#also tired sleepy a tad bored you know how it is
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babacontainsmultitudes · 1 year ago
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HIHIHI BABS <33333333 🥺💝
HI CAL HI CAL!!! 💜💜💜
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blue-writes-things · 4 years ago
Like the Back of My Hand
Remus Lupin x Reader | Fluff (and angst if you squint)
“Why were you out in the forest? You’re not trying to prank me are you?” “What? Never! We’ve given up trying to prank you, you always see them coming!”
| Masterlist |
Words: 2256 A/N: Bold is other people's thoughts (will make sense in the fic), also I’m not used to this weird post formatte thing [tumblr] has going on so I’m sorry about the strange paragraphing 
Warning: Some swearing, very mild spice at the end, just kissing tho and angst some if you squint
Feedback is always appreciated! - Blue
Sometimes it was hard to walk around Hogwarts, with the mix of the verble talk, and the internal thoughts you could hear. When you're tired it’s even worse, like how you can’t concentrate on anything right now. You were a mix of hyper aware and completely unaware of everything around you.
Like how you have no clue what Remus is saying as he walks right next to you, but you know what that first year is hoping you’re having for dinner, and how she hates the girl she’s talking to.
You snap back to reality when Remus touches your shoulder, making you jump slightly, “You ok y/n? You’ve been really spacey all day” His eyebrows are frowned with a tight line of a concerned smile on his lips
“Oh yeah, I’m all good, just sleepy” You smile reassuring him, he didn’t believe you one bit but thought better to push it right now.
“I’m good, I promise!” Saying you were ‘fine’ or ‘ok’ told Remus you weren't ‘fine’ or ‘ok’ and in honesty, you were good, and you were sleepy, but you were also anxious, and overwhelmed. But he didn’t need to know that.
You looped your arm with his and continued to walk to the library together, the full moon was this Sunday, and you knew he liked to be with you when it was close, something about how calming you are, and how you always seem to know what to say to make him feel better around a moon.
He didn’t know how you knew what to do to help him leading up to and after a full, you treated him slightly different, never pushed him too much, but still made him rest more and remember to take care of himself. He had a tendency to forget about his general health and wellbeing around moons.
It seemed like Moony was also calmer around you. The day of the moon when the wolf was right under his skin, iching to get out. When his patience was running thin and he was snappy at people. When the wolf would cloud his mind during the day more. When he would almost growl at people (or the time he almost bit Peter for being so annoying)
You knew just what to say to get him to settle, often whispering things like “Just a little longer, wait a little longer for me” in his ear almost like you were talking to the wolf directly, he would give an almost unnoticeable nod and would settle.
It was only after a bit when Remus registered what you had said he would ask you about it; “What was it that you said earlier? About waiting a little longer?” “I don’t know what your talking about Rem”
He was a tad worried you knew about him being a werewolf, he hasn’t told you as he’s scared you will reject him and be scared of him.
Yet that was the last thing you would do, he meant way too much to you to let something like that push you apart. Plus, how can you judge someone for being ‘different’ when you were yourself?
The other marauders had been helping Remus think of some way to tell you about the wolf, Remus had been crushing on you for a while now, as long as you’d been crushing on him, so before anything could happen he wanted to tell you ‘So you could run if you wanted to’
You knew they’d made a plan but you didn’t know what it was. It was strangely refreshing to not be aware of everything going on.
“So uh, if you’re up to it, er me and the guys found this place in the forest awhile ago” During a moon “and I was wondering if you’d like to see it? It’s just really pretty and I think you’d like it...No pressure though! If you don’t want to it’s fine”
“I’d love to Remi” You smile as you two reached the library.
“Does tomorrow work for you?” “Perfect”
You originally went to the library to study, which you did, just not a lot. You ended up lying on the floor near one of the windows up the back, in the orange warmth of the sunset.
Remus’ head was in your lap, he had grabbed his favorite book from his bag, one you had given him for christmas in third year.
“Haven't you read that like a hundred times now?” You laugh and Remus smiled god I love her laugh. You didn’t try too hard to hide your blush. “It’s my favourite”
“Why’s that?” “Cause the main character reminds me of my favourite person” Cause the main character reminds me of you
“You’re so cute Remus Lupin” you say with a soft smile, scratching your fingers into a particular spot in his hair making him let out a happily content sigh.
That night you slept better than you thought you would.
You normally don’t sleep well, as you can hear your roommates (and sometimes the people sharing your wall) dreams which was very distracting when you're trying to shut off to sleep, but you were also very excited for the next day.
Having something be a mystery to you was new and for some reason made you giddy, see when you can read minds (even though you can’t control it and hate it) nothing is new to you, nothing is surprising.
Probably the worst is that you know what people think of you, you know when people are talking about you, how they think you're weird cause you’re always staring off into space, always seem bored, when you do tests you have to go to another room. Only a few staff members know about your little ability and don’t want you to cheat, even though you can’t help it.
You and Remus met up after breakfast, glad it was saturday so you could spend a lot of time together. As you walked together to the forest to the supposedly beautiful place, you joked and talked, being in the forest meant that you could only hear Remus, not first years talking shit about other people, just the sweet sounds of the forest and Remus’ voice.
“How long till we get there, my feet are dying” You jokingly pout making Remus chuckle “Not to far now, you really need to get your stamina up” 
You roll your eyes and lightly shove him, quick react! he stumbled slightly, as the full moon was tomorrow he was almost rock solid and had to pretend that it made him stumble as it would any other day.
He steers you to a left turn “Ta da!” he smiles, it really was beautiful, a crystal clear pond with flowers all around, the trees were slightly denser and closer together, making it like a little pocket out of time
“Wow, Remi, this is really beautiful!” You gush with a bright smile. Best.Surprise.Ever.
“I’m glad you like it! Me and the guys found it last month” Ok, time to tell her, you can do this Remus “Why were you out in the forest? You’re not trying to prank me are you?” You playfully glare at him
“What? Never! We’ve given up trying to prank you, you always see them coming!” he plops to the ground, his legs straight out in front of him, leaning back on his hands.
You move and sit next to him leaning your head onto his shoulder, watching a stag drink from the pond ‘Hi James’ you think to yourself
“So um, the reason we were out here was…” He tails off taking a deep breath. Come on Remus just spit it out already you just wait patiently, knowing this is hard for him, telling people your biggest secret is a terrifying thing to do. “We were out here because, I’m a werewolf and they help me on full moons, to make sure I don’t kill anyone”
He tenses next to you, not looking at you as you lift your head off his shoulder Oh merlin she thinks I’m a monster this was a mistake but you don’t run away like he thought you would, you turn slightly and wrap your arms around his neck hugging him.
His eyes went wider for a moment before pulling you closer, wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his face into your shoulder and letting out slight sobs. But you just hold him rocking slightly and playing with his soft curls.
Even though Remus was literally crying, the air was so calm and still, the stag had bounded off somewhere ‘See you later, James’ he must have just been there to make sure nothing happened to Remus but now was ok giving us some space.
After a while his sobs stopped shaking his shoulders. “Thank you for telling me Remi” you say softly with a gentle smile, he pulls back from your shoulder to look into your eyes.
“Y-you’re not scared of me?” “I could never been scared of you, I couldn’t give a flying fruit flavored fuck that you’re a werewolf, cause you’re still my Remus” I’m her Remus, I’m still the same person to her
Remus gave a small yet delighted smile “Can I tell you another secret?” “I’d be offended if you didn’t tell me” you both smile
“I’ve fancied you since like third year” his cheeks started heating up, giving them a light tinge of pink
“Ok, my turn to share a secret?” He nodded, he could tell where it was going “I’ve liked you since third year too” 
You both were smiling like goofs before he tackle hugged you, making you both fall back to the floor giggling and looking into each others eyes I wanna kiss her so bad right now
“Can I share one more secret? You have to know before anything else happens” Your smile fell slightly, Remus frowned “You can tell me anything, I’d be offended if you didn’t tell me” he echos your words, Considering I just told you I was a werewolf I doubt that it’s as bad
“Ok so, I can read minds” you cringed slightly, Remus just blinked a few times “I can’t control it, it’s just I can always hear what’s going on around me, every thought and feeling”
“S-so you knew? About me being a werewolf?” Remus moved off you sitting up ‘what have I done’ you just nod looking down, too ashamed to even look at his face “Did you know that I was taking you here?”
You take a deep breath “Being here has been the most amazing thing to happen to me in a long time, cause I had no clue that you were taking me here, it was quite exciting really” You give a small sad smile
“But I guess I ruined it all haven't I? This is why I don’t tell people cause they get freaked out, but in all honesty, I hate it! I hate knowing what people think and say about me, I hate knowing when a prank is coming” You take a deep breath.
“I hate that I’ve made you hate me” a single tear falls down your cheek
“Who says I hate you? I think your mind reading might be a little off because I don’t hate you” You finally look over to him 
“You don’t?”
“No! I mean I’m not going to lie it’s a little scary to know you’ve known that I’ve had a crush on you, and the whole werewolf thing, but I actually think it’s kinda cool” He smiles, you smile back wiping your tears with the heel of your palm.
“Wait, is that why you always know what to say and do around moons!” he says with a shocked smile, you laugh a little and nod “Oh thank the founders! I thought someone had told you! Can I just say that you help so much around moons when the lil’ shit is being aggravating!” 
You laugh with him, someone being almost excited that you’ve read their mind was new and refreshing,
“Whoa, everything makes so much sense now” He smiles at you, at genuin toothy grin that you can’t help returning, you end up giving into temptation and lean forward giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, making his cheeks go red.
“You’re so cute when you blush” you tease, he scrunches up his nose a bit before tackling you again, cageing you between his arms, he looks into your eyes I wonder how she looks when she blushes.
You raise an eyebrow at him “Have you already forgotten what I just told you” he just jokingly glares at you, a slight mischievous look in his eyes before leaning down and placing kisses all over your face as you giggle “Remi, sto-o-op”
“Alright, but can I kiss you here?” he takes one hand and touches your lips, now it’s your turn to blush
“Yes, please” Moving his hand away he leans down and gives you a very quick kiss to your lips
“Again?” you pout slightly, he smirks “You’re adorable” he kisses you again, this time not pulling away.
Sirius and James are standing behind a tree smirking at their ‘shy’ friend being a smug tease “We’re so good” Sirius whispers high fiving James
You pull away from Remus for a moment, calling out to them “I can hear you!” the two animagi’s eyes widen while you and Remus just laugh before he kisses you again.
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talesofesther · 4 years ago
Anchor - Part 13
Five Hargreeves x Reader
Masterlist with the other parts
See part one for important notes
A/N: Oh I know you guys have been waiting quite some time for this part, and I'm sorry it took me this long. But I really didn't have much time lately and I haven't been able to focus. But anyway, it's finally here, I truly hope you like it. And I have to say that the next part might take some extra time to be posted too, but don't worry, I won't stop writing ♥. If you wanna be added to the tag list, let me know. ♥
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The first rays of sun painted the sky and birds could already be heard from outside. The curtains from the open window flew with the slight breeze that was coming in. The cold air made Five snuggle just a tad closer to the comfortable warmth beside him.
About a minute passed before his sleepy brain realized what just happened. Five tensed even before opening his eyes. The boy took in the feeling of an arm holding him close, a hand clasped loosely around his own, and soft and steady breathing just beside him.
Five's eyes opened and his heart almost stopped. It took everything in him to not full-on panic right then and there. She was so close. Y/N was laying beside him, their noses just barely touching and she was holding him. Five felt the skin in his hand prickle. What happened last night? He couldn't remember, he knew he definitely didn't fall asleep like this.
The boy felt his breathing become ragged and anxious. He felt lost, scared even. He shouldn't be here. He wanted to, but shouldn't. Five closed his eyes and gulped trying to calm down, he never woke up having someone beside him. He analyzed Y/N's features for a moment, she looked so peaceful, so relaxed... So beautiful.
Five's expression softened, and he gently touched her nose with his. He would gladly wake up to this every morning if he could. He felt guilty for wishing that, but it was inevitable.
With the softest movements he could muster, Five freed himself from her grasp. His chest tightened in protest, telling him to go back to her.
Sitting up on the bed, Five looked at her. Bringing one of his hands up to brush a strand of hair away from her eyes, he lightly caressed her cheek and brought her blanket up to her shoulders to protect her from the cold. Five let out a long sigh as he buried his face in his shaky hands. Feeling a drop of wetness escape his eye.
He wanted to punch himself. For getting so attached to her, for letting his lonely heart fall for her. He tried to deny but it was impossible now. Five curled on himself, bringing his knees to his chest, he was desperate. He told himself he had no right to feel like this towards her, that it was wrong and he didn't even deserve it. And yet the feeling never left. Five's heart was already hers.
If someone told him before that he would fall in love with a girl like this, he would laugh, say it was impossible. But he didn't take into account how damaged he was, how much he needed affection. And when she gave it to him...
Five shook his head and chuckled. He didn't know what was worse. Realizing that he loved her, or the fact that she would never love him back.
Shame and guilt washed over him as Five wiped his eyes and got up from the bed. His chest hurt with every beat of his heart as he looked at Y/N's sleeping form.
Y/N's eyes opened not too long after Five left. The girl instantly felt the empty space beside her, stretching her hand on the mattress where Five should be. She cursed herself for being so tired and not hearing him leave.
Sitting up on the bed, she stretched herself and ran a hand through her messy hair. Looking out the window to the rising sun, Y/N assumed it was still kinda early in the morning.
After she went to the bathroom and fixed herself, she made her way to Elliott's kitchen, and could already hear people talking there.
"... We only have one option. It's time to get The Umbrella Academy back together" Five's voice echoed through the kitchen as Y/N reached the room and braced herself on the threshold.
Diego and Luther were sitting at the table, Luther was eating a very large plate of scrambled eggs. Elliot was just beside Y/N and Five was braced in the counter with a coffee mug in his hand. "Morning guys" Y/N's sleepy voice greeted them.
"Hey Y/N" Diego smiled at her.
"You're.." Luther started, pointing an unsure finger at the girl's direction.
"Y/N. Klaus's friend, remember?" The girl smiled at him.
"Right" the big man smiled back and put another spoonful of eggs into his mouth. "Hey, can one of you get Allison please?"
Diego's eyes widened at his brother as he leaned a bit closer. "You two still a thing?"
As the two talked, Y/N walked to the counter to grab herself a cup of coffee as well, which was just behind Five. The girl's eyes regarded him with certain insecurity behind them. Five was tense. For all she knew, he could be mad about what happened last night.
"Morning Five" Y/N gave him a half-smile when she stopped just in front of him.
He didn't meet her eyes, his fingers holding the mug started to go white. Five stepped aside so she could reach the coffee pot. "Y/N" was all he said.
Pouring coffee into her mug, Y/N bit her lip in nervousness. Holding the mug between both her hands, she turned to face Five noticing he was wearing his uniform again. For some reason that brought a tiny smile to her lips, and she reached out a hand to touch his arm, but he took a small step away from her.
Five clenched his jaw and tried not to show any emotions on his face, even if he was feeling a million of them. "I'll get Allison" The boy put his mug down and walked past Y/N like she wasn't even there.
"Can you uh- get Vanya without squeezing her to death?" He stopped and looked at Luther.
The big man gave him a humorless laugh. "I'll try"
Five just nodded and started to walk away.
"Five, I'll go with-" Y/N started, but before she could finish, Five was gone. The girl scoffed and closed her eyes with an annoyed smile on her face.
Diego smirked at Luther upon seeing what happened, but Luther only shot him a confused glare.
"I'm not eating that" Y/N whispered to Vanya. Them both, and Luther, were sitting beside each other on Elliott's couch. While Diego sat in an armchair as Elliott excitedly shared the story behind an ambrosia he had just made. But it looked more like some kind of gone wrong slime.
"If we have some will you shut up?" Diego said with a bored voice.
"Maybe" Elliott proceed to put some of his ambrosia in a bowl.
"How are you feeling?" Luther turned to Vanya.
"Pretty shitty to be honest"
"Where would you say you are on a scale from one to... Ending all life on this planet?" Diego stepped in, turning a knife in his hand.
"Diego, stop with the knife, she's fine" Y/N complained.
"Last time I saw her she had me suspended mid-air, sucking the life out of me with energy tentacles" he continued to play with his knife. "I think I'm allowed a little time to process"
"I would like to see an energy tentacle" Elliott said, amazed.
"You wouldn't" Y/N whispered to him.
"I don't remember what I did, but I'm sorry... If that means anything" Vanya sat up straight and said with an honest voice.
"It does" Diego's expression softened all of a sudden. "I'm just going through a lot right now"
Before anyone could say anything else. The front door from downstairs was opened and they all could hear people talking coming in.
A sweet "hello?" Could be heard as Vanya, Diego, and Elliott got up and looked down at the new arrivals.
"Oh, I know this is impossible but... Did we all get sexier?" A shiver ran through Y/N's body as she heard her friend's voice, she got up so fast she almost got dizzy and ran to the railings to look down.
Five, Allison and... Klaus stood downstairs, looking up at them. Y/N could already feel tears welling up in her eyes. "Klaus?" She said almost out of breath.
Klaus's eyes met hers and his expression softened. "Y/N" his hand came up to his mouth and he slowly walked to the stairs.
"Oh my god" the girl said as she ran down the stairs as fast as she could to meet her friend, almost falling down in the process when she slipped in one of the steps.
Y/N threw herself at Klaus and clutched to him like her life depended on it. The tears now falling free from her eyes while she held the fabric of his shirt between her shaky fingers. "I missed you so much" the girl chuckled amongst her tears.
Klaus held her body against his just as tight. One hand on her back and the other holding her head in a comforting manner, he closed his eyes and buried his head on her shoulder. "I missed you too, so goddamn much" he smiled as his own eyes filled with salty wetness.
Five watched his brother and Y/N with curious eyes. Feeling a weird sensation in his chest upon seeing them both so... Close.
All the siblings greeted each other as well and also shared some curious looks, none of them has ever seen Klaus be so sentimental with someone.
Y/N pulled away from her friend but her hands remained on his chest as a means to make sure he wouldn't disappear. "I- I love your hair" the girl said with a big smile, admiring Klaus's new look.
"I love yours too" the man said as he used his thumbs to clean what was left of Y/N's tears and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
Five's breath hitched when he saw that, he felt uncomfortable and had to look away. "Let's get down to business" he said and made his way upstairs.
Thank you for reading ♥ the next part should be out soon. And if you have any idea about how this story should progress or anything you would like to see in it, please send me an ask or message and I’d be happy to include it. All opinions and feedback are appreciated ♥
@alexander-hamilhoe​ @noneyeahbusiness @anapocalypseinmymind​ @yikes-matey​ @vicfull​ @flowertoty @shlokage @flaminghotcheetoos​ @moneyyhoneyyy​ @n1ghtsh4d3-67​ @nappinggecko​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​ @peterbeans​​ @greeknerd007​​ @my-things-things​​ @malfovs​​ @sweetjellytine​​ @soft-slytherin-sweetie​​ @marylimlp​​ @lunna-does-real-doodle​​ @sauberwisch96​​ @weepingplaidhoundpanda​​ @tired-of-this-shit​ @moatsnow​​ @yourbloodyqueen​
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akayoko · 4 years ago
nights like these
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summary: kenma falls asleep in the backseat of kuroo’s car while he waits for the two of you to finish shopping
a/n: just some soft SLEEPY kenma for the soul,, i actually listened to cavetown while writing this, hug all ur friends really made me feel things but it also inspired me a lot hehe please enjoy cuz i had a lot of fun writing this :)
pairing: kenma x gender neutral reader (and kuroo kind of, but mostly kenma)
genre: fluff! 
warnings: none
word count: 1.6k
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it’s another one of those nights, accompanied by muffled giggles and random banter bouncing off the walls of your cramped apartment. humming a random melody as you hold a warm cup of tea close to your chest, you lean back on the couch, glancing at your friends’ softly illuminated faces under the dim lights. closing your eyes, you listen to kuroo’s remarks at the movie you chose as he clings on to a tired kenma lying between the two of you. i could do this for an eternity, you think, inhaling the delicate scent of the chamomile tea between your palms.
“he is SO dense,” he exhales dramatically, sipping on his drink. “she obviously likes him!”
you laugh at his antics as you snuggle closer to kenma, both you and kuroo making sure to keep him warm and shower him with the love and affection he deserves. he claims he hates the kisses you occasionally place to the top of his head, but he never pushes either of you away. even if he does, he never means it anyway.
“stop that,” he mumbles when kuroo tries to boop his nose.
when he actually pulls away, kenma turns to frown at him, just as if he didn't reject him mere seconds ago. it's a lovely sight.
in the middle of the movie, you reach for the chips only to realize you have finished the third and last bag that night. kuroo looks at you knowingly, and in the blink of an eye, he’s unwrapping kenma from the pile of blankets, telling him you are going for a drive.
kenma of course protests, but you’re persistent. you grab him by the hand, promising you will cuddle him later if he comes along with kuroo and you, to which he scoffs.
“you think that’s enough to convince me?” he grumbles.
“i see you’re already putting your jacket on,” you throw his socks at him. “i think i have my answer.”
you leave the store with bags full of snacks and kuroo by your side, enjoying the crisp air biting at your cheeks. you take a deep breath as you look up at the sky sown with stars, admiring the numerous constellations adorning it. dragging your feet against the concrete, you wish you could stay in this parking lot longer. the tranquil midnight darkness reminds you to relax your shoulders, finding reassurance in the way the gloomy hues seem to engulf your senses. 
a faint sound of a car honking in the distance wakes you up from your trance, bringing your attention back to the gentle winter breeze. you sigh as you watch the broken street lights flicker, barely illuminating the vehicles driving under them. midnight trips to the store have always been your favorite, and you’re more than happy you get to spend them with the people you love the most.
“bet kenma’s fallen asleep,” kuroo chuckles, breaking the comforting silence.
“you think so?” you giggle, turning your attention to your friend. the truth is, you did manage to get kenma in the car after you had somehow established a middle ground. he however refused to enter the store, saying two people were more than enough to get food. you decided not to push him anymore given the fact that he was right, so you left him in the backseat of kuroo’s car.
actually, one of the reasons he wanted to stay home was the fact that both kuroo and you were very indecisive when it came to choosing snacks, and he wanted to avoid the trouble of mindlessly walking through the store longer than necessary. so, when you tell him you won’t take too long, he doesn’t believe you one bit.
rightfully so, you think to yourself when you get to the trunk of the car and check the time, realizing that almost an hour has passed. you feel the guilt stinging at your stomach so you place the bags on the ground and ask kuroo to put them in the trunk for you.
you peak through the window to wave at kenma, only to notice that he was sprawled on the backseat of the car. just as kuroo predicted mere seconds ago, he had indeed dozed off. you grin as you tell kuroo to be quiet when entering the car, to which he laughs, realizing what happened.
you do your best to close the door behind you as silently as it is possible for, well, a car door, turning around to look at the boy you oh so adored. his lips are slightly parted, emitting soft snores, and you can’t help but notice how uncomfortable he seems in that position. just as you are about to take your jacket off to cover his shivering body, he shifts in his seat, raising his head to analyze his surroundings. when he recognizes the interior of kuroo’s car he rolls his eyes, letting his head fall again.
“hi, kenma,” you wave at him, flashing him a soft smile. “i woke you up, i’m s-”
“can you come here?” he cuts you off, meeting your eyes for a second before looking away. “i’m, uh, kind of cold.”
he doesn’t need to ask twice. you immediately move despite the urge to tease him, since this side of him was definitely not something a person could see every day. you love him too much for that, though, unable to bring yourself to make fun of him when you see the way he fiddles with his fingers. his lips are pressed in a thin line, and he looks just a tad too small in his oversized jacket. perhaps he’s blushing too, but the darkness doesn’t allow you to notice it.
the moment you step foot outside the car, kuroo finishes what seems to have been a phone call, placing his hand over his chest when you reach for the doorknob of the rear door.
his eyes widen. “you’re leaving me all by myself-“
“shut up,”  you snort at him, moving quickly to sit beside kenma who has straightened himself up to make space for you. resting his head against the window, he flinches when kuroo enters the car, slamming the door shut.
you stare at him, to which he shrugs. “what? he’s up.”
ignoring his response, you extend your hand towards kenma as an invitation to your arms. he takes it only for a brief moment, before placing his head on your lap, turning his back to you. your hand immediately travels to his hair, the other rubbing his back. “sorry we’re late,” you murmur, squishing his arm.
it’s nights like these that allow kenma to let loose, relishing the familiarity of your scent. a fuzzy feeling travels all the way to his fingertips, which completes itself the moment you link your hand with his. he lets his eyes close shut, the sound of the mellow radio tune lulling him to sleep. what’s that perfume you’re wearing? it’s comforting.
somehow, everything clicks for him. he tries to recall the last time he felt this way, and he huffs when he can’t remember.
you hold his cheek before tucking his hair behind his ear, and he hums against your touch. “aren’t you uncomfortable like this?” you ask. kenma doesn’t respond, which leads you to assume he’s drifted off to sleep.
your question resonates in his ears just scarcely, that being the last thing he hears before his grip on your hand grows weaker, proving your assumptions right.
you turn to look outside the window, counting every lamp post you drive by. this time you can’t see the stars but you know they’re out there, shining in their full glory. you’re not certain if it’s because of the heating kuroo has turned on, or maybe because of kenma’s steady breathing on your lap, but keeping your eyes open gradually turns into a chore and you’re quickly nodding off, too; your heartbeat slowing down to reach a steady pace. you run your tongue over your dry lips as you part them to ask kuroo if he has a bottle of water somewhere in the car, but he doesn’t respond. wait, did you ask him anything at all in the first place?
the rest of the night is a blur; the only part you remember is kuroo practically dragging you out of the car and into the apartment, complaining about how lame his friends are.
he doesn’t let it go the following morning either as he taunts you at the dining table, claiming that falling asleep so early in the night wasn’t a part of the plan.
“let’s discuss the movie, shall we? oh right, we can’t, i forgot you two fell asleep again as soon as we opened the snacks.”
he’s exaggerating, yes, but you still apologize and lean over to give him a hug, when both your and kenma’s phones light up simultaneously. you pull away, glancing at the groggy boy as he idly rubs his eyes in the seat across you, freezing in his spot abruptly.
you reach for the napkin to wipe your hands as you hastily unlock your phone, only to be greeted by a picture of you and kenma sleeping in the car, your hand placed on his back as the other one supports your head against the window. kenma is curled up with his head on your lap, his hands resting close to his chest.
kuroo snickers at the scene unraveling in front of him, waiting for a response from either of you. kenma’s ears heat up at the sound of you chuckling, eyes boring into the wall behind you. you tilt your head just enough to catch them, playfully snapping your fingers in front of his face.
“kenma i might be wrong, but i think you’re blushing,” kuroo chimes, propping his chin on his hand.
you turn off your phone, lightly kicking kenma’s legs under the table. “we look cute though, don’t we?”
“if you say so.”
“call me crazy, but i think i’m kind of third-wheeling right now.”
“you definitely are.”
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incorrectcatfacestudios · 5 years ago
MID Fusion Headcanons
Using steven universe fusion rules alongside some of my own. 
 There will likely be another post like this one, a part 2 
So the rules
Emotions are shared. 
Memories are not shared, if one component doesn’t want to share a memory with another then the memory will not be shared.
Abilities gained are formed from both of their personalities
All the colored parts of their clothes change to the components combined colorscheme
They form based off of the characters perceptions of eachother, Making each of Ava’s fusions an ACTUAL POWERFUL SORCERESS
Their powers are multiplied by how much love/compassion each component feels for the other. Thus Noi usually supplies the most power to his fusions. Often new powers are gained.
Starting with Leif and Noi
A risk taker, 
DEFINITELY would be an entertainer, would want all attention to be on them at all times. A show off through and through
He would have very fluffy pastel pink hair. 
ALWAYS SMILING unless Leif is experiencing fear. Sometimes when one is feeling a negative emotion the other is feeling a positive one, this shows in their facial expressions. So sometimes the smile feels strained, fake, or evil.  IF ITS SUPER SERIOUS he will frown
gets SUPER JEALOUS REAL QUICK,and if they are not front and center or if someone else steals the spotlight from them expect Angry crying, and violence! :D 
Requires constant validation to feed his EGO. 
Flirtier than his components. 
Would dance around the battlefield with their newfound abilities like a performer. 
AMAZING AT SWEET-TALKING, and charming others 
Far more likely to use healing magic than Leif ever was. 
He has a tendency to angry cry. 
Would be much stronger at the beginning of the series than he would if they fused in episode 13
His weapons are duel cutlasses 
Noi enjoys the confidence boost he gains in the fusion while Leif enjoys the amount of JOY he feels doing things that would normally bore him. He likes seeing things from Noi’s POV.
Can disappear in a cloud of puffy sparkly smoke, 
 Very flexible, gains dancing skills
Can generate electricity within his body and ZIP ZOOP AROUND 
most of his magic is glittery and sparkly 
Wears lime green or olive clothing. has green eyes. has lime green horns 
So Leif views Noi as a kind hearted lovey dovey fool, while Noi views Leif as a bully and a psychopath, but also a powerful superhero who’s amazing. Hence why when fused they are a kinda mentally unstable performer.  
Leif and Rhys 
He would never form 
When first formed he has an impossible time deciding who he is or even staying together. he doesn’t have an identity or a voice. 
He Gains one much later as the 2 begin to understand each other more. 
Has a scientist surrounded by nature vibe to him. Like instead of metal machines he has ones made completely out of plants. Though he’d only gain this if Rhys and Leif were feeling particularly good about eachother that day. Or if they had a strong positive feeling keeping them together. Otherwise he’d be unable to create or even keep any of it. 
So yeah he can make a rocket out of wood, vines, & various other flora and fauna. 
He has a variety of high level technology yet all of it is made of wood, plants, or bone. 
If exposed to alot of media, and pop culture by the time he forms he would be a MAD SCIENTIST/ MAD DOCTOR character. 
Lots of maniacal laughter
If Rhys would permit it he can be quite cruel and preform some....interesting experiments on his enemies
Would be very interested in the world around and would LOVE TO DISSECT THINGS
his glasses turn into goggles
He’d probably have oversized scientist gloves
is likely to scream EURIKA!!!  
very forgetful. 
Wants to learn as much as he can no matter the situation 
when fused Leif experiences the curiosity Rhys feels and Rhys feels Leif’s LUST FOR BLOOD. 
 Would often find interest in human artifacts and objects finding joy in dissecting them and finding out how they work 
 has the ability to create unholy amalgamations from destroyed objects or  carcasses. 
He’d also gain the ability to control the growth of plants around him & manipulate them using the water inside. 
 Lightbrown/Ginger hair 
Wears alot of cyan 
Their weapon would be a whip of some kind. or a spear 
Studies alot on doctor stuff. wants to get a phd 
Has cyan horns like Pierce, though they bend in a way that combines both horns. and are much larger than either components
 Asch and Rhys
Looks like a fucking greaser but their not at all
Always frowning 
VERY STRONG despite not seeming like it
Has Dark blue eyes, and periwinkle horns,  that curve backwards than forwards 
VERY POLITE & regal. 
Doesn’t really show much emotion, good at decision making, and a pretty rounded leader. though...their missing something.  
Knows when to take action and when to stand down. 
Can create smokescreens. manipulate water, fire & Ice
pretty stronk 
Asch’s leadership skills and Rhys’s good decision making mix together to create a perfect and rational decision maker.  
Has a lighter skin tone than Rhys but a much darker one than Asch.  
Probably gains a British accent for the poshness.
Will occasionally raise a hand to threaten you but then close it clenching his fist and continuing to talk
ASCH’S CAPE AND RHYS’S TRENCHCOAT COMBINE TO BECOME A BIG FLOWY CAPE COAT WITH A FLUFFY FUCKING HOOD BECAUSE THAT’S CUTE AF, their torso shirt is grey while they have Asch’s lil sash around their waist, ((it’d be purple)) and Rhys’s pants ((except a tad bit darker)) Rhys’s arm bands would cover Ashe’s bandages.   
Wears a lot of PURPLE, like magenta purple. 
checks himself out behind closed doors 
Adores being together. They just feel right 
Everyone goes to them for advice
Ava & Pierce 
has a blue scrunchy 
NEVER TALKS EVER, keeps to themselves even more than both of their components. 
Would HAVE ENORMOUS HAIR like......WAYYY TOO BIG! and scruffy. and they’d always be leaning on a big old cloud that they’d float on. 
Has 2 floating arms hovering around them for petting cats. LIKES FLUFFY   
A very caring individual despite their cold standoffish nature
Constantly tired 
Seems like they don’t care about anything despite the fact that they do...far more so than anyone else even 
Has strong maternal instincts. VERY good with kids. & Loves children far more than either their components.
Will only wake up to pet cats or play with kids. 
The child loving part comes from Pierce. Ava notices that Pierce feels this way and encourages it. 
Only goes by They/ Them pronouns. Nonbinary 
Drinks like 50 cups of coffee a day trying not to pass out. 
Needs coffee 24/7 to stay awake cause otherwise they’d just get too comfortable with eachother and dose right off to sleep
Almost always cuddling something soft, weather it be a cloud they conjured up, Johnny, a plushy, Noi, whatever if its a soft and cuddly thing you can bet your ass that its in their arms.
Wears a mix of Ava’s pajama’s and Pierces Human Disguise. in Blue. That or a cat onesie    
Their not that bright but not that dumb either 
Ava enjoys this fusion because she gets to feel tall. 
They care for themselves. and take care to make sure they don’t get hurt. 
A very deep thinker, that likes to take their time in situations. VERY CREATIVE. 
stoic af
Their also very blunt and if annoyed will tell you “Your annoying. Go away” in a very sleepy slow manner. 
Tired af 24/7 doesn’t want to deal with anyones bullshit. EVER 
When they sleep ((on a certain bed)) a giant forcefeild forms around them and a cloud gaurdian of sorts forms around it fighting for them as they dose off. 
Their weapon is a bed.   
The components feel this since of peace when together. While they do close off more they also just...enjoy eachothers company in silence. Expect long sessions of meditation from them . or just casual reading. 
They feel....very at peace and relaxed when together and hate being interrupted 
has purple eye’s. & Deep blue horns   
Pierce & Rhys
If exposed to enough pop culture by the time they fuse I feel like they would have a cop aesthetic. 
“You haven’t been causing any trouble now have you?”
Is always watching. Has new abilities to help him watch & keep the peace. 
Alot quieter than Rhys, but also like....more talkative then Pierce 
VERY STERN. and WILL stare you down 
An intelligent man, of course even smarter than Rhys. 
can produce snow out of nothing. 
Wears Sky blue. 
Will often study others with compassion.
May or may not make dad jokes 
HAS VERY STRONG OPINIONS OF ASCH ((They really like him)) 
He has light mocha skin, Fluffy curly brown hair done in a ponytail,  Dark Turquoise eyes , Dark Turquoise horns that curve backwards than away from eachother,  and a fake mustache. No one knows where the mustache came from but its detachable! 
DON’T SNATCH THE STACHE!!! They will lay down the law on you
The way they speak when they first fuse and when they later fuse are Pretty different
For the Original Incarnation“ You wouldn’t be planning on violating the RULES that our gracious prince has set for us RIGHT 𝙇𝙀𝙄𝙁”
  And for the 2nd incarnation they’d talk more like a T.V. show cop in certain situations. Though they’d still somehow manage to maintain this level of elegance despite it. (Mostly shown through his movements and tone))  
“ Roger that! Don’t worry Mrs. P I’ll take this troublemaker off your hands.” *Looks towards Leif “ HOW DARE YOU RAISE YOUR WEAPON TO A DEFENSELESS LADY !?! I wrecken your in for a day in the SLAMMER” 
The slammer is just an ice prison Rhys makes while in this fusion.   
Instead of a Cop at first the fusion would be a of a VERY POMPOUS knight. Like chivalry incarnate. Proper, Polite, Dashing, Kind, & Loyal these  Traits would carry onto its cop incarnate 
Their weapon is originally a sword with a magical crystal in the center but as they learn more about human culture it would change to a gun  
doubles down on watching literally everyone and IS ALL UP IN YOUR BUSINESS. 
This fusion basically says whatever it wants cause no one really knows whats going on in Pierces head and Rhys can just blame it on him without him actively caring about it, because he doesn’t. 
Another ability other than creating snow and hail would be making floating ice crystals  that can be used as a  “camera” of sorts. He can use them to keep a watch on the others 
Ava & Noi
One of the strongest of the fusions ((mostly due to Noi))
Nonbinary goes by She / her, they / them
because Noi views Ava as this powerful sorceress they BECOME a powerful magic user, and Ava Views noi as this mystical demon dude from dimension so as a result their fusion is this magical girl/boy/NB 
Wears red and has red eyes, with orange horns. 
Magical girl / Nonbinary aesthetic. 
Noi’s earnsty affects Ava in a way that causes her to be more honest. thus making the fusion very earnest in affection. 
They have a strong since of justice and a want to protect. out of love
Noi once again his honesty affects Ava in a way that makes her more transparent./loving 
Enjoys life to the fullest and having fun, as long as its not something stupid.
Quite literally loves themselfs....onesidedly its complicated. But they do enjoy themselves and rarely ever put themselves down. 
Their weapon is Noi’s daggers mixed with Ava’s phone or a toy she has laying around 
Can shoots out sparkles, rainbows, & various other magical girl esque attacks and has to call out their attacks to use them. 
All of their magic is magic Noi has never seen or heard of before. but they are ones Ava’s seen in anime or T.V shows.  Magical girl shows. 
They’d try to surround themselves with friends and people who like them and kind of be an attention whore. 
Probably the most outwardly friendly of the fusions 
Would love getting headpats 
Would also definitely wear many different aesthetic cat ears and post them all over insta. 
Tries to act cutsie wootsie for attention. sometimes feigns innocence to gain popularity
Noi & Asch
A COMPLETE BRAT, brings out all the negative traits from eachother.
Tries to act cool and together but really just a mess. 
They’d look like a really big imposing scary looking yet upset and almost crying clown? 
Self loathing x 10 
Extremely passionate and LOVES hugging everything when happy and angrily screaming at everyone when mad. they are a literal ticking time bomb of emotions.  Though just because he loves it doesn’t mean he WILL hug he just likes doing it even if he doesn’t like to admit it . and will if emotional/impulsive enough at that moment in time, after which he will play it off and try to make up an excuse.  
Clumsy AF. 
Tends to get super jealous and wants to be a part of EVERYTHING 
Acts like a really proud child. 
Throws temper tantrums when they don’t get their way 
due to Noi’s more open attitude towards feelings and Asch’s intense emotions that he often keeps bottled up. They feel the full FORCE of both, All whilst trying to act like nothings wrong. 
He kind of hates himself but at the same time kinda doesn’t ? its complicated. 
Wears orange, has light brown spiky hair, and light yellowy orange hair. His eyes are brown
Their powers also go off like an explosion. Usually his attacks are far weaker than either Noi or Asches. and they have lower stamina as well. Their powers build up and up inside of them until it bursts out. When they burst they do massive damage to pretty much everyone around them. Friend or foe. Its like a combustion of magic. Firey sparks and explosions in all directions. 
Their powers are linked to their emotions though the larger their emotional outbreak, and the more they let out the stronger the attack. 
Their weapon is a bunch of explosive bowling pins. that they juggle around.
Leif & Asch
Extremely likely to stab someone
Wears ALOT of gold. his hair turns a dusty grey color and his eyes are a dark teal. His horns become a golden yellow, The only pops of color on him besides gold and black are red & Green but only in gemstones. 
Values himself above all else 
Expect 10 times the villainous monologues 
Loves showing their power through extremely violent means. 
Asch’s wrath and Leif’s crazy mix in a way that is just incredibly hostile to literally everyone. 
Hates being bothered 
has Asch’s condescending attitude. 
Loves nothing more than bullying others and just making people feel bad. 
Also loves taking selfies. Like...too much. Has a tendancy to stare in the mirror for elongated periods of time admiring his muscles. 
Hates being ignored. Like many of the other fusions. this one gets the MOST pissy about it though 
Feels like everything in the world belongs to him and that he deserves it, fuck anyone who disagree’s I’ll just blow their heads off with my fire magic. 
Complimenting him and feeding his ego is the only way to stop his violence. Depending on how you do it that is. Like complimenting his strength could make things worse
LAVA. They can create LAVA together. They melt them bitches down to Asch. 
Ava and Asch 
Ava’s salt mixed with Asches wrath. THEY ARE VERY ANGRY AND PISSY 24/7 
Kinda thotty. but also not? its complicated. Maybe forward would be the best way to put it
Lies constantly. Its never ending. Like they lie to everyone their friends, their enemies, their family, themselves. 
Will eat food off the floor. 
They are extremely rude and foul mouthed. They never seem to get along well with anyone and are prone to making death threats when annoyed. They never follow through with them of course but. 
One of the few ava fusions to fuse both of their regular attires together. a Reddish pink shoulderless jacket with a cape at the back. They have a FLUFFY light pink hood, and their pants are poofy towards the end with black and pink stripes. They also have asch’s arm sleeve thingy.
grows impatient REAL quick and is prone to use deadly force...well pseudo deadly force when angered
 Like stabbing
Literally pissed, annoyed, or tired 24/7 
Loves being in control of everything 
 In battle they constantly taunt their opponents. Using a disturbing variety of swearwords & unique Self-esteem breaking insults. 
Wears ALOT of pink. Has red eyes however. but their outfit is just a bunch of pinks and blacks.  
Nonbinary goes by he/him they/them 
The other 7 will be in part 2 I need time have to think of them. I’ll add more later! 
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lovirram · 6 years ago
Doc: always has that Tired Dad Look. Type of person who stays up binge reading a book until they pass out. Has a dire need to act parental to the younger operator's, seeing they might be homesick or missing their family's. Eats the weirdest things but never eats where people can see him. Will go on a tangent if someone messes with he equipment or his office. Sleeps like a rock and will only wake up to certain things. Alarms? Nah. Horrible rainstorms? Nope. Someone messing with his equipment or things in his office? Jumps right up to see whats happening.
Twitch: quiet girl but will talk your ears off if you ask or say something that peeks her interest. Actually a good motherly figure, cares dearly for the recruits and the operators near her age or that are even older then her. Coffee does absolutely nothing to her so she drinks it all the time. She also is the type that will bark at you to goto bed because it's late but never goes to bed until everyone else is asleep.
Montagne: always has an awkward face on. Sparks up conversations that make absolutely no sense to anyone else but him. Don't anger him though, you will get a rough talk and be told something you might not want to hear. Eats at the weirdest times, and eats breakfast foods for dinner or whatever is in the fridge at the time. Actually a light sleeper, sleeps alone for the most part or doesn't sleep at all. Coffee is his friend.
Rook: being one of the youngest operator's makes him feel insecure about himself. Actually doesn't like being called kid, but never tells you it bothers him until you notice him pout or make a sad face. Food hog, hides his favorite foods from others because he wants them all to himself. Bring him food and he'll thank you way too much and then be awkward about it. Another person who sleeps like a rock. Don't try to wake him, you'll just get ignored or he'll fall right back to sleep. Only thing that will wake him up is if Bandit shocks him or he gets cold water poured on him. A sleepy boye at the most. Side note, likes Lions presence for some reason but knows not to bother him after a few things Doc told him. He does try to start small talk or he sometimes shows something he found on the internet off to him. Sometimes Lion gets interested but most of the time he ignores or glares at Rook. Doc doesn't understand why he likes it but he doesn't bother them.
Lion: he got the name Lion from being loud but actually doesn't yell that much. Will be content to be left alone, only likes talking when he feels like it. (This may not make any goddamn sense buT woop) likes Doc's presence but prefers he doesn't talk to him or be relatively close to him, him being the only other person whom he spends time with besides Rook. He likes Rook because he actually learns to not bother him or try and strike up conversations when its not necessary. Lion is actually the one who starts conversations with Rook when he gets bored of being quiet. It might be about how his day was or what he encountered or found on the internet. Rook will just sit there quietly listening and will only interject when Lion is looking for an answer. But everything else is quiet and calm. Lion is nor a heavy sleeper or a light sleeper. Wakes up when something extremely loud happens or when hes shaken by someone.
Mute: only talks when its convenient to him or at random times talking about random things. Actual garbage child, will eat anything even if its a week past spoil date and never cleans up after himself. Likes to weird out others by just... staring at them. You never know if hes looking or not. Actually, thats just the SAS period minus Sledge. Finds it inconvenient to talk to any other operators besides a select few and the SAS. Always complains that Jäger bothers him too much or that Vigil needs to speak up for once but secretly likes their company (prefers Vigil because he's a quiet boy and Jäger gets too loud when explaining things). Twitch is too chatty and the rest are just too loud. Also, sleeping for him is non existent. The only time he sleeps is when he passes out from exhaustion and he sleeps in the weirdest places, like under desks or on counters or even sometimes standing up. Coffee is his next best friend besides Smoke.
Smoke: moody and always ready to tease you from the smallest slip of your words. Likes to yell because it makes him feel taller, except hes still short but just really screamy. Has the "SAS" stare but looks away when he notices you staring back or looking at him. Always hungry? Nah, he just doesnt eat enough. Eats really small meals or snacks around but engulfs any food thats given to him like he hasn't eaten in days. Prefers to bug operators whom have bad attitudes or are quiet and don't like to be bothered. Teases Mute frequently for being the youngest operator, but gets hit back with being one of the shortest operators. Bickers way too much about eating or random things that piss him off. Prefers company of Mute just because he likes to tease him but really likes to be around Lesion or in the workshop talking to the operators there. Doesn't sleep on a bed, prefers to sleep on the floor, couch, or chairs. People find that odd of him, while he just doesn't care.
Thatcher: one word. Old grandpa. Acts like a parent to recruits and the younger operator's. Prefers to be with his group or chatting with some of the younger operators because it makes him feel cool (cheesy man). Can he get anymore awkward? Yea. Find him staring at random things for a short period of time or him eating god knows what at the crack of dawn. He's perfectly fine being called old man or grandpa but when it starts to become more like an insult he'll get a tad more angry because even if he's the oldest operator doesn't mean people are allowed to make fun of it or use it as an insult. Why is he sleeping on the floor, thats not where you are supposed to sleep. Quite like Smoke but in a better sense that he will sleep anywhere and everywhere. Tables, chairs, the floor. So many times people found him sleeping in odd places. Accent gets thicker when he's tired or angry. Slurred speech and and a more use of British speek.
Sledge: wow hes big and tall and scary but on the inside hes incredibly nice and well behaved. Does the "stare" but keeps eye contact just to freak you out. Really nice though, but quite a brute when it comes to helping someone. Usually just takes the whole job for them, no complaints. Did i mention he likes dogs? No? Well he does. Any type of dog. Loves them all sizes and shapes. Silently gets excited when he hears or see's one or he passes one. Would love to get a dog but some things keep him from doing it. Sleeping for him is like trying to wake a bear out of hibernation. Nothing works on him, just let him wake up on his own. Gets a chuckle out of a few operators when they try to wake him up. Accent gets really really thick when he just wakes up or gets angry. Lots of yelling and death glares from him if you anger em'.
Jesus these took a long while for me to finish, but they are finally done! Hope you guys like them!
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amethysttide · 7 years ago
Do you have any hc about Tsukikage? Especially as captain/vice captain in third years? I'm dying for some hc after revisiting the series and realizing how far their relationship has come from outright hostility to now 'tsuki angsting over his play but kageyama shutting it down, refocusing his attention to the match while reassuring him of his skills with a firm shut up!!' They're so good together and their relationship has come so far I wanna cry
Same, buddy, same! They went from hating each other, to rivals, to nearly friends.
Would’ve already been complete friendos, if they weren’t so stubborn.
 Captain-Kageyama and Vice-Captain-Tsukishima is my kink, so thank you.
Their relationship continues it’s development when they’re second years.
All the bickering is still there, both of them will legit just disagree with the other for the heck of it, mostly Kei starts it, but neither actually takes it seriously.
The nickname “King” doesn’t bother Tobio all that much anymore, because he knows Tsukki doesn’t call him that to remind him of what happened in junior high, he’s just gotten used to calling the blueberry that.
But god help anyone from other team who calls Kags “The King of the court”, poor soul can feel a 190cm tall giant glaring holes in his head.
Tsukishima starts staying to practice with Hinata and Kageyama and Yamaguchi to increase his stamina, by spiking endless tosses, Kageyama does not get tired and Tsukki always looks like he’s about to drop dead by the time they finish.
Whenever Hinata has to go home earlier, Kageyama and Tsukishima leave together in comfortable silence.
One of those times they talked a bit and found out they have nearly the exact same taste in music.
 It’s rare, but sometimes you can catch them sharing headphones while doing their homework in the club room.
Even if not as often anymore, they both still make mistakes from exhaustion, alas they still make the other stop blaming himself in their own way. “How many times do i have to tell you it’s creepy when you apologize? Don’t. Let’s just get that point back.” “Shut up, dumbass, it’s not your fault, i had to read the situation better to set the toss where you will spike it best.”
They win nationals at the spring tournament and after all the crying and hugging with the entire team, they will just both smile genuinely and fist bump.
The summer those two, alongside Yachi, Hinata and Yamaguchi will spend most of their time together, mostly playing volleyball, but they also just love to walk around, find a nice place and talk all day and sometimes they will just spend their time in someone’s house and watch movies.
Most of the time Kageyama’s house is all to himself, due to his parents working overseas, so when Tsukishima wants to spend some time in peace, which he can’t do with his big bro around he just goes there.
Their crushes took a while to develop and Kei was the first to notice, since Tobio is so oblivious. It just started with paying a tad bit more attention to the setter than usual. Everyday. Whenever Yamaguchi mentiond it, Tsukishima just responded with “Shut up, Yamaguchi, you’re imagining it”, he only realized his best friend is right when he got hit with the ball right in the face, because he was too busy following those night sky eyes.
When Ennoshita makes Kags captain, he tells him, he can choose the vice, himself, the imediat answer is Tsukishima. He doesn’t even know why, the blond was the first person who came to his mind and his mouth moved on it’s own record.
Thus they start spending even more time together, sorting club applications, watching videos of the teams they will fight next, coming up with new strategies, etc.
While Tsukishima tries to act normal, Kageyama slowly start to realize that he really enjoys spending time with him.
Of course, since they’re third years Kageyama has gotten a lot better at social interactions, but still has struggles expressing his emotions from time to time, there Tsukishima fills in for him. The team often wonders if they can read each others’ minds.
They wonder even more, when Tsukki and Kags just look at each other and nod during a game and just- already know what strategy they’re using next.
The personal time difference attack has become kind of their thing. Also, what they did in the match against Aoba Johsai; Kageyama tossing to Tsukishima several times and Kei just pulling off faints, when it finally gets received no one expects Tobio to toss to the giant again, but he does and Tsukki just slams it with full power.
This two literally intimidate the others teams, by simply walking by and sparing a real nasty glance at them.
At one point Yama and Hina get tired as hell from always listening to the two idiots talking about each other. “I swear if Tsukki starts talking about how perfect Kageyama’s tights and ass are, once more, i will-” “It’s like, besides volleyball his head is filled with how smart Stingshima is, how pretty his eyes are, how he keeps improving- I CAN’T HANDLE IT ANYMORE!” So, they try to get them together once and for all.
No luck, both of them are hopeless in romance, it would be easier to “teach a penguin how to fly” -Yachi’s words.
Fortunately, Kei finally get tired of it as well and just goes “Screw it. King, i like you, i will not force you to, but if the feelings are mutual, i would like to date you.”
Kageyama goes blank for a moment, his brain processing the information, when it finally registers it, he gives that little smile that can melt ice and responds with “The feelings are mutual, i will also like to be in a relationship with you. Dumbass.”
Kags is not aware of that, but dear Tsukki got a lot of warnings which were mostly that he won’t survive, if he dares to hurt the raven, by their previous senpais, alongside Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Miya-Atsumu that is. And no, “We did not come all the way from Tokyo, just to warn you to not hurt Tobio/chan/kun, what are you talking about, you damn tree.”
Their dates are usually at some cafe, nice resturant, all those cliche places. It ends with a little volleyball game, because, damn it, Kei can’t say no to this look.
They are not the kind of couple who shows much physical affection in public, but when they’re going home they will reach for the other’s hand and hold it. 
And when they are alone in either’s house, there is so much cuddling. On the couch, standing in the middle of the hallway, while Kags is cooking since Tsukki ain’t allowed to touch anything in the kitchen  Kei will rest his head on his shoulder, the raven being the perfect height for it.
But it’s best when they’re in bed. Tsukishima gets cold easily, while Tobio is always so warm. His body generates heat, that makes Kei sleepy in seconds.
The first kiss takes time, it happens on Tobio’s 18th birthday. Kei finally gets the balls to do it and after he blows the candles he cups the blueberry’s face and says “Consider this your early Christmas present, my majesty.” Before gently pressing their lips together, Tobio takes a few seconds, but responds soon enough.
Cue to the rest of the team having their jaws open, except Yamaguchi, Hinata and Yachi who just stand in the front with bored expressions, muttering  “About time…” at the same time.
That got a biiiit too long, didn’t it? XD I just love them so much, i’m sorry-
Anyways, thanks for the ask~!
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years ago
Roleplay Server Log #360
“Chips, Chips, Chips”
[Notch] Comes around the corner of the house with a sleepy yawn- Why are you guys being so noisy out here? It's the middle of the night.
[CP] - Fuck off!
[Doc] Cp, as usual.
[MA] -Waves-
[Notch] Oh hey Ma.
[Doc] Actually... you could help maybe... Ma has a way to make Cp relax without sleeping and Lie might benefit from it as well....
[Notch] And he won't cooperate... because of couse he wouldn't
[Lie] - I just want chips...
[Karla] Ma? Could you handle two subjects at once?
[Notch] What kind of chips?
[MA] Hmm... -Bleps a little as he does the mental "math"- Ehhh... more or less yeah.
[Lie] - I don't know...  I just want some...
[Notch] Noted. Cp.... just... cooperate. You're slouching around like you haven't slept in months.
[CP] - I don't need any help!
[Notch] Very skeptical expression-
[Karla] We could always borrow some of the clowns special candies instead....
[CP] - Oh fuck no!  I'm not letting anything of LJ's near my child!
[Notch] Then- Gestures at Ma-
[Karla] It is a harmless thing.
[CP] - Fuck off!
[Lie] - I just want some chips...
[MA] -bounces a bit on his heels- We can get you chips if you and your mate agree to sit still for Just A Moment.
[Doc] Seconded.
[Lie] Very quickly snags CP with some vines-
[CP] - Fuck!
[MA] Perfect, now focus on my staff. -It. has a shard back on top again. When did that get there?-
[CP] - Fuck no
[MA] Oi, cockmunch. Your mate wants some chips, and the faster we do this, the faster she can have some chips! And you want her happy, right? -He twists his staff, and the shard atop it spins a bit-
[CP] Growls-
[MA] Just focus on it.
[CP] Flips MA off but settles a little as Lie leans against him-
[Karla] Is only giving him a sidelong glance. She's too much of a control freak to ever allow herself to be hypnotized.
[Doc] Watching curiously to see Ma's technique.
[Lie] - I just really want some chips...
[CP] - I know, you'll get them
[Blake] Got worried at how long it had been since Lie went outside and follows out as well. He sits on her foot, and thins his tail eagarly, looking around-
[MA] - goes through a warm up set, making sure that both, but mostly CP, are focusing on the top of his staff. It's a subtle thing that both start to feel a bit more loose. A bit relaxed and calm, and ever so slightly open to suggestions-
[Lie] Gently rubs Blake's head-
[Blake] Tail thump- happy pantpantpant-
[Doc] Little sleepy yawn-
[MA] You're going to start feeling Quite Relaxed in just a moment, and that's great for both of you. You could both use it. Maybe even, you'll consider taking a nap? -That suggestion is starting to sound very good to CP.-
[CP] Being himself however fights back mentally, the suggestions not taking as strong of a hold as they should-
[MA] Hm.. If that isn't on your mind, maybe you'll just Sit With Your Mate, hm? Relax with her for a while. After she gets her chips, of course.
[CP] Flips MA off- Fuck off you irritating little twerp
[Lie] - CP don't...
[Blake] Focuses on Ma and is near instantly mesmerized. His lips start moving in a distinctly un-doggy way, but there's no sound.
[Doc] Starts to purr-
[MA] I'm just trying to help your mate. You both could certainly use some sleep.
[Karla] Is watching Blake suspiciously-
-There's the faintest whispering of Insanity and the wolf whimpers in fear-
[CP] Becomes very alert and growls a little-
[Doc] Suddenly notices Blakes panicked expression- Didn't Dawn say he dumbed himself down on purpose?
[MA] -Head tilts a bit and lowers his staff some-
[Lie] - Yeah, she did
[Karla] I'll take him inside. He shouldn't be exposed to this- She grabs Blakes scruff and forces him upright.
[Blake] Follows her meekly with his tail between his legs-
[Lie] - CP...
[CP] - I know
-The whispering blows away with the breeze and the bad feeling fades-
[Doc] Looks after the wolf- Poor thing...
[CP] - Well you can blame that little fucker- Gestures towards MA
[Doc] He's only trying to help and Blake only came out here because Lie was out here. He really seems to dote on her.
[CP] - I don't fucking care.
[Lie] - CP don't. And Doc, Blake seems to like CP as well
[MA] -Bounces the shard off the top of his staff- I'm just doing what was asked. You're the one being melodramatic.
[CP] - You little fucker I will destroy you and feed you to your family!
[MA] -Bitterly- I bet they'd like that. -Shakes head a bit- Anyway!
[CP] - Shall we find out?- He growls as he stands summoning his sword
[Lie] In her tired, irritated, and craving state, she flicks her wrist at CP, catifying him- That's enough CP, come here
[Doc] Thats likely for the best anyway. Cats are naturally sleepy.
[CP] Angry noises-
[Doc] Lays hir tail fluff over his back. It's warm and very soft. - Come on Lie, you can sit on me.
[Lie] - But my chips...
[CP] Slips out from under Docs fluff-
[Doc] Now you're both being difficult.
[Notch] Sighs- if Cp could teach me to make portals I'd get them for you Lie.  
[Lie] - I can open a way for you...
[Notch] But I couldn't get back. Unless I want to be the weirdo carrying an angry cat into a convenience store.
[Lie] Picks CP up- Maybe BEN could go with you?
[Notch] shrugs- if you think he won't strand me I'm fine with that.
[Doc] People who smoke pot usually know where the best snacks can be bought too, right?
[Lie] - I dunno
[Notch] Smiles - Amsterdam is full of delicious things... You could stay a week and gain 20stone sampling the local cuisine.
[Lie] - Will somebody please just go get my chips?
[Doc] types to BEN- we've got a rather needy pregnant lady craving chips. Feel like going on a snack run? Notch is paying.
[Notch] Gonna leave more crumbs for that police officer huh?
[Doc] Why the hell not? - Xe points a claw at Notch- and don't bring a bunch of that nasty plastic packaging in here either!
[BEN] Takes a minute to respond- Sure, gimme a sec
[Notch] Alright! Alright! I'll take some containers! - he opens the creative and starts making room in his inventory and filling it with buckets and bowls-
[BEN] Flies in and lands, he's already pulled on a LoZ hoodie to hide himself in- So where are we going?
[Notch] Your call. My cards will work in the UK or US. I've a got a weird passport from Slender if anyone gives me shit.
[BEN] Shrugs- Alright, I don't care- He creates an opening
[Notch] Follows him out - so how's the wife and little one?
[Doc] There you go Lie. Markus will get your chips. Now will you please settle down before Cp explodes from stress?
[Lie] - Oh fine
[BEN] - Doing good, Hyrule doesn't talk much, but he's getting pretty big
[Notch] Aww, you should let him come over and play with Ashe Oak and Willow. I'm not even sure he's met Cn. Probably haven't seen Yaunfen in ages either. I think they're as big as they're gonna get. - he steps out into the night below a security camera behind a convenience store. - Ah good, I was hoping it would be dark. Easier to not be noticed with our- he pauses - not so human features...
[BEN] - Why do you think I have such a large hoodie? Hides my face pretty well. And Hyrule goes to play with the village kids a few times a week at least
[Notch] Yeah... but I'd think you'd want him to play with Endrea's kids since they can't touch... you know...?
[BEN] - Eh, the village works fine
[Notch] Quietly- it's not because they're human, is it?
[BEN] - What are you implying?
[Notch] Nothing, I'm just curious. I'm not sure how you feel about plain old people anyway. I mean, they were just prey to you for a long time right?
[BEN] - Well yeah, some of them might still be
[Notch] Shivers- Can I presume you mean that in a protective of your family way? Because that I absolutely understand.
[BEN] - Partially, but killing is also a part of what we are, you know CP has killed for fun even though according to the rest of you he doesn't need to anymore
[Notch] Looks down- Yeah... I know. But it's not just according to us. He wasn't always like that.
[BEN] - But it's also far too ingrained into him now
[Notch] For what it's worth, I hope you're wrong.
[BEN] - We'll see, now come on, we got some snacks to buy
[Notch] Nods a bit grimly- Experts first.
[BEN] Leads the way into the small store, it's fairly quiet with a bored looking cashier behind the counter and a few customer's milling about-
[Notch] Grabs a little basket and rolls it along.
[BEN] Heads for the aisle full of chips and looks at the different types- You'd know better than me what she'd like...
[Notch] Well... I actually don't know. She was just very insistent that she needed chips, pronto. And whatever I get, Doc can make more so it's probably best to get a bunch of different things.
[BEN] - Then let's start grabbing
-As BEN starts getting bags a woman turns the corner at the far end and starts making her way towards them-
[Notch] Reaches for stuff on the higher shelf and checks what BEN is getting so they don't get the same stuff twice.
[Woman] Scoffs at them, the smell of her perfume beginning to clog the aisle as she mutters something under her breath-
[Notch] Gets a snoot full of the smell and coughs explosively. Too much time on the server where smells are fewer has made him a tad sensitive. [Thankfully BEN must have been forced into the tub by Aven recently, or his eyes would be watering.] -Gah!
[Woman] - Excuse me!?
[Notch] Identifies her as the source of the smell and pinches his nose before coughing again-
[Woman] - You fucking retard, how dare you be so insulting!  And to be so in front of your child!?  I should call CPS on you!
[BEN] Very quietly snickering-
[Notch] Don't call someone a retard, especially... in front of my kid! Rude old hag. At least I don't smell like I bathed in cheap toilet spray!
[Woman] Goes red in the face- I'M CALLING THE COPS!
[BEN] Laughing just loud enough for Notch to hear-
[Woman] - And you must be a horrible parent!  Who let's their kid stay out this late and buys only junk food!?  I bet you live in a tiny, messy, cesspool of a box!
[Notch] Who's making a scene on camera here? It's not me. And we're getting snacks for a road trip at dawn, what's your excuse? Buying some sour wine to drink by yourself?
[Woman] - How dare you!
[Notch] How dare you lady? Mind your own business.
[Woman] Just starts screaming unintelligently at Notch-
[Notch] You make me wish I had a squirt bottle on me.
[BEN] Ducks his head a little as he uses his powers to make certain none of the woman's cards or phones will ever work again-
[Notch] Come on BEN, this is getting annoying. - Starts to walk away.
[Notch] Okay I'll skip. Get bent.
[BEN] Laughs again-
[Woman] Is left huffing in anger-
[Notch] Whispers to BEN- I grant that some people do really suck. I just want Cp to be doing it for a good reason. Not just randomly.
[BEN] - Don't worry, I've probably screwed up the entire rest of her year
[Notch] Huh?
[BEN] Explains what he did quietly as they approach the counter-
[Notch] Can't help but laugh- Oh dear....!
[Cashier] Just begins ringing their stuff up, not interested in having a conversation-
[Notch] Hopefully this will be good enough... We got nacho hot, ranch, bbq, plain, sour cream, pizza...? Pizza chips?!?! Yuck. With my luck those are the ones she'll want.
[BEN] Shrugs- What mom wants, she wants
[Notch] True that. - He pays for the pile of sacks and starts gathering them in one hand. - [at the clerk] sorry about the ruckus. People are so rude. You have a nice night, okay?
[Cashier] - Whatever, that bitch always starts stuff like that
[Notch] head shake- Then you have my pity as well.
[BEN] Tugs on Notch's shirt as the woman comes up towards the register-
[Notch] Gives her a sideways look- Not done yet? Don't you have a bridge to guard from billygoats someplace?
[Woman] - THAT'S IT!  I'M CALLING THE COPS!- She whips out her phone
[Notch] Gives her the faintest smug smile-
[BEN] Just starts grabbing bags-
[Notch] Waggles his eyebrows at the cashier like 'this is gonna be funny'
[Woman] Gets angrier as her phone doesn't work-
[Notch] See? Even your phone doesn't want to talk to you.
[BEN] - Can we go?  I'm getting tired
[Notch] Yeah come on, we've got one more little thing to do and we can split. - Heads out the door-
[BEN] - What else do we need to do?
[Notch] Take out the trash actually. Can you take me to my irl house? That's the least suspicious place to do it.
[BEN] Shrugs and makes a new opening-
[Notch] Scoots through and steps out of the big tv- Thank you. - He heads for the kitchen and starts emptying the chips bags out of the plastic sacks. - Doc will have a fit if I bring this stuff in as it is. Though it will result in several mystery items since we won't have the bags.
[BEN] - Do you have a pen?  We could mark each bowl with what type.  Or put a piece of paper on them
[Notch] Good point! I bet I have a sharpie on my desk. It's down the hall and on the first right if you want to grab it. - He's dumping chips into empty buckets and tucking the packaging under them for now on the counters.
[BEN] Goes down the hall, looking for the office.  Upon finding it he digs around until he finds a pen and brings it back, tossing it at Notch-
[Notch] Catches it deftly, - thank you. - The pen makes a satisfying squeaky noise as he writes on the buckets and stows them away. - And thanks for what you id back there too. I really don't want any contact with the police. Having that officer stalking me and my old staff is infuriating enough.
[BEN] - Hey, it's fun to cause mischief for awhile.  And any card of hers that gets near that phone or the other cards will be effected as well
[Notch] Laughs- Nice trick! I'm not opposed to mischief. But hey... I'm gonna be a granddad soon. - Strikes an unconvincing dignified pose- Gotta set a good example for the kiddles.
[BEN] - Pfft, like that will happen
[Notch] Lets out a bit of air- Well... At least I'm in better shape because of Cp, plus a mate and kids. I actually owe him quite a bit.
[BEN] - Yeah yeah, whatever.  Are we done here yet?
[Notch] Yeah, I'm done. Ready when you are. - He stuffs the bags into the trash can and waits for BEN.
[BEN] Makes another opening back to the server-
[Notch] reemerges and stands there adjusting for a moment. - I have so much stuff that needs to be copied...
[Doc] I already set up a double trunk. Just fill it up and I'll duplicate it all.
[Notch] On it-
[Lie] Is sitting next to Doc with CP resting lightly over her somewhat rounded belly, he's finally managed to start dozing-
[Doc] Okay, I got everything. -also directed at BEN- Good trip out?
[BEN] - Got to mess with a bitch
[Doc] Sounds about usual.
[Notch] She deserved it, it was pretty funny. Hey Lie? The queens chips are ready.
[Lie] - Gimme
[Notch] Shoves the trunk akwardly over to her- We got a bit of everything.
[Lie] Looks through and grabs some plain chips for now, quickly beginning to eat them while she keeps a hand on CP-
[Notch] Did he get some rest at least?
[CP] Irritated tail flick-
[Doc] As much as an angry cat can.
[Lie] - Sorry for making you go out for me...
[Notch] No big deal Lie.
[Doc] Is sorting through the inventory - It's cool Lie, now we have all these new snacks. I'll take Sam some copies too.
[Lie] Nods in understanding before accidentally grabbing a spicy one-
[BEN] Leaves, heading back towards his house-
[Doc] Is squinting at the array of buckets - Some of these are a bit hard to read though...
[Lie] Takes a bite and gets an immediate nope response- The hell is that one!?
[Notch] There was a sweet chili one. we really tried to get one of everything...
[Lie] - No spice please
[Doc] I'll make sure and mark that one.
[Lie] Goes for a different chip-
[Doc] Ooooh.... this one has cheese. I like it. - munches just a few chips -
[CP] Suddenly jumps up as Lie gasps.  He's standing up now, ears perked forwards in a very attentive manner as he looks at her belly-
[Notch] Did the baby startle you Cp?
[Doc] Also very attentive-
[Lie] - Notch, come here!
[Notch] Hurries over to her- What is it Lie?
[Lie] Grabs his hand and puts it on her belly, there's a faint little kick from inside.  That's what had made CP leap up so suddenly since it happened right under him-
[Notch] Makes the mushiest smile- Awwwwww tiny little bean kicking around.
[Doc] She griefed her daddy too. Ha!
[CP] Hisses at Doc, not amused-
[Doc] Happy chuckle-
[Notch] At least you know she's healthy Cp-
[Lie] - She's already getting so big...
[CP] Swats at Notch's hand-
[Notch] OOoooooow!
[Doc] Cp, come on!
[Lie] Gently pets CP- Hey, it's alright
[Notch] Cradles his bleeding hand-
[Doc] Pulls out a jar of paste and holds it out for Notch to take a bit-
[Notch] Thank you, that stings like a bitch.
[CP] Settles back down-
[Lie] Yawns-
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canaryatlaw · 3 years ago
okay, I'm tired so this will be quick. today was fine. slept till 8 since I was ubering in and it was a file clean up day, so no rush to get there before it started. I did some work for a bit, but also helped with the file clean up, which was basically just making files for all the random documents we've amassed over the last two years that didn't have a physical file to be put in. So needed to be done, but a tad tedious. We had our all staff meeting on zoom at 1, which is generally pretty boring, but they did announce some stuff about potential raises coming soon, so that was promising. after the meeting I did some more stuff, then had a phone call with my client I'm supposed to have a hearing with friday, that was meant to be prepping for the hearing, but soon turned into something else, and it looks like we're going to file an emergency motion to continue the hearing date based on newly (more or less, anyway) discovered evidence. I'm fairly sure it'll get granted, I just don't know how this judge works so it's hard to say. but yeah, headed out a bit after 5 and got home, made some dinner and just chilled out for the rest of night, then showered and got ready for bed, and now I'm here and like I said, sleepy, so I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight friends. Love you lots.
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borrovved · 7 years ago
Another Side
Word count: 3,988
yoongi x reader
Disclaimer: mentions of depression, and suicide
Min Yoongi. Min Yoongi wasn't really an outside person, meaning- he just didn't go outside. Except for photography or the occasional outing with his friends or to play basketball, but that's it. So when it was summertime he didn't party almost everyday and get hangovers, he hunched over his computer screen and dwelt on what to write. Fresh out of college, majoring in English and literature, basic writing stuff, and minoring in music.There wasn't a lot of stability in finding jobs. Jobs that can be careers anyway. He just wanted to write stories, do his hobbies, and enjoy life. “Be the better you than you were yesterday” he likes to say. Which is fucking tricky, when he has depression.
College stressed him out so much. He always had blue rings under his eyes, a slight slouch from bending over his desk late at night to finish those damn essays, falling asleep on his desk, wondered if he should drop out, wondered if this was worth it.
Now a man with a degree, he doesn't know if he's the one that is worth it. He has those pesky thoughts linger in his mind. And tonight, they wouldn't leave. It's pissing him off, with each thought clouding his mind as he's lying on his couch. "Your stories aren't going to fucking sell. They're filled with shit." He tells himself. The music he plays and writes himself just feel like sounds with no meaning behind them. These thoughts are driving him mad, so he gets up, says "fuck it" and is on his merry way to drink his sorrows away.
1:13 am, June 12th
You're driving around aimlessly on a summer night, and it's drizzling. You got into those moods again where you're bored, alone, hella fucking sad, and need to get out of the your place because you've become a hermit. Summer is your absolute, favorite time of the year. No school, no deadlines, no stress. Shorts, tank tops, off the shoulder blouses are totally appropriate to wear. Sun's out, buns out, right? Fucking wrong.
It's been raining for a week straight. Your mood changes when the season changes. (Drastically, too.) You love summer so damn much, but it's probably the worst you've ever felt each time in the year, for the past two years. It's because you don't have a routine to stick to. You get out of bed whenever, eat whenever, get off the internet, whenever and however you want. This unfortunately leads to awful sleep schedules and a lethargic body. Unhealthy, tired, lonesome even. Plus, you hate the rain. You got out of your apartment, showered, ate, and even got dressed up a little for no reason, because pampering yourself is self-care. That small inkling of happiness builds, which brings you closer to a better routine.
Blasting music and driving in solitude was so exhilarating, and liberating to you. You're more of a walker than a driver, but people shouldn't really be listening to music with headphones in at night, walking alone at 1 am. So the car, it shall be. No direction to really go to, but you pay close to mind on where you're going, because you get lost easily. You never really venture out unless it's work, home, the store, or a friend's house. You're not all good at reading maps either. Driving at night at this hour isn't practical, but who said you led a practical life?
You don't venture far, just drive around in circles, take a turn here and there, and suddenly you're driving past a bar and realize you drove a little too far from home and never heard of these street names before. You turn around, and try to retrace your steps, because you can't be that far off from home. You drive slowly and see a man with his thumb up pointing in the air. He doesn't look menacing looking, just..a tad tipsy by the way you look at his stance. He's actually kinda cute when you look closer, with the way the little drops of rain start to gather and roll against his nose, his sleepy eyes making him more innocent, the way he's doing the sweater paw thing while his thumb is in the air and holy shit your car is parked right in front of him now.
He looks more wide awake now, with the loud noises of your windshield wipers swishing around. He blinks once or twice. You blink twice or three times. He's walking, you have your eyes on every move he makes, and he gets in. He just casually clips his seat belt and looks at you.
You've picked up a hitchhiker before. You saw a grown man holding his little son's hand. The little boy was wearing a backpack, and the father had his thumb in the air. Of course, you were scared it was some sort of sick scam and that you might get your car jacked because it was the slightly less nice part of town, but you figured you would give this a chance. You parked by them and immediately got your pepper spray out as a warning because you really can't afford to be naive. You drove the boy to school, and his father insisted on walking himself home. This is a different situation, because you left your pepper spray at home. Also, this is even more shady, because it's night time and why the hell did this guy just not get an Uber? God, you're really stupid for letting this guy in.
All this time you were staring at him and letting your thoughts run wild, when you hear him say "You're not a serial killer, are you?"
You've always had a smart mouth, to which you answered, "The chances of two serial killers in the same car is astronomical." He's unfazed by this response, and he just smirks. He really can't be a murderer when he's sporting sweater paws in his lap, can he?
"So uh..where are you heading?" You ask sheepishly.
"Home. I can type in the address into your phone if you want." He's a soft talker. You turn down your music.
"Yeah, you can do that. Here." You hand him your phone, and he's staring at it blankly.
"Hey, is there something wrong?" You ask.
"...this is an android." Jesus. Christ.
"Is that a problem sir?" You deadpan.
"No, simple observation. First time I actually hitch a ride, and my driver is an android user. This is a lot to take in." This time he's smiling, and it's noticeable.
"Are you sure you're not a serial killer? This much boldness and conversation on your end is freaking me out." You say as you start driving. The destination is approximately 16 minutes, not bad.
"I swear. Whenever I get drunk I'm just this outgoing." He chuckles.
"Because I have a complete stranger next to me now, I gotta interrogate you. Why didn't you just call an Uber? Or a friend?" You say.
"My phone died. I don't like the music that plays at the bars so I brought my ear buds, and I didn't charge my phone before I left my place. I was at the bar drinking for a couple hours. I'm one of the oldest out of all my friends, so they're still living on campus at the opposite end of town, any other friends aren't close around here, nor family. So no one can take me anywhere, and I'm not dumb enough to drink and drive regardless of how clear the roads are." He says that relatively fast for someone who's not sober and articulates it in a way that throws you off a bit.
"You just answered all my questions and I haven't even asked the rest of them yet. Are you sure you're not drunk? Or is this just a creatively weird way to pick up girls?" You inquire.
"I've figured I owed you a good explanation because you're practically my savior at this point. Plus, I'm not into chicks who picks up guys on the side of the road. I like cautious, sensible girls. No offense." This guy sure has the balls to be this mouthy at you.
"How are you going to call me your savior when you also just insulted me in one go, man? Gimme a break. I wasn't even planning on stopping for you, I was making a u-turn while slowing down and I stopped without thinking." He turns his whole body to face you.
"So you're telling me you didn't even think about letting a stranger in? You just..let it happen? This really is a fortunate day for me." He leans back in the seat, closing his eyes with yet another dumb smirk. It's not that you weren't thinking at all, you were just checking him out. No way in hell does he have to know that though.
"Hey, don't fall asleep on me now. You gotta make sure I'm going the right way." You nudge him with your right elbow lightly. He opens his eyes and now you feel them on you. You grip the steering wheel a little tighter because his gaze is making you tense, you can just feel it piercing you.
"Well, what about you? Why are you driving into the night like this? Getting home from a party?" Part of you is contemplating whether to overshare or tell him to mind his own business. Seeing as you are on some sort of high after picking up a hot stranger and most likely never seeing him again, and you can't possibly push him away or turn him off by your upcoming venting session because it's not like you guys are gonna screw, and he's in your car, so he's forced to listen. Plus, spilling it to someone you'll never cross paths again is better than venting to a friend that will just end up worrying about you and just saying the same thing again: it will get better.
"I needed to get out of my place. Depression has been kicking my ass so I'm just trying to piece myself together again by going out for a drive and fixing myself up. I've been in bed all day on my phone swiping and typing away, barely eating. My apartment is barely recognizable. There was so much shit going on in my head, I needed to get out. I'm not going anywhere, just driving in circles really. Then my dumb ass got lost and I found you." For a moment he doesn't say anything, but just sighs and says,
"That's a decent way of coping with it. On rare occasions I drink to forget about my depression." A soft "oh" escapes your lips.
"I was about to say sometimes but then I figured it would make me sound like an alcoholic. I swear I'm not." He says. "It's just been a really bad couple of weeks. So bad, I kinda don't care what happens to me at this point. That's why I decided to hitchhike tonight. Things like this happened before, if I walk to my place it will take about an hour and a half. I sober up, think more clearly, and go back to bed."
"You already sound like you're sobering up. I think you're halfway there to feeling better. Even if you feel better temporarily, it's still good." You say.
"Oh babe, I'm most definitely not sober right now." Even in the darkness you're worried he saw you blush after saying that. The conversation is flowing nice even though you literally met less than twenty minutes ago. You don't want it to stop yet, and try to talk as much as you can.
"What are your coping skills for when you feel like this? Do you like music? Maybe you could play it and drive like how I'm doing." You said.
"That's a nice idea, and I love music. It's one of my hobbies. Although I don't like the idea of wasting gas, I'm not really made out of money to do that. I write in a journal about how I'm feeling. Maybe play basketball. I try to surround myself by people who love me, but it gets overwhelming when they see you like that, like this." He points at himself. You notice how he has earrings. Pretty silver hoops. Always had a soft spot for piercings.
"I get it, I usually pace around my room with earbuds in to listen to music. Or outside and do that..but seeing as it's late I can't really do that. Also, your happiness matters. Nothing is ever a waste if it will make you feel better." You say, eyes still straight ahead.
"I like your way of thinking, I wish I was more positive. I'm actually way better compared to how I was a few years ago but sometimes you have a shit day. Or month. I'll keep that in mind, though." He says, sounding a little defeated.
In your car you were playing a pretty mellow playlist. It's all songs that you liked recently. A lot of them were sad though. Some old favorites here and there for added nostalgia too. What you forgot what you usually did though, was adding one song that was incredibly energetic and random from the rest of your playlist, so you wouldn't be sad the whole time it was playing. One minute you're listening to a symphonic ballad, and then you hear Super Bass blasting from your speakers. You're about to change it when you hear him laugh, pretty hard too.
"Oh god. This song reminded me of a really funny story. In high school I had a bad episode where I came pretty close to offing myself but then fucking SUPER BASS came on shuffle after my sad music ended, and I just remember laying on my bathroom floor thinking 'I can't kill myself to this song, it's Super Bass' so I just went to sleep." He finished saying while holding his stomach, not trying at all to contain his laughter.
You were about to ask what "offing yourself" meant and then replayed the story he told you in your head, and almost swerved the damn car from laughing so hard. After the laughter simmers down, you ask,
"So you said music was your hobby, what did you mean by that?" You ask.
"Well, I write songs. I make music, I produce. Just a bunch of underground stuff. That doesn't really pay the bills so I work a side job too." He says.
Not much is said after that. Words exchanged here and there like, "this is a good song." There was one moment where both of you said it at the same time and laughed some more. You want to pat yourself on the back in your choice of clothes and doing your makeup on a whim, because you're almost sure he was checking you out too.
You don't know why you haven't realized this before, but this person lives in the same apartment building as you, as you start parking in your spot. You were so caught up in the conversation that you didn't realize you ended up driving here on your own without really looking at the map on your phone. The stranger unbuckles his seat belt and turns to you.
"Hey uh, thanks for the ride. I hope you don't live too far away or anything." You turn off the car and unbuckle your seat belt, which makes him a little apprehensive.
"Calm down, I live here too." You start getting out of the car and walking towards him. You can see how flushed his cheeks are under the streetlamp.
"I've never seen you around though." You said.
"Well, I've never seen you around either. Maybe we are both serial killers." He has a very lovely smile.
"Thanks." Well, shit.
"Oh god you weren't supposed to hear that." You start playing with the hair tie on your wrist and looking down on the ground, seeing yourself in a little puddle separating between the two of you. He just starts smiling wider, and changes the subject. Thank God.
"We should get inside, before it starts pouring." It's almost 2 am, and you can feel yourself get worn out. Both of you walk inside the building and go into the elevator.
"What floor are you?" He asks.
"Maybe that's why I never see you, I'm on the second." He says. You lean back on the wall and evaluate how your day went. You did the dishes at least. The whole place is still a mess. You took a shower, that's good, right? And you brought someone back to their home safely. Good karma is always needed. Your attention is on him now. He's about to step off on his floor.
"Later, stranger." You say. He's out of the elevator now, and says,
"Yoongi. Min Yoongi is my name." The doors start closing but before it does, you see him getting into his apartment. It feels good opening up your feelings and leaving your home for once. You finally get on your floor, and get inside your place. You head straight for your bed and stare at the ceiling. You remember all the dumb stuff you did tonight (and said) and remember the words exchanged between that guy, Yoongi. Now, you could just let this guy be and remain as acquaintances, or scheme ways to run into him more. It doesn't take long to try to find ways to run into him though. You have no choice because it's him, that runs into you.
Part two, coming whenever the hell that is
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darkhymns-fic · 4 years ago
The meaning of passive-aggression
Yuna only wanted a bit of fun with Aegis after an exciting conversation she had with Vicious - or so she said.
But Aegis had never been good at detecting lies.
Fandom: Tales of Crestoria Characters/Pairing: Aegis Alver/Yuna Azetta, Vicious Rating: T Mirror Link: AO3 Notes: Based on that one skit about tying up Aegis. You know the one.
There was nothing more suspicious than seeing two troublemakers huddled in a shadowy corner of the inn’s main room, going into fits of giggling, their grins stretching from ear to ear. Like children reveling in their latest crime of stealing the last chocolate cake slice, or thieves that prided themselves on their petty crime of snatching a few gald from an old lady that passed by.
It only got more obnoxious when they wouldn’t leave said corner for around ten minutes.
“Are you two ill?” Aegis asked of the pair, going to them. “The innkeeper here keeps giving us looks because of…whatever this is. Have you forgotten that we’re supposed to be undercover?”
Yuna was covering her mouth with just her fingertips, barely hiding away the smile. She seemed absolutely tickled about something and whenever Aegis saw such an expression on her face, he knew it had to be bad news. Maybe he should check his pack later, and see if she hadn’t put something incriminating in it like last time…
“Oh Aegrouch, don’t be jealous now. We are just ‘avin a, how do you say… a little bit of girl talk!”
“…You don’t say.” Aegis narrowed his eyes at the slouched form of a certain Great Transgressor. His grin matched that of Yuna’s, even as he had to bend down his long legs to whisper effectively with Yuna just before. “Yeah, learn to mind your own business, knighty boy!”
To that, Aegis just rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Kanata and Misella have already gone to their rooms, so I’ll just be going to mine. Have fun looking as suspicious as possible then.”
“Heh, you know it!” Vicious flashed another sharp-tooted grin at the ex-knight, and once again, Aegis had no idea what to make of this man, except that he was most likely deranged in the head. He tried to ignore the strange flutter in his chest. It had just been a very long day.
“If you are so curious, per’aps you would like to join in on our little discussion.” Yuna winked as she spoke, her voice like liquid that probably would have melted any other soul if Aegis’ will wasn’t made of steel, as he knew it was.
“Going from experience, I’m quite sure that the less I know, the better. So, goodnight.”
Aegis wasn’t going to linger, especially in this ramshackle lobby of the inn, which strangely looked like every other inn lobby they had been visiting for the past few weeks. But true to his word, he didn’t stay, walking up the stairs, remembering to feed little Meakyu before going to sleep for the night.
He only barely noticed the mischievous tinge to both Yuna and Vicious’ grins as he turned away, but to be fair, that wasn’t exactly out of the norm. This only emboldened him to check his vest pockets in the morning and get rid of any tufts of grass stuffed inside. The joke was certainly getting old.
“Hey, I told ya I’d kill to see you try that, right?”
“Must everything be so violent with you? Maybe Aegrouch is right, you truly are a barbarian…”
Aegis thought he was dreaming it up. Not exactly the first time he had nightmares about the very people he was traveling with after all! Perhaps it was just Vicious finally coming upstairs to get to bed, even though he couldn’t recall ever actually seeing the man sleep. And still, why was he hearing Yuna at all…?
Bleary-eyed, and a bit grumpy, (trying to feed Meakyu had taken the better part of an hour as the small creature kept avoiding him in fear…) Aegis finally sat up, groaning in annoyance. “I’ve barely slept for more than an hour. Can you two please-?”
Then he felt himself pulled back, the back of his skull smacking roughly against the headboard of the bed.
Hearing Vicious’ voice again made him think that he was definitely stuck in some sort of nightmare.
“Huh, didn’t actually mean to do that. These thread things are temperamental.”
“You would blame them for your oafishness?” A sharp tsk of the tongue. “Mon amie, you are much too violent.”
“I didn’t think he’d get up that quickly! It’s his fault!”
Aegis was sleepy, a tad bit famished, (Meakyu also ate his food) and now his head was aching after being so roughly pulled by…something!
He tried to move his arms, then found that he couldn’t. Not at all!?
They were pressed to his sides, due to the binding around him, the material much stronger than it seemed at first glance. It looked like thread that had been dipped in red paint, but as he struggled, he could feel it nearly bite into him from their tension. “Gah! W-w-what is this?!”
And only then did he finally turn to his left, seeing both Yuna and Vicious standing by his bedside. In Yuna’s right hand, he could see her kunai held deftly by her fingers. The red string dangled from the very end of the weapons.
Wait, her kunai? That meant-
“You’re using your blood sin on me? Are you insane?!” And oh, he wished his voice hadn’t cracked just then.
She coyly tapped the kunai’s sharp tip against her lips, concern in her eyes. “Oui, juzt a little experiment. But you are not being a very promising subject for it…”
“I told you, I could have just knocked him out like that!” Vicious clenched one hand and slammed it into the open palm of another. The motion of it somehow made Aegis get pulled forward, smacking his nose straight into Vicious’ arm – and only now did he notice the Great Transgressor held one end of that curious red string material too, complete with Yuna’s very weapon. “You never let me try out my ideas!”
“Oui, because if I let you, you would just give this poor boy a concussion. That iz not what we want.”
“You sure about that?”
“Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?!” Aegis once again tried to wriggle his way out of the strings, but to no avail at all. He was shivering, the blankets he had tucked around himself now in a messy pile at the foot of his bed. Though his legs were free, he was still half-submerged in fatigue to do much of anything else with them except shift them around. And to think he had slept through…through whatever they had been doing to him!
“Just what is this? Is…is this a hostage situation?” He grew quiet, his voice barely above a whisper. “Are…are you traitors!?”
Yuna smiled and nodded. “Zat is true. There iz big money on your head!”
“Yeah! What she said.” Vicious pointed a thumb at her, trying so hard to hold back laughter that he nearly doubled over. “Gonna get a lifetime booze supply out of ya!”
“…You are just both making fun of me again, aren’t you?”
Yuna nodded once more. “I would think you would see through my lies by now, Aegrouch.”
Aegis very, very deeply frowned, but that was literally all he was capable of doing right now. Dressed in his underclothes, which consisted of just a threadbare shirt and his loose boxers (knight-certified, of course), he felt all sorts of vulnerable, especially when underneath the leering gazes of a lying journalist and raucous criminal that still never learned how to wear a shirt himself. If this had been a few weeks earlier, Aegis would have felt completely mortified. Currently, he was just very tired.
He sighed. “I would prefer it if you didn’t rope me into your strange games… Stop that!”
He could already see Vicious laughing, pulling at the ‘rope’ that was bound so very tightly around Aegis’ arms and torso. “Aw, come on! I didn’t make you say it.”
“That’s not the issue, also you are cutting off the circulation to my shoulder!”
“Circu-what now?”
“Az I said before,” Yuna interrupted before the two could get lost in their own arguments. “Vicious and I just wanted to try a little experiment with you. We were having a bet, you zee. Knights like you are so stiff, a bit of a bore…”
“I am not boring!” Aegis couldn’t help but feel a bit defensive.
“I’m not done, but yes, such a bore! Vicious here thought you would be impossible to loosen up, but me… I have much more faith in you.” She winked, leaning forward, the hem of her robe reaching to the wooden floorboards. It also gave him more of a view than he was comfortable with.
“And how exactly does tying me up make me less boring?”
“Ah Agerouch, hav you never heard the term about opposites attracting? It’s not just to do with people…” She straightened again, and held up her kunai where the ring of it looped that curious red string. “But you woke up before we were complete with it… I had many kinbaku patterns I wanted to try on you.”
Aegis had to pause on that, just for a moment. He had to sift through numerous ledgers in his brain to finally settle on the very meaning of that word.
“I’m sorry, did you just say-” he started, only for Vicious to groan in frustration, interrupting him completely.
“Ugh, stop it with your damn French junk! I already said we should tie back his arms and see how far they go before they pop. Can’t get less boring than that!”
Aegis stared open-mouthed, while Yuna merely shook her head like a scolding teacher. “Non, that would be very bad now, wouldn’t it? Not everyone grows back their arms such az you.”
“Well, maybe if he tried!” Vicious then cackled wickedly, hopping onto Aegis’ bed while still wearing his shoes, still dragging the dirt from the 10-mile trek today. (No!!) “Also! I said first thing we should wrap this junk around his throat, then he’d be knocked out like a light! I know this stuff!”
“That would- that would literally kill me!” Aegis shouted. They must have made a racket by this point, so how had no one come by to his room already? He knew Misella didn’t care but he had at least hoped for Kanata…
“I must agree with Aegrouch. It would very likely kill him.” She clasped her hands together, placing her cheek over them, all while still holding one of the kunais with no fear to their sharpness. “And it would be truly terrible, it would!”
“I cannot tell if you are being sarcastic or not,” Aegis said, in half-defeat. “I do not think I want to know the true answer.”
With Vicious practically standing over him, grinning that terribly sharp grin of his, (and why did he have too stand that way? So much so that his marked abdomen was too close for comfort…at least Aegisthought) there was not much Aegis could do when he was essentially being tied up like a cooked turkey. And he didn’t appreciate the way Vicious seemed like he was about to salivate on him at any given moment. He didn’t handle the kunai he held with any grace like Yuna, looking dangerously close to dropping it straight on Aegis’ head at any second.
“Hm, we could try tying up his tongue!” Vicious helpfully suggested, looking particularly excited on that idea. “Especially if he’s gonna whine so much.”
At that, Yuna motioned with her right hand. Aegis only saw the red string wrapped around her ring finger before the shape of the kunai flew across his face. The weapon sang through the air, the tip nearly grazing his cheek before she caught it and quickly hid it in her overflowing sleeve.
“Hey!” Vicious shouted, and though he was addressing it to Yuna, he was closest to Aegis. So it sounded like he was screaming just exactly into his ear instead. “I was using that dumb thing.”
“Je suis désolé, Vicious. But, clearly, this is too much for you. Kinbaku is not the same as going, as you say, full guns blazing? It requires much more thinking then per’aps you are used to.”
“Ughhh, this is sounding less fun by the minute. I think you tricked me!”
“Does no one care how I feel about this?” Aegis asked, then closed his eyes. “No, of course not. Or I would not be here in the first place.”
Vicious placed a bent arm atop on Aegis’ head, leaning on him as he sighed so very deeply. “I care about you shutting up right now.”
“Duly noted.”
“I could very well go with my first plan, Vicious, and tie you and Aegis together instead.” She smiled, though the leer in her eyes was much more obvious now. “A bit of jealousy that you are not getting the same experience?”
“Hey, told you I ain’t care about what a ham feels like!” Aegis had to think about that turn of phrase, even as Vicious continued. “You and Kanata are way too obsessed about tying me up here.”
“Wh-What does Kanata have to do with this?” Was this his idea? And he had thought the young man to at least have some integrity.
Yuna shrugged. “Now it’s getting to be less fun. And usually we work together so very well.”
Vicious finally stepped off the bed, (while leaving dirty footprints behind!) hands folded behind his head. “Alright. Then I’m out. Gotta say, this just ain’t as exciting as I was hoping for it to be.”
Oh… Were they already going to be done humiliating him like this? Was it truly over? Aegis couldn’t begin to believe his luck.
“Oh Vicious, after all we been through?” Yuna was overdramatic in her disappointment, her hand placed on her forehead in mock despair, her body looking ready to sway right to the ground. Had she been takin acting lessons as well from Penelope? “We were two peas in a pod, and yet you abandon me…”
Vicious waved her off, stepping around her form with all the stealth of a hidden snake in the grass. “Maybe I need to be more drunk for this to be fun… So I’m going downstairs to do just that. Also I expected knighty here to scream a bit more. But all he does is bitch and moan.”
“You are incredibly awful,” Aegis intoned.
“And? What’s your point?”
Yuna moved from her ‘despaired woman’ position to resume her natural stance, looking suddenly so chipper again as she waved at the Great Transgressor. “Please be sure to drink yourself to death again!”
“No promises!”
Again?? But Aegis tried to show himself mercy by not thinking too hard on that.
Vicious shut the door then, and Aegis could only imagine he would go to the kitchen, terrorize the bartender for a little bit before stealing the alcohol from the kegs. His sole hope was that the proprietor would be too terrified later to make them pay for the expenses…
And yet Yuna hadn’t moved. In fact, she just continued standing by Aegis’ bed, smiling so pleasantly.
“Um.” Aegis shifted. Though his legs were still free, the red string continued to bite into his shirt, which was very uncomfortable. “Are we not done with this, or….?”
Ah, first mistake. He shouldn’t have made it a question.
Yuna continued to smile, but her eyes held something else in their depts, and she did so while holding up one kunai. The energy from that blood sin was similar to his own, and he could feel it heat up the air between them. “Aegrouch, but I haven’t even begun to have my fun yet.”
“You and I most likely have very different definitions of that word.”
Yuna stuck out her tongue at him then, showing off her pattern of guilt for the ex-knight to see. “Oui, your idea of fun is making up a grocery list for our next shopping trip, non?”
“You know how important it is that we have supplies! How many times must I explain this to all of you?” He paused. “Also, making lists just happen to be very meditative for me.”
Yuna nodded, but did so as if she would fall asleep at any moment. “See, now zis is why I wanted to do this! Per’aps I could instill a different level of fun for you? It will be for sure to get ‘ze blood pumping as you say!”
“I don’t like the mention of blood here…”
Yuna didn’t listen to his concerns. She held up both weapons suddenly, and the strings unraveled from his body – but they hovered around him, like sharp lines of color that cut straight through the air.
“Besides, without Vicious to interrupt, this will be much more pleasant, don’t you think?”
Aegis tried to react quickly. He shifted from the bed, the brand on his chest burning so brightly, it shone through his shirt. “I won’t let you-!”
But before he could even let another word pass through his lips, he was wrapped up, contained, bound again. The strings from Yuna’s kunais slipped around him like quick-moving snakes, even the very air they traveled through seemed to hiss at their travel. It triggered a memory of when he had seen her control these very strings to dig into the earth with the force of steel, rooting objects from their very foundation.
These strings could cut him up, could break him bit by bit, if she so desired. And he waited for that to happen, awed by their motion.
One slipped around his left thigh, while another wrapped around his chest like a circlet, doing so twice before traveling down to his arms. This time, they were pulled back, just slightly away from his body, and held together with the binding.
The act felt as if it was happening both too fast and too slow, all at once. Aegis found himself staring as the red string weaved themselves into knots, couldn’t move a leg before it was already bound up, limiting himself of all movement and freedom. His arms were pulled in closer to his back, and there was the sensation of the strands moving over his skin, forming knots that seemed impossible to pull apart.
He couldn’t follow their travel for much of it, many of it out of his sight. Aegis tried to struggle once more, and that was when he felt a hot breath just at his neck, saw that mark of guilt, printed black against the pink of her tongue.
“Se détendre, Aegis.” The smile was still on her face, but it held less of the bite than he had expected. “We don’t need to put on a show now.”
This only confused him more, from what had already been a very confusing night all around.
Why was she acting this way with him? Why would she?
He was still, so very still as the strings enveloped him in intimate ways, when he saw Yuna’s fingers move along the air, as if pressing against the invisible keys of an instrument. “Yuna,” he said, finally remembering to use her name. “Are you-”
“And done!” she said so quickly, leaving his neck and sporting another of her knowing smiles. The softness of her voice before had now completely vanished. She then gently placed her weapons on the bed, admiring her handiwork on Aegis. “All wrapped up and as lovely as any present.”
Aegis halted, feeling the binds pressed against his shirt, against his skin. He couldn’t see himself as well as Yuna could see him right now, but he stretched his back just a bit and it –
It was the very the limitation of it. The containment. The suspension, his arms still locked together tight, out of his very sight. If the knots there were more woven tightly, if there were dozens and dozens of them, he wouldn’t have been able to tell, at least not by much. He wasn’t experienced enough to understand it through touch alone.
But through it all, the way he felt, it wasn’t something that tightened or pulled at a nerve. It didn’t threaten to lock the flow of blood or make his muscles ache.
The binds moved with him, just enough. Working with him, almost.
“So…does it hurt?”
Aegis opened his mouth to confirm just that, because hadn’t it just did before? With the thread so tight that, if it truly had been wrapped around his throat like Vicious joked about, he’d have choked?
But he paused, focused on the feeling in his fingers – and his fingers could still bend and feel, despite their current position. The binds were around his wrist, around his thighs, and over his torso. The strings splayed out around him like floral patterns once he, looping underneath each other to create imagery that he hadn’t ever considered.
“I…suppose not…” And he didn’t understand that. Just earlier, the binds had squeezed him much too tightly.
Yuna placed a hand on her chest, and sighed. “Good. It iz not supposed to. Well, unless you would like it to.” She winked. “But I wanted to make your experience a more pleasurable one this time. It feels like a big hug, does it not?”
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Aegis pouted. “But it is rather nice that it doesn’t feel like my arms are being pulled from their sockets.”
“Ah, magnifique then!” Though she no longer held her weapons, he still saw the string around her fingers, still trailing from her hands, connected to the patterns that decorated his chest, his thighs, and perhaps his back, if he could hazard a guess. It moved along with her, and he felt that gentle motion, nearly in sync with her own. “I always wanted to dress you up as such. Getting the braided pattern down your spine was a bit tricky.”
Aegis flushed, embarrassed at the affair, while also slightly intrigued. “Please do not treat me as your doll.”
“Oh? Even after I gave you such a pretty bow…” She giggled, and only then did the threads started to tickle, only then did he see the end of one looping down to brush against his cheek. He almost didn’t want to know just how extravagant she had made this so-called bow on him.
“You…you humiliate me enough during the day!” he shot back, the calming sensation from before already evaporating. “I demand you untie me.”
“Ah, but do you really mean such a thing? My dear Embroiling Deceit… she would just like to have your way with you.” Yuna tapped a finger against her chin, her gaze thoughtful and so very concerned, (oh of course she was) as she turned to the wall. “I’d assume you would appreciate the fine arts such as zis. My very own chef-d'œuvre, yet you would rather see it scattered and become utter chaos?”
“What are you talking about? You’re the one that assaulted me in my sleep-”
The kunais laid out on the bed snapped right back into the air, their blades catching the moonlight streaming in from the window. They rushed straight down, past his still head to imbed themselves into the wood of his headboard.
There was the sudden sharp clunk of the wood. It was loud, as loud as gunshots. But it was only the blades, their edges humming as they vibrated in the wood from the force of their plunge.
He blinked, and Yuna was over him then, smiling that same smile.
Her hands were placed against the bed, looking over him like he was something just so very interesting that she had found on the ground. “Aw, if only I had brought my enpicturator along… What a fun sight for me.”
His heart fluttered for the second time that night, yet the binds around his wrist didn’t tighten, even in his initial struggle.
“I…I don’t understand you!” The words came out louder than he meant to. Just a small crease on Yuna’s forehead, but he noted it. He kept pushing.
“What exactly do you even want with me?!” Her twin ponytails brushed against the bed on either side of him, tickled his sides cheeks just a bit, the way the threads had earlier. The red of the material seemed to illuminate within the dimness of the room. They matched the very shade of her elaborate hair pins, and, were they loosened? Just a bit? “Why pick me for such a so-called experiment? Just to torture me? That’s all any of you ever do!”
“Oh Aegrouch, you are just so fun to play with.” She sighed, and her breath hit his skin, sent nerves springing to life after being put to sleep from the binds. “Must you keep saying such cruel ‘zings to me?”
He narrowed his eyes, but failed at hiding away the color he felt rise to his cheeks.
“…I told you that won’t work on me.” Even on the battlefield, she liked to mess with him. More than even Vicious would.
Then so close, once again. She stuck out her tongue playfully, her very guilt branded on her with the brief flicker of flame.
Too close. Not unless she was about to-
Yuna looked down, and it was then he felt a fingertip against his chest, making him wince. Not from pain.
She pressed against that very guilt of his, hidden beneath his shirt, despite its lightness. It felt too much, too overwhelming for a moment. She hadn’t seen how it happened, how it came to be. She could not know. After all, hers had come from the ire of misguided and petty people. A true failure of the vision orb system.
Not like his own, so rightly deserved.
“Yet zis seems to work on you?” She tilted her head, tracing that guilt over him, too accurate in her patterns. “Maybe I should do something else with it then. Unless you truly would not want to.”
Aegis had his answer ready, floating within his head all this time, even as she bounded him up in strangely gentle ways. He tried to speak, but the words would not come.
Instead, he said, “You don’t even like me, I thought.”
She winked. “Aegrouch, I thought you would know my lies by now.” Leaning in, near his neck. “But you don’t know me so well, do you?”
The feel of her tongue was warm and sharp, and the Stain over his heart only continued to burn. Yet…not painful, and still he was bound and kept still, instead of being scattered to pieces as he had so often felt.
“I will help keep you together,” she breathed into his ear. “If you will humor me, for a little while.”
Perhaps she still kept lying, even long after the night drew out, when the shape of her own Guilt was imprinted into his head, into his very own mouth. The threads kept him from being shattered from his own misgivings, while her tongue continued to do carve meaning into him, down to his chest where the light of his guilt never dimmed – but he would not ask why she chose him to assuage her own guilt.
Maybe it was better to not know the answer.
0 notes
merryfortune · 8 years ago
Lounging Around
First of a new month oop you know what that means, its polyshipping day. Doesn’t really fit the theme since I wrote this a while back.
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s
Ship: Jack/Yusei/Aki
Synopsis: Sharing is caring but the middle seat on the lounge is the exception to that rule.
Warnings: No Dialogue
Word Count: 3,306
Links: ao3 | ff.net | ko-fi
  In their flat, their home, they have a needfully long lounge because no one ever uses the ends of it willingly. Instead, they all prefer to be in the middle. Of course, they take turns on who is allowed to be most comfortable. More or less. It’s something of a competition as to who can get the prime spot on the lounge first.
  It is all decided by luck, or simply who is and isn’t around at any given time of day. They all have lives to upkeep so it’s not a constant problem but on the rare days in which they’re altogether and a tad bored, unused to be idle, then it can be something of an issue.
  Especially given Jack’s love for space. It’s always a hassle when he stakes claim to the middle of their long lounge first.
  Jack loved the middle of the lounge because it means he has the best position in front of the television they have set up. He likes to have the best view so he can examine the details of his past Duels individually; to the best of his eyesight. Watching from an angle is strenuous and that leaves room for mistakes.
  He also likes to have the middle because he’s just a selfish person in general. He likes to have his arms over the back of the lounge and knees apart. He doesn’t even notice that he just naturally sits to claim as much as space as more than necessary. He doesn’t even notice compared to how Yusei and Aki sit. Luckily for him, his partners don’t mind at all. It’s just another one of his quirks that they no longer notice because they’re so used to seeing him like that.
  That and there is quite the benefit for them as well. With his arms outstretched and still plenty of space by his side, it left his partners the perfect opportunity to annoy him by cuddling up to him. On rare occasion, it could be all three on the lounge; left to right: Aki, Jack, and Yusei. Jack, trying to watch television, with Aki’s hand on his right shoulder and her face on his life with Yusei opposite; with his hand on Jack’s thigh and resting on Jack’s body. Warm and comfortable.
  Except when Jack’s trying to reach for the remote so he can wind back the program because he thinks he missed something whilst Aki and Yusei were distracting him by bestowing somewhat subtle affection upon him. Still, it’s nice to have them all like that. Jack relishes it even; how Aki smooches his cheek whilst Yusei traces circles idly on his leg; or upon his left shoulder if he’s outstretched his arm too so he can entangle his free fingers on Aki’s sleeves. Most days, they weren’t that messy. They preferred to keep their affection subtle. It was far too unnerving to have limbs go numb and to forget who was touching who.
  Though, some days its likelier for only two people to be on the lounge.
  If Jack is alone and tired then he will most definitely use the lounge for a nap over the bedroom. It was something of an instinct left over from his youth in Satellite. He didn’t feel safe under blankets like most people. He felt like he was too likely to become entangled and trapped if he were to sleep underneath one. He didn’t like the vulnerability of it and the slight, off chance that he might be attacked. So, he would remain ever vigilant and that resulted in his odd habit of simply napping upright, arms across his chest, and a scowl that made him seem to be in the most deep and furious thought rather than anything else.
  Yusei understood that. He really did. That’s why if he wants to share the lounge with Jack when he’s in a state like that, he is ever so careful to never wake him. Instead, he joins Jack for a power nap. Yusei rarely sleeps touching Jack when they’re like this; preferring to keep some distance so Jack doesn’t feel breached should he wake first – but has yet to. He may not even be aware of the many power naps he’s taken with Yusei.
  Instead, Yusei prefers to have it so his back is against the arm of the lounge and his feet barely touch Jack. Though, he somehow knows that Aki is waiting upon the day in which he and Jack finally just conk out together: heads resting upon each other and all just so she could be a romantic cliché and place a blanket over the both of them. Neither have spoken about this but he feels like it is something Aki would like to do; he was privy to her thoughts when they watched cheesy rom-coms together – something they all did as a guilty pleasure. Let it be known now that they all prefer a bad romantic comedy over some brilliant action sequences. As professional Duellists, the saw plenty of that in their day-to-day life.
  Aki is not as careful as Yusei when it comes to sharing the lounge with only Jack.
  If Jack has claimed it and Aki is in the flat, she may meander over and decide that Jack’s lap is the best place for a mid-morning or mid-afternoon nap. Jack doesn’t mind at all, usually. Only if he’s watching something unimportant. That is because Jack always succumbs to an odd temptation.
  With Aki in his lap, her legs over one of his and her hands on his shoulder, her face in a nest of her shoulder and hair, Jack always finds and fails to disobey the temptation to play with Aki’s hair. It is easy to say out of the three of them in this relationship, Yusei has the worst hair: it’s always coarse like animal hair. Not that Jack could talk with all the product he puts in his Still, the point stands: Aki’s hair, however, is far nicer; always smelling of flowers and soft as silk. Jack finds it to be a very lovely feeling to idly wind his fingers in one of the tendrils of her magenta fringe if she has it down; and when she’s feeling safe and secure, which is far often than now compared to when they had first met, it usually is down.
  Initially, Aki hated it when Jack touched her hair. It felt far to personal but now, it had come to be one of her mundane pleasures. If she’s in his lap and he’s not playing with her then what was the point?
  Moreover, Aki loves being in Jack’s lap for other reasons too. As she is the smallest in the relationship and he’s the tallest so she always feels very protected, balled up in his lap; she refuses to sleep any other way unless she has been the one to stake claim to the middle of the lounge in which case it was an entirely different scenario.
   Whilst Aki was not the most competitive of the three, nor was she the most stubborn of the three and she didn’t even find the middle to be the best place to be altogether, she did happen to be the most self-indulgent of the three.
  Aki likes to have the lounge to herself and the best way to get the lounge to herself was by claiming the middle seat. Aki is a very active person: alert, awake, and usually up to something, most of the time that is. Around the flat, she let her sleepiness arise and succumb to the idea of a nap or lie-down quite easily. She could take a rest in the master bedroom and she does, if she wants some peace and quiet but if she’s craving a little company then she’ll take a moment to relax on the lounge by lying down on it.
  As it is far longer than her, Aki can lie on it like she would a bed. She prefers her head facing the window and her toes pointed towards the kitchen. Her partners don’t mind indulging her, letting her sprawl out as she wishes but sometimes, it can be more fun to annoy her. Jack is particularly good at estimating when was and wasn’t a good time to irritate Aki when she’s having a rest.
  Jack may gravitate towards her and half-heartedly straddle her legs. He might put his hands on her back and give her bit of a jostle. Aki, not minding, might laugh or pry herself from her book or hands to tell him to knock it off with a half-serious, unamused look in her amber eyes. All in good jest of course. If not, well Jack might give Aki a massage. He might rub her shoulders and back; something usually received quite well.
  Aki practically melts in his hands when she’s massaged. She sighs and purrs. She becomes the girl beneath the cold façade and its wondrous. A rare smile crosses her lips and that makes Jack happy. And if it makes Jack happy, well it can make her happy as well.
  Unlike Jack, Yusei isn’t as mischievous. Aki knows that so she doesn’t go around and try to invite trouble so she gives him some room. She crawls up to the other end of the three-pillow lounge so he has room to sit, slant against the arm of the lounge. She’ll keep her feet to herself; either pull up her knees or just fold back – whatever is more comfortable on the minute. She can be quite finicky like that and can alternate between many positions in the span of a few minutes, especially if she’s feeling a tad ill, before finally deciding how’s she most comfortable.
  Yusei wouldn’t call it annoying but the lounge moves with Aki; sinking and rising depending on how the weight of them both is distributed along it. However, it is mildly irritating if he can’t get comfortable because Aki can’t get comfortable so he might try and help. No ill intent meant but it can be immature. Aki doesn’t mind; sometimes she gets a laugh out of it even. She sometimes encourages it by tapping Yusei’s thighs; not often but she has been known to.
  To help her decide how she’s comfortable, Yusei may idly caress his hand on the inner of her ankle. Her high heeled shoes on the floor next to his feet so she’s just wearing her thick cotton socks. He might play “this little piggy” by pinching her toes and wiggling them; of course this is usually unaccompanied by the nursery rhyme for some reason. Aki usually resists that and squirms; usually having decided that she would simply prefer to sit up cross-legged on the lounge rather than sprawled out like a house cat. Yusei might also brush his fingers along the curves of her foot. Fortunately, Aki is not ticklish.
  Most of the time. There have been instances in which Aki has instinctively kicked back at Yusei for touching her feet without warning. These instances have resulted in black eyes and other bruises. As well as awkward, seemingly unbelievable talks with others, including Jack. That was a long time ago though. At the beginning of the relationship when they had all felt weird about all dating each other. Such instances have faded, of course but Yusei is still worried one day Aki might accidentally poke his eye out because she doesn’t like being touched with cold hands.
  However, if Yusei and Jack are both around whilst Aki has claimed the middle of the lounge and both are feeling more playful than usual, then they both will join her. For Yusei, Aki will lift her legs so he may sit down. And Aki will lift her head so she could use Jack’s lap as a pillow. No offence to Yusei, they had discussed this a few times actually, but his skinny thighs are not very nice, Aki has decided. Although, to be fair, Jack’s weren’t all that better either but at least he had some flank to his thigh compared to Yusei who was all skin and bones.
  They could stay like this for half an hour at the best before Jack gets restless or Aki goes numb from resting much of her weight on her arms. Still, it was nice just having them all relaxing like this; no sound but their breaths, the turn of pages if someone was reading a book or magazine, and the wind outside. It was small moments like these that Aki cherished most. When her boyfriends weren’t trying to mess with her hair or toes, that is.
  Finally, then there was when Yusei had managed to get in first and claim the most comfortable seat on the lounge; the middle seat. Much like Aki, he didn’t quite get the whole thing with the lounge. It was just a lounge. However, Jack did and though Yusei wouldn’t like to admit it, he did find some joy in riling up Jack so he too has his own way to be comfortable on the middle seat.
  Yusei didn’t take up as much space as Jack or Aki. He didn’t see the point in it. He prefers to share as well. After all, it is easier to keep warm by being bundled up; not that he has to worry about that in his heated flat with his heated partners. With the two of them around – and all three of them on the lounge at once – it was like having an electric blanket constantly sprawled over them. Particularly so when he’s in the middle.
  That’s because he usually ends up with Aki and Jack using him as the middle ground between them. Each of them taken to a corner and resting their backs against the arms of the lounge. Those two taking some care not to sprawl out and cluster Yusei; their legs and feet interlocked between each other with their knees not quite guarding Yusei. If Yusei was big on watching television, this would pose an issue as screen was now somewhat obscured by their legs but since he wasn’t, it wasn’t an issue. Still, he felt very protected between their and their resting bitch faces so he almost enjoyed it. Almost being a key word. It was hard to remain relaxed with death glares aimed at you; the result of which could be from playing Duel Links on their phones together or from the fact that Yusei hadn’t done the dishes yet. Who’s to say?
   Other times, when Yusei was clear of conscious regarding the dishes for instance, it was Yusei who felt like he was doing the guarding. Most notably, guarding his beloved girlfriend Aki.
  He worries about her sometimes. Not often. But still, sometimes he sees the parts of her that hurt, the parts of her which are her past, seep unto her face and behaviour. That’s when he gets worried. Yusei wants Aki to know she’s fine and safe but years upon years of emotional abuse, inadvertent or deliberate, have taken their toll upon.
  It’s easy for Yusei to recognise it. Aki slumps and becomes quiet; quieter than usual and he does his best to keep her grounded. Remind her of their bonds. Something that may end up with her squealing and laughing. And if not, well at least she’s dosed up with a bit of affection and solidly reminded of the love she has now.
  When she’s like this, she doesn’t usually want much to do with the lounge but she has to pass by it if she wants to retreat into the master bedroom and that’s when Yusei does his best to cheer her up; in that small window of time. If he’s in the middle of the lounge, it’s very easy to lurch over his knees and hug Aki’s waist.
  She stamps her foot and grumbles but Yusei just hugs her. He pulls her back into his lap but she doesn’t fight. Bemused but not angry; telling him to make it quick because she’s feeling moody. He knows. He doesn’t have to be told but it goes said anyway.
  Aki swings her legs and feels herself become cocooned by Yusei’s warmth. He nuzzles up against her neck and back. He holds her steady. He lets one of his arms go loose so he can use it to hold Aki’s hand. Their fingers interlock naturally. He kisses the back of her neck and blows a raspberry. She expects it every time and yet it sends her howling, she pushes past him and rolls her eyes. Yusei lets go and smiles. Aki smiles back and Yusei knows he’s done his best. She’s in a slightly better mood now and is free to overthink as she pleases now.
  Whilst Aki doesn’t mind having her personal space randomly invaded as she enjoys to randomly invade the personal space of her boyfriends, Jack meanwhile is a completely different story. Especially since he is the crowned, reigning King of excessive personal space which is why when he does decide to sit far too close with Yusei when he’s in the middle, there is definitely very good reasoning as to why.
  Jack always had something he wanted to talk with Yusei about; usually it was a professional matter. Be it a question about how Yusei’s handyman business was going or how his D-Wheeler was going. The chances are, they always have something to talk about and the lounge is the best place to discuss it unless it was of a very serious matter such as financials. That was a dining room table talk.
  Jack tends to scoot in next to Yusei and lie one arm across him so they could half-cuddle whilst Jack shows Yusei a video, an article or a piece of audio: anything that he thought needed second opinion on; Aki was also good for this but with Yusei he could use more uncommon – read, “made up” – terms and jargon in the conversation.
   Together, they would share ear-buds and watch or listen to Jack’s latest finding together. Maybe even read any text that pops up to each other; or parrot and laugh at anything remotely humorous in the media as well. Then they were likely to discuss it in depth or Yusei might shoo Jack away if he’s just overthinking something dumb like a thoughtless article on how unconventional it was for the King to have both a Queen and another King in his private life.
  It had been quite the media circus before they had confronted the press.
  Their relationship – all three of them: Jack, Yusei, and Aki – would not describe the arrangements between them as unconventional in the slightest. After all, it was their lives, intertwined and otherwise, so it was what they were accustomed to. Even in the beginning of the relationship when they were still trying to gel to new and old behaviours, it wasn’t that hard or odd to adjust.
  No one inside their inner life, their friends and family, had found it odd; not even good, old Senator Izayoi who had a reputation to maintain had batted an eyelash at them for he knew his daughter was in good hands regardless of the upbringing or social class her suitors had once belonged too. The only people who wanted to mock and lash out at the way the three of them were conducting their love lives were those whom they did not know. Those who could not be more removed from their social sphere. Luckily, Carly’s articles kept those people straight and narrow whenever questions got too prying and quite frankly, offensive.
  Besides, between the three of them, they used their lounge the same as anyone else. And what could be more “conventional” than that?
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Listener - Request
Requested by anon:  Being Sherlocks first girlfriend and him only listening to you during one of his boredom cravings? Thank you so much!
Summary: Reader realizes Sherlock doesn’t listen to her unless his bored, which makes her feel a bit down and Sherlock notices.
Pairing: Sherlock x reader
Word count: 1,505
Warnings: Nope.
A/N: It’s been a while since I write in the “you…” format (whatever it is called) so I’m curious as to what reaction you’ll have.
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Sherlock Holmes, the most famous high-functioning sociopath and your boyfriend.
He was a lot of things, but a good boyfriend wasn’t one of them. For instance, his high ego about his intellect made it hard for him to give you a decent compliment which resulted in: “Your… shirt looks nice, although that colour doesn’t really fit you”, “Your un-used mind amuses me” and “I’d rather keep you at home than out on a case, you might ruin it… And I also want you to be safe, although no one is really safe. Bye!”
However, you were enamoured with him. His aureate language and his multiple talents had you head over heels, without mentioning those small but highly appreciated moments in which he would actually show affection to you.
It was weird, and nobody understood how you could date a man like him, but that’s exactly what love does: it turns you into a stupid person. Sherlock would remark that as constantly as possible, making sure to add a “maybe that’s why my IQ is becoming lower… because of you” Which was as romantic as he’d get.
You’d find yourself brooding about him when he and John were on a case. He had had a few love affairs in the past, nothing to worry about, and they had proven to everyone that Sherlock Holmes could actually feel; after all you were his first girlfriend. However, there was still something off about your relationship. An effervescent feeling, down your gut, that begged you to re-think.
But what was it?
It took you a while to find out, but once you reached the denouement, you couldn’t help but to feel a tad bit down. Sherlock wouldn’t listen to you unless he was bored, and yes, he didn’t truly listen to anybody else but him and sometimes Watson, but you weren’t just anybody.
“You’re upset.” He observed, although he hadn’t moved his gaze from the book he was reading. You looked back at him, sitting in his seat, crossed legs and tilted head. He was like a fine piece of art, and yet, your broken heart made you focus on the conversation.
“I’m just tired.” You muttered and gave your back to him once more, pretending to be rearranging the books at the nearest shelve.
“Tired?” Sherlock chuckled, “If you were tired you’d be yawning, or at least looking sleepy. You’re not tired.”
“Well, you’re the expert.” You sighed and walked over to sit in front of him. “Tell me, Mr. Holmes, what do I have?”
“I think that’s a question you should answer to.” Sherlock commented, putting the book down.
“Are you telling me the great consultant detective can’t deduct his girlfriend’s thoughts?” You provoked him, “The first time we met, you said I was clear as water to you. So tell me, what do I have?”
“You’re upset.” He replied nonchalantly.
“I’m upset, because…” You lifted an eyebrow, expectant to hear his answer.
“Let’s see…” He mumbled, “Not that time of the month, it just passed. We also haven’t been into a fight recently and you’re not bringing anything back from the past. It’s not any of your family or acquaintances that are upsetting you and nothing on the news could have triggered you…”
“So you don’t know?”  You inquired. Sherlock did that face he did whenever he didn’t know the answer to something that seemed to be simple – aka everything – and you watched with felicity. You felt like he deserved to feel that way.
“I…” He shut his mouth, took a deep breath and looked away. You knew he was formulating a thousand hypotheses about you in his mind.
“Maybe if you listened you would know.” You hissed bitterly and got up. Sherlock didn’t bother to look at you, he just repeated your words over and over as you grabbed your coat, purse and keys and walked out of 221B.
Two weeks passed and Sherlock was still focused on the same issue. His arrogance and lack of culpability blinded him to realize it was a mistake he had made that got you on that mood. Watson had tried to talk some logic into his brains, even though he didn’t really know which of the many negative traits of Sherlock were bothering you, and of course Sherlock didn’t listen to him either.
“So… Are you still upset?” Sherlock asked absentmindedly. He had asked you to accompany him while he introduced eye balls into different, common, substances. Therefore, you two were at the kitchen, right in front of the other at each side of the middle isle.
“I don’t know, have you figured out my reasons yet?” Sherlock dropped an eyeball to a cup of detergent.
“No.” He replied slowly.
“Too bad.” You mocked, “I am getting a tad bit disappointed in you, Sher.”
Sherlock huffed and looked up at you. You could see the frustration in his icy blue eyes. “Maybe if you just told me…”
“You’re a detective.” You insisted.
“And you are a complicated woman.” Sherlock snapped back, “When they told me it would be like this…”
“What? What crossed your mind when they warned you about this?” You inquired angrily.
“I didn’t believe them.” Sherlock answered, “I thought you were different.”
“Play the victim, Sher.” You complained, “Why on Earth would I be different?”
“Because if you weren’t I wouldn’t be in love with you!” Sherlock exclaimed angrily. He had a short temper, and it also was the first time he used the L word so it didn’t make it any better.
“Well, Sherlock,” you hissed, “maybe I was different until I fell for you.”
“Are you blaming me?” He expressed his confusion using only his facial features, “I’m not the one to blame here, (Y/N)!”
“Right, because I’m the sociopath that can’t even do a proper compliment!” You complained.
“Is this because I don’t compliment you enough?” He asked in the same angry tone you had just used.
“No! It’s because you don’t listen to me!” Sherlock’s confused look turned into a smug smirk. Of course, he had faked the whole thing to get you to spill the truth.
“Aha!” He exclaimed.
“Shut up.” You threatened.
“Why are you angry? I do listen to you, I don’t get it.” He inquired; his voice had lowered in volume and was now rather normal.
“No, you don’t.” You whined, “You only listen to me when you’re bored.”
Sherlock stared at you with a dumbfounded frown. He couldn’t get himself to process the recently achieved information, which made you even angrier. You stormed out of the kitchen, and it took Sherlock a few agonizing seconds to react and follow you.
“I can explain.” He spoke with a doubtful voice.
“I doubt it.” You replied. You had your back turned to him.
Sherlock hesitated, before walking closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and carrying you to the couch. You fought your way out of his arms in vain. Sherlock was stronger than he looked, and so he got you to cuddle with him against your own will.
“I can explain.” He repeated and this time he sounded confident.
“Five seconds.” You hissed.
“Oh dear, I could do it in less.” He cocked an eyebrow and you punched his chest. “Ow!” He complained, “Fine, let me…” He cleared his throat, “I do listen to you.”
“You’ve already said that.” You breathed out angrily.
Sherlock sighed, thought his word carefully and spoke. “When I’m on a case, I have to focus on the case and nothing else… If I paid attention to you all the time I wouldn’t be able to finish anything and my reputation would…” He shook his head, “I only pay attention to you when I’m bored because everything you have to say is enough stimulation for me to stop being bored… It’s like you were a never ending fountain of stories!”
“That’s an awful metaphor.” You complained, although his words had vanished most part of the anger you felt.
“It’s an analogy, actually.” You gave him a don’t start look. “Sorry, where was I?”
“How amazingly interesting I am.” He chuckled at your response.
“Right… You are very interesting, and I love listening to your stories, even if they’re just about you going to the market… But I can’t focus on them while being busy.” He explained lovingly.
“I thought a brain like yours was capable of multi-tasking.” You offered him a warm smile which was instantly returned.
“Not when it comes to you…” He whispered, “When you’re in the room, my whole mind focused on you and just you. It’s a nightmare.”
“Is that why you don’t want me to follow you on your cases?” He nodded.
“Sorry?” He gave you the best puppy eyes he could achieve.
“You’ll have to convince me a lot more, Sher.” You beamed, although you knew deep inside that he had been forgiven a long time ago.
“All right.” He shifted so you’d be more comfortable, “The eyes can wait, talk to me, I’ll listen.”
*Requests are ALWAYS open.*
Tags: @deanwssister
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the-band-au-blog · 7 years ago
chapter one || john meets james
"What?" asked John, getting up from his comfortable position on the leather chair, "Boss!"
"John," his boss started, clasping his hands and leaning forward on his office chair, "You are one of my most trusted employees, I understand why you may reject my offer, as you are already busy as is, but you started up several successful bands—"
"I can't see why you can't do so again."
John pursed his lips as something was bubbling inside of his chest. He played with his fingers, his boss's eyes bore into him.
"I'll give you a promotion."
"Fine!" John perked up, "I'll do it!"
John didn't want to do it. As he sat alone in his spacious urban office, glaring at the pile of paperwork he had to do, he certainly didn't want to add another burden on his shoulders.
Sighing, leaning back farther into his seat, he recalled the conversation with his boss. Curse his stupid pride, why did he have to say yes? I mean, if he said the boss could just ask Maribeth (the other producer) instead.
But nope, his pride wouldn't let that happen now could it? Well, at least the deadline was 6 months, the boss himself knew how difficult it was to start up something major (a band, per say), but with the company's reputation, anyone who didn't live under a rock would know about this corporation.
John ruffled his bedhead hair, tugging at it, trying to think on where he could start.
He glanced at his calendar, which was almost filled with messy scribbles on each date, he had so much work to do.
However, in bright red ink, circled various times, on July 25, it read— REESE'S WEDDING!
How could he forget his own younger brother's wedding! That was in four days even! Guilt bubbled up inside him, as he smacked his head.
He slumped, "Well, I guess it's technically a break from work."
Turns out, that wedding wasn't a break from work. In fact, he felt more drained there rather than coping in his office. But, he had to stay sane for his younger brother, he went back home to meet up with the family and attend the wedding rehearsal. His parents were as lovely as ever, and both of them kept pestering him to why he looks like a dead corpse. His older sister nudged him and teased that he wouldn't get a girlfriend if he looked like that. After a while, after the rehearsal ended, he finally met Reese's (his youngest brother) fiancee/bride-to-be.
"Bro!" exclaimed Reese, arm in arm with a olive skinned female with wavy dark hair that ended just below her shoulders, "This is Lian!"
The said female gave him a wide smile and waved, introducing herself. John did the same and smiled widely, she seemed like a nice girl, he was glad that Reese had found someone perfect for him.
"Lian's older brother is here to!" Reese said, "His name is Lance and he's a pretty cool guy."
John gave him a strained smile, he didn't really want to meet anyone new tonight, he was too tired and he might accidentally give them the wrong impression, "Oh, that's cool.
"Well, I'm afraid me and Lian here have to attend more wedding duties," said Reese, his arm wrapped around Lian's shoulder, hinting that he had to leave, "See you later!"
"It was nice meeting you." smiled Lian, John smiled back.
"Have fun you two." said John, waving at the two lovebirds that (hand-in-hand) walked off to the wedding planner who was waving them over.
John took a long sip from the flute of champagne he was holding, occasionally swishing it around as he sat on one of the glamorous white tables at the reception of his brother's wedding. He must say, the wedding ceremony and the reception was pretty fancy, he wondered how much it cost.
As he listened to soft symphony of violins that was playing, he found himself getting a tad sleepy, he hadn't slept in two days because of work. He perked up when Reese himself sat beside him.
"I'm so happy!" he grinned at him, John couldn't help but grin back. His brother certainly looked handsome, with his sleek black tuxedo and adorable bow-tie. Reese shifted his gaze from John to the dancing Lian that was going ham with her friends, (however, that guy with outrageous hair a few feet away from her doing an intense version of the macarena kinda ruined the vibe), John let out a soft chuckle.
"You two are really in love, aren't you?" teased John, nudging Reese in the side. For a second he thought that he would burst into tears, but Reese instead let out a soft sigh. John took that as a definite yes.
"Hey bro," said Reese, his gaze on a nearby table, where three girls were eyeing John with their caked faces, one winked at him, while the two giggled at each other, "You said that you didn't have a girlfriend right?"
John scoffed and focused his gaze on his flute of rich purple champagne, "I'm not interested right now, I'm too busy."
Reese let out a laugh, "That is so unlike you."
"What do you mean?" asked John, giving him a side glance. Reese shrugged, "You had thirty-seven crushes at thirteen."
John raised a brow and frowned, "And your point is?"
"Oh whatever," said Reese, rolling his eyes, he perked up, "Oh look the wedding singer's here."
The wedding singer seemed to be a hit for the single and middle aged ladies, mainly because as soon as the male entered the small stage next to the violinists, a generous amount of squeals erupted. Reese scoffed, "He isn't even that good looking." John laughed, he only said that because Lian faked a girly squeal as a joke with her friends.
The wedding singer wore a classy tuxedo, and polished black shoes, he had dark skin and long hair that was tied back in a manly ponytail. He flashed the crowd a smile and more squeals erupted.
Reese got up and marched towards Lian, causing John to laugh louder. John eventually brought out his phone as the crew started to set up wedding singer's microphone. He scrolled through emails and sighed, he had so much work to do when he got back.
However, John perked up when he heard wedding singer, erm, sing.
His voice was so smooth and had a jazzy vibe to it, the ladies seemed to agree with him as well. One thing was for sure, thought John, he had to be in his band.
John approached the male while he was packing up his stuff after the reception was over. The clean up crew was out and was sweeping up the confetti that rained when Reese and Lian had their first dance. The family already left and the newly-weds were biding goodbye to one of their friends. The guy was swinging his bag on his shoulder when John said hello.
The guy eyed him weirdly, as if he was shocked that his charm had also attracted a male.
"I'm not here to ask you out on a date, okay buddy?" said John, the guy pursed his lips and sighed in relief.
"However, I am here to offer you a proposal," John pulled out his business card, and when the guy saw the logo of the company, he froze.
"My name is John Micarro, a top producer at ____, and I want you to be one of my vocalists in my new band."
There was silence before the guy spoke up again, "This seems like a scam."
John deadpanned, "Are you actually serious.."
The guy shrugged, "Well, my name is James Ante, and unless you prove to me that you actually work at ____, I will decline your offer."
John had to hold himself back from kicking that guy's ass, instead he crossed his arms, "What proof do you want?"
James shrugged, "I dunno, pictures?"
"Yeah, like you with the CEO of ____, you said you're a top producer right?"
"Yes, but I-"
"So show me the pictures."
"It's not like I have selfies of me and the CEO-"
"Then it's a no-"
James let out a smirk, as John fumbled with his phone, and opened his Snapchat, "You really gotta make it difficult, huh kid?"
James shrugged, his smirk still prominent. With deepest regret, John showed James his many selfies with the CEO, a lot of them with the dog filter on. That certainly convinced James, as the male doubled over laughing, John felt extremely flustered, "IT'S A COMPANY SECRET SO SHUT UP!"
"Okay! Okay!" said James between laughs, "I'll join the band!"
John grumbled as they shook hands, "Finally."
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