him spam Chidori instead of showing his 1000+ jutsu. Kakashi retsuden is fun for me because we get to see him use all diffrent sorts of jutsu so anyone who wants to see Kakashi’s range of skills i highly suggest his books because they portray his diffrent skills so very well.
In short: i suggest ignoring people who say that kind of thing. They clearly watched/read Naruto with blinders on and didn’t actually care to pay attention to anyone but their fav. I mean, they’ll probably talk up how strong sasuke is and never address the fact that he took a lot more L’s than Kakashi
And for those who think Kakashi lost all his battles
Kakashi vs Zabuza: Win (Haku saved Zabuza)
Konoha crush: defeated 21 enemy no sweat and then a draw (Kabuto ran for it) against Kabuto
Sent away during the sasuke retrieval arc
Ripped off deidra’s arms and sent him running for it (naruto was also facing him so is that an L for naruto? Or do people just ignore it?)
Kakashi vs Kakazu: interupted, but kakashi destroyed two hearts, three with shikamaru’s help and his work
War arc: defeated multipule enemies including the seven deadly swordsmen
Kakashi vs obito: draw
Team seven defeating kaguya? Managed because of KAKASHI’S plan
Kakashi is also a big reason Gai was able to hit madara while using the eighth gate of death. He kamui’d away a piece of Madara’s protective sphere and gave Gai an opening to actually strike and nearly kill madara
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bracketsoffear · 2 months
I was thinking of waiting for the Redemption tournament to end, but on second thought that deserves its own ask, so:
Do you have any thoughts on the Leitner Tourney winners? It doesn't matter if you haven't read them all yet, first impressions solely based on the summary/propaganda are good too. Just if you want to, of course.
(Thanks for answering my previous ask, btw!)
Buried: The Enigma of Amigara Fault by Junji Ito. I haven't read it, but based on everything I know about it, it definitely deserved to win.
Corruption: 'Ant Colony' by Alissa Nutting. I haven't read it, but yeah. That's one of the most Corruption things I've ever heard of.
Dark: 'The Haunter in the Dark' by H.P. Lovecraft. Have read it, definitely deserved this. Deeply unsettling
Desolation: 'I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream' by Harlan Ellison. Haven't read it. Don't think it deserved the win. It's a fucked up book, sure, but I think there's a better case to be made for Flesh, Extinction, maybe even Web, and definitely 'Other'. I think 'The Monkey's Paw', ASOUE, Fahrenheit 451, and Count of Monte Cristo all had stronger Desolation vibes.
End: Shadows from the Wall of Death by Robert Kedzie. Haven't read it (obviously), but yeah that 1000% deserved the win. It's a book that can kill you irl.
Extinction: When the Wind Blows by Raymond Briggs. Haven't read it. Conflicted on this one. Atom bombs are obviously relevant to the end of humanity, but I can't help but feel that the win should've gone to one of the ones dealing with That Which Come After Us, like All Tomorrows or Man After Man. This one has Desolation vibes mixed in.
Eye: The Panopticon Writings by Jeremy Bentham. Have read excerpts, but not the whole book. Largely neutral. I think it's a valid choice, it's just a bit obvious. Out of the final three, it was my favorite, but I would've preferred The Watchers.
Flesh: Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica. Have not read it, but my cannibalism-obsessed friend considered it to be very underwhelming, derivative, and basically the worst book on the list* and I trust her opinions on such things. Also I fucking love studying 'You Are What You (M)eat' so I have beef with those results, if you'll pardon the pun. I think Glyceride deserved to carry the day on that one.
*do not come for me on this. I'm just passing on the message.
Hunt: The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell. Haven't read it, but I've read enough works inspired by it to be familiar with the work. Yeah, definitely deserved.
Lonely: 'The Nature of Love' by Harry F. Harlow. Haven't read, but have read summaries and analyses for a Comms class. Definitely deserved, I love it when nonfiction wins.
Slaughter: All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. Haven't read it, but I know it deserved it as such a prominent piece of war literature. Wouldn't have been mad if the Iliad beat it, though.
Spiral: Uzumaki by Junji Ito. Haven't read it. It was a strong contender, I'm not mad about it winning, but I'd have gone for The Yellow Wallpaper.
Stranger: Who Goes There? by John W. Campbell. Haven't read it, but watched the film. I'm not surprised or upset that it won, but I'd have gone for Everyman.
Vast: 'Kaleidoscope' by Ray Bradbury. Haven't read it but based on description alone, it definitely deserved the win. Wish I'd put 'The Nothing Equation' on the other side of the bracket, though. That would've been a kickass final match.
Web: Curtain by Agatha Christie. Have read and enjoyed it, but I think 'The Spider and the Fly' should've beat it.
Other: Homestuck by Andrew Hussie. Read a few chapters to impress a friend I had a crush on, got bored, stopped. I can't argue it's a bad choice, but I cannot stress enough how salty I am that The Crooked World didn't make it through. Still my all-time Doctor Who novel, and I'm convinced that Homestuck won mainly due to its popularity and memeworthiness. Should I be putting so much of my hopes and dreams on out-of-print sci-fi tie-in novels from the early '00s to win? Probably not. Am I going to anyway? Yes.
Winner's Bracket: Uzumaki. Definitely not the one I'd have picked. Partly this is due to not wanting the same fear to keep winning all the time, which is definitely a personal issue, and partly this is due to the presence of The Book That Can Really Kill You To Death For Reals in the End slot which I'm honestly shocked went out so early.
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yanpotatowriter · 5 months
(Not so) Platonic Yandere Raimon x Endou
Let’s think about how before joining the team Kazemaru already grew fond of Endou due to being childhood friends with him yet never really knowing when to take the leap and close the slight gap between their friendship until Endou came to his side with a giant sign asking him to join the soccer club.   On the outside he remained calm and said that he would think about it but he knew he was going to join, he just needed to find a better moment to say yes so that he could keep a better eye on Endou and get closer to him than he already was. Or we can talk about Someoka who was filled with jealousy once he saw how happy Endou was at the arrival of Gouenji even though he has always been the striker that stood by his side since the beginning, he turned desperate and talked down Gouenji’s actions the moment people started to talk about him claiming that they did not need him because he could do the same and be the ace striker at the same time. [not to mention how that same jealousy caused Someoka to release his inner dragon with a hissatsu, could say that wants to protect his horde like a dragon would :)]
Kageno dislikes feeling invisible or being in the shadow but he doesn’t mind it if it mean that he can keep an eye on Endou without anyone taking notice off of it, it also causes him to be one of the first to notice whenever something is wrong with Endou because he learned all of his tell tale signs by watching him. We could also talk about Handa and how he uses the fact that he is average in everything to his advantage when it comes to keeping an eye out for Endou and helping him when needed, seeing as a jack of all trades can come into handy when the situation requires a basic skill that no one ever thought they needed to know, yet Handa always has knowledge to help them out in the average crisis scenario and he often reads to make sure that he keeps that leverage over the others due to the compliments he gets from Endou when he has helped him out (again). But what about Matsuno who finally found a sports club that could keep his interest due to how entertaining the captain was, okay maybe after a while Matsuno found enjoyment in the sport itself but he never hesitate to call out how exited his captain is for certain things/matches even if he thinks it is unwarranted.  That being said, no matter how bored or disinterested he acts, you can always guarantee that whenever Endou is near he has Matsuno’s complete attention, for better or for worse. Before Kidou joins Raimon he already started to become obsessed with Endou due to their first match together, unable to get the male out of his head due to his detrimental tenacity and unwillingness to give up.  No matter how much he wanted the other male to just give in and admit that he lost he never did, which kept Kidou’s attention on him. It only grew as he kept observing Raimons matches, wanting them to win so that he could go against the goalkeeper again and see how they would fare in an equal soccer match, now that Raimon has gotten more stronger. Once in the soccer team, Kidou is highly aware of how protective the others are of their captain, not that he doesn’t agree with them seeing as he feels the same way, but a part of him does wonder how much of it Endou actually notices and how much just flies over his head. Gouenji wanted nothing to do with Endou, even when his chest felt heavy while he walked away from the male not wanting to join the soccer team due to his promise made to his little sister yet also feeling mixed for wanting to play with the passionate male again. When he joined the soccer team, he had to get used to Someoka's attitude for a little bit before the male accepted him as part of the team and while it didn’t bother him when he didn’t have his acceptance (Because Endou accepted him and that was enough for him), he realized pretty quickly that Someoka and him kept each other in balance when it came to their feelings about Endou.  When Someoka became too jealous of their captain hanging out or praising others, Gouenji would be there to calm him down and remind him that he had been around Endou that most of the others. And when Gouenji feels like hurting others for upsetting Endou or being rude about the male behind their backs Someoka reigns him back in reminding the male that although he wished they could get away with violence they can’t and Endou would not appreciate their ace striker not being able to play due to being suspended. 
Let me know if you guys want me to continue this
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vylad243 · 4 months
Harmony, Lyric, Alastor, and Vox
I'm bored and don't have anything to do or motivation
Harmony feels inadequate at times and like a disappointment
Harmony and Lyric aren't as doted on as people think. Vox and Alastor do their best to treat them the same so they don't get jealous of one another
Unlike Lyric, Harmony can have kids but she doesn't want any
Harmony acts much more predatory compared to Lyric
Harmony acts a lot more like Alastor than people are comfortable with
Vox is a little salty that none of his kids act or look like him much
Vox's pregnancy with Harmony went a lot easier and actually gave Vox a bit of baby fever
Alastor and Vox have decided they won't try for more kids, but they have also stopped using protection so if Vox gets pregnant he gets pregnant
They just decided to go with the flow since Vox turned out to really like kids
They had one miscarriage after Harmony that no one knows about and haven't fallen pregnant since then
Lyric is a tad jealous that Harmony has more powers
Harmony is jealous Lyric has friends but Harmony wants to make her own friends and not be known as 'Princess Lyric's sister'
Both the girls have accepted that they would never escape their fathers' shadows and try to brace being the Radio and Media demons' kids
Neither of them have a favourite parent, but they both act more like Alastor than Vox, but Alastor was more present in bother their lives while Vox needed time to recover
They both can remember things from the moment they were born
Harmony is bisexual while Lyric is pansexual
Lyric is questioning if she is polyamorous or not. She doesn't know
Harmony and Lyric are both very talented singer
Alastor can and will insult his kids
Alastor and Vox do have a favourite kid
It's Vark. Their favourite kid is Vark
Vark is no longer a puppy and is easily twice the size he was when Alastor and Vox first got together
Alastor once joked about turning Vark into sashimi and Vox cried
Alastor still feels bad about it
Vaggie sometimes still watches Vark. She actually really likes to puppysit for Vox and Alastor
Vaggie and Alastor aren't friends, but they are really civil to one another now
Alastor will still shove her out of his way
Mimzy has actually gotten better and started to visit Alastor again, no trouble attached this time
Alastor is still paranoid though and keeps their visits short
Mimzy still hasn't met Lyric or Harmony and hasn't seen Vox since she was told he was pregnant that first time
Rosie on the other hand is always at the hotel
Velvette is also at the hotel more frequently than not. Charlie has tried to give Velvette a room but she rejected it
Vox's room is now Vark's room
All the sins have yearly bingo cards
So far it's always Bee who wins
Bee will stay over at the hotel and hang out with Vox
Niffty has turned Valentino's wings into curtains
Lyric found about Valentino from demons on the streets gossiping and Harmony found out about Valentino from Lyric
Vox is unaware his kids know but Alastor knows they know
He's the one that told them to never bring up his name around Angel and Vox
Harmony's guards are hellhounds
Lucifer handcrafted a hell-species similar to corgis down in Hell for her because they're her favourite breed. They're just larger and have very long fangs
Lyric owns one named 'Meatball', and he acts as a medical alert dog for her seizures
Alastor has not made jokes about eating Meatball
Harmony doesn't have a favourite dog or cat yet so Lucifer hasn't made one for her yet
Alastor tolerates Meatball but refuses to puppysit him
Vox told Alastor they'll get a cat one day
Yes they get the Cat Alastor one day
That is also his name
Alastor doesn't not like Cat Alastor's name
Harmony loves to wear fancy dresses and likes to look her best at any given moment
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