#also trying to lean into my usual style a bit more but the vibes of drawing on a tablet is still off
midnightmoodlet-art · 4 months
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Okay I lied with stopping drawing him
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tangledinink · 10 months
I love your style and how you utilize halftones and textures and colours. It’s just so tasty! I’m curious if you’d be willing to show a bit of your process on how a comic page comes together?
Ah, thank you! ; w ; And sure, I can try, at least! Usually I start with some kind of a script. Sometimes it's a bit more detailed, like this:
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... And other times they look more like this.
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It just depends on my mood! But either way, I typically have a pretty good idea in my mind's eye of what the comic is generally going to look like. Once I know what I'm making, I do all the rough sketch pages.
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... And then I line it!. For Gemini, I go for a dark blue rather than black 'cause I like the way it feels, and it lends to the overall 'papery' vibe. I usually lay down a grid pattern at this stage, which helps a lot with keeping panels and dialogue straight, and with perspective. I always do the gutters and the words first, then the figures and backgrounds. I been leaning a lot into really heavy shadows recently-- one of my professors in college told me once that a black-and-white comic page should be about 50% black and 50% white, and I've been trying to bring that to the table, lol.
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I can ditch the grid at this point, and I put down a really light, pale-gray 'wash' on all the panels. It's a pretty subtle effect, but helps separate the panels from the 'background' of the gutters/negative space, and also just adds texture.
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I lay down all the color next. Flat colors first, then a second pass over some parts to add depth/shadow, and then all the spot-colors like Leo's red stripes, light gray eyes, etc.
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I use a pretty fine-grain half-tone brush for the background, and then a slightly more defined one (layer set to overlay) on the characters.
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Once that's done I go back in and add highlights and such (white shine to eyes, hair, etc.) and go and add light outlines to any areas that need a little help being defined-- like Big Mama's arms and hands, for example.
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And then the absolute last step is adding paper grain textures and gradient overlay over the top of everything!
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(A lot of the brushes I'm using for this comic I got from True Grit Texture Supply, just by the by for anyone who's curious.)
... With Swanatello I kinda tend to just. Go for it. I (sometimes) start with a vague script and then I just draw it. 🤷🏻‍♂️ No thumbnails, no sketches, no heroes, no gods--
Just Swanatello.
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Creepypastas comforting the reader
except some of them arent particularly good at it + as per usual jeff ben and toby are written as platonic everyone else can be seen as either or writing a silly little thing before i tackle in on requests, falling into the same vibe as the "hugging/kissing creepypasta characters" post from last week since i do enjoy rating these lads on thing ehehehe obligatory "these style of posts go over my personal character limit but since this is writing for the admin he bends the rules a bit" anyways uhuh totally dont give me ideas for these eheheh winks
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not much of a talker in general, and i think that remains true in scenario where you're upset/crying. but he does make it clear that hes here for you... just... in a general sense. you know? refuses to leave you alone unless you directly ask him that you need space; more so watches out of concern rather than his usual curiosity. i think he would make you a warm drink and let you vent to him. more of a logical approach than an emotional one; better at giving solutions rather than giving comfort.. though i like to think that his tentacles will pull you close if you want to lean into him, will let you cry into his shoulder with no judgement. 6/10 low score simply because sometimes one needs comfort in the moment instead of solutions, you know?
i think hes the opposite of slenderman. hes all emotions first, logic later. if he already knows you comfortable with it, i think he would come in and scoop you up in a hug.. hell he might even cry with you, or do the equivalent of it (admin is still on the fence of whether or not he has eyes or not! torn between them being actual eyes or markings) will make you your favorite snacks and drinks, all the while letting you cry and vent to him. gets mad on your behalf if someone had done you wrong, does not make your feelings feel small or invalidated. if he could he would confront the person who treated you unfairly.... and in fact he might, who would ever believe the person that they came face to face with a ten foot tall monster? though... this can lead to him being a little quick to make choices that might have big impacts... 7/10 love this man need to write more for him and develop my hcs
you know now that i think about it, given how much i write for EJ, i swear ive done a similar prompt at some point. regardless of it i did and if my hcs are the same, im going to go ahead and drop my hcs. i think hes very similar to slenderman in terms that hes more of a solutions > emotion person.. though i do think hes more likely to join you in any shit talking if someone did you dirty... do i think he would target that person next when hes going to go 'hunting'? no... unless the person did something truly awful and unforgivable, then he would definitely consider it.. probably wont go through with a harvest, though.. but thats it whole other thing. more of a talker than slenderman, so at least he has that going for him. lets you sleep in his bed if youre venting to him in his cabin 7/10 one point higher than slenderman simply because he talks more n stuff
im gonna be so real i think he can go either way if hes going to be good at comforting you. on one hand hes too silly and might not take it too seriously; or he might try to make you laugh.. which COULD work but other times makes it look like he doesnt care about your feelings. on the other hand i think he can give some solid adivce, but thats only based on the fact that i love it when unhinged hyper characters suddenly drop the most valuable info. shrugs. i mean if you need a distraction, i think lj is your man to go to ! he was literally made to entertain so i dont think its going to be too hard for him to take your mind elsewhere. i think he would offer to cook you something but i also think hed probably be banned from the kitchen because he cant cook for shit. has probably set water on fire somehow level shit. so instead you guys just sit together talking... mostly its him leading the conversation, though. doesnt leave you be until you at least give him a smile... 6.5/10 only because i dont know how to rate him here
oh not at all emotional. well no thats a lie but hes not very emotive. thats the more correct word. look if we're talking about masky, hes probably going to be really bad at comforting you unless your means to be comforted involves being watched... though i do think he would fall into the act of service hole.. does all the chores and such for you so you dont have to worry yourself about cleaning a pan thats been in the sink for two days now. tries his hand at cooking, but i dont think masky is the best cook.. TIM on the other hand.. but we'll get into that in a minute. probably ends in you guys ordering something but hey its the thought that counts. if someone made you upset you notice over the course of the next few weeks that person starts outright avoiding you and overall seems anxious. weird. probably unrelated! 7/10 only because im badly overworked irl and the idea of someone taking charge sounds like a dream
tim i think would be similar, but hes more expressive for you... will cook for you but if your favorite food happens to be really specific or something else, hes probably going to run out and get it. torn on whether or not he would tell you before he goes, or if he sticks to keeping it a surprise.. i think he would tell you just so it doesnt feel like hes abandoning you when youre down..! not much to be said here other than him being supportive 8/10 i would KILL for some white cheddar popcorn rn
i think he would put you to bed. actually i think both of them would but to keep things clear im still going to divide this like masky/tims. i think hoodie is going to keep you in bed, even if youre not particularly tired. dont bother trying to fight him on it, hes only allowing you to get up for the bathroom. let him take care of things! very similar to masky, picks up on a lot of the chores. i think he can cook, though, definitely better than masky but i dont think hes like. top tier. likes making you little snacks, or food thats generally deemed as comforting (mac and cheese, cornbread, ect). doesnt talk (sign) much but will occasionally sign to you asking how you're feeling 7.5/10 love this man, so mad kid me used to sleep on hoodie
very similar, but an even better cook than hoodie so be prepared to eat good. communicates with you more than hoodie and makes small talk while cooking. i think he would keep the chat lighthearted and on a different topic rather than tackling your feelings, unless you express that you want to vent then hes all ears! not because he doesnt care more so because he doesnt want to seem prying or nosey and wants to give you the choice yourself. sometimes makes jokes about stuff in order to try to get you to smile. feels victorious when he succeeds 8/10 mad i slept on him too
i think he might actually be TOO strong and in your face when asking you what happened. only one who outwardly offers to krill someone if someone were to make you upset. but thats just because i think toby can occasionally get protective of you. i mean youre one of his best friends (only friends) and here you are upset! if you dont want him to do anything hes going to try to contain himself. he strikes me at the type to retreat to the roof and look up at the stars... i think he would offer to do that with you; but if youre too scared to climb then he can lay out a blanket for you so you guys can go sit on the grass! surprisingly a very good listener, though very emotionally driven and reacts a lot when you tell him the details of your day.. but its nice, i think, reassures you that hes is in fact listening.. 7/10 gives off brother vibes
ohhoho so this is an interesting one, because i like the idea of jeff still acting like an older brother every now and then even after everything. but he also has that attitude of "i dont care about anyone around me and im better than everyone".. more of an actions than words guy. he wont really say it.. you know? one of those "if he actually didnt care then he would bother giving you the time of day, much less break into your house at night with his arms full of your favorite snacks and drinks". good luck trying to vent to him though, i think its rare that he lets anyone vent to him since he also holds the "ew yucky feelings" thing ben has.. though once in a blue moon i think he would let you and give some decent advice... though every now and then that advice involves punching someone 6/10 is fair i think...
kind of reminds me of how younger siblings will give their older siblings know they like. kind of like the "my brother saw me crying and asked me what my favorite color is... he gave me things in that color" post/image going around that i cannot for the life of me find but i know it exists because it made me cry. i think its like that. except since hes in your phone he already knows what your interests are.. probably pulls up what your comforts and likes are in an attempt to cheer you up. i dont think he would bluntly speak with you about your feelings, but thats just because he thinks heart to hearts are yucky and cringe/lh. uses videos, art, stuff like that. ehehe silly phone ghost 7/10 because as simple as it is, if someone tossed my cc at me i would feel at least a little better for a moment and its the action itself you know?
i thin hes similar to jeff in regard that he tries to play things off but deep down he does care, and that tends to show more through his actions... though i personally think if you were to actually cry then he might lose it a bit, because who DARE? i gotta admit, im still trying to figure out how i want to write pup and what hcs to give him, but i think.. this is an okay take.. might 'confront' anyone who made you upset, with or without your approval which might make some issues between the two of you.. more ready to let you vent to him though, might slip out some mean insults and words about whatever's got you upset regardless of its a person, chance, or object 7/10
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iridessence · 4 months
How are you so confident? Your pics give the the "I'M FABULOUS AND I KNOW IT" vibe without being fake... you know... a lot of times in pics you can see who is fake confident even of they try to fake it well.
You're GLOWING and you give this great positive vibe.
How did you achieve this? I'm asking this because I'm not confident at all. At home when I'm alone I can be confident but as soon as I go out I stop being confident. At home in my mirror I look ok, average but ok. When I see my reflection outside I'm horrified by my looks and I look like the ugliest person on the planet.
When I talk people usually don't understand me well due being so stressed sometimes I talk too fast or too quiet and they're like "what???"
I think talking too fast comes because people usually interrupt me. I'm introvert and people have always talked over me since I was a kid. So I feel like I need to get it all out before I get interrupted
Other times I don't speak too fast or too quiet but words just can't come out and I struggle to even form a sentence. For 5, 10, 15 seconds I would struggle to find the right words. And when you talk to a boss or a co-worker those 5, 10, 15 seconds last sooooo long that it seems to me like I have been quiet for 10 minutes.
I also cry quickly and I struggle with this. I can't top myself and it's very unprofessional to cry in front of my boss or co-workers that later on make fun of me even more.
Can I become more confident myself?
Or do I need a shrink for my problems (or psychiatrist english is not my first language so idk which word to use)
When I see confident women like you I'm like I CAN DO IT... but this "I can do it" just lasts till I don't step out of my apartment.
Hi, thank you for reaching out. Identifying your issue and seeking help is a very important step, so you’re already on the path! Some of what you asked is addressed in my pinned post, but I have some other thoughts.
These are tough things to deal with and work on – there are so many factors that contribute to struggling and it sounds like you deal with anxiety. It might not be to the same extent, but I struggle with that as well. Something that helped me was reframing confidence and related issues under its umbrella: it’s a muscle, which means it will take time to build but it can be built. And some people have muscles that are naturally suited towards certain things while others might have to work really hard at it; you may be in the latter category but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible!
Therapy certainly helps, but one of the other big things is trying to find community and surround yourself with people who support your personal goals and for whom you can do the same. People that say “hell yeah, wear/do/say the thing!” This may seem hard and counterintuitive to achieve for a person with anxiety, but even online community can be a huge help. Finding those people who have similar interests who are kind and supportive can help you to build confidence before branching out to locals as well. Soon you’ll find your people 
Location makes a huge difference too. I definitely dressed up quite a bit in Chicago where I’m from but I felt sometimes like an alien on the street with how some people received me. Moving to New Orleans, when I’m dressed up it’s just Wednesday. Sure, I turn heads and people take pictures and often people inquire about or comment on my style, but still there’s a sense of creativity and letting your freak flag fly in this city that really feels liberating. But sadly relocating is a huge to-do.
Leaning into what you love is super important— making sure that what you do/say/wear is ultimately for YOUR enjoyment is a key foundation to build on.
One of the great things you’re doing great already is looking at yourself in the mirror. You’ve gotta do it every day. Try talking to yourself in the mirror too, practicing ways you might introduce yourself, etc. These are all different ways you can exercise that muscle so that it doesn’t feel so strange when you’re out in social interactions.
The biggest thing with all of these is just time and taking steps to care for your mental health and growth. It’s hard but it’s worth it, and I wish you the best of luck! 
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littleeyesofpallas · 11 months
So there is a certain character type that I cannot for the life of me pin down a word for... It's yakuza adjacent, but often not explicitly part of the actual gangs. a kind of shady businessman, but not the overly clean and corporate type. sort of a scammer or a conartist or grifter, but not as small time as that sort of makes it sound? I want to say it's a look associated with loan sharks, but I can't quite substantiate that.... I swear it's a thing you see in the context of Japanese crime fiction all the time, especially set in the 80s or 90s, yet I can't really point to any characters that really fit the bill off the top of my head, as they're almost always background characters. Somehow the only one I can think to pinpoint is that one random villain-of-the-week in Kill la Kill?
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The persona itself actually has a shocking amount in common with, like, the classic American used car dealer, especially on the east coast either around the New York/New Jersey tristate or down in like Miami, usually with a hefty bit of Italian or Jewish racism mixed in... The style though, the gold chains, the tacky superficial try-hard glitz and the pushy rough around the edges attitude, very self-made and informally educated businessman, surprisingly successful but still not really a "big" success, and just like this Japanese counterpart I'm thinking of, almost always technically in business with local organized crime without ever being "part of the family."
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Like it's such a cliche that it's literally cartoonish, and it's funny how almost perfectly beat for beat the US and Japanese counterparts mirror eachother, except that the Japanese character type, as far as I can recall, isn't associated with used car dealerships,
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anyway point is... That's what Marechiyo and his dad are supposed to look like. That and a bit of yakuza/delinquent in the case of his dad when he was younger. Notably his dad straight up has a punch perm in the present day, which was The quintessential yakuza look in the 80s. And his younger version seems to also have a perm but also a regent style pompadour that's a little more youthful delinquent aligned than outright criminal, and again a look that has become so cliche as to become cartoonish to the point of being a costume you can buy in a store.
Although whatever the hell Marechiyo has going on in the new hell arc, i cannot identify.
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But it's interesting that it's a different kind of yakuza look than what Iba has going on. His dark shades, the tight perm, the laborer's bellywarmer, his zanpakutou being a tanto sticking out of it, the overall posture with the one shoulder out of his kimono, even that his sword is alternatively either a Yakuza style tanto tucked into a chest wrap, or a seemingly normal katana but without a crossguard is to evoke the classic yakuza image of using a shirasaya --a plain white wood sheathe with matching handle and no crossguard or wrap-- rather than a more traditional katana. And of course his dog-like loyalty to Komamura are all iconic stoic Yakuza romanticism. The hardboiled, honor-bound, manly-man ideal of the folklore-like reputation of the yakuza. The thing you'd see in countless old movies or pulp thriller style seinen manga, sometimes even published by yakuza family magazines themselves.
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His mother also plays into this, even in her barely existent appearance in the MASKED databook, as she's a pretty distinct play into a very particular matronly character type, generally typifying either a proprietress of a traditional inn, a powerful samurai family matron, or a yakuza boss's wife --all kind of loosely overlapping and all drawing from traditional roles of a head of manor or estate.
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I dunno where i was going with any of this. But between these character types and Kensei's biker gang thing, I think it's funny how much of Soul Society's classically japanese vibe is just organized crime. Even the general population of unnamed background shinigami lean into a very modern thuggish aesthetic
Also i don't know what to make of the idea that the Shihouin have endorsed the Omaeda family like this over the years, especially when they're role among the royale houses seems to be to safeguard various treasures and relics. Between that and apparently being at least two generations of heads of a division of the secret police, it's hard to imagine the Omaeda were just independently wealthy unrelated to all that.
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deconstructthesoup · 4 months
Since I've seen a lot of people do it, here's my sexuality, gender, and gender presentation headcanons for the Voices and Vessels:
Hero: Bisexual, he/him, cis but is probably a little bit gnc---he's trying on earrings, he's started to paint his nails and wear makeup, maybe he'll buy a skirt soon. He seems like a guy who's only recently come out of the closet and is a bit nervous about doing things right.
Contrarian: Gay, he/they, demiboy and hella gnc... in the sense that none of their outfits make any cohesive sense, and are an absolute mess of patterns and styles. His little-shit energy extends to his gender expression.
Cheated: Pansexual, he/him, trans. He's a simple jeans-and-t-shirts kinda guy, though I think he'd also wear leather jackets purely for the extra protection.
Stubborn: Gay, he/him, cis. Maybe "bear" isn't quite the right word, but he definitely comes from the Elliot Spencer school of masculinity. Big buff guy with long hair who can and will kick the shit out of you but is also a protective soul.
Broken: Bisexual, he/him... questioning his gender, but he doesn't focus much on it. He's in the "I only wear sweatpants and hoodies because I have no energy to do anything else" stage.
Cold: Gay, he/him, definitely genderqueer and only really uses "he" because it's easier. Google "mall goth" and you get a picture of him.
Paranoid: Aroace, he/they, trans. He's always dressed weirdly nice for the occasion, though it's mostly so he can stim with a tie or cuff links. They're a fancy little dude.
Opportunist: Pansexual, they/them, non-binary. They're a little more alternative-leaning---toeing the line of being punk while not actually committing hard enough to it---but they do lean into the masc side of things more often than not. It's the only reason why they wear a pronoun pin.
Hunted: Queer, he/it, unlabeled. He has better things to do than worry about his gender or sexuality. It just wears whatever it finds in its closet on any given day.
Skeptic: Biromantic demisexual, he/him, cis. He dresses like a noir detective---button-up shirt, suspenders, slacks, maybe a trenchcoat when it's not too hot out. Also, he absolutely wears glasses.
Smitten: Pansexual, they/them, non-binary but only recently out. They always dress like they're on their way to a Ren Faire, and they like to mix up femme and masc styles. Always with a prop sword, though.
Damsel: Bisexual, she/her, cis. She absolutely dresses in a fairytale-dream style---puffy, flowing dresses, flower crowns, ect.
Prisoner: Panromantic demisexual, she/her, cis. I picture her with a more academic style, either in pantsuits or just fancy blazers with a comfortable skirt. She wears glasses, too.
Nightmare: Aromantic bisexual, she/her, cis. The gothiest goth to ever goth. She scares children and grown adults with her creepy makeup.
Spectre: Queer, she/her, trans. She's also goth, but more of a whimsigoth type, and I think she's also got a lot of general witchy vibes to her. Also, I always picture her with dyed lavender hair for some reason.
Beast: Queer, she/it, unlabeled. Again, better things to do than figure out what the hell her sexuality and gender is. It's a cat and it's here to either eat, sleep, or play with its food.
Witch: Lesbian, she/they, demigirl. Weirdly enough, I kind of picture her having my own personal style---lots of flannels, graphic tees, jeans and converse. Maybe there's a little bit of whimsy in there when she wants to make an effort, but usually not.
Tower: Pansexual, she/her, cis. Depending on what genre she's in, she either dresses like a badass lady knight or a high-powered exec. General girlboss vibes.
Adversary: Lesbian, she/her, cis. Hardcore butch. In every way possible.
Razor: Lesbian, she/her, trans. Because I can't resist the pun, she's a total metalhead---lots of chains, lots of studded clothing, lots of piercings, lots of buckles, the whole nine yards. Yes, you can stick magnets to her.
Stranger: Queer, any and all but prefers they/them, genderfluid and intersex. I like to think that they have different "fashion modes" depending on how they feel on different days---sweatpants and a hoodie for when they're feeling down, an alternative vibe for when they want to feel scary, a masculine vibe for when they want to feel confident, a feminine vibe for when they want to feel pretty, and a crazy-patterns-all-rainbow vibe for when they just want to be weird. They're fun.
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adastra121 · 9 months
Alon the Stray Hound
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I redesigned my Touchstarved Hound!MC to have more of a showman-y vibe, since they’re a magician. Do you believe in the heart of the cards?
Pronouns: Usually uses She/They, but they’re honestly fine with any pronouns Birthday: March 20 Height: 4’11 / 150cm Personality: So a bleeding heart, unwarranted hero complex, and astounding immaturity walk into the Wick and see that their good friends, dignity and self-preservation couldn’t make it… Likes: Street food, dancing, rowdy taverns, making friends, pranks, adventure Dislikes: Rules, rich people, rainy days, boredom, bullies Fatal flaw: Would turn her self-destruction into a joke, but hey, at least it’d make for a decent stand-up routine in hell Other: She has a terrible singing voice that was once mistakenly reported as a Soulless attack — by the end of the song, the neighbours probably preferred a Soulless attack. Quote: “Look, buddy, I’m no stranger to failure — ideally, you don’t, but if you do, best to have fun with it, yeah?”
More about them below:
Alon is cheerful, mischievous, and outgoing. They love to make new friends wherever they are.
She’s restless, never stays in one place, and fidgets a lot, so she practised sleight of hand from a young age. It came in handy haha for thieving, but they’ve also become quite good at street magic. It’s not the real thing, of course, but it opens up busking as an option to earn coin (and get close enough to unsuspecting rich folks’ pockets in the process)
They specialize in street magic, which combines close-up, stage, and platform magic. They also do escapology (good at picking locks and getting out of sticky situations) and comedy magic (they don't shut up).
She has a lucky deck of cards that she usually shuffles and fidgets with.
As a trickster and magician, she tends to use tricks, jokes, and the unexpected in confrontations. They’re hard to catch, easy to miss—
Her fighting style is summarized by that one clip with RDJ as Sherlock where he keeps discombobulating his opponent (give or take ten hours).
Unlike my other MCs, Alon has no specific reservations about Monsters. It’s kind of hard to when you’ve been threatened, abused, and betrayed by humans your entire life. Like, at that point, what worse could a Monster do to you? Anything they try, you guarantee a non-Monster already attempted.
100% the kind of person to, at someone pointing a knife at them, go, “Well. This night just took a sharp turn.” or “What’re you gonna do, stab me? …Damn, they actually stabbed me.” *surprised pikachu face*
They have a knack for breaking into places they shouldn’t be, like a persistent raccoon that keeps finding its way into your trash or attic. Back with their old crew, she was usually the one who could squeeze into the tight spaces as the smallest thief. So yeah, the Senobium being locked to outsiders is a bit of a hiccup in her plans, but they’re not deterred.
You’d think Alon would be more reserved and distant because of their curse, but they’re actually a very physically affectionate person
Not to say they’re not cautious about it — she always keeps their hands bandaged or covered — she’s just found ways to give people physical affection without the use of her hands. They’d jokingly bump shoulders with someone. They’d lean on someone to physically comfort them. They nuzzle their head against their loved ones.
She doesn’t usually let strangers initiate physical contact, not necessarily because she’s uncomfortable with it, it’s usually for their own safety. Strangers don’t know them well enough to know her hands are off-limits. But if she’s known you for a while, she welcomes the physical exchanges.
They distance themself in their own ways. She hides pain or discomfort with jokes and charm. Good luck getting them to be serious about something she absolutely does not want to address.
Like their old crew’s betrayal. Some of them, they’ve known since they were a kid. They grew up together. And yet, when it came down to it, she wasn’t worth more to them than a fat purse of coin. “At least it was a fat purse of coin. Anything less and damn, they’d have really hurt my feelings!”
Direct questions about their cursed hands usually lead to jokes and misdirection, I wonder if you caught that, by the way:
“Want to tell me what’s up with the bandages?” “What bandages?” “Okay.”
“Pffft, you believe hands are real?”
“You’re looking at the aftermath of a super embarrassing tattoo I got one night while drunk as shit. Highly recommend the artist, though. Y'heard of Rahim?”
“Important piece of cooking advice, don’t put out grease fires with water! …Oh, that has nothing to do with my bandages, it’s just a good tip to remember.”
“I’m saving them for marriage.”
“Bad case of halitosis.” “That’s an oral condition.” “…Real bad case.”
Aside from that, she’s rather open and wears their heart on their sleeve for any potential new friend.
Eridia is a new beginning, a new world far away from the walls she's always known. It's supposed to be all she's ever wanted, but beyond the excitement of a new adventure, she feels so alone it's almost paralyzing.
They go back to the dream they've had since childhood, they go back to focusing on finding a cure, and they keep moving forward because if they stop for even a second for the grief and loneliness to catch up to them, they don't know if they'll survive it.
Her zodiac sign is Pisces
Enneagram is 7w6
I also updated their character playlist. I associate her with more energetic music, like electro swing, songs that you could hear someone running away from the guards to:
“Monsoon Nights” by Sekai no Owari
“One Jump Ahead” by Brad Kane
“All Star” by Smashmouth
“The Hand that Feeds” by The Crave Wives
“To Noise Making (Sing)” by Hozier
“Curses” by The Crane Wives
“Tears of a Clown” by Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
“Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen
“Good Life” by OneRepublic
“Lost Boy” by Ruth B
“On Top of the World” by Greek Fire
“Good Riddance” Cover by Annapantsu ft. IdrysLTS
"Tavern Crawl" by Runesmith, JoCat, Annapantsu and friends Okay, I have, like, a vision. Alon is giving a tour through Eridia’s best spots. The first tavern is the Senobium’s gates. The second is Elyon's brothel (mostly because of the singer being unable to pay and how fitting “Rail-Away” is for a brothel). The third is the Seaspring (“Don’t be surprised by what lurks on inside and really, don’t fight it. Believe me, I tried.” to describe our pal Ocudeus). The last one is the Wet Wick and it’s their favourite because it’s got the Bloodhounds, always ready for a show (“This tavern’s my favourite, it’s got its own band, and they’re always more than happy to lend me a hand!”)
Here’s their new full character design!
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I changed it from the original, which had a more swashbuckling pirate feel, since I wanted to incorporate more of the magician and performer aspects of Alon into their design. …It’s giving Wonka, lowkey. I did consider giving them a top hat but…yeah. XD Edit: I added a diamond pattern to the inside of her vest! I like the new addition.
As with my other MCs, I incorporated their backstory symbol into their design. In Luneth, the Unnamed symbol is in her bodice. In Jin, the Alchemist symbol is in his medallion and spellbook. In Alon, the Hound symbol is in their cards.
I also tried to include the specific shapes of each backstory symbol in each MC so Jin’s design has a bunch of circles, Luneth’s has diamonds, and Alon has several triangles.
Here are the bios of my other Touchstarved MCs:
Luneth the Reluctant Unnamed
Jin the Abandoned Alchemist
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goldennika · 10 months
hey! i saw that you were interested in fashion and styling and kibbe and i was wondering if you have thoughts on soobin and yeonjun switching outfits for the act sweet mirage finale soundcheck? i thought it was super interesting how the same outfits ended up having a completely different vibe when worn on different people! (this is all in good fun ofc, no shade to either member and they were such good sports for doing the switch)
Hi! omg thanks so much for this question!! I thought it was really cute and silly of them to switch entire outfits when they said they’d be styling each other for soundcheck. it’s so TXT 😂
As for the difference in vibes despite them wearing the exact same outfit, if we’re going by particular styling systems then Seasonal Color analysis and Kibbe typing come into play!
I just wanna preface this by saying that I while I do have an interest in Kibbe typing and styling as a whole but I’m not entirely sure what their Kibbe types are. I had some initial thoughts about sookai’s Kibbe types a few months back but haven’t really done a full-on analysis for any of them (though I’d really like to!! 🙈)
While I’m leaning towards Soft Dramatic (vertical + curve) for Soobin, I can’t pin down Yeonjun’s Kibbe type. But he might be a very slim Flamboyant Natural (vertical + width) in my eyes. Will try to expound on this a little bit later!
With all that aside, let’s try to break down their looks below the cut! Be forewarned that it's going to be lengthy bc of all the photos and side discussions 😅
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Top-bottom: Day 1 soundcheck (source) | Day 2 soundcheck (source)
I'm already seeing how differently the pieces fall on each of them. Yeonjun's original outfit appears to fall more smoothly on his body, whereas on Soobin, the fabric appears to bunch up and gather around his midsection more. This could potentially be due to Soobin being taller/having a longer torso so the blue-gray button down ends higher on his body than it does on Yeonjun.
While they both have slim waists, I think Yeonjun being short waisted/having longer legs and Soobin having a fuller 🍑, also contributes to how differently the fabric falls on them, despite both being tall and slim.
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First pic (source) | Second pic (source)
With Soobin being the taller of the two, you would think that he could wear all the fabric with no problem, but seeing these photos side by side, he seems to be a little overwhelmed by Yeonjun's outfit.
This, I believe is where their Kibbe types come into play. As mentioned earlier, I suspect Yeonjun could be an FN, and Soobin is a potential SD.
Flamboyant Naturals or FNs are considered to be frame-dominant. This allows them to wear flowing, unstructured pieces without being swallowed by all the fabric, as their body structure is able to provide... well, the structure that would showcase the pieces clearly. This is partially why FN models ruled the catwalks during the 90s -- their body structure allowed for you to focus on the clothing, rather than the body, leading to the "human hanger" moniker that supermodels were given around that time.
Going back to Yeonjun, their recent content (particularly the abundance of sleeveless Yeonjun appearances we've had this year) made me realize just how broad he is, despite being so slim. Just look at how the fleece jacket fits on him (suspected Flamboyant Natural) versus Beomgyu (suspected Soft Classic)!
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Or compare how Yeonjun's top falls on his body, particularly the shoulders, versus that of Soobin in a Tinnitus stage.
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(Side note: the GBGB/Tinnitus/DBTW stage also really highlights their different frames, given the rather simple cuts and fabrics for their costumes. It's a helpful reference for kibbe typing imo, along with their encore outfits as they usually wear the same pieces)
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First pic (source) | Second pic (source)
Going back to the outfit swap, I think the elements of Yeonjun's original outfit work well on him as he has the vertical and the width to pull off the long layers and the looser fitting fabrics. Denim is also a popular material for Naturals as it has some structure but is not overly stiff. The distressed details also add to that rawness that Naturals can pull off well.
That same outfit on Soobin, on the other hand, doesn't look quite as harmonious, as Soft Dramatics tend to shine more in pieces that accommodate their vertical and curve. The flannel shirt being under the long top just made him look wider on the bottom versus if it were acting like an external belt that could have defined his waist. Coupled with the baggy distressed jeans, it just made him look rather unbalanced and visually weighs him down.
Accessories also play a role in the different vibes we get from the outfit swap. Yeonjun's piercings help to tie in the grunge styling. If Soobin wore Yeonjun's outfit with a few more accessories (maybe adding pins to the beanie or some jewelry, idk), it could look more like a complete outfit for him bc from the waist up, he looks a little plain, IMO, and that does nothing for a Soft Dramatic like him!!
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Soobin's original outfit suits him better as a Soft Dramatic as it honors his vertical (monochrome palette, long pieces) and curve (large collar and the leather coupled with a textured trim adds visual interest or "drama" that he can pull off).
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231202 Soundcheck (source)
Consider how different Soobin and Taehyun's vibes are despite having similar outfits on. Soobin's jacket looks visually "fuller" (fabric has a heavier visual weight compared to Taehyun's) but it does not overwhelm him as he has the build for it. It also ends by his waist (compared to midhip for Taehyun) which helps to draw the eye in to his curves -- again honoring his Soft Dramatic lines.
Black is also well within Soobin's color palette as a Winter type so the look is very cohesive overall! (Lighter grays/blues, like Yeonjun's shirt, aren't as flattering on Soobin as these could make him appear a little washed out or dull)
Soobin's outfit on Yeonjun still works as he has the vertical and the frame to pull it off. IMO however, the jacket looks a tad oversized on Yeonjun which contributes to the more "relaxed" vibe on him versus on Soobin (where it is a closer fit to the body) and makes him look more.. dominating(?) in a sense.
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When Yeonjun took off the jacket, people somehow went crazier 😂 And I get why! The shirt showcases his build, rather than being covered up by a visually bulky jacket.
By removing the jacket too, it allowed for more focus on his face. I think Yeonjun might be a Summer type so black would take away from his features. Lighter colors are more flattering for him (another factor in why his original outfit doesn't seem to be so overwhelming on him) but he and the rest of TXT are all ridiculously good looking, it's hard to make them look unattractive 😂 I'm still a bigger fan of their orig outfits though 🙈
TL;DR: Yeonbin's original soundcheck outfits honor their Kibbe types and personal colors more than when they switched but since they're both tall, broad (but in different ways!), and just stupidly handsome, the outfit switches still kinda work bc they have elements that work to their Kibbe types.
If you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading!! Let me know your thoughts on their outfits, if you'd want to see more pieces like this from me, or just anything you'd like to share about TXT fashion and/or styling! 🫶
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devondespresso · 4 months
Writers 20 questions tag game!!
tagged by the beloved @eriquin 💕💗💖 i haven't been able to participate in a lot of tag games lately (as evident by this being at least a week late ahnsgdsynkd)(edit: its been way more than a week) but i still really really appreciate the tags!!
divider by @/saradika-graphics
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1. How many works do you have on AO3?
7 !! I think i still need to put one up there but i haven't yet cause i wanna edit the ending a tad
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Thingssssss, and i think its fair to say the Steve Harrington fandom specifically gdnzngxngxgn
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sweet and Spicy (the one steddie drabble tdnydyndny), My Sunshine, I Can Only Hope Now, Never Again, and Mr. Crayola Henderson
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes absolutely!! its usually a lot of heart emojis and keyboard smashes mixed in with my actual response zgnzgbzgnzng
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uhhh itd probably have to be Never Again still, i usually like to lean positive with my endings, that whole love-being-alive thing, so whenever i don't its usually because the focus is a different strong emotion that'd conflict with blatant positivity.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oo okay also hard to decide for the same reason, I'd say the ending that feels happiest is probably from either I Can Only Hope Now (the Claudia prompt) or Now That We're Alive because both go from sad to happy and hopeful for the future. My Sunshine ends on a good note but its less "aw yippee!" and more "AAAAAAAAAAAA". I like my drabbles (under 400 words) to end pretty fluffy so far, and stuff like Mr. Crayola Henderson stays a pretty consistent light and fun so I don't think the happy end hits as hard.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, thank god, not yet anyway
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nopeeee tho Never Again has an E and M version it's not exactly fun enough to be smut i don't think
10. Do you write crossovers?
also nope
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that im aware?? I'd be pretty pissed if it was but also like. is it doing well? is it popular? 👀
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that im aware but i give full permission if anyone wants to
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope, most ive done is bounce ideas or beta, but I'd be down to try it!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
i don't know if i have one?? just in general for stranger things i enjoy steve ships a lot. big fan of Vi and Caitlyn from Arcane but im not really in fandom for that show cause what would i change?? im very much a gen fic enjoyer and if i had to list all my fav platonic dynamics... we'd be here a while xgnzngzgn
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
oh irony my cruelest adversary. a few months ago i was happy and ignorant in my haven of only one active wip. Now there's a small handful, and unless i get possesed with the same emotions i was venting in it, i fear the short Robin-centric letter style thing won't be finished soon. its decent so far but there would be a good bit of editing trying to actually articulate the feeling in a realistic way plus fitting it to Robin's first-person writing style. I don't intend to drop it but lately it just calls to me the least, but that could change
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think its a strange mix of intuition and a technical understanding of writing that works really well for the way i think. Its very broad and basically has no rules, just a understanding of how my favorite stories work, how most writing rules are really trends that tend to work better and then you can dig deeper behind a lot of them to see the *why* behind it. that plus trusting the nagging feeling that something's off makes editing my most productive stage, i can vibe check the area and then start digging dgnxnhxngxng
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
god this changes every time i revisit this draft xumxhmxmxhm this time its probably character introspection. i love writing like a movie and having character action or dialogue or setting or symbols communicate things, but putting down what the characters thinking with similar tact is soooo harddddddd and especially in angst or emotion moments, i want my readers caught in the same thought process as the pov character, i want it to feel so real that even if they never experienced the situation the characters in and even if they know logically the characters wrong, they understand. and that unfortunately involves bypassing their stance as an outside perspective on the matter, which is uhhhhh very very hard xhmznhxhnxhm
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends on the intent, i think it works best when the author speaks the language themselves, and especially with stuff like asl it helps clarify the grammatic differences. I think if its a language the pov character isn't supposed to understand then "said something in x language" works better for universal immersion.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stranger things babeyyyyyy, i actually started writing the Steve Henderson au first, tho the first drafts of chapters are very different from current ones
20. Favorite fic you've written?
MY SUNSHINE!!!!!!! i am so open about my favouritism with that one, its the most contemplative and atmospheric and emotional and its short enough that i was spending time on every word, every line to make sure it felt right and contributed to the picture i wanted. they say its more achievable (compared to long fiction) to make a perfect short story and that's what My Sunshine feels like to me, the perfect little taste of themes I'm enjoying most in writing rn, specifically with the Steve Henderson au (my second favourite fic xgnxngxgn)
i forget how many ppl im supposed to tag so im gonna do 20, no pressure ofc!! @marvel-ous-m @acasualcrossfade @pearynice @imfinereallyy @tinytalkingtina
@klausinamarink @puppy-steve @queenie-ofthe-void @eyesofshinigami @stellarspecter
@dreamwatch @lightoftheseraph @withacapitalp @findafight @hbyrde36
@vegasol @carolperkinsexgirlfriend @lingeringmirth @momotonescreaming @sourw0lfs
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bismuthburnsblue · 4 months
Help me design a dress!
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this is our fabric! (left is the product image, right is my actual piece of fabric- ruler on the left is cm, on the right is inches, to give you an idea of print scale) its the black version of the break up robe print, in a lightweight & crisp cotton. i have 4.5m (5y) so it should be enough to make most designs, though some will require consideration in the cutting- we will get to that later though. (the fabric is also narrow, i think its only 110cm wide. (its still folded in the picture))
my goal here is to make a comfy wearable dress, something pretty casual & everyday in silhouette, but i would also like if it was possible to style up for a more formal look. most of my inspiration for this project has come from 1950s dresses, because thats a style i lean towards for myself, though im not aiming for anything "true vintage" or anything. im also fond of lolita dresses, so im more than down to draw inspiration from those also!
also, the print is pretty bold compared to my usual style, so ive considered doing some kind of translucent (chiffon, tulle, mesh) overlay to tone it down so its more wearable in my wardrobe. this will entirely depend on it working with out final design, and even then, ill offer you the decision at the end! ultimately, i still want to be able to appreciate the fabric. (for sewing people: id intend to do it as a flat lining, so it sits right up against the fabric underneath, not as a complete separate layer. i find this makes it block out the design slightly less) doing this could also help with adding structure to the dress, which i already think some designs might need, considering how thin the fabric is.
ok now the brief is out of the way, onto the first decision for the dress: the shape of the skirt. if you want to vote based entirely on vibes, feel free to click away, but i have included some more writing about each option & its ups and downs in this particular project under the cut (also pictures of each style if youre not so familar with what they are!)
& the propaganda for the options:
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Circle skirt: you can never go wrong with a circle skirt- theyre probably my favourite to wear overall & i especially like the low bulk join to the waist as i sometimes find things with gathers dont sit as nicely on me. the way circle skirts are cut also gives them a movement that the other two methods simply cannot compete with in my eyes.
The main downside is working a circle skirt with this particular fabric. the fabric is not wide enough to cut the entire front as one, so i would either need a centre front seam or to make it a 3/4 circle skirt- something im 100% ok with, i honestly find at midi length a full circle to be too much sometimes. (there is technically the option to have full circle but rotate it so the seams are at side, but that might then mean i have to do some shenanigans with where the fastenings go). also, because the design is directional, each quarter will need to be cut so the seams end up on the bias, which makes for an Incredibly inefficient cutting layout. (again, if theres a CF seam, thatll be on the diagonal of the design, which really defeats the point of putting in the effort in the first place, to me.) i think i would be able to get all the panels i need out of the piece of fabric i have, but i think i would be a bit more limited with top options as i try to make sure to use as many of the small pieces left over as possible.
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Gathered skirt: these are by far the easiest to do in terms of sewing. in my research into casual 50's dresses about 90% of all pictures i saw featured a dress with a gathered skirt (or actually, a lot seemed to have tiny pleats that give the effect of gathers, like the coral one. if we vote this way, i would be tempted to go try them as i think it might solve my bothers with gathered skirts in general)
i generally find gathered skirts less flattering on me- they add bulk at the waist and then hang straight down off the hips (when not puffed up with a petticoat) and thats generally not something i like on myself. i could improve that though by bringing more fabric in to increase the hem, and adding horsehair braid to the hem to help it swoop without additional support (again, my goal for this project is causal day dress)
this pattern uses the least fabric i think, depending on how much you put in the skirt- i think i should get a perfectly satisfactorily full skirt from this with less than 2m of fabric used. (honestly might end up too efficient- id like to use up all the fabric i have in this, and i really dont need that much for a bodice. i can see myself adding 4, even 5 widths into the skirt to use up yardage. i dont particularly see that as a problem though)
despite my reservations because of gathered skirts ive made before, for this project it does have one massive point in its favour: the fact that its still a full piece of fabric. all other styles here all cut quite significantly into the design to create their shape, while this be one panel of the fabric from edge to edge. preserving the design of this fabric is pretty high on my priority list, after all, i bought this fabric specifically because it was the OFMD break up robe print. i want whatever design i make to work with that.
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Tiered skirt: for me, tiered skirts are the best of both worlds in terms of the effect they give. the fact each layer doubles means they keep some of the swish a circle skirt gives (and, i find, they tend to have more of the A-Line shape of a circle skirt too) while not being quite so consuming of fabric as you cut. i couldnt find many examples of 50's dresses with them (though i did find some) so i do feel like this style pulls more towards the style of lolita dresses & that might be reflected in the options i offer in subsequent rounds.
if you know anything about petticoats, then youll notice that this style of skirt is essentially the same construction as them (though petticoats often introduce extra layers and ruffles and.....) when ive made this style of skirt in the past i have found that it holds volume much like a petticoat does, without the need for an extra undergarment- something thats great for a casual dress!
I was thinking three tiers is the ideal number for this dress, though i could make it only two. i dont think i would make it more as, if i keep them even (which was my intention, though i am also fond of the styles that increase with each tier like my example images) then each tier will probably be 20cm wide, which is already looking like itll cut into the features of the design. i think that is the single biggest downside for this style- i wont reasonably be able to do much 'fussy cutting' either to work with the print, its simply not practical to do on this scale.
At a rough estimate, i think this is gonna use 3m of fabric in the skirt, which puts it slap bang in the middle in terms of fabric efficiency. i should have plenty enough to do it, maybe even to increase it if i want to, while still being pretty unlimited about what i do with the rest of the design.
one last thing- trim! one unique feature of this design is the opportunity to play with trim on the skirt itself. i do have some bodice ideas that play around with trim, and it would be really nice to introduce it into the skirt too, if we go that way. it could even be a fun nod to the piping on the original break up robe!!!!
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Something else (comment): while doing my research i came across SO MANY design ideas that i could play around with. for this poll i picked the three i thought would probably work the best for this project, but i wanted an opportunity for you to yell at me if you want something different entirely. feel free to suggest anything you like, but ive included a couple images as examples of styles i saw a lot. i especially saw a lot like on the left, with gathering or ruffles off to the side, but the front panel being pretty flat. this might be real fun for some designs like shirtdresses, but im not super confident on how itd look on me. either way, feel free to form a coalition in the replies to tell me how i totally should have offered you this one particular option.
(if you vote for this but dont comment, im discounting it from the overall stats as i have no idea what design you mean! your welcome to send it in on anon if that bothers you, but either way, ill need a description :P )
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ohwiseswami · 5 months
Let’s Talk Riize
TLDR at the bottom if you’re lazy.
So……..SM has something special there. After sitting down to seriously watch their performances and content, I think it is very clear that the members are trying to create as much of an artist-like atmosphere as they can without completely letting go of their idol identity. I don’t think I ever got this vibe from a kpop idol group so early on into their careers.
I want to caveat by saying that there’s nothing wrong with just being an idol group. I personally like some groups that have that vibe. But what makes Riize different in a sea of 4th/early 5th gen boy groups is that I’ve seen them refer to themselves as artists and discuss their passion for making art.
Between Youngwonhee (just learned this one!) all taking very seriously the songwriting, musicianship, and singing aspects of making art; and Shotaro being a trained dancer and enjoying that process; they round out Sungchan, Eunseok (and Seunghan’s) more classic idol-like nature to give this really interesting hybrid vibe.
And, again, I want to be clear to Briize that I know each Riize member has their own thing(s) that they’re great at. I’m just stating that the vibes are like 4/7 lean more into the artist vibe and 3/7 lean into the idol vibe (likely on purpose).
But do I have favorites? YES. Ripping the bandaid off now, as a singer and instrumentalist myself, I love those elements. And as someone with a very strong appreciation for people who can create something from nothing or create something from disparate parts, I love a good songwriter. Lastly, I love someone who is just passionate about what they do and who is grateful for every new experience (this one is not as straightforward—it’s Sungchan).
Beyond my personal affects though, I would love to see what Riize can do when SM is not steering everything. We already get shades of that in their content, but I want to see it more fully and infused with the music.
Now regarding their content, they’re not like balls to the wall ~chaotic like their neo predecessors or anything. And I’ve seen some sentiments that they give off an arrogant vibe. But even so, I feel like it’s only an issue when language barrier stuff happens (since it’s much harder to tell if they actually give offputting reactions or if they just can’t express themselves properly). Still, I don’t expect them to be gods of variety nor do I expect them to fake things just for show. But I at least would hope for a bare minimum of decorum (which they usually show!!).
On that same note, team chemistry is very important for artist groups to work. Idol groups are different because at that point your selling a fantasy anyway. But with artists, you’re really not fluffing anything up so you need to have a more genuine bond that shines through in your work. It’s waaaaaay too early on to tell with them where things lie and it probably won’t matter until the members start getting involved with songwriting, composing, and choreographing (if they ever do), but it’s something for Riize to focus on developing.
The last thing I want to say about Riize in this post is that Riize seem to both try and get away with things that other SM groups can’t/couldn’t at the same stage of their career. For example, at their recent fancon, I noticed Wonbin adding adlibs, Sohee breaking from the choreo, the members putting on a performance that (while clearly very practiced) also gave the performance a bit more personality beyond what we could see on Music Bank, etc. I don’t even think my top kpop group was doing that in Month 8. Hopefully they embrace this more free flowing style of performance going forward so we can see a little more of the members’ personal artistic expression beyond being the stereotypical perfect “idol singers”
TLDR: I was not a Riize believer until Impossible and after watching them perform in a more live setting than usual and seeing them behind the scenes, I GET it now
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asteria7fics · 5 months
I've got a few questions for ya! Where did you learn to write like you do? I read through your newest fic and I'm blown away from how could you write!
And the other question I have, do you ever get worried? I hurt my brain and went down the SP confession rabbit hole, and now I'm worried about my writing now. I'm afraid of falling into tropes and writing these characters to be one dimensioned. How do you get past that?
First of all, thank you!! I never really know how to react when people compliment my writing as a whole, because truthfully I’m still very insecure about the way I write! It really does help to hear that people enjoy my writing style! (,,> ᴗ <,,)
I have a couple of answers to your first question. Learning to write has been a weird process for me if I’m being honest. I’ve always been told that reading is the best way to learn, and while I think reading lots of different things is a huge factor in being able to write confidently, there’s really no substitute for actually doing the thing.
I’ve always loved storytelling, but only really began writing stories down in middle school. Then I started finding RP partners online, and spent several years writing all kinds of stories and absorbing tons of skills from those people.
I’ve also spent an embarrassing amount of time listening to people talk about writing. Story structure, character development, all that jazz. There are several really great YouTube channels that discuss different writing techniques that I’ve taken bits and pieces from throughout the years.
Writing style is a very personal thing though, and while I’ve learned a lot from the way other people write, I’ve also spent a lot of time experimenting with my own voice. I’ve drafted tons of unfinished projects just to see what perspectives I enjoy writing from the most, or what sort of narrative voice I prefer to have. As you may glean from both TSOB and EWILY, I tend to take on a sort of sarcastic tone as a narrator, and for the most part I do that because that’s just kind of how I talk! I’m a smart ass by nature I’m afraid, though I think it also works well in the context of the sillier stories I tend to tell with my SP inspired works.
To answer your second question, yes! I’m always worried that my interpretations of certain characters won’t be enjoyed by the greater fandom, especially as someone who tends to not really vibe with a lot of really popular head canons. My solution to that? I pretend not to care!
Seriously though, I have spent a truly, horribly embarrassing amount of time studying these characters. Between watching the show, playing the games, listening to the episode commentaries, watching character analysis videos on YouTube (I’m a Johnny2Cellos girly myself), and reading some really, really good fan fiction I have put in the time to feel at least a little bit confident in my characterization of the main four boys, and sometimes Butters.
The fun thing about SP is that even Those Bastards play pretty fast and loose with their characterization, though.
Characters like Cartman who tend to have very consistent traits are usually the easiest for me to write. When I ask myself the question “how would Cartman respond to this?” the answer is usually whatever the worst possible response I can think of would be. Then I dial it back a little bit because I’m not trying to get cancelled.
But characters like Stan or Kyle are a lot more fluid. Sometimes they care very deeply about things, sometimes they don’t give a single shit. Sometimes they support one another through everything, sometimes they’re very quick to part ways. Characters like this can be really challenging, especially when you have them alongside characters who are often so cartoonishly villainous like Cartman.
My best advice for writing any characters, but especially for these particular characters, is to lean into their positive traits and flaws equally.
Cartman is actually a great example of this. He’s bigoted, crass and quite frankly kind of terrifying if you think about the things he’s done for more than thirty seconds. But he’s also extremely creative, pretty smart when he wants to be and, in many instances, is shown to actually care about his friends. Balancing all of these traits can be challenging, but it can also result in a more fleshed out, well rounded character.
Another character I see a lot of discourse about is Butters. To avoid making him too ‘uwu sweet baby’, as I often see it said, I balance a few things with him. Yes, Butters is generally very kind and sensitive to others’ feelings, but he’s also extremely gullible and can be a real asshole when he’s around the wrong people for long enough.
Of course, you don’t need to take my advice as gospel. I’m someone who has tried to keep the characters pretty close to canon (less so in EWILY than I did in TSOB, truthfully), but I’ve seen many incredibly written, extremely interesting SP fics that throw much of canon in the trash. Do what feels right for you and helps you to express the kinds of stories you want to tell!
At the end of the day, if you write for you and you enjoy the content you’re creating, then it shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks of the interpretations you make. I especially don’t take anything on confession blogs personally, because if one of my head canons really offends someone they can talk to me about it. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Thank you so much for this ask! I had a lot of fun thinking about my own journey with writing these fics, and I hope some of my advice will be helpful for you! Much love, anon! ♡⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝♡
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nian-7 · 6 months
Heyo, I think matchup reqs are open but if not feel free to ignore (⁠・⁠–⁠・⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
If it's alright I'd like a romantic and platonic match up for Pjsk and bsd (if not just romantic/ pjsk is fine)
My names Karma
I'm a minor, 17
I'm afab but I'm Genderfluid and use all pronouns
I'm pretty short for my age, 5’1 the last time I checked unfortunately, sobs. I don't get out much besides going to work for money so I'm pale as hell. I have freckles pretty much everywhere not a whole lot but they're definitely noticeable. I am cursed with a baby face, it gets better when I put on my glasses though, im cursed with terrible vision, I'm not allowed to drive without my glasses it's that bad
My hair is a shaggy wolf cut with curtain bangs, I'm a natural blonde but I always dye my hair ginger cause it's my favorite look on me (I'm trying to look like Chuuya cause I love him sm)
I'm an INFP-T, I'm also Asexual and Panromantic (slightly woman leaning but not an insane amount) I dress in dark academia style almost always: cardigans, sweater vests, long over coats paired with sweaters underneath. I'm very much trying to be that person you fall in love with in the book store 
When I'm in public alone I am very much socially awkward and anxious. I keep to myself and I am terrified of causing trouble for anyone
I tend to be drawn to more loud people; or more like popular/louder people adopt me out of the blue and I go along with it (which is funny considering I'm usually quiet) 
Once I've warmed up with people I very much match energys with whoever I'm with, typically just trying to make friends laugh. I value people's happiness very much
If we're out at a mall or something I'm quieter, but in private I can get very loud 
I also have a very close group of online friends all over the world (Some of us are meeting up soon and I'm very excited)
A lot of people have said that I also have big sister vibes
I do have diagnosed Anxiety and depression, typically I try not to let anyone see that side of me. I can spiral a bit into episodes where I just kind of ghost people and ride out whatever feelings I'm dealing with, then come back about 3-6 days later
I don't really do well with anger in general, weather it be my own or other people's
I also don't really have any appetite most of the time (I'm not sure if it's medical or not) but this can cause me sometimes to get super dizzy out of nowhere because I've forgotten to eat/drink 
I'm a digital artist, and I actually write fanfiction on Tumblr as well. I absolutely love cats, I’d talk about my cat Hazel for hours if I could (She's mean to me but I still love her </3) I also really like Vocaloid/Hatsune Miku music (kinda not surprising considering pjsk lol), I don't usually mention it in person though cause it's embarrassing to explain that shes just a singing hologram
I also have a fox obsession, I own a huge fox plush that takes up a designated corner of my room lol
I don't mind most things personality wise in people, but I do wish to be respected obviously
I like someone I can poke fun at casually and who can poke fun at me as well
My love language is big gift giving (wether it be buying or drawing occasionally) and physical affection (Cuddles always ╥⁠﹏⁠╥)
I've gotten tones of jokes that I only go for gingers, but I have zero preference for looks
I'm an overly patient person and get a little annoyed when people aren't as patient (but it's not a complete put off or anything) 
I also am very much someone who has to be on time. If I am not on time I lose it a bit
I think that's all (Maybe too much ´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`)
But thank you so much in advance! I hope you have an amazing day/week 💟
hi, anon! i haven't read bsd in a while so i'm a little rusty so i only did prsk. hope you still enjoy!
I match you with... (platonically)
Saki Tenma!
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-The biggest thing for you to be matched with Saki was the big sister vibes that you mentioned. The dynamic would just be too cute to pass up on!
-I tried to pick a more 'loud' or extroverted person and although I decided to opt for Saki instead of Tsukasa, I think you both would mesh together even when she's not necessarily as loud as her brother.
-Saki is like the person you can fall back onto in social situations when you get anxious. She doesn't mind taking the lead and helping you out when you get nervous.
-She's not someone who gets angry often and tries to be there for you when you ghost her or others. She tries her best to understand what you're feeling and tries to sympathize with you.
-You both having the same energy is something that would make the whole friendship mesh well and she has the capabilities to be calmer or quieter if needed.
I match you with... (romantically)
Shizuku Hinomori!
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-Although Shizuku is somewhat different than Saki, I think she's the best match overall. The physical affection she gives to you is one of the big factors.
-As someone who enjoys pda/affection, Shizuku would love to cuddle or hold hands with you all the time. She kisses you in public and just loves to be near you.
-She loves the gifts you give her as well no matter what they are. She'll always gush about them whenever someone asks about something relating to it (whether that embarrasses you or not).
-She's a very light teaser and it comes off more lovingly than anything but she enjoys it when her partner gives her attention through light teasing too.
-Although a bit airheaded, she's treating you similarly to Shiho. Asking always if you're hungry or thirsty, being the talker in public if you need it, etc. She just gives you more romantic affection than sisterly affection (obviously)
7 notes · View notes
canyonroads · 8 months
100 Albums // 2024
One of my resolutions for 2024 was to sit down and listen to more full albums, uninterrupted from beginning to end, with limited song-skipping. Here is where I'm compiling those albums + my thoughts on them as I go.
If you see this (which you might because Im pinning it for ease of access), you should reply or send me a message with your favorite album. I just may give it a listen! Thanks!!
How I'm choosing the albums: many of these are "I randomly found one song off this album, I've been meaning to listen to more". But some are just iconic, genre-defining albums that I know I'm doing myself a disservice by not listening to yet. But most are also blind suggestions! From friends and coworkers.
How I'm rating them: this is PERSONAL TASTE ONLYYYYYY. Some albums I acknowledge will be impossible to rate this way, but for the most part I am JUST rating based on MY taste. I'm trying to be open minded to any and all genre's but I'm aware my tastes lean indie.
1. Self-Titled - Bon Iver (2011)
Rating: 4/10
Fav Songs: Holocene, Towers, Wash
Notes: I REALLY wanted this whole album to be like "Holocene" but overall it's pretty... Meh, save a few songs. The bits I enjoyed were experimental aspects that remind me of "33 God". I will listen to that album too at some point. I haven't given up on Bon Iver, anyway.
2. Get to Heaven (Deluxe vers) - Everything Everything (2015)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: The Wheel (is turning now), Only As Good as my God, Blast Doors
Notes: I absolutely LOVED this album. I've been obsessed with OAGAMG for years, and most of the album is just as good if not better. Love the post-modern, religious imagery and overall messaging. Not every song totally landed, though, which is why it's only an 8/10.
3. Nearer My God - Foxing (2018)
Rating: 6/10
Fav Songs: Nearer My God, Five Cups, Lambert
Notes: I listened to this album on a rainy Sunday morning while finishing a book, and I'd say that's the perfect way to listen to it. Solid mellow vibes and sweeping, yet gentle, instrumentals- but nothing that really knocked my socks off.
4. The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess - Chappell Roan (2023)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Pink Pony Club, HOT TO GO!, Red Wine Supernova
Notes: Almost a perfect album, to me. High points are danceable, low songs still catchy as fuck. One part Madonna, part Lemon Demon?? Its just great. However, I think the opening song 'FEMININOMENON' is awful. I couldn't even finish it. Only thing keeping this album from a 10/10.
5. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen (1984)
Rating: I can't rate this are you crazy?/10
Fav Songs: Downbound Train, No Surrender, Dancing in the Dark
Notes: I won't even try to rate this album because it's so classic and contextual. I really loved it, though- especially with an eye on the way Springsteen satirizes, critiques, yet appreciates masculinity and methods of American patriotism.
6. Fine Line - Harry Styles (2019)
Rating: 5/10
Fav Songs: Cherry, Fine Line, Adore You
Notes: Another tame background listen. A few bangers but the rest is very meh. Also included my second song skip on this entire list, which is never great. I will probably not listen to any more Harry.
7. Mystére - La Femme (2016)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Ou ve la Monde, Sphynx, Mycose
Notes: First foreign language AND rec album for an artist that I'd never listened to. Really cool stuff here, very experimental- some of it is more straightforward electronica, some of it almost 60s sounding Halloween beats, some psychedelic rock- but I really enjoyed it!
8. Put Yourself Back Together - Real Friends (2013)
Rating: 3/10
Fav Songs: Skin Deep, I've Given Up On You
Notes: Chose a short one to end January on 8, but I found this album tremendously disappointing. All in a row like this, the whininess of Real Friends REALLY starts to grate after about 3 songs. Its way beyond your usual pop punk whininess, too. By the albums end I was so grateful it was over.
9. Self-Titled - Vagabon (2019)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Flood, Full Moon in Gemini, Water Me Down
Notes: This album is very good, but the best songs are unfortunately the ones I'd already stumbled on. That isn't to say there wasn't some treasures to be found- and on continued listens, I think "In A Bind" could grow higher in my tastes. Overall, pretty damn good!
10. The Slow Rush - Tame Impala (2020)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Borderline, Breathe Deeper, On Track
Notes: GREAT album. Even the songs that don't stand out are so fucking funky, it's impossible to not groove. I listened to this while cleaning the kitchen at work and I was half-dancing through most of it. I'll listen to Currents at some point, too.
11. Pin-Up Daddy - Rett Madison (2021)
Rating: 10/10
Fav Songs: Pin-Up Daddy, God is a Woman, Fleas
Notes: Finally... a 10/10 album! Pin-Up Daddy is a song that impacted me very deeply upon first listen, and the rest of this is just as gutting. First album (of this list) to bring me to tears. Definitely not a listen-in-the-background album, Rett demands involvement in the stories.
12. You Are All I See - Active Child (2011)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Hanging On, High Priestess, You Are All I See
Notes: This album is really good- mixing R&B with 80s synth, and add this mans beautiful, Bon Iver-esque falsetto, its a dream. However, the worst bits of this album are definitely where he's trying to... *Sound* more black than he is (lol there's really no nice way to say it).
Also! This album led me to Ellie Goulding's cover of "Hanging On", and this next album...
13. Halcyon - Ellie Goulding (2012)
Rating: 1/10
Fav Songs: Hanging On
Notes: think I've avoided this album subconsciously. "Lights" is a 10/10 album for me, but this albums single "Anything Can Happen" is probably one of my most hated songs of the 2010s. Its awful. And I'm sorry to report that the rest of this album is just as bad- giving "overproduced" a new standard, losing every appealing and unique thing about "Lights". The dubstep beat running through the background of every song is SO grating and was actually starting to piss me off. The gem keeping this album from a total 0 is her cover of "Hanging On", which is very different from the original but feels like the only song that she put even an OUNCE of effort into.
14. Miss Universe - Nilüfer Yanya (2019)
Rating: 7.5/10
Fav Songs: Heavyweight Champion of the Year, Baby Blu, Safety Net
Notes: Great album that I listened to while deep-cleaning at work. Its high energy makes it good for cleaning, and I really enjoyed the pacing/content of the album breaks. Really atmospheric. Her voice is so unique and her range is just INSANE too.
15. Self-Titled - Elliott Smith (1995)
Rating: 6/10
Fav Songs: Good to Go, Needle in the Hay, The Biggest Lie
Notes: I've been meaning to get to some Elliott Smith forever- he is, after all, SO influential. I was vibing to his stuff- but nothing on this album really stood out much to me. That said- it's amazing how you can feel his influence on many other artists- Phoebe Bridgers, Frank Ocean, Bright Eyes... I especially felt that he was similar in tone to Sufjan Stevens, whom I just adore. Another great rec!
16. Self-Titled - Tracy Chapman (1988)
Rating: 💧/10
Fav Songs: Fast Car, Mountain O' Things, Talkin' Bout a Revolution
Notes: I don't know why I wasn't expecting this album to be SO political when, in my opinion, Fast Car is very political. But Tracy has a lot to say about being black, poor, a woman- not even to mention being gay. This album was trangressive and inspiring when it dropped, and it remains totally excellent.
17. Fantastic Planet - Failure (1996)
Rating: 5/10
Fav Songs: Dirty Blue Balloons, Saturday Savior
Notes: Another blind suggestion for a band I've never even heard of! Overall, very cool and super different from my usual stuff. Not totally MY vibe, but this album has a lot to offer musically. I even watched a biography video about Failure afterwards because I was so interested in their process.
This album also REALLY made me want to listen to a full Tool album, so...
18. Lateralus- TOOL (2001)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Schism, The Grudge, Reflection
Notes: This album rules. I got stoned as hell and listened to it while doing a mindless task and it feels like I really, truly heard all of the instrumental and vocal depth of Tool for the first time. Not every song captured me, but considering Tool is known for LONG songs, I'm surprised it's as engaging as it is.
19. Crimes of Passion - Pat Benetar (1980)
Rating: 5/10
Fav Songs: Wuthering Heights, Hit Me With Your Best Shot, I'm Gonna Follow You
Notes: This album is certified mid. Her cover of Wuthering Heights is inspired, and obviously Hit Me is iconic, but this album offers little else besides a few decent guitar riffs. Any given song had clunky lyrics, and this is just not as refined as I know Pat Benetar to be.
20. Caught in Still Life - VAULTS (2016)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: One Last Night, Cry No More, Hurricane
Notes: Vaults basically encapsulates all my favorite musical things; electronic percussion mixed with pure instrumentals like strings, piano, harps, or chimes- plus clear, lovely vocals... It's just excellent.
21. Currents - Tame Impala (2015)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Eventually, Disciples, The Less I Know the Better
Notes: Told you I'd listen to Currents too! I liked this album a tiny bit more than The Slow Rush, I just feel like it was better put together and the flow between songs is perfect. But they are both SO good.
22. Modus Vivendi - 070 Shake (2020)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Morrow, Rocketship, The Pines
Notes: I think this is my first hiphop album of this project, which is insane. This is a good example of how the flow between songs can really make or break an album. I didn't love too many specific, individual songs- but I loved the structure as a whole which can carry a lot. I also just really enjoy 070 Shake. Her flow scratches an itch.
23. Proof of Life - Joy Oladokun (2023)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Changes, Somehow, Friends
Notes: Another album from someone I'd never heard of, and it's great! Joy was recommended to me as someone who likes Taylor Swifts 'Folklore' album. I would not say it's much like Folklore, but it was still wonderful. She has a voice like velvet and this folky, optimistic way with words. 'Changes' could have been my pandemic anthem.
24. 3.15.20 - Childish Gambino (2020)
Rating: 2/10
Fav Songs: 42.26, 35.31
Notes: (I listened to this literally days before he removed it from Spotify!) My partner reminded me of this album. Starting, I wondered to myself; "this album has been out for 4 years. Why haven't I heard any songs from it??" And the answer is; because they're bad. Like, really bad and not even in a fun way. Songs listed are listenable but I don't see myself revisiting them.
25. Strange Trails - Lord Huron (2015)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Meet Me In The Woods, The Night We Met, Fool for Love
Notes: After the last one, I wanted an album I knew would be decent so I went with Strange Trails as I'm familiar with a handful of songs. It's great! I just love the way he tells stories here. Reminiscent of old country. Redacted points for putting both 'Love Like Ghosts' and 'Meet Me In The Woods' on there. In theory, the idea of the same instrumentals with different lyrics is interesting- but in practice feels like LLG is the rough, first draft and shouldn't have been included.
26. Unreal Unearth: Unheard - Hozier (2024)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Empire Now, Too Sweet, Wildflower and Barley
Notes: Feels a bit cheat-y since I've heard almost every song off this 'album' except these new 4 added by the EP, but... I love Hozier and I wanted it to count because I listened to the whole thing like 3 times in a row. Lol.
27. Saved - Now, Now (2018)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: SGL, Powder, Drive
Notes: This album is one that inspired this project, so I'm not sure why it took me so long to get to it. Now, Now has a truly unique sound that I struggle to classify, and I simply love it. Catchy, yet complex and dreamy. Not every song landed but I'll be coming back to this one for sure.
28. Sahar - Tamino (2022)
Rating: 7/10
Fav songs: The First Disciple, The Longing, Fascination
Notes: Overall, I think I like his album Amir a bit more but this ones still great, especially to throw on in the background while you're doing stuff. His music is so layered and rich, truly unique sounding. That said, I REALLY don't like "Sunflower". I've heard it a few times now and I like it less every time.
29. Spirituals - Santigold (2022)
Rating: 6/10
Fav Songs: No Paradise, Fall First, Ain't Ready
Notes: This one was a coworker recommendation. Its just okay! I appreciate how unique and difficult to genre-fy Santigold is, but I prefer some of her older stuff. This album still has some great flow and a few total gems, though.
30. Beauty Pageant - The Bobby Lees (2018)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Radiator, Mad Moth, Bobby Lee
Notes: Another coworker rec and I LOVED this album. The old-punk feel is so visceral, you could close your eyes and be in an 80s basement show. I couldn't BELIEVE how new this is. Not a casual listen for sure, but worth a quick dive if you feel like going hard.
31. Чёрный альбом - Kino (1990)
Rating: 🎸/10
Fav Songs: N/A
Notes: This was a bestie-rec but I've listened to enough Kino in the past to know it probably wasn't gonna be my vibe! And sure enough, it wasn't. I enjoyed it ok, but most of the songs just blended together for me. I spent a good chunk of time reading about Kino afterwards, though. Cool band.
32. Older - Lizzy McAlpine (2024)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Drunk Running, Staying, Broken Glass
Notes: Lizzy's album before this, "ten seconds flat" is a 10/10 album that CONSUMED my entire Spotify wrapped last year. I was cautious about this album and I'm glad for it, because it's VERY different. I still enjoyed it a lot, but to compare the two would be weird. This is a melancholy album with very few highs, a jazz-feel throughout, and features Lizzy's voice on full display. A few songs bored me to death, musically, but a lot of it also brought me to tears!
33. Apocalypse Whenever (Deluxe vers) - Bad Suns - 2022
Rating: 3/10
Fav Songs: Maybe You Saved Me, When the World was Mine
Notes: This was my first truly disappointing listen. I love Bad Suns and "Disappear Here" is an album I just BLEED for. This one falls flat in comparison, and the culprit is obvious. I'm not sure if the singer is trying to sing in a more healthy way or something, but his voice just totally lacks that indescribable *thing* he does. The special sauce, if you will. As a result every song sounds really low-energy?
34. Fade to Bluegrass (a tribute to Metallica) - Iron Horse (2003)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Nothing Else Matters, Unforgiven, Wherever I May Roam
Notes: Another coworker rec, and the concept really intrigued me. I don't even like Metallica but I'm familiar enough with them to admit these songs went hard. A few I even feel lend themselves better to the Bluegrass genre?? A really interesting listen!
35. The Tortured Poets Department (ANTHOLOGY) - Taylor Swift (2024)
Rating: 4/10
Fav Songs: I Look in People's Windows, Down Bad, The Black Dog
Notes: Certifiably mid. Does not justify being 31 effing songs long. Most of it sounds indistinguishable from one another and I feel like she has stopped refining her first drafts. Every song is so densely packed with lyrics, I wish she would just write a poetry book or something. And this low energy 'talk-singing' thing she does now sounds awful and bores you to tears by the end.
36. The Secret to Life - FIZZ (2023)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: The Secret to Life, Close One, Hell of a Ride
Notes: My partner brought this supergroup to my attention because I listen to 3/4 of the members solo stuff. It's a great collab album and I LOVE the flow from song to song. Its also just a super fun listen.
37. Cure for Pain - MORPHINE (1993)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: All Wrong, In Spite of Me, Thursday
Notes: Forget bands I've never listened to, this one comes from a GENRE I've never touched; jazz fusion. My extreme enjoyment really caught me off guard, but the sax is one of my favorite instruments and it shines in all forms through Morphine. The real gem, though, is the singers voice, which delivers a rich rock and roll sound.
38. Here in Your Bedroom (2020) and Medusa (2018) - Kailee Morgue
Rating(s): 8/10 & 4/10
Fav Songs: Still, Dying to Live, Knew You
Notes: These are both small EPs, so I listened to them together expecting to mostly feel the same about them. I do NOT, so rating them together feels unfair now. My bad. The earlier stuff is very early. It's not unlistenable, but it's nothing exceptional. 4/10. However, the latter is AMAZING. I adore 'Still' and I think it's one of the best songs I've heard in recent memory. 8/10.
39. Floetic - Floetry (2002)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Say Yes, Headache, Sunshine
Notes: Holy fuck I loved this album. Another blind rec from a coworker that comes in the midst of some modern rap controversy. This album beautifully blurs the lines between hiphop, rap, jazz, and R&B, and it is SO horny. The sexual tension ripping out of this album is unbelievable and excellent. A few songs kind of bored me, but not usually for long before I was whisked away to enjoyment again.
40. 12 Golden Country Greats - Ween (1996)
Rating: 3/10
Fav Songs: I'm Holding You, You Were the Fool
Notes: Another coworker rec from a guy who was VERY upset I'd never given Ween a chance. This one is tough because I can see the clear and present artistry, but Ween is just... Not for me. I listened to some of their other stuff with similar disinterest, so it isn't just the stab at country, either. However, it's still a fun album.
41. けものたちの名前 - ROTH BART BARON (2019)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Skiffle Song, 春の嵐, iki
Notes: Felt like I was due another foreign language album, so I gave ROTH BART BARON a listen. Japanese folk is always awesome. I love the almost jazz-fusion aspects of this album and it has great flow. His voice is gorgeous, and the trumpet and violin are working overtime here.
42. Sound & Color - Alabama Shakes (2015)
Rating: 4/10
Fav Songs: Gemini, Gimme All Your Love
Notes: This started off badly because I asked my followers for R&B recs, and this is decidedly a funk/soul album. Not what I was looking for, and not my vibe. The singer is AMAZING but I feel like the rest wasn't quite as good as her, and a lot of it songs sounded very similar. Objectively, I'm sure anyone who likes funk would get more out of it.
43. Indian Yard - Ya Tseen (2021)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Close the Distance, A Feeling Undefined, Light the Torch
Notes: Cool album and another blind rec. Very varied and experimental, which is what you'd expect from an artist of physical design dipping into music for the first time. I LOVED the hiphop elements, and the features were great. A few songs were kinda droning and didn't totally land. But an incredible first effort.
44. Hit Me Hard and Soft - Billie Eilish (2024)
Rating: 7/10
Notes: I probably would not have listened to this so soon after it was released if not for some friendly pestering. It's good! It's about what I expect from Billie. The slow songs are beautiful, she always captures this hollow feeling that is very special, and the fast songs are... Weird! I see the artistry, but I kinda wish there was something more surprising from Billie on this album.
45. Young, Loud, and Snotty - Dead Boys (1977)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Sonic Reducer, Down in Flames, High Tension Wire
Notes: GREAT rec from a coworker that I'm surprised I wasn't already aware of. I love classic punk, and the Dead Boys are CLASSICCCC punk. Still, they manage to capture something totally unique, too- especially in songs like High Tension Wire.
46. You're a Man Now, Boy - Raleigh Ritchie (2016)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Werld is Mine, Bloodsport '15, Keep It Simple
Notes: This was a spontaneous choice upon learning that Jacob Anderson has a music career. But boy, I don't regret it. Jacob's unique mix of trip-hop, soul, and rap create a truly incredible album. His flow is AMAZING, and his accent is so charming. Can't wait to listen to his other stuff AND he has a third dropping later this year.
47. Bigger, Better Faster, More! - 4 Non-Blondes (1992)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Morphine & Chocolate, Superfly, Pleasantly Blue
Notes: I'd never listened to 4 Non-Blondes beyond Whats Up, and obviously that was a huge mistake. I didn't realize how capable Linda Perry was at sounding exactly like Robert Plant. But their rock sound is also so wholey unique, it's not totally fair to compare them to Led Zeppelin... I wish there was more!
48. Self-Titled - The Philharmonik (2018)
Rating: 6/10
Fav Songs: Underdog, Neon Lights, Good Day
Notes: Similar notes to the Ya Tseen album, though I liked it a bit less. Good stuff, can get experimental but you really feel the album flow.
49. Disco - Kylie Minogue (2020)
Rating: 10/10
Fav Songs: Magic, Real Groove, Supernova
Notes: Was starting to wonder if I'd ever get another 10/10! I was in a random Disco mood and stumbled on "Magic", which I immediately fell in love with. Listened to this whole album and it's just magical. I've never given Kylie much thought at all, but now I think she might be genius.
50. American Hero - Towa Bird (2024)
Rating: 7.5/10
Fav Songs: This Isn't Me, Boomerang, Sorry Sorry
Notes: The first of some summer releases I've been looking forward to. AMAZING first album from Towa. Her voice is so unique, but it's obvious that she's a guitar player first and foremost. The album is almost centered around the guitar, and it's pure artistry. Can't wait for more from her.
51. iTopia - The Get Right Band (2023)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: The Outrage Machine, Generation Happy or Dead, Miracle/Mess
Notes: Very topical to the 'now'. Almost too topical, because I think it works best as a single, long listen. But oh, who cares. It's a great album and you can tell the artists put a lot of thought into it. Thanks to whichever follower recommended it!
52. Nebraska - Bruce Springsteen (1982)
Rating: Once again, how do I even rate him?/10
Fav Songs: My Fathers House, Nebraska, Open All Night
Notes: Another Springsteen listen. I think I liked the overall cohesiveness of "Born in the USA" more, but "My Fathers House" quickly became a favorite Springsteen song. It's so gutting. I don't even know how to write about it. This album is very emotional.
53. The New South - Hank William Jr. (1977)
Rating: Yee Haw/10
Fav Songs: You're Gonna Change, Tennessee, Feelin' Better
Notes: Another coworker rec that I was hesitant about because HWJ is such a colossal asshole. But I'm trying not to let the rep of the artist influence my work, here. Very cool album- reminiscent of Waylon Jennings and Hank's voice is just amazing.
54. Big Ideas - Remi Wolf (2024)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Toro, Wave, Cinderella
Notes: Another highly anticipated summer release, and it doesn't disappoint. Remi is a rising star and I just love her way with words.
55. RMCM - Richy Mitch & the Coal Miners (2017)
Rating: 4/10
Fav Songs: Evergreen, Lucerne
Notes: This was a coworker rec but I was already pretty familiar with Evergreen. I wanted this album to be better but it's not offensive, either. Good for a summer morning listen but there's not anything that impressive or unique about it.
56. Stick Season - Noah Kahan (2023)
Rating: 10/10
Fav Songs: Dial Drunk, Call Your Mom, Paul Revere
Notes: I've been hearing about Noah for years, but I just never got around to him. Now I'm kicking myself for it because this album is AMAZING.
57. Blame My Ex - The Beaches (2023)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Me & Me, Edge of the Earth, Blame Brett
Notes: These girls are unrealized genius. The satire of songstress womanhood that flows through this album is incredibly smart, only overshadowed by how genuinely catchy everything is. The speed up at the beginning of Me & Me is so god damn fun.
58. DEAD ENDS AND DIVERSIONS - Raleigh Ritchie (2024)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Security, Hyperventilating, iLie
Notes: Another anticipated summer album, and the first slight disappointment. This album is still great, but it's a bit of a let down from "You're a Man Now, Boy". It also feels quite short because a lot of it is live performances of older songs. But overall, Jacob never truly misses.
59. Halo - Bakar (2023)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Facts_Situations, All Night, Hell 'n Back
60. Marigold - Pinegrove (2020)
Fav Songs: Dotted Line, No Drugs, Endless
61. Bismillah - Peter Cat Recording Co. (2019)
Fav Songs: Floated By, Remain in Me
62. Paradise State of Mind - Foster the People (2024)
Fav Songs: Lost in Space, See You in the Afterlife, Take Me Back
63. Discovery - Electric Light Orchestra (1979)
Fav Songs: Last Train to London, Don't Bring Me Down, The Diary of Horace Wimp
64. I Saw the TV Glow OST - Multiple Artists (2024)
Fav Songs: Starburned & Unkissed, Claw Machine, Psychic Wound
65. Tourist History - Two Door Cinema Club (2010)
66. This Empty Northern Hemisphere - Gregory Alan Isakov (2009)
67. Preachers Daughter - Ethel Cain (2022)
68. The Money Store - Death Grips (2012)
69. Prelude to Ecstasy - The Last Dinner Party (2024)
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maxdurden · 3 months
28 & 5 for vivka / 32 & 18 for rhea in the ask gamee :33
oc asks! about my ocs in max durden's adventuring party!
putting this under a read more because it got. so long :3
vivka vileshade -
28. how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
vivka tends to express her feelings through action and acts of service. she will kill someone for you if she likes you, no questions asked. unfortunately, in elmville that's usually not the vibe so she'd had to adjust a bit. she has a deep sense of loyalty and cares deeply for her adventuring party, and the way she showed that was by creating pendants with their hair and gifting it to them, kind of like victorian mourning jewelry but i imagine it's like a fucked up baronies version of friendship bracelets. and she may or may not have snuck into everyone's homes and stolen a lock of their hair while they were sleeping but that's beside the point.
again, killing people isn't the vibe in elmville, so she's trying to get over the habit of killing people as a way of signaling her distaste for them (and her adventuring party has done a good job of stepping in and reminding her that she can't). but with hate she's also an action-oriented person. if you find a dead rat on your pillow it might be because you pissed off vivka. but most of the time she's rather keep her feelings lowkey until she can strike at the optimal moment, it's just in her rogue nature.
5. how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
this is such a fun question for vivka thank youuu for asking it. she's from the baronies, so a lot of what i've imagined her wearing is definitely inspired by historical fashion. a lot of vivka's style has been inspired by edwardian sensibilities. she wears a lot of lace inspired by the kind of flowy, relaxed gibson girl look, but also definitely also enjoys more structured dresses with waistcoats that were equally popular in the early 1900s (of course, these aren't real cultural ideas/time periods in the world of spyre, but they're more of a guide and inspiration for me when thinking about her style).
she's definitely dressed well a lot of the time, but never so impractically that her clothes would get in the way of any potential sneaking or murdering that needs to happen.
i imagine her hairstyles taking more inspiration from renaissance styles, with braids and pearled cauls holding her hair out of the way. she's got these long black curls that i think are really suited to hairstyles inspired by that time period.
rhea hollowstone -
32. do they have any habits that aren't particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd?
rhea's biggest self-destructive habit is definitely picking fights. whenever she needs to really feel out what she's feeling about something, she'll just decide to get into a screaming match with whoever about it. she doesn't always even mind which side of the argument she comes down on, she's just trying to figure how she feels by verbally sparring.
it's definitely one of those things that makes her come across as pretty abrasive to most people, and different members of her party handle it differently. max is always happy to argue right back; it helps that she and max are old friends and kind of get that about each other. ficus, for example, is on the other end of the spectrum and will very much just walk away the minute it seems like she's looking for a fight.
18. their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
rhea grew up being best friends with max durden, so she's not gonna judge someone for stealing and she's definitely lied to cover for his ass on more than one occasion. she's pretty into the idea of moral relativism, which is probably also a consequence of being friends with max. generally she's concerned with utilitarian questions about morals--who is being hurt? is this for the greater good? what are the power dynamics? if she catches max stealing from local businesses she slaps his hand because she's of the opinion that that energy should be saved for big corporations, but she's not gonna judge him harshly for it.
killing is a bit more complicated, especially going to aguefort where wanton violence isn't exactly discouraged. her goddess, njalla, is a giantkin goddess of spring and rebirth; a goddess who honors maidens in a similar way to the bacchae in ancient greece. so she's not opposed to violence for the most part, given that it feels deserved. so, killing on a quest is fine for her, but she's also usually one of the party members trying to talk vivka down from killing random aguefort students for minor social slights
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fantastickkay · 7 months
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Album Review of the Week: Nobody's Angel (2000) ☆☆☆☆☆
In 1999, four girls made friends with each other as they continued to run into each other at auditions and decided to band together! This, I have learned from my current magazine journey. I have so enjoyed watching small articles about them pop up from time to time and I cannot wait to get into the year 2000 and see them even more!
In preparation for a review, I usually listen to the album once while doing the write-up. However, I was so looking forward to this one that I listened to it twice yesterday and now again today! Once I get a taste, I cannot stop with this album!
Nobody's Angel is the quintessential y2k bubblegum pop group. If you love the early 2000s you must listen to this album at least once! It is everything that y2k bubblegum should be. Nothing but fun, sparkle and energy. Not to mention the inflatable sofa on the front and back covers! Love the sandals as well.
Buckle up, baby, 'cuz here we go! We start with If You Wanna Dance, their lead and I believe most popular single. It is packed with so much energy that you cannot help to move and bop along. The chorus moves at lightning speed while the verses bring in a more mellow melody leaning almost into an R&B style - just in the vocals of course. The instrumentation remains extremely poppy in the best way.
I Can't Help Myself slows down the tempo but we still have the hard hitting beats behind the gentle guitar and vocals. This song shows off their gorgeous harmonizing.
Boom Boom is a funky track with a chorus with extreme sing-along-ability. I've been singing it the last 2 days! The melody and speed of the lyrics is so much fun to recreate and makes it quite the earworm.
Next Stop Heaven really brings in the groove with an energetic bassline, more harmonizing and another fantastic chorus! Their energy is just infectious.
Keep Me Away is another ballad and as much as I usually dislike ballads, those on this album got me bopping as much as the other tracks! This is one to sing while looking out the window on a rainy day. It is high drama with the heavy strings and pleading vocals.
With Right There Waiting, the instrumentation is a tad trite, but the melody is still really great with that energetic chorus. This is the type of song that would play in a rom-com when the couple are in their honeymoon stage. I can see the woman walk-dancing through the streets to this song!
Ooh La La has the classic answering machine interlude that you will find in many early 2000s pop albums (even Britney's Oops!...I Did It Again!) I know I'm saying the word 'energy' way too much, but every song has it! This song also has a really cool bridge that gives it an edge that some of the other songs don't have. There is also a little chatter part that I love where one of them just shouts 'do the washing machine! and an acappella outro to spice things up a bit.
Things get a bit sexier with Wishing On You. We have sultry vocals and darker instrumentation to illustrate this small pivot.
Absolutely Maybe put me in an absolute tailspin as an 8 year old. The lyrics are totally contradictory! How can you say absolutely maybe, I am sure I really think so although I deserve a week? Jokes aside, the melody is less "energetic" than the preceding tracks but not by much! Rest assured, we have yet another great song on our hands - especially with such clever lyrics.
Sugar Daddy has a funky 70s vibe that will get your head bobbing! Now, get your mind out of the gutter. He is sweet like candy!!!
Nobody is the best midtempo on the album. The solo vocals are pretty weird sounding but the harmonies are fantastic with an infectious melody. This one is sexy without trying too hard like Wishing On You is.
Despite being 12 tracks in, the album is still exciting with Cherry Crush. We're back to the quick as lightning vocal deliveries. This song is the most R&B-like of the bunch, very pop still but has elements of R&B of the time.
This masterpiece of an album closes with a cover of the disco hit, We Are Family, which begins with an interlude of someone flipping through radio stations - very fun and 2000s. The verses are different than the original, spicing it up with a rap-like delivery to bring the song into the modern times. Injecting new energy, some might say!
Obviously, I absolutely love this album and it is one of the essentials of the early 2000s.
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