#oc val beauxclaire
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decoloraa · 1 month ago
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Another year, another ockissweek! And as always, I’m drawing my beloved boys Casther and Val.
For day one I did something especially self indulgent and drew them in the King au I’ve been developing this last week
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littlebear1537 · 1 year ago
ART TRADE - Cas, Val, Thea, & Sam
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ART TRADE FOR @decoloraa !!!!
Thea finds Sam in their bear form (not knowing it's them) but wants to adopt them - And obviously the gay dads of Briggs are there!!!
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decoloraa · 28 days ago
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After a semi-hiatus for two years, I decided to give tumblr another chance and spread my fma oc agenda (especially Fort Briggs agenda) here again.
I have a bunch of art I‘ll post in the following weeks, so I thought these would serve as a good and quick introduction to my ocs (These here aren‘t even all of them, just the most important ones).
Big thanks to @itsybitsyalchemist for the template!
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decoloraa · 27 days ago
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Caster art dump. Fort Briggs' silly Captain and best wolf man (but be careful, he might have fleas)
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decoloraa · 1 year ago
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Some quick tips on how to draw Casther and Val
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decoloraa · 1 year ago
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I would die for the your honor (puts them through angst and horrors)
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decoloraa · 1 year ago
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Waltz and champagne
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Meet Angéline Dominique Chloé Beauxclaire, Val‘s younger sister! Calling her Ann is fine too tho, she‘s not so fond of her full name, just like Val.
Ann is much more to have with parties like that, she genuinely enjoys chatting with all kinds of people and making connections. Though sometimes the conversations bore her too, which is why having Val around she an bother is a nice change of pace. The Beauxclaire family is far from perfect, even if their facade is almost perfect. However Val and Ann get along great and are rather close. If your parents are horrible, it‘s good to stick together.
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decoloraa · 1 year ago
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Casther’s job at Fort Briggs isn‘t being a captain, it‘s being Val‘s no. 1 fan.
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decoloraa · 1 year ago
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Waltz and champagne
[Part 1 | Part 2]
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An addition to this lore: Val gets set up with women on a regular basis. Almost every time he’s in Central, his father found some new family that would gain him money or prestige by marrying off his son. How often Val visits Central depends, but sometimes he’s forced to go once a month. It’s not very practical as the head doctor at Briggs and Val would do everything to avoid it. But sadly it’s part of his conditions of being at Briggs (which is a long and different story).
Another thing that I wanted to make clear: I mentioned many times that Olivier and Val were betrothed and were supposed to marry. I already said or hinted that the actual marriage never happens, long story short because Olivier refuses. Because Val can’t be unmarried in his father’s eyes, the journey begins to find a fitting wife for Val. Val who at this point knows he’s gay, doesn’t want to marry. However he also can’t tell his father, because simply wouldn’t accept his son being single (don’t even mention the gay part). To help himself, Val resorts to pushing away any possible candidate. Which are A LOT of women.
Please don’t understand his rudeness towards her as an overall rudeness of him. At this point he’s just tired of the situation and his father’s expectation. Also, he’s a true introvert which means he freaking hates small talk and just wants to be left alone.
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decoloraa · 2 years ago
Uncommon Questions Time!
Casther - 4. How easy is it to earn their trust? And 5. How easy is it to earn their distrust?
Val - 6. Do they consider laws (or in this case Im curious about military rules in general) flexible, or immovable?
Casther doesn't trust easily. It's hard for him to actually dislike someone, but earning his trust is the toughest mission one can take on. Over the course of his life, Casther lost people, he was used by others and seen as a tool. His distrust in others literally is his method for survival. The only thing harder to achieve is him allowing himself to let his guard down and let himself be vulnerable around a person.
But if someone managed to earn his trust? He's literally the most loyal soul. Casther will forgive you many mistakes, as long as you're honest about it and he sees your remorse. He'll trust his life into your hands if he figures you're worth it. However, Casther doesn't follow blindly and if you ever manage to get his distrust, it will be a million times harder to earn it back. If he ever realizes that you betrayed him, he will burn all bridges without hesitation and you can go from friend to foe within a heartbeat.
Okay bear with me, it's impossible to chase right to the point with this one
On one hand, Val grew up in a wealthy family that had a lot of influence in the fields of politics and law. You can bet his father managed to undergo some laws (especially like taxes) in such a corrupt state as Amestris, especially since he is a politician himself. So, from early life on, he pretty much learned that laws indeed are flexible and open for interpretation.
It's also important to note that Val does have a strong sense of justice, which does rival with what he learned from his father. Over his years at Briggs, he does see the privilege he had when growing up and how most people are forced to obey the laws. With this in mind, he would see laws as immovable, but in the sense that everyone should be equal under the law.
At the same time, he despises Amestris political system. He hates it's corruption and how authoritative it is. And he recognizes how many people suffer under the state. Thus he doesn't place much value into its laws.
This also applies to military law. It's part of the system and the nature of the military is even more set on oppression (fighting and killing people, having ranking systems that determine a person's value in the system etc.).
It's important to note that Val never wanted to work for the military (neither did Casther btw). He had little choice and Briggs just came to be most tolerate option with Olivier as its commander. But he still doesn't agree with the system. He despises the ranking system that puts obedience above all else. He hates how soldiers have to sell their soul and can be sent into war any second. And of course as a doctor, he hates that a big part of Amestris military is hurting people.
Having said all of that, the key point is how Val acts to his beliefs. He despises corruption, yet profited from it for most of his life. He despises the military, yet works for it. Even if he sees all this, he is not the type of person who'd devote his life to change those laws (like Roy). Instead, he tries to be an influence in areas he has access to. In practice, Val doesn't really participate in the ranking system even tho he does have a rank in Briggs. This means that he doesn't take orders from anyone, and he puts everyone on the same level, from General to Corporal. Val puts his doctor's oath above all else, so he would even risk getting court martialed if it meant treating someone from the enemy's line.
The military law that affects him the most (right after medical laws), is the one that forbids soldiers and others who work for the military to be in a romantic relationship (for obvious reasons). This law is one reason why both him and Casther hesitated to confess their feelings because they wouldn't be allowed to be in a relationship either way. Even after confessing, they have a long talk about what they should do. Both of them can't risk leaving Briggs (because of Thea mostly), and they know that even Olivier couldn't help them if they got caught by the wrong person.
In the end, they decide to give it a try, because they do see the law open for interpretation. Being close with someone isn't forbidden directly, right? So as long as they don't go and kiss in front of Briggs' commanders, they can just say they're really good friends ;)
So the short answer to the question is: Val recognizes that the state and military sees their own laws as flexible, because they like doing things to their best benefit. Val does see some laws as immovable, in a sense where they're important moral lines that shouldn't be crossed (human transmutation would fit onto this category). However, because the system doesn't even value its own laws, Val sees its laws as flexible as well. Or at least open to interpretation on some remarks ;)
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decoloraa · 2 years ago
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decoloraa · 2 years ago
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Val’s daily to do list
✅ saving lives
✅ slaying
This is a redraw of an piece I did last year in march. Back then it had been a few months since I created Val and one day I just thought he’d look bomb in a dress. Since then he changed a lot: He originally was meant to be a bit rougher around the edges, but since then he has become much more graceful and classy (but he’s still a coffee addicted grump). There are quite a lot of changes that came to his character, most of them subtle but they had a big impact on him!
Not gonna lie tho, the biggest change is my art. I legit didn’t believe the date that was saved on that artwork below, because I could’ve sworn this was drawn a longer time ago. Looking at him now kinda makes me irk, but at the same time I remember how dang proud I was when I drew this. Still obsessed with his arm and even if I’m not happy with his face, I did manage to capture his body type incredibly well. He’s much more caked up in the new version. Maybe the old pic is him in his late twenties and the new one is him in his early 30s, because he does gain some weight after getting into a healthy relationship with Casther (my boy is finally eating enough, I’m so proud).
Well done past me, but also I kinda wanna cancel you for not drawing a single body hair on him. Don’t blame her, she just didn’t think about it and she realized how much fun it is to draw body hair just shortly after.
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One year later my anatomy is hot as shit, but I still can’t draw a decent background without a mental breakdown. I got better at drawing feet tho! And at shading digitally
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decoloraa · 2 years ago
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Happy birthday Casther, the best dad, boyfriend, best friend, Captain and oc
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decoloraa · 2 years ago
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More Jung postings bc I can’t stop drawing him. Please help me, I don’t want thissss
1 - Nice stare contest between Jung and Casther because they like each other’s very much. Fun fact Casther is much shorter at this time (1,76m) and grows 14cm in the following two years. Also drew this to make clear how young Casther (21) and Val (22) are at that time. Idk how good I am at showcasing different ages, but I hope the age gap between Cassey and Jung (32) is clear.
2 - some doodles out of imagination. The one in the middle captures him and his vibes best in my opinion. And yes he’s a hunk, it’s advertised not to challenge him to a fight but it’s not like my other ocs listen to my advice
3 - Watched Trigun Stampede and I fully blame that show on my Jung brainrot bc Millions Knives is literally him. So these are some studies of him but turned into Jung.
4 to 6 - An interaction between Val and Jung. Both get along great since they’re analytical people who don’t smile a lot and are annoyed of Casther (Val is ISTJ, Jung is ESTJ so yeah). Meanwhile Casther doing his errand duties and he’d love to throw some snow onto the two of them. Cassey in his grumpy grumps era.
7 - Just an idea I had because I like making people fall for Val. Idk if I really want to make it a thing, it definitely wouldn’t have an impact on the overall story. But there’s just something about Jung having an secret insane crush on the young doctor, especially given how Casther ends up being the winner in that matter.
8 - An “a key moment in the story went different and everything changed” AU. Based of said concept 🫡🫡
Please let this Jung brainrot end, I don’t want to spend my free time drawing Mr stinky cologne
Sorry for being so cryptic with Jung, there is a lot of story to this era and I’d love to show some moments, but rn I don’t have anything specifi written down. I’m working on that tho!!
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decoloraa · 2 years ago
Fun fact Casther is a stinky man, especially in his early twenties. And he can be a bit lazy when it comes to hygiene. I mean that man trains daily, runs around the fort and outside 24/7 and takes a shower only every few days. Plus wolf genes that probably make him extra stinky.
Fort Briggs and the whole Amestrian society would be on the brink of destruction because of this, wouldn't it be for one man who trims his goatee with the level of a precision that is close to a tick.
Val's secret superpower isn't his intellect or his skills as a doctor. It's being able to force Casther into hygiene habits that make him go from ratty wolf who bathed in the nasties little mud puddle to straight out of the dog salon husky.
Even when they were just friends, Val made sure to blackmail Casther into some basic hygiene: "Missing hygiene is one of the top reasons of death in military settings. Especially here in the North it can attract specific bugs that carry diseases with them. They’re especially fatal for wolfs and wolf likes (which is a total lie)"
But when Casther and Val started their situationship? Boy. Oh boy. People would start noticing Casther's daily showers. He would start using FLOSS and clean his nails frequently. Some even swore to have seen him use scented soap, or even crazier: After shave!! Just because doctor Percival "You reek like a stray that ate a dead rat out of the trash, you're not putting one finger on my bed" Beauxclaire is lowkey obsessed with keeping things tidy and clean.
This man grew up with big bathtubs, always washed clothes and expensive perfumes. And he will not hold hands with someone who only took a shower the other day with some random soap he found somewhere. He doesn’t have a tick for extreme cleanliness, but he knows his standards and he damn well demands them.
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decoloraa · 2 years ago
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POV: You force your children to dance romantically because you betrothed them and you need them to act like a happy couple so that they can bring prestige to your families. You don’t know both are gay and neither do you hear their constant bickering. 
Actually Olivier and Val were engaged for quite some time, even during the time they’re both at Briggs. That means there are a lot of opportunities where their parents expected to act like a happily engaged couple. That means lots of faked smiles and tons of bickering, roasting and complaining because these two are 1) best friends and 2) sassy and direct af.  Olivier kind of sees Val as her brother since they grew up pretty close. That’s what she means when she says “this was horrible, like I was dancing with Alex”.
Also I have the headcanon that Olivier is a terrible dancer. She’s a hands-on kind of person, so elegant dance patterns and someone leading her isn’t exactly her thing. A minute of silence for Val’s feet and also rip his hands because Olivier’s grip is too strong for his twink hands.
Good thing no one else from Fort Briggs is present because boy, that would be the tea of the month. I mean your stoic and fearless commander having to dance waltzer with the overworked doctor?? They would tease them until the end of time (or until death)
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