t-o-m-c-a-t · 6 minutes
One thing origins did is make me a Ferelden nationalist. That's my HOME COUNTRY right there and i want my MABARI. LONG LIVE YHE KING!
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 15 minutes
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His ass does NOT know what to order
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 22 minutes
Cloudkit comfort nursed on Fireheart once and both are too embarrassed to acknowledge that it happened Ashpaw: "Hey Cloudpaw, do you remember that one time Fireheart was in the nursery and..." Cloudpaw: "Shut up shut up shut up"
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Dont make fun of him >:0 It was his first day in the clan and away from Princess
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 25 minutes
Today I accidentally knocked a monarch caterpillar off its leaf and it fell and immediately began oozing green liquid. I was devastated. I thought I'd killed it. Turns out they do that on purpose to defend against predators. Fooled by a fat little worm. Irrecoverable
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 10 hours
Cole appreciation post
I love Cole so much, I genuinely think about this man multiple times a week.
My brother got me into DAI and the first time, I missed Cole's backstory and general context because my brother was the one playing and I couldn't watch him all the time, so I kinda thought he was like a telepath empath spirit dude who was really nice but didn't know how exactly to help sometimes
Then, I played by myself and I did the small "Odd Things" side quest where you hear people talk about odd things happening and them forgetting who exactly did it. So, I went to him and I eventually, with the help of a wiki with only one spoiler, I figured it out
And my dude, the amount that I held myself back from crying
Someone complains of a person they don't remember putting plums on the windowsill which attracts flies
You ask Cole about this and he says the plums don't mind. Odd, but whatever
Then you hear a woman talk about how lucky it is that there are more spiders, which means more spiderwebs to help the wounded
Rotting plums means more flies, means more spiders, means more spiderwebs, means more stuff to heal people who are injured
You hear a soldier complain that someone is taking daggers and putting them in barrels
Cole comments that they're safer there
A woman tells someone how she's a lot less scared in Skyhold now that the guards are fighting each other less. When they had their daggers, they'd threaten each other and get into fights
Cole is protecting both the soldiers and the people from harming or being harmed
In the kitchen, someone mentions mint and cheese being taken
In the tavern, a girl laughs about a cat acting funny and chasing a mouse, and how much it made her laugh
Go to the kitchen, and a maid says how the cook is in a good mood
Mice like cheese, cats like mice, and the catmint (probably) made the cat act weird, which made people laugh, including the cook.
Cole says the cook has been so stressed since Haven, and how the flames from the oven remind her of everything that happened, the people that died. By doing this, she forgot for a little bit. Enjoyed herself.
You don't know how much of this side quest almost made me cry
He just wants to help, he literally just wants to help
When I made him human, there's a cutscene at a restaurant and he laughs
Do you know how beautiful it is to hear a person laugh for the first time? For one of, if not the only time in the entirety of Dragon Age Inquisition
I try so fucking hard to remember him when I'm mad or pissed off because he wouldn't want me mad. He wants to help. A lot of the time, it doesn't work. I still ignore people, I still scream, I still get stressed, I still get annoyed at being told to do something I don't want to do even though I'm just watching a video, I still cry at night, but it helps sometimes. It just helps to know someone cares and wants you to feel and be better, even if they may not exist
I don't know why, but he's just so good, so kind and that is something that is so beautiful to me
I fucking love Cole, he is quite literally all that is good in the world and his existence matters so much to me
I could talk about him way way more but I'm about to walk in the rain, thank you and goodnight
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 23 hours
not to dragon age post on main but i'm still losing my mind over varric's face in the gameplay reveal as he says "please" and how he actually lowers bianca again and just . ok ser master viscount tethras are you talking to solas here or are you talking to anders or are you talking to bartrand :/
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 24 hours
do you huys think the reason varric is so set on trying to stop solas is because he couldnt stop anders?
like when you think about it, if your hawke isnt friends with anders varriic is the only one who considered him a friend.
in there banter anders feels very awakening anders (so just anders no justice). and its through there banter that you see anders slowly turn to the more justice/vengence thoughts.
for example:
act 1
Varric: So a human, an elf, and a dwarf walk into a bar...
Anders: The human says, "You're lucky you're so short. That hurt like mad!"
Varric: You could have just stopped me, Blondie.
Anders: Why waste a perfectly good set-up?
act 2:
Anders: Boiling in oil.
Varric: Too prosaic. Trapped in a cave with hungry bears, right at the spring thaw.
Anders: That lets him off too easy. Dipped in molten gold and left as a statue in the Viscount's Keep.
Varric: Ooh. That's poetic!
Hawke: What are you two talking about?
Varric: What to do to Bartrand when I find him.
Anders: Any suggestions?
and the Parallels of act 3:
Varric: So, three templars walk into a tavern.
Anders: Not right now, Varric.
Varric: You feeling all right, Blondie? You're always in the mood for templar jokes.
Varric: So, the knight-commander... Boiling in oil? That one never gets old.
Anders: This is past time for joking.
Varric: I'm helping you indulge in elaborate revenge fantasies. I think it's good for you.
Anders: Meredith will die. Do not doubt that.
Varric: Go away, Justice. Can Anders come out and play?
Anders: [Justice voice] Stop.
Varric: You are no fun anymore.
like, anders tries to give varric his pillow from his mother (one of his, if not most cherished items). varric doesn't take it presumably because he thinks anders is just going to kill himself (little did he know).like you gotta presume that varric thought back about his time with anders, the warning signs that were there (they were!!) and thought that maybe he could of stopped him.
and now fast forward to solas, who is doing something rash and destructive to many with the hopes that this time he can stop his friend.
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 1 day
My takeaway from the article:
4 voices with a pitch shifter, meaning all your Rooks can have a different voice. It might not be important for most people, but for me, it helps create OCs with distinct personalities (which I find difficult when they all have the same voice).
there's a heavy emphasis on storytelling and dialogues, with long dialogue trees, many branches and unique options based on your background.
the two elven gods are Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain (as many suspected) and are apparently blighted, resulting in darkspawn travelling to the surface.
Solas is now trapped in the Fade in their stead though still able to communicate with Rook (presumably through dreams).
the Lighthouse is actually in the Fade and was Solas' hideout.
worth pointing out that the article mentions waking up in the Lighthouse with Neve and Harding. No mention of Varric.
Strife and Irelin from Tevinter Nights and The Missing are confirmed to make an appearance.
Bellara's last name is Lutara and she's a tinkerer.
companion approval will once again be visible on the character screen and raising it nets you skill points to spend on them.
Arlathan Forest is high-fantasy and whimsical, but other locations will be darker and grittier.
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 1 day
“People are always dying; it is what they do.” Hits real different if you’ve romanced Solas. Hell even if you didn’t. He goes into Inquisition thinking that all the people of Thedas aren’t real and he can get back to his immortal people and by the end you can change that. You can change that! And it’s reflected in Veilguard
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 1 day
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im not exaggerating when i say i've thought about this dialogue at least once a day since the veilguard trailer dropped
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 1 day
Watching the emotional Solas and Lavellan writing and art being made and all I can think is: Solas casually called the Qunari savages to my Adaar’s face. I’m sorry Mr. Egg but I only wish to turn you into a shitty omelette for that.
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 1 day
it's been 24 hours and i'm still thinking about corypheus trying to bind cole during the final fight and cole - running full tilt, daggers out, with max guard and a barrier shielding him - going "i am no demon, and you are no god!" and then later at the celebration kicking his feet and giddily asking, "did you see it? did you see me?” because corypheus wasn’t able to bind him because he’s his own person now and he knows it
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 1 day
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 1 day
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Soooooo after the new details that have been revealed about Veilguard, how do we all imagine a Solavellan reunion is going down? Trapped in the fade together? Lighthouse makeout sessions? A very sad mural dedicated to his Vhenan? My brain is infested with new headcanons.
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 1 day
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 1 day
ferelden SHOULD be as gender egalitarian as the introductory flavor text implies, seeing as how they're 30 years removed from a war for independence in which your mom (yes, yours! I meant this more generically but also literally Cousland's mom!) was a freedom fighter and so was their well beloved queen
they should be belligerently proud of that shit. it should be to their mind what sets proud fereldans apart from occupiers and sympathizers tbh
"oh you don't believe a woman's place is on the field of battle? what are you, french?"
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 1 day
Good news everyone I have accidentally discovered the stupidest fucking conceivable way to make myself to do chores
It goes like this…..
My car: *low gas light on*
Me: I mean, I COULD stop at the gas station on the way home… OR! I could just NOT do that and deal with it tomorrow
Me: but what if I get stuck in a time loop starting tomorrow and every day I wake up and my car is on empty that would be so annoying
Me: uggghhh FINE I will stop at the gas station.
My sink: *has all my bowls and tea mugs in it*
Me: okay I don't actually care about this problem for tonight I am not planning on eating soup or tea
Me: …yeah but if i do end up being stuck in a time loop starting tomorrow it is going to SUCK to have only dirty tea cups in the morning forever
Me: uuuuughhhh okay clean sink it is
I hate this. My brain must have an extremely low opinion of me to even try it, and it worked.
But hey, I don't have to try to remember to leave 5 min early tomorrow for a gas run?
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