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jvdetan · 4 years ago
ok, hit me for the discord i guess.
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
i thought we was having a good time?!
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 found it heartwarming how he spoke about his daughter, and she could tell the encouragement was appreciated. “you’re doing great from what i’m seeing,” she turned back to the stove, making sure her chicken was cooked all the way through before placing some rice on the plate and then a breast piece over it. she used the big spoon to saturate the rice with a bit of leftover sauce. “eh, well it definitely is. i did a few things for myself at home, but i money was no object. the few chores i did didn’t amount to the tens of thousands i’d spend in a single shopping trip. so, this is definitely a shock.” she admitted. “what about you?”
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
“aww, i think it’s nice that you try for your daughter, though. some people don’t even do that much.” she encouraged him. “plus, you’re doing great.” the thirty minutes felt like it dragged on forever, but at the same time, they had a good amount of time to take the chicken out. the woman had put rice to cook while it was going, making sure it’d all be done in unison. then 𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 took the initiative to save them some time. “now, we literally just cook it on the stove for about 8-10 minutes on each side and serve it in the sauce with rice.” she quickly put the chicken on the stove, cooking it as she told him. “get the plates for me, please.” she hummed as she stirred a bit after flipping the chicken over.
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
she watched him as he put the chicken in the bag and minced the garlic, pleased by how well he was following the directions. “eh, it really depended. my mom taught me how to do basic things early because she never wanted me to rely on anyone—except her and my dad, of course.” she chuckled, “as i got older, though, i would randomly find recipes and think ‘i bet i could do that’ and try it. i got better that way, so both? what about you?” she asked him, delighted at the bag. “okay, so we shake it. but not hard, just to make sure it’s fully covered and coated. and then we let it sit for thirty minutes. can you set a timer for me?”
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
whisking around the kitchen, already grabbing everything she needed to make the dish she had in mind, 𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 was nodding at him. “yeah, i can teach you to make chicken adobo. it’s kinda popular here... you supposed to take two hours to make it, but we gone make it work. so, you put the chicken in this ziplock bag and then get a loooot of spices. we do minced garlic, so you can cut this up for me.” she slid the garlic over his way, grabbing the sriracha, ginger, vinegar, brown sugar, and a few staple ingredients and pouring them in the bag. “once you finish, you’ll put it in here and then we let it sit to marinate for a while before cooking it.”
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 nodded at 𝐓𝐘, shaking his hand as she listened to him. “right, do you usually cook for yourself or? i would make food for my family like once a week, but it’d be filipino foods mostly. so this should be interesting.” she spoke as she looked through the fridge. “hm, you can’t go wrong with a chicken dish. what do you think?” she questioned, pulling some seasonings from the pantry.
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
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                              ( 1 ) 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.  ( ! )
             ャ ◞ ‘   𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐌  ⌯    @JADE.   〃
𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒.   ⸻    (  ♡ ± ✐ ± ↸  )
𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.  ⸻   ᴄᴜsᴛᴏᴍ ᴀʀᴇᴀ.
@𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐍. — ‘if you can’t take the heat....’
                     ⌯  𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒.
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
the woman turned to the bar, tilting her head at her brother. “yeah, what you want?” she asked unamused as she ordered herself another drink. “nothing too high, or i’m beating your ass when we back at the mansion.” she chuckled as she let him order his drink. “do you like the mansion, by the way?”
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
“oh, whatever. i think i can handle it.” the woman offered him a light shrug. ‘it’s giving them white boys with the VLONE shirts. just flexing that. like, gamer type? hype beast? and then you was talkin’ bout the arcade, and it all just made sense.” she laughed, pursing her lips together to snicker under her breath. “yeah! right, yes.” she nodded, rubbing on her chin. “....did i get your name? i’m jade, by the way.”
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
“yeah, it’s not giving as fuck. but they good,” she waved her off,  “hot wings are the only valid wings, for real. the drinks aren’t that bad. but taking that shit straight is definitely the way to go here,” she responded with a nod, grabbing a wing from her. “thanks, babe. i just need to put something on my stomach before i collapse. so what are your plans for tonight? just babysitting these wings?”
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 was really interested in what melo was telling her, so much that she hadn;t noticed the bustling of the club around them. that is, until the groupies knocked into him and in that instant,  𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 felt like things were moving in slow motion. she tried to set her drink down before melo fell all the way down so she could help him up, but she was on the ground next, her drink spilling around them. the bottom of the dress was stained, causing her to let out a shrill scream. “are you fucking kidding me?!” she groaned, letting him help her up. “don’t be sorry, you’re fine. please do, though. cause that shit just killed my buzz,” she explained, rolling her eyes at the incident. “this dress was one of my favorites, too. how fucking annoying.”
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 raised her brow at his response, fascinated by him thus far. she had never been good with money, and it amazed her that anyone could be, honestly. “oh yeah? i need you to teach me how to budget because the way this two thousand is slowly but surely dwindling down makes no sense.” she joked, sipping her drink a bit more before looking at him. “not here but i do work at a club, so i can pretty much move through any. what about you? you be at the club often?”
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
the woman flipped her hair at him, amused but quickly waving him off. “no, i’ma never get over it. i still feel like she’s out of your league. lil’ young ass. i still don’t get it.” she shook her head, thinking back to the beginning of his and mari’s relationship and shaking it from her thoughts. “so sick, i can’t even think about it.”
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
looking up at the male who had appeared next to her, 𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 flashed him a smile. “of cour-” she was cut off by his next words, craning her next backwards with a laugh. “hmm, this is something cherry. i forgot, but it’s my third one.” she snickered, covering her mouth. “and nobody hating on chrome hearts, you just fit the part of one of their shoppers.” she paused for a moment, staring into his face. “you look SO familiar, but maybe i’m just drunk.”
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
she took his hand after he finished speaking, shrugging a bit. “yeeeeah, duh. we all have the same story, but i wanted to know some more about you. you obviously have enough self control to save this production money, so what was stopping you on the outside?”  𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 questioned, laughing at her saying ‘outside’ as if they were in jail or something and ordering another drink. “but hello romelo, hmmm i’ll call you melo.” 
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jvdetan · 4 years ago
“right! they’re just better.” she nodded, finishing off her first drink and going to order another one. “garlic parmesan? yeeeeeah, you lost me. you ain’t even get hot wings? how tasteless,” she scoffed, then looking over at the container again. “but lemme hold one,” she said before bursting into laughter.
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