#also slightly hoping he'll find this and suffer reading it.
t-o-m-c-a-t · 5 months
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A messege to the smallest man who ever lived
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myfictionaldreams · 11 months
~ Poly!Marauders Masterlist 🐺🐕‍🦺🦌📚~
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Hello lovely, I hope you’re having a great day. Welcome to my harry potter masterlist! I love to write in my spare time and the fiction that I create is for 18+ readers ONLY please. Also, everything is character x fem!reader and please, read the tags carefully before continuing.
Masterlists ♥ A03 ♥ Tags  ♥ Question? (requests closed)  ♥ latest works ♥
sweetheart needs looking after (fluff, angst)
You were warned not to be a brat today, but when you start to feel unwell, how will the boys react when this mistake your behaviour for being a brat?
the boys always cause trouble (fluff, smut, angst, dark)
The boys were infamous around Hogwarts for their pranks but what if one ay they do it to the wrong people, and you get hurt in revenge?
good morning (smut) 
You loved waking up in the arms of the boys but today, James has other plans for the morning.
the dueling club (fluff, smut, angst)
You were tasked to practice your defensive skills but when you are paired with your worse nightmare, how will the boys react watching you duel their enemy?
the full moon (ch.1) (ch.2) (ch.3) (fluff, smut, angst, dark)
The full moon was approaching, only a few days away and the effects were slowly starting to take over Remus, but there’s nothing you can do as you watch him turn from the soft loving boyfriend to the posessive and rough werewolf to hide from.
showing off  (fluff, smut, angst)
The boys love goofing around but what happens if it brings the attention of the Slytherins. How will the boys react when they find out that you’ve bee harassed?
let me calm you (fluff, smut)
It was the last quidditch match of the year and James’ nerves were getting the best of him, so you did your best to calm him down.
we'll sort this later  (smut)
The boys had left you being edged all day until you couldn’t take it anymore.
safe & sound (fluff)
The sound of thunder ripped you from your sleep, luckily the boys are there to comfort you.
a bad day  (fluff, smut, angst)
You have a bad day so the boys try and make you feel better.
breakfast in bed  (fluff, smut, angst)
You were in subspace and has a panic attack and the Marauders try to calm her down.
you’re safe  (fluff, smut)
You have a nightmare and the boys do their best to comfort you.
happy halloween(fluff, smut, angst)
You were your own worst enemy. The boys have surprised you by changing their looks for the Halloween party but you can't decide if you're highly aroused or intimidated by their new looks.  
aftercare - kinktober  (fluff, smut)
How the boys look after you after a heavy nightly session
they are mine (fluff, smut, angst)
They were harmless, they just wanted to be friends with the Marauders nothing more... right? What happens when three Ravenclaws become suspiciously too close with your boyfriends?
i need to feel you  (fluff, smut)
Waking from a lust-filled night, you were feeling slightly needy.
red  (fluff, smut, angst)
The word 'red' kept flashing into your mind but it wasn't something you'd ever had to say before. How will the boys react when you're forced to say it?
first time  (fluff, smut)
At the beginning, you were simply four friends but how was it that you all became more than this?
pain over pleasure (fluff, smut, angst)
It was very important that during your most intimate of moments, you kept clear communication with the Marauders but, when you fail to do this, you have to suffer the consequences of which you'd been warned about.
horny little devil  (smut)
There you were, tied to the bed, wishing to be touched but, Sirius and Remus ignored you, continuing on with their own pleasures. Thankfully, James has returned from Quidditch practice, he'll help you... right?
how far is too far? (fluff, smut, angst) 
James had discovered a new spell that is supposed to give you the most blissful pleasure imaginable. However, not everything goes to plan.
what are you wearing?  (fluff, smut, angst) 
The latest lingerie trend did not look comfortable in any way but you still fell for the marketing and purchased your own, assuming that the boys would want you to dress like everyone else. However, when you decided to show off your outfit to Sirius, his reaction is anything but positive as he sees how uncomfortable you are.
working hard (fluff)
You're working hard, maybe too hard as you have been neglecting to take care of yourself. You end up fainting, hitting your head and, having a seizure and needing the boys to look after you.
spanking/flogging - kinktober (smut)
Sirius, ever the one to explore the kinky side of life, has bought a new toy which you're a little apprehensive about.
bondage - kinktober (smut)
Trying something new included you trusted your boyfriends to restraint you in the middle of an empty classroom.
coercion/blackmail - kinktober - dark!marauders (smut, dark!!)
They wre waiting or the ideal chance to find you alone and the perfect opportunity arose when they saw you on the Marauder’s map as you ere sneaking around the restricted section of the library.
Family (smut, angst, fluff)
Sirius Black, the usually happy prankster within Hogwarts, had a special skill for hiding his emotions. Until one day, he's forced to face the realities of the troubles with his family.
Say My Name (Smut, fluff)
It was an uncommonly tranquil night for you and Remus, as James and Sirius had gone out to attend a party. The reason you and Remus decided not to accompany them was quite simple: the Full Moon was approaching. This meant that your otherwise calm boyfriend would become fiercely possessive and feral.
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veroramona · 2 years
Hermes with female reader on her period please🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐😩😩😩😩😩
A/N: Ask and you shall receive, anon! I hope you'll like it! Also, important note at the bottom. Please read if you have a uterus!
Summary: afab!reader with bad period cramps and Hermes trying to help
Warnings: intense period cramps and pain
Tagging @http-rae, @hornyf0ckers and @lololagni <3
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He always knows that you're on your period. Even if it may not be obvious to others, he is able to pick up the signs, no matter how subtle they are. Your face slightly contorting in pain, your arms wrapped around your abdomen, you being irritated more easily, and so on. He sees the hints you drop.
You lie in your bed, clutching your stomach in pain. Today's one of the bad days. You pull your legs up to your chest, wanting to ease the cramps at least a little. Hermes went out earlier to get the sweets that you've been craving so badly. You don't know when he'll return, but you hope that it'll be as soon as possible.
A faint knock and the door to your room being opened cause you to look up. There he is, carrying several bags full of different types of sweets. Hermes sees the way your eyes light up. A soft smile tugs at his lips. He closes the door behind him and walks over to your bed. He gently places the bags on the mattress before sitting down next to you. Only then do you notice another small package in his gloved hand.
"How are you doing, my love?" His soft voice has a soothing effect on you. He delicately runs his hand through your hair, making you close your eyes. His touch is always so... soft. Almost as if he's afraid of harming you in any way.
You tell him that the cramps are especially bad today. A frown makes its way onto his lips. He then opens the small box in his hand.
"I thought so. I have brought you some medicine to help with your cramps," he says and grabs the bottle of water on your nightstand. It's almost empty. He makes a mental note to bring you another flask later on. He gives you the bottle as you sit up and takes out a pill. He then hands you the small pill.
"It will have an effect in around thirty minutes, my dear," he speaks while gently stroking your hair.
"What else do you want me to do?" Hermes wants to make you feel as comfortable as possible. It pains him to see you in such a state. If he could transfer your pain to him, he would do it without hesitation. Tell him whatever your heart desires. He will do anything to make you happy. He will do anything to ease your pain.
Later on, he will suggest getting your cramps checked out. It can't be natural to be in such immense pain for a week once a month. But for now, he gently rubs your lower back as you lie back down on the bed. All you need right now is him by your side... and the delicious sweets he has brought you, of course!
A/N: Please remember that experiencing intense pain during your period is not normal! I recommend you go to a gynecologist that you trust deeply if it doesn't get better. You shouldn't suffer like that. Your health matters.
© veroramona. Do not steal, edit, copy, repost or translate any of my work on any social media account or claim it as your own work. If you find someone who does that, please alert me and report the account!
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Feedback: Please feel free to publish this publically if you want.
Thank you so so much for my reading 🙏. It was beautiful 💙. I was so touched by the msg. I've actually been asking the same question from a lot of readers but I've never received any msg from my FS as my reply, I always get something else delivered, usually what I should be doing to improve my chances of meeting my FS :) I do understand that's because that's what the cards show them. That's why I was really losing hope and had been wondering to myself that my person has no msg for me? Really? Nothing at all? Thing is I suffer from severe social anxiety due to which I rarely go out and my house has sort of become my prison.
Anyways, moving on. The very first paragraph that you gave me hit a cord with me - "I know you're going through a lot right now, and you feel like maybe you're meant to be alone. But just know that rather than being meant to be alone, you're meant to be with me. It's selfish of me, I suppose, but there's a part of me that's slightly happy that if I ever meet you, I know that i'll be able to have you instead of us being kept apart." This is literally, literally what I think to myself as well. I mean it - literally, I think the exact same thing to myself to justify my eternal singlehood. Right at this first paragraph I was like whoa!
I also liked the part where you mentioned that he said our relationship will be build up with caution and that's what will provide us stability. Coz this is very, very apt for my age.
This line really made me very emotional, it's all I ever wanted to hear 😢 "I'm coming into your life as quickly as I can, though once i'm there, just know that I don't plan on letting you go." And then came this part and I was balling my eyes out 😭 "We'll find one another in the place where we feel most comfortable and when we do...Well, we will become the place where the other feels most comfortable."
I was awed when you mentioned that he said that he'll give me a stable home even though I might feel selfish asking for it. I've never ever gotten this from any reader, and it's so SO true! I come from a very chaotic family, unfortunately I still am in it. It's again one of the reasons I'm not able to find anyone coz I don't want to date locally, I want to go far away from here. And I want nothing else except for a small home cozy home with my husband, just the two of us, and spending the rest of our days in love, peace and happiness. But I do feel selfish expecting this from him. Coz in my mind I go like that's putting too much expectations on him and maybe i shouldn't be doing that. But then again, it's all I want, nothing more, nothing less. So my brain and my heart are in constant state of tussle over this. I was also shocked when you said that it doesn't matter that I don't have much experience, he'll always be by my side. Coz i actually don't have much experience in such matters coz of my severe anxiety, that is one of the reasons I have been wondering if maybe I'm not meant to experience that part of life, like at all. It was amazing that you said this 💙.
Just like your first paragraph, your last lines sealed the msg for me - "Sorry to keep you waiting, but just hold on a little bit longer. I'll make sure it's worth it." 💞 So so beautiful 💞. You have no idea just how much I wanted to hear these words from him 🥹.
Thank you so, so much for making my day 🙏. I'm so immensely grateful to you from the bottom of my heart 🙏. Wishing you the best in your tarot journey 🕊️
I’m glad you liked it! I’m also really glad it struck home and resonated with you. And just from the reading I can tell you and your FS are both amazing people who’ll be perfect together. I’m wishing you the best as well! 🫶🏽
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qwhei · 11 months
I'm a 22 yo male and gay.
So, I've been suffering of BDD since when puberty hit. I've never talked about it to my family, never went to therapy, unfortunately.
Sometimes I like the way I am, but how much does it last? 10 minutes every 3 days? There have been weeks in which I couldn't look at me in the mirror. Like I went to the bathroom closing my eyes or looking down.
I even stopped masturbating for weeks due to the fact that I both hate my body and especially my penis.
It's small, it's thin, I don't like how it looks. At all.
I know there are people who tell that size doesn't matter. I know there are people that tell that this penis size thing is due to patriarchy.
But damn, it isn't.
My ex had a slightly above average thick penis. It was (and still is) perfect. It's really stunning.
He didn't care about mine, an I thought I found the love of my life (not only because of that, obviously).
After he broke up with me, one of the reasons I feel this bad is because he won't have any problem finding other guys to have sex with. He'll just need to chat with someone and that's it. He can do whatever he wants to.
I can't.
Not only I lost him, I lost his body, I lost his perfect penis.
I KNOW this will look childish but wow, I don't even know how to explain it.
At this point I don't think it's just body dismorphia, but a lot of things mixed together that I can't untie.
If before I felt really bad and disgusted by my body, even when he was with me and we had sex together, now I feel even worse.
And it's all about my penis.
If I had a bigger one, I'm 70% sure my life would have been different, my mental health would have been better.
The fact that I lost him and his body is driving me crazy. The fact that I won't be able to feel and have his perfect penis and that he's using it with others, it's even worse.
Maybe also because his body was "mine". I felt like his penis was my penis, even if it wasn't attached to my body.
I can't explain it further than this and still don't know how I feel.
I just hope those 10 minutes every 3 days when I like my body will be more and more frequent.
Sorry for this long and useless rant.
If you have any advice let me know in the comments.
Thanks to the few people who'll read this!
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kissesforsatoru · 2 years
hello! although i don’t read bsd, i found the dazai’s reaction to a suicide attempt a really interesting concept. could i request yan gojo, getou, and nanami’s (separate) reactions to the same scenario? i hope you’re having a good one!! (also: i read through your rules and it didn’t specify how many characters at a time i can request- so if you only take one at a time, please don’t worry and just write for whichever you prefer.)
𓏲 ˖. pairings. . . gojo x reader
𓏲 ˖. summary. . . gojo's reaction to darlings suicide attempt
𓏲 ˖. warnings. . . general yandere themes, suicide, death, drowning
𓏲 ˖. notes. . . i don't really like nanami and i don't know getou's character well enough to write for him yet, i'm sorry!! (reference to this post.)
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at first he's mad because how fucking dare you. you can't just leave him, especially not in such an insulting way — because of course gojo would find escape by suicide insulting. but, it quickly sets in that you're dying and he becomes terrified.
it sounds like a joke for someone like gojo to be scared, but there he is, on the verge of tears because he might lose you. he leaned over the bathtub, desperately and frantically pulling your limp body out of the water and into his arms to check for a pulse — it was very faintly there. gojo's body shook as he performed cpr on you.
you coughed out water when you woke up, your body instantly flinging itself into a position where you could breathe better. but you were weak and barely able to hold yourself up at all, so you quickly fell back down into the floor. you looked around the room, struggling to keep your eyes open, and when you saw gojo with a worried expression on his face, you smiled ever so slightly at him.
"if i die, i'll be happy knowing that i don't have to suffer being with you anymore." you whispered to him just before you lost consciousness.
gojo sat on the ground next to you shocked that you really hated him that much. in that moment he felt so incredibly weak, and he hated it more than anything because it was foreign. but he wasn't going to just let you die, especially like this, so he hired the best doctors to care for you during your recovery.
the entire time you were unconscious, gojo struggled a lot. he was scared and worried beyond belief, but he also didn't really know how to process what had happened. but as gojo is, he would never outwardly admit something like that.
i think that things would get a lot worse for you. he'll get more possessive and clingy, his presence will be so suffocating that you won't even get the chance to think about suicide or escape ever again. and he'll always remind you of it too, telling you that you're his no matter what you do. but there's always a glint in gojo's eyes that tells you he's not as confident anymore.
if you do die, even in the hands of doctors who provide you with the utmost care, you'd draw the opposite reaction out of gojo. something like his darling dying would affect him so much that he'd lose all of his personality and will to be anything but an empty shell of a person. he'd hate himself and what he did to you.
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getwhore · 2 years
me & ur mama! (jean kirschtein)
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❀summary : Jean Kirschtein. He's been your son's best friend for as long as you can remember. He's also had the biggest crush on you since, you've met, as have you, but you're too oblivious to have noticed. It's okay! He'll show you exactly how much he adores you!
❀content warning : modern!au jean x fem/milf!reader , lovers at first sight (kinda) , age gap , almost forbidden love , degrading, praise!!!! , jean's kind of a creep & an asshole , missionary/mating press & backshots , oral (fem recieving) , clit slapping (like twice) , squirting , orgasm denial , abso-fucking-lutely no protection (except reader's birth control) , daddy & mommi kink <3 , kinda get caught so kinda exhibition , jean is also a sadist
❀word count : 6.1k (6,141)
❀a/n : y'all, it took me TWO months to finish this. was it worth it? i surely hope so. to keep it short, i really hope you all enjoy this one! i'm still working on some more wips, but i'm open to any requests :) (just plssss read my rules first, ty!!)
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Your son Connie finally returns from college today. Even though you're eager to see him, you've been a little uneasy because he's bringing someone. You won't know who it is until they both enter the room, which is unfortunate for you. Like any other mother, you immediately assumed he was bringing a girlfriend or even a boyfriend! This, however, was not at all the case.
You’ve spent all day cleaning your home, baking cookies, cooking dinner, and anything else to make Connie and his company feel more than welcome. Just as you pulled your cookies out of the scalding oven, you heard Connie calling out for you. Immediately, you leave your cookies on the counter, and quickly make your way to the front door. Out of pure excitement, you’ve completely ignored the tall man standing beside Connie. You shower Connie with kisses, squeezing him with all of your strength.
“Mom, you’re fuckin’ squeezing me to death.” Connie gasped, trying his hardest to pry you off of his body.
“I’ve just missed you so much! I don’t think you understand how lonely I am when you leave!” You squeezed him harder, only letting go once you felt that you’ve made him suffer enough. When you pulled away from him, you were able to get a clear view of who walked in the door with him. When you did realize who it was, your heart began beating rapidly.
“I can’t believe I was so rude to completely ignore your presence! It’s so great to see you again, Jean!” You pulled him into a hug as well, pressing his face into your cleavage. Though it was accidental, you received absolutely no complaints from Jean.
“It’s great to see you too, Ms. l/n. Have you gotten shorter since the last time we saw each other?”
You giggled, making your chest bounce against Jean’s cheek. He didn’t intend for you to find the joke funny. All he needed was a slight chuckle to get your breasts to somewhat bounce against him. Unfortunately for him, you eventually pulled him from your chest.
“You boys make yourselves comfortable! I’m almost finished with dinner.” You smiled at both men before making your way back into the kitchen.
You stayed in the kitchen for the following 30 minutes in silence. You believed Connie and Jean had gone upstairs to unpack and take a nap before dinner. Only one puzzle piece was still missing. Jean had come downstairs for a "drink of water". You had no idea that Jean had been watching from a distance. He had been observing your every move—the way you knelt down to pick up a pan, the way you reached for the spices in the cabinet while standing on the tips of your toes, the way your ass would jiggle ever so slightly as you lowered yourself to the floor. He kept an eye on everything you did. He was more than just aroused, to put it mildly. Though he would have loved to act like the pervert he is and jerk off to you in the hallway, he decided that getting close to you would be preferable. Before entering the kitchen, he put himself together in the hallway. Hearing his footsteps enter the kitchen, you spun around.
“Hey Jean! I hope you aren’t down here for dinner because it’s far from ready.” You grimaced as you looked into the pot on the stove.
“Nah, I came for water, but I’ll gladly take one of these cookies.” Jean made his way over to the plate of cookies. He went to grab one, but you immediately snatched his hand away.
“Nuh-uh, no cookies until after dinner! You’ll spoil your appetite, and I spent a lot of time on this dinner.”
He was barely able to maintain eye contact with you. You were slightly taller than him, so he was almost eye level to your tits. If he wasn’t staring at your tits, he was staring at your lips, imagining how soft they’d feel wrapped around his cock. Ultimately, his body made him lose his entire train of thought.
“What exactly are you making for dinner? You’ve been stirring that pot for forever.”
“It was my attempt at spaghetti. It’s Connie's favorite, and I wanted it to welcome him home. The only problem is, I have no idea how to make it a little spicier. I’ve tried chili powder, I’ve tried pepper, I’ve tried red pepper flakes, hell, I’ve even tried hot sauce! I just can’t seem to get it right.”
You sulked as Jean observed. He made an effort to comprehend how significant this lunch was to you. You wanted Connie's first night home in a year to be memorable because it was. Your spaghetti, however, did not resemble spaghetti at all. In fact, it resembled overcooked noodles drenched in a vomit like green sauce. However, he would keep that a secret. Even though he's an asshole, he wouldn't be so cruel as to make fun of you for trying. Instead, he comfortingly gripped your shoulders.
“Y’know, you don't have to make dinner. Honestly, we’ve had a long drive, and something light would be better. Plus, I wanna try that pool of yours out and I can’t do that on a heavy stomach.”
You started to cry a little, but Jean's kindness made you laugh. You two decided that perhaps a lighter supper would be better for all of you. You all caught up over pizza that evening. The more you laughed during the night thanks to Connie, the more Jean could observe the vulgar bouncing of your breasts. He glanced a couple times, and you saw it, but you didn't think much of it.
Once you all finished with dinner, Jean volunteered to help you with the dishes while Connie took his shower. You appreciated the company, especially since it’ll give you a chance to catch up with Jean. For Jean, it gave him an opportunity to find some way between your legs.
“So, how’s college? I had no idea you and Connie were going to the same college! Then again, he never does tell me anything about his life.”
Jean chuckled as he handed you the soapy plate for you to rinse. “Well, college is college. Lots of books, lots of people, lots of classes, and everything else. However, the only thing that’s missing are the pretty girls.”
His words made you feel somewhat jealous. He was so young and had so much life to live. You knew there was almost no chance that you’d be with him. You were able to cope with that when he and Connie were in a whole other state. Now that he’s here in the same kitchen as you, so close to you, it’s harder to ignore your feelings.
“Well, don’t spend all your time in college looking for a girl. You have a lot of life ahead of you and there’s more important things besides looking for a relationship.”
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right, Ms. l/n.”
You sighed and looked at him. “Jean, I’ve told you multiple times to just call me y/n. There’s no need for formalities.”
“Sorry, sorry. I just don’t want to be disrespectful to such a beautiful woman.”
Hearing that made you blush heavily. You couldn’t tell if it was from the 3 glasses of wine you had 20 minutes before, or if it was because Jean had called you beautiful very unexpectedly.
“It isn’t disrespectful if I’ve already said it was okay! You’ve been friends with Connie for years and I’m glad you have. He’s happy with your friendship, so I’m even more happy!”
Jean smiled at you, not exactly knowing how exactly he should respond without obviously flirting with you. Once you finished with the dishes, you made your promise to Jean. You slipped into your two-piece bikini and made your way into the pool area. When you arrived, Jean was nowhere to be seen. While you waited, you went ahead and got into the pool, trying to get used to the water temperature before Jean came to join you. When he did finally come outside, you were turned away from him, giving him a full view of your ass. The bikini you wore left little to the imagination, it barely even covered your ass. It might as well have been non-existent. All Jean could do was stare, wondering how your ass would look while taking you from behind, how it would look while you’re on your knees sucking his cock. When you turned around, he realized just how revealing your bikini was. The top was worse than the bottom. The way it hugged tightly around your large breasts made Jean want to do nothing more than take you where you stood.
“Jean, honey are you okay? You look really flushed. We don’t have to swim today if you aren’t feeling well.”
God the way you said his name made him even harder than he was before. He simply shook his head, trying to rid himself of his lewd thoughts as he walked to the edge of the pool. Seeing the way Jean looked down at you with a slight smirk made your cunt throb. You haven’t felt this way in forever. You couldn’t even maintain eye contact with Jean with the way he was making you feel.
“Nah, I’m good. ‘S just kinda warm out here.” Jean chuckled lightly.
Eventually, Jean joined you in the pool, swimming towards you. When he did reach you, you couldn’t help but stand there and stare at him. The way his body looked, the way he looked at you, the way his eyes bored into you. Everything and anything Jean did made you feel weak, and he could see it. He could see how tense you got when he moved closer to you. He could see your eyes shifting from his body to his face, then from his face to the growing tent in his pants. 
“Are you gonna stop staring, or am I gonna have to make you?”
You hadn’t even realized how long you were staring until he pointed it out. This made you instantly blush. The embarrassment kept you from being able to actually respond to his question. As he waited for your answer, you were trying your hardest to muster the courage to respond without sounding stupid.
“I-I wasn’t staring! I was only looking at the rose bush! It’s not my problem that you just happen to be standing directly in front of it.”
He chuckled..well, no. He laughed. He laughed at your response. You knew that he knew you were lying right through your teeth. All you could do was stand there, watching as he tried to catch his breath, but everytime he did, he just laughed even harder. Finally, after forever, he stopped laughing.
“That was the best excuse you could come up with? C’mon, I thought you’d give me something way more believable.”
“You are standing in front of the rose bush though.”
“Stop it with the damn rose bush. You can’t stare at something below you and something above you at the same time.”
“Jean, what the hell are you talking about?”
Jean sighed. At this point, he knew you would keep rambling just to avoid the confrontation. However, he couldn’t stand listening to you ramble about the damn rose bush any longer.
“You were staring at my dick. And before you even start with that goddamn rose bush, I saw you repeatedly look up at me and then back down at my pants. If you wanna touch it, just say that.”
“Excuse me?! Jean, that is extremely inappropriate of you to say something like that. Even if I did, I would never grope my son’s friend. That would be irresponsible of me as a mother.”
“If you give such a shit about being responsible, why are you still fighting the urge to stare at my cock?”
He was right. You had been holding your hands tightly in front of you. In reality, you desperately wanted to touch his cock. As much as you hate to admit it, you could give a shit less about being responsible or respected by Jean. In fact, you’d rather him be disrespectful to you. Just you biting your lip was enough of an answer for Jean. Without thinking, he picked you up, setting you on the edge of the pool. As of now, he was face to face with your breasts. Being this close to them for the second time of the night made him groan. 
You hold back a moan as Jean roughly grabs your tits. The way they overflow from his big hands make you whine. Jean didn’t look up at you once. He was mainly concerned about how soft your tits were and how perky your nipples were as they pebbled through your bikini top. 
“Not so worried about being such a ‘responsible mother’ now, are you?” Jean chuckles at your shy, but lewd reaction.
“Jean, you should stop! Connie might come out any minute!”
He didn’t stop though. He knew you couldn’t care less about your son coming out and catching the both of you. “C’mon, you know Connie. He goes right to sleep after his showers, and, as long as you don’t get too loud, he won’t catch us. Though, you might like the idea of him actually coming down and catching us.”
Yeah you definitely would love that idea, but it’s too early to try anything like that. You shouldn’t even be letting him touch you. Especially not so lewdly. You’d been so caught up in your own thoughts that you hadn’t realized that Jean was untying your bikini top until it was too late. Before you could protest, Jean pulled you into a kiss. It wasn’t the romantic kind of kiss that you’d be looking forward to. This kiss was more heated, more passionate. The aggressive hand behind your head pulling you closer to his lips, the rough clashing of teeth, the lewd exchange of each other’s saliva, all of it was enough to make you soaked in your bikini bottoms. You’d been so caught up in your lewd exchange of kisses with Jean, you hadn’t seen Jean’s hand creep up towards your middle. Though, even if you had noticed, you wouldn’t have stopped him.
“Jean, are you sure you want to do this? I’d hate to let my feelings come between you and my son’s relationship”
Jean knew you were trying to be sincere about it, but he also knew you wanted this as much as he did, even if it did hurt the relationship between him and your son.
“Of course I’m sure. How couldn’t I be when you’re practically begging me to fuck you. The question is, are you sure, Ms. l/n?” Jean watches your face redden when your last name smoothly and sexily rolls off his tongue.
Even if you weren’t so sure, it’s not like you could back out now. Especially not when he’s got one hand tightly gripping your waist and one hand pinching and twisting your sensitive nipples through your tiny bikini top. He knew you wouldn’t pass up this opportunity, knew you’d do anything to feel him inside of you.
As hard as you fought to speak through your moans, you merely failed, barely managing to whisper ‘Yeah, ‘m suuuure’, as your words began to slur. He couldn’t help but laugh a little at the way he was already mushing your brain. All you needed was a little push, and you were like putty in his hands.
“Yeah..yeah you are sure. Especially with how wet you are, how couldn’t you be sure?” Jean mocked you as he ran a finger through your slit. The squeal that left you made him shiver. He ached to touch you, he yearned to feel you, but he knew that making you beg for it would have a greater outcome.
“Jean-fuuuck!” You threw your head back, slightly grinding your hips into his finger. You knew he was teasing you like this on purpose, but who were you to not give him what he wants?
“C’mon, you complained about being too loud, but it seems like you want Connie to find you like this.” Jean pulled his finger away, immediately popping it into his mouth. He deeply sighed, the taste of you on his tongue making him want to do more than turn you into a brainless slut.
“First, you open the door in that tight ass shirt, and that tiny little pair of shorts with your cute little baking apron tied tightly around your hips.” Jean kissed down your body, inching ever so slowly towards your pussy. “Then, you prance around the house, looking like such a slut with these tits out. It’s like you wanted me to fuck you. And now, here you are, begging me to touch that slutty pussy, begging me to make you cum all over my face. You could care less if your son caught us. You wouldn’t stop me no matter how embarrassed you are. You want me to fuck you, to own you, to disrespect that nasty cunt until you cum.”
He was right. You wanted nothing more than to let Jean have complete control of your body and you could give less of a shit if Connie were to see. In fact, a small part of you hoped that he would see. Somehow, the thought of getting caught having sex with your son’s best friend made you wetter than before. At this point, you were done with the teasing, willing to do anything just to finally have Jean inside of you.
“J-Jean, please just fuck me”, You whimpered, watching Jean pay no attention to your begging and pleading . His focus was strictly on your cunt and the way it tightly clenched when his breath fanned over it.
“Nah, you don’t deserve it yet.” Jean pressed his thumb to your clit, watching how you immediately arch into his touch. As much as he adored the way you whined and grabbed at his wrist to keep his thumb in its place, he didn’t like how you thought you had any kind of control in this situation. Instead of punishing you for it, he let it slide just this once. “Stop movin’ so much or I won’t give you anything.”
You couldn’t even voice a response before Jean licked a long, and tantalizing slow stripe up your slit. The way his tongue laid flat against your clit, slightly flicking it up while rubbing your entrance with his thumb. Jean saw exactly how he made you feel. He calculated every movement you made and tried his hardest to make you do it over and over and-
“Are you even listenin’ to me? ‘Course you’re not, you’re too busy trying to get yourself off on my tongue.” Jean deeply sighed as he removed himself from between your legs.
“N-No! I was listening, I promise! Pleas-” You sobbed, grabbing onto Jean. You were immediately shut down when he grabbed your face in one hand, forcing you to look at him. The deadly glare, the orgasm that he denied you from, the aggression of his hand on your face, all of it was enough to have your eyes watering and your bottom lip wobbling.
“Shut the fuck up. ‘M so tired of listening to you whine and cry like a pathetic bitch.” Jean briefly let go of your face, but not for your own relief. He immediately used that hand to grab your throat while he used his other to slap you a bit. “You’re so used to gettin’ what you want. You’ve got the perfect life, the perfect body, the perfect son, everything. You’re just a spoiled fuckin’ brat and I’m tired of it.”
“‘M sorry Jean, wont whine anymore, I won’t complain, I’ll take anything you give me. Just..just wanna feel you, all of you.” You cried, grabbing onto the back of his neck. His expression softened a little, giving you the opportunity to kiss him. Not a slow kiss, but more of a passionate, steamy kiss. A kiss to let him know he had full control of you. When he pulled away, he let go of your neck, pushing himself out of the pool by its walls. Quickly, he picked you up and laid you onto one of your pool chairs nearby. 
As you laid helplessly on the chair, you watched Jean untie his swim shorts at a quick pace. He couldn’t wait anymore. As much as he wanted to continue teasing you until you had dry tears on your face, he just couldn’t wait to be inside of you for any longer. Even still, he was going to make sure you did know exactly who you belonged to. When he removed his shorts, you had a full view of his cock. He was definitely bigger out of his shorts than in. The sight made more than just your mouth water, and Jean could see the desperation in your face. He wasted no time moving between your legs, finally removing your bikini bottoms and tossing them to the side.
“I didn’t get to fully prep you this time, so I’ll be gentle, okay? If it hurts at any time, don’t hesitate to tell me to stop” Jean looked down at you with sincerity in his eyes. The lust that once clouded his eyes was gone, at least for now. All he cared about in this moment was making you feel so so good.
“Mhmm, I’ll tell you. I just wanna feel you, Jean. All of you.” You pulled his face down for another kiss, feeling his cock lightly brush against your cunt. Jean eventually pulled away, pushing your legs up slightly and asking you to hold them in that exact position. Once he got your verbal agreement, he slowly stroked himself over your pussy. He dipped the tip between your lips, rubbing it against your clit to make you twitch. He teased a little more by rubbing himself up and down your slit soooo slowly, just until he heard you softly beg him to ‘fucking put it in already’.
“Remember, just relax. It’s gonna hurt a little, but if it’s too much, I’ll stop.” Jean groaned out as he began slowly pushing into you. The way you instantly tightened around him made him moan a little louder than before. The deeper he pushed into you, the tighter you’d get. “C’mon baby, you’re doing so good for me, so so good. Just keep relaxing for me.”
“Faster, please-fuck Jean- faster! I wanna feel all of you.” You cried out as you felt the tip of his cock jerk against that soft spot inside of your cunt. You pulled your legs up closter towards your chest, giving him more access to your deepest parts. All Jean could do was groan at your neediness, pushing himself deeper into you per your demand. As much as he did want to keep going slow for you, he could tell that all you wanted was for him to just fuck you already. So, he shoved the last few inches into you with a harsh thrust, him groaning while you squeal loudly at the sudden aggression. Once he felt your walls relax around him, he wasted no time taking control. He replaced your hands on the backs of your thighs with his, pushing them impossibly close towards your chest.
“You want me to fuck you, huh? That’s what you want? Tell me, tell me you want me to fuck you.” Jean grinded his cock into you as he watched you twitch from the stimulation. As much as he did enjoy watching you feel so good, he still didn’t get any answer. “C’mon, you can act brainless later. I need your answer now, or I’m pulling out.”
The threat of him pulling out, completely withdrawing from your cunt, made you immediately begin to beg. “N-No! Don’t pull out please, I need you to fuck me! Please-” The rest of your begging became nothing more than a few babbles and even more moans and squeals as Jean finally began driving himself into your cunt with sharp and methodical thrusts. The more you moaned, the more tempted he felt to get even faster, just to see if you could get even louder. He wanted to alert Connie, he wanted your son to come downstairs and see her being fucked stupid in her backyard by his best friend.
Jean removed his hands from your thighs, throwing your legs over his shoulders as he bent over to kiss you. He knew you wouldn’t be able to kiss him back as much since the stimulation was too much for you. You were more focused on chasing that orgasm that he denied you from earlier. Luckily for you, that’s all Jean wanted to do. He couldn’t even think of cumming before making you cum for him first. To achieve this, he picked you up slightly by your waist, making your back arch upward, making it so much easier for his cock to continuously drive into that sensitive spot. Every thrust he gave you managed to hit that spot on the way in and on the way out. It made your eyes water, it made your mouth water, it made your toes curl, it made you feel so close. But, wait..did you always have to pee?
“Wait, Jean! I gotta-shit!-gotta pee! You gotta stop!” You thrashed in his hold as you squealed. He didn’t stop though, just let go of your hips and pushed your legs back into your chest.
“You’ve never even squirted before? Shiiit baby, I’m about to make your first time the best time.” Jean used one hand to thumb your clit while he slowed his strokes down slightly. At this moment, it’s not about speed. It’s all about precision. Jean continues a medium pace, but he hits that spot even harder now, continuing to rub your clit in slow circles. When he looks down at your cunt, he can see the white ring you’re leaving at the base of his cock. All he can do is moan at the sight as he spits on your clit for more lubricant. When he does this, you begin squirming even more than before. He fucks you through the squirming, but he does try to urge you to calm down.
“C’mon baby, stop squirmin’ and let yourself go. I’m not stoppin’ till you make a fucking mess.” Jean groans out while lightly slapping your clit. At this point, your toes hurt from curling so hard and you’re seeing stars. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer, and so can Jean.
“Jean, don’t stop! ‘M gonna-ugnn!-gonna cum! Lemme cum, please, I need it!” You beg, plead, and moan ever so loudly. Jean just knows now that Connie can hear all the noise you’re making. “Nobody’s stoppin’ you baby, let go.” Jean continues lightly slapping your clit while you continue to squirm and thrash around in his hold. Finally, with one more hard thrust, one more slap against your clit, and that dark look in Jean’s eyes, you let go. You can barely feel your lower half when you do, and your vision turns bright white with a loud ringing in your ears.
“Fuuuck, there you fuckin’ go, baby! That’s what I wanted.” Jean chucked as you squirt all over his chest, making the biggest mess with the loudest and most erotic moans. Just the sight of tears running down your face and juices still sputtering from your cunt is enough to make Jean want to cum. But, he needs one more. One more toe curling, spine aching, mess making orgasm out of you.
Once you came down from your mind shattering orgasm, Jean made no hesitation to prop you up on your knees, ass high up in the air. He expected to hear some protesting from you, but was excited to hear absolutely no complaints. The sight of you still trembling and trying to hold yourself up was enough to make Jean’s cock twitch a little. 
“J-Jean, please..” You reached behind you with a shaky hand, trying to, somehow, pull him closer to you. “Want’ you inside again, wanna cum again, please.” You whined out to him, trying to push your ass towards his groin, trying to at least feel the tip of his cock against your throbbing clit. But, to your dismay, Jean didn’t show the slightest bit of sympathy for you or your throbbing cunt.
“Awwh, you want me back inside? That’s so adorable baby, but-” Jean started, forcing the arm you used to grab him behind your back, resting right above your hip. With this newfound grip on you, Jean had a little more control of your actions than he did before. “You don’t get to have my cock whenever you want it. You can have my cock when I feel like you deserve it, and right now, I don’t feel like you do.”
You went to struggle against the restraint he had against your arm, which pissed him off even more. “No! Please, I want it! I deserve it, I’ve been so good!” You pleaded desperately. Though he loved listening to you beg for him, part of him wanted to hear you beg a little better than that.
“I know baby, I know.” Jean cooed at you, using his free hand to rub your ass softly. The way you leaned back into his touch, the way you just gave your body to him made his next choice of words come to him so much easier. “You gotta do somethin’ for me, okay pretty? If you can do this right, I’ll make you cum again.”
You immediately perked up, turning your head to look at him. “Mhm, I’ll do ‘nything for you, anything to cum.”
“Alright, if you say so honey. I need you to hold out for me, okay? Gonna get myself close, then I’ll let you cum.” Jean let go of the arm he had restrained behind you, still smoothing his hands over your ass. Once he heard your grunts of approval, and the tiny nodding of your head, he finally pushed himself back into your cunt. The deeper he forced himself, the closer you got to cumming, and Jean could feel it.
Your loud moans were like music to Jean’s ears, proof that he was making you feel so good, better than anyone’s made you feel. You could already feel yourself right at the edge, but you knew what you had to do, you knew what Jean wanted, and you knew what would happen if he didn’t get exactly that. Jean could feel how close you were, but he didn’t intend to make this easy for you. Where’s the fun in that? Instead of just letting you sit there while he does all the work, Jean stops moving, urging you to do it for him. “C’mon, slut. Be a gooood girl and push yourself back onto my cock. Don’t you fucking cum either, just work yourself on my co-yeah, that’s it.”
You tried your hardest to ground yourself as you rocked back and forth onto Jean’s cock. Each time he slipped out of you, it was hard for you to push him back in with how tightly you were clenching. You fought hard to not pull his cock out of you completely, but the stimulation from your last orgasm and your upcoming orgasm made it even harder. When you did pull too far, when he did ‘accidentally’ slip out, you made your best attempts to reach behind you and guide him back inside. Jean watched you struggle to keep your pace while not cumming, which pushed him closer to his release, but it wasn’t close enough.
Jean slowed your hips with a rough grip to your hips. When you looked behind you to find what the problem was, Jean took that as an opportunity to grab you by your neck. The way he tilted your head back so far made your back arch more. Though you could hardly breathe from the restraint he had on your neck, you still managed to keep your mouth shut. Jean stared down at you like this for a while until he spoke. “I’m almost there, honey. Just gotta take control for a bit, and then I’ll let you cum. Sound good?” He cooed at you as he began to continue thrusting into your poor, abused cunt. All you could do was nod. 
The restraint around your neck made it hard to speak, so you used your moans and your body language to speak to him. The way your eyes rolled back and your mouth hung open was enough to let Jean know just how far gone you were. This was exactly what he wanted. From the day Connie introduced him to you, he’s wanted to just take you and fuck you stupid. You’ve been dodging his previous attempts, which made him all the more attracted to you. He was glad that you’d finally given up the good girl facade and just let him take over.
Your loud squealing brought Jean back to reality. He watched as your legs began to shake, your breathing began to become shaky. Jean let go of your neck, letting your head fall back into the poolside chair. He slowly inched his hand lower, rubbing rough circles on your clit. The reaction he got from you told him more than he needed to know. You were close, and if he didn’t catch up to you, you’d cum whether any of you wanted to or not. Jean began picking up the pace of his thrusts, listening to your muffled cries.
“Tell me what you want, baby. Tell me what you need.” Jean rubbed your clit faster, watching you grip the sides of the chair. You tried your hardest to muster up the courage to open your mouth, to speak in full sentences, but with the way he was thrusting inside of you, you had many complications. “Pleease, please fill me up! I wan’ all of your cum inside of me daddy please!”
Jean’s breath hitched. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He grabbed your head, pulling you up to meet his chest. “Repeat that, would you? Say that shit again, I wanna hear you loud and clear.” He growled into your ear, slightly slowing his thrusts to bring your attention back to him.
“Fill me up daddy! Ohmygod yes!-I want you to make me a mommy, wanna have your babies!” You sobbed, holding onto the hand that’s been manipulating your puffy clit.
“Yeah? You want me to make ya a momma again? You wanna really made me a daddy? Well, c’mon and cum so I can fill this mommy cunt up baby.” Jean picked his thrusts up again, rubbing your clit even faster. You finally began to feel yourself get closer and closer, felt that heat in your gut begin to slowly disappear, until finally, finally, you came all over Jean. You felt it drip down your thighs, watched it soak into the poolside chair. Jean let you go, letting your limp body fall forward as he continued to sloppily thrust himself into you. You could hear him mumble something, but your mind was so fuzzy, which made it harder to comprehend anything. Finally, Jean slowed his thrusts, and you could feel his cum fill you up. 
When he stopped his thrusting, he pulled out of you, pulling his swim shorts back on. As he looked up toward your son’s window, he could see Connie watching with rage in his face. All Jean did was wave and grab pieces of your swimsuit. He would’ve loved to stay and watch you struggle to get back into your swimsuit, he had to leave before Connie beat him to a pulp.
“I gotta go, but let me know if you do, you know, end up pregnant” Jean slightly giggled at your attempt to nod your head at him. “I would advise you take an after pill, wouldn’t want ya getting knocked up.”
“‘M on birth control, Jean. Not havin’ anymore kids.” Your words were still slurring, trying to ground yourself once again so you could somehow make it up to your son.
“If ya say so. If you do wanna do this again, just call me. You have my number, I’m sure.” And with that, Jean went back into your house.  Though your son will never forgive you for ruining his friendship for some dick, you definitely don't regret your choices. If you could do it again, you would. Over, and over, and over, and over again <3.
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transmascskywalker · 3 years
dinluke fic recs!!
a few ppl said they’d be interested in a dinluke rec list from me so here we are! i was inspired to make my own from @browneyesbrighteyes and i’m gonna organize it similarly since theirs was organized so well. there might be some overlap; i read a LOT of fanfiction lmao.
similar to their list, there will NOT be any d*bcon or n*ncon, or any toxic portrayal of dinluke. i don’t vibe w that.
this is just a little collection of some of the fics i’ve enjoyed over the last year! most will be oneshots but there’s a few multichapters mixed in lol. multi=multi-chapter, o=oneshot.
!! note that just because i categorize a fic as nsfw doesn’t mean it’s necessarily pwp. some are, but if they have sex at all, then i marked it as nsfw, so a lot of longer fics will be under nsfw.
in-universe SFW:
the storm by shirozora [multi]
Din Djarin needs a new ship.
Greef Karga makes him a deal - do some work for the guild and he'll get a brand new gunship. One such job takes him to a planet with a volatile storm system to track down a double-crossing bounty hunter. What he doesn't know is that the bounty hunter is there to loot an ancient Jedi temple. What neither of them know is that someone else is also on the planet searching for the temple. And then the storm rolls in.
more than his armor by twoseas [o]
Din visits Grogu at Luke’s academy more than any other parent. Luke isn’t complaining.
christ in repose by spqr [o]
More on this story as it develops. Subscribe to HNN’s JEDI WATCH newsletter for instant updates on Jedi sightings throughout the galaxy.
aureole by mandaloria593 [multi]
A few months after Grogu left Moff Gideon’s cruiser with the Jedi, the Jedi comes searching for Din and finds him on Mandalore’s moon of Concordia. Din is roped into an adventure that brings him closer to the Jedi than he could have ever imagined.
[Or, the one where every Coruscant tabloid assumes the Jedi and Mando are dating...and the headlines might be onto something]
unfold by silverscriptings [o]
Han can’t help but be suspicious of a certain Mandalorian who’s been spending an awful lot of time at the Jedi Temple...
the ways of which we live by subtlehysteria [multi]
What if things went slightly differently following episode 6 of The Book of Boba Fett and Luke and Din agreed to dual guardianship of Grogu? And what if, as they get to know one another, the two slowly start to realise that perhaps they aren't so different as they initially thought?
your tapestry of scars by subtlehysteria [o]
Now, Din’s never been one who puts much weight on looks, but even he has to admit he’s curious as to who this stranger actually is.
So imagine his and the rest of the room’s surprise when the mysterious Jedi lowers his hood only to reveal that his face is completely covered all except for the waves of golden hair that falls perfectly about his face and his eyes—piercing blue and impossibly magnetic, even with the tint of Din’s visor obscuring their colour.
icarus point to the sun by luminouskywhiner aka ME [multi]
The Mandalorian was born to be a king, and the Jedi was born to be alone.
Luke Skywalker reflects on loneliness and isolation, on fear and family.
*yes i’m plugging my own fanfic. gotta get that free promo lol*
someone i have always known by snapdragonpop007 [o]
Din Djarin’s soulmate is a Jedi—the beginnings of the Force Bond they share pull him across the galaxy, searching for the other end and leaving his heart bloody and raw and aching for someone he’s never known.
Luke Skywalker knows he had a soulmate. He has no idea who they are, but his chest and heart ache so much from the pain of loss and loneliness that he’s determined to find them--if only to ease his suffering.
thaw by spqr [o]
That’s what hope does to you, Luke remembers now. It lingers at the back of your mind, whispering maybe, maybe, so that knowing a plan is stupid isn’t enough to keep you from trying it.
one single thread of gold tied me to you by casuallysavingtheworld [o]
Luke just sits and stares, as it’s all he can do, hoping one day, he’ll be able to follow his string, all the way to whoever is on the opposite end of it. He bets they’re beautiful, no matter what they look like. At night, in Luke’s dreams, he catches glimpses of deep brown eyes, a pre-empire ship, armor and a silver helmet.
(Luke Skywalker has a golden string attached to his finger, that floats into the sky, leading him somewhere, to someone. He's the only one who can see them. During the adventure of a lifetime, he searches for answers, eventually leading him exactly where he needs to be)
what must it be like to grow up so beautiful? by casuallysavingtheworld [o]
Grinding his teeth down, Din was once again, grateful for his famed helmet to hide how he was really feeling. Leaning against a wall, away from the rest of the party guests, the party Leia had crafted, Din couldn’t help but think about the moments he realized he had feelings for the Jedi.
(Din thinks about all the moments he realized he had feelings for a certain Jedi)
a warrior dance by twoseas [multi]
Luke reacts strangely to Din’s bared face and an overheard conversation leads the Mandalorian to believe the Jedi thinks he’s ugly.
Things spiral out of control from there.
Featuring Mandalorian combat without armor, Han and Leia being a little into Din, and Luke being so much into Din he accidentally makes him think he’s unattractive.
the holy palmer’s kiss by showmeahero [o]
“If you might want to keep it,” Luke tells him, bathed in shining emerald light, “then you better learn how to use it.”
Din’s blood races with energy and want. He presses his thumb into the release on the Darksaber. The energy practically rushes out, the space empty one moment and full the next, overflowing with a black void of power. It hums as he moves it experimentally. He sees it shimmering, but the blade in the center never wavers, perfectly concentrated. Already, it feels almost like an extension of his arm.
“I think you’re right,” Din says to Luke.
in-universe NSFW:
separate ways by pepperprints [multi]
With Moff Gideon defeated and the Darksaber reclaimed, the rumours of newly named Mand'alor Din Djarin spread through the galaxy... along with the stories of the Child he carries with him. Determined to meet him, Luke Skywalker arrives on Mandalore -- but before he can get any closer, he has to prove himself worthy of Mandalorian standards.
his beacon, his harbor by annathaema [o]
The Mandalorian becomes Din Djarin.
Din Djarin becomes.
(Luke helps.)
the warmest bed i’ve ever known by ceedawkes [multi]
pre-original series, din djarin is injured on a remote planet and found by an incessantly chatty farm boy named luke skywalker || i won't ask you to wait, if you don't ask me to stay || aka "making out with hot farm boys doesn't count as breaking the creed if he's blindfolded during it".
we two scorched the earth by annathaema [o]
That left Luke with a much bigger problem: The Sand People knew he was here, they’d likely sabotaged or stolen the speeder by now, and he was stranded in a cave with nothing but a rifle with three rounds left, a survival pack good for only a couple of days, and no transport home. Great. Luke leaned against the wall of the cave and tipped his head back, thumping the back of it against the stone over and over. He closed his eyes and wished for rescue.
Someone groaned.
never leaving well enough alone by darkisrising [multi]
or Five Times Din and Luke Met (and one time they never parted)
He’s drunk, and he isn’t quite sure how that happened. That’s not true, Luke does remember vaguely how it happened, more or less, and it all started with Han.
hold me, love (so i can keep from hiding) by yellowyuriko [o]
He knows he could stay like that forever, cradled in Din’s arms, and the urgency of that thought outright scares him. It’s overwhelming, really, the way the Force vibrates and moves whenever he’s around. Din’s touch is borderline suffocating and Luke has to remind himself to just breath so as not to lose himself completely.
“I missed you,” Din whispers against the shell of his ear, and it carries a sadness Luke does not expect.
“You did?” he asks, genuinely surprised that someone would long for his presence.
the word is help by spqr [o]
In a flash, Fett has his blaster out and pointed at Luke’s head.
“You’re right,” he says. “Turnabout’s fair play. So maybe I oughta shoot you.”
Din’s voice comes from somewhere behind them. “Try it, Fett.”
oh the things we left behind by furiosophie [multi]
As much as Din likes to tell himself that he’s just been taking a well-deserved break, the truth is that for the six months following their daring rescue he’s been nothing but truly and utterly lost. That is until Luke Skywalker gives him a ship and hires him to help figure out what the hell the Empire needed the Child’s blood for.
As they drift through the empty void of hyperspace, they slowly find unexpected companions in each other and realize their respective paths might not be as set as they once thought.
all the pretty places that feel like home by sunshineandalittleflour [o]
“Would you be more comfortable if I called you something else?” Luke asked, and it should have been teasing, but it was genuine, the soft freedom to be who he wanted in this place.
And that careful gift, that offer of being who he wanted, uncontrolled and unfettered, filled Din with a lot of hope and a little bit of terror. Who was he without the creed? His people? Who was Din Djarin, standing in the halls of someone who had once been his people’s greatest enemy?
Din shook his head, hearing his own breathing echo inside his helmet. “No. You can,” he faltered briefly, then took a deep breath. “You can call me by my name.”
beroya and jetti by purplesauris [multi]
Din has been gone from Luke, and from his family for two months, three days, and six hours. He isn't counting, if anyone were to ask.
stick with me (from galaxy to galaxy) by purplesauris [o]
The five times that Din is sensitive to touch (and the one time that Luke is sensitive too)
alternate-universe SFW:
mystery man by snapdragonpop007 [multi]
Luke is seeing someone, apparently.
And really, it’s none of Anakin’s business.
yoda’s academy for li’l padawans by missdinahdarling [multi]
Being a new student is hard.
Being a new student whilst your socially awkward father avoids the school at all costs and your new teacher pines uselessly over a man he’s never met before is even worse.
But by god, Grogu is gonna get through this.
the secret life of daydreams by subtlehysteria [multi]
Din Djarin is not your quintessential gentleman, nor is his family considered "normal" by high society - or by any society that is not Mandalorian for that matter. Not that he cares for such people's opinions. In his eyes, it is they who are the uncivilized ones, not his family. So when the dour Mr. Skywalker and his colourful friend Mr. Vanth arrive in Nevarro for the winter, Din assumes the same of them and vows not to give them a second thought.
Fate, however, has other plans in store as it continues to relentlessly thrust Mr. Skywalker in Din's path.
Is there more to the man behind the cool mask of indifference, or is Din correct in thinking him a prideful, arrogant aristocrat?
*^ this may be my favorite fanfics of all time across any fandom. if i had to rec just ONE on this list it is secret life of daydreams. honestly anything by subtlehysteria slaps this whole post could just be me singing their praises*
to build a home by subtlehysteria [multi]
No more relationships. Din had vowed this to himself after what happened with Xi'an.
And while Luke seems nice, really he does, he was also his son’s teacher. Besides, Din wasn’t comfortable with opening himself up to someone new again. All of his time either went towards Grogu or running his new security business. Besides, he was happy with their routine, happy with just the two of them in their house and his too-loud family barging in every Sunday for dinner. He was happy, really he was.
So why was there a small part of him that wished Luke could be here with him for this?
alone with you by subtlehysteria [o]
Luke does, eyes immediately catching on the rich auburn hair and beard of their usual ballet master and head of the company, Obi-Wan Kenobi. They quickly dart to the extremely handsome man standing beside him, Luke having to withhold a whistle. He’s somewhere in his mid-thirties, all broad shoulders and dark, mesmerizing eyes, hair tousled in careless curls and scruff littering his cheeks. A well-trimmed moustache frames plump pink lips and honestly, it’s very distracting. Luke has to blink past the hearts in his eyes to realise that the man is surveying the room with a look he is all too familiar with.
They have a new choreographer who’s scouting dancers.
And Luke just waltzed in late.
love me in the dark by gluten_full [o]
No one - not his sister, his friends, or his dad - knew that Luke was gay. No one, except, now, Din Djarin. He never should have come here tonight. He had seen the flyer for a “Queer Poetry Slam” in the bathroom of a coffee shop a block away, and he’d pocketed it. It had taken him all week to build up the courage to come. And now he was in a basement listening to gay poets read gay poetry. And Din Djarin was watching him.
alternate-universe NSFW:
my big fat mandalorian wedding by oystering [multi]
“Din’ka... you better get married soon. You’re starting to look... old.”
His ba’vodu had been saying that since he was fifteen years old. All the family wanted was for him to be a good Mandalorian. And all good Mandalorians do three things with their lives; marry other Mandalorians, make Mandalorian babies, and feed everyone, until the day they die.
*oops it’s me again. ^ this is another one of my favorites i’ve reread it so many times*
go and get your hands dirty by furiosophie [multi]
There is an agonizing moment where Din feels Luke’s body tense beneath him, his muscles flexing in a way that makes him sure Luke is about to punch or at least push him away, but then something shifts behind Luke’s eyes, as if he recognized the fear in Din's, and before Din can form another coherent thought Luke crushes their lips together and kisses him as if his life depends on it.
(Din meets Luke twice a day, five days a week, in a way that’s casual, predictable, impersonal - Until that one day where he meets him by accident, in the middle of the night in a way that's neither.)
a little farther down the line by chromat1cs [multi]
Austin, Texas, 1973. Din Djarin plays the guitar, worries about his kid, and runs aimlessly from a past that pulled the roof down around his ears. When a stunningly-talented duo of up-and-coming performers turns Din’s plans of being a simple session musician clear on their head, Din must decide between the safety of mundanity or the unlooked-at thrill of following his heart lest the tape run out on this track of his life before he’s through recording it.
fever dream by purplesauris [multi]
When Din's van breaks down on the side of the road, he doesn't think his day can get any worse. The farm he stumbles upon while trying to get to town for help might just be his saving grace.
and the world spins madly on by subtlehysteria [o]
Digging his spoon into the coffee ice cream, Luke brings the sugary caffeine-injected sweet treat to his lips and closes his eyes as he lets the over-the-top sweetness flood his tastebuds.
That is of course until he feels someone sitting down beside him.
“How do you like this stuff?”
the armor you wear by subtlehysteria [multi]
Stuntman-turned-actor Din Djarin thinks he's prepared for whatever The Mandalorian Season 3 has to offer. So when he's informed he's going to be performing his first on-screen romance with award-winning actor Luke Skywalker, he may start to panic just a little. Especially because his character, who, until now, has worn his helmet 24/7, is going to be coming out of his beskar-shell so to speak and go helmetless for multiple scenes. Worried he doesn't have what it takes to give the performance required of him, Din turns to his new co-star for advice. Luke is sweet, an excellent teacher and turns out to be an even more amazing friend.
So what happens when on-screen romance starts bleeding into their real-life relationship?
this definitely is not all, and i might edit this post to add more, but as of right now these are all of the fics that i either have bookmarked somewhere or are currently open on my chrome app lol. go give these a read for some good dinluke content! godspeed dinlukes
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eveenstar · 2 years
Oooh okay I loved the dating Masky headcanons......could I possibly ask for dating Tim hcs but with a proxy s/o?
Kinda curious to see how Tim would treat his s/o who is also kinda going through what he's going through....minus having a aggressive, alter ego of course lmao-
Gotcha! This might have gone a bit off of what you requested because my Canon about how proxies behave is slightly different. Hope you like it!
Tim having a s/o who's also a proxy (headcanons)
If you've read my previous headcanons, you know how Masky is. In this one, we'll dig deeper into his real self, Tim.
First off, the way he found you were a proxy probably put his life in danger for that split time. In the first years of being a proxy, one does not maintain their original personality while in that state of mind. So of course, you lashed out at him and nearly smashed his head in the kitchen counter had Tim not managed to overpower you.
Look, we need to keep in mind what he's been through. He probably figures out what's wrong with you as soon as that, and keeps you tied up til you wake up - just for safety. Please don't take it to heart.
Tim's in denial, at first. He confronts you, but would rather put the blame on a very bad case of sleepwalking than admitting what you are (if you don't know by now). It will take him a lot to come around to it.
A relationship with Tim where both of you are proxies is unstable. After that night everything changed, but not his love for you. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean Tim treats you as he used to, because he doesn't.
Like I said, unstable. He doesn't trust you, as much as it hurts both of you, Tim is afraid. A part of him feels like he did this to you, and if you were a proxy long before you met him, you'll have a hard time convincing him of that. No matter what you say, Tim will find a way to put this on him. What if he did it worse by being with you?
Lots of meltdowns and fights. He shuts you out and ends up sleeping in the living room, trying his best to avoid you. You need to be the one to come to him otherwise a break-up is doomed to happen. Tim is not avoiding you because he hates you - he could never bring himself to hate you even if you broke his leg. Tim can't believe you're in this mess with him, that you're suffering from the same bullshit that has been haunting him ever since he could remember - he can't help it; he'll isolate himself from you.
The relationship was probably a bit rocky before so before we go much further, let's take a look at how it was before. Tim is a very anxious guy and has a lot of issues to solve, some who are being worked through with his doctor, and others that...well, you know. It took him a few months to open up to you but once he does, it's worth it. He's a very sweet boy deep down and tries his best to be romantic with you, although he might fail sometimes.
I'll bring up the cliché "hates everyone but you" except that of course he doesn't actually hate everyone. Sarcasm is part of his language and Tim might look very unapproachable because of his dead serious resting face; so all of his contacts are colleagues from work. He thinks they're okay, except a few of course, and deep down he hopes they're okay with him too. If you know his background, you know how much he struggles with making friends.
But despite this, he's such a helpful and kind person if people gave him a chance like you did. He's always ready to help someone, it's amazing. Ask him for anything and he'll try to get it for you, unless it's expensive. But Tim will absolutely make a run to Target at night if you need chocolate or something.
Seriously though, Tim is just trying to get through the week alive and have enough money to help you both survive in this world. He doesn't care about politics or anything else. In his mind, people should be allowed to be themselves and fuck anything else. Tim's tired and the economy is messed up.
A very committed person, so if he let you in this way, it's because he trusts you and the whole you-being-a-proxy situation sorta broke that trust.
Alright, after this brief back to the past adventure, let's put our attention in the present again. At some point you'll "meet" Masky. This happens after you decide to follow your boyfriend in the middle of the night, only to end up at the burnt out hospital. Whatever happened that night is history.
I already said this but I'll re-enforce my point; you need to be the one to come to him if you don't want a break-up, because that's what would happen if Tim goes to you, and he would. No more secrets, just sit down in the living room and tell everything to one another. I'll be honest, it probably ends up in tears and hugs.
Tim is the "as long as I'm here no one can hurt you" type and he takes it to heart. If you have a plan to finish this "curse", he's in it. But Tim will never put your life at risk, he'd rather lose his than yours.
He'll ask you very brief questions about it, things like "How long do you think this has been happening?" will come up, but unless you come forward with more, he'll leave it at that. It's not his business. If you feel comfortable to talk to him about it, Tim is a great listener.
Maybe I exaggerated a little. Tim never knows what to say when people vent to him, and he often tries to avoid that if possible. It's not personal, it's somewhat awkward to him. But for you? For you he'd do it, of course. He knows what it's like and Tim would never let you stay in the dark by yourself.
Not that it helps much, but Tim offers to burn your "proxy state" outfit. You'll both watch the flames burn in silence as his hand quietly reaches out for yours.
Speaking of your proxy state again, there's a chance Tim will fight you a few times. He doesn't want to lose you, he believes trying to restrain you until you come back to him will make things easier. With that said, he will absolutely look for you if you disappear for long periods of time. And he won't give up until he does.
You both probably struggle a lot with keeping up jobs and sometimes it takes a toll on him. You know it; if not by the breakdowns, by the way his hands twitch or his constant pacing around.
Tim offers to set you up with a therapist, or someone to help you out like he has his. I hope you don't take this to offense, but you most likely have other problems and Tim is genuinely trying to help you out.
On cold Friday nights, you two will end up by the couch telling stories to one another and forget everything else. You'll hear a lot of fond stories of his dear ol' best friend Brian and you'll see the way Tim's eyes lit up whenever he recalls something they did. It's enough to make one's heart ache, he really misses him.
If you're going through a particular bad time yourself, and you most likely will, Tim will offer to play something for you. He still has some of his old musical instruments, even though he hasn't touched them in ages. It's a good way to keep your mind at ease - especially because he fails notes on purpose, just to make you laugh!
Rewinding a bit with what I said; after the reveal, the relationship you both hold will be a challenge, but with time it will improve and make the both of you stronger. It will take a lot of patience and perseverance, so I hope you're ready for it.
I seriously need to do a full post explaining my canon lol its been in my head for days now
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whiteteadreams · 2 years
have you noticed the trait of jeno that is he gets sulky easily? 😆😆 i didn't realise it until jisung pointed it out on the radio show last year and i thought it was the cutest thing ever ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ♡♡♡♡♡♡ his voice here omg ㅠㅠㅠ and the way he was playing with his rings when he was "complaining" to jaemin ㅠㅠㅠ
slightly off topic, haechan said jeno is the type who cries when he gets angry ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ i think it's bc he didn't have the heart to scold that person so he suffers silently? ㅠㅠ hence renjun said jeno should put this toy in front of his room so the members know when he's upset ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ is it cruel of me to think this cute? 😭😭😭😭
ive been wanting to read something like this (cute jeno that gets sulky/jealous easily? ><") but idk from whom to request it from and how this element can make a good full-length fic/drabble ㅠㅠ do you have any thoughts on this? ㅠ♡
he's so cute 😭😭, I have noticed that he gets sulky easily, mostly from fan made videos/compilations. I find it so amusing and adorable that whenever he "complains" abt something he acts shy (like playing with his rings, looking down, his voice sounds a bit whiny).
the toy idea is so cute and I hope they actually do it tbh. I just wanna see a random photo of the toy on the upset side in front of his room on one of the dreamies' instagram posts.
if you're cruel for thinking it's cute, then so am I. but then again, anything jeno does is cute ngl.
I wouldn't mind writing a drabble abt him getting sulky/jealous easily but I've got several fics planned already so it may be awhile unless I get inspired all of a sudden by a vid or picture of him sulking.
but I think it would go smth like this, so we all know haechan is super clingy and whenever the reader visits jeno in the dorms, haechan gets super excited as well bc she's there and he'll cling on her while she's cooking or while they're watching tv. jeno would ignore it even tho it bothered him bc she's HIS gf not Haechan's. jeno being petty, he also ignores her when she does spend time with him, like "oh, haechan is in his room. he's not here." then she would say, "I don't want haechan, I want you." he would follow up with "well it didnt look like that earlier." he would be a pouty baby and then she would coo at him and convince him that she loves him the most.
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softer-ua · 4 years
i can't be the only one who wants izuku to get fucking pissed at his situation, at all might, start questioning what the fuck is going on with OFA.
because if you're going to trust a fifteen year old with something like OFA and bind them to the life of a symbol, you do not get to withhold information. deku was not told he'd be dealing with an enemy like AFO when he got the quirk, nor was he told that basically its whole point was not fighting some vague concept of evil, but fighting a very tangible very dangerous villain. he wasn't told that up until all might, inheriting this power was guaranteed suicide, and even after all might you only have a vague chance of survival. to be offered such a life altering "gift", Izuku should have been warned of everything. from the start. and if not then then from the very moment izuku started seeing vestiges, or at least when AFO resurfaced. WHY IN GOD'S NAME WOULD YOU HIDE ANY, ANY BIT OF INFORMATION ON A QUIRK THAT IMPORTANT?????
no because, if you look at it cynically, All Might took this kid who had nothing and who looked up to him as effective god. He took this kid who he knew had no sense of no self-care or self-preservation. This extremely reckless kid who he saw putting his life at risk three times (sludge v1, hanging on to AM as he jumped, sludge v Katsuki) within 24 hours. He picked this kid who he knew would give everything (because Izuku had "nothing", and therefore nothing to lose) and "gifted" him with a ticking time bomb. Of course Izuku is willing to break himself if it means using OFA to max potential. So much of his self-worth is based on OFA. He's said time and time again he isn't sure if he deserves it, that it's a borrowed power. If you've taken this kid and given him everything practically overnight, of course he'll go to self-destructive lengths to prove himself worthy of it. Who'd want to go back to being nothing after all?
And this is a logical conclusion. Someone like Izuku, someone like All Might probably used to be in his youth and still kind of is, they're perfect to be put on this kind suicide mission. They're a perfect vessel. Sure they're heroic and brave and selfless, but most importantly they're willing to die for the cause. OFA the quirk knows this. Literally two seconds after Katsuki sacrifices himself telling Deku not to do shit alone, Deku renders said sacrifice useless by doing exactly what Katsuki warned him not to😭 And the quirk and vestiges encourage him. They don't give a shit about repercussions and Deku's chronic pain or possible arm paralysis. They just want to beat AFO. You go son you break those arms 🤠
Doesn't it all feel a little bit exploitative?
Look at it like this. A kid is born with no power. This kid wants to be great, but the world says he can't. He meets his hero, and the hero says he can't either. Then the kid acts heroic, but reckless. The hero sees an opening. This kid is good and doesn't care one bit about his well-being? Jackpot! He offers the kid a deal. Great power, an extraordinary gift at surface layer. But one with so many more hidden strings attached that hurt and break and haunt the kid, that he was never warned about or taught how to deal with. But he can always give it to someone else! Can he, really? Can he go back to being nothing? With a personality like his, well nope. And that's why you pick the overly selfless reckless ones. The ones that will feel indebted to you to a ridiculous degree.
Isn't it like dare I say... like a deal with the devil?
As we progress more and more into the lore of AFO and OFA, I can really see why Katsuki's started to view it as a cursed power. And with how wildly different from expectations (at least mine) + far more nuanced the Todofam drama has revealed itself to be compared to what it seemed upon first intro, I'm inclined to believe there's more to the OFA story than clean cut, young bro good guy vs mean big bro oppression.
TL;DR - All Might is the metaphorical devil jr who gave Izuku a passed down deal, and neither he nor broccoli boy read the fine print.
Bakugo’s ghost sent me this ask 💀
Lol but seriously, these are all excellent points and I’ve been sitting on this ask until I had time to answer it because you’re absolutely goddamn right
This shit is explotive af, and I’ve got a suspicion as to why
I don’t think Deku was a random choice, there’s a layer of fate/mystic woven into the bnha world that gets over looked.
Sir had insane fortune telling abilities that were never once wrong about anything except when it came to the 2 OFA users fates. Deku even specifically says he’ll smash any fate in his way, and I think on some level he knows he can because he has a different destiny.
The vestiges break him from Shinsos hold, meaning the can have some level of control over Dekus body. You think AM noticed every time something like that happened? AM didn’t even notice Bakugo internalizing all the blame for his retirement even after watching his mom force him to apologize for it??
“I keep forgetting that your still a child” AM, sir, this is the third time you’ve admitted out loud that you were just gonna let Bakugo suffer his own fate 💀 please stop indicting yourself and at least pretend you care about Bakugo outside his relationship to Deku jfc
Also what are the chances you get nine random holders and none of them turn out to be corrupt or at least too self serving to die for the cause??? Slimmer than the pages bnha is printed on.
There’s something pulling some strings here, and I think it’s the true power of First users quirk.
What would be the point of transferring a quirk if that’s it’s only power?
What would be the point of this quirk being essentially password locked?
What would be the point of this quirk being able to forced on to someone?
There’ wouldn’t be any.
But what if that’s not what the quirk is?
What if the quirk is actually passing something along, and that’s why it’s dna based, it’s the transfer of an integral part of them.
Something that would change a person if forced on them but would possibly eradicate someone if stolen. Something like a souls desire? That could be a dangerous thing to give to someone else especially if it’s something they didn’t want, now they suddenly have to?
Then you give this quirk a strength enhancing quirk?
Now it’s got some juice, how much stronger did it get? Can it sense others with a similar goal, can it make its host gravitate towards those people?
Is the firsts quirk purposely finding exploitable heros, like Nana AM and Deku. All people who were/are willing to give up everything for the cause. How much of the first is in there, how much sentient power does this quirk have?
We know that Nana gave up her family, her child, for the cause. AM never bothered cultivating a family and pushed away Sir and anyone else who is anti him dying, and now we’re seeing Deku do the same.
Deku who had no friends to begin with, a dad who’s out of the picture, and an already slightly strained relationship with his mom?
Is this quirk capable of learning? Does it know that having people you care about slows you down from sacrificing yourself?
Does this quirk compound with the other users goals make the drive stronger each time?
Idk but there’s a glimmer of hope that Deku isn’t doomed to be a glorified meat puppet, and it exists in the form of Kacchan.
No one else had someone so deeply rooted to them, who could fight right along side them. Bakugo is an outlier in this story, almost the exact opposite kind of hero OFA wants, his connection to Deku breaks the cycle.
Deku would never give up on Katsuki, and even if he tried Endeavor will start coughing up ice cubes before Bakugo lets him. He couldn’t leave Deku alone when he was convinced he hated him, there’s no way he’d do it now.
Dekus story will be different from the other users that’s for sure.
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Mated (2)
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Read Part One 
Commissioned by: @knowexoknowlife
Warning: Some violence, Smut
Word Count: 6.1k
"Are you sleeping?" You whisper to Sehun, who had barely said ten words to you since this afternoon's discovery. 
"No." He whispers, still rolled onto his side not facing you. 
You weren't sure what you could do for him. It's not as though you had planned on having two mates, or like you wanted it. You would never purposely hurt Sehun, but sometimes things work out in a funny way. 
"I'm sorry.." you sniffle, unable to stop the tears from falling. 
"It's not your fault." Sehun sighs, still not facing you. You wished he would roll over and wrap his arms around you, tell you sweetly that he wasn't mad and it wasn't your fault, and mean it. 
Although he coldly said what you wished to hear, you could hear it in his voice that he wasn't convinced it wasn't your fault. 
"You don't sound overly convinced." You sigh, wiping away the tears. "I just want us to be okay." 
"Because I'm not convinced Y/N. Christ. What am I supposed to do? The girl I love and am meant to be with, is also meant to be with my fucking brother. None of this is okay, I'm not okay." He snaps, abruptly standing up and storming out of the room, making sure to not slam the door too hard. 
You crawl out of the bed, looking out the window you can see Sehun running through the field towards the forest, disappearing into the darkness of the trees. 
Now the tears really wouldn't stop. You slide down the wall, wrapping your arms around your knees as you lower your head and sob. 
Your head raises at the sound of light knocking at your door. You quickly wipe your tears before standing up and walking to the door to open it. When you do, you're surprised to see a sympathetic Suho standing there, his head lowered, allowing his shaggy brown hair to fall around his face. 
"Are you okay?" He whispers, his voice lowered. 
"H-how.." you stutter before he cuts you off. 
"Wolves have impeccable hearing." He whispers, raising his head to look at you, his eyes filled with sadness. "Look, Sehun is the youngest, he still has a hard time digesting things, especially big things like this. Give him some time." He sighs. "I wish I could say that I would do anything to help, but I know he would ask me to step aside and I'm afraid I just can't do that." He says, looking you straight in the eyes. "There's something so special about you Y/N, and I refuse to give up without a fight, even if it's my own brother." 
Your breath hitches as you take in his words, your heart's pounding as Suho leans his face in closer to yours. "I'll do anything to win your heart." He finishes. He leans in closer, placing a small kiss on your lips before walking back to his room, while you suffer, wondering how you're ever going to make a choice. 
You fall asleep as you wait for Sehun to come back, all the crying you've done tiring you out beyond belief. 
For the next week you try to talk with Sehun, but he's either gone or ignores you. 
He'll talk to you when he's ready, you guessed. But as the week passed, you began to get increasingly more angry. You purposely avoided Suho to make sure you didn't offend Sehun anymore, but you honestly just wanted to spend some time with him. 
You couldn't. Not yet. Not until Sehun calmed down. When he showed no signs of stopping, you decided to stop pretending Suho didn't exist. You allow yourself to slowly begin to notice him more, and Sehun would just have to deal with it. 
When you awake in the morning, you're greeted by a still empty bed, again, and a giant headache. You lay still for a few minutes contemplating what to do. Do you go downstairs and see if he's down there? Do you try to talk to him? Do you stay up here and wait for him? 
You decided to put on your big girl pants and head downstairs to find Sehun and talk to him. Enough was enough. The anxiety you felt in roaming through your entire body though was making you feel weak, but you couldn't be like this any longer. 
You hold onto the railing as you try to silently creep down the stairs, listening intently to the voices you hear in the living room and kitchen, trying to see if you can hear Sehun's. 
You can't. 
As you reach the bottom of the stairs, you're met with half smiles by Baekhyun and Yixing, Chanyeol only giving you a quick glance. This was embarrassing. 
"Have any of you seen Sehun?" You ask in a whisper. 
"I think he went on a run with Minseok." Baekhyun says, trying to give you a smile. 
You wished you could just speak with Sehun and get everything sorted out. If he wanted you to reject Suho.. would you be able too? You didn't know, and you didn't want to have to think about making that decision unless it was absolutely necessary, and right now it wasn't. 
"Y/N, may I speak with you?" Yixing asks, bringing you out of your thoughts. 
"Sure." You say, but before you're able to follow him the back door by the kitchen opens, revealing a sweating and shirtless Suho. Your breath hitches as your eyes slowly trail down from his face to his rock hard abs. "Shit." You whisper as you raise your eyes, locking in with his, unable to break the contact. 
"So it begins." You hear someone snap. Looking away from Suho, you catch the back of Sehun as he turns up the stairs, walking away from you.  
Looking back at Suho, you shoot him an apologetic smile before running after Sehun. You're not sure why you did it, you didn't truly owe Suho anything, but you felt like you did. Like everything you've given to Sehun, you should give to Suho too. 
"You're back.." you say, walking into the room you and Sehun are supposed to be sharing. 
"I am. Looks like you sure missed me." He snaps, putting a fresh shirt on. 
"I did, actually." You say, beginning to get annoyed. "I haven't seen you all week." 
"Oh yeah, it really looked like it. I apologize for interrupting your moment with Suho." He spits, turning to walk out the door. 
"Are you fucking serious right now?" You snap. Sehun stops in his tracks, turning his head slightly to look back at you. You stand there, your body full of rage as you cross your arms, waiting for him to answer. 
"What?" He asks. 
"I said, are you fucking serious? You're acting like a goddamn child." You yell. 
"I.." he begins before you cut him off. 
"Don't. It's my turn." You stop him. "I get you're upset, trying to wrap your head around this but you're not the only goddamn person struggling here. Did you stop to think about how I may be feeling this while you were throwing your bitch baby tantrum? How I might be handling this? Cause I'm not doing very fucking well, but I guess you wouldn't know because it's been the Sehun Show all fucking week." You yell. "I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask to be something special like the Gemini Mate, but it's happened and now we need to figure it the fuck out. Either get on board, or back the fuck off. Your choice." You finish before storming out the room. You race down the stairs, passing the men who are standing there with their mouths hanging open, and storm towards the forest. 
"Fuck that guy." You growl, stomping your way through the woods. You couldn't believe that he was acting that way. It's not like you chose this to be your life. You didn't ever plan for this to happen, but like works in mysterious ways. 
After a while of walking, you finally sit down on a large log, taking a few deep breaths, breathing in the fresh air. It took you a few moments of looks around to realize that you had no idea where you were, or what direction you even came from. You tried thinking back to what you remembered seeing, but honestly you had been too mad to really focus on any of your surroundings, your mind had been cluttered with angry thoughts. 
"Shit." You whisper as you stand up, walking in the direction you hoped was towards the house. 
"How long ago did she leave?" Suho snaps at Sehun.
"It's been a while." Sehun admits. "Like 3 hours." 
"And you've been in here, not doing a fucking thing? Why didn't you go after her!?" Suho yells. 
"I was pissed off! And so was she! I'm sure she just wanted some time." Sehun says. 
"It's getting dark now, and you know lone wolves like to prowl this forest. What the fuck are you going to do if one of them catches her?" Suho asks. His heart breaks slightly at the thought of you being taken or injured, he can't let that happen. 
Suho rushes out the back door, Sehun follows quickly behind him. 
"You stay here!" Suho yells.
"I can't. I can't let anything happen to her, I shouldn't have waited so long." Sehun admits. 
"Fine. Take the left side of the forest and I'll take the right." Suho says, running towards his side before his body tears apart and phases into his wolf form. 
Your stomach drops as you continue to walk, seemingly deeper and deeper into the forest. You can hear the sounds of howling beneath the sounds of leaves crunching as you walk.  You're terrified as you heat the sounds of twigs snapping behind you, along with a low whine. 
You do your best to pick up your pace, but keep quiet at the same time, unfortunately the heavy breath behind you is coming up quickly. 
"Fuck fuck fuck." You whisper as you crouch behind a large log, hoping whatever was behind you will continue on its path and forget about you. 
You really hoped, but you weren't that lucky. 
As you sat there with your knees to your chest and your eyes squeezed tightly shut, you could feel the hot breath of something down your neck. Tears slowly fell as you continued to try and remain quiet, needing whatever this was to leave now. 
But it didn't. Instead you felt a clamp on your bun before you were being dragged from behind the log. You kicked and screamed, but nothing came of it. You opened your eyes as you lay on the forest floor and you're being hovered by a very large white wolf. 
You felt uneasy, so you knew this wasn't one of the wolves you had met with Sehun. It must be a lone wolf. You had heard stories about the lone wolves. Violent, angry, generally had zero regard for human life, mated or not. They would take you, keep you for as long as they felt, did whatever they wanted before killing you and disposing of you somewhere. You didn't want that. 
Despite you knowing all this information, it still didn't stop you from attempting to plead with him, in hopes that maybe, just maybe he had some shred of care left inside of him. 
That wasn't the case. 
"Please, please don't take me. I have two mates, which means twice the trouble for you. I'm not worth it, please." You beg. You didn't want to be taken by him. You could feel your heart breaking at the thought of leaving Suho and Sehun behind, never being able to touch Sehun again or loving him, never getting the chance to love Suho. This couldn't happen to you. 
The wolf snarled at you, saliva dripping from his snout as he snapped. 
"Please." You cry before he lunges for you, his teeth ripping into the flesh of your arm. You let out a loud shriek as his teeth sink further into you. 
Seconds later, you hear the sound of another body colliding and the relief of no more teeth in your arm. You hear fighting, turning your head you see the grey wolf snarling before taking a chunk out of the white wolf's back. The lone wolf runs off quickly, whimpering as he goes. You feel yourself fading in and out of consciousness as your almost lifeless body is being picked up, the chest of whoever helped you hot to the touch. 
"It's okay baby. I got you." Is all you hear, and Suho's face is all you see before you pass out in his arms as he runs you back to the house. 
"What the hell happened!?" Yixing yells, as he swipes books and papers off the kitchen table. 
"A lone wolf got her." Suho huffs, running his hands through his hair. 
"You should wash up. Yixing's got this." Minseok reassures Suho. 
"No. I can't leave her! I just found her, I can't.. I just.." Suho breaks. He rushes around the table, grabbing onto your other hand, holding it tightly. 
"W-what.. what happened?" Sehun asks as he comes in the front door and sees you lying unconsciously on the table. 
"A lone wolf got to her!" Suho yells. "All because you've been too much of a fucking bitch about this situation. We're her mates. We're supposed to protect her! And because of you, I backed off to give you space, but christ, it's been a week and I'm done. She's my fucking mate too, and I refuse to let something like this to happen again because you can't accept it." He snaps. 
"I'm sorry.." Sehun whispers. He knew he fucked up when you had yelled at him. He wanted to apologize, but wanted to wait until you had returned and calmed down. And now that you were lying lifeless on the kitchen table, he knew he fucked up even worse. Every sense in his body had told him to go after you but he convinced himself he needed to give you time. He should have listened. 
"You're sorry?" Suho snaps, letting go of your hand to rush at Sehun, grabbing the collar of his shirt before slamming him against the wall. "Sorry isn't good enough. Stay away from her for a while. Figure out what you want, because I already know. I want her. I'll take all of her if you don't, so figure it out." Suho snaps,letting go of Sehun before walking back to you and grabbing onto your hand once again while Yixing stitches up your other arm. 
Hours later, you startle awake, your arm in an immense amount of pain. "Oh my god." You cried, the wound burning. 
"Y/N?" You hear from the floor. "Are you okay?" Suho asks as he gets up from the floor, kneeling over the bed. 
"It hurts so bad." You cry, your hot tears running down your face. Your arm almost shakes it hurts so badly. 
"Here. Yixing said these will help." Suho says, placing some medication in your mouth before giving you some water to drink. 
"Thank you." You whisper, already feeling the effects of the medicine. "It works so fast.." you mumble, beginning to doze again. 
"It should, it's infused with a special witch herb." He smiles. "Do you need anything else?" Suho asks. 
"Cuddle me please." You shiver, your teeth chattering. 
Suho happily climbs into his bed and under the covers before wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you in closer to him. This is what he craved, what he needed. And now he finally had it. 
The next few days as you recovered, Sehun tried to come see you, but was turned away by Suho or by your voice telling him to go. You weren't ready to face him. You were enjoying your time with Suho and you really didn't want to argue with Sehun. 
As the week came to an end, you decided to sit down with Suho and Sehun. As much as you wanted to continue in your bubble with Suho, you needed to set boundaries with them both and go over some guidelines. 
"I've called you both here today because it's time we had a chat." You begin. "Would either of you like to say anything?" You ask. 
"Me." Sehun says. You nod your head as a signal for him to go ahead. 
"I'm so sorry for the way I acted last week. It was immature and selfish, and it almost got you killed. I really hope you can forgive me." Sehun whispers, his eyes trained on the wooden floor. 
"Of course I do." You smile as he looks up at you. "But no more, please." 
"No more." He agrees. 
"Now.." you begin to set the rules between the three of you. "I'll spend 3 nights with each of you, it can be 3 nights in a row or switched off and on every night. Last night will be my decision. Either I will pick one of you to spend it with or I'll spend it by myself." You state. "Let's try to limit the jealousy, if we can. This won't be easy for any of us, but we really need to try." You smile. 
An hour later, you had finished with the two of them, setting up your rules and boundaries. You had really hoped that it would help ease the tension between the two men because you didn't know if you could take much more of their fighting. 
The first three nights you spent with Sehun, allowing him to properly make up with you for his mistakes.
The next night was your night with Suho, and you had been so desperately waiting for this night. You wanted to have a special night with him, since you had already had a few with Sehun and none with Suho. While he was gone, you slipped one of his t-shirts over your head and crawled into his bed, impatiently waiting for him to get home. 
You waited. And waited. And waited. The next thing you knew you woke up as the sun was beginning to rise and you felt Suho's strong arm wrapped around your waist. You could feel his large, hard cock poking into your ass, it made your pussy wet. You smirk as you wiggle your hips, grinding your ass against his cock. Suho moans in his sleep as he stretches, pushing his cock out further into your backside. You reach your hand behind you, grabbing onto his cock, gently pumping as you wait for him to wake up. 
"Fuck baby." He groans, moving his hand under your shirt and up your body to cup your breast. After he pinches your nipple, he brings his hand back down and in between your legs. 
“Mhm, no panties?” He groans, sitting up before placing his body over yours, hovering over you. "Naughty girl." He smiles as he moves down your body and in between your legs. 
Suho spreads your legs and then your lips with his fingers before leaning his head forward, licking a long strip up your already wet pussy. You arch your back with a gasp as your hands grip tightly onto the bed sheets. 
“You taste amazing” Suho murmurs before diving back in, sucking on your clit. Without taking his mouth away from your pussy, he drapes your legs over his shoulders as he buries his face further in between your legs. 
“Fuck” you gasp as he moves from sucking on your clit to flicking it with the tip of his tongue. He continues to work on your clit while slowly inserting his fingers inside you, pumping in and out, making sure to  build your orgasm up. Your hands pull at the bed sheets tighter, almost pulling them off the bed with each lick and suck until you’re almost at your peak.
“I’m going to cum” you cry out, your body twisting as your orgasm comes. 
Suho abruptly stops, removing his head from between your legs.
“First time you cum will be all over my cock” he growls, standing up to pull down his bottoms. You can hear the low whine and neediness come from inside as he yearns to be inside you. 
He pulls down his pyjama bottoms, throwing them off the bed and allowing his fully erect cock spring free. You gasp at the length and thickness of it, your mouth beginning to drool.
Suho kneels down before pulling you up to face him and then force you down on your front, but making sure your ass is up in the air.  He licks his fingers before inserting them inside of you, pumping to make sure you were wet enough for his cock. 
"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He groans. "I love each and every curve on your body, fuck." 
Once he was satisfied, he took his fingers out, making you wait for a few seconds, torturing you. 
Without warning he thrusts himself into you fully, giving you no chance of adjusting to his size as he stretches you out completely.
“Oh my god” you scream as he pulls out before harshly thrusting himself back inside of you.
Soho’s hands grip you tightly, digging his hot fingertips into your hips as he fucks you, hard.
“Shit baby girl” he groans, continuing with his thrusts. “You’re so tight." 
“Your fucking pussy is amazing." He groans, thrusting faster. 
“Fuck me harder” you cry, wanting him to destroy you. 
“Yes baby. Now play with your clit” he demands.
You reach your hands in between your legs, rubbing the throbbing bud that so badly needed a release.
Your orgasm doesn’t take long to build up again, but it remains right on the brink of throwing you over the edge.
“Do you need to cum, my baby?” He groans into your ear.
“Yes, please” you cry.
“Okay baby, cum” he demands.
As soon as the words left his mouth, your orgasm rushes through your body, causing you to feel like you were going to collapse. Suho grips onto a clump of your hair, tightly as he rams his cock into you, eagerly chasing his own high.
Within seconds his orgasm explodes through him, shuddering as he releases his  hot cum inside of you, spreading it throughout. He let's go of your hair, and pulls himself out of you to help you lay down. Your body is weak, you're tired, barely able to keep your eyes open. 
Suho places a blanket over top of you as you drift back off to sleep, feeling happy as ever to have his mate. 
A few hours later you wake up again, feeling sore but a little more rested and happy. For the first time in a long time you had felt like everything was going to be okay. You struggled as you got out of bed, heading to the door to go downstairs with just Suho's shirt on. 
Before you open the door, you see a note on the dresser addressed to you. 
My love, 
I had to go on a run with the boys, Sehun stayed behind and is waiting for you. I'll see you soon, I love you
- S
You couldn't stop the giant smile from spreading across your face as you read the note over a few more times. He loved you. And you loved him. Sehun loved you, and you loved him. It was nice being loved. 
You happily skip down the stairs, excited to spend some time with Sehun.
"There's my baby.." Sehun says, trailing off as he sniffs the air. 
"What?" You ask with a small chuckle. 
"You smell like his cum." He deadpans, his face no longer happy to see you. Now it's stone cold and angry. 
"I'm sorry.. I fell asleep right after." You whisper. You knew you shouldn't feel bad and he wasn't trying to make you feel bad, but you couldn't help it.
"I don't like it." He pouts. "We need to do something about that." He smirks, his tune changing within seconds. Sehun's cock twitches in his jeans as he thinks about fucking you in the living room, filling you up with his cum, having you smell like him rather than another man. 
"Oh?" You say before he rushes towards you, pressing his lips to yours harshly. 
"Turn around baby." Sehun says, unbuckling his belt buckle and slides his pants, along with his boxers down. 
You do as you're told, pressing your front against the wall and spreading your legs. 
“It'll be quick baby, don't want to get caught." he whispers in your ear, pumping himself a few times before lining himself up with you.  
You cry out and moan as Sehun stretches you out, your pussy still sore from earlier this morning. Your hands press against the wall so harshly your fingers are sore from the pressure. 
Sehun fully thrusts himself into you, grunting as he stretches you out. 
“Fuck your pussy is so tight” he groans, pulling out of you partially before slamming himself back into you. "You feel so good around my cock." 
“Oh my god." You cry out, your face presses against the wall as Sehun grips your waist to keep himself balanced while fucking you. 
He throws his head back as he thrusts himself into you, again and again. You can feel your wetness seeping out of you, mixing with Suho's cum and Sehun's pre-cum, coating his cock. Sehun continues to grunt as he rams his cock inside of you, hitting your G spot every time.
“Please don’t stop." you beg. 
"Rub your clit." Sehun demands. You reach down in between your thighs and rub yourself, seeking yet another orgasm. 
“Oh fuck" you cry out, sticking your ass out a little more. 
“I think I’m going to cum" you moan. “Shit" you cry out, your body begins to tremble as your orgasm washes through your body. Your eyes roll back as extremely loud moans leave your mouth.
“Fuck baby" Sehun moans, ramming himself into you, chasing his own high.
You begin to move yourself back, meeting his thrusts as you slightly bounce your ass. “Shit I’m going to cum" he cries out. He reaches around, wrapping his large hand around your neck as he cums inside of you.
"They're back." He grunts, pulling himself from inside you before pulling up his pants and adjusting himself. Your legs are wobbly as you try to stand, the mixture of 2 different mens cum leaking down your leg. 
Sehun walks to the kitchen, grabbing a cup of coffee, while you stand there unable to fully walk yet. 
"Hey baby.." Suho begins happily until he sees your state. "Are you kidding me?" He snaps at Sehun.  
"What?" He asks. 
"Look at her? What the fuck did you do?" Suho asks. 
"I didn't like her smelling like you." Sehun shrugs. 
"When the fuck are you going to grow up and just accept the fact that she loves me too? You can't do this to her, it can be too much. Christ." Suho yells, walking back to you. He picks you up, bringing you to the shower. 
Suho strips his shirt off you, helping you in the shower as your body still shakes. You weren't mad at Sehun, you could have said no but you didn't. You wanted him, but he wanted you for the wrong reasons. 
You weren't sure if you'd be able to do this whole two mate thing, not with how they had been acting. You couldn't imagine living your life this way, for the rest of your life. You wanted to enjoy your time, not feel like it constantly had to be a competition between the two of them. It was exhausting. 
After you were done in the shower with Suho, he dressed you in one of his shirts and tucked you into his bed. He quietly left you alone, but not before you made sure he wouldn't be too mad at his younger brother. You fell asleep relatively quickly. 
You awoke a few hours later, and stayed in bed, thinking and contemplating about things, when you heard a knock at the door.
"Come in." You whispered. You were surprised to see Yixing standing in the doorway, a small smile on his face. "Hi Yixing." You say, confused. 
"Hi Y/N. Look, I'm sorry to come here like this but I can see you're having a hard time and I've been doing some research and well.. I've found something you might be interested in seeing." He says, placing a book on your lap. "The Zutar Coven, they have a spell for Gemini Mates." He whispers, making sure no one else was at the door. 
"What does it do?" You ask. 
"As far as I know, it destroys the connection between mates, burns it. So you're able to only have one or none if you want" he says. 
Destroy the connection? "Don't wolves die if their mate connections are destroyed?" You ask. 
"Sometimes, but not all the time. I just thought you'd like to know." He says. 
"Thanks Yixing, I appreciate it." You smile. You had quite a bit to think about. 
Over the next few days, Yixing's words flooded your mind. You couldn't stop thinking about the opportunity that had fallen in your lap. Although you had no idea who you would choose if it came down to it, it didn't hurt to speak with the witches and gather some Intel in case you had decided you wanted to break a connection. 
However, earlier in the day before the two of you were supposed to leave, you told Yixing you didn't want to go anymore. You had realized as much as you appreciated Yixing's efforts in trying to help, you wouldn't be able to choose. Yes they both may need to work on some things, but you did as well. You don't give up in a relationship when things get tough. You have to fight to make it work the way you all want it too and that's what the three of you needed to do. You all had things to change, but you wanted them both, forever. 
Yixing didn't like that. He insisted that talking to the witches would be good for you, and that you had to do it. He scared you enough in that moment you had agreed. 
You had only told one person where he was really taking you and that person was Baekhyun. Everyone else was under the impression Yixing was taking you out to get to know you better, including Suho and Sehun. 
As Baekhyun sat at the table with Suho and Sehun, the guilt about where you truly went began eating away at him. Hearing them talk about how much they loved you and wanted you, made him feel like a terrible brother. 
"I need to tell you something." Baekhyun huffed, slamming his hands down on the table. 
"What?" They both asked in unison. 
"Yixing didn't take her to bond. He took her to meet with the Zutar Coven to see about a connection breaking spell. She didn't want to go, he scared her but she thought it would be better to leave you two out of it." He yells, feeling relieved. 
Sehun and Suho bolt from the table, busting through the door and phasing to their wolf forms, both knowing very well exactly where the coven resided. 
"Yixing, I've changed my mind. I don't want to inquire about it. I want to stay with them both." You say, trying to get your arm out of Yixing's tight grip. 
"Not your choice anymore." He spits. "He took away my brothers. I take away his mate." He mutters.
"What are you talking about?" You ask, still trying to get free. 
"Just shut up." Yixing spits. 
In your head, you beg and plead, hoping that somehow Suho or Sehun will hear you and save you. 
A few hours later, you're panicking while bound to a tree and Yixing is bargaining with the witches. They don't want to do the spell without your consent, but Yixing has no issues doing whatever he needs to do to get them to do what he wants. 
"I'll just fucking kill her then. How about that?" He snarls, stalking towards you, sharp teeth showing. 
"Fine!" One younger one yells. "We'll do it." She says. "Which one needs the connection burned?" 
"Suho." Yixing snaps. 
"Why would you burn my connection, Yixing?" Suho asks, walking into the clearing with Sehun beside him. Instantly, you feel relieved. 
"You know why!" Yixing yells. "You took my sweet Lexie away from me! And now I finally have a chance to burn your connection. Why wouldn't I?" He yells. 
"I didn't take her away, Kris did. She was a wolf hunter Yixing, she was going to kill us all." Suho yells. 
"No she wouldn't have. She loved me. And now I hope you'll rot watching the love of your life be happy with another man for as long as you live." Yixing growls. "Do it." He snaps at the witches. 
No one moves. 
"I said now!" Yixing yells. 
"It won't happen, Yixing. Enough. I warned you about doing this shit. I told you I can't have someone in my pack who betrays his brothers. I won't do it, no matter who it is." Suho snarls. 
"Ha, so what? You're kicking me out?" Yixing laughs. 
"I am." Suho deadpans. "You can either leave now and take on being a Lone Wolf far from here, or Ill kill you, and I will kill you, Yixing, you don't fuck with what's mine. Your choice." 
"I'll be seeing you." Yixing says, giving you a wink before disappearing into the forest. You knew in your gut this wouldn't be the last time you would run in with Yixing, but for now you were happy to be free. 
On your way home with the two men you loved so much, you had reassured Sehun that you weren't going to leave him, despite his jealousy issues and you still loved him. You had spent a bit more time with him since it was your night with Suho again tonight but Sehun had always been that little bit of extra needy when it came to you. 
That night as you lay in bed with Suho, your head on his chest, he sighs as he contemplates asking you a question. He's unsure if he wants to ask, knowing he might not like the answer you give him. 
"Baby.." he begins. 
"Mhm?" You respond, your eyes closed. 
"If you had picked someone to burn the connection with.. who would it have been?" He asks. 
You lay there for a second, quietly which makes Suho feel as though you're finding a polite way to say it was him. 
"Honestly?" You ask. 
"Yes." He says. 
"I don't think I would have been able to choose. You both have things I would change and things that I wouldn't.  But i don't think I could live without either of you." You smile. 
Suho isn't sure about your answer, ever since he was little he's been fighting for attention and trying to be the best he could be without it ever going anywhere. He always seemed never good enough, never measuring up to his brother who would have made a better alpha, according to his father. He knew you deserved better than him, and Sehun would probably be the one who you would have chosen, but he's selfish. He needed you like he needed to breathe, so he would push himself to be the man you deserve even if it killed him, because you were worth it. 
The next morning you watched Suho as he watched you running around the yard with Sehun. You can see on his face he's not alright, regardless if  he tells you he's fine, you know better. You can see the look of regret, or maybe sadness in his wistful smile. Something that in the future, would reside permanently.
Later on, you sat at the kitchen table with Sehun and Suho, laughing at a lame joke Sehun had told. As you looked at your two mates, you couldn't hold back your smile. Regardless of the rough times the three of you had, you knew there would be good ones right around the corner and with that you knew you all could get through anything. You finally felt complete now that you were mated, if only that feeling would have lasted forever. 
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lavenderdrip · 5 years
(Love) All You Need
Chapter One:
DRACO MALFOY sat in the the quiet of his new apartment  and stared at the Hogwarts letter that came to him by owl just a few minutes ago. 
He's read the letter several times, his heart pounding and his nerves fluttering around his stomach like moths.
They're asking all of seventh years who are wanting to finish their education to come back. It was very promising actually. To be able to finish any testing that didn't get done. To live in dorms and rooms not by house, but by unity. 
There were no specific housing this year u0v9ming school year for the eighth years apparently. Mcgonagall  had said that there were too many arguments and fights as it is doing it the way it has been done.
Draco cannot say he disagrees.
However, the simple fact that Ms. Mcgonagall even considered him worthy of coming back, after all the pain, fear, and anger that he's caused, has shocked him to his core.
He didn't deserve to be in the same building that he had caused to have almost destroyed. Didn't deserve being able to step foot in the same building that his actions had lead to the death of the headmaster.
None of it. . .
However, this isn't the first time someone had accepted forgiveness from him and gave him a second chance all in one go.
"Do you believe that Draco Malfoy's actions and choice during the previous war deserves time spent in Azkaban  for any and all crime that he has committed?"
Piercing green eyes met his for a brief moment. Draco felt like his breath has somehow disappeared as he zoned in on the look Potter had on his person made him feel like a little kid getting talked to by his father again.
His stare was unwavering for a moment as he continued to look at Draco, as if he were looking into his soul. 
Perhaps he was. Draco wouldn't be surprised if Potter somehow had the ability to do so. Draco couldn't look away either, his posture stiff as he held Potter's gaze like his life absolutely depended in it. 
Then the stare broke and Harry made direct contact with the prosecutors sitting on the other side of the room against the wall, those who decided to watch in on his trial sat behind him and around him, whispering and mumbling to themselves and those around him.
"Absolutely not."
Draco felt like he couldn't breathe, his gaze glued onto the side view of Harry's face, mouth slightly open in the shock of it on it's own. Fidt clenched and unclenched simultaneously as there was loud complaints and shocked and curious murmurs behind him, the crowd getting riled up even more.
The prosecutor who was asking the questions looked just as surprised as almost everyone there, brown eyes raised up and lips pinched into a distasteful frown.
"Are you positive with your answer, Mr. Potter. His actions alone has lead to a few deaths and injuries that could have been avoided if he had not let Death Eaters into the school grounds."
Draco flinched at the blunt words just as Harry winced, the small frown that was growing along Harry's lips pulled up into a sneer that could rival even Snapes.
"If that were the case, then I should be locked up as well, as my own actions has caused injuries and death too."
There was people shouting and objecting what Potter said, but his stare was directly towards to prosecutors on the side of where he sat, his eyes meeting every single stare of those who were to be the ones choose on whether or not he gets thrown into azkaban.
It commotion died down a little as the one asking the ones couldn't find something to say, his mouth opening and closing like a fish, eyes wide and big. So Harry continued.
"Draco Malfoy is just someone who did what he thought was best to stay alive and keep his family safe, just like me. He is someone who made poor choices, just like me. Someone who will live the rest of his life and think about what he has done-what he could have done for a better outcome, just like me.
"He had saved my life just as I have saved his. So, yes, his choices weren't good ones neither were they necessarily pure but, they were choices nevertheless. He'll have to suffer with all that he did for as long as he lives but does he deserve to be locked up into a cage and barely treated like a human being, hell no."
Potter then made eyes contact with Draco, eyes staring into the depths of his soul and Draco felt like his throat was closing up. Felt like he was no longer able to breathe at all. Not when Potter's gaze was so alarmingly bright and fierce.
"Everyone like Draco deserves a second chance."
There was silence that suddenly became of the courtroom. Everyone either shocked or too mad to speak was quiet.
"Very well then." 
Came the drawn out reply of the spokesperson.
Draco thinks about that particular situation for almost two months now, his heart pounding when he remembers the resigned but calm look Harry gave him before the Prosecutors made their decision about my punishment. He remembers quietly thanking Potter for what he did for him, standing on the side of the courtroom as everyone left.
Harry simply just nodded his head in a polite manner, both Granger and Weasley on both sides of him, looking at him with a frown. They didn't seem to know what to say around him at the moment,  both completely guarded, which was absolutely understandable considering all the stuff he put them through.
"I hope you can forgive yourself soon, Malfoy." Potters voice breaks the tension a little bit, his eyes shining with the fierce unwavering stare of his.
"Can you forgive me? Truly?"
Draco's voice sounded small as he asked him this question, any confidence he used to try and show in front of him evaporated as soon as he deemed him worthy of a second chance on that stand. 
Harry gave Draco such a soft soft grin of sorts, pinched with sadness. 
"Goodbye Draco."
And then he was gone with his two friends and the test of the crowd. 
It's been months, and Draco will never forget that grin. He will never forget what Harry Potter had done to keep him out of prison. The only exception was for her to be banned from using any type of magic without supervision from someone that was reliable for the next two years. He was to learn to adapt to certain things without such magic to help him, unless magic was absolutely needed.
Not that he necessarily minded that punishment considering what he could have gotten that would have been worse. After all. The strong memories of all that magic has caused death and pain. . . He was absolutely willing to adapt. 
Now, Hogwarts was starting within a month and Draco. . . Draco felt like this could be a good start to show those that he has. In fact changed, for the better.
Or at least he believes he's changed for the better.
He falls back against the chair of the small table he was sitting at, letter pressed against his chest as he closed his eyes and sighed.
He no longer wanted to pretend like he was much better than everybody.
No longer wanted to be a snob and prissy rich boy that he was deemed to be the day he was born.
No longer wanting to follow orders from people he loved blindly because he wanted approval.
He didn't need approval from anyone. 
Just wanted to be himself and hope for things to be better .
He owed everyone, and himself to be the person he had truly always been inside. 
Chapter One of this story is also on Ao3! If you're wanting to catch up, I also have my second chapter up :). Will be posting that later on today
Link is
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