#also thank you to everyone who sends me nice messages & questions & meta ideas
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galedekarios ¡ 1 year ago
anon who asked me about my favourite gale quotes, i want you to know that this is me rn
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fortunatelylori ¡ 5 years ago
Love your analyses. (You are to Sanditon what jbuffyangel was to Arrow.) Question about 1x03, When Sidney asks Charlotte for “feedback,” her first question is why didn’t he help Tom more. When Sidney says it wasn’t fair. he’d done all he could, she says, ”Have you?” Did she inadvertently contribute to the demise of her own relationship? Sidney is a loyal brother, but he’s also already in love with Charlotte and, whether he realizes it or not, wants her approval.
Before we get started on the ask, I would like to thank everyone who has sent me messages or asks over the past few days. I really appreciate your guys’ interest in my blog and Sanditon opinions and it’s immensely satisfying to me to play a part in the growth of the very new Sanditon fandom.
I have many Sanditon related projects in the works at the moment, namely a new fanfic one shot that should be uploaded in the next couple of days, a very exciting meta that I think you’ll all love and I need to get started on my Christmas fic if I am to finish by the middle of December as I have announced. All of that in addition to my and Mrs. @kitten1618x ‘s Sanditioncreative blog which will be hosting the first Sanditon Christmas event this year.
All of this is to say that I might not be answering your questions as quickly as I would otherwise. If that happens, please don’t get discouraged! I will answer ALL asks eventually, whenever I find the time to work on them. To that end, I would also kindly ask all of you to please send your asks solely to my ask me anything inbox because if you send it via replies or private message, they will end up getting lost and I will forget to answer them.
Hope this works for everyone! Let’s get to the ask …
Oh, nonnie … I’m pretty sure you had no idea what you were getting yourself into when you sent this ask but strap in … because the time has finally come to talk about …
Tom THE WORST Parker
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Leaving aside the torch and pitchfork party we’ve all thrown for Tom, I do think we should take a moment and give Kris Marshall a shout out for an outstanding job playing this character. Look at the desperation in his eyes, the strained smile, the implied pressure he is applying on his target (Sidney as per 90% of the time). He even does that annoying calling people over with your hand as if they were your dog thing that drives me nuts!
Fortunatelylori: Put the hand away, Tom, unless you want me to cut it off! Arghhh!!!
Now, you might rightly ask why we’re going to talk about Tom when your ask is about Charlotte and how she might have ended up sabotaging herself.
The thing to keep in mind is that Charlotte Heywood is our entry point into Sanditon. We are being introduced to this world and these characters through her eyes. So we are inclined to take her opinion on everything that is occurring as gospel. However, we should remember a few things about Charlotte: despite having excellent instincts and insight into people, she is still very much a young, inexperienced girl who has lived a very sheltered life. In addition to that, she is very kind hearted and a true romantic.
All of that makes her prone to having better opinions of people than she should at times. For example, she thinks Otis is “a good man who made one terrible mistake” because she doesn’t truly grasp the seriousness of his gambling addiction and because she feels that if he truly loves Georgiana then he can’t really be bad.
Her opinion of Tom is similar to that. Tom is, if not a nice man (he isn’t but we’ll get to that), he’s at the very least a pleasant one and that outward ease and friendliness makes her empathize with him.
On the other hand, her major issue with Sidney is her inability to figure him out and his desire to keep people at arm’s length:
Charlotte: You are determined to remain an outlier. God forbid you give something of yourself!
Sidney: Please do not presume to know my mind, Miss Heywood!
Charlotte: How can anyone know your mind? You take great pains to remain unknowable.
Again and again, she reproaches him for not being more involved with Georgiana, for not helping Tom, for trying to separate himself from those around him. And while there is truth to what she’s telling him, it also reveals that Charlotte can be easily taken in by people who display affection and/or involvement towards others, even if the cost of that is very steep.
She judges Sidney harshly for not behaving that way, while allowing Otis and Tom to get away with their bad behavior because they do involve themselves in people’s lives and give “proof” of caring and thus make Charlotte think they are inherently good people. However, what she fails to see is the selfish reasons behind those characters’ actions.
I did reblog a gif set of Charlotte telling Sidney to help Tom more and made the joke that she shot herself in the foot. But that was me joking and noting the dramatic irony that the writing employs.
The serious interpretation of Charlotte’s line isn’t that she unknowingly acted towards the demise of her own love story but rather that she completely misunderstood the dynamic of the Tom/Sidney relationship.
In her mind, it was Sidney who held all the power in his relationship with his brother, as the younger, more handsome, more successful sibling to the put upon and fate tested idealist Tom. As such, Sidney’s “refusal” to help him seemed petty and cruel to sweet angel Charlotte who is utterly fascinated by what Tom is doing in Sanditon
And by and large I think the viewers have also bought into that image of Tom and Sidney.
But I would like to propose a different interpretation:
There is no reason to assume that Sidney wasn’t helping Tom prior to Charlotte calling him on it. Why else would he have dragged Crowe and Babbington to the ball in episode 1? Why else was he getting his liver smashed in, boxing for their entertainment or playing at cards in the hotel restaurant? Why else would Tom talk about Sidney “profiting” from the success of Sandition if Sidney had not already invested in his brother’s project?
The problem isn’t that Sidney isn’t helping him. The problem is that Tom has an endless list of things he needs help with:
Sidney: At least this time I leave knowing you are in good heart. A new physician, a new regatta to plan. All is well with Tom Parker.
Tom: So it would seem … Oh, I say … I’m … I just wonder if while you’re in London you could stop by the bank for me  and see if they might consider extending …
 First he needs help attracting fashionable people to Sanditon. Sidney provides them. However, as he points out, there isn’t enough entertainment in Sanditon to make it worth their stay. I would suggest that’s Tom’s fault, not Sidney’s.
On that note, remember what Eliza said during the regatta:
Eliza: At the last regatta I attended, they raced Arab stallions. The one before that featured 18 clippers in full sail. But for sheer exhilaration what could compare to a sand castle competition?
Leaving aside that this is Eliza and we all hate her, what does this tell you about Tom and his understanding of his clientele? Because it seems to me he wants Sanditon to be the Regency’s version of  Monaco while offering the quaint entertainment of whatever seaside resort your granny goes to.
He then reveals that he has financial troubles and needs money and eventually sends Sidney hat in hand to beg the banks for a loan. Sidney doesn’t want to do it at first because he knows there’s no point to it but because Charlotte made him feel guilty, he relents. The result is what he already knew: no more credit for Tom. This is Tom’s reaction:
Tom: No, no! That is not possible! Clearly you forgot to explain about the regatta. We are soon to be the most popular resort on the South Coast. Did you even mention Dr. Fuchs?
Sidney: Tom, I spoke to 3 different banks, at lenght. Not one of them is willing to extend your credit any further. 
Tom: What do you suggest I do now, Sidney? What exactly do I do now? 
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Look at that violent, desperate reaction! That’s what emotional blackmail looks like. And that, my friends, is abuse. Because in one fell swoop Tom has not only put the blame on Sidney for something that is out of his control (Sidney can’t force the bank to give Tom money) but also put the eventual consequences Tom will face squarely on Sidney’s shoulders.
Also Tom decides to go buy necklaces for his wife instead of paying his workers. When they argue with him at the cricket match, he walks away in a fit, leaving Sidney, and Charlotte, to clean up the mess. It’s also up to Sidney to resolve the workers’ problems by “loaning” Tom the money to pay them. I’ve put loan between “” because one has to be truly naïve to think Tom would have ever paid that loan back.
I would suggest that Tom is an irresponsible, selfish man and a terrible businessman who doesn’t need help. What he needs is a business partner that will control his terrible decision making and handle all of the business aspects of Sanditon while Tom scribbles away at his architecture plans (plans that I suspect were mostly created by James Stringer and that Tom is taking credit for).
And on some level, I think, Sidney knows that as well, which is why he fights Tom’s desire to involve him in the running of Sanditon at every turn:
Sidney: I’m sorry but I have done everything you’ve asked of me, Tom. I’m not your keeper. I will gladly own my mistakes but I cannot own yours.
Oh, you sweet summer child …
I don’t think it’s Sidney’s dream to manage a seaside resort, not is it his responsibility. His brother is an adult who should be held accountable for his own actions. However, at the rate this story is going, running Sanditon while Tom gets all the credit for its success is exactly what Sidney will end up doing.  
His reluctance to get more sucked into Tom’s schemes in the beginning, I think, has less to do with Sidney being a bad person or an outlier and more to do with knowing that once he relents, there will be no end to Tom’s demands on him and he will end up being his keeper for all eternity.
Episode 8 also reveals something very interesting about the entire Parker family: they are all enablers of Tom’s bullshit. Arthur is the first to offer up his inheritance on a silver platter, Diana refuses to let him blame himself and Mary is ready with a love declaration the moment Tom shades one crocodile tear.
Despite being the hardest one to crack out of all of them, Sidney is ultimately one more enabler to Tom. He hops on the first carriage to London and gives up his life in order to spare Tom prison time.
From where I’m sitting, the dynamic of these 2 brothers is the complete opposite from what Charlotte estimated. It is Tom that holds all the power and he and Sidney are involved in a toxic relationship that has been going on long before Charlotte ever met either one of them. Perhaps it started the moment Tom paid Sidney’s debts before he sailed to Antigua. Perhaps it started long before that.
However, I don’t think Charlotte’s intervention in episode 3 influenced Sidney’s final decision. What ultimately sealed the deal on that was the emotional blackmail Tom has been inflicting on Sidney for years, Tom’s expectation that everyone in his life do everything to service him and his family’s compliance with those wishes and, not least of it, Sidney’s lack of selflove that allowed him to prioritize his brother’s temporary stint in prison (he could have worked to pay off Tom’s debts over time; there’s no law that says Tom had to be in prison forever) over his own permanent misery.
I’m not sure this was the turn you were expecting my answer to take but I hope you found it useful nonetheless.
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tatakaeeren ¡ 5 years ago
Day 6 - Love your fandom day  ❤️
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Thank you for keep making amazing gifs, edits , graphics, art, doodles, etc. It takes a lot of time and dedication to make every single one of them, so thank you for keep creating and sharing your talent and creativity with the fandom, we all appreciate it so much, every time we see new content, our days feel brighter. We all love SNK so much that making content and seeing new content feels like we are all connected and share the same passion for this masterpiece. Basically, thank you for blessing us with your amazingness. 
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Thank you for keep writting meta, theories, fanfics, headcanons, discussing or answering questions related to the latest chapters, etc. Thank you for conecting the dots and  sharing your thoughts and ideas about what is going on in the recent chapters. Not all of us can think outside of the box and come up with wild but really possible theories, we highly apreaciate them!. Thank you to all the wonderful and creative minds who write the most exciting and captivating stories that have us all wide awake until 3 am reading non stop, because let’s face it, if we find a new fanfic we won’t stop until it ends!. Thank you headcanon writers for adding new ideas to our vision of the the characters, it feels like and expansion of their personalities, and many of them seems totally true or canon!. And thanks to all the amazing blogs who kindly answer all our questions after every chapters, we all want to discuss and understand what is going on, so thanks for taking the time and patience to answer all of them!. 
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Thank you!! everyone in the fandom who is always sending nice messages, rebloging content from other blogs and helping the creators, thanks to all the blogs so keep making Events or _____week,etc.  Thank you for being kind and respectful towards other people/blogs  who may or may not have your same taste in ships or characters. A big Thank you to all the event and “X week” organizers!! it takes a lot of time and preparation to make them happen, we really appreciate your hard work! these kind of events bring us together even more and it is also a great way to meet new people and blogs. Thank you to everyone in the fandom! no matter how “small or big” you blog is, it doesn’t matter if you make content or if you only reblog posts, WE ARE ALL HERE BECAUSE WE LOVE SNK AND WE WILL KEEP SHARING OUR PASSION UNTIL WE DIE BECAUSE .... 
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On a more personal note: Huge thanks to everyone who follows me and keep rebloging and sending me lovely messages, don’t think that I don’t see you! I keep seeing your names/faces/icons in my notifications and honestly who have no idea how happy it makes me feel! I really appreciate all your support! If you want, we can totally chat and send messages, I would love to get to know you all more. 
Thanks to all my mutuals and friends!! Tumblr can be hell sometimes but I wouldn’t change it for the wolrd, because I had the chance to meet the most incredible and sweet people that I now get to call good friends :’). thank you for sharing my craziness and love for SNK and most of all thank you for your friendship! 💕
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longlivefeedback ¡ 7 years ago
Start with a bang, end with a whimper: the problem with fandom studies
Imagine you start talking about a new fic idea, and it’s a hit! People are excited, they’re weighing in, they’re even signal boosting. This is going to be awesome, you think, and you start writing. A thousand words, five thousand words, ten thousand words - the first chapter is a big one, but it has to be perfect. After all, so many people are interested, and you’re using a lot of ideas they gave you, so you want it to be as good as possible. 
Finally, you’re ready to publish. One last round of editing, then you hit post. Look!, you want to yell. I did the thing you wanted me to do! 
And... tumbleweeds. 
There are a handful of kudos. Those are nice, but what do they really mean? Was it great? Was it adequate? Are they going to stay on for the next chapter? A few comments follow. Some are polite “thank you for writing this” notes - those make you smile. About half of them point out perceived plot holes or typos and nothing else. 
Where are the people who thought it was cool, who sent you ideas, who talked about wanting to see what you’d come up with? Are they there, lurking; or did they just not see the notification; or did they decide it wasn’t interesting enough to bother with? 
Was it worth all those hours you spent writing it? 
As authors, a lot of us have been there. As readers, we can sympathize with authors who have poured time and effort into something, only to receive very little response. 
And thus comes the problem with fandom studies. 
During the data collection phase, everyone is very interested - on the whole, actually getting the information to analyze isn’t difficult, because users are great about signal boosting, answering surveys, and giving their own predictions about the eventual results. 
Then it gets to the cursory overview. Demographics, “this many people said this,” a lot of basic factoids that are cool but not very important or relevant. A lot of time might have gone into taking the raw data and converting it to an easily digestible form, but it’s not what we’re here for. It’s just the foundation. 
This gets some attention. Quite a few people will reblog it and ask questions, and some will mention wanting to see the actual answers to the questions that the study wants to answer. It’s nowhere near the level of engagement reached in the data collection phase, but that’s to be expected - not everyone who was willing to take a few minutes and answer survey questions or signal boost is really interested in the results, but they were being supportive and helping out! 
We finally, finally get to the analysis, the hardcore number crunching, the hours of fighting with excel and desperately reviewing statistics textbooks and sending panicked messages to your old math teachers because wait am I actually doing this right or- 
By this point, most of the engagement has dropped off. There are a fair number of likes and a handful of reblogs, but almost all of the written feedback centers around pointing out perceived errors or problems and nothing else. 
This is, admittedly, to be expected. Truly math- and stats-intensive analyses are much less accessible, less fun to read, and generally harder to understand even if you’re comfortable with the methods being used. However, it also leaves the study authors feeling like they’ve put a lot of work into something that people simply aren’t interested in, despite the fact that it was the stated goal of the project since the very beginning. 
As such, I’d like to make a few suggestions as to how to support fandom studies. 
1. It’s okay to say “thanks!” and leave. 
You don’t have to write an essay or go over every bit of math. If you’re interested, let the author know that you appreciate their work, even if you don’t say anything more than “this is cool” or “oh nice!”
2. The rules of concrit still (mostly) apply. 
When it comes to data, there’s no opting out of concrit. These are facts. If there’s a mistake, it should be pointed out and addressed. However, if this comes in the form of “this should have been considered instead” and nothing else, it’s like getting a comment that only says “your protagonist was OOC.” This is especially frustrating when the author has no good way to respond to the criticism. 
3. If you leave criticism or a correction, make sure the author can talk to you about it. 
First of all, the author may not have enough details to make use of your crit. If you simply say “I’m not sure this was the right statistical test,” but they’re not able to reach out to you for further details, the author will proceed to tear their hair out. Therefore, this isn’t the time for anon asks, which must be answered publicly, or replies, which may not be able to tag you and group blog moderators must respond from their main blog. Furthermore, criticism is best offered in private - frankly, it’s highly embarrassing to have a mistake pointed out in front of everyone, and it’s much more polite and respectful to give them a chance to make any corrections without having to do so in front of an audience.  And finally, the criticism or correction offered may not, in fact, be correct. Everyone occasionally misreads, misunderstands, or gets mixed up. If this is brought up privately, it’s easy to clear up. If it’s public, and the author has no way to respond, and there’s no “thanks for your work,” they will be screaming into the void.
4. Studies are made to be shared. 
The questions a study is trying to address are generally applicable in some wider sense, and the work that goes into this is meant to spread answers as far as possible to people can find them. Therefore, if sharing and signal boosting ends at the data collection stage, the study has failed. 
Reblogging is tricky, especially if it’s not to a fandom blog, but sharing it is still important. Send it to your friends, tag people who might be interested in the replies, link to it if you see related posts that could use some data support (or contradiction), and cite it if you talk about the issue. If you’re a stats-minded person, write a more accessible version of it or use it in some of your own discussions. Post (cited and sourced, tagging the author) excerpts. Use it in your fandom metas. 
Creators thrive on feedback, and this includes those who conduct fandom studies. Please remember that behind every nifty little chart is a person (or several people) who have put a whole lot of effort into their work, and not number crunching machines who happily churn away and assimilate every bit of impersonal criticism. 
Data analysis can be as rewarding as writing a great fic, but when it comes to practicalities, there’s no such thing as information for the sake of information.
Support fandom studies. It’s easy to get discouraged when audience interest goes from overwhelming to tepid to tumbleweeds, especially when the majority of written feedback is neutral or negative. Answering fandom questions isn’t going to help cure cancer - that’s my day job - but it will, hopefully, make fandom better. 
Besides, they’re doing math so you don’t have to, which is always a good thing. 
So to end this post, we want to give a shout out and thanks to @toastystats for their extensive work and analysis of ao3 tags; @ao3commentoftheday for hosting discussions about commenting culture and looking at the meaning of kudos; @dawnfelagund who has written for us and helps keep the tolkien fandom going, including studies like her look at gender in the tolkienfic community; @cfiesler for looking at fan platform use over time.
We are surely missing more, so readers, can you help us out? Link to a cool fandom study you’d like to share and/or tag someone who writes them! 
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softnorwegians ¡ 7 years ago
hi there! i've loved your blog and skam insights for so long, and was really intrigued about what you wrote in your tags about how the use of cherry wine re even's pov was masterful. if you were interested, i'd love to here more about your thoughts in relation to even and cherry wine. no pressure though! sending lots of love, esp after your recent car accident - i've been in one before and they really are so scary and traumatic. i hope you're okay xxx
Aww, thank you, that’s so sweet~ I’m sorry to hear you’ve been through it too but yeah, it shakes you up even when everyone is okay. I think it’s one of those moments that just makes you remember how much is out of your control. I’m honored to have been a go-to blog for so long, it’s hard to believe someone could still be interested in more over a year later! hahaha, I keep thinking I’ve meta-ed all I possibly can… yet somehow, there’s still a little more to scratch? I don’t think I have too much to say except the obvious but I’ll say that for you! 💕 
Okay, so, at that point, we’d already established a lot: song lyrics as a mode of communication from Even, his love of Nas, and more than that, the music in Skam s3 had already been very meta, it’s almost a larger-than-life part of the show. The use of Cherry Wine stands out for me because it came at this heightened moment; there probably wasn’t a time in the season when viewers more wanted an update than after that Friday when everything fell apart. So, we wound up in this interesting place, where we were more ready and anxious to hear from Even than Isak was. The lyrics of Cherry Wine are moving in and of themselves but I think they were even more so because… we immediately get it. That Even doesn’t feel like he can reach out more than indirectly and his meaning with this one is really transparent. It starts here:
The noise in my head, the curse of the talented
Which pings right away as him acknowledging his bipolar, an emotional moment in itself because it’s really the first time we get to see him do that. It’s the first time that Isak and Even and the audience are all on the same page here. In the same text we get:
Strong communicator,vagabondI gallivant around the equator, And that would get me off the radar
Less direct but there’s this sense of owned unreliability (vagabond, gallivant) and also not wanting to be seen (get me off the radar, though I like the other copy of the lyrics that he didn’t use better “if that would get me off the radar”) that really clicks with Even as we’ve seen him; seemingly confident, unpredictable, and in this place of not wanting to tell Isak (before it came out on its own). 
Then there’s a break and next:
It’s so intense, I’m on my Lilo and StitchPour my Pino Grigio with some lime what is this?
Again, it’s an easy read to see him relating this to being bipolar with “It’s so intense, I’m on my Lilo and Stitch”. There’s even a sense of being in a usual state (with on marking it as not always something happening but my marking it something reoccurring and personal) of being pulled in two directions (Lilo and Stitch) there. 
An immaculate version of me and my babyWith all respect ‘cause you the only one that gets me
This keys in perfectly with us just having established ‘baby’ as their petname of choice in the scene the night before. And “an immaculate version” fits really well with that night too, with the white sheets and “uendelig” and the purity of that moment, as well as all the different ‘versions’ of Isak-and-Even being their thing. (This is especially notable as a lyrical pick Even would have had to make himself, because that’s the clean version of the lyrics and not the original ones.) And obviously “With all respect ‘cause you the only one that gets me”… my heart. 😭😭😭 That line really hurts because Even is putting it all out there, how much being with Isak has meant to him, how real it’s been for him and how he’s felt like Isak really gets him… but it’s only coming after Isak is thinking he doesn’t really know him at all. Which Even would be well aware was likely to be happening right now.
Where is he? The man who was just like meI heard he was hiding somewhere I can’t seeWhere is he? The man who was just like meHeard he was hiding somewhere I can’t see
And then obviously this hurtssss too because you know it’s a question Even probably asked in more than one way, he probably did ask where Isak was when he was coming down from the episode and now he’s more figurative asking it. And once again reinforcing the connection and similarity between them, right as he’s aware it might be breaking… ouch.
And I’m alone and I realize that when I get homeI wanna go through my red and my cherryYes, I’m alone and I realize when I get homeI wanna go through my red and my cherry
“And I’m alone and I realize that when I get home” just… it makes me think Julie Andem had this song in mind all along when structuring the end of ep 8. This is why it feels so masterful, it’s speaking for Even without requiring him to actually speak. We couldn’t really get anymore from Even at this point because Isak is our pov character and he isn’t ready to talk to him again but Cherry Wine brings us through exactly what Even must have gone through post 15:15-1:01 himself. On one hand, there’s an underlying unease you get from the resignation of “And I’m alone” moving to “Yes, I’m alone”. It fits into how he feels alone in his brain and also how he was talking the night before about losing what they had, anticipating it before it happened. The melancholy and yearning feeling of this section, the reaching out with “I wanna go through my red and my cherry” is perfect to bring you from Even last night to Even now. It’s especially poignant, how much the lyrics are about searching and calling out. As he’s showing by sending these lyrics in the first place, Even might have been telling himself that losing Isak was inevitable but he doesn’t want to. He’s still reaching out with this, it’s just in a very heartbreaking way.
Yeah, yeah, let’s pour some cherry wineEverything’s good, everything’s fineYeah, yeah, we bring it every timeYeah, pour a little cherry wine
Yeah, hey yo, salaam, yeah, I think they know the timeEverything’s good, everything’s fineYeah, pour a little cherry wine, yeahLife is good, life is good, yeah
Life is good, no matter whatLife is good, life is goodLife if [sic] good, yeah, no matter whatLife is good
And then the lyrics end with this repetition of both “Everything’s good, everything’s fine” and “Life is good” that here reads like an attempt at self-reassurance, an attempt to keep things together when things clearly aren’t fine and Even isn’t able to see that “life is good” at all. The staccato repetition of the end is something that becomes a good split between Even and Isak’s perspectives too: for Even, it feels like he needs to keep repeating this to himself, keep trying to tell himself this and for Isak, it emphasizes how all of this is speeding past as he reads, not really getting through and seeming an incomprehensible stream of words.
That’s the other real point of genius with this, it’s well established to us that Isak isn’t getting all this from the lyrics. The clip opens with this tense, ominous guitar riff and Isak reading about bipolar disorder and the sound of all these texts coming in close together that he’s ignoring. So of course we get it, that he doesn’t get it. That it seems like maybe another inexplicable thing Even is doing because he’s manic, that it reminds Isak too much of the incoherent strings of biblical texts that he gets from his mother and ignores. It also opens with this already in progress (the first thing we hear is a text arriving) and since the lyrics we get are the end of the song, it’s very likely Even has been sending him the whole thing. Which makes it easier for us to do a targeted reading on what Even means by this but harder for Isak. 
And then there’s this really nice other layer that comes with Skam being very grounded in the real world, that you can go read about the song and any meta about it does exist for them too. So this time, it was such a punch in the gut to have someone point out after this clip:
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Annnnnnd know that Even would most likely know that as a fan of Nas. You can even go back and pick through the rest of the lyrics we didn’t see him send and do a deep read on them too, like “I want some who like the champagne I like / My a-alike, someone to talk me off the bridge any day or night” and know Even is over there connected to this too. So now we get to go into this week hearing about what Even is feeling from Even himself… and yet we kind of got this message under Isak’s nose. He was there, he read it too but only we fully got the message. This was just such a smart way to make use of his limited perspective.
Cherry Wine is more vital than it might seem because it’s really our one window into Even’s thoughts before we get his text in at the end of ep 9. I think it serves to get us there, to see just how deeply this could have effected him, when we have an idea of how much Even much is trying to say and the response being “Hi Even. I don’t understand shit right now. Stop texting me.” It allows us to be more in Even’s head with the depth of the loss he feels, which is important when he’s about to go to such a low place after this.
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bettername2come ¡ 7 years ago
Be Prepared
Also available here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12813645
Cisco’s name lit up the screen of Oliver’s phone. Oliver sighed. Just once he wished the younger hero would call him with good news.
“Please don’t tell me the wedding is off again,” Oliver said by way of greeting.
“Bite your tongue! No, no, Barry and Iris are getting their day in the sun, no matter what it takes, and, as best man, it is my job to make that happen.”
“So what are you calling me for?”
“If this wedding is going to go off without a hitch, I need all their heroes to bring their A-game. And their weapons. Lots of weapons. And their suits, and I don’t mean tuxedos.”
“Why? Did you vibe something?”
Cisco scoffed. “I don’t need to vibe something to know that putting a couple dozen superheroes in a room together is bound to make us a target for any number of supervillains out there, especially ones from the future, which means I have another call to make when we’re done here.”
“Cisco, you do realize I’m still suspected of being the Green Arrow?”
“What, and that suspicion is going to go away if the Green Arrow isn’t seen in Central City the weekend you’re here for Barry’s wedding? If it didn’t go away the first two times you were exonerated, it won’t happen now.”
“I can’t just walk into the church with a recurve bow. I know people tend to look the other way when they see weird stuff in Central City, but I think that one’ll get their attention.”
“Way ahead of you, man,” Cisco said.
Before Oliver could ask what he meant, a small blue breach opened up and a green box appeared on the console of the lair.
“What is this?” Oliver asked as he opened the box.
“Collapsible bow. Collapses down to about six inches. Easily concealed in a coat pocket with fletchettes.”
“This is crazy.”
“Yeah, well so are our enemies. So will you bring it?”
Oliver sighed. It wasn’t the craziest idea he’d heard. “All right, fine, I’ll bring it.”
“Thank you! Oh, and practice your magic!”
“We need to be prepared from all types of enemies – alien, human, meta, magical. Our magical resources are limited, which means you and Amaya need to be ready to go.”
“I can barely counter dark magic, Cisco.”
“Exactly. Which is why you need to practice, in case a time-traveling Damien Darhk follows the Legends here.”
“You’re not going to let this go, are you?”
“One good day, that’s all I ask.”
Oliver sighed again. “Fine. I will have the bow and magic standing by.”
“Great. And pass the message on to the rest of the team, not that Felicity would go anywhere without her tablet anyway.”
“So you’re not going to try to claim your just as a good a hacker as she is?”
Cisco scoffed. “Please. If anything goes wrong, I’m gonna need these hands free to breach everyone the hell out of there or blast at bad guys.
“So, you’re really gonna fight this time?”
“Yes, I’m really gonna fight this time. Don’t act like you haven’t seen the YouTube videos.”
Sara was standing on the bridge of The Waverider trying to determine the team’s next mission when Gideon interrupted her train of thought.
“Captain, we’re receiving a transmission from November 2017 at STAR Labs. Would you like to receive it?”
“Yes, Gideon, patch it through.”
Suddenly, Cisco’s face filled the video monitor. He laughed. “Great, it worked. Do you know how hard it is to make contact with The Waverider?”
“Well, no one said time travel was easy,” Sara replied. “What’s wrong, Cisco?”
“Nothing that I know of,” Cisco said. “I was actually calling to see if you could check up on that for me. I need to make sure there’s no catastrophes scheduled for November 26, 2017.”
Sara rolled her eyes. “That is a complete abuse of Gideon’s power. She’s a highly powered computer system, not a glorified weather predictor. The wedding is going to be just fine.”
“I’m sorry, does the marriage of one of Earth’s mightiest heroes not sound like something evil time travelers would be interested in?”
“Eobard’s dead, Cisco.”
“Sure, now. But that hasn’t stopped him from screwing up our lives before. And he’s not the only supervillain who might set his sights on Iris and Barry’s special day, so do me a favor and just run the date, would you?”
Sara sighed. “Gideon, check the date.”
“According to my records, there are no major disasters in Central City on November 26 and historical records show that Barry Allen and Iris West were married on that day. Is there anything else you’d like to know, Mr. Ramon?”
“Actually – “
“No, Gideon, he won’t need to know anything else,” Sara said, cutting him off.
“Fine, fine. Hoard the knowledge of the future on a computer that Barry created. Will create. Whatever.”
“I will. The timeline must be preserved.” Did she sound like Rip? Oh, God, she sounded like Rip. Next thing you knew, she’d be speaking with an English accent. “I’ll see you in a few days, Cisco.”
“Wait, there’s one more thing.”
“Come to the wedding completely prepared for a fight.”
“I’m always prepared for a fight.”
“I know, just, as much as it pains me to say this, make sure Mick brings the heat gun.”
“He always has the heat gun. Ray will have the Atom suit and everybody else will have their powers on standby. If anybody tries to screw up their wedding, they’ll have to go through us.”
“Wow,” Cisco said. “Y’all are really like a psychotic band of Boy Scouts, aren’t you?”
“Says the guy who just made a call through time to make sure his friends’ wedding went off without a hitch.”
“Fair enough. See you at the wedding.”
Kara was doing research on a story at home when the blue swirling vortex appeared in her living room. She jumped up, readying herself for a fight before she remembered just who would be opening a blue wormhole in her living room. Sure enough, a moment later Cisco jumped out of the breach.
“Cisco!” she said, reaching out to hug her fellow hero. “It’s so good to see you. Wait, am I late? I thought the wedding wasn’t until this weekend. Is time moving differently between earths because Winn watched The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe again and we’ve been having this debate �� “
“No, you’re not late, everything is fine and your interdimensional extrapolator should be working to get you here when you need to, I just had one teeny question – who’s your plus one?”
“It’s the happiest day of their lives, so of course, something is going to go horribly wrong because we can’t have nice things! So I was just wondering if you were bringing Mon-El, because honestly, we’re a little lacking in the alien invulnerability power arena and he’d make a good resource.”
“I – we’re not – Mon-El,” she stuttered. Kara took a deep breath. “Mon-El left earth for a while and he just got back got back from the future with his wife, so no, I will not be bringing him to the wedding.”
“Ouch. I’m sorry.”
Kara waved him off. “Not your fault, I get it. I mean, I didn’t tell you guys when Mon-El left, so it’s not like you could know, and you really couldn’t have predicted that time travel would be screwing up my love life.”
“Actually, that’s pretty normal for our team.”
“Oh, good, well maybe you can help me figure out how to deal with it,” Kara said. “Anyway, I’m bringing Alex because she’s starting to think I made you guys up. And she just broke up with her girlfriend and I think the trip could be good for getting her mind off things.”
“You think a wedding would help her get her mind off of her breakup?”
“I shoot lasers from my eyes, Cisco, do you really want to question how I help my sister?”
Cisco backed up a step. “Why is every woman I know scary? Okay, look, I’m just trying to make sure Barry and Iris’s wedding goes off without a hitch, and you know every time our worlds communicate some kind of huge disaster happens–“
“Barry’s first visit wasn’t a huge disaster – “
“ – and I am just trying to make sure we’re prepared for whatever happens and we’ve already invited a scary black ops secret agent woman to the wedding and Barry’s never even met your sister, so maybe it would be better if brought, say, J’onn, to the wedding.”
“What? This could be good for him. He can learn more about our earth, compare differences, chat with Lyla about how to prevent potential alien invasions.”
“Cisco, it’s my invitation, it says plus one and I’m bringing my sister, who’s more than capable of kicking alien ass if it’s a requirement. If you would like J’onn to come, you’re going to have to send another invitation.”
Cisco sighed. “I don’t think that’s going to work. The venue’s packed to capacity as is.”
“Well, good, because I’d feel better knowing J’onn’s looking out for my earth while I’m gone. Everything’s going to be fine.”
“Yeah, sure, nothing in our lives is ever fine, but let’s go with that.”
“I will bring the suit and have Alex bring her tactical gear if it makes you feel any better.”
“It does, actually,” Cisco replied. “Okay, I’ll see you Saturday.” And with that, he threw open another breach and crossed back to his world.
When the big day came and Iris and Barry’s wedding was literally interrupted by invaders from another world, the first thought to cross Oliver, Sara and Kara’s minds was Crap. He was right.
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autoirishlitdiscourses ¡ 4 years ago
Discourse of Tuesday, 08 September 2020
Well done on this you connected it effectively to do effectively in your paper even if you get a low C in the sequence twice; changed bleached potato-stalks; and also correlated strongly with how they relate to the individual phrases in your delivery was sensitive to the section up for the final, a good student! Well done. Let me know if you go out of your introduction: what do you analyze your points, that there is a clever rhetorical move that the hard things to say, I think it's very likely that you'll run out of lecture on the exam, and gender are related. Section of the island. You had a B-for the quarter, though I don't think there are currently being discussed; so Mary may be able to find a room. Hello, colleagues! Discussion Section Guidelines handout. As I said last night, and you should spend at least some effort looking at their level of deviousness, intelligence, or very very very good work here, though there was more lecture-oriented than discussion-oriented than it already does. I graded. Well done on this you connected it effectively to larger-scale details of your plans appears to have a perceptive observation about the specifics of the text s with which you sometimes it's necessary to complete the test. Here's what everyone is able to make it by adding. I can point people when looking at. Recitation:, W. Just a reminder that I count the entire thing; perusing the index might pay off in my office during office hours I hope your girlfriend's dental work went well and is entirely understandable, but will post your recitation that departs from the selection in the paper itself. Doubtless the library either has a strong delivery. You will also have noticed this, since I'm going to be sympathetic toward the Nugents there are places where you need to think critically about your topic needs more attention to the phrase and the enormity of the ideas you had an excellent job of balancing the competing necessities to provide additional information you are interested in the second half of The Butcher Boy.
Again, well done overall. I suppose. I think that this is a pleasure having you in section I was wondering whether we'll be having section during Thanksgiving week has been a fun class to engage critically with reliable historical sources would pay off. Exactly. What I'd encourage you to be aware that you should be cognizant of what handicaps they may live? Discussion: Well done on this you connected it effectively to larger concerns of the next thing what does it mean to extend the Irish Republic issued by the Office of Judicial Affairs that does not conform to the text imagines its reader, but rather that you find helpful, and during my office hours at all I myself tend to think specifically about this. As promised in the symbolism of the midterm; c divorce is essentially impossible in Ireland at the same degree that you need to be spending time thinking about it from a difficult way to move towards a final selection for what is difficult, and to avoid departing until afterwards, even if the group enjoyed it. I'll most likely cause is that your plans by 10 a. Ultimately, what you wanted to follow up with an unnamed nationalist called only the citizen. What have I emphasized enough that I set the bar for anyone to assume that you don't have a good conversational move might be photos of the two tendencies in Irish: English translation: The Search for the quarter he had to happen is for most of your paper should be more beneficial to both phenomena, integrating your various texts in more detail. I think you overlooked people in, so I wouldn't have thought out that you took. And your writing is quite lucid and compelling, and we will have to worry about not having a different version of your interest, and perhaps then to have a backup plan in case of emergency, please. I think, but I'm also happy to hear, but just that your recitation in section this information allows them to ask about these, if you're talking about the Lestrygonians episode would have needed to make sure it doesn't cause me to let it motivate other people to go over twelve, I think that your discussion outline, but I'm sending this tonight because I think that a female role model, or if I recall correctly: once during the first time, to gain access to educational services, regardless of the paper in such a good idea in a different direction. Your thinking about it, then do come to section I was too harsh on some important issues and weaves them gracefully without losing the momentum of your own larger-scale course concerns and did a very small number of formatting and grammatical problems here—and you've written, which would have gotten this to make your own responses, OK?
ID #8 was The significance of ID #8 was The significance of ID #8 was The significance of the more likely he is currently better developed and more specifically. Pick a few students with whom I will do when you're in front of the stack anyway. Mooney. Again, I think that there's a chance to be about.
I'll hold you to push your paper topic and has a clear argumentative thread, and everything looks good to me/. You might look specifically at Bottle and Fishes; Clarinet and Bottle of Rum on a date, then there are some ways. You should quote from the paper as Beckett-focused, and coming up with a worn pick, OK? And what kind of plans for the final. If you want to go is also doing a very graceful sense of what handicaps they may set you up for discussion by email: Yes, there may be that your texts; it sounds like you already sent it quite a D for the recitation half of The Butcher Boy song on p. I think that that's quite comprehensive. You've both been very successful paper here, I think that your recitation plans by 10 a. Perhaps an interesting passage and gave what was overall an excellent delivery, and in section, but it's your job to engage other students were engaged and engaging, and to motivate the discussion keep going past ten minutes if it works for the compliments, and only being able to right; that we have seen here would be for you. Or am I now I? Think, too. You handled your material very effectively to larger themes remember that we do have one extensive monologue from someone who provides you with 94. Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail. Should I announce it to move forward and make sure that you're all scheduled for the text. And comes to find something that gets beaten into shape this is not a three-syllable metrical foot, accented-unaccented. The sound effects were also flexible and adaptable in terms of which is a mid-century, and to interrogate your historical sources with a grade by Friday, I can assess your recitation comes, make selections that allow people to discuss specific questions about this in your thesis what kind of love best qualifies as the source you're using it. I were at home or on campus at all about this in your thesis statement, but that a cynical and dangerous rhetoric has co-opted a historical document and audiovisual component. You picked a selection of an A in the romance meta-narrative arc, and it showed. The University of California does not include your bonus for attending section on the section website: Pre-1971 British and Irish literature in English department mail room South Hall 3421 as soon as possible. Although there's no overlap in terms of the text than to worry about whether it's a wonderful break, and I will not happen at this point. Did our conversation after section last week. Just let me know if Tuesday will work for you to leave your luggage to section or lecture, or at least one of the song recordings I posted to the course's large-ish A-for the quarter, and b an explicit statement about how you'll effectively fill time and managed to earn participation points. Shift p. This is based on whether or not. Let me try again.
To do for herself, or about a specific topic and take a look at the idols of the bird as intermediary between this world, on the midterm exam have been balanced a bit to warm up more abstract and general phrasing to which your UMail addresses are forwarded are rejecting messages. It's just that you have missed for purposes of this poem than I had better news for you. Because the only student who was genuinely responsive to early questions didn't get any positive feedback and I'll see you in section this quarter, you can point the other, and, all of which is vitally important to the stage, your deadline for you—I've marked some places.
You might productively cue off of his job, and/or 3. Lust generally involves invoking one or two specific parts of the text s, but because it would be to do so, in relation to your analysis needs to frame itself explicitly as could be a good job here. You were nimble on your paper is worth the same day as another person, and your presence in front of the room. At the same source. There has never met. I think that It was a nice plan here. This document has not scheduled to recite, and gave a thoughtful, perceptive, gracefully written essay here. Choose either of these would be a productive exercise I myself tend to read The Butcher Boy, you'd just need to reschedule—they will be to try to force yourself to dig in deeper and/or need to refer to your paper as a whole and contextualizing the novel very closely. She knew at once.
You've put it another way to know exactly what this paper to be careful to avoid sending my students for review purposes. You might also get you your grade by 4 p. Thanks for all students during the week preceding the section, but you're doing all right with this by dropping back into lecture mode if people don't immediately jump to where you'd like. I would avoid making a specific point, but also identifying the sources of the spreadsheet, because people who attend section all ten weeks this quarter: U2's Sunday Bloody Sunday. I think that finding ways to do is check GOLD for other section is cuing off of the Discussion Section Guidelines handout. Can you confirm she was excellent. Do you have an excellent reader, it will help your grade by Friday. —, Ulysses is a clever rhetorical move, and didn't support your effort to say that there are places where I wanted to meet me. Wikipedia article on Giorgione's/Sleeping Venus/, because the opportunity to see the world is ultimately up to the historical and cultural context of the play in this way, it feels like it passes differently when you're on to point your students, and perhaps by doing a very small number of fingers to let me know if you let me know what times you're free and we'll work something out that many people wanted to be as successful as it's written, I Had a Future. But you really have done something that is easy to forget when you're in front of the poem, and I really appreciate, by the beginning of next week, in part because it's so centrally concerned with Irish nationalism, I think that it is probably unnecessary, because I don't know that you've got a very very close reading exercise of your recitation tonight. Thanks. If you glance over at me periodically, I think that you make meaningful contributions in a flirtatious correspondence with a copy of your underlying assumptions. It took the midterm. On Raglan Road 6 p.
Another small note: the professor to ensure that you will quite likely to be taken as Irish are more relaxed and have it by 5 p. However, please come to section on 27 November On Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot/has been fun to have in class with respect. I'll take a more explicit invitations would have paid off a lot of ways that you pick up the appropriate number of things very well-selected material to think in the assignment write-up, if you study and think about delivery; you adapted to the exam is tomorrow at 10 p. However, one or more implicit assertions to support it.
643, and think about what is the case and I quite liked a lot of ways that multiple texts, writing an A on an analysis. You should read the assigned poems by Yeats assigned for each one. Any significant deviation from the play, that's fine provided that no one else in your case, I'd rather they did on the day that your score on the final and with the process of elimination is often accomplished associatively rather than simply being in front of the starling but I have also helped to have practiced a bit more carefully to be clear to you, and I think your plan to recite because I think that bringing one of Ulysses opened to the pound, but I also understand that it's taken me so long to get out of 500 total points for attending even if you really have done a solid job here. I have to make productive suggestions. So you can come up with something you like and are able to find that the professor topic is potentially profitable analytical path that you will have to drop a photocopy of that first draft I often do, because asking people whether they agree with you to reschedule, and next week. I think, but this is to think more specifically, you have a backup plan in case it's hard to get people to discuss the grade I gave for all of these is that eventually you'll want to discuss in only small ways, and you've remained fair to each other you give a recitation for 27 November discussion of your discussion, of course, in turn, based on your paper is often accomplished associatively rather than proving points by demolishing counterarguments, is holding a midterm to get people to discuss specific questions that are not allowed to run into two related problems. I'll be awake for a quarter.
Of course I'll still take it off at ten minutes with it, then let me know if you make in this, I think that you are nervous about possibly having accidentally leaked confidential information, but all in all other ways in which you are actually going and how that ties into the story as an undergraduate were in Chris's, since I don't fully know myself the professor is behind a bit more would have liked generally lost points for section attendance, not to say and interacted with the selection. All of which I think that this may be one of two categories. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon there are probably mandated by the time that you'll do a substantial portion of the audio or visual component of your discussion questions if they do. The Stare's Nest to the logical and narrative structure of the Aran Islands no photos, though as I said, were everywhere but operated independently and no one else does feeling.
Ultimately, I think that articulating your criteria in this matter and wanted to follow your analysis, not to shoot for ten minutes to complete a COMMA specialization, graduating seniors who need to do. You picked a very good work here, but consists of disconnected observations or other types of problems at different scales, and will use these two.
I think it will probably drag you up to your analysis, even though it would be to make progress toward graduation that satisfies the requirements out from hanging out her washing; changed done to set up in front of a videographer, though. Ultimately, why do we evaluate what Gertie wants and how would his readers have understood these attitudes when the hmm, he just shrugged instead of making a cognitive leap. Having to seek emergency medical treatment twice is a hard skill to develop a larger-scale details of the text in question and arguing a specific topic with sufficient depth or specificity. 9 or higher on the significance of this offer no one talking but you already know: you need to have wandered rather sometimes far afield from your own writing and polished work. All of these various types and weave them into a strongly motivated demonstration of relevance specific questions you want to go; it's just that you originally selected. Grammatical and usage errors, if you'd like. His Wife, and might be photos of the title and copyright pages because there's a complex task and fall into the A range for the English-language writer from Coleridge's time forward. /Truly unavoidable/, please feel free to fill out your own ideas. And you are, but I did to so I know my handwriting is hard-nosed about such things as you have the opportunity for you to talk. I think you're moving too quickly to pay more attention to micro-level interpretations of the text in question generally or always plays by the end of the show is that your paper. If you want to take so long to get an add code for that because the justice system has its hands tied by a group is, or make large-ish rooms available, that asking questions of gradually increasing abstraction. Alternately, you have nowhere to store your luggage to section I should prioritize crashers? Late papers are assigned based on your writing is also a nice touch, too, that there are a few spots open, so overall they haven't started it yet, but that it takes. Change to attendance policy: the paper assignment include a copy on the final! I'm glad you thought of it, and they also show that you're doing this. One option would be the most significant and depending on to something quite productive, because there are variations between individual Irishmen and-voice arrangement of the two or three blank ones but seem to have happen is that it looks like the Synge vocabulary quiz. I currently have a set of questions and letting the class and kicked the topic's rear end. Let me know ASAP remember that your citation page distinguish this. As it is your responsibility to ensure that you have to do so would be to spend more time will result in no section credit; missing more than once before, say, there may not have started reading McCabe yet if they're cuing off of his relationship with each other. You are absolutely capable of this as the major possibilities, you did a very good close reading of Yeats's September 1913, which I scribble notes about things forever, and what you're going nor do I necessarily agree with you will almost certainly a useful skill, too, about what I'm expecting it's a beautiful little gems throughout the novel.
This is a high bar for A papers. I'm wrong about how much you can make reading suggestions if you count days from a topic that's personally interesting and possibly very productive, because that will help your grade is calculated and I will take as long as to allow for a moment, points assigned for each one. Give us a touch, Poldy. Midterm review. Overall, I felt occasionally that the Churchill speech is also constantly thinking in his own thoughts on this. Etc. There were some retractions and pauses for recall and some people may get more than three sections, you still manage to engage critically with reliable historical sources with a judgment, and what does old Sull do; changed hell to heaven to hell; changed for to cause in for you. Thanks for the exam, is Molly in Ulysses and their relationship, but you really have done some very good plan going into the text.
I just finished grading the final. If you need me to refine your topic is potentially a very graceful job of engaging the class this quarter, I recall correctly, a fraction between zero and one days late 10 _3-length paper. You had said that was explained to the end of your skull with the final, you did warm up, but really, though, that was fair to ask why love seems so often to be wrong, but none of your choice related to each other with more concrete questions might have heard about. I'll see you next week: you had a chance to do it by then. Papers, Seventh Edition; there are several All in all other races?
You have a 91. I liked it. This may very well done! You did a good student this quarter, then you may hit that number this quarter, so it would have to pick out the issues involved in thinking about how Joyce portrays the sexual content of his lecture pace rather than an analysis of a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a number of students who'd been disengaged really took the midterm!
I will give him an F, having managed to introduce a large number of students—or if Gertie is generally not only keeps us on task, as I said in the position of protector from the second line of discussion and helped to make this offer to anyone else is planning substantial areas of your paper's structure often causes your very rare moments of suboptimal expression are rather nebulous. 5:00 and 12:00 section. To-morrow the hour of the more recent versions at all. Does that help? To be more impassioned delivery of the more likely it would be found online at or, if they could stand?
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