#also there's no way you can see stars there but i wanted some for the pic. lol
steddieasitgoes · 2 days
Detours & Second Chances
written for @steddie-week Day 5 prompt: Reunion / Getting Back Together Rating: T | wc: 3545 | no cw Another big thank you to @sidekickjoey and @thefreakandthehair for giving this a beta read for me! Read on ao3
Steve had high hopes for this road trip. 
Just him, the twins, and the wide open roads with the promise of the beach and Disneyland on the horizon. He knew better than to plan it down to the second, especially when traveling with Mabel and Ollie, but he did hope to keep to some kind of schedule. A few nights here, a couple of nights there, a handful of free time hours carved into nearly every day so the kids could pick which tacky roadside attraction they could visit and then gloat to Aunt Robin about seeing. 
What Steve hadn’t planned for was the Winnebago going up in smoke four and a half hours from Disneyland on I-15. 
The good news is that it happened just as they entered Las Vegas, Nevada, and not thirty minutes later in the middle of the Nevada-California desert. The bad news is that it happened just as they entered Las Vegas, Nevada on a Sunday afternoon when everyone was trying to leave. 
Steve expects the drivers around him to curse and flip him off. At the very least, he imagines them shaking their heads in disapproval as they slowly inch past the smoking Winnebago broken down in the middle of the three-lane highway. And there is some of that, honking horns and judgmental gazes, enough that he has to explain to Mabel and Ollie that showing someone your middle finger is not nice and no you shouldn’t do it to each other. But there’s also a handful of Sunday travelers who take pity on him. 
Two truck drivers manage to get their rigs off onto the shoulder and then mosey their way over to see if they can help Steve identify why the RV is smoking. A woman in a mini-van full of preteens in sports jerseys offers him an entire ice chest full of snacks for Mabel and Ollie. Some good Samaritan even makes the half-mile hike to the nearest pay phone to call for a tow truck so Steve doesn’t have to leave the kids or make the track himself with them following behind him. 
Forty-five minutes later, they all climb into a yellow taxi while Winnie the Winnebago gets towed away. For a moment, he thinks he’s ruined the entire vacation, but listening to Mabel and Ollie talk about how cool it was to watch the “toe man” do his job eases the guilt. 
Unfortunately, the repair shop is nowhere near as exciting as standing in the middle of I-15 — at least, that’s what Ollie tells Steve five minutes after they’ve walked into the garage. Steve tries his best to keep everyone’s spirits up in between filing out paperwork and bargaining with the mechanic over the price of the repairs. He lets the kid raid the vending machine and spread it all out on the worn plastic chairs in the makeshift lobby like some kind of five-star buffet. It’s mainly cookies and chips, a few candy bars, and a granola bar Mabel even generously spent $1.10 on for him. 
It’s not the worst meal they’ve had on the trip — that honor goes to the gas station in Kearney, Nebraska, and the hot dogs he knew were a bad idea — but it’s definitely the least nutritious. And, in hindsight, it’s not the best idea now that Mabel and Ollie are hyped up on sugar in a small space with no central air conditioning. He gets it. He’s almost at his wit’s end, too, and he has several decades of patience over them. 
He’s hot and tired and so frustrated, he’d break down and cry if he could, but he doesn’t want to upset the kids or ruin the day more than it’s already been ruined. Instead, he puts on his brave Dad Face™, leaves his pager number with the mechanic’s receptionist, and takes the kids to explore Las Vegas. 
The city wasn’t on their list. It’s not kid-friendly, and the July heat is anything but welcoming, but thankfully, they luck out and stumble across a hybrid game and music store a few blocks away from the repair shop.
The bell above their door announces their entrance to the quiet storefront as the sweet, sweet relief of the AC hits them. Steve closes his eyes, soaking in the cool air for a moment before Mabel and Ollie are tugging on his hands, trying to drag him in different directions. 
Steve knows he should put an end to their bickering that borders on full-on sibling bullying, especially judging by the way they’ve dropped his hand in favor of pinching each other’s arms, but he gets distracted when a figure emerges from the back of the shop. 
The footsteps are uneven, which makes sense when an ornate cane enters Steve’s line of sight. He studies it, taking in the impressive woodwork and paint job — Max’s own can is pretty spectacular, but this one is a close second. Soon, his eyes drift from the cane to the hand holding it, a ring on each finger. Silver and gaudy and eerily similar to—
“Holy shit,” the voice says. “Are my eyes giving out on me too, or is Steve Harrington really standing in my shop right now?” 
Steve’s eyes shoot up to meet the man’s face — to meet Eddie’s face. It’s been years, shit, almost a decade he thinks, but Eddie looks the same. Older, sure. A few wrinkles around his eyes and a softer belly. But he’s still him. Unruly curls barely contained in a bun at the base of his neck, mischievous eyes, and a smile that makes Steve’s stomach flip in a way it hasn’t done in too long. Yup, definitely him.
Eddie laughs, throwing his head back with the same carelessness as he had at twenty years old. Only this time, when he rights himself, he has to reach a hand up to his neck to massage the ache. “Man, this is some cosmic, universe shit!” 
“At least it’s the good kind this time,” Steve jokes. 
Eddie goes for a full-on hug, Steve an awkward side one, and as a result, they end up with their bodies smushed against each other, arms pinned between each other in the world’s worst hug of all time. But it’s also the greatest, as far as Steve’s concerned. 
When they separate, Eddie gives Steve a quick once-over before shaking his head again. “So, what brings you all the way to Sin City?” 
“A family road trip.” 
“Ah, so the six nuggets and a Winnebago dream came true, then?” Eddie muses. 
“More like two nuggets, a piece of shit rental that’s in a repair shop after crapping out on me on I-15, and a co-pilot that doubles as my son’s emotional support stuffed animal,” Steve says, then smiles. “But I can’t complain.” 
“Wheeler never jumped on the Harrington Express?” 
Steve’s interrupted by Ollie running at him with a vinyl record thrust above his head. Mabel appears a moment later, holding a giant box in her arms that’s clearly too heavy for her. She passes it to Steve, who hands it over to Eddie, who has taken refuge behind the glass counter. As soon as the kids appear, they’re gone again. Steve shouts after them to stay together and not to touch anything. It goes in one ear and out the other if the loud crash that follows a moment later is anything to go off of. Steve winces and looks at Eddie apologetically. 
“I promise I’ll pay for whatever they break. They’re a little stir-crazy from being stuck at the repair shop all day.” 
Eddie doesn’t look worried about it in the slightest. In fact, Steve’s willing to bet he didn’t even hear the crash, judging by the fond look on his face. It’s a soft smile, almost bittersweet if he had to put a name to it. It looks out of place on his face — almost too earnest, which makes no sense because Eddie is the most earnest guy Steve’s ever known. 
“Huh, what?” Eddie blinks himself back to the present. When he shakes his head, the elastic holding his hair back snaps, sending his curls cascading down to his shoulders. It’s easy now to see the hints of gray peppered into the locks that used to keep Steve up at night — occasionally still keeps him up. 
Steve gestures toward the row where Mabel and Ollie are frantically trying to restack things on the shelves. This time, Eddie snorts and meets Steve's gaze with that familiar crooked smile. 
“Don’t worry about them. S’just boxes and shit.” 
Steve nods and then grabs a pen out of the cup on the glass counter. He twirls it between his fingers, something about the rhythmic motion calming the silly nerves running wild in his body right now. 
It’s just Eddie. 
“Nance would kill you for even thinking she’s a part of this circus,” Steve says, then panics. “To answer your question from before. No misses at all actually. Or misters either,” Steve says before he chickens out. 
Eddie left before he realized that little fun fact about himself. It was ironic (and tragic), considering he’s the reason Steve even realized it to begin with. Chalk it up to cosmic, universe shit — the bad kind that time. 
“Cause that could be an option to, you know. Obviously you know, but it’s an option for me too in case you didn’t know and—“
“Woah, breathe, Steve.” 
Steve takes a slow, deep inhale. His exhale is strong enough to send a few of Eddie’s stray curls fluttering before settling back amongst the rest. “Sorry.” 
“Stop apologizing!” Eddie throws his hand across the counter, squeezing Steve’s wrist, 
It’s silly, but something about the simple touch relaxes the nervous energy that’s taken over him ever since Eddie emerged from the back. A part of Steve wants to blame the relief on the touch, but he knows better. Knows it has everything to do with finally telling Eddie about this part of him he helped him discover. 
Steve’s been out to just about everyone he cares about, and now he’s certain he’s told them all. 
“So no misses or misters,” Eddie says, before hiding his growing smile behind a curl. “What about Buckley? Is she on the great American family road trip with you?” 
“Robin refuses to get into Winnebagos after, well, you know.” 
“Can’t say I blame her for that one.” 
“It’s just me and the kids. Mabel and Ollie. They’re my kids…I mean, well, obviously, they’re mine, and anyone who says they’re not are fucking idiots, but they’re not blood mine or whatever people say.” Christ, he’s rambling again. “I adopted them. Actually, I was supposed to be their temporary foster parent. I was in my second year as a social worker, and they were two and six months old when they came in the middle of a Saturday night and we had no one on standby. They came home with me, and then they just never left.” 
Somewhere in his rambling, Eddie made himself comfortable, pillowing his chin on his hands, elbows sinking into the giant mouse pad that’s stretched out on top of the glass counter. He’s dropped the curl, his bright smile on full display, dimple, and everything when he looks at Steve now. 
“I love a good foster fail story,” he cooed. “I have a few myself. Fosters that turned into full-on adoptions. I mean not human kids, cats. And a few dogs. Even a bird. But they’re my kids, you know. I mean, not that what you did is the same thing as me or anything, but I… I’m just going to stop talking now.”
This time, it’s Steve's hand that breaks the barrier between them, reaching out to pat Eddie on the shoulder. A reassuring thing that he hopes conveys that he’s not offended. Just in case, he spells it out for him verbally too. 
“I get it. Kids mean a lot of things to different people. If you say they’re your kids, they’re your kids,” he says, smiling. “Robin has a plant, Ferguson. When she first got it she carried it around in Ollie’s baby bjorn because she needed to ‘bond’ with it.” 
Eddie laughs, this time hard enough that the case between them vibrates. “Lesbians, and their plants, man.” 
“She rescued it from her ex, who was drowning it.” 
“We’re just all patron saints of lost things, aren’t we?” 
“Guess so.” Steve smiles, then adjusts his own stance so he’s leaning against the counter. Something pops in his back, and for once, he doesn’t make an excuse. Eddie knows all about their aches and pains — the way their bodies are thirty years older than they should be, thanks to their teenage years. He runs a steady hand through his hair, hoping beyond hope that it’s not as greasy as it feels and then turns his attention to Eddie. “What about you? Game and record store sounds like a pretty sweet deal.” 
Eddie blows out air in a whoosh and reaches for another curl. “I mean, yeah, it’s pretty cool. Closest I could get to being a rockstar, I guess.” 
“Do you still play?” 
“Occasionally. There’s a dive bar a few streets over that I perform sometimes. No band, though. At least, not yet. I’m giving myself a few more years; let the gray really come in,” Eddie says, fluffing his curls. “And then I’ll join one of those mid-life crisis dad bands.” 
“Solid plan.” He fiddles with the pen again, contemplating if he should ask what he wants, too. Screw it. Who knows when he’s going to see Eddie again — if it’ll ever happen again. It’s best not to leave anything on the table. “What about a partner?” 
“Me?” Eddie asks, pointing to himself before laughing. “Nope. No partner. No lovers either, really. It’s just me and the petting zoo. And Wayne, when the old man makes the trip out to visit me.” 
Eddie being alone all these years shouldn’t make Steve happy. He should want him to be settled by now, grossly in love with someone who makes him feel special like he deserves. But Steve’s heart is a traitor, and his brain is no better, already imagining ten different ways he could change that. 
Had he known Eddie’s been in Vegas alone all this time, he would have visited a lot sooner. Hell, he would have made this their final destination — he’s sure he could find something family-friendly here for Mabel and Ollie. There’s a lake around here or some shit, right? They could have—
“Shit,” Steve says, reaching for his beeping pager. The repair shop number appears on the small screen. “Could I borrow your phone? This is the repair shop.” 
“I suppose I could make an exception on my no-customers rule,” Eddie teases. “Phones in my office, straight back there.” 
Steve nods and rounds the counter towards the backroom but stops short. The kids. He almost forgot about the kids. “Do you mind keeping an eye on them?” Steve asks, tilting his head to Mabel and Ollie who have finally picked up the mess they created. 
“Of course! Don’t worry about them. I’m great with kids.” 
“I remember.” 
Eddie’s office isn’t unlike his teenage bedroom Steve spent many nights in. It has his typical brand of messiness but with an added layer of professionalism. Like, there’s an honest-to-God filing cabinet in the corner, but next to it is a three-foot-tall Yoda statue.  Papers lay haphazardly on the desk beside a calculator. 
There are posters all over the walls — some Steve recognizes, some he doesn’t — and endless photographs in mismatched frames. At least three wallet-sized frames with pictures of his pets — kids — sit on the desk. There’s one of Wayne and Eddie on his graduation day on the bookshelfnbeside photos of him with Dustin and some of the other kids over the years. 
He even spots himself amongst the familiar faces — a polaroid they took one summer in Hawkins. It feels like a lifetime ago, but a part of Steve remembers what it was like to have Eddie’s arm slung around him like that with the sun beating down their faces, causing them to squint in the photo because Jonathan refused to shoot directly into the sunlight. 
Steve gives himself another second to soak in Eddie’s office, searching for any other details he can find to fill in the years he’s missed — a pride flag draped over a chair, his business license framed on the wall, packs of half-used nicotine gum instead of cartons of cigarettes. Finally, he makes it to the phone and punches in the number of the repair shop. 
When Steve resurfaced twenty minutes later, the neon “open” sign that flickered in the window had been shut off. Eddie’s abandoned his post behind the counter, taking up space at a table in the game section of the store. Mabel and Ollie are sitting on either side of him, listening intently with wide eyes as he moves two figures across a board toward a hoard of waiting miniature figures. 
“I leave you for twenty minutes, and you’re already corrupting them with your nerd games?” Steve teases, ruffling both Mabel and Ollie’s hair in the process. 
Eddie scoffs. “You expect me to believe Dustin hasn’t put them through D&D boot camp yet? Please.” 
“Your stories are nothing like Dustin’s,” Ollie says, voice full of awe. 
“Yeah, he always wants to skip the fun adventure stuff and get straight to the battles,” Mabel chimes in. “That's why we like it when Daddy gets to be in charge.” 
Eddie’s head swivels so fast that the irrational part of Steve’s brain fears it’s going to fly right off. “You DM for them?” 
 “I wouldn’t call it Dungeon Master-ing,” Steve says, grabbing the back of his neck. The room feels ten times hotter all of a sudden. The AC must have shut off, he reasons. There’s no other explanation for his sudden flush. Not at all. “I really just make sh— stuff up.” 
“He’s the best make-believer! You should play with us sometime. Like tonight!” 
“Mabel, Eddie’s busy running this store; he can’t just stop to play with you. And besides, we have to get going soon.” 
“They fixed Winnie?” Ollie asks, jumping up from his seat. 
Steve sighs. “Not yet. That’s why we have to leave. I need to find somewhere for us to sleep tonight that’s—
“—I have a guest room.”
Steve blinks. Is Eddie offering his place to them? His hearing may be spotty lately, but he’s never imagined entire phrases before. Which means—
“I mean if you want,” Eddie says sheepishly this time. “I have a hoard of kittens running around right now, so if you’re allergic, it might not be the best place but—“
“Kittens!” Mabel squeals before rapidly asking Eddie a hundred questions about them, but he doesn’t stand a chance of answering. 
“Can’t we stay at his house, Daddy?” 
“I really do have a spare bedroom and bathroom. Plus, a couch and a semi-stocked fridge. And I wouldn’t charge you. The hotels around here are going to sense your need and charge you an arm and a leg, trust me.”
Steve would be stupid to turn it down. A free stay in an actual house. A meal he can cook with his own two hands that don’t involve a shitty stove that gives out after a few minutes. Not to mention, a shower with actual hot water. 
Plus, it comes with the added bonus of a few more hours with Eddie. Yeah, there’s not a chance in hell he’s turning that down. Not again. 
“Alright, yeah. Let’s do it.” Mabel and Ollie shout in excitement, spinning around the table. Eddie might not have the same energy level as them to join them, but his smile says it all. 
“It’ll be just like old times.” 
“Wait! You guys know each other?”
Steve laughs first, but soon Eddie’s cackle joins him and it really does feel like old times again. “Of course, I know him. What? You think I would let us stay in a stranger’s house? Don’t you know me at all?” 
Three days later, Steve finds himself behind the wheel of Winnie the Winnebago as she makes her grand return to I-15. When he glances over his shoulder as the traffic crawls for miles in front of him, he spots Mabel and Ollie throwing Fruit Loops at each other to see who can catch the most in their mouth. And when he looks to his right, Eddie’s there — feet up on the dash, hands protectively clutching Ollie’s teddy bear as if he’s hoping it offers him the same comfort it does for the six-year-old — handsome as ever.
“Didn’t think I’d ever be back in one of these,” he says fondly. “Especially not with you behind the wheel.” 
“Really?” Steve lets the corners of his lips twitch upward. Doesn’t try to fight the blush he knows is creeping across his cheeks. “‘Cause this is all I’ve thought about for years.” 
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rafedrewandjjs · 2 days
Black Dog pt2 - drew starkey x y/n
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warnings : heartbreak, angst, cheating
summary: Their once-passionate love story turns into a haunting tale of heartbreak. Y/N finds herself sinking into despair, unable to get out of bed, plagued by memories of how their relationship deteriorated.
a/n : send ideas for drew’s redemption arc won’t promise anything - some references to tsitp if ykyk also I hate this chapter I don’t how to include their body language and emotions in the dialogue. I still figuring out pls bear with me
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Drew walks up to you, and places a soft kiss on your lips, and you can't help but smile as you look at his sun-kissed cheeks. Your moment is broken by Jodi and Mackayala, who whispers, "Aren't they the cutest?" You all have a wonderful family dinner, filled with laughter and love. During the meal, you offer to take Lily from Mackayala so she can relax and enjoy her food. With Lily on your lap, cheesing at Drew, you can't help but wonder if one day this might be your family.
Jodi makes a playful comment, saying she can't wait to have more grandkids, eyeing Drew and you with a knowing smile. After dinner, Brooke and Logan offer to clean up, giving you and Drew a chance to relax. Drew asks you to head down to the beach with him at night. As you get closer, you see the sweetest setup for your anniversary – a blanket, lanterns, and a bottle of your favorite wine.
You and Drew sit down, talking about your future, laughing, and sharing your dreams. You lay your head on his shoulder, and he kisses your forehead gently. You look up and passionately kiss him, letting a soft moan out. You quickly smile and cheeks turn bright pink you both stargaze, and he points out the star that represents love, saying, "That star, it shines just for us."
He takes your hand and looks into your eyes, saying, "You're the one for me. Today at dinner, I realized I can't envision spending my future with anyone else. I want to give you everything, including 20 babies." You both laugh, feeling the joy and love in the moment, knowing that your future together is bright and full of promise.
present time
You wake up panting and huffing, your heart racing as you realize it was just a cruel dream. You and Drew are not together anymore. Nothing is okay—you broke up. As you try to steady your breathing, you hear a ping on your phone. It's a message from Paul, your new boyfriend: "Hey baby, be ready by 8:00. I am picking you up for dinner."
Paul is perfect in every way. He's everything you need in a boyfriend. He's sweet, considerate, and makes you laugh with his quirky jokes. He allows you to move on, reminding you that it's okay to start anew. He promised to choose you no matter what, and his words feel like a soothing balm to your wounded heart. It almost feels too good to be true. Yet, something bothers you. Despite Paul's perfection, he doesn't give you the fireworks you once felt with Drew. You push those feelings aside, convincing yourself that maybe too much fireworks burn the relationship down entirely, like it did last time. Stability and warmth are what you need now, not the volatile passion that once consumed you. You glance at the clock, realizing you have a few hours before Paul arrives. You decide to focus on the present, on the promising and gentle love that Paul offers. As you get ready for dinner, you remind yourself that maybe, just maybe, this time will be different.
“ My longings stay unspoken
And I may never open up the way I did for you”
As you and Paul walk into the bar hand in hand, his reassuring love brings a gentle smile to your face, though you no longer smile with your heart. It's been a long time since you felt that deep, genuine joy. The waiter ushers you both to your seats, and you hum along to the familiar tune of "Can't Help Falling in Love with You." A song that Drew and you decided would be your first dance song. Your eyes meet hers across the room. "Madelyn!" you exclaim. If she's here, then he must be somewhere around too.
Madelyn looks surprised and asks, "Y/N, what are you doing here?"
Paul, puzzled, asks, "Uh, babe, who is this?"
Madelyn introduces herself, and you explain that she's an old friend. You tell her that you and Paul are together now. Shock registers on her face, but she manages a fake smile and lets you continue on, walking away.
Something in your gut urges you to look back. When you turn around, you finally meet his eyes. In that instant, it feels like everything else falls apart, and it's just the two of you in the world. But the moment doesn't end there. You see her—the reason for all of this—Odessa, walk up and greet him. Your eyes break contact with Drew's, and you don't even hear Paul calling your name, asking if you're okay. You realize that some old habits die hard. Deep down, you had prayed and hoped that maybe, just maybe, Drew would give all this up, ask for you back, and take back everything that happened that night. And you might find it in your heart to forgive him and let it all go. But he doesn't. Instead, he stands there with Odessa, and losing you, a woman he once called the love of his life. The weight of reality crashes down on you as you turn back to Paul, forcing a smile, and reassure him that everything is fine, even though your heart tells you otherwise.
“ so I watch as you walk
Into some bar called The Black Dog
And pierce new holes in my heart
You forgot to turn it off”
“Old habits die screaming”
Throughout dinner, you don't speak much. Paul takes the initiative, talking about his upcoming show he's going to host and how excited he is, suggesting that maybe you could go with him to watch. You politely nod, but your mind is still occupied with what just happened. When he pays the bill and you both walk to the car, he clutches your hand and opens the door for you. Internally, you feel annoyed that he doesn't understand your silence, even upset. You wonder if this were Drew, he would be cheering you up, asking what was wrong.
The ride home is silent and tense. Paul turns on the radio, and "Black Dog" plays, the melancholic notes mirroring your mood. You think about whether these past few months had been a cruel joke played on you by the universe. Was all this time with Drew a lie? Drew couldn't give up the one thing you ever asked for, a tiny prick that tore you apart. He continued the facade of loving you, but you just didn't understand how he could share such intimate moments, like kissing your rain-soaked body, yet fail to keep the one promise you needed.
Despite trying to move forward, you can't help but miss the smoke of your past with Drew. After the breakup, you couldn't sleep unless it was in your mother's bed, haunted by memories of him everywhere you went. You felt like you had aged with him, caught in an age-gap relationship where he always told you you were mature for your age. Now, all that lost love has turned into hatred.
You solely hold Drew responsible for ruining your relationship. You wish he could feel the excruciating pain you felt that night, the agony that still lingers in your heart. You wish he finds everything he wanted yet is forever plagued by the pain of losing you. The car ride is a somber reflection of your inner turmoil, and as you arrive home, you realize that moving on is harder than you ever imagined.
the day Drew return from Disney
You’ve been anxiously waiting for him to come back, your mind racing with doubts and suspicions. Drew walks in, looking tired but happy, carrying a few souvenirs.
You: We need to talk, Drew.
Drew: (smiling, trying to kiss you on the cheek) Hey babe, I missed you. I brought you something from Disney. (holds out a small Mickey Mouse keychain)
You: (taking a step back) I don't care about souvenirs right now. We need to talk about Odessa.
Drew: (sighs, looking confused) What about Dessa? We just went on a trip with some friends. It was nothing.
You: (voice rising) Nothing? You've been spending way too much time with her, Drew. I saw the pictures. You two looked pretty close.
Drew: (defensive) Are you seriously doing this right now? She's just a friend. We went to Disney with a group. It wasn't just us.
You: (tears in your eyes) But it's never just us anymore, is it? Ever since she came back into your life, things have changed. You've changed.
Drew: (frustrated) What are you talking about? I haven't changed. You're just being paranoid.
You: (shouting) Paranoid? I saw the way she looked at you in those photos, Drew! And the way you looked at her. Don't tell me it's all in my head.
Drew:(angry) So what if I looked at her? She's an old friend. You're blowing this way out of proportion.
You: (voice breaking) Am I? Because it feels like I'm losing you, Drew. It feels like you’re slipping away and I don’t know how to hold on anymore.
Drew: (softening) Look, I'm sorry if it seemed that way. But you're the one I love. Not her.
You: (shaking your head) Love? Love doesn’t make you run off with someone else and leave your girlfriend here, wondering if she’s enough.
Drew: (desperate) It was just a trip. You could've come too, but you said you were busy.
You: (bitterly) And you didn’t fight for me to come. You didn’t care. You were fine with it just being her.
Drew: (silent, looking away)
You: (voice shaking) I can't do this anymore, Drew. I can't keep pretending everything is okay when it's not. When I’m constantly second-guessing where I stand in your life.
Drew:(stepping closer) Please, don't do this. We can fix this.
You:(stepping back) No, Drew. We can’t. Because you’ve already broken it. (tears streaming down your face)
Drew: (reaching out) Please, I love you.
You: (turning away) Love isn’t enough. Not when trust is gone. (pauses) I think you should leave.
Drew: (voice cracking) You’re throwing away everything we’ve built together over a misunderstanding?
You: (sobbing) This isn’t a misunderstanding. It’s a betrayal. I needed you to choose me, and you didn’t.
Drew: (pleading) I do choose you. Every day. Please don’t do this. We can work through it, I swear.
You: (whispering, barely audible) I’ve already lost you, Drew. Maybe I never really had you.
Drew: (tears in his eyes) That’s not true. You know that’s not true.
You: (voice breaking) If it were true, I wouldn’t feel this empty, this broken. Please, just go. I can’t do this anymore.
Drew: (desperate) I was wrong, okay? I should have been more considerate. I should have fought for you to come. But please, don’t throw this all away. We’ve been through so much together.
You: (angry, wiping tears) And that's exactly why this hurts so much. Because after everything, you still couldn’t put me first. How can I trust you now?
Drew: (silent, looking down) I... I don’t know what to say. I never meant to hurt you.
You: (voice trembling) Intentions don’t matter, Drew. Actions do. And your actions have shown me where I stand.
Drew: (reaching out again) Please, give me another chance. I’ll do anything to make this right.
You: (stepping back further) I can't keep giving you chances, Drew. I need to protect myself. I need to heal.
Drew: (crying) So this is it? After everything, this is how it ends?
You: (sobbing) I don’t want it to end. But I can’t keep living like this. I need to find myself again, without all this pain and doubt.
Drew: (voice breaking) I love you. Please, don’t do this.
You: (whispering) I love you too. But sometimes, love just isn’t enough.
Drew stands there for a moment, his eyes filled with pain and regret. He looks at you, hoping for a sign, a change of heart, but you remain resolute. He picks up his bag and walks to the door, pausing for a moment before he leaves, looking back at you one last time. You turn away, tears falling freely, as you hear the door close behind him, the sound echoing the finality of your decision. The weight of the moment crushes you, and you collapse onto the couch, sobbing uncontrollably, the realization of what you've lost sinking in deep.
present time
You’re sitting in your apartment, alone and lost in thought. It’s a cozy one-bedroom with warm, neutral tones, filled with simple yet tasteful decor. A few framed photos of you and Paul adorn the walls, a stark contrast to the empty spots where pictures of you and Drew used to be. The sound of the shower running indicates that Paul is home, unwinding after a long day.
Your phone buzzes with a message from Madelyn.
You pick up your phone and see the notification from Madelyn. Your heart skips a beat as you read the message:
Madelyn: Hey Y/N, can we talk? It’s really important. It’s about Drew. Please, it’s urgent.
You haven't spoken to anyone from your old circle since the breakup. They were all Drew's friends too, and you felt they’d naturally side with him. When you confided in Madelyn shortly after the breakup, she didn’t say much. You knew she was close with both Drew and Odessa, which felt like a betrayal and abandonment. You haven’t reached out to anyone since.
You stare at the message, conflicted. Part of you wants to ignore it, to keep the walls you’ve built around yourself intact. But another part of you, the part that still aches for closure, compels you to respond.
You: Madelyn, I don’t know if I can do this. What’s so urgent?
A few moments later, your phone buzzes again:
Madelyn : Please, Y/N. I wouldn’t reach out like this if it wasn’t really important. Can we meet? I promise, it’s about Drew and you need to know.
You take a deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision. You’ve been avoiding anything and anyone that reminds you of Drew, but the urgency in Madelyn’s messages makes you feel like this could be something you need to hear.
You: Okay. When and where?
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taglist : @tpwk-mia
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psychesalcove · 1 day
taking hits for you, cause I wanna feel like I'm supposed to
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✧.* jason grace after an argument with gn reader
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synopsis: headcanons for jason after an argument w/ gn reader — college au !
cw: arguing (but more focused on after an argument), jason being a cutie pie and understanding bf, not proofread at all,
requested: yes, by anon !!
an: ty for the request babes !! hope this lives up to your expectations 😽😽
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^᪲᪲᪲ i feel like arguing with jason wouldn't be a screaming match because of his calmer demener
^᪲᪲᪲ jason would be the type to leave midway through an argument because it gets to much for him
^᪲᪲᪲ he obviously communicates this with you, not wanting you to freak out to him leaving; but knowing that both of you could use space and have time to collect your thoughts
^᪲᪲᪲ if jason was the one leaving your condo and you were staying there, he would quickly write out on a sticky note that he loves you and he'll be home soon when he's more cooled off
^᪲᪲᪲ then he'll probably get into his car and drive around the campus,
^᪲᪲᪲ and he would probably put on a playlist that was ambience w/ light music in the background while he drives so he has something to focus on rather than his thoughts
^᪲᪲᪲ after he's been driving for about 30 minutes, he decides to run to the shop to grab some goodies for you before he comes back
^᪲᪲᪲ he'll get you a small bunch of your favorite flower, and a small teddy bear
^᪲᪲᪲ jason knows he doesn't really need to do this; as both of you were in the wrong in some way during your argument
^᪲᪲᪲ but he wants you to know that he loves you even when you don't meet eye to eye
^᪲᪲᪲ he quickly returns home, in his hands the gifts he had bought for you
^᪲᪲᪲ if he sees that you've been crying, he emideantaly drops his gifts and hugs you,
^᪲᪲᪲ "love, there's no reason to be upset. every couple has their moments; that doesn't mean that its over or anything like that. its just a little hiccup with us, but everyone has that in relationships."
^᪲᪲᪲ he would trace little hearts and stars onto your cheek as he calms you down
^᪲᪲᪲ ughh i need a jason grace in my life omg
^᪲᪲᪲ anyways..after he calmed you down, he explained his side of whatever you two were disagreeing on and how he thought he was right
^᪲᪲᪲ he's definitely one of those it's us against the world not us against eachother
^᪲᪲᪲ he'll have you explain to him what your perspective is and why you didn't agree with him
^᪲᪲᪲ and when you're explaining he'll nod after everything you say
^᪲᪲᪲ and he'll be rubbing your lower back with slow circles anytime you have to stop or if you're struggling saying your opinion
^᪲᪲᪲ he'll he really good at finding a middle ground between the two of you; and be able to sort things out
^᪲᪲᪲ as shown from above, jasons really heavy on communication in a relationship
^᪲᪲᪲ so he'll make sure that you understand why he was frustrated and that he understands why you were frustrated as well
^᪲᪲᪲ he wants to make sure that the disagreement the two of you were having wouldn't come up again or have a lower chance of occurring again
^᪲᪲᪲ he doesn't tell you that you were in the right if he knows that you weren't; he doesn't want you to start thinking that you're always right in every argument you have
^᪲᪲᪲ but he also doesn't want that for himself, so you remind him of that as well
^᪲᪲᪲ after the two of you find a middle ground for your argument, jason brings you to the living room so you two can sit down and relax
^᪲᪲᪲ "love, I was thinking that we could order some thai for dinner tonight?" (or whatever food you prefer!!)
^᪲᪲᪲ so then the two of you order some food, and pick out a moive or tv show to watch while you wait for your food to arrive
^᪲᪲᪲ butttt, if you're more upset when he does originally get back and still don't want him around you,
^᪲᪲᪲ he'll respect your request, knowing that you'd do the same for him; and that everyone needs their space sometimes and time away from others
^᪲᪲᪲ jason would leave for around 45 minutes, unless you text him saying that you were sorry and that he can come back
^᪲᪲᪲ I also feel like he wouldn't want either of you to apologize for how you were acting (unless it was completely out of hand) because those are the emotions you were feeling and he doesn't want to not express emotions if that makes sense
^᪲᪲᪲ anyway,, jason is overall really understanding of arguments and trys to find ways so the two of you can quickly resolve whatever you were disagreeing about
^᪲᪲᪲ and he'll be mature about the whole situation, taking everyone's feelings into consideration
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ofstarsandvibranium · 20 hours
Death's Doorstep
Fandom: Star Wars - The Acolyte
Pairing: Qimir x GN!Reader
Summary: Qimir shows up at your store a lot sooner than expected, but this time he's injured and you have to bring him back to health.
The Stranger in My Doorway | Strangers No More
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Did you want to see Qimir again? Yes. But did you want it under these circumstances? Absolutely not.
It was nightfall and you were working on a special order for one of your clients. You heard commotion outside towards the Jedi temple that was here on Batuu. You peer out your window to see the colors of lightsabers reflecting off buildings as Jedi run by, shouting words you can't quite hear.
You jolt when you hear a banging on your door. You wait to see if the person would go away, considering your shop was closed for the night. The insistent banging continued and you quickly typed in the code to unlock the door. It slides open to reveal Mae holding up Qimir.
"What hap-"
"No time!" the young woman hisses as she pushes past you, dragging Qimir with her, "Is there a place for us to hide?"
You look at her and then look at Qimir, who's holding his side. You see blood seeping through his fingers, "I, uh,"
You rush over to the storage room and push a shelf to the side. You life the grate and gesture to Mae, "This is the best I can do."
"Qimir?" Mae asks and the man nods, "Fine."
Mae jumps in first, completely ignoring the ladder that's there. She then carefully watches as Qimir lowers himself in.
With tired eyes, he looks up at you and gives a shy smile, "Thanks."
"Of course," you say as he lands with a grunt. You do quick work to replace the grate and push the shelf back to it's place where it completely covers the hiding spot.
Just in time, there comes a knocking at your door. You run over to let in whoever is there. A tall Twi'lek woman donning a Jedi robe steps in with two Jedi following her, "I'm sorry to disturb you, Y/N."
You step aside to let the woman through, "Not at all, Rya. Is something wrong?"
"There was an intrusion at the Temple."
Your brows raise in surprise, "Is that what the commotion I heard was about?"
The Jedi nods, "Yes. Did you see or hear anything suspicious? I was told the suspects were around here."
You shake your head, "I didn't see anything. All I saw were a few Jedis running by but nothing else. Did these people steal something?"
"Yes. Some important files. They also injured a few Jedi."
You gulp, "Holy kriff. Well, if I see or hear anything, I'll let you know."
Rya looks around your shop and then back at you. She gives you a polite smile, "Thank you, Y/N." she exits your shop with the other two Jedi behind her.
After your doors shut, you immediately put in the code to lock it. You let out a deep breath and rush back to your storage room.
You grunt as you push the shelf back and pull up the grate, "Is he okay?"
"He's lost a lot of blood," Mae says as she guides her colleague to the base of the ladder.
You look down at him with concern, "Can you climb?"
He slowly nods and takes one step at a time, wincing and grunting in pain. Eventually, he's out and collapses in your arms with a groan.
"Hey, hey, stay with me, Qimir. It's gonna be okay. I'm going to help you."
You look at Mae who swiftly climbs out of the hole, "We need to take him upstairs." Mae doesn't ask any questions as she helps Qimir to his feet. You're on his right and she on his left. You both head to stairs leading up to your home above the shop. With each step, it's seems Qimir gets paler and paler.
"Almost there, Qimir."
You lead him to your room and gently lower him onto your bed, "I need to assess the wound. You push his hand away and observe the gash on his side.
"What sliced him?"
"This," Mae holds up one of her daggers, "I was aiming for a Jedi. He got in my way."
You sigh, "I'm going to run back downstairs to grab some things. Make sure he stays awake!"
You exit the room with haste, nearly tripping over your feet as you head back to the shop. You grab various bottles and vials, and rush back upstairs, taking two steps at a time.
You kneel at the bedside, and pulling up Qimir's shirt to get better access to his wound. He winces as part of the fabric brushes against his wound and you quietly apologize.
"This will sting a bit," you say as you take a bottle out, spraying some of the liquid directly onto the wound.
Qimir yells out in pain and you use your other hand to cover his mouth, "I know! I'm sorry, but you have to be quiet! I just applied a numb spray so you shouldn't be able to feel a thing now."
You pull your hand away and Qimir continues to breathe deeply, "Can I continue?" He nods and you get back to work.
You swiftly head to your work desk, grabbing a needle and thread. You kneel back beside Qimir and thread the string through the needle, "Okay, I'm going to sew your wound, okay? If it still hurts, let me know and I can use more numb spray."
Qimir nods and waits. You tell him you're going to start and proceed to push the needle through his skin. He winces when he feels the slight pinch.
"Do you want more numb spray?" you ask with concern and he shakes his head, "No. Keep going."
You do so, trying to be quick yet efficient as you sew up his wound. It's not the best, of work, but it gets the job done. Afterwards, you apply an antibiotic balm and cover the entire wound with a batca patch.
You lean back against your heals with a sigh, "Done."
You look up to see Qimir alseep.
"Thank you," Mae says and you completely forgot she was there.
You look up at her and reply, "Of course." You gather up everything and place them onto your work desk, "You two are spending the rest of the night here. I want to make sure he feels alright before you leave and there's a chance the Jedi are still out looking for you."
Mae looks up at you in suspicion, "How do you-"
"One of the Jedis, Rya, came by. She said there were people who broke into the Temple, stole some things, and hurt some people."
"And you didn't tell them we were here?"
You shake your head, "I didn't."
"Why? You know what we did. You know that we've done some bad things. Why didn't you turn us in?" Mae looks at you curiously.
"I don't know," you respond in sincerity, "There's something about you two, I don't know what. But I wanted to help you."
Satisfied with your answer for now, Mae leaves you alone. She plops onto one of your chairs in your living room and curls up into her cloak.
You walk back to your room to check on Qimir, who is still fast asleep. You decide to sit beside him, back up against your headboard. If you're there beside him, you'll know when he wakes and you can check on how he feels.
You suddenly feel exhausted from the events that had just occurred, so you do your best to get comfortable and allow yourself some rest.
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chuusheartattck · 1 day
Chapter 6- Apologies ☕️
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You’ve woken up to the sounds of the birds chirping and the morning sun peaking in through the windows. You would’ve loved waking up in the giant room provided by Ayaka, if only you weren’t so violently hung over.
The feeling of being incredibly nauseous while remembering some of the memories from last night, started hitting you like a semi truck.
Why did you have to drink so much? You’re never drinking again.
You always say this but never actually stick through with your word.
You loved being drunk but hated the consequences that come the next morning. Your phone was buzzing with new messages. Have you always hated the sounds of notifications? Or was it the headache talking? Annoyed, you checked your phone.
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Bergrudgingly, you got up. As soon as you stood up however, you felt like you needed to throw up.
Quickly, you rushed to the toilet. Expecting for something to come out. Nothing did.
“I hate being hungover.” You quickly muttered before making your way to the dining room.
You noticed everyone had arrived before you. They all looked like shit. Including you. Mona was in deep explanation of how she read Yae’s birthchart. Apparently the woman has a lot of baggage.
You sat down in between Hu Tao and Mona.
Ayaka handed you a bowl of miso soup, “It’s for your hangover. You look rough.” She smiles.
You quietly thank her. The miso soup looks good but were you able to eat this without throwing it back up? You took your chances and fed yourself.
Luckily you didn’t.
Before you could finish the soup, Hu Tao turned towards you.
“So are you going to explain what happened last night?” She questioned.
You cleared your throat and explained your experience at the party. From start to finish. Everyone had listened intently to your story. Someone would occasionally gasp.
“Well he sure does know how to act like he cares about someone.” Mona mentioned. Scaramouche is actually a good actor.
It seems like he practiced on you the most.
As you were showing the group the texts you sent to Scaramouche and Childe, your phone buzzed. It was a text from Childe. Everyone began freaking out.
“Shit what do I say??” You were panicking because you didn’t really expect him to answer.
“Maybe an apology?” Lynette suggested.
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So fucking annoying.
He’s so fucking annoying.
How can he be like this? Why was he being like this? You heavily sighed. The audacity of this man.
Lynette looked up at you, “Is everything alright?”
You put your phone in the middle of the table and stood up.
“Yes. Everything is so perfect.” You replied sarcastically, “Ayaka thank you for the breakfast and sleepover. Have fun everyone reading those stupid ass texts. I’ll be getting ready to leave.”
When the words left your mouth, you walked away and towards the room you were sleeping in.
As you were packing up you heard a knock at the door.
It was Hu Tao. She was returning your phone.
“I’m so sorry Y/n. He’s such a big dick. You don’t deserve this. She pulled you into a hug.
“It’s ok, don’t worry about it. It’s how he is.” You reassured her.
She helped you pack the rest of your stuff.
You then said goodbye to everyone and got inside your car.
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Masterlist II Previous II Next
A/N: Hi I’m back! Ik its been a few days but I haven’t been feeling the best so I took a while to update. I’m still sick but I feel better enough to update even if this chapter was a bit short. Another written chapter I hope you guys like it!! Also pls ignore the typo in furina’s text I meant to put ‘parties’ 😭
ALSOOO lmk if you guys want your users to be added to this au and i’ll make you a twitter user :)
Synopsis: You’re a new idol that just debuted under ‘Fontaine Entertainment’ with your new single ‘Espresso.’ You just graduated high school which means all your classmates are shocked to see you into stardom. Including your old situationship, who happens to be an actor.
Taglist: @skyoverkill1 @quacking-simp @lolmeowing @astro-stars @kaitfae @sl-vega @veekoko @scarawiki @yuminako @samyayaya @kur0kki @practicoi @kukikoooo @scaraenthusiast1 @shutingstar @lloovvv @moonjellyfishie @miy-svz @xionri @lalalaloveallmydays @hearts4lizzzz @kathiwis @state-of-grac3 @morgyyyyyyy
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atlabeth · 3 days
congratulations on 3k!!! could I get a cute lil 🧸 hurt/comfort with nikolai where reader is grisha (maybe heartrender or inferni) and she gets jurda parem in her system and nikolai stays with her while she waits it out (like nina and matthias??) also drink water <333
by your side
pairing: nikolai lantsov x fem inferni!reader
summary: you end up as collateral in a plot against nikolai. he helps you through the aftermath.
a/n: so sorry this took so long but that’s going to be the case for all of these lol !!! oops. but i love this man and i hope you enjoy it
wc: 1.2k
warning(s): reader goes through parem withdrawal and is kinda mean to nikolai for a bit. mentions of kidnapping and drugging. hurt/comfort, nikolai is the sweetest
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“I know.”
“It hurts, Nikolai,” you breathed.
“I know, milaya.” He brushed loose strands of hair out of your eyes, matted to your forehead by sweat and blood, his heart breaking more with every passing second. “I know.”
Nikolai couldn’t stand to see you like this. You didn’t even want him to—you asked him to leave so you could go through it on your own, but he would sooner die than leave you alone. You had an iron grip on his hand, but he hardly felt it. After what had been done to you in the name of getting to him, Nikolai owed you this much.
“Everything burns,” you moaned. “My— my bones—”
You were cut off by a sharp gasp of pain and your grip on Nikolai’s hand tightened. The action made you grimace as your eyes screwed shut, but you didn’t lessen your hold.
He didn’t know what to do, didn’t know how to ease this pain for you. He understood little of jurda parem, if a cure even existed, but he did know that you were strong enough to weather what was meant to be an insurmountable storm.
“You can end it,” you said, your voice shaking. Bloodshot eyes met his own, wide and dilated and full of unimaginable pain. “You’ve got to still have some here.”
“You know I can’t do that, my love,” he murmured.
“Please, Nikolai,” you begged.
“It will only make it worse,” he said. “There is nothing we can do but wait. You are strong enough to get through it, milaya.”
“Then what are you good for?” you snarled, your voice rising with the sudden flash of anger. “You’re a damned king, but you can’t even stop this?”
You tried to rip your hand away but Nikolai wouldn’t let you. He laid his other hand on top of yours.
“Look at me, Nikolai,” you hissed. “You say you love me and you leave me like this.”
“It is because I love you that I cannot give anything to you,” he said. “I can’t imagine how this feels, but I will be here for you every second of the way.”
You shook your head as another pained gasp escaped you, and somehow your grip tightened even more.
“I just want it to stop,” you begged. “Please, please make it stop.”
You were drenched in sweat, the bedsheets and the undergarments you’d stripped down to soaked through, and yet you hadn’t been granted any reprieve.
You’d always found comfort in the blazes you could create—able to fight with unbelievable ferocity one moment and make a harmless, beautiful show out of it that summoned all the stars in Nikolai’s eyes the next—but now it threatened to consume you.
Nikolai couldn’t help but feel like it was his fault.
You should have never been involved in the first place. He should’ve done a better job at protecting you, should have kept your name hidden, should have never let anyone have the chance to do something like this in the first place.
It was his fault. Nikolai knew he had enemies, more than he could ever imagine after ascending to the throne. Some stupid, naive part of him hoped that you wouldn’t become a part of that, but that was all it was—naivety.
You were kidnapped to get to him. Drugged to get to him. The bastards must have hoped you would go up in flames once you were done, but they underestimated you. Your foes always did.
You didn’t deserve any of this. Those criminals knew one thing, at least, because Nikolai would have taken all your pain as his burden for the rest of his life if it meant one second of reprieve for you.
But he couldn’t. His enemies wanted him to suffer, and the best way to do that was to make you suffer.
“I know,” he whispered, and he raised your intertwined hands to press a kiss to the back of your palm. “I know.”
Your skin had all but ignited from the inside out, more intense than anything an Inferni could muster on their own. You could have plunged to the depths of the Isenvee and still burn the whole way down.
And it continued on.
You hurled every curse at him in your native Zemeni, and when you ran out you turned to what you knew in Ravkan. You tried to throw him off or get him to leave a hundred times, tried anything to make him hate you. He could never hate you.
You sobbed through your pain, begging Nikolai to make it end. You gripped his hand so tightly he thought it might break. You asked him to kiss you to distract you for even a moment.
You endured every hellish, torturous second, and Nikolai stayed by your side through it all.
“Nikolai.” The sudden whisper was so soft he had to lean closer to hear you.
“Yes, my love?”
“I’m so tired.”
“You can sleep,” he assured. “I will be right here with you.”
“Hold me.” Your voice cracked, and his heart twisted. “Please.”
“Are you sure?” Every part of you had been so sensitive, practically ablaze, and he didn’t want to worsen your already sensitive condition.
“I… I feel so empty.” You blinked a few times, but he saw the tears shimmering in your eyes. “Like— like I lost a part of myself, and I need to feel something.”
Nikolai’s throat bobbed, and he nodded. “Of course, lapushka.”
He climbed into bed next to you and laid down, gathering you up in his arms as gently as possible.
“Is this alright?” he asked softly as he pulled you close.
You nodded. He could feel each beat of your heart with your back pressed against his chest, and he’d never been more grateful for the sound. Your skin still burned, but he welcomed the blaze.
“It’s perfect.”
For a moment, the two of you laid there in silence. Only your heartbeat and your breathing interrupted it, yours still slightly harried.
“I’m not hurting you,” he asked, “am I?”
You paused before you answered, and Nikolai frowned as he said your name.
“It doesn’t matter,” you interrupted. “Everything hurts right now—I’m not going to let that keep you away from me.”
He let out a wry laugh, and he pulled you even closer. “There she is.”
He could almost feel your smile in the shift of energy, but another moment passed before you spoke.
“I’m so sorry about everything I said.” Your whisper came out as a rasp, your throat scratchy from your ordeal. “I love you, Nikolai. More than anything. You know that, right?”
“I could never forget,” he said. “Not with all the love I hold for you.”
“…Good.” He felt you swallow hard. “I’m so sorry.”
“I should be the one apologizing,” Nikolai said. “It was my fault all of this happened.”
“It was their fault,” you insisted. “You saved me, Nikolai. I owe you my life.”
“And I owe you mine,” he said. “So shall we call it even? No apologies necessary?”
You let out a soft laugh, followed by a grimace. “Even.”
Nikolai smiled and nodded. “Good.”
“…I’m tired,” you repeated, even softer this time.
“Rest, milaya,” Nikolai said. “I won’t leave your side.”
“You swear?”
“On every saint, new and old,” he said. “And every vlachka in the Lantsov coffers.”
He waited for your response, but there was nothing apart from your gentle, even breathing. He allowed a soft smile before he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head.
Nikolai would never let anyone hurt you again.
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josendlessmonolouge · 16 hours
Lazy stay at home days with heroes of Olympus boys headcanons
frank, Leo, Jason, Percy
i think he probably has some post traumatic arthritis from all the injuries he sustained in the war (just like me frr except I wasn’t saving the world I was just weak) so while he usually likes to be active maybe go for a long run in the morning or go on a hike with you, some days he aches too much to do the active sort of date he prefers. He feels guilty if he spends a day not actively being productive or working out so I think these are probably the only lazy at home days he gets. I think likes to spend days at home days watching sports, or nature documentaries (getting new ideas of what he can transform into) while cuddling. He peppers lots of his own fun facts and dry humor in though. he’s not the best at cooking, as his grandma never cooked, they had a maid who cooked for the family. However, every now and then his mom would bake with him. but he still loves to cook with you. I think he likes to play chess, checkers, and other two person strategy games. Finish the day off with breakfast for dinner. Probably waffles with lots of fruit with some bacon or ham.
Leo’s ideal stay at home day with his partner? Probably playing Mario cart or Mario party. You, Him, A bowl of guac, an entire bag of tortilla chips. Sitting on the floor playing video games or building legos.. oh man he’d have every Star Wars Lego set. He’s in heaven. I think he lets you play with his hair too. He’s definitely a little spoon/sit on your lap/ lean on you not the other way around. he’s very skinny and pretty bony likely more so than you and doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable. Finish the day off with a fire in the backyard maybe some roasted hotdogs some 80s rock-n-roll CDs playing. I think he’d dance with you, not well at all but he’d try and you would just eat it up. Maybe watch some classic Mexican movies while y’all fall asleep- he’d like that. Tbh I think he just loves 80s comedies.
Jason is like Frank in that he struggles to have a day to wind down without feeling guilty. You have to force him to just chill out for a day man. Even so I think his ideal day is pretty structured. Wake up at 6am, make breakfast trying his best not to wake you up too. I feel like Jason loves him some steak and eggs for breakfast, bro was raised by wolves, he also can’t cook that many things… but he tries to make you something too. I think his love language is acts of service, so he makes you pancakes or a smoothie or just something simple that he knows is going to taste good. He wants to workout or train so bad but he knows it’s good for his muscles to have a day off plus he can spend it with his amazing partner. Honestly what he’d like most is doing your hobbies with you. I think he just likes to see you smile.
Percy: Percy needs a day off bro and he knows it. Percy’s idea of fun? Build a pillow fort in the kitchen with a Blue blanket (bare with me), fish patterned blanket on the floor. Man makes the cozy pillow version of the tunnel room in an aquarium. Don’t tell me he doesn’t have one of them y2k fish lamps. He and and you hang out there for the whole day him probably with a shark stuffie in his lap. I think because Poseidon is his father he’s really good at doing sailor’s knots and tying nets, therefore meaning he’s good at macramé and friendship bracelets so I think he’s like to make bracelets with you. Maybe watch some Jeremy wade or romcoms on a lap top. Play some board games. Listen to an audio book while curled up together. Just a nice slow paced day is all he needs
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helionpegasus · 8 hours
Cassian x Reader
summary: reader and Cassian had a happy marriage, 'till their love hasn't enough. inspired by loml by taylor swift.
warnings: angst.
words count: 3338
author's note: this is big and sad :)
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Who’s gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames? If we know the steps anyway.
Me and Cassian have been riding on the line between acceptable and an official couple recognized by the priestess and The Mother for a long time. 
I don’t know when exactly it started. It couldbe when we met for the first time on a Day Court Ball, and we both couldn’t hold our laughter after one of the courtiers slipped during the dance. It could be when i spent my first Starfall as a Night Court member, and he told me that he was gonna “Teach me how to properly drink”, but ended with the two of us drunk enough to sleep sitting side by side in the hall of the House of Wind. Or it could be when he arrived of the Illyrian Camps directly to my room and with tear in his eyes, saying that his heart could not handle seeing how children and females were treated there maintaining a stone face.
We embroidered the memories of the time I was away.
The first time we kissed was when I returned home hurt from a mission. Cassian stayed the whole night by my side, telling me things that happened when I was away, or tracing random shapes with his finger on my hand and arm.
“I was scared that we would lose you. I would lose you.” He said almost whispering, like he was telling me a secret.
“You’ll never lose me, Cass.” I said back to him.
I was staring at the window when I felt him pull his hand away. Once I turned my head back, our lips met. It was so gentle. The hands holding my face, and his lips silently asking if he could deepen the kiss or not.
I remember stopping to breath and giggle like two teenagers, just to look at each other with love eyes and start kissing again. And again, and again, the whole night.
I thought I was better safe than starry-eyed
“You’re not gonna officialize things?” Mor asked one day.
“What do you mean?” Was my answer.
“You and Cassian. Everyone sees the way you look at each other, and we also know that you crossed the “only starring” line. And if you want me to be honest, I think you two would make each other really happy.” The blonde said, bumping her shoulder onto mine. We were having tea while sitting on the House of Wind’s balcony.
“I don’t know… Cassian is a good male, Mor, and I’m not the only one that sees this. I think I’m just afraid, perhaps. Or just too insecure.”
“About what?”
“Maybe I will not be enough for him. He can find someone better, that maybe would match his soul, and I’ll not be able to endure that kind of heartbreak.”
“That sentence is full of maybes. Do you even know how he looks at you?” She asked. “There’s love in his eyes. There’s love in his body language when he’s next to you, and love in every single word he says toward or about you even though ‘love’ is not one of them.” Mor placed my tea cup on the table next to her to hold both my hands with hers. “Don’t waste a chance of happiness just because you’re afraid.”
I felt aglow like this. Never before, and never since
After that talk, it did not take a lot of time for me to build the courage to phrase my feelings to him. And it was a surprise - at least to me - that he felt exactly the same.
If you know it in one glimpse, it’s legendary
“Did I ever tell you?” Cassian asked me some weeks after we started dating.
“What?” I closed my book to give him my full attention. My legs are still resting in his lap while we are on the couch.
“That I fell in love with you the day we met?” He gave me one of those grims.
“Like those teenage romance books?” I asked, mirroring his smile.
“Yeah. I think it was when one of Beron’s sons asked to dance with you but you said no, and you put him in his place when he tried to talk shit about you.”
“That would have started a war.” He both laugh.
“You are the most incredible female that I know.” His hand squeezed my calf, like he was reassuring his words. “You are smart and so strong. I’m really lucky to have you.”
You and I go from one kiss to getting married
Nervous was too little to what I was feeling at the moment. 
“Your entrance will be in 3 minutes.” Mor said before returning inside.
My hands were sweating, my stomach was hurting and I felt like throwing up. But I didn’t have time to overthink how anxious I was feeling, because within seconds the double doors opened.
It was a small wedding, only close friends invited. My eyes immediately searched for him, and he was beautiful as always.
In the middle of the entrance, my eyes met our friends, and I swear I saw Rhysand shed a tear but he will never admit it.
We both agreed to have a quick ceremony, not having enough patience for something too long or with too much bureaucracy. But the little time was enough for him to say things that will be marked in my heart to the rest of my life.
“People can say that the way that led us towards this moment roamed quite rapidly. But right here, on this day that will be remembered forever by both of us, even though we have hundreds of years after us, I promise to love you ‘till we are nothing more than dust traveling in the universe.”
I couldn’t control the river of tears that I cried hearing his vows. It didn’t take a long time for us to feel a burning sensation on our wrists. The image of a little firefly, so small that it could go unnoticed, but a forever sign to the biggest decision of our lives.
You said I’m the love of your life, about a million times
Our eternal happiness lasted the whole three years. Then Under the Mountain happened.
Who’s gonna tell me the truth when you blew in with the winds of fate?
“Cass, this is a lot for all of us. We’re all scared and worried, but I can’t help you ease your tension or worries if you don’t tell me how you’re feeling.” 
We were twenty years into Under the Mountain.
“And could you even understand?” He stormed out.
“I can try.” I answered ignoring how his words felt in my heart.
“Rhysand is my family. And he’s in such a dangerous situation that he prohibited us from reaching him. How could I not feel worried and angry?”
“I know, because I am worried too. But I’m also your family, and you can share with me how you’re feeling, you don’t have to carry this all by yourself. We don’t have to carry this all by ourselves.”
“If we were mates we didn’t have to. We would just feel.”
I couldn’t hide my hurt expression this time. Of course I knew that we were not mates, even though we had a beautiful relationship that everyone claimed would be a Mate one, it’s been almost thirty years that we’ve been together and no bond clicked.
“I’m sorry, that was rude.” His expression softened once he realized what he said. “We don’t have to be mates. It’s really rare after all, and we have a perfect relationship.” He hugged me and I had to hold back tears. “And most importantly, we love each other.”
When your impressionist paintings of heaven turned out to be fake?
Thirty years later we met Feyre.
And everything seemed to be perfectly fine, like the sun before a storm. And I wish my heart was only warning me about the war coming.
And all at once the ink bleeds
Cassian returned from Archeron's house a little air-headed. So I was trying to be really careful on how to approach him with questions about how it went.
“So, everything worked well?” I asked massaging his shoulders trying to ease the tension.
“Yeah, yeah. It was fine I guess, we sent the letter. Why?” His eyes were closed, voice soft.
“Nothing. You just returned, seeming a bit unsettled, so I thought something may have happened.”
I could feel his shoulders tense up again.
“Attor showed up there. I guess that just took us by surprise, but everything ended up fine, don’t worry, sweetheart.”
His response made total sense, so I tried to forget about it. It was a surprising threat, and a long trip flying back home, I thought.
But when we went to the Queens meeting, my heart felt a bit uncertain again.
There was something about how he looked at Nesta, a look that I could not translate. And also how he uncomfortably kept switching his weight to one leg for another everytime she was next to him or even just spoke.
She was certainly capable of saying some hateful words, so I was just thinking that maybe they had a wrong start. At least that was what I was trying to convince myself.
But I felt a hole, like this. Never before and ever since
“She is his mate isn’t she?” I asked Mor when we were alone.
I felt terrible by putting her against the wall, even more after everything that just happened in Hybern. But my heart was hurting too much for an answer.
Mor looked at me with wide eyes, trying to wrap her mind whether to tell me the truth or not.
“I saw the way you looked at her and then between both of them. And I think Cassian also knows, for Mother’s sake, I think already felt. So, please, tell me.”
“Yes… I believe so.”
I couldn’t feel my legs anymore. The hot tears fell down my face. And I wondered if the King’s power also didn’t affect the middle of my chest from how much pain I was feeling at the moment.
I didn’t see Mor kneeling besides me, didn’t feel her arms wrapping around my shoulders, and didn’t hear her comforting words trying to console me at my worst moment. All I felt was pain.
If you know it in one glimpse, it’s legendary. What we thought was for all time, was momentary.
The conversation with Cassian was nothing close to easy.
He admitted that he felt the bond the first time he saw her. And once she turned fae it only got stronger.
“Do you want to end things to try to pursue something with her?” It took me a while to be able to ask this. Not only because it hurts, but also ‘cause I couldn’t stop crying.
“No. Definitely not. We’ve been married for fifty four years, I’m not gonna just throw it all in the air. It will be hard to endure the feeling, yes, but we’ll keep our relationship. I love you, and that’s a forever promise.” He grabbed my wrist to caress his finger on the ink that sealed his vows.
Still alive, killing time at the cemetery. Never quite buried.
The next two years were not easy ones.
The plans we had for our future never made out of paper and conversations, because the whole situation never seemed to get better.
When Rhysand and Feyre announced that Nesta was coming to live with us, I felt like all the blood in my body freezed. Mor tried to help with the situation, proposing other ways to deal with her, since she was the only one to know, but her efforts had no success.
And once she started living with us, Cassian’s feelings got harder and harder to hide.
“Did you lose a bet with one of your brothers?” I asked one night. A smile already pulling up my lips at the thought of it.
“No, why?” He seemed confused.
“This one is new.” I traced my finger at the new ink on the end of his spine.
His whole demeanor changed when I said that. And he was quick with putting a shirt to sleep, a thing that he never does.
“What is it for?” I asked, scared for the answer.
“Nothing important.” He said going to bed. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”
You shit-talked me under the table. Talking rings and talking cradles. I wish I could unrecall how we almost had it all.
I quickly got up the couch in our room once Cassian opened the door.
“Hey, are you ok? Rhys told me that you three found a Kelpie, anyone got hurt?”
I rushed in his direction. My eyes scan his body for any scratch.
And then I felt the smell, like a slap in my face, making me stop in my tracks.
“No… No, you didn’t.” I started to go backwards. My vision started to get blurry with tears forming.
“I can explain.”
“Oh, yes.” I said with a sarcastic laugh. “Please explain to me why you had sex with another person while you’re married.”
“Don’t make this even harder for me.”
“Hard for you? Have you ever thought about how hard this situation is for me?” Tears were going down my face copiously. “I gave you an option, Cassian. Two years ago I asked if you would like to end things, for the sake of us both. And you said no, you said that we’ll keep going with our marriage, we had to try. But did you tried?
We had plans, Cass! It’s been fifty six years. We talked about buying our home, having kids! It’s been two years since you said for us to keep going but honestly we just stopped in our tracks.”
“Don’t do this to me. You know how much I wanted a family. You know how much I love you. But do you know how hard it is to fight this feeling? I feel like I’m going mad.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me? I made myself so open for you to seek your happiness, whether it was with me or not. But today you chose to cheat on me, and that hurts more than if you called to end things.”
Are they second-hand embarrassed that I can’t get off the bed? ‘Cause something counterfeit’s dead
It’s been three weeks since Nyx borned. 
With everything happening no one had time to process what happened properly. Rhys and Feyre immediately offered to let me stay in the River House with them. But I had to find my own way again, and after many days of not leaving my room, I was on my way towards the High Lord’s office.
“Hello, what a relief seeing your face again. How are you feeling?” He asked once I sat on the chair in front of his table.
“A bit better. Still a long way to go, though. How’s your almost a month of being a father?”
“It’s less tiring than doing this office work, I promise.” I laugh at his words, the first one in days. “But Feyre is definitely more tired than me, I try to help her all I can.”
“I came to say goodbye. It’s time for me to go to my own place, I’ll see Feyre after this.”
“Did you find a place in the city? We told you that you could have the Town House.”
“I actually decided to go back to Day Court. I already talked with Helion.” I said and  a shocked expression appeared on Rhysand’s face.
“If you think we’ll pick a side and that you’re not welcome here, you’re completely wrong. You are part of this family.” He says with a serious face.
“It’s nothing of that. I just think that I need some space and time to clear my mind of everything. I’m so grateful for all of you, but I need to do this for myself. I’ll be available for any help you need, though.”
It was legendary. It was momentary. It was unnecessary. Should’ve let it stay buried
Mor wanted us to have our last drink at Rita’s together. So here we are, at one of the tables with our drink in our hands.
“It surprises me that the vows mark stay there.” She said looking at my wrist. I look at it too.
“Love can come in different ways, and he didn’t specify.” We both laugh.
“I don’t think he’ll ever stop loving you.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving him either.”
“I’m sorry.” She said and I gave her a confused look. “You were right all those years ago, about him finding a soul match.”
“Unfortunately, I was.”
“Why a firefly?”
“I always asked myself this. But now with the outcome, I think it makes sense. Wanna know a fact about fireflies? They only live about 56 days. And our marriage lasted 56 years.”
Oh, what a valiant roar. What a bland goodbye
“Hi.” I said when I saw Cassian make the corner of the living room. “I’ll be quick. Just didn’t want to go without saying goodbye.”
“Go?” His brows scrunched.
“I’ll go back to Day Court.”
“You don’t have to.” He says surprised. His body came closer like he was ready to stop me.
“I know. I want to. I’ll visit after some time, I have to see Nyx growing up afterall.”
“You have to see everyone. We’re your family.”
I’m combing through the braids of lies. I’ll never leave, nevermind
I was back in Velaris after a whole year. It wasn’t in my plans to stay away for this long. But I really needed the time.
It was Nyx’s birthday party, and I was slightly surprised that the High Lord made it only for the family. I was expecting for the most pampered baby in Prythian to have a whole festival for his first birthday, but his parents clearly had other plans.
“I loved your hair.” I heard someone beside me, and found Elain sitting on the chair next to me in the garden. “You fit the short hair really well.”
“Thanks, I had to cut it. Hair holds memories.” She only smiled at my answer and we kept observing everyone in silence.
“Did Cassian always have been good with kids?” She asked, looking at him playing with Nyx.
“Yeah, he always dreamed of having kids.”
“Well good thing his dreams are coming true, then.”
“I’m sorry?”
She looks at me wide eyed, like she just told the Night Court highest secret.
“You didn’t know? Nesta's pregnant.”
My world spinned for a moment. When I really thought I was over it. Will I ever get over it?
“If you excuse me.” I gave her a fake smile and got up to get inside.
Feyre and Mor must have seen me, because they walked behind me right after I entered the house.
“You didn’t tell me.” I turn to both of them.
“Would you come if we did?” Feyre asked and I couldn’t answer.
“I just… I thought it didn’t hurt anymore.” I started crying. And Mother, how I started hating seeming so vulnerable. “I really need to get over it.”
I felt them both hugging me. A warmth passing from their heart to mine.
“No one expects you to get over more than half a century of memories in such little time.” Mor says.
Our field of dreams engulfed in fire
“Do you think I’ll be able to find something like this again?” I ask but cut them in the middle of their thoughts. “Don’t answer, I’m scared of what it will be.”
The only thing they could do was hug me harder and stay there with me for the whole ten minutes that allowed me to have a weak mind.
And I still see it, until I die. You’re the loss of my life.
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deadghosy · 13 hours
Requested by @lovely-star
A/N: I recommend listening to the song to get that vibe 💕
Warning: the classic lore
Ft. The riddles, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, && Lorenzo Berkshire
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Tom Riddle
Tom, being the future dark lord soon. Was in love with how dark and beautiful you were. The way your low eyes held power, you were perfect in Slytherin.
Your cackle, your power, it satisfied him to the deepest. He knew he had to court you, make you his bride. Make you his.
And when he did make you his, you smiled that crooked smile that made him smile. His charming grin matching yours.
It was a match made in the wizarding world.
Or a dark match made in the world itself.
Mattheo Riddle
You were strange in his opinion. Most people called you “strange girl” because of how strange and deranged you were.
But Mattheo riddle liked a bit of danger in his life. So he took the chance to know you and it hit off perfectly. He soon learned that your magic abilities were more different than the others.
It was dark. Pure dark energy coming from you every time you used your wand. He felt a pull towards you and your beauty. Your low eyes and smile that seem to held an alluring expression just made his heart swell.
He couldn’t believe that you were soon his girlfriend.
Draco Malfoy
Honestly was scared of you because you reminded him of “someone”. But he couldn’t help but love for how you treated him differently than others.
You could read him like a book, read him as if you were seeing his soul. He hated how you got involved mostly. Making you also a death eater. But you still didn’t break your beautiful crooked smile. And he was just glad he didn’t have to kill you
Now you two were stuck together in this mess.
Theodore Nott
With you two, almost half of Hogwarts is in-love with you both.
You two are literally the most beautiful couple together. Some people want to be you, or be him. They can’t decide. It’s terrible.
Your dark and mysterious beauty makes him melt a bit at how hot you are when putting someone in their place.
Sometimes he can’t handle your dark humor…but that’s okay. He can fix you 🙋‍♀️
Lorenzo Berkshire
“I can fix her.”
Literally says that as you’re bullying someone while looking like the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world.
And surprisingly he did fix you, you stopped being a mean girl towards others and only laughed at things you see from afar that are kinda unsettling.
Hogwarts is shocked to see the dark witch smile warmly like the bright evening sun towards the Slytherin boy who changed her.
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ghostbustting · 1 day
it’s amazing and i enjoyed every word i read in it.😭
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╰┈➤“𝑷𝑰𝑪𝑻𝑼𝑹𝑬 𝑼𝑺„ ๋࣭⭑
The second part of 𝑻𝑨𝑲𝑬 𝑨 𝑷𝑰𝑪
90s!James Hetfield x Reader
Contains Smut.
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The lingering encounter with James Hetfield that night before his concert kept me up and awake almost every night, the printed pictures I kept, as James told me to do, an evidence of the filthy things we did on that couch. An evidence of how a frontman of a metal band was able to make me lose my self respect and dignity. Turning the old decent me to someone with such dirty thoughts every lonely night.
The way he held me, the way he felt in me, the way he kissed me, the way he talked to me.. every single thing he did to me that night burned a hole in my brain in order to fill that hole with that exact memory.
How I’d go through those pictures of me whenever I couldn’t sleep at night while I yearn for him is surely something I found shameless for me that I have to keep to myself.
His face, his voice, his touch.. oh what more can I wish for than to see him again? I can’t help but wonder if this even meant anything to him but meaningless sex with a random photographer.
I’d go through my days, walking down to street only to find people wearing Metallica t-shirts, posters of him on random walls, his music blaring from some bar. Everything just forced me to remember him.
Even at work, my colleagues wouldn’t stop praising me for being able to meet all four members of Metallica in person. If only they knew what happened between me and one of those members that night.
Another thing that bugged me was the fact that there’s still one last thing he asked of me that I have not done; to go to his next concert and give him the copies of the pictures.
Each time his requests linger in my mind, I feel a pang of nervousness in my heart, knowing my full schedule of work had prevent me to fulfill what he wanted me to do, not having enough free time and so less money to even buy a ticket if I had time. It felt like I had completely lose the chance of meeting him once again and giving him those pictures that could’ve made him remember our encounter forever.
It’s a thought I start to think of daily.
That fact also made me remember what I am, just a lucky new photographer that was sent to take innocent pictures in the backstage of Metallica’s show. Being able to be touched and acknowledged by James Hetfield that way should be more than enough luck for me.
I should be grateful.
But at the same time, it’s him.
How can one not be greedy when it’s James Hetfield?
At first, I don’t believe nor understand how girls could easily fall to their knees just by the sight of him from a piece of paper or the sound of him from the radio. I thought he was just another rock star with a bunch of groupies. I was wrong, apparently. That man just knows his ways around women.
His presence onstage and offstage can both make you pay full attention to him, he was.. a totally interesting person. Even besides the sex we had.
It was the frontman effect I suppose, always being able to catch people’s attention.
Then, as if fate have finally went my way, my manager decided to send me to yet again another Metallica concert to take more pictures of the band and the show. Words cannot express how much I wanted to jump up and down and spin around and roll around the ground out of excitement that day. I couldn’t count how many people thought I was a mad woman walking down the streets with a smile that wide, cheeks red.
My heart never stopped beating loudly whenever I think about meeting Hetfield in person again, no matter whether he decided to play with me again or forgotten about me. I just yearn to see those blue eyes of his in person once again. To make him see me again. To make him acknowledge me again. Even if he forget me, at least I’ll please myself by doing enough such as observing in the sight of that beautiful man.
This time, they sent me with a partner again— and unfortunately, he was well and healthy, meaning I had to go through this with him trailing around with me together. Though it means easier work process, it also gave me a small lost of hope for having a private encounter with Hetfield again. That is if it’s even possible in the first place.
That night, my partner, Stan and I walk into the backstage together, this time we were told to go after the show instead of before the show. Yet the situation is no different, still the same busy backstage of a Metallica concert.
“Just.. act professional but keep it totally casual, ‘kay?” I spoke to him, he had an stupid nervous expression on his face as he nods that made me cringe to myself, he was also a new photographer, a little younger than me even. He’s kind of a wimp, always making me do all the fucking talking. But eh it’s his first time meeting one of the biggest metal bands.
I walk ahead of him, practically leading his slow and unsure steps even though I barely know this place, I just continue to walk down the hallway. Cause as they say, keep moving forward.. right?
And as I thought in my theory, we came across a door with the band’s name on it, apparently all in the same dressing room this time. “Is that it?” Stan asked behind me in a shocked whisper.
I roll my eyes a little and chuckle nervously at his dorky reaction, trying to act like this shit is normal to me. Meanwhile, my mind cannot stop thinking about James and the pictures he asked me for that I had brought in my bag. “Professional, right?” I say, almost to myself more than to him.
“Okay, let’s do this…” I mutter with a sigh as I slowly place my hand on the handle, pulling it down with a tongue click as I slowly push the door open.
Just as I did, oh guess just who showed up in front of the door?
James stood there, a stupid smirk was on his face— yeah, that typical James Hetfield smirk, his sweat visible through his black top, yet another beer in his hand. His eyebrows raised and his smirk faltered a little when he saw me, quite obviously surprised to see me here.
Our eyes meet, not a single one of us able to utter out a word as we’re still phased by this sudden reunition. He blinked a couple times before taking the sight of me in, “..You.”
My own eyes widened a little, before I clear my throat and speak as well. “Hi. We’re uh.. here to take pictures for the papers..?” My fingers fiddle with the strap of my rucksack. I can only hope he doesn’t have any super hearing ability. Cause then he’d be able to hear the sweat trickling down the back of my neck, the small breaths I let out nervously, or how embarrassingly fast my heart beats.
Then, his smirk returns and he move aside. “Right. Step right in, sweets.” He say, calling me with that damn nickname again that I haven’t been able to shoo out of my head ever since our last encounter, the way he called me ‘Sweets’ or ‘Sweetheart’ scratching a part of my brain that I surely cannot reach.
Stan and I then enter the room, finding the other three scattered around, some groupies sitting on the couch with them. Drummer Lars Ulrich looked up and grinned when he saw me, “The pretty one’s back, huh?” He asked James, who was walking behind me.
“She’s here to collect hot pictures of us again for her lonely nights, aren’t ya?” James chuckle, walking by me with a secret pat to my ass, something the others couldn’t see.
Jason Newsted turned his eyes towards Stan, raising an eyebrow. “And who’s this dude?” He snickered with Lars, meanwhile Kirk Hammett only chuckled a little.
I turn to Stan, sighing when I found him frozen in his spot, eyes wide and hands trembling a little. I clear my throat and gently place a hand on Stan’s back, “This is Stan, he’s my um.. partner.” I introduced him slowly.
I feel a lump in my throat when I feel a pair of eyes staring at me beside me. There’s only one member that isn’t sitting on that couch, and by this time I’m pretty sure I can recognize his gaze, having thoughts about it once too many times before.
Taking deep breaths, I turn to Stan, smiling a little. “Remember, professional. One hundred percent professional.” I say to him, even though I really should be concerning about myself when I say that.
Stan and I then start to take pictures of the guys, Stan focusing on Lars and Kirk while I focus on James and Jason, feeling James’ eyes on me the entire time I take the pictures for Jason first, almost too obvious to avoid. I can hear him sigh every now and then, especially when I kept laughing and telling Jason to put his chin down since he wont stop putting it up.
After awhile, I move on to James, feeling a little nervous for some reason.
While I take the pictures of him, he took a big sip of his beer, making my photography look completely candid. I try to act casual about the way he gaze at me, trying to do my job professionally. He was quiet and easy to deal with, judging from how Stan is struggling with the drummer and guitarist over there.
That’s when he spoke up, “So.. took you damn long enough.” He said.
I look up with a raised eyebrow, “Sorry?”
He chuckle and run a hand through his gorgeous hair, he looked at the others first before continuing, finding them occupied with Stan and the groupies. “It’s been weeks. Have you forgotten about what I told you to do?” He ask, his voice a little lower now.
Clearing my throat, I look away a little. I thought about my answer, looking up to make sure the others are still too busy to notice the proximity between James and I. I shake my head and reach my hand into my bag, “I.. No, I’ve got the—”
“Not here, sweetheart.”
I look up at him with confusion and surprise as my hand pauses, “What do you mean?” I ask slowly, feeling quite unsure of what he mean by that. It’s not like the others will notice it, right?
He look at me with that stupid fucking smirk again that he surely gave to all of the thousand girls he had underneath him before me, “Come with me.” He whisper with a spark of excitement in his voice, “My hotel’s right around the corner.”
My eyes widen and I swallow the lump in my throat, I glance at the others once again. “But they—” James’ hand took my jaw gently and turned my head back towards him.
“They wont give a fuck.” He smirk and took advantage of my statue-like state, taking my hand and grabbing his jacket.
He slowly slip through the room’s door and took me with him, making our way towards the exit. “James!” I whisper-yelled, finding this risky and too obvious. I wouldn’t want Stan to tell anyone that James Hetfield took me back to his hotel room.
“Don’t worry, just a little adventure.” He winked to me.
My mind was racing with thoughts of what’s going on, why he needed to take me out of here, what his plan was. But the fact that it’s just us.. going to his hotel room.. already made me feel like I’m gonna pass out.
He took us into a cab. My hand in his the entire time is something that made me feel so warm and excited, his thumb tracing circles on the back of my hand.
I look up at him, only to find him completely chilled and looking out the window like this is a regular thing for him to do. Perhaps it is. He probably fucked a girl before the show anyways.
The ride seems to take so long despite him saying the hotel was just around the corner, his hold on my hand seems to tighten while not even gazing my way, my heart seems to explode in any minutes now with how nervous he make me even just by sitting close to him and holding his hand.
When we stop in front of the hotel, he wasted no time with paying the driver and opening the door. Rushing us out and into the big hotel, careful for any lurking fans or paparazzi around us.
It went so fast.
Everything went so fast.
Too fast, perhaps?
Cause even after zoning out just a bit, the next thing I know I was pushed into his hotel room and pinned against the closed door behind me, one of his hand beside my head while the other on my waist.
The position we’re in reminds me too much of when we first met, the same way he pinned me against the door of his dressing room, the way his bigger figure towers over me, his eyes so mesmerizing you won’t even think of looking away.
He was silent, somehow. His face slightly leaning down, close to my neck. I can smell the faint scent of beer from his breath and the cologne he wore mixed with some of his after-show sweat.
My breath hitched when he squeezed my hip and press a kiss on my neck, his beard giving a slight tickle to my skin. I feel the warmth of his tongue gently glide on my skin, dampening a spot on my neck.
Trembling a little, my hands reach up and hold his shoulder, squirming a little as he starts to violate my neck, sucking and nibbling on the skin now.
My soft sighs fills his ear as he focus on marking my neck, licking each freshly marked spot to make them hurt less.
He groaned into my hair, pulling me close and grinding the rock hard bulge on his pants against me, “What took you so long to visit me again, baby? I thought we made a deal..” He grumbled, both his hands on my hips now as he continue his attempts to grind on my body.
I whimper and run a hand through his hair, gripping the strands lightly. “I.. I was busy..” I spoke in a small voice, trying to keep my voice steady.
“Right..” He chuckled, as if he doesn’t believe me.
Suddenly, he hold me still by my waist and lift me up, carrying me all the way to the tidied up hotel bed. “Strip. You’re a big girl, do it yourself.” He commanded, the sternness in his voice surprising me a little. “And give me that.” He grabbed my bag and yanked it away from me.
Knowing better than to disobey him, I sit up on the edge of the bed and slowly begin to discard every piece of fabric that covers my skin away from him. I didn’t know what he was doing with my bag, but I didn’t really care. I feel some sort of trust towards him, strangely enough.
By the time I take off my last piece of clothing, which is my panties, I feel the mattress behind me sinking down as James’ weight joins mine on the bed, his body completely bare as well.
I turn around and find him sitting with his legs spread out, his hard cock standing proudly with precum dripping out of his red swollen tip. He was leaning on the pillows, smirking at me as he hold one of the pictures I printed from our last session in his hand.
Raising an eyebrow with a small blush on both my cheeks, I slowly crawl up the bed and beside him. I watch as he took his cock in one of his big hands, pumping it up and down as he look through the printed pictures.
“Fuck, sweetheart..” He grunted out as he work on himself.
I sat there like an idiot, not knowing what to do. My eyes are completely hallucinated by the sight of his hand gripping and jerking off his cock. He must’ve noticed my eyes, cause then he chuckled and smirk at me. “Like what you’re seeing?”
I watch as he continue to masturbate to the filthy pictures in his hands, I can feel my bare pussy aching at the thought of having him inside me again, pressing my thighs together as I slowly nod, looking almost shameful for it.
He beckoned for me to come closer with his fingers, “Come here, sweet girl.”
Slowly, I start crawling closer, my eyes still intrigued by his cock. It’s been weeks since I’ve seen it in person, nights I’ve spent yearning for it to fill me up, looking at it through the picture of me sucking it wasn’t enough. I needed to feel it in person.
With me taking too long to come closer, he took his hand off his cock and grabbed me by my hips, positioning me with such ease to sit on his mouth, facing the rest of his body. He was manhandling me like I knew he would tonight. How I love feeling those big hands on me.
I gasp when I was introduced to the warmth and wetness of his tongue again, this time licking up and sucking on my aching cunt. I moan with pleasure, “James!” My hand clasped onto my mouth as the absolute lust controlled over me. “F-fuck..!”
His hand grabbed my arm tightly and pulled my hand off my mouth. To my surprise, he led it down towards his twitching cock, leading me to wrap my palm around it and move my hand up and down his shaft. “Keep going..” He murmured.
I can feel his voice and groan vibrate against my pussy as I willingly move my hand up and down him, all while whimpering and squirming on top of his mouth, his tongue won’t stop devouring me, his lips practically making out with my clit.
Heavy breaths are all I can make out with small vulnerable “James..” ’s. We just started yet I already feel like crumbling into pieces right on his magician of a tongue.
Forcing myself to lean forward over his body, I stretch myself enough for my mouth to be able to reach the tip of his cock, sliding it past my lips and into my mouth, causing another groan to vibrate up me from his mouth.
Time seems to stop.
Innocence turns into impurity.
Hesitance turns into addiction.
Admiration turns into obsession.
All that I can ever think of at this moment is how his tongue slides up and down my soaking cunt and diving past the folds, making me lose my mind while I try to continue bobbing my head up and down his girth, almost choking.
But I couldn’t care less if I choke. It felt good. He felt right in my mouth. And suddenly it was my mission to please him as much as he pleased me. To make him addicted to my touches like I am to his.
And it seemed to work.
Cause then he grabbed my hips and pull on my ass even more, pressing me down onto his face as his tongue discover me even deeper. His hands starts travelling up to my chest and grope my breasts and every single flesh he can squeeze, his own hips thrusting up into my mouth.
I pull back from his cock to let out the loudest moan I’ve ever let out in my entire life, coming down from my high right on his cock, feeling him drink all my juices up as if he’s been in Sahara the whole time. “Ah..! Shit..!” I gasp, grinding back and forth on his face before lifting my hips up to let him breathe.
That’s when white streaks of his own cum starts to shoot up to my face, I hear him groan even more as his cock twitches and slowly soften again.
I get off him and take deep breaths as I lightly touch my face, scooping up some of his cum with my finger. I desperately suck on that finger, needing to taste him.
James sat up and gently hold my chin as I suck on the cum on my finger, my eyes look up at him. He groans at the sight and push my finger aside so he can kiss me passionately, holding my face in his hand.
Pulling away, he rest his forehead on mine. “You know, I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He confessed, grinning. “Didn’t even fuck a single girl these weeks, waiting for you.”
I hum and sigh, trying to catch my breath as he wipe the rest of his cum off my face using a piece of clothing laying around. “Is.. Is that so?” I ask in pure disbelief. I didn’t even expect him to remember me. Let alone thinking about me and waiting for me all these weeks.
“Yes, you.. you intrigue me, sweetheart.” I close my eyes when the back of his hand caress my cheek, “So I’m just saying..” He grin widely before covering my eyes with his hands, making me smile and giggle. “Picture us.. going around this shitty town tomorrow.. just the two of us. I’ll take you wherever you want.” He press a light kiss on my lips.
With his hands still covering my eyes, I grin and hum, pretending to think about it. “..alright.”
My vision then return when he pull his hand back, smiling widely like a teenager that just asked out his crush. “Alright?” He repeated, to which I chuckle and nod at. “Alright!” He whisper-yelled to himself in celebration.
I laugh softly, who knew James Hetfield was such a dork? But god, just thinking of where this might lead fills my heart with a new emotion. It feels warm, almost comforting, seeing him smile genuinely and not one of those cheesy Hetfield smirks.
When I tried to stand up, he suddenly pull me back down and wrap his arms around me. “I didn’t remember saying we’re done for the night..” He whisper in my ear.
God, this man..
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honourablejester · 2 days
One thing I’ve never understood about D&D druids is how they’re so often imagined as stationary. They’re found ‘guarding sacred sites or watching over regions of unspoiled nature’. And, I know. This is mainly because of the imagery and popular imagination around sites like Stonehenge. But.
If I had the druid spell list? I would take Create Bonfire, and I would take Goodberry, and I would take Create or Destroy Water, and I would pack up a sleeping bag, and I would just start walking. Where? Everywhere! What’s down that road? What’s over that hill? What’s up this river? What’s past this forest? What’s over those dunes? Let’s go see! I can’t starve. I can’t parch. I can’t freeze. I can go forever. So I’m gonna.
Honestly, the druid should be the picture of the wandering vagabond. They have everything they need. You can just walk and keep walking, wherever the wanderlust takes you. You wanna go across an ocean? You can make drinking water. Ships should pay to carry you. You wanna go across a desert? A baby druid with one level and 2 measly spell slots under their belt can still make food and a gallon of water a day for 10 people. Druids should be the explorers, the navigators, the pathfinders. They can travel endlessly, without hurting that which they pass through, the very picture of ‘leave nothing but your footprints’. They can walk the earth, stopping here or there along the way to help where they need to help, and fight what they need to fight, and then they can move on again.
Yes, some druids get tired and settle down. Circles are formed, and that’s how baby druids get their starts, finding a circle. And some areas do need a permanent circle to defend or watch over them. But I do think there should be more of a picture, more of an image, more of an option, for the druid as the wanderer, the rover, the vagabond. A pocket full of berries and a wave of a hand for some rain. Just head out and follow your feet. What could stop you?
(Particularly the Stars druid, my beloved. Could there be a better picture of a navigator? That’s where a Stars druid belongs, at the prow of a ship, or guiding their people across trackless dunes, or carrying news across vast ice fields under an endless polar night to keep tiny isolated hamlets connected. Follow the stars, follow your feet. Yes, accomplish things in the process, but the journey itself is also enough. Just walk. Go. The stars will guide you).
Sorry. In real life, so often, I just really want to see what’s down that road, or over that hill. And, like. As a druid you could just go. You have all you need from a standing start. Well. You’ll have to get clothes and good boots and shit, but you can totally feed and water yourself for completely free and regardless of natural resources out there.
More druid wanderers, is my point here. Yes, still some druids guarding henges and forests, but more druids just walking about, poking their noses into things. There is no better spell list to indulge your wanderlust and curiosity. And that’s without getting into wildshape and the eventual ability to explore under the oceans and into the air. There’s a whole world full of nature. You don’t have to tie yourself to one little bit, unless you want to.
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There has been a reoccurring theme with N that is really bothering me. I keep seeing comments and posts about how unbothered N must be with all of L and A's shenanigans. How she is booked and busy. How she's too smart, mature, accomplished to be let down by some guy.
But I also can guarantee that she is hurt. She's not made of iron. It was obvious that she fell in love with L. Regardless if she was the one who placed the boundary to not get into a relationship, doesn't dismiss her feelings. I can imagine her heart break over L's actions and A's presence. How let down she must feel to see them together even if she may have encouraged it.
I don't believe she is jealous but I do believe she is hurt. That's why she's been so quiet. Booked and busy, sure. But your heart doesn't care what you busy yourself with. The heart ache will find it's way to demand attention one way or another.
And as much as I want L and N to be together. There needs to be growth and change, particularly on his side. He needs to be OK with being his honest self and not what he thinks a movie star should be like. Drop the lame friends that are keeping him down and go back to the cinnamon roll loving soft boy.
And N needs to soften her heart enough to realize that love is great and risky. But it's so worth it.
Ugh, my heart aches for the both of them. To have love and then lose it is one of life's hardest challenges. It'll wreck you.
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ominus-potato · 3 days
I'm sorry if I sound a bit ignorant/oblivious/rude but what caused the Mr. Puzzles X Mario ship? I see it everywhere and the art is adorable but I don't know what started it? Was it a specific scene? Some dialogue I missed? Or is it a crack ship?
(once again I'm sorry if any of this sounds rude whatsoever, I'm bad at wording things)
Not rude at all dude! Thanks for asking!
For me (and for most people in assuming) ig Marware started as a crackship since it’s really funny to imagine the big bad Mr Puzzles ended up swooning for the dumbass Italian that is Mario.
It’s also playing on the dynamic of smart logical character x the biggest idiot you can imagine. They are complete polar opposites in terms of design, personality, body type, height, brains, EVERYTHING!! They are complete opposites of one another. So ofc they gotta be shipper. Also, it’s great potential for funny moments and I just love making funny comics!
In terms of actual scenes, there is this scene from “no tv makes Mario go coo coo crazy” where he gives CPR to Mr Puzzles and clings to his face, calling him “Mi Amour” which translates to “My Love”. Mario even is willing to kill his own brother so that Mr Puzzles comes back to life. Ofc, Mario was being dramatic and didn’t actually KNOW it was a live person he was saying that to but it’s worth noting.
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In terms of actual shipping material, I like to imagine that whilst Mario spend hours and hours watching TV (Mr Puzzles) alone, Puzzles eventually grew to appreciate his time with the Italian. He was the only person who truly loved all of his shows no matter how stupid they were. Mario is too dumb to form an opinion on a TV show so to him, all of Puzzlevision was worth 5 stars. In fanon, I think that would have meant a lot to Mr Puzzles and he would have then developed feelings for Mario that way.
Of course, he would get infuriated by Mario at times, especially when he was messing with his ratings. But despite constantly screwing up his 5 stars, Mr Puzzles kept putting Mario as a lead role in every single one of his productions. I dunno about you but Mr Puzzles to me seems smart enough to know that if a character is screwing up his ratings, he shouldn’t recast him. Yet he did. Every single time.
Let’s not forget that Mario absolutely loves TV. He doesn’t care about how evil the TV is. When he was chasing down Mr Puzzles, it was purely because he wanted to watch more TV. He wasn’t trying to save his friends in the beginning because he didn’t even realise they were in danger. And once everyone was safe, the very first thing Mario did was go and watch TV.
Since Mario can be such a nuisance, I love to imagine their interactions just being Mario bothering Mr Puzzles and him being unable to say no to him because deep down he knows he loves him. It’s playing into Mr Puzzles being such a pathetic villain that even the dumbest meme we of the crew can handle him easily.
He’s just an evil genius who loves his dumbass Mario 🥰
Anyway yeah! That’s more or less everything. It’s mostly a crackship but to me, I genuinely love it and it may possibly be my favourite SMG4 ship. Thank you for reading!! Take these Marware screenshots on your way out.
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slowlysoluminary · 2 days
Still working on that chapter. Don't worry, it's coming along! Yesterday i was trapped at a party for 10 hours and, being the introvert i am, decided to take a break from drawing for an animatic by trying to draw for this au instead. don't know why i didn't just do artfight lol
Notes and details under the cut
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sooooo howsabout postgame content?
the original post talking about postgame can be found here but it doesn't go into too much detail
So post-game resetfrin and gloop. they go with the party, kinda like a lot of twohats aus? resetfrin goes with the party because they know mirabelle and kinda know isabeau from when he would get apprenticed by the king (long story), but also because resetfrin acted so much like the old siffrin they used to know that it felt odd to leave him behind.
gloop, however, WAS the old siffrin! the party knows this, they found it out in the last loop, and they've formed such a bond with them that it's as natural as it is in the original game. the only issue is: gloop has changed SO much. physically, mentally, even a pronoun change - the party wants to help her out, but they want to explore who this New Siffrin is, too. Isn't it ironic that the new addition is the one you know far more of than the old addition?
resetfrin stays siffrin because... uh. because he's always been siffrin? there's no conflict there. gloop, after getting their memory back, ALSO goes back to siffrin, because that's who they really are and they acknowledge that loop is their own person. they don't want to be reminded of their time as gloop, either.
so... they're both Siffrin. And they're both technically the same person. do you see the issue?? the two of them didn't. the party did.
there's a comic I'm thinking about making to explore the processes and conversation that happened to initiate the name changes. the long and short of it is they can't BOTH be siffrin, but neither of them want to be siffrin if the other one can't also be siffrin, so they go on separate journeys to find a new name. they come back together with the party afterwords and they both ended up picking the same name so it's back to square one.
they talk to the party the second time and after a lot of brainstorming land on Orion for resetfrin and Lux for gloop. it helps the party distinguish between them and helps me establish the difference between postgame content and in-game content
(plug moment but these names were suggested by @the-bitter-ocean who gave me like. a whole list of things i could choose from. oh the life saver. i didn't even think about what names they would've picked until xe helped. and ohhh theyre so good. he also has some amazing aus including a miraloops au that you should go check out. pretty please)
the hair thing is SUPER IMPORTANT i originally only did it because they needed a way to separate themselves from eachother, but i realized they would also have done it to separate themselves from the old people they used to be. very poetic. 10/10 thank you brain for the excuse
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the colors for orion's alt outfits are just a limited color pallete, they're not actually the colors afaik. (<- says the creator) but Lux's colors are 100% the colors, yes. their star body is different from loop's, where loop's body is solid black and lux's seems to glow on it's own. do you see where the name lux came from.
it's really dysphoric. imagine being turned into a ghost against your will and losing your memories, and them after gaining your memories back you turn into a completely different body AGAIN and it's STILL not the original body you had. i would cry.
gloop/lux's eye is still blind. even as a ghost they lacked depth perception. L. since resetfrin wasn't with the party to lose his eye they don't have any vision impairment
actually, about that. funny little thing. if siffrin wasn't there to protect bonnie, who did? haha hehe. hey why does odile have her arm in a cast...
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okay i got a lot of questions about it so i double-checked on the original post and. yeah it DOES say the king's name. both in the text and on the image. but you'd be forgiven for missing it because it's pretty small on the image and there's a lot of text to read through
anyway pre-madness king's name is Lazare!! he originally looks like the lithe dude on the left. he's scholar-ish, came to vaugarde on vacation before losing his memory, yadda yadda... a lot of his information is on the original post so I won't repeat anything that's already been said
he picked Lazare a few days after losing his memory. he never told his name to anyone in the town he was staying so all he got was "travelling one" and he really genuinely thought that was his name for a hot second until he realized that Vaugarde really likes adding -one to titles
i made his hair curlier! after drawing the king for the chapter cg i realized i did NOT makw his hair curly enough when drawing Lazare. his hair type is almost exactly mine, though mine has more define curls, so drawing it is a BLAST!!
Defender arc Lazare! He bulked himself up to come off more physically and mentally strong. is this a trans allegory? is the King trans or was the body craft just to match his perception of himself? not sure. At this point in time he's already travelled with siffrin for a bit so i like to think he's a teensy bit protective. somewhere between friend snd father figure. cool guy
you know who's not cool? this guy vvv
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this is where the King becomes the King :3 his hair is OBNOXIOUSLY long, almost rapunzel-like but nowhere near as bad. it always covers one eye but it doesn't really matter which one.
the crown happens like... VERY shortly before he makes the wish and starts freezing people in time. hes lonely and isolated and its something like coping with his delusions about everyone being out to get him
that's not the way he thought in the original loop, but after the reset his descent is much faster and harder than the last. when Siffrin starts climbing the tower, yearning becomes animosity as he thinks Siffrin finally betrayed him like he "always knew they would." or something.
hey 16yo sif jumpscare!!! wasn't he on the original post too?
anyway!!! that's it! that's all! i swear it's all. inevitably I'll have to make gloop and resetfrin full references but I'm happy with the ones i drew in the original post which I'll probably end up pointing people to if they want to draw either of them. the king was the one i worried about most because he's so different from canon, and same goes for the postgame designs. even coming up with new names was worrying because they're practically not even the same person from canon anymore
but that's the fun thing with aus, isn't it? lol
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palmtreepalmtree · 2 days
Alright, everyone. This probably will not be a long one because... oof... but without further ado, this is...
Today, I am pleased to present A Family Affair, starring Nicole Kidman, Zac Efron, and Joey King.
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The premise for this very questionable movie is that Zara (King) is a personal assistant to the man-child movie star, Chris (Efron), and is horrified when her widowed mother, Brooke (Kidman) starts sleeping with him.
There's so much that's wrong with this movie, it's hard to figure out where to begin. I've watched it twice now to try to put my finger on the problem. The biggest issue here is that none of this feels particularly real -- definitely not King's acting, Efron's character, and least of all Kidman's wig.
Even after watching this movie twice, I found myself spending way too much time trying to do some mental math in the middle to make everyone's ages make sense. Especially when they threw in Kathy Bates as Kidman's mother-in-law. Like... I think it works???
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But it's fucking distracting.
The movie never meaningfully addresses the age gap between Kidman and Efron. On the one hand, sure. They wouldn't touch it if the genders were reversed. But that also feels disingenuous since Efron's character is hounded by paparazzi. You're telling me this schmuck who obsesses about his brand as an actor never has a single moment of insecurity about dating an older woman!?!?!? PLEASE.
It feels at times like this movie is a fantasy every which way you look at it, except for in the way that matters. As a viewer, I want to get swept up in the fantasy -- what if I had a meet-cute with a movie star!? What if I was a published novelist, with beachfront property in Malibu, and an entire closet of couture dresses that Vogue sent me and that could fit me?! What if I could afford a luxury SUV on an assistant's salary?!? What if Big Bear actually looked like that in the snow!?
The thing is, all of this falls so flat, you can't get lost in it as a viewer. And it's not funny or charming enough to keep you interested in the story or get you invested in the relationships.
I regret to inform you there's not a single likeable character in this movie. The Zac Efron movie star feels like it was written from the whispers of disgruntled assistants. It's just TOO AWFUL. And while at times it can be funny, it's hard to believe that Nicole's character could ever fall for him.
Look, I don't know if you know this, but movie stars, especially ones who mostly get by on looks, are VERY CHARMING. This is part of how they get cast. But in this movie, we never see this motherfucker be charming. Not even once.
Joey's character is probably right for objecting so hard to this relationship, but she spends so much of the movie just screaming about things, it's really fucking hard to be rooting for her. Also, she's obviously a rich kid. Like MALIBU RICH.
And Nicole... like... I have so many questions... like... look I hate that this is where we're at with things, but there's something uncanny valley about her face and her hair through the whole movie. It's kinda hard to watch her or feel anything for her. That must be a wig. It must be. And it's just so awful the whole time. This is such a far-cry from how she looked in Big Little Lies. WHAT HAPPENED.
Look, the biggest issue here is that this movie gets wrong all of the things that The Idea of You got right. Where A Family Affair ignores the age gap, The Idea of You wrestles with it as a central part of its plot. While A Family Affair dresses Nicole in horribly unattractive clothes, The Idea of You puts Anne Hathaway in a stunning, sexy wardrobe.
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While both films present fantasy lives for their leading ladies (a novelist and an art gallery owner), The Idea of You seems somehow more real and thus attainable as fantasy (a craftsman house in Silverlake as opposed to a beachfront mansion in Malibu). While A Family Affair alludes to sex and romance, it doesn't have even a hint of the sex appeal and romance of The Idea of You. It's never even clear what Nicole's character sees in Zac's, beyond his body, even once the relationship has begun to carry on and clearly affect her emotionally.
In many ways, these films are mirrors of each other. Neither of these are perfect movies, and they share a lot of similar story beats and themes: the relationships, including mother-daughter, fame and celebrity, solo female success, betrayal of the spouse, and so on and so forth.
But A Family Affair is basically the funhouse mirror version of the story. It may make you giggle a couple times, but you're not going to stand there taking it in for very long. Best to just move on and forget you ever saw it.
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leclercsredhelmet · 3 days
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So American ★ Logan Sargeant
A/N: Hi everyone! So sorry for the writing inactivity but I've been busy with writing and editing some things. Since it's the Fourth of July I decided to write a Logan Sargeant blurb! Hope you all enjoy it!!
"He laughs at all my jokes and says I'm so American"
By now you and Logan would have been coming from the beach, with sandy hair and tanned skin. You’d leave your boards by the door and step inside to help your parents set up the yard for the annual Fourth of July bash. But you’re not in Malibu, you’re currently in your London flat. Fourth of July weekend is also Silverstone weekend which means you miss out on one of your favorite holidays. Quietly you’ve been planning a surprise for Logan in hopes of recreating the holiday you both enjoy so much. Today is media day and since Logan is needed to fulfill his media duties it gives you the perfect chance to decorate the apartment and cook. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to join me, babe?” Logan asks you. “I’m sure Lo, I want to stay and clean the place, it’s a little messy,”  you reply. “You still have time to change, I can wait while you get dressed,” he says. Smiling you walk over to him and touch his cheek, “I’ll be with you the rest of the weekend Lo,” you sweetly say. “Okay fine, I’ll miss you,” Logan says with a pout. You chuckle and hug him, “Me too, Lo. But Coco and Apollo will keep me company,” you reply. 
Logan chuckles and kisses you sweetly. You walk with Logan to the door and open it, he steps out into the hallway and kisses you once more. His hands leave your waist and you ruffle his hair a little making him laugh. “Let me know when you’re at track Sarge, I love you.” “Will do, I love you, Saez,” he replies before turning on his heel and walking down the hallway. 
Once he’s out of sight you close the door and get to work. Music is playing while you work around the apartment and cook the food. Hopefully, Logan is happy when he sees everything and you’re excited for his reaction. Leaving the sauces alone you take out more of the red, white, and blue streamers. Climbing on the ladder you attach the streamers to the kitchen cabinets. 
You’ve decorated the apartment in red white and blue streamers, paper stars hang from the living room ceiling and the kitchen table has a mason jar with small flags and usa-themed decorations.  Wiping sweat from your brow you put the small decorated cake in the fridge and grab a water bottle. Coco and Apollo are lounging on the couch so you join them. “Hi babies,” you say softly and they happily bark and lay on your lap. Apollo starts to excitedly lick your face and you stop him while you laugh. “Apollo calm down, buddy,” you say attempting to calm the young pup down. 
Your childhood dog had passed away a few months ago in March and you were heartbroken when your mom called you. Logan knew how sad you’d been for the last months and while in Florida for the Miami Grand Prix, he’d decided to surprise you, coincidentally one of his friend’s golden retriever had given birth a few weeks prior and he was giving the puppies away so Logan picked one from the litter and surprised you. You decided to name him Apollo because of his color and you also had a habit of naming some of your pets after Greek gods. 
Apollo calmed down and you chuckled, gently you stroked his ears and recalled the first Fourth of July you’d spent with Logan. 
Logan had joined you on a trip to California after dating for a year. This trip served as a way for him to meet your parents and they had adored meeting him yesterday. Your parents were thrilled with him and both your worries had been eased, especially Logan’s. Today was the fourth of July and your parents were throwing their annual party. Your parents joked that you and Logan were the guests of honor this year because you missed out on last year’s party due to work. 
Sun beamed down and you felt it beat down on your exposed shoulders. The air smelled of sea salt and the waves crashed behind you. The sand was hot and stuck to your wet feet. Gently you squeezed the excess water from your hair and turned to look at Logan. Flashing a smile you walked over to him and he grabbed your waist pulling you closer. “Hey surfer girl,” he said and you chuckled. “Hi Florida boy,” you replied and he chuckled. His palm was on your cheek and he leaned down to kiss you, you stood on your tiptoes and your eyelids fluttered shut at the feeling of his lips on yours. They tasted like salt water, a taste that certainly mirrored yours. 
Pulling back he looked at you and gently kissed your forehead, “We should head back before my mom leans over the balcony and shouts at me,” you said and he chuckled. Logan’s arm was around your waist and his fingers made contact with your bare skin, making butterflies flutter around in your stomach. “Let’s get going then, c’mon,” he said. Bending down you grabbed your boards and walked towards the house. 
“I’m still not used to that huge house,” you comment and Logan chuckles. “To be fair you haven’t really lived in it,” Logan said and you looked at him, “True, London whisked me away and refused to let me go,” you replied. “Lucky me, I have London to thank for that,” he commented and you both laughed. 
You grew up in Malibu but not on the side where you see those huge houses, you and your parents lived at a small house in Malibu West. Your parents earned more than enough money to afford one of those big beach houses but they decided against that. A year before you went off to college they decided to buy the house you were heading towards. The beachfront house sat a little far back from the others and unlike the rest, it wasn’t a slab of white concrete. Instead it was a Spanish style villa with actual personality unliked those boring houses you often encountered in this area.
“Are you ready to face a full-blown Saez Fourth of July party in approximately six hours?” You asked Logan while leaning on the stairs, “I’m a little terrified but I’m ready,” Logan said putting his hand on your shoulders. “C’mon Sarge, we need to report for duty,” you said and climbed the stairs up to the property. 
Letting out a breath you put your hands on your hips as your chest heaved up and down a bit. Behind you Logan laughed, “How are you not winded?” you asked him and he laughed. “Training babe,” he replied and you scoffed. “Finally, I was just about to lean over and shout like a madwoman,” your mom said. Logan chuckled and you giggled, “There’s no need mamá,” you said. Graceful as ever your mom smiled and wrapped you both in a hug. “How were the waves?” she asked. “Great, the swell was amazing and I lucked out with a tunnel,” you said. “She was amazing at the tunnel,” Logan said and your mom smiled. 
“How about you Logan, did you get lucky with one?” Your mom asked, “Unfortunately not. Dr. Saez,” he said and your mom looked at him. “Logan you don’t have to call me doctor all the time, you’re family,” she said sweetly. “Sorry ma’am, sorry Catalina,” he said after correcting himself and you smiled at his sweet nature. “Are you kids hungry? I can make you something before we start setting up,” your mom said. You shook your heads no and she smiled, “There’s some fruit salad in the fridge in case you feel like having a snack,” she said and you nodded. Turning around she walked away and you dropped the boards on
the grass before heading towards the showers to rinse the sand off. Walking inside you both part ways to get changed. 
Your dad finds you in the kitchen while you are snacking on fruit salad, “Hey kiddo, how was the morning surf session?” he asks while grabbing water from the fridge. “Mega, I missed surfing,” you replied. He chuckles, “I think the waves missed you too,” he replied and you chuckled. Logan made his way to the kitchen and stood next to you, wordlessly you handed him the fork and bowl of fruits. “Logan are you ready for the mayhem?” your dad asked. Your boyfriend chuckled, “Yes, sir’ Logan replied. “You can call me Arturo, you’re family now,” your dad reminded him. 
The three of you were talking until your mom arrived. “Great the decoration committee is here and so is the cooking staff, let’s get to work!” your mom cheerfully said. “Cata, you need to slow down we still have five and a half hours,” your dad said. “Five and a half hours that go by quickly and you forget that we have a good party reputation,” she said and you laughed. In response, your dad playfully rolled his eyes, “You’re always acting like you’re racing against the clock in an OR room.” “And you seem to forget that you fell in love with me in an OR room,” she bit back. You and Logan quietly watched their moment before you whisked him away in search of the decorations. 
After a team effort, the house was decorated and some of the food was set out, you checked the table settings to make sure everything was precisely placed. “There’s a napkin that’s on the wrong side and a streamer is a little too high than the rest,” you stated. Logan chuckled, “You’re just like your mom, I don’t see the difference in the streamers,” Logan said. “Come here, stand next to me,” you said and pulled him to stand next to you. “Now look to the upper left corner, you’ll notice that the streamer hangs higher than the one in the middle,” you said. Logan followed your directions and chuckled when he saw it. 
Grabbing the nearby ladder he climbed it, “All right miss precision provide me with guidance,” he said. You giggled and guided him, Logan fixed the streamer and you folded the napkin correctly and placed it on the right side. 
Logan was sticking to your side as the party was in full swing, everyone was having fun and the Saez Fourth of July bash was proving to be a big hit. “Babe I
think I survived,” he whispered and you laughed. “Survive you did, are you having fun?” you asked turning to hold his hands. “Yeah, I’ve lost track of how many people I’ve been introduced to but it’s been a lot of fun,” he replied. “If you keep this up you’ll be an official member of the decoration committee which is understaffed,” you joked. Logan laughed and you both went over to the drinks table in search of some beers. 
Your mother expertly navigated the crowd and engaged in conversation, occasionally whisking you and Logan with her. You’d manage to escape your parents and their doctor friends, what was meant to be a short conversation with a coworker turned into quite a long one once Logan’s upcoming Formula One career and your job had been brought up. You could tell Logan was thrilled to talk about his passion and that made you happy. 
Both of you occupied one of the chaise lounges by the pool. A plate with food was in your hand and Logan also had one. Logan snuck a rib out of your plate and you stared him down. “Logan that’s mine,” you said. Cheekily he took a bite of it and you stared at him as he liked sauce from his fingers. “Not anymore,” he said with a chuckle. “There are ribs on your plate!” you exclaimed quietly and he laughed. “What if I wanted one from your plate?” he countered. “It’s the same rib as the one you have right there!” you replied. “Yours had more sauce, sharing is caring babe,” he said kissing your cheek. “What you did is stealing Lo, I should steal food from your plate,” you said. 
“Here, steal it all like you stole my heart,” he said while giving you the plate. “Logan,” you said softly, “What did I do?” he asked cautiously. “Nothing you’re just so sweet, it’s impossible to be mean to you!” you exclaimed while crossing your arms. Laughing Logan set the plates aside and kissed you. 
The night rolled on and when it was time for fireworks your parents went to get you both. You stood next to your mom while your dad and Logan lit the fireworks. Quickly they rejoined you. Logan stood behind you with his arms draped on your shoulders while you leaned into him, your parents were in a similar embrace and you smiled. “Happy fourth baby, I love you,” he whispered. “I love you too Sarge,” you whispered before turning around and kissing him as fireworks went off in the background. 
End of flashback
Logan had texted to let you know that he was getting home soon. Setting the food out you rearranged anything that was out of place and changed into the outfit you wore two years ago. Slipping on the white dress you tied a red and blue ribbon on your hair. 
Coco and Apollo started to bark when they heard the keys jiggle and you laughed at their excitement. Of course, they beat you to the door and you laughed at how excited they were to see Logan. “I think they missed their dad,” you said and Logan chuckled. “Seems like they did,” he said walking over to you, with a smile he dropped his bag and wrapped his arms around you. “Hey Sarge,” you say and he chuckles at the nickname before you lean in and kiss him hello. “What’s all this?” he asks smiling as he looks around the apartment. “The fourth of July of course,” you say. “I figured that since we’re not home for the celebration I could bring the celebration over here,” you tell him. Logan smiles and picks you up, spinning you around and making you laugh. “So this is why you turned down going with me,” he comments and you nod. 
He sniffs the air and you laugh, “I smell ribs, mac and cheese, and cake!” he exclaims. Throwing your head back you laugh and he sets you down before taking your hand and walking to the kitchen. His eyes land on the dining table and he turns to look at you with a bigger smile. He looks like a child who is seeing a heap of candy and you grin. “Thank you for bringing the fourth across the pond, you’re amazing and so American,” he says. You laugh and hug him. “You’re welcome and you are also so American Florida boy,” you reply. Laughing you sit down to eat and talk about everything you missed out on during media day. 
(All photo credits go to the respective owners)
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