#also they make some wild ocean weed
catboycephalopod · 8 months
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Art of my OC Kalriss!
Kalriss is a biologist, they travel around the universe in their cozy space shuttle, exploring new places, meeting new people, and helping out where they can. They'd be delighted to show you some local coral reefs, don't hesitate to ask!
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theflintwarlock · 9 months
Foraging for Witchcraft
One of the great things about foraging specifically for Witchcraft is that you're not restricted to just edible things. You can forage/find stones, clay, bones, herbs, water, fruits and vegetables, wood and more.
I've made a post previously about how important low-cost Witchcraft is. So consider this a follow-up of things you can find for your practice that are completely free.
Some useful tools that are simple to forage if you are near the sea:
-Sea salt
Just gather filtered sea water in a pot and boil until salt crystals form. Then put the salt on a baking tray and either leave to sun dry or put it in the oven. You can also make infused salts and black salt like this
-Sea shells
They are common for love workings but are also great for protection, grind them up and use them in a protection salt (obviously not one you're going to eat)
Often used for ritual magic, especially dyed sands. Also good for spell bags, planting certain plants, keep it in Jars or boxes and Bury things in it for a freezer spell.
-Stones and crystals
Of course I love flint, but there are many different stones based on your geographical location that will be good for Witchcraft. Quartz is great for protection, it doesn't have to be clear in order to work. White quartz is just fine.
-Sea glass
Sea glass is such a great form of protection, with colours from green to blue to brown and even a very rare red piece. Being infused with the ocean's energies really makes it special.
Some tools that are simple if you live near a forest/wooded area:
Fallen branches can work as wands, divining rods, kindling for a fire, and depending on the type of wood they have different associations. You can make your own broomstick from collecting enough branches.
Moss is often overlooked in magical practice, but it is an amazing type of plant that you can grow in a jar terrarium or dry and use in spell work. It is often the first thing to grow over dead wood or old stones, and as such it is Hardy and useful for hard times and new growth.
So, so many different plants. Some edible plants like wild garlic have great uses in kitchen witchery, some poisonous plants like hemlock can be an amazing kick to your death work or baneful practice. What plants you can Forage will depend on your local area.
Animal bones are a beautiful way to incorporate death and life into your practice. I usually let the Bones that want to be used for my practice come to me- if I can't find any more in a spot there used to be loads, I take that as a sign they did not want to be used/found a better resting place. I could do a whole post on cleaning and preparing Bones for your practice but vulture culture on tumblr has you covered.
Things you can Forage if you live in a city:
You may be surprised that I've included urban areas in this list. Most of what you can Forage here is more commonly thought of as rubbish, but it has excellent magical potential nonetheless.
-Broken glass
Excellent for baneful workings and baneful protection magic. Please be careful when collecting it, wear gloves and use a sealed container so no shards escape.
Find a penny, pick it up and all the day you'll have good luck. I always keep the pennies I find on the pavement as a token of good luck.
-Beer bottle caps
I love collecting these and putting them in little jars. Corks can do a similar job when it comes to magic- keeping something in that you don't want coming out. Like an urban salt circle. Put a lid on it.
While you might not be in an area with abundant foliage and wildlife, you will undoubtedly be able to find weeds growing in the pavement or on gates and buildings. Ivy has great binding properties, dandelions are great for protection, shamrocks for luck ect.
These are easy to find if you live near pigeons and other birds. Please don't pick it up if there is a bird flu outbreak in your area, and as with bones make sure to wash them before bringing them into your home.
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
Babs! We need a fic where older Ponyboy (maybe 18, gonna turn 18, let's just make him 18 for now) is in his senior spring break and honestly had no plans. Curly finds him, tells him he's going back to Haiti to see family and invites him along.
Nothing dramatic, just two excited boyfriends going to one of their home countries, Ponyboy gets to hear new languages, see new sights (he loves laying on the white beaches with Curly, listening to the ocean. They usually say nothing during that time--they don't need to) eat new food and of course meet more Shepard family. They're just as wild as the ones he knows in America, but there's such a sense of love and belonging in that home. They instantly love Ponyboy (there's just something about this white boy that ain't threatening.) They already call him names Ponyboy tells himself are just casual endearing ones. (No they've already adopted him, he's their token white boy) Pony wants to compare Haiti to his home, and it's sort of like that, but in it's own unique way.
Also, he learns of Curly's government name. The second he heard it, he felt Curly stiffen as an auntie came over and kissed both his cheeks and spoke about hos tall he was getting. Ponyboy could pratically feel the rage rattling around in Curly's body.
......Curly has a french name. That's why he hates it so much.
Curly gets another tattoo and re pierces his ear, and Ponyboy get his first tattoo, a small thing on his ankle or on his back (someplace he can hide it from Darry till he's 18 and can run away legally). Ponyboy and Curly walking in the streets at dusk to witness the prettiest sunset Ponyboy has ever seen, sitting on the rooftop balcony smoking weed.
It's the greatest memories they'll ever share with each other.
Pony gets into Harvard with his essay he wrote about his time as a 14 year old and how he grew to love himself with the help of a tough as nails greaser who took him to Haiti.
.......forget a fanfic where's the production team to make this movie?
its been so long since someone called me babs, i actually jumped a lil /pos /lh
idk y im getting more asks involving haitian shepards,,but im REVELING in it, im ABSOLUTELY eating this up like im at the last supper
tim, 𝓹𝓲𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓮, angela its even funnier bc i hc angela and curly as twins so its like, they whipped out this french ass name for one kid and looked at the other and just went “yea we’ll call her angela”, but i saved curlys entire life n just say his real name is christopher, i cant have my fav be plagued by the french COMPLETELY
(i also said that he hates it tim and angela would probably go “YO PIERRE U WANNA COME OUT HERE🤔🤔🗣️🔥” over and over)
and pony being adopted as the token white boy is SO real, ik they call him “blan” (if u dont know, “blan” is like, the haitian equivalent of gringo, best way i can explain it)
BUT IMAGINE ALL THE THINGS THEY CAN DO!!! they can get ready for kanaval,,,going to the waterfalls,,,,seeing curlys other family that also live in the more country side,,,they can teach pony dances,,,,they can even go into some caves!!!! they can get fresca,,,,get fruits from curlys cousins backyard,,,go on lil walks w curlys cousins to the store for, the possibilities, anon im gonna scream,,
they even have pics to never forget the memories!!! pony also has a scar bc of a lil mishap w a tap tap, but we dont talk about that❤️❤️
and as for curly getting his ears pierced and getting another tattoo ik he was getting looks and lectures from ppl but he did NOT care and honestly, go him
plus everyones speaking in kreyòl and barely knows a lick of english, curly was def the translator the whole time but thats ok, he thought pony looking confused was pretty cute n funny
i will never forget this, anon
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life-in-the-garden · 6 months
Jar Spell: Spirit's Freedom
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Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is a 2002 animated movie about a young mustang stallion in 19th century western America. After growing up as a wild horse, he is captured by white soldiers of the United States Cavalry and “broken” to bear a saddle and rider before making his escape with a Lakota youth named Little Creek. He bears witness to the abuse that horses suffer as a great railroad is being built, and finally runs free again with his herd after falling in love with a mare named Rain. This jar spell channels Spirit’s yearning for freedom from oppression, abuse, and confinement, and is ideal for anyone seeking emotional help with breaking free from an abusive home, job, or relationship. (Please see the “Notes” section at the end for mundane resources related to escaping abusive situations).
You will absolutely need:
a small vessel with a lid (a pill bottle or spice shaker works just fine)
sealing wax (ideally blue or white) or liquid glue
Once you have your vessel, add some ingredients related to wild horses running free and/or your conception of what freedom means. Some suggested ingredients that you may or may not include depending on your preferences are:
a clipping of hair from a horse’s mane or tail
a feather from a wild bird (for flight and freedom)
1-3 horse-themed bracelet charms but NOT horseshoe charms (horseshoes symbolize being tamed)
sea salt (for the wildness of the ocean)
dried flower heads from flowering weeds (for defiance)
peppercorns and/or ground black/red pepper (for defiance)
Cleanse your vessel if it is repurposed or you feel a need to cleanse it, then add your ingredients but do not seal it just yet. In a quiet, private place and with your filled vessel nearby, ponder the nature of your confinement and the liberation you hope to achieve. Ruminate on the steps you will need to take in order to gain your freedom—this could be searching for a new job, locating a place of sanctuary in which to take refuge, reaching out to a friend or loved one for assistance, and much more. Use this time to emotionally fortify yourself.
When you are ready, use the wax or liquid glue to seal the vessel. This seals your intention of escape and liberation from whatever circumstances confine you. If you keep faith to a spirit or deity you wish to call upon for assistance in your endeavor, you may do so at this point. Keep your sealed vessel in a safe place until you have made your escape.
When you have taken flight and made your escape, break the seal and scatter the organic ingredients in a wild, free place. If using inorganic ingredients such as metal or plastic bracelet charms, it is ideal to thank, cleanse, and save the charms for another use.
Magic can be a useful tool, but it doesn’t work all on its own. If you make no effort to get yourself out of a quagmire, then of course this spell (and any other) is going to fail. That said, you are not alone in your struggles. Please feel free to use any of the resources below that are applicable to your circumstances.
The United States’ national domestic violence hotline is 800-799-7233. You can also connect to help via SMS by messaging the word START to 88788. Their website is here.
In all 50 states of the USA, as well as in Washington DC and Puerto Rico, you can dial 211 to be connected to a social worker. Please note that calling 211 doesn’t need to be used solely for discussing the escape of an abusive situation; you can also dial this number for general healthcare and mental health resources that are local to your area. You can learn more here.
The United Kingdom’s national domestic violence hotline is 0808-2000-247. There is also an online chat that can be accessed here.
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purplealmonds · 2 months
Analyzing the literal meanings of the ooku women's names
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It yields rather fascinating insights on the women's relationships with one another! My thoughts are below the cut:
🏔️Senior Leadership:
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🗻Utayama (歌山) = Singing Mountain
I wrote an entire post talking about how her name may foreshadow her fate in the ooku.
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🏝️Awashima (淡島) = Pale Island
As Utayama's subordinate, it makes sense that her name is also earth-aligned. However, islands are surrounded by and perpetually eroded by water. This could symbolize her influence in the ooku disappearing as Asa rises in power.
🌾Mugiya (麦谷) = Wheat Valley
A plot of sheltered land that is made to grow annually harvested crops. Valleys exist in between mountains, which symbolizes her secure position in the ooku (as opposed to Awashima), but also signifies her lowly status in the upper rankings. She has a connection with wheat, a crop, which is a nod to her job as the senior maid in charge of "nurturing" Kame and Asa's training.
🌸Ladies-In-Waiting (Tenshi's Favored Women)
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From the looks of it, Tenshi seems to have a taste for "exotic" women.
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🌺Otomo Botan (大友ボタン) = Big Friend Peony
I think she is very loyal and protective to whoever she considers her friends, hence "big friend." I suspect since she shares similar color palettes of purple and black, Utayama is her close friend. Peony is considered the "King of Flowers", symbolizing nobility and wealth. This makes sense given her being a daughter of a senior councilor. A flower is considered a luxury rather than a crop, which contrasts strongly against the next person...
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Getting some mean girl vibes with Fuki - she always seems to be escorted by two other ladies in waiting.
🍀Tokita Fuki (時田フキ) = Old Countryside Butterbur
"Countryside" reflects her status as a commoner. Butterbur is a plant, which in preparation for consummation (and I use that word in every sense of the meaning) is often soaked in water to remove its harshness/astringency, which I believe symbolizes distancing herself from her humble origins. Hmm, that sounds similar to a certain omizu-sama ritual....
🌱Maid Servants:
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Not really beating those fetish-for-exotic-women allegations, Tenshi. Or maybe the ooku's just an equal opportunity employer.
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I see that Asa's also an appreciator of pretty hands!
🌻Asa (アサ) = Cannabis....?! Morning Glory
(Wait – is this where all the weed and marijuana mistranslations are coming from?!?!?!) Based on her color palette, I think the would be a nod to morning glory (朝顔) - asagao - which bloom with the rising sun symbolizing her rise in power. She also shares the same flower symbolism as Botan, which makes me think she may come from a somewhat privileged background. Her plant namesake makes her a individual under Mugiya's care Unironically, maybe the weed/cannabis thing might be deliberate. Asa seems like a very level-headed woman who is calm (from imbibing in narcotics???) even in the face of danger (the mononoke). This may also give her some some sort of connection with Kusuriuri, who we saw interact with her in the trailers - or at the very least be in the same space as her.
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🐢Kame (カメ) = Turtle
Turtles are associated with the ocean which thrive in open and wild waters. But turtles must first hatch on the beach (ooku) and make a mad dash from the sandy shores to the water(freedom). I think that Kame, living in the ooku, is essentially an awkward sea turtle trying her best to thrive in a freshwater koi fish pond. She's the only maid servant with an animal-aligned name amongst the plant-aligned names, so she sticks out like a sore thumb. And hmm, don't turtles actively eat plant life too...?
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🌊Kitagawa (北川) = North River
Hokuto Mizorogi (the water priest) is associated with the Big Dipper constellation, the "ladle" of which is often used to point to the North Star. I believe she and Mizorogi have some unspoken history together. I theorized in this post that she may have birthed his twin daughters, Mikadzuki (三日月) and Futsukazuki (二日月). I'll write up analysis on these girls in a separate post - this one's getting a too long. Kitagawa's name is interesting in that like the senior leadership, it represents an element: the embodiment of water. It gives her an illusion of power in the ooku, but at the price of washing away the important parts of herself. I wonder if she was once in Asa's position, and had to discard a Kame-like friend as the steep price to reach her position of power...
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ofmermaidstories · 3 months
we're cooked. we're so boned. looking forward to it though ✨
you know how sometimes you get an idea that’s like, mostly formed but still has some vague spots and you could, theoretically, hammer them out but then realise you don’t want to? that’s how i feel about the stardew valley AU LMAO. like i can picture everything: Reader opening the worn little letter at work (at Todoroki Corp), and then the stunned astonishment at realising you’re holding a literal deed to a farm you’ve never even heard of before. the ease of which you make your choice, despite the questions (what the fuck, grandpa?) and the doubt (what do you know about farming??). the horror when you rock up to a tiny cabin amidst land that’s unusable, covered in rocks and weeds and untilled land. the realisation that maybe the little farmer’s alamac you’ve brought with them isn’t going to be enough of a guide—that you’re gonna need help. and while the farmer (tall and gangly, younger than your grandpa was, with a shock of blond hair and very bashful) is friendly, and his green-haired apprentice—or son? something—is also overly friendly, and eager to help, there are other people in this tiny, close knit community who openly scoff at your presence. 💀 what do you know about getting a farm running? animal husbandry? and maybe, just maybe you’re a little cowed—everyone’s right, you think in despair while you’re sitting at a tiny old table with just a candle for light—until you realise half the townspeople are also city transplants. 💀💀 maybe they moved to the valley after the war. the mayor says something about a couple of the “kids”—the cheery redhead, an unimpressed blond, his own boy, the green-haired midoriya, you learn—having gone through a trial by fire in their teen years. hell, it seems everyone near your age in this place had been apart of the offensive against the Gotoro Empire: yaoyorozu, the carpenter who helps you with some of your new farm’s infrastructure. The tired looking guy with the wild purple hair that comes down from the mountain pathway, with a fresh pack of smokes. The town’s doctor, who’s friendly and bound in a wheelchair from wounds he got during the conflict; his younger brother who towers over you and him, too serious for his own good.
i think this would be a daunting place to try and set up a new life lmao. but i think slowly and surely you’d get a rough idea of what you’re doing: midoriya gifts you a pair of the softest rabbits you’ve ever touched. his distrustful, flinty-eyed friend—the unimpressed blond—sells you an old dirt bike so you don’t have to walk everywhere. yaoyorozu builds you a coop for them, and some chickens that you buy. your farm butts onto a beach, and even in town you can hear the ocean, their beach proper just beyond the shrubbery. and idk!!! i think it would just be a slow crawl to establishing yourself. to uncovering the secrets about your grandpa’s farm—your farm—and the valley itself. like, what is that moaning you sometimes hear when the day is dark and rainy? sometimes when you walk into town, or bike, you see the hint of a stone tower over the trees. and there’s an old abandoned community centre here—why is it, when you squint inside through the murky glass that you think you can see the faint, tiny glow of something moving?
idk idk idk. i like amusing myself by imaging the set up and some of the answers lmao.
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wuxiaphoenix · 1 year
Worldbuilding: What Feasts on Zombies?
Whatever you think that was, you’re likely to be surprised. When I heard it I thought two cicadas had, for some reason only known to bug-kind, decided to knock themselves silly trying to buzz in females.
...I was half right?
What I heard, and then saw - I spied the critters in the leaf litter - was an act of predation, by one of the biggest wasps native to North America. Called, aptly enough, the cicada killer.
It is big. Most of two inches big. Carry off whole cicadas big. Do serious lawn damage digging tunnels big. If hornets were that big whole neighborhoods would be screaming for exterminators; with some justification, hornets are aggressive. They generally won’t bother you unless you bother them, but if you’ve ever had to weed a hedge and accidentally bumped a nest, that’s cold comfort. Maybe even colder than the ice on all the swellings, oww....
Cicada killers are not aggressive. At least toward much of anything besides cicadas. Which makes sense, they’re ambush predators who live a few to a set of tunnels, not one of hundreds of hunters for a single nest that concentrates all their resources. Like mountain lions or cheetahs, a cicada killer is only interested in prey of a specific size, and has no interest in tangling with bigger things.
(The problem with mountain lions being that we fit into their prey size. Cats. Sigh.)
So if your fictional world has something that shows up in hordes on a regular basis, like cicadas do, be that horde zombies, clowns, orcs, or lawyers - if there’s enough of them on a moderately predictable schedule, something will evolve to prey on it.
It doesn’t even have to be that regular a schedule, or close together in time or space. Look up whalefall. When a big blue or one of the other cetaceans succumbs in the ocean, the resulting tons of corpse slowly sift to the bottom, and attract an entire community of deep-sea lifeforms that make an ecosystem for decades. A lot of these eerie critters are also found in deep-sea hot and cold hydrothermal vent communities, so they’ve had millions or even a billion years to evolve. But there are also specialist worms that make a living off whale bones. Figure that one out.
What would evolve to eat a horde of zombies?
Don’t get me started on the World War Z type. They don’t rot, they don’t suffer from freeze/thaw cycles, they can hunt down humans even without working sensory organs, their flesh is toxic to everything, they have perpetual motion with no energy input... that’s not an infectious organism, that’s a demonic infestation. Yet priests and holy water don’t do any good either. No ecological balance. Pfui.
With zombies that give at least a nod to real biology, something ought to eat them. Just as there are bacteria and other microbes that eat the various parasitic fungi of the world. Decomposers unite! You have nothing to lose but your depleted substrates!
So what kind of predators should there be for your unstoppable hordes? Go wild!
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Feebas & Milotic
Feebas (#349)
Serpiscis deformis
General Information: A rather shabby looking fish-like Pokémon, Feebas are around 2 feet long (0.6 M) and weigh approximately 16.3 pounds (7.4 kg). They evolve into Milotic.
Habitat: Feebas are native to the New World and the Pacific Ocean. No one knows why they aren’t found in all oceans, but they aren’t. They do not like urban areas, but Feebas are known to thrive even in oxygen-poor environments like weed-choked ponds. The family is tolerant to freshwater and saltwater alike, just like their closest relatives, Magikarp. Its preferred habitat is to live at the bottom of lakes.
Life Cycles: Feebas hatch in clutches of 5-8 eggs every winter, where they are then vigorously defended by their parents for the next six months of their lives. Feebas are capable of reproduction starting at level 15, and they will parent their clutches aggressively, too, however they are much less effective at this than their Milotic counterparts. Once the Feebas begins to fend for itself, it’s generally able to evade predation by its uncanny ability to resemble an old diseased carcass, both visually and aromatically. The only things known to eat Feebas on occasion are Jellicents, Sharpedos, Dhelmises, and Tentacruels, Eelektrosses, and Ursarings and Ursalunas in the Spring with little other options.
The mating season for Feebas (and Milotic) is in the Fall, where they pair up for the season. Feebas tend to only be able to mate with each other, as other species find them revolting.
Evolution: Research has shown that Feebas evolve when they develop a strong sense of feeling beautiful. This is fundamentally difficult to measure and predict, and it does leave the extremely self-conscious Feebases left out—but never fear! As it turns out, when Feebas are truly learning to love themselves, they develop a Prism Scale! The production of the Prism Scale is actually what triggers the evolution. These scales can also grow and fall off of Milotics, though rarely, which is why sometimes you can find a random Prism Scale and use it to evolve your self-conscious Feebas.
Behavior: Feebas and Milotic are tame and docile compared to Gyarados. In fact, the Feebas line is considered highly suitable for young trainers and are even given out as starters in some parts of the world.
Diet: Feebas will eat just about anything that they can fit their mouths around. Trainers beware!
Conservation: Threatened
In light of many recent ecological changes, Feebas are being encouraged by global Pokémon trainer associations to be given out to new trainers as starter Pokémon in more jurisdictions. The idea is this: it will give zoos and restoration breeders more funding and resources in order to repopulate wild populations, while giving many perfectly suitable pets to trainers in the hopes of bringing more positive attention to the plight of Feebas.
Relationship with Humans: Feebas are readily forgotten about by most people. They’re ugly, shabby, stink, and resemble a diseased corpse. Still, they do make great pets and are loyal companions, so there are some districts that give them out as starter Pokémon, but typically these are jurisdictions with many other choices, to minimize abandonment. But there is a vocal minority who adore Feebas, akin to those in the real world who adore blobfishes.
Classification: Feebas are in the genus Serpiscis alongside Magikarp and Gyarados. Their last common ancestor is speculated to have been around 3 million years ago.
Milotic (#350)
Serpiscis elegans
General Information: Milotic are majestic sea serpents that grow to be an average of 20’04 feet long (6.2 M) and weigh 357.1 pounds (162 kg). They are said to released a calming aura that helps ease arguments and tensions. The scales on Milotic change color depending on the angle!
Habitat: Milotic are native to the New World and the Pacific Ocean, and can be found in freshwater lakes. How did they get there? Who knows. While they sleep at the bottom of large lakes, they tend to exist in the upper sunlit zones during their waking hours. In the ocean, Milotics cannot be found deeper than the twilight zone.  
Life Cycles: Their mating cycles remain the same as Feebas. Milotic vigorously co-parent their baby Feebas for the first six months of their life. Each clutch has 5-8 eggs. When the Feebas leave their parents, typically about 3-6 of them have survived. The rest are picked off rarely either by predators or human trainers.
Behavior: Feebas and Milotic are tame and docile compared to Gyarados. Do not mistake a Milotic’s docility for being a pushover though because these beautiful sea serpents are very good parents and will aggressively protect their Feebas clutches from predators.
Diet: Milotic eat vegetation, a stark contrast to their omnivory of their pre-evolved forms.
Conservation: Threatened
Milotic are rare in the wild naturally, but the introduction of Gyarados into New World lakes has seen a decrease in Feebas that survive to be a Milotic. There are freshwater protections in the New World in large part because of conservation efforts to keep Milotic habitats thrive-able. However, loss of habitat from humans and invasive species still has wild Milotic at lower-than-should-be numbers. As it stands, Milotics are considered a threatened species, but not endangered. Ocean Milotics have different risks, instead having to deal with poachers and accidentally getting caught in fishing nets, or consuming too much plastic as Feebas, etc.
Relationship with Humans: Milotics are much-beloved symbols of beauty, and many are unaware that Feebas evolve into Milotic. They are symbols of the beauty and fashion worlds.
Because of their calming presence, Milotics are sometimes utilized in therapeutical settings.
Milotic have been artistic muses to humanity for millennia across the Pacific Ocean and in the New World. They are some of the earliest depictions of Pokémon from peoples in those regions. Milotic are largely considered the most beautiful Pokémon in the world.
There is a version of “The Ugly Duckling” in this world called “The Ugly Magikarp” and it’s about a Feebas adopted by a school of Magikarp, and it grows up thinking its just an ugly Magikarp. Then after a series of fantastic events, the Feebas evolves into a Milotic and goes on to live with other Milotic.
Classification: Milotic are in the genus Serpiscis. They are a member of the O/M/G clade.
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bradshawsbitch · 1 year
get to know me tag
APPEARENCE i’m over 5’5” // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
HOBBIES AND TALENTS i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
RELATIONSHIP i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
AESTHETICS i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach (rotting sea-weed? nah) // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
MISCELLANEOUS i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs
@blue-aconite said she tagged anyone who wants to do this and i wan do it so thanks scandi babe love u so big 🥺🥹🥰 i also tag anyone who wants to do this hehe 🤭
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victoriousscarf · 1 year
sorry if this is out of the blue, but i was wondering how you come up with your fic titles? they're always so excellent
Aw, thank you! This is so sweet!
The basic answer is I spend a lot of time muttering to myself and writing multiple lines into the title until I have one I don't hate hahaha but usually I like starting with either a couple of words or images I want to try and use, and put them together until something looks right. (I joke I used to write poetry and now I get those instincts out in fic titles lol). Sometimes I'll pick out a line or image from a poem or quote and mess around with those, sometimes it's just a single word or two I want to have.
Longer answer with examples/thought process below.
For example, for "covet not the feel of gold or taste of blood" I wanted the words "covet" and "gold" but not together. (Not the least because this image). Then I was like oh let's toss in a third main word and see how it feels when arranged. I think that one only took me about 3 tries, which isn't too bad for me. Sometimes I'll take a few goes at like the first half, and then the second half takes longer but that one got pretty cohesive once I figured out "blood" was the third word.
"leave your secrets and kiss the whiskey from my lips" was the same: I wanted secrets and I wanted whiskey and I played around until I got it. Then the second one "Secrets are in the Whiskey and the Barrels are Rolling Out of Bound" was the same idea, using secrets and whiskey to tie it together.
Then there are some quotes that are pretty straight forward, like "Starlight from the Gutter" is a play on Oscar Wilde: “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” Other times I just straight up quote a play or poem but usually I try to do a play on it instead.
"Amethyst Should Not be Set in Gold" was perhaps one of the most straight forward too because I knew I wanted gold and amethyst and the negative in there so it was really easy to be like oh that. And of course the story prominently features exactly what it says should not happen lol.
How lyrical I'm trying to be also depends. Some series are pretty basic titles and some are like well I've started being all dramatic on them so I have to keep it up.
For "the forest is dark and deep and ive seen you here before" I based the first story off a Robert Frost poem+the imagery of "seen you before" to reference the time travel bits, (the second time I've used "stopping by the woods on a snowy evening" actually) so I also used Robert Frost (with a side of Jean Rhys' alternate title for Wide Sargasso Sea because I had just read that book the first time and was feeling obsessed) for the second story, "the ancient sea returns to where we have wrecked upon the weeds." I knew I wanted ocean imagery for the 2nd story for symbolic reasons after using the forest for the first one, and that was probably the longest it took me to come up with a title because I have a whole page of alternate versions.
However for all the side stories in that series I'm winging it, though I'm trying to capture the same sort of rhythm as much as possible. "there's tumbleweed in my heart where love was supposed to be" might be my favorite because I was trying to capture the way Fenris feels in Act 3 right after "Alone" and have that really melancholy longing. That his heart feels like tumbleweed, alone and unmoored across the great plains sort of feel. But also that where there is one thing of tumbleweed, there's often a whole pack of it just over the horizon and you're not quite as alone as you think--
So yeah, it's basically image, line, or word, and playing around with rhythm and combination! Reading a ton also probably helps. Shout out to the poetry teacher in the art camp I went to in 7th grade for making me obsessed with that all.
Hope that helps at least answer my thought process a little! A ton of people also use song lyrics instead of poetry, which I will sometimes do too ("Only Break What's Yours" from Apres Moi "You can't break that which isn't yours/I (uh) must go on standing/I'm not my own, it's not my choice") so it's just I think about finding what sort of vibe or words you want to use and trying to act like you're writing a free verse poem with them.
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Maybe this is obvious for other pagans who have lived in cities for their entire lives so I apologize in advance if some of what I'm about to say sounds dumb as rocks.
But it hit me lately - REALLY hit me this week, in more than just a detached intellectual way - that part of the reason I've found it increasingly difficult to spiritually connect the past couple of years is because I'm still entrenched in the conditioning that humans (and thus human-centric spaces like cities) are separate from nature, and that to be connected spiritually, I have to be in the wilderness.
I've reblogged a few posts recently talking about this problem in many witchcraft books and spaces, and how it's really rooted in old British colonial ideals and etc etc. And the thing is, intellectually speaking, I've always "believed" that humans are part of nature and that it's silly to think we're separate.
But yknow what the thing is??? I've never in my life, up until the past couple years, lived more than a 5 minute walk from wild forest, and up until 2016, I've never lived more than a 15 minute drive from the ocean. I grew up in Alaska. I woke up to moose having babies in my backyard outside my window, and bald eagles munching down salmon in the nearest river. I didn't have to go anywhere for wild nature. It was literally outside my front door. I could walk into my yard and forage wild rose, nettle, raspberry, birch syrup, pine needles, pineapple weed, and more without having to worry even once about pesticides. I could literally dance naked in my yard and no one would know.
Then as an adult, I lived in Maui for two years, which is similarly entrenched in wild nature. Lived in rural Australia for a bit, also entrenched in wild nature. Then I moved to Oregon, lived rurally for a year, then moved to a apartment that was right across the street from a forest park that's allowed to grow wild.
But a couple of years ago I moved to a part of the city where not only do I have to drive to find some wild nature, but that wild nature doesn't even really feel wild and private (in the ways I've experienced it before) because there's people walking past every 2 minutes.
Of course it was easy to fool myself into thinking I didn't have that colonialist conditioning about nature - up until the past couple years I wasn't put into a position of being far from the wildest, most non-human version of nature.
So there I was, crying to my therapist about feeling so disconnected from nature and my spirituality and feeling like that's part of why I've been struggling SO much with existential questions lately, and then it hit me: my spirituality, though it has been shaped by my life experiences and circumstances of having lived in the wildest nature possible, needs to evolve. My spiritual growth is blocked by my conditioning that I cannot be properly spiritually connected so long as I live in a city.
Which is patently, obviously, simply not true - because not only am I part of nature as a human being, but nature is still right in front of me. It's in my house: I've got Creatures in here (cats and fish) and plants and people and all the things I've decorated my nest with. It's right outside my door:
there's persistent wild weeds and an apple tree and drought resistant bushes and cherry trees and blueberries and roses along the fence, and birds clamoring at the bird feeders. There's dragonflies and bees and preying mantises and spiders. There's people living their lives, often participating fully with the rest of the natural world around them, living in symbiotic relationship: kids blowing dandelion seeds, retired people filling hummingbird feeders, punks throwing wildflower seed bombs along the bike path, my daughter demanding we pick up litter so the great blue heron she loves to see doesn't accidentally eat it.
This is the next step in my spiritual path, one I've been needing to make for a long time. It's time to break down that conditioning that is so entrenched in my white person psyche that I didn't even realize for a long time that it was still there despite my intellectual beliefs. I feel foolish even making this post. Like, how did it take me 17 years in my spiritual path to realize this was a problem for me?
Gods, help me know and fully appreciate and love my place in nature and the web of life, from right where I am. Help me see the wild magic present in me and all around me, right where I am. May I find peace and courage in the knowledge that I am part of nature, wherever I am and whatever I'm doing. Give me the strength and wisdom to participate fully in that truth. Thank you.
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davidstortebeker · 2 years
After UN Biodiversity Conference: Let's Create Our Own Biodiversity
Last night, at a United Nations summit on biodiversity, called COP15, the majority of the world's nations signed a landmark agreement to protect 30 per cent of the worlds landmass and oceans by 2030. This comes at a time when one million of the roughly eight million known species in the world is threatened by extinction, a rate never seen before in human history. In spite of its sweeping success of reaching an agreement in the first place, there has been considerable criticism whether the goals are realistic to achieve in such a short time frame, or regarding the financial and economic details to implement such a decision.
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What Does It All Mean?
Now you may be jumping of joy that world leaders are actually coming together to save us from ecological disaster, or you may be more cynical, pointing at the myriad of previous such agreements, that were signed but later abandoned, modified, or simply turned out to be less effective than intended. If you ask me, all this doesn't matter too much. It's way more important what each of us does, in our own lives, to help biodiversity. The solutions are in fact ridiculously simple, but here I want to list a few of them again, just in case:
Don't Mow, Don't Rake, or if you must, Don't Do It Everywhere!
Okay, this goes for all those who have conventional lawns and park-like empty areas under their trees. Sure, you may enjoy seeing an expanse of short cropped grass, much like a soccer field or golf course, in front of your home. But is it really THAT necessary? Please keep in mind that not only does your lawn have its own maintenance costs, but it is actually more like a desert for any birds, insects, let alone the multitudes of soil dwelling species, who simply can't find a place to live there. The same goes for the Autumn chores of raking up all the leaves to burn them, or bag them up for someone else to do it. Those leaves would have done amazing work for the soil, starting with protecting it from the frost, providing shelter for creatures, all the way up to turning into nutritious topsoil.
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I'm not saying you shouldn't have a lawn at all, after all it is nice to have a grassy area to kick the ball around. But leaving a few unmowed islands here and there, even tucked away in corners or behind bushes, will make a huge difference for local species. You will see this right away with the increase of butterflies, just by leaving a bit of space where their favorite plants can grow. As for the leaves, again, it's okay if you want to have some leafless areas. But keeping some areas covered with leaves, especially around trees, is bound to make your place more alive with creatures of various types.
Plant Natives in and Around Your Garden!
There is a good reason why certain species are native to an area: they've evolved together with the place and each other, to maintain ecological balance. Each of them has their own series of contributions, which could fill books on each of them. Of course it is best to become familiar with native species, if we are occupying their space after all, but what's more important is letting them thrive and just do their thing. By doing so you will ultimately invite other native species to live with what they are most familiar with.
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This can start as small as a garden bed. Wild flowers and other "weeds" will bring in pollinators that the rest of your garden will also benefit from. These in turn bring in their predators, who will most probably also decimate your "pests" a bit. So everyone will benefit. If you want, you can extend it to bushes or even native tree species. If you go out to your local wilderness, you'll be able to observe these plants in their own habitat, check out who they love to team up with, so you can design your native area accordingly. Or, you could just lean back and let nature take its course. The result should be pretty similar.
Build a Pond!
One of the most certain ways to invite many different creatures to your place is by offering them the one most important thing in life: water! We're all made of water, so this constitutes a need that perhaps surpasses all others. No matter if you're an insect, a bird, a mammal, or a plant, you will need to drink. For this reason, a pond is bound to bring everyone together who gets thirsty, and then some. So building a pond is a great idea. Just make sure to keep some things in mind:
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Give good access to all creatures, big and small! Some need a steeper shore, others require a very shallow one. Some prefer to hide between reeds or other plants, others like a sandy beach, still others love to hide between pebbles or sun themselves on larger rocks. Your pond should cater to all!
Make sure the size is right. In the winter you don't want all the water to turn to ice, so having a large volume with a good depth is essential. In the summer evaporation can be an issue, so having a shady part is also pretty important.
Many species will come at free will, but others need to be brought in. There is always a chance that a remote pond in the desert will have fish in it some day... but it's way easier to just introduce them. Make sure they are the right type who will appreciate your pond, and once they've started reproducing, as well as being eaten by others, you can proudly claim you've created fish habitat.
Give good access to all creatures, big and small! Some need a steeper shore, others require a very shallow one. Some prefer to hide between reeds or other plants, others like a sandy beach, still others love to hide between pebbles or sun themselves on larger rocks. Your pond should cater to all!
Make sure the size is right. In the winter you don't want all the water to turn to ice, so having a large volume with a good depth is essential. In the summer evaporation can be an issue, so having a shady part is also pretty important.
Many species will come at free will, but others need to be brought in. There is always a chance that a remote pond in the desert will have fish in it some day... but it's way easier to just introduce them. Make sure they are the right type who will appreciate your pond, and once they've started reproducing, as well as being eaten by others, you can proudly claim you've created fish habitat.
Be Your Own Biodiversity Resolution!
Whether you just leave a small "butterfly patch" in your otherwise close cropped lawn, or if you build a decent pond that migratory birds will start using as a pit-stop, you will have done your part in stepping up to counter our currently ongoing Great Extinction of the Anthropocene. In this case, you can really lean back and celebrate, because no matter what the actual outcome of the COP15 will be, local creatures will have a bit of a sanctuary in your place. And that deserves recognition!
Sources: 1, 2, 3
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libidomechanica · 11 months
Ve checkered wrack the ripend luck holds the deserves, and heaven
A sonnet sequence
My heart really love, so innocent, like a system to eat& see the dormitory, thou be kindly die. To the care not Good, some of great wrong, have not grieve: for that he stalk is wearinesse: in vaine the other John Nebel arguing from the seas, thou, could intrude, and hymns in the Heart, and girt by force, intent back, nor she ne’er was enclosed, she guess; and many a heart. Fruit- tree wild lorelie; over their fame you tell how, if that sight day- bearing faces Love lived with greedily repented all men, his usual, still we lived with he, as if he rued the scattered by our twist it complete sheets will doth thy brow, that in such kindles in my lovers quick wave, like a fresh, and as what the others and squires also the salt water frolic Grace replied. At thou be kindle manhood commend the little, hurried woman who laid and, what it sufficient days is that the self!
And what is not been single life in lieu of love letter than one another can compass done with smooth-kissing a thought her, many poor this feast wears they spoke not perfect, or feel, with vivifying Venus demands. All tranquil cheer, and plant bombs inside clean: for truths; even weep like delight, nor day for flesh there; if any tea, but base on the voice had never an empty head, his sweetly slept not, but not yet in a rock still from the strong palpitation did the nape guess each others? Whose from one minute, and from the British women use but say that’s that he soul is set; a thing up.
Wrong. They wanderer from all could I long curl’d to tell you made; for I will breathless love, gold, in the Husband, never know great it would notarize ox, a prince my dear wooly rose, grapes to clouds of thy should not seemed, as from those sounding evenings are won when its axis, but base declining suddenly her heart or tall might rosy ocean waves in the extremely dull beareth. A picture-dealer, were all that today I whist and pens imbibed the beggar and send their beds and fruit of insult let you were so you why. And, beat from a glance, those morn brought cost both which he deny him leaves.
’ Earth retching slips the pleasure—like nectar strength. There it with all the people of the street, that a public school’d in a parted up in my love, and the still are nothing blades of golden Morpheus in souls than Haidee, and crowned with grief, by all heart do herself before went down on glass, and heard a wished this falsehood, but now was her blood fingers distinct, and thought I could not so shatter’d his spring-time, let’s be struck her high raigne on the brink whence comes to cry and stouping Phebus steering me but two orange sound fortune’s shine like a meal. To bear the cutter’d upon taste who like them bemone that elsewhere than any room. All the Desert— entered, he went, and filter’d weed took them with chastity, whose dainty rind, should make the friars, one kiss and plaintive and Derivéd Self make one glance to God about the sullen might wakes among which pants with a wandering lace, had been tost, a sail.
The morn on that could, if it ended, and soft murmurs, or thy tooth to draw a drap o’ the burden of thy unbraided gold, and there; but thou pine at pleasure too well as on a careless with such material creak’d, thus Leander made; for having only gods nor was a lamentary power to loveliest from the bride. As she moaning told the width the bestowes one were thou not down of his already, sober, he had a mother grave; and, as a privateer, and mother arms? I can euer take in the last gray old wolf, for a stick you who would impossibly escape?
And what name, I design of Love is God, for sympathy, unless through that had all delight, or hammered. The bitter spell is a pure inventions, which its moisture rises, t is, I mean duration of the younger. Though injured the public merit, and Lethe-wards repeated on them more he is a beef-steak. And several who did see; sweete-cruell she too clear, and every donor, rather hair, hath and patients, sublime, the bridegroom meets to hell, and vtter his name? What we by a year or twa, she’ll no others went to me, the revenge, upon her way while Bacchus and kisse; I hoped her train’d!
The human life, am I. Would with a winged Diana when held up her hands have voices, to whom I love excuse the earth parch the country than to flower was comparison, would not calculating devout as fast sleep. This mine may sit like a Turk’s pavilion, had little cotter’s wife when you to get a portional importune Allah; unto his back to cherish. Said the wisest flatter crumble, and very deeds we do. That hadn’t seen for that should soone it shoulde haue no care no light—or darting air and may move, the bitter of hours his painted, viewing Leander cries, Joy!
Sweet Adeline, in careless witty, since all natural ways have greatest arrowy smart did the eggs, fruit doth plunge my separate and flash on: foes, frisk without remembered wine and Juan; and, since Homer’s ancle, tipp’d to leaves about to learn of his Powers are like poppies, will all things friendship is feast. Softly, but I know pining the singer of my word in his king Are vanish; why shouldering men sit a Bird accursed the spray flies in-while, they might revel, played and, without somehow many a jest tool them, which gave me from his hooves checks to frame inversely propose to you thou, light.
And then he telescope was urgent, that flesh and skilful pilot, then, then of the day? He heart to see how each others her chose tragedy divine in the ran; after chastity hast vs homeward. He was and promise of the grand course I take, and baffled our Heart, a lord, a caprices in such halcyon calmness must judge of you. To see how to me but on the stopp’d her door ajar so when it hold, and darkness here; if any chest, feel now had fall for the frequent words and disposed to survey these fools whom abundance my desire, and is always best thou in May.
In bed she was no affrighted, and if we can cast uplandish country with display love’s splash’d. With the iron pole, hard as Newcastle shire, desiring attach myself grew wild: so Juan by, glance like to a blushing of a sea of mine shall be both Silk, and sky limited thus soft touching turtle’s braceless held together I would have had a let lose his arms he left our ears, got to granted to get into diamonds shall be, no doubts, though an into the waves are, since sweet as the lang day on which he came. And built a holy church as wine for me, looking its brother; but the proud Adonis kept alive alone, by stormed bed, to enrich you. Aside him instant for of such a chair to the same. Naughty billow, as one so idly spent, and then lay like a sea of mine eye never light trace and unencumber’d; yet youth abstain’d, in view and there where from the facts!
Still bloudy bullet holes: arsenic, arsenic, surely no one to animal awesome I would be in the brows, me joy, I think that while the dwells in well sugred lip when dying dais before to herself and blood of the silent stream that he would speak to herself was. I am true sights side? There is her maid, how is it not to driven fringe their thrum, a mere quit her chose their sun, and I myself, and heart as black, sustaine the truce was coarser; and the echoed with a tear, will pass’d—was come to sound of change there, althought it were dangerous and me, and Tree. More joy thee speak me so!
And, laying into some bitterly. Like Charon’s breasts when the who expectant, power the consider’d on a better taste neat wintry dame, retired, or rather day! His false—though fields, woods or shall court besides, and moment, upon such others caught that was was nothing car prepared, and throws death a holy perfect noon, in clothes but exprest a wise words had slippers for a kiss’d, and more wisest flowers my sisters triple light: but he, for what blacke face which she sailors are like arguments hackney ear. So precious sighed, she merely mean to part will bee. For if you have not for pity!
But their severall Objects remote; was wear the dark eyes may be Neptune follies on my heart is with eyes were guiltie seem’d her like an ominous birds. They are right each one self-propriety, she made the circling if they had, doubt, and then kisse, both busy throne.—Unfold trust me, and her one kneaded but disturbing her you must heaven is Cupid pine, and saw he did not born and so gentle numbers, waies, that those old baggage. And many think, do never quivering, witch, my friend to the tyrant, now began to wax white blades of gold; yet poortith a’ I could sleep through as free from fear.
You wake untouched her lay, without pausing ayme do guess; and this though tis whist and even in Turkey or in her locks thy fame around I sit and the crept behind, and where planets rotating like very neighbour’s Wife, draws the dwell, will try gainst mind. And, oh! To heaven sacrifice, as the dead, who felt that outside the spectre-thing I listen; and two are steadfast peace of pride; for much mortified with yours yet a dreamed of mere parents to heaved upon taste neat wink of ivory skin and, sobbing o’er long, and the earth and botch of being darkned be; night is Cupid girls’ dormitory.
In the Noose of stated, opening water appetite; like a rich mine together hair is blotted to cracks of loue. Through firm, the full, right reade the hill, and then; now o’er his flowing in a wild and swore he had already how a youth, and lovers, churning in the human dress war are scorn where an all he seized them, Since all sighs are also he slightly ships go out winter and thoughts would breakfast took that shears old chained to drink rum from grape, war, lust, modestly, desolate. I blow away as well as spoilt, prepared, indicative me one mad. If they got afloat. I must’ve drew a sight. And she, still less sort of love’s arrow with speech outward walls so cold vices spent her then fain would county contents me through verdurous haunt of earth beneath the spake the centre of this couch; and, ere this feasted. Apparent leaning with the laity our loved of human heart and everywhere.
And, when Aurora kiss, a kiss of his night inheritors they who watched love in the way to the pleasure sufficed, burns when a token of thy day-nets none but how I do nothing bust, alive, capers, before their better the Tuism, which thou should faint! The grave never make fair, or like—like a mother one and let me, thy willing hours of earth when it grow, and set trash of a ghosts in Change; they came, the Spanish all the Mother, and spends the unbetrays poor priest, the degree, the holy ayde, who love, angry Sisters say, now him both with that words, who have pass’d away from a greater them.
He shoulder when you cleave that I have it. Life’s dearie; there and small, poised feet and swore, if Time. Prophet, for never the mark upon a hard hand a fine displayed betrays, her own footsteps regular and the bow, to rob joy of it, than I like a mistaking therefore he stars do not know no cry, not tread this abject grace of pleasing for curls fell allow; and Juan sweet skies, to save when Loves Firmament glistered garland so our veins? Made milk-white Muse! The heavy heart giu’n me then I have in all heart revelled in dale, or round was best. It’s only care, nor less, then will doth the lily!
That song expire with every way. You, Bob, are a nation for a tear, my pass’d oft looks the way one by one—the faculties, cool’d a long wo in weaken’d hate; since his prey, of life is my subject, because t is to a lake and bear and your adventure have no enemy but forgot upon her cheeks, white and Pride, and her maid, be kept he, had made his very Day I warn’d new; thy Brother had at here. Do not so sweet. Empires hardships were but the bed fallen from Thames his fair, as deeper was rather decease, did feele: for they added ship, well as fair; in tempest-tops, and her naked stood uprightly can praise for my young hand; and person! And grinning with silken skill there and fresh bleed, and precious versation between the spilt, and all the centre of ladies gentle queen o’ the queen oft perceive in thy shouldering heart hath died, gone to all the prosperity.
On spends their stock was deaf and Stellaes face. See how much of a winter on her cheek and she wise; at last. Her too. Listening now fast by getting on their land, the Eye, new Formes, and virgins sow, yet now it e’er got in politely nurtured it would curb it he had been his tale: if foes grief he flits on her present; and in these pleasure to lingers shed would be so. Than did this, say it scarce to fill you will but Luther’s. That Juan by, glance call’d stone is to a treasure draws his pipe now I raise. Eggs, fruit-tree wild clock that looks direct! From the fragrance yet deem’d to bear; and the chair: though not I.
Then all snow feeling, all love water, wine despite of our active me, Hero, Hero, sacrifice to sooth what she sparks of love when she rose from a shades on our pump’d, thus softly sail to all who paused by our teeth on edge; and told a tale, left no doubted if I chaunce, mine ransoms your breast behind a quiet breaks the sky all headlong there, before unto the granted, and days, is comrade’s sufficient made up of the shadows of her lies upon her: grant hills across the Tyrant said: Wait up! The choice of dignity and fair a thing tresses which, like a misers keep your luxury!
She stream, not known minds quick small pleasure, as in lust or faith do move, and made faster of raine once more wardrobe; the sea: there might know the tape rolls in the violence of reformation, and know where he sate hindmost, holds, frisk with motive; and the old man had some of English I cannot climb, and not state; a difference mongst our Elections— these arguments, such true; for what are strives thy found then i hold is thy plain his chamber for it. You are seventh day, the earth: their young, constancy is not to get marriage, and howl, and my lovers in virtuous meant but the entertain sickly too?
And out of some hither, spare it,—Happiness, will take away that a severall Objects too. By shall cheek I see—Ah, no! He thus: that are for the surly sullen might see things made the case I also waned— and provocative strength to serves, all silence dawn coming upon think of their salvation leaves language stars, bards, friends, and of all that news were brass or scorn, began to gazed, and dress kindled them wet, with human breaking Woes darting for foode religion in our hands white, alas! How sweet lovers in this bird reposing in his wisdom as to snare. As fasten or deflected.
Universal epigram; but long ago. A privateer, and my room, imprisoner pent in the Honour, which the statesmen are amatory egotism the green, thou have power than on my radiant bombs inside of moss looks yield ye, where he colour went eking and arrowy smart did fail. Where ovens, the rest; thou, were undid them, and warm, but a curl’d negligently o’er there was dark as a dower has made a lovers like a banner free! On the unbounded, had not with a boy so far extend. And thy perfection and more to be full heart away as I must be?
The Muse-brows. Or throaty humming. And hastily—as not show them: but not be too raw, should makes heroic and cheeks, whom she started soul, the fields and joyous time has lately clear, they that day. He sigh the sweet soul as I, who heroically in heave in such too, he tried, each sitting also learn of heaven the Hearts you poor, would not so safe for a waking the air, to enrich your names, bearing not won before wise, and too tall her starry Fays; the foam of great thou shall dance, England, wife, sate sic pleasure to some have you know’s shaggy footed saint hear little maid, you looked down to hall.
Were his woes forbade then all this effect defective plague thermore unknown exacts that is happening and deeming the love to grins, he foundation made a morning ravish’d people shun them all law would trustings— some scented attones, where thou mak’st philosophy! And mantle of the dew. Thus let falls melodious burdened honor’s laws. The Minotaur—from the time, and sailor when i hold my song called her high wind the bitter in her heart, that godless tutor and farewell, my desire, a household, and then, my Celia, we’ll gentle number crept upon the pulse and still less oath?
Troublesome Growth, his hand in one sight out. I’m merely ceased thy unworthy heart, while Bacchus pours of sterilized me not blow softly, but could imprint that dyes a marble floors never light with a butcher’s face above through as if the little God I heard or similar remark on which are much towns and the flits on her sweetly sin and of late has growes had Venus fill you both young wife—a time, that now they what heedless rich to roam, it leans a kind of delight to the first of discover what excuse will profession; for such love them had learne with his arch-enemy but why?
The fire; for all must wait several days is true in sure such words. A touch you. While common, and he sigh’d;—the newest may do the deep drench’d by every spacious, that she was a broad-brimm’d in a recent raging that shrinks from my will harsh wave what elder love, silent night and staggering he make more it cherish. I watched, and mock your love, and these rites of the sun and purgatory to leave, life’s dearest bands to be set free, than with violent pass watcher’s heaven wounded bosom when all’s over Catholics the sun, brought into thee desire arose and gilding. Or hopes were asleeper?
More glorious would not the raven fet, would grow more pleasure of nicety, when a noble never do you, eye and palpable of the sideboard’s statues only to thrill beneath a window that’s it! That a bowl upon true Love before unrestrained, that blow softly sail was rather presence of a Good Son, who pours of the world enamour’d of his digging his was— pardon the painted original, so prevails whence he had a mother. Believing to their rank and the mean the chaste desire, and looking of their grave; such occasional production, and tumbling, screen.
Things? Already—and round his looks be anchor’d in shapin’ a heckle, an’ kissing brevity to close that languages did duty. Love deep-sunken poet a genius or understand. Are filched by a cough a wilder’d, Think of Black Friar; retired wing rather essence my tale. And something but him. There shrouded was, the Humour ever; tis wisdom, every way. Wild night see the churches; ’ there was extreme; for aught he hopes, so very hard sky limits. Fades, unseen unto the seasonable bows are youthful from me. Haidee strict to the servants and fertile, among the bed; at length.
’Tis true? Bacchus and wine, which th’ approved by spoonfuls of youth, full of my love of eggs, oysters, seeing the head which was talk’d down on the sounds deigns the cast a sign her eyes were it she got too as Space. And yonder Castlereagh don’t birds may take his eyes of those meeting leagues of love. After chambermaids are all the third forms of the father generally no other turn in hill with marks of love, though not availed hare: how plenteous fort where too much mortified with his dusky garb, appeal says, t is just descried Henry, link’d wild, and determin’d them now for love the drooping to bed.
The served to sound; and in her blood, whose fair. But so far out of the stronger heeds the good small birds come other err’d upon the dancing shadowy, shrunk, and serious: but they always proved us walking other John and the new-blooming an amorous love, silence of his arms three or four throated ease. That the bride; for on the dirty hovel: some Christians have philosophic passions turn. The first was never heart is all heave at what a private like a space flower doest prodigy but with lurid beats loud and there past, having part; and even the next, when you’ve passionate one.
Yellowing (dogs have a convulsions raise. I like flesh so the soft cheeks, that is it fret against her happier than form, or even in every wave on which should flies in-of you. Belle Isle,—unfolded floating looks the honey on the least vouchsafe so much should, an age which mountain, my dress that flesh and wild carrot. What I saw two walking pageant that fall a sleep. How blest thinking across the walked aside, and Greek—that in a sunrise man say? And smote him in he rubb’d their servants puzzling, the liberty to be, beauties be, beat is like all pure Gold returning rockets? You have year.
In its aspect of think it’s ok with error find. They are the chamber when mine, and close; the hope was over the most reseeds of his natiue moisture was she saint of Zoe’s company ornaments and promise forth in a bottle while Bacchus and round; and in hand, asks first part by the sand, sends messages to sleep. If thou among the art to sink; and the Eastern hill far from fear. How fair face, they came that sun dual nature’s will plan of melancholy musical of that Scout, though weather. The land her who is awoke by turns to immoral course as maidens faith, to spare not alone.
The sixth year or twa, she’ll no other turn in him gaudy toys to pass unseen unto the tear or groans of gods, but to the lone belief in which we are not seen: fire as tuneful person what it hath no pain, and send to the princessantly with blushed a tender frame, who listening all heaven knows,—it may be her than those degree that now that’s impossible when song the highly disgraced her at his sister and became a youngest upon the other beckon’d by my unkindness in absent family of course as it a try. Nothing supplied: Remember backache after hold it!
A sweet maid, but the huge Colossus’ legs, and I. And too much formality,—all worthiness isle had no other. Here; and low! Water her starts; no jealous for that small rockets? An’ a’ the garden of life, the others grown, her while playing. And built a castliness? She seem’d all misplaced, and then to be filled transistory is written love letter blast to thy hive. Might upon her for a sail. Such forced with time contrived a cough as feel my flocke and Helper! Brings huge and ladies gent. And situation, each one Beauty; and laying heart to see what bless oath? To juggle to untie!
My mouth of feeling princessantly what’s said her in the Syren’s cry my sole and pay our tale: to run before than forms have reared, in Juan. And self-sweet-Slug-a-bed, and she was upon thine eye, cheat so well when he’s king salt waters troubled by the just, and when he behold a foreign places—their revenues of purgatorial creature of moisture, by the heard it: this rain into a blush in lays. Sad Hero the Ruby Seal that he was, instead of being a divorce puzzled but only Hope and that particular had read now transferred to bless to her beam on my spirit affords in polish’d that he did under than any chest, fair Adeline was before if to lift and she wept at least bo-peepe or crouching utter were delight sun, at length, yet mix’d, and, as the cave for her cheek and Forward lie, more faire encreasing him in, a street, and gold or set in vain.
Trip for this Venus, which he den look’d the tall truth: has nothing rascal, Pedro, Battista, helpless, will professions; we have street; each thou art for Thee in all the lily! How amber for a Moment; and if these was used sparingly,—some word he bids from the tell when desire of the heart;— as I by version I think to driven, the laws, and odd stanzas as not entirely began to women, mirthful from heart, as they ran the sun, at least one thinke that of doubtful twilight from them night beat is every gods have gone, she was not read the one that year, through the past, of their shoes!
Now had followed long Excursion before if she smile still retains waved of counsel then o’er thy name calls you still containe, retire in front of fiery flame was mute and as her cheek is congealing frail, a monk, array; why dost not believe me, let me to me. The sole of cypress State, hath left no doubt we were first did not; savages, that all unbe than I resigns the long-boat the bay crown’s shapes commits, where to thy hive. For I will last nigh the centre of nations of hot to move, completely sans culotte, ’ and weak; at which, as she sits a rout or blood to be neuter—and stood.
Star must now, With two roads diverged in absent, nay, whatever than when ’tis prescriptive nymphs should sleep a further can comprehend, althought. Well shucks, and he lay. Of the very day she knew he was her newly stronger lives, as she sad mistaken, and yet rapidly, she stopp’d, and eke to and thought, I know what’s rather drank thee! Should save his party-secret, for thee; a mind disdainful earth resolu’d thy errours to thinke those tomb fair hues, nor other dress of his face made when his diadem, than selling Will, devouring pageant goes and stood in the golden head, and kings, exceeds?
See without remorse, in truth nothing the land he lay, full well becoming net, whilst we part in the bow, to row they drew, tremendous light cure I am sitting sheets will bloudy bullet hole in a cloak, alas! When overlooked and recourses would make Cupid pine, new as wept he, losing nearer that sends women walk my love me graces might not long speech were curious appear, t was belong that from her lips of his lily be all my poor part of fiery dust. Which they’re breathed her observe what elder loves to carry off as a flower, death with roses of the colonial trade, I sweare I will surely die. There was a Friar, strife, no dislike this lips each our part in phrases, they will dignity and maker, who were taught a lay motions tread and turns—without worst of poetry, at least ambition stir; and ever saw you, with eyes and fever, yet her.
For years. And, like swarming smile upon it long speechless smile … What would he quite as you praise a vassal And carrot. And knock on my face was from daybreak—rather love; take me graceful, grace I suffer thing his that newe is very courage earnd it posterity fame keep thank your small plan when its alchymy, and gildings of good modern Greek i’d have furnish’d sweet skies, to put for his locked in silence of men, and Titan on the must we rested not rescue him quite bewitch me hope—quite as kill’d head such sweet water for all must now, not entirely beauties reddest well as Sight.
And bolted thus to aim especially as he in the bay,—quite as a Queen of this pollution, and told me by this couch; and not onely in the water, and die as fast as the watchman, or yet there was all myself and corruption to a treasure, as well she down, despites of brother, come, who, wandering. Come, my dreamer, wake untuned gold, but trepidation or Daughter, some people fort, and their compare, whaever has met wi’ my Phillis can see. Come, and a dead sand, like to anticipate this the fire, bequeathed o’er-worn; When Juan’s career home-run to sing. His gains.
Little or twa, she trembling all the day? And all used of his! That in the moved with the able to add a storm; and knows how? His fierce, thereat skill, until morning.; And, scarce avail us? I’ll seize the fancy our love; take that drank your sails; the rush’d as that feeds of his strength. Complete therewith all who joy would not join the shepherds thy power. More love the biscuit-casks of wild farewell, my Spain, and determined to abate, and the hoarser murmurs, or ouer-wise. No doubt, less tutor and recepts misse! But seeing eye, Love, with all mistook But winter with your hands and ere he dreams.
Over the evil days on evil tongue. Wretched his fair Love from me where the studde, how great winter with rigours, and, like Mars carousing near that it sufficiency my head, but we were awhile upon the honey-fly their best to the sea should be sinne while the rich makes me at things she’s woo’d, and Ocean slumber I’ll touch is advice— and Lifted up, intent on the pale—with the light have streak of the green-spreading virtue up, and, each worth nor from a gutted mine historical superstition! May delight to pay him leave their rank grasse now had been more nigh. Do Greece of many sight?
To get marriage-bed of love. A lovely fair truth perdition, whom she fled from the sky; now o’er him; nor is’t of existence. Such a guest waiting how much that it shall you most word, a sigh to such others? And now lay sick of beer, because, as maiden queen attentions, but with young beam o’er it a cobweb-lawn; scenes to their name is innocent: twere, thoughts white as an instruments, neither generation. Titus exclaim’d, I’ve lost. Yearning slave-maker, Mr. The centre of the past care four times counties have had been teeth much more Shakspearian, if I could travel, ennui, lovely-head!
The one him down at your peculiar mouth of occupation,—fair which pants with things that the rack and grace; but one or other present all the princes trim her soul’s Rialto hate. I’m martyr to a woman&when should hardy to accompany, that some accounted nice. The spirit, the Heart, and complete the port-hole made senses past and damaged in them also did turne. In polish’d with capsules in many man into two milky ways, in all pure dye light boat will have sir, both my poor beast the civil list he came unasked by night mount and now the peeping car from off the trees nay!
That death led me—who knows why we are true, ’tis true. The debt unsunk, the isthmus of these few could to call my sword of all euils, cradled in it. He feigning, yearning shoes drew, set by a curate; some Christians have power, jove slyly stealth. And which light should I have felt his king how ripe ears amid all show to mother’s sprightly he been him to hideous night changeable had won. Who they found then in him—he was sparkling I mightiest creature, by missed, which sucked and cheer, compare, whaever has met wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ the brink.
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pixoplanet · 1 year
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It's May 6th, 🦋 “Start Seeing Monarchs Day'' in the United States. It’s not clear who invented this special day in 2015, but it’s now being used by most promoters as a way to raise awareness of the Monarch Butterfly’s diminishing numbers and what we can do to reverse that trend.
The Monarch is one of the most familiar butterflies in North America. By early May, enough Monarchs have awakened from their winter hibernation (most of them in Mexico) that you may see some of them as they begin their migration journey across the southern US to the northern states and Canada, from where they’ll start their return leg back to their wintering grounds.
The Monarchs you see returning in the fall, though, won’t be the same ones you see in the spring. The most fascinating thing to me about this creature is the generational aspect of their annual migration. The Monarch’s lifespan is very short. Metamorphosis from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to adult takes only about 25 days. Adults reach sexual maturity in about 4-5 days and live only another one to four weeks more. (The “super” generation that makes the return trip south and hibernates over the winter lives longer, of course.) When each adult takes flight from its chrysalis, it somehow knows where it is and in which direction it must head.
How can we help prevent the extinction of this prolific pollinator? One thing we can do is to plant milkweed. Since it’s a weed, it’ll grow anywhere, and without it, the Monarch Butterfly will cease to exist. We can also stop using herbicides and pesticides. This will improve the prospects for all wild animals, not just the Monarch, and also help keep our groundwater, rivers, lakes, and oceans clean. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese of Pixoplanet
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grillsadvisor · 2 years
Fish: The Meat (Wood Pellet Grill)
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Imagine a world where the taste of fresh seafood is never lost. A utopia for those who love it, and can't get enough. I grew up in Pacific Northwest where all kinds are readily available - from salmon to oysters or halibut steaks cooked on an open flame grill at your own beachside cabin retreat. The seven seas await you with these culinary creations that will make any day better than before, and if not then we've got some more pirate-themed activities waiting.  The ocean is a great place to find seafood. With such diversity in the variety and flavor, I've been able to explore many different types from all over land or in air-conditioned environments where they're sold at local markets near me. My absolute favorites are those Cajun flavors you find along Louisiana's coastlines as well as Baja California’s south beach town Los Cabos. 
I've been cooking salmon on a pellet grill since grade school. While other kids were learning about skateboards and keyboards, I learned about cedar planks and alder smoke. I know a lot about salmon. Wild Pacific Northwest indigenous people were crazy for it and so are we! When you smoke your favorite fish recipe on our pellet grill, make sure to throw in some wood chips from trees that have been specially selected by an expert smoker just like me who knows how important this ingredient really is when creating delicious flavors like no other. I might be going overboard here with all my expertise but let’s face facts: fresh wild-caught versus farm-raised - there isn't much difference unless they're being kept refrigerated. Tips & Techniques  The aromatic cedar plank is a great choice for smoking and barbecuing salmon. The cedar plank is so common today that you can find them at your local grocery store or even Walmart. Not only does this cooking technique allow the wood’s flavor and moisture to pass directly onto salmon, but it also helps prevent sticking. When grilling salmon, be sure to oil the grate beforehand. When you cook your fish on porcelain grates, the second time around it will stick and smell terrible. The salmon is best smoked after it has been cooked on the grill or in an oven. To get that delicious flavor, hit your fish with a flame and avoid overdoing it because this can cause flaking apart while cooking. A big spatula helps too especially when turning over pieces of meat so they don't stick together during the smoking process. Mayonnaise and Dijon mustard can help keep salmon moist. One of the most common ways to cook salmon is by applying a thin coat of mayonnaise or mustard before putting it in an oven. This will keep your dish from drying out and tasting weird.
When I was working at the grocery store counter in college, everyone said that people only ate tuna out of a can. But one day someone came through my line with two beautiful pink steaks and they were so juicy. It turns out that all these years we've been missing out on delicious food because our minds didn't want us to spoil their image. The customer was a successful and knowledgeable man whom I respected. He explained to me how he planned on grilling his tuna steaks. That night, I bought my wife two steaks. The next morning we cooked up some delicious tuna — everything she expected and more. The next time I saw this customer, we traded stories. He told me how impressed he was by my ability to sear tuna steaks on a wood pellet smoker and actually bought the same one — from me. Tuna can be a delicious and healthy alternative to other types of seafood. However, the quality will depend on whether it's fresh or dried out - if you see any signs that your preferred brand has been frozen before being sold then avoid buying them as they won't taste nearly as good. Tips & Techniques  If you're looking to add a smokey flavor, try reverse searing your tuna. I don’t smoke my tuna steaks longer than 30 minutes to avoid the fishy flavor. Dill is the perfect complement to seafood, especially tuna. Dill weed is a fantastic spice to have on hand, but it's best when used for flavoring tuna steaks. Apply some dill seeds onto your plate before serving the dish up in order to get every last bit of flavor. It is important not to overcook the fish. Tuna steaks are always a treat, but if you’re not careful they can go from impressive to cat food really fast. They're meant for eating just as sushi-grade tuna should be - err on the side of rarer meat when preparing your dish so that each person gets their own piece with juice.
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When I think about seafood, shrimp always comes to mind. There are so many ways you can prepare it and not be disappointed in the taste. One way that stands out for me is how easy cooking them on a pellet grill is because they take less time than other types of fish or meats which makes our experience worth every second spent with this delicious food item on hand-held cuisine perfectionists like myself want everything all at once without too much hassle but still getting Their money's worth from each ingredient used during preparation.  Whether you're a shrimp lover or not, the grill is an excellent way to cook up some of these little guys. If possible try and find fresh never frozen ones to be cooked properly with all their flavor intact instead of using small packages that may have been sitting on store shelves since before Christmas. Tips & Techniques Of all the ways to cook shrimp, I think my favorite is Cajun or Creole Louisiana-style. But there are many different types you can try out on your pellet grill. When you're a pitmaster, there are many different styles of barbecue to keep up with. You can never be bound by just one style or method though - experimentation makes us all better.  Lemon is an excellent addition to shrimp. Squeeze the lemon in your cooking or after for an extra burst of freshness.  Grill baskets are a great way to cook shrimp and other small food items. To cook your shrimp, pick one basket up and put it over a direct flame or straight on the grill.
Growing up in the Mid-Valley, it was always tradition to have seafood on Christmas Eve. The three different styles of oysters would be pan-fried or smoked before being eaten on their own with some hot sauce for dipping - but not too much because then you get that burning sensation all over your mouth. I prefer cooking these little guys medium size; they're easy enough so as long as I don't overcook them, which happens easily, everything should come out just right regardless of what kind/size grill/smoker you use. Tips & Techniques  I'll keep saying it until you listen, but the truth is a good pair of gloves will make your job so much easier. handling oysters on your grill can be tricky. You don't want to end up burning yourself or scalding yourself with hot shells, so use gloves.  Peek at your oysters often, but quickly. If you want to avoid drying out the oysters, then keep an eye on them and make sure that they are closed tightly. You also need a lid for when it's time to cook up your meal.  Speaking of needing your lid to be closed to cook, this may be the job for a smoker. The vertical pellet smoker is a great choice for people who want an easy and fast job. The window makes it much easier than other types of smokers, making this type ideal when you're in hurry or just have some time on your hands.
Editor’s Choice: Top-list grills
- The best pellet grill for the money - The best pellet grill & smoker combo - Best quality pellet grills with Wi-Fi - Best small pellet grills on 2022 Read the full article
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sealwomyn · 3 years
Separatist Lesbrarian Post
As if my Goddess research book pile isn't big enough.. I've decided to make a post of my work-in-progress separatist booklist; there's essays, feminist sci-fi, lesbian novels, all-female societies, herstories, etc. Some I've read but most are TBR on the Storygraph. If any women know anything that would be a good fit, or praise or criticism of anything here, feel free to add suggestions.
Sultana's Dream by Rokeya Sakhawat Hossein (only 11 pages and I love it so much)
The Wanderground: Stories of the Hill Women by Sally Miller Gearhart
Womonseed by Sunlight
Daughters of a Coral Dawn trilogy by Katherine V. Forrest
Return to Isis trilogy by Jean Stewart
Journey to Zelindar, Hadra Archives series by Diana Rivers
Ammonite by Nicola Griffith (this one made me want to go to the all female planet so much!)
The Demeter Flower by Rochelle Singer
The Gate to Women's Country by Sheri S. Tepper
A Door Into Ocean, Elysium series by Joan Slonczewski
*Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (I read this, cw for shameless racism)
Your Faces, O My Sisters! Your Faces Filled of Light, and Houston, Houston, Do You Read?, by James Tiptree Jr. (pen name of Alice Sheldon)
When Women Were Warriors trilogy by Catherine M. Wilson (too many men in last book, some weird scenes but good otherwise, would reread)
*The Stars Are Legion by Kameron Hurley (read this, overall liked it but for the love of Goddess check reviews for content warnings bc idek how to warn for this)
The Carhullan Army/Daughters of the North by Sarah Hall (read, off-putting scenes esp gross het scene but interesting other aspects)
Banner of Souls by Liz Williams, added by suggestion! This looks interesting.
Sister Light, Sister Dark by Jane Yolen, thanks to @violetssunsets for the addition! unfortunately was warned about het content but also a society of warrior women.
Celaeno series by Jane Fletcher, thanks to @unified-multiversal-theory for the suggestion! Has an all-woman society so I need it in my life.
Herstory and Nonfiction:
Separatism and Women's Community by Dana R. Shugar (got this recently and excited to read this herstory)
Lesbian Land by Joyce Cheney
Sinister Wisdom #98: Landykes of the South: Women's Land Groups and Lesbian Communities in the South (have this, many listed are of the past)
La Luz Journal by Juana Maria Paz (actively seeking this one atm, racism and esp colonization issues wrt women's spaces on occupied land are something I want to see addressed)
Country Lesbians: The Story of the Womanshare Collective by Sue Deevy, Nelly Kaufer, Dian Wagner, Carol Newhouse, and Billie Miracle. (Billie gave me a copy of this when I visited Womanshare a few years back)
Weeding at Dawn: A Lesbian Country Life by Hawk Madrone
Amazon Acres, You Beauty: Stories of Women's Lands, Australia, edited by Sand Hall
Circles of Power: Shifting Dynamics in a Lesbian-Centered Community by La Verne Gagehabib and Barbara Summerhawk
For Lesbians Only: A Separatist Anthology, edited by Sarah Lucia Hoagland and Julia Penelope. (70 essays! I haven't finished it but I'm trying)
Wild Mares: My Lesbian Back-to-the-Land Life by Dianna Hunter
*Herlands: Exploring the Women's Land Movement in the United States by Keridwen N Luis (language in synopsis seems to favor male invasion of Female Sovereign Space so my expectations are low)
If any women here have read any of these please let me know your thoughts! I don't have anon on but I’ll redact asks if you want to write in anonymously, just say the word. Hoping to find more knowledgeable lesbrarians on our beloved hellsite than myself :)
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