#also to the girls from my old high school if you're reading this-- how the hell did you get here?
blacktobackmesa · 2 years
⛔ ? :O
Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Oh, absolutely! Focusing on hlvrai, I've got two to talk about: the New Years fic and the Housesitter's Guide.
The first work I ever started was a goofy-ass story about Gordon logging into the game on New Years Day to find that the Science Team's New Years Eve party had gone off the rails with Darnold as the bartender, and now everyone was dealing with bonkers reality-warping hangover effects that only potions can give. I'd recount all of the effects, but while I know I got at least five pages out of the idea, I can't seem to find it anywhere in my folder. I know that Tommy's personal gravity had flipped like that one Calvin and Hobbes arc, so he was walking on the ceiling as he opened the door and invited Gordon inside. Benrey's Sweet Voice abilities were cranked into full gear to the point where any attempt to talk just launched a volley of fruity tennis balls out of his mouth. Bubby got body-swapped with Sunkist, who was just passed out on the couch and not enjoying being locked in an old guy body. It was beautiful, dumb crack, very much flavored like magic anon ask blogs from the days of yore.
I abandoned it for a couple reasons. One, it was a holiday fic that I didn't finish by January 2022. Two, the tone and plot weren't really up to my personal standards. Heck, there wasn't a plot at all, so I ran out of steam pretty quickly.
The second fic is one that I do still have the files for. I thought about writing a fic that was formatted as a housesitting manual that Gordon would give to someone if he needed to be out of town and wanted his computer to be supervised. It would have essentially given me a "series bible" for my Streamman continuity-- a reference guide to how Gordon would explain every part of the home program. However, while I like works in that sort of nonstandard format, it was just... really boring to write. It's much more fun to develop the world as I go and post bonus details on tumblr.
Also, since this was also an early work, I hadn't decided if Gordon knew Bubby and Coomer were a couple in this draft. I knew that they were together, but Gordon...
"[...Y]ou know how I am with these things, and after a certain amount of time I can’t ask without looking stupid. If you want, you can ask them yourself and tell me what they say. Please don’t tell them I don’t know. I know I can’t control whether you do or not. But they have enough things to make fun of me for, I promise."
Gordon's based on me. I have the worst relationship radar. I have watched people exchange deeply personal Valentine's Day gifts and said out loud that they have such a great friendship.
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yinyuedijun · 2 months
Flirting with Suo is never a good idea—you can never tell whether he means to charm you or make fun of you when you do it. Sometimes it feels like both. Occasionally it feels mean. More often than not, you like to entertain it. But you can't right now, not when his blood is all over the washroom sink. Your manager will be furious about the mess, and also about the fact that you're giving first aid to three delinquents while you're on the clock. If Suo makes one more joke about marrying you, you'll probably throw up and cry. (Or: Suo, Nirei, and Sakura get into a fight in the red light district and go to you to get patched up. Suo takes the opportunity to tease you mercilessly.)
4.5k words, suo x reader with implied one-sided sakura x reader, sfw with mature themes. set post-canon (they are all 18-19 years old), non-canon backstory details for suo and sakura (speculative as of ch. 146). fem reader – references to gendered professions, e.g. hostessing; reader wears a dress for her job in a girls’ bar. warning for inaccurate depictions of first aid! dividers by @/cafekitsune.
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Suo’s never liked your job.
You suppose this is fair. The feeling is mutual. You’ve never liked the fact that Suo chose to go to a delinquent school rather than a proper high school, and he’s never liked the fact that you chose to drop out of your proper high school to go work in the red light district—first at a kyabakura, and now at a girls’ bar. His master, who also happens to be your master, has always told you that this was a natural reaction on his part. Having a secondary school certificate is important, after all. But Suo’s disapproval of your income sources, no matter how politely or subtly phrased, has always felt like it runs deeper than simple concern for your education.
Still, this has never stopped him from visiting you at your place of work, though he only tends to come by under the worst possible circumstances—tonight worse than any other.
When you see the three of them limping through the clamour and heat of the red light district—the neon glow of the street making the blood smeared across Suo’s face shine vibrantly—you entirely forget that you're on the clock. You chuck your sign onto the ground (3000¥ per hour! it reads) as you cut a path toward them, almost tripping in your stiletto heels. Your customer service voice gives way to your regular one, which is so outraged that it startles everyone around you.
“Suo, you motherfucker—are you trying to lose the only eye you have left?!”
Suo is unbothered. His smile is calm and deeply shameless as you approach him. It’s nothing like Nirei, who cringes at the furious look you give him, or Sakura, who looks like a deer caught in headlights when you round on him instead. Like he doesn’t know what to do at the fact that someone is worrying over him, and especially not when that person is wearing an extremely revealing evening gown. For a minute, you think he's going to bolt.
But Suo keeps him there, grip tight on his arm.
“Hi,” he says brightly, like there isn't blood all over his face and shoulder. “Are you busy? We might need to trouble you.”
“Of course I'm busy! I'm in the middle of a shift!” you fume at him. But you still extract Sakura from him, scruffing him by the neck before he can clam up and run. You pull him in the direction of your bar, and gesture for the other two to follow. “Hurry up before my manager sees you.”
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Smuggling three delinquents into the washroom of a girls’ bar is not a skill you thought you'd ever need, but it is one that you've become an expert in. This is at least the third time you've done it. The Furin trio rarely ever loses fights, but they occasionally slip up in the part of the red light district that isn't controlled by Roppo-Ichiza. This is somewhat unavoidable, as Keyaki Street is a different beast from Keisei Street. It isn't just delinquents here, but bona fide criminals. “Like, actual fucking Yakuza,” you grouse at Suo for the millionth time. You wipe at the blood remaining on his face—most of it you've already rinsed off, staining the melamine sink with iron—and the paper towel in your hand blooms red.
“But these guys weren't Yakuza,” he says cheerfully.
“They still pulled weapons on you! Bladed weapons!”
“Mm… well, that's true. I'm sorry.”
You scowl at him. “No, you're not.”
“No, I'm not.” He’s still smiling. “In our defense, we didn't have much of a choice. They were about to do something terrible to an innocent person,” he says, and you deflate a little, because you know Suo can't stand to see injustice. This is something you love very dearly about him, and also a quality of his that constantly raises your blood pressure. But then you roll your eyes when he happily adds, “And in my defense, it’s all our Captain’s fault!”
“Oi!” Sakura yells from one of the stalls, where he’s sitting and holding a bag of ice to a knot on his head. “Wasn’t my fault we ended up fighting. They were practically beggin’ to have their asses kicked.”
“You did provoke them, Sakura,” Nirei says. He's in the other stall, trying to stay off his sprained ankle.
“Well, they were dangerous! Not like you wanted to just leave them alone either,” Sakura grumbles, and Nirei apologises, though Suo accurately points out there is no need for him to. After hearing this story, you can't help but agree, and you suppose you shouldn't have expected any differently. After three years at Furin, Sakura is no longer the type to pick fights for no reason. Whatever those guys were up to must have been pretty bad for him to start shit in unfamiliar territory.
Still. The red light district is what it is. Touts, street gangs, and Yakuza are constantly causing problems here, with violence of a scale and nature that Bofurin simply don't see on their own turf. Your street in particular makes someone like Endo look like a joke. “You should still learn to exercise some restraint,” you say to Sakura. “And you”—you give Suo a miserable look—“you know the area. You should have known better. At the very least, you should have called me for backup.”
“But you were on the clock,” Suo points out, and you frown. Despite having absolutely no need, you take out an alcohol wipe and swipe it over his cut. He winces.
“I'm still on the clock now,” you reply, voice dry, “and here you are, distracting me anyway. My boss is going to be on my ass about it if I don't bring in any customers tonight, you know.”
“We can be your customers,” Suo offers.
“You aren't old enough to drink!”
“Neither are you, yet you work here.” His gaze has turned a little sharp. His voice too. You blink, suddenly mollified.
“...okay. If each of you buys a drink after this, I’ll call us even.” Then you glance down at his changshan, which is sliced through, the pearly silk stained red at the shoulder. He’s insisted that the wound is unserious and said that he'd rather clean up his face first, and you're starting to question his priorities. “That is, if you don't have to go to the hospital after this.”
“I don't.”
“I don't know if I believe you.” You pull out some polysporin. “Come closer.”
Suo could do this on his own. His hands aren't incapacitated. But he humours you, as he's always humoured you, and allows you dab his cut with the antibiotic. You feel a little sentimental as you do it, and almost a little sad. Doing this reminds you of when he was a kid who had just started learning martial arts. Granted, he never got any real cuts back then, but sometimes he’d scrape his knees or his elbows or—god forbid—his face, and you would plaster bandaids all over him when he did. But none of those were real injuries.
More than anything, doing this reminds you of when he lost his eye. The state that he was in after the accident. The way his face was bandaged after the surgery. The texture of the gauze against your fingers when you asked to try swapping out the dressings for him.
If Suo notices the way your lip is trembling, he doesn't comment on it.
“You’re so mean—how come you never believe anything I say?” he asks. You press the gauze to his cut with more pressure than necessary, and he blinks. He opens his mouth again, but then the door rattles violently.
“Sorry!” you yell. “Washroom’s closed for cleaning!” You wince as you hear complaints in reply—you’ve been closed for half an hour!—and shoot Suo a sour look as the customer leaves. “I’m really risking it all for you three,” you remark.
“I'll make it up to you,” Suo says. “I'll stick around the whole night and buy as many drinks as you want. Your manager won't be able to hassle you about anything then.”
“No way. You're not wasting that much money on the red light district.” You frown. “Master will kill me if I let you piss away your inheritance like that.”
“I’m not wasting my money on the red light district. I'm wasting it on you.”
“Well, I'm employed at a girls’ bar, so when you waste money on me, you are in fact spending it on the red light district.”
“Then you should quit so I can spend as much money on you as I want.”
“Quit and then live on what income?” You set aside the first aid kit and grab some more paper towel. “Take off your shirt.”
“Oh? Right here? Right now?” His eye goes wide. “How forward.”
Sakura coughs very, very loudly from the stall. If you weren't so used to Suo saying this kind of thing just to mess with you, you'd probably do the same. In fact, you'd probably choke on your spit and die on the spot. But as it is, you only sigh and start unbuttoning Suo’s changshan, starting at the high collar. Any sentimentality or concern you previously felt is quickly drowned out by annoyance.
“Don’t worry—I don't mind,” he adds. “I thought you'd never ask. I just didn't think it’d happen here. And so suddenly.”
“Don’t do that. I can't do this today.”
“Don’t do what?” he says innocently. He lets you slip his changshan off one shoulder. To your relief, the cut does look very shallow—he’s too quick for anything other than a bullet to land a serious hit on him, you guess—but you still swallow when you see it. It looks like he's bled a lot more than he probably actually has.
Or you hope so, anyway.
“Joke like that,” you reply after a moment. “It's very mean.”
“I’m not joking about anything.” You feel his eye on you as you start dabbing at all the red on his skin, the paper towel in your hands blotting crimson as if with ink. Your breath shakes as you study the wound. He lifts his hand, his knuckle brushing against your cheek. You smack it away, but he doesn't seem bothered. “I was being very serious,” he continues. “Quit working in the red light district and let me support you instead.”
“Suo,” you say, your voice flat, “there is no job you could qualify for on this planet that will let you earn more than what I'm making now. If anything, you should let me support you.”
“Ah,” he says brightly. “I get it now—you want me to be your trophy husband!”
Now you are choking on your spit and you do think you're dying. Sakura sounds like he's not doing much better—something bangs loudly against the washroom stall, and you assume it’s his forehead. Even Nirei is affected, not-so-subtly clearing his throat.
“I do not want you to be my trophy husband.”
“Just a regular husband, then?” he asks. “That’s alright. If I joined the Yakuza, I could make plenty of money. You could even stay at home if you wanted.”
“Suo you motherfucker you are not joining the fucking Yakuza! And I wouldn't be a stay at home wife!”
“Oh? You wouldn't want to be?”
“No, god! Do you know how much I could make if I scored a hostess gig at a high-end place? Why would I ever turn down that kind of money?!”
“Ah, so you want us to be dual income?”
“Of course I would want us to be dual income!”
“You could get a different job and we could still be dual income.”
“There’s no other job that would pay as well.”
Suo sighs, and your brow twitches. You've always been suspicious about why he disapproves of your choice in career. It’s not in his disposition to judge people, but sometimes you still worry that he's doing it to you.
“What,” you ask, “would you be so against marrying a hostess?”
“No, not at all. But I'd be worried if my spouse worked somewhere unsafe. What if you end up at a Yakuza-owned club?”
You pause, startled at the abruptly earnest tone of his voice. Suddenly you feel guilty.
“Oh… well, I wouldn’t work at a Yakuza-owned club.”
“Hm… then I guess it's fine.” Suo nods, as if arriving at a decision. “We’ll get married, we’ll be dual income, and neither of us will work for the Yakuza.”
“Yes, exactly. We’ll get married, we’ll be dual income, and neither of us—” Your eyes go wide as you realize what you're saying. You feel yourself flushing. “Wait.”
“What? Is there a problem?”
“Don’t tell me you're going to change your mind now. That would just be mean.”
“I'm being mean?” you ask, flabbergasted.
“Well, yes. You don't think it would hurt if you changed your mind about marrying me? And so soon after agreeing, too.”
You stare at him in disbelief. You have a number of possible retorts that cross your mind, and somehow you pick the least relevant one: “You can't trick someone into marrying you.”
“Then can I trick you into dating me?”
“Suo! I said don't do that!”
“Don’t do what?”
“Joke about that kind of thing!”
“I'm not joking about anything.”
“Yes you are? You don't actually want to date me. Stop saying that you do!”
Suo leans in. He stares at you, his gaze distinctly vulpine. It's very attractive, and also intimidating, and you should be used to it by now, but your heart rate ticks up anyway. You swallow thickly as his thumb glides along your cheek again, your skin scorching beneath his fingertips. You forget to bat his hand away this time.
“You’re so mean,” he repeats, voice lilting, “how come you never believe anything I say?”
He's baiting you. He's obviously baiting you, and you consider for a moment whether you want to bite.
Flirting with Suo is never a good idea—you can never tell whether he means to charm you or make fun of you when you do it. Sometimes it feels like both. Occasionally it feels mean. More often than not, you like to entertain it. But you can't right now. His shirt’s stained with such a bright red that it keeps distracting you, just like the blood he's left all over the washroom sink. Your manager will be furious about the mess, and also about the fact that you're giving first aid to three delinquents while you're on the clock. You think they'd go broke before they could spend enough money here to appease her, were she to discover the four of you. You might even lose your job. Then you wouldn't be able to support yourself anymore, let alone Suo, who cracks jokes as easily about being your trophy husband as he does about being Leonardo DiCaprio.
If he makes one more joke about marrying you, you'll probably throw up and cry.
“You're not being very gentlemanly right now,” you finally point out. He raises a brow.
“No. I'd even say you're being a menace, actually. Doing a very bad job of”—you almost laugh as you say this, because you've heard this speech so many times—“engaging with my feelings. Not being supportive at all. Really falling off the staircase to adulthood, you know.”
Suo studies you. Something complicated passes through his eye before he pulls away, his expression now back to normal. It's deceptive how innocent he looks.
“Sorry,” he says. “You’re right. I’ll play nice.”
“No, you won't,” you retort, and Suo smiles at you, not replying. But he does give you a break. You finish cleaning up the cut without incident, although you do get flecks of blood on your evening gown, which you hope won't be too noticeable against the black satin. You bemoan the lost cause of Suo's changshan too—made of Suzhou silk, a gift from your master—and silently make a note to buy him a replacement sometime.
You're in the middle of buttoning up his shirt when the door clicks and swings open. Met face to face with your coworker, you freeze up.
Your stage name leaves her mouth in an angry bark. “What are you doing? I told you you're not supposed to be having sex with customers here, you should be doing that someplace—” She stops, evidently spotting the blood on Suo’s shirt, and then the other two individuals locked up in here with you, one of whom is blushing violently and looks to be on the verge of dying from embarrassment. Beneath your hands, you feel Suo’s body go stiff too.
“Oh,” she says before either of them can comment. “It’s just your delinquent boyfriend and his buddies.” Suo waves at her, and she nods back before squinting at the sink. “Are you going to clean that up?”
“Yes,” you say quickly. “Please don't tell our boss.”
“Have I ever ratted you out?” she asks. “Just get out of here soon. People do have to piss, you know.” Then she stops, looking at Suo with a dubious expression. “And make sure your boyfriend doesn't die.”
You're too tired to correct her on the nature of your relationship. “I've been trying,” you say, and she gives you a sympathetic look before retreating. You hear her laughing with a customer about people fooling around in the washroom, and I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, sir, and could you please go downstairs while I clean up. You’re so relieved, you nearly fall to your knees. A calloused hand touches your back as you rub your temples.
“I’m sorry for worrying you,” Suo says quietly—sincerely—and instead of saying no, you're not, you reply, “I know. I’m sorry too.”
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Suo’s always hated your job.
He’s always hated your job, your boyfriends, your apartment, and a lot of other things about your life that Sakura doesn’t have any business prying into. And it's just as well. Sakura also hates your shitty job, and your shitty boyfriends, and considering that you live in the same shitty building as him, he isn't a fan of your rental situation either. Nirei’s too polite to say anything about it, but Sakura can tell that he disapproves as well. It’s not like any of them are living the most comfortable lives either—Sakura has personally been living from shithole to shithole, mostly alone, ever since his parents passed—but your lifestyle does make them all feel poorly.
You're just a very easy person to like. And it's very easy to want nice things for you. So Sakura gets it, how Suo feels about you.
What he doesn't quite get is how Suo acts about you.
One thing he’s learned over the years is that Suo is very good at reading people. Sometimes he understands Sakura better than Sakura understands himself, and he can convince Sakura to do things which he himself didn't think were possible for him to do. He's done the same with Nirei, and about half the other people in their grade, and at least a third of the guys in Bofurin. It’s frankly a terrifying skill. But Suo never uses it with you—not to get you to change jobs, or boyfriends, or even apartments.
At first Sakura thought that you were just immune to Suo’s tactics, but he's recently come to realise that Suo simply gets too emotional about you to know how to convince you of anything. He’s even emotional enough to get kind of petty and a little mean with you, which is something that Sakura has only witnessed from Suo during fights. Really bad fights.
It’s terribly uncomfortable, especially when you’re clearly head over heels for Suo.
Sakura doesn't have any business prying into your personal problems. Though truthfully, he’d be happy to thrash some random assholes for you anyway, if that would fix your heartbreak. (He's already done this to at least one of your exes, and it worked shockingly well.) The problem is, Suo is not a random asshole and Sakura isn't sure that you'd want him thrashed in the first place. But it's just fucking painful watching the two of you act like this around each other, so he ends up pulling Suo aside after you kick them out of the girls’ bar, scowling.
Suo looks at him, surprised. “Sakura? What's the matter?”
He doesn't mince words. “How come you were being such a dick to your friend?”
Nirei goes stiff. “Sakura,” he says in his panicked ‘why are you trying to pick a fight now’ voice, “where is this coming from? I don't think Suo was being rude…” But Sakura can tell, as Nirei’s finishing his own sentence, that he's second-guessing himself.
“No,” Suo replies. “I was being a bit terrible, wasn't I?” There’s no humour in either his words or his face, but the corner of his mouth lifts. He actually looks endeared. “I'm surprised you noticed, Sakura.”
“I mean”—Sakura feels himself going red, embarrassed at just the memory of how you looked at Suo; first so worried, then painfully fond, and then like you were going to burst into tears right there in the washroom and ask him to hold you, as if you were in a horrible getsuku drama—“it was kinda hard not to.”
Suo nods. “I suppose it’s natural to be sensitive to the feelings of someone you like.”
Heat floods his face. “I don't like her!”
“Did I say you did?” Suo’s mouth curls when Sakura can't answer. “Don’t be embarrassed. She's a very easy person to like.”
Sakura tries his hardest to ignore Suo—which should be easy, because Suo lies randomly and pointlessly all the time, whenever he thinks it's funny—and says, “If she's an easy person to like, how come you act like you don't like her at all?”
“Was I acting like that? Or was she acting like it was impossible for someone to like her?” Sakura stops. Suo gives him a long look, then smiles. “You would know how difficult it can be to accept being liked, Sakura. And how long it can take to understand that there are people who want to support you unconditionally.”
Sakura opens his mouth once, twice. A third time. Nirei sighs. The two of them watch as Suo—rather than walking in the direction of the subway—steps over to a vending machine and buys a bottle of oolong tea.
“Are you going to wait for her shift to finish?” Nirei asks.
“Mm, I think so.” Suo glances down at his ankle. “But you should go home, Nire-kun. You can’t fight like that. In case those guys come back here, I mean.” He opens the bottle, takes a sip. “They had bladed weapons. It would be bad if you risked it.”
Nirei glances at the entrance to your bar, worried. “But…”
Sakura understands without Nirei finishing his sentence. The security at your bar is terrible, and plenty of people like to exploit that. It was Nirei who noticed a group men eyeing you before anyone else did, following you all the way from Keisei Street to your place of work. And sure, Suo kicked the shit out of them in the end, did much worse to them than vice versa—but who knows if there aren't more of them.
Suo hates your job. All three of them do.
“It’s okay,” Sakura says. “I'm sure the two of us will be enough.”
“...I'll ask Tsubaki if he's free,” Nirei finally relents. “And I'll text Kiryu and Tsugeura too.”
“Thanks, Nire-kun.”
Suo gets a bottle of ramune after Nirei leaves, passes it to Sakura. Tsubaki comes by later, still in his pole outfit, with several pieces of taiyaki for them to share—I’m always snacky after dancing, he explains—and the three of them loiter in front of your bar until four in the morning. Tsubaki asks questions about you in a tone that has Sakura wanting to crawl into an alleyway just to hide, and Suo deflects masterfully with questions about Tsubaki’s new boyfriend. The guys from earlier don't show up. Maybe the sight of Roppo-Ichiza’s top fighter scares them off.
You're surprised to see them there when you emerge a little later. You give Tsubaki a happy but perplexed look as he hugs you.
“Tsubaki? What are you doing here?”
“Keeping these two company,” he replies. “And I wanted to say hi, of course. You should come by the club sometime, you know! I haven't seen you in forever.”
“Sure! That would be nice, but…” You turn to Sakura and Suo, puzzled. “Why are you guys still here?”
Sakura, on instinct, nearly recounts the whole evening to you—about the men tailing you, about how they got into a fight, about the kind of things they said they'd do once they caught you—but Suo answers first.
“Troubling you again,” is all he says. “It’s fine since your shift is over now, right?”
You give the two of them a long, curious look. For a moment, you look worried, but you're eventually disarmed by Suo’s expression.
“I guess it's fine,” you reply. You sound so happy. Suo’s gaze goes soft, and Sakura has to force himself not to look away. “Let's hurry up and go home.”
You smile at them, and it's the kind of smile that makes it very easy to like you. The kind of smile that makes it natural to want nice things for you. The kind of smile that would make anyone emotional, even if they're normally very controlled. It makes something in Sakura squeeze tightly, all knotted up and painful.
He’s starting to understand why Suo acts the way he does around you.
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this wasn't meant to be a love triangle, my apologies…
this was also meant to be a very short piece (like 500w lol), but I kept thinking about what suo’s backstory might be, and why he was so comfortable in the red light district in the manga, and what these guys might realistically act like in an aged up, romantic context. that all coalesced into this very bizarre fic LOL. I'm not sure how it'll land, but I hope someone out here enjoyed it! I would like to write more about this triangle (+ nirei) but I'm not sure what the level of interest would be, or if it'll even make sense with the manga. I guess we’ll see eventually!
in any case, thank you for reading!! <3
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sweetangelgirl7 · 2 months
𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝜗𝜚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
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𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 you're left stranded after a rough night under the lights with no one to turn to — except your old friend with benefits whom you haven't heard from in years.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: semi dom!matt x fem!reader, SMUT, plot, mentions of sexual harassment, adult language, unprotected creampie!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5.7k!
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: hiii, first matt fic! i just re-watched zola and showgirls so i was inspired by those movies. on a more important note, i can’t believe all the love y’all have been showing for my page and my other works, i love you all SO so much 💋 also, didn’t proofread and let’s just pretend uber doesn’t exist in this. anyway, enjoy!
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storming into the dressing room, the click of your eight inch stilettos echoed against the tiled floor. your manager trailed closely behind, both of you wearing expressions of irritation and frustration.
“c’mon, i can’t control everyone who walks through those doors and you know that.” your manager argued as you couldn’t help but ignore him and his empty promises. for the third consecutive week, you voiced your concerns about the ongoing harassment both you and the other girls were enduring.
smoke wafted through the room as you reached your locker. gripping the heart-shaped padlock, your calf muscles flexed as you balanced on one heel, struggling to remove the stiletto pleaser from your other foot.
“it’s bullshit, you never have our back out there” you shouted, the tension thick in the air as the other girls watched through the reflection of the hollywood mirrors, getting ready silently. the bass of the club speakers muffled through the walls as your manager lazily leaned against the lockers next to yours in silence. “i’m not gonna keep risking my safety for a couple bucks while you sit back and count your cut” you continued, finally kicking your heel off as you began to work on the other.
he rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the lockers, defensively spreading his arms. “i can’t predict how these assholes are gonna act after a few drinks.” he argued unenthusiastically. “and besides, you knew what you signed up for.” he added as you stopped in your tracks.
“what i signed up for?” you turned to face him briefly as your eyes narrowed “i don’t remember ‘tolerating sexual harassment’ being in the fucking contract” you spat, fiddling with the combination before slamming your locker door open. you shoved your duffle bag out and tossed it onto the bench, throwing your heels inside as you pulled out your cover-ups.
your manager rolled his eyes, unsure how to respond to your statement “we pay you to dance, not complain” he retorted dismissively. “and trust me, there’s plenty of other girls who would kill to have your spot” he snapped, watching as you zipped up your jacket over your chest.
with your bag slung over your shoulder, you pulled the hood of your jacket over your hair and closed the locker with a bang. "they can have it” you yelled in his face as he stood there pathetically. you shoved past him, leaving him behind to face the silent stares in the mirrors.
“oh, fuck off!” your manager shouted after you, turning to head back out to the floor.
“fuck you!” you shot back, louder, letting the exit door slam shut behind you.
sitting down on the damp pavement, you wiped away the tears that had finally boiled over. resting against the wall, you sat at the back of the club as music continued to seep out of the building. immediately unlocking your phone, the brightness of the screen illuminated your face in the night, the light casting a revealing glow on your clenched jaw and watery eyes.
scrolling through your contacts, you tried nearly every other one. after six straight voicemails, you desperately scrolled through every name, almost making your way to the end of the alphabetized list. you finally reached M, reading over names that you haven’t heard from since high school, and some even longer ago.
Matthew Sturniolo, you read the name over in your head, looking at the screen through blurry vision and tear laden eyelashes. the last time you saw matt, he was between your thighs in the backseat of his car, years ago. shaking your head, you continued to scroll through the list, knowing no one would pick up at this hour.
scrolling back up, you found yourself lingering in the M section once more, your eyes pausing briefly over his name. you knew matt had always been a night owl, nearly staying up until the sun peeked through the blinds and sleeping in until the afternoon. hopefully, that hadn’t changed over these last few years.
hovering the pad of your thumb over his contact, you anxiously tugged at your bottom lip as you contemplated for a moment. you two were always friends before adding the benefits, after all. it wouldn’t be weird, right?
“fuck” you groaned, finally pressing on his number, you felt your stomach drop at the sound of the line ringing. holding the phone up to your ear, you pressed your finger over the other to drown out the music spilling from inside of the building.
you waited anxiously between each ring, your leg impulsively starting to shake beneath you. finally, the sound of the call connected as you held your breath, unsure of what to say after all this time.
“hello?” a voice echoed on the other end of the line. your head propped up as you wiped a tear away from beneath your eyes. “hey, matt” you cleared your throat and managed a smile while your leg continued to shake restlessly.
“what’s up? is everything alright?” his voice, tinged with a slight lisp from his invisalign, carried a concerned tone. you looked around the dark alleyway that you had hid in plenty of times before, sitting beneath the overhead light of the back door. “how’ve you been?” he asked after a small pause.
“i’ve been alright. how ‘bout you?” you asked as you pulled your legs closer to your chest, feeling the rough concrete scratch against your skin.
after a brief exchange, he finally interrupted, the same concern still evident in his voice. "is everything okay?" he asked again, as it was nearing two in the morning. although it had been years since you last talked, this time of night was usually when one of you would reach out to the other to come over, so the familiarity lingered.
“well, i’m calling because i have a really huge favor to ask” you whispered quietly, your voice trailing out. “ahhh” he laughed over the line, as you shook your head. “not that kind of favor, matthew” you smiled, aimlessly tugging at the fabric of your clothes while you spoke.
“i just had to leave work and no one’s answering my calls. i was just wondering if you would possibly be able to come pick me up?” your voice lifted, desperate for just one positive response
“if not, i totally understand though.” you added, breaking the silence that followed your question. you heard him shift around on the other end, a quiet gulp came through the speaker as he swallowed the lump in his throat.
“yeah, for sure, send me your location. are you alright?” he asked with urgency as you rolled your head back against the brick wall in relief, closing your eyes. “yeah, everything’s fine.” you cleared your throat once more. “i’ll send you a pin, thank you so much, matt.” you thanked him generously, before hanging up the phone.
be there in fifteen.
you glanced at the notification appearing on your screen, a smile spreading on your lips at the words. you were relieved to finally just go home, but also excited to see matt after so many years.
you sat on the stoop of the doorway with the hood of your jacket still covering your hair as bright head lights finally cut through the dark alley. standing to your feet, you watched as matt pulled up to the back door. taking the handle between your fingers, you waited for him to unlock the car before slipping inside as you were hit with the subtle smell of his cologne, triggering a wave of forgotten memories.
attempting to smooth over the years that turned you into strangers, you put on your warm customer service persona to ease through the potential awkwardness. “hey” you greeted with a smile, settling into the passenger seat and taking in matt's appearance. he had clearly matured over the years. while he had obviously been a good looking boy back in high school, this was a different matthew altogether now.
his hair was much longer, brown curls brushing over his eyes instead of being pushed out of his face, as they used to be. in the glow of the overhead lights, you noticed the stubble beginning to form a scruffy beard, framing his jawline. your eyes flickered down his shoulder, scanning over the arm full of tattoos on display out from beneath the black short sleeve he was wearing.
“what’s up kid” he greeted as your eyes snapped back up to his, a smirk playing on his lips. “look who came running back” he joked, immediately breaking the tension as you pulled the seatbelt over your chest. “oh shut up” you rolled your eyes as he laughed out, gripping the stick shift between his hand. the overhead light dimmed out as he shifted gears to put the car in drive again.
“in all seriousness, thank you so much again, you’re a life saver.” you couldn’t stop thanking him, as you were starting to think no one else would bother to pick up the phone, let alone an old fling you haven’t spoken to in years.
“no worries, as long as you get home safe.” he replied. warmth rushed to your chest at his concern, as he clearly was the only one who truly cared about your safety all night.
he began to drive out of the dark alley, passing by the night life spilling out from the clubs lining the street. every now and then you gave him directions to get to your apartment, leaving you two in the silence of his music between every sentence.
“i didn’t know you worked at showgirls” he broke the silence after a few minutes, glancing over at you as he spoke. he rested one hand on his lap, gripping the steering wheel with his left. you forced a laugh, nodding your head as you looked over at him leaned back in the driver’s seat. your eyes tracing the tattoos on his arm illuminated by passing freeway lights. you studied his face, searching for the right words to reply "yeah, i’ve been dancing there for a few months now. livin’ the dream, i guess," you joked half-heartedly, another laugh escaping your lips.
he chuckled softly, furrowing his eyebrows as he glanced at you before returning his attention to the road. "what do you mean?" he asked sincerely. you shook your head, glancing out at the downtown skyline wrapped around both sides of the freeway.
“let’s just say the customers aren’t exactly stand-up guys” you choked over your words, clearing your throat as you tried not to let yourself get flustered from the night you just had.
matt shook his head as you heard his grip on the leather steering wheel get tighter, his fingers wrapping tensely around it. "sorry ‘bout that. i shouldn't have asked" he said quietly, his free hand hovering near your thigh before gripping the stick shift instead.
“no, it’s okay” you mumbled. “go ahead and take the exit right here” you sat up, pointing to the right as he followed your instructions.
pulling into an empty spot in front of your apartment, you started to unbuckle your seat belt before turning to face him, your hood still shadowing your face. "thank you, matt. i know i keep saying it but i seriously can’t thank you enough" you joked, as he shifted the car into park.
he chuckled at your sincerity, shaking his head. "don't mention it, really" he reassured, now shifting his gaze to you as his eyes scanned your face.
you adjusted in your seat to pull your bag over your shoulder, taking the door handle beneath your fingers before stopping to look at him again, genuinely contemplating what you were about to say next.
“hey, would you wanna come inside for a little? just to properly catch up?” you asked, meeting his gaze as he was already staring at you. his eyebrows raised slightly as he hesitated, letting a laugh roll off of his lips. “i’d love to come inside” he mumbled as a grin twisted farther up his lips while you laughed quietly at the purposeful ambiguity behind his words. “get your mind out of the gutter.” you muttered through a laugh.
“y’know what, don’t worry. it’s so late, i’m sure you’re tired.” you shook your head before turning back to the door.
“no” he cut you off, adjusting his hair between his fingers and twisting the keys out of the ignition. "i'm kidding. i was just gonna go home and get back on the game anyways" he reassured, quickly unbuckling his seat belt.
finally stepping out of the car, you walked up the steps towards your apartment with him following closely behind.
pushing open your door, you let matt follow inside before closing it behind him. he shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants, scanning the apartment that was decorated exactly as he had expected.
“make yourself at home” you smiled, looking over at him to soothe the tension as he stood in his place. he nodded his head, sitting down on the end of your couch, spreading his arms out across the back.
“do you want anything to drink?” you asked, placing your bag down on the counter as you walked around to the kitchen to grab yourself something. “i’m alright, thanks” he replied, still looking at the belongings that decorated your living room.
pulling the hood from over your head, matt stared as you walked in his direction, finally taking in all of your features. you always looked so goddamn perfect, even with the tear stains that slightly smudged your makeup now. although, he hadn't noticed, just as he'd never noticed any of the flaws you used to criticize yourself for back in high school.
sitting down on the other end of the couch, you adjusted your jacket and pulled your shorts down, to conceal any sign of your stage outfit as if he hadn’t seen almost every inch of your body beforehand.
you smiled at him looking back at you, as you finally scanned over his face in the light. “what?” he chuckled nervously at your silence, his eyes flickering between your eyes and lips.
“look at you, you’re all grown up” you cooed sarcastically. he smiled before crossing his arms over his chest, shaking his head. “i’m like nine months older than you kid” he teased with a grin. laughing at his comment, you inched closer on the couch as you found comfort in his presence.
“i mean you look handsome, matthew” you complimented him to ease the silence. “you do too” he followed his words before shaking his head “not handsome, but pretty" he quickly corrected himself, stumbling over his statement as you laughed. "I know what you meant, thank you” you smiled, acknowledging that your presence somehow made him nervous behind that ego all over again.
you two continued to sit and reminisce on the couch for some time, laughing over old memories and catching up as both of you began to loosen up as if nothing had ever changed.
“hey i know you’re driving, but would you want to stay and have a drink or anything? you could sleep in the guest room, if you want.” you offered, as the two of you had moved closer on the couch throughout the night, slowly closing the gap between you. “sleepover?” you gushed sarcastically, raising your eyebrows.
he thought for a moment before shaking his head “nah, it’s alright, i don’t wanna make it weird or anything” he laughed, looking down at his hands.
“no, it wouldn’t be weird! we could get breakfast or something in the morning too, if you’re free.” you smiled, standing to your feet to walk towards the kitchen.
you hadn’t noticed your cloth shorts creeping their way up your body, as you two had talked, now exposing the creases between your ass and thighs as you walked.
matt looked you over as you had your back turned to him, his eyes making their way down your body and across your ass as you leaned over the kitchen counter. god, everything down to the way you walked drove him crazy. he felt his eyes widen as his heart started to race, the blood in his veins now working it’s way down somewhere else.
“yeah, why not” he choked over his words, trying to speak over the knot starting to form in his throat. he found himself struggling to concentrate on your voice now drowning out in his head.
he felt the blood quickly rush to his cock as it stiffened beneath his sweats. adjusting in his seat, he tried to tuck himself beneath the waistband of his pants as your back was still turned to him. he looked around your couch for pillows, as they all had conveniently been moved to the other side. “fuck” he muttered beneath his breath as his leg began to shake anxiously, hoping either you wouldn’t notice the bulge in his waistband or it would somehow subside in the next few seconds.
“what was that?” you asked, turning to face him now with a stirred drink in one hand and a beer in the other. immediately your eyes shifted down to the tent in his sweats before quickly shooting back up to his face, hoping he didn’t notice the shift in your gaze.
sitting on the couch, you placed his drink down on the coffee table before looking him over again. you couldn’t help but quickly sneak a peek down at the bulge once more behind the martini glass on your lips.
“i still got it, i guess” you laughed against the glass, not being able to contain your smart comments as matt had been shooting them back and forth with you all night, taking a sip while looking back up at him. matt shook his head, letting a laugh escape as his head rolled back on the couch, his arms now crossed over his chest while he hissed through his teeth at your words.
“still got it i guess” he mocked your tone, sneering a smile at you as he adjusted the bulge beneath his sweats. shifting his gaze to you, he pushed his crossed arms farther up his chest with a shrug “why don’t you come show me, then?” he teased before raising his eyebrows.
you also raised your eyebrows at his words, placing your martini glass on the coffee table as you sat back to fully look at him in disbelief. “did you really just sit here and play the long game with me this whole time?” you scorned, shaking your head while letting a laugh roll off your lips.
he chuckled quietly, taking your ankle between his hand as he gently tugged your body towards him. “just c’mere already” he joked as you shook your head before adjusting yourself, digging your knees into the couch to crawl over onto matt’s lap. you straddled his legs between yours as you squeezed his shoulders beneath the palms of your hands. his hands naturally moved up your thighs to caress your legs, the metal of his rings sending chills over your skin beneath them as he looked up at you with the grin that had been painted on his lips nearly all night.
you trailed your fingers over his shoulder and down his left arm, tracing the tattoos scattered over his skin. your eyes worked over them as a smile pulled at your lips “i can’t believe you, probably had this on your mind all night” you groaned, rolling your eyes as you couldn’t help but laugh at his efforts. “shhh” he groaned, moving his hand up to grab your jaw as he pulled your lips into his.
he pressed the pad of his thumb into your cheek as you let your eyes close, trailing your hands up to either side of his face to reciprocate the warm kiss. both of you had definitely brushed up on kissing, as evidently you two weren’t dumb teenagers making out in the back of his car anymore.
“matt” you groaned against his lips as he continued to move with yours. “hm?” he hummed out, taking your bottom lip between his teeth, not bothering to stop as neither of you could pull away.
“we shouldn’t” you whispered, finally gathering the strength to break from the kiss as you scanned over his features. caressing his face, your thumbs traced down across the stubble framing his jaw to rub over his earrings, your gaze still lingering over his hungry eyes.
"shhh, sweetheart," he mumbled, almost pained, shaking his head as he tried to press his lips against yours to gently quiet you once more. you shook your head, pulling back to push off his chest, gazing down at him.
“strip for me like you do on that little stage, yeah?” matt groaned, tilting his head back as he briefly swiped his tongue flat against his top teeth, looking at you with nothing but lust glossing over his eyes.
at this point, you couldn’t deny him and his efforts anymore as the mere sound of his voice had you over the edge. leaning back on his lap, you reached your hand up to press your fingers over the zipper of your jacket before slowly pulling it down over your chest. you tugged the fabric off, letting it roll down your shoulders as it hit the floor. beneath your sweater, you were wearing a tiny red triangle bikini that barely covered your nipples poking through the fabric.
matt’s eyes trailed down to your chest as you took the bottom of the bikini top between your fingers, pulling it up over your chest as your perky tits tugged out beneath the material. tossing it on the couch, your hands made their way back around the sides of his neck as you looked down at him. he took in every inch of your body like he hadn’t already memorized it perfectly, trailing his fingers up the sides of your torso. he leaned forward, pressing a kiss between your chest as your fingers locked in his messy brown hair.
he peppered kisses over your chest, finally taking your nipple between his lips. you let a soft moan escape as your head gently rolled back. “matt” you moaned quietly, tugging at his hair. he swirled his tongue around your nipple as you leaned into his mouth, your hand moving up to the back of his head. you lowered yourself on his lap to brush over his dick pulsating beneath his sweats, slowly grinding your hips into his bulge.
matt trailed his hand up your exposed back, gripping the back of your neck between his fingers again as his forearm pulled your body closer to his lips. you continued to tug at the hair between your hands, closing your eyes at the tender feeling while you rode out the nerves twitching in your core against his lap.
“goddamn kid — you’re gonna make me cum if you keep fuckin’ rubbing on me like that.” he groaned against your chest, your nipple still between his lips as his dick was growing sensitive to the feeling of you grinding against him over his sweats.
“then do something about it, pretty boy” you giggled softly while he raised his eyebrows, his lips twisting up into a smirk as he took your words as a challenge. grazing his teeth over your nipple, he gently bit down while you hissed through the nearly painful sensitive feeling.
“yeah, s’what i thought” he groaned out beneath a laugh as you looked down at him, tugging his hair between your fingers. matt’s eyes trailed up your chest and fixed on yours, smiling at your face flustered from the heat.
“pretty girl” he mumbled, as he trailed kisses up your neck while you tilted your head to side to give him further access. your fingers were locked in his hair as you pressed yourself into his mouth, nearing your earlobe. “remind me how pretty you always looked sittin’ on my dick” he groaned hungrily into your ear, his hand still wrapped around the back of your neck pulling you closer to his chest.
you felt your blush deepen at his words, letting a soft moan escape past your lips as he dug his teeth into your neck, gently sucking on the skin between his lips. you nodded your head pathetically, as you tried to pull away from his arms wrapped around your body.
eventually slipping from his hold, you pushed yourself off his lap to stand to your feet between his spread knees on the couch. taking your shorts between your fingers, you tugged the fabric down to reveal a matching red thong pulled above your hips. matt briefly caught his bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes scanned over your body, a mix of arousal and irritation at the thought of other men seeing you like this. he shifted his elbows forward on his knees that bounced bitterly beneath his weight to trail his hands up the back of your thighs, looking up at you from his seat.
you couldn’t overlook the jealousy flickering in his eyes. after all this time, the thought of you with someone else, let alone dancing for hundreds of other men, tightened that same jealousy in his jaw.
“something wrong?” you teased, looking down at matt as his gaze was still fixed on you. he pursed his lips, trailing his hands up the back of your legs and over your hips as he hooked his fingers around the thin waistband of your panties. “nah” he plastered a smirk on his face, “just forgetting these” he mumbled, tugging the skimpy material down past your thighs and onto the wooden floorboards.
he pulled your body closer between his legs as you crouched down on your knees, the smirk twisting farther up his lips at the sight of you kneeling in front of him.
“alright, don’t get too excited” you mumbled through a laugh, reaching forward to help him pull his sweats down over his ankles. matt rolled his head back with a laugh as his dick strained against his the red waistband of boxers before you could pull them down. his cock flung upwards as he took the base between his hand, his eyes looking down at you.
“c’mere and show me how flexible you really are” he groaned, reaching forward to pull you onto his lap with his free hand as you straddled his legs. pulling up at the ends of his shirt, he finally pulled it over his head before tossing it on the couch. hovering on your knees, matt cupped his hand out beneath your mouth to let you trail a puddle of spit between his fingertips. “good girl” he groaned quietly, reaching down to pump his wet fingers over his length as he lined himself up with your entrance.
taking the silver chain on his chest between your fingers, you trailed your hand up to his shoulder for leverage. squeezing at his skin beneath your palms, you slowly pushed yourself down on his cock as matt gently pushed his hips up, immediately hissing at the feeling.
“fuck — i missed that” he groaned out as you slowly sat back on your heels, taking in every inch of him on the way down. you let a soft moan out as your walls swallowed his cock, now bottoming out completely. the instant warmth nearly made him orgasm, right then and there.
his hands wrapped tightly around your ass, guiding you back up his length once again as he squeezed your skin.
“my god, you feel so good” you moaned quietly under your breath, not wanting to stroke his ego even more as you began to move up on his dick again. “yeah?” matt questioned, as you nodded, tugging your bottom lip between your teeth as you began to ride him. you started slow, taking every inch of him on your way down as he pushed his hips up to mirror your actions, his balls pushing against your folds.
“fuck just like that” matt let a drawn out moan escape past his lips, his head continually rolling back at the feeling. you adjusted yourself on the heels of your feet as you picked up your pace. wrapping your arms above his shoulders, you felt the pressure growing tight in your stomach as you leaned forward to nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck.
the sound of your whines only turned matt on more, if that was even possible, as he sat up and slid his hand up your back, gripping the back of your neck between his fingers again. he bucked his hips up between strokes, pulling you down on his cock to take fully control.
“oh my god” you whimpered out now, your back arching farther into his chest as he pounded into you. “matt” you moaned, moving up and down on his cock as you pulled back to look at him. you couldn’t close your lips at the feeling of him pumping in and out of you, as moans rolled off your tongue left and right.
“that feels s-so good, baby” you stuttered as his motions left your jaw slack. he watched you bounce on his dick, nodding at your words, his eyebrows knitting together as he focused on you. “yeah?” he asked again, teasingly, although your positions had completely switched this time around.
“mhm” you squeezed your eyes shut, rolling your head back as he fucked you from beneath your weight. your hips moved in motion with his, pushing yourself down as he bucked himself up into your pussy.
you looked down at him again as he tightened his grip around your neck. tugging a handful of his damp curls between your fingers as you felt the pressure continuing to build. “right there, baby, keep takin’ my dick like that.” he groaned, now talking you through it despite the immense pleasure rushing over him. feeling weak, you rested against his chest again, still moving your ass up and down as the sound of your moans and skin slapping against each other muffled through the walls.
“you feel so good” you couldn’t stop whining those same words, over and over, as matt seemingly fucked all of your common sense away, forgetting that you had neighbors living on the other sides of your apartment walls.
“shhh, baby, i know” matt groaned, moving his hand from your ass to pull your jaw towards his face, silencing your pornographic moans by crashing your lips to his while he continued to pound into you. you grabbed either sides of his face to retaliate the kiss, suppressing the sound of your groans against each other.
“you like when all those guys have their fuckin’ hands all over you like this?” matt groaned out, now angrily, pushing his hips up into your core harder as you felt your eyes rolling back in your head at the feeling. you stumbled in attempts to shake your head as he pulled back to look at you taking him.
“say it” he spat as his eyelids hung low, bucking his hips up harder, causing you to shake your head once more as you stuttered through your words. “n-no” you moaned out, your body still adjusting to the blows that your cervix was currently taking.
matt trailed his hands down around your waist before wrapping both of his arms tightly around your body as the tension caused his muscles to flex through his biceps. his strokes constantly hitting deep and hard as you dug your nails into his shoulders. the feeling of your acrylics piercing into his skin caused his smirk to quirk up farther, his bottom lip parted open as pure possessive filth muttered out.
you had never seen matt this jealous, as he was clearly fucking you through the envy and desire. his arms nearly crushed you between his hold as you lazily rode him while he did most of the work. his eyes scanned hypnotically over your face painted in a nearly painful euphoria as he watched you bounce on his cock.
“they don’t fuck you like i do, huh?” he groaned egotistically, already knowing the answer, as he held your body, pulling your weight up and down on his cock straining between your walls. your head rolled forward to lay against his chest as you tried to speak — to moan out a single word while fighting the urge to finish as he showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. you managed to shake your head again as your eyes squeezed shut.
“answer me” he hissed while your body grew weak as you felt an orgasm building in your core, stuttering out the words. “n-no baby” you managed to mumble out as your nails abruptly gripped into his skin one last time.
“matt” you finally let yourself go, moaning out practically loud enough for the entire apartment building to know his name as your head rolled back. the orgasm washed over your body as your senses peaked, your nails burying farther into his skin as you rode out the high.
his eyes grew darker as he watched you reach your climax, his eyebrows furrowing as he continued to fuck you through it. “good girl” he drawled out amidst a groan, as the sight of him fucking you over the edge alone was making him inch closer to his own climax.
“fuck” he breathed out repeatedly while his arms wrapped tighter than ever around your body as he squeezed you through his orgasm. matt’s head rolled back on the couch, feeling his dick twitch inside as he filled you up, emptying every drop left as he came inside, just like he had promised a few hours before.
you dropped your nearly lifeless body against his chest while wrapping your arms around his neck, laying your head on his shoulder. both of you tried to catch your breath as his hand trailed up your exposed back, caressing your skin up and down to ease through the exhaustion.
pulling out, matt winced at the sensitivity as his cock fell limp against his leg. your head was still buried in his neck while you two sat in silence for a moment, your fingers aimlessly trailing through the hair at the nape of his neck while you dumbfoundedly searched for the words to speak.
“can i come pick you up tomorrow night too?” he teased quietly, his fingers still tracing up your back as you rolled your eyes beneath him. “oh shut up."
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: hope y’all enjoyed it! i kinda hate the second half oops — i started out really strong but i had this draft sitting in my notes for weeks and i basically forced myself to finally finish it. i definitely wanna make a part two though 🤭 hope i did the matt girls justice fr 💌 for now here’s my tiny lil’ taglist
@watercolorskyy @joemamaaa42069 @idkgabbyy @hearts4sturniolo @chrizzpiecreme @dietcokenumberonefan
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 months
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your kind of like | h. suo
✮ tags ; fem!reader, tomboy / athlete!reader, friends to lovers, third-year suo but its not super important, mutual pining, silly shoujo tropes lol, i headcanon tsubaki using she/they pronouns
✮ wc ; 2k (??????)
✮ a/n ; based on violets request for suo + my tomboy reader delusions. reader is a himbo but a girl and i love her.
also sorry if i completely butchered this guy LOOOL
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The first time Suo lays eyes on you, you're half-way up a tree - a few feet from the ground, trying to coax and old lady's cat to jump on you and come down safely.
He remembers it in great detail since it left a lasting impression. How you rolled your skirt up so it wouldn't get in your way, how your face and hands were covered in scratches - and most particularly, how you smiled the entire time. How you were loud as you clicked your tongue but soft to it once it jumped into your arms.
You had jumped onto the soles of your feet with great force but the kitty seemed calm in your arms after a while. Bright as the sun and twice as warm, you returned the cat to it's owner and then, met Suo for the first time.
You give him your name, your age, your birthday - and then ask him for the same. When he gives it to you, you clap a hand on his shoulder and tell him it's so good to meet him.
Suo does not believe in love at first sight. Koi no yokan—love at second sight, or the feeling when you meet someone that loving them is your destiny. If Suo could put a name to that feeling, it was probably that.
He was bound to love you from that very instance.
For the last two years, he's been going straight down that path with no resistance and insurmountable clarity.
It's natural for Suo to make comparatives. It's the type of person he is, the kind of fighter he sets himself up to be. Primarily a martial artists with a preference to keep calm requires strategizing.
Drawing connections comes to him as easy as breathing.
So, if he had to compare him to you, there's no end of things that make you incredibly different. Almost opposite in all ways except your decency. Compared to Suo, you are loud and brutish and strong. You're easy to read in a way that reminds him of Sakura, but denser. Your nature is tough and absurdly honest.
You don't often fight outside of your sport for one reason or another, but when you do - you prefer to tank hits instead of avoid them. Everything you feel always shows on your face.
He's never met a girl so earnest in his entire life.
He's never really met anyone like you in general.
After your first meeting, you began to get friendly with him and Bofurin in general. A student athlete in an all-girls school in the same town, you're often in the area doing odd jobs for money. You live with your brother who works in the city, and you're the youngest of your family. You're incapable of lying, even when it might benefit you and you like sweet things.
You're nice to everyone and like to chat up whoever's around, but you like Suo especially. You often ditch class to go to Furin and hang out with them and you're rarely intimidated by anyone. You're comfortable with his friends, though you seem especially fond of Nirei and Sugashita. Sakura too, though he has yet to know how to act around you even this many years later.
Your relationship is as normal as any other friendship, but maybe that's part of the problem. You treat Suo as thoughtful as you would any other friend - even when he refuses to tell you about himself. You're not hurt by the fact he's got walls up so high, and you don't hound him when he can't be straight with you.
You understand Suo as a friend and don't bother with any other details. You just.. get him. So effortlessly. And even when you don't, nothing changes.
The nature of Bofurin after all, leads Suo to fights that leave him in emotional tatters. Moments where anyone else would ask to open up, you remain steadfast. Your friendship is a lot like you, sturdy beyond his understanding
(Countless times, Suo has shown up at your door unannounced - often covered in bruises and battered. You worry and anger, but you always let him. Take care of his wounds, let him borrow your shower. Even going so far as sneaking him into your room when your brother was home, just so he didn't have to be alone with his thoughts.
He can't count how many times he's slept across from you in your bed. Dense. An honest idiot. A girl with no self-preservation who's letting a guy sleep alongside her with no care.
Suo always feels apologetic the next morning and you smile and go along like nothing happened. It might've been true in your case, but in his - he fell in love a little more each time.)
Because you're that way - Suo finds it hard to deal with his feelings. With the enormity of them, the intensity of them. You're not totally clueless - but when people talk about relationships or dating, it always seems like it has nothing to do with you.
If you were anyone else, he thinks it'd be easy to confess to you. If you had been another girl, or less of a friend.
But it's you. The bright, earnest, tough, you. He can't even bring himself to flirt with you or treat you idly despite how much he likes you. He knows better than anyone how good you are, and can't pretend to be anything less than honest about it. He adores you so utterly that it'd be pointless to even try to pretend to have the advantage.
He can be a tease. A flirt, if he wants to be. With anyone else it'd be easy. But with you, the love is so genuine it's impossible. He just wants to cherish you. Wants to shower you in affection, wants to spoil you and give you all of his time.
Friends is such a hard line in the sand. The minute Suo crosses it, there's never going to be anyway to go back to how you were before. He's been careful in being content with just friends, because he'd rather keep you in his life than not have you at all by scaring you away with his feelings.
He thinks it'll all be fine until Nirei tells him word on the block about a recent confession.
"A kouhai from a different team asked you out?"
Suo reaches out to wipe the grain of rice from the corner of your mouth as you eat onigiri. Your carelessness endears him but he's too distracted by the rumor to pay it any mind. You nod, swallowing with a sip of water.
"Uh-huh. Akira-kun. Dun' know his first name, but he's a good kid. Super tall for being younger, though."
Suo was sure he would never have to worry about this since you went to an all-girls school. To think you'd get a confession from a fellow student athlete, a boys member of an opposing team. He tries not to get irritated at the thought.
"Are you interested in him?"
You pause. Suo feels his heart race before you answer with a shrug and continue to eat your bento.
"Dunno the guy enough to like 'im. He seems nice. I told him as much but he said that was fine," You pick at the veggies in your bento, taking a bite out of one. "So he asked me on a date instead so we could get to know each other."
"Oh?" Suo forces himself to smile and keep his voice even. "Are you going to go?"
You nod and Suo feels his heart stop. Shit.
"Really? I'm surprised."
You hum. "Well, you know, I've never been on a date," You say, suddenly smiling. You look so genuinely happy Suo can't bring himself to be totally upset. "But, it sounds super fun! We're gonna go to a batting cage in another prefecture."
He looks at you in surprise. "A batting cage?"
"Well, he thought I'd like that more than other date ideas, but I'm not all that picky since I've never been."
"You already talked about it a lot then."
"Uh-huh. He laughed when I said I wanted to go eat meat after. Said that was just like me... somehow I don't get it, but I'm happy anyway. I hope it'll be fun."
Suo smiles his best business smile and tells himself beating the shit out of his friends kouhai for flirting with her is wrong. "Hm. Are you prepared to go on the date?"
"You sound like Tsubaki-chan," You lament. "She made me go get nice clothes and everything."
"She did, huh? That sounds just like her. Did Kotoha-san go too?"
"Mhm. They just picked it out for me since I'm not good with any of that. Tsubaki-chan is so beautiful so I trust her."
"What's wrong?"
You're looking at him with such clear eyes it makes Suo guilty. He knows if he says nothing now, you'll drop it without question. That's just how you are. But for once he doesn't really want to drop it. It's too impulsive and entirely rash but he really...
"You know, if you wanted go on a date - I could've just taken you."
You pause then grin a little. "Dates are for people in like, you know."
Of course you would assume it was a joke. Suo pauses, suddenly looking serious.
"So, if I told you I liked you - would you consider going on a date with me?"
"Sure," You smile because you definitely still think he's joking. But it's a pretty, honest smile anyway. "But Suo-kun doesn't need to ask me for anything. We can always just go together."
He still himself as he scoots in closer to you where you sit, pushing your lunches out of the way and closing the distance to look at you closer. You blink in surprise but don't back away or flinch.
"I'm being serious you know?" He hums softly. It's less hard to say than he thought, but maybe it's because he's already been willing to put everything on the line for you from the start. "I really like you. In that way."
You blink. "...Huh?"
He can't help himself. He'll apologize later. Your breath is warm and soft when he leans in and presses his lips to yours for too long. You don't push him away, uncannily receptive to the touch. You taste salty. Suo kisses you for as long as you'll let him and pulls away only for breath.
He isn't sure what he's expecting, but the jump from pure shock to pure embarrassment surprises him. You put a hand on your shoulder, jaw open in disbelief.
"....So it was like that," You mumble, in shock. "It was... really like that?"
"For a long time, now"
"I also like Suo-kun, but how shocking."
Suo stares at you. "Are you sure your like and my like are the same? I get the feeling that -"
You press your lips to his as if to prove a point, pulling away and brushing it off just as quickly. He can feel the heat rise to his neck in immediate disbelief. You frown at him "Between us, I'm the one who's good at being honest so don't be like that,"
He just... stares. He's elated but completely confused. "Why didn't you confess earlier?"
You smile sheepishly. "Being your friend is also good, so I was okay with not changing it. It's hard to tell what you're thinking and I didn't think it was important."
He laughs in disbelief, dropping his head down to your shoulder. He didn't think he would be this happy. He didn't even think it was possible. "How could that not be important?"
"You're more important to me than that," You say easily, though he can hear your beating from where his head is. "I'm happy we like each other but I care the most about Suo-kun's feelings and being with you since you're important to me. I want to be with you for a long time."
Ah. In some regards, it seems like Suo is never going to be able to one-up you. He laughs in disbelief as his arms snake around your waist, crushing you more tightly in his arms than he can bear. You giggle so sweetly when he does he thinks he might really be done for. His usual demeanor comes in easy, calm and collected but absolutely estatic.
"It sounds like a proposal." He mumbles, almost lovesick.
"We could get married but you have to ask my brother first."
Suo laughs brightly against your neck. "Be less casual about something like that," And then a little softer. "But yes, we'll stay together as long as you want."
He holds you like that a little bit longer.
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honeyhae-svt · 14 days
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Adore You 📸
Yoon Jeonghan Fanfiction (oneshot)
Y/N x Yoon Jeonghan - MDNI!!!
GENRE: Fluff, Smut, Fem!Reader x Non-idol!Jeonghan, Photographer!Reader x Client!Jeonghan, Reader x Single Dad!Jeonghan, Angst(?), Suggestive.
>>> Y/N is named Lim Y/N
⚠️ WARNINGS ⚠️: Unprotected Sex, Oral Sex, Praise Giving, Fingering, Size Kink, Tongue Kissing, Blowjob, Simp!Jeonghan (to you), Swearing, Suggestive, and many showing of adoration from e/o >.< (feel free to tap away if you're not into these.) — (contains 7393 words)
(english is not my first language, so i apologize for any typographical or grammatical errors :/)
Synopsis: You are a photographer meeting a client who requested a photo session with his 4 year old daughter for an album, which is also needed for her school. When you meet them at the studio, the daughter quickly becomes very attached to you, even expressing a desire for you to be her mom. How should you handle the situation? (this is more like a preview, but anyways)
a/n: i only made this because it's been on my mind and i want to write it down. there's really a plot and duhh ofc some smut scenes (im really bad at making smut but yeah, im improving since ive been reading smut works lol). "adore u" by seventeen is related to this story. if you listen to the song, you'll understand why. anyways hope yall like this kind of shit hehe ❤️.
>>>pictures are from 📌, CTTO
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It was a busy Monday, and today you had an appointment with your client, Mr. Yoon, for a photoshoot with his daughter. It was supposed to be quick, right? Well, you were wrong.
You arrived at the studio as planned, looking around as you waited. When Mr. Yoon finally appeared, you almost lost your breath. He looked stunning—his long hair cascading gracefully over his delicate, sweet features. It made you wonder how you ever lost touch with him after high school.
“Ah, Mr. Yoon,” you greeted him with a handshake. Your gaze then shifted to the little girl being carried by an older woman nearby. She looked absolutely adorable.
“Good afternoon, let’s skip the formalities,” Jeonghan said, smiling warmly. “We’ll start the photoshoot in a few minutes, so feel free to set up your cameras.” You nodded in response.
As you were setting up the lighting and equipment, you felt a small tug on the hem of your denim skirt. You looked down and saw Jeong-il, the four-year-old daughter of your client. A soft smile spread across your face as you crouched down to her level.
“Yes?” you asked gently, tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. She had her father’s eyes, long lashes and pretty hair. And she has those chubby baby cheeks that made you want to pinch them—though, of course, you didn’t.
“Miss, you're really pretty,” Jeong-il said, her tiny hands now resting on your cheeks as she giggled. Her eyes sparkled with innocent admiration.
Compliments had always been tricky for you to handle, despite receiving them often. You just never knew how to react. But there was something about receiving praise from a child that felt different—genuine and unfiltered, unlike the hollow words you sometimes heard from your peers. Not that you're saying that all compliments are a lie. When a child spoke, it felt real, like a reminder that sincerity still existed in the world.
You smiled widely. “Thank you, sweetheart,” you replied, giving her a gentle pat on the head. “Where’s your dad? Should I take you to him?”
She pointed toward Jeonghan, who was seemingly in a phone call. “Daddy’s busy,” she mumbled. You nodded, about to say something when the older woman, presumably her grandmother, approached.
“I’m so sorry for the trouble,” the woman apologized, gently lifting Jeong-il into her arms. “I just looked away for a split second, and she ran off.”
You chuckled softly, shaking your head. “No trouble at all,” you reassured her.
“Grandma, I want to go to Daddy,” Jeong-il said, her voice small and pleading.
“Alright, let’s go,” the grandmother replied, carrying her off.
“Bye-bye, pretty miss!” the little girl called over her shoulder with a mischievous giggle.
You gave her a cheeky smile and waved back before returning your focus to the set-up. Soon after, the photoshoot began.
Jeonghan looked flawless as always, but his daughter stole the show. You couldn’t stop watching her—she knew exactly how to pose, how to express herself, and it was almost unbelievable how clever she was for her age.
When the shoot wrapped up, Jeonghan came over to review the photos. He stood close, looking through the camera you were holding, and smiled softly as he scrolled through the shots. You couldn’t help but stare at him for a moment longer than necessary. Once he approved the photos, he began to pack up to leave.
Just then, Jeong-il ran toward you, wrapping her little arms around your legs and refusing to let go. Her grandmother tugged at her gently, while Jeonghan tried to coax her.
“Jeong-il, we need to go,” Jeonghan said, a hint of exasperation in his voice as he tried to pull her off you.
“No! I want Mommy to come!” she cried, holding on even tighter. You were taken aback by her words—‘Mommy’? That was unexpected.
Jeonghan sighed. “If you don’t stop, we won’t get ice cream. And this lady isn’t your mother. Let’s go, or I’ll leave you here.”
You smiled sheepishly and leaned down to pick her up. Instantly, she released her grip on your leg and clung to you instead.
“Fine, leave me here. Mommy will take care of me,” she declared stubbornly.
You gently patted her back, trying to ease her grip, but she was surprisingly strong for her size.
“Jeong-il-ah, you have to go now,” you coaxed, but she only began to cry, loudly enough that everyone in the room turned to look. You swore your ears might have bled if you hadn’t stopped her in time.
Now, she was sitting on your lap, sipping banana milk, her head resting against your chest. You could tell she was fighting sleep, but soon enough, she drifted off. Jeonghan carefully took her from your arms and carried her to the car, her grandmother following closely behind.
“You’d make a great mother,” Jeonghan remarked as he gently settled Jeong-il into her seat. You only chuckled in response.
Once everything was settled, Jeonghan turned to you with a grateful smile. “I’m really sorry about that. She’s never acted like this before—I have no idea what got into her.”
“It’s really fine,” you replied, slipping your hands into your jacket pockets.
Jeonghan hesitated for a moment before offering, “Maybe I can treat you to dinner as a thank-you? I’m sure Jeong-il would love to see you again after everything.”
His smile was so warm that you almost stumbled over your words. “Oh, uh, it’s really okay. No need for compensation or anything,” you said, politely declining.
You could have taken the opportunity, but you knew you weren’t ready—not after your last heartbreak. Though Jeonghan’s offer wasn’t a date, the thought of getting involved again made you uneasy.
Your past relationship ended almost a year ago. You and your ex had been together for five years, and you had thought everything was perfect, even through the tough times because he was always there. On your fifth anniversary, you had expected a proposal, maybe because you thought he would after months of telling him about it—but instead, he broke up with you.
At first, you thought it was a joke. But then you saw the seriousness in his eyes. It turned out he had been seeing someone else behind your back, and worse, she was pregnant. He left you without hesitation, as if those five years hadn’t meant a thing. It's like he had to let you go just like there was no five years of relationship that you both went through.
Yes, he's an asshole and that was what made you feel devastated, spiraling into months of depression before you finally picked up the pieces. You were doing well now, but the idea of dating again hadn’t even crossed your mind since then.
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Yesterday, Jeonghan had been persistent. No matter how many times you politely declined his invitation to dinner, he kept asking. Like father, like daughter, huh? He only relented when you finally gave in and handed him your number instead. But when he offered to drive you home, the flirting began as soon as he dropped his mom and daughter off at his penthouse. You could have flirted back, but instead, you just chuckled, trying to keep the mood light and avoid any awkwardness.
You had known Jeonghan for years. He had been your classmate throughout high school, and you often had small talks with him every day. It was nice that he always made an effort to approach you, even if it was just for a brief conversation.
Surprisingly, though, he seemed to know more about you. He had always been too shy to talk to you more back then. You were simply too pretty in his eyes, and on top of that, you were always surrounded by your own group of friends. And if there was ever a moment when you were alone, it didn’t last long—boys would come up to you and confess their feelings. Jeonghan had always wanted to do the same, but when he finally mustered the courage to approach you, he would lose his nerve and settle for small talk instead of confessing.
He had been afraid of rejection. After all, you were known in school as the heartbreaker, the girl who turned down every guy who dared to confess. That reputation stuck with you throughout your high school years, and maybe that’s why Jeonghan never found the courage to say what he really felt.
He couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed when you turned him down the day before. But, he didn’t let it show. He figured you had your reasons. Truth be told, he had specifically hired you for the photoshoot when he saw your name on the list of available photographers. He had always been interested in you (and, of course, he *totally* hadn’t been waiting for you to become available). But all his hopes seemed to slip away when you rejected him.
Despite that, the whole situation with his daughter, Jeong-il, calling you "Mommy" was genuine. He actually liked it when she said that. It made him feel even more drawn to you, like a magnet. Just like his daughter, he couldn’t help but be attached to you. There was something about you that kept pulling people in—or maybe, it was just because he still had a teeny tiny (huge) crush on you, just like he did back in high school.
Jeonghan was lost in thought, thinking about you as he pushed the cart at a slow pace. His reverie was broken when his mother took over. "Jeonghan, pay attention, will you? We missed the meat aisle," she snapped him back to reality. He sighed inwardly before picking up his little one.
As he stood by the meat section with his mother, he thought he saw a glimpse of you from afar. At first, he dismissed it, thinking he was imagining things, but after a second and third glance, it really was you. For real.
"Jeong-il-ah, look, mommy’s over there," Jeonghan whispered, pointing in your direction. The little girl turned excitedly, her eyes lighting up. Without missing a beat, Jeonghan placed Jeong-il on her feet, and she darted toward you, shouting, "Mommy!!!" Jeonghan smirked but then pretended to be engrossed in something else, acting as if he had no idea what was happening. He knew exactly what he was doing.
You turned your head, surprised to see the little girl rushing toward you, hugging your legs once again like she did before. "Mommy, mommy!" she shouted, making you look around for any signs of Jeonghan or her grandmother. Your friend, who was with you, snickered before quietly stepping away as Jeonghan approached.
You picked up the little girl and smiled at Jeonghan. "I’m not your momm—" you started, but before you could finish, Jeong-il interrupted, stuffing cookies into your mouth. "Mommy, isn’t it yummy? Grandma baked it," she said cheerfully. You chewed on the cookie, trying not to laugh at the overwhelming amount stuffed into your mouth.
Jeonghan stood by, smiling fondly as he watched you with his daughter. His heart fluttered. He couldn’t help but picture you as the mother of his child. If he could, he’d make another baby with you right then and there. "Sweetie, how many times do I have to tell you? She’s not your mother," he scolded gently. "No!" Jeong-il retorted stubbornly.
"It’s alright. I can play pretend," you whispered with a wink, finally managing to swallow the cookies. You didn’t want to upset the little girl, and besides, it wasn’t like you had anything better to do.
Jeonghan grinned, walking alongside you as you helped them with their groceries. You carried Jeong-il the entire time, while Jeonghan carried the shopping bags to the car. "Alright, Jeong-il, come to Dad now," Jeonghan said as they reached the car. The little girl shook her head and held onto you even tighter. "No! When I wake up, mommy will be gone again," she pouted, making you giggle at her stubbornness.
"You’ve brought this on yourself, Y/N," Jeonghan teased, crossing his arms and looking at you with an amused expression. You sighed, resigned to your fate. He opened the passenger door for you while Jeong-il reluctantly climbed into the back seat with her grandmother. The little one only let go of you once you agreed to sit in front.
You had no choice but to tag along. When you arrived at their penthouse, you couldn’t help but admire the luxurious surroundings. It wasn’t that you hadn’t seen such elegance before, but you hadn’t expected Jeonghan’s home to be this extravagant. In hindsight, you should have, given the car he was driving.
"Make yourself at home. I don’t think you’ll be able to leave until the little devil falls asleep," Jeonghan said, collapsing onto the sofa and switching on the television. "What time does she usually nap?" you asked, settling down beside him. "Around 3 p.m. most days," he replied, glancing over at Jeong-il playing with her toys and her grandmother.
"You know, Y/N, Jeong-il has never been this attached to any other lady before," Hae-na, his mother, said, her words tugging at your heart. You figured that maybe the little girl was simply longing for her mother’s presence, and you just happened to be there at the right time. Or perhaps there was something about you that made Jeong-il instantly fond of you. You didn’t want to assume too much, though, so you just nodded along. "Ah, is that so? Maybe she mistook me for her mother. Do I look like her, perhaps?" you asked, tying the little one’s hair into a neat ponytail. Jeong-il looked really cute with her hair up like this, and Jeonghan noticed it too. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips, watching you interact with his daughter.
"She’s never seen her mother," Hae-na replied softly. Jeonghan, overhearing the conversation, jumped in. "You don’t look like her at all. In fact, you’re way prettier than she ever was," he said, his eyes locking onto yours with a smirk. You blinked a few times before looking away, feeling a bit flustered. "Jeong-il definitely got her looks from me," Jeonghan added with a smug grin, and Hae-na just rolled her eyes as if she heard it from Jeonghan for the thousandth time.
You could tell he didn’t have fond feelings for the mother of his child, so you decided to steer clear of that topic.
After hours of playing, Jeong-il finally fell asleep in your arms while you and Jeonghan were watching cartoons together. You held her gently, giving her soft pats on the back as Jeonghan led you to her room. You carefully laid the little girl on her bed and tucked her in with a tender smile on your face.
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You've always wondered what it would be like to be a mother. You'd dreamed about it, even fantasized. The thought of having a child, someone who needed you, relied on you, felt almost magical. But your ex never wanted the same. He claimed you were too young for kids—though that never stopped him from trying to get you in bed countless of times. Ironically, that same dick headed-ex got another girl pregnant, leaving you with the bitter taste of betrayal. Now, here you were, holding onto the warmth of Jeonghan's daughter, someone who clung to you like she’d been waiting for you her whole life.
The soft click of the bedroom door brought you back to the present as Jeonghan led you out of his daughter's room. You were about to say your goodbyes, but Hae-na, appeared with freshly brewed coffee. The polite thing to do was stay—refusing would’ve felt too rude, especially when his mother had already made her approval of you so clear.
So, now you sat, cup in hand, next to Jeonghan on the couch. His mother had left the two of you alone, and it didn’t escape your notice that she was encouraging this little reunion. Not that you minded… much.
"You're single, right?" Jeonghan’s voice broke the silence, catching you off guard. He was direct, just like you remembered. That was something you always liked about him—his lack of pretense. But all he knew is that he was never like this before.
The first time he saw you holding your camera in highschool, capturing every small little things so perfectly, it's like you already had his heart until then. He could've, no, he should've confessed to you about his feelings, and maybe, just maybe he could've possibly ended up with you until now. And that's what made him the person he is today—the person who's not afraid to say what he wanted to say because he didn't want to regret, the person who'd express himself freely around others about who he is. And you were the one who made that persona in him.
Those daily small talks with you before were his only source of energy that he kept to make himself go to school. The way he'd approach you and stutter in his words, contemplating whether he should confess his feelings to you or not, on which he didn't and would end up having small talks with you instead. That happened day after day until he couldn't anymore. Not after graduating. When he found out you were going to study abroad to pursue your dream as a photographer and filmmaking, there was no way he could confess the last minute. But he did remember you taking his photo with your very own camera. You were a few feet away from him and you held your camera to your face and the photo flashed. He pretended he didn't see and tried his best to remain composed. But behind his cool-looking demeanour was a heart that's beating fastly that made his hands shiver and get all sweaty. You took that photo for just about a second, he couldn't tell whether it was him you took of, but he prayed hard that it be him. It was then after you took the photo, "Congratulations Jeonghan," was the last words he heard from you before disappearing into his life.
"Y-yeah, I am," you stammered, feeling a little caught off guard by the bluntness of his question. "Why do you ask?"
Jeonghan smirked slightly, leaning back and crossing his legs as he took a slow sip of coffee. "Just making sure." His eyes flickered with mischief, but there was something deeper behind them, something you couldn't quite place.
You hummed, taking a sip of your coffee to cover the slight flush creeping up your cheeks. "Why does the coffee taste like dirt?" Jeonghan asked suddenly, his face serious. "Because it was ground a few minutes ago."
You choked a little, trying to stifle your laughter. It was a terrible dad joke, the kind that would make you roll your eyes any other time, but coming from him, it was oddly cute.
"I can't believe you actually said that," you chuckled, wiping a tear from your eye.
Jeonghan grinned, obviously pleased with himself. "I remember when we used to have those little talks in high school. Remember?"
You nodded, a nostalgic smile tugging at your lips. "Of course. You always found a way to make me laugh, even when I didn’t want to."
"I was a coward back then, though," he confessed, his voice soft, eyes glancing away as if lost in thought.
"Really?" you asked, leaning forward slightly. "How so?"
Jeonghan hesitated, the playful mask slipping for a second. He wanted to tell you—tell you how he used to stutter and falter around you, never able to muster the courage to confess his feelings. But now wasn’t the right time. There was too much at stake, and he couldn’t bear the thought of scaring you off when you’d just started letting him back into your life.
Instead, he shrugged casually. "Just because. I missed my shot back then."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, but you weren’t sure what to say. Before you could think of a response, Jeong-il’s soft voice called for him from her room. Jeonghan sighed, smiling fondly before excusing himself to check on his daughter.
As he disappeared into the hallway, you leaned back on the couch, letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Being around Jeonghan brought back a flood of memories—ones you weren’t sure you were ready to face. But there was something undeniable about the way he made you feel, something that made you want to take a chance.
A few minutes later, Jeonghan returned, sliding back onto the couch beside you. "She’s back asleep," he said softly, his eyes finding yours once more.
"Where were we?" you asked, trying to keep your tone light, though your heart was still racing.
"I think I was about to ask you out," Jeonghan replied with a smirk, his tone playful but his gaze sincere. "Dinner? No pressure, just… dinner."
You bit your lip, hesitating for a moment. After everything you’d been through, the idea of opening yourself up again felt terrifying. But something about Jeonghan felt safe, familiar. Like maybe this time, things could be different.
"Okay," you said finally, your voice barely above a whisper. "Dinner sounds nice."
Jeonghan’s face lit up with a grin, and you couldn’t help but smile back. Maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of something new.
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Jeonghan had always been around you, in ways you hadn’t noticed until now. Bumping into him at the park, catching sight of him outside your workplace, or seeing him at the mall—it was as if fate kept pulling the two of you together. And you had to admit, it was starting to work. He brought you lunch during your breaks, always with a smile and a joke ready. Sometimes, he brought Jeong-il with him, and you’d end up spending the rest of the afternoon with them.
It wasn’t long before you found yourself looking forward to those moments. The flutter in your chest when you spotted him waiting for you, the way your heart warmed when Jeong-il ran into your arms. Maybe this was what you needed—to take a chance on someone who was determined to be a part of your life.
But still, a small part of you held back, unsure, scared. You’d been hurt before, and there was always that nagging fear that history could repeat itself. But for the first time in a long time, you found yourself ready to let go, to go with the flow.
Jeonghan was persistent, and he was winning you over. Little by little, with every unexpected gesture, every shared laugh, every moment with Jeong-il, you felt yourself slipping into something that felt like it could be more.
And maybe, just maybe, you were okay with that.
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One night, as you stepped out of work, your heart raced in anticipation of seeing Jeonghan again. You checked your phone, expecting to see a message from him saying he was waiting for you. Instead, a different notification lit up your screen.
"Hey, darling, I'm busy this week and I'm on a business trip. Sorry I couldn't come see you :("
The disappointment hit you harder than you expected. You stared at the message for a moment, feeling a weight settle in your chest. Maybe it was because you'd gotten used to seeing him almost every day. Or maybe because the absence of him, even for just a week, felt strangely unsettling.
It upset you, honestly. But did you also have the right? He had responsibilities—he was a single dad, a man juggling his job, his daughter, and now… you. Of course, he was busy. He had his own world to manage, and what were you to him, really?
Maybe all those thoughtful gestures—bringing you lunch, waiting for you outside work, spending time with you and his daughter—were just his way of being kind. Maybe that’s just who he was, affectionate and caring with everyone. That thought twisted in your gut, and you hated the surge of jealousy that followed.
You wanted his attention. You wanted him to only give you that attention.
Fuck. Since when did you become this selfish? You weren’t like this. But for the first time in your life, you wanted someone to look at you and only you. To give all that effort, all that affection, to you and no one else.
You weren’t in love with him, were you?
“What are you thinking?” you muttered under your breath, trying to shake the thoughts away as you stared blankly at your computer screen. But your focus was shot. It had been three weeks, almost a month, since you last saw him or his daughter, and it was driving you insane. You missed his presence—the way he made everything around you feel lighter, easier.
Sure, he messaged you frequently. He sent chocolates, little gifts here and there, and he always made sure to update you, even if it was just a simple “thinking of you.” But it wasn’t enough. Not for you. You wanted to see him, to hear his voice, to feel the warmth of his presence beside you. That’s what you longed for.
Fuck it. You knew the truth. You were in love with him. There was no point in denying it anymore. The realization hit you like a punch to the gut, and suddenly, everything felt too real, too overwhelming.
Jeonghan wasn’t the type to just give his time and effort to anyone. You knew that. He wasn’t someone who threw affection around carelessly. But with you? You were an exception. Of course, aside from his daughter and his mother, you were the one person who seemed to break through his guarded exterior.
There was something about you that made him want to give you the whole damn world.
Maybe it was because of how you’d effortlessly charmed his hard-hearted daughter, or how undeniably beautiful you were—not just in appearance, but in the way you treated the people around you. Or maybe it was the way you giggled at his corny dad jokes, the same ones no one else found funny, or maybe it was the way you were cold at first, yet somehow always tolerated his awkwardness and small talk back in high school.
You took photography seriously, capturing life’s little moments with a passion that fascinated him. And to him, you were as beautiful as every subject you photographed. Screw it. He liked you because you're you. The only one person in this world he'd ever want.
And now, Jeonghan couldn’t shake the feeling that you were the one he’d been waiting for. The one he wanted by his side. The one he’d want to be the mother of his daughter (children).
You are the one for him and maybe he's the one for you too?
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You were at a dinner party with your co-workers, and it didn't take long for the alcohol to hit you. Halfway through, you were already tipsy, maybe because the stress of not seeing Jeonghan for so long was getting to you. Even though you’d only had three glasses, your low tolerance made it feel like you'd had more.
“Already drunk? Gosh, you’re really no fun, unnie,” Minji, your younger co-worker and friend, teased with a playful grin.
“I’m not... drunkhh,” you slurred, resting your head on the table.
“Looks like Y/N has to head out early,” one of your male co-workers offered, standing up with a smirk, already volunteering to take you home. You were too tipsy to think clearly, and the others quickly agreed, unaware of his ulterior motives as he helped you out of the venue.
The man supported your weight, holding you by the waist, his grip a little too tight than necessary, his smirk a little too confident too. He clearly had other intentions. “I can gow howm by myself...” you muttered, trying to push him away weakly, but before he could call a cab, you felt a hand tap your shoulder.
"Y/Nnie," a familiar voice broke through your drunken haze, and when you turned, your face lit up with joy. Jeonghan stood there, a warm smile on his face. Your hands instinctively reached for his face, checking if he was real, and you giggled at your own silliness.
"Jeonghannieeee~ I missed youuu," you beamed, your voice slurring as you clung to him.
Immediately, you freed yourself away from the man and wrapped your arms around Jeonghan’s waist. Jeonghan, with that familiar steady presence, held you close, supporting your weight. The man who had been holding you gave a blank stare, but he wasn’t giving up that easily.
“And who are you?” the guy asked, clearly annoyed.
Jeonghan turned to him, his expression calm but teasing. “Oh, I forgot you were still there. Sorry.” He added, “I’m Y/N’s boyfriend, by the way.”
A brief silence fell before Jeonghan broke it again, his tone final, “I’ll take her from here.” He led you away, not even bothering to look back as he buckled you into his car. Before driving off, he gave the guy one last look, a smirk tugging at his lips as he let out a mocking “tsk.”
As you settled into the passenger seat, you giggled, still drunk and half-asleep. “Oooh... You’re my boyfriend?” you asked, voice playful.
Jeonghan chuckled. “You don’t want that?” he teased.
You thought for a moment, your eyes half-closed. “I’d like that...” you murmured before drifting into sleep. Jeonghan’s soft laughter filled the car as he glanced at you, finding you absolutely adorable.
The drive was peaceful, the soft hum of the radio the only sound as you slept beside him. He was relieved he’d gotten there in time before anything bad could’ve happened. He shook his head, smiling to himself. You really had no idea how much you meant to him.
When he finally parked in front of your apartment complex, he gently tapped your shoulder to wake you. “Darling, are you stable?” he asked in a soft, caring voice.
You groggily opened your eyes, rubbing your temples as the headache from the alcohol hit. “W-where are we?” you asked, now mostly sober after your nap.
“We’re at your place,” he replied, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
You hummed in response, pausing for a moment before turning to face him. “Thanks for bringing me home,” you said quietly, feeling a flutter in your chest as his gaze met yours. His stare made your cheeks warm, though this time it wasn’t the alcohol causing it.
“No problem, cutie,” he said with a soft smile before getting out of the car and opening the door for you. He unbuckled your seatbelt and offered his hand, and you took it, letting him guide you to your apartment. Once at your door, you turned to say goodbye, but before you could stop yourself, you leaned in and pressed your lips to his.
Jeonghan’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, his first instinct was to pull back, worried you might regret it later. But the softness of your lips, the warmth of your body against his—it was too much to resist. Without thinking, he deepened the kiss, his hands moving to hold you close. It felt desperate, like he’d been waiting for this moment far longer than he’d realized.
Your lips were so soft, sweet and delicate like he'd never want to let go of this sensation. His tongue teasing the bottom of your lips, longing for an entrance. Your body was trapped in between your apartment door behind you and Jeonghan's body in front. His hand is on your waist while the other one was on the back of your head, pulling your head closer to his so the kiss could reach deeper.
Your tongues were entangled to each other, swirling like there's no tomorrow. His was too intoxicating that you couldn't pull away even if you wanted to catch your breath.
A few minutes later, Jeonghan pulled away, strings of your mixed salivas were in between your glossy lips. All he wanted to do was kiss you right there and again, but he knew he had to stop himself. You panted and felt your body heat up like it's aching for more. You immediately unlocked the door and led him inside without even looking back but he stopped you.
He glanced at you, seeing the same desire in your eyes. “I’m not tipsy,” you whispered, as if you knew what he was thinking and hesitating for. The heat between you was impossible to ignore.
"Don't you want me, Hannie?" You asked, your hands roaming around his stomach, looking at him with pleading eyes. Jeonghan did his best to fight his urges to fuck you right then and there. He wanted you. He wanted to fuck you so bad. Jeonghan hesitated, wanting to be sure. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to regret anything," he replied, his hands roaming around your hips to its own accord.
“I won’t,” you assured him, your voice firm, your eyes filled with longing. “I’ve missed you... so much.”
Jeonghan was still hesitant for a moment, but hearing you admit that was not what he expected. He could practically feel his manhood harden under his pants. And who wouldn't get hard after making out with you?
Without another word, his lips found yours again. You led him to your bedroom without breaking the kiss. He pushed you onto the bed undressing you like he's done it a hundred times before. He undid your bra so easily with one hand as he directly touched your soft breasts. The kiss remained deep and he didn't pull away until you unbuttoned his blouse. He pulled your skirt and tossed it to the ground as his fingers slid into your wet panties, teasing your aching clit. You tried your best to not moan in between kisses, but it's like your body was lost under your control. He pulled away from the kiss to turn his attention towards your wet pussy. He continued to tease it before finally taking the underwear off and inserting one finger into your wet crotch. You moaned to the feeling, making your mind turn into a haze. And Jeonghan loved the sounds you were making. It's like he fell in love to the melody even if it's his first time hearing it from you.
It's been so long since you've last had someone else's finger in you like this. But as far as you can remember, even with this one finger of Jeonghan's were enough to send you to heaven itself.
He put in one more finger, fucking your pussy soft and fastly. Making you pant and let out moans.
"Shit, your moans are adorable," Jeonghan says, leaning down to your pussy and licking it. His tongue entered your folds and that was enough to make you squirt. When you reached your orgasm, Jeonghan made sure to lick your clit, making you let out a whine. "Fuck..." you curse out as you covered your face.
"So pretty, baby," Jeonghan says, his fingers now pinching your nipples, making you moan loudly. He pulled his pants down and you can see his bulge from his underwear. It was huge under the fabric, making you think if it'd even fit you. "Spit in your hands, baby," he says, grabbing your wrist and you did so.
You brought your hands to his cock as soon as he took his underwear off and you stroked onto it up and down before finally licking the top. You bobbed your head over it, and it made Jeonghan groan to the feeling. He couldn't believe that you were actually giving him a blowjob. He only saw these in his fantasies, but now, you're actually making him feel this way. "Your mouth... Ah, shit, it's so beautiful," he grunted, his hands massaging your breasts, making sure you also get enough attention.
Your hands stroked faster and you licked his cock harder, making him reach his ends and finally cum. He came onto your face, his hot semen covering your cheeks. Jeonghan's dick throbbed right away after seeing your face covered with his cum. "Fuck, you're so beautiful," he says, wiping his semen off your face as he planted a kiss on your lips.
He gently pushed you down the bed again, you're now lying underneath him, he looked at you with dark, lustful eyes. "Our kids would be so pretty if I get you pregnant," he muttered, but not enough to let you hear, and you only blinked at him.
He shifted close before whispering, "Can I?" He asked as you felt the tip of his cock brushing over your clit, and you felt your stomach get actual butterflies in it hearing him ask for permission. "Only if you say it," he says, and you took a deep breath before finding your words, "P- please... Fuck me," you said and his cock slowly enter your folds, making your back arch upwards. You took time adjusting to the stretch you were feeling. It didn't hurt a lot, instead it felt incredibly good. "Aghh," you moaned, "F- faster, Hannie," you finally let the words out. And Jeonghan's pace was fast, hard.
He felt your pelvis hit his as your pussy swallows him well. "Ah, shit, so tight. Don't cum yet, baby," he says as his hips thrusts into you harder, you moaned, feeling his cock twitching in and out of you. His hands were giving your breasts attention while his lips were onto your neck, leaving marks everywhere. Such a multitasker, and you know you love it.
"S- so good," you say as his cock reached that one good spot, making you scream. "Shitt," Jeonghan cursed as he felt your walls tightening around him. "Don't cum yet," he says, his pace more faster to meet his orgasm with you.
He took out his cock out of you and his cum went over your stomach while you came, your bedsheets wet with your fluids under your lower body. You were panting, breathless. Jeonghan slumped beside you, his hands never leaving your body, as if he wanted to memorize your every curve.
He planted a kiss on your forehead while you buried your face onto his chest. He gave your back gentle strokes as if asking for another round, you couldn't help but giggle at his way of asking.
The night went on, with both of you giving in to the emotions that had been bubbling up for so long. —One where you were seated on his lap, moving your hips onto his with a slow pace. Not long enough, though, you got tired and Jeonghan had to pin you down the bed and fuck you himself.
And the other where your legs rested on his shoulders while he thrusts his cock hardly in and out of you with incredibly fast movements that you practically felt your eyes move to the back of your head. He fucked you so well, groaning and giving you compliments while he was at it. Such as: "So adorable," "You're so pretty," "You're doing well.". While you, well, let's just say all you did was moan and let out whimpers. It's like you couldn't even think straight while he fucked you like that. But you heard his words, and that added up to the good sensation you were feeling. You loved hearing his compliments—and that drove you to your climax, cumming before him which made him curse in frustration, but he didn't stop there, in fact—he continued until he reached his own.
And after at least 3 rounds of love-making, you both layed down on the bed, cuddling each other while his cock remained inside you. He was still hard, but he understood that you were too tired, so he did all the work, moving slowly in you while you whimpered under him. "I'm almost--," he grunted, finally coming to his release, and you came, for the probably fifth... or sixth(?) time this night. "You're amazing, baby. I love your body, your smell, your hands, your face... I love everything about you," he says, and you only buried your face onto the pillow. "I love you."
"I love you too," you replied, panting quietly.
Later, you lay beside him, his arms wrapped securely around your waist. The silence was comforting, but eventually, you broke it. “Can I ask you something?” Jeonghan hummed, urging you to continue.
You hesitated, unsure if you should even bring it up. But eventually, you whispered, “What happened to Jeong-il’s mother?”
Jeonghan’s body tensed slightly, but then he chuckled softly. “She didn’t want anything to do with me or the baby. I took full custody of Jeong-il.”
Though he brushed it off and replied as if it wasn't really an important matter to him, your curiosity lingered, and sensing it, Jeonghan sighed before continuing. “I was reckless back then. She got pregnant, and I took responsibility, but less than a year after Jeong-il was born, she moved on by herself. Honestly, it’s fine. I didn’t expect her to stay. If anything, I’m grateful. It brought me to you.”
You hummed in understanding, though a tinge of jealousy flared in your chest. What if things had been different? What if she had stayed? Then again, you were also being selfish, so you wanted to brush it off your thoughts. But before your thoughts could spiral, Jeonghan spoke again.
"Don't even think about it. I loved you since we were in high school," Jeonghan says, and you look up at him, blinking a few times before tilting your head to the side in confusion.
"Okay, let me start from the top. Are you ready?"
You nod, smiling in anticipation.
"But first, tell me, did you take a photo of me before after we graduated?" He questioned, making you feel a bit flustered.
"You... how did you know that?" You replied, returning the question and he just chuckled lightly, placing a kiss on your forehead. "Okay, well, maybe it's because I liked you too, back then... And I couldn't get myself to approach you that day because I thought you would approach me," you continued, but then you shook your head. "Okay, maybe I shouldn't have waited and approached you myself instead. Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye properly."
Jeonghan smiled. A content look on his face at your confession—just what he wanted to hear. He's been waiting for that confirmation since forever.
With a soft sigh, he kissed your lips again, just a peck, enough to get your attention again. "I'm glad you said that," he replied, and continued what he was just saying earlier.
"I would always, should, could've, and have always adored you since day one…"
And that’s how you ended up being the mother of his two beautiful children: your adorable Jeong-il and a beautiful baby boy. Of course, you also became Jeonghan’s wife soon enough.
And he will always adore you.
~*⁠.⁠✧✿⁠ THE END ✿✧.*~
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~~~You've reached the end.
—AEYA HERE!: i hope you enjoyed this one, it's pretty long and the ending was taken to a quick wrap, but yeah, i hoped you enjoyed this one. i think it's mostly fluff? let me know what you guys think. and yeah, im open for requests, so if you have any suggestions/requests, just talk to me :)
-AEYA HERE!: your likes, reblogs, follows are very much appreciated. it boosts my dopamine and makes me want to upload and make more stories asap so yeah, interacting with me really helps ^^
wattpad: @muuimihanmal_writes
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0nmykne3s · 8 months
sick cuddles | l. Williamson x teen!reader
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(just pretend youre the dog haha)
summary: you go to training sick, leah takes care of you
(i'm not that good at summaries)
a/n: hi guys!! this is my very first time writing any form of story outside of school, so some feedback and constructive criticism is appreciated! also keep in mind that i don't know anything about pro footballers schedules, so i'm just guessing. english isn't my first language so please keep that in mind <3
1064 words
After snoozing your alarm for the seventh time you finally decided to wake up. It felt like you had woken up from the dead, you had the most dreadful headache ever and your throat was so sore, it felt like there was a literal porcupine inside your throat. You tiredly reached for your phone to check the time, and it read 09.52 “OH SHIT, I'M LATE, LEAH’S GOING TO KILL ME!” you exclaimed, which you quickly regretted once you burst out into a coughing fit.
When you first joined Arsenal at 16 years old, it was Leah who first took you under her wing. She let you live with her until you found an apartment you could move into, despite her protests of you being too young to live alone you decided to move. The first four months of you living there Leah always came over to check on you, she would have kept doing it if you hadn't complained about it all the time. She agreed to stop coming over, only if you would call her immediately if something happened.
You quickly dressed yourself and made some toast, and ran out the door. It was 10.14 when you finally got to the arsenal training centre. Luckily for you the girls didn't notice you coming in, since they were busy cleaning up breakfast. “Hey y/n! Where have you been? I didn’t see you coming in earlier” Beth asked you once she saw you. “Oh, i was just… sitting over there” you say awkwardly as you waved your hand to a random area. “Weird, anyways..” she said as she started rambling on about Myle and how cute she is. You were honestly not paying attention and just throwing in a random mhm and awe once in a while. You felt someone looking at you, so you looked around a bit, until you saw Leah looking intensely at you as if she was trying to figure something out. 
Leah felt like something was a little off with you, your voice was a little hoarse and you looked a little pale. She made a mental note to keep an eye on you throughout training. Beth was still rambling on about Myle and showing you pictures of her, until Leah came and interrupted “Y/N come on you’re going to be late”,  “Okayy” you sighed. 
You were walking to the pitch with Leah until you abruptly stopped as a wave of dizziness came over you, “Hey, are you alright? What happened? She asked as she put her arm around to steady you. “Yeah, I just suddenly got a little dizzy, but it's alright” you responded. Leah brushed it off, knowing you wouldn't tell her anyways.
You were trying to dribble the ball past Katie, until Katie went in for a tackle, which was 100% clean, but since you were sick and a little unstable you fell over onto the grass, face down. “Ey, mate you good?” Katie asked you, “Yea.. just give me second” you groaned. “Hey! What's going on?” You heard Leah yell. “I don’t know!” Katie said defensively. You heard Leah running over, and when she got to you, you felt her bend over and put a hand on your back, “Hey kid, what's wrong? Where does it hurt?” she asked softly, “My head” you whispered in a barely audible voice. “Okay” she said worriedly, she put her hand on your head, “Jesus christ, you're burning up!” she said, sounding quite distressed. She lifted you up from the ground, “Alright good girl, let’s get you inside. Okay?” Leah said softly, as she was basically carrying you, as you were barely able to stand on your own. “Okay” you mumbled, not really paying attention to what she was saying because of how much your head was pounding.
“She has a high fever, and is quite dehydrated. She can't train for the rest of the week and she needs lots of rest and make sure she drinks enough water..” the doctor said. “Alright, you hear that bub. Lots of rest and water” she said, while rubbing your back.
By the time you were done at the doctor, training was over. “Y/n/n training is over so i'm going to drive us to mine, okay?” Leah said. “Yeah, okay..” you said tiredly. You were in the backseat while Leah was driving. Every once in a while Leah glanced back to see how you were doing, when she looked back at you she smiled fondly at the sight of you sound asleep leaning against the window. When you made it home you were still asleep so Leah carried you inside deciding that you needed the rest. When you made it inside Leah put you softly down onto the couch, so she could keep an eye on you while she made food.
“Hey sweets wake up, I made your favourite pasta.” she whispered softly, while rubbing your back. “Mmm okay” you mumbled half asleep. After you and Leah finished eating, she took the plates and started washing them. “Thanks for the Le, it actually tasted good” you joked in your hoarse voice, “Ha ha” she said sarcastically, just as you were about to laugh you burst out into a coughing fit. Leah turned around alarmed, “Hey, hey, it's okay” she said comfortingly while she rubbed your back. Once you had settled down, she went to get something. When she came back you saw her carrying a cup of tea, “Here, it's tea for your throat”, “Thanks Leah” you mumbled.
Once you had finished your tea, you yawned and rubbed your eyes, “Let's get you to bed, alright?” Leah said, in which you just hummed in reply. You walked into the bedroom and changed into the clothes Leah lent to you, which was an old Arsenal hoodie and a pair of pyjama shorts. “Le, snuggles please?” you asked shyly when you were done changing, “Alright bub, i'm just going to change then i'll be back” she said chuckling. When she was done changing you both laid down in bed, with you laying against Leah with your head in her crook of her shoulder, and Leah hugging you while tracing aimlessly around your back. Just like you guys used to do after you had a nightmare and came into her room, when you lived together. 
Shortly after you were sound asleep in her arms.
hope you guys enjoyed! a comment or some feedback would be greatly appreciated <3
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pynkgothicka · 4 months
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Knee Socks KNJ
Pairing - Tutor! Dark! Kim Namjoon x AFAB! Reader
Synopsis-Based off Parasite, your korean teacher leaves to go on a work study trip, and leaves you with his best friend to be a replacement teacher. Part 2 of the movies series.
Featuring - Brandon Perea (Angel From Nope)
Word Count - Around 3k
Tags and Warnings - age-gap, manipulation, murder, fingering, tutor/student relationship
Authors Note - As you can probably tell, the stories are majority very loosely based on the stories with me throwing my own twists into it all. Also Joon is a conglomerate of all the Parks (the poor family) into one character! Enjoy:3
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! These depictions don't pertain to reality. This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
“So you want me to basically be your substitute?”
Namjoon eyed his friend as he ate from the bowl of ramen in front of him. One of his old high school friends, Brandon, stopped by his apartment out of the blue. And of course, Namjoon was embarrassed, the place looked like a dump.
Which is exactly what it was.
A dump.
“Yeah, listen I know you're smart. And I know you need the pay.” Brandon said taking a bite out of his ramen. He used his chopstick to point at Namjoon. “Also I trust you man.”
Namjoon groaned out leaning back into his couch. “Trust me? With what? Don't tell me you got roped into something fucked up.”Namjoon complained. Brandon had that look in his eyes, Namjoon could tell when he was being shifty.
“So maybe I've kind of got something going with the girl, she's sweet, super sheltered, like the perfect girl,” Brandon says leaning back long with Namjoon. “I plan on asking her out when I'm back okay? I just need you to be so you man. All scholarly and shit.”
Namjoon thought about it for a minute. “How's the pay?”
“Around 500 a session. Trust me her family has the money to blow. They want the best and they trust me to have good recommendations. Also, the mom is a bit of an airhead anyway.”
“Fine, you're lucky I need to make rent.”
You sat in your room bored out of your mind. Your mother told you that Brandon had found someone to continue your studies while he was away. You knew your mom was probably annoying the poor man downstairs. She had a habit of talking too much.
Curiosity got the better of you as you found yourself heading downstairs to your lavish mansion kitchen. You sat on the stairs, peering through the railing.
Your new tutor was handsome, slightly built with a buzz cut. He reminded you of men you see in movies, rich CEOs who would fall for their secretaries. Or even a dangerous boxer who has a soft spot for the ballerina.
Lost in your trance, your mom spotted you. “Oh! Sweetheart come down, Mr. Kim here would like to meet you.” You curse under your breath as you stand up and walk the rest of the way downstairs. Almost tripping as your socks slipped on the hardwood floor. You catch yourself walking over to the side of the island.
Mr. Kim looked at you for a moment before smiling. “Please call me Namjoon, Mr. Kim makes me sound old.” He said extending a hand. You take it and give him a slightly firm handshake.
“She'll call you Mr.Kim, respect always remember sweetheart?” Your mom cooed passing you a bowl of pomegranate seeds. You nod towards her as she smiles. “Okay now go study, Mr. Kim is a very smart man by the sound of it. If you need anything call me upstairs.”
You were already walking upstairs with Namjoon following close behind. You led him into your bedroom and sat down at your desk. You pull out the notebook that you and Brandon used. “Sorry if my mom was annoying you, she's ditzy like that.” You mumbled going to the practice test you were doing before Brandon left last session.
You jump at Namjoons snapping right in front of your face. “I want you to focus. From what you're mother is telling me she wants you to pass with Korean as a foreign Language for college next semester correct?” You nod at Namjoon. You focus back in on the practice test.
It was a particular problem you stared at, and it was something you couldn't figure out. You were about to circle A but you were stopped by Namjoon grabbing your wrist. “Are you certain that's the answer?” He asks leaning next to you. You shake your head, no, your breathing rising in speed as his hand holds your own in place. “Then why are you answering it?”
“Because it's the next question?” You say your voice peeking as you finish the statement. It comes out like a question and more so it comes out as you being rude to him. You shake your head looking up at him. “Sorry… I mean… it's true I just didn't want you to take it as me being rude to you.”
“Focus.” He reprimands. “Look at the question and think again.” Namjoon let's go of your wrist and you reconsider the answer. It's D. The answer is D. You circle it and look back at Namjoon expecting a response. You're welcomed with a warm smile. “Very good.”
His hand digs into the bowl of pomegranate seeds and he pops one into your mouth. You blush as you feel the tips of his fingers touch your lips and the action in general. Not even Brandon did something that bold. “T-Thank you Namjoon.”
He gives you a warm smile, showing his dimples, something you just caught. “Good, now continue answering the rest of the questions, you don't want to do bad you're first day with me do you?”
Once Namjoon got his pay and started his trek home he realized something. Brandon was right, you pretty much were the perfect girl. Just from one lesson, he realized he enjoyed teaching you something he's become so familiar with.
While he was lost in thought Brandon called him and Namjoon picked it up. “Hey, how was your first class?” Namjoon didn't want to tell him that he was secretly fond of the girl that Brandon liked and that he felt something for her as well so he chose to be as bland as possible.
“It was good. We just kind of reviewed what you guys already went over before.” Namjoon said crossing the street and walking into his apartment complex. He checked the mail seeing that he had nothing.
No one usually contacted him unless it was some bill.
“That's good, is she ok? I know I kind of left on short notice.” Brandon said into the phone. Namjoon hated that he felt indifferent towards Brandon's concerns. It wasn't really like him to see his friends whining about nothing in particular. “God I must've hurt her so bad.”
“I mean if she's hurt she didn't say anything about it, I mean I guess she was nervous,” Namjoon said entering his apartment. “I mean it's nothing bad for her to not be upset. Maybe she'll ask about you later?” God, he hated giving Brandon hope.
But Brandon took it as is. “Thanks, man, I really appreciate you doing this for me. Call you later.” And before Namjoon could even wish him goodbye the phone hung up in his face.
He let out a sigh before pouring a bowl of cereal. He wished you were there for him. You wouldn't have him eating this, you'd probably want him to eat better. Namjoon caught himself thinking in that way and he caught himself. He knew this would end badly. There is no other way it could go.
Namjoon had taught you for about a month now, and you couldn't stop thinking about him. Even now as he sits next to you while you study what he taught you today, you couldn't help but fantasize about him.
You sat with your head down reading over the pages in your notebook. You poked your lip out, hoping he would notice you. It was fruitless of an attempt but you at least had to try.
“Namjoon, have you ever been in love?”
He looks up at you cocking a brow. “What does this have to do with Korean?” You look away at his question, keeping your eyes glued to the notebook. Namjoon takes his thumb and tilts your eyes to look into his own. “Look up here, Answer the question.”
Your eyes look away. “It was a dumb question, I shouldn't have asked it.”
“But you did. Why?”
You let out a sigh before responding. “Well, I was just wondering if you had, you don't have to answer it, I know it's off-topic.” You blabber on, Namjoon letting your head drop.
“Well, yeah of course. I'm 29, and I of course have had a few relationships. But they always just don't get it you know?” Namjoon rests his head in his hand, elbow resting on your desk. “They didn't want to change for the sake of our relationship. I guess I just have a bad taste in women huh?” He ended with a chuckle.
“Yeah, I mean what do you like in women…? I can probably be a good judge of character for you.” You add playing it off as being nice towards him. Maybe if he told you what he liked, you could change to fit his standards. Namjoon seemed to be a perfect man, and maybe you being almost 20 could be perfect in his eyes if you did.
He turned to look at you. “Well, I like my women of course pretty. Smart, shy, well… I mean that's too much already.” He said throwing his hand up to brush it off coyly. You put a hand on his thigh, looking into his eyes as to encourage him.
“Tell me, I want to know.”
“Well, I don't think it matters really. Unless you think that you're right for me.” Namjoon said leaning down to get closer to you. “Are you baby? Are you the right person for me?”
You nodded getting closer, your lips ghosting over his own. Namjoon does the final push, connecting your lips together. His hand goes to your hair, tangling his hand into it. His tongue brushed over your teeth, pushing into your mouth. You were messy, clunky, and unsure of what you were doing. As he pulled away, his chest rose and fell. “Do you think you love me?” He finally asks. “Is that why you asked me if I had ever been in love?”
“Mhmm, you're just so… amazing and wise… I've looked at you since you showed up in the kitchen…”
“Good, I think that you're amazing, and I want to see where this goes, I think you're the right person… the one I've been looking for,” Namjoon said before connecting your lips again.
From that day on, every time you had a class with Namjoon, it was really spent cuddling and enjoying your time with the older man. Laying in bed, you two would usually talk about life, normally letting Namjoon talk and praise you. Maybe it was due to the fact you usually went along with whatever he wanted to do.
Like now.
You dug your nails into his arm, his hand dug into your panties, fingering you. He quieted your moans with his lips, you sitting in front of him, toes curling as they hang off your bed. “Joon…” You whine into his mouth, trying to be as quiet as possible. “It f-feels so good…”
His fingers curled, blunt nails hitting at your walls. “Yeah? Doesn't it feel good to be loved?” He said placing kisses down your neck, sucking a hickey to join new and faded ones. He usually couldn't keep his hands off of you, no matter what, usually liking for his hands to dig into your thighs, thumbs brushing over the top of your knee-high socks. But now he wanted to give you pleasure, something he called a gift since you two were together.
You nodded as you feel your cunt gush around his thick fingers. “Please let me cum… I need it, sir.” You moan quietly into his mouth. Namjoon only liked to be called sir when messing around. He told you that it made him feel empowered and that you being there made him feel so much better than usual. You saw nothing wrong with that of course, isn't that the role of a lover?
“Do it for me, baby, all over my fingers.” And you do, as soon as he says that, you throw your head back on his shoulder. You collapse onto him, Namjoon adjusting it to where you laid on him in bed. He stuck his fingers into his mouth, sucking off your juices. You couldn't help but blush. “You taste amazing, like always.”
You roll your eyes playfully. “Are you still going to be able to make it to my party? I know my parents invited you and stuff.” You ask, hand playing with your boyfriend's cheek. Of course, coming from a rich family meant you'd have large parties for your birthday. It's not like you wanted them but, they also told you they invited your tutor who just so happened to be your boyfriend.
Namjoon swatted at your fingers, chuckling a bit. “Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world. We just won't pretend to be a thing.” He says. You nod in agreement, knowing your parent's reaction would most likely ruin the party in general.
“Yeah… okay! We should have around 30 minutes left, and I really just want to nap.” You say closing your eyes and laying down your head. Namjoons hand stroked at your head soothing you to fall asleep.
The day had come for your party, and Namjoon couldn't have been more excited. He put on a brand new suit, one he brought with the money he made from his newfound job. As he arrives at the home, he spots that people have already shown up and that it's an outside party at that. Namjoon walked towards the backyard patio, your father setting up a backdrop for pictures.
“Mr, Kim, just the man I wanted to see,” Your father behind raising up to hug the man. “I'm glad you made it, hey can you head inside to grab the champagne buckets? They should be in the cellar in the basement.”
Namjoon nodded. “Yes, of course, I'll be back.” Namjoon makes his way to the back door seeing a table of women who blew kisses at them. He smiled before going inside, taking his phone out to send you a quick text.
Namjoon: Just arrived! Ur dad is already putting me to work lol
Baby🤍: Oh goddd I'll get on him about it.
Baby🤍 Still getting ready though, so just work for him a bit until I finish. Luv uuuu!!!
Namjoon chuckled at your texts as he made his way into the kitchen.
“So when were you going to tell me you started fucking her?” Namjoon put his phone down to look up, seeing no one other than Brandon. He stood at the kitchen island leaning on it, a drink in hand.
“Oh, your back? I thought you'd be gone longer.” Namjoon commented before turning to head to the basement. He wasn't going to deal with Brandon and ruin his girlfriend's day.
That thought was before Brandon shoved Namjoon into a wall. Brandon held Namjoons shirt. “Don't play dumb with me, I went to see her. I was gonna gift her a letter and she said she already had a boyfriend. And I know the only dude she would see constantly was you. How could you? I asked you to do one thing and you couldn't even do that?!” Brandon said, getting in Namjoons face. He whinced, Brandon's forearm resting on Namjoons neck pushing down. There was no way he was going to die this way, not from Brandon's rage.
Namjoon pushed him off, then shoved him down the basement stairs. Namjoon stood there as he watched Brandon fall, head hitting the wood. He waited until the last thud, Namjoon slowly walking downstairs to see what he had just done. Once he reaches the bottom, Namjoon smiles, the sick sight of Brandon writhing on the ground groaning. A puddle of blood formed around him, the impact from hitting the concrete probably giving him a concussion.
The bottom of Namjoons shoes clicked as he made his way to the cellar. He took the metal branding tool used to mark the barrels. The sound of metal shrieked as he dragged it towards Brandon's beat-up corpse. “I'm sorry I have to do this, but you're in my way now. And we can't have that now can we?” Namjoon taunted raising the iron. Brandon's eyes opened slightly as he saw the iron come down on him.
Namjoon felt tears pour down his cheeks as he began to beat Brandon in.He coughed up blood, and Namjoon didn't stop beating Brandon until he was certain he was dead. Once he came to that conclusion he dropped the iron. "Why did you make me do that huh?!" Namjoon yelled at no one. "You ruin everything, god, im happy you're fucking gone."
Namjoon claimed himself wiping his eyes of tears. He got up and grabbed the champagne buckets. He looked back before heading out of the basement, locking the door. He lets out a sigh before leaving, not looking back. He had bigger plans now, and Brandon wasn't in them.
He couldn't be in them.
Namjoons eyes trailed over your form, stopping at your socks as you laughed with your family. Outside the patio, you see Namjoon carrying the ice buckets and wave him over. He smiles at you before signing and returning to his girlfriend who he plans to keep forever.
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carmenized-onions · 4 months
Doing Too Much. | House Call
logline; Appliances can reach their breaking point, when you push them too far. Same goes for people.
[!!!] series history, this is the sixth; First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth
[New Thing!!] Spotify Playlist, if you like to listen while you read. I listen to it when I write :) Constantly gettin' added to.
portion; 4.8k
possible allergies; eatin' meat, besides that, we're pretty good actually. did somebody say calm before the storm....?
pairing; Carmen ‘Carmy’ Berzatto & Fem Reader (no pronouns, but girl is said a couple times, i believe.)
After this chapter, I'm entering my era of couch hopping as I move to a new city n start a new job. I'm really excited for the chapter after this one, so hopefully I actually get time to write it-- But that's just my lil warning if you're left rereading for like two weeks </3 But I'll def be stalking my activity/inbox so please do yap to me
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Monday morning. The next morning after everything. Well, closer to noon than morning, at this point. You’re supposed to have, what, a work ethic this week? After the most insane weekend of your life? No. You’re lazing around and doing fuck all. No matter who calls. Well… Not completely no matter, but like, most people.
When you check your phone, you’ve gotten a text at 6:43 A.M. Unknown number. Ah. Carmen. You put him in as Carmy, and put his nickname as ‘Mister New York’. Listen, old nicknames Mikey ingrained in your brain die hard.
It’s a simple text, deeply un-romantic.
‘Connections Puzzle #342’
Then, four lines of four perfect categories. Flawless. Purple first, even. The hardest category. And then,
Stupid. Incredibly stupid, to be enamoured, by this. You reply,
‘Good morning!’
‘Connections Puzzle #342’
And then a failed jumble of coloured squares, you get one out of four categories. What the fuck is 'dogleg' and since when has it meant taking a sharp turn? You follow that up with,
‘Fuck you.’
Aside from Carmen, you’ve actually gotten texts from a couple people. Your boss at Eden’s asking if you’re alright. What the fuck did Cicero say? Oh well. You tell him you’ve ‘been better, been worse. Will be okay by next week.’ Perfectly vague, and you still get wired your cheque and tip out. Alright, maybe Uncle J does deserve your free labour.
Speaking of, the next text on your itinerary is from Uncle J, just info for the winter nuptials of Vinnie and Mira. Oh yeah. Three-hundred guests, you remember that part. You also remember him saying it’d be an ‘easy gig’… He did not mention you’d be the only bartender. This is going to be a nightmare. Oh well. You text back that despite it being an open bar you get to put out a tip jar. He just reacts to it, ‘haha’. That sounds like a yes to you.
And then, adorably, a selfie from Syd, wearing the collar and pins you’ve gifted her, under a green sweater. Cutie. You hype her up accordingly.
Besides some texting though, Monday is relatively unbusy. No calls. No emergencies. No businesses knocking down your door for your services. You’re thankful for a break, letting the inertia set in, finally being able to relax after fix after fix after—
Tuesday comes, you get sent another perfect round of New York Time’s Connections around half past six in the morning, along with a good morning text. And again, you fuck it up. You send him your Wordle results this time, as an act of rebellion. You then ask,
‘How’s reworking the menu going?’
‘Hard to say’
‘Ask me tomorrow’
God he’s an awful texter. Horrifically dry. You know you’re down bad beyond a belief when you find that endearing. You spend Tuesday drowning and pruning your plants after depriving them for so long.
Plus working on your art piece for Carmy. You’re pulling out old film photos, a canvas, and a load of bleach—It’s like high school art class all over again— Surprise surprise, the handyman who loves to up-cycle is a mixed media artist. Who could’ve guessed?
While trimming a photo, an exterior of The Beef, a picture frame on your wall falls down behind you, you tut, turning your head to it, chastising the air. “Mikey! It’s a copy, relax! I’ve still got the original print…”
There’s every chance you’re insane— No, you’re definitely insane. But you’re allowed to be, your best friend died, you’re allowed to talk to the air as if he’s still around. Sometimes the timing of doors swinging open for you and things falling down are just too uncanny to not be a ghost.
Wednesday arrives, and again, just after 6:40, Connections results. And the Wordle, this time; plus a ‘Good Morning’. It looks like this is simply just your thing, now. Every morning, the second both of you get up, you send each other puzzles and wish a good morning. You don’t mind that. It’s nice to have a ‘thing’, with someone. With Carmen.
Part way through the day, around two o’clock, you get another text. Two, actually. From Carmen, in quick succession.
‘Are you busy?’
‘Don’t worry if you’re busy. Can call Fak’
You’re quick to reply, frankly deeply offended.
‘Are you fucking firing me????’
‘I’m gonna get ready. Text me details’
While getting dressed, you watch three dots bubble, bubble, bubble… He’s taking forever, just don’t look at it, you’ll get anxious for no reason. No jumpsuit today, you’ve got to switch it up every now and again. Navy cargo pants with the perfect number of pockets and zippers, and an orange Chicago’s Kindest shirt, tucked in. Hm. Looking in the mirror, hickey is still there. Lighter, but there. Foundation? No. You’ll sweat it off and that’ll just bring up more questions. If Syd asks you’ll just tell her you fell down the stairs… On your neck. She's not the type to confront anything remotely sexual anyways.
Speaking of Syd, before Carmen can text you back, she calls you, which is fair— Don’t leave a Carmen to communicate. You stick your phone in the crux of your neck and answer while you pack your utility belt. This feels nearly nostalgic. “What’s fucked?”
Carmen is in the background; you can hear the tail end of a sentence, grumbling. “—Don’t call—”
“My life.” She responds without missing a beat. “And also, Carmy’s stove and oven.”
“Oh.” You squint. “What the fuck happened?”
“Overuse? I actually don’t fucking know, it just stopped working. We plugged it in and out— He even reset his apartment’s breakers. I dunno what’s wrong with it. It’s probably got something to do with him putting his fuckin’ jeans in there.”
“…He what?”
You can hear him in the background, again, clearer this time, grimacing, “What are you doing to me?”
Syd does not mind him at all, continuing, “I know! He’s fucking weird!”
“He’s extremely weird.” You like him a lot. “I’ll be over soon, were you guys like, mid-cooking?”
“Christ, alright… I think I have a dual burner hot plate laying around somewhere, you want me to bring it—”
They both speak clearly this time, together, “Please.”
You’ve got a pile of things to give to them anyways, and maybe you miss Carmy’s face. Just a little.
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Instead of just buzzing you in, Carmy comes down for you. When he sees you through the door window, carrying a cardboard box, he almost breaks into a full run. He’s somehow opening the door, grabbing the box from your hands, and chastising you all at the same time. “You should’ve left it in the car, I would’ve—”
You step in through the entryway and kiss his cheek, cutting him short. You can’t help yourself, it’s the first time you’ve seen him since and you feel like a giddy teen. The teenage girl in your head is no longer just in your head, she’s fully manning the station. “You’re very sweet. But it’s also not heavy.”
When he continues to be frozen, the regret starts to mount, “Is—Sorry, is that okay to do—?”
“It’s very okay to do.” He manages to reply, with haste. Nodding to himself. “It’s good.” He nods again, then marches off, expecting you to follow to the elevator. You do.
“What floor?”
“Eighth.” He sniffs; you press the button. He stands next to you, looking you up and down. He astutely observes. “Orange.”
“Yeah.” You smirk, looking back at him, “Turns out, businesses can have two colours in their designs.”
What’s a little roasting of fellow small businesses between two not just friends?
“Oh yeah?” Coy, smirking. Oh no. You’ve gotta get the teen off the controls. He tilts his vision to stare at your jacket. Ah. You opted to wear your Carhartt instead of his jean jacket.
“Didn’t wanna give Syd more questions.” She already guessed you’re a sugar baby, you don’t want to wrap Carmen in on that too. Especially since ideally in a month or two he’ll be your boss. Hm. The Bear is going to need an HR.
He hums, nodding. “We’re not telling Syd?”
“What’s there to tell?” You grin, crossing your arms. “You suddenly have free time, Bear?”
He takes a beat, thinking, then just takes a deep frustrated yet amused exhale. “I’m gonna fuckin’…” He can’t think of a threat. “…Get you.”
You snort, “You’re gonna get me?”
“Fuck you—!” “You’re gonna fuckin’ get me, Bear?”
“I—” He tries to hold a straight face, it doesn’t work. “Yeah, I am.”
“Can’t wait.” You nod, grinning, turning back to the doors. “You told me to ask how menu’s going tomorrow.”
“I did.”
“It’s tomorrow.” The door dings, opening on the eighth floor; you step out together. He switches his grip to hold the box in one arm. Alright Biceps, we don’t need to brag here...
“It’s… We’re getting there.” He grimaces. “Syd’s recipes are always… Almost perfect.”
“Ah.” You nod, you know your friend well enough to know where this is going. “And she fucks up one thing hard?”
“And when you tell her it’s okay and give her a hand she just feels worse?”
He nods. A touch surprised you’re right on the dot so quickly. “Everything ends up perfect, but I think she’s finding the edits…”
“Demoralizing.” You walk down the hall together, he nods. “I know what she needs, I’ll find an in.”
“You always do.” He hums, you walk just a touch ahead of him, unknowingly walking past his door. He pulls you back by the back of your jacket, making you stumble back into him. This seems to be this villain’s intention; as when you turn around, he’s quick to grab your chin and kiss you.
“It’s very good.” He emphasizes, again, before opening his door and acting like everything’s totally normal and fine. Since when did he turn the tables and make you the desperate one? Son of a bitch.
Ah. Actually, subtract any attraction you had in this moment— He lives like this? Books on the floor, by the window. Jeans on the dinner table, because they were in the oven. The kitchen actually looks alright— You’re almost certain that’s purely for utilitarian purposes while they’re working on the menu. This motherfucker better have a bed frame or him asking you to sleep over would be downright offensive. God, he’s wonderful. God, you’re an idiot.
You find Syd at the table, moping, head in hands. Carmen sets the box down, sitting beside her. You pat the top of her head. She silently moves one of her hands to go over yours. You nod. The silent exchange of girls who know.
She nods, grumbling. “Yeah.”
Carmen has no fucking idea what’s happening and he’s never been more intrigued by a near wordless social interaction in his entire life. What? You’re not even making eye-contact. What the fuck is happening?
You fish through the box with your free hand, grabbing a pot. You place it in front of Syd. “Look.”
She peeks through her fingers. A tiny but flourishing nursery pot of basil sits before her. You speak. “You’re gonna hyper-fixate on this basil I’m gifting you, and then you’re gonna crack back into it with the dual burner until I’m done fixing the oven.”
She nods, putting her hands in her lap, “Yes, Chef.”
You pull out a second nursery pot, setting it down for Carmen. “For you.”
“What for?”
“Basil grows like a motherfucker and it’s getting unhinged. I need to start pawning off to people that’ll make good use of it. A-K-A, chefs.” You look at Syd, pointedly, “Talented chefs.”
You hand off the heating pad— Wrapped in brown paper with a card tied to it, to Carmen. “For Nat.” You add, when he looks confused, “Can’t imagine I’ll see her sooner than you will.”
He looks even more confused, when you hand him a spray bottle full of reddish water. It’s one of the good spray bottles, too. Continuous. Carmen wouldn’t know the difference, but you do. “Rosemary. —Water, that is.”
He squints; you clarify, gesturing to your own hair. “You mentioned, losing hair, so— Thought I’d make some, with the trimmings of rosemary I had. Got ginger and cloves in it, too.”
Why have you trapped him in hell? You’ve remembered such a specific off hand from days ago and acted on it? And he can’t express the grandiose level of affection he feels right now? Are you serious? You’re the devil. You’re absolutely the devil. He just coughs out a ‘thanks’.  
“And, the pièce de résistance,” You pull out the old ass, boxed up double burner countertop stove. “A stovetop that ideally fuckin’ works. It was my single claim to fame in my college dormitory.”
Carmen’s already opening the box. Sydney smirks, curiosity peaked. “Was that legal?”
“You a fuckin’ RA?” You grin, poking her forehead. “It was not. And that’s exactly why everyone loved me— Didn’t serve them fuckin’ hot pockets.”
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The configurations of Carmen’s apartment would be great for literally any occasion besides the current one. The kitchen is narrow, and so, when you pull out the stove to check the back, there’s an estimated no fucking room left for Carm and Syd, so they sit at the dinner table with your stove top. You’d think they’d look like they’re doing a cute hot pot. No. They look like two conflicted and confused twelve-year-olds working on a science project.
So do you, honestly. Wiring is definitely more your speed than plumbing, but if you’re being honest, this is the first oven you’ve worked on without your dad, and you’re having a hard time remembering everything. There’s a lot of embarrassed Googling on your phone, when you're sure they’re not looking. They can’t know you’re even slightly incompetent!
You’re pretty sure it’s just a couple damaged wires, fried from overwork— Easy fix, if you had wire. You don’t. Slightly harder fix. But soldering is your bitch really, you’re in your bag. You look stupid, wearing chunky goggles and a respirator, but you’re in your bag, baby! What’s that one saying? Skills make you hot? That’s not a saying.
But it is true. When Carmen’s able to peer into the kitchen, quickly looking over his shoulder when Syd takes a moment to write a measurement or direction down, you look stunning.  Respirator and all. You just look correct there, in the kitchen. His kitchen. So stunning he feels guilty. Do you find it annoying? Constantly fixing errors behind him? Probably. You say it’s not a lot of work, but that can’t be true.
“How’s The Bear, ‘sides menu rework?” You ask, raising your voice in the kitchen.
“S’good.” Carmen. “I’m in hell.” Syd. Not hard to tell which statue is lying, here.
Syd stutters on, “Nat’s takin’ care of baby Michaela— Which is very good and—and cool, actually.”
“But we’re back to handling the business side entirely ourselves, for like— The next month. Maybe two? Fuck, are we doing the wedding without her?” Sydney almost burns her sauce, Carmen’s quick to move it off the burner.
He mutters, “Don’t even start to think about it. It’s gonna be fine. We’re gonna figure it out.”
“Oh yeah, wedding— Have you gotten your menu yet?” You call from the kitchen, muffled by your respirator.
“Oh my god!” Sydney exclaims, and Carmen is wincing. She can’t tell you things are going wrong; doesn’t she know that? You’ll fix it, if things are wrong. You always fix it. Fix him. You’re gonna put him in your phone as Carmy Bad News. If you haven’t already. Start a support group with Tif.
Syd continues, “They’re so fucking particular and somehow also vague—Like, ‘we want salmon and chicken’ for main course— What kind of preparation? ‘Surprise us!’ Okay, how about roasted chicken—? ‘Mmmm, no, not that’. I’ve been told ‘non quello’ at least ten times in the last four days.”
No, you’re witty. Bad News Bear. Fuck, that’s definitely his name in your phone, isn’t it?
“Fuckin’ nightmare. Y’know, I’m the only fucking bartender? For like three hundred guests? Thank God they’re not asking for a custom cocktail or anything, I’d lose my shit.”
Sydney laughs, and she steps back into her flow easily, reducing the sauce without burning it, now. She looks more serene than she has in days. What? How are you doing that? What are you doing? Are you casting a spell?
“Can you even fucking imagine what their couples’ cocktail would be?”
You groan from the kitchen, laughing in return, “Not you too, Syd! Must you make me work!?”
“C’mon maestro, make a cocktail!”
“Bleh. Uh… They give long island iced tea energy, but it’s a wedding so— Like a boozier negroni?”
“That sounds fucking disgusting.”
“I didn’t say it’d be good, I said it’d be their couples’ cocktail.” You’re both giggling, like school girls. It’s like you said— You become teens, together.
Despite the fact that Syd is making an incredibly complex dish, and you’re fixing an oven—His oven— Ridiculing the other impossible tasks set out for the both of you… Despite all of that, you’re laughing.
Carmen is, what, nearly thirty? A restaurant owner, with a full crew, who attends Al-Anon, and is only now truly registering the power of an unsolvable burden being shared. Not fixed, shared. Talking. Laughing. God, this all comes so easy to you, doesn’t it?
You finish soldering, test each burner, and the oven— All working, thank God. You quietly cheer in the kitchen, removing your respirator and goggles. “We’re good here! Fixed!”
“C’mere!” Syd calls out to you, and so you do. Eagerly. She hands you a fork. Unprompted, she does the thing. You’d missed the OG, really.
“Beef Oxtail, pressed in a Foie Gras casing, seared. Basted in a King Oyster mushroom sauce. Pureed greens on the side.”
“I never know what the fuck you’re saying.”
She pushes the side of your face with the palm of her hand. “Put it in your mouth and chew.”
You want to make some sort of kink joke, but you respect the already struggling man in the room and take a bite. Hm. Hm. You put a finger over your mouth, swallowing. “...Now it might just be my unrefined palate.”
“That’s why we have you try it.” Carmen pipes in. Syd nods, following. “It’s important to know the baseline.”
“…It’s got like,” You hand the fork to Syd so she can try it, while you think. “A bit of a bitter aftertaste? Which might be the… goal?”
Syd spits it out the second it touches her mouth, she shouts your name, your actual name— A rarity. She’s so terrified that she forgets the Walk-In bit she’s been in on all week. “I just fuckin’ poisoned you— Oh my god?! Are you good? That was— Fuck! You swallowed that?!”
She grabs your face like a concerned mother, also maybe to check if you have superpowers, you’re not sure. All you know is there’s a golden opportunity to make another sex joke and you have to hold back. Life is so unfair.
Carmen takes a quick taste, also spitting it out. “I’ve got it, Chef, don’t sweat.” Immediately looking to the drafted recipe card to see where they went wrong.
Syd almost squeezes your cheeks like a stress ball but thinks better of it, letting go, groaning, beyond frustrated at this point. “You shouldn’t have to fix it— I should fuckin’ have it, at this point.”
Carmen's trying to ignore how much he relates to the sentiment. He's not the focus, right now.
“We make mistakes, Chef—” “Syd.” You snap your fingers, pointing to her, interrupting Carmen. “Can you help me grab something, from my car? It’s kinda big.”
Carmen’s quick to chime in, already going to untie his apron, “I can—”
“No!” You look at him pointedly, trying to communicate through look alone. He kind of gets it? “It’s… Girl stuff.”
Syd squints. “You need me to help you carry a big girl thing?”
“…Are you fuckin’ helping or are you gonna poke holes?”
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“What are you actually dragging me out for?”
“Technically I do actually need your help grabbing something, it’s just not a girl thing. And it's also not from my car.”
You walk out of Carmen’s building with his keys, and gesture out to every apartment buildings treasure trove— The spot everyone throws their furniture when they move out and don’t know what else to do with it.
“Bookshelf!” There is actually one pristine looking bookshelf, a cheap one, definitely just something from IKEA. But it’s better than the fucking floor. “I spotted it on my way in, we’re gonna bring it up for Carm.”
She groans, hating the concept of manual labour, but still walks with you and grabs one end anyways. “Why didn’t you make Carmen carry his own bookshelf?”
“Because you need a fuckin’ pep-talk.” You pick the other end of the bookshelf up. It’s thankfully not that heavy. You walk backwards so you can keep facing Syd.
“…I don’t—” “Yes the fuck you do.”
She kisses her teeth, you frown. “What’s up, Adamu?”
“It’s just fucking annoying— I keep, I keep fucking it up. I keep—Keep—”
“Doing too much.”
She gives you a look, ‘are you serious?’, type look. You continue. “You’re doing too much. You’re not cooking like you.”
“I can cook like Michelin—”
“I never said you couldn’t. Watch your step.” You interrupt, walking over a bump in the sidewalk. “You can do star level shit, Syd. But that’s a grade, not a type.”
She kind of reels, at that. You continue, “You cook great complex dishes, you always have, I’ve tried them. But now, you’re all caught up trying to prove some shit, to Carmen, to—to— Who gives stars? The tires guy?”
She laughs, almost dropping the bookshelf. “Yeah, I’m trying to impress the tires guy.”
“Fuck you.” You snort, stepping up the stairs. “What I’m trying to say is, you should make what you want to eat, not what you think you should eat.”
She nods, you stop on top of the stairs, both taking a second to breathe. “…Thanks.”
You nod back, hands on your knees for a second before standing back up, opening the lobby door. “I’ll always be your cheerleader, Syd.”
“More like coach.”
“Can you let me have one hot girl career, please?”
When you get back up to Carmen’s, he’s already grimacing. You and Syd are split apart by the bookshelf standing between you in the hall. “Fuck is this?”
“It was free and I’ll clean it!” You press your hands together pleading. “C’mon, you can even put your jeans in it!”
“Jeans on a bookshelf?”
You turn to Syd. “Better than the oven.”
“I think he’s doing that to dry them.”
“I think it’s ‘cause he doesn’t own a dresser.”
“It’s both.” Carmen clicks his tongue, single-handedly picking up the bookshelf and carrying inside. Alright, does he need to show off this much? Whatever. It’s definitely not making you feel any type of way at all.
You squint, watching him walk further in his apartment, and then to Syd. You speak at the same time. “He stays doing too much.”
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As promised, you wipe down the bookshelf, making sure it’s free of grime and roadside pests. Syd and Carmy work together in the kitchen, with a now functioning oven. You load the shelf up with the books on the floor— Thankfully they’re piled into categories already, so you don’t have to bother him about that.
You’re tempted to clean his living room, but that would probably be rude, right? Don’t want him to take it as you saying he’s a slob. But they are taking a while… Alright, you’ll just throw out trash. You won’t fold blankets or pick up dishes or anything. Just trash! No big! He can’t be mad at you for that.
You pile together the garbage, then sneakily throw it out in the kitchen trash can as fast as you can, before he looks. He’ll think he’s just sleep cleaning, or something. “How’s it goin’ in here?’
Carmen pipes up, eyes focused on the dish as Syd plates it. “Good.” Syd holds the plate in one hand, and silently corrals you with the other to sit at the table. You do. She sets it down the plate before you, handing you a fork and knife.
You look up at her expectantly. She shakes her head. “Eat first, this time.”
She looks serious, so you nod, cutting into the dish. It’s different from the last one. Instead of oxtail, it’s pastry. Or at least, a puff pastry exterior. You’re pretty sure it’s Pillsbury, you remember Carmen buying that, the other day, on your excursion.
Inside it, you believe is the beef oxtail, there’s other things, too. Some sort of sauce, some greens— Oh well, no time to bask in the cross section because Syd looks like she’s about to explode. You take a bite. You nod, chewing.
Syd starts, “Searing the duck caused the bitter taste— So instead of- Of searing the outside, I coated it in the mushroom sauce, the greens— Not pureed, this time, for texture. Your basil, too. There’s a crumble of feta, for a subtle tang. And then wrapped it all together in puff pastry, and baked. It’s sort of like, a varied take on a beef welling—”
“You made a fucking gourmet hot pocket?” You swallow, wheezing. The second you say this, Sydney’s focused face beams, laughing, like she’s just pulled off the most perfect prank of all time.
Carmen was so intrigued and focused on Sydney’s explanation, that you watering it down to hot pocket and being right makes his entire system reboot. He cannot stop smiling, aghast. He's been helping Syd make a hot pocket for the past hour?
“I told you to make what you want and—” wheeze “—you make a fucking hot pocket?!” You double down, laughing with her, she’s trying to defend herself but she can’t stop wheezing in tandem.
“I— I can’t fuckin’ stand you!” You snort, covering your face with your arm. “I hate your ass, oh my God, Syd.”
“Did—” snort “What did you think?” She recovers, slowly but surely.
You shake your head, handing her the fork. “It’s sick, Syd, obviously, it’s fucking perfect… Chef.” You tack on at the end, almost forgetting. “I’m not gonna be able to have an actual hot pocket, ever again. You’ve ruined my life.”
She takes a bite for herself, nodding. She does a small cheer, pumping her fist. “Let’s fucking go.” She points her fork at you— Purely on muscle memory, and you both instantly remember the days of her testing out recipes and you pairing them on first taste. She’d point her fork to you like a microphone. It was a fun game between two nerds.
It’s a reflex response for you, even now. “Barolo. Savory, dry, red. A young one, though. Light body. Could also do an Amarone, if you’re not buried in money.”
She hands the fork off to Carmy to try it, then writes the pairings down, mumbling, amusement still in her voice. “How the fuck do you do that?”
“I honestly don’t know. I think I have some wires crossed.”
“Fire, Chef.” Carmen swallows his bite. “We cannot call it a hot pocket on the menu.”
“Then what’s the point!?”
Leaving Carmen’s place is objectively the most awkward experience— But also the funniest. You offer to wait for Syd and drive her home— You’ll need a second to pack anyways while they make their business plans.
When you do offer, of course, Carmen stutters short, almost asking you again to sleep over or at the very least stay late, but saves it, realizing himself.
Syd accepts the ride offer. You pack up and wait for her to be done. When she is, Carmen offers to carry your things down with you both, in which Syd accuses him of thinking you’re both weaklings— He does not have a defense case for this, he has to let you go. You can tell he wants to kiss you at the door, and you do too. Sadly, you’re equally down bad, but he can’t know that…
You say your goodbyes, Syd helps you load your tools and hotplate in the trunk of your car. Your phone vibrates. Text from Mister New York.
‘Look up I’m on the balcony. 8 floors.’
You look up, sure as shit, he’s out there, cigarette in mouth. Unlit. He waves, you wave back. He texts again, in rapid succession.
‘Thank you’
‘For helping Syd’
‘And the oven and the hot plate and the bookshelf (not necessary)’
‘nbd + I think it’s v necessary’ Does Carmen understand acronyms? You’re risking it, here.
‘and cleaning my trash’ Sonofabitch.
‘ah fuck. I don’t think you’re messy!!! I just wanted to help!!!’
‘I know. You’re you. Be safe.’
Oh goddammit, stupid dry texter, saying something so gah. You jump as Syd taps the roof of your car behind you, getting your attention. Watching from a far distance, Carmen laughs, though you don’t notice it.
“Are we going?”
“Yes! Sorry!” You hurriedly pocket your phone, waving one last time as you get in your car. Syd sits beside you in shotgun, her pot of basil sat safely in her lap. You drive off.
You’re half way down the road, when Syd pipes up again. “So y’all are fucking, correct?”
You almost brake check the guy behind you.
 “How do you fuckin’ do that!?”
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the opening is dedicated to my dear friend and i who have sent our wordle results to each other everyday for the past like year and a half.
Things of note, one - people usually skip the shit up top-- I made a spotify playlist! Listen if you like, I'm not your dad.
Two, I know this is a self insert right, i know what I set myself up for-- Do you know the hell i am in as a syd x carmy girl writing scenes with both of them and it NOT being them? What have I done, to myself? The only coping mechanism I have is imagining in this universe Syd is a lesbian. And that is helping.
The hot pocket recipe-- Who fucking knows, if that would taste good? I think it would? In theory? I fucked with a dish from Daniel NYC, to make it into a bit. Would it work? ....Beef wellingtons do, I can't see why this can't???? Idk man.
Rosemary water w cloves and ginger does fucking work btw. I am part of the so stressed out i lost my hair brigade. Also basil does grow like a motherfucker.
We're seein' a little bit of that tenseness that comes with being in an 'almost relationship' both of them feel like they've got something they can fuck up now. Poor birds. They'll be okay. Probably.
I'm really excited for the next chapter, I don't wanna give shit away, but it's gonna be,,,,,, different. I haven't seen anyone try this kinda formatting on tumblr before, and I'm excited to see what you think. Between my moving and how complex the choreography of it is gonna be, it's gonna be a much longer minute between this chapter and the next, I fear. But listen, you already knew your ass was gettin' spoiled with a chapter every two days. Hehe.
As always, please come yap to me in the replies/inbox/dms/reblogs. I love to hear thoughts!! It sustains me, baby!!
Next Part
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asdfghjklmals · 1 year
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff. suggestive jokes. WORD COUNT: 3.1k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc. high school couple. adopted kiddo!megumi.
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SYNOPSIS: megumi starts to learn the ten shadows technique from the best senseis, oc gojo girlfriend and satoru gojo. AUTHOR'S NOTE: just a random idea popped into my head and i ran with it. i also love the cockblock megumi troupe. REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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you and satoru spent the last week getting ready to start your final year at jujutsu high. the newest adjustment in the both of your lives was to somehow include megumi and tsumiki in it too. you were pretty sure that satoru wasn't thinking about the fact that megumi and tsumiki still had to attend school, do homework, bathe, and eat when he asked you to help take care of them with him.
until you and satoru graduated, yaga-sensei allowed megumi and tsumiki to live in the school dorms where they shared a room near yours. you wanted them close by just in case they ever need anything... and it seemed that tsumiki and megumi felt closer to you than to satoru anyways. maybe this was the ‘motherly touch’ satoru was talking about. (read ‘learn to love’ here)
you dried and brushed tsumiki's hair, getting the kids ready for bed. satoru stepped into the room, the two children looked over at their guardian who was late to the nightly routine, as always.
"hi gojo-sensei!" tsumiki chirped with a bright smile on her face. she took a liking to satoru pretty early on. they were partners in crime from the very first moment they met.
satoru smiled at the 6 year old girl, "hey tsumiki. did you and megumi just finish take a bath?"
she nodded in reply, "yeah! we did!"
you looked up at satoru, noticing that he was watching megumi who was quietly reading his book in the corner of the room.
"satoru, why don't you teach megumi how to summon his demon dogs tomorrow? don't you think it's time?" you asked the white haired sorcerer with a mischievous smile. you secretly hoped that megumi and satoru would get some bonding time, just the two of them.
megumi looked up from his book and gazed over at you. you always knew how to get his attention. you winked at the younger sorcerer before he quickly looked back at his book.
satoru walked over to the 5 year old and crouched down to his level, "megumi, before i teach you how to summon your shikigami, i want to make sure you know how to fight. i'll teach you close combat fighting and then we can talk about your demon dogs. how does that sound?”
"can (y/n) teach me how to fight instead?" megumi asked as he glared at satoru. satoru laughed out loud, amused that megumi was asking for you to teach him how to fight instead of the person who was ranked #1 in close combat (aka him). he felt a little offended, but he understood that megumi was more comfortable with you than he was with him.
you piped in, "i can teach you what i know, but you have to promise to wake up bright and early tomorrow."
megumi looked back at you and smiled, "i promise!"
"hey..." satoru mumbled, "you never smile at me."
megumi's smile faded quickly as he glared at satoru again, making everyone in the room laugh.
the next morning
you knocked on the door to tsumiki and megumi's room before entering. tsumiki was still sleeping, nothing could wake that girl up, not even an earthquake. megumi was ready to go for the day as he was already dressed and tying his shoe laces.
"good morning, megumi." you whispered to the child as you stooped down to help him tie his shoes. you patted his head and ruffled his hair. "we're going to learn the basics today, okay? contrary to what your gojo-sensei thinks, i think you're still a little too young to be fighting."
"—but i want to be strong." megumi said confidently. "gojo-sensei said that i have to be strong enough to keep up with him."
you giggled, "megumi you're literally 5. you have all the time in the world to catch up with your gojo-sensei. i promise that satoru and i will help you get stronger, but you have to promise that you'll work hard in return. we're counting on you."
"i'll work hard. i promise." megumi stuck out his pinky as you locked yours with his.
at the sparring field
while you and megumi stood in the middle of the sparring field, satoru, suguru, shoko, nanami, and yu were sitting down at the pavilions spectating. the sun was shining brightly as you felt a cool breeze in the air. the weather was perfect.
"okay megumi!" you called out to him, "take your stance and get ready!"
you saw megumi put his fists up like a boxer, his cursed energy pooling in just his fists. you walked towards him as he backed away from you, wondering if you were going to pull a fast one on him.
"alrighty kiddo," you reached out for his arms, "your stance is already wrong. lower your fists a little."
you adjusted his hands just below his chin, "as a ten shadows technique user, having your hands free is important. don't always resort to using them as a shield." you moved his leg next, "—now move back just a little so you can advance forward if needed."
you adjusted megumi's legs to where they should be if he needed to jump or lunge out of the way. at the same time, you could sense satoru's overwhelming cursed energy. he was watching the both of you, ready to teleport to your side if need be. you told him earlier this morning that you didn't need him to jump in at all. megumi was only 5 years old and you could handle his tiny amount of cursed energy. however, satoru still worried whenever it came to you.
"are you worried that (y/n) isn't going to teach megumi correctly or something?" shoko looked up from her medical textbook, asking curiously, "why do you keep hovering?"
satoru shook his head and took off his sunglasses, "nah, it's not that. i'm just interested."
with the six eyes, satoru could read everyone's cursed energy. he could see megumi's cursed energy balled up in his fists just like you sensed earlier, and he could also see the immense amount of cursed energy surrounding your body as well.
"maybe it's a good thing the kid is learning from (y/n) instead of you," nanami stated, folding his arms, "you'd probably teach him bad habits."
satoru rolled his eyes at the 7:3 sorcerer, "megumi asked (y/n) to teach him how to fight. i even offered to teach the brat before he asked her."
"she'd probably be gentler and more patient than you anways." shoko stated as-a-matter-of-factly.
satoru scoffed at his bestfriend’s ridiculous statement, “no one gets strong by being gentle, shoko.”
while everyone was talking, satoru noticed one of your spirit birds hovering over the table. you were being nosy as always. he chuckled as the lone shikigami spirit bird sat on his shoulder. he gave it a cracker while you listened in from the field.
"okay megumi! lesson number one, if someone tries to hit you, make sure you dodge. if you can't dodge, reinforce yourself with cursed energy to tank the blow." you started to tell the younger sorcerer, "i'm going to throw water at you, the goal is to dodge."
you formed large water droplets in the palm of your hands, similar to water balloons and started to throw them towards megumi. he was able to deflect and dodge all of them with ease and good speed.
"did i do okay?" megumi asked, looking for reassurance from you.
"yes, you did!" you cheered from the opposite side of the field, "next lesson, you have to be quick and on your feet! as a sorcerer, you have to think fast and be able to adjust to anything on the battlefield. one moment of hesitation can cost you your life."
your second shikigami spirit bird that wasn't with satoru appeared from the moisture in the air, giving you two wooden staffs from the storage unit. you threw a staff to megumi as he fumbled with it, unsure of how to hold it.
"megumi, i want you to come and try to land a hit on me with the staff."
megumi looked at you with concern in his face, "won't it hurt?"
"you'll always be afraid of pain if you don't get hit. it's better to learn now than find out later. if you get hurt, you have to tell me and we'll stop, okay?"
megumi nodded his head in understanding. he lunged at you with the staff. for how small he was, he was quick, but he wasn't thinking of his strikes. he was just hitting you randomly. you blocked all of his attempts.
from the corner of your eye, you could see satoru standing up from his seat. he started to walk towards the sparring field where you and megumi were training. you glared at him and summoned a large tidal wave of water to block him from coming any closer.
"that girl," satoru chuckled to himself, "so fiesty." he closed his eyes and used his six eyes to sense what was going on instead.
megumi looked over at satoru and the large tidal wave of water you had just summoned. his eyes widened at the wall of water that towered well over 30 feet. you hit the top of his head with your wooden staff.
"ouch," megumi groaned, hands coming to rub his head.
you kneeled down to face him, "megumi, never take your eyes off of your opponent. that was your first mistake."
you noticed his eyes watering. you grabbed his hands and inspected his head, finding nothing. "did that hurt?" you asked.
"no." megumi scowled at you. he picked up his staff again and took an offensive stance. you laughed at his enthusiasm. you could already tell by his determination that megumi was going to grow up to become a strong sorcerer. you were already so proud.
a couple weeks later
during the past couple of weeks, you and megumi had spent time training together. satoru watched from afar when he wasn't on any missions or practicing his own techniques. during one of your sparring sessions, satoru interrupted.
"megumi, are you ready to learn the hand signs for the demon dogs?"
megumi looked at his sensei with excitement, eager to learn, "yes!"
satoru looked over at you, "sweetheart, i'm gonna take the kid."
you smiled softly at the both of them and nodded your head. you waved goodbye to megumi as satoru led the way to a different field. megumi followed behind him obediently.
"gojo-sensei, why do you call (y/n) sweetheart? that's not her name." megumi asked satoru out of the blue.
"because i love her." satoru grinned before he changed the subject, "—you've been getting stronger, megumi."
megumi glared at the ground as he walked with satoru, 'that doesn't even answer my question' he thought to himself. satoru stopped in his tracks, megumi bumping into him.
"well, kiddo. here we go. give me your hands." satoru turned around and reached for the young sorcerer's hands. he guided megumi on how to clasp his hands over each other to make a shape of a dog's head in the shadows. "when you put your hands together in this shape and say 'demon dogs', the dogs will appear from the shadows. are you ready?"
megumi nodded as satoru ruffled his hair playfully.
"demon dogs!"
two small shadows started to seep from the floor next to megumi. satoru started to smile, proud that megumi was taking the next step to becoming a jujutsu sorcerer, a ten shadows technique user.
the dogs appeared in the puppy stage. one black and one white with red triangles on their foreheads. they jumped and clawed at megumi and started licking him. and for once, megumi smiled in the presence of satoru without you there.
"megumi, when you want the dogs to go away, all you have to do is say 'return'." satoru mentioned, "this would be good so they don't get injured. if something happens to the dogs, they won't come back, so make sure to take good care of them, okay?"
megumi looked at satoru, the two dogs still jumping at him playfully. "i will, gojo-sensei."
“you gonna give them names?” satoru asked curiously.
“the black one is kuro and the white one will be shiro.” megumi said, his smile still plastered on his face. he couldn’t get enough of his new puppies, his new friends.
later that night
"so... how did it go with megumi?" you asked as you climbed into bed next to satoru.
he put his hands behind his head, satisfied with the way things went today, "it went well. pretty sure the kid is sleeping with his dogs right now."
"when i went to check on them before bed, the dogs were curled up next to him." you smiled as you recollected the sweet scene you saw when you opened the door to the kids’ room.
satoru looked down at you as you snuck your arm around his waist. he gave you an arm pillow. "it won't be long now until he starts to have dreams about the next one." he mumbled.
"isn't it cute how the demon dogs are in the puppy stage?"
"kuro and shiro were pretty cute," satoru chuckled, "—good job training him, babe." he ruffled up your hair as you giggled in his grasp. you attempted to mess up his hair in return, but satoru pinned your hands down and climbed on top of you.
"you have to be quiet or we're going to get in trouble and get a noise complaint from grumpy ol' nanami." satoru teased as he whispered in your ear.
you laughed out loud, appalled that he would tell you to be quiet out of all people, "you're the one who gets caught sneaking back and forth from the dorms, you have no room to talk about being quiet and getting in trouble."
satoru grinned and peered at you with blazing blue eyes, “oh yeah?”
he started attacking your neck with sloppy kisses as you continued to giggle, holding him close to you. after a couple of slow and soft kisses to your lips, you felt his tongue prodding your mouth, asking for access to yours.
a surprise knock on the door caused you to push satoru off of you as you quickly sat up. you hissed at him, "satoru get the door!"
satoru groaned in annoyance and hopped out of his bed. he put his slippers on and opened the door to his dorm room to find megumi standing there.
"megumi? watcha doing here, kiddo?" satoru asked, annoyed that his make out session with you was so rudely interrupted.
"um... i had a nightmare." he said quietly.
"—and so you came to my room?" satoru asked sarcastically.
megumi looked at him sheepishly, "i went to (y/n)'s room, but she wasn't there."
"did you have another nightmare, megumi?" you pushed satoru out of the way as he rolled his eyes at you, "—come on, let's go talk about it in the dining hall. i'll pour you some warm milk. that should help you fall asleep."
you grabbed megumi's hand, leading the way to the dining hall.
"i'm coming too!" satoru called out as he threw on a hoodie. he couldn’t let the night be taken over by the 5 year old twerp.
as megumi held your hand, two steps behind you satoru glared at the child with envy. his hands shoved inside his hoodie, a grumpy frown on his face. ever since he brought megumi and tsumiki to jujutsu high, megumi had been experiencing nightmares that had to do with his shikigami. there were a couple of instances where megumi had slept in your bed with you and satoru because he was so scared. of course, satoru went to sleep grumpy those nights, but he brought that upon himself for bringing the kids home and asking you to be a part-time mother. why did he have to have such a caring girlfriend?
megumi and satoru sat down on the wooden chairs of the dining hall while you warmed up a cup of milk for the younger fushiguro and made a cup of ‘sorry-our-make-out-session-got-interrupted’ hot chocolate for the older gojo.
"so what did you have a dream about?" satoru asked curiously.
megumi frowned as he recalled his nightmare, "it was a big brown bird with a scary skull face. it was chasing me and i couldn't get away."
you placed the mugs of warm milk and hot chocolate down on the table and pushed them towards megumi and satoru. you sat down next to the child and across from your boyfriend. "sounds like nue. what do you think, gojo-sensei?"
"is nue another shikigami?" megumi asked you curiously.
satoru put his chin in his hand, elbow resting on the dining table. he liked hearing you call him sensei. he added on from your speculation, "sure is, kiddo. you'll probably keep having dreams like that until you're able to summon all of your shikigami."
you watched megumi sip at his warm milk. you felt bad for him because he was only 5 and having such vivid nightmares. it must’ve been hard for him.
"you gotta sleep in your own room, megumi." satoru grumbled, "—especially when me and (y/n) are busy."
"what were you guys doing?" megumi asked innocently.
you glared at satoru, giving him a warning kick under the table. satoru had his signature shit-eating grin on his face, "oh, we were about to exercise with our mout—"
“satoru.” you interrupted, voice laced with warning.
megumi looked at the two of you in confusion, "you weren't wearing the track suits for gym class. and why would you guys be exercising this late at night?"
oh to be 5 years old and innocent-minded. you wished megumi could stay pure and young forever.
satoru laughed while your face turned crimson red. you weren't about to admit to megumi that you and satoru were having a hot and steamy makeout session before he knocked on satoru's door.
"well, megumi." satoru began, "when two people love each other—"
"satoru gojo!" you threw an ice shared at him, "you are not giving megumi the talk right now."
megumi continued to look at the both of you in confusion, unsure and unaware of what you two were really talking about. he wondered why you kept stopping gojo-sensei from speaking. maybe it was a good thing. he didn’t like to listen to him anyways.
you glared at satoru and turned to megumi, patting his head. "megumi, when you're older, you'll understand." you reverted your attention back to your boyfriend, "satoru, you're such a special grade asshole."
satoru's jaw dropped and he feigned innocence, "language, babe! we have a child with us!"
you rolled your eyes at him. he couldn't get enough of embarrassing you like this. it was so fun to him.
satoru changed the subject, "anyways, megumi. how does it feel to be learning from the strongest?” he winked at the younger sorcerer.
“who are you talking about?” megumi asked, “you or (y/n)?”
“(y/n).” satoru chuckled as he took a sip of his apology hot chocolate, “—definitely (y/n).”
on the dining table, satoru squeezed your hand as you gave him a huff and reluctant soft smile. he thought that maybe being the strongest wasn’t so lonely with you by his side.
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pengweng-quack · 6 months
Carlisle Cullen x Human!OC
Summary: Place Carlisle in the Edward situation of falling in love with a human, and see what happens
Chapter 1/?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
The only thing that took so long about this is the title because fuck titles (genuinely)
This is on Ao3 under the same title and username if you'd like to read it there (https://archiveofourown.org/works/54527830)
Probably would be my last (long) twilight post in a while since I've lost interest in the series for a while (give it like 3 weeks before I regain it lmao)
Posting (just like before) is random lol, hope you guys enjoy this story
Much much longer than Being a Witch with Vampires by the way, so we're in a long ride (or you are, because I already know the story)
Word Count: 2294 words
General warning: I used some religious references in this story so read with caution if you're not so keen into reading that
TW for this chapter: None
PM or Comment to be added on the taglist for this one!
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A full year had passed since the Cullens returned to Forks, now acting as grownups instead of some teenager studying in Forks high school, minus Renesmee, to her dismay. Carlisle received a warm welcome back to the hospital, where he encountered new faces introduced to him since his departure.
“Good morning Doctor Cullen.” A nurse with red hair greeted politely to him, he was around his height and had brown eyes, a face that he doesn’t remember during his time there
“I’m nurse Sean, not the chief nurse but I think Eunice is getting her out now.” Sean informed him “You’ll like her I think, she’s professional as fuck.”
A girl with her chestnut hair tied up in a bun walked out of a room. At that moment, all Carlisle could think about was how captivating the woman was, everything about her screamed authority, he knew then and there that she was the chief nurse.
Time felt like it slowed down when they locked eyes, this woman has plagued over his mind. Carlisle subtly admired her face, she had eyes that matched the shade of her hair and pale pink lips that complimented her fair complexions.
“Celine Wright, chief nurse here.” Celine introduced herself with a prim and proper tone. She offered her hand in a handshake and Carlisle accepted it, feeling the warmth of her hand against the coldness of his
“Carlisle Cullen, former chief doctor here.” Carlisle introduced back, pulling his hand away from the handshake “Pleasure to meet you.”
From the stories that Carlisle has heard, Celine was 25 years old when she assumed the position and has demonstrated remarkable competence, excelling in her role for a year prior his return with unparalleled precision and skill.
But it was distracting him, she was distracting him. Despite her undeniable competence, it was her blood that proved to be the real challenge for Carlisle. The tantalizing scent of it often left Carlisle struggling to focus, forcing him to endure long stretches without breathing just to filter out the temptation.
But even after leaving work, her scent lingered in his mind, infiltrating every aspect of his life. Something as harmless as a report file with a hint of her scent could drive him to the brink of madness.
It’s been a year since Carlisle has been working with Celine, a year of extreme caution over his thirst. He was always making sure that he was fed before going to the hospital, making sure that there was always some distance between them. However, as the chief nurse, their interactions were inevitable, presenting a constant challenge to Carlisle's restraint.
It also didn’t help that Celine’s kind and caring nature was growing on him in ways that he didn’t expect that it’ll do so. Her smile became a source of motivation for him, brightening his day with a single glance. He found himself instinctively seeking her out upon arriving at work, drawn to her presence like a magnet.
Celine was growing on him, as a person, as a friend, as someone that he wishes he could pursue openly.
“She’s your blood singer and mate.” Edward concluded, having experienced a similar scenario before “You’re dealing with what I’ve dealt with when Bella was still human.”
“Great,” Rosalie scoffed, crossing her arm “Another human.”
“Carlisle won’t pressure her into something that she doesn’t want to partake herself in.” Esme assured everyone
“We would never know if he doesn’t pursue her.” Alice said, holding on from having another vision whether Celine Wright was in their future or not
“Would we rob Carlisle a chance to finally be with his mate?” Edward argued to Rosalie
“Would you rob another girl’s humanity for an uncertainty?” Rosalie asked him back; the tension was growing between the two
“Enough with the arguing.” Carlisle said, a decision set in his head
“I’ve figured out that she’s my mate. But I will not pressure her into anything.” He stated at once to everyone that was listening to him “Nor will I pursue her whatsoever. Let the future play how it has planned to be. Alice, Edward, no attempting to manipulate it to one of your visions.”
Just in time, his alarm has rung, notifying him that he has a shift to get ready for. He bids his goodbye, going to his office to get ready.
He was painfully slow, questioning whether his choice was the right one, plagued by uncertainty and the fear of denying himself a chance at happiness.
But underneath his own desires was the concern for Celine's well-being. He couldn't bear the thought of forcing her into a life she didn't want, no matter how difficult it was for him to accept the possibility of letting her go.
“Are you sure of your decision?” Esme asked him, walking into his office “Do you really want to just give up like that already?”
“She deserves a long, happy life.” Carlisle spoke softly, grabbing his briefcase with all the reports that he’s brought home “Not be damned for eternity.”
“And if she asks for a long, happy life with you, then what?” Esme asked him, making Carlisle ponder at her question. She was right, what certainty did he have that Celine wouldn’t welcome this life?
‘The risk is too high.’ He thought to himself
He left without answering her question.
It was another late-night shift that Celine accepted. Having heard another alibi from one of her co-nurses. Lying and saying that “they have some important matters to deal with,” only to see them by the bar as she drives by, drunk beyond their capabilities.
‘I have nothing to do anyways, so why not just earn more so I could leave this shitty town.’ She always used that to convince herself
In all honesty, Celine's financial status was not a factor in her decision. She had inherited a comfortable sum from when her parents died, ensuring that she was shielded from any financial struggles. But she’s heard that Doctor Cullen always took a night shift, working perfectly for their family’s set up of needing someone to be at home at all times.
What’s wrong if she was to indulge herself and the tiny crush that she had for him? After all, he wasn't married, a fact his hand had subtly conveyed to her.
“Nurse Celine, good to see you…again.” Carlisle greeted, walking in her office (which technically, is his office too) with a disposable cup of coffee “I thought your shift was over?”
“Yeah, Nurse Alex had to bail, said something along the lines of dealing with some personal stuff.” Celine answered “Made sure to give him the morning shift though, just as some sort of revenge.”
“I do not condone that behavior, but frankly, I would say that you deserve the rest.” Carlisle said, sitting next to her. It was dangerous, he knew. But he didn’t want to leave her alone.
“It’s a slow night.” Celine reported “Just one rush to the E.R. thinking that they were dying because of some spots they saw on their face. After doing some checking on it, it was just some questionably large pimples. Scary? Yes. But not fatal.”
“At least it has been slow so you won’t tire yourself too much.” Carlisle said, pushing the coffee near her
“Why don’t you just say to your sister that you don’t actually enjoy the coffee she makes? It just feels like a waste, giving away your coffee every time.” Celine asked, accepting the cup and drinking it
Carlisle was asked by Celine one time why he wasn’t drinking the coffee that he had, noticing that the cup was left untouched until he throws it away just after his shift. In panic, he fabricated a story, claiming that his sister Esme, who worked night shifts at her own job, often made coffee for herself and would give the extras to him.
He had offered it to her then, hoping that the coffee Esme made because she has missed the aroma of coffee was in Celine’s taste. Celine didn’t answer that time if she had enjoyed the coffee or not, but every time he would offer her the coffee, she would accept it.
This silent acceptance fueled Carlisle's hope that perhaps, in some small way, they were connecting through these shared moments over coffee.
From then, he asked Esme about the recipe and continued to make it from the comfort of his car before he walked in the hospital, using the coffee as a conversation starter, a way to engage with her, hoping to deepen their connection through these small interactions.
“You enjoy it.” Carlisle answered almost immediately. Celine looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion
“I mean, she always makes it at night for her work. Offers some to me, even though I don’t drink coffee, I’m just too shy to not accept it. And besides, you deserve some coffee yourself too.” Carlisle explained further, giving Celine the satisfaction of getting an answer
“Thanks. I owe you one.” Celine said, lifting the coffee and drinking some more of it “How do you even get the energy to do night shifts? Ever since you got here, you’ve like made it your thing to be the one for night shifts.”
“I sleep in the morning.” Carlisle answered, having prepared an alibi for when that question inevitably gets asked to him “Did kind of take a toll on my social life though, I’ll tell you. But I have accepted this way when I decided to step into the field of medicine.”
“Really?” Celine asked, piqued with how he was opening up “Why prefer night shift then? You could easily be transferred to morning shift if you’d just ask.”
“I prefer it this way.” Carlisle answered, Celine pondered if someone has asked him this question before “Besides, who will give you your daily coffee if I don’t join you with the night shifts?”
“I can get myself coffee, thank you very much.” Celine answered, fake insult in her tone and playfully rolling her eyes at him
“I know you can, I do enjoy it just as much to be the one to give you your coffees.” Carlisle said, a smile on his face
‘He looked like a Ken doll.’ She thought, looking at Carlisle and admiring his seemingly perfect features. His eyes was shining golden, a shade she never thought was possible for a human to have. The pale pink tint of his lips stirred a fleeting curiosity about their softness, though she quickly brushed aside any thoughts of how they might feel against her own.
“Some of the nurses are getting jealous, you should give them coffee sometimes.” Celine teased him. Carlisle looked at her, his eyebrows raised at her teasing. He did not want to give anyone else some sort of affection.
His undead heart was with hers before she even knew it.
“That’s if they’ll like 5 teaspoons of sugar and 3 teaspoons of creamer in their coffee.” Carlisle teased her back, watching as she finishes the coffee that he has prepared
“Well, anything that you would give to them, they’ll accept really.” She answered, before going back to reading some reports that the morning shift nurses has prepared for them
The night was long, the comforting silence joining them as they read through. Fortunately, there were no urgent emergencies demanding their attention. It wasn’t until Carlisle heard Celine stifle a yawn that made him check his watch, the small screen showing 8:17 AM.
“Shift over.” Carlisle announced, standing up and faking a stretch
He could have stayed there forever had she been able to do the same.
“Finally.” Celine mumbled, the aftermath of the coffee finally taking a toll on her as she slumps herself on the seat that she’s been on for the past 12 hours “So tired.”
“Need a ride home?” Carlisle asked, seeing that she wasn’t awake enough to go home on her own
Despite his declaration not to pursue Celine, Carlisle found himself engaging in behaviors that seemed to contradict his words. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was unintentionally leading her on, even though she hadn't explicitly expressed interest in him, neither through her words nor her body language.
“I’m fine, brought my car with me.” Celine murmured; her eyes closed as she rests her head on the chair “Just need a few minutes to close my eyes.”
“Okay then.” Carlisle answered, sitting down on the chair where he was sitting earlier, grabbing a bit more reports to read as he accompanies her
The few minutes became an hour. Then the hour became two hours. Carlisle then slowly realized that Celine was beginning to doze off in the chair she was sitting in. He looked at her with a small smile on his face.
He didn’t need to be a vampire or a doctor to know that she was in an uncomfortable position. Her whole torso was slouched down and her head was down, giving the look that she was uncomfortably bowing.
Carlisle moved his seat closer to hers, feeling the warmth of her arm against the coldness of his. With tender care, he lifted her head, cradling it on his shoulder. Though not as plush as a pillow, he knew it would be far more comfortable than where her head had previously rested.
As he sat there, Carlisle gazed at Celine, closing his eyes and synchronizing his faux breathing with hers, attuned to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.
Carlisle knew that it was temptation, being this close to her. And a sin to indulge himself in such temptation. But if he was to be damned today, he would be happy to have indulged himself with the existence of Celine.
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aimedis · 2 months
sam as a dad headcanons (+darlin') !!
sam and darlin' have one daughter (girl dad sam girl dad sam girl dad sam) ((this is like half darlin'-centric actually))
(note, there are a lot of inconsistencies with how these two would even have kids, what magical race their daughter would be (vamp-shifter hybrid), darlin's life span etc. but pls for the sake of my sanity pretend it makes sense lol)
Parents Darlin' and Sam who took a reallyyy long time to decide if they even wanted to have kids
Dad Sam who thought he wouldn't even know how to be a good dad, let alone if he wanted to have kids in the first place
Parent Darlin' who thought they were far too flawed and violent to raise a child
However, after a few years and slight jealousy from other pack parents, they decided to try
Parents Darlin' and Sam who regret not making up their minds sooner the second their daughter opens her eyes
Dad Sam who calls his daughter '(mini) darlin'" because she’s Darlin’s carbon copy
Dad Sam who also calls her 'sunshine' if she's particularly upset
Dad Sam who was far too paranoid to take his eyes off of his daughter when they first brought her home as a newborn (and he could afford to watch over her during the night/morning because he's a vampire)
Dad Sam who feels his heart shatter every time she cries
Parent Darlin' who finds themselves competing with a four year old for their mate's attention
Dad Sam who effortlessly flips between doting dad and disciplinary parent
Dad Sam who is surprisingly good at defusing the (many) tantrums his daughter throws, not getting mad but just sitting with and talking to her calmly
Parents Darlin' and Sam who were very much one and done (their daughter is too much of a handful to have any more kids)
Parent Darlin' who thinks it's both a blessing and a curse to have a daughter that acts exactly like them because on one hand, they have a mini-me and they can tell how she’ll react to certain situations but she also has their reckless nature and gives them a heart attack every other day (they find themselves yelling “Cut it out!” every single day without even looking at her)
Dad Sam who knows his daughter is just as strong as his mate but still worries over everything concerning her
Parent Darlin' and Sam who are still confused at how their toddler is so damn strong
Dad Sam who sobbed his eyes out when their daughter started school ("Wow, Sammy, you're crying almost as much as our four-year-old.")
Dad Sam who catches himself being too overbearing or protective sometimes and has to learn to let his daughter fail and get hurt occasionally
Also Dad Sam who after a few years of being her dad, becomes desensitized to her hurting herself daily (if she's not crying, he doesn't care anymore. a simple 'you good?' will do)
Dad Sam who said you would never catch him playing princesses or dress up (cue Darlin' laughing their lungs out at the sight of him in a way too tight princess dress getting his makeup done by their daughter)
Dad Sam who absolutely laughs when his daughter starts calling his Darlin' "darlin'" because of how often he calls them that
Dad Sam who is absolutely his daughter's favourite parent until Darlin' steps into the room (she will scream and cry to be in their arms)
Parents Darlin and Sam who have a very clingy very aggressive toddler that wants to be held 24/7 but will also start trying to fight them at random
Parent Darlin' who, after their daughter shifts for the first time, always play fights with her while shifted
Parent Darlin' who is constantly being forced to read at bedtime by their daughter
Dad Sam who rocks his daughter all the time in the rocking chair in her room
Parent Darlin' who finds themselves doing the high pitched baby voice they always found annoying to their daughter without even realizing it
Dad Sam who gets incredibly excited whenever his daughter's slight country accent comes out a little stronger
Dad Sam who feels his inner child heal little by little whenever he talks to his daughter the way he wished he was spoken to as a child
Parent Darlin' who acts annoyed when their daughter takes a liking to David but is silently happy she has a good relationship with him
Dad Sam who lets his daughter play wrestle with him just to laugh at her when she cries thinking she killed her dad
Dad Sam who tries not to cry whenever his daughter says he's the best dad ever
Parents Darlin' and Sam who show their daughter the same respect they want to see from her because it sets an example and she responds well to that
They are both so calm and understanding about her little temper tantrums that they don't even last long ("I know, it's hard and your feelings are too much right now. We're not gonna hit people though, okay? Okay.")
Dad Sam who has been wrapped around his daughter's finger since the day he laid eyes on her
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 7 months
Little Girl Gone Mob Boss AU Headcanons
A/N: Alright my brain woke up feral this morning with a bunch of head canons for my new series that I've been working on so here you go the fruit of my labor. Also there are mentions of t*row up, mentions of killing, and actual depictions of killing so please read at your own caution. 18+ HC are marked as such
Minors/men DNI
-Y/N buying Wanda all the pretty rings and necklaces because you love seeing her wear them
-Wanda shows you pictures from high school when she was emo which is something you hadn't expected from the suburban mom
-After you learn this information you slowly add things to her wardrobe such as black skirts like she used to wear and band shirts and fishnetting
-The first time you see her in a little black pleated skirt you go feral. Luckily the boys are at school and you take her right on the kitchen counter
-She decides to wear skirts more often after that. Usually when she wants something.
-You slowly teach the boys how to fight, but don't introduce them to anything dangerous. Not until they're much much older.
-Wanda also eventually gets in on the self defense lessons
-Wanda and you go out regularly for date nights and taking the boys out trying to keep your lives as normal as possible
-When you propose to Wanda it’s at a fancy restaurant where you guys have a private room
-She says yes (of course) and you couldn’t be happier
-You guys decide to have your wedding in Sokovia and do a traditional Sokovian wedding
-When you guys have your first dance you include the boys where you start the dance together then you dance with Billy and her with Tommy and then you two switch off.
-You guys end up having a baby girl after getting married
-At this point the boys would be old enough that you offer the choice to them of joining and both do say yes, but Billy focuses on the business side of things and asks to go to college for business. He ends up double majoring in Business and law.
-Tommy also goes for a business degree, but ends up switching to go into nursing and becomes a Trauma Certified Registered Nurse to be able to deal with injuries that happen in the family business.
-Both you and Wanda are switches
-the first time you two try and do things and she calls herself ‘Mommy’ it sends you into a PTSD panic attack because of Natasha calling herself Daddy.
-Wanda soothes you back down and is such a soft Dom the whole time and everytime until you ask for more.
- “M-Mommy please r-rougher,” your lips parted, tongue out as you try to roll your hips on her strap. She's edged you for hours into a blissed out state.
- “Whatever my princess wants she'll get.” She grabs your hips with a bruising force as she sinks deeper and moves her hips roughly until you're screaming and crying and begging Mommy to let you cum
- “You've been such a good girl. Go on cum for Mommy baby. You deserve it for being such a good girl.” 
-The first time you were on top you weren't sure because you had never done it, but you wanted to try it. 
-You realized how good it felt but struggled with what you wanted Wanda to call you. Mistress, Master, Sir, Ma'am, King, Queen, Goddess, Owner, Handler, Boss, Captain. You two felt like you went through everything until one night Wanda tentatively brought it up,
- “I know how you feel about it, but maybe…we could try Daddy?” Her words throw you through a loop. “I think it could be helpful even. You'd be such a better Daddy than her.” Wanda puts a reassuring hand on your thigh. “You'd be the best.”
-It's her words of encouragement that make you give it a try because she just sounds so soft and genuine.
-You have Wanda beneath you, a pretty collar and leash on her as you slowly sink inside of her with the cum filled strap the two of you recently purchased. 
-Once your hips start moving, slow at first, you're hitting that spot that she loves and she just moans out, “Right there Daddy! Please Daddy harder!” And you go absolutely feral as you pump harder and rougher, pulling on her leash as you do so, both of you having a rather quick build up, “Gonna breed you baby. Gonna have my babies inside of you. You're gonna give me a set of twins right?” Wanda is so blissed out that all she can manage is, “Yesh Daddy m'gon cum!”
-During the aftercare Wanda assures you of how much she loved it. She could see how worried you were over becoming more like Natasha, but her words soothed you.
-As you two were cuddling up, watching TV afterwards she spoke up, “Would you actually want another set of twins?” You shrug, “if it happened I wouldn't be upset, but I'd love to even just make one mini us.” You tell her wholeheartedly which brings tears to her eyes. “I love you Wands. I wanna spend forever with you. I know this lifestyle isn't ideal for a family, but-” she cuts you off with a bruising kiss as she crawls into your lap. “I love you too Y/N/N. We'll make it work. I fell in love with this, with you so we'll make it work.”
NSFW Mob life HC
-You still take care of business mostly at home.
-The basement is off limits to the boys and is under several locks along with a fingerprint scanner and a pass code only you, Carol, and Maya know. 
-One day Wanda comes with you to the basement even though you've told her a million and one times that she doesn't have to be involved in the business she insists. 
-She watches a side of you she's never seen before. The side that Natasha created. It's almost as if she's watching Natasha pull strings on you.
-You torture someone for hours before getting the information from them. You grab your gun and look at Wanda, eyes cold as she trembles.
- “You can look away darling.” You tell her, but she doesn't, eyes fixed on you as the man begs and pleads for his own life, but he made the mistake of being on the wrong side of things, on Natasha’s side. 
- “If I let you go Natasha will pick up where I left off. Slowly torturing you until you die a slow and painful death. This is mercy.” You tell him and fire your gun right between his eyes. Blood and brain splatter everywhere. Especially on you.
- “Carol, clean this mess up and show Kamala how it’s done. She needs to learn. I need a shower and I need this all done and out of the house before the boys get home. I'm gonna send Maya out with America to check up on the info we were given.” 
-You turn your attention to Wanda holding out a hand to her, “Come on darling. Shower.” There was some blood on her and you helped her upstairs. Wanda didn't talk the whole time until you were drying her hair on the bed. “How do you do that?” She whispers and you barely catch it.
- “When Natasha trained me. I actually threw up a lot. It disgusted me to my core. I had a hard time handling it, but everytime I did something right she'd praise me. Reward me. The last time I killed for her she praised me because I only threw up after I killed the man. Now I'm…it's like I'm not me. I dissociate from it in the moment.” 
-Wanda turns towards you, crawling into your lap, nuzzling against your neck and letting her hands get under your shirt and onto your back for more skin contact. “Thank you for taking care of us. I always appreciated it before, from the moment you saved us, but now after seeing what you do…I can appreciate it even more.”
-After much back and forth Wanda wants to help out. At first you have her work in your office at the computer on record keeping, but she says she wants to get out of the house so you allow her on safe calls. Mainly to get money from people along with Kamala. 
-You never let her go into dangerous situations. 
-You always make sure Maya tails the two girls when they go out especially when Wanda first starts, but you see that Wanda is able to handle her own.
-One time Wanda comes home trying to hide all the cuts, scraps, and bruises after fighting with someone over their rent.
-You freak out when you see it and after cleaning her all up the two of you go back out and you take care of him in front of Wanda. Showing her how to overpower someone bigger.
-You keep the man on edge making him constantly think that he’s going to die until he’s begging for his life and has pissed himself.
-There comes a breaking point between you and Natasha which leads to an all out war between your two mobs
-After a lot of loss on both sides Natasha and you go at each other which ends up with her losing her life when she can’t just accept how things are now.
-Though Yelena wants to kill you over this Kate convinces her not to
-You and Clint come to an agreement of a truce. Which ends the decade long fight at this point
- “I didn’t want it to end this way.” Tears streamed down your face as your knees crashed to the hard ground beside Natasha’s body. “You were terrible to me. Treated me like I was nothing and yet I still wanted to see you change. To be better!” Wanda holds you as you cry and shake in her arms not realizing all the emotional turmoil that you felt towards Natasha even after all these years.
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gingiesworld · 1 year
Lie About Us
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings : Angst then fluff
Wanda Maximoff was the popular girl in high school, while Y/N was a nobody, the schools outcast. It wasn't until senior year that the two had started to date secretly. Then the two also went to the same college. Y/N thought that things were going great, no hiding their relationship until the two were invited to a college party.
"Wanda! It's so good to see you." Nat squealed as she noticed the brunette.
"Nat!" Wanda ran up to her and the two hugged tightly. "I thought you went to UCLA?"
"I do. I'm just visiting my sister." She told her as the two pulled away. "Are you still single?"
"Yes." Wanda answered as Y/N's jaw clenched as they stood nearby.
"Well, a friend of mine is here visiting his cousin." She started as the two listened. "His name is Jarvis, the two of you will hit it off."
"Uh." Wanda stalled as Nat grabbed her hand.
"Come on. He's here and I've told him all about you." With that, she dragged her to her new friend as Y/N watched from the corner. Watching as the two talked, how she laughed with him, the blush on his cheeks when her hand landed on his chest. They finished their drink and decided to leave. Sending Wanda a quick text to see if she would even read it.
At the end of the party, Wanda looked everywhere for Y/N before she looked at her phone. She sighed when she noticed the time they had left the party. Heading straight to their dorm.
"Y/N?" She knocked on their door rapidly, seeing as they opened the door with tired eyes. "I'm so sorry." She started as they shook their head.
"Don't worry about it." They said with a fake smile. "It's not like we're public or anything. Oh wait, that was high school." They tried to close the door but Wanda was quick enough to squeeze in. "I want to go to sleep Wanda."
Wanda flinched at the use of her name. She knew that she had upset them.
"I'm sorry Y/N. I don't know why I acted like that." She said as they chuckled.
"It's because you're still embarrassed by me." They told her. "You don't want your old high school friends to know that you are with the school's outcast. The loner. The weirdo."
"That's not." Wanda tried as Y/N interrupted her.
"That's exactly what it is!" They sighed as they squeezed their eyes shut. "I thought we were passed the whole lying about us. It is college, the cliquès and groups that we were in in high school shouldn't matter, but they still do to you."
"They don't." Wanda told them.
"Yeah they do, otherwise you wouldn't have said you were single." They told her. "I can't do it anymore."
"Please don't do this." She cried as Y/N shook their head.
"Wanda, I love you but I can't just love you in secret. I want to be able to tell everyone how much I love you." They had a tear fall from their eye as they wiped Wanda's. "You should go."
"No." She shook her head. "I am staying and we are working this out."
"There's nothing to work out Wanda." They told her softly. "We had a good run but I guess it just wasn't meant to be."
"Please." She cried as they just turned away, heading towards their bathroom. "Please Y/N. Don't do this. Please."
With the silence she was recieving, she decided to leave. Give them their space. She knew one thing for sure was that she would do anything she can to get them back. She will prove to them that she is in this for the long haul.
As the days went by, Y/N avoided Wanda as much as possible. That was until they had gotten invited to another party. Being told by their friends that they need to lighten up, they decided to join them. Not realising that Wanda's old friends were still visiting New York.
Wanda's eyes found Y/N across the room, listening to their friends talk as they nursed their red solo cup. Her heart ached for them. Y/N's eyes caught sight of Jarvis putting his arm over her shoulder, but they didn't see when Wanda moved it from her.
"I thought we were having a good time Wanda." Jarvis questioned.
"We are." She spoke bluntly.
"Then why won't you let me show you any affection. Our friends are going to think I am a laughing stock for not keeping a woman happy." He told her as she laughed.
"You think we're together?" She asked him as he nodded. The question caught the attention of all of her friends. "We're not together. We're not dating. I will never date you."
"Why?" He asked her.
"I am in love with someone else, I have been since high school." She told them. "Actually, we dated in our senior year and came to college together." Her voice was now getting louder than the music. "But I was too fucking stupid to fucking hide what we had because I was in the popular crowd and they weren't."
"Who was it?" Carol asked her.
"Y/N Y/L/N!" She yelled. "I am in love with Y/N Y/L/N and I am so stupid because of my insecurity, I lost them."
"I wouldn't be so sure." Nat nodded her head behind her.
"Do you mean it?" They asked her when she turned around around.
"Every word." She told them. "I don't want to lie about us. Not anymore. I want to show off what we have." With that Y/N lunged forward and pressed their lips to hers, their hands cupping her cheeks while she held their wrists. "I love you Y/N and I am sorry. So fucking sorry." She whispered as they wiped her eyes.
"I love you Wanda." They smiled before pressing a kiss to her lips. "Let's get out of here." Wanda nodded without looking back at her friends. She didn't care what they had to think about her relationship with Y/N.
"Is it me or did they have some kind of glow up." Nat asked as Carol and Maria nodded ij agreement.
When the two had reached Y/N's dorm, Wanda sat on the bed watching Y/N's every move. The two kicking off their shoes and getting into some comfy clothes.
"Will you hold me?" Wanda asked, vulnerability laced her tone.
"Always." Y/N lay on their back, opening their arms for Wanda who didn't waste a second in jumping into their arms. "I'm sorry if I pressured you." They whispered as she moved to hover above them.
"You never pressured me." She told them. "You helped me see my errors and I never want to lie about us again."
Y/N kissed her softly before the two decided to cuddle, Wanda was content as she inhaled their scent, feeling their warmth. Never wanting to go a day without it.
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ceilidho · 9 months
Can you give us a summary of Bear for those who don't watch the Six? Because I read the bear fic cause I love you're writing, but I'm kinda lost about him I'm general lol
yes of course!!!
basic synopsis [stole from wikipedia lol]: Six chronicles the operations and daily lives of operators who are part of SEAL Team Six.
(spoilers below)
the overarching plot is about the kidnapping and eventual murder of Rip Taggart, a former member of Team Six. the show also goes over the personal lives of each of the men on the team and how their military careers affect their personal lives
Barry plays Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator (E-8) Joe "Bear" Graves a.k.a. Foxtrot Delta 1/FD1
most important plot points to help you get into my fic:
Bear is married to Lena, a school teacher (they were high school sweethearts); in the first episode (which takes place i think about a year and a half or so prior to the actual start of the show), they just found out that they're going to have a baby girl
Their daughter ends up dying at just a couple months old; it's hugely tragic and has a profound impact on both characters, but Bear is outwardly struggling a lot
Bear is a very religious man (like the kind of guy that can quote scripture from memory), but throughout the show, his relationship with his faith is becoming more and more strained as he feels like he's being punished for all of the killing that he's done as part of Team Six
Since the death of their daughter, Bear and Lena have also been having a lot of trouble conceiving (hence, the fertility clinic scene with Bear jacking off) - we later learn that this is due to a fertility issue on Bear's side (another thing that he takes as a sign that he's being punished - this guy is having a rough fucking time)
All of this is obviously also having a profoundly negative impact on Bear's and Lena's marriage; through the two seasons of the show, they gradually grow apart and eventually separate. Bear is fighting this the whole way through; he's intensely jealous when he suspects her of dating someone else and also struggles with the idea of moving on himself.
(I don't think it's confirmed, but we all imagine he's like Baptist or something; again, I emphasize, deeeeeppllyyy religious.)
As mentioned earlier, his former team member and close friend, Rip, dies at the end of season 1, which is just another thing causing Bear to spiral. Earlier in season 1, Team Six also lost another comrade named Buckley.
I mentioned earlier that Bear struggles with the concept of moving on from Lena and finding someone else. At one point in season 2, he does eventually sleep with someone after a night out at the bar, and to me this is a crucial moment in his character development because it shows just how far he's drifted from the church and from his religious beliefs.
Things that happen in the show but I'm not putting in my fic:
At the end of season 2, Lena is shot and killed. I'm not super interested in putting this in my fic, so in my fic, they've just officially gotten divorced and she's moved away.
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tinytennisskirt · 29 days
summarizing my favourite fics that I've written so maybe if you haven't read them, you find reason to. Not in any specific order.
More Than Anything- Art Donaldson
I love this one a lot personally. It was a request and although I had to stretch to make ends meet, I am a huge fan of friends to lovers. I love childhood best friend! Art so much. He's a cutie. But thats what this is, childhood best friends to lovers but the platonic doesn't change. It just alters. The miscommunication, the misunderstanding of Patrick's words to reader are hurtful and they change things but Art fixes it and brings it all back together? I was already in love. It's worse. A kiss ending with a HUG ending is a weakness for sure.
Cottage Culture- Art Donaldson
It's an Art fic but it definitely doesn't lack Patrick. I love the dynamic I wrote for reader and the boys- its very established that they are long time friends and are very comfortable with each other. There's a lot of casual touching which means a lot to me. I love it. But Art who has feelings ugh love him for it. It's that thing with the trio where the connection between reader and Art is just a little bit more intimate in the ways that matter. Just a hint, but it makes so much difference. Plus a kiss in the water? Need. This fic takes place at a cottage away from the world and takes place over the course of a few days, so there's so many instances of attraction and so many POVS. It's also very summery so if you're feeling like a cottage getaway with your two fav challengers boys, this is perfect.
Let It Linger- Art Donaldson
I think I'm probably most proud of this fic. It took forever to write and I actually gave up twice, but it got completed. It's like an AU of the movie itself, but it bounces back and forth like a tennis ball on a court from Art's time at MRTA to post-canon divorced! Art who is searching for his old best friend at their 15 year high school reunion. I really really love this one because it's very friendship and yearning oriented. How close reader and Art get to being together before they fall out and into no contact for fifteen years but he sees her again and talking to her again feels like no time has passed? Finding out that fifteen years ago, reader liked him too? I really like writing super non-romantic romantic scenes like the simple things and the simple conversations between reader and Art that are so specifically somehow intimate though they're trying to make it feel like it's not. It's friends to lovers but in a way that isn't exactly satisfied. It's honestly so fucking good, I loveeee this one.
Sweetheart- Patrick Zweig
an AU where Patrick is a girl dad is just the perfect universe. He's a single dad in a cluttered house with an absolute angel genius of a daughter and reader is considerably younger than him. She's twenty, he's nearing forty. It's not inherently romantic at first, it's just banter, but he's soooo dirty. He can't help but think about her in a way that isn't exactly holy. And she's got some semi-innocent crush on him. He goes on dates but every night he comes home and has his little bits of banter with her and things get increasingly harder to manage over time. He might actually like her which is crazy, but I never specifically wrote that he does like her in any way that isn't sexual because I wanted the reader to kind of be in the not-knowing because why would anyone expect his character in this to be ACTUALLY into the twenty-year-old babysitter? This one is a smut and it's honestly really tasty and rough, but the ending is what is supposed to get you like 'ah, I see. feelings.'
Best Friend Patrick Zweig who is Totally Not In Love With You
This was my second headcanons list and I somehow ended up giving it a plot, so it's not just headcanons. It's a list of things Patrick does as your best friend who has feelings for you. The list format is loose, it's a headcanon and then it's like... written dialogue underneath the headcanon to explain it so it's more engaging. I really enjoyed tapping into my autism like 'yeah, he'd do that'. It's got all the good stuff like some jealousy, some quiet yearning, He's repressing his feelings which I love because it's so him. He and reader have a good dynamic and it's NOT ONLY x reader but it's also NOT ONLY headcanons. It's a good mix!!!
Those Three Words- Patrick Zweig
I'm honestly a little unreasonably obsessed with this one. It was such a small but well-written request I just HAD TO make it extra. I honestly never really plan out the way my fics go other than knowing the basics. But the aspects are always just as I go. Patrick going from a player to set on ONE girl for the first time in his life is wild and crazy and he likes her and gets her number but they're friends for months before they start dating. Reader becomes one of his best friends and it's lovely and fun and he's so into her. Surprisingly so. Like even takes him by surprise but it's so fun to write Patrick who is actually IN LOVE for the first time WHAT SO CRAZY. I love domestic life kinds of romance and yeah he says I love you so soon, but he means it. And he gets a bit of a monologue and it's funny and he's soft with her which I love and adore.
Just some behind the scenes thoughts. All fics are linked at their titles! Also just a sly little reminder that I LOVEEEEE comments. Your thoughts and feedback mean the world to me. Also, requests are open always <3333
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idyllcy · 4 months
shoujo woes - tim drake x reader (pretty bird countdown #2)
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The second time your head hurts, you stay curled up in bed, mood visibly ruined as you call in sick, Tim nowhere in view while he's out for work. The world is ending and you are being dramatic.
"Pretty bird? I brought takeout!" Tim calls from the door, and you get up, blanket dragging behind you as you do.
"Aw..." Tim forces the blanket around your face, arms wrapping around your head as he snickers. "Those two inches are really helping, huh?"
"Fun sized."
"Inconsiderate." You stick your tongue out, mouth open for air as he finally stops smothering you.
"Would an inconsiderate fun-sized shortass bring you your favorite takeout home?"
"No, but my husband would." You beam, cheek squished to his chest, opening your arms for him. He accepts it, head buried in your chest as you sigh.
"What got you down this time?"
"You're gonna laugh at me."
"Oh, then it was definitely something you read."
You smack him in retaliation, blanket cushioning him from the impact. 
"I knew it." He laughs. "What happened this time?"
"I'm happy I met you." You mumble. "Oh, yeah. If you had a pill to change your destiny, would you do it?"
"Will I get to meet you, still?"
"I don't know." You mumble, cheek squished on top of his head. "Maybe not if you change your destiny."
"We're soulmates in every universe." Tim huffs. "If I can not have you in that one, then it is not worth living."
"That's awfully dramatic."
Tim shuffles out of your embrace, sticking his tongue out at you as he pulls on his bottom eyelid. "I didn't marry you for you to tell me I'm being dramatic when I say I can't live without my wife."
You snicker, throwing the blanket over your head as you fold it. 
"Would you take the pill?"
"No." You hum. "I am where I want to be. If I took the pill and decided to live the best version of myself, I wouldn't have been able to meet you or go manic in middle school. What happens if the end of the world comes and you are not there? Who's gonna catch my ass when I fall out of windows while taking photos of you and your siblings? Seriously."
"There you go." Tim hums. "Your takeout's gonna get cold."
"FUCK." You yell, tossing the blanket to the couch as you unpack the food.
Tim snorts, arms resting over your shoulders as you sit at the kitchen island.
"I'm tired, pretty bird." He sighs. "Those businessmen are assholes."
"I figured. You have so much money from your inheritance, though."
"Yeah." Tim grumbles. "I just... didn't want to squander all the money."
"So... what were you reading?"
"A manhua about this girl who takes this pill to become both pretty and smart and how she gets so tired of living in a lie that she wants her old life back. It's like... high school romance." You offer him a bite. "In the end, the people around her who took the pill also ended up giving up what they got in exchange."
"Mm." You hum. "It had me thinking what would happen if I gave up who I actually am."
"Truly terrifying." He swallows, grumbling. "If you didn't run that twitter account for me, I would genuinely kill myself."
"Joking... I think I'm picking up your humor." 
"That's definitely my humor." You mumble dryly. "Do you find me annoying when I have a mental breakdown?"
"Regardless, we're married now, aren't we?" 
You bite the inside of your cheek. 
"I still love you." Tim hums. "You will never be annoying to me. Not when the entirety of Gotham is losing their marbles over my wedding ring and your tweets, at least."
"I'm so gen z core..."
Tim's face cringes at your words, and you laugh.
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