#also sorry for not being able to delivering a proposal story but I.. don’t have anything yet
decoloraa · 1 year
Ask th OCs - Cas/Val, okay, but how ~HOW~ did the proposal happen??? You mentioned being engaged in another answer so??? Who asked??? Where???
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Sadly Casther and Val aren’t engaged 😔 unless?
And that’s the last question for the oc q&a! Thanks so much for everyone who sent something, I had so much fun 🤲🏻💕 and I’ll probably do it again some day
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mysticalmayhem1930 · 2 years
A Tale of Two Weddings: Midgardian Mayhem
A Loki x Eva (OC) story
Part Three of Loki’s Dragon
>>Part Twenty Nine <<
A/N I don’t own any of the Marvel characters. Just my own creations. This was originally posted in Wattpad. But I rewrote the parts as I transferred them, so there are some differences.
Summary: Loki has his mother son dance and the toasts are given
Pairing: I originally wrote this as Loki x Eva but it can be read as Loki x Reader if you desire.
Link to previous chapter
Link to next chapter
Link to Masterlist
Credit to artist
Overall Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Adult Language
>>>18+ ONLY<<
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The opening bars to My Mothers Eyes started as Loki led Frigga to the center of the floor. "Loki this wedding is amazing. You and Eva look wonderful and I'm very happy for your future. When will you allow me to share your happy news?"
"I'm sorry mother...what are you talking about?"
"Son, you can not lie to me or disguise the truth. I know Eva's pregnant. I'm so pleased you're going to make a wonderful father."
Loki smiled and kissed her cheek and began singing
One bright and guiding light,
That taught me wrong from right,
I found in my mother's eyes.
Those baby tales she told,
That road all paved in gold,
I found in my mother's eyes.
Just like a wandering sparrow,
One lonely soul.
I walked the straight and narrow,
To reach my goal.
God's gift sent from above,
A real unselfish love,
I found in my mother's eyes.
"Loki you have a lovely singing voice."
"Thank you, and I wish to thank you and father for coming to this wedding, it was a nice surprise."
"Loki I'm glad I was able to convince your father. He is actually enjoying himself, you both have some very interesting friends, and with all or at least most of them being warriors Odin has been talking battle all night...not to mention Thor's stash of Asgardian Ale didn't hurt." She laughed. "Thank you for this dance and the thoughtful lyrics."
"Of course mother, and you can spread the news after Eva's next appointment, she wants to make sure all is fine before we make an announcement. Also we are hoping to find out if it's Jotun, that's the biggest problem, no pun intended."
He spun her around the room a few times, and took his seat next to Eva for the toasts.
Tony began "hey, everyone quiet down, I'd like to propose a toast to the happy couple. Loki and Eva, never did I think I would see the day my little Pips and Green Day here would be married. But here we are, Loki I know I have given you a lot of grief on teamwork and then on your relationship with Pips, for that I do apologize. Once she knocked some sense into me, quite literally, I began to see you through her eyes. The love you share is contagious, I am forever thankful that she gave you that chance so many years back. Looking back through the years I saw how you were her calm and her rock. The times you both were hurt how you cared for the other. The fact that you know all of her hiding spots. Now, my wish for you both is that when you go to sleep at night the others face is the last thing you see, and when you wake up it is the same. I love you both. Skol, Salute ! ваше здоровье (vashe zdorov'ye) and cheers!"
Thor stood and make his toast. "Brother, Sister, I am so pleased to be here with you this day. Eva, you have always brought out the best in Loki. His outlook more positive is the most noticeable. Loki, you show her how much you care by doing the small things, things most of us overlook. A kind word on how she looks that day, the smitten way you look at her. When you two are together it's electric. But now I must fulfill my duty her this evening. You all know I'm the god of thunder, but I am also the god of fertility." Walking over to her Thor smiled placing his hand on Eva's belly,  "May you be blessed with as many children as you wish, may each pregnancy be smooth and the day you deliver your child be the most joyful in your lives. May Loki watch over you and protect you and your family for all of  his days. Skol!!" Thor smiled at them and took his seat after handing the mic over to Stephen.
"Ok so I'll make this short and sweet like my little one. Loki and Eva I wish you both all the happiness in the nine realms. Be patient with each other and Eva please continue seeing the best in everyone. The day she first saw him,we all know that Loki told Thor he would one day marry her, but what you don't know is she made the same prediction. Hers was more there is something, some kind of pain he's hiding I know there must be good in him, perhaps one day I'll marry him just to annoy you. I guess in the end it was more of a threat. They” funny thing is that it took them so long to find out what the other was hiding, even though they spent a lot of time together. They bring out the best in the other. She gets him to laugh, and he gets her to smile. Truly a couple for the ages. I love you both Skol, Salute ! ваше здоровье (vashe zdorov'ye) and cheers!"
Stephen took his seat as dinner was served. After dinner Eva stood to greet her guests. "I'd like to thank everyone who managed to make the trip here for Loki and I, normally we'd thank the out of town guests, but in our case we really need to thank the people who flew through space to be here, Quill, Rocket, Gamora, Nebula, Groot, and  Drax, and also the King And Queen of Asgard as well as Brun, Sif and the Warriors Three. Thank you all for being here. This wedding is one of new beginnings, I am looking forward to starting our own life, and thanks to Thor's blessing, hopefully start a family soon. "
After dinner the cake was wheeled onto the dance floor for the cutting ceremony.  It was created by Duff Goldman himself, at Charm City Cakes. The wedding cake had multiple tiers with different elements of Loki and Eva's battle gear. There were also her wings and his horns. Everyone oohed and ahhhed at the cake. "Oops, I almost forgot something, Loki, your wife has a surprise for you." Said Duff. He came back with another cake that was covered and placed it next to the tiered cake. Smiling his biggest grin Duff removed the cover and Loki let out a laugh. They created the tesseract, his helm and his blue handled daggers out of cake. "Oh wow, that is awesome thank you all." The came the cutting of the cake. They were handed a knife which Loki put down, and pulled out the blue handled daggers. Smiling he placed the dagger and she placed her hand on top of his. They each gently fed the other a piece, Loki using his finger to remove excess frosting from her face. He leaned down and kissed her. After cake was served the DJ started playing music they could dance to. And wove in Thor's dance as well as Tony's .  The floor cleared for each of them to start the dance alone. Loki took the opportunity to dance with Nat while Thor danced with Eva and to dance with Pepper while Eva danced with Tony. They danced with their friends and enjoyed a night off.
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carelesswispe · 3 years
heya! can I request how Dimitri, Edelgard, Claude, and Yuri would court their crush? headcannons and fluff please :") also if there a character limit? (if you can't do Yuri, please replace him with Ashe) ty in advance </3
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thank you for requesting! i had a lot of fun writing this ask and sorry if this took a little longer than expected ;; nevertheless, i hope you enjoyed this, jelly filled donut anon!
>genre: fluff with some angst if you squint (mostly for dimitri and edelgard's part)
>warnings: slight mentions of fighting, slight spoilers for the events of fire emblem three houses, some angst
>pairings: dimitri x reader (gn), edelgard x reader (gn), claude x reader (gn), yuri x reader (gn)
Hh he's the loml
I feel like he would only start to court anyone after the five-year timeskip due to the guilt of the tragedy Duscur and the pent up emotions he’s kept bottled up. The fact that he hasn’t overcome his trauma would probably give him the need to distance himself from the one he has feelings with <\\3
Of course, no one’s able to resist the pull of love and despite his irrational thoughts that tell him to distance himself from you, the thoughts that tell him to stay with you were stronger, the feeling that you give him was like a breath of fresh air in the suffocating miasma of his guilt and trauma which gave him the strength to carry on.
But once the war is finally over and he’s sorted out his feelings for you, the first thing he would do is to see you; to finally let you know how he feels...and maybe even propose you to stay by his side forever--
As for courting you, after so many years of killing and brutal murder, I think that Dimitri would be quite awkward in expressing his feelings for you, after having bottled them up for so long.
He would get flustered easily from the little things you do or say to him but still deliver the smoothest compliments as if it was second nature. Just like he always has in the academy, if not, smoother.
If you were to bring this up to him, he would try to deny it with a flushed face, causing him to be hyper-aware of the little things that he used to say with a nonchalant attitude from then on...how adorable
Dimitri is probably not the most romantic man with having basically no experience with relationships and all and would resort to consulting, albeit after much pestering, Sylvain for relationship advice.
It was quite cute though, seeing this grown man trying to be romantic but failing, looking like a teen with his first crush. Although, that may not be far from the truth.
Of course, after failing to pull off any of the ridiculous date ideas Sylvain proposed to him for the umpteenth time, Dimitri decided to do things his own way, even if it meant stumbling around like a newborn deer.
Dimitri’s idea of a romantic date is probably a bit odd...after all, this is coming from the same man who thought that a dagger is a great parting gift. He would take you to shop around for things you might like, wanting to show you that he would grant you anything you desired. And...while he’s at it, he might buy you a weapon of your liking--
After shopping, he’d treat you to a meal while you’re at it. Although he may not care for the flavours of food, seeing you eat your favorite foods with a delighted expression is enough to make the food that much more appetizing.
Being a king, Dimitri would most likely be very busy, filling up paperwork and all and so going out often isn’t something he could afford to do. In order to make up for that, the free time that he does get is all spent with you. Even for a little while, being with you does take away some of the stress that comes with the amount of responsibility on his shoulders.
Whether it be sharing a cup of tea or simply enjoying yourselves in each other’s company, Dimitri is satisfied to spend any time with you
Similar to Dimitri, I feel like Edelgard wouldn’t want to think about feelings of love so soon as long as she hasn’t fulfilled her mission since she wouldn’t want to let her emotions to obstruct her conquest at all, as baseless as those worries might be
However, this doesn’t mean that she would be able to control these feelings of hers with perfect success. After all, try as she might, she’s still a human
Even though she can deny her feelings for you, she can’t deny the comfort your company gives her
Having tea together or even just spending any amount of time with you gives her the break she needs from her burdens she’s imposed upon herself and in times like these, it reminds her of the people she wants to be stronger to protect
Conversations with her mostly consist of her plans and motivations for her cause but outside of that, she also enjoys being able to indulge herself in some much needed rest and she feels like she could share anything with you.
Well, perhaps not her family history but she finds herself revealing the sides that she hid from the public.
Occasionally, she would vent out her feelings of frustration to you, perhaps impersonating and imitating the words of the person who had irritated her
Even if it’s for a little while, she finds herself being able to act like a child or to let loose without fear of being judged around you and it reminds her that she’s not alone in this conquest of hers. And that fact alone comforts her. If you’re by her side, even the rockiest of roads seem like a cake walk as long as you’re here for her.
After the war, she would subtly propose a future with the two of you where you and her could pave the way for the new future of the empire. And when you don’t get what she’s hinting at, she would just throw whatever inhibitions she had out of the window and just tell you in a more direct fashion
Although she fears rejection, she’d rather say out her feelings than to keep it trapped for any longer.
As the emperor, Edelgard is very busy. Despite this, for some reason, she finds herself sneaking away from Hubert’s unrelenting supervision from time to time just to spend time with you.
She finds herself giving the pettiest excuses to go on a date with you whenever her tight schedule has even the tiniest opening.
To her, spending time with you reminds her that she is not only Edelgard Von Hresvelg, the Emperor but El.
However, on occasions where she is unable to slip away from her aide’s watchful eye or whenever she has to go on a trip where she will be away from you for long periods of time, as soon as she is freed from her duties, she will immediately come see you, hopefully plan a vacation together away from all her responsibilities, even for a little while.
Speaking of vacations, this will be a regular occurrence between the two of you. Such vacations range from going out of the empire for some sightseeing to a simple staycation, relishing in each other’s company.
Unlike the previous two, I feel like Claude, although not necessarily looking for a relationship before the timeskip, he wouldn’t be too opposed to the idea if he falls in love.
But maybe if it's before the timeskip, the relationship between the two of you would be more casual than anything, just enjoying the moment rather than looking into the future. Of course, he would like to spend the rest of his days with you but it's more of a matter of whether that could be possible or not due to the uncertainty of the future.
Dates before the timeskip would consist of fun little lunch dates in the cafeteria, hanging out to the library afterwards.
Most of your dates together were spontaneous, Claude being the one to initiate it first.
Like you two could be chilling, minding your own business, being content in each others’ presence one minute and pranking the entirety of the monastery in another.
Every time the two of you got together, everyone started to go on full alert mode, fully expecting an explosion somewhere or something along the lines of that. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time…
After the timeskip, dates with him don’t really change much...on the surface. In reality, Claude puts more effort into each date, not that he hadn’t before.
It’s just that now, the more time he spends with you, the more certain he is that he wants you to stay by his side, forever.
These dates were comparatively tame as compared to before the timeskip, with him being more mature and responsible now, not wanting to take unnecessary risks now that he’s seen many of his followers come and go, he wouldn’t want you to be like them.
Expect calm candlelit dinners for most of the dates since he tries to reserve the evening for you, maybe going on a stroll around the kingdom, checking up on the state of his citizens with you.
Right, speaking of dinners, during dinner, he would tell the most interesting stories of times when he left the kingdom for important matters and you weren’t able to come along, often bringing home a trinket of sorts which reminded him of you.
I feel like on these trips, he would just pick up random stuff that caught his eye and thought you’d might like, looking forward to seeing your expression upon receiving his gift to you. He gets a little too excited sometimes and goes...overboard, buying WAY too much. On the bright side, now that you got him all fired up, he’ll do his best to rush home to you.
As much as possible, he invites you to go with him to the many many festivals in the kingdom just so that you wouldn’t get bored with just eating out with him. (not that you ever would) and plus, he enjoys seeing the different stalls and booths set up with you.
Yuri is quite hard to get close to since he’s the leader of the underworld and all. And even if you do, he puts up a ridiculously high wall when he feels as if you take an interest in him in something other than a friend.
All these years of distrust had given him no choice but to surround himself with various walls. And should you try to break down these walls, he would panic and distance himself from you, anything to make you realise that he shouldn’t be the one to receive your affection. Classic romance novel moment
Of course, you persist and stay there for him anyway, maybe only just pushing it but not to the point where it gets uncomfortable for him. After the years, going through tough situations with you by his side especially when he needed it the most, without realising it, he had a spot for you on his previously cold heart. Maybe it had always been there, maybe not, he didn’t really know anymore.
When you two finally go out together, it comes out as something that was going to happen anyway to the other members of the Ashen Rats Wolves who, don’t even bother to act surprised, come on, even Constance saw it coming, Yuri, you didn’t fool anybody.
Dates with Yuri are always new and exciting, going out on undercover missions together, travelling across Fódlan. Yuri tries to discourage you from coming along because of the danger of each one of his missions but the more he refuses, the more you insist so after a while, he gets the hint that he won’t be able to stop you and eventually just invites you whenever he has to go on long missions without having you finding out about it on your own.
As much as he cares about each and every single one of his subjects in the underworld, being the lord of the underground isn’t exactly the most relaxing or safest job out there and sometimes he just needs a break from all that. Luckily, you’re there to give him some peace of mind. Just by having you by his side, he feels as if he’s transported into another world, a reverie away from all the dangers of his job. Even a protector needs someone to protect him, you know? And he trusts you. He trusts that you would always be there to protect him. Since you were there for him through thick and thin all this time.
You both got each other’s backs
(i wrote WAY too much for Yuri since man i had a wild Yuri phase and i still do and i am just RELIVING IT as i write this)
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shunkani · 4 years
Chapter 132 Levi/Hange Analysis
Summary: An attempt to explain the sentence in chapter 132
Levi: I see your one sided love with Titans still goes unrequited, four-eyes.
Hange: ...We’ll be getting along soon enough. (…すぐに仲良くなるさ)
Disclaimer: this is just interpretation and not meant to be taken as official proof of romance between Levi and Hange in Attack on Titan. This is theory and nothing else. I’ve read multiple tweets and essays to compile my own thoughts.
I personally do not have any qualms with other ships, and this essay doesn’t discredit other Hange or Levi CP’s. Also, sorry but this essay has no pictures. 
A quick Japanese lesson (and language comprehension); I will try to make it painless. I make no assumption on the reader’s Japanese level/English grammar understanding and will be talking about it as is.
When は is combined with another particle, it puts emphasis in a way such as English has intonation. Since Japanese does not stress tone (like how one says the words sarcastically/meaningfully/sadly/cheekily) it uses particles to do this job.
So, when Levi says, “相変わらず巨人とは片思いのままだったなクソメガネ“
It means literally, “As always, still an unrequited love with Titans, four-eyes.”
Naturally, “Your love for Titans is one-sided, as usual, four-eyes.”
In Japanese, using には or とは creates a third, invisible option that is outside of the realm of the sentence.
When you use に or と or even は by itself, it creates a one dimensional statement. When used with other particles combined with は it creates another, outside dimension to the sentence. A third suggestion or comparison. は can be used as a comparative or stress particle as well as a topic marker.
quick example.
I didn’t go to the library with him. ->彼と図書館に行かなかった.( Forward statement. It is as it is. )
I didn’t go to the library with him. ->彼とは図書館に行かなかった (Implying I went there with someone else, but not him. )
Just like you’d expect, English speakers understand the implications of stressing “him.” Just as Japanese speakers understand the implications of とは etc. If we stressed library(図書館には)instead of “boy” (彼とは)then it’s implication is that we didn’t go to the library with him, but maybe somewhere else. I hope this is clear. 
Okay, on with the analyses. Just a note again, but I’ve naturalized any Japanese so that it’s not literal, but the meaning is the same so it’s easier to comprehend for native English speakers. I’ve changed “I” to “we” considering I formatted to fit essays.
From  ストリキーネさん’s essay
Like others have said, Levi’s words feel like his true confession. Whether it’s romantic or not, it’s up in the air, but while making small talk and commenting about his long time comrade in arms, it seems like this comment is loaded with unlabeled feelings, like “You gross me out, but I feel something special for you and I get you.”
It feels natural to say “You still have unrequited love for Titans.” right after the banter of Hange and Pieck’s exchange.  {note: 巨人に片思いのままだな is using に here, not とは, so it feels natural to say に)
So why did he use “とは” and not ”に”?
If there’s official announcement that say’s there’s no meaning to it, or that it’ll be corrected in the official volume, then this sentence will be meaningless. But if it’s intentional or even unconscious decision, we get the impression that he is recalling a third person (”me” ie Levi) among Hange and the Titans. 
 Moreover, hearing “four eyes” was unexpected and we can only imagine it was surprising for Hange too. Since we might have never expected that we’d hear “four eyes” in the original manga again, it’s perplexing, but feels filled with something like nostalgia. 
With Hange taking over as commander and the world rapidly changing, we get the feeling that there’s a distance between them, at least from what is shown to us from the story. 
Because of this short exchange about Titans, all at once we are brought back to “An eccentric, Titan-loving section commander,” and “Captain who’s fond of four-eyes,” and it’s moving. 
There’s a little pause (note: talking about the “...” before Hange starts talking) at the end of Levi’s lines and the start of Hange’s dialogue. One wonders if it couldn’t be a mix between surprise and relief on Hange’s end. 
Also, as many others have said, Levi is answering Hange’s “I’d prefer if we live here together,” from the forest, to the best that he can. There was no reason to look back at that scene in relation to this because Levi seemed to have brushed off Hange’s shocking statement, but since everyone was referencing that scene, a second re-examination was in order. (Note, the author actually said something a little more personal, so I condensed it to match a more essay-like statement)
Levi could have been surprised.
Someone who he’s known for a long time, and supported each other, and can admit that (Hange) can be troublesome sometimes, but also they hit it off well, yet each of their own responsibilities have become heavier and the world is in this state... in a situation like this, when suddenly alone together in a quiet forest, he might think Hange has stopped thinking if seriously suggesting to run away and saying things like “let’s live together.”
Under circumstances like this, if it were us, we’d likely want to do it, but remember we have responsibilities, maybe we don’t know what the other person feels, perhaps we’d rather we never heard it, so we pretend not to. In Levi’s case, perhaps pretend to sleep (pretending to not be able to hear it) or when he wakes up, change the subject completely.  
It’s unlikely that Levi could give an answer on the spot, and would want time to figure it out. 
(There’s more to the essay but it’s thoughts on relationships between people and some other things that don’t apply to the quote)
Notes concluded from various twitter surfing:
Many JP fans think Levi’s statement alluded to the forest scene. It’s like his clumsy answer to Hange’s proposal, since he didn’t give a direct answer. Actually the essay above felt his answer was cold and ignored Hange. But Hange doesn’t seem displeased about it. 
As many have said, Hange and Levi are definitely “adults” in this world. They both understand it’s not feasible to do the things they want to do, because their duties supersede that. Hange carries the immense duty of commander, and both hold the responsibility to stop Eren or fight for humanity as a whole. 
It’s rather evident to me, even as an ordinary reader, that Levi did not want Hange to go. In fact, Hange says, 行かせて, “let me go.” and anticipated Levi would try to stop Hange. Mind you, it’s not “release me” but “I have to do this, so don’t stop me.” It took him three panels, focused on his dead-like eyes to finally say “Dedicate your heart,” something he’s apparently never said before. To me, “Dedicate your heart” is a self-sacrificing quote when applied to the Survey Corps. Pretty much “go in bravely, and don’t expect to come back.” Levi is a “Live and come back’ type. The strange thing is that Levi puts his hand on Hange and says it.. in Hange’s place..? It’s a salute before battle, but here it feels like a gentle sentence. Why it was delivered that way? I hope that Isayama will answer these questions in future interviews. 
Another thing, Levi says みててくれ to Hange, a now deceased person. Levi has never asked anything from the dead. He’s mentioned fulfilling his promise to Erwin about killing Zeke, but some have found it strange for Levi to ask Hange to “Watch me (kill Zeke.”) (edit: the point is that Levi asked Hange to keep watching him, so it seems that his promises and goals may have changed)
One user said something pretty sad. “For Levi, I think Hange is treated as a MIA. Even if there’s no chance of survival, if Levi looks at Hange’s death, Hange has ended for him right there. So since Hange hasn’t ended, he said “ watch out for me.” That’s the reason why Levi, who’s looked at dead soldiers in the eye, didn’t look at Hange.”
It’s simply, Levi didn’t say “Rest in peace,” or “Goodnight.” but “See ya, Hange. Keep looking out for me.” 
Going back to the quote about Titans, the summary is, that in Japanese, Levi’s speech seems incredibly nuanced because he uses language that suggests that Hange and him have come to a mutual feeling, and it’s simply by stating “with Titans” (but there’s a mutual love with me). That’s why the above essay questions if this isn’t a misprint or mistake, or perhaps it’s nothing at all. (I want to point out, that one user suggested it could refer to Eren, but it seems unlikely) 
This is his “answer.” And Hange says...”...We’ll get along soon enough.” 
There’s a “...” before Hange says that, indicating a pause, whether out of surprise by being called “four-eyes”, or carefully thinking on how to respond to “とは” 
Some other notes before I close this up, I thought this was a nice thought on LeviHan:
Hange was introduced while talking and having contact with Levi and Hange exited while talking and having contact with Levi. Really, Hange’s story started and ended with Levi. 
I apologize if this seems everywhere, I’m not particularly fond of writing, but for Hange’s last chapter, I feel like English speakers should get in on what Japanese levihan fans were saying. 
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Handcuffed together: 15
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A/N: The story continues. I had a wedding on friday, so a day later than planned :) Hope you like it. Let me know what you think :)
Moving on? The seconds passed by slowly from the moment Loki left you, again. The seconds turned into minutes, hours, days, weeks and eventually months. The first few days you were angry, waiting for Thor to come back so you could yell at him about Loki. But Thor never came back, at first you were angry about that too. But Natasha reminded you that Thor probably had other duties to perform in Asgard and that you couldn’t hold him accountable for his brother’s actions. True.
When you heard nothing, you became sad and depressed. You had thought that Loki would have checked in, maybe leave a message in time. But nothing. It was like he and your entire relationship had never happened. It started with you only dressing in lounge clothes. You stopped hanging out with the team, and were mostly in your room watching tv. You didn’t spend any time on your other hobby’s. Eventually Steve was forced to put you on a break, meaning you didn’t actively take part in the team or go on missions. It took five long months, but that was the moment you decided you were done. You needed to be yourself again.
‘Morning (Y/N), you are up early today? And even dressed in normal clothing?’ Natasha greeted you surprised.
‘Yeah.. thanks Nat’ you replied a bit grumpily. ‘Look, I’m done being lonely and I want to help again. Do you know where I can find Steve?’
‘Good to see you finally coming to terms with everything. Once you are fully over him, we can go out together and snatch you up a better guy’ she winked at you. ‘I think Steve is in the briefing room’
‘Thanks… maybe in a month or two’ you said. Leaving her to find Steve.
Natasha was right, you found him in the briefing room. You knocked on the door and he told you to enter.
‘Hey, (Y/N)’ he said surprised, clearly not expecting you.
‘Hi’ you said a bit sheepishly. ‘Can we talk for a moment?’
‘Of course, take a seat. You are looking good. How are you doing?’ he asked.
‘Better.. I ehm.. actually, wanted to apologize for my absence and the mood I have been in and –
‘(Y/N), don’t worry. It was all completely understandable’ Steve cut you off.
‘Still..’ you said.
The room was silent for a moment. ‘I’m just glad you are doing better. Plus, we already agreed as a team that if we ever see Loki again, let’s say it’s best if he doesn’t show his face around here anymore’
‘Thanks’ you forced a small giggle. ‘I think it’s time to pick up my life and I wanted to talk about the leave you put me on’ you started.
‘You want to come back?’ Steve asked.
‘Yes, I think it is best to have a certain rhythm and get back in the groove, don’t you think?’
‘As much as I love to have you fully back, it isn’t that easy actually’ Steve hesitatingly started.
‘What do you mean?’ you stomach started to tie itself in knots.
‘You need to be re-evaluated, before you can fully join. I mean, you can help us in the meantime. But not actively participate on missions before you are cleared again’ he started to explain.
‘How much time will it take?’
‘The re-evaluation consists of two steps. The first step is a physical test to see what level you are on now. And after that there is a mentality test, to see if you are in the right mind set to function on missions. If you pass straight away you can join next week. But I have to be honest, you were pretty out of it and missed a lot of training So, I think it will be a month or three. But like I said, there is still plenty you can help us with, without actively join the missions’
‘Oh’ you said a bit disappointed. ‘But can’t we just skip it? I’m fine now, and I really want to be back on the team’
‘(Y/N), that’s not how it works’ Steve sighed.
‘Please? I need this’ you begged.
‘Answer one question for me: if we are in the middle of the battle with Thanos, and suddenly Loki appears. What will you do?’
‘I eh.. I..’ you stammered, to be honest you still didn’t know what you would do.
‘Exactly. As much as we love you, it is important to go through these test. We need to be able to trust each other blindly. And as long as you do not have the right answer immediately to that question, we can’t. I’m sorry’ he said.
‘I understand’ you said softly, trying not to break down. That surely wouldn’t help your case.
‘I’m sorry. If you feel up for it, I will start up the whole process. But if you need more time, then take all the time you need. I’m already super glad that you are doing better’ he said.
‘Thanks Steve, ehm.. start it up. And what can I do in the meantime?’ you asked.
‘I will catch you up’ he said.
Then Steve started to explain what the team had been doing the past months. They had tracked a guy down, named dr. Strange. Apparently he was a bit like Tony. He also possessed an infinity stone, and they told him everything that Loki had told them. Thor would hopefully be back soon, and than they would no more about how Loki was doing and if he knew where Thanos was hiding. In the meantime, dr. Strange had tracked down another stone on a planet by someone called ‘the collector’. Apparently Asgard had given them the reality stone for safe keeping. Dr. Strange had set up a meeting and would try to come back with the stone. The plan was to collect the stones before Thanos and then imprison him with them, so he couldn’t go through with his plan. Kill him if necessary.
‘So, if you could drop of these documents at the sanctuary, that would be really helpful’ Steve said lastly.
‘Am I supposed to be everyone’s assistant until I’m cleared?’ you snapped
‘You’re no-one’s assistant. But this is the only task I can give you at the moment. This and ask for an update on his work, it really would help’
After some back and forth you reluctantly agreed to go to the sanctuary. Before that Steve had called everyone to the kitchen for a cup of coffee and tell them that you are working on joining the team again. To your relief everyone was supportive and seemed glad that you were doing better.
That afternoon you walked to the sanctuary with the documents. Wondering if you would get to meet dr. Strange and what he was really like.
‘And you are?’ he said answering the door you just knocked on.
‘I’m (Y/N) from the Avengers, here to deliver some documents you needed and to ask how your progress is’ you answered politely.
‘Ah, so you are the one sleeping with the enemy’ he joked.
After seeing your not-amused-face he cleared his throat and invited you into the sanctum. He told you about what this place was and who he was. He had actually an appointment with the collector in an hour, just to meet up. He didn’t expect that he would be able to get the stone on the first try.
‘If you really want to help, you could actually tell me about Loki’ he said.
‘I don’t want to talk about it’ you said.
‘Look, I have reason to believe that Loki has already been to the collector. And I know very little about the guy. Maybe you can interpret some of his actions for me?’ he asked.
You sighed heavily. ‘I’m not able to explain every choice he made. But if he has been there you can ask me when you return’ you said bitterly.
‘Or… you could come with?’ dr. Strange proposed.
‘I can’t. I’m not supposed to join missions. I’m on leave with the Avengers and need to be re-evaluated first’ you explained.
‘But I’m not with the Avengers. So, technically I’m hiring you as a free-lancer. So, are you coming with me? Could be helpful?’ he tried to persuade you.
‘I can’t. If the team finds out..’
‘I promise I won’t tell them. If Loki has really been there, aren’t you curious to what he is up to?’ dr. Strange cocked one of his eyebrows.
That argument convinced you. Besides, it was one conversation with some guy you would attend. It really wasn’t a mission, right? What could go wrong?
At the collector Dr. Strange, who said to call him Steven, opened a portal and the two of you went through. The collector was a peculiar being, his assistant also. He and Steven were talking about the stone and Thanos, while you walked behind them besides the assistant. Walking through the collection of the collector you saw some amazing things. It did disturb you that there were living beings held captive here, even after the collector assured you that it was fine. You were drawn back into the conversation when you heard Loki’s name.
‘Yes, he has been here’ the collector answered. ‘What did he ask you? What did he want? When did he leave?’ Steven asked.
‘Ah, a lot. Quite the mischievous guy, but that is to be expected I suppose. Unfortunately for him, someone else already had required my services’ that made everyone stop walking.
‘What do you mean?’ Steve asked.‘Well, to answer you earlier question, he is still here. Now Carina’ the collector said. 
Before you knew what was happening someone grabbed you and you felt a sharp needle in your neck. Steven looked shocked. You wanted to scream but every muscle in your body went limb. Your eyes felt heavy and you vision started to blur. Was the building tilting sidewards? Or were you falling? The last thing you heard was laughter and you saw Steven’s sparkling magic, and then it went black.
Some time later Your head was pounding, and your mouth was dry. Still foggy you tried to open your eyes. There was a familiar voice saying something in the background. One of your hands was immobile. Recounting everything that happened you tried to sit up right and open your eyes. It took a moment for your vision to fully return and your hearing to improve. The first thing you noticed was that one of your hands was cuffed. The cuff was attached to another hand. Looking up, you saw him. ‘Good to see you again, kitten’ Loki smiled. 
Permanent taglist:  @delightfulheartdream​ @the-best-phineas​ @pescadoavocado​ @theestorm​ @theaudacitytowrite​ @justacripple​
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sturchling · 4 years
If my other prompt is too mean here's this Mari resigns class rep Lila takes over chaos ensures gets pressured everyone ask her for everything no matter her excuses act ungrateful 2 her demands Mari's help Mari say screw you like a savage and Lila snaps and lashes out to the point she runs away like a lunatic
Ok, so I am slowly coming back into writing fanfiction. I did find a job and am getting settled into the new routine. I am still going to be slow posting, but I will be writing again. 
Also, about that personal writing project, I have more details to share now. I am trying to write my own novel now. It will be a fantasy novel, and I will publish through kindle direct publishing. I hope to have it done by the end of the year or early next year. If any of you want details, I would be happy to chat with you about it.
Without further ado, here is the story, I hope you like it! Let me know what you think.
Things in the akuma class had taken a turn for the worse. Lila’s plan had worked perfectly. She had slowly chipped away at the class’ confidence in Marinette until they all thought she was the worst person in the school. Marinette had tried to stop Lila at first. She had gone to her friends about what Lila had threatened her with, but not many believed her.
The only people who still believe her are Kim and Nino. They had known her almost their whole lives, and knew Marinette wouldn’t make something like this up. They also knew Marinette well enough to know that she would never do the things Lila accused her of. Adrien also knew that Marinette was innocent, but he couldn’t say anything to the class.
He had tried at first, but Lila had been able to twist everything to her advantage again. Then she had gone to Adrien’s father. Mr. Agreste had told Adrien that he had to ‘maintain good relations with Miss Rossi, for the good of the brand’ and threatened to pull him out of school again if he failed to do so. He may not be able to help Marinette directly, but he has tried to warn her of some of Lila’s more heinous lies.
The rest of the class had become incredibly cruel towards Marinette. All they ever did anymore was glare at her and call her cruel names. Lila had succeeded, the class had all turned against Marinette. The only time they really spoke to her was to ask her to make things for them or to plan trips and events for the class.
It eventually became too much and Marinette had had enough. She resigned as class rep one Friday afternoon, and immediately stopped doing favors for the class. The class was furious that she wouldn’t make them things anymore, but was happy that they could get a new class rep now. One that wasn’t a bully to the sweetest girl in class. In fact, they decided that the sweetest girl in class should be the new class rep.
The Monday after Marinette resigned, the class elected Lila to be the new class rep. At first Lila was thrilled to be elected. She felt this meant that she was officially the queen of the class. But then the reality of the situation set in. She realized all of the work that the position entailed. She tried to give the work to Alya as her deputy. Alya said that she would do the paper work, but Lila would be able to set up much cooler events and trips than Alya with all her connections.
Of course, Lila couldn’t use her connections to create all these opportunities for the class. She had no connections to use. What is worse, Lila didn’t realize all of the extra things the class would ask for. Everything they used to ask Marinette for, they started asking Lila. She tried using any excuse she could come up with. She couldn’t make that banner they wanted because she was busy helping Prince Ali with his new charity. She couldn’t help make stuff for the bake sale because she was helping her mother with a new proposal at work. But nothing worked, they still demanded that she do all of this additional work for them.
And they got angry when Lila couldn’t deliver. The class quickly devolved into chaos. All the fundraisers didn’t meet their goal, and trips didn’t actually happen. Guests would cancel their appearances for the class last minute. The class began to act more and more ungrateful to Lila as she continued to fail as class rep. Lila saw her position in the class slipping with each passing day.
She even resorted to actually working, to try and win the class back. She started to apply herself to the class rep job and really try to get everything under control. But it was impossible to do the job on its own, let alone with the class asking for all of these additional favors. Lila didn’t understand how Marinette did it. She must have had outside help, there is no way she could have done all this work on her own, she must have cheated the system somehow.
Lila started to get angrier and angrier at Marinette. Marinette could have told her how hard this would be, and told her how she had cheated the system and made this so easy. When Lila saw Marinette go into the restroom alone, she made her move. She cornered Marinette in the restroom again and demanded she help Lila with the work. “You were the one who resigned and got me into this mess. You obviously had help, no one can do this job on their own. Since you caused all this, and you didn’t tell me who helped you when you were class rep, you are going to help me now. You will help me and make me look good to the class again, or you will regret it.” Marinette just looked at Lila with a blank stare. “How will you make me regret it? You already took the class from me. You don’t have any leverage here.” Lila got a smirk on her face, thinking she had the perfect plan. “Simple. I’ll make your parents turn against you. I did it with the class, I can do it again. If you don’t help me, I’ll go tell them how awful you have been to me and how their daughter is a bullying liar. Those are your options, so what is it going to be?”
Marinette just rolled her eyes, which shocked Lila. “Lila, my parents already know about you being a liar. After you got me expelled, I told them everything you have said to me. The threats, the lies, everything. They won’t believe you at all. You have no power over me anymore. Good luck as class rep. It was such a demanding position I never had any free time; I am glad it isn’t my job anymore. See you in class Lila, and I am looking forward to hearing your plan for the end of the year trip at the presentation later today. I am sure you have something amazing planned with all your connections. For your sake, I hope your plans actually work this time. Not sure how the class would handle another let down.”
Lila was shocked at what Marinette just said. While Lila stood in shock, Marinette walked around her and out of the restroom. Lila panicked as she realized Marinette was right, the class wasn’t going to keep letting these failures go. Lila went back to the classroom and was immediately bombarded by the class. Normally she would welcome the attention, but that was when the class was just fawning over her. Now, they were demanding more and more favors from her.
Lila quickly became overwhelmed by everything and snapped. She shoved everyone away, yelling, “That’s it! I’m done! This isn’t worth it! I quit being class rep! I only wanted the stupid job to take it from Marinette, but this is ridiculous. You guys can’t do anything for yourselves! You keep demanding all of these crazy trips and events that just can’t be done, I can’t organize those kinds of things!” The class is shocked by Lila’s outburst. Alya reaches out to the girl she considers her best friend, “What are you talking about Lila? You don’t sound like yourself. I am sorry if we put too much pressure on you, but you could organize these cool events. For a girl with your connections, it should be easy.”
Lila pulled away from Alya, looking completely deranged. “No, I can’t do it. I don’t have all these awesome connections. I lied. About everything. I just wanted to be the queen of this school, so I told you idiots what you wanted to hear. I never thought being class rep would be so much work. So, I’m done. My mom’s assignment here is done anyway, so we are going back to Italy. Have a good life, losers.”
The class looked on in shock as Lila fled from the class and out of the school. Lila got home and convinced her mother to end her time in France early. She told her mom that she was getting scared it was too dangerous to stay because of Hawkmoth and her mother agreed. Lila hated that she hadn’t had the opportunity to help Hawkmoth defeat Ladybug, but she had to get out of Paris.
The class was in shambles after that. Everyone tried to apologize to Marinette and get her to be class rep again, but the girl refused the position and made it clear that they weren’t friends again just because they said sorry. Mrs. Bustier’s class never fully recovered from the betrayal of Lila. Things did get better between the class and Marinette. They were civil to each other, but Marinette was still not ready to be friends again. Mrs. Bustier’s class was left to wonder how Lila had tricked them, and how they had let themselves be tricked. And they wondered most of all how they had let Marinette, the best friend they had ever had, get away.
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mrsmarymorstan · 4 years
Don't why the fans especially the manga readers are hyping about tooru breaking the curse when she didn't even do shit. she just went on that silly adventure and be an annoying crybaby whenever she learns something new about the curse. it was actually akito who broke the curse so i can't understand what you are all hyping tohru on.
Ah yes, I to remember the days when I’d be deliberately antagonistic just for fun and beat on female characters for showing emotions and caring about people. Or indeed, resent characters for having entirely realistic reactions to the cosmic horror and terror that surrounds them. Then I turned 16 and HER WE ARE ten years later and I get to see it from a whole new perspective! What fun. 
In your misguided attempt to cause drama by shitting on people having a good time by being excited about upcoming character moments, much like Dr Flemming’s unwashed petri dish, you have hit upon something that benefits further discussion and interest. 
That point being, was it TOHRU who broke the curse, or was it Akito? 
When Tohru sets out to break the curse and stop the love of her life from being locked up in a cold dark room for the rest of his existence, she finds out that the curse is firstly, a bond of blood sworn by the spririts of the past and not something that can be physically manifested, and secondly, that the curse has already begun to break RE: Kureno. 
Now, there’s a LOT of theories about why Kureno’s curse broke and if it truly was some random event or if there was a trigger. I think it’s a combination of the two. It’s noted by the maids and by (I think) Shigure that this is the first time in a long time that the entire Juunishi are present. There is also a sizeable age gap betwee Hiro and Kureno, that would about match up between Hiro being an infant when Kureno’s curse broke. Ergo, I propose that his curse broke soon after their first New Year’s together as a complete banquet with no spaces missing. Save that of the cat, of course, but more on him later. 
Kureno is the rooster, and I believe that in legend the Rooster was seen as the closest to God because he could deliver messages between heaven and earth. Therefore it makes sense that the first to leave God alone, is God’s messenger. “We have had our final Banquet, it’s time to end the cycle.” 
Of course Akito/God does not have a positive reaction to this, and the loss of one Juunishi inspires a great sense of loneliness and fear within Akito similar to that which lead to the creation of the bond in the first place. We do not see God being willing to make any attempt to work on achieving the Cat’s wish of finally being able to form friendships beyond the Zodiac and forming bonds with the humans he was so afraid of before. 
And THAT is the crux of the matter. Tohru came into the Sohma’s lives and began to break the curse simply by forming close bonds with them all, and letting them into her life and react to the world around them. Hana and Uo are both friends with Kyo and Yuki, actively choosing to spend time together. We also see that in Kyo attending the same school as Yuki, it opens up that same school to Haru and Momiji where they too can form bonds outside of the Sohma influence. It’s a school THEY chose, not the single sex one Akito picked out. Equally this means we have to give some credit to Yuki for making the brave choice of defying his parents and Akito’s wishes by attending a mixed school, and Shigure (who continues to be the mastermind here) for goading Akito into allowing Kyo to also attend that school and not simply pay off the private school he was MEANT to attend and have them let him back in. 
It’s also no real surprise that the two other Juunishi whose curses break before the final scene are Momiji and Hiro. Hiro is shown to be forming bonds outside of the Zodiac too. Not only has he matured enough that he is able to understand things from Tohru’s perspective now and has a relatively positive relationship with her, he ALSO becomes a Big Brother with a little sister he adores. Again, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that his curse breaks whilst he is in the same room as her. The Sheep has formed a meaningful relationship outside of the Zodaic, so it is time for the Sheep Spirit to return to its original realm. We then have Momiji, who is absolutely desperately in love with Tohru and is also equally desperate to be allowed to have a relationship with his OWN sister. Momiji’s curse breaks only after he has gone through puberty though and reaches adulthood. It’s when he starts to truly understand the path that is laid before him, and where he stands in it. He WANTS a relationship with Tohru, but he can also recognise that she is in love with Kyo and that makes it all the more painful. He knows that as he ages he is only going to be made to feel more distant from his sister, and that hurts too. HOWEVER, Momiji doesn’t ever stop LONGING for meaningful relationships and a world beyond the life of the Zodiac. He recognises that he does not have anything really tying him to the Sohma anymore, and so his curse breaks. The rabbit spirit has no need to be part of the banquet, and so heads home.   
Now, as you can see, whilst Tohru is a key trigger in the breaking of the curse, she’s still not the one to actively do it, right? 
Well, wrong. Sort of. 
Take note that when we’re told the ACTUAL story of the Original Banquet , we find that the Cat was the first friend God ever made, and was also the first to die. It was the death of the cat that triggered God into creating the eternal bond that would always bring them together, and it was the cat’s terror and dismay at being forced into such a bond that caused them to disown him. The cat has, all along, simply wanted God to make friends. The first who had the curse take effect upon them, was the one who rejectd it the most and as such was then shunned forever more. The cat wanted God to make bonds outside of the Zodiac, and in turn the cat was forever banned form making those bonds. Even though we’ve been show the Cat was granted some realtionships in the form of Kazuma’s Grandmother; it is a relationship made out of pitty rather than love and understanding. 
Tohru though? Torhu is the God Damned (excuse the pun) Year of the Cat Fanclub PRESIDENT. Nobody loves and respects the OG Cat Spirit in the way she does. She emphasied with the Cat’s plight in the legend her mother told her, feeling sorry for them being tricked like that and being forced to miss out on being part of the legend. She wanted the cat to join the group! She cradled the cat’s body in much the same way God in his final moments, as instead this time Tohru brings him back into the light and forms a stronger and longer lasting relationship with the cat spirit through love and empathy.
And later on, in that same mountainside, it is TOHRU who is the one who reaches out her hand to god and asks to become friends. It is the act of God forming friends with mortal humans that triggers Akito/God to finally release everyone from their curse. That’s why it happens when it does, when Akito knows that Tohru is safely out of hospital, that she has still welcomed Akito into her life... and that if Akito is going to take those terrifying steps into forming relationships that can end in rejection, she’s going to have to do it on her own two feet. 
THAT is how Tohru breaks the curse. THAT is what is important here and what is so FUCKING HARD ROCK about Tohru Honda. We see her willing to stand up to GOD in order to break the curse, but she stands before God as an EQUAL. Tohru WILL break the curse. She WILL fight for her soulmate. She WILL make you be friends with her and address your deep seated issues of self hate and abandonment (not that she has those issues herself ahahahha no I’m just your average happy go lucky teenager with two dead parents who lives in a tent I’M FINE) 
Of course, it turns out that everything Shigure and Kazuma told her about breaking the curse was true: That she didn’t have to do anything other than to continue to be herself. HOWEVER, in order to BE herself she needed to try and have a “silly adventure” where she tested her metal and learnt to speak up for herself. Why are we excited? Because we’re going to see Tohru finally find the confidence to speak out against others without harm! We see her get into a fight with Rin about it. We see her refusing to back down against Kagura. We see her standing on her own two feet and saying “No. No I don’t want that. I REFUSE to give in and to leave well alone!” 
All before, Tohru has been so scared to speak up for herself because of her debilitating abandonment issues (and please let’s not make fun of people’s mental health issues, okay? I haven’t been having a weekly therapy session for nearly two years now just because for the fun of it) but now she’s got to the point where she feels comfortable and secure enough to show an uglier side to herself that people might reject. She is able to be mean, and shout, and fucking break into someone’s house in order to get what she wants! How can a TRUE fruits basket fan NOT be excitd for that level of character development? 
And to end it, please, for the LOVE OF GOD it is 2020. I am 26 years old. I have been on tumblr since 2011. Do not send me hate about female fictional characters and expect me to roll over. My username is “Mrs Mary Morstan”. Mary. Morstan. The most hated female character in all of BBC Sherlock. Do not even try to fucking test me, you Petri Dish. 
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cakejots · 3 years
this is us trying, Chapter 3 - The Decision
In this AU, they don’t know each other outside of the suit. And in this AU, Ladybug and Chat Noir love each other. But in this AU, Chat doesn’t want their identities revealed.
Written for @ladynoirjuly 2021
notes: this is a coherent story based on all the prompts; each chapter contains at least 3 prompts
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch 10
Read on AO3
8. Admiration
Ladybug shifted from her spot at the top of Notre Dame’s North Tower, awaiting Chat’s arrival. The time it took to get in contact with him again wasn’t very long, but it was longer than the intervals between their dates. She understood that he has his own life to live, and sometimes, their schedules just really couldn’t match up. But for this time, in particular, she couldn’t help but feel that he was avoiding her.
Was it really a coincidence that he got especially busy right after he left her alone on that rooftop? She didn’t know.
Even though Ladybug had arrived 15 minutes earlier, she had that irrational fear that he wouldn’t turn up. She knew Chat wasn't like that, he always keeps his word. But she couldn’t help it, the possibility that their relationship could take a turn for the worse frightened her.
Luckily, before her thoughts could spiral out of control, Chat landed a few metres away from her.
Relief flooded her chest as Chat slowly stood from his crouched position. She was about to run over and throw her arms around him when his words stopped her.
“I’m really sorry for what I’ve done that day.” Chat wasn’t at his full height, his body posture was humbled and he was rubbing his hands.
“What I did was horrible, and I’ve no excuse for the way I treated you that day.” He had his head lowered and his eyes glimpsed at her ever so often, to see if she was listening to him. “I understand if you want to walk away, I just hope you’ll forgive me.”
Her eyes harden, posture standing even taller than before. Ladybug eyed him. This was the second time he had talked about her leaving him.
“I’m not going to walk away, Chat.” Her eyes softened as he flinched from her sudden rush of words. “But I’ll be lying if I said that didn’t hurt. I just want to know why it happened.”
Tears filled his green eyes as he fixed them on hers. His face held a sombre expression, as though it physically hurt him to be saying those next words.
“My lady,” he pleaded with a voice thick of desperation. “Forgive me, I promise I’ll tell you one day. Just… I can’t— not now…”
Ladybug sighed.
“Please know that,” he quickly rushed to her and embraced her tightly. “I didn’t regret giving you that kiss! Never.”
Ladybug raised her arms and tightened her grip on him as he trembled.
“Thank you for your assurance, Chaton.” She pulled back and surveyed his face. “I’m aware that this is a bit insensitive, but could you wait here for 5 minutes? I’m just going to get some stuff.”
Chat grew uneasy. To be alone on a cool night? He was reasonably unsettled, especially after what had confronted him just moments ago. Ladybug said she wouldn’t walk away, but now she’s asking him to stay here? How could he not be worried?
“Just 5 minutes,” her fingers grazed his face. “I promise you’ll enjoy our date even more after I bring those things here.”
He should trust her. He knows he could trust her. After all, she had said she wouldn't leave. It happened once, it can happen again.
“We can call each other while I’m—“
“It’s okay, my lady.” He pulled back and smiled. “I’ll see you in 5 minutes.”
Ladybug wasn’t convinced that he’s okay, but she gave him a peck on the cheek to ease his doubts. “I’ll be back before you know it!”
And true to her words, she came back in 3 minutes, with two pillows, a thick blanket, and a laptop in her arms.
Chat eyed them quizzingly.
“We, are going to get comfortable and watch montages of ourselves!” She sat beside him, the Ladyblog web page now visible on her screen. “Looking at how awesome we were would give us that extra endorphins boost, don't you think?”
“We are still awesome now, what are you saying?” He wrapped the blanket around them.
She giggled. “We should do some parkour sometimes.”
Bundled up in blankets with their limbs tangled, they sat there watching the best moments they had while battling Akumas, fondness for themselves and for the other clear on their faces.
Ladybug has always been like this, trying to solve whatever issues that arise. It’s how they’ve won battle after battle. Even after the threat is gone, she’s still trying to salvage the situation, no matter how small it is in the grand scheme of things.
Chat was immensely grateful for what she had done tonight. The videos had really calmed his nerves and brought back all those euphoric memories he once had. The reason why he was doing this in the first place. The joy his lady had brought to him whenever he spent time with her. The love and admiration he felt for her as she stood up against Hawkmoth on their first day as superheroes, despite Ladybug believing that she wasn’t suited for her calling.
The love…
He tightened his hold around her.
“You alright?”
“Yeah, just mesmerised by how cool we are.”
How could he have forgotten? How miraculously amazing she was. No. She still is, up till this very day. Even after 6 years. Even after he denied her what she wanted most following Shadowmoth’s defeat. Even after what he’s done to their relationship. She never walked away from him, and is still trying to rectify the situation.
He wasn’t making it easy for her, even though it should’ve been after the final battle. It’s really unfair to her.
And yet, she’s still here, she still chose to stick with him.
This can’t go on.
He took hold of her hand and brought it to his lips. “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
9. Cinema
“Come on, come on, come on, we’re gonna be late!” Chat hurriedly pushed her into the cinema, worried that they wouldn't make it to showtime.
“Wasn’t that 5-hour binge-watch enough?” Ladybug was obviously excited about the movie, but she couldn’t allow him the satisfaction so easily.
“Of course not! This is the sequel to the series!” He continued pushing as if there’s nothing entirely wrong with his behaviour.
“And we’re heading to a cinema now. Didn’t you say you wanted us to be as discreet as possible?” She raised her eyebrow despite Chat not being able to see her face.
“Yeah, but it’s the premiere today! We won’t be able to watch it on the laptop.” They stopped at the cinema hall entrance and Chat scanned his ticket for the seat number before he continued pushing. “Also, watching in a cinema after hours of watching from a smaller screen is just a different experience, no?”
They finally arrived at the row where their seats were, but he continued resting his hands on her shoulder, guiding her to her seat before finally letting her go. “Besides, Parisians won’t kick us out after the ‘patrol’ stun we pulled.”
She rolled her eyes. “I mean we did do our job when something happened.”
Although animated films are popular in France, this particular one didn’t attract as many audiences as those action-packed animated films, which was a blessing and a curse because they would be able to get away with minimal attention on them, but also so many people are missing out on this greatness.
“Anyway, do you think we’ll cry again?” She rubbed her tear-stained eyes, “I don’t think I’ve any liquid left in me for that.”
“Nonsense, there’s definitely more in you,” he cupped her cheeks to have a better look at her. “And you still look so pretty even after all that crying.”
“Oh, quite the sadist, aren’t you? Does my crying bring you joy?”
“Come on, Buguinette, you can’t deny it was phenomenal.”
“Yeah, you’re right. It is phenomenal. But couldn’t we spread it out even more? The watch time on that series I mean.”
“I… I won’t have time for the rest of the week,” his smile fell as his hands caressed her cheeks. “I’m really sorry.”
“No wonder you wanted to spend the whole day today,” she teased. “Well, no worries about it! I love spending time with you.”
He moved his hand to hers and placed a kiss on her knuckles. “Thank you, my lady.”
And that’s when the lights started dimming. They relaxed into their respective seats, but not without interlacing their hands together.
The movie, of course, had delivered what the series had set out to do. The cinema was filled with sniffles and sobs and Ladybug and Chat Noir were certainly not spared from the experience. They were tearing like they had been all afternoon, the only difference was that they weren’t able to hold the other as tightly as they would’ve liked due to the armrest in between them.
And they didn’t realise the importance of tissues until that night. They had to go to the toilet to clean their face and clear their noses before continuing with other plans they had had for the night.
10. Moonlight
As they left the establishment, they were surprised to see how the gleaming of the silver orb that hung in the sky rivalled that of The City of Light.
Chat proposed spending the rest of the night at the top of the Eiffel Tower, given that it has been a while since they were there. And immediately regretted that suggestion when he remembered that their last memories of the Eiffel Tower were of him expressing his wishes to hold off the reveal right after the final battle.
But Ladybug eagerly agreed and was already well on her way. He had no choice but to follow through.
When he arrived, he was awestruck by the moon. He has—
“—never seen the moon this big! Wow!” Ladybug proclaimed as she took in the moon in all its beauty.
She was captivated by the glamour of the moon, but to Chat, it seemed as though she was basking in the moonlight. Her suit gave off a shimmering red glow not often seen and her dark hair looked midnight blue under it. Her back was towards him, but as she turned around to move towards the spot next to him, he felt his own heartbeat quickened. The brilliance of her blue orbs awed him, they were of a pigment he had never seen before in her eyes.
“Wow indeed.”
They moved to sit side by side on the edge and took in the view of the moon and of the city. Did they really enjoy this view of the city weekly before? Has it always been this beautiful?
“You know,” Ladybug started, breaking the silence. “I’m really glad he chose what he did in the end.”
“Yeah, they finally got together.”
She peered upwards. “It wasn’t an easy journey, but I’m so satisfied with that ending. I’m sure everyone was crying tears of joy too.”
That animated series as a whole was about conveying your feelings to the ones you love. Which he did, a lot. He was never one to shy away from declaring his love for her. But why did everything change after the final battle? Why did he change after the final battle?
His heart must’ve been tired of what his brain was trying to reason about, and thus led him to pick this series to watch, and eventually the movie. All the answers were there.
He knew his lady well enough and was certain that she wouldn't walk away. She has proved that time and time again.
So what was preventing him from being with her, when he very much desired to have a happy ending with her as well?
In some ways, his current predicament was similar to Gilbert’s. He was afraid. He was afraid that she’ll abandon him after she found out who he really was, and what he’s done.
Chat looked over to see Ladybug moonbathing and enjoying the light breeze. Was it too much to hope for a happy ending himself? He knew damn well how Violet felt throughout the whole ordeal of trying to get Gilbert back by her side. Did he really want his lady to end up that way eventually, when he had the ability to prevent that?
No. That’s too brutal. The world was already cruel to him. But if he could prevent that cruelty and enable her to witness how beautiful life can be, how pleasant she had made life for him, he’d do it.
Those eyes that looked at him as though he hung the stars in her sky. Those wide blue eyes that never gave up on him despite his failure to give her what she wanted most. Those worried, concerned eyes, so full of love.
He was choked up with emotions.
“I love you.”
Ladybug inhaled sharply and stared at him unblinking, unsure if she misheard those words.
She reached out to him slowly. “Can… Can you say that again?”
“I love you.” He took her hand and squeezed it, leaning in to press his warm lips against her cheek.
He pulled back to see tears in the corner of her eyes.
“My lady?”
She still stared at him as her tears started to trickle down her face.
His hands flew to her face. “My—”
Ladybug threw her arms around him with such vitality that they toppled over. “I love you too!”
He pulled her in to close any gaps between them, so very glad that she still felt the same despite all that has happened. She planted a heartwarming kiss on his cheek as Chat landed on his back.
They basked in each other’s warmth and presence. He stroked her hair and she melted into him, happy tears flowing as her kitty was starting to declare his love for her again, verbally.
“My lady, can we meet up again tomorrow?”
“I thought you said you were busy?” She giggled.
“I did,” he grinned. “But who said anything about meeting during the hours of the day?”
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alicemitch09writes · 4 years
be careful what you wish for
pairing: Prince!Sakusa Kiyoomi x Historian!Reader 
summary: He didn’t mean to wish you away. He never did. labyrinth AU.
author’s notes: i have the vaguest idea of labyrinths, just depending only on what I already know from literature class and the fics I read. Also, this was an excuse to make said AU, aaaaaaaaaand because I'm a sucker for angst, I wanted to delve and write into this. Mwahahaha This turned out longer than I expected it to be, and I'm worried if I was able to deliver what I wanted to deliver. Eugh. The fact that reader is the adoptive siblings to the Miyas was an accident, because that was intended for another fic but decided to scrap that idea entirely because I have OTHER WIP fics to worry about first. Heh. Finally, I went for Sakusa because I love him and he kinda fits the general idea of this kinda angst (which was inspired by a prompt list for bakudeku originally lol). Also, if the last part seems rather rushed, sorry it's 12:59am here and I want to sleep yet I want to finish this bc I have a lotta other fics to work on.
also available on ao3.
He wished you away. Prince Kiyoomi actually wished you away.
Which was probably for the best, since, in his words were “you’ve been nothing but a hindrance, a pest” and you've been nothing but pathetic, contributing to little with your history and books, doing little to help prosper the kingdom.
And now, here you were: forever stuck in this maze-like dungeon, guarded by a hulking beast for all of eternity.
Fact remains: your first love actually wished you away.
And away you went to some castled walls, far from the kingdom you grew up in, away from civilization, far and away. Away, away, away from it all. Away from him.
Cold, numb, and hollow, tears blurred and streamed down your face through the monster's running, never letting go as you helplessly watch your kingdom shrink from view.
Then he stopped, your tears halted, heart in your throat. Arriving in your destination, it was a surprise when the monster put you down gently, huffing down at you, before leaving you to your lonesome.
(E/c) eyes slowly took in the room you were in - a wide room, marbled floors, fizzled candles in elegant stands, a plush-lookng canopy bed in the middle, with draperies made from the finest silk, there was an antechamber connecting to a library filled to the brim with books, another antechamber leading to a bath. It was a lot to take in. And strangely enough, it looked like it was waiting for a host to live in.
Shaken and raw from the events that occurred, it was only the sound of clanging iron doors that brought you out of your stupor, rushing towards the doors, shaking, banging, yelling helplessly, and begging to be free.
Huffing lowly the horned-monster disappeared into the corners of darkness, your cries falling on deaf ears.
The first few nights were spent crying.
Crying for you missed your books. Crying for you missed your apprentice and students. Crying because you missed your friends in the palace. Crying because you missed that little boy who sneaks into your room, begging for stories of time beyond him. Crying because you missed Big Brother Osamu, checking in to ensure there was something in your stomach. Crying because you missed fighting with Big Brother Atsumu. Crying because you missed chatting with Motoya. Crying because you missed the handsome visage, the aloof, sarcastic, cutting, yet gracefulness of your dear friend - Kiyoomi.
Crying because he wished you away, far, far away.
Night and day, you spent crying. So many tears were shed, too many had been dried up. Not only did you cry on the outside, but so were you on the side. Your whimpering echoing through your empty prison. Your throat had been hoarse from being used up, wailing for nobody.
Nobody was there to hear you cry, nor were there people to console you.
Alone did you cry, alone did you suffer.
Denying everything and anything that was happening to you.
Why you? Why? What had you done? All you did was research on the country's past, pouring hours and hours in your books, often writing drafts and exchanging theories and discoveries - was that so wrong? Why you? You didn't deserve this! No! No!!!!!!!
You could deny your destiny all you want but at the end of the day, you were still imprisoned and by your lonesome. You were here. Nobody else. You.
Denying didn't change the fact that this was your reality now.
And soon, denial bled into acceptance.
Resigning to your hate, you could only feel tears start anew.
You were never to see your family again, let alone leave and see the outside world.
You would never see little Romero again.
You would never gush with your apprentice again about new discoveries and strategies, nor have educational debates with visiting historians.
You would never delight in sweets with the older Sakusas for afternoon tea.
You would never laugh with Motoya again. 
You would never see Kiyoomi again. 
With a heavy heart, you accepted it.
But it doesn't mean it'll hurt any less, the same way that it didn’t change the fact that your first love, the second Prince of Itachiyama, wished you away.
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He didn’t mean to wish you away. He never did. It was just a rash thing he said because he was tired of people prying into his personal life, of people making decisions for him, and probably his fear and frustration that you were slipping away from him.
His status as the crowned prince meant that a lot was expected from him, even though his older brother was expected to inherit the throne. But his brother was never one for battle - too focused on politics and his people, neither was his sister - who fared better in navigation, so Kiyoomi was set to become the commander of the Royal Guard. It was a given since he born and bred for it. His skill and strategic mind were not to be underestimated, as he's led the kingdom to many victories and earned the respect of kings, generals, nobles, and soldiers. His prominent fame eventually caught on different aspects of his life, so it was only a matter of time before marriage was brought into the discussion.
Try as he might, he was a royal and these were inevitable. That doesn't mean he likes people prying into his private life, disliked it even more, when they began to question his relationships - especially with you, the royal historian.
A well-regarded historian, who practiced a bit of politics, you were someone he sought before deciding to go to war or for just a friendly debate over philosophy and strategies. What you thought of his strategies mattered a lot to him, he held your opinions over anyone's in the castle - even to his own parents. It wasn't to say because you were childhood friends, but he recognized your abilities as a historian. You did a lot of things, aside from chronicling the day-to-day life of royals. You were unique, for you were keen on gaining knowledge and voiced your ideas and opinions, never fearful and always respectable to whoever you were talking to. 
That, and because of your closeness, became the reason that you became a target for many, for them to keep an eye on you. Sakusa knew this, tried to let it die. But the crowned prince had been too naive to the workings of twisting tales. 
And then, marriage proposals were coming in. Left and right, people were badgering him. Not a moment's rest when they were on the brink of war for god's sake! He was not interested, leaving the proposals unanswered for all he cared.
One summer's night, a ball had been prepared to celebrate the foundation of their kingdom. As expected, visiting dignitaries and royals were invited.
("Chatterboxes who don't really have a place in this palace except a name," he'd mutter under his breath, you laugh at his comment.)
As the royal historian, you were expected and had been dressed in the finest clothes, a gift from his older sister - who absolutely fawned and adored you. Dressed in his royal robes, he felt the need to get on his knees, undeserving to be in the presence of such beauty.
In a sea full of royals and socialites, you were the prettiest thing he has ever laid eyes on, easily besting and outshining everyone.
This was the one night he was supposed to tell you how he felt about you, social status be damned, he only cared and has eyes for you and you alone. 
In hushed whispers, gossip crept through the castle walls, snaking its way to each and every ear, poising and tainting their image of you. People began talking, eyes darting between him and the unsuspecting girl, who was laughing with an ambassador.
Suddenly, the whispers reached his ears, tainting his thoughts.
"Kiyoomi?" you whispered, tone laced with worry. Discreetly following after him when he pulled away from speaking with some ambassadors, you brought with you a goblet filled with water, fingers splaying over. "Are you alright?"
At the sight of you, he relaxed. Slightly. "No," bringing his fingers to his face, he massaged at his throbbing temples.
Taking a step closer, you held out the water, which he took graciously and took a small sip, eyes gazing out into the night with you next to him, not saying a word.
Behind you two, the loud music and fanfare went about. Camaraderie abounded inside that ballroom, glitz, and glamour just filling and living to their fullest as the night went on. However, on that balcony, there was nothing but silence - the silence one desperately sought for, the silence one could offer along with a companion who understood the need for said silence.
You didn't say anymore then, letting the silence fill in, working on a small smile when he looked your way and he appreciated you for it. This way, away from it all, under the moonlight, he could appreciate your beauty even more.
But it didn't last long.
One minute, you were joking about how gaudy people were dressed tonight, the next you were discussing Kiyoomi's battle plans and possible alliance with the Shiratorizawa kingdom, notorious for their undeniable power and might. They started as a small kingdom, which vastly grew over the years. Personally, you've met and been acquainted with them when they visited and enjoyed debates with Satori, Kenjirou, and even the emperor's son, Wakatoshi. Kiyoomi held said man to a high regard, never shutting up about his feats and skills. This was worrisome because Shiratorizawa was becoming especially unyielding when it comes to conquering neighbouring kingdoms - likes their recent dispute with Aoba Johsai and Karaunso, caring very little in casualties. Kiyoomi was quick to defend Wakatoshi, never minding the lives that were ignored during their rise to power, or your obvious discomfort of such alliance.
"So, I'm the bad guy now? For wanting what's best for my people?"
"What you want is war with defenseless people, in an unfair and one-sided war that'll only lead to bloodshed," you reasoned. "I just think you should rethink it, or at least have terms."
"There is nothing to rethink and no terms to talk about," his voice rises, his temper rising. "As royal historian, you should know at least that this alliance is promising and will yield results for the betterment of our kingdoms."
"You're forgetting that history is a philosophy that teaches by example," you quote, hands curling into fists. "I just don't want you making the same mistake-"
"I don't make mistakes, I make results." Something cracked in the darkness, his eyes warranting a scary drip of pride.
"That's not what I'm saying-"
"What would you know about wars and alliances anyway?"
Swallowing, you stood your ground, turning to face him. "Plenty. Enough to tell you, that as the royal historian, one mustn't needlessly push through with alliances without thinking them through first. Yes, it may yield good results but at the cost of many? I don't think so." A cold gust of wind blew, clouds rumbling overhead. "And as your friend, I worry about how rash you're being just because of Wakatoshi-"
Kiyoomi scoffed, actually scoffed at you, incredulously at how ludicrous your words were.
"God, could you be any more pretentious? Not everything is as easy as you make it!"
"Kiyoomi, stop-"
"What would you know? I wish you'd just be taken away, far away because I don't need you here when you've been nothing but a hindrance and a pest to this kingdom's chances of glory. I don't need you here when you've been nothing but a pest and a hindrance. I've clearly wasted all those years of educating you for a rather ignorant mind."
"You don't mean that,"
"Maybe, I do!" he yelled, throwing the goblet away, his voice was able to catch the attention of people nearby. "You think you know everything, just because of your books that talks about dead people-"
"-then you talk to me as though I haven't learned about them and disregard the fact that I’m trying to be better than them-“
“I know, Kiyoomi, I know-“
“Shut up, you don’t know! Just like you don’t know a thing outside your books, it’s not always as it was written! You don’t know just how difficult it is to really man an army, let alone try to make efforts to ensure that we make it out alive. You wouldn’t understand how weary the job is at the end of the day, because you’re happy being in the castle surrounded by your books all day. You wouldn’t understand, so just leave this to me,” overhead, thunder rumbled loudly, ferociously. Kiyoomi took a step, you took a step back. “Stop nagging me over things I already know!”
Lower lip quivering, you bit down, chin held up high as you asked. “D-Don’t my opinions matter to you, Kiyoomi?” it was a question laced with hurt, enough to guilt him, but Kiyoomi didn’t yield.
“Just stop!” his breathing was shaking, harsh. Consumed completely by anger, frustration, and fear, his eyes met yours, voice cold as he said, “I wish that you were taken away, there’s no place in the palace for someone so ignorant and a hindrance to the prosperity we’re guaranteed to have. If you can’t join us, you might as well be a pest.”  
Famous last words.
Something compelled him to say it, he couldn't stop himself and the words just went out.
Fear, frustration, anger, all pushed him to his boiling point.
Twin pools of (e/c) widened, slowly filling with pain and tears, stopping him cold.
All the words he’s said comes crashing over him, regret quickly followed. Kiyoomi pales, feeling cold all over.
And then came chaos.
Crashing in uninvited, wildly wreaking havoc with little regard of who was in the way. Panic screaming, yelling, and thrashing.
And then, it lifted its head. To the balcony. Its blank eyes dilating, narrowing at the sight of you.
Kiyoomi only had a moment to realize what was going to happen before it was too late.
One moment, the horned-monster was in the middle of the dance floor. The next, it was barrelling its way towards the two of you, pushing anyone in its path, destroying the doors, grabbing you harshly, and throwing you over its shoulder, all in one second. Kiyoomi hadn't realized that he had been pushed away, blood matting his hair, his robes–
"(Y/N)!" but it was too late, the Minotaur was speeding away with you in its grasp.
Shakily, he tried to get to his feet, only to fumble.
He tried again.
And again.
Slumping against the ground, his eyes never left the direction the Minotaur left with you in tow.
'I wish you were taken away...'
'I wish you were taken away...'
'I wish you were taken away...'
'I wish you were taken away...'
'I wish you were taken away...'
'I wish you were taken away...'
Twin pools of (e/c). Broken. Destroyed. Humiliated. Tears flowing.
He couldn’t focus. Nothing was right. No. Nothing felt right. Something tightened in his chest. Breathe. Breathe. How do you breathe again? Plink! Something wet fell down on him, wetting his hair, his robes, blood smearing on the marbled floors. Blood. That was his blood. He hit his head. His blood. Blood smeared. To his hands – since when had he fallen to his knees? And screaming. Anguish. Pain. Regret. Screaming. Wait, was somebody screaming?
Oh, wait.
It was him.
He was on his knees.
He was screaming.
Screaming through the pouring rain as he bled.
Dread washed over him when he realized that his wish had been granted, you were whisked away by a beast and never to be seen again.
You slipped away from him, only because he wished for it.
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The labyrinth was a rather large domain.
Massive concrete walls, quiet stones that suffocated you with silence, enough to drive you mad. A maze that was endless in its length, wide in its berth, and dizzying to traverse.
Many were the days you spent roaming around, in high hopes you've found an exit, only to find yourself in a dead-end. Many were the days where you practically rammed yourself into walls, hoping for a secret exit. Many were the days where you hoped, that if you crashed hard enough or hit yourself hard enough, you'd wind up unconscious, never to wake again. Dead. You didn't want to stay here forever.
But one day, as you were walking about, you happened upon the strangest thing - a garden. A hidden garden, to be exact.
Walking towards and through the archway, you were greeted with something that was a sight for weary eyes. A lush garden, filled to the brim with blossoming flowers as far as the eye can see. And fruit trees! The rarest you can find and have only heard of from stories. It stretched the whole area that you almost forgot that you couldn't tell if it was closed in by the labyrinth's high walls.
Taking a step in, bare feet meeting the damp grass, for the first time in what seems like forever, you broke into a shaky, wet laugh. Hands covering your mouth as you walked further in, uncaring. (E/c) eyes were filled with tears anew, tears of joy.
The air was fragrant, sweet, comforting. Flowers, colorful flowers in different shapes and sizes painted the gardens with vibrant colors and life.
Alive, the garden was alive, buzzing dragonflies, fluttering butterflies, and other smaller insects.
Feeling something warm kiss your sigh, you made a shaky sound - a gasp. Slowly, you began to breathe. Sighing, you craned your head up to meet the sky up above you. Squinting, your eyes fell shut, soaking it in.
You were probably up in the highest tower, for you were encased in a glass ceiling, allowing the sun to shed its light down on you, on the greenery.
The garden was spectacular, almost like the ones in the castle.
You lost track of time, but you didn’t care. This little heaven was all that you had, even if it were lonely.
Many were the days, with tear-dried face, did you wonder if you were going to go insane in here. Many were the days spent memorizing paths – some were useful, like the way to your chambers and the garden, while many paths proved useless, meaningless. Like the labyrinth knew you’d want to find a way out, giving you nothing.
Acceptance bled from denial.
However pretty your prison was, sadly, you remind yourself again, Kiyoomi wished you away.
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A bruised cheek and a split lip. To many, injuries would be a badge of honor to satisfy their male ego. But for Prince Kiyoomi, they might as well be a badgeof dishonor. And for two good reasons - each came from your adoptive brothers, Atsumu's having the most hits since he was the oldest, boiling with rage after finding out that his youngest sister was taken away because of him. Crowned prince be damned, Atsumu would gladly beat him black and blue, had Bokuto not stopped and held him back.
Osamu would surely help, without a doubt. The punch he delivered was undoubtedly was painful. And that was it, followed by a long, cold, hard stare and nothing else. Miya Osamu was always known to be the calmer twin with a filter to his language and could be just as vile with his words as his twin. But his silence, that long, cold, hard stare was enough. His silent gaze was burning enough, a thousand words dying to be said that cut through thanks to his fist. A split lip and message received.
You were too good for him, that much the twins knew.
You were sweet, headstrong, brave, and annoyingly book smart, but still way too good for someone like the third crowned prince of Itachiyama.
Atsumu didn't like it that his (self-proclaimed) rival and commanding officer was romantically tied to his beloved sister. Osamu doesn't give a shit, so long as you were happy, but he was miffed by the fact that he was royalty.
"It's so cliche," he'd tell you, brandishing some rice balls in three different variants. "he's a prince, you're a commoner. That in itself is a recipe for disaster."
Unamused with your older brother's words, you eyed the rice balls in his tray before taking the one in the middle, wolfing without thinking. "Yum!"
"Oi, listen to yer brothers when we're talkin'!" yelled Atsumu, who grabbed the other onigiri, spitting rice everywhere.
"You piece of shit for a brother, don't talk with your mouth full!" but rice also flew everywhere from when you opened your mouth.
Sighing, Osamu took the last onigiri for himself, taking bites as the two of you fought.
Kiyoomo, who had just arrived, could only watch as the Miya siblings fought amongst themselves before the argument died down and you were all laughing at something. Without a doubt, the twins loved you, even though you weren't blood-related.
Looking up, you waved at him with a wide, warm, welcoming smile. Osamu inclined his head, a sort of bow. Atsumu coolly two-finger saluted him, his commanding officer by the way.
Osamu trusted him.
Atsumu trusted him.
They trusted him.
And what did they get? A brokenhearted sister who's now held captive somewhere.
He deserved it, Kiyoomi knew without a doubt that he deserved it and more.
After all, who wishes their childhood friend away?
Who wishes the person they're madly in love with away? 
With badges of dishonor brandishing his face, Prince Kiyoomi set out on a quest: to find and rescue you. No matter what.
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As far as the books you've read have told, Minotaurs were supposed to be blood-thirsty creatures who devoured on sacrifices kept in the labyrinth. But this Minotaur was different. First of all, it appeared out of nowhere. There had been countless sightings of strange creatures within and outside the kingdom, but they'd been territorial and respectable of keeping their distance from humans. And through your desperate walks around he maze, there were no signs of bones, of any sacrifices that legends told you the creature devoured of. Nothing.
Instead, the creature was just there. Tall. Hulking. Intimidating. Silent. Watching.
When you saw each other, it just stared. It didn't try to stop you, because only it knew the way out, and no way was he willing to let you escape.
It didn't seem to have a master, either.
It just was.
Day in and day out, it was just there.
Unnerving you.
You knew you'd never escape.
Many of your days were spent in the gardens. Sometimes in your room, with a comfortable bed, a warm hearth, and all the books you could read to your heart's desire, and a single gilded narrow window. In the garden, the window was up above you, far within your reach even if you climbed the trees. As though it were a reminder.
Sometimes, when you stared too long at the windows, you could hear the Minotaur huffing behind you, almost laughingly. Mockingly.
Pretty as your prison was, so long as the beast lingered, you knew you weren't safe forever.
Perhaps it was biding its time? Waiting on you to accept death, surrender to it before it could do it's bidding? Maybe it just wanted a dame to lure victims in wanting a chance to prove their heroism? Or maybe it just wanted you to share fate, to stay here in this maze forever? You couldn't escape even if you tried anyway.
Ferocious as he was, the horned-beast saw to it that you were fed, bringing you meals during breakfast, lunch, dinner. Occasionally, he’d bring some fruits. At times, some books and gifts to keep you entertained. When your dress – the beautiful dress the older Sakusa gave you that night – was tattered, ruined, he had given you a new one. It was a wonder where he got these gifts.
“Thank you,” (e/c) eyes turned to the hulking creature, who huffed in response, then left.
Denial bled into acceptance.
If this was your fate forever, then so be it.
After all, Sakusa wished you away for it.
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As disappointed as he was in his cousin, Motoya couldn't find it in his heart to hate his cousin completely.
With a brother and sister, both of which who were much older than him, they were all busy learning how to run the castle. His parents were no exception either, as the king and queen of the kingdom. Kiyoomi spent so much of his time alone, growing rather quiet and aloof with his surroundings.
Luckily, the Komori family was there, Motoya was right by his side. But Kiyoomi was still quiet and a bit of a snob.
That was until the Miyas arrived.
The Miyas, who came from the west with two strapping young boys and an adopted bright-eyed girl. They worked around the palace as smith and cook, respectively, the twins always bickering amongst themselves while the youngest quietly tended to her books. More often than not, she'd sneak off to the royal library and read.
Motoya remembered seeing her deep in the library, nose stuck to the book as her eyes glimmered with life, drinking in information with scary speed. She was on her third book. He was with Kiyoomi then, the two were doing self-study, but stopped at the sight of the strange Miya girl.
The next day, Kiyoomi asked for her name. “Miya (Y/N),” she said, tucking a book under her arms, bowing slightly, before walking away, books in tow. Probably to return them.
The day after, she was joining in their self-study, often debating about the histories she read with him, which ended up as a full-blown discussion not even part of their studies! 
The next, next, next day, she wasn't there, having been scolded for running off too much to read her books. However, Kiyoomi came to her defense, and (Y/N) was granted access to the library. She eventually caught the attention of the royal librarian before taking the little girl under her wing. Never had Motoya seen (e/c) eyes shine so bright that they rivaled the best jewels some snobby royals had. Later that day, as her older brothers were fighting amongst themselves (for possibly the nth time) and he and his cousin were passing by, (Y/N) saw and ran up to them and did the impossible: she tackled Kiyoomi  into a hug! Motoya, and the Miya twins, stared in shock. Nobody just hugs the prince like that, he doesn't like to be touched! Nobody!
But Kiyoomi just stood there, taking in the hug, arms awkwardly raised to the smaller girl's form, before decidedly resting on hand on her shoulder, and the other to pat her head. Not one ounce of disgust registered on his cousin's face. Instead, he saw a soft smile, his onyx eyes warm at the girl.
And the rest was history.
Over time, (Y/N) had proven herself with her studies - as her brothers had proven themselves as well as soldiers, showing promise with each passing. Motoya was amazed by her academic prowess, her sound mind, and cunning demeanor, no wonder she wounded up as the royal historian. He'd like to think his cousin played a role in there somewhere. More often than not, Kiyoomi would endorse her to his teachers, her ideas and opinions, too.
It was no secret that since her promotion, Kiyoomi would always seek her out.
It was no secret either that, eventually, the older Sakusa siblings would hear about infamous Miya (Y/N) and fawn over her.
It was no secret either that Kiyoomi only his eyes for her, having been his cousin’s close-confident regarding confusing feelings and possessiveness over her. For someone who always saw things through, who absolutely refused to do anything half-assed, Motoya made sure to poke at his cousin’s rather slow pace with her. Kiyoomi would reason that the timing was never there, because of his duties, and he didn’t want her to get caught in the drama brewing amongst castle chatterboxes. He wanted to protect her from that. Yet he failed.
Guilt was written all over Kiyoomi’s face the night (Y/N) had been taken away. Unflinching from the cold rain, the blood in his hands, his head injury, Kiyoomi just looked…blank.
Since her disappearance, his cousin was a living doll, he barely slept, barely ate, and barely even cleaned himself!
Worried, Motoya saw to it himself that his cousin was taken care of. His parents would send maids to ensure he'd leave the room. His older brother would personally check in with him and talk. His older sister would rush in and forcibly take him to walks in the garden or get him to bathe. Later, Osamu would send him food to eat. Atsumu came by a few days later, pissed still at his superior, but asked him if he had any orders. Slowly but surely, he was getting on his feet. But at the end of the day, Kiyoomi would buckle from it all and just exist.
He was like a living doll, with no function, no purpose. Nothing. It was unbecoming of him.
Everything seemed pointless now.
How did the Great Commander of Itachiyama's Royal Gaurd fall so hard? Simple, it was because of her.
(Y/N) was always his greatest weakness just as she was his greatest strength. Only, he took it for granted.
Motoya couldn't find it in his heart to hate his cousin, for he knew, probably more than anyone else in the castle, how much he hated himself for what happened. 
If there was one thing he knew about his cousin, it's that once he starts something, he'll be so fixated on it and ensures he finishes it through. And with his dying breath, swearing even on his sword, his life, he would- no, he will find (Y/N) and bring her back.
“Kiyoomi?” he asked, entering his cousin’s office after two knocks.
Motoya stopped at the door, noticing the maps scattered around his usually kept desk, along with some notes written in messy, familiar penmanship, the look in his cousin’s eyes.
“Motoya,” he glanced up briefly, shoulders straightening, hands planted on each side of the desk.
“Do you have any leads?” the brunet starts, walking further in.
And Motoya would be there, to help him bring his heart back.
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At night, you see him in your dreams.
Intimidating, tall, handsome, wearing that rare smile of his, one that reached his eyes. A secret-like smile, one he shared for those who were worthy of it.
Kiyoomi would be sitting by the pavilion in the castle gardens, watching you across him, head titled slightly, before his lips curled.
And then you’d wake up.
Immediately, your hands fetched for your books, a pencil, to sketch him before your memory of the dream fades – finely shaped jaw, twin beauty marks over his left eye, thick curls, inquisitive dark eyes, long nose, supple lips, his rare smile- only to pause. Stop. Then cry.
Tears starting anew, you looked down at your sketch – of Sakusa Kiyoomi smiling at you, breaking into a watery laugh, free hand shakily touching your sketch. “K-Kiyoomi…”
Dropping the sketch, you covered your mouth with one hand, the other fisted over your heart.
What was the point?
You loved him for the longest time. You’ve been stuck in this one-sided love for your childhood friend for as long as you can remember.
But as the crowned prince, and soon-to-be great commander of the Royal Guard, something as trivial as a romance - with the royal historian of all people, a person with questionable ancestry? It was not meant to be.
Had you been given a chance between taking you away forever and forgetting him forever, you would gladly choose the latter.
Because nothing hurts more than to remember every day that the person you love wished you away, crushing your heart and everything inside. At least when you forget, so will the feelings, leaving you hollow and numb. Ready to start anew.
You were sure he was happiest with your disappearance, finally getting the chance to be closer to Wakatoshi from Shiratorizawa, solidifying the alliance.
You did miss Komori. Your adopted brothers. Your friends. Your apprentice. Your home.
But they were gone now, soon to be a forgotten memory.
Here you stay and here you shall remain, doom to remember until your dying breath how your love wished you away.
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Prince Kiyoomi dreams of you.
In his dreams, you were a sight to behold in cream, your (h/c) hair freely falling upon your bare shoulders as you poured into another book. When he walks up behind you, he scoops your hair away and plants a kiss to your shoulders, neck, cheek. A light giggle was his reward, curling his lips upward before he was met with (e/c) eyes.
You were so beautiful.
A sight to behold.
You'd say his name ever so lightly, gently, warmly, and with love. The only way he knew his name should be called leaving your plump lips. Plump lips that looked so inviting and endearing, making him want to lean in-
And then he'd wake up.
Prince Kiyoomi dreams of you. A lot.
Has been for the last 18 years of his life.
Has been for the past year you've been taken from him.
In his dreams, you would be in his arms.
But in reality, you were taken away from him.
All because he wished you away.
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It was a plain and simple reminder that you had to remember: he was a prince, you were the royal historian. Nothing more, nothing less.
You didn’t come from royalty like him, so he was out of your reach. You could love him, but what good is the love of a lowly peasant girl? A girl with questionable origins, plucked from the ruins by kindly gentlefolk who took her in? 
Even though you were regarded as a genius, strategic in mind that rivaled that of the crowned prince, you were still just a peasant. Someone was regal like Kiyoomi deserved nothing but the best.
Despite having your heartbroken, you smiled at Kiyoomi, eyes filled with so much love.  Not knowing that it would be the last time he’d see you.
Later that night, in front of his constituents, brought by frustration and fear of his position and of your social classes, Prince Sakusa rashly wishes for you to be taken away. Not a second later, a Minotaur comes crashing in to take you away. Forever.
Wish granted.
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There were many things he regrets.
One of them being missing the chance to press his lips to yours under the rain, a rather picturesque and romantic-setting, had it not been for the fact that he accidentally napped in the palace training grounds and you were happily playing under the rain before finding him.
He still remembered your laugh, a saccharine tune that was pure bliss to listen to. Your smile, it illuminated your face, brightening the dreary downpour, warmed his insides. “Kiyoomi, get up! This is no place for the crowned prince to lie down!” Taking him by the hand, he tugged you to take shelter and he let you.
“Speak for yourself,” he snorts. “what’s the royal historian doing getting herself wet?”
Laughing, you rolled your eyes at him. “I needed a break.”
“And you think getting wet under the pouring rain warrants as break?”
“I love the rain!” you laugh, bright smile splitting open your lips and your (e/c) eyes shining brightly. Reaching a hand out, Kiyoomi watched as the smile remained on your face, watching the droplets on your outstretched hand.
Silent, the crowned prince silently set his eyes in the way your (h/c) hair darkened in the rain, your dress was soaked, yet you had laughed, carelessly, a bright and gentle sound that was threatened to drown out in the thundering downpour. Dark eyes slowly took the slope of your neck, mapping your collarbones, trailing a droplet of rain that slithered down the smooth expanse of your neck.
Kiyoomi inhaled and exhaled, shaking his head slightly, dark curls shaking with him. He heard you laugh, sounding closer.
You had leaned in, playfully poking his two beauty marks before tucking wet curls away. Entranced by you, something inside him started, dizzying, confusing, satisfying. He caught your hands in his, bringing them to his cheeks, revelling, leaning into your touch. Ever so gently, he planted his lips on the center of your palm. Breath hitching, you were unable to look away. Kiyoomi’s eyes opened slowly to meet yours, the thundering in your chest increasing. There was soft, loving, endearing look in both your eyes, something both you wondering. Only a breath away, Kiyoomi slowly leaned in, your eyes fluttering close, waiting. And he would have kissed you then and there, had Atsumu not showed up and cut the mood.
The next day, he drilled the blond bastard harder than the rest.
But the one thing Kiyoomi regrets the most was wishing you away, for he never got the chance to tell you he loved you.
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Books lined and filled the room, there was a disarray of scrolls, notes, and opened books scattered on the floor, the table. And there you were, pouring words into your notebook with your sleeves pulled up, stray hair escaping your upswept (h/c) hair - messy, curious, beautiful you.
"You have ink in your fingers," he says, as a way of greeting.
Looking up, your expression breaks into a beautified smile, "Kiyoomi!" realizing what he said, you looked around, then laughed nervously at your state. Grabbing a random cloth off the chair closest to you, you wiped at your fingers, walking around to meet him. "To what do I owe the crowned prince the honor?"
He rolls his eyes at your politeness, as though you haven't been friends since you were younger.
"I had a feeling you would be spending hours on the procured books on the Great Backyard Battle between Nekoma and Karasuno. Meaning, you'd be missing out on lunch." At this, he poked the space between your brows. Hard.
“I’ve sent for lunch. Join me.”
Rubbing at your forehead, your face morphs into a sly grin. “Aww, you could just say you miss me, y’know~”
There were still remnants of ink on your fingers, because you smeared some over your forehead. With a roll – graceful roll, as you put it, he grabs the cloth, turns it to the clean side, and gently rubs the ink off your forehead.
“How are your hands always this dirty?”
“Kiyoomi, I’m not ready for that kinda joke,” you giggle when he’s finished, blowing into laughter when he throws the cloth into your face.
By the day, you were becoming cheekier like your brothers. He wouldn't have it any other way.
Pulling the cloth away, you inspect your relatively clean fingers, showing them to him. Unamused, he humored you by inspecting them closely.
“Clean enough for ya?”
“It will do. But I will ask the servants for a wash or utensils.”
You reply with a giggle, falling in step with your dear friend out your study.
With ink in your fingers, rumpled clothes, and messy hair, to him, you'd still be the most beautiful woman his eyes have ever seen.
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Lonely were the nights spent by your lonesome, with nothing like companionship to fill the silence, to quell the fear, to steady your sanity. Yet, here you were. Still. By some miracle.
Books had been your constant companion all your life, feeding your ever curious mind. They were relative company, but not enough to satisfy your loneliness.
The garden, thriving with life and wonder, had lots to offer. Adorning flowers, gentle little insects, they were almost a reminder of life. Still, it wasn’t enough.
Lonely were the days that came by, yet somehow, you managed through.
Managing through keeping yourself sane.
Managing through the fear of your impending doom at the hands of the Minotaur.
Managing through the ache deep inside your chest.
Night-time befell, unable to sleep, you headed to the gardens.
A full moon was out tonight, big and bright. And yet, it seemed alone, like you.
Under the moonlight, you cry and pray.
Crying for the ones you've left behind – your family, friends, students, praying that they may be well.
Crying for your kingdom, praying that it may prosper.
Crying for yourself, praying that you can still manage by.
Crying for your love, praying that he may find happiness.
Denial bled into acceptance.
Prince Sakusa Kiyoomi, Third Prince of Itachiyama Kingdom and Royal Guard Commander, your first love, wished you away.
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Finally, after days, months, and little over a year of searching, he found a lead.
Without wasting a second, he arranged his best men – Atsumu first to call for duty, followed by Osamu, who quickly put on his uniform and begged to join – and set forth.
It wasn’t an easy mission.
Kozume, the oracle, wasn’t lying when he said the road would be perilous, treacherous, and tested even the strongest minds. But he wasn’t commander of the Royal Guard for nothing.
Plowing enemy after enemy, never faltering and always on their guard, his men proved that they were best of the best, in leagues with the greatest fighters in the land - akin to jackals hungry for their next prey.
Even after years of quitting the army, Osamu was a force to deal with on the battlefield, especially with Atsumu. The Miya twins, the deadliest forces to deal with, truly a sight to behold.
Whatever came their way, they pushed through.
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When night-time befell, you wandered off to the gardens, unable to sleep for some reason.
Unbeknownst to you, the Minotaur had turned its head and growled under its breath. Lifting its head up, huffing angrily, readily.
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“I’ll go,” Kiyoomi told his men, eyes never leaving the tall walls before them.
“I’ll come,” Atsumu says, nearly bouncing on his feet, Osamu, a bundle of nervous energy beside him. Bokuto, Hinata, Meian, Inunaki, Thomas, stood by, waiting for orders. The walls in front of them were intimidating, yet as Motoya looked at his cousin, he was surprised yet unsurprised at the same time to see that Kiyoomi seemed…determined.
“No,” Kiyoomi said, firm and stern. Without looking back, he took a step forward. “I’ll go. Alone.”
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There was no moon out tonight, you thought with a heavy sigh.
How lonely.
Bringing your knees to your chest, you heaved another heavy sigh, chin tucked in, as you gazed out to the stars.
As the oracle had warned, traversing into the labyrinth won’t be easy as trials awaits him at every turn.
Kiyoomi didn’t falter at his warning, not once.
Even when he was faced with goblins.
Even when hands began to emerge from the walls, reaching for him.
Even when the walls started to close in.
Even when the walls started talking, trying to goad him to leave, escape, give up.
He didn’t budge, not even once.
Through it all, Kiyoomi had to make use of his wit to beat the labyrinth.
Kozume never said anything about beating the labyrinth, giving him little to nothing. But then, he understood you can’t beat it, you just have to outsmart it.
So when the labyrinth began a new tactic, riddling the prince at each turn, Kiyoomi met the challenge head-on.
Nothing will stop him, not even these trivial challenges that try to undermine him.
Nothing shall stand in his way.
He was a man on a mission, everything else was in his way.
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Orion. The hunter. Ursa Major. The Big Bear. Ursa Minor. The Little Bear. Bitterly, sadly, you found the Northern Crown.
Draco. The dragon. Lyra. The lyre. Canis Minor. The Little Dog. Pegasus. The Winged Horse. Cygnus. The Northern Cross.
Andromeda. The Chained Princess.
The story of a princess chained to pay for her mother’s demise was one that fascinated you as a child, especially because the princess had to await her demise at the hands of some monster only to be rescued by a hero.
Oh, what a naïve little child you were–
A shooting star.
Something in you shifts, then settles, a breathless laugh leaving your lips as you hugged your folded knees tighter.
Was it wishful thinking if you wished you could be like Andromeda and be saved? Or were you still naïve?
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And there it was, the Minotaur.
Hulking, maddening like he remembered that night.
The night it took away (Y/N).
It was big, bigger than anything he’s ever faced. And strong, too.
With a flick of its arm, Kiyoomi was on the side of the balcony, hitting his head against the wall. It was also fast.
However, that doesn’t mean he would yield, nor would he surrender.
He tightened his grip on his sword, expression hardened, darkened at the sight of it.
He trained like crazy after that night, worked himself to the bone to match the crazy stamina levels of one Hinata Shouyo, and strength of Bokuto Koutarou. Precision and skills were his greatest feats, but he had to be cunning and nasty like that of Miya Atsumu. Also, he had to be reserved and patient, like that of Miya Osamu.
Before him, the Minotaur let out a mighty roar, echoing through the walls, dragging its hooves readily.
Kiyoomi never let go of his sword, neither did he drop his gaze at the Minotaur.
The air was thick, heady.
A beat.
And then they both charged.
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“Hey, Tsumu-Tsumu, Myaa-Sam?”
The fire crackled in front of them, burning the iron pot above it, the smell of beef stew filling in.
“Do you think Omi can save (Y/N)-chan?”
The dark-haired twin stopped stirring the pot, the blonde-dyed twin stared into the fire, clasped hand gripping tighter. A brown-haired man perked at the sound of his cousin’s name, watching the men in silence.
The fire danced, wood snapping once, then twice, before it broke into two.
And then, “What kinda stupid questions is that, Bokkun?” Atsumu smirks.
“No one’s crazy enough like him, too,” Osamu added, dropping a few spices in.
Motoya smiled, honored on behalf of his cousin at the twins’ words.
Carefully, the lid was placed in, leaving a little space for the stew to simmer for few more minutes.
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A dull pain hummed in his head, followed by a sharp pain that was sure to be from a broken rib. Breathing in was torturous, heaving laboring breaths through his nose and out his mouth.
Before him, the horned-beast huffed, sporting the stabs Kiyoomi had given him.
Yet, it stood there still while he was worse for wear.
The oracle's words rang through his head again, warning him that going in was the same as wishing for a death sentence.
And yet, Kiyoomi willingly accepted in, knowing full well of the risks and consequences - because he's had a whole year to think about them from the hollowness of his chest.
Powered by his quick-wit and strategic mind, he was also powered by the thought of seeing you again.
You were the one thing that kept him going.
You were the light in the dark.
You were a beacon he was desperate to follow.
You were the only thing that mattered.
Getting to his feet, ignoring how his body screamed in pain, he lifted his sword.
Angered, Minotaur charged again, head lowered, horns ready to skewer him.
Kiyoomi didn't move, only shifted his position.
When it was close enough, he raised his sword.
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"Hey, Kiyoomi?"
"If there was one thing in the world that you could have, what would it be?"
"Like, you could ask for anything - power, gold, magical abilities, a nice exotic pet, what would it be?"
"Oh? What a silence."
"What a question,"
"Well? What would you want?"
"Kiyoomi, you're just playing with me aren't you?"
It shouldn't be a question, because he already knew the answer.
All Kiyoomi ever wanted in the whole world was you.
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And there you were.
Basked in the moonlight, your (h/c) was longer, falling over your frame, barefooted on the grass – looking like a goddess.
His chest heaves heavily with every exhale, weary from his long battle with the Minotaur, never minding the pain and bruises, all he could see was you.
After all this time.
You looked up in surprise, his voice cutting through the silence, and got to your feet. Staring at him in shock.
It's been so long.
Too long.
Far too long.
A year and a half was long enough for him to meet your (e/c) eyes, to see your face, to be in the same room.
He felt his heart beating, coming to life.
Dropping his sword, letting it clatter to the ground, he slowly walked, staggering in his steps, until he was in front of you.
What an image, a knight in shining armor, bloodied and bruised- did he kill the Minotaur?!
His hair was longer, slightly greasy, you noticed in shock. He was no way vain, but he liked to look clean and proper. But since you’ve been gone, he’s forgotten to take care of himself.
Suddenly, fear gnawed at his heart, remembering the last time he saw you, remembering the last words he said to you. Did you hate him? Did you fear him?
And then, you were in each other’s arms, breaking down and crying, holding each other so tight in fear that someone or something would tear you two together again. Both of you collapsed to your knees, refusing to let the other go.
Kiyoomi’s cries were silent, but the relief that washed over him from a year’s worth of guilt and regret, of finally having you in his arms, it made was indescribable.
“(Y/N),” he says your name, like it’s the holiest thing to say, his saving grace. “(Y/N)!”
Hearing your name in his voice, after so long, it made you cry even harder. Kiyoomi kept holding you as you cried, rocking you back and forth.
Something hot and wet lands on your head, followed by Kiyoomi’s voice repeatedly saying your name.
Sorry, he wants to say ‘I’m sorry’, but the words were lodged in his throat. He wants to apologize, desperately apologize for hurting her. He wants to get on his knees.
Instead, he cries into her shoulder, relief continues to wash over him because he’s hugging you again, feeling you in his arms again and hearing your cries.
Pulling away, hands desperately clung to the other’s face – smoothing through the skin, memorizing the feel beneath their fingers, eyes drinking them in.
Finally, Kiyoomi does the one thing he’s been dying to do for years. He kisses you.
It’s everything he thought it would be – magical, spectacular, burning, and amazing, especially when you kiss him back. One hand holds his shoulder, the other snakes its way to his hair, gripping and grounding.
Uncaring of the snot and tears, he presses his lips against yours with much urgency, hoping to pour years’ worth of pining and affection he’s had for you. Pulling away for the second time, to breathe, he finger combs strands of hair away before cupping you by the back of your head, dark onyx eyes softening at the sight of you, enjoying the flush in your cheeks and the love in your eyes.
“I love you,”
Both of you said it at the same time, much to both your shock.
Eventually, both of you laughed, foreheads pressing.
It was a long time running and both of you were such fools.
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When dawn broke out the next day, two figures were seen leaving the labyrinth hand-in-hand, as though they didn’t want to let go. The camp stirred awake, then the Miya brothers stumbled at the figures before they rushed – practically raced, over to meet their rescued sister. Soon, a brown-haired man rushed up to greet his cousin, a few more calls and more men rushed up to meet the two.
Behind them, the labyrinth magically disappeared without a trace.
However, it wasn’t important.
For what’s important was that the third prince of Itachiyama, the commander of the Royal Guard, finally got his heart back.
170 notes · View notes
the-moon-prince · 4 years
The Last Of us~Kurapika x Reader ~Chapter VI
AN: Hi my lovely fellows!
I’m glad to deliver the sixth chapter of my story! I want to thank you, from the bottom of my soul, for your support. It really means a lot to me!<3
I wish you a pleasant read, and I hope you’ll enjoy the new chapter of my story.  (Chapter I) (Chapter II) (Chapter III) (Chapter IV )(Chapter V) (Chapter VII coming soon!)
Paring: Kurapika Kurta x GN! Reader
Word count: 2 449
TW: None!
The buzzing sound of the alarm loaded Kurapika's ears.
This time it was not a "Tic-Tic" sound. It was an unfamiliar tune. Starting with sonsy drums and trumpets. The music was in crescendo with a chorus that sang "love, love, love" until a male voice sang 
"There's nothing you can do that can't be done~"
"Nothing you can sing that can't be sung~"
A cheesy way to start the day. It was different from the rest of his mornings. It felt warm. Only it wasn't the kind of heat he habitually woke up wilting from a nightmare. It was the feeling of homely warmth and tenderness. Remembering the comparable emotion you have when you are unwell and your mother hugs you.
He sensed something twirl beside him, he began to open his somnolent eyes. That fatigue was not the usual either. Instead of a burning and stinging in the eyes, he felt a comfort he didn't want to abandon. The movements continued until they extended to the covers that surrounded him, to ultimately calm and recover a state of calm. The music ceased as well. It wasn't his pillow, it wasn't his bed, and the chamber was alien to him. It surprisingly smelled distinct. The first item he saw when his sight adjusted were frizzy (hair color) (curls/waves/strands). (Y/n) was standing on the left side of the bed. They had a bed-hair. He certainly wanted to see that goofy bed-hair very more often.
"Shhh shhh, sorry I disturbed you."-their voice was crispy.-"Go back to rest, I'll return a touch later to nudge you." 
Kurapika allowed himself to a defeat and laid his head back on the pillow. Some seasons had passed since he had a restful night. He was able to hear the sound of an opening door for it to immediately close, followed by the flow of water. The door was opened again, and an extra further door gave a short crack noise. Kurapika doesn't quite recall how long it lasted, but (Y/n) returned to the room. They placed a cup of hot black coffee on the night table.
"What time is it?"-Kurapika groaned and tried to rejoin.
"Good morning sunshine, and it's 4:23 am"-they answered, sitting in bed with another cup in their hands.
"Why are you doing so early? Not even I arise that betimes."- He stirred early, he had to. But this seemed absurd.
"I must be in the psychiatric ward. I have patients who rely on me. I'll be exiting the home in a moment."-He was shocked at how composed they were, considering the events of the night before. They continued their routine impassively as if nothing disagreeable had occurred.-"Would you desire for me to drive you to the Nostrade mansion?"-(Y/n) suggested to him with a smile. He almost forgot he had to work that day.
"I will get prepared for the moment,"-He sat, resting his back on the bed frame, reaching for the coffee.”And your proposition would be convenient." The caffeine intake helped him shake the drowsiness off his mind.
"I would be amazed to propose to you something to eat, but I only possess chocolate robots at the moment. You don't exactly appear the type of person to have that for breakfast."-they provided an apologetic smile, half-joking half-ashamed.
"Do you ever eat something besides sweets?"-It was agreeable to joke a little in the mornings.
"I ate the flowers you gave me."-(Y/n) answered with the most solemn voice they could deliver. The first time in his 19 years of life that Kurapika heard something of that bearing.
"You ate them?"-Although it was evident that it was not a joke, it seemed so outlandish that he did not see another explanation.
"Yes! Peonies and carnations are edible! Although they taste sweet and fruity. So it might count as sweet." they affirmed smiling.
 Sometimes the sincerity of that person perplexed him. They could say the most unthinkable things in the most sudden moments. Above all, with an enormous naturalness. He even wondered if they were even conscious that they did.
The handy part of sleeping dressed was that getting ready was rather quick. Once he put on the black jacket, the wrinkles on his shirt were hardly noticeable. Though, as much as he would love to stay and talk to (Y/n) all morning, the depart ended up arriving. What if the two of them could skip work with an excuse? It was possible. However, both were stiff with their obligations, so it was not feasible. Kurapika was going to show up pretty early for work, he didn't care if it meant to spend more time with (Y/n).
During most of the voyage, he stared at (Y/n) driving and chatting. 
"You always use the same earrings." He remarked, staring at the drop-shaped pearl pendants dangling from their ears. They turned to see him and agreed.
"You also wear your red earrings every day."-they were getting close to the Nostrade's residency. 
"You're not wrong."-Between spending the day with Neon or with (Y/n), he preferred the latest option by a lot.
"I rarely am, dear. I wish you a good day!"-Kurapika no longer remembered the last time someone wished him a good day in the morning.
8 pm, another day had passed. If Neon's attitude hadn't improved since the beginning of her therapy, Kurapika had no idea if he would still put up with her whims. Whoever worked for her without attempting against her life was a saint. However, his crusade hadn't ended yet, remote from that. The advantage of that specific job brought was being able to maintain close contact with the flesh trafficking industry. Kurapika was finally exiting through the vast gate of the Nostrade mansion. Being able to get to work on his vendetta again.
"Kurapika!"- a voice he knew fully squealed. He turned in the direction it came from, to make sure it wasn't a dream. He had his suspicions about working for Neon for so long that it gave him some variety of brain damage. Luckily not. It was (Y/n), running towards his direction, nearly stumbling in the middle of the path. If they were coming to him like that, something serious must have happened.
"(Y/n)! What are you doing here?! What happened?! Aren't you supposed to be on guard? Why didn't you call me? "-the blonde interrogated packed with worry.
They were panting laboriously, as they inclined on their legs to catch their breath and raised their index asking for a moment. 
"I'm presumably to be on my pause, plus you weren't answering your cell phone..."-their face was darker due to the lack of oxygen-"I received information regarding a pair."- they murmured to be prudent. To avoid malicious overhears, they continued their chat in the car. 
"I had a proposal from an acquaintance to purchase a pair of scarlet eyes!
The only setback is that it has to be tonight because he has another interested. For my part, with the ward, I'm available. I told the nurses that I would use my recess and would be back."- It was explicit that (Y/n) had already taken charge of organizing the plan so that it could be implemented immediately.-"Reasonably, I haven't confirmed the purchase yet. As the principal concerned I judged proper to tell you first."
"This is a fabulous opportunity, thank you (Y/n). Confirm our attendance."
It was agreed that the purchase would take place at 9 o'clock, In a black market shop located in YorkNew's downtown. The pair would cost 1,450,000 Jennys.
Although the connections and information of (Y/n) were trustworthy and had been valuable until the present day, Kurapika still wanted more information regarding the plan. He wanted to prioritize their safety.
"Where do you know the individual from?"- Kurapika hinted, trying to obtain information without directly doubting the references.
"I have... I've purchased articles from him before.  I am a frequent customer, he maintains me abreast of his inventory as well as offers."- they informed.-"In those commerces, information travels at great speed. As I've been seeking information on the scarlet eyes, he found out."-He could then conclude it was a credible provider.
Since the dilemma was solved, he could ease a bit.-"In the first instance, when I listened to your voice, I believed I was hallucinating, and working for Neon for a prolonged amount of time had caused me brain damage!"-Kurapika laughed
"Oh! But it's plausible."-they did not understand it was merely a joke-"Chronic Stress produces autophagia in neural stem cells. Normally autophagia is a process to protect cells from unfavorable conditions through the digestion of inner cell materials. However, under certain circumstances, this survival method degenerates into self-destruction. Essentially, the neural cells commit suicide, concluding in brain damage. Plus, chronic stress enhance the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease."-It sometimes was bothersome to date a psychiatrist...-"Even if it was only a pun, I'm a tad concerned about you, Kurapika."-At the end, they got the joke, they were just being a doctor. 
Kurapika couldn't decide whether to be frustrated for his joke or flattered that (Y/n) cared so much about him. 
At the accorded place an hour, they entered the shop. An old man with big glasses and a suit greeted them.
"Mx. (Y/n)! It's always pleasant to see one of my favorite customers!"-his voice was croaky and rusty.-"I'm glad you accepted the offer."
The elder was very polite towards (Y/n).
"Helle Mr. Richard, I may say the same. I brought Kurapika with me, my bodyguard,"-the same strategy as the previous times.-" he will accompany us."
"A pleasure to meet you, Mr.Kurapika."-the rusty voice spoke once more.-"Since we are dealing with a more elegant object, it is stored in the back room. Be so kind to accompany me there."- the so-named Richard pointed at a big wooden door at the back of the store as he directed it. 
He opened the door for them after they were all inside, closed the door again. Richard sat at the end of a big ornamented oak desk. There were also oak chairs with padding on the other side of the desk. The man motioned for them to sit down. He continued to pull out the vials with the pair of scarlet eyes.
"Both of you can confirm that they are authentic. And the agreed price was 1,450,000 Jennys"-The white-haired senior placed the vials in the middle of the table and reached out his hand, waiting for the money.
(Y/n) took out of their customary side-bag an envelope to deliver it with both hands. The elder took it and pulled out the cash and began to count. All the actions were carried upon the table and in the view of all presents.
"Everything is perfect, as always. Thanks, always a pleasure to do business with you Mx-" 
The sentence was interrupted by a loud crash.
The wooden door had been knocked down, and a group of armed men began to enter the place. With the loud noise (Y/n) swiftly took the vials with the scarlet eyes and pressed them protectively.
"What is happening here, what is this intrusion into my establishment?!"-Richard exclaimed, his voice sounding even rustier.
"These two attacked one of the associates some time ago."- One of the men, presumably the head of the gang, spoke. He had a sloppy beard and reeked of cheap tobacco. He also had a disastrous taste for fashion. He wore a tacky shirt with half the buttons unbuttoned, garish orange fishnets that didn't match at all, and a vulgar red hanky that was sticking out of his shirt's pocket.
"Both of you, don't move. The information runs around here."-the men approached to talk directly to Kurapika and (Y/n).-"We learn that a pale man with blond straight hair wearing a suit and a (skin/color) person with (hair color) (curly/wavy/straight) hair who dressed pretentiously with flowers, both searching for scarlet eyes, attacked one of our sellers. What do you think, we were not going to find you?"-the pestilence was even more intense up close.-"The boss is not far away. You'll see, duo of idiots."
The situation was complicated, Kurapika couldn't use most of his chains if it wasn't against the Spiders. (Y/n) could only use Misericordiae, since they did not know the attackers adequately to use their distinct technique. Plus with the one they had available, they couldn't kill. There was the possibility of a melee attack. Only it was the least viable option. Kurapika would have to use his scarlet eyes or (Y/n) use their feline form. It involved putting their identities in jeopardy, and they still didn't know if the circumstance was desperate to get to that point. The best choice was to divert the group of men to head to the window and jump to escape. The reversal was that to minimize the damage from the shattered glass, they would have to shield themselves with both arms. 
"(Y/n), leave the eyes. I'll use my Dowsing Chain to move the enemies aside and leave by the window."-Kurapika bossed after a moment of reflection. It was still the option with the highest probability of success.
"No, these eyes belong with you. I'm not leaving without them."-(Y/n) growled. They had a look of pure completion, almost as if that judgment contained all their credos compressed.- 
Kurapika couldn't avoid conjuring "This is the worst moment to unleash their stubbornness."-"(Y/n), listen to me!"-he was starting to lose his patience.
"No! I have an approach. Trust me please."-(Y/n) glanced down at their left hand, laced with white ribbon. It was gradually diffusing across the carpet. 
Before any action could be taken, a man, much properly dressed-The leader of the deluded men's ball, most likely.- entered the room yelling with a deep crusty voice and a foreign intonation.
"Okay pack of idiots. That in the end, you did your silly duty. Where are the two rats?".-The man was flat and plump. He was middle-aged, with a round face, almost bald. He was dressed in a semi-formal, dark gray suit:  he wore a geometric patterned tie and matching tissue in his vest's pocket. He entered taking big steps and turned to Kurapika and (Y/n).
At the moment he saw them, his eyes widened, and voiced full of shock.
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
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✦ • ° *.  — Saeran's After Ending —  . * ° • ✦
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chapter guide  |  buy me a ko-fi?  |  chat with me
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summary: Saeran has finally found MC and is ectasic to finally be able to enjoy the good ending his tumultous life has reached. But with Saeyoung still missing and Mint Eye around, his happiness may have to wait a little more. Was love really capable to win against his inner demons or will he have to learn to fight for himself?
chapter warnings: (check chapter guide for story warnings) mentions and/or descriptions of mental illnesses.
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c h a p t e r   o n e   —   guess i need to trust you when you say you love me
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It had been the most hectic months MC had ever gone through.
From the moment she had been taken into a cult, she never thought it could get worse than that. She was proven wrong when just a week later she was in the middle of a war that included said cult, the arrest of their leader, corrupted politics and kidnapping.
At first, she had been glad when the police had captured Rika. After everything she had witnessed during her time at Mint Eye and judging from the way Saeran kept having constant nightmares, even two months after leaving the cult, she wanted nothing but justice to be served. She wanted Rika to put away for good, far away from Saeran and anybody from the RFA. Every time she remembered Saeran’s tears and the scratches she had found on his shoulders and body, she felt her blood boil at the sole mention of the blonde woman. So, when the news broke she had been taken by the police, she was more than ecstatic. Rika had lured hundreds of people, manipulating and drugging them for almost a year and now, she was going to be judged for her actions and would get a punishment according to the law.
That didn’t quite happen. But MC didn’t want to think a lot about it.
She watched Saeran in silence as he put the sheets over their new mattress. Their bed had just been delivered half an hour ago and thanks to the fact both of them had fit their respective belongings inside a small suitcase, moving had been an easy job.
It was supposed to be a good day. Saeyoung was getting out of the hospital soon and they would get to start fresh in a new house, away from the bunker, the hacking, the cult and everything that came with that. But there was something she had to do, even if it broke her heart every time she thought about it.
The last couple of months with Saeran had only proven how foolish she was. She was in love with him, yes, but for a moment, she had dared to dream her love had been enough for him to heal. Her arrogance had played tricks on her, because she couldn’t have been further away from the truth.
Saeran had been fine the first week. He had been collaborating with Jumin in order to rescue Saeyoung, which meant he had to go back and use his hacking abilities to figure out where their father was keeping his brother. MC knew the fact Saeran was still doing hacker work after leaving Mint Eye plus having to deal with his own feelings towards his brother had paid a toll on his sanity. After a few days into the job, he had started having nightmares. MC would wake up in the middle of the night by Saeran tossing on the bed, his cheeks damped with tears and incoherent mumbling that she couldn’t decipher. She would take him into her arms and softly rock him back and forth until the nightmare went away. Once, she had been accidentally hit on the nose while Saeran was in the middle of a vivid nightmare. Her high-pitched scream had woken him up, only to start crying again once he realized he had hurt her.
After that, Saeran’s downfall had been more noticeable. In their leisure time, Saeran needed MC to give him a task to do, or else he would just sit and wait to be instructed. It made sense. He had always been told what to do, and MC thought old habits die hard. Saeran’s protectiviness had perdured after Saeyoung had been rescued, to the point she could notice his ragged breathing when he called her. He always said he just wanted to check if she was okay, and while she wanted to understand his constant alertness, she knew going to the mall for half an hour wasn’t a good sign.
It had been good Saeran had agreed to see a therapist, even if MC thought he would have agreed to anything she proposed. They tried out different psychologists, taking a joint session as a trial, but MC could tell Saeran was far from comfortable with any of them. Thankfully, Saeran had ended up resonating with the fourth psychologist they had seen. She was a young woman in her thirties with short hair, her style and way of speaking similar to Jaehee. But the kindness in her eyes and validation of their main concerns (such as questions regarding the type of therapy and Saeran’s reluctance to take psychiatric medication) made them decide for her. They had scheduled for a first session two weeks later and while it was a reassurance to MC things were going to get better, it also reminded her of the conversation she had to have with Saeran..
MC looked down at her phone and searched for V’s number. She knew he wouldn’t respond, but she sent a message just like she had done since the last time they had seen each other.
‘Saeran and I finally finished moving. Hope you’re doing better xx”
Her eyes darted back to the figure of Saeran, who was now looking at her from his sitting position on the bed. She put her phone away and sat next to him, pressing a kiss against his cheek and then taking his hand.
She had to do it. She had to do it now, before he realized she had left her suitcase in the living room and not in their bedroom.
“We are moving to our new house tomorrow,” MC started, stroking Saeran’s hand with her thumb. He nodded and gave her a soft smile.
“I know.”
“Will you be okay living with Saeyoung?” The smile on the young man disappeared. He pursed his lips and shrugged.
“I guess. I mean, I… I do understand everything that happened. I know he’s not… a bad person now,” he said, an uneasy expression on his face. “And we’ve talked a lot while he was at the hospital. So I guess it’s okay.”
MC nodded. “You’re also starting therapy next week,” she reminded him.
“Yeah, I know,” Saeran said, looking down at their joint hands. A couple of seconds later, he scrunched his eyebrows. “Is there something going on?” he asked, squinting his eyes at her.
This was it. She needed to tell him now, whether she liked it or not. Even if she didn’t want to, she knew it would be the best for the person she loved and therefore, it would be the best for her as well.
MC took a deep breath and stood up. She turned around, facing Saeran and sunk to her knees, grabbing both his hands in hers, her pleading eyes filled with worry.
“I don’t think a relationship is the best thing for you right now,” she said, her voice slow and careful, trying to gauge any reaction from Saeran. As expected, his mouth opened slightly, panic rising to his eyes.
“You don’t want to be with me?”
“I do! I want to,” she assured him, squeezing his hands. “Saeran, I want to be with you because I love you. There’s nothing in this world I want more than that. But I… I think you need some space to heal. You need to heal without the pressure of having a relationship with me,” she explained, but it only seemed to make Saeran’s eyebrows knit together even more.
“Being with you is no pressure,” he quickly said. MC gave him a sad smile.
“But it will be, eventually. I’ll… get mad at you for forgetting a date or ask you to watch a movie you hate with me or--”
“I’d watch anything you wanted me to,” he interrupted her.
“I know, baby. I know,” MC nodded, placing a kiss on the top of his right hand. “That’s why we can’t be together right now. I don’t want you to adore me or feel you have to do anything I want. I want you to fight for yourself. I want you to be able to say no to me.”
Saeran hastily took away his hands and stood up, walking to the center of the bedroom. MC sighed, and lowered her head, trying to find the perfect words to make the man she loved understand why she had taken that decision. She stood up and walked to him again, even though the way his breathing was shallow and quick let her know he was having a hard time.
“This is nonsense,” he whispered, passing both his hands across his hair.
“It’s not. This is best for you.”
“The best for me is you leaving?” Saeran asked, turning his head at her. MC quickly shook her head.
“I’m not leaving. There’s no fucking way I’m leaving. I’ll stay here with you, I’ll be by your side just like I’ve been these past few months. But… I’d probably move to another room, so you can have privacy too.”
Saeran looked at her in silence, trying to work her words in his head. He paced around the bedroom in quick steps, his eyes glued to the floor and his hands constantly messing with his hair.
The next time he looked at her, his eyes were full of tears.
“D-did I do something bad?” he stuttered. “I-- I’ve neer been anyone’s anything and-- I’m sorry. I wanted to give you only the best but I--”
“No, no, no,” MC interrupted him, walking towards him and holding his face in her hands. “Baby, no. You are perfect. You are kind and sweet and I love you more than you could ever imagine. I love you so, so, so much,” she breathed, caressing his cheeks with her thumbs. “I love you. That’s why I want you to focus on yourself for a moment. I don’t want this relationship to be extra weight for you. You’re starting therapy soon and that is something you need to do by yourself. And it will help you so much. Trust me, I would know.”
“You went to therapy?” he asked, his hands softly finding their way around her waist.
“A few years ago, yes,” she whispered, putting some strands of his hair behind his ear.
“Did something happen?”
“You don’t need to burden yourself with that at this moment,” she assured him. “I promise I’ll tell you about it in the future. We have our whole lives for that,” she said, evoking a small smile from him. “Now, you should be your top priority.”
“I don’t know how to do that,” Saeran breathed out, his hands clasping on the fabric on her blouse.
“I know. That’s exactly why you need to try. I’ll be just in the next bedroom whenever you may need me, at any time. I won’t leave you, I would never do that.”
Saeran nodded and pulled her closed, her arms circling his neck while he rested his face on her shoulder, his arms tightly secured around her waist. They stayed a moment in silence, basking in the sound of the other’s breathing and their now familiar scent.
“I still don’t like this,” Saeran mumbled against her skin. MC chuckled.
“Neither do I, if I’m being honest,” she admitted. “But it’s for the best.”
“How long will you…?” he asked, pulling away and searching her eyes. MC sighed.
“I don’t know. Everybody has their own pace in therapy.”
“That lady, the doctor, she said it could be years. You’re asking me to wait for years?” Saeran insisted, a trace of fear present in his features once more.
“Oh, uh… I actually hadn’t thought about that,” she confessed. “We could… set a date? Like, to sit down and see if we can start dating again?”
“You sound like Jumin,” Saeran said, rolling his eyes. MC couldn’t suppress her laugh, letting her head fall on his shoulder.
“Oh God, don’t say that!”
MCe pulled away after a few moments, a ghost of her laughter still present in her lips. She looked into Saeran’s teal eyes and took a deep breath.
“Okay, how about…” she started.
“A year?”  “One month?”
Both of them looked at each other, dumbfounded.
“One month!?” “One year!?”
“Okay, okay, neither of them are going to work,” MC said, rubbing Saeran’s shoulders in a soothing motion. “It’s okay. Then, how about six months from now? You, me, happy hour at that ice cream store downtown you like,” she offered. Saeran let out a long sigh and closed his eyes. She felt his arms tensing and could only imagine the turmoil occurring inside his head.
“Fine, six months,” he mumbled bitterly after a long pause. He took another look at her and rubbed the small of her back with his thumb. “I… I miss you. Even if you’re here. Is that weird?”
“It’s not,” MC chuckled. She pressed a kiss on his cheek. “I’m going to take a shower, okay? We can talk about dinner later,” she smiled, before turning on her heel and leaving the room.
Saeran watched her in silence until her figure disappeared through the door. He tried to go over their conversation in his head one more time, but it only made his head start hurting. He walked to one of the boxes and took out his painkillers, swallowing one pill without any water.
Saeran sat on the bed, elbows on his thighs and his head resting on his palms. As hard as he tried, he couldn’t get rid of the intrusive thoughts in his mind, one after another, plummeting against the little hope he had that MC was actually telling him the truth.
She's getting bored.
She's running away.
She just doesn't want you to know.
She's sliding away.
She’s getting bored.
She’s better than you.
She’s tired of you.
She's met someone else
She’s leaving.
She’s leaving.
She’s leaving.
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sebabestianstan101 · 4 years
Suit and Tie - 002
Pairing: Ceo!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Synopsis: You’re good at your job as the Secretary in The White Wolf Enterprise for years now, with a great set of friends and co-workers and a really hot boss, James Buchanan Barnes. You have a pretty decent work-relationship with him, even if you have to use all of your strength and self-control to not jump on him at every chance you get. Nothing exciting is really going on with your life, until your boss himself decides to spice things up a bit.
Themes throughout the series: Smut, angst, fluff, slight dom!bucky x sub!reader (nothing too crazy..), swearing, there’s probably going to be more as the story progresses
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“Thank you, Tony. It’s always a pleasure to work with you.” 
Both men stand as they shake their hands after discussing the partnership. As expected, it went well between the two. They knew each other since college and were great friends, and now, they’re good business partners. 
“Likewise, Barnes,” Tony says smiling before giving him a pointed look, “I’m expecting your attendance at my wedding. You better fly your ass there, or I’m withdrawing from this contract we just signed.” 
He actually can’t, but knowing Tony he’d probably do his magic and make it possible. Bucky chuckles and feigns nervousness as he pretends to wipe off his sweat. 
“Well, I guess I have no choice but to fly to Barbados!” He exclaims before laughing. You discreetly smile in your laptop at their friendship. You have noticed that Bucky is very relaxed around Tony and not tense like he was in the last meeting with Alexander Pierce. That meeting did not go well and that stupid proposal from Pierce went down the drain along Bucky’s approval. You carefully watch Bucky nod as Tony updates him with his fiancee, Pepper Potts, with a happy look on his face. However, you also notice a hint of longing in his eyes as Tony talks about the love of his life. 
That is the only thing Bucky is missing. A billionaire and a CEO of one of the top manufacturing tech companies all over the world is not as fulfilling as it sounds when he’s got no one to share it with. Sure, he’s sexually active and still finds time to get on with women;  women who only care for his body and his money. He doesn’t even remember half their names. 
He longs for a partner – a life-long companion that he can fall in love and start a family with. At 38 years old, he’s way past the idea of only living to work. He wants to continue working while settling down. As he thinks of this, his gaze inadvertently drops at you, smirking when he caught you already staring at him. 
Your heart skips a beat, eyes slightly widening before looking back at the screen. Shit, he saw you. Your cheeks heat up, fully aware that he’s still looking at you, and you start to type random letters to busy yourself. You hear Tony bid his goodbye signaling that he’s leaving. You look back up and give the other CEO  a smile which he returns. 
Bucky clears his throat, grabbing your attention which makes you look back at him. You unconsciously start chewing your bottom lip and hope that he doesn’t mention your staring because you will definitely die of embarrassment.
“So,” he clasps his hands together, walking towards you, “I’m sure you heard my conversation with Tony. His wedding is in a week which means that I’ll be flying to Barbados and will be gone for 4 days,” he pauses before looking at your lips that you’re still chewing on to which he internally groans at. His eyes snap back up before continuing, “So, uh, work still continues, yeah? It won’t be much of a vacation since 4 days is a lot.” 
You nod in acknowledgement while preparing to start jotting down his reminders which he usually gives when he’s leaving for a trip. Your fingers position along the keyboards before humming, urging him to continue. 
“Since I have another board meeting to discuss, I’m going to be needing assistance all throughout as well as immediate communication. Normally, I’d have Wanda course everything, but she just took her Maternity leave, as you know, so I’ll have direct contact with you instead.”
You nod once again and smile, as you think about your friend with her firstborn. It’s crazy how you're the same age, but are living very different lives. You, being much lonelier and single. 
“Alright, Mr. Barnes. I’ll make sure to keep my line on so there will not be any delays. You can count on me on that,” 
He gives you a look for a brief moment before letting out a laugh and shaking his head. You look up at him in confusion, trying to figure out what was funny. Is he messing with you or..?
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I –– I think you misunderstood me,” he paused giving you a softer look, “You’re coming with me.” 
You blink. Once. Twice. 
If your heart kept skipping beats earlier, now it completely stopped. Did you hear him right? Coming with him? To Barbados? What? 
“What?” You voiced out your thoughts staring at him, dumbly, “I mean –– what? Are you serious?” 
Bucky smiles at your stunned expression, noticing how he gets you to lose your composed, professional state in seconds. He finds your disbelief adorable  as if he suggested something crazy. Technically, he did, but being a CEO means that his normal is far different from others. 
“Maybe I should have led with that but,” he takes a seat on his desk across you, “you don’t have to worry about anything. I’ll have you covered. We leave on Sunday so you should already start packing if you must.” 
You blink at him once again, a bit overwhelmed with the surge of information. Sure, you’ve travelled before, but it wasn’t as spontaneous as this. Who the hell casually asks someone to fly to an island with him – to his friend’s wedding,  at 11am in the morning?
 Oh, right. Rich people. 
“For the wedding…” You trailed off realizing that this was a personal event and you wouldn’t want to intrude.  You see the corner of his lips subtly turn upwards and  how amused he is at how you’re taking in all this. It was sudden, yes, but he almost wants to tell you to start getting used to it. 
“You’re coming with me, if that’s alright. Tony doesn’t really mind, and he already knows you. As usual, he really goes all out with everything and his wedding has a bunch of… pre-celebration events, if you would call it. So, yes, you’re coming with.” 
You slowly nod, and your heart warms at the thought of attending one of his best pal’s wedding with him. There’s something so personal with it, and you want to pinch yourself for having these thoughts. Clearly, it’s a work thing. 
“Is that alright? I do apologize for overwhelming you, but I figured it would be better to tell you as soon as possible.” He cuts your thoughts off. 
You smile at him and nod. Of course it’s alright. First, he’s your boss so technically, you have to do as he says. Next, you’re going on a trip with him. To an island. At his friend’s wedding. What more could you ask for? 
“Absolutely. Thank you, Sir.” 
“To Barbados, Nat. Barbados!” You frantically rummage through your summer/tropical clothing right when you got home to see if there’s anything you may possibly need while your cousin casually rests on your bed. “Uh,” you glare, “a  little help, maybe?” 
Natasha rolls her eyes at your flustered state. As she is  naturally a laid back person, your whole life together has consisted of you panicking and her telling you to chill. She suspects that it has something to do with your upbringing, as your mom constantly pressured you even as a child. She also thinks about your ex who treated you like absolute shit for 3 years, but you didn’t have the courage to break up with him until you finally did. 
She wants to thank your boss for bringing excitement into your life. You’re a very fun person to be around, but she also knows how little you give credit yourself, let alone, have fun. Natasha cares for you so much that she’ll kill anyone who’ll hurt you. She would’ve killed your ex if you didn’t stop her. 
“Y/N. Take a breath. You really won’t find what you need if you keep throwing your clothes across your room.” She says as she glances at the mess you made. 
“You’re right,” you sighed, “the lack of planning and the spontaneity of this whole situation is making my mind go crazy.” You make your way to your cousin and lie down beside her as she gives you a hug. Nat is really like your big sister. You wouldn’t have learned how to suck it up if it weren’t for her. 
She rubs your back comfortingly before giving you a tight squeeze, “Everything’s gonna be fine, Y/N/N. We can make a list of the things you need and start from there. Think of it this way,” she smirks and wiggles her eyebrows, “you’re going to Barbados with your extremely hot boss that you’ve been crushing on for the longest time. You might actually get it on with him.”
You hit her with a pillow before groaning as you bury your face into one. Your stress came from the sudden trip, and another was really cause you were very excited for it. The thought of spending time with Bucky made your whole body tingle of excitement. 
“Shut up! If only..” 
“It’s true!” She exclaims smiling at you. She can feel you relax, probably realizing that it’s not as bad as you visioned. 
Then suddenly, you tense up when your phone rings and tense up even more (if possible) reading the Caller ID. 
“Oh my god, it’s Bucky.” Shit. You clear your throat and take a deep breath before answering, “Hello?” 
Natasha is impressed with the way you were able to compose yourself so quickly, when you were literally dying on your bed earlier. She thinks it’s because of how many times you’ve done it in the past.
“Y/N, hello! I just wanted to give you a heads up so you don’t get surprised, but I felt a little bad for overwhelming you earlier. I will have something delivered to you in awhile, so just expect that.” 
“Delivered..? Like.. I mean, is it like –” you were cut off by the buzzing of your doorbell which Bucky must have heard. 
“It’s just a little something to make up for the short notice. Bring it as you pack.” You can hear him smile through the phone making you smile as well even if you were a little confused. 
“Oh, okay. Thank you, sir, you really didn’t have to.” 
Through the phone, Bucky smiles at how sincere and polite you sound. Suddenly, he just feels the need to spoil you with gifts, but he’ll have to wait. 
“Please, I wanted to. Now go, I think my chauffeur is at your place with my gift. Before you wonder why I know where you live, I have the files of my employees so don’t worry.” He chuckles to which you laugh at. 
“I figured,” you smile widely, “I’ll go grab the package, Sir. Thank you again.” 
“It’s my pleasure.” He says before ending the call. 
You and Nat stare at each other in anticipation before she tells you not to keep his chauffeur waiting and get the package. You open the door and you are greeted by Bucky’s chauffeur, Thor.
“Hello, Ms. Y/N. I believe Mr. Barnes has already informed you of this package he has intended for you to receive.” He smiles warmly with two boxes on his hands. 
“Oh, wow, there are two?” Your eyes widen at the expensive looking boxes resting on his hands. He was a big guy, so the one of the boxes didn’t look as large but as it was being handed over to you, you have come to realize that it was massive. “Thank you, Thor.” 
He nods and smiles in acknowledgement and you see him give you a knowing smile before leaving. Natasha excitedly runs towards you pulling you to your living room. 
“Holy shit! Oh my god, wait, open it now.” 
You let out a nervous breathy laugh before unboxing them. You open the first and gasp as you lift up a muted ocean-colored dress with intricate detailing of sheer lace. 
“Holy shit.” You repeat as you gawk at the beautiful dress. It feels expensive (and obviously is) and you almost didn’t want to accept it. You open the other and are met with a pair of simple dangling earrings with a matching dainty necklace. You read the card along with it, in his handwriting, 
For the wedding. 
You stare at Nat and she stares back, both of you astounded at what just transpired. You think that because he’s a billionaire, he probably doesn’t think that this is a lot to give to someone –– his employee, but it really is a lot for you. You’re in shock as you stare at his gifts. On cue, your phone gets a notification indicating that you received a text message from the person consuming your thoughts. 
1 New Message –– Mr. James Barnes: 
I hope you like it.
You stare at your phone before typing,
 Mr. Barnes, I truly appreciate your gifts, but I don’t think I can accept these..
You chew on your nails, anxiously looking at Nat who was anticipating his reply as well. In a matter of seconds you receive a message from him.
It’s really just a simple something, and they will look perfect on you. I expect to see you wear them – that’s an order from your boss. :) 
Your heart swells and your face breaks into a smile. Simple something my ass. 
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A/N: Please send an as if you want to be tagged! As usual, feedback, comments, likes and reblogs are deeply appreciated!  ++ requests open if anyone is interested. Keep safe, loves!
@extremelyblackandwhite  @ineffabl-y @marvelousnh  @nightlygiggles  @chontellaa  @niahmariec  @jensenradalecki   @spideyxxboi
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constancecunningham · 4 years
Fetch Quest || Constance & Remmy
TIMING: Current
PARTIES: @whatsin-yourhead & @constancecunningham
SUMMARY: Remmy tries their best. Constance learns about fetch.
CONTIAiNS: Implications of past abuse.
“Moose, fetch!” Constance threw the ball as far as she could. Without any body strength to speak of, it didn’t go very far. The dog caught it in mid air and dropped it just off of where Constance sat hovered in front of a park bench. Without Nancy to show her how to be calm in the world, she struggled to grab anything except in frustration. Every time she tried, she saw her disappearing into the air and rage blazed through her. She threw the stick again, scowling into the horition as Moose made a big circle around the grass to give himself a few more moments of joy before picking up the ball and delivering it the short distance to her. Constance stared at it. She had never been allowed a pet of her own, and whatever ‘fun’ this was supposed to bring was beyond her. “I think I spent too long in the ether” She said. Moose panted and wagged his tail, expecting something from the non-magical nothing in the air.
Mourning someone who was already dead felt strange, even to Remmy. They didn’t know how to properly mourn something like that, even for themself-- but perhaps they’d need to start finding a way. “What do you mean?” they asked when Constance spoke up again. This time, Remmy leaned down and grabbed the slobbery ball, tossing it a rather commendable distance across the park for him. Moose took off with the utmost joy and Remmy turned to look back at Constance. “Spent too long? Do you… remember what it was like there or something?” They’d pondered what it was like between life and death, wondered if that was a place they’d ever get to know, or if their undead life now meant they never could know. Was dying supposed to be peaceful? They didn’t know that answer either. Moose came trotting back with the ball but Remmy was still looking at Constance.
“Not really,” Constance shrugged. “I don’t see things when I think about it. But I feel...different. Wrong. In a way I didn’t before. Or at least, wrong in a way I don’t believe I was before, even in the ether. There’s just darkness over all those years, like one dark, dreadful sleep. Like when you know you had a nightmare, but you can’t recall of what.” She tried to unclench herself, finding ease in the air the way Nancy had been trying to teach her over the past few weeks, visiting the house, even staying some nights.
When Remmy didn’t throw the ball again, Constance reached for it, and watched in anguish as her hand fell though. Constance sulked back. “Do you remember what it was like? You must have been dead once, for a little while. Did it feel like a bad dream then, or am I the only one?” Again.
“I don’t remember being dead,” Remmy said quietly. The wind rustled through the valley and the only way they knew it happened was by the movement of their own hair. It had gotten so long again, nearly down to their shoulders. They drooped a little. “I barely remember dying in the first place.” They watched Constance’s hand sink through Moose’s ball, and they bent down to pick it up and hold it out to her to try again. “Sometimes I think not remembering is better,” they explained after a moment, “it...hurts a lot when I do. I had to have someone else tell me how I died because I guess my brain blocked the memories and I couldn’t, like, reach the memories anymore.” They glanced at her again, concern on their face. “What makes you feel wrong?”
“Perhaps you are right,” Constance said. “At least your body anchors you to this plane and the grass bows to your weight. You belong here. If you don't remember being different, you cannot confuse yourself by thinking otherwise.” She ran her hand through the ball again before deciding she didn’t care about it anyway. “It’s just a feeling. Mind, I was always told so, by everyone.” Well, almost everyone, but they had been liars and traitors, so what did that count for? “But I never felt half so wicked as they told me I should until I was returned here, as this. I feel as though this world does not want me. I feel as though there is something missing, and sometimes as though I might come apart, but perhaps that thing is merely my body. Or perhaps now that I lack it, I can see that they were right. I am wicked and wrong.” But she was also very powerful. And when she was certain she had the strength for it, she would continue, and she would win. Glancing sidelong at Remmy, she smiled and said, “Don’t trouble yourself about me. And don’t let me keep you from your fun. I can watch just fine.”
“I...don’t know if that’s entirely true, but I am grateful to be...whole, I guess,” Remmy mumbled. They’d already tried to talk to Nadia-- er, Cordelia-- about what it felt like being a ghost, and it sounded even more miserable than being a walking corpse that felt nothing. That remembered nothing of what soft fur or sheets or grass actually felt like. “You were never wicked, Constance,” they said, “and you still don’t have to be. You can move on, you know? Peacefully. Happily.” They let out a long breath and threw the ball again, watching it bounce as Moose chased it down loyally. “I trouble myself about everyone. I just want to make the world a better place, even if it’s just a tiny bit. Even if it’s just making one person feel better, or even just okay.” They picked up the ball once again, “that includes you. And people like you.”
“You don’t know who I was, Remmy,” Constance said. “How can you argue for such a thing when you have no clue? Do you not think me wicked for trying to kill your so-called friend? And I killed many a rat, bargaining with the heavens for small favors. I was desperate, and it was the only power in the world I had, but there are some who believe that it was no kindness or necessity. And those are only the crimes I meant to commit…” There were others, so many others. Constance saw that girl in the classroom with the bleeding head every time the shadows swirled in the corners, how her lifeless eyes had stared... “I was never a gentle person, even when I meant to do good. And I am so beyond happiness and peace, I cannot even make true meaning out of those words.” She sighed. “I am afraid we do not understand each other very well, Remmy. But I think it would have been nice to have known someone like you before.”
“Because I see who you are now,” Remmy answered simply. And it was simple as that. “You’re suffering, Constance. You’re suffering and things could be better if you just...let go of that pain. I know it’s hard...but the people who hurt you have long since died. Morgan isn’t the person who hurt you, she’s not even close.” They let out a long breath, rubbing hands through their hair. “I don’t think you’re wicked, Constance. I never did, even after…” they paused, “...and I guess if Morgan knew that, she’d probably hate me, too, but...I can’t find it in me to feel that way about anyone. Not you, not Lydia…” They tossed the ball, a bit harder this time, “For the longest time, I thought I was wicked, too. That I could never find peace, or happiness, or any of that feel good shit everyone always talks about. But the thing is...I learned it’s never just gonna happen. You have to go and find it.” They picked up the ball once more, and held it out. “Kinda like how Moose finds his ball every time I throw it.”
Constance scrutinized Remmy the whole time they spoke. She had never been able to tell when someone was lying to her before, but she thought if she squinted at their strange face, she might be able to tell for certain so she could stop wondering when this facade might come apart. “Her presence is an insult to my own in a way I don’t believe anyone in this time can understand. There is no sense of collective responsibility, nor legacy, scarcely any duty. But I suppose I shouldn’t be cross over you doing something that would make that ugly cow seethe. I should rejoice, if I had any sense. But you’re wrong, so it is only a bittersweet victory. Although maybe it doesn’t matter. If the heavens opened up and stamped me as a no-good heathen once and for all, I would still refuse to accept what was done to me, what was made of me. I would simply be dragging myself to hell with her. And maybe that will be something like peace, if it comes.” Around them, autumn was losing its grasp to winter, pointing with spindly fingers toward the gray-white horizon, as if something important might materialize from it. “Morgan doesn’t know you’ve been coming to see me, right? I’m a secret not to be shared?” She tried the ball again, and found that she gripped it with ease. She threw it before she could resent summoning the power because of Morgan Beck. But it was as she had said all along, wasn’t it? This was her purpose, no more and no less. “Will you still think such pretty things about me if I succeed? Even if I turn out to be right?” Moose came back with the ball and Constance threw it again, thinking this time on what the world would feel like after she had won. She imagined forgiving the sun for not making her warm, and the moon for casting no shadow on her. She imagined giving Remmy and Blanche one last smile, and saying that it was always meant to be this way, but she was sorry for making them sad. It wasn’t so different from this moment, she realized. And yet it felt so far. She threw the ball again. “Perhaps a better question would be…” She hesitated to speak it, the thought alone seemed blasphemous in its own way, “...what do you propose I do if I am wrong? All of you love to say ‘let go’, as if she were a ball I could throw. And I imagine if I could kill her by picking up her body and throwing it into the sun, I would understand perfectly. If I were to cut her throat, I would certainly let go of her body then. But that isn’t what you mean and I don’t understand how to entertain this fairy story you want me to partake in.”
Remmy thought and pondered quietly. They didn’t truly understand Constance’s line of thinking, but then again, she was from a completely different time. It must’ve been so jarring coming here, to this world of technological advancement and strange machines. “What’d they do to you?” they asked her quietly, after a long silence, in which Moose sat and waited patiently for them to throw it. They were preoccupied, though, and turned fully to face Constance and her fading form. “Well, yeah...if you continue to do bad things that hurt people, I’ll change my mind. But I still think that you’re worth saving and that you can be saved. But you have to let go of your anger. I know you didn’t choose to be here, but you can choose to leave peacefully. Don’t you want that? I want you to realize that revenge isn’t going to make you feel any better. I want you to realize that you deserve something good, Constance,” they muttered, “that’s all.” And they tossed the ball again, this time as far as their strength would let them.
“Which time?” Constance asked, smirking bitterly. “When my family was left to fend for themselves in caves, or when only one family would take me in as a servant because my mother was suspected of being a witch, and scorn was thrown on them for their pity, never mind anything else about me, never mind the power of true magic. How dare a woman fend for herself and bargain with a God that will hear what no human ear will. Or do you mean when that family, when Agnes--” The ball lifted on the power of Constance’s rage. The leaves drummed a skeleton tattoo on the ground. Constance whimpered and tried to calm herself. “I can’t,” she whispered. “I can’t talk about it without… I don’t want to become lost and changed, like others say I will. I want to stay myself. I’m sorry.” She concentrated. She tried to remember how breath once soothed her, imagined lungs and veins moving in and out. “I don’t know what something good is. I don’t know if I have the time to find that out. Your Morgan is so determined to destroy me for my supposed crimes…” she shook her head. “I don’t think I was destined to ever find out.” The ball settled and Constance threw it to Moose, further than she had yet, smiling into the distance. After a silence between them she said, “If I were to believe you, if I were to...consider something else, would you help buy me the time it will take to learn?”
Remmy felt their heart sinking again. How were they supposed to have the power to fix something like this? The truth was, they didn’t. All they could offer now was their sympathies. “I’m sorry,” they mumbled, “I...think you would’ve liked it here, in this time. If you’d been able to be here.” They watched the ball rise, the leaves swirl. They winced a little. “It’s okay. Whatever happened, I know it hurt a lot. But…” they looked out and around at the park, “...there’s no one left in this world that deserves the anger you feel. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be angry-- there are things I”m still mad about that happened to me ages ago-- but you just...you can’t keep holding onto it. I wish I had more to offer than that, but that’s all I know how to do. All I know to offer. Is just...help letting go.” They held out their hand to her, knowing that they would not be able to feel it or truly hold it. “I would, yeah,” they said, smiling gently, “of course I would.”
Constance stared ahead, watching the ball come back and throwing it again. Perhaps her star had been crossed and cursed by time. Perhaps in a life in this new world, in Morgan Beck’s world, she would have found someone to suffer with. She didn’t know how to tell Remmy that they should be angry too, that they didn’t have to lay like a corpse and accept the wrongs done to them. They had hands that could grasp and break, feet that could crush, teeth that could tear. They could do so much. So much. But she could not imagine them doing so, even if another of their kind showed them how. She felt a strange pity for the zombie then, a kinship with the starving cats that roamed the streets, innocent and yet so full of potential. She put her hand through theirs, shuddering with longing that she couldn’t hold it. Theirs seemed like a hand that would be gentle, and it had been so long since she had felt that. “Thank you, Remmy,” she said. “And it isn’t much I ask for. I just need you to find Morgan Beck’s stash of exorcism magic and steal it.”
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cilldaracailin · 4 years
Don’t Stop Me Now
Hell my beautiful Tumblr lovely’s!
I am back with another part and this one is for my bestest tumblr buddies @fuseburner​ and @hitmeonmytspot​ who have been the most amazing support of my story :)
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“If anything, the overriding emotion is gonna just be excitement.”
“You nervous? Taron? Taron? Hey Taron!”
When he felt a hand on his, Taron looked up. “Sorry did you say something?”
“Ok spill it. Where have you been all day because it has not been here with David and I.”
Sighing Taron put his fork down. “I am sorry Elton. Just a lot on my mind.”
“About the performance? Taron, I have told you we don’t have to do it. I don’t want to push you too hard.”
“I am actually looking forward to that.”
“Then what has you as quiet as the calm before a storm.”
Exhaling Taron picked his fork up again and moved his steak around the plate. “Just thought there would be someone else here with me and I am feeling a bit sorry for myself right now.” Taron felt Elton take his hand again. “Sorry I am being a right old fart, aren’t I?”
Elton laughed. “Absolutely not. I can understand how much you were looking forward to seeing her and I know her presence here tonight meant a lot to you. It is natural to be feeling a bit like an old fart Taron.”
“Thanks Elton.” Taron put the fork down again. “Actually, would you mind if I excused myself for a while. I am not great company at the moment.”
“Staying here and talking with your friends is a good way to help lift your mood.” Suggested David as he looked to his husband and then to their guest, both noticing how their young friend hadn’t been his normal boisterous and lively self since he had arrived that morning.
“Yeah I know that David but I really would just like some time by myself. I was counting perhaps a bit too much on Robyn being here beside me to keep my nerves at bay and I hadn’t actually taken the time to consider if she wouldn’t be here. I need some time to compose myself before this evening and I might even try to take a bit of a nap.”
“Maybe give your Robyn a call?” Proposed Elton.
A small smile half-filled Taron’s face. “I can try. She has training all day today so might be busy. Excuse me.” Taron pushed his chair back and stood up. “Thank you for the lovely meal. I am so sorry that my mood doesn’t reflect my pleasure of being here for the auction. I am honoured to be invited Elton and to get the chance to sing with you again.”
Elton took Taron’s hand in two of his. “You don’t have to explain that to me. I know it already.”
Taron nodded and excused himself once more and made his way to the room Elton had given him for the night, the room with the large king size bed and views of the garden with the beautiful marble en suite. He sighed as he closed the door, taking in the silence around him. He walked further into the room and looked to his duffle which sat in front of the wardrobe. His suit hung on the closet door, one Stella had helped him pick, pressed and ready for him to change into in four hours time for the reception drinks Elton and David had organised for very close friends before they made their way for the obligatory photo call. Taron had arrived in London on Tuesday, giving him time to clean up his home in the city and prepare for his move back to New York to finish filming and Stella had come to visit him that afternoon with a selection of suits. He had asked her what Robyn had chosen to wear so he could perhaps maybe try and match with her because he knew it would annoy her and make her roll her eyes at him before she gave him one of the beautiful smiles that filled her whole face, but his stylist held tight lipped and he groaned in frustration when nothing would make her tell him.
He looked through the suits Stella had chosen for him with her guidance and thoughts. After holding each jacket up to his chest in the mirror, he picked one in a wonderful midnight blue colour. The trousers had a gold narrow stripe that ran down the side of the legs and it matched the gold colour of the fine thread embroidery on the suit jacket. The cuffs and lapel of the jacket were decorated with a lace design and Stella had given him a shirt of matching colour to wear underneath with gold buttons. Along with the suit came a midnight blue bow tie and a gold cummerbund, the complete outfit giving Taron a little extra flare of style that he liked to lead with at his appearances sometimes, especially when this particular one was the auction Elton was hosting. He was very happy with his choice, knowing it was perfect for the evening.
He sighed as he sat down on the bed, running his hands down his face. He had been utterly disappointed when Robyn had called him to tell him that she wouldn’t be able to join him and he did his best to try and support her because he could hear in her voice how upset she was over the fact that she couldn’t be with him. As much as it was an important reunion for him, it meant just as much to Robyn too. He knew it was a huge ask of her to come to Elton’s auction and to be photographed with him and he honestly thought she was going to say no, but she had accepted the invite graciously and as they spoke about it, he could hear how much she was looking forward to it but more so, looking forward to seeing him and getting a squishy hug. Taron couldn’t explain how much he appreciated how Robyn was clearly stepping out of her world and into his and he understood how daunting it was for her but they would get through it together, agreeing to stick by each others side throughout the whole night.
Taron then had to resign himself to the fact she wouldn’t be with him and it had upset him and it wasn’t because he wanted her on the red carpet with him but because he needed her when the media started to ask him questions about what had happened in the 7/11. It was the first time he was going to make a public appearance and with Robyn by his side holding his hand, he knew the experience would be a little easier. He was ready to take advantage of her eloquent way with words and ability to talk her way out of sticky situations, hoping she might tackle the questions thrown their way from the media, if he found himself tongue tied. Now without her, he was trembling with nerves and his stomach was in bits. He had spent so much time thinking about how they were going to face the red carpet together, it had never registered with him that he would have to walk it alone.
He lay back on the bed and closed his eyes. He had really depended on Robyn’s company so much for the weekend and was so excited to meet her outside the airport and bring her to Elton’s house and have a long catch up. He was also a little eager to see which dress she had picked to wear. He had enjoyed describing to his stylist what he thought Robyn would like, Stella frowning at him when he told her Robyn was a converse girl. He had one image of Robyn in his head and he had relayed it to Stella – V-neck top tucked into a pants suit and his trusty stylist, had delivered a perfect dress but she had kept her silence with regards to what dress Robyn had picked and nothing Taron offered would break her. He knew the suit he had picked, matched the dress he had suggested for Robyn but he wouldn’t know if his little ploy had worked until he saw his friend dressed up. Taron’s butterflies found a way of fluttering back to his stomach when he thought of Robyn in a fancy fancy dress but now, they were quickly deflated. He had spoken to Stella after he found out Robyn wasn’t coming to the auction but she still wouldn’t tell him about the dress and now he would never know, though he had planned on pestering Robyn the next day until she caved and told him, hopefully getting a picture too.
He rolled over onto his right side, and curled up, snuggling into the pillow. He liked how he could lie on both sides of his body now that he was finally pain free. Closing his eyes, he figured a nap would help to clear his head a little and lift the woozy headache he could feel coming on. Elton and David had insisted they still had the meal they had planned for himself and Robyn but Taron had barely an appetite and ate very little of the wonderful food they had prepared for him. He had tried to stay upbeat and positive as he arrived that morning and greeted Elton in a long hug and kiss to his cheek but as the afternoon wore on, he could feel his façade slipping, happy to retreat the quiet and comfort of his room for a while before he had to pull himself together and find his best jovial face, even if he didn’t feel it. He was straight back into filming next weekend in New York and whatever chance Robyn had of coming to see him in Wales and London, Taron knew deep down that even though she had mentioned it, Robyn would never make it to America to see him and with the schedule Matthew had sent him, it was going to be a gruelling shoot to finish the movie that had been held in limbo while he recovered.
He had recovered and recuperated well and quickly. He had followed everyone’s advice and spent his time resting, sleeping and not doing much else and his patience had paid off. His side was almost clear of bruises, a faint yellowing tinting his skin and he could bend, jump and run and was already back in training for the movie. He was still taking his time with it, easing himself slowly into his routine with his trainer and he had found it demanding at first and he was exhausted but once his body got accustomed to the regime, he found it easier, though he knew the training had been altered for him so while he still completed numerous drills, they were designed to slowly build his strength back up before his regular workout resumed. However, he was going to be straight back into the early wake ups and long days and it pained him to think it but he would have no time for Robyn, even if she did manage to come and see him. This weekend was really was their last chance to see each other before the New Year for them and it just wasn’t meant to be.
He groaned as his phone rang, disturbing his silence. It hadn’t stopped all week. Phone calls from Matthew about resuming the filming, calls from Lyndsey about the press for the event at Elton’s, calls from his family about making sure he was ready to get back to work, calls from everyone and anyone and he was near ready to throw his damn phone out the window. As his life quickly caught up with him, he realised he didn’t take advantage enough of the peace Robyn’s home gave to him and as the ringing phone pierced through his head, he really felt like throwing it across the room.
He answered it without even looking at the screen. “Hello?” He grumpily said.
“Well hello to you too.”
Taron’s eyes opened when he heard the one voice he couldn’t be disappointed to hear. “Hello my chicken. Sorry Robyn. Been a long morning.”
“You don’t have to apologise to me. I can only imagine how stressed you have been.”
“Always know me so well.”
“And I know my not being there has made this harder for you.”
“Robyn, we have already talked about this. You know I don’t take it to heart that fact that you can’t be here. Though you did miss a wonderful dinner that Elton had prepared for us.”
“Well maybe we can have some left overs later.”
“Somehow I don’t think… Wait. Left overs?” Taron sat up on the bed. “What do you mean, left overs and have them later?”
“So I might be sitting in the airport right now, waiting for a gate number to appear, so I can board a plane that will bring me to London so I can attend this boring and completely overrated auction and maybe spend some time with this man I know who has a terrible habit of snooping.”
“Robyn, please don’t be lying to me.”
“I am not lying to you Taron. I am at the airport waiting for my flight to be called to come and see you.”
“Robyn!” He called excitedly. “But your training?”
“Don’t even get me fucking started Taron. I am ready to throw some coke and mentos at another office in the near future. Basically, it was a massive fuck up and but I am on my way.” Taron couldn’t even begin to describe how he felt or even string a sentence together. “I take your silence as a good thing?”
“I just… I can’t… Really? You are coming?”
“I am coming Taron. I will be making a fashionably late entrance but I am coming.”
Relief spread through every part of Taron and that building headache had suddenly gone and his stomach grumbled with hunger that had evaded him all morning. “You are actually and really coming Robyn.” He asked again wanting to make sure and he pinched leg to be certain he wasn’t asleep and dreaming.
“I promise you roctetman, I am coming to see you.”
Taron’s whole face lit up and his felt the butterflies come back. “Robyn, I cannot explain to you how happy it makes me to hear you are coming. Tell me what time your flight gets in and I can meet you as we planned. I will wait in the car for you outside Heathrow. Robyn I can’t believe it. You are really coming?”
“I will see you in about six hours and you won’t have time to meet me Taron.”
“What? Why?”
“Taron, I know your timetable for the day. You need to be dressed and ready for five thirty.”
“I am going to meet you as we planned outside the airport.”
“Taron, there isn’t going to be enough time for you to meet me and be ready for photo call. By the time I get off the plane and out into the terminal it is going to be near five.”
“Elton will understand.”
“Yes, he will and as much as it fucking pisses me off to say it, this appearance for you is about more than going to support Elton. It is your first one since Florida and you need to follow with the plan that Lyndsey has made for you. You can’t be seen arriving late, with me because it will just give those papers something to gossip about. We have escaped a lot of bad press Taron and I plan to keep it that way. You need to keep to your schedule.”
“But you were coming here to get ready.” Taron didn’t want to argue about the press because he knew Robyn was right. He had to make face on the red carpet as planned and he didn’t want to provoke the media with any reason to print a story that hurt them in anyway.
“I have it all sorted Taron.”
“You do.”
“I have booked a hotel room to change in.”
“A hotel room? Jesus Robyn, just come here to Elton’s. He has given us this beautiful room to stay in. You can get ready here.”
“And arrive when all the cameras are there in my jeans and t-shirt? Absolutely not. I do plan to make an entrance but I will do in my own way.”
“Should I expect any less of you?”
“Never. Look Taron the way I see it is, I am coming and will be late but better late than never right? And I am kind of hoping that most of the press might have filtered away by the time I get there.”
“What is your plan Robyn?” Taron had learnt a long time ago that he had to pick his battles with his fiery Irish friend and this was one he knew he wasn’t going to win. He was so thankful that she had agreed to come to the auction in the first place and now that she had figured out a way to still join him, he just wanted her there.
“Off the plane and onto the Heathrow Express and straight to Paddington. I am going to take the tube to Holborn and I have a room booked at the Premier Inn there.”
“Holborn? Are you serious?”
“What’s wrong with Holborn?” She questioned. “I have stayed there before and it was fine.”
Taron realised that Robyn didn’t pick up on the fact the Eggsy, the character he was going to New York to film for next weekend was from Holborn so moved the conversation on. “What time will you get to the hotel at?”
“All going well should be around six. I just need some time to get ready and then I can grab a taxi out to you.”
“Robyn I will send a car to you at the hotel. Just like what we were going to do at the airport and the driver will pick you up and bring you to Elton’s. You can text me and I will meet you out front. Do you think you could even get here for seven thirty? We can still walk a bit of the carpet together and be there for Elton’s welcome speech.”
“I am quick at getting ready Taron, but not that quick. This isn’t dinner with my parents or with you. This is a star-studded celebrity event. I am going to need a bit more time to pull myself together.”
“I can send Stella to you.”
“I don’t need Stella Taron. I can do this all by myself. You and Stella have already done enough for me with the dress.” Robyn looked down to the black bag she held onto very closely. She had kept the dress in her hands the whole time and wasn’t letting it go. “I will just be late Taron. Will you be able to send a car my way?” She asked. “It would be so much easier for me to get to you.”
“Of course I will. It makes more sense than for you to try and get a taxi and at least I know you will be safe. It takes about an hour to get from Holborn to Windsor and Elton’s home.”
“Ok well I can text you an hour before I am ready to leave and the driver can be waiting.”
“That is a perfect plan. I will get the driver to tell you when you are ten minutes from Elton’s, you call me and I will be waiting for you outside.”
“Look at us compromising with each other.” Robyn was worried she was going to have to fight her case about using the hotel room to change and get ready but Taron agreed to her idea and helped take some of her worries about getting to Elton’s away with his own suggestions.
“I have no words to explain how I feel to hear that you are coming Robyn, I will do anything to get you to me in one piece. Thank you so much for working it out for me.”
“You can thank Emma. She organised it all for me. Even called the lady teaching the course a bitch, she was that mad at how it had all worked out and I am sorry I won’t be there for red carpet.”
“Robyn I could care less about the red carpet. I am going to float down that carpet now. I can’t wait to see you, to get my squishy hug in.”
She could hear the smile on his voice. “I am dying for one too.”
“I am building up these IOU’s quickly. Here is another one.”
“No need for an IOU, just promise to stick as close to my side as you can during the whole night.”
“I will not let you out of my sight.”
“That is all I can ask for.”
“I know you are nervous but I will be right there with you. I feel another one of those movie scenes being played out between us again because I can’t promise I won’t run to you when I see you and pick you up and spin you around.” He laughed.
“Well that will be a picture for the wall!” Chuckled Robyn. “Just don’t step on my dress. Someone paid an absurd amount of money for it and I don’t want it ripped!”
Their call ended on a wonderfully jolly tone and Taron literally skipped back to the dining room to where Elton and David were still sitting having a conversation with each other. Taron sat back down in his previously vacated chair.
“She is coming.” Was all he said and Elton was off his feet, giving him a huge hug and a kiss on his cheek.
“This calls for dessert I think.” David grinned.
“Always leave room for dessert.” Smiled Taron. “A wise woman told me that once.”
“I am very excited to meet this wise woman of yours Taron. Especially when she can make your face smile like that.” Elton sat back on his chair and took Taron’s hand in his. “Very excited.”
While his heart raced and his stomach churned with nervous energy, Taron happily tucked into the chocolate treat placed in front of him. How quickly his mood lifted with one simple phone call and he willed the time to go faster but he knew the next five hours were going to move at a snail’s pace.
“Thank you very much for looking after this for me.” Robyn said to the air hostess as she was handed back her precious dress.
“No problem at all. I think it was better hanging up in first class then being creased in an overhead storage box.”
Robyn nodded. “Thanks again.”
“Have a great day.”
Returning the well wishes, Robyn then made her way down the aircraft’s gangway and out into the terminal. She had made this journey so many times, she knew exactly where to go and how to get where she needed to get to. The flight had made it on time and it was just after four forty-five when she pulled her case from luggage carousal three. It was slightly awkward for her with a bag and a dress but in order to carry everything she needed to get ready, Robyn needed to check in a bag. She had packed things she probably wouldn’t even need but she had never needed to get so dressed up before so her case was overloaded with extra make up and even a curling iron even though she never could curl her hair. When she got home that morning, she literally had ten minutes to pull her stuff together and thankfully she hadn’t unpacked the case and only needed to throw a few extra items in to cover herself for the weekend. She didn’t even bother to change and was still wearing Taron’s shirt and it was amazing how a patterned shirt could give her the confidence she needed to muster up to keep walking because although she was shit scared about the whole auction, she was on her way to see Taron and when it came down to it, that was why she was taking the huge step out of her comfort zone. To see him. As she walked towards the self-service ticket desk for the Heathrow Express, she could feel her nerves bubbling low on her stomach. She knew Taron’s reaction wouldn’t let her down and he was so excited to hear that she was on her way and as usual his giddiness was infectious and it had quickly spread to her. She bought a one-way ticket for the Heathrow Express and headed towards the track for the train. She was a little concerned about her dress getting damaged and was tempted to hail a taxi from Paddington station to her hotel in Holborn but deciding it would just be quicker to get the tube, then sitting in London traffic, once off the train, made her way down to the underground, keeping a tight grip on the precious garment in her hands.
She was checked in and sitting on the bed in the hotel room texting Taron just after six to let him know that she was about to get ready, asking him for a picture of his suit but his reply came back with a smiley face and a zip along with a love heart. She immediately called him.
“Not even a peak?”
“Absolutely not. Tit for tat chicken.”
“Oh, I see how it is.” Laughed Robyn. “So how are you feeling?” She asked him.
“Shitting myself to be honest. My heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest but Elton, David and Lyndsey have been so kind to me and keep talking me out of making a run for it. You know I don’t mind if you turn up in jeans and converse and walk the carpet with me.”
“You put me through the torture of trying on dresses Taron, I am going to wear this dress or nothing at all.”
“I am good with the nothing at all.” He chuckled.
“And moving back to the subject at hand. Honestly how are you feeling?” She asked again.
“Incredibly nervous but if there was any event where I can change the subject and questions asked of me, it is this one. I can easily turn the conversation back around to Elton’s charity and why we are here. I am glad my first public appearance is for Elton and at home, well my London home and that you are going to be here. Still expected to arrive around eight thirty?”
“Yeah that’s the plan. I mean I can pull a red carpet look together in over an hour, right?”
Taron chuckled. “I have seen you in a towel Robyn. Whatever you turn up in, will be beautiful to me.”
“Well that would help me arrive on time but no. You were right about my inner girl and she is ready to get dolled up.”
“I can’t wait to see you.”
“Not long to go now rocketman.”
“I had better let you go then and actually David has just walked into the room. Time for me to go.”
“Remember to breathe ok? And just tell the truth. It’s gotten us this far without too much hassle.”
“Get out of my head chicken.”
Robyn laughed. “I like it in there. Go and be your usual happy go lucky self.”
“The car will be outside at seven-thirty for you and call me when you are near.”
“I will. Now you go and be your wonderful articulated self.”
With another quick goodbye Robyn ended the call. “Right time to sort your shit out Robyn.” She stood up and pulled her case up onto the bed and took ten minutes to sort through all the crap she brought, lining her make up along the desk in front of the mirror, leaving her little bag with her hair bobbins and clips beside her make up brushes. Robyn had a rough idea of what she wanted her make-up and hair to look like, and took a quick shower to wash all the travelling off, taking extra time to rub some of her most expensive body moisturiser in when she had dried off. It matched the same brand of perfume she had brought, the one she used for specials occasions. Packed in her case was her comfy blue dressing gown and she pulled it on and tied it tight, taking a seat in front of the mirror. She had under an hour to pull herself together and starting with her hair and Robyn was going to use her trademark plaits combined with somewhat of a messy bun which she hoped would look elegant and classy. Making sure the split in her hair was in the middle, she made two quick plaits one third of the way back on either side of her hair, keeping some strands loose at the front and edged pieces of the plaits out, messing them up a little. She moved the plaits to the front of her hair and pulled the rest into a midway ponytail at the back of her head, teasing some of the hair out at the crown of her head so it wasn’t too perfect. She then created four smaller plaits in the pony tail and made quick work of rolling sections of her hair up and pinning it around the bobbin, not worrying if it was even or neat, pinning the smaller plaits around last so they were more on show. She even teased more of the hair out so it purposely looked messy. Robyn had a lot of hair to work with but once she pinned the two plaits in front in a crisscross design at the back of the bun, tucking the ends in so they couldn’t be seen, she was happy enough with what she had hoped was a decent hair style. She wasn’t a stranger to fixing her hair herself and having to pull something together quickly. She sprayed it all over with a strong hairspray keeping each strand in its place.
She checked her phone for the time and had forty minutes left before the car would arrive for her.
“Right make-up.”
Subtly was always Robyn’s way but she had already chosen a much more dramatic look for her make up. She wanted to make a serious impression but also, she secretly wanted to make Taron’s jaw drop. He had seen her complete casual look and wanted to bring everything she could for her fancy fancy look and show him that just because she was laid back and low maintenance didn’t mean she couldn’t pull out all the stops when she needed too.
Her gold and navy smoky eyes made her own blue eyes stand out and as she added one last layer of mascara, she was glad to see she managed to get her eye liner even on both sides too. With twenty minutes before she needed to be out the door, it gave her enough time to add some bronzer and blush as well as a highlight and quickly line her lips in a deep plum liner that matched her chosen lipstick. Going bold with her choices, Robyn had asked Claire her advice first and her friend had ended their call with a suggestion of leaving a lipstick stain on the collar of Taron’s shirt.
Robyn had already pre-packed the gold shoulder bag she had bought and she just needed to add some of her make up products and lipstick. With ten minutes to go, she used the bathroom once more, starting to feel her nerves building. She took her dressing gown off and sprayed her perfume, before slipping into her dress, being very careful of her hair. Sitting on the bed, she put on her shoes, open toe gold heels as suggested by Stella and quickly added a diamond bracelet her parents had given her from her graduation two years ago and pair of gold hoop ear rings. She added her mood ring to her left thumb and walked over to the full-length mirror in the room and grinned. The dress sparkled in the lights of the room and as she titled her head, even if she felt a ball of nerves, she had achieved her desired look – fierce and ready to face whatever the night threw her way.
She plugged her phone out from its charge and a text arrived from Taron.
‘Car is outside waiting. Cannot wait to see you xx’
She quickly texted him back.
‘Heading to the car now. Hope you make it down the carpet in one piece xx’
‘Surviving it. I just kept breathing xx’
Robyn smiled a little sadly as she read his message. ‘I am sure you’ve been amazing xx’
‘Can’t wait for a hug xx’
‘I don’t know if you can crease this dress… xx’
Taron sent back a smiley face with his tongue sticking out. ‘It’s my dress, I will crease it if I want. Just get your fancy fancy self here xx’
Laughing, Robyn did one last check around the room, making sure she had everything she needed, including her little gift for Taron and with one last look in the mirror, a genuine smile appeared on her face. It was a very rare occasion that she was able to dress up and she felt good in what she was wearing and liked what she saw in the mirror, especially more so that Taron had chosen her dress. She pulled the room key from the slot and closed the door behind her. She waited for the lift and stepped in alongside two other people who were already in it. She gave them a small smile and turned around, feeling a little foolish for being so dressed up but felt a bigger smile fill her lips when she heard them whisper behind her back. Once the door of the lift opened, she confidently walked out and through reception where she saw some heads look her way towards the door. She was glad to see the blacked-out car waiting along with the driver as outside the hotel stool four men who looked her way with a wink.
“Robyn?” Asked the driver.
“That’s me.” She answered and she stepped closer.
“I am Anthony.”
“Nice to meet you.” Robyn held her hand out for a handshake but the driver stalled a little.
“Taron wanted me to give these to you.” From around his back he pulled out a bunch of pink and yellow roses. “And these.” A red packet appeared in his other hand, Anthony giving Robyn some chocolate turtles.
Robyn couldn’t help the full-face grin that filled her face as she accepted the two gifts from Taron that the driver held. “Thank you.”
“So…” Anthony opened the door for her. “Shall we go?”
“Yes please.” Robyn had to google how to get into a car in the most lady like fashion possible as she knew she was going to be judged for every move she made once she arrived at Elton’s and thankfully the slit in her dress made it easy for her to slide into the car before tucking her legs in after. The door closed and she looked at the flowers in her hands, her face still held in a large smile. The driver got into his seat and the noise from the closing his own door, made Robyn look up.
“We will be there within the hour Robyn. I will tell you when we are ten minutes out so you can call Taron.”
“Thank you, Anthony.”
“There are some refreshments in the arm rest beside you, help yourself and just let me know if you want the heat turned up or down.”
“I will.”
Robyn looked to the flowers again and noticed a little card inside them. She pulled it out and read it to herself.
‘Yellow for friendship, pink for appreciation and turtles for nerves Taron xxx’
Robyn had a feeling her grin was going to be permanently fixed on her face for the evening and she pulled out her phone.
‘I think these might be my ever first bunch of flowers that did not come from a parent in work. They are beautiful. Thank you so much xx’
It took a few minutes before a reply came back her way.
‘And the turtles? xx’
‘I am willing to share xx’
‘That’s my girl xx’
Any doubts she had when she posted the invite, which made her want to go into the post office and ask the teller could she get her letter back, had glided away. It was now excited energy that flowed through her blood and as she sat in the leather seats in the back of the car, she opened her phone and flicked through the photos she still had of herself and Taron together. She was ready to add some more to her growing collection, for once enjoying the butterflies that were floating her stomach as he was brought closer to the man who had been in her thoughts constantly since he left her.
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fortunatelylori · 5 years
This is a long one: having read all of the sympathetic and convincing Sidney Parker posts here, I am wonder if you’re letting Sidney off a little too easily? It seems to me that no matter how much he may want to find love (as has been so eloquently argued here), he has not yet learned true selfless love imo. His half proposal is a point in case. Consider the comparison with Babbers.
Sidney: “What a brute I was… I hope that I am a different man now… If I have changed at all it is in no small part to you. I have never wanted to put myself in someone else’s power before. I have never wanted to care for anyone but myself.”Lord B: “My dear girl don’t you know that I am in love with you… It’s enough that you like me and that you trust me…I have no wish to own you…i want to make you happy. I could never try to lead or constrain you, Esther. All I ask is to walk through life by you
I know he was just getting warmed up, but Sidney’s expression of love is still very firmly about his own development and his own realisation, while Babs’s expression of love is very much about what he hopes to give, and what it means to love. Sidney’s growth arc is incomplete and he still hasn’t fully earned Charlotte, whom Rose Williams has made so generous, brave and loveable. You have already pointed out that this is the midway point in the story, and I completely agree.
But I would love to hear your thoughts on how this circle can be squared: Are we supposed to think that Sidney has done something noble by pimping himself out to Eliza Campion for the sake of his feckless brother and disappointing and destroying his own happiness and, more importantly by JA rules, that of a young inexperienced woman whom he has publicly shouted at, exposed himself to, felt up, kissed, and half proposed to?
Andrew Davies has put Sidney in a hell of a bind: If he breaks it off with Eliza now, he’s a dishonourable cad. If Eliza breaks it off with him, Charlotte looks like second prize to his first great love in the world’s eyes. If he marries Eliza and she dies and he runs back to Charlotte, how can we expect Char to enter that “river” again?
The only comparable situation in JA is Elinor Dashwood and Edward Ferrars, and Edward’s honour was completely intact throughout: his secret engagement occurred when he was young and naïve; he retreated from Elinor once he realised he loved her before more damage was done; he stuck by the loathsome Miss Steele once their engagement was public despite wanting Elinor; Miss Steele throws him over for his brother making clear that she was only ever interested in money and feelings were not at stake.
By contrast, Sidney has broken the heart of an intelligent and worthy young woman for a venal and loveless marriage, though the cynical “bargain” seems to be that he try to love Eliza. Ugh. Badly done, Sidney! How can we redeem Sidney to the point of making him worthy of St. Charlotte? How can he be extricated from this mess without losing his honour and without making Charlotte suffer any further?I would love to see Charlotte released from the passivity she has been forced into here.
She has been robbed of any agency after being established as an active character – a toiler and a spinner. Perhaps she will concoct a way to save Sidney’s soul behind the scenes, showing him in the process what true selfless love looks and feels like. I have a weird feeling that in one episode someone said something like “Men need to be helped without ever knowing they’re being helped…” or something similar. That’s coming back to me now – maybe that’s the only direction this can take:
Charlotte orchestrates Sidney’s rescue with the help of Lady S and the Prince Regent and then retreats back to Heraclitus and rabbit hunting in Willingden, where Sidney comes to find her. After a spot of grovelling and sexy scything in the fields to show that he is not just a dandy city boy but a man of substance, he will win back our Charlotte. Whew! sorry forth long one, had to get it off my chest. Now, about that GOT ending…
Hey there!
Whew … that was INTENSE! Lol … I hope you really meant it when you said you wanted my thoughts on this take because you’re going to get them and …. I don’t think you’re going to like them.
So here goes nothing … I’m going to break this down into topics because your messages covers a lot of ground.
Firstly, the issue of selfless love:
When I was much, much, MUCH younger that I am now, I watched a little movie called Love Story (1970). This film was essentially The Notebook of my mother’s generation. And the most famous line in that film is:
Jenny: Love means never having to say you're sorry
The main female character is standing in the freezing cold with no way to enter her apartment because her husband got pissed off at her and bolted. And that’s what comes out of her mouth … Because love is selfless, right? You don’t need to apologize for anything EVER because love means never having to say you’re sorry.
Let me tell you something: THAT IS COMPLETE AND UTTER BULLSHIT! Anyone who believes romantic love should be selfless needs to reevaluate. The belief in selfless romantic love will not help anyone find that kind of love (because it doesn’t exist). What it will do is that it will allow that person to be prayed on by fuck bois/fuck girls everywhere because you are going to continually excuse their behavior … because you have to love them unconditionally, right? WRONG!
Selfless love is acceptable only in a parent-child dynamic. That’s it! As Cersei would put it:
Cersei: On that front, a mother has no choice
Romantic love is very much conditional on treatment, involvement and attraction. When it isn’t, that’s fertile ground for abuse.
You think this is romantic?
Babington: My dear girl, don’t you know that I am in love with you?
Esther: And what is that to me since I do not love you?
Babington: I don’t care. It’s enough that you like me and that you trust me.
What happens six months down the line when Babs catches Esther having sex with Edward in their marital bed? Do you think he’s still not going to care she doesn’t love him back? What Babington is doing in his proposal is lying to himself. No person who has ever been in love ever genuinely does not care if the object of his affection loves him back. We all want to be loved back. We pretend we don’t because we’re so desperate to have that person that we think we’re able to live without it or, most likely, because we think we can talk them round into loving us.
To be clear, I don’t think Esther will cheat on Babington with Edward. But you can bet your bottom dollar Edward will be coming back into her life in season 2 and that she won’t be over him. Guess who will get his heart put through the ringer?
Sidney’s proposal, on the other hand, is very much how an adult should suggest a lifelong commitment to another adult.
Sidney: If I have changed at all, it’s in no small part down to you. I have never wanted to put myself in someone else’s power before. I’ve never wanted to care for anyone but myself.
In his speech what Sidney is laying out is the following: I am well aware I have issues and that we’ve clashed around those issues time and time again. I am committing myself to fixing them because you make me want to do better. I have trust issues but you make me want to hand you my heart because I know you won’t hurt me. I want to share my life with you and make your needs a priority in my life because you make me less selfish.
I’m sorry … but I’ll take Sidney’s proposal over Babington’s any day of the week because Sidney has a plan for our future (lol) while Babington knows I don’t love him but he is so blinded by infatuation that he can’t see he’s promising something he can’t deliver on … and most crucially no one should deliver on.  
Sidney’s growth arc is incomplete and he still hasn’t fully earned Charlotte, whom Rose Williams has made so generous, brave and loveable.
I agree that Sidney’s arc is incomplete but so is Charlotte’s. She’s not fully come into her own either and this isn’t a matter of one character being flawless while the other has to work his way to her perfection.
Sidney doesn’t need to earn Charlotte because Charlotte is not a possession, she’s a person and Sidney is not some lecherous monster that needs to go through the 7 circles of hell in order to “earn” anything. Sidney and Charlotte are two people that have had some conflicts but nothing truly disastrous (until Sidney proposes to Eliza, that is) and in which they both have had their share of blame. It’s not like Sidney has been the sole aggressor in all of this. Charlotte has insulted him and mocked him in an assortment of ways.
In the end they have chosen to put those differences aside and have come together with a new understanding of who the other person is. They’ve chosen to love each other and accept each other’s flaws. There is no discrepancy in worth between the two of them that needs to be addressed by Sidney.
What should happen in a potential season 2 is that he will need to rebuild Charlotte’s trust after breaking it with his engagement to Eliza. But that discussion is separate since his initial proposal comes before the Tom Parker realizes he doesn’t have insurance debacle.
Are we supposed to think that Sidney has done something noble by pimping himself out to Eliza Campion for the sake of his feckless brother and disappointing and destroying his own happiness and, more importantly by JA rules, that of a young inexperienced woman whom he has publicly shouted at, exposed himself to, felt up, kissed, and half proposed to?
I think what we’re supposed to take from Sidney’s decision to sacrifice his happiness to help his brother is that his “outlier” facade was just that … a façade. Beneath all that is a man who is willing to go to extremes for the people he cares about. I also think that it shows Sidney, despite his outward confidence, doesn’t really love himself that much.
You’re making the mistake of assuming Sidney’s decision to marry Eliza is a rejection of Charlotte. I wouldn’t blame Charlotte for thinking it but we have a 360 view of the story that she doesn’t have the luxury of having.
We know Sidney loves her. We know he is heartbroken at having to let her go. But he doesn’t want his brother to go to jail and he has only 1 week to figure out a way out of the hole Tom has dug himself into. I’m pretty sure Eliza was the last option on the list of things Sidney tried to do in order to help his brother.
As for your implication that Sidney somehow dishonored Charlotte, it’s pretty obvious from the tone of the show that the whole “there always has to be a chaperone” and “no kissing before marriage” etc. are not rules they are choosing to include in their version of the regency. Charlotte leaves Sanditon with her reputation intact. It is her heart that is broken and I’d be willing to bet that in Sidney’s mind, he has already convinced himself that she will recover very quickly while he will be in pain for the rest of his life. Because … as I’ve said … he doesn’t love himself enough to realize just how much Charlotte loves him.
If he breaks it off with Eliza now, he’s a dishonourable cad. If Eliza breaks it off with him, Charlotte looks like second prize to his first great love in the world’s eyes. If he marries Eliza and she dies and he runs back to Charlotte, how can we expect Char to enter that “river” again? The only comparable situation in JA is Elinor Dashwood and Edward Ferrars, and Edward’s honour was completely intact throughout
I’m not sure what your point is here? For starters, who cares what “the world” thinks? Charlotte will know that Sidney loves her and only her and that his engagement with Eliza was an act of desperation on his part. And so will we, the viewers, because and I quote:
Sidney: I don’t love her, you know.
Charlotte and Sidney’s situation is exactly the same as Eleanor and Edward’s, with the exception that Sidney didn’t flirt with Charlotte and almost proposed to her while being engaged to someone else the way Edward does.
And if we are going to take “the world’s” opinion into account, I’m pretty sure people very much speculated that Edward was nursing a broken heart over the woman for whom he risked everything, was disinherited and that abandoned him to marry his brother. After all why else would he retreat to the countryside and marry the almost old maid with no fortune, Eleanor Dashwood? See how you can spin anything into something negative if you want to?
How can we redeem Sidney to the point of making him worthy of St. Charlotte?
Sigh … Sidney has always been worthy of Charlotte. He is a good man ... with great AAAABBBSSSS. And while Charlotte getting her heart broken is deeply sad, I think it’s safe to say it’s Sidney that has gotten the truly shitty end of the stick. He has tied himself to a woman whom he does not love and who treats him like he’s her dog.
I don’t think people realize just how hopeless his situation is. It’s not like if he marries Eliza, he can get a divorce a few years down the line. He is stuck with the woman who betrayed him 10 years ago for the rest of his life. And he’s in this situation not even because of his own venal desires or greed. He’s in it to save his brother … a brother that will probably ruin himself regardless. That kind of thing eats at a person.
Charlotte’s state, on the other hand, is not permanent. I’m not trying to minimize her pain. Heartbreak is horrible and deeply traumatizing. But as everyone who has gone through it can tell you, it eventually goes away. You recover, you move on.
I don’t think she will need to go through the entire letting go process because she and Sidney will be reunited and everything will work out for the best but if she had to, she would go through it and come out the other side even stronger than she is now.
I would love to see Charlotte released from the passivity she has been forced into here. She has been robbed of any agency after being established as an active character – a toiler and a spinner. Perhaps she will concoct a way to save Sidney’s soul behind the scenes, showing him in the process what true selfless love looks and feels like.
See … this is confusing to me. On the one hand you think Sidney isn’t worthy of Charlotte, on the other you want her to save him. I would suggest it’s not Charlotte’s job to extract Sidney from the shitty situation he’s in. He has to do that for himself.
As for Charlotte being robbed of agency … what’s that even based on? What was she supposed to do in that situation? It’s not like there’s 80.000 pounds hidden under the Heywood family tree that Lassie can dig up …
After a spot of grovelling and sexy scything in the fields to show that he is not just a dandy city boy but a man of substance, he will win back our Charlotte
And this is the part where you truly lost me … As a born and bred city girl, with a generational line of city dwellers dating back centuries, I will have you know I have SUBSTANCE, ok?!?! I have many, many substances … I’m oh so substantiated and stuff.
All joking aside, why does Sidney need to prove that he is a man of substance? What the hell has he done to make anyone assume he isn’t?
I guess in the end our conflicting views come from our perceptions of Sidney as a person. I don’t think Sidney is a bad boy that needs to be redeemed through his love for Charlotte. I think he has always been a good man who is trying to do his best for those around him, who has had to deal with some pretty shitty situations in his life and who is involved in at least one toxic relationship (with his brother). In addition to that, he has a self-destructive streak (people who get dumped don’t necessarily react to it by setting fire to their whole lives and almost dying in the process) which makes it easy for him to prioritize Tom’s well-fare over his own life.
The reason why he falls so deeply in love with Charlotte is because she offers him a real chance of breaking out of those patterns and being able to be seen and loved for who he is. The problem is that toxic past relationships are still very much encroaching on his ability to move on with his life in a healthy way.
In order to break free, what Sidney needs isn’t to be saved. What he needs is to put a stop to the negative patterns that exist at the core of his relationship with Tom (and Mary by extension) and to put the whole Eliza relationship to rest.  
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thecandywrites · 4 years
Of Heaven and Fire Part 10
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So, the storm is building and when it get’s bigger, we’ll see a spiral and then devastation, like a tornado. And all I can say is. Buckle up and I’m sorry. I’m usually the quintessential soft, sweet and fluffy writer, I don’t know where all this angst is coming from, but this story is keeping me sane during quarentine and maybe that’s why this story is as emotionally charged as it is. 
Tagging the crew. @probablyclever​, @imherefortheforthefanart​ and @funmadnessandbadassvikings​, your comments are giving me LIFE. And if anyone else wants to be tagged, just let me know. Enjoy. 
Of Heaven and Fire Part 10
The next morning came all too soon, you barely got any sleep the night before because all your worries kept eating away at you and once the storm died out. More angels and more heavenly moura than you could ever count surrounded the fleet. Two weeks ago you would have cried tears of joy and relief, now, just seeing them gave you dread. What looked like clouds was just...all angels and heavenly moura and you couldn’t tell which was which at this distance. It was an awe inspiring sight. And all the orcs were too afraid to come up on deck. 
“My Lords.” You greeted Suriel and Prince Cordene along with Prince Oriles who came up from the water via a pillar of water as you looked out and noticed the water practically teaming with merfolk trying to corral schools of fish. 
“Benyana, as you can see we brought reinforcements.” Prince Cordene practically crooned as he gestured to his many troops. “I have brought a hundred and fifty legions.” He bragged. 
“And I brought 200 legions, all who are ready to do your bidding.” Suriel beamed smugly as Prince Cordene tried to cover up his jealous glare. But you could see his feelings in his eyes. You didn’t know if you had the energy to juggle their competing egos today. 
“I see that and I’m eternally grateful for them. But I must prey upon your patience because this fleet still needs to fish. They can not return empty handed and as it stands, they are fearful for their own innocent lives to even come up onto the deck.” You tried to plead. 
“Well let us then send messages to them that they have nothing to fear from myself and my troops at least.” Suriel was the first to offer. 
“Likewise.” Prince Cordene immidiately added. 
“Thank you, that would mean a lot to me.” You thanked him sincerely as Suriel simply raised his hand and angels flew to every ship to deliver that message followed by Prince Cordene’s troops as well. 
“And please allow me to offer my own services, even as we speak, my citizens are schooling the various kinds of fish together. Please, tell me which ones you would most prefer.” Oriles offered before he pulled a wall of water up next to the ship that had the different kinds of fish in their own sections. Organized from the smallest to the largest which made you gasp in delight and astonishment. 
“Cugas, come here please.” You called before Cugas peeked his head above deck before he seemed to be pushed onto it by his crew below deck. 
“Hi,” Cugas greeted meekly before he came over. 
“Captain Cugas, I am Suriel, let me assure you that you and your fleet have nothing to fear on our account, Lady Benyana has informed us that you need to fish before you can return home since the fish are a food source for your clan. Please feel free to do so without fear. Once your boats are at their fill, then we escourt this fleet back to your harbor safely.” Suriel reassured him which you were grateful for. 
“Thank you.” Cugas nodded. 
“Prince Oriles is being oh so kind and considerate as to offer his assistance in the fishing.” You began as you reached into the column of water and got Oriles’ hand before you pulled it out and kissed his knuckles affectionately before he quickly and easily flipped his hand so that he was holding your face as you could see out of the corner of his eye that Prince Cordene was getting insanely jealous again. 
“Cugas, since I still only know a little about fish, I will follow your lead, please pick which ones you think would be best both for your clan and for Suchi.” You put to Cugas as you pulled away from Prince Oriles as he then lowered the wall and moved it around so that Cugas could get a good look at all the specimens. 
“This is the craziest thing to ever happen to me.” Cugas muttered under his breath to you as he looked at them all. 
“Oh, just wait.” You muttered back through a smile. 
“Uh so if I could get some of…” Cugas started to order off as he went through all the fish presented to him, especially happy that there was just a huge, massive variety and even the greater fish like tuna and swordfish, ironfish, cloud shark and stromwelo was offered as he then directed which boats he wanted which fish to go on and then which kind of crabs and lobsters he wanted in the pots before they got into position around the black eye of water and dropped their nets and in a matter of minutes, every net was full to almost the ripping point of the nets and in a matter of hours every hold on every ship was so full it was to the point of almost bursting before you saw the water dragons come up and blow ice at the boats, just enough that they had a nice layer of ice around the hauls, instead of being jagged like crystals, it was smooth as if it was carved that way and the boats were suddenly smoother in their sailing and the fish holds themselves were instantly frozen solid before you thanked the dragons personally before they presented you with a bubble that floated up from below the water up past it’s surface and into your hands. It was a sphere of what looked like a large ball of jade and while it was cool to the touch, it didn’t freeze your hands but the moment it touched your hands, it started to change colors into brilliant blues and purples and even pinks and reds. It was hypnotizing. 
“A special gift for the princess, your new most precious possession.” Yingshen winked at you. 
“Thank you.” You thanked her gratefully. It looked like it should weigh quite a bit but it was incredibly light before it shrunk down in size so that it fit into one hand and you were able to put it into your little purse like satchel for safe keeping as your instincts told you to protect it because it was something especially precious and something you should guard with your life and that the power contained within it was greater than you had ever known before and you were grateful it was contained, you would have to learn how to handle such power before you could wield it. 
“So while the nets are being put away, I wish to speak to all of you. Once I return to Suchi- I will begin accepting courting proposals. However, I would like- in writing- the rules of courting in each of your spheres, according to your ways, traditions and cultures and once I have all of them- I will read them and consider them before I set out my own rules on how I will wish to be courted and terms that will be fair and acceptable to all. And I can tell you right now that the first rule that no harm is ever to be done or even threatened against myself, my family, my colony or any of the other competitors, their families and their own dwelling places, be it a town or clan or tribe or city or whatever and there will be no sabotaging the other competitors.” You put to them as they weighed those terms over. 
“More details to follow, as soon as I figure them out myself.” You added which got them all to grin. 
“Agreed,” Suriel was the first to offer. 
“Yes, agreed.” Oriles agreed before Cordene begrudgingly agreed as well as you could already tell he had planned on sabotaging everyone else. 
It was almost instantaneous that once the fleet was squared away and the fleet was pointed back to port- the stiffest breeze the sails could take began to blow before a massive ship came up from the waters, it was the largest and most magnificent ship you had ever seen in your life. Like it was it’s own city on a ship and was so much larger than any ship in Cugas’ fleet and it followed the fleet before the winds picked up. The winds were so strong and so deliberate that what had taken you three days to sail out- now took barely a day to sail back and you barely had time to pack up your room with help from Brock as he watched you anxiously clean and pack. 
“Hey,” Brock softly murmured as he stilled your hands and made you just stop for a second and look at him. “Talk to me.” Brock invited. 
“I can’t. I’m sorry, I just...can’t.” You excused yourself as you pulled away from him but he quickly pulled you into a hug and just held you before you broke down crying.  
“I’m sorry,” He apologized. “It really is all my fault. I was being incredibly selfish in taking you and keeping you, I should have set you free that first night. And now we’re both worried about everyone around us being collateral damage.” He apologized and it was like he was pouring a soothing balm to your soul as you clung to him. 
“We’ll get through this, you’ll see.” He reassured you. 
By sunset you were back at Stormbreaker’s harbor and Brock’s family was at the docks waiting for you along with another family, judging by the way they were dressed, were of great importance but the relief on Brock’s family’s face when that shackle was nowhere to be seen on you was readily seen as you watched as Oriles came off the ship, sporting a pair of legs as you could tell he was still getting the hang of walking on them, his trident however still in his grasp as he came to stand with you as you introduced everyone to your new “friends” and revealed that Suriel and Cordene were also tasked with bringing you home and that no one should be fearful of the heavenly forces above all of you. 
“Oh thank the gods.” Rhos exclaimed as she hugged you tight before you pulled away and picked Kari up and held her tight, kissing her cheeks affectionately as she hugged you back. 
“Warchief Onvan, this is our moura friend Benyana.” She introduced you to them before he introduced himself and his family. 
“It is most auspicious that you’re here to celebrate the alliance. For we’ve discovered that our clans are sister clans.” Onvan announced. 
“Oh?” You feigned surprise. 
“Yes, it’s been discovered that the warchieftess is auric orc and Hurricane Breaker is the only clan to have auric orcs.” Onvan revealed proudly as you gave a curious look to Rhos who gave you a meaningful look in turn.  
“Auric...like, gold? Gold orc?” You repeated in confusion before they all turned around and you saw that...all of them had the moura gold neck tattoo. 
Oh shit. Fuck. 
You didn’t need to feign your surprise, your jaw was on the floor as your eyes got wide as you gasped as you and Prince Cordene were both shocked as you two looked in surprise at each other with hints of alarm while Suriel simply had a knowing smirk on his face. 
“What’s going on?” Oriles whispered to Suriel who gestured for him to just watch the scene unfold. 
“Wow. That’s..that’s amazing.” You tried to flatter despite the panic whirling ferociously in your chest. 
“Come, a feast is already ready for your return, let the others unload the boats.” He invited as his little ones came forward and encircled around you and urged you to come with them as Oriles, Cordene and Suriel and Brock followed you and you could see the panic in Brock’s eyes as Rhos was just simply trying to remain calm as you walked with them to a magnificent tent had been set up across from the warchief’s house and you sat down with the other kids surrounding you as they inspected all the embroidery on your clothes with eager eyes and fingers as you made your dress even bigger with stories sewn into the embroidery on the skirt to keep them and Kari entertained as you noticed Kari also had her hair up and it showed off her own golden neck tattoo as the guys sat nearby, all except for Suriel giving Brock a wide berth. 
“So tell me about auric orcs, I’ve never heard of them before.” You invited the warchief’s family.  
“For countless generations our clan has had this mark. When our babes are born, they grow a feather blanket out of it and once the blanket stops growing and detaches itself from the baby, the gold night happens, our god Zirvush comes alive and takes the feather blanket as it’s tribute and leaves behind the most wonderful treasures as a blessing! We use these to buy what the baby needs and what the family needs. And part of the blessings is that we cry diamonds!” Duzi, on of Onvam’s daughters who was only about seven or eight,  informed you excitedly before she went over and got her baby brother from her mother, one of Onvam’s dozen wives but not his warchieftess and the baby boy- who was only a few months old and brought him to you. 
“See? It’s almost done growing but it’s still stuck, once it’s done and it comes off, like an umbilical cord after a baby’s born,” she explained as you gathered him into your arms and started to coo at him. He had to be the most precious baby orc boy you had ever seen as you held him as he stared up in awed wonder at you, his little hands reaching out to grab your own free finger before he cooed back at you. 
“Aren’t you just so handsome! And oh so strong, you have a grip like iron!” You cooed at him and begin to rock him gently as you just take a moment to appreciate him as Onvam and his family beamed happily while you were sure Onvam’s eldest son Bedhu was imagining all the ways he could impregnate you judging by his leering at you holding his youngest half brother even though he himself had six wives too, all with children his younger sibling’s ages. 
“Warchief Onvam, I’m well aware that my grandmother has contracted you to bring me home and I know all the details of that contract. And while I know you are anxious to deliver me there, I have a proposition for you.” You began as you continued to rock the baby as Onvam and Bedhu practically drooled at your choice of words while the others simply looked to you curiously.  
“I know that your clan is quite rich while Stormbreaker is poorer by comparison. I wish to bring great wealth both to Stormbreaker but also to your clan as well.” You explained as you could feel Brock flush with a bit of embarrassment which made you feel a little guilty but you didn’t show it. “As it stands, all but one of the ships in port have their holds frozen solid, frozen on purpose by my friends Yingshen and her mate Pantaou that are a mated pair of oriental water dragons that I befriended in my times in the sea as a siren. Because as you’ve been informed, I’m a moura, granted a half blood mountain moura but a moura nonetheless and mouras and dragons, no matter the species are always allies and I’ll happily group you in with the blessing the water dragons have given me. If you don’t fish right over the black eye, but fish around it with shallow nets- they won’t destroy your boats and I trust your fleet as well as Stormbreakers fleet can come to an agreement about fishing that will benefit everyone, in fact I dare say you’ll have more success if you fish together. Now the fish and other seafood in those holds is intended for Suchi. Since I know the river that Stormbreaker sits on goes straight to the mountains that Suchi rests in. At the base of the mountain, where the river meets them is something of another harbor where all the merchants who travel up this river go to unload their ships of goods headed to Suchi and that they get paid in gold for their cargo at Suchi as well as the other colonies. I wish for Stormbreaker to be another merchant to Suchi and the goods they will sell will be some of the seafood they catch. And I wish for Stormbreaker to keep all the proceeds of that sale both this time and everytime in the future. But the citizens in Suchi may not know how to cook it, or at least cook it well. When you go with us, I want every good cook in your clan to bring all their cooking supplies and when we get to the colony square inside the gates, set up cooking stations, the citizens of Suchi will gladly pay Stormbreaker for the fish, but they will also pay you to process, clean and cook it all for them. I want the cooks in Stormbreaker to also feel free to do the same and the ice around those blocks of seafood will hold until we get there. No one should eat spoiled seafood and once it all sells, then you and Stormbreaker will be free to go back down the mountain back onto your boats and go out to sea to fish again. And if you sail in the circle current around the black eye over the water dragons, they will freeze your holds but only your holds and you’ll be able to come back, not just to Suchi but to the other colony Twilla that is at the top of the other side of the mountain who’s river estuary your own clan sits on and you can repeat this process and you’ll be able to sell all that you catch twice, once raw and again cooked. Ask ridiculous prices for it, make the cheapest fish go for a gold piece a pound and another gold piece for it cooked. And you’ll be able to repeat this as much as you want in addition to improving the river and the harbors in your territory as Stormbreaker will do the same in theirs and simply ask for either a flat fee from all those merchants to sail in your river to Twilla or a percentage of their own sales, whichever you prefer. Have your people pack as quickly as possible. Once you deliver me home, consider all of the terms of your contract with my grandmother fulfilled, nothing further will be asked or expected of you and you’ll receive your final payment and blessing before we even leave for Suchi. Because you’ll need those funds to buy whatever you would need or want because Suchi is an expensive place to stay for any length of time.” You proposed. 
“My clan will need a few days to get ready, will that be too long?” Onvam returned. 
“No, that’ll be just fine, I will need time myself to convene once again with my grandmother.” You smiled appreciatively at him just as a feast was brought out for you as you readily shared the giant portion of your food with all the little ones, helping them to eat too as food was brought out to the other guys, as Cordene and Oriles looked at the food wearily but after a few bites began to dig in as Suriel and Brock ate as well as you enjoyed yourself with Hurricane Breaker. 
As you walked out of their tent into the warchief’s house, you started to pace in their living room as you tried to grasp everything and all the components to this huge puzzle and try to figure out how they could be pieced together. 
“What?” Prince Cordene asked. 
“I need everyone’s help. I need to set a trap. That baby’s cloak is a day or two away from coming off. I need to know who this “Zirvush” is.” You explained. 
“Hide in plain sight as a bird then, in a “cage” if need be.” Brock shrugged as you all blinked in surprise. 
“Have Suriel and Prince Cordene hide their legions in the clouds themselves. I’m sure Suriel has a way of hiding them in plain sight too.” Brock suggested as Prince Cordene went to point out how beautifully simple that is.
“Then that only leaves me a day to strike the deal with my grandmother.” You insisted. 
“Uh, actually, let Prince Oriles go get her, he can get her and come back faster than you can. Time is of the essence. And Yana, no need to change into a bird to hide in plain sight, I’ll do that. They’ll be suspicious if they see you in a cage since they already know that you’re free.” Suriel stopped you as Oriles was all too eager to do so before he quickly left and you didn’t think twice as to Suriel’s objections. 
Come morning, your grandma was in the water at the end of the dock as you sat on the end of it and talked with her and she begrudgingly gave Hurricane Breaker their final payment which they happily accepted as well as a gift for yourself. Quite a bit of treasure, a whole treasure trove full, conveniently in another orb. This one was gold in color and carved like it was made out of pure gold with a slot at the top, all you needed was to turn it over and limitless fortune would fall out, like a piggy bank. You thanked your grandmother and offered to go on one last swim with her but she stopped you. 
“No, don’t bother getting any more than those pretty little feet wet Darling, I’ll see you again, probably more than you realize.” She hinted with a knowing grin before she swam away into the dark depths as you mentally chided yourself for being so transparent that even she could see your affection for Brock. But one look over at the builders down the coast building their own harbor, you got a brilliant idea...
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