#also these guys are technically OCs right? wow
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On tonight’s edition of Friday Night Drawing Time (a thing I do on my main blog, basically I draw every Friday night to help myself improve at drawing), I decided to draw my own renditions of the characters from Coldplay’s album Mylo Xyloto. Now, if you’re at all familiar with that album and the tie-in comics associated with it, you might be thinking “wait, but Mylo Xyloto is a single character, right? And he isn’t human?” Well, the story is this… Mylo Xyloto came out in 2011, it painted such vivid, specific images in my head, and I created an entire elaborate story based on it, which I imagined was set in our world and had to do with a bunch of homeless teenage punks fighting against a rival gang. Imagine my surprise when the comic book adaptation, which came out in 2012, revealed that the story took place on another planet (which is why I assume Mylo Xyloto isn’t human, but maybe he is, idk- I haven’t actually read the comics), and that the title of the album refers to a single character and not two characters. (To be fair, when the album initially came out, some members of Coldplay said in interviews that it was a love story between a person named Mylo and a person named Xyloto… although, I even got that wrong, because apparently Mylo was supposed to be the boy and Xyloto the girl.) Regardless of what the “official” story is, I still prefer my interpretation. (I also couldn’t change it for the sake of my story, Concept Album Extravaganza/Strange Fascination, and if I had tried to cut the Mylo Xyloto storyline from Strange Fascination when I returned to rework it in 2022, I would have run into a LOT of problems later on in the narrative. But we’ll get to that when we get to that.)
Anyway! So this is Mylo & Xyloto. Mylo is 17 years old, the daughter of a government worker who lives in Washington, D.C., who dreams of serving her community as an educator or counselor until the soon-to-come End of the World cuts her education short and forces her father out of his job. As tensions brew between her parents at home and her job at McDonald’s runs her ragged, Mylo begins to dream of running away from home… until she actually does it. Xyloto, meanwhile, is 18 years old and has been a runaway from home since he was 13. His parents died in an accident when he was five years old, and until he was 13, his aunt’s family raised him. After enduring abuse from them for years, Xyloto finally escaped and soon thereafter met another teenage runaway, Michael, to whom he decided to stick. Together, Michael and Xyloto, along with another runaway they eventually came across, Jacari, decided to form their own community and live apart from civilization. They decided to call themselves the Sparks.
Both Mylo and Xyloto are passionate about art- Xyloto as a graffiti artist and Mylo as an appreciator. They both experience synesthesia (particularly, the kind where certain words are associated with certain colors), and they both have a disregard and mistrust in authority, although Mylo isn’t quite as rebellious as Xyloto is. As a couple, they make a great pair… at least until a terrible incident occurs to drive Mylo away from the Sparks. Will they eventually get back together? You’ll have to read my story to find out.
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red-water-dragon · 25 days
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Raren demonstrating a suspicious spell in front of the royal court.
visual storytelling notes:
The bg was left blank until I started painting and the elements added to the bg were designed around the character. I didn't go into this with a little synopsis of what I wanted to convey. Only an abstract idea that Raren was going to be talking to someone, figure it out later. I decided he'd be presenting a new spell in front of a political chamber because he wears a crown and a blue crystal. So he has to be of some form of nobility and magical prowess. He also has blue eyes meaning he is an ice dragon and thus its a blue spell wow. The monarchs he's addressing are left dark and disapproving in the corner while Raren powers a statue beneath them. He could be demonstrating how the spell effects the world around them, maybe it freezes the stone? maybe it brings the statue to life? Either way its primed to eat Raren's opposition. Two of the bg guys are red one is blue maybe he's an arch nemesis who knows.
Art process and wips under the cut
I'm trying and failing to get better at visual story telling while keeping things simple. My long term goal is to have a frequent and consistent posting schedule. Most of the art would be stylized and simple like this and the rest could be fully rendered.
Art has been more of a "draw what's in you head and make it look pretty/ cool to hang up later" thing to me w/ the benefit of being a good source of self reflection as I create. Writing has more so been my go to for expressing that meditation. Writing I don't share because im unnecessarily cagy abt my emotions and my harshest critic lol. I want to tell stories with my art , convey tone, feeling, etc. and right now my paintings don't do that. I don't have the technical skill yet. This painting is the first of many to come that will hopefully change this.
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The texture in this is chaotic and the line work is rough. Raren is the only part of this with a full sketch. All other line art was added to create the illusion of detail. There is less attention on rendering each section and more being put into the placement of characters and props. I had hoped this would make the painting go faster and...it has the potential to do so in the future. Sooo a piece that could have taken a couple hours took a whole day.
While im not overly thrilled with the final image im still happy about the process. Normally the dragon would be the only real focal point in my painting with the bg being a gradient, or a simple theme added last second. Conveying a message is more work but it gives more cool things for the eye to look at and the mind to ponder. So in theory even if the final result is aesthetically unappealing the theme can still salvage the work a bit.
what this taught me:
sketchy line work is passable in the final image
it can even add character to the art
plants are a great way of filling space without actually doing so
(hence the wip of the room looking empty af with out them)
the more clothing and eye candy you put on your character the more clutter you have to add to the bg to balance it out
the main oc was sketched the bg was painted on the fly
doing so saved time but harmed the natural flow of the piece
all of the storytelling is happening in quarters and it is almost abrasive to look at
what ill try in the next piece:
perspective guides
less shading and rendering
find a color palette to stick to
or work in greyscale first
write a little picture synopsis
or pick a theme
just find something that acts as a story guide
sketch out bg elements
toy around with the sketch more before moving to painting
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CW: OC talk + Rambling / Blood / Gore / Censored Nudity (character sheet) / Mentions of Drugging
(idk why these warnings are so intense, but I swear it's all just silly OC talk T^T)
I’m kinda sorta working on more (comprehensible) TS OC stuff in between studying right now… I wanna hurry and talk about them but without info dumping (if given the opportunity I will without hesitation 😔…) because in terms of the best stories I have conjured up for OCs in general Naudedel and Noble are surprisingly good and I’m very excited to share how deranged they are together…
Right now it’s just about making Naudy readable and working on extra fun stuff… like monsters!
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I’m trying to work out his “monster” form…. The concept is there, but the execution is just not ticking the right boxes for me right now… also, the line art at the end is old and probably will go unused, but thought it was something to add here because like hehe look at my deranged son :)
When it comes to the writing I'm going to split it into two chapters. The first half will be a summary+ of his upbringing, and the second on how he fucked up his arm and why. Just enough info to get a read on what his deal is pretty much. I just need to edit the first chapter and rewrite some parts then it's ready to annoy the world!
I'm trying to think of a good design for his original mother... I'm thinking dark hair and milf (¬‿¬)・゚✧ ... honestly I need to start drawing out the designs for all the other TS OCs I've accumulated over the year (?) here's a fun list-
Hickery (bloodhound OC... dilf oc...I've already been made fun of for his name, but it stuck to me so I'm keeping it!)
Maya (another bloodhound OC)
Cove (Hound's ex-husband)
Cetcher's gf + informant, who still needs a good name...
and that one guy! (doesn't have a name yet... but is important in Hound's part of the story... she bashed some of his guys in the back of head with a hammer... it was a whole thing... Leander got involved... gang war stuff, don't worry about it...)
There are technically more OCs, like that Hightown lady Noble befriended during their first few weeks in town. However, I'm not sure if I'm including her in the final plot meeting. But yeah, anyway I'm rambling so on to Noble news!
For Noble, everything is plotted out in advance surprisingly…character playlist and all... just need to find the words to explain their story other than “parasite with a weird God complex feels guilty” I do have some old memes and art of them though!
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Noble curse stuff...
Childhood cult stuff...
Current reality...
Poor person masquerade dress censored for tumblr...
Noble folks!
I actually wrote out a whole little thing for the black dress in a what-if scenario of...
"Oh! ,,,What if there is a masquerade in Hightown and Noble sneaks in to get some information on a certain individual who might know a thing or two about curses, but turns out the whole event if devious and their all eating babies or some fucked up shit,,,, and what if while sneaking around they see Leander and are like 'what's he doing here?' and they lock eyes but he ignores them as he ducks into a closed off area with some important looking people,,, once he comes out he walks past them and they lock eyes again as he leaves,,, Noble chases after him and once they catch up they get to see his cold and detached side right before he hides them from the other guest,,, after they talk for a bit, or more like Leander talking over them and their worries as he slowly wipes their memories while they protest that it's not fair only to wake up the next day back in their room,,, thankfully their curse is good for more then just silly bouts of insanity so they have a hunch on what happened, everyone around them who knew where they went the night before were obviously worried and the general consensus is that they might have been drugged and should go check in with Kuras just in case (wow this is getting long...) but on their way to the clinic they run into Leander and of course discusses their current problem with him ,,, words are exchanged,,, a kabedon may occur,,, as he whispers in their ear,,, all fun till he erases their memories again, or at least tires before receiving a little gift that makes him look at this whole curse thing from a different angle." DEEP BREATH! ...Anyways... yeah.
But it was taking so long to write out that I ended up losing motivation so yeah... like everything else we will pray the motivation comes back so I can finish that... plus who knows, I might make an x reader version of it if I can. (don't hold your breath... I'm extremely slow)
Anyway, I'm gonna to shut up now because I've yapped enough. I'mma make some hibiscus tea (ironic) and head to bed... Night night, if you made it this far, thank you for listening to my craziness <3
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
OC interview
Thanks @writingsfromspace for the tag!
I'd like to do someone I don't talk about a lot, so I'll do Wade!
1. Are you named after anyone?
“Technically, no, but also yes? My parents are both hydrokinetics, so I'm Wade. As in, wading in water. My younger twin sisters are Brooke and Marina. Subtle, but a little silly.”
2. When was the last time you cried?
“Oh, why did you have to remind me about Deep Impact what the HELL was that movie???”
3. Do you have kids?
“Sort of. The guys at the Aequales. I'm their age, but I'm their dad. I'll fight you for that. I'm a momma bear around them. Don't cross me.”
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
“Nahhhhh totally not.”
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
“Vibe. Next.”
6. What's your eye colour?
“Teo tells me they're as blue as Glacier Freeze Gatorade. I think they're like totally the color of toilet water.”
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
“Happy endings. I'm a sucker. I want to cry. But I'll admit watching Parker scream like a kindergartener is a happy ending for me.”
8. Any special talents?
“My healing powers are pretty dope. I also play football. My talent is not getting hurt. I'm good at schedules. I'm learning the piano. I've never gotten less than an A on a poetry assignment. I always win Clue. Pacing. I'm also a decent leader.”
9. Where were you born?
“Goddamn Florida.”
10. Do you have any pets?
“A dog named K'Ehleyr.”
11. What sort of sports do you play?
“Football. My inability to get hurt and heal others makes it my duty to make this sport as safe as possible. I don't care if Ceters find out about my powers.”
12. How tall are you?
“I am 6-foot-2 which is a pretty awesome height except when I'm next to Parker. Or Noelle.”
13. What was your favorite subject in school?
“Girl, I'm still in high school. Is this why you asked about the kids earlier? Damn, pedophile. Anyway, I love history. But they don't teach it right and it makes me mad.”
14. What is your dream job?
“Oh, I'd love to be a history professor while also coaching football on the side. Maybe an event coordinator side business. If I can do all, I will.”
Wow this was so much fun!
Softly tagging @gracehosborn @mk-writes-stuff @jezifster @little-peril-stories @mysticstarlightduck @splashinkling @winterandwords @awritingcaitlin @elsie-writes @herrmannhalsteadproduction @poethill @somethingclevermahogony @forevermagik + anyone else!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites (bonus tag)
Blanks under the cut
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
6. What's your eye colour?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
8. Any special talents?
9. Where were you born?
10. Do you have any pets?
11. What sort of sports do you play?
12. How tall are you?
13. What was your favorite subject in school?
14. What is your dream job?
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mixelation · 1 year
more rotating on this post: kakashi dating a civilian OC who has no idea he's a ninja
original proposed concept is they "meet" via icha icha fanzine. i bothered @tozettastone and they suggested that OC be a cosplayer. what does icha icha cosplay even look like? you ever seen IRL naruto coplay that's like "naruko but she wears a miniskirt and fishnets and a lot of makeup." or like fanart of kakashi where he's wearing a bellyshirt for no reason other than to show off his abs. like that, plus some very over-the-top traditional clothing for undercover work and civilian characters. everyone has off the shoulder kimono that show off cleavage and magically stay up, etc
anyway, i can't really see young!kakashi (like 18-19-20?) actively participating in fandom. but maybe he finds a zine somewhere and starts collecting them, like a pre-internet lurker. it's his coping mechanism, okay. he likes fanart. he likes bad fics. and then our lovely OC who's also 19 and fresh to being allowed in the porn section is like: I MADE THE BEETLE WING HAORI HERE'S A PHOTO. there's a note about her sorting through thousands of beetle wings to get the right colors, and also what a nightmare they are to sew, and also what should she try next, mail me here??? and Kakashi is like: oh wow, this person is insane. i have just the challenge. <3
(OC's additional notes on the haori: no one should ever do this again. just don't. you'll regret it)
kakashi is not the only person to write her suggestions, but he IS the only one to suggest something that's actually technically difficult to make, which is what she wanted. so they start swapping letters where she sends him progress updates on this insane thing she is making. he finds this mildly amusing until about a month out from the next con when her letters abruptly turn insane. she WILL premier this cosplay there even if it kills her-- listen if her wig guy isn't up to snuff she'll just LEARN HERSELF--
and listen kakashi isn't going to FALL IN LOVE but this level of commitment is something he can appreciate.
OC sends him a letter about the con (her very first one!!) and going to a con is not something he has any interest in, but like. he is curious to know what they're like, and it's nice to like? have? a friend??
they trade letters for years without actually talking about their personal life much. kakashi is not creative (no writing fic, no fanart, no cosplay, etc) but he IS really good at analysis. you need every detail on naoki's civilian outfit in paradise? he's got you. you don't understand wtf the text is talking about when it describes a weapon? he'll draw you a diagram (and not mention he knows what jiraiya is talking about because it's based on a real thing that was popular for like a month during the third war).
this goes on for years. oc lives in a small town in a little border country with no ninja, and her family runs a clothes shop, and she's deeply bored of making and altering shirts. she has a frustrating life in a very mundane way-- she dates a few guys and doesn't marry any of them and her family gives her grief. she moves to a slightly bigger city and can't get a job doing what she wants (making high-end luxury clothes and/or just insane fashion) and ends up working at a general store and doing minor alterations as a side gig to fund her hobby. she doesn't get to travel around and do cool things as much as she dreamed as a kid. she skips some cons because she doesn't always have the money and also there's a weird guy who'd been low-key stalking her. she tries selling little pre-made costume pieces at a con and doesn't even break even. only a handful of these details make it into her very serious discussion with kakashi about how the many details the icha icha miniseries got wrong
kakashi is.... being kakashi. obviously he doesn't write to her about all the assassinations he's been doing or whatever. but he doesn't mind when OC hints at her own boring problems. it's kind of nice, actually, to know there's people out there having boring problems? anyway one day she complains her landlord won't let her get a dog and he mails her a polaroid of a random dog he met in a park.
i'm thinking around the time of just before canon starts is about when kakashi is at a place where he's like..... okay with sharing some personal details? like he doesn't say a LOT but he realizes it actually feels really nice to write to someone that he's annoyed the store stopped selling his favorite pre-rolled sushi. the letters get sent more frequently and the conversation escalates at a slow, tedious pace. kakashi sends more dog pics. he tells her that he was so exhausted after work that he considered eating dog treats instead of cooking, and this feels like a very big deal to him
her: PLEASE tell me it was at least the fancy kind that look like cookies
him: obviously i would only buy the highest quality treats for my dogs
her: dogS?
kakashi: (ignores this question in the next letter)
kakashi checks his mail everyday now and he's like. oh no my feelings. but also she's in a whole other country and only exists to him in letters and that feels.... safe, somehow.
they met via a club for porn books so they don't "get together" so much as one of their very academic discussions of kink in icha icha violence suddenly turns into deeply sexual letters that have nothing to do with icha icha. there's still their normal conversation but then it's also like "if you were here now, this is what i would do to you--"
OC has been pretty good at not prying into Kakashi's life and she's very understanding of team seven making kakashi's life insane (she's under the impression her got an apprentice for whatever his job is) but she starts bugging him for a photo. kakashi is very against this at first, but then sasuke leaves and naruto leaves and sakura runs off with tsunade and suddenly he has a lot of free time and a big gaping hole in his social life. and like. he DOES really like her. they MIGHT be dating? definitely they have a thing going. so instead he asks if she wants to meet in person
OC agrees but she goes into it VERY nervous. she figures he didn't want to give a photo because he's embarrassed about his appearance, and she doesn't care what he looks like, but what if he lied about other things? what if she walks a whole day to this resort town and he's a weirdo or gross or stood her up?? but she puts on her big girl pants and also her push-up bra and goes
she wasn't actually going to sleep with him for their first meeting but it turns out he is like. hot. and talks just like his letters. and also it's way cheaper to just share one hotel room-- kakashi are you SURE you won't couple cosplay--
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
i just had a major breakthrough last night and wrote four pages of bullet points with random plot ideas, scenarios, and dialogue in my sketchbook 😅 IT WAS SO LATE AT NIGHT I CAN BARELY READ MY OWN HANDWRITING
I'm still trying to figure out the proper term, but Solomon is majoring in music composition !! Wiki says his favorite genre is classical music, and I like the idea he would want to create his own. His main instrument is piano !! But he has basic knowledge of guitar and the violin. (It'll be mainly running into the coffee shop together separately and living their lives, but once they get closer, Sol tries teaching me piano because i wanted to learn- THERE'S A BACKSTORY TO THIS AND ANOTHER PLOT IDEA !!!)
Simeon is also studying at the same college, and is writing TSL online. He has his own website, and Solomon creates pieces to go along with scenes in the book. (This is a whole other plot point)
I think right now it's going "Horror Night/Realizations" (the three of them going to see a movie that Solomon was excited to see, end up at a diner afterwards) -> "Burned CD's/Mammon Playlist Drama" (hehehe- WAIT IT'S NOT ANGST, GOTTA CLARIFY THE RECORD STORE DOES N O T BURN DOWN) -> "Halloween Party w/ Asmo" (A vampire, a werewolf, and a devil. What could go wrong? Or right? 👀) -> "Retail Therapy/Talks" (bookstores are a girl's best friend)
I haven't decided what role every character will play, but Levi makes an appearance with the CD stuff, Asmo throws the party and is studying to be a fashion designer, Satan owns a bookstore that I frequently visit (ANOTHER PLOT POINT AHAH), and Lucifer makes another appearance.
i keep writing things down and then getting more ideas and it feels like one big web, BUT IT'S ALL CONNECTED !! This is so much fun !! So technically yes, apprentice ish on the side, and Mammon does confess (kinda). I HAVE THIS PLANNED OUT BUT I DIDN'T WANT THIS TO GET LONG (IT DID ANYWAY), I JUST WANTED TO SHARE BECAUSE I'M WRITING THIS AS I GET READY FOR WORK AJDJJSD OKAY BYEEE
- ✨ anon
Wow this really is turning into an epic love story for the ages!! I love it lol!
Ohhhh music major, eh?!? My main instrument is also the piano! What a coincidence! Okay, actually, that's really easy to figure out considering my OC is a music demon and he is also known for his piano skills alskdfj. But Arsenios is a demon so he has magical talent that allows him to play any instrument. He's like everything I wish I could be as a musician lol!!! But anyway, got a bit sidetracked there, sorry. I love Solomon as a composer. That just feels like something he'd get lost in, you know? Music can be simple, but it can also be really complicated. And just imagine that guy getting lost in writing some kinda orchestral masterpiece... Or if he did a little conducting too, that baton is basically a magic wand...
Anyway, I love how we're getting all the other characters involved now, too!
See, you've already got the timeline, too!
I mean, what you're doing right now is basically outlining a story! I never outline anything because I am a degenerate, but that's exactly the kinda thing that a lot of people do before writing. So you're setting yourself up for success, I'd say! I mean, it's all whatever, writing is a personal process!
I'm loving your ideas and I'm loving the enthusiasm!! This right here is exactly why I write - because it's fun!
I hope you continue to enjoy coming up with ideas and if you do decide to write it, I hope you enjoy yourself!!
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starified-lizzy · 7 months
I figured I should redo my intro to my blog-
Name’s Lizzy! Or Star! I really don’t give a fuck which you use!
Here’s my pronouns card! https://en.pronouns.page/@starified_lizzy
I draw shit for FANDOMS
I write shit for FANDOMS
I got OCS whom I LOVE and ADORE.
“Can I draw fanart of your fics?” My sibling in Christ, we are married. /pos
“Can I draw fanart of your fanart(like DTIYS)?” My sibling in Christ. /pos
“Can I draw fanart of your OCs?” CHRIST. /pos
RAHHHHHH (it’s really fucking early I shouldn’t be doing this now ;-;)
Here’s a list of my socials, it is very limited because I hate the “standard” socials like Twitter and Insta and stuff like that. So it’s more like- fanfic sites, and any other blogs I own for you guys to check out >.>
My AO3
My Art Fight
My YouTube
My TikTok (basically dead at this point, I only ever like/favorite things on it, but I might start up again with my FNF au instead)
My Pinterest
My Spotify because sure
My FNF au blog
My demonpocalypse blog ([possibly] forever retired due to a severe issue in the community it was for)
Blog for food/recipes I want to try because MMMMMMMMMMM FOOOOD
Wow that’s actually not limited like I thought- hot damn I need to touch some grass.
DSMP (and MCYT as a whole for the most part), dude our community is in *shambles*. I’m so glad I left when I did, but at the same time O W.
ATLA. Technically I’m still in this fandom, but I only really get back into it/brainrot about it if I get a reminder, otherwise I kinda forget about it
FNAF. Same with ATLA, still technically in it, but I gotta be reminded it exists sometimes.
BATIM. Ditto
Wings of Fire. Ditto
Undertale. Ditto. Lizzy, my main persona, was actually an OC created from Undertale, who just ended up becoming her own person, and then ended up being associated with mine and my friend’s Minecraft au instead.
Onto CCs I no longer watch:
Any of the DSMP ppl, with very few exceptions
Jacksepticeye. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still watch a video of his if it pops up and spikes my interest, but I don’t actively seek his content out anymore.
Any of the old Minecrafters. Like DanTDM, Stampy, Tiny Turtle & Little Lizard. Hell, I don’t even think any of the ones I listed even do YT at all anymore. I’ll still watch their old videos tho.
FNF. I really could give less of a fuck if y’all think it’s “bad” or “for kids (it’s not, I promise you)”. The music slaps, and quite a few mods are really well made, so eat my ass.
Day of Dragons. The dragons are cool. I don’t care about any drama in the community. I’m here for the cool fucking dragons.
The Isle. Once again, I don’t care about any drama in the community. I’m here for the cool ass dinosaurs because you can customize your own skins and they just look and sound cool (Dilo, Herarra, and Ptera are my faves)
Lethal Company. Do it for the Company.
RainWorld. Scugs and Scups. Need I say more?
Hollow Knight. Sorta falling out of this one, but until I beat the entire game (P5) I am not finished.
Minecraft. Technically in “the fandom”, but not really attached to a specific YTer or anything like that anymore. I just like the game.
CCs I still watch:
Astral Spiff. Sprog is a good gamer.
Smii7y and his friends like Grizzy, Droid, Puffer, Blarg, etc.
Jack Manifold. I only watch his You Laugh You Loose and Ghost Sighting Compilation videos. I don’t even know if he still does Minecraft anymore.
8-BitRyan. While he doesn’t swear in his videos, it’s kinda a breath of fresh air. Plus his edits are quite funny.
Markiplier. Yes. Just… yes…
IGP. His content is just interesting. The way he freaks out over shit is funny as hell. Does he do content with IcyCaress anymore? Their banter was funny, but idk if something happened, cuz I just don’t see much stuff with Icy in it anymore.
As of right now, that’s all I can think of. It’s nice to meet you!
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plantcrazy · 5 months
Lost Children Progress Update 17/4/24
It's been a little while since I did one of these. I've been giving small updates here and there, but a big one once in a while is nice, and I enjoy sharing my progress. It's sort of motivating. You know? To look and see, 'Oh wow, I did a lot' or 'wow, I didn't accomplish a lot, but I'm proud of what I did do!' (Some chapters take their time to come together, other the ideas just flow on to the paper).
ANYWAY! You don't care about this. You want to know how long till the next chapter comes out, right????
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So, will start with the elephant in the room: Ch.19. It's only 8 pages, which is why, despite the first 3 technically done (anything at 90% is just to digitalise & add text), I haven't uploaded anything.
It's about done. I'm just stuck on page 5 (and two panels of page 4). They're a flashback. A god-damned nightmare of a flashback to draw and... I don't want to do it TT , but for effect and impact, the story needs it >>
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(That should be 20/22 chapters done :P )
Part 1 is coming together swimmingly! With the recent addition of 2 new chapters and, I think, this is as big as part 1 will be getting. I'm finishing off tidying up how I want Part 1 to end at the minute, and then we'll have a small time skip to part 2.
(And maaaaaaybe I'll go back to the start and add an intro chapter to give more info on what the heck happened in the Triple Threat Ending to make Henry think screwing up the timelines and making a new one was a great idea. IDK. Still on the hedge about where to put this info)
Also! The poll I'm running looks like everything in one fic will win, for how it gets uploaded on A03. In two days time once the poll is finished I'll work on implementing those changes (, unless the poll swings back the other way again :P ).
Part 2:
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The order of the first 9 chapters, take with a grain of salt. I'm still finalizing the order.
For the most part it's just detailed ideas of what I want to happen in each part + 4 chapters finished, 2 being edited.
'Standing on the Ledge' came out FANTASTIC. I cannot wait to upload that one. Personal favourite of the part so far. 2nd place going to 'Stuck With You'.
And what is that at the bottom? A familiar chapter name! Yes! We're getting back to the Wall. Slowly but surly our characters will be reunited with their frozen prisons, well-
Those who I haven't/ don't kill off~
*eViL lAuGhInG! >:D*
Or am I?
Part 3:
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Part 3 is mostly a butt-ton of editing. It looks like most of the new chapters will land in part 2 (asides from 4), so part 3 will be similar to the original version, but not, given all the minor changes you're about to witness snowball into avalanche sized consequences!
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Anyway, I've edited 4 so far dated them since it's going to be a while till we get to Part 3. That being said, given it's 85%ish editing, it should hopefully just be rapid fire chapter uploading when we do get there :)
I think that's about all I've got to say?
Er... you guys should be aware by now of the 'I'm in uni, chapters are as I have time/wrist able' disclaimer. So...
OH! Also, this is all going up on A03 (once the poll is done), so I can keep the readers over there who don't follow this Tumblr up-to-date with what's going on. So when you see a new chapter update in your inbox, don't get too excited ^^;
And finally, for you.
My dear read.
Who has read through my long waffle and sporadic episodes of evil laughter and fun!
I have an... 'opportunity'
*Snots* I sound like a Mafia boss with Liam Neelson's voice reading this allowed.
I left my colour coding in Part 2 (as I couldn't be bothered to remove it ^^; ), so... will have some fun with this.
Whoever can figure out who's POV are colours blue or green will get a free half or full body drawing of one character (SFW), of their choice (mine, oc, stickmin or another fandom (at my discretion)).
And we'll say... 2 guesses a person (either two on one colour, or one guess for each colour) to make it fair. (It shouldn't be too hard, there's only 12 POV's, and you've met them all but one coming in at Part 3.
And there will be three winners in total.
Good luck :)
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(btw, I'm going to bed now, so first people with the right answers are the winners in case you all rush in here with your answers over the next... 10 ish hours...
Unless... you're the only person to read this far >> )
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festivepuppetryy · 8 months
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
18. Any OC crackships?
"31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)"
I've mentioned the concept of Vincent using social media before and said the same things but I want to say them Again because I am a broken record. This man would come on with the stupidest keysmash username ever, standard profile picture and blog layout, and would be active once in a blue moon unless he happens to get into a debate about anything ocean THEN it's go-time. If a post has nothing to do with water in some way he will not reblog it, really.
He would always TYPE IN ALL CAPS and he would know that, if someone told him he could turn it off he'd be like "OH WOW REALLY I COULD DO THAT? WOW!" and continue writing in all caps anyways just to f#ck with them.
"18. Any OC crackships?"
I very often like to put my characters in Situations for funsies so I've come up with lots of kind of dumb/impossible/weird non-canon pairings over the years. If I had to mention one it would have to be Freya X Lampert. Don't even try. They aren't really each others types (both appearance n personality wise) but there's also a lot of terrible technical reasons why they honestly shouldn't be together too, he's not a terrible person or anything but when you aren't immune to fire or getting f##ing crushed, marrying a guy who is made out of it and pilots a giant robot might not be the best idea lol...still so fun to imagine them together tho. VV
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I think Isaac has had the most silly pairings overall, since there was a short period of trying to hook him up with others before none of it felt right and he eventually just became an off-limits kinda character. There was a time I briefly considered Isaac X Frank but eh, there's reasons why that couldn't work canonically. In another universe maybe.
Some of the other OC ships I considered were: Isaac X Freya Isaac X Kassidy Tommy X Chloe (Tommy single forever, confirmed) Rose X Constantine Martin X Lysander Vincent X Blanca (would kind of exist canonically as Vincent hitting on her and then getting hit in the head with an axe by her husband, Boris) Dragon butler guy X big water dragon lady (gosh i still need names for these two, lol)
I've also had a friend bring up Victor X Aster which still makes me giggle because Aster is…not very fond of Victor lol
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Can you do the bf audios thing but with Gwen and Rhys
Of course!
Forgotten Lives (Gwen and Rhys): this one is so weird, Jack’s here technically, Anwen’s here technically, they’re both old people but not really, I wouldn’t recommend it per se but it’s not Bad
More Than This (Gwen): a very solid audio! Torchwood vs mr. public administrator, very good for Gwen’s character. It wasn’t my favorite, but that’s more of a personal taste than actual quality thing
Made You Look (Gwen): SPOOKY FUN, one of the only audios I’ve actually relistened to, which I think is a stunning endorsement (I just like Matthew Gravelle’s voice okay)
Visiting Hours (Rhys): honestly I remember almost nothing of this one. It’s fine? Rhys is nyooming his mum around in a wheelchair
We Always Get Out Alive (Gwen and Rhys): excellent spooky little bottle episode! definitely merits an unreality warning I’d say, but like, very good
Night of the Fendahl (Gwen): wow I guess they give her a lot of spooky stories, anyway it’s very good, one to check the warnings on, but she’s great
Sargasso (Rhys): meh. The things I remember most about this audio is that the side character woman had the same name as Owen’s fiancée and that the author didn’t get how to write action for audio without pulling a “the gun in my right hand is loaded”
Smashed (Gwen): it’s a solid audio up until she gets smashed and then it’s just terrible to listen to and also they established this one good guy OC was the only person of color in the town and then killed him off and I have never gotten over that, don’t fucking bother
Dissected (Gwen): Martha beloved, it’s a solid audio, the characterization of their dynamic is a little strange when compared to the radio play with them, but it’s nothing unforgivable, worth it
Sonny (Rhys): better than visiting hours? but also sort of similar premise with his mum and stuff, idk I think the take on humanity wasn’t my favorite but also I forgor
The Torchwood Archive (Rhys and Gwen): I blanked on what their part was but it’s good I prommy
Believe (Gwen): her plot is the second best but also the audio is still mostly trash, so
I’m too lazy to go over the series continuation audios but there is some good them in there sometimes
TLDR: uh just don’t do smashed and rhys is best when he’s with someone who isn’t his mum
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okami-zero · 6 months
OC Name Meanings
I appreciate the tag, @kittynomsdeplume! xD
Rules: Google and post the meaning of your OC’s name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
I believe I shall tag... @elveny, @vasheden, @greyias, @traveleorzea, @autumnslance, @kunstpause, @sasslett, @clockworkdragonffxiv, @karoiseka, @yzeltia and anyone else who see this and wants to join in!
Okay, so one thing to note about most of my OCs, is their names generally just pop out of the random mess of alphabet soup constantly simmering in some corner of my brain. Not ALL of them (for example, Akagi's family name), but most. Or are inspired/pulled from other places. I will go with my big three main MMO fellas, and my two 100% original OCs. Also, have a cut cause I, uh, got carried away. ^_^; (And I am sorry this took so long. >.<)
Zedd Overkill/Zed'rika Ov'redis- Okay, this guy. My half-echani smuggler in SWTOR, who is based on the original I made ages ago (and who is the descendant of the SWTOR one, after some revisions/additions/etc.) The OG is Zedd Overkill, inspired by my favorite Power Rangers villain (Lord Zedd), the head agent from MiB (Zed, as in the letter) and with inspiration from Hackers (Crash Override), a dash (heh, pun) of Dash Rendar from Shadows of the Empire and a maybe just a hint of Han solo. The name popped into my head after watching Hackers and was trying to think up a cool email during computer class (back when Hotmail was still Hotmail xD). The name was repurposed with a smuggler character I made with a friend when we were just making up neat Star Wars OCs for a maybe story we were writing. Story never got finished, but Zedd stuck around. "Overkill" is more a nickname now, as his preferred method of rapid problem-solving involves liberal applications of thermal detonators. x3 Rav Masahiro & Marshall O'Donnell - These two are my second oldest persistent OCs after good ol' Zedd. There is technically one that is older (in fact, old enough that he used Zedd's moniker for a while, back when folding an OC to fit any AU was my MO), but he's kind of only half-baked, for the most part. Rav and Marshall are next in line, and are, by and large much more polished. The story they were to be set in was very grand in scale and scope, considering it was kind of a series of AUs where things in various realities were being fucked with, and they are two of a team of six who are sent out to deal with such things. If this sounds like a certain popular video game franchise from a prominent Japanese publisher, you'd be right in there being some similarities, I guess, but they predate it by about a year. Well, technically Rav predates it, Marshall didn't crystallize until about a year or so later. Powersets are very shounen-ish, I guess? Little bit of henshin and other stuff thrown in for flavor (and things have been tweaked and appended over time). Anyway, Rav's name comes from a reworking of my own name, as he is kind of my self-insert-ish guy. His last name comes from my at-the-time rampant obsession with Japanese culture (yes, yes, I'll say it, I was a weeb. The interest remains, though tempered by time, experience and education). I thought his last name meant something else, as Googling in those early days was... a crap shoot. And the fact that Masahiro is a given name in Japanese hasn't deterred me, as embarrassing as it might be, it just... is a thing now. xD (The other half-baked OC I mentioned has a similar nomenclature goof). Marshall's name kind of just, popped out of the ether, but it flows well and it fits. She does let people close to her shorten it to "Shall" (sounds like shawl). Do NOT call her "Marsh", "Marshie" or "Marsha" or she'll deck you. Like, lay you out flat with one punch. Moving on!
Xanotos Delkai - My Warrior tank in WoW. Another lad who went through some changes. xD So my first character in WoW was a human hunter back in the...alpha or beta, whenever it was they were originally playable before getting nixed. His name was Thanatos, inspired by the character of the same name from a Sega CD fighting game Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side. He was a typical Grim Reaper-y Death (as Thanatos was the personification of death in Greek mythology, and a psychopomp, I believe). I liked the name. However, the character was nuked after the alpha or beta or whatnot. So, when I remade the character for the full version, I rolled up a Warrior and named him Xanatos/Xanotos (depending on the server), or Xano. Now, I have remade and moved this character many times over the years. Delkai became his surname at some point, and when worgen came out, he was race-changed to worgen, and his backstory was shifted and fleshed out further. Fun fact: the Gargoyles TV series was the farthest thing from my mind when I made this toon, and was for many years. It wasn't until... just before or around Legion, I think? that I realized I had named him the same (if spelled differently) as Evil 90s Will Riker. xD
Akagi Obinata - And now we get to my most recent and most prevalent MMO OC, Akagi. Paladin, Tankfriend, tol dragon/lizard man. So, sadly, this boy is the third I have given a Japanese-style name to, and borked the order of, because Akagi is a freaking surname. >.< Now, I am aware that Hingashi (he was born and raised in/around Kugane) is only kind of Etheirys-Japan, but... I am just...moving on! The inspiration for his given name is one Akagi Shunsuke (or Shunsuke Akagi, in Western fashion) from the anime Dai-Guard. It is an absolutely insane super robot show and I love it, and I see a lot of myself in one of the protagonists (the aforementioned Akagi Shunsuke). So, in honor of a favorite character, I chose that. Forgetting, or blindly ignoring the fact that just because everyone in the show (save for his one relative we see) refers to him as Akagi because it is a cultural thing, and not because it is his given name. >.< What's done is done, however. His surname, thankfully, is one from a list of suggested surnames from the raen au ra lore I could find. It means "blades on waist", and I figured that there were samurai in his family line far enough back that that was the name they took. Akagi, by the way, is if I am not mistaken, "red castle", and well, he IS red. And the Paladin LB3 is a freaking castle WALL, so... it fits in a retroactive kind of way. xD (I was not thinking of his coloring, nor was I aware of what the LB3 looked like when I made him. ^_^; )
And that is it! Do I have more OCs? Yes! But they are all kind of self-contained to different things, and their names are more of a kind of mental slot machine than these goobers (plus the one xD). Hopefully I didn't ramble TOO too much, but I get excited about my homemade blorbos, y'know how it is. Thanks for reading!
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auspex · 1 year
🍎💙😊👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 for Mark?
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
He was born in a small town outsideof Detroit! He now lives in Detroit proper so like an hour ish drive from the outskirts or an hour and a half/two hours from other parts of the city. im tempted to make it Cement City but i haven't decided the canon location yet. want to consult with ST in case he was planning anything relating to it.
he has no desire to move back, but i wouldn't say it is wholly negative. there's good and bad memories there. Overall he dislikes the place and would describe it as "kind of a backwater, not interesting whatsoever, and very... conservative." lol.
💙 BLUE HEART — does your oc have any cool/special powers and/or abilities? how are they with magic, if it exists in their world?
YEAA HE IS MY SPECIAL BOYYY ok. He has blood sorcery, which is normal for Tremere, sure. He's good at it! 3 dots right now which is fairly experienced and exceptionally high for someone who has only been dead for 8 months <3 also he has premonition due to some weird sigil Julius put on his back despite not having the normal auspex dots required for it. Also he knows how to scry on people, and how to force a group premonition, both of which are homebrew technically. also he knows blood strike which is from older editions and its mega op. he got to learn it cause he did Good on Julius Quests <3 and got a good grade in serving Julius which is both Normal to Want and Possible to Achieve of course. <3 augh. what a guy.
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
Ohhh wow yea this changed after his embrace for sure. Right now... he desires to please Julius first and foremost unfortunately. but he does have wants outside of that. He wants to get in a position where he feels safe; he wants to interview elders on history; he wants to spend days upon days researching history... i also think that now that he's undead his beast does want him to have some level of authority and so sure he wants some level of authority over other vampires as well. not a lot but enough to feel more secure. he feels somewhat entitled to it due to being Julius's childe and due to being well. generally good at things and advancing quickly in the Camarilla/Tremere. nepo baby
But yeah Mark dream: hermit house, comes down occsionally to Exert Authority; safe enough to interview elders; stable enough to spend days reading.
Oh and also important: he does NOT want to become out of touch like he has seen many other kindred become. it disgusts him. he feels Superior for not being out of touch. he SMIRKS when kindred don't know how to use phones. he appreciates cassidy trying to keep up with things despite being old so instead of feeling superior it endears him hehehehe gayass.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY WITH MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
FUCK i haven't thought about extended family. might confer with ST to answer. He has no siblings though, just mom and dad. he is not close with any of them. I imagine a lot of the extended family dropped him when they found out he was gay :( but yes regardless of if he has extended family, they are not close. Mark has no found family at the moment <3 lonely boy. for a minute there it looked like it could happen with Sampson and his friends/family but then he got embraced and lost that <3 he so Lonely now <3
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mccall-muffin · 2 years
Love vs. Hate - Part 17 // Joe Liebgott x OC
Summary: Technical Sergeant Olivia Stark knows the military. Raised in a military family, a graduate of military school and OCS herself, she is transferring from the 82nd Airborne Division to the 101st. Between new friends and what appear to be foes, she becomes a part of Easy Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th PIR.
Warnings: Language, War wounds, Fluff
A/N: Okay, I used all my prewritten chapters, soooo... I was kinda under pressure for that one :P Buuuuuuut we get some Joe and Liv time! (The gif is a deleted scene, I think, but - whaaaaat? Just "robbing" poor Dukeman)
Here is my Masterlist
Tag List: @brassknucklespeirs
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October 5, 1944 - The Island, Holland
Biting my nails, I sit next to Don. The patrol is still not back. "Wow, I've rarely seen you so nervous as you are right now," Don says after a while, eyeing me. "The timing just couldn't be worse," I say, and he nods. "Hey, sweetheart, Malark, you guys nestled in yet?" Skip asks, walking up to us. "What?" "Looking for a place to sleep?" Don and I exchange a look. "I figured as much. We saved you two spots. The replacements can have the upper floors," Skip explains, leading us to our places in the straw. "Thanks, Skip," I smile. "You're welcome. Unless you want to cuddle with Joe..." Skip begins, and I throw a straw at him. "Shut up!" I laugh.
Just as I'm about to walk over to Tab and his new hairy friend, the door is pushed open. "We got penetration! Alley's hurt!" I hear Joe yell and see the patrol group carrying in a badly bleeding Alley. "Fuck!" "All right, get him on the table," Dick says quickly, and everything is cleared away. We gather right around Alley. "Get Doc Roe! Now!" I yell, and someone is already running. I put my hand on Alley's head, who looks at me with glazed eyes. "Where am I? What happened?" he asks. Briefly, I look at Joe, who also seems to be bleeding. "Where was it?" asks Dick then. "Crossroads," is all Joe replies, looking at me briefly.
"If it wasn't for your loud mouth, they would never know that we were there," Lesniewski then protests, but Joe immediately interrupts him. "You know what, Joe, back off!" "Lesniewski send around for Lieutenant Welsh," Dick interjects before looking at Lip and me. "Assemble a squad." I nod to Lip. "1 st Squad, on your feet! Weapon and ammo only! Let's go, let's go!" he shouts, and the men rustle around as Doc finally comes in. He immediately stands next to Alley and begins to examine him. "Get the boots off and elevate the leg," I hear him call as I search for my helmet, weapons, and ammo. "Come on, we gotta move!" I call out to Tab, and he nods. "Liv, stay here and inform Lieutenant Welsh! Then come after us. We'll give you the coordinates," Dick calls out to me some more, and I nod. "Yes, sir."
At that moment, I see Joe about to follow them. "Where do you think you're going?" I ask him, and he turns to me. "Of course, I'm going with them," he says, looking at me. "You're bleeding. You should clean yourself up first and then go with us to join the others." Joe sighs in annoyance and takes another step toward me. "Liv, please. Those fucking Krauts did that to Alley. Let me go, will you?" For a moment, I consider before nodding. "Fine. Go." He gives me a small crooked smile before following the others.
I rub my forehead. "God dammit." "Liv?" then I hear Gene call after me. "Can you give me a hand?" I turn to him and see him trying to take Alley's jacket off. I quickly rush over to him and help him get Alley's arms out of his sleeves. "He really took a beating, huh?" I ask Gene, who is working with a severe expression on his face. "Yeah, but I think he was lucky in bad luck." When we, especially Gene, have doctored Alley up to this point, Gene takes him away with the help of a few others. "Get well soon, Alley," I call after him.
At that moment, a stressed Harry steps into the shy. "Okay, I'm here; what's going on?" he asks, coming right up to me. "There's been contact made. Alley's been wounded. A machine gun nest. Winters and the 1st Squad are already gone. He told us to get everything ready and then follow them." Harry nods immediately. "2nd platoon, listen up! Get yourselves ready. Weapons and ammo only!" he then calls out. "Everything else okay?" Harry asks me, and I nod. "Well then, let's go," he says and puts on his helmet. I do the same and then look around. "Okay, let's go. 2nd Platoon, we're moving out!"
A little exhausted, I look at the dead Krauts in front of us. They were completely different companies. How could this mistake have happened? "Did you see?" Peacock suddenly comes up to me. "What, sir?" I ask, looking at him. " They were SS." "What?" I ask in surprise. "Uh-huh. Quite a big buck our intelligence division shot there." Thoughtfully, I let my eyes wander again.
"Johnny, how many prisoners do we have?" I hear Dick call out and turn around. "We got eleven right here, sir," Johnny replies, and Dick then turns back to Joe, who looks visibly annoyed.  I approach them questioningly, but then Joe is already jogging toward the prisoners. "What's going on?" I ask, looking at Dick, who is still looking thoughtfully in Joe's direction. "Will you do me a favor?" he asks. "Of course, sir." "I sent Joe to the battalion CP with the POW's. I want him to get cleaned up. But you know how he is... Would you go with him?" I follow Dick's gaze, which is still on Joe, who is currently shoving the POWs in front of him not very nice. "Sure thing," I then say before following Joe.
I close in on him, and when he notices me, he averts his eyes in annoyance. "What are you doing here?" he asks, and I roll my eyes. "Winters thought you might need some help." "Oh great. First, he takes my ammo, and now he's providing me with a babysitter? Well, thanks a lot too! But I'll tell you what. I don't need no damn babysitter!" "I know you don't. But Winters is worried about you. I'm worried about you." For a moment, Joe looks at me. "Don't be; I'm fine," he says, turning back to the front. "Are you going to start again? You know, there's a reason Winters acted the way he did." "Oh yeah, and what would that be?"
"You're sometimes... Very rough with the POWs. And we all know how much you hate the Germans." "So?" "So, I'd like to know why." Joe is silent for a moment. Then he sighs. "Because... Because they kill our friends. And wounding them. And they started all this fucking shit. Instead of me being able to sit home nice, I fear for my life, or my friends' lives, almost every day. Or yours." I open my mouth to say something, then close it again. Joe scratches his head as we arrive at the CP. Some soldiers take the POWs from us.
Joe turns back to me. "I... I'm used to worrying, though. I have four sisters, but... This is something different. I pray for every day we survive this shit. And every time I hear a new name, I just..." He takes a deep breath. I put a hand on his chest. "I know," is all I say, and it's true. I know how he feels. Because I feel the same way. "But think of the positive... We never would have met if it wasn't for this war." I smile at him. I know how selfish that sounds, but it's all we have. Briefly and unobtrusively, Joe puts his hand on mine and forces himself to smile. "I know." Then I clear my throat and take my hand off his chest again. "Okay, you should get yourself cleaned up. I'll go back to the others, yeah?" Joe nods and then disappears into the aid station.
When I return to the others, I see them handing out food. My eyes briefly meet Dicks's, and I nod to him before grabbing some food. Then I look around and quickly spot Skip, Penk, and Don.
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I walk up to the three of them and nudge Don. "Come on, scoot!" Reluctantly, Don moves over a bit. "Damn it, Liv. There's a whole dike," he protests, shoveling a spoon into his mouth. " So?" I ask him, taking a smoke from his ear, which I light. "You're unbelievable." I just shrug before looking up at Skip and Penk. "So what are we talking about?" "Your loverboy... Didn't know when to stop," Skip replies. "Huh?" "Kept shooting the Krauts. Winters got him to bring the POWs back to Batt CP. Took all his ammo." "Yeah, I got that. I was the lucky one to assist Joe in bringing 'em back. You can imagine how well he took that. Thought he was getting a babysitter," I tell him, shoveling some food into my mouth as well. "Well, he kinda did," Penk then laughs, and I give him a dirty look. "He didn't! Winters just wanted me to" " To watch him? And what does a babysitter do?" "Alex Mike Penkala, would you please just shut the fuck up?" "How do you know my middle name?" Penk asks me. I just grin at him and wiggle my eyebrows. "How does she know my middle name?" he asks Skip, who shrugs.
October 19, 1944 - Nijmegen, Holland
I enter the command post with Skinny, Don, McClung, Garcia, Chuck, and Shifty. Fortunately, this patrol went well. I quickly notice that there are more soldiers here than usual, but still, I look for Moose. I push my way through the swarm of British soldiers here, all looking at me weirdly. "Sergeant Stark!" Moose calls after me, and I walk up to him. "Lieutenant Heyliger," I salute him. "How did it go?" he asks immediately, and of course, it doesn't escape my notice that two British soldiers are standing with him. "All quiet. The Krauts don't let us see much of them. We were at Heteren watching the river." "Did you release the flares?" "Yes, sir, two a few hundred yards apart." "Perfect. Thanks, Liv."
Then one of the Brits clears his throat. "Oh yeah, um," Moose says quickly. "This is Colonel David Dobie and Captain Daniel Walker of the British Army. Colonel Dobie is running the whole operation. And this is technical sergeant Olivia Stark. She's the assistant leader of the 2nd Platoon." I give the two gentlemen a forced smile and shake their hands each. "Sergeant? I thought platoon leaders were officers?" Dobie then asks, eyeing me with interest. "Well, Liv graduated from officer school, but they wouldn't give her an officer rank because she..." explains Moose, then falters. "Just tell it like it is, sir. Because I'm a woman." Moose presses his lips together and shrugs.
In the corner of my eye, I spot Don, Skip, Penk, George, and Joe sitting on hay bales. I look over at them, and Don toasts me with a bottle of beer, then raises a full one and points at me. I give him a barely perceptible nod. "Uh, would you excuse me?" I ask, looking to Moose, who nods. "Sure, sergeant. You've earned it." I nod to the two British officers and then go to my friends.
"Sergeant?" someone gives me pause. When I turn around, it was the British captain. "Yes?" "I'm sorry, I won't keep you any longer, but I just have to ask," he says, and I look at him. He's tall, blond, and has bright, kind eyes. "What is it?" "I might introduce myself again. First, I'm Captain Daniel Walker, but you can call me Daniel," he says, holding his hand to me. I take it and smile at him. "Liv." "It's nice to meet you. Well, I find your story extremely interesting. I'm writing down all my experiences on the side and trying to document as much as possible. So I would be inquisitive about hearing your story," he tells me.
I look briefly at my friends, who all look at me questioningly. One face, in particular, stands out, and that's Joe. And he doesn't seem happy at all. Briefly, I look at him questioningly. "So, may I?" Daniel snaps me out of my thoughts, and I look at him again. "Uh, yeah, sure, sure," I answer, and he leads me to a table.
Don POV: Confused, I look to Liv, who is talking to the British whatever. "What does he want with her?" I hear Skip ask, and my gaze automatically moves to Joe. His eyes are squeezed shut, and his hands are clenched into fists, indicating that he doesn't like what he sees. "Hey, calm down," I hiss at him. "I'm sure it's about the operation," Joe grumbles something under his breath, then snorts as we hear Liv laughing at the table.
I shrug, take another sip of beer, and then turn back to the others, but I notice that Joe isn't really with us. He doesn't take his eyes off Liv; somehow, I can't blame him. Somehow she looks very familiar with the Brit.
A little later, Liv says goodbye to him and comes to us. She sits between Joe and me and takes one of the beer bottles. "What's up?" she asks, looking at us. Then she frowns. "What did the Limey want from you?" Joe then asks directly, and Liv turns to him. "What?" "Well, that Limey over there. From the looks of it, you've been having a blast with him." I roll my eyes. Liebgott's voice pitch immediately screams argument.
Liv POV: Irritated, I look at Joe. He doesn't seem happy at all with the whole situation. A few weeks ago, his reaction would have immediately started an argument, but I take a quick deep breath and try to calm down. "He's... He's a captain under Dobie's command. He's documenting the war, and when he heard about me, he wanted to get my story down, so I answered a few questions for him, that's all." I briefly put a hand on Joe's knee and look at him urgently. His eyes dart back to Daniel and me before he nods.
We sit together for a while longer until we decide to go to sleep. Around the CP are several small barns where the men are housed and can sleep in the hay.
That night, however, I can't sleep. I keep waking up and tossing and turning. So much so that Don woke up at one point and snorted at me, "Now, if you don't finally lie still, I'm going to tie you to the ground!" So I got up and went outside. Smoking a cigarette, I look at the clear night sky. It's cold, which is why I wrap my arms around myself.
"Can't sleep?" I turn and look at him. "No. Somehow it doesn't want to work out today." Joe walks up to me and puts a blanket over my shoulders. "Thanks," I say with a smile. He takes another step away from me and lights a smoke as well.
For a while, we stand outside together, smoking and looking up at the starry sky. At some point, however, my gaze is no longer on the sky but on Joe. His brown eyes are barely visible in the darkness, and the moonlight reflects on his almost black hair. Joe turns his head and looks at me as well. "What?" he asks, and I just smile. Then I reach out my hand to him. "Come," I say, and he hesitantly takes my hand.
I lead him around the barn to a small shed that I know is empty but has some hay bales stowed inside. I open the door and lead him inside. "What are we doing here?" Joe asks, confused. "I discovered this shed a few days ago. No one ever goes in here," I tell him, looking at him urgently. "Huh? Oh," he then realizes what I mean, and a mischievous smile appears on his lips. "Olivia Stark, are you trying to seduce me?" he asks, and I have to laugh. "If you're going to act like that, I'm sure not," I tease and then wrap my arms around his neck. Joe pulls me to him by the hips. "Uh-huh, are you sure?" I nod, but then Joe kisses me already.
The kiss is passionate, as just this whole man is. Joe lifts me up and sits me on an old workbench that I guess isn't really in use anymore, but I don't mind. I wrap my legs around his middle and pull him to me. He kisses me stormily and runs his hands over my legs. Then he starts kissing my neck, and I close my eyes with pleasure. It doesn't take long, and Joe's fingers are working on my uniform. He opens it quickly, and his lips are already next to where my dog tags hang.
Then he detaches himself from me and takes them briefly in his hand. His finger brushes over the silver feather I got from Don, Skip, and Penk. He eyes it for a moment before looking me in the eye. "Maybe I'll add something here sometime," he whispers, to my surprise. I take his face in my hands and then kiss him again.
Suddenly Joe breaks away from me, takes the blanket that slipped off my shoulders earlier, and spreads it over a haystack before holding his hand to me. Smiling, I take it and then lie down with him. Joe's lips are quickly back on mine, and we make out wildly. His hands are everywhere, and suddenly I feel them on my bare skin. Without me noticing, he pulled my undershirt out of my pants and gently caressed my skin.
Just as I notice Joe's hand moving to my waistband, I hear someone clear their throat. Confused, Joe and I look up. Standing before us is none other than Harry, who looks at us with raised eyebrows before frowning. For a moment, he just stands there, looking at both of us without either of us moving. Nervously, I bite my lips. This is exactly what we wanted to avoid. That one of the officers would catch us.
Harry doesn't seem to know what to say to that. It's probably not just that he caught us but also together.
"Okay... Um..." Harry then says, and I sit up. "I'm going to pretend I didn't see that." I exhale in relief. "Uh, Liv... You're needed." Without another word, Harry leaves the shed. Covering my eyes, I drop back down onto the blanket. "Jesus Christ!" Then I hear Joe laugh. I tear my eyes open and look at him. "This isn't funny! We're lucky Harry doesn't report us!" Joe is still laughing. "As if. Welsh is your friend. Do you really think he'd rat you out?" I shake my head and then have to chuckle as well. In a way, he's right. Just as I'm about to stand up, Joe holds me back. "Joe, please. I have to go," I say, but he still holds me. Then he kisses me again. "I know, but I couldn't pass that up," he grins. I smirk, get up, get dressed, and then walk out of the shed.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 2 years
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When??? How????? Why???????
I mean- wow, guys... I honestly never expected this. Another milestone has passed and it’s still kinda surprising that you guys are here with me despite my nonsense ramblings. Thank you so much for the follows, likes, and reblogs. I couldn’t have done it without you guys.
So, I think this calls for a celebration...
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TA-DAA! Our very first fic raffle!
(can you see my passion in graphic design? XD)
To celebrate this milestone, I’ll be writing some special fics for you guys. Now, I know my writing is not the best, but I’ll try my best. 
What will I write:
For the Twisted-Wonderland fandom. Starting from small and since I think some of you guys are from this fandom, also technically this fandom is where I was born in. The fics will be tagged as TW:OPT Gaiden, but this is just to make my job easier in archiving.
One-shot. We’re here to have fun. so something light will do the trick. I’ll be writing at least +1k per fic depending of your request.
Canon/Canon, Canon/OC, My OC/OC. I know you guys are romance lovers, so this might be our rare chance to make a special lovey-dovey fics, right? I’ll try my best to write close to canon, but personal interpretation might be leaking a bit. For OC request, I’ll be asking for said OC profile.
Any genre you want. I love to try many things, so writing in a difference genre will be a challenge. There will be some exception which I will explain bellow. [This also include smut or NSFW, however, I’ll need confirmation if you guys are 18+ and only available for Canon/OC option.]
Alternate Universe. Whether it’s a sleeping beauty au or mafia au or song au, we’ll find an agreement to fit our TWST cast into this massive universe for one chapter. However, if it’s a not well-known au, or personal au made by the requester, we’ll need a further discussion because sometimes have a hard time understanding things.
What I won’t write:
Multichapters fic. This raffle is for a celebration, yes, but I can’t write another multichapter fic on top of my WIP.
Crossovers. Now this is different with the previous alternate universe.I won’t be writing TWST cast meeting other characters from different fandom, even if it’s Disney related like Kingdom Hearts or Descendants. Mostly because I probably don’t know much about the new characters and really want to avoid mischaracterization.
Canon/Reader & My OC/Reader. I’m not used to and comfortable with ‘x Reader’ fic, mostly because I’m not comfortable in generalization. So, I’ll be writing for a specific OC, not general reader.
Bulletpoints headcanons or headcanons in general. For a simple reason of I just can’t. Plus, it’ll be leaning heavily to my personal opinion which I know will cause some clash.
Some kinks. For smut/NSFW, while I’m mostly open for any kinks, there are some that I’m not comfortable with. So we’ll be discussing this further in private.
Historical & political subjects. Not only I’m not versatile in those genre. It will take a lot of research and this supposed to be a fun time. And those are some touchie matters, so I’ll avoid it while I can.
How to enter:
Followers reblog this post. New followers are welcome. This is just to make the selection process easier. Likes won’t be count.
This is a lottery process. I’ll be picking seven winners to fill the slot. I’ll use the wheel of names to pick the random winners. Unless we only have seven reblogs or less.
When the winner is picked I’ll either announce it or message you directly. Also a confirmation of age just in case.
You can give me a prompt for me the write and your OC if you want them to be featured. I might be asking more questions if I needed.
When the fic is halfway or nearly done, I’ll send through the chat the google docs for checking and revision. 
Once we have the agreement, I’ll post it on Tumblr and AO3. I’ll be putting them under the TW:OPT Gaiden for easy archiving.
The raffle will close at 13th November 2022.
Good luck everyone! And once again, thank you for the 500 follows!
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the-kipsabian · 4 years
tbh the safest way about not getting shit for your ship is just to
keep in stored in just your brain forever
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Me: mm, let's see... Yeah, I'm just gonna do a quick summary to introduce this characters, it's no big deal
My brain: but what if, hear me out, you made moodboards?
Me: nah, I'm good, I have a lot of work this week
My brain: but is that more important than this??
Me: ... fuck
Me hours later: ok, you win, I will make some moodboards, but I don't really know what to add, can you help me
My brain: that sounds like a you problem, see youu :)
Despite everything, I liked how this came out😎 who knew my moadboards and my writing together could make me so happy lmao
A little something about my characters and random details that make no sense without context🥰
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Kaden: She loves dogs and she 'accidentally' adopted one in the least appropriate situation. It's name is Grapes 💙
Alexis: He loves art, specially dancing, so he taught himself some things by watching shows from the theaters rooftops
Song rec for them: Wonderland by Taylor Swift/ Partners in crime by FINNEAS (this one is literally them istg-)
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Xander: His clothing decisions are fucking cuestionable, but no one can't say he isn't original;)
Devina: She is technically a princess, but that isn't stopping her from running away with a group of thieves and wanted criminals
Song rec: rose gold crown by Gun Boi Kaz (enemies to lovers is so fun to write lmao)
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Einar: He has been fascinated with mechanics since he was a kid, so his mom got him his first set of tools (with which he burned half guys kitchen)
Asher: Just the softest mf you will ever meet, but his flirting skills are -100. He might have accidentally become a wanted criminal to impress his crush *cough**cough*Einar*cough*
Song rec: wandering romance by LIE NING (the vibes...wow!)
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Hande: Did she try to kill them all at some point? Yeah, but she is also the most loyal babe you will ever know :) And a gay mess when it comes to some pretty girl from the opposite side...
Song rec: Faded by Alan Walker (love me some angst)
Anyway, I am love them💙sorry for the rant, I can't help it when it comes to characters I create lmao
Hope you like it!!! Ilyyy💙💙
first of all i wrote a long fucking essay and tumblr ate it (fuck you tumblr) but i shall write it again because it is worth it omg. SO WORTH IT.
I love this. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE this.
(I'm a hoe for OCs and world building hehe)
First of all, the moodboards are stunning. (We've been knew lol). But I love the gang (they're a gang right??? TELL ME THEY ARE A GANG). I love the diversity and the aesthetics and how they all just fit it (or don't fit in oml)
quick few things: these names are stunning. i love them. i loooooove them.
but i have to say i am OBSESSED with the character quotes. like holy shit. they are so intriguing and tell you just the right amount about these lil shits (respectful). i can't wait to read scenes and dialogues and anything you write about them or of them. EXCITED!
okay okay characters.
Kaden and Hande: Bad bitches. Not to be fucked with. Engage at your risk. But I feel like they might vibe well. Hande is scary but she might be soft with doggos 🥺
I'm the self-appointed president of Alexis president squad. (yes he is my fave and yes i know nothing about him)
Xander sounds like the headache you love. You know the ones. Devina is a queen. She can stomp on me. Thanks.
Einar and Asher sound like soft bitches whomst i would love to make playlists for 🥰🥰🥰.
In conclusion: I am love them. TELL ME MORE. Tell me everything. AH.
This made my whole day bro.
Also you should make a post about them because they deserve it. PLEASE ALWAYS FEEL FREE TO COME AND TELL ME STUFF ABOUT THEM.
i love them and i love you 💙
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