#also the man is pansexual but this made me laugh so much over the idea in his family him being the gay cousin
theunknownmasks · 2 months
use this generator to create some randomly generated headcanons for your muse(s)!
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Kurama is a great artist.
Kurama is the gay cousin.
Kurama fucked your mom.
Kurama has fallen asleep at their desk while working in the middle of the night.
Kurama has a cat.
Kurama is very good at walking in platform heels.
Kurama is a bottom.
Kurama is going to hell.
Kurama tells dad jokes.
Kurama will go feral. Watch out.
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"I...did not fuck anyone's mother..that I know of.."
Tagged by: @immolatiism (I love you for this, this was funny as shit)
Tagging: @nevertem, @mahoushojoumonster, @sacredpyre, @crimsonandgoldthieves, @cursedfortune, and anyone who wants to steal! Please steal!
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dotster001 · 2 years
Hi, can i request a romantic matchup please? (emoji: 🦢) My pronouns are she/her, im virgo, 9w1 and pansexual but I prefer to be paired with male characters. I'm 18, im 1.68 cm tall, I love spending time alone and creating scenarios in my head, but I also enjoy spending time outside and hanging out with my friends. I don't know how to describe my personality but I'll try smwsms- I think I'm a kind and funny person, at least is how the people close to me describe me. I'm very blunt with certain things and I try to be honest; I'm not good at comforting people but I'm always happy to listen to my friends problems. I'm quite impulsive and goofy smwmssx, not to mention how LAZY i am lmao. I also get bored easily and I'm always daydreaming. In my free time I play video games (rhythm games/random games) or i watch twitch streams/tv series, and when I'm outside I like to go shopping for clothes. At first i can come off as shy, but if i start feeling comfortable with someone i become more relaxed and chaotic. My flaws are that I procrastinate a lot and that I'm kinda selfish. I like wearing good outfits, gold things(?), visiting new places, staying up late at night, phonk music and ducks/cats :>. I dislike public speeches and arguing (it's better to watch drama happen than being part of it lmao). I hope this amount of information is enough, thank you very much mwah.
(hey swanie! So you didn't say which fandom you wanted matched with. I'm assuming it's TWST, cause that's what the majority of people were asking for, but if not, pop into my inbox and let me know and I'll get you what you wanted. Much love!)
I match you with Cater Diamond.
He is an incisive guy, so he knows that even if you start off shy, he can expect a sweet, funny, person, who is willing to call him out on his bullshit if need be. And it has him foaming at the mouth. You're so cute and fun!
He loves shopping with you, and tries to convince you every time to buy matching outfits with him, so you can do couples photos on magicam. If you play your cards right, you can bribe him to get you some food in exchange for agreeing.
Cater doesn't like to be in the middle of drama. He likes to be to the side, filming it. He's even saved you a seat! But the second it looks like you guys are about to be pulled into it, he's grabbing your hand and running away, like you were never there.
Mans can't sit still. I've decided. So he knows all the good Twisted Wonderland rhythm games and is sharing them with you, all the while he is tapping away on his own phone. He also may or may not have learned dances from the games for a challenge, and he may or may not be ready to teach you at any given moment so that you can be the coolest couple on the block.
You had gotten a text from Cater to join him behind a bookshelf in the library. When you got there, he pressed a finger to his lip, winked and pointed. You peaked through the gap he made on the shelf.
There was Riddle being cuddled by Trey, as he attempted to tutor his vice housewarden.
"ooh," you whispered as Cater grinned and pulled out his phone.
"I'm thinking #secretsofties #trueluvatnrc #secondcutestcouple," he whispered already typing a caption on his phone.
"Who's the first cutest couple?" You asked.
"Us of course!" He slung an arm around your shoulders and nuzzled into your neck, still typing.
You accidentally knocked over a book, causing Riddle to jump out of Trey's lap, and turn bright red.
"Who's there?" He demanded. You and Cater held your breath. Then you got a terribly wonderful idea. You tickled Carter's side, causing him to laugh.
"Cater Diamond, come here this instant!" Riddle called as Cater grabbed your hand and started running.
Once the coast was clear, he gave you a playful glare. "That was totes not cool. You so owe me!" Then he gave you a wicked grin. "Torture it is!" Then he began tickling you until Riddle found your hiding spot and beheaded you both on the spot.
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musecaravan-info · 1 year
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"Every act of creation is first an act of destruction." ~ Pablo Picasso ~
Basic Information
AGE: Old; was born in the mid-500's CE
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Black; there's a bit of peppering, but it's more noticeable in his beard because he keeps his head cut VERY close to his head
PRIMARY OUTFIT: Ealdwin's fashion sense would probably be described as 'homey' or 'down to earth.' He likes corduroy, linen, wool, etc. The fabric choices are a bit 'new age' and he probably gives off that vibe a little. The only difference being that he's not really flashy or colorful. He likes earth tones, and burnished metals, for example. And he's much rather wear uncut/unpolished stones rather than shiny/sparkly ones.
Ealdwine can initially come off as a little gruff, but if you share a story or two with him, he warms up quickly. Once you’ve earned his friendship, he’s a good guy to have on your side. He’s the kind of friend who’ll help you move books… or help you move bodies.
Sometimes he takes himself too seriously - you won’t often catch him laughing at jokes made at his expense. However, he does enjoy a good joke and is happy to share in the laughter… as long as it’s not directed at him.
Long-Lived - Ealdwine doesn’t know how long his lifespan will be, so even after all this time he tries to live each day to the fullest.
Potion-brewing - There isn’t anything he CAN’T brew - whether or not he WILL is an entirely different story.
Scrying - This is usually done with a potion he mixes up himself and then pours over a highly-polished silver mirror.
Green Thumb - Although he can’t grow whatever he wants whenever he chooses, Ealdwine has an uncanny ability to grow things a fraction faster and a fraction better than other people.
Human with the Sight - Despite his age, Ealdwine usually ‘reads’ as human to other supernatural characters who have the ability to sense such things. Thanks to the faerie soul within him, he’s capable of seeing things that others don’t think or expect him to see.
Good Listener - A natural trait that comes from being a bartender.
Iron - While not as deadly to him as it was to his faerie counterpart, pure iron can affect Ealdwine’s supernatural abilities, weakening or disrupting them.
Humanity - While he does heal faster than a typical human, Ealdwine IS still human. He can be killed just like any other human… it’s just harder to do.
Technically, Ealdwine is pansexual/panromantic - meaning he has no preferences regarding how someone identifies or how they look physically. However, first and foremost he is Demi when it comes to both romance and sex. He needs to feel fully comfortable with someone as a friend and platonic companion before he’s willing to take things further. Once he’s reached that point, he becomes a man who dotes on his lover - creating special potions, giving small tokens of affection, offering lots of subtle public displays of affection (like forehead kisses and hand squeezing.)
Where to Find Him
Usually at his pub
Also sometimes in the forest gathering potion ingredients
Occasionally a bookstore or tea shop
Just because a verse isn't listed here doesn't mean I'm not interested in writing it. I adore all kinds of AUs, and welcome the chance to get creative with my muses. If you've seen a verse that another of my muses has, and you'd like to see this muse in something similar, let me know. You can also check out my 'Plot Ideas' tag, too. ^_^
Main Verse:
Ealdwine is a witch - none of this ‘warlock’ stuff, thanks. And no, he didn’t have to sell his soul to anyone to get his powers. Well… sort of. He did make a bargain, but it wasn’t for his soul, visa versa actually. Once he was a humble farmer, and one day while searching for a lost lamb, he happened across a dying faerie… one who didn’t wish to die. After some convincing (and bargaining) Ealdwine agreed to let the faerie’s soul reside alongside his own. In the beginning, they were two separate souls, but over the centuries their essences have melded creating a singular, unique individual. These days, Ealdwine runs a pub called “The Tree of Life” where he mostly keeps to himself. However, for the right price, he can brew you up something special.
Current/Ongoing Threads
If your thread with Ealdwine isn't listed here it's probably because it's been long enough since your last reply that I thought you'd dropped it. Message me to let me know you're still interested, and I'll happily add you to the list (with no pressure for a reply.) ♡
None at the Moment
Your Thread Here!
Stuff That's Good to Know Before Starting a Thread
There's not anything I can think of for Ealdwine at the moment. If things come up as I begin to write with him, I'll add those thigs here and make a post to let y'all know. :)
Please keep in mind, this blog is an ongoing work in progress. Not all of these links may lead somewhere, but they're here because they link to potential tags for this muse.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Hey Goldy, i'm positive Yoongi isn't straight and has been fairly open about it from the early years. So do u think that Yoongi could've influenced Jikook (especially Jimin cuz he is very close to him) in any sort of way on their journey?
Jimin is VERY close to Yoongi
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Thank you so much for this statement😭
I feel seen and heard🤧
Not a lot of Jokers out here appreciate Yoonmin's bond😭😭😭😭
The disrespect! How dare they!
In reality, Yoonmin is one of the best ships that reflects the hyung dongsaeng dynamic perfectly in BTS in my opinion- Jinkook and Yoonkook, NamTae are heavy contenders I'd say but Yoonmin is right up there with them. Love Jihope too- if they could cut down on the flirting chilee.
No JHOPE I don't want you to call Jimin sexy or look at him like you want to gobble him with a glass of Sprite- it's weird😭😭😭
But also don't stop
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From Suga 'bullying' Jimin, teasing him, praising him, mentoring him, the bickering- he is the biggest PJM right next to JK and Namjoon. I said what I said.
So thank you for this. I literally cried.
Feel so good to hear someone say that.
I'm having an existential crisis at the moment and Yoonmin is what is getting me through it at the moment.
People need to stop invalidating the members' bond. Seriously. Not cool. They all have beautiful dynamics real or not.
But he's gay? 🤔
You believe Suga is gay??
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He's queer and has been pretty open about it from the beginning???
A lot of people assume that about him actually. I think it's interesting.
Did he influence Jikook, Jimin in anyway...
If by influence you mean support then yes. I think he was and has been very supportive of Jimin and JK individually and has helped them embrace and make sense of certain aspects of themselves.
I think he's more understanding than most of the challenges and difficulties of being young and uncertain of who you are growing up under public scrutiny and in a highly hostile environment.
I think he is wise beyond his age and I have a ton of love and respect for him as both a person and an artist.
I love 'People' so much...
I think the most Iconic thing he's said so far to me is this totally woke, fanservice questioning and ridiculing statement:
'I didn't want to wear the maid outfit. I was surprised when they said it's for the fans. We don't have any interest in seeing girls wear men's clothes so why does the fans want us to wear women's clothes?'
It's weird. Fanservice is weird.
My least favorite moment of his is when he admonished JK not to say things like he'd want a tattoo when he grows up because the fans wouldn't like that.
I found that very contradictory for someone who's life motto is nevermind- or is it I don't give a shit?😏
Find it equally triggering whenever he teases JK about crying too much or being a cry baby as if it's wrong for men to cry. There's nothing wrong with shedding tears. Men cry too.
Then the bit about him not wanting tattoos or just a dot on his toe or feet or something because he has things he might want to do post BTS that having a tattoo would just be an inconvenience... quite conservative I'd say.
He don't give a fuck but then he gives a fuck?
Mans gotta be a realist or I'd chalk up these inconsistencies in his values to the clash between his Persona and his real self.
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To be fair, he's not the only one. That conflict plays out in almost every member's outlook.
I see Yoongi as that one person who'd say to a person, go for it but end that advice with a caveat such as, 'but understand people will hate you for it' or some truth along those lies.
He places consequences right next to desire and as long as the person is not oblivious to and can bare the consequences of their actions, decisions and choices then I think he'd ask them to go for it and stand in their truth.
That much I know is his value and I can see how that might have impacted both JM and JK. But rather than encourage them to take risks, I think he pushes them to seize opportunities and put themselves outside- there's a difference there. Their not one and the same.
More than anyone in BTS, I think he understands the gravity of being queer, closeted or being in a relationship with a bandmate in the industry they work in.
I think he is much mature enough to understand the consequences of over attachment and risks of detachment and that too plays out in the way Jikook carry themselves around in the group.
Other than that, I think he minds his business most times.
Do I think he is open minded about conversations on sexuality? Absolutely.
But that's as far as I can go on the topic.
I do not believe he is queer and I'm not convinced in anyway he is pansexual or bisexual either- don't quote his song lyrics to me I already know. Lol.
Boy or girl my tongue will send you to hongkong....
And then his interviews about what he finds attractive in women??
'... it's not limited to boys or girls?'
I think that bit was heavily misconstrued.
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This was his response when he was asked to talk about moments his heart skipped because of JHOPE. Similar to moments when the members had said their they almost fell for a band mate perhaps.
Other translations of that statement he made in the interview was, 'since we are both men, how can my heart throb for a man' and then he laughs it off.
Knowing Suga, I think he probably meant that in the most ridiculing, most mocking way possible- these interviewers be asking some stupid questions sometimes.
But imagine Suga saying that with two gay members sitting right next to him in that interview and how these members would feel hearing him say that about homosexuality.
One thing about BTS, if they be making loud openly 'woke' statements, take a shovel to their past- it's usually because they've messed up somewhere and are simply acting conscious of the things they say that can come across as problematic. In my opinion.
They do learn and grow from their mistakes. That's one thing I love about BTS.
They've all had their problematic moments as I keep saying.
To me, this interview moment would be one of such said problematic moments if not one very homophobic moment of Suga's- if the translations were right I mean. chileee. Lemme shut up. Lol.
And before anyone says but JK said the same thing too...
JK had a 'fear' of coming across as Gay in his early years. Part of the reason he wanted JM on the west of his east when the cameras came around- in my opinion.
He'd stutter when similar 'gay' questions were thrown his way- prompting Jimin to ask him straight away not to answer said question when an interviewer asked him.
You pair that with some of the members describing him as 'wanting to be manly' or appear like a manly man and it's not hard to figure out what was going on with him.
He'd pause and look at JM funny when JM would describe their relationship as in between friends and romance...
Jimin had to tell him to relax and that it was normal for men to say 'love' to men without it being weird or gay.
He knew gayism was a thing. He simply didn't want to be viewed as one- either because of his own repressed homosexual desires, in which case that would be internalized homophobia or he really really didn't like being thought of as gay- homophobia.
Suga's is different.
He either genuinely didn't know gay was a thing or that some men's heart actually beat for other men- seems to me he thought the idea of a man's heart skipping for another man absurd or impossible- or dude thought he was being a smart pants with that remark. Lol.
Baring his age in mind at the time of the interview, that in anyway reflects his ideals or assumptions about sexuality. That heterosexuality is D norm. That straight is all he can be or should be thought of as- He clearly hasn't read the blogs. He's in for a rude awakening.
If JK had this ideology about sexuality I think he would have been able to hide his sexuality better and not freak out each time people made jokes about it💀
Suga's said explicitly he is attracted to gal's who wear headphones, doesn't like gals who play hard to get- said he'd kick em if they didn't quit playing hard to get (misogynistic and abusive lyrics there but it's hiphop- let's not talk about that) finds it ridiculous that men should wear female clothes, thinks 'men' shouldn't cry.... all the making of a fine gay man😃
Should we chalk it up to internalized homophobia then??
I wouldn't.
A very dedicated Sope shipper will tell you, he said what he said to cover the fact he is gay so there's that. Lol.
I'm just not convinced Suga is part of the community but I think he is open minded now, leans less into his conservative values and more towards progressive values and thoughts.
I don't think he in any way shape or form 'influenced' Jikook to be gay or to do the gay if that's what you were asking.
But I do respect your opinion on Suga. I think we are all free to assume whatever we want in this case.
I might be wrong about him. You might be wrong about him or we could all be right. We will never know.
Thanks for the ask.
Wasn't comfortable answering it though. Lol.
I don't like when I have to watch what I say.
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kikis-writing-world · 3 years
Flags and Labels
Part of Writer Wednesday by @flightlessangelwings​ & @autumnleaves1991-blog
Pairing: Modern AU, pan!Din Djarin x Bi!Reader (GN, no pronouns, no Y/N)
Word Count: >2k
Rating/Warnings: Mentions of a religious upbringing and trauma from that past. Essentially Din grew up in “The Children of the Watch” and was very sheltered, but is now exploring the real world. If I’m missing anything else I should tag in this vein, please let me know.
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pride  /  “Kiss me again, like you mean it.”
You smiled brightly at Din as he gazed around, a look of wonder on his face. The street was alive with colour. Walls, windows, fences, parking meters: Everywhere you looked were multicoloured flags of every kind, representing the various people taking to the streets to celebrate their freedom to be who they are. The people themselves in the streets were just as colourful. They sported flags and bright colours and all kinds of eccentric accessories, showcasing who they’re proud to be. The joy in the air was palpable, contagious even.
You had been friends with Din for nearly two years now, the two of you having met at the local library. He always took out such interesting books on a variety of subjects, both fiction and non-fiction, and shortly after becoming acquainted with him you found out why. He had grown up in a very strict religious sect - some would go so far to describe them as a cult - and had been sheltered from many things until his early adulthood. When he became comfortable with you, he had just as many questions for you about the “real world” as you had about his past.
One topic that had come up as you two talked about Din’s past was his sexuality. He had known from a young age that something was different. His religion had been strict about heterosexual couples being the only way, shunning all other types of love. You happily helped him find books and resources he could look into, to further explore his feelings. You also opened up, sharing your own personal journey and experiences as you came to terms with your bisexuality.
When you suggested taking Din to this year’s pride, he was both nervous and excited. He still wasn’t a fan of large crowds, a side effect of his upbringing. He also didn’t know what to expect when he got there. With some research and reassurance from you that you wouldn’t leave his side, he agreed. You were so glad he did now that you were watching him take it all in. 
“All these people…” Din trailed off, losing his voice.
“They all support love.” You finished the thought. “Regardless of labels, they all just wanna be who they are, love who they want. There’s always some protesters, but whatever, don’t pay them any mind. We outnumber them.” You chuckled.
“I had no idea this was out here, all this time.” He breathed.
You had to bite your lip to keep your own emotions in check. The look of awe, the unshed tears in his eyes. You felt drawn to the sweet, quiet man like a moth to a flame. You’d been falling for him for months, the embers of your crush only stoked when he opened up about his sexuality and yes, you were in his spectrum. The glimmer of hope that he might be attracted to you dangled in front of you like a feathered cat toy… but you just couldn’t risk it. He had opened up to you, come to you for guidance and a shoulder to cry on. You felt guilty taking that away from him if you pushed that line too far. You’d crush on him silently while remaining a pillar of support.
“C’mon,” you wrapped your hand around his forearm - a safer place than taking his hand or feeling the enticing muscle hidden under the sleeve of his t-shirt - “let’s dive in.”
You watched Din carefully as you two walked the streets and took in all the sights. You wanted to know if he was getting overwhelmed or uncomfortable, but he took it all in stride. He had lots of questions about the performing drag queens, and not all that you could answer yourself. You laughed heartily at the look on his face when one queen draped her boa over his shoulders with a shimmy. 
There were people doing tarot readings, which while he seemed intrigued about, didn’t want to miss anything else by waiting in the long line. You shared a rainbow coloured ice cream sundae which turned your tongue different colours as you went, both of you laughing as you stuck your tongue out periodically - you forced yourself not to think about how the flavors would taste on his tongue every time it came out a different colour.
You made a point to stop at some information booths for local groups, picking up flyers for Din to look over later. Sports teams, choirs, friendship/support groups; Din was absolutely shocked to find there were arms of religion that not only accepted but supported LGBTQ+ rights. You knew he was struggling with reconciling his religious teachings with the “real world” and thought maybe these groups might be able to help navigate it more than you could with your limited experience.
A face painting booth caught your eye and you dragged Din over, not that he was putting up much of a fight. There were a few people doing the face painting, some clearly artists who would do a full-face of whatever you requested, but also there were some that were simply painting pride flags on cheeks for the price of a donation to a local queer youth shelter.
You and Din looked over the board they had set up of different flags, all that you had seen throughout the day as you explored.
Dropping some money into the bucket, you sat on the stool and asked for a bisexuality flag. Din stood by and watched as the artist painted. You kept quiet, not wanting to cause them to mess up.
“Well? What do you think?” You prompted when they were done.
“It looks nice.” Din nodded.
“Did you want one too?” The artist asked, looking Din’s way.
You looked over to Din, smiling as you waited for him to answer. As comfortable as he’d grown in your time walking around and meeting new people, you didn’t know if he was ready to wear anything pride related. It was his call, but you looked as encouraging as you could.
“Um, can I get this one?” He asked, pointing at the Pansexuality flag. Your heart soared for him. It wasn’t exactly a declaration of finding the right label, but feeling comfortable enough to display the flag on his cheek was definitely progress.
“Of course!” They answered, gesturing for Din to sit in the stool as they got the right colours ready. As he sat, you gave his shoulder a squeeze. He looked up at you with a soft smile, eyes shining with excitement.
“Have you ever had your face painted before?” You questioned, realizing that it probably wasn’t the kind of thing he’d grown up with.
“I don’t think so.” He shrugged.
“Oh, it’s been a while since I had a virgin.” The artist teased with a wink, making you laugh as Din blushed bright red. You ran your hand across his shoulders to soothe him through the embarrassment, although all it did was make your own face flush as you felt the firm muscles twitch under his shirt.
“All done!” It took the artist only a few moments to swipe the three colours evenly along his cheek. They lifted a handheld mirror so Din could see for himself. He nodded his approval with a quiet thanks, adding some more money into the collection bucket.
“C’mere, let’s get into the sun for a picture!” You suggested as you skipped ahead of him. He followed, grinning at your excitement as you found the perfect spot and opened up your camera.
He leaned over you, head nearly resting on your shoulder as you started snapping selfies. Happy ones, goofy ones, serious ones. Your thumb automatically tapped every few seconds as the two of you made different faces. When Din pressed his lips to your cheek, the picture captured every ounce of surprise you felt.
“Thanks for bringing me here.” Din smiled as you tucked your phone away, trying to hide your burning face.
“Y-yeah. I’m glad you enjoyed it.” You stuttered, picking at some non-existent lint on your shirt.
“Did I do something wrong?” The flatness in Din’s voice made your head shoot up. He was frowning, the excitement of the day all but vanished from his expression.
“No. W-W-Why… Why would you think that?” You shook your head, internally cursing yourself for the reaction you had to a simple, friendly kiss.
“I kissed you, and you…” He trailed off, gesturing at you in lieu of verbalizing his thoughts. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
“No, Din. Don’t apologize-”
“I’ve been trying to tell you for a while now-”
The two of you began speaking at once, only to both pause when you realized the other was talking.
“Trying to tell me what?” You asked, feeling that familiar heat rising up your neck into your cheeks.
“I… I like you… more than just friends…” Din admitted, looking down and kicking at a rock on the ground. “I guess today just… made me feel… brave.”
“Really?” You squeaked, voice malfunctioning as you fought to keep your body under control. You wanted to jump, sing, cartwheel, hell you would fly if you had the ability.
“You don’t have to like me back. I don’t want it to change anything.” Din continued, still focussed on the rock.
You tucked your hand under his chin, forcing him to look up and see with his own eyes how you felt about his confession. His eyes widened a fraction when he took in the wide smile you wore ear to ear.
“I definitely like you back.” You confirmed. “And you are one of the bravest people I know.”
A sigh of relief gave way to a matching smile on Din’s face, the two of you smiling at each other widely, neither sure what to say next.
“Kiss me again, like you mean it.”
The only regret the two of you held from your first real kiss was the smudged flags on your cheeks.
Tagging @wickedfrsgrl​ @din-damn-djarin​ @seasonschange-butpeopledont​ @kesskirata​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @vonschweetz​ @insideafictionaluniverse​ @driedgreentomatoes​ @computeringturtle​ @spideysimpossiblegirl​
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ailuronymy · 3 years
I doubt you'll remember this, because it happened such a long time ago, but it's been bothering me for years now and I wanted to get some closure on it. Many years ago, when I was 14, pretty new to roleplaying and completely new to Tumblr, I sent you an anonymous ask laughing about ridiculous unrealistic things that people were having their cats do in a roleplay I was in. Building blanket forts, among other things, and being transgender. At this point in my life I thought transgender only meant someone who had undergone gender affirmation surgery, and the idea of cats doing surgery on one another was hilarious to me. I shared it with the hope that other people would find it hilarious too. Instead, you told me that I had said The Wrong Thing and called me a bigot. I was confused, I was horrified, I didn't understand at all, and I more or less fled from tumblr for about two years. It was a formative experience for me.
Hello there. I do actually remember that post, although obviously since you were anon then as well, I didn’t remember you specifically. But I do remember. 
I thought about how to answer this ask for a few days. I’m not sure exactly what it is you’re looking for from me, but I’m going to give you the best reply I can and I hope that’s good enough for the both of us. 
When you wrote in to me, about eight years ago, I was younger than you are now. I was nineteen and I’d only been on tumblr for a bit over a year at that point, I think. I’d never had social media before, of any kind. It was all pretty new to me as an experience too, and I’d never expected this blog to get the attention that it did. I never even imagined that was a possibility. But it happened and I learned how to run a relatively popular ask blog on the job, as it were. 
There’s a lot I regret when I look back on that early era of this blog. The humour and jokes I allowed and sometimes encouraged and said myself here was often not kind, and that’s something I really regret. Eventually, I put an end to that because it just wasn’t the kind of thing I wanted any of us who have fun here to be doing. But I absolutely allowed it to happen for a long time first, and that’s on me. 
Also at that same time, there was a particular way of interacting on tumblr that was very popular. It was a lot of exuberance and hyperbole and insults, and being rude for fun, and overall very over-the-top and often harsh or just plain uncaring that there was someone else at the other end of the message. For everyone who was here in 2012, I think you can probably remember what it was like. It wasn’t a nice mode of communication, but it was popular and got great responses and a lot of people found it fun to read. For a couple of years after I started Ailuronymy, I was absolutely guilty of buying into it and acting this way, until I finally hated it enough to stop. It wasn’t who I wanted to be, in general or on this blog specifically. It felt mean and inauthentic and I wanted to be better. But I did act like that for a long time, and that was a choice I made. 
I’m not saying any of this because I want to make excuses for myself. I’m more aware than anyone else of the problems early on in this blog’s history, and it’s something I regret and wish I could go back to do differently with the knowledge and experience I have now. Unfortunately, I can’t change the past. I can only own up to it and do better going forward. 
I’m sorry for the tone I often used, including to you in that post, and I’m sorry that because of that behaviour, you felt scared and unwelcome here. That’s a failure on my part. I shouldn’t have used the tone I did, or assumed I had to take a defensive, intense stance the way I did. It’s very sad to me to know that because I did that, you were frightened and decided to leave. 
However, I would like to share my context too. Because at the time, I was nineteen years old (which I know probably sounds ancient to younger teens, but it’s not, really), and a bisexual guy (which I still am, obviously), and Ailuronymy was already a place that people (especially queer people) in the fandom were looking to for support and education. Insofar as this blog was developing a niche, that was it. I felt a significant amount of responsibility to champion and defend the people this blog was made for. 
2012 was also a time when the Warriors fandom on tumblr was genuinely very homophobic, and also quite volatile. It was common for people to be very angry (in general, and often at me) for saying that ableism isn’t okay, or that Warriors characters can be trans, or sometimes just “canon naming doesn’t make much sense.” I got quite a lot of hate mail--also sometimes just... confused, angry mail, for this naming system or any of the political things I talked about--and I was doing the best I could with what I had to give. A lot of what I learned during my years of running this blog came from making mistakes, but I always did my best.
The reason I’m bringing this up is because what you actually said was: “these cats can be homosexual, asexual, bisexual, pansexual, and transgender--don’t even ask me how that’s possible. I don’t want to know.” You came to me, a queer man, running a blog that in no small part is about how queerness is allowed to exist in this fandom and is in fact not implausible, during a time when the fandom as a whole was solidly anti-queer, with something like that. Like you said, you shared it with me--and the readers here--because you hoped we would find it hilarious and unrealistic too. 
But I didn’t, because, to me, that’s just what a lot of the fandom already was. It was a hostile environment that regularly argued that queer characters, or people, had no place here. That was the kind of things people on anon fairly often came to yell in my inbox about how I’m wrong, etc. etc., and how I’m bad, etc. etc. 
I reacted defensively, which I wouldn’t do now, because I’m much older, and I have experience and confidence I just didn’t then. At the time, though, what I heard in your ask was “queer characters are absurd and don’t belong here, don’t correct me,” and that is what I reacted to. I’m sure for you, it felt scary and disproportionate, and as I said before, I wish I had handled things differently, and gentler. 
But I don’t disagree with what I said. The points I made weren’t wrong. And my response--although not how I would respond now--was not wrong, even though it hurt you. It genuinely is horrible to know that because of my lack of tact, you were scared. It was also horrible to receive your ask at the time, just like many of the rest. It wasn’t hypothetical to me, because I’m queer. It was about me, and other people I care about very much.
The fact I’m queer is probably news to you, and you were new tumblr and probably didn’t know what was going on in the fandom, and maybe you would have said something different if you knew all this. 
Likewise, though, you were on anon and I didn’t know who you were. I didn’t know you were fourteen. I didn’t know you were asking in good faith, and not just another one of the homophobic fans thinking you’d found a friend in me, which frankly felt a bit insulting. I didn’t know you were and, again, although I wish I did more back then and was kinder in my approach, I didn’t have insight into your intentions. I also didn’t have the maturity for that not to matter.
That said, even in my very imperfect answer I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. I specifically said:
“Before you think I’m victimising you - I’m not. This is not personal right now; currently, this is a mistake on your part, and I understand that mistakes are incredibly easy to make. If, by the end of my post, you get where you went wrong here, then it will be like this ask of yours never happened and I will forget you ever said it. I don’t like to hold any kind of grudge if there’s any way to avoid it, and an acknowledgement of where you went wrong here would completely fix everything about this.”
“So what you’re saying when you say that you don’t believe that “homosexual, asexual, bisexual, pansexual, and transgender” cats are possible in the context of Warriors is, basically, that you’re a bigot. I am really sorry to say that, because the chances are - I sincerely hope - that you aren’t. You’re a good person. You’re a good person who said something bigoted by mistake. And if you don’t believe what you’ve said is a mistake yet, let me show you some interesting true facts about our world.“
Because I know how easy it is to make mistakes and how hard it is to get everything right all the time, and know everything, and never do something dumb or hurtful. It’s easy to fuck up. I’ve done it a lot. The answer I gave you back then is just one example.
That what you took from my answer was only fear and confusion isn’t something in my control, however. I hate that that’s what happened, and I regret not being who I am now back then, but even though I did fuck up back then, I still did what I could at the time to mitigate the damage and reassure you that a mistake doesn’t define you. I am sorry it wasn’t enough for you to feel okay coming back. But I can’t say I’m sorry for telling you that coming to me on my blog with that kind of mentality is something I’ll tolerate at all. 
Ultimately, I’m sorry that our experience of each other was not a good one. I’m sorry that your memory of me is someone scary and mean, and that you felt you had to leave this site entirely for two years because of it. I regret that my actions left you with such a negative experience, because that was never my intention, even though the way I handled things with you was very poor. 
I hope you’re able to find the closure you’re looking for and I genuinely wish you all the best. 
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justatiredghost · 3 years
The Cost Ch4
Based on this idea by @serikyl, in which Klaus is able to bring Dave back to life, but there’s a cost; he also gains the ability to see the dead.
Just getting dressed in the clothes Klaus had found him felt like a huge undertaking to Dave’s tired muscles. By the time he was done, his arms were shaking from the exertion and he collapsed back onto the bed to rest a moment. He felt suddenly nauseous, itchy all over, and his entire body felt sore and drained completely. And the horrible ache in his chest was back, like he’d been punched in the sternum. Or hit by a cannonball.
It seemed like Klaus was feeling some of the same things, because when he glanced over, he saw him scratching his back and arms and everything else as he pulled on his own clean clothes. Or, at least, cleaner. He’d just grabbed some from off the floor, doing a quick smell check before shrugging and pulling them on.
Dave couldn’t help but smile as he watched him, loving any time he got to be so himself, in all his messiness and chaos and joy. Their hire-ups tried to stifle any personality out of all of them, but they never could get to Klaus. And getting this look into his childhood, his room? He felt so lucky to be able to get this peek into his life.
He wanted to look around more, maybe examine the writing and doodles on the walls, but his head was getting so heavy and fuzzy, and he was having trouble focusing enough to even make out the words, so he let his head fall back onto the bed and closed his eyes. He was just so tired.
“Dave? Dave, can you hear me?”
Klaus’ voice broke through, bringing him back to the present, and made him realize just how close to falling asleep he’d been. But there was a fear and urgency in Klaus’ voice that he had rarely heard, and somehow that hurt more than any physical ache.
“Yeah, yeah, all good here,” he said quickly, trying to sit up a little, reaching out to blindly pat Klaus’ arm. A habit they’d picked up, a way they could show some physical comfort and reassurance even when surrounded by fellow soldiers.
“Sorry, you were just so still,” Klaus began with a shaky sigh before he seemed to pull himself back together, voice taking on a teasing tone. “I probably should have let you sleep. You look like shit.”
“Ouch,” Dave chuckled. “Hit a guy while he’s down, why don’t you.”
“Oh, don’t worry, you’ll be as good as new once you get 30 or so hours of sleep,” Klaus said with a grin.
Klaus had left the door to the bedroom open. It was a habit of his, not wanting to feel trapped, which Dave could understand. Still, if he’d been paying more attention, he might have at least asked to close it while they dressed. But then, they hadn’t seen anyone since they arrived and he was beginning to wonder if the place was completely abandoned despite how many siblings Klaus was supposed to have. He was wrong, though, and the sound of someone pointedly clearing their throat caused them to flinch apart.
“You good?” a boy, probably in his early teens, asked, one eyebrow raised as he glanced between the two of them and the bloody pile of clothes they’d left on the floor. He studied Dave with an intensity that made him feel like he was looking right through him, like there was nothing he could hope to hide from him.
“Five, hey,” Klaus exclaimed, and at least he didn’t sound upset to see him. He shrugged casually like this was all completely normal. “Yeah, fine.”
Klaus had, of course, told Dave a bit about his siblings, and Dave frantically tried to get his foggy brain to recall anything he could about this brother.
“Where do you want to begin?” Five asked, turning his full attention to Klaus, like Dave held no more interest to him.
“What do you mean?” Klaus asked innocently.
“Well, there’s the blood, the new tattoos, the man in your bed--”
Horrified, Dave shot up and scrambled off the bed to his feet. He could feel his face burning. Maybe he was overreacting, Klaus had mentioned his family didn’t caring that he was pansexual, but he didn’t exactly want to test that. Especially when the consequences of discovery not too long ago would have been severe, if not fatal. That initial fear response wasn’t something he was going to be able to overcome easily.
“Oh, no, it’s not—” Dave began, stumbling over his words and with no real idea what he was going to say, just that he needed to give Klaus some sort of out if he wanted it. Thankfully, he was interrupted.
“It’s fine, sit down,” Klaus said, waving a hand dismissively at him, like this wasn’t anything to worry about. To an amused Five, he continued, “It was just a crazy night, don’t worry about it.”
“More than one, by the looks of it,” Five said knowingly. He gestured towards Dave. “What about him?”
“I’m Dave, nice to meet you,” Dave said quickly.
“He’s with me,” Klaus said defensively. He dropped down into a chair, rubbing at his temple like his headache was getting worse. Dave let himself slump back down onto the bed, itching absently at his arm.
“Fair enough.” Five said, shoving his hands in his pockets as he studied the two of them. “You know, I can recognize the symptoms. And you’re both having them”
“What?” Klaus asked, sitting up to look at him, clearly ready for an argument.
“Jetlag, full body itch, the headache that feels like someone shoved a box of cotton up into your nose and through your brain,” Five explained, voice surprisingly sympathetic. “You gonna tell me about it?”
Klaus sighed and leaned back in his chair, glancing at Dave briefly before giving in. “Your pals, when they broke into the house and couldn't find you? They took me hostage instead.”
“And in return you stole their briefcase,” Five guessed, a slight grin tugging at his lips like he was impressed or proud.
Dave had heard some of the story and was worried Five was focusing on the wrong part. Yes, he was glad Klaus had managed to get the briefcase and escape, but if Five really did know these people that had been after him, he should know what they were capable of. What they might have put Klaus through.
“Yeah, I thought there was money in it, or I could pawn it, whatever.”
“And then, next thing you knew you were-- where? Or when?” Five asked excitedly.
“Why do you care?” Klaus said, standing up and turning away, suddenly defensive, and Dave knew he wasn’t going to tell him what else he’d been through.
“1968,” Dave filled in quickly when he saw the annoyance flash across Five’s face. He earned a glare from Klaus, and maybe he was overstepping, but he could tell when Klaus was ready to start an argument just to end a conversation. It was what he did when he felt too vulnerable, and maybe this way he could at least get the attention off of him. And, perhaps, avoid a fight between the two brothers.
“Thank you,” Five said pointedly to him. “Now, please tell me you’re from this time and just happened to accidentally get caught up in all this.”
“Um,” Dave said, glancing between the two, not sure what to say. Klaus shrugged unhelpfully.
“Klaus, you didn’t,” Five groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You can’t just— pull people out of their timelines like they’re souvenirs! Do you have any idea what his absence could do?”
“Don’t worry, he was already dead at the time,” Klaus said much too casually.
“Oh, great, you faked his death too?” Five said, exasperated.
“Didn’t need to,” Klaus said simply.
“I guess that means I was already absent from my timeline if you think about it,” Dave chimed in, earning a glare from Five. It was surreal to be talking about his own death like this, but he did his best not to think too much about it. Whatever drugs he’d taken earlier were helping with that at least.
“I— don’t have time to unpack what that’s supposed to mean,” Five said absently, beginning to pace. “Just tell me what you did with the briefcase. One disaster at a time.”
“I don’t know, I threw it in a dumpster,” Klaus shrugged.
“Where, Klaus?” Five snapped, spinning to face him, clearly running out of patience.
“In the alley behind the bus stop on 6th,” Klaus said, hands raised defensively.
“Fine. Don’t go anywhere,” Five snapped. “Just tell the others to stay put too.”
“Yeah, like they'll listen to me.”
“We’re not done talking about this,” Five spared a pointed glare in Dave’s direction before disappearing in a blue flash.
Dave just stared at the place he had been for a long moment, trying to figure out if he’d really just seen that. Sure, Klaus has talked about his family of superheroes, but it was still jarring to see someone literally vanish in front of him.
“Well, I think that went quite well,” Klaus sighed, dropping onto the bed beside him, sprawling out.
“Yeah?” Dave asked doubtfully, gingerly laying down beside him. “If that’s going well, I’m worried what going poorly will look like.”
“Blood, violence, for sure knives, there’s no getting around that one,” Klaus said cheerfully.
“You’re not helping,” Dave couldn’t help but laugh, gently shoving Klaus’ arm. But then he took his hand and squeezed it. Whatever weirdness he was going to go through, at least he could go through it with Klaus. “Are you doing okay?”
“What? Yeah, sure,” Klaus said. His voice was casual, like the answer was obvious, but there was no missing the way his eyes slid to the side, avoiding eye contact.
“Should we have told him about the whole coming back to life thing? If he knows about the briefcase, maybe he knows what happened.”
“Maybe later,” Klaus said. “He has to go save the world first.”
“Come on,” Klaus jumped to his feet and hauled Dave up with him. “Let’s go raid the fridge and get some real food while we still can.”
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50 Christmas Ornaments My True Love Gave To Me
Summary: It was Christmastime in the Stark-Rhodes-Potts’ household, with Tony, Rhodey, Pepper, Peter, and Morgan all sitting at the table. Jingle Bells was playing quietly in the background, and each one of them was working on decorating a clear plastic christmas bauble, a growing pile of colorful ornaments in the center of the table.
The Iron Family gets carried away making Christmas ornaments, and Peter talks to his dad about asexuality
Taglist: @phahbiyah @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars @clevermuffinalmondpeach @stuck-in-a-fictional-universe @canonismybitch @freckledmountain @hold-our-destiny @not-your-housekeeper98 @misskirkstark @iron-loyalty @skeeter-110 @m3ga1nsp1r3d @nazezdha321 @peterparkerspidgeons @fallenstar07 @baloobird
Let me know if you want to be added/removed! I don’t mind at all either way! Also thank you to @baloobird for beta-reading this for me!
Read on Ao3!
“This was the best idea. Peter, remind me never to doubt you again,” Tony said, gazing at his newly made red and gold Christmas ornament. It was Christmastime in the Stark-Rhodes-Potts’ household, with Tony, Rhodey, Pepper, Peter, and Morgan all sitting at the table. Jingle Bells was playing quietly in the background, and each one of them was working on decorating a clear plastic christmas bauble, a growing pile of colorful ornaments in the center of the table. 
“I told you it would be fun!” Peter said with a laugh, carefully pouring a bit of red glitter into his own ornament. 
“Told you!” Morgan echoed, despite the fact this activity had been a complete surprise to her and she had told Tony no such thing. Morgan reached forward suddenly, grabbing the white glitter. 
“Oh, dear you need to be more careful with that,” Pepper said as Morgan spilled some on the table trying to pour it into her ornament. “Here baby, use the funnel.”
“Finished!” Rhodey said suddenly, nearly startling Peter into flinging glitter everywhere just as Morgan had done. Rhodey held up a bauble that had been painted in three stripes of red, blue, and grey, with “T+R+P=‎⎊” painted in black overtop. It took Peter a moment to realize that the colors were representing each of their Iron Suits, and he said “Awww” along with the rest of the family. 
Both Tony and Pepper kissed Rhodey on the cheek, Tony on the left and Pepper on the right, and Peter laughed at the sheepish but adoring smile Rhodey gave them in return. He placed his bauble next to the others and gazed fondly at the colorful pile. 
“I think these are my favorite ornaments,” he said with finality. 
“Ha! You sure about that? You like them even more than your special War Machine one Pep gave you?” Tony said, an eyebrow raised skeptically. 
“He’s a close second of course, but these are my favorite since we made them together as a family,” Rhodey said, grinning happily. 
“Aw, you’re extra sappy today, Pops,” Peter teased, putting the top on his ornament, and smiling at the layers of red and white glitter in his candy-cane themed bauble. 
“Are you implying that I’m sappy all the time?”
“Not even just implying. You’re sappy. You’re a sappy, mushy, lovey-dovey, man,” Peter said, scrunching his nose at his father, and sticking out his tongue childishly. Rhodey made a mock-offended gasp, and pressed his hand to his chest. 
“I’m deeply offended by this. You know I’m not sappy, right Little Mo’?”
“Super sappy,” was all Morgan replied with, clearly more interested in stuffing bits of ribbon in her ornament than she was in the conversation itself. The rest of the family laughed as she continued to fill her bauble, and Tony threw an arm around Rhodey’s shoulders. 
“Nah, I think I actually agree with you, Honeybear. These are probably my favorite as well, I can’t believe we never did this before. I almost wish we could make more, we were each only able to make five,” Tony said, looking down at his completed ornaments beside him, a slightly disappointed look on his face. “I had a lot more ideas for what to design.”
“I did too,” Pepper said, looking down at her own baubles, neat and elegant, all themed with the colors of white and gold, unlike the rest of the family, who had gone a bit more wild with their designs. 
“Well… who said we’re not allowed to go back to the craft store and get some more?” Peter said tentatively. When all three parents raised an eyebrow he quickly went on. “I mean we have plenty of paint and glitter and ribbon left! We could probably just get some more baubles and have enough supplies to make more--I mean what else are we gonna use this stuff for? Might as well use it up on more ornaments so we don’t waste it, ya know?”
The three adults were now wearing varying convinced facial expressions, though Morgan’s response definitely worked in Peter’s favor. 
“Yes! Let’s do it! Pleeeeease???” she said, looking up at them and giving them her best puppy eyes, garnished perfectly with a little sniff. 
Peter was grabbing his coat before they even said “yes.” 
“Ya know, I distinctly remember you saying all we had to get was more ornaments, and that we already had enough supplies to make another batch,” Tony said, frowning at Peter, who was gazing at the rows of glitter on the shelf. 
“Yeah yeah, I know, but we only got christmas themed colors last time! What if we got something else besides the red, green, white, and blue?”
“Well we got gold and silver too, and a little black--”
“You know what I mean,” Peter groaned with a roll of his eyes. “We could do so much more with some extra colors--Ooh look!” Peter snatched four containers of glitter off the shelf and presented them to Tony. “We could make pride flags! You and me could have personalized asexual pride ornaments!”
Tony sighed at the sight of the bottles. 
“Well… that would be cool… I dunno kiddo…” Tony said slowly, pushing his hands in his pockets as he thought. 
But Peter suddenly realized what he was doing and his face turned red with embarrassment. He really shouldn’t be asking for things right now, especially when he only wanted these colors because he was feeling a little insecure. That’s not a good enough reason to be spending money on glitter they were never gonna use again. 
“I--Um, nevermind, sorry,” Peter said, his hands shaking a little as he reached up to put them back. 
“What? No, Peter, I was--”
“There you two are!” Pepper said suddenly, making them both jump and turn in her direction. She made her way over, Rhodey and Morgan trailing behind. “What’re you doing over here?”
“Well the kid’s twisting my arm into getting us some pretty ace glitter,” Tony responded, and Pepper glanced at the bottles Peter was still holding. Peter grimaced inwardly, wishing Tony hadn’t said anything. He didn’t need Pepper to explain to him they can’t just buy whatever he wants just because he’s a little upset. 
But she wasn’t angry with him. She snorted, rolling her eyes at Tony’s pun. 
“Well if you two get your pride flag then I want mine too,” she said, reaching over and grabbing some pink, purple, and blue bottles, the colors of the bisexual flag, and throwing them in the basket with the pack of ornaments. The knot of nervousness that had formed in Peter’s chest instantly unraveled, and he suddenly felt a lot more at ease about putting his own bottles of glitter in the basket. 
“Hey don’t forget mine!” Rhodey said, reaching for the pink, yellow, and blue bottles, the pansexual pride flag, and putting them in too. 
“Oh, you guys need the polyamorous flag too!” Peter chirped, snagging the blue, red, and black bottles of glitter. “We can use the gold paint back at home to put the pi symbol on it too!”
All three parents smiled warmly at him, and Rhodey reached forward to ruffle his hair affectionately. Peter remembered when Pepper and Tony had first started dating Rhodey, they’d been so nervous to tell him because they were scared he wouldn’t like it. Peter was only about ten when they told him, and he could tell they had been very worried. Peter colored a picture of the three of them holding hands the next day, and hung it up on the fridge. He found out later that Tony had given it to Rhodey, and Rhodey keeps it in his wallet now, taking it everywhere he goes. And when Rhodey eventually moved in and got married to Tony and Pepper, Peter was extra enthusiastic in helping him get settled, to make sure he felt welcome. 
Peter’s always done his best to make sure his parents knew he loved them, and accepted them just the way they were. 
But Peter was suddenly snapped out of his memories by Tony’s voice. 
“But what about Little Mo’? We can’t have her feel left out!” he said, gazing down his daughter by his feet. But Morgan suddenly held up a large colorful bag, showing off the contents to her fathers, mother, and brother. 
“Pom poms!” she squeaked happily. The bag was filled with hundreds of colorful pom poms of varying sizes, some of which were definitely too big to force into the ornaments, but Peter knew that wouldn’t stop Little Mo’ from trying. 
“Oh yes, you forgot, Dad,” Peter said, scooping up his little sister and resting her on his hip. “The ‘P’ in the acronym doesn’t just stand for Pansexual and Polyamorous, it also stands for Pom Poms.”
“Oh yes, that’s the new one isn’t it?” Tony said with a snort, now sorting through the glitter in the basket to get rid of repeated colors. 
“Yup. Maybe I can get MJ to design a pride flag for it,” Peter said with a smirk. 
“I’m sure she would do so happily,” Pepper said, taking the pom poms from Morgan to put them in the basket, and kissing Morgan's head. “Now why don’t you and your Dad get back to the car and buckle Morgan in while your Papa and I get everything checked out?”
A few minutes later Peter walked out of the store with his sister and dad, and Tony was buckling Morgan in her carseat. 
“Snug bug?” Tony asked her as he adjusted the straps of her seat. 
“Snug bug,” Morgan confirmed with a giggle. Tony smiled and booped her nose, before drawing out his phone and opening up a game. 
“Wanna play on Daddy’s phone?” he said, handing it to her and helping her put in the headphones. Then Tony moved back up to sit in the middle row of the van, where Peter was looking at him with a raised eyebrow. 
“You never let me play with your phone when I was little,” he said bluntly. “I’m sensing a favorite child has been chosen.”
“Pfft, is that another one of your spidey powers? Your Spidey Sense get upgraded along with your suit?” Tony asked with a roll of his eyes. “No, I just needed her to be distracted.”
“What? Why?” Peter asked with a frown. 
“Well, it seems my other bug isn’t so snug,” Tony said, looking at Peter pointedly. 
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“What’s up kiddo? You seemed a little worried back there,” he said. 
“I did? When?” Peter said, hoping to wiggle his way out of the conversation somehow, stall until his Mom and Papa got back. 
“When you were asking about if you could get the ace flag colors. You know I was joking right? I wasn’t actually considering saying no to you, I want you to be able to show your pride however you like,” he said gently. It seems Peter wouldn’t be able to get out of this one.
“No, yeah I know that, it… wasn’t you I was worried about,” Peter said with a sigh. “Part of it I guess was uh, well you know how I get guilty asking for things. I didn’t want to make you spend money on me.”
“Ya know for the child of a billionaire you sure worry about money a lot,” Tony said with a smirk. “I don’t mind spending money on you. You’re important to me, and I have the ability to do it, so I like to. But, you already know that, and I have a feeling the money wasn’t the only thing bothering you. Am I right?”
Peter’s face turned even redder and he glanced out the window to see if his Mom and Papa had come to save the day. 
No such luck.
“I uh… Flash said something the other day. Bothered me,” Peter muttered. 
“What did he say, kiddo?” Tony said, reaching over to squeeze Peter’s hand. 
“…he said nobody would ever want to date someone who was asexual like me. That no one would wanna be in a relationship with someone who wouldn’t, uh--” he glanced at Morgan to make sure her earbuds were still in, “--‘give them any’.”
Peter looked down and picked at a loose thread on his jeans, avoiding his father’s gaze. 
“Oh Peter, I’m sorry. That’s not true, there are plenty of people who will love you just the way you are,” Tony said, smoothing a thumb over Peter’s knuckles. 
“Yeah, I mean I-I know that in the back of my mind--I mean you’ve got two people who love you, and you’re ace like me, so--so I mean I’m sure I’ll find at least one person, it’s just--” Peter broke off with a sigh. “What if… What if I find someone who’s okay with me being ace, but they’re not nice in other ways? What if there’s only one person who’s okay with me being ace, and it turns out they like, I dunno, hate that I’m Spider-Man? Or they’re even abusive or something? What if the only person who will ever like me is someone who’s bad?”
“Peter, nobody really ever has just one person they’re compatible with. I learned that when I fell in love with Rhodey,” Tony said with a soft smile. “There’s going to be more than one person who’s okay with your asexuality, just like there will be more than one who isn’t. There will be people who are okay with it but are terrible in other ways, just as there will be people who aren’t okay with it but are amazing in other ways. 
“And of course, that means there will be people who are just bad for you overall. People who aren’t okay with your sexuality and are awful. But that means there will also be the opposite! There will be people who will be fine with your asexuality, and are also kind, and funny, and will have qualities you love. 
“Humans are complex, you’ll never meet one that’s exactly the same as the other, and yet we have the ability to love so many different people, in so many different ways. It’s part of why I fell in love with both Pepper and Rhodey. I love how unique they are. 
“Like you said: two people who are so different from each other, and yet they both fell in love with an asexual person like me. And neither of them are terrible, obviously,” Tony said, and Peter laughed, finally looking up at him. Tony smiled and gave his hand a final squeeze. “Basically, of the hundreds of humans your age in New York, I doubt there’s only one person who would be good for you, and even less likely that the only people willing to date you are abusive and awful. It mathematically doesn’t make sense. Throw in the fact that you’re the kindest kid I’ve ever met, and I doubt there’s an asexual-accepting human in the world who wouldn’t wanna date you.”
Peter laughed again, leaning back on the headrest as his chest filled with relief. 
“Thanks,” he said quietly. “I dunno what I’d do without you to help me with all this stuff.”
“Of course, kiddo. It’s what Dads are for.”
An hour later, Peter and his family were finishing up making the last of their baubles, Peter carefully painting the Spider-Man logo on his glittery asexual pride ornament. He was feeling a lot better after the talk with Tony, like a weight had been lifted off him. It even made painting a little easier, despite the fact he was awful at painting. 
Rhodey had finished about half an hour earlier, now in the kitchen making cookies while Pepper and Morgan watched Klaus in the living room. The smell of Rhodey’s cookies wafted into the dining room where Peter and Tony were still working. Peter snapped up and sniffed the air, drinking in the scent of chocolate, butter, and sugar, the signature smell of Rhodey’s chocolate chip cookies. 
Peter’s stomach gave a deep growl at the scent, whining miserably about how empty it was. 
“Wow, someone’s hungry,” Tony said, glancing at Peter’s middle with a smirk. 
“I knoooow,” Peter groaned, wrapping an arm around his belly. “I was so distracted by the ornaments I forgot to have a snack when we got home. Dumb super metabolism, I’m gonna starve to death before those cookies get out of the oven.”
“Well don’t do that,” Rhodey said, walking in with a plate piled high with cookies. “Guess you were so distracted you didn’t hear the timer go off either, huh?”
Peter wasn’t listening though. He’d already put his ornament down to let the paint dry and was making grabby-hands at the plate, practically drooling. 
“Alright alright, calm down, don’t eat too fast either, you’ll give yourself a tummy ache,” Rhodey said, handing him the cookies. Peter scoffed as he stuffed a cookie in his mouth. 
“I’m fifteen, I don’t get ‘tummy aches’,” Peter said through his mouthful of cookie. 
“Tell that to whoever got a tummy ache from eating a whole solid chocolate santa in five minutes last week on a dare from Ned,” Rhodey muttered as Peter stuffed more cookies in his mouth. 
“That was not a ‘tummy ache’, that was Extreme Christmas Celebrating.”
“It was a tummy ache. You said ‘I have a tummy ache.’”
“I did not--”
“Uhh, guys?” Tony suddenly interrupted. Peter and Rhodey looked at him, and Pepper glanced back from her position on the couch. 
“Yeah?” they all said. 
“I uh… I think we have fifty ornaments here,” he said, staring wide-eyed at the pile. Peter blinked. 
No, no way, they didn’t make that many. 
“You sure you didn’t miscount?” Rhodey said, looking at the pile more closely himself. 
“Oh I’m sure. There’s fifty ornaments here. We made fifty ornaments,” Tony said. 
“That can’t be right, each of us only made… only made…” Peter had been about to say five, but realized that was before they bought the second batch of ornaments. If they made five, and then each made another five… 
“Ten. There’s five of us and we each made ten ornaments,” Pepper said in disbelief. “How did we not realize we’d be making ten each? Fifty ornaments?”
They all stared at the pile in silence for a few moments. 
“Well, I guess the tree will be a bit crowded this year,” Peter said, taking another bite of cookie. They all laughed, then Rhodey, Tony, and Peter, settled on the couch next to Pepper and Morgan to finish the rest of the movie with them. 
Later that day when Peter had a bellyful of cookies, they decorated the tree with their new ornaments, as well as the ones dragged out from the boxes in the garage. And while it was a bit crowded like Peter had predicted, it was the best one they’d ever had, with their pride ornaments glittering in the firelight, and Morgan’s pom pom baubles adding the perfect sprinkling of color to the green branches. 
Peter had never seen a more perfect tree. 
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stargazetheseries · 3 years
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OPEN CASTING CALL FOR STARGAZE: “THE PILOT” EPISODE & TRAILER VISIT: https://stargazetheseries.com/casting-call/ FOR DETAILS OR READ BELOW: A Borken Creative Production Sept 27, 2021 STARGAZE is a queer campy sci-fi adventure short-form adventure series intended for OTT. Executive Producers: Jill Golick, Carrie Cutforth Director: Regan Latimer Writer: Carrie Cutforth Union: ACTRA TORONTO (NEW MEDIA) Shoot: The pilot will begin shooting for 5 to 6 days between October 25-Nov 17th, 2021 Location: Toronto STORYLINE: A disparate group of rookie oddballs join an elite squad commissioned to save the Queerverse (from itself) only to discover the STARGAZE program is a sham make-work initiative to keep the crew from rocking the boat by sending them out on a fool’s quest (led by two elder queer chaperones who despise each other). Think: A 2SLGBTQIA+ The Facts Of Life meets The Breakfast Club in space! *BIPOC STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO APPLY **MUST BE 18+ TO SUBMIT EVEN IF CHARACTER IS LISTED AS YOUNGER THE STARTGAZE RECRUITS: SAF RON (she/her): Character is 20, cisgender woman, lesbian, open to all ethnicities; some physical comedy required. LEAD. Mad as hell and not going to take it anymore, Saf joins STARGAZE with high expectations. If the adults won’t save the day, she will… and finally get the credit she deserves! But can this lone wolf learn to connect with others, stop being a control freak, relax her unreasonably high expectations of others (and herself), and step into the leadership role for which she is destined? First, she’ll have to stop seeing anyone getting in her way as a mustache-twirling villain, learn to see her crewmates’ value, accept help, and open herself up vulnerably. Gets apoplectic when mad; Has a knack for creating very convoluted protest chants that no one can follow. WHIT SPRINKLES (he/him): Character is 19, cisgender man, gay, open to all ethnicities. Must be able to walk elegantly in high heels. LEAD. A social media influencer famous for his snarky and bitter ’reads,’ charismatic Whit has developed a parasocial relationship with his stans. Living life performing in the spotlight from a very young age, Whit has no idea who he really is, what his real interests are, or his beliefs outside of what his analytics tell him: “My fans are gonna love this!” Only joining STARGAZE under pressure from his stans, his inability to forge true intimate connections is exacerbated by his relationship with his mother/manager Mumsy Sprinkles, a talentless hack/narcissistic stage mother living her dreams through her kid. If Whit was a meme he would be: ‘Bitch, I dun give a fuck!’ But he does, indeed, give a fuck. ESSA T. HATCH (they/them): Character is 18, non-binary or agender, asexual, demiromantic, neurodivergent, open to all ethnicities. LEAD. Adorkable Essa is an introvert who doesn’t really ‘get’ people. The explorer among the crew with an engineering mind and a love of mapping places and spaces, they know every nook and cranny of the ship and are usually the first to forge ahead (i.e. wander off) on every expedition. Essa mostly wants to be left alone to their own devices because they actually prefer their own company (neurotypicals can be so exhausting!). This normally wouldn’t be such a problem except Essa was pressured to join STARGAZE to make friends and widen their social net out of parental concern (‘We won’t be around forever, Essa!’). Loves to knit, make Venn diagrams of relationships; speaks in emojis when emotionally drained. LEW D’SHUS (he/him): Character is 21, transgender man or transmasculine, pansexual, open to all ethnicities. LEAD. When babelicious Lew looks at you with his rapt attention and dreamy eyes, you feel like the only person in the ‘verse until his short attention span snaps away and he forgets you’re there. “Good vibes, only!” Lew will gladly give you your Tarot card reading, but not before taking the negative cards out first. With his strict ‘the universe is love, we are love,’ mantra, Lew never wants anyone to feel bad even when they are deadass wrong! His philosophy of
appeasement can cause conflict amongst the crew and his inability to take sides in crucial moments will often put them in danger. No, we cannot just hug everything out, Lew! CHRYSTRAH SNU (she/her): Character is 17 (must be 18+ to apply), cis-gender woman, identifies as ‘queer’ but just figuring it all out. LEAD. Chrystrah is a fresh-off-the-belt queer who has arrived with big expectations: ‘I’m here, I’m queer! Direct me to my spot on the rainbow carpet!’ The trauma of her homophobic upbringing has left Chrystrah without any real sense of self; her identity loosely held together like a fragile cracked egg. Any criticism, no matter how gentle, feels like an attack, causing Chrystrah to act abrasive, territorial, and defensive. She is always overcompensating in big bombastic ways because she feels so inadequate for not knowing the right words, behaviours, and codes. She is jealous of Saf (some might say obsessed) who does seem to get it all right. Fiercely loyal, Chrystrah is the first to run headlong into danger to save someone. She has a steep learning curve ahead. THE ELDER QUEER CHAPERONES: BAE TORGA (she/her): Character is late 30’s-early 40’s, cisgender woman, bisexual, bipolar, open to all ethnicities. PRINCIPAL. A war hero (or war criminal depending on who you ask), Bae sees STARGAZE as an opportunity to redeem herself in the eyes of former mentor and friend Oracle Cain. She is someone who struggles with self-loathing and self-doubt even though she’s spent her adulthood righting her past wrongs and reining in her bipolar disorder, which contributed to her past rash and reckless mistakes. Possessing a tough, gruff demeanor, Bae is outwardly sardonic but really a bleeding heart who holds back out of fear that any demonstration of affection and empathy will be seen as a commitment. ORACLE CAIN (she/her): Character is middle-aged or older, transgender woman, ambulatory wheelchair user or wheelchair user, open to all ethnicities. *Note, as this is sci-fi, younger than middle age may apply. PRINCIPAL. A founding figure of the Queerverse, Oracle has done her service, done her duty, and now she’s done. She wants a peaceful existence to guard her limited energy and manage her physical pain. Instead, she’s pulled out of retirement to command a ship full of bickering youths. She also has to contend with spoiled brat and former colleague Bae reminding her of the past that Oracle is trying hard to forget. But duty is duty and it’s not like complaining ever got her anywhere. Talking to Oracle can feel like playing a chess game where the aloof commander is always five steps ahead: you never quite know where you stand with her. ADDITIONAL CHARACTERS ELP WHIPP (they/them or xe/xem): Character is middle-aged or older, gender-fluid, open to all ethnicities. Leader of the coalition of non-profit planets (each with its own conflicting Gay Agenda) that rule the Queerverse, Elp Whipp is a career bureaucrat/bean-counter who often gets caught in the trappings of their own political web — meaning much of nothing ever gets accomplished and progress is never made. Elp will appear throughout the series in that ‘Dean of the school’ role, occasionally showing up to demand overdue reports, warn the crew that their funding is at risk, and generally throw a wrench in the works. CARDIGAN JACK (she/her): Character is 30s, cis-woman, lesbian, open to all ethnicities. Cardigan Jack is a ‘pussy-hat’ wearing neo-liberalist feminist with a pirate vibe. She is the ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ of TERFs, and Saf Ron’s nemesis. TO SUBMIT: Borken Creative is committed to diverse and inclusive casting. For every role, please submit qualified performers without regard to disability, race, age, colour, sexual orientation or gender identity, or any other basis prohibited by law, unless otherwise specifically indicated, subject to legitimate casting directives. DEADLINE: Oct 8, 2021 EMAIL: [email protected]. SUBJECT LINE: Character(s) Role, Performer’s First and Last Name, pronouns. BODY OF EMAIL: Please provide contact info including phone number.
Please confirm you are 18 or over in the body of email if applying for a Stargaze recruit character. Submit headshot and resume as attachments to [email protected]. Resume should be in a scannable text file format (such as .doc, .pdf, .txt). First round selects will be invited to submit either a video clip audition or zoom audition invite. Only successful candidates will be contacted.
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atknz · 3 years
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* miguel bernardeau , cismale + he/him | you know santiago atkins, right? they’re twenty-four, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, two months? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to i wanna get better by bleachers like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole   (   golden cross necklace squeezed between his fingers to suppress anger, a worn out book of mormon hidden beneath his nightstand, a tired smile    &    weary laugh echoed down the halls  )    thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is JUNE 25TH    so they’re a cancer, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
                       tw for .    religion, religious trauma, repressed gay ness, suicide 
TLDR: dumb but kind jesus lover who doesn’t know being bisexual exists.  IF YOU WANT TO SIMPLY SKIP TO CONNECTIONS AND PERSONALITY, FEEL FREE TO DO SO!!
insp.  jason from bare: a pop opera, shelby from the wilds.
santiago was born to marina ruiz in 1996.  a low-income waitress from madrid, spain. his father is unknown. one day, when marina was at work, she served a group of young men who described themselves as members of the church of latter day saints (mormons), they were american men sent to madrid to carry out their mission of bringing as many people as possible to jesus christ. they were nice, tipped well, and invited her to church.   feeling down on herself, marina figured there was no harm in doing so and her life was completely changed when she became a full fledge member of the LDS church.  santiago, two at the time, had no choice but to follow in her footsteps.    
life for the two wasn’t bad afterward. marina met a man, Beck Atkins, who quickly became a father figure for santiago. the two fell in love, got married merely five months into their relationship, popped out about four more kids (in which she legally changed santiago’s last name to atkins so that it wouldn’t be obvious he was from a different relationship) and, when santiago turned seventeen, the family of seven set their sights on SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH - beck’s hometown.
santiago was in utah for a year before starting his very own mission. he branded a name tag that said ELDER ATKINS, suited up and was shipped to north carolina with a companion, elder brett, as the two went door-to-door in an attempt to save the lives of residence in NC and bring them closer to jesus christ.  between all of the door slams, threats to get off the lawn, and being made fun of, the two always wore a smile and shared a laugh. as thick as thieves is how people would describe santiago and elder brett - which is known to happen when you’re with each other 24/7 and sharing bunk beds.
                            “ one thing led to another and soon i would discover:                               i was having really strange feelings for steve (elder brett) ”
hi if u guessed that bi-repressed santiago would soon fall head over heels for his companion, you’re abso-fucking-lutely right.  however it wasn’t unrequited, the kiss behind the church van four months into their mission taught him that, but santiago was a coward. as much as elder brett was prepared to stand before the church and declare his love - santiago was certain it was a phase, he’s liked girls before, he’s just confused. besides, the scripture, he thought, was very, very  clear.   so they hid it for another year and eight months.
SUICIDE TRIGGER WARNING:        long story short: in a para i’ll get into some day, elder brett had had enough of the secrets, the lying to his family and lying to himself about who he was, at the end of their mission he told santiago he wanted to come out - with or without him - and santiago freaked. he knew it wouldn’t take long for the church to put two-and-two together, and had some extremely harsh words to say to his boyfriend about the decision. about how he was only bored, there were no girls on the trip, he didn’t actually love him, no one could actually love him.     but santiago didn’t know that elder brett was dealing with other demons and, essentially, that came as a last straw for the him. he just remembers a stream of tears pouring from his eyes on his way back to salt lake, the crush of a hug from his mother and father as they apologized for what happened to his friend.    ( in which his dad so lovingly added that elder brett may not make it to the celestial kingdom after ruining god’s plan by ending his life too soon.  )      END TRIGGER WARNING
he stayed at home for a few more years, until remembering a place in NC called irving that he and elder brett felt was quaint and cute, deciding to move there officially in late may. 
kind, almost to a fault. he truly is full of love, light, and care. he’s constantly wearing a smile on his face, loves to give hugs and advice and wants the best for everyone.  HE WILL GIVE YOU A HUG UNANNOUNCED
kind of an idiot who is shit at context clues, always finds it strange when people are mean. has never touched a drop of alcohol and doesn’t swear. catch him saying “frick” religiously
jesus christ is his best friend.
has a dark side with an insane amount of anger issues ever since he was a kid. it’s one of the reasons his mother thought the church worked so well because they taught him how to suppress that emotion and... smile instead of feeling it.     which obviously isn’t good, as he could have a tendency to black out and realize he’d completely smashed his tv to bits or punched a hole in the wall.
he’s not 100% sure of his sexuality. he knows he’s into guys so he basically decided that must mean he’s gay but is extremely confused because he also finds himself having crushes on women.  someone sit him down and tell him that bisexuality / pansexuality exists bc he’s HARMED
he was on his mission in / around irving two years ago ,  2019 - knocking on every door and asking if he and his companion can share the story of jesus christ with them... so pls give me a connect of someone who either entertained the idea, slammed the door in his face or threatened him to get off their lawn.
bad influence. he never touched a drop of alcohol, doesn’t cuss, doesn’t even drink coffee. pls he’s so boring
bible study friends lmao
A FRIEND WHO HE CLUNG TO!! their personality doesn’t matter but it’d be hella cute if they were usually irritated by santiago and he had no idea. he’s like haha ur so funny when ur mean i love u <3
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rosethornewrites · 4 years
Fic: The Rebellion of Adrien Agreste ch. 1-2
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Kagami Tsurugi, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Luka Couffaine, Lila Rossi/karma, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth/aneurism, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Plagg & Tikki
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Lila Rossi, Jagged Stone, Plagg, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine, Penny Rolling, Anarka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Césaire, Chloé Bourgeois, Wayhem, Nadja Chamack, Nathalie Sancoeur, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, Tikki, Fang, Principal Damocles, Caline Bustier, Ms. Mendeleiev, original minor character, Alec Cataldi, Lila Rossi's Mother, Sabrina Raincomprix, Roger Raincomprix, Mylène Haprèle, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste's Bodyguard, Nino Lahiffe, Nooroo
Tags: Lila Rossi salt, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Teenage Rebellion, Swearing, Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, Crack Treated Seriously, Lila Rossi's Lies Are Exposed, Cuddling & Snuggling, Luka Couffaine Needs a Hug, Paparazzi, Parentification, Marinette Dupain-Cheng Needs a Hug, Gabriel Agreste Needs an Aneurism, Uncle Jagged Stone, we're all queer here, the spirit of punk is sometimes just being allowed to be yourself, Kagami Finds Her Groove, punk rock fashion, Savage Kagami, Marinette protection squad, Good Parent Sabine Cheng, Good Parent Tom Dupain, Protective Kagami Tsurugi, Protective Luka Couffaine, Bisexual Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Pansexual Luka Couffaine, Sharing a Bed, Pet Names, LGBTQ Character, LGBTQ Themes, Instagram, Bullying, Social Media, Anxiety, Makeover, Hugs, will cure your acne, Face Punching, Bad Ass Juleka Couffaine, Rumors, Protective Juleka Couffaine, Protective Adrien Agreste, Lawyers, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Holding Hands, accountability, mental health, Jagged Stone's well-paid pet shark, How to Make the Evening News, Sexy eyeliner for days, one fish two fish Lila is a screwed fish, How to have fun and piss Gabriel off, Fuckery, sweet litigious karma, Alya sugar, lawyer shark doo doo doo doo doo doo, Schadenfreude, Bad Ass Alya Césaire, Gaslighting, abuse denormalization, Jagged likes his lawyers like he likes his pets: toothy af, Blood in the Water, Everything you didn’t know you wanted and some things you did, Gabriel Agreste is shark bait, Denial, Consequences, Principal Damocles salt, caline bustier salt, the impotence of Gabriel Agreste, snarky Nooroo, lies and the lying liars who tell them, Lila's brain is a narcissistic hellscape, Lila’s mind is built like an Escher piece, Alec Cataldi salt, Adrien Sugar, wholesome salt, Fu Salt, Kwami Shenanigans, Nooroo is a little shit
Summary: Gabriel decides that Adrien entering a romantic relationship is a good move for the brand. He chooses Lila Rossi as the other half. Adrien nopes tf out.
Notes: I was gonna have it be a slow acceleration, but Adrien was all “Go big or go home.” Also trying to find motivation to write more of this fic.
AO3 link
“No,” Adrien growled. “Absolutely not!”
Lila made a show of crying, not that anyone in the room believed her tears were real.
Gabriel frowned at him from his desk. “This will be good for the brand—”
“Fuck the brand!”
“Adrien! This is unbecoming. You will be seen to be dating Ms. Rossi. That is final.”
Adrien’s fists were so tight he was sure he had crescents eating into his palms. “Like hell it is! I will not date that—” he gestured at Lila “—lying cow. Not after how she’s hurt my friends.”
Said girl gasped, outraged, and Adrien was glad to see she actually looked truly upset.
His father stood, but kept his voice emotionless, calm, self-assured that he would capitulate. “Cease this ridiculous teenage rebellion.”
He saw red, but oddly it calmed him. “Father, you have not seen teenage rebellion,” he said, his voice almost terrifyingly calm. “But I would be happy to teach you what it looks like if you try to force me to do this.”
Gabriel’s eyes narrowed behind his glasses. Adrien could see him considering that, but then discarding it. “It will be in the papers tomorrow. If you misbehave, you’ll no longer be permitted to go to school.”
Adrien snorted. He knew more ways to escape this house than his father could possibly anticipate—some he’d made himself, even. “Good luck, Gabe. You’re going to need it.”
He spun on his heel before his father could respond and slammed the door behind him. With the enhanced strength he had as the Black Cat Miraculous chosen, the wood cracked audibly.
As he made his way back to his room, he realized the opportunity his father had just placed in his lap. As the face of the brand, Adrien had more power than Gabriel seemed to realize. It was time to stretch those muscles.
He had planning to do.
His father had spectacularly good timing for pulling this kind of stunt—for Adrien, anyway. He’d heard from a couple of friends of his that a certain rock star was in town. And if anyone was up for promoting teenage rebellion, Adrien had no doubt it would be Jagged Stone.
It was child’s play to sneak out of the house. He didn’t even have to transform to do it. From there it was just making his way to the Grand Paris Hotel. The staff assumed he was there to see Chloé, so getting in was no problem. Jagged Stone always rented the same suite, so that wasn’t an issue, either.
The hard part, he knew, would come after he knocked on the door.
Jagged opened the door, and then peered at him suspiciously.
“Um, M. Stone, I don’t know if you remember me but—”
The rock star suddenly broke into a wide grin. “Oh, you’re Marinette’s model friend, right?”
Adrien blinked. Maybe this wouldn’t be so hard. His rock idol knew him?
Sadly, he had no time to fanboy.
“Yes, Adrien. I was wondering if I could trouble you for some help?”
And so that was how Adrien Agreste wound up sitting in Jagged Stone’s suite, petting Fang, and telling him about the woe that was the obsession his father had with Lila Rossi, Liar Extraordinaire.
“She said I had a what?”
“A kitten. And she got Marinette expelled and is just being really awful to her.”
Jagged opened a cell phone. “Penny, I need you. Yes, I know I sent you for macrons, but this is really important. Bring my niece with.”
When he was finished, he turned to Adrien again. “We’ll get that taken care of.”
“That’s not all, M. Stone.”
He pressed forward, telling his idol of the relationship he was being forced into and his promise to show Gabriel Agreste just what he could do if he really rebelled.
When he was done, Jagged’s face was gleeful in an almost terrifying way.
“Oh, please tell me I get to help with this?” At Adrien’s nod the man whooped in excitement. “Brilliant. Once my niece gets here, we’ll plan properly. She’s a planner, that one. Smart as a whip.”
Adrien blinked. “Your niece?”
“Marinette, of course! Honorary niece.”
His jaw dropped. Marinette had always had the upper hand on Lila, could call in Jagged at any moment to destroy her, and had held back. He never should’ve stopped her.
“My father can’t know she helped. He’s got so much power in the fashion industry, and I don’t want to hurt her career.”
Jagged waved away his concerns. “Mate, listen. From what I understand you’re the face of that company. You have the power, not him. Get you in some Marinette originals, and he can’t undo the fame that’ll bring her.”
Adrien hadn’t considered that. “I just don’t want her hurt.”
He heard the door open, and then a soft, “Adrien?”
It meant he had to explain the situation all over again, letting Jagged Stone assure her that he was going to pop the liar’s kitten whopper as soon as possible.
“I can stop by your school with Fang, yeah? They can’t keep me from saying hi to my favorite niece.”
Marinette bit her lip. “That would be helpful, but for Adrien…”
Adrien smiled. “I want you to design me a new look. Something we can do here and now—maybe with the discrete help of some of the hotel staff, since they have that nice spa and such. Hair dye, new clothes. Maybe some fake piercings. Oooh, a fake tattoo?”
Jagged glanced at Penny, who looked uncertain about this. “Don’t be a party pooper, Penny.”
“His father might sue you,” she pointed out.
“Like I care. I have money.” He grinned. “And for what? Giving his kid a makeover?”
“French law—”
“Nope, don’t care. It’s happening. Get his sizes and go to my favorite stores. Adrien, what color scheme?”
Adrien blinked. He hadn’t thought that far. He glanced at Marinette. “Um, do you think Chat Noir would mind if I used his colors? I think of him when I think teenage rebellion.”
That was more because being Chat Noir had up to this point been his way of rebelling, but she didn’t need to know that.
To his surprise, Marinette grinned, the smile wide enough to match Jagged’s. “Oh, I like that idea. Chains and spikes? Fake lip ring and septum?”
Jagged made a shooing motion at Penny, who rolled her eyes and headed toward the door, before joining in. “Now how about this idea: black and neon green hair, done to look like a skunk’s stripes!”
Adrien was surprised to find himself laughing honestly at the idea. He’d been so angry less than an hour ago, but this was truly fun. “This makes me think of those J-Rock bands, how they used to dress up.”
Jagged’s phone let out a guitar riff and he glanced at it. “Oh, right. Penny needs your measurements. Shoe size, too. Definitely some stomping boots, I think.”
He handed over his unlocked phone for Adrien to text.
“I’ll call the salon, yeah?”
Adrien nodded, texting the information, then froze. “Wait, Chloé might tell my father.”
That got a laugh. “Nah. They’re discrete. They bring everything up here for me—I won’t be around people if I’m getting my hair dyed.”
While Jagged made the call, Adrien finished the text. When he looked up, Marinette was watching him. She turned pink when she realized he’d caught her.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” she asked after a moment.
He sighed, slumping back on the sofa and resting his hand on Fang’s head again. “No, but I don’t have any better ones. That stupid news claiming I’m with Lila’s going to hit tomorrow. And I’m so done with this, with him treating me like I’m property.”
Marinette looked worried, and he tried to muster up a smile. From her expression, he didn’t manage it.
“Maybe…” she started, then trailed off.
She didn’t look at him. “Maybe you should look into laws involving child labor and parental responsibility. You… you might be able to get emancipated.”
That startled him—something he hadn’t even thought of before. He hadn’t even been aware it was an option.
When Marinette did look at him, her eyes were stormy. “He’s so… cruel to you. Maybe there’s legal recourse.”
“I’ll think about it,” he murmured. That seemed like such a drastic measure. “I don’t know if I want to go that far.”
She nodded, and he excused himself to go to the bathroom.
Plagg shot out of his pocket the moment the door was closed. “I’m so proud of you kid. This is gonna be great!”
“Thanks, Plagg.”
The kwami grabbed the proffered wedge of camembert.
“And think about what Pigtails said. Your dad’s a real piece of work, and you deserve better.”
“I will.”
Adrien could feel the idea turning over in his mind, as though gathering strength. When he left the bathroom, Jagged met him excitedly.
“I have just the idea! A temporary face tattoo!”
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katsuukiwii · 4 years
“Wish You Were Gay” Singer!Levi X Eren (SFW-Angst+Fluff)
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Contains: Angst with a good ending, mention of EreMika. wish you were gay- Billie Eilish
My first Ereri fic is sad WHY-
But fuck it, this idea was good. Also to anybody who has requested I am SO SORRY because when I go to the reqs my mind goes “...” b l a n k! They’ll be done as soon as I can figure out what I wanna do for them lmao
Levi walks onto the stage, looking at the large crown that starts to cheer when the lights dim, one light illuminating him beautifully. However, he doesn’t get that usual sense of pride, instead, his heart drops into his stomach, noticing the familiar face in the crowd, teal eyes staring back at him. He remembers the last time he saw those eyes.
“Levi, what the hell?! I don’t like you! That’s it! You’re just...not my type!”
Levi looks down, trying to swallow his shame back, “I get it, Eren. I’m sorry...” Before Eren can let him know that it’s fine, Levi runs into his house, tears streaming down his face as he falls to the floor. As soon as he hears Eren’s car leave the driveway, he starts sobbing loudly, his mother running into the room, where she comforted him.
Levi sighs, knowing that that had happened years ago. Naturally, he wouldn’t have been so upset, despite the fact that he still loved him, but what made him mad was the woman standing next to him, hugging him tightly. She looked just like him, the same dark hair, similar eyes, and to be honest, it had made Levi jealous. 
The music starts, and he brings the microphone close to his face, sitting on the small wooden stool given to him, deciding that he didn’t need anything flashy for the song. And of course, the one he was singing tonight had to be that one. Finally, he starts to sing, his velvety voice making everybody cheer.
“‘Baby, I don't feel so good’, six words you never understood” “‘I'll never let you go’, five words you'll never say” “I laugh along like nothing's wrong, four days has never felt so long” “If three's a crowd and two was us, one slipped away”
Levi closes his eyes, remembering how the two used to be best friend until he confessed.
“I just wanna make you feel okay” “But all you do is look the other way” “I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay” “I just kinda wish you were gay”
Eren looks away from him, now refusing to even look at the stage. He didn’t mean to be so aggressive with Levi, it just...happened.
“Is there a reason we're not through?” “Is there a 12-step just for you?” “Our conversation's all in blue” “11 ‘heys’” “Ten fingers tearin' out my hair” “Nine times, you never made it there” “I ate alone at seven, you were six minutes away”
After that had happened, Eren stopped responding to Levi’s messages. He started with every few months, to only texting him on holidays, to just, stopping. He hated being alone, now that he was older and had his own place. He didn’t want to eat alone, he didn’t want to sleep alone, only to wake up and do the same thing over again. He notices Eren turning around to leave, noticing this, Levi’s voice becomes intense, purposefully getting his attention. Levi sings with tears flowing for his eyes.
“How am I supposed to make you feel okay” “When all you do is walk the other way?” “I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay” “I just kinda wish you were gay”
His voice breaks for second, quickly fixing it, making sure his voice stays smooth. The crowd is astonished, it almost seems as if they’re in the same situation as Levi.
“To spare my pride” “To give your lack of interest, an explanation” “Don't say I'm not your type” “Just say that I'm not your preferred sexual orientation” “I'm so selfish” “But you make me feel helpless, yeah” “And I can't stand another day” “Stand another day”
Brushing his jacket to the side due to the hot light on him, he notices Eren turning back around, shocked at how Levi really felt. He says something to the woman next to him, nudging to the stage, and Levi grows bitter, wondering what horrible things he could be saying.
“I just wanna make you feel okay” “But all you do is look the other way, hmm” “I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay” “I just kinda wish you were gay” “I just kinda wish you were gay” “I just kinda wish you were gay”
Levi pants as the songs ends, the crowd cheers, some whistling, come clapping, some shouting things at him like ‘I love you’, but none of them were from the one person he wanted to see them from, his tears continue to fall as he gets off the stage. He wipes his tears, desperately trying to keep them back. Suddenly he notices a pair of tan arms wrapping around him, and a warmth spreads through him, he turns around, noticing Eren. As much as he wanted to stay there, in his arms, he moves out of them, “Don’t....You have a girlfriend! She was in the crowd with you!”
Eren raises a brow, smiling, “Mikasa? She’s my cousin, and she’s in love with your band.” Levi nods, relieved that he’s at least single, “And...maybe you’ll still wish I was gay, but...I found out I’m pansexual.” Levi’s eyes widen, tears threatening to spill over again as Eren grabs his hands, “Would you....like to go to dinner? Or, a movie? Anything is cool!” Levi pulls him into a hug, dragging him into his dressing room where he holds the man close, peppering him in kisses, despite his size, he is shockingly strong, “Oh, shit! Hahah, I’ll take that as a yes?” Levi nods into his shoulder, still refusing to let go of him.
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campcampfanfan · 4 years
Ranking every CC episode (except the specials)
You read the title! Every episode except the specials will be ranked here and now, by your truly. TW for swearing. Also, spoilers, obviously. Remeber these are all my opinions, and enjoy!
Episodes I don’t like too much/ Don’t watch:
54:The Candy Kingpin
I know, I know, probably an unpopular take. I don’t really like Dolph, and think the series could have done without his whole… thing. I like him as a character, sorta, but I also don’t really like him. I honestly forgot this episode even existed until I looked it up, and the only thing I remember was Gwen and David’s conversation. The whole story was… eh? Whatever, it was still fine-ish in the long run.
53: Reigny Day
Enough said. Everyone’s lowkey kind of a jerk in this episode, except for Neil and Max for like two seconds.Also, Dolph jokes. Don’t like it.
52:Cameron Campbell the Campbell Camper
This one was pretty meh. I, once again, didn’t remember it existed until I looked it up. It wasn’t Cam’s best episode (I’ll get to that later), and it was kinda bland. Bland doesn’t mean bad though, but it just wasn’t the best. Only thing I remember was the wholesome Dadvid moment and Max saying a funny line. Enough said about that.
51: Anti Social Network
Now, I wasn’t too sure where to put this, because this was in theory a good episode. I just don’t like it. I’m not sure why, but Max being a tiny perv is very funny to me, because that is exactly what a ten year old is like. I just didn’t really find it interesting or catching my attention, but it wasn’t a bad episode.
50: The Order of the Sparrow
I get why you like this, I totally get it. It’s funny and lots of Dadvid, plus Gwen singing for the first time. Honestly, Gwen singing and David’s mental breakdown is what got this higher than Anti Social Network, but it’s still racist. I get it, it’s comedy, but it’s still really… interesting. I know the CC people are trying their best, and it’s a delicate balance, but I still skip over the first few minutes.
49: Jeremy Fartz
We love a hilarious mess up, Max cursing, and David making fun of someone, but it’s also a really awkward episode? Like, it makes for a really good backstory for Jeremy and joining the Woodscouts, but it’s such an odd episode. Not bad, just odd. Whatever, I still like it. Sorta….
48: Fashion Victims
Oh boy, Russian Waifu comes back. I love Ainsley, she’s my precious baby and Max’s purified Doppelganger, and I love her so much. But Sasha’s not my favorite character in the show, and she got especially mean in this episode. I love the whole Vera thing, but really dislike this one. I watch it once in a while, but not too often. Also, we love positivity from Tabii and Erin.
47:Time Crapsules
We love Gwen blushing, improvement from Max, and making fun of baseball. But this episode really hit me with second hand embarrassment for both Gwen and Max. You know when you can’t sit through an episode without getting second hand embarrassment? Yup, that’s this one. I wanted the guy coming through the door to be David and I’m salty, ok? This is my list, and we stan Gwenvid on this account.
46:Campfire Tales
Dolph’s story was boring, Space Kid was great, We love ghost parents. We l o v e Slenderman! AU David in this household, and I want to see more of them. Oh yeah, outfits were great. Max is a baby in this episode, and I love his fear because it makes you see that he really is a little boy with feelings. I also laugh at everyone’s faces after Space Kid’s story.
Ok Episodes/ Ones I do like:
45:Preston Goodplay’s Goodplay
Oooooo, this is a tough one. I love Preston as a character, because I too am a theatre kid who dislikes most people and wants to be famous for her storytelling. I can relate. I love how David talks to him, and how Preston comes to his realization that he doesn’t need to please everyone. Also, canon French Speaking! David is canon. Amazing. He’s still Candian! Anyway, Clown College was odd, but whatever, I can roll with it.
44: The Quarter Moon Convergence
We totally saw Zemug and no one said anything. No one! Why was no one talking about this! We saw the elder god! Anyways, I love Harrison and Quartermaster working together. It’s funny, it’s clever, and I want to see more of it. I do not like the subplot with the other characters, and it really took me out of the main story. Other than that, pretty interesting idea, and I love my pure magic boy!
43:Who Peed in the Lake
Ew. That’s all I need to say about it. It’s extremely funny, I like the motives, and I love detective Max. However, Nikki and the final answer are disgusting in this episode. It gross, it’s gross, it’s gross, but it’s so funny. I know I have the humor of an eight year old, I don’t care.
42:New Adventure
I love how this episode was played out. Funny, clever, and overall pretty ok. Plus, guess who shows up? Dirty Kevin, my friends! Best trash boy :)
Overall pretty good! Not too many complaints, but not too many great things either.
41:The Fun Raiser
Hmmm… This was an… interesting episode. David and Gwen scheming is my new religion, and they are both idiots. Who the hell thought this plan was a good idea? David? I mean, he’s a little bit dipsy, but has SOME common sense. Gwen? Maybe, but you know, she’s logical. You know what? I’m being too picky. I love my dumbasses, they are the best. Also, Gwen sitting on David is everything I love in my life and everything I need. Harrison makes a very good point, Nikki probably found Jasper’s skull, and Max is my scheming child. Whatever, eh episode, love the plot, but I have cringed at it.
40: Foreign Exchange Students
Like I’ve said before, this episode is out of place. It’s not bad, it’s just… blandish. I know, I know, Russian Waifu was in it, but this episode was only ok. I love Vera and Brian, and the ending is super funny, but other than that, eh episode.
39:Attack of the Nurfs
I honest to gods forgot this episode existed. I ended up rewatching it, and had a few good laughs. Gwen in this episode, for the little time she appears, is so funny. David’s sparkle eyes always make me laugh, and Max ends up making me laugh most of all. Nurf takes “talking to yourself” to a whole new level, and I relate my man. Get that therapy!
38:Camp Cool Kidz
This episode is eh....? I love my tiny rebellious children, but I really hate Ered in this episode. It just feels… so unlike her. I get it, it’s the start of her ark, but really and truly I disliked her character in this episode. On the other hand, Nikki is me trying to flirt with other women. She’s my little baby Pansexual, and I love her to death. Honestly, I really enjoy Nikki episodes, so yeah. Also, the literal moment I began to love Gwen with the “Stab her bitch!” line.
37:Quest to Sleepy Peak Peak
Honestly, I almost never watch this episode, but I still really like it. Nerris’s lines, the battle between two magic folk, the one liners, the ending, oh it was really good. However, some of the parts were boring, it’s not the best, but it’s still pretty good. Whatever, I like Nerrison and magic, so boom.
36:Escape from Camp Campbell
Honestly, what a classic. First episode, Gwen being overall great, “No Running”, Max being a  tiny Satan, Nikki and Neil being amazing. But, once again, it’s the first episode, which means some things aren’t the best. But! I do enjoy this one, and watch it sometimes.
35:Mind Freakers
Eh… It’s pretty ok. We love Harrison and Neil being jerks to each other, and we love Max having an identity crisis, but all I could really think through this was “Poor Max” and “This is a really stupid and petty fight”. It really is petty, which isn’t bad, but I feel like ti was an odd episode. Not bad, I thoroughly enjoy it, I just couldn’t swallow normal for a few days….
One I really like/ Second highest ranking:
34:Romeo and Juliet 2: Love Resurrected
Bon Bon~! Yay! We love David for having a Tinder, for Max’s amazing performance, and the drama! That being said, it’s overall a pretty good episode! Not the best, but pretty good!
Welp, I feel like you all know what I’m getting at. The jokes are well landed, Muack appears for the first time ( and steals the show, and that’s the tea), and my girl Nikki is so precious. Quartermaster is weird as hell, and speaking of which…
32: Quartermaster Appreciation Day
I know, it’s gross, it’s weird, I hate the relationship almost as much as I can, but this episode is so freaking funny. So many of the jokes are well timed, some classic lines come from this episode, and Quartermaster being his weird self is a major playing factor.
31: Space Camp was a hoax
More Gwen and David being two idiots sharing one brain cell? Hell yes, lay it on me. Space Kid is so funny, and his inner dialouge is fantastic. Also, Nikki cursing is incredible, even if it isn’t really on screen. Gwen’s line “Is this what success feels like?” is a major mood, and I just generally think it’s a good episode.
30: Ered gets her cool back
We love Nerris and Ered’s relationship in this household, ok? Older sporty sister spends time with dorky younger sister who has more common sense? Bigger sister gets better at being with other people and learns a lot form the experience? Nikki”s outfit? All major amazing things I love in this episode. But, the plot was a little eh, and I got second hand embarrassment.
29:Jasper dies at the end
All I have to say is H O O E Y
28:Cameron Campbell can’t handle the truth serum
Dolph’s autstic? Oh, ok, that’s pretty cool! We love representation. Anyways, this was an odd episode. Not good, not bad, just… odd. The therapy and plant jokes made my dad have to come in and check on me because I was laughing so loud, and most of the other jokes hit well. But it was… eh plot wise. It was pretty good joke wise though!
27:Journey to Spooky Island
Jasper, Quartermaster’s ahem… thing, and Max screaming were the best things in this episode. This episode is pretty great if I do say so myself, but this is ranked lower because I did not need to imagine Quartermaster like that. Excuse while I go burn out my eyeballs.
26: Camporee
Fuck Pikeman. All my homies hate Pikeman. No seriously, he is my least favorite character on the show. His sexism and gross advances really get to me, and the way he treats Gwen is disgusting. Now I have that out of the way, I actually enjoyed this episode, except for Pikeman. Hot take, I know. I’ve seen the Pikeman X Reader stuff on Wattpad. Whatever, back to the topic. Episode was good overall, especially the lesson. Each person’s talents were fantastic, and the ending itself was great. 
25:Camp Corp
We stan business Gwen and her telling Nancy to shut up.I love the plot, forcing three people who usually don’t work together to solve a common problem. I love that, and it does make for an interesting story. However, there are some flaws to the episode, but it’s overall pretty fantastic!
24:Follow the Leader
Are you kidding me? This was a great idea. Funny, creative, inventive, and overall pretty good. Playing with how each character leads was a great idea, and very inventive to give them all a common goal. Why it’s so low is personal pettiness. Pikeman, and Jasper was probably on the island when it blew up.
23:Squirrel Camp
Why is this so high up? *Looks at notes* Oh yeah, it’s so stupid I actually like it. No, but for real though, I know people don’t like this one as much as I do, but I think it’s pretty funny. Sure, dumb idea and kind of mediocore, but to me it’s so fun and entertaining. I’m sorry if you don’t agree, but you can make your own list if you’d like. It’s such a weird plot it’s entertaining. You get me?
22:Panicked Room
I just really like this episode, no rhyme or reason. It’s really funny and romantic, and the interactions were so good. David and Gwen through this episode were amazing for the mere seconds they were on screen, but it was overall pretty good!
21: City Survival
I couldn’t remember much of what happened in this so I ended up rewatching it. We love Dirty Kevin, David’s reaction to the city, and David being a homeless twink. Gwen also has the fancy outfit in this episode, and I am all for that.
20: Cookin Cookies
Three girls accidentally start a meth lab and go all breaking bad? Hell yes.It’s funny, the completion of everyone getting father figures, and it’s an overall good idea. It’s creative, good, it’s amazing. I really wanted to know what the main three were doing though, I’m actually kinda curious. Anyways, good story, and very enjoyable.
19:Keep the change
I found this episode very entertaining! Dadvid, Campbell getting better, funny moments, and a good plot! It’s really a great episode, and establishes what the season will be about. In fact, I believe I have themes for all the seasons:
Season 1:Beginnings
Season 2: Family
Season 3:Friends
Season 4: Change
18:Parent’s Day
Ok, Ok, know, Dadvid, but really I feel like this episode is a tiny bit overhyped. I love the Dadvid, Candy and Carl (Except I really don’t ship Neil/Nikki anymore), and how Max’s … situation is handled. Yes, I am on the side of thinking Max’s parents are abusive or at least ignorant. They just don’t care, and that’s where Max’s attitude comes from. It was well handled, and I very much like this episode.
17:Dial M for Jasper
I love Jasper with all of my heart, and watching his backstory was both heartbreaking and amazing. It wasn’t what I was expecting, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Watching it made me hate Campbell more than I did, and I expect the episode where David finds out about Jasper would be heartbreaking. David most likely screams and curses at Campbell, and takes off. I’m hoping Gwen runs after him, but that’s wishful thinking.\
16:David gets hard
The ending is amazing, I love learning about Nurf’s trauma, and watching Gwen,Max, and David scheming is incredible. It was interesting to see Nurf's side of the story, and it was pretty good. Enough said.
15:Cult Camp
Yes, it is high. The song is amazing, the plot is amazing, and Daniel’s stupidity is amazing. He is a very good villain, and it works with the comedy of the show. If everyone wants, I will write an essay on Daniel and what he means to the show. Anyways, good episode, funny and inventive.
14:Bounjour Bonqueesha
Oh, what to say about this episode! I love Bon Bon, but her breaking up with David an hour before their date? Not so cool. Whatever. Watching Gwen comfort David made my day, my week, my month. It was amazing. The “I’m a girl” line was extremely funny, because me too Nikki. Me too. Anyways, loved it!
13:The Lake Lilac Summer Social
Oh, what an episode! Gwenvid, Makki (I sorta ship it? Eh?), love triangles, Gwen going ship crazy (me too, man, me too), and David being level headed for once. Uh, so glad this episode exists. Only bad part, Pikeman and Jeremy. That’s literally it.
12:Operation: Charlie Tango Foxtrot
The ending was gross, but whatever. No judgement. Funny episode, and I love how the experimented with the points of view. Petrol’s side was a nice gag and it was overall a good episode! No complaints other than the weird ending.
11:After hours
Honestly, this is a tie with the next one. It is a great look at what happens after all the kids go to bed, what Gwen and David have to deal with, and what goes on outside the camp. The Gwenvid is strong with this episode! It’s really funny and creative. Also, ChibiKawaiiCat97 is absolutely a real username out there, I’m sure it is. Gwen deserves all the good things.
My Favs!
10:Scout’s Dishonor
Neeancy, my child! Yeah! Also, Neil cursing out of nowhere? Amazing. It’s so high up because it actually was the first episode I saw a clip off! It’s what got me into Camp Camp overall, but it’s not listed up there because I do like others better.
9:The Forest
I know, not number one. It’s an amazing episode, with a great plot and a good lesson, but I physically cannot watch it without sniffling. Yes, I know, I’m pathetic for crying at this, but I really see the pain. You can feel the fear in his voice, and it always makes me so sad. Whatever, I still love this episode.
8:Into Town
I mean, I have no rhyme or reason, I just love this one. I can’t even think of a flaw for this one! It’s kind of an amazing thing! A lovely episode with good visuals and amazing dialogue!
7:The Butter Fingered Effect
An amazing episode about change. I love Neil cracking, Ered becoming a nerd, Nikki becoming a scientist, and the counselor outfit swap. I appreciate Gwen wearing David’s clothes, because that’s amazing. I like the theme of change that fits with Season 4. Good episode with almost no flaws!
6:Eggs Benefits
I love Max and Nikki interacting, trying to take care of the egg and Nikki basically having a panic attack. I just love Nikki episodes in general, ok? Don’t judge. Whatever. Preston and Nurf, were um, problematic, to say the least. Whatever, the ending was funny, and this episode is dear to my heart.
5.Camp Loser says what?
Wow… Gwen in a wood scout uniform is actually really pretty! Entire episode was pretty much a fanfiction come to life, and we love the team for that. Uh, I yearn for more fanfic like episodes. God, if you have followed me for long enough, you’d know I would love for the fans ideas to become canon.Anyway, good plot, glad Daniel came back in this way and Pan and/or Bi David is canon
4:Nikki’s Last Day on Earth
I wasn’t expecting that! Honestly, I didn’t see the twist and thought it was a good idea! Funny, creative, and shows off Max’s jerkiness. We love Max development and amazing plots. We also love a Mother and Daughter relationship between Gwen and Nikki. More of that please1
3:Gwen gets a job
This is so damn creative, I love this episode so much. Gwenvid fuel, Max being a terrible person, Gwen breaking down and David comforting her. I bet Gwen never heard a speech that encouraging in her life…
2:Party Pooper 
I know you thought this was going to be number one! Haha, tricked you! But really, this is an amazing episode. The way Gwen bonds with her father, the beautiful scene at the end, the background, everything. I love a good “Gwen is underappreciated” episode, and that’s why this gets second. Almost no flaws! Which leads to number one….
1:Something Fishy!
What an amazing episode! I have never seen “Shape of Water”, but this one is just incredible. Gwen is an underappreciated overworked mess, and she finds what seems likes the perfect option. But turns out it isn’t what it seems, and it’s amazing. Also, this episode has so much Gwenvid fuel, it’s amazing. The art is amazing, Gwen’s dress is amazing, it’s all perfect. No flaws here for me!
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yuna-dan · 4 years
1.-Soulmate au with Logince?
If you want a large Logince involving soulmates you can always read my fic Countin’ on you and one of my favorite Impossible Possible
Now that the selfless promo is over…
A long time ago I read a Marvel Fic where when Steve always had Natasha on his wrist and when he woke up from the ice, he had Antony and I was reading some prompts to get ideas and I saw something like that and decided to write it! This idea however it’s not mine, and if I find the fic where this was inspired, I’ll posted here.
I hope you enjoy this, I did enjoyed writing it but at some point I think the story got confusing?? I hope not
Taglist: @awkwardkindanerd @cas-is-a-hunter @theunoriginaldaisy @underthesea73 @mariita-2006 @prinxietyforever @peanut0303
If you wanna be add to the list please interact with this
---Warning: Off-screen bullying. Slight Transphobia. Slight Violence. Cursing.--
Logan was five years old when the tattoo appeared on his left wrist. The name Rosaline Prince was written with a blue and pink ink, with italics and a beautiful lettering for the young kid.
He remembered how when the bullies found him, he wasn’t scared because she will wait for me. When he arrived home and showed his mama his tattoo, his mama kissed his hair and said “She will always be there for you”
Logan used to have a treehouse, that he used to escape reality of his parents constant bickering and the bullies who never left him. He was fourteen, and he was too old to have one.
He was going to clean it for the last time, and he got boxes to put all his childhood things there, maybe one day I can show it to Rosaline he thought.
He didn’t see a step, and he fell.
He broke his arm.
The arm where Rosaline’s name was.
He didn’t think about it too much. The doctors have to put a cast on it, and he decided on a blue color (the same blue of his tattoo, that way he could think of Rosaline).
When the doctors removed the cast, the tattoo was heavily crossed out with a large, thick black line.
“What did you do?” He asked to the nurse, terrified.
The nurse was staring back at him, with the same shocked face, “I-That has never happened.”
No one had any explanation.
He cried to sleep that night.
The tattoo disappeared after three days.
Logan didn’t even move out of his bed.
He was in the school, when he felt a small itch on his right wrist. He didn’t want to pay any attention, because he was doing a test.
When he delivered the test and left the classroom, he noticed that he had a different tattoo, written in red and gold.
Roman Sanders
He felt something on his stomach, his chest tightened, and his vision blurred.
A student was passing by, and Logan didn’t think about he just knew, “Hey, I am going to passed out, call a teacher.”
“Dude, what the fuc-?”
He passed out.
When Logan woke up in the, the same student was next to him.
“Dude, you have to know that’s the weirdest way to meet someone.” He started ranting once he noticed Logan was awake, “What the actual fuck, man?” He hissed.
“Yes, I am okay, thanks for asking, stranger.” Logan replied, sitting down in the bed. The guy glared at him.
“I’m Virgil, by the way.”
“Salutations.” Virgil made a face, but Logan ignored him, “I am Logan.”
Virgil snorted, “You talk funny, Logan.” He cleared his throat, “So, uhm, are you okay? Do you want me to call someone?”
“No, I am fine… just…” Virgil stared at him, but Logan shook his head, “No, never mind, thanks for helping, Virgil.” He clutched his right arm close to his chest.
The tattoo was touching his heart.
Logan was seventeen when he came out as pansexual, and it turned okay.
Logan was eighteen, when he went started college with Virgil, his roommate and best friend ever since that day.
Logan was nineteen when he told Virgil about his two tattoos.
“... and honestly, I have been researching everywhere and I just cannot find any information about new soulmate bounds.”
“Maybe she died?” Virgil offered.
“Wow, Virge, thank I need that.” He glared, and his friend mumbled a quick sorry.
“I don’t what to say, Lo.”
“I want to hate Roman, and I know I should not feel like that. He’s supposed to be my soulmate, but I just need to know what happen to Rosaline.” He sighed.
Virgil genuinely didn’t know what to say, so he just hugged his friend.
Logan definitely didn’t cry.
Logan was on his last semester of college and he fell exhausted, with all the final exams, his parent obsessing over his graduation party, the freaking graduation party…
Yes, he fell exhausted.
He normally didn’t like to buy coffee, but when saw the new coffee shop near his apartment he decided to try it, firstly because Virgil was with his soulmate in their shared apartment.
He sighed and rubbed softly the name Roman on his right wrist. Ever since Virgil met Patton, he felt weirdly sad and also guilty for feeling sad. He should feel happy for his best friend, and yet, here he was running away from their house because he felt sad when he saw them together.
“Are you ordering, specs?” The cashier asked, interrupting Logan’s thoughts.
“Uh, yes, sorry.” He fumbled with his wallet, “A Black Earl with almond milk, please.” The man smiled and Logan felt himself blushing, for some reason. “Anything, else?”
“Uh, no, that’s fine.” Logan squinted, trying to read the tag, “Roman S.?”
Logan felt how the air of his lungs suddenly left, but the man continued to take his order, “What’s your name?”
“For the tea…” Roman said, annoyed at the client. “We need your name.”
Logan spoke automatically, “You’re Rosie.” Roman’s face turned white, dropping the sharpie and cup he was holding.
“I don’t know who you are,” Roman Rosie said, “But you need to leave right now.”
“No, you…”
“No, my name is not Rosaline, my name is Roman Sanders and you need to leave, now!” He screamed, at the top of his lungs. Some clients were staring at them.
Logan didn’t want to leave, but the end he ran away.
When Remus entered the coffeeshop, he expected to see his twin and his boyfriend closing up. Ever since they left their dad’s house, Roman has been way happier. He started T a few months ago, and his mental health had been improving.
He was ready to pack everything off and go to home, maybe had some pizza.
He didn’t expect to see Damien and Roman sitting on a table, with a cup of tea, “I think Dad found us.” Was the first thing Roman said when he entered.
Damien was gripping his shoulder, “What do you mean?” Remus ears were ringing with anger, “Did he came here?”
Roman shook his head, and took a deep breath, “A man came. He called me… y’know, that.” He sighed, “I-I told him to leave and he, I don’t know.”
Damien interrupted, “I can take both of you to the police tomorrow.”
“No, mom will get worried.” Ro said, “I just want to forget about this.”
Remus bit his lip, “RoRo, I know but if you think Dad is back, we need to tell mom, and Damien is right, the police too.”
Roman shook his head, “No. I don’t want to.”
Remus was about to argue with his brother, because goddamit, he needed for Roman to understand that they were in danger, when the door opened violently and abruptly. Damien stood up, “We’re close, sir.”
Roman gasped, “It’s you!” He yelled, “I told you to leave me alone!” The man was getting closer and Remus hand was already on his phone, ready to call the police if necessary.
“No. Please let me…”
“If our dad sent you here…”
“No, please let me…”
Damien was standing between them, ready to fight if the moment asked for it Remus fucking love him, the man try to get closer, “Please, Roman, let me explain…”
Damien punched him, right in the eye. The guy was startled and looked back at Roman, who was holding back tears, “Roman, I’m your soulmate.”
The guy fainted.
Roman stared into Damien’s eyes, who was staring back at him. Remus wanted to laugh, really, but refrain himself from doing it, this was a serious moment and only a few minutes ago they all believed their lives were in danger, he shouldn’t really find this funny, not all...
Roman ran to check the guy’s pulse, and only then everyone realized the tattoo on his right wrist Roman Sanders.
“Oh my god Damien, you punched my soulmate!”
Remus laughed out loud.
When Logan woke up, he was in his apartment. He tried to sit up and winced when he felt pain on his back. He hissed in pain, “Yeah, sorry about that, Logan. No one knew you were going to faint and honesty, no one prevented you from hitting the floor.” Roman said.
“What?” Logan looked up and saw Roman his fucking soulmate in his living room.
“You really need to stop fainting when you meet important people, Logs.” Virgil was laughing between his sentence.
Logan groaned.
A few days later, when everything was explained I’m sorry I punched you, I thought my boyfriend’s asshole dad sent you and I’m sorry I called you by your deadname, but everything was confusing.
That was probably the weirdest way to find your soulmate, but they wouldn’t change it for the world.
They were in the coffee shop, Logan was waiting for Roman to close everything. They held hands when they walked to Logan’s apartment.
“Y’know…” Roman hummed in acknowledgment that he heard him, “It’s kinda funny.”
“What is?”
“I got your right name in the right wrist…” Logan laughed softly, “It’s almost as if the world knew about it and decided to play a pun.”
Roman laughed, “It is funny.”When they kissed that night, it felt fight, and it was fantastic.
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synvamp · 5 years
Great Expectations
Fair Game Week 2020: Day 1 - Flirting
Clover’s briefings are always a nice way to end the day… a confidence boost and a glorious view. What’s not to like? But Mr Military doesn’t seem quite his usual cocky self today. Seems like he could use a little R’n’R and Qrow is only too ready to help the man relax.  
I am thrilled to be bringing you this ridic nonsense as my first taste for Fair Game Week.
Rating: T
For @amber-aglio because we do need more nerdy fair game. Well, I do XD
They were in the briefing room. They were always in the briefing room. Qrow was starting to feel like he lived in the damn place.
He let his eyes sweep over the shining metal surfaces. Blue lights and displays flashed, making his eyes twitch after a long day in the field. They hadn’t been part of the whole Atlas machine for very long and already Clover had everyone eating out of his hand. If he hadn’t had abs you could grate cheese on, Qrow might have been annoyed at the guy.
But he did… and he had pecs which always looked like they were about to burst out of his vest… and guns which Qrow absolutely knew could pin you to a wall for a good hour before any noticeable fatigue. Hmmm…
Daydreaming about Clover’s body was a good way to spend the time while the Ace Ops leader gave his motivational speeches. The speeches were good but they were aimed at the kids and, well… the daydreaming was all the motivation Qrow needed anyway. This speech was about down time… mental health? There was a lot of arm crossing and serious, concerned sort of looks so Qrow had gotten lost pretty early in the piece.
As Clover had started to wrap up, Qrow had noticed that there was a slight change in the man’s demeanour. It wasn’t just the crossed arms. He seemed preoccupied, his eyes flicking over the room with more than their usual intensity. The speech had also seemed a bit… passionate? Perhaps hinting that there was a personal note to it. It was intriguing.
Maybe we’ve all been working a little too hard…
Qrow had gotten into the habit of hanging back after the final pep talk to steal a few words alone with the Ace Op leader. It was a nice way to finish the day… he would say something cynical about whatever Clover had been orating on and he’d get a few extra lines of that Clover positivity all to himself. He hated to admit it but it did make him feel good… and the view was good too. Clover also seemed to enjoy it and he’d begun waiting for Qrow. Every day they spoke a little longer and Qrow found it just a little harder to tear himself away.
As Qrow approached for their evening ritual, he noted the tension in Clover’s shoulders. The way his fingers were clenched tight.
“Whatever helps take the edge off, huh?” Qrow asked, one eyebrow raised.
“It’s important that we keep morale up, we both know that things are only going to get harder from here on in.” Qrow was a little taken aback. Clover was ever the commanding officer but he was usually less formal when it was just the two of them.
“Yeah, I might need a little more guidance. I’m practically all edge these days,” Qrow grumbled. It was part joke and part admission but he hoped he could draw out a response. They were only colleagues but Clover’s friendly concern had opened a door between them. Qrow had to admit he was a little invested in Clover’s good mood these days.
And in his smile.
And in his deliciously dimpled ass.
Clover turned and looked at him properly; Qrow could see the tiny flicker of concern on his face before he smiled easily, “I’m sure we could find something.”
Qrow tried not to think about “something”. He hadn’t exactly picked the best time to give up drinking… but he knew from experience that there was no good time. Only now.
Or never.
“How about a spar?” Clover asked, his eyes twinkling. That idea seemed to cheer him up. Qrow thought about agreeing, just to get a few more minutes of that smile… but it had been a long day and he reluctantly decided that he probably didn’t have another two hours of action left in him.
“Where do you get your energy? We’ve been shredding grimm for hours…” he smiled, trying to convey that he was more than interested, just tired.  
“That was work! This is recreation,” Clover winked but the usual twinkle in his eyes was missing.
“Don’t you have any… hobbies?” Qrow asked hopefully. If there was something they could do together which Clover enjoyed… that would be a good distraction, for both of them.
Surely the man has one hobby that you can do sitting down?
“Ahh…” Clover looked away, his cheeks taking a hint of colour.
“Hey, hey… that’s a face I haven’t seen before. Spill, Boy Scout.”
“Oh, no… it’s nothing.”
Look at his face! It’s so cute… I have to know what in the world he’s thinking about! “Come on! I haven’t got the best attention span you know. If you don’t keep me engaged I’ll get distracted and wander off.”
Clover laughed, “Oh… my hobbies are all… lame. You wouldn’t like them.”
“I don’t need to like them. I just need to like looking at your face while you tell me about them… which is red by the way.”
And it was. A line of pink had surged from his collar and settled on his cheeks in a way which was so enticing. Qrow’s mind instantly went to the other things that might bring such a flush of colour to these usually so tightly controlled features…
“Well, that’s embarrassing…” Clover scratched the back of his head and looked away.
It’s adorable is what it is.
“I’ve seen worse,” Qrow grinned, “Come on, you have to tell me now. There’s been too much build up.”
Clover met his eyes briefly then looked away, “I like to role play…”
Qrow’s eyes widened, “Well o…kay… now that is…”
“Dungeons and dragons! Oh my gods Qrow!” Clover coughed, laughing and choking all at once.
“Don’t look so disappointed!”
“I’m sorry… It’s just you meet a guy and he cuffs you in the first two minutes, it gets your expectations up,” Qrow shrugged, grinning.
And boy had it ever. Between the luck semblance, the winks, that BODY and the handcuffs… Clover Ebi had made, and continued to make, a hell of an impression.
“You are never going to stop talking about that, are you?”
“I do love inappropriate stories…” Qrow gave the man a quirk of his expressive, dark brows.
“I was completely professional,” Clover insisted, a little too hard.
“You walked past the relic to wave your uh… horseshoe in my face,” Qrow laughed, not quite ready to admit that he still had the occasional dream about the view from down there.
Clover looked away, “Ah, you noticed that, huh?”
“Yes. Yes I did.”
Understatement of the year.
“Well… uhh… I guess unless you want to come and raid a dungeon or two, I should let you go,” Clover turned away, his face still flushed.
Qrow watched him carefully. He knew there was something there between them… maybe just a little more time… he took a few steps which brought him abreast with Clover.
I can’t leave him all pent up like this… and he’s blushing.
I never knew how much I needed to know that he blushes…
“So… tell me… you got some kind of pansexual bard half-elf, yeah?” Qrow teased.
“uhh… rogue. She’s an assassin, actually. And yes, ok she is gay but it kind of comes with the territory when you play with Marrow…” Clover coughed and fiddled with a display, avoiding meeting Qrow’s eyes.
“I’m just going to file that away,” Qrow laughed, “I never thought you’d be such a nerd!”
“Really? Have you met me?” Clover finally chuckled.
“So… what’s her name?” Qrow asked casually.
“Cute. Shame she’s gay though.”
“Well, my pansexual bard half-elf won’t know what to do with her now, will he?”
It took Clover two full minutes to learn how to speak again. Qrow just waited, revelling in the astonishment which slowly turned to joy.
“He could try not to die. That would be a start…” Clover finally blustered.
“I think Jynx could manage that,” Qrow raised a saucy eyebrow.
“Jynx!? What the hell?” Clover laughed.
“Come on, you’ll love him. All his does is write love songs and start bar fights, real charmer.”
“No, I mean…” the green eyes fixed on him, wide with wonder.
“You kids always think you invented everything,” Qrow tutted.
“Uh… so you really want to…?”
“I’d still prefer the handcuffs if I’m honest but I’ll take what I can get,” Qrow grinned, “Unless you have other plans?”
“Uhhh… no… just… wait a moment, ok?” Clover walked away then popped back a minute later.
“What was that about?”
The green eyes met his and Clover twirled a pair of cuffs on one finger in a familiar, cocky gesture, “Just in case,” he winked.
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acedesigns · 4 years
A Beautiful Swordsman [FF7: Cloud/Reader]
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A/N: I hope I did a decent job with this. My relationship with gender is complex, so I hope I didn’t cause any dysphoria with describing Cloud wearing a dress. Anyways, I headcanon Andrea as being gray-pansexual. So I kinda went with that.
And if you’re wondering what the hell is wrong with you, you have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Welcome to my life.
Word Count: 2058
When you stood up everything cracked. It started at your ankles, somehow your shins, your knees, and hips. Of course, you couldn’t forget about the discs in your back popping. You rolled your eyes and moved forward, everything still clicking. At least nothing was dislocated this time.
“He’s here again!” you heard one of the honeybees whisper to another woman. You cringed, knowing it was Palmer. He had a habit of wanting to run around with a net to try and catch a honeybee. Luckily, all of the women had some training in self-defense and could easily outrun that creep.
“Oh! [Y/N]!” One of the ladies turned around when she heard you and shot you a soft smile. “Andrea wanted to see you!”
You frowned. “Is everything okay?”
“I think so, he didn’t really say.”
Sighing, you thanked the honeybee and walked off towards the back of the stage where Andrea typically kept rehearsing for different shows. Despite his flawless performances, he continued to push himself to perform bigger and riskier shows.
“Andrea?” you called out and noticed the man was stretching his legs.
He glanced over and smirked. “[Y/N], darling! There you are! How are you feeling?”
“Is your shoulder doing better?”
“Yeah, I popped it back in. It’s not a big deal,” you shrugged it off. There was some inflammation, but it’d be gone tomorrow. It was a minor dislocation, after all.
Andrea sighed and shook his head. “Well, come now. I want you to come to the colosseum with me. I heard that there are a cute rookie mercenary and a beautiful young lady entering the fight.”
He walked past you and led you down the winding roads of Wall Market. It took you a while to get used to how many alleyways there were and which paths to take. Knowing which streets were dangerous also took a while. Luckily, people were almost everywhere but the alleyways that you had to squeeze into. It was really only those alleyways that were too terribly dangerous.
“Wait, is that?” a man questioned as he gawked at both you and Andrea. “Hey!” he shouted after you. “Why don’t you split your legs for me?”
You glanced at Andrea who ignored the man. Taking his lead, you also brushed off the crude catcaller. The people of Wall Market knew you as the very flexible dancer that could be in almost any position. Of course, if any of the other dancers tried to move the way you did, they’d end up severely injured.
Your hand rubbed into the knotting muscle of your opposing shoulder. You did sometimes end up injured with how hypermobile your joints were. And the more you hyperextended everything, the more everything hurt. But it made you one of the most requested dancers by both men and women that you had a waitlist almost as long as Andrea’s. And being the most requested dancers amounted to having a lot of money.
“So are you more interested in him or her?” you questioned and glanced at Andrea who chuckled lightly.
“It all depends, darling,” he mused. “Perhaps both.” You let out an undignified snort. Though, if anyone could court two people at the same time, Andrea could do it. But it was still rare that he ever took interest in someone, perhaps once every couple of years. Two people at once was a shock.
Once the two of you entered the colosseum, you skipped the lines and went into the reserved box for the trio. A few other bees were already there and pampered Andrea with attention once he took his seat. You stood behind Andrea’s chair and zoned out. These fights weren’t your favorite. Andrea knew that. But he also knew that if he didn’t take you here, you’d most likely further aggravate your injury at the Inn.
“[Y/N]?” Hello?” You blinked when Andrea was leaning down to your eye level with that ever-present smirk. “It’s time to go now, darling.”
“Oh, r-right. Sorry.” He waved off your apology and strolled out of the box. His long legs carried him towards the in with you close behind.
“Yo! Hot stuff!” a man called. A vice grip squeezed on your arm and yanked you back. A pop sounded from your arm. “What the hell?!
You clenched your jaw at the burning sensation in your shoulder and fought a scream in the back of your throat. Andrea swung around at the sound of the man screaming and saw the disfigured appearance of your arm with the man’s hand still holding onto you.
“Hey!” another voice sounded from behind you and the attacker was yanked away. With your arm now free, you let your hand hold onto your dislocated arm. You glanced behind you and saw a blond swordsman push your assailant to the ground. His eyes, that had a strange glow to them, met yours. “You okay?”
“Mhmm,” you nodded, not trusting yourself to actually say anything.
“Thank you,” Andrea stepped in. “You’re Cloud, aren’t you? If you have time, please, stop by Honeybee Inn. We’ll be expecting you.” Andrea turned towards you with a frown. “You are not dancing tonight, my dear. Let’s go get you fixed up.”
You simply hung your head in shame and followed him back. All the while, you worked on shoving your arm back in. It was a bad dislocation that would be inflamed for about a week if you were lucky. Once you were at the entrance, you finally managed to pop it back in.
“Shit!” you let out at the sudden pain. A tear fell from your eyes and your breathing quickened.
Andrea stopped and turned towards you. With a sigh, you pulled you close to hide you from prying eyes. “Just try to relax,” he soothed, knowing that the pain was starting to make you panic. “We’ll get you some ice.” He nodded his head to one of the men in the entourage who ran inside to grab the said ice. After a moment, he led you inside and took you backstage to rest.
“I’m sorry,” you said with a hiss when you rested the back of ice on your shoulder.
“Don’t be, that man had no right to touch you without your consent,” Andrea huffed. “If I had intervened, I could guarantee you he wouldn’t be getting up again.” You laughed lightly at the thought, knowing it was true.
“Thanks, Andrea.”
“Of course, no one disrespects my dancers,” he said with sincerity.
You smiled up at the man. “What are you going to do about the show since I’m out?”
A mischievous spark flashed across his eyes and he snapped his fingers. “I think I have just the idea! I heard the fighters were trying to get into Corneo’s audition. Madam M is taking care of the girl. But I think I can get Cloud in as well.”
You raised an eyebrow. “They are actually willing to go into the audition? Are they crazy?”
“Not crazy. They’re trying to save their friend. Now! Since you’re not dancing, I need you to pick out a dress that would suit your hero, Cloud. I want to be surprised, so try to wow me.” With that, Andrea sauntered out of the dressing room to prepare for the show that evening.
With a sigh, you stood from the stool you were sitting on and moved towards the bag you brought to and from work. In it, was a series of braces and slings you had just in case something happened. With a grunt, you managed to fit your injured arm into the sling and slip the back of ice underneath the strap to keep it in place.
“Now, what dress would suit him?” you pondered and moved towards where all of the costumes were stored. His physique was smaller than Jules, so you couldn’t use any of Jules’s dresses. You’d probably have to go with one of the dresses that Andrea or one of the Honeybee men wore in the shows. But if you wanted Andrea to be surprised, it’d have to be one he hasn’t seen or worn before.
Your fingers swept through the fabric, looking for something that felt soft. Andrea was also always wowed by anything that shimmered under the light. It made the dancers look all that much more special. Your fingers paused on a dress and you pulled it out to examine it.
“Hmm,” you hummed at a blue and black dress. The top was a corset, that could make Cloud look like he had more traditionally feminine features. It had sheer sleeves that would show off his muscles, but Corneo did have a fetish for that. With a nod of approval, you went to grab some hair-extensions, a bow, and a necklace. The dress was long enough to hide his shoes. You weren’t sure if he’s ever walked in heals before and didn’t want this to be his first time.
You stood behind the stage and watched with mild amusement as the swordsman tried to leave. But once the men dragged him back, he sighed with reluctance. Andrea went easy on him and went with a famous dance, so Cloud should know the moves to it if he wasn’t leaving under a rock his whole life. You grinned as he was actually doing a decent job at hitting the moves at the right time. The crowd was going wild for him, too.
Andrea turned around towards Cloud and made a heart with his hands. “Honey, I’m in love!”
You chuckled to yourself and quietly murmured, “You’ve got some competition right here, Andrea.”
Then, it was the fun part. You handed off the dress and sat back as the honeybees did their work to make Cloud look fabulous. The women held out feathered fans to shield the audience of Cloud before twirling away to reveal how beautiful he truly looked.
Andrea looked at Cloud and glanced back towards where you were standing. He gave a nod of approval before twirling Cloud around to try and relax the swordsman’s nerves. Flares burst from the stage and the audience roared with approval. After a long, standing ovation, they all started to fill out of the theater and back towards the streets of the Wall Market.
“You were truly amazing out there, Cloud!” Andrea exclaimed. “You should consider joining our team when all of this is said and done.”
You quickly walked over towards the pair and examined the hairpieces and makeup for any imperfections. “I hope you like the dress!” you started and fixed a stray hair of his. He flinched back but allowed you to fix it. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” he sighed and looked away with embarrassment.
You frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong?” His eyebrows furrowed towards one another in frustration. “I have to dress like this just to get into Corneo’s!”
“You look great!” Andrea reassured. “Besides, a dress is just a dress. Gender should not be assigned to clothes. Breakthrough those barriers, Cloud.”
“He’s right, but you should also dress how you feel comfortable. If you want, I can take you back and you can look and see if anything else would suit you better.”
“No, I just want to get this done and over with,” Cloud grumbled.
Andrea nodded. “I’ll take care of your weapons and clothes. We should also have Aerith’s and Tifa’s.” He looked over towards you. “I’m going to go and make a phone call.”
You nodded, knowing he was going to call Leslie. Looking back at Cloud, you gave him an encouraging smile. “Well, I guess you should get going. Kick Corneo’s ass for me, will ya? And as a thank you for that, and for helping me earlier, feel free to contact me whenever you need something. I’m pretty good at getting things that are in a weird place. Or if you just need someone to talk to.”
Cloud stared at you for a moment in shock. He looked away with what you could have sworn was a blush. “Right.” He turned around and began to awkwardly walk, trying to not step on the dress’s fabric. However, after a few feet, he turned back around to face you. “I think I might just take you up on that.”
With a sly grin, you waved off the beautiful swordsman.
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