#also thank you 🙏 for reading my long posts that makes me so happy 🥰🥰
tutuandscoot · 2 years
One thing I don’t think I’ve seen you speak about is (what I would consider to be beautiful improvement in) Tessa’s arm and hand extension between 2010 and 2018. I think that when she was younger she extended well but at times could be rigid in her hands from the wrist (actually I think you talked about that re Scott and the move to Montreal - we do read your long posts!). By the time 2018 came around, the fluidity was just gorgeous. I always think about the moment right before the Carmen lift in the Moulin Rouge Olympics IE dance, when she rounds the curve of the boards and her left arm is in a beautiful position right before she launches into the backflip (sort of third position with her other arm holding Scott). Anyways I think you’ll know the moment. It’s not to say that her hands weren’t beautiful before, just I thought better over time. What do you think? Happy weekend :)
Medium-length Post:
Omg yes this is something I need to talk about!!
I totally agree with the first bit you said about the stiffness in her hands as opposed to later on. I see people say when they’ve first watched them ‘oh she has beautiful arms and hands’ and I think yes she does but there were small things earlier on I can nit pick while she just improved them so much throughout their career- and when you are watching them in 2010 and saying her arms are stunning- then looking at 8 years worth of work and growth it’s mind blowing how much better she got!
So this rigidness I think is most obvious in their 2010 oly programs, In their CD and Mahler: I’m really not sure why this is and tbh it was the most significant in these programs that the olys. She hadn’t done this really before in other tango programs- not this much at least with her fingers straight together and yeah kinda stiff at the wrist, same in moments in Mahler, but like with the first gif then into these beautiful 5th positions with her hands held beautifully.. I’m not sure whether it was nerves kicking in and she was holding tension.. it’s a bit odd..
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Ironically, in examining Valse Triste and Umbrellas, you can see a quite stark quality difference in both their upper body/arm carriage.
Valse triste they both had quite exquisite pure classical lines, hand extension (for their young age their relative maturity of movement is quite impressive).
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Then in Umbrellas.. yes this kind of can be categorised as a ‘lyrical’ routine but I wouldn’t really describe it as that.. it’s really just a ‘free dance’ in literal definition. It’s just dancing as humans- not even ‘trained dancers’. So in this I feel they loose a bit of that pure classical quality, not in a bad way, but in comparing the precision to VT, you see the difference. Lines don’t quite get finished in the same way, not passing through foundational positions (1st, 5th, 3rd, etc).
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It was a lot better in The Seasons- much more fluidity in her hands- at times almost becoming a little ‘fluffy’ but perfectly appropriate to the style, character, etc.
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Another great moment to compare is her free arm in the rhumba pattern between 2012/2018. Throughout the season she would normally put her hand on top of his on her hip in the Choctaw but I just saw here at worlds she kept it extended similar to how she did in SFTD- so better to compare (even though the camera angle isn’t great for it). In 2018 there is just so much flow and confidence/ease in it, like she really, truly isn’t thinking about it in SFTD. The coordination is perfect. There’s maturity and sensuality in it, she’s just totally owning it right to her fingertips, she’s feeling herself in that moment, that chore, style, costume, all of it. 2012 she was doing the chore extremely well, but not feeling it to the fullest extent.
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And yes as you said that moment in MR before the lift is stunning. The arm position, hand positions- EMOTION in it. And really throughout this performance, I know I banged on about Scott’s extension in this but hers as well- they were S T U N N I N G.
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Another thing; This doesn’t have everything to do with but also kind of, so I’ll just mention it briefly: her costumes (the long sleeve ones) in 17/18 did WONDERS for her- this was really a fantastic dress design for her especially in how it accentuates her arms. TESSA IS B E A U T I F UL.. she’s athletic- she’s not this tiny little weak, &norXić thing that can’t hold herself, she is muscular, strong, powerful, terrifying. She’s also very pale- like the angel she is that was born to dance on ice. While those things make her exquisitely beautiful, they also contribute to her limbs sometimes not looking the most slim and toned (speaking for myself bc I have the same pale skin tone and muscular build), so she has to work extra hard at toning her arms and even then, a more tan colour just highlights that definition more.. especially on ice her pale skin against white can get lost. SO the long sleeve mesh was a god send for her because the way mesh stretches and interacts with movement/light highlights all her beautiful muscles, shoulders, and even.. not at all in a negative way against her natural beauty, slimmed her muscular back and torso down, just brought it down a bit and for the character of MR, in those moments where she had to be fragile but also incredibly sensual in others, just in the slightest way in working with her natural physique, slimmed her down and getting back to the topic of her arms, accentuated her already gorgeous lines. (She also physically slimmed down/lost some weight for the olys but that’s for another post).
The one program I’ve left out of this is Latch (and I’m sorry I have no gif room left to include a clip 😑) even the change/improvement between latch and MR.. where as in MR I talked about that slimming factor the dresses gave her, the Latch costume had the opposite effect but in a way that was very well suited to the movement/style and story. It was more athletic in a grounded way. Contemporary movement isn’t always ‘pretty’ and ‘balletic’. She expressed the movement incredibly well and they both showed again how they can adapt to any style- they aren’t simply the ‘lyrical’ skaters they were pigeoned holed as. Most certainly there are photos of them in Latch where her arm positions aren’t the prettiest- elbows rotated/ hyper extended, spiky fingers in moments, etc, but that happens to everyone.. and it doesn’t take away from the experience I have watching them. Latch like Umbrellas I feel, while in a different way is similarly a very human dance- not a obvious study in a particular movement style.. the way they move is just a vehicle to express the story, so i can forgive the movement not being picture perfect in every still image because it is about the emotion and interaction between them.
So while her arms were beautiful.. there is something I need to pick on.
Here when her arms are extended.. her elbows are kinda rotated the wrong way (but not by much). The inside of the elbows should be rotated down and upper arms rotated forward.
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(Hopefully my lil scribbles make sense)
Ballet arm positions are very hard to perfect.. essentially every part of the arm has to be rotated the opposite way- like a Chinese burn (can u still call it that??) motion. It’s only subtle but the first time I recall watching Mahler I thought about this- that she’s beautiful, a true dancer, clearly has ballet training, but there’s that small detail with her arms that’s not quite ‘correct’.
A lot of it comes with maturity as well- not just training. Maturity of movement, expression. You are always rediscovering how your body moves within the parameters of the art form and how to best suit it to your body. This particular detail improved a lot- like I said essentially I didn’t really see in VT, it came after that and was quite obvious in 2010, along with the kind of rigid hands, the hand thing kinda went away after that.. it was really only Mahler I noticed it in, then yeah her arm positions (shape) improved heaps through to 2014, latch had its own thing going on in relation to the movement (change in personal movement expression/physique which I’ll talk about another time) then MR was just stunning- again both of them finding that together.
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(Ballerina is Marianela Nunez of The Royal Ballet- Tessa in ballerina form essentially. Photos by Mariah Elena Buckley)
Why you don’t really notice this.. or people are able to watch her and say her arms are beautiful, is because she has such stunning posture and works her arms from her back. she never has any stiffness in her neck, her presence- the way she uses her eyeline, her twinkling eyes and smile, how she relates to Scott, projects to the back row of the audience, that freedom of movement is stunning. While the exact precise technique wasn’t always perfect, she always created beautiful lines. She had great body awareness- the shapes they created together were always complementary- they were very aware of how they looked physically together from the outside (again that improved massively as they got older as well). You can tell there is ballet training there with her, a lot of other girls there isn’t this quality- they don’t move like dancers. They don’t feel their bodies like dancers.
It’s so cool you’ve picked up on this anon bc I don’t know how many would.. it’s perfectly reasonable and I think it’s good to constructively criticise them, even 5 years post- competitive career, because they are wonderful, spectacular, by far the best there have ever been not just for their athleticism but their mental fortitude and example of teamwork and compassion. Of course they aren’t perfect, of course they didn’t arrive on the senior circuit perfect, they got better and better every year, while navigating ups and downs, and no doubt there would been more potential to explore post-2018, but as is life they had to move on.
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arknights-imagines · 9 months
Exe's Current WIP and Requests Queue 📝💕!!
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Hiya everyone evsgshe 💕! I hope all of you have been well 🥰~
I wanted to share what I have in the works right now and also what I have planned ahead aaaa 🤔!
Firstly, what I'm working on currently is this request for Jaye 🥺!! I haven't written for him since my Valentine's Day event, and he was v fun to write for aaaa 🙏 so I'm happy to do it again!
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As for what I have that I'd like to do afterward svdhgde please continue reading if it the news interests you 🥺 If not, then please have a good day and remember to take care of yourself 💕~
Mostly, I picked requests for characters I've been wanting a long time to write for wbsjhe 😭
There's a cute request for Enforcer aaa (my first 'kissing session' piece with Executor and SilverAsh was lots of fun so I'm happy to have a reason to write another one 🥰~):
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And also, a v v adorable and creative request for Lumen 😭! I thought this idea was super cute and fit Lumen well, so I most definitely want to do it!:
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Then, this sweet and fluffy request for Czerny 🥺! Since that post I made about his skin lolosljske and also the rerun of the Lingering Echos event, I was hoping for an opportunity with Czerny's character as I haven't written for him before svshhs 🤔!:
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And finally, I'm considering sneaking in this request for Executor the Ex Foedere 💕😭! (It's the first and only request for 'Rico's alter I've gotten so far sbsjhde so tysm for sending it in 🐲 anon!) I'm Exe after all, so of course I've been really hoping for an opportunity to write for Executor the Ex Foedere...😖💞!
I have a few ideas of my own for pieces I could write for 'Rico's alternate, but you guys always have v creative ideas sbsjsh so I'm also waiting on more requests for him from anyone who's willing 🙏🥺!!:
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As usual, this queue is subject to change and additions svshhs 💕! I always like to have a balance between female characters and male characters, as well as more popular characters (such as SilverAsh and Phantom!) and more underrated characters (such as Czerny!), so I tend to center my request queue on said balance 👍
(I'm hoping for some Arknights wife requests to balance out the husband requests lololsbsjs 🥺)
Anywho, please do continue send in requests svshhs 🤲 they make me v happy to receive and I'm always v grateful for each one~ and my work for the blog wouldn't be possible without them!
That's all for now 💕! I hope you'll all look forward to what I have upcoming and I'll promise to do my best for all of you as always 🥺🥰~
Thank you v much for your time if you've read this far aaa 🙏 Please remember to take care of yourselves and I hope you'll keep sticking around 💕! Please have a good day 🌼!!
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Yours Truly,
- An Exe at work 💕! (and a 'Rico/Executor who kindly reminds everyone that we both love all of you lots svhdhdd!!)
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analogwriting · 8 months
We have come to an end. One of the best fics I’ve ever read fr
It’s been a year since I actually follow a fic like this. It had me on a chokehold fr LMAO. I loved the way you wrote everyone, it was so unique? Like, yeah, everyone write Eustass as the dumbass with anger issues, but idk your writing was more than that. I think it also helps we were his sibling, so it was easier to make him more than a screaming redhead lol. And I was happy you actually included the others on the crew, because most people forget about them (Hip my daughter with all disorders I love you ❤️)
Also… the ending was hot ngl I hope you make that extra chapter with different body types, but then again I guess that could be difficult and the fic is already perfect so no pressure (Killer really IS a threat to feminism though)
I wanted to say more but this ask is already too long, and that’s long rants anon’s job LMAO /j (though I am very curious to see what they have to say I love their asks)
- number 1 kese hater, not anon anymore :)
fjsjd thank you so much. it means a lot. ALSO??? LORE DROP OF WHO YOU ARE HELLO???? I am very honored frfr (we all know you'll be the number one kese hater forever tho)
i just thought kid was always more spitfire than angry. just loud with a lot of opinions and a big ego lmao. but it's always obvious (to me at least) how much he cares about his crew. I mean we all heard what he said in wano 👀 I'm glad you enjoyed the way I wrote him. I was worried I was deviating too much sometimes 🙏🙏
it's funny you bring up hip bc I almost threw her in there at one point but I stopped bc I was like "am I bring too extra w bringing in diff crew members" whenever I make a killer fic next, imma just say fuck it we ball and throw em all in there bc everyone seems to love all the crew members. it's me. I'm everyone. I love all the members of the kid pirates ongg
i love hearing what everyone has to say frfr no matter how long it is. I eat this shit upppp
again thank you for your kind words and support, I always looked forward to your asks after I posted a chapter frfr 🙏🙏🥰
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musette22 · 2 years
Hello my lovely!
So I ventured away from Stucky, and read my first ever Evanstan fic yesterday and now I feel like I must have more.
I know you have written an amazing collection of EvanStan fan fiction and I’m also guessing you’ve read your fair share too?
So could you please 🙏 rec me one of your fics (the favourite one you’ve written?) and your absolute favourite EvanStan fic that you’ve personally read?
Eagerly waiting!💖
Hiii honey! Oh my god, that makes me so happy! Thanks for letting me know you've given Evanstan a try and you're hungry for more now 🥰 Very understandable, if you ask me 😘
Funnily enough, I may have written more Evanstan than I've read (it's to do with the fact that there's not as much fic out there, but also because I'm very specific when it comes to characterisation with Evanstan, more so than with Stucky). However, I've definitely read a number of absolutely amazing Evanstan fics!
One of my personal all time favourites is an AU, and it's a long one, but it's definitely worth the read if you've got time and energy for a long fic: Where The Interstate Ends by paperstorm. It's incredible! If you'd rather start with a shorter or non-AU fic, I can highly recommend With a Steady Hand, and a Little Time by the same author <3 A definite fave! (and have a look at this post and the links in it for more recs, if you like)
As for one of my own... I can't choose between Diving In The Deep End and There is a Tavern in the Town, so have both? 😅 If you end up reading any of these fics, I'd love to know what you thought! Thanks so much for dropping by and happy reading, lovely!! 💕💕
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allylikethecat · 1 year
I just discover your fic of Matty and Taylor taking place in 2014 and I'm really really really liking it, and I also have many questions of where are you leading the story to. I'm jumping on my chair while I'm writing this waiting respectfully for your next update.
Any hints of when that may be? 🙏😊
Yay!! Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying You Know Where the City Is! I was obsessed with the PR relationship that almost was back when I was in college, and after some encouragement, I decided to actually flesh out my fic about it and post it on AO3.
I've been having so much fun writing about my favorite fictionalized Bisexual Disaster Duo™️ and am so excited to hear that others are enjoying it as well! It's my favorite fic that I am currently working on (sorry!) and might be my favorite fic I've ever written (so far)!
The timing blows my mind though. I did not have the Matty / Taylor IRL situation on my 2023 Bingo card. I feel like I accidentally manifested something.
In terms of what's coming... let's just say 2015-2017 Matty was even messier than present day Matty, and in my fic, I'm excited to explore how the added pressure and fame that would came with being Taylor's boyfriend (even if it's all fake like in my fic) would impact that version of him and how it would have sped up the timeline / severity of some events, and the impact it would have on the trajectory of the band itself.
Plus, 2014/2015 Taylor was pretty messy as well, and not the most reliable narrator in this fic- she is very caught up in her own situation (not in a bad way, but in a very human way) and isn't necessarily aware of the carnage she is leaving in her wake. In this fictionalized version they are for sure enabling each other- this is for sure not one of those "I could fix him, I could make him better" situations and instead one of those "We could make each other worse" ones.
In terms of when the next update will be, I don't have any kind of set date because according to my ex I'm afraid of commitment (he's not wrong...) but I don't anticipate it being a very long wait! Most likely either the end of this week or early next week. I am actively working on the next chapter if that helps!
I'm so sorry I just wrote you a little novel in response to this ask- if you made it this far thank you so much! I am extremely excited about this fic and basically want to talk about it ALL THE TIME and am 100% taking myself way too seriously in analyzing it right now. But alas, that's half the fun (at least for me!)
Thank you so, so much for reading and reaching out! 🥰 I'm so totally overjoyed to hear that you like it!
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chaninfused · 1 year
furat i dont think you have like the slightest idea how i felt when i saw that you posted a new story. didnt felt this great feeling here in tumblr in a loong time 🥺🥺
not my first time sending feedback but i dont know if you remember me because the last time i did not put an emoji in my name nor i showed my username because im very shy 😅 but im a truly huge fan of your writing 🥹 like for the last three/four years ive read All your stories. and from the bottom of my heart, i truly love them all 🥲🩷 i think you have a creativity and way of words out of this planet, amazes me how gracious and beautiful your stories are… seriously i was so so excited when i saw this huge ass 60k fic for me to enjoy… it felt like the best gift 🥰🥺
fr vivid is AMAZING. i could say is your best fic so far but i think that everytime you release something… sit (which i still think about the last part until this day) and danse macabre are so precious to me that they feel like my own children… 🤕 i cherish them very much but this one physically hitted me. i was cold sweating reading the fight scenes… urghh you are the stories master and im very thankful for that 🙌 and lee minho god bless him everyday of his life 😭😭😭🙏 im reminded again that im crazy over this man. like seriously to this day i still did not recovered from danse macabre minho like damnn 🫣 and that short fic of seungmin makes me go Feral Of Cuteness
wanst my intention to got this far but i really wanted to say those things to you… furat youre the best at what you do 🫶 and idk just dropping the idea but you totally should continue your Dad Minho sequel thing.. i would love to see something for this universe! 👀😆
thank you for your great job and i hope you a lovely day, week and month 🤗🩷🫂
anonnie I don’t think you have the slightest idea how I felt reading this ask 🥹 it’s actually the sweetest thing ever, truly, thank you so much! ♥️♥️
it shocks and amazes me every time I hear that someone has been reading my writing for so long like how?! my silly little blog?? I’m just so eternally grateful 😭😭💕 and your feedback is so sweet and generous, thank you, really !!
I say this all the time but I’m really happy to know that you enjoyed vivid !! I enjoyed writing it myself and it’s honestly my dearest work at the moment (I feel like I sacrificed part of my soul in those 62k words 🥲) so it truly means so much to know that others have enjoyed it 🤧
also PLEASE I never noticed it but now that you point it out — in all of my minho fics he did become a father in the sequel 🧍🏻‍♀️ what a funny little coincidence HAHAHAH (jokes aside; I did have an idea for a short sequel for vivid but I did not intend to make them parents yet 😔 in my mind, I think they would have a child a little bit later in life because you know…mc’s trauma and all 😭 but who knows! the general idea I had for the sequel was their journey of healing so 👀 (but that is also totally dependent on whether or not I actually want to write a sequel😭))
anyway, anon you truly made my day with your lovely feedback !! you honestly flatter me, I don’t deserve all this praise 🥹🥹 thank you again, from the bottom of my heart, and I hope you too are having a wonderful day, week, and month !! 🫂♥️♥️♥️♥️
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babeejeon · 2 years
omg first and foremost, I need to calm the fuck down, secondly, how are you such a pure and accurate definition of an angel? and thirdly, are you a mind reader or did you exchange souls with me at the beginning of our lives? cuz damn, I just saw your pinned post and I really did feel the sincerity and it felt like your heart was full of all the love 😭💖 I really felt it 😔🙏 and tbh, I've been wanting to write a post like this for a while for the people I interact with on a daily basis on here, but it's just a feeling, and whenever I tried to pen down those emotions or feelings, I just couldn't. I hope you understand what I'm saying. but uhhmmm 😭😭😭 there have been literal tears in my eyes since I read your post because it's just so damn pure and emotional and contains facts! It's strange that how i just randomly clicked on a blog and the emotions I was trying to write down were right there in front of my eyes, and I'm just going feral now like idk what to say/do???
Just know that I love you 💖🥺 and that I am and will always be here for you no matter what !!!! You have no idea how much I love and appreciate you; you're an angel, and I've got to protect this angel at all costs. 🏃‍♀️ I'm planning a robbery at your house soon, and I'm going to make sure I have all of your cuddles, kisses, and hugs secured in my bag. sorry not sorry hehe 🥰💖
p.s: I relate to you on a whole new level 🧘‍♀️
me an angel??? no, you are an angel! This is the sweetest message I've recieved for a long while. Thank you so much 😍😍😭😭🥰🥰 I don't even know how to answer this much of a lovely message 🤍🤍
I know that sometimes, we want to say somethings, but don't know how to. Felt like that several times, and that's how I come up with that pinned post. In real life and also in online, I just sometimes find it hard to express my thoughts and feelings, and end up keeping them to myself. That doesn't reach the other side. In real life there is no pinned post, but here friends, mutuals and followers can see it and understand my heart.
I understand you and I feel you. It's really interesting how you felt the same thing. In my country there is such a saying like "One heart feels same like another heart." this is not the direct translation but it basically says that.
and, you are very welcome to my house 🤗😂😂 love you too and I am always here too. I really appreaciated your message and I hope something makes you so happy today, like your message did me.
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skippyv20 · 3 years
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Dear Skippy, I just read what you posted. Like many others, I would be so sad if you left us. I notice you had not posted today, but I figure you were busy doing something. I don’t make comments on your blog often, but I check in regularly. Also, I am so grateful to you for many little reasons, but because you & this community have helped me with prayers in the last 3 years. I was the one that asked for a prayer for my son when our family lost our cat, during the horrible Australian fires and then last year during the lockdown we lost a very dear friend. When Melbourne had its second lockdown, your blog really helped me. It was like an old friend to pass the time with, to laugh, to cry and even vent with. It was you and cpahlow that inspired me to finally get a tumblr account, mostly so I could post animal and landscape pictures. You were my 2nd follower and I remember being so excited when you started following me 😂😉🥰. Sorry, this was long. I am sending you many giant panda size hugs and lots of love. 🙏🙏🤗🤗❤️🐼❤️🐼❤️🐼
Thank you so much!  You are so very kind.  You have helped me through many dark days....you always make me smile...and I so love your posts....always so happy!  You are a blessing to me!  Thank you my dear friend!  Giant panda hugs right back to ya...and lots of love!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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