#also reminded him that my brother and his friends are planning a road trip to the states later this year
cuz-reasons · 5 months
Extremely fun how fast my dad switched from being nervous about the idea of me being on a plane to wanting me to visit my friend across the country when he remembered that my uncle and vovoa, his brother and mom, were in the same city
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tagsecretsanta · 9 months
From @sofasurf
From @sofasurf to @janetm74
My prompts were:
1. Steam.
2. Stripes/striped.
3. ‘Did you have to?'
I think I've managed it!!
"Yellow car no hit backs!" 
The sounds of a scuffle and indignant squawks. John's tone held a warning, "So help me Gordon, if you lay a  hand on me!" 
"Na ah! No hit backs allowed!" 
"Oh I won't hit you." 
There was silence in the car as the other four contemplated John's words. 
"Man, you have zero chill," Gordon huffed turning to look out the window while Alan sniggered. In the front seat  Virgil and Scott exchanged amused grins. 
"Remind me again why this was a good idea?" 
"Because, Johnno, we have a few days off for Christmas and Alan has never been on a proper road trip." Scott  accelerated round a corner causing Virgil to grab at the handles. 
"Car not One, Scott! Car not One!" 
Scott ignored him catching Alan's eye in the mirror and winking. Of his brothers, Alan was the one who shared  his appreciation for speed. The mountain side whipped past on either side of them. "The point of a road trip is  to enjoy the scenery not travel back in time." Virgil complained while Scott pretended he hadn't heard him 
It wasn't often they indulged in frivolous perks of wealth. When Scott had mentioned their road trip plans to a  friend, who happened to also be the CEO of Ferrari, the offer to test drive the new SUV prototype had been  more than the speed freak Scott could resist. It was big enough for all five of the brothers to travel in comfort,  though Scott had yet to relinquish the front seat to test that theory. 
"Right well, remind me again why I agreed to come!" John was prepared to be pedantic. Close proximity to  Gordon occasionally had the effect. 
"Ah, Johnny, Johnny," Gordon draped his arm over his brother's shoulder. 
"Don't call me that, Fishface!" 
"Jonathan, Jonathan," Gordon ignored the daggers shot his way, "It''s because you love us and because we  promised we'd stop off at that new lab so you can talk all geeky about geeky stuff while the rest of us normal  humans go Christmas shopping." 
There were sounds of a scuffle from the backseat. It was all in jest however, everyone was in good form and  beginning to unwind though, perhaps they were due a break from the confines of the car. Scott caught John's  eye this time waggling his eyebrows. 
"Now kids, don't make me stop this car." 
He then performed another stunning manoeuvre that Virgil felt was more fitting for the air than the asphalt.  However, his older brother was, it appeared, genuinely enjoying himself and Virgil would put up with breaking  the land speed record for that reason alone. 
"I'm hungry." Alan peered longingly into his long finished bag of Doritos.
"Eos recommended a dinner just through the next town. It's about 30 minutes from tonight's stop. She says  their page is down, weird, but that she thinks it seems our kinda spot." John peered at his tablet. 
"She was right about the motel last night so that works." Scott agreed and the state of the art central console  pinged as John sent the location through. Scott glanced at the display, "Just an hour further on. Can you wait  that long, Allie?" He caught his baby brother's eye again, meaning clear. 
Alan put on his best whining voice, "I don't think I can Scotty. I'm starving. I feel faint." 
"Did you have to? Brat!" Virgil chocked out as Scott pulled even more power from the engine. His whoop of  delight brought a smile to the faces of the others in the car. 
A much shorter time than it should have been; the five brothers had selected a quiet corner booth of the small  diner. It wasn't busy which suited them well. It had some twinkly lights, a small tree and upbeat Christmas tunes  playing softly in the background.  
John and Gordon made for the restrooms while Scott slipped into the corner and flopped opposite Virgil, all  long relaxed limbs. He spread his arms along the back of the seat and let his head fall back against the  surprisingly comfortable cushioning on the booth; just the right height for him.  
Alan, as always drawn to Scott like a moth to flame slid into the space below his eldest brother's outstretched  arm. He said something that made Scott laugh, and Virgil's heart warmed at both Alan's obvious delight in his  hero's response and how chilled Scott appeared. Should nothing else happen on this trip, Virgil would consider  it a hit for that reason alone.  
"Right, I'm starving!" Scott reached for the menus left for them by the waitress. Virgil and Alan followed suit.  Each took one and read in silence a moment. 
"Um, guys?" Alan had turned to the middle page and was staring at the menu. 
"Hmmm?" Virgil was still reading through the appetizers. 
"Scott, look!" Alan dug his eldest brother in the ribs. Scott followed the teen's outstretched finger and his eyes  widened and he immediately flicked his menu to the centre. Virgil did the same.  
‘Thunderbird Specials’ the centre section of the menu had hand drawn pictures of the Thunderbirds One  through Four and a slightly inaccurate representation of Five. Each had corresponding dishes.  
In a rush? Thunderbird One steak burger with fries and our unique hot sauce. 
More time to chew? Thunderbird two- tomahawk steak – great for sharing 
Thunderbird Four our famous surf and turf. Fillet mignon and our locally sourced fresh organic prawns. All day breakfast with our mouthwatering Thunderbird Five pancake stack and creamy asteroid milkshake Thunderbird Three our unique coffee triple expresso. They don’t call it rocket fuel for nothing! “Eos set us up!” Alan exclaimed. 
Scott and Virgil exchanged looks, “It would appear so!” Virgil said while Scott flipped further through the menu  looking for an explanation. 
John and Gordon returned at that moment- Gordon bouncing excitedly on his heels. “Guys, you are never  gonna believe this.” 
“Eos set us up,” Alan repeated lifting the menu to show them. Scott batted it down, checking over his shoulder.  “Don't draw attention!” Virgil whispered as the teen giggled a little.  
John rolled his eyes at them, “Yes. It would appear this is Eos’ idea of a little joke. I thought it was strange I  couldn't see the online menu.” John slid into the booth beside Virgil while Gordon dropped on Alan's other side  swiping the menu despite his protests.  
“There's a picture of dad and some dude on the wall over there!” Gordon pointed the direction he and John had  come.  
John met Scott’s gaze and held it a moment, “It’s a picture of Dad and the owner’s son. He was in that refinery  fire, remember right back near the start of IR?” 
“The big one in Texas Dad fought with top brass about for weeks after?” 
John nodded, “Seems Dad pulled the son out just in time with Thunderbird One. There is a little bit about it  under the picture.” John’s face was hard to read, memories of Jeff were always bittersweet.  
John smiled, “Yep. And it appears the owner hasn't forgotten. Proceeds from the Thunderbird menu,” he  gestured the pages open in front of them, “Go to a charity that supports rebuilding in disaster areas.” 
“That's pretty cool, right?” Gordon was grinning.  
“Yea,” Virgil agreed.  
“Way to go, Dad!” Alan said his tone impressed and Scott dropped his arm to pull the teen in for a quick side  hug.  
“Way to go Dad,” Gordon repeated back his own tone softer with a little something unreadable in it.  
Scott simply nodded a soft smile on his lips. He seemed to lose himself in memories a moment and Virgil  tapped his ankle gently with his foot under the table causing his older brother to meet his eye. He nodded in  reassurance. All good.  
They sat in silence for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts.  
“It’s pretty cool, right?” Gordon broke the spell. “but if you want the absolute coolest, check this out!” and he  produced a bundle of papers from behind his back. “Thunderbird colouring sheets!”  
And just like that the spell was broken and chaos descended in the table. 
The food was exceptionally good. Obviously they had to sample all the Thunderbird menu and the argument  over whose dish was the best looked set to continue until next Christmas. They had pulled the crackers orbited  with their meal and squabbled good naturedly over the tacky prizes and each now sported a jaunty paper  crown.  
Gordon and Alan had listened engrossed as John and Virgil had regaled them with the tale of the Texas fire  with Scott chipping in little details. Dad in action had truly been impressive and John, although he would deny  it, was a gifted story teller when he chose to be. 
Now a quiet contentment had descended in the group. Virgil sat back, stomach full and observed his brothers. He clutched his Thunderbird Three coffee and allowed the steam to curl up lazily in front of him. It had a  pleasing kick though Three’s pilot was still complaining that three older brothers had stated “No” in unison when 
he'd tried to order one for himself. He and Gordon, also banned from that much caffeine before being trapped  in a car with the others, were appeased with hot chocolate. Apple pie and chocolate cake had also been  consumed. Road trips were hungry work.  
John was quietly messaging Eos who was delighted her subterfuge had worked while the three opposite him,  yes the Commander of International Rescue included, were finishing off their colouring pages. Scott's tongue  was poking out the side of his mouth in concentration, a small tuft of hair sticking up from where he’d run his  hand through it, as he finished colouring Thunderbird Two blue. The argument had been brief and Virgil had  
decided not to sink any further to his level. His own completed green version of One had a festive santa hat in  lieu of her traditional nose cone. John meanwhile had been mildly offended by the inaccurate Thunderbird Five  option and so was egging the others on in their colour wars.  
“I mean we should be pleased they don't have an accurate image of our top secret satellite, Johnny!” “Don't call me that. And that's not the point, Scooter. Here, you haven't used this shade of blue yet.” 
The battle between Alan and Gordon had almost come to blows when Alan had finished a red version of Four  only to see the blue and yellow stripes the aquanaut had given Three. 
John and Scott had added fuel to the fire by appearing to seriously consider the benefits of a respray for each  accordingly and much brotherly silliness had ensued. Virgil did however make a note to keep a track of blue  paint supplies as John was sneaky when he wanted to be and was watching Scott's drawing with barely  concealed mirth.  
There had been a hairy moment when the waitress had appeared to recognise them, or at least Scott. He had  placed a finger to his lips and his teeth had practically sparkled as he smiled at her silently requesting she not  give them away, sealing the deal with a little wink. She hadn’t divulged their identities, serving then with wide  
eyes attentiveness; though a napkin with her number on it had been dropped on Scott’s knee as she refilled his  coffee much to his surprise, Gordon and Alan's glee, and a murmur of, “unbelievable,” from Virgil.  
Pucture complete, Scott looked up and met Virgil's eye. Virgil motioned to the other three and raised his  eyebrows, Scott’s indulgent smile matched Virgil's own. Moments like this were all too rare. Scott sat back  stretching his long arms along the back of the seat again, content like Virgil just to enjoy their company.  
Virgil was called in to referee/ judge the which Thunderbird looked best in the new colour competition that still  raged. When he looked back at Scott a few minutes later the eldest’s wasn't looking at them but at something  behind Virgil's head, his expression a strange one Virgil couldn't quite read; thoughtful, wistful even? Virgil  turned in his seat to see what had grabbed Scott's attention. He immediately recognised what Scott saw.  
A woman who couldn't be much older than Scott himself was wrangling a small team of children into the booth  by the door. Four boys aged roughly between twelve and four by Virgil's guess, she had another baby, a little  girl who couldn't have been older than one in her arms. The baby had blonde hair and was waving a stuffed toy  excitedly. He watched as the woman handed her to the oldest looking boy who immediately started to make faces and bounce her up and down, occupying her while the mother helped the other boys out of their coats.  
Their excited chatter and the baby's infectious laughter drifted across the diner all clamouring for their mother’s  attention as she attempted to answer several questions at once. It was chaos and to the two brothers watching,  achingly familiar.  
One of the younger boys needed the restroom and he and what looked to be his next older brother passed their  booth, heads bent in discussion their conversation just audible, “I already explained, we can't ask for ice cream  cos it makes mom worry.”  
Virgil looked back at Scott who caught his eye and looked away. Seeming to shake himself a little as if to clear something from his head, Scott used his long reach across the back of the seat to tap Gordon on the shoulder,  stealing his second last bite of cake as Gordon moved too slowly to stop him.  
“Ugh! You are the worst, Scooter! Remind me again why I let you hang out with me?”
“Because you need his signature to access your trust fund,” John helpfully supplied spearing Gordon’s last  piece. 
He and Scott high fived while Scott slipped out of the booth to settle the bill.  
“Actually ‘bout that...” Gordon turned puppy dog eyes towards his oldest brother.  
“Told you, Squid, I am not signing off on you buying a Christmas tree farm in Vermont.” He ruffled the  aquanaut’s hair as he passed. 
“You have no vision, Scooter!”  
Scott’s laugh floated back to them as he made his way to the counter.  
The other four brothers watched enthralled as their waitress and another server both jockeyed to serve him. 
Scott’s dimples were on full display as he leant in the counter bending his head towards the girls  conversationally. Virgil could swear he could see their eyes changing shape to little hearts, “Does he even  know he's doing it?” His tone was reverential.  
“I really don't know. Sometimes?” John replied folding his arms as the waitress reached across to bat Scott's  arm conspiratorially.  
“His powers must only be used for good,” Gordon covered Alan's eyes, “You are too young to see this Allie.”  Alan batted his hands away, ducking to continue watching the display at the counter.  
Judging from the way the waitress was listening intently and kept glancing at the family in the booth Virgil was  sure Scott's not inconsiderable powers were indeed being used for good. He didn't doubt for a second the  family that reminded them so much of past times would find their bill paid with a healthy ice cream allowance  added. People often thought that Virgil was the soft hearted Tracy brother; he just didn't have to hide it so  carefully from corporate sharks. 
Judging from the way the waitress’ eyes widened slightly as she retrieved the handset from his brother, there  had been a healthy tip added to their own bill as well.  
As they passed the family, now tucking into burgers and fries with gusto, the tiny girl tossed her toy into the  ground. Scott bent to pick it up, smiling at the mother who smiled back in tired gratitude. He flung his arm  around Virgil's shoulders as they walked towards the car.  
A yellow Mustang pulled into the parking space in front of them and Gordon and Alan looked at each other, frozen like gunslingers at high noon.  
“Yellow car no hit backs.” 
John beat them to it, walking between the two giving them each a solid cuff to their heads. Their outraged cries  floated on the crisp air drawing the attraction of the older two. It was the little things at Christmas really John  thought. He hung back slightly watching as his four brothers crossed the parking lot, the sky was trying to snow,  a few flurries escaping the black clouds.  
“Thanks, Eos,” He whispered into his open Comm before hurrying to catch up with a shout of, ”Shotgun!” that  sent the others scrambling to reach the car first.  
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36isstillmybitch · 28 days
putting this under a cut because it got a lot longer than I meant for it to.
TW: loss of sibling
Sunday marks one year since my little brother suddenly passed. I keep going back and forth on etiquette as far as if I should call my parents, or leave them be. I don't want them to think he's forgotten he was a very keep to himself kid, most of the people that showed up to the service were family, my parents' friends, or people from the church my mom and brother went to. a few of his co-workers did show up, but he really didn't do much outside the house. we weren't very close, me and my brother (actually any of my brothers). we got along just fine when we were around each other but we didn't even attempt to talk outside of my visits home. he was kinda just starting to get it together. he'd gotten a new job that paid twice minimum wage and had good benefits, he was planning to move into an apartment with our other brother once he'd gotten through all the security processes to start the job. IDK we were all loners so I was excited for him to have an opportunity to get out. I also got out at 26 after having my first kid. I'm still not winning this life thing, but I'm happy with it, and he was just on the cusp of maybe discovering more about himself and what he could do in life.
I visiting my man's family halfway across the country with him and the kids when my stepdad texted me to say my brother was hospitalized. he's failed to take care of his diabetes before and had to go to the hospital, so I kept him in my thoughts and didn't worry too much. we were halfway home, in a motel room, when I got the call from my mom after everyone else had gone to sleep. it was horrible, being stuck in a tiny room a thousand miles from home with absolutely nothing to occupy my mind of my anxious hands. we spent the whole next day driving home, and the following day was my "regather" day where we unpacked all our stuff, I got it washed, and I repacked and turned around and took the 3 hour drive to my mom's with my kids, so we could be with her and my stepdad for a few days.
so yeah, do I call my parents? they're currently on a road trip, I think they'll be with my stepdad's mom (who "doesn't do funeral anymore" so didn't come last year even though my stepdad and his sister tried all sorts of things to facilitate it). I don't want to "bring it up" so to speak and "remind them" even though obviously they're both going to be thinking about it a lot. but I also remember him and love him and want them to know he's not just disappearing into the ether.
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hournites · 2 years
would you consider ever writing a big bro little sister dynamic fic for Rick and Courtney? Like I feel you would make that fic hella interesting
I have! It’s called Uneven Bars — A no powers AU where Pat adopted Rick after his parents crashed — Courtney is a star gymnast and Pat marries Barbara when Courtney is middle school. I have several chapters written throughout the years so I’ve been stuck at their freshman year for a long time 😭 I really do want to go back to it soon. It would also be so interesting to write a drabble where Pat adopted Rick but he still never learned about his parents or the hourglass, so Courtney finding out her new brother is involved would be wild in a reimagined season 1.
Here’s a snippet of the next Uneven Bars chapter collecting dust in my drafts:
“So, we’re leaving for the cabin on Friday after Beth’s academic decathlon,” Courtney told her mom that Wednesday. She popped in two chocolate croissants in the toaster oven as Beth sat on her kitchen stool, helping Mrs. Whitmore measure out the portions for the dinner she was making.
Rick sat on the couch in the adjacent living room, fiddling with something on his phone.
Beth nods eagerly. She’s excited for the trip, they were going together with Yolanda Montez, a new friend they’ve made together at their lunch table after a scandal had exiled her from the popular clique at Blue Valley High.
Beth had never so much as biked to the town next over, much less gone on hours long road trip.
“Okay, sweetie, that sounds fun. Dad’s taking you, right?”
“What?” Courtney frowned, nearly burning her hand on the top of the toaster oven as she teased their snacks out. “No. He’s got that classic car convention. You said you were.”
Beth felt her stomach drop as she looked up at Courtney’s mom to see her dismay. “Court, Friday is my proposal for Project New America.”
“Oh honey, I’m sorry. The weeks flew by so fast, I knew something felt off on my calendar.”
“We were planning this forever!”
Beth shifted, uncomfortable when Courtney started to put up a fight.
“It’s okay, Mrs. Whitmore,” Beth told her. “We can reschedule.”
Crispy croissant crumbs flew out of Court’s mouth. “Beth, it’s not okay! Mom, you promised we could go! You said it was okay!”
Obviously Mrs. Whitmore couldn’t bring them, and while that was disappointing, Beth knew no amount of complaining about it to her would change her work schedule. Courtney, however, did not seem to see this the same way. Beth averted her gaze as Courtney got a bit more aggravated. Beth loved Court, but this parent-child type of conversation would have never flown in her home.
“Court, calm down,” Rick said suddenly. Beth startled, surprised to find him leaning his arm against the island counter right next to her. She kept her eyes on her lap instead of succumbing to the urge to look at him from the corner of her eye. “I’ll drive you girls if you want it so bad.”
“Really?!” Court asked, forgetting the chocolate croissants to tackle Rick, squeezing him tightly. “Oh my god. Oh my god, thank you, maybe you’re actually useful for something.”
“Yeah,” Rick let out an awkward chuckle, peeling Courtney off. “Not useless. Who knew.”
“Oh, but sweetheart it’s such a long drive,” Mrs. Whitmore worried. “You’d end up going all the way just to drive back, that will waste up your entire long weekend.”
“Uh,” he scratched his head. “Yeah, well whatever, it’s not like I had much going on anyway.”
“You should come too!” Beth said suddenly. She flushed, her heart doing a little number inside her chest. Her mouth kept going anyway. “To the cabin! We can all hang out! There’s a lake, and we can swim and...”
Rick looked at her. Beth couldn’t decipher if it were of fondness or that he found her completely odd. “Yeah, I’ve been to the cabin,” he reminded her, though not unkindly. “It’s been our holiday spot since I was eight.”
“Oh,” Beth said, wondering if the Whitmore-Dugans had a trap door to the basement underneath her stool. Maybe she could sneak herself out to calmly crawl away. At least, then, Courtney wouldn’t witness her best friend’s utter cognitive incoherency around her brother. “Duh. Right. I mean—It’s just a suggestion. Of course it would be totally lame for you to crash Courtney’s plans. I’m sure you have your own friends and uh, never mind.”
“I wouldn’t mind, actually. It’s been a while since we went. I’ll come.”
“Rick doesn’t have friends,” Court teased.
He glared at his step-sister.
Beth untangled her mental web of embarrassment, taking a deep breath before facing Rick again. “Really?”
“Yeah. Sure.”
Rick was going to come and stay with them at the cabin. Rick was going to come with them and sleep overnight at the cabin.
“Oh my gosh,” Beth said, going a little green at the realization.
Courtney, however, didn’t seem to notice Beth’s sudden freak out, tugging on Rick’s sleeve. “Oh my god, yes! You can finally meet Yolanda! You two would absolutely get along!”
“And maybe you can invite Mike along too!” Courtney’s mom suggested lightly, taking the tray of beef wellingtons Beth was helping her turn over to stick into the oven.
“No!” Rick and Courtney both cried out in unison. Then stared at each other, equally baffled at their ability to speak the same sentence at the same time.
Beth started giggling again, absolutely unable to help herself, watching the so-called grizzly bear of a brother break into an indulgent smile.
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messers-moony · 3 years
Nothing Left | R.B
Paring: Regulus Black X Wife!Gryffindor!Reader
Summary: Everything crashes within seconds and Sirius doesn’t know where to go. 
Everything went downhill so fucking fast. How was that even possible? Everything was perfectly fine a year ago, but it seems that within that year, everything had collapsed onto the helpless boy. It was like being beneath a crumbling concrete tower that fell with no warning. Like being slapped in the face unexpectedly. Like getting doused in freezing water on a Sunday morning. 
In retrospect, it sucked. 
Sirius Black would know first hand. His entire life had been a screw-up from the beginning. It started with his parents, who - at the start - loved him. But when he turned out to be the child they never wanted all that love had vanished. They tortured him, broke him piece by piece, they built up trauma that took years for him to express to his friends. It wasn’t until third year when they heard him crying alone in his four-poster bed and asked what was wrong. He could remember the comforting embrace James Potter had given him. 
Nevertheless, it never ended there. The summer going into his sixth year, Sirius decided it was enough after too many Cruciatus Curses and body binding curses; enough was enough. His hands were trembling after enduring just ten minutes of the torture curse, and it was a struggle, but he packed everything he could. His heart broke at inevitably leaving his little brother behind. He could only hope that Regulus would understand. 
It took a Knight Bus trip to the Potter residence in Godric’s Hollow. The sky could’ve resembled how Sirius felt. Back at Grimmauld Place Twelve, the sky was always cloudy and rainy. Godric’s Hollow allowed the sun to shine past the fluffy clouds, but tonight was different. The sky was dark and thick, black clouds covered the stars. Rain poured from them, and it pittered on the stone roads. Sirius was instantly drenched when he stepped off the Knight Bus. 
Hesitantly he made his way to the door, where he knocked softly. The house was two stories and was a relatively big family home - not bigger than Grimmauld Place - but an average family home. The house was a mixture of grey, dark purples, and brown. It reminded Sirius of Remus’ patched jumpers. Sirius could hear movement from behind the plum door, and it opened to reveal a familiar face. James Potter with his messy hair, hazel eyes, and long limbs. James was muscular, but he was also tall, not Remus tall but taller than Sirius. 
James didn’t speak and ushered him inside. The following morning at breakfast, Euphemia - Mrs. Potter - had given Sirius the excellent news of his new forever home. The Potters would never forget the way Sirius lit up and how a smile had taken over his face. Sirius didn’t remember being this happy except for when Regulus was born. 
But his forever home was not forever. 
In seventh year, James’ parents had died, and nobody had comforted Sirius except one person who attempted. James had Lily, and that was enough for him. Perhaps it was selfish to think that James should be comforting him. It was definitely selfish. Sirius was doing really good at hiding how he felt until he crumbled behind a tapestry near the dungeons. 
Sirius didn’t know if it was good or bad luck that Regulus - his prefect Slytherin brother - had found him behind that tapestry. Regulus had pulled back the fabric slowly with his wand lit. His face had softened at his older brother sobbing with his knees to his chest. Regulus allowed his wand light to extinguish before sitting in front of him in the same position, allowing their socks to touch at the tips. 
They sat there for a couple of minutes before Regulus moved closer, albeit hesitantly to sit beside Sirius. Regulus had his back against the concrete, and Sirius curled up onto him while the younger Black brother rubbed his older brother's back. Sirius cried harder and harder. It took an hour before he subdued to sniffles and whimpers, but Regulus took it as his time to speak. 
“I know they meant a lot to you,” Regulus stated, still rubbing his older brothers back, “And I don’t blame you for grieving them.”
Sirius sniffled, “I ought to be grateful for them, really.” Regulus released a sound that sounded like a chuckle, but it was so foreign to Sirius he couldn’t tell, “They kept you safe. Kept you away from mother and father. They gave you a home where you could finally be you.”
“And no matter how mad I want to be at them for taking you away from me,” Regulus admitted, “I just can’t be because they gave you everything you wanted, and I’ve never seen you happier in my life.”
Regulus didn’t stop talking, “You know… I- I found my own James Potter.”
Sirius looked up at Regulus with flushed cheeks, but his facial expression was baffled, and Regulus presented him with a small smile, “Okay, maybe she isn’t my ‘James Potter’ per se because I don’t see her as a sister but rather she’s my girlfriend.”
“What’s- What’s her name?” Sirius croaked; his throat was so raw from crying. 
“Y/n L/n.”
“A- A Gryffindor?”
Regulus made that sound again, “Yeah. A stupidly brave one too. Even worse.”
Sirius smiled, “I know her.”
“Don’t tell me she was one of your conquests.” Regulus grimaced, and Sirius chuckled, snuggling back into Regulus’ chest, “No, she wasn’t. It turns out she has the hots for the other Black brother.”
Regulus smiled, and they allowed the silence of the castle to consume them. It was dark in the corridor on the other side of the tapestry, and Regulus could see the faint moonlight peaking out. He could also imagine the stars glittering beautifully in the midnight sky. He could see the star Sirius shining brighter than ever, and he just wanted his brother to feel the same. 
“I plan to marry her.” Regulus said before he could stop the words from falling from his mouth.
“What happens then?”
“What do you mean?”
“Mother and father will never approve.”
Regulus scoffed, “I’m done with their bullshit and have been for quite a while.”
Sirius met his brother's eyes again, “I left right after you. It turns out there is no more heir to the Black family name.”
The older Black brother smiled brightly and tightened his grip on his younger brother. Regulus couldn’t remember feeling this warm since they were little boys running around the backyard. Sirius was practically on top of him, and that was okay. For now, everything seemed okay again. Maybe Euphemia and Fleamont were gone, but even in their deaths, they managed to benefit Sirius’ life. 
Now it all seemed fruitless. 
Only a couple of months later, Sirius and Regulus had gotten into a huge kerfuffle. It ended with screaming, raw throats, tears, and flushed cheeks. Sirius could remember how Regulus playfully mocked his and Remus’ relationship. He didn’t know exactly what happened, just that he was pouncing for his little brother, and Remus was holding him back. Sirius had yelled some very awful things that he couldn’t take back. 
She hadn’t done anything. She didn’t even know that an argument had happened. Y/n had been reading in the common room when the book was flung out of her hand, and she was pushed against the stone wall of the Gryffindor Tower. Y/n met eyes with stormy grey ones, not unlike her lovers, but these weren’t her lovers. These were his elder brother's eyes, and he had lifted her off the floor against the wall until James had pulled Sirius off her. 
Y/n hit the floor with a thud and repeatedly coughed, hands on her throat. James had stormed into the boy's dormitory with Sirius with him. She didn’t even understand what was happening not until she met up with Regulus in the prefect dorm, and he saw the marks on her neck. Sirius had taken it too far, and Regulus was furious. They were no longer on speaking terms. 
Now Sirius had someone entirely different to grieve. 
Sirius had felt like his heart hit the floor when he was forced to move out of James’ house with Lily due to Harry being born. Remus had moved away to take care of his sick mother and asked for privacy. The funds that had previously been in Sirius’ account had been squandered, and now he was paying the price. 
He had absolutely nowhere to go. Truthfully, there was one place he could go, but he didn’t think he’d ever be accepted there. He had said unforgivable things, but James had given him enough confidence that it would be okay. Reluctantly, Sirius Black took the Knight Bus to the suburbs in London. The community felt so modern and new. It was different then Godric’s Hollow which had been around for so many years that it began to weather and erode. 
The deja vu was hitting him like a brick. Their house was a mixture of grey, black, white, and maybe blue - Sirius couldn’t tell in the darkness if it was white or pale blue. Perhaps he’d find out tomorrow if he was even welcomed inside. Sighing and shivering, Sirius knocked on the door. He could hear little squeals of delight that sounded much like a child. He also heard talking, but he froze when the door opened. 
Regulus Black, at the age of twenty-two, looked good. His hair was to his jaw, and it was wavy at the ends, whereas Sirius’ was much more straight. His eyes had turned silver over the years. His cheeks looked much fuller, and he looked a lot better. Regulus was no longer looked underweight, but he was still slim and skinny. Black family genes, Sirius supposed. Sirius couldn’t meet his brother's eyes. 
“What do you want, Sirius.” 
His name falling from Regulus’ mouth instead of a nickname hurt more than he expected, “I had nowhere else to go…”
Regulus scoffed, “James finally kick you out, eh?”
“Yeah, he did.” Sirius sounded so distant, “Perhaps it was about time, and here I am, at your doorstep.”
“Come on, Sirius.” Regulus motioned for him to come in, and Sirius did. 
The house was much cozier inside. The floors were dark wood, almost black. The living room - on Sirius’ left - was a darker turquoise color with grey furniture. The dining room - on Sirius’ right - was a light grey. The furniture was a marble table, white wood chairs with cushions, and a beautiful light fixture. Regulus led him to the kitchen, which was straight ahead in the hallway. 
It was a beautiful mint green color with black and white furniture. The appliances were primarily black and the furniture primarily white, but regardless, it was beautiful. They had another table in the kitchen that was a grey wood instead of the shiny marble in the dining room but nevertheless screamed elegance. Sirius sat at one of the barstools at the L of the counter. Regulus slid him a cup of tea. 
“Your house is beautiful.” Sirius complimented, and Regulus placed the cup back into the saucer, “Thank you. My wife picked everything out for the most part. I either built it or painted it.” Regulus smiled. 
“Your wife?”
Regulus hummed, “Y/n Black. Ring any bells?”
Sirius swallowed, “Yeah.”
They both took a sip of tea, “I have two kids too. Both boys.”
“Two?!“ Sirius nearly spat out the liquid he had just taken a sip of. 
“Twins. Fraternal, thankfully.”
He placed the cup down, “What’re their names?“
“Perseus Regulus Black and Leo Alphard Black.”
“Perseus and Leo, huh?“
Regulus blushed, “It wasn’t my idea. It was Y/n’s.”
“I like them,” Regulus looked up at him, “The names. I’m sure they fit them too.”
It wasn’t long until footsteps began to echo coming down the steps. Y/n had grown up too. Her face was sharper and her curves more defined. If Sirius was honest, she didn’t look like she had kids at all. To be fair, he wasn’t really staring at Y/n but more so his brother. Regulus had a starstruck expression as his wife walked towards him. He had a dopey smile on his face and stars in his eyes. Regulus really loved her, and Sirius could tell, hell, anyone could. 
Y/n stopped in her tracks at seeing Sirius, “What’s he doing here?” 
Regulus placed an arm around her waist, “He came looking for a place to stay. While I was waiting for you, I decided to catch up with him for a little.”
Sirius looked guilty, “Ultimately, I’m leaving this decision up to you.” 
Y/n sighed and looked at both brothers. She thought of what he did back at Hogwarts. She thought of how Regulus had cried and ached for his brother, wishing for their relationship to be back the way it was. She thought of her two children who always asked about their Uncle Sirius, who was never around. 
“Sirius,” Y/n began, and Sirius held his breath, “Where will you go if I were to say no?”
Sirius looked at his lap, “The streets.”
He couldn’t hear the footsteps that approached him until soft hands lifted his head where he met soft e/c eyes, “I’m willing to look past everything that happened at Hogwarts for the sake of my children. They deserve their uncle. But I need you to show me that I can trust you and that you won’t cause trouble.”
“I’ll do anything.” Sirius complied, and Regulus smirked, “Don’t say that. She’ll have you remodel something.”
“You’re an asshole.” Y/n whirled, and Regulus continued to smirk, “I told you to use magic, and you said we should do it the Muggle way.”
He shrugged, “We got good memories out of doing it the Muggle way.”
“If getting paint all over me counts as good memories, then sure.”
“It does.” Regulus smiled, “Your face was priceless.”
“Dickhead.” She muttered. 
Sirius grinned, “Well, Sirius. If Y/n lets you stay, then you’re welcome here. What I did back at Hogwarts was uncalled for, and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have mocked you and Remus.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“It is.” Regulus countered solemnly, “Had I not done that; then we could’ve had a better relationship. For that, I’m sorry.”
Sirius stood up and hugged Regulus tight, “New beginnings?”
“New beginnings.” Regulus smiled. 
Regulus led Sirius up the wooden stairs up to the second story. It seemed to have had four bedrooms and two bathrooms, one in the master bedroom, one in the hallway, not including the one downstairs. On the end of the left side was a door leading to the master bedroom. On the right end was a cabinet and two doors across from one another. Then in the middle of the back was a door leading to another bedroom which Regulus had opened. 
The bedroom was spotless and beautiful. It was painted a grey with purple undertone with a queen-sized bed. Most of the furniture was white, and the bedding was black. Sirius had brought his trunk to its normal size and placed it at the end of the bed. Regulus smiled as Sirius looked around. 
“This is yours for as long as you want it.” Regulus stated softly snd Sirius had tears in his eyes, “Thank you.”
Sirius hugged his brother again, “I really mean it, thank you.”
“I love you, Sirius.” Regulus confessed, “You’ll always be my brother. The one who held me during thunderstorms. The one who sewed up my teddy bear when it had gotten ripped. The one who took the blame so I wouldn’t get punished.”
Sirius was gripping the back of his shirt tightly, “That stuff doesn’t just go away.”
They parted, and Regulus smiled, “Get some sleep. I’m sure you’d like to see the boys tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yeah. I’d like to meet my nephews.” Sirius admitted smiling brightly. 
“Get some sleep, Siri.” 
“You too, Reggie.”
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honeyhuii · 2 years
Summer Breeze
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Road Trip Au, Fake Dating Au, Mutual Pining, Strangers to Lovers
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Yang Jungwon x Reader
Wordcount: 7k
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of food, side pairing of Jakehoon for the plot, fem pronouns are used but reader isn't described as such
Rating: Pg13 - swearing, kissing
A/n: This is for @parkmejeon004 Holiday romance collab event!
“Hey Y/n? You packed and ready for the road trip tomorrow,” Jake, your best friend, asked, shoving chips into his mouth as he talked on the phone. 
“Mmm, I am. Is Heeseung and his girlfriend coming along too,”  you reply, stirring the food in the pan 
“Yeah, so is my boyfriend. I think Jungwon is coming, but you haven’t met him yet. Is your little brother coming with or did he decide that he didn’t want to come with?”
“Niki? Yeah he’s coming, he’s also going to bring his best friend, so there’s gonna be quite the crowd. Have we decided what we wanted to do, besides the obvious?” You turn the heat off and begin making rice to go with the bulgogi stir fried.
“Mmm, some of us were discussing if we should travel along the coast and camp on the beaches. We could have nightly bonfires, it’ll be fun, but other’s would rather sleep in a hotel and drive along main roads to sightsee. What do you think?”
“I kind of like the thought of camping on the beach, falling asleep to the waves, you know? But I also like the idea of sight seeing, I mean we are going on a road trip to travel, so why don’t we do a little bit of both? That way everyone is happy and gets to do what they want.”
“Good idea! I’ll tell the other, talk to you later Y/n, tell your brother I said hi!”
“Will do Jake, see you tomorrow,” you hung up the phone and set it on the counter. You sighed aloud as Niki and his best friend walked in through the door. You look over and greet him, “Hey Niki, hey Sunoo. You guys ready for the road trip tomorrow?”
“Yeah! I haven’t been on a road trip in years, plus I’m excited to go sightseeing in the different cities,” Niki replies enthusiastically. 
“Oh, right! Before I forget, we’ve had a slight change of plans, some people wanted to drive along the coast so we can camp out on the beach and then others wanted to go sightseeing, so we’ve decided to do a bit of both. I think that it’ll be fun to drive along the coast and have bonfires on the beach. I believe that’s what we're going to start with the coast, then once we drive back we’ll be switching it up and driving through the towns and end with the coast,” you, put some of the food you cooked  on two separate plates. You hand one of the plates to Sunoo and then Niki.
“Thanks sis for the food. And yeah that does sound fun. I heard that most of the boys are bringing their significant others, are you going to be alone again?”
“Thanks for reminding me Niki, but yes. It’s fine, who knows maybe I’ll meet a stranger in a random city and fall in love,” you shrug your shoulders, and put the remainder of the food on a plate for yourself.
“Didn’t they say Jungwon was going to tag along,” Sunoo asks, stuffing his face.
“Mmm, he is, but I haven’t met him. I think he’s my age, but I don’t know anything other than that,” you reply.
“Oh, I actually went to school with him, he’s a sweet kid, I think you guys will get along really well,” Sunoo smirks, cocking an eyebrow at you. 
You look at him completely confused and decide to just ignore it, “Alright, then. I’ve finished eating, so I’m going to wash my plate and head to bed since we have to leave early,” you put your plate in the sink and begin washing it.
“You’re right, here let me wash your plate. You should head to bed since you have to drive us there,” Sunoo offers, taking your plate from you.
“Thanks, Sunoo. Goodnight you two, see you in the morning," you head to your room for the night.
You woke up to someone poking your face. You open your eyes and see your little brother poking your face. "Niki…what the fuck are you doing," you ask grogily.
"Sunoo and I made breakfast. I know we aren't supposed to leave for a few hours, but we thought we should make you breakfast so that you didn't have to. Your alarm went off an hour ago, but I turned it off so you could sleep." Niki turns on your bedside lamp as you rub the sleep out of your eyes.
"Mmm, thanks Niki. I'll thank Sunoo once I head down there. Give me a minute to get dressed and then I'll head downstairs," you reply, getting up out of the bed. Niki rolls his eyes and shuts the door behind him. 
Once you finish getting dressed you head down the stairs and immediately the scent of eggs and bacon wafts through the air. It smells so good, Sunoo was probably the one who cooked it because the last time Niki tried to cook bacon, he almost burned down the house. As you continue your way to the kitchen, the smell of freshly squeezed orange juice fills your senses. That might have been Niki’s doing. 
When you walk into the kitchen, you see Sunoo and Niki idly chatting while eating their breakfast, while there’s another plate with food set to the side for you. You sit next to Niki with your plate of food and start to eat, “thanks Niki, thanks Sunoo. You didn’t have to make me breakfast, but I’m glad you did. After we're done eating, we should pack the stuff in my car so we can head to Jakes. I’ll text him before we leave to make sure he’s awake.” The boys nod and scarf down their food.
You all make small talk while you eat until you finally finish your breakfast and wash the dishes. You head up to your room to grab your phone off the charger and put the charger in your bag. You open up the contact for Jake and text him to see if he was awake and a minute after messaging him, he replies letting you know that his house was unlocked and to just let yourself in. You grabbed your bag, which had 3 weeks worth of clothing, and headed back downstairs to alert the boys. “Alright boys, I texted Jake and he’s awake waiting for us to arrive, so get your stuff in the car so we can be on our way,” you gesture for the boys to grab their things so that you can hurry up and get to Jake’s. 
After two hours of driving to Jake’s house, you finally arrive and hop out of the car. You grab your things and walk into the house with the boys following behind you. The first thing you see when you walk in is Sunghoon and Heeseung sprawled out on the floor, another boy  and a girl sitting at the dining room table, and Jake sprawled out on the couch scrolling through his phone. He looks up once he hears the door open and a wide smile spreads across his face, “Hey guys, you finally arrived!”
“I mean we are the furthest from you, plus Niki turned off my alarm so I could sleep in. Anyways, nice to see you, it’s been a while. I’m glad that you invited my brother and I.”
“No problem, I should probably introduce you to Jungwon and Reyna. Reyna is Heeseung’s girlfriend and Jungwon is her little brother, he’s your age. Renya, Jungwon, meet Y/n, my best friend. Behind her is Niki, her younger brother, and then that’s Sunoo, his best friend.”
“Nice to meet you guys, I’m really excited to go on a road trip with you guys! Have we decided seating arrangements yet,” you ask, sitting next to Jake after he moved over. 
“Yeah, the older members will be taking turns driving, but the seating arrangements will mostly be the same. We’ll also be taking two cars since there’s eight of us. We’ll be split into groups of fours. Niki, Sunoo, Myself and Sunghoon. The rest of you will be in the other car, that way there’s two adults in each car to take turns. From there you guys can figure out who sits where. Speaking of we should get going, that way we can cover a lot of land,” Jake says, getting up off of the couch. Jake grabs his things from his bedroom and heads back into the living room, “Alright, let’s get going.”
You nod and pick up your things off the floor, everyone trails behind you as you exit the house. Heeseung enters the driver’s seat of the pale yellow jeep, perfect for road trips, Reyna hops into the passenger side of the car. Meanwhile you and Jungwon hop in the backseat. At first, it was really awkward talking to Jungwon, you just met him and you didn’t really know how to have a conversation with him, but after you started talking, you found out that you actually have a lot in common. And once you finally hit the coast, the flow of conversation was so natural it’s as if you’ve been friends for years. 
You made the mistake of looking away from Jungwon to check up on the couple in front of you, but every second Heeseung get’s, he’s making heart eyes at Reyna, which she’s happily returning. You roll your eyes and fake gag, “can you believe this? Stuck on a road trip and everyone seems to be paired up with someone. Even Niki has Sunoo.”
“Ugh, it’s gross. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that my sister has Heeseung, but sometimes it gets to be too much. Yeah, I noticed that too. Maybe we should fake date, so we can pair up,” Jungwon jokes, laughing at the ridiculousness of his proposal. You join him in laughing, giggling at the thought of fake dating Jungown. 
You both continue to make conversation with one another, trying not to dwell on the idea of fake dating. But even after a few days, the thought never left your head. It would be a crazy idea, however, you’ve been dealing with the constant overflow of lovey dovey couples and then Niki and Sunoo hanging out. So, you couldn’t help but think, “what if I did fake date Jungwon?” “What if we acted like a couple on this trip?” You had endless thoughts of what if’s because what if you did actually asked him to be your fake boyfriend just so you weren’t alone. Maybe you should just ask him, he is just hanging out on the beach with his feet in the sand and the gentle waves in front of him.
 Before you could even realize it, you were already walking towards him, your feet were moving on their own. It was like a magnet that was pulling you to Jungwon. Next thing you know, you were standing next to him, “hey Wonie, do you mind if I sit next to you?”
“Y/n? No, no, go ahead, I don’t mind,” Jungwon scoots over on the blanket to make room for you.
“Thank you,” you sat down next to him, making sure there was enough space between the two of you.Silence enveloped the both of you, but it was a comforting silence. Jungwon stared out at the sea while you watched the moonlight bask on Jungwon’s face. You're memorizing every detail; unbeknownst to you, you aren’t meaning to. That was until Jungwon caught your eye, making you quickly look away. A small blush crept onto your cheeks, good thing it was dark, otherwise Jungwon would notice it.
“Hey, Y/n? Did you need something,” Jungwon turns to look at you, tilting his head in a questioning manner. 
“Uhm, yeah. I actually wanted to ask you something,” you also turn to look at him, you clear your throat. “This is kind of embarrassing to ask, but remember when we were joking about pretending to date?  Well... What if we actually did? Just until this trip is over. I’m tired of seeing all the couples getting to be lovey dovey on the trip and getting to hang out with one another, it makes me want that. I also kept thinking of what it would be like if I were to be in a relationship while on this trip and the first person to pop in my head was you. So, would you like to be my fake boyfriend?’’
Jungwon looks at you, surprise painting his facial features. “Wait, really? You want to fake date me?”
“Yeah, I’ve actually been thinking about it since we had that conversation. I want to be able to hold someone’s hand while walking on the beach or through the streets. I want to be able to take couple pictures or have someone to kiss late at night. I want to be able to experience that on a road trip, even if it’s only for this trip,” you reply, looking away, slightly embarrassed about this whole situation.
 Jungwon takes your hand into his, interlacing your hands together, which causes you to look at him. “Yes. Yes I’ll be your fake boyfriend for the trip.” Your heart flutters and butterflies erupt. “I was also thinking about the conversation. A lot of my thoughts were similar to yours.I haven’t really experienced a relationship before, but when I first saw you, my heart fluttered. I wanted to talk to you, but I felt so shy and nervous around you. So, I’ll gladly be your fake boyfriend.” Jungwon smiles, a heart fluttering smile. You happily return his smile and squeeze his hand for comfort. The next thing you knew, you both were soaking wet. The waves from the ocean splashed onto the picnic blanket, soaking you. You both look at each other, incredulously, making you both laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. 
“Well, we better head back. We don’t want to catch a cold and it’s getting late anyways,” Jungwon says, helping you to your feet. He picks up the damp blanket off of the sand, softly shaking, trying to get as much sand off the blanket as he can. After shaking the blanket he holds it in his left hand and takes his right hand into your left hand, gently dragging you along with him, back to the others. You both let the calm ocean waves fill the silence as you walk hand in hand. Neither daring to break the comfortable silence.
“Ah! Jungwon stop,” giggles leave your mouth as Jungwon continues to splash you with water.
“But you're so cute when I tease you,” Jungwon replies, splashing you again.
The waves continued to crash on the shore and the both of you were walking hand in hand along the shoreside, but Jungwon kept bending down to splash you with water. Which caused giggles to erupt from you. Then it turned into an all out water fight, which you certainly weren't going to back down from, and it seemed like Jungwon wasn't either. 
After the water fight had ended, you declared yourself to be victor, but Jungwon thought he should be the winner, in the end you decided it was a draw. With clasped hands, you walked back to the jeep, soaking wet, yet again. “What happened to you guys,” Heeseung asks, bewildered at the sight in front of him. Sunoo looks over at all the commotion and then takes another bite of his sandwich.
You shrug your shoulders in response, “Jungwon wouldn’t stop splashing me, so we had a water fight, which I won by the way.”
“No, I won that fight,” Jungwon says, looking at you, a smirk upon his lips.
“No way, You may have started that fight, but I totally ended it,” you reply, arguing your side of the story.
“Why are you two holding hands,” Niki interrupts, rolling his eyes at your childish fight.
“Wait! Why ARE you holding hands? I swear you were holding hands when you both came back from the beach the other night. Looking back on it, you came back wet too,” Jake questions, an eyebrow raised, “you said it was just my imagination, but it doesn’t look like it now.”
“Maybe because she’s my girlfriend,” Jungwon answers nonchalantly. That caused Reyna to spit out her drink all over Heeseung, making everyone laugh in disgust, and Heeseung looked at his girlfriend, baffled.
“I’m sorry, what? Since when,” Sunghoon suddenly joins the conversation.
“Since the night at the beach,” You sit in a lounge chair next to Jungwon, trying to dry off in the hot sun. You also grab a sandwich from the picnic basket, immediately taking a bite out of it, letting the flavours flood your senses. 
“What? Who asked who,” Reyna looks at her younger brother expectantly, she takes another sip of her soda, which makes Heeseung move over a little. He’s hoping he doesn’t get sprayed again. 
“I did,” Jungwon cuts in, before you could say anything. You look at him confused because that is definitely not how you remember it. “I asked her to be my girlfriend.” Reyna beams at her little brother finally asking out his crush. Everyone else, they laugh, some fake cry at Jungwon growing up and becoming a man. You smile and enjoy the presence of everyone having a good time on the road trip. You are so happy that Jake asked if you wanted to go. Jungwon takes your hand into his and gives you a soft smile, silently telling you that this was how he truly felt.
Today was the last day driving through the coast and sleeping on the beach, soon you’ll be driving through the streets of different towns. You’re actually really excited to see new towns…with Jungown and of course everyone else too. Currently, Jungwon’s hand was interlaced with yours, your head was laying on his shoulder, and he was showing something to you on his phone, it was some of the recent couple pictures you guys took together. You guys looked good together, like a real couple who was completely head over heels for one another. Some of your friends would point out how cute you looked together or how Jungwon sometimes looks at you as if you put the stars in the sky. If only they knew that your entire relationship wasn’t real. How would they look at you then? They will never find out. Never.
You ended up falling asleep with your head on Jungwon’s shoulder. Jungwon made sure to make you comfortable and that when you would eventually wake up, your neck wouldn’t ache. He was caressing the back of your hand with his fingers. Every once in a while he would reach up and with feather-like touches, caress your cheek with his fingertips. Quietly humming along to the radio, lulling you back to sleep. In that moment, you knew that you didn’t want to be in anyone else’s arms but Jungwon’s.
You feel yourself getting shaken awake. You open yours to see Niki roughly pushing you. “Niki what are you doing,” you reply groggily, you rub your eyes trying to get the sleep out. You stretch out  your stiff arms. You notice that Jungwon was no longer in the car with you, neither was Heeseung or Reyna.
“Waking you up, dumbass. We’ve arrived at the coast, so you better enjoy the day since it’s the last night on the coast for now,” Niki replies, dragging you out of the car.
“I’m awake, I’m awake. Yeah, don’t we have a big barbeque planned for the night? Did anyone bring board games with them,” you ask the group, stretching your legs after being cramped up in the car for so long.
“Yeah, we have a couple of games planned for the evening, but I also brought some board games. Please try not to lose the game pieces in the sand, it would be impossible to find them if they ever fell in the sand. Anyways, I also brought some ice cream from the convenient store, so let’s eat that while we wait for Heeseung to grill the meat. We can also play a couple of games too,”  Jake says getting up from the lounge chair, “Hoonie, can you help me set up a couple of tables? We need a table for the meat, so let’s bring this one over near the grill. We need to put it in between the bonfire pit and the barbeque.” Jake drags one end of the table to the proper place. “Okay, now can you grab the end of that table over there? Now help me drag over here. It's going to go in between the chairs here. Perfect! Now we have a board game table, but most importantly, our dinner table!"
Everyone cheers at the completion of the barbeque party. Jake went to one of the jeeps and pulled out a couple of board games. “Alright, I have a few board games as well as some card games like Uno. I thought we should start off the evening with truth or dare like the grown adults we are,” Jake sat on the lounge chair next to Sunghoon, setting the games onto the sand. But he puts uno on the table. Guess, we’ll be playing that afterwards.
“Truth or dare? Really Jake? What are we, middle schoolers,” Niki asks with sarcasm dripping from his tongue.
“I mean, aren’t you a middle schooler,” you tease your younger brother.
“Watch it Y/n. Don’t forget I’m a giant.”
“Yeah a giant baby,” you say, continuing to tease Niki. 
“Fine then. Truth or dare Y/n? If you say truth, then you’ll become the giant baby. In fact, let’s make a deal. I’ll let you call me giant baby if you pick dare and never once back down from one this entire game. If you do, then I get to call you tiny crybaby. Do we have a deal,” Niki asks, a conniving smirk present on his lips.
You knew that smirk, it was his infamous troublemaker smirk, but you being you, you couldn’t back down from a challenge and Niki knew that more than anyone. “You have yourself a deal!”
“Alright then, truth or dare? Or should I say dare or dare,” his smirk widens.
“I don’t know why you bothered asking when you already know what I’m going to reply. But nonetheless I choose dare,” you roll your eyes.
Everyone was watching you both bicker back and forth. They were at the edge of their seats, waiting for Niki to give you a good dare to start the evening barbeque party. “I dare you to kiss Jungwon.” Everyone’s excited glances dropped after Niki said that and started to say how boring and stupid the dare. Meanwhile both yours and Jungwon’s face was on fire. “Well it might seem lame or stupid, but I know my sister. I don’t think they’ve kissed yet. Look at their reactions when I said that.” 
Of course we haven’t kissed yet! We’re not even dating stupid! “Fine Niki, I’ll do your stupid dare.” You got out of your chair and stood in front of Jungwon. Now this is something everyone is anticipating. You kneeled down in front of him and whispered so quietly so that only the two of you could hear, “we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I don’t mind being called a tiny crybaby if it means you won’t be uncomfortable..” 
“I’m not uncomfortable Y/n…Are you?”
You shake your head, a small smile graces your lips, “not at all.”
Jungwon swallows nervously, “Well then. If we’re on the same page, let’s kiss then…even if it’s in front of all of our friends, your brother, and my sister.” 
You lightly chuckle, “mmm, alright.”
Jungwon softly smiles and cups your face with his hand. The setting sun hits your face and his heart speeds up. The sun is creating a spotlight effect to where all he can see is you. He only wants to see you. It’s like he's seeing you for the first time and in this moment he’s finally realizing that he’s truly and deeply in love with you. He’s memorizing every detail of your face, as much as he can while he’s allowed to be this close to you. Slowly, you start to lean in and just like a magnetic pull, he leans in too. And ever so lightly, your lips touch. When they finally touch, you both jump in surprise, like a jolt of electricity runs through your veins. Jungwon decided right then and there, kissing you was the best thing in the entire world nor did he ever want to stop.
For you? You felt the same way Jungwon did. You were extremely nervous to kiss him for the first time and once your lips touched? You poured all of your feelings into the kiss, hoping Jungwon would return yours. Everyone watching could tell that you were both inexperienced but that the kiss was full of love and passion. Anyone could tell that you absolutely and profoundly loved one another.
Slowly and reluctantly, you pulled away from each other. You opened your eyes and stared at each other. Observing one another. Memorizing each other. That was until someone decided to break the moment and clear their throat. “We get it, you love one another, now can we get back to the game,” Niki says, biting back a laugh. Everyone chuckles, also eager to get back to the game. Silently you go back to your seat, thinking about the kiss you shared with Jungwon.That was your only thought for the rest of the game.
You guys finally finished the game of truth or dare. The next game was Uno, but since the sun was down and the moon was rising, it was also time for dinner so Heeseung and Jake got left out to start the barbeque. Heeseung started cooking the meat, while Jake was left to cook the ramen and rice. The rest of you enjoyed several games of Uno and a few rounds of Cards Against Humanity. You won’t lie, you absolutely wiped the floor with the others. They had no chance of winning against you, except in the few last rounds of Uno. Jungwon tempted you with more kisses if you let him win, which you happily accepted. The day ended with laughter, stomachs full of food, and hearts full of love. Maybe even sneaky kisses shared between you and Jungwon.
It’s the first day of not driving along the coast. Today and for the next week, you’ll be driving through the town and exploring the streets of new towns. Your eyes were wide with excitement at each passing building. The current town you were in was having a festival today, so you all decided to park at a cheap motel and walk around town. You and Jungwon were hand in hand walking through the vibrant streets, looking at the different shops that you passed by. Every once in a while, one of you would quickly drag the other into one of the shops and buy something that really caught your eye.  However, in one instance you left Jungwon on the street so that you could run into one of the shops and buy something. Jungwon did the same thing to you so you didn’t mind nor did he. 
You both were enjoying each other’s presence and soaking up each other’s energy. You were swinging your hands as you continued to chat about anything and everything. You ran into Heeseung and Reyna while walking aimlessly through the chaotic streets. “Hey guys! Having fun? Ooo! I see that you guys went shopping,” Reyn exclaims with excitement. She’s practically bouncing off the walls. 
“Hey! How are you guys? Yes we did little window shopping until we found a few things that we liked so we decided to get some stuff. They were pretty reasonably priced as well,” you respond, matching her energy.
“Hey! How are you guys? Yes we did little window shopping until we found a few things that we liked so we decided to get some stuff. They were pretty reasonably priced as well,” you respond, matching her energy.
“Well, would you like to join us? We’re going to grab one of the funnel cakes that I saw passing on our way to the motel. Then we’re going to meet up with the others in the town square for dinner,” Heeseung asks, wrapping his arm around Reyna’s waist. 
You look over at Jungwon silently asking him with your eyes. “Yeah, that sounds like fun! We were actually thinking of getting some soon,” Jungwon replies, squeezing your hand in a loving manner. 
“Okay, let’s go then,” Reyna says, looping your arm with hers, pulling your hand away from Jungwon’s. You try to reach out for Jungwon’s hand to clasp your hands together again, but Reyna is dragging you away from him and Heeseung looped his arm with Jungwon’s. “Don’t worry Y/n. I just want to have a little girl talk, let the boys have their boy talk. I wanted to ask you something. How is Jungwon treating you?”
“Good. Really good, I’m really glad to have met him and that I get the pleasure of calling him mine,” you smile, thinking back to when you first met him and now when you get to call him your boyfriend, even if he’s your fake boyfriend. He’s definitely the best boyfriend you’ve had out of all of your relationships. 
“I’m glad. If he acts up, tell me and I’ll give him a stern talking to. But seriously, I can tell that the both of you truly love one another. Take good care of him for me,” Reyna smiles and ruffles hair.
“I…I will. I promise Reyna,” you reply, tears forming at the corners of your eyes. You try not to cry in front of her. She must never know that this is fake. What are you going to do once the trip is over? Not only are you going to break Reyna’s heart, but yours as well because you  fell for Jungwon. First love truly makes you fall the hardest.
You tore off a piece of funnel cake and shoved the doughy bread into your mouth, letting the powdered sugar coat your tongue. Happiness surges through your body at the taste of the delightful treat. You go to tear off another piece of the funnel cake, but Jungwon holds out a piece for you to eat with a small smile on his lips. You happily eat the piece of funnel cake and Jungwon kisses your forehead. Moments like these really make you think you both are in a relationship and that you both are madly in love with one another….you are but you don’t know if Jungwon feels the same. Moments like this also break your heart because your relationship will inevitably end.
The window was down and a cool breeze was blowing into the car making your and Jungwon’s hair messy. Your nose was in a book, but your mind was everywhere, but the words on the pages. It was the first day driving back on the coast and the final week of your trip. You couldn’t believe that the trip was already almost over and your time with Jungwon was running out. The eight of you were heading to your campsite for the evening and tonight you had something planned for Jungwon, something you’ve been meaning to do for a while. 
Once you arrived at your destination, you made sure to pull Jungwon aside for a quick chat. And currently, you were sitting in silence with the tension high. You didn’t know how to form the words you wanted to say to him, so you settled with grabbing his hand and intertwining your fingers, making him look away from the crashing waves and to you. You swallowed hard, mouth running dry, “so it’s the final week…when do you want to break up?”
“Uh, I guess the final night should be fine,” Jungwon’s tone had some sadness to it as if his heart was breaking at the thought of losing you.
“Okay, that works for me too. Before that happens though, I wanted to give you something. I bought you something in that first town we visited, actually that’s why I didn’t want you to go in with me. Here,” you hand him a small glass charm in the shape of a bird. He carefully takes it out of your palm and tears slowly fall down his face. “Wonie, why are you crying? Do you not like it?”
“No, I love it. It’s just, I can’t believe it’s almost over and I actually got you something too. I did the same thing,” he grabs a small cat charm out of his pocket and hands it to you. Tears start streaming down your face as well. All the feelings you’ve been feeling this past few weeks started pouring out all at once. You’re not ready to let Jungwon go, you don’t think you can ever let him go. You both silently cry while sharing a passionate kiss, trying to not let the other one go, but too afraid to tell the other how you truly feel about the other.
It was the final day for your trip. Which means it was the last day you get to call Jungwon your boyfriend. It’s going to be a hard day. You can already tell how the final night of your vacation is going to go. Your hand was desperately holding onto Jungwon’s. You don’t want to have to say goodbye, but a deal is a deal, you can’t keep him forever if he truly was never yours to begin with. Who knows, maybe there’s some girl at his school that he was waiting to finally ask out, but then here you come asking him to pretend to be your fake boyfriend. Fuck. You can already feel the tears wanting to pour out, but you can’t. Not here, not in front of everyone else. They can’t know that you’re hurting because tonight you’ll be losing the one person who treated you like you were the only thing that mattered. You clutched the cat charm in your palm, letting the metal dig into your skin, hoping that it wouldn’t be painful. Telling you that this was all just a dream. That you wouldn’t be losing Jungwon for another week. But when the metal dug into your skin, it started to sting, now you knew that this wasn’t a dream. That tonight, before the final barbeque party, you’ll be parting ways with Jungwon.
You let out a deep sigh, causing everyone to turn and look at you in confusion, but you shake your head, quietly telling them that you were fine. However, Jungwon knew that wasn’t the truth because he knew that tonight would be the final night he would be allowed to kiss you. This would be the final night he had the chance to tell you how he felt and if he didn’t, he would lose you forever. So, he took your hand into his, pressing a gentle kiss onto the back of your hand, silently telling you that everything would be okay.
But everything wasn’t okay. While everyone was chatting at the game tables playing games, you and Jungwon were sitting on a rock together. Heeseung and Jake were already starting to cook the meat for the final barbeque party, so you thought it was now or never. It was time to break up with Jungwon. You didn’t know how you were going to keep it together having to go back to the camp and act like everything was okay even when it wasn’t. Tears were already forming and neither of you haven’t even said anything yet. 
“Well, I guess this is where we break up. It was a pleasure being your fake boyfriend Y/n. I’m really glad I got to know you and call you mine even if it was only for a little while. I hope we get to stay friends after this,” his voice cracked with each word he said to you. His heart was cracking at the same time. If you listened closely, you could probably hear both of your hearts breaking at the same time as if it was glass.
You chewed on your bottom lip, trying to force the tears to not fall, and you slowly nod your head in agreement, “Yeah. I hope so too.” Your voice was strained as if you were crying for hours, but to be truthful, you probably have been. You sniffle, letting the tears rain down your face. And at that moment, Jungwon watching you break down and cry, made his heart shatter in a million pieces knowing that you were hurting because of him. He couldn’t help but cry as well.
You went back to camp first, not being able to see Jungwon’s face anymore nor being around the scent of his cologne, the scent of home. Everyone was worried when they saw your eyes puffy and red. Niki instantly went to comfort you, having a small idea of what happened between you and Jungwon. He got even more of a hint when you asked if you could switch with Sunoo and share a car with him. He immediately agreed, but worry for you began to bubble inside him. 
His worry for you grew when you wouldn’t leave your room for weeks, barely coming out to eat food that he and Sunoo made. Sunoo was also extremely worried for the both of you. He would visit Jungwon every once in a while. When he went to visit him just last weekend, his sister was over taking care of him because he hadn't bothered to leave his room either. You both were in the same state of depression. It was clear to both Niki and Sunoo that you both had broken up, but why? You both were perfect for each other. 
Both him and Sunoo stood in front of your bedroom door. Neither one of them dared to open it, scared to see you sobbing over Jungwon again. But Niki had to make sure you were okay. He had to make sure the person he looked up to was okay. He had to. He also had to know why you broke up with Jungwon. So, he opened the door and his heart cried for you. Seeing you curled in a ball, tissues scattered all around you, plates and bowls stacked sky high, some of them still had leftover food in them. He ran to you and immediately engulfed you in a hug. Which caused you to start sobbing some more. You’ve been crying so much that no tears would fall, but you knew they would. He knew then that you weren’t okay. He knew then that you were heartbroken. 
“Y/n, what happened? If I may ask. I just want to know why you guys broke up. You guys were so perfect for one another,” Niki asks, cradling you into his chest, still hugging you.
“We weren’t perfect for one another. We weren’t even dating,” you sniffled, snuggling deeper into NIki’s chest. Sunoo comfortingly rubbed your back. 
“What do you mean?”
“We were fake dating,” you replied curtly, causing Sunoo to gasp in surprise.
“What? Why,” Sunoo asks, a confused look filled his face.
“Because, I wanted to experience what everyone else was on the road trip. We were originally joking about it on our way to our first stop, but then I thought it was a great idea. So, I asked him and he agreed that once the road trip was over that we would break up. But, what I didn’t plan for was to actually fall in love with him. Pathetic, right? Unrequited love strikes again,” you respond, wiping your face with another tissue.
“No. I don’t think it is.” You look over at Sunoo, “What do you mean?” “He means, it’s not pathetic. Nor do we think it's unrequited love,” Niki combs his fingers through your very tangled hair.
“Yeah right. Then why wouldn’t he say anything?” “Maybe he was scared. Why didn’t you?”
“Because I was scared…”
“Tell him,” Sunoo replies, looking serious as ever.
“What? I can’t just tell him!”
“You can and you will. You better go take a shower or I will drag your ass in there  and turn the shower on while you're still clothed with no remorse,’ Niki threatens, getting off of your bed getting ready to drag you.
“Okay, okay,” you put up your hands defensively and head to the shower with a fresh pair of clothes in your hand.
You seriously don’t know what you’re doing here. You have no idea how you let Niki and Sunoo talk you into this. You let out a deep sigh and knocked on the door in front of you. When it swung open, there stood a somewhat angry looking Reyna, “What the fuck do you want?”
“I want to talk to Jungwon.” “Well, I highly doubt he wants to talk to the person who broke his fucking heart.”
“Please, let me explain.”
Reyna sighs and opens the door wider for you to enter, “fine, but I’m not letting you see Jungwon unless I like your explanation.”
You explained, you told her everything about the whole fake dating, to how you developed real feelings for you and how you came here to tell Jungwon that you fell in love with him. But what you didn’t know was that Jungwon was listening in on the conversation. He heard every word you said about, so he opened his bedroom door, letting his presence known to you and Reyna. You looked up at him in surprise and chewed on your bottom lip out of nervousness. 
“I heard everything,” he steps closer to you. Reyna takes that as her cue to leave and so she does.
“You did? And?”
“And do you feel the same? Do you love me too?”
You don’t know when Jungwon arrived in front of you, but when he did, his lips were on yours in an instant. Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist. You pulled each other in closer, never wanting to let the other go this time. And when you do finally pull away from the kiss, slightly breathless, you smile for the first time in weeks. 
“Y/n…I fell in love with you at first sight. I kept hearing about you from the boys and I just knew you were my summer breeze…I love you.”
“I love you too, Jungwon.” 
You shared another passionate kiss together, but that is just the very beginning of your love story.
Enha taglist: @mhyori1117 @enhasfever
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darkthallas · 3 years
One in the Same
Chapter Three
Summary: A little trip to see your brother and best friend, they’re not too happy to find out you’ve been talking to someone online.
This series will include heavy, dark topics such as: rape/non-con, gore, arson, torture, etc. My works are supposed to make people uncomfortable, if you are, then I did my job. Enjoy.
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You would hate to admit that the *pretty much* first time you masturbated was in a dressing room. Safe to say you bought the dress, and that Steve was completely unaware of what you had done. The dress was in a pretty pink bag, that you had also elected to have Steve buy. He rolled his eyes playfully when you pleaded him to get it. Either way, he pulled out his black and silver card.  
You were practically skipping your way out to the car. You pulled out the keys, unlocking it. You started to pull out of the store, but then you saw a place for smoothies and turned off on that road.
“Where are you going?” Steve asked.  
“To get us smoothies,” You chimed, parking in front of the shop. You looked over with your best puppy-dog eyes, “Can you come with me?”
Steve scoffed, “Bucky was right. You do just want me for the money.”
“Steve,” You deadpanned, “I don’t want you; we’re related, I have to put up with you.”
Steve frowned the second you looked away from him. He was angry you said that. That just reminded him what he was planning was even worse than if you weren’t related to him. He got out of the car while you unbuckled your seatbelt and made sure your hair was all right.  
“Really?” Steve raised his eyebrows at you, judgingly, “Your hair looks fine, now hurry up and get out so we can order. I do want to go mini golfing sometime tonight.”
“Shut up, Steve.” You rolled your eyes, getting out of the Maserati.  
Steve felt his chest fill with anger, you were pushing it by saying that, just like this morning. He clenched his jaw, “Don’t tell me to shut up and don’t you dare roll your eyes at me.”
You scoffed walking by him, “Whatever, Steve. I’m an adult, I can do what I want.”
Steve grabbed your upper arm as you passed him. “No. It’s not ‘whatever.’ I’m your brother and you’re going to respect me, understood?”  
You jerked back, heart pounding in your chest in surprise. You furrowed your eyebrows and frowned, “Okay, Steve... I was joking. I’m sorry.”  
A couple people were watching the scene with either wide eyes or a secretive glance and eavesdropping ears here and there. His jaw clenched and unclenched, glaring at you and then he relented. He let go of your arm, watching as the area he grabbed turned a bright yellow, then red. You stared at him for a second with hurt eyes. Then you both walked into the smoothie shop. That moment kept replaying in your head as you stood in line.  
You knew your arm was going to bruise, his hold on you was really tight and it hurt so bad. Your eyes started tearing up, but you ignored it. You didn’t know what was happening. How could your brother have changed so much since the last time you’d seen him?  
“Do you want something, Steve?” You asked very quietly.  
“Sure. Just order whatever.” He replied shortly.  
You smiled at the cashier as you stepped up to order and he smiled back, “Hi, what can I get for you today?”
“Hello, can I get a cherry mango smoothie and a pomegranate mango smoothie please?”
The cashier nodded, adding up your prices, “That would be $13.73.”
“Wow,” Steve commented, nudging your arm, “6 dollars for a smoothie?”  
You hid a wince as his elbow came in contact with the area he grabbed you. Steve glanced at you from the corner of his eye as he handed the card to the cashier.  
“Thank you,” You said to the cashier and you both moved to down the counter to wait for the smoothies.  
“So, what?” Steve asked, “Did you not get Bucky a smoothie?”
“No,” you muttered, “I got him one. I’m just... not really in the mood for one anymore.”
Steve hummed, smirking. Right, he thought, not in the mood anymore. The drinks finally came and you picked them both up, handing the pomegranate mango one to Steve.  
“Thanks.” He said, taking a sip.
You both got in the car and you put Bucky’s smoothie in the cup holder. You lean back in the seat.
“Steve, are you okay?” You finally ask.  
“Yeah. Perfectly fine.” He replied taking another drink.  
You almost scoff, starting the car. You shake your head, “You’ve changed, Steve. And I’m not sure it’s a good change.”
Steve chuckles, knowing exactly what you meant. You turn to look at Steve, yelping out in surprise as his hand comes in contact with your cheek. You looked back at him with wide eyes, bringing your own hand up to touch your cheek. You didn’t know whether to be angry or sad.  
Steve swore, “Fuck, I’m sorry, (Y/n)-”
He was interrupted by you opening the door, quickly getting out and slamming it shut. Steve sighed in aggravation, rubbing his forehead before getting out of the car to go after you.  
“(Y/n)!” He yelled, jogging to catch up with you as you hastily made your way down the sidewalk. He had to apologize otherwise he would mess up his and Bucky’s plan for tonight.  
This time when he grabbed you, he grabbed your hand, turning you to face him.
“Listen, I’m sorry, okay?” He apologizes once he sees your tear-filled, red eyes. “I’m just stressed, you know that.”
“You hit me!” You exclaimed, “You have no right to lay a hand on me, at all!”  
You pushed at his chest, but he wouldn’t budge.  
“I’m sorry. Listen, just come back to the car. We can go home, forget anything happened, and then we can go mini golfing tonight.” Steve coaxed you to the car as tears fell down your cheeks.  
He sat you in the passenger seat and went back into the smoothie shop to get you a smoothie. He rolled his eyes as he entered, muttering, “Girls.”
Come on, Steve, you can last her attitude until tonight. It’s only a few more hours you have to put up with it.
He didn’t feel guilty for what he did to you. He really didn’t. But he knew, he knew if he didn’t apologize for slapping you that you would’ve left and he would’ve ruined all of the effort he and Bucky had both put into getting you.  
Steve walked back out to the car, getting into the driver’s seat. He definitely noticed the way you flinched when he handed you the drink.  
“Here.” He said, putting the car into reverse and backing out of the parking spot to drive home. “I got you a cherry raspberry mix.”
You were silent the whole way to Steve’s house, other than for the sound of you occasionally taking a sip of your smoothie. When Steve finally pulled into the garage and parked the car he sighed.  
“Well, how does it look?”  
You looked at him with a blank expression, “It’s fine.”
Steve rubbed your lower arm, avoiding the bruise forming on your upper arm, “I’m sorry. We can just forget about it now and have a good rest of the night, right?”
You nod, trying to smile, “Right.”
You and Steve both get out of the car, and you got more excited to surprise Bucky with the smoothie you got him. You reached into the back seat grabbing the bag your dress is in.  
You walked through the kitchen and up to where Bucky’s staying. You knock on the door with a smile.  
“Hang on a second, Sugar.”  
You heart fluttered in affection, but also in familiarity. Sebastian called you ‘Sugar.’ You didn’t think much about it, only taking that moment of curiosity to question the possibility. The door opened and you were greeted with Bucky smiling at you, but that smile soon turned into a frown when he saw your face and arm.  
“What the hell happened, Sugar?” He reached out slowly to touch your cheek, but you flinched away from him.  
“Nothing, Bucky, I guess I just leaned on my hand too much and it left a mark on my face.” You shrugged.
“Then what about your arm?”
“Oh,” you reply, “Steve just pulled me back from being hit by a car. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”  
You held out the drink, “Anyways, I picked you out a smoothie, it’s cherry mango. I hope you like it.”
He took it and immediately took a drink, “I like everything you give me, Sugar.”
“Okay, well, I should probably go get ready for tonight.” You say, turning to take your leave.  
Don’t forget to put on those pretty pink panties I just came in, Bucky chuckled, wishing he could say it aloud.  
You walked into the room you were staying in, grabbing your matching pink lacy undergarments and feminine products, moving into the bathroom. You shut the door and undressed to get in the shower. The warm water made you sigh and close your eyes.  
Steve knew you were right. He had changed. Did he care? No. So, why was it bothering him so much that you were crying after he slapped you?
Steve could hardly believe he was feeling bad right now. Whatever, girls are sensitive and overdramatize everything. She’s fine.  
He was walking his way to his room at the end of the hallway when the sound of running water caught his attention. Steve stayed silent as he listened to the water splash against your skin. He felt his pants get tighter and he slowly cracked the door open until he had a full view of you facing away from him.
Steve felt his cock twitch in his pants, coming to life at the sight of water dripping down your naked body. He grinned, placing his hand over his crotch. He gently kneaded, watching your hands caress your body. He would kill just to pull you from the shower and fuck you right there on the bathroom floor.  
Steve nearly groaned and he palmed himself harder, as he watched you lather soap onto your loofa and bend over to scrub your legs. Steve’s pants were painfully tight at this point. He unbuckled his belt and unbuckled his jeans, unzipping his jeans just enough to free his cock.  
Precum beaded at the tip, and he smeared it around, starting to fist his cock. Steve drew in closer to watch your hand slip in between your legs. Steve pulled his shirt up to his mouth to mask the noises that were bound to burst through his silent complexion. He had nearly gnawed through his bottom lip watching his baby sister do something that looks so lewd. He pumped his cock faster, this reminded him of the days when he was going through puberty and would go through your panty drawer to jerk off to something.  
That thought alone made him cum into his hand and clench his teeth down on his shirt to suppress a moan. Steve quietly closed the door once he came down from the height of his orgasm, tucking his semi-hard cock back into his boxers. He turned back down the hallway, not really surprised to see Bucky standing there.  
“What? Did it not give you enough imagery to masturbate to when you hit her?” Bucky chuckled.
Steve grinned, “No, not nearly enough. You know that, Buck. I can’t be satisfied when it comes to my baby sister.”
Bucky sighed contently, “This is all going just as we planned, you know. Almost every single detail.”
“I know. It’s all perfect.”
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helenazbmrskai · 4 years
This Summer
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Guess who’s back with another yoongi fic featuring my favourite trope so here’s another brother’s best friend au, I wanted to try a different setting for this one since I like summer camp aus a lot (and there’s not enough of it on this site I tell you) and I never did something similar to this also I’m sorry that there will be mistakes in here because I wrote this in three days but I’ll proofread it once I have the energy.
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🏕️Title: ‹This Summer›
🏕️Pairing: ‹brother’s best friend and camp counsellor! yoongi x new camp counsellor! reader ft. brother and camp counsellor! hoseok›
🏕️Genre: ‹brother’s best friend, summer camp, camp counsellor, romance, fluff, angst, smut, idiots to lovers›
🏕️Summary: ‹This summer you’re going to stop liking min yoongi for good. The plan is flawless until it’s not (but you’re not the only one with plans.)›
🏕️Warnings: ‹smut, making out, oral (both parties) receiving, penetrative sex, condom sex, dirty talk, yoongi is jealous of jungkook having your boobs against his chest, y/n avoids yoongi like it’s her life mission for like 5k straight, a lot of angst but there will be fluff too so don’t worry, awkward tension, sexual tension, clueless hobi, everyone is stupid in this, jungkook likes meddling with y/n’s life a little bit too much, poor tae facing yoongi’s wrath without any reason lol›
🏕️Word count: ‹12.3k›
🏕️Masterlist l read radio sweethearts if you want another brother's best friend yoongi l enjoy!
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Your brother is a ticking time bomb, no one knows when he’s going to take something into his head, he’s that annoying sibling that’s always full of energy and twists everyone around his pinky finger on family dinners. You love him with your whole heart, considering you ripped that mean girl’s hair out in elementary school when she called your baby brother (who is older than you but shh) ugly and made him cry.
Hoseok and you are polar opposites he’s cheery and positive always have a big smile on his face, ready to help all the old ladies with heavy shopping bags cross the street while you’re on the quiet side and often misunderstood.
It’s easy to see on holiday dinners and get-togethers that your relatives favour him over you because you’re less talkative and friendly, he has better achievements in life whilst you struggle with school but those you’re close with know the real you and awkward conversations about your nonexistent boyfriend because you’re so deeply in love with your brother’s best friend is not the best ice breaker your distant grandmas try to pull on you. Even so, when Yoongi decides to tag along to those said dinners accompanied by his parents and little sister, might just hell break loose.
The second man who basically acts like he lives in your house is your best friend slash knight in shining armour and partner in crime; simply named Jeon Jungkook for good measure who is your next-door neighbour. You have tons of unforgettable memories with him as he was the one you went to prom with, annoyed all the teachers on field trips with your loud rap battles and cried on each other's shoulders as you graduated high school together.
Your friendship with him came as a surprise to all your family members as they originally thought your brother and him will become close but instead, he spent most of his time with you while yoongi and hoseok with their other friends hang out separately. On rare occasions, your group would mix and go to see a popular movie or play games at the arcade on someone’s birthday.
Summer usually is the time when things are a little slow. No assignments to do or classes to attend, your brother leaves in early July for this summer camp that’s half a day far away from your home with his friends and the last two summers even Jungkook applied to be a camp counsellor as he likes to be surrounded by kids and nature just like your brother does so literally, everyone left for some time leaving you alone in your hometown with nothing to do but it was better this way because away from Hoseok meant that Yoongi will be far away too.
Your brother tries to persuade you every year to go with them but you always have to decline, sometimes your no is firmer than other times because Hoseok is excellent at using his puppy eyes on you.
However, this summer you had other plans. There’s no bell to ring once the last class is dismissed for the semester, tired from your finals you’re going to dedicate at least a week to catch up on your sleep and fix your eating habits but you have a big smile on your face as you climb into Jungkook’s run-down Ford slamming the car door behind your body since they don’t function properly sometimes. This car is his prized possession, got it for his 18th birthday after he successfully passed his test (at the forth try) and bragged about his driving license to you for over two weeks although you only dared to sit next to him after two months. Jungkook named his car Adonis and forbid you of disrespecting his little baby if you want to ever get a lift so you let him be.
Back to your important inner turmoil, you decided you will no longer simp over Min Yoongi your brother’s best friend and this summer you’ll get over him as a grown-up woman. Being in your second year at the local University that all the boys attend it’s surprisingly easy to avoid your brother and his friends and how everyone’s schedule seems to be so packed all the time during the semester, you don’t see them as much as you used to in high school.
”This was your last final, right?” Jungkook turns the ignition key ready to leave this hellhole of a place, holding your headrest with one hand as he turns to see the back of the car so he can back out of the parking lot without any accidents. You grab the smoothie from the cup holder before humming in agreement and take a sip whilst taking in your best friend’s features you haven’t seen for the past week.
”As soon as I get home I’m going to sleep till the next century.” Your dramatic response earns a chuckle and a jab to your left boob as he didn’t take his eyes off the road while delivering his hit. Jungkook wears his signature white tee with a pair of dark blue jeans no traces are left of the stress both of you went under, he was luckier than you as his finals ended a week ago.
”School sucks, we couldn’t even have fun together and I’m leaving next week. I’m going to miss you, you know. You really won’t come with us?” He tried to make you rethink your decision just like your brother but not even his bambi eyes can waver your summer plans, this time you fully intend to have one more Min Yoongiless summer, this silly crush you have on your brother’s best friend can’t continue.
”There’s always one place left for you at the camp Y/N. Hoseok would love to see you there too and we could spend so much time together.” The idea of spending a few weeks with Jungkook sounds nice but a voice in your head reminds you that Yoongi will be there too. He could be yelling at children and wear his trademark grumpy expression but you would still find something attractive about him. The worst part is that he’s never like that with you.
Yoongi is not as talkative as Jungkook or Hoseok, making him be more like you, at first you thought that your crush developed because he seemed to understand you in a different way your brother couldn’t. He cares for his friends, always making sure to show them by doing thoughtful gestures.
Hoseok tells his friends all the time that you and him are a package deal it’s either both of you or none of you, sometimes people have a problem with that but these five boys he hangs out with for years now are the good exception. You like them even though you don’t like all of Hoseok’s friends.
”I’m sorry Koo but I can’t, we talked about this before.” It’s not like you hate children because you don’t you’re not the best with them but they are ok, the heatwave is what you despise in summer camps. You love being in an air-conditioned place without bug bites all-around your ankles and not even the campfire with yummy marshmallows could persuade you to like outdoor activities.
Summer camps are just not your thing.
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”What do you mean you signed me up?” The black t-shirt slips through your fingertips, it has a band logo at the front you remember Hoseok liked back in high school, his suitcase is halfway filled with clothes when he decided to tell you he faked your signature to sign you up as the new summer camp counsellor.
You admit that you have a weird talent for making nice origamis that kids would probably love to learn and a good addition to the routine activities, he would have swayed you with compliments if it weren’t for the fact that he faked your signature and signed you up for something you definitely said no to but still decided to do it without your permission. You heard nice things about the camp itself since it got renovated two years ago and Hoseok’s friends are nice people, he said their co-workers are nice people and your best friend would be there too, don’t get the wrong impression there, you even heard that the camp leader Seokjin is nice and a fun person not strict at all unless it concerns the kid's safety because he will not allow that.
”Don’t be mad, please. Jungkook and I just thought that this could be a fun experience for you, things will get busy next year so it’s going to be the last summer together like this. Pretty please?”
You sighed defeatedly as you can’t possibly say no to that when he phrases it like that. Hoseok looks at you with his round big eyes full of hope. Your summer plan was flawless until…it’s not.
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Jungkook came almost knocking down your front door when you called him to come over after you were finally done helping Hoseok finish packing for the trip, you scolded your best friend for not stopping your brother as soon as he learned his scheme about ruining your summer plans you felt furious but he picked up on his way over to your house your favourite coffee flavoured candies and it made you forgive him too easily as you were soon munching on the treat.
It’s a huge disadvantage on your part that he knows your preferences so well. Now you can understand why he always seems so frustrated with you when you make him his favourite dish to get him to forgive you, this is just too much power to have over someone and when he crushes you with his tight hug listing out the things the two of you can do at the camp all of your remaining anger vanishes.
You will think about Min Yoongi later.
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That later, however, comes sooner than you anticipated. Sitting on the kitchen stool drinking your coffee while all Hoseok’s noisy friends get a fill of breakfast and a cup of coffee, you have the unfortunate fate of housing all the boys to dine before getting on the road and after a lost rock, paper, scissors thanks to your brother’s ridiculous bad luck you become the host.
The kitchen got filled with animated chit-chats as they place a toast or two on their plates over the noises you almost don’t hear Jungkook next to you asking for the jam but you pass him the jar silently. Yoongi and Jimin are the only ones missing from the group because Yoongi has to drive Jimin to his parent’s place to pick up his car that he got repaired recently so they were running a bit late.
Namjoon is a new addition to the group after Hoseok met him in Uni so you don’t know him that well but he’s nice as far as you’re concerned, you talked to him a few times and his interesting topics never fail to entertain you. Jin steals a toast from Namjoon’s plate so he doesn’t need to get up and fetch one for himself but Namjoon looks too tired to care as he munches on his remaining one toast that his friend can’t steal because it’s halfway in his mouth.
Seokjin’s parents run the bakery on the main road so everyone knows him, he got introduced to the friend group when you were still in high school and you and Jungkook were regulars at the shop. Jin always sneaked a pair of baguettes for the two of you exclusively after you were finished with school.
It’s nice to see all these familiar faces after the stressful semester you had, momentarily forgetting about your problems you feel thankful that Hoseok went out of his way to ruin your plans and sign you up for this train wreck of an adventure, it’s been a while since everyone was together like this.
The doorbell rang interrupting Jungkook and Seokjin’s argument about who’s going to get the last toast piece but Hoseok perked up at the sound yelling excitedly that Yoongi and Jimin are here. Your brother quickens his pace after rising from his seat to open the door for them and grins when they step through the threshold.
Greetings are exchanged between friends and the place becomes livelier as the last pieces decide to join the puzzle, Jimin sees you first and knocks into Jungkook’s shoulder while he tries to get to you to give you a warm hug.
It’s been a while since you last saw Yoongi face to face, you’re added to the boy's group chat so in some depth you knew how he’s doing. He has been over at your house a few times hanging out with Hoseok but you always stayed late inside the library on the days he visited using the weak excuse that you need to catch up on school work so you had no chance of crossing paths with him coincidently while you were searching for a glass of water in the kitchen it’s humiliating enough that he saw you exit your bathroom wearing only a towel when you were a teenager.
Your curves became more defined and your body matured a lot over the years and knowing that he saw you like that when you had no ass or boobs. It’s embarrassing. Hoseok liked you that way because it meant no man would thirst over you as he liked to call it. The memory of him telling the boys that you’re off-limits and made them swear at the ’bro code’ to stay away from you is crystal clear in your mind even if now you are in your twenties.
The memory only makes your situation difficult as Yoongi probably doesn’t feel the same way.
As soon as Jimin steps back and releases you from the hug he has Jungkook in a headlock the next second, wrestling with the younger playfully, Jungkook is probably the closest to Jimin after you.
”Hey, it’s nice to see you.”
Yoongi has a half-smile on his face as he approaches you hesitantly pulling you into a hug like Jimin did but his approach is more gentle and careful as he pats your back with featherlight touches. His scent envelops your senses tuning out everything else that’s not him, it feels like forever that you hugged him, normally the two of you greet each other but rarely hug like this.
”Yeah, you too.” You murmur the words into his shoulder but he must have heard you because the side of his lips turned slightly upwards after you separate.
There are two cars available for the eight of you and Seokjin yells that it’s a matter of a game of rock, paper, scissors and everyone agrees as this is the common way your group chose who is riding with who.
”Easy, the losers ride with Jimin and the winners with Yoongs.” Jungkook is the first one to initiate the rules and everyone agrees except Jimin who whines about why he takes the losers but no one pays attention as the bloody battle starts. The first contestants are Namjoon and Hoseok and your brother ends up loosing while yelling like a banshee and making up excuses that he wanted to show rock and not paper as Namjoon choose scissors as his weapon.
You come up next with Jungkook as your opponent and you let a wicked smile appear on your face because no one knows him better than you, you know his move before he even thinks it through and you show paper getting your well-deserved victory.
Just later you realise that winners ride with Yoongi that you reconsider your decision, you were so caught up in your rivalry that’s your friendship’s base foundation with Jungkook at this point that it slipped your mind entirely.
Taehyung and Jin are the last ones to compete and the battle ends with Taehyung winning the last space in Yoongi’s car leaving Seokjin to dramatically kneel like a wounded soldier making fake sobbing noises. Taehyung ends up changing seats with Jungkook last moment and finally, everything is set to get going.
Jungkook and Namjoon take over the backseat as they loaded their luggage at lightning speed so they can claim their spot first leaving you with the only option to have the passenger seat at the front.
Yoongi obviously got behind the steering wheel entrusted with the task of operating the car throughout this long drive to the summer camp sight. Taehyung, Jin and Hoseok got into Jimin’s car like it was decided by the game.
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The camp is bigger than you expected and the renovations got the place a little modern touch to it while still maintaining a close feel to nature with all the wooden houses and trees around but your favourite part is the lake at the far end of the campsite.
You share a room with a girl counsellor that spends her second year here, still, relatively new like yourself so it’s easy to befriend her. The campers will arrive the next day early in the morning Areum informs you as you two walk to the dining area to have the first meeting before everything starts.
By the end of the day, everyone knows you’re Hoseok’s little sister and new people approach you every now and then to confirm the facts and know a little bit more about you since everyone seems to like your noisy brother here (not that it surprises you), it looks like the counsellors are excited to start a new summer here and the atmosphere easily pulls you in, you watch Jimin and Jungkook have a water fight just to catch in the corner of your eye the figure of your brother pushing an unsuspecting Seokjin into the lake when he stands too close to the edge.
The day goes by like a flash as you hang out with Areum, she shows you her favourite places that consists of the greenhouse and the other side of the lake where there are built benches and tables for outdoor picnics.
Jungkook pouts during dinner fake crying that you replaced him and you have to forcefully spoon feed him to stop him from embarrassing you in front of all these unfamiliar people that gathered to have some quiet dinner. So everything goes smoothly, you have such a great time that it scares you.
It’s getting pretty late when all counsellors gather around the campfire to roast marshmallows and catch up with each other’s lives, you’re still new so you use this time to get to know Areum a little bit more since you and her are going to be responsible for entertaining the kids inside the art room alongside with Taehyung who teaches the kids how to paint.
You tell her about your silly hobby that landed you this job and she gets really excited to see your origami creations, you show the same enthusiasm when she reveals her major is classical statuary.
Even though Yoongi was always nearby it got easy to ignore his existence when so many new things surrounded you. It didn’t mean he fully left your thoughts throughout the day but made you feel that sense of false security that you could get over him. That all those years of pinning for your brother’s best friend could just vanish if you told your heart to stop skipping beats when he calls your name. Boose soon gets introduced to the mix and by the time midnight rolls around everyone is pleasantly buzzed and when Jungkook enters the state that he hangs off of you like a koala nuzzling his cheek into the crook of your neck you decided to call it a night.
You wake up with your head thumping inside your skull slightly feeling hangover; your roommate is in a similar state as you two approach the dining room getting small slices of bread to make a light sandwich.
You’re mid-bite into your food when you see Yoongi enter, walking alongside with your brother he catches your gaze sooner than you were able to look away and after they get their fills on their trays your loud brother flops down next to you with the loudest greeting that he could possibly muster up alerting everyone in the ten-metre radius.
Yoongi and you groan at the same time telling him to shut up like it’s a scripted response and your eyes meet for the barest of seconds before you focus on your half-eaten sandwich.
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It’s hard not to look at him. Despite his gruff exterior, he’s very good at dealing with children, your activity where kids can learn how to fold origami is always after his cookie baking lesson and he smells like rough cookie dough and chocolate ship when he leads the kids into the art room where you would have all the coloured papers ready at each desk and folded a sample beforehand so they can use it as a reference if the instructions don’t look clear enough in the printed page.
The idea for this lesson formed last night, you were up all night as you researched on the internet how to fold hearts. It kept you up till the sun rose as you were trying out every folding technique that would look pretty but easier to do for the kids, you even accidentally cut your finger with the scissor while you were working using only the faint light from the lamp on the bedside table.
Yoongi greets you like he usually would wearing a little smile at the corners as he lets the kids inside first holding the door open for them, he always leaves silently after he delivered the campers to the art room but this time the door slides closed behind his form as he got dragged into the room by a kid named Minsung holding onto Yoongi’s hand he stood awkwardly while everyone else had a decided seat to take.
”Can Yoongi join us today Y/N?” Minsung asks holding Yoongi’s hand as he leads him further into the art room and every kid looks expectantly at you waiting for you to agree and seeing their faces you nod with a smile pulling out the chair next to you beckoning the embarrassed man to sit beside you.
He didn’t think you would say yes if he’s being honest. After you finished high school and he and Hoseok went to University and got busy with life he started to see you less and less, at first he didn’t think much of it but after some time it looked like that you’re actively avoiding him.
He has no idea why (that’s what eats him from the inside out on sleepless nights) he doesn’t remember saying or doing something that would make you upset and even now when you keep bumping into each other you seem skittish around him and he doesn’t like that, hence he even talked to Hoseok about this and your own brother couldn’t give him an answer why you started avoiding him.
”Do you know how to fold origami?” You ask him slipping papers in front of him as soon as he seats himself beside you, your heart beats inside your chest violently when you get enveloped in his scent yet again reminding you of the hug you shared that you’re afraid he’s going to hear it.
”I barely know how to fold my clothes.” The nervous joke lightens the mood as the kids laugh loudly the poor attempt at making you be more comfortable with him earns a little snort that makes a blush creep up your face rapidly in embarrassment but Yoongi thinks you sound adorable. You think you sounded like a troll.
”It’s fine I’ll help you.” Your little smile is still there even though your eyes are no longer on Yoongi as you focus on the kids, you tell them first what they will make and then go into detail how they can fold it while using the instructions and clearing some of the confusing images for them to understand it better. Lastly, you encourage them to not be afraid to ask if they have questions and you’ll gladly help them. It falls silent after as everyone gets absorbed in their work and you start making extra origamis for the children as usual until someone needs help.
Yoongi looks intent on finding out using the illustrations how to proceed and even though your instructions were pretty clear and well detailed he couldn’t figure out how to do it, he wastes two papers before he even got to the third step.
You see him struggling and he clearly gets worked up over it considering the number of creases appearing on his forehead once you get back to your desk after helping a kid figure out the instructions you move your chair closer getting his attention with the movement, your knees touch in the process but neither of you makes any moves to instal more distance between your bodies.
”Can I show you?” You reach for the scrambled paper but stop midway to look up and ask for permission.
Yoongi nods his head sliding the mess closer to you, observing as you unfold the paper and restart making more accurate lines and you immediately see what’s wrong with his shape. His measurements are off, even when he folded the paper in half that seemed uneven because he tried to fold it in one go and the paper sometimes moves around if you’re not careful enough.
After you fixed it and slid the paper to be in front of him you tell him your advice in a soft-spoken way. Heart still hammering inside your chest due to the closeness you share. ”Don’t rush through the steps, take your time while you fold it.” Your fingers touch briefly when you pass him the paper and you resume your working so it would take away from the embarrassment of how loud your heart beats because of him.
He looks so good today wearing a black oversized t-shirt with small prints in the front and even when his hair is damp with sweat his smile is able to melt your resolves any time you gaze up at those dark eyes.
Kids can be very attentive and they easily see how Y/N looks so smitten with Yoongi if those stolen sideway glances are anything to go by, every time he shows up you became a nervous ball of a mess it’s not rocket science to know you have a huge crush on the boy, the only mystery that campers can’t figure out is why you tiptoe around each other when Yoongi doesn’t seem indifferent either.
They often catch him looking at you as they run around the campsite during leisure activities led by Hoseok.
Minsung and Soohyung share a knowing smile as they watch them fold origami and it’s not overlooked by either of them when you focus back to do your work and Yoongi takes glances in your direction mesmerized by you, the task seems easy when he watches you do it.
A knock is followed by the appearance of your camp leader Seokjin leaning onto the doorframe interrupting your little bubble, looking at the kids with a fond expression before he addresses Yoongi and they leave together to discuss something, the activity is almost over as you learn glancing at the clock and Jungkook soon appears where Jin was a little while ago to get the kids.
Jungkook and your brother are the ones responsible for the outdoor activities and at the end of the day not only the kids are tired but their counsellors too by constantly running around to ensure everyone's safety.
Yoongi wanted to talk to you and help you clean up, have a real conversation in private, but things never turn out as he wants them to there seems to be always an obstacle standing between you two so he follows Jin to discuss a camp-related issue while he wishes he could spend a little more time with you.
If only you would tell him what he did wrong so he can fix it, this awkward state you two got stuck in makes him sad for some reason.
There was a time when you were greeting him with a big smile on your face and ask him about his day, he vividly remembers your chubbier cheeks and crooked teeth when you were younger but he doesn’t mind your feminine growth over the years, Yoongi always thought you will grow up to be a beautiful woman.
He remembers your prom dress, it was in a navy blue colour that complimented your fuller curves he only started to notice in your last year in high school, Jungkook posed beside you like you were Mr and Mrs Smith as your parents took pictures of you two and he found himself smiling fondly at you.
It was Hoseok’s birthday when the air shifted from platonic to something else in the short span of ten seconds, both of you were a little tipsy and you were sitting at a corner table together because neither of you wanted to hit the dance floor, the bar was packed and guys tried to hit on you numerous times just to be chased away by your brother’s antics.
You didn’t seem to mind that he prevented every guy from making a move on you and as you were all alone in a small booth chest to chest to hear each other over the loud music while you tried to tell him a story about Jungkook choking on fries at Mcdonalds when the waitress suddenly slipped her number scribbled onto a napkin trying not to ugly laugh yourself. His nose accidentally bumped into yours as he suppressed a laugh and if the others didn’t choose that exact moment to take a breather and have more drinks he thinks he would have probably kissed you right then and there.
The other time he felt something different while he was around you was when you and his friends took a trip to Busan to see the sea and you wore that one piece bikini, the bottom and top half were connected by a line of fabric but let your sides and hips be visible under the little clothing you had on.
Guys turned their heads when you passed them and he couldn’t even blame them like Hoseok because he looked at you a few times as well trying to seem as subtle as he possibly can since Hoseok otherwise would have killed him knowing that his best friend was ogling at his little sister.
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”Don’t you dare!” Your yelling draws the attention of the kids and counsellors equally that’s how loud you are as your best friend approaches your form sitting under the umbrella trying to cool yourself down since today’s temperate is insanely (and unreasonably) hot. ”When we get home I’ll draw all your action figures a moustache using permanent markers. I’m not joking stop right there!”
Your horrific expression is validated since Jungkook has this shit-eating grin on his face when he’s about to do something you’ll most definitely not like, knowing him from your early stage of childhood when he was just a lanky anime fanatic and you were flat like a wooden board with huge pimples you’re an expert at distinguishing his different expressions and actions.
”You’re cute to think that will stop me.” Jungkook chuckles grabbing you by the waist as he drapes you over his shoulder effortlessly walking with you to the edge of the lake despite your efforts to break free from his grip, your friend jumps into the water with you still firmly clinging onto his body. The kids around you laugh at your friendly banter as you rise from the water like a lake monster and you duck Jungkook’s head underwater to make him pay for your ruined clothes and makeup.
Coming to help you, Jimin manoeuvres his boat next to you and stretches his hand out followed by a big grin to drag you out of the lake but it appears to be more difficult as you two almost flip over but you manage to unceremonially flop down next to him dragging your fingers through your hair to get the hairs out of your face.
”You really want war, Jeon. Just you wait but don’t blame me if I shave your hair off while you’re sleeping.” Coughing between your threatening words Jimin starts patting your back, rubbing your spine to help you feel better.
Jimin oars closer to the dock and you land your feet on the ground again without any more incidents occurring while Jungkook swims all the way, making comments about your appearance making the campers giggle alongside with him as your face gets warmer, once both of you are secure on land Jungkook hugs you close despite your distaste, your clothes cling to your body uncomfortably and droplets from his hair land on your cheek as he moulds your bodies together.
”Let me go, I’m not talking to you.” You try to push him away but instead of letting you go he scoops you up from the ground and spins you around, begging for your forgiveness but you don’t give in so easily.
Yoongi observes the scenes before him with a sour expression, he doesn’t even realise how he glares at Jungkook holding you that close to him while both of you are dripping of lake water, your boobs are entirely pushed against his chest as your best friend giggles midst of you struggling to break free.
Next to him Hoseok sits relaxed in his chair sipping his cold drink, shaking his head in faux amusement happy to see you have a good time here, your brother is normally very protective of you when it comes to guys but with Jungkook he knows that you guys are just best friends it’s hard to see you two otherwise when he witnessed your first period crying onto Jungkook’s shoulder that you’re going to bleed out and your poor friend almost dragged you to the hospital because he thought you were being real but soon learned that you overdramatise things when it’s that time of the month.
He often finds you in a weird position while you watch tv with Jungkook’s head on your tummy because the pressure and warmth of his head make the pain more bearable cuddling under blankets because you get needy when you’re on your period, your brother knows all of this because when your best friend is unavailable he has to fill the space and lay his head on your stomach until the feeling goes away.
He had his doubts in the early stage of your budding friendship when you first started to hang out with each other because things can get weird easily between friends if they are not the same gender but Jungkook proved to Hoseok multiple times that he supports you and would walk through fire for you. Nothing happened between you two in romantic aspects, there was no shift, even though someone who doesn’t see you daily interacting with him would assume something is going on.
”I’m going to change.” You announce to no one in particular, the way your shirt clings to your curves as you’re surrounded by male counsellors you don’t know adds extra pressure and their eyes on you make you uncomfortably fidget in place, your make up is probably smudged on your face giving you a panda effect.
”Wear this your bra is showing.” Jungkook gives you his wet shirt but the black material conceals your body to look decent enough and you thank him he could easily sense your distress and he feels a little bad that he pulled that trick on you. He had to coax you into wearing that bikini at the beach last year buttering you up with compliments so the two of you could finally get going, he knows better than anyone that you’re shy and insecure about your body if someone you don’t know sees you, you don’t hate your body but it makes you feel anxious if some stranger looks at you like you’re his meal for the evening and he totally gets it.
He glares at every single one of them who looks at you inappropriately alongside your brother who shares the same sentiment as him. You deserve to be treated right, that’s why he was super angry once you told him about your first time, that guy just stuck it in without making you cum.
Hoseok doesn’t know, however, you only told Jungkook about your unpleasant experience when you were tipsy, you had to tell him at a house party while playing truth or dare, you had to share something he didn’t know and considering he’s your best friend not much was there to confess. You hoped that he was drunk enough to forget about it the next day but he surprised you with ice cream and you talked it out with him, he can be immature sometimes though when the situation needs him to be serious he’s there for you. He never once made fun of you for something you felt insecure or not confident about.
Areum takes in your dishevelled look as soon as you step through the entrance of your current accommodation, opting for a quick shower to wash the dirty lake water off your skin you tell her what happened vaguely before disappearing behind the bathroom door and she snickers silently seeing your grumpy face.
Jungkook marches to the seat next to Hoseok the playful glint is still there as he rakes his fingers through his hair shaking the droplets out of his locks like a dog and the way female colleagues eye him didn’t go unnoticed by either Yoongi or Hoseok for that matter. Your best friend is not as dense as you think he is because for a while now he connected the dots why you seem to avoid Yoongi at all cost.
It shocked him at first but now observing your interactions closely he calls himself a fool that he didn’t realise it sooner. Your best friend knows about the ’you can’t woo my baby sister’ rule because it’s applied to him as well, Hoseok cornered him one day after you left to bring up snacks for a movie night and told him awfully descriptive outcomes what will happen to him if he tries anything on you all the while he pushed him against your lavender walls, that day he learned that smiley Hoseok can be scary sometimes.
It’s been years and his overprotectiveness lessened because you dated guys here and there and Hoseok was always supportive of you and your soon-to-be boyfriends, but you didn’t go to second dates with any of them.
He found it strange at first but after he found out about your little crush on your brother’s best friend some things clicked and your behaviour wasn’t soo odd anymore, Jungkook didn’t read too much into it at first because he thought it’s going to be a fleeting flame but it’s been years that you harbour feelings for the older man.
Yoongi was a harder nut to crack because he’s better at masking his feelings than you but he can see how his eyes linger on you when he thinks no one’s looking, his slip-ups are subtle ones and it would go over his head if he wouldn’t be so tuned in searching for his reactions.
His gut feeling tells him Yoongi feels the same way you do (his face might not be as expressive but his eyes are sparkling every time he finds you in the crowd) although he can’t be one hundred percent sure, the benefit of the doubt that makes him keep question every move and look he throws your way his confusing actions indicates that even Yoongi doesn’t know how he truly feels about you so Jungkook didn’t bring up the subject because he’s not sure how to approach this without making this more complicated.
He doesn’t want to give you hope when he can’t guarantee his intuition is right so he choose to silently observe and let things unfold naturally but it gets harder with time to ignore how you two are dancing around each other like idiots. Well, at least before now you straight out refuse to be in the same room as him.
At this point, he’s convinced that neither of you is going to make a move to let the other know about your romantic feelings, he wanted to respect the fact that you didn’t want him to know about your feelings towards your brother’s best friend but enough is enough and he’s tired of seeing you avoid the matter for another year like this.
His plan so far doesn’t seem to work, he convinced Hoseok to sign you up for the camp against your will but things don’t go forward as you keep avoiding the problem so he needs to give both of you a little push from the sidelines to end this.
He doesn’t like the idea of you hurting if he’s being wrong about this but the rejection would be better than living in denial, not knowing if he reciprocates your feelings, he hates seeing you cry but he’ll be there to kick ass and support you. Jungkook makes up his mind and calls Hoseok’s name to grab his attention.
”What do you think about one of your friends dating Y/N?”
Hoseok’s brow raises in question and Yoongi’s body stiffens at the mention trying to seem unaffected but Jungkook detects the slight change in his demeanour. ”Why do you ask? You’re not in love with my sister, are you Jeon?” He can’t stop laughing as he hears Hoseok accusing him immediately, he gets comfortable in his seat before answering. Waiting a little before responding to get a dramatic effect, he spends too much time with you as he realises he picked up some of your theatrical approaches.
”God, no. She’s my best friend I know too much about her to think like that.” His laughing subdues into small chuckles, he saw you at your worst and best moments, seen you naked by accident. You’re beautiful and funny but he doesn’t see you as a woman. Yoongi’s eyebrow twitches at the mention of ’knowing too much’ but Jungkook’s next words are the final blow for him to grip the armrest.
”I heard Taehyung is gonna ask her out and I wanted to know what you think about it.” Hoseok schools his features quickly after that, he didn’t know Taehyung liked you like that but he has no right to control your life or tell you who you can consider as a potential love interest. You can like whoever you want, he tried to show you his support when you introduced some of your dates to him and he’s going to keep his promise even when it comes to his friends.
You were always close but after he began to tell you who you can or can’t see your relationship became distant until he realised his mistakes, you forgave him easily because you love your brother a lot and he loves you just as much so after a heartfelt conversation between the two of you he promised not to do that to you ever again.
You’re aware he did this to protect you because you’re his precious little sister and big brothers could get unreasonably overprotective so after you almost drifted apart and even though you two talked it out. The fact that because of a boy you argued with Hoseok you decided you’ll never act on your feelings for Yoongi for the sake of your relationship. Jungkook doesn’t know that’s the main reason you keep avoiding Yoongi but he couldn’t have known because you two never touched upon the subject.
”It’s her decision.” Hoseok shrugs finally and Jungkook nods with a smile eyeing Yoongi who seem to absorb the answer he didn’t think he would get.
You’re aware of your feelings so it’s time for Yoongi to reflect on his thoughts and figure out what he wants.
Jungkook thinks that his plan might just work if he keeps up the good work. You can thank him later.
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Taehyung is an unsuspecting victim caught up in Jungkook’s spider web to get you guys together. He likes every kind of art-related stuff and Jungkook showed him some of the origamis you folded for him as he has a few of the smaller ones stuffed inside his wallet under your graduation photo and of course when Taehyung asked you to teach him you agreed with the biggest smile on your face.
You took it as a great opportunity to get to know him better because you’re the least close to him in the group, not because you don’t think he’s a nice guy but before this there were not many occasions to bond with him.
He has the talent for it you realise this soon and you two spend hours inside the art room together folding new pieces after you’re free, he even suggests as a beginner what’s easier to make so the kids can be encouraged rather than making them do hard ones and be disappointed by the end result.
He visits you often and brings you tea to chat about art at first but gradually you get to know more about each other’s personal lives all the while you make origamis together. You skip lunch sometimes when you get too caught up experimenting with new shapes and Jungkook notices the displeased expression on Yoongi’s face every time someone asks about you and Taehyung’s whereabouts just to hear you two are yet again holed up inside the art room laughing and chatting.
He got even grumpier than normal and lashes out without any reason, the others dismiss his behaviour as he probably had a bad day but his best friend knows something is up with him, it’s not like he lashes out on the children because he smiles at them like he used to but his quick mood changes are getting on everyone’s nerves lately. Hoseok knows that something bothers him but every time he asks about it he says it’s nothing.
Jungkook sits beside Hoseok as he goes on and on about he has no idea what’s gotten into Yoongi lately and he’s close to rolling his eyes at him, no wonder you two are siblings he thinks. Both of you are idiots.
Yoongi didn’t show up for breakfast and you’re nowhere to find as well, he knows you’re not with Taehyung because he sits at the table behind him with Jimin and Seokjin telling each other funny stories about the kids. He shows some of the origami pieces he folded and Jimin compliments him while Seokjin tries to stuck one inside his pocket so a friendly banter breaks out at their table.
”.. and he doesn’t even tell me what’s the problem. Hey, Jungkook are you listening to me at all?” Hoseok waves his hand in front of Jungkook’s face who munches on the garnish almost finished with eating while your brother’s plate is full of food because as soon as Jungkook joined him at the table, since he couldn’t find you in the crowd, started complaining about how difficult Yoongi is being as of late and it’s too early to deal with this bullshit.
”Yoongi is upset because Y/N hangs out with Taehyung too much. If you look at the signs you would have seen that he obviously likes your sister but because of that stupid rule you made neither of them is acting upon their feelings for each other.” The outburst momentarily shuts up Hoseok, his mouth hangs open like a fish out of water blinking rapidly and it’s noticeable how the wheels are turning inside his head as he processes the information.
”Yoongi likes my sister?!” The three surrounding tables turn after hearing Hoseok’s signature banshee yell and Jungkook audibly sighs at the shocked expression he’s sporting like he suddenly grew four heads and three legs. He just might because the food is weird sometimes.
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You tell Areum you have to pick something up from the art room and you’ll join her a bit later to eat breakfast hiding your hands in your hoodie’s pocket as mornings tend to be on the colder side, she gives you a thumbs up as she walks towards the dining room and you wait until she gets out of sight to turn on your heel.
You visit the art room first but what you’re searching for is not there and you head back to your cabin to see if you brought it back by accident without you realising it.
You made that origami star Taehyung whined to you about. He wanted to make one but it just can’t seem to look like it should be as he showed you his attempts. It took you a few tries to succeed as well since folding the edges were quite tricky to figure out.
On your way to the dining room, you bump into someone and the star you made end up on the ground slipping out of your grip. Raising your head instantly to apologise to the person, you were not ready to face Min Yoongi out of all people, he picks up the origami and hands it back dusting it off before giving it to you.
”Uh, everything’s alright? You seem to be in a bad mood.” You’re hesitant to address the elephant in the room, you didn’t really witness his mood swings as others because you spent most of your time in the art room but seeing him now with dark circles under his eyes a grim expression on his handsome face, it speaks volumes of how true it is, and you would hate to get on his bad side because you ask a question everyone probably asked before you.
”I’m fine.” Yoongi tilts his head towards the sky and sighs, you wait for him to say something else but that’s all he does before he walks past you.
You grimace at the lack of response, sure, things were awkward nowadays but he never straight out ignored you like that, he didn’t even look at you while he answered and left just like that.
When you join Jungkook and your brother for breakfast they have a weird aura around them and you’re itching to interrupt their silent talk as they eye each other like you’re not sitting right next to both of them.
What is wrong with anyone today, huh?
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”Okay we need to do something, things can’t continue like this.” Jungkook places his hands on each side of his hips as he captures everyone's attention when he climbs on top of one of the tables like he’s about to give a grand speech about something world-rocking kind of important matters.
”I agree. I can’t even say something to Yoongi that doesn’t end with him taking my head off.” Jimin and Taehyung agree immediately since they had to deal with his temper for the most part.
”And what do you suggest we do?” Hoseok puts his weight onto the broom as he speaks, after Jungkook told him that his best friend is in love with his sister everything made sense in a way.
Why he asked about you a lot like how’s school or how’ life going for you, made sure to get something for your birthday every year, he thought that he’s nice to you because you’re his little sister, after all, he told him to treat you right. He couldn’t be more wrong about it, however. They are supposed to be best friends and Hoseok didn’t even know he liked you like that.
”I think you should talk to her Hobi. She doesn’t act on her feelings because she thinks you wouldn’t like them together, maybe if you tell her it’s ok to date each other they will end our suffering. I don’t think I can manage this moody Yoongi for another day he looked like he’s about to murder me in my sleep.” Because of Jungkook’s scheme, Yoongi went extra hard on Taehyung and the poor soul didn’t have a clue why he’s suddenly replaced as Yoongi’s personal punching bag.
Hoseok makes sure to visit your cabin after they are done cleaning and it would be an understatement to say he feels a little nervous. It’s weird that he’s here to tell you to go after his best friend as it is.  
He already had a talk with Yoong in their cabin before he came here and his friend seemed terrified when Hoseok told him he knows that he’s in love with his sister.
All the colour drained from his face and he actually took pity on him that it feels him with so much dread that his best friend knows he likes a girl, even if it’s his sister he’s happy that he found someone he likes.
Hoseok tells him that nothing is going on between you and Taehyung so he should stop torturing him, Jungkook just tried to make him jealous by saying that, it felt nice for both of them to talk openly about everything.
Yoongi told him about the party when he almost kissed her or when they would stay up all night talking to each other about everything and nothing, he shares his genuine feelings and admits that for a while he didn’t know what he felt for her but he wants to be with her.
You had similar reactions like his friend, at first you tried to deny the fact but later when Hoseok reveals everything and speak about Jungkook’s plan, you gave up to lie and instead tell him you liked him for three years and you tried to move on but you couldn’t that’s why none of your previous relationships seemed to work out.
Your brother feels stupid for not seeing the signs, maybe Jungkook was right and he’s really an idiot.
It’s awkward knowing that he feels the same way about you you’re not gonna lie, it feels like a dream but at the same time, you’re afraid one day you’ll wake up and realise all of this was just a fragment of your imagination.
Hoseok’s support was a pleasant surprise and even though you want to strangle your best friend with your bare hands for meddling with your business and literally shouting out to the world you love Min Yoongi to the moon and back moments ago to have everyone witness your face flame up you decide against all expectations and you give him a bone-crushing hug because without him all of this wouldn’t have happened. All that matters is that he likes you back.
”How did you know?” You curiously ask and Jungkook feigns he’s thinking about the answer whilst pinching your cheek, that smirk he wears when he’s about to say something stupid makes you reconsider. You shouldn’t have asked.
”I mean I discovered it recently so you were quite good at hiding it because normally I always sniff out your secrets right off the bat but as soon as I focused on your reactions it was easy to tell.” He points at Yoongi standing a few feet away next to Hoseok and he suddenly burst out laughing.
”I saw you running into a fucking tree when you saw Yoongi wet because Hoseok threw him into the lake.” You clasp your hand over his runny mouth before he can embarrass you further, you were not ready to see Yoongi blush so cutely at the comment while Hoseok doubled over because he laughed so hard seeing your face after Jungkook said that.
You denied it in a high pitched squeal. ”That fucking tree wasn’t there that’s why!” Everyone seemed to find your excuse hilarious as they laughed continuously at your attempts of saving your last piece of dignity but even Yoongi chuckled couldn’t contain his biggest smile to take over his features as he thinks you look so cute when you’re embarrassed, and you like him back.
”Can we see a kiss at least if we had to put up with grumpy Yoongi for an entire week, I really started to fear for my life, you know?” Jimin chimed in, it was endearing to see Yoongi turn bashful in front of you.
”Now that it was brought up Jeon Jungkook I can’t believe you used me like that! I had no idea why you suggested that I try to learn making origamis from Y/N. Our friendship is over!” Taehyung points at your best friend accusingly and he only scratches the back of his neck.
”I did it for a good cause…wait Tae where are you going? Look I’m sorry…” Jungkook chases after the former boy trying to hug him from behind but Taehyung doesn’t reciprocate it and your friend starts whining at that telling him that he’s so sorry while Jimin and the others unoccupied at the moment resumes their staring at the both of you to move and kiss finally.
Even Namjoon and Seokjin who were silent until now joins in and chants alongside the others to ”kiss kiss kiss kissss”
You let out a shy chuckle taking the first steps in his direction and his eyes go wide in surprise when your shoe touch. Kissing his cheek instead you tiptoe to reach his height so you can easily circle your hands around his neck and pull him down to hug you, it reminds you of the hug you shared with him before the whole trip to the summer camp started but this time it felt different.
His embrace was warm and inviting as he held you by your waist his chest vibrated against you as he laughed when your friends demanded a real kiss.
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Yoongi found himself sitting beside you inside the art room as you explained how the kids can make bunny-shaped origami out of the grey coloured papers in front of them and his hand immediately found yours under the table to intertwine your fingers together once you sat down next to him.
You try to suppress a smile as you watch over the kids ensuring that they don’t cut themselves with the scissors but your body betrays you as you subconsciously lean into his frame he smells like vanilla extract and chocolate. He showed the kids how to make muffins in today’s lesson, it turned out good because Yoongi measured the ingredients while the kids only mixed and did simple tasks such as portioning out the dough or decorating the top of the treats.
Someone had two or three muffins left on their table as they worked, focused on their folding technique occasionally they stole bites making you and Yoongi giggling under your noses when you would catch chipmunk cheeks.
Yoongi helped you clean up after the lesson throwing out leftover papers and sweeping the floor before you joined the others for lunch.
Things changed in the group’s dynamics after you started dating Yoongi but overall they were happy to see both of you happy.
Even though Jungkook likes to make jokes about how you two are basically joined at the hip for days and soon after starts to complain about how you spend less time with him now that you have a boyfriend, he’s clearly happy for you. It’s a new situation for everyone and Hoseok has a hard time picturing you with his best friend but seeing you so happy with him he supports your relationship wholeheartedly.
After you’re done with the activities for the day you and Yoongi retreat into his cabin as everyone else stays at the campfire. They see the two of you slip away hand in hand, howbeit no one dares to comment on it but you see Jungkook having an inner battle to stop himself from yelling out ’use protection’ luckily Taehyung stuffs his mouth with a handful of chio chips before that could happen.
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Your boyfriend pulls you closer by tugging on your intertwined hands caging you between his arms and the door, kissing the corner of your mouth he moves downwards to kiss over your jawline and neck, smiles into the juncture of your neck when you chase after his lips as he pecks your cupid’s bow next, impatient to feel his lips against yours you pull at a fistful of his hair guiding his mouth to capture his lip between your teeth. Yoongi grunts into the kiss tasting your sweet mouth never cease his hunger for you, only leaves him wanting more and more.
”I can’t believe you’re mine.” He seals his words over your feverish skin with in between kisses, marking up your neck, nibbling and kissing every inch until your breath becomes laboured under his sweet attacks.
You weave your fingers into his hair whilst a soft mewl leaves your parted lips as his knee parts your legs to brush against your centre.
He presses his thighs further into your throbbing pussy swallowing the noises you make getting lost in your body heat. He wants to take his time with you licking every corner and dip until you shake and pant his name.
”Wait. What about my brother?” You jump a little when you feel his hand on your ribs travelling up until he cups your breast over the shirt you’re wearing. Kneading your flesh over the fabric your body relaxes into his touch it’s enough to leave you breathless seeing his expression so earnest to please you, pupils dilated as he looks at you under his hooded lids it’s hard to control his urges when you look good enough to eat.
”He stays over at Namjoon’s don’t worry about him.” Yoongi catches your earlobe with his mouth biting down on your shell playfully, the sensation makes you heave a gasp, the words barely registering in your brain.
”Off. I want this off.” Feeling especially bold today you sneak your hands under his shirt caressing his sides with your fingertips, pecking his collarbone that peaks through the collar of his clothing. A whine resonates within your throat when your boyfriend steps back to pull his shirt over his head revealing his stomach and shoulders for your hungry eyes to feast upon disliking the cold air that fills the space once his body is not there to keep you warm, you pull him close diving in to connect your lips in a heated kiss tongue licking into his mouth.
His hands wander under your clothes this time mapping out your smooth skin following the lines of your sides to find the opening on your bra, once he gets the clasp open he traces your spine with his index finger grabbing your ass with both hands as his wandering hands reach south. Your moan gets lost inside his busy mouth that explores your hot cavern at the same time his hands cup you over the fabric of your leggings. It doesn’t give your throbbing pussy justice when he decides to rub your clit and drag his fingers over the dampening material.
”Let’s move things to the bedroom shall we?” The innocent peck he places onto your cheek makes your heart flutter, excitement and love mix inside your veins sweetening your blood as your pulse quickens under his adoring gaze. You nod kissing him again before you let him guide you to his door, not separating from your sensually moving lips as he blindly closes it behind your entangled forms.
He removes your pants and shirt in one go, letting the garments form a pile on the floor promising your sweet release with each removed clothing until the only remaining barrier that keeps your naked glory from his piercing gaze is slipped down your shaved legs, he feels how soaked the material of your cotton underwear had become after so little foreplay and he finds himself insanely turned on by the discovery.
Yoongi eagerly encloses his mouth over your erect bud eliciting airy moans when he alternates between sucks and licks on your sensitive mound paying equal attention to both sides as he massages the neglected one with firm hands whilst he blows air to the saliva coated nipples and watch your expression morph into torturous pleasure but he’s not satisfied with your shy suppressed noises.
Your slick oozes out of your empty opening running down your thighs and stain the bedsheet your clit aches to be touched and your hole clenches around nothing as your lover keeps his head between your boobs kissing and licking your skin there until your nipples get too sensitive to his touch, red and swollen when he rolls it between his fingers. His leg parts your thighs keeping them wide open so you can’t get any stimulation until he decides to move lower.
Seeing how you shake under his body parted lips keep asking him to give you more, he doesn’t have the heart to deny you any longer as he starts to rub your thighs keeping your legs open for him to bury his face between your beautiful cunt swollen and needy for his touch he lets his tongue dip between your folds tasting you first before gently sucking on your clit.
He hears you call his name perfectly in tune with his tongue’s strokes as he intends to eat you up. Your essence covers his chin as he licks your hole clean lapping up everything your precious body can produce for him dipping inside the tip of his tongue your muscles tense up ready to get filled with something bigger and Yoongi’s cock twitches inside the confine of his underwear.
He doesn’t need to remove his undergarments to know his tip is red and slick with his precum desperate to fill your empty hole up but before that, he coats two of his fingers in your wetness and pushes them inside parting your walls gently to ease you into the feeling preparing you to take his cock.
Your hips buck into his hand as he curls his long fingers inside your velvety walls feeling your muscles constrict around his digits he moans with his head thrown back as he imagines his dick getting the same treatment later, your musky scent and visual laying beneath him taking what he gives you drives him crazy with need.
Perking up at the sound you open your eyes blinking to get the blurriness fade dreamy half-lidded eyes watch as his fingers fill you up and you almost close them again because of the pure ecstasy his expert hands give to your overwhelmed body.
You see the painful tent that formed inside his briefs before the numbing pleasure could consume you yet again and there’s a wet spot in the middle that lets you know he gets off on seeing you enjoy yourself. His hips unknowingly to him ruts against the sheets to get some kind of friction realising that he focused solely on your pleasure and put it aside to chase his, he’s so different from the partners you previously slept with and the sudden urge to please him overtakes your selfish side to just receive and receive.
You palm him over the wet spot following the outline of his hard dick to give him some well-deserved relief and he immediately grinds into your palm letting out breathy groans and low moans, you don’t mind at all when he gets lost in your touch instead and momentarily forgets about his goal to get you prepped nicely for his cock. The fingers he has inside you stills and your head clear out a little, you’re able to focus on his face learning what he likes as you study his reactions to your movements, you know his moans will probably become your favourite sounds.
You take advantage of his current state to switch positions, letting his fingers slip out of you as you get rid of his underwear grabbing his thighs to lower yourself while he sits down at the edge of the bed.
Taking his tip into your mouth to taste his precum you feel Yoongi’s nails digging into your scalp as you swallow around him trying to get him into your mouth as much as your poor jaw can handle. Holding the base of his cock to guide him back into your wet cavern you set a slow pace, stroking what you can’t fit.
”You look so good sucking my dick baby.” You learned that he tends to be on the quiet side even in the bedroom, his reactions however are good indicators of how you’re able to affect him with every swirl of your tongue. Letting him use the hand tangled in your hair to set the rhythm of your movements your vision blurs as tears swell in your eyes due to the quickened pace and force he starts to fuck your mouth but he pulls out before he could get too close to cumming.
”I need to have you know. Lie down on the bed with your legs spread wide for me.” You follow his instructions showing him your drenched swollen pussy as he climbs on the bed after you, admiring the way he ruined your cunt before he reaches for a condom retrieving the item from inside his drawer.
He touches himself in front of you watching you squirm under his gaze as you wait for him to roll the condom down his length, your body aches to finally be filled with something bigger.
”Yoongi. Fill me up.” You part your pussy lips for him revealing your hole clenching around nothing, beckoning him to fill you up Yoongi looks at the sinful image in front of him saving this memory of you for later when he’s alone with his hands but today he plans to have your cunt wrapped around his cock rather than his fingers.
Your drenched walls suck him in as he enters you, hips lowering in slow motion to bury his entire length inside, nice and steady, gripping his shoulders for support you moan into the sloppy kiss feeling so full.
You hear his guttural moan loud and clear just as his breath hits the shell of your ear and your walls squeeze around him, wet squelching sounds ring beside your mixed love language thriving off the sounds he grunts directly into your ear encouraging you to meet his movements in the middle.
It feels like you stand in front of the gates of heaven when Yoongi increases his pace thrusting in and out, not being able to stop as he feels his balls tighten with the need to cum he parts your legs even more as he watches his dick emerge from the pussy he owns now coated in your juices taking his hard length and moan out every time his tip curves to touch your sweet spot with each delivered stroke.
You cum first around his dick, he helps you ride out your pleasure only pulling out when you whine from oversensitivity and he rolls the condom off to finish as well, watching your spent pussy glistening with your cum he uses the sight in front of him to get off, he collects your slick to lubricate his shaft as he starts to jerk himself off faster.
Once your breathing evens out and you see the concentration on Yoongi’s face while he lucidly moves his hands up and down his throbbing cock with the desperate need to cum you touch his hips drawing soothing circles onto his sweaty skin taking him back into your mouth to help him reach his high.
He comes in your mouth with a soft cry throwing his head back as you keep sucking him licking his sensitive tip until he pulls your head off with a shaky hand stroking your cheeks with his thumb.
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”So friends and family, let me introduce you to my boyfriend Yoongi. You might have already met him before.” You joke in front of your relatives of all ages and you see in the corner of your eyes how Hoseok rolls his eyes.
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danielxricciardo · 3 years
Where do we go from here
Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Chapters: 1/?
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3,015
Playlist for the series
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It was your fault when you agreed to go to Monaco. After what happened the last time, you swore you would never go back there. Because it fucked with your mind and soul. You were crushed and your best friend had to scrap you off the floor for weeks, he had to remind you to shower and to eat. Knowing he will be so pissed you chose to go back to him, you didn't tell him you were leaving for a week until you were on the plane. His reaction was everything you were expecting, he called you a bitch and he advised you not to get back to him with a broken heart to cry on his shoulder then he hung up on you. Sure, you both knew you will cry on his shoulder after this week.
The entire flight you were questioning your life choices. How did you get there? You wanted - you needed to know how you allowed yourself to become dependent on a piece of affection from Daniel. You were trying to figure out when you became a sucker for him but you couldn't, maybe because you always were.
You'd always been good friends, ever since he moved from Australia to Europe. You were his first non-Australian friend and he was always been grateful for you and your friendship. You were with him even when he didn't ask you to and even when he told you he wanted to be left alone. That was your first choice. You went with him to almost all the junior competitions, until he reached Formula 1, you cried with him when he had a bad race and you partied with him on a podium or a win. Fuck it, 9 years later, you were still with him. Red Bull Racing was the team that helped him discover himself as a driver and gave him confidence that he could get far. After only one year in the team, he finished third in the drivers' championship with 238 points and secured the first fastest lap of his Formula One career at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
But all this has consequences. The fact that he was so good and became so well known attracted many girls who wanted to meet him and be affiliated with him for increased media attention. The worst part was that he liked all the female attention. Who wouldn't like it? He could have a new girl every day and they would still not end. But Daniel was not the type to take such advantage of his name and his position in society, you thought at the time. But that was exactly what he did. At the end of the 2014 season, days would pass without hearing from him because he was too busy to enjoy the female attendance that crossed his threshold.
After a few months, you already had a pattern. For 5 days you would not hear from him and on Saturday morning he would call you with a guttural voice, asking you to come to his place. And you went there with some headache pills and for a few hours, you would listen to everything that had happened during the week with different girls. At first, it hurt a lot. To hear how your best friend and the person for whom you develop some romantic feelings, has fun, and fucks with different girls is not very ok, but over time the whole situation had become repetitive and you became immune.
But you didn't realize you became a regular girl in his bed too. The only difference between you and the tens, maybe the hundreds of girls before you, was that you warmed his bed on Saturday and Sunday. It was just you, all weekend, every weekend. You felt special. He gives you his full attention all weekend and you hope he doesn't need anyone but you, except that Monday was coming and you could see that to his right was another model looking for fame. But have you ever told him what bothers you? No. Because you'd rather share him with so many girls than not have him in your life at all.
So what happened when you ended up crying for weeks without eating or taking a shower? Daniel told you that he is done with all the girls and he wants to focus on his career. This is after in 2015 he finished the season in 9th place with only 92 points, without a victory, and only twice on the podium. Of course you were happy! Daniel was going to have only you in his life. But he told you that what was between you before, sex and everything else, must end as well. I mean, you had to go back to being just friends. But how do you go back to being just friends with the person you've shared the bed with so many times? Friends don't know the way you taste. Your luck was that you had to go for a visit to your parents for 2 weeks and you didn't have to see him. You had 2 weeks to lick your wounds and return to him without a broken heart. Troy, your best friend, was with you and he tried to put your heart back together. Just when he succeeded, you had to go back to Daniel as if nothing had happened. Broken heart? Who?
Making your own decisions makes you responsible for what comes out of that decision whether it was a positive move or not. Making your own decisions also allows you to make your own mistakes and learn from them. It was your decision to go back to Daniel, to your friend. It was hard to look at him and not want to kiss those fleshy lips but you could manage it.
"There she is!" you heard Daniel say as soon as the Nice Côte d'Azur airport gates opened. He was wearing his merch purple hoodie that you wore so many times before and a pair of black jeans. He had a pair of sunglasses on to keep him away from the press. You smiled. It's been 2 weeks since you've seen him and it's as if your heart has tightened in your chest. You really missed him. You ignored his calls because you didn't want to hear his voice and start crying on the phone and all the messages he sent you were deleted by Troy. You don't even know what he wrote to you.
"Hey, Daniel!" you said and hugged him. You were enveloped by the smell of his perfume and you smiled. He was your safe place. "Missed you."
He hugged you back and the force he put in that hug was enough to crush your bones. But it didn't hurt you. You wanted to be one with him, to be absorbed by him. Everything platonic, of course.
"Missed you too, Y/N."
The road to your house was not a long one but at that moment everyone seemed to be on the road at the same time as you so what needed to be a 45-minutes road trip was now more than an hour, and you were still in the car. The small talk already finished about your parents, your brother and your best friend, Troy, and about all the new things from your home town and at the moment in the car was an uncomfortable silence which none of you knew how to break.
"I tried to talk to you these 2 weeks, you know?" Daniel said and you swallowed loudly. You knew that at some point he would ask about why you didn't talk to him for two weeks, but you hoped it would take some time until then - you hoped you had more time to think about a pretty good reason.
"Yeah, sorry, I just wanted to focus on my people there, you know?" you bit the inside of your cheek until you felt the metallic taste of blood. You hoped it would be a pretty convincing reason but you knew after so many years of friendship that Daniel is not the type to press you if you don't want to say something.
"Yeah, I get it, I'm the same when I'm down under, y'know?" you both laughed, and for the first time in a long time you felt good around him. You felt yourself, no labels and no shoes to fill.
In front of your apartment block, after Daniel took all your luggage out of the car trunk, he leaned against the car, his hands folded, and looked at you.
"Aren't you going to help me get them up to my apartment?"
"Yes, in a minute," he says, still looking at you. "Would you like to do something tonight?"
You shrugged. You weren't tired after the flight, so you could have done something but you had so many questions. Just the two of you? Was anyone else coming? Any friends of his? Some girl? But you couldn't ask him, even if you were friends, you didn't want to give him the feeling that you were jealous. Were you jealous? You didn't have a reason just yet but you could become one.
"Sure. Do you have something in mind?"
"Remember Jay? He just opened a nightclub. Actually, tonight is the opening, he asked me to swing by for a few hours, want to go?"
"Yeah, sure, sounds like fun."
Daniel took two suitcases and passed you to enter the block, but he walked with the wheels over your toes.
"Hey, idiot, watch where you're going!" you yelled at him and immediately laughed. Daniel turned to you, laughing too. You didn't realize when you said it, but that was the exact phrase you told him when you first met.
You got out of the cab in front of the restaurant and slammed the door shut, despite the pleading of the driver to be gentle with his darling car.
You arranged your dress on your body and put your hair behind your ear. You were ready for this blind date that Ellie, your co-worker, planned for you. Of course, there were better things for you to do on a Friday night, such as drinking a bottle of red wine watching a few episodes of your favorite show. But you were there, prepared for a shitshow. You took a few steps towards the big glass door until someone hit you hard and made you unbalance and break a heel.
"Hey, idiot, watch where you're going!" you yelled at the boy that hit you. A tall, dark guy that made you lose the little balance you still had. A small amount of his curly dark-haired was peaking out under the white hoodie he was wearing and his brown big eyes were looking at you like you were a statuette that broke.
"So sorry," he said and the thick accent made your legs soft. Whatever accent that was, you knew you wanted to hear him talk non-stop. "Was looking for an address, I'm fucking lost."
"That's fine, maybe I can help you," you smiled at the boy and you took off your heels. One was already broken so there was no point in wearing them at this point.
"Oh, no, it's fine, you look so elegant, you must be dining with your boyfriend or something," he laughed and then saw the broken heel. "Bloody, I just broke your shoes, I'm so sorry!"
You laughed even harder at the panicked boy in front of you.
"No boyfriend, just a blind date I didn't even want to go in the first place so you saved me, I'm the one that should say thank you. Where do you need to go to?"
He came closer to you with a map in his hand. He showed you where he had to go and you explained to him that he was in the wrong part of the city but you were more than happy to show him the right way. But after you stopped at a boutique to buy a 5 euro pair of sandals.
"This city is not so big that you get lost in it," you told the boy, whose name is Daniel Ricciardo, he told you so. "How long have you been here?"
"Ugh, just a day, and I thought it was a good idea to go out and see the city, I even took this stupid map, but I still got lost."
"Okay, but why did you go out by yourself in the evening and not in the morning or, at least, when is sunny, y'know?" you ask him and point to his left, where you had to go.
"I woke up two hours ago. I slept for eleven hours with the whole time zone, jet lag, and shit and when I woke up I was hungry. I went to get some food and to visit the surroundings because why not," he shrugged.
"But where did you come from?"
"Perth, Australia, baby!" he smiled and leaned back, pulling his chest forward. Anyone could see how proud he was of his hometown.
"This is you!" you announced when you arrived in front of the apartment building, his final destination. He smiled so wide and hugged you.
"Thank you so much, you saved me!"
"No biggie," you smiled at him and then waved. "Bye, Daniel Ricciardo."
"Hey, hey, let's meet tomorrow for a brekky!" he casually announced.
"For a what?"
"Oh, sorry!" he laughed. "Forgot for a second you're not Australian. For breakfast."
"Sure, I'll come here at 9 so you won't get lost again. Bye, Daniel Ricciardo!"
"Bye, Y/N Y/L/N!"
"I'll come and pick you up at about 10 o'clock, ok?" Daniel announced just as he was about to leave your apartment after he got up all your luggage. "Sounds good?"
"Yep. All good."
"And wear something sexy!" he yelled as he was closing the front door. Something sexy? Why would he request a sexy outfit for a night out from you? His best friend. Sometimes Daniel made your head spin, that was one of those occasions, you didn't pay much attention to it, you just went to grab a shower.
The night had come too fast. Sure, you had enough time to put on makeup and do your hair, but you had no idea what to wear. You were sitting in front of the bed in your underwear, with three dresses lying on the bed when the clock struck 10 o'clock. You heard the front door open and close but you did not hurry to put something on yourself so that Daniel would not see you in your underwear; he saw you even worse than that.
"Hey, are you ready? Whoah!" he says and turns his back on you, with his hand covering his eyes. "You should have told me you were naked!"
You scoffed at him.
"Cut the crap and come help me pick a dress for tonight, Ricciardo."
Daniel removed his hand from the eyes and looked at you and swallowed hard. The underwear you were wearing was almost a silky one, black, that hugged your curves just right. He couldn't take his eyes off you and you loved all the attention.
"Stop drooling and come help me. Do you want to go to this club or not?"
Daniel came near you, his eyes were now on the push-up bra that lifted your breasts, making them fuller and bigger than they really were, and at that moment Daniel wanted nothing more than to touch them and play with them. But he remembered who was in front of him. He told his best friend that the sex games were now over because he was focusing on his Formula 1 career. That was not a lie at the time, but he just wanted to throw her in bed and make her forget the words he said that evening. He coughed a few times to regain his voice and then looked at the three dresses lying on the bed.
"That one," says the brunette and points to the short black dress that fits perfectly on your body. You would have chosen that one too.
"Ok, I'll be ready in a few minutes," you said and went to the bathroom to put the dress on. You adjusted your make-up and grabbed the bag and you were ready for a night out with Daniel. Or so you thought.
No one can see the dance floor, it's wall-to-wall people dancing to the club music. There's no room for any more but somehow Daniel was pulling my hand to where he knew Jay was sitting. The music vibrated in your ears and you were tempted to move to its rhythm, but you had to follow Daniel. After going through the whole room you reached your friend, the owner of the club. He told you that the drink for you was on the house and wished you a good time. Daniel announces that he is going to have a drink for both of you and leaves you alone among hundreds of strangers, driven by the same inner desire to get rid of inhibitions for a few hours that night.
The DJ moves everybody in ways no one has ever done before. Mixing the loud music on the turntables to the beat you desire to hear, the DJ watches the half-naked bodies of young men and women dancing around as if something has possessed their bodies. Men are wearing an undershirt, or no shirt at all, and pants. They eye the women who strut around in tank tops and tight dance pants or skirts, and who are smiling, and letting all their worries go away. A smile appeared on your face and look at the line at the bar for Daniel and you were pleasantly surprised to see that he was already looking at you. When you saw his smile you realized that the night will not end with you two still being just friends.
To be notified when a new chapter is posted, just respond to this post and I’ll tag you when the next chapter is up!
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jiminrings · 3 years
just wanna say: stemkoo + yoongs redemption arc. yoongi finally acknowledging jungkook as a love interest to oc and accepting it and jungkooks kinda confused because what now? is he safe alone with yoongi? are they brothers? and yoongis just "yeah kid you're here now and I see you but I'd still give you a knuckle sandwich anytime if u even breath wrong next to my baby soulmate"
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cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
stem koo has a breakdown over driving alone for the first time, and it just so happens that yoongi's the only one there for him. alternatively, it's koo and yoongs' redemption arc :-)
warnings: mention and descriptions of a panic attack
jungkook will not cry
not right here, in an emergency bay that's just five meters away from a bustling gas station where there's a convenience store and a couple of food chains and cafés he can go to in order to clear his head
not right now, in his brand-new car that his parents excitedly bought for him once they caught the news that he's already obtained his driver's license. he's admittedly already used to a lofty lifestyle, but somehow guilt settled in when he remembers telling his parents at night, and the next morning, his dad's calling him to come out of his dorm to see such a big purchase they didn't think twice in buying
jungkook already drove before. countless of times!!
tried it the first three times in his hometown with his dad on the front seat and his mom at the back, a little amused yet more frantic because this is perhaps the most frustrated state he's put his parents in
he's also took 30 hours in driving lessons during break and the happiest that he's been during the whole time is the part wherein he gets home by foot, relieved that he doesn't have to shared a confined space with his instructor that's far too chatty and intimidating at the same time
most importantly, jungkook drove endlessly and ultimately learned from you, jin, and yoongi!! he remembered mentioning in passing that he doesn't have a driver's license yet and he could distinctly remembering the three of you arguing about who'd teach him first
of course it was you whom he picked first, and it became a driving lesson that racked immense pressure and comfort from him
you taught him how to properly control his gas and brakes and then did jungkook only learn that he's a little too heavy-footed with the pedals, mistakenly thinking that he should press his wHOLE foot instead of just atleast a fourth of it
he learned how to accelerate without making the car jump and brake without making a god-awful screech!! also learned how to pull up the handbrake with ease because his wrist's too tensioned the first time around
seokjin taught him how to turn and park smoothly. how to actually command the wheel without his hands getting wrung and just nailing commando with like tHREE maneuvers max!!! max!!!
also jin taught him (reluctantly) how to reverse while looking back and holding headrest of the front seat bc jungkook read from somewhere that people apparently (read: you) find it attractive
and well... yoongi?
yoongi taught him everything
jungkook was a lil scared when he realized that it was yoongi's turn to teach him, but surprisingly, and uh well nO offense to his parents and instructor and girlfriend and girlfriend's friend,, but yoongi is the best teacher he's ever had
he taught him how to actually drive-drive if that's supposed to explain everything
he taught him how to not grip the steering wheel a little too tight and heavy. to be relaxed enough that he drives his car and not the other way around, but not too relaxed that the car feels too light in his command
yoongi taught him how to overtake and counterflow when necessary and how not to be a push-over and let every car pass even if it's him who has the right of way
jungkook was taught how to not squirm and be shy with honking because it's literally tHERE to be used!! yoongi taught him not to cower when there's a huge 4x4 with the truck horn that's aiming to squeeze in between lanes and just drive like normal
he learned how he shouldn't trust the mirrors at all times because it's not the accurate depiction of how far he is from backing into a tree and instead, open the window to see it for himself
yoongi taught him about the gearbox so eASILY that jungkook almost cried in realization that he finally managed to comprehend it fully without feeling the need to search in between stops
yes, jungkook did drive countless of times.
but this is the first time ever that jungkook drove alone and by himself; no company at all to tell him how he's going a little too fast or a little too near to the vehicle in front of him
he's alone. driving. in his own car. and now he's parked by himself near the gas station and the radio's playing a little too loud.
in second thought?
jungkook will cry
you're not there to console him as soon as you see his bottom lip tremble and his eyes freeze because you're someplace else
you're on a road trip with seokjin because it's his niece's first birthday and his whole extended family would be there and he doesn't know if he can actually handle that by himself ://
his family already knows you anyway and they're awarE of how their own relatives could be so now jin's immediate kim family is relying on you to be also their breather <3
the whole reason that jungkook decided to go onto this mini roadtrip by himself in the first place was to surprise you!!
he heard you over movie night once that you wanted to try these famous donuts from this shop that's an hour and a half drive away, and from your descriptions alone, yoongi and jin aND jungkook decided that they also wanted to try
and kook's just being a loving boyfriend and friend (?) that he made the collective decision that while you and jin were out, while yoongi's in the dorm — he's driving by himself for an hour and a half to get the donuts
but no, he hasn't even reached the donut place yet because he's an hour away still
he suddenly felt that his legs froze and he couldn't move at all because he realized that he's holding a wheel in his hands and the consciousness of it all makes his eyes widen, feeling the smooth leather go heavy within a blink
it was his sudden fear that the car's driving him and he doesn't have any control of it even if he has the means to do so, his mind too far in that he swerves to the right-most lane without his blinkers on and without checking his side mirrors
and even more concerningly, jungkook's still thinking about donuts even if he's in a state in which he's feeling a little dizzy and his chest is tight, having trouble breathing with his tummy aching that he feels he want to throw up
he can't think nor breathe straight and it physically pains him, the only thing registering in his hazy mind being his phone, the lockscreen that's set to you being the first thing that greets him
his fingers tremble as they move on their own and he doesn't realize it, only being jolted when his phone silently rings on his palm because even he doesn't know how nor whom he called
he's already removed his glasses to rub his eyes but they just blearily ache when he tries to see the name on his phone, his eyesight being blurred by the tears he's trying to keep at bay
jungkook's phone stops ringing until it finally connects, pressing his phone to his ear as confused as he is because he can't even remember who he called
"hello? why are you calling me, kid?"
it's yoongi.
jungkook breathes a sigh of relief that of all the people he's accidentally called — it's yoongi
he immediately welcomes the gruff voice, a sob racking through his entire body that he didn't even realize he was holding back
"y-yoongi! oh my god, yoongi! i-it's you!"
yoongi was merely napping when he felt his phone ring beside his pillow, an unfamiliar ringtone reaching his ears that he felt compelled to check it
his tone couldn't have been more abrupt but it's greeted nothing but warmly, the voice from the other side of the line making him focus concentratedly
jungkook greets him so eagerly and panickedly that it worries him, the large gulp of air convincing him that it's not just his airconditioner that's turned all the way up
"what happened to you? are you okay?"
jungkook whimpers at the question, stuttering over words that haven't even formed as he looks frantically left and right to see if his spot at the emergency bay is bothering anyone
there isn't anyone approaching him and-
"h-hazard! i-i need the hazard on."
all the red he's seeing reminds him of his hazard lights, remembering your words to keep them on if you're a potential hazard on the road
yoongi's remaining sleepiness dissipates as his eyebrows knot, overwhelmingly alert as he stands up from bed and find a shirt to put on before he even knows what's going on
"hazard?" he parrots, trying to see if he's slept through some urgent texts from any of you that could make him put the pieces together. "i need you to calm down for me, jungkook."
jungkook's busy eyes snap in one place at the mention of his name, blinking owlishly at the recognition of what yoongi's saying
"i-i forgot how to drive. the wheel — the wheel b-became too heavy on my hands," he stammers, looking at the circle that's in front of him that feels and now looks foreign to him. "i-i drove alone because-"
yoongi's heart pangs at the observation that jungkook's voice is breaking and desperate, turning off his fan before he scurries outside his bedroom and double-checks to turn off everything
"yeah, jungkook? come one, you can do it. you drove alone because?"
he once again affirms jungkook by reminding him of his own name to try and ground him, slipping on his shoes with a vague outline of a plan in his mind
"donuts. i-i heard — y-you all wanted these donuts and the uhm, t-the three of you had a bad day last week, right? i-i think. i'm not over there and you're the only who's home and i-i figured that-" his voice gives out at the end, unable to keep his tears from falling at this point. "help, hyung."
yoongi blinks once, twice, before he finds his voice
"i'm still proud of you, jungkook. good job," he rummages through the bowl of money the three of you drop your change into, dumping the entirety of it as he hopes it's enough to tip the cab driver he's gonna tell to drive as fast as he could. "now can you tell me what you see? can you tell me where you are? where you're parked? hyung will help you."
it takes yoongi a total of fifteen minutes to reach jungkook at the emergency bay by the side of the road.
his car's pristine and intact and it calms him to no end, immediately calling jungkook to tell him he's there so he wouldn't have to startle him with a knock
yoongi enters the driver's seat and his eyes immediately whip to jungkook who's already transferred to the passenger seat, his face teary and blotchy as he shakily grins at him through it all
"hyu — yoongi! h-hi!! oh my god, you're here."
he nods and softly smiles, adjusting the seat to accommodate his preferences that it makes kook put his seatbelt out of reflex
he's beyond happy to have another person in the car with him, enough to make him feel surrounded and reassured that he can't hear his breathing echoing in his vehicle
he's already mostly regained his breath but it picks up when yoongi doesn't drive straightly like what he thought he would — instead, yoongi drives five meters ahead and turns to the gas station, wordlessly finding a parking spot
"... b-but the donuts. y-you guys wanted the donuts, right?"
he purses his lips at the inquiry, shaking his head somberly
he can't even begin to gRASP why after all this, he's still focused on the donuts that he meant to get for the three of you — still beyond desperate to secure what was meant to cheer everyone up despite having gone through a new driver's version of hell
"how about we grab a bite first and then we could get the donuts after? my treat."
jungkook was about to politely say no and apologize for imposing, the words being caught on his mouth when yoongi reverses into a parking spot swiftly and gets out of the car before he can put a word in, already having him opening the door on his side
he looks up at him as if he's seen a ghost, a slow tick of a minute on his mind reminding him that yoongi's here for him
yoongi looks down to see the younger guy that still looks very much like what he's been through just minutes ago, making him spring into action
he wordlessly combs his hand through his hair like he does with you when you have a fever and cannot be bothered to keep up with appearances, pushing it back neatly
he grabs jungkook's glasses that are muddled with dried tears and fingerprints from the console, cleaning it with the end of his shirt before handing it back to him
"bite first, then we'll get donuts. i promise."
oh my god
is he having an out of body experience
jungkook can walk but he doesn't feel like it because now his steps are toO light, feeling as if he's gliding through air with ease
he follows yoongi's shadow and stares at the back of his head, the newly-dyed pink of it gleaming underneath the morning sun that he tries to focus on it instead of his raging thoughts
yoongi walks into a serene café that's only the calming kind of busy; people here and there in their own conversations, blenders humming and silverware clinking
it's not until yoongi tells jungkook to pick a spot as he lines up to order that it trulY hits him what's happening, picking the comfiest spot his eyes laid on
there's no build-up to the moment because unlike their previous interactions where it's only the two of them, there's no score in the background.
there's no tension nor ill intent and the only thing that's there between them is a comfortable silence, one that jungkook's insistent to break this one time
"i-i'm sorry i called you. you were probably busy. i didn't know what i was doing and-"
"no," he cuts him off, sheepishly putting a hand on his nape. "i called you, jungkook."
"huh?" he couldn't hold back the audible surprise that left him, making him backtrack instead of continuing his sentence
yoongi thinks that the truth wouldn't hurt, leaning to his chair as he relaxed to put the guy across him at ease somehow
"you did call me, but you dropped it in less than two seconds," he admits, drumming his fingers on the armrest. "i called you back."
jungkook visibly awes at that, head tilting as the confusion he has in his head doubles over and starts crawling on four limbs
"w-why did you that?"
was that it?
was that why he felt so confused when he could barely see a caller ID? it was ringing out for him to answer and not the other way around
yoongi's the one perplexed this time but he doesn't blame him, answering sincerely
"because i look out for you too."
there's a pregnant pause between them and yoongi could clearly see the way jungkook's shoulders slump, making him lean forward out of instinct because he thought he was gonna break down again
"i'm sorry," he looks up at him with glassy eyes, wide but not threatening to cry out of despair. "i'm sorry, yoongi."
he knows by that tone that jungkook's not talking about the call anymore, making him raise his hand to wave it off lightly
"we don't have to do this right now, kook. the both of us probably haven't even had breakfast yet."
the much-awaited talk between them has been set far enough for the perfect timing but the bulk of everything just points to now, only getting more strengthened when jungkook breaks the silence again. "but i mean it."
"i was so stupid back then and i didn't know how much i hurt you through y/n," he reflects back to how distraught and angry yoongi looked at him, not to mention the fact that seokjin told him how yoongi didn't sleep at all for a week because of how he was kept up just thinking and trying to protect you. "i-i know it must've hurt to see your soulmate hurt because of me and that she forgave me still. a-and made me her boyfriend, even."
his mouth dries because the younger boy recites his previous heartaches almost word per word, taking his time to digest each one
"i did hurt, jungkook."
there's no denying that. no cover-up of jin as he tries to boost everyone up can ever hide that. no lies to how tae, who barely even knows yoongi, felt his chest tighten when he came over one morning to deliver the cookies and see yoongi sitting outside your door with his ear pressed to it — trying to hear if you were crying while holds his own.
there's no denying either the truth that reflects why exactly yoongi made a cab driver break almost every traffic law to man just to get to jungkook faster.
"but y/n's not hurting anymore — i'm not hurting anymore," he enunciates. "i'm not mad at you anymore, jungkook."
the guy in question looks alarmed, sheepish even at the words he's been wanting to hear but couldn't believe now that they're being uttered
"you should be."
yoongi snorts because jungkook reminds him of you so so much, an uncanny resemblance between the guilt you've always tried to live with before trying to acquit
"i'll hold it over your head if it makes you sleep at night or remind you when you decide to act up again," he chuckles but he's met with jungkook's frantic no's, waving him off when he realizes that his egging's truly working. "but i don't have it in me to be mad at you for any longer."
it's the truth. it's the truth that yoongi always tried to refute because for the past weeks, all he's done is try to find the most miniscule flaw to try and make him hate jungkook
he's only thought once in his lifetime that he'd ever forgive jungkook, but now did it become crystal clear
"you've proved yourself enough, even jin said so," he admits humbly. "but i know you're not doing all of this to prove yourself to us or to me, kook."
he looks up at from his hands to train his gaze on his girlfriend's soulmate, listening attentively
"i know you do it from the heart."
he feels like crying but only this time is it for an entirely different and positive reason, a leap on his chest heightening tenfold
"as much as you rely on y/n — you can also rely on me too, jungkook."
the two of them hold eye contact and neither of them shy away from it, a silent fact in the air as they know that it's not only you who's linking them at this point, but rather because they're somewhat brothers at this point
"i forgive you."
"y-you forgive me?"
he feels his ears ringing in happiness as he tries to dodge the waiter who's blocking his view of yoongi with the way he's putting down the meals, frantically looking for confirmation
yoongi finds it cute, laughing as he throws his head back
"you're the one who does the quizbees. why are you making me spell it out?"
then he knows.
"you forgive me," he parrots, repeating it once more to himself
the two of them eat throughout thoughtful conversation, stemming from the inquiry of how yoongi made a thirty-minute drive into only half of it, until it bloomed to how kook claims to be forgetful but remembers a whisper about bread from a week ago
"tell me if you want to try and drive to the donut place," yoongi turns to him as he settles the bill, watching jungkook finish the last of his food as he throws him a sheepish smile — much like how you do
"i'll be watching over you, koo. don't worry."
how r we feeling bffs </3 i'll have to speak into the mic and say that this is perhaps the drabble i hurted the most while writing :O
as always, lmk what you think!! i love answering asks :D what do you want to see from the lunchbox lovers next? send them here <3
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blankdblank · 2 years
The White Dove Pt 20 - Memories and Mysteries
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Full Masterlist here - Got some really cool bits in this chapter and some pretty amazing bits to come with ample more new faces to add to this story. 
As always since this is meant to be a prequel feedback is always helpful. Got stuck on ch 30 for a good bit in my own head as I’ve been trying to not overpower the original flow and intention of the series, especially as I add in more from other versions of Spider-Man universes to get to use my favorite bits. (Except for Harry from Amazing Universe as I needed him to be an annoying little narcissistic twerp and not Franco’s more empathetic version for me.)
“I wished to thank you,” the familiar voice of the Ancient One who had come out of nowhere turned your head from watching a bird daringly creep to the end of a weak branch for a bit of food. “Normally in these matters for the protection of the time stream we repair the damage. Nine others were taken through that tear the machine opened up, who were easily rescued. I chose myself to fetch you, due to our prior meeting I presumed a familiar face could help matters. However I came upon you in discovery of a way to return, so we chose to grant you a chance to follow through your plan, and thankfully the manner upon which you returned to the present healed the tear negating our need to continue the time loop for everyone else while you were away.”
“You, you made the time loop?” you asked in a soft tone.
“Oh yes, to have left the tear open would have invited some rather unsavory characters to take advantage of such weakness our planet was faced with at the moment.”
After a brief nod you said, “I suppose I should be confident that if you can manipulate time and you had faith in me I must be on the right track with my studies.”
Softly she chuckled and answered, “Not many could have interpreted those markings on the casing of the tesseract in the manner you had. Were you shopping?” Curious about why you were alone in the park.
“No, waiting for screams,” you said turning her head making you smirk slightly, “My brother is a journalist, occasionally he has me run lookout. Were I to hear screams I have an alarm to trigger.” Softly she chuckled and you said, “Not certain, by your robes if you celebrate, but are you having a merry Yule?”
The term had a grin ease across her lips, “My, it has been a long time since anyone has mentioned Yule to me. I am Celtic with very few reminders of the home I lost long ago.”
At her you grinned saying, “A fellow Pagan,” making her chuckle to your amused giggle, “You’re the first I’ve met, well, I don’t know if some of my friends from the summer count, them being Asgardian and all.”
“I would count them as Pagan,” she said and you looked her face over again, “You are quite skilled with your magic, mastering it all on your own. Not just anyone could have repaired time and left as little damage to the past as you had. Entrusting another magical being and leaving only intrigue in Howard Stark, who would have only honed in on every minute detail of the encounter. I wouldn’t wager SHIELD would have a record on you have you not researched their databases yet.”
“I read about the explosion and forest minimally before our trip to the southern Americas. I suppose had I known more I would have made more damage. What did I break?”
With a pleased grin she answered, “Aside from the flock of Chickadees out of place in Texas who refuse to migrate there was a horse care encircled company one of those boys to whom you gave that silver dollar to created after your interaction.”
“Oh, he’s not some villain now is he?” Making her chuckle.
“No, actually his grandson has improved a variety of medications for equine care. Truly you planted the seed for the love of horses within his bloodline, quite admirable, granted him a dream to get him through the war to not be so depressed on the road to ruin and despair. So, not damage so much as you left seeds of intrigue. They also abducted Tony Stark.”
“That would have been disastrous,” you said making her chuckle again.
“He was the first we removed. Made a bee line straight for his father armed to the gills in the middle of the Cold War.”
“He would have set off a nuclear winter, can’t imagine them in the same room together, that would be dangerous.”
“I shall leave you now to the task at hand, in all things there is one fact upon which we can hold to. We must always strive to be a constant within uncertainty. No matter the view of others, we must hold firm, even when others would declare us wicked.” Your eyes looked up at hers, “I might not know the intricacies of your past or motivation, however I can see the corrupt. Each of us must find our own paths, I am proud to know mine has veered within view of yours. Had we been born of the same age this could be a friendship to savor for lifetimes to come.”
“At least now I seem to be capable of maintaining friendships without being the one to put my friends in the grave.”
To herself she chuckled and replied, “I swear to you, you will not be responsible by any means of the moment of my death.”
“That’s not as comforting as you imagine it to be,” you said making her chuckle again and turn to stroll off.
“A Bountiful Yule to yourself.” Echoed from her the words faded into noises of the park around you. The bird again in the tree in search of the elusive snack drew your eye to cover her vanish into a new portal out of the same spot she had arrived from.
“Got it,” Eddie said having snuck out of the office Venom helped him get into. “Any trouble on your end?” he asked at the footprints in the snow at your side that simply stopped not far away.
“The Ancient One,”
“Ah, monk lady,” he said with a nod.
“Apparently they were behind the time loop, kept the universe safe while I found my way back, the atom connected to the mechanism healed the tear the first machine created.”
“That is both impressive and agitating.” He replied after a moment.
“Apparently they were busy finding Tony Stark, who was also abducted and chose to head straight for his dad, as Iron Man during the Cold War.”
“That is terrifying,” he muttered.
“Exactly what I said,” you giggled, “Apparently he took up plenty of attention and my creating Chickadee’s legend and giving breadcrumbs for Howard to map the element wasn’t terribly damaging so they decided to give me a chance to get myself home. What would you get a man who sold his sold his soul to the Devil then outran him to keep from giving him too much power for a gift?”
“Cowboy, right?”
“Texas Ranger.” You answered and he cocked his head to the side.
“Let’s go see what’s open.” Luring a grin across your face in the start of a shopping trip that had you later in your apartment boxing up a leather jacket and a cow patterned tea kettle with matching mug set. To replace the spotty one you guessed he still might be limping along with these decades later paired with a ceramic chickadee figurine then turned your focus to what Eddie had found. Antique mother of pearl handled dueling pistols in a far from valuable state that to your skill with weapons were pristine again with holsters around the wooden case to be added inside the box. Just tape and an address confirmed by one of your bees that he was still there had the package off to be over-nighted to your still shovel wielding friend.
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Almost 80 years inside the same cottage, and huffing to a singed thumb off his kettle still staggering along on its last leg, Carter Slade turned the volume up a bit more on his radio. Glad to have another day beyond the time loop. Mid sip of his coffee the squeak of brakes had him walk to his window and shift the curtain to see a package delivery van outside.
“Hmm,” he said leaving his metal handle free mug on the counter littered with yet to be read editions of papers out of New York a friend had sent him. The wall behind him with shelves of books and scrapbooks alike held stands of magazines and framed clippings and images of a long since seen friend with many faces and names. From those with Bucky and one with Howard Stark drinking and playing poker for those as Chickadee and several more without that alias. Tabs had been kept from afar and became a calming hobby for his worries for their safety.
“Carter Slade?” the driver asked in an uncertain tone, “Please tell me I’m in the right place. Don’t get many cemeteries on the route.”
“I am, and you are.” Carter replied and gained a relieved huff in return as the visitor strolled across the snowy path. Watching as a particularly sizable box was brought out of the back of the van to be carried over to the designated recipient. Carter held that with one arm propped on his hip to sign the confirmation of delivery form by means of a matte grey slate on the end of a handheld device with the stylus provided. “Thank you. Happy Holidays,”
“Happy Holidays,” the man replied and looked around when he turned around.
“Take a right at the headless angel and a left at the marble tiger, take you back out to the main road.” Carter said in a turn of his own.
Nodding as the man replied gladly, “Thank you.”
Back to his cottage he walked catching sight of Banshee, to whom he rumbled as the van drove away, “Wonder who sent us a box old boy.” Inside he went to settle the box on the table and flicked a knife from the sheath on his hip he used to slice through the tape then sheathed again. Laid against the sides the freed flaps were pressed to make the man smile at the shipping sheet inside, upon which the sender was named, “Pluto Pear.” Chuckling to himself he set that aside and read your note inside a bird themed card.
‘Hey Caretaker,
I do hope you are doing well. Just back myself, hope the time loop was not too hard on you and Banshee, how some people I know kept the world from tearing apart while me and others were gone. I am not exactly certain the right things to say.
It’s not much, but I imagine you might be in need of a few things, the rest aside from one might prove more useful than fun. Then again you never seemed the one to have a flat screen tv and be up for a box set of films. If you are, let me know, been building a list of a few favorites I have discovered since I got loose.
To you Carter and Banshee I wish a bountiful Yule and Happy New Year,
Always your friend,
Low chuckles escaped him in unfolding the newspaper used to wrap the chickadee figurine he added to his bookshelves, then came the holsters and pistols he inspected feeling these were more a gift for his Rider. His other half who expressed great glee in the anticipation of first use of his own gift. Setting that aside he brought out the wrapped kettle and mugs his smile split wider in moving to the sink to wash before using, just leaving the jacket for last he eased on, pleased at the perfect fit.
Out the uncovered window he locked eyes with Banshee to say, “Banshee, we’re going to New York to give an old friend a gift.” Excitedly the horse whinnied and paced around outside in the snow while Carter readied a bag. Over Banshee’s back secured to the saddle the shotgun and holsters loaded with the gifted pistols were tied, straight to the airport he went, knowing he could not take his weapons onboard, his steed would keep them safe while Carter flew across the country.
 “Might I trouble you a moment?” A gravely croon you would know anywhere turned your head with a splitting smile from the display of books you were assembling to the standard of the author for a book available in the morning people at the counter up front left and right were snatching up reservation cards to have theirs saved for them out of the first shipment.
Carter Slade saw your sweater and jean clad self in boots tied over thick socks to your knee covering slices in the lower half of the jeans, to him seemed more suited for work than your having to go to fight in a dress and heels as you’d been forced to.
Into the pocket of your apron you slipped the again folded sheets of notes on specifications to face your old friend who smirked at being noted to be wearing his new jacket you gave him. Settled in his palm was a book he showed to you, “Any more books on birds? Have an odd one in the graveyard keeps coming around, can’t source it.”
“You wouldn’t happen to have a picture?” Out of his pocket he pulled a polaroid he showed you making you smirk and show him to the section on nature. The proper book on the obnoxiously loud bird was handed to him. “Glad it fits,” you said making him chuckle and lock his eyes on yours again.
“As am I, tore my old one, and thanks to you I have burned my thumb the last time for my morning brew. Rider appreciates the pistols too. Took some work to get them shining again, he can tell by the look of the case, and the figurine is adorable. Thank you, brought you a gift too, outside with Banshee. Don’t need to understand him to know hugs from me didn’t come close to enough.”
“I just have to finish the display, then I’m off.”
“Small park a block over, take your time. No need to rush. I’ve got plenty of it.” He said making you chuckle in his path to the register with his choice of books.
Two days since Christmas and usually crowded streets were gradually gaining more and more bodies by the hour the closer to noon, unlike the seemingly noise free pocket of a growing garden for the community that fed into an open walkway filled park. Atop a bench he waited, with a plaid blanket wrapped bundle his hands rested upon and the book he purchased open to read up on his noisy neighbor. “Do you want to befriend it or scare it away?”
The book was shut and he said, “Befriend it, I think. But he is bothering the mocking jay on the other side of my place. Been nice for the families to not see only crows in the graveyard.” At his side he set the book as you sat down to lift the blanket wrapped bundle, “Before you try going about apologizing or making up for how we said goodbye, open up your present.” Softly you chuckled and he rumbled, “You’re not so easy to shop for either, half useful half fun, with a dash of mystery.”
Gently the top fold of the blanket was eased back to reveal the top half of a fox fur bag that had you let out an awed scoff before you folded the rest back. Clearly it wasn’t used or cheap either, the designer bag was checkered patches of orange, grey and white fox fur. “This is a Prada bag.”
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“Well, I’ve had some decades to save up. Hardly none of the bag companies make a decent fox fur bag like the one you have, and this was the only one with ample pockets.” He said making you giggle excitedly. “This old dog’s got ears on him.” At him you smiled and then looked down to tilt the bag upright and lift the snap to reveal the hidden zipper revealing leather bound scrapbooks and plastic wrapped magazines.
“What is this?” you asked easing it all out to lay on top of the bag widening your smile curiously at the word ‘Chickadee’ etched into the front cover you opened with lips parting at the first of many articles on your older persona making him smile proudly at you.
“You know, I’ve been around for some centuries before we met, and I have to say, the eight decades since are the best yet. Rarely do I get to watch a legend grow. Now I have my own copies, but I’ve kept tabs. How it all grew, people coming to that little town asking how it all happened to those aiming to find answers on some supernatural level.”
Page to page you flipped for ones he wanted to show you his favorites until he eased the book shut and brought out the first of the plastic wrapped magazines. “And this one, might be of particular interest to you.” He said as you unsealed the plastic to bring out the boxing magazine dated as covering the championship.
Like a time capsule every page was detailed with information on the tournament until it came to Bucky’s information followed by a picture of your meeting. Mention of a mystery woman noted to have died in the explosive change of the city, by word of Howard Stark, photographed again smiling in equally as happy Bucky’s arms on the dance floor. “They wrote about us?” You asked glancing at him and he nodded turning your focus to another magazine covering Bucky’s death as well with a cover tagline depicting two lovers being reunited in the afterlife. “Oh wow,” you muttered making him chuckle.
“Quite the story it’s evolved into. Most of it fluff to sell tickets for tours around your park. Every now and again I go up to mess with the tourists to ride around for some flashy pictures keeping the tale alive. Some say Chickadee and Barnes are alive and hiding inside that barrier in their own private Eden. People leave tokens, come to just be around it when they want a story to believe in.” Up at him you looked and he said, “So imagine their surprise when Misique comes on the horizon. Bona fide grandbaby to seal the nail in the coffin they ran off and had a super powered baby together, same barrier, same mushroom clouds that generate not obliterate. Now Misique’s got family, internet is picking up on it since the trip you took.”
“That’s an interesting twist,” you muttered.
“Though this one,” he said bringing out from inside his book the playbill on you dancing in the Nutcracker and magazine on creating the Blackhowls made you giggle and accept it and the pen he drew out of a pocket. “This one’s for me. Got a few friends out here who send me copies when your names pop up.” In a clear spot you signed them as he said, “Knew it would take some genius to show Stark a thing or two. Turns out you did a sort of dance of your own, you learn from his future, which you shaped, he sees you do one thing and it changes his career forever solidifying him worldwide as a genius. Stark rode your coattails to billions.”
“Flattering as that is it means they could have been inspired by my forest to make the atom bomb.” His arm bumped yours breaking the serious look that flinched across your face.
“Men are bound to take a bushel of ideas and see what makes the biggest boom. That atom, he couldn’t make it and the atom bomb was the closest they got. Nuclear power is the closest they got to what one man saw you do all on your own, no tools, just you. No matter what they’ve said about Misique, you are so much bigger than that, they will blow this place to bits but like the Rider, you tip the scales and restore balance.”
A chime of a clock from the bank that turned his head had you ask, “In town just for today?”
“No,” he said with a chuckle, “Friend of mine by the name of Johnny Blaze let me stay in his place out here. He’s flying in later, said he’d get me tickets to his show, you wanna meet him? I can get a ticket for your brother too, want him to meet you.”
“Am I right in guessing how you met?” you giggled out making him chuckle.
“Newest Ghost Rider. By far the dumbest by what I can tell.”
“So four of you now then? Take it he doesn’t have a horse,” you said smiling in Banshee’s head dropping over your shoulder after his materialization behind you out of impatience. Eager for you to hug and stroke his head and cuddle back against his tiny friend, enjoying the attention and conversation.
“Nope, motorcycle, ape hangars, with flames.”
“Not nearly as fun or majestic,” you said smiling at Banshee’s head leaning more into your chest making him smile wider in a low chuckle.
“Nope. But, he’s dumb enough to have promise. And he’ll be back in my territory so I can keep an eye on him and not let him spoil your city.” Apples for Banshee were manifested inside your bag to offer him before a tight hug was given to Carter when you both stood up. “And no thank you’s for the gifts. Don’t do thank you’s or sorry’s today. Not from you. I will get your number if you’ll let me,” out of his jeans pocket he brought a sidekick phone like yours but in black and grey that had you smile wider to his comment of, “Got a sliding phone and everything. Came with Pacman on it, couldn’t resist.” Into that you saved your number and a promise to see one another for the show and dinner after.
 Blissful Afterlife, Together Forever, Star-crossed Lovers, just a few of the terms liked to Chickadee’s ghost and Barnes’ name. Countless articles on top of this magazine edition based solely upon the iconic doomed couple resembling others like Bonnie and Clyde, Hamlet and Ophelia or Romeo and Juliet quoted various sources. This one contained quotes from Bucky himself and his family members.
‘Q- We noticed you not only won the championship, but also made a connection with a certain young lady.
A- “Impossible,” Barnes chuckled to himself in a smooth of his hand over the back of his neck. “Only word I can think of for her. Had I not met her before the tournament I’d just have assumed I dreamed her up from a blow to the head. She, Chickadee, young woman like her, you don’t just meet, you don’t just find them like others just milling about. There’s a haze, like in those stories wandering into some forbidden forest, a mist, and there she is. Like you’re the one not meant to be there, cuz you can’t be, she’s impossible, I’m possible. And all I’ve been asked since is what do I think? Is she really gone?” Barnes shakes his head in another chuckle, “One day, I’m gonna turn a corner and she’s gonna be there. I know, somewhere on every dance floor, every hotel lobby, she’s inevitable. One day I’m gonna turn a corner and she’s gonna be there. Can’t tell me otherwise.”’
Just a picture of Bucky smiling proudly in his uniform amongst that quotation was a near tear stirring tale of his passing.
‘Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes of the 107th Infantry is now marching amongst his fallen brothers in arms up to those pearly gates. We remember him with great solace but unimpeachable joy in the fact that upon reaching those gates he will turn a final corner to find his treasured Chickadee there. Ready to offer a hand and from that moment forever to be entangled in his arms the pair shall dance to the beat of their destiny.’ Again that smiling picture finished off the article with the dates of the lovers deaths.
A chuckle over your shoulder had you lift up off the counter in the candle shop you were manning the front while others were on lunch alerting you to Mariah who had a basket of candles she had been choosing with gradual looks and steps your way since she had entered. “Studying up on old magazines?” She asked in a playfully curious tone to not let on she knew the man in the picture who from pictures you had given had a past with you recorded by SHIELD.
“Oh, a friend I met in Texas gave me this,” you said showing her the magazine she set the basket down on the counter to read the whole article.
“This looks just like you,” she said and stole a glance up at you between pages. The nickname of the woman sparking up memory of a highly questionable file within SHIELD’s records Howard’s son had been delving into lately to both get answers on his father and Misique’s assumed mother.
And you forced out a giggle to say, “Oh yes, just me, built a time machine just to go back and dance Captain America’s best friend,” the comment had her chuckle and you said, “I don’t know. Apparently Howard Stark got the notion to stumble across the atom bomb technology by watching her mushroom cloud but he gets all the credit for all of that and Chickadee gets a tragic love story.”
“Well it’s certainly not fair. This is well known in Texas?” She asked with a brow ticking up a moment hoping to learn more on the mysterious figure.
“This town, the Welterweight Championship was held there, then the war kicked off not long after. Now I suppose if she was there to fight with the Howling Commandoes might be more than just an old love story of a woman who exploded into a sea of chickadees like another article says. And my friend found hundreds of them.”
The words you said absently caused her brow to twitch mid break of her grin she fought to bring back out to not concern you at the major secretive wartime actions of said fabled doomed heroine. She closed the magazine taking note of the brand and issue date and watched you ring up the candles she had chosen. “At the time I think a good tale of a soldier finding peace after falling in war would have helped the mood back home. Especially considering it was Captain America’s best friend, and the Cap had just gone down in the ice.” She caught your glance back at the magazine and asked, “You think he’s cute?”
That had you giggle and roll your eyes, “The man taught me to box, fly, parachute and dive,” you said parting her lips, “Told the Cap as much and,” you shook your head, “He’s got nice eyes, but he’s more like a brother if anything. I’m a bit surprised they haven’t even tried to track him down yet if Cap cared so much about him.”
“How is he supposed to find a supposedly dead man?” She asked.
“Think like a dead man. I mean, motivation, necessities, and goals. Start from there and work your way backwards.”
“We don’t exactly get training on how to think like dead men in our military systems.”
After tilting your head to the side you replied with a breathy chuckle, “Suppose it takes a dead person to know one. My whole entire past is a graveyard it seems.” In another glance up at her you said with a grin, “Part of my therapy is not dwelling in denial. Brutal honesty only stings for a while with an open wound. But don’t worry, after lunch I’m going to break into my history of ship building and seafaring in relation to fishing patterns. I think I have a hunch on the ocean floor I want to work on.”
“And, you learn that by a book on boats and fishing?”
“Yes, ocean has layers, you have to take the surface, weather, underwater currents, effects of landmasses upon plant life and the species there. Then you add migratory patterns and territories of creatures, water characteristics,” you said smiling wider a bit realizing you were rambling. “There’s a lot of variables, simply put. Have to add in all the formulas to get the proper answer.”
“What’s the hunch?” She asked with an intrigued smirk.
“Treasure hunting, I suppose you could say,” you said letting out a giggle making her chuckle. “There’s a legendary ship a friend mentioned. I want to try and help him find it.”
“For the treasure inside of it?”
“Ship is the treasure,” you said securing the bow to hold the top of the bag together she lifted. One of a kind, more rumor than fact, but if we could find it, be bigger than the discovery of the Titanic.”
“How?” she asked unable to move.
“Odin’s brother Vili is said to have traveled here upon it for a mighty battle to conquer the great forces wishing to drain the continents of their nutrients and the waters of the world. The ship was lost, but him and his younger brother Ve were victorious, and were returned home upon golden chariots driven by Pegasus steeds the Valkyrie forces sent to fetch them.”
“Thor has been to Earth you know, so you’re saying there could be a spaceship buried on the ocean floor?”
“Doubt it, by the inscriptions I have seen there is no enclosed deck to the ship. More a winged glider than much else.” You said luring out a grin from her. A phone call however urged her away and back into its protective sleeve you settled the magazine you put away and looked up to see Harry Osborn enter with a widening grin.
Right up to your counter he walked to state, “My dad is throwing a New Years party, and we need some candles. Something, light and not too overpowering. Figured you’d know best. We’d need quite a deal of them? Are you free? We plan on outdoing Stark this year. Even invited Johnny Blaze, saw you went to his last show.”
“I can’t stay to ten if it’s a late night bash. A friend actually is having me and my brother at theirs, have bit of a wild goose chase of an evening set up for us. Have to patch some things since the night of the loop for them.” You said widening his grin as you had to relent to some sort of party eventually. It had been a while since the last lunch you had agreed to his father crashed in a ploy to reinforce his future offer of a job when you graduated, and share his notice of your last project and others he had been keeping track of.
It always seemed to be more of a job interview. And just as you expected with little food you could actually enjoy to the small talk of the party prior to, and a bit after, the inedible supper offered you played your part and with Eddie wished the father and son a happy New Year on your way out to the truly planned evening.
Five Symbiotes in all around yourself an old score meant to be settled the night of the loop was put off now had been righted. And when they had split to head home atop a bench near a bridge in Manhattan you sat listening to the sounds of the ocean and the distant city with Venom at your side.
Straight up Venom’s eyes snapped to follow the path of a ship that into the field behind you came to park. Peter Quill out of the lower hatch with eyes shifting all around crept onto the snowy ground aiming himself straight for the only two people in sight.
“Psst,” he whispered and you stole a glance at Venom and looked back at the vintage red leather jacket and t shirt clad man with some odd variation of cargo pants and boots you didn’t recognize.
“Did space man just psst us?” you whispered.
“It would appear so, Sister. That is a Ravager ship.” Venom answered.
“Ah, more of them.” You muttered and looked over the still crouching stranger aimed your way. A bit louder you asked, “Why are you walking like that? You’ve got a Ziggy Stardust shirt on, clearly not your first time here.”
“The ships,” he said and you shrugged making him gesture at the sky, “Last time I came there were three ships invading the planet.”
“Oh, right, ya that wasn’t an invasion.” You replied making him pause then hurry the rest of the few feet to crouch behind the back of the bench.
“What do you mean no invasion? I saw them firing on Earth!” He snapped back at you.
“No, see, there was this plan, called Project Insight, meant to protect Earth from criminals, sort of an ‘immediate reaction’ from the outermost ring of the atmosphere to cut down crime and threats,” you said gaining a nod from him. “Only there’s a seedy underbelly of a criminal organization here who wanted control of it, and it got hacked before they could when the ships launched, and all at once millions of criminals in and out of prison were wiped out. No invasion. They scrapped the project since and the ships were grounded.”
“So, Earth isn’t at war then?” he asked hopefully.
“I mean there’s always a skirmish somewhere, but as far as an intergalactic war, no. You said you came on the Ravager ship that flew up the day that happened?” Distantly one of your bees picked up Stark’s suit on its way to your location.
“Ya, my team they tied me up to stop us from helping. Insisted on protecting our cargo we’d just picked up.” He answered.
“Well I should warn you, they don’t believe the criminal organization was able to handle the hack, and the only other suspect was your ship.”
“But we didn’t do it,” he said shaking his head and you pointed to a growing bright dot warning of Stark’s path for you.
“See, that’s Iron Man, and well, he’s sort of SHIELD’s attack dog. He thinks you did it and spent about two years so far trying to kill me without proof or reason to do so. And well, you just landed a ship on the planet unannounced and are talking to me, so that’s three strikes against you so far on his scoreboard.”
“I mean,” he let out a breathy chuckle, “He’ll hear me out, right?”
Venom shook his head, “That would not be wise. Next visit perhaps warn ahead of time.”
“I,” he sighed and said, “Just, tell him I didn’t do it! I’m from Earth! Peter Quill! February 4th, 1962! I was taken by Ravagers, I’d never hurt Earth!” Fast and hard you gripped him by the shoulder to tug him to his right narrowly avoiding a blast aimed at his face. Onto his feet he scrambled, “Thank you, tell them!”
“Will do,” Venom said for Eddie.
Halfway back to his ship he paused asking, “I don’t know your names, what are they?!”
“Misique, Venom,” he repeated after you said them and leapt inside his ship that he powered up and launched to the highest rate or propulsion possible without damaging the ground around it just leaving Stark to halt in a furious hover.
“Spill it Bee!”
“That was Peter Quill, he said he was on the Ravager ship that showed up day of the blip-,”
“And you let him go?!” Tony cut you off.
“Said he was born here, February 4th, 1962,”
“What was the name again?” Tony asked and as you repeated the name he had Jarvis search the databases catching a clear match of a missing child.
“Said he was taken by Ravagers, didn’t specify when, but he was asking about the alien invasion.”
That had Stark land, “Alien invasion?”
“Asked us to tell you he says they weren’t involved, they were hauling a load nearby Earth and saw what he thought was an invasion. Still considers this his home planet and wanted to know about it. Pretty odd but he had an Eddie Murphy jacket, the red leather one and a Ziggy Stardust t shirt on. Unless they sell those in space somewhere.”
Stark opened his visor naming the readout on a missing child under that identity and looked you both over, “And you don’t know him?”
You both shook your heads and Venom said, “We were alone, fairly low risk encounter for one who does not dwell here to inquire information upon the safety of a planet.”
“Nice Badassium core,” you said to Stark making him look you over for what you meant by it. “Looks new.”
“Yes, there was an explosion on the night of the loop, a friend of a friend discovered an atom of it. Handed it over to us.”
“Looks brighter.” You said keeping the giggles you wanted to let free locked inside.
“It is,” he said nodding at the awkward encounter, “All the readings outperform my initial core, just giving it a test drive on performance.” Up from his side his arm rose to point at you both, “Behave tonight.”
“Happy New Year,” you both said pausing his turn to fly away.
“Happy New Year,” he replied snappily urging his mask shut then clicked his heels together to lift off the ground to fly back to his party at Stark Tower while Jarvis shared the intel with SHIELD, now leaving the blip attack possibly without an enemy to blame it on you imagined would automatically revert to you.
Through your joint laughter Eddie teased, “Oh he is painfully pushing to not brag about his new core to you.”
“I got ten bucks says I’m on the news as behind the blip in the morning.”
“They are not going to back step or believe that guy until they have him shackled and interrogated.” Eddie said and nodded his head to the side, “Let’s get you home.”
Pt 21
All –
@sherala007​, @mariannetora​​, @jesgisborne​, @knitastically​, @catthefearless​​, @theincaprincess​, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000​​, @alishlieb​​, @fizzyxcustard​
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
X Marvel-Cast - @himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​
14 notes · View notes
I gave you my heart (h.s)
Pairing: Harry Styles X Reader
Requested: Yes!
Summary: Harry is trying to propose to you, but his family is getting in the way.
Warnings: Fluff. Angst if you really pay attention. Language. Mentions of alcohol (barely) Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, sorry!)
Word count: 4.1 K
Author’s Note: Oh how I missed writing for Harry! And a fluffy piece nonetheless! Who am I? Well, this is a Holiday fic (non specific) and I’m also planning to do a 5SOS holiday fic by the end of the year, so stay tuned! 🌻 Reblogs, comments, feedbacks and likes are welcomed and encouraged! Please, I love to hear from you guys 💕 Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋✨
My materialist // wanna be on my tag list?
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Picture form Pinterest. Title from the song “last Christmas”
Ok i know this is cheesy but hear me out, Harry proposing on Christmas with his family around.
Harry kneeled in front of you. His hands were intertwined with yours as he spoke of all the grand adventures you had and how much he adores you while your eyes filled with glossy cold tears. He couldn’t see his mum from where he was, but he could already tell she started crying as well while Gemma held her in a side hug, watching the scene they never thought would happen being displayed in front of them.
Words of praise left his mouth like a symphony, knowing that he will never get tired of praising you as the angel you were. Tears started forming in his eyes as he promised you a lifetime of love and adventure, hoping with all his heart you would say yes.
They all knew the question that was going to pop out of his lips any time now.
“So, Y/N L/N” He said, as the fireworks started to go off behind them “Will you marry me?”
You wiped your tears with the back of your hand and with a smile you answered:
“You better wake up before I leave you in the car”
Harry opened his eyes in shock, cursing under his breath as he realized he had fallen asleep without realizing.
You were on your way to Anne’s house for the Holidays, just like you promised a few months ago when Harry finalized all his tour arrangements. You were very excited to see Harry’s family again, it has been a while since you got to spend any time with them as you accompanied Harry across the world for the most part of the past year. You love them with all your heart and it comforts you to know that the feeling is completely mutual - Anne practically adopting you the minute you came through the door as Harry’s partner a few years ago and Gemma quickly becoming your best friend over the span of a few minutes, bonding over clothes, movies and embarassing Harry stories.
Harry loved how much you and his family love each other, for that is all he asked. For him there are only three things that matter most: His music and his fans; His family and, of course, you. He felt really blessed to have you in his life during all these years, knowing that you love him just as much as he loves you (although he would always fight that he loves you more) You were his rock, his best friend, his world… and he cannot wait to put a rock on that hand to prove that to you.
He got the ring a few months prior, but he knew he wanted to marry you from the first moment he saw you interact with his family. He still remembers that cold December night when he came downstairs looking for you and you were sleeping on the couch next to Gemma. You have been talking all night and were exhausted by the time you both finished that bottle of wine. He stood on the entrance of the living room watching the cozy scene with a smile plastered across his face. He knew he loved you back then, but his happiness at that moment was unmatched.
He was so entranced by the picture that he didn’t notice Anne standing beside him.
“This one’s a keeper” She said in a low voice as she watched you both with tenderness in her eyes. But Harry already knew that.
And now, as you were driving the cold snowy roads of Cheshire, Harry drifted back from his fantasy waiting to come true. Thinking back and forward of the little velvet box that is hidden in his suitcase.
“Sorry,” He said with a yawn “Didn’t notice I fell asleep”
You smiled at him but kept your eyes on the road “It’s okay, love. I know you must be tired of the trip. That is why I asked you to switch seats and let me drive in the first place”
Harry stared at you for a moment, completely enamored by your thoughtfulness. He really was lucky to have you.
“Besides,” You joke “With your driving skills, we might get to Homes Chapel the day after the Holidays if we are lucky”
Harry rolled his eyes “Oh, bug off!” He said as he mocked annoyance, but his laugher soon joined yours as you continued your way towards his childhood home.
You let out a happy squeal once you noticed Anne standing in front of her house from a distance, wasting no time on parking the car so you could run up to her and hug her.
“Aww I’m so glad you’re finally here!” Said the matriarch of the Styles’ family as she crushed your body in a tight hug “I’m never letting you go a year without visiting us again!”
“It will not happen again! I promise” You answered with a laugh.
She let you go just enough so she could place her palm on your cheek, caressing it in a motherly way “You better! And in any case you could always run away from my son and come stay here for as long as you want!”
This is when Harry decided to interject. He was standing behind you, smiling at the exchange that was happening in front of him.
“Oi! No need for that now, mum”
Anne laughed as she went to hug her son, murmuring about how if he doesn’t keep an eye on you she would steal you from him without a second thought.
After a few more greetings, Anne ushered you into the house. The warm environment and the smell of a homemade meal made you feel at home.
You always loved to come and visit Harry’s childhood home. It reminded you of him, the real Harry you got to know on a more personal and deep level. The Harry that let all his walls down and let you in, welcoming you to his house, his family and friends and into his heart. The Harry you love with all your being.
“‘m gonna head and help mum with dinner” Your boyfriend said as he hung his coat by the door “You’ve been driving all day, love. You should rest”
He pressed his chest to your back and rounded his arms around your waist to hold you closer before placing a kiss to the shell of your ear. You hummed “‘m not tired. I don’t think I could rest till much later.”
“Still,” Harry said “At least try to rest? Don’t want you to feel sick and I know you’ll hate to miss all the traditions”
You sighed “At least that way I’ll get you to take care of me, right?” You smiled at him and he smiled back.
“Always, darling”
You placed a couple little chaste kisses to his lips, pulling away from his grasp before he started to try and deepend them as he always does “‘m gonna go unpack my suitcase then. Want me to unpack yours?”
Harry was about to answer when the alarms in his head went off, reminding him of the little box you should definitely not find “Uh, n-no. I have to show something to my mum” He lied “I’ll unpack my stuff later. Thank you, though”
His response got you a little confused, but you just shrug your shoulders and turned around towards the guest room, aka: Harry’s old room. Letting Harry let out a relief breath once you went out of sight. This was going to be a long holiday.
Gemma arrived later that night. She didn’t even put her luggage on the ground before she caught your eye and ran to hug you.
“Oh my god” She said, hugging you tighter “I have so much to tell you!”
“Oh sure,” Harry said, walking towards her as she almost left you out of breath “I’m just your brother who you haven’t seen in a long time… Why should I get a hug?”
The older Styles rolled her eyes “Because I see you in every social media post there is you dork! Besides, I have had Y/N in my life rather recently compared to living with you under the same roof for almost seventeen years”
Harry placed his hand over his heart and mocked a hurt expression, making his sister laugh before she moved on to wrap him into a hug.
“I missed you, you wanker” She said, hiding some love in the insult.
“Me too, jerk”
“But I missed Y/N more” She said with a grin, pulling away from Harry and turning back to you. Intertwining your arms so you’d walk together into the living room “So, I was telling you…”
Hours flew by and before you’d realized it was almost 2 am when you and Gemma made your ways to your respected rooms. You noticed that Harry went to bed a little earlier and you guessed he would be asleep by now.
You found your boyfriend safe and tucked away in dreams once you opened the door. You smiled to yourself as you admired his sleeping figure sprawled all over the bed with one arm spread over your side, waiting for you to cuddle up against it.
A yawn flew through you as the exhaustion of the day settled in. You quickly changed into your cozy pajamas, did your nighttime routine and layed in bed next to Harry, who, as soon as he felt you by his side, pulled your body closer to him.
“Hi” He said in a whisper, kissing the shell of your ear.
“I thought you were sleeping, H” You giggled as you felt his hand caress your side.
“Couldn’t sleep well without you, you know that”
And indeed you did. Harry always complained whenever he was on tour that he missed you too much and that he needed you even more “I just feel better when I’m with you, love. I do better. It’s like you are my lucky charm or something” He’d always said before he convinced you to travel the world with him. And, to be honest, you did not need that much convincing. If you could spend all your living days with Harry, you would.
“Wha’ time is it anyways?” He asked.
“Late” You shrugged, turning your body so you were facing him “I’m sorry. We didn’t realize we spent all night talking”
Harry furrowed his eyebrows “Why are you apologizing for? I love when you spend time with my family”
“But I almost didn’t spend time with you!”
Harry chuckled “It’s okay, love. I know how my mum and sister can get whenever you are around. They love you almost as much as I do”
“Well, Gemma did say she loved me more....” You teased, making Harry scoff.
“Not possible” He pressed his lips to yours, trying to make your worry disappear “‘m serious, though. Don’t be sorry for spending too much time with them. I swear it 's fine. We could have time for ourselves at any point of the Holiday”
You murmured a soft ‘okay’ before drifting into a peaceful sleep. Harry watched you sleep for a few minutes, taking in the joyful peace that your presence gifted to him whenever you were around. Thinking about how he cannot wait to make you an official Styles.
However, that was not going to be an easy job.
As the day passed, you and Harry had less and less time for yourselves as Anne and Gemma got you two completely busy with different activities. From getting the groceries, to help one of them decorate the house or even to just take a walk. You were never not doing something.
And it wasn’t like a bad thing either. On the contrary, you were having the time of your life sharing all of these amazing traditions with Harry’s family. They made you feel welcome and cared for, something that was fairly new to you since you met Harry.
You loved decorating the House and baking cookies with Anne, and it felt so great to have a friend like Gemma around to take the seriousness out of a serious situation and just let you have your fun. But you would be lying if you’d say that you don’t miss your boyfriend.
Even though Harry was always just mere feet from you, he was also caught up in various activities and could barely spend any time with you and that was making him frustrated.
The Holidays were stressful enough, but for Harry this took a whole other level when he thought about the proposal and how many times he failed at getting you two alone so he could do it.
The first miss opportunity came when it started snowing the day after your arrival. He knew how much you loved snow because, in your own words, it made it all seem magical. So when he woke up early that day, he decided that now was the time and that he was ready to pop up the big question. He was going to ask you to play in the snow - just like you usually do - and make a snowman. But the surprise would come with the ring that would be on the snowman’s finger, ready to be placed on your hand if you said yes. Sadly, when you two got ready to go and play, Anne solicited yours and Harry’s help to go and take some food to the shelter that was not so far away from here, a tradition the Styles’ family have been doing since Harry was a baby. When you came back, most of the snow had melted and you were too tired to even think of going outside again.
The second time Harry’s plan got held up was on a frosty night. He had prepared a cozy inside picnic in front of the fireplace for only you and him. He knew that Anne would be out with some of her friends and that Gemma had plans to meet up with someone on a date, so they wouldn’t be able to interrupt in any way. He got a bottle of wine, a charcuterie board, some chocolate covered strawberries, a fluffy blanket and some candles to light up the dark room. He also made you change in your pajamas so you’ll be even more comfortable during the date. Everything went according to plan, his hand almost reaching for the velvet box he hid under one of the couch’s cushions when Gemma came early from her date, completely ruining the moment as she came into the room fuming because she got stood up. Needless to say he did not propose that night.
Harry was convinced that the third time was the charm. Since it was obvious he couldn’t propose in the house without being rudely interrupted every time, he was going to take you out for lunch and then go ice skating, one of your favorite winter activities. Yes, he was aware that it wasn’t his most elaborated plans, but he didn’t know what to do. Plus, he had talked to the owner of the ice skating pit beforehand, asking him to please let them have at least one hour of privacy so he could propose in peace. The owner even promised him to play the playlist Harry made for you and to add some special lightning to make the moment more romantic.
Feeling excited, Harry ran down the stairs to give you the news of your date. But his face fell when he saw you getting ready to go out with Gemma and his mum.
“Are you going out?” He asked as he saw you put on your coat.
“Yes,” You answered with a smile, but that smile soon felt when you saw the disappointment in Harry’s eyes “Your mum asked me and Gemma to go for a last minute shopping run… Harry are you okay, love?”
Your boyfriend closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, a habit he acquired whenever he was frustrated “‘m perfect” He mumbled, turning around to go back to your shared room.
But you were quicker as you grabbed him softly by the arm to make him stop in his tracks. Slowly making him turn around so he was face to face with you “Don’t lie, H. What is going on?”
“‘m just,” He started, but he couldn’t even look you in the eyes as he tried to find the right words to say to you, almost feeling like he is failing you somehow “We never got the chance to spend some time together, Y/N. You are always busy or I am always busy with my mum or with Gemma that I almost didn’t see you this whole trip and I-I just miss you”
Your eyes softened and your heart fluttered with his words. You missed him too, much more than you could say. Everytime you find some time for yourselves you get interrupted and by the end of the day you are both too tired to do anything else besides sleeping. You could tell Harry was frustrated by this whole ordeal, you just didn’t imagine it would affect him this much.
You cupped his cheek and brought him into a sweet kiss “I miss you too, love. Very much” You watched how Harry’s green eyes softened, but they still held an unspoken sadness “If you want me to stay with you, then I’ll stay with you. I don’t need to go with them, you know?”
Harry sighed, placing his hand over yours and caressing it with his thumb “I know” He said as he gave a kiss to your palm “You know how much I love seeing you hanging out with them and I know how much you enjoy it. You should go”
“But Harry-”
“Go, have fun!” He said in a cheerful tone as he brought you closer to give you a hug “I’ll be fine, love. I just want you to remember this Holiday and to enjoy it as much as you can”
“Are you sure? Because I can stay if you-”
“‘m sure,” He smiled, placing a kiss on your forehead, “Go, darling. They must be waitin’”
You smiled back at him and pecked his lips before turning around and closing the front door. Missing for just a second the way Harry’s smile dropped as he saw his plan being shut down once again.
He wasn’t proud of his last resort. He knew you deserved an epic proposal, something that could come out from an Oscar winning movie. Something that was as special as you are. And he was beating himself for ruining every chance he’s got to do this properly, but he promised himself that he would not let you - nor him - return home without a shiny rock on your hand. And a Styles never backs down from a promise.
So, with his heart almost beating out of his chest, he placed the gift bag with the other gifts that adorned the living room. Everything will be done tomorrow and there is no turning back now. It was now or never.
The next morning, you found yourself caught up in another Styles’ tradition. You were all sitting in the living room wearing your coziest pajamas as you drank hot cocoa and ate some gingerbread cookies with a pinch of peppermint. It was almost time to open the presents and you could tell Harry was feeling rather anxious.
“Did you sleep well?” You asked as you curreled up to him on the couch that was facing Anne and Gemma, who were already starting to distribute the presents among you.
Harry hummed as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, turning his face so he was looking at you. He could swear in that moment that he has never seen someone as beautiful as you right now as you watched him with doe eyes, your hair a little bit messy and a thin layer of chocolate decorating your upper lip. He was completely and utterly in love with you.
“Yeah, why’d you ask?”
You shrugged “You were tossing and turning a lot last night, almost like you were nervous or something. Are you sure everything’s alright?”
Harry smiled “I got you, don’t I? How could anything not be alright?”
You rolled your eyes at his cheesy remark, but quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek. Harry didn’t miss the way your cheeks blushed.
“I asked Anne and Gemma to give us a day for ourselves” You said after a moment. Harry looked at you surprised. You couldn't know..? “I told them I felt guilty that I haven’t spent any time with you since we arrived and they understood” You smiled at him “I got you all for myself today, mr. Styles”
Harry’s eyes filled with glee as he brought your lips to him, kissing you with all the love he could pour at the moment.
“Uh, mum?” Gemma’s voice interrupted the scene “I don’t think this is mine” She said as she opened a gift bag.
“No? It’s a jewelry bag so I thought-”
Gemma shook her head “No! This is definitely not for me” She said as she took the little velvet box from inside, making the room go completely quiet. In that moment, all eyes went to Harry as he watched the scene with horror.
“Oh shit” He said, untangling himself form you so he could grab the box from his sister’s hand “Actually, this is mine”
All three of you stayed quiet as he grabbed your hand and kneeled in front of your sitting figure on the sofa.
“Oh my god” You said, covering your mouth that almost fell to the ground because of the shock.
“Oh my god” Gemma and Anne said in unison as they realized what was happening in front of them.
“Y/N,” Harry said looking into your eyes “Let me start by saying that this is not how things were supposed to go. And I’m not just talking about my sister opening your gift. I’ve been trying to propose for as long as this Holiday lasted. Waiting for the perfect moment because you are my perfect half, my soulmate and you deserve nothing less than pure and utter perfection, my love. And I’m sorry I can’t give that to you now”
You could feel the tears pouring down your face since the moment he kneeled in front of you, but hearing Harry say that he wanted to propose all along made you cry harder, how did you get so lucky?
“I knew I had to do this here, for this is the place where I knew I wanted to marry you the first time we came to visit. I have loved you from the very first moment you said hello, and I knew from that instant that you were going to become my favorite hello and my most painful goodbye. Y/N you are magic, my love. My lucky charm. Everything I do, everything I say or think or sing is for and because of you. You are my muse and my best friend. My anchor and my wings. I cannot live without you nor do I ever want to. You have bewitched me body and soul and I love you. I love you. I love you”
You could hear the distant sobs of Anne in the background, but all you could see was Harry. Harry, your best friend and lover. Harry, the person who filled your life with love and light. Harry, who was now on one knee, with tears in his eyes and a ring on his hand. Harry. Harry. Harry.
“You don’t have to say yes, but I really hope that you do. Y/N, my love. I love you more than life itself, you have made me a better man by loving me the way that you do. Let me love you the same now and forever. Will you marry me?”
You nodded through the tears “Yes, Harry. A million times yes!”
You swore Harry’s smile could light up the world in that moment as he slid the ring down your finger. But you didn’t even look as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him like his mum and sister weren’t watching, throwing the both of you to the floor.
Anne and Gemma started clapping, celebrating the new beginning of the young couple. Because these holidays had a new meaning now, since now and forever they will be remembered as the day you said “yes” to the love of your life.
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @multistann @mystic-232
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Whenever Hongjoong is around you, his priority is always to make sure that you’re protected in his affection. Even if no one else is around, he’ll still like to make sure that you always feel safe underneath his touch and in his presence.
Several of the other members had caught onto him staring across at you as you worked at the company, eventually he was pushed into introducing himself to you. When a figure stumbled into your path, anger boiled inside of you, but as soon as you saw how apologetic the guy was, all was quickly forgiven.
You knew on a date at the fair, as soon as you saw a stall with minion toys on it, Hongjoong would want to win. However, when he did, and made sure he won the biggest toy that they did, gifting the toy to you, you knew he was up to something. He wasn’t the best when it came to using words and love, so he just hoped that the toy would be enough to tell you how he felt about you, and thankfully for him, it was.
With so much of his time spent working and at the studio, you’ll often set up dates at the studio to work around his busy schedule. You’ll try and squeeze as much time out of him as possible, and even though sometimes these dates can barely last an hour, you always make sure to treasure the fact that you have time to spend with Hongjoong, however long or short it is. Whilst he gives his music a break, the two of you will sit on the floor, usually with food between the two of you, and catch up on your days and weeks.
Before dating you, Hongjoong had no real expectation of what being a relationship would be like, however there was one thing that he was certain of, the fact he wanted to still be a good leader and set a good example to the other members about what being in a relationship entailed. The work and personal life balance was key for Hongjoong, especially with so much of his time spent working on music and composing, so once the two of you figured that out and understood each other, the biggest problem was already solved.
At times Hongjoong can be very serious, which you know comes from his role as a leader and his dedication to get things done. However, sometimes that strictness that he finds himself using at work, can translate at home, often crossing a few of the boundaries between you both. You often have to remind Hongjoong of who he’s speaking too, reminding him that he’s not at work and capable of bossing people about, and that you’ll get things done when you’re ready. As soon as he realises the way in which he’s spoken to you though, he’ll always make sure to apologise and make up for the things he said.
It was an accident the first time you met his family, dropping by at the studio, you didn’t expect to see his elder brother there. However, it ended up working in your favour, seeing that you were caring for Hongjoong and making sure that he ate was a big tick on his brother’s list, and his family’s as well.
A lot of the time, Hongjoong will be at yours when he’s not busy with work. Whilst he loves being at the dorm, he loves the escape that your apartment brings too, to be able to enjoy some peace and quiet and be well looked after in your company is normally all that he wants, not too much for him to ask for at all.
He’d been working incredibly hard for a couple of weeks, so much so that you barely saw him at all. So, when you visited the studio late at night in the hope that you’d be able to check in on him, Hongjoong couldn’t hide how relieved he was to see you when you knocked on the door, hugging you tightly whilst uttering those special words.
Whilst Hongjoong isn’t someone who can get jealous too often, if someone begins to make him feel on edge, his face will definitely give him away. His responses will get a lot shorter, and his reactions will be incredibly basic, making sure it’s subtly clear to the room that he’s not enjoying himself. Whilst everyone else can usually brush it off just as Hongjoong being Hongjoong, you know a bit more as to what’s going on, typically having to bring him to one side to remind him that there’s no need for him to worry.
Hongjoong hasn’t spent years as the dad of the group for no reason, confident he’d have enough experience even if the two of you became parents tomorrow. Whilst he doesn’t want to rush for the real thing, he loves to tease you and remind you that he’s already a dad of several members who rely on him for most things. Although as you tease him too, the members are nothing like how the real thing will be.
When Hongjoong allows himself to relax and have a laugh, he very much becomes an unstoppable force. You love knowing when he’s comfortable, and when the dorkier side of him comes out, the side that doesn’t really know what he’s saying and will often do stupid things too. Hongjoong knows you love this side of him too, because you know work isn’t giving him any stress, and that you can laugh with him and know he’ll be able to laugh at your side too. Whilst for the most part he’s serious about his work, around you, Hongjoong feels a lot more confident to let those barriers down and relax a little too.
He’ll always try and be the strong leader that the others need when they’re on the road, because he knows that the others get homesick too. However, the other members are also aware of the close bond the two of you have and how much that Hongjoong relies on you. They can tell that he’s trying to smile through it all, but after a couple of weeks, they’ll reassure him that it’s alright for him to feel too, and that they’d think he was crazy if he wasn’t missing you. Secretly, they all miss you too, whilst their dad is on the road with them, not having their mum to care for them too is no fun for them either.
Hongjoong loves to give you musical names, he’ll often come up behind you and whisper, ‘my little melody,’ or something similar into your ear, reminding you that alongside music, you’re one of his favourite things in the world.
He’s obsessed with your hands, even though he has small hands of his own, to feel how small your hands are in his hold always brings a smile to Hongjoong’s face.
P ⇴ PDA 
Whenever the two of you are out in public, Hongjoong’s priority is to always keep you protected and out of any harm. He knows what fans and the media can be like, and whilst you often try to reassure him that you can handle yourself, Hongjoong would never forgive himself if something happened whilst at his side.
He loves to get your opinion on his creations, even though most of the time you don’t really have a clue what all of the technical stuff means. Secretly as well, Hongjoong loves being able to show off to you just how talented he is.
It was only when you visited Hongjoong’s room for the first time, did you realise just how minion obsessed he actually was. It became a bit of a habit for yours after that, that any time the two of you celebrated an occasion or a milestone, you’d always buy him at least one gift that was minion related in order to add to his collection, and make sure he knew just how sweet of an obsession you thought it was too.
S ⇴ SEX 
Above all else, Hongjoong always makes sure to care for you whenever the two of you are intimate with each other. Your needs are always put before his at the best of times, but especially so when the two of you are in the bedroom. Hongjoong never likes to rush, he loves to take his time and pay attention to all of the little details, as you’d expect from a man as talented and dedicated as Hongjoong was.
You’ll often be disturbed at work by texts from Hongjoong to let you know he’s organised plans for you both that evening, whether it’s a date night, or catching up with friends, he loves to be as social as possible with you.
Whilst every person went through hard times, especially as the leader too, knowing that he always had you there to support him through those hard times was an indescribable comfort for Hongjoong that he’d always be grateful for.
He always told you how keen he was to travel with his members, and not have to worry about work. So, when you found out they’d arranged a trip, you were more than pleased for them. But that wasn’t enough for Hongjoong, surprising you on the morning of the trip, with a suitcase packed, and no hints as to what would happen next.
As the father of the group, Hongjoong’s used to listening to the others moan, and so he’ll never annoy you with the habits that all of his members tend to do.
Every kiss that comes from Hongjoong is always incredibly soft against your skin, and very sweet too. If he gets a reaction out of you when he kisses you, it’ll always make him turn incredibly shy and nervous. He loves to come up behind you and take you by surprise, or if he can tell you’re anxious, he’ll be there with a kiss against your blushed cheeks to remind you not to worry and that he’s there for you too.
Y ⇴ YOU 
You were his biggest support, always at his side whenever he needed to call on you.
Z ⇴ ZZZ 
It’s quite often that Hongjoong will end up having to sleep at the studio, and so you made sure to create a bag filled with things that he’d need to make sure he was as comfortable as possible when you weren’t able to be with him.
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honeynutouran · 3 years
Me too (Kirishima x Reader)
Summary: You have had a crush on Kirishima since you started going to UA but you never said anything. Now third years you have a long weekend and you and your friends decide to go on a road trip.
Word count: 1.8k
Kirishima x GN reader
Y/N = your name
A/N: I haven't written in a hot minute so I wrote this up feeling the need to write. Sorry if its not the best I just wanted to post something for you guys. Also I suck at endings so I apologize.
Warnings: some cursing, one bed and fluff. (If there are any other warnings please reach out to me so I know)
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Being best friends with Bakugou Katsuki had its perks like he would help you study because “If you won’t leave me alone might as well keep up with me.” (His exact words) And you got to hang out with his other friends and his other best friend, Kirishima.
Bakugou has noticed that you have had a liking for Kirishima and would not drop it. “God, just say something to shitty hair already, I am sick of you staring at him all the time. I’m trying to teach you this new move listen dumbass.” He said to you when he caught you staring at Kirishima during training.
“I was admiring his form, shut up boom-boom boy.” You spat back, hitting him with your quirk.
“Yeah right, his form, and that didn’t even hurt.” He laughed brushing off where you had hit him.
“I wasn’t aiming to hurt you, dumbass.” You said this time aiming at his head as he tried to dodge your oncoming attack.
A few weeks had passed and you and the rest of your group were planning what you would all do on your next long weekend. Mina insisted you all go on a road trip stopping at her house one night since she had enough room for everyone as long as everyone was cool with sharing sleeping spaces. Everyone agreed it seemed like fun, well almost everyone.
“Why would I want to spend a long weekend with you extras?” Bakugou questioned.
“Bakugoubro, you’ll have a great time with us.” Kaminari smiled a toothy grin to Bakugou and Kirishima joined in.
“Yeah, it wouldn’t be very mainly to skip out on time with your friends," Kirishima added.
“Plus, if you don’t hang out with us, who else will put up with you?” Sero chimed in causing everyone but the boy in question to laugh.
“Fine, so you guys stop annoying me.” He gave in and you smiled to yourself thinking about a weekend with your friends and especially with Kirishima.
After getting permission from Aizawa to leave the dorms for the weekend and Sero borrowing his family’s minivan the plan all fell into place.
“We can take turns driving every couple of hours!” Mina exclaimed climbing into the passenger seat next to Sero in the driver’s seat. Behind them in the middle row were Bakugou and Kaminari. You and Kirishima were in the very back because Bakugou claimed he would get car sick in the back (a lie he came up with so you could sit next to Kirishima, unknown to you) and Kaminari claimed he would be best in the middle so he could charge everyone’s phones fairly.
“let me know if you need more room, it would be unmanly of me if I made you uncomfortable.” Kirishima smiled at you as you guys got situated in your seats.
“I’m okay, thanks, Kiri.” You smiled back at him.
After a few hours, you started to feel yourself get more and more tired despite it now being Mina's driving shift and she was not the most graceful driver.
“Hey, Y/N you look pretty tired,” Kirishima whispered.
“hmm.” You nodded in reply your eyelids becoming heavier. You tried to fight the tiredness, but you failed, finally letting the sleep take over.
Kirishima was frozen in place as your head plopped onto his shoulder, he knew that if he moved and woke you up it would be super unmanly. He would never let anyone wake up because of him, especially you. Mina looked in the mirror and smiled at the sight of you and whispered to the rest of the car to look. With that Kirishima blushed when the rest of the boys turned towards you two Kaminari giving him a thumbs up. Bakugou rolled his eyes at the sight but he was secretly happy for his best friends.
After some more time and everyone having driven, you had finally arrived at Mina’s house. “Welcome to my humble abode!” Mina smiled while gesturing toward the house. “It is a little cramped but, we have 2 spare rooms.” She explained.
“So two rooms and six of us?” Sero asked.
“Well three rooms including mine, so two per room. I’m assuming Y/N in my room then the rest of you can split up.” Mina suggested.
“No way am I sleeping in the same room as any of these loud idiots. I’ll be with you raccoon eyes.” Bakugou complained.
“I am not sure my parents will be okay with you in my room Bakugou.” Mina started.
“Parents love me-“ started but was cut off by your laughing.
“Bakugou my parents have known you since you were in diapers, and they cannot stand you sometimes.” You laughed even more.
“Shut up ditz, I don’t want to be stuck with you all night either. I’ll talk to raccoon eyes parents. Also, sparky you cannot room with Y/N last time you guys had a ‘sleepover’ you short-circuited and shocked Y/N and you both had to see recovery girl.” Bakugou reminded you before walking into the house to convince Mina’s parents of his sleeping arrangement.
“Hey, that was awesome, and we were fine.” Kaminari protested.
“It’s okay dude, we can room together, finish out the smash bros tournament we started in the van.” Sero offered, and Kaminari happily agreed.
“Looks like we are roomies.” Kirishima smiled at you pulling his stuff and yours out of the van.
“I can take that.” You said pointing to your bag but, Kirishima shook his head and insisted he got it. “Thanks, Kiri, you really don’t have to though.” You say feeling bad that he is taking your stuff.
“It’s okay Y/N you’re stuck rooming with me, it’s the least I can do.” He offered smiling, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.
“I am not stuck with you, Kiri you would have been my first choice.” You smile back your face starting to heat up. Kiri looks at you a little too long before he realizes he is holding both your stuff and his own.
“I should go bring these to the room then.” He coughed out walking into the house.
“Well, that damn blasty brat convinced my parents that he would be the best to sleep in my room, so I guess I will show the rest of you where you will be staying.” Mina sighed not looking forward to her sleeping arrangements.
“Hey, I am a delight.” Bakugou yelled from somewhere in the house.
“Yeah, can’t wait. Anyways Kaminari and Sero you guys can take my brother's old room since you won’t mind the smell. Kirishima and Y/N you guys can take the guest bedroom.” Mina said pointing to each room. Kirishima nodded and took your stuff into the guest room upon entering he turned to you his face matching his hair.
“Uh Y/N… there is only one bed. I can ask Mina if she has a spare futon or something if you want me to, it would be super unmanly to make you share the bed with me an-“ you cut off his rambling.
“Kiri, it is okay, the bed is pretty big anyways there is plenty of room I wouldn’t want you to be stuck on the floor. I promise it is okay.” You say hoping he does not realize your face is on fire from the idea of sharing a bed with the boy you have been in love with since your first year at UA.
“Well, if you are sure it is okay.” He says a little unsure himself.
“It is.” You reassure him.
When it was time to go to bed Kirishima was panicking when he was changing into his pajamas, what if he did something to make you uncomfortable or what if he does something stupid, but what he didn’t know is you were having the same worries as you changed in the bathroom. After you finished changing you knocked on the door to see if it was okay to come in.
“I’m changed, you can come in,” Kiri said, turning towards the door when you came in. “What side of the bed do you want?”
“Oh, uh I don’t care either is fine.” You said walking in and closing the door behind you.
“Okay, I will just take the side closer to me then.” He said getting into bed, practically on the edge.
“Kiri, you can move over some more, you don’t have to worry. I would be worried if you fell off the bed.” You laughed at his attempts to be as respectful as possible.
“I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He explained once again.
“Kiri how many times must I tell you? You could never make me uncomfortable.” You said moving closer to him.
“Are you sure, because what if I like ended up cuddling you or something?” he blushed.
“I would be okay with that.” You admitted hiding your face under the sheets to avoid any further embarrassment. But your surprise Kirishima grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him.
“This is okay?” he asked.
“It is more than okay.” You replied molding yourself into him.
“I’m glad.” He smiled into the back of your head making himself comfortable against your touch. You two quickly fell asleep in each other’s embrace.
At the moment you two were way too happy to be with one another you forgot about the four other members of your group. You were still in Kirishima’s embrace by morning, only have gotten more entangled with each other.
“Shitty hair, ditz get up!” Bakugou yelled as he opened your door. You both bolted up and backed away from each other only to have Bakugou scoff and close the door. “Don’t be late for breakfast.” He said from behind the door.
“We should probably get down there,” Kirishima said scratching the back of his neck.
“Yeah but first I gotta do something.” You said scooting closer to Kirishima.
“Do what?” he asked as you got closer.
“This.” You smirked, closing the distance between you two by crashing your lips into his, he quickly caught on and deepened the kiss letting the feelings across that you two have shared for each other for years. “Been wanting to do that for a long time.” You smiled when you broke apart.
“Me too.” He smiled back in his crooked smile. “So does this mean we are dating?”
“I hope so.” You said grabbing his hand and pulling him out of bed.
“Then it does.” He replied as you walked hand in hand to breakfast.
“I CALLED IT!” Mina yelled when you two walked into the kitchen.
“Sero owes me five bucks.” Kaminari said smirking at you two.
“Technically no, because we do not know when this happened.” Sero said to Kaminari making him frown.
“Who cares, can we eat,” Bakugou complained but you could have sworn when no one was looking he smiled to himself. “Told you, you should have told him.” He said to you under his breath.
“Did you know this whole time Katsuki?” you asked.
“Tch, know what?" He replied taking a bite of his food and refusing to keep talking on the matter. Kirishima grabbed your hand once again giving it a small squeeze and smiling at you when you turned your head towards him.
“I’m glad we went on this trip.” He smiled.
“Me too.” You smiled back Kiri.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
The best present - Harry Styles
Sequel to UPDATE
on demand, this is a fluffy little sequel to update, hope you’ll like it! tagging the people who asked for said sequel: @urdadbtch​ @f-vasquezp​ 
word count: 3k
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Harry has a soft spot for surprises. Especially if he is the one planning them for a loved one. The overflowing joy he sees in one’s eyes upon receiving a carefully planned surprise just gives him a different type of satisfaction in life, one he couldn’t live without.
His life has taken a pleasant turn ever since Y/N entered it, virtually and in a real dimension. It hasn’t been the easiest with his hectic schedule and her anchored life in Spokane, but with some time paid to adjusting to the situation they managed to make it work. He wouldn’t have settled for anything else, because he just simply couldn’t imagine his life without her anymore and luckily she felt the same way.
Harry fell in love with her quicker than what it took for the weather to turn cold in the fall. It felt like the most natural thing that has ever happened to him, to fall for her whole being, everything that’s her on the inside and outside. Harry often caught himself thinking what he did in life to earn such a beautiful person in his life. He hasn’t figured that one out yet.
Y/N was like a warm summer breeze on a hot august evening, easily charmed anyone and everyone Harry introduced her to. She slowly but surely met some of the most important people in Harry’s life and he just couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that it felt like she’s been part of his life since forever even on the first meetings.
“She is wonderful, I love her,” his mother told him when they finally had the chance to meet upon a weekend they spent in New York. It was a lucky time when both his mother and Y/N were free and he took the chance to cook up a mini vacation in the city right away. Anne was thrilled to meet the woman that had her son wrapped around her fingers even before meeting.
Harry felt like he was on the top of the world when he saw the two women get along like they’ve been friends for years, it filled his heart even more.
The situation was quite the same with Gemma, in just a blink of an eye they were making plans on their own not including Harry, which hit him a little hard in the chest, but he was happy knowing they found the common ground.
“You amaze me so much,” he once told Y/N when they were spending the night at her place, one of those weekends when Harry flew all the way to Spokane just to spend less than 48 hours with her. Even with the long flights and hustle that came with the traveling he wouldn’t have done it any other way. If he could see her smile for just ten minutes he would have travelled days.
“I do?” she asked smirking up at him, putting her book aside as she rested her chin on his tattooed chest.
“Mhm,” he hummed with a quirky smile. “In so many ways.”
“Write a song about them so I can listen to it,” she told him as a joke. Little did she know that not even a week later that’s exactly what Harry did. It was another addition to the endless list of songs she inspired.
December creeped its way around the corner faster than they were expecting and in a blink of an eye every store was filled with Christmas ornaments and wrapping papers, the most iconic Christmas songs were played everywhere, making those who work at retail want to throw Michael Bublé and Mariah Carey right out the window for every having the thought of recording Christmas music.
Harry and Y/N had plans for the holidays. They agreed on spending three days from 22nd to 24th with his family and then fly to Portland to be with her family from the 25th to 27th before they head to New York City to spend the last few days left from the year together and celebrate the new year at a party Harry was invited to.
These plans were set in stone right until Harry decided to surprise his lover with the best gift he could think about. It was a tough call and took him weeks to arrange but Harry was able to get Y/N’s brother to leave for the holidays earlier, on the 21st instead of just the 26th.
“Why are we changing it again?” Y/N asks curiously as she sits on Harry’s lap when they are changing their plane tickets so they could start the holidays at her family instead of his.
“Mom is not going to be home until the 24th,” he lies and then adds: “Gemma is also gonna only arrive on the 23rd. Figured it would work better. We would be at your parents’ from the 21st to the 23rd, go to the UK from 24th to 26th and there is an early flight so we would be in Portland by the time your brother arrives.”
He had spent a long time figuring out how to manage the dates so she wouldn’t be suspicious. Seemingly, it worked, because Y/N nods as she stands up and walks over to the kitchen.
“Alright. But isn’t that too much of a hustle to go back and forth two times?”
“Not that horrible,” Harry smiles in her way, his fingers moving fast on the keyboard to make the right changes for their trips before she returns and sees that the dates are not exactly the same as he told her. Luckily, she hops onto the kitchen counter as he finishes up and closes his laptop feeling ecstatic about the surprise he has planned for her.
“It’s gonna be busy,” she points out as Harry walks over to her, placing his hands on each side of her on the counter.
“But we will be busy together,” he grins leaning closer to steal a kiss.
As the days pass by Harry is growing more and more excited about the surprise. He almost slipped a few times upon talking about the holidays, but managed to save the situation just in time. Y/N had no idea what he had in store for her.
“That’s all your stuff for our trip?” Y/N asks when Harry arrives to her place with his decent, normal sized suitcase that has his essentials for the next about seven days while they will be on the road. He glances down at his bag before walking inside and setting it down in the hallway.
“Love, I’ve learned how to pack in a smart way,” he tells her teasingly before pecking her on the lips while he takes his coat off and hangs it in the hallway.
“Yeah, but it’s an entire week. I’m going with twice this much.”
“’Cuz you are packing for New York as well. We’ll be staying in my place, remember? I don’t need stuff for that time,” he reminds her and he is right, but she is still amazed at how he managed to fit everything he needs into just one suitcase.
That night Harry lies awake with her sleeping form next to him. Looking around the room he thinks about how this is the same place he fell in love with her, but it was through just a screen. All the plants, the furniture, the bed he saw behind her in the videos are now his reality as well and in just a few short months they have grown so close to each other, he couldn’t imagine his life in a different way.
“What’s the matter?” he hears her groggy voice coming from next to him and looking to the side he sees that she is blinking at him in the dark.
“Nothing,” he shakes his head, turning to his side to face her, noses almost touching on the pillow.
“Then why aren’t you sleeping?” she asks, sneaking a hand to his back under the covers and she starts to gently stroke his skin with his fingertips, sending a shiver down his spine.
“Just… excited about the holidays,” he whispers with a shrug. He can’t tell her that he is excited to meet your family, especially your brother since he is kind of the reason you ever got the chance to meet. He feels like he is too worked up about meeting her parents and cousins, but he can’t wait to feel like he is part of her family. What he doesn’t know is that she already sees him as part of it, has been since she realized how deeply in love she is with him.
“Mmm, excited about your gifts?” she teases him with closed eyes, but her fingers are still moving on his back. Harry lets out a soft chuckle.
“Especially about those.”
He brings his arm around her frame and pulls her to his chest as they make themselves comfortable under the covers, legs tangled, her face resting on his chest as he gently strokes her arms, soothing her back into sleep.
“I love you,” he whispers thinking she has already fallen back asleep. It wasn’t the first time he has said the words to her, but tonight just feels a little different.
“Love you too,” she mumbles back pressing a kiss to his naked chest before she sighs and lets herself fall back into sleep.
 Her family knew about the change in Sammy’s arrival, but Harry made them promise they won’t say a word to Y/N, keeping it as a surprise.
Her mother welcomes the two of them with warm excitement, the house already smelling amazing from all the different cookies she’s been baking, the dinner is also in the making on the stove.
“Finally here!” she hugs both of them, even though she hasn’t officially met Harry, only talked to him on the phone about Sammy’s early arrival. “Come on in!”
The two of them get rid of their winter attire before Harry turns to her mother holding out a hand to make their first meeting official.
“So nice to meet ya, I’m Harry.”
Instead of taking his hand her mother pulls him into another tight hug that he returns with a soft chuckle.
“I’m so happy you are finally here! I’ve heard so much good about you,” she tells him with a sly, knowing smile while Y/N is not looking. “I can tell you are a blessing to the family already.”
“Thank you,” he nods smiling.
Harry meets Y/N’s dad and two of her cousins who have arrived earlier and they all gather in the living room just talking at first, then soon enough they start playing board games. They get stuck on Activity, the pairs are Y/N and Harry, her mom and dad, and her two cousins. The competition is burning up the house, Harry can tell they all take the game very seriously.
Through the game Harry keeps glancing out the window, waiting for a car to park at the driveway. He has sent a car to pick Sammy up, but since he didn’t have his phone on him just yet he couldn’t let Harry know when he would be arriving exactly.
Just after he is done drawing in one of the rounds he sees the black car pull up at the house. Harry pretends to get a call and he can see the excitement grow in her parents’ eyes as they already know what this means, while Y/N is oblivious to anything that’s about to happen. Harry quietly makes his way out of the house hoping he didn’t draw her attention, and that’s when Sammy gets out of the car thanking the driver for the ride. As he turns around Harry is stunned to see how much the two of them resemble. He sees her eyes in his, their ears curl the same way and he has the exactly same hair color as her. There was no doubt the two of them were related.
“Harry, right?” he asks holding his hand out firmly that Harry takes smiling.
“Yeah. Sammy, I supposed.”
“The one and only,” he chuckles holding his bag’s strap over his shoulder.
“I would love to chat more, but I think we should move inside first,” Harry suggests and Sammy follows him up the few stairs that leads to the front door.
“Harry! Come on, we are up next!” Y/N calls out from the living room as the two guys walk inside.
She is seated on the floor, her back to the hallway so she doesn’t see when the two men walk in, grinning from ear to ear. She only notices something is happening when she sees her mother gasp happily at the sight of her son.
“What—“ she starts but turning around her words disappear as she stares up at her brother who she hasn’t seen in what feels like ages.
Harry overflows with joy when he sees how shocked she is, in the best way possible. He watches her leap to her feet and jolt right at Sammy, throwing herself into his arms as he lifts her up, twirling her around in excitement.
“Hi there, little sis,” he chuckles still holding her close as she is fighting with her tears upon the surprise she just had.
“How… What are you doing here early?” she asks in total awe as she tries to comprehend that he is truly here, in her arms.
“Ask you boyfriend,” Sammy chuckles looking in Harry’s direction. “He arranged an early leaving for me, I don’t know how, but he did,” Sammy adds letting go of his sister.
As her parents make their way to their son Y/N moves over to Harry, still in complete disbelief that he did this.
“How?” she asks, arms snaking up around his neck while his hands get a hold of her waist.
“I have… connections,” he shrugs shyly and she just shakes her head laughing before she pulls him down for the sweetest thank you kiss.
“I can’t believe you,” she sighs pecking his lips once again.
“What I can’t believe is that he could keep it a secret this long,” Sammy speaks up.
“Wait, how long have you known this?”
“A couple weeks. Got it finalized early December,” Harry admits, feeling proud that he could make this happen.
“So this is why we had to change the tickets!” she gasps in realization. “When do we have to leave for real then?”
“We are staying until the 25th, our plane leaves in the afternoon,” he smiles warmly as he sees her eyes light up. According to the original plans they would have had only two days with Sammy at home, but this way it’s almost four entire days. “This was the most I could get, Love,” Harry adds, feeling a bit guilty that they are leaving to see his family, but Y/N shakes her head.
“This is absolutely perfect. You gave me the best present,” she smiles cupping his face in her hands as she pulls him down for another kiss.
This Christmas goes down as the best one she has ever had. The time they spend with her family holds a special place in her heart, especially because she loves seeing her family and Harry get along so well. She now knows what he felt when she met his mother and sister. Seeing him be so kind to her mom and have loads of things to talk about with her dad and brother warms her in a way only Harry can make her feel.
The feeling doesn’t change when they arrive to his home. She feels like she is part of the family just as much as he is. They spend some splendid days with his extended family, enjoying the spirit of the holidays and she is almost sad when it’s time for them to leave.
“Come back soon, Sweetheart,” Anne tells her when they are saying goodbye at the airport.
“I will, if he is okay with bringing me next time,” she chuckles glancing at Harry by her side.
“Oh I sure am, Love,” he smiles kissing the top of her head.
Those couple of days they spend together in the city holds memories they will surely never forget. They finally get to spend time together without anything interrupting them, just enjoying the little moments, falling deeper in love with each passing day.
The last day arrives in a fast pace and neither of them can believe the year is ending so soon. They spend the day in bed mostly before it’s time to get ready for the party one of Harry’s friends is hosting in Manhattan.
It’s a nice way to end such a wonderful year, they mix and mingle with the guests but keep each other close, especially when they reach the last minutes of the year left. Harry takes her hand and pulls her out to the balcony to have some privacy before the countdown.
“Crazy how we are here,” he sighs as his arms are wrapped around her figure, warming her body as much as he can in the New York City winter time.
“Who would have thought?” she chuckles placing a sweet kiss to his jawline.
“Not me,” he admits laughing. “But I’m glad it’s my reality now.”
Y/N smiles up at him with gratitude in her eyes, just when the countdown starts inside.
“Have you ever had a New Year’s Eve kiss?” Harry asks as he pulls her closer, if that’s even possible.
“Sadly, I have not.”
“Then can I have the pleasure to be your first?” he smirks down at her and she just nods biting into her bottom lip.
“Three! Two! One!” the guests call out inside as the whole city erupts at the same time, fireworks go off and cheering echoes through the building, but it all fades into nothing as Harry leans down and kisses her sweetly. They spend the first couple of moments of the new year melted together until they pull back for air. The crispy winter air has turned his nose red quickly and she is lost in how adorable but handsome he still manages to look.
“Harry Styles,” she sighs feeling defeated by her own feelings. “You are one wonderful creature, you know that?” she wonders, as if she was saying her inner thoughts out loud. Harry chuckles as he presses a kiss to her forehead.
“That makes the two of us, Love.”
I’m opening a Harry taglist, let me know if you are interested in being on it!
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nugnthopkns · 4 years
i’ll wait and i’ll listen
word count: 2.1k
warnings: mentions of deafness/hearing loss, cursing, i think that’s it
recommended listening: new song | maggie rogers & del water gap
a/n: hi! first and foremost, i want to say that this is based off my own personal experiences with a deaf father, and it is in no way a reflection of how other people or families with hearing issues operate. this is just how we live and how my dad goes about life. with that out of the way, enjoy some soft nolan content i threw together in 45 minutes. pretty sure i made this gender neutral, but please point out any mistakes!
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There’s no legitimate reason for you to be so apprehensive about Nolan meeting your parents.
He’s a great person who is all you could ever ask for in a partner. The two of you get along like peas in a pod, and honestly most of the time your relationship feels like two friends hanging out. Of course there’s a bit more romance involved – but being with Nolan is so easy you barely have to think about it. 
Your parents aren’t the issue either. They’re both incredibly supportive of your relationship, and anything else you do. If it weren’t for them, you never would have left home – they’re the ones who packed the car and drove you all the way to Philadelphia. You never would have met Nolan if they hadn’t practically forced you out of the house and into the world. 
Truthfully, both parties would probably get along great. Your mother is kind and welcoming, and your father has interests similar to Nolan’s. Your younger siblings adore him – they came to visit one weekend and you took them to an afternoon game at Wells Fargo Centre, and afterwards the four of you went out for burgers. Since then they talk to him regularly, and have been begging for you to return home with Nolan. You can tell your parents are getting antsy too – after all, you’ve been with Nolan for nearly two years. 
Yes, Nolan has a busy schedule that doesn’t allow for much travel, but there have been plenty of opportunities over the years for everyone to get together. You’re the one who always comes up with a reason for him not to meet your parents. One time you were ‘sick’, another you were too busy with work to make the trip home. It isn’t that you’re worried they won’t approve or that Nolan will resent them. You’re apprehensive about bringing Nolan around because you’re worried there will be a communication barrier. 
Your dad is deaf, and Nolan doesn’t exactly enunciate his words well. His voice is also exceptionally deep, which doesn’t help much. It isn’t a secret, your father’s hearing issues, and you’ve spoken to Nolan about them numerous times. Most of the time it’s you fretting about it getting worse and he listens intently while you sob into his chest. Since the hearing loss came from years of working around loud machines, it was gradual, which was frustrating for him. You were in high school when he got hearing aides, but eventually they lost their desired effect. Now your dad relies on reading lips and other non-aural markers like hand gestures to fill in the gaps. 
“Babe, I have to meet them at some point,” Nolan says through a mouthful of pasta. “Especially since I plan on sticking around.”
Your mom had called earlier in the afternoon to ask when you were coming home next. The upcoming weekend is free in your schedule, and when you told her she insisted you bring Nolan. He’s out for the season with the migraine related issues so you couldn’t exactly lie and say he was going to be out of town. Instead, you fed her some bullshit excuse and said you’d check to see if he could move some stuff around. 
“I know,” you sigh. “I just don’t want you or my dad getting frustrated if talking doesn’t go smoothly.”
Nolan pushes his chair back from the table and walks to stand behind you. He rubs your shoulders soothingly and leans down to whisper in your ear. “There are a million and ten other ways I can communicate with him Sweetheart. Don’t worry about it.”
Deep down, you know he’s right. There’s no reason the two of them can’t communicate, even if they can’t do it verbally. After discussing it more and ironing out all your doubts, you call your mom back to let her know both you and Nolan will be coming. A small weight lifts from your chest, knowing that you’ll get the first meeting over with, but dread slowly creeps in. There are so many ways it could go wrong. 
You and Nolan stand on the doorstep of your childhood home hand in hand. As if he can sense how nervous you are, Nolan squeezes gently, reminding you of his unwavering presence. 
“Whatever happens isn’t going to change the fact that I love you,” he says, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. 
To steady yourself from the negative thought swirling in your brain you lean closer to Nolan. He wraps his arm around your shoulder and uses his free hand to knock on the door. Less than two seconds your sister is bounding towards the door and flinging it open. 
“Mom! Y/N and Nolan are here!”
She steps to the side and lets the pair of you in. You shrug off your jacket and hang it on the rack behind the door – Nolan copies. As soon as you’re inside the entryway your mother is wrapping you in a massive hug. 
“I’m so glad you’re home darling,” she says, arms tight around you. “Was the drive okay?”
You go to answer her question but her attention is turned to your very tall boyfriend who is standing beside you like a deer caught in the headlights. 
“You must be Nolan. It’s so nice we could finally meet. Y/N has told me a lot about you.”
Nolan clears his throat before speaking, his deep voice echoing slightly off the ceiling. “All good things I hope,” he laughs, looking to you for reassurance. 
Nodding your head, you join in his laughter. You travel farther into the house, giving your brother a fistbump when you pass him in the hall. When you moved out your parents converted your room into a sophisticated guest bedroom, so there aren’t any embarrassing posters from your teenage years on the walls for Nolan to make fun of. You quickly unpack your suitcase, wanting to get back downstairs and spend time with your family. It’s been a while since you’ve been home, and you missed them more than you thought. 
“Is your dad here?” Nolan asks, hanging the couple of sweaters you guys brought up in the closet. 
You glance at the clock on the wall, you shake your head. “He’ll be home from work just before dinner.” 
The two of you head downstairs to chill with your siblings, but not without sharing a few kisses that make your spine tingle. At your brother’s insistence the four of you head to the basement to partake in an air hockey tournament. Though Nolan can hold his own in the NHL, he’s rather miserable at this iteration of the game. Your sister eliminates him in under five minutes, and after a hard fought battle you defeat your brother. 
Nolan tries to coach you before the gold medal game but you laugh him off. “Nol, you were terrible. I think I can hold my own.”
He breathes out harshly through his nose, but you know he isn’t upset with your teasing. “Fine,” he mumbles, “See if you can win without my all-star advice.”
Your sister manages to win in a shootout. It was a close game, and you challenge her to a rematch after dinner. She accepts, insisting you’ll lose again. Nolan bets he can race her around the property, so you move outside. Your mom lets you know dinner will be ready soon, and you throw her a thumbs up. 
Though your sister is a fast runner, she’s got nothing on Nolan’s six foot frame. He passes her with ease, cheekily throwing her the finger as he rushes by. You’re the finish line and instead of stopping when he reaches you, Nolan throws you over his shoulder and continues running through the yard. 
Your laugh rings out as you kick your feet. “Put me down!” you shriek. When he makes no attempt to prove he listened to your cries, you try again. “Nol, come on, put me down. If you fall it’ll be really bad.”
Knowing you’re right, Nolan stops moving and gingerly places you on the ground. His hands move to cup your face and he plants a warm kiss on your lips. You refuse to let it get too far, but you lean into him slightly and sigh when he pulls away. 
In the distance you hear your mom calling for dinner. “Kids, it’s time to eat,” she says. “Your father just got home.”
Your heart beat rises exponentially, and your steps drag slightly as you get closer to the door. Nolan notices, but doesn’t say anything. Instead he flashes you a smile that’s reserved just for you and makes your heart melt. 
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll make sure I don’t mumble.”
In the dining room, you guide Nolan to sit beside your dad. You figure it’s the spot where he has the best chance of hearing your boyfriend, and no one seems to protest. They give each other a polite nod while the rest of you rush to place everything on the table and serve the food. 
Once everyone is sitting, Nolan takes the initiative to introduce himself. “It’s nice to meet you Sir,” he says a bit slower than his normal speaking voice, making sure to clearly enunciate his words. 
There’s no response from your father, and you suck in a breath. You watched him focus on Nolan’s lips while he spoke, but you fear he still couldn’t quite understand what your boyfriend said. It takes a few more beats for him to process what was spoken, but then your dad is cracking a smile and holding his hand out for Nolan to shake. 
“Glad Y/N isn’t hiding you from us anymore. I thought the first time I’d meet you was at the engagement party.” His voice is a few decibels louder than everyone else’s, due to not being able to hear himself, but Nolan doesn’t seem to mind. 
They slip into an easy conversation about work and hunting, asking each other a million questions. There’s barely room for any one else to contribute but the rest of you don’t mind – it’s been a long time since your dad has been able to go this long without asking someone for assistance. Of course there’s a few bumps in the road – Nolan not speaking clearly or looking elsewhere while telling a story, but that was to be expected. You step in when needed, repeating phrases and recreating scenes with hand actions. Overall, the meal goes swimmingly, and the two men leave the table eagerly to swap stories. 
You spend the time catching up with your mother, and she gushes over how Nolan is handling everything. “He’s doing so well,” she exclaims. “He’s so patient with your dad, waiting to make he understood what was said before continuing, and he doesn’t have an issue repeating himself a few times. You really lucked out Y/N.”
“I know,” you say honestly. “He’s simply the best.”
It’s a few hours later that Nolan finds his way back to you. You arch your brow, wondering what he got up to, and he explains that your dad took him for a walk in the forest to show him the deer he’d been tracking the past couple of weeks. It’s heartwarming that they get along so well, and you feel a little silly for fretting over what would happen. 
“Your dad is nice,” Nolan shrugs as you crawl into bed beside him. “I could hardly tell he was deaf most of the time.”
You tuck yourself into his side and hum. “He does a great job of not letting it define him,” you agree. “But thank you for being so patient with him.”
A small peck is placed to your shoulder blade and you sigh at the contact of Nolan’s lips on your skin. “He did grumble about how my voice is too deep,” he laughs. “Said he could barely hear me. Once I knew that I made sure to speak clearly and let him read my lips.”
You’re speechless. None of your friends or past romantic partners had made that much of an effort to treat your dad like he was a person. They got short with him for needing them to slow down or repeat themselves, and often would refuse to see him again. It’s part of the reason you were so hesitant to introduce Nolan – you wanted to protect him from another person who might treat him differently because he can’t hear.
“I really fucking love you,” you whisper into the darkness. 
You can practically hear the grin in Nolan’s voice as he speaks. “I really fucking love you too.”
The rest of your stay will go just fine, you think as you drift to sleep. There was nothing to worry about, and you can’t wait to watch a friendship blossom between your dad and boyfriend. 
taglist: @jamiedrysdales @kiedhara @tortito @boqvistsbabe​ if you want to be added shoot me an ask :)
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