#also the head is in stock so it should be shipping almost immediately
chrisrin · 1 year
Is karkat going to go through a similar arc as peridot?
Karkat's arc is a bit of a mix between Amethyst and Peridot, but both sorts of flipped on their heads!
The idea with Karkat is that he's a Jasper who woke up too early. Unlike Amethyst who woke up too late, Karkat emerges from his hole some hundred years before he's supposed to. The planet is incubating and not being super closely monitored because everything's all set and they're just waiting for the gems to grow. This leaves Karkat pretty much alone on a desolate, dark, dying planet.
He wishes for nothing more than to go back to sleep, he tries to crawl back into his hole multiple times waiting for consciousness to slip, but he can't go back to "keep growing" after he's emerged.
The longer you wait, the more your mind fills. It’d be wrong to call them memories, you didn’t exist before, so they can’t be memories. 
Purpose. What your purpose should be. You’re a Jasper, you’re a Quartz, made for war. You’re a soldier, you’re a warrior for Homeworld. You’re supposed to be big and strong, ready to fight for your creators, for your Diamond.
You’re supposed to fit your hole. You can’t.
So he makes a life of wandering the planet. It's cold and boring, so fucking boring, and he thinks a lot about what he could do. He thinks about how he's a failure to the Diamonds, swapping between fear of being discovered here and wanting nothing more than to interact and talk with another sentient being.
Unbeknownst to Karkat, another group of gems nears the Kindergarten. The Alpha Kids are a small group of rebel gems who stole a ship off Homeworld. Upon needing to stock up on supplies, Roxy locates an incubating Kindergarten that is long enough in its cycle for no gems to inhabit the planet, but early enough that they can still retrieve what they need. They land on the Kindergarten and Karkat eavesdrops, stunned to be witnessing actual living real people.
But Karkat realizes what they are, when he listens in and realizes that they're traitors.
He sees this as an opportunity. If he can turn these rebels in, then the Diamonds won't shatter him! He won't be a failure!
So he boards the ship, sneaking on as a stowaway. Roxy almost immediately finds him and it turns into that little scene.
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Jane and Roxy convince Dirk to let Karkat live and stay aboard, and Karkat stays locked up in one of the rooms. He's like a little hissy cat, but he's also completely overwhelmed and overstimulated just being around things that aren't the Kindergarten.
With a lot of time and a lot of slowly building trust, Karkat starts to warm up to the Alpha Kids and eventually becomes a proper part of their squad.
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blankcast · 8 years
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to be fair, on my impulse buy, the head is very pretty and normally costs 100- not to mention the shipping would also usually be about 15 more.. but uh, I wasn't planning on owning a floating head
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thewildwaffle · 3 years
Humans are Weird: Antibiotics
A story prompt from a user on a03. Apparently, this is my 50th short story, or at least the 50th installment of m humans are weird short stories. Hurray!
Ni Andu watched a dried sickle leaf roll across the empty courtyard from her window. A deep sigh made her breath fog up the glass. The courtyard wasn't supposed to be empty. Especially not this time of year. The Gauru Ni Moon Festival usually brought visitors from around the world and across multiple star systems right about now. But the disease meant no bright banners were hung. No music echoed cheerily through around the corners and down the streets. There were no wafting scents of fresh fruits and fried breads.
It was amazing and terrifying that something so small that it couldn’t be seen had done all this. The Ni were a proud race, rich in culture, and until now, seemingly sturdy in constitution. Diseases had come and gone in the past, but in such small and freak cases that they were hardly given much attention. It was assumed that Ni immune systems were the best in the galaxy and many other races had even requested to study how they were so effective.
Those prideful memories felt hollow now as Ni Andu sighed and pulled herself away from the dreary sight outside. As a new and reluctant head of the house, she had more pressing things to deal with than moping in the past. Several members of her own family were still sick, two of her hatch mates had been very touch-and-go as of late. She slowly made her way to the cushions where they were sleeping to check on them. To her relief, she saw the soft blankets they were wrapped in rose and fell slowly. She stood there, watching them for a bit in the gathering darkness of their shared humble abode. Matki’s breathing sounded like gravel stuck in a child’s rolling skiffer.
“What are we going to do?” Andu’s wide nose scrunched up as she begged the silent house. “What am I supposed to do next?”
She wasn’t sure how long she stood there trying to think of everything and nothing all at once. It was a good while though and was only interrupted when a small light turned on in the meal room. Andu looked up at the light streaming out of the door’s archway. With a sigh, she gathered her strength to move again to see who was up. As she approached, she heard small claws scrabbling on the stonework floor and storage pods opening and closing.
Sure enough, when she peeked in, Andu could see little Piri shuffling through food storage pods that looked even less stocked than she thought they’d been. There were a few bottled foods, a few containers of ingredient-prepped soup containers, but certainly nothing immediately ready for consumption. Most easy and ready-to-eat foods had been eaten long ago or destroyed when they began to decay and grow dangerous molds. And to a small three-year-old Ni, that basically meant there was no food at all.
“Hey Piri, are you hungry?” Even though Andu had kept her voice quiet, little Piri still jumped and tucked his small thin tail like he was ashamed he’d been caught. Andu smiled comfortingly and stepped into the room to pick up one of the soup packs.
“It’s okay, you’re fine,” she patted him on the head softly, “I think it’s time for a meal too. I’m sure everyone else would agree once they wake up and smell the food.”
“There’s not much left,” Piri’s small voice was so sad and only made the words themselves feel sharper to Andu’s hearts. She tried to think of something she could say to make their situation seem less dire, but nothing came to mind. Instead, she scooped up Piri’s small form and waited until his thin arms latched securely around her scruff before she walked over to get a pot to cook in. She was going to have to add quite a bit of water to this if it was going to make enough to sustain everyone for a meal.
Cooking, even making something simple, helped ease Andu’s mind. There was a sense of normalcy in standing in front of a firebox and stirring a bubbling pot of soup. She tried to ignore how thin it was. Still, the smell made her feel warm and it must have wafted across the house as she could soon hear the tell-tale signs of her hatch mates waking up. She gathered bowls and filled each one. Lowering Piri back down, she handed the young Ni a bowl and carried the rest to the cushions where the rest of the family was slowly waking up.
They ate together slowly, trying to make the contents of their bowl last and talking quietly about anything they could to distract themselves from their situation. Matki was recalling a story from four lunar years ago when Andu had entered a fried bread pastry into a competition. Between Matki’s coughing and Andu interjecting to defend herself, the story kept getting interrupted! She’d worked on the recipe for her pastry for so long and was so proud of it, but the night before, something went wrong when she was making her entry. Whether it was nerves, exhaustion, oversight, or Jentala above forbid, sabotage, it went very wrong. From the way Matki described the judges’ reaction, one might have thought Andu had purposefully tried poisoning them! As everyone chuckled, Matki claimed he still had the video recording from the competition and pulled it out, much to Andu’s chagrin.
Andu pretended to be exasperated by the teasing, but really she was just glad everyone felt good enough to laugh again.
It took a while before she and the others noticed that Matki hadn’t pulled up the video. Instead, his eyes locked on the comm tablet screen.
“Hey, did you find it?”
“Matki are you okay?”
Matki finally looked up, eyes still wide from whatever he’d been looking at. “They’re coming to help.”
Everyone shared a worried look. What?
“Who are you talking about? Who’s coming?” Andu broke the confused silence.
Matki tapped something on-screen with the pad of a finger and a holographic projection display rose up.
Everyone watched enraptured by the newscast. It was about humans. From halfway across the galaxy, they’d heard about the Ni’s plight and had come claiming they had a cure. They were offering aid and resources to run tests to make sure their medicine was safe and effective for Ni use and make alterations if needed. They were even claiming they’d help distribute the finalized cure the moment it was given the go-ahead. In the meantime, they were also sending ships of food and supplies.
Andu could feel the back of her throat tighten. Was this real? Did she dare hope? There’d been so many reports before about help being promised, well, not help to this extent, but help nonetheless. They’d ended up being just for show and were proven empty once those who offered realized how impossible the situation really was.
But humans? She’d heard they were tough. And stubborn. Maybe they were stubborn enough to see their promises through?
The embarrassing video of Andu’s failed pastry was long forgotten, the conversation instead jumped between wild rumors her family had overheard about humans and speculation about how long it would take for the humans to actually lend aid if they were really coming at all. Andu could see a shimmer in the eyes of her hatch mates as they spoke that she hadn’t seen in a while. Although she wished she could feel the same optimism, she could also see how quickly they were all tiring out. Although they’d slept most of the day, the disease was still taking its toll on them all.
Once the meager meal was finished, she stood to gather the now empty bowls. She noticed Piri quickly scrape a finger along the side of his bowl to snag any last morsel before she came along to collect it. ‘Jentala above,’ she prayed mentally, ‘if help truly is coming, send it along soon.”
With bellies no longer completely empty, everyone settled in, and soon the room was full of sleeping or near sleeping Ni.
Andu slept fitfully. She dreamed, but it was fractured and confusing. Even before the disease came, she had a hard time remembering her dreams once she woke up. It was near impossible now. She did remember a loud humming noise though. As she blinked her eyes and lifted her head, she realized the humming was still there. She rose and searched for the source. It almost sounded like… engines? But that, that had to be impossible - the quarantine…
She looked out the window. Dried sickle leaves were flying around wildly as a large shuttle slowly came in for a landing in the courtyard. Andu opened her mouth to call out to the rest of her family, but nothing would come. How were they still asleep with this racket? Apparently, it managed to wake up Piri, who nearly made Andu jump when he bumped into her side while trying to climb up for a better view out the window.
“What’s going on? Who’s outside?” Piri waited to ask until Andu had resettled herself after being startled.
“I’m not sure yet,” she answered as they both watched the shuttle’s doors slowly work through the unsealing process. Across the courtyard, she could see other Ni’s faces peeking out their windows. As far as she could tell, expressions seemed to range anywhere from fear to curiosity to… was that hope? Wait, had they seen the newscast last night? Did they think this was… there’s no way the humans could be here already, right?
They both watched intently as the doors finally opened and a ramp extended. Soon a line of creatures she’d only seen on screens filed down wearing yellow vests and hauling huge boxes in their arms or on carts they pulled behind them.
“It is the humans!” Piri yelled and jumped down from his perch. He ran to where everyone was stirring on the cushions, “Wake up! Wake up! The humans are here!”
Andu wasn’t sure if she should reprimand Piri for disturbing them, or if she should join in. Instead, she watched as the humans in the courtyard started setting up stations and continued hauling load after load filled with what must have been hexaheebs of food, clean water, and various supplies.
She turned to look back at her family who were trying to rise as fast as their weakened bodies would allow. Matki began coughing violently and had to rest against the wall. Andu went to help support him when a knock at the front door startled everyone. They all stared at the old chirrowood door, then around at each other. It had been so long since quarantine had started, they’d almost forgotten what a knock on the door sounded like.
After a pause, the knock came again, this time followed by a worried and drawn-out, “Hello?”
Once she was sure Matki was standing stable, Andu, being the least sick among everyone, walked to and slowly opened the door.
A human from the shuttle stood in the doorway. They were wearing a mask over their mouth and nose, but it was definitely a human! Their eyes closed slightly and creased in the corners as they nodded a greeting. “Hi, my name is Ali, I’m part of the relief team that’s been assigned to this district. We’ve got food and essentials to distribute and I just need to know how many are in this household and if anyone here is in critical condition.”
Andu blinked at the human for a moment as she took in what they’d said.
“We, uh, we have four adults and one child. There, there were more, but…” she couldn’t finish that sentence. From the look the human gave her, she didn’t need to finish it. Her sinuses stung as she fought to not cry. The first visitor in how long and here she was almost crying in the doorway?
“I'm so sorry for your loss,” the human’s head bowed and their shoulders dropped. “I wish we’d known and could have helped earlier. Is anyone here in need of immediate emergency care?”
At that point, Matki started coughing again. Andu and Ali looked back to see him sit back down until his coughing died down.
Andu sighed and turned back to the human. “None of us are great right now. Matki’s probably the worst out of all of us. He sounds bad, but he actually has started to stabilize in the past few days.”
Human Ali gave a short nod and started writing something on a tablet in his hands.
“Do you,” Andu’s voice trembled, “we heard a report last night about you. That you were coming. That you… do you…” she swallowed and fought back desperate tears, “do you really have a cure?”
The human’s eyes creased again. “We do.”
Andu didn’t need to turn around to know the effect this had on her family. She heard it. She felt it. This time, she didn’t fight back the tears.
“Right now,” Human Ali continued, “it’s in the final stages of approval for Ni use, we’re just waiting for the ‘go-ahead’ and we’ll help distribute it as soon as it arrives. Until then, I’ve got some food and supplies for you. I can help unload and unpack if you need?”
“That… that would be... thank you,” she wiped at her tears. “Thank you so much.”
Over the next few days, more shuttles came and went, bringing more supplies, food, tools, and just in general, a brighter outlook and mood to the entire neighborhood. The humans really were here to help, and they seemed happy to do so. Not only were they good with their promises of aid, but they also delivered on the cure they said they had. Ni were instructed on the drug’s use and administration directions thoroughly for both the tablet and liquid forms of the cure. The effects were quick, and from the reports on the newscast, overwhelmingly positive. The Ni were cured! The plague that had once threatened to wipe out their entire population was gone! Celebrations larger than even the Gauru Ni Moon Festival were planned, songs were written, stories shared and spread. It was wholly agreed by all that this was a historic time in Ni history that they all survived through, and all thanked Jentala above for sending the humans to help.
It went without saying that everyone wanted to know more about the cure itself. And that meant everyone, not just the Ni, but the rest of the galactic community who before, had written the Ni off as a lost cause because of the horrific disease. What was this miracle cure? What other things could it do? Where, by all that is bright and shining, did the humans get it, and could it be easily replicated?
The humans, for their part, were again as open and gracious with their information as they had been with their aid. It was an old medicine they’d discovered long ago on their planet. Considered to be the first “antibiotic,” it was widely used on Earth and had saved millions of lives since its discovery. It worked by interfering with bacteria cell walls and destroyed them by causing them to burst.
It was called
“Amazing!” “Spectacular!” “So simple, yet so ingenious!” many in the galactic community praised. “How ever did you discover this amazing drug?”
The initial answer wasn’t too surprising, for humans at least: it was an accident.
Andu almost snorted as she read the report to the rest of her family. Granted, the end of the plague was the first time any of them had come in direct contact with humans, but they all had heard many of the stories about human escapades. Wild experiments that on paper seemed more like a drunken brainstorm party that ended up advancing rocket fuel technology by at least 8 lunar years. Crash-landings on category 3 death worlds and they ended up liking them so much they decided to set up colonies. Half of what they did seemed to be mistakes that just went right for them. Apparently, the miracle drug penicillin was included in those stories.
She looked up its history and manufacturing.
Andu felt claws dance down her back as she read more. It came… from mold? Mold?! She looked up from the tablet to the faces of her equally horrified hatch mates. It took them a moment to remember how to close their mouths.
"You mean like mold on old bread?" Piri broke the shocked silence.
Andu blinked and looked back at the report. Old bread? How many times had they not eaten bread fast enough in the warm humid seasons only to pick up a bul of bread and find mold growing on it. It was dangerous, it had to be carefully disposed of, it was… able to save lives?
She returned to the report. The more she read, the more comforted she became in the safety of the miracle antibiotic. That, and she couldn't argue with the results. Her family was around her, now loudly being altogether boisterous together as they "discussed" the humans and all the ways they played with death in order to save life.
Matki snatched the tablet from her claws, wanting to read the report for himself. As Andu was jostled by her now healthy, energetic family, she was just happy and eternally thankful that the humans were crazy enough to play with something as dangerous as fungus, and then kind enough to share what they discovered.
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lolawassad · 3 years
John murphy x griffin!fem!reader
Word count [2,603]
Thanks to the wiki for transcripts
Sorry for any spelling mistakes part 1/?
Gonna probably rewrite the whole show with y/n in it!
Y/n pov
I wake up to the sound of the door to my cell room opening and a soft "honey get up and please hold out your wrist" and a guard bashing something into the wall.
I wobbly get up and hold out my wrist, one of the two guards put a band around my wrist.
When shes done her and the other guard start guiding me towards a hall which causes me to slightly freak out but i stay quiet.
As im being walked out i hear someone yell "LET ME GO YOU ASSHOLE".
They put me into a dropship, im being sat down next to a little girl who looks super worried.
I turn my head to her and reach my hand out so she can grab it if she wants "its gonna be okay" i whisper softly to her after she takes my hand.
She squeezes and gives a small smile.
After a bit i hear the voice of chancellor Jaha
"Prisoners of The Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable"
I hear a loud "your dad is a dick Wells"
"Those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain three hundred people for up to two years." he continues.
"Spacewalk bandit strikes again"
"Go, Finn!"
We hear multiple people speak up, making the girl next to me and myself turn to see this Finn guy float around the ship.
"Check it out. Your dad floated me, after all" Finn says to Wells.
"You should strap in before the parachutes deploy" Wells tells Finn with a very annoyed look.
Two other boys also take of their safety belts and start floating around too.
Then i hear a voice i havent heard in a long time
"Hey, you two, stay put if you want to live" its Clarke my sister.
Jaha's voice continues again "Mount Weather is life. You must locate those supplies immediately"
But then Finn speaks up "Hey, you're the traitor who's been in solitary for a year."
Which makes Clarke retort with "You're the idiot who wasted a month of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk"
I roll my eyes before speaking to the girl again "im y/n by the way" i say with a smile "im Charlotte" she says back softly.
We hear softly in the background "Your one responsibility is stay alive" before everything started going wrong, next thing i know we are on the ground.
Everybody gets downstairs and Charlotte and me go down leaving only some people upstairs to see a guard who was already talking "it up, guys" then i hear clarke speak up again "Stop. The air could be toxic" she says making me shake my head and think "we would be dead anyways if the air is toxic"
And the guard as if reading my mind said "If the air is toxic, we're all dead, anyway"
Then i hear another familiar voice "Bellamy?" Which makes the guard turn around and smile with a "My God, look how big you are"
They hug and i aww mentally, the rest of the conversation i dont hear due to me blocking their voices out. Charlotte has already let go of my hand and is standing in the middle of the crowd.
My attention however is pulled back when the dropship doors open which makes me freeze.
Octavia walks out and takes a deep breath before throwing her arms up and yelling "We're back, bitches"
Alot of people cheer loudly and almost everyone runs outside, im still frozen, and argueing with myself on what to do. What if i go out and Clarke is mad im there? She never cared when i was locked up, what if she thinks im ruining this for her?
A hand touches my shoulder and i look up to see a guy with goggles on his forehead "nervous?" He asks with a bashful smile, i quickly nod my head "very" another guy puts his hand on my other shoulder he has a friendly smile on his face "well you can stick with us" he offers making me smile.
"Thanks" i softly say, they let go off my shoulder only to both throw a arm over my shoulders, which results in a mess for a minute before they figure it out.
I snort loudly before covering my nose, which only makes them laugh, after a bit we get out of the dropship, and onto our new home.
My new friends, who have introduced themselves as Jasper and Monty, and i have walked around for a bit, having switched from me in the middle to Jasper in the middle with his arms around our shoulders, we found Clarke and Wells.
"Ah, cool, a map. They got a bar in this town? I'll buy you a beer" Jasper jokes while leading us to Clarke.
"You mind?" Wells asks before pushing Jasper which makes him let go of me and Monty.
A voice speaks up from behind us "Hey, hey, hey, hands off of him. He's with us" its the same voice that yelled at the guards earlier!
I look at the guy and realise he is very attractive, he looks back at me and winks.
I quickly look away before Wells speaks up again "Relax. We're just trying to figure out where we are"
Bellamy walks up behind us and puts his hand on my right shoulder where it connects to my neck,  while standing behind me to my left "We're on the ground. That not good enough for you?" He demands.
"We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father's message. That has to be our first priority" Wells says trying to make his voice have some authority.
Then i hear the voice again, Octavia,
"Screw your father. What, you think you're in charge here, you and your little Princess?" She says kind of angry before she notices me "y/n" she says and walks to me.
She looks at her brother and playfully swats his hand away from me.
She then quickly pulls me into a hug "its so good to see you again" she whispers into my hair "same to you Tavia" i whisper back.
What i dont notice is a shocked Clarke and a smiling Bellamy standing behind us, Clarke is shocked because she didnt even realise her sister was here, Bellamy was smiling because his sister finally had a friend. Ofcourse he knew about y/n and he knew who she was when he aproached her, he had put his hand on her shoulder so he could pull her away if Wells tried something to her this time.
Octavia stops hugging me as Clarke speaks up again
"Do you think we care who's in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get and the harder this'll be. How long do you think we'll last without those supplies? We're looking at a twenty-mile trek, okay? So if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave now"
Bellamy is now standing between Clarke Octavia and y/n, acting as a overprotective barrier, before speaking to the 100, well the 98
"I got a better idea. You two go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change"
Alot of people start saying "YEAH"
Wells dumbly decides to speak up "You're not listening. We all need to go." He wouldve made a point if there wasnt an angry crowd of people who hate his dad.
Murphy smirks before also speaking "Look at this, everybody… The Chancellor of Earth"
After that comment i see something in the corner of my eye and turn to it, it was a falling leave.
I walk away from Octavia and go to the leave, i pick it up and then turn it around multiple times.
As im inspecting the leave a whole arguement breaks out with Murphy and Wells but i dont pay it any mind.
The only thing on my mind right now is this leave.
After a little bit someone aproaches me and sits down next to me "whatcha got there, sunshine" i jump slightly before looking away from the leave and at the older Blake "leave" i say while dumbly before realising he might think i just demanded he leave so i quickly hold it up. He chuckles softly at the panic in my face "its uh very red" he says kinda awkwardly but has a smile on his face "well seeing as you are O's bestfriend, and im her brother i think you and i should become friends" he tells me. Im still looking at him but my face now has a smile "yeah" i softly say "we should" i look away after a bit of eye contact and look at the leave again.
"Oh also your uh new friends and O left to go look for Mount Weather, i tried to stop Octavia from going but" "shes super stubborn" i finish for him which makes him laugh softly. We then sit in silence for a while, it was nice and peaceful. Then i found a small round rock and gasp loudly, making Bellamy look at me with panic in his eyes before realising nothing happened.
He scoffs lightly "way to give a guy a heart attack, sunshine"
I offer a awkward smile before saying "im gonna give this to Via she will love this"
His eyes shine with adoring before he gets up "im gonna go walk around for a bit okay, ill come see you later,  sunshine" he says before ruffling my hair and walking away.
When he walked away i get up and put the stone in the pocket of the skirt i have on, seeing as i got arrested the second i was born the guards took pity on me, both my parents are still alive and because of their jobs they had the choice to keep me or even put me up for adoption for gay parents who couldnt get a kid.
But Abby basically begged Jaha to put me in the skybox.
Because of that the guards have always been extra nice to me and because i was in solitary my whole life they let me sew stuff so i could atleast do something, everytime the offical clothe makers had left over fabric the guards got their hands on it to give it to me to do with it what i wanted.
Thats how i had a skirt as the only person from the 100.
Luckily for me alot of people gossip so people dont assume im like Clarke and Wells or that my different clothing means im privilaged, almost everyone on the ground knows about why i got locked up.
As i reach the dropship i hear two voices speaking "You know, my father, he begged for mercy in the airlock chamber when your father floated him" its the guy that winked at me and Wells.
The latter who just said "You spelled die wrong, geniuses"
Bellamy who i hadnt even notice walk up adresses the guy and his friends "If you're gonna kill someone, it's probably best not to announce it"
Mystery guy scoffs "You're not really a member of the guard, are you?" He doesnt ask he more demands to know.
Bellamy looks around for a bit and his eyes lock on mine for a second before he turns back to the guy and starts talking "No. The real guard will be here soon unless we stop it. You don't actually think they're gonna forgive your crimes. Even if they do, then what? Guys like us, we're gonna become model citizens now, get jobs, if we're lucky, maybe pick up their trash?"
Another person i dont know speaks up from the group "You got a point?"
Bellamy scoffs "no" he laughs a little and walks closer "i got a question. They locked you up, dumped you down here like lab rats to die. So why are you helping them?"
He asks, the other person looks confussed before scoffing a laugh "the hell we are"
I look at bellamy confused as to what it is he is trying to prove, its like he feels my eyes are on him and he walks up to me and softly grabs my arm right under the wristband holding it up "You're wearing these bracelets, aren't you? Right now, those things are telling them whether or not it's safe to follow us down"
The guy whose name i still dont know talks again, eyeing Bellamy's hand on my arm "Okay. You said we could stop it. How?"
Bellamy notices his glances and moves my arm back down but still holds onto me, not in a weird way but in a protective kind of way.
"Take them off. The Ark will think you're dead, that it's not safe to follow. You follow, Murphy?"
Making me look at him with a weird emotion inside me, i softly try to tug my arm out of his grip but his grip doesnt falter.
Then the guy who i now know is called murphy steps forward to us "Right, and if we do, I mean, what's in it for us?"
Bellamy just smiles and says "Someone has got to help me run things, and it cant be sunshine here"
I gasp offended before remembering there is a crowd and quickly turn my body so its hiding behind the taller and bigger man.
Me doing that results in Bellamy letting me go, he looks at me wondering if im gonna wonder off but i dont.
He ruffles my hair again with a fond smile on his face, before turning back again with a stern cold face.
Murphy takes off his wristband and starts taking other wristbands of from people who are willing.
Wells walks up after Bellamy asks "who is next" with a angry "what the hell are you doing?"
Bellamy turns to face him and opens his arms as if showing something off "We're liberating ourselves. What does it look like?" I sigh thinking this will just turn into an arguement so i walk to the dropship and sit in the door, looking at my wrist band, do i want to take it off?
Soon people are chanting "whatever the hell we want" and then there is a loud sound i jump slightly before putting my hand on my heart in an attempt to calm down.
It doesnt take long for there to be rain, i smile but keep sitting in the drop ship, not really looking to get wet.
I hear Wells talk again "we need to collect this" only for Bellamy to say a simple "whatever the hell you want" and with that hes approaching me and takes off his jacket. He slings it over my shoulders, ruffles my hair again and walks off to stand under a tree and watch the 100 dance and have fun in the rain, our people.
Taglist : @yo-whats-up23
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skellebonez · 3 years
Because you are a fantastic writer, and because I simply adore what you write, how about a continuation to the "Wukong is once again being an idiot and lying to everyone" prompt? And this is an open prompt! You can take this and go absolutely bonkers with it!
THE POWER YOU HAVE GIVEN ME SHALL NOT GO UNDERUTILIZED. This is a follow up to these two previous fills and I am just going off about what I think would be an interesting way to continue into season 3 at this point.
Warning: UH... Sun Wukong is not doing too great. Mild descriptions of his hidden injuries, Wukong is still immortal but what he hid would be very bad for people who are not.
"He's burning up," Pigsy said with a hiss as he pulled his hand away from Wukong's forehead. "Why is he burning up? What even happened to him!? He didn't look like this an hours ago, ain't he immortal-"
"Yeah, but not invincible," MK interrupted with a shake in his voice, watching as Sandy checked on his mentor's newly revealed injuries. "Not entirely anymore. He-he'll probably be fine! No, he will be fine, but he's-shit." He took in a shaky breath, trying to stand on legs that had long since fallen asleep in their awkward position holding his mentor's head off the hard floor. "I'll explain later, we need to see how bad he is now!"
He jumped, feeling a soft touch against his shoulder. Mei had knelt beside him at some point and it wasn't until she reached over to brush her thumb against his cheek that he realized he had started crying at some point.
The chef looked at him with an odd expression at MK's revelations, almost looking like he wanted to say something in anger before shaking his head and standing instead.
"You're right," he said as he turned to Sandy. He didn't need to ask the largest of the group anything, watching as he carefully scooped the Monkey King into his arms and headed off into what they had designated as "the med bay" with Tang following close by. "But you're gonna tell us exactly what that you mean by 'not entirely invincible' on the way, no more of this waitin to talk business! And we're going to walk there calmly."
MK couldn't find it in himself to argue.
"Well, shit," Pigsy sighed after MK rushed through the conversation he had shared with his mentor, pinching the bridge of his snout with a sigh. "That's... bad. That explains a whole lot about a lot of stuff, like how he managed to get himself caught on New Years, at least... You're sure he's still immortal?"
"Yeah," MK nodded, leaning into the grip Mei had on his shoulder as they walked. "Yeah, he made it a point to insist he still couldn't die."
"That's... good, right?" Mei offered with a chuckle, her usual exuberance seeming shaken up after seeing the state of the immortal monkey. "That means he'll get better!"
They paused at the entrance to the med bay, really more a spare bedroom they had stocked all the medical supplies Sandy apparently hoarded into, and MK gulped. He thought over Wukong's words, trying to find any piece he could to pick it apart. See exactly what, if anything, may have been just more half truths... he didn't want to believe he was still hiding things, not after that display of dropping the glamor. But MK himself had claimed he would explain everything to the others before... and lied still... and he was more like Sun Wukong than he first realized.
"I-I think so," he finally settled on an answer as they walked in, Sandy's back being the first sight they were greeted with. He could see the bottom half of Wukong's legs and feet, and Tang standing on the opposite side of the bed, as they were doing... something. "He said I was half invincible so... maybe he's still half himself? But he said they'd 'probably heal eventually' so..."
"Maybe he just meant they wouldn't scar!" Mei offered with a smile, moving to grip MK's hand. "Come on... we can't stop thinking about the good outcomes now..."
He turned, looking at his best friend. Her smile was off, uncertain, dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. None of them had slept well the last two nights. But her eyes, despite the uncertainty they shared with her smile, were as bright and hopeful as ever.
"Yeah..." MK said with a small smile.
"As much as we'd appreciate the help," Tang said suddenly, moving from behind the bed to stand before them. He had removed his scarf and robe, something that looked bizarre and wrong outside of seeing him in his sleep wear, and instead wore a simple tank top and his regular pants. He had gloves on... already spotted in red. "This room is a little cramped with all five of us and a bed."
"I'll go make us food," Pigsy said immediately, laying a hand on MK's back as he addressed Tang. "We don't gotta eat it when it's finished it's just... gonna be ready for when you're done, ok?"
MK couldn't help but smile a bit. Pigsy didn't just make food and let it sit, not normally. The only other time he could ever remember him doing that was after... DBK. After they volunteered to help clean up the city from the damage his possession caused. He'd made pots and pots of noodles and soup and plates of side dishes and buns and just kept them warm for when anyone came by to eat them. He stayed in his shop, waiting and handing out what he could.
He never once complained about the excess from the last batches, offering them for free to the first few customers the next day if they wanted it.
"Thanks, Pigsy," Tang said with a tired smile. "I think everyone is going to appreciate that."
"I'll finish the ship upkeep Sandy and I were doing," Mei offered, smiling at Sandy when he looked over his shoulder. "I've got a pretty good handle on the specifics by now."
"I trust you," Sandy said with a smile, the first thing he had said the entire time he'd joined them in the kitchen, and turned back to what he was doing.
There was an awkward silence as Tang started grabbing supplies from a cabinet to deposit on a nearby table and Pigsy and Mei turned to MK.
"I'm staying," he said firmly, but nothing could hide the shaking in his hands. "Just... I have to know how bad he is."
"OK," Pigsy said, and they made their way out before Mei turned back inside.
"When he wakes up? Give him one of these for me," she said before making a face and leaving in the opposite direction.
There was just enough of a chuckle that escaped him that MK thought he would be able to do that.
"Are you sure you want to see this?" Tang asked, far softer in tone than he had been before. "Sandy and I were already taking stock of his injuries and... MK, they're not good."
"Yeah, I'm sure," he insisted, taking in a calming breath. "I need to know exactly how angry I need to be at him."
His father figure didn't laugh, but there was amusement in his eyes as he returned back to where he was. "Alright, then you're going to need to help by handing me everything I ask for."
They settled into silence after that, and MK watched and Tang and Sandy worked to check on the unconscious immortal in the bed.
They had stripped off his robe, leaving him only in the pants he wore underneath it. He looked... he looked much worse without it on.
In addition to his eye (which seemed to have been the only hidden injury to have already healed as much as it may have) and the tear in his ear (which seemed to have at least been partly treated by himself already) his torso was littered with little cuts and scrapes. Sandy had rolled up the legs on his pants, one remaining upright and MK could see the slight swell of his knee from some kind of internal injury (probably muscular). His tail and arms were also similarly injured, one nasty gash in particular close to the end of the tail that had gotten almost as much treatment as his ear.
But on his side... there was sloppy bandaging slowly growing redder.
"Sandy, help me get this off him," Tang said, holding out his hand. "Scissors, please."
MK jolted, getting what Tang requested from the pile of stuff, watching as he carefully cut away the wrapping.
Tang winced as he finally lifted the dressing from Wukong's side, but did his model best to look as impassive as possible. There was a sizeable gash on it, large enough that Tang's entire hand barely covered it lengthwise, that had poorly treated with the lopsided gauze and bandages (probably stolen from this very room after he allowed them to treat his visible injuries). Blood had seeped through it, all fresh, and it was most likely reopened upon his fall. It looked... wrong. Not the way it should. The fur around it had been either ripped out or had fallen out and the skin was inflamed and angry.
"... no wonder he's burning up, this is becoming infected," he said evenly, detected, leaning over to look at the supplies he took from the medicine cabinet. "Sandy, I'm going to need your help moving him. MK?" He turned to the young man, face softening as he saw how pale his face had gotten at the revelations before him. "MK, I heard what you were telling Mei and Pigsy earlier. Mei's probably right, he'll be ok. OK?"
MK wanted to believe he had been, he'd been so honest after he told him to stop lying, but... but he still couldn't help but worry his mentor was still hiding more. And he felt so guilty thinking that. But he shook his head, dispelling the thoughts in his head.
"OK... what do you need?"
"Let's start with antiseptic. We need to clean this as quickly as possible."
It took longer than MK had hoped. And Sun Wukong had only barely stirred the entire time. Whether it was from the infectious fever or from exhaustion from using his remaining powers while sick he didn't know, but the most of a reaction they got him from was a sharp gasp and a twitch while cleaning the worst of his wounds.
Aside from that... nothing. He remained still, even as Sandy moved him without any effort and guided Tang through the medical stuff he wasn't sure how to handle.
MK knew Tang had some first aid training but this was much more than he expected him to pull off... he supposed he was learning a lot.
After a while Tang didn't need Sandy's help to move him anymore and the massive man shot MK an apologetic look before leaving. MK assumed he had left to wash up, and he did, but he eventually returned completely cleaned up with a hot cup of tea. It was the same flavor as the one he never got to finish during his conversation earlier.
He ruffled MK's hair after the young man gratefully took it, making Wukong more comfortable on Tang's instruction and pulling the covers over everything but one arm before saying something about needing to give Mei some tea as well, before leaving the three of them alone again. MK thought that, maybe, the sight of the Monkey King as he was was somehow making him... uncomfortable. No, not uncomfortable.
He didn't say anything.
"He looked... almost fine when he saved me..." MK said after a long sip of his tea and a long silence of watching Tang handle everything else on his own, trying to squeeze his cup. Just like when he had tried before, it stayed firm. "He wasn't hurt then, not by LBD, so... he'd been keeping up those illusions since before he came. How long was he hurt?"
"There isn't really a way for us to know," Tang admitted, wrapping the fresh gauze around the king's arm as carefully as he could manage. It wouldn't have mattered if he wasn't careful, Wukong didn’t stir a bit. "It could have been hours... could have been days. With how quickly his eye healed vs his gash it's hard to tell. But my guess would be hours, given when you... when..." He trailed off, a shudder running through him. "He was actively giving you his powers, yeah? Maybe... he was giving you some of his healing abilities. Or maybe something else hurt his eye long before everything else. We just don't know."
"I think that was from Macaque," MK said with a wince, knowing he was going to have to explain more about who Macaque was eventually. "He said LBD has him under her control and he has the same injury on the opposite eye."
Tang froze for a half a second, the shine of the overhead lights on his glasses keeping Mk from seeing just what kind of expression he had. But he simply nodded, finishing up his work.
"We'll just... have to hope he'll be able to give us some better information when he wakes up," Tang said with a shrug as he removed his gloves. "This is all probably a mystery even to him... I'm going to wash up... will you be alright alone?"
That was a lie, but he felt at least this one was warranted.
Because even if he wouldn't be fine he didn't want to leave.
It was nearly 11 hours before Sun Wukong opened his eyes again, though he didn't realize that at the time.
The morning sunlight was just barely shining through the window to the med bay, and he wondered for a moment why one of his eyes seemed to ache at the light and a tear rolled down his cheek from the strain at trying to see.
Then he remembered that he couldn't see out of it anymore. And the conversation with MK. And... passing out. In the kitchen.
This was definitely not the kitchen floor, which was bad. What he was laying on was soft and had something else laying on top of him. Which meant he had been moved to a bed.
Which meant he had been unconscious for more than a minute, which was the exact opposite of what he wanted.
He tried to move his left arm to cover his eye, but found something... holding it down. And with a little effort he moved his head, looking over to the side.
MK was slouched over on a chair, nearly face down on the blanket that covered him and holding his hand. In his other hand there was a comic book of some kind, horribly bent by his own face.
He had dark circles, much darker than he had the night before, under his eyes and there was a dried wetness on his cheeks that made Wukong's chest hurt at the sight.
He'd messed up... again. He shouldn't have held up the illusion, not for that long. He should have let it fall the moment they hit the drone and been honest instead of insisting that he go on his new Journey to the West on his own. Or at least let it fall the next day, when they questioned why he was so tired. So quiet. Why he was so still and wasn't running around the ship like they expected (the pulled muscle in his knee, which he very much noticed was tightly compressed by either a sleeve or a wrap, being the main culprit along side... that injury).
He sighed, doing his best to remove his hand from his student's carefully before gently resting it on his head and ruffling the hair there.
"...'m sorry, MK," He said tiredly. "No more secrets, I promise."
"You better mean that promise you asshole."
Wukong yelped and jumped, yelping again when it sent a jolt of pain down his side. "YOu're AwAKe!?"
MK sat up, almost smiling at the way his mentor sounded but holding it back. "Yeah... I kinda passed out after a while, but I woke up like... an hour ago? I've just been trying to get as much rest as I can, even if I'm not actually sleeping."
"That's... good," Wukong said with a nod, the way MK described the time frame feeling familiar. "So you saw... everything?"
"Well, shit."
"That's exactly what Pigsy said when I told him what happened," Mk said with a chuckle, reading over to grab a packet of some kind and a glass of water. "Tang gave me very specific instructions to make you take all of this. Or else."
"Or else... what?" Wukong chanced, raising an eyebrow.
"I dunno, I always took the medicine he gives me with that threat so I never got to find out," MK shrugged. "Pigsy says it's not worth finding out."
"I'll take his word for it," Wukong said with a sigh. It was probably best to take whatever it was regardless of threats, he could feel his fever still and he did not want to keep having to fight that off. So he took the medicine, a mixture of pills and some kind of powder MK mixed into his drink that made it taste oddly way too sweet and sour at the same time, and sighed as he closed his eyes again for a moment.
They sat in silence for only a minute before he spoke again.
"Your friends... did all this?" He gestured to himself, reaching up to feel the odd dressing on his ear.
"Tang and Sandy did," MK explained, and went on to tell him what happened. How they treated him. How Pigsy had food waiting for him now that he was awake. How MK stayed by his side just in case.
"Oh, and Mei wanted me to give you this," MK said before pausing, glowering at him in a way that looked odd on his student's face but probably would have looked horrifying on Mei.
"Oh... I made her that mad huh?"
"I think everyone is kinda angry at you to some degree," MK admitted before holding his mentor's hand again. "But... mostly we were worried. You're my mentor, and a part of our little group now. That's what we do. Worry about each other."
Sun Wukong felt another tear slip out of his injured eye, but not from strain.
It had been so long since anyone... worried about him.
He didn't know how much he missed knowing he was cared about like that.
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stardustdiaries · 4 years
Frozen over - Dincember day7: Cold
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☆ @dindjarindiaries ☆
Pairing: Madalorian x reader
Summary: The reader's body is intolerant to the cold and all sense of self-preservation is tossed out the window when the Crest crashes and Mando is out cold.
Warnings: Descriptions of the effects of extremely cold weather, soft!Mando, fluff aaaand I think that's it!
Word count: 2,553
A/N: I can't believe I actually wrote this- aH! I ♡shamefully♡ dropped writing a few years back, so I'm a bit rusty, but feedback is always welcomed and appreciated!
After months of travelling with the beskar-cladded Mandalorian as a mechanic, there are many things about said armored man that you picked up on rather quickly. Like how his actions we’re cautious, calculated and precise, or how he seemed to be a tad bit more protective than usual whenever you were out on a supply-run as he was after a bounty.
You also noticed how quick he was to pick up on your own quirks and needs as well.
It all began on one of your first bounty hunts with him, finding yourselves in a slightly-colder-than-normal planet as you followed the beeping of the tracking fob that was clutched in Mando's gloved hand. It wasn’t until the job was done that he took notice of your shivering figure next to him- even when you were wearing layers upon layers of clothing. His heart then dropped at the sight of the bright shade of blue that painted your fingertips.
He had then ushered you back to the Crest and did everything in his power to warm you up, even going as far as wrapping his cape around your shoulders in hopes that your trembling body would soon come to a rest. That’s when he found out about your body’s intolerance to the cold. Mando would then make sure to stock up on gloves, scarves and, he won’t admit this out loud, but he also made sure to buy you a cape of your own simply because he absolutely adored how his looked on you. That, and he loved matching with you, but that’s his own little secret.
Fast forward a few months of the Crest breaking down, run-ins with bounty hunters, late-night talks and hints of flirting, and here you are, stumbling through the hull of the fallen Crest. How you ended up in this situation was hard for you to remember, but the memory of the distress in Mando's modulated voice was enough to make you scramble up the ladder to the cockpit where you last saw him.
Rushing into the cockpit, your breath caught itself in your throat at the sight of Mando’s slumped figure- completely unmoving. Immediately, you fell to your knees by his side, your bare hands reaching up to his shoulders to give him a soft shake. “Mando?” The concern lacing your words was hard to hide when he didn’t respond to your voice. “Dank farrik, Mando please stay with me. Please.” you begged, noticing the icy coating that began to spread over the surface of his armor. With a sigh and a grunt of effort, you straightened his limp figure on the pilot seat and pulled down the cloth around his neck just enough to press your fingers against his skin. Once making contact and feeling his pulse, you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, but shoot, he was freezing.
You must have crashed on an ice planet.
Without much thinking, you tumbled down back into the hull and grabbed all of your blankets, scarves and capes after pulling on your gloves. Holding the bundle close to your chest, you sped to where the Child was put to rest on his little compartment. Upon seeing him, you ran through the same process of checking for a pulse and then proceeded to wrap him up with some of your blankets and scarves. Once you were done making sure the Child was safe from the bitter cold that seeped through the metal walls, you ran up to do the same with Mando. You finished wrapping the last of the bundle around his shoulders before your tried working the controls of the ship.
What happened? Zip, zero, nada.
The ship’s dead and considering that you had no clue what was wrong with it, you would have to do a full inspection as you waited for Mando to wake up.
You packed up your tools and quickly got to work, running checkups on the ship's inner systems and mechanisms, not being able to tell what was keeping the Crest from functioning the way it should. There seemed to be nothing you could do inside until you managed to fix the lights and you would need some of Mando’s help with that. Right now, all you could do was find out if something had gotten damaged on the outer side of the ship. Summoning all of your strength, you trudged through the deep blanket of white powder that surrounded, well- everything.
You have no idea where in the galaxy the Crest had crashed, but the snowfall was strong.
Quickly, you inspected the radiators, turbines and whatever could’ve been damaged before the ship even crashed.
And then you saw it. Dank farrik, this wasn’t good.
The left engine was royally messed up, looking as if it was mere seconds away from giving way right before the crash. It could take weeks to get it up to its usual functionality if you found the right parts for the full repair. However, you might just get it running long enough for you to fly the Crest to some nearby workshop- if there was even one on the planet.
After minutes of fumbling with your tools and hitting the wrong part for the hundredth time in a row, a string of curses flew past your lips, your breath being caught in the cold air before vanishing. To say you were cold was a complete and total understatement; you were sure you were mere seconds away from freezing to death. Your body shook violently as the frigid air pricked and attacked your skin mercilessly.
But you were stubborn- sometimes too stubborn for your own good.
With annoyance etched onto your features, you ripped your gloves off and tossed them to the side. After that, you were on autopilot, getting a better grip on your tools and doing the best you could even as your bones began to ache due to the weather around you.
Time apparently went by faster than you thought as the rapid sounds of footsteps clambering around the insides of the ship fell into your ears.
Your head snapped up, your nose stinging when you scrunched it in confusion. Shakily, you dropped your tools, wrapping your arms tightly around your torso as a sad attempt to warm yourself in any way possible. Maker, you’re pretty sure your fingers lost feeling a few minutes ago.
“Dank farrik-  Cyare!”
You pushed yourself up to your knees with trembling arms, peering over the edge of the Crest and down to where the calls seemed to come from. There, you saw Mando, who frantically looked for you as he now held in his hands the bundle of capes and blankets you had previously draped over him.
“I-I'm up he-here, M-Mando!” you called, cursing your teeth for clattering so much. Gosh, your chest was tight.
At the sound of your voice, Mando whipped around, tilting his head up in your direction.
Maker, his heart dropped at the sight of you. Your nose, and fingers were a bright shade of blue and your hair was greatly dusted and soaked with the snow that got caught in it. Your skin was flushed, drained of its usual color. If he didn’t know any better, he would’ve thought that you were frozen solid.
“Cyar’ika,” he sighed, his modulator doing nothing to mask the concern that heavily dripped from his words. “Why would you- why would you leave without any protection?” His arms stretched out to show the bundle you had left him with for emphasis.
You forced a lazy smile, but you’re sure it came out more like a grimace. “I di-didn’t leave c-complet-tely unprotect-ted.” You started, “M-my gloves a-are, um,” you looked around, trying to find your discarded gloves. “s-somewhere around h-here.” At that, you clenched and unclenched your fists, trying to get some feeling back to your fingers.
Mando shook his head, tilting his helmet sympathetically at you. He didn’t answer right away. Instead, he took a step closer to the ship, his visor not looking away from your shivering figure. “Can you…are you able to climb down?”
Your heart warmed at his concern and you managed to give him a nod through all of your shivering. Slowly, you tried climbing onto your feet, only to trip back down and land on your frozen rear. With a weak grunt falling past your lips, you looked down at your feet, sighing in realization.
“I, u-um, I ca-can't feel my f-feet.”
Mando cursed under his breath, with words travelling through the modulator as a simple crackle that’s whisked away by the cold winds. His voice is strained, almost as if he’s struggling to get the words out when he parts his lips. “Do you trust me?”
Almost instantly, a laugh erupted from your pale lips, the sound so soft and warm that he swore it could melt this entire planet in seconds. His heart fluttered as you looked at him with gleaming eyes, even if he could tell you were struggling against the cold to keep them open. “W-what kind o-of question is th-that?” You breathed shallowly; your lungs tired after your burst of laughter. “Of co-course I do.”
Was that what he wanted to hear? Yes. But…something about hearing those words tumble out of your mouth pulled heavily at his heartstrings. He smiled under the helmet, fully knowing that you weren’t able to see it.
Dropping your capes and blankets somewhere inside the ship, he walked back out and stretched out his arms to you. You looked at him with wide eyes, shaking your head rapidly.
“I thought you said you trusted me?” he tilted his head at you, arms still stretched out.
“I-I do, I j-just—”
Mando chuckled softly, “I’ll catch you,” he spoke up, watching how your freezing figure curled up into itself. “I won’t let you fall, cyar'ika.”
Even with the tightness and stiffness of the air around you, your muscles somehow managed to relax and loosen up at the sound of his voice.
Or maybe it was how lightheaded you were starting to feel?
You crawled to the edge of the Crest, taking one last look down at Mando before squeezing your eyes shut.
Call it a trust fall of sorts.
With one final breath, you pushed yourself off the top of Crest and let yourself fall.
What were you expecting? Probably to gently fall into his arms in the most romantic way ever. But the truth? Let’s say that you somehow ended up lying on his beskar-platted chest as his back was pressed to the powdery ground.
Maybe it was the shock or your lack of feeling, but you hadn’t noticed how his arms were tightly wrapped around you. His chest lifted you up and dropped you softly as he breathed and you couldn’t help but laugh at what just happened.
“H-how graceful of u-us,” you breathed, a smile curling the corners of your mouth. “Too b-bad we couldn’t re-record it.”
Once Mando noticed how your body relaxed on top of him, he spoke up softly. “Cyar'ika, don’t close your eyes,” he pushed himself up with one arm and held you close to his chest with his other tightly wrapped around you. “Stay with me a little longer, okay?”
“Y-you're warmer t-than I’d thought yo-you'd be.” You smiled lazily, visibly struggling to keep your eyes opened and focused on his visor.
Carrying you bridal-style into the Crest, he gently placed you on the ground before taking off his gloves and cupping your face in his hands. He sucked in a sharp breath, frowning under the helmet. “You’re freezing.”
You snickered under your breath, letting your head rest against the metal walls of the hull as your eyes fluttered a few times.
“Hey, hey, stay awake, cyar'ika. I need to warm you up before you go under, okay?” Modulator and all, you could still hear the concern that laced his words tightly. “Can you stay awake for me?”
You hummed softly, the sound barely loud enough to reach Mando’s ears. Immediately, Mando ran off to the makeshift kitchenette that he somehow managed to fit into the ship. He grabbed a clean bucket from a corner and filled it with water hot enough to warm you up.
When he came back, he gently picked you up before placing you on top of a crate, lifting your feet just enough to dip them into the bucket. He then proceeded to grab a new pair of gloves from your compartment and slip them onto your hands. As he worked, he could see your body loosen up from the shivering slightly.
Draping your blankets over your shoulders, he dared release the question that dangled from the tip of his tongue.
“Why did you do it?”
“Why d-did I do what?”
He sighed, lowering himself onto his knees to be at eye level with you. There, he took in your appearance- flushed skin, blue nose, pale lips. You knew conditions like these could harm you more than they should- more than they would harm him.
“Why did you go out without your layers, cyar’ika? Why did you… why did you give them to me?”
You didn’t answer immediately. Your head dropped slightly before you looked back up at him. “Your armor,” you breathed.
Mando tilted his head, urging you to continue.
“It was frosted over a-and you were out cold.” You nodded at him, making him look down at the frost that had once again began to spread over the surface of his armor. “I then gave the child my other scarves and blankets, to make sure he was okay. I needed to keep you warm if I wanted to make sure you’d wake up.”
Mando’s heart plummeted to his stomach. Your body wasn’t capable of tolerating the cold like most could and you were still concerned about keeping him and the Child warm. He couldn’t wrap his mind around the idea of someone being so recklessly selfless.
His hands came up to your face, gently holding you so you could look at him. Without even thinking, you leaned into the warmth of his touch, sending his heart into a frenzy.
“Promise me that if this ever happens again, you’ll make sure to take care of yourself too. I can’t have you risking yourself like this for me.”
You pouted childishly, making his eyes soften as he continued to focus on you.
“Mando, I-"
“Promise me that, please, cyar’ika.” He begged, gently caressing your cheeks as he spoke.
Humming at his touch, you offered him a reassuring smile as you nodded softly.
That was enough for him.
As night creeped its way onto the sky, covering the land like a thick blanket, Mando has stripped himself of his armor- except for his helmet- and now held you in his arms. The warmth of his touch spreading through your body nurtured you back to health. Your eyes flutter a few times as he pulls you closer to his body, your heart swelling at the gentle gesture.
“Sleep, cyar’ika,” his rasp is gentle, almost as if he were afraid of startling you. He pulled your blankets tighter around you, smiling at how the corners of your lips curled up. “it’s my turn to keep you warm now.”
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bechloeislegit · 3 years
My Spy - Chapter 5
Chloe shot up in bed, looking around. When she was awake enough to realize her phone ringing is what woke her, she grabbed her phone and checked the caller ID.
"It's early on a Sunday and my day off, Jason," Chloe said, answering the call. "This had better be good!"
"Good morning to you, too, Sunshine," Jason's voice said through the phone.
"Bite me," Chloe said. "What do you want, Jason?"
"We just got word that DSM is coming back to the U.S.," Jason said. "The Director has scheduled a briefing in an hour. Do you want me to pick you up?"
"I'll meet you there," Chloe said and ended the call, mumbling, "There goes my day off."
Chloe threw off the covers and got out of bed. She went into the bathroom, wincing when she saw herself in the mirror. Blond hair was not her best look.
Chloe ran a hand through the short blonde waves and grabbed her toothbrush, putting toothpaste on it. She stuck the toothbrush in her mouth and turned on the shower.
Once Chloe was dressed and ready, she glanced through her notes. Having been the one to infiltrate DSM, she had gotten close to Kommissar, their leader. It was her intel the agency was using to finally put a stop to the German group from smuggling drugs into the United States.
Chloe threw her notes, phone, and wallet into her backpack before walking out the door.
~~ My Spy ~~
"Chloe," Matt said as Chloe entered the briefing room. "Can I see you for a minute?"
"Sure," Chloe said and followed Matt back out into the hallway.
"I'm going to need you to sit this one out," Matt said.
"What? Why?"
"DSM came to the U.S. to take over a singing tour from the Barden Bellas," Matt said. "You could compromise the whole operation if any of the Bellas see you with any member of DSM."
"First, it's been almost three years," Chloe said. "The Bellas have forgotten all about me. And, look at me; I don't look the same as I did back then. They would hardly recognize me now."
"All the Bellas?" Matt asked.
"And, second," Chloe continued, ignoring Matt's comment referencing Beca. "There is no information that we have that would put the Bellas in any place at the same time as DSM."
"But there is a possibility that could happen," Matt countered.
"The smallest of slight possibilities, maybe," Chloe said, running a hand through her hair. "Uncle Matt, I already told you that Beca moved on a long time ago and so have I. I've put a year of my life into getting Kommissar to trust me. I can't let all that time have been for nothing. Are you willing to go back to square one on this? Because that is what will happen if I'm suddenly out of the picture. Kommissar is not stupid; she'll know something is up and we will lose whatever advantage we have to take them down."
"I guess you're right," Matt sighed. "Come on. Let's get this briefing started."
Chloe nodded and followed Matt back into the briefing room.
~~ My Spy ~~
After the briefing ended, Chloe walked with her partner, Jason, to the IT Services office.
"Yo, Blondie," Agent Marc Donaldson, laughingly called out as they entered. "I got something special for you today."
Chloe smiled as she made her way over to the table where Marc was standing.
"Let's see what you've got," Chloe said, looking at the various items on the table.
"Well, since Director Collins was concerned about the Bellas being around and recognizing you," Marc said, reaching for a pair of leather cuff-like bracelets. "I've come up with a few things that should help keep you from having your cover blown."
Chloe took one of the bracelets. She looked it over and then looked at Marc.
"What's so special about these?"
"They have a hidden wire in them," Marc said. "Virtually undetectable if you are searched."
"I helped come up with the bracelet idea," Jason said, taking the second bracelet and handing it to Chloe. "They serve two purposes. You can record conversations and also cover up your ladybug tattoo."
Chloe looked down at the tattoo Jason mentioned as if seeing it for the first time. Covering it up was for the best; all the Bellas knew about her tattoo and would surely recognize it if they saw it.
"Good idea," Chloe said, snapping the bracelets on her wrists. "What else you got?"
Marc picked up a pair of large-framed sunglasses with very dark lenses. "These have a small camera built into the frames. We can watch everything you see in real-time and it will also record everything back to a link I'll send you to download on your laptop."
Chloe took the glasses and put them on. Marc turned and punched a few keys on his computer, positioning the monitor so Chloe and Jason could see. Chloe came into view, looking back at herself on the monitor.
"Look around so I can see if I need to adjust anything," Marc told Chloe.
Chloe looked around as Marc and Jason both watched the monitor.
"Perfect!" Marc said.
"Look at me," Jason told Chloe.
Chloe looked at him and he studied her face. He looked into the lenses and then smiled.
"They hide your baby blues, too," Jason said.
"That's even better," Marc said. "Gotta admit, Beale, your eyes are pretty unforgettable. Even with blond hair and that scar on your cheek, one look into your eyes by someone you know and your cover would definitely be blown."
Before Chloe could respond, Director Matt Collins walked in and walked over to stand next to Chloe and Jason.
Nothing was said and Chloe looked at her Uncle Matt; Matt looked back at her.
"Let me know as soon as you hear from Kommissar," Matt finally said.
Before Chloe could respond, one of her phones pinged with a text notification. Chloe pulled out the phone and read the message.
"Speak of the devil," Chloe said, looking from Matt to Jason. "It's Kommissar letting me know DSM is arriving in Atlanta later today and she's ready to talk about a large shipment if I'm still interested."
"Tell her you're definitely interested," Matt said. "And set up a time and place to meet."
Chloe did and waited for a reply, which came back almost immediately.
"She wants to meet tomorrow at the Metro Mall in downtown Atlanta," Chloe told Matt. "DSM has some kind of show there."
"Grab your go-packs and meet me at the hangar in thirty," Matt told Chloe and Jason.
"Yes, sir," Jason and Chloe said.
"Good luck," Marc called out as they headed for the door.
"Thanks, Donaldson," Chloe said and followed her Uncle Matt and Jason out of the room.
~~ My Spy ~~
As the jet made its way to Atlanta, Chloe and Jason were given a final briefing by Director Collins. Chloe tried to remain focused but kept slipping up and calling the Director, Uncle Matt. He didn't say anything but she knew she needed to be more careful when speaking with him, especially when other agents were around.
"I want you to be extra careful, Chloe," Matt said. "We have word that the Germans have shipped several cargo containers to the U.S. They are scheduled to arrive over the next few days at several different ports around the country. Atlanta is not a port area, which means they'll want you to travel elsewhere to get the shipment. We won't know which one of the shipments has the drugs in them until we know where they are sending you."
"That won't be a problem, Director," Chloe said. "I'll give them the standard I have to run it by my bosses schtick. That should appease them until we can make a plan to intercept the shipment."
"That's good," Matt said. "We'll need to know as soon as you are given the pickup location."
"I got this, boss," Chloe said, smiling.
~~ My Spy ~~
Chloe entered her Atlanta "apartment" and threw her bags on the sofa. She placed her briefing book and laptop on the coffee table and went to the kitchen. She checked the refrigerator and was not surprised to see it had been fully stocked. The agency always had "homes" for undercovers and made sure to make it look like someone lived there. This allowed the agent to plan meetings in their "homes" without raising any suspicions.
Chloe grabbed a bottle of water and made her way back to the living room, sitting on the sofa and opening the briefing book. She read through several of the notes she had made during the last interaction with Kommissar.
Kommissar and her DSM co-captain Pieter appear to be in a relationship
Kommissar and Pieter are not exclusive; they both have an eye for the ladies
Pieter may be the weak link we need to explore
Should check DSM's previous travels; may be able to work with another country to bring them down
Chloe pulled her laptop toward her and started searching DSM's website to find out where they had traveled in the last six months. She wasn't the least bit surprised to see they had been to almost every known drug exporting country in the world.
Chloe did some more research and found DSM's travels from three years back and was surprised to see they had been to Mexico on several occasions during the time Chloe had been undercover at Barden.
Chloe got excited because they have been trying to determine where in Mexico the drug pipeline had originated. Maybe she could get some information from Kommissar or Pieter to kill two birds with one stone - close down the Mexican pipeline once and for all and stop the Germans from smuggling drugs into the U.S.
Seeing the Mexican connection took Chloe back to her time at Barden, specifically to the day she lost Beca. She couldn't help the tears that stung her eyes as she remembered the look on Beca's face as she and the Bellas watched their professors and fellow students being arrested by Chloe and the other law enforcement agents.
Chloe scoffed when she thought of how Beca's father to this day was claiming his innocence. The evidence against him was more than overwhelming, and Chleo felt he deserved a much longer prison sentence than he received. Chloe had been made aware that the Prosecutors had tried to flip Mr. Mitchell, but he held fast to his claims of innocence. She couldn't blame him for that. If he told what he knew, he was admitting he was guilty and that wasn't something he was eager to do.
Chloe's mind wandered back to Beca. How was she handling her dad being in prison? Does she visit him? What does Beca's mother think of her ex-husband being involved in a drug ring? Did she know about his involvement? Was she involved as well?
Chloe shivered at the memory of her interaction with Beca's mother; that woman was one scary bitch.
Chloe pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contacts, stopping when she landed on Beca's number.
"Beca is just an hour away from here," she thought. "I wonder if she'll want to meet so we can talk?"
"Forget it, Beale," Chloe mumbled aloud. "It's been three years; it's time to let it go."
Chloe threw her phone onto the table and went back to her briefing book.
~~ My Spy ~~
Memories of Beca kept bouncing around in Chloe's head. So much so that they invaded her dreams.
Chloe flopped back on the bed, laughing as Beca crawled her way up Chloe's body. Beca kissed every inch of Chloe's bare skin as she made her way up, finally landing on Chloe's lips. The kiss was full of passion and want.
"Ready for another round?" Beca asked in between kisses.
"I'm ready for round 3," Chloe responded, in between more kisses. "And round 4, and round 5,-"
"God, I love you," Beca whispered before fully capturing Chloe's lips.
Chloe woke up with a start. She pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them, resting her chin on her forearm.
"I should reach out to Beca," Chloe mumbled and reached for her phone. "Maybe I'll get lucky and she'll want to talk."
A/N: It's a little shorter than the previous chapters, but I needed to end it here so I can dive a bit deeper into things in the next chapter. I'm building up to something so stick with me for the ending. I think it will be worth it.
A/N 2: I had said I wasn't posting this week because of BeChloe Week but since I completed this chapter I thought I'd go ahead and post it today. The next chapter will be posted on Thursday next week and the following chapters on subsequent Thursdays.
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rose-blooms-red · 3 years
Significant Others/troopers under their command react to Edee's latest volley of obnoxious gifts :D
Did I start this 3 months ago? Yes. Did I also write over 2k of it Today? Also yes. Productivity is a Relative Term. 
[read on ao3]
Fox twitches as he reads the clearly handmade voucher. Says, pleasant as anything, “I’m going to fucking murder him.”
Ponds hums, looking over Fox’s shoulder, “It’s sweet. Probably.”
Fox makes a noise in the back of his throat that isn’t entirely describable by any known language. 
Does he still have that clock he found during that one shopping trip? The one with that awful fucking peach, mustard, and grey-blue combination that spat out an eeopie’s mating call every half hour? He’d been planning on saving it he remembers but—
“Telling you to take a break like that,” Ponds continues, like he can’t hear the way Fox’s higher reasoning is currently dying a slow painful death, “very considerate.”
Fox grits his teeth. Needs must, and Fox needs to crush the little fucker’s spirit thoroughly under heel. He’ll have to take it out of storage tomorrow.
Ponds giggles, “I’m sure it’ll be entertaining at least.”
“Hondo,” Fox reiterates, digging his elbow back into Ponds’ stomach. 
Ponds drapes himself over Fox’s back, knocks the side of his head against Fox’s, “As I said,” he simpers, “entertaining.”
Fox makes a disgusted sound, sneers down at the offending…. Gift.
‘All expense-paid cruise on the Hondo Ohkana ‘Sights of The Galaxy’ tour!!!!!!’ It proclaims in neon colours and excessive exclamation marks, ‘Very Romantic and Exciting!’
“When’s it say it’s good for?” Ponds asks, like he’s actually contemplating it.
Ponds snatches the voucher out of his hands anyway, “Oh good! We aren’t busy that ten-day.”
Fox’s hand twitches, “I am not getting on a fucking ship with fucking Hondo Ohkana, Ponds.”
“Mhm, ‘course not Fox.” Ponds responds absentmindedly, pats his arm lightly in the way that means they are definitely getting on the fucking ship with fucking Hondo Ohkana, “We’ve got a ten-day to pack and get everything in order, that should be enough.” He nods to himself, breezes out of the room with a vague sense of purpose as he flits around the house, presumably for things to take on a ‘very romantic and exciting’ trip.
Fox is going to murder somebody, preferably Hondo, or Neyo. 
He hears the sound of Ponds grabbing the DC-15A’s and he grimaces, ugh, time to find the fucking holdout blasters, those things haven’t been serviced in at least a ten-day, and he needs to check on the blaster packs for the DC-17’s. He can’t remember if he restocked the things after the last time he used them. 
If they’re going on the fucking trip, they’re gonna be well fucking stocked.
(Fox manages not to murder Hondo, but it’s a very near fucking thing.
He does come back from the trip in a much better mood though, other than the twitch he’s developed from listening to Hondo all day. Ponds is annoyingly amused and smug about it. Fox ignores it, like he does every other fucking annoyance in his life. 
He shuts down the talk of another trip like it happening any time in this fucking century before Ponds even opens his mouth to respond. Once was fucking enough thank you.)
Colt closes his eyes, casts a net about his mind for a sliver of patience and finds his supply has dwindled something awful.
When he opens his eyes again both nuisance and potted plant are still there. Gree smiles winningly and Colt smells danger. 
Or maybe he just smells the plant, because that is the thing overwhelming everything else right now. He glares down at it, it looks harmless, mostly, in it’s large pot but already Colt can hear the sounds of flies swarming around.
“That is not a houseplant,” Colt says, relatively tamely in his opinion, given that the overwhelming smell it emits is decay, “that is the type of plant one shoots and hopes doesn't survive the encounter.”
“It’s a very rare and endangered plant,” Gree lies, grin earnest and eyes bright with humour.
“It’s a pile of banthashit dressed up in vegitive form.”
“It’s an Amorphophallus titanum,” Gree corrects, “and it’s very rare, it’s one of the largest unbranched inflorescence in the galaxy that isn’t also carnivorous in any shape or form.”
Colt gives the plant a dubious look, “I’ll believe that when it doesn’t smell like it just ate and digested something.”
Gree shrugs, “It’s possible it’s a type of carrion flower…. but in the name of protecting it from extinction there’s no one I’d trust more than you.”
Colt twitches, he has no clue what a carrion flower is or how that accounts for the way it smells like Colt has a pile of corpses rotting away on his front step, but he does not like it at all.
The worst part is that he can’t actually tell whether this is Gree being serious or him pulling a shithead move. Because this is exactly the type of thing Gree would genuinely do and also the type of thing Gree would do just to fuck with him.
Behind him someone gags and Colt twitches.
“Fine,” he grits out, and Gree’s smile tries for sunshine and comes up partly cloudy and fully shiteating.
“Wonderful, thanks Colt.”
“Please leave.” 
Gree laughs as he leaves and Colt closes the door with a sigh.
“It smells like someone died over there,” Blitz calls out and Colt groans.
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.”
Havoc sniggers, “It really does sir, we might have to keep the Little’s away for a few days, wouldn’t want one of ‘em puking.”
Colt winces, that image does enough to convince him of the necessity, the only thing that could be worse right now is over a dozen Little’s sicking up from the smell. “Might be for the best.”
Blitz hums, looking at the now closed door in interest, “How likely is it that he was pulling your leg?”
Colt slumps into his chair, “50/50” he admits and Blitz raises his eyebrows.
“That is almost more concerning. What the kriff did they put in your batch.”
“Mistakes,” Colt grumbles back. This is why he’s the oldest, he’s the only one in the entire batch who managed to wrangle any sense out of his tube and keep it all the way through.
Havoc laughs and Blitz snorts, then looks like he immediately regrets it, “Ugh, Colt your batch is full of sadists I’m not gonna get the smell out of my nose for weeks.”
“It’s probably seeped into the clothes at this point,” Havoc agrees and Colt groans.
(When Shaak comes home she takes one look at the plant and can’t seem to decide whether to grimace or smile.
“Apparently,” he drawls, “it’s a very endangered plant that’s been entrusted to my care.”
A burst of laughter ripples out into the room and Shaak smiles, hand covering her lips as her shoulders shake minutely, Colt forgets about the death plant for a second as he looks up at her, heart stopping for a moment in the split second it takes her to swallow her laughter back down and he wants nothing more than to pull that sound out from her again.
It takes him a minute to realize that at some point he’d started smiling. He can’t seem to stop it, but there are worse things to find himself unable to stop doing.
“It’s commonly known as a type of carrion flower,” she tells him finally, laughter lacing her tone, “otherwise known as a corpse flower for the smells they produce. It is not endangered, though there are those who agree that it might not be too much of a loss if it was.”
Colt groans. Shaak giggles and Colt finds himself forgetting for a second to plot his revenge.
Maybe Gree will get off a bit lighter this time, if only because Colt got to hear that bright laughter. 
He hums, “Plant it far, far, far away from the house?” Shaak smiles, presses a kiss to his forehead.
“That, my dear Colt, sounds like a brilliant plan.”)
Gree gives the box a look of suspicious distrust that makes Barriss giggle and Decker snicker. 
It’s a big box, about the size of his torso and Gree has seen that bland, even smile too many times before to trust the contents of the box.
“Fox,” he warns and Fox’s grin goes sickeningly sweet.
“Gree, Baby Brother Dearest,” he drawls and Gree can hear the capital letters what the fuck, “I put my heart and soul into this you know, I’m hurt, really I am.”
That, Gree thinks sourly, is the worst load of banthashit he’s ever heard, and he’s had to listen to ‘scientific lectures’ given by people who read maybe one Edupad and then promptly forgot all of the information in the Edupad and decided whatever half-remembered thing left was Fact and Truth and refused to listen to Reason…. or sources and cited works.
Gree was very annoyed about that one, he’d put Effort into that paper thank you very much and he’d taken the class to learn things, not whatever that had been.
Fox wiggles the box in his hands around, expression pleasant and smile sharp.
Gree sighs. At least, he assures himself as he takes the box, it won’t be as bad as whatever happened after Fox and Ponds had come back from Neyo’s…… Gift.
The box is squishy. Boxes are not supposed to be squishy.
Gree has a Bad Feeling about this. He raises an eyebrow, Fox doesn’t even twitch.
Behind him Barriss is watching the exchange with wide, mirth filled eyes and a hand covering her mouth. Decker has long since lost the battle of keeping his snickering quiet and the rest of Gree’s so called loyal troopers of Green company watch with rapt attention.
He sighs again, loud and long-suffering, Fox’s smile never shrinks a shade less than serial killer pleased.
Gree unwraps the wrapping flimsi with ease, and then stares with distant horror at the plasti-cling underneath it. Not a box, no, plasti-cling.
It’s layered.
Gree twitches and reaches for one of his vibroblades.
“It’s very delicate,” Fox informs him, just as he gets the vibroblade out of it’s holder.
“Oh?” Gree asks, really quite pleasantly given the plasti-cling is so layered he can’t see a damn thing through it.
“Extremely,” Fox confirms, deadpan. Behind him Barriss giggles uncontrollably and Decker is flushed with laughter and gasping for air and the others aren’t much better. 
“Do they always do this?” one of them whispers incredibly poorly, Gree twitches, Fox eyes him with that malicious amusement that cements his place as youngest forever in Gree’s head.
“Always,” Barriss whispers back, giggling still and Gree’s heart warms for a second before his impending humiliation via gift settles in again.
“I knew the Commander wasn’t only, you know, learny, but I always thought he was sane.”
“Oh he’s sane,” Cooker reassures, “far as we can tell their entire batch is just, Like That.”
“But this is Torrent lev—” Fox’s face gives an unpleasant twitch that Gree sympathizes with.
Torrent, ugh.
“Shhhh,” the rest of Green hisses and Barriss hides her head in her hands as she laughs.
“We don’t compare them to Torrent, makes them touchy,” Draa mutters, as if he isn't half the reason Gree goes into interactions with Torrent prepared to have engineering go on another crazed building spree. He has a hunch that they feed on each other, the engineers, and it's their own special kind of crazy that Gree is half fascinated by and half resigned to.
“My point stands.” 
Gree grits his teeth, narrows his eyes at Green Company as a whole to no avail, turns a raised eyebrow to Barriss in a last attempt at gaining control of a situation he’d lost all hold over the moment Fox had walked up to him with a ‘gift from the bottom of my heart, Gree’.
His cold dead heart maybe. Gree is plotting his revenge already.
He puts the blade back with mechanical motions, feels around for the beginning of the despised plasti-cling, seriously who made it Gree has complaints for them, and begins the arduous task of unwrapping it all.
Who let Fox have this much plasti-cling.
(Over 10 hours of nonstop focus later the last of the plasti-cling has finally been ripped away and Gree stares at the new puzzle cube. Ugly and about the size of his palm. Much, much smaller than the wrapping he’d been given, nearly the size of his torso.
Gree makes a strangled sound that he will forever deny, Draa. 
The plasti-cling sits around him tauntingly, viciously victorious in all it’s piled glory.
It takes 3 days for Green Company to stop laughing about it. It does not take 3 days for them to stop sharing the holopics and vids they took, that takes much longer.
Barriss is Gree’s favourite now, everyone else is awful and everything they say is lies, and Fox has been demoted to all the way to being the baby.)
Neyo tilts his head, grin bordering manic, “That, is the ugliest piece of garbage I’ve ever seen.”
Colt smiles, “It’s high class art.”
“It looks like someone took cans of paint and dumped them on the nearest patch of dirt they found.” 
“The texture adds value.”
“It’s chunks of dirt and grass.” Neyo hisses in delighted outrage. 
Colt waves a hand, voice disinterested and all ‘above all this nonsense’ like, “Very classy. Made with only the best of intentions.”
Neyo giggles, “It looks like actual manure, I hate it.”
“I got it just for you,” Colt simpers, like the little shit no one ever believes he is, “I saw it and just knew you’d connect to it.”
Neyo cackles, “This is awful, you’re awful, I’m hanging it on the wall and telling everyone you painted it.”
Colt raises an eyebrow, “No one will believe you.”
He’s right, it’s awful. Neyo pouts, “I could convince them.”
No he can’t, but that’s besides the point.
Colt hums, “mhm, I’m sure you could kih’vod.”
Neyo flicks at Colt’s wrist and wilts, “This is harassment.”
“Whatever you say Ney’ika.”
“You’re a bully.”
“I can’t believe anyone thinks you’re responsible.”
“That is because I am.” Colt says, putting Neyo in a headlock, they both ignore the way Neyo tenses up for a fraction of a second before he relaxes, sulks, digging his elbow into Colt’s side.
It’s the first time Colt has given him such a blatantly awful gift. Neyo cackles and something shakes loose in his chest. His throat feels grossly tight and the stupid shitty canvas covered in dirt and paint sits leaning against the wall innocently.
Colt makes the same even face he uses on the Little’s when they’re being hilarious and he can’t afford to tell them or when he’s about to say something completely karking stupid because no matter how much he likes to tell everyone he’s the oldest he totally isn’t. 
Neyo slips out of the headlock, giggles through the knot in his throat and rolls his eyes.
“You’re deluding yourself and everyone around you.” he tells Colt. Colt has only ever been responsible by necessity, and never once in all of Neyo’s memories of him, has he been anything less than an absolute shithead just like the rest of them when there was no necessity.
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“I’m not arguing with you like a first-cycle.”
“Are too.”
“You’re the one who gave me the shitty painting.”
“It’s high class art you bastard.”
Neyo preens, “Thank you, still the worst thing I’ve ever seen though. Might hang it up in the front room, just to really bring it all together.”
Colt sighs, aggrieved. Neyo has no sympathy for him, really if you’re gonna play the game you gotta be in it to win it. It’s not Neyo’s fault that the trashy, awful, horrible dirt, grass, paint mixture splattered onto canvas happens to be horrifyingly tasteless. Neyo loves it. It’s gonna make Fox so mad.
(“Neyo,” Vaughn asks, staring at the wall, “why is there a, what even is that, dirt? On canvas?”
Neyo straightens up, grins wide, “Colt painted it. Out of the love in his heart and the limited talents he was decanted with.”
Vaughn raises an eyebrow, “That’s lovely and everything, why is it hanging in our front room.”
“It is horrifically awful and I love it and Fox and Ponds are coming over tomorrow.”
Vaughn laughs.
The next day, Ponds takes one look at it and giggles, “Fox, Fox come here, you’re gonna hate it.”
Fox takes one look at it and walks right back out of the house, Neyo cackles the entire time.)
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
Chosen-One!Obi-Wan x Jango where Jaster finds Obi-Wan after he’s lost(somehow lmfao,, idk maybe connecting ships like a connecting flight?) on his was to bandomeer and adopted by a haat’mando’ade advisor of Jasters?
(this would have been out on monday except i rewrote it twice T◡T this is by far the best version i already have a few haat mando’ade Obis so i gave this one a twist (ゝω·) thank you for the prompt, anon! i started planning this one as soon as it came in, i’m so happy to finally be able to get to it (ノ*´◡`) i hope you like it!  i am now inordinately attached to the idea of a wookiee raising obi, and wanted to do so much more with chalmun but it did not work out by rewrite three. someday, friend (๑o﹏o๑)
  When Obi-Wan meets the Mand’alor on Bandomeer, wearing his failures like funeral garb, Jaster calls him Haar Gaanla. The Chosen.
  Obi-Wan never makes it to the Agricorp outpost, he doesn’t even make it out of the spaceport; the moment he steps off the transport from the Temple, the Force all but takes over his feet, humming in happiness as it leads Obi-Wan further and further into the port, until it pulls him to a stop in front of a Nova Courier starship.
  A Mandalorian without a helmet turns around from stocking his cargo hold, and knows from one look that there’s something not quite right about Obi-Wan, that the way the opalescent Force ripples around him is not the way it surrounds others. 
  “Haar Gaanla,” the man says, as the Force whispers Mand’alor, as Obi-Wan says,
  “I’m coming with you.”
  Jaster lets him sleep in his bunk the whole way to Concord Dawn.
  When Obi-Wan meets the Journeyman Protector Chalmun, the Wookiee stepping out of his terracotta dugout home on a farmstead that looks like it’s drowning in blooming behot, he calls Obi-Wan Haar Gaanla. The Chosen.
  Obi-Wan smiles around his missing tooth, and calls him buir.
  The prophecy of The Chosen One is not specific to the Jedi, Chalmun has heard it all over the galaxy from as many peoples as he has bowcasters — which is to say, a lot. Mandalore has had their own prophecy from as far back as the Taung, and Obi-Wan doesn’t know what that means for him, somehow raised a Jedi first, but Mando’ad now.
  His first night as Chalmun’s foundling, he tells Obi-Wan the story of the Wookiee warrior that carried her people into the trees and showed them the sky, before giving them her bones to build the first treehouse. Her name, Otwiyaddirm, came to mean freedom, choice, and has a variation in all Wookiee tongues. 
  Chalmun tells him more stories like that while he teaches him how to farm and how to grow, how to care for the behot leaves that are their main income, but also the root vegetables planted at the bushes’ base. Master Tyvokka spoke Shyriiwook when Obi-Wan was in the Temple, but Obi-Wan’s crèchemaster was one of his apprentices, and she taught their whole clan Xaczik instead, partly just to piss her old master off.
  Obi-Wan knows the Force likes to mess with him, lead him to believe one thing before spinning him 540º to another answer entirely, so he knows there is very little in his life that the Force does not have a hand in; that Chalmun speaks Xaczik rather than the far more common Shyriiwook? Well, it’s not as if Obi-Wan is surprised.
  Before Jaster, Obi-Wan had only interacted with one Force user that was not a Jedi, a Zebraki woman that had come to study the architecture of the Coruscant Temple. Obi-Wan had snuck out of bed and was on the run from Master Oraruu when the Zabrak had found him and crouched in front of him — she called him Uifri with a sort of fond awe, and walked him back to the crèche with an impossibly gentle hand in his. Knight Kolar told him later that the closest word in Basic is Chosen.
  Master Plo had called him ‘a lantern in the Force’ when he first brought Obi-Wan to the temple, and the description stuck far into his initiate days. Quinlan would tease him about it, saying he ran a few degrees hotter than other humans, because to Quinlan, he was warmth more than light.
  So Obi-Wan isn’t unused to epithets and comparisons and whispered names in languages he doesn't speak, but he doesn’t know what to do with himself when his new buir starts to affectionately call him Otwiyaddirm, just as often as he calls him cub.
  It certainly confuses Jaster’s foundling the first few times the Mand’alor checks in on Obi-Wan and brings Jango along, who despite being a few years older than Obi-Wan and Haat Mando’ad to boot, can’t pronounce Obi-Wan’s Xaczik name and instead just calls him Nau’ika. Little Light. 
  Even after Jango learns Obi-Wan has a name in Basic, the nickname stays, because though his midichlorian count is lower than even Jaster’s, Jango can still see his light in the Force. Mando’a doesn’t have a word for the sorts of open-flame lanterns Master Plo had referred to, but Jaster says he thinks Nau’ika suits them just fine. 
  “Can you feel it?”
  Jango looks up from the stone wash basin outside by the greenhouse, where Jaster had assigned the two of them to wash tubers for thirdmeal, but he finds Obi-Wan resolutely focussed on the blue tuber he’s scrubbing. He’s rolled the sleeves of his red linen shirt up past his elbows, arms toned from working the farmstead, and Jango has half a mind to be amused by Montross’ insistence that Journeyman Protectors and their clans simply can’t compete with Supercommandos — Montross has obviously never seen the size of the sacks of behot leaves Obi-Wan and Chalmun regularly sling from the barn to their speeder.
  “Feel what?” Jango asks, while Obi-Wan works at a particularly stubborn spot of dirt with his reed scrubber. 
  Obi-Wan doesn’t answer immediately, but his expression is relaxed and thoughtful, so Jango doesn’t press, just waits quietly at his side. He had grown in leaps and bounds under Chalmun’s careful rearing, strong and smart and kind, and he looks almost nothing like the tiny Jedi imp that Jango had met six years before. 
  His hair is redder now, baked under Concord Dawn’s blue sun until it’s almost copper in the summers. Farmer-tanned skin is spattered with freckles and blemishes where he had been pale as a wampa in a snowdrift when Chalmun had first taken him in; Arla had been like that, too, and something in Jango aches.
  Jango blinks, quickly returning to his own scrubbing when he realises he had been staring. “You? Oh, you mean the light thing?” Obi-Wan nods once. “Of course I can, everyone above Force-null can.”
  His relaxed expression tightens, lips pressed thin as the water in the basin moves preternaturally. “Everyone keeps saying that,” he says softly, “even the other Sensies here think I’m special.”
  “Aren’t you?”
  Obi-Wan shrugs, pushing his hair out of his face with the back of his wrist; it still leaves water running down his forehead, and Jango’s brain short circuits, just a little. “I don’t know. The Jedi certainly didn’t think so.”
  “And we’re supposed to care what those shabuire think?” Jango scoffs. “They must be even better at sticking their heads in the ground than I thought, if even the children couldn’t feel you.”
  “Wouldn’t they have wanted me if they did?”
  Ah, well, perhaps Jango should have expected this.
  He can count the number of times Obi-Wan has talked about his time in the Temple on one hand, despite Jaster checking in on him every few months for the last six years. He’s said that his destiny was not with the Jedi in this iteration of the universe, that he knows the Force had not led him astray, and Jango knows he’s genuinely happy here with Chalmun and the Mando’ade, but he also understands that line of thought.
  “Would you go back to them if they asked?”
  Obi-Wan finally looks at him, wide-eyed. “What? Of course not.”
  “Then does it matter knowing what they thought back then, when you don’t care what they think now?” Jango takes the tuber from Obi-Wan’s hand and drops it in the drying basket with the rest, before pulling the stone stopper from the bottom of the basin to drain the water into a pipe that would take it to the reprocessing tank to be reused in watering the fields. “I’m Haat’ad, Nau’ika: I know droidshit about the Force and Force users, and even less about this prophecy nonsense our buire seem to think is important.” He hefts the basket onto his hip and waits for Obi-Wan to hang the scrubbers over the side of the basin to lead them back to the dugout house; he kicks open the door and holds it with his foot for Obi-Wan to duck past him. “I just know you don’t feel like anything else in the galaxy, that people will always want to take advantage of that power, and that you are far safer all the way out here than in the Core.”
  Their conversation falls off as they remove their shoes to join Jaster and Chalmun in the kitchen, and though Obi-Wan doesn’t bring it up again that night –or any time after– Jango knows he thinks about it still.
  When Jango’s starcruiser drops out of the sky over Concord Dawn, crashing into the behot fields and cutting a furrow of flying dirt and flowers right across the farmstead, Obi-Wan is already calling on the Force, oily-black and opalescent and warm, to drag Jango from the wreckage. Obi-Wan wraps it heavy around the both of them, as he kneels in bloody, screaming mud with Jango’s head on his shoulder, as he holds his hand heavy, warm, oil-slick against Jango’s throat until his dead pulse jumps underneath his palm. 
Mand’alor —  “Sole ruler”, contended ruler of Mandalore. Haar Gaanla — “The Chosen”, fan creation for a Mandalorian Chosen One myth behot — an herb with a citrus taste and mildly stimulating properties, most often infused into shig, a Mandalorian beverage used similarly to caf buir/e — “parent/s”, gender neutral  Haat Mando’ad/e — lit. “true children of Mandalore”, True Mandalorians (slang shortened to Haat'ad/e)  Nau’ika — “Little light”, nickname for this specific Obi, which becomes new Mando’a slang for open-flame lanterns shabuir/e — an extreme insult, mostly accepted in fandom to be an insult of an individual’s ability to parent (from buir), which is an intrinsic part of Mandalorian psyche and identity  Uifri — “Chosen”, Zabraki (found with this translator) Otwiyaddirm — name meaning “Choice”, “Freedom”, Xaczik (made by combining names with this generator; myth is my own)
*my understanding is that blue suns supporting planet life is impossible, but i raise you: rule of cool. and does concord dawn even have a blue sun in disney or legends canon? i dunno, but you can’t stop me*
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lemonpepperhawks · 4 years
Word Count: 5.7k
Summary: After a freak storm, you find yourself shipwrecked on a deserted island with Pro Hero, Keigo Takami. While you work hard to get rescued, you realize too late that all may not be as it seems.
Themes/Warnings: Smut; Yandere!Hawks; Noncon; Bit of a slow burn; This is my first time writing smut so I can’t guarantee it will be good, but I like to think I can at least tell a good story lol
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It was a beautiful day to be on the water. The weather report said there would be rain, but the only clouds you could see were far off on the horizon. You stretched out on the bow of the boat, letting the warm sun soak into your pores.
You closed your eyes, reflecting for a moment. At first you had thought a private boat ride was a bit... much, for a first date. But being here in the moment, you couldn’t have had a care in the world if you’d tried. You felt utterly at ease, with the caress of the sun above and the gentle rock of the waves below.
“Order up,” came a voice beside you.
You opened your eyes to see your date, Keigo, standing above you with a drink in each hand. One large wing stretched out behind him, blocking the sun so you didn’t have to squint. He passed you a glass and took a seat on the bow beside you. Lounging side by side, you both sipped your drinks and looked out over the ocean.
“You know,” you began, “I thought you were a little crazy when you asked me out here. On a boat, in the middle of nowhere.” You chuckled. “But I’m really glad I came.”
“Bet you’re also glad I’m not secretly an axe murderer,” Keigo joked, tossing back the rest of his drink. “Refill?”
You looked down at your own almost-empty drink and shook your head. You were feeling unusually drowsy from the combination of alcohol and warm sunshine, and what you honestly wanted was a nice nap.
Somehow, Keigo seemed to pick up on this and scooted closer to you, twisting his finger through a strand of your hair.
“You look so peaceful,” He mused. “You can go to sleep if you want.” “Noooo,” you protested weakly, a small smile on your lips. “I don’t want to fall asleep on you during our first date. I really am having a good time.”
Keigo let out a small chuckle. “Don’t worry, you falling asleep on me would fulfill... several fantasies. And don’t worry, I’ll protect ya from any sharks.”
With this, he swept you into his arms and planted a sweet kiss on your forehead. Normally, this would be far from anything you’d do on a first date - but your head felt so heavy, and the combination of rocking waves and the soft, soothing rhythm of his heartbeat had you falling asleep in seconds, smile still spread across your lips.
You awoke suddenly. You had no idea how much time had passed, but you were immediately aware that several things had changed. First, you were no longer out on the bow of the boat. Instead, you lay inside the boat’s cabin with a towel wrapped around your shoulders. Secondly, you noticed that your hair was damp and dripping onto the planks below you. And finally you found the reason for all this: there was a storm raging outside. 
“Oh!” shouted Keigo, noticing you wake. “I’m sorry, I had to move us inside. This storm sprung up so suddenly; there wasn’t even a cloud and then-”
“Keigo?” you muttered. Your body felt heavy and groggy as you came out of your sleep. You still weren’t alert enough to comprehend what was happening.
“Don’t worry,” assured Keigo. He turned around from his place at the ship’s wheel to face you with a smile, the same easygoing one he always seemed to have. “Lucky for you, I am a master of not only land and air, but also sea. We’re perfectly-”
A loud thud shook the boat as something hit the left window, hard.
That noise had finished waking you up, and now you were on your feet, stumbling as the boat rocked violently. You made your way over to Keigo at the helm, tripping over your own two feet like a drunk, and gripped onto one of his arms for support. Looking out the windshield, you could see the full force of the squall. Wind slammed the rain back and forth like a whip, severely limiting visibility. You looked up at Keigo, who was focused straight ahead, his eyes seeming to try to pierce through the storm.
“Look, there!” he exclaimed. “There’s an island ahead and to the right.”
You squinted, but couldn’t see anything yourself. 
“Should I steer us over?”
“I think so,” you agreed. The boat seemed sturdy, but it was small. Just a simple vessel meant for trips of no more than a day or two of light sailing. You didn’t like the thought of being out on the open water during a heavy storm like this.
Without another word, Keigo steered the boat in the direction of the island. The motor sputtered, but stayed running. Slowly, you became able to see the outlines of cliffs and trees through the downpour. There didn’t seem to be any dock, so you guessed this was going to be a beach landing and hoped Keigo knew what he was doing.
Suddenly, a huge shudder went through the boat, knocking you off your feet. Without taking his eyes off the storm, Keigo reached out and caught you with one of his strong wings.
“Hold on,” he commanded steadily, tucking you closer to him.
With terror, you realized that your feet were getting wet. Water was starting to seep into the cabin. You looked back to see a large hole in the boat’s hull, and were about to tell Keigo when another spasm rocked the boat. This time even Keigo lost his footing for a moment.
“Rocks,” he explained quickly. “We’re hitting the rocks.”
His voice was calm, but looking up you could see a hint of panic in his eyes. The wind was whipping furiously, and it felt like the boat might capsize at any moment. The shore was tantalizingly close, but you felt in danger of being swept away before you could reach its safety.
Keigo took his eyes away from the storm for a second, to look at you reassuringly. He gave you a smile and opened his mouth to say something, almost shouting against the sound of the wind.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be fi-”
And then, all at once, there was a crash, a jolt, and you felt yourself and Keigo being thrown through the windshield and into darkness.
You found yourself waking up again, this time on the soft sand of a beach. The sky was dark, but clear - thank goodness. Looking to your left, you saw a small campfire, and beyond it, Keigo.
“Good evening, sleepyhead,” he said lightly. “Had me worried for a bit.”
You looked down at yourself, making sure you were all in one piece. Amazingly, there was not a scratch on you. Your muscles were a bit sore, but that was it. Nothing hurt, nothing bled.
Looking back at Keigo, you noticed that the same could not be said about him. He was covered in bruises on his arms and legs, and he had a cut running across one of his cheeks that was still freely bleeding.
He must have noticed your look of surprise, because he said, “Don’t worry, I was just about to clean myself up.” He patted a first aid kit at his feet. “Just wanted to make sure we had some warmth first. It’s getting to be night.”
He looked up and out over the sea, and you followed his gaze to marvel at the stars. You had never seen so many. Being far away from any light pollution, the sky looked like a swirling, winding map of light. And there were so many colors in the sky; it was unbelievable. Casting your gaze downward, you landed on the washed-up wreckage of the ship. It was a miracle that it looked to be mostly in one piece. 
“Keigo, what happened?”
“Well,” he said, rummaging through the first aid kit. “I’m sure you noticed the storm.��
Even in a situation like this, he was lighthearted and joking. Part of you found it a little appalling, but part of you wished you could be more like him - more able to quell the rising panic in your chest. 
“It really did come out of nowhere,” he continued. “Never seen anything like it. And it was gone just as soon as it came.”
It was both alarming and astonishing that such a short storm could cause so much destruction. You stared numbly into the campfire as he went on.
“Luckily you’re safe, and that’s what matters.”
You looked up, and Keigo was staring back at you intently. You could tell he meant it. Even though his own body was battered, it was more important to him that you were safe. You supposed that was part of what being a Pro Hero was all about, but it still sent a shiver down your spine to think that he cared for you that deeply, even if only in a professional capacity. He returned his attention to his injuries, dabbing something on his scraped arms. You moved over to help.
“Thanks,” he laughed. “I’ve had worse, but it never hurts to have a pretty girl taking care of ya.”
He winked. Okay, maybe the care and concern extended a little beyond professionalism. 
“Anyway, I took stock of the boat while you were knocked out,” he resumed. “And we have enough supplies to last a few weeks. Which is good, since it looks like we may not be going anywhere soon.”
“Wait, a few weeks?” you interrupted. “Can’t you just, like, fly us out of here?”
“Well, about that...” Keigo mumbled as he turned his back to you.
Where once there had been two brilliant red wings, now there were little more than stubs with feathers protruding from his back.
“It was a pretty rough landing,” he explained. “A lot of my feathers were torn off and swept away while we were in the water. And on top of that, most got mangled anyway when we were thrown out the window. Honestly, I probably couldn’t even get myself off the ground right now.”
At this point, Keigo looked to you and noticed that you were on the verge of tears.
“Hey, don’t worry though.” He took your hand and clasped his fingers around it tightly. “I promise, I’ll take care of you here. You’ll always be safe with me.” You looked up into his soft, golden eyes. His smile beamed back at you as he opened his mouth to add:
“And hey, what a first date this has turned out to be!”
It undoubtedly was turning out to be quite the “first date.” It only took a few days until you had somewhat settled into a routine. There was a lot of free time, but it allowed you and Keigo to get to know each other and work on projects to make your lives easier on the island.
Keigo had insisted on making identical shelters for the two of you, side-by-side. 
“So I can keep a better eye on you,” he explained cheerfully.
At first he had wanted the two of you to share a single lean-to and bed of leaves, but you insisted that you were more comfortable being at least a little ways apart, and eventually he relented. 
“I get it,” he teased, “not ‘that kind of girl.’ But you know I just want to look out for you, chickadee.”
What exactly there was to look out for, you weren’t sure. You had both circled the island several times - it wasn’t that large, and could be walked in a few hours - and the place was completely deserted. Your only fellow inhabitants were a large population of wild chickens, much to Keigo’s delight. Every morning before you woke, he would wander off into one of the more forested areas. And by the time you were awake, he would be wandering back with fresh meat. You didn’t particularly like thinking about where it came from, but you were grateful for the food.
And chickens weren’t all the island had to offer. There were also delicious fruits and wild carrots, which you had stumbled on while clearing some weeds from around your campsite. There was even a spring of fresh water only a ten minute walk from the beach. It was almost the perfect island to be stranded on. And all of this, along with the nonperishable food from the boat, ensured that you were both well fed and hydrated.
Once, you had asked Keigo about the food. Why there was so much on board for just a day trip. He shrugged.
“Better to be prepared and not need it than to need it and not be prepared.”
While there were certainly worse people to be stranded with than your handsome date, you were still looking forward to being rescued. The whole situation was overwhelming, and, although Keigo was doing a great job at playing survivalist and keeping you warm and fed, it made you uncomfortable to be in such a committed situation with someone you had only been on one date with.
Granted, the one date had now turned into a two-week-long stay on a deserted island, but nonetheless you were hoping to get back to civilization so that the two of you could pursue a more normal, less stressful and intense relationship.
Keigo himself seemed unaffected by stress as far as you could see. The first morning on the island, you had asked him how long it would take for his wings to grow back.
“Last time I got this beat up?” he considered. “It took a few months.”
That was not the answer you had been hoping to hear, but it did inspire you to branch out and think of other creative ways to speed up your rescue.
The first thought was obviously your cell phone. However, one look at the glitching screen told you that your phone had been destroyed by the impromptu swim during your arrival. Keigo’s was the same way.
You then turned your attention to making a good old fashioned “SOS” sign out of rocks, which Keigo helped with. You didn’t have much hope for it - you had seen no planes or other boats since being marooned, and you didn’t even have an idea of where the island was in relation to any populated areas.
“Won’t people start looking for you?” you asked Keigo hopefully as you both worked on the sign.
“Eventually,” Keigo agreed. “But honestly, my friends are used to me disappearing on missions without notice. It could be awhile before they realize something is up.”
You, unfortunately, were the same way. A loner. No close friends who would be suspicious of you dropping off the face of the Earth for a few weeks. Of course your presence would be missed at work, but of course you hadn’t told anyone at the office that you would be on a boat,in the middle of nowhere, with the No. 2 Pro Hero for fear of the gossip that would spread. They wouldn’t even know where to start looking for you. 
The two of you really might as well have fallen off the face of the Earth. 
A few days after the completion of your SOS sign, you had an epiphany. The body of the ship was still on the beach, and ships had radios. Even small ones like this. The ship itself might be beyond repair, but the radio could still be functional. You sifted through the rubble to get to the cabin, which was surprisingly intact. 
Keigo wandered up behind you as you went over to the radio. It was rare for you two not to be in each others’ line of sight these days.
“Whatcha doin’?” he asked.
“I just remembered, we can use the radio to get out of here!” you responded excitedly.
Keigo said nothing. You flicked on the radio and were delighted to see the small green light on its casing come to life. You held the receiver up to your ear, and were greeted by silence. You flipped to another channel. Silence. And another. More silence. Your heart sinking, you went through the channels one by one, and were rewarded with nothing. 
Keigo came up to put an arm around your waist. “No luck?” he asked calmly.
“I don’t understand,” you sobbed. “How can this be? The light is on; it should be working. There’s not even static!”
“Let’s not wear out the battery,” Keigo suggested, reaching past you to flick the radio off. 
The green light, and your hopes of rescue, blinked out.
“Maybe I could fix it,” you mused, brightening a little.
“Maybe,” Keigo agreed, giving you a squeeze. “I think I have some tools in here somewhere.”
The days drew on, and you began to feel stagnated. You hadn’t made any progress toward being rescued. Despite several weeks passing, Keigo’s wings did not look any fuller. The bruises and scar across his face had healed nicely, but his wings remained bare. You had no idea how their growth worked, but you had been hoping that by now he might be able to fly himself - even if it meant leaving you on the island alone, he could at least scout for a rescue ship during the day, or perhaps even fly back to civilization and tell them where to find you.
Keigo, however, had grown increasingly reluctant to leave your side. You supposed the isolation was getting to him and making him clingy. You were his only company after all. And besides, it was kind of cute, having an otherwise confident and laid-back man follow you around like a puppy dog. You could tell he was infatuated with you, and you couldn’t deny that you had been developing stronger feelings for him as well. It was hard not to when he spent most of the day in just his cargo shorts, sweat glistening on his muscled back.
Still, you insisted on keeping your separate sleeping arrangements. Keigo pouted about it, but seemed to understand that you weren’t ready for that yet. 
Aside from your daily chores of sleeping and eating, you spent most of your time cleaning up around the campsite, playing games to pass the time - you were both pros at Rock Checkers by this point - and just talking to each other. You enjoyed hearing about all of Keigo’s exploits as a hero, and he seemed just as interested in the details of your average civilian life. You had spent so much time together at this point; it was impossible not to grow close, and maybe even a little dependent. You couldn’t blame Keigo - you liked having him around too.
Occasionally, Keigo would disappear into the dense forest during the afternoons, and you would be left with free time to work on tinkering with the radio. On one such occasion, before leaving,  he gave you a playful warning.
“You stay right there while I’m gone, chickadee. You never know what big scary monster you might run into in these woods.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s just you in those woods, Keigo,” you returned, laughing. 
Keigo just smirked and disappeared into the trees.
Later that same afternoon, you sat hunched over the radio. Not only did Keigo have a toolbox stowed in the ship’s cabin, but the radio operation manual as well. These resources had proved to be very helpful in taking the radio apart, but not too helpful in actually getting it to work. You were beginning to grow frustrated when a voice behind you startled you.
“Hey!” called Keigo. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You turned to see his messy mop of blond hair poking through the doorway behind you.
“Come here,” he said excitedly. “I have something to show you!”
“Hang on just a minute, Keigo,” you responded. “I think I’m close to a breakthrough here. The manual says there should be a green wire right here-” you pointed to a terminal node on the radio “-but I can’t see one. It must have been knocked loose. If I can just find that, we should be able to-”
“Aw, come onnnnnn” whined Keigo. “It’s getting dark out, and you’ve been working too hard. This can wait until tomorrow. I have something I really want to show youuuu.”
You sighed. He could be immature at times, but his childlike excitement was also something that drew you. You couldn’t resist the excited light in his eyes. 
“Okay,” you relented, putting your tools and loose parts away. “If you’re so eager, I guess we’d better get going.”
Practically skipping, Keigo dragged you into the woods. You had not explored much of this part of the island, seeing as it was in the opposite direction from the fresh water source. You hadn’t really had the interest or need to.
“Close your eyes,” Keigo commanded giddily.
You must have been getting close to whatever the surprise was. After a few minutes of guiding you through the trees, Keigo put his hands on your shoulders to stop you. He put something rough into your hands. 
“This is a rope ladder. Climb up and I’ll let you know when you’re getting close to the top.”
You smiled a little to yourself as you started up.
“And don’t worry, I’ll catch you if you slip,” he added. 
At the top, Keigo made you keep your eyes closed until he could scramble up to join you. You had expected to be in a tree, but beneath your feet it felt like solid ground. You guessed that this, whatever this was, was what Keigo had been working on during the times he disappeared into the woods. 
“Okay,” said Keigo, a little out of breath as he came up behind you. “Go ahead and open your eyes.”
You opened your eyes and gasped as Keigo wrapped his arms around you. You were in the trees, their leaves surrounding you on all sides. Actually, you realized, you were between several trees, standing on a firm platform of vines and leaves suspended within their branches. The trunk of one rose up through the center of the floor like a giant column. Peering beyond it, you had a magnificent view of the ocean and sky, where the sunset was just disappearing, giving way to night.
“You like it, baby?” Keigo whispered in your ear. “I built this just for us.”
“It’s - wow it’s - definitely impressive,” you stuttered. 
You had the sudden and overwhelming feeling that you were perched in a nest. A nest belonging to a very large, very strong bird.
Keigo nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
“I know you’ve been feeling shy, chickadee, so I wanted to make our first time extra special.”
“You wha-”
Before you could finish your sentence, Keigo spun you around and planted a kiss on your lips, silencing them. One hand was in your hair and the other around your waist, pressing you fully against him. His mouth moved with desperation, trying to force yours to open further. 
“I’ve dreamed of this for so long,” Keigo panted, lowering you both to the floor. “And I know you have too. I see the way you look at me, baby.”
Keigo’s own eyes blazed with hunger, his smile beaming above you. In the dying light, his skin seemed to glow, taking on an unearthly sheen. You were speechless, and unsure of what to say even if you could find your voice.
Keigo started to lift your tattered shirt, and that snapped you back to reality.
“Please, wait,” you begged, grabbing at his hands.
“You don’t need to be shy anymore,” Keigo insisted, pushing away your hands. He reached beneath your shirt to squeeze one of your breasts. “I love you and I’m going to take care of you. Always. Please, please just let me make you feel good!”
“Keigo, STOP!” you demanded.
He stopped, and pulled his hands away from you slightly.
“Keigo, I- you’ve been so nice to me,” you started. “But I’m sorry, I’m just not ready for this. This is all so intense and I- I just want to go home so we can have a normal relationship instead of being stuck on a fucking deserted island!”
Keigo backed off from you, looking hurt and dejected. You were almost in tears, and your voice hitched as you spoke.
“I’m sorry,” you repeated. “I think… maybe it would be best if you slept here tonight and I went back to the campsite.”
Keigo made no response. Unsure of yourself, you stood up and made your way over to the rope ladder. His silence persisted as you lowered yourself down and started back in the direction of the campsite.
Eventually, you found your way back to camp. It was fully dark by the time you reached the side-by-side lean-tos, and you flopped down in one of them, eyes blurred from crying.
You didn’t know what had happened back there. Keigo had been nothing but sweet and generous throughout all of this. Even his treehouse, while a bit presumptuous and misguided, was a sweet testament to his feelings for you. You just weren’t prepared for how fast things were moving. 
Maybe you had overreacted. It was too dark at this point to try and find your way back to Keigo, but in the morning you would find him and explain things. That you had feelings for him, but wanted to focus on getting out of here before pursuing anything more.
You leaned back and closed your eyes. You had half expected Keigo to follow you, but it seemed he hadn’t and was going to spend the night apart as you requested. Uneasily, you drifted to sleep.
You were prodded awake in the middle of the night by a stabbing sensation in your shoulder. Groggily, you propped yourself up and felt behind you for whatever loose twig was the culprit. As you did, you realized with some amusement that you had fallen asleep on Keigo’s bed. He always took the left lean-to and you took the right. It had become a sort of unspoken rule, like a couple who each has “their side” of the bed.
You felt a pang of regret thinking this. If only Keigo hadn’t come on so strong. The truth was that you did want what he wanted. You wanted to be with him. But the stress of your situation and the intensity with which he tried to seduce you had been too much. You hoped you could work things out in the morning.
“Such an idiot,” you muttered. “Hope I didn’t ruin our chances for good.”
Finally, your fingers located the thing that had been poking you. It was oddly smooth, and, as you saw lifting it out of the pile of bedding, not a twig at all. 
You held it up to the moonlight in disbelief: a little green wire. 
Your stomach dropped. Swiftly and silently, you stalked toward the wrecked ship, needing to be sure. By the light of the moon, you quietly opened the casing of the radio, found the node with the missing connection, and slipped the green wire in. It reached perfectly to the node on the other side.
You tried not to let the panic set in. But something was very wrong. You felt the need to get out of there, away from the confined space of the ship.
Tumbling into open air, you began to pace on the wet sand, away from the boat and the campsite. Your thoughts were a whirlwind. Why would Keigo keep that wire from you? Why would he have it in the first place? The answer was obvious, but you didn’t want to believe it. You had been walking aimlessly for at least ten minutes, frightened and confused.
Suddenly, your foot hit something sharp in the sand.
You fell to your hands and knees on the beach, and immediately scrambled around to see what had pricked you. There was a sharp point sticking out from the packed sand, and you dug around to reveal the object.
It was a feather. 
Brilliantly red even in the glow of night, and far too big to belong to any normal bird. Tears welled up in your eyes. You continued to dig and uncovered another, then another. Soon you had unearthed a pit filled with the things.
“Enjoying your night without me, chickadee?”
One of the feathers zipped past you, toward the sound of the voice. 
Trembling, you turned to face him as plumes of feathers swirled around you. One by one, they found their way to Keigo, and his wings began to reconstruct themselves in front of your eyes. Keigo’s hands were stuffed in his pockets as he looked down on you.
“Glad I don’t have to keep secrets anymore,” he said flatly. “I was really beginning to miss having these.”
His wings were stretched out to their full length, making his presence impossible to ignore and extremely intimidating. He relaxed them slightly and sighed. 
“Keigo, you- you knew this whole time,” you spat. “The radio, the feathers, the food - this whole island!”
The man in front of you said nothing.
“Why?” you asked weakly. “Why would you do this?”
“What? Is it so bad to want some time with you?” Keigo shot back suddenly. “I told you, you had nothing to worry about. I love you. I can take care of you here.”
With this, he flew toward you at frightening speed. Before you had time to attempt an escape, he was on top of you. Pressing you down into the wet sand with the full weight of his body.
“Why can’t you just be appreciative? I did all this for you. Just to be with you!”
“You could have killed me!” you screamed into his face. “You weren’t keeping me safe! You could have killed me!”
At your words, Keigo’s expression darkened drastically. He was frowning at you, and you had never seen him like that before. No, not just frowning, but scowling. 
Your shirt was torn off before you could even register what was happening. 
“You said it yourself,” remarked Keigo, towering above you as he kept you pinned with his legs. A smile was creeping back on his lips. “I’ve been so nice to you. But I think I’ve been too nice. I think it’s time for me to take what I want.”
Keigo grabbed at the rest of your clothes and dragged them off of you, leaving you exposed beneath him. Then he undid his own pants and let himself spring free.
Slowly, all while looking down at his captive, Keigo used a hand to pump his throbbing cock. Reaching, he took one of your hands and wrapped it around his length, holding it there as he leaned down to bring his face right against yours.
“This is exactly what you want, you little tease,” he whispered harshly. With his other hand, he plunged two fingers inside you, feeling as your walls became slick and clenched around him.  “I know you do.”
Smiling wide, Keigo straightened up. With his hands, he pushed your arms to either side of your head and pressed them against the sand. With his tongue, he trailed up and along your body from hip to breast, making you squirm. He was marking you as his, showing that he owned and could do whatever he wanted with you.
“Keigo, stop!” you cried once again, trying to look anywhere but up at him.
“No,” he growled. “This time, I won’t.”
He slammed his cock straight into your core, making you cry out in shock and pain. 
“Quiet, baby. Wouldn’t want anyone to hear us!” Keigo taunted.
He thrust into you again, this time only eliciting a whimper. Keigo’s own unrestrained grunts and moans mixed with the sound of the waves against the beach as he continued at his frantic pace. After a few minutes, he regained his composure and looked down, where you were trying to shrink into the sand beneath him.
“Don’t worry, baby,” Keigo crooned. “You know I really do love you, and I promised I’d make you feel good, too.”
Using a wing to continue holding your arm in place, Keigo brought one of his hands up to his mouth and gave two fingers a scandalous lick. He never stopped looking down at you as he did so, an amused little look flashing across his face as you shivered at the sight. He brought the hand down between your legs, and began to rub slow circles around your clit, his saliva mixing with the wetness that already coated you. Involuntarily, you let out a moan.
“Yeah, that’s right,” he coaxed. He began to pump his cock in and out of you again, slowly this time. “Show me how much you want this.”
Not letting up, Keigo leaned down to use his mouth on you as well, biting and licking at your collar bones. He picked up his pace steadily. Your hands remained pinned, and all you could do was writhe under the onslaught of his touch. 
His fingers were rough, and they grazed your clit relentlessly, sending shocks up your sides. You could feel a coil winding deep in your stomach, and despite yourself, you were desperate for a release. Keigo could feel you tightening around him as he neared his own climax.
Forgetting the restraints, Keigo shot up and pulled you with him, continuing to pound into you while on his knees. With your hips raised in the air, Keigo kept the pressure of his fingers on your most sensitive spot, sending you past the point of no return.
As he felt your walls clenching, he growled into the night:
“Tell me who makes you feel this fucking good!”
“K-Keigo!” you screamed, your body convulsing as you reached your climax.
“That’s right,” he grunted, slamming you both down into the sand again. “And it’s because you’re mine. All. Mine.”
At these words, you felt his cum gushing into you, making you flush from head to toe. He held his arms around you tightly as he rode out his own high, moaning in a gravelly, guttural voice.
The night was quiet for a moment, with only the sound of heavy breaths and crashing waves to echo off the beach as Keigo remained poised above you.
Finally, as his panting slowed, Keigo spoke.
“We should probably get comfortable, chickadee. It might be a long while before they find us.”
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kestrelmando · 3 years
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Group Therapy - Oneshot
Inspired by this post by thecyndimistuff (@thecyndimistuff ), apollonkondric , and  floatingearth about Peli Motto taking Din to a support group for empty nesters post S2. 
Warnings/Notes: None, possible a single swear word slipped by. Angsty, introspective Din and space mom Peli Motto taking charge. No romantic pairings, not beta’d please excuse any mistakes until I find them. Couldn’t help to slip a nod my other Mando fic Bird of Prey, Way of War in at the end. 
He’s tried being useful around – what were they calling it now? Fett’s Palace? – the palace; taking stock of weapons and resources left behind by Jabba and Fortuna. Weapons he’s familiar with; taking them apart, servicing them, and testing them gives him something to keep him busy and keep his mind occupied.  
He even took to sometimes mirroring Fennec’s imposing, protective place – on the left on Fett, never the right that was Fennec’s earned spot – on the dais when Fett had meetings because no, you should not fuck with the legendary bounty hunter but especially when he’s got a sharp shooting assassin on one shoulder and another infamous bounty hunter clad head to toe in beskar on the other.
He’s done perimeter sweeps with Fennec, who chooses to humor his morose silence, and with Fett, who also allows the silence but is far less indulgent about it. Oh, Fett never calls him out on it. Quite the contrary, bounty hunter to bounty hunter he can read Din like a book and knew from the moment he returned to the Slave that he was not ok. Still wasn’t ok but that doesn’t stop the occasional long drawn sigh from the older man.
All in all, it took a week for Din to be sent to Mos Eisley to ‘pick up supplies’. He wasn’t stupid; he knew Fett could’ve sent anyone working for him to go on a supply run. He initially welcomed the change of scenery before remembering he’d have to travel hours around the Great Mesra Plateau and his only options of landscape were either endless sand or the red rock formations and canyons.
So Din dutifully took a land speeder and set off to Mos Eisley, trying to ignore the repetitive backdrop that allowed him far too much time to think about his foundling and his accidental acquisition of the darksaber with Fett’s warning still ringing in his ears ‘make sure you take that thing with you’.
 The supplies, or rather supply, in question was a tiny compressor part for the climate control unit that could fit in his pocket.  The vendor had taken one long look at his beskar and held up a bin of the teeny components after Din asked about it and he was done within half an hour.
…Now what?
He found himself following the by now well-known path to Peli Motto’s hanger. She was familiar territory, she was easy to talk to and almost painfully transparent. Perhaps most importantly in this moment; she wanted nothing from him.
The door to Peli’s outbuilding slid open for him and he wandered in, hands painfully empty, and let the pit droids fuss over him. Tatooine’s hot suns greeted him as he stepped into the hanger bay, eyes scanning for the mechanic. The hanger was empty, no parked ship in sight, and the mechanic was elbow deep in a pile of scrap muttering to herself and passing parts and pieces to a pit droid.
Din smiled under his helmet when she tossed a piece of scrap away from her with a huff and it landed near his feet. She turned her head briefly to see where it landed and then whipped it back towards him, hand flying to her heart.
“Stars Mando!” She sat back on her heels and blew out a breath. The mechanic frowned, “Where’s your ship?” Peli stood, dusting her knees and palms off, and took a few steps towards him with a hand pressed above her eyes to block the suns. She looked him over and then stopped dead in her tracks, “Where’s…where is the baby?”
He felt his throat close around any words he was going to say. Peli’s eyes darted around his body; around his hips for the bag, his feet for the little one to pop out around him at any second. She opened her mouth to say something, her face drawn tight, when he simply couldn’t keep up his stoic façade any longer.
A short hiccup, somewhat garbled by the vocoder of the helmet, slipped out followed by a low keen he couldn’t bear to swallow. Din shut his mouth with a snap, a flush creeping up his neck while his hands closed opened and closed around nothing – empty. Peli’s eyebrows rose in concern momentarily before she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth before slowly extending her hand towards him. Her fingers closed around his elbow, shoulders losing their tense line when he didn’t protest, and guided him back towards the outbuilding.
Din let her steer him to a small table in the corner and ease him into a chair. She disappeared around the corner momentarily and was back with a bottle of boga noga and two small cups. Peli sank into the chair opposite him and poured a couple fingers the Hutt ale. She curled her hands around her drink and looked up at him, face pinched.
“Just tell me first; is he ok?”
He took a deep breath that sounded strained through the beskar, “Yes.”
Peli visibly deflated as her shoulders sagged in relief, “Oh thank the Force.” She muttered before taking a sip of her ale, wincing a bit.
Despite the lump in his throat, he felt the corners of his mouth quirk upwards in the beginnings of a fond grin. Din swallowed, “His name is Grogu.”
She cocked her head, thinking on the name, and smiled. They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes and watched the pit droids scurry about the hanger through the viewport. Eventually, she flicked her eyes back up the Mandalorian and asked, “What happened?”
He paused and wondered if it was safe to tell her more than sparse nonspecific details. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her; quite the opposite she’d shown herself to be a loyal friend and Din had already entrusted Fett and Shand with the whole story. But Peli was different – she wasn’t a fighter. Still, Moff Gideon was in the custody of the New Republic and Grogu was safe with Skywalker. He supposed it was safe enough.
So he laid it all out for her and once he started he found that he couldn’t stop. He talked about the bounty from the remnant Imperials on Grogu and how the kid had saved his life with the Mudhorn, how he took on the task of keeping him safe as his foundling and out of the hands of those who would hurt him and use him. To their short time on Sorgan and how Grogu terrorized the local wildlife, how he was tasked by his alor to reunite him with other Jedi.  Din told her of his meetings with the Jedi Ahsoka Tano and Bo-Katan, interspersed with a quick and bastardized history of the Mandalore.
He had to pause when he got to Tython. His voice was caught in a steel trap in his throat.
Din considered the shot of ale and tipped the helmet back just enough to not spill it all over himself before downing it. He immediately understood Peli’s grimace when she sipped on hers; it was sweeter and fruiter than he was used to but it was unbearably strong. His eyes watered at the burn. Her gaze flicked to his exposed chin momentarily before darting away and she finished hers too, coughing a little.
She rose her eyebrows at him and he knew what she was thinking; I didn’t think you were allowed to do that.
He continued quietly – Tython, Grogu’s capture, and the Razor Crest getting destroyed. Din covered Morak as clinically as he could and felt the need to explain a bit more about his creed to the mechanic. She watched him carefully and frowned when he began to get hung up. Din gestured uselessly next to her, “I – it should have been a bigger deal. It should have meant everything but I – the kid –“
Peli gently laid her hand on his forearm. His helmet slowly turned to look back at her but she held her ground and patted his arm. Din pressed on and spoke of Gideon’s cruiser, the rescue, and his accidental acquisition of the darksaber. He haltingly recounted his goodbye to his foundling and slumped back in his chair when it was over.
The mechanic was silent next to him, her hand light on his arm, before she turned to him thoughtfully. “Mando—“
Why the hell not. “Din. My name is Din.”
“Din, you did what you had to do for the little one.” She looked nostalgic, “Parent’s sacrifice for their kids. You can’t understand it, can’t know what you are willing to do until you have one. He needed you and you stepped up. I don’t claim to know to know much about your people but it sounds like you fulfilled your mission.”
Peli stood then, collecting the empty glasses. “You say you’re out near the Northern Dune Sea? How long will you be here?”
He nodded absently, “No more than a few days. I’m returning to the palace soon—“
She whirled back around horrified, one of the glasses slipping from her fingers, “Jabba’s Palace?”
Din caught it quickly, “Fett’s Palace.”
Peli wasn’t appeased. “Fett? Boba Fett?”
“That bantha brain owes me money!”
Din chuckled, realizing she more annoyed than afraid. Fett owed her money? That sounded like a story. Peli headed back towards the kitchenette with a huff and Din dutifully followed with the other glass. Peli sighed exasperatedly, “I was the only one willing to work on that ship of his for years! No one else would touch it, it sat in that hanger for years and no mechanic was willing to do any maintenance on it – oh Peli what if he comes back – well, what’s he gonna be more mad about? That someone was poking around keeping it running or that we just let it sit and get taken by the sands?’
She took the glass from him and deposited it in the sink, “I spent five years taking care of that rust bucket! He comes back looking like hell with no credits and says he’ll pay me ‘soon’. When is ‘soon’?”
He didn’t give it a second thought; Fett had given him way more credits than he’d needed to pay for the part and he knew that she would be a good resource for Fett – she wasn’t afraid of him. He reached into his pocket and held the bag of credits out to her. Peli slowly stretched out her hand and took it, inhaling at the weight of it.
“If that doesn’t cover it let me know. I can pass along that you are willing to work on the Slave, it’d be a regular job.”
Peli passed the heavy bag of credits back and forth between her hands, smiling, and then said, “You know…he can wait a little longer.”
 Why did he agree to this?
Peli turned from the small table housing drinks and snacks and held out a cup of chilled caf to him. Din slowly turned his head and shoulders towards her and, despite not seeing his face, she read his tone.
She frowned, “Oh right.”
The mechanic turned away for a moment, fiddling with something he couldn’t see, and twisted back with a triumphant grin. Peli brandished a long straw and poked him in the shoulder with it when he didn’t move.
“Come on Mando, just take it.”
With a sigh, Din took the straw and caf before reluctantly following Peli into the other room. All the chatter immediately ceased and six pairs of eyes snapped to him as he rounded the corner with her. He didn’t know what he expected, it was the normal reaction to beskar – still his insides felt hollowed out after his talk and something about it stung a little.
Peli, however, paid it no mind and all but dragged him to a seat next to her. The other occupants, some human and some not, stared and waited for an explanation. The mechanic took a bite of her snack, a large cookie, and chewed slowly. She met the confused and frankly frightened looks of the group and took her time to chew and swallow, all the while rolling her eyes at the over the top reaction.
She was never given a reason to be afraid of her Mandalorian, or even Fett despite his reputation, and he’d always been fair and polite. Oh, she knew their reputation – bloodthirsty, ruthless, and unfeeling. But after seeing Mando with the baby, she had done some digging. Tatooine might be in the backwaters of the galaxy but it had a long history and many colorful inhabitants; between the HoloNet and asking around she’d learned a bit.
That child was never in any danger from the Mandalorian, in fact there was scarcely a safer place to be. Mando – Din – had taken him in and done right be him. Still, she knew he had to be uncomfortable in a place like this. She picked a spot facing the door and had already decided on the way in that she’d do the talking.
She brushed the crumbs off her hands, “Sorry we’re late. This is my friend, Mando.” The silence was deafening but she continued, “He doesn’t say much.”
His helmet turned almost unnoticeably towards her and she met his visor. Peli shrugged and rose her eyebrows; am I wrong? The Mandalorian cocked his head in agreement and leaned back into his seat. She sipped her chilled caf and settled in as a human across from them began to speak. She hadn’t brought him here to talk, she brought him here to listen.
He stiffened when she mentioned it back at the hanger, thinking it was a support group for parents whose children had passed on. But when she clarified that it was for parents without their children with them, whether it be they had simply grown up or were temporarily away, he hadn’t seemed any less rigid.
“I – I’m not his father.”
It was the softest she’d ever heard him and she felt her heart clench at the melancholy tone. His fingers twitched anxiously at his sides, opening and closing.
She countered, “You are in all the ways that matter.”
In the end, Mando tentatively agreed to go with her. The pair listened as the group went around with updates or things they did to alleviate the ache of missing their loved ones; some were grown with families of their own, others had moved off-planet, and some were off training at various academies. They talked about how they kept in contact and how they kept busy. Some tended hydroponic gardens, others kept meticulous journals, and still others traveled. He snorted; one sent his alien foundling with a Jedi across the galaxy and took up being a menacing beskar statue behind an infamous bounty hunter who may or may not be the ruler of Mandalore.
Din retreated into his own thoughts, wondering how Grogu was doing with his training. He could almost picture it in his mind; Grogu’s little brow wrinkled in concentration, maybe with his eyes closed if he was really trying, and the Jedi directing him. He imagined the little womp rat chasing – terrorizing – the local fauna and pouting about not being able to eat all the time. Would he still have his mythosaur pendant? Was he happy?
He blinked back to attention when Peli plucked the straw from his fingers and slid it into his caf with a small clink. People were looking at him expectantly, he swallowed nervously before realizing it was actually Peli there were waiting on.
She stood to get another cookie and Mando took the groups distraction to slip the long straw under his helmet. It wasn’t exactly comfortable, but a cold drink was too tempting to pass up. Peli settled back in next to him and began to speak, “Well I have some updates,”
Peli broke the cookie in half and continued, “Corjul still hasn’t left Endor. After all that time on Hoth, he just decided that Endor was ‘perfect’ and he volunteered to monitor the shields. I’m not sure there’s much of anything out there but the natives…but he seems happy.”
Din stared under his helmet – Peli Motto had a kid. He supposed it made sense now he thought about it; why else would she be coming to these meetings? The mechanic finished a bite and folded her arms, “I am glad he’s just an analyst, not running around after Empire remnants. “
He sipped at his now lukewarm caf and wondered what her son looked like. Her voice flitted over his head, "Now Briell—“ Din inhaled sharply and his caf slurped loudly through the straw. Two children? Peli glanced at him, amused, “Briell has been settled nicely on Ord Mantell for a while now with her husband. I’m heading there in a couple weeks, my granddaughter is turning two.”
There was a murmur of appreciation from the group, some congratulating and some asking for a holo. He smiled, happy for her. It seemed the meeting was winding down and he took a long drink of his caf to finish it. “And as for Savi—“ Din choked on his caf, coughing and yanking the straw out from under his helmet to press an ineffectual hand against his chest.
Three. Three children Peli Motto had and Din knew nothing about it. Sure, it hadn’t come up in casual conversation, not that he was much of a conversationalist anyway, but certainly it would have come up? Grogu took to her so quickly and he hadn’t really questioned it but now he could see the pieces fitting together. The way she’d fussed over how to hold Grogu, was he getting enough to eat.
“Anyway, Savi is still planet hopping. He sends a holo when he remembers to. Last I heard he was heading to Coruscant to stay with a friend who’s a lobbyist. Still trying to ‘find himself’.” Peli patted his shoulder, “I’ve got this one to keep me busy and he just hooked me up with a steady new client.”
He took Peli’s cup and his own, following her nodded direction, and went to clean them. It was a simple kitchenette and he used as little of the moisture farmed water as he could to wash them out. His mind wandered again and he palmed the metal knob in his pocket; Fett, in between gasping peals of laughter, telling him that he knew exactly who the Jedi was and that Grogu would be safe with him. He wondered if the kid was pulling all kinds of things out of the air by now – Din smiled – he was going to be a menace once he could grab whatever he wanted regardless of where it was.
Peli’s head poked around the corner, “Hey Mando, you ready to head back?”
The Mandalorian nodded and followed his friend back onto the dusty streets of Mos Eisley. They walked in companionable silence, Din’s head on a swivel watching the road as the twin suns began to set. He fingered the comm unit in his pocket, wondering for the umpteenth time when Skywalker was going to contact him about Grogu’s progress. The man said he’d be allowed to visit, that he wasn’t a believer in separating families but still Din wondered.
“You know, Mando, you’re allowed to miss him and be proud of him.” Peli said next to him.
He looked down to her, “Am I?”
She sighed and stuffed her hands into her pockets, “Yeah. My kids all left Tatooine to do bigger, better things. Of course I miss them, sometimes I miss them more than I can stand but I’m so proud of them. I couldn’t hold onto them forever but it doesn’t mean they are gone for good.”
Din sighed, “I understand that. But he’s – he’s so young what if he doesn’t remember me? What if he’d rather stay with his teacher forever? What if—“
Peli grabbed his elbow, stopping them just outside of her hanger. “He adores you, Din. Anyone can see it, he won’t forget you. He’ll do what he needs to and then you and him will decide what’s next. It isn’t forever.”
He blew out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and swallowed the lump in his throat. It isn’t forever, we will decide what to do next. Din followed her into the outbuilding and stopped when he caught the mischievous look on her face. He slowly tilted his head at her, almost afraid to ask.
“You’ve done me a favor with Fett, Mando. I might have a ship you’d be interested in.”
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allsassnoclass · 3 years
The Inherent Domesticity of Target’s Home Decor Section
Pairing: Michael Clifford/Calum Hood Rating: Teen Word Count: 2076 Read on AO3
Michael has mixed feelings about Target.  On one hand, Target is better than Walmart, and he appreciates that they get to design different album covers and sell special editions there.  On the other hand, walking into Target makes him feel like he should have his life together more.  That’s not to say that his life is a disaster; his life is actually pretty great, and he feels like a fully functioning adult.  However, the store still gives him the niggling feeling that he should buy a planner and some post-it notes and turn into a suburban mom.
“Do you think I should buy a planner?” he asks.  Calum hums, reading the back of a DVD that’s on sale for $5.  When he shifts to put it back on the shelf, Michael shifts right with him, arms around his stomach and cheek plastered against his shoulder.  It’s earlier in the morning than Michael would like, so Calum gets the privilege of holding him up as punishment for dragging him out into the world at this time of day.
“Why do you need a planner?  Ashton takes care of that stuff for the band,” Calum says.  He picks up another DVD and flips it over.
“Yeah, but maybe I should put down everyone’s birthday or something,” he says.  Calum snorts and Michael pinches his side, because he’s apologized for forgetting his birthday that one time sincerely and profusely and gave Calum a pretty spectacular blowjob to make up for it.
“Would you even use it?” Calum asks.  Michael considers and has to concede his point.
They look at DVDs for a few more minutes because Calum gets a kick out of what a place like Target choses to stock in their meger selection.  Michael lets him slip some animated thing he thinks he watched once as a kid into the basket, content to stand there while Calum takes his time and just breathe him in.  He loves being close to Calum, letting his familiar smell fill his nostrils and leeching body heat.  He lets their breathing sync up and imagines that he can hear his heartbeat, slow and steady and almost putting him to sleep standing up.
Nowhere feels like home quite like Calum does.  Even in the middle of Target, Michael feels better than he ever has alone in his house.  It makes him wonder why he’s even living alone, and why Calum pulled away and they stopped messing around when neither of them have girlfriends.
The bottom line is that he misses Calum nearly every moment they’re apart, but he doesn’t know how to articulate this without the crushing fear of rejection.  Calum loves him, and he knows that a significant part of Calum’s world revolves around Michael, but that doesn’t mean they necessarily love each other in the same way.  Michael wants grocery shopping and kisses and late night cuddles regardless of if they have somewhere to be in the morning and lazy sex and laughing at each other’s ridiculousness so hard that he can’t breathe.  Calum wants a platonic best friend.
“What else do we still need to get?” Calum asks, shaking Michael out of his reverie.
“Toothpaste, I think.  And vitamins.”
“Look at you, being healthy and shit.”
Michael pokes his side and Calum tries to wriggle away, giggling because Michael knows exactly which spot tickles the most.
“Just because I don’t let Ashton drag me to yoga like you do doesn’t mean I’m unhealthy.  I get the most sleep out of any of us and I drink a fuckton of water.”
“I know, I know,” Calum says.  “Want to check the CDs?”
It’s a distraction tactic, because Michael will always check the one-shelf CD selection, especially so soon after one of their own releases.  Michael makes the conscious decision to allow himself to be distracted.
“Okay.  CDs, then toothpaste, then vitamins, then I want to look at the home decor.”
“What do you want to look at the home decor for?”
Michael shrugs, knowing that Calum can feel it.  There’s just no non-incriminating way to say I like to see your reactions and pretend that we’re picking out stuff for our house because I might be fully in love with you and I want you in every single crevice of my life.
That’s the issue with Target: it makes him feel domestic and long for things he can’t have.
“Excuse me?” a new voice says, and Michael first feels a twinge of annoyance at someone interrupting his moment and then a twinge of panic that it could be a fan when he definitely doesn’t have the emotional or physical energy to put on a public persona.  One look at the owner of the voice dispels that notion.  The woman is on the later side of middle-aged and looks pretty much exactly like the kind of woman who cooks meatloaf and has 3 cats and actually does go to Target to buy planners.  As inclusive as the band tries to make their music, Michael can admit that she’s not exactly in their immediate wheelhouse for fans.  Nevertheless, he straightens up a bit, but the woman is smiling so he thinks he can maybe get away with still locking his arms around Calum’s waist.
“Sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to say that you boys make such a cute couple!  It’s so nice to see young people in love.”
Michael stiffens, but Calum puts a hand on his arm, effectively anchoring him in place before he can pull away.
“Thank you.  It’s nice to be in love,” Calum says, and Michael’s breath stutters in his throat.
The woman beams and for a moment Michael thinks she’s going to reach out and pinch Calum’s cheeks, but she just bids them a good day and continues towards the books.
“CDs?” Calum asks, casual as anything.  Michael nods and fully pulls away, not trusting himself to speak or to touch.
It was just a nice thing to say to a romantic woman, but it’s nice to be in love plays on repeat in his head like a broken record.  He knows, he knows that it doesn’t mean anything, but Michael would give almost anything to have it be the truth.
There are five copies of the Target exclusive edition of CALM on the shelf.  There’s also a Neil Diamond greatest hits collection and a few random soundtracks that Calum points out, but Michael can barely focus.  He kind of wants to skip the toothpaste and go straight home, but he also doesn’t want Calum to question why that small interaction with the woman threw him so off kilter.  By the time they make it through the checkout and back to Michael’s car, he feels like he’s going to vibrate out of his skin.
Calum waits until they’re out of the parking lot to start talking.
“I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable earlier.  That wasn’t my intention.  I just figured that was the easiest response.  I know we’re not--I know we don’t do that anymore.”
In a different world where Michael hasn’t kept a very tight lid on his feelings for his best friend for the past eight years, he would have crashed the car.
“I know,” he says instead.  Silence fills the space, heavy and uncomfortable.  Michael keeps his eyes resolutely on the road and tries not to read too much into how Calum keeps taking a breath as if he wants to talk before cutting himself off.
“And I understand,” Calum says suddenly, almost causing Michael to swerve.  “I understand why we’re not together anymore.”
“What,” Michael says.
“I’m not trying to get you back, or whatever.  I know you don’t think of me like that.”
“That I don’t--” Michael chokes.  “I’m sorry, what?”
“Come on, don’t make me say it,” Calum says, shifting in his seat.
“No, hang on.  I don’t understand what you’re saying to me right now.”
“Mike, stop it.  Now you’re just being mean.”
“Calum, you’re the one who pulled away from me.  Personally, I don’t understand why we’re not together anymore.  I didn’t even know that we were!”
“That’s bullshit!  What did you think we were, if not together?”
“I don’t know, fucking around?  I thought we stopped because you got bored of me.”
“Michael, we stopped because we got asked about ships in an interview and you got really weird about it.”
“Yeah, because I’ve been in love with you for half my life!”
Silence descends, and Michael absolutely cannot look at Calum right now.  The only things that exist are the steering wheel in his grip and the strip of road in front of him.  There’s still a good ten minutes until he reaches his house, and Michael is very content to spend those ten minutes pretending like he is alone and has not just revealed his biggest secret during an argument that he still doesn’t quite understand.
“Pull over.”
No such luck, apparently.
“Michael, pull over right now.”
He eases over and puts the car in park, letting his hands fall into his lap.
“You’re in love with me?” Calum asks.  Michael nods.  “We’re so stupid.”
“What?” Michael asks, finally looking over at Calum.  He doesn’t look uncomfortable or sad, he looks exasperated.  Michael isn’t sure what that’s supposed to mean.
“We’re idiots.  We could’ve been happily dating this whole time.  Hell, we probably could’ve been married by now,” Calum says.  “I’m in love with you, too.”
Michael blinks at him and really wishes his brain was operating a bit faster.
“Calum,” he says, for lack of anything else.
“Michael,” Calum grins right back.
“Are you serious?” he asks.  Calum rolls his eyes.
“Why would I joke about this?”
Michael shrugs helplessly.
“Michael,” Calum says seriously.  “I made you park the car.  We just had a conversation that obviously made you uncomfortable.  Why the fuck would I be joking right now?”
Michael shrugs helplessly again.
“You love me?” he asks.  Calum reaches over and grabs one of his hands.
“I’m head over heels, crazy in love with you.  It’s pathetic.  It’s ridiculous.  I want to jump you in this car right now.”
Michael laughs.
“Not in broad daylight,” he says.  Calum smiles in a way that makes something settle in Michael’s stomach, something that he hadn’t realized had been unsettled ever since they stopped seeing each other.
Fuck.  He’s so lucky.
“I’m in love with you, too,” he says.  Calum’s smile widens.
“I know,” he says.  “You just told me that.”
“Well, I wanted to tell you again.”
“Well, I’m in love with you, too.”
They’re talking in circles now--wonderful, love-sick circles--and Michael is thankful for multiple reasons when Calum breaks it by leaning over the center console to kiss him.  Calum’s lips are familiar under his, and even after months without feeling them Michael has them memorized.  This kiss feels different, though.  There’s a surety to it that they haven’t had before, a question and agreement that thrills him.
“You’re sure you don’t want to roll around in the back seat right now?” Calum asks softly when they part.  Michael grins and knocks their foreheads together.
“You’re funny,” he says.  “Ha, ha.”
Calum kisses him again.  Michael could definitely get used to this.  If their previous conversation is any indication, he’ll have plenty of time and opportunity to get used to this.
This time when the kiss breaks, Calum fully leans back rather than keep breathing his air.
“Okay,” he says.  “Let’s go home, Michael.  We’ve got years of a honeymoon phase to catch up on.”
Michael puts the car in drive and eases back onto the road.  They’ll have time to drive around again later, because Michael definitely wants to do another circuit of the Target home decor section with this new revelation.  Maybe he’ll try to find a card for the woman who confused them for a couple, just in case they happen to run into her by the post-it notes or planners.
Either way, Michael thinks that Target might be his favorite store now.  He glances at Calum to find him already looking at him and his chest warms.
Yeah, Target is definitely his favorite store, but he’d be okay with never setting foot in it again if it meant he could keep spending time with his favorite person.
Thankfully, the way that Calum leans over to kiss him at a red light seems to mean that he agrees.
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
You » Part One
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The winner was Trafalgar Law! I hope you all enjoy! :D 🤍
Clearly, this won’t be what you all are expecting.
Summary : Arriving at an island you’ve been longing for, Law discovers some truth about you and himself. not good with summaries
Part Two Here!
“Trafalgar Law!”
Law lowers his head to hide the look of annoyance his face immediately plasters, exhaling out when he hears you call his name.
“What is it, [Name]-ya?” He mutters out questioningly, slowly raising his head to look at you, seeing you walk up to him.
“Do you mind if we make a stop at the nearing island?” You hum as you glance up from your stack of papers in your arms.
“Why?” Law furrows his brows and you frowned.
“You have to question everything I ask you? Let’s just look around for a bit and maybe pick up some supplies anyways!”
“We’ll just draw attention, we don’t need to pick up anything either. Everything is in stock.” Law simply replies, turning back down to his book.
You huff out and scribbled something down on your stack of papers. “Then let’s just visit for a bit! I heard it’s an island known for it’s beautiful view at night and-“
“No.” He flatly refused making you pout.
“No.” He repeats monotonously, not giving you a chance to attempt to persuade him.
“Geez, you didn’t even let me finish!” You remark and Law ignores you.
Puffing your cheeks, you turn on your heel and clicked your tongue.
“Fine, you’re the captain.” You mutter in defeat, hiding your dejected tone as you began walking out and shut the door.
Waiting a few seconds, Law glances up at the closed door, where you were standing in front of the whole time and shuts his eyes.
In fact, he already knew why you wanted to visit the island a few ways ahead. It was a well known island, after all.
Many pirates and marines alike all went to visit the island at least once in their life. It was truly an experience.
The island was called, “The Home of Stars”, known for its beautiful night sky view filled with stars all over, wherever you looked. The moon was always bright and full.
Even more, yearly tradition the islanders there had was festival of the lights. Where the clock strikes midnight and everyone would light up their lantern and release it into the air.
People would either write their wishes upon the lanterns or messages towards the stars in the sky, since it was believed that the stars were actually the deceased of loved ones.
Whether there was a annual festival or not, the islanders still often sang, danced and shared food with another and just enjoy life to its fullest.
The native men sounded drums/bongos and put on entertaining skits on stage, while the native women sang and danced. Sometimes both genders would do both, and it was all in fun.
It was even rumored and believed to be the cause of many successful couples and relationships, for those who went to the island.
Truly an island of hope and peace.
And coincidentally, that special day of the festival was today, right at midnight.
Exhaling in a bit of annoyance, Law rubs the back of his head and stood up, setting his book on the desk.
Heading to the door, he walked out and began looking for Bepo.
When he found his polar bear with Shachi and Penguin, he called out for his navigator.
“Oi, Bepo! Change course to the coming island.”
All three crewmates lifted their head confusingly towards their captain. “Really? Why?” Shachi questions and Law only sighs.
“Just do it already, we should get there before 10PM.” Law orders and Bepo straightens up, nodding and saluting to Law instinctively.
And with that, Bepo began rushing off to change course, leaving Law alone with his two crewmates, Shachi and Penguin.
“What’s the reason for the sudden change of course, Captain? We need to stock up on supplies?” Penguin hums, turning to face the stoic male.
Law didn’t say anything and looks away, his mind going straight to you. He thought, sighing deeply. “No reason.”
‘You better be grateful, [Name]-ya. Only for you..’
Seeing how excited you were when you saw the submarine was pulling up to the island you were so eager to visit, Law watched in slight amusement.
“The island! Ah! We’re going to the island!” You cheerily shout, earning the attention from the others.
Bepo gave his cute smile as Shachi and Penguin shared their grins at your cute excitement.
“Are you really that excited to visit some island?” Penguin hums and you laugh at him. “It’s not just some island, it’s THE island. ‘Home of the Stars’!”
“Huh? Home of The Stars?” Bepo tilts his head, confusion written all over his face. You nod with a bright smile.
“Known for its beautiful sky at night and tonight is the festival of the lights! I can’t believe it.”
That seemed to attract their attention as Penguin and Shachi both ran up to you to ask questions.
“Woah, a festival? Is there women?!”
“What’s it like there?”
“Are the stars that pretty?”
Bepo makes his way over to Law and smiles a bit. “Are we heading there for [Name], Captain?” Law didn’t say anything, just clearing his throat.
Whilst you were explaining everything you knew about the island, you glance over and saw Law and brighten your smile.
“Law! What made you change your mind? I thought you said we couldn’t go?” You raise a brow to him and Law turns away.
“We just have to pick up some stuff is all. Then we’re leaving.” He answers and you pout.
“What? If you’re going to an island, you might as well stay for the festival too! Even if it wasn’t tomorrow, you’d wait there for the whole year just to experience it!”
“Hah?! Who would do something as stupid as that?”
An irk mark formed on your head at his question but before you could argue back and protest, Shachi interrupted you.
“Wait, how do you even know so much about the island, [Name]? I thought you were just an orphan from Sabaody?”
All eyes turned to you and you gave a soft smile.
That was true. You weren’t a pirate and you were never part of Law’s crew. You were just someone they happened to meet and you pleaded to join them until you found your home island somewhere in the New World.
It’s already been nearly a year and a half. Just a little over a year since you’ve been with them and you’ve grown close with them.
But you knew you were bound to leave them eventually. Especially considering you weren’t an official crew member.
“Yeah.. I am. I guess I just heard about it from passing pirates and marines.” You chuckle sheepishly, rubbing the back of your head as Bepo, Shachi and Penguin nodded in understanding.
However, Law wasn’t convinced. But he kept silent as you continue to explain what you knew about the island to the others.
“Land Ho!” You cheer, finally arriving and practically leaped off the deck and onto the dock the island had.
Law sweatdrops at your actions, reminding him of a particular straw hat, and it was a bit annoying.
“Oi, wait, [Name]-ya!-“
“I’m so excited!” You grin, bouncing on your feet as you finally reached the island that you had long-awaited for.
Few of the passing islanders that were around the dock, either because they were heading out to fish, to bring in items from trade ships, or any other reason, turned their attention to the Heart Pirates, more specifically you.
“Remember, we’re only here to pick up some supplies. We’re not here for some little festival-“
You were too busy looking around in awe to listen to him, which made him scowl. “Oi! You’re not listening!-“
“Law, just relax and have some fun okay? It’s already evening, almost eight. It’s not going to kill you to stop schedule for a night, right?”
“Tch.” Law clicks his tongue and turns away from you, his reaction making you pout and also turn away.
The others could only sweatdrop at the interaction between the two of you, almost as if you two were little kids.
“What should we do first? Just walk around before we pick up supplies?” Penguin inquires, but before Law could respond, a few of the islanders walked up to them.
“Hello! You must be visitors, right? Pirates?”
Speechless at how cheery the group seemed, a man just held a bright smile and stepped forward. “No matter, you must be here for the festival!”
“Yes!” You grin and walk up to the man, who seemed to share her joy and enthusiasm. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen it!”
“Oh? You’ve attended the festival before, Miss?” A woman hums beside the man and the others furrow their brows. “Now that I think about it, you do look somewhat familiar..”
“Eh? You’ve been here, [Name]?” Bepo gasps in surprise, Shachi and Penguin sharing his reaction.
“W-Well, actually-“
“Haha! Well, let me tell you this year will be bigger, better and different!” The man interrupts and gestures a hand into the city.
“Come, come! I’ll show you all around and be your tour guide until time for the festival.”
Law mutters in defeat, having given up at this point. He was deadpanning at the sight of his own crewmates’ genuine interest in sightseeing around the island, having followed after the man with no hesitation.
You stood at a distance, letting the others walk ahead as you turned back to face Law, giving him a sly smile.
“Come on, doctor. You’re going to miss all the fun~” you tempted him, cheekily smiling and pointing in the distance where you could visibly see Bepo’s huge smile of awe.
Law clicks his tongue, a scowl forming on his face and clear agitation running through his body. He didn’t even want to be here in the first place.
“How adorable.” You giggle as you began walking ahead before he could make a comment to you.
“Oi!” Only you.
It’s been three hours, it was already reaching 11:30. Law and his crew members have spent the last three hours just walking around the whole island and exploring and trying new things.
Though, it was mostly Bepo, Shachi and Penguin.
And it seems halfway through the whole experience, you kept wandering off on your own and joining the crew moments later.
It made Law suspicious and almost wary of you.
After all, you weren’t part of his crew but some orphan who pleaded to board the submarine until you found your home, which you apparently had no idea where.
Of course, part of him didn’t feel to good about it but his concern for the safety of his crew came first before any doubts about you and your suspicious behavior.
“Hey, Captain! Should we buy a lantern for the festival?” Bepo eagerly asks, clearly wanting to do it, just as Shachi and Penguin.
“It doesn’t matter.” Law sighs, already ready to end this night before a familiar voice interrupts.
“Of course it matters. It’s the special festival.”
Turning over, the four of them came face to face with you, in a particular outfit.
You wore an off-the-shoulder white dress, with green palm leaves and red flowers as patterns all over the knee high dress. On your head was a little flower crown.
“And where have you been?” Law asks, narrowing his eyes at your new appearance and sudden presence.
Despite his questioning and skeptic, annoyed expressions, he couldn’t help but admire your appearance in the dress.
It wasn’t how you normally dressed so it was different. And Law actually really liked it, giving a few more glances to fully settle in your new look.
Before you could answer, Bepo and the others intercepted. “[Name]!”
“Wow, you look so cute in that!”
“Did you leave to change into that?”
“Hey, [Name], should we buy lanterns?”
You chuckle at them and nod. “Of course you should. I’ll buy one with you, come on.” With that, you began leading them towards the nearby shop and walked in.
Law only stood outside with a sigh, rubbing his temple to ease the headache that was just slowly forming.
It didn’t take long for you and the others to come out, with five lanterns and a couple sharpies to write the message onto them.
“Captain!” Bepo calls out, heading over to the doctor and held out the lantern and marker. “Here!”
“..why did you get one for-“ you roll your eyes and smile, handing out the markers to the others.
“Could you quit being so inquisitive and just accept it? It won’t hurt to participate in the festival.”
Law eyes you as you turn away and look to your own lantern. “Come on, it’s already 11:43.”
Knowing he was still staring, you uncapped your sharpie and stuck the cap in between your teeth. “Write your message.”
Bepo, Shachi and Penguin all turn to their captain with grins before turning to their own lanterns and uncapped their markers, beginning to write.
Law exhales deeply, muttering some silent curses under his breath and uncapped his sharpie.
However, he wasn’t writing.
He could only stare blankly at the lantern, an unknown feeling washing over him.
He then gives a side glance to you, seeing you finishing up your message and releasing a soft smile to yourself, clearly content and satisfied with your wish.
Law then gives a closer look to your lips, the way the corner of them would curl up and suddenly felt a weird warmth in his chest. He frowns and inhaled sharply, lifting the marker.
‘These things don’t actually work, so why bother?..’
But seeing how enthusiastic you were about these lanterns, he could only just go along and do the same.
Writing his own wish, his deepest, inner desire inside him and then capped the marker.
Staring down at wish he unconsciously wrote without much thought, he deadpans slightly and clears his throat.
‘Let me live a happy life.’
He sweatdrops at himself, wondering where that came from but didn’t say anything.
“Did you write your wish, Law?”
Hearing your gentle voice, he looks up to see your warm and curious smile.
Law closes his eyes. “I wrote something.” He simply states, handing you the marker and you take it with a hum. “Can you tell me what it was?”
Cheeks puffed out into a moue, you hear someone calling out for you.
“[Nickname]! It’s time!”
The others look over with questioning glances, surprise at the sudden shout of a person. “[Nickname]?..” Penguin questions to himself, brows furrowed.
“Okay! I’m coming!” You call out, waving your hand towards the person before turning to the others, smiling brightly.
“You guys should come, come on!”
Gripping your lantern, you began heading down the street, where the plaza was, in a hurry and left the others stunned.
“Wait, [Name]!” Shachi calls but you were already heading off quickly.
Bepo turns to Law, who only scowls at you and pulls his hat down tightly. “What should we do, Captain?”
“Damn it, [Name]-ya..” he mutters out harshly, clearly stressed over how much trouble you’re causing them.
Tightening his grip on the lantern, he sighs deeply.
“Let’s just go..”
Just what are you up to now?
This doesn’t seem as good as I hoped... 🤔😭
A/N : that’s the end of part one! I know it’s not what a lot of people expected but I hope you enjoyed it regardless ;-;
Also in all honesty, when I first thought of this idea, it wasn’t supposed to be so fucking long.
And to all those supporters of mine 💗🥺 thank you so much for your kind words. 🥰
The more interesting scenes are in part two :p
Can y’all tell me what you think though? ;-;
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passionate-hedgehog · 4 years
Summary: Y/n gained more than an office when she was promoted to a main writer for Mythical Entertainment.But while she’s celebrating the new aspects of her job, her boyfriend seems to be crumbling. 
Pairing: Damien Haas x Reader
Word count: 4584
Warnings: None
A/N: When I wrote this, I was really just wanting to write a story about how a hoodie exposed a Damien x Reader relationship and then I added some angst because...entertainment, ya know? But at the time I’m posting this fic, I’ve had gone through almost losing my job because of state health mandates due to COVID. I found out that my restaurant thoroughly respects my work ethic and my schedule will remained unchanged. But working an entire shift unsure if I’ll be returning...or if I’ll see any of my coworkers that I’ve come to know as family ever again? I was able to relate to this a lot more than I thought I would. I’m not downplaying anyone that goes through uncertain things, especially during 2020. But I hope it can help a little bit. 
Y/n’s morning had been one for the books. She ran into her boyfriend’s former boss, Ian Hecox, at her favorite coffee shop while wearing a hoodie she DEFINITELY wasn’t meant to be sporting. The item had been a part of an unreleased merch line for SMOSH. They had been planning on announcing it the week after Defy, SMOSH’s parent company, had unfortunately shut down. Select cast and crew had been gifted with the limited stock, and Y/n had discovered it in her boyfriend’s closet just minutes before she ran out the door to get to the coffee shop.
Ian, a man she had yet to be introduced to before that morning, had been polite but concerned about how she had the item in the first place. She wanted to give the simple answer that her boyfriend of four months, Damien Haas, didn’t know she took it from his closet that morning. But Damien being in a relationship hadn’t been general knowledge to many people yet, and she didn’t want to put him in that position. He had been trying to work past his SMOSH days and focusing on future endeavors. She didn’t want to reconnect dots that he had worked so hard to disconnect.  After reassuring the man that she did not, in fact, legitimately steal it and that the owner never wore it out in public, she apologized for wearing it and promised to remove it once she got to her destination.
When Y/n made it to work, she was greeted with the two head-writing team members sporting nearly creepy smiles aimed at her. She narrowed her eyes at them and immediately grew suspicious. The writers, Nick and Ellie, pulled her down the hallway towards the various offices and stopped in front of a single closed door. Ellie stood off to the side of the door but grasped at the handle.
“Congrats on your promotion!” She winked and pushed the door open, letting Y/n look thoroughly into the room.
“Is this...do I have my own… what?!” Y/n looked between Ellie and the room. “What??”
“Rhett and Link, and the rest of us, agreed that since you’ve been promoted to a main writer position AND you’ve been handling a lot of other projects that go beyond your job description, you should have the space fitting for it. They have a new investment that you’ll be working with.” Ellie moved to stand by her fellow head writer, Nick. 
“Trust us. You’ll need this space. You’re about to have your hands full.” Was all Nick supplied, as cryptic as it was. “There’s a meeting in 20 minutes. You won’t have to worry about being late now that you’re so close to the main offices. See you in a few!”
The duo walked away and left Y/n to take in what happened entirely. 
“My own office?” She wondered as she finally took her first steps into her own space. There was a desk, a chair, the same kind of  desktop that is used in the other offices, and room for her personal touch. She had dreamt of her own office, and she finally had it. Y/n took out her phone and noted she had enough time to grab her meeting materials from her bag, and decided to make it to the meeting early.
The meeting had left the writer confused. Mythical had purchased SMOSH, her boyfriend’s former employer. It was a happy thing. She knew it was a happy thing. Damien had walked her down memory lane when Defy had shut down, and he found himself at home more than he wanted to be. It had been therapeutic for him. But he eventually decided to leave those memories there in the past. And now she was hit with the dilemma of whether or not she should tell him. Would she even be allowed to tell him?
“Hey, Babe!” Damien’s voice called from the doorway. 
Y/n looked up from her desktop, all inner turmoil disappearing when she saw her boyfriend’s smiling face. “Hey! How’d you find me?”
“Nick walked me down here.” The brunette let himself into the office and sat in the chair across from his girlfriend. “This is so cool. You didn’t tell me you were getting an office. We could have gone to Target and grabbed some cute things.”
“It was a surprise. I didn’t know about it until I got here this morning. Oh! Speaking of!” The woman grabbed her bag and shot an apologetic look. “I might have made a bad decision that I definitely need to apologize for.”
Damien cocked his head in confusion, similar to that of a puppy.
Y/n pulled out the black and blue hoodie from her bag and passed it over to her boyfriend. “I took this on my way out. I was in a hurry and didn’t quite look to see what it was I had put on. Eventually, I realized what I was wearing in public, and I put it in my bag. I’m sorry, Babe.”
Damien’s eyes met the fabric, and he shrugged. “Eh, it’s fine. You can just keep it, actually. I already have so many hoodies and shirts from...you can just have itz. I bet it looks better on you anyway. I don’t need it.”
Y/n copied Damien’s confused look from earlier. “Dames, this is your hoodie. YOUR hoodie. You designed this, and it’s your only copy of it. I can’t take it, Babe. How about I throw it in the wash when we get home, and I’ll just put it back where I got it from?”
Damien shook his head. “No, that’s okay. Just...consider it a gift, I guess. I don’t need it. Take it.”
“Dames-.” Y/n began.
“I think I’ll meet you in the car. I have some calls to make for a few auditions. Take your time, Y/n.” Damien got up from his seat, immediately breaking eye-contact with his girlfriend. 
After the voice-over actor left the office, Y/n let out a sigh and leaned as far back in her chair as she could, her head dangling off the headrest. She debated with herself for a few moments on whether they should talk out what was definitely him pushing unresolved feelings into a box. She decided that there was enough excitement for that day, proceeded to pack her things, and made her way to her boyfriend’s car.
A few weeks later, Y/n found herself in a private meeting with her bosses Rhett and Link. After the news that Mythical had purchased SMOSH, Y/n had found out that she would work as a main writer for Mythical and that she would also help out with minimal production work at SMOSH while they built their team back up. The SMOSH gig wouldn’t be long-term, but it was definitely something different than what she knew. The writer had assisted with some production work on GMM during her career, so the production aspect itself wasn’t unfamiliar to her. Working for two different channels? That would be tricky. 
It was not as tricky as treading the waters with Damien once he finally found out that SMOSH was coming back to life, which would be difficult since Y/n would be the liaison between SMOSH and Mythical for the foreseeable future. She would be working with Ian, going to board meetings, working in the SMOSH half of the building, and helping create a staff for SMOSH. Y/n was always up for a challenge, a chance to expand her horizons in her career. She just hoped that it wouldn’t damage the relationship she worked hard to build with her partner. 
“Tomorrow is your meeting with Ian. We’ll give you the black card to charge the lunch to. He didn’t have an exact number of how many people would be showing up, but it should be fine.” Rhett handed the credit card to her. “The cafe you picked didn’t seem too pricey, so we’re not worried. Just make sure not to lose the card.”
Link leaned forward in the chair he was occupying, folding his arms on to the desk in front of him. “Have you been in contact with him yet? Introduce yourself and all of that?”  
“Uh…” Y/n glossed over the fact that she had, in fact, already met Ian in person almost a month ago on accident. “Yeah...We already discussed a little bit about tomorrow. Going over what he’ll be telling his team and things of that sort. He mentioned that he had been keeping it under wraps from them. But I’m ready for it. I can’t imagine that happening to Mythical. I’d be devastated. I’m very thankful that you guys run your own ship.”
Rhett gave a shrug and a short “Eh, we try.” that caused Link to give a quick laugh. 
The morning of the meeting with Ian felt...off... to Y/n. When she woke up, Damien had already vacated the bed. She thought that maybe he had decided to go to the meeting that he had no idea she would be at. Perhaps she could subtly slip it in that she’d be there and they could take the same car. It took her a few minutes of searching the apartment to realize that her partner wasn’t even home. She didn’t know where he was. She only hoped that he would be at the cafe later. Y/n shook it off and began to get ready. Today was going to be nerve-wracking enough without him there.
Y/n made it to the cafe ten minutes before the determined meeting time. She found Ian easily and approached him with her head held high and an incredibly pleasant smile plastered to her face.
“Ian?” She asked as she approached his chair. He turned to her and watched the lightbulb go off in his head. “I’m Y/f/n Y/l/n from Mythical! And now, SMOSH...kinda.”
He stood up and shook her hand. “Hey. Nice to officially meet you! Although, I believe we’ve met before…”
Y/n winced and nodded, taking a seat across from him. There were a handful of empty chairs scattered around the table. She didn’t count them but was glad that the lunch meeting had already been approved by her bosses to be charged on the black card.
“Before we get started,” Ian began. “I just want to clarify that I haven’t told anyone what this meeting is about, and I’m still not all too sure who will be making it. A lot of things have been up in the air for so long, I’ve had to learn to just go with the flow.”
“Honestly, same.” Y/n replied as the waitress approached them.
A couple of people approached the table and greeted Ian and took seats by him while Y/n chatted with her usual waitress. The newcomers and Ian gave their drink orders before the server walked away.
“Shayne, Court, I’d like to introduce you to Y/n of Mythical Entertainment. Y/n/, Shayne and Courtney are two of SMOSH’s actors. They were hired in 2016.” Ian introduced.
“It’s really nice to meet you two! I spent the last month watching a lot of SMOSH, and you guys crack me UP! It’s almost impossible for me not to laugh at a video with either of you in it. Or any video, to be honest. Except for the Dominos mukbang. I got a little uncomfortable at the end of that one.” Y/n winced at the end of her introduction.
The three conversed as more people showed up, Keith showing up with Noah and Olivia. Matt Raub could be heard arguing good-naturedly with Sarah Whittle down the sidewalk as they approached. Lastly, Lasercorn and Mari appeared separately but arriving at about the same time. All of the chairs around the table were full except for the one to Y/n’s left. She glanced at it longlingly before giving her full attention to Ian.
“So! Should we order and then talk about why we’re here while we wait for the food?” Y/n suggested.
Ian nodded in agreement, and Y/n made eye contact with their server, pulling her over to the group. Everyone gave their order to the waitress before Y/n gave her own and then proceeded to give the order for Damien, in hopes that he would show up in the end.
“But you can put that last one on our personal tab. I might just end up taking it home. Thanks, Clementine.” Y/n called as the waitress walked away.
Y/n was about to officially start the meeting when her phone went off loudly. She pulled it out of her pocket to send it to voicemail when she saw that it was Damien’s name. “I’m so sorry. I actually need to take this really quickly. Continue your conversations.”
Y/n rose from her seat and walked off a few paces. She answered her call, hoping it would be her boyfriend telling her that he had a meeting he would be late for (the one she was at) and that he wouldn’t be able to pick up lunch that day. What it ended up being, though, was Y/n trying to subtly convince Damien to go to the meeting she knew he had (the same one she was at, but he still didn’t know that part) and failing miserably. 
“You know where I am with that, Y/n. I don’t know why you’re pushing it. It was a good few years, but it’s done! I need to figure out what’s next for me. Dwelling on the past isn’t going to fix it.”
Y/n took a deep breath. “Have you even talked to anyone about this meeting? Do you even know what it’s about? Maybe something amazing and wonderful will come out of it!! You won’t know unless you try! And I know you’re building on your VO work, but SMOSH is already here and waiting for you. LITERALLY. WAITING.”
Damien grew quiet on the other end of the line, and Y/n realized she said the wrong thing. “What are you talking about. Y/n? What do you mean by ‘literally waiting’? How would you know anything about SMOSH’s meeting?”
“I just..I don’t...Damien. Please. Coming to this meeting could be what you need, right now.”
“You said coming instead of going. Why would you use ‘coming’ instead of ‘going’?”
“Oh my GOD, can you please stop analyzing what I’m saying for five fucking minutes and just listen to the point I’m trying to make here?!” Y/n noticed she was yelling and apologized before talking quieter and calmer. “Please, I’m begging you. Come to this meeting. They need you here. They’re your family.”
“Family wouldn’t keep info, like this meeting, a secret. Right?”
That caused Y/n to pause. “They...they didn’t tell you about the meeting?”
“They definitely told me. You didn’t, though.”
Y/n realized that she was losing grip with the conversation. “No, wait-Damien, I didn’t-”  
“I’ll talk to you later, Y/n. Or not. Who knows, am I right?” Damien ended the call with a beep audible from Y/n’s end.
After taking a few deep breaths and clearing her eyes from any of the tears built up from frustration and legitimate sadness, she collected herself and returned to the table. When she sat down, she noticed all eyes were on her.
“What did Damien have to say?” Ian asked with a sad smile that told her he already knew the answer.
“He uh...he can’t make it. Something came up.” Y/n cleared her throat and took a sip of her diet coke. “Any chance we can just completely ignore what just happened?”
“How do you know, Damien?” The question came from someone on her left. 
“I guess not,” She took a bigger sip of her drink. “Damien and I...have been seeing each other. For a few months now.”
The surprised reactions that spread around the whole table proved to Y/n that her boyfriend really didn’t tell anyone about their relationship, including Shayne, whom he called his best friend. Y/n couldn’t imagine not telling someone that important about a relationship that’s lasted as long as it had. But after what went down over the phone, the breaking of trust and the arguing, she thought maybe there was good reason for it. In an attempt to not dwell on what happened, Y/n called on Ian to continue the meeting.
Instead of going to her own apartment after the meeting with SMOSH, Y/n decided to take Damien his food in hopes of a peace offering and have a chance to talk everything out. She pulled into the visitor parking of the apartments and took a second to collect herself. She knew her partner was hurting. The signs of his anxiety and personal, private compulsions were showing through when he thought she couldn’t see. She knew he was struggling, but all she wanted to do was fix it. But how? Would he even let her into the apartment?
She knocked on his door and waited for an answer. She knocked again a few minutes later, before taking out her key. Naturally, she’d respect his want for space, but at that moment, she didn’t have it in her. She made her way into the apartment and eventually found him laid out against his headboard, playing his Switch on his bed. He didn’t look up when she walked in or when she sat on the bed.
“I uh...I brought you your order from the cafe. Do you want it now, or should I put it in the fridge?” She asked gently from her spot at his feet.
He clicked the lock button and put the handheld device down. Looking at the bag in his girlfriend’s hands, he gestured for her to hand it to him. She leaned over to give it to him, and he put the paper bag next to his Switch. Without speaking, he nodded his head towards the door, and Y/n picked up his hint.
“Right. You probably don’t want me here right now...uh..”She scratched at her neck, disappointed in herself for thinking that he’d want anything to do with her at the moment. “I’ll just...I gotta grab some of my things from the bathroom first. I want to make sure I give you all the space you need.”
Y/n made to get off the bed when Damien cleared his throat. “No, Y/n. I was stretching my neck. You don’t have to leave.”
The writer turned to face him, pushing what she hoped was a convincing smile on her face. “It’s ok! Really! You deserve some space after what happened. I completely lied to you about today, and that’s gotta feel like trash. I can let you eat in peace for once.”
“Please don’t.” He met her eyes, and she saw sadness there. “I can wait to eat. I just...I really want you to stay. Please?”
She nodded and pulled herself up the bed to lean against the headboard next to him. “Do you want to talk about it? I understand if you don’t. And it’s completely reasonable not to want to tell me about it at all. I am sorry, Dames. I didn’t know how to tell you, so I thought maybe it would go smoothly if you just saw me at the meeting. I figured it’d be easier handling the topic of ‘us,’ too. Which...was weird to do with or without you.”
“Yeah. Shayne had questions for me. But I’m not upset that you told them. I can’t imagine the pressure that put you under. It couldn’t have been easy trying to get around it in the first place.” Damien kissed the top of her head. 
Y/n looked him in the eyes and gave a sad smile. “I’m worried about you. You tell me you’re okay and that you’re moving on, but...to me, it doesn’t look like it. To someone on the outside, maybe. But I’ve been with you since before Defy shut down. You haven’t processed it or grieved it. You barely talk to your best friend. It shows a lot that you hadn’t told him about me. Like...yeah, you’re a private person. But you don’t usually hide things from Shayne.”
The actor nodded along with her words. “Yeah, I...I don’t know how to...like I just…”
Y/n noticed he was struggling and held his hand, quietly waiting for him to continue.
“Defy shutting down and SMOSH limiting everything it was doing was hard. When we were as happy as we could get working for Defy, I never thought about ‘what’s after this?’ I didn’t think I’d have to worry about it. It all seemed to be going so well...So when it came, the loss of it all...that’s what happened. All of it was lost. Everything I did, all of the moments, the time...It felt like two years of my pure energy that I was never going to get back. I put everything I am into my life at SMOSH, and it felt like it didn’t matter in the end. So, I moved forward as fast and as hard as I could to outrun the pain I knew was coming. Unfortunately… the running didn’t work, and the pain still came. And I feel like I lost connections with people most important to me along the way.”
“No, Damien… you didn’t lose those connections. Trust me. They miss you. They need you in their lives. Whether it’s through SMOSH or just inviting them over for pizza and video games. Baby, they still love you. I promise.” Y/n sat up straighter and pulled her legs underneath her, letting both knew caps lay against Damien’s outstretched legs. “I can’t give any advice towards the running away from what happened because we both know I’m a little escape artist when conflict arises. But I think this conversation right here is a great way to begin to work through it. But I think it would work better if you talked it through with your best friend that went through the same thing.”
Damien pulled her against him and wrapped his arms around her. “Hmm...maybe. And you’re not that much of an escape artist anymore. You forced your way into my apartment and invited yourself on to my bed. We could have had a huge fight, but you went through with it anyway.”
Y/n looked up at him with her head still on his chest. “Because I love you. And I don’t want you to be sad anymore…”
Damien leaned down and kissed her, gently slipping his hands under her shirt before he pulled away. “You are more than I’ll ever deserve. Thank you for making sure I work out the things that bother me and affect me.”
“I’ll say it again.” She accentuated each of her following words with a poke to his torso. “I. Love. You. Dumb dumb.”
He grabbed her hand and guided her, so she was straddling his lap. “That hoodie you took from me last month, I didn’t get to see you in it. Can I get a peak?”
“Uh...sure? Are you sure, though? You seemed pretty passionate about not ever seeing it again.” Y/n rested her hands at his sides, softly running her thumbs over his shirt as if to comfort him.
“I think...I just didn’t want to think about my last few good memories with the company and everything. But I don’t want to run from it anymore.”
Y/n’s smile lit up her whole face. “Yeah? Then yeah, I can go put it on.”
“But could I convince you to wear it with nothing else on?”
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bevvydraws · 4 years
Sweet Justice (cont.)
First , Previous
Chapter 3 
Chat Noir’s baton clattered to the floor, the metallic noise cutting through the palpable silence. His eyes glazed over as he looked not at her, but through her. His mind likely racing a mile a minute. Using his distracted state against him, Princess Justice turned to face her knights once more. 
“Tie this kitty up so he can’t get in our way,” she demanded, and looked at where Lila was still stuck in her stocks, “and quickly take her away.” With those orders she left the classroom, trusting that her knights would do as they were told. Outside the classroom she could see some of the other students who had graciously accepted her macarons had either turned into knights, or were rooted in place as punishment. She looked around thoughtfully, trying to determine the next best move when she felt a tug in the back of her mind. A butterfly appeared in front of her face and Hawkmoth spoke. 
“So, you were Ladybug?” he questioned, sounding oddly pleased. Princess Justice felt herself tense, realizing her lapse in judgement when telling Chat Noir such sensitive information. She would have to think quickly. 
“No of course not,” Princess Justice scoffed, “I only lied so he wouldn’t get in my way. Ladybug is bound to come for her lost kitten at any moment.” 
“You should take his ring while you have the chance!” Hawkmoth shouted.
“Oh yes because your grand plans so far have worked out wonderfully, sir,” Princess Justice said with an even tone. Before Hawkmoth could say anything else, she continued, “Don’t worry Hawkmoth, you will get your justice. That much I can promise.” 
With that, the butterfly faded from in front of her eyes. Acting quickly, Princess Justice went to her old locker and wrote down some information in a spare notebook. She carefully tore the page out of her notebook and folded the paper neatly. She passed it off to a nearby knight and instructed them to bring the note to Chat Noir and to only let his eyes read it. With that done, she was off to garner herself a larger army for what she was about to attempt. 
From the balcony of Marinette’s home, Tikki watched as Princess Justice strolled out of the school’s front entrance. The tiny being began to panic, easily recognizing her dear holder. “Oh no, Marinette…” she whimpered before zipping down to where the earrings had been left. Tikki knew that she had no choice but to get the earrings to someone who could substitute as Ladybug. The miraculous wouldn’t be safe if she did nothing. Tikki carefully thought of all the people who had weld a miraculous before, before choosing who she thought would be the best replacement. 
Now all Tikki could do was hope she could find him in time. 
Princess Justice strolled throughout Paris, handing macarons out left and right, and even giving boxes to some of her knights to pass around as well. The larger the army she had, the better. Her plan was going to be incredibly dangerous, and she would only have one shot at it. Although she did have a backup plan in place, if she was to somehow lose her powers before being able to complete her mission. 
As she carefully considered her next step in her plan, she almost didn’t notice the person sneaking up behind her. Almost. Quickly turning and leaping backwards, Princess Justice aimed her staff at the culprit. Her eyes widened as she recognized the familiar blue hair and matching eyes. 
“Luka,” she breathed out. Out of pure instinct--and curiosity, if she were being truthful to herself--she looked at the flame nestled in the middle of his chest. She wasn’t shocked at how small it was, but was shocked that the flame was white. Whatever injustice he had committed, it was intentional and likely repetitive. But Princess Justice couldn’t think of a single person that Luka had lashed out against minus Bob Roth and XY, and that was in defense of others. 
“Marinette,” Luka responded, his hands raised defensively and eyes full of hurt and confusion, “What happened…?” 
“I’m not Marinette,” Princess Justice responded, not letting her eyes leave him, “My name is Princess Justice. And what happened was something inevitable.” 
Luka shook his head sadly, “You’re better than this, Marinette.” Luka stepped closer to her, and Princess Justice found herself unable to move. He gently put his hands on her shoulders, “You are so, so much better than this.” 
“That’s hypocritical, Luka,” Princess Justice said scowling slightly, “You got akumatized to get justice for Kitty Section.” Her gaze softened, “You got akumatized to get justice for me.” The last sentence she said softly. 
Luka then pulled her into a hug, and she could feel the white hot flame burning her, but she didn’t pull away. 
“I’d always put you first, Marinette,” Luka whispered, “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” He pulled away, and held out a hand, “Give me a macaron, Marinette.”
Suddenly, everything made sense. 
“Your injustice,” Princess Justice said, stepping away from him, her eyes wide. 
“Pardon?” Luka said, obviously confused.
“Your injustice,” she repeated, “Is never caring about yourself. You always, always put your feelings on the backburner,” she swallowed, “Especially when it comes to me.” 
“That’s my choice, Marinette,” Luka frowned, “Because I--” 
“It’s not good for you, Luka!” Princess Justice screamed, “It’s okay to be selfish! It’s okay to not put yourself in second place all the time!” Her eyes shifted briefly from blue to red in rage before returning to normal as she looked at him sadly. “Leave, Luka. I’m not going to give you a macaron. Because you wouldn’t become a knight, and I couldn’t stand seeing you in stocks.” 
“I’m not leaving, Marinette!” 
“I’m not giving you a choice!” Princess Justice yelled. Snapping her fingers, knights seemingly appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Luka from both sides, not letting go no matter how much he thrashed. “Take him back to the Liberty, and make sure he stays.” And with that, she turned and walked away, ignoring Luka’s calls. 
Tikki searched desperately along the Seine for the Liberty, trying very hard to stay hidden and also keep a tight grip on the earrings. When she finally spotted the colorful ship, she sighed in relief. Quickly flying down to look around the ship, she was confused when she found it completely empty. Was she too late? Would she have to find another temporary Ladybug? 
Before Tikki could panic too much, she heard a commotion on the deck. The sound of a yelling and cursing could be heard and Tikki cautiously flew up to see what was going on. Two knights were dragging Luka on board, all while he was desperately trying to get away. As they dragged him below the deck, Tikki hid. Once he was locked in his room, the two knights stood guard outside of the door. 
Tikki frowned, and flew around to the porthole window only to see it open and Luka already trying to escape out of it. “Luka!” Tikki whisper-shouted, which caused him to look up in surprise. At seeing the tiny red creature, Luka tumbled backwards in shock and landed on the floor of his room with an ungraceful thud. Tikki flew in through the porthole window and hovered over him. “I’m so glad I found you!” 
“Y-you’re a kwami…” Luka said in surprise, “Are you… Ladybug’s kwami? Did something happen to her? Did… did Marinette do something to her?” The fear on his face was evident, but Tikki could also tell he was conflicted in his feelings. 
“Ladybug is in trouble, Luka,” Tikki said softly, “Marinette is--or rather, was--Ladybug. Something happened at school today and… and I wasn’t able to comfort her…” Tikki looked down sadly, knowing that just the fact that she was able to say Marinette’s name to another person was sign enough that the bond between them had been broken for now. 
“Marinette is Ladybug…?” Luka asked breathlessly, “No, wait, that makes sense. It’s so like her. But…what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be finding someone to help save her?” The panic was back in his tone, “Marinette needs help!” 
“That’s why I’m here, Luka,” Tikki smiled at him, “Please, for now, don the earrings and help save Marinette. We can’t save her completely if we don’t purify the akuma residing somewhere on her.”  
“You want me to be Ladybug?” Luka looked floored. 
“Only until Marinette is safe again. Then we can give the earrings back to her.”
“Why did you come to me?” 
“Because I know Marinette trusts you. And I know you love her, just like Chat Noir does. So I know you’ll both do everything in your power to take care of her and bring her back.” 
There was a lot of information for Luka to process. Marinette being Ladybug, Marinette giving up her earrings, being pushed to the point of being akumatized, Chat Noir also being in love with Marinette, everything was too much. Luka shook his head to clear his mind. Now wasn’t the time for his feelings for Marinette. Now wasn’t the time to worry about any romantic rivals. Now was time to focus on saving Marinette. 
With a shaky breath, Luka stood up and took the earrings from Tikki. 
“Alright Tikki, I’ll do it.” 
Tikki smiled, “I knew I could count on you, Luka! You and Chat Noir will save her for sure!” 
Luka bit his lip, still unsure, but determined to do anything he could to help Marinette. Even if he would have to be against her for now, he knew in the end it would help her. He looked at the earrings in his palm and carefully put them in, taking his normal studs and slipping them in his pocket. Immediately he felt a power and warmth radiate from the earrings. It was almost overwhelming
“What do I do now?” Luka asked. 
“Just say ‘Tikki, spots on!’,” Tikki instructed gently. Luka nodded and took a deep breath.
“Tikki, spots on!”
taglist:  @fandom-trapped-03 , @justafanwarrior , @ultimatetornshipper , @lunadensmidnightprowl​ , @starpony999​ , @minth0l-illness , @the-bollywood-miraculous-girl​ , @akioshiwarrior​
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chaseatinydream · 4 years
pirate king (68) || atz
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Being back with your master makes dying a lot better.
Make no mistake, it’s still awful, but it’s a lot more bearable now, at least. Now, you can wake up in the middle of the night with blood trickling from your nose, and have a warm hand wipe it away with aching tenderness instead of curling up on yourself alone in the darkness, trying to stop the flow with trembling fingers. San’s eyes brim with sorrow in the light of the half moon, but he smiles the best he can, offers you a cloth, and holds you making small talk until it stops.
Still, it helps that he’s there.
You’ve forgotten what it’s like to rely on someone.
You’re sitting inside the infirmary one day, ship rocking gently upon the waves as you attempt to slide the end of a length of thread through the needle’s eye, but the ship rocks upon a sudden wave and you pout as you miss for the umpteenth time. But before you can try again, your master reaches over from where he’s reading a massive codex about deadly illnesses to pluck the needle and thread from you. With a deft flash of the hand and years of practice in his sharp eyes, he slides it through easily and passes it back to you, going back to his book.
You smile gratefully, return to your task. The two of you sit quietly, enjoying the warmth of each other’s company with the silence only punctuated by the occasional flipping of pages of San’s book. You’re about to end off the sewing by tying the thread into a knot when there’s a sudden knock on the door.
Jumping, you turn to stare at the door with wide eyes just as it opens to reveal your captain standing at the other side. You dive to throw your half-completed needlework under the covers before your captain steps into the room, and the second he does, he gives you a warm grin.
“Ah, Chin Hae! Just the person I wanted to see.” Hongjoong says, rubbing his hands together and you give your master a questioning look, which he only returns with a shrug of the shoulders. “Are you free?”
“Y-yeah.” You fumble a little awkwardly, trying hard not to let your eyes stray to the tip of red fur peeking out from beneath the sheets. Would it be more suspicious to move it or leave it be, you lament to yourself, but thankfully, your captain doesn’t seem to notice anything amiss.
“I want to bring you around town today.” He declares and you choke, almost immediately. San hurries over to you to smack your back a few times, but you wave him off, muttering reassurances to him under your breath, and Hongjoong merely looks confused. “Do you not want to go out?” He adds, but you shake your head.
“No... I do, it’s just that...” Your voice trails off, there’s no reason to disagree. Although you’re a little worried about going out with your captain with how your... condition is, you can find no excuse, so you manage a smile and a nod. “Yeah, I’ll come with you. But why me specifically, captain?”
“Call me Hongjoong.” He replies instantly, but answers. “I wanted to bring Yeosang and Yunho out and about a little for some unwinding since the three of you have been through so much the past few days, but Yeosang is still poring over the maps he bought at that last village and Yunho-”
“Ate too much grilled squid and now has a tummy ache.” You finish for him, mildly concerned for your fellow crew mate but also equally amused. San lets out a little snort of laughter from where he’s sitting beside you, arms crossed over his chest. “I told him so.” He says snidely, and you giggle.
“Anyways, would you like to go?” Hongjoong asks. His smile is still warm, tinged with a little hopefulness, and you find yourself nodding alone already. Next to you, San rises to his feet, stretching his arms above his head. “I’m coming too.”
“Oh?” You ask. “Why?”
“I’ve got something I need to pick up from the apothecary.” He tells you, eyes unreadable as he glances at your captain. You cock your head to the side in confusion. “I’m sure it won’t be any trouble if I tag along, captain?”
“None at all.” Hongjoong reassures. He glances between the two of you before he gives a small smile. “I’ll let the two of you gather the things you need before I meet you at the gangplank, alright?”
You nod, and then Hongjoong is stepping out of the room, leaving the two of you in silence. When the door finally clicks, you turn around to give your master a befuddled look. “Why are you suddenly coming with us? Didn’t you just do a stock inventory yesterday and say that you had bought too many herbs on impulse and now they won’t fit into the jars?”
San sighs, steps up to place both hands on your shoulder. “I’m going because of you, apprentice. Your nosebleeds have been gotten more frequent, and I’ve been timing the intervals they occur with the passage of the sun. Didn’t you want to hide this from captain?” His eyes bore into yours and you nod slowly. “Well, in a few more hours should be the time you get another, and while I do not know how accurate this is, we should be wary. I’ll help cover for you if anything happens.”
Your heart warms, and a corner of your mouth tilts up in gratitude. “Thank you, master.” You squeeze one of his hands, before reaching over to pick up his satchel and toss it to him. “Come on. Let’s go.”
The two of you head outside, your master closing the door securely behind him. At the gangplank, your captain awaits, hands behind his back. He seems to have removed his red jacket, presumably to blend in better with the locals. “Shall we go?”
The first step onto dry land has you reeling.
At the contact of your boot with the pier, there’s a sudden nauseating feeling in your gut that has you gripping the hand of your master’s hand tight for a second. You nearly stumble, eyes pinching shut as waves of dizziness roll over you, threatening to capsize you. Images flash through your mind, a man with unearthly bright green eyes, sinking into the waves and endless darkness...
“Chin Hae, Chin Hae, are you alright?” Hongjoong taps on your arm lightly and you shake your head, trying to get rid of the ringing in your head. Thankfully, it dies into a dull ache and you simply wave your captain off, taking another step. “Oh, nothing, just a little vertigo.” You answer, gripping your master’s hand tight. With a tight smile, you point at the little shop houses leading into the streets. “Come on, let’s go!”
Your captain doesn’t seem wholly convinced that you’re fine, but you set off at a quick pace so that he can’t see your expression. Next to you, San gives your arm a soft tug, eyes brimming with worry. “Are you alright?”
His voice is a hushed whisper, but you hear it all the same. You try for a reassuring smile. “I’m fine.” You say, waving him off. There’s a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that you don’t quite like, but perhaps you too, have eaten one too many grilled squids the night before. Your feet almost reach the end of the harbor when you turn around to glance at your captain to make sure he’s following you. To your surprise, he’s simply standing there, back turned to you, facing the docks from which you had come.
“Hongjoong-hyung?” San calls out to him, a little confused, but your captain doesn’t even seem to hear the healer. Instead, he merely moves out further back from where you had come. Your master shares a confused glance with you, before the two of you step towards him, San laying a hand on his shoulder.
“Captain, what’s going on?” You ask, confused, but your captain merely points down the harbor, jaw clenched. “I can’t see properly,” he says harshly, one hand dragging over his covered eye. “Chin Hae, San, tell me what’s that ship there.”
San frowns, squints down the port. “A... white ship?” There’s a moment of silence, and you tilt your head to stare at the direction your master is looking at. A white ship? Indeed, there is a white ship docking next to the Treasure, but what’s the significance?
“A white ship...” Your master lets the words roll on his tongue. “A white ship...” It takes a second, another, before his mouth falls open in horror, entire face draining of blood. “A white ship.”
You’re still confused, but then Hongjoong immediately grabs you and San by the arms, running full speed back towards the Treasure and you yelp in surprise, barely managing to stumble after them.
“What’s going on?” You shout at San, eyebrows furrowed, and he only gives you one answer, grim as the storm clouds approaching from the sea.
The tides bring both the good and the bad.
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