#also she changed her name? big whoop
exyconfessions · 3 months
Not to start drama because I know everyone thinks she's the "good one" out of the foxes, but I swear "Renee" is from my hometown and she was kind of known for hanging around with the wrongs types of people if you catch my drift. Renee isn't her real name and it's a widely known rumor that she actually killed a guy a long time ago. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I've never seen anyone talking about it soo.....
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savanir · 3 months
DP x DC prompt [3]
during one of the final psych evals at Arkham right before he gets to be released, the whole thing wrapped up so tidy, just a little relapse which involved a robbery. Getting sent back to Arkham, but he got to stay at the asylum so long that he no longer has to serve a prison sentence, score!
But during that eval his overseeing psychiatrist recommended him to have a change of scenery, some fresh non polluted air.
Riddler was rather convinced the guy was making this recommendation to everyone in Arkham in their own weird way to convince them to just leave Gotham and become someone else's problem. should he notify Batman about it somehow? nah, it’ll be more interesting to see how this is gonna turn out in the long run.
But can he leave the state? Can he even leave the city? he never really bothered to look into it, at least not legally, up until now if he felt he needed to leave for one of his plans he just did it.
Turns out he can, it’s a whole hassle and a half though, first a judge and then a probation officer and he’s pretty sure both were like “what the hell is this psychiatrist guy thinking!?” but at the same time, shrink probably knows what he’s doing (WRONG) so he’s allowed to go visit out of state family or whatever.
he had to wear this nice ankle monitor though, Wayne Enterprises™ tech, not overly bulky but still very present. real fancy, and a fun extra challenge heh.
now as for a good reason to leave New Jersey he’s going to need distant relatives, and he finds some, great grandpa walker also has a son, who had a son who had a daughter Madeline, who married some guy Jack Fenton, and she lives somewhere out in the boonies Illinois. great he’ll visit her.
far enough away in all sense of the word that there is no way she knows anything about him. it would be best to call her first though, be polite about it.
“hello, you have reached Fenton works, this is Maddie speaking” 
“Riddle me this-” ah whoops, habit, oh whatever, “we don’t share parents, but certainly a part of your life, from laughter to strife. Who am I?”
there is a pause …  he’s going to be a bit disappointed if she hangs up if he’s honest.
“cousins~” comes the cheery reply.
“correct! the name is Edward Nygma, we are distantly related you and I and well-”
“oh you simply must come visit!” 
well this was rather easy, perhaps a little too easy, but she lives in the midwest so maybe just going with whatever some guy says over the phone is normal there? stranger danger not really a thing in a small town where everyone knows everyone?
things start to make a little more sense once he gets there and he’s starting to think some things might run in the family. like a preference for the colour green and weird hyperfixations and genius bordering on insanity. Though that remains to be seen, Jack does not seem like a very bright light after his very enthusiastic welcome.
their kids however are observant and sharp. young Jasmine is wasting no time trying to psychoanalyze him. and the boy, Danny, he had not really meant to and he swears he’s sticking with calling the kid Danny so he wouldn’t seem overly familiar, but he might have called him little bird a couple times now.
but that’s all whatever, he’s playing nice here. and he doesn’t even have to worry about his eccentricities tripping him up because this place is insane.
There actually is a local teen vigilante active but he seems about as loved as he’s disliked. and the ghost boy’s enemies are basically all his own kind, which another crazy thing to now know about. ghost. they are real actually, how is Gotham not completely overrun? and how do they even work? and where do they keep coming from?
Edward might be getting a little sidetracked here. He had fully intended to sneakily get his next big game plan underway all the way out here, ankle monitor be damned. but he hasn’t made any progress at all.
Instead he’s been listening to Madeline and Jack to maybe figure out what the deal is with these ectoplasmic entities, he has to know, at this point he might go crazier if he doesn’t. 
He’s making Jasmine promise him not to get her doctorate in Gotham, he’s going back and forth with space riddles with Danny.
so yeah the whole thing kinda just became a vacation, maybe the psychiatrist had the right idea after all? hmm nah, probably not. but this is fun. He’s thinking about recommending this place to some of the others.
It's different enough to get the vacation feel, but enough crazy shit happens to make it all feel like home.
it is not until Maddie wants to talk with him about potentially switching the position of godfather of Danny to him rather than some weird rich friend of theirs that Edward realizes he might have lost the plot somewhere
Apparently the little bird basically begged them with a powerpoint presentation on how he likes Edward so much more than that Vladimir guy. 
And honestly, the fellow sounds like a Dracula Lutho so even if it’s kinda sad Edward can understand why he’d be considered a better option. Even if the guy has more money and a huge company that makes him said money. And it’s not like the Fentons know about his Riddler activities.
Thinking it over, Edward does think that Danny would like Gotham and Wayne has that space program thing right? The kid is definitely smart enough for that (Nygma certified), and yeah Edward does quite like their space themed back and forth. So, fuck it, why not, what is the worst that could happen?
He doubts Maddie and Jack are gonna kick it any time soon anyway out here in the boonies, it’s just a title thing, a stamp of approval or something.
he should have known he was going to eat those words later… he had this whole beautifully elaborate trap set up for the whole Batclan, and he was just getting to the good part when his phone went off.
Had to put the whole thing on pause cause that particular contact wasn’t gonna get ignored. He did promise to be available.
If the whole thing he had planned now went tits up he could at the very least laugh later at the reactions of the bats as he told them to “hold up one second, I have to take this.” while they were all in various perilous positions. 
Sadly he did have to go, he had a very distressed godson to pick up.
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maybege · 10 months
Summary: You get dared by your old school friends to ask a stranger to play with your tits.
Pairing: dad’s friend!Boba Fett x fem!Reader
Wordcount: 4.1k | Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings: Modern AU, older man/younger woman, implied age gap, alcohol consumption, sex with strangers, coming untouched, semi-public intimacy, dom!Boba, sub!Reader, nipple play, dirty talk, little bit of humiliation, Reader is not described but it is mentioned that she does not wear a bra at some point
Alrighty, alrighty. Okay, alright. Are we ready? Like are we really, truly, ready for this? This is obviously set in the dad’s friend!Boba AU which is more of a sandbox AU for me to play in. This is their first meeting (obv) and it is based on another idea I had and I thought it would fit perfectly. Please do let me know what you think and if you like it and if so, what you liked and all that good stuff! Maybe I will write another part or another story set in this AU.
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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A year ago, you had never thought you would drown your sorrows at a house party of a person whose name you did not even know in the town you had grown up in with people you had not seen since high school. But here you were, drowning out your disappointment, your sadness and your frustration by the way of loud techno beats and unnaturally coloured alcohol.
“All right,” Marissa passed the hot pink shots she had gotten to you and Chants, though her eyes did not leave yours, “You want a dare?”
For a second you regretted ever having asked her for a dare (“Something to liven up the party,” you had said half-jokingly after the conversation with your two oldest high school friends had come to an awkwardly silent end) but then you also remembered the fun time you had with them in your childhood bedroom, prank calling the neighbours before playing fuck marry killer with the seniors at school.
That was an eternity ago now but it had all seemed to light then. Your happiness did not have an expiration date then and the dream to make it out of your small town by the lake and into the big cities of the opposite coast had kept you company every night.
You hadn’t known yet that your dream would fail.
“Ask any random person here to play with your tits.”
Her voice pulled you out of your thoughts and your face must have shown your shock at the task because her pink-coloured lips (a perfect match to her equally pink hair) pulled up in a mischievous grin. Marissa always had been the joker of your group, you should have known better than to think that the years would have changed anything about that.
“Marissa!” Chants gasped, “You can’t do that!”
“Oh, calm down,” she waved him off, “It’s not like she has to do it. But we're in a house full of strangers and stars know it's been ages since you got laid” – you hated how right she was about that – “So let’s not pretend like I'm not doing you a favour.”
“I’ll do it,” you heard yourself say, steel in your voice as you threw back the sickly sweet drink. There was nothing worse than the artificial strawberry flavour.
“It’s not like I know anyone here anyway,” you stated, looking around the giant living room you were standing in. The villa (because there was no other word to describe the building you were in) was absolutely packed with what seemed to be the entire party population of your town and the few surrounding beach towns as well. It was all stark white walls and cement floors and floor-length windows and furniture that looked more like art than actually something to sit on. Only the colourful lights and (several) mirror balls hued the entire space in ever-changing colours.
No wonder whoever lived here threw all these parties. The place must seem pretty depressing otherwise.
With encouraging whoop whoop!s and You can do it!s you left Marissa and Chants behind and wandered through the dancing, yelling, drinking crowd that took up the entire ground floor. Until you spotted a figure leaning against one of the doorways to the stairway.
Your feet changed your course until you stood in front of him. He was older than you, though certainly not the oldest guest in attendance. (That would be Chants’ 94-year-old grandmother who had a reputation for attending the best raves in the province.)
But what struck you most was how unbothered he looked. How in control. He was dressed in dark pants and a black button-up, his sleeves were rolled up too, revealing strong veiny forearms that had your eyes lingering longer than they should have. He held a glass in his hand and when his eyes landed on you, making your way towards him, you imagined that his grip twitched just the slightest bit.  
“Hi,” you said when you finally stood in front of him.
The main raised his eyebrows, “You lost there?”
You pressed your shoulders back, “No. You are the one
His lips lifted in a smirk and it took our breath away for a moment, how handsome he was, and your courage faltered. But you
“My friend dared me to ask someone to play with my tits.”
If your words caught him off guard, the man did not show it.
“So?” he smiled before taking a sip from the amber liquid, “That wasn’t a question.”
Was he really going to make you say it? Your ears burned with shame and something else as you looked at him. But he simply cocked his head as if to say I am waiting. And you somehow found that this was not a man you wanted to leave waiting.
Taking a deep breath, you asked, “Will you play with my tits?”
“No,” he said easily and finished his drink, “Congratulations, your dare is fulfilled.”
He turned to leave and you surprised yourself when your hand landed on his thick arm. He froze, as did you, and when his eyes met yours, it felt like a switch flipped in your head.
“No, wait, I –“ you paused, “I actually want it.”
His body faced yours again and stars was he broad as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. Stars what are you doing, trying to convince a man to touch you.”
“Ask me again, then, little one,” he rumbled and the pet name had your belly fluttering. Though maybe it was not your belly, maybe it was something else …  
“Will you play with my tits, please?” you added the last word quietly, your pulse thrumming as you avoided his eyes. The bass reverberated in your chest and you tried to even out your breathing. This was fine. Everything was fine.
For the first time since you started talking, his eyes left your face and roamed down your body. Over your tight jeans and the loose but not quite opaque top you had chosen to wear. You found yourself wanting to impress him, wanting to please him and you were almost completely sure he would reject you again when he opened his mouth.
“You really want that?”
You nodded, too shy, too embarrassed to say anything more. It had been ages since you had been touched and something about the way he held himself made you feel like he knew how to touch you.
“Good,” he rumbled, his voice dropping even lower and causing a shiver of anticipation down your spine. You watched as he set his glass down on the side table, “But not here out in the open.”
“No,” you shook your head, agreeing with him, though you were a little scared to admit that you would have let him. You would have let him pull you into a corner somewhere and strip you down to nothing and do anything he wanted to you. You would have let him expose you however he saw fit.
Stars, I really need to get laid.
The man brought his hand around you, settling it on your lower back as he led you away from the improvised dance floor. There were throngs of people everywhere but they grew sparser the higher up the stairs he led you. Until you arrived in a hallway that was completely abandoned save for a couple that seemed too busy to make out to notice you. And then he continues, leading you around a corner and suddenly you were alone and the lights were dim and the music only a muted sound in the background.
“Do you live here?” you asked, nervously looking around. What if someone caught you?
“No,” he said, his voice calm as his hand landed on your hip, “but I know the owner. No one will disturb us here.”
You nodded and took another deep breath. That sounded good. That sounded safe.  
“Do you still want this?
It but you were grateful. You nodded, your heart racing. And your pussy too.
“I need to hear words, little one,” he said with a crooked smile, still not touching you save for the hand on your hip that seemed to burn through the layers of clothes.
“Yes, I still want this.”
“Want what?”
Oh, now he was just teasing you!
“I want you to play with my tits, please.”
Shame and arousal had your cheeks burning but it was worth it when he hummed, his hand inching under the hem of your shirt. “Good girl.”
Oh, that was new. That was lovely. That was something that had your eyes flutter and your pussy get surprisingly wet.
“You liked that,” he grunted, “You like praise.”
It was not a question and so you did not answer. The wet patch in your panties that grew by the second was answer enough. Though you could not shake the feeling that he liked you liking praise. Which made it all the better.
“Lift your shirt for me,” he instructed, tongue running over his lips, “You wear a bra?”
You nodded, your hands trembling as you lifted the soft fabric of your favourite going-out blouse. It was black and just the lightest bit sheer and breezy which made it the perfect sexy thing to wear in the warmer temperatures. The air wasn’t cold – it was the height of summer after all – but your nipples pebbled, still, beneath the lace of your bra.
Big hands reached for your tits, cupping them in his palms before lightly squeezing. His touches were softer, first, before they grew firm and had you squirming against the wall. Your breath got quicker already as you thought about the fact that you did not even know this man and he had you half-naked in the corridor of another stranger’s home.
A year ago, you never would have done something like that.
“Wh-What are you doing?” you whined when he still only squeezed your tits, his fingers gently digging into the soft flesh, “Why aren’t you touching me?”
“You asked me to play with your tits,” he replied steadily, his thumb rubbing over the lace that covered your nipple, “That is exactly what I am doing. Playing with your pretty tits.”
“Don’t you want me to take off my shirt?” you asked, confusion clear in your voice as you tried to shift your hands over your shoulders.
“Nah, little one,” he shook his head, a smile on his lips that made your breath hitch, “You are going to hold up your shirt for me. You want me to play with your tits, you got to do something for that, right?”
You nodded, chest heaving as you leaned your head back against the wall. “Right.”
The older man continued his ministrations, gently massaging your tits, pushing and pulling, making them bounce, teasing your nipples through the lace with the pads of his thumbs or his blunt fingernails. You had never been this turned on in your life.
His finger teased under the scalloped edge of your bra, the touch of his bare skin on yours driving you insane.
When he finally pulled down the cups of your bra, baring you to his eyes, you could have wept from relief. “Arch your back for me,” he murmured, sounding so focused and so in control. You did, doing your best to get your chest closer to his hands.
There was no shame now, now apprehension about what you were doing. This man seemed to know exactly what he was doing and you could not help but trust him.
“You have beautiful tits, you know that?” he asked casually as his fingers rolled your nipples, sending little pangs of pleasure through your entire body, “When was the last time somebody properly paid attention to you, hm?”
Too long ago.
And that was what you told him but he pulled your nipples sharply, “Specifics,” he instructed you lowly as you tried to keep your knees from buckling at the sheer sensation this man caused in you.
“Few – few months,” you tried to think feverishly, “Se-seven months. No, nine months.”
“Nine months,” he tsked, his thumb flicking over your pebbled nipple, “What a shame. What a waste. You deserve to have
Not knowing what to say to that, you simply leant into his touch. He expertly rolled your nipple between his thumb and forefinger before pulling on it ever so slightly, making you whimper. The mix of gentle and rough had you dizzy and wet and you swore none of your eyes had ever made you feel this way.
Stars you did not even know you could feel this way.
“Can I use my mouth on you?” he asked.
Your eyes flew open and you looked at him in surprise. But the older man simply returned your gaze, never pausing in his ministrations and he seemed serious in his questions. He really wanted to touch you more.
 “Yes, please,” you nodded feebly, as if the way you were melting in his hands was not answer enough.
“Good girl,” he praised you again, a smirk on his face, “So polite.”
You squirmed, pressing your thighs together to get some sort of friction to your aching clit. He lowered his head to your chest, his warm breath washing over your skin and you whined, needing him more and more. But he did not let himself be rushed, no. His finger pulled on your nipple again until your whine turned into a gasp. Only then did he let you go and carefully closed his mouth around you. He sucked on you, ever so gently, with just a hint of teeth scraping over the sensitive flesh and you swore your vision went white for just a moment.
He must have noticed the way your entire body spasmed just for him because he pulled away, a glint in his eyes that told you he was far from done with you.
“I wonder if I can make you come just from this,” he murmured against your chest, “Just playing with you until your gorgeous pussy drips all on her own,” he lightly sucked on your nipple, “You want me to try?”
Speaking seemed like the last thing you would be capable of so you nodded, your heavy breaths echoing in the dark hallway.  
“Answer me with words, little one,” he admonished you, pinching your nipple tightly and another wave of wetness rushed down your legs. You wouldn’t be able to sit down anywhere today without leaving a wet patch, that was for sure.
“Yes,” you gasped out, “Please make me come.”
“With pleasure,” he grinned, “You just lean back and keep holding up your shirt for me, yeah? I will take care of the rest.”
And he did. He licked and sucked and pinched until you were a dripping, moaning mess. Your hips had a mind of their own as you started to move against him, trying to grind against the considerable bulge in his pants that had your mouth watering, but his hand was strong on your hip, pinning you back against the wall.
“You are going to come only from this,” he instructed darkly and you nodded. The yes sir almost slipping out of you. You felt like you were on cloud nine, floating above everyone and everything. The dim light, the loud bass that echoed throughout the house, hell, even the sound of partying people two stories below – it all added to the thrill of this stranger sucking on your tit while rolling your other nipple between his fingers.
It felt like you could not breathe, like your whole body was pulled taut with pleasure and he was the only one who could release you. Who could give you release.
“You are such a good girl for me,” he grunted in your ear, “I wish you could see yourself. Absolutely depraved right now. Presenting your tits for a man you don’t know anything about except that he is the one that is going to make you come.”
“I know you would have let me do this downstairs, too,” he added, “But here's the thing: I don’t share. And I don’t think any of these boys even deserve the sight of your pretty tits like this, now, do they?”
You shook your head. “Only you,” you mumbled feverishly, your fingers tightening their grip on the fabric, “Only you, sir.”
His groan was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard. “That’s right,” he pressed a hard kiss against your neck, “Only I see you like this. Only I get to see how pretty you look when you come from this.”
For a moment, you debated telling him that you did not think you would come. That you were so turned on – more than ever before – and that what he did felt great but you were not sure if it would actually make you come. But then he bit down on your nipple and pulled the other one and your whole world reeled.
You came. You actually came.
And you did not stop coming for what felt like a solid two minutes. You were shaking, gasping, and at some point, you must have let go of your shirt because you were gripping his broad shoulders with all of your might as if they anchored you to gravity.
“Holy shit,” you brought out when you finally regained control of everything, “Holy fucking shit.”
The stranger had let go of your tits. Instead, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in for a hug. Strange enough, this felt way more intimate than what you had done before but you could not bring yourself to worry. Not when he smelled so good and the post-orgasm fatigue set in.
“Good fucking girl,” he praised you, his eyes soft and warm as he looked you over, “Are you feeling okay?”
You nodded weakly and he pressed a kiss to your cheek before pulling away. You were still completely out of breath and your pussy pulsed when you saw him adjusting himself in his slacks. You wanted to touch him.
You wanted to be touched by him.
But you were scared, too. Shocked, mostly. At what you had just done. Had you really let a stranger just make you come in a house full of people?
“Let's get you some water,” he murmured as he helped you straighten out your clothes, “And then off to your friends you go.”
You nodded numbly, legs shaking and still unsteady on your feet. But he helped you, one hand on your lower back and the other supporting your arm as you made your way down the stairs. The louder the music got, the more you felt like you had just returned to reality from some sort of dream. Some perfect, delicious, very hot dream.
Returning to the living room turned dance floor, neither of you spoke and you simply accepted the glass of cool water he got you. “Drink it,” he instructed you softly, “And make sure you get home safe tonight.”
When you found Marissa and Chants again, you were still torn between pure shock at what you had just done and grief at not having asked him for his name.
Your nipples were sore the next day but you still would have done anything to have that man play with you again. Maybe you could have asked him to spend the night at his place, letting him fuck you seven ways ‘till Sunday. If he had made you come this hard just from playing with your chest, you wanted to find out what he could do if he had you all to himself for a whole night.
Still, you stayed in bed until well past noon, trying to avoid the reality that had seemed to be suspended for just a moment last night.  
It was unlike you and, to be honest, you were a little scared of your forwardness. Of your courage. But it had been rewarded in the best ways and finally, it felt like maybe you really could start fresh. Like maybe this was the moment you needed to gain back the trust in yourself.
You could do things!
You did not have to have everything figured out right now, you just needed the courage to somehow move forward.
And if you could ask a stranger for intimacy at a party, then moving forward seemed like no effort at all.
You skipped a bra, not wanting to subject your chest to more sensation than necessary, and instead opted for a long flowy summer dress and a light cardigan over top. It would give you some coverage, still, so it would not be awkward for your sister’s fiancée to face you.
Looking in the mirror, you felt like your new self. Like maybe you had needed yesterday to get back some of your courage, some of the spirit that had made the past year so fun before everything had just crumbled around you.
“Oh honey, there you are,” your mother greeted you as you came down the stairs, “You came home late last night. Was it a good party, then?”
You knew she was worried and you knew she tried her best to give you the privacy you needed. After all, you weren’t a child anymore. You were a grown woman who had to move back to her parents across the country after losing her job. It was an unfamiliar situation for you all and you appreciated her effort at making you feel like a roommate more than a child.
“It was,” you replied, grabbing a slice of fruit, “It was nice seeing some people from school again. It is like nothing changed.”
“Oh, you and your change,” she tutted good-naturedly, swatting your hand away as you reached for another slice of orange, “That’s for after lunch. It's almost ready.”
You glanced at the clock. “That’s early.”
“Your father has some friends over,” she explained, “From work. They’re going golfing this afternoon so I thought that is the perfect opportunity for an early lunch.”
Thank the stars for your father and his friends because you were starving.
“Go and say hi, honey,” she shooed you out of the kitchen and you smiled, your bare feet hitting the cold tiles of the hallway, “And you can tell them to set the table.”
You found your dad and his friends on the patio, soaking up the warm summer air.
“There you are, hon,” he greeted you with a smile and you pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Hi, dad. Mom says lunch’s almost ready.”
“Ah,” he slapped his palms on his thighs before standing up, “You know what that means, boys! Time to set the table.”
One of your dad’s friends stood up. George, you remembered. He had lived down the street ever since you could remember and his kids were good friends with your sister. “It's been ages,” he said, a genuine smile on his face. “Look at how you’ve grown!”
You were pretty sure you hadn’t changed that much since graduating college but you were not about to correct him. He meant well, you knew.  
Your father paused, “Oh I am sorry. Everyone, this is my eldest daughter, fresh back from the other end of the world.”
You rolled your eyes. “Not the end of the world,” you corrected him gently, “Just the other side of the country.”
And what wouldn’t you give to be back there right now.
The men all chuckled and you paused when you heard a familiar voice. You ran your eyes over the mostly familiar faces, faces you had known since childhood or at least from the pictures your parents posted regularly on Facebook. Faintly you could hear your dad introduce them all again – George from accounting, of course, then there was Paul and Obi-Wan and James (an absolute perv as you and your sister had determined years ago) and not to forget Bail Organa.
But it was the newest face, the face that was supposed to be unfamiliar, that made your heart freeze for a scary few seconds before it started racing so fast you thought you might throw up.
“Boba Fett,” he said, holding out an all too familiar hand. A hand that had spent considerable time playing with your tits just last night.
“Boba is the CFO after the merger,” your dad introduced the man, “Recently moved here from – where was it again, Boba?”
“Tatooine,” he replied without taking his eyes off you.
“Pleasure to meet you,” you heard yourself say, his hand closing around yours. His grip was gentle but firm. And warm. You could feel the callouses on his fingertips, the ones that had made him playing with you so fucking delicious. Your nipples hardened under the soft fabric of your dress and you prayed that he did not notice.
“Believe me,” he smiled, though his eyes said so much more than the usual pleasantries when they fell to your chest for a fraction of a second, “The pleasure is all mine.”
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simpforpeterp · 4 months
lucifer morningstar x reader
summary: based on the song with the same name from legally blonde the musical. the reader, an angel, driven by love, follows their partner into hell, only to face betrayal and mockery. they then encounter a mysterious and charismatic man who offers surprising insights and advice.
warnings: not necessarily a warning but gender neutral reader, no use of y/n. also the partner is gender neutral and described with they/them pronouns. use of the word pretty to describe reader.
word count: 1.03k
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"How did it come to this? All I wanted was to be with them, to follow them, to be by their side. And now... I'm here." You mumble under your breath, kicking brimstone as you walk.
You walk over and sit on a broken bench, your wings are tattered and dirty. As you look up at the dark sky, you begin feeling the weight of your choices. Following someone you loved all the way down to Hell was stupid. You were blinded by how they made you feel, you followed them as they fell from Heaven despite being in good standing up there.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here? An angel far from home?" A man steps out in front of you, stopping his walk.
"Look, man, whatever gross things you have to say about me being an angel, I've heard it all today. So just...forget it." You cross your arms.
"I wasn't gonna say anything gross. It's just...you- uh, look out of place. To say the very least," He tries and you finally look up to see him. He's not very tall, he's very pale but he has this nice blonde hair that keeps you looking at him. "May I sit down?"
"Go for it. It's not like I'm...high priestess of where people sit in Hell." You say tiredly.
"New here?" He asks.
"I guess. Not really. I'm not...I'm not one of you people, I'm not meant to be down here." You tell him.
"If you're in denial, that's fine but at least-"
"No, really! I didn't fall, I'm on a shitty visit," You insist. "And I know, I just said a bad word, whoop-dee-frickin'-doo."
"Why would you ever want to visit here?" He laughs.
"What?" He turns his attention to you.
"I followed where love led me and it apparently brought me to my very own personal circle of Hell," You play with your fingers as you look ahead. "And I made a big show of it too, coming down here. Now I have to go home, hat in hand. I wish I were dead at this point."
"You've gotta be more specific, babe." He sighs.
"I came down here because my dumbass partner broke too many rules and started saying these crazy things! So, of course, I'm an idiot and I follow them down here. Instead of the tragic love story I thought I was gonna get, they go and make friends instantly and turn into a completely different person. And here I am, just someone they mock with their friends. I wanted a Greek tragedy and got...whatever the opposite is."
"Did you seriously come down here to follow 'love' of all things?" He laughs before clearing his throat and covering his mouth.
"Oh, what got you here?" You wave it off.
"I'm an angel too," He sighs and you immediately turn to face him. "I was an angel."
"But you look so different."
"I've been down here for a while."
"That doesn't answer my question."
"I had this idea they didn't like about rehabilitating sinners to bring them to Heaven. I was young and I was dumb and instead of persisting and trying to convince them, I got mad and slept with a human. And then I did it again. But then I fell in love with the first human and we got sent here together. We're not together anymore, messy divorce. So I'm not a big fan of love. Love is what got me here, alone and unfulfilled. I loved her more than anything, she gave me my daughter. But this place changed her for the worst and she left both of us. I wouldn't trust love for anything."
"I'm sorry but that's highly negative. Just because you have some kind of chip on your shoulder about how love hasn't worked out for you in the past doesn't mean it can't in the future. And you didn't think you'd go down the same path as Lucifer after doing the same thing? They practically have street signs up there that say not to sleep with humans." You laugh.
"Do you even know what Lucifer looks like?" He smirks.
"No, they have no pictures up there. Why?" You laugh.
"Hold on, I've got a picture," He sighs as he reaches into his pocket, pulling out something you can't quite see fully. "This is one of him sitting with some weirdo on a bench."
Before you can fully process what he just said, he scoots the slightest bit closer, showing you a mirror with the two of you sitting together on full display.
"Oh my-" You choke, falling backwards and almost slipping off of the broken bench.
"You know, people down here aren't usually real with me because I'm King but this was a nice talk. A breath of fresh air," He smirks before standing up. "And just a warning, these people are really awful, I'm sure you haven't even met the worst of the worst. If I were you, I'd just go home and sacrifice your pride. Actually, no I wouldn't. But you probably should. That asshole who left you is an idiot; an angel as charming and steadfast as you should be cherished. This was fun."
"Wait!" You say as you lift yourself to stand beside him. "How did you...how did you get used to it down here? In case I don't feel like swallowing my pride."
"Love." He chuckles.
"Oh, you're an asshole," You point a finger at him before laughing. "I like you, Your Highness."
"Haven't heard that in a while. And drop the formalities, you've insulted me too much to not be on a first-name basis." He jokes.
"Alright, Lucifer," You say, a hint of a smile forming. "Thank you for your advice or lack thereof. I think I'll stay a while longer."
"One thing I will say is, that chip on your shoulder can be your greatest ally. Let it drive you to be stronger, and fiercer. In Hell, that's the only way to survive. Especially for an angel as resilient and honestly, as pretty as you are."
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qyxzun · 3 months
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Jessica appeared behind the masked spider-woman, peaking to see her with an optimistic smile as she hoped for good news since Y/N was also on the mission. “Whatcha doin’?” She asked before Gwen turned around to see her orange hologram that just turned on out of nowhere.
“Nothing-! Good, everything’s all good! Going all according to plan so uhm— bye!” the blonde dismissed as she then turned off the hologram, only for Jessica to reappear again and walk beside her.
“Soooo where’s the bad guy you and Y/N were supposed to monitor??” Jessica questioned, hoping for a good answer for why he wasn’t there.
“He kinda stepped out for a bit—"
“Dude!!” Jessica groaned. “Look, he’s only just the villain of the week, no big deal!” Gwen tried to explain but she could already tell by her mentor’s voice that she was disappointed. She turned around to see the huge mess that the Spot left, noticing how intensely grubby the place was.
“Jesus Christ— Lyla!” Jessica called out the AI while Gwen tried to refuse, only to be ignored when the tiny brunette appeared beside her and started to track the Spot through the dark matter he left out. The small lyrate lifeform summoned its dimensional coordinates easily.
“Trackingggg… Hold on— got him! Oh, whoops never mind..” Lyla tried to catch the Spot’s location yet it changed from dimension to dimension quickly. “Damn, slippery guy,” the AI commented as she continued to track him down. Jessica turned back at Gwen with a serious look.
“Did you go see your lil’ friend? Miles?” The black-haired woman asked, hoping for the truth.
“I-I mean..” Gwen tried to make another excuse but had nothing in mind, only covering her face with her hood. Jessica immediately understood. “Are you kidding me right now?!” She exclaimed in frustration.
“Only briefly! From afar!” Gwen responded before her mentor rolled her eyes. Her arms were crossed as she looked at the blonde with disappointment. She sighed since she couldn’t do much about it now. In the meantime, Lyla glitched back next to Jessica’s shoulder, watching Gwen make up excuses until admitting the truth shyly.
The AI looked around, scanning the area again, not noticing Miles who was still hiding behind the air duct so he wouldn’t get caught. She turned back towards the two. “Hey, where’s Y/N??” The small AI noticed before Jessica looked back at her, perplexed.
Jessica’s head turned to face the teenaged spider-woman. “Yeah Gwen, where’s she?” She inquired, her eyebrows a little furrowed.
“Maybe went back to her dimension??” Lyla suggested, thinking of that possibility before Jessica shook her head.
“Nah, she can’t be, she’s not the type to leave suddenly without reporting the mission’s complete,” She responded before Lyla hummed, thinking of another reason why you weren’t here.
“I’ll try tracking her!” The AI proposed with a smile, thinking it was an easy job she could get a good job from. She then tapped the dimensional system to summon the multiversal map, She tapped a few buttons until a red warning appeared on the screen. Her eyebrows suddenly furrowed before she dismissed it with a click of her fingertips and tried to track you down again via your gizmo’s multiversal coordinates yet instead of a few red pop-ups, it was glitching. The silent cursing coming from Lyla’s voice left Jessica confused.
“What’s going on?” Jessica asked with her eyebrow raised while Lyla sighed in frustration.
“Can’t track her down, her gizmo might be damaged,” the AI responded, a hint of worry in her voice since this type of dilemma was rare, gizmos were indestructible and could only be inoperable if she or Miguel disabled it directly. Jessica’s eyes widened until she tried to think of another way to solve this problem.
“Try the anomaly bounty logs, is her name and data on the list?” The spider-woman asked, adjusting her mask before Lyla followed and summoned a huge screen that circled the entire room. Gwen watched in fascination, never knowing about this feature. Meanwhile, Miles still hid behind the air duct, mesmerized and intrigued by the data collected he barely knew of.
Lyla rummaged through the list and went through every file she opened with her holographic hands yet so far, she couldn’t find anything about you. She tried remembering via any dimensional memory but unfortunately couldn’t.
“The archives’ clean, no dangerous anomalies near canon events yet, all versions of Y/N are in their proper dimensions.. except for our Y/N though,” the lyrate lifeform listed. “The closest thing I could even find is Y/NPool getting carried by another spider-man in Earth 26-9O,” she pouted. “And it’s not even an anomaly,”
Jessica only sighed and tapped a few buttons on her gizmo before she initiated the replay again. Gwen panicked, hoping to find a way to stop Jessica from revealing what happened.
“Wait— we don’t need to do that——“
“Initializing replay.”’ the system announced as it then summoned holographic projectors. Jessica and Lyla watched how it played out while Gwen worried about their reactions
What the two of them saw made their jaws drop in great astonishment. When the replay was completed, the spider-woman immediately looked back at Gwen.
“You left Y/N to fight the Spot alone?!” She yelled, her tone frightening Gwen a little knowing well enough that she was in big trouble.
Miles watched how Jessica continued to reprimand Gwen when she could only try to respond in weak stutters. He glared at her, he knew she was in the wrong but did the woman have to yell at her?
“I-I tried to catch up.! But he arrived quicker than expected—" Gwen tried to explain until Jessica interrupted her with a frown behind her mask.
“You were supposed to keep an eye on the villain together! Not let the other one do all of the work!!” She scolded with an angry stare. The spider-woman couldn’t even comprehend her immature and irresponsible acts. Meanwhile, Lyla turned back to the multiversal map displayed. She noticed how the Spot’s dimensional coordinates started to move at lightning speed, from one dimension to another, it was getting worrying.
“H-Hey guys— he’s making his own portals,” Lyla pointed out before Miles could almost step in and defend Gwen from Jessica. The two turned to face the display of coordinates from other universes as the pregnant woman widened her eyes. “He can jump through any dimension, he can be a crazy canon killer..”
Jessica scowled and turned back to Gwen. “You said he’s a villain of the week!” She said. “Do you know how bad this is for you?!” She exclaimed while Gwen felt a burning sensation behind her eyes and mask.
“Every dimension he stops has an Alchemax.” the lyrate lifeform also pointed out, her hand on her chin to think of a possible solution.
“L-Look I know I messed up okay.?! I-I want to make up for it..” she tried to reassure yet her holograph slowly turned her back on her. “Your friend can’t be part of this,” she sighed. Gwen already knew that, yet no matter how many times she heard that same sentence, she could never get over it.
Gwen only lowered her head. “I-I know… I’ll never see him again,” she mumbled quietly. “No kidding,” Jessica retorted with a scoff.
Lyla's eyes twinkled in excitement and success as she finally managed to catch the Spot’s location. She smiled, unaffected by the quarrel between the two.
“I got him! Earth 50101,” She announced and glitched back beside them. “Spider’s in the current area, what’dya wanna do?” The AI asked, waiting for her command impatiently.
Jessica sighed and looked back at Gwen, her hologram flickering. “Alert the local spider, tell him Gwen will meet him there shortly,”
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“Where the hell am I?” You asked yourself, confused. Your surroundings were a big blur; looking around the large similar Japanese billboards and ad commercials on the skyscrapers. A city lay below you, it was a lively and crowded one yet you were unfamiliar with the environment. Maybe it’s Peni Parker’s universe? She is from Earth 14512, so maybe this was the Year 3146 in her futuristic New York City.
You looked down at your gizmo, pressing a few buttons to initialize a portal back to Earth 928, yet after a few seconds, a screen popped up on the two-dimensional screen: Portal Initiliazing Failed, Please Try again.
“C’mon.. c’mon…” your eyebrows furrowed and watched its’ screen try to load by connecting through any close dimensional servicing yet it failed. It started to overheat and cling to your wrist tighter. You gasped, trying to pull the watch off your wrist yet it only turned hotter that the screen started to break with multiple warning signs. It suddenly created a small explosion, making you gasp.
“Hggnh—!” You winced in pain, coughing from the smoke that appeared. You fanned the gray fog away until you saw your gizmo, broken with multiple cracks on the screen.
“Fuck..” you groaned, your hand retrieving the gizmo from your wrist and carefully taking it out. You hissed in pain when you saw the burn mark left on your now-open forearm. Instead of throwing the watch away, you kept it in your suit’s pocket.
You shot your webs from your fingertips at ease as usual and were about to land on top of another skyscraper until you felt a burning sensation from the sudden glitching.
You started to lose altitude, your masked face getting hit by the sudden gust of wind. You breathed heavily and pulled yourself up with the strong webbing before you could fall to your death. You carefully climbed back up on another building and sat down by the edge, panting.
Your other hand reached to take off your mask, letting you breathe normally. “This is bad..” you whimpered, looking down at the bright lights below through the city. Any normal person would enjoy the high view. On the other hand, your heart raced as you felt tense. So tense you could feel your head pulse.
You glitched again, the pain bringing immense damage to your entire body. You knew you didn’t belong here, you were never supposed to come here. Yet here you were, stuck in Earth 14512.
Or so you thought.
Your spider senses suddenly activated when you turned around to look behind you. A large explosion-like sound reached your ears as you heard multiple police sirens. You stood up from the edge, immediately putting your mask back on.
With easy flicks from your fingertips, your webs quickly carried you to the scene where you could make out fire from the distance. Your eyes squinted behind your mask, wondering what could’ve happened.
When you landed by the top of an apartment complex, you saw the district mostly on fire with dozens of citizens running away from the burning heat while firefighters tried to fight it off. You could hear their despairing screams, shouting for help.
With a quick boost of speed, you jumped down, aiming your webs at the injured victims. Each string struck their chest or back before you grasped all the webs and pulled on them. As they thought it’d be their final moments, you landed them on safe grounds with ease. Their worry and fear turned into relief when all of them were saved, even the ones under the rubble. What they thought to be a pro hero turned out to be one masked person, their identity unknown to the public as they continued to swing around through the air with ease. They watched how the figure moved in the air with so much ease and agility but they were curious to know who you were. Saving dozens of people in a small matter of time with no one but yourself is a huge accomplishment that everyone praised.
“Who are they..?”
“Are they a new hero?”
“Why do they have a mask?”
“They’re so cool..”
Though you could hear their praise, you ignored it. Flattery couldn’t save dying citizens nearby anyway. With your secure webbing, you maneuvered yourself accessibly through small spaces to catch the few left in the fire. You can feel the heat of the enormous fire almost burn your suit while helping the others land safely next to other victims. But you couldn’t complain, after all, you dealt worse back in multiple dimensions. After you saved and carried an injured boy on your back before passing him to his mother, you turned around, sensing another danger thanks to your spider-senses.
“Help! Please..! Cough.. cough.. Someone!!” A feminine and apprehensive voice exclaimed through the flames, they sounded hoarse and tired from screaming while breathing through such fog. You swung past the smog effortlessly, attaching your webs to multiple buildings to propel into the air instantaneously. After landing safely, your eyes widened at the sight before you.
Though you were in a different dimension, you were able to recognize the familiar anomaly from another universe. What lay before you was a glitching Vulture with a brown outline, like from an old sketchbook. You squinted your eyes, trying to get a better view of who could this Vulture be. You realized once his wings extended into the sky that revealed his craftsmanlike parts while he held the screaming victim carelessly, that must’ve been her voice.
“Ohhh.. that Renaissance Vulture,” you hummed. You knew him from Miguel’s missions months ago since he asked you to accompany him to Earth 65. It was how you met Gwen actually. The anomaly reminded you of your encounter with the blonde, how she panicked to see her dad encaged by Miguel’s gadget while you reassured her. Time and the existence of the spiderverse brought you closer.
Back to the present, the Vulture flew around to face you, his mouth gaping and his eyes opening wider. He seemed to slow down to observe you before he immediately recognized you. “Che diamine— it’s you!” The Vulture roared, his grip on the poor woman tightened as she screamed in pain. It got her straining when he recklessly glitched again.
“Un altro di quei fastidiosi ragni..” He glared at you, a burning hatred in his eyes. “You could never defeat me! I am the epitome of a man’s intelligence!” He screamed at the top of his lungs before you started to fire your webs to pull yourself up in the sky.
With swift movement, you kicked the Renaissance Vulture in the face and as he let out a groan, his claws dropped the lady he held hostage. You quickly caught her with your webs before she could fall to her death. When the Vulture recovered, his glare intensified while he watched you easily beat him. It didn’t feel like he was the epitome of a man’s intelligence at all…
“Che maledetta seccatura.. damn spider..” He snapped as he watched you take away his victim so effortlessly. It angered him, spiders like you always made a fool out of him every time he would fight. After you carried the lady back down to the safe crowd, you met him face-to-face on top of a building. He was ready to unleash his artisanal weapons, aiming them directly at you before firing them off. Their precisions were precise yet it wouldn’t be enough for you.
You managed to dodge them all by firing your webs at each weapon. The strings brought them all together before they exploded into a ginormous one. Though it almost damaged the buildings, you were thankful it didn’t hurt anyone else. After that whole commotion, your fingertips released more strings before you pulled yourself up to face the Vulture in midair.
“You troublesome brat!” He roared, flapping his wings harder to blow you away. His fake beak tried to pierce you when you started to climb on top of him. “That could really hurt man,” you pout behind your mask. With you on top of him, you started to rip his paper-textured wings into shreds aggressively, throwing the old yellow vellum paper into the wind.
The Vulture noticed and began to panic. “What are you doing?!” He yelled, he didn’t want to fall to his death as he tried to shake you off of him by flying in all directions. Unfortunately for him, you also took his jet pack thruster and threw it somewhere. “You little—!” He stopped himself when he realized he was falling, the hard air hitting his face. He widened his eyes as he panicked, trying to claw at a building to save himself until he felt your webs tie him easily, even covering his beak.
The Vulture’s body hit the ground, causing more debris to clash when he left a hole in the city road. You were standing on top of his body, mostly unharmed while you pulled on your webs, tightening your grip on the creature.
You jumped down his damaged wings, apologizing shortly. “Sorry man,” you shrugged before he only looked up to glare at you but he knew he was too damaged to even walk. You sighed out of exhaustion from the battle and began to leave the police until your eyes widened when so many people began flooding your way.
“Woaahhh, woah—" your sweat dropped when they all approached you, praising your hard work for saving them. Their cheers were almost making you deaf as you tried to move your way through them. What made it worse was that you didn’t fully understand what they were saying. You knew nothing about Japan except for the animes that you, Gwen and Hobie were watching the last time you had a sleepover with them and the fact that your Linguistics professor was teaching you about Japan. It doesn’t mean you don’t understand all of it.
“You were amazing out there!!” One said, cupping your unoccupied hand before you had to pull away forcefully.
“What’s your hero name??!” Another one asked.
“You’re so cool!!”
You felt more suffocated when the crowd grew and came closer, invading your space. You were getting concerned that you’d accidentally leave the anomaly behind before the Vulture could rearm and cause havoc again. You gulped down your saliva, not knowing how to escape until you heard more voices that caught the people’s attention.
They turned their backs on you, ignoring you now as they paid more attention to the others who came. With little understanding, you understood what they said.
“It’s All Might!! and Best Jeanist!!” Someone exclaimed, it felt like the number of people doubled just from those two appearing. You were glad but curious to know who they were. Besides, it wasn’t often that a citizen would ignore a spider-woman. Yet at the same time, you had to bring this passed-out Vulture to a collider before he caused more havoc.
With a quick whirl of your webs, you escaped the area while carrying the massive Renaissance Vulture on one arm.
“Step aside my people, I am here—” All Might smiled brighter if that was even possible before gently stepping aside in front of his fans. His grin turned a little upside down when he realized that the villain was gone. He couldn’t pay attention to his fans either when he saw all of the injured safe with the paramedics at a safe area a few meters away. The fire was being put out by Backdraft alongside the fire department and the villain was already gone. ‘They could be hiding’ Toshinori thought.
“All Might,” Best Jeanist spoke, making Toshinori turn to face the Pro Hero. “The report confirmed that it was a beast-like man with wings and weapons. We should tread carefully,” He suggested before the number one Pro Hero nodded.
“But Sir Jeanist, another hero caught the villain already!” One boy with a small scratch on his face exclaimed. The two heroes looked back at each other, confused. No report from the police confirmed that a hero cleared the area, and neither did they say who it was.
“What do you mean young one??” All Might leaned down to face the boy, an optimistic grin still present. It got the kid a little nervous since his favourite hero was talking to him, it was a dream come true. “A-A person— I think it was a lady.. s-she saved me when I was under the rubble..” He mumbled, his hand instinctively touching his scratched cheek. “If it weren’t for her.. I think I would’ve gotten more than this scratch and I would’ve never seen mommy again..” He shyly admitted before All Might’s heart warmed from his words.
Best Jeanist leaned down as well, asking the boy a question. “Please describe what this lady looked like,”
You began running from rooftop to rooftop swiftly while carrying the Vulture. You were trying to find any Alchemax present yet you couldn’t find it anywhere. In each universe, every Alchemax looked the same and had the same logo so imagine your confusion. It didn’t help that you and the Vulture constantly glitched, almost making you fall from time to time.
‘Where is that damn Alchemax?’ You grunted, getting frustrated while you swung another web freely, doing quick acrobatics. It got you past small spaces for easier routes but you still couldn’t find any logo that matched Alchemax’s.
A figure lurked by near the corner of a building you just passed by. She slightly shivered from the thin clothing she wore and the sudden short gust of wind that came on this cold night. She looked up if the air would blow colder until she spotted you moving around at lightning speed with the thin strings you had. Her dark blue eyebrows were raised, wondering who could it be and why was she carrying a giant creature?
Midnight started to run in your direction, concerned it might be a villain saving another villain from the trouble they both caused. After all, Pro Heroes don’t necessarily cover their face with a mask and hide their identities. She jumped on each building’s floor and climbed her way to a rooftop. The pro hero raced after her again as she tried to keep up with her fast swinging and agility yet almost couldn’t. Every step she took, it was like twelve more for you.
“Quick for a villain..” Midnight mumbled as she panted when she almost started to give up. It wasn’t suitable to run in heels after all. She paused for a bit and took a breather, her chest slightly heaving. She then heard a sound from the earpiece she wore. It was a way of communicating with other local heroes near the area to help or ask questions. The woman mostly used it to goof off with Yamada but right now was slightly serious. She tapped on her earbud before talking. “Are there any heroes nearby?” She asked before another voice spoke up. She recognized the Third Pro Hero’s voice.
“What’s the problem Midnight??” The Third Pro Hero asked, seemingly chill despite being on patrol.
“A villain’s using webs I’m guessing to swing around the neighbourhood. Twelve o’clock, near the principal residential complexes, can’t see their features, a mask is covering their face andddd.. they’re carrying a giant creature-person while swinging away.” Midnight described as she began to run again, hoping to catch up. She jumped from one building to another yet it was already hopeless when you disappeared. Midnight grunted, a little disappointed in herself. She heard the other line speak again before she sighed in relief at what Hawks said.
“I’ll be there, I’ll cut ‘em off,” He responded before the earbud turned off again.
Hawks’ wings extended as his feathers fluttered in the cool air on top of a cellular tower with his leftover empty packet of chicken nuggets near the panels. He put his yellow visor back on before he instantaneously jumped down and began to fly away. The wind breezed over his face and feathers as he descended closer to the ground. As he looked around, he was amazed to see numerous webs crisscrossing between the buildings and lampposts. He flew down to touch one before it immediately disintegrated after he touched it. When he went to see the rest, they all started to disappear.
“This person definitely didn’t want to leave a trace..” He sighed, rubbing the small disintegrated webs against his gloved fingers. He wiped it off before he continued his pursuit to find that strange villain.
On the other hand, you were swinging away into the shadows with the Vulture still passed out. You still haven’t found any Alchemax so you gave up on that idea and decided to just bring the Vulture with you anywhere you went. You weren’t supposed to bring him to the police because the goal of getting rid of the anomaly is by sending it home in its proper dimension to protect canon events from disruption.
While you were taking a breather, sticking to a wall with your mask off, your spider senses suddenly tingled when you felt someone trying to persuade you. Your senses weren’t so strong so you guessed that person was still a bit far away but it didn’t change the fact it was a problem. You put your mask back on and jumped off the wall, swinging away with the Vulture.
You continued to agilely maneuver yourself with your webs until your spider senses tingled again. Turning around mid-air, you widened your eyes behind your mask when you noticed a pair of red feathers trying to pierce you. You dodged one, swinging away faster yet it kept changing directions.
“What the hell kind of feathers are those?!” You grunted, pulling yourself against a wall with your body connecting to the bricks while you hid around a corner from whoever came by. You heard wings flapping near the distance as the feathers suddenly stopped following you. You looked behind the corner and saw a red-winged man with messy blonde hair and a visor covering his eyes.
He looked in your direction, smirking while you were confused about how he suddenly saw you.
“C’monnn get out of the corner, you look really lame as a villain right now. This your first time saving your pal man?” The man asked as he began to fly in your direction. You cursed under your breath, climbing up the building while the Vulture rested on your back. You didn’t know a single thing of what he said in Japanese by the way.
You faced the winged man after you reached the rooftop while he smirked further, almost like he was chuckling. “You look bald with that mask buddy just sayin’” He snickered while you just stood there with the huge creature on your back. He stopped chuckling before he let his shoes touch the edge of the rooftop while his wings spread wide and proud.
“But seriously, make this easy for me and surrender. I’ll try to give you a less.. severe sentence?” He suggested with a smirk but you knew he was being serious. You sighed and placed the Vulture off your back, making your spine more comfortable and flexible before speaking. You looked back at the red-winged human.
“Look man, I’m just trying to do my job here. This guy?” You gestured to the sleeping Vulture. “He doesn’t belong here, neither do I,” You said, hoping he could understand your English while he still kept that grin.
“Well at least you know your place, dirty scum villains like you make heroes laugh,” he chuckled. You widened your eyes when he realized he could speak English before you pouted behind your mask. It was clear he was treating you like a joke.
“Hey!! I’m not a villain, I’m from another dimension okay? I don’t belong here— as in, I shouldn’t be here and neither is that creature supposed to be,” you explained in better terms, hoping he could understand what you meant.
“I won’t last here long so— if you could just spare me the time and energy… you won’t see me or that Vulture again, mkay?” You said but he only just sighed and approached you further.
“Sorry man, can’t trust someone who can’t even show their face. Besides.. I think you’ve been reading tooooo many comics- I mean, another dimension?” Hawks chuckled and flew around you. “That’s new,” He added before he faced you once more. You could notice that his eyes were golden yellow behind his visor.
“Besides.. you broke a law. Can’t use your quirk outside in public kid,” He said but he noticed how quick you were to get confused.
“What’s a quirk?” you asked until you saw how his face almost dropped, his expression was dumbfounded.
“You’re playin’ with me right now are you-?” Hawks responded before you shook your head no. “No idea what that means man,” You replied.
Hawks sighed at your attempt to pretend. It started to irritate him when you kept acting dumb and how you kept explaining how you’re from a different universe. It almost made him lose his faith in teenagers. He plucked one of his feathers out before most of them detached from his back as you widened your eyes. You watched them all point to you as if they were weapons. You’ve seen other weird phenomena across copious dimensions but this was definitely new. Feathers were light and harmless, now they were aimed at you like bullets ready.
“Listen kid, I don’t have time for this,” Hawks frowned. “Either you make it easier for yourself and turn yourself in now or make this worse by holdin’ out,” His eyebrows furrowed while he placed his hands into his pockets. You sighed, seemingly about to give up. It softened him to know you were finally facing reality and not delusion.
What he didn't expect was a web suddenly fired into his face. “H-Hngh..!” Hawks grunted, blinded by the sticky web. He heard you pick up the heavy creature and began running away not until you shouted an apology. “Sorry!!” You exclaimed.
You jumped down the building and shot your web before pulling yourself away from the red-winged man. You tried to keep a good grip until your spider senses tingled again. You turned around mid-air to see the feathers catching up to you, their soft texture looked like it hardened. You widened your eyes when you saw how they went faster and almost stabbed your back. You dodged mid-air, holding the Vulture tighter.
You passed through most of the feathers as they bristled against your suit but one of them unfortunately sliced the fabric on your hip before you winced. You shot a web at that feather but it suddenly changed directions, retreating away. In fact, all the feathers persuading you were retreating.
“What the..?” You looked back in confusion before your eyes widened in shock. The same guy already caught up to you with one of his largest feathers in hand, almost ready to kill. He had his visor off but his cheeks and upper lip still had sticky webs.
“Told ya to stop fooling around..” He muttered as he was ready to slice you. Out of instinct, you kicked him hard enough before shooting multiple webs at his wings.
You stabilized his movements for a short while as he started to fall until he suddenly gripped your torso, causing you to drop the Vulture. His head fell first on the road before the impact caused debris around his body.
“What— hey!!” You exclaimed when Hawks held onto you. You were trying to push him away but you noticed how his fierce red wings extended further and flapped into the air. The web you were holding onto snapped so suddenly, making you confused.
“Your webs are hard to cut..” He pointed out as he then moved his hands to your waist to grip you tighter. “Good thing my feathers are better,” he smugly said.
“Let me go weird bird!” You screamed and aimed your hand at his face not until he used his other hand and brought it against your hip.
Angered, you used your other hand quickly and shot multiple stronger webs at his face. He grunted again when his vision was suddenly off again. You and your webs.. it annoyed him further.
He started to lose balance and control while he couldn’t see. He wanted to rip the webs off his face again but he couldn’t let you, as a villain, escape.
You panted when you saw how close the two of you were falling to your deaths. With your arms immobilized and his vision blocked, you were stressing. His grip was too tight on your body to even move, it was clear he didn’t want you to escape. With the failing altitude, Hawks’ wings began to wrap around the two of you for protection.
Then suddenly, you heard a large crash of debris coming under the road. Turning your head around, you saw giant branches coming out of the ground. You don’t remember that in the middle of the road at all. It was shaped smooth to catch the two of you together safely.
“Oof..!” You grunted when you fell on the branch alongside Hawks. You tried sitting up but his grip was still strong. In the distance, you heard police sirens.
A figure climbed up the giant branch easily. He had a dark blue bodysuit with a wooden helmet that covered his face as well as a few roses on his hip below his belt.
The man rushed towards the two of you, his eyes widened at the sight of Hawks’ face covered in webs as well as his arms wrapped tightly around you. He then turned his attention to you, his eyes seemed to widen more.
You watched as the figure tapped on the earpiece hidden under his helmet before speaking. “All Might, the police and I are here. We found the masked villain thanks to Hawks. They match the description you broadcasted.” He explained while you looked up to him confused.
Your head turned when you heard the sound of a pair of heels clicking. You noticed it was the same woman who followed you before Hawks.
She lifted her thin red mask and smiled. “Good job catching them Kamui Woods,”
The same man nodded before he crouched down and observed your confused face. In a quick instant, he suddenly took your mask off.
“What the—“ your eyes widened from the sudden action before you glared at him. Midnight walked next to him until she saw your hair that fell over your face. She wasn’t gonna lie, but you were pretty.
“Ooh, it’s a girl!” She exclaimed happily while Kamui Woods looked at her, dumbfounded.
“Why’re you happy? She’s a villain..” He responded.
“Shame that she is though, she would’ve been a pretty capable hero..” The hero sighed in defeat before she crouched down next to him.
She then moved your hair away to catch a glimpse of your face. She gasped happily.
“She’s so pretty!!” Midnight smiled while Kamui rolled his eyes.
“Just use your quirk..” Kamui said before standing up and turning his back on you. “We’ll take her to the police station after we tie up the creature stuck under the debris,” with that, he began to walk away.
Midnight only shrugged as she then ripped the thin fabric of her hero costume off. Her violet mist started to emit from her body while it released a soft soothing aroma. Her eyes suddenly widened when she saw what happened. Hawks reacted exactly as she expected, asleep.
“Why isn’t my quirk working?”
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You were crouched into a ball inside the wooden cocoon that the man trapped you in. It felt like a bumpy ride all the while being carried somewhere you don’t even know. You yawned out of exhaustion, tired of the events and the fights you had to go through today.
Kamui Woods brought you into the police station with a cocoon as a cage. His eyes trailed to the symbol of hope in his normal form standing next to a few detectives being interrogated. The number one pro hero turned to him after he noticed he was staring. He approached with a gentle smile.
“Nishiya,” Toshinori spoke. “How’s the villain?” He asked curiously.
Kamui Woods dropped the cocoon down before the wood broke into pieces, revealing you with your wrists and ankles tied together with thick layers of leaves
“Where am I?” You groaned before yawning tiredly. All Might tilted his head to the side, it was rare to encounter non-speaking Japanese people before.
“Hello young lady,” He greeted before he helped you up. You were thankful for his kindness even though you were considered a bad guy thanks to Hawks.
“Please follow me,” the blond man gently spoke and gestured for you to follow him. Feeling safe around him, you walked behind him into the long hallway.
He opened the door for you to an interrogation room. You entered before he made you sit down across him. The light was dim but you could still notice the few people that appeared behind him. One of them was a scarfed man with black long hair that leaned against the wall. The other was a short white bear with a small suit while the last one was the same lady who was chasing after you.
You watched as the black-haired man approached and took a seat beside the kind man who helped you up earlier, his legs crossed tiredly.
“Young lady.. do you know why you’re here?” He asked as his hand was placed on the table.
“I broke a law?” You responded, stating the obvious while he had no reaction, clearly bored from your sarcasm.
“Kids like you clearly don’t understand the consequences of your actions. Do you just suddenly forget that using your quirk in public without a permit is prohibited?” He explained while you just shrugged.
“Now now EraserHead.. don’t provoke her,” the blond beside him replied. “She’s the reason why a whole district was saved by that mysterious creature. Without her, there would’ve been more damage..”
“Do I look like I care?” he asked. “She can be sent to juvy after what she’s done..”
They continued to bicker about your behaviour, justifying if it was wrong or right while the other two behind them got a little worried. You weren’t even listening anymore, getting more tired and worried after all that happened. The Spot, your gizmo getting damaged, the Renaissance Vulture, anomalies, and Hawks chasing after you, were causing a headache worse than ever. So suddenly, you started to glitch constantly which caught their attention.
“What’s happening..?” Toshinori asked, getting up to his chair and rushing towards you. He carefully placed his palm on your shoulder, rubbing it to soothe the pain.
“It’s just glitching..” you responded in a small quiet tone. “It’s what happens when I’m not from another dimension without something to protect me,” you mumbled, placing your chin on the palm of your hand on the table.
Toshinori seemed worried while Aizawa was confused. The small white bear named Nezu stepped out of the shadow and climbed on the table to match the other men’s heights.
“I’ve never seen such a phenomenon before..” the bear spoke, observing how you glitched again.
“Just please take me to Alchemax..” you groaned. “It’s the only shot I have I can get back home,”
“Alchemax?” Aizawa repeated, looking to Nezu who didn’t know what you meant either. The confusion on their faces made your eyes wide and your jaw drop.
“You don’t have one.?” You mumbled, getting hesitant. “Is there at least a collider? A spider-man.?!” You worriedly asked, your anxious expression turning worse.
“Apologies.. we don’t know what you’re talking about..” Nezu confirmed until you felt all hope drain out of you. Your eyes lowered down on the table while All Might got worried.
“I’m gonna die here..” you sighed in defeat.
“Young lady,” the number one pro hero spoke, catching your attention. “Please.. if you want us to help you.. you have to tell us more,” He said while tightening his grip on your shoulder. His expression showed sympathy and care yet it confused you on why he was so nice to someone he barely knew.
“You wouldn’t understand..” you groaned, looking away.
“It’s either you explain or we arrest you, right here right now,” Aizawa responded.
You bit your lip out of hesitation before you looked back at all of them. Since they were so willing to help, you told them everything. After all, they were your best shot.
You explained all about the multiverse, the secret force of spider-variants, canon events, anomalies and so much more. It took a while for them to understand considering how incomprehensible it was. Nezu seemed to understand easier than the rest of them as he tapped his furry paw on his chin.
“So the longer you stay here, the worse and more frequent the glitching will..” he pointed out before you nodded. He seemed surprised to know about the rules of the multiverse. It was strict but he knew it had to be respected.
“You’re a hero, right Y/N?“ All Might asked, happy to finally know your name. “Well.. since you’re still a teen.. how do you feel about joining a school for heroes in the meantime while we find a solution for your dilemma?” Toshinori suggested with a grin. Nezu seemed to love the idea while Aizawa huffed.
“I have brats to deal with All Might,” Aizawa frowned behind his messy hair. “Giving me another problem will mess up my sleep schedule further,”
“Oh please Aizawa,” Nezu giggled. “It is our job as the faculty of UA to assure the students’ guidance for the future and their safety.“ he responded before patting your hair with his soft paw. “You wouldn’t be neglecting poor Y/N now are you?” He asked with a sarcastic chuckle.
“She’s not even a student yet you already refer to her as one..” Aizawa groaned while All Might chuckled.
“Now hold on a second!!” Midnight exclaimed, making all of them, including you, turn their heads towards her. “We haven’t gotten into the fact that my quirk didn’t work for her!!”
“Truth be told..” you mumbled. “I think it didn’t work ‘cuz I’m from another dimension remember?” You responded to which she let out an ‘oh’ sound.
“If that’s the case, Aizawa how ‘bout you try your quirk on her?” All Might suggested before Shota nodded. He applied some eye drops before he activated his quirk Erasure.
“Try using your webs Y/N,” All Might said while you complied. You aimed your fingertips at a nearby wall and just as expected, webs sprung out immediately.
“Hmm..” Toshinori hummed while Aizawa widened his eyes when he realized his quirk didn’t work. “I suppose it was expected,” Nezu spoke.
“Well.. it’s more reason to get her into UA,” Midnight replied with a smirk. “Hope she’ll be in my homeroom class~”
“It’s not so easy,” Aizawa spoke as his quirk automatically turned off. He stepped over to you before lowering his long scarf. “It’ll be harder considering she’d be a late arrival student,”
“That is correct EraserHead,” Nezu nodded his head and turned himself towards you. “L/N, we strive for the best for our students as they will be our next-generation heroes. We count on them like how you count on us to help you.” He explained with a semi-serious look on his face. “Though school has already started, you will be facing extremely difficult exams. Show us you’re worth our help by passing to UA,”
Your eyebrows were raised while you hummed. “I’ll try my best then..” you mumbled before the short bear smiled.
“And if you do manage to get to UA.. please just address me as Principal Nezu,”
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“WOAH!!” Miles exclaimed as he dodged the incoming desk thrown by Miguel, he could hear his constant cursing in Spanish.
“Oh so you’re worried about Spot and Y/N? Oh well, I’ll worry about them!” The spider-man 2099 exclaimed in frustration, Gwen tried to defend Miles but couldn’t after his rage burst.
“He blew another hole in the multiverse and expected me to calm down Gwen?!” He yelled, his fangs starting to slightly show.
“Not only is Y/N’s gizmo damaged, she’s lost in the middle of nowhere with no help! She’s not considered an anomaly either!” Miguel growled as he then got down from his floating space. He approached the two teenagers who were a little hesitant to be standing in front of him.
"This is your fault, Gwen," Miguel snarled after looking down at her. "If you hadn't goofed around with Miles and decided to help her instead...”
The man approached closer, with a glare that shown intense hatred. She could tell that he was trying to hold back.
“I don't know what Jessica saw in you but your actions make it clear over and over again.. that you're a damn liability." He glared while Gwen widened her eyes, taken aback by his words. She looked away in shame.
She looked down as little tears prickled her eyes. She quickly wiped them off to avoid embarrassment in front of Miles but she could already tell he knew.
Though Miles didn't know much about you, he wishes to find you again.
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author's note: this was a long chapter to make lol. i forgot to mention in the story that the woman that Y/N saved was Inko Midoriya. i'm sorry for the delay and my sudden reappearance, i hope you all can still enjoy the story :3 i've already planned the coming chapters and i'll try my best to upload as fast as i can. also, since the word count is often 7000+ every chapter, i'll shorten it so others wouldn't get lost, i'll have more chapters and the story'll grow faster. again, sorry for my absence, expect more chapters this summer! as well, lmk if you'd like to be added in the taglist. reblogs and comments are very appreciated. :))
slightly not proofread
italic dialogue or text: Japanese / said in another language or just thoughts
normal dialogue: English
taglist: @coffeeandtealol, @lemon-lav
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howlingday · 7 months
Weeping Knight,Grimm Knight, or Arcwitch?
Ooh, boy... Heck of a selection, huh? Jaune and the three "MILFs," eh? Alrighty. Let's talk about these three ships.
Weeping Knight/Willow's Knight/Frosted Knight
Normally, this would be your classic "pool boy/lonely housewife" trope in adult works. Hell, some people jump at the idea of giving Jacques Schnee the NTR treatment because, well, he's Jacques Schnee. And there's also the fact that Weiss didn't show interest in Jaune in Volume 1 (completely understandable, by the way) and this is some form of payback for that.
But I say, NUTS TO ALL THAT! You could definitely craft a loving story about Willow finding love again after not having it for so long and Jaune isn't just some horny young adult looking for a woman with experience. You could instead look at Jaune for what he is, which is basically walking medicine. He's healing Willow and she's relishing in the attention she's receiving.
Also, one of my favorite Willow x Jaune art pieces I see is Weiss going full emo/goth in response, and Jaune is like, "I'm not trying to replace your dad, Weiss! I'm just trying to be there for you and your family!"
Score - 8/10 if not written like a MILF porno
Grimm Knight/Death Knight/At The Stake
This one is another old school trope of "what if the hero and the main villain got together". There's a lot that can go into this, whether Jaune becomes evil, Salem becomes good, or some unique scenario in between. Honestly, I find this ship both cute and wholesome when it's done well enough. Of course, there's lewds of this too, because apparently when Mommy Salami stayed too long in the oozie jacuzzi, her body didn't change from when she was in her 20s.
Still, this is a very cute ship and I like just about everything I see of it. Probably my favorite version of this ship I saw was when Ozpin sent Jaune to kill Salem, and she ends up marrying him and sending Oz the wedding invite. (Yeah, it's a self-plug. Big whoop, want to fight about it?)
Score - 9/10 just don't think about the potential Philip J. Fry effect
Since there's only one name to this, it stands to reason that this is the most famous of three, likely due to the fact that this was the first Jaune x MILF ship ever made. Unfortunately, this also makes it the more... problematic, just from the trope alone. The classic "hot for teacher" idea that becomes an actual crime when applied to the real world.
However, that doesn't mean that there's no good works with this, though it's mostly lewds pertaining to the couple. The best example of this ship I've seen is in Professor Arc, in which Jaune sneaks into Beacon as a teacher and he and her develop a very close relationship. Although, there's still a bit of an ick factor to it, but that doesn't mean that this ship can't be done well since it's a confident older woman with a more timid younger man. Overall, I think it can be a good ship.
Score - 7/10 and the ick keeps me from going higher.
If y'all wanna have Jaune be cute and romantic with an older gal, that's fine. Just, y'know, don't be weird and creepy about it. Course, won't stop me from writing these ships either. Never compromise your standards for the worse and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
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traumaboyexo · 2 months
Hi! I recently saw your carrion au, and it's giving me so many thoughts! Like, was siffrin the reason the island vanished? Was a wish responsible for why siffrin thinks as much like a person as they do? How does the king react to them? How does Act 5 go? How does the party react at the end? So many questions! Thank you!
Thanks so much for being interested! To answer these:
1. No, the island vanished due to the people of the island fearing the monster. The monster effectively went on a hunting spree powered by pure hunger and started killing and eating people after they escaped from the lab on the island, so as soon as it was one tentacle off the land, they wished for it to be forgotten, attempting to basically the monster everybody else's problem. Which leads into
2. When the island vanishes and becomes forgotten, the monster wakes up with no memory and in human form, with only a name they think is theirs from their own assimilation/Parasitism, "Siffrin". They think they're human, they feel like they're human. In a way, the memory loss is a sort of gift of humanity, but not enough to change its constant starving nature.
3. The King is a survivor. It's seen the rampage of the beast firsthand, killing and eating. While memory of the island is faint, the nightmare of the creature lingers in his head, a creature that shifts and morphs, and looks like a person in a cloak and hat. It doesn't remember Siffrin right away, but as the loops continue, the smell of BLOOD and STARS grows stronger, stronger than cane sugar, until The King has enough to recognise it in the act 3 ending scene. He feels fear, and hate. A perfect combination to motivate one to kill.
4. (Elegantly sips tea and accidentally chokes on it) You'll have to wait and see because I do actually wanna write this one to show it off.
5. Credits to everyone in ISATcord who came up with these ideas. What we had in mind was they're a little surprised at first, but they still love him. After all, when they first met, he was still "Siffrin", the Siffrin they've ever known, and that's who they love.
Siffrin is able to let loose around them, showing off the mass of tentacles he is, but only ever slightly, just to ease in. He's smiling, and somehow, it seems his hunger has weakened. He's grateful that even after knowing what he is, they still have a family who will appreciate them.
Mirabelle loves horror stories, so she's kinda excited, and at the same time really nervous she may or may not have insulted Siffrin when she talked about all her favourite horror stories.
Odile knows Siffrin well enough to understand that he just needs to worry a little less sometimes about opening up. It's slightly something unexpected, but she's ready to support them.
Iseabau still loves Siffrin, of course! Though, when Siffrin is able to fully show off his monster form, it might be a little difficult for both of them to figure out how to kiss, but they'll make it work. Nothing ever said they still can't snuggle next to each other or flirt or tease one another.
Bonnie is relieved that after all this time that they weren't cooking too little, Siffrin really does just have an extremely big appetite. They promise to make even more snacks for Siffrin to eat from now on, and hopes to find something that can finally fill him up. There's also some relief of guilt from the incident, now that Siffrin has grown their eye back. Whoops!
You weren't supposed to know that just yet.
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alice-the-demon · 2 months
(Interrupting the Hell Tower Q&A for a moment to show you a redesign of an Oc I haven't drawn since high school)
Diana Jewel
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(The original designs from 2021, I changed her name to Diana because I thought it sounded cooler)
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To be honest, when I first created her I just basically stole Strawberry Crêpe Cookie's design from Cookie Run Kingdom. When I first discovered the character I thought they were armless, because of the fact that they hide most of their body under a cape.
I thought it was pretty cool to see an antagonist with a disability, I have never seen something like that at that time. So I guess that creating an OC looking pretty much like them was my way to show my appreciation, I think.
And then I discovered that Strawberry Crêpe Cookie did, indeed, have arms underneath the cape. Whoops.
But even with that discovery, I still thought that the idea of a villain with a disability was still very great, so I decided to make some modifications to my OC. Especially the design, I didn't want to be accused of plagiarism.
Meanwhile I also thought of a backstory and personality, from which I got inspired by the songs "Primadonna", "The Family Jewels" and "Bubblegum B*tch" from Marina and the Diamonds: a privileged girl who grew up in a rich and imperfect family, she has an incredible talent for robotics and mechanics but because of how she was raised she's also very immature and incapable of showing affection (at least, for now).
I have an idea of creating a story with her in it, where, after committing a theft, Diana and a couple of other villains get transferred in a special school of heroes to change their behaviour.
There Diana would learn to grow as a person along with the other characters she meets there, in a world that is basically a combination of "Despicable Me" and "Big Hero 6", that it also makes a commentary about the school system and how it affects its students... But I think I'll stop here, I've already talked enough in this post lmao
But I do like to talk about the many ideas I have in mind, I have many stories that I want to tell yet so little time and energy to talk about and develop them. As for now I'll remain in my comfort zone that is the Pizza Tower fandom, but who knows... Maybe someday I'll be able to tell my own stories to the audience...
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kujiua-kun · 1 year
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[ HH || Hazbin Girlies]
Oh booooooy it's the Re-Fix! I was looking back through archives of my old art and remembered seeing my old Hazbin redesigns (They were bad/extremely mid.) So I went back and redid them. (From to left we have):: Katie Killjoy - For Katie’s design, I decided to base her colors on a secretary bird, I was gonna give her orange eye shadow, but I forgot… whoops. I also wanted to make it more clear that she was wearing pants since in the pilot it just looks like she has on an extremely short dress. Cherri Bomb - OK so…Cheri bomb is the one I had the most ideas for going in, and I had to calm myself. I wanted to give her this rugged, punk, jailbird type of look. So I used A LOT of orange in her color scheme. Mimzy - I didn’t really change a lot for Mimzy, I decided to make her hair appear curlier and referenced her older outfit, but besides that, nothing much changed. Niffty - NGL I actually kinda hate Niffty’s series redesign, but that’s a complaint for later. As for her Pylit design, I think it’s cute, but gave the impression of a “Preppy 50s college girl”, while her personality felt more like a “Disturbingly bubbly and desperate housewife”, so I played into that a bit more with her outfit. I also gave her little tiny weeny shoes. Charlie Morningstar - Charlie’s design didn’t really change much either, I decided to make her more goat-like, I know it’s hard to see but she does have a tail, and made her a “suit dress” but that’s about it. Vaggie - For Vaggie I leaned more into her 80s club girl type, I based her colors on her old design and a real-life moth, that I forgot the name of, I wanted to keep her having a more muted/cool color scheme compared to the rest. Velvet - As for velvet…I’m not really big on either of her designs, especially her series design, but again… complaints for another time. I decided to give her a 70s disco queen/call girl theme, I also referenced bits and pieces of Villa’s design.
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
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Good story from Yale Environment 360, without a paywall (I think), about beavers, public land, wildfires, endangered species, the largest beaver dam in the world, the degradation of that land and the large pond behind the dam due to the tar sands mining activity in the vicinity. In other words, a microcosm of all the bad stuff and good stuff intersecting in one place in Canada. Excerpt from this story:
Wood Buffalo National Park, the largest national park in Canada, covers an area the size of Switzerland and stretches from Northern Alberta into the Northwest Territories. Only one road enters it from Alberta, and one from the NWT. If not for people observing it from airplanes and helicopters, and satellites photographing it, little would be known about big parts of it. The park is a variety of landscapes — boreal swamps, fens, bogs, black spruce forests, salt flats, gypsum karst, permafrost islands, and prairies that extend the continent’s central plains to their northern limit. The wood buffalo in the park’s name are bison related to the Great Plains bison. In this remoteness, the buffalo descend from the original population, and the wolves that prey on them are also the wild originals. Millions of birds summer and breed here. The park holds one of the last remaining breeding grounds of the whooping crane.
Other superlatives and near-superlatives: the delta in the park’s southeast where the Peace River and the Athabasca River come together is one of the largest freshwater deltas in the world; last summer, some of Canada’s largest forest fires burned in the park and around it; and — just inside the park’s southern border — is the largest beaver dam in the world.
The dam is about a half-mile long and in the shape of an arc made of connected arcs, like a recurve bow. The media has known about it for 16 years, and in that time no bigger beaver dam has come to light, so it’s still known as the biggest, and scientists believe it almost certainly is. Animal technology created it, but human technology revealed it.
Many of the beavers that have reestablished themselves globally are descended from beavers that were planted by wildlife biologists. The thriving beaver population of Tierra del Fuego (another place Thie has studied) is descended from beavers brought to Argentina from Canada’s Saskatchewan River, who are themselves scions of beavers transplanted from upstate New York. No reintroduction of beavers was done in Wood Buffalo Park. Thie believes that the beavers who built the dam are of original stock. Like the wood buffalo and the wolves, they were too remote to be wiped out.
The park is suffering the worst drought in its history. Flows are down by half in many places, owing to climate change, water diversion, poor seasonal snowpack, and dams on the Peace River, upstream in British Columbia. A danger that seems inescapable comes from the oil sands that are being mined for crude-oil-containing bitumen, and from tailing ponds that hold trillions of liters of mine-contaminated water. The ponds are near the banks of the Athabasca River, just upstream from the park boundary. They are fatal to birds that land on them. Given the direction that water flows, conservationists and native people fear the tailings will pollute the park eventually. Toxic chemicals have already been found in McClelland Lake, just southeast of the park. Locals stopped taking their drinking water from the lake years ago.
Gillian Chow-Fraser, the boreal program manager for the Northern Alberta chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, in Edmonton, travels in the park often by helicopter, canoe, and foot. She has described the park’s environment as “super degraded.” When I spoke with her by phone not long ago, she talked about a recent tailing basin leak that was not reported to the First Nations downstream of it for nine months. In places that used to flood regularly but now don’t, the land is drying out and vegetation disappearing. Though she crisscrosses the park, she has never seen the world’s largest beaver dam, but she’s grateful that it’s there and bringing the park attention.
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butterfrogmantis · 8 months
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I've been holding onto Matador since I got back from Barcelona months ago and here he FINALLY is. And also another newbie!
Matador Smurf:
-Ironically very anti killing. He just wants to show off more than anything. Can usually subdue large or dangerous animals into crashing into walls and stuff quite well but he's a noble heart, will never go for the kill. IS a skilled fencer for other sapient opponents when it's fair. Would fight Don more but Don's a swashbuckling kind of hero whilst Matador sticks to fencing rules and would probably lose in a real swordfight.
-The Barcelonian! From the Catalonia region of Spain. Knows both mainland Spanish and Catalonian but tends to use Catalonian to P off Elena who only knows mainland Spanish … bit of a cultural rivalry there XD
-As bad as Smooth for flirting with everything that moves. Actually that includes Smooth too. It's a flirt off. And by that I mean dating but not. It's similar to Smooth and Slammy, both are wayyy too non committal to settle down but after Smooth's 174758th rejection from Jokey and when Slammy is back to doing his part time dating of the band Smooth can usually be found crawling back to Matador
-Born SmurfSunflower (Sunny) was a shy kid who disliked the other typical grove activities like archery and dance. Thought she didn't really fit in with anyone and would usually just be found down by the swamp poking stuff with sticks. She had one friend tho, a friend she thought was just as weird. SmurfRafflesia was obsessed with the undead and paranormal, and through her admiration of her, Sunflower came to enjoy these things too, finding beauty in death and wanting to preserve it somehow.
-Teenage Sunflower takes on a goth not-phase and changes her name to Hemlock (Sunflower was so … preppy!) and begins to study the art of taxidermy. Still regarded as one of the black sheeps of the grove but she minds it much less now - she kind of revels in the solitude. Begins developing a fairly big crush on Rafflesia before one day … Raff just goes missing out of the blue. It breaks Hemlock's heart and she sinks further into the loner persona. Also some weird demon got out somewhere but Papa and Willow took care of that.
-Lol JK Raff isn't gone forever, she shows up one day as a ghost and claims some Archaeologist from the guy village found her and whoops she's been gone for a century what did she miss haha. Well Hemlock is PISSED. I mean who does that? Esp/ since Rafflesia admits she wasn't even trapped she was just vibing in the mausoleum Archie found her in (Raff and Archie are a bit similar in that way, they're both married to their work and can be a bit self absorbed in it at times)
-Anyway Hemlock's been doing great w/ her taxidermy all this time. She's very careful and only sources natural deaths or kills … but may adopt elderly insects with some ulterior motives. At least she's good to em and they get a very comfortable end of life before becoming art pieces. Go figure. She's made up w/ Raff, it is pretty cool to have a ghost friend after all, and apparently Rafflesia also made some new friends in the village - holy shit is that a talking skeleton?? That's pretty goth.
-Skelly groans internally. Yet more admirers. Will he 'ere be rid of his fans ("Shut up Skelly")
Smooth (c) The Smurfs
Matador, Elena, Rafflesia and Hemlock are mine
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allwormdiet · 5 days
Hive 5.6
God work sucks. Anyway: Worm
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"Bitch's power move was really cool and all but it didn't make us any friends; thankfully, that's what I was there for."
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Okay teasing aside this is actually a decent effort on Skitter's part! Sundancer is. Not entirely playing along, it seems.
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Yeah the full-face dark mask with big ol eyes is gonna bite you on the ass at least a few more times before this story is up
Also awwwww she's defending Bitch! Her friend!
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Hell is even going on with the Travelers that they're traveling so much, anyhow. That can't be a sustainable business model for your villain gang, or whatever they are. What actually are they? Not heroes if they're slumming it with the rest of these groups. Mercenaries like Faultline and her people?
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Aw man, the fucking Nazis wound up being uncooperative shitheads, crazy how that worked out
Meanwhile, Skitter and Bitch showing off more teamwork! Skitch? Bitter? I know their ship name is Wolfspider but what's their in-universe ship name, that's the real question.
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Actual coordination on display in this alliance? A miracle.
Also, an observation of attractiveness on another guy. I think Taylor is like, what, 2 for 6 on men versus women? Ish? I'd have to flip back through and check but I don't want to
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More team stuff.
Interesting that the Travelers have a high capacity for collateral damage. Wonder how that reflects on their general operation.
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God but this is clever. It's not even that her power is changing, it's that she's getting more creative. It's like fucking JJBA in here.
Skitter is so fucking cool
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Fuck them up Bitch!
Newter seems cool too. Hallucinogenic sweat's gotta be a wild power to work with.
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Knowing Kaiser it could be both at onces
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Fucking whoops
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Putting two of your capes on one warehouse is a little aggressive, but maybe this works out for the ABB. Somehow doubt it.
Also: wuh uh.
Current Thoughts
God I love the fucking fights in this story. Let's get more of it.
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spitinsideme · 8 months
Peach blossoms and wolfsbane
Chapter 4
Tea roses
By Writer anon
So i messed up the timeline a bit this more colonial America era than Victorian my bad whoops. Also sorry for any mistakes or typos I type these out super duper fast haha.
The two women get to talking and the find themselves enamored with that one another have to say.”So judging by your accent you are not from around here?” Asked Spitzy “No miss I ain’t from these parts” answered Winona.”Where are you from then?” Asked Spitzy. “Southern Georgia.” Replied Winona. “Oh you from America?” Spitzy. Questioned. “Yes ma’am I am.” She said with a small grin. “I don’t suppose that changes your opinion of me” Winona asked. Spitzy shook her head “No It doesn’t though there isn’t much of an opinion to change since we barely know each other but I like what I do see and know though.” Spitzy stated Winona stood there for a second before breaking out into a big grin and lets out a little chuckle. “Is that so? Well I’m glad you like me.tell you what I’ll let you in on a little secret.” She leans in a bit close and whispers “I already like you too hun.” It’s at this point Spitzy notices Winona has some sharp chompers. And with that she goes red again ‘Oh God and here I thought she couldn’t be more attractive. She has fangs oh lord help me…’ she thought in her head. But then the woman spoke once more and what she said shook her to her core. “But I would like to get to know you more if you will have me milady.” With this Winona lent forward and gentle took Spitzy’s hand and kissed it. Spitzy at this point her cheeks now all sorts of rosy and red replied with a shy smile on her face “ I would love to.” Winona stood there in stunned silence for a second and then smiled “ Alright.” Replied Winona. “Hmm how about we play a game.” Said Spitzy. “Oh?” Inquired Winona. “What’s the game?” She asked. “ where we both ask each other questions and we answer them.” Answered Spitzy. “Sounds like it could be fun. Alrighty then what does the pretty lady wish to know?” Now spitzy obviously entertained the idea of unmasking her mystery person or even asking for a name but she thought it was too soon for either of those things’I don’t want this little game to end just yet.’ She thought. “So what exactly is your mask supposed to be? It’s sending mixed messages I can’t tell if its a dog or fox.” Asked Spitzy with a giggle she tried but failed to stifle with her hand. Winona slightly worn out by the question “It’s a coyote.” Winona said exasperatedly. Before she came to lay around in the corner of the room some folk did try to strike up a conversation and asked that very question… “Really? I would have never guessed.” Said Spitzy with a big laugh. Winona is no stranger to teasing and normally can’t stand it when Agatha teases her but for some reason she love its when this woman does it and is smiling like a fool. “So what is your supposed to be exactly then missy?” Asked Winona in a teasing tone with one brow raised. Spitzy paused in thought”you know I’m not sure I think it’s supposed to be a peacock?” Spitzy replied. They both turn to look at each other and snicker which then they both let out a laugh. Grinning at each other with something in both of their eyes that can’t quite make out just yet.
Night continues to burn away their little game kept going on with both parties wanting know more about one another. They both even shared some stories. Laughing and smiling all the way while the clock continues to tick the minutes away. While chatting they noticed that people were starting to dance around the ballroom. Winona thought to ask one last question. One that has been burning since about the moment they locked eyes. “I have one last question for you dear if you would be so kind.” Said Winona she looked a tad flushed and embarrassed looking away from Spitzy. Intrigued Spitzy raised a brow. the cowpoke recent shift in mood was noticed but she asked anyways “And what question would that be?” Winona was extremely nervous for once in her life this scared her for a multitude of reasons but she was hung up on one specific thing ‘I’ll just end up makin a fool of myself and of her if I ask her that’ Winona thought. “I was wondering if you would like to get outta here.”Winona said. ‘Coward’ Winona thought to herself. She chickened out but it was for the best she reasoned. Spitzy mouth opens up to let out a little quiet gasp. If her cheeks weren’t burning before they certainly were now. ‘Ah look what you did you fool.’ Thought Winona thinking once again that Spitzy Silence was a bad thing Spitzy finally snaps out of her thoughts and quickly said something that would make Winona’s heart soar “Yes.” Replied Spitzy a slightly frazzled but joyous expression. Winona tooth grin made an appearance again in that moment.
Winona held her arm out and leaned a little where Spitzy was standing “Shall we get outta here?” Winona asked. “Yes we shall.” Said Spitzy’s with a smile. As spitzy latched on her companion’s arm. Spitzy was pleasantly surprised that her coyote masked woman had some muscle to her. They both secretly dipped out the dance hall and headed towards the garden. “Could we stroll through the garden? It always looks lovely at night.”Spitzy asked. Winona simply nodded and they both headed into the garden. Winona didn’t recognize some of the plants except for one stood out to her the most. there in the distance she spots a peach tree. It only had a few full blossoms but it still a slight to behold. They stroll through the garden and enjoy each other company. “They are wonderful aren’t they.” Said Spitzy gesturing to the plants in the garden.” I hand picked themself. This place was just full of hedges and shrubs it was so boring.” She continued. “Yeah I like what you have done with the place. I’m seein all kinds of plants here like all these different colored tulips or these butterfly peas. I also see some Pheasant’s eyes...” Winona paused for a Moment due to Spitzy staring at her”Ah sorry didn’t mean to ramble there.” Winona said. “Ah no love you are quiet alright.” Said Spitzy. “I’m just surprised you know that is all. I think it’s smashing you know all of this.”Spitzy clarified. “Tell me what else do you know?”Asked Spitzy. Winona searched the back of her neck”Ah well I know each plant medicinal properties and even know flower language.” Answered Winona. “Flower language?” Spitzy questioned. Winona piped in and walked up to a bush of roses “it when each plant has a secret meaning like this tea rose it means always desire,always lovely and I will always remember. Some plants crane have multiple means which means you have to pair the right plant to Convey which meaning you want like you would want to pair a red rose with a tea rose if you want to say I’ll always desire you.”She said while holding the tea rose gently in her hand.” “And thats just the tip of the iceberg even the specific color the of the plant has a different meaning.’ Rambled Winona. She once again stops herself ‘But this stuff is probably borin ya to death.” Spitzy grabbed Winona’s hands and said “no not at all! I think it’s very interesting! I just never realized that plants can have meanings.” Explained Spitzy. Spitzy notices a purple flower hanging onto her mystery woman’s front pocket. “ what does this one mean?” Asked Spitzy. “Winona plucks the wolfsbane out of her pocket “this is wolfsbane it doesn’t have very pleasant meanings I’m afraid. It means mistrust,beware,and mistrust of people.” She said while looking at the wolfsbane in a somber tone how fitting that this was the plant stuck to her Winona thought.Then she noticed Spitzy’s Bellanona brooch and felt even more sadden ‘why wear such a sad plant is she unhappy?’
Spitzy noticing how somber the mood had gotten once again grabs both of her hands despite both parties wearing gloves.Dark leather gloves meets soft long fabric ones. This snaps Winona out of her thoughts and she gently squeezes back.Both of them realized how intimate this was and both recoiled a bit away from one another looking away and suddenly finding the ground more interesting to look at hands firmly at their sides. However the touch was not hated by both parties. They both look at each other again faces slightly pink and they both eventually give each other a small smile.
They continued to wonder around the garden talking and laughing all the way. Spitzy felt a small gust of wind and shivered her face slightly flush from the cold. Winona being the gentlewoman she is simply grabs her coat and gentle lay places her suit jacket on Spitzy’s shoulders. “wouldn’t want cha to catch your death out here.” Said Winona. Spitzy gently pulled the coat around herself now flushed for a different reason. ‘It smells nice and it’s warm.’ Thought Spitzy. She nestled even further in the coat enjoying its warmth and it’s scent of pine and fresh rain with a hint of citrus. They both eventually find a bench and decided to sit down for bit. Winona wants to put her hand on Spitzy’s but is one again hesitating. Spitzy noticed Winona’s hand moved towards hers but then it quickly moved back to resting on the bench. Spitzy couldn’t help but feel a tad disappointed. Winona noticing the slight shift in mood decided to hell with it and inched her hand next to Spitzy’s. Winona gently wrapped one her fingers around Spitzy’s,then Winona grasps another finger,andanother eventually they finally slide their hands into place. They are now holding hands. Spitzy happy with Winona’s small token of affection but not satisfied with it moved closer. She scooted close enough where they were shoulder to shoulder and Spitzy leaned on the cowpoke once again but this time on purpose. She nestled in near Winona’s neck. Meanwhile Winona’s face was a mixture of being stunned and of joy. She didn’t know either to have a gay panic attack or to be happy so she chose the second option. She had a small blush in her cheeks and moved her head so Spitzy had some room.Spitzy took advantage of the new space and nestled in. The two sat in silence looking up at the stars enjoying each other’s company. Spitzy tracing shapes on Winona’s chest and Winona gently doing the same but on Spitzy’s hand. They lovingly started at one another. The whole night the two spent together getting to know each other and spent such a wonderful evening Winona feeling content rests her head on top of Spitzy’s.
The clock chimed another hour has passed.Winona checked her pocket watch 11:20pm she remembered that there was supposed a final dance or something of the sort. Spitzy who was lightly dozing on Winona shoulder woke up with a start when she hear the clock chime 3 times. She was confused about her surroundings at first but quickly remembered that she was with the masked woman that she met at the ball. Then Spitzy realized ‘wait how much time had passed I had such a great evening that I lost track of time.’ She thought to herself “ wait what time is it?!” She said. Winona noticed she looked frazzled and calmly explained”it’s 11:20pm why? Do you got somewhere to be?” Winona asked. Spitzy frantic at this point said”Yes! I was supposed to dance with my fiancé for the final dance but if I’m late he’ll…” Spitzy tears up a little bit she holds crumbled to the ground and her head in the hands trying to keep calm. She hated her fiancé but she didn’t want to disciplined by him again. Seeing this reaction breaks Winona’s heart for several reasons but 3 reasons stick out the most. Reason one a woman like her feathered companion shouldn’t be crying,two she has a fiancé she sorta forgot that the woman she was talking to is taken,and three she was hurting and bit fearful just what exactly did this scum do to her to make her react this way i outta beat the livin shit out of him Winona thought. Winona kneeled down and gently moved her hands away and tilted her chin up to look at her. She held Spitzy’s cheek and wiped some of her tears away saying “it’s ok darlin.” Spitzy hugs her. Winona hesitated but reciprocated the hug. “I gotcha it’s gonna be alright.” She said soothingly. Winona eventually get up and wipe any dirt off of herself. “Sorry I just really don’t want to deal with my fiancé right now or ever really.” Spitzy said. Winona once again left her heart break and fill a little bit more anger to this woman’s fiancé. “Let me deal with him then if he tries to give you grief.” Said Winona.Winona held out her hand and had the most sincere smile and look that Spitzy had ever seen.Spitzy sniffled and gave a small smile and grabbed Winona’s hand. The southern woman not realizing her own strength hoisted her straight into her chest. Out of panic of accidentally falling over both of them latched on to each other Spitzy realized she is a bit pinned to the southern woman’s chest but didn’t mind because of how gorgeous the woman was and how strong she was. Granted Spitzy didn’t weigh that much nor was she tall but the woman effortlessly hoisted her up like she was a paper weight.Before Spitzy could enjoy the close proximity Winona let her go and asked if she was alright. Spitzy snapped out of her daze and simply nodded. Spitzy dusts herself off and Winona offers her arm once more and the pair slowly head back to the dance hall.
Once they are at the dance hall Winona notices Spitzy looks around and let’s out a huge sigh her fiancé is not here ‘probably busy being in another woman’s sheets.’ Spitzy thought to herself. Spitzy once again notices The coyote masked woman’s mood shift from watching everyone dance. Spitzy looks away trying to figure out what to say to break the silence. Winona was gonna try and say something when Suddenly Agatha who is a little drunk bumped into her and whispered “go get her tiger” while dancing with some small what looked like to a wet cat of a person. Winona once again almost falls into her feathered companion but instead of bumping into her she catches herself and is now standing closer to Spitzy. ‘Aw what the hell what do I got to lose she thought to herself. Winona inhales a big gulp of air and was about to speak .” Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?”This was the question she was afraid to ask however she wasn’t the one asking it was Spitzy. “I would love to but…” “but what?” Asked Spitzy “I can’t dance very well I wouldn’t want to embarrass you.” Said Winona. Spitzy wasn’t having it and so she yanked the southern woman down to her level using her suspenders and whispered “that’s alright love just follow my lead.” She said with a smile. Winona still hunched over gulped and nodded. “Good puppy.” Said Spitzy. They both make their way to dance floor.They both take a little curtsy bow to each other and Spitzy takes the lead. They danced and danced together it taking all Winona’s focus not to muck it up. Then from the railing the duke finally emerges from where he has been and seen his fiancée dancing with someone else?! He knew better than to make a scene besides it was just a dance he had “other” Important things to do. Those other things being the two women in his sheets.With that he slinked off to where he came from.The dance ends and the party is slowly winding down they both give a look to each other and Winona feeling a pair of eyes on them for second looked up to see what she thinks is the duke but his back is already turned to leave. She decided to have one more little moment with her companion before departing. She leans in asks”let’s get outta here again?” Spitzy giggled and yes once more.
They exit the dance hall and head to the garden where they were giggling at each other as they were walking. Spitzy hasn’t been this happy in ages she doesn’t want this night to end and she know her coyote masked woman doesn’t want it to end either. So Spitzy decided to ask one last question. “I would like to know who is under the mask would you be so kind?” Asked Spitzy. As she extends her hands to grab the mask. Winona panicked she couldn’t have her know at least not yet. But just before she could say anything. Pomni came running out she was out of breath and had what looked like a lipstick stains on her neck. “Pomni! What are you doing here also what is on your neck?” Spitzy asked. Pomni squeaks at that and covers her neck.”I’m so sorry to interrupt my lady but The duke is looking for you.” Said Pomni. Spitzy frowns at this ‘there goes my good mood what in the bloody hell does he want?’ She thought to herself. Before Winona could say anything Agatha appeared again behind Spitzy near the entrance of the garden motioning for her to wrap it up and to meet her at the front. Winona nods and says”looks like we both have to go…” Winona stated in a sad tone.Spitzy looked at her coyote companion and asked while holding her hands “ will I ever see you again?” Winona paused she didn’t want whatever this is to end she was in too deep”yes you will” Winona replied in her soothing voice. “Keep my coat it will be even more incentive for me to come back plus it’s cold out wouldn’t want cha to get sick now.” she said with a smile. That smile made Spitzy all fuzzy inside. “I was enchanting to meet you darlin.” Winona said while kissing Spitzy’s knuckle and then palm then Winona started walking towards the front of the manor. If Spitzy’s heart and face wasn’t set a blaze now it most certainly was she was s. While Winona walking away Spitzy shouted” I never caught your name!” Winona walked passed the tea rose bush and then let out a hardy laugh. She picked one of the tea roses and then turn around to face spitzy by using her heels. “I never threw it!” Said Winona. Then she tossed the rose at Spitzy who catches is it while her mouth is slightly a gape. Winona winked at her then turned around and walked away. Even pomni’s face was flushed with a hand over her mouth. Both of them eventually shake off the wonderstruck feeling off or at least Pomni does “Who was that?” Pomni asked with a light blush still present on her cheeks. Spitzy held the rose up and smiled” no,but hopefully I’ll find out soon.” Said Spitzy “Come on then my dunce of a fiancé will come stomping around looking for us and I have to stash this coat before he sees me with it. Would you be a dear and take it up for me.”Said Spitzy “Yes of course my lady” said pomni gently she took the coat of her shoulders and went back inside the manor. Spitzy stared up at the sky and then down at the rose and smiled. “Till we meet again puppy.” She thought to herself. She grinned all the way back inside the manor.
Winona wasn’t fairing much better she was grinning like mad and was happy as can be.’I have to thank Agatha for both the night off and for dragging me out here.” She couldn’t stop grinning for the rest of the night ‘Hopefully we we will meet again soon’ they both thought to themselves
End of chapter 4
Flowers meanings
Butterfly peas: Feminine power
Tulips:depending on the color they can have all kinds of meanings
Pheasant’s eye:painful memories,recollection of life pleasures
Tea rose: Always lovely,desire,I’ll remember you
Belladonna: falsehoods,hush,loneliness,silence,warning
Wolfsbane:beware,mistrust in people, protection,chivalry
Ok so I picked butterfly peas cuz they are very pretty and the scientific name was funny. Tulips are surprisingly very romantic plants and very once again just very pretty. Pheasant’s eye also known as Adonis was picked since I imagined the manor that Spitzy is stuck in is not very pleasant and doesn’t have great memories of being there. Lastly tea rose since once again romantic but also felt like this was the best flower looks wise and meaning wise to use for this chapter
Music inspo:Love song(for the night) by Rosie Cerquone,Florence soundtrack by Kevin Pekin, and Venus by Sleeping at Last
Author note: Hello! Hi! This honestly was one of my favorite chapters to write and chapter five is coming soon as always please let me know what you think Spitzy! also yes you do kiss southern anon by pulling her suspenders but thats for a later chapter *Wink* also also some fang stuff maybe???? Anyways I hope you enjoyed this one was a doozy! Thank you again for reading!
Writer anon
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the-gateway-to-madness · 11 months
I haven't really... clarified what this blog is, huh
Hi folks, I'm Mad. I'm mostly just here to vibe with whatever fandom is on my mind at any given moment. My main ones are Rise of the Guardians, Big Hero 6/the series, and Tales of Arcadia, but I go in for Encanto, Ducktales (2017), Tangled/the series, Elemental, and crossovers like The Big 4/ROTBTD and the Futuristic Four. I play video games such as Skyrim and Baldur's Gate 3. Casually, for enjoyment. I will yeet my thoughts at you and I cannot guarantee I will do more than that. Sometimes there will be art maybe.
I shalst enclose a list of OCs.
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Mahina, Rise of the Guardians. Clever, calm most of the time but prone to anxiety, sharp-minded, and reserved. Very genuine sort. She's into Jack Frost, like most things on Tumblr are.
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McKenzie Jamesson, Big Hero 6. Quick-witted, fascinated by brains, caring, protective. All she really wants is to give and tell her loved ones all the amazing things they deserve. And also to use force fields to make them all safer. She's a cinammon roll. And a big ol Hiro Hamada simp.
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Cara Okhrana, Tales of Arcadia, noblewoman of Akiridion-5 and sworn protector of Krel Tarron. She grew up on earth from age 6 on, and has self-esteem issues due to only vaguely recalling the way that Akiridions consider honor- and thinking other Akiridions, if they could ever find her, would believe she'd failed her oath to House Tarron. She's fierce, outgoing, tactical, sassy and sarcastic, but only really emotionally opens to a handful of close, trusted people. Cara Williams is her human disguise name. Also she's into Krel, but no way in heck is she bold enough to tell him. She sees the way he acts about romance. She's not that stupid.
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Brook Ripple Jr., Elemental, named after her aunt (Wade's mother, I believe). Wade's cousin, as introverted as water gets. Emotional as any of her family, though in more of a stressed depressed lemon zest way. And dating fire runs in the family.
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Madeleine "Mad" Corr, Ducktales. Eldest of ten, chaotic, a bit sketchy- imagine Louie but more emotionally genuine, and instead of a good liar she can pick locks, and she genuinely loves the thrill of stealing stuff over the payoff. She talks Louie out of his truly terrible ideas, only to offer more practical alternatives.
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Betania Madrigal, Encanto. My brain said, "Hey, they never told us if Bruno was ever married in the past" and so I came up with idea that he was, his wife left the Encanto 17 years prior to the movie for her own protection, and whoops she was pregnant and now he's got a long lost daughter. She's shy and uncertain but sweet and smart and oh gosh that's such a Y/N description... anyway. Stuttery clumsy baby who just wants to get to know her long-lost dad and figure out how to control her new ability to go into/change people's dreams.
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Aelvy, Tangled the Series. Once a dryad, she gave up her tree and longevity to experience the full range of human emotion.
Long story short, for the most part they're just normal people in weird universes who just wanna be loved.
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atlantahammy · 4 months
Lost Star AU Lore: Kendra
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...Know what, fuck it, idk if I'll ever get there, and or how far off it is, so you get my scrambled-ass thoughts now since I am tired of all the angst on my dash!!
That said, shit is subject to change, but here are the basic points:
Kendra remained the leader of the purple dragons to this point in the story and got more gang members, and she was starting to let power go to her head, Jeremy and Jason were concerned.
Plot point when Hun shows up and kicks her ass, usurping her as the leader, Jason, and Jeremy get Kendra's ass out
She lost not cause of being weak but cause Hun is on his normal mutant/yokai racist bullshit while being a human mutant himself.
Jeremy and Jason remain at her side cause her brother and like, dudes are her friends?? Have to get turtles help cause can't exactly bring a known gang member to a hospital.
Kendra is obsessing over how Hun beat her ass, being stubborn, escapes at one point to go see her dad and stepmom
Whoops, shit has hit the fan, Hun has murdered them, trying to clean up loose ends.
Jason has to snap her out of it and pull her to safety before Hun, the purple dragons and the Neo-foot find her.
they go back to the turtles, Kendra is basically catatonic, Jason has to explain, they are freaking out, and scared they'll get blamed for the murder while trying to also mourn, and man he's a mess.
Turtles, Jeremy, April, Astra, etc, work on getting them a place in the hidden city.
Kendra has to accept, that for now, her dad won't get justice, and reflect on her own actions from her teenage years to her now early adulthood, and how her stepbrother is also suffering now for her actions now that his mother is gone.
This point probably don't focus on them for a bit, but Kendra adapts big time in the hidden city with Jeremy and Jason, and kinda take up as vigilantes with Cyberpunk super suits they build with the new resources they have at their hands in combo with their genius.
Kendra went by Nobody in the first few months? weeks? But eventually, she goes by the nickname her dad called her, despite everything: Angel.
Inspiration was taken from Angel's IDW incarnation because god damn, she and Kendra could be identical twins.
This includes the Exo-Suits which has a similar VR function shown in Purple Jacket.
Eventual allies with the turtles still rivals to Donnie, least not trying to murder him now! will take time, but will get to that friendly stage, Kendra will also improve, still a bit of a bitch, but hey, shit takes time.
Jeremy an Jason so become Donnie's friends, also dudes CRAVE his validation like starved puppies, its funny AF cause Donnie doesn't know how to handle this.
...I need a name for these three cyberpunk fighting bozos
Giving Kendra the Last name Sinaga, meaning Jeremy's Last name will ether be the same, or something else.
Thank you for enduring my word vomit. I blame @cokoweee and @sha-biest because Originally I wasn't sure if I was gonna make Kendra go face, buuuuuut, WELP.
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badgerverse · 4 months
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Whoops posted this early by accident lmao
Anyway, here's the Rarity and Capper fankids! Their description is under the cut.
I've been wanting to redesign these two for ages tbh. I was never that happy with Sparkler's colors and I had designed Snow Belle before I really figured out her personality. So I tweaked them a bit, to make Belle more sporty and spunky (also swapped out her back paws for hooves and her unicorn tail for a cat one) and gave Sparkler tuxedo coloring! And also a scarf, since she likes making clothes with her mom. 
Here's their updated bio info: 
Name: Sparkler Nickname: Sparky (Capper's really the only one who calls her this), Sparks    Age: Teenager  Pronouns: She/her  Parents: Capper Dapperpaws and Rarity    Bio: Rarity and Capper's adopted daughter! They spent quite a few arduous years filling out all the correct paperwork and doing interviews but they were finally able to adopt their daughter Sparkler as a very young kitten. Rarity was overwhelmed with joy at finally being able to hold her daughter, and spent the next few weeks bursting into happy tears every time Sparkler purred beside her. Sparkler discovered very early on that she preferred being a girl over a boy, as she was initially gendered, and her parents happily accepted her change in pronouns (Rarity took to it without any trouble, but Capper does tend to trip up now and then much to his embarrassment). Sparkler is spunky, cheerful, and down to earth; she enjoys sewing clothes with her mother, though she doesn't have as much interest in trying the outfits on herself. She and Rain Shower (Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's son) have been friends ever since they started at Twilight's school, because she was never interested in fawning over him like many of the other students. She has a big unrequited crush on Bowtie, Pinkie and Cheese's son and Rarity's Canterlot assistant, that she enjoys sighing dramatically over a tall glass of milk at the end of the day. 
Name: Snow Belle  Nickname: Snow Ball, Belle Age: Child  Pronouns: She/her Parents: Capper Dapperpaws and Rarity Cutie Mark: Athletics  Bio: Capper and Rarity's little surprise kitten. They had no idea that they were biologically able to conceive, having briefly talked to a doctor who shot down any possibility of it happening. Yet low and behold when Sparkler was around 5, Rarity realized she was pregnant. It was a hard pregnancy and Snow Belle was born very fragile and weak, having to spend the first months of her life in the hospital. As she grew older though, she was actually very outdoorsy and athletic. She has a cheerful outward disposition, but suffers from pretty severe anxiety. She desperately wants to be accepted by everyone and tends to use her sports prowess as a way to endear herself to the other ponies at her school (though she just as often uses sports as comforting stress relief; can't have an anxiety attack about everyone hating you if you run so many laps you pass out). She loves sports of any kind, but has a particular fondness for tennis and gymnastics. Snow Belle's horn is very undersized and the only magic it can do is glow and pick up objects. It serves her well enough in sports so it's underpowered aspects don't bother her much. She's good friends Clover (Soarin and Applejack's youngest daughter), Silver, and Ruby (Gabi and Spike's kids) and they have a pretty tight nit group. She and Silver are especially close, with very clear crushes on each other. Ruby and Clover are disgusted with this. 
Relationships with each other: Sparkler and Snow Belle are very close, though Sparkler wasn't sure what to make of her at first. First she was worried that Snow Belle would take all of her parents attention away, but then she just never showed up! After quite some time in the hospital, Sparkler was finally allowed to visit her little sister and her first thought upon seeing the undersized kitten was "I would kill a man for you". Snow Belle idolizes her older sister, but sometimes to the point of not wanting to bother her with her fears and anxieties. 
Relationships with their parents: Their whole family unit is very close as a whole! Sparkler and Rarity are especially close, sharing a love of gossip and clothes making. Snow Belle and Capper love to race through Everfree Forest and he's very proud of her athletic abilities. Capper understands how his daughters sometimes feel like outsiders and does his best to support them in any way he can. Rarity can and will fight other parents at Parent Teacher meetings if they turn their noses up at her kids. 
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