#also sorry if some things sounds a little weird I'm not using the translator I'm just letting my mind run wild
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glitterstarly · 10 months ago
Guys. Guys. Hear me out. This reset was planned since the beginning of the server. Since the beginning of everything.
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There was a person on twt that has been making theories since the firsts months of the qsmp, and theorized that the island is an time loop and after reaching a certain point it restarts again, but the story repeats itself with changes on the plot caused on what they learn on the previous resets, as the purpose of the federation says: to make the island perfect. The old buildings at the beginning of the server, the diaries and entries found by Cellbit, the resistance, everything is designed and supposed to happen again and again and again.
Now, I know that things have been difficult for everyone in this past months, but I believe that this was the original plan of the server until the idea got distorted in the way (the situation with the admins that managed the server, the egg event that extended for almost a year, miscommunication, etc), and know that its know the new admins running Quackity Studios are people really passionated with the project I believe that they would want to bring again the original plans that were done for the server but they were never able to do for different reasons (hopefully the horror is back again! :D)
But I'm really faithful about this changes, and I DO believe this is not something that was planned in a rush and this is something that was put on the table years ago when qsmp was only especulation, it's just sad that things developed in the way they did but hey, the important thing is to learn from the mistakes in order to have better results in the future, and I hope this new start just bring good things for everyone, we really need it :,)
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the-moon-files · 1 year ago
Hi! I'm kinda new here but I was hoping to leave a request or at least something to chew on. So there's this genshin sagau where the reader has a bit of a language barrier with the other characters and I was wondering if that translated over to the Linked Universe as well? Like imagine the boys finding this random person with different clothes, accessories, and they talk in a language never before heard of? What are they, some kind of eldritch being? Meanwhile reader recognizes them obviously but frustratingly can't express any feelings asides from base concepts! Man.
Some funnies include; reader voicing more thoughts out loud now that no one can really understand them and reader eventually learning the language and getting a really sick accent out of it.
That's all my tired brain can think of atm so I bid you adieu. Have a good rest of your day :)
First Official Request!! :D oh and its amazinggg, ooOOO a language barrier AU, genshin? hm wonder who wrote that
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Reader wasn’t specified and ive adopted masc!reader as the normal over here, so masc reader it is 👍
Sun: Masc/Male Reader (”you”/he/him)
Orbit: EXTRA LONG Headcanons-ish/scenarios SORRY 😭, Language Barrier AU my beloved
Stars: The Classic Chain of Links <3
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing, typical mild loz violence, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
so for the sake of even funnier confusion, lets say the boys kinda missed u falling thru a portal, and instead just see the portal, and it disappears w/nothing coming out
(bc u obv are a competent person and clearly recognize the giant horse head stable from Breath of the Wild and went inside, like to orient urself, u will NOT be a Y/N damsel in distress 💀)
the boys had already been heading to that stable to sleep for the night, and needless to say, u nearly have a fit LMAO
first, the Hero of Time walks in, then the Link from Hyrule Warriors, then from Link’s Awakening? Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom Link?? Wind Waker Link, Four Sword Link??? The original Legend of Zelda Link-!!!!
well at least u arent the only weirdly dressed person there
(well, u arent weird looking for the hylians in the stable, theyre used to this weird shit, but the Chain of heroes on the other hand…)
they get to observing their bunkmates for the night, subtly squinting at you, then turning to talk to each other, and slowly every link gets made aware of ur prescense, u didnt think u stood out that bad..
(”くいんね しら んらな すいそらきみについ ちみん らは かくちか まいていりすん はすらも んらなす いすち・”) *
it also quickly becomes obvious to every traveler in the stable that you either cant speak, or wont speak, as when ur exchanging money for rupees at the front desk, the owner is accommodating with you by pointing and grunting and ur just nodding and pointing back
well, its not like when u first greeted the guy u understood even a single thing the guy said, it sounded like some sub-dialect of Japanese or something
u had realized earlier with horror that the game was staying true to its creators, and that most likely everyone spoke a special version of Japanese and ur English ass was abt to be so lonely and confused 😭
Wars/Time/Sky/Four in particular clearly noticed u exchanging all ur currency, as u can see them whispering or glancing at you occasionally as u pocket ur now little green gems the size of coins, rather than strip of paper
(”しにし くい まなとかるるる みらか くちひい すなせいいと・ てくら しらいとみゃか くちひい すなせいいと・ かくちか くちとみゃか すいちりりん そくちみきいし らひいす かくい いすちとね くちと にか てにりし・”)
and the boys move on in the morning, and its acc torture for u bc u had no idea how to even begin to quell their suspicions enough to let you travel along with them
u think u could say u came out a portal, but.. how would tell them that? drawing pictures in the dirt?? 💀
and this just keeps happening.
even when u just try to admire from a distance or even outright just leave them to it and go off to explore Hyrule (as safe as u could after acquiring a weapon and some more clothes)
but its like fate (or maybe Hylia tbh) wants u to run into these legendary heroes (both kinda in ur world and definitely here) constantly
after the stable u manage to run into them in Kakariko Village, which wasnt crazy bc u needed more supplies, and it was the nearest town to the stable
ur sure they noticed, but u outright avoided them out of paranoia or making them paranoid u were following them, and u definitely saw who you thought was the hero of the Four Sword whisper about u as u walked by, not that u caught much
(”るるるかくちかゃと かくい とちもい とかすちみきいほりららのにみき きなん はすらも かくい とかちこりいる てい とくらなりし のいいせ ちみ いんい らみ くにもる”)
but you’d started to recognize some Japanese words! …and tbh anime is the only reason for that, something definitely like “watch, him” 💀
which rlly didnt make u feel any better, and u avoided them even harder, u bought a map, so u made sure to head in the opposite direction of them out of, lets be honest, kinda lowkey fear of what theyd do if they thought u were stalking them
but despite u trying to actively go away from them, either you, or them, would show up everywhere the other went,
you passed by Wind playing in the water in Zora’s Domain,
Twilight riding Epona around the plains in Central Hyrule, Sky hanging laundry outside Wild’s house in Hateno
Honest-to-fucking-god seeing Wars, Wild, and Legend all crossdress to sneak into Gerudo village- u cant fucking escape them-
and the worst part is, you cant understand anyone, other than some basic words atp 😭
its as the Chain come from a path that merges onto yours on the way to Rito Village when Legend snaps first
You’re not even surprised, tbh it was more surprising it took them so long 💀
(”にかゃと んらな!! ちきちにみ!!! てくん ちすぃ んらな はらりりらてにみき なと・ くらて ちすぃ んらな はらりりらてにみき なと・・ くらて ちすぃ てぃ はらりりらてにみき んらな・・!!”)
the look on ur face must have drawn some pity from Twilight bc he’s trying to talk Legend out of his yelling and pointing his sword at you,
(”ひいか そちりも しらてみ! りにのい んらな とちにしね に かくにみの ていゃひい ちりとら とらもいくらて こいいみ はらりりらてにみき かくいも からら!”)
Wars joins in, giving you a confused look, before talking to the group at large, most of which have their hands near their weapons, but dont look that inclined to use them, thank the fucking gods or whoever rules over Hyrule-
(”かくい すちみそくいす くちと ち せらにみかね かくにと すいいのと らは もちきにそ ちみし にゃも となすい にかゃと くんりにちゃと しらにみきる てい とくらなりし まなとか かすん から かちりの から かくいもね といい には かくいんゃすい いさせいすにいみそにみき ちみんかくにみき とかすちみきいる”)
oh no. they want to talk you, you barely picked out in their argument
Time nods in agreement, before stepping forward to talk first, you cant even imagine how anxious u look rn lol
(”かくい らかくいすと ちすい すにきくかね かくにと にと りらみき らひいすしないる もん みちもい にと かにもいね ちみし かくいとい ちすい もん かすちひいりにみき そらもせちみにらみとね ちと にゃも となすい んらなゃひい きちかくいすいし はすらも なと すなみみにみき にみから いちそく らかくいす とら もなそくる てくちかゃと んらなす みちもい・”)
why has Hylia forsaken you. what did you do to not receive some sort of fancy natural translator power in ur brain or something after getting portaled here, its the least she could do for fucks sake- talking to someone in a diff. language is SO much harder than just listening to them to understand what theyre saying-
you desperately try to recall the words people have said at stables and whatnot when introducing themselves, before they realized you couldnt speak the same language
(”Uh… もん みちもい にと… and I’m not following you…とらすすん”)
you just try to say ur name and then say sorry LMAO 😭
Nearly every Link is staring at you bug-eyed in shock, confusion, and understanding all at once
the Chain’s attitude changes pretty quick after that, and they quickly connect the dots after, yes, u do a drawing of a portal in the dirt 💀
u gather from the few words u can get that it was indeed magic (probably Hylia) that kept shortcutting you and the group of heroes together over and over again
she can move your position in space time and yet she cant get u an auto-translator after being forced to be here.
(in the middle of u drawing to communicate Hyrule manages to understand the gist of what you meant by that and laughs)
the Chain are quick to be very accomdating, Wars/Sky/Wild all offering to try and better teach u their language, but in return they want to learn yours?
actually, that was smth u noticed pretty early on in the ensuing weeks of travel, was the fascination they had w/English and ur voice??
Wind constantly rambled at you and poked and smiled at you to try and get you to ramble back, and after getting more comfortable around them,
u start to talk like they cant understand a word ur saying, which is entirely accurate, and you notice some like to lean in when you talk, or respond with humming/saying smth like u can understand, or even just gesture for u to keep going
Four/Time/Legend?? surprisingly/Hyrule/Twilight like when u get rlly talkative like ur having a one-sided convo w/them all the time, and they constantly are looking at you poinetedly to hear u narrate whatever ur doing or give a response whenever they same something at you (Rulie/Four/Twi/ and sometimes Time, (and he turns away but Legend too) give a little smile whenever you ramble)
Wild is Very Interested in your langauage, bc the Zora, Rito, Gerudo, and Gorons all had their native tongue that he ended up learning, and so he constantly makes notes to try and decipher some of what ur saying in English
he lights up anytime ur able to successfully tell him another something abt it, like the alphabet, or grammar or structure etc
they seem to pay attention esp in the mornings or late at night? ur not sure why until Wind both draw pictures and tries to get the general idea to you to explain
(”かくいんゃすい ちりり きちんる んらなす ちそそいみか にと くらか ちみし んらなす ひらにそい にと しいいせる かくいんゃすい ていちのる”)
smth abt ur voice being nice? deep? but theirs do that too? u dont get it, but thank him anyway
they also help u out at markets, keep out of trouble w/locals, and other misc tasks that need some language help
everythings going great, the Chain trusts you, ur getting better at their language every day, and bc English is one of the hardest languages to learn in the world, theyre slowly getting some of urs!
it isnt until ur camping out in the Temple of Time when things get weird again
Not only is there English carved into the walls, which u read as the Chain give u “explain now” looks and u communicate that the rlly ancient looking script they may or may not be able to read is, in fact, the written version of ur language-
but then another portal opens, and there’s sentences wrapped around the edges, which are fully in English too.
* = hint: JIS
So i love ciphers for language barrier AUs, so have a cypher! have fun decoding it if u like, but don’t worry abt translating it, as its purposefully not important for u to enjoy this :)
JFC IM SO SORRY AB THE LENGTH I WROTE THIS FROM MIDNIGHT TO LIKE 1:30 AM- UGH sometimes this happens when i get on a scenario kick, SORRY 😭😭
also so sorry abt late reply! at least i already established im slow w/u guys so ig its not a huge surprise 😭
tysm for the request it was such a fun idea to write abt :D
i also like genshin, just a little bit u could say, so it was cool to see this carryover across fandoms lol
language barrier is so versatile, could be angst, crack, etc. so that makes sense
have a great weekend!!
Peace out,
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littleeyesofpallas · 8 months ago
would you make meta stuff about Mayuri's way of speaking? I mean guy speaks strange way compared to other characters and me with friend don't speak japanese and would like to know more about it.
Thank you! 💜
So, i do want to remind anyone reading my blog but please remember i'm not at all fluent in Japanese. I understand the grammar on a textbook level, and with enough dictionary resources I can poke around and sus out nuances of some word choices (particularly stuff like fictional names of people and swords and attacks and stuff, as those kinds of creative choices are very overt*), especially in irregular usage, but when it comes down to things like dialect, slangs, vernacular or phraseology, or more subtle tone indicators I'm pretty blind.
*(sorry to further clarify: when it's stuff like fantasy jargon it's stuff no one would ever actually say, and so the choices made in crafting those words or names from scratch are all reliably very deliberate. But when looking at more casual speech a lot of character voice just kind of defaults to what "sounds" right, and so the distinction between choosing one common word over another isn't always meaningful or readily apparent, both in general and to someone not fully fluent like me.)
Like if someone talks in a stilted overly technical or dry way I might be able to tell that much, but I'd totally miss more structural things like whether it makes them sound more like a mad scientist -vs- a tryhard edgelord fake intellectual -vs- a man out of time -vs- a stuffy rich person --or what the differences i'd even be looking for between all those would be-- I really can't tell outside of what i might be able to glean from things like narrative context more than the dialog itself.
With the exception of some very tropey, and thus easier to identify things like, movie-esque yakuza slang, or melodramatic historical feudal drama formal titles --and even then those are things i might more readily catch when actually spoken than when written on the page-- i'm just as lost as the next person.
That all being said, there are still a few little things i can sort of pick at without feeling totally out of my depth...
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I think it's been brought up on some random post of mine before that Mayuri does notably use a "more feminine" 1st person pronoun, watashi[私] which is a pretty common pronoun, although its usage feels weird to explain in English?
Like... it is considered "gender neutral" in that there are other pronouns that are more specifically feminine or masculine and it's not one of them. But then in practice, you'd basically expect men to opt for one of the more overtly masculine pronouns, which just sort of leaves women with watashi as a default?
So it's not that it explicitly makes him sound ""feminine"" so much as it makes him sound less masculine; which suits his intellectual, non physical inclined, and at times cowardly or at least scheming demeanor. But like, it's also considered a little stuffy and sort of overly formal, or technical which is also appropriate to him.
Oh right and it's a formal pronoun as opposed to informal, but there's also a level of very formal pronouns, and it's not one of those, so that doesn't so much triangulate a position as it just leave in vaguely in the middle of the road...
Does that all make sense? it feels like super overexplaining for what is an extremely commonly used pronoun with mostly very neutral implications.
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He occasionally ends sentences with a single katakana syllable rather than hiragana, indicating... not quite an "accent".. but like a sort of emphasis. Like a punctuating lilt in tone. Actually Nakao Ryuusei does this really noticeably in the anime and I don't know for sure if I heard it that way in my head and he just nailed it, or if i heard him first and it's just always colored my reading since.
A lot of the rhetorical NE[ネ] which begs confirmation, often translated into English as "...right?" (It's part of that desu ne[ですね] that you hear a lot in anime, where the desu[です] is just the verb to be, so together they tend to translate as "isn't it?")
YO[ヨ] which is again a sort of rhetorical thing that usually gets translated as something like, "...you know?"
and E?[エ?] which isn't even a word or part of speech so much as it's just like, an interrogative noise? Quite literally just "eh?"
But see this is one of those things were like... I can tell it's different from a sort of default neutral mode of speech, but I don't know what that indicates as, like, a point of characterization... Is it specifically condescending? Is it there to sound mechanical or stilted? Is it somehow old fashioned or polite/formal? I have no clue as to these sorts of specifics.
[edit]: I want to reiterate this is a rhetorical device, he's not literally asking a question and waiting for a response. If anything it's functionally the exact opposite, he's saying it to emphasize that he's stating things meant to be taken as facts, it actively closes the dialog off from further questioning.
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He also says HOU[ホウ] a lot, which also isn't really a word so much as a sound, but given the pattern in speech above I feel like it's kind of inquisitive, or at least contemplative, which is (i think) how I remember Nakao delivering those lines too. Like a sort of, "Oh?" or "Huh..." or "Hmm..."
And given how close the camera gets to his face most times he says it, it gives an impression of being, not "quiet" exactly, but like you had to be close to hear it, so like, almost under his breath? Like it's clearly a noise he makes to himself, it's not like a thing or expression he's making to the other people int he scene.
FUU[フウ] or alternatively HUU, and I think once or twice FUN'/HUN'[フン] as a sort of grunt? not quite as guttural as that, but not quite a sigh? Like a "hmpf."
He also does your classic YARE YARE[ヤレヤレ] which definitely isn't unusual or unique to him but it has this kind "tut tut" or "tch"/"tsk" tone to it and tends to translated very loosely like, "oh my" or "good grief", but I think of it more like a "well, well, well..." but like kind of implicitly more exasperated than that sounds in english?
I don't know where to start trying to qualify, like... what kind of character says yare yare a lot, but it's definitely something that suits some characters more than others, and Mayuri it definitely fits.
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He tends to laugh like ...KU KU...[...クク...] which is a kind of sharp snigger, sneer, or scoff. He really doesn't guffaw or cackle or have much of a more typical dramatic villain laugh, it's very understated.
Although in his fight with Pernida he does let out a full on maniacal FUHAHAHA[フハハハ] laugh for the first time in the whole series
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I do love the fonts Kubo uses for a lot of Mayuri's dialog. At a certain point he starts to lean intothe same basic font as everyone else, but particualrly at the beginning he switches between a few unusual ones that are specific to Mayuri.
One's got that rough kind of pseudo handwritten quality to it. It reads to me as kind of scratchy, like a sharp pen nib on thick matte paper, with a kind of clotty ink flow that starts thick and wet but sorta tapers out too fast, leaving the lines spotty and rough.
But he also alternated with a thicker rounder font that has these subtle curls to them that I don't see other character use often.
and then he's got a second font choice that basically has all the same tones as the first one, except maybe a bit, like, louder(?) implicitly just based on context? It tends to be used in creepy action scenes where as the thinner one is more for creepy conversation?
In his very first appearance he chastises Gin, and he changes font between sentences, giving a very distinct sense that it's a change in tone. It reads to me like a low heavy hiss, almost like his voice is normally shallow or throaty, but when the font changes he suddenly drops his voice into a chestier range and speaks almost more smoothly?
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Then there's just the perfectly regular fonts he uses sometimes, basically any/every other character uses these same fonts at some point or another.
and he has a neat thin wispy font that he only uses the one time when he liquefies himself. Along with the voice bubbles used, it gives a super distinct impression of his voice barely being audible.
He also one time speaks enthusiastically in an italic version of the more standard font when he arrives in Hueco Mundo.
And then in the Hell Jaw one shot he just has a completely different standard font because Kubo probably didn't keep track of what fonts he'd been using from like 8 years ago
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There's also a subtly funky sort of font he uses briefly in the tbtp sidestory? I dunno what to say about this honestly. It gives me these vague 60s-70s vibes that I can't quite place? (I feel like I know i've seen it before but on what? A bowling alley sign? A little back alley cafe? a jazz album cover??)
I have no idea that the take away from that is supposed to be though.
And I guess that's it. I dunno how I thought I was gonna end this. It didn't really reveal any new facets to his character that weren't pretty apparent from the rest of his whole design and demeanor. Plus Nakao's performance in the anime basically nails all of this and i think makes it pretty apparent in tone even if you don't know much about Japanese.
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astralhope · 8 months ago
This is a little project that I worked on in the last weeks, and I finally finished it.
The Japanese dub is my favorite, but the Italian one was the one that made me discover Zexal, and I used to watch the show in Italian until the third arc.
I watched the episodes from the first two arcs in this dub many times and I'm still very attached to most of the characters' Italian voices.
This dub is very dear and nostalgic to me, so I wanted to share some Astral's clips from it on my blog.
But I didn't want to put a bunch of Italian clips here without any kind of subtitles, so I decided to do the subtitles myself. But what should have been just a few clips became all Astral's scenes in the first two episodes, and it took me more time than I anticipated.
Just a few things before you watch the video:
- I tried to do this translation more literally possible (so I apologize if some lines sound weird), but with some phrases and expressions I had to translate them in a not literal way to keep their meaning.
- The edit of the video is a little rough because I favored the audio over the video and I tried not to cut the lines too much. And since I only used Astral's clips, some transactions between scenes are not very smooth, I apologize about that.
- I hope that the subtitles are easy to read, I never did something like this and I did my best to make them readable and not too fast.
- I rewatched it several times to check it, but it's very possible that there's still some errors or/and weird phrasing, so I apologize in advance for any errors.
After all those premises, here is the finished work:
Astral's clips from episodes 1 and 2 of Zexal in Italian dub (with English subs):
(I'm sorry for the bad quality, but not only the original videos were in a low quality, but I also had to lower it even more to upload it)
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gigai-translations · 3 months ago
(Project SEKAI) Shiraishi An BloomFes Story - Irreplaceable People
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Wooooo!! I got both Bloomfes done let's gooo!! Like the Haruka bloomfes story, I recommend watching the story with visuals too if you have the card.
Translation under the cut.
Story 1
[Street SEKAI] 
[The Plaza]
An: Miku, Rin-chan, sorry for the wait–!
Miku: Hey, An! There’s no need to rush. 
An: Nah. I promised to do practice here so I’m not the one who should be running late, ya know? 
Rin: Atta girl, An-chan! So unlike Kaito! 
Rin: Though it's kinda rare for you to come over a little late. 
An: Well, before coming here, I took a detour to WEEKEND GARAGE. 
An: And the peeps from the street wouldn't let me go, saying they'd
An: We're about to take a long trip to America, sure, but it's not like I’m never coming back or anything. 
Miku: Well it goes to show how much these people love you. 
An; Hehe, I guess~ 
An: … But man, America, huh? 
Rin: Ain’t it so exciting? Will you go around to see a bunch of stuff? 
An: Hmm…since we're going all the way there, I wanna see and experience a lotta new things–
An: …Ah
Miku: Hm?…What's up? 
An: Ah, well…
An: Come to think of it, I remember thinking about how Nagi was supposed to be in America. 
An: I wonder if it’s because Uncle Taiga was going there or were there places she wanted to go to?
Miku: Well, if you can’t know that on your own, then there’s no other source but asking your dad and some other people close to her, right? 
An: Right! After practice, I'll call dad and– 
An: …Eh? Did something just flash from the end of that alleyway? 
Rin: I saw it too! Looked like a light from a Fragment! 
Miku: …Let's check it out.
An: Found it! Could the light earlier be from that glass shard-looking thing? 
Miku: It seems like a Fragment but…
Rin: It’s kinda weird, isn’t it? Looks like it was shattered. 
Rin: Also, Miku and I haven't noticed it at all before. When did it get here? 
An: Well whatever it is, leaving it like that is kinda sad. Those might be feelings precious to someone else. I gotta pick it up. 
Miku: Ah, Wait–!
An: Eh? 
An: Wah– W-wh-what's going on!?
An: …Gosh, I forgot. 
An: Touching that thing would put us into some SEKAI from those feelings. 
Rin: That's right. We'll be able to go back in a bit and I don't think there's any danger here but…
Miku: So much for practice, huh? 
An: Ahaha… Sorry 'bout that! 
An: Although…
An: …This is a really quiet place, huh? 
Miku: It certainly is. Though there's a place that looks like a stage, a DJ booth with speakers, various sound equipment…
Rin: –Ah! An-chan, lookie! Look over here! 
Rin: See! There's a picture of little An-chan spinning a turntable around. 
An: You're right! Was this a photo? I think we have a similar picture from our family album. 
Miku: …Photos, huh? There's a couple more over here. 
An: Ah, That's a pic of me, Kohane and our friends when we went to Phennyland! Haruka took this pic I’m sure of that! 
An: Oh, this one's taken by Kohane from when we went camping! 
Miku: Seems like there's a mix of pictures from when you were little to fairly recent events. That one over there looks like another one of those pics of little An. 
An: Yeah! That was when there was a shrine festival near Vivid Street! I was scooping up goldfish together with the street locals! 
An: Oh, and in this one pic where I'm eating sweets, Uncle Taiga brought a lot of Dagashi with him…
An: …huh? 
An: …That's odd…
Rin: Yeah! this sure is a rare SEKAI and to have this many pictures of yourself in one place too!
An: True, but…
An: The turntable photo, the photo of me scooping up goldfish and the photo of me eating Dagashi—
An: Why is there no one else in those pictures but me? 
An: The people from the street and Nagi-san should've been together with me in those photos. So why…?
Miku & Rin: Eh? 
???: That's because I don’t need them! 
An: W-who…!? 
An: What, no way…
Rin: It's little An from those pictures! 
An: What did you mean by "I don’t need them"?
Other An: I don’t need them so I said so. 
Other An: Because everyone lied…
Other An: And even Nagi-san abandoned me. 
An: …!
Other An: …Hey, forget about all of those selfish guys! Eeevery single one of them! 
Other An: If you do that, then you'd feel a lot better—
Rin: Wah! An-chan…!
Miku: An!
Rin: Ah…! An-chan, thank go–
Miku: Rin, wait. Something's wrong…
Rin: W-where are you going!? An-cha–
???: Ahhh!!!
Rin: Wah! 
An: Wowwowwow!! You're Kagamine Rin-chan, right? 
An: And that girl over there is Hatsune Miku-chan!?
Miku: Uh, yeah… An, what happe—
An: Nice to meet 'ya! I'm Shiraishi An! 
Miku: ... .No way, did she just forget about us? 
Rin: Whhhhaaaaaat—---!?
Story 2
An: I'm sooo happy! I get to meet Virtual Singers, Miku-chan and Rin-chan! 
An: Hey hey, let's talk about more stuff! 
Rin: R-right! I'm thinking of something to talk about so An-chan go think of something too! 
An: Okay! Ehehe, what we talk about…!
Rin: (Hey, Miku! What should we do!? An-chan became little An-chan and she doesn't remember us!?)
Miku: (... This is just my conjecture but the owner of this SEKAI is likely An herself)
Miku: (So I think she's impacted by the very thoughts that shape this SEKAI.) 
Rin: (I get that but…why would An-chan's feelings be to mess with, well, herself?)
Miku: (...Anyways, let's try and talk to An)
Miku: (No matter how many feelings-born An clones there are, they can't completely manipulate her memories. If we keep talking to her, her memories might come back.)
Miku: —Sorry for keeping you waiting. We wanna get to know you, An. So may we ask you all sorts of stuff?
An: It's cool! Ask me anything! 
Miku: So first, can you tell me what are some things you like? 
An: I love singing! My dad teaches me all sorts of stuff! 
An: My dad's a super awesome singer! He formed a group with his friends—
An: Huh? Who were they…? I know he told me the name of his team…
*-brief flashback from earlier-*
An: Why is there no one else in those pictures but me? 
An: The people from the street and Nagi-san should've been together with me in those photos. So why…?
*-End of flashback-*
Miku: …so, can you tell me about your team, An? 
An: My…team…
An: Ah, Right right! We're called Vivid Bad Squad!
An: Kohane, Akito and Touya! The four of us together will make an event that surpasses RAD WEEKEND! 
Miku: …Like I thought, her memories aren't completely gone. 
Rin: An-chan! This RAD WEEKEND, I wanna know more! What kind of event was it? 
An: Okay! Well…
*-Brief flashbacks of COL*-
An: …Ah, what? 
An: Even though I saw a lot of close friends there, I can't remember. 
An: Uhm, in that event, my dad appeared—
*-Another brief flashback to COL-*
An: Huh…
An: I can't remember dad's face…
An: Why…
*-An tries to remember but can't-*
An: Why…?
An: That memory was so…so dear to me… I can't remember at all…
An: What happened to me…
Rin: An-chan…
Miku: …An, do you want to take back those memories? 
An: …Yes! It's so important to me! 
Miku: …Even if that memory can make you sad now? 
An: What…?
Rin: Miku, putting it that way is…
Miku: It's the truth.
Miku: Earlier I said her memories can't be manipulated with but since they can be interfered like this means—
Miku: At the very least, somewhere deep inside An would want for this to happen. 
Rin: Ah…
Rin: It's like what the other An said earlier…
*-Brief flashback from earlier-* 
Other An: Because everyone lied…
Other An: And even Nagi-san abandoned me. 
Miku: …That's a part of An's feelings deep down. 
Miku: …An, what do you want to do? It's good for you to decide for yourself. 
An: I…
An: (...What should I do?)
An: (Even though I know that memory means so much to me.)
An (... I'm scared…)
An: (I want to remember but I also…don't…!) 
An: …I don't know!
An: I don't know what to do!! 
Rin: …
*-Rin hugs An-*
An: Eh…
An: Rin-chan…?
Rin: …That time, even when I was there, I couldn't do anything. 
(*TL NOTE: Pretty sure she's referring to Light Up the Fire.)
Rin: This time, I'll stand by you…! I won't let you be alone! 
An: …! 
An: (That's right, I…)
*-Flashback in Vivid street/weekend garage-*
Ken: Because of that, you…
Ken: You'll go beyond.. To the place where Nagi couldn't reach, her dream. 
Ken: Together. With the friends you have here. 
*-End of Flashback-*
An: I…
An: We'll…! 
*-Brief flashback to COL during Rad Blast*-
An: …! 
An: –I won't forget
An: Nagi-san, Uncle Taiga, the people of Vivid Street…!
An: I made a promise…! I'll carry Nagi-san and everyone's wishes on my shoulders!
An: And I'll…
An: And I'll take them with me!!
An: To beyond Nagi-san's dream…!! 
*-An returns to normal-*
An: Ah…
Rin: An-chan…! 
An: Rin-chan…
An: Thanks. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't remember that precious memory. 
An: Thank you too, Miku. I'm okay now. 
Miku: Say, you're watching right now somewhere, aren’t you? 
-*Other An appears*-
An: …Sorry, I ended up remembering after all. 
Other An: Why are you apologizing? 
An: …I did think if I forgotten all of it, things would be so much easier–
Other An: And just like that, you just forgave them that easily, huh? 
Other An: Everyone that hid the truth from us: Dad, the town folk, Nagi-san…
An: …It wasn't that simple
An: I cried so much, I got so angry, I felt so resentful. 
An: But, you know, I really love dad and the people of Vivid Street—
An: And no matter how much I cry and yell, it won't bring Nagi-san back. 
An: But Nagi-san's wishes–her dream, I want to take them together with me. 
Other An: …I see. So I guess you don’t need me anymore, right? 
An: No. I don't see it that way. 
An: I want to keep my memory of everything. What I felt at that time; the despair that made me want to forget, the frustration, everything. 
An: If I forget it all, I feel like Nagi-san will move further away from me. 
An: That's why, I'll keep aaaall these memories until I die. Someday in heaven, I'll see Nagi-san and tell her: 
An: "How could you do that to me!" Hehe! 
Other An: …That sounds nice! Hehe.
-*They return back to the Street SEKAI*-
An: …Phew–! We got back–!
An: Miku, Rin-chan, thanks so much. If you two weren't there, I might have lost it. 
Rin: *cries* Yeah! From now on, let's not pick up random fallen objects all willy-nilly. 
An: Yeah yeahhhh
Miku: …So what do we do? We planned on practicing but should we skip today and chill out at Meiko's? 
An: Mmmh, if it's alright with you two, I'd like to practice. I didn’t argue with myself just for me to not give it my all. 
Miku: Okay–! I'll keep you company! 
An: Thanks! 
An: Now, let's sing! 
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mimicha-arts · 2 years ago
Qian Jin
Hello and sorry. I’m here again with my “catch the details faster than the frame changes.” Let's talk about Qian Jin! I'm pretty sure we'll learn new information in the next episode because of the flashback, so I want to get ahead of things a little and play bingo ;)
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1. Romeo and Juliet Many have discussed this, but we will go deeper. One of the main key points in the s2 is the Romeo and Juliet theme and poster, which we now know is related to Qian Jin's story.
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In my opinion, his whole scene with the poster looked very personal, hardly just "symbolism" of his feelings after losing his wife or something like that. And here I will try to explain why. Because, most likely, the actress on the poster is Qian Jin's wife. Her name was shown for such a brief moment that I actually nearly lost my mind while trying to capture the frame. So, her name is probably Chen Nan (陈楠). And I really don't think it was necessary to include such details if they are minor.
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Well. Pure speculations. We all remember that initially everything was wrong with the case, the suspect in the murder of Qian Jin‘s wife after some time committed suicide and left a note with a confession. Although I can read some words, I can't rely on my eyes, so I can't string them together into complete sentences. But what I can guess is that there are two characters in the signature, and the surname kinda looks like Zhuang (庄).
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So. Which character also has the surname Zhuang, who has already been "shown" in the series… On the same poster of "Romeo and Juliet", where the actress, theoretically, was Qian Jin's wife… Yeah. Zhuang Shuai (庄帅)
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Okay, this could all be a coincidence, my imagination, speculation. But is these details actually connected, for now, until this has been refuted, I suspect that the story of the murder of Qian Jin's wife was much more personal and deep. Like, now we are convinced that after he found out about Cheng Xiaoshi's ability, his motivation is obviously to capture Cheng Xiaoshi in order to rewrite the past. Likely to save his wife (?). But I'm not sure how much more complex it will be?
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If any of this is confirmed, I rather think that Qian Jin's wife was killed by Zhuang Shuai out of jealousy. I also need to say, for now I don't think that 戴绿帽子 is a possible situation here, seems TOO cruel for me, but who knows.
2. Qian Jin and details Eyes. We were all confused because Qian Jin's eyes were not common, but icy yellow. In fact, his eyes can be said to have three states. I also note that sometimes pupils are not drawn or too small because of 2D graphics, so I take into account only obvious close-ups. First type: present, yellow eyes with a vertical pupil. We see that kind of his eyes in most of his scenes. The same type of eyes are in his character design pictures and intro.
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Second type: present, yellow with a round pupil. This type of eyes appears specifically in episode 4.
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(Technically) third type: the past, yellow eyes with a round pupil. In all the close-up scenes in flashbacks, his pupils are round.
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Abilities: It's hard to guess, but at the moment I don't think he personally has any special abilities. It seems to me, given his one line, that Qian Jin relies more on his skills, plans and his people, treating abilities (at least in this situation) in a rather lenient way. Also, his real words sound more special and poetic - If there is a way to reach the sky, it will be difficult to fly away even with wings (friendly reminder, I'm not a translator or native speaker)
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But there is one dubious detail. OK. Speaking of gloves, he probably uses gloves to avoid accidentally touching Li Tianchen and getting controlled, which is a pretty logical conclusion after episode 8. But. At some point, while talking to Li Tianchen, when the frame points to Qian Jin, there is a rather small movement of the hand and the sound of either the rustle of clothes, or the sound of something being handed over (ep 7, 1:22-1:28). This was weird.
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This may be a trick, but at some point, when it gets to 7pm, Qian Jin claps his hands. And given to Cheng Xiaoshi's abilities, we know that clapping can be a means of activating/disabling an ability.
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Speculation: Since we can't fully rely on changing the shape of the eyes, pupil, eye color, due to the change in visual "rules" compared to season 1 + animation errors, but for now I'll make assumptions.
In fact, in some of these scenes, Qian Jin may be possessed by Cheng Xiaoshi (which is trite, but possible)
Someone uses their abilities on Qian Jin, they are in cooperation. This person either possess him either they watches events through Qian Jin's eyes from time to time, as if through a camera.
Qian Jin gave something to Li Tianchen in the car, and that will play a role in the plot.
The change of eyes is an attempt to show the change in his personality, but I don't think it's that simple.
3. Something beyond my understanding
The man with a hat. They are obviously connected, and I already wrote a big theory about this, if the man in the hat turns out to be Liu Xiao, let's not dwell on this, if you want to read, click on - Person in the shadows.
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Dates In his intro, although there is some information, as always, the year is not indicated. Obviously, the current year is still 2021 (according to s1). But in the second season, we are not shown specific dates anywhere (even with the twins, although we can find out their year of birth by literally subtracting 19), and here. There is an event, there is a blurry date. Not specified. I guess something is wrong with time already or is this a hint that it doesn’t matter, because the events are looped / will be erased.
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Player and music And probably the most ??????? thing. When Qian Jin is in the car, there is a VERY short frame before he takes the call. If you catch it... here is a player on the screen. The music is Symphony of Fate (生命交响乐). And the player does not have a "back" button, only forward.
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Time is like music, yeah. Thank you for reading once again ~ I hope episode 9 gives us more information and answers some questions though… *cries*. Feel free to discuss!
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hi, genuine question as somebody who knows little-to-nothing about proship / antiship stuff, from what i've seen, most (from what i've seen) proshippers on twitter (l*licons especially also from i've seen, i don't know if they're considered seperate from proshippers because they definitely have a different community) are very, VERY pro-harrasment actually despite what they say! spamming antis, or "tourists" as they call them with hate, sending l*li porn in minors replies, very rarely even doxxing, etc etc i'm not trying to say that ALL proshippers / lolicons do this, because you guys seem really nice!! i'm just asking if these people are.. supported in your community or shamed at all also, my english isn't very good, i used a translator for some of this, so sorry if some parts sound weird !
I will start this off my pointing out that I cannot speak for the proship community on twiX. I do not frequent twiX, and while I'll post 18+ content there, I do not scroll it and am not a part of its proship community.
However, I can speak with the knowledge I've acquired by having been a part of the proship communities on Tumblr, Bluesky, AO3, Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, Discord, and Lioden.
And with that knowledge, I can say that either you are greatly misled, haven't seen enough proshippers, or are merely lying, or else the twiX community somehow manages to be the sole community that is a complete and very toxic outliet.
This is not to say there aren't bad people in the proship community. There are indeed bad people in every community, it doesn't matter what the core beliefs of that community are. However, none of the communities I've mentioned above have had large quantities of people harassing, doxxing, or sending loli content, which leads me to believe that, again, you're either lying or have only encountered bait/drama accounts - accounts that lie and do bad things for the sake of making others look bad. The bait thing especially would check out - I've yet to meet a 'proship' bait account on tiktok who hasn't used common loli'd characters and overly cutesy aesthetics.
Tl;Dr: actual proshippers, lies, or bait? Probably the latter two.
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seeingteacupsindragons · 1 year ago
New Chapter Time! Mari Go Away!
Have I mentioned recently that I adore Herder? I adore Herder.
Herder has a thing here that makes me think of translation because what he says is like, "Ethic-less" but I think it would translate better as "anything goes"
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Is that supposed to be Moran next to Jack? Dude your hair--But this is a nice shot of all their heights.
Herder's discussion of the weather is probably the most practical Japanese I have gathered from this series, but I'm probably going to forget this vocabulary shortly
Also Herder talking about the weather in terms of shooting people is just very. Him.
It is indeed Moran
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None of the normies want to play this game. Shocking. Shocking.
Albert: I'm very sorry, Normies, for letting Herder explain this, because. Um.
Interlude: I thought this would be easier to do on two screens, but my zoom and orientation on the magazine keeps changing when I do anything on the other screen, so it is Not.
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Bond is not Having it, and tbh, I'm not sure why, except that Albert just lied out his ass, I think.
Do senseis know that "Lord Kruger" being an English anything sounds absurd.
Albert: I am totally hijacking this hunting trip I was invited to for my own purposes so my "servants" could play. This is fine and normal.
!!! Is Liam finally going to shoot a damn gun?
Albert: Also this was my little brother's idea so think twice before insulting it. Thanks.
They're all now on board because William smiled at them. The bastard.
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Liam's doing the hand thing again I called out last night. Although he's being kind of duplicitous right now but not straight up lying. He's in peak keigo form today.
Herder: You can have a pistol or a sniper
Moran, probably: THANK you, God.
Herder: Also I have rubber knives
Well there goes Liam shooting anything.
Louis, probably: Can I have a real knife
Herder: The paint looks like clotted blood
Me: Did...Did William ask you do that? How do you even know. You're blind. Who tested this.
Herder: And don't worry, the paint bullets are biodegradable because Fred complained about having to pick up Moran's bullets that one time so I avoided that necessity.
Are they just gonna knock out all the normies b/c tbh this would be more fun with just our murder fam.
Herder: I tagged all the guns MORAN so don't BREAK THE DAMN THING THIS TIME
I'm sorry it's really funny to image all the sniping and personal bickering that would be happening if they weren't being all keigo in front of the guests
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I appreciate at least the visual cues that imply the bickering
Herder: For various reasons, I'll be the ref
The normies: Oh, it's because he's blind, poor thing, the Moriartys are so charitable
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Normie kids are playing???
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I feel like Patterson can't come to this event because it's public and he's a public figure and that would be Weird, but I wonder if this was like "Okay, everyone gets to play a game," because Patterson wanted a vacation.
Helena talking about her extremely sedentary little brother reminds me of Liam and sickly Louis okay
Finally some proper bickering now that teams are selected.
They got split into red and blue. Because.
Liam, however, got blue for once in his life
They have to tell us, because it's black and white. But they are shaded differently.
Moriarty brothers: What if we're all on the SAME TEAM?
Bond sounds like city streetlights. That's super cool, actually.
Louis is all "my brothers and I are three hearts beating as one and together in flesh and spirit" and Louis you need to like, tone it down just a lil
Louis: ...but I'm not on their team in paintball.
Herder: If you lose, you have to go feed pheasants as a punishment
This was long, but I just love Mori fam, okay?
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 1 year ago
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Francis Drake Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
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Drake: “This is how you load gunpowder and bullets. Before shooting, you pull the hammer back to hit the firing pin.”
He skillfully loaded the rounds, then held the gun with one hand, aiming at a tree serving as the target.
Drake: “And pull the trigger.”
Mitsuki: “Kyaah!”
An incredibly loud noise echoed through the peaceful garden, causing the birds resting on the tree to fly away.
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Drake: “See?”
Mitsuki: “See, my ass!”
I couldn’t help but blurt out loudly.
Today, he promised to teach me how to handle a gun.
Mitsuki: “This is impossible. I can’t imagine shooting something like this.”
Drake: “It’s not that difficult once you remember the steps. Even a fawn like you can do it.”
Drake: “Or are you scared?”
Mitsuki: “Well, it’s still a weapon, so yeah, maybe a little. It looked cool when I was just watching, though.”
Drake: “Cool? The gun or me shooting it?”
(He’s asking these embarrassing questions again. In that case...)
Mitsuki: “Which one do you think I found cool?”
Drake: “Of course, me. I’d be happy if you found me cool.”
(Ugh. I wanted to get back at him, but he doesn’t seem bothered at all.)
Instead, I found myself even more embarrassed.
(I've never seen him use a gun before.)
(He looked really cool with those serious eyes.)
He wasn't just good with guns; he was also skilled with knives and capable of fighting against Napoleon and Jean.
Drake: "Well, let's just practice shooting without putting bullets in it."
Mitsuki: "If it's just that, then okay."
I nodded and felt the weight of the gun he handed me.
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Drake: "Can you turn around for a moment?"
Mitsuki: “Eh? Ah…”
Drake stood behind me, supporting my hands, which were holding the gun.
My heart skipped a beat as I found myself in a position where he embraced me from behind.
Drake: "It's better to aim with both hands. Look straight at the target."
Mitsuki: "........."
Drake: "Hey, little fawn?"
Mitsuki: "Y-Yes! I'm listening."
(Stop acting weird, Mitsuki. Stay focused!)
However, the more I tried to concentrate, the more I became aware of his warmth against my back and his voice near my ear. Throughout the practice, my mind was constantly elsewhere.
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After seeing Drake off to town and returning to my duties at the mansion, I brought coffee to Vincent's room.
Vincent: "I saw you and Drake shooting a gun from the window earlier."
Vincent: "The sound startled me, but you looked very dignified, Mitsuki."
Mitsuki: "Sorry for surprising you, Vincent. I didn't think it'd be that loud either."
Mitsuki: "I did choose a time when Theo wasn't around, but I'll stop practicing in the mansion anymore."
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Vincent: "Thank you."
Vincent, always caring for his brother, smiled gently, like an angel.
Dazai: "I was also watching the practice."
Dazai, poking his head through the open door, made a surprise appearance.
Dazai: "They were so close to each other. Their passion almost turned into hot bullets, and the way they worked together was very sensual."
Vincent: "Huh? What part of the gun practice was sensual?"
Mitsuki: "Nothing was sensual, Vincent. Stop saying those weird things, Dazai."
Dazai: "Ahaha, sorry."
Dazai: "But I'm relieved that you and Drake are still the same as always."
A worried look crossed Dazai's smiling face.
Dazai: "He bit you, right? I was worried it'd become traumatic for you."
Dazai: "It'd be a shame if a rift formed between you two."
Vincent: "Me too. Since Drake came to the mansion, you guys have become very close."
I felt unexpectedly warm and fuzzy as I realized they were genuinely concerned.
Mitsuki: "Thanks, but the situation back then wasn't only Drake's fault. I also accepted it willingly."
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Dazai: "Hoho, I see."
For some reason, Dazai had a smirk on his face in response to my answer.
Dazai: "Then, from now on, you should think twice about getting close to him in public, like you did earlier."
Dazai: "Because if your emotions escalate, he might bite you again."
Mitsuki: "What do you mean?"
I tilted my head in confusion, and Dazai continued to speak with a smile on his face.
Dazai: "As you probably know, the bloodlust is not only related to hunger but also proportional to affection for a specific person."
Dazai: "I just thought that Drake biting you and you accepting it was for that reason."
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Vincent: "Oh, so you and Drake are in love with each other?"
Mitsuki: "----!"
My heart made a loud thump at his straightforward words.
(I...about Drake...)
(But Drake...)
The pounding in my chest subsided into a momentary silence.
Mitsuki: "That's probably not it."
Mitsuki: "On the day he bit me, Drake was already suffering from the bloodlust when I arrived."
Mitsuki: "I just happened to be there at the right time."
(Drake himself mentioned it. On a full moon night, he tends to become impulsive.)
So, it wasn't Drake's affection for me that caused it; it was merely coincidental.
Vincent: "Mitsuki."
Dazai: "Sorry. It seems like I spoke too much based on speculation."
(Ah, crap.)
To lighten the slightly heavy atmosphere, I forced a smile.
Mitsuki: "Exactly! So there's no use teasing me, Dazai."
Mitsuki: "For me, Drake, and everyone here are my important roommates."
Although the words I spoke felt somewhat empty, Dazai and Vincent just smiled.
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Even after coming to town for shopping, I kept thinking about my conversation with Dazai and Vincent.
(That's right. There are no special feelings about Drake biting me.)
(I should've known that, and yet...)
A sharp pain throbbed in the depths of my chest.
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(Why am I feeling like this?)
(This makes it seem like I really have...)
However, even in my heart, I hesitated to mutter those feelings because speaking them out loud would only intensify the pain in my chest.
(I need to stop thinking about unnecessary things.)
(Being with Drake is fun, and that's all that matters.)
Contrary to my determination, a small sigh escaped my lips.
At that moment, I suddenly heard the conversation of the people nearby.
Townsperson 1: "I haven't seen the store clerk from your place recently. What happened?"
Townsperson 2: "Yeah. She hasn't been around for the past few days. Maybe she got homesick and went back."
Townsperson 1: "Really? Come to think of it, I heard that some foreigners who came for the expo have gone missing."
Townsperson 2: "Is that true? I hope they haven't been involved in any incidents."
(Foreigners gone missing? That's a bit unsettling.)
I didn't know if it was true, but it was a somewhat ominous rumor.
(I'm also a foreigner here, so I need to be careful. I should probably go home before it gets dark.)
With that thought, I turned around the corner, and suddenly...
???: "Mademoiselle."
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I turned around and saw several men standing there, causing my body to tense up instantly.
They were all wearing cloaks and swords.
Comte: "I'll get straight to the point. It seems that vampire hunters have appeared in Paris."
Comte: "There are few who know of their existence, but they are, as the name suggests, individuals who hunt vampires. In other words, they are our enemies."
Comte: "If you have seen those intimidating men wielding swords in the city, those guys are the Hunters."
---------Flashback Ends--------
(These people are vampire hunters.)
The men gazed at me intimidatingly while one of them spoke.
Vampire Hunter: "We have a few questions. Will you come with us?"
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Unbeknownst to everyone, a parrot was silently watching from a tree as the vampire hunters approached Mitsuki.
Draco: "........."
Then the men took her away, and the parrot flew away from the scene.
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The men suddenly grabbed me and forcibly put me in a carriage.
Vampire Hunter: "Stay in here."
Mitsuki: "----!"
Without any explanation, they took me to an unknown prison.
Mitsuki: "Wait! Why did you capture me?"
Mitsuki: "Who are you, people?"
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???: "You're the girl from that time..."
From within the same prison cell, I heard a high-pitched voice and turned around to see a surprised girl standing there.
Mitsuki: "Karen!? Why are you here? Did these people lock you in here, too?"
Karen: "I, um..."
Karen's hesitant voice was accompanied by approaching footsteps.
I turned around and saw a dignified man with a white beard standing next to the man who brought me here.
Vampire Hunter: "Chief, this way."
Chief Hunter: "Oh? Judging by the kid's reaction, it seems this foreign girl is the one we're looking for."
Karen: "........."
Karen seemed like she wanted to say something but averted her eyes.
Chief Hunter: "Lass. Does this look familiar to you?"
The man who was called "Chief" now spoke to me and took something out of his pocket.
It was一
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There was no mistaking it.
Although the liquid inside had turned dark red, the bottle's shape was the same as those in the mansion.
Chief Hunter: "Looks like you know what this is."
The chief said this confidently after noticing the change in my expression.
Chief Hunter: "We already know that this is blood. When we questioned the kid over there who had it, she said she stole it from the bag of an unknown foreign woman.”
Chief Hunter: "She seemed to have mistaken it for something valuable."
(I should've realized it back then.)
That day, the rouge I intended to give Isaac was one bottle short.
That must have been after Karen stole it.
(I was so careless.)
Chief Hunter: "We tried to investigate the owner of this vial by accompanying several foreign women in town."
Karen: "Investigating, my ass! More like randomly capturing and imprisoning everyone!"
I turned my head in surprise and noticed other figures in nearby cells.
Karen: "In the first place, whether I steal or do anything, it's none of your business! You're not the police!"
Chief Hunter: "It is very much our business."
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Chief Hunter: "We are proud vampire hunters."
Unfazed by Karen's hostility, the man responded with unwavering determination. Then, with an even more stern gaze, he looked at me.
Chief Hunter: "Lass, are you a vampire?"
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olderthannetfic · 2 years ago
I get what other anon wants to say about non-english authors preferring English for their fic by calling them "ignorant",but truth being told, German porn (written as well!!!) is so bad its a running joke across boarders, so no thank you. For many years this was my default reading material, because I was not a well practiced English speaker. Finding this new, more casual overall language was eyeopening.(I am sure there are some niche okay things here as well, but its so little you cant imagine.)
When a given language seems "good for porn" (or for anything, really), there are three reasons:
First, we're used to reading it, so we've gotten over the initial "Ack!" reaction.
Second, that language has a whole group of people using it for porn or to write about science or whatever, so not only has new vocabulary been coined, but common metaphors and ways of writing have been developed.
Third, and I'm fucking sorry, but this is the reality: we're not as good at a foreign language as we think we are, and that sands off the top level of awful from everything we read.
The third one goes for every weeb who is horrified to find that translations sound like they're for 12-year-olds. (Surprise! That's what canon sounds like!) It also goes for every non-native speaker of English shitting on their own language in favor of doing fandom in mine.
All native speakers of English have to get used to porn in English. It sounds embarrassing and weird at first to most people. A new genre or writing community requires a new adjustment period. Being used to AO3 won't make you used to Nifty.org.
I completely sympathize with wanting to do fandom in English because there are exponentially more people than in some languages.
I have zero sympathy for this canard that your language is bad for X.
In Chaucer's day, English was "bad for writing", full stop.
In the 19thC, written English was typically more formal and more florid than the Hemingway-fellating styles in fashion today.
How people use a language and what kind of written standard exists depends on culture, not inherent principles of the language. Not wanting to be a trailblazer is fine, but that's what is going on here and every other fucking time someone trots out this idiotic notion.
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sclfmastery · 3 months ago
i agree that "joy to the world" felt odd for various reasons -- Anita and the Doctor had more time together, both on screen and off, than the Doctor did with Joy, and it felt like they were better able to connect in that sense i was also thrown off by the reference to bethlehem at the end, as the rest of the ep felt only tangential to xmas (more of a winter-y type of special)
I think those are probably my main issues, too. And I'm all for wink-wink nudge-nudge jokes at the expense of any culturally hegemonic reference (including conventional Christianity), but this felt so peripheral, like you said, that it seemed almost kinda self-indulgent on the part of the creative team? I dunno, it was more distracting than clever or funny, at least to me.
I guess I'm just bummed out. I'm gonna ramble here, so feel free to check out, lol, but agh. I am not a Fifteen Era hater by any means. There were high points in Fifteen's first season (the episode where he's standing on a landmine the entire time and it's a farce on capitalism and war and cultural myth; the one called, I think, Dot and Bubble, exploring the probability of xenophobic herd thinking and racism even in the distant future, and so on), and I genuinely enjoyed it, and an episode doesn't always have to make ambitious social commentary like these examples do...after all, lmao, it's Doctor Who, it has to be a little bit silly always....but I feel very much like the cast is doing all they can with the writing and directing they're getting, and not totally able to clear the hurdle. I feel like it's a good sci fi fantasy show, but I'm not watching Doctor Who.
And I think I know why, and it's not for the reason that one might expect: I really think it comes down to individual creative ego, and to money. I think it comes down to not knowing a balance between continuity and reinvention.
I think RTD, Moffat, and co are eager to virtue-signal that they're the first group to let in a BIPOC Doctor (I know that sounds harsh and I'm sorry, again, I don't clear or totally discredit any of the showrunners, and I don't think I'm exempt of these problematic behaviors, either). I also think that, in wanting to be shiny and new, in wanting the franchise to survive a totally new generation (and a BROADER demographic) of viewers, as Disney+'s latest unique attraction (yeah, I know, BBC claims total "creative independence" from Disney, but who's buying that? Not I, lol)....the Fifteenth Doctor Era team is trying to make the show cooler, sleeker, more "palatable." And I'm like, to whom? There's an unusual break in continuity from the lore of previous Doctors--maybe not their stories or ongoing background plots, not throwaway references to past friends and enemies, but the individual Doctors preceding Fifteen: their personalities, struggles, growth. It's like he's the new One. And that's good for many reasons, but some things aren't quite translating.
It's like we were given Fourteen, who still feels like a weird interruption to me, because they felt the need to give NuWho fans closure from the past (using arguably the most popular Doctor and Companion--Tennant and Donna Noble). They thought this would placate anyone balking at something "radically" new--like Fourteen "coming home" to the Nobles with the face of Ten, and his unfinished business, was a kind of analogy for the entire fandom wrapping up old wounds about past Doctor Who characters and plots. Cameos from Classic Who Companions (like Mel and Ace) ushered in by ongoing favorite Doctor allies (like Kate) were, I think, meant to further cushion the blow of a "reset" to "Season One."
And, team, let's make sure anything new is conventionally popular and broadly appealing: Fifteen is (literally, Ncuti was in Barbie) a Ken, he's so hot and stylish and cool; his love interest happens to also be conventionally attractive, Groff is a Broadway star from Hamilton (at least he's a gay icon, too, which is somewhat subversive and unique, although...not VERY, he's a hot cis white guy). And there's nothing wrong with these decisions, in and of themselves. I'm not saying "the Doctor has to be overt about his trauma all the time," and I am SURE that my confusion is to do with white bias about how people (Fifteen) manifest PTSD, and that's something to consider carefully.
What bothers me still is that RTD Era 2.0 feels like someone on top would rather flatter the people who dont already love Doctor Who than pay back the fans of years or even decades with something that at least acknowledges a rich body of existing content.
And while I do think that wrapping up NuWho seasons 1-13 was a nice gesture, I also think that "reset" was unnecessary. I think the creative team at BBC is underestimating the ability of Whovians to adapt. I mean we grieve basically every three series, when a Doctor regenerates. We're pretty good at change and growth, but we also like to maintain certain "traditions" that make Doctor Who what it is: --the Doctor being a weird misfit who still tries to be better than comes naturally to them; --Companions and the everyday struggle of humanity ("I think you look like giants"; "I've never met anyone who is unimportant") seen through their eyes as the yardstick of focus, not how cool and mysterious the Doctor is; --new and exciting ways to thwart enemies who are always simultaneously silly and terrifying; --and the sheer, perennially novel BEAUTY of our universe. I feel like all those things are still there, but muted for the sake of something kind of tepidly universal, because God forbid streaming numbers ever dip. God forbid "content" ever lose its appeal to be consumed, consumed, consumed.
It's symptomatic of the direction 21st-century creative endeavors are going, and it makes me really sad. But God bless Ncuti Gatwa. He's doing his damndest to make a mark with like, the same five old white guys on top.
(And like, full disclosure, the last straw for me was seeing a video of "all" the Doctor Who opening logos from the official Doctor Who TikTok spercifically in order to hype Fourteen and Fifteen, and finding that multiple Doctors, including Thirteen, were missing. Please don't say "all" when you don't mean "all." I know people are brutally hard on Thirteen's era, but gosh. Leave space for us :( )
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jadeacereigen · 2 years ago
So I bought the Reigen spinoff manga the other day and I was kinda taken aback by how... uh... shoddily the translation was edited in. I mean, this is one of the biggest comic book publishing companies out there—I'm genuinely surprised by how mediocre the quality is.
By far the most egregious thing I've noticed is how they accidentally left out Reigen's thoughts here 😭 It's such a jarring mistake too with Reigen just randomly having a panel to himself for no reason.
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(Here is the fan scanlation from @reigenscans in comparison)
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It's also just very hard to read? The text is so cramped together and there are so many hyphens because of words being cut between lines.
I mean, look at this panel:
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Why is the text given such a narrow space??? Make the font smaller or something for fuck's sake, it gives me a headache trying to parse out the actual sentence.
(again the fan scanlation for comparison)
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One last thing I thought was kinda funny was how bad the Spirits and Such sign looks.
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Anyway yeah that's my take on the official editing of this thing. But I have some thoughts on the translation itself too.
I know very little Japanese, so I can't speak to the quality of the actual translations. But I'll just come out and say that a lot of the dialogue just didn't come off as very natural. (Also I'm sorry: Rusty-sama becoming Lord Red-Black is such a downgrade, I know the latter is how the original Japanese name goes but it just sounds weird in English.)
One translation that I feel has to be an error is that in the end, Reigen tells Serizawa to call for an ambulance. Except Serizawa is literally unconscious in that scene so I'm inclined to believe the fan translation more (with Reigen saying that someone should call an ambulance for Serizawa). I mean, that just makes way more sense?
Man whatever I only bought this cuz I wanted to have a physical copy... Still astounded tho. Very astounded.
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ihearyou-jikook · 2 years ago
there's a scene in bon voyage s3 e6, when the members were eating and jhope mentioned that tae and jk were sleeping upside down and hugging each other's legs, i found jimin's reaction to the info kinda sus. the scene was overall weird, jimin was sitting down when hobi finished talking, with no apparent indication of standing up, and suddenly they show jimin's reaction and he's like "wae (what)!?!?" but he's standing up, and then another cut to hobi confirming the story, then the camera goes back to jimin who is seated again and says "that's weird". do you think they edited some of the conversation out?
Anon, this moment makes me 😆🤭
Sorry for making you wait. Let's go go go!
(Had too much fun with this one, it is quite long >.&lt;)
Here is a clip of the moment
Cr. Full video here
Let's Quentin Tarantino this. Do I think this was a sus moment? Do I think some of the convo was edited out?
Yes, to both. 👀
JM going from sitting to standing up without us seeing it happen didn't stick out to me too much only because in content like this (Not just BTS content), editors tend to show multiple viewpoints of a moment and I'm guessing JM stood up when we saw the close up of Hobi explaining what he saw. You can also see Hobi's eyes are looking upwards as he's talking.
What gets me tho is JM's initial reaction to Hobi, going eh?! And then needing to clarify what he just heard lol.
Then we cut to JM saying "왜 그래" with that face and that tone.
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Side note: I'm not Korean and I'm not fluent in Korean. I have been learning for a while. I'm somewhere between beginner & intermediate and understand that context, tone, and the words used, explain so much when it comes to the Korean language. That's why I wanted to highlight this next part.
Let's talk about the sub-titles here for a moment.
The translator decided to go with "What's wrong?"
This is correct, but it's not the only meaning of those words. "왜 그래" can also mean the following depending on the tone, context, and intonation (rise & fall of voice): "Why is it like that?" "Why are you like that?" "Why are you acting like that?" "What's going on?"
This is a great post about how "왜 그래" can be used.
IMO, JM's tone sounded like it had a bit of a bite behind it. There was no rise in his voice at the end of the words to sound like a curious question. And his face was a little more on the serious side. Again IMO, something like "Why were you like that?" seems more accurate.
He gave off a WTF? vibe.
Back to the question about edited-out parts
I think it's hard to say if anything was edited out right before JM said 왜 그래 but I definitely think the reaction to what JM said was edited out.
There could have been more conversation, but I honestly think there was probably awkward silence after him saying that. 🤣
Because JK & V were both awfully quiet while Hobi was explaining, other than initially asking "Did we?" "Who did it?" There was no laughing, no smiling.
To me, it felt like JK & V were starting to sense JM's unrest with the whole thing and so they decided to stay quiet since an upset Mimi is not what you want to deal with. An upset Mimi is a feisty Mimi.
Look, we always talk about JK being the possessive one but I just think JK is louder about it than JM. There are 2 possessive men in the Jeon-Park Household.
While JK does do some type of skinship with all members, I do think JM enjoys his boyfie privileges. That there are just some things JK doesn't do often with others. And it was probably weird to hear that they were hugging each other's feet especially when JK is sensitive to smells 🤣
Before I go, I have to bring up our president Hobi.
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Like, Hobi.
Why do I feel like you're snitching on them to Mimi??
That's the funniest part about this moment to me. After bringing up the situation to JK & V, Hobi is literally telling this story to JM.
I love Hobi. I miss him!
Thank you for the ask Anon. 💜💛
For you, Happy Jikook inc...
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Cr. Daylight
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romanscool · 4 months ago
HIYAAAA it's Ocean 😽
First of all..... Happy holidays!!!!!🎄💫🩷
I know it's only November, but I'm really feeling the Christmas spirit
Anyways I came on to tumblr as I do once every 3 weeks and I saw you posted this ask game thingy so I'm about to bombard you with a bunch of these asks 😼
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
🏡What is your perfect writing envrionment?
💻What do you write your stories on? Laptop, phone, paper, etc.
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic?
hi hi hi!!!
happy holidays to you too!! and to be honest, I have been really excited for the Christmas and new years' spirit this year too for some reason unknown,,, maybe it's cause im excited for January haha
im so glad for that!! thanks so much for this ask <33
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I actually don't listen to music much while I write,, I'd much rather play a collection of F1 tiktok on loop haha - I have this weird thing where I need repetitive sounds to concentrate, something familiar that my brain doesn't need to focus on :') it's the neurodivergence in me I guess
i've had quite a long period of playing songs like 'We'll Never Have Sex' by Leith Ross, 'No One Noticed' by The Marias (or even 'White Ferrari' by Frank Ocean) on loop while writing the last couple chapters of wcmn,,, so if that helps, I like soft dull songs haha
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
I don't! sometimes I think that's unfortunate, considering English is very much not my first language, but I also quite like my weird syntaxes and made up words so,,, im happy about that :)
🏡What is your perfect writing envrionment?
definitely tucked deep in my bed with my cat sleeping on my shins (that little guy finds this weird weirdly comforting, though it's got to be a little awkward no?)! I'd much rather have background noise (like my repetitive tiktoks) than no noise, and sometimes find having someone -anyone- doing their thing next to me to be quite focusing. not even talking, just me writing and them doing whatever helps me concentrate for a reason I do not know haha
I've often found public transportation (like the bus or the tram) to be very inspiring too! though usually I only write my prompts/outlines/first drafts there because I tend to be easily distracted and write words and sentences that hold no meaning even to me
💻What do you write your stories on? Laptop, phone, paper, etc.
most of it all is written on my laptop (I like the little sounds of the keyboard) because I find that I write faster and more precisely on it. I sometimes write on my phone, especially if im on public transports, but my train of thought is quick to go everywhere and not make any sense,,,
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic?
so many things!!
I think the most 'impressing' is the whole learning dutch language, because I did initially start for wcmn and the dutch dialogue in it (though I've had to use some google translate also,,, sorry duolingo I guess)
a fun one is all the little baby/kid/teen maxiel stuff that I've also put in wcmn and it's little 'epilogue': all the little facts about Daniel being scared of the dark and max having his mum's dress from when he was born as a plushy is all canon!! I wish I could've added more of those in, but I tend to info dump a little too much, so I've decided to keep it to that ;') (for more info on this feel free to check the teen!maxiel tag though!!)
thank you so much for this ask ocean!! it's been lovely to answer all of those little emoji <3
hope you liked my answer, even if they're a little boring or over explained sometimes,,, I hope to hear from you again soon (even if its in three weeks time <3)
lots of love, roman
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correctrvbquotes · 9 months ago
Cut back to the Blues... except for Simmons
Tucker: Oh-hohohoh, man. I'm gonna die.
Alien: Blargh arg-honk, largh, lwargh.
Caboose: What's he saying now Andy?
Andy: Look guy, if you want me to translate for ya, you can't keep asking me every four seconds, what's he sayin' now Andy, what's he sayin' now? I'm gonna tell you what he's sayin', that's my freakin' job!
Caboose: That's what he said? That's a weird thing to say. Uh, tell him I said okay, I will not ask any, more of uh... that and also, no.
Church: I think I need a translator just for Caboose.
Alien: Wuarrrrgh!
Andy: Okay basically he's uh, he says he's pissed off.
Church: Oh rea- yea- no kidding. Tex, are we paying for this service?
Tex: Just give him a chance.
Alien: Blargh, largh, wahublargh.
Andy: He says he came to claim some type of thing, and that the teal one took the thing...
Alien: Blarg blaargh.
Andy: And that now the thing is gone.
Tucker: Who's the teal one?
Tex: You are, idiot.
Tucker: No way, I'm aqua. Teal's out.
Church: That thing that he's talkin' about must be that sword, and it's not broken it's right there.
Alien: Argh blargh!
Andy: He says it only works with the hero who passes the trial of the windmill, and retrieves it from his resting place. For everyone else, it might as well be broken.
Tex: Uh oh.
Tucker: Trial? Please, I fell in a hole, that's not a trial. I'm startin' to like this culture though, any dude who trips is a hero. I'm pretty sure that makes Caboose God.
Church: This all sounds like bullshit to me.
Tex: No he's right. It didn't work for me, remember?
Church: Of course it didn't work for you, you're a girl. Means you can't even work the entertainment center back at the base. Doesn't mean the remote control is mythically attached to us.
Tex: Alright then you little smartass, you pick it up and try it.
Church looks at the sword, then at the alien.
Alien: (silently chuckling) Hur hur hur hur.
Church: Nah, I'll take his word for it.
Alien: Blargh blurg blabu blarg.
Andy: And now you gotta go with him, to fulfill the prophecy.
Tucker: Fuck you.
Alien: Blar blarg blargh, hnnk hnnk!
Andy: Heh heh heh, good one. Uh oh yeah, he... he's not too thrilled about it either.
Tucker: See I knew this was a bad idea. Sorry to fuck up your quest, dude, but I'm not goin'.
Andy: Aaand if you don't go, he'll destroy the base, and kill everybody here.
Church: ...Alright well have fun guys.
Tex: Hey a quest sounds fun, come on Tucker!
Andy: Aheh, I think he should stay here, 'cause, I like that killin' everybody option.
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switch · 10 months ago
I'm trying to figure out Vlad's speech pattern, do you have any tips on writing his dialogue?
ohh yeah that's tough. i struggled with that for a while and i'm still not 100% sure how exactly i'd put it to words since i kinda just started feeling it out...
uh i think one thing that especially helped with vlad for me was really listening a lot to his voice acting and then just sort of... imagining how his particular deep and kind of slow-spoken and kingly cadence would translate to and sound in written dialogue... does that make sense...
i mean one, uh, 'nice' thing about vlad is that he doesn't have a lot of written dialogue. between his gameplay/my room lines, his interlude, the gray collar event, vegas, valentine, and halloween revival, plus his relatively sparse dialogue in apoc, you can basically look at... everything he's ever said in, like, a day for reference (heck i've got like a 10 minute video of every single line he says in the apoc anime). i will say that some of his early my room lines do have a bit of an odd feel to them, though...
uh, anyway, as for more specific tips... uhhh.... he tends to use more refined or formal or even old-fashioned-sounding language, but critically without sounding excessively flowery, either, as he's often also pretty direct and conveys authority in the way he talks at the same time. especially if he's giving some kind of speech, or talking about something before battle, or scolding someone (apoc and vegas). he says stuff like "fool," "unsightly," "end yourself", "i thank you/you have my gratitude" etc... when he does get more poetic or indirect is in higher bond levels where he starts alluding to things more than outright stating them (bond 5, bond 10, ascension 4), so that's also situational.
it's also sort of shown/implied that he lightens up a bit more when dealing with kids or teenagers in chaldea, and obviously the protagonist, but he really never feels casual even at his most relatively casual or happy state. when writing him i'd definitely recommend veering towards more formal language than you might think is necessary vs risking making it sound too casual, as i would say it sounds out a lot weirder fast when a vlad is accidentally written even a bit too casual than it does when he's written maybe a little excessively formal. he also doesn't seem to laugh a lot outside of brief "heh"s or "hehe"s or even the occasional "oho". he seems to go "hm" or "hmph" sometimes if he's contemplating things or not happy about something... maybe it was sort of a weird translation, but the end of his interlude 1 where he just outright says "sorry for forcing you to accompany me" instead of anything more... noble-sounding feels like kind of a rare big deal thing, for him.
a lot of fan translations outright write him into using "thee"s and "thou"s and "canst"s and such, or at least having him switch to talking like that in certain situations, which i do definitely think works contextually for him. he doesn't use contractions a lot of the time ("there is" "i am" "it is" "i shall", etc) but he does still use them sometimes, (there's multiple instances of "i've" and "i'll" peppered around at the least), so it's not a hard and fast rule- it seems to just be more dependent on who he's talking to and whether or not it works with the flow of that particular line of dialogue. he tends to address other people by titles of some kind rather than by name.
actually i do remember one time the way vlad talks was described to me as something like the way some kind of dark anime villain would talk. he talks like an anime villain who isn't actually a villain...
ugh does any of this make sense, i don't know, so much of this is situational.......
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