#also talk to me about Lyn & Florina
felikatze · 5 months
I never thought about it because. Well I haven't played fe6 completely yet. But like What. HUH. I also completely deleted the ninian thing from my brain even though just recently in my randomizer I got annoyed by cutscenes slowing the text down. Oops. Can't eliwood get paired with other people too.
eliwood can also get paired with, iirc, lyn, (cracks open wiki to check which pegasister it was) and fiora. (hector can get paired with farina, and florina is obviously in lesbians with lyn.)
so like, the dragon asthma is 100% because of roy's ambiguously dead mom. gotta get a reason for her to die. if you have eliwood marry lyn or fiora instead? congrats, you've just doomed them.
does any potential hector spouse get this treatment? NO. because lilina's mother simply Does Not Exist (casually pushes aside my "lilina is adopted" conspiracy based on her ogier support chain)
the REAL kicker about elinini though is that. it's sooo canon. it's so canon, but because there's TECHNICALLY other eliwood romance options, intsys can never confirm it for real to keep the shipbait alive (even if the other main eliwood ship is eliwood/hector, lol, and they sure don't have problems pandering to a m/m ship of ANOTHER lord with multiple romantic options.)
like. ninian is in love with eliwood. always. always. no matter who he ends up with. and like. THEY DID MAKE ELININI CANON IN HEROES ONCE?? so i was watching some Forging Bonds at random for fun and stumbled upon base Nils. The way this Nils talks and what he references - this Nils is post canon. He alludes to Ninian dying, his Ninian dying, but how it was her choice that led to it, and he has made peace with that. The Ninian he talks to has not made that choice yet, but Nils can tell she will make the same one his sister has, and he respects it. He grieves his sister, but he respects that she chose her happiness.
Nils' Ninian chose to stay with Eliwood.
Which only happens if you get the Eliwood/Ninian A support. after which they get married.
It actually is interesting that there's no hesitation to push the main ship of Lilina/Roy in fe6 related content, considering that Roy also has variable romance options (Larum, Shanna, Sophia, Sue, and Cecilia. But if you pick Cecilia i'm stealing something from your house. That one's gross.)
I think this is because confirming any one Roy ship has less repurcussion, considering that Roy has no canonical children, unlike Eliwood. Confirming someone to be Eliwood's wife will also confirm her to be Roy's mom, which has far wider reaching repurcussions. Even then, Lilina/Roy are in a perpetual state of "will they won't they", wherein Roy is oblivious to Lilina's feelings, and Lilina refuses to confess.
Honestlyyyyyy it's amazing intsys keeps ALL "non-canon" ships in limbo while also fucking up and making Elinini canon. It's also really frustrating to keep characters in narrative limbo and refuse to let them progress their relationships Ever. You see the worst in this with Engage Corrin, wherein they refuse to canonize a route of Fates, meaning Corrin can only give the vaguest of references and platitudes that make her a nothingburger of a character. Heroes' Corrins tend to be.... slightly less bad, since Heroes has the option of having multiple Corrins for multiple routes, thus having their cake and eating it too - letting Corrin directly reference routes, while canonizing none of them. Coughs. Byleth however.....
TLDR: give me a dragon Roy alt already, you fucking cowards
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furryprovocateur · 11 months
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on what planet did i get that much experience in this chapter? holy smokes.
no really i had to literally double check that experience counter. but it's right. god damn. 1200 experience in this dinky little chapter? it really surprises me because i wasn't expecting to get more than 800 experience, no less 150% of that. i can attribute that entirely to bringing no promoted units + bringing a bunch of benchwarmers to get as much experience as possible to soften the blow, but still.
with that in mind, i brought guy + lyn (the "we're going to fucking massacre the bottom fort" team), eliwood (he killed two pirates. good for him.), serra + priscilla + ninian (obvious), fiora + florina (that eastern fort was surprisingly annoying to deal with because of the purge bishop, but preemptively barrier-ing neutered him), and bartre + kent (probably the most precarious of the three fort duos, but bartre loves getting WTA and has enough HP that the ballistas are a joke and kent. . . well he's sure trying.).
funds took a massive hit here for two reasons: i promoted two units (priscilla and florina) and i recruited farina (you didn't think i was gonna renege on that, did you?). in spite of that, i canceled out the loss of an elysian whip by getting the basically free one in this chapter, so it's only a net loss of 30k and change as opposed to 40k. hurray? i'm almost certainly not promoting fiora at this point because, god bless her, she is great value florina and though they do have a nice C support that probably wouldn't be too hard to get to B or maybe even A, there's really no reason to use 3 fliers. heath and florina will basically turbotroll anything i want them to at this point, and while fiora was helpful at times, i just don't see myself fielding her much beyond the next chapter or two.
oh yeah i need to talk about how the chapter went. uhhh well it went kind obviously. fiora and florina raided the east after getting barrier'd by priscilla (which got her enough experience to promote), and they basically were unkillable at that point. the pirates COULD have been scary, but they weren't because only like one out of four hit. guy and lyn had such a trivial time tackling the pirates + warrior in the south that it's almost not even worth mentioning. there was a swordslayer guy, but he was off taking a piss break like 5 tiles north of where everyone else was, so avoiding his aggro range was also trivial.
the screw turning happened with kent and bartre because they were gonna have to juggle the lion's share of enemies with all those god damn cavs + pascal. pascal is like, not the scariest boss ever, but he does move and killing him is a pretty significant task. i put all my hopes and dreams on bartre landing a crit with the killer axe and, well, he did. that left pascal with like no HP left so kent scored the kill and that was that. speaking of kent, he's not nearly tank-y enough to handle the tsunami of suicide units, even on a forest square (the ballistas that are usually a joke to bartre are a much bigger issue for kent, who isn't dodging them and not tanking them like bartre can). so, after losing an attempt (after NEARLY having him tank everything, uwaaaaaaa), nini's grace patched him up and he was fine. thank god for the buff rings man. i cannot believe i didn't use them much until recently. what was i thinking.
anyways last thing to mention is that i could've finished this chapter a turn early if not waiting for farina. the extra turn is worth the. . . loss in 20k gold (arguably more if you're one of those "20k hard gold is 40k liquid gold" types). recruiting this character i'm likely to only use in like one chapter is important, damn it (read: i'm trying to give myself a sizable disadvantage to compensate for the mkdd advantage + you always gotta recruit everyone you can. you gotta)
biggest thing i'm sitting on rn is who to promote now. i don't want to use either orion's bolts because lol why would i. i'm gonna use a hero crest on bartre (he is unironically a good unit for me at this point + karla isn't gonna recruit herself), a knight crest on kent, and. . . probably a guiding ring on serra? and that might be it. i'm very iffy on that last one but serra's close to 20 and staff experience really is a lifesaver. her promotion gains aren't even that stellar, nor am i even thinking of using light magic (those tomes are expensive), i just really want to stop her healing from being wasted experience, ykwim? but yeah, after that unless i'm really hurting on experience (which i shouldn't be), i doubt i'll be promoting anyone else. only other unit i'd even really want to promote right now is maybe fiora. guy unfortunately was a wrecking ball in early game but now will enjoy the warmth of camp away from all the fighting and danger because he's just not that necessary anymore. i'm also obviously not promoting either lyn or eliwood, but, lol, who does in ranked runs? it's still a shame that their promotion items are a huge funds loss, because it feels weird not using either of them, but oh well.
i might bust out unfulfilled heart today just because it's an easy chapter and there's no tactics constraint to worry about meeting. i still want to finish this run before the year ends, so i do need to start getting back into the habit of playing this game again.
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sacaeblade · 2 years
[ 🐺 ] does your muse like solitude? do they prefer it to being around others? how easily does your muse get lonely?
prompts i'd like to receive
oh i see we are getting into it today huh
tl;dr lyn is so fucking lonely but she tries to hide it from literally everyone
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There is a specific moment in Lyn's supports with Lianna in Fire Emblem Warriors that drives me absolutely up the wall. Just makes me (cat bite gif).
Lianna: Lyn, is it true that you came to this world all by yourself? You must've been very lonely before you met up with us. Lyn: Oh, you don't have to worry about me! I'm used to being alone. That's how I lived back on the plains.
Because this is just patently untrue? Hello? Girl stop lying.
To get into why this is just completely untrue, let's talk about fe7. Before they were massacred, Lyn was raised in the Lorca tribe for all 16/18 years (depending on the translation) years of her life. Though she only ever talks about her parents in regards to her early life, we have to remember that she was raised in a community. Yes, the Lorca were nomadic, but more importantly, they traveled together. Lyn was only alone for a total of six months before meeting Mark and she responds like this when asking Mark to travel with her:
Lyn: ...But I’m so young, and our people were old-fashioned. They wouldn’t follow a woman. No one would follow me. Sniff… I’m sorry. I’ve been alone for so long… No. No more. I will shed no more tears. …………
After losing not only her parents, but to have the other survivors refuse to follow her...For the first time in her life, Lyn was completely and utterly alone. At this point in time, Florina (we'll come back to her.) is still training in Illia (though she seeks out Lyn when she hears that she has left Sacae), so Lyn latches onto Mark like they're a life preserver and she's been treading water in the middle of the ocean. She's been so unbearably lonely.
In the Smash Brethren dlc in Awakening, if the player answers that Lyn's story sounds familiar, she is absolutely ecstatic that ""Mark"" still remembers her.
Lyn: Really? Then you remember! It's really you! Oh...I'm so happy! I thought... I thought we'd never met again. ...I'm sorry. I don't mean to cry. I'm just...overwhelmed. Give me a moment... ...Thank you. I feel better. Listen. Come back to Sacae with me! Can you just picture the others' face's?
I could write a whole other post about her relationship with chronic ghoster Mark but I'll keep it brief for now because there's a lot I need to touch on here.
Very quickly after meeting Mark, Lyn then meets Kent (we'll come back to him.) and Sain and learns that she isn't completely alone in the world-- she has a grandfather. She still has family. (THERE'S ALSO LUNGREN BUT HE ACTIVELY TRIED TO KILL HER AND THAT'S A WHOLE OTHER CAN OF WORMS LMFAO) Her goal shifts from avenging her parents to meeting and protecting her grandfather.
Sain: “Lady Lyndis! Do you honestly plan on remaining here? Tell me truly!”
Lyn: “Yes, until my grandfather is well. I can’t leave him now. I won’t.”
Kent: “The physician says that Lord Hausen looks like a new man. It’s like he was never ill. And it’s all thanks to you, milady.”
Lyn: “He’s the only family I have left. I want him to have a long life.”
Lyn struggles in Caelin with her newfound noble status and the way it isolates her in a different way. Her best friend treats her differently. She feels that she cannot relate to any of the other noble ladies. Even if they don't say it out loud, the other nobles look down on her for her Sacaen heritage. Her heart aches to return to the plains, but her grandfather is her last living family member. Even if she struggles, it's a struggle she's willing to put up with for the sake of family.
Even after Lord Hausen passes, Lyn brings whoever she has a paired ending with (with the exception of Eliwood and Hector, for obvious FE6 related reasons. I have Thoughts about what these endings in particular mean for Lyn re:fe6 but those are thoughts for another day) back to Sacae with her. Lyn only remained in Caelin for Lord Hausen, so she feels no reason to stay if he's gone. But even when she returns to the plains, she doesn't want to be alone again.
So let's talk about Lyn's paired ending supports, shall we?
Lyn's supports with Florina are probably the most direct about how lonely she is, which makes sense! Florina is her best friend! Florina has known her long enough to tell that the perceived distance between the two now that Lyn is nobility is hurting her.
Florina: Please, don't hide it even from me! You want to return to the plains, don't you, Lyn? I know how you used to leave the castle and gaze out from the hill at Caelin. Lyn: It's just... It doesn't seem fair. I know... With my grandfather in his condition, I'm the only one to watch over the castle... Florina: You shouldn't force yourself, though. I'm sure that Lord Hausen would understand... Living on the plains just seems right for you, Lyn. Lyn: Florina... Hmm, guess what? You stopped calling me "Lyndis"... And you're speaking much more frankly now. Florina: Ah! I-I apologize! I'm such a scatterbrain, I... Lyn: Please, Florina-- Don't... I, too, thought it was the way we had to be with each other. But I was wrong-- I can't take it anymore. I've been so lonely all this time. Leaving the plains... And you, my best friend treating me like a noble stranger. What does rank and birth have to do with anything? I'm still myself, and you're still you! Please, talk to me normally, like you always used to.
This is the most direct Lyn ever gets about her feelings and it's all downhill from here, folks.
Now, Rath is in a unique spot as far as Lyn's supports go. Not only is Rath a fellow plainsdweller (in his own words), but if there's anyone who understands having their entire community ripped away from them like Lyn does, it's Rath. Lyn had her tribe massacred and the survivors refused to follow her, while Rath was forced to leave his tribe due to a bad omen. Being the chieftain's child wasn't enough for either of them to receive their tribe's support.
Rath: At the time I was less than four, without even the means to survive. I wandered, not knowing right from left, ...The people of other tribes laughed and ridiculed me. Lyn: ... ... Rath: I do not feel the loneliness now as I did then... but sometimes, I remember. I have never felt so alone. Lyn: I see... That makes sense. When I first met you, I felt like we had something in common... Maybe it was because we shared the experience of being alone.
And earlier in their supports, Lyn confesses to being afraid of losing the last family member she has left, though she quickly tries to change the topic.
Lyn: I was thinking of my grandfather... He was still...asleep... when I left Caelin. Just when it seemed he was getting better... Why... Why must these things happen to me? ...I don't want to lose him. Not...another one. Rath: ... ... Lyn: Well. Enough of dark thoughts! Why...Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself, Rath?
You are not convincing anyone that you're okay with the situation, but nice try! You are extremely lucky that Rath just moves on with the conversation here, Lyn.
Oh, Kent. Where to even begin. Their entire support line is based around one singular question:
Lyn: Why do you stay with me, by my side? Is it because I am granddaughter to the lord of Caelin Castle?
When Lyn asks Kent why he stays at her side, it's a question of "will you only follow me if i am Lady Lyndis?". The Lorca survivors didn't follow her because she's a girl, but will Kent only follow her because she's a noble lady? Is his support conditional? When she inevitably returns to Sacae, will that connection be gone? What happens when her grandfather dies?
Kent feels the need to emphasize Lyn's status as a means to create emotional distance. He intentionally tries to draw a line for himself to not seek a personal connection with Lyn, who wants a personal connection as Lyn, not Lady Lyndis. We already know from Lyn's supports with Florina that Lyn finds her rank incredibly isolating. Lyn doesn't know how to act like the noble lady that she thinks Kent wants her to be and she doesn't know how long he will remain at her side, knowing that she does not intend to remain in Caelin forever. Remember, she only intended to stay in Caelin until Lord Hausen recovered and the plan was always to return to Sacae eventually.
What Lyn wants is for Kent to stay at her side because she's Lyn (which is ultimately what Kent also wants), but both of them are fucking clowns who refuse to communicate.
Kent: Yes... I apologize for my imprudence. Still... How could I stand before Lord Hausen should anything befall Lady Lyndis? Lyn: Kent... Just because my grandfather is who he is, doesn't mean you should worry about me overmuch. I can do just fine on my own. Like I did on the plains...
girl you are lying!!!!!!!! but florina is literally the only one who will call you out on it so you get away with it!!!! jesucristo!!!!!!!
Sorry kings I'm making you share a section because this is already getting kind of horrifyingly long.
Anyway, this section is less about their actual supports (although I do think her support with Eliwood provides insight into just how much her status/being in Caelin stresses her out) and more about their general relationship. I don't need to bring out the sources for you to know that the RGB lords are friends. That much is obvious.
But it's...different.
Lyn will never have the relationship with Eliwood and Hector that they have with each other and that frustrates her. It's not just that she hasn't known them as long as they've known each other-- their relationship will always be colored by the fact that she's a woman.
......Which is also a post for another day and this is already way too long!
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i am very normal about lady lyndis of caelin
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af1899 · 3 years
Our next Resplendent Hero for late Jan/2022
Florina: Lovely Flier from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. 💜💙
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Artist: Pixiv user ID #6199553.
Thematic: Hel.
Twitter threads: Eng / Jpn.
[Feh Pass] website with her art: click/tap here.
As usual, my dump of thoughts right below the cut, feel free to read on...
While I didn't particularly go screaming all around the house, I was still "internally psyched", not only for I.S.'s choice on one of my biggest FE7 favorites to get the upgrade, but also because, despite the attire "she has chosen" to try out, she continues to show us her sweet side, while also expressing confidence in the change of attire.
While I doubt I can get it, it makes me happy to see this one.
And gosh, it looks really nice on her. The clothes match with those of Eir nicely, plus it has a shiny light blue heart in the middle, every little detail looks nice, and it still feels clean and pleasant to look at.
About the only thing I'd find slightly questionable would just be the thematic, something like Nifl would have likely been a better match, but I actually dig the Hel one and I see her definitely feeling like trying it.
«I'd like to get to know Princess Eir better, except...I have no idea how to talk to her.» ― Florina: Lovely Flier.
But overall, the upgrade can be easily felt, specially noting her eyes, which are better lighted than in her original art.
I rate the art: 10/10.
The End
Thank you as always for checking my posts, I hope these have been your liking.
I don't have Duo Ninja Lyn but I do have OG Florina kinda built, and in a budget, here she is:
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I'd love to revisit her someday to actually give her a proper build and a better asset than +def, probably going with +spd or +att, Idk.
But it's decent for some close range combat.
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captain--glitch · 7 years
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I’m having a bad case of “i love this ship so much & there’s not enough love for them so i do some myself”
Mist says Ike won’t mind Jill is not really sure about that…
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fanfiction recs
(last updated 12/24/2020.)
looking for fics starring or featuring The Only Character In Fire Emblem? wait no more! mostly raven/lucius, but there’s some gen fic too if that’s not your thing. :]
if you don’t see your favourites on this list, feel free to reblog/reply to this post with your own additions!
ship fic
cup runneth over by elibe - 12k. an angel!lucius lucius/raven au. I won’t spoil much, but this is one of my all-time favourites! beautifully written, unbelievably sweet. (CW: death, brief mentions of throwing up, non-explicit nsfw near the end)
“This — you — are my purpose,” Raven trips over his words. He feels nothing but the blazing heat of the flush that spreads across his skin. “Any other purpose eludes me. I — I am not a man deserving of mercy and grace and yet you have given me both wholeheartedly. You deserve better than this.”
“Then what is it that I deserve?” Lucius asks. His voice wavers and he clutches Raven’s hand like a vice.
“Love.” He answers breathlessly.
-> I’ll go ahead and cut this list in half by adding a recommendation for any of ao3 user elibe’s fic, their work is always a delight to read-- i’ll highlight the line, heat death and i need no ring by them.
namesakes by folkvangr (lusteralliance) - 1k. short and sweet, two dads naming their kids. :]
they did not have names; lucius told raven that he hoped to give them names soon. raven didn’t like referring to the children as “hey you” and “kid” all the time, so he secretly hoped to do so, too.
we'll build our house in a field of gold by elinciacrimea - 8k. fleshes out canon really nicely. Reading this fic always gives me a bit of a cozy feeling. I’ll go on to recommend a lot of this user’s work too, here’s a florina/lyn fic from them I love. (CW: mentions of suicide, and the circumstances around the fall of House Cornwell)
Several years after the events on the Dread Isle, Raven and Lucius pay a visit. Secrets are shared, love is discussed, and new futures are built.
for now by cavalry - 3k. explores a lot of the things I love about lucius’ character, plus a very soft established relationship lucius/raven. set between fe6 and fe7. (CW: In their own words, mentions of canon-typical violence (but nothing on-screen), and Lucius has a panic attack.)
Raven returns to the orphanage with gifts in tow.
Hail The Marquess! A Fire Emblem Story by SpareTimeEntertainment - 42k. Admittedly a bit of a cheat since lucius/raven is just a background ship in this one, but they’re very sweet in it. Cheesy in the best way. If you like Florina/Lyn, hijinks, and surprisingly engaging suspense and action, this feel-good story is for you. (CW: there are some brief scenes where someone is trying to coerce Lyn into getting married, but it’s resolved quickly and framed as a bad thing. also, people get drunk.)
Jubilation in Caelin! On the fourth anniversary of his ascension to the seat, the great Marquess Eliwood of Pherae is to be honoured on a night of celebrations hosted by his dear friend, the Lady Lyndis. But despite the lavish presentation for her honoured guest, Lyn's heart is torn. With her own lordship imminent and her seat of Caelin guaranteed, would-be courtiers are flocking like vultures - but the most heartfelt and unassuming one of all is Lyn's own dearly beloved Florina. Meek as ever, Florina would need a miracle - or a master plan - to win Lyn's heart. Fortunately for her, a familiar tactician just rode back into town...
Spare Time Entertainment is proud to present a romantic comedy - where the war of the heart is waged in cavalry charges of passion and phalanx formations of love, where old friends and familiar faces have just one night to enshrine a love long adored. It's a race against time (and a hell of a good time) in...
i want you to stay by ackermanx - 3k. a fun and heartwarming modern au. can it be considered a classic at this point...?? (also, not related to anything, but every time i read the author’s notes on this one I laugh a lot.) (CW: some discussion of religion, but it’s lighthearted.)
"Oh, is your sister leaving? A shame, I was going to talk to her about leading the choir. Although, you're still here, so I suppose that's enough."
Raven turns around at the sound of the familiar voice, making a strangled noise once he realizes just how close Lucius is. He's unable to tear his gaze away from the other male's sparkling eyes, the tiny curl of his lips as a smile spreads across his face -
Shit, Raven thinks. I do like Lucius.
By Your Side by pixelpiano - 1k. short and soft and sweet. also, trans!lucius!
Lucius and Raymond discuss the future...
Soren's Fantastical Askran Adventures by fairmyrmidon - 4k. holds a special place in my heart. soren from fe9/10 and lucius becoming frends in askr!
Soren appears in Askr, intimidates the summoner, and frightens everyone except for a healer who is already experienced in dealing with foul attitudes.
A Lady's Generosity by estamir - 2k. super cute lucius/serra/matthew friendship!
Lucius is facing a rough winter at the orphanage he's opened in Araphen. Serra has other ideas
At sixteen you departed by tattedmariposa - 700. platonic lucius&priscilla, this author’s style is so captivating.
It was outside the healer's tent, in the time between afternoon and evening when the sun colored the earth warmly, where Priscilla finally gained the courage to ask.
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agirlinsearchof · 4 years
Picked up Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword today, and was giggling way too much over Lyn talking to my character, named after myself, and saying she’ll protect my character. In my defense, I’ve never named the self-insert characters after myself, so this is Very New to me.
I like Lyn and Florina so far, Kent to a lesser extent, have no opinion one way or the other on Wil (in my defense, I just beat the chapter he’s recruited in), and I mildly dislike Sain. Perpetually-failing womanizers annoy me in fiction. But he’s a decent unit in-game so far, so that’s good.
I’m not struggling as much without a staff-wielder as much as I thought I would, given that my only other Fire Emblem games were Awakening and Fates. Yeah, I started on Awakening, don’t @ me.
How do support conversations work in this game, anyway? Will they be an option to view between battles once I gain the ability to choose what units I deploy? Do they show up on the battlefield like I’ve seen in Shadows of Valentia (IIRC)? I do know that I’m limited to five per character, though.
I’m also slightly nervous about not really having much of an idea of what characters will be good later on given that I’ve heard of generally-good units being RNG-screwed on individual playthroughs with the older games. But I’m sure it’ll be fine. Every beatable game has been beaten blind at least once, so unless I am a significantly worse tactician than your average FE player, I shouldn’t accidentally leave my game unbeatable.
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fiannalover · 5 years
Oh whoops sorry about that how about something fe7, your choice on who
Lyn/Florina War (17) +Summer Camp AU (19)
Check it on ao3, or down below!
Florina anxiously watched around the green plains that expanded in front of her. They just were… So big. So vast. For the small, shy child who hope d to become a pegasus knight, it was, honestly, scary.
Most of Ilia consisted of nothing but mountains and snow, so, to say this was new was an understatement. But even familiar sights were oftenly enough to give her pause. What to do, what to do…
“Hey there, are you alright?”
A startled gasp left Florina’s mouth as she stumbled backwards, falling to the ground. The girl who scared her, now with a new look of worry on her face, immediately checked on her. “I’m sorry! Did I scary you?”
“U-uh… A bit… n-no need to apolo…”
“... You’re not very good at talking, are you?” With the other girl silently nodding, she went on. “That is fine! My name is Lyn. I’m from Sacae, and my tribe always stops by the camp this time of the year. What about you? Can you tell me your name, at least?”
“Florina. My name is Florina, and… I’m from Ilia.” She said, struggling to recompose herself. “This summer camp i-is part of school for me. I also should be coming every year from now on.”
“I see. That’s good to know.” Lyn replied, with a comforting smile. “You just seemed kinda lost, so I wanted to see if you were alright. If that is all, I’ll be on my way.”
“Wait!” Florina exclaimed, louder than anything else she had spoken so far. “It’s still my first time here… S-so… Could you show me around?”
“Of course! Come on, you’ll see all the best places.” Lyn’s hand gently took Florina’s own.
The young girl couldn’t hide the growing blush.
“Do I see you next year?”
“Y-yes. I’ll make sure to come.”
Unable to sleep, Florina went to her house’s kitchen for a glass of milk.
“... the negotiations with Bern are getting worse. The border with them is far away, but…”
“Nothing is happening, right now. There is no use to worry.”
Quietly, Florina returned to her room, with the conversation her parents shared being one they didn’t know she eavesdropped on.
As both of them promised, another year arrived in which Lyn and Florina met at the camp, the little spot between Ilia and Sacae they happily shared.
Although, said happiness, right now…
“And that is the basics on how you manage to track a hare’s footsteps.” Lyn explained, proudly sharing the tradition of her people, before she calmed down a bit. “Florina, are you alright?”
The younger girl grew further anxious with that, but still asked. “Lyn… Do you think we’ll see each other next year, again?”
“Of course we will! What kind of question is that?” She replied. “Florina, is there any reason we could grow apart?”
“They say that… There can be a war.” The Ilian said. “Between Ilia and Bern. S-so, I’m worried. T-that it… May…”
Seeing that her friend was now with some difficulty speaking, Lyn took over. “Florina. You tamed a pegasus this year, didn’t you?”
“Y… Yes. Huey. He’s fully trained, even if I couldn’t bring him this time. Why?”
“Next year, run with me!”
“Wh… What!??”
“My people are always picking in new people, all over.” Lyn explained. “They’d very gladly take you in. So… By the next year, or even earlier… Start traveling with me! You’ll become part of my family!”
That thought send a dash of red to Florina’s face. But, could she…
Another year went by. The day in question arrived. The war between Ilia and Bern finally began, with the summer camp going on one last time, before all of the continent was affected.
Florina took a deep breath, grabbed her stuff, and left her bed, silently going out to rendezvous with Lyn in the dark of the night. She just had to grab Huey, and-
“My daughter? Where are you going?”
“She should have arrived by now.” Hassar stated. “We’ll wait five more minutes, alright, Lyn?”
The young girl nodded, although she hoped for Florina to arrive at the nick of time, with Mother Earth answering her prayers, with a twist.
Besides Florina, her two sisters, mother and father, were alongside her.
“Hello there. Could we join you in your journey?” The father asked.
As the wagon calmly made it’s way through the Sacaean Plains, two girls slowly dozed off to sleep together peacefully in it. Quietly, Florina asked. “Hey, Lyn. Are we staying together forever? Even as we grow up?”
Delivering a quick kiss to the other kid’s forehead, Lyn replied. “Yes. Always.”
Lyn/Florina War (17) +Summer Camp AU (19)
Check it on ao3, or down below!
Florina anxiously watched around the green plains that expanded in front of her. They just were… So big. So vast. For the small, shy child who hope d to become a pegasus knight, it was, honestly, scary.
Most of Ilia consisted of nothing but mountains and snow, so, to say this was new was an understatement. But even familiar sights were oftenly enough to give her pause. What to do, what to do…
“Hey there, are you alright?”
A startled gasp left Florina’s mouth as she stumbled backwards, falling to the ground. The girl who scared her, now with a new look of worry on her face, immediately checked on her. “I’m sorry! Did I scary you?”
“U-uh… A bit… n-no need to apolo…”
“... You’re not very good at talking, are you?” With the other girl silently nodding, she went on. “That is fine! My name is Lyn. I’m from Sacae, and my tribe always stops by the camp this time of the year. What about you? Can you tell me your name, at least?”
“Florina. My name is Florina, and… I’m from Ilia.” She said, struggling to recompose herself. “This summer camp i-is part of school for me. I also should be coming every year from now on.”
“I see. That’s good to know.” Lyn replied, with a comforting smile. “You just seemed kinda lost, so I wanted to see if you were alright. If that is all, I’ll be on my way.”
“Wait!” Florina exclaimed, louder than anything else she had spoken so far. “It’s still my first time here… S-so… Could you show me around?”
“Of course! Come on, you’ll see all the best places.” Lyn’s hand gently took Florina’s own.
The young girl couldn’t hide the growing blush.
“Do I see you next year?”
“Y-yes. I’ll make sure to come.”
Unable to sleep, Florina went to her house’s kitchen for a glass of milk.
“... the negotiations with Bern are getting worse. The border with them is far away, but…”
“Nothing is happening, right now. There is no use to worry.”
Quietly, Florina returned to her room, with the conversation her parents shared being one they didn’t know she eavesdropped on.
As both of them promised, another year arrived in which Lyn and Florina met at the camp, the little spot between Ilia and Sacae they happily shared.
Although, said happiness, right now…
“And that is the basics on how you manage to track a hare’s footsteps.” Lyn explained, proudly sharing the tradition of her people, before she calmed down a bit. “Florina, are you alright?”
The younger girl grew further anxious with that, but still asked. “Lyn… Do you think we’ll see each other next year, again?”
“Of course we will! What kind of question is that?” She replied. “Florina, is there any reason we could grow apart?”
“They say that… There can be a war.” The Ilian said. “Between Ilia and Bern. S-so, I’m worried. T-that it… May…”
Seeing that her friend was now with some difficulty speaking, Lyn took over. “Florina. You tamed a pegasus this year, didn’t you?”
“Y… Yes. Huey. He’s fully trained, even if I couldn’t bring him this time. Why?”
“Next year, run with me!”
“Wh… What!??”
“My people are always picking in new people, all over.” Lyn explained. “They’d very gladly take you in. So… By the next year, or even earlier… Start traveling with me! You’ll become part of my family!”
That thought send a dash of red to Florina’s face. But, could she…
Another year went by. The day in question arrived. The war between Ilia and Bern finally began, with the summer camp going on one last time, before all of the continent was affected.
Florina took a deep breath, grabbed her stuff, and left her bed, silently going out to rendezvous with Lyn in the dark of the night. She just had to grab Huey, and-
“My daughter? Where are you going?”
“She should have arrived by now.” Hassar stated. “We’ll wait five more minutes, alright, Lyn?”
The young girl nodded, although she hoped for Florina to arrive at the nick of time, with Mother Earth answering her prayers, with a twist.
Besides Florina, her two sisters, mother and father, were alongside her.
“Hello there. Could we join you in your journey?” The father asked.
As the wagon calmly made it’s way through the Sacaean Plains, two girls slowly dozed off to sleep together peacefully in it. Quietly, Florina asked. “Hey, Lyn. Are we staying together forever? Even as we grow up?”
Delivering a quick kiss to the other kid’s forehead, Lyn replied. “Yes. Always.”
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mannatea · 5 years
Kent/Lyn, 12 & 35. Hector/Farina, 50!
Thanks for indulging me, but sorry it took me 90 years to get to it. ;P I made it extra long to remind you of the good ol’ days!!!
12. who do they confide in when shit hits the fan (besides each other)?
I feel like Lyn is the kind of person to have multiple go-to people, depending on the situation at hand.
She strikes me as an understanding and accommodating friend: there are some things that she just wouldn’t burden Florina with/that Florina might not be comfortable with discussing. Rank probably matters a little bit, here, because some issues don’t leave the room (or at least they stay only with the people in the room), like state secrets or the equivalent, but Florina’s perfect for regular friendship things (especially softer emotional discussions), reminiscing about the good old days, and some good old-fashioned harmless venting.
For angry venting, there’s always Sain and Wil. Sain is the right choice if she wants someone to get angry with her—you know, the supportive angry rant-with-you kind of friend who echoes your sentiment and allows you to have a dialogue with emotion! Wil is best if she wants a more neutral opinion/listener who will offer to help/give advice after the rant is over.
Depending on the setting, Wallace is a good choice for some ranting, too, but I love the thought of him being kind of like an uncle figure to her; he fills in some of the gaps about her mother she never really knew were missing, and had a real love for both of her parents that shows in the way he speaks of them; something she kind of holds onto because nobody else gets it.
Hector’s better for a sparring match than dialogue, but sometimes that’s what Lyn needs to get her mind off of things. I like to imagine he kind of ‘gets it’ when she needs to get out some frustration or something; it’s not anything she needs to talk about, but in absence of that, Lyn is the kind of person who still has to do something. If she’s looking for a word-fight she’ll go to him, too. He’s good for that, and he doesn’t (usually) take it personally.
Eliwood is a hard one to pin down, because it’s hard for me to imagine they’re really that close; I don’t think he ‘gets’ her the way most of the other characters do? He tries, though, and that counts for a lot. Also, he’s a lot like Florina in that he’s trustworthy: a good confidante. If Lyn ever needs personal advice (relationship or otherwise), I think Eliwood would be the right guy to go to for her. He wouldn’t tease or poke fun at her, and that information would NEVER reach anyone else’s ears. Ever. He’d offer diplomatic/polite advice with a smile and with an attempt to understand the situation and any important details first. He’s good at asking the right questions most of the time.
It’s been a long time since I deeply considered Lyn’s relationship to Hausen, but I think right now I’m sort of high-key imagining that they’re almost, like…fake-close? It’s not that they don’t love each other, because I think they do in their own ways, but being related or being interested in getting to know someone isn’t just a ticket to a close relationship. Not only do you have to want that, but you have to be compatible AND willing to take the time to cultivate what’s there. Lyn and Hausen both have tons of the latter, but I’m not so sure they’re compatible.
Her friendship with Kent still matters of course, so his place in this mix is probably a bit of everything, but he’s a high(er)-ranking individual she can confide in about information the others aren’t privy to…and he’s also a very good confidante (he’d rather die than betray her trust). She wouldn’t angry-vent at him too much because rather than just get emotionally hyped with her (Sain) or listen to her and offer calm, friendly advice (Wil), he strikes me as the type who wants to Fix It Right Now—even when that’s not necessarily the appropriate response. He may also kind of freeze up and Not Respond At All (when he doesn’t know how exactly he’s expected to respond), almost as a defense mechanism to avoid Responding Poorly.
Then you have Kent. Besides Lyn, he uh…really only has Sain. 
But hey, that’s actually pretty much perfect for Kent. He’s never struck me as the kind of person who enjoys societal pleasure of any kind overmuch. It’s not that he finds it painful so much as maybe awkward? Most of his life has been in service and when he was younger and more impressionable—at the age where you learn to make friends and all that—he was more interested in impressing the adults in his life. Thus, he has only ever had one or two people to talk to about more important personal matters. 
Again, it’s probably for the best. A couple of very serious and important relationships is about his maximum capacity. I don’t think he could maintain a slew of decent casual friendships (the way Lyn can), but also his bar for friendship and what constitutes a friend is very high.
Fiora is a good option for some general commiseration re: failure if he would bother to open up about it, but I don’t think either of them would do so easily. Still, they’ve both been commanding officers and I think that alone gives them something to talk about and discuss. I also feel their general morals line up, so if either of them need a rant about something other people would judge them for, they can go to each other.
Fiora and Sain are both great in that they would have Kent’s back if he needed it, so depending on how shit hit the fan, he could lean on either of them (but more easily on Sain just because that friendship has been years in the making; boon companions and all that).
He has decent relationships with some other people, though. I like to think he still looks up to Wallace, thinks well of Wil, and is on friendly terms with Florina, but I imagine his general acquaintances either stagnate or suffer because he’s not good at multitasking emotionally.
That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though.
(I didn’t really mention Farina because...eh. I enjoy their interaction and I love writing it, but without a lot of very meaningful buildup, I wouldn’t even consider them friends.)
35. do they have any regrets (regarding the other, or just in general)?
This is a delicious question and a perfect one for Kent and Lyn. Let’s assume their paired ending:
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I always take the endings (paired or otherwise) with about a grain of salt. You know: more like suggestions! 
Kent and Lyn’s ending makes a reasonable amount of sense (you may have noticed that some endings just don’t ring true to characterization), but it also manages to be ridiculously open-ended. I guess at least it’s “happy.” (Unlike Canas’s. Damn blizzards.)
Anyway, Lyn abdicates and/or never assumes the throne (I guess there’s wiggle room there), Caelin’s totally fine with being absolved into Ostia (you know this is gonna happen), and they’re so chill about this that they don’t even mind Lyn running off with a former vassal. Maybe they didn’t want her ruling in the first place?
Eh, who knows.
The wording leaves room for questions/interpretative differences and all that, but the basics of it boil down to: they both go to Sacae.
This means they both give up things to go there, but we can’t pretend Kent isn’t the one making the bigger/more obvious sacrifice. He literally gives up everything except Lyn. Which, okay, the scope of it isn’t easy for a lot of people to grasp, but like, imagine leaving everything you’ve ever known and moving somewhere else with what you can feasibly carry with you on horseback.
That might not be too hard. Lots of us have moved across a country or even overseas.
Now imagine doing this, but doing it knowing full well that you may very well NEVER AGAIN hear from the people you’re leaving behind.
And not just that, but you’re leaving everything familiar to you. You don’t know the roads, the trees, the shape of the land, the colors, the smells.
Let’s talk Best Case Scenario! Even if, in good ol’ Fire Emblem-land, where farmers can be knights and all that, Kent comes from a farming background, he’d have left that behind before age 10. Again, on the BCS track, let’s say he retained a bit of that knowledge! Great! He knows a little about living off the land!
But he doesn’t know how to do it the way Lyn might know how to do it. So we have to go back to Lyn. She’s still pretty young herself, and her culture was big on group work; it’s not like anyone did the big chores alone. So Lyn almost surely has at least basic knowledge of what to do/what needs done, but 1) never would have done all of it, because roles were outlined, and 2) after a couple/few years away from it, and without the chance to grow into her role as a woman within her society, how much of the really important survival stuff does she actually remember? (Some of this depends on how old you think Lyn is and if her society felt she was an adult; either way she wouldn’t have been an adult for very long IMO, not enough to function in her society as such.)
There’s tons of stuff to explore here!!!! 
Lyn in Caelin has the same problem Lyn on the plains has: she still doesn’t get to become an adult the way she always would have imagined she would. Her culture isn’t dead, but with less than ten surviving people, the chance of it fully dying out within a generation is huge. She can pass some stuff on to a child, but not everything. It’s not the same. She’s going to have to mourn this, and it may not hit her until she’s out there again and the reality of what’s missing hits her.
She could join another tribe, maybe—in theory, it might be more complicated than that—but their customs aren’t going to be the same. Heck, they might not even speak the same (exact or similar) language. (Would they even accept Kent with her? This could be something Lyn is sacrificing to bring Kent with her.)
Anyway, Lyn gets a little of what she wants going back to Sacae (at least freedom), but she doesn’t get her culture back and she doesn’t get that lifestyle back that she misses.
Kent’s making the bigger sacrifice, though, because nothing about Sacae is familiar to him.
Depending on what they try to do and where they go, it’s really easy to imagine regret existing in little bits and pieces.
Kent strikes me as the sort to very rarely have *deep* regrets. He may oftentimes ‘regret’ doing or saying something, but the bigger decisions he makes are done with conviction and never with haste, so he usually stands by them and his heart allows him peace.
That said, there’s no doubt he has regrets. I like the idea of him having a few regrets about situations where OVERALL he feels he made the best choice, but the regret stems from the negative things that happened because of that choice (having to fight his former peers/allies/teachers, for example, or fleeing and leaving his men to possibly die when Laus attacked). You know, he wanted to have his cake and eat it, too, but he couldn’t have both.
And then we have his relationship with Lyn.
I bet he low-key would have regrets about going to Sacae after-the-fact. Not the *actual* going, and certainly not in loving Lyn, but in not spending more time with his family beforehand, in not being more prepared, not asking enough questions, not bringing more supplies, not learning more of the language(s), et cetera. So much can go wrong out there without a support system. Kent’s not stupid and he’s not helpless, but he only has control over so much, and accidents happen. If they ended up in dire straights and there was little he could do to help...or was even actively hindering progress, he’d blame himself and it’d be a whole mess where he feels like he can’t contribute and he’s worthless, and then he’s depressed and miserable.
Lyn surely has regrets in general (re: her culture and her parents and all that), but I don’t think she regrets anything deeply easily (something she kind of has in common with Kent). It usually takes a lot for her to get that lingering gut-wrenching regret feeling. But you’d better believe if Kent ended up miserable she’d feel it. She’d hate being the cause of anyone she cares about’s personal pain, but it’d be a little extra awful if she’s fairly content out there and Kent isn’t.
I rambled too much and my head hurts so I’m not sure if any of this makes good sense, but I think there’s a lot of room for regret within their lives and even their relationship—especially if things go poorly for them. Not the loving part, of course, but the part where they pursued something and because of that their partner isn’t happy anymore (or accepted anymore, or whatever).
50. if one of them were to come back after a long time, who would come to who? would it go well? would the other person take them back?
The only one who would probably ‘come back after a long time’ is Farina, because Hector’s pretty much tied to his canton after the end-game, so I gotta go with that.
As to if it would go well or not, well, I’m pretty sure I’ve RP’d like 30 variations on this theme (LMFAO), but the biggest factors are: their relationship with each other, and time.
If Hector was kinda into her and she acted like she was fine with that and then flew off for 10 years and came back trying to act like nothing was wrong... Well, it wouldn’t go well. I mean, not at first anything. (Nothing a good RP couldn’t fix, though. :B)
At that point in time, though, for an example to work with, it’s hard to say if Hector would ‘take her back.’ He may be unable to do so officially (married, busy running a country that’s falling apart at the seams, he has a daughter to worry about) and/or emotionally unwilling to let her back in. (Though this depends a lot on their former relationship and how she left/if she ever wrote to him or visited, if feelings were confessed, a lot of what-ifs, tbh.)
It also depends on how lonely he is. It gets clear that Hector and Eliwood get super busy and don’t even get to see each other regularly after the end of the game, so it’s possible that Hector would desire contact with someone who Gets Him (or at least Gets What He’s Been Through). The FE7 endgame is pretty much the opposite of FE8′s: it’s like nobody even knew it was happening and they gotta go back to their cantons like they didn’t just fight a whole ass dragon; he might be happy to have someone he can talk to about that again (in the event that his former vassals may no longer be in his direct employ and/or Farina fought by his side that day).
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neffi · 6 years
Neffi Begins To Play FE7: An Archive
So a few days ago, I began to play through Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword. It’s interesting to say the least, because I arrived to Elibe almost entirely blind, only with whatever knowledge Heroes could provide.
As I’ve been running through the game, I’ve been sort of liveblogging about it in the @historyoftheemblem Discord chat, and because parts of that ended up being quite entertaining, I figured I’d share some of that.
This here is mostly going to be me being surprised at things, joking around with people, discovering the game’s story, characters and features for the first time, and overall doing whatever I could to entertain myself during the tutorial.
(So first of all, I’m “Canada is my favorite Mage”. Don’t ask for now. It’ll be explained later)
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“alolan clive” is Nebbles, one of my first wonderful guides.
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Zebra comes in, another wonderful guide. (Their name will be explained soon too.) Also I discover that the tutorial is, well, a tutorial. I guess things like that need to be explained when you’re the first game coming to the west.
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I then proceed to learn that this is Sain, and then meet Kent. Because Sain is one letter away from Cain, it takes me a while to get used to Sain not being the red guy. I still confuse them a little.
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“alolan sigurd” is Arch, one more wonderful guide. Also at this point I’m not sure if I’ll like Sain, because I’m not a fan of womanizer type guys, but I’m convinced to give him a chance. (Which was a good call, I like him much better now.) Sain also learns, to his shock and disbelief, that axes beat lances, and so do I. We also learn that trading exists. Wow, I had no idea.
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“Max Strength Kent”, aka Alma, another wonderful guide, joins in. They mention they probably could have sent me a patch to skip the tutorial, but it’s fine, I’m having fun. This is also the point when my units start leveling up, so we talk about that briefly before the tutorial smacks me in the face again.
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(I’m serious there, btw. Last time I attempted a run through FE8, which I never finished, my Eirika gained 2 points of Spd in 16 levels. With a 60% growth. She got Str screwed, too.) Just as I’m having flashbacks to that, Lyn gains a levelup of nothing but HP, and we all scream. But I press on, I learn someone’s poisoning Lyn’s grandpa, the game teaches me that I can recruit people, Florina and Wil appear and we smush some more bandits.
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I then learn that at that point at least, Florina has androphobia. (And I’m slowly starting to discover I want to protect her with my life. Even if she refuses to grow Str.)
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Natalie and Dorcas appear, causing Ippei flashbacks. Kent and Sain both get garbage levelups in this chapter, but I have to restart anyway, because Lyn gets killed by reinforcements I didn’t notice, so it’s fine. They do better next time. I also finally learn where the line of “When you’re not sure, just try using Lyn” comes from. I also hear some legends about the dreaded Hector Hard Mode.
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And then they appear. I don’t think I’ll ever like Serra, but hey, I have a healer? And we have convo a convo comparing Erk to Nino. Before that though, because it gets late, I get some sleep. I can’t fall asleep for nearly an hour, because I have the gosh darn Wind Across The Plains stuck in my head.
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Oh gods, it’s not over yet.
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“alolan rudolf” is Shadow. Another wonderful guide.
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And at this point, Zebra changed their nickname to “anime is truth magic”. Shortly after that, Erk gets a bad levelup.
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A talk about magic weight and the usefulness of various Mages ensues.
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Shadow discovers their true origin. The “uwu” was the moment when I changed my nickname.
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Arch’s autocorrect, mobile, or whatever the heck caused “Ccamqcj” to happen is a gift to mankind.
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I learn, the hard way, how Con works. I switch the Armorslayer over to Kent, who actually can wield it properly, and he kills the boss. His reward? A levelup of only HP. Then the meeting with that one dude who hates Sacaeans goes as well as I expected it to.
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I move on and squeal as Nils and Lucius appear.
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I play through the chapter, Eliwood appears and I squeal again. Some time passes, I meet Wallace, whose existence I literally had no idea whatsoever about. We’re nearing the end of Lyn’s story. I think.
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“Tea obtained, chocolate eaten, dog kissed, let’s get back to killing people” was a thing I said once while playing Shadow Dragon. I mean, what better way to play Fire Emblem? Anyway, I then learn that this game has a rain weather effect, and it sucks.
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I finish the battle, actually succeed in killing Lundgren with Lyn (thanks Lancereaver), have a reunion with Lyn’s grandpa and discover that wow, he actually doesn’t die.
And then Lyn’s story ends. That was fun. Time to go through Eliwood’s tale.
If you made it to the end, I hope you enjoyed this ride. Dunno if I’ll do this for the rest of the game, if someone wants me to I can.
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fortegrace · 6 years
Getting those FE7 feels again, send me your headcanons?
Some of mine:
Florina leaves Ilia to go do her own thing, but Farina and Fiora stay mercs and end up going on a lot of jobs together. When Florina visits she's a bit jealous bc they seem like the closer siblings but they're all judt a v supportove and happy family. Also Fiora and Farina team up to tease and dote on their baby sister a lot (ok this is practically canon)
Legault and Nino don't talk anymore after Blazing Blade, but Nino tells her sons about her cool uncle Legault. Lugh and raigh sort of idolize him and pretend to be free-willed assassins like Legault. They 107% go thru an edgy phase.
Serra goes back to Etruria with Erk and house Reglay, gets appointed a duchess and starts up a boarding school for young women (sort of like Lucius with his orphanage?)
Geitz helps Lucius start up his orphanage, and rescues abused kids that he finds on his journeys as a travelling merchant.
Leila liked sour things, so Matthew starts eating them more, even though he wasnt a fan before.
Rath returns just once to visit Sacae.
Lyn speaks carefully because the people of Caelin have a bit of a different accent than the Lorca.
All the tribes of Sacae have their own dialects, but they're taught many different ones from a young age. They're proud of the diversity.
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gascon-en-exil · 6 years
Ranking FE’s Lords
@paragonred asked for this, possibly as a follow-up to this ranking of the games themselves. I’ll use the same tier format so I don’t have to get so specific as to order everyone into a numbered list.
S Tier - interesting, narratively engaging, and (usually) fun to use
Micaiah - see this post.
Eliwood - ends up mediocre more than half the time, but he’s got a strong character arc with plenty of development and good moments even on Hector’s route. I very much like Eliwood/Hector as a traditional romantic friendship that could feasibly grow into something more between games depending on who they marry and what happens to their wives. Incidentally, I don’t have any very strong opinions on any of those ships, other than that Hector/Florina is rather nonsensical.
Celica - see this post
A Tier - fun unit and may have interesting character potential, but I’m less invested in exploring them
Ephraim - mostly up here because I like lances. His arc is similar to Hector’s with more urgency and the homoromanticism coming from different sources, but his contribution to that questionable legacy has largely been swallowed up by twincest. Or something like that anyway.
Hector - speaking of which, he’s a good unit apart from his promotion (both the class itself and the timing of it in his route) and as mentioned I ship him with Eliwood in a sense, but I don’t like the archetype he spawned. He also feels a bit superfluous to FE7′s main story, though not as much as Lyn does.
Lucina - will be incredibly broken unless you don’t pair Chrom or stick him with Sully. Severely under-served by her narrative despite being a uniquely tragic figure in an otherwise aggressively optimistic game, but she got a DLC campaign and a bunch of shilling outside the series proper so that sort of makes up for it?
Sigurd - the most OP lord ever. I like that he’s an idiot and that he faces real consequences for his mistakes, and I like how he looms large over Gen 2 in spite of his flaws. Even more so than with Hector, I don’t like how his fanbase sees his game performance and nothing else about him.
Alm - already a good unit in the original from what I understand, and he benefits considerably from the distinctive presentation elements of FE15. He certainly offers a more nuanced discussion of class than certain other lords. *ahem* It does suck a bit that it feels like some of his character beats have to compromise Celica’s to make them work, but that’s partially Gaiden’s fault too.
Leif - might move up if he’s relatably more of an impoverished aristocrat in the remakes, but then his particular circumstances don’t really speak to me the way that, say, Almedha’s do. I mostly hated using him in FE5 though he had his moments. Probably benefits from being surrounded by interesting people more than anyone else in this tier, but he really benefits there.
B Tier - either overwhelmingly average, or with both strong positive and strong negative aspects that balance each other out
Ike - yeah, you guys probably saw this one coming. On the one hand, he’s very likely gay; on the other, half the fandom still won’t shut up about the possibility that he might not be and/or that IS was wrong to do what they did with him. On the one hand, convention-defying peasant lord shaping his own destiny is interesting; on the other, he has terrible manners and a shameless insensitivity to foreign (beorc) cultures and yet we’re meant to be rooting for him. On the one hand, a strong unit who plays quite differently in his two games and so therefore doesn’t feel stale; on the other, he and his mercenaries edge out the light magic-wielding Micaiah and her army for screentime and EXP and it’s pretty obvious which unit type I prefer there. I can’t even get all that strongly into Ike/Soren for entirely personal reasons, but at least Ike/Ranulf is still there to pick up the slack.
Lyn - even though she’s the first lord with a same-sex paired ending that fact is largely forgotten. Much of her enduring popularity seems to be based on her sex appeal, and she’s irrelevant to Elibe as a whole. Still, her route is a nice little self-contained story that doesn’t feel too similar to anything else in FE, and she’s got a strong camaraderie with her fellow lords.
Corrin - it’s difficult to talk about Corrin as one entry since they develop differently depending on the route, but as with Fates as a whole I feel like the three iterations of the character average out somewhere just slightly below average. Birthright Corrin is a standard FE protagonist, except maybe a little angrier (Leif, Shadow Dragon Marth maybe?) and with entirely too many death scenes thrown at them. Conquest Corrin has the most missed potential, as with most things involving Conquest apart from gameplay, and one practically has to roll with the headcanon that they and the Nohr royals have been conditioned by years of abuse to make their characters sort of work. Revelation Corrin reminds me unpleasantly of Robin (see below) with the power of cross-cultural friendship stuff and the super special ending. I’m not too fond of the character as a unit either, since they take more work to get as flexibly broken as the other Avatars and their manakete form fails to impress except for tanking.
Seliph - saved from C Tier by the general messiness of Jugdral. His father’s legacy is a complicated one, and about 1/3rd of his campaign amounts to a blood feud with the aim of giving his first cousin a throne for somewhat dubious reasons. He takes some time to get as broken as SIgurd, but he’s all sorts of fun when he gets there. Couldn’t tell you if he’s got any interesting romantic prospects, endorsed by the pairing system or otherwise, because he’s still pretty dull in that department.
C Tier - bland, and usually bad as units
Marth - truly the Mario of FE, in that he’s everywhere with a different personality almost every time. His two remakes did surprisingly little to flesh him out in any consistent way, and by that point over half a dozen other protagonists had diverged from his archetypical lord model in almost as many different ways.
Roy - red-haired Marth with a harem and an obscenely late promotion instead of no promotion at all *yawns* I guess he gets points for having a living parent? Not sure why anyone is a particular fan of him unless they mained him in Melee. Maybe a remake will help him out?
Chrom - Marth with biceps and a time-traveling daughter who coincidentally cosplays as Marth. That’s marginally less yawn-worthy if only because of how strange it all is, and he also borrows from the Hector-type lord as well so he ends up as an unexpected fusion of the buff and the bishonen. Overshadowed in story and in gameplay by his daughter and some random amnesiac he found in a field who he may or may not decide to sleep with.
Eirika - only slightly a Marth clone, but as with Celica the story is unevenly stacked against her and in favor of her male counterpart, even on her own route. The fandom doesn’t like her because she’s naïve, but that could also be said of several other lords. Not really into her as a unit or any of her ships, so...yeah.
Kris - ...do they even count as a lord? Eh, whatever.
D Tier - OP unit, terrible character
Robin - would have been so much more tolerable if endgame didn’t abruptly swerve to becoming entirely about them, at the expense of Chrom and Lucina and everyone else. Somehow the special secret origin type of Avatar grates more than one whose importance to everyone and everything in the story is laid out right at the beginning. I can more or less buy everyone in Fates obsessing over Corrin because of who they are and what they represent for the various players, but not so much Robin whom everyone rallies around apparently for the sole reason that they’re a really friendly tactical genius. Compound that with the fact that they’re meant to be a self-insert in a game with enormous levels of explicit homoerotic denial and it should be easy to see why they’re at the bottom of this list.
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lunarlapin · 7 years
Hector, Eliwood or Lyn for the ask meme?
Sounds good!
1. How I feel about him/her: Very very quickly became my favorite character in FE7. He has such a vivid and bright personality and really cares for people.
2. Who I ship him/her with romantically: Lyn or Florina
3. Who I ship him/her with platonically: everyone but especially Eliwood and Hawkeye and maybe even Dorcas. Lyn too
4. What do I like about this character: Best design I’ve seen for an armored unit, very very compassionate despite coming off as reckless and brash at first, and incredibly strong.
5. Would I marry this character: Absolutely!
6. What would I do if this character was real: I mean I’d want to date him, no telling how that would turn out
1. How I feel about him/her: Gets way more flack than he deserves. He’s genuinely kind but not a pushover.
2. Who I ship him/her with romantically: Ninian! I didn’t expect to get so involved in this ship.
3. Who I ship him/her with platonically: Hector and Lyn of course, also Lowen
4. What do I like about this character: He’s kind in the stereotypical Fire Emblem lord way, but at the same time he will speak up if someone is being unjust. That scene where he talks back to Zephiel’s mother is great.
5. Would I marry this character: Sure!
6. What would I do if this character was real: I’d definitely want to befriend him
1. How I feel about him/her: At first I didn’t get just why she was so popular, but she grew on me very fast. I love her
2. Who I ship him/her with romantically: Hector and Rath
3. Who I ship him/her with platonically: Hector and Eliwood, also Kent and Sain, Florina, and Rath
4. What do I like about this character: Very pretty design, and something about her personality is very warm and welcoming. Almost a little bit like Hector in that regard.
5. Would I marry this character: okay yes I would marry all of the FE7 lords
6. What would I do if this character was real: I’d want to befriend her too
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echoeternally · 7 years
A, C, M, T (for that shipping ask)
Oh goodie, these things!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Why would you start me with this? Oh no. Hmm. Well, I guess I can list some:
Alakazam/Machamp - You thought I’d have settled down over this. You were wrong. Pretty sure they’re my favorites from the series atm.
Salazzle/Heliolisk - I don’t talk about it very much (yet), but I’m actually a sucker for these two as well. 
Nidoking/Rhydon - Some asks from my side-blog reminded me of what a trash shipper I am for these two.
Greninja/Chesnaught - Not as much lately, but I still love them together.
Cloyster/Forretress (Friendship) - Not relating to my fanfics at all, have you seen that cute picture I posted of them? Because it’s cute, and precious, and my heart can’t take how much I needed them like that.
Nidoqueen with someone that isn’t Nidoking.
Feraligatr with someone too.
…Ok, fine. Samurott/Typhlosion. Shut it.
Carracosta/Blastoise - I made them cute husbands/dads, and now I can’t get over them.
Super Mario
Bowser/Mario - The OTP that will never die down ever. Seriously, I can’t get over them. It’s like the best enemies to lovers pairing around. The more that people become interested in them together, the happier I get about them.
Yoshi/Birdo - I’ve toyed around with the thought of them again lately. They’re cute.
Peach/Pauline - I thought I was being cool, and then Odyssey fan art made me trash for these two. (Spoilers: I heard they don’t really interact in the game, and that bothers me extensively.)
Luigi/King Boo - I stumbled upon it a while back, and it’s crossed my mind a bit lately. It’s weird, I know.
Koopalings/Junior (Family/Friendship) - I really love them all being a family of twerpish little monsters, I can’t. Also, all of them with Bowser.
Mario/Peach - Kinda feels like treason from me, but I do like them. (I don’t think I ever denied it?) Friends, more than that, less, their dynamic is one that just works well. (Odyssey helped make it just friends for now, though, mwahahaha!)
Star Fox
Fox/Falco - I blame others for talking about it around me, and now I default to them being gay maybe-boyfriends. Thanks a lot.
Fox/Peppy - Don’t look at me like that. It was a joke, and now I like it. 
Fox/Panther - It’s another joke pairing that I magically became very fond of. They’d make a really cute couple if anyone gave it a chance, but nnoooo, they’d never.
Fox/Katt - You know, it comes into my head as Katt’s way to get Falco to notice her better, and then she ends up falling for Fox, and that’s a thing now, help.
Panther/Katt - I wrote it once and it’s never stopped popping into my head. They’d be fitting for each other, really. Why has this not crossed more people’s minds?
Krystal/Katt - Apparently I’m shipping Katt around like she’s everyone’s babe, but like, the idea of them having a dynamic past “only two girls around” always interests me. It mirrors Fox/Panther to a degree, except without the initial hostilities.
Fire Emblem
Summoner/Orbs (Heroes) - The truest relationship ever.
Robin/Chrom (Awakening) - I’m trash for them. More for the gay version than straight, what a surprise. Warriors didn’t help me.
Sumia/Olivia (Awakening) - Someone wrote them together as a couple for a gay hack, and, help me, I can’t get over them.
Robin/Lon’qu (Awakening) - Straight, gay, doesn’t matter. (Though I’m sure you’d guess what I prefer.) I feel like Lon’qu works as a great partner for the Tactician.
Lyn/Florina (Blazing Sword) - Again from hacks, again I’ve become trash for such a pairing.
Florina/Ninian (Blazing Sword) - People introduce me to such ideas, and I can’t get over them. Heellllpp.
Corrin/Niles (Fates) - What can I say? They’re the gays. Uh, I mean, Niles could totally be with FemCor…screw it, he’s for ManCorrin.
Corrin/Florina (Fates) - She needs Corrin badly! (Fem over Man, but…nah, Fem better.)
Corrin/All Siblings (Family) (Fates) - I just want them to all be happy together. Even if there are two Corrins…actually, wait, that’s even better. I want to see all their siblings freak at two Corrins. And then Azura’s like, “Wait, which Corrin is mine? Who do I follow? Both Corrins?” It’s great.
Ok, I’m tired of these, so that’s all I’ve got in my head atm. Honorable mention to the Bomber Bros. from Super Bomberman R, because I’m trash for family shenanigans, it seems.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Hmm…I guess a bunch that involve NOTP ideas of mine. Usually characters that I can’t stand, are irredeemable in some regards, involve kids, involve abuse, etc.
Outside of those…I dunno. I have one in mind, but it’s better that I don’t say it aloud anywhere.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Oh gosh, a whole bunch! Using not my own characters, I’d easily pick the Mario Bros., because they’d be great friends. They’re fun and loyal, ready to go against all kinds of odds to help who they care about! And Bowser, actually! Sure, he’d be hard to get through, but can you imagine having that kind of persistence from a friend? Oh, oh, and Kirby too! He would be a great friend! Even if he eats…everything. I think all of them would be great friends to have.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Uhhh…Mario and Luigi are good brothers and like each other? Which is canon. …Idk if I’d die for that one, but yeah. Bowser being a good dad for Junior is another that I like. Outside of Mario things…Fox is bi, Katt is poly, and Panther is pan, lol, goodbye.
Hmm. I’m not too good with these, I realize. Not using my own fanfics for answers makes it a challenge too. I failed that for the first part above, but here I am adamantly avoiding them.
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deetvar-moved · 7 years
Anyways warriors is very bad and absolutely murdered lyn as a character. Her support with takumi is just her having to help him with his issues by talking shit about florina. The support is on the wiki if you don't believe me.
I'll grant that Lyn is a bit harsh to Florina in that support. But as for the quality of Lyn's character in Warriors I can NOT speak for. Don't have Warriors. Also despite my disinterest in Warriors, it is decent game. Not one I would play but definitely NOT a bad game.
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freezing-kaiju · 7 years
Stardate 2689
A Fire Emblem Heroes fic! Written with @pupmon1​
Part 2: Unlikely Rescuer
Captain’s Log, Stardate 2/24/2689. Lyndis. Everything seemed calm and ordinary today, until we received an odd signal. I had instructed Rebecca to investigate.
“Captain Lyndis! We’re picking up an unknown signal,” Comms Officer Rebecca called out.
“Point of origin?”
“...inside the ship captain…”
Lyn leaned forward. “What? That...can you play the transmission?”
Rebecca nodded and, after a moment, a simple voice started to play. “...can hear them...in territory...suggest evac…” the voice faded to static and Rebecca scrambled to get it back.
“Captian, I lost it! But...I this I was able to pinpoint its destination, also, inside the ship.” Rebecca squirmed uncomfortably, then looked up. “...the captains’ quarters, ma’am.”
“...I’m going to investigate,” Lyn said, standing up.
Sheena stood as well. “Shall I come with you, Captian Lyndis?” Lyn nodded and the large woman joined her in the lift. “...do you think one of the others has betrayed us?”
“...I certainly hope not,” Lyn said. The voice wasn’t any of theirs...but...it was talking to someone from their room. “Did you recognize the voice?”
“...it sounds familiar...like a borg…” she said plainly. Sheena had been on a ship that...hadn’t survived a borg attack, but she got away. She would recognize that reverb in a voice anywhere.
“Hmm.” Lyndis thought for a moment...then it clicked. “...Merric reported a piece of the engine that looked like borg tech...but it was an essential part and it wasn’t growing so we didn’t remove it.”
“...it might have activated and started to spread. I’ll get a security team down there,” Sheena said sternly.
Silence fell between the two as they walked down the corridor towards the captains’ quaters. There was a voice from inside the room...Camilla.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t just give the order to change course at the moment. Lyn is in charge, there’s not much I can do other than advise her.”
“Captian Lyndis will not believe you.” That was the borg voice. “Even if you lie, she would not change course towards the border.”
“...you’re right, she wouldn’t...too by the book.”
“Do something, quickly. Or else.”
Sheena slammed the door open. “Or what?”
The two of them stared in astonishment at the sight that greeted them. Camilla was hunched over the desk, her shoulders slumped...her scales turning blue. In front of her was a projection of...of a borg. A strange borg, she didn’t look like the reports Lyn had seen from others, somewhere between borg and ordinary cyber, but a borg all the same.
The borg turned to look at the intruders. “Or the borg will come. And you will be assimilated.” Then the transmission flipped off.
Camilla simply sighed...not turning to face those who interrupted her call, not trying to defend what happened. She simply said, “We need to change course…”
“...where did you meet a borg, and why did she look...” Sheena shuddered, “to pardon my phrasing...almost normal?”
“I cannot tell you that. We need to change course,” Camilla repeated, her scales starting to shift from blue...to white. She was hiding her emotions. “We need to change course.”
Lyn looked concernedly at her. “...Cammy...first we need to get you to the medbay.”
“Lyn...I’m fine. I just…” Camilla stopped, taking a moment to steady her voice, her scales settling on pure white, like the rest of her kind. “We need to change course.”
Lyn stood up. “Sheena, tell the pilots to change course. I’m taking her to the medbay myself...”
Sheena nodded and barked the order through her coms, adding an extra order for two security officers to meet Lyn and Camilla at the medbay. Camilla shook her shoulders, pushing off every attempt Lyn made to touch her, but she didn’t resist other wise, going to the medbay with her head down.
Lyn wanted to apologize, but...she still wasn’t sure whether or not Camilla was...infected… “Cammy just...tell me what’s going on…”
“I can’t,” Camilla said firmly, any hint of the flirty, kind woman, gone for the moment.
Lyn just sighed and took Camilla to the medbay, ordering her to sit on the examination table. She told Maria to look for any mental implants and nanobots in her blood.
After a few minutes, the reports came back. Her blood was clean, no nanobots. But Maria pointed out a small mental implant in her frontal lobe. “It’s not a Borg one...looks...Nohrian. And there’s damage to the skull and tissue in front of it. Looks like someone tried to remove it...or she tried to take it out herself.”
“But you don’t see any borg technology...or anything that can be used by them?”
“No Captain.”
Lyn nodded and walked over to Camilla, who remained white and blank. “Camilla, what’s going on?”
“...you saw it, didn’t you?”
“Cammy, that’s not important right now.” Lyn pulled herself up to sit beside the commander. “What’s going on?”
“I can’t tell you.” Camilla looked down, and her scales tinted blue for a moment before she regained control. “...just...throw me in the holding cell already...I know your security officer thinks I’m compromised.”
“You’re not, not according to the medical records.” Lyn put a hand on her shoulder. “Is it...because of the Union, or...because of your father?”
Camilla frowned for a moment. “My mother. But that’s not important. It’s dealt with.”
Camilla’s coms went off...that voice returning. “You turned the wrong way. I will take control of this ship if your organics can’t follow instructions.”
Camilla just sighed.
Lyn pulled out her comm. “Florina, go the other way.”
“Captain, that will take us towards the Valm border,” Florina argued.
“Better that than the borg.”
“B-borg?” Florina didn’t argue any further. “Heading altered ma’am. We’re flying towards Valm space.”
Lyn looked at Camilla. “Make sure your...friend alerts us at the exact moment we can resume course. I don’t want to get any closer to Valm than I have to... apologies to our valmese crewmembers, but their government does...not approve of this project, and they’re very very sensitive when it comes to borders.
Camilla simply nodded. “I understand, Captain.”
“...look, I’m sorry...” Lyn mumbled. “I just...there’s a lot of crew that depends on us, I have to take as many precautions as possible.”
“I understand. Am I dismissed, or is security to take me to a holding cell?”
“...you’re dismissed. But...before you go, I just want to ask you. Where and how did you meet a...reformed borg? I didn’t even know that was possible.”
“I can’t tell you that.”
Setsuna fell out of a maintenance duct. “I can...”
“Setsuna, I order you to stay quiet,”: Camilla said firmly.
Lyn frowned. “...if you two are going to keep this from me, fine. I won’t bring it up again.”
Setsuna climbed back into the duct. “Ok. I’m off, then. If you hear loud noises from the ducts, it’s probably me.”
Camilla nodded and stood. “I’m returning to the quarters.” She stepped away, pausing at the medbay doors. “It’s my job to protect everyone on this ship...crew or otherwise.” She said simply before walking away.
“Sure, that doesn’t give it away completely, not at all,” Setsuna said snidely from the duct.
“Setsuna, silence!”
Lyn stood in the medbay, alone for a few minutes before returning to the captian’s chair. They continued to fly towards the Valm border, no response from Camilla or her mysterious borg friend.
Then...as they started to enter an asteroid belt, everything started flashing green, and reports started flooding in of everyone loosing input control. The ship drifted into the shadow of a large asteroid, and shut down.
“Someone’s activated silent running!” Florina yelped, fiddling with her console as she tried to regain control. “I can’t deactivate it! We’re stuck defensless in Valm space!”
Lyn stood up. “Fuck. Someone, get Camilla!”
Setsuna popped out of the maintenance duct again. “Hey, I can explain...I’m not supposed to, though...something about ‘they’ll take her apart in pieces’...Can you get someone to come in here if they promise not to file a report? I mean...I’d even be fine with taking the blame but nobody’d believe it.”
Lyn hesitated before stepping forward. “I’ll come with you, Setsuna.”
“Alright, good.”
Lyn hesitated, putting Florina in charge, in case something happened, before slipping down to follow Setsuna.
Setsuna led her through the ducts. “Don’t worry...I don’t get lost here. Dunno why not...”
Eventually they reached...a room Lyndis didn’t recognize on the plans. It was...covered in what looked like...dead, rusted, and broken Borg tech. Like a graveyard for machines...there were only a few dim green pulses of light, leading towards a form resting on a bed...shaking, curled into a tight ball.
“...Camilla’s borg friend is...HERE?” Lyndis couldn’t believe her eyes. No wonder Camilla’s section of the ship had a special inspector, nobody Nohr couldn’t bribe personally would overlook this.
At Lyn’s loud voice, the form curled up more, making a very...distressing sound. Setsuna covered her ears at the loud sound, beeps and buzzes that felt like they were shuttering through everyone’s core.
“ACK! Is she...is she leading us to the borg??”
“...no...don’t want...need to shut down...they’ll hear us if we don’t shut down. Room will come alive. Beruka will become...just...a unit...” The form trembled and seemed to whimper. “Can’t...shut down...she’s so...so loud...her voice...is so...good...no...ah…….”
Setsuna poked her on a button on her shoulder. “Shut down, friend. Take a nap, you’ll be better in a little while...”
The borg trembled. “The ship...will start….if we shut down...have to...stay quiet...all of us…they’ll...she’ll...she’ll hear the ship...if...if I shut down...keeping it...quiet...can’t...shut down…”
“Oh. Stay up, then. Want me to keep you company?”
Lyn hesitated before stepping forward, carefully sitting on one of the dead bed. “I will order silent running until the Borg go away. Can you shut down if I do that?”
Beruka didn’t answer, she just trembled and whimpered.
“...I have a large crew that’s counting on me. You’re the closest thing to an expert in this situation, so I trust your word. Anything that will keep the people on this ship safe.
“Don’t trust...organic…” Beruka finally replied. “Won’t...turn this unit...back on...will take to Union...experiments start again...or...death...don’t trust…”
Setsuna reached out a put a hand on the borg’s shoulder. “You trust me, right?” Beruka nodded and Setsuna smiled. “I’ll turn you back on the moment we’re out of danger. Just tell us what to do.”
“Tune...to lower frequency...hear her voice...wait...for it to fade to...a murmur...we’ll...be safe then…” Beruka answered.
“Ok.” Lyn grabbed her coms and whispered her orders. For silent running to remain until she ordered other wise, and for the lower frequencies to be sent to her coms. After a moment...a...a song started to come through the coms
Beruka whimpered and curled up, her hand coming up to cover her ears. Setsuna reached forward and tapped the button. “Shut down, it’s okay...I’ll take care of you.”
Beruka hesitated before shutting down, her body going slack and the lights fading from her body.
“....now we just have to wait...”
Setsuna nodded. She inched closer and looked at the coms in Lyn’s hand. “...is that song supposed to be ‘her voice’? It sounds...nice. Like a lullaby.”
“...we were briefed on it in the academy...it’s...quite insidious...”
“Insidious? How so?” Setsuna wondered as she leaned on Lyn’s shoulder. “It sounds...nice and gentle…”
“...not entirely sure...I remember...them saying…” Lyn paused for a few moments. “...don’t listen to the song for long...it can lull people into...a trance I think they said…”
“...oh that’s bad...” Setsuna said. “...should we listen in shifts, then?”
Lyn hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath. “No...we...we listen together. Keep each other awake...it shouldn’t last long…” Lyn took Setsuna’s hand and squeezed it gently. “You can do that right? Keep me awake?”
“Yeah...” Setsuna smiled. “I might daydream a bit but i won’t fall asleep.”
Lyn nodded and smiled. “Alright. Just...keep me awake…”
Lyn wasn’t sure how long the two had sat, just talking and keeping each other awake. Eventually though, the song began to fade, drifting to nothing more than  quiet hum, barely audible.
“I think that’s it,” Setsuna said, lightly bumping Lyn’s shoulder. “Lyn...I think we’re in the clear.”
“...good. I’ll go back to the helm, then. Awaken your friend...and congratulate her, we might have just been saved from an inescapable situation.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to thank her yourself?” Setsuna asked softly. “I know she looks scary, but...I can assure you, she’s no threat.”
“...if you say so.” Lyn trusted Setsuna...
“What’s the old saying…? She’s more scared of us than we are of her?” Setsuna stared upward, trying to think for a few moments, before shaking her head and scooting back towards the borg. She pressed a button on the back of her neck, and the lights came back on.
The borg was still for a few moments, then slowly sat up. She looked around, taking in her environment...before she noticed Lyn and scrambled back.
“I’m not here to hurt you,” Lyn said. “In fact, I think I owe you a favor...you just saved the whole ship.”
“...don’t assume I did it for you organics…” Beruka muttered softly. “I saved the commander...saved this unit...saved my home…”
“No matter your reasons, you saved us.” Lyn smiled.
Beruka blinked and closed her eye. “...I supposed I did. It wasn’t intentional...but, thinking on it...this unit needs organics to keep the ship running.” Beruka rocked a little...then grinned. “...you’re welcome, organic...for saving the ship.”
Lyn nodded. “Now i need to go back to the bridge...would you like to remain secret, or not?”
“...I fear the union...but I’m beginning to feel…” Beruka stopped and looked over at Setsuna. “Lonely? Is that correct, Weapons Officer Setsuna?”
Setsuna nodded and smiled. “Yes, that’s right, very good!”
“Hmm...” Lyn thought about it. “I could report you as a stowaway cyber
Beruka hesitated before looking down at her arm, snaking around and curling around her stomach...a sign of nervousness. “...it is highly unlikely that anyone will believe this unit is just a cyber. Not...not with this installed on me...”
“...I’ll check the records for any information on reformed or reprogrammed borg...”
Beruka’s arm uncurled and snaked over the console. Lines of code appeared on the screen. “...it’s possible. Though they may order implants changed and removed.”
“Are you willing to take that risk?”
“...this unit is lonely...so...yes.”
“All right. I’ll report it, then.” Lyn stood and made her way through the tangle of cable back to the cockpit.
“...if they attempt to remove me from the ship,” Beruka said as she was leaving. “...I’ll take the ship and disappear…”
“Then I assure you that won’t happen.” Lyn had a feeling that she had just made a valuable ally...or depending on the Union’s decision, a deadly enemy. “I’ll make sure you’re accepted...or if not that, at least allowed.”
Beruka nodded and fell silent, allowing Lyn to crawl back to the cockpit. Everyone there was silent, watching their captain carefully. There was a new addition, Camilla standing behind the captain’s chair, her scales still white.
“Reactivate the ship, we’re out of danger.” Lyn gave them a reassuring, confident smile, then added, “Thanks to our...newest crew member in Engineering.
Florina started up the ship, and Camilla faked a laugh. “...she’s not exactly new…but however you wish to word it.”
“Not new to the ship, but new to the official crew roster.” Lyn noticed everyone looking at her strangely. “Maybe I should explain...our ship is home to an...experiment that has apparently saved us multiple times. A fully deprogrammed, sentient borg. Really more a cyber that resembles a borg at this point.”
The bridge crew was silent, stunned at the information of their captain, but Florina quickly continued working, getting them out of Valm space.
Sheena stood with her hands behind her back. “Permission to speak freely?”
Sheena took a deep breath. “Pardon my phrasing, but, Lyndis what the fuck are you thinking, letting a borg stay on our ship?”
“...it’s not your ship…” Camilla grumbled.
“...apparently she’s lived here for...how long, Camilla?” Lyn asked.
“As long as I’ve owned it...before Nohr officially joined the Union.” Camilla turned to face Sheena, with a strange blank grin. “If you have an issue with that, you are more than able to take it up with me and the borg.”
“...wow, so we’re talking more than fifteen years then.” Lyn said. “No attempts at assimilation?”
“A few...early on, but we came to a deal.” Camilla squirmed nervously and looked down. “...I...well she hasn’t done that in a decade...especially not since Rh- since a certain person repaired her, deleting the last vestiges of her programming. Now she just wants to be free like anyone else.”
Lyndis nodded. She didn’t feel like repeating Beruka’s ultimatum...it seemed like most were convinced, and she’s make sure to write the report to the Union herself.
Camilla smiled and looked over at Lyn. “...can I relax now…?”
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