#also that actor is everywhere and he eats his role up every time i love him
asahicore · 6 months
another kdrama another side couple im obsessed with
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jack-ackles · 1 year
[True Beauty]
Warning: han seojun and hwang in yeop fans are requested to NOT read this 🤫
please tell me that it's not only me who finds han seo jun annoying. like,, boy you know that girl doesn't like you, she likes your friend and he likes her too, they love each other and desrve to be together.
then in the end, the way writers made him some kind of sacrificial hero for "giving up" on jukyung and "letting her go" to suho.. when she was never HIS to "give up".... ooooh so fucking sad isn't it?
i hate that majority of posts, tweets etc under true beauty hashtags are about how fucking cool, miserable and heartbroken seo jun because the girl he liked didnt love him back all while jukyung went through hell and back with her journey of self love and body positivity, suho literally lost half of his family and had to suffer so much but ohhhh look, the self appointed kabab me haddi is the show stealer here.
it really really really doesn't help that hwang in yeop just contiues to do roles where he is the miserable second lead who doesnt get the girl (18 again, sound of magic) and now he will play the character of he zi qui in the remake of the chinese drama go ahead where he zi qui was miserable and suffered alot and didn't get the girl (mostly because he ziqui never liked jianjian in a romantic way but his insecurities were eating him up when he found out jian jian and ling xiao were together and not to forget, the major part of go ahead drama was focused on jian jian's father and whole family trying to tell hi zi qui he was the part of family and not outsider and helping him to overcome his insecurities and fear of abandonment.) and you know WHAT? i am TIRED of seeing this actor in these heartbroken second lead roles.. like, PICK A BETTER SCRIPT DAMMIT!!! i'll have to see 1000 more reels of people crying that how his character deserved better, and others are just side characters in their own show because mr. i-am-miserable-because-the-girl-i-like-doesnt-like-me-back deserves better 💁🏻‍♀️
i just can't understand why this guy cant go for different roles and not just the same one again n again. he should try main roles. it definitely is not like he is having shortage of options cuz he prolly is in demand after true beauty. idk how am i supposed to enjoy the go ahead remake with his miserable ass face on screen again.
coming back to the main point: i can't, just can't understand why tf han seo jun is so fucking overrated when he is literally like every other second lead ever! you cannot go through any suho-jukyung content without people crying "but han seojun🥺" under it. this over hyping only makes his character even more annoying because people romanticize him so much that they just make up delusional narratives about how he was better than suho etc etc etc.
han seo jun is likable and cute when you don't have annoying people inserting him everywhere and crying about him. the overhype just repulses me alot.
phewww. i have been wanting to say this all since a long time cuz i am annoyed as fuck seeing han seojun everywhere overhyped to the point that people sideline suho-the actual main lead and downplay everything about him. and also say shit about jukyung.. like, leave my baby alone it's not her problem the kabab me haddi was stubborn. this all just gets on my nerves after one point because not matter how much you try to avoid it.. these things just comes back to haunt you when you try to ignore them.
i just wanted to let it out.
thank you for reading my rant.
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thevoidlord · 10 months
Mixed! Messenger AU
I came up with a Mystic Messenger AU! I have no idea if this already exists lol It's sort of a role-swap for the characters, but based on mixing the duos/trios, mostly (but not completely) based on story grouping. Here's the list of who is swapped with who:
MC swapped with Rika
Jumin swapped with Seven
V swapped with Saeran
Yoosung swapped with Zen
Jaehee swapped with Vanderwood
It's still an AU-in-progress, so it still needs some things fleshed-out, but here's some random things I thought about for each character: Yoosung: - a new, young voice actor - still very cute - has voiced characters in (usually indie) videogames primarily - wants to work on bigger games, but spends too much time gaming when he should be applying for bigger voice acting positions Zen: - college student who changed his major several times and failed a bunch of classes, but still doing his best - still a narcissist - working several jobs to pay for his tuition because he refuses to accept financial help, wanting to earn it on his own - loves musicals!! (he'll one day realize his dream to be a musical actor, but he has yet to realize...) Vanderwood: - works for CEO-in-line, Saeyoung Choi, as his assistant (and maid) - constantly reminds Seven to take his job seriously - is very confused why Seven has so much money yet doesn't take care of his health (Seven still primarily eats honey buddha chips) - annoyed when Saeyoung calls them his housemaid when clearly they're his assistant Jaehee: - secret agent (and catsitter for Jumin) - overworked by the agency AND Jumin and needs a break - cat hair everywhere, send help - has to beg Jumin not to involve cats into his or their missions - still loves musicals! (not a fan of Zen as an actor tho since he's not an actor yet) - once sat next to Zen during a theatre showing, but never kept in contact (was in awe from his beauty, but knew she needed to keep her distance due to agency work) Jumin: - hacker and secret agent - still has Elizabeth the 3rd, and claims that her wisdom has helped him crack many codes and solved many missions - great at his job otherwise - still has the same personality as before, except hacker Seven: - CEO-in-line who works hard but also loves mischief! - definitely has produced some hilarious marketing campaigns - may or may not have made some secret loophole scams to snatch more money for his babies (his cars) - still wants to play with Elly - can actually afford to go to the moon V: - used to be best friends with Jumin before joining Gold Eye under MC - loves art, but doesn't have enough time to make any due to hacking and cult shenanigans - instead of a garden, Gold Eye has an art gallery where V likes to spend his time - will do anything for MC, even learning to hack and worshipping her every move Saeran: - leader of MC's Fundraising Association (MCFA) - specializes in floral photography and gardening - lives with his brother in a penthouse - has a large garden in their backyard with all sorts of flowers and plants - he and Saeyoung still grew up with that abusive mother, but, eventually they learned their dad (who isn't the prime minister in this) was rich, so they escaped, found him, and convinced him to let them live with him - loves MC and has been desperate to find her after she vanished Rika: - no, she is not getting the option to date like in the game; she's just there trying to fix everything and make everyone happy - never hosted a party in her life, but is determined to try - never dated V - struggles with mental illness and trauma, but is actively seeking therapy and is improving - joined MCFA after MC left (Yoosung recognized her immediately, but everyone else does not know her) MC: - cult leader of Gold Eye - obsessed with bringing MCFA into her cult as her harem - looooooves bad endings - didn't fake her own death, but did mysteriously cut contact one day and took V with her - the true mastermind in all this EVERYTHING IN THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE!! I just thought this would be a fun AU concept idea lol I made this while sleep deprived lol I'm gonna go to sleep now
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emileesaurus · 2 years
MORE AMC RAMBLING some positive, mostly negative, I'd cut this for length but I'm on mobile and I don't know how to do that 🤡
I have to admit to being charmed by the cast in interviews almost entirely against my will, and particularly the enthusiasm with which they talk about the books. I still think all three of them are way too old for the parts, but their passion for the roles absolutely shows through. I think they'll do a great job with whatever they're given.
I'll be really interested to see them talk about the changes to Louis's character in particular, because the Louis in the leaks I've seen couldn't be more different from the Louis in the book, like, all the way down to his motivation for becoming a vampire (grief and religious despair vs the desire to escape the restrictions of life as a Black man in the '20s, apparently). There's the scene of him in the confessional in the trailer, and that's sort of on the right track, but that's the closest I've seen to canon Louis, and it's a wholly made up scenario... idk! I mostly get the sense that they didn't like his character in the books, and wanted him to be less sensitive/philosophical/sad and more assertive/confident/combative (the "more of a spine" comment pisses me off, lol). We'll see when there's actual clips out whether or not they kept any of his book personality intact -- I hope so! I'd like to see Jacob's take on Louis's gentler more sensitive side, if it makes it into the show.
I'm skeptical about the approach they're taking to the relationship, even if it is explicitly queer, because I think taking too much of Lestat's word for how the relationship happened plays into real life patterns of taking the abuser's side and downplaying the victim's. Again, we'll see. They've said some cute/promising stuff, though, and I'd love to believe that it'll look like the relationship I enjoy, but I'm worried they've changed the setup and personalities and backstories (oof, 100+ year old Lestat) too much for me to see it as the ship instead of just a ship.
I just wish I got any sense of the same reverence for the books from the showrunners! The cast seems so sincerely passionate, but RJ and MJ are talking up the show like it'll replace the movie and maybe even the original book, lol. I feel like I'm being gaslit every time I see them say it'll be more accurate to the books than the movie was, because so far we've seen literally nothing from the books whatsoever. I'd honestly be more confident if they went into what they changed and why, and how they expect it to effect the story... but all I'm hearing right now is "it's no big deal, just trust me bro." And I don't, because I've seen Rolin's last reboot, and it was exactly the same as this one looks so far, but less gay.
Anyway every time I see one of the actors saying something, I'm like "maybe it will be good???" But then I remember how little control actors have over the finished product, and I look at the sweeping structural and narrative changes and how nothing about Louis's life or personality is the same and how Claudia is eternally mid puberty and how Lestat apparently spent the entire 19th century just fucking around by himself and how they meet 120 years after the book is supposed to be set and how the setup for Louis and Lestat meeting is wildly different and how they can be awake during the day and how they have retractable fangs and get blood everywhere when they eat and how Daniel fucked up the first interview so bad he never became a vampire and has to do a second interview in 2022 in Louis's Dubai penthouse while he's dying of cancer or something and how the showrunner says this is more accurate than the movie script Anne wrote even though there's nothing from the books actually in it as far as we've seen and I just don't know, man.
I also desperately wish there were uhhhhh literally any women on the writing/directing/producing team 💀💀💀 my dudes it is 2022 and you've chosen to set this in a Storyville brothel and make one of your characters a teenage girl experiencing forever-puberty and also the book was written by a woman and idk, it just makes me feel reeeeeally really skeptical, all things considered.
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midasinc · 3 years
les amis and their love languages:
enjolras: he isn't the best at expression his affection. he gets really nervous when it comes to showing his love for people because it always feels unnatural for him to tell people out right "you mean a lot to me". he's really good about listening when he loves someone. if he actually stops and listens to what somebody is saying, he cares about them. and weirdly enough, movies are his love language. enjolras will always suggest they watch a movie if somebody is over and he likes sharing the movies he enjoys. sharing something as simple as a movie is something that he only reserves for his close friends because he knows all of the bts fun facts and the other roles the actors have been in and he likes to infodump on people he cares about
combeferre: he's really big on physical affection. combeferre will gently punch people's shoulders or bat them on the back or flick at their nose. sometimes when enjolras gets so wound up and frustrated, combeferre will just come over and hug him for a moment and let him breathe until he feels okay to get back to work. combeferre is really touchy with people he likes and it's really noticeable when he isn't as close with others in the group because he isn't physical with them. he's also a note-giver. combeferre will write sticky notes on courfeyrac's bathroom mirror reminding him to take his meds or he'll leave a sticky on feuilly's bag telling him that the point he made in the meeting was really good and so on. combeferre loves sticky notes, he'll leave them everywhere
courfeyrac: he's really big on trying to prove that he loves people. courfeyrac does everything- touch, gifts, hanging out, you name it. most of the time he's just desperate to keep people around and that's why he relies so heavily on making sure that they know he likes their company. he buys people personalized gifts most often and if he's at a cafe or a restaurant, he always offers to pay for them. money doesn't buy happiness, but courfeyrac is convinced that it buys friendship
jehan: they show their love through physical touch, similarly to combeferre. jehan will lean against shoulders and greet people with a kiss to each cheek and they always offer to play with people's hair. if someone's hair is longer than a buzz cut and they're sitting next to jehan during a meeting, they'll get propositioned with a "can i play with your hair?" jehan is also really good at scalp massages, but enjolras had to take them aside and tell them to maybe not do it at meetings because people were falling asleep when they did it. they're also like a cat bringing their owners dead bugs that they killed- only with jehan it's little trinkets. they bought a sparkly pen for combeferre because it reminded them of him, or they got bossuet a pair of funky earrings, and so on
marius: he's a talker. he's such a talker. if he likes who he's sitting with, he feels comfortable and just infodumps on them. around unfamiliar people and people he doesn't know as well he starts to clam up out of pure nervousness, but around courfeyrac and cosette both he could talk for hours. when he has a good day he wants the people he loves to know. he really really values conversation in relationships
joly: food. so much food. joly is really considerate when it comes to people's diets. if someone has food restrictions and they're over, he'll make them food they can actually eat and enjoy. if someone mentions that they didn't have time for lunch or breakfast, it's totally okay because joly is already pulling something for them to snack on out of his bag. he really cares about people eating enough and that really shows in the amount of baggies of carrots or fruit gummies he keeps on him. whenever grantaire is around, he'll make sure to bring a snack because god knows he doesn't eat enough
feuilly: he shows his love through texting and calling, which is very subtle at first but is very evident as people grow closer to him. he sends really nice good morning and goodnight texts every day to the people he loves and he sends them updates on his day as well as asking for updates of their own. when he really likes someone, he can hold a five hour video call with them and not even notice. it's just nice to have someone to talk to when he's eating dinner and getting ready for bed. he also sends a bus load of memes to the people he likes. he's really big on stuff like that. he'll find like a shitpost of fnaf porn and send it to bahorel with a simple message of "us" because he knows that his friends find it funny
bossuet: he values quality time probably more than anyone else. bossuet loves irl company so much and he frequently comes up with plans and such to have people around. all of his friends can guarantee that there will be some sort of activity to do on the weekends and that their lives will never be boring. bossuet always comes up with new and interesting things to do that he knows will also be fun for the people he's inviting. he wouldn't bring enjolras to a bar and he wouldn't bring joly to a public pool. bossuet is really good about making sure people don't feel left out. if someone new joins the friend group, he's the first to ask them if they want to hang out (with courfeyrac in tow. they're what's called the 'welcome committee')
grantaire: similarly to enjolras, he's really bad at showing affection. for a long time, he really thought that perhaps he couldn't show it at all and that's why no one could stand him. now he sort of catches himself showing his love in weird ways. if he drinks the last beer at someone's house, he'll buy them a new case without telling them. if he sees something in a window that he thinks is cute, he'll send a pic of it to someone who would like it. he's good about listening when he needs to and talking when others aren't sure what else to say
bahorel: he's another physical touch guy. bahorel greets the people he loves in bone-crushing hugs and he loves napping with people in a platonic way. he's also really big on compliments. new shoes? bahorel noticed and he will be informing whoever's wearing them that they're nice. new haircut? bahorel is already going ooooooh i love it. he really knows how to make people smile when they need to hear it and he isn't picky with who he compliments. he'll compliment everybody and it's always really genuine. he has this way of making people feel comfortable around him and he's given a lot of people compliments that they will never forget
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jesslockwood · 3 years
Photo Opportunities
Word Count: 2.7k
Pairing(s): Tom Holland x Actress!Reader
Warnings: FLUFF with a slightly (barely) suggestive sentence towards the end 
A/n: damn I can't write anything except actress reader? smh but this is for @londonspidey ‘s sit-com Writing challenge (ik I'm early lol) but I was so excited I wrote the whole thing in one go lmao the prompt is bolded!
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Calling yourself a fan was an understatement. You were obsessed with anything and everything marvel. And oddly enough, you could after today say you were in the club. It wasn’t a public fact yet, until later that day actually, at the Marvel panel at comic con that you were being announced as the actress for the character, Felica Hardy and no one else knew except for the people who cast you and your best friend who signed an NDA. You were technically still a known actress for your roles on television mainly as Thalia on the PJO Disney + series and a couple of still decently sized films. 
You were currently wrapping up signing autographs for fans of yours for today. Your team had planned it out so it wasn’t suspicious that you were at the con with a few of your castmates scattered doing other junkets and press so people wouldn’t guess who they were acting as the cast for new marvel projects. 
You had been planning to go meet your best friend, who wasn’t in the industry before getting a text that she bought you both a photo-op with someone and she wouldn’t tell you who. You couldn’t only assume it was a marvel actor that you would indeed, freak out. 
Y/b/n: btw I brought you a mask. I get the wig lol.
You: please tell me it doesn’t cover my full face. Also, how are we posing?
Y/b/n: I bought as many photo ops as I could so a lot of different ones, And if I tell you the poses it’ll spoil it.
You: is this with the money I pay you to be my assistant with? Lol fine I’m omw with security
Y/b/n: maybe… 
Y/b/n: and they’ll need more backup security for who we’re getting a photo op with than you do for your hellfire.
You roll your eyes before taking your stuff and exiting the booth, before heading out the backways with staff security and your detailed security for the day. You only had security because you wanted to explore the con when you weren’t needed.
Your best friend had also been your assistant for the con weekend, but you didn’t want her to be confined to you the whole three days so when she could, you would let her explore it, at least she could experience it as a fan, right?
When you made it to that part of the building, you wanted to wait in line with her, which your security didn’t agree to so she texted you when there were about five people ahead of her. She was one of the last in line, with you asking her to be kind, so others would get their chance to be first with whomever it was. 
When she texted you and your detailed exit, getting a few stares and others taking their phones out to either take photos or tweet, you wave at them before joining your best friend in line.
“Here,” she says before handing you none other than a black cat mask before she puts on a red wig. 
You glare at her slightly trying to not make a scene, before putting it on. 
“I’m assuming you're Mary Jane?” you laugh figuring out that it had to be someone from Spider-Man.
“How’d you- never mind.” She laughs with you.
She then explains how she’s going to pose for your five photo ops, joking in between how she should “get a raise for this”.
You catch sight of him before sucking in your breath. This was either going to go down amazingly or terribly, there was no in-between with you. 
“Excuse Me, are you Y/n Y/l/n?”
You turn around and are met by some fans who were standing in line behind you.
“I am! How’s your con going?” you ask politely to the two of them.
“It's going amazing! We love you as Thalia! Could we maybe get a picture? Only if it’s okay?”
“Of course! Thank you for supporting me!” your best friend grabs their phone to take the photo, before you take off the mask, and stand between the two fans, and your best friend snaps a few photos. 
“Thank you so much! And Are you fans of Tom?”
You start slowly walking back to catch up to the line. 
“Yeah, I love him as Spiderman, but I also enjoy his other roles. He's very talented, I'd love to work with him one day!” 
“Have you seen him in Uncharted?  We love Him as Nathan drake!”
“I have, he was amazing per usual! How are you two posing with him?”
They show you their innovative pose. You laugh and tell them it's great before you have to wish them goodbye before heading up for your turn for the photo op. 
“How do we want to pose- hang on, I recognize you!”
You freeze slightly before your friend mouths for you to flirt. You look down at the mask in your hand before getting into character and saying “Of course you do Spidey, I'm always causing you trouble.” you put on the mask and wink. 
He seems slightly stunned, laughing, feeling like he’s seen you somewhere, not only because he found you extremely gorgeous, while in his peripheral vision he sees his brother/ assistant, Harry waving like a madman on the side. 
Your friend directs you both through the poses, first, one both him putting “webs” onto you as she looks over his shoulder, the second one, both of you kissing his cheeks, the third, all jumping in the air in your best superhero poses, the fourth one she gets a photo op alone and the last one she gives to you,
“Seriously, who are you?”
“Your Wildest dreams, baby,” you say, taking off the mask. 
Your best friend yells “freestyle” from the sidelines before Tom dips you, gently, with you shocked, holding the mask out with your free arm and the photo captures that moment. 
 He gently helps you stand back up fully, not before you drop the mask.
“Nice moves Spider-Man.”
“Not so bad yourself, Black Cat.”
You laugh before, taking off with your best friend, well more her dragging you to the printing station leaving the mask behind. Tom picks it up before shoving it in his back pocket to hopefully give back if he could find you. 
`You were sitting in the green room, trending on Twitter before you were actually supposed to be trending on Twitter, and god knows where else.  
Someone had snuck a video of you and Tom, up till him dipping you, and a video of you interacting with the fans in the line.
Your Y/b/n was currently reading off some tweets out loud
“‘A kind queen we stan.’  I agree, I also agree with ‘Date her if you can't date me tom!!!’.
‘THALIA AND PETER PARKER??? My two fandoms have collided.’ same, same. Oo this one says, ‘if she ain’t playing black cat I will sue marvel.’ I'm dying at the reply ‘She needs to post the photos or I'll sue her!’. This one’s funny, ‘she could squash him like a bug in heels but he liked his queen like that.’.”
She pauses watching you texting.
“Y/n? Y/n?”
“What? Sorry I was only half listening. I was texting my publicist. She said to stay on the DL until tonight. 
“Well we should get food, you haven't eaten since this morning.”
“By the way, your show has shot to number one on Disney +. Also, you have like three times the followers you had before, probably cause you're trending on every platform, even Tumblr!”
“Wow you should just become my social media manager now.” you joke trying to ease the joy yet weirded out feeling in your stomach.
“Does that come with a raise? Because after today I've spent way too much of what I'm paid.” she jokes back.
After finishing his photo ops Tom asked Harry who she was and to find out. By the time he finished autographs for the day, Tom and Harry walked to the panel room in the back for announcements, one that included him for the new Avengers movie, while Harry gave him the rundown.
“So she’s an actress, she plays Thalia on Disney plus’ Percy Jackson series, and that's her most known project. The other girl with her is her assistant best friend, and now she's trending everywhere. People dug up some old photos of her being a marvel/Spider-Man fan, so there's that. And she's here at the con for the rest of the weekend. She's doing photo ops tomorrow at one, and yes she's single from what I gather since you were looking at her like this.” he makes a weird face before tom smacks him.
“And plus you have time in your schedule to get a photo op with her, that is if you eat lunch quickly.”
That gave Tom an idea. 
“Harry I’m going to need you to book me one, oh and help me find a Spider-Man costume!” He says, before leaving harry to do ‘assistant’ work. entering the green room for the announcements, watching them announce a new movie.
“We are so excited to announce to the Marvel Universe, and spider-verse-” that perked tom’s ears, “-directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood, and today we are announcing our amazing Miss Felicia Hardy, please give a warm welcome to the stage, Your Black Cat!”
You suddenly emerged in an aisle way, dressed in all black with a leather jacket, black ankle boots, and of course black sunglasses indoors.
The music is marvel music until it suddenly changes after a recorded laugh from you into “I can’t be tamed by Miley Cyrus”.
You start owning the music while saying hi and touching fans’ hands. You decide to take off your sunglasses and throwing them to a fan, for them to keep, before getting on stage.
“What a Performance from the one the only Y/n Y/l/n!”
You laugh, being met with the loudest applause you had heard all con before being handed a Mic. 
“Thank you but I'm a terrible dancer.” You Joke.
Tom was staring at the screen stunned. You had been the black cat all along. You were in the marvel universe and spidey one,  so he'd definitely be seeing more of you. The hard part is that you seemed so genuine when you talked, interacted with fans and was no doubt, stunning. 
“Better close your mouth or the flies will get in.” Tom turns around to find the voice of none other than his friend slash bully, Sebastian Stan, along with Anthony Mackie.
“Looks like the kid has a crush!” Anthony laughs, pointing to the screen you were on.
“I-I don’t! I don’t even know her!” Tom tries to come to his own defense, hopelessly.
“She’s got you whipped already don’t even deny it.” Harry comes in, joining the teasing of one, Tom Holland.
“Maybe we can invite her out for drinks tonight, then fanboy over here can meet her, and then probably scare her off!” Anthony mentions.
“You haven’t looked on the internet? They’ve already met.” Seb says, before showing Anthony twitter. 
Anthony stands there slightly shocked before bursting into laughter.
“Well, she’s damn well a keeper for Tom since she obviously likes him.”
A staff member peaks their head in the green room to tell Tom he’s up next.
“Well, that’s my cue to leave you two!”
On the other hand, you were on an adrenaline high from being on stage, and seeing all the fans. You knew tomorrow was going to be crazy, as you expected people to book your photo op left and right since the announcement. 
You had decided to decline an offer from your fellow marvel universe castmates, Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie, which they so graciously told you that whenever you’re free, the offer still stood. 
You had gotten to your hotel room seeing your phone blowing up on the social media apps for the second time that day. 
You responded to the important stuff, before heading to bed, knowing it was going to be hectic.
You had been right, it was absolutely insane, the number of people who showed up. You had fully booked all your time slots for photo ops. You had seen so many people dressed up in marvel cosplay, ranging from Loki to Ironman, even some people dressed up as your character, which was wildly insane to see.
You had been nearing the end of the line and had enjoyed every moment with the fans, and you couldn’t wait for your autographing session later that day, to truly get a chance to talk to the fans and connect with them and how they felt about you being their beloved Black Cat. 
After a few more photos, posing how they wanted, you see a fully dressed, head to toe, mask and all, Spider-Man. You had seen some spider-mans but most took off their masks to snap a picture. The person was the last in line. 
“Hey Black Cat.” The southern American accented voice tells you, seeming very familiar. 
“Hey, Spider, what poses do you have up your sleeve?” you ask kindly.
“I bought a few, Cat.” they laugh.
“Okay, You can do whatever a spider can right?” you pull out a line out of the comics jokingly.
“I can do flips if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Is that some kind of nerd pick-up line? Because it’s only kind of working.” you laugh. 
“I really can, but this is one.”
He gets down on one knee, holding a black cat mask instead of a ring. The photographer captures the shocked expression on your face.
“I- Don’t- What- Spider I-” 
“Ow My feelings…” Suddenly their voice changes into a British accent before they pull off the mask to reveal-
“I guess you don’t have a spidey sense darling?” The photographer captures the moment without warning eating the moment up. 
You laugh at that. 
“I guess you found out my true identity Spider. And it’s nice to officially meet you, Tom.”
He laughs, just as nervous as you, he notices he has gotten closer to you and a strand of hair loosely is blowing in your face, so naturally, he pushes it behind your ear. Another snap of the camera can be heard. 
“NOW KISS!” a voice belonging to your best friend yells from the side, mid-eating a churro.
You both laugh really hard at that.
The both of you calm down, slowly leaning lost in the moment. The camera snaps again. You both look at the photographer weirded out, and they just shrug.
“Wait can you actually do a flip?” you ask, pulling away, not wanting prying eyes aka the photographer, to pry in your business. 
“I can, though I’d show you later, maybe in the greenroom?”
“That sounds naughty, but, sure.” you joke around. 
He laughs before, you both take off from the area going to grab the photos.
After spending most of the day together when you could, you get Tom’s number, before heading back to your hotel room. He texts you as soon as you get back. 
Spider: I had fun today, minus finding our assistants making out.
You: we should ‘snog’ too, it’ll gross them out ;)
You: I had fun too btw. Are you leaving tomorrow?
Spider: lol we should. And yeah an early flight, 6 am to be exact. Hbu?
You: Yeah me too... another day another dollar lol
Spider: ill miss you, Cat.
You: stop talking like we’ll never see each other again lol. As a matter of fact, come to my room, we’re watching a movie!
Spider: alright, I’ll order snacks. 
  You sigh smiling at your phone. You haven’t felt this giddy in a long time.
Your phone pings with a few Instagram notifications.
Tomholland2013 has started following you.
Tomholland2013 has tagged you in a photo.
You open Instagram to find the photo of him “proposing” to you posted.
“Ow, my leg, my- feelings...Welcome to the Universe, Cat.” the photo is captioned. You decide to post, the photo of him dipping you.
“So what do you say, Spider? Wanna help me pull off the Heist of the Heist of the Century?” you caption it, Before getting comfortable to watch a movie. 
What an opportunity ;)
@lolooo22 @webmeupspiderdaddy @harryhollandsgirlfriend @spideyspeaches @greenorangevioletgrass @queenofthepouges @sheranatic111 @keithseabrook27
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mel-the-fangirl · 4 years
Toss A Coin to Your Witcher
Henry Cavill x Reader
Words: 2,362
I am so so so nervous to post this because this is my first time writing a Henry fic and I know that the Henry Cavill fandom is such a tightknit family, I hope you guys have room for one more hopeless Henry stan. I know this isn’t even half as good as the other Henry fics out there but I had this idea stuck in my head for a very long time.
Please like and reblog or leave me some replies if I should do a second part! Thank you!
The makeup brush swept precisely along your cheekbone, covering it in a subtle shimmer. Production staff milled around behind you, testing sound, testing lights. Being an actor, these things were nothing new. 
"Now remember, say it with me," 
"Don't say or do anything stupid." you recited with your long time agent and friend, Marge.
You thanked the makeup artist and made your way to the set. 
"When have I ever said or done anything stupid though?" you asked
Marge looked at you appraisingly before replying, 
"There's always a time for everything. Now go on." 
The vibe on set dialled to a hundred when you stepped on. It was really flattering how they cheered as you plonked your butt down on the wooden chair, a red tarp was set up behind you and the studio lights surrounded the area.
"Ready when you are Y/N!" the producer aka the ring leader of this whole operation flashed you a thumbs up
You nodded, feeling the nervousness bubble up your throat. 
Surprise, surprise. You still got nervous in front of the camera. It wasn't hard to handle though, you took a couple of deep breaths and you were good to go. 
"Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals! I'm Y/N Y/L/N. I'm here with Buzzfeed and we're gonna be playing Twenty Questions." you winked at the camera with your arms wrapped around the little jar that had your questions in it
 "Let's get started, shall we?" 
Eager to begin, you stuck your hand into the jar without a second thought. 
"I freaking love Buzzfeed, really. Especially Tasty, I mean, I don't cook. But," you shrugged, wiggling your fingers, hearing the tiny bits of folded paper move around in the jar. "I love watching people cook. Then I love eating."
Scattered chuckles broke out through the crew. 
After a few minutes of rustling around, you figured you’d just come clean, "Okay. Small problem." 
You lifted your hand, the jar coming along with it. The pieces of folded paper crowding around your encased wrist as you waved your arm. 
Another round of shocked giggles started up as a couple of assistants rushed to you and tried to yank the jar off. 
"This is too good," the producer chortled, "Mind if we keep this in?"
"Fine by me!" you watched intently as Marge rolled up your sleeve so one assistant could pour oil all over it. Eagle eyed, she watched as a drop of oil landed on the bottom hem of your sweater.
"Great job, Y/N. This sweater was a gift from that designer you met last week, he said he made it just for you." she scolded, taking charge by grabbing the jar with two hands
"It was an accident, Marge. It's not like I planned on getting my hand stuck in a jar today!"
With a tug and a pop, your hand was free and slick with olive oil. Marge landed on her butt on the floor.
"Marge!" you howled with laughter, helping her up
She straightened her blouse, all business but her cheeks were stained red with embarrassment. 
"Can someone help Y/N wash the oil off her hands? Let's get this show on the road, people!" she barked marching orders at the staff, clapping her hands as she went. She wasn't in charge here but no one dared to question her. 
You chuckled, knowing that this was a cute little anecdote you’d be sharing with anyone who was willing to listen.
A few minutes later, you were back in your chair, having a laugh with everyone. The jar incident already stripped away the majority of your anxiety so you were ready to go.
"Okay! First question!" you squinted at the strip of paper, "What is the most expensive thing you’ve stolen from any set you’ve been on?" 
“Well!” you widened your eyes at the camera, “Bold of you all to assume that I’ve ever stolen anything!”
Marge scoffed rather audibly, making everyone raise their eyebrows at you.
“Okay, fine!” you held up your hand. The stunning ring you had on sparkled underneath the lights, nearly blinding anyone who looked.
“I did a period movie a while back and they had these drop dead gorgeous, and I mean gorgeous pieces of jewelry. I wore this piece,” you gazed down at the ring fondly, “for the whole of the film and I just pinched it after we wrapped, I couldn’t part with it, okay? I’m like a fricking magpie, I love shiny things.”
The crew burst into fits of laughter, making you laugh along with them.
“To clarify! This is the replica the props department had made, a very expensive replica. I can see you freaking out, Marge. And no, you don’t have to call the insurance company.”
You were a big hit, to say the least. You had them in stitches every time you opened your mouth but all good things had to come to an end, right?
It didn’t matter how carefully you dipped your hand into the question jar, this next one was going to make things very messy for you. 
"What do you like to do in your free time?" you read out loud, tapping a finger against your chin
"There hasn't been much free time lately,” you chuckled, “Let’s see… I play video games, yeah. I am so obsessed with the Witcher, it's borderline unhealthy. I’ve read all the books and played the games so many times." 
"What do you think of Henry Cavill as Geralt?" the producer asked you
Henry Cavill.
Just hearing that man's name was enough to make the blood rush to your cheeks. You brushed an imaginary hair out of your face. From behind the camera, Marge raised a knowing brow.
"Well," you cleared your throat and sat up straighter
"To be honest, at first I was really skeptical about his casting. I mean, he is way too good looking. Like way. Way. Too good looking. But…"
Your mind drifted to the first time you saw a picture of Henry Cavill in full costume. The white hair, the golden cat eyes, the intense gaze and all that leather? It definitely made you feel… Certain things.
You cleared your throat, propping yourself on the table with your arms. To be honest, your head was still in a Henry Cavill haze so you had zero control of what came out of your mouth next.
"I'd definitely toss all my coins to that Witcher. Toss a few other things as well."
Everyone in the room ooh'ed and whistled, delighted by your saucy reply. The ruckus snapped you out of it and your hand immediately flew to your mouth.
“Please tell me I didn’t just say that out loud.”
“You did.” Marge mouthed at you, trying but failing to contain her laughter
"So you enjoyed his performance as Geralt?" the producer pressed on, hoping to get more audience-raking answers
How many times were you going to blush during this interview?
"Oh, well, about that, I haven't really gotten around to actually watching it.” you admitted sheepishly, “But I've seen photos and some clips. Very impressed by what I've seen so far."
"You will watch it though, right?" 
"Oh, absolutely. No way I’d miss out on that! Henry Cavill is an incredibly wonderful, talented actor. I think he’s also a fan of the franchise so I have no doubt that he played Geralt to perfection as with all his other roles." you nodded solemnly, putting a hand to your heart
Everyone in the room with you caught on that you were gushing over the actor, the sly looks they all exchanged with one another were a dead giveaway. Too bad you didn’t notice before you could try and play it cool.
“Alright! I think it’s time for the next question!” you declared, swiftly plucking another question out of the jar
By the time it was all over, you had convinced yourself that your little crush-related blunder wasn’t even a big deal, it would probably just be a little footnote in that video. No biggie.
But, Jesus Christ were you wrong.
The video took a couple of weeks to edit and in that time, you were busier than ever. A movie you had just done was getting a lot of attention, your performance in particular had critics singing your praises. At that point, you were definitely getting noticed a lot more when you stepped out for coffee.
So, the timing was just perfect.
The second the video went live, your phone was going off non stop. Twitter mentions, Instagram tags, and articles. A few notable entries being:
“@geralt-of-vengerberg: Y/N The Fond™ is showing👀👀👀”
Marge sat on your sofa with your phone in hand, absolutely thrilled while reading tweets out loud. You scheduled a panic session with her over lunch once everything blew up.
“Oh my God.” you groaned, massaging your temples. “Marge, what do I do?”
“About what?” she didn’t even bother to look up at you
You plopped yourself down next to her, laying your head in her lap, “All that. It’s everywhere.”
“And? There’s nothing wrong with it, they all think you’re charming and funny. A true Relatable Queen.”
Was it your sanity slipping through your fingers? Or the overpowering embarrassment? You had no idea but whatever it was, it had you laughing until your stomach hurt.
Marge tugged at your hair, “Get it together, bitch. Jeez.”
“What are you so worried about anyway?” she asked, placing your phone on your stomach
You swiped through your emails absentmindedly, “I’m not worried about anything, it’s just that what if…”
You left the words hanging in the air, you might as well have been dangling from a cliff from how much colour drained from your face.
“What if what?” 
Marge shoveled some pasta into her mouth before noticing that you essentially turned into a statue right next to her.
“Y/N!” she shook your arm with a grip you were sure would leave some bruises. “What’s the matter?”
Wordlessly, you passed your phone to her, the comment from a certain verified account displayed prominently on Buzzfeed’s Instagram post of a little snippet from your video, the “I’d toss all my coins to that Witcher” part, naturally.
“@henrycavill: Dear Y/N, how many coins are we talking about here? Let’s talk about my reward.”
It was all Marge could do to not throw your phone across the room. Her eyes went wide, following your every move as you paced back and forth, a thumbnail in your mouth.
“That did not just happen, I did not just see that right now. I didn’t.” you babbled, your heart beating thunderously in your chest
There it went. Your very own ticking time bomb finally went off. Number of casualties? Just one. You.
“Okay. Just calm down, Y/N.” Marge caught you mid-pace, squeezing your arms
“Maybe it was a fan account. Tell me it was a fan account, Marge. Henry Cavill did not just hear me imply what I implied.” you grasped at her hand with your clammy one
“Well if he has a fan account that’s verified and has fourteen point five million followers?”
“Oh god.” you groaned, sinking to the floor and hugging your knees
“Oh, Christ.”
Marge hauled you to your feet and thrust your phone in your hand. She looked you hard in the eye, “Stop your whining and answer him. You’re Y/N fucking Y/L/N, one of the hottest people on the planet, start acting like it.”
You stared at her, eyes wide. Your chest rose and fell rapidly. Marge’s words started to make sense in your mind and adrenaline started surging through your veins. You nodded fervently, psyching yourself up.
“Fuck yeah.” you breathed, clicking ‘Reply’
“@yourinstagram: @henrycavill I know you take orens, crowns, and florens but maybe we should discuss further?”
Before you could even stop yourself (did you even want to?), your fingers already landed on the blue paper plane.
“I did it.” you exhaled, staring as the likes and overly enthusiastic replies started pouring in
“Fuck yeah, you did. Now, come on. Leave your phone. We’re getting drunk.”
More weeks passed and you actually ended up forgetting about that little reply you left Henry Cavill. You were busier than ever. Guestings, endorsement deals, and awards shows left and right. So, when you finally had a couple of days free, you decided you would set up camp on your sofa and finally watch Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia.
You even threw on your Superman pyjamas, “What the hell.” you shrugged
If you were going down this road, you might as well do it right. Maybe you would even watch the Man from U.N.C.L.E after or would it be Night Hunter? The decision would have to wait.
You watched, absolutely riveted as the White Wolf battled against the kikimora, his silver sword hacked at the creature with unmatched expertise. You were only a few minutes in but you already knew you’d be stuck on that sofa for hours.
When the kikimora had Geralt pinned underwater with his trusty sword just beyond arm’s reach, you found yourself on the edge of your seat, one of your cushions in a chokehold.
“Come on, come on, come on.” you muttered as Geralt reached for his sword
You wouldn’t find out if he got it or not. A knock on your door literally made you fall off the sofa.
“Fuck!” you exclaimed, your hip was already smarting from the impact
Whoever that asshole was, you swore you were going to give him a piece of your mind. You stomped to your front door just as that idiot started knocking again.
You huffed and threw the door open then your mind immediately went blank.
“I am so sorry. Are you alright? I think I heard you fall?”
Oh yeah. You were definitely falling.
You can find the second part here!
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simply-zhouye · 3 years
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Zhou Ye: The Wonderful Ideas of Lotte Girls // Esquire Fine photoshoot & interview ~ a really wonderful interview with Yezi!
Read rough translation of interview below: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/lY3oBM51ytlua7S8ZRdmlw
The lively character is like jumping candy, and the crisp voice is like summer honeydew. It can be a cute angel or a rebellious girl. Who wouldn't like a beautiful and free girl? We met Zhou Ye at a claw machine shop, and she caught the one she wanted five times!
Zhou Ye didn't laugh when shooting the magazine blockbuster, but she liked to laugh privately.
In the eyes of the people around, she is a simple and lively little girl, born optimistic, loves to joke, and loves to share all the fun and delicious. After catching up with the good-looking drama, she will also be ambitious to everyone, even if she encounters any troubles, she It will be resolved soon. She denied the title of "Girl's Heart"-when she was not working, she liked to lie at home and chase dramas, and science fiction and fantasy were her dishes. She enthusiastically gave an example. There is an American drama called "Stranger Things". It is about a little boy who disappeared in a small town in the United States. Everyone went to find him and found that there was an entrance to another world, exactly the same as this world. , But there is no one in that world. Such a story attracts her even more.
A few days ago, she took a four-day holiday, "very satisfied!" During the holiday, she made appointments with a few good friends for dinner, went to the playground, and watched dramas. If the vacation is longer, she would prefer to go home and stay with her family. Playing with mom and dad, playing with grandpa and grandmother, the family finds a beautiful place to go camping, and if you don’t go out, you can play mahjong with the whole family. She can stay away from looking at her mobile phone for a day.
Asked this girl who is not so girly what she wants, she said, "Now I want to accomplish everything in the moment, and every day will be better than the day before!"
Therefore, Zhou Ye, who hopes to be more progressive, raised his face and chatted with us about serious matters.
Before, people often said to me, "I like your performance of "Youth", but now everyone talks more about "Shanhe Ling". Let’s start the conversation with "The Order of Mountains and Rivers".
Gu Xiang in the play is a girl who is cold on the outside and warm on the inside. She helped Cao Weining, Zhang Chengling, and the singing sisters, but it didn't mean that she trusted them. She just felt that these people were very pitiful. Because Gu Xiang was picked up by her master when she was a child, she felt sorry for them and wanted to protect them.
She is defensive to everyone, and she will not trust anyone easily. In terms of character, Gu Xiang and I are a bit like. Both are more lively. What we don't quite resemble is our life experience and living environment.
When I first finished reading the script of "The Order of Mountains and Rivers", I loved Gu Xiang from the bottom of my heart. Gu Xiang grew up in Guigu where she was killed and beaten everywhere. Although she was lucky enough to meet Wen Kexing, the master who protected her, the rivers and lakes were sinister and Gu Xiang never really relaxed. Therefore, she can only protect herself by fierce methods. She looks acrimonious, slurs and curses, and she has to fight or kill at every turn. She looks very fierce and cruel, but her heart is really innocent and special. Kindness. When encountering people like Cao Weining, Zhang Chengling, and the singing sister Hua, Gu Xiang will rescue them and help them beat the gangsters. 
Many audience friends felt that the ending of Gu Xiang and Cao Weining was too miserable when they watched "The Order of Mountains and Rivers". Gu Xiang originally didn't know what the outside world was like. After she came to the world, she met Big Brother Cao, and the two people who loved each other were about to be happy. Unexpectedly, on the day of the wedding, Gu Xiang lost her lover so much that she would fight herself Life. I am also uncomfortable with this ending. It is not easy for them to get to this day. Why can't they live well? If I were to write an ending, it would definitely be two people living together happily forever.
For me, playing Gu Xiang should be more difficult than playing. This is my first time shooting a costume drama, and also my first time shooting a martial arts drama. "Shanhe Ling" really has a lot of martial arts, because it tells the story of the rivers and lakes, so I joined the group some time before I started, and learned some moves from the martial arts masters. 
In retrospect, the scene of the wedding was the most memorable. I had been shooting for three days in a row. I had been beating, killing, and hanging off Wia, and I would beat off some hair accessories from my hair. I didn't dare to hang on Wia at first, and the costume was so thick that I could easily trip on my feet. But I can’t take care of this when I shoot. This is Gu Xiang’s most emotional scene. I feel the same for Gu Xiang and can’t help crying. Until the end of my cry, I can’t tell whether my face is tears or saliva. , I hope that through this scene, everyone can feel Gu Xiang’s pain.
For me at this stage, whether it is a role that is more similar to myself or a completely different role, I am willing to give it a try. If the character of a character is very pleasing, I will have a sense of substitution when I read the script, I will like it, and I will really want to play it. 
In fact, my interest in acting began after I was in college. When I was a child, I learned piano, and I was not very sensible at that time. I thought it would be fine to play the piano every day after growing up and collect tickets. After being admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, we often watch movies. When the directors see their favorite movies, they will think "I can make such a great movie in the future". I am in the acting department, so I hope I can do it in the future. Acting in a particularly powerful movie may be the influence of the school atmosphere. I still remember that I watched some old movies when I was in school. I really liked "Scent of a Woman" and Marlon Brando. He played "The Godfather" very well.
In the film school, we had a lot of opportunities to meet the director and the crew. We tried again and again, and slowly met scenes that were willing to use our young actors, and started the road to filming. I will definitely read the script several times before filming. In addition to my own role, I have to read the whole story, write a short biography of the character, and talk to everyone at the script reading meeting. For example, when shooting "Ah Cradle", I often consulted sister Haiqing and the director. In the filming of "Youth in Youth", I would also ask the director: The girl I played has such a good family, why does she bully her classmates? The director told me that because her parents had very strict education for her, she was required to be particularly good since she was a child. She was under tremendous pressure and kept suppressing it, so she vented the pressure by bullying her classmates.
When taking the play, I don't worry about people comparing my previous works or achievements, as long as my requirements for myself will not change. My request is to do my best to shape each role. Every time I finish filming a film, I will have a certain evaluation of myself, and I will also look at other people's evaluations of me, as well as the opinions given to me by my predecessors, to integrate these. Every time, I hope I can do better next time. 
Up to now, I have been shooting for a few years, and I feel that I am not a talented actor, and I have to be a model worker. However, the sisters who brought me to the management team said that my biggest change and improvement is that I am more independent than before. When I first started filming, I would hide in the room and cry by myself every time I joined the group, especially wanting to go home.
Now I am more comfortable with the life of the crew than before. When I first joined the group, I still felt a little homesick. I hope to finish the filming soon, and become familiar with everyone. After work, I will play with the actors in the same group. When I was resting, I was playing with werewolf killing or something, so happy, I didn't want to kill it. I didn't want to be successful when I was filming "Shanhe Ling", and the same was true when filming "Ah Cradle". As actors, it seems that we can go to different places every time we film. In fact, there is not much time to spend in the local area, but we can eat a lot of local delicacies.
As I said just now, I want to do everything right now, and the current week is the best week.
 Do you often dream? Please share a dream that is more imaginative.
Zhou Ye:
I sometimes dream. Once, I dreamed that I received an acceptance letter from an owl, took the Hogwarts Express train to the magic school to learn magical magic, visited Hogsmeade Village, and met so many new friends. .
What is your dream day like? How to spend it?
Zhou Ye:
At this stage, my dream day is to sleep in late, and after waking up, I will lie in bed and watch a drama or hang out with my friends or watch a drama.
How to arrange the dream holiday? Stay at home or go out to play?
Zhou Ye:
Of course, it is best to have two days, so you can stay at home one day and go out to play one day!
What about the journey of your dreams? With whom, where to go, and how to play?
Zhou Ye:
With your family, you can go to the beach or play paragliding.
What is your dream job announcement?
Zhou Ye:
Go to Universal Studios to shoot hahahaha, I really want to go!
What kind of "dream skills" do you want to have?
Zhou Ye:
Which era is the dream era? why?
Zhou Ye:
Now, now is the best time. Grasp the moment.
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
Big, Open Arms (MGG request)
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Request: Hi, a MGG request for you.  You're a famous comedian and are cast as the new agent for CM. The cast/crew all love you, even before you come on set as you're hilarious, especially Matthew which EVERYONE knows about. As a huge fan of the show you're nervous, but you get welcomed into the CM family pretty quickly, and adore them all. You become best friends with Matthew, and after a while he asks you out on a date, and you say yes then after the media get involved, Matthew asks you to be his gf.
A/N: Thanks for the request, anon! This was a fully loaded request, so I hope I encompassed every aspect to your liking! Hope you enjoy!!
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Content warning: None
Word count: 2.5k
You were rehearsing your lines before you had to go on set for the day. You had to admit you sucked at memorizing lines, so there were a lot of blooper reals of you stumbling over your words. You hadn’t even been part of the Criminal Minds cast for a whole year yet. Good thing the cast and crew understood how hard it was to memorize masses of technical dialogue.
Your character was named Bianca Johnson, an SSA with a background in technology. She was basically Garcia, but could kick ass instead of petting cute animals. A lot of your lines were heavy technical geek talk, which was hard to say in a scene, let alone the whole episode. Whenever you messed up you’d joked around and said Shemar’s biceps were distracting you from actually getting your lines right.
Your favourite scenes were with Matthew though. He was such a great actor and hilarious as well. When you first introduced yourself to him he told you he thought you were such a hilarious comedian. One of his favourites actually. You told him your greatest joke of all time was landing the role of such a smart character when you only had two functioning brain cells. He let out a hardy laugh before agreeing with you by saying he also had barely functioning brain cells.
Everyone was full of the same excited energy when they met you. It was like having a family gathering every time you were on set. AJ was the sweetest, coolest person you’ve ever met, Shemar was charming, Paget was completely down to earth and Kirsten was such a character. Matthew was the standout cast member for you though. His portrayal of Dr. Spencer Reid was amazing to watch on T.V., but was even more amazing to watch in real life.
He would just spur out lines on lines of facts without messing up once. When he did though it was funny and adorable. You’d try to cover your laugh every time, but he would automatically turn to look at you with a goofy smile. Your laugh would escape immediately and then everyone else would join along.
You looked up from your script as you heard two loud bangs on your door. You looked at the time on your phone and saw it was already 8:55 a.m.
“Y/N, set in five,” you heard the producer yell.
“I’m surprised you’re here early today, Jeff,” you joked.
You heard him laugh. “If Shemar can be early on set anything’s possible, right?”
You gasped. “Shemar’s on set before I am? I have to see this.”
You got up from your chair and rushed towards the door to leave for set. Before you left, you went back to your mirror. You fluffed up your hair and adjusted your breasts. You wanted to make sure you were presentable as possible. For the camera, of course.
As you walked on set you were greeted with a welcoming hug from AJ. She literally gave the most mom-like hugs ever. It was comparable to eating cookies from the cookie jar.
“Happy wrap day,” she said as she let you go.
“I can’t believe we’re wrapping the season already. I feel as if we’ve only been filming for a week,” you said.
“I know, time flies around here. One second you’re in season one and then boom you’re in season 15,” she said.
“If I can look flawlessly good throughout 15 seasons like you I think I can get used to this job.”
She giggled and playfully rolled your eyes. “Are you kidding me? You always look so great. Trust me, a little someone keeps talking about how great you are.”
You looked at her curiously. If she was talking about who you thought she was talking about than you were ecstatic. Shemar, her and some crew members had told you when you first joined that Matthew was a huge fan of yours. Had talked about you quite a few times during the downtime on set.
“More Matthew gossip? I’m in,” you heard Shemar say from behind you.
You turned around and smiled at him. “Well, well, when Jeff said you were early on set I didn’t believe it, but now that I see it with my own eyes I still can’t believe it.”
He chuckled. “Well, baby, here I am in the flesh. If it’s opposite day maybe you’ll have a flawless run with your lines.”
“Good one. Maybe we should trade characters so I can look hot and kick down doors while you talk nerdy to me.”
“You don’t have to kick down doors in your case to look hot, Y/N. I think a certain someone thinks you’re pretty hot as is.”
You gave him a suspicious stare before looking back at AJ. She smiled and looked around the set. You folded your arms as you were waiting for further details to be spilled. They both remained quiet as you stood there waiting. Good thing your attention was soon shifted towards Matthew when you saw him walk on set. You unfolded your arms and softened your face up as you saw how good he looked.
“I guess this is our cue to go, AJ,” Shemar chuckled.
“I agree. See you in the bullpen, Y/N,” AJ said before she left with Shemar.
“Yeah,” you faintly said as you stared at Matthew.
He hadn’t noticed you. He seemed to be looking for someone though as his head continuously darted around the room. When he finally turned your way, his face instantly lit up. He lightly jogged towards you with a big smile on his face. It was as if he was looking for you.
“Hey, Y/N. Happy wrap day,” he said before embracing you in a hug.
You hugged him back. “Happy wrap day, Matt. What adventures are you going to get up to after we wrap?”
“Well, that’s kinda why I was looking for you. I was going to ask you that same exact question.”
“I don’t have anything booked until later next month, so I’m going to be relaxing mostly. Why what’s up?”
“Well, remember when we went to that Arcade Fire concert a few months ago?”
You smiled and nodded. “If you mean the best experience of my life than yes.”
He chuckled. “I’m glad you liked it. Vegas always holds the Life Is Beautiful Music and Art Festival and I was wondering if you were free to go.”
You felt your heart pumping with delight at him inviting you to go to his hometown. The last few months of your friendship were situated strictly in California. You had never really explored Vegas outside of a few shows at hotels and theatres on the strip.
“You wanna take me on a Vegas adventure?” You asked.
“Something like that.”
Before you could say your answer, the set bell rang. Sometimes that stupid bell could be so annoying, especially when you had a moment like this with Matthew. You don’t think there had ever been a more intimate moment between you two.
He smiled. “Think about it.”
As he started to walk off towards the bullpen set, you ran up to him to hug him from behind. He was caught off guard by your hug, but grabbed your hands that clung in front of him. You could say it was the first time you two had held hands.
“I’d love to go.”
Going to Vegas with Matthew was such a different experience than anything you had ever done before. Everywhere he took you felt as if it were a new chapter in a life you’ve never lived. You always found Vegas cliche in its gimmicks and exaggerated neon lights. However, Matthew made it seem as if it were a faraway land yet to be discovered.
He showed you to little places outside of the flashy hotels and bright neon lights that filled the strip. You two spent a lot of time at ranches nearby. You told him since the first day you two met how much you loved animals, so going to those ranches was a dream come true.
What you weren’t expecting though was going to the ranch his mother owned. When you two were driving there, you felt your heart beating fast. You had never met his mother before but you knew he was a big mama’s boy. Even with all the nerves running through your body, you felt honoured to be meeting his mother. You didn’t even know whether to consider this whole trip a big first date or what, but it was something you weren’t expecting to happen.
You had a feeling Matthew had a crush on you for a while and the feeling had always been mutual. Guess the both of you had been crushing on each other through a screen for all these years. To be together in that moment was borderline unreal and probably long overdue.
“We’re here,” he said as he pulled up to the ranch.
You looked around the area. It was massive. Just a stretch of land with no buildings in sight. It was beautiful. You looked at Matthew with a huge contagious smile. He couldn’t help smiling back.
“Your mom knows beauty,” you said.
He laughed. “Yeah, I guess she does.”
“I mean if she created you she definitely knows what beauty is.”
He grabbed your hand and squeezed it. It was his fifteenth time holding your hand. Not like you were counting or anything. You blushed as he moved your hand closer to his lips and kissed it twice.
“I’m glad you came, Y/N. I’ve been meaning to ask you on a date for the longest time, but I couldn’t think of the perfect date to take you on,” he confessed.
“Matthew, you literally could have taken me to 7/11 for a shitty cup of coffee and I would have had the time of my life,” you said.
He laughed. “Well, even though 7/11’s cool, I thought you might like a trip to Vegas and concert better.”
“I have to say this is probably one of my favourite first dates ever. I just feel as if it’s missing a little je ne sais quoi.”
“A little je ne sais quoi you say.”
You then saw him let go of your hand and reach for the side of your neck. He brought you in closer as his face moved closer to yours. You hated dramatics, so you rushed in and embraced him with an enormous kiss. You grabbed his face to deepen the kiss. You had never been so excited to kiss anyone in your entire life. The way he kissed you was just different.
You two pulled apart from the kiss before anything went any further. You knew you were satisfied with that kiss but the way Matthew beamed made you believe he was even more satisfied. You covered your face with your hand as you couldn’t stop smiling to yourself.
“I didn’t mean to attack you like that,” you joked.
He chuckled. “No, no, it was great. Maybe we could continue this after we go see my mom.”
You smiled ear-to-ear. “I couldn’t dream of anything better.”
The two of you got out of the car to go greet his mom as she walked out to where he had parked his car. Her smile was just as magnetic as his. You were automatically drawn into her. So much so you found yourself approaching her ready to give her the biggest hug ever. She wasn’t shy to embrace you with big, open arms. It felt as if you were already apart of his family.
Back in your trailer to film another season of Criminal Minds and you thought you could get better at memorizing your lines. You didn’t. You swore to yourself you would get better over the summer break, but that plan went out the window as soon as Vegas happened. Matthew had turned what was supposed to be a mundane summer into a long-lasting experience. A long-lasting experience with a lot of making out and wandering hands.
You looked at your watch and saw you had a few minutes to kill before you had to go on set. You tossed your script aside and reached for your phone. The lines could wait a minute or several as you indulged in looking through Twitter.
You scrolled down your timeline, liking and retweeting a few things that caught your eye. One thing caught your eye in particular though. It was from TMZ out of all gossip media showing pictures of you and Matthew holding hands and kissing just a few days ago when you two went to the beach. They must have been hidden well because you knew for a fact no one was around the area you two set up.
Your shock was interrupted when a few knocks were made at your door. You put down your phone and picked up your script to pretend you were still trying to memorize your line. You knew if it was Jeff coming in he’d much rather see you trying to memorize your lines than scrolling through Twitter.
“Come in,” you said.
You saw Matthew come in with a sheepish smile on. You looked at him strange as you had never seen him seem so shy. Then you saw a magazine in his hand. You could only guess what it was. He held up the magazine, so you could see it. Right on the front cover was a picture of you on top of Matthew making out with him on the beach.
You smiled. “At least People Magazine finally put some eye candy on the front page.”
“I didn’t even know they were allowed to publish pictures of soft porn,” he chuckled as he handed you the magazine.
You laughed. “In this day and age anything’s possible.”
“Anything huh?”
He took your hand to take you out of your seat. You gladly got up as you tossed the script and magazine on your vanity. He pulled you in close as his hands moved from your hands to your waist. If this was his way of proposing a quickie in your trailer, you weren’t about to turn him down.
“If anything’s possible, how about we make it official?” He asked.
You would have screamed out of delight, but you were worried he might take it back if you did. You did the next best thing that had come to mind and grabbed his face, so you could kiss him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and embraced the kiss even further. The only reason you two broke apart was because you could hear the director calling everyone to set.
“I guess we should go before this ends up being our last season,” you said as you let go of him.
“I think it might be your last season if you can’t remember those lines,” he joked.
You laughed. “If I can still have you at the end of the day I’d be okay with that. Besides, I think Vegas might have an opening for me.”
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That's the whole interview with Jeff by Nicole Iskra, in which they also talked about him shaving of his chest hair. It was published in the Moviestar 05/2001 (the interview, not the chest hair).
I won't translate everything word for word, but if you wish a closer translation of a special topic/question, let me know and I try my best. (Also I apologize for the bad quality of the middle part of the scanned magazine).
PARALLAX – Madness from the Internet
„I was the Incarnation of their worst nightmare!“ - An interview with Jeffrey Combs
Before the interview starts, they introduce the latest movie Jeff was in back then, which is Parallax aka FearDotCom (almost the complete first column describes the Plot). Parts of it where shot in Luxembourg, which is also the Place where the interviewer meets Mr. Combs.
They meet in front of the Inter-Continental Hotel. Mr. Combs is PISSED, because the breakfast in the Hotel was awful (slimy fried egg) and the staff was rude (someone came in his room without knocking or apologizing, while he was sitting on his bed, only wearing a T-Shirt and Shorts).
They walk into the City of Luxembourg and Jeff's wondering about the many colourful life-sized cow sculptures, that you can find everywhere in town (quote: „Is this supposed to be art?!“).
He's searching for a souvenir for his wife, but in in his opinion, all of the dresses are outdated and their colours terrible. The interviewer teaches him the very important rule „Grün und Blau schmückt die Sau“.
They decide to eat in a Burger Restaurant called „Maybe not Bob's“, where he orders chicken wings with french fries and a coke (quote: „like a real American“).
Jeff speaks about the results of his genealogical research: Originally, his family came from Devon in England, but settled 1619 in Jamestown (Virginia) to work for Virginian Tobacco Co.
1. Question: The first question is about the renaming of FearDotCom to Parallax (reason being uncertainty about who owns the name). It follows more describing of the movie’s plot, this time from Mr. Combs himself.
His friend Bill Malone directed Parallax/FDC and offered Jeff the role, because they already worked together in Haunted Hill and Perversions of Science.
2. Question: You got along so well with Peter Jackson while filming The Frighteners. Will you at least get a Cameo in Lord of the Rings, even if it's only as Orc Nr. 260?
JC: That's the one Orc, that survived, right? (laughs). Nah seriously, I didn't get a role, unfortunately. I auditioned, , but the problem was the british accent. I can imitate it, but when you're surrounded by actors like Ian McKellen and Ian Holm, it's really not hard to tell who's a „real  Briton“ and who's not.
3. Question: Did your latest movie before Parallax/FDT – The Attic Expeditions –  had it's premiere in America yet?
JC: No, not yet. The world premiere was a couple of weeks ago here in Luxembourg and it was also shown on Festivals in Edinburgh and Amsterdam. Sadly, they didn't show it on the film festival in Brussel.
I'm really enthused by The attic Expeditions, because it's interesting, not linear, not logical, with few horror elements, but the horror is mostly psychological. It's like a dream in a nightmare on a trip. The longer you watch the movie, the less you know, what's real, it's a really complex movie, especially by american standards.
4. Question: In retrospect, would you call your role as Herbert West a curse?
JC: (sighs) Somehow, it's a curse and a blessing at the same time. Thanks to the role, I was branded as „Horror actor“ in Hollywood. After Deep Space Nine I was branded as „Horror- and Sci Fi- actor“. Movie people love to categorize you. On the other hand, the role of Herbert West opened up a lot of possibilities for me.
5. Question: 10 Years ago you told a funny story at a convention in New York, about sth. that happened while filming From Beyond. Could you maybe tell it again for the Moviestar readers?
JC: You mean the one with the children?
MS: Exactly!
JC: (grins) Well, we were already filming for a month – so I've been in this horrible make-up for 30 days already, with this awful head piece that looked like a red dog dick. I looked worse than Quasimodo! That's why I ate mostly in my dressing room. One day, they shot a commercial with a bunch of 4-year-old children in mushroom costumes on the same soundstage. We met in the hallway and as soon as those poor, innocent children saw me, all hell has broken loose. I was the incarnation of their worst nightmare, they screamed and ran to their mothers, who wanted to lynch me on the spot. So now it was me, who ran away.
But that's how it is, when you have a lot to do with make-up and masks and stuff like this. Not long ago, I was strapped to a cross made out of tubes, my throat was „cut“, there was blood all over me. And sometimes, when you're hanging there long enough, the crew just forgets that you're there, because for them, you just turned into a part of the set. Until you give a signal: „Umm sorry, guys, could you..maybe..“ - „Oh yeah sure, sorry Jeff, sorry..“
6. Question: (you might already know this one from this post): After that scene in From Beyond, in which you get eaten by this worm, your chest is as smooth as that of a baby – did they shave off your chest fur?
Jeff: Yes! (laughs)
MS: Did you do it yourself?
Jeff: Yes and I learnt something very important: Never use a normal razor blade, an electric razor is way better and safer and it doesn’t itch as badly, when the hair grows back. I had to shave my chest for a theater role once as well. I was 26 or so and played an 18-year-old.
7. Question: Do you still play in theatres regulary?
JC: No, not in the past couple of years, though theatre is very dear to my heart. Back in the days, I loved to play in theatres – living like a gypsy, 8 weeks in San Diego, and somewhere else afterwards. But that's not how I want to live today, now that I have a family. I don't like to leave my two little girls for several weeks, plus an engagement in a theatre isn't really helpful financially. I earn the same money in 1 week of shooting a movie as I do in 4-5 months of theatre work.
8. Question: I read that Woody Allen pays every actor 5.000 Dollar, because in his opinion, no one is worth 20 Million Dollar, neither beginner nor Superstar. What do you think about the explosive growth of fees nowadays?
JC: I do think that you should take the money, that the market offers you. But somebody, who earns 20 Millions per movie should share at least a million with their not so lucky co-actors.  No, seriously, it's not that easy to make a living. A friend of mine got a job, where he plays the brother of Kevin Costner. When I asked him, if he gets payed well, he shook his head and said, that he only gets tariff plus 10%. Tariff is the lowest wage possible, that was defined by union. My friend had the choice to either work with Costner or don't. And as an actor you always hope that a movie like this becomes a success and maybe improves your chances in Hollywood.
MS: Thank you for making so much time for us!
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Hospital Playlist : Season 1
So, I recently re-watched season 1 of Hospital Playlist in preparation of season 2 that’s going to be released on the 17th of June, and I have a couple of thoughts that I want to share. Warning: It’s going to be filled with spoilers, so for those looking to avoid that, please don’t read more. Also, this is a looooonnnnggg one :)
“Hospital Playlist” is a Korean Drama that follows five doctors in their 40s who have been best friends since adolescence as they form a band together. While the log-line appears simple, the depth in the script and acting will enchant any audience. The narrative is free-spirited and quirky, reverberating friendships forged by love and time in a heart-warming style.
This slice of life drama realistically tackles what occurs within the white walls of the hospital. From ungrateful patients to the long wait for donors, it has it all. This drama covered plenty of cases, each of them as sad as the next. I recall when Yang Seok Hyeong, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynaecology, had a patient who delivered a baby with anencephaly. He was considerate enough to not allow the mother to hear the baby’s cries by playing loud music in the delivery room and quickly escorting the baby away from the mother. I teared up during that scene, and I still tear up just thinking about that. I watched it as a case in a K-Drama, but it is many people’s gruesome reality, and all I can offer are my sympathies.
Despite zoning out during the technical aspects and elucidation of medical terminologies, I could feel the gravity of an operation and the burden of Atlas resting on the doctors when they held the scalpel. I liked the fact that there wasn’t any hospital politics. Rather, the show focused on the doctors, as they tried their best to save their patients. I mourned during the losses of life and celebrated with the characters after a successful surgery.
The ensemble cast for “Hospital Playlist” was flawless. The sincerity of the actors and the efforts they had put into studying and understanding their roles were clear as day. The chemistry between them was organic and the banters, natural. While they didn’t verbalise every emotion, the viewers could feel their familiarity, like they were real-life friends on screen. I was on an emotional rollercoaster as I watched this, rooting for them through hardships and cheering whenever they laughed.
“I wondered why my life was getting so difficult. It was really tough. But all of a sudden, one day, I realised how much time I was wasting. Wasting my life away like this because of what she did to me was doing a disservice to myself.”
Jo Jung-Suk did a flawless job portraying Lee Ik-Jun. This was my second time witnessing a drama with Jo Jung Suk, and while I wouldn’t applaud his performance in “Oh, My Ghostess!” (But in his defence, I found that script to be problematic) I absolutely loved him in “Hospital Playlist”. Lee Ik-Jun is an assistant professor of general surgery. He’s funny, sociable, laid-back, charming, and a dotting, single father to his son, Woo Joo.
The first time I, as the viewer, was introduced to him was gold. Naughty little Woo Joo had managed to put a blotch of super glue to a Darth Vader helmet, which was later worn by his father. During an emergency at the hospital, Ik Jun showed up decked in Darth Vader gear and bravely holding a light saber, demanding that the helmet was unglued from his head. He got his wish, but only after performing surgery while wearing the helmet.
Watching Ik-Jun and his son together is heartwarming, to say the least. You can tell how much he loves his son, as seen by the way he prepared meatballs from scratch, including the ketchup, excitedly for his son, only for the latter to claim he wanted meatballs, causing the former to trip on his way to the kitchen. I also adore how most of the bonding scenes we see between them happens over sandwiches. I find that very precious.
Ik Jun is also very friendly to everyone. He warmly welcomes the medical students, greets his colleagues with a smile, and most notably, plays as a matchmaker between Jeong-won and Jang Gyeo-wool, even if it is so the latter could assist him on more surgeries. His relationship with his sister is also beautiful. I love how authentic they are, from their bickering and the hidden ways they care for each other.
Ik Jun provides comic relief plenty of times— I nearly fell off my chair laughing when he mimicked a train, and also upon seeing how adamant he was to eavesdrop on a private phone conversation of Kim Jun-wan.
“I don’t deserve to be a doctor. I can’t control my emotions. I empathise too easily.”
I must admit, Ahn Jeong Won has a soft spot in my heart and is my favourite from the group of friends. An assistant professor of pediatric surgery, Jeong Won gets overly attached to patients and takes every loss personally. Due to his sensitive nature, he’s detailed in everything he does, earning the teasing nickname of “Buddha” from his colleagues.
Hardworking but overemotional, there have been many instances when Jeong Won swears to quit being a doctor after a patient has unfortunately succumbed, and it’s only through the insistence of his oldest brother does he continue his job. He’s immensely religious and has a close relationship with God, and considered being a priest until the season finale.
His interactions with his young patients tug on all my heartstrings. From the gentle way he gets the permission of small children to check their vitals, to the dedication with which he treats his patients and dissolves their fears.
One of my favourite quotes of this drama was said by him, “Do you know why doctors only give vague answers such as ‘We can’t be sure yet,’ ‘We don’t know yet,’ and ‘We need to observe a bit more?’ Doctors must take responsibility for their words, so we must be careful. There’s only one thing we, as doctors, can tell our patients with certainty. ‘We will do our best.’”
Despite being born from a wealthy family, Jeong Won is nearly broke, spending all his fortune anonymously covering the hospital fees of poor patients.
Chae Song Hwa summarised Jeong Won’s personality neatly in episode 12 when she said, “Lastly, there’s you (Jeong Won). Seeing others enjoy good food makes you happier than when you are eating it yourself.”
“If the doctor gives up on the patient, he isn’t a doctor anymore.”
At first glance, Kim Jun Wan appears cold and scary, but there are so many dimensions to his character. He’s blunt, assertive and has a reputation for telling his patients what they need to hear, not that they want to hear.
However, he’s possibly the most caring person, having allowed Jeong Won to, in his own words, “mooch” of him for years now. He was also always nagging and hovering over his friends, keeping a stash of chocolates for them. He stepped up as the Chief of the cardiothoracic surgery department multiple times, whether it was to act as a shield to his mentee or to reprimand his juniors about the importance of (a patient’s) life and how every single decision taken by a doctor has to be thoughtful and absolute because there’s no way to reverse such things.
A great example of his outer versus inner personality is when he’s questioned by a medical student on why he chose to be a cardiothoracic surgeon. While he claimed that he became a surgeon after asking his professor which job would allow him to get the most money, with a glimpse of a flashback scene, it was revealed that when back as a student, Jun Wan was given the opportunity to witness a surgery and then, to touch a beating human heart, and felt life, that solidified his decision to choose cardiology as his field. Recalling that scene gives me goosebumps even now. That was magical.
Jun Wan is also a huge foodie, his only competition being Song-Hwa.
“What have you done for yourself lately?”
Chae Song Hwa is an associate professor of neurosurgery. Discerning without being too critical, she is intelligent and is often the mother hen of the group. Respected by her juniors, she has also been fondly dubbed the ‘ghost’ due to her busy schedule that has left several of her colleagues wondering whether she has time to eat or sleep. She was everywhere and knew everything, which allowed her to quietly look after the residents of the hospital and the patients.
Despite being buried under piles of work, she still made the time to grade her juniors papers, and I’m reminded of one of the first instances the viewers were given of her, which was when she comforted a patient in the elevators of a hospital. The only female professor in neurosurgery, she is kind to her patients.
I adore how decisive she is, being extremely clear about what she wants, drawing boundaries while still being friendly and radiating professionalism to those around her, despite the hardships she might be going through. She routinely goes camping during the weekend and is the embodiment of positive self-love.
Some of my favourite moments in this drama was literally just Song Hwa and Jun Wan aggressively eating like they’ve been hungry since the dawn of time. Song Hwa might have claimed that the reason she ate so rapidly, so full of zeal was because of growing up with older brothers, but Ik Jun was quick to shoot her down and note that they all looked boney.
“My time is too precious for that. I want to live doing the things I like. And the things I want to do right now.”
Probably the most under-appreciated character, Yang Seok Hyeong is a treasure. My first opinion of him was ‘mama’s boy’ and while I was correct, wow, I had not expected the reason why. In his youth, Seok Hyeong was not close to his mother at all, and we could even see him ignoring her phone calls. But after everything that happened with his dad, he grew closer to his mother, developed a new sense of protectiveness and appreciation for her, and I adore that.
He was also the reason the band reunited in the first place, making that his condition for working at the Yulje Medical Center. Despite seeming aloof, he was an open book to his friends. He didn’t like to bother or intrude on people and usually kept to himself, gaining a reputation for being a loner whenever he was not around his four friends.
Throughout the season, he was trapped in a whirlwind of turmoil, from the news of his unexpected brother to his father’s death and his surprise succession to the company he wants no ties with. He maintains a calm exterior and braces through the troubles.
Seok Hyeong lives up to the sensitivity his job demands from him, softly informing expecting mothers about the risks of their pregnancies while encouraging and empathising with them when things get hard.
He prefers to stay in the shadows and allow people the opportunity to sort their messes out themselves, after reminding them that he’s only a call away if they need him. He’s an excellent confident booster and appreciates those who are responsible.
These characters stayed not only in my mind but also in my heart. Each of them has such vivid personalities I can’t entirely capture in words. Their insecurities, struggles, and feelings were so real and incredibly relatable and easy to empathise with.
As conveyed by the title, music plays an important part in this T.V. serial, by allowing the characters to reminisce their college days and also allowing them a breather from their stressful life. There are thousands of words in the English language, and yet, I can’t string together enough of them to express how I felt when Jo Jung Seok sang Aloha.
The doctors use music not only as an outlet to release their frustrations, but also to express their thoughts and feelings. To heal. Listening to the songs and the covers made by the band lightened my heart. The labour they put into practising the songs made the moments more precious.
Through the music sessions in this T.V. serial, I found my affection for each character increasing. I found myself surprised to recognise some of the songs considering they are quite old, but I hummed along and felt the air around me thrum with glee as they sang.
I also found it rather ironic that Chae Song Hwa is considered to be a bad singer (her pre-routine of gulping down raw eggs fascinated me on an odd level) although the actress who plays her, Jeon Mi Do is a talented singer.
Therapeutic and well-written, I marvel at the writer’s ability to weave together arrays of mundane subplots into endearing bliss, leaving lingering positivity after every episode along with a yearning to watch more.
I’m a huge fan of writer Lee Woo-Jung’s Reply series and was hesitant to start this drama, afraid that it would fall short of expectations. But having watched it, I can safely say that those concerns were unnecessary, and whatever expectations I had were only exceeded. I couldn’t recognise any leading plotline of this drama. To me, it simply showcased the daily life of five doctors.
As it is character-driven, there is a slow progression of the drama, which needs some time getting adapted to. It was also a little hard trying to keep track of the multiple characters initially introduced, but within three episodes, I was able to get a hang of things. The dialogues were witty, impactful and sharp, capturing my attention from the beginning to the end. However, despite containing a plethora of humorous moments throughout this serial, there was a subdued layer that focused more on the community than the plot.
I must admit, however, that I found the first episode to be subtly chaotic and slow-paced. I couldn’t grasp the concepts or connect with the characters until the second episode, after which I had no qualms.
I loved the character arcs in this story. It was a pleasure to observe their journeys and diligence as various storylines diverged or amalgamated, how they grew as individuals while maintaining their core values. The flashback scenes were fascinating to watch and compare how they are now to how they used to be.
The cinematography was stunning. I was in awe at how different shades and tones of light could impact not only the setting of the scene but also the mood of the viewers.
I recommend “Hospital Playlist” to anyone who likes to watch T.V. serials possessing the perfect amount of drama, laughter, angst, warmth and love. This serial is a truly rare gem in a basket of rocks where the storylines are solid without being too predictable.
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jxxvvxxkcrack · 3 years
Lee Jae Wook Vlive 21 June 2021
Total vlive viewers: 35675 Total likes: 2072339 Length: 1 hr 01 minute T-shirt: Unlock your life by Pars Co. https://www.parspars.com/product/unlock-your-life-rainbow-white-short-t-shirt/
He's on a diet now.
He threatened to turn off the Vlive a few times because of all the people who said they were not studying for their exams to watch it :P
He's growing out his hair now for the next project.
He had to ban requests for him to say fans' names in the middle since too many requests were pouring in for him to say their name. Don’t blame them lol.
Talking with fans
What is your next project? You should see articles about it soon Will you do more vlogs? It's difficult to do vlogs in the pandemic period since you need to wear a mask everywhere. What do you do in your free time? I eat a lot, sleep a lot, and exercise a lot. Can you donate your Jordan shoes to me? No I can't, and then launched into some anecdote about something about high school, which is unsubbed. When will you hold a fan meeting? Probably after the pandemic. "You're watching me at hagwon (cram school)? I will scold you!" And he did lol it was so cute. What do you do when you first wake up? A hot water shower, and then..? [unsubbed] Do you like overseas fans? Of course I do, I love my overseas fans. I'll come for you after the pandemic is over. Current favourite song: Recently, ‘Lost’ by Maroon 5 was released. It's the best. Will you do an online fan-sign event? That would be interesting! What's your MBTI? I haven't done it yet! Please do the MBTI! OK I will definitely do it! Can you do a bear heart? What's a bear heart? There's so much I don't know. Teleport vs being able to tell the future? This is an interesting question. I would choose to teleport. I live in the Gangnam area, and the traffic there is so bad! So I would choose 'Teleport'. (I didn't know he lived in Gangnam). Do you have a driver's license? Of course I do. Shoe size: 285mm Can you speak English? No, I can barely speak Korean well :P
-but in the middle he did say "Say hi to global fan" LOL-
Your favourite late night snack? Fried chicken, jokbal, and bossam. I spend a lot of money on food :P Would you date someone 7 years younger? 7 years younger? It's not a bad idea. I’m thankful (that someone 7 years younger likes me.) Would you date someone 7 years older? (laughs) It's a funny question. Why haven't you been seen anywhere in public? I don't go to many places, only to the gym and back to my home. Favourite snack: Goguma (sweet potato). It's sad, right? (Implying he's on a diet.) And then he randomly said he's tall but doesn't have good proportions (possibly someone asking why he exercises so much :P)
Do you like cats and dogs? I love them. I have a friend who has a shiba-inu called Chadol. It was so cute I went to his house every day to see his dog. You should eat more: You may not like me then! D: I'm studying Korean, study with me? I'm also trying to get better at Korean. Shall we do it together? (so flirty) Did you remove the mole on your neck? No, I didn't remove it. I won't remove it. What's your handphone wallpaper? It's a white wall with an orange stripe, somewhat Rothko-esque. He said he took it at his house's parking lot, and "It's pretty, isn't it?" Which celebrity friends do you have? (Playfully) 비밀 Do you like mint chocolate? I love mint chocolate. My friend told me not to declare this, and said that saying that I like it is a matter of life or death :P People say it tastes like toothpaste but it tastes nice to me! What colors do you like? Blue. Blue and dark colors. Isn't long hair uncomfortable? It is, but I will cut it one day. Your long hair looks cool: (Teasingly) I'm going to cut it soon~ Do you get along well with your elder sister?  Yes, I really like my relationship with her. Which of your characters is most like you? Lee Jang Woo from When The Weather Is Fine. (Is he that good in his studies? Lol. And then he said something about a unicorn, which I do recall seeing in the drama, I think he used "___ unicorn" to brag about himself to his younger sister :P) Jjajangmyeon vs bibimbap? This is really hard. Do I get to have soup with bibimbap? Favourite perfume: Can I say the brand? I guess it doesn't matter. Slow Dance by Byredo. It's my favourite perfume. Today's TMI: I woke up early and went to the gym. Do you ride your bike often? About 3 times a week? Oppa because of you I'm going to Chung Ang University: So you'll be my junior huh. (laughs) Oppa, can you close your left eye and point to your right cheek? (he obediently follows the prompt.. he’s really an actor lol) "You!! I almost fell for it! Gosh, my mum will pass out if she sees this." He revealed a two string bracelet on his left hand while adjusting the camera. Favourite dessert: Croffle? Croffle. I really like croffle. Current body wash: I'm using a body wash by Lush (only he says it as Lush-ee, which is just adorable.) Can you speak Japanese? I love animes but Japanese is so hard. I will study hard! When will you do a rap? I may try it one day. (I wonder if he knows about that old rap video floating around lol.) Dimples vs. Eyes: Eyes? I think he might be talking about his forehead wrinkles instead of eyes actually, so the translation is wrong. What animes do you like? He didn't answer, but said there are many animes on Netflix that he watches. Eating chimaek while watching the world cup? Eating chicken and beer sounds good but, my agency probably wouldn't like it. Can you say a line of Baek Kyung since it's been a long time? (playfully) I won't do it~ Iced americano vs. hot coffee: Iced americano. He said 'eoljuga', which roughly means 'I’ll drink iced Americano even if I freeze to death'. :P What app do you use most often? Naver? I have many things I need to look up :P Which of your parents do you resemble? Sometimes my mum, but sometimes my dad. Do you like kalguksu (knife cut noodle soup)? Yes, I love kalguksu and sujebi. Favourite ice cream flavour: Mint chocolate. (Bursts into laughter) Who do you like better - your mum or your dad: Omma. You thought I wouldn't answer, didn't you. (He has thanked only his sister and his mum in an award ceremony before lol. Poor Jaewookie appa) Oppa I'll date you: I'll reject your offer. (bursts into laughter again). Are you at the agency now? Nope. Please name the fanclub: This is hard. It (the fanclub) should go on forever, shouldn't it? Send an email to the agency. 5 year old Jaewookie vs 5 copies of Jaewook?: Of course 5 copies of Jaewook. One to exercise, one to work, one to stay at home and eat.. Do you dip or pour sauce for tangsuyuk? But, why would you pour water on fried food? I'll say dip. Jjajang vs. jjampong: That's hard! When working, jjajang. When resting, jjambong. *Nods sagely to himself* (Although he instinctively said 'jjampong' first). When moving house, jjajang. What message from fans cheered you up the most? It was this letter I got. It said "you make us happy when you're working hard, but don't work too hard." It cheered me up a lot. Soju vs. beer: Soju Cider (Sprite/lemonade) vs cola: Cola Do you eat pineapple on pizza? I think it tastes nice! Hawaiian pizzas. I also really like pineapple. Fall or spring? Fall. I really like spring too, but there are too many bugs. Small but definite happiness? (He understood the abbreviation immediately, which is sooo different from when the Running Man cast are introduced to any new lingo lol) When I bike, I don't drink any water. I have a routine; after biking, I run for about 6km, then I drink water. That water at the midpoint mark is so delicious. Oppa I like you, please scold me: Why would I scold you. I would compliment you :P Good job. Favourite boy group: BTS. They're so cool (safe answer!) Ramen vs. kimbap? Don't you eat them together? How tall are you? 187cm tall. Which variety show would you like to appear on he most? "I have never been on a variety show yet. Have you seen Kokkomu? When I watched Kokkomu I cried a lot. My tears came out like diamonds." lol. In reference to an earlier question. No idea what Kokkomu is. https://newsbeezer.com/koreaeng/kokkomu-which-was-just-popular-is-controversial-due-to-the-copying-of-the-youtube-channel/ Possibly this? Beef or pork? Pork How long have you been tall? I've always been tall. Then he gives a cheeky wink! Oppa can you go on on Knowing Bros? I'll have a hard time talking in banmal in front of all the sunbaenim. I'll do more Vlive in the future. *compromise* lol. Oppa kajimayo: If I don't leave, the staff can't leave work either :P Can you fill an hour (of Vlive?): Shall we fill an hour? Do you want to be in a play or musical? Of course I do. Plays require the best form of acting. What's the first thing you want to do when the pandemic is over? I want to go to a pork belly bbq place and eat comfortably without a mask. What's the worst part about acting? Every moment is hard. It's not an easy job. Why do you always wear 2 T-shirts? I like T-shirts but, but my sweat changes their color. I don't like that, so. Favourite overseas country? Filming Alhambra was my first time overseas. I didn't even take many photos. I want to send you T-shirts: Don't, don't! while vigorously shaking his head. (worried that his fans will spend money) What is your life movie? I really love Robin Williams. It's not my life movie, but I love the Dead Poets' Society. Did you really go to Alhambra? Back then, my role was really small, so I didn't really know what was going on, but (I did go to the palace? is what it sounds like.) Would you rather be 3m tall or have a 400mm shoe size? Wouldn't it be better to be tall? (what’s the point of having big feet?) Oppa don't go to the army: I have to go someday.. I still have a lot of time, and will work hard When will be our wedding? Am I getting married? (laughs) Pepsi or Coca cola: I like any cola. I'll go to the army for you: Andwae it will be hard! Although apparently it's not as hard as it used to be. Are your family members all as tall as you? Yes my family members are all tall too. What do you do on your free days? I'm a freelancer so I don't have free days.  How do you keep your skin looking so young? Lancome (he's now promoting Lancome). I came here right after a Lancome event. I really like Lancome. Tell me about your bracelet: I'll ask my stylist later :P When you come to Pohang I'll guide you!: I love gwamegi! (half-dried Pacific saury) Do you like to cook? I really like to cook. I love it so much even when people tell me not to cook, I will still cook. Oppa come to my school!: Which school is that? Tell me. Although I probably won't be able to read it. (cheeky smile). I'm really mean now, aren’t I. Favourite side dish? I like them all. Mokpo: Dodosolsollalasol was filmed in Mokpo. I ate aehobak jjigae (zucchini stew) there and it was amazing. Do Vlive at home? I'll figure out how to do it! I'll learn everything today. You use black and white hearts a lot on IG, what does it mean? It's the color of my tee. Just kidding, I just choose a color of heart that goes best with the photo. How much can you drink? Should I bluff? If I'm bluffing, when I drink alone at home, about 3 bottles? Just kidding, I get drunk after about 1.5 bottles (of soju). Favourite sports: Skiing, swimming, bowling. Was it hard to use a dialect in the Battle of Jangsari? Using a dialect was really hard. Can you do an IG live? I'm scared to do live - you can't make a mistake when all of you are watching. I have to be careful. Why aren't you seen in public? I answered that earlier, you are late. LOL. Your best dish? Western food? Something like risotto? Plans to film a movie? I want to but I should get offered first. Joking. Lol. I was told off for being late (the commenter above): Haha sorry.
Best fan questions/comments:
Live as a hamster or a ham forever?
Your pimples are so cute (mistranslation, she meant 'dimples'): "I have 4 dimples."
Don't smile, you'll give me a heart attack: I'm also having a heart attack seeing so many fans. I like it (that there are many fans on the vlive) but it's also scary. So cute.
Are you a microwave? You melted my heart: You're all so witty, jjinjjaru..
I'll make money. You just cook: You're so funny..
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missnxthingg · 4 years
Got a angst request with Tom x reader. Reader lost quite a bit of weight and noticed how people treat her differently based on her looks and feels insecure and scared of getting closer to Tom thinking he’s the same as everyone and won’t like her personality
A/N: I’m so sorry I took too long to get to your request. It’s just that I started college this year, and it’s been really hard to write now, even though I miss it so much. Now that I’m quarantining, I get much more free time to write since I don’t have to spend two hours on the subway home, and there are many things that don’t take a lot of my time as before. But I’m still studying, and it’s still hard to write. Also, I wrote this for at least three times? Didn’t like any of the versions, but I liked this one better, and I hope you like it.
Words: 3.7K
Pairing: Tom Holland x Female Reader
Warnings: Swearing, low self-esteem and really cute.
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Self love is hard for you, and for years you haven’t been gentle with yourself and your body. Looking in the mirror and not enjoying what you’re seeing is the hardest thing in the world, especially when you cry your heart out about it for hours. It’s been like this since you were much younger, and it only grew up with you, following you through all your life, including when you started in acting. It became pretty hard to deal with your own body, and always having eyes on you, commenting about every single curve of your body.
That way you concluded that you wanted to lose weight, not because of anyone else, but yourself. This was something that needed to be done for your self esteem’s sake. It wasn’t like you weren’t eating at all, but now you were eating healthier and it even made you feel better. Trading late night burgers for homemade healthy food was definitely life changing for you. In time, it started to show differences in your body, and people starting to notice.
It’s so funny to watch people treat you differently once they start noticing your loss of weight. Before everything, your aunts were always commenting about your body, now they were always complimenting you. Guys didn’t even talk to you when you were out clubbing with your friends, now they were always checking you out. But the biggest difference was in work, and that’s the thing you noticed the most. Movie industry can be the worst when it comes to bodies, and it was probably one of the biggest reasons you wanted to do what you did. It was almost like magic, because now people really payed attention to you. In a few months, you were wanted to be casted in many movies and TV shows just because you were all over the media with some new paparazzi bikini candids during a vacation in Mexico.
But of course, haters never rest. Even though you were feeling much more confident, they would always be around just to tell how much you’ve changed and wasn’t the same person as before, because your looks went up your head. You went from playing step sisters and nerds to playing a mean girl in some romantic comedy. It was something you always wanted to play, but the industry wouldn’t let you play if you didn’t have the most perfect body to do it. You even dyed your hair blonde for the character, which was a boost to people that were already saying you were such a superficial girl now.
As said before, self love is hard, and when it doesn’t come to your body, it comes to your personality. Doubts were all over the place all the time, and now you were questioning yourself if you really were a good person, or that maybe they were right. That’s why when you got a new role as the main character in a sci-fi movie, you weren’t so sure if you deserved it. Maybe they only wanted you because of your new body, not because of your work. But you shook it up and face it with a smile.
You woke up in the morning of your first day feeling so nervous you could throw up. It was normal to you, anxiety mixed with something new always hit you like a truck, but it was okay. You had your shower, a good breakfast to face the big day of working and put on some comfortable clothes, you because you would change into your character’s figurine soon. You were nervous, but you had a little boost of confidence, feeling it was going to be a good day. But soon that feeling was shattered. It wasn’t like the whole day was a complete shit, but it only took some words from one of your castmates to completely ruin the day.
The day started out nicely, people were nice there, and you got to meet a lot of people you knew that were a big deal in the industry, one of them being an Oscar winner and the other one a big Marvel star. When you met your screen partner and love interest in the movie, you got speechless. His name was Tom Holland and he played Spider-Man in Marvel movies, and also was everywhere in Hollywood right now. And he was really pretty, showing up with simple gym clothes, a messy hair that was needing a little bit of cutting, but was perfectly showing his curls. And he had a pretty smile too, one of the prettiest you’d ever seen. But if there’s one thing you never let yourself get dragged into was believing that people were nice just because of their looks, because of you own life experience, but Tom was genuinely a nice guy.
“Hi, I’m Tom, it’s nice to meet you.” He stood his hand in the air to greet you with a big smile on his face, giving you a comfortable vibe to just relax around him.
“I’m (Y/N), it’s nice to meet you Tom.”
“I guess we’ll be working a lot together now. Because you know, we have a lot of scenes together.”
“Yeah, Cassie and Liam.” He bumped your shoulder gently and you smiled, feeling something in your guts.
Your first meeting with Tom was lovely, and you were already loving working with him. It wasn’t the same feeling you got when you met the girl that was supposed to be your sister on camera, Oscar winner, Ella Turner. Of course you knew who she was, and you loved the movie she got an Oscar for, so you were excited to meet her. Your first saw her during your first makeup test. She was in the trailer enjoying some coffee and sliding through her Instagram while waiting for the makeup artists. You cleaned your throat to announce you were there, but Ella didn’t even move a bit. You pressed your lips together and approached her, tapping her in the shoulder. She turned to you with a bored face, looking directly into you, taking all of you in.
“Hi, I’m (Y/N), you must be Ella.”
“Of course I am.” She grinned and arched her eyebrow. “You must be the girl that got my role in the movie.”
“Excuse me?” You asked, confused with her response.
“Yes dear. I wanted your role, but they chose you to do it, leaving me as a secondary sister instead. I don’t know why, because clearly I was the best choice, especially to attract the critics eyes to us. But of course, it’s so obvious why they chose you.” She turned back to her phone, as if she didn’t care who was in the room with her. She took a break, waiting for your response, but of course she didn’t get one. “Because you’re the new girl in every magazine with your new pretty body. So pathetic.”
“Uhm, okay. Sorry to steal your thunder.” You sat next to her, avoiding eye contact. You thought she’d be more charismatic, but now you were only thinking about how jealous she was of not getting the role. Bad comments were something you tried to avoid all the time, but they always echoed through your head, no matter how loud the music was playing in your eyes.
So first day of work, not so great. You tried to get Ella’s comments out of your head, but it took three full glasses of sangria to get it out of you. The second day was better, and you had a really nice lunch with some people in the cast and crew, that including Tom, who was really being very nice to you. Actually, he was the one that invited you to have lunch with them, seeing you were so alone on set.
You got to meet many other people that were going to work with you, one of them being Tom’s brother, Harry. And lunch was really sweet and funny, it made you day light up a little bit and it made you forget that you were going to have a long scene with Ella, and she wasn’t better today. The key of doing a great scene in a movie was connecting with the environment you were in, and the actors you were acting with. Ella didn’t make it easy, and you had to do the scene over and over again. And somehow, when she was around, the whole crew acted different with you, like you weren’t as important, and that made you feel really bad.
You couldn’t help but think that maybe she was right. You were only there because of your looks, not because you’re good enough to be in that role. And the second day was the one that ended up with you crying on your way home and devouring your feelings in food. Not so great as the night before.
But third day was good, probably because you had many scenes with Tom, and he made you laugh so hard you almost died without a breath. He really made you feel comfortable around him and was really nice to you. Actually, he was nice to everyone around, but that day he really gave you all the attention he could. He even shared his lunch with you, because his brother made too many food for him and Harry.
“So, he’s Harry twin brother?” Tom nodded and smiled while chewing his food. “Your family can literally do anything! You’re an actor, you dad’s a comedian, you mom and brother are photographers, and your other brother is a chef! It’s almost like you’re The Incredibles.”
“I am a very lucky guy when it comes to family. I even have a brother that cooks for me! That’s just… amazing, really.” You chuckled and leaned back in the table, taking some more food in.
“I miss my family. Because I can really be myself when I’m with them, and work is stressing me out too much. Ella isn’t an easy person to deal with.” You sighed and he nodded.
“I know, but maybe we’ll get a break soon. And hey, maybe you can come over and have dinner with my family, they would love to meet you.”
“Really? I don’t wanna bother.”
“You’re not gonna bother them, and my little brother Paddy loved you last movie. You were a great mean girl!” You smiled and sipped some more juice from your glass.
“Well, thank you! And I totally kicked-ass as a blonde.” He nodded, with a smile.
“Yeah, you did.”
In time, you got closer to Tom, more than you could imagine you being close to someone, and you started to have some feelings for him. Of course it was stupid, but you couldn’t help it! But the thing was that you’d never been in a relationship with anyone, just because of you insecurity with your own body. And now that you were feeling great about your body, but self doubting you talents and personality, it became even harder for you. A guy like Tom Holland wouldn’t like a girl like you.
Tom, in contrary, was really into you as well. He tried to get closer to you, but it was like you wouldn’t let him in. He tried to hard to connect with you in some other level, but you were a really hard person to deal with, and he wished you could just open up to him a little bit more. You knew everything about him, about his family, where he was from, what did he like, and even his pet peeves. But he didn’t know anything about you, and that was really bothering him.
One day, you had a really long day of work. Ella was as difficult to deal with as she could be, and Tom noticed that she was getting on your nerves, and that you were pissed, and only wishing that she would just shut up. He was getting out of his trailer to go home, when he saw you getting out of yours with a big bag on your hand, that seemed pretty heavy. He rushed to get to you and caught the bag from your hands.
“Ops, careful there!” Tom mumbled, picking the heavy bag up.
“Thank you.” You blushed as he started to walk along with you.
“You okay?” He asked, looking at you. You looked away, trying not to give away how you were feeling.
“Yeah, ‘m fine.” You mumbled, trying to avoid eye contact, but your voice tone gave it all away. “I’m just tired, that’s all.”
“Why don’t you stay at my place tonight? I live nearby, and I can cook to you.”
Tom had a point. You lived much far away from the studio than him, and would take forever driving there. He was living so close to the studio that he was taking taxis to get there everyday. And as much as you didn’t want to admit it, you were too tired to drive home and cook for yourself. Maybe accepting his invite would be good for you. So you nodded and he pulled you over by the shoulder, hugging you from the side. Being with him was very comfortable, and you wanted to let yourself go a little bit more, but you were still holding yourself back just because you weren’t sure if he would really like you just the way you are.
He asked for your keys and drove your car to his home. You were both living somewhere that wasn’t your hometown, so that led both of you getting your own apartment in Los Angeles. His apartment was much smaller than yours. It was a small flat, with one bed, a small bedroom, kitchen and living room, with almost no walls. But the furniture was nice, since the couch was really big, and so was the bed. It was pretty different than your apartment, that was a little bigger than his, and had many rooms, with walls and everything.
“So this is my place. Not big, but it’s cozy.” He said, settling your bag in the couch.
“It’s nice.” You smiled to him and leaned against the kitchen counter.
“What do you want to eat?” He asked, walking to the kitchen and looking at what did he had to prepare for them to eat. “Forget it, we only have one option. Pasta.”
“Sounds good to me.” You giggled, too tired to have any other reaction. Tom glanced at you and gave you a sympathetic smile.
“You should take a shower to relax.” You nodded, yawning. “And them, we’ll talk about what’s bothering you.”
“Nothing is bothering me. I really am just tired.” You said, walking to his bedroom.
“Uhm… Right.” He said, totally not buying what you were saying to him. “You can borrow some clothes if you want to.”
“Okay.” You pressed your lips together, looking around his clothes to find something to wear, but the whole ´place was a mess. “Tom, I can’t find anything in here.”
“Oh fuck, I forgot how messy I am.” He ran to get to you and looked around for some clean clothes, such as a big tshirt, sweatpants and some clean boxers. “I swear these are clean, they just aren’t as organized.”
“It’s okay.” You laughed and nodded, picking a towel that was folded in a corner and jumping into the bathroom.
A shower was all you needed. It was like the hot water was able to remove every bad thing from your body. Suddenly you were too tired, but still, all you wanted was to lie down and eat something. The house was filled with the smell of homemade food. The shower was quick, and soon you slipped into Tom’s comfortable clothes, that were much bigger than you. Slowly, you returned to the living room, finding Tom already serving your food.
“Uhm, this smells so nice.” You said, sitting in the couch and waiting for him to finish. 
“I tried a little something. I know it’s not something so great as when my brother Sam was visiting, but I still can cook for surviving.” He left the plate in front of you and went to get his.
“This is okay.” You tried it on, feeling the good and hot food on your mouth. 
��So, are you going to tell me why have you been feeling really down lately?” He asked, sitting next to you. You didn’t reply, but it was like he could understand your lack of words. “Is there something bothering you?”
“It’s just… I’m tired, and I don’t wanna talk about this, okay? Can we talk about something else?”
“Okay. Uhm, what about telling each other funny stories? That always light up people’s mood.” He suggested and you nodded. “So I’ll start, alright?”
“Make me laugh Thomas.”
“So, you know my friend Harrison?” You nodded and he chuckled. “He was sleeping with one of my neighbors one afternoon, and her grandmother arrived home right when they were doing it. He had to jump out the window and hide in a tree, completely naked! And I was the one that went saving him, but I almost died in laughter that day.” He was laughing so hard, that it made you laugh as well.
“Oh God. This is how much boy try to get laid. Just pathetic, but funny.” You pointed and ate some more.
“Now, your turn.” You thought about it for a while, but nothing popped on your head, nothing that would actually look interesting to him. “Come on, (Y/N)!”
“I don’t have anything interesting to tell you! Sorry.” You fell into an uncomfortable silence until you finished the pasta. “Tom, talk to me.”“No, not as long as you don’t talk to me. I talk to you about everything, and somehow I still don’t know anything about you, not even what’s bothering you.”
“Tom, I…”“It’s okay, really. Maybe we should just go to sleep.” He got up and walked to his bed, without turning back.
“Tom, please, can we talk?”
“If you want it. I’ve been asking you what’s wrong all night, but you don’t seem like you wanna talk to me about stuff. I’ve been feeling that stuff for a while, but I never told you because we never were so close or anything.” He shrugged and sat in bed. You sat in front of him, hugging your legs.
“I’m so sorry you were feeling this way about me.” You started, trying to look at his eyes, but he was looking away. “I swear I want to talk about everything with you, but I’m scared you won’t like me, just like the others don’t.”
“What? Everybody loves you (Y/N).”
“That’s not true.” You let a small tear escape, but quickly wiped it off. “I’ve heard during my entire career that I’m not good enough, and going through changes in my body only made things worse, and I’m worried you won’t like me as much as I want you to.”
“I already like you darling, and what you’re saying is just bullshit. You’re so talented, and so pretty, and I bet you have many good things to show, but you won’t let me in. I’ve told you everything about me, and my family, and friends, but I still don’t know much about you.”
“Can we start over?” You asked, making him look back to you, and you both found each other with tears in their eyes. “Hi, I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N), and I’m 23 years old, and I’m an only child, separated parents, I have body issues, and I’m not as confident with myself as I should, but I really like you, and I’m so glad that you’ve been treating me nicely, because you’re the first guy to do so, and I wanna open up to you this time, only if you promise not to completely abandon me after finding out the real me.”
“I cross my heart.” He searched for you hand, and your eyes, giving you a warm smile. “Just start by what’s bothering you.”
“She is an Oscar winner throwing things at my face everyday.” You admitted, and he nodded, tightening the grip on your hand. “She keeps reminding me that people only want me in their movies because of my body, and that everyone is saying that I changed because of that, and honestly it hurts so bad. I was try to overcome all of that, but it’s clearly taking the best and worst out of me.”
“I’m so sorry about Ella, but just so you know, I can feel that you’re amazing, and looks doesn’t matter. You know, I watched your first movie some day ago, and really, I thought you were even more beautiful back then. But I understand that you did it all to help you self-esteem, but I don’t think those mean things the media’s been saying about you are true, because you’re so funny and interesting, and you shouldn’t be afraid of being yourself.” He caressed your face, making you smile a little bit, feeling your heart warm up for the first time in a while. “And you deserve this role, and you deserve to be happy.
“Thank you Tom. I really appreciate that. And it feels really good to open up with you.” You smiled to him, giving full insurance to him that you were glad about everything that was happening.
“One more thing that’s not clear, but you told me that you really like me, and I was wondering if you really meant it.” He asked and you nodded, with an ashamed smile on your face. So you tried to hide it against his chest and he pulled you up. 
“God, I’m so embarrassed.” You mumbled against his chest and he held you, laughing hard.
“I really like you too.” He kissed the top of your held, making your heart almost explode. “And I like every version of you there is. And please, don’t hesitate on communicating. I wanna know everything about you.” You pulled back and left a smell peck on his lips. You kissed Tom many times on camera, but only a small kiss meant much more than all of those hot kisses for the movie.
“And you will, I promise. But right now, I need to sleep.” You yawned and he smiled, leaving another peck on your lips, pulling you down to bed.
“Come on, let’s rest, and we can talk tomorrow.” He brought her closer and adjusted himself to make you comfortable. “You okay?”
“Yes. Now I’m okay.” You mumbled with your eyes closed. “Good night Tom.”
“Good night, darling.”
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Taglist: @missmulti , @zabdisamor , @cmon-peter-tingle , @lifeisabitchandsoareyou​ , @tinyplanet-explorers , @spideyyypeter , @princezzariel , @pastyoverlord265 , @dumandbass , @lilgaga98,@tomshufflepuff, @deathofthethrones , @unicornslothfish, @coonflix , @itsjustahuman, @legendsofwholock , @emistrash, @starlightfound, @sandran04, @paaaam97, @pure-ghost, @unconditional-love-and-support, @chatnoirfangirl1624, @heartofholland
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entertainment · 5 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Jesse Lee Soffer, Chicago PD
Jesse Lee Soffer stars as Jay Halstead, a brash young detective in the NBC drama Chicago PD. Soffer’s acting career began at age 6 when he landed a Kix cereal commercial. At age 8, Soffer made his feature-film debut opposite John Goodman and Cathy Moriarty in Matinee. He also starred in the family drama Safe Passage, and as Bobby in both The Brady Bunch Movie and A Very Brady Sequel. On the television front, he was on the Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen ABC sitcom Two of a Kind, the CBS serial Guiding Light, and the daytime drama As the World Turns, a role that earned him three consecutive Daytime Emmy nominations for Outstanding Younger Actor in a Drama Series, as well as a Soap Opera Digest Award nomination for Outstanding Younger Lead Actor. Soffer also appeared in the film In Time, as well as in guest roles in CSI: Miami,The Mentalist and Rizzoli & Isles. We got the chance to ask him some questions about his life and career. Check it out:
Did you do any research or shadowing to prepare for your roles on Chicago PD?
Yes, definitely. But mostly is was spending time with Brian Luce our technical advisor when we started the show and him sending us on a couple ride alongs. He’s still with us day in and day out and he’s essentially the heartbeat of the show. You can feel him everywhere from the cops that are on set to even specific character choices that we make every day.
If you could have a conversation with any character that you’ve played in the past, who would you talk to and what would you talk about?
I’d talk to Jay and tell him to stop being an idiot and getting his boundaries mixed up and start listening to Voight more.
Do you have a favorite character arc from this season of Chicago PD?
I have been enjoying seeing Voight and Jay trust each other a little more. I know that there’s riffs sometimes and they butt heads but the two respect each other and they’re definitely growing and have a mutual respect more and more because of it and that’s been a fun storyline to see play out.
What’s the funniest photo that you have on your phone (either share or describe it)?
Probably Season 1, I still have all the photos and video of accidentally kicking Patty in the nuts. He was suppose to be wearing a cup, it malfunctioned, we were gonna do it as a joke, and it went horribly awry.
Do you have any fun facts about the filming of Chicago PD that fans would be surprised to know?
Anytime we’re on set on location and it’s winter, everybody piles into Halstead’s truck to stay warm in between setups and usually hilarity ensues.
What’s the first thing that you remember being a fan of?
I remember watching the Terminator movies way too young as a kid and I’m sure that played a part in me liking the action genre.
If you could take a masterclass on any subject, what would you learn and who would you want to teach you (e.g. a cooking class with Gordon Ramsay)?
I’d love to take a political science class from Susan Rice, or someone like that.
Can you take us through a typical day on set?
Coffee. Block scenes. Eat snacks. More coffee. Shoot scenes. Putt. Shoot scenes. Putt. Shoot scenes. Get hangry. Shoot scenes. Eat lunch. Shoot more scenes. Putt. Shoot more scenes. I have a putting matt in the bullpen to work on my short game.
Lighting round! Describe each of the following in one word: Who you are, what you value the most, and what you’d be if you were a food item.
Who you are: I don’t know! You can’t fit me in a bubble.
What I value the most: Friends and family.
Food Item: Thanksgiving Dinner
What’s next for you?
Watch the fall finale to find out!
Thanks for taking the time, Jesse! Tune in to the finale of Chicago PD, tonight at 10/9c on NBC. 
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My Lethal White episode 1 recap
After having had a lot of fun recapping episode 2, I went back and did episode 1 as well. It got a bit out of hand and is a loooong post...
Under the cut, because, evidently, there will be ALL THE SPOILERS! 🚨
*SQUEEEEE!!!* THEY’RE BACK!!! 🤗💃🏻🙌🏼  (Yes, I’m still squeeing, although this is a rewatch)
Let’s look at the title sequence, shall we? They’ve added a few new details: There’s the wooden cross from the dell, the White Horse of Uffington and Robin’s Houses of Parliament guest pass. The child from Billy’s memories and the pink blanket. Someone’s already mentioned the ‘whore’ swirling in the coffee cup, and then later we have a fencing icon in the pint. Cool hints. 😎
Cut to tired, head-achy Cormoran at the wedding. Strike has a slightly different haircut, and I wonder: they dye Tom’s hair darker for the role, but he has a glint of natural first grey at the temples that I’ve seen on Tom pre-Strike. How did they keep that? (Sorry about the hair kink digression…☺️)
Pet peeve of mine they carried over from Career of Evil: in the book, Donald Laing slashes Strike’s palm, but it didn’t happen in the series. There was no blood on his hand when he called Robin, and his glove was intact. And yet, Strike has his hand bandaged. I know it’s a silly pet peeve of mine, but stuff like that pulls me out of the moment. And Strike wouldn’t slap on a bandage just for a little bruising. *steps off soap box*
“You look beautiful.” - “And you look terrible.” - “It’s this jacket, needs taking in.” 😂
“I want you back.” - “What?” Augh, the double meaning of it all, Strike’s softness and Robin’s initial uncertainty of what he means. 🥺
When she realizes that Matt deleted Strike’s messages, there’s a tear spilling from her eye, and she quickly wipes it away. 😢 Such good acting. Such a brave girl.
A few of us have already addressed this in the chat: did Matt BLOCK Strike, or delete his calls and messages? Or both? They’re frustratingly unclear about this detail, and it makes a difference in terms of Strike being able to reach her or not. (I’m a continuity nerd, sorry)
Sarah standing next to Matthew. *gags*
Robin looks so beautiful! And so very sad. (Holliday is acting her heart out of this season, can’t say it enough). This is award material, hands-down. 🏆
Her look across the room at Cormoran while they’re eating! And he’s… just been staring at her all through the meal? Good god. These two.
If Cormoran falls asleep before dessert he’s got to be really, REALLY tired.☺️ Poor baby.
We’ve got to work on your fine dining skills, Cormoran darling! It’s very cowboy and rugged, handling cutlery like that, but you would SINK during an aristocracy under-cover op. Maybe the Comte de la Fère is available for a lesson?
The first chords of The Calling’s “Wherever you will go”. Ack. They really went for the original, and as someone who’s always been ridiculously in love with that cheesy song, I AM HERE FOR IT.
Cormoran walking slow-mo past the bridesmaids, looking at Robin dancing with Matt The Twat. My heart…💔
When I’m gone you’ll need love to light the shadows on your face… *sniff*
Cormoran’s FACE during the dance. I can’t. He looks like a puppy about to get shot. 🥺
(and what a juxtaposition to the little lady with the funny hat bobbing happily next to him, to everyone looking awww and being completely ignorant of the drama that’s playing out. Ugh. I’m dead.)
Matthew moves like someone who’s (painstakingly) learned exactly one (1) dance, and for their wedding only, and why is he even smiling so proudly? They must’ve just had the biggest row in history? Is he really so full of himself?
Even Robin is smiling, although staring longingly at Strike. I bet they did that so Strike would be a little mad at her and want to walk away.
AND HE DOES! 😟 You can just see the “Fuck this” from the book crossing his face as he turns around and leaves. Ack. I’m dead again.
If I could then I would, I’ll go wherever you will go
(Perfectly placed, kudos) 👏🏼
And she runs after him, looking like a fairy-tale princess. Did you see how frigging COLD it must’ve been, judging by her breath?! Poor Holliday must have been freezing to death during the shoot. And then to pull off such a heartbreaking scene…
(Also, the lawn in the park? A shitload of rolled sods. No grass looks this lusciously green in winter, and you can see the edges everywhere. Some landscaper had a field day there!)
“Are you sure?” - “Yeah. I am.” About WHAT, you idiots?! *wrings hands* To her coming back to work, of course, but there’s so much more to their statements. And I’m sure that non-book-readers thought they were about to kiss and elope, but - alas! - we know that’s not going to happen.😔
But at least we get The Hug™️, and it’s everything we hoped for: Robin crying, digging her fingers into his jacket; Cormoran closing his eyes… God help us, we are all DOOMED sailing this ship! 🙈💔
I was a little miffed upon first watching that they faded out of that hug so quickly. That was it? No, it wasn’t, as we now know, and I love, love, love that we’re getting all these extended flashbacks that reveal more and more of what happened to us!
ONE BLOODY YEAR LATER (I still can’t get over that time jump)
Lol at the subcontractor crashing his moped into the cab! It was only briefly mentioned in the book, and turning it into an actual dialogue was a fun idea.😂
And there’s Denise (that IS her, right?), completely uninterested in doing her job. Good grief - Strike and Robin are BAD a picking employees! 🙈
Robin looking not-jealous-at-all at Strike walking off with Lorelei. Ouch.
I like Lorelei, btw. They chose the actress well, and she’s nice and mature. Which doesn’t mean that I’m not secretly flinching every time she kisses Cormoran. It’s just not right.
Billy. Joseph Quinn does an incredible job playing him. 👏🏼 As dangerous as he appears at first, his despair and his efforts at holding himself together are heartbreaking. That battle he wages against his mental illness is on full display, and his scared big eyes are killing me. 🥺
Cormoran is admirably unfazed by Billy’s appearance - is that his Army training kicking in? Robin, though, is shaking but braving it out, recording with her phone although her hands are trembling. Good acting by Holliday.
Good riddance, Denise.
The good ole’ pencil trick. “I didn’t know people still did this.” 😌
I was surprised that Cormoran chose to simply break into the house on Charlemont road. It’s breaking and entering for no good reason. Could’ve been anybody’s home.
He’s not going to- EWW! He’s sitting down on that filthy couch. And plucking hairs from it. EWW!🤢
Robin: “...and some porn.” 😂 Says it as if it’s what they always find. The usual. Men… 🙄
Who’s the guy taking pictures of Cormoran? I seriously don’t remember this from the b- Oh, WAIT! Reporter guy. Patterson. Yeah. Him.
The CORE members are as cliché in their looks as are Chiswell’s upper class folks. It’s all a bit on the nose for my taste, but then clichés are clichés for a reason.
Cormoran needs to work on his disguises. Not fitting in at all with the CORE crowd, age-wise or in his look. No wonder they don’t trust him. He does it better in the books.
Oh Robin. I actually think you need a lot more therapy to work through your shit.
Ah, here we go. Seaborn bacteria. But first, Matt’s got to be a prick again. 🙄
Chiswell with his arrogance and his rudeness and his finger-snapping. *shakes head* I think if Cormoran hadn’t known he could make some serious money with this case, he may have walked out on him.
Btw, the “large” jacket is making Strike look slimmer instead of bigger. 😄 They’re so desperately mentioning Strike’s largeness, as if beating it over our heads could actually make us not see barely-6-foot and slender Tom Burke.
“Couple more potatoes wouldn’t hurt.” And his FACE! 🥰
Glenister is a really good actor. I always listen to the Strike audiobooks that he narrates, and I was worried hearing his voice in the show would be confusing, but it’s not because he sounds so different. Can’t wait for him reading “Troubled Blood” to me! 🎧
Is it a coincidence that Drummond’s art gallery has a painting of a horse in its front window? I think not.
I love that soft blue shirt they put Cormoran in. Makes him look very huggable. *blushes*
“Not sure I would make a convincing goddaughter either.”😂
So in England you can just walk up to a minister’s house and ring the doorbell without any security people stopping you? Interesting.
Chiswell just shutting the door in Cormoran’s face. RUDE.😠
The brown contact lenses. 👀 Okay, they make her look different, but not THAT different. It’s her sudden posh accent that’s the real stunner.
The panic attacks. Holliday plays them so well, I almost feel like I can’t breathe myself. 😧
I was expecting the Houses of Parliament to look a little less like a stuffy basement full of old junk. *ducks*
Barclay! Definitely looking more attractive than his description in the book. And I thought I’d gotten food at understanding Scottish. I haven’t. *turns subtitles on*
Izzy is the only Chiswell offspring who doesn’t make me want to immediately vomit.
“Venetia. Like the blinds.” Oh God. 🙈
Winn is such a creep. 🤮 Poor Robin. GET AWAY FROM HER YOU LEECH!
Of course Matt doesn’t want Robin to wear the Green Dress. Twat.🙄
The house warming party. I always wonder why Robin doesn’t have friends of her own. I have a feeling Matt has something to do with that.
The earrings. So we will see Robin finding out Matt’s cheating on her! I can’t wait for her to rip him a new one! 😈
Robin calls Cormoran - and it’s not Coco but Lorelei who picks up. That’s a smart change from the book. And it makes her the rebound girl. Which she doesn’t deserve, but it is what it is.
“And she bakes.” 🥴 Is it just me wondering how Lorelei got that cake into the tin without ruining the icing?!
Flashback to The Hug™️. God, their faces are so close. Cormoran is so soft. Nnnnhhhggggg.
Enter the plaid shirt. Lumber!Cormoran is a good look on him! 😍
The Armchair of Sadness™️. Of course that’s where the devastating phone call to Robin’s house happens! The disbelief and disappointment on Cormoran’s face is heart rending. 😢💔
@lulacat3 and I have already established the continuity error with Cormoran’s facial injuries suddenly missing when he’s reached the pub. (And they should still be there; he’s still wearing the plaid shirt from that same evening.) If I were the makeup person I would have been deeply regretful of having missed dabbing fake injuries on Tom’s face again.
The Uffington Horse. Robin’s in appropriate Wellingtons, weather jacket and a beanie for their outing. Cormoran is wearing what he always wears, and Tom clearly wishes he had a beanie. At least he gets to wear a t-shirt under his eternally blue shirts this season. REVOLUTION! 😄
Sure. Let’s just go and dig for a corpse with a shovel so conveniently available! Just the two of them - one delicate Robin and one invalid. And then Robin finds the bones after ten seconds of digging. No further comment. 🙄
But I like the change with Cormoran’s leg. As stupidly heroic as he acted in the book, I like it better in the show where he has to acknowledge his handicap and Robin takes charge.
The bones. Dun-dun-DUN!
(Good first episode, although all in all the pacing wasn’t quite right yet, and compared to the book it all felt a bit rushed. I liked episode two better.)
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celtics534 · 4 years
Hi! I just saw a set of pics of Rosalie Leslie and Kit Harington, him kissing her with his hands cradling her face while they were in a pub, i suppose (idk how to send them to you tho). I was wondering if you like the idea, obviously, could you use those pics as inspiration for a hinny fic? Something about the press finding out that they are, in fact, together after a year or two of speculations, maybe? Thank you either way! Can’t wait for more of your works! Stay safe!
Without Fear
Such a fun prompt! I just couldn’t deny the cuteness of this photo when I Googled it! I hope you like my hinny take on the cuteness :) It’s a Muggle, Actor AU and the title is based on the song Without Fear by Dermot Kennedy 
Also read on: FF.net and AO3
He hadn't ever considered how easy it would be to fall in love with Ginny Weasley. But of course, Harry was more of a jump in feet first kind of bloke. When he'd seen her at that war memorial, the only thought that went through his head was how gorgeous she was. Then when she had come up to the same placard and started talking to him… well, needless to say, he was enamored by her. Her hair, eyes, voice, the words she said. It was safe to say Ginny Weasley had his heart the minute they met.
At first, she didn't tell him her name (later, she explained it was because she didn't want him to get washed up by the fact that she was the main actress on a sports TV drama). To be fair, Harry hadn't exactly been forthcoming with his name (he hated dealing with the press when they recognized him for his role as the infamous serial killer hunter of the movies). Even without names, they chatted like they'd known each other since birth.
Ginny had explained how her brother had died fighting to save a young boy who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Harry had pointed to the name of the godfather he'd barely gotten the chance to know. He'd comforted her and she had started to soothe a bone-deep pain in him that he hadn't even known was there. Which was why they had decided to go and get coffee. Neither wanted to leave the other.
The little coffee shop had allowed them seclusion and solitude. They'd talked for hours and only separated when the shop was closing. As they were standing up to leave, Harry helped Ginny into her coat, and when she turned around with that adorable smile Harry, couldn't help but press his lips to hers. It wasn't a long kiss, maybe two seconds at most, but the moment their lips touched a buzz spread through Harry's body from the top of his head down to his toes. What made it that much better was when he pulled back, Ginny's fingers slid into his hair and pulled him back to her.
That night started the happiest time of his life. Ginny brought out a side of life that Harry hadn't experienced before. Normally, things were complicated in his life. Between losing his parents and godfather before turning eighteen, dodging the press, fangirls, and family members that never gave a damn about him until he earned some money, Harry had never expected much out of life or people. Then Ginny Weasley changed everything.
She made love seem so… easy. He was able to be himself near her. She laughed at his horrible puns, teased him for his inability to say cinnamon, and held him close every time he needed her. It was simple and it was them. They spent every night they could together. Luckily both their jobs were situated in London so meeting at his or her flat was easy.
The only mark against their relationship was the paparazzi. Early on in their relationship, they'd agreed that they didn't want the whole world to know about their relationship. But of course, it was impossible to completely dodge the leeches that the rest of the world called the press. They were spotted on their way to an England versus Wales rugby match. To be fair, their low riding caps weren't the best disguise, but they'd hoped to at least make it to the field before being noticed. From that day on the Harry and Ginny watch became a crowd favorite. It became nearly impossible for them to go anywhere together without making the news, and that was when the reporters only knew about their platonic relationship! He feared the day they found out the two of them were dating… and now dating for over a year, in fact.
He could remember the way Ginny had laughed the time they had been spotted going to the zoo. While eating breakfast, Ginny had been flicking through her tablet at the different new sites she frequented when she had nearly choked on her toast. Harry had looked up from his bowl of Shreddies instantly concerned, to only be greeted by her laughter "Look at this title!" Ginny had said through her cackles. "Potter Bananas For Weasley."
The accompanying photo of them watching a group of monkeys was expertly taken. Somehow they'd caught Harry watching Ginny as she watched the monkeys. She read the article out loud to him, teasing him for the title the paper had given him, "Heart-eyed Harry is rather adorable."
"There is no way they can see that from that angle." Harry had rolled his eyes, his words coming out in a huff of air. "I mean sure, you and I both know that I'm pathetically... besotted with you, but that interloper can't tell —"
When Ginny's palms came around to cup his cheeks his tangent ended, his words being swallowed by her mouth. Ginny had kissed him like the world was ending, a reckless abandonment that left his kitchen chair on only three legs. When she pulled back, her hands held his face firmly in place. "I'm besotted with you too, you know that right?"
Harry's mind had been wiped clean by her hypnotizing kiss, but he's managed a little nod. "I know, love."
"So don't let this get under your skin." She'd pressed a final kiss to the tip of his nose before going back to her reading.
That had been four months ago and sometimes it still popped into Harry's mind. It had been so easy for her to bring him out of the brooding tyrant. No one else in his life had ever been able to do that. Not his heinous aunt that raised him, not his godfather who was there briefly in his teen years, none of his teachers or friends during his school year. No, it was the one and only Ginny Weasley that was able to pull Harry from one of his moods.
Harry never thought he was capable of love. Between his parents being murdered by a psychopath before his second birthday, an abusive aunt and uncle, losing his godfather to war only three years after meeting him… Harry had always thought he was stunted. His first relationship had ended before it had even started and the next five attempts weren't much better. But with Ginny, his normal anxieties and fears vanished. He became a better man while with her. She was the best part of him and he loved her with every fiber of his being
And because he loved her, Harry was willing to put on this damn monkey suit and go to a blasted party. His reflection in the mirror showed his disdain for the confining suit and dark green noose he tied around his neck. If he had it his way, Harry would never change out of his ratty old jeans and soft t-shirts. But for Ginny, he was willing to sacrifice a night. Tonight was about her and the unforgettable season they had just finished recording.
"Looking rather dashing there, Potter."
Harry used the mirror to look at the doorway where Ginny leaned against the jamb. She had changed into a simple, yet elegant knee-length black dress with a light white jacket covering her freckled shoulders The little make-up she'd used highlighted her natural beauty perfectly. And then there was the wide-brimmed hat she used to complete the ensemble. She was bloody gorgeous.
She was smirking at him as if she knew exactly how just the sight of her made him lose all conscious thought. "Cat got your tongue?"
He shook his head, before doing a one-eighty to see more than just the reflection of her. Somehow she was even more stunning like this. From the high heeled boots she wore to the top of the hat perched on her head… His legs moved on their own accord. Before he even realized it, he was standing in front of her.
"You look… too good for words," Harry murmured into her ear as he leaned down. His fingers slid across the silky material covering her salacious curves as his lips traveled down her jaw line. Before he reached his destination (her mouth), Ginny put a hand on his chest pushing him back.
"Whoa now, partner." She smiled at him, her eyes blazing with the same intensity of a smoldering fire. "No getting distracted. We can't be late. Everyone is expecting me and my best friend there for eight."
Harry let out a long breath through his nose. Best friend. That's what Ginny's co-stars had dubbed him. It irked him that they were right, but yet so far from the truth. Of course, most thought they were best friends with benefits, which again wasn't wrong but he and Ginny were so much more!
Sometimes, Harry wanted to scream how much he loved her from the rooftops. He wanted everyone within the United Kingdom to know how he was in love with the most witty, sexy, creative, intelligent woman in the world. But then he thought of how the press already followed them around everywhere they went. Harry could only imagine how insane they would be if they knew about their relationship, and the idea of people digging into their personal lives… Harry honestly was afraid of it.
He hardly handled the fame he had now, if there was more focus on them… Sure, they already dealt with reporters implying about their relationship, but it was easy to ignore because they were typically outlandish rumors. Like the idea Ginny was sleeping with Harry so she could slyly learn to cover up a murder based on the information he learned in his movies (which was Ginny's favorite scandal theory). But if the paparazzi knew about their love life… if things became real… it was odd to say, but the idea of it weighed heavy on his chest. He feared the loss of privacy. He feared the loss of them.
"Harry?" Ginny was staring at him, her brow scrunched in concern. "Everything alright?"
He nodded, trying to dig his mind out of the what-if chasm. "Yeah. Yeah."
"What were you thinking about?"
"Oh, you know." Harry forced a smile onto his face. "How you're going to be the talk of the party in this outfit."
Ginny snorted, as she gave her hair an exaggerated flip "Please, I'm all these people ever seem to talk about." A sly grin formed on her lips. "Me and who my boo might be."
Harry groaned, letting his head fall onto her shoulder. "It's been three months and they are still on that?"
Ginny chuckled as her hand rubbed soothing circles on his back. "Please, they heard us shagging in a locked closet, they aren't bound to forget it. We're just lucky I didn't say your name while those nosy Nellies were listening in on us." Her hand stopped and Harry looked up to see that mischievous smile that always made his belly flutter. "Really, you only have yourself to blame."
Harry's brow furrowed. "And how exactly is it my fault?"
"Wellllll," Ginny dragged out the last syllable. "If you hadn't come to my set looking so… fit and sexy after that workout, I wouldn't have had to drag you to that closet." She rose to the tips of her toes, placing her lips right outside of her ear. "Remember?"
The shiver that ran down Harry's spine spread a tingling sensation from his toes up to the tips of his fingers. He licked his lips, inhaling her scent with every breath he took. "Hmmm." The words came out as a soft groan. He pressed a kiss to the side of her neck. "Maybe I could use a little refresher. Care to help give me a little reminder?"
Ginny practically purred in his ear. "I think that can be arranged." She ran her tongue lightly along his jaw before placing a kiss just under his ear. Then before Harry knew what happened she was out of his arms, standing just out of his grasp. "After the party."
Harry's jaw fell open as he stared at his girlfriend. "You're sadistic, that's what you are!"
She laughed. "And you adore me for it."
"I never said that." But the smile spreading across his face removed all the bite from his words.
"Your eyes speak volumes."
"Oh, and what are they saying right now?"
Ginny's grin became coquettish. "How you need a little extra time to get ready because something needs tending too." Her eyes raked down his body, lingering around his hips. "Then again it might not be your eyes displaying this information."
Harry made a face at her. "Well really, you only have yourself to blame for this."
She snorted. "Is that so?" She took a step back into his bubble, her hands running along his sides. "Well if that's the case I should give you a hand, shouldn't I?"
Harry glared from his sentry at the corner of the bar. He'd spent the last fifteen minutes crafting a list on why he hated parties. Currently, he was on number twenty: drunk people were the worst.
Maybe his disapproving opinion was due to the numerous drunk men (and women) who had gone up to his girlfriend to make moves on her. His jaw clenched painfully as he watched yet another co-star approach Ginny. Sure she was denying their advances with ease, but that didn't mean Harry liked it. But they'd agreed a long time ago that when they went to events they would try to mingle with others so as to not raise suspicions about their relationship.
But everytime Harry was faced with watching hoards of people flirt with his girlfriend… Why the fuck did he care if people knew about their relationship? Sure paparazzi would follow them around, but they all ready fucking did that. And they would ask personal questions about their relationship, but half the time they just threw out wild accusations as it was.
Harry took another sip from his whiskey tumblr, the cold liquid going hot down his throat. His foot started tapping to the rhythm of the classic rock song blaring on the radio. As he stood their listening to overplayed tune, sipping his drink, and watching his girlfriend be hit on for the sixth time in twenty minutes, Harry concluded they had been stupid. Their fear of the press was unwarranted. They had feared things that weren't truly scary. They dealt with most of it already (just in rumor format), so what would the truth truly do to them? What had been cons just hours before suddenly took a new light.
As he brooded, Ginny chatted with her co-star. This particular star had been the biggest perpetrator of the flirt with Ginny squad. Every party or gathering he would shoot his shot. Ginny had assured Harry numerous times that Glenn was just a flirty bloke, and there had never been a spark between the two of them. Harry trusted Ginny completely, but Glenn was always on his shit list—and was now currently at the top as he pulled Ginny out into the middle of the pub to start dancing.
Ginny made eye contact with Harry as she followed her friend onto the makeshift dance floor, her smile reassuring and happy as she and Glenn began to dance. The wink she sent him made butterflies erupt in his gut, like it was the first time. Harry couldn't take his eyes of them… off Ginny. She truly was gorgeous when she was having fun. Her bright smile, the gleam in her eyes, and how could he ignore the way her hips moved.
Harry could never remember ever having an urge to dance, but as he saw Ginny and Glenn… It wasn't an urge to dance, he realized. It was the urge to be with her. The desire to have his hands on her waist while she smiled at him.
He let out a long breath, before downing the rest of his drink. He couldn't care anymore. The fears that had held him back for so long became nullified. Now all he cared about was making sure she knew how much he loved her, and that he would be there with her through anything and everything. Harry refused to acknowledge the fear that had formed in the pit of his stomach as he marched up towards his dancing girlfriend and her co-star.
Ginny's eyes met his. When he was about halfway to her, her head quirked to the side and she stopped moving. Glenn spun around, his expression going from confused to annoyed. Harry could muster up a single fuck over Glenn's disappointment.
"What's up, Potter?" Glenn asked, his fake smile sliding to counter his irked tone.
Harry didn't even bother to dignify the actor with a response. Instead all his focus was on Ginny. Her eyebrows were scrunched together as if she were trying to read his mind. He cupped her face, his large hands seeming to swallow her face.
"Harry, what are you doing?" Ginny whispered as she stared up at him. Her hand came up to lift the brim of her hat, giving him full access to study her expression. The light flush that darkened her cheeks in the faint pub light complimented the wide smile that crinkled the corner of her eyes. She looked… overwhelmingly happy.
"I — I just." He leaned down and kissed her, not truly noticing/ caring about the crowds of people around them or flashes of smartphone cameras. All that mattered at that moment was her and the way her arms wrapped around his neck as she leaned into him.
When he pulled away Ginny's mouth remained slightly apart as she slowly opened her eyes. "So." Her voice was deep and husky. "I think you may have just blown our cover."
Harry laughed, leaning down so his forehead rested on hers. "I don't care."
Ginny's fingers caressed his jaw. "And what, pray tell, has made you so without fear? What changed?"
He happily leaned into her touch. "All I care about is being with you. Who cares what all these people think."
A mischievous smirk curled her lips as her eyes twinkled delightfully. "Well then, what would you say about putting on a little show for our first public outing?"
Harry slid his hands up her jaw to twist in her hair, before leaning down. He smiled against her lips. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
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